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<div data-passage="ui-bar"> </div>
<div data-passage="fast-navigation"> </div>
<div data-passage="save-window"></div>
<div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="kait_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/kait-gallery.jpg][Kait-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="katrina_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/katrina-gallery.jpg][Katrina-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="adriana_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/adriana-gallery.jpg][Adriana-Gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="kendra_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/kendra-gallery.jpg][Kendra-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="riley_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/riley-gallery.jpg][Riley-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="alexis_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/alexis-gallery.jpg][Alexis-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="val_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/val-gallery.jpg][Val-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="savannah_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/savannah-gallery.jpg][Savannah-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="bella_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/bella-gallery.jpg][Bella-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="others_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/others-gallery.jpg][Others-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="polina_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/polina-gallery.jpg][Polina-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="ivy_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/ivy-gallery.jpg][Ivy-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="ava_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/ava-gallery.jpg][Ava-gallery]]</div>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="gallery_unlock_button">Unlock Gallery</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="gallery_lock_button">Lock Gallery</button>
<<btn $prevpassage>>Story<</btn>>
function galleryLock (e) {
let galleryArray = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-img");
galleryArray.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.firstChild.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryLock);
function galleryUnlock () {
if (State.metadata.get("KaitGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("KatrinaGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("AdrianaGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("KendraGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("RileyGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("AlexisGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("ValGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("SavannahGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("BellaGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("OthersGallery") == true){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
/* Gallery Buttons */
function galleryUnlockButton () {
if (State.metadata.get("JuiceMode07") == true){
State.metadata.set("KaitGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KaitScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KaitScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AdrianaGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraSceneNTR", true) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonKendra0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene4", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene2", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene3", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene4", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene2", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene3", true) ;
State.metadata.set("ValGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("ValScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("ValScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene2", true) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene3", true) ;
State.metadata.set("BellaGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("BellaScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("BellaScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene2", true) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonOthers0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene3", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene4", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene5", true) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonOthers1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene6", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene7", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene8", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene9", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene10", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene11", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene12", true) ;
else {
setup.notify("You're not Patreon", 2000, "broke");
function galleryLockButton () {
if (State.metadata.get("JuiceMode07") == true){
State.metadata.set("KaitGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KaitScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KaitScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AdrianaGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraSceneNTR", false) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonKendra0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene4", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene2", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene3", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene4", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene2", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene3", false) ;
State.metadata.set("ValGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("ValScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("ValScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene2", false) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene3", false) ;
State.metadata.set("BellaGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("BellaScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("BellaScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene2", false) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonOthers0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene3", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene4", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene5", false) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonOthers1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene6", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene7", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene8", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene9", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene10", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene11", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene12", false) ;
else {
setup.notify("You're not Patreon", 2000, "broke");
function galleryButtonsSetup () {
gallery_unlock_button.addEventListener("click", galleryUnlockButton);
gallery_lock_button.addEventListener("click", galleryLockButton);
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryButtonsSetup);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryButtonsSetup);
<<widget "say" container>>
<<if _args[0] is $mc>>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to "player">>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to _args[0].toLowerCase()>>
<div class="dialogue-module">
<div class="row sketchy w-75 ">
<div class="col-1">
<div class="dialogue-icon" >
<img @src="'img/icons/' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-icon' + '.jpg'">
<div class="col-11 padding-left-icon">
<div class="row">
<div class="col pointer">
<span @class="'dialogue-name '+ $dialogueWidgetArg">
<div class="row">
<span @class="'dialogue-text ' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-text'">
<div class="container" id="container">
<<say $mc>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Riley">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say Dick>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say Grigoriy>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Kait">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Savannah">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Adriana">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Polina">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Alexis">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Ivy">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Val">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Ava">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Kendra">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<someone "Kendra" MOMMY dick>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<imgv "act1/katrina0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Yooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo o ooooooo <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn KatrinaScene0 stage 0>>Katrina0<</btn>>
<<btng RileyScene1>>Riley Scene<</btng>>
<<btn Map>>Map<</btn>>
<<if $item1 is 1>>
<<btn test5 cash $cash-250>>Add 50000<</btn>>
<<plugi "200 cost">>Use cash<</plugi>>
<<btn Start0>>Game start<</btn>>
</div><aside class="ui-bar " id="ui-bar">
<button class="button-53 button-toggle" id="button_toggle" role="button"> </button>
<div class="ui-bar-logo-group">
<div class="logo-text-version"> v.0.24.0 </div>
<div class="ui-bar-player-group">
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/player-icon.jpg">
<div class="player-name">$mc</div>
<div class="player-CP" id="player_CP"><<print recall('CP')>></div>
<div class="player-items-container">
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item1">
<img src="img/items/item-icon1.svg" alt="">
<div class="item-cash">$cashString</div>
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item2"><img src="img/items/item-icon2.svg" alt=""></div>
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item3"><img src="img/items/item-icon3.svg" alt=""></div>
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item4"><img src="img/items/item-icon4.svg" alt=""></div>
<div class="arrow" id="engine_back">Back</div>
<div class="player-author">by Pig&Pug</div>
<div class="player-link-icons">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/PigAndPug"><img src="img/patreon-icon.png"></a>
<div class="ui-bar-buttons-group">
<<if passage().includes("gallery") || passage().includes("SecretJuiceRoom") || passage().includes("navScam") >>
<<link '<button class="button-53" role="button">Gallery</button>' "gallery">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 0>>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="save_open">Save</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="engine_Restart">Restart</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="volume_button" > Volume $videoVolumeShow%</button>
<<link '<button class="button-53" role="button"> Enter cheat </button>' "SecretJuiceRoom">><</link>>
<<link '<button class="button-53" role="button">Gallery</button>' "gallery">> <<set $prevpassage to passage()>> <</link>>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="save_open">Save</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="engine_Restart">Restart</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="volume_button" > Volume $videoVolumeShow%</button>
<<link '<button class="button-53" role="button"> Enter cheat </button>' "SecretJuiceRoom">> <<set $prevpassage to passage()>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 0>>
</aside><aside class="fast-navigation">
<<if passage().includes("gallery") || passage().includes("SecretJuiceRoom") || passage().includes("navScam") >>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav1">
Game Supporters
</div>' "navScam1">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 0>>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav2">
Vote on a Sidequest
</div>' "navScam2">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 0>>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav3">
Pug Facts
</div>' "navScam3">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 0>>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav1">
Game Supporters
</div>' "navScam1">><<set $prevpassage to passage()>><</link>>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav2">
Vote on a Sidequest
</div>' "navScam2">><<set $prevpassage to passage()>><</link>>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav3">
Pug Facts
</div>' "navScam3">><<set $prevpassage to passage()>><</link>>
</aside><<set $mc to "Player">>
<<set $version to 0.06>>
<<if recall("videoVolume") > 0 >>
<<run memorize('videoVolume', 0)>>
<<set $videoVolumeShow to (recall("videoVolume")*100)>>
<<set $PatreonCode to "tryitfaggot">>
<<if recall("CP0") is undefined>>
<<run memorize('CP', 0)>>
<<run memorize('CP0', 1)>>
<<set $cash to 0>>
<<set $item1 to 1>>
<<newmeter '$cumBar'>><<label 'Cum: $cum %'>>
<<colors #8BE9FF #B7E4EF white>>
<<set $cum to 0, $maxCum to 100>>
<<newmeter '$cumBarw'>><<label '$cumw %'>>
<<colors #e187ec #E7B9ED white>>
<<set $cumw to 0, $maxCumw to 100>>
<<newmeter '$gcumBar'>><<label 'Cum: $gcum %'>>
<<colors #8BE9FF #B7E4EF white>>
<<set $gcum to 0, $maxCum to 100>>
<<newmeter '$gcumBarw'>><<label '$gcumw %'>>
<<colors #e187ec #E7B9ED white>>
<<set $gcumw to 0, $maxCumw to 100>><<widget "img">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
<</widget>><<widget "video">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper">
<video controls playsinline loop @src="'img/' + _args[0]"></video>
<</widget>><<widget "text" container>>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="text-narrator-container">
<span class="text-narrator text-center">
<</widget>><aside class="save-container" id="save_container">
<div class="save-blur-container">
<div class="save-window" id="save_window">
<button class="save-exit button-55" id="save_exit">X</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id ="0">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">1</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id ="1">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">2</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id = "2">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">3</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="3">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">4</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="4">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">5</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="5">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">6</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="6">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">7</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="7">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">8</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<button class="save-disk button-53" id="save_disk">Disk Save</button>
<button class="save-disk button-53" id="load_disk">Disk Load</button>
<div class="gallery-container">
<<notify 6s>>No scenes yet <</notify>>
<<btno gallery>>Gallery<</btno>>
function galleryLock (e) {
let galleryArray = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-img");
galleryArray.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.firstChild.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryLock);
function galleryUnlock () {
if (State.variables.AdrianaScene1 == 1){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="RileyScene0">[img[img/gallery/riley-scene0.jpg][Rileygallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="RileyScene1">[img[img/gallery/riley-scene1.jpg][Rileygallery1]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="RileyScene2">[img[img/gallery/riley-scene2.jpg][Rileygallery2]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="RileyScene3">[img[img/gallery/riley-scene3.jpg][PatreonRileygallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="RileyScene4">[img[img/gallery/riley-scene4.jpg][Rileygallery3]]</div>
<<btno gallery>>Gallery<</btno>>
function galleryLock (e) {
let galleryArray = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-img");
galleryArray.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.firstChild.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryLock);
function galleryUnlock () {
if (State.metadata.get("RileyScene0") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("RileyScene1") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("RileyScene2") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("RileyScene3") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("RileyScene4") == true){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<</script>><<widget "btn" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<</widget>><div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('RileyGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("RileyScene1", true)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<if $RileyCounter > 4>>
<<run memorize('RileyFuck1Perm', 1)>>
<<text>> The doorbell rang with a loud ding. After waiting for a second and getting no responce, You've rang the bell again. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, are you in there? I waited for quite a long time... Is everything all right? <</say>>
<<text>> You heard a muffled sound of something falling down, followed by a woman's voice. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>
<<say $mc>> You're all right? Riley? <</say>>
<<text>> For a brief moment, all you could hear was silence. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>
Hi $mc. The door is open. Come in, make yourself comfortable, I'll be with you in a sec. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Closing the door behind, you walked inside a surprisingly luxurious apartment. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, this place must be expensive as hell. How the fuck is Riley able to pay the rent, being cashier and all? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, I've seen better places. But even then, a hole like that is something that poor shmuck like you can only dream of. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, yeah. Don't forget that it is my poor ass, who feeds you every day. <</say>>
<<text>> Awkwardly pacing back and forth inside the luxurious room, You waited for Riley to arrive, feeling empty in the stomack. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, I'm inside now. And I would really appreciate it if you would grab me something to chew on. I've skipped on a dinner, you know? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, come on, don't be silly. Eating food should be the last thing for you worry about. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What are you talking about? Getting a snack before a fuck should be common practice by now. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Have you ever seen anything like this in porn? No? Then drop the point. <</say>>
<<text>> You shook your head in disbelief and fell onto the sofa, remembering all the porn you'd seen in your life. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'm going to check out the apartment. Call if you need me. After you've done fucking, of course. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, dude... <</say>>
<<text>> After a few minutes of waiting, Riley finally came inside the room, wearing knee-high socks and a comfy-looking sweater. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Kept you waiting, huh? Well, I did bring you something to snack on as a reward for being such a good boy... <</say>>
<<text>> She smiled coyishly, and sat beside you, reaching for a kiss. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I can see that "other" Riley in you again... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> You might want to get used to that part of me... Unless you're planning on running away? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> I don't run away from trouble... And I'm sure you're not afraid either. <</say>>
<<say "RIley">> Oof. I can't wait to really pounce on you... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Then we'd better get started soon. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>> Get to work, girl. My friend isn't gonna serve himself, you know. <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Mhm... I missed the taste of this cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, this feels good... Shit, I'm getting sleepy...<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<text>> Trying to keep yourself awake, you began summonning all of your strength for the last resort action. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>Give me that... Feels good, doesn't it? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob1.5.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, Daddy! Yes! Punish me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Are you going crazy already? Calm down, girl. We got the whole night ahead of us. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, you have such a lovely ass, you know that? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Please... Let's do it already... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "vaginal">>
<<say $mc>> Show me your little perky tits, Riley. You know how much I love them. <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Vaginal.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Yeeees! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "vaginal1">>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, $mc, your cock is so big! Fuck me harder! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Vaginal1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "vaginal2">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, you like that? You like that? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Vaginal2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Fuck! It feels so... So good! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "facefuck">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, chew on this cock, you little slut...<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Mhmmm...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "facefuck2">>
<<say $mc>> You know who's the smartest one here, yeah? Show me. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Sure thing, daddy <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Look at this shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Riley">> So good... You are amazing at this. <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Mhmm... I'm melting.... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Riley">> Oh fuck! So deep! Slap me! Harder! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Fuuuck! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, this is so hot...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Yeah? You like my pussy? You like it?<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I fucking love it... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "facefuck1">>
<<say $mc>> Taste the power of my cock!<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Facefuck.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Yes! Use my mouth as much as you want! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "facefuck3">>
<<say $mc>> That's not all! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Facefuck1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Mhm! Mhrm.... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<say "Riley">> I can feel your cock throbbing inside me... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/CowgirlCum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Daddy hasn't finished yet! <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, I know... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum1">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say "Riley">> Go, cum all over my face, $mc. Show everyone who's the owner of this girl. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's me, babe... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuuuck.... Fuck. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Mhm, it tastes... so... good... Thank you. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumw += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh my god! OH MY GOD! YES! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> You're amazing, Tuni... Keep it up and I may become an addict for your cock... Ha... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn RileyScene1 stage $stage+1>> Walk inside <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn RileyScene1 stage $stage+1>> Think about it <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn RileyScene1 stage start>> "Main Course", huh? <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage start1 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage start2 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage start3 5 10>> Slap ass <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage start4 0 5>> Kiss <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "vaginal">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage vaginal1 15 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage vaginal2 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "vaginal1">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage vaginal2 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "vaginal2">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage vaginal1 15 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "facefuck">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage facefuck1 15 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage facefuck2 10 15>> Go silly <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "facefuck1">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage facefuck3 25 20>> Choke her <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage facefuck 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "facefuck2">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage facefuck 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "facefuck3">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage facefuck1 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb RileyScene1 stage doggy1 20 25>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3" && $stage isnot "cum">>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage vaginal 15 15>>Vaginal <</btns>>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage doggy 15 20>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage cowgirl 15 20>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btnl RileyScene1 stage facefuck RileyFuck1Perm 500 "Riley doesn't like you enough" 15 15>>Facefuck<</btnl>>
<<if $cumw === 100 && $stage isnot "cum" && $sceneCum < 2>>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage "cumw" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70 && $cum != 100 && $stage isnot "cum">>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage "cum" 10 10>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $cum === 100 || $stage is "cum">>
<<btns RileyScene1 stage "cum1" 0 10>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 && $stage isnot "cum">>
<<btne RileyScene1Exit stage 0>>I'm spent<</btne>>
<<widget "btns" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<if _args[3] is undefined>>
<<set _args[3] to 0>>
<<if _args[4] is undefined>>
<<set _args[4] to 0>>
<<if passage().includes("gallery")>>
<<set $gcum to Math.clamp($gcum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $gcumw to Math.clamp($gcumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<set $cum to Math.clamp($cum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $cumw to Math.clamp($cumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<</widget>><<widget "btne" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $stage to 0>>
<<unset $sceneV1>>
<<unset $sceneV2>>
<<unset $sceneV3>>
<<unset $sceneV4>>
<<unset $sceneV5>>
<</widget>><<widget "btno" container>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 ">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<</widget>><<widget "btnl" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button" @data-price= [_args[4]] @data-position = [_args[3]]>
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<if passage().includes("gallery")>>
<<set $gcum to Math.clamp($gcum + _args[6], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $gcumw to Math.clamp($gcumw + _args[7], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<set $cum to Math.clamp($cum + _args[6], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $cumw to Math.clamp($cumw + _args[7], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<div class="dialogue-tooltip" @data-text=[_args[5]]>?</div>
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$(document).off(':passageend', mopsAnimation);
$(document).on(':passageend', mopsAnimation);
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<say "Dev">>
Holy shit! Thanks for the support, man. I mean it.
<<say Dev>>
You'd need a real code to login with. Use the link down below to become our Patreon.
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<textbox "_testcode" "" >>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35">
</button>' "SecretJuiceRoom">>
<<set _val = _testcode>>
<<if _val == $secretjuice>>
<<run memorize('JuiceMode07', true)>>
<<notify 6s>>Patreon code activated!<</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>Wrong!<</notify>>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/PigAndPug"><img src="img/patreon-logo.png" style="width: 40%; margin-right: 15px;"></a>
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/pig-pug"><img src="img/subscribe-star-logo.png" style="width: 40%; margin-left: 15px;"></a>
<<btno $prevpassage>> Go back <</btno>>
</div><<widget "btnsb" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button-blue">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<if passage().includes("gallery")>>
<<set $gcum to Math.clamp($gcum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $gcumw to Math.clamp($gcumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<set $cum to Math.clamp($cum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $cumw to Math.clamp($cumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<</widget>><<widget "btneg" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 ">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<unset $gsceneV1>>
<<unset $gsceneV2>>
<<unset $gsceneV3>>
<<unset $gsceneV4>>
<<unset $gsceneV5>>
<</widget>><div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
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<div class="gallery-col">
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<div class="gallery-col">
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$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
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<div class="gallery-col">
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<div class="gallery-col">
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$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<</script>><div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="RileyScene1">[img[img/riley/scene1/Gallery.jpg][Rileygallery1]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img"><img src="img/test_Moment2.jpg" alt=""></div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img"><img src="img/test_Moment2.jpg" alt=""></div>
<div class="gallery-col">
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$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
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<div class="gallery-col">
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<div class="gallery-col">
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<div class="gallery-col">
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$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
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<div class="gallery-col">
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<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img"><img src="img/test_Moment2.jpg" alt=""></div>
<div class="gallery-col">
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<div class="gallery-col">
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$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
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<div class="gallery-col">
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$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<</script>><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> A loud noise pierced the thick silence of the second class compartment, previously broken only by the soft rolling of the train's wheels. Your hand reached into the pocket and quickly pulled out the source of that wretched sound.
<<img "act1/call0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Half asleep, you reluctantly press a shiny green button, with eyes refusing to focus on the glowing screen of the phone. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Weary voice" dick>> Hey, $mc, have you arrived into Grand Vena yet? Sorry, I've overslept and you'll have to wait on a train station. Fuck, I'm so sorry man. I've called a taxi, but...<</someone>>
<<text>> Like a whore who has taken in too many cocks, your brain has refused to take in the new information as it was assaulted by the ringing voice from the loudspeaker. And the hangover did little to improve this situation. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Chill out, you're not making any sense. Give me a second, I just woke up. <</say>>
<<text>>Through the window of the train your eyes glance across green fields. Obviously you weren't in the town yet. In the meantime, the alien symbols on the screen had finally formed themselves into a human name. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, still travelling. Nico, what time is it? Because I'll arrive at 1:30. At least, that's what's written on the ticket. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Fuck, really? My bad, man. I thought you were supposed to arrive much sooner then that... Sorry for waking you up. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No worries man, see you later. <</say>>
<<btno Prologue0 stage 1>> Hang up the phone <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> What a bitch... How do I kill 2 hours worth of time now?<</say>>
<<text>> Meanwhile, the train was pulling onto an industrial-looking bridge. Large river stretched out on the horizon, its banks covered in sunny yellow sand. Your vacant gaze was caught by the crowd of people on the rapidly approaching shore. <</text>>
<<img "act1/beach0-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit...<</say>>
<<img "act1/beach1-image.gif">>
<<text>> Images of people expressing their love and lust so openly could not help but stir your soul. Your eyes were glued to the action. It was only when the train had left the beach far behind that you looked away and leaned back in the seat.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Finally, a little bit more and all of my dreams will come true... <</say>>
<<text>> Grand Vena has often been referred to as the American version of Amsterdam, the city that never sleeps. From hookers and sex to drugs and clubs, it had everything a 24-year-old from a rich family could dream of. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image10-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The thought of all the fun that was to come, coupled with the orgy that was taking place on the beach, woke your little friend up.<</text>>
<<btno Prologue0 stage 2>> Check out your phone <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<run memorize('KaitGallery', true)>>
<<text>> Fingers habitually unlocked the screen and you were greeted by the characters from your favourite dojinishi. But recently, there's been better stuff to masturbate to on this phone.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh Kait, soon we will finally be together...<</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mobileKait0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You continue to scroll, feeling how an overflowing desire began to boil deep within.
<<say $mc>> Fuck... this picture is so hot... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mobileKait1-image.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Prologue1 stage 0>> Go jerk off in a toilet <</btn>>
<<btn KaitScene0 stage 0>> Jerk off right here <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $Prlg10 to 1>>
<<text>> You rushed out of the compartment and made your way to the toilets. One hand has gripped the phone tightly, while the other concealed your exited groin. The automatic door slammed shut behind you and your cock was finally free from the confines of the jeans. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mobileKait2-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The toilet was astonishingly clean, but the waves of pleasure had totally dulled your mind and you were willing to sit on a heap of needles just to satisfy this all-consuming need. Your fingers slid over the phone, as you scrolled through the messages to the next picture.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mobileKait3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You could not wait any longer. With cock trembling in hand, you closed your eyes and prepared for what you think will be the last masturbation session for a while. <</text>>
<<btno KaitScene0 stage 0>> Jerk it off <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<run memorize('KatrinaGallery', true)>>
<<text>> The rumble of the door opening snapped you out of the reverie just as your cock began to spurt cum. Everything came to a standstill. As if in a state of weightlessness, the sperm flew smoothly towards whoever tried to enter. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Whatthefuck?.. <</say>>
<<text>> The woman entering the room froze, her expensive dress glistened with fresh seed. It took her a few seconds to catch her breath and then to turn her gaze to the man who had caused the mess in the first place. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/katrina0-image.jpg">>
<<someone katrina "Imperious Woman" katrina>> Do you have any idea how expensive that dress is? What the hell do you think you're doing? <</someone>>
<<text>> Her gaze chilled you to the bone. Every word that came out of her mouth buzzed with undisguised menace. It cut deep and makes you want to curl up in a ball, to die right then and there. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Well... <</say>>
<<text>> A single thought flashes through your mind, "My new life, is this really the way it's gonna start?" <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Prologue2 stage 1>> Tell her to fuck off <</btn>>
<<btn Prologue2 stage 2>> Try to please her <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $Prlg21 to 1>>
<<text>> You felt overwhelmed with fear, but your determination and desire to make a dream come true were much stronger. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell do you think you're doing?! You've got a lot of nerve, barging into <<if $Prlg10 is 1>> occupied toilet <<else>> someone else's compartmen <</if>> without knocking, and you dare to complain about a free show! What excuse do you have? <</say>>
<<text>> A look of surprise flashed across the woman's face. It was quickly replaced by a slight smile. She took a step forward, the door slamming behind her. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/katrina2-image.jpg">>
<<someone katrina "Imperious Woman" katrina>> Now, now, don't get too cocky. I may have been hasty, but my expensive dress is still soaked in your sticky cum. And now we need to decide how exactly you are going to pay me back for this. <</someone>>
<<text>> The woman came within arm's length of me, the scent of lilacs and gooseberries filling the air around us. She calmly ran her finger along your still trembling cock, then licked it, looking pensive. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> You can call me Katrina, and now we are going to go to my VIP room. There we won't be disturbed. I'm going to get your dick, and in return, no one will ever know about this little accident. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Prologue2 stage 4>> Agree to her proposal <</btn>>
<<btn Prologue2 stage 3>> Refuse <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> It felt like the steel hoops on your chest are about to break your ribs, and you were ready to fall underground, overcome with fear. A new life? There was always tomorrow, it wasn't going anywhere. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Mam, I'm so, so sorry... Let me make up for it, I can help you clean it up or something. Just don't call the cops, please... <</say>>
<<text>> You tried to get out of the chair to help the woman, but her imperious hand stopped you. The woman took a step forward, and the automatic door slammed shut behind her. Her face was as impenetrable as a stone. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> You don't want the boys in blue to take you to the police station for harassment, I can tell by your expression. And I, Katrina, am prepared to refuse to press charges against you - on one condition. <</say>>
<<text>> Katrina came within arm's length of me, the scent of lilacs and gooseberries filling the air around us. She calmly ran her finger along your still trembling cock, then licked it, looking pensive. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Now we'll go to my VIP room. There we won't be disturbed. I'm going to get your dick, and in return, no one will ever know about this little accident. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Prologue2 stage 4>> Agree to her proposal <</btn>>
<<btn Prologue2 stage 3>> Refuse <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> She frowns and grabs your balls in a tight grip. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> I have a lot of friends in the police. Believe me, the things they can do to young and innocent boys are quite heartbreaking... Especially when they have the motivation to do it. <</say>>
<<text>> The woman held all the aces, while you had nothing but a pair of jacks. The only way to come out of this mess unscathed was to make this deal. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> All right, my dick is yours. At least for as long as you keep your end of the bargain. <</say>>
<<text>> Katrina nodded, pleased, and motioned for you to follow her. In a hurry you tucked your cock back into the trousers and stood up, ready to move out. <</text>>
<<btno KatrinaScene0 stage 0>> Take your backpack and leave the cabin <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<if $Prlg21 == 1>> <<run memorize('Prlg24', 1)>> <</if>>
<<say $mc>> All right, my dick is yours. But don't forget to keep your end of the deal. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/katrina1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Katrina">> Seeing a man think with his head is always nice. Although in your case, I'm not sure which head you used to make the right decision. <</say>>
<<text>> Katrina laughed, pleased by her own joke, and motioned for you to follow her. In a hurry you tucked your cock back into the trousers and stood up, ready to move out. <</text>>
<<btno KatrinaScene0 stage 0>> Take your backpack and leave the cabin <</btno>>
</div><div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="RileyScene1">[img[img/riley/scene1/Gallery.jpg][Rileygallery1]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img"><img src="img/test_Moment2.jpg" alt=""></div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img"><img src="img/test_Moment2.jpg" alt=""></div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img"><img src="img/test_Moment2.jpg" alt=""></div> </div>
<<btno gallery>>Gallery<</btno>>
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<</script>><div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="KendraScene0">[img[img/gallery/kendra-scene0.jpg][Kendragallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="KendraScene1">[img[img/gallery/kendra-scene1.jpg][Kendragallery1]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="KendraSceneNTR">[img[img/gallery/kendra-sceneNTR.jpg][KendragalleryNTR]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="PatreonKendra0">[img[img/gallery/patreon-kendra0.jpg][PatreonKendragallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="KendraScene4">[img[img/gallery/kendra-scene4.jpg][Kendragallery4]]</div>
<<btno gallery>>Gallery<</btno>>
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if (State.metadata.get("KendraScene4") == true){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<</script>><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Time flew by, but you managed to jump off the train just before it left the platform. The thick smell of heating oil filled the station. You check your backpack and pockets to make sure the money is still on you. And they are. <</text>>
<<set $cash to 10000>>
<<notify 6s>> 10.000$ is still with you! <</notify>>
<<img "act1/money0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Phew, I had a feeling this whole Katrina thing was a gig to rob me blind... Glad to be proved wrong. <</say>>
<<text>> After checking your backpack for the rest of your things, you make your way to the exit, still in a slight state of shock from your recent intercourse. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Over here $mc! Holy shit, you're actually here! <</say>>
<<text>> Nico's eyes were as wet as water and it looked as if he was going to start crying at any moment. You look at him and feel a tingling sensation in the back of the neck. But it disappears before you can think about it. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, Nico, are you all right? I know we haven't seen each other since high school, but it looks like you're ready to go out and bawl your eyes out. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> You know me. I have always been an emotional guy.<</say>>
<<text>> He sobbed as he waved in the direction of the door. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Seeing you almost made me forget the most important thing. We should get going, a taxi is waiting for us. We'll get to reminisce about old times as we drive to your new digs. <</say>>
<<btno Prologue5 stage 0>> follow Nico <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> The car came to a halt and a violent jolt brought you back into reality. <</text>>
<<say "Driver">> We have arrived. Nico, we're done here, aren't we? <</say>>
<<text>> Ignoring the confused look you gave him, the grim-faced driver tuned to your friend. Through the darkened windows of the car, you can see only low huts and five-storey buildings. They had clearly seen better days. <</text>>
<<img "act1/suburbs0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Nico, where are we? <</say>>
<<text>> You turn to Nico and see him looking at one of the five-storey buildings, while talking to someone on the phone. At the sight of your gaze, he smiled wearily and put the phone back in his pocket. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> It's on the edge of town, where my mum lives. She'll be out to meet you in a minute to show you the flat. Come on, get out, I should have been at work an hour ago. <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs0 stage 1>> Get out of the cab <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> After taking your backpack out of the boot, you went to the passenger window and held out your hand to Nico. He smiled at you wearily and took a cigarette out of his pocket. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Nico, I am immensely grateful for your offer to rent your place at a very low price. If it wasn't for you, I don't know when I would have seen Kait. I'll always do my best for you. Call me if you need any help. <</say>>
<<text>> For a moment Nico's eyes welled up with tears, but he brushed them away and shook my hand with a slightly trembling grasp. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Don't worry about it. Just make sure to be careful on the way to your sweetheart. See you later. <</say>>
<<text>> You watched the yellow car drive away and let out a heavy sigh. This was not what you have imagined for your new home to be. But who knew? Maybe there was royalty waiting for you in this depressing hunk of concrete and rebar. In any case, you will have to wait for the Kendra first. <</text>>
<<btno Suburbs0 stage 2>> Vape for a bit <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<run memorize('KendraGallery', true)>>
<<text>> But as soon as your lips had touched the cold plastic of the vape, the nearest door opened with an astonishing force and a woman with a familiar look came out of the building. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh $mc! I'm so happy to see you again! <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Kendra! Long time no see! <</say>>
<<text>> Feeling overwhelmed with happiness, you've ran and clutched her body inside your tight grip. The smell of Kendra's perfume brought back to life childhood memories from long ago. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Be careful with hugs, you not so little anymore, you know? A guy your size can seriously hurt a lady like me... <</say>>
<<text>> You both laughed for a while as we held each other. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> All right, let's go inside. Today I'll be your guide to your new apartment. <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs1 stage 0>> Follow Kendra into the building <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Inside you were greeted by a set of dingy looking stairs. Not bothering to look at the obvious dirt, Kendra started to climb up and you followed close behind. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/housemc1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Your eyes were glued to her bottom, while the mind was overflowing with images from the past. She climbed the last of the steps, then stopped and turned, as if physically sensing your gaze. You decide that it would be better to take the initiative and make the first move. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> It is as if you haven't aged a day. You're simply gorgeous. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Her smiling face began to blush as she nodded towards a dimly lit corridor. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Well thank you for an unexpected compliment, honey. But here we are. Third floor, first door from the right, and boom - your apartment. <</say>>
<<text>> Her hands were clenched together as if in doubt, while she gave you a look that was full of nostalgia. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Funny thing, seeing you again after all this time brought back all sorts of memories. Do you remember when I kissed you on the cheek before school and you stayed shy all day? <</say>>
<<text>> But you remembered a lot more than just that one incident. After all, the first breast you ever saw was hers. And some time later, Nico traded you his mother's panties for five dollars. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I feel pretty stupid thinking about that. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> You really shouldn't be. I think it was cute. <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs2 stage 0>> Walk inside your appartment <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> The door swung open with a slight creak. Your heart sank as you stepped inside. The walls were littered with rubbish. The bed was torn apart and covered in a layer of dust, and the sink, full of dirty dishes, was swarming with flies. <</text>>
<<img "act1/bed0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">> Honey, I know the place looks unimpressive. But this bed has a great mattress and a... <</say>>
<<text>> The bed, as if it could hear these words, creaked pitifully and settled down, leaning wearily on one leg. There followed a hush of silence, broken only by the buzzing of the flies in the air. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I hope there aren't any cockroaches living in here, or I'll have to start charging them rent. <</say>>
<<text>> Upon hearing the joke, the woman's face brightened and she hurried to reply in a semi-serious tone. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, don't worry. Honey, the ants got rid of them a few weeks ago. <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs2 stage 1>> This is bad, i'm allergic to... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> ANTS?! <</say>>
<<text>> When she saw the frightened look on your face, Kendra rushed over to hug you, her large breasts pressing against your back. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Don't worry, there's not a single one left in this place anymore. Knowing about your allergies, I shouldn't have mentioned them. <</say>>.
<<text>> The feeling of Kendra's warm breasts on the back, as well as the sound of her soothing whispers, made your little guy hard. And now you desperately needed to take care of this little business before she could see it. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Everything's fine. I mean it. By the way, I hope this place does have a shower? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Darling, I am so sorry, but the shower in this apartment is not working. I called for a plumber a week ago, but he hasn't come yet... <</say>>
<<text>> The palm of her hand continued to caress your stomach in a soothing motion. She seemed to be lost in thought for a while, until all of a sudden she pushed you away. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> You are going to take a shower at my place. At least until yours is fixed. <</say>>
<<text>> Her eyes sparkled with genuine joy as she babbled on. Her voice was full of excitement. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> My houhse is nearby, you can see it as soon as you get outside the gate. Oh, and Nico told me that you are a skilled technician. Is that right? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Suburbs2 stage 2>> Unsure <</btn>>
<<btn Suburbs2 stage 3>> Proud <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I guess I am one. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> I was hoping for a bit more enthusiasm than that. Listen, I would really appreciate it if you could look at my TV and fix it. Be sure not to break it completely though, OK? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Thank you. Now make yourself comfortable. If you will need anything - I'll be at my place. <</say>>
<<text>> She smiled softly and headed for the exit, but stopped at the door. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> I think you should clean this place up $mc. The sooner the better. <</say>>
<<text>> As she left, you glanced at the bed, wondering if you should take her advice and tidy it up, or leave it for later. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Suburbs2 stage 4>> Follow her advice <</btn>>
<<btn Suburbs2 stage 5>> Leave it for later <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $Sbrbs23Confidence to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Absolutely. Not a single malfunctioning router has managed to escape my grasp and remain unfixed. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Wonderful! Then you won't mind fixing the TV the next time you visit me? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Thank you so much! Now make yourself comfortable. If you will need anything - I'll be at my place. <</say>>
<<text>> She smiled softly and headed for the exit, but slipped on a used wrapper and fell onto her arms, her jeans sliding off her sizeble ass. You marvelled at the sight for a second. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">> I'm good! But you really should clean this place up, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> As she left, you glanced at the bed, wondering if you should take her advice and tidy it up, or leave it for later. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Suburbs2 stage 4>> Follow her advice <</btn>>
<<btn Suburbs2 stage 5>> Leave it for later <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $Sbrbs23Bed to 1>>
<<text>> You spent a few dozen minutes rearranging the bed into a more presentable view. Future you's will surely thank you. <</text>>
<<img "act1/bed1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Sitting on a now clean sheet, you start rummaging through your bag and quickly pull out a handyman's toolkit. As a result of recent mergers in the largest industrial companies, all the screwdrivers and wrenches have been made for single use only. But not this one. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, my little baby... You're so sweet... <</say>>
<<text>> It was a gift from your father. He spent a lot of money on it when you went to college to study engineering. Needless to say, he was very upset that you dropped out after your second year and have been living on the family's money ever since. <</text>>
<<set $item2 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got a tool-kit! <</notify>>
<<btno Map1>> Go to Kendra's house <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck that, cleaning the bed before going to sleep is for nerds. <</say>>
<<text>> Instead you walk into a kitchen and throw your backpack on one of the chairs. Then you sit down on the other one and start rummaging through your belongings. <</text>>
<<img "act1/kitchen0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You pull the handyman toolkit out of your backpack. As a result of recent mergers in the largest industrial companies, all the screwdrivers and wrenches have been made for single use only. But not this one. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, my little baby... You're so sweet... <</say>>
<<text>> It was a gift from your father. He spent a lot of money on it when you went to college to study engineering. Needless to say, he was very upset that you dropped out after your second year and have been living on the family's money ever since. <</text>>
<<set $item2 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got a tool-kit! <</notify>>
<<btno Map1>> Go to Kendra's house <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP1') is undefined>> 4
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+500)>>
<<run memorize('CP1', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 500CP! <</notify>>
<<mops>> Hey kid, you could have seen something different here if you'd made a different choice. Just wanted to let you know. <</mops>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act1/val13-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act1/val13-image.jpg"></div>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $Sbrbs23Confidence is 1>>
<<run memorize('Sbrbs40Confidence', 1)>>
<<text>> As you approach the front door, you notice that it is ajar. It looks as if the Kendra has been considerable enough to be expecting you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Kendra? I'm walking in... <</say>>
<<text>> Inside, you find yourself in a rather luxurious house. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Holy... How can Nico not be rolling in money when his mum lives in a house like this? <</say>>
<<text>> The sound of a running shower comes from somewhere deep inside. To your left, you can see the entrance to a large room, which you can guess is supposed to contain a non-functioning TV. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Suburbs4 stage 1>> Fix the TV <</btn>>
<<btn KendraScene0 stage 0>> Search for a bathroom <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $Sbrbs41TVFix to 1>>
<<text>> You entered the room with a large television on the wall and prepared for work. The machine appeared to be in perfect condition. The buttons on the screen were changing the channels as they were supposed to, but the remote control was a different story. The bitch simply refused to work. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Must be the bateries... <</say>>
<<text>> Turning the remote over almost makes you drop it on the floor. Some psycho has put the cover on the screw! You pull out your trusty screwdriver and then quickly unscrew the remote. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/tvremote0-image.webp">>
<<text>> You remove the batteries from the remote and insert the new ones. The device is now up and running, and Kendra will be very happy to hear about it. <</text>>
<<btno KendraScene0 stage 0>> Search for a bathroom <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $Sbrbs41TVFix to 1>>
<<text>> You went to the room with a large television on the wall and got yourself busy with the work. The machine appeared to be in perfect condition. The buttons on the screen were changing the channels as they were supposed to, but the remote control was a different story. The bitch simply refused to work. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Must be the bateries... <</say>>
<<text>> Turning the remote over almost makes you drop it on the floor. Some psycho has put the cover on the screw! You pull out your trusty screwdriver and then quickly unscrew the remote. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/tvremote0-image.webp">>
<<text>> You remove the batteries from the remote and insert the new ones. The machine is now up and running and Kendra will be very happy to hear about it when she finishes her shower. That's when you have a look at the clock and notice what time it is.
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... I almost forgot about Kait! <</say>>
<<btno Map1 Suburbs3 1>> Go to the date <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Not even a lightning bolt could match your speed, but just as you turn the corner, a group of rough looking dudes block your path. The guy in front spits on the ground and takes a step in your direction. <</text>>
<<img "act1/antagonists0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Asshole">> You'r running late. How about letting us help you get to the bus stop a bit quicker? See, being a local, I happen to know a nice shortcut. <</say>>
<<text>> A few guys in the back let out a guteral laugh. There's something fishy about this situation, but you can't quite put your finger on it. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Suburbs6 stage 2>> Where is it? <</btn>>
<<btn Suburbs6 stage 1>> Thanks, I can find my own way <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Twat">> Oi. Well, what can you expect from a city-boi. <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Brothers, as locals, it would be very unfriendly of us to allow him to get lost, wouldn' it? <</say>>
<<say "Twat">> Yeah, I wouldn' want him to miss out on a chance to get together with his sweetheart. <</say>>
<<text>> The guy I named an asshole in my head glanced over at the guy who looked like a total twat. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> Shut your wanker-sucking trap, Rony. <</say>>
<<text>> Taking advantage of the sudden confusion in the scum lineup, you decide to dash across the street into the alleyways. If your gut was right, there should have been a passage that led to the bus stop. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> Shit! Get after him, we can't let him get away! <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs6 stage 3>> Keep running <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Of course, man. Tell me where it is. <</say>>
<<text>> The laughter stops. Then the man in the front steps forward, pointing to the back street up ahead. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thanks! <</say>>
<<text>> You ran as fast as your breath would allow. But soon enough of you stop at a dead end. Have you made the wrong turn? <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/deadend0-image.jpg">>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 0>> Someone appears behind you... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> You ran as fast as your breath would allow. But soon enough of you stop at a dead end. Have you made the wrong turn? Or did your instincts give you the slip? <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/deadend0-image.jpg">>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 6>> Someone appears behind you... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $Sbrbs64Kndrscn to 1>>
<<text>> As you walked down the street, strange thoughts bounced around in your head. On the one hand, you were glad that you weren't distracted by Kendra and that you could now spend some quiet time with Kait, a woman you truly loved. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kait0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> But another part of you was screaming about how hot Kendra's body was and that you had missed your only chance to fulfil a childhood dream - to cum on your friend's mother's face. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Man... <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs6 stage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Asshole">> Why the sad face, eh?<</say>>
<<text>> The sound of a person's voice has taken you by surprise. As you looked around, you noticed a group of men approaching you. <</text>>
<<img "act1/antagonists0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Asshole">> Runnin' late? How about letting us help you get to the bus stop a bit quicker? See, being a local, I happen to know a nice shortcut. <</say>>
<<text>> A few guys in the back let out a guteral laugh. There's something fishy about this situation, but you can't quite put your finger on it. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Suburbs6 stage 2>> Yeah? Where is it? <</btn>>
<<btn Suburbs6 stage 1>> Thanks, I'm good <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Asshole">> Oh bugger. You really shouldn' trust strangers so easily. Hasn't your mum taught you that? <</say>>
<<text>> His henchmen emerge from the darkness of the alley and pin you against the wall. <</text>>
<<say "Twat">> Don't even think about trying to run away now - your chance is gone. <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Yeah. Although even if you did try to run away earlier, we would just catch up with you and drag your body here. Now, let me see what a guy like you carries around... <</say>>
<<text>> He opens the zip of your jacket and starts rummaging through the inside pockets, pulling out everything his fingers can reach. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> Bloody hell, you've got an old-time screwdriver? I know guys who are willing to pay top dollar for such a commodity. It's a good thing you haven't been able to stab anyone with it yet. <</say>>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 1>> This is unfair... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $item2 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've lost a tool-kit! <</notify>>
<<text>> You can feel your eyes well up. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> This is not fair, man. What the hell did I do to you to deserve this? <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Oh, yes, I agree with you. It is not fair at all. The thought of a spineless bastard like you having the wealth without ever lifting a finger makes my blood boil. <</say>>
<<text>> After another minute of searching, he finds your money and a phone. He smiles as he puts them in his pocket. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> You did well, you behaved like a big boi. Let's have a little fun with him, eh? <</say>>
<<text>> You feel the world crumble beneath your feet and your lungs twist violently. The bastard hit you right in the solar plexus. The last thing you remember is the thug taking a big swing. And then there's nothing. <</text>>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $cash to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've lost all of your money! <</notify>>
<<text>> You don't know how much time has passed, where you are or even who you are. A mesmerising kaleidoscope of shapes and figures dances before your eyes. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image0-image.gif">>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>> Hm. Hey, kid, are you alive? Give me a sign if you are. <</someone>>
<<text>> The voice seems to be coming from somewhere inside your head. You feel compelled to answer it, but you have no control over your body. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>> Must be dead then. Well, be a good corpse and let Papa piss on you. It would help me to gain a lot of respect in this part of town. <</someone>>
<<text>> You feel a sudden surge of adrenaline and... <</text>>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 3>> ...open your eyes. <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck off, I'm not in the mood to be pissed on right now. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>> Oh shit, so you are alive. Looks like you just got beat up by a bitch, though. Don't even worry about those baby wounds, with proper care they should be gone by tomorrow. <</someone>>
<<text>> Gathering all the strength you can, you sit up and look around for the source of the voice. But there is no one in the alley except you and a stupid-looking pug. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops0-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>> So what is your name? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> $mc. But who's talking to me? Where are you? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Grigoriy" grigoriy>> What, did those punk kids beat the eyesight out of you? Come on, I'm right next to you. Name Grigoriy. <</someone>>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 4>> A pug? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What, have you never seen a talking dog before? I know you must have watched Scooby-Doo when you were little. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> This is fiction. Everyone knows that dogs can't talk, especially not with a southern European accent. They are physically incapable of it. Drop the act. <</say>>
<<text>> Pug puts his front paws on your leg. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, let's say I'm not a talking dog. You've just been beaten up, so it might be easier for you to think of me as a piece of your conscience. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, I have an alter ego! Just like my favourite rapper Snoop Dog! <</say>>
<<img "act1/alter0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes, I'm very happy for you. More importantly, I have a proposal. <</say>>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 5>> A proposal? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> What do you want me to do? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I can help you get what you want. But in return, you are going to take full care of me. For a while. I'm not asking for eternal service. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> This is amazing! You really are an Alter! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Good shit, kid. First of all, I need you to go and buy me something to eat. If I have to rummage through the rubbish one more time, there's going to be a lot of vomit. Get on your feet and get going. <</say>>
<<text>> You stood up and checked your pockets. Only now did you realise what had happened. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Shit! I've been robbed! <</say>>
<<text>> Pug looks at you like you are stupid. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! I'm late for my date! But I don't have money for the bus! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, stop shouting and think for a second. You were unconscious for a long time. You think someone will be waiting for you for hours on end? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> She would! I'm telling you, I left my town for her, there's no way she wouldn't! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> All right, kid. If you are so sure... <</say>>
<<text>> Pug went to a trashcan and pushed it aside, picking up something from the ground. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Here, take this money. Just don't forget our agreement. I'll wait for you here. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Thank you Grigoriy. I'll be back for you as soon as I can. <</say>>
<<btno Backstreets1 stage 0>> Start running <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Asshole">> Oh man. Good thing you are a shit runner. Well, maybe not so much for you, but for us it is. <</say>>
<<text>> His henchmen emerge from the darkness of the alley and pin you against the wall. <</text>>
<<say "Twat">> Now you can't run away anymore. Or can you? <</say>>
<<text>> A sadistic grimace appears on the twat's ugly face. Asshole steps up closer to you and looks in your face.<</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> Fuck, you'r a one ugly bastard, eh? Well, never mind that, let me see what a guy like you carries around... <</say>>
<<text>> He opens the zip of your jacket and starts rummaging through the inside pockets, pulling out everything his fingers can reach. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> Bloody hell, you've got an old-time screwdriver? I know guys who are willing to pay top dollar for such a commodity. It's a good thing you haven' been able to stab anyone with it yet. <</say>>
<<btno Backstreets0 stage 1>> This is unfair... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cash to 300>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 300$! <</notify>>
<<text>> You push your battered body as hard as you can and manage to catch the bus before it leaves. Half an hour later, you arrive at your destination. <</text>>
<<img "act1/taxi1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You've tried to enter the restaurant, but the door seems to be locked. Looking in the windows you can see that the chairs have already been turned around, a sign that the restaurant is closed. <</text>>
<<img "act1/restaraunt0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck no! It's not over yet! Let me in! <</say>>
<<text>> But the restaurant stayed closed and Kait was long gone. You feel as if the weight of the world has crushed against your shoulders. There's nothing left to do but rip off your shirt and let out a guttural scream pointed to the sky. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! <</say>>
<<img "act1/cry0-image.webp">>
<<text>> You have nothing at your side. Your connections, your money, your would-be love of your life - everything is gone. You have been walking on the paved path for the whole of your life. But what to do next is up to you and only you. This is the first real choice of your new life. <</text>>
<<btno Backstreets1 stage 1>> Take back control of your life <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Few hours later you enter a familiar alleyway, looking around for the pug. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Grigoriy! I came back! <</say>>
<<text>> After a few moments, you can see a pug running to your side. You kneel down and hold out your hand. Understanding your gesture, Grigoriy gently bites the side of your palm. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You don't have to say anything, kid. I can see it in your eyes. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll be fine. Come on, let's go and get something to eat. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You will be. Follow me, I know a good joint. <</say>>
<<btno Map0 Suburbs6 1>> Hey, I'm still hurt, slow down! <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<run memorize('RileyGallery', true)>>
<<text>> As we entered the mini-market, Grigoriy quickly pushed you aside. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I've seen where they keep the food. Take three packs at a time, enough for me to last for a couple of days. Don't forget to take one for yourself, too. <</say>>
<<text>> He led you to the dog food stand, where most of the products were reasonably priced. However, the packs Grigoriy was looking at were gold-plated snacks of the highest quality. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell?! These packs cost $300 each! Grigoriy, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the money you gave me - it's not enough. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Really? But that wasn't even my most favourite brand... <</say>>
<<text>> You took 3 packs of the normal dog food and went to the counter. But there was no cashier. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, is anyone working in here? <</say>>
<<text>> You hear an unintelligible cry. A few minutes later, a pretty girl emerges from the back room. She looks very sleepy. A name tag with the name "Riley" on it hangs from her chest. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> Sorry, can I help you? <</say>>
<<btno Backstreets2 stage 1>> Yeah, I'll get these... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> By the way wouldn't you get in trouble for sleeping on the job? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, you noticed? Please don't say anything about this to my boss. I'd like to keep this job... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why should you care about such a job? A girl like you should be able to get a job in a much better place than this. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case for me so far. I would rather not talk about it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Is that so? All right. But just so you know, I believe in a fair exchange. Have you got any warm compresses? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oops, I just noticed. Your face is bruised. What happened to you? Don't tell me, though. I want to find out for myself. <</say>>
<<text>> Her eyes were squinting, carefully examining the bruises on your face. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> I know! You are an underground MMA fighter. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Backstreets2 stage 2>> Huh? <</btn>>
<<btn Backstreets2 stage 3>> Yeah, some call me a pussy slayer... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> What? How on earth did you come to that conclusion? <</say>>
<<text>> My overreaction left her giggling. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> I'm joking! But these bruises look serious to me. You know, I could recommend a good compress, but it might be too expensive for a guy like you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How much does it cost? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> 250$ <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, it is too expensive for a guy like me. <</say>>
<<text>> She gave you a serious look. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Do you promise not to talk about me sleeping on the job? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Backstreets2 stage 4>> You nod <</btn>>
<<btn Backstreets2 stage 5>> I don't give promises <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, I've had to deal with a fair amount of pussy in my career. Everyone in my town were scared and started calling me "The Pussy Slayer". So I've decided to change places. <</say>>
<<text>> Your made-up story left her speechless. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Really? You are so cool! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, that was a joke. In reality, I got fucked up by some dorks in an alley. <</say>>
<<text>> The girl took a second, then put her hands at her sides, clearly giving the best impression of disapproval she could muster. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Just so you know, you didn't fool me, I was just playing along! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I'm sure you were. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> But listen, these bruises look serious to me. You know, I could recommend a good compress, but it might be too expensive for a guy like you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How much does it cost? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> 250$ <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, it is too expensive for a guy like me. <</say>>
<<text>> She gave you a serious look. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Do you promise not to talk about me sleeping on the job? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Backstreets2 stage 4>> You nod <</btn>>
<<btn Backstreets2 stage 5>> I don't give promises <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $Bcksrts24Prms to 1>>
<<text>> Riley claps her hands together and looks up at you with a big smile on her face. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Thank you! Since you agreed to keep my secret, I'm going to sell you an expensive compress for the price of a cheap one. <</say>>
<<text>> Meanwhile, the pug had started chewing on one of the bags of expensive food. A loud noise attracted the girl's attention. She prepared to come out from behind the counter to see what was going on. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, thank you. But wouldn't that come back to bite you in the butt later on? <</say>>
<<text>> Riley froze in place, as if this simple question caught her off guard. With an awkward movement of her hand, she adjusted her hair and turned to face you. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> I think I will be fine. As long as you return the encasement back to me, no one will notice anything. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You've been a great help. I'll remember that. Also, let me get those sandwiches, they look delicious.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> I hope you will find them to your liking. <</say>>
<<text>> While you're paying for your purchases, Grigori finished munching on the expensive food and ran out of the shop. After you have finished checking the change, you pretend to have just noticed the opened pack. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley! Someone's stupid dog has chewed up a bag of dog food near the counter. You might want to clean it up before anyone notices. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh fuck! Not this one! That'll be worth my weekly allowance! <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<btno Backstreets3 stage 0>> Hurry up and leave <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> Riley puffs her cheeks and stares at you sideways. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> OK, I don't think you're going to turn me in, you seem like a decent person. I'm going to sell you an expensive compress for the price of a cheap one. <</say>>
<<text>> Meanwhile, the pug had started chewing on one of the bags of expensive food. A loud noise attracted the girl's attention. She prepared to come out from behind the counter to see what was going on. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, thank you. But wouldn't that come back to bite you in the butt later on? <</say>>
<<text>> Riley froze in place, as if this simple question caught her off guard. With an awkward movement of her hand, she adjusted her hair and turned to face you. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> I think I will be fine. As long as you return the encasement back to me, no one will notice anything. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You've been a great help. I'll remember that. Also, let me get those sandwiches, they look delicious.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> I hope you will find them to your liking. <</say>>
<<text>> While you're paying for your purchases, Grigori finished munching on the expensive food and ran out of the shop. After you have finished checking the change, you pretend to have just noticed the opened pack. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley! Someone's stupid dog has chewed up a bag of dog food near the counter. You might want to clean it up before anyone notices. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh fuck! Not this one! That'll be worth my weekly allowance! <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing a little 💚 <</text>>
<<btno Backstreets3 stage 0>> Hurry up and leave <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You step onto the floor of your flat and notice a figure emerging from the shadows. It is blocking your path forward in a menacing manner. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dick0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dick">> You must be $mc. I'm Dick and you'll be paying rent directly to me from now on. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? I thought Niko's Mum was supposed to own this place... <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Legally she does. But it belongs to me, if you know what I'm trying to say. So if you plan to stay here - pay me $200. Right now, in cash.<</say>>
<<text>> You gave him a confused look. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Nico said it would be $40 a day. And I haven't even had a chance to sleep in the room yet... <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> I don't care what that piss-stain Nico said to you. You are talking to me. Me! <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> But hey. I'm not a moster, see? I know you've had a hard day, so I can excuse you for not being able to pay right away. Instead, we can come to an agreement that you will pay me $1000 on top of this month's rent next time. For a rich boy like you, I think that is a pretty good deal. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! I'm not stupid, I'll pay you right now. Here, take the money. <</say>>
<<text>> The thug's eyes lock with yours as you hand him the $200 that Grigoriy gave you earlier. He counts the bills, then moves out of the way. You enter the apartment. <</text>>
<<btno Backstreets5 stage 0>> What a dickhead <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cash to $cash-100>>
<<notify 6s>> You've paid 100$ in the shop! <</notify>>
<<text>> Upon leaving the shop, you approach Grigoriy, who is busy pissing on the wheel of a parked car. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell, man? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What? If you wanted to get a taste of it, you had the chance to grab a couple of snacks before you left the shop. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Not that. Don't you know that stealing is bad? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Why? Nobody got caught and I got to eat a hearty meal. Now that is what I call a win-win situation. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You're such an animal, Grigoriy <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'll take that as a compliment. All right, let's go, it's time to sleep. I hope you're not a bum. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well it is not a great place, but it is a place. I'll show you the way. <</say>>
<<btno Map0 BackstreetsMini 1>> Move to your appartment <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> After you mind begins to wander, sleep spreads itself over your mind like a soft, fluffy blanket. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Mmmh... <</say>>
<<text>> You dream of a world where humans are people with dog faces and dogs behave like cats. Scaily octopi mind-control said humans by sticking to their bodies. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> In this world your dick is sentient and can talk to you. He also gives you the ability to put psychodelic filters on your perception. What a nice guy he is... <</text>>
<<someone someone "Your Dick" grigoriy>> I'm your dick, $mc! And I have a quest to get us both laid. Hear me out... <</someone>>
<<text>> ... and more importantly... <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You wake up. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> .... What's wrong with me, dreaming about weird shit like this... Wish I dreamed about fucking bitches or something else that normal people dream about... <</say>>
<<text>> When you turn to Grigoriy, who is asleep, you notice that the little pug has a hard-on. More than that, he seems to be actively moving his paws and, from time to time, he lets out a low growl. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Greg, are you all right? Pal? <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter0 stage 1>> Check on your dog <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You give his sleeping body a gentle nudge, and the next thing you know, he is standing firm with an angry scowl on his face. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Who the fuck woke me up? Damn, I was just about to knock that poodle up... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't be silly, Greg. You were dreaming. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I know that. Doesn't change the fact that I was having a bloody good time and you ruined it. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter0 stage 2>> Go for a sandwich <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Lucky you. I only dream about weird stuff. And in those dreams, there are no bitches at all. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> There is no luck involved. It's all skill. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, then, tell me how I can do it. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You start with meditation. If you were excited about something during the day, it will surely come to you at night. Try it today. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, there can be no harm in that. I think. Why not. <</say>>
<<text>> The sandwich is just as good as the one from yesterday, but for some reason you don't feel happy about it. <</text>>
<<img "act1/sandwich1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What's on your mind? Spill it, kid. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter0 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> It sucks, man. Losing someone you love sucks. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, what do you mean "losing"? You can call her, can't you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, those bloaks stole my phone too. And I've never remembered Kait's number. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You don't remember her number? And yet you travelled to another city to see her? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Of course not! Who needs to remember such things when there are mobile phones? Especially when there are so many ways to get in touch. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Instead of giving up, just stop and think. What do you need to get back in touch with Kait? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I need a mobile phone to get my contact list back from the cloud.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yep, and what do you need to get it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Money. And to get that I would need a job. I could ask Kendra about that. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Then what are you waiting for? Go and ask her right now. <</say>>
<<btno Map1 BackstreetsHome 1>> Go to the Kendra's house <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $Sbrbs23Bed is 1>> <<set $Bckstr53 to 1>> <</if>>
<<say "Dick">> Those useless fucks! <</say>>
<<text>> Behind the closed door you can barely hear the sound of someone hitting the wall. <</text>>
<<mops>> Well done, kid. Don't be intimidated by dicks. <</mops>>
<<set $cash to $cash-200>>
<<notify 6s>> You paid your rent! -200$ <</notify>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 2>> Tend to your bruises <</btn>>
<<if $Bckstr53 isnot 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 3>> Prepare the bed <</btn>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 4>> Go eat a sandwich <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $Bckstr52 to 1>>
<<text>> You drag yourself into a dirty bathroom, standing in front of a broken mirror. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> 200$ my ass, this place is rancid... <</say>>
<<img "act1/bathroomMc0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The sensation of cold water running against your bruises tickles you a little. After treating the wounds, you put the compress on. You notice that Grigori is watching you closely. As soon as you get out of the bathroom - he farts and calmly walks back to the kitchen. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Greg, you're incredibly lucky the shower isn't working right now. As soon as it's fixed - I'll clean your ass off. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $Bckstr53 isnot 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 3>> Prepare the bed <</btn>>
<<if $Bckstr54 isnot 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 4>> Go eat a sandwich <</btn>>
<<if $Bckstr53 is 1 && $Bckstr54 is 1 && $Bckstr52 is 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 5>> Go to sleep <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $Bckstr53 to 1>>
<<text>> Cursing yourself from the past, you stare at the unmade bed. But you get to work, despite the pain and fatigue you feel. After a while, the bed is made and ready to receive your tired body. <</text>>
<<img "act1/bed1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Well, at least now I can sleep without worrying that I'll die from breathing in too much dust. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $Bckstr52 isnot 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 2>> Tend to your bruises <</btn>>
<<if $Bckstr54 isnot 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 4>> Go eat a sandwich <</btn>>
<<if $Bckstr53 is 1 && $Bckstr54 is 1 && $Bckstr52 is 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 5>> Go to sleep <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $Bckstr54 to 1>>
<<text>> You tossed the shopping bag onto the dusty grey table, then poured a packet of dog food into a plate and set it on the floor. After that you took one of the sandwiches out of the bag and unwrapped it. <</text>>
<<img "act1/sandwich0-image.jpeg">>
<<say $mc>> This is a great sandwich. Finger-lickin' delicious. You know, Greg, you were right. This 7\11 has the best fucking food in town. <</say>>
<<text>> But the pug was too busy eating to be able to do anything in response. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $Bckstr52 isnot 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 2>> Tend to your bruises <</btn>>
<<if $Bckstr53 isnot 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 3>> Prepare the bed <</btn>>
<<if $Bckstr53 is 1 && $Bckstr54 is 1 && $Bckstr52 is 1>>
<<btn Backstreets5 stage 5>> Go to sleep <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<if $Sbrbs23Bed is 1>>
<<text>> The bed is already clean and ready to receive your tired body, all thanks to you from the past. What a nice feeling. <</text>>
<<img "act1/sleep0-icon.jpg">> <</if>>
<<text>> As you are getting ready to go to bed for the night, the sound of a woman screaming attracts your attention. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> It seems to be coming from the room above. You can't quite make out what she's screaming about. But her voice doesn't sound like she's in any danger. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey pal, do you want to have a look at what is going on upstairs? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Backstreets6 stage 0>> I'm too tired <</btn>>
<<btn Backstreets6 stage 0>>I don't care <</btn>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('KaitGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("KaitScene0", true)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> Your cast your mind into an all comsuming whirlpool of imagination. Thats when you felt the sensation of a girl's soft hands dancing along the length of your cock. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">> Oh, $mc, finally we can be together. Accept this as a token of my appreciation, my dear. <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Kait">> Should I start with the tip? <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">> Or I can stroke your dick for a little while instead. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You tease... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Kait">> You are right... I'm your little teasing fairy. But what can I do? You have such a magnificent cock...<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Kait">> Now, let me serve you. Just the way you always wanted it... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Kait">> Mhm... It is time to taste it proper... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes please! <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">> Oh, it's as sweet as I'd hoped... Thank you for coming to the Grand Vena just so I could taste you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, your mouth is so warm, Kait.... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Kait">> You are so amazing at this... I can't believe how lucky I am to be with you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck! <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">> $mc, can I ask you for something? Please, cum for your little fairy. You'll get my pussy later, but I just can't wait to savour your... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> God, just a little bit more... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage is 0 || $stage is 1>>
<<btns KaitScene0 stage $stage+1 25 0>> Handjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 2 || $stage is 3>>
<<btns KaitScene0 stage $stage+1 25 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btne Prologue2>> Cum <</btne>>
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> The streets of the town looked just as you had imagined it. Compared to the half-empty streets of your home-city neighbourhood, places like the train station here were incredibly busy. <</text>>
<<img "act1/city0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Everywhere you turn, your eyes are drawn to something new, whether it was courtesans on the street or colourful souvenir shops. You feel a light tap on the shoulder. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Come on, man, quit staring, there's a taxi waiting for us. It should be parked somewhere around here. <</say>>
<<text>> Having said these words, Nico walked confidently towards the row of parked yellow cars. He signalled to the driver to open the boot. <</text>>
<<img "act1/taxi0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Driver">> Come in, come in, I don't want to be stuck in traffic for half the day. <</say>>
<<btno Prologue5 stage 1>> Get inside the car <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> As soon as you got into the front seat of the taxi, the driver put the pedal to the metal. The cab accelerated with a rasping sound, leaving the train station behind. Niko then tapped you nonchalantly on the shoulder, as if to invite you in for a chat. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> So, mate, how's the ride been? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You wouldn't believe it even if you were there, man. <</say>>
<<text>> You begin to recount what had happened on the train. You don't shy away from the juiciest details of the sexual intercourse between you and the woman. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Wait a minute. You seriously expect me to believe stories about how you got fucked by a stranger because you accidentally came on her dress? Hell, I've heard of criminals making up for their sins with more plausible stories. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> What's next? Are you going to tell me how you managed to fuck my mum the first time you met her? <</say>>
<<text>> You both laughed. Realising the absurdity of the situation, you did not insist that the story was true. After a few minutes of not talking about anything, Nico got serious and asked: <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> So how's your little brother? Is he still working for that big IT company? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, Idris told me he had recently been promoted to team leader. I'm sorry, you just reminded me of my promise to give him a call when I arrive. Give me a minute. <</say>>
<<btno Prologue5 stage 2>> Make a call to your brother <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Idris">> Yo, $mc! I wondered if you hadn't already forgotten me, ha-ha. How are you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm all right, man. Just wanted to let you know that I got to the Grand Vena in one piece. <</say>>
<<text>> Talking to your brother always made you a little nervous. The fact that he was two years younger, and yet a hundred times more successful than you, hurt your ego badly. <</text>>
<<say "Idris">> Glad to hear it, $mc. Gotta run, I'm being called to work. Just remember to give this Kait a good shagging, brother. Show her how we do it in the big city, ha. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you, Idris. Take care. <</say>>
<<text>> You hung up and turned to Nico with a plan to continue your conversation, but he was staring vacantly out the window. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Nico, what were we talking about before I got distracted? <</say>>
<<text>> Nico jerked awake at the sound of your voice. He replied with what looked like a forced smile. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I've already forgotten, sorry. Had a tough week, barely got enough sleep as it is. Do you mind if we sit quietly for a while? <</say>>
<<btno Prologue5 stage 3>> Check out the window <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<run memorize('AdrianaGallery', true)>>
<<text>> As you stare out the window, you see a bunch of taxis stuck in a traffic jam in the middle of a red district. Your taxi has stopped too, just a few metres from the front of a strip club. The weird leech logo was plastered across the door. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/city1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Hey driver, what's this place is all about? <</say>>
<<say "Driver">> Are you blind? This place is exactly what it looks like - a strip club. <</say>>
<<text>> You notice a bossy looking woman dressed in a very strange outfit. She is standing in front of the building and seems to be busy checking you out. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/adriana3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh... And that woman is? <</say>>
<<say "Driver">> I think she's the owner. I don't really know, this club is a bit too expensive for a taxi driver. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh... <</say>>
<<btno Prologue5 stage 4>> Stare back at the woman <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> You glance back and lock eyes with the supposed owner for a second. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/adriana2-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Then, forcing you to close your eyes, a dull pain explodes in both your head and your trousers. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Ouch... Fuck. Ah... <</say>>
<<text>> By the time you open your eyes again, the taxi has already left the vicinity of the club, still stuck in the same traffic jam, but a couple of blocks further down the road. <</text>>
<<say "Driver">> You don't look so good. Go and have a nap, we should be at our destination in about an hour. I don't want you puking all over my car. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah... thanks, I'll do just that. <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs0 stage 0>> Take a nap <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP1') is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 500CP! <</notify>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+500)>>
<<run memorize('CP1', 0)>>
<<text>> Katrina wiped herself with damp cloths, then rose to her feet and walked to the changing room on shaky legs. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Damn, you're much better than I expected.... Nice to know that this isn't the last time we're going to meet. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What do you mean? I'm sorry to dissapoint, but I came to Grand Vena for the sole purpose of living with my girl. Our fuck was a one-off thing. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh, believe me, your opinion on the matter has no bearing whatsoever. I am merely stating the fact. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> I always get what I want. Haven't you learn that yet? <</say>>
<<text>> You turn away from the woman and start looking for ways to clean yourself up, having found the conversation uncomfortable. <</text>>
<<btno Prologue3 stage 1>> Now, where is the shower? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Say, does this place have a working shower by any chance? <</say>>
<<text>> She spreads her legs, while looking at you. For a moment, Katrina's seductive eyes meet yours.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/katrina4-image.jpeg">>
<<say "Katrina">> Why? You interested in continuation of our little fucking session? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nah, I ask because I prefer to meet people clean. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Too bad. There is no shower here. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> By the way, I think you'll be interested in heaing this, but the train has arrived to Grand Vena. About... 15 minutes ago. <</say>>
<<text>> She laughs while you stand still, frozen in shock. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> If you want to meet your girlfriend today, you better hurry. <</say>>
<<text>> You grab your things and quickly get dressed, heading for the exit. <</text>>
<<btno Prologue4 stage 0>> Leap out of the exit <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('KendraGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("KendraScene0", true)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> Following the sound of running water, you find yourself outside in the garden. You decide to walk around the house to find another way in. A large glass wall attracts your attention. You decide to look inside... <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! Did she notice me? <</say>>
<<text>> But Kendra showed no sign of noticing you and walked calmly into the bathroom. The glass wall probably extends there too, you guess. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $Sbrbs41TVFix isnot 1>>
<<btn Suburbs4 stage 2>> Stick to the plan. You have a TV to fix. <</btn>>
<<btn KendraScene0 stage 1>> Peep on your friend's mother <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> The glass wall didn't go that far, but there was an open window in the bathroom. And, perhaps, If you had a look through it, you would have seen a glimpse of Kendra in the shower. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<text>> Her silky smooth skin was mesmerising. The image was so beatufil that you couldn't even begin to think about pulling out your dick and masturbating. <</text>>
<<btno KendraScene0 stage 2>> Watch her for a little longer... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> Kendra turned off the shower and began to wipe the remaining moisture from her skin. You couldn't help but gasp in awe as you watched her squeeze her perfect breasts. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! This time she saw me for sure... What am I going to do now? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Map1 Suburbs3 1>> Fuck it. I don't have time for this... <</btn>>
<<btnl KendraScene0 stage 3 Sbrbs40Confidence 500 "You don't feel confident enough" 0 0>> Go and tell her the truth. <</btnl>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> You decide that there is no point in hiding anymore. Better to come out and confess now than regret it later. After all, she is your landlady. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Kendra, I'm sorry, but... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start4.mp4">>
<<text>> This is not something you would have expected to see today. But hey, no man would turn down a deal like that. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Kendra">> It's all right, honey. I know how you feel about me, and now that you've finally worked up the courage to admit it to me, I can't let you go away empty-handed. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I wasn't talking about my... You know, never mind. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Come closer... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">> You're such a sweetie $mc. That's what I like about you. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Ah... Kendra... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Shush. From now on I'll take care of your big cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, I'm almost forgot about your balls... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> They taste so nice and sweet... Mmm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No way... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh! I can see you're almost ready... I have a feeling you'll be in love with what I'll do do your cock next... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! Kendra, I'm about to... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage isnot 0 && $stage isnot 1 && $stage isnot 2 && $stage isnot 3>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns KendraScene0 stage 4 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btns KendraScene0 stage 5 25 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btns KendraScene0 stage 6 25 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btns KendraScene0 stage 7 25 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btne Suburbs5 stage 0>> ... <</btne>>
</div><<widget "imgv">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
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<div class="img-wrapper-vertical">
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<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="KatrinaScene0">[img[img/gallery/katrina-scene0.jpg][Katrinagallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="KatrinaScene1">[img[img/gallery/katrina-scene1.jpg][Katrinagallery1]]</div>
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<</script>><div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene0">[img[img/gallery/others-scene0.jpg][Othersgallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene1">[img[img/gallery/others-scene1.jpg][Othersgallery1]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene2">[img[img/gallery/others-scene2.jpg][Othersgallery2]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="PatreonOthers0">[img[img/gallery/patreon-others0.jpg][PatreonOthersgallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene3">[img[img/gallery/others-scene3.jpg][Othersgallery3]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene4">[img[img/gallery/others-scene4.jpg][Othersgallery4]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene5">[img[img/gallery/others-scene5.jpg][Othersgallery5]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="PatreonOthers1">[img[img/gallery/patreon-others1.jpg][PatreonOthersgallery1]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene6">[img[img/gallery/others-scene6.jpg][Othersgallery6]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene7">[img[img/gallery/others-scene7.jpg][Othersgallery7]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene8">[img[img/gallery/others-scene8.jpg][Othersgallery8]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene9">[img[img/gallery/others-scene9.jpg][Othersgallery9]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene10">[img[img/gallery/others-scene10.jpg][Othersgallery10]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene11">[img[img/gallery/others-scene11.jpg][Othersgallery11]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="OthersScene12">[img[img/gallery/others-scene12.jpg][Othersgallery12]]</div>
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if (State.metadata.get("OthersScene4") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("OthersScene5") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("PatreonOthers1") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("OthersScene6") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("OthersScene7") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("OthersScene8") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("OthersScene9") == true){
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<</script>><<widget "videov">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper-vertical">
<video controls playsinline loop @src="'img/' + _args[0]"></video>
<</widget>><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('KatrinaScene0', true)>>
<<run memorize('KatrinaGallery', true)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> You follow the woman into her cabin, if you can even call this place a cabin at all. It was more like a room, and if you hadn't known you were on a train, you'd have thought you were in someone's house. <</text>>
<<img "act1/trainvip0-image.jpg" >>
<<say $mc>> Wha... Who are you? <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> I've already told you. I'm Katrina. Didn't you have any faith in me when I told you I was a big shot in this town? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I didn't think... <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> That's good. I didn't bring you here to think, I brought you here to fuck. Take me, now. <</say>>
<<btno KatrinaScene0 stage 1>> All right... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Katrina dropped her formal suit and her body was covered only by a skin-tight lingerie. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/katrina3-image.jpeg">>
<<say "Katrina">> Are you deaf? I told you to come and take me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, I got mesmerised... <</say>>
<<btno KatrinaScene0 stage 2>> Let's go <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Katrina">> All right, let's get you excited. <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Jesus, what a bubble butt. I bet it feels even better than it looks. <</say>>
<<btno KatrinaScene0 stage 3>> I'm getting really hard... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Katrina">> Enough of this preamble. Give me your cock. <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck, it smells amazing! Now put it to use. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "handjob">>
<<text>> Katrina pounces on your cock like a wild animal, stroking it with an enthusiasm and lust you have never seen before. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Let's make it nice and sloppy. <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Handjob.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "handjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... You're good at this... <</say>>
<<text>> Katrina ignored your compliment, thrilled to finally have your balls inside her mouth. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Handjob1.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "vaginal">>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> Come on, don't treat me like a princess! Do it harder! Again! <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh yes! Finally I can feel this cock of yours inside me!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Vaginal.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "vaginal1">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! That's the pace I've craved for! <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Vaginal1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, your pussy is eating me whole! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Katrina">> Yes, continue to hit this spot... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh yeah, ri... right there... Ah... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck, I can feel the full lenghth of your cock now... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "facefuck">>
<<say "Katrina">> I love confident men like you who also know how to use their head. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck my throat $mc <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Facefuck.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "facefuck1">>
<<say $mc>> Like this? Am I doing it right? <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Facefuck1.mp4">>
<<text>> At the moment, Katrine can't really answer your question, but her gurgling sounds satisfied. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Katrina">> Christ, that's the tastiest cock I've seen in a long time!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck, $mc, grind my face over your balls! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? You're a crazy... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> I can feel you throbbing inside. Let me eat it. <</say>>
<<text>> Katrine puts her back against the sofa and prepares herself to take your cock down into her throat. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I can't believe this is real... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/cum.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Cuff... Huh... What, that's it?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<if $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> A little breather wouldn't hurt... <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh, yes... This is a part I will enjoy a lot... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>Go
<<say "Katrina">> Yes! Tear my asshole wide open! Fuck! <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways1.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways2">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Your pussy lips are so soft and nice... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways2.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways3">>
<<say $mc>> You like that? I bet you do. <</say>>
<<text>> But Katrina doesn't answer. The only sounds she is capable of making right now are moans of pleasure. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways3.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "piledriver">>
<<say "Katrina">> Such a magnificent cock... filling me up inside... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Piledriver.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> I love it so much... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "fakecum">>
<<set $cum to 70>>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh no, you won't! <</say>>
<<text>> She pulls avay from you and grabs your penis, squeezing it hard in her palm. <</text>>
<<videov "katrina/Scene0/fakecum.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> You will cum only if I give you permission to do so. Don't you forget it. First - make me cum. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW = 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Katrina">> Yes! Yas! Ohmygod... Hader, harder! <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/cumw.mp4">>
<<text>> Katrina's body twisted in a spasm of pleasure and her speech became unintelligible. You felt a great shudder run through her. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum1">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<text>> Katrina nods, then pulls herself over to you, lying on her belly. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Wanna do it on my face? <</say>>
<<text>> After a few strokes you can feel your dick exploding. Katrina opens her mouth and catches your hot cum with her tongue right away. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/cum1.mp4">>
<<text>> You collapse on a couch in exhaustion. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Even your sperm is tasty... What a wonderful cock you have. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "anal">>
<<say "Katrina">> Don't think we're done here. Now that you've been sufficiently lubricated, we'll take it to the next level. <</say>>
<<text>> Katrina lies down on a sofa and spreads her buttocks wide. She's got a daring smile on her face. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> My ass is ready and waiting. Come and fuck it with your monster dick. <</say>>
<<videov "katrina/Scene0/boner.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "anal1">>
<<say $mc>> Don't blame me for what happens to your asshole after I'm done with it, OK? <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Anal.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck... This feels nice $mc... Really nice... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage isnot 0 && $stage isnot 1 && $stage isnot 2>>
<<if $sceneCum == 2 >>
<<btne Prologue3 stage 0>> Rest for a bit <</btne>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $sceneCumW < 1 >>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $cumw < 100 && $stage isnot "anal" && $stage isnot "cum" >>
<<if $stage is "handjob">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage handjob1 15 0>> Let her play with your balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "vaginal">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage vaginal1 20 10>> Go harder <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage cowgirl1 20 10>> Fuck her good <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage facefuck 20 10>> Go rough <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage blowjob1 10 5>> Let her get a sniff <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "facefuck">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage facefuck1 25 10>> Go even further <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage blowjob 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage blowjob 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "facefuck1">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage facefuck 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage sideways1 20 10>> Grab over her neck <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage sideways2 20 10>> Pull her leg up<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways1">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage sideways 15 5>> Go easy on her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways2">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage sideways3 20 10>> Pull both legs <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage sideways 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways3">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene0 stage sideways2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $sceneCum == 0 >>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage handjob 15 0>> Handjob <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage vaginal 15 5>> Vaginal <</btns>>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage cowgirl 15 5>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage sideways 15 5>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage piledriver 25 10>> Piledriver <</btns>>
<<btnl KatrinaScene0 stage blowjob Prlg24 300 "Katrina likes her men smart and confident" 15 5>> Blowjob <</btnl>>
<<if $stage is "anal">>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage anal1 0 0>> Your ass is finished! <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "cum">>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage anal 0 0>> Huh? <</btns>>
<<if $cumw == 100 >>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage cumw 0 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<if $sceneCum < 1 >>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage cum 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<elseif $sceneCumW == 1 >>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage cum1 0 0>> Can I cum now? <</btns>>
<<btns KatrinaScene0 stage fakecum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Following the directions Kendra had left you, you came out of the apartment complex through the gate and turned left. After spending the next five minutes leisurely walking in the opposite direction to the old mine, you soon found yourself in a shabby looking cottage area. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait, she lives HERE? <</say>>
<<img "act1/housekendra0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> How the hell can she afford a place like that... <</say>>
<<text>> Coming through the gate, you notice something... <</text>>
<<btno Suburbs4 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $Sbrbs5ScnKndr to 1>>
<<someone someone "Rough Voice" dick>> Bitch, I'm home! Come say hello to your suggardady! <</someone>>
<<text>> Your dick went instantly limp at the loud banging of the door, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Go, $mc. Sorry, I'll make it up to you later. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra gave you a gentle kiss on the tip of your cock and went to look around the room for a bathrobe. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Exit through the garden, he can't see you there. Quick! <</say>>
<<btno Suburbs5-1 stage 0>> Leave <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As you arrive at Kendra's house, memories of their last encounter begin to surface. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Man... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What's wrong, pal? <</say>>
<<if $Sbrbs64Kndrscn is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Well... The last time I saw Kendra, she caught me spying on her in the shower. I didn't have the guts to come clean and ran away instead. Like a total twat. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> And? You have come here now, so what is there to stop you from making things right today? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I guess you're right. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm just a bit excited, that's all. The last time I saw Kendra - she was choking on my cock. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her hot body since. Fuck, if only Dick hadn't come... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Boy, don't worry, it can happen to the best of us. You're still young, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't let the shame of your dick betraying you be a drag on your confidence. <</say>>
<<text>> You gave Grigoriy a condescending look. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Shut up, it's not funny. You know damn well I was talking about the guy who ripped us off for the rent earlier, not my own cock. This cunt called himself Kendra's sugar daddy. I wonder what's up with that. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter2 stage 0>> Ring the bell <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> xyz <</text>>
</div><<widget "plugi" container>>
<span class="dialogue-button button-35 plug">
<div class="dialogue-tooltip black" @data-text=[_args[0]]>?</div>
<<btno test>>Map<</btno>>
<<run memorize('JuiceMode07', false)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<say "Author">>
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<<btno $prevpassage>> Go back <</btno>><<set $navScam3 to random(1, 12)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<img "act1/start3-image.jpg">>
<<if $navScam3 is 1>>
<<say "Author">> 1. THEY'RE AN ANCIENT BREED. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Since the pug lineage stretches so far back, their early history is a little murky. Most believe that the breed originated in China and existed before 400 BCE and were called (or at least closely related to a breed called) “lo-sze.” Even Buddhist monks kept the dogs as pets in Tibetan monasteries. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 2>>
<<say "Author">> 2. THEY WERE TREATED LIKE ROYALTY. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes, even the Emperors of China kept pugs as lapdogs and treated them to all the luxuries of royal life. Sometimes we were even given their own mini palaces and guards. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 3>>
<<say "Author">> 3. A GROUP OF PUGS IS CALLED A GRUMBLE <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> That sounds stupid, but in Holland, the pug is called a mopshond, which comes from the Dutch for “to grumble. So this must be the source of the naming convention.” <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 4>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, it is true that Marmosets were kept as pets in the early 18th century and were called pugs. The name made the jump to us because the we both share the similar facial features. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 5>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> In 1572, the Dutch were in the midst of the Eighty Years' War, a protracted struggle against the Spanish. The Prince of Orange, William the Silent, led the Dutch forces into battle. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> And what happened next? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, according to Dutch legend, while the prince was sleeping in his tent, Spanish assassins lurked outside. Luckily, William’s pug, Pompey, was there to heroicaly jump on his owner’s face. The Prince then woke up and had his assassins apprehended. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 6>>
<<say "Author">> 6. THE PERFECT PUG TAIL HAS TWO CURLS. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> We are wildly known for our curly tails that curve up towards our bodies. According to the AKC this is “the double curl is perfection.” <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 7>>
<<say "Author">> 7. THERE'S A PUG WITH AN MBA. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> In 2009, Chester Ludlow the pug received an online graduate degree from Rochville University. He submitted his resume to the website and a week later, he received his grades and degree in the mail. Remarkably he even got an A in Finance. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 8>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Around 1740, Roman Catholics formed a secret fraternal group called the Order of the Pug. The Pope forbad Catholics from joining the Freemasons, so this group formed as a replacement. They chose the pug as their symbol because we are loyal and trustworthy. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> I wonder how you could join such an organisation? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> The process is quite simple. To join, you have to prove your devotion by kissing the rear of the Grand Pug under his tail. That is the respect we deserve. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 9>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Napoleon’s wife Josephine had a pet pug named Fortuné that she loved so much that she refused to let the dog sleep anywhere but in her bed. It’s rumored that when Napoleon entered the bed with his new wife for the first time, her pug bit him on the leg. What a chad. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 10>>
<<say "Author">> 10. THEY'VE GOT ROYAL CONNECTIONS IN THE UK, TOO. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Long before Queen Elizabeth II met her first corgi, Queen Victoria loved pugs. She was such a dog lover that she also banned the practice of cropping ears, enabling pug owners to enjoy our pups’ velvety ears in all their glory. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 11>>
<<say "Author">> 11. THEIR SHORT NOSES CAUSE SOME TROUBLE. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> We have out noses pushed in more than other dogs. While cute it can lead to some breathing problems. Our facial structure makes it difficult to take long and deep breaths so we may have trouble traveling on airplanes. <</say>>
<<elseif $navScam3 is 12>>
<<say "Author">> 12. PUGS ARE MADE TO BE COMPANIONS. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> We are excellent pets because of our adaptable personality. Whether you like to stay at home or enjoy the outdoors, we will be up for anything. Bred to be companions, our favorite place is always right by your side. <</say>>
<<btno $prevpassage>> Go back <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $Sbrbs41TVFix is 1>> <<run memorize('DFtr2TVFix', 1)>> <</if>>
<<say "Kendra">> I'm coming! <</say>>
<<text>> After a few seconds of waiting, Kendra opened the door and greeted you, smiling warmly. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh! Good morning $mc, I didn't expect to see you today. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry for the sudden intrusion, my phone was stolen so I couldn't really warn you. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh my God! Honey, come in, tell me all about it. Are you hurt? <</say>>
<<text>> There was a hint of insincerity in Kendra's voice, but you decided not to press it. She led you into a room with a mounted TV and a black sofa. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Please, make yourself comfortable, $mc. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter2 stage 1>> Huh? This couch is... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Why does that couch look so damn familiar? <</text>>
<<img "act1/couch0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Kendra? Where the hell did you get a couch like that? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> At the local IKEA, where else? Why do you ask? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra was looking at you filled with curiosity. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, as you know, my flat is in shambles and a couch like that would make my life a lot happier. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> So tell me, what happened to you and your phone? Were you ambushed by a group of thugs in an alley or something? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... Actually, I did. They beat me up pretty badly. Then stole my phone and money. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh darling... I'm so sorry... Is that why you came here all of a sudden? <</say>>
<<if $Sbrbs64Kndrscn is 1>>
<<btno DayAfter2 stage 2>> Well... <</btno>>
<<btno DayAfter2 stage 3>> Well... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> I wanted to come clean about something. I'm sorry for spying on you while you were showering, It was wery irresponsible of me. Can you forgive me? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh honey! Don't worry about silly things like that. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra moved closer to you on a couches and gently put her arms around your shoulders. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> You are a man after all, I know you have always liked me. There is no shame in admitting it. All is good. <</say>>
<<text>> The two of you hugged each other and you could feel the warmth of Kendra's breast pressing against your arms. <</text>>
<<if $Sbrbs41TVFix is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> I'm very grateful to you for fixing my TV yesterday. I've been able to watch some interesting films, so I think I know how to make it for that... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> BARK! <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra jumped to her feet and let out a startled cry. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> AH! <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter2 stage 3>> What the hell? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> You know, Kendra, I can't stop thinking about you since yesterday. And I think there is a certain responsibility that you should take for that, you know. I wonder how you are going to make it up to me... <</say>>
<<text>> You pull Kendra closer and kiss her soft lips. Her round breast rests in the palm of your hand as you begin to caress it slowly. <</text>>
<<if $Sbrbs41TVFix is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh... don't worry, since you fixed my TV, I've been able to watch a few films... I have a couple of ideas on how I might be able to do something about it... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Ah... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> BARK! <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra jumped to her feet and let out a startled cry. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> AH! <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter2 stage 4>> What the hell? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Don't let this succubus get to you, $mc! Fight back against her charming big breasts and her perfect ass. Something is wrong, I can feel it. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh my God! Who is this little doggy? How did you get in? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh. This is my dog, I think... His name is Greg. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Wow, what a cute little puggy. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra tried to grab Grigoriy, but he took a few steps back and hid behind a couch. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Such a lively one. Maybe I should introduce him to one of my good friend's dogs. They would make an adorable couple. <</say>>
<<text>> Hearing this, Grigoriy ran away from the couch and began to circle around Kendra's legs happily. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh my God, forget what I said about that woman earlier. She is an angel. Please, for your good old friend, convince her to do it! <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayAfter2 stage 5>> Yeah, I bet they would <</btn>>
<<btn DayAfter2 stage 6>> No, don't bother <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<mops>> I owe you for that, pal <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, Greg can be awfully cute when he wants to be. Do him a favour and become his wing-lady, ha. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Wonderful! But first I would like to give him a wash. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why? Is dog bathing your thing? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Kind of. But, $mc, can you do me a favour? Would you be willing to wash my other bathroom while I'm busy with your pug? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, I'll do it. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Wonderful! I'll get to work then. And you already know where my bathroom is, don't you? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra smiled at you and walked away. Grigoriy happily followed after her. You let out a lazy groan, but got up from the couch and mentally prepared for the work ahead. <</text>>
<<btno KendraScene1 stage 0>> Go into a bathroom <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $DFtr26Pug to 1>>
<<mops>> No! How could you betray me like that? <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> No, this pug has terrible hygiene. You won't believe what a stinker he is until you had the misfortune of sleeping in the same room as him. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh. That's OK! I was going to give him a wash anyway. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why? Is dog bathing your thing? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Kind of. But, $mc, can you do me a favour? Would you be willing to wash my other bathroom while I'm busy with your pug? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, I'll do it. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Wonderful! I'll get to work then. And you already know where my bathroom is, don't you? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra smiled at you and walked away. Grigoriy happily followed after her. You let out a lazy groan, but got up from the couch and mentally prepared for the work ahead. <</text>>
<<btno KendraScene1 stage 0>> Go into a bathroom <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('KendraGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("KendraScene1", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, man... <</say>>
<<text>> You spent what felt like a dozen hours cleaning Kendra's bathroom. All sorts of nasty stuff has been cleared out of the drain and the sink was shining brighter than the sun itself. <</text>>
<<img "act1/sink0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> All that's left to do is clean up a few dirty spots in the bath itself. <</text>>
<<btno KendraScene1 stage 1>> Start scrubbing away the dirt <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, youre still busy? <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Well, I'm almost done. <</say>>
<<btno KendraScene1 stage 2>> Continue your work <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Phew, finally I'm done. <</say>>
<<text>> You look at the now clean bathroom and feel a sense of satisfaction swelling in your chest. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, you I'm afraid you missed a spot, $mc... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? No way, where? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Let me show you. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Your pug has been a very naughty boy. Now that I feel so dirty, will you help me clean up? <</say>>
<<btno KendraScene1 stage 3>> Eh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, sure? Do you want me to scratch your back or something? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Well, I was hoping for more than just a scratch... <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra's bra and jumper were already on the floor as she seductively shook her bottom as if to invite you to join her. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You like to get things started quickly, don't you? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "lick">>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> All right, let's try something interesting... Can you get in a bathtub for me? <</say>>
<<text>> There is a slight sensation of coldness when your bare skin touches the plastic construction. The next second all you can see is Kendra's pussy right in front of your face. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> I know you have wanted to try it for a long time... And now I can grant your wish. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Lick.mp4">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<elseif $stage is "lick1">>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh? I didn't know that you were fond of my asshole as well... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Lick1.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "rcowgirl">>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> All right, let's try something interesting... Can you get in a bathtub for me? <</say>>
<<text>> There is a slight sensation of coldness when your bare skin touches the plastic construction. The next thing you know, Kendra jumps into the bathtub next to you like a wild animal. She puts her pussy right on the tip of your dick. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Enjoy my pussy all the way, $mc. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/R_cowgirl.mp4">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<elseif $stage is "rcowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>> Well, don't mind if I go full throttle then... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/R_cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Yes! Oh yes! Ah! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<if $Sbrbs64Kndrscn is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> I've always wondered how your cock tasted like... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, I've missed this taste so much... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You're taking it so deep... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Kendra">> I can lick your balls if you want me to... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes please, I fucking I love this feeling! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Let me help you go even deeper... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<text>> Overwhelmed by the presence of your cock inside her, all Kendra could do was to keep moaning and groaning like a dog. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<mops>> Did someone call my mother a slut just now? What the fuck?! <</mops>>
<<text>> Grigoriy ran closer to the door of the bathroom and stopped, looking at what was going on inside. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh I get it now. No offence taken, Kendra. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing">>
<<say "Kendra">> I have a feeling that I'm really gettin' the hang of your dick... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Then let me try something more creative. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing.mp4">>
/* pull her leg higher, get her from behind, switch the side */
<<elseif $stage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>> How do you like that? <</say>>
<<text>> You flip Kendra's leg over to the other side of your body, going deep into her pussy with each thrust. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> So good... Oooh, right there... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>> Wow, you're really are agile... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, you have no idea what I've done in my life... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing2.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "standing3">>
<<say "Kendra">> Yes! Fuck me like a slut... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay, I can do that. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing3.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "standing4">>
<<mops>> Whoa, you're going primal... Good job, kid. <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah? You like that? My little baby bitch... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Fuck... Fuck! Yes, plow me like that! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing4.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<text>> You feel that your dick is about to explode.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Kendra... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Don't do it inside! Cum on my face! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/cum.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Thank you, $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, I'm so close honey... Please, keep going! <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel Kendra's pussy tightening around your cock as you plow her deeper and deeper. Her body slowly began to shake. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh... I haven't felt that good in a while... You're a natural, $mc <</say>>
<<text>> Feeling an unknown urge, you almost shouted "It's all skill, baby!" but managed to stop yourself at the last second. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, thank you... But get back on my dick. I haven't finished yet. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "oil">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> All right, let's get serious... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Yeah, oil me up like a fucking salad! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? The fuck you going on about? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra reached under a bathtub and pulled out a bottle with some kind of liquid in it, probably oil. Then she gave me the bottle and raised her bum upwards. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Do it. It'll be a lot of fun, I'm telling you. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/oil.mp4">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage isnot 0 && $stage isnot 1 && $stage isnot 2>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "lick">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage lick1 5 10>> Play with her asshole <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rcowgirl">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage rcowgirl1 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage blowjob1 15 0>> Go balls out <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage blowjob2 15 5>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1" || $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage blowjob 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage doggy1 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage standing1 15 15>> Switch the side <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage standing2 15 15>> Pull her leg higher <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage standing3 15 15>> Go in from behind <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing3">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage standing4 15 20>> Let the beast out <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing1" || $stage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing4">>
<<btnsb KendraScene1 stage standing3 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1 >>
<<btns KendraScene1 stage lick 0 5>> Oral <</btns>>
<<btns KendraScene1 stage rcowgirl 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV2 is 1 >>
<<btns KendraScene1 stage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns KendraScene1 stage standing 10 10>> Standing <</btns>>
<<btnl KendraScene1 stage doggy DFtr2TVFix 500 "You ignored Kendra's request earlier" 10 10>> Doggy <</btnl>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns KendraScene1 stage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw >= 40 && $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns KendraScene1 stage oil 0 0>> Oil that booty up <</btns>>
<<if $cumw == 100 >>
<<btns KendraScene1 stage cumw 10 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne DayAfter3 stage 0>> Fuck, I'm spent... <</btne>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP2') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+300)>>
<<run memorize('CP2', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 300CP! <</notify>>
<<text>> Both you and Kendra lay in a bathroom, hugging each other tightly, completely exhausted. Her hand is gently rubbing your chest. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Phew... That was really nice $mc. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah... <</say>>
<<mops>> Hey kid, don't forget the reason you came here in the first place.<</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, that's right. Kendra, there's something I've been meaning to ask you. Do you know of a place where a guy like me might be able to get a job? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> What? But I thought you had some money left. Didn't you pay Dick's rent yesterday? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, that's a long story. To make it short, Greg found me the money. And now I'm broke again. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> All right, give me some time to think about it. I'll take a shower. You just make yourself at home, and I'll find you when I'm done. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter3 stage 1>> Ok... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You got up from the bathroom and walked into the large lobby. It was only now that you realised the sheer size of Kendra's house. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> God damn, that's a big-ass house she's got for herself. I didn't even notice it the first time I was here. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nope, seen greater things. Such a house will mean nothing to you when you're as old and wise as your good ol' pal. <</say>>
<<text>> You decide to ignore the ramblings of a clearly delusional pug and take a tour of Kendra's house. You point out a few interesting places and plan to visit them in succession, starting with a home cinema room. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter3 stage 2>> Walk inside the room <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You can take a good look around the place and marvel at its splendour. You notice a few white stains on the couches, though. They're clearly left over from someone's Netflix and chill session. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Holy... I could binge-watch the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe in a cosy place like this. Makes me wish I had a geek girlfriend... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You don't need a "geek girlfriend". You need a real woman, pal. The kind who'll look after your house and kids while you're off banging some other chick. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? What did you just say? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What? I heard this quote from one of the guys who owned me in the past. He said it was from his godfather or something. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter3 stage 3>> Based? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> You enter a room that looks like an office, with a large safe catching your eye. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> That's a safe and a half... Wonder what's inside? <</say>>
<<if $DFtr26Pug is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nothing good. It smells of all sorts of shady things from over there. Things you should not be asking about, kid. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, don't treat me like a fucking child. That's too much, Greg. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, it's not. You betrayed my trust, pal. And I have to warn you that I do have a very good memory. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, that was a silly joke! <</say>>
<<text>> However the pug ignored your rebuttal and went straight into the next room.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nothing good. It smells of all sorts of shady things from over there. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Really? Like what? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> If I had to guess... It smells of sex and drugs. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Someone must really enjoy having fun in this office then. Now I'm really curious about this safe. Do you know how to pick a lock on a thing like that, Greg? <</say>>
<<text>> The pug, however, ignored your question and was already on his way to the next room. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter3 stage 4>> Follow after him <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> You find yourself in a comfy looking kitchen, which shares the space with the dining room. It feels like you're at home. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You must be hungry after all this action, so let's stop here for a while. <</say>>
<<text>> As you open the fridge in search of food, you are reminded of your hunger and your stomach makes a low growl. You pull out a container of salad, grab a fork and start eating. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, you haven't forgotten about me, have you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Greg, dogs don't eat salad. I've heard that stuff isn't healthy for your kind. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, I wasn't talking about that. Check the counters, she must have some decent dog food hidden somewhere. I've been in her bathroom, this woman clearly loves her dogs. And after a good washing - we always get a good meal. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter3 stage 5>> Check the counters <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">> The dog food is in the counter that is closest to the sink. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra stood in the doorway, smiling. Judging by her fresh and clean skin, she had clearly had a great shower. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> How did you guess that we were searching for it? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Look at Grigoriy's face. He's practically begging you to feed him, I know that look. <</say>>
<<text>> As you place a bowl of food in front of the pug, you look deep into his eyes. You could have sworn you'd never seen anything more adorable. He was so cute. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops5-image.webp">>
<<text>> As soon as you took a step back, Grigoriy ran to the bowl and began greedily devouring its contents. After that, all you could hear was the pug's angry chewing. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter3 stage "ass">> Kendra? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "ass">>
<<say $mc>> So, what about the job? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, right. Let me get a seat. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Basically, I know a place that could use your help. It's nothing fancy, but Nico used to work there for a while. They pay promptly. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra gave you a weary smile. You could see wrinkles forming around the edges of her eyes. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> And why did Nico left it? He found a better palce? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> No, they fired him. He was in a slump and missed a few days of work. That's the reason, if you would believe the words of his manager. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And you don't believe those words? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> No. Nico has always been a good boy. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Whatever... So, the place is a pizza joint. You can go there today, they're open until 22:00. Don't worry, they need a guy like you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you Kendra. I owe you for this one. <</say>>
<<text>> You spent a few more hours talking to Kendra, reminiscing about your childhood and your friendship with Nico. But then she got an important phone call. To avoid further intrusion, you said goodbye and went about your business. <</text>>
<<btno Map1 DayAfterKendra 1>> ... <</btno>>
</div>/* System */
<<$BlockSideMap is 1>>
Sidequest map block
/* Sunday1 */
<<set $Sbrbs41TVFix to 1>>
Если тв кендры починен
<<set $Sbrbs64Kndrscn to 1>>
Если была пропущена сцена0 кендры
<<set $Bcksrts24Prms to 1>>
Если дано обещание Райли не говорить о ее проебах
/* Monday1 */
<<set $DFtr26Pug to 1>>
Если обидел гришу
<<set $DFtr75Gym to 1>>
Kept looking at the Lyla
<<set $DFtr61Alexis to 1>>
/* Tuesday1 */
<<set $Mnmrkt03joke to 1>>
joke CUM
<<set $Mnmrkt014know to 1>>
Riley know
<<set $Mnmrkt010steal to 1>>
Stole a bottle
<<set $Rcd110Energy to 1>>
Energy drink own drank
<<set 4Rcd116Val to 1>>
be confident with val
<<set $Rcd120ValOut to 1>>
Walk Val out
<<if $PtrnThrs0CumW is 2>>
reward bakery patreon
<<set $DayNdTw3Ntr to 1>>
ntr check Kendra
<<set $Gm19disk to 1>>
gave disk to Trainer
<<set $DNdTw6TellHer to 1>>
Told about Kendra being your informant
/* Wednesday1 */
<<set $VlSd17Suck to 1>>
Val began suking your pp
<<set WdNTR20Watched to 1>>
Ntr done Kendra fucked
<<set WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck to 1>>
Ntr done Kendra not fucked
<<set $WdJb211Notseen to 1>>
<<set $WdJb21SvnnhCnt += 1>>
<<if $WdJb315AlxsJoke isnot 1>>
<<set $WdJb52Energy to 1>>
<<set $WdArcde200Fix to 1>>
<<set $WdArcde46Bad to 1>>
<<set $WdArcde44Mid to 1>>
<<set $WdArcde43Good to 1>>
<<set $VlDrm0Prank to 1>>
<<set $WdHm17CashIdris to 1>>
<<set $WdHm3CallRiley to 1>>
<<set $WdHm3CallKait to 1>><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> So this is the place... Eh. <</say>>
<<img "act1/pizza0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Do I hear a dissatisfction in you voice? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... Somehow I've expected better. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> That's a key thing. You've "expected". Stop setting expectations and you'll have a happy life. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Wow Greg... Another quote of this previous owner of yours? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes. It is. <</say>>
<<text>> You stare vacantly at the entrance into the building. No point in delaying the inevitable. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfterPizza stage 1>> Walk inside the building <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Wait! God damn it, I'm sorry Grigoriy... <</say>>
<<text>> You only now noticed the picture painted on the side of the door. <</text>>
<<img "act1/nodogs0-image.png">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What the fuck? A few days ago I fucked a sausage dog behind a Costco food stand. Nobody even batted an eye. But these bastards have the nerve to shut me out... I'll piss on their fucking door, that'll show them. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy was so furious that he almost trembled. Ready to take his revenge, he approached the door and lifted his hind paw. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait! You can do that when we are finished here. Just keep yourself busy for a while, will you? I'll be back soon, in and out. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigori mumbled something unintelligible and walked away. Probably to hide in the shade of the trees and take a nap. He enjoys sleeping a lot. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter5 stage 0>> Open the door. <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> The interior of this pizzeria exudes the same vibe as the exterior. The best compliment you can give a place like this is to say that it was dull but functional. <</text>>
<<img "act1/pizza1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Well, it could be worse, I suppose. <</say>>
<<text>> You notice an employee sitting at the reception desk. She smiles and sligtly bows, as if inviting you to come in and order something. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/alexis0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The air trebled with an angry shout of the man. As you turn to look at the source of the sound, you see a janitor waving his arms in the air, clearly being upset about something. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/janitor0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You are wondering who is the best person to talk to about the job offer is. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayAfter5 stage 1>> I'll ask the janitor <</btn>>
<<btn DayAfter5 stage 2>> I should ask the receptionist <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You come over to the janitor, who has by now stopped shouting and instead was busy staring at the ground. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey man, do you know who I should ask about getting a job here? <</say>>
<<text>> The janitor gave you a blank stare, as if to say, "Get lost, you fucking moron". <</text>>
<<say "Janitor">> Don't you see that I'm busy here? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Busy with what? You're just standing. <</say>>
<<text>> If it were possible to kill someone with a glare, you would have died at the hands of this man. But instead, the janitor sighs and spits on the floor next to you. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/janitor1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> After a few seconds of silence, he picks up a mop and wipes the floor clean. Then he spits again. You decide that it would be a better idea to ask someone else about the job offer. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter5 stage 2>> Ask the receptionist <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<run memorize('AlexisGallery', true)>>
<<text>> At reception, a standing girl greets you with a strange gesture.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Hello, my name is Alexis. What would you like to order? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/ok0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You can recall that this is one of those gestures that was recently deemed inappropriate and offensive. But to whom? Who knows. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What was that for? is this your thing, or... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> God no, that's corporate MO. We're called a Rooster's Egg, and this sign should represent a rooster's head. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> But roosters don't lay eggs, unless you're taking about,,, Fuck, never mind. This is stupid. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Yeah, the whole thing is really dumb. But the job is the job. <</say>>
<<text>> You feel a strong urge to turn away and run as fast as you can. But you really need that damn money. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter5 stage 3>> Ask about the job <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> So... are you hiring right now? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> We are. But our manager is away for the weekend, so come back in a couple of days. She'll be more than happy to be of assistance with your allocation. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Listen, I am in a really tough spot right now. Can't you do anything? Can't you give me something to work with today? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm sorry, but I can't employ you on my own. I'm not even qualified to be a part-time manager and I'm only a Grade 3 cashier. I'm only doing it now because we don't have any other suitable staff and... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Grade 3 cashier you say... <</say>>
<<text>> Your mind goes back to when you were a kid playing D&D with your brother. In front of your eyes, you can almost see the image of the level 10 mage that you spent countless sessions playing as. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> But then you snap back to reality. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> ...there really is no other way. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh. <</say>>
<<text>> It takes you a few seconds to think of your next words. Absolutely nothing Alexis said has stuck with you, only the dark void of nothingness remained in your head. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>I mean, come on, I'll do anything. Just give me a chance. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexia let out a heavy sigh, this whole situation was clearly beginning to get on her nerves. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Look, I've already told you. How can I guarantee that you haven't just come here to steal our equipment? Or do anything else to harm our business? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Do you have something that you could lend us as a guarantee of your intentions? Just for the time being, until our manager gets back. But even then, do you have the paperwork ready to sign a contract? <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter5 stage 4>> Well... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... I thought this place would be a bit more chill after what Kendra told me about it. I guess I'll... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Wait. Kendra Jade recommended you to come here for a job? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh. Then you must be $mc. Why didn't you say so before? Never mind, let me see what I can offer you... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> You know what? Since Jake didn't show up for work, again, you can be our delivery boy for the day. How does that sound? <</say>>
<<text>> You can already almost smell of the freshly baked pizza. Maybe being a delivery boy isn't such a bad job after all. <</text>>
<<img "act1/pizza2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> That would be great! But when do I get paid? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Rooster's Egg is a very progressive company when it comes to its work ethic. Especially after the recent lawsuit. We pay after you've finished working, by the hour. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter5 stage 5>> Amazing! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Cool! So what do I do now? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Now take these pizzas to the gym a few blocks down the road. Be quick, hot pizza is the best pizza. Rooster run! <</say>>
<<text>> You look her dead in the eye and refuse to believe what you have just heard. Her cheeks flush and she gives you a stern look. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Listen, now that you are working here - you must follow the instructions. As a delivery boy, you must respond to that with a "Rooster-out!" <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayAfter6 stage 0>> Fuck this <</btn>>
<<btn DayAfter6 stage 1>> Rooster-out! <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You go outside, carrying a large backpack full of pizzas. You notice that Grigoriy is no longer sleeping in the shade of the tree, instead he has been busy sniffing at something on the rubbish heap. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Greg! Come on over here, we need to get a move on. <</say>>
<<text>> Pug grabbed something from the rubbish and ran towards you as soon as he heard your voice. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I see. So you managed to get a job? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. We're going to the Member gym. Do you know that place? <</say>>
<<text>> Grigiriy takes a couple of minutes to chew on the watermelon before he answers your question. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Let me be your guide.<</say>>
<<btno Map1 DayAfterPizza 1>> Follow the pug <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<text>> You go outside, carrying a large backpack full of pizzas. You notice that Grigoriy is no longer sleeping in the shade of the tree, instead he has been busy sniffing at something on the rubbish heap. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Greg! Come on over here, we need to get a move on. <</say>>
<<text>> Pug grabbed something from the rubbish and ran towards you as soon as he heard your voice. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I see. So you managed to get a job? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. We're going to the Member gym. Do you know that place? <</say>>
<<text>> Grigiriy takes a couple of minutes to chew on the watermelon before he answers your question. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Let me be your guide.<</say>>
<<btno Map1 DayAfterPizza 1>> Follow the pug <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> So this is what the gym looks like from the inside... Never been in one myself. <</say>>
<<img "act1/gym10-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Strong Voice" dick>> So this is your first time? <</someone>>
<<text>> From somewhere behind you, a large man appeared. Startled, you spun around so fast that most of the pizzas in your backpack surely have been turned upside down. <</text>>
<<img "act1/coach0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Behind you stood a tall man with heavily tattooed arms. Yet, despite looking somewhat intimidating, you could that tell he had a good heart. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! You scared the hell out of me! <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Ha-ha, sorry about that. Call me Coach. I am the head trainer in this gym. By the way, is that pizza I smell? <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter7 stage 1>> Yeah... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Coach">> Great! I'm guessing that you're a delivery boy for my order. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I'm $mc. Sorry for the delay. Where can I drop them? <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Follow me, I'll show you. <</say>>
<<text>> Coach led you into a break room and helped you to unpack. As soon as the last box of pizzas was placed on the table, a swarm of hungry gym members bursts into the room. <</text>>
<<img "act1/swarm0-image.gif">>
<<say "Coach">> Whoa, whoa, whoa! Guys, take it easy. Please, let us through. <</say>>
<<text>> He lifted you with his strong hands and moments later you were standing in a much less crowded hall. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you. They almost ran me over, I wonder how.... <</say>>
<<text>> You stop yourself in the middle of a sentence, realising that you forgot someone very important. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter7 stage 2>> My pug... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Greg! Coach, did you see a pug when we were in the break room? When all those people were rushing in? <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Don't worry, there he is. <</say>>
<<text>> You look in the direction that the trainer is pointing and you see Grigoriy, who is busy trying to deadlift a 2kg barbell. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Coach">> This pug will be ripped in no time if he keeps at it... <</say>>
<<text>> You let out a sigh of relief. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I'm so glad you're alive, buddy... Oh, coach, is it okay that my dog is in the gym? <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Totaly fine. We don't discriminate against our little brothers. You see? <</say>>
<<text>> He nods towards one of the glass-walled rooms. <</text>>
<<img "act1/gym11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> This looks more like some kinky BDSM shit... <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> So, how would you like to take a tour of the place? No charge, think of this as me investing in a newbie. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayAfter7 stage 3>> Is it okay do it for free? <</btn>>
<<btn DayAfter7 stage 3>> Oh, listen, I'm really busy... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Coach">> Nonesence! Let's go. <</say>>
<<text>> He takes you over the shoulder and leads you through the different sections of the gym. <</text>>
<<say "Coach">> Here's a weightlifting section. Grab a partner and go ham. The best gains you'll ever see. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym3-image.gif">>
<<say "Coach">> This is the women's section. Don't get me wrong, we don't discriminate, it's just that the weights are different. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym4-image.gif">>
<<say "Coach">> Rose! You're doing great, keep at it! <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym1-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, they work their asses off... <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Yep, that's how you want to look. Big chest, nice butt... You get what I'm saying. <</say>>
<<text>> The coach smiles and leads you into the next room. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfter7 stage 4>> Woah. <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> You let out an audible gasp. This is the whole other level of working out... <</text>>
<<say "Coach">> This is our cardio section. Don't be shy, most newbies start here.<</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym2-image.gif">>
<<say "Coach">> This is Brandon, he's a real pro. He hasn't missed a day in the gym this year. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym5-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck. Is this some kind of monk training? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym6-image.gif">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Don't quote me on that, but I think he's just fucking around, pal. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Coach, I think I've seen enough for today... Can we cut this introduction short? <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Are you sure? The next section is the last. It's based on martial arts training. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayAfter7 stage 5>> Well, since it is a last one... <</btn>>
<<btn DayAfter7 stage 6>> Yeah, I'm done. <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $DFtr75Gym to 1>>
<<mops>> Bloody hell... Look at this kick! <</mops>>
<<text>> For a martial arts room, you've expected to see something straight out of Shao-Lin. Or maybe an anime club meetup. But it was so much worse... <</text>>
<<say "Coach">> Nice kick, Buck! Show her how it's done. Next! <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym0-image.gif">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> This is the work of a true champion... I've seen quite a few of them in my time... <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> This is Bogdan, our capoeira enthusiast. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym7-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit! Is the kid okay? <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> He'll be fine. Today is pizza day, so many of our members decided to bring children to help them with their training. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I have a hunch that this guy has a few spare ones left... <</say>>
<<text>> You return to the lobby with Coach at your side. When he taps you on the shoulder, what feels like a cannonball tearing through your flesh. <</text>>
<<say "Coach">> So how do you like the place? Pretty cool, huh? <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter7 stage 6>> Yeah... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<if $DFtr75Gym isnot 1>>
<<text>> You return to the lobby with Coach at your side. When he taps you on the shoulder, what feels like a cannonball tearing through your flesh. <</text>>
<<say "Coach">> So how do you like the place? Pretty cool, huh? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yup. Although I'm still not the biggest fan of excercising. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's a good place, it's just that at the moment I'm not that interested in exercising. <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Well, you seem like a nice guy, $mc. I can see a spark in you, a desire to improve your body, even if you think otherwise. So I say - you can train here for free whenever you want, as long as you don't break anything. <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> But if you do break something...<</say>>
<<imgv "act1/coach1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You feel a shiver run down your spine. When you look at this man now, you have the same feeling your ancestors had in front of the apex predators. <</text>>
<<say "Coach">> But you're a gentle and kind soul. I can see a bit of myself in you, and that means - everything will be all right. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Wait! I don't like getting into debt like this. Let's see... Say I will be working out here for free, but you'll have to give me odd jobs from time to time. <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Sure. What can you do? <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter7 stage 7>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I'm a decent electrician, I've fixed a few TV's in my time... Nothing serious though, I don't have the equipment for that. <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Really? That's exactly what I need right now! Would you mind fixing that TV in our cardio section? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry man, I'm on the clock. I could come by tomorrow if that's OK with you. <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> That's a deal and a half, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> You're terrified at the prospect of shaking hands with this beast of a man, but reach out anyway. Surprisingly, his grip is quite gentle and not a single bone in your hand is broken at the end. <</text>>
<<if $DFtr75Gym is 1>>
<<say "Coach">> Oh, I almost forgot. Here's the money, for the pizzas. Keep the change. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you, Coach! <</say>>
<<say "Coach">> Oh, I almost forgot. Here's the money, for the pizzas. You can count it up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Man, it would be a big mess if I just walked away. Thanks for noticing. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that a lot of time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map0 DayAfterGym 1>> Go back to Rooster's Egg. <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As soon as you walked into the pizzeria, you went straight to the reception desk and handed the money over to Alexis. She took it, pleased. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Well done. You didn't forget the money after delivery, so that's a good start. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Now, some people say I am a natural. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I bet they do. Here, take this. <</say>>
<<text>> She held out a stack of bills to you. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> We're closing soon, so this is your pay. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfterPizza1 stage 1>> Take the money <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $DFtr75Gym is 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash+250>>
<<set $cash to $cash+200>>
<<if $DFtr75Gym is 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 250$! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 200$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> Wow, that's a lot. Do you always get paid that much? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> No, but since Kendra sent you... I've made some arrangements. Come here on Wednesday, two days from now. The manager will show you the ropes. <</say>>
<<if $AlexisCounter is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">> And $mc... Thanks for playing along with the stupid rooster thing. It made me feel a bit better. And now I'm going to brighten your day a little... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/alexis1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> What the hell? Feeling really flustered you don't know how you're supposed to react to that. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Ehm... Well, you certainly did that... But what if we... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Don't make me regret it. I hope we'll make a great team. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah... Sure. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis gives you a smile and walks off into the kitchen. You can feel your friendship with Alexis growing a little 💙 <</text>>
<<mops>> Hey kid, you could have seen something different here if you'd made a different choice. Just thought you should know. <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Listen, Alexis, you really saved my ass here. I hope we'll be great colleagues to each other. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Surely you can do better than today then? If you want to be part of the team, that is. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Soon you will see what I can and cannot do. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Is that so? Goodbye. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis turned away from you and stormed out into the kitchen. <</text>>
<<btno Map0 DayAfterPizza1 1>> Time to get some rest <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Home sweet... home. <</say>>
<<text>> As you open the door, you're reminded once again of how rancid your apartment is. But hey, at least there are no ants here, right? <</text>>
<<img "act1/housemc0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> I guess it is better than nothing at all. At least a roof over our heads. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Good thinking, $mc. Couldn't agree more. Let's have some food, I'll die if you keep me on a fast like that... <</say>>
<<text>> You go to the kitchen, only to remember that you haven't bought any food. You take out a packet of dog food and examine its contents carefully. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What's the hold-up? <</say>>
<<btno DayAfterHome stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Thinking about whether this thing is edible for humans. I think I'll try one. <</say>>
<<text>> You pull out a single biscuit and chomp on it, trying to chew it down before the smell really hits your nostrils. It's... <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> So, how do you like them? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It tastes about right for the dog food it is. It is all yours, Greg. <</say>>
<<text>> After shaking out the rest of the pack into the bowl, you place it in front of Grigoriy and fall over the bed. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Haven't you... Forgotten... About lucid... dreams... yet? <</say>>
<<text>> Greg asked between chews. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfterHome stage 2>> Oh, right. <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> I totally forgot, thanks for the reminder. So how does this work? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, the trick is quite simple. There are three steps to lucid dreaming. <</say>>
<<text>> The pug stopped talking, let out a fart and continued eating in silence. It was as if he had forgotten about the conversation. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> And what are those things? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh yes. Sorry about that. First you need to focus on the target. Pick out something that has been emotionally stimulating for you during the day and meditate with that in mind. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Focus... I can do that. <</say>>
<<text>> Your mind drifted back to the scene you witnessed at the gym. The image of the chubby girl lit up before your eyes. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> And you'd better make sure you don't lose it while you're lucid dreaming. Avoid closing your eyes for long periods during the dream. Otherwise... Well, you'll have an extra bad time. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfterHome stage 3>> What next? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> OK... What are the other two things? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Second. This one is going to be easy, you just need to stay away from any LED screens and have enough time to sleep. At least 6 to 7 hours. Considering that your phone has been stolen... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh wow, thanks for reminding me, dog. What's the third? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Whoa, sorry... I swear, kids these days. So soft and vulnerable. <</say>>
<<text>> You've picked up your boot with an intimidating attitude, as if you were about to throw it at the pug. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Ehem. The third important thing is to have a reality check. You can look at your paw, or hand, for example. In the dream it will be all blurred, so you can easily spot the difference. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It doesn't sound too bad. Is there any chance I can do it on the first try? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> From what I've seen, if there was someone who could do it without any practice, it would be a guy just like you. Continue on with your meditation untill you fall asleep. Good luck. <</say>>
<<if $SbDFtr01Lila is 1>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> You follow the woman into her cabin, if you can even call this place a cabin at all. It was more like a room. It was more like a room, and if you hadn't known you were on a train, you'd have thought you were in someone's house. <</text>>
<<img "act1/trainvip0-image.jpg" >>
<<say $mc>> Wha... Who are you even? <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> I've already told you. I'm Katrina. Didn't you have any faith in me when I told you I was a big shot in this town? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I didn't think... <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> That's good. I didn't bring you here to think, I brought you here to fuck. Take me, now. <</say>>
<<btno Katrinagallery0 gstage 1>> All right... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> Katrina dropped her formal suit and her body was covered only by a skin-tight lingerie. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/katrina3-image.jpeg">>
<<say "Katrina">> Are you deaf? I told you to come and take me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, I got mesmerised... <</say>>
<<btno Katrinagallery0 gstage 2>> Let's go <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say "Katrina">> All right, let's get you excited. <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Jesus, what a bubble butt. I bet it feels even better than it looks. <</say>>
<<btno Katrinagallery0 gstage 3>> I'm getting really hard... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Katrina">> Enough of this preamble. Give me your cock. <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck, it smells amazing! Now put it to use. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "handjob">>
<<text>> Katrina pounces on your cock like a wild animal, stroking it with an enthusiasm and lust you have never seen before. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Let's make it nice and sloppy. <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Handjob.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "handjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... You're good at this... <</say>>
<<text>> Katrina ignored your compliment, thrilled to finally have your balls inside her mouth. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Handjob1.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "vaginal">>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> Come on, don't treat me like a princess! Do it harder! Again! <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh yes! Finally I can feel this cock of yours inside me!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Vaginal.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "vaginal1">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! That's the pace I've craved for! <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Vaginal1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, your pussy is eating me whole! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Katrina">> Yes, continue to hit this spot... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh yeah, ri... right there... Ah... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck, I can feel the full lenghth of your cock now... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "facefuck">>
<<say "Katrina">> I love confident men like you who also know how to use their head. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck my throat $mc <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Facefuck.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "facefuck1">>
<<say $mc>> Like this? Am I doing it right? <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Facefuck1.mp4">>
<<text>> At the moment, Katrine can't really answer your question, but her gurgling sounds satisfied. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Katrina">> Christ, that's the tastiest cock I've seen in a long time!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck, $mc, grind my face over your balls! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? You're a crazy... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> I can feel you throbbing inside. Let me eat it. <</say>>
<<text>> Katrine puts her back against the sofa and prepares herself to take your cock down into her throat. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I can't believe this is real... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/cum.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Cuff... Huh... What, that's it?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<if $gsceneV2 is 1>>
<<say "Katrina">> A little breather wouldn't hurt... <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh, yes... This is a part I will enjoy a lot... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>Go
<<say "Katrina">> Yes! Tear my asshole wide open! Fuck! <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways1.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways2">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Your pussy lips are so soft and nice... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways2.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways3">>
<<say $mc>> You like that? I bet you do. <</say>>
<<text>> But Katrina doesn't answer. The only sounds she is capable of making right now are moans of pleasure. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Sideways3.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "piledriver">>
<<say "Katrina">> Such a magnificent cock... filling me up inside... <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/A_Piledriver.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> I love it so much... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "fakecum">>
<<set $gcum to 70>>
<<say "Katrina">> Oh no, you won't! <</say>>
<<text>> She pulls avay from you and grabs your penis, squeezing it hard in her palm. <</text>>
<<videov "katrina/Scene0/fakecum.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> You will cum only if I give you permission to do so. Don't you forget it. First - make me cum. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW = 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Katrina">> Yes! Yas! Ohmygod... Hader, harder! <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/cumw.mp4">>
<<text>> Katrina's body twisted in a spasm of pleasure and her speech became unintelligible. You felt a great shudder run through her. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum1">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<text>> Katrina nods, then pulls herself over to you, lying on her belly. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Wanna do it on my face? <</say>>
<<text>> After a few strokes you can feel your dick exploding. Katrina opens her mouth and catches your hot cum with her tongue right away. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/cum1.mp4">>
<<text>> You collapse on a couch in exhaustion. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> Even your sperm is tasty... What a wonderful cock you have. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "anal">>
<<say "Katrina">> Don't think we're done here. Now that you've been sufficiently lubricated, we'll take it to the next level. <</say>>
<<text>> Katrina lies down on a sofa and spreads her buttocks wide. She's got a daring smile on her face. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">> My ass is ready and waiting. Come and fuck it with your monster dick. <</say>>
<<videov "katrina/Scene0/boner.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "anal1">>
<<say $mc>> Don't blame me for what happens to your asshole after I'm done with it, OK? <</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene0/Anal.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">> Fuck... This feels nice $mc... Really nice... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage isnot 0 && $gstage isnot 1 && $gstage isnot 2>>
<<if $gsceneCum == 2 >>
<<btnegp Katrina-gallery>> Rest for a bit <</btnegp>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $gsceneCumW < 1 >>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gcumw < 100 && $gstage isnot "anal" && $gstage isnot "cum" >>
<<if $gstage is "handjob">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage handjob1 15 0>> Let her play with your balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "vaginal">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage vaginal1 20 10>> Go harder <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage cowgirl1 20 10>> Fuck her good <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage facefuck 25 10>> Go rough <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage blowjob1 15 5>> Let her get a sniff <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "facefuck">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage facefuck1 20 10>> Go even further <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage blowjob 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage blowjob 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "facefuck1">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage facefuck 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage sideways1 20 10>> Grab over her neck <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage sideways2 20 10>> Pull her leg up<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage sideways 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways2">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage sideways3 20 10>> Pull both legs <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage sideways 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways3">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery0 gstage sideways2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gsceneCum == 0 >>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage handjob 10 0>> Handjob <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage vaginal 15 5>> Vaginal <</btns>>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage cowgirl 15 5>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage sideways 15 5>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage piledriver 25 10>> Piledriver <</btns>>
<<btnl Katrinagallery0 gstage blowjob Prlg24 300 "Katrina likes her men smart and confident" 15 5>> Blowjob <</btnl>>
<<if $gstage is "anal">>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage anal1 0 0>> Your ass is finished! <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "cum">>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage anal 0 0>> Huh? <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw == 100 >>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage cumw 0 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<if $gsceneCum < 1 >>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage cum 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<elseif $gsceneCumW == 1 >>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage cum1 0 0>> Can I cum now? <</btns>>
<<btns Katrinagallery0 gstage fakecum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Katrina-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<text>> Your cast your mind into an all comsuming whirlpool of imagination. Thats when you felt the sensation of a girl's soft hands dancing along the length of your cock. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">> Oh, $mc, finally we can be together. Accept this as a token of my appreciation, my dear. <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Kait">> Should I start with the tip? <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">> Or I can stroke your dick for a little while instead. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You tease... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say "Kait">> You are right... I'm your little teasing fairy. But what can I do? You have such a magnificent cock...<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Kait">> Now, let me serve you. Just the way you always wanted it... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Kait">> Mhm... It is time to taste it proper... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes please! <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">> Oh, it's as sweet as I'd hoped... Thank you for coming to the Grand Vena just so I could taste you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, your mouth is so warm, Kait.... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say "Kait">> You are so amazing at this... I can't believe how lucky I am to be with you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck! <</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">> $mc, can I ask you for something? Please, cum for your little fairy. You'll get my pussy later, but I just can't wait to savour your... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> God, just a little bit more... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $gstage is 0 || $gstage is 1>>
<<btns Kaitgallery0 gstage $gstage+1 25 0>> Handjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 2 || $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Kaitgallery0 gstage $gstage+1 25 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btnegp Kait-gallery>> Cum <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kait-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> Following the sound of running water, you find yourself outside in the garden. You decide to walk around the house to find another way in. A large glass wall attracts your attention. You decide to look inside... <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! Did she notice me? <</say>>
<<text>> But Kendra showed no sign of noticing you and walked calmly into the bathroom. The glass wall probably extends there too, you guess. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>> Stick to the plan. You have a TV to fix. <</btneg>>
<<btn Kendragallery0 gstage 1>> Peep on your friend's mother <</btn>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> The glass wall didn't go that far, but there was an open window in the bathroom. And, perhaps, If you had a look through it, you would have seen a glimpse of Kendra in the shower. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<text>> Her silky smooth skin was mesmerising. The image was so beatufil that you couldn't even begin to think about pulling out your dick and masturbating. <</text>>
<<btno Kendragallery0 gstage 2>> Watch her for a little longer... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<text>> Kendra turned off the shower and began to wipe the remaining moisture from her skin. You couldn't help but gasp in awe as you watched her squeeze her perfect breasts. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! This time she saw me for sure... What am I going to do now? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>> Fuck it. I don't have time for this... <</btneg>>
<<btnl Kendragallery0 gstage 3 Sbrbs40Confidence 500 "You don't feel confident enough" 0 0>> Go and tell her the truth. <</btnl>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<text>> You decide that there is no point in hiding anymore. Better to come out and confess now than regret it later. After all, she is your landlady. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Kendra, I'm sorry, but... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Start4.mp4">>
<<text>> This is not something you would have expected to see today. But hey, no man would turn down a deal like that. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say "Kendra">> It's all right, honey. I know how you feel about me, and now that you've finally worked up the courage to admit it to me, I can't let you go away empty-handed. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I wasn't talking about my... You know, never mind. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Come closer... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">> You're such a sweetie $mc. That's what I like about you. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Ah... Kendra... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Shush. From now on I'll take care of your big cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, I'm almost forgot about your balls... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> They taste so nice and sweet... Mmm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No way... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh! I can see you're almost ready... I have a feeling you'll be in love with what I'll do do your cock next... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene0/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! Kendra, I'm about to... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage isnot 0 && $gstage isnot 1 && $gstage isnot 2 && $gstage isnot 3>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Kendragallery0 gstage 4 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btns Kendragallery0 gstage 5 40 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btns Kendragallery0 gstage 6 30 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btns Kendragallery0 gstage 7 25 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btneg Kendra-gallery >> ... <</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, man... <</say>>
<<text>> You spent what felt like a dozen hours cleaning Kendra's bathroom. All sorts of nasty stuff has been cleared out of the drain and the sink was shining brighter than the sun itself. <</text>>
<<img "act1/sink0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> All that's left to do is clean up a few dirty spots in the bath itself. <</text>>
<<btno Kendragallery1 gstage 1>> Start scrubbing away the dirt <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, youre still busy? <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Well, I'm almost done. <</say>>
<<btno Kendragallery1 gstage 2>> Continue your work <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Phew, finally I'm done. <</say>>
<<text>> You look at the now clean bathroom and feel a sense of satisfaction swelling in your chest. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, you I'm afraid you missed a spot, $mc... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? No way, where? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Let me show you. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Your pug has been a very naughty boy. Now that I feel so dirty, will you help me clean up? <</say>>
<<btno Kendragallery1 gstage 3>> Eh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, sure? Do you want me to scratch your back or something? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Well, I was hoping for more than just a scratch... <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra's bra and jumper were already on the floor as she seductively shook her bottom as if to invite you to join her. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You like to get things started quickly, don't you? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "lick">>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> All right, let's try something interesting... Can you get in a bathtub for me? <</say>>
<<text>> There is a slight sensation of coldness when your bare skin touches the plastic construction. The next second all you can see is Kendra's pussy right in front of your face. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> I know you have wanted to try it for a long time... And now I can grant your wish. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Lick.mp4">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<elseif $gstage is "lick1">>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh? I didn't know that you were fond of my asshole as well... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Lick1.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "rcowgirl">>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> All right, let's try something interesting... Can you get in a bathtub for me? <</say>>
<<text>> There is a slight sensation of coldness when your bare skin touches the plastic construction. The next thing you know, Kendra jumps into the bathtub next to you like a wild animal. She puts her pussy right on the tip of your dick. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Enjoy my pussy all the way, $mc. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/R_cowgirl.mp4">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rcowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>> Well, don't mind if I go full throttle then... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/R_cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Yes! Oh yes! Ah! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, I've missed this taste so much... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You're taking it so deep... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Kendra">> I can lick your balls if you want me to... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes please, I fucking I love this feeling! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Let me help you go even deeper... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<text>> Overwhelmed by the presence of your cock inside her, all Kendra could do was to keep moaning and groaning like a dog. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<mops>> Did someone call my mother a slut just now? What the fuck?! <</mops>>
<<text>> Grigoriy ran closer to the door of the bathroom and stopped, looking at what was going on inside. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh I get it now. No offence taken, Kendra. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing">>
<<say "Kendra">> I have a feeling that I'm really gettin' the hang of your dick... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Then let me try something more creative. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing.mp4">>
/* pull her leg higher, get her from behind, switch the side */
<<elseif $gstage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>> How do you like that? <</say>>
<<text>> You flip Kendra's leg over to the other side of your body, going deep into her pussy with each thrust. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> So good... Oooh, right there... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>> Wow, you're really are agile... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, you have no idea what I've done in my life... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing2.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing3">>
<<say "Kendra">> Yes! Fuck me like a slut... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay, I can do that. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing3.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing4">>
<<mops>> Whoa, you're going primal... Good job, kid. <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah? You like that? My little baby bitch... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Fuck... Fuck! Yes, plow me like that! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/Standing4.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<text>> You feel that your dick is about to explode.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Kendra... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Don't do it inside! Cum on my face! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/cum.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Thank you, $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, I'm so close honey... Please, keep going! <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel Kendra's pussy tightening around your cock as you plow her deeper and deeper. Her body slowly began to shake. <</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh... I haven't felt that good in a while... You're a natural, $mc <</say>>
<<text>> Feeling an unknown urge, you almost shouted "It's all skill, baby!" but managed to stop yourself at the last second. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, thank you... But get back on my dick. I haven't finished yet. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "oil">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> All right, let's get serious... <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Yeah, oil me up like a fucking salad! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? The fuck you going on about? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra reached under a bathtub and pulled out a bottle with some kind of liquid in it, probably oil. Then she gave me the bottle and raised her bum upwards. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Do it. It'll be a lot of fun, I'm telling you. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene1/oil.mp4">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage isnot 0 && $gstage isnot 1 && $gstage isnot 2>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "lick">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage lick1 5 10>> Play with her asshole <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rcowgirl">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage rcowgirl1 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage blowjob1 15 0>> Go balls out <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage blowjob2 15 5>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1" || $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage blowjob 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage doggy1 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage standing1 15 15>> Switch the side <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage standing2 15 15>> Pull her leg higher <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage standing3 15 15>> Go in from behind <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing3">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage standing4 15 20>> Let the beast out <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing1" || $gstage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing4">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery1 gstage standing3 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1 >>
<<btns Kendragallery1 gstage lick 0 5>> Oral <</btns>>
<<btns Kendragallery1 gstage rcowgirl 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV2 is 1 >>
<<btns Kendragallery1 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Kendragallery1 gstage standing 10 10>> Standing <</btns>>
<<btnl Kendragallery1 gstage doggy Sbrbs41TVFix 600 "You ignored Kendra's request earlier" 10 10>> Doggy <</btnl>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Kendragallery1 gstage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw >= 40 && $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns Kendragallery1 gstage oil 0 0>> Oil that booty up <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw == 100 >>
<<btns Kendragallery1 gstage cumw 10 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btnegp Kendra-gallery>> Fuck, I'm spent... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<widget "btnegp" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<unset $gsceneV1>>
<<unset $gsceneV2>>
<<unset $gsceneV3>>
<<unset $gsceneV4>>
<<unset $gsceneV5>>
<</widget>><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene0", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Your mind goes back to when you were looking in the window of the gym. The image of a chubby woman doing stretches appears before your eyes. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> But this time there is no need for you to do your job. The feeling of overwhelming peace fills your entire being. From somewhere far away, you can hear someone's faint voice... <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What the hell is she doing? Is she in heat? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> And then you can hear your own voice, but not with your ears, but with your mind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, I think she's just sweaty, that's all... Although that's not the first thing I'd use that water for. <</say>>
<<text>> Now you can see how the water is starting to make woman's clothes almost see through, a few more seconds and you'll be able to see her chubby nipples... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You notice that the woman is aware of your presence and looks you in the eye. It feels like your soul is connecting with something... <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> The woman smiles when she sees that you haven't looked away. Then she puts her hand to her breasts. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Is she... Unzipping her bra? <</say>>
<<text>> But there was no one who would give you an answer. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn15-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Your emotions begin to return. You start to feel an almost animalistic desire boiling deep within your being. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 2>> This is getting interesting... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $SbDFtr01Lila is 1>>
<<text>> Your mind goes back to when you were looking in the window of the gym. The image of a chubby woman showing you her body appears before your eyes. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn11-image.jpg">>
<<text>> But this time there will be no intruders to spoil your fun. The feeling of overwhelming peace fills your entire being. From somewhere far away, you can hear someone's faint voice... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... show me your pussy baby! <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn13-image.jpg">>
<<text>> This is when you begin to forget that it's all just a part of what you're meditating on. For you it already has become your reality. The only thing that matters to you now, was that you wanted to keep on watching. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Fuck me sideways... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn11-image.jpg">>
<<text>> This is when you begin to forget that it's all just a part of what you're meditating on. For you it already has become your reality. The only thing that matters to you now, was that you wanted to keep on watching. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... show me your pussy baby! <</say>>
<<text>> You almost screamed, pressing all your weight against the window. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What a tease! If not for this fucking window... <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 3>> Come on baby! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Lynn">> Call me Lynn, $mc... I'm happy to be at your service. <</say>>
<<text>> Now naked Lynn stands in front of you. Her posture exudes an air of obedience. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Lynn">> What does my Master want me to do? <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn nods before you could give her an answer. A devilish smile appear on her face, then she spreads her buttocks wide, giving you the chance to see her brown asshole and pussy. <</text>>
<<img "act1/lynn16-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Show me more! <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 4>> Come on! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Lynn">> If my Master desires... <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn gets down on all fours, then pushes her bottom up. You can see every curve of her body, everything is laid bare in front of your eyes. <</text>>
<<img "act1/lynn17-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> God damn... I wanna fuck those holes of yours so fucking hard... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Is the Master really going to do this to me? <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn lets out a satisfied sigh, then stretches her butt once more, giving you a full view of her wet ass pussy. <</text>>
<<img "act1/lynn18-image.jpg">>
<<say "Lynn">> I'm ready to take Master's seed, please come and breed me $mc... <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 5>> Yes! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> You want it so badly that you can feel something inside you breaking. Then reality folds in on itself. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image1-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, no! <</say>>
<<text>> As your mind gets sucked into a wortex of images, all you can think about is Lynn's pussy. <</text>>
<<text>> But then... There's nothing. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> You wake up in your bedroom. But it is not the one you were lying in last night. You're back in the house where you grew up. <</text>>
<<img "act1/bed2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What? Was it all just a silly dream? <</say>>
<<text>> You lie in bed for a few more minutes before you can find the strength to break the spell of procrastination. After getting up, you go straight to the bathroom and that's when you notice something very strange in the mirror... <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 7>> Wait a minute... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> A complete stranger stares back at you from the mirror. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mc0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell? Why the fuck is there someone else in my bathroom? <</say>>
<<text>> You wave your hand in front of the mirror and the reflection follows your movements exactly. However, there is something not quite right about your hands. They look... blurry? <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait... It's me! I'm black! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Surely that means I'm still dreaming... God damn it, Lynn, your ass is mine! <</say>>
<<text>> Suddenly you teleported to another part of your house. Your body is no longer naked - it is now covered by a yellow tank top, blue jeans and white trainers. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! <</say>>
<<text>> You can hear the sound of someone working in the kitchen. A wild guess crosses your mind. <</text>>
<<img "act1/kitchen1-image.jpg">>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 8>> Find the source of the sound <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>> Sneaking into the kitchen, you notice something interesting... <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start0.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> At that moment, you feel as if you were a lion, ready to pounce on a clueless antelope. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 81>> You're mine! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 81>>
<<say $mc>> I've got you now! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Not today! <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn gives you a look full of disrespect. Obviously, the woman who had been your cock worshipper in a dream earlier has vanished without a trace. Or has she? <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 9>> Show her who's the boss <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>> Ha! Eat this. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Yes... That's what I've been waiting for, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn begins to stroke your cock gently, wetting the tip with her tongue. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>> Let me help you, here... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<text>> Lynn's throat easily takes your penis in, as you push her head closer to your crotch. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah! Who's your Master now, bitch? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> Good shit, I'm still here... Choke on this once more, babe. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start4.mp4">>
<<text>> You fuck Lynn further down her throat and she loves every second of it. This chubby bitch is going to be your cock slave in no time at all. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes... My master! Fuck me any way you want! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I will. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 9 or $stage is 10 or $stage is 11>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is 9>>
<<btns OthersScene0 stage 10 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 10>>
<<btns OthersScene0-1 stage 0 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 11>>
<<btne DayAfter10 stage 0>> Facefuck <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You are torn out from the dream by the sound of a loud knocking on the door. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/door0-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Weary Voice" dick>> Hey, is anyone alive in there? Rise and shine! $mc, come on, open up! <</someone>>
<<text>> But you didn't care. All you wanted was to get back into the dreamscape and continue fucking that bitch Lynn. Closing your eyes once more, you turn to the other side. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene0 stage 11>> Continue to sleep <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You stop running at the entrance to the gym and take a few minutes to catch your breath. Then you turn to the Pug, who's nonchalantly sniffing a pile of shit on a bordur. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell is wrong with this town, Greg? I had more sex in the last two days than in the last 8 years, then I got mugged and now this... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, trust me, you have seen nothing yet. In Grand Vena, everything is just right. <</say>>
<<text $mc>> You let out a sigh, then walk towards the entrance to the gym. After an examination of the door, you turn to Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I don't see any restrictive sighs about dogs. Do you want to come along? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes, sitting outside the pizzeria was as boring as watching paint dry. Not even a single cute puppy in sight. Let's get in and get out, I'm getting hungry again.<</say>>
<<btno DayAfter7 stage 0>> Enter the building <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You stop at the entrance to the gym and take a few minutes to catch your breath. Then you turn to the Pug, who's nonchalantly sniffing a pile of shit on a bordur. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Greg, I'm beginning to think that stories about Grand Vena were understated. The last two days here have been the richest days of my life. When it comes to experiences, that is. After all, I got mugged yesterday and have been poor as dirt since. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, trust me, you have seen nothing yet. In Grand Vena, everything is just right. <</say>>
<<text>> You let out a sigh, then walk towards the entrance to the gym. After an examination of the door, you turn back to Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I don't see any restrictive sighs about dogs. Do you want to come along? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes, sitting outside the pizzeria was as boring as watching paint dry. Not even a single cute puppy in sight. Let's get in and get out, I'm getting hungry again.<</say>>
<<btno DayAfter7 stage 0>> Enter the building <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh boy... Being in a delivery business is a much harder job than I thought it would be... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, you walked two blocks from the pizzeria and you're already tired? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Cut me a little slack, this pizza weighs in at around 5 kilos. And that's me lowballing it. <</say>>
<<text>> Finally, you cross the street and stand in front of the gym. As you walk past its walls, your gaze falls on the glass windows. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Holy! That's a stretch... Look at her go, Greg! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, I can see why she's at the gym on Monday... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> I dunno, Greg, I think she's got a nice body. I can appreciate a woman like that. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I didn't say she didn't. It just makes sense for her to be in a gym, that's all. By the way, you have to deliver the pizzas hot, remember? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayAfterGym stage 1>> Continue watching <</btn>>
<<btn SubDayAfter1 stage 1>> Get back to working <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $SbDFtr01Lila to 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What the hell is she doing? Is she in heat? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> No, I think she's just sweaty, that's all... Although that's not the first thing I'd use that water for. <</say>>
<<text>> You can see how the water is starting to make her clothes almost see through, a few more seconds of waiting and you'll be able to see her chubby nipples... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You're so entranced by the woman's breasts that you don't even notice that her eyes are fixed on your face. It was only when she started to get up that you got your consciousness back. <</text>>
<<btno DayAfterGym stage 2>> Oh fuck... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You hid around the corner, far out of sight of the window. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit! Did she notice me? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> She probably did, unless she's blind. You're like a giant stop sign with the red backpack full of pizzas on your back. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shall we run away? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It's up to you, kid, but I think this chick's trying to show you something. <</say>>
<<text>> Ready to run away at a moment's notice, you peer cautiously into the window. The woman smiles when she notices that you are back. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Is she... Unzipping her bra? <</say>>
<<btno DayAfterGym stage 3>> This is getting interesting... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Fuck me sideways... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn15-image.jpg">>
<<text>> It was at that moment that you forgot that you were standing in the middle of a public road. The only thing that mattered to you was that you wanted to keep on watching. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn11-image.jpg">>
<<text>> <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... show me your pussy baby! <</say>>
<<text>> You almost screamed, pressing all your weight against the window. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What a tease! If not for this fucking window... <</say>>
<<btno DayAfterGym stage 4>> Come on baby! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Uh-oh. Look over there, pal. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy pulled on my pants, then pointed his paw in the opposite direction of the girl. An old man was about to enter the room. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck? Was he spying on her too? <</say>>
<<text>> As these words leave your lips, the old man turns to the window. His eyes meet yours and then you see his face turn to scream. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I would be on the run now, kid. Get a move on! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, fuck my life! <</say>>
<<btno SubDayAfter1 stage 0>> Run! <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You feel as if you are suffocating, as if the air has stopped flowing into your lungs, and you open your eyes abruptly. Apparently Grigoriy decided it would be a good idea to park his body right on your face.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck, Greg! I was in the middle of something... <</say>>
<<text>> You push the pug away from your face and sit down on the side of the bed. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Listen, kid. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it was necessary. I think whoever's knocking on your door has some important business with you. <</say>>
<<text>> Whoever is interested in talking to you has lost their temper by now, judging by the sound of the knoking. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Weary Voice" dick>> Open up $mc! I'm not joking! <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Well, fuck... <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter10 stage 1>> Let him in <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You open the door and look at the person behind it. It's Nico, dressed in his usual street clothes. He's got a big backpack on his back. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Man, are you some kind of a bear? I have been standing here for about 10 minutes or so. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, I must have had a really good dream. Do you want to come in? <</say>>
<<text>> Nico shook his head and pointed at his backpack. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That's okay. So, you wanted to? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, Dick said I should remind you that the next month is starting soon and that you better be ready to pay the rent. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter10 stage 2>> Really? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Wow! When did you become his messenger boy? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm really not. It's just that he was at my mum's... <</say>>
<<text>> Nico looked away, as if unsure of himself, and shifted from foot to foot. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Anyway, Mum said you were looking for a job. I hope that you remember something about how to fix things from your time at college? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sort of. It depends. What's the problem with the machine? The least I could do for you would be to come over and have a look at it. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Great! <</say>>
<<text>> You could see Nico's spirit lighting up, passion burning away the doubt that had recently clouded his face. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Come to the arcade at the end of Theatre Street. I'll be open until 10 pm, so don't bother coming after a late night party, like that one time. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No way, you still remember? Come on, that was a one off. Yeah, I was dead drunk and tried to break into school, because I thought I'd miss an exam. It could've happened to anyone! <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that. <</say>>
<<text>> You both stood there laughing for a while, remembering the good times at school. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> All right man, it was really nice talking to you. Gotta go, see you later. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> See you, Nico. <</say>>
<<btno DayAfter10 stage 3>> Close the door <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> As you closed the door, you turned to see Grigoriy. He was watching the conversation warily from around the corner. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Who was that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nico, my old friend. Kendra is his mother. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn, kid, that's brutal. Screwing your friends' mothers in such a casual manner is something I've never seen before. Just saying. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/image2-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>> Oh, come on. It's not like that... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Sure. She just happen to fall on your dick. Twice. <</say>>
<<text>> Your thoughts on how your life got to be this way were abruptly cut short by a hungry growl of your stomach. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn it, we have to stop at the shop first. Otherwise I'll die. <</say>>
<<btno Map1 DayAfterHome 1>> Go out <</btno>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<text>> Your mind goes back to when you were looking in the window of the gym. The image of a chubby woman doing stretches appears before your eyes. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> But this time there is no need for you to do your job. The feeling of overwhelming peace fills your entire being. From somewhere far away, you can hear someone's faint voice... <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What the hell is she doing? Is she in heat? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> And then you can hear your own voice, but not with your ears, but with your mind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, I think she's just sweaty, that's all... Although that's not the first thing I'd use that water for. <</say>>
<<text>> Now you can see how the water is starting to make woman's clothes almost see through, a few more seconds and you'll be able to see her chubby nipples... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You notice that the woman is aware of your presence and looks you in the eye. It feels like your soul is connecting with something... <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> The woman smiles when she sees that you haven't looked away. Then she puts her hand to her breasts. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Is she... Unzipping her bra? <</say>>
<<text>> But there was no one who would give you an answer. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn15-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Your emotions begin to return. You start to feel an almost animalistic desire boiling deep within your being. <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 2>> This is getting interesting... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Fuck me sideways... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn11-image.jpg">>
<<text>> This is when you begin to forget that it's all just a part of what you're meditating on. For you it already has become your reality. The only thing that matters to you now, was that you wanted to keep on watching. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... show me your pussy baby! <</say>>
<<text>> You almost screamed, pressing all your weight against the window. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What a tease! If not for this fucking window... <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 3>> Come on baby! <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Lynn">> Call me Lynn, $mc... I'm happy to be at your service. <</say>>
<<text>> Now naked Lynn stands in front of you. Her posture exudes an air of obedience. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Lynn">> What does my Master want me to do? <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn nods before you could give her an answer. A devilish smile appear on her face, then she spreads her buttocks wide, giving you the chance to see her brown asshole and pussy. <</text>>
<<img "act1/lynn16-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Show me more! <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 4>> Come on! <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say "Lynn">> If my Master desires... <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn gets down on all fours, then pushes her bottom up. You can see every curve of her body, everything is laid bare in front of your eyes. <</text>>
<<img "act1/lynn17-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> God damn... I wanna fuck those holes of yours so fucking hard... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Is the Master really going to do this to me? <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn lets out a satisfied sigh, then stretches her butt once more, giving you a full view of her wet ass pussy. <</text>>
<<img "act1/lynn18-image.jpg">>
<<say "Lynn">> I'm ready to take Master's seed, please come and breed me $mc... <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 5>> Yes! <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<text>> You want it so badly that you can feel something inside you breaking. Then reality folds in on itself. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image1-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, no! <</say>>
<<text>> As your mind gets sucked into a wortex of images, all you can think about is Lynn's pussy. <</text>>
<<text>> But then... There's nothing. <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<text>> You wake up in your bedroom. But it is not the one you were lying in last night. You're back in the house where you grew up. <</text>>
<<img "act1/bed2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What? Was it all just a silly dream? <</say>>
<<text>> You lie in bed for a few more minutes before you can find the strength to break the spell of procrastination. After getting up, you go straight to the bathroom and that's when you notice something very strange in the mirror... <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 7>> Wait a minute... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<text>> A complete stranger stares back at you from the mirror. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mc0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell? Why the fuck is there someone else in my bathroom? <</say>>
<<text>> You wave your hand in front of the mirror and the reflection follows your movements exactly. However, there is something not quite right about your hands. They look... blurry? <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait... It's me! I'm black! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Surely that means I'm still dreaming... God damn it, Lynn, your ass is mine! <</say>>
<<text>> Suddenly you teleported to another part of your house. Your body is no longer naked - it is now covered by a yellow tank top, blue jeans and white trainers. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! <</say>>
<<text>> You can hear the sound of someone working in the kitchen. A wild guess crosses your mind. <</text>>
<<img "act1/kitchen1-image.jpg">>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 8>> Find the source of the sound <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<text>> Sneaking into the kitchen, you notice something interesting... <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start0.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> At that moment, you feel as if you were a lion, ready to pounce on a clueless antelope. <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 81>> You're mine! <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 81>>
<<say $mc>> I've got you now! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Not today! <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn gives you a look full of disrespect. Obviously, the woman who had been your cock worshipper in a dream earlier has vanished without a trace. Or has she? <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 9>> Show her who's the boss <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<say $mc>> Ha! Eat this. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Yes... That's what I've been waiting for, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Lynn begins to stroke your cock gently, wetting the tip with her tongue. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 10>>
<<say $mc>> Let me help you, here... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<text>> Lynn's throat easily takes your penis in, as you push her head closer to your crotch. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah! Who's your Master now, bitch? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> Good shit, I'm still here... Choke on this once more, babe. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene0/Start4.mp4">>
<<text>> You fuck Lynn further down her throat and she loves every second of it. This chubby bitch is going to be your cock slave in no time at all. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes... My master! Fuck me any way you want! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I will. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage is 9 or $gstage is 10 or $gstage is 11>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is 9>>
<<btns Othersgallery0 gstage 10 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 10>>
<<btns Othersgallery0-1 gstage 0 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 11>>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> Facefuck <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<widget "someone" container>>
<<if _args[0] is $mc>>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to "player">>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to _args[0].toLowerCase()>>
<div class="dialogue-module">
<div class="row sketchy w-75 ">
<div class="col-1">
<div class="dialogue-icon" >
<img @src="'img/icons/' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-icon' + '.jpg'">
<div class="col-11 padding-left-icon">
<div class="row">
<div class="col pointer">
<span @class="'dialogue-name '+ _args[2] ">
<div class="row">
<span @class="'dialogue-text ' + _args[2] + '-text'">
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<text>> You are torn out from the dream by the sound of a loud knocking on the door. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/door0-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Weary Voice" dick>> Hey, is anyone alive in there? Rise and shine! $mc, come on, open up! <</someone>>
<<text>> But you didn't care. All you wanted was to get back into the dreamscape and continue fucking that bitch Lynn. Closing your eyes once more, you turn to the other side. <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery0 gstage 11>> Continue to sleep <</btno>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As soon as you enter the mini-market, you will notice a huge difference between the way it looked the last time you were here and now. The shelves were half empty and there were no customers in sight. <</text>>
<<img "act1/shop1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wow, it's like a battlefield... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I hope it's not the result of a robbery or something worse... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh shit! <</say>>
<<text>> Grogoriy sprinted deep into the shop before you could ask him anything. Well, he can take care of himself. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley? Are you all right? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Yep! Please wait a minute, I'll be right there! <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 1>> Wait it out <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You wait for time to pass, looking at the half-empty shelves, wondering what could have happened to leave the place in such a mess. Then the door to the back room opens. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh! It's you, $mc. Glad to see you, sorry for the wait. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Is everything all right? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Well, I've been busy making sandwiches, so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. <</say>>
<<text>> The edge you were feeling was taken off when you heard her voice and saw a smile on her face. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So these sandwiches you made by hand? I absolutely fell in love with them, the ones I bought last time were amazing! <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> I'm glad you liked them. I wonder... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley playfully waved the sandwich she was holding in front of you. <</text>>
<<img "act1/sandwich2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> I have something to offer you. <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 2>> LIke what? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Riley">> As you can see, I haven't had time to stock the shelves with food yet. Yesterday was a Crazy Universal Monday, so everything was bought out. I'll be overclocked if I don't come up with something. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Wait a minute, yesterday was what? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> You don't know? We have a big sale on Mondays, hence the name. We call it CUM for short, you know, like our slogan, "CUM on Mondays". <</say>>
<<text>> She points to a poster on the wall. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/poster0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> This fucking town, I swear... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Minimarket0 stage 3>> Make a joke <</btn>>
<<btn Minimarket0 stage 4>> Don't. <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $Mnmrkt03joke to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I don't mind cumming on Tuesdays, if you know what I mean. <</say>>
<<text>> Riley and you laugh together, amazed at the quality of this joke. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Ha... I don't get it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, it will cum to you one day. <</say>>
<<text>> Saying thit pun almost made you cringe from inside out. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Ehem, anyway, what did you want me to do? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, right. Can you help me restock the shelves while I make the food? I'll give you a super special sandwich in return! <</say>>
<<text>> You hate to disappoint such a pure and light-hearted creature, but... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Working for a sandwich is not much better than working for nothing, sorry. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Well, I don't have anything else to offer... <</say>>
<<text>> You can see that Riley can barely hold back her tears. <</text>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 5>> Let me think... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> So it's a sale then... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Don't be sad that you missed it. There's always another Monday. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm not sad, quite the opposite. I'm relieved that the shop wasn't robbed and that you're all right. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So, what did you want me to do? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, right. Can you help me restock the shelves while I make the food? I'll give you a super special sandwich in return! <</say>>
<<text>> You hate to disappoint such a pure and light-hearted creature, but... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Working for a sandwich is not much better than working for nothing, sorry. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Well, I don't have anything else to offer... <</say>>
<<text>> You can see that Riley can barely hold back her tears. <</text>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 5>> Let me think... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> I know what we could do. Do you sell mobile phones here? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> We do, but $mc... It's far too expensive to give away for something like this. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Are there any phones that participate in CUM? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Yes, this one costs about $200 when it is on sale... But it is still too much to give away. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, I can give you $200, you just have to make it look like it was sold yesterday, okay? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> OK! <</say>>
<<text>> Riley's face lit up with a happy smile, and your heart lightened as you looked at her. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> You can go to the back room now and get to work. All you have to do is place the goods on the appropriate price tags. It's easy, you can do it! <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 6>> Get to work <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! No wonder Riley is so used to sleeping here... <</say>>
<<img "act1/backroom0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> All right, where is it now... <</say>>
<<text>> You take one of the many boxes full of various goods and start working. <</text>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 7>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> A few hours have passed, the sun is shining and you can feel the sweat dripping from your forehead. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, why does work always has to make you so tired... <</say>>
<<text>> Most of the shelves are now full, thanks to you, but some are still empty. That meant you were far from being done yet. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! <</say>>
<<text>> You let out an annoyed sigh after dropping a pile of magazines on the floor. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/magazine0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Whatcha doing pal? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Working, what else? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn, kid, you got my respect. You only got your job yesterday and you already have a side hustle. I see an entrepreneur in the making. <</say>>
<<text>> You ignore the pug and concentrate on picking up scattered magazines. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What have you been doing all this time? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I looked around the shop for the dog treats. Didn't find any. Shame we missed the yesterday sale. <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 8>> What is this... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> Look at that, Greg. Do you want a copy? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops9-image.png">>
<<text>> Pug studied the magazine cover and turned to face you. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You're lucky I can't read, otherwise you'd have hurt my feelings. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How do you know that this magazine was offensive to you then? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I can smell it on you. Call it intuition or whatever. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I guess since you're my alter ego, that would make a lot of sense. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Sure, kid. Get back to work, I don't want to be here all day. <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 9>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>> Well, that's the last one... <</say>>
<<text>> You look at the bottom of the crate and notice something interesting. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/alcohol0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Look at this! As far as my previous owners were concerned, this is a really good drink. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And there's no protection on it. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What do you think, kid? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Minimarket0 stage 10>> Steal the whisky <</btn>>
<<btn Minimarket0 stage 11>> Crime is bad <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $Mnmrkt010steal to 1>>
<<set $item4 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got a bottle of Whisky! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> Why not? It's not a crime if you don't get caught. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> As long as you feel that way about it, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> You take a bottle of whisky and hide it in your backpack. To make it even more secure, you put it in the inside pocket. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, I'm done! <</say>>
<<text>> You looked at the main counter, but it was empty. The girl was nowhere to be seen. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> She must still be busy with the cooking, then. <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 12>> Find Riley <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, I had the idea of stealing this one. But if it went missing, Riley could get into a lot of trouble. I wouldn't want her to get hurt because of me, after all she's done. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Smart thinking, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> You pick up a bottle of whisky and stand proud. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, I'm done! But hey, someone could steal this bottle of Whisky, where's the protection? <</say>>
<<text>> You looked at the main counter, but it was empty. The girl was nowhere to be seen. You decide to leave the bottle of whisky under the cash register. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> She must still be busy with the cooking, then. <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket0 stage 12>> Find Riley <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>> You open the door to the back room and smell the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread. Riley is standing in the small kitchen, hard at work. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh? You're done already? <</say>>
<<text>> Riley glances over at you, then returns to cutting a large chiabtatta. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Man, I love the sight of a woman cooking. Especially when she's a professional like you. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Thank you. I have been cooking since I was little. I like to think I got decent over the years. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Decent? You're amazing, Riley. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, you're making me blush, $mc... <</say>>
<<text>> As you feel something warm swell in your chest, you move closer to her and wrap your hands around Riley's waist. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Huh? $mc, you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm what? <</say>>
<<text>> You let out a small chuckle watching her cheeks turn red. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> You're hot... I mean, when you're so close to me, my body heats up from the inside out... Damn it. You get what I'm trying to say, right? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Minimarket0 stage 13>> Kiss her <</btn>>
<<btn Minimarket0 stage 14>> I get you <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<text>> You pull her closer, biting into her lips with your own. Riley does seem to try to avoid contact, clearly surprised by your actions. But after a few moments pass, she returns the kiss. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Well... That's not quite what I had in mind, $mc... <</say>>
<<text>> She turns away, trying to catch her breath and you finish her sentence. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> ...But this was what your body wanted. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Well... Maybe. <</say>>
<<text>> You kiss her neck and grab over her breasts. Riley lets out a surprised gasp. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> We should continue with the action. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> I don't think so. <</say>>
<<text>> Riley pushes you away, looking down on you, as if you were some kind of animal. Then her eyes get stuck on your bulging crotch. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Well, on a second thought... I don't mind doing this with you. Go, sit on a couch. This should be the most comfortable place for us. <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 0>> Sit down <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<set $Mnmrkt014know to 1>>
<<say $mc>> I know what you mean. <</say>>
<<text>> You let go of Riley and take a step back. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Today is a hot day. Cuddling would have made you all sweaty and there's no shower here. <</say>>
<<text>> Riley's eyes lit up with a newfound enthusiasm. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Yes, exactly! It's almost like you're reading my mind... <</say>>
<<text>> She gives you an admiring look and her eyes stop at your bulging crotch. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> And I think I can read your mind too... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley points her finger at something behind your back. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Go sit down on the couch. I am going to make you feel very nice... <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 0>> Sit down <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('RileyGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("RileyScene0", true)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> But as soon as Riley tried to remove your trousers, someone's voice was heard. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Annoyed Voice" dick>> Hey, where's the cashier? If no one comes, I'm just going to take the goods and leave without paying for them! <</someone>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh no, I have to run... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley stood up and quickly left the back room, ignoring everything around her. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... I was so close... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Don't give up, mate. The confidence you showed here - that is the way of a real man. Keep it up and you won't need anyone's help to make your dream come true. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell, you have been hiding here the whole time? <</say>>
<<text>> You can hear Grigoriy talking, but when you look around, you can't see anything even remotely resembling a pug. <</text>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 1>> Look around <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Of course I was. In accordance with our agreement, I must be your guardian and your guide in my infinite wisdom. Here, I'm on the table. <</say>>
<<img "act1/mops11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> You look different... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It's called active camouflage. One day you will learn to use it as well. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, so what do I do now? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You can do whatever you want, kid. That's the best part. <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 3>> Take action <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Of course I was. In accordance with our agreement, I must be your guardian and your guide in my infinite wisdom. Here, I'm under the couch. <</say>>
<<img "act1/mops10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> TI CHTO EBANUTII TI CHO TAM DELAESH? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> IDI TABLETKI PEI PES EBANII <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, so what do I do now? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You can do whatever you want, kid. That's the best part. <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 3>> Take action <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> In this moment you feel that you can do anything. All you can see is the desire, as well as the path that will take you there. You leave the back room and go straight to Riley, who has just finished serving the customer. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, $mc, I'm really sorry, but I can't go now... It is nearly noon, and I have to be here. Customers... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You don't have to go anywhere, Riley. We can do this right here. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> What did you say? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> We can go into that corner and be done in a couple of minutes. No one will see us, and if someone comes - you can easily reach the counter. <</say>>
<<text>> Riley's devilish grin flashed across her face. You had never seen her so excited before. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> That sounds really fun. Come on, hurry up. <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 4>> OK! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Riley? Do you have any spare clothes? If you are going to continue working, I think you should get changed. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Why? I'll just strip naked. Give me a sec... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley has taken off her top, revealing a pair of beautiful small breasts. Her pigtails have also come undone. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Holy... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> What? You're staring... <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> It's just... I didn't expect to find a body that hot underneath that silly outfit. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, you mean you like that? <</say>>
<<text>> Riley posed like she was in one of those erotic magazines. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley let out a chuckle and tried to keep a straight face as she spoke. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> All right, enough with the games. I have a job to do and you have a cock that is in need of a blow job. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Riley">> Wow, that's a nice leather belt you've got there. I didn't expect to find something so expensive on a guy like you... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa, are you trying to burn me? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Riley">> Let's get this cock out of his prison. Now, let me check... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> That's a first-class quality cock you've got there. Well done. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> ... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> All right, now get to work. <</say>>
<<text>> You push your dick towards Riley's mouth and she catches it like an army veteran would catch a bullet. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> You're doing great... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say "Riley">> OK! Let me clean your cock a bit, I can feel you've been working hard today. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? How would you even go about it? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Fuck. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say "Riley">> Now, with everything clean and wet... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley devours your cock like a wild animal. Any other woman would be choking by now, but she... She took it like a champ. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Good shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, I want to come. Will you swallow? <</say>>
<<text>> She lets go of your cock and gives you a look. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> I'm not doing it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I can't come on your tits or your face. If you want to keep working today, that is. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> That's right... And you shouldn't let your precious sperm go to waste either. <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene0 stage 12>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say "Riley">> I know! <</say>>
<<text>> Riley's face lit up as if she had just come up with a ground-breaking invention. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> You can cum in my panties. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You... you sure? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Yeah, it'll be fine, trust me. You can use my pussy to get there. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh... Your cock is so warm... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/cum0.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm nearly... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<text>> With the feeling of your cock on the verge of explosion, you do your last stroke and... <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/cum1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> You did well, $mc. Not a drop wasted. <</say>>
<<text>> There is a moment of silence. You can hear your own ragged breathing loud and clear. <</text>>
<<if $Mnmrkt03joke is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> Wait a minute. Was that what you meant when you said you didn't mind cumming on Tuesdays? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I guess? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Ha, now I get it. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 6 || $stage is 7 || $stage is 8 || $stage is 9 || $stage is 10 || $stage is 13>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 6 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 7 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 8 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 8>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 9 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 9>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 10 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 10>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 11 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 12>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 13 30 0>> Pussyrub <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 13>>
<<btns RileyScene0 stage 14 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 14>>
<<btne Minimarket1 stage 0 >> ... <</btne>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> The door to the shop opens and the sound of someone's footsteps gets louder. You can hear them stomping on the floor of the shop. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> And it was just in time. <</say>>
<<text>> Riley pulls up her panties and quickly searches the floor for the clothes she dropped earlier. She turns to you as she dresses. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Now I'm going to go and work my shift. I'll get your phone ready, so come to the checkout when you're done. <</say>>
<<text>> As soon as Riley left, you heard Grigoriy's voice echoing in your head. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, kid. Did you notice how she went all feral when she saw your boner? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't all girls do that? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You've been reading too much "hentai" manga, pal. <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket1 stage 1>> Get dressed <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> After you've cleaned up and dressed, you decide to look around for the pug. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Greg! You're still here? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Of course. You did a good job. I can feel your CP building up. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> My what? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Confidence points. You can use them to influence actions to your advantage, but be careful not to overextend yourself. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Are you trying to make a metaphor or what? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You can take it any way you'd like, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> Hearing another half-answer from this pug, you let out a sigh. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was pulling your leg. <</text>>
<<btno Minimarket1 stage 2>> Go to Riley <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You come up to the cash register just in time to see the previous customer leave the shop after having paid for the goods. Riley has her eyes on you, she clearly has something on her mind. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> $mc, come. Let's do this quick, I don't want to get caught or anything... <</say>>
<<text>> She hands you a mobile phone in a box with a red sticker on it. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/phone0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Cool, thanks. Can you give me a couple of your sandwiches as well? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Sure, anything else? <</say>>
<<btno Minimarket1 stage 3>> You know... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Now that I think about it... I feel a bit drained after all that action. You got an energy drink or something? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, you don't know? The only energy drinks we sell are the premium "Plus ULTRA Energy Drinks". They're pretty expensive, but they'll keep you awake at night and more... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/energy0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> How much does is cost? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> $50 a bottle. But they make up for it. Even someone like Dave, the guy in charge of the TOWNAME banks, buys them in bulk. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> 50$ is a lot of money though... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Sure, but some people say that time is the real gold. Either way, it's $200 without the energy drink, or $250 with it. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 250>>
<<btn Minimarket1 stage 4>> Buy the drink <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">> Buy the drink <</plugi>>
<<btn Minimarket1 stage 5>> It's too expensive <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $item3 to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-250>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got an Energy drink for 250$! <</notify>>
<<text>> You give her $250 and take the energy drink off the shelf. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you, Riley. I really hope it is as good as you make it out to be...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> It really is, $mc. By the way, I've added my number into your phone book, so you can call me anytime. <</say>>
<<mops>> Look at that. You're becoming an Alpha, $mc. <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, wow... Cool, I'll call you later then. Have a good one, Riley. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> You too. <</say>>
<<if $Mnmrkt014know is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing a little 💚 <</text>>
<<btno Minimarket2 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $cash to $cash-200>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got a mobile phone for 200$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, paying this much for a single energy drink is not something I can do right now.<</say>>
<<text>> You give Riley $200 and she shrugs her shoulders. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> That was your choice to make. Oh, by the way, I've added my number into your phone book, so you can call me anytime. <</say>>
<<mops>> Look at that. You're becoming an Alpha, $mc. <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, wow... Cool, I'll call you later then. Have a good one, Riley. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> You too. <</say>>
<<if $Mnmrkt014know is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing a little 💚 <</text>>
<<btno Minimarket2 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Not a bad spot for Arcade, eh? Even if it is in the basement of a building. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> People come to this part of town to have fun, so it's a great place for any kind of entertainment business. I enjoyed spending my early afternoons here. <</say>>
<<text>> Reminiscent of times gone by, Pug turned towards the sunset. Warm rays of sunlight played on Grigoriy's fur. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> This district had the best bitches I've ever had. The girls over here really do take good care of their pets. I used to sit around the grooming salon all the time. I'll show you the ropes and you can be my wingman. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shouldn't it be the other way round? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I don't think I'll be able to communicate with other people. So it's up to you to do the heavy lifting. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Maybe later, we have a job for now. <</say>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 0>> Go inside <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As you go down the stairs and enter the dimly lit arcade, you can see a man tinkering with an air hockey table. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Nico! We're here! <</say>>
<<text>> The man raises his hand to greet you, but continues with his work. A few seconds later, it leaves the table, apparently satisfied with the outcome. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, I don't have your level of education, but I can still do some basic maintenance. Man, you must really need money right now. You're actually here on time. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico gives you a firm handshake, he's clearly very happy to see you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I do need money. But come on, you know I'm not the type to ghost my friends in need. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I know, I know. I'm just fucking with you. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico patted your shoulder, inviting you to follow him deeper into Arcage. When you looked at him now, it was like looking at a man who was reborn. There was no trace of the fear that had been so prevalent during his meeting with you at the train station, instead he was full of confidence and energy. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 1>> Follow Nico <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> As you walk through the hall, you can feel a warm feeling of nostalgia come over you. You remember how you and Nico spent countless hours skipping school in arcades that looked exactly like this one. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Man, this place is awesome! Not only does it look like arcades from back then, it feels exactly like them. Even the plastic smell is the same. How did you get a job in a place like this? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Actually, it wasn't nearly as impressive when I first got here. The only machines we had were some shitty Whack-a-Moles and this Air Hokey table. And that's about it. <</say>>
<<text>> You couldn't help but smile as you walked past the pinball machines. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade5-image.jpg">>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 2>> Oh man... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> So it was you who bought most of these games? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Yep, these are my babies. It cost me an arm and a leg to get some of them, though. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I understand, but why invest so much in someone else's business? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, I'm more of a co-owner now. We had a change of contract and stuff, so I get a pretty good share of the profits. <</say>>
<<text>> When you heard a bunch of Sega arcades playing their sounds in an attract mode, it was very hard not to stop following Nico. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade4-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You promised yourself you would play a few rounds of Street Fighter when the job was done. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> So you were a nerd from the start? Huh, I kind of didn't expect that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, I'm not going to take that from you. Arcades are amazing, they're the reason I went to college in the first place. It's a shame I failed my classes. Otherwise I'd be making my own games by now. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Huh? Did you say something? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I just think that this is amazing, Nico. I mean, you really went for it and made it happen. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> No man, it's far from being realized. Here, this is the game that I wanted you to have a look at. <</say>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 5>> Whoa! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $Rcd14DDR to 1>>
<<text>> You are looking at an old-school Dance Dance Revolution machine. The screens are turned off, but it seems to be in a great shape. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> So this DDR has stopped working, I suppose? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> You're right. That's a good start. <</say>>
<<text>> You check the machine again, this time pressing the power button and trying to turn it on and off. But nothing happens. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, this one might be a bastard to fix, but I'll look into it. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I'll pay you handsomely if you manage to get it working again. This one's a real chick magnet. <</say>>
<<if $Rcd16HotD is 1>>
<<say $mc>> I'll try my best. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Good luck with that, but I'll go for now. Have to prepare for the rush hour. You can find me at the bar. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $Rcd16HotD isnot 1>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 6>> Inspect the THoTD <</btn>>
<<if $Rcd14DDR is 1 && $Rcd16HotD is 1>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 7>> Fix the DDR <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> You are talking about this one? The good old the House of the Dead, huh? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Nico">> Nah man, it's finished, I'm afraid. But if you'll take a look at it and will be able to fix it, I'll show you something incredible in return. <</say>>
<<text>> You playfully nudge Nico under the ribs. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What? Don't tell me you are going to show me your dick for all this work.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Those are your words, not mine, ha-ha. Seriously, you won't regret it. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Arcade1 stage 6>> Inspect the THoTD <</btn>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 4>> And this one? <</btn>>
<<if $Rcd14DDR is 1 && $Rcd16HotD is 1>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 7>> Fix the DDR <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $Rcd16HotD to 1>>
<<text>> You look at the House of the Dead machine. It doesn't look good. From the outside, everything should be in working order, but there's a sense that there's something wrong on the inside. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade9-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You won't be able to get inside the machine, however, as there are a number of tightly screwed bolts holding the body together. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, if only my screwdriwer wasn't stolen earier... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, you know, $mc, there's no hurry. If you manage to find a pack of instruments somewhere else, come and see me here. I'll be happy to pay you back. <</say>>
<<if $Rcd14DDR is 1>>
<<say $mc>> I'll try to fix the DDR instead, then. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Goot luck with it, but I'll go for now. Have to prepare for the rush hour. You can find me at the bar. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item2 is 1>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 99>> Fix the machine <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have a screwdriver">> Fix the machine <</plugi>>
<<if $Rcd14DDR isnot 1>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 4>> What about this one? <</btn>>
<<if $Rcd14DDR is 1 && $Rcd16HotD is 1>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 7>> Fix the DDR <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> While you are tinkering with the machine, you realise that the problem lies in one of the power cables. You take some blue tape from your backpack and try to get it wired together. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You put it in the power socket and check the screen. The machine seems to work again. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade10-image.jpg">>
<<someone val "Punk Girl" kendra>> Oh wow! It works now! Amazing, are you a technician? <</someone>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 8>> What? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>> You notice a girl looking over your shoulder as you turn towards the source of the voice. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Wow! You almost scared me, when did you get here? <</say>>
<<text>> The girl giggles as she looks at your surprised face. <</text>>
<<someone val "Punk Girl" kendra>> I don't know, maybe a couple of minutes earlier. So, can I try the DDR now? <</someone>>
<<text>> Sure, I guess. I haven't tested it yet, but it seems to work fine. Just don't blame me if anything goes wrong. <</text>>
<<someone val "Punk Girl" kendra>> Cool! <</someone>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 9>> Rest for a bit <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<run memorize('ValGallery', true)>>
<<text>> Taking a breather after working on the machine, you decide to check out the girl's skill while Grigoriy lies on your lap. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey pal, is this thing fun? I'm starting to feel like trying it myself. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I used to love DDR's in high school. You simulate dancing by stepping on the button that corresponds to the rhythm of the song you are playing. <</say>>
<<someone val "Punk Girl" kendra>> Oh, so you play? <</someone>>
<<text>> The girl stepped back when the song ended and now looks straight at you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I haven't done this for a while, so my moves might be rusty. Why do you ask? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh, well, you know... I really want to beat this song, but it's almost impossible to do it alone. Are you ready to help a girl in need? I'm Val by the way. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 10>> Restore your energy <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have the energy drink">> Restore your energy <</plugi>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 11>> Sorry, I'm tired. <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $Rcd110Energy to 1>>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've used Energy Drink to energise yourself! <</notify>>
<<text>> The bottle opens with a sharp "pst" and you down the orange-flavoured drink in a few gulps. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/energy1-image.webp">>
<<text>> You can feel your energy being replenished and you feel ready to crush mountains. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 13>> Time to light this place up <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> I'm $mc. But look, I'm kind of... <</say>>
<<text>> Val looks at your face more closely and gives you an understanding nod. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> I understand you're feeling tired, but I'd recommend you get yourself an energy drink if that's your problem. You can get them at the bar. They come in cans so you don't have to worry about them being drugged. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why would anyone sell drugged drinks? What kind of places do you party at to have such concerns? <</say>>
<<text>> Vel gives you a warm smile, as if looking at the innocent little child.
<<say "Val">> The fun ones. I'll wait for you to get a drink. In the meantime, I'm gonna do a few warm-up songs. <</say>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 12>> Go to the bar <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>> You can see Nico cleaning the inventory and tables as you approach the bar. When he catches sight of you, he waves you over. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yo, Nico! The DDR is working now, but I'd like to ask you for an energy drink. I want to try the game myself. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Here man. Enjoy your time, I'll come by when I've finished cleaning the bar. <</say>>
<<text>> The bottle opens with a sharp "pst" and you down the orange-flavoured drink in a few gulps. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/energy1-image.webp">>
<<text>> You can feel your energy being replenished and you feel ready to crush mountains. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 13>> Time to light this place up <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>> Val, I'm ready for action! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> All right! Don't fall back too far, I need your help, remember? <</say>>
<<text>> For the next three and a half minutes you danced the best moves of your life. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn, kid, you were right, this is really fun! <</say>>
<<text>> You turn around for a split second to look at Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops12-image.gif">>
<<say "Val">> Keep it up! We can do it if we give it our all! <</say>>
<<text>> And then you're back in action, stomping on a pad with the persiion of a god, getting one perfect beat after another. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade6-image.gif">>
<<text>> When the song ends, you can barely breathe, drenched in sweat from head to toe. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 14>> How did we do? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<say "Val">> Oh my God, we crushed it! That's the new best! <</say>>
<<text>> Val screams and hugs you tightly as you let out a triumphant yell. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah! The King is back, baby! <</say>>
<<text>> You and Val continue to hold each other as you both try to catch your breath. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> All right... Let's go back to the sofa, I can feel my legs shaking. And before you say it, no, it is not because of your meat stick. <</say>>
<<text>> It's only now that you realise that your dick is erect and has been pressing into Vel's inner thigh since you started hugging. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Arcade1 stage 15>> Shit... <</btn>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 16>> It's fine <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, fuck. My mistake. <</say>>
<<text>> Val smirks, watching your reaction. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> So what, do you get a hard-on every time you see a hot chick like me? You're that kind of guy, huh... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Never happened to me before. Must be the energy drink...
<<say "Val">> Actually, it could be. Plus ULTRA has some interesting side effects. It is expensive for a reason. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Like what? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> You'll have to help me beat a few more stages before I tell you... It's a secret. <</say>>
<<text>> Val takes a card out of her pocket with her name and a number on it. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Give me a call if you have any plans to do some DDR. I liked your moves, you know. Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> Val makes a grimace, then stands up, holding a hand to her side. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 18>> You all right? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<set $Rcd116Val to 1>>
<<text>> As you walk over to the sofa, you look into Val's eyes. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, are you sure? Usually the trembling of the legs is only the first sign of the effect of my cock. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh? And what are the second and third? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why don't you see for yourself? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> But how do I go about checking this? <</say>>
<<text>> Val looks genuinely surprised, almost frightened at the prospect of pulling out your cock. <</text>>
<<img "act1/val2-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Such a sight awakens some primal part of your being and you sit back on the sofa, spreading your legs wide. Shyly, Val moves closer to you and puts her hand on your belt. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Oh my God, I can feel how big it is... <</say>>
<<text>> And just as she's almost finished undoing your jeans, Val suddenly pulls away and teases you by sticking out her tongue. Her whole persona changes and now you see a condifent woman, who has just played you like a fiddle. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Nope! Ha-ha, sorry $mc, but I don't fuck with guys I've just met. <</say>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 17>> Come on! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<text>> But before you could express your dissatisfaction, Vel kisses you on the lips. And then she backs away, pulling herself up on a couch so you could see her black panties. <</text>>
<<img "act1/val3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> My God, I love fucking with kids like you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, and I bet you'd really like fucking with me. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh? Nice move, $mc. Maybe I would. Here. <</say>>
<<text>> Val takes a card out of her pocket with her name and a number on it. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Add me. It would be great if you'd call me later. Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> Holding a hand to her side, Val pulls back her mini-skirt and stands up. <</text>>
<<text>> You can feel Val's interest in you growing a little 💜 <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 18>> You all right? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<say "Val">> I'll be right back. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You see? I told you this district had the best bitches in town. <</say>>
<<img "act1/mops13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Well... Maybe so, but at the end of it all my dick was dry as a bone. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy lets out a disappointed sigh. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, don't you get it? The best package of food isn't the one that opens in front of you when you want it to. It's the one you have to work for. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, but what about... <</say>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 19>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<say "Val">> I'm back! So you're up for another round? <</say>>
<<text>> Horrified, you try to come up with a plausible excuse not to. Because it's obvious that if you did, you'd die on a spot from exaustion. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Ha-ha, I'm kidding! You should have seen your face just now... <</say>>
<<text>> She picks up her handbag and pulls on a pair of shorts. Noticing your look, she frowns. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> What? Dancing in them is uncomfortable, but I'm not a slut to go out in public in lingerie alone. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I didn't say anything. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Your eyes said enough. <</say>>
<<text>> After Val finished with her fashion, she asked you, biting her finger playfuly <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> So I suppose you're going to stay here and finish your work? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Arcade1 stage 21>> I think I'll stay <</btn>>
<<btn Arcade1 stage 20>> I'll join you <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<set $Rcd120ValOut to 1>>
<<say $mc>> No, I'll join you. <</say>>
<<text>> You sling your backpack over your back and walk out of the arcade. As you walk past the arcade cabinets, you mutter under your nose. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, Street Fighter, I'll play with you next time. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico is still at the bar. You shout at him before leaving the building. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I won't be long. You can go and have a look at DDR, it worked out really well for me. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Cool! Remember, I'm open until 22:00 tonight. Have fun! <</say>>
<<btno Arcade2 stage 0>> Move out <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<say "Val">> Thought so. I'll go then. Give me a call sometimes. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Bye, Val. <</say>>
<<text>> You stretch your limbs and let out a long sigh. Finally you can rest a little...
<<say "Nico">> So, $mc, how's it going? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nico? Well, the DDR is working wonders. Even setting new records, ha... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Man, I'm glad you're having fun. Here, take this, for your efforts. <</say>>
<<if $Rcd110Energy isnot 1>>
<<text>> Nico is holding out money to you. <</text>>
<<text>> Nico is holding out money and an energy drink to you. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Consider it a gift from the establishment. <</say>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 22>> Take you pay <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 22>>
<<text>> As soon as you take the money, the loud voice pierces your ears. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> Oi, Nico! Are you in here, you little bitch? Why did you give us the wrong information the other day? Dick ripped our asses off. And now... <</say>>
<<text>> With incredible speed, Nico sprinted towards the entrance. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Yeah, I'm here! <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Oh, you'r with friends... <</say>>
<<text>> The asshole leading the gang looks at you as he pushes a trembling Nico out of the way. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade1 stage 23>> Nico! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 23>>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck! Nico, are you all right? <</say>>
<<text>> Surrounded by a group of thugs, Nico turned to you with a faint smile on his face. You could see that his hands were shaking. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I'll be fine, but you really should leave now, $mc. <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Yeah, he's right. That reminds me, I wanted to tell you about your girlfriend, what's her name, Kait, Cat... <</say>>
<<text>> You jump from the sofa, anger exploding through your entire body. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What have you done to Kait? <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Well, when we saw the pictures of her on your mobile phone, we decided to have a bit of fun. And as a result, I'm afraid she's blocked you out of her life for good. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Arcade3 stage 1>> I'll kill you dead... <</btn>>
<<btn Arcade3 stage 2>> Son of a bitch... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 99>>
<<img "act1/cheat0-image.gif">>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As you and Val leave the arcade, the bright sun makes your eyes squint. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Man, I had completely forgotten how much fun arcades can be. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yeah, I love them too. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Do you play anything else besides DDR? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Not really, but I try some of the co-op games with my friends and...
<<say "Asshole">> Speaking of friends. Hello $mc. I see you'v got a new girlfriend. <</say>>
<<btno Arcade2 stage 1>> Who... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> A group of familiar looking thugs were standing in the middle of a street. The lead asshole was smiling from ear to ear and cracking his knuckles as he looked straight at you. <</text>>
<<img "act1/antagonists2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Twat">> You wanna hang out with us, babe? <</say>>
<<text>> Seeing these assholes trying to be hardcore, Val couldn't help but laugh. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Boys, I could break your dicks in half with just one finger. You better turn around and walk away while you are still in one piece. <</say>>
<<btno Arcade2 stage 2>> Damn... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> The group of thugs looked genuinely shocked, at a loss for words in response. <</text>>
<<say "Twat">> Wh... What did you just say, cunt? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh? Go on, try me. <</say>>
<<text>> Val reached into her purse. It was obvious from the tension in her muscles that she was holding on to something. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> Relax, we were just having a bit of fun, weren' we, mates? Let's go, we have business to attend to. Unless you Ronny, fancy Dick beating you twice in a single week. <</say>>
<<text>> The asshole in the lead tapped the twat on the shoulder and moved forward. The others were soon to follow. You watch as a group of thugs walk past you down the street and then turn and walk into... <</text>>
<<btno Arcade2 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> ...Nico's Arcade? Why the hell did they go in there? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Don't know. I've never seen them before. But it looks like you guys know each other pretty well. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, we have had a few issues to work through in the past. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Really? You took them all on by yourself? <</say>>
<<text>> A genuine surprise crossed Val's face. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Why do you think I was alone? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> You don't look like the type to be in a gang. Don't get me wrong, you're still cool, just in your own way. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Wait, you know people who have joined gangs? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yeah, I usually hang out with a lot of different people. Many were only interested in fucking me, both ways. Where do you think I learned to tell these assholes to fuck off? <</say>>
<<btno Arcade2 stage 4>> Whoa. <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> That sounds pretty tough. Why did you bother, you could have just gone out with a nice guy instead of going to parties... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Are you for real? <</say>>
<<text>> Val paused for a moment to see if you were joking or not. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Nice guys are boring as hell. Not to mention the fact that I had to look after my brother. Well, before he decided to join a gang and go balls out. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit. Like he's doing the real business now? Not small time? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Not sure what you mean, but he's in pretty deep. Deep enough that I can't protect him from the trouble that's coming his way. Not that Richard needs it, anyhow. <</say>>
<<text>> Noticing that Val's face was sombre, you decide to playfully nudge her under a rib, trying to distract her from thinking about the sad stuff. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... You're a great sister, you know that? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Come on, you've known me for two hours, don't be so sure. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I don't mind learning more about you now, you know... <</say>>
<<text>> And that's when Grigoriy decided to interviene, bumping into your leg with tremendous force. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade2 stage 5>> Ouch! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Val">> I think your dog is against it, ha-ha. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah! Greg, what the hell? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Listen, pal, has this chick made you forget about the thugs who broke into Nico's Arcade? Shouldn't we check on him? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... That's right. Sorry, Val, I just remembered about those thugs. I have go and see what they're up to. The owner of the arcade is a good friend of mine. <</say>>
<<text>> You turn back to Val, expecting to see a disappointed look on her face. Instead, she gives you a thumbs up and a small hug. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Totally cool with me, $mc. I've already given you my number, so you can give me a call any time. Try not to do anything stupid! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, I'll be really smart about it, trust me. <</say>>
<<text>> You turned around and ran into the arcade as fast as you could. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade3 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Asshole">> Oh, look who's back. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nico, are you all right? Did they hurt you? <</say>>
<<text>> Surrounded by a group of thugs, Nico turned to you with a faint smile on his face. You could see that his hands were shaking. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Yeah, $mc. All is good. In case you were worried about your pay, I've left a little something for you near the cash register in the bar. <</say>>
<<text>> Following his instructions, you look at the counter and find a small paper bag, then take it. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bag0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Nico">> I'll be fine, but you really should leave now, $mc. <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Yeah, he's right. Go to your new girlfriend. Shame about the old one, what's her name, Kait, Cat... <</say>>
<<text>> You turn on your heels, anger exploding through your entire body. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What have you done to Kait? <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Well, when we saw the pictures of her on your mobile phone, we decided to have a bit of fun. And as a result, I'm afraid she's blocked you out of her life for good. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Arcade3 stage 1>> I'll kill you dead... <</btn>>
<<btn Arcade3 stage 2>> Son of a bitch... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> You... <</say>>
<<text>> Unable to hold back the pent up emotions, you are ready to pounce on these thugs and tear them to pieces. But the sharp pain in your leg cools you a little, just enough to hear Grigoriy's voice. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Stop! Kid, you really shouldn't be fighting them right now. It is three against one and you are no fighter. Not yet. <</say>>
<<text>> You turn to look at the pug and see him biting deep into your leg. Seeing that you have come to your senses, Grigoriy lets go of his jaw. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck it. You can take care of yourself, right, Nico? <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Smart move, get lost now, pussy. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Yes. Just go already. <</say>>
<<text>> Still pissed, you turn around and walk out of the place with Grigoriy at your side. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade4 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Cunts... Fuck you! <</say>>
<<text>> You've barely managed to keep your temper before running into an unwinnable fight. Breathing heavily, you drop on one knee and start stroking Grigoriy's back. You hope that this action will relieve some of the unbearable turmoil inside you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops14-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Surprisingly, it helps. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Smart thinking, kid. It is three against one and you are no fighter. It is too early for you to make a move. <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> What now, pussy? Are you going to cry? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah, to hell with it all. You can take care of yourself, right, Nico? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Yes. Just go already. <</say>>
<<text>> Still pissed, you stand proud, then turn around and walk out of the place with Grigoriy at your side. <</text>>
<<btno Arcade4 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! This sucks! <</say>>
<<text>> Frustrated, you swing at the wall with the intention of hitting it. But you realise that your broken fingers won't help you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I feel you, $mc. This shit really sucks. <</say>>
<<if $Rcd110Energy is 1>>
<<text>> You remain silent for a while, then open the bag Nico left you. Inside you find an Energy Drink and 100$. <</text>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got an Energy drink and 100$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<set $item3 to 1>>
<<text>> You remain silent for a while, then open the bag Nico left you. Inside you find 100$. <</text>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 150$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> This might not be the best moment, but... Dude, you smell like a wet cat. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So? We don't have a working shower at home, let alone a washing machine. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I know just the place. And since you've paid, you should have no problem affording the service. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll look into it, Greg. But for now... Let's just walk for a while. Just like that. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<if $Minimarket0 is 1 && $Gym0 is 1>>
<<btno Map0 Arcade0 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<btno Map1 Arcade0 1>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As soon as you walk into the laundry room, you can smell the stench of the drying solutions and other chemicals. You find the blue light emanating from the ceiling lights a little unsettling. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yuck! I hate that smell, it makes me sick to my stomach. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> But it was you who brought us here in the first place... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, what can I say... Your stench is even worse than what we are experiencing right now. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oof. <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide0 stage 1>> So, where is a... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You look around, trying to find someone to give your clothes to. But the only thing that catches your eye is something that looks like a beer dispenser. When you examine it up close, it has some strange symbols on it. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Well, my throat feels a bit dry... I'll get one. <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide0 stage 2>> Get yourself a beer <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You get a plastic glass full of frothy bear after inserting a banknote into a dispenser. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/laundry6-image.jpg">>
<<text>> As you drink it, you enjoy the taste of charred hap and the refreshing temperature of the beverage. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Man, life is good! <</say>>
<<text>> You turn back to Grigoriy. He's clearly bored, staring into the spinning insides of washing machines. <</text>>
<<btno LaundrySide0 stage 3>> About the laundry... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> So, Greg, where could I find a checkout girl here? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Who? Have you never used a public laundry, boy? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, why would I? I've always had a washing machine, and there used to be maids who cleaned up after me. <</say>>
<<text>> The pug looked shocked, but only for a second. He twitched his nose a couple of times as he approached you. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes... I can smell the faint scent of the rich that comes from you. Watch and learn, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> The pug presses the button on the washing machine. Surprisingly, nothing happens. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> How strange... My other owner used to come here a lot, how did he do that... Ah! Let's see... <</say>>
<<text>> The Pug presses the button again, but this time he doesn't release it for a solid second. <</text>>
<<btno LaundrySide0 stage 4>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Hm. Is that it? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Watch and learn, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> The Pug's paw is moving so fast that you can't even follow it with your eyes. Greg is entering some sort of combination. Unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to remember the order even if you tried. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell are you doing? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> And... Done. <</say>>
<<text>> At last, Grigoriy walked away from the washing machine and turned confidently towards the wall. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So... <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide0 stage 5>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> But you didn't get to finish your sentence. The wall Grigoriy was staring at shook and with a loud gurgling sound began to move up into the ceiling. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell... <</say>>
<<if $Rcd110Energy isnot 1>>
<<text>> You see an impossibly long corridor that was hidden behind the wall seconds ago. It looks wrong, there is just something about it that is not right. You remember the small talk you had with Val. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Was that beer... drugged? Am I on a bad trip? <</say>>
<<text>> You see an impossibly long yellow corridor that was hidden behind the wall seconds ago. It looks wrong, there is just something about it that is not right. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/laundry3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> If I didn't know better, I'd think the beer I just drank was drugged...
<<say "Grigoriy">> What's wrong? <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide0 stage 6>> You ask me? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> Dumbfounded, you crouch down in front of Grigory and look him straight in the eye. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, where do I start... The secret passage in the laundry, moving walls and talking pugs that can press buttons faster than I can type. You tell me what's right about any of it. <</say>>
<<text>> Suddenly, a synthesised voice echoed through the laundry. <</text>>
<<say "someone">> Добро пожаловать, Красная угроза. Пройдите в кабинет, у вас три пропущенных звонка. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? What was that? I couldn't understand a word... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh, don't bother. It doesn't mean anything, it's just a noise. Go inside now, you'll find someone in there. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Greg, aren't you coming with me? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, I usually just sit here. I have a lot of fun watching these things spin. <</say>>
<<text>> Greg goes over to the loaded washing machine and lies down in front of it, looking at it intently. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Okay then... <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide0 stage 7>> Time to explore? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> Walking down the endlessly looking corridor, you notice an open door.
Inside, you can see the washing machine, waiting for you to load it. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> As soon as you had got rid of your smelly clothes, you changed into the spare pair of clothes that were conveniently lying next to you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What do I do now... <</say>>
<<text>> The machine emits a low hum and begins to work. The timer indicates that it will take at least 2 hours to complete the process. You leave the room and decide to explore the building further. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene1 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP3') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP3', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... <</say>>
<<text>> Leaning against the now empty washing machine, you lie down on the floor. <</text>>
<<say "Sofia">> I wouldn't recommend that. Unless of course you want to get stuck like I did. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, I'm not stupid, I know I can move my body out easily... <</say>>
<<text>> Just then you notice that there is someone else in the room. And it looks like he has been hiding in the corner for the entire duration of your "fun time". <</text>>
<<btno LaundrySide1 stage 1>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<img "act1/laundry8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Who the fuck is that? <</say>>
<<say "Skinny">> Finally you've noticed me! Help me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? How?! <</say>>
<<say "Skinny">> The same way you helped Sofia... Come on, take the lube and spray it all over me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No offence man, I just don't swing that way. I swear you're better off the way you are now. <</say>>
<<say "Skinny">> Oh God! He's coming! He's... Home... ad...<</say>>
<<text>> The butt's speech becomes more and more unintelligible, until you can no longer understand a single word he's saying. <</text>>
<<btno LaundrySide1 stage 2>> The hell... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> While the butt is busy muttering to himself, you turn to Sofia, hoping that she'll be able to explain to you what the hell is going on right now. <</text>>
<<say "Sofia">> Listen to me, $mc, you don't have much time left. You have to go.
<<say $mc>> What? You mean my laundry will be done soon? <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> No... You have to get out before he comes... <</say>>
<<text>> Feeling dumbfounded, you couldn't help but repeat your question. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What? <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh no... It is too late... <</say>>
<<text>> You see a look of sheer terror on Sofia's face. When you turn to see what she was looking at, you find... <</text>>
<<btno LaundrySide1 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> A terrifying creature staring straes at you from behind a hang-dry. As it begins to move, you let out a scream. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck is this?! <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Run $mc! Now! <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide1 stage 4>> Run! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> You run out of the room, almost crashing into the corridor wall. You see that it's changed from the last time you were here. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry2-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Now, the myriad of washing machines are lined up on either side of the only path you have left to your freedom. The red EXIT light taunts you from the other end. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Those Who Stuck" dick>> Help us! Help us! He... I... I... <</someone>>
<<imgv "act1/laundry9-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You can hear the countless cries of men and women trapped in the machines, but there's nothing you can do but run. La creature is hot on your heels. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I can't do it! I'm sorry! <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide1 stage 5>> Keep runing <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> When you reach the exit door and push through, you're greeted by the familiar-looking entrance room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Grigoriy! We have to run! Where are you? <</say>>
<<text>> You see the pug, his paws gripping the jaws of the washing machine. Horrified, you run towards him. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Grigoriy! Get away from the... <</say>>
<<text>> The next second, all you can see is his butt sticking out of the machine. He's stuck. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> NO!!! <</say>>
<<text>> The creature bursts through the doors as you start to run for the exit. There's nothing else you can do but leave Grigoriy behind. He's far too gone. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I'M SORRY! <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide2 stage 0>> Just a litlle bit... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You rush outside and smell the burning, dusty taste of freedom. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? What has... Happened here... <</say>>
<<img "act1/laundry13-image.gif">>
<<text>> Abandoned cars, destroyed buildings, overgrown greenery... The world has changed. How could this happen? <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No way... <</say>>
<<text>> It was at this very moment that La creature has finally caught up with you. But you don't even care about it at this point. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry12-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Not even when it started to tear off your arms and legs, to bite the flesh from your body. You didn't feel any of it. It's as if this body wasn't even yours at that moment... <</text>>
<<btno LaundrySide3 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You find yourself back in the laundry. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<text>> As you look down at your naked body, your flesh and limbs seem to be in place and perfectly fine. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Have you finally come to your senses, kid? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Grigoriy! You're all right! <</say>>
<<text>> You jump from your seat and run towards Grigoriy with the intention of giving him a big hug. Pug, however, is not interested and runs as far away from you as he can. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Come on, pal... At least wash your hands first! <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide3 stage 1>> Dude... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> I'm just glad you're okay... <</say>>
<<text>> Tears are streaming down your face, you have never felt so relieved. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well and I'm not sure that you're OK... You sat in the corner and started masturbating furiously and screaming after you had loaded the washing machine. You've freaked the hell out of me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You mean... <</say>>
<<text>> Looking around, you can't seem to find anything strange about the wall that hid that cursed corridor just a few minutes ago. In fact, the only thing that catches your eye is the beer dispenser. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey... Greg. You opened a secret passage to the hellscape inside this building, right? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Um... No. <</say>>
<<text>> This is the first time you see Grigoriy looking so worried. <</text>>
<<btno LaundrySide3 stage 2>> Hm... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> OK, I'll tell you what I remember and you tell me if it looks familiar. Well, we came here and I had a beer. I didn't know how to use the laundry, so I asked you. And then you started typing in some strange combinations using the buttons, which caused the secret passage to open and... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Whoa, whoa, whoa! Just hold on for a minute... <</say>>
<<text>> The pug comes closer to you and takes a sniff of the empty plastic glass from which you've been drinking your beer. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Holy... I get it now. You've been tripping, kid. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You mean... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yep. That beer you drank was slightly drugged. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why didn't you warn me? I thought you came here often! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> My previous owner used to drink it a lot and he never lost his shit like you did. Feels like a skill issue to me. <</say>>
<<btno LaundrySide3 stage 3>> But how... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> The loud beeping of the washing machine interrupts your train of thought. It looks like your clothes are done. They are dry enough that you can wear them right away. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> All right, kid. It's time to go. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, but what about this whole P.T. shit... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, you've been under the influence of psychedelics. Relax. You can think about it later if it continues to bother you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right Greg. I'll trust you. <</say>>
<<if $MapState is 0>>
<<btno Map0 LaundrySide0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
<<btno Map1 LaundrySide0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene1", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> You hear a woman's voice coming from somewhere nearby. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thank God! I'm not alone in this damned place... <</say>>
<<text>> Following it to the source, you find yourself in a large room with many doors. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What a weird place... <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene1 stage 1>> Investigate different doors <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You check these doors one by one until... <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell is this now... Have I slipped into some alternate reality after drinking that beer? First there were these creepy corridos and now here are scenarios straight out of hentai manga... <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene1 stage 2>> Look around some more <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> Looking through the next door, you can see another woman's ass, also stuck in a washing machine. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/laundry0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh boy... What do I do now? <</say>>
<<text>> But no one answers you. It seems that the only beings in the area are you and these two poor women who are helplessly stuck in the washing machine. Oh, the humanity... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, since they're stuck here anyway and I've got two hours to kill, why shouldn't I have some fun? <</say>>
<<text>> You have a second look at both women's asses and wonder if you'll have the stamina to fuck them at the same time. If only you had some Plus ULTRA... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene1 stage 3>> Fuck both of them <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough energy">> Fuck both of them <</plugi>>
<<btn OthersScene1 stage 5>> Fuck only one of them <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $sceneV4 to 1>>
<<if $sceneV3 is 1>>
<<text>> You can hear confused moans as you pull your cock out of a chubby girl's asshole. She tries to grab it with her free arm, but to no avail. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Where are you going? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I'm not going to leave a woman in trouble like that. Especially one with an ass like yours. <</say>>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've used Energy Drink to energise yourself! <</notify>>
<<text>> Full of energy, you walk up to the girl with the smaller, but fit ass. The only thing keeping you from seeing what she's got is a tight black thong. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You've got a sweet fucking butt if I've ever seen one... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Slim">> Ah! <</say>>
<<text>> The only sound you can hear is the girl's moans of pleasure as you spread her butt cheeks and take a good look at her pussy. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "vdoggy">>
<<text>> You take a bottle of massage oil from the nearby counter and spend some time greasing your cock with it. Then, making sure it is nice and shiny, you spray some of the lubricant on the girl's ass. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<text>> As you insert your dick into her, the girl speaks out for the first time, but you don't quite catch what she's saying. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> Наконец-то... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? Can you say it again? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No? Well, then don't mind me... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "fast">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, baby... Your pussy is not only good on the outside, but on the inside too! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Slim">> Huh... Uh... Oh... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's nice that you moan and all that, but can you give me a little back and forth? Some good old fashioned dirty talk? <</say>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and remember about the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and you wonder if her butthole would be as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 is 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and start thinking about going back to the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and her butthole was as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "hard">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<text>> You grab the girl's ass and start pounding her pussy hard. The girl clearly enjoyed this, her moans were playful but full of pleasure. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> Oh! Ah... Uh! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, you like that, do you? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Too bad you're stuck like that. <</say>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and remember about the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and you wonder if her butthole would be as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 is 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and start thinking about going back to the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and her butthole was as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "vdoggy1">>
<<text>> You can hear confused moans as you pull your cock out of a chubby girl's asshole. She tries to grab it with her free arm, but to no avail. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Where are you going? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I'm not going to leave a woman in trouble like that. Especially one with an ass like yours. <</say>>
<<text>> You quickly run into another room and give the slim woman a good smack on her ass. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You missed me? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start5.mp4">>
<<text>> As you insert your dick into her, the girl speaks again, clearly enjoying the penetration. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> О да... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Can you speak clearly? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No? Well, then don't mind me... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "hard1">>
<<text>> You grab the girl's ass and start pounding her pussy hard. The girl continues to enjoy this, her moans are playful but full of pleasure. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> Oh! Ah... Uh! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Good thing you're stuck like that... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "fast1">>
<<say $mc>> OK, baby, your pussy is awesome, but man... <</say>>
<<say "Slim">> Huh... Uh... Oh... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Moan again. I said moan again! And I dare you, I double dare you bitch! Moan one more time... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<if $sceneV4 is 1>>
<<run memorize('ThrsScn5Both', 1)>>
<<say $mc>> Okay girl, this has been fun, but I have to go now. <</say>>
<<say "Slim">> Huh? Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> After you have slapped those sweet buttcheeks one last time, you put your dick back in your pants and move on to the next room. As you get closer to the helpless, stuck woman, you hear a voice. <</text>>
<<text>> As you get closer to the helpless, stuck woman, you hear a voice. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh, hello there... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, you can talk? <</say>>
<<say "Chubby">> Of course I can. Help me, I want to be free from the shackles of the...
<<say $mc>> Washing machine, I get you. But first I want to free you from the shackles of your trousers... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Ha-ha. You're funny... <</say>>
<<text>> Her now naked butthole stares at you without blinking. Who does she think you are? With no intention of losing the staring contest, you poke it with your finger. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh! I don't think that's the right way to do it, but... Try it for a little longer. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I understand... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> You oil the woman's butt until it has a bronze glow to it. As you slap her buttcheeks, she taunts you with her playful laughter. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Ooh! It's cold... Warm me up, quickly! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy0">>
<<say $mc>> Okay girl, this has been fun, but I have to go now. <</say>>
<<say "Slim">> Huh? Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> After you have slapped those sweet buttcheeks one last time, you put your dick back in your pants and move on to the next room. As you get closer to the helpless, stuck woman, you hear a voice. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh, finally you're back...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, baby... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh my God! You're so much bigger than I've remembered... Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, baby... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh my God! You're so much bigger than I've expected... Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<if $sceneV4 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Hey, pal. You can spend your CP by clicking on the locked purple buttons. Try it out, It'll unlock new stages! <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... Your ass is nothing like what I've experienced before... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Yeah... You know how I trained it... Good... God! Ha... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "forward">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh yes... keep going... <</say>>
<<text>> As you continue to fuck the chick's ass harder and harder, you can something in the machine coming loose. And the next second... <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Transition.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Ah! I'm free! It worked! <</say>>
<<text>> The woman rushes to you and kisses you on the lips. <</text>>
<<say "Sofia">> Thank you, $mc. Thank you so much for fucking my ass as hard as you did. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "forward1">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! You know my name? <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Yes! We all do. We are your samskara, after all. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Who? <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> You don't know yet? Don't bother then. Just can call me Sofie. <</say>>
<<text>> Sofie stretches her body and then begins to examine her butthole. Seemingly satisfied with the result of your actions, she gets down on her knees in front of your cock. <</text>>
<<say "Sofia">> Let's continue, $mc. You haven't earned your grade yet. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage vdoggy 0 0>> Oil her up <</btns>>
<<if $stage isnot 0 && $stage isnot 1 && $stage isnot 2 && $stage isnot 3 >>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage isnot 0 && $stage isnot 1 && $stage isnot 2>>
<<if $cum < 60 >>
<<if $stage is "vdoggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage fast 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage hard 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "fast">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage hard 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "hard">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage fast 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "vdoggy1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage fast1 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage hard1 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "fast1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage hard1 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "hard1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage fast 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage doggy1 10 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy0">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1 stage doggy1 10 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage 6 0 0>> Play with her butt <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage 7 0 0>> Oil her up <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage doggy 5 5>> Anal <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "forward">>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage forward1 0 0>> Whoa! <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "forward1">>
<<btns OthersScene1-1 stage 0 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $cum < 60>>
<<if $stage is "vdoggy1" || $stage is "fast1" || $stage is "hard1">>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage vdoggy1 5 0>> Vaginal <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "vdoggy" || $stage is "fast" || $stage is "hard">>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage vdoggy 5 0>> Vaginal <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage 5 0 0>> Go to the other chick <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 is 1>>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage doggy0 5 0>> Go to Chubby <</btns>>
<<if $cum < 60>>
<<if $stage is "doggy" || $stage is "doggy1" || $stage is "doggy0">>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage doggy 5 0>> Anal <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV4 is 1>>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage vdoggy1 5 0>> Go to Slim <</btns>>
<<btnl OthersScene1 stage 3 ThrsScn5Both 600 "You don't have enough energy" 0 0>> Go to the other chick <</btnl>>
<<if $stage is "fast1" || $stage is "hard1" || $stage is "vdoggy1">>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage doggy 5 0>> Go to Chubby <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 40 && $stage isnot "fast1" && $stage isnot "hard1" && $stage isnot "vdoggy1" && $stage isnot "fast" && $stage isnot "hard" && $stage isnot "vdoggy" && $stage isnot "forward" && $stage isnot "forward1" >>
<<btns OthersScene1 stage forward 0 0>> ... <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Sofie reaches for your dick and grabs it by the balls. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Come on $mc, I wanna taste that sweet cock of yours. Would you please hold my hair? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh wow... You're really good at this... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah, show me yor tits... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> They're fucking enormous... This is why I love girls with something to hold on to. <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Ha... I know that... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<text>> As you lubricate those big tits with more oil, you feel a demon inside you finally breaking free from the confines of human language. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Arue-rure-rue-eure... Yeeees, uweees, uwueee... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> What are you saying? <</say>>
<<text>> Fortunately, the spell is soon broken. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I think I lost my mind for a second there... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Sofia">> I want to ride you! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ehm... Sure? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_R_Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Your cock is so fucking big... <</say>>
<<text>> While you can appreciate her attempt to ride you, it does get a bit boring after a while. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>> Let me show you how to do it! <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh! My! God! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_R_Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> If you keep this up... I'm gonna... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing">>
<<say "Sofia">> This is amazing... You've learned a lot... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Standing.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah, this is... Great... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing1">>
<<text>> As you spread the girl's asshole, you remember how tight it was just a few minutes ago, before you entered her with your massive cock. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Standing1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I can see now why you're so in love with me... <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Ooh... I am... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>> You like it rough? Huh? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Standing2.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh yes! Slap me! Just like your father did! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck, I'm bursiting! My heater is about to explode! <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> I'll catch it! With my face! <</say>>
<<text>> You get up and start jerking off until you inevitably reach the breaking point. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh my God... That's not a pistol you have. It's a fucking shotgun. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh yes! Yes! Yes! <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel Sofia's legs trembling as your cock slips out of her asshole. It is now resting on top of her pussy that is trembling with orgasm. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh my God, you're a miracle, $mc. I would grade you a solid A+ for that one... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I know. Let's contunue... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1-1 stage missionary1 15 10>> Play with her tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1-1 stage cowgirl1 10 15>> Fuck her ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1-1 stage standing1 5 5>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene1-1 stage standing2 10 15>> Slap her ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1-1 stage standing2 10 15>> Slap her ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene1-1 stage standing1 5 5>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<btns OthersScene1-1 stage missionary 10 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene1-1 stage cowgirl 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene1-1 stage standing 10 10>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns OthersScene1-1 stage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw == 100 >>
<<btns OthersScene1-1 stage cumw 10 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne LaundrySide1 stage 0>> I'm done... <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As you enter the members' gym, you notice that it is suspiciously empty. There's no one sitting in the lounge, and the reception desk is also empty. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Let's hope the Coach hasn't forgotten about our deal... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Where is he? The last time you went looking for him, he appeared to be right behind you. <</say>>
<<text>> You turn around, expecting to find the Coach hiding in the shadows of the gym. But apart from Grigoriy, no one is there. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? I guess not this time... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Strong Voice" dick>> Looking for a friend? <</someone>>
<<text>> You feel someone touching your shoulder and you almost jump. <</text>>
<<btno Gym0 stage 1>> Oh God! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> What. The fuck. <</say>>
<<text>> Behind you stands Coach in his new outfit. You breathe a sigh of relief. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/trainer1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Coach, come on, man... I'm going to die of heart failure if you keep this up. <</say>>
<<text>> Coach's brow furrowed a few centimetres. He shook his head. <</text>>
<<say "Trainer">> Sorry dude, I think you've got me confused with someone else. Call me Trainer. And you are? <</say>>
<<btno Gym0 stage 2>> Really? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Is this a joke? Come on, that's not even funny. I told you yesterday that my name is $mc. <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> The Trainer sized you up and looked a bit confused, scratching his head. <</text>>
<<say "Trainer">> $mc, right? Then I guess you came to fix the TV. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yep. So... did you forget about me or are you like Coach's twin brother? <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> More or less. Come on, I'll show you where the TV is. <</say>>
<<text>> On your way through the gym, you notice that there are very few people working out today. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Coa... I mean Trainer... It is not a very busy day here, is it? <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> Something like that. Today is a heavy morning, with a lot of yoga focus later in the day. But as it is, there are a few people who visit on days like this. <</say>>
<<btno Gym0 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> Following the trainer, you find yourself in a part of the gym you've never been to before. It looks like this place is mainly used for yoga practice. At the moment there are two girls stretching. <</text>>
<<img "act1/gym14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh, hi Trainer! <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> Hello, Scarlit. I see you're putting in a lot of effort today. Well done.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Thank you! <</say>>
<<text>> Involuntarily, your eyes are drawn to the figure of the girl. As she stretched out, her slender but graceful figure created very pleasing images in your imagination. <</text>>
<<btno Gym0 stage 4>> I wish... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> The trainer clapped to get your attention, breaking your mind free from the forming illusion. Then he pointed to a cabinet with a TV and a DVD player on it. <</text>>
<<img "act1/gym12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Trainer">> Here's the TV. When you are finished, you will find me in the reception. I have high hopes for you, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> If you look at the TV, you can see that the screen looks just fine and that the buttons on the remote control are pressing the way they're supposed to.<</text>>
<<btno Gym0 stage 5>> Get to work <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Scarlit">> So you're an electrician? <</say>>
<<text>> You turn to the girl's speaking, noticing that she's looking right at you. <</text>>
<<img "act1/gym13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. It'll be fixed in no time. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Cool, it was getting a bit boring to do yoga without some sort of show on the screen. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Of course, I'll do my best to solve the problem. <</say>>
<<btno Gym0 stage 6>> Return to work <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> Going back to the TV, you decide that the problem must be with the power supply. Your theory is confirmed when you remove the cabinet from the wall. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/socket0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... A torn cable and a fucked up socket... Someone really wanted to turn this thing off. <</say>>
<<text>> You get out your trusty duct tape and quickly fix the broken cable. But when it comes to the socket... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I hope this thing doesn't short-circuit and kill me or something... <</say>>
<<btno Gym0 stage 7>> Push it inside <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> A grinding noise can be heard when you push the socket back into the wall. But once it's returned into it's original place, you can't hear or smell anything strange. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/socket1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> It looks... Fine, I think? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Some electrician you are. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, Greg, I dropped out of college for a reason. <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene2 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene2", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $sceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV1 to 0>>
<<text>> You put the plug into the socket and, to your delight, you can hear the TV switch itself on at last. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah! Suck my dick! <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Oh yes, please! Give me your cock! <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh my God! What have you done? <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene2 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Eat this one, bitch! <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh yes, please! Give me your cock! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh, so that's a beginning... But who filmed it? And why is it here? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I wish I knew... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $sceneV1 == 0>>
<<text>> You take a step back and look at the picture on the TV. You see a guy fucking the shit out of a woman's face in the weight room of the gym. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Oh yeah.... I'm going to fuck your face so hard... <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_2.mp4">>
<<if $sceneV1 != 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Look at his abs... And his cock... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah? I guess they are quite impressive... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell... Is this a recording? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> This is Kelsi, she has a shift today... What is going on? Can you turn it off? <</say>>
<<text>> You approach the DVD drive and see three buttons on it. <</text>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Fuck yeah, look at my chest! I can lick your ass and bench press at the same time! <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh my God... You're amazing... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I've never seen anything like this before... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Me neither... Oh my! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Fuck my slutty pussy! Like that! Ah... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, she looks possessed... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Big Dick Magic, pal. I had no idea white people had access to this stuff. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Shit... This looks really good... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh yeah... Yeah... Oh, fuck! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_5.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> God! How can she keep such a monster inside? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> It looks even bigger on the outside... Makes me really wish... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh my God! So good... Please don't stop! <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Oh yeah, you little slut? Like this? <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_6.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> Pull my hair! Please! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How the hell did it fit up her asshole? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I've seen her do stretches before... But to think she found such a good cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh! I love it... Fuck, fuck, fuck me... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_7.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What an angle... Man... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, you think how good it would be if it was you and not that guy? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, that makes two of you... In a way. <</say>>
<<text>> You turn to Grigoriy and notice that Scarlit is biting her lip, watching the scene, hypnotised by the action. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> God damn... How long have I been pounding you now? <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Yet I'm still... Tight as ever... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Bitch, that is why I keep fucking you! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_8.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What a miracle-woman... Not to be loose after a screwing with a monster like him... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> She does yoga here four times a week. I've heard it helps with the muscles down there. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<say $mc>> Bloody hell... What the fuck? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_9.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Huh? Don't tell me you're not interested in trying something like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, this is some kind of clown curcuis routine... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What kind of circus have you been to, pal? I know there are usually animals there too... Do I need to be concerned about you? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh yes! Des... Destroy my ass... Hole... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Yeah... Yeah... Yeah! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_10.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> My... God! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So... I get that you know this chick... But who is the guy? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I told you, I have no idea. But if you find out - let me know... <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit smiled, grouping her tits. You could see her hard nipples through the sport top. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<set $sceneV1 to $stage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Fuck, take it, bitch... Oh yeah... <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> I'm... I... Cumming! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_11.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> Ah... I love you... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Shut up! We are not finished yet... <</someone>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Damn, I'd come five times by now... Kelsi is really tough... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> The guy's pretty great too. You have a lot to learn if you want to be like him, pal. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Now... It's my... Turn! <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Give it to me, babe... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Argh! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_12.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> I can feel it... So warm... Inside... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Fuck yeah bitch... Show me... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... What a watch. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "stop">>
<<set $sceneV2 to $sceneV1>>
<<say $mc>> Scarlit, I'm going to try and stop the video! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Go on! <</say>>
<<text>> You stretch out your finger to press the stop button. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I'm going to do it! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yes! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, you'd better hurry up. I don't want to do this all day. <</say>>
<<text>> You press the button... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/image7-image.gif">>
<<text>> But nothing happens. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? It did nothing! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Try pressing it again! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "stop1">>
<<set $sceneV2 to $sceneV1>>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... All right! <</say>>
<<text>> You crack your knuckles and give the button the fastest tap you can muster. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image4-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Is it... Huh... Working? Scarlit? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Somewhat? I think if you press it again, the video will finally stop! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I think so too, pal. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage isnot 0 && $stage isnot 12>>
<<if $stage isnot 1>>
<<btnsb OthersScene2 stage $stage-1>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<if $sceneV2 == 0>>
<<btns OthersScene2 stage stop>> Stop <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns OthersScene2 stage stop1>> Stop <</btns>>
<<btne Gym1 stage 0>> Stop <</btne>>
<<btnsb OthersScene2 stage $stage+1>> Forward <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is 12>>
<<btne Gym2 stage 0>> ... <</btne>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btnsb OthersScene2 stage $sceneV2-1>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<if $sceneV2 == 0>>
<<btns OthersScene2 stage stop>> Stop <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns OthersScene2 stage stop1>> Stop <</btns>>
<<btne Gym1 stage 0>> Stop <</btne>>
<<btnsb OthersScene2 stage $sceneV2+1>> Forward <</btnsb>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> When you press the faulty stop button for the third time, the video finally stops. You can see that a disc has been ejected from the DVD drive. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/gym16-image.jpeg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I wonder if I should take it... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Think about it this way, kid. Would you want your cringy sex tape to be played in a public place for all your friends and acquaintances to see? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, if you put it that way... <</say>>
<<text>> You grab the disc and quickly shove it into your backpack. It will be safer with you than here, where someone else could use it for who knows what. <</text>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 1>> Time to get paid <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Thank you for coming to fix the TV, Electrician Man. Although I wasn't expecting to be watching porn starring one of my friends today... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> You're welcome. For fixing the TV, I mean. It wasn't my intention to let the porn play out the way it did, if you'll believe me. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I don't mind it anyway. Better than sitting in total silence. But can you change the channel to something else now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure. <</say>>
<<text>> Which channel should you select? <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Gym1 stage 2>> Movie channel <</btn>>
<<btn Gym1 stage 3>> Music channel <</btn>>
<<btn Gym1 stage 4>> News channel <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You switch the TV to the movie channel. One of the Austin Powers films is playing at the moment. <</text>>
<<img "act1/gym17-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit! This is one of my favourite scenes! I love it when... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Don't spoil it, man! Come on. I can't wait to see what happens next... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hope you'll enjoy the movie. Bye. <</say>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 5>> Go to the reception <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> The world's most intense drum performance begins when you switch the TV to the music channel. <</text>>
<<img "act1/gym18-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Holy crap, is this the Lars Ulrich? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I don't know, but his music is amazing! Thank you for choosing this channel. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure. Have a good yoga session, Scarlit.<</say>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 5>> Go to the reception <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> You turn on the news channel on the TV, watching as the female host is babbling on about how she was fucking with her two boyfriends the day before. <</text>>
<<img "act1/gym19-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Wow! What the hell is she talking about... Is this the kind of news you expect to hear in this town? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yes, this is a special section of the news, "The Melissa's Evening Recap". Thank you for choosing this channel, electrician-man. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you, Scarlit. You've taught me something new about the news today. <</say>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 5>> Go to the reception <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> When you reach the lounge, Trainer is waiting for you and greets you with a smile. Proud of the TV, you smile back and give him a thumbs up. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/trainer0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Trainer">> I take it the problem has been successfully fixed? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, the TV is now working perfectly. I've set it to a film channel. Although I should warn you about DVD. <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> What's wrong with it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You see, to turn it off I had to press the stop button three times. And I guess someone was in too much of a hurry to do that, so instead they pulled the plug out and tore it up with a power socket. <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> And why would someone do that? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Gym1 stage 6>> Give him the DVD <</btn>>
<<btn Gym1 stage 9>> I have no idea <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Well... Because of this. <</say>>
<<text>> You take out a DVD and place it on the counter. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> It was playing when I turned on the TV. If Scarlit is to be believed, it is a Kelsi sex tape. <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> Whoa! What the hell, this is serious. Why was it playing here? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's something I'd like to know too... <</say>>
<<text>> Both you and Trainer stand there in silence for a while, trying to think of possible solutions to this riddle. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Know what, pal? I've had my fair share of break-ups in my life, and they've never been pretty. Could this be the case? <</say>>
<<text>> You clap your hands in astonishment and pat Grigoriy on the back. <</text>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 7>> That's it! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Actually Trainer... I think it might have been a case of a bad break-up. What if some dickhead decided to get back at Kelsi by leaking her sex tape? <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> Man, that's just petty. I'll tell you what, if I ever find that guy... <</say>>
<<text>> Trainer cracks his knuckles and shakes his head, clearly disgusted by the actions of whoever put this disc on a DVD. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/trainer2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> To be honest, I'm more interested in who it was that pulled on the plug to turn off the TV... <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> Could it have been the Kelsi herself? <</say>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 8>> I don't think so <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> No, I doubt it. No normal woman or man would be able to pull it out with such force. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes, you would have to be jacked off like a mountain to do something like that... <</say>>
<<text>> Suddenly, as if he had realised something, Grigoriy tensed up and looked suspiciously at the trainer. <</text>>
<<say "Trainer">> Hm. I'll think about it, $mc. Thank you for telling me all this. Now, about your salary... <</say>>
<<text>> The trainer reached under the counter and pulled out a wad of cash, no less than 10k in total. He then counted a few notes and held them out to you. <</text>>
<<say "Trainer">> 100$, take it, $mc, you've earned it. And here's another 200$ for getting this whole DVD situation sorted out. <</say>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 10>> Take the money <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<set $Gm19disk to 1>>
<<say $mc>> I have no idea. Maybe they saw the finale of the anime adaptation of Erased? <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> Yeah, that would make my blood boil too. How dare they ruin the finale of a perfect manga like that... It could have easily been an 8\10, but it's not going to get more than a 6 from me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Same, man. Imagine being the moron who would rate it any higher than that. But just a moment, are you also an anime fan? And a manga reader?
<<say "Trainer">> Yeah, I dabble in it from time to time. Nothing fancy though. Anyway, about your payment... <</say>>
<<text>> The trainer reached under the counter and pulled out a wad of cash, no less than 10k in total. He then counted a few notes and held them out to you. <</text>>
<<say "Trainer">> 100$, take it, $mc, you've earned it. <</say>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 10>> Take the money <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<if $Gm19disk is 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 100$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 300$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+300>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, wow! Thanks man, I really appreciate it. <</say>>
<<say "Trainer">> No dude, it's me who should be thanking you. Now that we have a working TV again, a lot more people will be coming to do yoga. Be our guest anytime. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, man. <</say>>
<<text>> Happy with yourself, you raise your fist in the air for the fist bump. It's only when you see the Trainer's big, brick-like fist rapidly approaching yours that you realise the grave mistake you've just made. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal! <</say>>
<<text>> As if in slow motion, you see Grigoriy leap into the air, on a trajectory to get your fist out of the way of certain destruction. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops17-image.jpg">>
<<text>> But it is too late. The fists have collided. <</text>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 11>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say "Trainer">> Have a nice evening, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Then Grigoriy's body crashed into your ribs and you let out a ragged breath as you fell to the ground. <</text>>
<<say "Trainer">> Look at this! That is one lively Pug! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes... Yes, he is. <</say>>
<<text>> The feelings return to your body and you reluctantly pull your hand out in front of your eyes. For one reason or another, it hasn't been destroyed at the subatomic level by the Trainer's touch, as you expected it to be. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thank God... Thank you for trying, Greg. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Don't worry, you would have done the same in my place. <</say>>
<<text>> A few moments later you are back on your feet, but Trainer is already gone. You shrug your shoulders and head for the exit. But then you remember something really important. <</text>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 12>> Wait a second... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>> Greg! Did you forget to do your training today, or what? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, I put myself through too much yesterday. My muscles are all sore and cramped. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why not do some stretches? You know, to get the blood flowing. <</say>>
<<text>> As if you'd deeply offended him with your suggestion, Grigoriy turns towards you. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nah, I'm not some fucking pussy who does stretches at the gym. My Sigma Pug grindset is to lift, eat, fuck and sleep. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops16-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Well, I can't say much about you when it comes to lifting or fucking, but you're quite a master when it comes to eating and sleeping. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You know what? You've made a good point. Maybe I'll do some stretches before going to bed tonight. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<if $Minimarket0 is 1 && $Arcade0 is 1>>
<<btno Map0 Gym0 1>> Let's go <</btno>>
<<btno Map1 Gym0 1>> Let's go <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 1>>
<<text>> When you close the door to the flat, you went straight into the bedroom and thrown your backpack on the bed. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Let's see... <</say>>
<<text>> You take out a mobile phone and plug it into the charger. You can see the colours change on the screen as it starts to charge. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/image9-image.gif">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> So, is it ready? Can't wait for you to show me the famous doghub.com... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You can relax for now, Greg. I've got a bunch of applications to install and data to recover. It's going to take some time. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo0 stage 1>> Let's start... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> How's it going, pal? I see you've been sitting in one place for a couple of hours now... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm almost done... It's such a pain trying to recover your passwords and other stuff when you've lost your phone number. <</say>>
<<text>> You check your email folder again, crossing your fingers that you've got the secret answer right on the tenth try. And thankfully... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/call1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Yes! I got it, now I can connect to Dripper and send Kait a message about...<</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> No way... Is this what those thugs meant when they said they had their fun with Kait? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What do you mean, kid? You look like you're about to cry. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Those fucks got Kait's address from our texts and decided to jump her when she was coming back from our date. Kait waited for me until closing time, so they had more than enough time... <</say>>
<<text>> You put your phone on the bed and clench your shaking hands. Anger, so strong that it seemed to drown out everything around you, flooded your mind.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> $mc, focus on your breath. Breathe in. Breathe... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shut the fuck up. Just go away. Go. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy flinched when he heard your words. It was as if you'd punched him in the face. But he didn't say anything in return, just turned around and walked out of the room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Those fucking limp-dick losers... <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel the expansion of your muscles with every breath you took and the sensation of fire burning through your entire body. A fire that refused to be contained. <</text>>
<<btno DayEndTwo0 stage 3>> I'll fuck them up. <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> Driven by an impulse, you jump up from the bed. The next moment you find yourself in a kitchen, holding the wooden stool in your hand after swinging it into the wall. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fucking bastards... <</say>>
<<text>> A sharp pain pierces your other arm, and when you look down you see a splinter sticking out of your forearm, which is starting to bleed. You can hear Grigoriy's voice coming from somewhere in the house.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, be careful with the walls. The last thing you want is to be thrown out of the house becasue of the noise complaints. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> You rush to your bathroom and begin to remove the splinter. But it refuses to come out of your flesh easily, sharp pain exploding in your brain with each failed attempt. After a few excruciating moments that felt like an eternity, you managed to remove it. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/sink1-image.webp">>
<<text>> However, there were still some smaller splinters left in your flesh still. You spent the next few minutes trying to remove them carefully so that they didn't shatter into even smaller pieces. <</text>>
<<btno DayEndTwo0 stage 4>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> Once that is done, you slide to the ground. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> How do you feel now? <</say>>
<<text>> Grigory was standing in a doorway, looking at a mess of a human being that you felt yourself as. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Like shit. Like a fucking failure. She got jumped because of how weak I am. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yeah. You're right. <</say>>
<<text>> Hearing that you couldn't help but laugh. Somehow the thought that even the pug understands how pathetic you are manages to weaken the tight grip that you feel around your chest. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Better now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. Man, I've lost my shit for a second. Not something to be proud about. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Next time you feel an emotion like that, try to observe it from a distance instead of succumbing to it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Easy for you to say. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Then tell me the full story. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo0 stage 5>> Ok... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> You sigh and get to your feet. Grigoriy moves out of your way as you go to your phone. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Like I said earlier, those bastards ambushed Kait after she came back from our date. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Is she OK? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> More or less. Luckily her dad was nearby to come to the rescue. It didn't go so well, he's 64 years old after all. But he was able to hold them off until the police siren could be heard. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Fuck... He's a real man, through and through. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. He's in hospital now and thankfully in a stable condition. Kait is taking care of him. All because of me. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> That's a tough one. <</say>>
<<text $mc>> You fell on the bed, feeling completely and utterly crushed. Grigory climbed up on your legs and layed down on your stomach. <</text>>
<<btno DayEndTwo0 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> I won't let them get away so easily, I will get back at them for what they've done. Greg, are you going to help me?
<<say "Grigoriy">> As long as it doesn't put your life in danger.
<<say $mc>> Sounds good to me. Do you have any idea how I could get my revenge? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well... I remember the thugs saying something about Dick beating them up for fucking up or something. At the arcade. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit, really? I totally missed that. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> We could talk to Kendra about her thing with Dick. Maybe you can get some support from her. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a great idea. Let's go. <</say>>
<<btno Map0 DayEndTwo0 1>> Go to Kendra <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah, line it up, line it up girls... Your favourite meal is just about ready to be delivered. <</say>>
<<text>> As you start jerking off, the two harlots take their places. They are kneeling in front of the biggest upstart gangster in the town. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Don't you dare waste... Ah... A single drop, understand? <</say>>
<<say "Harlots">> Yes, Master! <</say>>
<<video "others/Intro/cum.mp4">>
<<text>> After they have licked the last drops of your cum from each other's faces, the harlots fall on the bed, completely exhausted from having served your cock for the last few hours. <</text>>
<<btno PrePrologue0 stage 1>> Fall on a couch <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Man, I'm spent... <</say>>
<<text>> Your bored gaze is drawn to the girls lying on the bed and a strange feeling begins to rise in your chest, as you watch them hug each other in their sleep. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Enjoy your rest. You've earned it. <</say>>
<<text>> The chill evening wind creeps into the hotel apartment through the open balcony door, carrying with it the sounds of the town. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Bossy Voice" katrina>> God damn it... He's supposed to be here! Search the place if you have to, but bring me his head! <</someone>>
<<btno PrePrologue1 stage 0>> Check the source of the sound <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You step out the balcony door, pulling on your trusty jacket. Fresh air fills your lungs as you look over at the commotion below. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Those fucks... Ha... Took them long enough. <</say>>
<<text>> You light a cigarette and take a good drag, enjoying the burning taste of the smoke filling your lungs. After taking a good look at the show below, you step back from the edge of a balcony and lean against the wall. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>> The last thing you want right now is to be seen, $mc. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> I know. Just couldn't help but go and look at it with my own eyes... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>> I understand, pal. Do you mind sharing a sig? <</someone>>
<<btno PrePrologue1 stage 1>> Sure, man <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Greg, I would have shared my blood with you if you'd needed it, let alone a cigarette. Here... <</say>>
<<text>> You take another cig out of your pocket and light it with your own, then hold it out to your friend. Grigoriy takes it, inhales deeply and looks back at you.<</text>>
<<img "act1/mops-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Good stuff. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. <</say>>
<<btno PrePrologue1 stage 2>> Stroke his back <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> Just when you're about to pat your best friend on the back, you hear a loud bang on the door followed by shouting. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Thug's Voice" dick>> It's locked! Where's the bloody key, old man? <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Old Man's Voice" dick>> ... <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Thug's Voice" dick>> Huh? You don't know? I'll fuck you up! <</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Bossy Voice" katrina>> Stop this nonsense. Break the door down. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Did they see me? Fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Does it matter at this point? <</say>>
<<text>> You both knew the thugs wouldn't break in that easily. The door was well barricaded and even the SWAT team would take a few days to open it. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/door1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Pft... No. It does not, Greg. <</say>>
<<btno PrePrologue1 stage 3>> Man... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> How did my life come to this... <</say>>
<<text>> This thought lit up your mind like the morning sun. It is said that in the last moments of your life you can see your life flash before your eyes. And now you can clearly remember all the bitches you've fucked...<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley-image.jpg">>
<<btno PrePrologue1 stage 4>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> ...as well as the faces of all the people you've wronged... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/nico0-image.jpg">>
<<btno PrePrologue1 stage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> ...and those whom you helped in their darkest moments. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra0-image.jpg">>
<<btno PrePrologue1 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Greg? Listen carefully, I have a very important story to tell you.
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, I'm listening, but... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It all began on a train. A fateful encounter that changed my life forever... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/train0-image.jpg">>
<<btno Prologue0 stage 0>> I was hungover when... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize("PatreonOthers0", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Lily? Maddy sent me here, she said you'd show me the ropes... <</say>>
<<text>> As you enter the kitchen, you look around the room, but there seems to be no one here. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey are you on a break? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Lily?" lily>> No, I'm here. A bit busy though, I'm making a chocolate spread. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Can I help you? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Lily?" lily>> Of course you can. Come, I'll show you everything. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Walking past the donuts, you see a very special bun. With two holes, no less. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/patreon2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! Lily, I can see your... You know. Your cupcake. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Well, I told you I'd show you everything... <</say>>
<<text>> You could hear her laugh as she gave a suggestive shake of her butt. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> All right... Is this like a dress code? Do I pull down my pants too? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Fuck, I hope so. Stop being stupid, please. By the way, I don't think you've introduced yourself. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> I'm $mc. Nice to meet you. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Well, you already know, but I'm Lily. I can't quite shake your hand, so you can slap my butt with your dick instead. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Like that? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Yep. But come on, we're not paying you to stand around. Get to work. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> What should I do now? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Huh... Well, you can fill my cupcake with your vanilla cream for starters... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> $mc! I said my cupcake, not my... leaking doughnut... Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, I'm not that good at kitchen lingo... Do you want me to switch? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> No, I... Like it... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... You have a very nice butt... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Thank you... Your cock is... pretty good too... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Damn, I want to go faster... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Wait! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Why? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> I think the customers are coming... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Lily! What do you want me to do? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Go behind the counter and serve them. My chocolate spread is ready, I have to use it before it cools down. Good luck, $mc! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> Hey man... I'd like the... Um... <</someone>>
<<text>> The man in front of you is behaving in a manner that's rather strange. His bloodshot eyes are staring intently into the hole of a doughnut. The guy is clearly high. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Dude, be careful. Those doughnut holes can suck you dry if you let them. <</say>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> Oh! Thanks, Van... So... have you... Um... <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Mike" dick>> I'm Mike, by the way... Um... So I'm hungry... Can you? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Sure Mike. Let me have a look. <</say>>
<<text>> You were looking around for the right food for Mike when you noticed Maddy nearby, busy filling the shop windows. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> As per dress code, her holes were open for all to see. Staring into them would be too much for Mike, who was as high as a kite. In this state he could risk to lose all sense of self. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Maddy, keep still... I'll cover you up. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Oh! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So, Mike, my advice to you would be this banananana bread. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Mike" dick>> Oh. Is it good? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Yep, take a slice and you can walk past the door that doesn't exist. Crazy stuff. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Mike" dick>> Thanks, man... Here, no change. <</someone>>
<<text>> You watch Mike go out and remember how you used to get high every day and sit around doing nothing. But now you have to work. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Maddy">> Well done, $mc. You're a natural. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Yeah, let us reward you... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> ...You have earned it. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start5.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... This is the best job I've ever had... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> And this is going to be... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> ...The best blowjob you'll ever have. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... You weren't joking... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Mhmh... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Such a nice cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, you have something on your lip. Let me... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't forget me, girls! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> We're not forgetting... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> ...Just cleaning up. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Do you like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Lily">> Let me... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, fuck! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Did you like it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "mdoggy">>
<<say "Maddy">> Me first... Umhm... Yeah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, so tight... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, you can help me too... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You two look so good together... I can't... Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "mdoggy1">>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, suck on my tit... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Of course... Mhm... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Ah... shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "ldoggy">>
<<say "Lily">> Cream all over my cupcake, $mc... Oh... so good... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Take all of it, oh yeah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Fuck me... You actually remembered... Which hole... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> And I think he deserves a little raise for that... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "ldoggy1">>
<<say "Lily">> Ah! Maddy... It's so big... now... I... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> You can take it, girl... Your ass has room for so much more! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Mhm... Ah... Fuck.... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shit, you girls are something else... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "lstanding">>
<<say "Maddy">> All right... Let's spice it up a bit... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Mhm... So good... I hope you stay with us, $mc... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... I hope so too... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "mstanding">>
<<say "Maddy">> Down to business... Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, please... My pussy too... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Mhmhmhm... Mhmh.. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "mstanding1">>
<<say "Maddy">> Mmm... Lily, how is... That? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Oh yeah, Maddy... You're my cupcake... Lover... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing2.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Please... Ah! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man, the two of you are so cute together... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "lstanding1">>
<<say "Maddy">> Oh yes, Lily! That's why I... Love you so much... Oh... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Me too... What a great... Ass! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing3.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Ahh... Fuck... This is... Too much... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "lstanding2">>
<<say "Lily">> Ah ha... Agh! Mmm! <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Yeah, $mc, fuck her good! That's what we pay you for! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing4.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Fuck! Ah... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $PtrnThrs0CumW to $sceneCumW>>
<<say "Lily">> Oh, fuck! Maddy, I'm almost... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Come on over here, Lily... I won't let you down... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And I'm helping too! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Mhmhm... Mrmhrm... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Yes! Maddy... You're the best boss I've ever... Had... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And what about me? <</say>>
<<if $sceneV5 is 1>>
<<say "Lily">> You're... pretty good too. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Don't get too cocky about it, though. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> ... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> You're allright. I guess. <</say>>
<<set $sceneV5 to 1>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $PtrnThrs0Cum to $sceneCum>>
<<say $mc>> Girls, I'm about to... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> What, already? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Well, here. We'll drink it all up, so try not to mess it up... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Agh! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Mhmhm... At least his sperm is tasty... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> ...like a fine wine. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... You two are so hot... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 2 || $stage is 3 || $stage is 4>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is 3 || $stage is 2>>
<<btns PatreonOthers0 stage $stage+1 15 10>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonOthers0 stage $stage+1>> Sure! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonOthers0 stage $stage+1>> Introduce yourself <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn PatreonOthers0 stage $stage+1>> What? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn PatreonOthers0 stage $stage+1>> Look professional <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btn PatreonOthers0 stage $stage+1>> Oh fuck... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btns PatreonOthers0 stage start 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage blowjob 10 0>> Go on... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage blowjob1 5 5>> Grils? <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage blowjob2 15 5>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage blowjob2 15 5>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage blowjob1 5 5>> Girls? <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "mdoggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage mdoggy1 15 5>> Go anal <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage ldoggy 10 10>> Lily... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "ldoggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage ldoggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage mdoggy 10 5>> Maddy... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "ldoggy1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage ldoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "mdoggy1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage mdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "lstanding">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding1 15 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding2 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage mstanding 10 5>> Maddy... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "lstanding1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding2 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "lstanding2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding1 15 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "mstanding">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage mstanding1 10 10>> Girls? <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding 10 10>> Lily... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "mstanding1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers0 stage mstanding 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<btns PatreonOthers0 stage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonOthers0 stage mdoggy 10 5>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonOthers0 stage lstanding 10 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns PatreonOthers0 stage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw == 100 >>
<<btns PatreonOthers0 stage cumw 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne PatreonBakery2 stage 0>> I'm spent... <</btne>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene3", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $sceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV2 to 0>>
<<text>> As you poured the porridge into the trough, you could see the pigs' satisfied faces. They grunted impatiently as they waited for their meal. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Bon Appétit! Go, go, little piggies, have a feast. <</say>>
<<text>> Now that the pigs have been well fed, you walk out of the barn and take another look at your farm, admiring it's beauty once again. <</text>>
<<img "act1/farm1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grandpa">> $mc! Come here, we need to talk. <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene3 stage 1>> Coming! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Following your grandfather's call, you enter the farmhouse. You know he's not the kind of man to call without a good reason, so you decide to take the matter seriously. <</text>>
<<img "act1/farm0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You take off your dirty boots and put on a pair of leather sandals. As you walk up the stairs, you can hear the grunts of a pig coming from your grandfather's room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Grandpa, don't tell me that you've brought your beloved pig into the house... Not again. <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene3 stage 2>> Come inside the room <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You close the door and turn to the men sitting by the window, having a beer. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh my God... <</say>>
<<img "act1/image6-image.webp">>
<<say "Grandpa">> Hell, yeah. And I'm going to do it again. <</say>>
<<text>> He takes another swig from the beer bottle. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> We have talked about this a million times. They are dirty, filthy animals. They belong in the stable, only humans are allowed to be in the house. <</say>>
<<say "Grandpa">> You sound just like my son. Open your eyes and look at these creatures. They're pure and innocent beings. We are all one in the eyes of God. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Now, are you going to start cleaning the house after your piggies that you love so much then? <</say>>
<<say "Grandpa">> No. The dirt bothers you, not me. <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene3 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> ... I'm gonna take a leak. Then we'll continue the conversation. <</say>>
<<text>> You take your dick out of your pants and go into the bathroom.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hm? Wait, my sausage is completely burnt... <</say>>
<<text>> This is the moment when enlightenment hits you over the head.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Right, I was going to fuck Lynn! <</say>>
<<text>> The next moment you find yourself in a familiar looking kitchen. And you know exactly what to do... <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene3 stage 4>> You're done for... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Сome here you little piggy... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_0.mp4">>
<<text>> This time she won't escape you. You're going to be sneakier and faster than ever before. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene3 stage 5>> Pounce on that ass <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, $mc? You've caught me. What are you going to do now? <</say>>
<<text>> You start to tear off her dress, ready to pound her holes until there is nothing more. Lynn is more than happy to help, you can already see how her pussy is dripping with juices. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You know damn well what I'm going to do now... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> And you're going to love every second of it, aren't you? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_2.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes master! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah, your fat little pussy... Oh fuck yeah it's good. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_3.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> I love your cock! Give me more Master, more! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> More? I don't think you've earned the right to demand anything from your Master yet. <</say>>
<<text>> As you begin to slow your movements, you can see Lynn trying to compensate with her own thrusts. But that wouldn't be enough for her, and you know it. <</text>>
<<say "Lynn">> I'm sorry, Master... That was just an expression of your servant's wish... Punish me as you see fit. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, I'm going to punish you good... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Hey, babe! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh! Hey! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I've just finished spinning spinach springways in our bedroom. <</say>>
<<text>> The meaning of the words she just said has escaped your mind, but that's what lucid dreaming is all about. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>> Thanks, Scarlit. That's cool. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> And do you know what we could be doing right now? Hey, $mc, why don't we, you know... <</say>>
<<text>> Playfully toying with her hair, she began to move towards you. You had to stop her. Otherwise she's going to see Lynn skewered on your cock. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_5.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Whoa! Hey! <</say>>
<<text>> After flashing her tits, you give the best monkey impression you can muster. Finally, all those acting classes you took at college have come in handy. In your dreams. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ah, whatever... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Amazing work, Master... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, it was fucking hot... I think I'm... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_6.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh! Your seed is so warm, master... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Look at that pussy... Man, this is fucking great. <</say>>
<<text>> You hear footsteps, someone coming down the stairs. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Lynn, cover yourself, quick! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Babe, I forgot to... <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit entered the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks. You had covered up perfectly, but unfortunately your cum continued to drip from Lynn's pussy onto the floor. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_7.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> You fucking bitch! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> No, it's you who's a fucking bitch! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, let's all calm down... I'm sure you'll find that you two have a lot in common... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh, shut the fuck up and give me your dick too, you animal... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah, Master... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> Oh my God, Lynn, you're sucking me off like a vacuum cleaner... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Is that a good thing? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_8.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Fuck yeah, it is... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Then why don't we go into a living room next? All three of us can have some real fun that way... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Good girl... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, suck it baby... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Suck it good... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Scarlit">> My turn now! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Does Master like it when I play with his balls like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit.. Girls... Holy fuck! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Fuck my throat, $mc! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<text>> While you were busy with Scarlit's throat, Lynn decided to have some fun with herself. <</text>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh Master is so hot... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tcowgirl">>
<<set $sceneV1 to $sceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh, you're good at that, $mc... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah... So deep, it fils me whole... Mhm! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cowgirl_T.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Although I can see that our Lynn needs a bit more... hardcore action. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tcowgirl1">>
<<set $sceneV1 to $sceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Let me help... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes, yes, yes... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cowgirl1_T.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Bloody hell... You wearing me down... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sdoggy">>
<<set $sceneV2 to $sceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> It's time for your pussy to get pounded too... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, please, Scarlit, lick my clit while the Master is inside you... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> I'm about to... Oh my God! Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sdoggy1">>
<<set $sceneV2 to $sceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, you're squeezing me like crazy! <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit was completely off her rocker. Her face lay on Lynn's thigh while you continued to drill into her pussy. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy1_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> I'm gonna cum again... Ohmygod... Ah! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Good girl... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tdoggy">>
<<set $sceneV1 to $sceneV1+1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Slap her ass, $mc! I can see this bitch likes it rough... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah! Uh... Ue! Ueee! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Fuck, just listen to her squeal! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tdoggy1">>
<<set $sceneV1 to $sceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Fuck, I wanna taste her pussy... Give it to me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How? Like this? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy1_T.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> I'm lovin' it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, this is beatufil... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tdoggy2">>
<<set $sceneV1 to $sceneV1+1>>
<<say $mc>> All right, time to show her how it's done... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh fuck yeah! I'll help! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy2_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ha.. Aha.. Ha... Agh! Ahh! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh my God, this is not a piggy squealing, this is a whole fucking goose! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "smissionary">>
<<set $sceneV2 to $sceneV2+1>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, Scarlit, you're doing great... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Nom-nom-nom-nom <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Missionary_S.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah, this is so hot... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, Master, make her cream! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "smissionary1">>
<<set $sceneV2 to $sceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> All right, I'm going to knock your socks off, Scarlit! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ah! Fuck me deep! Yes, yes! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Missionary1_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ough... Whaaa!!! God fucking... Yes! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Is this her tenth time today? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "bmissionary">>
<<say $mc>> What did I tell you about bossing me around, huh? <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no, I've done it again... I'll take the punishment. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Missionary_B.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ohmygod... AH! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck, she's still came... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tdouble">>
<<set $sceneV1 to $sceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh fuck yeah, let's put on a show... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Double_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah! Master! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... This is something straight from the circut routine... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Don't forget me though... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sdouble">>
<<set $sceneV2 to $sceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> That looks like a fucking sandwich... Man, I love my sandwiches. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> $mc, it's my turn, please... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Double_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ah! Yes! Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "bdouble">>
<<say $mc>> OK Scarlit, give me your pussy... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Double_B.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh fuck! Ah! Oh! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> God, ah! Oh! Ah! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! I'm... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yes, we know... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Give it to us, Master! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Learning lucid dreaming was so worth it... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yeah, you're doing great... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Will you stay with us for a while? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "scumw">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Pal, there are a three ways these girls can cum. Watch who're you shagging. And yes, I am inside your dream... <</mops>>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> C'mon, c'mon! I'm almost... Ah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cumw_S.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I didn't take you for a squirter... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I can be whatever my... Master desires... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Scarlit, this is too much... Please, anything but that. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tcumw">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Pal, there are a three ways these girls can cum. Watch who're you shagging. And yes, I am inside your dream... <</mops>>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> God damn, fuck her pussy good, $mc... I can't be the only one cumming today! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Master, please! Harder... I beg for your cock... to fuck me up! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cumw_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oooh! Yes-yes-yes... Amazing... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Good job! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "tcumw1">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Pal, there are a three ways these girls can cum. Watch who're you shagging. And yes, I am inside your dream... <</mops>>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> How you like that? Huh? You little s... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> OH MY GOD! AH! AGH!!! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cumw1_T.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck, I didn't even touch her this time... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> It's the magic of Big Black Cock... My body can't resist it... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 6 || $stage is 7 || $stage is 8 || $stage is 9 || $stage is 10>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is 5 || $stage is 6 || $stage is 7 || $stage is 8>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage $stage+1 25 0>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 9>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 10>>
<<btn OthersScene3 stage $stage+1>> Try to look normal <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 11>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage start 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage blowjob1 10 0>> Scarlit... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage blowjob2 15 20>> Fuck her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "tcowgirl">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage tcowgirl1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "tdoggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage sdoggy 15 15>> Scarlit... <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage tdoggy2 15 20>> Make her squeal <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage tdoggy1 15 20>> Fuck both <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "tdoggy2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage sdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sdoggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage sdoggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage tdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sdoggy1" || $stage is "tdoggy1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage sdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "smissionary">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage smissionary1 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage bmissionary 15 15>> Lynn... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "smissionary1" || $stage is "bmissionary">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage smissionary 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "tdouble">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage sdouble 15 15>> Scarlit... <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage bdouble 15 20>> Fuck both <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sdouble" || $stage is "bdouble">>
<<btnsb OthersScene3 stage tdouble 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $sceneCumW < 1 >>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage tcowgirl 10 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage smissionary 10 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage tdoggy 10 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCumW >= 1 >>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage tdouble 10 15>> Double <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw == 100 >>
<<if $sceneV1 > $sceneV2>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage tcumw 10 0>> Make Lynn cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 < $sceneV2>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage scumw 10 0>> Make Scarlit cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 == $sceneV2>>
<<btns OthersScene3 stage tcumw1 10 0>> Make ??? cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne DayEndTwo5 stage 0>> Fuck, I'm spent... <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You and Grifogriy are standing in front of Kendra's house. The cold evening breeze makes you want to clench your buttocks together and send goose bumps up and down your spine. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What the hell? Maybe she's asleep, ring again. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, we've been doing that for a while. Maybe she's out? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Looking for me, boys? Sorry, I went shopping. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra appeared behind you, holding two large bags of groceries. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wow, those bags look really heavy. Let me help you. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Ah, thank you, honey! <</say>>
<<text>> You take the groceries from her and then move out of the way. Kendra quickly opens the door and lets you all in. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Come in! No point in freezing here. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo2 stage 0>> Hold the door! <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> After you've helped Kendra sort out the groceries, you all sat down behind the table, eating some fried chicken. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you, Kendra. This tastes great. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yeah, but what's with the outfit? Why did you let her do that to me, $mc? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops18-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Looking at Grigoriy in his cute costume, you take another bite of the chicken. You can feel your eyes welling up. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh my God, is the chicken too spicy for you? Sorry, honey, I just remembered you used to hate spicy food when you were little. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah... This is clearly a... Fucked up formula... Good Lord. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Here, I also brought some ice cream. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo2 stage 1>> Give it to me! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you. By the way, where did you get such a hellish chicken? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, at the local 7-11. The checkout girl there is such a sweet little thing. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Really? I love their sandwiches. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> And their checkout girls are a hit with you too. <</say>>
<<text>> By the time the spices have loosened their grip on your mouth, you have decided it is time for a bit of business. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Kendra, I really wanted to talk to you about something. You see, I have been taking an interest in Dick lately. <</say>>
<<text>> Hearing this, Kendra almost choked on a chicken wing she was munching on. After clearing her cough, she wiped away her tears and gave you a worried look. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Ahem. Should I be worried about this after we... exchanged our fluids yesterday? <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo2 stage 2>> What? No! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> What? No, I'm not talking about STIs. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Phew. Dodged a bullet there. So what about your penis then? Should I have a look? <</say>>
<<text>> Your patience was wearing thin. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, Kendra. I was talking about the bastard who crashes at your place from time to time. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh. Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you much. You already know most of it anyway. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra clearly had something to hide, you could see it in her eyes. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> And what do you know about his lackeys? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Almost nothing. He has quite a few, but fortunately we haven't had much contact. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo2 stage 3>> Push her <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> It's a shame. They seem to know Nico very well. They came to his work yesterday and I don't think dealing with thugs is good for business. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra's brows furrowed in confusion and you could see the burning anger in her eyes. She slammed her fist down on the table. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Fucking bastard! Dick promised me that if I did what he said, he'd stop bothering my son! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Believe me, he has not kept that promise. <</say>>
<<text>> But it seemed Kendra's anger was short-lived, as she quickly calmed down and spoke in a now quiet tone. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> How do you know that? Maybe they went off there on their own. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm pretty sure they mentioned that Dick had sent them there on a job. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yeah, I've heard that too. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy, still wearing a chicken costume, approached Kendra as if to persuade her. She smiled and began to pet him. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Honey... I'm really sorry, but I can't do this... <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo2 stage 4>> Continue pushing her <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Really Kendra? You would rather sit on your ass than do something to protect your son? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> I am protecting him with everything I've got! It's just that Dick must have been upset about something... To go back on his promise... <</say>>
<<text>> You could barely resist the urge to tear your hair out at the ridiculousness of what she had just said. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck his feelings and fuck him. Kendra, why do you hold on so tightly to the man who is making your life - and the life of your son - a living hell? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Because it's the only way! I can't win this alone, $mc. I went to the police once and they said they couldn't do anything to help me. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Even worse, the next day Dick beat me senseless... And then Nico got fired from the pizzeria. And all this happened just because I tried to stand up to Dick once... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wow, that sounds pretty serious, kid. Do you think... <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo2 stage 5>> Push her even further <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Kendra, you're not alone now. It's Nico, you and me. We can work together and deal with this situation. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Honey, if Dick has his man in the police force, then he knows all about me and Nico. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, he doesn't know much about me. He probably thinks I'm a spineless bastard who can't do anything without the help of his family. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> You don't get it, $mc. He's one of the Leeches' thugs... <</say>>
<<text>> An image of a menacing leech appeared in your mind. <</text>>
<<img "act1/leeches0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You could see Grigoriy's whole body tense up upon hearing the gang name. He turned his head towards you, still being stroked by Kendra, and gave you a meaningful look. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, I urge you to think twice before continuing this conversation. <</say>>
<<text>> Baffled by his words you opened your mouth, but then immediatly closed it again. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> I can see that even you are aware of just how serious this gang is. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayEndTwo2 stage 6>> Yeah, I've heard of them <</btn>>
<<btn DayEndTwo2 stage 7>> Actually... No.<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, I've heard a few things about them. And I think they would be happy if we helped them get rid of the Dick. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Come on pal, at least try to be convincing when you're trying to lie... <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra sighs and shakes her head, clearly disagreeing with your assessment of the situation. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Look, Leeches wouldn't want us...
<<text>> The loud sound of the door opening almost made Kendra jump. Echoing through the house was a voice she recognised instantly. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, I'm home! Prepare for the two of us, today I have come with a very good friend of mine. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Shit! $mc, hide! I'll distract them, but you have to run as soon as I make the opening. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra moved so fast that she almost ran. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Amazing! You know how much I love it when you bring your friends over... <</say>>
<<text>> Where should you hide? <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayEndTwo2 stage 8>> Under the table <</btn>>
<<btn DayEndTwo2 stage 9>> In a cinema room <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Actually no, this is the first I've heard of the Leeches. Can you tell me more? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra sighs and shifts in her chair, clearly uncomfortable with the subject. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> All right, $mc. But I'm only telling you this to keep you from doing something stupid on your own. The Leeches, they... <</say>>
<<text>> The loud sound of the door opening almost made Kendra jump. Echoing through the house was a voice she recognised instantly. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, I'm home! Prepare for the two of us, today I have come with a very good friend of mine. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Shit! $mc, hide! I'll distract them, but you have to run as soon as I make the opening. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra moved so fast that she almost ran. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Amazing! You know how much I love it when you bring your friends over... <</say>>
<<text>> Where should you hide? <</text>>
<<set $DEndTw10Code to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayEndTwo2 stage 8>> Under the table <</btn>>
<<btn DayEndTwo2 stage 9>> In a cinema room <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>> You decide it would be a good idea to hide under the kitchen table. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, are you sure this is the way? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Too late now. All we can do now is pray. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Yeah, you better make sure you fucking love it. I'm going to take a dump. You make sure my friend is well entertained while I'm gone. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, of course, Dick! I'll get right on it. <</say>>
<<text>> You could see both Kendra and a shady looking man moving into the main lounge. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> OK, pal, that sounds like the our cue to get the hell out of here. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo3 stage 0>> Run! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>> You quickly run into the home cinema room and lie down on the floor, hiding behind a sofa. Only now do you notice an unusual amount of sex toys lying around. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/housekendra7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! So this is Kendra's fun place after all... I guess she didn't have time to tidy it up before she went shopping. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Shh! They can hear you mumbling. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Yeah, you better make sure you fucking love it. I'm going to take a dump. You make sure my friend is well entertained while I'm gone. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, of course, Dick! I'll get right on it. <</say>>
<<text>> You could see both Kendra and a shady looking man moving into the main lounge. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> OK, pal, that sounds like the our cue to get the hell out of here. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo3 stage 0>> Run! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $DEndTw10Code += 1>>
<<text>> You hide behind the massive table in the office. A small piece of paper catches your eye as you look out into the hallway. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Take a look, Greg. It's some kind of number... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Maybe it is part of the combination to the safe? We should try to remember it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK... It says... *45* Fuck, they are coming... <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Yeah, you better make sure you fucking love it. I'm going to take a dump. You make sure my friend is well entertained while I'm gone. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh, of course, Dick! I'll get right on it. <</say>>
<<text>> You could see both Kendra and a shady looking man moving into the main lounge. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> OK, pal, that sounds like the our cue to get the hell out of here. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo3 stage 0>> Run! <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> When you are outside, you hesitate to close the door. You start to think about what a good opportunity you might be missing out on. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Close the door and run. Now! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Greg, wait! This could be our chance to get some information... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yeah, and it is a great opportunity to get yourself killed. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> The fuck? Killed? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Listen, this is no longer a children's game. The Leaches mean business. The gloves come off here, kid. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/antagonists1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayEndTwo3 stage 1>> Send Grigoriy as a spy <</btn>>
<<btn DayEndTwo3 stage 5>> Fuck it, too dangerous <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $DayNdTw3Ntr to 1>>
<<text>> Your brain is racing with a thousand thoughts. But your will to fight hasn't been extinguished yet. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That just means we have to step up our game too, Greg.
<<say "Grigoriy">> I feel you, kid. But when Dick came to you, you literally gave him the last of your money without asking a single question. <</say>>
<<text>> Shame rises in your stomach as you remember the details of how stupid you were back then. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You jumped to the conclusion that the thug who tried to rob you was telling the truth. This says a lot about your character. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, Greg, it does. I have a lot to learn moving forward. But do you see a glimmer of hope in the darkness as I do? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, then show it to me, kid. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo3 stage 2>> You see... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> I bet Dick feels the same way about me as you do. He thinks he knows my character, that he knows my next move. But I've already grown. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy looks you over, from the top of your head to your toes. He smiles at you by the end of it. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Seeing you now... I can't argue with that, mate. So how do you want to play this whole spy thing? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm going to attach my phone to you and turn on the video recorder. Like this. <</say>>
<<text>> You've stripped Grigoriy of his silly chicken costume and attached your phone to his collar. It held up well. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops19-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> OK... But isn't it too easy to see? <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo3 stage 3>> Skill issue <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Well, you'll have to be sneaky, but I know you can do it, with your years of experience and an infinite well of wisdom. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nice try, kid, but... <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy paused for a second, thinking the plan through, his face frowning harder than ever. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> All right, I'll do it. But you're going to buy me something to eat later, good? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's a deal. All right, off you go. <</say>>
<<text>> You press the record button and let the pug into the house, then you hide outside and wait for him to return. <</text>>
<<btno DayEndTwo3 stage 4>> What now? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I hope Greg is all right... I'll just do some meditation for a while, for the time being. <</say>>
<<text>> You sat on the floor with your back against the wall and concentrated on your breathing. The feelings that had been imprinted on you throughout the day flowed out with each exhale. And as you inhaled, you drew in the wistful qualities of the universe. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal? You're here? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, Greg. You came sooner than I'd expected. How was it? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Mission accomplished, that's all I'll say. You can check the phone for more info. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Great job, man! <</say>>
<<text>> You take the mobile phone off Grigoriy's neck and stop the recording. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I'll look into it when we get home. Let's go. <</say>>
<<btno Map0 DayEndTwo1 1>> Go home <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> Your brain is racing with a thousand thoughts. You know it would be too dangerous to let Grigoriy in. He's too important for that. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You're right, Greg. Let's get out of here before anyone sees us.
<<text>> You let go of the door and shut it firmly. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nice to see you've still got a head on your shoulders. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't think I've abandoned the idea of taking Dick to the depths of hell though. If the Leeches are the real deal, then that just means that we have to step up our game as well, Greg. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I understand, kid. But let me tell you something - when Dick came to you, you literally gave him the last of your money without asking a single question. <</say>>
<<text>> Shame rises in your stomach as you remember the details of how stupid you were back then. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You jumped to the conclusion that the thug who tried to rob you was telling the truth. This says a lot about your character. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo3 stage 6>> You right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, Greg, it does. I have a lot to learn moving forward. But do you see a glimmer of hope in the darkness as I do? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, then show it to me, kid. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I bet Dick feels the same way about me as you do. He thinks he knows my character, that he knows my next move. But I've already grown. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy looks you over, from the top of your head to your toes. He smiles at you by the end of it. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Seeing you now... I can't argue with that, mate. So how are you planning to get your revenge? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, first of all... <</say>>
<<text>> You've taken off Grigoriy's silly chicken costume and put it in your backpack. The pug looks happier than he ever was before. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> At long last... Freedom. Thank you, human. No, seriously, that costume really pissed me off. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You are welcome. And now we go home. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What? Didn't you want to take revenge on them? I thought you were going to order me to shit in a paper bug and set it on fire in front of their house, or something like that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, stop fooling around. You know that my plans are much bigger. And that requires rest. <</say>>
<<btno Map0 DayEndTwo1 1>> Go home <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> The devastation you caused in your delirium greets you as you enter the apartment. Pieces of the kitchen wall and the wooden stool are scattered all over the floor. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You can clean it up later, kid. Let's just get ready to sleep. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> But what about the video? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Tomorrow. <</say>>
<<text>> Having said that, Grigoriy let out a yawn and made himself comfortable in a corner that was free of the debris. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I wish you could give me a pep talk or something? Especially after all that has happened. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, I was spying harder than James Bond over there, recording your fucking video. Give me a break. Go have fun in your lucid dream or something, just let me sleep. <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo4 stage 1>> All right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Okay, good night Greg... <</say>>
<<text>> You decide to follow his suggestion. After you've shaken off all the small pieces of wood from the bed, you tuck yourself under the blanket. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> And now I have to concentrate... <</say>>
<<text>> Hoping to continue last night's dream, you calm yourself and start thinking about Lynn. But a switch goes off in your mind the moment you lay your head on the pillow. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/image5-image.gif">>
<<text>> And only darkness remains. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene3 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> The devastation you caused in your delirium greets you as you enter the apartment. Pieces of the kitchen wall and the wooden stool are scattered all over the floor. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You need some help to clean it up? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I wouldn't say no to that. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Let's get to business then. <</say>>
<<text>> Having said that, Grigoriy let out a yawn and made himself comfortable in a corner that was free of the debris. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? Wasn't you supposed to help me out? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, I'm helping you by staying out of your way. Come on, how do you expect a pug to help you get things done quicker? <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo4 stage 3>> You sly dog... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Sleep well, you traitor. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You too, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> It took you a while to tidy up, and when you'd finished, you felt completely exhausted. With a glance at the sleeping Greg, you crawl under the warm blanket. The thoughts of the past day swirl around in your head.
<<say $mc>> I need to get my mind off it... I'll try lucid dreaming again. <</say>>
<<text>> Hoping to continue last night's dream, you calm yourself and start thinking about Lynn. Few moments later a switch goes off in your mind. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/image5-image.gif">>
<<text>> And only darkness remains. <</text>>
<<btno OthersScene3 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> But as soon as Riley tried to remove your trousers, someone's voice was heard. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Annoyed Voice" dick>> Hey, where's the cashier? If no one comes, I'm just going to take the goods and leave without paying for them! <</someone>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh no, I have to run... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley stood up and quickly left the back room, ignoring everything around her. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... I was so close... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Don't give up, mate. The confidence you showed here - that is the way of a real man. Keep it up and you won't need anyone's help to make your dream come true. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell, you have been hiding here the whole time? <</say>>
<<text>> You can hear Grigoriy talking, but when you look around, you can't see anything even remotely resembling a pug. <</text>>
<<btno Rileygallery0 gstage 1>> Look around <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Of course I was. In accordance with our agreement, I must be your guardian and your guide in my infinite wisdom. Here, I'm on the table. <</say>>
<<img "act1/mops11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> You look different... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It's called active camouflage. One day you will learn to use it as well. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, so what do I do now? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You can do whatever you want, kid. That's the best part. <</say>>
<<btno Rileygallery0 gstage 3>> Take action <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<text>> In this moment you feel that you can do anything. All you can see is the desire, as well as the path that will take you there. You leave the back room and go straight to Riley, who has just finished serving the customer. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, $mc, I'm really sorry, but I can't go now... It is nearly noon, and I have to be here. Customers... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You don't have to go anywhere, Riley. We can do this right here. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> What did you say? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> We can go into that corner and be done in a couple of minutes. No one will see us, and if someone comes - you can easily reach the counter. <</say>>
<<text>> Riley's devilish grin flashed across her face. You had never seen her so excited before. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> That sounds really fun. Come on, hurry up. <</say>>
<<btno Rileygallery0 gstage 4>> OK! <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Riley? Do you have any spare clothes? If you are going to continue working, I think you should get changed. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Why? I'll just strip naked. Give me a sec... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley has taken off her top, revealing a pair of beautiful small breasts. Her pigtails have also come undone. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Holy... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> What? You're staring... <</say>>
<<btno Rileygallery0 gstage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> It's just... I didn't expect to find a body that hot underneath that silly outfit. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, you mean you like that? <</say>>
<<text>> Riley posed like she was in one of those erotic magazines. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley let out a chuckle and tried to keep a straight face as she spoke. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> All right, enough with the games. I have a job to do and you have a cock that is in need of a blow job. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say "Riley">> Wow, that's a nice leather belt you've got there. I didn't expect to find something so expensive on a guy like you... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa, are you trying to burn me? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say "Riley">> Let's get this cock out of his prison. Now, let me check... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> That's a first-class quality cock you've got there. Well done. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> ... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> All right, now get to work. <</say>>
<<text>> You push your dick towards Riley's mouth and she catches it like an army veteran would catch a bullet. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> You're doing great... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<say "Riley">> OK! Let me clean your cock a bit, I can feel you've been working hard today. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? How would you even go about it? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Fuck. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 10>>
<<say "Riley">> Now, with everything clean and wet... <</say>>
<<text>> Riley devours your cock like a wild animal. Any other woman would be choking by now, but she... She took it like a champ. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Good shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, I want to come. Will you swallow? <</say>>
<<text>> She lets go of your cock and gives you a look. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> I'm not doing it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I can't come on your tits or your face. If you want to keep working today, that is. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> That's right... And you shouldn't let your precious sperm go to waste either. <</say>>
<<btno Rileygallery0 gstage 12>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 12>>
<<say "Riley">> I know! <</say>>
<<text>> Riley's face lit up as if she had just come up with a ground-breaking invention. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/riley5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> You can cum in my panties. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You... you sure? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Yeah, it'll be fine, trust me. You can use my pussy to get there. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 13>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh... Your cock is so warm... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/cum0.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm nearly... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 14>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<text>> With the feeling of your cock on the verge of explosion, you do your last stroke and... <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene0/cum1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> You did well, $mc. Not a drop wasted. <</say>>
<<text>> There is a moment of silence. You can hear your own ragged breathing loud and clear. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Wait a minute. Was that what you meant when you said you didn't mind cumming on Tuesdays? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I guess? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Ha, now I get it. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage is 6 || $gstage is 7 || $gstage is 8 || $gstage is 9 || $gstage is 10 || $gstage is 13 || $gstage is 14 >>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 6 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 7 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 8 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 8>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 9 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 9>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 10 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 10>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 11 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 12>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 13 30 0>> Pussyrub <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 13>>
<<btns Rileygallery0 gstage 14 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 14>>
<<btneg Riley-gallery>> ... <</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Riley-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> You hear a woman's voice coming from somewhere nearby. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thank God! I'm not alone in this damned place... <</say>>
<<text>> Following it to the source, you find yourself in a large room with many doors. <</text>>
<<img "act1/laundry4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What a weird place... <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery1 gstage 1>> Investigate different doors <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> You check these doors one by one until... <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell is this now... Have I slipped into some alternate reality after drinking that beer? First there were these creepy corridos and now here are scenarios straight out of hentai manga... <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery1 gstage 2>> Look around some more <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<text>> Looking through the next door, you can see another woman's ass, also stuck in a washing machine. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/laundry0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh boy... What do I do now? <</say>>
<<text>> But no one answers you. It seems that the only beings in the area are you and these two poor women who are helplessly stuck in the washing machine. Oh, the humanity... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, since they're stuck here anyway and I've got two hours to kill, why shouldn't I have some fun? <</say>>
<<text>> You have a second look at both women's asses and wonder if you'll have the stamina to fuck them at the same time. If only you had some Plus ULTRA... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnl Othersgallery1 gstage 3 ThrsScn5Both 600 "You don't have enough energy" 0 0>> Fuck both of them <</btnl>>
<<btn Othersgallery1 gstage 5>> Fuck only one of them <</btn>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 1>>
<<if $gsceneV3 is 1>>
<<text>> You can hear confused moans as you pull your cock out of a chubby girl's asshole. She tries to grab it with her free arm, but to no avail. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Where are you going? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I'm not going to leave a woman in trouble like that. Especially one with an ass like yours. <</say>>
<<text>> Full of energy, you walk up to the girl with the smaller, but fit ass. The only thing keeping you from seeing what she's got is a tight black thong. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You've got a sweet fucking butt if I've ever seen one... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Slim">> Ah! <</say>>
<<text>> The only sound you can hear is the girl's moans of pleasure as you spread her butt cheeks and take a good look at her pussy. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "vdoggy">>
<<text>> You take a bottle of massage oil from the nearby counter and spend some time greasing your cock with it. Then, making sure it is nice and shiny, you spray some of the lubricant on the girl's ass. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<text>> As you insert your dick into her, the girl speaks out for the first time, but you don't quite catch what she's saying. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> Наконец-то... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? Can you say it again? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No? Well, then don't mind me... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "fast">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, baby... Your pussy is not only good on the outside, but on the inside too! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Slim">> Huh... Uh... Oh... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's nice that you moan and all that, but can you give me a little back and forth? Some good old fashioned dirty talk? <</say>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and remember about the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and you wonder if her butthole would be as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 is 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and start thinking about going back to the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and her butthole was as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "hard">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<text>> You grab the girl's ass and start pounding her pussy hard. The girl clearly enjoyed this, her moans were playful but full of pleasure. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> Oh! Ah... Uh! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, you like that, do you? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Too bad you're stuck like that. <</say>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and remember about the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and you wonder if her butthole would be as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 is 1>>
<<text>> You get tired of fucking this bitch the same way only to have her moan and start thinking about going back to the other chick. She had a great juicy ass and her butthole was as tight as this girl's pussy. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "vdoggy1">>
<<text>> You can hear confused moans as you pull your cock out of a chubby girl's asshole. She tries to grab it with her free arm, but to no avail. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Where are you going? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I'm not going to leave a woman in trouble like that. Especially one with an ass like yours. <</say>>
<<text>> You quickly run into another room and give the slim woman a good smack on her ass. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You missed me? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start5.mp4">>
<<text>> As you insert your dick into her, the girl speaks again, clearly enjoying the penetration. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> О да... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Can you speak clearly? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No? Well, then don't mind me... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "hard1">>
<<text>> You grab the girl's ass and start pounding her pussy hard. The girl continues to enjoy this, her moans are playful but full of pleasure. <</text>>
<<say "Slim">> Oh! Ah... Uh! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Good thing you're stuck like that... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "fast1">>
<<say $mc>> OK, baby, your pussy is awesome, but man... <</say>>
<<say "Slim">> Huh... Uh... Oh... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Moan again. I said moan again! And I dare you, I double dare you bitch! Moan one more time... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<if $gsceneV4 is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Okay girl, this has been fun, but I have to go now. <</say>>
<<say "Slim">> Huh? Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> After you have slapped those sweet buttcheeks one last time, you put your dick back in your pants and move on to the next room. As you get closer to the helpless, stuck woman, you hear a voice. <</text>>
<<text>> As you get closer to the helpless, stuck woman, you hear a voice. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh, hello there... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, you can talk? <</say>>
<<say "Chubby">> Of course I can. Help me, I want to be free from the shackles of the...
<<say $mc>> Washing machine, I get you. But first I want to free you from the shackles of your trousers... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Ha-ha. You're funny... <</say>>
<<text>> Her now naked butthole stares at you without blinking. Who does she think you are? With no intention of losing the staring contest, you poke it with your finger. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh! I don't think that's the right way to do it, but... Try it for a little longer. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I understand... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<text>> You oil the woman's butt until it has a bronze glow to it. As you slap her buttcheeks, she taunts you with her playful laughter. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Ooh! It's cold... Warm me up, quickly! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy0">>
<<say $mc>> Okay girl, this has been fun, but I have to go now. <</say>>
<<say "Slim">> Huh? Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> After you have slapped those sweet buttcheeks one last time, you put your dick back in your pants and move on to the next room. As you get closer to the helpless, stuck woman, you hear a voice. <</text>>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh, finally you're back...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, baby... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh my God! You're so much bigger than I've remembered... Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, baby... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Oh my God! You're so much bigger than I've expected... Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<if $gsceneV4 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Hey, pal. You can spend your CP by clicking on the locked purple buttons. Try it out, It'll unlock new stages! <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... Your ass is nothing like what I've experienced before... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Chubby">> Yeah... You know how I trained it... Good... God! Ha... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "forward">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh yes... keep going... <</say>>
<<text>> As you continue to fuck the chick's ass harder and harder, you can something in the machine coming loose. And the next second... <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Transition.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Ah! I'm free! It worked! <</say>>
<<text>> The woman rushes to you and kisses you on the lips. <</text>>
<<say "Sofia">> Thank you, $mc. Thank you so much for fucking my ass as hard as you did. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "forward1">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! You know my name? <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Yes! We all do. We are your samskara, after all. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Who? <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> You don't know yet? Don't bother then. Just can call me Sofie. <</say>>
<<text>> Sofie stretches her body and then begins to examine her butthole. Seemingly satisfied with the result of your actions, she gets down on her knees in front of your cock. <</text>>
<<say "Sofia">> Let's continue, $mc. You haven't earned your grade yet. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage vdoggy 0 0>> Oil her up <</btns>>
<<if $gstage isnot 0 && $gstage isnot 1 && $gstage isnot 2 && $gstage isnot 3 >>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $gstage isnot 0 && $gstage isnot 1 && $gstage isnot 2>>
<<if $gcum < 60 >>
<<if $gstage is "vdoggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage fast 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage hard 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "fast">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage hard 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "hard">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage fast 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "vdoggy1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage fast1 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage hard1 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "fast1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage hard1 10 0>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "hard1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage fast 10 0>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage doggy1 10 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy0">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1 gstage doggy1 10 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage 6 0 0>> Play with her butt <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage 7 0 0>> Oil her up <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage doggy 5 5>> Anal <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "forward">>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage forward1 0 0>> Whoa! <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "forward1">>
<<btns Othersgallery1-1 gstage 0 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gcum < 60>>
<<if $gstage is "vdoggy1" || $gstage is "fast1" || $gstage is "hard1">>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage vdoggy1 5 0>> Vaginal <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "vdoggy" || $gstage is "fast" || $gstage is "hard">>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage vdoggy 5 0>> Vaginal <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage 5 0 0>> Go to the other chick <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 is 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage doggy0 5 0>> Go to Chubby <</btns>>
<<if $gcum < 60>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy" || $gstage is "doggy1" || $gstage is "doggy0">>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage doggy 0 0>> Anal <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV4 is 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage vdoggy1 5 0>> Go to Slim <</btns>>
<<btnl Othersgallery1 gstage 3 ThrsScn5Both 600 "You don't have enough energy" 0 0>> Go to the other chick <</btnl>>
<<if $gstage is "fast1" || $gstage is "hard1" || $gstage is "vdoggy1">>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage doggy 5 0>> Go to Chubby <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 40 && $gstage isnot "fast1" && $gstage isnot "hard1" && $gstage isnot "vdoggy1" && $gstage isnot "fast" && $gstage isnot "hard" && $gstage isnot "vdoggy" && $gstage isnot "forward" && $gstage isnot "forward1" >>
<<btns Othersgallery1 gstage forward 0 0>> ... <</btns>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<text>> Sofie reaches for your dick and grabs it by the balls. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Come on $mc, I wanna taste that sweet cock of yours. Would you please hold my hair? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh wow... You're really good at this... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah, show me yor tits... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> They're fucking enormous... This is why I love girls with something to hold on to. <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Ha... I know that... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<text>> As you lubricate those big tits with more oil, you feel a demon inside you finally breaking free from the confines of human language. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Arue-rure-rue-eure... Yeeees, uweees, uwueee... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> What are you saying? <</say>>
<<text>> Fortunately, the spell is soon broken. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I think I lost my mind for a second there... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Sofia">> I want to ride you! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ehm... Sure? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_R_Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Your cock is so fucking big... <</say>>
<<text>> While you can appreciate her attempt to ride you, it does get a bit boring after a while. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>> Let me show you how to do it! <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh! My! God! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_R_Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> If you keep this up... I'm gonna... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing">>
<<say "Sofia">> This is amazing... You've learned a lot... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Standing.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah, this is... Great... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing1">>
<<text>> As you spread the girl's asshole, you remember how tight it was just a few minutes ago, before you entered her with your massive cock. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Standing1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I can see now why you're so in love with me... <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> Ooh... I am... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>> You like it rough? Huh? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene3/A_Standing2.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh yes! Slap me! Just like your father did! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck, I'm bursiting! My heater is about to explode! <</say>>
<<say "Sofia">> I'll catch it! With my face! <</say>>
<<text>> You get up and start jerking off until you inevitably reach the breaking point. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh my God... That's not a pistol you have. It's a fucking shotgun. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh yes! Yes! Yes! <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel Sofia's legs trembling as your cock slips out of her asshole. It is now resting on top of her pussy that is trembling with orgasm. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Sofia">> Oh my God, you're a miracle, $mc. I would grade you a solid A+ for that one... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I know. Let's contunue... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1-1 gstage missionary1 15 10>> Play with her tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1-1 gstage cowgirl1 10 15>> Fuck her ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1-1 gstage standing1 5 5>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1-1 gstage standing2 10 15>> Slap her ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1-1 gstage standing2 10 15>> Slap her ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery1-1 gstage standing1 5 5>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<btns Othersgallery1-1 gstage missionary 10 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery1-1 gstage cowgirl 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery1-1 gstage standing 10 10>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Othersgallery1-1 gstage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw == 100 >>
<<btns Othersgallery1-1 gstage cumw 10 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> I'm done... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div>function sexShop() {
let linkPassages = document.querySelectorAll("div.dialogue-button-marginleft > a");
linkPassages.forEach (function(elem) {
let targetPositionAttr = elem.firstChild.dataset.position;
let targetPriceAttr = elem.firstChild.dataset.price;
let targetButton = elem.firstChild;
let targetText = elem.firstChild.textContent;
function blockToConfirm(e) {
targetButton.textContent = targetPriceAttr;
elem.removeEventListener("click", blockToConfirm);
elem.addEventListener("click", confirmToBuy);
let overlay = document.createElement('div');
function confirmCancel(e) {
overlay.removeEventListener("click", confirmCancel);
elem.removeEventListener("click", confirmToBuy);
elem.addEventListener("click", blockToConfirm);
targetButton.textContent = targetText;
overlay.addEventListener("click", confirmCancel);
function confirmToBuy(e) {
if(State.variables.CP >= targetPriceAttr) {
State.variables.CP = State.variables.CP - targetPriceAttr;
document.getElementById('player_CP').textContent = State.variables.CP;
State.variables[targetPositionAttr] = 1;
targetButton.textContent = targetText;
elem.removeEventListener("click", confirmToBuy);
overlay.removeEventListener("click", confirmCancel);
elem.removeAttribute("disabled", "");
} else {
setup.notify("You don't have enough CP!", 2000, "broke");
if(targetPositionAttr && State.variables[targetPositionAttr] != 1)
elem.setAttribute("disabled", "");
elem.addEventListener("click", blockToConfirm);
if(targetPositionAttr && State.variables[targetPositionAttr] == 1)
$(document).on(':passageend', function (e) {
});<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> When the video finally stops, you can see that a disc has been ejected from the DVD drive. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/gym16-image.jpeg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I wonder if I should take it... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Think about it this way, kid. Would you want your cringy sex tape to be played in a public place for all your friends and acquaintances to see? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, if you put it that way... <</say>>
<<text>> You grab the disc and quickly shove it into your backpack. It will be safer with you than here, where someone else could use it for who knows what. <</text>>
<<btno Gym1 stage 1>> Time to get paid <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV0 to "Fresh Cut">>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... Job hunting sucks. It really fucking does. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> All you did was go to your friend's mum and ask her for a spot, though. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I know. And I'm fucking exhausted. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Then why don't you have a go at some pretty and rich woman for a living? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> As if it would be so easy to find a beautiful woman willing to fuck a guy like me. And willing to pay for it. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Why not? One of my previous owners used to scour the city for kids like you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What, is there a shortage of geeks in Grand Vena? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, I mean... Look, the best I can explain is that you have a certain smell. And some of the women here have a nose for it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on man, you know I can't shower properly. Give me a break, when I get enough money... <</say>>
<<someone maddy0 "A Woman" kendra>> Hello, can I interrupt you for a moment? <</someone>>
<<btno PatreonBakery0 stage 1>> Who... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> A beautiful woman smiled softly through the open door of a cafe. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/patreon0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Um... Of course. I'm $mc. <</say>>
<<someone maddy0 "Maddy Eve" kendra>> I'm Maddy Eve, nice to meet you. You see, we, the workers at the Sharlote bakery, are looking for a new baker. I've caught wind of the fact that you're in a desperate need of money. Am I right? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Yes... But I don't know how to bake, not to mention how to cook... <</say>>
<<someone maddy0 "Maddy Eve" kendra>> Don't worry, you'll be taught everything you need to know. Come with me.
<<say "Grigoriy">> Look, kid. This offer sounds very suspicious, not to mention that this Maddy is dressed like a slut, instead of a baker. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa, Greg! It's the 21st century, she can wear whatever she wants. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> All I'm saying is, if they tell you that you're descended from a Nigerian prince, don't believe them. <</say>>
<<btno PatreonBakery1 stage 0>> Walk inside the cafe <</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Inside, the bakery looks more like a small, cosy café. <</text>>
<<img "act1/patreon4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Man, I've bought a bunch of pot muffins and brownies in a place like this before... <</say>>
<<someone maddy0 "Maddy Eve" kendra>> Is that so? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> I mean, I used to. But I've been clean for a while now, honest! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yeah, and I'm guessing that this while has been going on for about two days now. You still reek of it. <</say>>
<<text>> Apparently only now noticing the pug, Maddy stopped and looked at him. <</text>>
<<someone maddy0 "Maddy Eve" kendra>> Oh, I see you've brought a dog with you... I'm sorry, but we can't let him in the kitchen. <</someone>>
<<btno PatreonBakery1 stage 1>> Greg's with me <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> I'm not going to abandon my friend, so... <</say>>
<<someone maddy0 "Maddy Eve" kendra>> No, no, I'm not telling you to leave him outside or anything. We have a special area for our customers' dogs. Right here. <</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I won't be a slave to any man's interference with my freedom... <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy's eyes widened as Mandy opened the door to the pet corner. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops20-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Dear Lord Jesus Christ... Buddy, I'm sure you'll be fine here. I wouldn't mind waiting here for a while, so don't be too hasty with your work! <</say>>
<<text>> Having said that, Grigoriy rushed in, bouncing around the lady-pug, and Mandy closed the door behind him. A low growl and a soft bark could be heard coming through the door. <</text>>
<<btno PatreonBakery1 stage 2>> What work will I do? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> So... am I going to knead the dough or something? <</say>>
<<someone maddy0 "Maddy Eve" kendra>> The dough? Oh no, you won't be kneading that. <</someone>>
<<text>> Mandy smacked her lips together, as if she was excited at the taste of something delicious. <</text>>
<<someone maddy0 "Maddy Eve" kendra>> Everything will be super easy to understand and very exciting. If you sign up, you'll be working with and learning from the best of the best. Just give me a second, I'm going to bring you the special contract, just for you. <</someone>>
<<imgv "act1/patreon1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Hey, I'm sorry, but... <</say>>
<<text>> But Maddy walked into the personal area before you could add anything else. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well... Fuck. <</say>>
<<btno PatreonBakery1 stage 3>> Wait for Maddy to return <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Maddy">> And I'm back. I hope I didn't leave you bored for too long. Here's the paperwork... <</say>>
<<text>> Maddy returned, now wearing a chef's uniform. It looked good on her, but when she sat behind the table you could swear you'd caught a glimpse of her bare pussy. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, actually... I'm sorry, Maddy, but I don't have my ID card with me. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Huh... <</say>>
<<text>> Mandy glanced thoughtfully around the staff area as your heart sank at the prospect of losing a job with such a lovely manager. The possibilities of the fun things you could do with her in this kitchen run through your mind. <</text>>
<<say "Maddy">> OK. I have an idea. If you don't have an ID card, you can sign in with your blood instead. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Don't worry, certain laws in Grand Vena recognise blood as a valid alternative to ID. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Wow, that sounds great... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn PatreonBakery1 stage 5>> Sign the contract <</btn>>
<<btn PatreonBakery1 stage 4>> Wait a second... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Maddy">> Then put your..! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, hey, hey! I'm not sayin' I'm okay with it yet. Give me some time. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Oh. <</say>>
<<text>> Maddy blinked, thinking about what you said. <</text>>
<<say "Maddy">> I understand. Take your time. I'll go and help Lily in the meantime. <</say>>
<<text>> You were looking through the document when the sound of a commotion coming from the kitchen caught your attention. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/patreon5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! Is this THAT kind of bakery? <</say>>
<<text>> Maddy laughs when she notices you looking at her and comes back to the table. <</text>>
<<say "Maddy">> Yes, it is... So what have you decided, $mc? <</say>>
<<btno PatreonBakery1 stage 5>> Yes! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Sign me up! <</say>>
<<text>> Maddy claps her hands together and salutes you. <</text>>
<<say "Maddy">> Good choice! Here, you can use this button to draw blood. And before you ask, it's sterile and for single use only. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right... <</say>>
<<text>> You press your finger against the sharp part of the button and feel the needle pierce your skin, followed by a strange sucking sensation. Then you leave the bloody fingerprint on a document next to your signature. <</text>>
<<img "act1/patreon3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Damn, that hurt a little bit... <</say>>
<<btno PatreonBakery1 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Maddy">> Good! <</say>>
<<text>> Maddy quickly snatched the contract from your arms and checked it herself. Then she pointed to one of the clothes racks. <</text>>
<<say "Maddy">> You can start working right away. Here, take these overalls with you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> There's a badge with Van's name on it... Shall I keep it on? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Yes, please. We don't have a replacement at the moment, so imagine your name is Van for the day. <</say>>
<<text>> Maddy smiled and for some reason you weren't sure if it was out of politeness or if she was laughing at you right now. <</text>>
<<say "Maddy">> When you're ready, go into the kitchen. Lily will show you the ropes. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you so much! I'll get busy. <</say>>
<<btno PatreonOthers0 stage 0>> Go to the kitchen <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Lily">> Phef. Maddy, I'm going to go to the toilet. Cover for me, will you? <</say>>
<<text>> Trying to catch your breath, you leaned against the freezer. Fucking as a job was definitely harder than it seemed. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh...Ah...you girls are amazing... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> I wish I could say the same for you... <<if $PtrnThrs0Cum is 2>>But, at least you tried. <</if>> <</say>>
<<if $PtrnThrs0CumW is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Don't be like that... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on! I made you cum <<if $PtrnThrs0CumW is 2>>a few times <</if>>, didn't I? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> No, you didn't. You may have helped make Lily cum, but that's as far you went. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, fuck... <</say>>
<<if $PtrnThrs0CumW is 2>>
<<say "Maddy">> Although I suppose you did get her twice... That's something. That deserves a reward. <</say>>
<<text>> You stood there in silence, frankly quite ashamed of your performance. <</text>>
<<if $PtrnThrs0CumW is 2>>
<<btno PatreonBakery2 stage 1>> A reward? <</btno>>
<<btno PatreonBakery2 stage 2>> So... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Reward? Like a bonus? <</say>>
<<text>> Your eyes lit up in anticipation of coming home with a hefty sum in your pocket. <</text>>
<<say "Maddy">> Here you go. <</say>>
<<text>> Maddy held out a discount voucher for the bakery you'd been working for. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/patreon6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What... Is this? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> You can activate it with your phone. Promotional material, plus a discount. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's not the bonus I was expecting... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> This is what you deserve. Be better at your job and I'll compensate you accordingly. <</say>>
<<btno PatreonBakery2 stage 2>> So.. <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> So... When does my shift end? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Pft... It doesn't, $mc. Didn't you read the contract? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? What the hell! This is illegal! <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Not if you sign the contract in blood. Then it is a blood pact. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm pretty sure the US court system doesn't recognise blood pacts as a valid form of contract. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Harlots do. That's all that matters. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So what, an imaginary police force made up of prostitutes? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> It is real, so you better stop bitching and be a good little slave. A fuck toy that you are. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ha! Fuck off, I'm out. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> You stupid ass... Don't you understand there will be consequences?! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> In your dreams. Grigory told me to stay away from suspicious scams. Bye. <</say>>
<<btno PatreonBakery2 stage 3>> Walk out <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Now, where's the dog corner... Ah, here it is. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops21-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... I see you wasted no time... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hi pal. How's the job? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's a fake, they tried to trick me with stupid shit, just like you said. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nice of you to recognise it, $mc. I knew there was something suspicious about that woman. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Too bad you'll have to leave your girlfriend behind now... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No problem, I'm over her anyway. Let's get out of here, quick. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> With pleasure. <</say>>
<<if $ActOneFinal3 is undefined>>
<<if $MapState is 0>>
<<btno Map0 PatreonBakery0 1>> Fuck this place <</btno>>
<<btno Map1 PatreonBakery0 1>> Fuck this place <</btno>>
<<if $MapState is 0>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 PatreonBakery0 1>> Fuck this place <</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 PatreonBakery0 1>> Fuck this place <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Eventually you manage to catch up with the pug. He stands proudly near the entrance to a local 7\11. <</text>>
<<img "act1/shop0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Well, what did I expect following a pug? At least it's not another dumpster. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, show some respect. This is the best place in town that I know of. The food is just like my mother used to make it, delicious stuff. Come on, let me in. <</say>>
<<btno Backstreets2 stage 0 >> Enter the mini-market <</btno>>
</div><div class="map-back">
<div class="map-container"></div>
/* notify */
<<if !$patreonQuestNameV0>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV0 to "Baker's Quest">>
<<if $PatreonBakeryNotify is undefined && $DayAfterKendra is 1>>
<<set $PatreonBakeryNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if $Patreon0BellaNotify is undefined && $WedArcade0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0BellaNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify is undefined && $NakedSIntro0 is 1>>
<<set $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify to 1>>
<<if $patreonQuestNameV0 isnot "Fresh Cut">>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added into the queue! Complete "$patreonQuestNameV0" in order to get access to it! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if $Patreon0KendraNotify is undefined && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0KendraNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
/* system */
<<set $MapState to 1>>
<<if $timeM is undefined>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
<<if $RileyCounter is undefined>>
<<set $RileyCounter to 0>>
<<if $SavannahCounter is undefined>>
<<set $SavannahCounter to 0>>
<<if $KendraCounter is undefined>>
<<set $KendraCounter to 0>>
<<if $AlexisCounter is undefined>>
<<set $AlexisCounter to 0>>
<<set $RileyCounterOld to $RileyCounter>>
<<set $SavannahCounterOld to $SavannahCounter>>
<<set $KendraCounterOld to $KendraCounter>>
<<set $AlexisCounterOld to $AlexisCounter>>
/* Suburbs3 1 */
<<if $Suburbs3 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs3">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Electritian's Work
<div class="quest-description">
Help your neighbour Kendra out. Who knows what you'll get in return?
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Kendra's House
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Suburbs6 1 */
<<if $Suburbs6 is undefined && $Suburbs3 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $Sbrbs5ScnKndr is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayAfterKendra 1 */
<<if $DayAfterKendra is undefined && $BackstreetsHome is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayAfterKendra">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Bit of Nepotism
<div class="quest-description">
Ask your friend's mum for a job. What can go wrong?
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Kendra's House
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayAfterPizza 1 */
<<if $DayAfterPizza is undefined && $DayAfterKendra is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayAfterPizza">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Your First Job
<div class="quest-description">
Time to get a job. Kendra says this place is hiring...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayAfterGym 1 */
<<if $DayAfterGym is undefined && $DayAfterPizza is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/coach-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/coach-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayAfterGym">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Delivery Boy
<div class="quest-description">
You're on time. Don't let the pizza get stale...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Member Gym
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Minimarket0 1 */
<<if $Minimarket0 is undefined && $DayAfterHome is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Minimarket0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Phone Problem
<div class="quest-description">
Check in with Riley and ask her if she has the phone for sale.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
7-11 Minimarket
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Gym0 1 */
<<if $Gym0 is undefined && $DayAfterHome is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/trainer-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/trainer-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Gym0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Returning The Favor
<div class="quest-description">
You promised to fix the TV in the gym, it's time.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Member Gym
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Arcade0 1 */
<<if $Arcade0 is undefined && $DayAfterHome is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Arcade0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Quick Fix
<div class="quest-description">
Nico pleads for your help. You couldn't refuse his request.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Basement Arcade
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* WedJob0 */
<<if $WedJob0 is undefined && $WedMorning0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "WedJob0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A New Hire
<div class="quest-description">
It is time for you to get your first official job.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* MinimarketShop */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $WedHome0 is 1 && $RileyBlock isnot 1 && ($WorkMini1 isnot 1 || $WorkMini0 isnot 1 || $DayValue is 4)>>
<div class="map-window map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $ThusdMini0 isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ThusdMini0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<if $RileyJobVisitedDaily isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "MainMini0">> <<set $stage to "enter0a">> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "MainMini0">> <<set $stage to "enter0b">> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Day Job
<div class="quest-description">
Spend some time with Riley. And get some work done while you're at it.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Pizza */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $WedHome0 is 1 && $ThusdPizza0 isnot 1 && $RileyScene1Exit isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ThusdPizza0">> <<set $stage to "0a">> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Pizza Time
<div class="quest-description">
Something wicked is brewing at Rooster's Egg. And it seems to be Alexis' doing.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* FrdGym0 1 */
<<if $FrdGym0 is undefined && $ThusdHome0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/coach-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/coach-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "FrdGym0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Pumping Iron
<div class="quest-description">
Going to the gym is something you have been thinking about for a while. Now's your chance to do just that.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Member's Gym
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* FrdKendra0 1 */
<<if $FrdKendra0 is undefined && $ThusdHome0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "FrdKendra0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Surprise
<div class="quest-description">
As you approach Kendra's apartment, you get a strange feeling tugging on your stomach...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Kendra's House
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayOffPizza 0 */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $DailyPizzaVisited isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayOffPizza0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayOffPizza0">> <<set $stage to 1>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Day Off
<div class="quest-description">
As you pass the Rooster's Egg, a certain thought crosses your mind...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Side Quests */
/* LaundrySide0 1 */
<<if $LaundrySide0 is undefined && $Arcade0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-rus">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/sofia-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/sofia-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "LaundrySide0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Wash
<div class="quest-description">
Even Grigoriy is telling you about your stench. It's time to do something.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* ValSide0 1 */
<<if $ValSide0 is undefined && $WedMorning0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/val-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/val-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ValSide0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Bar Date
<div class="quest-description">
Val waiting for you at the bar. You don't want to be late on a date!
<div class="quest-time savannah">
The Bar
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon */
/* PatreonBakery0 1 */
<<if $PatreonBakery0 is undefined && $DayAfterKendra is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "PatreonBakery0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Baker's quest
<div class="quest-description">
When you take Grigoriy out, you get an unexpected proposition...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Sharlote's bakery
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Bella0 1 */
<<if $Patreon0Bella0 is undefined && $WedArcade0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1 && !($FrdGym0 is undefined && $ThusdHome0 is 1)>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Bella0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Yoga Time!
<div class="quest-description">
Passing by the gym, you get a craving that is not easy to satiate...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Member Gym
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Kendra */
<<if $Patreon0Kendra is undefined && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-culture patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Kendra0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Unexpected Encounter
<div class="quest-description">
An unexpected encounter happened while you were walking through the city...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Говно для совместимости сейвов */
/* WedMorning0 1 */
<<if $WedMorning0 is undefined && $DayEndTwo4 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "WedMorning0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Continuation
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to continue the story.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You ran through the garden, keeping low to the ground to avoid any potential witnesses. There was only one thought on your mind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Now I really want her... <</say>>
<<text>> The images of exactly how Kendra was going to "make it up" to you filled your head. Her beatufil ass, soft pussy and warm mouth... Which one will she let you fuck first? <</text>>
<<say $mc>> First will be her pussy... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra3-image.jpg">>
<<btno Suburbs5-1 stage 1>> Oh yeah... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Mhmm. Can't wait... <</say>>
<<img "act1/kendra4-image.jpg">>
<<text>> It was only after you left Kendra's property that you remembered your planned meeting. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh no! Fuck, I'm stupid! <</say>>
<<text>> In just half an hour, you're supposed to be having dinner with Kait in a restaurant. You better hurry the hell up! <</text>>
<<btno Map0 Suburbs3 1>> Run! <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Dev">> All characters in this game are over the age of 18. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> And every single situation depicted in this game is fictional and in no way represent reality. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. <</say>>
<<img "act1/start0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> This game is a work of fiction intended for adults only. Do not play this if you are under the legal age. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Arcade1 stage 99>> I'm under 18 <</btnsb>>
<<btns launch stage 1>> I'm over 18 <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Dev">> Let me introduce myself, Player. I'm Tuni, the coder of this game. My cock in 6 inches long and this game is meant to entertain. So, have fun. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Wait, we almost forgot! Player, do you see this pink zero under the Player Icon? It is called CP. Stands for confidence points. You get those at certain points throughout the game. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/start1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> Oh yeah. They are a resourse that can be used for unlocking alternative interactions inside H-Scenes through these cools buttons. You might see one very soon, depending on your decidions made within the story. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/start2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Author">> Unlocks persist between runs, meaning that if you unlock an interaction - it stays with you forever. And so do the points, each story point will give them out only once. Reruns will not give you any additional points. <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> And by the way, our game has sound support for the videos! Amazing, right? <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Player, you can change the volume by clicking the Volume button. It's really easy. Just make sure you keep it at a comfortable level, or you could get jumpscared by a video very soon. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/start4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> Now, you can suck my shlong. Enjoy. <</say>>
<<btno launch stage 2>> Game start <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Author">> Oh, and one more thing. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> This story is about an ordinary guy and his rise to the top of the criminal world in the fictional city of Grand Vena. It might be a bit slow at the beginning, but there will be a lot of action later on. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Please, name your character and enjoy your time. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<textbox "$mc" "Jonh Doe" >>
<<btn PrePrologue0 stage 0>> Finally the tutorial is over <</btn>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<text>> You put the plug into the socket and, to your delight, you can hear the TV switch itself on at last. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah! Suck my dick! <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Oh yes, please! Give me your cock! <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh my God! What have you done? <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery2 gstage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Eat this one, bitch! <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh yes, please! Give me your cock! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh, so that's a beginning... But who filmed it? And why is it here? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I wish I knew... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<if $gsceneV1 == 0>>
<<text>> You take a step back and look at the picture on the TV. You see a guy fucking the shit out of a woman's face in the weight room of the gym. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Oh yeah.... I'm going to fuck your face so hard... <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_2.mp4">>
<<if $gsceneV1 != 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Look at his abs... And his cock... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah? I guess they are quite impressive... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell... Is this a recording? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> This is Kelsi, she has a shift today... What is going on? Can you turn it off? <</say>>
<<text>> You approach the DVD drive and see three buttons on it. <</text>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Fuck yeah, look at my chest! I can lick your ass and bench press at the same time! <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh my God... You're amazing... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I've never seen anything like this before... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Me neither... Oh my! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Fuck my slutty pussy! Like that! Ah... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, she looks possessed... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Big Dick Magic, pal. I had no idea white people had access to this stuff. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Shit... This looks really good... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $stage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh yeah... Yeah... Oh, fuck! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_5.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> God! How can she keep such a monster inside? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> It looks even bigger on the outside... Makes me really wish... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh my God! So good... Please don't stop! <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Oh yeah, you little slut? Like this? <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_6.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> Pull my hair! Please! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How the hell did it fit up her asshole? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I've seen her do stretches before... But to think she found such a good cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh! I love it... Fuck, fuck, fuck me... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_7.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What an angle... Man... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, you think how good it would be if it was you and not that guy? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, that makes two of you... In a way. <</say>>
<<text>> You turn to Grigoriy and notice that Scarlit is biting her lip, watching the scene, hypnotised by the action. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> God damn... How long have I been pounding you now? <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Yet I'm still... Tight as ever... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Bitch, that is why I keep fucking you! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_8.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What a miracle-woman... Not to be loose after a screwing with a monster like him... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> She does yoga here four times a week. I've heard it helps with the muscles down there. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<say $mc>> Bloody hell... What the fuck? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_9.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Huh? Don't tell me you're not interested in trying something like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, this is some kind of clown curcuis routine... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What kind of circus have you been to, pal? I know there are usually animals there too... Do I need to be concerned about you? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 10>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Oh yes! Des... Destroy my ass... Hole... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Yeah... Yeah... Yeah! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_10.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> My... God! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So... I get that you know this chick... But who is the guy? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I told you, I have no idea. But if you find out - let me know... <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit smiled, grouping her tits. You could see her hard nipples through the sport top. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 11>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gstage>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Fuck, take it, bitch... Oh yeah... <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> I'm... I... Cumming! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_11.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> Ah... I love you... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Shut up! We are not finished yet... <</someone>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Damn, I'd come five times by now... Kelsi is really tough... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> The guy's pretty great too. You have a lot to learn if you want to be like him, pal. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 12>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Now... It's my... Turn! <</someone>>
<<say "Kelsi">> Give it to me, babe... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Argh! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene4/Start_12.mp4">>
<<say "Kelsi">> I can feel it... So warm... Inside... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Guy" dick>> Fuck yeah bitch... Show me... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... What a watch. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "stop">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to $gsceneV1>>
<<say $mc>> Scarlit, I'm going to try and stop the video! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Go on! <</say>>
<<text>> You stretch out your finger to press the stop button. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I'm going to do it! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yes! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, you'd better hurry up. I don't want to do this all day. <</say>>
<<text>> You press the button... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/image7-image.gif">>
<<text>> But nothing happens. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? It did nothing! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Try pressing it again! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "stop1">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to $gsceneV1>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... All right! <</say>>
<<text>> You crack your knuckles and give the button the fastest tap you can muster. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image4-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Is it... Huh... Working? Scarlit? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Somewhat? I think if you press it again, the video will finally stop! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I think so too, pal. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage isnot 0 && $gstage isnot 12>>
<<if $gstage isnot 1>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery2 gstage $gstage-1>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gsceneV2 == 0>>
<<btns Othersgallery2 gstage stop>> Stop <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery2 gstage stop1>> Stop <</btns>>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> Stop <</btnegp>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery2 gstage $gstage+1>> Forward <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is 12>>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> ... <</btnegp>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery2 gstage $gsceneV2-1>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gsceneV2 == 0>>
<<btns Othersgallery2 gstage stop>> Stop <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery2 gstage stop1>> Stop <</btns>>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> Stop <</btnegp>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery2 gstage $gsceneV2+1>> Forward <</btnsb>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<text>> As you poured the porridge into the trough, you could see the pigs' satisfied faces. They grunted impatiently as they waited for their meal. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Bon Appétit! Go, go, little piggies, have a feast. <</say>>
<<text>> Now that the pigs have been well fed, you walk out of the barn and take another look at your farm, admiring it's beauty once again. <</text>>
<<img "act1/farm1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grandpa">> $mc! Come here, we need to talk. <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery3 gstage 1>> Coming! <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> Following your grandfather's call, you enter the farmhouse. You know he's not the kind of man to call without a good reason, so you decide to take the matter seriously. <</text>>
<<img "act1/farm0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You take off your dirty boots and put on a pair of leather sandals. As you walk up the stairs, you can hear the grunts of a pig coming from your grandfather's room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Grandpa, don't tell me that you've brought your beloved pig into the house... Not again. <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery3 gstage 2>> Come inside the room <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<text>> You close the door and turn to the men sitting by the window, having a beer. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh my God... <</say>>
<<img "act1/image6-image.webp">>
<<say "Grandpa">> Hell, yeah. And I'm going to do it again. <</say>>
<<text>> He takes another swig from the beer bottle. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> We have talked about this a million times. They are dirty, filthy animals. They belong in the stable, only humans are allowed to be in the house. <</say>>
<<say "Grandpa">> You sound just like my son. Open your eyes and look at these creatures. They're pure and innocent beings. We are all one in the eyes of God. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Now, are you going to start cleaning the house after your piggies that you love so much then? <</say>>
<<say "Grandpa">> No. The dirt bothers you, not me. <</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery3 gstage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> ... I'm gonna take a leak. Then we'll continue the conversation. <</say>>
<<text>> You take your dick out of your pants and go into the bathroom.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hm? Wait, my sausage is completely burnt... <</say>>
<<text>> This is the moment when enlightenment hits you over the head.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Right, I was going to fuck Lynn! <</say>>
<<text>> The next moment you find yourself in a familiar looking kitchen. And you know exactly what to do... <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery3 gstage 4>> You're done for... <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Сome here you little piggy... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_0.mp4">>
<<text>> This time she won't escape you. You're going to be sneakier and faster than ever before. <</text>>
<<btno Othersgallery3 gstage 5>> Pounce on that ass <</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, $mc? You've caught me. What are you going to do now? <</say>>
<<text>> You start to tear off her dress, ready to pound her holes until there is nothing more. Lynn is more than happy to help, you can already see how her pussy is dripping with juices. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You know damn well what I'm going to do now... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> And you're going to love every second of it, aren't you? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_2.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes master! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah, your fat little pussy... Oh fuck yeah it's good. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_3.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> I love your cock! Give me more Master, more! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> More? I don't think you've earned the right to demand anything from your Master yet. <</say>>
<<text>> As you begin to slow your movements, you can see Lynn trying to compensate with her own thrusts. But that wouldn't be enough for her, and you know it. <</text>>
<<say "Lynn">> I'm sorry, Master... That was just an expression of your servant's wish... Punish me as you see fit. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, I'm going to punish you good... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Hey, babe! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh! Hey! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I've just finished spinning spinach springways in our bedroom. <</say>>
<<text>> The meaning of the words she just said has escaped your mind, but that's what lucid dreaming is all about. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<say $mc>> Thanks, Scarlit. That's cool. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> And do you know what we could be doing right now? Hey, $mc, why don't we, you know... <</say>>
<<text>> Playfully toying with her hair, she began to move towards you. You had to stop her. Otherwise she's going to see Lynn skewered on your cock. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_5.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Whoa! Hey! <</say>>
<<text>> After flashing her tits, you give the best monkey impression you can muster. Finally, all those acting classes you took at college have come in handy. In your dreams. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ah, whatever... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Amazing work, Master... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 10>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, it was fucking hot... I think I'm... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_6.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh! Your seed is so warm, master... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Look at that pussy... Man, this is fucking great. <</say>>
<<text>> You hear footsteps, someone coming down the stairs. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Lynn, cover yourself, quick! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 11>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Babe, I forgot to... <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit entered the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks. You had covered up perfectly, but unfortunately your cum continued to drip from Lynn's pussy onto the floor. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_7.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> You fucking bitch! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> No, it's you who's a fucking bitch! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, let's all calm down... I'm sure you'll find that you two have a lot in common... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh, shut the fuck up and give me your dick too, you animal... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah, Master... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> Oh my God, Lynn, you're sucking me off like a vacuum cleaner... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Is that a good thing? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Start_8.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Fuck yeah, it is... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Then why don't we go into a living room next? All three of us can have some real fun that way... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Good girl... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, suck it baby... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Suck it good... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Scarlit">> My turn now! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Does Master like it when I play with his balls like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit.. Girls... Holy fuck! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Fuck my throat, $mc! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<text>> While you were busy with Scarlit's throat, Lynn decided to have some fun with herself. <</text>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh Master is so hot... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tcowgirl">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gsceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh, you're good at that, $mc... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah... So deep, it fils me whole... Mhm! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cowgirl_T.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Although I can see that our Lynn needs a bit more... hardcore action. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tcowgirl1">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gsceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Let me help... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes, yes, yes... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cowgirl1_T.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Bloody hell... You wearing me down... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sdoggy">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to $gsceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> It's time for your pussy to get pounded too... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, please, Scarlit, lick my clit while the Master is inside you... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> I'm about to... Oh my God! Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sdoggy1">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to $gsceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, you're squeezing me like crazy! <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit was completely off her rocker. Her face lay on Lynn's thigh while you continued to drill into her pussy. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy1_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> I'm gonna cum again... Ohmygod... Ah! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Good girl... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tdoggy">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gsceneV1+1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Slap her ass, $mc! I can see this bitch likes it rough... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah! Uh... Ue! Ueee! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Fuck, just listen to her squeal! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tdoggy1">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gsceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Fuck, I wanna taste her pussy... Give it to me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How? Like this? <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy1_T.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> I'm lovin' it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, this is beatufil... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tdoggy2">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $gsceneV1+1>>
<<say $mc>> All right, time to show her how it's done... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh fuck yeah! I'll help! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Doggy2_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ha.. Aha.. Ha... Agh! Ahh! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh my God, this is not a piggy squealing, this is a whole fucking goose! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "smissionary">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to $gsceneV2+1>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, Scarlit, you're doing great... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Nom-nom-nom-nom <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Missionary_S.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah, this is so hot... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, Master, make her cream! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "smissionary1">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to $gsceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> All right, I'm going to knock your socks off, Scarlit! <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ah! Fuck me deep! Yes, yes! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Missionary1_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ough... Whaaa!!! God fucking... Yes! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Is this her tenth time today? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "bmissionary">>
<<say $mc>> What did I tell you about bossing me around, huh? <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no, I've done it again... I'll take the punishment. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Missionary_B.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ohmygod... AH! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck, she's still came... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tdouble">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to $sceneV1+1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh fuck yeah, let's put on a show... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Double_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah! Master! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... This is something straight from the circut routine... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Don't forget me though... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sdouble">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to $gsceneV2+1>>
<<say $mc>> That looks like a fucking sandwich... Man, I love my sandwiches. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> $mc, it's my turn, please... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Double_S.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ah! Yes! Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "bdouble">>
<<say $mc>> OK Scarlit, give me your pussy... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Double_B.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh fuck! Ah! Oh! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> God, ah! Oh! Ah! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck! I'm... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yes, we know... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Give it to us, Master! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Learning lucid dreaming was so worth it... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yeah, you're doing great... <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Will you stay with us for a while? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "scumw">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Pal, there are a three ways these girls can cum. Watch who you're shagging. And yes, I am inside your dream... <</mops>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> C'mon, c'mon! I'm almost... Ah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cumw_S.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I didn't take you for a squirter... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I can be whatever my... Master desires... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Scarlit, this is too much... Please, anything but that. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tcumw">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set g$sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Pal, there are a three ways these girls can cum. Watch who you're shagging. And yes, I am inside your dream... <</mops>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> God damn, fuck her pussy good, $mc... I can't be the only one cumming today! <</say>>
<<say "Lynn">> Master, please! Harder... I beg for your cock... to fuck me up! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cumw_T.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oooh! Yes-yes-yes... Amazing... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Good job! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "tcumw1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<mops>> Pal, there are a three ways these girls can cum. Watch who you're shagging. And yes, I am inside your dream... <</mops>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> How you like that? Huh? You little s... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> OH MY GOD! AH! AGH!!! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene1/Cumw1_T.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck, I didn't even touch her this time... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> It's the magic of Big Black Cock... My body can't resist it... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 6 || $gstage is 7 || $gstage is 8 || $gstage is 9 || $gstage is 10>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is 5 || $gstage is 6 || $gstage is 7 || $gstage is 8>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage $gstage+1 25 0>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 9>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage $gstage+1 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 10>>
<<btn Othersgallery3 gstage $gstage+1>> Try to look normal <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 11>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage start 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage blowjob1 10 0>> Scarlit... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage blowjob2 15 20>> Fuck her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "tcowgirl">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage tcowgirl1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "tdoggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage sdoggy 15 15>> Scarlit... <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage tdoggy2 15 20>> Make her squeal <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage tdoggy1 15 20>> Fuck both <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "tdoggy2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage sdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sdoggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage sdoggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage tdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sdoggy1" || $gstage is "tdoggy1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage sdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "smissionary">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage smissionary1 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage bmissionary 15 15>> Lynn... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "smissionary1" || $gstage is "bmissionary">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage smissionary 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "tdouble">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage sdouble 15 15>> Scarlit... <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage bdouble 15 20>> Fuck both <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sdouble" || $gstage is "bdouble">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery3 gstage tdouble 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gsceneCumW < 1 >>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage tcowgirl 10 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage smissionary 10 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage tdoggy 10 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCumW >= 1 >>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage tdouble 10 15>> Double <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw == 100 >>
<<if $gsceneV1 > $gsceneV2>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage tcumw 10 0>> Make Lynn cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 < $gsceneV2>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage scumw 10 0>> Make Scarlit cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 == $gsceneV2>>
<<btns Othersgallery3 gstage tcumw1 10 0>> Make ??? cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> Youdone! <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Lily? Maddy sent me here, she said you'd show me the ropes... <</say>>
<<text>> As you enter the kitchen, you look around the room, but there seems to be no one here. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey are you on a break? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Lily?" lily>> No, I'm here. A bit busy though, I'm making a chocolate spread. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Can I help you? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Lily?" lily>> Of course you can. Come, I'll show you everything. <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> Walking past the donuts, you see a very special bun. With two holes, no less. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/patreon2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! Lily, I can see your... You know. Your cupcake. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Well, I told you I'd show you everything... <</say>>
<<text>> You could hear her laugh as she gave a suggestive shake of her butt. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> All right... Is this like a dress code? Do I pull down my pants too? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Fuck, I hope so. Stop being stupid, please. By the way, I don't think you've introduced yourself. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> I'm $mc. Nice to meet you. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Well, you already know, but I'm Lily. I can't quite shake your hand, so you can slap my butt with your dick instead. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Like that? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Yep. But come on, we're not paying you to stand around. Get to work. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> What should I do now? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Huh... Well, you can fill my cupcake with your vanilla cream for starters... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> $mc! I said my cupcake, not my... leaking doughnut... Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, I'm not that good at kitchen lingo... Do you want me to switch? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> No, I... Like it... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... You have a very nice butt... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Thank you... Your cock is... pretty good too... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Damn, I want to go faster... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Wait! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Why? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> I think the customers are coming... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Lily! What do you want me to do? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Go behind the counter and serve them. My chocolate spread is ready, I have to use it before it cools down. Good luck, $mc! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> Hey man... I'd like the... Um... <</someone>>
<<text>> The man in front of you is behaving in a manner that's rather strange. His bloodshot eyes are staring intently into the hole of a doughnut. The guy is clearly high. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Dude, be careful. Those doughnut holes can suck you dry if you let them. <</say>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> Oh! Thanks, Van... So... have you... Um... <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Mike" dick>> I'm Mike, by the way... Um... So I'm hungry... Can you? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Sure Mike. Let me have a look. <</say>>
<<text>> You were looking around for the right food for Mike when you noticed Maddy nearby, busy filling the shop windows. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<text>> As per dress code, her holes were open for all to see. Staring into them would be too much for Mike, who was as high as a kite. In this state he could risk to lose all sense of self. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Maddy, keep still... I'll cover you up. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Oh! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So, Mike, my advice to you would be this banananana bread. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Mike" dick>> Oh. Is it good? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Yep, take a slice and you can walk past the door that doesn't exist. Crazy stuff. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Mike" dick>> Thanks, man... Here, no change. <</someone>>
<<text>> You watch Mike go out and remember how you used to get high every day and sit around doing nothing. But now you have to work. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Maddy">> Well done, $mc. You're a natural. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Yeah, let us reward you... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> ...You have earned it. <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Start5.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... This is the best job I've ever had... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> And this is going to be... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> ...The best blowjob you'll ever have. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... You weren't joking... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Mhmh... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Such a nice cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, you have something on your lip. Let me... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't forget me, girls! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> We're not forgetting... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> ...Just cleaning up. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Do you like that? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Lily">> Let me... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, fuck! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Did you like it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "mdoggy">>
<<say "Maddy">> Me first... Umhm... Yeah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, so tight... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, you can help me too... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> You two look so good together... I can't... Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "mdoggy1">>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, suck on my tit... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Of course... Mhm... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Ah... shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "ldoggy">>
<<say "Lily">> Cream all over my cupcake, $mc... Oh... so good... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Take all of it, oh yeah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Fuck me... You actually remembered... Which hole... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> And I think he deserves a little raise for that... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "ldoggy1">>
<<say "Lily">> Ah! Maddy... It's so big... now... I... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> You can take it, girl... Your ass has room for so much more! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Mhm... Ah... Fuck.... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shit, you girls are something else... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "lstanding">>
<<say "Maddy">> All right... Let's spice it up a bit... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Mhm... So good... I hope you stay with us, $mc... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... I hope so too... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "mstanding">>
<<say "Maddy">> Down to business... Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Maddy, please... My pussy too... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Mhmhmhm... Mhmh.. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "mstanding1">>
<<say "Maddy">> Mmm... Lily, how is... That? <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Oh yeah, Maddy... You're my cupcake... Lover... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing2.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Please... Ah! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man, the two of you are so cute together... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "lstanding1">>
<<say "Maddy">> Oh yes, Lily! That's why I... Love you so much... Oh... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Me too... What a great... Ass! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing3.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Ahh... Fuck... This is... Too much... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "lstanding2">>
<<say "Lily">> Ah ha... Agh! Mmm! <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Yeah, $mc, fuck her good! That's what we pay you for! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Standing4.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Fuck! Ah... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<say "Lily">> Oh, fuck! Maddy, I'm almost... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Come on over here, Lily... I won't let you down... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And I'm helping too! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Maddy">> Mhmhm... Mrmhrm... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> Yes! Maddy... You're the best boss I've ever... Had... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And what about me? <</say>>
<<if $gsceneV5 is 1>>
<<say "Lily">> You're... pretty good too. <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Don't get too cocky about it, though. <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> ... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> You're allright. I guess. <</say>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 1>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Girls, I'm about to... <</say>>
<<say "Lily">> What, already? <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> Well, here. We'll drink it all up, so try not to mess it up... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... Agh! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene5/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Lily">> Mhmhm... At least his sperm is tasty... <</say>>
<<say "Maddy">> ...like a fine wine. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... You two are so hot... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 2 || $gstage is 3 || $gstage is 4>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is 3 || $gstage is 2>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage $gstage+1 15 10>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Sure! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Introduce yourself <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> What? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Look professional <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btn PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Oh fuck... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage start 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Go on... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage blowjob1 5 5>> Grils? <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage blowjob2 15 5>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage blowjob2 15 5>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage blowjob1 5 5>> Girls? <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "mdoggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage mdoggy1 15 5>> Go anal <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage ldoggy 10 10>> Lily... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "ldoggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage ldoggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage mdoggy 10 5>> Maddy... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "ldoggy1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage ldoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "mdoggy1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage mdoggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "lstanding">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding1 15 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding2 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage mstanding 10 5>> Maddy... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "lstanding1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding2 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "lstanding2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding1 15 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "mstanding">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage mstanding1 10 10>> Girls? <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding 10 10>> Lily... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "mstanding1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage mstanding 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage mdoggy 10 5>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage lstanding 10 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw == 100 >>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery0 gstage cumw 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> I'm spent... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="map-back2">
<div class="map-container"></div>
/* notify */
<<if !$patreonQuestNameV0>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV0 to "Baker's Quest">>
<<if $PatreonBakeryNotify is undefined && $DayAfterKendra is 1>>
<<set $PatreonBakeryNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if $Patreon0BellaNotify is undefined && $WedArcade0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0BellaNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify is undefined && $NakedSIntro0 is 1>>
<<set $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify to 1>>
<<if $patreonQuestNameV0 isnot "Fresh Cut">>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added into the queue! Complete "$patreonQuestNameV0" in order to get access to it! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if $Patreon0KendraNotify is undefined && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0KendraNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if $RileySceneEnd is 1 && $RileyScene1Exit is undefined >>
<<set $ClubBlock to 1>>
/* system */
<<set $MapState to 0>>
<<if $timeM is undefined>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
<<if $RileyCounter is undefined>>
<<set $RileyCounter to 0>>
<<if $SavannahCounter is undefined>>
<<set $SavannahCounter to 0>>
<<if $KendraCounter is undefined>>
<<set $KendraCounter to 0>>
<<if $AlexisCounter is undefined>>
<<set $AlexisCounter to 0>>
<<set $RileyCounterOld to $RileyCounter>>
<<set $SavannahCounterOld to $SavannahCounter>>
<<set $KendraCounterOld to $KendraCounter>>
<<set $AlexisCounterOld to $AlexisCounter>>
/* Suburbs6 1 */
<<if $Suburbs6 is undefined && $Suburbs3 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-restaraunt">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $Sbrbs5ScnKndr is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* BackStreetsMini 1 */
<<if $BackstreetsMini is undefined && $Suburbs6 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "BackstreetsMini">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
First Taste
<div class="quest-description">
Follow Grigoriy to the restaraunt
<div class="quest-time savannah">
7-11 Minimarket
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* BackstreetsHome 1 */
<<if $BackstreetsHome is undefined && $BackstreetsMini is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "BackstreetsHome">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Walk Home
<div class="quest-description">
It's late. Time to get some rest.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayAfterPizza1 1 */
<<if $DayAfterPizza1 is undefined && $DayAfterGym is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayAfterPizza1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
First Dollar Earned
<div class="quest-description">
Time for a payday. You did great.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayAfterHome 1 */
<<if $DayAfterHome is undefined && $DayAfterPizza1 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayAfterHome">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Well-Earned Rest
<div class="quest-description">
It was a good day. Time to get some rest.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayEndTwo0 1 */
<<if $DayEndTwo0 is undefined && $Arcade0 is 1 && $Minimarket0 is 1 && $Gym0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayEndTwo0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Realization
<div class="quest-description">
Time to plug in your phone and get in touch with Kait. It has been so long...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayEndTwo1 1 */
<<if $DayEndTwo1 is undefined && $DayEndTwo0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayEndTwo1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Rising Up
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to rise up against the oppresion.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Kendra's House
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayEndTwo4 1 */
<<if $DayEndTwo4 is undefined && $DayEndTwo1 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $DayNdTw3Ntr is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayEndTwo4">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayEndTwo4">> <<set $stage to 2>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Two For One
<div class="quest-description">
It is time to rest. If you stay sleepy, you won't get your revenge.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* WedJob4 */
<<if $WedJob4 is undefined && $ValSide0 is 1 && $WedJob0 is 1 && $AlexisCounter > 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "WedJob4">> <<set $stage to 1>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Alexis is waiting for you. Don't let her down!
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* WedArcade0 */
<<if $WedArcade0 is undefined && $WedJob4 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "WedArcade0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Coming Clean
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to get Nico over to your side.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Basement Arcade
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* WedHome0 1 */
<<if $WedHome0 is undefined && $WedArcade0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $ValSide0 isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "QuestWarning">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "WedHome0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Sleepy Time
<div class="quest-description">
Wednesday is over. Get some sleep.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* MinimarketShop */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $WedHome0 is 1 && $RileyBlock isnot 1 && ($WorkMini1 isnot 1 || $WorkMini0 isnot 1 || $DayValue is 4)>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $ThusdMini0 isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ThusdMini0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<if $RileyJobVisitedDaily isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "MainMini0">> <<set $stage to "enter0a">> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "MainMini0">> <<set $stage to "enter0b">> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Day Job
<div class="quest-description">
Spend some time with Riley. And get some work done while you're at it.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<<if $RileyScene1Exit is undefined && $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "RileyScene1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Other Side
<div class="quest-description">
Now that the shop is closed, it's the perfect time to hit on Riley. She's waiting for you.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Riley's Appartment
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<<if $timeM < 3 && $WedHome0 is 1 && $RileyBlock isnot 1 && $ThusdPizza0 isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ThusdPizza0">> <<set $stage to "0a">> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Pizza Time
<div class="quest-description">
Something wicked is brewing at Rooster's Egg. And it seems to be Alexis' doing.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<<if $timeM < 4 && $WedHome0 is 1 && $NakedSIntro0 is undefined && $ClubBlock isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NakedSIntro0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-description">
The lady-mobster must be waiting inside... I hope the money you've brought is enough.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<<if $timeM < 4 && $NakedSIntro0 is 1 && $ClubBlock isnot 1 && $DayValue isnot 4>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NakedSIntro3">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-description">
Visit stripclub to enjoy some quality time.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* ThusdHome0 1 */
<<if $ThusdHome0 is undefined && $NakedSIntro0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ThusdHome0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Sleepy Time
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to get some real rest. You will need it tomorrow.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* DayOffPizza 0 */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $DailyPizzaVisited isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayOffPizza0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "DayOffPizza0">> <<set $stage to 1>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Day Off
<div class="quest-description">
As you pass the Rooster's Egg, a certain thought crosses your mind...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Payback */
<<if $DayValue is 4 && $ActOneFinal0 isnot 1 && !($RileyScene1Exit is undefined && $RileyDebtPayed is 1)>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $LaundrySide0 is undefined>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "QuestWarning">> <<set $stage to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ActOneFinal0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
The time has come. Dick has terrorised you long enough, now it's your turn.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Side Quests */
/* LaundrySide0 1 */
<<if $LaundrySide0 is undefined && $Arcade0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-rus">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/sofia-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/sofia-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "LaundrySide0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Wash
<div class="quest-description">
Even Grigoriy is telling you about your stench. It's time to do something.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* ValSide0 1 */
<<if $ValSide0 is undefined && $WedMorning0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1 && ($WedJob4 is undefined || $WedArcade0 is 1)>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/val-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/val-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ValSide0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Bar Date
<div class="quest-description">
Val waiting for you at the bar. You don't want to be late on a date!
<div class="quest-time savannah">
The Bar
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon Quests */
/* PatreonBakery0 1 */
<<if $PatreonBakery0 is undefined && $DayAfterKendra is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "PatreonBakery0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>'>>
<<notify 6s>> That's patreon only quest! <</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Baker's Quest
<div class="quest-description">
When you take Grigoriy out, you get an unexpected proposition...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Sharlote's Bakery
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Bella0 1 */
<<if $Patreon0Bella0 is undefined && $WedArcade0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Bella0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Yoga Time!
<div class="quest-description">
Passing by the gym, you get a craving that is not easy to satiate...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Member Gym
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* PatreonYeeYeeAss 1 */
<<if $PatreonYeeYeeAss0 is undefined && $PatreonBakery0 is 1 && $NakedSIntro0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/lauren-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/lauren-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "PatreonYeeYeeAss0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Fresh Cut
<div class="quest-description">
It might be time to get a "fresh cut". Rumour has it that bitches like that sort of thing.
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Kendra */
<<if $Patreon0Kendra is undefined && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-culture patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Kendra0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Unexpected Encounter
<div class="quest-description">
An unexpected encounter happened while you were walking through the city...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Говно для совместимости сейвов */
/* WedMorning0 1 */
<<if $WedMorning0 is undefined && $DayEndTwo4 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "WedMorning0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Continuation
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to continue the story.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<<if $RileyScene1Exit is undefined && $RileySceneEnd is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "RileyScene1Exit">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Continuation
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to continue the story.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Riley's Appartment
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Payback */
<<if $DayValue is 4 && $ActOneFinal0 is 1 && !($RileyScene1Exit is undefined && $RileyDebtPayed is 1)>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $LaundrySide0 is undefined>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "QuestWarning">> <<set $stage to 1>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ActOneFinal2">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Continuation
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to continue the story.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck yeah... You both are fucking amazing...
<<say "Lynn">> Thank you, Master. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> You were great too, babe. <</say>>
<<text>> You stretch out on a slightly wet sofa and close your eyes, still breathing heavily. After a few minutes of silence, a cold wind blows over your skin. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Girls? Would you mind closing the window? <</say>>
<<text>> But no one gave you an answer. The total silence was broken only by the faint sound of something clattering in the area around you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Girls? <</say>>
<<btno DayEndTwo6 stage 0>> Open your eyes <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You open your eyes and look around only to find yourself in the middle of a rubbish cellar. Despite this, there is something about this room that feels very familiar to you. <</text>>
<<img "act1/basement1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The only source of light in the room is flickering on and off. You feel uneasy just thinking about what would happen if you were stuck here in total darkness. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> This is not my house... What the hell is going on? <</say>>
<<text>> You can hear the leeches crawling around you on the floor and the sound of paper rustling behind your back.
<<say $mc>> Huh? Come on, what is this...<</say>>
<<text>> As you try to turn around, you realise that you've been strapped to a kitchen chair for the whole time. <</text>>
<<btno DayEndTwo6 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> Oh, I see you're finally back with us. <</someone>>
<<text>> A bossy looking woman enters the room, and as she passes the door, the source of light changes from a blue glow to a blood red one. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/adriana1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Who the hell are you? What... <</say>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> Don't fool yourself. <</someone>>
<<btno DayEndTwo6 stage 2>> Whoa! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> The cold steel in the woman's voice made you gasp. Even in the bloody red darkness of the room, you could see that her face was twisted with a sadistic grin. <</text>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> You know damn well you're in no position to ask me anything. <</someone>>
<<text>> You feel the cold steel of her boot kick into your upper body as the stool you were strapped to falls onto its back, dragging you down with it. <</text>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> You should never have crossed the Leeches, $mc. <</someone>>
<<text>> The woman takes a step forward and places her foot on top of your chest, looking down at you. <</text>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> Answer me and I'll make sure to end this quickly. Or would you rather... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> All right, all right! I'll answer, ask me anything! <</say>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> Who do you work for?<</someone>>
<<text>> You breathe a sigh of relief, this should be an easy question to answer. <</text>>
<<btno DayEndTwo6 stage 3>> So, here... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I'm an employee at the Rooster's Egg, and in my spare time I work as an electrician... <</say>>
<<text>> The woman throws a dirty rag over your face and cuts you off. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What are you doing? I've answered... <</say>>
<<text>> The stream of water hits your face as you panic, remembering this method of torture from your favourite video game. Luckily, the woman must be doing something wrong, because you were still able to breathe. <</text>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> Don't try to be funny with me. Because you're not. <</someone>>
<<text>> The water stops flowing and you can hear the woman pacing around the room. <</text>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> I'll ask you again. Who are you working for? Why did you decide to cross the Leeches? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... It's strictly personal, I swear! One of them wronged me pretty badly... That's all! <</say>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> Huh... is that so? Then how did you manage to get dirt on us? Who's your informant? <</someone>>
<<text>> She must be talking about Kendra... Fuck, what will they do to her if you tell the truth? But if you keep quiet, you'll be... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn DayEndTwo6 stage 4>> ... <</btn>>
<<btn DayEndTwo6 stage 5>> It was Kendra! <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> The silent treatment, huh? Well, I'll leave you here to marinate with our little friends. I'll be back when you've had time to think about your answer. <</someone>>
<<text>> She leaves the room and you hear the leeches squirming closer and closer to your body. <</text>>
<<img "act1/basement0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> You realize that there is nothing left for you to do, but stare at the closed door. Thats when the only source of light in the room starts to flicker for the last time and then explodes, leaving you in total darkness. <</text>>
<<img "act1/darkness0-image.jpg">>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $DNdTw6TellHer to 1>>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> Kendra Lust, huh? I've never heard of her, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. <</someone>>
<<text>> The woman pulls up the chair you were sitting on and slaps you across the face. Then she heads for the exit, but turns back one last time. Then moves to the exit, turning back to face you one last time. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/adriana0-image.jpg">>
<<someone adriana0 "Bossy Woman" kendra>> I'll be back. And I really hope you've been telling me the truth.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> There is nothing left for you to do but stare at the door, waiting for her to return. And when the only source of light in the room starts to flicker for the last time it explodes, leaving you in total darkness. <</text>>
<<img "act1/darkness0-image.jpg">>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<notify 6s>> Please don't save on this screen, it may cause problems when accessing new content!<</notify>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 0>>
<<set $ClubBlock to 0>>
<<say "Dev">> Whoa! The story ended, again... <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Just remember that the it will continue very soon. <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Sure, but... Waiting is hard. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Yep, this is why I would recommend everyone to subscribe to our Patreon for frequent updates and support us financially in the process. Or you could just keep an eye on the forums page at f95zone.to <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Yeah, they should definitely do that. And man, I really want to thank each and every one of you who have already subscribed to our Patreon. This game is possible because of you. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> We hope you enjoyed your time with the main story, and now you can return to the map to complete missing sidequests or you can check out the galery to replay the Scenes! <</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap1>> Exit to the map <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 0>>
<<set $ClubBlock to 0>>
<<say "Dev">> Whoa! What the fuck, man? <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Honestly, I'm fucking tired after making and debugging the entirety of this patch. You should really let me out of the basement... <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Yep-yep, this is why I would recommend everyone to subscribe to our Patreon for frequent updates and support us financially in the process. Or you could just keep an eye on the forums page at f95zone.to <</say>>
<<say "Author">> I'm not joking, please help! He's... <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> I really want to thank each and every one of you who have already subscribed to our Patreon. This game is possible because of you. Now, I have a little business to deal with... <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Oh Lord, he's coming! <</say>>
<<btno Map0>> Exit to the map <</btno>>
</div>/* scenes */
<<run memorize('Prlg24', 1)>>
Katrina recuired for the pose
<<run memorize('Sbrbs40Confidence', 1)>>
Confidence check passed
<<run memorize('DFtr2TVFix', 1)>>
Kendra TvFix check passed
<<run memorize('ThrsScn5Both', 1)>>
Fuck Both laundry
<<run memorize('VlScn0start4Drink', 1)>>
Give drink to Val
/* phone */
/* CP */
<<if recall('CP1') is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 500CP! <</notify>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+500)>>
<<run memorize('CP1', 0)>>
<<if recall('CP2') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+300)>>
<<run memorize('CP2', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 300CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP3') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP3', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP4') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP4', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP5') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP5', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP6') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP6', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 2>>
<<if recall('CP7') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP7', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 3>>
<<if recall('CP8') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP8', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 4>>
<<if recall('CP9') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP9', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP10') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP10', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP11') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP11', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP12') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP12', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP13') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP13', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<if recall('CP14') is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 500CP! <</notify>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+500)>>
<<run memorize('CP4', 0)>>
<</if>><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $item2 is 1>>
<<set $item2 to 0>>
<<set $item3 to 1>>
<<text>> And then you saw the light again. Well, to be more precise, you saw the rays of the morning sun, gently reflected off the pug's bum, which was shaking menacingly inches away from your face. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Haaa!.. Greg, what the hell? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Are you with me? Good, then I won't have to do it in your face like the last time. <</say>>
<<text>> You pushed Grigoriy away and sat down on the bed, trying to catch your breath from a sudden awakening. A nasty feeling settled in the centre of your stomach. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fucking hell Greg... But that dream... I think I've seen her before. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Who? <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 1>> It's her... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> That woman... She's... Fuck, I don't remember. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, if you've seen someone in a dream, then you must have met them at one point or another. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I must've... Oh hell, I feel like someone died in my mouth. Yuck. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Go drink some water then. You must have been sweating like crazy, the whole bed looks like it's been out in the rain. Well, at least I hope it is wet from sweat and not... <</say>>
<<text>> You cut him off with a nod and get out of bed, shambling over to the sink. After turning a metal valve on the side, the stream of water hits your lips as you greedily swallow it all down. <</text>>
<<img "act1/sink2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... This is the freshest water I've ever tasted... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Better now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, man. But jeez... It really felt different from before. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It must have been. Judging by the screams you were making. <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 2>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> What? I was screaming? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, more like moaning. Very loudly. I'm really curious to hear what you experienced. Must've been one hell of an orgy... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... After getting lucid, I went on a rampage with some chicks I saw at the gym... And I got to say, Greg... That felt fucking great! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You are welcome. What, now you're going to ditch your girlfriends just to sleep all day long? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, the real thing is better still. But even in a dream, fucking with girls like that was quite an experience... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> If I had to guess, one of them was the bitch you saw through the window, and the other one was... Probably the one who was drooling as she watched her friend get rammed on the TV. Am I right? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, you're good. They're the ones. <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 3>> Drink some water <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> Still under the influence of your gnawing thirst, you retreat to the tap, but stop, realising that drinking raw water isn't the best idea. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> If you want to make some tea, I saw a kettle under the kitchen table. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy stopped you before you started rummaging through the kitchen shelves, as if he could read your mind. Following his instructions, you pick up a kettle from the floor and, after dusting it off, place it on the stove. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Thanks. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What happened after the orgy? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I got tired and fell down on a sofa, closing my eyes... That was when the trippy shit started. Both my girls disappeared and I found myself tied to a chair in a cellar... It looked familiar too. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I thought I warned you earlier about the dangers of losing concentration during lucid dreaming? That's why shit got trippy in a first place. <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 4>> Really? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Must've forgot about it... My bad. <</say>>
<<text>> The buzzing of the kettle interrupted your conversation, signaling that the water is ready. The next few minutes you spent making yourself a nice cup of Earl Grey tea. And only after taking a sip of the hot brew, you were ready to continue. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/sink3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> That part wasn't pleasant at all. There were leeches crawling around, the lighting was shit, the whole place smelled rancid... I tried to get out of the chair, but I was tied to it with a fucking rope. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn, so many details... This is not something that you usually get while losing focus in a dream. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What do you mean? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, as far as I know, you should have had a pretty bad case of sleep paralysis as a result of your failure. But not what you're describing. Go on, now I'm really interested. <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 5>> All right... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Well, that's when this woman suddenly came into the room. And the atmosphere changed instantly, right down to the lighting... She sounded like she was packing serious heat. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Packing heat? You mean what, she had some kind of crazy, huge ass and tits, right? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, not that. She had a really crooked smile, her face was twisted... In a threatening way. And then she began interrogating me. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/adriana1-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The memories of how you felt in the dream are still fresh in your mind and you take a sip of tea In an attempt to wash them away. Grigoriy looks at you with impatience, his curly tail swinging all over the place. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> That's some kinky shit, kid. Tell me more. Did she step on you? You look like someone who would enjoy it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, Greg... This is a low-hanging fruit, even for a pug. If you want the full story, please stop interrupting every word or I'll lose the thread. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Sure thing, kid. So, what was the purpose of her interrogation? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Actually, she did step on me... and it wasn't half bad. I would've busted another nut... <</say>>
<<say>> If I wasn't scared to death! Is that what you wanted to hear? Can I tell you what happened without you interrupting me and making stupid jokes now? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> All right, all right... I'll tone it down. <</say>>
<<text>> You waited for a few seconds of silence and drilled into Grigoriy face with a dead stare. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Continue, please, I'll be on my best behaviour. So what was the purpose of her interrogation? <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> That's the strange thing. She wanted to know who gave me the information about the Leeches. As if I had some kind of dirt on them already... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wait, but we have nothing on them... Unless you are hiding something very important from me. And you're not, are you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, Greg. That's why I called it strange in the first place. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy scanned your face with an attentive gaze, as if to check if you were telling the truth. Then, seemingly lost in thought, he came over to his empty plate. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hm. This stuff sounds like some kind of premonition. But how can it be? You only came to Grand Vena three days ago... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, so why does it matter that I am an outsider? Are prophetic dreams a regular occurrence for the natives or what? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Something like that. I don't really know the details. But my first owner used to say: "Forewarning is not a skill that can be learned or imitated". Take it as you will. <</say>>
<<if $DayNdTw3Ntr is 1>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 7>> So what, I'm a prophet? <</btno>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 11>> So what, I'm a prophet? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> The implications of having some sort of prophetic gift left you scratching your head. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/harlots0-image.jpg">>
<<if $DNdTw6TellHer is 1>>
<<say $mc>> So you think I could've seen a glimpse of the future or some shit... I really hope it wasn't a big deal that I let out Kendra to be my informant. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So you think I might have seen a glimpse of the future or something? Huh. Good to know that Kendra is safe then... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Speaking of Kendra. Have you already forgotten about that video I risked my fur to get? How about we take a look at it right now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, I do remember it. But I was planning to watch it with Nico after I'd convinced him to come over to our side. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, I'll be honest, I'd really recommend you watch it yourself first. Who knows, it might even help you persuade him. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedMorning0 stage 9>> Leave it for later <</btn>>
<<btn WedMorning0 stage 8>> Watch the video <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> If you say so, Greg. Let's have a look then. <</say>>
<<text>> You take the phone from the bedside table and scroll through the gallery in search of the video. <</text>>
<<img "act1/phone2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell, man... Greg, you sure you've got it all recorded?
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, it was you who strapped the device to my neck... I have no clue. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Bloody hell... Ah! Here it is. Look. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<if $DayNdTw3Ntr is 1>>
<<say $mc>> No, I really don't feel like watching it on my own. Besides, it's his mother, he might notice something important. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nah, not right now. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Do as you like, kid, but... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well and I'd like to have a breakfast now. <</say>>
<<text>> Making your way to the fridge, you get yourself a sandwich for the morning. You begin to get sick of it, but what can you do? Being poor is rough. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, don't forget me as well! <</say>>
<<text>> After you have both finished eating, you decide to take out a mobile phone. It's time to do a bit of planning for the day ahead. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hm, it's Wendesday... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops23-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> My dude! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell are you doing? Where did you get that? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Under your bed. You forgot to sweep the rubbish out from under it yesterday, so I did it myself. And this stays with me as a reward.
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 10>> Sure <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>> Well, thanks for helping me out with cleaning after all. I knew you wouldn't let me down. <</say>>
<<text>> Turning back to your phone, you have another look at your schedule. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Today I've got a shift at the pizza place... And I have to check up with Nico after the yesterday. That's... about it. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It sounds like you've got a lot of free time on your hands. Why don't you call a girl? Now that you have a phone and all... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hm. You're right. Let's see... <</say>>
<<btno PhoneBook stage "Val1-0">> Make a call <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<mops>> Hey kid, you could have seen something different here if you'd made a different choice. Just thought you should know. <</mops>>
<<text>> The implications of having some sort of prophetic gift left you scratching your head. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/harlots0-image.jpg">>
<<if $DNdTw6TellHer is 1>>
<<say $mc>> So you think I could've seen a glimpse of the future or some shit... I really hope it wasn't a big deal that I let out Kendra to be my informant. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So you think I might have seen a glimpse of the future or something? Huh. Good to know that Kendra is safe then... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Speaking of Kendra... After what happened yesterday, do you think she ended up okay? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Probably. She's an experienced woman. I think she can take care of herself. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Do you want to go and check on her? <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning0 stage 9>> Nah <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 0>>
<<set $DayEndTwo4 to 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What, you already done? Did you manage to get a booty call? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It was not a booty call, Greg. Although I wouldn't mind ending up under her panties at the end of the day... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Jeez, pal, go drink some water, don't be so thirsty. Dehydration is the real killer of the 21st century. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, you're right. I still feel a bit out of sorts. A shower would do the trick, but since we don't have one... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Why don't you just find a pool of water in the street and take a swim instead? Works like a charm, refreshes me every time. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, Greg. We humans have technology for that. And hands. Here's a demonstration... <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning1 stage 1>> Go to the sink <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You take off your clothes, go to the bathroom sink and turn the valve on. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/sink4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> It is a piece of shit, but it should get the job done... <</say>>
<<text>> The refreshing stream of water gives your body the relief it craves, and you spend the next dozen minutes scrubbing the dirt off your limbs. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Finally I'm clean... Such a wonderful feeling. And all in less than 15 minutes! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wow. Very impressive. <</say>>
<<btno WedMorning1 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You turn to Grigoriy, who is lying on the floor, following your movements with a bored look. You have the feeling that he would be clapping his paws slowly if he gave a shit about your performance just now. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops24-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> In the worst case scenario, I could've done the same thing in a few seconds. Without any hands or tech. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... Fuck. You've got me here... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I hope you are done now? If so, let's go for a walk. I'm getting really bored being stuck between four walls. <</say>>
<<btno Map1 WedMorning0 1>> Let's go <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is "Val0">>
<<text>> You dial Val's number on your phone and make a call. After waiting for what feels like a dozen seconds, listening to the same beeps, you finally hear a human voice. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Please leave a message. However, you have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be recorded and will be used by me. It is not a joke. <</say>>
<<text>> Beeep. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... She must be busy. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "Val1-0">>
<<text>> You dial Val's number and make a call. After what feels like a dozen seconds of waiting and listening to the same old beeps, you finally hear someone pick up the phone. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hi Val! How about we... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Um. Who is this? <</say>>
<<text>> You hear Val's voice, but it sounds a bit fuzzy. Could she be drunk? <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Eh, it's me, $mc. From the Basement Arcade, remember? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh! $mc! I didn't recognise your voice, sorry, your microphone is pretty rough... What's up? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No biggie, everything's great. Just wondering if you're free today? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> And if I am? What... Are you askin' me out? <</say>>
<<btno PhoneBook stage "Val1-1">> I am <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "Val1-1">>
<<say $mc>> Well, yeah. I do. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> That's amazing. So I wasn't wrong about you... <</say>>
<<text>> You could hear Val giggling, excited. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> I'm basically free right now... You can come and pick me up at the bar I am in. The one down the road from the Basement Arcade.... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Don't worry it's easy to find, you won't miss it. Unless you're blind... But you're not blind, are you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Would a blind man be able to help you get the new record in the DDR? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Ha-ha, how could I forget? All right, I will wait for our date... Don't you forget it! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, sure! I'll come by soon, Val. <</say>>
<<text>> Smiling to yourself, you hang up the phone. You can feel Val's interest in you growing a little 💜 <</text>>
<<btno WedMorning1 stage 0>> Oh man... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "Riley0">>
<<text>> You dial Riley's number on your phone and make a call. After waiting for what feels like a dozen seconds, listening to the same beeps, you finally hear a human voice. <</text>>
<<say>> Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you. <</say>>
<<text>> Beeep. <</text>>
<<say>> Fuck... She must be busy. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "R0">>
<<text>> You dial Riley's number on your phone and make a call. After waiting for what feels like a dozen seconds, listening to the same beeps, you finally hear a human voice. <</text>>
<<say>> Hello. I’m not here right now, so leave a message! Make it short, make it sweet, or I’ll have to press delete. <</say>>
<<text>> Beeep. <</text>>
<<say>> Fuck... She must be busy. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "R0">>
<<text>> You dial Riley's number on your phone and make a call. After waiting for what feels like a dozen seconds, listening to the same beeps, you finally hear a human voice. <</text>>
<<say>> Hi, this is [your name]. If you’re part of the problem, hang up now. If you’re part of the solution, leave a message. <</say>>
<<text>> Beeep. <</text>>
<<say>> Fuck... She must be busy. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "R0">>
<<text>> You dial Riley's number on your phone and make a call. After waiting for what feels like a dozen seconds, listening to the same beeps, you finally hear a human voice. <</text>>
<<say>> Voicemail. Speak. <</say>>
<<text>> Beeep. <</text>>
<<say>> Fuck... She must be busy. <</say>>
</div><<removeclass "body" "dream">>
<<addclass "body" "trainvip">>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis growing 💙 <</text>>
<<set $countVar to $SavannahCounter-$SavannahCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you grow a little 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you grow a lot 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you weaken 💜 <</text>>
<<set $countVar to $AlexisCounter-$AlexisCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis grow a little 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis growing 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis grow a lot 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis weaken 💙 <</text>>
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('KendraSceneNTR', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> What is she thinking about? Just let it go... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It is because of what you said to her earlier. She's thinking about taking one for the team. To get the information. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh no, what have I done... <</say>>
<<text>> That's when the camera realigned itself, and with a loud snap, the picture began to move again. You could see Kendra's face, filled with conviction. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> It was at that moment that she took the control of the situation into her own hands. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Jack... <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Yes? <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> OK... I'll sleep with you tonight. But you're going to tell me all about Dick. <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Holy shit. That's asking a lot, I'll be honest with you... Are you sure you'll be able to fill the shoes? <</someone>>
<<text>> The man looked at Kendra like a butcher looks at his meat before he starts cutting it up. But she hadn't done so much as twitch a muscle. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/jack0-image.jpg">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Yes. As long as you keep the promise you made. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Fuck... Sounds good, baby girl. I'm in. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Then let us make it quick, before Dick...
<<say "Dick">> No way, you really got her going! This is going to be a really fun night... <</say>>
<<text>> Dick stood up in a doorway, smiling from ear to ear. He was as happy as a clam, and looking at him, you'd think he'd hit the jackpot. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> What? No, Jack! I only agreed to sleep with you! <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Well, take it or leave it. I can't leave my friend with a dry cock while we're having fun. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> What will it be, bitch? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> All right, then. I'll do it. But let me change first, guys. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Sure thing. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Don't keep us waiting. <</say>>
<<text>> As Kendra walked past the camera, Grigoriy turned to you with an understanding look. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Fuck... Pal, that's rough. <</say>>
<<text>> When the camera followed Kendra into the other room, you got yourself lost in the deep focus. There was no chance in hell you would let her sacrifice go in vain. In resulting silence, you could hear her whisper to herself. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra9-image.jpg">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> All right... Just imagine that it is $mc, not those bastards... Fuck, I might even like it... <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> Kendra clenched her fists, summoned up every ounce of fighting spirit she had and walked back into the room. Standing completely naked in front of the thugs, she began to play her role. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> All right, boys. Let's get this party started... <</someone>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jack">> By the way, Dick. Have you had a wash after your visit to the toilet? <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Sure, I'm not a fucking monster. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Jack">> Good. At least you remembered what I think of your dirty ass. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> C'mon guys... Now I'm waiting... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah. I almost forgot. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, suck my dick. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say "Dick">> Oh yeah, choke on that... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Mhpmf... Hpf... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Jack">> Kendra, babe... Have I told you how much I love eating your asshole? <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Hmpf?.. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah... I really do. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Choke on my cock too, babe. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Give it to me... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Oh yeah, she's good... <</say>>
<<if $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, It's time to go full out. I hope both of you are ready. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, step aside for a moment... I'll get her ready. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh fuck yeah, Kendra... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh yeah! So good... inside... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Jack">> Fuck, I can see I'm still the best man to ever fuck you... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Hah... Of course you are, Jack... <</someone>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Babe, let's give Dick, some attention too. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> OK, let's get back to business. Dick, come. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Fuck... Ram through my asshole, Jack! <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Go harder! Ah... Huh! <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, you wanna play? Jack, go into beast mode. Show her... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> I think it's time for Jack... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Jack">> TO LET 'ER RIP! <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> You like that, you bitch? <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah ya! Fuck... That's what I craved for... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> That's the beast mode for ya. Don't you forget it. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Jack">> Oh... That's a nice wet ass pussy... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Doggy.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah! Fuuck.... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Shit Jack, you're pounding her so hard even I feel some. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> I think she deserves a raise after that... Let's give her our crown jewel... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Jack">> It's tume for our... <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...Team-up fuck! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah... You guys... This was... So awesome... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck, we really showed her... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "rcowgirl">>
<<say "Jack">> I love it... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah... Uh... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/R_Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Dick, sugar... Please... Come in. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> You've heard the lady. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "rcowgirl1">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh fuck... This is so much better... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Huh? You like it rough, bitch, yeah? My cock is the roughest, toughest piece of wood and you're gonna fucking love it. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/R_Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh, sugar... I like having both of you... It's definetly... better off. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> What a clever woman she is. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Mhm... Taste's good... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> You bet it does. Right, Dick? <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<say "Jack">> And now suck on my balls... Oh, baby! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Mhm! <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Shiiit... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways2">>
<<say "Dick">> Jack, let's double tag her... You fuck her face and I'l... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Let's fucking go! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Sideways2.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Hm.. Ah... Mrphf.... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah, I can tell she liked it a lot... <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> No doubt about it. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Mhm... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Wanna do it on my face? <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Fuck no... I'm too classy for that... Open your ass instead... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Like that? You can cum all over my body... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cum0.mp4">>
<<say "Jack">> Ough... Ah... This must be the best hole in the world, I swear... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ha-ha... Thank you, Jack. <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> So, this time you were the first one... Ha, feels good. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum1">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck... Bitch, your face. Now! <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Sure. <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cum1.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Oh yeah... Fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> After the last drop of semen had left his body, Dick fell onto the sofa. He was breathing heavily, obviously exhausted from the ride. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> What, you done already? <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> As if you can... go on... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Of course I can. But I think all three of us have had enough fun for one night... Am I right, Kendra? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah! I'm... About to... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, go all out! Now! <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cumw.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh my... God! You're... so good... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Ah shit, you came so easily, It wasn't even a challenge... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Good girl... You held out well. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "fakeend">>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Are we done here, boys? <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck no. we're not leaving this place untill we all are satisfied. <</say>>
<<if $sceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<say "Jack">> And that includes you, Kendra. We're not about to leave you behind. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh? <</someone>>
<<text>> Inviting the thugs to continue, Kendra layed back on a sofa and picked up her ass. She was prepared to do whatever it took to make this all come to a quicker end. <</text>>
<<img "act1/kendra11-image.jpg">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> That's so cute... Come, boys. <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn WedNTR1 stage 0>> Fine, I don't need it <</btn>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage 1 0 0>> I'm ready to try... <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn WedNTR1 stage 5>> No, I'm not your fucking toy <</btn>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage 2 0 0>> If that's what it takes... <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn KendraSceneNTR stage 3>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "start" 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb KendraSceneNTR stage "cowgirl1" 25 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb KendraSceneNTR stage "doggy1" 25 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rcowgirl">>
<<btnsb KendraSceneNTR stage "rcowgirl1" 25 15>> Go double <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb KendraSceneNTR stage "sideways1" 15 5>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraSceneNTR stage "sideways2" 20 10>> Fuck face <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways1">>
<<btnsb KendraSceneNTR stage "sideways2" 20 10>> Fuck face <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways2">>
<<btnsb KendraSceneNTR stage "sideways1" 15 10>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "start" || $stage is "start1">>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "start1" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "start2" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "start3" 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "start3" 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "start2" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "rcowgirl" 15 10>> Rcowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "cowgirl" 20 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "sideways" 20 10>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "doggy" 20 10>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $cum >=70 >>
<<if $sceneCum is 0>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "cum" 0 10>> Make Jack Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum is 1>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "cum1" 0 0>> Make Dick Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw >= 100 || ($sceneCumW isnot 1 && $sceneCum === 2) >>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "cumw" 15 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 && $sceneV3 isnot 1 && ($sceneCumW isnot 1 || $sceneCum isnot 2)>>
<<btns KendraSceneNTR stage "fakeend" 0 0>> We're done? <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum is 2 && $sceneCumW is 1>>
<<if $WedMorning0 isnot 1>>
<<btne WedNTR3 stage 0>> We're done. <</btne>>
<<btne WedArcade3-3 stage 0>> We're done. <</btne>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> At the press of a button, the video starts, filmed entirely from the perspective of a very stealthy pug. His movements are fast and he sticks to the shadows, just like a real ninja. But there is one tiny problem... <</text>>
<<img "act1/vid1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, Greg! What the hell are you doing so close to the ground? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wake up pal, you're 5'10 yourself. I'm not going to take this slander from a pocket prince like you. <</say>>
<<text>> The pug looks at you proudly with a smirk, standing firmly on his paws with an air of superiority around him. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Just so you know: I'm considered a pretty big dog and no bitches have been ever dissatisfied with my monster... <</say>>
<<text>> But Grigoriy didn't get to finish his self-indulgent monologue. He was interrupted by a loud crisp voice coming from a loudspeaker. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> What the fuck is wrong with your face? <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Hearing Dick's words, the cameraman stopped in his tracks and quickly hid under the nearest bookshelf. The camera feed showed nothing but the darkness of the corridor, with the only source of light coming through a door that was half open. <</text>>
<<img "act1/vid3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">> What do you mean, sweetie? <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> I mean exactly what I said. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Soothing Voice" dick>> Ha-ha, Dick, my man, can't you see she doesn't understand you? That's always the problem with you, remember - the menacing look is only a part of a job. <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> I'm fine as I am, Jack. I know a dozen ways to scare that bitch into submission. Just give me some time and... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Tsk. Dick, do me a favour. If you don't understand what I'm saying - ask me. Be quiet now. <</someone>>
<<text>> A moment's silence ensues, quickly broken by Jack's voice. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Good. Now, Kendra, what he's trying to say is that you look a bit off today. We are worried about you. We really are. Usually you are so happy when I come over... <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Oh... you know Jack... It's just that I'm not feeling so well today. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 2>> Fuck... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> I doubt that this answer is going to make him happy... Was Kendra all right by the end of it all? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Shush! <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Damn. And here I was, looking forward to our happy evening... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Did you hear that, you bitch? <</say>>
<<text>> Even through the muffled sounds of a reconding, the sharpness of Dick's threatening tone could be clearly felt. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> Jack has come to us in the hope of some good fucking... entertainment. And you are well aware of the consequences of disappointing my friends... <</say>>
<<text>> You could almost hear Kendra's gasp for breath, but she managed to keep up the facade. In a remarkably calm voice, she replied to Dick. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">> Sugar, I'm really sorry, but... No. Not this time. <</say>>
<<text>> The empty house echoed with Jack's laughter. You really didn't like the vibes coming from this man and were very concerned about what might happen next. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Dick, Kendra gave you her answer, loud and clear. This is the first time I have seen her stand her ground like this... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> I'm sorry, I'll take care of this. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> No need. Go take another dump or something. I want a face-to-face with her. <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Are you sure about that? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Yeah, just go and keep yourself busy for the next 5 minutes or so. Should be enough time. <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Hmpf. <</say>>
<<text>> The sound of heavy stomping could be heard, and soon someone stepped through the half-open door, slamming it behind him. As he walked past the shelf, the camera caught only a glimpse of his boots. <</text>>
<<img "act1/vid2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... Now I can't hear what they're talking about... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Have some faith, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> As soon as the pug finished, the camera was back in action, moving closer and closer to the lounge. <</text>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 4>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> But the door is closed, what are you... <</say>>
<<text>> With a quick jump, the Pug climbed over the nearest table and leapt towards the doorknob. His paws moved just enough to open the door without making it painfully obvious to everyone inside. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Good shit, Greg! You really do have the balls of a Great Dane! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> At last I get the recognition that I deserve... <</say>>
<<text>> The camera slides through the crack in the door frame and quickly hides itself away. A loud screech can be heard and the video feed comes to a halt. <</text>>
<<img "act1/vid0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Greg, what the fuck? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Shh! Listen carefully, we can still hear them. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack, I'm sorry. I really am, but... I just don't feel like doing it with you guys anymore. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Why not? You enjoyed it the last time, didn't you? <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Yes, but... It's different now. I don't want to do it anymore. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Kendra, if I didn't know better, I'd think you'd found a better lover for yourself, ha-ha. <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Come on Jack, don't say it out loud... If Dick heard us, I'd be in trouble. You know that. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> I'm joking! Dick would understand, he likes my sense of humour. <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> But even then... Just don't, please. <</say>>
<<text>> There was a heavy sigh, followed by the rustling of the sofa cushions under the weight of two bodies. <</text>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Well... Say, if I had protected you from Dick, maybe even saved your skin a few times... Would that make you feel better? After all, I was really looking forward to spending this night with you. <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> What? You mean you were protecting me from him all this time? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Of course I was. Why do you think he stopped beating you senseless after I came in? <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack... No. <</say>>
<<text>> Silence fell over the room, so thick that the only sounds you could hear were the crackling coming from the phone itself. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Huh. You just can't top surprising me today. Kendra, I think that deserves a reward... <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack, I already told you, I'm not... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> I know, I know. Can't a guy like me just give a simple present? I'm serious, just tell me what you want. <</someone>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 7>> What's going on? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> What kind of trap is this? Kendra should know better than to trust this piece of shit. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Just watch, kid. You'll learn soon enough. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack... How long have you and Dick known each other? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Hm, about two years now. Why? <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Well... You see, he's been tormenting me for God knows how long... And I'd like to know what's up with him, why is he... like this? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra's voice broke. And although she was trying to maintain her calm demeanour, you knew that she was boiling from within with a seething hatred. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Kendra. <</someone>>
<<text>> Jack's voice, on the other hand, was calm and collected. It wasn't cold, by any means, but there was also no sign of genuine warmth. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Dick is a simple man. A man who is stuck up to his knees in a swamp that is full of shit. <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> But he's in the gang... He has money, power, women... So why... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> He's got nothing for himself. He only knows how to steal. Why do you think he's so busy trying to kiss my ass all the time? <</someone>>
<<btno WedNTR0 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Kendra">> No way... Stolen? But from who? Tell me more, Jack, please! <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra's voice rang with excitement when she heard those words. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> I think I've told you enough for one gift. <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Please Jack... You know I would really appreciate it... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>>
Would you? I don't feel appreciated right now. I've come all the way from the other side of town and you've given me the cold shoulder all the same. <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack, I... <</say>>
<<text>> You heard Kendra stood up and began pacing the room, desperate and conflicted. <</text>>
<<btno KendraSceneNTR stage 0>> What the hell... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Kendra">> Thank you. You right, you've told me enough. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Thank fucking God... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack, who was clearly surprised, scratched his head and looked away from Kendra. But after a few moments, he let out a warm chuckle at her. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/jack0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jack">> Ha-ha, well, that was that. Kendra, you can leave now. I'm going to find something else to amuse myself with. <</say>>
<<text>> With a hopeful smile on his face, Dick burst into the room. Tha``t didn't last long. As soon as he saw Jack scowling at him, he turned pale instead. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> What the... Bitch, what the fuck! You were supposed to be sucking him off by now! <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR1 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> Dick, I told you, I'm... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> She's not going to do that. And that is totally fine. Kendra, I really think you should go. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack smiled at Kendra and waved her away as if she were a noisy fly. She didn't hesitate and left the room before he could say another word. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> No. I allow it. And you will not disrespect me by touching her. We'll settle this between us instead. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...Fine. <</say>>
<<text>> Dick, now flushed with anger, let out a heavy sigh. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll go to the film room and make myself ready. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Smart thinking. I hope you cleaned up after that bathroom business. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...I have. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Good, good. It's time for the show to begin. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR1 stage 2>> A show? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You turn away from the screen as the two men leave the room and turn to Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What does he mean? What show? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You don't want to know, kid. Trust me. <</say>>
<<text>> Then a sick guitar riff echoes through the house. It's coming from the cinema room. A song kicks into gear, and a picture of a buff cowboy pops into your head. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/cowboy0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You can't quite make out the words of the song, but you're pretty sure the lyrics include "cowboys", "throbbing cocks" and a place called "Ram Ranch". <</text>>
<<btno WedNTR1 stage 3>> What the fuck... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> No way this is a real song... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It's classic, pal. <</say>>
<<text>> You watch as the pug quickly makes his way backwards through the house, and soon he is greeted by the dark street where his journey began. <</text>>
<<img "act1/vid4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hoof... I made it... $mc, you're here? <</say>>
<<text>> In the darkness of the night, you could barely see yourself meditating in the bush, not too far away. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Guess this is the end of the video. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR2 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">> No. I'm not doing that. The deal is off. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh. Really now... <</say>>
<<text>> Jack, who was clearly surprised, scratched his head and looked away from Kendra. But after a few moments, he let out a warm chuckle at her. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Well then that was that. Kendra, you leave now. I'll find something else to do to amuse myself. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> What the... Bitch, what the fuck! Stop right there! Go and suck Jack off! <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Dick, I told you, I'm... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> She's not going to do that, Dick. And that is totally fine. Kendra, I really think you should go. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack smiled at Kendra and waved her away as if she were a noisy fly. She didn't hesitate and left the room before he could say another word. <</text>>
<<btno WedNTR1 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> No. I allow it. And you will not disrespect me by touching her. We'll settle this between us instead. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...Fine. <</say>>
<<text>> Dick, now flushed with anger, let out a heavy sigh. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll go to the film room and make myself ready. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Smart thinking. I hope you cleaned up after that bathroom business. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...I have. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Good, good. It's time for the show to begin. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR1 stage 2>> A show? <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WdNTR20Watched to 1>>
<<text>> You turn away from the screen as the two men leave the room and turn to Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Did you follow them? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, you can stop the video now. They went to the cinema room and watched Brokeback Mountain. In complete silence, no less. <</say>>
<<text>> You press the stop button and sit back on a bedside. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wow. That's certainly... something. <</say>>
<<text>> You spent the next few minutes in silence, absorbing everything you had just seen. While Kendra's plan had failed, now you had something to convince NIco with. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, pal. How are you feeling right now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm good. Why do you ask? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well... Didn't you just get cucked? I mean... <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR2 stage 1>> What? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> C'mon Greg, I'm not an idiot. It was obvious that Kendra couldn't give a fuck about the way these two guys were screwing her. It was a simple business transaction. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Whoa. <</say>>
<<text>> Pug made a sound somewhere between a burp and a scowl as he looked at you in disbelief. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> That's not the kind of thing I expected to hear from you. When did you learn to be so sure of yourself? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Am I, though? I don't think it has anything to do with seeing things for what they are. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh, believe me, it does. <</say>>
<<text>> As you thought about Greg's words, your stomach made a low growl as a reminder that you had not yet had your meal yet. <</text>>
<<img "act1/stomach0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Damn, I'm hungry... Time to make myself some breakfast. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, don't forget me as well! <</say>>
<<text>> You make your way to the fridge and get yourself a sandwich for the morning. You begin to get sick of it, but what can you do? Being poor is rough. <</text>>
<<btno WedNTR2 stage 2>> Have breakfast <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> After you have both finished eating, you decide to take out a mobile phone again. It was the time to do a bit of planning for the day. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hm, it's Wendesday... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yeah it is. Why does it matter? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That means I've got a shift at the pizzeria today... Afterwards I can go and see Nico. Damn, he won't be happy to hear this news though... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, not that not knowing this stuff will make his life better. Especially in the long run. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, that's true as well... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey pal, why don't you cheer yourself up? It sounds like you don't have too much to do today... Go on, call yourself a girl. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hm... Sure. <</say>>
<<btno PhoneBook stage "Val1-0">> Make a call <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh wow Greg... You really went for it. A real hero. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy trembled after being forced to relive those traumatic moments, and yet, he answered you confidently. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You have no idea. Managed to run out before the cop attack at the Ram Ranch... You wouldn't want to hear that, trust me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, thanks. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Heh... Too bad the video turned out to be a dud. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Not really a dud. Now we have proof that Dick's wealth and status are the result of theft. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Allegedly! You learned it from a thug who was trying to smooth Kendra over. Don't trust a word he said. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR2 stage 4>> Sure <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> I think you're right. But it would be worth it to check it out with Nico. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Smart thinking, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> As you thought about Greg's words, your stomach made a low growl as a reminder that you had not yet had your meal yet. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, I'm hungry... Time to make myself some breakfast. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, don't forget me as well! <</say>>
<<text>> You make your way to the fridge and get yourself a sandwich for the morning. You begin to get sick of it, but what can you do? Being poor is rough. <</text>>
<<btno WedNTR2 stage 2>> Have breakfast <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> So... Jack, I've done what you asked... Remember to hold up your end of the bargain. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh, yeah, I always do. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Jack? What's she talking about? <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh, she just wanted to know who you were stealing from. You know, the basic stuff. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> She what?! <</say>>
<<text>> Dick's face was rejuvenated with anger, his blood-red cheeks quivering with rage. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, I'll fucking kill you! <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Jack, what the hell! That wasn't our deal! <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> I promised you that I would make your wish come true. However, I don't recall any mention of keeping Dick in the dark. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR3 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> But... But! <</someone>>
<<text>> Dick got up from the sofa, cracking his knuckles, and Kendra was on the verge of tears. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> You're fucking done for... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Jack, please! Stop him... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Naturally. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack smiled and clapped his hands together. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, stop it. Let it go. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Just don't. Everything's fine, trust me. <</say>>
<<text>> He turned back to Kendra with the same smile and waved her away as if she were a noisy fly. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Kendra, you should leave now. We're done here. We've got what we wanted and I've fulfilled your wish in return. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR3 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> But... But... <</someone>>
<<text>> You could see Kendra's eyes welling up, her inner turmoil reaching the breaking point. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Fuck you... Fuck both of you! <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh, trust me, you already did that. And I must say - it was a job well done. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra cried out loud, storming out of the room. Confused by what had just happened, Dick glanced over at Jack. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> What the hell was that? <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> That's what a few working brain cells can do. Try it sometime too.<</say>>
<<say "Dick">> I can get laid without it. Maybe another time. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Sure. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack stretched himself out on a sofa and let out a loud yawn. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Damn... I'm exhausted. Let's go watch a film. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, you know it well. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Sure man. <</say>>
<<btno WedNTR2 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $WedJob0 isnot 1>>
<<text>> After some deliberation on what's more important - getting some tattooed grade-A pussy or being a working class slave, you decide to go for the obvious. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So where is this bar she has been talkin' about? <</say>>
<<text>> You keep walking down the street, looking in all sorts of places. Still, there was not a single bar in sight. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, it's there. I saw the sign. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<text>> You turn around and look in the direction the pug was facing. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bartender2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, that must be it. <</say>>
<<btno ValSide0 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Val's probably in there, isn't she? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> She must be, I can have a whiff of her scent coming from this place. So let's... <</say>>
<<text>> But Grigoriy didn't finish the sentence. He jumped up and blew himself up, to look a few sizes bigger. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops25-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Fuck... Just look at this baby-corgi's butt... You'll be fine pal, I know you will. I have to go... Bye! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hey! Don't get lost out there! <</say>>
<<text>> But the pug was already out of your sight. There was nothing you could do but to come into the bar on your own now. <</text>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 0>> Go inside <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> When you walk into the place, you're a bit surprised by how small it all looks. This place was downright cosy after the bars you've been to in the big city. <</text>>
<<say "Bartender">> Good morning, sir. Would you like a drink? <</say>>
<<text>> Behind the bar, as you would expect, stands a fishy-looking bartender. He looks like a guy that tries way too hard to be a hipster. Not the best fashion sense around. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bartender0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Eh... No, not right now. I was supposed to be meeting with someone... <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> Uh-huh. Then I take it you came here to see Val? She's right over there. <</say>>
<<text>> Barmen let out a sigh and nodded somewhere deeper in the saloon, suggesting that I should come over there and stop bothering him if I don't plan on drinking. <</text>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 1>> Look for the Val <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You walk in the direction he was pointing and when you turn the corner, you see Val's body lying motionless behind the table. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit! Is she all right? <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> She ought to be. Must've gotten tired and passed out. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So, just to make sure, you didn't drug her or anything like that? <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> Well, in a way, I did. But only with alcohol. That is my job, after all. And she's been here since yesterday evening, so she's had more than enough time to get hammered... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck me... <</say>>
<<text>> You get closer to Val and notice that she is still breathing steadily. She also does have a bit of a stink from the consumed alcohol exuding from her. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> She must have really enjoyed this guy's drink. <</say>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 2>> Wake Val up <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Val! Wake up! Val! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Wha... What are you... Let me sleep... <</say>>
<<text>> You have a go at shaking Val's shoulders for a while, and it seems to have some effect on her. She opens her eyes. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Oh... $mc... You're here already? <</say>>
<<text>> Val let out a juicy yawn as she stretched out her hands. She seemed surprisingly sensible for someone who had been drinking for the last 12 hours. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> I didn't expect you to be here so soon. Didn't you have a job to do? <</say>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 21>> Not a big deal <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<if $WedJob0 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> Nah... I got something of a call, so my morning is free. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> That's rad. Flexible schedules are the best. Lucky you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, lucky's my second name. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Hah. I knew a guy whose first name was Lucky... Of fuck.
<<say $mc>> Yeah. But I have been working really hard in order to be able to open up a time slot for you. <</say>>
<<text>> With a warm smile on her face, Val rifles through her bag. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> That's so sweet, $mc... You must be tired by now, though.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I do feel a little off. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Then how about this... <</say>>
<<text>> She pulls out a can of Plus Ultra and puts it on the table in front of you. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> A little something for your trouble. <</say>>
<<if $item3 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh wow. Thanks a lot Val... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> It's just... I need you in full strength. Fuck... <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got an Energy drink! <</notify>>
<<set $item3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Thank you, Val. But I already have some of my own. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Huh... You came preapared. I like it... Oh fuck. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You all right? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Sorry, give me a second. <</say>>
<<text>> Val got up from the table and made a beeline straight for the bathroom. <</text>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 3>> Have a chat with bartender <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> While you were waiting for her to return, you decided to go and talk to the bartender. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So... how's business going? <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> Pretty decent, but we're closing soon for maintenance. So I really hope you came here to get Val outta of here. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And so do I. <</say>>
<<text>> Your empty gaze has been caught by a fancy looking bottle on one of the shelves. The bartender, noticing how you're looking at it, takes it off and puts it in front of you. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/alcohol1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bartender">> What a good eye you have. That's the best stuff we got. Goes down like honey juice. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Really? And how much for a bottle? <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> 400$. And that's with the discount because you came in after the Val. Poor guy, ha. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item4 != 1>>
<<if $cash >= 400>>
<<btn ValSide1 stage 4>> Buy the drink <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">> Buy the drink <</plugi>>
<<btn ValSide1 stage 5>> That's too expesive <</btn>>
<<btn ValSide1 stage 5>> I don't need it <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $item4 to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-400>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got a bottle of whisky for 400$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> Honey juice, you say? I'll have some of that. <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> Great. Enjoy your drink. <</say>>
<<text>> You take the bottle of whisky and put it in your bag, then go back to the table, Val is already waiting for you there, looking refreshed. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> You back! Finally. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Are you feeling any better? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, I think I've finally sobered up. I'm sorry if you expected to grab me while I was tipsy and all... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ValSide1 stage 6>> I would never <</btn>>
<<btn ValSide1 stage 9>> You got me <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<if $item4 != 1>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry man, that's a bit too expensive for me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry man, I was just cheking it out. <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> Sure thing, pal. <</say>>
<<text>> The bartender scoffed and put the bottle back in its place. You had the feeling that you were as good as non-existent to him when he turned back to face you with an empty gaze. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> ... <</say>>
<<text>> When you decide to return to the table, Val is already waiting for you there, looking refreshed. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> You back! Finally. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Are you feeling any better? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, I think I've finally sobered up. I'm sorry if you expected to grab me while I was tipsy and all... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ValSide1 stage 6>> I would never <</btn>>
<<btn ValSide1 stage 9>> You got me <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> What? I would never do that. I'm not the kind of guy who would take advantage of a lady like that. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Is that so... <</say>>
<<text>> Val's voice sounded a little disappointed. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> You know, maybe I wouldn't mind if it was done by a guy like you... <</say>>
<<text>> She slid her hand under the table and playfully stroked your inner thigh. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> But I can also appreciate a knight in shining armour. From time to time. <</say>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 7>> My queen... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... I'll serve you well, my queen. <</say>>
<<text>> Neither of you could hold back the laughter when that sentence was uttered. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Jesus, ha-ha... Please don't call me that. No, even better, don't call anyone that. Period. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What, you think girls don't like to be treated like the queens they are? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Fuck... Well, maybe some of them do. But not me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And how do you like to be called then? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Well... <</say>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Bartender">> Val? Hey Val! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yep, that's exactly how I wanna be called, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Val chuckles to herself and gets up from the table. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> What do you want? We're in the middle of something here, you know? <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> Real happy to hear that. Seriously, congratulations to you both. But it is time to get the fuck out of here! The bar is closing. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why not? This place is boring anyway. <</say>>
<<text>> As you get ready to leave, the bartender gives you a smug look. <</text>>
<<say "Bartender">> Have a nice day, guys. Come back another time when we are open. I might even give the new guy a discount... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Maybe later. Thank you for keeping an eye on Val, though. <</say>>
<<text>> Val reached into her purse and pulled out some freshly baked $100 bills. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Yeah, take the money. No change needed. Let's go $mc. <</say>>
<<btno ValSide2 stage 3>> Get out <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<set $VlSd17Suck to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Damn. And here I was, thinking about giving you one of the roughest quickies you've ever had. Not today, I guess... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Well, we don't need to get too hasty about this... <</say>>
<<text>> Val moved closer to you and put her hand on top of your groin. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> I can always take a few more shots... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And then I could do a demonstration of how rough I can be, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh... <</say>>
<<text>> Val leaned even closer to you. She was so close that you could smell her perfume, mixed with a faint scent of vodka. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Why don't you show some of it now? <</say>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 10>> Kiss Val's lips <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<text>> Her lips touched yours in a hungry, almost animalistic kiss, as if you both wanted to devour each other. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> Val's hand began to stroke impatiently along the length of your cock. And you, in turn, began playing with her tits. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Jesus, $mc... <</say>>
<<text>> Your other hand slipped under Val's skirt, getting closer and closer to her soon be wet pussy. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Fuck, give it to me... <</say>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 11>> Give it to her <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<text>> Val let go of your lips and her hands were quick to pull your erect cock out of your trousers. It smacked down on her cheek with a big, juicy slapping sound. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> It's so big... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, suck it baby... <</say>>
<<text>> But before she could give it a proper suck, a voice called out to you both, causing Val to jump in place. <</text>>
<<say "Bartender">> Val? Hey Val! Answer me, dammit! <</say>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 12>> Fuck! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>> Val yanked her head away from your cock and shouted back at the dickhead who had the audacity to disturb you. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> What do you want? We're in the middle of something here, OK?! <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> Real happy to hear that. Seriously, congratulations to you both. But it is time to get the fuck out of here! The bar is closing. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, man, can't you give us a pass? Just for... five minutes or so.<</say>>
<<say "Val">> Five minutes? Really? <</say>>
<<text>> Val wispered, looking disappointed. <</text>>
<<btno ValSide1 stage 13>> I'm kidding! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, it's called lowballing. You'll see the real deal soon... <</say>>
<<say "Bartender">> No way! I repeat: get the fuck out, or you're going to have a gang-bang with a bouncer over there! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Fine! Let's go, $mc. There is nothing we can do about it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... All right. <</say>>
<<text>> As you get ready to leave, the bartender gives you a smug look. <</text>>
<<say "Bartender">> Have a nice day, guys. Come back another time when we are open. Then, I'm sure, we can get to know each other a little better... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck off, man. Not cool. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Don't wait for any tips from me either. <</say>>
<<btno ValSide2 stage 0>> Get out <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> What a loser. He's a virgin, I bet. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Come on, $mc. He's on the clock and I have a lot of respect for the working class. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> As if being a bartender is a real job... I bet he just stands there all day, jerking his dick off... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> All right, all right. You might actually be right. <</say>>
<<text>> You took a moment to enjoy the fresh morning breeze. Val seemed to be happy as well. You wonder how you're going to... <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Well, thanks for the date, $mc. It was really fun. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<text>> Val reached over and kissed you gently on the cheek. <</text>>
<<btno ValSide2 stage 1>> That's all? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> That's it? Really? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Pft... Gotcha! <</say>>
<<text>> Val laughed loudly, then hugged you tightly with one hand and fondled your crotch with the other. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Of course not, you've made me very hungry. I want that thing inside me now... Really badly. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So what? Like right here? Right now? <</say>>
<<text>> You imagine yourself getting sucked off in a middle of a street. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image11-image.gif">>
<<say "Val">> God, I'm not nearly drunk enough to do it on the street yet... What about your place? <</say>>
<<btno ValSide2 stage 2>> No way <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> No, I'm sorry, it's really bad... I'm not even sure the bed will be able to withstand my onslaught on you, if you know what I mean. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Hm... <</say>>
<<text>> Val seemed to be lost in thought for a while, mumbling and counting something on her fingers. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> OK. Let's crush at my place. We should have just enough time. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Amazing! Is it a long walk? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> No, about five minutes on foot. So let's hurry, chop-chop! <</say>>
<<btno ValScene0 stage 0>> Let's move <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> Exiting the bar, you took a moment to enjoy the fresh morning breeze. Val seemed to be happy as well. You wonder how you're going to... <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Well, thanks for the date, $mc. It was really fun. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? <</say>>
<<text>> Val reached over and kissed you gently on the cheek. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That's it? Really? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Pft... Gotcha! <</say>>
<<text>> Val laughed loudly, then hugged you tightly with one hand and fondled your crotch with the other. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Of course not. When you called me, you set a certain expectation. And that has to be fulfilled. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Like right here? Right now? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> God, I'm not nearly drunk enough to do it on the street yet... But what about your place? <</say>>
<<btno ValSide2 stage 2>> No way <</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('ValScene0', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 40>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Nice place you've got! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yeah, it was given to me and my brother after our parents passed away. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry to hear that. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> It's all right now. <</say>>
<<text>> Val quickly took off her boots and went deeper into the flat. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Take your clothes off. I'll wait for you in the living room. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Like all of them? Shall I get fully naked? <</say>>
<<text>> But Val had already left the room. You decided to play it safe, after all getting undressed quickly has become second nature to you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That ought to be good enough. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> As you enter the lounge, you notice Val fiddling with a glass and a pink can of an energy drink. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/energy3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Val? What are you doing? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Just a bit of an energy boost, you know... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> On the eve of the best ride of your life, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> You wish, ha-ha. Anyway, I would really like to mix it up, but it looks like someone has drunk all of my booze... <</say>>
<<text>> You made the most serious, stonwalled face possible. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Who? Do you live with someone else? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> What? You joker... I drank it all myself, you know me. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, that's impressive. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Well... Cheers! <</say>>
<<text>> After throwing one more ice cube into a glass, Val grabbed the energy drink and made it disappear in a single gulp. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> And now... <</say>>
<<text>> Val threw a seductive glance in your direction and positioned herself on a sofa. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val9-image.jpg">>
<<if $VlSd17Suck is 1>>
<<say "Val">> Would you mind showing me your roughest now? Maybe a couple of times even... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Now is the time to take off your shiny armour and take me like the dirty peasant that I am... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, you're in luck, girl. I got some really tasty stuff... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Really? You're amazing, $mc! Now, show me... Wait, were we talking about your dick just now? <</say>>
<<text>> You start to unzip your trousers and Val's eyes widen. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> No, I'm just fooling around. Two can play this game, you know. <</say>>
<<text>> You quickly pull a bottle out of your bag and hold it out to Val. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<set $item4 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've given away your whisky! <</notify>>
<<say "Val">> Ha, you got me now... You silly lad. Thank you. <</say>>
<<text>> Confident in her abilities, Val quickly made herself a cocktail and drank it down in a single gulp. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Oooh... It's honey-flavoured... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Wait a minute. Are you talking about my cock? Because it is just as sweet as the honey. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Really now... <</say>>
<<text>> Val threw a seductive glance in your direction and positioned herself on a sofa. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val9-image.jpg">>
<<if $VlSd17Suck is 1>>
<<say "Val">> Would you mind showing me your roughest now? Maybe a couple of times even... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Now is the time to take off your shiny armour and take me like the dirty peasant that I am... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> Only if you get on your knees first... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Consider it done! <</say>>
<<text>> Few moments later, Val already were in between you legs, standing on her knees, waiting for your next move. Without hesitation, you kiss her on the<<if $VlSd17Suck is 1>> lips once more. <<else>> lips. <</if>> <</text>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Wow, I didn't expect you to actually go through with it... <</say>>
<<if $VlSd17Suck is 1>>
<<say "Val">> Come on, I'm more than ready to take you on now... Don't tease me too much now... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Is this really how knights treat peasants? Show me the true spirit of a warrior... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> And I thought I told you to strip naked earlier... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<set $cumw to 60>>
<<say $mc>> Well, here's a simple solution... <</say>>
<<text>> You take off your shirt and throw it on the floor, while Val does the same with her top and skirt. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Shit, you're quick... Now I'll make you feel rough... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh! Those sure are nice slaps... But is that all? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Have you ever heard of the carrot and the stick? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say "Val">> Wasn't it a carrot on a stick? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Doesn't matter. Give me your pussy, talking about veggies made me hungry... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck... You're actually better with this... Then I thought... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Mmm... So juicy and fresh. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Come on... I want you inside, $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<set $sceneCumW to 1>>
<<say $mc>> It is too early for that... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> What do you mean? I'm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Best I can do is this. <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck! I'm... cumming! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! You should have told me you were a squirter. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Only when I'm drunk... Phew. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1>>
<<run memorize('VlScn0start4Drink', 1)>>
<<say "Val">> And now... Time for the real game to begin. <</say>>
<<text>> Val sat down on a sofa and spread her legs wide so that she could show off her soaking wet pussy. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> Fuck the carrot. I'm waiting for your big meaty stick... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You're reading my mind. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<if $VlSd17Suck is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Enjoy my honeydick... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Have a taste of this stick that you wanted so much... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck... More please... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Suck my balls. I'm growing fond of this feeling... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Mmm... Nice nuts. Salty too... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Get ready to... Go! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Mhmhhmhmmphhphphm... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh yeah... Just the way I like it... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<say "Val">> Yes-yes-yes... I've waited so long... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... Now I'm wet too. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, we both are... Love me more. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Let's speed things up a little. <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Ah... God... Ah! You're amazing $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 2>>
<<say $mc>> Shit... I didn't even... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Go on, I'm so... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Again? Shit, what have I gotten myself into... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Fuck... Two times in a row... You are the best... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Val">> I'm... Cumming! <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... Again? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, I'm still drunk... Love me. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh yes... I love it... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Me too... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> You reach... Deep! Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<say $mc>> I'll let you lead on this one... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Thank you... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> You! Ah... You're perfect... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>> Let's do it my way... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell, you didn't cum from that? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> It was too good for that... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ok, not gonna question that logic. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Val">> I'm... Cumming! <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... Again? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, I'm still drunk... Love me. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> $mc, please... Don't stop... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Mmm! Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I start to like you more and more... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<say "Val">> Fuck... Fuck... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You sound a bit... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Ah! Mhm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> ...dizzy. Are you OK? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Starting to feel a little dehydrated. That's all... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, Val, I'm about to... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Juice me up, $mc... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Ahhh... Fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Mhm... Tastes great. I feel refreshed now... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You still ready to go? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Of course. Our score is only $sceneCumW : $sceneCum. <<if $sceneCumW > $sceneCum>> I still have a lot of work ahead of me... <</if>> <</say>>
<<if $sceneCum is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Well, Val, I'm sorry. I'm way beyond my limits... <</say>>
<<if $sceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<say "Val">> Oh. It's OK, you still made me cum $sceneCumW times! That's great... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> It's OK... Making me cum once is not much, but it is something. <</say>>
<<text>> Val gently caressed the tip of your cock as you lay down exhausted on the sofa. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> You were truly spectacular, $mc. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn ValScene0 stage 1>> Go to the lounge <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<btn ValScene0 stage 3>> Offer her whisky <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have alcohol on you">> Offer her whisky <</plugi>>
<<btn ValScene0 stage 2>> That's cool <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn ValScene0 stage "start">> OK! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn ValScene0 stage 4>> Take it <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn ValScene0 stage "start">> OK! <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage blowjob1 20 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage blowjob2 25 0>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage blowjob2 25 0>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage blowjob1 20 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage cowgirl2 25 0>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage cowgirl1 25 0>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage cowgirl1 25 0>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage cowgirl2 25 0>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage doggy1 15 0>> Let her lead <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage doggy2 20 0>> Take charge <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage doggy2 20 0>> Take charge <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage doggy1 15 0>> Let her lead <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb ValScene0 stage "sideways1" 25 0>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3">>
<<btns ValScene0 stage blowjob 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns ValScene0 stage sideways 20 0>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns ValScene0 stage doggy 20 0>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btnl ValScene0 stage cowgirl VlScn0start4Drink 600 "Val isn't drunk enough for that" 20 0>> Cowgirl <</btnl>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns ValScene0 stage "start1" 0 0>> Strip <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns ValScene0 stage "start2" 0 20>> Pussylick <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns ValScene0 stage "start3" 0 20>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btn ValScene0 stage "start4">> ... <</btn>>
<<if $cum >=70 >>
<<btns ValScene0 stage "cum" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne ValSide3 stage 0>> I'm spent <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP4') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP4', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<text>> You can feel Val's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So... what do we do next? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Well... <</say>>
<<text>> Val's finger slid across your chest, as she bit her lip suggestively. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> The next thing is for you to get your clothes and go about your business. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? Oh, you're messing with me, aren't you? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Not this time, no. Don't get me wrong. I loved every second of it, but sex is sex. <</say>>
<<btno ValSide3 stage 1>> Come on... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> So why don't I stay a little longer? We can get to know each other better. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> I would love that. I really would. But we don't have time. <</say>>
<<text>> Val picked up your trousers and T-shirt from the floor and threw them to you. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> I'll call you later, I promise. You can get out through the balcony. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Uh... okay... <</say>>
<<text>> You quickly get dressed and glance across the freshly semen-stained sofa. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I'm glad it's not where I live... <</say>>
<<btno ValSide4 stage 0>> Get out of the house <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Well... That was abrupt. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I can smell that you have landed the dice, so why the sad face? <</say>>
<<text>> As you come out of the house, you notice that Grigoriy is waiting for you on the sidewalk. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, it's you Greg. Just in time. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> So how did it go? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... We fucked and afterwards she kicked me out of the house. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> And? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, it's just a bit strange. I was expecting something... more. Some kind of connection, you know? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wait, are you telling me that you fuck bitches not to just satisfy your primeval urges? <</say>>
<<btno ValSide4 stage 1>> What do you mean? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> I dunno. What kind of question is that anyway? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, I have the news just for you then. A few minutes ago, I saw a man enter her house. And I highly suspect that this was the reason why she threw you out so quickly. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So wait... Did I cuck somebody just now? Holy shit, that's not what I had in mind... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, from fucking someone's mums to fucking someone's girlfriends. That's a de-escalation if I ever saw one. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... You have a point. <</say>>
<<btno ValSide4 stage 2>> Huh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You take another look at Val's house and scratch your head. <</text>>
<<img "act1/bartender3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> So, how did it go with your corgi business? Did you get any pussy?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nope, it was a guy. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> My thoughts exactly. Imagine my surprise when I saw his dick flopping around. The barbers these days, I swear. How am I supposed to tell a bitch in a world like this? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You'll get there, Greg. I believe in you. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Where do we stop next? <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<if $WedJob0 isnot 1>>
<<btno Map1 ValSide0 1>> Let's see... <</btno>>
<<if $MapState is 0 || ($WedJob6 isnot 1 && $AlexisCounter > 1)>>
<<btno Map0 ValSide0 1>> Let's see... <</btno>>
<<btno Map1 ValSide0 1>> Let's see... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> What is she thinking about? Just let it go... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It is because of what you said to her earlier. She's thinking about taking one for the team. To get the information. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh no, what have I done... <</say>>
<<text>> That's when the camera realigned itself, and with a loud snap, the picture began to move again. You could see Kendra's face, filled with conviction. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> It was at that moment that she took the control of the situation into her own hands. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Jack... <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Yes? <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> OK... I'll sleep with you tonight. But you're going to tell me all about Dick. <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Holy shit. That's asking a lot, I'll be honest with you... Are you sure you'll be able to fill the shoes? <</someone>>
<<text>> The man looked at Kendra like a butcher looks at his meat before he starts cutting it up. But she hadn't done so much as twitch a muscle. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/jack0-image.jpg">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Yes. As long as you keep the promise you made. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Fuck... Sounds good, baby girl. I'm in. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Then let us make it quick, before Dick...
<<say "Dick">> No way, you really got her going! This is going to be a really fun night... <</say>>
<<text>> Dick stood up in a doorway, smiling from ear to ear. He was as happy as a clam, and looking at him, you'd think he'd hit the jackpot. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> What? No, Jack! I only agreed to sleep with you! <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Well, take it or leave it. I can't leave my friend with a dry cock while we're having fun. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> What will it be, bitch? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> All right, then. I'll do it. But let me change first, guys. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Sure thing. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Don't keep us waiting. <</say>>
<<text>> As Kendra walked past the camera, Grigoriy turned to you with an understanding look. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Fuck... Pal, that's rough. <</say>>
<<text>> When the camera followed Kendra into the other room, you got yourself lost in the deep focus. There was no chance in hell you would let her sacrifice go in vain. In resulting silence, you could hear her whisper to herself. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra9-image.jpg">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> All right... Just imagine that it is $mc, not those bastards... Fuck, I might even like it... <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<text>> Kendra clenched her fists, summoned up every ounce of fighting spirit she had and walked back into the room. Standing completely naked in front of the thugs, she began to play her role. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> All right, boys. Let's get this party started... <</someone>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jack">> By the way, Dick. Have you had a wash after your visit to the toilet? <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Sure, I'm not a fucking monster. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Jack">> Good. At least you remembered what I think of your dirty ass. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> C'mon guys... Now I'm waiting... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah. I almost forgot. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, suck my dick. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say "Dick">> Oh yeah, choke on that... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Mhpmf... Hpf... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Jack">> Kendra, babe... Have I told you how much I love eating your asshole? <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Hmpf?.. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah... I really do. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Choke on my cock too, babe. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Give it to me... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Oh yeah, she's good... <</say>>
<<if $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, It's time to go full out. I hope both of you are ready. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, step aside for a moment... I'll get her ready. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh fuck yeah, Kendra... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh yeah! So good... inside... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Jack">> Fuck, I can see I'm still the best man to ever fuck you... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Hah... Of course you are, Jack... <</someone>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Babe, let's give Dick, some attention too. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> OK, let's get back to business. Dick, come. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Fuck... Ram through my asshole, Jack! <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Go harder! Ah... Huh! <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, you wanna play? Jack, go into beast mode. Show her... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> I think it's time for Jack... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Jack">> TO LET 'ER RIP! <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> You like that, you bitch? <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah ya! Fuck... That's what I craved for... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> That's the beast mode for ya. Don't you forget it. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Jack">> Oh... That's a nice wet ass pussy... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Doggy.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah! Fuuck.... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Shit Jack, you're pounding her so hard even I feel some. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> I think she deserves a raise after that... Let's give her our crown jewel... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Jack">> It's tume for our... <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...Team-up fuck! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah... You guys... This was... So awesome... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck, we really showed her... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rcowgirl">>
<<say "Jack">> I love it... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah... Uh... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/R_Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Dick, sugar... Please... Come in. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> You've heard the lady. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rcowgirl1">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh fuck... This is so much better... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Huh? You like it rough, bitch, yeah? My cock is the roughest, toughest piece of wood and you're gonna fucking love it. <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/R_Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh, sugar... I like having both of you... It's definetly... better off. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> What a clever woman she is. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Mhm... Taste's good... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> You bet it does. Right, Dick? <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<say "Jack">> And now suck on my balls... Oh, baby! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Mhm! <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Shiiit... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways2">>
<<say "Dick">> Jack, let's double tag her... You fuck her face and I'l... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Let's fucking go! <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Sideways2.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Hm.. Ah... Mrphf.... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh yeah, I can tell she liked it a lot... <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> No doubt about it. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Jack">> Mhm... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Wanna do it on my face? <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Fuck no... I'm too classy for that... Open your ass instead... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Like that? You can cum all over my body... <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cum0.mp4">>
<<say "Jack">> Ough... Ah... This must be the best hole in the world, I swear... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ha-ha... Thank you, Jack. <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> So, this time you were the first one... Ha, feels good. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum1">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck... Bitch, your face. Now! <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Sure. <</someone>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cum1.mp4">>
<<say "Dick">> Oh yeah... Fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> After the last drop of semen had left his body, Dick fell onto the sofa. He was breathing heavily, obviously exhausted from the ride. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> What, you done already? <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> As if you can... go on... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Of course I can. But I think all three of us have had enough fun for one night... Am I right, Kendra? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Ah! I'm... About to... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, go all out! Now! <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck... <</say>>
<<video "kendra/SceneNTR/Cumw.mp4">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh my... God! You're... so good... <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Ah shit, you came so easily, It wasn't even a challenge... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Good girl... You held out well. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "fakeend">>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Are we done here, boys? <</someone>>
<<say "Dick">> Fuck no. we're not leaving this place untill we all are satisfied. <</say>>
<<if $sceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<say "Jack">> And that includes you, Kendra. We're not about to leave you behind. <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Oh? <</someone>>
<<text>> Inviting the thugs to continue, Kendra layed back on a sofa and picked up her ass. She was prepared to do whatever it took to make this all come to a quicker end. <</text>>
<<img "act1/kendra11-image.jpg">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> That's so cute... Come, boys. <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>> Fine, I don't need it <</btneg>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage 1 0 0>> I'm ready to try... <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>> No, I'm not your fucking toy <</btneg>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage 2 0 0>> If that's what it takes... <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn KendragalleryNTR gstage 3>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "start" 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb KendragalleryNTR gstage "cowgirl1" 25 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb KendragalleryNTR gstage "doggy1" 25 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rcowgirl">>
<<btnsb KendragalleryNTR gstage "rcowgirl1" 25 15>> Go double <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb KendragalleryNTR gstage "sideways1" 15 5>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendragalleryNTR gstage "sideways2" 20 10>> Fuck face <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<btnsb KendragalleryNTR gstage "sideways2" 20 10>> Fuck face <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways2">>
<<btnsb KendragalleryNTR gstage "sideways1" 15 10>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "start" || $gstage is "start1">>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "start1" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "start2" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "start3" 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "start3" 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "start2" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "rcowgirl" 15 10>> Rcowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "cowgirl" 20 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "sideways" 20 10>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "doggy" 20 10>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >=70 >>
<<if $gsceneCum is 0>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "cum" 0 10>> Make Jack Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum is 1>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "cum1" 0 0>> Make Dick Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw >= 100 || ($gsceneCumW isnot 1 && $gsceneCum === 2)>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "cumw" 15 0>> Cum <</btns>> <</if>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 && $gsceneV3 isnot 1 && ($gsceneCumW isnot 1 || $gsceneCum isnot 2)>>
<<btns KendragalleryNTR gstage "fakeend" 0 0>> We're done? <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum is 2 && $gsceneCumW is 1>>
<<btnegp Kendra-gallery>> We're done. <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 40>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... Nice place you've got! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yeah, it was given to me and my brother after our parents passed away. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry to hear that. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> It's all right now. <</say>>
<<text>> Val quickly took off her boots and went deeper into the flat. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Take your clothes off. I'll wait for you in the living room. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Like all of them? Shall I get fully naked? <</say>>
<<text>> But Val had already left the room. You decided to play it safe, after all getting undressed quickly has become second nature to you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That ought to be good enough. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> As you enter the lounge, you notice Val fiddling with a glass and a pink can of an energy drink. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/energy3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Val? What are you doing? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Just a bit of an energy boost, you know... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> On the eve of the best ride of your life, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> You wish, ha-ha. Anyway, I would really like to mix it up, but it looks like someone has drunk all of my booze... <</say>>
<<text>> You made the most serious, stonwalled face possible. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Who? Do you live with someone else? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> What? You joker... I drank it all myself, you know me. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, that's impressive. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Well... Cheers! <</say>>
<<text>> After throwing one more ice cube into a glass, Val grabbed the energy drink and made it disappear in a single gulp. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> And now... <</say>>
<<text>> Val threw a seductive glance in your direction and positioned herself on a sofa. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> Would you mind showing me your roughest now? Maybe a couple of times even... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, you're in luck, girl. I got some really tasty stuff... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Really? You're amazing, $mc! Now, show me... Wait, were we talking about your dick just now? <</say>>
<<text>> You start to unzip your trousers and Val's eyes widen. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> No, I'm just fooling around. Two can play this game, you know. <</say>>
<<text>> You quickly pull a bottle out of your bag and hold it out to Val. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Val">> Ha, you got me now... You silly lad. Thank you. <</say>>
<<text>> Confident in her abilities, Val quickly made herself a cocktail and drank it down in a single gulp. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Oooh... It's honey-flavoured... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Wait a minute. Are you talking about my cock? Because it is just as sweet as the honey. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Really now... <</say>>
<<text>> Val threw a seductive glance in your direction and positioned herself on a sofa. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> Would you mind showing me your roughest now? Maybe a couple of times even... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> Only if you get on your knees first... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Consider it done! <</say>>
<<text>> Few moments later, Val already were in between you legs, standing on her knees, waiting for your next move. Without hessitation, you kiss her on the lips <</text>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Wow, I didn't expect you to actually go through with it... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Come on, I'm more than ready to take you on now... Don't tease me too much now... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> And I thought I told you to strip naked earlier... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<set $gcumw to 60>>
<<say $mc>> Well, here's a simple solution... <</say>>
<<text>> You take off your shirt and throw it on the floor, while Val does the same with her top and skirt. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Shit, you're quick... Now I'll make you feel rough... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh! Those sure are nice slaps... But is that all? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Have you ever heard of the carrot and the stick? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say "Val">> Wasn't it a carrot on a stick? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Doesn't matter. Give me your pussy, talking about veggies made me hungry... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck... You're actually better with this... Then I thought... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Mmm... So juicy and fresh. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Come on... I want you inside, $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 1>>
<<say $mc>> It is too early for that... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> What do you mean? I'm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Best I can do is this. <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck! I'm... cumming! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! You should have told me you were a squirter. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Only when I'm drunk... Phew. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1>>
<<run memorize('VlScn0start4Drink', 1)>>
<<say "Val">> And now... Time for the real game to begin. <</say>>
<<text>> Val sat down on a sofa and spread her legs wide so that she could show off her soaking wet pussy. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> Fuck the carrot. I'm waiting for your big meaty stick... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You're reading my mind. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>> Enjoy my honeydick... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck... More please... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Suck my balls. I'm growing fond of this feeling... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Mmm... Nice nuts. Salty too... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Get ready to... Go! <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Mhmhhmhmmphhphphm... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Oh yeah... Just the way I like it... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<say "Val">> Yes-yes-yes... I've waited so long... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... Now I'm wet too. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, we both are... Love me more. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Let's speed things up a little. <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Ah... God... Ah! You're amazing $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 2>>
<<say $mc>> Shit... I didn't even... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Go on, I'm so... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Again? Shit, what have I gotten myself into... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Fuck... Two times in a row... You are the best... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Val">> I'm... Cumming! <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... Again? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, I'm still drunk... Love me. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh yes... I love it... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Me too... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> You reach... Deep! Ah... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<say $mc>> I'll let you lead on this one... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Thank you... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> You! Ah... You're perfect... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>> Let's do it my way... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell, you didn't cum from that? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> It was too good for that... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ok, not gonna question that logic. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Val">> I'm... Cumming! <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... Again? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Yes, I'm still drunk... Love me. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> $mc, please... Don't stop... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Mmm! Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I start to like you more and more... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<say "Val">> Fuck... Fuck... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You sound a bit... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">> Ah! Mhm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> ...dizzy. Are you OK? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Starting to feel a little dehydrated. That's all... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, Val, I'm about to... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Juice me up, $mc... <</say>>
<<video "val/Scene0/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Ahhh... Fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Mhm... Tastes great. I feel refreshed now... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You still ready to go? <</say>>
<<say "Val">> Of course. Our score is only $gsceneCumW : $gsceneCum. <<if $gsceneCumW > $gsceneCum>> I still have a lot of work ahead of me... <</if>> <</say>>
<<if $gsceneCum is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Well, Val, I'm sorry. I'm way beyond my limits... <</say>>
<<if $gsceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<say "Val">> Oh. It's OK, you still made me cum $gsceneCumW times! That's great... <</say>>
<<say "Val">> It's OK... Making me cum once is not much, but it is something. <</say>>
<<text>> Val gently caressed the tip of your cock as you lay down exhausted on the sofa. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> You were truly spectacular, $mc. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Valgallery0 gstage 1>> Go to the lounge <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btnl Valgallery0 gstage 3 VlScn0start4Drink 600 "You can't use items in gallery" 0 0>> Offer her whisky <</btnl>>
<<btn Valgallery0 gstage 2>> That's cool <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Valgallery0 gstage "start">> OK! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Valgallery0 gstage 4>> Take it <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Valgallery0 gstage "start">> OK! <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage blowjob1 20 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage blowjob2 25 0>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage blowjob2 25 0>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage blowjob1 20 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage cowgirl2 25 0>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage cowgirl1 25 0>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage cowgirl1 25 0>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage cowgirl2 25 0>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage doggy1 15 0>> Let her lead <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage doggy2 20 0>> Take charge <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage doggy2 20 0>> Take charge <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage doggy1 15 0>> Let her lead <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb Valgallery0 gstage "sideways1" 25 0>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3">>
<<btns Valgallery0 gstage blowjob 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Valgallery0 gstage sideways 20 0>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns Valgallery0 gstage doggy 20 0>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btnl Valgallery0 gstage cowgirl VlScn0start4Drink 600 "Val isn't drunk enough for that" 20 0>> Cowgirl <</btnl>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Valgallery0 gstage "start1" 0 0>> Strip <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Valgallery0 gstage "start2" 0 20>> Pussylick <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Valgallery0 gstage "start3" 0 20>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btn Valgallery0 gstage "start4">> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gcum >=70 >>
<<btns Valgallery0 gstage "cum" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btnegp Val-gallery gstage 0>> I'm spent <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Val-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $$AlexisCounterOld to $AlexisCounter>>
<<text>> As you walk to the Rooster's Egg, you feel your palms sweat and something in the pit of your stomach tighten. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> How do you feel, pal? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I feel a bit nervous to be honest. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Why? You've never had a job before? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Actually, I never did. I was pretty well off and I could afford to fuck around. But mostly I sat in my room. I played video games. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn. So you never even applied for one? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I did, to a fair number of companies. I sent out what felt like countless CVs, but nothing came of it. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Today will be different. I'm sure of it. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob0 stage 1>> Thank you... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, it will. I've gained a lot of confidence since then. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Sure, kid. But I was talking about the fact that one of your girls has connections here. <</say>>
<<text>> Hearing these words, your heartbeat slowed down and you finally could take a calm breathe in. <</text>>
<<img "act1/pizza0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Do you want to wait outside like before? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Sure. Probably. It is a good day for sunbathing anyway. But don't take too long, I'm going to get bored after a while. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob1 stage 0>> Walk inside <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> You notice a familiar face behind the counter as you enter the pizzeria. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/alexis2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What's up? I told you that I'll be back, didn't I? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh, I was waiting for you, $mc. You're here for a job interview? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yep. Want to be part of the team, ha-ha. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Thank you. We really need someone like you, you know? <</say>>
<<btno WedJob1 stage 1>> Absolutely <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Sure. <</say>>
<<if $DFtr61Alexis is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">> I was a bit worried that I might have scared you off last time... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> As I like to say: "You can't scare a hedgehog with your butthole." <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh, really... You are so brave. <</say>>
<<text>> Your stomach rumbles as you catch a whiff of freshly baked dough wafting from the kitchen. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ha-ha, someone's hungry today, yeah? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> A bit, yes. I hope they feed you here? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> If you're willing to pay for it. Or... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis approaches you, whispering conspicuously. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob1 stage 2>> Or... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">> ...If no one sees you, you can sneak a slice of the pizza that Tony makes in secret from time to time. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... Sounds sweet. So how do I sign up? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Well, our manager is in today, so she should be waiting for you as well. Her office is over there. Savannah is the name. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis pointed to a small door near the kitchen and winked at you, as if to say that everything would be fine. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Cool, I'll go right away. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh and don't forget to knock before entering. It's a rule. Good luck! <</say>>
<<btno WedJob2 stage 0>> It's time <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('SavannahGallery', true)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WdJb21SvnnhCnt = 0>>
<<text>> You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you stopped just outside the office door. You knew your new boss was on the other side. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/door2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> C'mon, I know I'm prepared... Calm down, $mc, calm down. <</say>>
<<text>> You took a few deep breaths, but it didn't help. Your fear was tearing bites and chunks out of your gut, and you were in touch with every second of it. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck it. I'm not giving up without trying. Standing around is not going to get me anywhere. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob2 stage 3>> Knock on the door <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob2 stage 1>> Go straight in <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $WdJb21SvnnhCnt += 1>>
<<text>> As soon as you opened the door, you could smell trouble. The manager, Savannah, was standing in front of her computer, stripped down to her lingerie.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Startled by your sudden appearance, she stood still for a couple of seconds. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Hey! What the hell, weren't you supposed to knock on the door before you came in here? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm sorry, I forgot. <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel that your face was getting a little red, but you really wanted to stay in the room for a little while longer. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob2 stage 2>> Uh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Can I stay? <</say>>
<<text>> You asked, your voice was barely above a whisper. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> What the fuck are you talking about? Get out! <</say>>
<<text>> You slam the door shut and let out a tattered sigh. From the other side you hear Savannah's voice. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> When I'm ready, I'll call you! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... She's hot. <</say>>
<<text>> You waited for Savannah to speak to you for what seemed like several long hours. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob2 stage 4>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> As you knock on the door, you hear a rumble on the other side of the door. Then you hear a woman's voice calling out to you. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Come in! <</say>>
<<text>> A blonde woman, a MILF as you might say, is sitting behind a computer at a desk and is looking at you with her sky-blue eyes. A slight flush crosses her cheeks, giving her a nervous look. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">> $mc I presume? You’re late. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Did I interrupt you, or...? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Never mind that. As you'll soon learn, I'm strict about deadlines and work ethics. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob2 stage 5>> OK... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> Finally you can hear a woman's voice calling out to you. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Come inside, I'm ready! <</say>>
<<text>> A blonde woman, a MILF as you might say, is now sitting behind a computer at a desk and is looking at you with her sky-blue eyes. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah2-image.jpg">>
<<text>> There is still a slight blush across her cheeks, giving the impression of a schoolgirl caught with her panties down. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> $mc I presume? You should learn some manners. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something important? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Never mind that. As you'll soon learn, I'm strict about the work ethics and deadlines. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob2 stage 5>> OK... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<if $ValSide0 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> Good thing that I've come right on time. <</say>>
<<if $WdJb2Svnnh is 1>>
<<say "Savannah">> And yet you've forgotten the basic decency of knocking on the door before entering. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> You didn't come right on time. You came early. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm sorry. There has been an unexpected turn of events on the way here. I assure you, it won't happen again. <</say>>
<<if $WdJb2Svnnh is 1>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm very glad to hear that. It sounds reassuring, coming from someone who forgot to knock on the door. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm very pleased to hear that. I'm sure you won't disappoint me again. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah throws an arrogant look in your direction and scoffs at you. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Sit down. There is no need to prolong this interview any further than necessary. <</say>>
<<text>> Not wasting any time, you put your ass on a cheap looking stool. Savannah put her hands on a keyboard and began typing. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Go ahead. Tell me a little about yourself. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob2 stage 6>> Be honest <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob2 stage 7>> Ham it up <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> That was the question you dreaded the most. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh God... Well, I got into town a few days ago and since then... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> $mc, I'm not asking for your life story. Please be brief. How can you help our restaraunt? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Through work effort. I'm a hard worker, and I can see that you don't have many of those in the house at the moment. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Do you have good communication skills? Are you a team player? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob2 stage 8>> I am a part of the team <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob2 stage 9>> I was born a leader <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<set $WdJb21SvnnhCnt += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Well, let me tell you, I'm the best damn candidate you'll find. I've been doing this for years and I've never met a pizza recipe I couldn't make. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Ah-ah. That is quite a story. But I'm not entirely convinced. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Why not? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm just not. Next question. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah turned the page in the file on the table in front of her. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Do you have good communication skills? Are you a team player? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob2 stage 8>> I am a part of the team <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob2 stage 9>> I was born a leader <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I've already befriended Alexis at reception. We have been working together really well this Monday. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh, yeah, I remember hearing about that one. <</say>>
<<if $DFtr61Alexis is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, I think my first delivery has been a complete success. Rooster out! <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah winced at the sound of those words. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Please don't yell in my office. Next question. Who told you about this place? <</say>>
<<set $WdJb21SvnnhCnt += 1>>
<<say $mc>> My first delivery was a complete success and I've even managed to impress Alexis. A little bit. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Well, if you say so. Next question. Who told you about this place? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Uh... a good friend of mine, Kendra Lust. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah nodded in silence as she continued to type your resume into her computer. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob2 stage 10>> So... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<set $WdJb21SvnnhCnt += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, hell yeah. I'm a natural-born leader, you see. All kinds of people respect me and follow my lead. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> And what can you say about the incident on Monday? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What incident? <</say>>
<<text>> You frowned, trying to remember what happened. <</text>>
<<if $DFtr61Alexis is 1>>
<<say $mc>> My first delivery was a complete success and I've even managed to impress Alexis with my teamwork. <</say>>
<<set $WdJb21SvnnhCnt += 1>>
<<say $mc>> My first delivery was a complete success and I've even managed to impress Alexis. A little bit. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Well, if you say so. Next question. Who told you about this place? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> A good friend of mine, Kendra Lust. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah nodded in silence as she continued to type your resume into her computer. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob2 stage 10>> So... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<text>> You waited a minute for the next question, and then you waited another one. But it still didn't come. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So, did I pass? Or will you call me later? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Consider yourself a member of the team from now on. To be honest, getting Kendra to recommend you was all you needed to get the job. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Then why... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> To get a better look at you. After all, you are an asset to my restaurant. Last question. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Any other questions or comments? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob2 stage 11>> No... <</btn>>
<<if $WdJb21SvnnhCnt >= 2>>
<<btn SavannahScene0 stage 0>> Set things straight <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't feel hyped enough">> Set things straight <</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<set $WdJb211Notseen to 1>>
<<say $mc>> I have no questions. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Exactly the kind of thing I thought you would say. <</say>>
<<text>> She turned back to the computer and continued working, unwilling to give you even a second of her time. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Is that bad? <</say>>
<<text>> Savnnah looked over you as if you were an ant. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> No, it's just a non-factor. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Cool... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Now go and get busy. Someone will show you the ropes. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 2>> Yes ma'am! <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh no... Stop $mc! <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah tried to run straight to the computer, but you held her in place with a cheeky smile. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No. Why would I? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Because the show is over. Let go. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah pushed your hand away and moved to the keyboard, typing something away at it furiously. For a few moments you just stood there, your erect penis flailing in the wind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait, you serious? But we have just started! At least take me to the edge before you... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> No, it's over. Let it go. At least for the time being. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel a genuine anger bubbling up inside of you. Feeling played, you slam your fist down on the table and Savannah turns back to you. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 1>> What the fuck? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> What are you talking about? You can't just go away after all that. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't raise your voice to me. Keep your cool. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You don't get to blue-ball me like that... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm afraid I just did. Sorry about that. <</say>>
<<text>> She smiled and you knew she wasn't sorry in the least. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">> Now go and get busy. Someone will show you the ropes. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 2>> Get out of the office <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $WdJb211Notseen isnot 1>>
<<text>> You leave the office, still a little bit salty about the nut you didn't get to bust. But when you see Alexis waving to you, inviting you to come closer, your demeanour changes. <</text>>
<<text>> You leave the office, still a little bit nervous after the interview. But when you see Alexis waving to you, inviting you to come closer, your demeanour changes. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> So, how did it all go? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... Let's just say I became part of the team. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Great! Today I'm the cashier, so you can begin by helping me. I'll show you everything. <</say>>
<<text>> You watch Alexis deal with the constant flow of customers and try to help her out whenever you can. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> $mc, please wrap this pizza for the customers. Check the receipt to avoid any mistakes. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 3>> All right... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Done! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> You see? It's not that hard. The worst part is dealing with... <</say>>
<<text>> A loud noise from a car with a broken muffler alerts your ears. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh no... He's back. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Who? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> A major dickbag. There, the one who is getting out of that blasted car. Brace yourselves. <</say>>
<<img "act1/car0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Alexis points to the poorly parked Nissan Altima. The next moment the door opens and... <</text>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 4>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> In walks a fat-looking man in his early twenties. He looked agitated, playing with his fingers as he made his way to reception. Alexis greeted him with a forced smile. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Hello sir, how can I help you today? <</say>>
<<text>> The fat guy smiled back and tipped up his chin. <</text>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> Oh yes, you can be of help. You see... <</someone>>
<<text>> He paused to take in a sharp breath of air, and then let it all out in one fell swoop. <</text>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> It's just... I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are today. I've been here almost every day just to have a bath in your beauty. Do you want to go out on a date with me this time? <</someone>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 5>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Alexis">> Fuck, not again... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis whispered, her smile faltering as she gave the customer an uncomfortable look. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/alexis3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">> I don't think that would be appropriate, sir. I'm just working here... <</say>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> Come on, Alexis... You know I've been depressed for years. Please, you are the only ray of hope that I have in my life! <</someone>>
<<say "Alexis">> Sir... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis was clearly at a loss for words. What a bastard he is. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob3 stage 8>> Dude, stop <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob3 stage 6>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Alexis">> Excuse me, sir. I'm just here to take your order. <</say>>
<<text>> But the fat bastard didn't answer, he was too busy devouring her body with his leering gaze. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Sir, please order a pizza or get out of line. We're busy here. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> Oh, sure, Alexis. Pepperoni with extra cheese, please. You're so sweet today... <</someone>>
<<text>> You've seen Alexis' inner turmoil slowly reaching its peak. She clearly wanted to scream, to make him go away, but she knew she was bound by the contract. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> You know, you remind me of my ex-crush. She was a real looker, just like you. A bit paler, though. <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob3 stage 10>> That's enough <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob3 stage 7>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> You could hear the bastard chuckling to himself, he must have picked up that racist remark somewhere on reddit and was really proud to use it in real life. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> Too bad she didn't know how to keep a man happy. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her mistake. <</someone>>
<<text>> You could see Alexis clenching her fist, her knuckles turning white from all the tension. She just couldn't take it anymore. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Sir, if you continue this conversation, I'm going to have to call the... <</say>>
<<text>> Thats when the sound of breaking glass, followed by a car alarm, caught the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Through the window you can see that a black Nissan Altima now had a shattered window. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> What the fuck! Not again! <</someone>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 12>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Look, mate, this isn't cool. You can't just come in and hit on the working girl. <</say>>
<<text>> For Alexis' sake, you decide to barge in. <</text>>
<<someone someone "A Dude" dick>> And who are you? Wait... <</someone>>
<<text>> The customer's face turned red with anger, his eyes jumping from you to Alexis and back again. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> I knew it! Alexis, you're .... you're a slut! You found yourself a new fucktoy and left me on the ropes... How dare you! <</someone>>
<<text>> Shocked by this reaction, you turned to Alexis, who was standing with her eyes closed. You could read her lips spelling out a silent "fuck". <</text>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 9>> Calm down, man <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>> Dude, calm down. There's nothing to get upset about... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> Upset? Upset?! You don't get to tell me how to feel, you... you fucking minimum wage rat! <</someone>>
<<text>> Alexis took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> I apologise for his words, sir. We'll do our best to serve everyone. But only if you can remain calm. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> Apologise... Serve... <</someone>>
<<text>> The fat bastard stroked his chin and began to tap his feet anxiously. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> I'm willing to accept it, Alexis. But you'll have to go on a date with me. <</someone>>
<<say "Alexis">> ... <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 10>> That's enough <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>> OK, man. it's time to stop this harassment. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> Why? I'm the customer here, I'm always right! <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Because I'm telling you to stop. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> And why would I listen to fucking nobody? <</someone>>
<<text>> The fat bastard sneers at you, his cheeks quivering with the sudden movement of his body. You can feel the blood in your veins heating up. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Look, it's my first day here, so if you... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> If you don't want to get fired and go back to living on a dumpster, then shut the fuck up! <</someone>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 11>> All right... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<text>> Holy shit. Is this what client staff go through every day? You just couldn't keep your frustration in check any longer. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Dude, you got me all wrong. It's not that I'm afraid of the loss of this job. What I'm saying is that I'm ready to... <</say>>
<<text>> The sound of a shattered window, followed by a car alarm, cuts off your threat in mid-sentence. Through the window you see that a black Nissan Altima now had a shattered window. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Fat Bastard" dick>> What the fuck! Not again! <</someone>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 12>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>> The fat bastard ran out of the restaurant and into the car park. For a couple of seconds, you watched him freak out about the window and then turn to Alexis. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> God bless... I'm saved. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Can't you just call the cops on him or something? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> No, Savannah gets very angry every time we have to call the authorities. It is our last resort. <</say>>
<<say "Janitor">> Works like a fucking charm... <</say>>
<<text>> The door opened half way and the Janitor slipped through the gap. He saluted to Alexis and then moved deeper into the restaurant, vanishing from your view. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Thank you! <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 13>> Holy shit <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>> You can enact civil justice, but you can’t call up the cops? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> He does it on his own. I tried to warn him of the consequences, but... Let's just say our caretaker is a bit of a stoner anarchist. <</say>>
<<text>> You shook your head in disbelief. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> And what, the fat bastard isn't the wiser in this little affair? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Last time he tried to get the CCTV footage, but it didn't help him much. Our hero of justice may be a pothead, but he's smart enough to stay out of sight. <</say>>
<<text>> You watch as the black car with the now shattered window drives away from the parking space and out into the streets of the city. <</text>>
<<if $AlexisCounter >= 1>>
<<say "Alexis">> And $mc... <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 14>> Yeah? <</btno>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 16>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<say "Alexis">> Thank you too. For being part of the team. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis gave you a charming smile and you grinned back. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yes, I told you earlier, you can't spell a team without $mc. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ha-ha, even so, I think you still have a lot to learn... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Great. Who knows, maybe we can even work on our teamwork skills together? <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis looks surprised when she hears what you have said. You start to worry that she might get the wrong message. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Teamwork skills? Together? Please explain. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 15>> Erh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<set $WdJb315AlxsJoke to 1>>
<<text>> You decide to lean in closer and try to play it off as a joke. Going to some weird corporate boot camp is the last thing you needed right now. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, if I'm going to stay here with you, we're both going to have to learn to work together. You know, like a well-oiled piston and a... cylinder. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis laughed and you noticed a faint, seductive smile on her face. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh shit, $mc... I didn't take you for a mechanic... But you're right on the money. What sort of exercises do you suggest so that we can both... how did you say, oil it up? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, you know. The usual stuff. Decide what to eat, maybe watch a film together... <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 16>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say "Savannah">> I see you two are really starting to work out together. That's nice to see. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah came out of her office and walked straight towards you. She was carrying a pile of paperwork in her hands. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> How’s your first day? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I'm still a bit shocked. Are we going to have to deal with this kind of shit on a daily basis? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Of course. But you handled the situation well, apart from the part where you were ready to jump the fat one. If you want to beat up one of our customers, you can do it in your spare time and outside of the restaurant. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 17>> All right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<if $DFtr61Alexis is 1>>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Sure... I'll try to remember that. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> And you Alexis... Well done. Once again you have proved to the world that you have the strength and resilience to get the job done. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Thanks ma'am! <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> You could be promoted to part-time manager by the end of the year if you continue to work this hard. And in my opinion, you are due for a little bonus. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh no. I didn't do it for the reward... And I'm really not in the mood... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> No, really. Take the new guy and have that pizza at your place. Watch TV with him or something. You're a team now, after all. <</say>>
<<if $AlexisCounter < 2>>
<<say "Alexis">> Some other time, maybe. I really don't feel like it after what happened today. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 18>> ... <</btno>>
<<say "Alexis">> Hm... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis winked at you and then shrugged her shoulders demonstratively, as if she were trying to hide her intentions from Savannah. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> And what do you think of that, $mc? <</say>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 19>> Cool! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<text>> Alexis was trying to be classy about it. But it was obvious that the last thing she wanted to do today was to hang out with you. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> So be it. Your reward will have to wait for some other time. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Thank you, ma'am. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Well, that's that, then. I have no doubt that you'll be on your best behaviour for today's reaminer. Take it over, Alexis. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Yes, ma'am! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Bye, Savannah. <</say>>
<<text>> You watched her walk out of the building, get into her expensive car and drive away, alsmost bumping into another car on a way out. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 20>> Damn... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<say $mc>> Free pizza? Fuck yeah! Savannah, you're the best manager on the planet Earth! <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh, you don't even know the half of it... Make sure to savour it after your shift is over. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Will do. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Well, my work is done. I have no doubt you'll be on your best behaviour while I'm out. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Yes, ma'am! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Bye, Savannah. <</say>>
<<text>> You watched her walk out of the building, get into her expensive car and drive away, alsmost bumping into another car on a way out. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob3 stage 20>> Damn... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... Not even a rooster-out before leaving? What kind of subordination is that... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ha-ha... Well, finally we can all relax for a little while now. It's back to work for the rest of the day afterwards. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> By the way, I suppose when Savannah is not around, you are always left for a boss? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> More or less. I can't really remember anyone else being given that kind of responsibility. Which is understandable. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hm. <</say>>
<<if $AlexisCounter > $AlexisCounterOld>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis growing 💙 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $AlexisCounter < 2>>
<<btn WedJob4 stage 6>> Let's get back to work <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob4 stage 0>> Let's get back to work <</btn>>
<<if $ValSide0 isnot 1>>
<<btn WedJob3 stage 21>> Can I go out?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<say $mc>> Would you mind if I went out for a little while, then? I'll be back soon, I promise. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Why? Has something happened to you? Or are you just slacking off... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis gives you a suspicious look, as if she were on the lookout for any odd behaviour on your part. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, it's just... I'm supposed to meet someone soon and... It's kind of important to me. <</say>>
<<if $AlexisCounter < 2>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 100$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<mops>> Hey kid, you could have seen something different here if you'd made a different choice. Just thought you should know. <</mops>>
<<text>> Alexis heaved a sigh and turned away. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Well, you're no use to me today anyway. So you can leave whenever you like. Just don't forget your money. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> So... I don't have to come back tonight? Would that really be okay? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I can handle it. We've been short of staff for a long time now, I've got used to it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK. Cheers, Alexis. I'll be on my way. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Yeah. You do you. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map1 WedJob0 1>> Bye! <</btno>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 100$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<say "Alexis">> Okay... If you really need it, I'll cover up for you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, shit. Really? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Of course, we're the team. But don't take too long... I'm still interested in going out with you. And here, don't forget to take the money for the today's shift. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis took a few banknotes and left it on the counter. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Awesome! I'll be back as soon as possible! <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map1 WedJob0 1>> See you! <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WedJob0 to 1>>
<<text>> You worked hard and the day shift had ended smoothly. It was hard, but you got through it. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> 150 bucks for a day's work... Not bad, I guess. <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 150$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<text>> After taking your hard eaned dough, you stood at the exit, pizza in one hand and money in the other, waiting for Alexis to get changed. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm ready. Let's go, <</say>>
<<text>> You felt the full weight of the fatugue crashing against your shoulders and spine as you took your first steps away from the building. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... that was harder than I thought. Why are you even toiling in such a place? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Let's just say there are some sweet bonuses. And after a while, the shifts become bearable <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis replied, rubbing her bleary eyes. As you contunued walking down the street, a suden voice called out to you. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid! Don't forget about me too! <</say>>
<<btno WedJob4 stage 2>> Uh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<text>> After taking your hard eaned dough, you stood at the exit, pizza in one hand and money in the other, waiting for Alexis to get changed. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm ready. Let's go, <</say>>
<<text>> You felt the full weight of the fatugue crashing against your shoulders and spine as you took your first steps away from the building. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... that was harder than I thought. Why are you even toiling in such a place? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Let's just say there are some sweet bonuses. And after a while, the shifts become bearable <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis replied, rubbing her bleary eyes. As you contunued walking down the street, a suden voice called out to you. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid! Don't forget about me too! <</say>>
<<btno WedJob4 stage 2>> Uh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... It's getting late... <</say>>
<<text>> You ran as fast as you could, and soon the pizza place was in sight. Alexis was already waiting for you, standing outside with a pizza in her hand. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Well, at least you turned up. <</say>>
<<text>> As you slowed to a walking pace, you felt the full weight of the fatugue against your shoulders and spine. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... that was harder than I thought. Sorry. Hope you haven't been waiting for me too long... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No, I closed up about 5 minutes ago. You came... ahh... just in time. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis yawned as she replied and rubbed her tired eyes. As you approached and took the pizza from her hand, a voice called out to you. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid! Slow down... I'm not the puppy I used to be... Do you hear me? <</say>>
<<btno WedJob4 stage 2>> Uh... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<mops>> Aurf! <</mops>>
<<text>> It was Grigoriy, approaching hastily. Alexis gave a startled gasp. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, don't worry. He's mine. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I almost had a heart attack. I thought I was going to be devoured. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? Not by him. Look how small and cute he is. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops27-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Are you trying to use me as a chick bait? At least bring me to the restaraunt first. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis, noticing that Grigoriy is watching her, quickly hid her hands in her pockets. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob4 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Alexis">> Sorry, I'm not a fan. I'm afraid of dogs. But... he's small enough, so I don't mind. Just don't let him get too close to me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hear that, Greg? Behave and be a good boy. <</say>>
<<text>> You patted Grigoriy on the head and he did a few happy swings with his curly tail. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So, where are we headed? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah, right. You don't know yet. We're going to the company apartment. It's used for recreational purposes among the team members. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I bet you hang out there a lot. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> No, I don't. It's for the grade 3 personal and above, and I've only just been promoted to it. Haven't really got to try it out yet. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob4 stage 4>> Hm... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> How do I get in then... I was hired today, remember? <</say>>
<<if $WdJb315AlxsJoke is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">> Savannah said you're my teammate now. So it goes without saying that you can come with me. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Savannah said that you're my teammate now. That means we have to train together. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Do training? In what way? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Exercise for working in a team. Nothing complicated, you'll figure it out, I'm sure of that. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis gives you a wink and then takes hold of your hand. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So you can come in with me as long as we're using this flat with that purpose. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa. That's a pretty cool bonus. I wonder if I could live there. My current apartment is brutal when it comes to rent... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Hahaha, sorry. Savannah was pretty strict about that. We can chill here during the day, but the place has to be free at night. <</say>>
<<text>> Soon Alexis stopped and entered an apartment building, going up straight to the third floor. You followed suit and soon entered the flat itself.<</text>>
<<btno WedJob5 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $WedJob0 to 1>>
<<mops>> Hey kid, you could have seen something different here if you'd made a different choice. Just thought you should know. <</mops>>
<<text>> You worked hard and the day shift had ended smoothly. It was hard, but you got through it. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> 150 bucks for a day's work... Not bad, I guess. <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 150$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<say $mc>> All right... It's time for me to go. <</say>>
<<text>> While you're busy getting dressed, Grigoriy is watching you. He's waiting in front of the exit door. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> So what, you're just going to leave without even saying goodbye? That's a chad move, not gonna lie. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> C'mon, it's a busy day. I don't have the time. Dick needs to be taught a lesson. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I see. So you haven't forgotten yet. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Absolutely not. I know when to stop playing and start working instead. And that's just what we're doing now. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that a lot of time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map0 WedJob4 1>> ... <</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $AlexisFuck0 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Yup. This place is already a lot better than that dumpster fire of a joint I have. Can't wait to get some good rest after working today... <</say>>
<<img "act1/housealexis0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You take your clothes off and go straight into one of the rooms. There is a comfortable looking bed in front of the TV. You grab the remote and contemplate getting a drink for yourself. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Is there anything to drink? I'm dead tired right now... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> You can have a cup of water if you want. I don't know if it will energise you, though. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well fuck... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<btn WedJob5 stage 1>> Take out your energy drink <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have any Plus Ultra left">> Take out your energy drink <</plugi>>
<<btn WedJob5 stage 2>> Give me some water <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $WdJb52Energy to 1>>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've used Energy Drink to energise yourself! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> All right, I'll have some of my own then. <</say>>
<<text>> The bottle opens with a sharp "pst" and you down the orange-flavoured drink in a few gulps. <</text>>
<<img "act1/energy2-image.gif">>
<<text>> You can feel your energy being replenished as if you just woke up. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob5 stage 2>> Let's watch some TV... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $WdJb52Energy isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, thanks. <</say>>
<<text>> You take a glass of water from Alexis and down it in one big gulp. Then you turn back to the TV. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Which film should we watch? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm a bit interested in this new horror movie everyone's been talking about... The Laundry Man, I think. <</say>>
<<text>> You raise an eyebrow and give the Alexis a conspiratorial look. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Are you sure? I'll let you know that I'm a big wuss when it comes to scary movies... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh, come on. It'll be fun. And besides, we have a pizza to keep us company. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/alexis5-image.jpg">>
<<text>> As she sat next to you on the couch, you opened a pizza box and dug in. Grigoriy instantly run over to you and look at the two of you with a sad, hungry look on his face. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob5 stage 3>> You want a slice? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, right. I haven't fed him since this morning. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> You don't think dogs can eat pizza, do you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well, it's worth a try, isn't it, Greg? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'm all for food experimentation, pal. Now give me a piece of that. <</say>>
<<text>> You threw a pizza slise to Grigoriy and he caught it in mid-air, devouring it in a matter of moments. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops26-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Not bad. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob5 stage 4>> Another one? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Do you want to take another one? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, I'm stuffed. Oh, this one feels a bit funny... I think I'll go and lie down in the bathroom for a bit. <</say>>
<<text>> As you watch Grigoriy go into another room, Alexis comes closer. You can see a strange spark of light in her eyes. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Did he like it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Not sure. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Did you like it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Before I give my verdit, let me have another bite. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob5 stage 5>> Mmm... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> As you were taking another bite from the pizza slice, you could swear you noticed a strange movement in the cheese. <</text>>
<<img "act1/pizza4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Uh… Alexis? You use the normal kind of cheese for these, right? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> There's a secret formula for it. Why do you ask? <</say>>
<<btno WedJob5 stage 6>> Well... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> The cheese. It was moving, I swear. <</say>>
<<text>> You must have sounded really funny because Alexis burst out laughing. As you replied, you couldn't help but feel a slight pang of resentment.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> What, you don’t believe me? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I do... But moving cheese... This is new for me too, ha-ha. It's my first time as well... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? You mean... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> The pizza began working, silly… <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis moved closer to you and pressed lightly against your chest. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob5 stage 7>> Whoa... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>> It was as if a colourful explosion had just taken place at the point of contact between her and your body. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What... What the hell is that? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Special rooster pizza. Come first, serve last, as they say... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit... Is this a pot-pizza or what? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I don't think so... Savannah told me it's just really good. Consider this an extra if you're going to work hard. <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis then pulled up her skirt, revealing her barely covered pussy. Her transparent panties did little to hide the special spot from your hungry eyes. <</text>>
<<img "act1/alexis6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">> And this is a bit of motivation from me... What do you say, shall we start our teamwork training? <</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene0 stage 0>> Huh? <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('AlexisScene0', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... You mean?.. <</say>>
<<text>> She moved closer to the wall, and put her bottom up suggetively, inviting you to keep her company. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Yes. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm all in baby... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I can feel it already... You're good. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa. Look at that. <</say>>
<<text>> You stop for a second, looking over the butt plug firmly stuck in Alexis's asshole. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You came prepared, didn't you? <</say>>
<<img "act1/alexis7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm taking all my excercises seriously. And this one is not an exceptation. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $WdJb52Energy is 1>>
<<run memorize('AlxsScn02Energy', 1)>>
<<say $mc>> But hey... It's covering something important now. <</say>>
<<text>> You try to pull it out himself, but Alexis's butt refuses to let it go. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What an asshole... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> God, you're so impatiant... Let me show you how it's done. <</say>>
<<img "act1/alexis8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You watch in awe while Alexis is busy with removal of the butt plug. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... This is one of the hottest things I've seen in my life. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Then make sure to repay me well, $mc. We're building the real trust here. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> All right, I'll make it up to you with... this! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh fuck! <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<if $WdJb315AlxsJoke isnot 1>>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm sure there's more in store where this came from, yeah? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You bet. Let's get started. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I have a feeling that my cylinder is ready for the full force of your piston. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Good luck trying to keep up with my RPM though. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Is this a challenge? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... I hope you clean floor here often. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh yeah! Ah! Fuck... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> God damn... Go girl, go! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> How' that? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah... So good... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Get ready, it's only going to get better. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>> I know you like it... <</say>>
<<text>> You pull your hands over Alexis neck and you hear her letting out a moan full of pleasure. Girl likes it rough, huh? <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh yes! Please... Fuck! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>> And now for the real pounding... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah! Augh! Fuuuck! Oh... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, who's your boss now? <</say>>
<<if $sceneCumW isnot 0>>
<<say "Alexis">> It's you, ah... Yeah! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Too soon... It's still... Sav.. Anhh! Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> God damn it... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "rimjob">>
<<say "Alexis">> You've ever tried it? In your ass? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? No! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Let me show you a new trick, then... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Rimjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Shit, I am starting to like this... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "rimjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Lick my balls, baby. That's MY favourite trick. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Rimjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... I can see you have had a lot of practice with your tongue. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Customer service is all about licking ass... And doing it good. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "rimjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... I'm so stoned right now... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Mhm... Mrhgrhm... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Rimjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Finally it's me... Who's sitting on someone's face... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Time to go hard on your ass... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh fuck! You so big... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry. I can be gentle too... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>> Let's train you up a bit now... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis could no longer hold back her screams as you picked up the pace. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah! Fuck! You're tearing me up! <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> And you're loving the every second of it... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I... Oh my God... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>> Let's see... How deep does this rabbit hole go? <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, you took it all in... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah! Fuck, you're going to mess me up if you keep doing that... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... You're so good. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm learning a lot from you... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> That's some real teamwork... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> I'm about to... Let me pull out bef... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> No! This is about building trust and teamwork! <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis grabbed hold of you with her legs and refused to let go until she had filled herself with the last drop of your hot semen. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... Look at that... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> So warm... I loved it so much. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, you're getting close? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Fuck... Don't stop, please... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right, partner. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm getting good at this. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> You're simply the best... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn AlexisScene0 stage 1>> What's that? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn AlexisScene0 stage 2>> Pull the plug <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns AlexisScene0 stage "start" 10 25>> Standing <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage missionary1 15 15>> Choke her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage missionary2 20 15>> Go turbo <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rimjob">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage rimjob1 15 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage rimjob2 15 0>> Sit on her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rimjob1">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage rimjob2 15 0>> Sit on her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rimjob2">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage rimjob1 15 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy1 20 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy2 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy3 20 25>> On the side <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy2 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy3 20 25>> On the side <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy1 20 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy3 20 25>> On the side <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy1 20 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene0 stage doggy2 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btns AlexisScene0 stage rimjob 10 0>> Rimjob <</btns>>
<<btns AlexisScene0 stage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns AlexisScene0 stage cowgirl 20 20>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btnl AlexisScene0 stage doggy AlxsScn02Energy 600 "You don't have enough energy for that" 15 15>> Doggy <</btnl>>
<<if $cum >=70 >>
<<btns AlexisScene0 stage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw >= 100 >>
<<btns AlexisScene0 stage cumw 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne WedJob6>> I'm done... <</btne>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('SavannahScene0', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Are you always so high and mighty, or are you just trying to scare me away? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Trying to what? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You heard me. <</say>>
<<text>> Completely at a loss for words, Savannah looked at you for a few seconds. She soon regained her composure and you noticed that now there was a fire burning in her eyes. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> I thought I would forgive you for being late, but... Come here. I'm your boss now, so you'd better do my bidding. <</say>>
<<text>> You now realize that this was not something you should've asked your interviewer... <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Of course, ma'am... <</say>>
<<text>> Understanding what you had got yourself into, you could only laugh to yourself. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You walk around the table and glance over Savannah's shoulder. It looks like she's sharing her webcam feed with someone... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell is that for? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't worry about it. You'll make a good worker, though, I like your attitude. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah got up from her chair and pushed you against the wall. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> What the f... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> It's time to put your words to a litlle test. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Eh... What? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm saying that it is time to show me what you're capable of. <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">> Not quite what I had in mind... But go on... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Savannah">> Jesus Christ...What's all this soft shit? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't be a party pooper... I've always dreamed of sucking up on my boss lips... and titties. <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">> You're such a kid... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> I prefer saying that I'm "In touch with my inner child". <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh yeah... I can see that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Mmh... <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<text>> You notice Savannah's eyes drift back to the computer screen. She grunts as you begin to remove her bra, and pushes you harder against the wall with her chest. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Enough of these games $mc. Start acting like the men you are. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Savannah">> It's time for the real question for which this interview was intended. Show me what you've got stashed underneath. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah reached for your groin and unzipped your trousers, grabbing your massive wiener with her hand. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... You're a crazy bitch... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Do you call all of your bosses that? Answer truthfully... <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel her hand tightening around your balls. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, you're the first. Honest! <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Hm. I'll believe you... this time. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> Her hand makes a few strokes along your cock, but Savannah's eyes are fixed on her computer. You try to make out what the monitor is showing, but the long years of gaming have taken their toll on your eyesight. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So... have I passed this test too? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Maybe... Let me have a closer look... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah5-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You feel Savannah's hot lips playing with the head of your shaft. She's clearly a professional and you get ready to push it even deeper. And that is when she takes one last look at the screen... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn SavannahScene0 stage $stage+1>> All right... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn SavannahScene0 stage $stage+1>> Hey! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns SavannahScene0 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Tittylick <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns SavannahScene0 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Tittylick <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn SavannahScene0 stage $stage+1>> Oh? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn SavannahScene0 stage $stage+1>> Go on... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btne WedJob3>> ... <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP5') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP5', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<say "Alexis">> This has been an excellent training session... Are you feeling all right? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... I feel great. <</say>>
<<text>> Lying on the bed in silence, you cuddle with Alexis for a while. You begin to feel your senses returning to normal and your memory clear up. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... The pizza. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> It's all yours, I'm not really in the mood for food right now... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis turned away from you towards the wall and hid under the blanket. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, I remembered that I fed it to Grigoriy earlier... I have to check on him, he might be sick right now. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob6 stage 1>> Shit... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You put on your jeans and move to the small kitchen where you had last seen Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Greg! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What? <</say>>
<<text>> You have a look around, but can't quite make out the pug's position. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Is everything okay? I thought you'd be puking all over the place by now... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nah, that pizza was some kids' shit. I found something better. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob6 stage 2>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You look under the table and see the Pug holding a spoon in his mouth, warming it over a small lighter. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So... Do you make your own caramel or something? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops28-image.jpg">>
<<text>> But the pug is too busy holding the spoon. Not far away, you can see what looks like a syringe lying on the floor. Thats when realisation hits you like a brick. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck? Dude, this is some real crap. It can even kill ya... So come on, hand it over! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Just try me, bitch. <</say>>
<<btno WedJob6 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> I said give it to me! <</say>>
<<text>> You ran after the Pug, but he was too quick and darted away from you as soon as you moved. <</text>>
<<img "act1/mops29-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> If you think you can stop me getting a hit, you'll have to try harder then that! <</say>>
<<text>> Luckily for you, the flat was quite small, and you were soon able to corner the Pug in the bathroom. With a swift flick of your hand, you snatch the spoon from his mouth. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the... It's empty? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh, fuck. I must have spilled it all over the place while we were running around... <</say>>
<<btno WedJob6 stage 4>> Greg... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Good. But for fuck's sake, Greg... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What? Can't a dog have a bit of fun too? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Not with this. How were you even going to... Never mind. If it worked out, you would literally die. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What the hell are you talkin' about, kid? I'm resistant to that shit. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You're not the first person who's said that. Usually when I hear it, though, it ends badly. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'm no pussy, pal. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Where did you get that idea anyway? Were you a part of some rave parties with your previous owners? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, before that. Don't wanna talk about it though... <</say>>
<<btno WedJob6 stage 5>> All right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Where did you get it in the first place? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kitchen counter. There's a lot of shit there - weed, meth, LSD... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell? No way... <</say>>
<<text>> You go back into the kitchen and check the counter yourself. The pug's been tellin' the truth. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Holy... If the cops raided this place, it would be worth 20 years at least... <</say>>
<<text>> You feel a roll of cash bump into your feet. Picking it up, you notice a huge wad of money hidden in the other counter. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/money1-image.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedJob6 stage 7>> Return the money <</btn>>
<<btn WedJob6 stage 6>> Take the money <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I don't think anyone would notice that a single roll of cash is missing from all that. <</say>>
<<text>> You put the money in your pocket and turn to Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<set $WdJb66Cash to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash+500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 500$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> Try not to get high while I'm getting my things, Greg. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes, yes. I'm not in the mood after all that running anyway. Just take your time. <</say>>
<<text>> You give him an eye and move quickly into the bedroom. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ooh... <</say>>
<<text>> Asleep, Alexis snorts a few times but thankfully she doesn't seem to wake up while you pick your things up from the floor. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob6 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> And away it goes... <</say>>
<<text>> You put the money back on the counter and turn to Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Try not to get high while I'm getting my things, Greg. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yes, yes. I'm not in the mood after all that running anyway. Just take your time. <</say>>
<<text>> You give him an eye and move quickly into the bedroom. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ooh... <</say>>
<<text>> Asleep, Alexis snorts a few times but thankfully she doesn't seem to wake up while you pick your things up from the floor. <</text>>
<<btno WedJob6 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> All right... It's time for me to go. <</say>>
<<text>> While you're busy getting dressed, Grigoriy is watching you. He's waiting in front of the exit door. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> So what, you're just going to leave while she's sleeping? That's a chad move, not gonna lie. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> C'mon, it's a busy day. I don't have the time. Dick needs to be taught a lesson. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I see. So you haven't forgotten yet. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Absolutely not. I know when to stop playing and start working instead. And that's just what we're doing now. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that a lot of time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<if $ThusdPizza0 isnot 1>>
<<btno Map0 WedJob4 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<set $timeM to 3>>
<<btno Map0 ThusdPizza1 1>> ... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... You mean?.. <</say>>
<<text>> She moved closer to the wall, and put her bottom up suggetively, inviting you to keep her company. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Yes. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm all in baby... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I can feel it already... You're good. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa. Look at that. <</say>>
<<text>> You stop for a second, looking over the butt plug firmly stuck in Alexis's asshole. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You came prepared, didn't you? <</say>>
<<img "act1/alexis7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm taking all my excercises seriously. And this one is not an exceptation. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> But hey... It's covering something important now. <</say>>
<<text>> You try to pull it out himself, but Alexis's butt refuses to let it go. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What an asshole... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> God, you're so impatiant... Let me show you how it's done. <</say>>
<<img "act1/alexis8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You watch in awe while Alexis is busy with removal of the butt plug. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... This is one of the hottest things I've seen in my life. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Then make sure to repay me well, $mc. We're building the real trust here. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> All right, I'll make it up to you with... this! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh fuck! <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm sure there's more in store where this came from, yeah? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You bet. Let's get started. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... I hope you clean floor here often. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh yeah! Ah! Fuck... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> God damn... Go girl, go! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> How' that? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah... So good... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Get ready, it's only going to get better. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>> I know you like it... <</say>>
<<text>> You pull your hands over Alexis neck and you hear her letting out a moan full of pleasure. Girl likes it rough, huh? <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh yes! Please... Fuck! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>> And now for the real pounding... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah! Augh! Fuuuck! Oh... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, who's your boss now? <</say>>
<<if $gsceneCumW isnot 0>>
<<say "Alexis">> It's you, ah... Yeah! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Too soon... It's still... Sav.. Anhh! Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> God damn it... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rimjob">>
<<say "Alexis">> You've ever tried it? In your ass? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What? No! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Let me show you a new trick, then... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Rimjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Shit, I am starting to like this... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rimjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Lick my balls, baby. That's MY favourite trick. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Rimjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... I can see you have had a lot of practice with your tongue. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Customer service is all about licking ass... And doing it good. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rimjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... I'm so stoned right now... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Mhm... Mrhgrhm... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Rimjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Finally it's me... Who's sitting on someone's face... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Time to go hard on your ass... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Oh fuck! You so big... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Don't worry. I can be gentle too... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>> Let's train you up a bit now... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis could no longer hold back her screams as you picked up the pace. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah! Fuck! You're tearing me up! <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> And you're loving the every second of it... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I... Oh my God... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>> Let's see... How deep does this rabbit hole go? <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit, you took it all in... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Ah! Fuck, you're going to mess me up if you keep doing that... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... You're so good. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> I'm learning a lot from you... <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> That's some real teamwork... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> I'm about to... Let me pull out bef... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> No! This is about building trust and teamwork! <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis grabbed hold of you with her legs and refused to let go until she had filled herself with the last drop of your hot semen. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... Look at that... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> So warm... I loved it so much. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, you're getting close? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> Fuck... Don't stop, please... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right, partner. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene0/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm getting good at this. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> You're simply the best... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Alexisgallery0 gstage 1>> What's that? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Alexisgallery0 gstage 2>> Pull the plug <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns Alexisgallery0 gstage "start" 10 25>> Standing <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage missionary1 15 15>> Choke her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage missionary2 20 15>> Go turbo <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rimjob">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage rimjob1 15 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage rimjob2 15 0>> Sit on her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rimjob1">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage rimjob2 15 0>> Sit on her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rimjob2">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage rimjob1 15 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy1 20 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy2 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy3 20 25>> On the side <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy2 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy3 20 25>> On the side <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy1 20 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy3 20 25>> On the side <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy1 20 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy2 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btns Alexisgallery0 gstage rimjob 10 0>> Rimjob <</btns>>
<<btns Alexisgallery0 gstage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns Alexisgallery0 gstage cowgirl 20 20>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btnl Alexisgallery0 gstage doggy AlxsScn02Energy 600 "You don't have enough energy for that" 15 15>> Doggy <</btnl>>
<<if $gcum >=70 >>
<<btns Alexisgallery0 gstage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw >= 100 >>
<<btns Alexisgallery0 gstage cumw 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btnegp Alexis-gallery>> I'm done... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Alexis-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Are you always so high and mighty, or are you just trying to scare me away? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Trying to what? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You heard me. <</say>>
<<text>> Completely at a loss for words, Savannah looked at you for a few seconds. She soon regained her composure and there now was a fire in the depths of her eyes. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> I thought I would forgive you for being late, but... Come here. I'm your boss now, so you'd better do my bidding. <</say>>
<<text>> You now realize that this was not something you should've asked your interviewer... <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Of course, ma'am... <</say>>
<<text>> Understanding what you had got yourself into, you could only laugh to yourself. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You walk around the table and glance over Savannah's shoulder. It looks like she's sharing her webcam feed with someone... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell is that for? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't worry about it. You'll make a good worker, though, I like your attitude. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah got up from her chair and pushed you against the wall. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> What the f... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> It's time to put your words to a litlle test. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Eh... What? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm saying that it is time to show me what you're capable of. <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">> Not quite what I had in mind... But go on... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Savannah">> Jesus Christ... Do you like them that much? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah... I've always dreamed of sucking up on my boss titties. <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">> You're such a kid... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I prefer saying that I'm "In touch with my inner child". <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh yeah... I can see that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Mmh... <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<text>> You notice Savannah's eyes drift back to the computer screen. She grunts as you begin to remove her bra, and pushes you harder against the wall with her chest. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Enough of these games $mc. Start acting like the men you are. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say "Savannah">> It's time for the real question for which this interview was intended. Show me what you've got stashed underneath. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah reached for your groin and unzipped your trousers, grabbing your massive wiener with her hand. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... You're a crazy bitch... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Do you call all of your bosses that? Answer truthfully... <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel her hand tightening around your balls. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, you're the first. Honest! <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Hm. I'll believe you... this time. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<text>> Her hand makes a few strokes along your cock, but Savannah's eyes are fixed on her computer. You try to make out what the monitor is showing, but the long years of gaming have taken their toll on your eyesight. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So... have I passed this test too? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Maybe... Let me have a closer look... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah5-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You feel Savannah's hot lips playing with the head of your shaft. She's clearly a professional and you get ready to push it even deeper. And that is when she takes one last look at the screen... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Savannahgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> All right... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Savannahgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Hey! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns Savannahgallery0 gstage $gstage+1 0 0>> Tittylick <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Savannahgallery0 gstage $gstage+1 0 0>> Tittylick <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Savannahgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Oh? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn Savannahgallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Go on... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btnegp Savannah-gallery>> ... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, pal. Look! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? Where, what? <</say>>
<<text>> Pointing his face towards the building he must be talking about, the Pug took a hunting stance. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> There's a hardware store over there. I remember you said you didn't have a screwdriver. Maybe this shop has one. <</say>>
<<img "act1/arcade11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Good eye, Greg. This is just what I wanted. <</say>>
<<text>> You walk closer to the shopfront and check out the goods with an expert look. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Although it's hard to get hold of a reliable tool in the current economic climate. Getting a disposable one should be possible though... This one isn't that bad. Could lasts a few months. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade0 stage 1>> Walk inside <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> You enter the shop, and the shopkeeper greets you with a respectful nod. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>> Good day. How can I help you? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Can I have a look at your screwdriver? Yeah, this one, with a blue handle. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>> Aha. You're a man of great taste. Just be careful not to damage it. <</someone>>
<<text>> You quickly check the width of the workpiece and its toughness. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You don't look impressed, pal. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm not. But it's about as good as you'd expect from a cheap tool like this. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Really? Aren't they priced for hundreds of dollars, while being nothing more than a small piece of metal? That doesn't strike "cheap" to me. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade0 stage 2>> Well... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $TwineDogshit0 to 500-$cash>>
<<say $mc>> I mean, since the Handyman Association has been recognised by the government, it has become much more difficult to get the unlicensed tools. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh yes, I remember hearing about that. They passed the law saying that these tools were far too dangerous in untrained hands, right? Unlike guns. <</say>>
<<text>> You nod silently, then hand the screwdriver back to the shopkeeper. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I'll be taking it, so wrap it up please. <</say>>
<<text>> The shopkeeper, who has witnessed your conversation with a dog right in front of him, looks at you with a slightly unnerved expression. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>> Sir... Sorry to ask, but are you all right? My daughter works at the psychiatric hospital nearby, so I could... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? I'm quite all right... What are you trying to imply here, huh? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>> Oh, it's nothing... I'm very sorry, sir. Here's your screwdriver, it'd be a 500$. <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 500>>
<<btn WedArcade0 stage 3>> Buy the screwdriver <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">> Buy the screwdriver <</plugi>>
<<btn WedArcade0 stage 4>> Ehm... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $item2 to 1>>
<<set $item2Drblty to 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought a screwdriver for 500$! <</notify>>
<<text>> You pay the money and give the shopkeeper a look while twisting your finger near the temple. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Madmen everywhere these days, I swear... Let's go, Greg. <</say>>
<<text>> You exit the shop, and soon approach the entrance to the Basement Arcade. There's a sign on the door that wasn't there before. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade12-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Hm? It's closed? But it's only 4pm... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Try pulling on the door. Maybe Nico's trying to avoid getting too many customers during the rush hour? <</say>>
<<text>> Pug was right. Touching the doorknob, the door opened, revealing the dark and cold room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> He must have forgotten to turn the sign around... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 0>> Walk inside <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<if $cash < 500>>
<<say $mc>> Oh... My mistake, I thought I had enough money, but I'm $TwineDogshit0 bucks short. Can you give me a discount or something? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>> I'm sorry sir, but everyone is charged the same. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> All right. Let's go, Greg. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, I've had a change of heart, I'm not buyin' it. Let's go, Greg. <</say>>
<<text>> You exit the shop, and soon approach the entrance to the Basement Arcade. There's a sign on the door that wasn't there before. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade12-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Hm? It's closed? But it's only 4pm... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Try pulling on the door. Maybe Nico's trying to avoid getting too many customers during the rush hour? <</say>>
<<text>> Pug was right. Touching the doorknob, the door opened, revealing the dark and cold room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> He must have forgotten to turn the sign around... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 0>> Walk inside <</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Once inside the arcade, you notice that the interior has been damaged from the state it was before. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Shit... <</say>>
<<text>> Some of the walls are dirty from what looks like liquid spills, and the floor is sparsely littered with broken glass. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What happened here? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Probably a bunch of drunk idiots who can't seem to get a grip on themselves. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 1>> Hm... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> You think it's those bastard's work? Damn, I hope Nico is okay. <</say>>
<<text>> As you walk up to the bar, you expect to see your friend there, but the place is empty and red wine has been spilt all over the bar top. A feeling of unease begin swelling in your gut. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Greg... Can you smell him? <</say>>
<<text>> The Pug starts to walk deeper into the arcade, taking a second to sniff the air around him. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Follow me, he's definitely somewhere here. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right... <</say>>
<<text>> The two of you walk from one room to the next, but there's no sign of Nico anywhere. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wait! <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 2>> What?! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> Suddenly Pug stops and your heart skips a few beats. Then Grigoriy starts eating what's left of a burger from the floor nearby, and you feel like you've just died on the inside. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You're kidding me, aren't you, Greg? Can you take this seriously? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What? No, I just stopped to get a snack. Can't work on an empty stomach, you know. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> God damn it... Well, eat your fill. I'll check the place out myself. <</say>>
<<text>> You finally notice signs of someone else when you enter through the next door. A person has definetly been busy cleaning this place for a while, as it is brightly lit compared to the rooms you were in before. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Nico?! Are you in here? <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Nico">> $mc? How did you get in... Did I forget to lock the door again? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, there was a sign that said 'closed', but the door itself was open. What happened here, this place feels like a battlefield... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Well... I think you can work it out for yourself. Everything's fine now though. <</say>>
<<text>> As if trying to escape the conversation, Nico turns and continues to clear the room. You feel something tugging at your heart when you see the amount of work he has ahead of him. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Man... Can I help you out? With the cleaning. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> What? You mean it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, man, of course. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico pauses for a moment, as he looks genuinely shocked by your suggestion. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Thanks, uh... You can take a mop and clean the floor. I'll take care of the rest. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 4>> Let's get this started <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> Following Nico's instructions, you start sweeping the floor from side to side. You can hear some catchy 80's music begin playing in the background. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade14-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Here we go! Working togeter we'll be done in no time, won't we, Nico? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Put more power into your hips $mc! And try not to sway so much... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Outa the way! <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy, now driving a slick-looking Roomba, decides to help you as well. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops30-image.gif">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> $mc! Let me know if I've missed a spot or two. This thing's not as easy to control as I thought. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 5>> Continue working <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> Pretty soon the floor is shining clean and you breathe out a sigh of relief. Then you straighten up and immediately regret having done it so casually. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck! My back... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade15-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Mate, you're not even nearly old enough to complain about such things. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It doesn't make me feel better, you know? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Maybe try some yoga, then? I bet that girl Scarlit could show you a thing or two. <</say>>
<<text>> You remembered all the crazy poses Scarlit had shown you while you had a lucid dream about her and Lynn. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I wish... But she's agile, I'll give you that. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade1 stage 6>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> After a short breather, you find yourself standing in front of the malfunctioning THoTD machine. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade2-image.jpg">>
<<if $item2 isnot 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What, you think you can fix it up on second try? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I think it would be worth to try anyway. <</say>>
<<text>> You try to get the bolts out with your hand, but they won't budge. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Nah kid, without screwdriver there ain't no way you'll get it off. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You should be able to fix it now that you have a screwdriver, right? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I think so. Let me have a look. <</say>>
<<text>> You try to get the bolts out without putting heavy pressure, but they just won't budge. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> It must have been oxydised tight... It'll take quite a while to get through... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedArcade3-0 stage 10>> Fuck it... <</btn>>
<<if $item2 === 1>>
<<btn WedArcade2-0 stage 0>> Fix the machine <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have a screwdriver">> Fix the machine <</plugi>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WdArcde200Fix to 1>>
<<set $item2Drblty to $item2Drblty-1>>
<<notify 6s>>You damaged your screwdriver, but it can still be used <</notify>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I hope this screwdriver will be able to take it. <</say>>
<<text>> After summoning all the latent power in your body, you're finally able to loosen bolts enough to access the machine's underbelly. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... Phew! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well done, pal. All that fucking must have done quite a bit to strengthen your body. <</say>>
<<text>> You check the screwdriver, and fortunately it has survived the ordeal. But you can clearly see a dent in its structure now, from all the pressure it has taken. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Looks like the problem is just a few wires coming out of their sockets... <</say>>
<<text>> After spending a few minutes cleaning the motherboard, you plug it back in and put the safety cover back in place. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> And now, the moment of truth... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The machine is now up and running, as you clap your hands in glee, calling out to Nico with victorious scream. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yo! Nico! I did it, I fixed it! <</say>>
<<text>> After a few moments of silence, you hear the sound of Nico's footsteps as he hurries towards you. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> No way! Holy shit, $mc! You're the best... <</say>>
<<text>> He ran over to the THoTD machine and gave it a big hug. You could hear the tears in his voice as he spoke. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> It's been such a long time, baby... But you are finally working again. $mc... <</say>>
<<text>> When he turns around to look at you, you give him a nod, taking a pose, ready to play. You already have one of the plastic guns firmly gripped in the palm of your hand. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 2>> Let's kill some dead <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> So, you wanna give it a try? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> For sure, man. <</say>>
<<img "act1/arcade16-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You spend the next hour shooting zombies and having the time of your life. When the last walking dead falls, you pump your fist in the air. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Bloody hell! We did it! We did it!!! <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Oh yeah... I remember when we were kids we had a lot of trouble with this stage. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Now that's what I call a level up! <</say>>
<<text>> Chuckling after hearing your corny joke, Nico tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Aha... Yes... Well, it's time for a reward for all the work you've done here. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 3>> Come on... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, don't worry about that, man. I wasn't doing this to get paid. We're friends, remember? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Yeah, $mc... We are. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico let out a heavy sigh and pointed in the direction of the staff door. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Now, I'll show you something really cool... Just follow me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right... Greg, wanna come with us? <</say>>
<<if $DayValue is undefined>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, pal, I'm fine. I'll do some cleaning in the meantime, I've almost got the hang of this Roomba... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No, pal, I'm fine. I'll do some dreaming in the meantime, I've almost got the hang of this poodel last time... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 4>> Follow Nico <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<removeclass "body" "arcade">>
<<addclass "body" "server">>
<<text>> When you stepped into the room after Nico, your jaw almost hit the ground. In the middle of an already futuristic looking room, scorpion-shaped gaming chair stood alone. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade17-image.jpg">>
<<text>> A bunch of wires and cables came out of it. They went through the wall and dug deeper into the building. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the... What is this? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> This is the ultimate gaming station. And you can use it for so much more than that... Go and sit in it, I'll get the headset. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 5>> Sit in the chair <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<removeclass "body" "arcade">>
<<addclass "body" "server">>
<<text>> You put your butt down on the comfortable cushion and felt as if your whole body was being supported by a chair. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So comfy... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Absolutely. It has cost me quite a bit of money to get one of these, but man, is it worth it. Watch this. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico has put what looks like a VR headset on top of your head. <</text>>
<<img "act1/darkness0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> It was turned off for the time being, so you couldn't see anything but the etheric darkness all around you. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 6>> Am I in VR? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<removeclass "body" "arcade">>
<<addclass "body" "server">>
<<say $mc>> Are we using VR right now? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Even better than that... Now, if you press this button... <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel the nudge of your finger against the soft rubber. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade19-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Enjoy the experience. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 7>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<removeclass "body" "arcade">>
<<addclass "body" "cyberspace">>
<<say $mc>> Is this... Holy shit. <</say>>
<<text>> You find yourself in a familiar looking place. It's rather spacious and you can feel the wind brushing off your face. Two avatars are stading nearby, calling you over with a a variaty of gestures. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade29-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> So... Still no legs, huh... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Oh, my bad man. That's the wrong game, give me a second... <</say>>
<<text>> Nico's voice sounded so close, that it made you jump in a chair. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Please, press the button again. Now it should work. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right... <</say>>
<<btno OthersScene4 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $OthersScene4Completed to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Whoa! That was something... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Pretty cool, isn't it? This thing takes ordinary DVDs and uses AI to turn them into 3D sex scenes! <</say>>
<<text>> Nico's voice trembled with excitement as you looked at your own hard-on. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yes... But isn't this just porn with extra steps? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Of course it is. That's the best part! There's no risk of you being in a 'relationship' with a THOT on the outside and getting hurt. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I guess that is a plus? It is a cool thing, Nico, though. Really. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> And that's not even its final form... I've recently ordered a portable brain scanner. This thing will be able to make all your wildest fantasies come true. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-1 stage 1>> Can it suck me off, though? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Sure. But will it be able to suck me off while it does it, or will I have to go the old-fashioned way? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> It can. Just bring your own toys, it's kind of gay to use the same ones... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ugh... That does sounds disgusting. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> ...just like fucking a girl who's already slept with someone else. At that point you're literally touching cocks with a dude you don't even know. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Really, Nico? You still hold some of your dad's beliefs? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I mean... It's science. You know, if a girl has sex before she gets married, her brain is... <</say>>
<<if $DayValue isnot 4>>
<<btno WedArcade2-1 stage 2>> Sure-sure <</btno>>
<<btno WedArcade2-1 stage 5>> Sure-sure <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Her brain mutates, blah-blah, oxytocin, then divorse... I have heard that a thousand times by now. Come on. <</say>>
<<text>> With a shrug of his shoulders, Nico pressed another key on a keyboard in front of you. The disc was ejected from the disc drive and Nico put it back in the box. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Anyway. Do you have something you'd want to look at? <</say>>
<<if $Gm19disk isnot 1>>
<<if $WdArcd511 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> I don't, but thank you for an offer. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Let's get back to the clean-up, then. Our break is just about over. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I think I ought to be going now. It's getting late and all. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Come whenever you want, $mc. Be it to play with the machines or to watch some hot vids on my gamer station. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico forces a weary smile and you reply with a thoughtful nod. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Take care, Nico. I'll see you on Friday. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Good luck. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that a lot of time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map0 WedArcade0 1>> Walk out <</btno>>
<<say $mc>> I do. Here. <</say>>
<<text>> You put in a DVD that you have picked up at the gym. The drive sucks it up in a flash and you put the VR set back on top of your head. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade2-1 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Is it working? Because I can't see squat. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Wait a minute. It just needs to decompress and work its way through the video before it can... <</say>>
<<text>> The loud, screeching sound pierces your eardrums, and a bright blue light makes you squint your eyes. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade20-image.jpg">>
<<say "Nico">> 'What's going on? Why... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I suppose this thing isn't as reliable as you made it out? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> It worked fine for me... Ugh. All right, I'll deal with it later. <</say>>
<<text>> You take the ejected disc and put it back in your backpack. <</text>>
<<if $WdArcd511 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> Let's get back to the clean-up, then. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<btno WedArcade2-1 stage 4>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I think I ought to be going now. It's getting late and all. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Come whenever you want, $mc. Be it to play with the machines or to watch some hot vids on my gamer station. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico forces a weary smile and you reply with a thoughtful nod. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Take care, Nico. I'll see you on Friday. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Good luck. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that a lot of time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map0 WedArcade0 1>> Walk out <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Her brain mutates, blah-blah, oxytocin, then divorse... I have heard that a thousand times by now. Come on. <</say>>
<<text>> With a shrug of his shoulders, Nico pressed another key on a keyboard in front of you. The disc was ejected from the disc drive and Nico put it back in the box. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Anyway. Do you have something you'd want to look at? <</say>>
<<if $Hentai0Acc is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist, I have the link on my phone; get it from there.<</say>>
<<text>>Leaving your phone on the table, you get inside the scorpion-looking chair and pull the headset over your head.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>Oh-ho-ho, has Saimin Seishidou got full VR support? Shit, how did I miss it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? I thought it was called "hypnosis sex guidance" or whatever...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>It's a localized name. But I was following this game—no, doujin rather—since the day of its conclusion. I've even had a thread dedicated to translating it.<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 1>>Huh...<</btno>>
<<say $mc>> I don't, but thank you for an offer. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Let's get back to the monitoring, then. Our break is just about over. <</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal1 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene4", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> At the touch of a button, reality shifts again and you can feel your stomach churn. Now you are in a dark hallway of a gym. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I still can't get used to it... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Can you see the interface now? Look down at your arms. <</say>>
<<img "act1/arcade28-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I can. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Good, I'll stop interrupting you now. You should be able to get started on your own. <</say>>
<<text>> You can see that a prompt asks you to name your character. You take a few minutes before deciding on suitable name. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<mops>> Don't think too much about it, kid. <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> What? How is this possible... <</say>>
<<img "act1/arcade24-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Must be Nico's doing... Fuck it, I'll chose another one. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $sceneV1 to "Pussy Slayer">>
<<say $mc>> I hope now it's going to let me play... <</say>>
<<text>> But instead you're welcomed to the most confusing character creation screen you're ever seen. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade26-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What an ugly fucking mug he has... Fuck I don't care, let's pick random. <</say>>
<<text>> Then the screen changes to character stats attribution. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Dammit. Fine, I'll make myself some silly build... <</say>>
<<text>> You max out your luck and charisma, leaving everything else at one. Just the way you used to play some old CRPGs...<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $sceneV1 to "Legend27">>
<<say $mc>> I hope it'll let me play now... <</say>>
<<text>> Instead, you're greeted by the most confusing character creation screen you'll ever see.. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade26-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What an ugly fucking mug he has... Oh, I don't care, let's pick random. <</say>>
<<text>> Then the screen changes to character stats attribution. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Dammit. Fine, I'll make myself some silly build... <</say>>
<<text>> You max out your luck and charisma, leaving everything else at one. Just the way you used to play old CRPGs...<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> Eventually the menu screens get away and you are able to move around. You are in a corridor with a lot of doors on the walls, all leading into unknown. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That's pretty cool... Oh, that one is a glass door. I wonder if I have a reflection... <</say>>
<<text>> Surprisingly, you do. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell? I'm old! Nico! <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Did you choose the low endurance and low strength character? That could be the reason. And please stop shouting. The character also has some dialogue, you'll drown it out. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay... But he's silent though... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Go through one of the doors, it'll start the sequence. It doesn't matter which one you choose, they all lead to the same place. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>> You decide that it would be better to check where the door leads first... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn5-image.jpg">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> I wonder if that girl is here today... I'm getting agitated. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Lynn">> Phew... It's been a hard day today, good thing that I can relax alone now... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit, it's... <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Lynn! Yes... She's here. I've been waiting for this moment for a while... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Aaah! <</say>>
<<text>> Startled by the sudden outburst of your character, Lynn jumped and turned to face you. <</text>>
<<say "Lynn">> Who are you? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> I'm your biggest stalker yet... My name is $sceneV1! <</someone>>
<<text>> It takes a second for Lynn to process this information. A slight blush appears on her cheeks. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, $sceneV1... You scared me and now I'm all alone and so vulnerable... What will I do? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> You will submit before my superior cock. <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no, anything but that! Watch me perform, maybe it will satisfy your inner beast... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Start.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Hm... Trying to please me away? <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> I'm not impressed, so better get ready for my elephant dong... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no! It's too big! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Do I look like I care? <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Lynn">> I'm barely able to hold it in my mouth... <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Suck on it, bitch. That's an order. <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> You're so terrible... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> I'll fuck those tits out of you... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> You're so rough! Ah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Fuuuck! <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
/* <<removeclass "body" "gym">>
<<addclass "body" "server">> */
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> And that's when I suddenly suffered a lethal seizure. <</someone>>
<<img "act1/arcade25-image.jpg">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Thank you for playing our game! Support us at Pervy.Gaming.kz! <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck... Hey, Nico, did I just die in a porn game? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Shit, you must've picked a messed up build. Wait a sec, I have a cheat code for that... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Press continue now. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Oh yes, I'll eat you up... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Fuuck! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Lick.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Such a tasty cunt... And it's all mine for the taking! <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Time to destroy your pussy! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah fuck! Please, be gentle with me... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Gentle, huh? <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah! Oh! Augh! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> You don't fucking get to order me around, bitch... <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Oh yeah, I'm taking you from behind, like the slut you are... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Fuck! Me! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> It's too big! Please! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Shut up! And! Take it! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ouugh... Not my ass... <</say>>
<<text>> Do you want to see the anal part of the video as well? Then please buy the Brown Eye DLC in the store for 29.99$! <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You've got to be kidding me... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Take this! I'm going sideways! <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no, this is too much! I'm going to break! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Good. After taking some of my dick, no one will be sane! <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Some gamer juice will hit the spot... Want some of this? <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Please... Yes! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Sideways.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Oops. I'm afraid I've spilled it all over your slutty body. From now on you'll have to make do with drinking my juices instead. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Fuck yeah... I could break your tiny neck in two if I wanted to.. <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Please don't! I'll do whatever you want! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Show me that you mean it. I could use with less talking and more fucking... <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah, please! Stop it! I can feel my mind breaking! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> You bitch! You only cum when I say so! <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> I can't believe I'm cumming while being violated! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> And now... You cum! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh my God... Oh my $sceneV1... Please, allow me to serve your magnificent cock forever! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Maybe I'll allow you to get fucked by me, while you're stuck in my dungeon. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say "Lynn">> Please, come inside me! I want to have your babies! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Fuck off, slut. You don't get to bear my child. Sit aside and watch... Me... Cum! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes... Is my torture over now? <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> Don't be so hasty about it. My monster cock.. Will! Rise! <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> No! No more, please! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $sceneV1 author>> It's only over when I say it's over! <</someone>>
<<if $sceneCum > 1>>
<<say $mc>> This is getting old fast... Couldn't they spice things up with some dynamic voice lines or something? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 1>> $mc <</btn>>
<<if $mc isnot "Pussy Slayer">>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 2>> Pussy Slayer <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 1>> Pussy Slayer <</btn>>
<<if $mc isnot "Legend27">>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 3>> Legend27 <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 1>> Legend27 <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $mc isnot "Pussy Slayer">>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 2>> Pussy Slayer <</btn>>
<<if $mc isnot "Legend27">>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 3>> Legend27 <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2 || $stage is 3>>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage 4>> What's next... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage $stage+1>> Walk through the door <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Roll Luck <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Roll Charisma <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "start" 0 0>> Roll Charisma <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is 8>>
<<btn OthersScene4 stage "start1" 0 0>> Continue <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<if $cum < 100>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob1" 30 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob2" 30 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob2" 30 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob1" 30 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage "blowjob" 20 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage 8 0 0>> Roll Endurance <</btns>>
<<if $cum < 100>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob1" 15 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob2" 15 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob2" 15 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "blowjob1" 15 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "cowgirl1" 25 20>> Pillage her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "sideways1" 25 20>> Choke her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "doggy1" 20 20>> Finger in ass <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "doggy2" 20 25>> Go gangsta <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "doggy2" 20 25>> Go gangsta <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene4 stage "doggy1" 20 20>> Finger in ass <</btnsb>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage "blowjob" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage "cowgirl" 20 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage "doggy" 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage "sideways" 20 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage "cumw" 20 0>> She's cumming! <</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns OthersScene4 stage "cum" 0 5>> You're about to... <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<if $DayValue > 5>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<btne InterludeMap0>> Exit the simulation <</btne>>
<<btne WedArcade2-1>> Exit the Simulation <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Finlly you're back guys! I can't stop this thing, help me out! <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops30-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Nah, stay on it Greg. We aren't done yet. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'll try! <</say>>
<<text>> After another good hour of cleaning, all three of you have collapsed on a couch, feeling completely exhausted. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It was harder than I thought. Piloting the Roomba... It made me rethink some of my life choices. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I owe you $mc... There's no way I could have cleaned all that shit myself... And your pug deserves some props too. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 1>> It's cool <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> That's all right, Nico. Totally fine. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> By the way, why did you come here today? Did you set up a date with that "Val" girl? <</say>>
<<if $ValSide0 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... I had completely forgotten all about it. She must still be waitin' for me... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> These things happen from time to time, don't worry about it. So why did you come then? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, today I met her in the bar down the road instead. Decent place, terrible host. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Wow. You really are moving up in the world, huh? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Something of the sort. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> So? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Uh... So... That just there was something I wanted to talk to you about. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Be careful now, pal. Choose your words wisely. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Oh, yeah? Well, the least I can do is listen to you for a bit. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 2>> It's your mum <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> It's about your mum. <</say>>
<<text>> Trying to sound convincing, you took a more comfortable position before speaking out. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Yeah? What about her. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> She's in trouble, I think. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> And what do you mean by that? You aren't trying to threaten me, do you? <</say>>
<<text>> Nico's arms were folded tightly across his chest, and his lips were pressed together so tightly that they looked like two snakes. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 3>> Well... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> You see, last night me and Kendra, well... Dined together. <</say>>
<<text>> A puzzled look froze in Nico's eyes. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Nothing special, she just helped me get a job and I decided to reciprocate back. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, you'd better get down to business before you blow your cover completely. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> And then two guys stormed into the house, interruping our dine. One of them was Dick, the guy I paid rent to. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> No way, dude. <</say>>
<<text>> Before you could get another word in, Nico cut you off. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> He wouldn't do that. I know him and he's the nicest guy around. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Really now. I smell bullshit, kid. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 4>> He's a dick! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Who, Dick? He's is the nice guy? Is that a joke? He's the biggest bastard I've ever seen. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico's face was now as cold as a stone. The only thing that moved was his wobbly lip, going up and down with every breath he took. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Do you have any proof of this? <</say>>
<<if $DayNdTw3Ntr is 1 && ($WdNTR20Watched is 1 || $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck is 1)>>
<<say $mc>> Well, actually I do. I have a video recording of what happened. And I have gone through it in great detail. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> It could be a deepfake created by the AI. Do you have anything else? <</say>>
<<if $WdNTR20Watched isnot 1 && $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck isnot 1 && $DayNdTw3Ntr is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Well, sort of. I have a video of what's been going on that night. I wanted to have a look at it together with you. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> It could be a deepfake created by the AI. Do you have anything else? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Of course! Ever since I got here, he's been an asshole to me! Hell, I've even been beaten up by his thugs... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> What? You... you know they're working for him? <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 5>> Of course <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Of course. Is this enough, or what, you don't even trust me? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, $mc... It's not that I don't trust you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What is it then? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> It's because... Dick promised me to get away from my mum. And he told me that he would always keep his word. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No way. Is he serious? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Promises? That sounds familiar to me. Kendra said that Dick promised to her to keep his thugs away from you. <</say>>
<<text>> Fear and dismay whitened Nico's face, he was pale as paper. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Excuse me what? For the past few months I've been harassed by them daily. That cannot be true. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 6>> Did you tell your mum? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Well, have you ever told Kendra about any of this? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> No... I didn't want her to have any worries, so I didn't do anything... Those sons of bitches! <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel the primal rage seeping out of Nico now. Breathing heavily, he wispered as if he was praying. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I suspected something was wrong. I knew... Fuck... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> No point worrying about it now, though. Too little too late. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I gave her a bear with a camera... It must've recorded the truth. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wow. That's kinky. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 7>> Ehm... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Nico, she's your mum. Weren't you worried about catching her... You know? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> That's exactly the reason I gifted it in a first place. Give me a second, I'll get my phone. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Get ready, pal. <</say>>
<<text>> Before the door was even closed, Nico stormed into the staff room and came back again. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Let's see... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-1 stage 0>> Look at the phone <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<text>> The pug jumped back on the Roomba and continued to vacuum the floor. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'm getting dizzy $mc! Are we done yet? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nah, stay on it for a while longer. We're almost finished here. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> OK! <</say>>
<<text>> After another good hour of cleaning, all three of you have collapsed on a couch, feeling completely exhausted. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It was harder than I thought. Piloting the Roomba... It made me rethink some of my life choices. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I owe you $mc... There's no way I could have cleaned all that shit myself... And your pug deserves some props too. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-0 stage 1>> It's cool <</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> When you get to the bar, you see Nico leaning against the table with his hand over his face. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade21-image.jpg">>
<<if $WdArcd323Cucked is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Nico, man... I've had a look at it. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> And? You think I'm going to congratulate you for watching porn starring my mum in it? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, it's not like that, you know. They've simply screwed her. She didn't even learn anything from serving those bastards... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nico, you're alright? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Fuck... I... <</say>>
<<text>> Nico shook his head and downed another glass of schnapps. <</text>>
<<if $WdNTR20Watched is 1>>
<<say $mc>> What are you thinking right now? Nico? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> That I've fucking sold my soul to that bastard Dick and he still gets to fuck my mother. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What's bothering you? I've never seen you like this. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> That I've fucking sold my soul to that bastard Dick and he still gets to fuck my mother. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> But she said no to them, didn't she? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> She said it "this time". Fuck, I'm such a moron... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 21>> Come on... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<say $mc>> Why beat yourself up for that right now? You can take all of this back. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I can't, $mc. I've already done something trully awful beacuse of Dick... There's no forgiving me now... <</say>>
<<text>> Not finding the strength to continue, Nico took another big gulp straight from the bottle. You could see the tears starting to trickle down his cheeks. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> You know... $mc... Fuck, I'm so sorry... <</say>>
<<text>> A sudden wave of compassion washed over you. You couldn't help but share some of the pain this man was feeling. Grigoriy gave you a knowing look. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Just make sure not to say anything stupid, kid. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 1>> Tell me more <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> It's okay, man. You can share it with me if you want. I'll keep it a secret. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico nodded slowly. When he spoke his voice shook like crazy. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Fuck... It's all me, $mc. I... I told Dick where to find you the day you were attacked. <</say>>
<<text>> You felt your heart sink. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? But... Why? How? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> He'd overheard me talking to my Mum about you coming from a rich family. Then he promised... <</say>>
<<text>> Nico took another deep breath. Then he told us the whole truth. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> He promised that if I just told him where you were, he would stay away from us... And was exactly what I did. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 2>> No... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> No way... This is some kind of a joke, isn't it? <</say>>
<<text>> But you could tell from Nico's face that he wasn't fooling around. He couldn't bear to look at you, so he hid his eyes by looking at the bottom of the bottle. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You know they fucked me up... And that's not the worst of it, they tried to rape Kate! Her father ended up in the hospital because of it... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm so sorry, $mc... I didn't know... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, it would be so much better if it was just a stupid joke of yours... <</say>>
<<text>> A chaos of a myriad of different thoughts flooded your mind and you just stood there, not sure what to do with all this information. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> $mc, think this through. Don't act on impulse, whatever you decide. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb WedArcade4 stage 3 0 0>> Fuck, man... <</btnsb>>
<<btn WedArcade4 stage 4>> Punch him <</btn>>
<<btns WedArcade4 stage 6 0 0>> Let it all out <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $WdArcde43Good to 1>>
<<say $mc>> That's a low blow, man. That's fucked up. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I know. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico sounded devastated, his voice was barely above a whisper. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I've messed up. I really did. But man... <</say>>
<<text>> You could see tears begin streaming down Nico's face. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I'll make it up to you. I promise. Whatever it takes. <</say>>
<<text>> Anger was still present in your consciousness and it took a massive effort of willpower not to give in to it. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> We'll see about that. If you want to repay me, you can start by giving me that bottle. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $WdArcde44Mid to 1>>
<<say $mc>> That's a low blow, man. That's fucked up. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I know. <</say>>
<<text>> Unable to contain the rage that was boiling inside you, you moved closer to Nico and gave him the hardest punch you could muster. He flew off the stool like a rag doll. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... Can't you even take a punch? You fucking... <</say>>
<<text>> It took some serious willpower, but you managed to stop yourself from hitting the lying sack of a man that was Nico. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm sorry, man... <</say>>
<<text>> You could see the tears streaming down Nico's face as he started to cry after your punch. You weren't quite sure if he was crying in pain or if he was truly sorry. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Nico">> I'll make it up to you. I promise. Whatever it takes. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> You picked up the half-drunk bottle of liquor from the table and twirled it around with a hand for a bit. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> We'll see about that. If you want to pay me back... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 0>> Take a sip <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $WdArcde46Bad to 1>>
<<say $mc>> That's a low blow, man. That's fucked up. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I know. <</say>>
<<text>> Unable to contain the rage that was boiling inside you, you moved closer to Nico and gave him the hardest punch you could muster. He flew off the stool like a rag doll. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... Can't you even take a punch? You fucking piece of shit... <</say>>
<<text>> You began bearing down on a lying man that just recentlly was your friend. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Because of you... I've... In this... Mess! You fuck! <</say>>
<<text>> Nico tried to cover his face from your kicks and punches, but you weren't aiming there. In fact, you weren't aiming at all. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm sorry! Please... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 7>> Fuck you! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> I don't fucking care! <</say>>
<<text>> You got another good hit under Nico's ribs and reached for the first thing you could grab off the table. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I'll teach you a lesson... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade22-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You swung the bottle, ready to smash it over Nico's head. That's when you felt a sharp pain in the bottom of your ankle. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Stop it, kid! <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 8>> Ah! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>> The pain brought you back to your senses and you stopped, looking down at your leg. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Ah... <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy was clutching it tightly between his little jaws. Noticing your look, he let go and took a few steps back. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I'll make it up to you... I promise. I promise, $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico cried, lying on the floor in a fetal position. You shook your head, inspecting the bottle of liquor in your hand. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> We'll see about that. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 0>> Take a sip <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $WdArcde43Good is 1>>
<<say "Nico">> Of course man... It's all yours. <</say>>
<<text>> Burning water runs down your throat and you taste the sweetness of an alcoholic drink. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade23-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> God I hate liquors... <</say>>
<<text>> You took another sip and this time it was better. Still bitterly sweet, but better. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Saying sorry isn't going to make up for what happened, Nico. But I'm willing to give you a second chance. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico nodded his head silently. <</text>>
<<text>> Burning water runs down your throat and you taste the sweetness of an alcoholic drink. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade23-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> God I hate liquors... <</say>>
<<text>> You took another sip and this time it was better. Still bitterly sweet, but better. Meanwhile, Nico had managed to stand up on his shaky legs, still holding his bruised head. Now you were beginning to feel sorry for him. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Saying sorry isn't going to make up for what happened, Nico. But I'm willing to give you a second chance. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico nodded his head silently. He sat down on the same barstool from which he had fallen a few minutes before. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 1>> Help me get our revenge <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> But you can help me out with Dick. Since we both have a grudge here, that would be perfect for you too. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Are you... Are you for real? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I am. And I've already had a word with Kendra about it. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico was silent for a moment, but when he spoke again, his eyes shone with righteousness and his voice was hard as steel. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm with you. What's the plan? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Yeah. Tell us what you've got. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... <</say>>
<<text>> But you had nothing to propose. You'd had no idea that it would be so easy to convince Nico to be part of your team. And usually he was always the one who came up with plans anyway... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedArcade5 stage 2>> Try to come up with a plan <</btn>>
<<btn WedArcade5 stage 3>> Nico? <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> We could do something simple at the start. We get some dirt on him. Then we make it public. Be it through the police, journalists or the internet itself. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> So you don't have a plan ready. Great. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I don't know about that, $mc. Dick and his gang have a pretty good grip on the police, not to mention the journalists. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What about the internet? I bet they wouldn't like their public image being run down by a bunch of righteous teenagers. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> The part about getting dirt on him isn't bad. But the premise of leaking it over the internet doesn't really convince me. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 3>> What do you think, then? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> So Nico, what are your thoughts? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Let's get back to the basics. I'll tell you what I know. Just give me a few seconds... <</say>>
<<text>> Nico, still shaking, cleared the table of all the glasses and drinks. After wiping off the liquids, he brought a large notebook, taking it from somewhere under the tilt. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Look. <</say>>
<<text>> He opened it roughly in the middle and pointed at the few hastily scribbled notes. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What's this? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I was recording my conversations with him so that I would have a record of our dealings. I also noted changes made in my mother's house. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 14>> Read it out <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<say $mc>> Hm. It says here that he ordered a huge safe and put it in the office... <</say>>
<<img "act1/housekendra2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Oh, that safe? I remember seeing it. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm sure that's where he keeps all the money he's extorted for the gang. And all its registers. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 4>> What's the code? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Shit. Any idea what the code could be? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Fuck no, I never even thought about getting it. But I know it has to be 4 digits long. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Can't we brute force it since it's only 4 digits long? <</say>>
<<text>> Nico shook his head. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Not a chance in the world. This model locks itself after 3 failed attempts. Not to mention the SMS warning it'll send to Dick. But it's a good start. Hm...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You thought of something? <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, I think I know how we can actually get it. Remember that Plushy with the camera that I used to record that video with my mum? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, what about it? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> After each pay day, Dick puts the money in the safe, so I'll move the camera into the office instead. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> God damn... You're a genius, Nico! <</say>>
<<text>> Nico smiled. For the first time tonight, he looked proud of himself. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> The next pay day is supposed to be on Friday evening. I'll get the code ready. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 6>> And then? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Okay... What's next? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, Dick's safe should hold enough evidence to get him into trouble if Jack was telling the truth. And judging by Dick's reaction, I think he was. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You think he stole money from the gang? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Yes, he got really agitated when he heard that you were rich. I think you were a chance for him to get away from the big trouble that was coming his way. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Too bad I didn't agree to his stupid suggestion of paying ten times my rent... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> That would explain why he sent those cunts to trash my place. It was a petty revenge. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> This guy certainly has a little dick complex. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 7>> But what do we do with it... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> Well, we'll get the proof and then... I still don't have a better idea than public exposure. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, we could either steal his money from the safe to make sure he's finished... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> That's a really, really bad idea. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> ...or we could try to find his superior and give him the proof of Dick's theft. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> And this one... Hell, it might actually work out. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 8>> But who can it be? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> Any idea where this superior might be? <</say>>
<<text>> As you spoke these words, the wild guess flashed through your mind. An image of the woman from your dream appeared before your eyes. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/adriana1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Wait. Damn, who was she... Greg, are you sure that that dream was a premonition? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Are you... Do you have a conversation with your dog? <</say>>
<<text>> You ignored his question and took Grigoriy's paw in your hand. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I have no idea, pal. It sounded like it was. But to take a dream as proof of that would be a little bit premature. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 9>> Hm... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>> It's the best we got though... Nico, do you know a woman with a... crooked smile, let's say? <</say>>
<<text>> Realising how stupid what you just said sounded, you couldn't help but smile. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Well, we have a crack den in the small fishing commune in the northwest. I hope you aren't looking for a cheap whore right now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, that doesn't sound right... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I might have an idea, kid. Were you visiting a strip club by chance? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Not exactly... But I saw one through the window... Damn it, that's it! <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/adriana2-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You remember the face of a woman standing outside the club on a day when you came to town. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 10>> Ah! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>> That must be her. The owner of the strip club. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico has a moment's thought about what you've just said. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> I remember that Dick was often a visitor at the strip club near the railway station. Is that the place you have in mind? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes. But it's only a guess. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Worth a try. So you should check it out. Ask the lady out or something... You should have the money. <</say>>
<<if $itiem2 is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Not any more. I've just spent 500$ on a screwdriver to try and fix your machine. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, you might get lucky and get something out of it, even if you come in empty-handed. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. Or I guess I could just call my brother and ask him about it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, but I don't have that much... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Can't you call your brother about this? Idris should have more than enough to spare a few hundred with you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I guess I can. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade5 stage 11>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<set $WdArcd511 to 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Holy shit, we actually have a decent plan... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll get us the boss, while you'll be busy with the code. Fuck, it's going to be really tight... But we'll manage. <</say>>
<<if $WdArcde46Bad isnot 1>>
<<text>> You throw a fist in front of Nico and he bumps it with his own. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Let's go! <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Hell yeah, man! Ha-ha... <</say>>
<<text>> You throw a fist at Nico and he jerks, trying to get out of the way. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Come on, mate... Brofist? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Yeah, my bad. <</say>>
<<text>> After you have bumped into each other's fists, you stare at Nico for a little while. It is all in all - awkward. <</text>>
<<if $WdArcde200Fix isnot 1 && $item2 is 1>>
<<say "Nico">> By the way, since you have a screwdriver... Can't you fix my THoTD now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I'll check it out. You can wait here. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 0>> Go and fix THoTD machine <</btno>>
<<text>> You glance at your phone and realise you don't have much time if you want to get a good night's sleep. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well... I think I ought to be going now. It's getting late and all... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Come whenever you want, $mc. <<if $item2 is 1>>Be it to play with the machines or to watch some hot vids on my gamer station.<</if>> <</say>>
<<text>> Nico forces a weary smile and you reply with a thoughtful nod. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Take care, Nico. I'll see you on Friday. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Good luck. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that a lot of time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map0 WedArcade0 1>> Walk out <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<set $patreonQuestNameV1 to "Two for One">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As you passed the gym, you couldn't help but remember of Scarlit. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn... Maybe I should have a go at yoga too. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Why not? It's healthy, it's fun and who knows... Your mind might even reach a higher state of consciousness in the process. <</say>>
<<text>> Sceptically, you raise an eyebrow. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Do you really believe in all that stuff? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I don't believe in it. I know that it is true. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> But you have never done a single stretch, not to mention a proper pose! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> In my own way, I've come to the source of all truths. One is - eat when you want to eat. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Amazing, thank you for your wisdom. Anyway, I'll go have a look at how Coach is doing today. <</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 0>> Walk inside <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Inside, you notice a woman standing behind the reception desk. For a second, you fear that she is a gender-bend Trainer in disguise. <</text>>
<<someone bella "A Fit Woman" bella>> Uhm. Hello! Are you new here? <</someone>>
<<text>> The woman turns to face you proper just as she finishes straightening her shorts. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bella0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn, meeting new faces every day... <</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 1>> I'm a regular <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> No, I'm somewhat of a regular now, I guess. I don't think we got to know each other yet. I'm $mc. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh, I'm Bella. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Nice to meet you, Bella. Is Trainer in here today? Or is he a Coach... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> No, they are not. I'm doing my best as a substitute, though. <</say>>
<<text>> Bella smiled, you could see she was confident in her management skills. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That's amazing, Bella. I'll go do some yoga for now. You have a really nice name, by the way. It has a certain ring to it. <</say>>
<<text>> You could see the Bella's cheeks flush. It felt good to finally be able to evoke something but fear in the woman when you spoke. <</text>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 2>> Go to the yoga section <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> On your way to the yoga section, a familiar face catches your eye. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh! Hey Scarlit! <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym20-image.jpg">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Hey $mc! What's up? Don't tell me something's broken in the gym again... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, I just came to do some exercises today. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ooh... <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit looked excited at the prospect of seeing you stretch for the next twenty minutes. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Do you know how to do partner yoga? <</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 3>> No <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Nope. I don't even know how to do regular yoga yet. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It's not that hard, kid. <</say>>
<<text>> Grigoriy did some paw stretches with a smug look on his face, as if to show off his skills. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> As if you'd know. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Don't worry I'm something of an expert when it comes to this. Get yourself a mat. Let's start easy. <</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 4>> All right... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> Once you have done that, Alexis took a position in front of you. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Ok, just follow my movements. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Like this? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym21-image.jpg">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Yep. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> OK, that's easy. <</say>>
<<text>> That was a lie. It wasn't easy to stretch your body for the first time since who knows when. But you had to keep your face in front of Scarlit. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Now let's try something a bit harder... <</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 5>> Sure <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Aw, crap... <</say>>
<<text>> You tried to mimic Scarlit's movements when she started doing more complicated poses. But you couldn't quite keep your balance and quickly stumbled on the floor. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> This is way more difficult than I thought it would be. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Relax, you'll get there in time. <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit watched over you with a smile on her face. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, I can see you're having the time of your life... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Keep your head up, kid. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym24-image.gif">>
<<text>> You wanted to roll your eyes, but instead you burst out laughing. Then you picked yourself up and tried again. <</text>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 6>> Let's do it again <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Well done! That was a tough one. Now let's move on to the next one... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How long have you been doing yoga for, anyway? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Well... About 5 years now, I've been doing it since high school. It's a great way to clear your mind and stay in shape. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/gym22-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, I've noticed... <</say>>
<<text>> You couldn't help but check out Scarlit's ass as she did another stretch. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hmm... That's quite a pose... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Do you like it? <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit turned around, as if she could feel your gaze penetrating her skin. <</text>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 7>> Oh yeah <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> You bet I do. <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Then I have another surprise for you... <</say>>
<<text>> Alexis pulled down her yoga pants, showing and stretching out her bare pussy to you. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/gym23-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I like you $mc. I've had lots of fun teaching you yoga, it's only fair that we have even more fun now that you're getting better at it... <</say>>
<<text>> Still in a state of disbelief, you turn to Grigoriy to make sure you're not seeing things. <</text>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella1 stage 8>> Man... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> Greg... <</say>>
<<text>> The Pug returned your shocked look with one of his own. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/gym25-image.webp">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> She's crazy, kid... The best kind of crazy. Take your chance. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Scarlit... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Scarlit! <</say>>
<<text>> The sudden voice made you fall to the floor again, and when you picked yourself up, Scarlit's pants were already up. <</text>>
<<btno PatreonBella0 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Girl, you move like crazy...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Ha-ha, yeah, that's me...<</say>>
<<text>>Trying to catch a breath, you moved around for a bit, searching for your dropped clothes. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>So, Bella, tell me something. Do you sleep with every guy looking your way or what?<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Of course not.<</say>>
<<text>>Bella looked genuinely offended by your words, as she stopped getting dressed and turned to you instead.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>I only sleep with the ones that I like.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella2 stage 1>> Damn... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Really? God damn, you must have a really good taste.<</say>>
<<text>>A confused look ran across Bella's face.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>Huh? How can you tell?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not a lot of chicks go for me straight away. But you did...<</say>>
<<text>>Bella chuckled to herself and took a few steps closer. You could smell the faint scent of her skin again.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bella2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>They're missing out, I must say...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Absolutely, that's exactly what I was getting at. So, how about we-<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella3 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Nico">> Here. Should be the time you're talking about... <</say>>
<<text>> You can see Kendra and a shady looking guy sitting on a sofa. You can't quite make out his face from where the camera is pointing. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Who is this piece of shit? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack... No. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Huh. You just can't top surprising me today. Kendra, I think that deserves a reward... <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack, I already told you, I'm not... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> I know, I know. Can't a guy like me just give a simple present? I'm serious, just tell me what you want. <</someone>>
<<say "Nico">> What's going on? <</say>>
<<if $DayNdTw3Ntr is 1 && ($WdNTR20Watched is 1 || $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck is 1)>>
<<say $mc>> Just watch. You'll learn soon enough. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Just watch. We'll learn soon enough. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-1 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack... How long have you and Dick known each other? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Hm, about two years now. Why? <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Well... You see, he's been tormenting me for God knows how long... And I'd like to know what's up with him, why is he... like this? <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra's voice broke. And although she was trying to maintain her calm demeanour, you knew that she was boiling from within with a seething hatred. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Kendra. <</someone>>
<<text>> Jack's voice, on the other hand, was calm and collected. It wasn't cold, by any means, but there was also no sign of genuine warmth. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Dick is a simple man. A man who is stuck up to his knees in a swamp that is full of shit. <</someone>>
<<btno WedArcade3-1 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Kendra">> But he's in the gang... He has money, power, women... So why... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> He's got nothing for himself. He only knows how to steal. Why do you think he's so busy trying to kiss my ass all the time? <</someone>>
<<say "Nico">> ...No way. I can't believe this is happening. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> No way... Stolen? But from who? Tell me more, Jack, please! <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra's voice rang with excitement when she heard those words. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> I think I've told you enough for one gift. <</someone>>
<<btno WedArcade3-1 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Kendra">> Please Jack... You know I would really appreciate it... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>>
Would you? I don't feel appreciated right now. I've come all the way from the other side of town and you've given me the cold shoulder all the same. <</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">> Jack, I... <</say>>
<<text>> You heard Kendra stood up and began pacing the room, desperate and conflicted. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> This bastard... Fuck, I can't watch this. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hang on! I can feel that something important is about to happen... <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-2 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $WdNTR20Watched isnot 1 && $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> What is she thinking about? Just let it go... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> It is because of what you said to her earlier. She's thinking about taking one for the team. To get the information. <</say>>
<<text>> You could see Kendra's face, filled with conviction. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra8-image.jpg">>
<<text>> It was at that moment that she took the control of the situation into her own hands. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Jack... <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Yes? <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck is 1>>
<<btn WedArcade3-2 stage 4>> Fine, I don't need it <</btn>>
<<elseif $WdNTR20Watched is 1>>
<<btns WedArcade3-2 stage 1 0 0>> I'm ready to try... <</btns>>
<<btn WedArcade3-2 stage 4>> Fine, I don't need it <</btn>>
<<btns WedArcade3-2 stage 1 0 0>> I'm ready to try... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> OK... I'll sleep with you tonight. But you're going to tell me all about Dick. <</someone>>
<<someone someone "Jack" dick>> Holy shit. That's asking a lot, I'll be honest with you... Are you sure you'll be able to fill the shoes? <</someone>>
<<text>> The man looked at Kendra like a butcher looks at his meat before he starts cutting it up. But she hadn't done so much as twitch a muscle. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/jack0-image.jpg">>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Yes. As long as you keep the promise you made. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Fuck... Sounds good, baby girl. I'm in. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> What the fuck... No, no, no! <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-2 stage 21>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Then let us make it quick, before Dick...
<<say "Dick">> No way, you really got her going! This is going to be a really fun night... <</say>>
<<text>> Dick stood up in a doorway, smiling from ear to ear. He was as happy as a clam, and looking at him, you'd think he'd hit the jackpot. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> What? No, Jack! I only agreed to sleep with you! <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Well, take it or leave it. I can't leave my friend with a dry cock while we're having fun. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> What will it be, bitch? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck is 1>>
<<btn WedArcade3-2 stage 6>> No, I'm not your fucking toy <</btn>><<elseif $WdNTR20Watched is 1>>
<<btns WedArcade3-2 stage 2 0 0>> If that's what it takes... <</btns>><<else>>
<<btn WedArcade3-2 stage 6>> No, I'm not your fucking toy <</btn>>
<<btns WedArcade3-2 stage 2 0 0>> If that's what it takes... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> All right, then. I'll do it. But let me change first, guys. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Sure thing. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Don't keep us waiting. <</say>>
<<text>> As Kendra walked past the camera, Grigoriy turned to Nico with an understanding look. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/kendra9-image.jpg">>
<<if $WdNTR20Watched isnot 1>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm turning this off. Fuck it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No, wait, Nico! There could be important information in there. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Are you shitting me? You just want to see my mother getting railed with two cocks, don't you? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I think he got you there. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-2 stage 3>> ... <</btno>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm turning this off. Fuck it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, there's nothing important left anyway. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> You mean?.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yep. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico stood silent for a minute, looking at you with his tear-filled eyes. Then he waved his hand, turned and walked towards a bar. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You should give him some time to come to terms with it. Let's just sit it out for a bit. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $WdArcd323Cucked to 1>>
<<say $mc>> No, man. I'm serious. I'm going to watch this for the both of us. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico's eyes popped out of his head when he heard you say that. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Phrasing, kid. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I mean it. You don't have to put yourself through this. She's your mother, I understand how much it hurts. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> No, you fucking don't. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> The main thing is that it has happened. The least we can do is check the video for any remaining clues. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Clues for what? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Clues to get our revenge on those bastards. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico stood silent for a minute, looking at you with his tear-filled eyes. Then he waved his hand, turned and walked towards a bar. <</text>>
<<say "Nico">> Fuck it, I'm not going to watch this shit. If you really think it can help us... Then do it. <</say>>
<<btno KendraSceneNTR stage 3>> Get back to the phone <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Kendra">> Thank you. You right, you've told me enough. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Thank fucking God... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack, who was clearly surprised, scratched his head and looked away from Kendra. But after a few moments, he let out a warm chuckle at her. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/jack0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jack">> Ha-ha, well, that was that. Kendra, you can leave now. I'm going to find something else to do to amuse myself. <</say>>
<<text>> With a hopeful smile on his face, Dick burst into the room. That didn't last long. As soon as he saw Jack scowling at him, he turned pale instead. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> What the... Bitch, what the fuck! You were supposed to be sucking him off by now! <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-2 stage 5>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">> Dick, I told you, I'm... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> She's not going to do that. And that is totally fine. Kendra, I really think you should go. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack smiled at Kendra and waved her away as if she were a noisy fly. She didn't hesitate and left the room before he could say another word. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> No. I allow it. And you will not disrespect me by touching her. We'll settle this between us instead. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...Fine. <</say>>
<<text>> Dick, now flushed with anger, let out a heavy sigh. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll go to the film room and make myself ready. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Smart thinking. I hope you cleaned up after that bathroom business. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...I have. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Good, good. It's time for the show to begin. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-2 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Kendra">> No. I'm not doing that. The deal is off. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh. Really now... <</say>>
<<text>> Jack, who was clearly surprised, scratched his head and looked away from Kendra. But after a few moments, he let out a warm chuckle at her. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Well then that was that. Kendra, you leave now. I'll find something else to do to amuse myself. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> What the... Bitch, what the fuck! Stop right there! Go and suck Jack off! <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Dick, I told you, I'm... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> She's not going to do that, Dick. And that is totally fine. Kendra, I really think you should go. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack smiled at Kendra and waved her away as if she were a noisy fly. She didn't hesitate and left the room before he could say another word. <</text>>
<<btno WedArcade3-2 stage 7>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> No. I allow it. And you will not disrespect me by touching her. We'll settle this between us instead. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...Fine. <</say>>
<<text>> Dick, now flushed with anger, let out a heavy sigh. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> I'll go to the film room and make myself ready. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Smart thinking. I hope you cleaned up after that bathroom business. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ...I have. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Good, good. It's time for the show to begin. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-2 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<set $WdNTR23WatchedNoCuck to 1>>
<<say "Nico">> I'm turning this off. Fuck it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, there's nothing important left anyway. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> You mean?.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yep. <</say>>
<<text>> Nico stood silent for a minute, looking at you with his ice cold eyes. Then he waved his hand, turned and walked towards a bar. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You should give him some time to come to terms with it. Let's just sit it out for a bit. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 0>> ... <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WdNTR20Watched to 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> So... Jack, I've done what you asked... Remember to hold up your end of the bargain. <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh, yeah, I always do. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Jack? What's she talking about? <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh, she just wanted to know who you were stealing from. You know, the basic stuff. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> She what?! <</say>>
<<text>> Dick's face was rejuvenated with anger, his blood-red cheeks quivering with rage. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> Bitch, I'll fucking kill you! <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Jack, what the hell! That wasn't our deal! <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> I promised you that I would make your wish come true. However, I don't recall any mention of keeping Dick in the dark. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-3 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> But... But! <</someone>>
<<text>> Dick got up from the sofa, cracking his knuckles, and Kendra was on the verge of tears. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> You're fucking done for... <</say>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Jack, please! Stop him... <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Naturally. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack smiled and clapped his hands together. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Dick, stop it. Let it go. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> ... <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Just don't. Everything's fine, trust me. <</say>>
<<text>> He turned back to Kendra with the same smile and waved her away as if she were a noisy fly. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Kendra, you should leave now. We're done here. We've got what we wanted and I've fulfilled your wish in return. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-3 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> But... But... <</someone>>
<<text>> You could see Kendra's eyes welling up, her inner turmoil reaching the breaking point. <</text>>
<<someone kendra "Kendra" author>> Fuck you... Fuck both of you! <</someone>>
<<say "Jack">> Oh, trust me, you already did that. And I must say - it was a job well done. <</say>>
<<text>> Kendra cried out loud, storming out of the room. Confused by what had just happened, Dick glanced over at Jack. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">> What the hell was that? <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> That's what a few working brain cells can do. Try it sometime too.<</say>>
<<say "Dick">> I can get laid without it. Maybe another time. <</say>>
<<say "Jack">> Sure. <</say>>
<<text>> Jack stretched himself out on a sofa and let out a loud yawn. <</text>>
<<say "Jack">> Damn... I'm exhausted. Let's go watch a film. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, you know it well. <</say>>
<<say "Dick">> Sure man. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade3-3 stage 3>> Stop the video <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<removeclass "body" "housekendra">>
<<addclass "body" "arcade">>
<<text>> You press the stop button and sit back on a couch. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wow. That's certainly... something. <</say>>
<<text>> You spent the next few minutes in silence, absorbing everything you had just seen. Kendra was played like a fiddle. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hey, pal. How are you feeling right now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm good. Why do you ask? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well... Didn't you just get cucked? I mean... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> C'mon Greg, I'm not an idiot. It was obvious that Kendra couldn't give a fuck about the way these two guys were screwing her. It was a simple business transaction. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> If that helps you sleep at night, pal. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Let's go find Nico though. I hope he's taking this well. <</say>>
<<btno WedArcade4 stage 0>> Go to the bar <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('BellaGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("BellaScene0", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh, Bella! Hi. <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit smiled and hurried over to greet the woman you had met at the reception earlier. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bella1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Scarlit">> How are you? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Finally free from work. I see you took the new guy through the eight gates of hell? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> No, we've only reached the third. But he's pretty good. <</say>>
<<text>> Trying to make a good impression, you strike the most difficult pose you can. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> It's $mc, he's a pretty good electrician. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Really? You never told me about him... <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel Bella's eyes fixed on your bent butt. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> He's helped out in the gym for a few times. Coach gave him a free pass, or so I've heard. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Impressive. Mind if I join you? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Sure, Bell. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I'll start with a little wamup... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> These are some small shorts, aren't they, pal? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Bella">> And now we move into a stretch... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... That's cool. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Is it, now... <</say>>
<<text>> You thought you heard a hint of jealousy in Scarlit's voice. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I mean... Eh... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Scarlit">> All right, guys, this has been a lot of fun. But I got to go places. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Really? But I was hoping you could teach me some special poses... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I was hoping so too, $mc. But since Bella's here, maybe she could help you instead. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Yeah, ask me out $mc. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right then... <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit rolled over her mat and headed for the exit. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> See you, $mc, Bella. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Bye. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> See you later, Scarlit. <</say>>
<<text>> You started to roll up your mat as well, getting ready to leave. Your whole body was aching after a strenuous exercise like that. <</text>>
<<say "Bella">> Do you mind if I ask you for a little favour, $mc? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hm? Sure. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> We have a thing here... What was it called... A booty shaker, I think. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> A booty shaker, huh... What kind of thing is that? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Well... <</say>>
<<text>> Bella is making a shy face, clearly trying to bait you into answering your own question. And you don't mind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Let me guess. It is a thing that shakes your ass. Get fit quick scheme. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Exactly. I can see you are not only handsome, but smart too... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn, is she hitting on you? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> I can be pretty smart, sure. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I need you to fix it. For me. <</say>>
<<text>> Bella got up from her mat and pulled out a small device from under the sofa. <</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Please help me out... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Um... It seems to work fine though. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> No, it's not working the way I want it to. You have to help me, I can't get into my new jeans like this... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> What can I do though? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Shake my butt manualy... It's all sore after so much yoga... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Oh yes... Just like that. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> You have a really nice ass, you know that? Do you mind if I... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Shit... I didn't expect you to be pantyless, my bad. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> No, I like it that way. Go on... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> So you like that? Heh. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh, $mc... You have such magic fingers... No wonder you're an electrician with skills like that. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start5.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Nah, I trained my fingers by playing Metal Gear Solid on Extreme. I nearly broke my thumb during the torture scene. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh fuck... You're torturing me too... Give it to me, I can't wait any longer... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Holy shit, did she actually get turned on by your gamer talk? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What can I say, girls like a passionate man... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Bella">> Please, fuck me already! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, hey! Not so quick. Get me ready first... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh, right... My bad, $mc. Let me see now... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Hold it nice and steady, baby... We're in no hurry. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, have you forgotten that you are in a public gym right now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit, you're right... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<if $sceneV1 is undefined>>
<<mops>> All right, pal, I'll keep watch. You do your thing with this bitch and make it quick. <</mops>>
<<set $sceneV1 to 0>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhrm! Such a... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, girl! You know your job well... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> But not good enough... I have no idea how to get this monster down my throat... Any ideas? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Let's try it the old way... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Grlg! Mhmpf! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Khah... That was close... But it didn't go all the way. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Let's be more creative about it. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Hell yeah, I like your style... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Not very deep, though... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl0">>
<<set $sceneV1 to "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>> Now that I'm feeling ready... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh fuck yes! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit! Now let's take it to the next level... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Bella">> Oh yes! So deep... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Keep it... Steady... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Fuck! Yes! Yes! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Let's me slide it in really quick... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh shit! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> So good... I want you to gape me so bad... <</say>>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> And I don't mind watching it happen... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Haven't I already done that, though? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah! This is amazing... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Ah... $mc... So big... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm impressed. Your ass takes me so well. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Me... too! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>> Clean it up, girl. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Of course! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl4.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Mhmm... My favourite... A freshly fucked cock. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw1">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Bella">> Fuck... I'm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, I can feel it... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Ahah... Ha! Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shit, you look like you're possessed or something... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I am possessed... By your wonderful giant dick! Let's get it on! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionaryD">>
<<set $sceneV1 to "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> But before I fuck you like the bitch you are, we need to make you feel comfortable... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhm... You're doing great with it. And also... These vibrations are so good... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> But I bet my dick is leagues ahead of a simple toy, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> It's incomparable $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionaryS">>
<<set $sceneV1 to "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> But before I fuck you standing like a geese, we need to make you feel comfortable... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhm... You're doing great with it. And also... These vibrations are so good... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> But I bet my dick is leagues ahead of a simple toy, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> It's incomparable $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing">>
<<say $mc>> Now let's get you upwards... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Yes! Ah... Ah! Uhmh... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Holy fuck! You ruffle all of my feathers, $mc... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What do you mean? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing1">>
<<say "Bella">> What I'm saying is... Please, destroy my asshole! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy... Can do. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> God... My bum... Augh! Fuuck... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Get on your knees! <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Give it to me... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Oooh... Yes! Shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Show me your gape, baby... <</say>>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh... You're into that? Ha... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> So you weren't kidding earlier, huh? <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Please put it back in when you're done staring... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Bella">> Fuck! Ghrrr... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shit... You're okay? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhrrm... Give it to me... So close... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Really, do you have a demon inside of you or what? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I do... His name is "Your'Dick". <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sounds like Latin... Makes sense. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Shit... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Give me your cum... Do it on my face, <<if $sceneCum is 2>> again. <</if>>it's good for the skin. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cum.mp4">>
<<if $sceneCum < 2>>
<<say $mc>> Ah... Huh... Jeez... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Do you perhaps, fancy a second round? Because I do. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck me... Why not... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Now for the third round? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah shit... You're crazy, you have no regard for the lives of men whatsoever... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Why should I care? You're having the time of your life, aren't you? And so am I... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1>> Oh shit <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1>> Bye Scarlit <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1>> Yeah, I am <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1>> Help her out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btn PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1>> Pull down her shorts <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage $stage+1 0 5>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 8>>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "start" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "blowjob1" 20 15>> Fuck her face <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "blowjob2" 10 5>> Do something new <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "blowjob2" 10 5>> Do something new <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "blowjob1" 20 15>> Fuck her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl1" 20 15>> Go pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl2" 20 15>> Go reverse <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl3" 10 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl2" 20 15>> Go reverse <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl3" 10 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl1" 20 15>> Go pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl3" 10 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl1" 20 15>> Go pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl2" 20 15>> Go reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "standing1" 20 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "doggy1" 20 15>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "blowjob" 10 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionaryD">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "doggy" 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionaryS">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "standing" 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl0">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl" 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "cowgirl0" && $stage isnot "missionaryD" && $stage isnot "missionaryS" >>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "blowjob" 10 15>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot "cowgirl">>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl0" 10 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "cowgirl" 10 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot "missionary">>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "missionaryD" 10 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "missionaryS" 10 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "doggy" 10 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "standing" 10 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100 >>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot "cowgirl">>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "cumw" 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "cumw1" 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70 >>
<<btns PatreonBella0 stage "cum" 0 5>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum === 1>>
<<btne Patreon0Bella2>> I'm spent <</btne>>
<<if $sceneCum === 2>>
<<btne Patreon0Bella3>> I can try... <</btne>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid! Red alert, code purple! Intruder!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Bella, get yourself covered, someone's coming...<</say>>
<<say "Kelsi">>Oh my God! What happened here?<</say>>
<<text>>A familiar-looking woman burst into the room while you were still busy trying to hide your sizable manhood back into your pants.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/gym26-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>Ah! Kelsi, you startled me...<</say>>
<<text>>It seems Bella was quicker than you, not only when it came to stripping but also dressing. She stood confidently in her sportswear, trying to draw Kelsi's attention away from you.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>We just had a really heated yoga session. He decided to take his clothes off because it's hot today and it was just the two of us.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella3 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Kelsi">>Oh... I understand.<</say>>
<<text>>Kelsi glanced around the room as if in search of something and then turned back to you with a smile on her face.<</text>>
<<say "Kelsi">>Sorry if I interrupted. It's just... I'm hyper-aware right now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. We were wrapping up anyways... I'm $mc, by the way.<</say>>
<<say "Kelsi">>I've heard about you from Coach... Nice to meet you. I'm Kelsi.<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Kelsi, don't get any ideas. I met him first.<</say>>
<<say "Kelsi">>Hm? Oh, is he your new boyfriend now? What happened to your last one, by the way?<</say>>
<<text>>You cast a curious glance over at Bella. She seems cold and stoic, different from how she looked during the act... You get the feeling that she must be very possessive.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>So what if he is? Who I date shouldn't matter to you at all...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella3 stage 2>> Stop it <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, come on. Today is the first time we've met each other, chill out. I mean, it was fun and all...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>What? But!<</say>>
<<text>>Bella's face reddened as she stumbled over her words. Kelsi was looking curiously at you from a distance.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, I'm not saying that I'm against it... Let's just slow it down for a bit.<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>What do you mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's exchange our numbers. As I've said, today was a lot of fun, so I would like us to continue someday later.<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh. Of course!<</say>>
<<text>>More people came into the room as you finished getting dressed and writing Bella's number. Noticing that you looked confused, she rushed to explain.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>Must be the time for the evening session... Oh fuck, I must be at the reception right now! I'll call you later, $mc!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. Have a good one.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Bella3 stage 3>> Go into a lobby <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How did it go, pal?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great. Thanks for the cover-up. You saved me by the skin of my teeth.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No problem. But... If you're interested in paying me back, get me some of that quality food I've been craving for a while.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. Have some of this for now...<</say>>
<<text>>You dropped to your knees and began stroking Grigoriy's back. He enjoyed it very much, judging by the movements of his curly tail.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Holy... You're a muscular fella, I'll give you that. You wanna go now, or...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Nah, kid. I've had my fill of exercises for today. Let's go.<</say>>
<<if $ActOneFinal3 is undefined>>
<<if $MapState is 0>>
<<btno Map0 Patreon0Bella0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
<<btno Map1 Patreon0Bella0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
<<if $MapState is 0>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 Patreon0Bella0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 Patreon0Bella0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
</div><div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="BellaScene0">[img[img/gallery/bella-scene0.jpg][Bellagallery0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="BellaScene1">[img[img/gallery/bella-scene1.jpg][Bellagallery1]]</div>
<<btno gallery>>Gallery<</btno>>
function galleryLock (e) {
let galleryArray = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-img");
galleryArray.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.firstChild.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryLock);
function galleryUnlock () {
if (State.metadata.get("BellaScene0") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("BellaScene1") == true){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<</script>><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Oh, Bella! Hi. <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit smiled and hurried over to greet the woman you had met at the reception earlier. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bella1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Scarlit">> How are you? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Finally free from work. I see you took the new guy through the eight gates of hell? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> No, we've only reached the third. But he's pretty good. <</say>>
<<text>> Trying to make a good impression, you strike the most difficult pose you can. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> It's $mc, he's a pretty good electrician. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Really? You never told me about him... <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel Bella's eyes fixed on your bent butt. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Scarlit">> He's helped out in the gym for a few times. Coach gave him a free pass, or so I've heard. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Impressive. Mind if I join you? <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> Sure, Bell. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I'll start with a little wamup... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> These are some small shorts, aren't they, pal? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say "Bella">> And now we move into a stretch... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh man... That's cool. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">> Is it, now... <</say>>
<<text>> You thought you heard a hint of jealousy in Scarlit's voice. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I mean... Eh... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Scarlit">> All right, guys, this has been a lot of fun. But I got to go places. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Really? But I was hoping you could teach me some special poses... <</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">> I was hoping so too, $mc. But since Bella's here, maybe she could help you instead. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Yeah, ask me out $mc. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> All right then... <</say>>
<<text>> Scarlit rolled over her mat and headed for the exit. <</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">> See you, $mc, Bella. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Bye. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> See you later, Scarlit. <</say>>
<<text>> You started to roll up your mat as well, getting ready to leave. Your whole body was aching after a strenuous exercise like that. <</text>>
<<say "Bella">> Do you mind if I ask you for a little favour, $mc? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hm? Sure. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> We have a thing here... What was it called... A booty shaker, I think. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> A booty shaker, huh... What kind of thing is that? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Well... <</say>>
<<text>> Bella is making a shy face, clearly trying to bait you into answering your own question. And you don't mind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Let me guess. It is a thing that shakes your ass. Get fit quick scheme. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Exactly. I can see you are not only handsome, but smart too... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Damn, is she hitting on you? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> I can be pretty smart, sure. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I need you to fix it. For me. <</say>>
<<text>> Bella got up from her mat and pulled out a small device from under the sofa. <</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Please help me out... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Um... It seems to work fine though. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> No, it's not working the way I want it to. You have to help me, I can't get into my new jeans like this... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> What can I do though? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Shake my butt manualy... It's all sore after so much yoga... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Oh yes... Just like that. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say $mc>> You have a really nice ass, you know that? Do you mind if I... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Shit... I didn't expect you to be pantyless, my bad. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> No, I like it that way. Go on... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<say $mc>> So you like that? Heh. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh, $mc... You have such magic fingers... No wonder you're an electrician with skills like that. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Start5.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Nah, I trained my fingers by playing Metal Gear Solid on Extreme. I nearly broke my thumb during the torture scene. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh fuck... You're torturing me too... Give it to me, I can't wait any longer... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Holy shit, did she actually get turned on by your gamer talk? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What can I say, girls like a passionate man... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Bella">> Please, fuck me already! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, hey! Not so quick. Get me ready first... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh, right... My bad, $mc. Let me see now... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Hold it nice and steady, baby... We're in no hurry. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Pal, have you forgotten that you are in a public gym right now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit, you're right... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<if $gsceneV1 is undefined>>
<<mops>> All right, pal, I'll keep watch. You do your thing with this bitch and make it quick. <</mops>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhrm! Such a... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, girl! You know your job well... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> But not good enough... I have no idea how to get this monster down my throat... Any ideas? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>> Let's try it the old way... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Grlg! Mhmpf! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Khah... That was close... But it didn't go all the way. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>> Let's be more creative about it. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Hell yeah, I like your style... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Not very deep, though... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl0">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>> Now that I'm feeling ready... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh fuck yes! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit! Now let's take it to the next level... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Bella">> Oh yes! So deep... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Keep it... Steady... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Fuck! Yes! Yes! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Let's me slide it in really quick... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh shit! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> So good... I want you to gape me so bad... <</say>>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> And I don't mind watching it happen... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Haven't I already done that, though? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah! This is amazing... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Ah... $mc... So big... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I'm impressed. Your ass takes me so well. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Me... too! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>> Clean it up, girl. <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Of course! <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cowgirl4.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Mhmm... My favourite... A freshly fucked cock. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Bella">> Fuck... I'm... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, I can feel it... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Ahah... Ha! Ah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shit, you look like you're possessed or something... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I am possessed... By your wonderful giant dick! Let's get it on! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionaryD">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> But before I fuck you like the bitch you are, we need to make you feel comfortable... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhm... You're doing great with it. And also... These vibrations are so good... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> But I bet my dick is leagues ahead of a simple toy, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> It's incomparable $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionaryS">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "missionary">>
<<say $mc>> But before I fuck you standing like a geese, we need to make you feel comfortable... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhm... You're doing great with it. And also... These vibrations are so good... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> But I bet my dick is leagues ahead of a simple toy, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> It's incomparable $mc... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing">>
<<say $mc>> Now let's get you upwards... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Yes! Ah... Ah! Uhmh... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Holy fuck! You ruffle all of my feathers, $mc... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What do you mean? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing1">>
<<say "Bella">> What I'm saying is... Please, destroy my asshole! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy... Can do. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> God... My bum... Augh! Fuuck... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>> Get on your knees! <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Give it to me... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">> Oooh... Yes! Shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>> Show me your gape, baby... <</say>>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<say "Bella">> Oh... You're into that? Ha... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> So you weren't kidding earlier, huh? <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Please put it back in when you're done staring... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Bella">> Fuck! Ghrrr... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Shit... You're okay? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Mhrrm... Give it to me... So close... <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Really, do you have a demon inside of you or what? <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> I do... His name is "Your'Dick". <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sounds like Latin... Makes sense. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>> Shit... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Give me your cum... Do it on my face, <<if $sceneCum is 2>> again. <</if>>it's good for the skin. <</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene0/Cum.mp4">>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<say $mc>> Ah... Huh... Jeez... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Do you perhaps, fancy a second round? Because I do. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck me... Why not... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Now for the third round? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Ah shit... You're crazy, you have no regard for the lives of men whatsoever... <</say>>
<<say "Bella">> Why should I care? You're having the time of your life, aren't you? And so am I... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Oh shit <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Bye Scarlit <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Yeah, I am <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Help her out <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btn Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Pull down her shorts <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage $gstage+1 0 5>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 8>>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "start" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "blowjob1" 20 15>> Fuck her face <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "blowjob2" 10 5>> Do something new <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "blowjob2" 10 5>> Do something new <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "blowjob1" 20 15>> Fuck her face <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl1" 20 15>> Go pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl2" 20 15>> Go reverse <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl3" 10 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl2" 20 15>> Go reverse <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl3" 10 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl1" 20 15>> Go pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl3" 10 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl1" 20 15>> Go pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl2" 20 15>> Go reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "standing1" 20 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "doggy1" 20 15>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "blowjob" 10 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionaryD">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "doggy" 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionaryS">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "standing" 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl0">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl" 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "cowgirl0" && $gstage isnot "missionaryD" && $gstage isnot "missionaryS" >>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "blowjob" 10 15>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot "cowgirl">>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl0" 10 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "cowgirl" 10 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot "missionary">>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "missionaryD" 10 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "missionaryS" 10 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "doggy" 10 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "standing" 10 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100 >>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot "cowgirl">>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "cumw" 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "cumw1" 15 0>> Make her cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70 >>
<<btns Bellagallery0 gstage "cum" 0 5>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum === 1>>
<<btnegp Bella-gallery>> I'm spent <</btnegp>>
<<if $gsceneCum === 2>>
<<btnegp Bella-gallery>> I can try... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Bella-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>> At the touch of a button, reality shifts again and you can feel your stomach churn. Now you are in a dark hallway of a gym. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I still can't get used to it... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Can you see the interface now? Look down at your arms. <</say>>
<<img "act1/arcade28-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, I can. <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Good, I'll stop interrupting you now. You should be able to get started on your own. <</say>>
<<text>> You can see that a prompt asks you to name your character. You take a few minutes before deciding on suitable name. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<mops>> Don't think too much about it, kid. <</mops>>
<<say $mc>> What? How is this possible... <</say>>
<<img "act1/arcade24-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Must be Nico's doing... Fuck it, I'll chose another one. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "Pussy Slayer">>
<<say $mc>> I hope now it's going to let me play... <</say>>
<<text>> But instead you're welcomed to the most confusing character creation screen you're ever seen. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade26-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What an ugly fucking mug he has... Fuck I don't care, let's pick random. <</say>>
<<text>> Then the screen changes to character stats attribution. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Dammit. Fine, I'll make myself some silly build... <</say>>
<<text>> You max out your luck and charisma, leaving everything else at one. Just the way you used to play some old CRPGs...<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "Legend27">>
<<say $mc>> I hope it'll let me play now... <</say>>
<<text>> Instead, you're greeted by the most confusing character creation screen you'll ever see.. <</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade26-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What an ugly fucking mug he has... Oh, I don't care, let's pick random. <</say>>
<<text>> Then the screen changes to character stats attribution. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Dammit. Fine, I'll make myself some silly build... <</say>>
<<text>> You max out your luck and charisma, leaving everything else at one. Just the way you used to play old CRPGs...<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<text>> Eventually the menu screens get away and you are able to move around. You are in a corridor with a lot of doors on the walls, all leading into unknown. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> That's pretty cool... Oh, that one is a glass door. I wonder if I have a reflection... <</say>>
<<text>> Surprisingly, you do. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> What the hell? I'm old! Nico! <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Did you choose the low endurance and low strength character? That could be the reason. And please stop shouting. The character also has some dialogue, you'll drown it out. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Okay... But he's silent though... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Go through one of the doors, it'll start the sequence. It doesn't matter which one you choose, they all lead to the same place. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<text>> You decide that it would be better to check where the door leads first... <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn5-image.jpg">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> I wonder if that girl is here today... I'm getting agitated. <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say "Lynn">> Phew... It's been a hard day today, good thing that I can relax alone now... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit, it's... <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Lynn! Yes... She's here. I've been waiting for this moment for a while... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Aaah! <</say>>
<<text>> Startled by the sudden outburst of your character, Lynn jumped and turned to face you. <</text>>
<<say "Lynn">> Who are you? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> I'm your biggest stalker yet... My name is $gsceneV1! <</someone>>
<<text>> It takes a second for Lynn to process this information. A slight blush appears on her cheeks. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/lynn14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh, $gsceneV1... You scared me and now I'm all alone and so vulnerable... What will I do? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> You will submit before my superior cock. <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no, anything but that! Watch me perform, maybe it will satisfy your inner beast... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Start.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Hm... Trying to please me away? <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> I'm not impressed, so better get ready for my elephant dong... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no! It's too big! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Do I look like I care? <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Lynn">> I'm barely able to hold it in my mouth... <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Suck on it, bitch. That's an order. <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> You're so terrible... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> I'll fuck those tits out of you... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> You're so rough! Ah! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Fuuuck! <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
/* <<removeclass "body" "gym">>
<<addclass "body" "server">> */
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> And that's when I suddenly suffered a lethal seizure. <</someone>>
<<img "act1/arcade25-image.jpg">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Thank you for playing our game! Support us at Pervy.Gaming.kz! <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> What the fuck... Hey, Nico, did I just die in a porn game? <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Shit, you must've picked a messed up build. Wait a sec, I have a cheat code for that... <</say>>
<<say "Nico">> Press continue now. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Oh yes, I'll eat you up... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Fuuck! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Lick.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Such a tasty cunt... And it's all mine for the taking! <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Time to destroy your pussy! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah fuck! Please, be gentle with me... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Gentle, huh? <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah! Oh! Augh! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> You don't fucking get to order me around, bitch... <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Oh yeah, I'm taking you from behind, like the slut you are... <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Fuck! Me! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> It's too big! Please! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Shut up! And! Take it! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Ouugh... Not my ass... <</say>>
<<text>> Do you want to see the anal part of the video as well? Then please buy the Brown Eye DLC in the store for 29.99$! <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You've got to be kidding me... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Take this! I'm going sideways! <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh no, this is too much! I'm going to break! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Good. After taking some of my dick, no one will be sane! <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Some gamer juice will hit the spot... Want some of this? <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Please... Yes! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Sideways.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Oops. I'm afraid I've spilled it all over your slutty body. From now on you'll have to make do with drinking my juices instead. <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Fuck yeah... I could break your tiny neck in two if I wanted to.. <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> Please don't! I'll do whatever you want! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Show me that you mean it. I could use with less talking and more fucking... <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Lynn">> Ah, please! Stop it! I can feel my mind breaking! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> You bitch! You only cum when I say so! <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> I can't believe I'm cumming while being violated! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> And now... You cum! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh my God... Oh my $gsceneV1... Please, allow me to serve your magnificent cock forever! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Maybe I'll allow you to get fucked by me, while you're stuck in my dungeon. <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say "Lynn">> Please, come inside me! I want to have your babies! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Fuck off, slut. You don't get to bear my child. Sit aside and watch... Me... Cum! <</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene6/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Lynn">> Oh yes... Is my torture over now? <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> Don't be so hasty about it. My monster cock.. Will! Rise! <</someone>>
<<say "Lynn">> No! No more, please! <</say>>
<<someone olddude $gsceneV1 author>> It's only over when I say it's over! <</someone>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 1>>
<<say $mc>> This is getting old fast... Couldn't they spice things up with some dynamic voice lines or something? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 1>> $mc <</btn>>
<<if $mc isnot "Pussy Slayer">>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 2>> Pussy Slayer <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 1>> Pussy Slayer <</btn>>
<<if $mc isnot "Legend27">>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 3>> Legend27 <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 1>> Legend27 <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<if $mc isnot "Pussy Slayer">>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 2>> Pussy Slayer <</btn>>
<<if $mc isnot "Legend27">>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 3>> Legend27 <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2 || $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage 4>> What's next... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage $gstage+1>> Walk through the door <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage $gstage+1 0 0>> Roll Luck <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage $gstage+1 0 0>> Roll Charisma <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "start" 0 0>> Roll Charisma <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is 8>>
<<btn Othersgallery4 gstage "start1" 0 0>> Continue <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<if $gcum < 100>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob1" 30 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob2" 30 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob2" 30 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob1" 30 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob" 20 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage 8 0 0>> Roll Endurance <</btns>>
<<if $gcum < 100>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob1" 15 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob2" 15 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob2" 15 5>> Go all in <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob1" 15 0>> Fuck her tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "cowgirl1" 25 20>> Pillage her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "sideways1" 25 20>> Choke her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "doggy1" 20 20>> Finger in ass <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "doggy2" 20 25>> Go gangsta <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "doggy2" 20 25>> Go gangsta <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery4 gstage "doggy1" 20 20>> Finger in ass <</btnsb>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage "blowjob" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage "cowgirl" 20 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage "doggy" 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage "sideways" 20 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage "cumw" 20 0>> She's cumming! <</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns Othersgallery4 gstage "cum" 0 5>> You're about to... <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> Exit the Simulation <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $ValSide0 isnot 1>>
<<set $ValSide0 to 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "corridor">>
<<say $mc>> Man, I'm exhausted. Feel like I've worked two shifts in a row at two different jobs, no less... Reminds me of my student days, before I threw in the towel. Glad that it's over. <</say>>
<<text>>Fumbling through your pockets for your keys, you found yourself standing in front of the door to your flat. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Don't forget to call your brother about the money. We may need every last penny we've got in order for our operation to succeed. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Listen man, I don't think that's necessary anymore. The amount we have should be more than enough for me. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What are you talking about? Your ass is totally broke. If you want to... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll figure something out. There is no point in being a nuisance to Idris. <</say>>
<<text>> Trying to bury the subject, you turned away from Grigoriy. But he wouldn't let it go, going as far as running between your legs to face you again. <</text>>
<<btno WedHome0 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "corridor">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Come on, what's up with that? You need money and Nico said your brother can help. Just give him a call.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Greg, it's not that simple. I really don't want to bother him with all these little things... He's busy enough as it is. And this situation is something I'd have to do for myself. <</say>>
<<text>>Finally, your hand caught the cold texture of the key and you put it to use. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> $mc, I'm serious. It's fine if you don't wanna ask him for money, but at least give him a call.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll think about it. <</say>>
<<if $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<btno WedHome0 stage 2>> Walk inside <</btno>>
<<btno WedHome0 stage 3>> Walk inside <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<text>> After giving Grigoriy something to eat, you sat down on a kitchen stool and took out your mobile phone. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> A new message? It's from Val. <</say>>
<<say "Val">> I hope I didn't scare you off by throwing you out on the street so quickly. It doesn't mean I'm over you. At least not yet. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/val11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">> After I'm done cleaning up the mess we've made... I'll call you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Holy... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Don't get distracted by her tits, kid. You have a call to make, remember? <</say>>
<<btno WedHome0 stage 3>> All right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<if $ValSide0 isnot 1>>
<<text>>After a while, you found yourself in a kitchen, staring mindlessly at the screen, trying to think of a good conversation starter. Nearby, the pug was busy devouring his dinner. <</text>>
<<text>> But even after a few minutes, you were still sitting there, unable to think of a good way to start a conversation. All the good vibes from seeing Val's tits vanished and you just sat there, motionless. <</text>>
<<img "act1/phone2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, just give him a damned call. It doesn't have to be perfect. Aren't you two brothers and all that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We are. It's just... Fuck. Every time I speak to him, I end up feeling horrible for the remainder of the day.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Really?<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy stopped eating and gave you a sympathetic look before returning to his food. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Family problems, huh... I'm sorry to hear that, kid.<</say>>
<<btno WedHome0 stage 4>> It's not like that <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>It's not a family problem per se, not like he's being a dick to me or anything. It's quite the opposite, it's a "me" problem.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You mean? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's just that he's always so supportive and kind. It kills me inside to see how much of a failure I am compared to him. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That kind of thinking wouldn't do you any good, pal. You two are completely different people, with different paths, different circumstances... No need to fuss about it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> ... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Trust me, you will not feel any better if you continue to shirk your responsibilities. So just give him a call and see what happens.<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy was right, and you were well aware that letting this opportunity slip through your fingers wouldn't do much to bring about justice. <</text>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 0>> Call Idris <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>The sound of beeping rang hollowly in your ears, and it felt like several long minutes passed before you heard a familiar voice.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>Moshi-moshi?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's me, Idris<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Oh shit, $mc! I've been worried mad about you.<</say>>
<<text>>Through the speaker you've heard a loud screech coming from the bed, followed by the faint murmur of someone in the background. It was a safe bet that Idris had just woken up after making up someone else.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>What happened? Someone has been calling me from your mobile phone, trying to scam me out of money.<</say>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 1>> I've got robbed <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well... Long story short - I've got robbed. I'm not hurt though.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Ah hell nah... Good thing that you're OK at least... So you can move then?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm telling you, I'm fine. But listen...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Don't worry, I'll take you home right away. You are in the same place you were supposed to rent, right?<</say>>
<<text>>A cold shiver ran down your spine. On the one hand, you were relieved. You could go straight back to your old life... But on the other hand - what good had your "old life" done for you?<</text>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 2>> Thanks <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Listen man, I really appreciate it, but I don't think that it is a good idea.<</say>>
<<text>>It took a lot of effort to turn down his offer, but you had something important that had to be done. For a few seconds, the phone went silent.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>That's totally cool too, $mc. But can I ask you why?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's kind of hard to explain, but... Let's just say I'm a man on a mission now.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Damn. It's the first time in ages I've heard you being so confident about anything... Is it somehow related to your girlfriend?<</say>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 3>> Yeah <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>It's more than that. But... You are correct.<</say>>
<<text>>The phone went silent again, and Idris was clearly waiting for you to go on with your story. But you didn't think it was a good call.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>All right then... You sure? If something's wrong you can always share it with me. We're a family, man.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's just that... I don't want to bother you with my petty issues. You'd be better off this way. <</say>>
<<say "Idris">>The last thing I want is to see my brother in some real shit, man. If you don't want to share things with me, that's fine. Just don't justify it by saying it's for my own good.<</say>>
<<text>>His words hit you pretty hard, and you were speechless for a while. But in the end, you decided that he had a right to know the truth.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well... Kate's dad got fucked by the same bastards who robbed me. And it all happened because of me.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Excuse me what? Shit...<</say>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 4>> Yep <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>After another long pause, Idris spoke again and his voice was brimming with compassion. <</text>>
<<say "Idris">>$mc, bro... I understand how you must be feeling right now, I really do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>If that is the case, then you should also know that there is no way that you will be able to stop me until all of this is over.<</say>>
<<text>> Idris burst out laughing at the sound of that. But you didn't mind. Hearing your brothers laugh somehow made you feel more at ease. <</text>>
<<say "Idris">>I didn't even think about it, man... Ha... <</say>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 5>> For real? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>> Really? <</say>>
<<say "Idris">> Of course. We're family for a reason. Remember the time you and Nico got jumped by the bullies after school? The ones who broke your little finger? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>The time you tagged all your friends from the hood and went on a rampage over those pricks? No way I'm forgetting that one.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Not only that, but I had some of my niggas come over to see their momma's places. I heard they really liked it, ha. And I'm not talking only about my boys here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, didn't know about that part. Explains why those bullies went really quiet afterwards.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>So, you need some help? Or is it... personal?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedHome1 stage 6>> It's personal <</btn>>
<<btn WedHome1 stage 7>> I need your help <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah man, you've got it right. It is personal, and I'll deal with it accordingly. We're not in high school anymore.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>You're not wrong. Hell... Hearing that almost made me tear up, you know? Finally seeing my big bro taking action...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I was always a cool brother, wasn't I?<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Oh yeah, for sure. Like that time when...<</say>>
<<text>>A sudden voice cut off Idris mid-sentence. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Babe, it's so lonely in bed without you...<</someone>>
<<say "Idris">>Bitch! Can't you see that I'm busy here? I'll come when I come. Get back to bed.<</say>>
<<text>>You could hear the sharp sound of someone's ass being spanked through the phone.<</text>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<set $WdHm17CashIdris to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it is personal, but if you can share a few hundred bucks...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Piece of cake. All you have to say is how much you need, bro.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>$500 should be more than enough, Idris.<</say>>
<<text>>You were still a little reluctant to take more money than necessary. Must be your pride talking.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>Easy. I'll send it through the post. It will be at your door in the morning.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks man, I'll give it back when...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>No need for that bro. That's what family is for, remember? Need anything else? I have a...<</say>>
<<text>>A sudden voice cut off Idris mid-sentence.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Babe, it's so lonely in bed without you...<</someone>>
<<say "Idris">>Bitch! Can't you see that I'm busy here? I'll come when I come. Get back to bed.<</say>>
<<text>>You could hear the sharp sound of someone's ass being spanked through the phone.<</text>>
<<btno WedHome1 stage 8>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Idris">>Sorry, so what did you say? I got distracted.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like someone is waiting for you. Not gonna keep you all to myself then, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Nah, that's no issue. Hoes come and go, but you and me - it's different.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I get it man. But you've really done enough for me as it is. Thanks.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>All right then. Call me whenever you want, $mc. If you need help, or just to chat - doesn't matter.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, Idris. I'll be in touch. Good luck with the lady too.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Oh, I don't need luck for that, bro. It's me we're talking about, so she's getting a good time no matter what!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, ha-ha. Cheers, man.<</say>>
<<if $WdHm17CashIdris is 1>>
<<btno WedHome2 stage 0>> Hang up the phone <</btno>>
<<btno WedHome2 stage 1>> Hang up the phone <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>You hang up the phone and turn back to Grigoriy, who's already finished his dinner.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good job, pal. Now you might have enough money to get yourself some leverage.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I just hope that it was worth it.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Worst case scenario - you'll have a few more bucks to spend on yourself, no?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess you're right... Maybe one day I'll even get a working shower here.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yes, but that's the future... What about now? Are you ready to go to sleep? Or is there someone else you want to call?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedHome2 stage 3>> Call Kait <</btn>>
<<btn WedHome2 stage 2>> Call Riley <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>You hang up the phone and turn back to Grigoriy, who's already finished his dinner.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>And... done. That felt good.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal... You sure that you don't need that money?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This whole ordeal is strictly my business. I'll figure something out myself.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Sure. Then how about trying to figure out how to get to sleep on an empty stomach? Or is there someone else you want to call?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WedHome2 stage 3>> Call Kait <</btn>>
<<btn WedHome2 stage 2>> Call Riley <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'd better call Riley. I was planning to come over to her tomorrow, might get something fresh this way.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Shit, don't forget to ask her about a few packs of dog food then. It can do a lot for marketing, you know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How? Unless you mean...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, I'm a pretty big public figure in dog world, I'll tell you that. My word on the street is worth its weight in gold.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh. I'll make sure to let her know.<</say>>
<<btno WedHome3 stage 0>> Make a call <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> You're right, I should call Kait. I wonder how her dad is... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> You could even plan a meeting or something. I bet she could use the support right now. <</say>>
<<text>> You stop the dialling and for a moment lose yourself in thought. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, dealing with the bastards who hurt her first is the best kind of support she could get. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I don't think that would be the right decision, kid... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What do you know? I'm her boyfriend, not you. <</say>>
<<text>> Instead of responding to your jab, Grigoriy gives you the silent treatment. After a minute of silence, you give in to the pressure and make a phone call. <</text>>
<<btno WedHome3 stage 2>> Make a call <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Damn... She must be really busy. Oh well.<</say>>
<<text>>You stood up and packed the box into your backpack.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>This way I won't forget about it... Right Greg?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Sure. Are you going to try lucid dreaming today ?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, that was the plan. It's worked pretty well so far, except for that kidnapping.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug looked at you somewhat longingly.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'm interested in teaching you something bigger... Are you up for the challenge?<</say>>
<<btno GoSleep stage 0>> Hell yeah <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>>As you hang up, you realise that Grigoriy has been watching you for the entire duration of the call.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> What? I'm all right, don't worry about it. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> If you say so, kid. If there is a way I could help... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Actually, you can. I wanted to be lucid again. Do you have any tips on how to prevent another dreaming abduction? <</say>>
<<text>>The pug looked at you somewhat longingly.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Of course I can do that. But what if I told you I wanted to teach you something bigger? Would you be up to the challenge? <</say>>
<<btno GoSleep stage 0>> Hell yeah <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WdHm3CallRiley to 1>>
<<text>>After a few beeps, you can hear a familiar voice answer to you.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Hello? $mc, that's you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, hi Riley. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm good, thanks. It's great that you've called, I've needed to talk with you too. It's important.<</say>>
<<text>>You could hear a faint scent of worry in Riley's voice.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ehm... Okay?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You've forgot to bring back the box from the hot compress...<</say>>
<<btno WedHome3 stage 1>> Really? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck! No way...<</say>>
<<text>>You turn your head over to the kitchen stool, and there it is, the box.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah... It's here, my bad. Should I bring it over right now?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No, I'm closing pretty soon. Can you get here by tomorrow?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'll get by in the morning.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>That would be great. Tomorrow I'll be having a check-up, so I'll be in big trouble if I'll get found out helping you by stealing stuff...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, it'll be fine. I promise.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>OK... I'll be waiting. See you tomorrow!<</say>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<btno WedHome2 stage 4>> Hang up the phone <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $WdHm3CallKait to 1>>
<<text>> You finish dialing Kait's number on your phone and make a call. After waiting for what feels like a dozen seconds, listening to the same beeps, you finally hear a human voice. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">> Hello. I’m not here right now, so leave a message! Make it short, make it sweet, or I’ll have to press delete. <</say>>
<<someone someone "A Phone" nico>> *Beep* <</someone>>
<<text>> The sound of Kait's happy voice had you on the verge of tears. The sheer difference in the tone of her voice in this pre-incident recording and the way she spoke yesterday fuelled your desire for revenge even more. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Um... Kait, it's $mc. Just wondering how you're doing. I hope your dad is feeling better... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> But don't worry, I'm going to fix things. Just like I promised. Just... Keep it up until then. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Kait growing 💚 <</text>>
<<btno WedHome2 stage 5>> Hang up the phone <</btno>>
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $SleepRng to random(1, 4)>>
<<say $mc>>Of course.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Come with me then, I need to check my notes first.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few seconds of searching, the pug pushed out a book from the corner he was sleeping in and put on a pair of glasses.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/mops31-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Here. Before the successful lucid dreaming experience, first - one must focus on a person they wish to encounter... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's easy, I'll just... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> ...And that person, as well as the place, should be something one can picture vividly. Otherwise the mind will be unstable and lucidity wouldn't occur. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> God damn... All right, I'll try. <</say>>
<<if $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Considering you've got that hot Val picture, she'd be a sure-fire target. <</say>>
<<text>>Who should you focus on today?<</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep stage $stage+1+"a">> Val <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 2>> Savannah <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 3>> Riley <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $SleepValue1 to "Val">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'll be thinking about Val for now.<</say>>
<<text>>You closed your eyes and an image of Val wearing fancy lingerie popped out in your mind.<</text>>
<<imgv "gallery/val-gallery.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What's next?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Second, one would need to imagine a place that dream will be happening in. <<if $ValSide0 is 1>>Since you've been there today, I would recommend that you choose her home.<</if>><</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, then I'll try...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep stage 4>> Her house <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 5>> A bar <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 6>> Massage parlor <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $SleepValue1 to "Savannah">>
<<say $mc>>I'll be thinking about Savannah...<</say>>
<<text>>You closed your eyes and a picture of your boss in her... Um... uniform popped into your mind. <</text>>
<<imgv "gallery/savannah-gallery.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What's next?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Second, one would need to imagine a place that dream will be happening in.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, this time I'll try...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep stage 4>> Her house <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 5>> A bar <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 6>> Massage parlor <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $SleepValue1 to "Riley">>
<<say $mc>>Hm, I'll go with Riley for today...<</say>>
<<text>>You closed your eyes and a picture of a voluptuous woman in a red outfit flashed up in your mind.<</text>>
<<imgv "gallery/riley-gallery.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What's next?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Second, one would need to imagine a place that dream will be happening in.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, this time I'll try...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep stage 4>> Her house <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 5>> A bar <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep stage 6>> Massage parlor <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $SleepValue2 to "House">>
<<say $mc>>Let it be a house.<</say>>
<<text>> You picture a flat in your head.<</text>>
<<img "act1/bartender3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>OK... And now?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Finally, one has to state their intent before going to sleep. This one should be easy enough, yeah?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yep. Fucking it is.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good, now do some meditation on it before you fall asleep. Just as usual.<</say>>
<<btno GoSleep stage "start">> All right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $SleepValue2 to "Bar">>
<<say $mc>>It can be a bar maybe...<</say>>
<<text>>You attempt to picture a cozy bar in your head. It doesn't take too much effort.<</text>>
<<img "act1/bartender1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>OK... And now?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Finally, one has to state their intent before going to sleep. This one should be easy enough, yeah?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yep. Fucking it is.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good, now do some meditation on it before you fall asleep. Just as usual.<</say>>
<<btno GoSleep stage "start">> All right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $SleepValue2 to "Massage">>
<<say $mc>>What about a massage salon? I'll try that.<</say>>
<<text>>An image of a massage parlor pops out in your head. Watching a lot of doramas engraved its image deep in your mind.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream31-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>OK... And now?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Finally, one has to state their intent before going to sleep. This one should be easy enough, yeah?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yep. Fucking it is.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good, now do some meditation on it before you fall asleep. Just as usual.<</say>>
<<btno GoSleep stage "start">> All right <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<text>>You sit on your bed in a swastikasana and make sure to align all of your chakras right. Just the way you saw it on the TV.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream32-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>So, what's different about this method from the one I was using before?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Greg?<</say>>
<<text>>But the pug was already deep asleep in his corner of the room.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'll guess I'll soon see for myself...<</say>>
<<if $SleepValue1 is "Val" && $SleepValue2 is "House" && $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage 0>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
<<btno Dream0 stage $SleepRng>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> ...And now you're awake. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Huh? Fuck, it didn't work at all... <</say>>
<<text>> After a few minutes of gazing at the ceiling and collecting your thoughts, you are on your feet once more. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Greg? You're up? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Hrrr... Urf. <</say>>
<<img "act1/mops3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The Pug was deep asleep, snorting without a care in the world. And judging by his hard-on, he didn't have any problems getting lucid himself. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, he's the one having a good time... What a dog.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 3>> Go to the kitchen <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Man, it's getting late... I'd better hurry, I don't want to keep her waiting. <</say>>
<<text>>You were walking down a deserted street in the middle of the night and the moon was full, casting an eerie glow on everything around.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream6-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Honey... You... want a... share...?<</someone>>
<<text>> You looked around, trying to locate the source of a faint whisper as you stopped in your tracks. It seemed to be coming from a dark alley. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Share of what? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Whatever... want... I'll give... <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream1 stage 1>> Sounds good <</btn>>
<<btn Dream1 stage 11>> Fuck this <</btn>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 1>>
<<btns ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> Wake up <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>That's pretty fun...<</say>>
<<text>>You were walking around at a carnival, enjoying your way through the maze of tents and empty rides. The air was thick with the smell of cotton candy and popcorn, and the sounds of laughter were giving you an earful.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>But... Where are all the people? I can hear them laughing, but...<</say>>
<<text>>Your attention is caught by a voice echoing from one of the tents. However, you have no idea who it is.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>>Welcome to the 8 o'Clock Circus! Gentlemen, do you want to venture on a fun trip? Look at some of our clowns, perhaps? <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream2 stage 1>> Sure <</btn>>
<<btn Dream2 stage 11>> Nah, I'm good <</btn>>
<<if $Dream2Complete is 1>>
<<btns ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> Wake up <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>No wonder she's spending so much time at work... Her home is in dire need of renovation.<</say>>
<<text>>The flat looked like it had been abandoned for years, the windows boarded up and the paint peeling off in large chunks. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>The real owner should be somewhere inside... I guess I'll begin preparing for the exoricism in advance.<</say>>
<<text>>As you step through the creaky front door, thick air with the scent of decay begins filling your lungs. <</text>>
<<img "act1/dream10-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa, what the... This place is enormous! <</say>>
<<text>>You can feel the pulse of malevolent energy coming from every corner of the building. And yet there were no obvious signs of anything otherwordly in sight. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream3 stage 1>> Investigate the room <</btn>>
<<if $Dream3Complete is 1>>
<<btns ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> Wake up <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Where is she?<</say>>
<<text>>You were getting tired of sitting in a bar that was half empty, waiting for your fiancée to show up.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder what happened... She wouldn't have ghosted me without calling first...<</say>>
<<text>>As you downed another glass of whisky, you tried to look at the clock on the wall of the bar. Even with your blurry vision you could see that Kait was at least two hours late.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, and I've been waiting years for her to come to my town... What a great first date it is.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Feeling lonely, sunshine?<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream4 stage 1>> Huh? <</btn>>
<<if $Dream4Complete is 1>>
<<btns ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> Wake up <</btns>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Man, it's getting late... I'd better hurry, I don't want to keep her waiting. <</say>>
<<text>>You were walking down a deserted street in the middle of the night and the moon was full, casting an eerie glow on everything around.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Honey... You... want a... share...?<</someone>>
<<text>> You looked around, trying to locate the source of a faint whisper as you stopped in your tracks. It seemed to be coming from a dark alley. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Share of what? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Whatever... want... I'll give... <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream1 stage 1>> Sounds good <</btn>>
<<btn Dream1 stage 11>> Fuck this <</btn>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 1>>
<<btns>> <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> Hell, no. My mum always told me to stay away from shady alleyways and not to take sweets from strangers. <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> No... Back... Please... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Cheers, stranger! <</say>>
<<text>> You continued on your way to your very important meeting, feeling proud that you had resisted temptation. Soon you'll be able to reunite with your childhood crush and live happily ever after... <</text>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> Souds legit. Why not?<</say>>
<<text>>The curiosity overcame your moment's hesitation, and you moved into the alley.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>You're... a brave... Good.<</someone>>
<<text>> The faint whispering was getting louder and louder. But at the same time, you begin to notice that there is some kind of distortion in her voice. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Almost there... Around the corner... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Which one though? <</say>>
<<text>> The alley came to a fork in the road and you stood there, waiting for further instructions that never came. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Looks like I'll have to decide for myself... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream1 stage 21>> Turn left <</btn>>
<<btn Dream1 stage 2>> Turn right <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<text>> Instead of a woman in distress, you're greeted by the familiar-looking wall. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream15-image.jpg">>
<<text>> This alone makes you feel uneasy, and when you turn to look around, you're greeted by the well known faces. <</text>>
<<say "Asshole">>Oh bugger. Don't you fucking learn? I've told you that you really shouldn' trust strangers. <</say>>
<<text>> Dick's henchmen emerge from the shadows of the alley and pin you against the wall once more. <</text>>
<<btno Dream1 stage 22>> C'mon... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 22>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, not again... <</say>>
<<say "Twat">> Don't even think about trying to run now - your chance is gone. <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Ha-ha... All of this has only happen' because you have let it happen. This is all your fault, mate. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell are you talking about? <</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> I'm sayin' It's time to wake up and get fucked. <</say>>
<<text>> The fist of the bastard connects with your solar plexus and the whole world goes blank, until... <</text>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Amazing... You took the right turn. You'll be well rewarded for that... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... The closer I get, the creepier it gets... Who are you?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Just come... And I will make you cum.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well... Hope it'll be worth it.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning the next corner, you finally see the source of all the whispering.
<<img "act1/dream5-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Hooded Woman" kendra>>You want it?<</someone>>
<<text>> You can't quite make out woman's figure because of the shadows and her cloak, but her blue eyes shining as bright as a star.<</text>>
<<btno Dream1 stage 3>> Hell yeah <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> Oh please... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Hooded Woman" kendra>>Wonderful. Then I don't need this one no more...<</someone>>
<<text>> As she spoke these words, a sudden gust of wind ripped off her cloak. The woman's true form was revealed.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What the fuck are you?!<</say>>
<<someone monster "Creepy Woman" kendra>> Don't be shy, I'll serve you right away. After I'm finished breaking these damned... <</someone>>
<<text>> The sound of metal screeching pierced your ears as you watched the chains that forced her to tear piece by piece. <</text>>
<<btno Dream1 stage 4>> Run! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck this! <</say>>
<<text>> You try to escape, turning and running as fast as you can. But it doesn't take long before you feel something heavy hit you in the back, sending you tumbling forward. <</text>>
<<someone monster "Creepy Woman" kendra>> Oh, clumsy me... Hope you're strong enough not to die from this... <</someone>>
<<text>> You can feel the creature's strong arms grab you as it flips you over like a pancake. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Argh... Fuck... <</say>>
<<text>> When you open your eyes, you notice that your trousers have been torn off and that the creature is now staring hungrily at your cock. <</text>>
<<someone monster "Creepy Woman" kendra>>It's been a while since I've had the chance to enjoy something so powerful...<</someone>>
<<img "act1/dream3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Aah... Get the fuck away! <</say>>
<<text>> But the monster doesn't move, and you feel her cold lips touching your foreskin, as if she were getting an aperitif. Before you could add anything else, she devoured it whole, leaving you with nothing but... <</text>>
<<set $Dream1Complete to 1>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>That's pretty fun...<</say>>
<<text>>You were walking around at a carnival, enjoying your way through the maze of tents and empty rides. The air was thick with the smell of cotton candy and popcorn, and the sounds of laughter were giving you an earful.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>But... Where are all the people? I can hear them laughing, but...<</say>>
<<text>>Your attention is caught by a voice echoing from one of the tents. However, you have no idea who it is.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>>Welcome to the 8 o'Clock Circus! Gentlemen, do you want to venture on a fun trip? Look at some of our clowns, perhaps? <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream2 stage 1>> Sounds fun <</btn>>
<<btn Dream2 stage 11>> Nah <</btn>>
<<if $Dream2Complete is 1>>
<<btns>> <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> No, I'm not interested in clowns. I prefer the rides, they're the best. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>> That's rude! You must be unfit to become our clown... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> I don't remember agreeing to becoming one anyway. I'm here to have fun. End of story. <</say>>
<<text>> You were starting to feel ridiculed, shouting back and forth with a person you couldn't even see. It was starting to get too silly. The stranger's behaviour changed as soon as this thought crossed your mind. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>> Ah, it's good either way! You have done well so far... Enjoy your stay. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> All right, weirdo... <</say>>
<<text>> You spent the rest of the evening having fun, going on merry-go-rounds and the like. By the end of it all, your memory had begun to crumble in on itself, until... <</text>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Clowns? Could be fun, I guess...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>>Come inside then. I'm sure you'll enjoy our show, and your face will grow a big smile after sniffing our clowns...<</someone>>
<<text>> Hearing this, you pause before entering the tent.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That doesn't exactly inspire confidence in me... Who am I talking to anyway?<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>>My name doesn't matter. But I hope you wouldn't mind sniffing the wrists of our beautiful Silent Girl.<</someone>>
<<btno Dream2 stage 2>> All right... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> Wel... We'll see about that.<</say>>
<<text>> But as you walk deeper into the tent, you notice a female arlequin gesturing towards you. She gives you a wink as you look over. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey there... What's up?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Silent Girl" kendra>>*Gestures for you to come closer, while pretending to draw a heart in the air with another hand.* <</someone>>
<<img "act1/dream16-image.jpg">>
<<text>>The pink outline of the heart keeps hanging in the air, and the arlequin pierces it with another drawing - a funny-looking arrow.<</text>>
<<btno Dream2 stage 3>> Cool! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>That's some draftsmanship... I have never seen anything like it before.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Silent Girl" kendra>>*Lets out a chuckle and mimics the blowing of a kiss.*<</someone>>
<<text>>The kiss continues to flow towards you, and you catch it, holding the still warm feeling of the arlequin's lips in your hand.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I wonder what I am going to do with it now... Want to guess?<</say>>
<<text>>Even through the pale colour, you could see girl's cheeks flush.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Silent Girl" kendra>>*Places her finger on her lips and makes a pulling motion, miming a passionate kiss.*<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream2 stage 41>> Go for a kiss <</btn>>
<<btn Dream2 stage 5>> Do something whacky <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 41>>
<<say $mc>> All right, I get you... <</say>>
<<text>> Letting go of her drawing of a kiss, you walk towards the arlequin in order to get a real one instead, When your lips touch, you can feel the girl trying to push you away, although without any real force behind it. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What, you didn't like my technicue? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>> Don't mind her, $mc. She's just disappointed in you and herself. Isn't that right, darling? <</someone>>
<<text>> The mime takes a few steps back and holds her hand in a pleading motion, while you look around in search of the speaker. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Cut that out, that was a great show. <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>> Oh, I beg your pardon, but I disagree. Someone like you, who can't tell the difference between clowning and clowning, should leave this place immediately. <</someone>>
<<btno Dream2 stage 42>> Fuck you <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 42>>
<<say $mc>> Hey, I'm not going to leave this girl vulnerable here... <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>> Weird, I don't remember asking your opinion. Silent Girl, do me a favour. <</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Silent Girl" kendra>>*Gives you a courtesy nod, but then claps hands together*<</someone>>
<<text>> But before the sound of her clap could reach your ears, you felt the ground dissaper from bellow your feet. After another moment passed, you found yourself flying down a hole in complete darkness. <</text>>
<<img "act1/image5-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>> Shit! <</say>>
<<text>> A few more seconds and you'd be splattered all over the floor, you were sure that your end was near. You had no choice but to wait for this moment. And you waited and waited until finally... <</text>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>>As your head began to feel lighter with each passing second, you felt really funny watching this girl pretend. You decide to do something really weird in return for her. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>I think I have a better idea.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a few steps closer to the arlequin, you pull out your cock, smearing the image of a kiss all over it's girth. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>You'd better get to work, girl. I was promised a show... Don't make me do all the acting.<</say>>
<<text>>You could see a surprised grimace appear on Silent Girl's face for a second. But after a few moments of hesitation, she dropped to her knees regardless.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Silent Girl" kendra>>*Puts her fingers in the air, as if trying to measure the length of your cock. Then, gives you an impressed look.*<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Dream2 stage 6 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>>At that moment, you could have sworn you heard a demonic giggle. But you didn't care. With a quick movement of her hand, the Silent Girl invites you to remove your clothing.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I guess it'll be easier to go on like this...<</say>>
<<text>>The instant you remove your jeans, an arlequin's hands and lips get wrapped around your cock, busy with work.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit...<</say>>
<<text>>You felt her wet, long tongue wrap around your tip in a way you never thought possible. All the while her skilled hands continued to play with your balls and shaft.<</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Dream2 stage 7 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Girl, sl... slow down, I'm about to...<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing this, the arlequin's movements became more precise and skilful. You couldn't hold it any longer. But right at the finish line, she removed took a step down and you had to finish the job yourself. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Ah... Damn... Huh!<</say>>
<<text>>The hot cum shot all over the arlequin's face. You could see the drops forming on her cheeks and dripping down onto her beautiful body. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start5.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Ha...<</say>>
<<btno Dream2 stage 8>> Rest for a bit <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>>Unable to move a single muscle, you dropped motionless on the floor. The ejaculation had taken all the strength from your body. Silent Girl was sitting nearby, happily licking the remains of your semen from her skin.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>>Good work, Silent Girl. You've gor yet another clown incorporated into our family. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? What... Who are you? <</say>>
<<someone someone "Shady Voice" dick>> I'm your new BFF! Now let me see you smile, $mc... <</someone>>
<<text>> You use the remainder of your strength to turn towards the speaker, as your face morphs into a grimace of pure horror.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream29-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What the fuck?! A monster?<</say>>
<<someone clown "Distorted Clown" dick>>Tsk. That smile won't do. How are you supposed to bring joy in the lives of others with a mug like this?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, I... Eh...<</say>>
<<someone clown "Distorted Clown" dick>>Don't worry about it. You're one of us now, as a part of the family. I'll carve you a new one...<</someone>>
<<text>>A monster takes a wide swing with a ritual dagger in his hand, and the sharp pain explodes in your cheeks. But he is not satisfied with a result, and his blade touches your skin for the second time...<</text>>
<<set $Dream2Complete to 1>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>No wonder she's spending so much time at work... Her home is in dire need of renovation.<</say>>
<<text>>The flat looked like it had been abandoned for years, the windows boarded up and the paint peeling off in large chunks. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>The real owner should be somewhere inside... I guess I'll begin preparing for the exoricism in advance.<</say>>
<<text>>As you step through the creaky front door, thick air with the scent of decay begins filling your lungs. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa, what the... This place is enormous! <</say>>
<<text>>You can feel the pulse of malevolent energy coming from every corner of the building. And yet there were no obvious signs of anything otherwordly in sight. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Dream3 stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $Dream3Complete is 1>>
<<btns>> <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> There must be some bones or ectoplasm left if this place... Of course if it's trully possesed. <</say>>
<<text>> You begin meticulously check every nook and cranny of the room. But no matter how hard you try, the place looks like a regular abandoned house. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I must be missing something... I'll check it again. <</say>>
<<text>> After a few more hours of work, you began feeling annoyed. Maybe she was wrong about and mistook the sounds of bones claping for rats or something. Or... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Was she just messing with me all along? No... No way. I know how to lure those fuckers out...<</say>>
<<text>> The frustrarion clouded your mind, obscuring your better judgement, compelling to make a grave, rookie mistake. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hey ghosts! Or whoever is living here! Eat my dick and suck my balls! If you're as all powerfull as you are, that shouldn't be a problem, right? <</say>>
<<text>> But contrary to your expectation - nothing happened. Only the silence was your answer. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>> Screw you guys, I'm going home. <</say>>
<<text>> The early sight greets you as you return to the entrance. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> I swear this door hasn't been painted over before... <</say>>
<<img "act1/dream17-image.jpg">>
<<text>> The painted words look like they've been scribbled on the wooden frame at least a few years ago. However, you have no choice but to push the door open. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> It doesn't budge. What the hell... How do I get out now? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> What, you're not interested in being eaten out anymore? <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>> Who's talking? <</say>>
<<text>> You turn quickly on your heels and see an intruder in front of you. It is a woman in her mid-twenties. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Let me show you what I can do with this mouth of mine...<</someone>>
<<img "act1/dream28-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>> Jesus... I mean, hey, I don't mind, but,,, <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>> Time for a taste test! <</someone>>
<<img "act1/dream27-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>> Agrh! <</say>>
<<text>> The last thing you feel is the cold steel of the woman's jaws as they dig deep into your neck, until finally it's... <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> Where you'd swear was a dead end before, now was a gaping hole of a doorway. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> How did I not notice this before? <</say>>
<<text>> With nothing better to do, you spent the next few dozen minutes wandering through the halls, venturing deeper and deeper into the labyrinthine maze of endless walls. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not getting anywhere this way... But what about these stairs? Or maybe this door...<</say>>
<<imgv "act1/dream18-image.jpg">>
<<text>>You could feel the source of evil getting closer. Something that must have haunted this place for years, if not centuries. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So this place is haunted after all... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<say $mc>> Let's see what's hidden here... <</say>>
<<text>>The moment the door opened, it seemed to suck in everything around it until nothing remained but pure darkness. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>And here I was, hoping for some kind of clue...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Aaah! Oh yeah, baby... Keep it going!<</someone>>
<<text>>The voice sounded like a thousand whispers and, in an instant, your mind was filled with all kinds of incomprehensible images.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream1-image.gif">>
<<someone someonew "Female Skeleton" kendra>>Oh yeah baby... Hold it still... I'm almost... Ah!<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Male Skeleton" dick>>*Clack* *bong*... *Crack*<</someone>>
<<say $mc>> This is weird. What's going on? <</say>>
<<text>> The sight before your eyes was far too strange to be real. As you ponder this question, you begin to feel your grip on reality loosen until it inevitably slips away... <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>>As you climb the endless staircase, with each step you take, you can feel the air getting colder and colder.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Just how high am I?<</say>>
<<text>>Bothered by this question, you look down. Somehow, you've ended up right on top of the room you were earlier in.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream12-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What did I get myself into? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 31>>
<<say $mc>> I'd better climb down while I can. <</say>>
<<text>> Weturing down the stairs was a much easier ordeal than climbing them. Hovewer, when you came back into the lobby. the deep night fallen over the place. <</text>>
<<img "act1/dream11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Christ... How can this be... Wasn't it morning before? <</say>>
<<text>> Menacing sound breaks this train of thought of yours. It appears to be coming from the door near the stairs. You feel as if something begins pulling on you and being unable to resist the urge, you pull on a doorknob. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> It seems that something really wants me to stay away. The source must be upstairs. <</say>>
<<text>> You continue your assend for what feels like eternity. Out of breath, you lean on a porch, and throw a look down the stairs once more. <</text>>
<<img "act1/dream9-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Bloody hell... It's getting dark now. The owner must be ready to show itself. <</say>>
<<text>> After a few more minutes of climbing. you finaly reach the summit. Greeting you. stands an ominous looking dark-wood door with a skull in place of a doorknob. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> This is it... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>>You took a few steps forward and let the darkness absorb you. After that the world changed it's shape for what felt like a thousand times, untill you've found yourself in a dimly lit room.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> This must be it. Finally. <</say>>
<<text>> Looking around you notice a hooded figure, standing still in the cordner of the room. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start.mp4">>
<<text>> This must be the real owner of this place. The owner. who needs to be exorcised at all costs. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> It looks like I've found a... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>> Witch! <</say>>
<<text>> Grabbing her on a shoulder, you drop the hooded woman on the floor, ready to cast prayers and throw crosses. <</text>>
<<say "Witch">> That was rude... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> By the power of the Christ, I condone you, wench, for your sins! Leave before you experience the divine judgement! <</say>>
<<say "Witch">> Now, now, don't yell at me like that. Those prayers won't help you anyway. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Save your breath, you worthless scum! <</say>>
<<text>> But your could see that she was telling the truth. Despite your attemts, her form stayed in pefect shape. Witch's velouptios body was brimming with life, her breats bigger then most of the nun's at your Cathedral. <</text>>
<<say "Witch">> How about we do this instead, Father... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> You succubi... You think you have what it takes? <</say>>
<<text>> So far the witch was playing right into your hand. This was the best chance you had to take down someone like her under the circumstances you've faced. <</text>>
<<say "Witch">>Of course I do... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Witch">> Oh yeah, I can feel the sweet taste of the holy pussy coming from your dick... You must be really enjoying spending downtime with your nuns... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Stop this blasphemy! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say "Witch">> Mhm... I can feel that you're throbbing a bit already... It must suck being a templar of the holy right? Can't plow any pussy you want... <</say>>
<<text>> Just as you had planned, the witch didn't seem to suspect anything. Your training in cuming quickly was about to be put to good use. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Don't try... To tempt me! My faith is... <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Witch">> Stop this bravado. I can clearly see that your dick is enjoying this a lot. <</say>>
<<text>> The witch started to fiddle with your balls as your sloppy wet cock slapped her forehead, finally letting her guard down. But you still had to make sure your cum got inside her. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn Dream3 stage $stage+1>> Investigate the room <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn Dream3 stage $stage+1>> Continue investigation <</btn>>
<<btn Dream3 stage 11>> Leave the house <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn Dream3 stage 21>> Open the door <</btn>>
<<btn Dream3 stage $stage+1>> Go upstairs <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn Dream3 stage 31>> Return downstairs <</btn>>
<<btn Dream3 stage $stage+1>> Continue the climb <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn Dream3 stage $stage+1>> Walk into the lair <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn Dream3 stage $stage+1>> Grab her <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btns Dream3 stage "start" 30 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 11>>
<<btn Dream3 stage 12>> Who is it? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 12>>
<<btn ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 21>>
<<btn ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 31>>
<<btn Dream3 stage 21>> Open the door <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns Dream3 stage "start1" 70 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btne Dream3-1 stage 0>> Cum <</btne>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Where is she?<</say>>
<<text>>You were getting tired of sitting in a bar that was half empty, waiting for your fiancée to show up.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder what happened... She wouldn't have ghosted me without calling first...<</say>>
<<text>>As you downed another glass of whisky, you tried to look at the clock on the wall of the bar. Even with your blurry vision you could see that Kait was at least two hours late.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, and I've been waiting years for her to come to my town... What a great first date it is.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Feeling lonely, sunshine?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? Oh...<</say>>
<<text>>You turn to the sound of te voice and see an attractive bar girl wearing nothing but a purple bikini. For some reason you couldn't quite make out her face.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Khm... yes, a bit lonely, yes I am.<</say>>
<<text>>Despite your nervous and slightly drunken mumbling, the girl approached your table and smiled.<</text>>
<<someone crystal "Stripper" kendra>>Do you mind if I join you?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 110>>
<<say $mc>>No, sorry, I'm waiting for my girlfriend. She would kill me if she saw me talking to a stripper... Sorry, I meant speaking to another girl.<</say>>
<<someone crystal "Stripper" kendra>>Wow. She sounds very possessive.<</someone>>
<<text>>Her voice sounded both disappointed and devilishly suggestive.<</text>>
<<someone crystal "Stripper" kendra>>Well, since she's not here right now, what if we...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>No, sorry. I just remembered... I have to go now.<</say>>
<<text>>Knowing that you would not be able to resist her further advances, you hurried out the door.<</text>>
<<someone crystal "Stripper" kendra>>>Oh...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 111>>
<<text>>As you stormed out of the door, you breathed in the fresh night air with the whole of your chest. <</text>>
<<img "act1/dream6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>This girl was nice, she should be able to find someone else... <</say>>
<<text>>You checked the time on your phone and continued to wait.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>But I have Kait. I can't betray her trust.<</say>>
<<text>>The thought of you being a proud and honest boyfriend began to calm your mind. And you stood there, filled with a sense of gratitude for the girlfriend you had. You knew she would come, as long as you waited...<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. What's your name?<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Call me... Crystal.<</say>>
<<text>>You've felt the sour taste of alcohol in your nose as you've managed to hold back a laugh at such an obvious name. To hide your still smiling face, you decide to take another sip of whisky.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>What, is my name funny? I thought it was pretty common here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Kh-kha... Well, it's only common if you're a slut, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Crystal gave you a sharp look after hearing your excuse.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>And what makes you think I'm not?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know. It's just not the first thing that comes to mind when I see a woman...<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>...Who's walking around the bar at night butt-naked? You're funny.<</say>>
<<text>>Saying that, Crystal smiled and let out a chuckle. <</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Don't be so tense, sunshine. By the way, can I have a shot of your drink?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. Take it, but be careful - it's a tough one...<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could finish your sentence, Crystal had nonchalantly taken the glass and downed it in one big gulp.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>I've had tougher things in my life, if you know what I mean.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I guess that's true... After all, you're stuck working in a place like this...<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>That's not what I meant, sweetie. I like my jobs just fine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then... Why? Don't you feel objectified by the every horndog in this place?<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Oh, I do feel it all right...<</say>>
<<text>>Crystal bit her lip and began to group her tits with her eyes closed.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Whenever I walk into a room, all the men start undressing me with their hungry eyes... At that moment they think of nothing else but how it would feel to fill me up...<</say>>
<<text>>You could see Crystal's arm moving under the table, you could guess that she was starting to feel her fresh and juicy pussy.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>This power that I have is what drives me. I could make a man like you do my bidding with nothing more than a single touch.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Then why are you talking to me? You should be looking for a new suggardaddy or something.<</say>>
<<text>>Crystal's brow furrowed a little and she opened her eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>I'm not some cheap Instagram whore. I don't fuck just anyone, and I enjoy my independence as well. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I can see that now.<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>As for why I'm talking to you... Let's just say you've piqued my interest.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is that so... <</say>>
<<text>>You poured some more whisky into your glass and played with your hand.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How about we go somewhere else? Where we can get to know each other better. That should satisfy your interest, right?<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Oooh... Sounds great. I'll change and come back, sunshine, it's cold outside.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Well, since Kait hasn't come yet... She probably ghosted me anyway. In any case, I have every right to have my own fun.<</say>>
<<text>>Busy with these thoughts, you didn't notice when a familiar man walked over to your table.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>Yo, $mc! Didn't expect to see you here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Idris? What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Chilling with my boys, what else.<</say>>
<<text>>Now you can see the big crowd behind him.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>What about you?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'm waiting for Kate. We have a date and she's a bit late.<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Ooh, you've found yourself a friend? Can you introduce us?<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Shiet... Who is this little girl? <</say>>
<<text>>Idris and his boys's looks devoured Crystal, who was now wearing a leopard body and a white mini-skirt. You could see her face getting a little flustered by all the male attention she was getting.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Oh, I'm Crystal. I work part-time in this bar...<</say>>
<<text>>But you could see that Idris wasn't even listening to her, he was too busy checking out her firm breasts and long legs.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>Yeah, that's cool. Tell me, girl, do you like to have fun?<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>...Of course I do. <</say>>
<<text>>Crystal took a few steps closer to Idris, all the male attention clearly going to her head.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>>You decided to intervene while you still had the chance.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Idris, I was the first one here.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>What do you mean, bro?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Crystal is mine to take, you know the rules.<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Then prove it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Prove what?<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>That you'll take her instead of being a pussy.<</say>>
<<text>> Even drunk, you knew you couldn't take that kind of disrespect. You had to show him whose property Crystal was. <</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Guys I think I should be the one who...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>Shut up. Get on the fucking bar table, I'm not getting bested by him again.<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Wh... Wait!<</say>>
<<text>>Crystal's eyes darted around the room as all the men's eyes were fixed on her body. Feeling the pressure, she began to undress.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Alright, I'll do it...<</say>>
<<text>>The woman stood on all fours on the table and one of the Idris boys began to lubricate her. <</text>>
<<say "Idris">>Show me, $mc. Show me that you're a real man and not some bitch from the gutter.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<text>>The next second you were standing there bare naked and with a single jump you had positioned yourself on top of the Crystal's butt.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Not in the ass!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shut your trap.<</say>>
<<text>>You felt the pressure of Crystal's asshole against your tip. Feeling it, you knew it was lubricated enough for you to enter safely.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Aaah! N... No! So big...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's only the tip. Keep still if you don't want to get hurt.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say "Crystal">>Shit! Ugh...<</say>>
<<text>>Your whole dick was swallowed up by the girl's asshole and you began to speed up. Her tight innards gave way with every thrust and pull.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream20-image.webp">>
<<say "Crystal">>Ahh! Fuck! Oh yeah! Yes!<</say>>
<<text>>Crystal finally dropped the act and showed her true slutty face, unable to withstand your sheer girth. She must have had a few orgasms by now, you could feel her legs shaking.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>God damn! Go, brother, go! <</say>>
<<text>>The cheers of the crowd began to fill the room and someone even pushed a couple of fingers inside Crystal's swollen pussy. The movement alone made her scream with pleasure.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream21-image.webp">>
<<say "Crystal">>Fuuuck! Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me... Ahhh! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You hungry anal slut... That's not all!<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Please fuck my pussy too! Pound my slutty pussy until you cum! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>All right...<</say>>
<<text>>Wondering how her pussy must feel after such a destructive anal ride, you quickly slide your cock out of her asshole and into her babymaker.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... She's writhing like crazy!<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Ah yeah! My little pussy is being filled by your cock! Fuck! Please cum! Give me your babies!<</say>>
<<text>>After another tight squeeze of Crystal's womb, you were no longer able to hold back your seed. Exploding with pleasure, your cum began to fill the girl's body until she was full, and the remaining sperm began to drip out.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream22-image.gif">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Go you, $mc. You did me proud. Right boys?<</say>>
<<someone someone "The Crowd">>Yeah!<</someone>>
<<text>>But you were too exhausted to react. You felt your tired body fall off the bar, being caught by Idris and his friends. Your thoughts began to slow down until...<</text>>
<<set $Dream4Complete to 1>>
<<elseif $stage is 71>>
<<say "Idris">>How about we all have a little fun then?<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>What do you mean...<</say>>
<<text>>For a second, you really wanted to interfere, but the feeling of gratitude towards Idris quickly pushed any selfish thought out of your mind. He deserves to enjoy himself.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>You know exactly what I mean, right boys?<</say>>
<<someone someone "The Crowd" dick>>Hell, yeah!<</someone>>
<<text>>The excited crowd began to grope Crystal's bottom, pushing her skirt higher and higher. By the looks of it, she was enjoying it too.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream25-image.webp">>
<<say "Crystal">>Guys, guys... Not all at once, please...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Yeah, just let me have a go at it first.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 711>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it. You do your thing, Idris, it's not like I was planning on going after her myself.<</say>>
<<text>>You got up and started walking towards the exit door, overwhelmed with frustration.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>What? Come on, man, I thought you were waiting for Kate!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And she didn't fucking come! <</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Shit...<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Come on guys, why stop now? Let's just...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Shut up and get lost, bitch. I'm not going to cuck my...<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to stay in this place any longer, you slammed the door behind you with such force that it drowned out the rest of Idris's speech. You moved wherever your legs would take you, you walked and walked and walked until....<</text>>
<<set $Dream4Complete to 1>>
<<elseif $stage is 72>>
<<text>>Idris quickly began to undress himself, while his crew helped Crystal to get rid of her clothes as well.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Guys, this shit is expensive! Don't rip my lingerie just to get to my pussy...<</say>>
<<someone someone "The Crowd" dick>>Go to the boss, bitch.<</someone>>
<<text>>One of the Idris's guys slapped Crystal's bottom so hard that his handprint was still visible after a few seconds. You could swear you saw some of the girl's juices squirt out of her wet pussy right onto the floor.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Ah! All right, all right!<</say>>
<<text>>Shit was getting crazy. And kinda hot, even.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 73>>
<<text>>Not being able to resist the temptation, you pulled your dick out and started to masturbate as you watched your brother entering Crystal's little hole.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Aaah! Black cocks are... The best... Fuuuck...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>You didn't even feel the half of it, bitch.<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Wh-what?<</say>>
<<text>>Genuine fear could be heard in the girl's voice, and as Idris pushed her deeper onto his massive member, she let out a scream.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream19-image.webp">>
<<say "Crystal">>Aaah! Fuck! This is going to kill me... You're tearing me up!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 74>>
<<say "Idris">>Well, it didn't do it yet. So keep your mouth shut and enjoy it.<</say>>
<<text>>Idris began to pick up the pace, ravaging Crystal's body with every thrust.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream24-image.webp">>
<<say "Crystal">>Ughh! Fuck, you're messing me up...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Hell yeah. Nobody's going to want to fuck your loose ass pussy by the time I'm done here...<</say>>
<<say "Crystal">>Shit! No! I... I!<</say>>
<<text>>Crystal's legs spasmed in another orgasm as she continued to moan out the words. You couldn't even tell what she was talking about, it was nothing more than the mumbling of a cock-crazed slut.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 75>>
<<say "Crystal">>Mmm... I don't care anymore... I just want to be your breeding machine...<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Oh yes, you are going to be one...<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel your cock throbbing in your hands, ready to explode. At the same time, Idris let out a heavy breath as he grabbed the girl by the neck.<</text>>
<<say "Crystal">>Ahh! Yes! Fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Idris">>Shiet! Hell yeah...<</say>>
<<text>>Both yours and Idris's cocks exploded at the same time. You could see Crystal writhing in orgasm as her pussy continued to pump out overflowing cum. <</text>>
<<img "act1/dream23-image.webp">>
<<say "Crystal">>Will you be... A father to my babies?<</say>>
<<text>>Crystal's voice sounded hopeful, but even as your mind began to drift, you knew the answer Idris would give her.<</text>>
<<say "Idris">>Fuck no bitch. I'll do what I do best. Run the fuck away.<</say>>
<<text>>You felt your conciousness slip away as the rooms exploded with laughter.<</text>>
<<set $Dream4Complete to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Huh? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Sure, baby <</btn>>
<<btn Dream4 stage 110>> No <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Well... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> It's a tough work <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Huh... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Sure <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> I'm on a date <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<if $WdHm17CashIdris isnot 1>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Hold up, she's mine <</btn>>
<<plugi "You feel indebted to Idris">> Hold up, she's mine <</plugi>>
<<btn Dream4 stage 71>> Wait and see what happens <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 8>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Shut up <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 9>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Get on top of her <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 10>>
<<btns Dream4 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Anal <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 11>>
<<btns Dream4 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 12>>
<<btn ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 110>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Walk out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 111>>
<<btn ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 71>>
<<btn Dream4 stage $stage+1>> Watch him do it <</btn>>
<<btn Dream4 stage 711>> Stop this <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 711>>
<<btn ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 72>>
<<btns Dream4 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Masturbate <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 73>>
<<btns Dream4 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Masturbate <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 74>>
<<btns Dream4 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 75>>
<<btn ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Take... This! <</say>>
<<text>> Your hot seed catches the witch by surpirise, and it splats all across her lips, with the most of it going down her throat. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> You're done! <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start3.mp4">>
<<text>> But you couldn't be further from the truth. Instead of burning to ashes, the witch continued to hold your ejacultaing cock in her hand, smearing the remainer of your cum all across her marked face. <</text>>
<<say "Witch">> Ah... This is the tastiest cum I've had... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How is this possible? I've drank nothing but holy water for the last 8 years! <</say>>
<<say "Witch">> So that's your secret formula, ha-ha... I hope you're ready to submit now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I came here to exorcise you, not to become your slave! <</say>>
<<btno Dream3-1 stage 1>> Fuck... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Witch">> Stupid mortal. Please tell me, how are you planning on exoricising me in a situation like this?<</say>>
<<text>> You knew that the ejaculation of the holy seed in her womb would end this madness once and for all. But first you'd have to get the witch to drop her guard. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well... I know a thing or two about things like you... I'm guesing your skeleton friends here don't have any meat left to chew on their bones if you catch my drift.<</say>>
<<text>> You slapped yourself on a chest and pointed to your trousers proudly.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How about you check out my boner instead? I bet it's a lot thicker than those baby bones over there.<</say>>
<<text>>The witch smiled, and you could see a dangerous gleam in her eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Witch">>That would be great. But first...<</say>>
<<btno Dream3-1 stage 2>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>The room went dark, and from the depths of the room shadows climbed over your body in the blink of an eye. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<text>>The tentacles created by this witch's will have taken hold of you. And they weren't planning on releasing you any time soon from the looks of it...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>This is kinky, I'll give you that... But the roles should be reversed, let me go and I'll show you how it's done.<</say>>
<<say "Witch">> Pft. Ha-ha... <</say>>
<<text>>It was your attempt at a joke, and in spite of everything, it worked. The witch burst out laughing and you could feel the tentacles loosening their grip on you. <</text>>
<<btno Dream3-1 stage 3>> Bait her <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Witch">> Oh yes... I can tell. We are going to have a lot of fun together... <</say>>
<<text>> Just a little further and you'll be able to exorcise this place once and for all. But you still need to convince her that you're not a threat. Acting stupid should work.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wow... Really? <</say>>
<<say "Witch">> No, I know you're playing me. But I'll be happy to fuck you...<</say>>
<<text>>In one swift motion, her cold hand tore through your belly, gripping your spine in an iron grip. You screamed as your blood began to fill your mouth. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Agrh! <</say>>
<<say "Witch">> ...When I've finished skeletonizing your flesh! <</say>>
<<text>> The next second, your entire body was obliterated in a flash <</text>>
<<img "act1/dream30-image.webp">>
<<text>> It happened so quickly that you caught a glimpse of some of your flesh flying off and turning to ash. Then, even your eyes were gone. You had no mouth left to scream, and yet...<</text>>
<<set $Dream3Complete to 1>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> ... <</btno>>
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Dev">> Hold it right there, you criminal scum! <</say>>
<<img "act1/start5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> Pft, I'm joking, man, you should have seen your face right now... Anyway, we wanted to tell you something important. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> If you continue, the "A Bar Date" quest featuring Val will disappear, and you'll be locked out of some of the content featuring her. <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Yes, go back to the map and play through it. Or not, the choice is yours. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Map0>> Go Back to the Map <</btn>>
<<btns WedHome0 stage 0 0 0>> Continue Regardless <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Dev">> Hold it right there, you criminal scum! <</say>>
<<img "act1/start5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> Pft, I'm joking, man, you should have seen your face right now... Anyway, we wanted to tell you something important. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> If you continue, the "A Wash" side-quest will disappear, and you'll be locked out of some of the content featuring there. <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Yes, go back to the map and play through it. Or not, the choice is yours. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Map0>> Go Back to the Map <</btn>>
<<if $ActOneFinal0 is undefined>>
<<btns ActOneFinal0 stage 0 0 0>> Continue Regardless <</btns>>
<<btns ActOneFinal2 stage 0 0 0>> Continue Regardless <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>After weeks of surveillance, finally you knew the movements of the woman who lived there. You had seen her come and go, watched her go about her daily life, and you knew that she was alone most of the time.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream35-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Today is the day...<</say>>
<<text>>The black balaklava warmed your face well, protecting it from unwanted vices as well as the cold gusts of wind.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>She must be alone tonight. That's the best chance I have...<</say>>
<<text>>Your movements were quick. Following the shadows, soon you stood directly in front of one of the widows.<</text>>
<<if $ValDream is undefined>>
<<say $mc>>Better to be safe than sorry...<</say>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Check your pokets <</btno>>
<<say $mc>>Better to be safe than sorry... Wait, I think I've seen this happen before! <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Check your pokets <</btn>>
<<btns ThusdMorning0 stage 2>> Wake up <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>After you had checked your pockets for the necessary things, you took out your trusty screwdriver and jammed it between a window and a wooden frame.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell... No matter how hard I try, it just won't budge.<</say>>
<<text>>Something strange caught your eye during your second attempt at breaking in. Your hands - they were cloudy. Once you realised that, you also realised that your skin was darker than usual.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream36-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Huh? The light must be playing tricks on me. Unless...<</say>>
<<text>>The reality hits you like a brick. A broad smile spreads across your face as you remember your conversation with Grigoriy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yes, it was a success!<</say>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Look at the window <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>You cast another glance at the glass and look at your reflection. Tonight you look like a member of a rough African-American gang. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream33-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... If it's Val who's in there, I can prank her like hell with a mug like that.<</say>>
<<text>>With the realisation that you're dreaming, you start to imagine how easy it would be to open a window like this one. The next time you try to pry it open, it glides smoothly to the top, as if it were covered in butter.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Even though it's not real, I can feel my heart pounding in anticipation... I've never broken into someone else's house before, but maybe this experience will help me in the future.<</say>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Climb inside <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>>You push your body through the window and quickly deactivate the alarms before they can detect you. But in the process, you knock down a glass from a bedside table.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream37-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Shit!<</say>>
<<text>>Despite your best efforts to catch it, the glass slips through your hands and shatters on the floor with a loud sound.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>There's no way she didn't hear that...<</say>>
<<text>>Confirming your suspicion, you soon heard someone's quick footsteps approaching, while the sleepy but alarmed voice muttered to itself.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Must've left the window open... That damned wild cat again.<</say>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Hide <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>>Waiting for a woman to check the room, they hid behind the shelf. She took her time, taking a careful look at the open window before she stepped in through the door frame.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">>Looks like she broke the glass this time too... Damn it. At least she ran back out into street when she heard me.<</say>>
<<text>>Val walked past your hiding place and closed the window again, then turned around. Since you had no other place to hide, you just stood there, hoping that she wouldn't notice your massive frame in a dark room.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Huh... What the hell? Who the fuck are you?!<</say>>
<<text>>Obviously that didn't work.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Umm...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>What the fuck are you doing in my house?!<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Come clean <</btn>>
<<btn ValDream0 stage 6>> Prank her <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Val, it's all right! It's me, $mc.<</say>>
<<text>>Tearing off the balaclava, you looked back at Val, hoping she would recognise your face.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>See?<</say>>
<<text>>Val looked at you sceptically, then crouched down in front of the broken glass.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>I had a hunch that you were going to try this. So this glass, is this your work too?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Honestly, I don't care. Just clean it up. I'll wait for you in a lounge, it's the least you can do after making me wet my pants.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right. My bad.<</say>>
<<btno ValScene1 stage 0>> Clear the floor <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $VlDrm0Prank to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I came for your money, but I don't mind taking you instead!<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Aaaah!<</say>>
<<text>>You tried to grab Val before she ran out of the room, but she was quicker than you'd expected and easily avoided your advances.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Fuck off! Catch me if you can.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You little...<</say>>
<<text>>Val darted into another room and you soon followed, and then she did it again, repeating the cycle. Soon you were out of breath.<</text>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Continue the chase <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>I'm going to fuck your... Brains out... You whore...<</say>>
<<text>>After a short breather, you broke through another door. This time you were momentarily blinded by the bright lights in the room.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ah! Fucking hell...<</say>>
<<text>>When you open your eyes again, you're greeted by the eerie sight. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/dream34-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">>It's over, dumbass.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sh-shit! Sto...<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could finish the sentence, you heard the loud thud of the hammer.<</text>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> ... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Val">>Pft. Ahahahaha!.. Ha...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding, you fall to your knees, desperately trying to catch your breath. The beating of your living heart is so loud that it feels like your head is about to explode.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Got you, $mc. What, did you think that was a real weapon?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What the fuck... You can't do that...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Hey, you started it. You know, for a second there, I really thought I was gonna get hurt. Before I saw how inept you are at running, ha.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It was... A simple... A joke...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>And I played with it a bit. Come on, don't be a baby.<</say>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> I'm not! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not. Fuck...<</say>>
<<text>>Val reached over and gave you a little kiss on the cheek. Then she hugged you over the shoulders and gave you a few slaps on the back.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>All right, all right. Maybe it was a bit too much. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe?..<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Yeah. Anyway, here's what we're going to do - I'm going to wait for you in a lounge and you're going to come there when you're ready. OK?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Fine.<</say>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Take a breather <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<text>>As your heart began to slow, you were finally able to start breathing again.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Things like this really put your life into perspective...<</say>>
<<text>>After a few more minutes you felt well enough to go into the lounge. Val was waiting for you there. From the looks of it, she had just come from the shower.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Feeling better now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>Val examined your face carefully and then let out a soft chuckle. <</text>>
<<say "Val">>Ha. That's good, $mc. I'm glad you're all right. But let me tell you something.<</say>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Huh? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>What?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Now you are in my debt. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, go fuck yourself. I'm not going to take it from someone who almost killed me.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>That was a toy gun...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and guess what's not a toy? My heart.<</say>>
<<text>> The room fell silent for a moment. Val was clearly feeling a little guilty about going too far with her prank, and you weren't going to go easy on her. <</text>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage $stage+1>> Stay silent <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>> After a couple of minutes had gone by, Val finally cracked. <</text>>
<<say "Val">>All right. Let's make amends instead. <</say>>
<<text>>Suddenly, Val jumped up from the couch she was resting on and took a few steps forward, stopping an arm's length from you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val13-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">>You made me think I was about to be violated with a big... thick... black... cock.<</say>>
<<text>>Deliberately pausing between words, Val bit her lip and looked towards your crotch. She was standing so close you could smell the fresh mixture of oils and gels oozing from Val's skin.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>How about we make this a reality?<</say>>
<<btno ValScene1 stage 2>> Oh yeah <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('ValScene1', true)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>After throwing the broken glass out the window, you walk into the lounge. Just as she said, Val is waiting for you. From the looks of it, she's just had a shower.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's done. Sorry about that, Val.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>About the glass or about me pissing myself?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Both... I think. <</say>>
<<text>>Val studied your face carefully and then let out a chuckle. <</text>>
<<say "Val">>Ha. I'm fucking with you, $mc. It's all right. But...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Val">>...Now you're in my debt. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? Why?<</say>>
<<text>>After getting up from the couch she was resting on, Val took a few steps forward, stopping an arm's length from you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val13-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">>You made me think I was about to be violated with a big... thick... black... cock.<</say>>
<<text>>Deliberately pausing between words, Val bit her lip and looked towards your crotch. She was standing so close you could smell the fresh mixture of oils and gels oozing from Val's skin.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>What are you going to do about it, I wonder?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<if $VlDrm0Prank isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>> Well, I could make this into reality. <</say>>
<<say "Val">>Oh... Then we wouldn't need those...<</say>>
<<text>>With some delibiration, Val began unzipping your trousers. That's when...<</text>>
<<say "Val">>My God! What on earth is that?<</say>>
<<text>>Girl stared in disbelief at your half-chubbed member and you could sence that her amaziment wasn't just another act.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Perfectly normal cock, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Oh God...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Val">>Fuck... Just how big is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I dunno, why don't you check it out in action instead?<</say>>
<<text>>But Val was too preoccupied with sizing up your hood.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Oh man... And it tastes so sweet...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start0">>
<<say $mc>>Finally we are getting to field testing... Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Mrhgm...<</say>>
<<text>>Val gave it her all, trying to deep throat your cock as far as she could...<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<text>>...But in the end she wasn't satisfied with the result and promptly slid off from it's girth, trying to catch a breath.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>So... Fucking... Big...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hope that didn't kill your courage. Because we are only getting started.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<if $sceneV4 isnot undefined && $cumw > 55>>
<<set $cumw to 55>>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Val">>Let me try this one more time...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Keep at it, girl. <</say>>
<<text>>Pushing her mouth onto your cock once again, Val began helping herself by stroking down the shaft.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... You're improving. That's for sure...<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of trying to respond to your compliment, Val smiled and some of your thick pre-cum dripped from between her lips.<</text>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 is 1 && $sceneV4 is undefined>>
<<say "Val">>God... I just love being choked with your dick... I'm getting so wet...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I'm getting hungrier for more.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>What a surprise...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Next, let's go for a...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Val">>I know that look... You want me to play with you balls, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Am I that easy to desipher?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>No, it's just that I was thinking the same thing...<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... The way you play with my tip...<</say>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 is 1 && $sceneV4 is undefined>>
<<say "Val">>You just can't stop thinking about how badly you want it to go in... Am I right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck yeah... I'm getting hungry.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>What a surprise. I feel the same way.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Can you guess what I want to do with you now?<</say>>
<<text>>After saying these words, you felt a momentary flash go through your eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Probably the same thing I want... Go, fuck my face $mc.<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Huh... You held out well...<</say>>
<<text>>For a few seconds, Val took a breather, the mix of her salive and your cock juices streaming down her cheeks.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>God... I just love being choked with your dick... I'm getting so wet...<</say>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 is 1 && $sceneV4 is undefined>>
<<say $mc>>And I'm getting hungrier for more.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>What a surprise... Me too.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Val">>Let's get into comfortable position then.<</say>>
<<text>>Val picked herself up and went on a yellow couch. She sat on it in a way, so that her asscheeks were spread wide and both of her wet holes were covered with nothing but the tiny piece of fabric.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">>Can you see how you've got me? I think you have some responibility to take now...<</say>>
<<text>>But you were tired of this coy foreplay. You could easily see through Val's clever disguise.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Responibility? Fuck no. Say it like it is.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Huh, but... Come on, I know you want it too...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Say it.<</say>>
<<text>>You could see the conflicting emotions on Val's face. On one hand, she really wanted your big meaty stick inside her now, but on the other hand she just couldn't bring herself admit to it while she was sober.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Nhm...<</say>>
<<img "act1/val15-image.jpg">>
<<text>>In order to entice her even more, you have started to slowly stroke your massive cock just a few inches away from her spread ass. Val couldn't take her eyes off you. You knew it would only be a matter of seconds...<</text>>
<<say "Val">>I love your big, meaty cock... Give it to me, please. Fill me up like a fucking glove! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now thats what I'm talking about.<</say>>
<<text>>You ripped off Val's panties, finally exposing her soaking wet pussy. And it was all yours for the taking. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Oh! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<set $cumw to 65>>
<<say "Val">>Shit... Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of tightness around your cock on entry was as enticing as ever. Val barely managed to held out a scream, when you pushed it against her deepest parts.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Thank God... I'm on top...<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, girl...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Just like that... Let me get used to it...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<set $sceneV4 to "cowgirl">>
<<say "Val">>Oh, I know. That'll help.<</say>>
<<text>>Val spun around on her axis, not even bothering to remove your cock. The sensation was so cerebral that it almost made you cum on a spot.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Damn... This way is... Much easier...<</say>>
<<text>>You just couldn't resist slapping that juicy ass right in front of your eyes.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Ah! Jesus, I'm nearly...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<set $sceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $cumw to 50>>
<<say $mc>>Do it again, girl!<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Can do!<</say>>
<<text>>You felt her pussy squirm as Val repeated the movement. Not wanting to let go, you pushed your cock deeper into her, striking against her womb.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Fuck! Not that spot! Ahhh!<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn... that took you longer then expected.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Oh my... God... Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Put it back in, girl. The ride isn't over.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<set $cumw to 65>>
<<say "Val">>Oh fuck... Please be gentle... You're so hot...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll start easy.<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Jesus girl! You're so tight...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>God... Would you believe... That you're my first... GBC?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<set $sceneV4 to "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>The hell is GBC?<</say>>
<<text>>You've slowly begun to pick up the pace, stretching Val's pussy with each thrust.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Ah... Giant... Ugh... Black...<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Agh! Fuck yeah... Uh...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So what you're saying... That's not your first rodeo?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<set $cumw to 50>>
<<set $sceneV5 to 1>>
<<say "Val">>Ah! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not letting you go that easy...<</say>>
<<text>>But the sheer volume of Val's orgasm managed to push your cock away from her pussy.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, girl! That's crazy...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>I thought... From that... God...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ready for another go?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Don't stop $mc... Keep it going...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<set $cumw to 65>>
<<say "Val">>Ah... So big...<</say>>
<<if $sceneV4 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>>You like that, yeah?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah and you love it! <</say>>
<<text>>Being too preoccupied with the sensory assault of your dick ravaging her body in a new position, Val could only moan.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Uh... Fuck...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<set $sceneV4 to "missionary">>
<<say "Val">>Fuck me... <</say>>
<<if $sceneV5 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I've been doing all this time, girl. But if you want more...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, trust me, I will... <</say>>
<<text>>Adding a little more torque to your thrusts definitely worked. You watched as Val's eyes rolled back, she was clearly on a verge of another orgasm.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Just like that! Just like that!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have a better idea...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary2">>
<<set $sceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $cumw to 50>>
<<say "Val">>Shit, I'm so close...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? You wanna cum?<</say>>
<<text>>As you pulled your dick out of Val's pussy, you began to slap it all over her clit, pushing it back just as she was about to cum.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Ah! Fuck! I've never thought...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That you'd squirt from that?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Ye... Yeah...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary3">>
<<set $sceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $cumw to 50>>
<<say $mc>>Nevermind. Going the old way should work wonders too...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Ah! Just! Like!..<</say>>
<<text>>Val's body shuddered with another orgasm and she fell backwards, unable to control her movements as a tidal wave of pleasure washed over her mind.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah girl... you're such a squirter...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary4">>
<<set $sceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $cumw to 50>>
<<say $mc>>How about you help yourself a little?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Huh?.. Ah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You've got a free hand. Play with that clit of yours.<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary4.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Such... A big... Brain! Agh!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just lazy, that's all.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Nah... You're the best...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cumw to 50>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>You know the drill. I'm ready.<</say>>
<<text>>Down on her knees, Val prepared to take your massive load head on. You didn't disappoint.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>God... It's so thick today...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hah... What, you don't like it?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>It's the opposite. Such a creamy essence... Yummy.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn ValScene1 stage $stage+1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn ValScene1 stage $stage+1>> With this <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn ValScene1 stage $stage+1>> Check it out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "start0" 5 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn ValScene1 stage "start">> I'm waiting <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $sceneV4 is undefined && ($stage is "start0" || $stage is "blowjob" || $stage is "blowjob1" || $stage is "blowjob2")>>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "blowjob" 10 10>> Go deeper <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "blowjob1" 10 10>> Lick balls <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "blowjob2" 15 20>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 is 1 && $sceneV3 is 1>>
<<btn ValScene1 stage 5>> Oh yeah? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "blowjob1" 10 10>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "blowjob2" 15 20>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "blowjob2" 10 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "blowjob1" 15 0>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "cowgirl1" 20 45>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "cowgirl2" 15 0>> Make her squirt <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "doggy1" 20 45>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "doggy2" 20 0>> Make her squirt <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "missionary1" 15 45>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "missionary2" 10 0>> Slap her clit <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "missionary3" 15 0>> Do the classic <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "missionary4" 15 0>> Tell her to help <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary2" || $stage is "missionary3" || $stage is "missionary4">>
<<btnsb ValScene1 stage "missionary" 10 0>> Go again <</btnsb>>
<<if $sceneV5 isnot undefined>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "blowjob" 10 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "cowgirl" 10 0>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "doggy" 10 0>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "missionary" 10 0>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns ValScene1 stage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne ThusdMorning0>>I'm done<</btne>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> As you leave the mini-market and the cold wind touches your skin, you begin to process what has just happened. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Holy shit... I didn't think I had the confidence to do this. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Neither did I. So what's next? Shall we go to your friend? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I have to check the phone first. <</say>>
<<text>> You take the package out of your backpack and after a few minutes of fiddling with it, you pull out the shiny looking phone. <</text>>
<<img "act1/phone1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Well, the good news is that it works. The bad news is that the battery is dead. I don't think I'll be able to do anything with it until we get home. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Really? And here I was hoping you'd show me some of that doghub.com I've been hearing so much about lately. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> No way that shit exists. I'll look it up for you, though. Let's go. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<if $Arcade0 is 1 && $Gym0 is 1>>
<<btno Map0 Minimarket0 1>> Get on with your business <</btno>>
<<btno Map1 Minimarket0 1>> Get on with your business <</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "dream">>
<<set $ValDream to 1>>
<<text>>After a few minutes of lying on a sofa in complete silence, you turn your attention back to Val, who has just finished cleaning herself up.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... That was enough, right?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Oh fuck... Yes... A few more of these and I'll end up in an ambulance.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, not today. You did a good job.<</say>>
<<text>>You pull Val close and give her a kiss on the lip. <</text>>
<<say "Val">>Sleep tight, $mc. I'll go about my business now. <</say>>
<<text>>Reminded that you are indeed still asleep, you close your eyes and focus on the living world, remembering the texture of your bed, pillow and all.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing, babe.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> Wake up <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP6') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP6', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream2Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP7') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP7', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream3Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP8') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP8', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream4Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP9') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP9', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<text>>You find yourself at home, staring at the all-too-familiar ceiling.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck...<</say>>
<<text>>After taking a few minutes to gather your strength, you get to your feet.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Greg? You're awake?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hrrr... Urf.<</say>>
<<text>>The Pug was fast asleep, snorting without a care in the world. And judging by his hard-on, he didn't have any problems having a nice dream. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Someone's having a good time, eh? What a pro.<</say>>
<<if $GoSleepActTwo is 1>>
<<btno GoSleepActTwo stage "1c">> Stretch out <</btno>>
<<if $DayValue is undefined>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 3>> Go to the kitchen <</btno>>
<<elseif $DayValue is 4>>
<<btno FrdMorning0 stage 0>> Go to the kitchen <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $Dream1Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP6') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP6', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream2Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP7') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP7', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream3Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP8') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP8', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<if $Dream4Complete is 1>>
<<if recall('CP9') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+100)>>
<<run memorize('CP9', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> For successfully battling your way through the nightmare, you've earned 100CP! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Aaaaaah!<</say>>
<<text>>Screaming at the top of your lungs, you find yourself lying on a bed drenched in a cold sweat. It takes you a few moments to realise that you are safe and have just woken up from a nightmare.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Holy... Holy shit... Back to nightmares then...<</say>>
<<text>>After you have taken a few more minutes to get your strength back, you get back on your feet.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Greg? You're awake?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hrrr... Urf.<</say>>
<<text>>The Pug was fast asleep, snorting without a care in the world. And judging by his hard-on, he didn't have any problems having a nice dream. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, he's the one having a good time... What a dog.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue is undefined>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 3>> Go to the kitchen <</btno>>
<<elseif $DayValue is 4>>
<<btno FrdMorning0 stage 0>> Go to the kitchen <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> I can already see that today is going to be good day... <</say>>
<<text>>After the kettle has boiled the water, you make yourself a nice supermarket brand tea. After taking a sip, you lean back in your chair.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ooh... Just the way I like it.<</say>>
<<text>>But no sooner had you started your breakfast, you heard a loud noise as Grigoriy burst into the room.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell? <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/mops4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>$mc! I knew you were a selfish twat, but not waking me up for breakfast so you could eat all my food is unforgivable! Do it again, you rat, and I'll shit all over your couch, I promise...<</say>>
<<text>>The eerie familiarity of these imagery gave you a deep sense of déjà vu, leaving you scratching your head.<</text>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 4>> It's not like that <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>I wasn't planning to. I just wanted to let you sleep and enjoy it.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh. Then, I may have overreacted a bit here... No hard feelings?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's all right.<</say>>
<<text>>After both of you have finished your meals, you just sat in the kitchen, enjoying the quiet morning.<</text>>
<<if $ValDream > 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>So, how did it go? You look happier than usual. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It worked wonders. I turned up on Val's doorstep and it was all smooth sailing from there.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No kidnappings?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nope. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 7>> Enjoy the morning <</btno>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>So, how did it go? I can't tell, you don't look any different.<</say>>
<<if $SleepRng is 0>>
<<say $mc>>No dreams at all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>More of that scary bullshit again.<</say>>
<<if $ValSide0 is 1 && $ValDream < 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, you should've listened to me. I was sure you'd had a safe bet dreaming about Val.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Really? Maybe you didn't have a strong enough connection to the target you were trying to focus on. Or you could just try again and get a different dream. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think so too.<</say>>
<<if $SleepRng is 0>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 7>> Enjoy the morning <</btno>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 5>> Hey, Greg <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>By the way, I've noticed something strange about all this.<</say>>
<<text>>Not in a hurry to continue, you take another sip from your cup tea at a whopping 4¢ per bag.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What is it? Tell me, kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For some reason, I was white during these nightmares. But when I was in a lucid dream, I was a black man instead.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Huh.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug took a minute to think.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>So you're telling me that in those nightmares where you don't have any power or control, you stay as a white boy with a small dick.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 6>> Yeah <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>I had a normal-sized dick, but yes.<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy continued with a thoughtful look.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>But when you are in a lucid dream, when you have all the control and all the power in the world, then you have a huge black dick. Right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. So what?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>So I've made my point. I'm not going to spell it out for you if you don't get it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you okay? You know, it doesn't matter, I'll find out more about it later.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMorning0 stage 7>> Enjoy the morning <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>>After a few more minutes of silence, you finally get up, shaking off the remnants of your procrastination.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, today's going to be a long day.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yes, it will be. Don't forget you have to go to that strip club.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'd have to get some cash first.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't you have a job for that sort of thing? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, but I could ask Riley if she needs help as well.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Then do what feels right to you.<</say>>
<<if $WdHm17CashIdris is 1>>
<<text>> As you're about to step outside, you notice that a small package has been pushed under the door. When you open it, you're greeted by a wad of cash. <</text>>
<<img "act1/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Good. I suppose Idris kept his word. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Same as always. <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 500$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+500>>
<<btno Map1 WedHome0 1>> Go outside <</btno>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<text>>After throwing the broken glass out the window, you walk into the lounge. Just as she said, Val is waiting for you. From the looks of it, she's just had a shower.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's done. Sorry about that, Val.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>About the glass or about me pissing myself?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Both... I think. <</say>>
<<text>>Val studied your face carefully and then let out a chuckle. <</text>>
<<say "Val">>Ha. I'm fucking with you, $mc. It's all right. But...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Val">>...Now you're in my debt. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? Why?<</say>>
<<text>>After getting up from the couch she was resting on, Val took a few steps forward, stopping an arm's length from you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val13-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">>You made me think I was about to be violated with a big... thick... black... cock.<</say>>
<<text>>Deliberately pausing between words, Val bit her lip and looked towards your crotch. She was standing so close you could smell the fresh mixture of oils and gels oozing from Val's skin.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>What are you going to do about it, I wonder?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<say "Val">>Oh... Then we wouldn't need those...<</say>>
<<text>>With some delibiration, Val began unzipping your trousers. That's when...<</text>>
<<say "Val">>My God! What on earth is that?<</say>>
<<text>>Girl stared in disbelief at your half-chubbed member and you could sence that her amaziment wasn't just another act.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Perfectly normal cock, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Oh God...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Val">>Fuck... Just how big is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I dunno, why don't you check it out in action instead?<</say>>
<<text>>But Val was too preoccupied with sizing up your hood.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Oh man... And it tastes so sweet...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start0">>
<<say $mc>>Finally we are getting to field testing... Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Mrhgm...<</say>>
<<text>>Val gave it her all, trying to deep throat your cock as far as she could...<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<text>>...But in the end she wasn't satisfied with the result and promptly slid off from it's girth, trying to catch a breath.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>So... Fucking... Big...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hope that didn't kill your courage. Because we are only getting started.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<if $gsceneV4 isnot undefined && $gcumw > 55>>
<<set $gcumw to 55>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Val">>Let me try this one more time...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Keep at it, girl. <</say>>
<<text>>Pushing her mouth onto your cock once again, Val began helping herself by stroking down the shaft.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... You're improving. That's for sure...<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of trying to respond to your compliment, Val smiled and some of your thick pre-cum dripped from between her lips.<</text>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 is 1 && $gsceneV4 is undefined>>
<<say "Val">>God... I just love being choked with your dick... I'm getting so wet...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I'm getting hungrier for more.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>What a surprise...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Next, let's go for a...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say "Val">>I know that look... You want me to play with you balls, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Am I that easy to desipher?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>No, it's just that I was thinking the same thing...<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... The way you play with my tip...<</say>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 is 1 && $gsceneV4 is undefined>>
<<say "Val">>You just can't stop thinking about how badly you want it to go in... Am I right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck yeah... I'm getting hungry.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>What a surprise. I feel the same way.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Can you guess what I want to do with you now?<</say>>
<<text>>After saying these words, you felt a momentary flash go through your eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Probably the same thing I want... Go, fuck my face $mc.<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Huh... You held out well...<</say>>
<<text>>For a few seconds, Val took a breather, the mix of her salive and your cock juices streaming down her cheeks.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>God... I just love being choked with your dick... I'm getting so wet...<</say>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 is 1 && $gsceneV4 is undefined>>
<<say $mc>>And I'm getting hungrier for more.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>What a surprise... Me too.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say "Val">>Let's get into comfortable position then.<</say>>
<<text>>Val picked herself up and went on a yellow couch. She sat on it in a way, so that her asscheeks were spread wide and both of her wet holes were covered with nothing but the tiny piece of fabric.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Val">>Can you see how you've got me? I think you have some responibility to take now...<</say>>
<<text>>But you were tired of this coy foreplay. You could easily see through Val's clever disguise.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Responibility? Fuck no. Say it like it is.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Huh, but... Come on, I know you want it too...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Say it.<</say>>
<<text>>You could see the conflicting emotions on Val's face. On one hand, she really wanted your big meaty stick inside her now, but on the other hand she just couldn't bring herself admit to it while she was sober.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Nhm...<</say>>
<<img "act1/val15-image.jpg">>
<<text>>In order to entice her even more, you have started to slowly stroke your massive cock just a few inches away from her spread ass. Val couldn't take her eyes off you. You knew it would only be a matter of seconds...<</text>>
<<say "Val">>I love your big, meaty cock... Give it to me, please. Fill me up like a fucking glove! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now thats what I'm talking about.<</say>>
<<text>>You ripped off Val's panties, finally exposing her soaking wet pussy. And it was all yours for the taking. <</text>>
<<say "Val">> Oh! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<set $gcumw to 65>>
<<say "Val">>Shit... Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of tightness around your cock on entry was as enticing as ever. Val barely managed to held out a scream, when you pushed it against her deepest parts.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Thank God... I'm on top...<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, girl...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Just like that... Let me get used to it...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<set $gsceneV4 to "cowgirl">>
<<say "Val">>Oh, I know. That'll help.<</say>>
<<text>>Val spun around on her axis, not even bothering to remove your cock. The sensation was so cerebral that it almost made you cum on a spot.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Damn... This way is... Much easier...<</say>>
<<text>>You just couldn't resist slapping that juicy ass right in front of your eyes.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Ah! Jesus, I'm nearly...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 50>>
<<say $mc>>Do it again, girl!<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Can do!<</say>>
<<text>>You felt her pussy squirm as Val repeated the movement. Not wanting to let go, you pushed your cock deeper into her, striking against her womb.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Fuck! Not that spot! Ahhh!<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn... that took you longer then expected.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Oh my... God... Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Put it back in, girl. The ride isn't over.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<set $gcumw to 65>>
<<say "Val">>Oh fuck... Please be gentle... You're so hot...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll start easy.<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Jesus girl! You're so tight...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>God... Would you believe... That you're my first... GBC?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<set $gsceneV4 to "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>The hell is GBC?<</say>>
<<text>>You've slowly begun to pick up the pace, stretching Val's pussy with each thrust.<</text>>
<<say "Val">>Ah... Giant... Ugh... Black...<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Agh! Fuck yeah... Uh...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So what you're saying... That's not your first rodeo?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<set $gcumw to 50>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 1>>
<<say "Val">>Ah! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not letting you go that easy...<</say>>
<<text>>But the sheer volume of Val's orgasm managed to push your cock away from her pussy.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, girl! That's crazy...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>I thought... From that... God...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ready for another go?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Don't stop $mc... Keep it going...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<set $gcumw to 65>>
<<say "Val">>Ah... So big...<</say>>
<<if $gsceneV4 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>>You like that, yeah?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah and you love it! <</say>>
<<text>>Being too preoccupied with the sensory assault of your dick ravaging her body in a new position, Val could only moan.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Uh... Fuck...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<set $gsceneV4 to "missionary">>
<<say "Val">>Fuck me... <</say>>
<<if $gsceneV5 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I've been doing all this time, girl. But if you want more...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh, trust me, I will... <</say>>
<<text>>Adding a little more torque to your thrusts definitely worked. You watched as Val's eyes rolled back, she was clearly on a verge of another orgasm.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Just like that! Just like that!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have a better idea...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 50>>
<<say "Val">>Shit, I'm so close...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? You wanna cum?<</say>>
<<text>>As you pulled your dick out of Val's pussy, you began to slap it all over her clit, pushing it back just as she was about to cum.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Ah! Fuck! I've never thought...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That you'd squirt from that?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Ye... Yeah...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary3">>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 50>>
<<say $mc>>Nevermind. Going the old way should work wonders too...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Ah! Just! Like!..<</say>>
<<text>>Val's body shuddered with another orgasm and she fell backwards, unable to control her movements as a tidal wave of pleasure washed over her mind.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah girl... you're such a squirter...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary4">>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 50>>
<<say $mc>>How about you help yourself a little?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Huh?.. Ah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You've got a free hand. Play with that clit of yours.<</say>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Missionary4.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>Such... A big... Brain! Agh!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just lazy, that's all.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Nah... You're the best...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcumw to 50>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>You know the drill. I'm ready.<</say>>
<<text>>Down on her knees, Val prepared to take your massive load head on. You didn't disappoint.<</text>>
<<video "val/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Val">>God... It's so thick today...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hah... What, you don't like it?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>It's the opposite. Such a creamy essence... Yummy.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Valgallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Valgallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> With this <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Valgallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> Check it out <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "start0" 5 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn Valgallery1 gstage "start">> I'm waiting <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gsceneV4 is undefined && ($gstage is "start0" || $gstage is "blowjob" || $gstage is "blowjob1" || $gstage is "blowjob2")>>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob" 10 10>> Go deeper <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob1" 10 10>> Lick balls <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 1>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob2" 15 20>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 is 1 && $gsceneV3 is 1>>
<<btn Valgallery1 gstage 5>> Oh yeah? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob1" 10 10>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob2" 15 20>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob2" 10 0>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob1" 15 0>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "cowgirl1" 20 45>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "cowgirl2" 15 0>> Make her squirt <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "doggy1" 20 45>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "doggy2" 20 0>> Make her squirt <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "missionary1" 15 45>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "missionary2" 10 0>> Slap her clit <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "missionary3" 15 0>> Do the classic <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "missionary4" 15 0>> Tell her to help <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary2" || $gstage is "missionary3" || $gstage is "missionary4">>
<<btnsb Valgallery1 gstage "missionary" 10 0>> Go again <</btnsb>>
<<if $gsceneV5 isnot undefined>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "blowjob" 10 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "cowgirl" 10 0>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "doggy" 10 0>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "missionary" 10 0>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns Valgallery1 gstage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btnegp Val-gallery>>I'm done<</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Val-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<div class="credits-container">
<div class="credits-column sketchy">
<div class="credits-title riley">
Lieutenant - 20$
<div class="credits-text riley-text">
★ Harem University ★
★ nicolas333 ★
★ Steven Everitt ★
<div class="credits-column sketchy">
<div class="credits-title dick">
Boss - 100$
<div class="credits-text dick-text">
<div class="credits-column sketchy">
<div class="credits-title player">
Member - 10$
<div class="credits-text player-text">
★ adrian Wassim ★
★ ShadowDragon ★
★ The Warlock ★
★ Stéphane Titeux ★
★ Tillman Roper★
★ brody ★
★ Rythefallen ★
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/PigAndPug"><img src="img/patreon-logo.png" style="width: 40%; margin-right: 15px;"></a>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<<btn $prevpassage>> Go back <</btn>>
</div><<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<someone manager "Menacing Guy" nico>>I'm asking you - who is responsible for this!<</someone>>
<<text>>As you entered the store, you were greeted by the angry screams of the man busy slapping his clipboard across the counter in front of Riley's face.<</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/riley0-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/manager1-image.jpg"></div>
<<say "Riley">>Um...<</say>>
<<text>>Riley looked defeated, as if all she wanted to do was slip through the cracks and disappear under the face of the earth.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Menacing Guy" nico>>Are you deaf? I'll ask you again - who is responsible for this!<</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm... That... That would be me.<</say>>
<<text>>After taking a deep breath, the man slammed his fist down on the counter, ready to explode with yet another tirade.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, are you just going to stand there and watch?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Menacing Guy" nico>>Exactly! And...<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Interviene<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Continue watching<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $RileyInterviene to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what the hell's going on here? I'll call the cops if you don't stop harassing her.<</say>>
<<someone manager "Menacing Guy" nico>>...We're going to finish talking about this later, Riley.<</someone>>
<<text>>The man stopped what he was doing and turned to face you, smiling. It was a pity that it was the kind of smile that had "fake" written all over it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/manager0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Manager">>Please accept my sincere apologies for the fact that you had to witness this scene. My name is Jerry and I am the manager of this shop. What can I do to help you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Manager? Goddamn... This is no way to treat your employees, man. I came here to shop. Not to watch this drama. <</say>>
<<say "Manager">>I'm sorry if I put you in a bad mood. So I'll leave you to your business, sir. <</say>>
<<text>>After throwing another threatening look in the direction of Riley, Jerry walked into the staff room. Having made sure he was gone, Riley sighed relieved.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh. My. God. Thank you so much, $mc.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $WdHm3CallRiley is 1>>
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+4+"a">>No problem<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+4+"b">>No problem<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<text>>You decided to see what happens. I mean, the guy doesn't look like a drug addict or anything...<</text>>
<<someone manager "Menacing Guy" nico>>...You will pay for every cent of the missing goods! Double, no, triple! <</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>What? This is unreasonable...<</say>>
<<say "Manager">>I am your manager! Since when is it unreasonable to call you on your bullshit? It's been six months!<</say>>
<<text>>No longer able to meet the man's gaze, Riley lowered her head.<</text>>
<<say "Manager">>Every time there's a check - shit's missing. And now I have to go through this shit every two weeks! Do you have any idea how much headache I have because of you?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm... I'm sorry...<</say>>
<<text>>Even from behind, you could see the man's ears and cheeks flushing. It was as if he was on the verge of a nuclear blast. Grigoriy looked at you, trying to guess what will happen next.<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Interviene<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+2+"b">>Continue watching<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<say $mc>>Riley's doing fine. It's not unusual for her by the sounds of it...<</say>>
<<say "Manager">>Shut up! You say that every single time. Every single one. And nothing changes!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>This time it'll be different! I promise...<</say>>
<<say "Manager">>Yes, it will be. I'll charge you three times the price of the goods.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>But...<</say>>
<<say "Manager">>No butts! I'm leaving. Enjoy your shift.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 3>>Greet him<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Hello there.<</say>>
<<text>>The men turned, only now noticing your presence. The look of confusion on his face was quickly washed away with the most phoney smile you've ever seen.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/manager0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Manager">>Oh my God! I'm so sorry you had to see that, sir! I hope it hasn't been enough to put you in a bad mood...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, it's fine. Happens to everyone from time to time, right?<</say>>
<<text>>The man chuckles to himself and nods politely in reply.<</text>>
<<say "Manager">>If only all customers were as open-minded as you, sir. I hope I'll get to see you CUMing on Mondays, but for now I must take my leave.<</say>>
<<text>>You watch as the man goes outside and disappears into the street. Riley breaks down crying from all the stress. She can't take it anymore and runs into the staff room.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, kid, looks like she's taking it pretty well.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few minutes of waiting, checking the counters and getting a good look at the new instant noodles, you can hear Riley's return.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Hi $mc... Sorry to keep you waiting, it took me a while to figure this all out.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $WdHm3CallRiley is 1>>
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+4+"a">>No problem<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+4+"b">>No problem<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "4a">>
<<say $mc>>No problem. What happened here anyway?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well... To cut a long story short, I got caught for the stuff I helped you with.<<if $Mnmrkt010steal is 1>> Also, Jerry found out that someone stole a bottle of whisky...<</if>><</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're lucky I've returned this thing then.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ooh! Just in time too. Let me make a quick change...<</say>>
<<text>>Riley took the box from under the counter and, after fiddling with it for a while, put it back on the counter.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Thank you. Since Jerry hasn't left yet, I can ask him to recount this stuff. That'll clear some debts.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 5>>Why do you bother?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "4b">>
<<say $mc>>No problem. What happened here anyway?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well... To cut a long story short, I got caught for the stuff I helped you with.<<if $Mnmrkt010steal is 1>> Also, Jerry found out that someone stole a bottle of whisky...<</if>><</say>>
<<say $mc>>Caught? How?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley shook her head and pulled a hot compress from the shelf.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>You forgot to bring back the box of this compress... Jerry noticed it was missing and...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah...<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 5>>Why do you bother?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<if $Mnmrkt014know is 1>>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<<if $WdHm3CallRiley is 1>>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<<if $RileyInterviene is 1>>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Anyway, that doesn't sound like it should be your problem.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>But it is. I've been charged for missing things ever since I was employed.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That sounds fishy, mate. I've heard of a lot of schemes that work like this. First you get a gullible girl to sign up.<</say>>
<<text>>You look over at the devastated Riley, who is now busy counting something on a clipboard that her manager has left behind. From the looks of it, counting isn't her strong point.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, she can definitely be a bit easy to fool at times. What do they usually do next?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pile up a lot of debts on top of a poor little girl. Then - pressure her into doing all sorts of sexual services. Stripping, prostitution for money, being the personal slave of some bigwig...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 6>>Riley?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Riley, do you mind if I take a look at your recital?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... Well, it's confidential, but I trust you well enough. Sure.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, Riley held out the clipboard to you.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/work0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Bless her heart...<</say>>
<<set $RileyCollected to 0>>
<<if $RileyInterviene is 1>>
<<set $RileyDebt to 325>>
<<if $Mnmrkt010steal is 1>>
<<set $RileyDebt to $RileyDebt+400>>
<<if $WdHm3CallRiley is 1>>
<<set $RileyDebt to $RileyDebt-200>>
<<set $RileyDebt to 400>>
<<if $Mnmrkt010steal is 1>>
<<set $RileyDebt to $RileyDebt+600>>
<<if $WdHm3CallRiley is 1>>
<<set $RileyDebt to $RileyDebt-200>>
<<if $RileyDebt is 125>>
<<say $mc>>Only $RileyDebt bucks? This one looks better than I'd expected.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Does it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>$RileyDebt bucks?!! How are you going to pay for all this?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Most of this is on you by the way.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I don't know how I'm going to... Maybe I'll get some special orders from Jerry...<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 7>>I can help<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Or I could help. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Really? <</say>>
<<text>>Girls eyes opened wide, a hopeful spark shining through.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>That would be amazing! Doing that would save my ass in so many ways... How much can you lend me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait-wait-wait-wait! I'm not talking about lending you money...<</say>>
<<text>>Riley gave you a confused look. She wasn't disappointed yet, but she was surprised.<</text>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 8>>What if I'll work here?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to help you with the work itself. Like I did that time before. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Um, sure, but how would that help me make more money...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you'll sell more products, the shop will make more money, and as a result - you'll get a bonus, right? And with that, you'll be able to pay off your debts.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah! You're a genius, $mc! I'll call Jerry right now.<</say>>
<<text>>With a happy smile on her face, Riley hurried into the staff room. The lack of conviction in your voice did seem to have escaped her notice.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Are you sure this is going to work, $mc?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+9+"a">>I'd help her anyway<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+9+"b">>More money for us<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "9a">>
<<say $mc>>No idea. But hey, I would really hate for Riley to be left in the dust without at least trying to do something.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Makes sense.<</say>>
<<text>>You turned around, trying to find something cheap to eat in the meantime. But before you could take your second step, the door to the back room opened with a loud bang.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>He agreed!<</say>>
<<text>>Riley stormed back behind the counter and without missing a beat began to explain the details of her conversation with Jerry.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>From now on, you're our part-timer. That means you are also eligible for special discounts...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well done, mate. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>...and you'll have a flexible schedule. You can come and help whenever you want. Isn't that cool?<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 10>>Amazing<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "9b">>
<<set $ThsdMn09bNoRiley to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe. But I do know that I'll get a pretty good discount for it. And maybe more.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Makes sense.<</say>>
<<text>>You turned around, trying to find something cheap to eat in the meantime. But before you could take your second step, the door to the back room opened with a loud bang.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>He agreed!<</say>>
<<text>>Riley stormed back behind the counter and without missing a beat began to explain the details of her conversation with Jerry.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>From now on, you're our part-timer. That means you are also eligible for special discounts...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well done, mate. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>...and you'll have a flexible schedule. You can come and help whenever you want. Isn't that cool?<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 10>>Amazing<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds great. I was worried about the possible clash with my schedule. I'm working 2/2 at the Rooster's Egg at the moment, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, that's what I thought! That's why I insisted that you shouldn't be tied to a regular contract. And Jerry listened, can you imagine?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did he? Well done, Riley. He didn't strike me as a man who would listen to anyone but himself...<</say>>
<<if $RileyInterviene is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>You must have impressed him. The way you tried to take the heat off me was so... Brave and selfless...<</say>>
<<text>>You noticed that her eyes were lit up with joy, as she said that to you. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>For sure, kid.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You must have impressed him. By not moving while he was reprimanding me, you showed impressive discipline... You'll get used to working with customers in no time.<</say>>
<<text>>There was a faint hint of contempt in the words that Riley spoke. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Really impressive, kid.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdMini0 stage 11>>Second job, huh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Well, the main thing is that I've got a second job.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Isn't it the third? With you being the pizza boy and the handyman? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, you're very impressive, $mc. I'm barely holding onto this one...<</say>>
<<text>>Seemingly remembering what had happened a few minutes earlier, Riley's eyes welled up a little, but she managed to hold back the tears. This time.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it. I'm sure things will get better. Especially now that I'm working here.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, you're right. So, are you ready to start?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdMini0 stage $cstage+12+"a">>Not now<</btn>>
<<if $DayValue isnot 4>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "work0">>Sure.<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shop0">>You have a drink?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "12a">>
<<say $mc>>No, sorry, I have something else that I must be doing right now.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Really? But...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's very important. It really is.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>And I'm not? I get it. Sure. <</say>>
<<text>>Riley puffed her cheeks and waved her hand in the direction of the exit. You and Grigoriy exchanged some looks.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, Riley...<</say>>
<<text>>But Riley didn't even look in your direction. She got busy searching for something under the counter.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Go away already. I still have a lot of work to do for the day.<</say>>
<<btno Map1 ThusdMini0 1>>Exit the shop<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<elseif $stage is "enter0a">>
<<set $RileyJobVisitedDaily to 1>>
<<text>>As you enter the 7/11, you notice Riley standing behind the counter and give her a friendly wave.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hello! How's it going, Riley?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> $mc! I wasn't expecting to see you... You must really like this place. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> While this shop is great, I would be lying if I said I didn't miss your company overnight. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Aww... You can be so sweet when you want to.<</say>>
<<text>> As per usual, Riley pulls her hand up and stretches out her body in a rather seductive manner. The sight is rather nice. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Anyway. So, what brought you here today?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "enter0b">>
<<text>>As you enter the 7/11, you notice that Riley is standing in the same place where you left her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hi Riley. I'm back. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, $mc! I was just thinking about you... <</say>>
<<text>> As per usual, Riley pulls her hand up and stretches out her body in a rather seductive manner. The sight is rather nice. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>I hope that your day is going well.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "workE">>
<<say $mc>>All right, it's about time for me to go.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm... I though you would help me out for a bit...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Maybe some other time?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley puffed her cheeks and waved her hand in the direction of the exit.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">> ...Sure. Good luck out there. <</say>>
<<set $countVar to $RileyCounter-$RileyCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a little 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a lot 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley weaken 💔 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "work0">>
<<set $ThusdMini0 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. What can I help you with?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well...<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh boy, I know this look. Prepare for the worst, kid... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You can start by working on the till, or you could mop the floor instead.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>To hell with that... I'm going to have a nap. Wake me up when you're done, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "work1">>
<<say $mc>>All right, we've still got a lot to work on, haven't we, Riley?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Of course!<</say>>
<<text>> Riley's face brightens as she reminds you of the work you can help her with today. <</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<<if $WorkMini0 != 1>>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/icon0-image.jpg"></div>
<<if $WorkMini1 != 1>>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/icon1-image.jpg"></div>
<<say "Riley">>So, do you want to get straight to it? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "0exit0">>
<<set $RileyDebtExit0 to 1>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>Few hours later...<</text>>
<<set $timeM to 3>>
<<say "Riley">> $mc? Would you mind closing up shop for me? I'll go home first and make some preparations... Before you know what. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, why not.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Cool! You have my address, so just ring the bell and I'll open the door for you. See you soon!<</say>>
<<text>>Not even waiting for you to answer, Riley grabbed her bag and ran out of the shop. You could tell that she was quite exited.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>This should be good... <</say>>
<<set $countVar to $RileyCounter-$RileyCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a little 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a lot 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley weaken 💔 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "0exit1">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Nice work today, $mc. You really put yourself out there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We needed money and she needed help... A match made in heaven. <</say>>
<<text>>After checking every window in the building, you were finally ready to lock the front door tight. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>I wonder what Rily's cooking up while I'm doing all this...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No reason to guess, pal. You'll learn it soon enough.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good point. We'd better hurry, then, before she's had a chance to cool down.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1exit0">>
<<set $EventRileyE0Seen to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Is there anything else I can help you with? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Nah, I'm closing up for an hour. Going to sleep and all that. Although... Would you mind closing the doors for me? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I guess I could.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Then I'll go and have a rest. Just throw the keys in through the window when you're done with the front door. I'll go change into something more comfy to sleep in now. <</say>>
<<text>>Without waiting for you to leave, Riley dropped her blouse and skirt on the floor. She then gave you a warm smile and disappeared behind the door to the staff room.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Have a good night... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1exit1">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good work today, $mc. You really put yourself out there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We need money. Besides, working here isn't so bad. Now get out, I also have to close this door.<</say>>
<<text>>After the closing of the entrance, Grigoriy and you move around the perimeter of the building in search of the open window.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Riley must have left one open, didn't she? She wouldn't expect me to do everything, would she...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Over here, pal.<</say>>
<<text>>Pug pointed to the window through which the room that looked like an office could be seen. It was slightly ajar, wide enough for the keys to slide in without a problem.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "1exit2">>
<<say $mc>>OK, that should do it.<</say>>
<<text>>You take a step away from the window to make sure the keys fall on the other side. Thats when you catch a glimpse of something really interesting.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What the...<</say>>
<<text>>Through the glass you could see Riley, already dressed in pyjamas. Her fingers were busy running under her tight shorts, doing God knows what to her pussy.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/Riley6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>She can't see me, can she?<</say>>
<<text>>As you stood there, peering from the side, unnerved by the possibility of Riley suddenly opening her eyes, you could hear muffled moans coming through the glass.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, I think we should get out of here. <</say>>
<<set $countVar to $RileyCounter-$RileyCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a little 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a lot 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley weaken 💔 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "shop0">>
<<say $mc>>I would like to buy a drink.<</say>>
<<text>>You glance over the counter with a built-in fridge, filled with all sorts of bottled drinks.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/shop0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Sure. What would you like?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "shop2">>
<<set $cash to $cash-400>>
<<set $item4 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought some Whisky for 50$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>I'll have that bottle of whisky.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Cool, all right.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley pickes up an expencive looking bottle of whisky and puts it before you. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/alcohol0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>That will be... 400$.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "shop1">>
<<set $cash to $cash-50>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought an Energy Drink for 50$! <</notify>>
<<set $item3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like a bottle of Plus-Ultra.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, about that... Here.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley gets the furtherest bottle from the fridge and slides it over to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/energy0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> That's quite a package... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Those have a better effect. Trust me. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "shopE">>
<<say "Riley">> So is there anything else that catches your eye?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, that should do it.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>OK, then. Anything else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hm... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "talkE">>
<<say "Riley">> So is there anything else on your mind?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nope, that's about it really.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>OK, then. Anything else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "talk0">>
<<say $mc>>What's up, Riley? How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Me?<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised, the girl took a few seconds to come up with an answer.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm ecstatic, $mc. Everything is going the best it can right now. And I can't wait for tonight... I think you can guess why.<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the girl's smile, she wasn't exaggerating.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>But seriously, thank you for all your help lately. It really does mean a lot to me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm glad to hear that my efforts have not been in vain, then.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "talk1">>
<<set $TwineDogshit1 to $RileyDebt-$RileyCollected>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see how your debt repayment fund is doing.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay. Here it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley takes a small notepad out of her pocket and puts it on the table in front of you.<</text>>
<<if $RileyCollected > 0>>
<<say "Riley">>So, we've managed to collect $RileyCollected, but we still need $TwineDogshit1 more.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, since we haven't collected anything, the debt is still at $RileyDebt.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hm...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>$mc, why don't you pay the debt instead? You have a few dollars to spare, right?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt0">>
<<set $RileyDebtPayed to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-$TwineDogshit1>>
<<say $mc>>You know what, Riley? I'll pay for you.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley's eyes sparkled with joy for a moment before her face turned to confusion.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>No way... This is so much, and you said so yourself...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, now that I think about it, I have some money left over. So why not? I'd like to help you now.<</say>>
<<text>>You counted out the notes and held them out to Riley. But instead of taking them straight away, the girl pulled you closer to her over the counter, hugging you tightly.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh $mc... Thank you so much, you really saved me. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt0a">>
<<set $RileyDebtPayed to 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Actually... We have enough money to pay off my debts!<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>> We even overdid it a little, here, take the spare.<</if>><</say>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<set $spare to $RileyCollected-$RileyDebt>>
<<set $cash to $cash+$spare>>
<<notify 6>> You got $spare $! <</notify>>
<<set $spare to undefined>>
<<say $mc>>No way... Already?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, now that I think about it, you've really put a lot of work into this... Come here...<</say>>
<<text>>The girl reached out and pulled you over the counter, hugging you tightly.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh $mc... Thank you so much, you really saved me here.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt1">>
<<say $mc>>No big deal. But I really wonder what you will do with all this free time now...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm not even sure myself. Maybe work some more?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not what I've expected to hear...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha, I'm joking. I said that when the debt was paid, I'd be free to get closer to you. And... Now I can.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear that...<</say>>
<<text>>You move closer to Riley and go for a kiss on her lips. This time she doesn't resist your pull. <</text>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<say "Riley">>I live a couple of blocks down the street...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm... In a few hours I close the shop. I live a couple of blocks down the street... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt2">>
<<say $mc>>OK, let me write it down... <</say>>
<<text>>After making a note of her adress on your mobile phone, you repeat it back to Riley.<</text>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, that's right. So, do you mind doing some more work? I've got to be here for a few more hours anyway.... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, that's right. So, will you continue working here? I mean, with me and all that...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why? Am I such a good worker that you can't keep up?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, well... Yes. You really have opened my eyes to how much more bearable it is to work in a team. Don't worry, my debt is paid - you'll get the full sum from now on.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That sounds rather decent. I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<say "Riley">>And by the way... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debtE">>
<<say $mc>>So, back to the business...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, is there anything else on your mind?<</say>>
<<text>> Looking fresh and rejuvenated, Riley could barely hide her excitement at being safe and free of debt. And it's all thanks to you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah. I wanted to... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "work0">>Sure<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "workE">>
<<if $timeM > 1>>
<<btn Map0>>Exit the shop<</btn>>
<<btn Map1>>Exit the shop<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "work0">>
<<if $WorkMini0 != 1>>
<<btn WorkMini0 stage 0>>Learn to till<</btn>>
<<if $WorkMini1 != 1>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage 0>>Go mopping<</btn>>
/* Govno peredelivat kogda RNG system */
<<if $stage is "work1">>
<<if $WorkMini0 != 1>>
<<btn WorkMini0 stage 0>>Learn to till<</btn>>
<<if $WorkMini1 != 1>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage 0>>Go mopping<</btn>>
/* Unique Exits */
<<if $stage is "0exit0">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "0exit1">>Close the shop<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "0exit1">>
/* <<btn Map0>>Exit to map<</btn>> */
<<btn RileyScene1 stage 0>>Move over to Riley<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1exit0">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "1exit1">>Close the shop<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1exit1">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "1exit2">>Throw in a key<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1exit2">>
<<btn Map0>>Yeah, let's move<</btn>>
/* Regular Menu */
<<if $stage is "enter0b" || $stage is "enter0a" || $stage is "enter0c" || $stage is "shopE" || $stage is "talkE" || $stage is "debtE">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage shop0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<if $RileyScene2Start is 1 && $RileyScene2Completed isnot 1>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<btn RileyPreScene0 stage 0>>I've got the drinks<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have alcohol on you">>I've got the drinks<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "debt0a">>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk1>>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<if $DayValue is 4>>
<<if !$WorkMini2>>
<<btn WorkMini2 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<elseif !$WorkMini3>>
<<btn WorkMini3 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<plugi "That's enough work for the day">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1 && $RileyScene1Exit isnot 1 && $RileyDebtExit0 isnot 1 && $timeM > 2>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
<<elseif ($WorkMini1 is 1 && $WorkMini0 is 1)>>
<<plugi "That's enough work for the day">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1 && $RileyScene1Exit isnot 1 && $RileyDebtExit0 isnot 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<if $RileyCounter > 3 && $EventRileyE0Seen isnot 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 1exit0>> So, is there anything else? <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage work1>>Let's get to work<</btn>>
<<plugi "Minimarket is about to close...">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
/* Shop */
<<if $stage is "shop1">>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<plugi "You already have Whisky">>Get Whisky for 400$<</plugi>>
<<elseif $cash<400>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Get Whisky for 400$<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shop2">>Get Whisky for 400$<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shopE">>Back<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "shop2">>
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<plugi "You already have an Energy Drink">>Get an Energy Drink for 50$<</plugi>>
<<elseif $cash<50>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Get an Energy Drink for 50$<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shop1">>Get an Energy Drink for 50$<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shopE">>Back<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "shop0">>
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<plugi "You already have an Energy Drink">>Get an Energy Drink for 50$<</plugi>>
<<elseif $cash<50>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Get an Energy Drink for 50$<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shop1">>Get an Energy Drink for 50$<</btn>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<plugi "You already have Whisky">>Get Whisky for 400$<</plugi>>
<<elseif $cash<400>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Get Whisky for 400$<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shop2">>Get Whisky for 400$<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "shopE">>Back<</btn>>
/* Talking Head Moment Bla Bla Bla */
<<if $stage is "talk0">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talkE>>Back<</btn>>
<<if $RileyScene1Exit isnot 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> Wait for the work day to be over <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "talk1">>
<<if $cash >= $TwineDogshit1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage debt0>>Pay her debt<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Pay her debt <</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talkE>>Back<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt0">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage debt1>>No biggie<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt0a">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage debt1>>No biggie<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt1">>
<<btn MainMini0 stage debt2>>Wait...<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt2">>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> Hm? <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> I'll wait for you to be done <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'll try to get the hand of the till. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Great. I'll get busy with management first, then...<</say>>
<<text>>Riley turned and walked towards the staff room, seemingly ready to throw you into the sea without caring if you could swim.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, Riley! I have no idea how to use this thing!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... My bad. I completely forgot.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning to face you, Riley let out a sorry sigh and took up a position near the cash register.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Come on over here, you'll get it in no time.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 1>>Examine the device<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Um...<</say>>
<<text>>You stared at the cash register in front of you, feeling overwhelmed as you did so.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/work1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Jesus Christ... Why so many buttons? I swear, flying an aeroplane is easier than this.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, don't be silly, $mc. It'll get easier once we get the basics down.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley stuck her finger into the big-looking button and the drawer opened with a loud bang. Inside, the notes and coins were neatly organised.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You must've spent a lot of time getting all this cash organised.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>All part of the job. It helps them serve customers faster, Jerry said.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 2>>So, how do I do this?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Speaking of which... How do I scan the merchandise and stuff?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, right. Here, take this.<</say>>
<<text>>You took a scanner that reminded you of a peper spray from the Deus Ex, while Riley picked up a chocolate bar and a bottle of Coke and placed them in front of your gun.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Pull the trigger, $mc. Don't just stand there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>OK... Like this?<</say>>
<<text>>You watched as the new set of numbers appeared on the screen. 1.65$ for the chocolate and 2.79$ for the cola. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Yep. Now do your count and give me the price.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>3.54$<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>4.44$<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"с">>4.34$<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Count it? But...<</say>>
<<text>>You take another look at the screen and start to do the maths in your head.<</text>>
<<set $OldGifRng to $NewGifRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewGifRng == $OldGifRng ; >>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewGifRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/mini/math0-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/mini/math1-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/mini/math2-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>4.44$?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You've got it! Well done.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley gave you a hearty standing ovation.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Now you should be ready to deal with every single customer that comes your way. I'm off!<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 4>>Thats all?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<set $OldGifRng to $NewGifRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewGifRng == $OldGifRng ; >>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewGifRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/mini/math0-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/mini/math1-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/mini/math2-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Is it... 3.54$?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley looked at you, as if to check if you were serious or not. After a few seconds of silence, she seems to have made up her mind.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Nope. Come on, it's simple arithmetics, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I haven't counted in my head for years. Why the hell doesn't this thing do it for me?<</say>>
<<text>>Shrugging her shoulders, Riley glanced at the clock and gasped.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Please try to count better next time! I have to go, I'm sure you'll be fine!<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 4>>Thats all?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "3с">>
<<say $mc>>Count it? But...<</say>>
<<text>>You look at the screen again and start doing the maths in your head.<</text>>
<<set $OldGifRng to $NewGifRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewGifRng == $OldGifRng ; >>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewGifRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/mini/math0-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/mini/math1-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/mini/math2-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Is it... 4.34$?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley looked at you, as if to check if you were serious or not. After a few seconds of silence, she seems to have made up her mind.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Nope. Come on, it's simple arithmetics, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I haven't counted in my head for years. Why the hell doesn't this thing do it for me?<</say>>
<<text>>Shrugging her shoulders, Riley glanced at the clock and gasped.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Please try to count better next time! I have to go, I'm sure you'll be fine!<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 4>>Thats all?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... And here I was, hoping she'd guide me through it all.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hasn't she done just that now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not really, I still don't know...<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>Oh, hello there, young man. Would you mind scanning what I'm carrying?<</say>>
<<text>>An elderly woman came over to the tilt with a casket full of goods.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/work2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Of course. It will be 1.65$ for the chocolate and 2.79$ for the cola. <</say>>
<<text>>After you've finished scanning the goods, the woman hands out to you a $10 bill. Now, after adding it all up, the amount of change you should give her back is...<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>5.56$<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>4.44$<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"c">>6.66$<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<set $change to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Yours 5.56$ in change.<</say>>
<<text>>The old lady counts the money carefully, frequently checking it with the receipt. This sight almost put you to sleep, but you resisted the urge and let out a big yawn instead. <</text>>
<<say "Granny">>What, not even going to wish me good day? What a terrible service...<</say>>
<<text>>She shook her head in displeasure, and opened her mouth, ready to go on with a tyrade about "Youth these days...". <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, my bad. Today is actually my first...<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>I'm not interested in your excuses, young man.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right... I wish you a nice evening then?<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>Good. Now call your manager, I'd like to have a word with him about your attitude.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 6>>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<set $change to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Yours 4.44$ in change.<</say>>
<<text>>The old lady counts the money carefully, frequently checking it with the receipt. <</text>>
<<say "Granny">>Wait a minute... There must be some mistake. Young man! Please look at the receipt.<</say>>
<<text>>She holds out a piece of paper and you notice that the change you gave her is 1.22$ short. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>A miscalculation on my part, I'm sorry. This is actually my first...<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>I'm not interested in your excuses. Give me my money back!<</say>>
<<text>>You quickly pulled the rest of the change out of the slot and gave it to the elderly woman. <</text>>
<<say "Granny">>Good. Now call your manager, I'd like to have a word with him about your perfomance.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 6>>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5c">>
<<set $change to 2>>
<<say $mc>>6.66$ in change. Heh, funny number....<</say>>
<<text>>The old lady counts the money carefully, frequently checking it with the receipt. <</text>>
<<say "Granny">>Wait a minute... There must be some mistake. Young man! Please look at the receipt.<</say>>
<<text>>She holds out a piece of paper and you notice that the change you gave her 1$ more than needed. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>A miscalculation on my part, I'm sorry. Can you give it back? This is actually my first...<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>These are mine now! Don't even get started with your excuses.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Listen here, I don't really mind losing few bucks, but can you be a bit more friendly? My work is to check your goods, no need to be hostile.<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>Hostile? I'll show you what I consider being hostile. Call me your manager, I'll have a word with about your attitude.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 6>>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Okay... I will have a look for her in the back room.<</say>>
<<text>>Passing the grumpy lady, you went straight into the back room. Riley was busy making some kind of desk work. Noticing you, she frowned a little.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>$mc? What are you doing here? You were supposed to be manning the till.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I might've had a bit of a mix-up with the customer... So I've been asked to call in a manager. Can you play the part?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley jumped up from the stool and ran for the door. Confused, you decided to follow suit.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Why the rush? It's an old lady, I bet she has plenty of time...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... that's good.<</say>>
<<text>>That's when Riley suddenly slowed to a walk and you almost bumped into her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Careful, Riley!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Right, sorry. It's just that I've been robbed by some teenagers a few times in a similar way. They'd ask me to call the manager, and when I'd gone out - they'd run off with all the goods.<</say>>
<<text>>That was a pretty good scam. You hadn't even thought of that possibility before.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Wow. Don't blame yourself too much, I wouldn't expect that one either.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I know. Although Jerry was very angry with me the last time it happened. I forgot to close the till and the thieves got away with all our money too.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 8>>There she is<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>This is the old lady who asked for the manager.<</say>>
<<text>>When she heard you approaching, the old lady turned around and made a surprised grimace when she saw Riley.<</text>>
<<if $change is 0>>
<<say "Granny">>Oh, honey, you're the manager now? This young man tried to cheat me out of my money....<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>Oh, honey, you're the manager now? This young man was very rude to me.<</say>>
<<text>>Trying to look as serious as she could, Riley returned a polite nod and crossed her arms.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>My apologies. The guy's a rookie. I gave him a stern talk so it won't happen again.<</say>>
<<say "Granny">>Thank you, sweetie. Be careful around him, boys like that only have one thing on their mind, you know... <</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, the old lady picked up her grocery and headed for the exit. As she walked away, you could swear you heard her muttering.<</text>>
<<say "Granny">>No way that little whore is a manager now... I'll have to be extra careful with expiration dates in this store from now on...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 9>>What a bitch<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>She's fucked up, ain't she?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Watch your language. She's our valued customer. As long as you do your job properly, she should be no problem for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, she clearly was...<</say>>
<<text>>Confused by her sudden change of heart, you turn to the girl. But instead of seeing her face, the only thing you could see was her ass.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Wait, you've dropped your personal card under the counter. Be careful! Next time you'll be the one to get it out...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 9>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Slap her ass<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Let it go<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "10a">>
<<say "Riley">>Almost...<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding to teach her a lesson, you slap her sweet ass cheeks with all your might. Riley's soft skin welcomes your palm with a loud slap and she straightens up in seconds.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/riley5-image.webp">>
<<say "Riley">>Hey! What are you doing? That hurt...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I wasn't that rough... Yet.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>And what do you mean by this? If you think that I'm goin to be your girlfriend or something, you are sorely mistaken.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 11>>You liked it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "10b">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, when did you get so high and mighty? We're equals here. I think.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You asked me to play a part. So I'm just helping you out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, yes, but...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Here it is!<</say>>
<<text>>Riley straightens up and victoriously picks up a piece of plastic and puts it in her pocket.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Good thing I found it. You don't want to know what Jerry would do to me if I lost this again. So I take it you have got the hang of things behind the till?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 15>>Yeah<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Really? But you had quite a bit of fun with my cock, though. <</say>>
<<text>>Riley's already red cheeks now ran a deep purple. Biting her lip, the girl frowned and turned away.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>No, I didn't! Pft. It was nothing more than a momentary lapse in judgement, that's all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now-now, there's nothing wrong with doing what your body wants. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>H-huh?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 12>>I can see it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>What, you think I didn't notice that you changed your hair and style after we made up? That I don't see the way that you look at me?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I-I don't... It's just that I decided to try something different...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For me, right?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well... Oof. Maybe.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>See? That wasn't so hard to admit, was it? <</say>>
<<text>>Still flustered, Riley gave you a silent nod and, trying not to look you in the eye, crouched down on the floor and went back to searching for the cashier's ID.<</text>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 13>>You're weird<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't take you for a shy one... The way you sucked me off last time...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I've already said, what happened then was a one-off. I'm not that kind of girl, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, stop with the bullshit. You know it, I know it, hell, even Greg knows that you loved what I did to your mouth. And really, I enjoyed it a lot too.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Here it is!<</say>>
<<text>>Riley straightened up, victoriously holding a piece of plastic in her hand and putting it in her pocket. Then she took a step towards you, coming closer.<</text>>
<<if $Mnmrkt014know is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>As for you...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 14>>Yeah?<</btno>>
<<say "Riley">> As for you... I take it you have got the hang of things behind the tilt?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 15>>Kind of?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<<say "Riley">>You're right. I like... you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then why don't we...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Not so fast. I really can't afford not to pay for the goods that are missing. Especially if we plan on... continuing to like each other.<</say>>
<<text>>You let out a long sigh, but Riley didn't seem to mind.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>So you would be open to the idea after we settled your debts.<</say>>
<<if $change is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Yep.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yep. And judging by your performance today - we'll be done with that very quickly. So, I take it you got the hang of things behind the till?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 15>>Kind of?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>Somewhat. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>That's what I wanted to hear. I'll take over in a couple of hours.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, you're not finished yet? Can't I work behind the PC in your place?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley shook her head in disagreement.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Nuh-uh. Considering how hard it was to teach you, it's way too early for you to be clicking funny buttons on Jerry's computer.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Funny buttons?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'll show you later. All right, good luck!<</say>>
<<text>>After giving you one more reassuring smile, Riley quickly disappeared behind the door of the back room. <</text>>
<<btno WorkMini0 stage 16>>Continue the work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<set $WorkMini0 to 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>>The rest of the shift went by without a hitch and you stared at the clock, wondering if Riley had forgotten about you already.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Greg? <</say>>
<<text>>Although Pug was nowhere to be seen, you knew he must be nearby. And confirming your suspicion, you heard his voice from under the counter.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What? I'm trying to sleep here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Can you check on Riley, she must have...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Phew, I'm done! $mc, I'm ready to take over. Here's your cut.<</say>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<if $change is 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash+159>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 159$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<if $change is 2>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 79$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+79>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn MainMini0 stage shop0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "debt0a">>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk1>>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<if $WorkMini1 is 1 && $WorkMini0 is 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 1exit0>> So, is there anything else? <</btn>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage work1>>Let's get to work<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough time!">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Well then... I'll start mopping.<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/work3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Do you know how to use the mop?<</say>>
<<text>>Shocked at how serious this question sounded, you turn to Riley.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Do I? Of course I do. Who on earth doesn't know how to use a mop?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, I didn't ....<</say>>
<<text>>Riley covered her eyes shyly and continued.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I never had to do it in my family's house before. I had to learn a lot before I could start earning money here.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 1>>Really?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>That's tough. You must be missing home?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Not at all. It's much more interesting being here, learning new skills, meeting new people... It's fun.<</say>>
<<text>>The thought of going back to your old town has crossed your mind again.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I have a lot of sympathy for that.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Really? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I've left my old place as well. And decided to stay here, despite getting challenged over and over.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley watched you fill the bucket with cleaning fluid, her eyes full of joy.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>It's so cool! Finally someone who understands me...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 2>>Yeah, it's cool<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Your welcome. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get busy.<</say>>
<<text>>You start mopping the floor, taking a full advantage of the lull.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/work4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Don't forget to move the shelves! I haven't cleaned under them for ages.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>And check the back of the shop too. I "might" have dropped a little bit of piss down there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... You're taking full advantage of me, aren't you?<</say>>
<<text>>After a few hours of relentless cleaning, your back starts to feel tired and your arms ache. Looking around for a place to rest, you notice an open door to the broom closet.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now this box looks quite comfortable. I wonder if anyone will notice that I am missing for a few minutes...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage 32>>Continue working<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Relax for a bit<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say $mc>>Even if they do - screw them. I deserve some rest too.<</say>>
<<text>>So as not to alarm Riley or any unsuspecting customers, you stepped inside and gently closed the door behind you.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Finally, some peace and quiet. At long fucking last.<</say>>
<<text>>But after a few minutes of sitting in the dark, doing nothing but experiencing bliss, your mind begins to wander, bored. As you have nothing better to do, you take out your mobile phone and go straight to your favourite hentai site.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/hentai0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn... That chick looks juicy as hell... Or I could check out that IRL forum on 4ch instead...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Just chill out<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage 0>>Go for the hentai<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"c">>Check the board<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "4a">>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<<text>>You reject horny. You decide that the best thing to do would be to just relax while you have the time. The grey walls of the room begin to calm your mind, and soon you find yourself drifting off to sleep.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ahhh... So good...<</say>>
<<text>>And then the sweet embrace of the dream is torn from you by the familiar sound of a voice.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! You're here?<</say>>
<<text>>The door opened with a loud clang and you almost jumped, caught off guard. Riley was standing in the doorway, looking over at you with a sombre expression on her face.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... Sorry, did I wake you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not only did you wake me, but I think I've had a heart attack from you slamming that bloody door.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Warn me next time you need to rest. I'll try and cover for you if I can.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 5>>What did you want?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll do it. Why were you looking for me anyway? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Someone spilled a few litres of milk in the fridge and it is a walking hazard. Please clean it up when you're done.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do it now, since you woke me up anyway.<</say>>
<<text>>You've got your butt out of the box and after a good stretch you've got the mop. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Show me where it is.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Of course, follow me.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 32>>Return to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 25>>
<<text>>You closed the chat room and took a deep breath. Saving someone's marriage felt good. Although a deeper part of you really wondered if this woman would be happy with such a life. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>I think I should get back to work soon, Riley must have...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! You're here?<</say>>
<<text>>The door opened with a loud clang and you jumped in surprise. Riley was standing in the doorway, looking at you curiously. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you scared me. Didn't they teach you to knock?<</say>>
<<text>>But Riley chose to ignore your question and instead went on the offensive.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>You're on the clock! At least warn me if you're going to slack off. What have you been doing here all this time?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 25>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Chilling<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Jerking off<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "26a">>
<<say $mc>>Nothing much, just chilling.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Then get to work. Someone spilled a few litres of milk in the fridge and it is a walking hazard. Please clean it up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right...<</say>>
<<text>>After a good last stretch, you got your butt out of the box and picked up the mop.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Show me where it is.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Sure, follow me.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 31>>Get to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "26b">>
<<say $mc>>Jerking off, what else? Want to join?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>What? I don't need it right now, I'm fine...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you can help me instead. Just like before, yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>You gave Riley the sleaziest smile you could muster as you pretended to start unzipping your trousers. The eyes began to dart around the room as if she was afraid to hold an eye contact with you.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I've already told you, that was a one-time thing. I'm busy right now... I have work... And stuff...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh? I have some stuff for you too, you know.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Please stop...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 26>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>All right<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Push it<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "27a">>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<<text>>You decided it would be better to stop your advances when you saw that Riley wasn't having any of it.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I was joking. I was just being silly, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... Really.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do. And I can see that right now - you're not interested in what I'm selling.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Thanks $mc... But you really should get back to work. <</say>>
<<text>>You let out a sigh and turned away from Riley to pick up the mop.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I guess my break is over... Show me where to go.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Of course, follow me.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 31>>Get to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "27b">>
<<set $RileyCounter -= 1>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, come here. You'll like it, I know you will.<</say>>
<<text>>You stood up and moved closer to Riley, but she reluctantly pushed her hands in front of her, stopping your approach.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I said no. Get back to work. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>But...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No. Someone spilled a couple of litres of milk on the fridge and it is a walking hazard for our customers. Please clean it up.<</say>>
<<text>>You sighed in disappointment and turned away from Riley to pick up the mop. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>At least show me where it is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Follow me.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 31>>Get to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 28>>
<<say $mc>>OK. Give me a second.<</say>>
<<text>>You take off your trousers, exposing your half-erect penis before the camera lens. After a few moments of deliberation, you find the angle that works and take the picture, sending it to Sam with a second click. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! You're in here?<</say>>
<<text>>The door opened with a loud clang and you jumped, caught off guard. Riley was standing in the doorway, her mouth agape as she looked down at your crotch before quickly turning away.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh my God! What are you doing here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it, weren't you taught to knock first?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You're on duty! This is not the time for this... Foolishness.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 28>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Sure-sure<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>I'm jerking off though!<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "29a">>
<<say $mc>>Foolishness? OK, all right. Not like I was getting anywhere. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Get back to work when you're done, please. Someone spilled a few litres of milk in the fridge and now it is a walking hazard.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll clean it up, of course.<</say>>
<<text>>After tucking your dick back where it belongs, you moved your ass out of the box and picked up the mop.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Show me where it is. I have no idea.<</say>>
<<text>>Ready to go, you looked at Riley, who still hadn't turned around and seemed to be lost in deep thought.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Riley! Where is the spilt milk?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh! Sorry, follow me. I'll show you.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 31>>Get to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "29b">>
<<say $mc>>Foolishness? I was busy wanking. You can join me if you like. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>What? No, no, no! I don't need it right now. I'm fine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you can help me instead. Like before, yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley finally turned to you, and you gave her the sleaziest smile you could muster. You noticed the girl's cheeks fluttering as she tried not to look at your groin. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I told you, that was a one-off. I'm busy at the moment... I have work... And stuff...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh? I have some stuff for you too, you know.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Please stop...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 29>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>All right<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Push it<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "30a">>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<<text>>Seeing that Riley wasn't into it, you decided it would be better to stop your advances.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I was joking. I was just being silly, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... Really.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do. And I can see that right now - you're not interested in what I'm selling.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Thanks $mc... But you really should get back to work. <</say>>
<<text>>You let out a sigh, turning away from Riley and picking up the mop after tucking your junk back where it belongs.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I guess my break is over... Show me where to go.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Of course, follow me.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 31>>Get to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "30b">>
<<set $RileyCounter -= 1>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, come here. You'll like it, I know you will.<</say>>
<<text>>You stood up and moved closer to Riley, but she reluctantly pushed her hands in front of her, stopping your approach.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I said no. Get back to work. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>But...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No. Someone spilled a few litres of milk near the fridge and it is a walking hazard for our customers. Please clean it up.<</say>>
<<text>>Disappointed, you let out a sigh and turned to get the mop, having put your junk back where it belongs. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Then at least show me where it is.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Follow me.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 31>>Get to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 32>>
<<text>>Some time later...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm exhausted. Is this good enough, Riley?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yep! Amazing work, $mc. I've been able to sell more goods thanks to your efforts. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>How much did we make?<</say>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<set $WorkMini1 to 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> 200$. It's all yours, $mc. Here. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+200>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 200$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+200>>
<<say "Riley">>200$ overall, but you can take 100$. It's your half of the cut, the other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+100>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 100$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn MainMini0 stage shop0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "debt0a">>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk1>>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<if $WorkMini1 is 1 && $WorkMini0 is 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 1exit0>> So, is there anything else? <</btn>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage work1>>Let's get to work<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough time today!">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 31>>
<<text>>Some time later...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Phew... Is this good, Riley?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yep! Well done, $mc. I've been able to sell more goods thanks to your efforts. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>How much did we make?<</say>>
<<set $WorkMini1 to 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> 160$. It's all yours, $mc. Here. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>160$ overall, but you can take 80$. It's your half of the cut, the other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn MainMini0 stage shop0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "debt0a">>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk1>>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<if $WorkMini1 is 1 && $WorkMini0 is 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 1exit0>> So, is there anything else? <</btn>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage work1>>Let's get to work<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough time today!">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 33>>
<<set $cash to $cash-300>>
<<set $Hentai0Acc to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, now it's mine! <</say>>
<<text>>You're quick to order and, having paid $300, you're notified that the game is scheduled to arrive at your door the following morning.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, that's fine I suppose... I think I should get back to work in a meantime, Riley must have...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! You're here?<</say>>
<<text>>The door opened with a loud clang and you jumped in surprise. Riley was standing in the doorway, looking at you curiously. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you scared me. Didn't they teach you to knock?<</say>>
<<text>>But Riley chose to ignore your question and instead went on the offensive.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>You're on the clock! At least warn me if you're going to slack off. What have you been doing here all this time?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 25>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Chilling<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Jerking off<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 34>>
<<say $mc>> Sounds like a cool game, but 300$ is still 300$... I'm not going to buy it. <</say>>
<<text>>You closed the site and took a deep breath in.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> At least for now. I think I should get back to work in a meantime, Riley must have...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! You're here?<</say>>
<<text>>The door opened with a loud clang and you jumped in surprise. Riley was standing in the doorway, looking at you curiously. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you scared me. Didn't they teach you to knock?<</say>>
<<text>>But Riley chose to ignore your question and instead went on the offensive.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>You're on the clock! At least warn me if you're going to slack off. What have you been doing here all this time?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 25>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Chilling<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Jerking off<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to "0a">> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $ThsdPzz0aSawScene to 1>>
<<say "Savannah">> Fuck... We're done $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah tried to run straight to the computer, but you held her in place with a cheeky smile. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No. Why would I? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Because the show is over. Let go. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah pushed your hand away and moved to the keyboard, typing something away at it furiously. For a few moments you just stood there, your erect penis flailing in the wind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait, you serious? But we have just started! At least take me to the edge before you... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> No, it's over. Let it go. At least for the time being. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel a genuine anger bubbling up inside of you. Feeling played, you slam your fist down on the table and Savannah turns back to you. <</text>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 18>> What the fuck? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $WdJb211Notseen isnot 1>>
<<set $ThsdPzz0aSawScene to 1>>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<if $WdJb1Alexis > 1>>
<<set $AlexisFuck0 to 1>>
<<set $AlexisCounter to $WdJb1Alexis>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, I think I'll stay here for a while. The weather is nice.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, Greg.<</say>>
<<text>>When you enter the Rooster's Egg, you're welcomed by the usual sight of Alexis standing behind the counter. As soon as she notices you, there is a slight frown followed by a roll of her eyes.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Yo, what's up, Alexis? Not feeling well, eh?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Get to work, you bum. Or at least stop bothering me.<</say>>
<<text>>After leaving that cold remark, Alexis pulled out a pen and paper and started writing something on it, looking very busy.<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $AlexisCounter > 1>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>What was that for?<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>What the hell?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, that's rude. Did I offend you yesterday? You seemed to be having a good time...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You didn't even say goodbye. I have nothing to say to you after that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, Alexis... You were asleep and I had things to do. I didn't want to wake you, that's all.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sure. <</say>>
<<text>>The steel in her voice seemed a little less cold after you'd explained yourself. But she was still clearly angry with you.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>OK, I'll leave you to it. Is Savannah here today?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes, she is. She's in her room, as usual. But you'd better change into your work clothes first. The changing room is there, behind her office.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 2>>Go to the changing room<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, that's rude. Aren't we supposed to be a team and all that?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Look, I gave you a chance and I have yet to see it pay off.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What, I didn't kiss your ass hard enough?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huh? That's got nothing to do with it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I don't see what the problem is. Even Savannah was pleased with my performance yesterday. By the way, is she going to be here today?<</say>>
<<text>>Destroyed by your facts and logic, Alexis couldn't help but sigh. And yet, she began to answer what you wanted to know, instead of blocking you outright.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>She's in her room, as usual. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 2>>Okay<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $AlexisCounter < 2>>
<<say $mc>>All right... I'll go check on Savannah then.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No, you need to change into your uniform first. The changing room is behind her office. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. Thank you for letting me know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, Alexis. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Whatever. Get changed quickly and get back to work.<</say>>
<<text>>Following the directions Alexis gave you, you pass Savannah's office door and notice that it is ajar. Inside, Savannah is fiddling with her PC, looking rather frustrated.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah0-image.jpg">>
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, $mc. You're just in time, I've been waiting for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hello Savannah.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, it's you, $mc. I was wondering when you were going to show up.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM > 1>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Fuck...<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>What for?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, sorry about that.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>No, a single 'sorry' is not going to be enough. <</say>>
<<text>>Savannah got up from the PC and slowly approached you. She held a sturdy ruler in her hand.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm wondering why you're not here on time. Do you want to explain yourself? Does this job mean nothing to you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>At the mini-market nearby I've been offered a part-time job. And honestly, I couldn't afford to refuse. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Short on cash, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah bit her thumb, thinking about what you'd just said. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>All right, I allow it. Anyway, you were the one I was waitin' for.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 3b>>What for?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say $mc>>Why? For what purpose?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>When it comes to technology, I hear you're pretty smart. And my PC has just started acting up for some reason. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can check it out, sure.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>That would be wonderful...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But, just to be clear, I'm getting paid for this, yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>Interrupted, Savannah stopped mid-sentence and gave you a look.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course. You're on the clock right now, and I always make sure that my workers get paid.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>What about a bonus?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "4b">>
<<say $mc>>But how about a little extra for the trouble?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>For what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You know, since it's not in my...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh. I'll look into it when my PC's fixed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good to me.<</say>>
<<text>>As you approach the PC, you notice that the screen is covered with a bunch of spam banners.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/work0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn... How many porn sites have you visited?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Not THAT many. And not today.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 5>>I have an idea on how to fix that<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Well... I guess I'll just reset your system to the closest backup. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Will that take long?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it depends. Maybe an hour?<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah let out a heavy sigh and picked up her bag, while texting something on her phone.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>All right then. I'll go for a walk. And I expect it to be fixed by the time I get back.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hope so. It would suck if the problem was deeper than that.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 6>>Tinker with her PC<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Fucking finally.<</say>>
<<text>>Forty minutes or so later, the reset procedure is over and you can see the system booting up to the user screen.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, it's locked with a password. Well then...<</say>>
<<text>>You are about to turn off the PC when you notice a piece of paper under the table. On closer inspection, it contains a string of numbers that must be a password. <</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/passsword0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>No way. Someone really needs to teach this woman about computer security...<</say>>
<<text>>Savnnah could be back at any moment. Should you really be hacking into her PC right now?<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 6>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Wait it out<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Check her files<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "7a">>
<<say $mc>> No, that would be too dangerous. I'd better just sit it out and think about what kind of reward I'm going to get, considering this is Savannah I'm talking about... <</say>>
<<text>>But your thoughts were cut short when the door opened and Savannah returned from her walk.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Is it done?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yup. Check it out if you want. Should work fine.<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah approached the monitor and frowned. <</text>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 12>>Everything's OK?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "7b">>
<<set $ThsdPzz07bWebCam to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well... Why miss the chance, right?<</say>>
<<text>>After entering the password, you were greeted by the cute cat-themed wallpaper. A bunch of different shortcuts and folders were scattered all over the screen. <</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/work1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Boring. Where's the spicy stuff?<</say>>
<<text>>That's when you noticed a folder called "Private Logs". Curious, you clicked on it and then selected the file with the most recent date.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> It took a while to load... Looks like a normal chat log though. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 8>>Read it out<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>Looking special today, aren't you?<</someone>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh... you know me. I'm always special when it comes to my best fans~<</say>>
<<text>>At the end of the message is a gif of Savannah in her lingirie.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/savannah2-image.webp">>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>You should swap that finger for something bigger.<</someone>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, I wish, but I'm so alone...<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 9>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>Fuck, if only I had found you before I married that bitch. I would take care of your needs for good.<</someone>>
<<say "Savannah">>You wouldn't lie to me, would you? I trust you...<</say>>
<<text>>This time Savannah was on her back, showing the camera her beatufil and ample breasts. <</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/savannah3-image.webp">>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>Oh shit... You made me so hard. Even though I'm going to have to deal with it by myself.<</someone>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't be like that... I would love to watch you jerk off, but I have to pay the rent soon...<</say>>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>Well, in for a pound... 1500$ should be enough, right? <</someone>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 10>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mhm... Thanks a lot FatCock987...<</say>>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>Come on, you can call me Bob. I don't mind.<</someone>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about how fat your cock must be... My tight little hole is still waiting for the moment we meet~<</say>>
<<text>>The next gif was just juicy enough to make you act up unwise. Savannah's butt was shaking right before your eyes and you could see both her asshole and pussy, leaving little to the imagination.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/savannah4-image.webp">>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>Mmm... Spread it a bit more, baby. If you want to endure the full length of my dick, you'd better start training. <</someone>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course, silly. I work out a lot... I want to be gaped by you so badly...<</say>>
<<someone someone "FatCock987" dick>>Fuck, I wish I could buy you a ticket to America right now. But my wallet isn't big enough to get you all the way from Albania.<</someone>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 11>>Huh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>What the fuck? Albania?<</say>>
<<text>>But your thoughts were cut short when the door opened and Savannah returned from her walk.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Is it done?<</say>>
<<if $ThsdPzz07bWebCam is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Ah... Yes, just a second...<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly, you close the folder and the chat log, hiding all evidence of your mishap. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Done. Check it out if you want. Should work fine.<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah approached the monitor and frowned. <</text>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 12>>Everything's OK?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>Is there anything wrong with it?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>No, nothing. It's just that I thought I'd removed some of these files...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Must be some kind of error, don't worry. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, if you say so...<</say>>
<<if $ThsdPzz07bWebCam is 1>>
<<text>>It was hard to tell if Savannah saw through your bullshit, she was too engrossed in a process of moving and deleting various folders and files.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now, about my reward... <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 13>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say "Savannah">>What now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Reward for fixing your PC. Didn't you say you'd look into it after I'd done my bit?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>So you didn't do all this just to help your boss out of the kindness of your heart? Colour me surprised.<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah gave you a chuckle before returning to the computer.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Get back to work, you'll be paid as promised. Instead of getting $19 for an hour's work, I'll give you $25 this time. <</say>>
<<text>>This attitude of hers was starting to get on your nerves. Who does she think you are?<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> What do you think? <</say>>
<<set $cstage to 13>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Make a stand<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage 15a>>Let it go<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "14a">>
<<say $mc>>Not even a "thank you" or a "good job"? And what's with the pathetic $7 bonus? Is this how you treat everyone here?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>This is a pretty good opportunity in our company. So watch out. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Opportunity my ass! You would pay a hundred times more if you had to call someone for this! <</say>>
<<text>>Unable to contain your anger, you slam your fist across Savannah's table. She looks up at you in surprise.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>What does that mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not your fucking tool, that's what.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Hmph. So you do have a spine after all. <</say>>
<<set $cstage to 13>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $WdJb211Notseen is 1>>
<<btn SavannahScene0-1 stage 1>>...<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "14b">>
<<say "Savannah">>Thank you soooo much for helping me with my PC problems~ Was that good enough for you?<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah gets up from her desk and takes a few steps towards you, looking pleased.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's not nearly enough...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I knew you'd want more than that. And you will get it. If you keep working here, that is. Prove yourself to me and I'll make sure you don't leave empty-handed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How can I trust you?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, I think I've given you a little taste of what can happen if you stick with me after your interview. You know what I mean, right?<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 15>>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>Sure... I do.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Then go and get dressed. Time is ticking.<</say>>
<<text>>Fuck, again with her superior attitude... But you knew this wasn't the time to pick a fight with your boss. At least not yet.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'll keep that in mind, Savannah.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I hope you will, $mc. I have high hopes for you.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage 0>>Go into changing room<</btn>>
<<plugi "You have too much free time today!">> Actually... <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough time today!">> Go into changing room <</plugi>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage 16>> Actually...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "15a">>
<<set $ThsdPzz0aSawScene to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing. It's all good.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Then go and get dressed. Time is ticking.<</say>>
<<text>>Fuck, again with her superior attitude... But you knew this wasn't the time to pick a fight with your boss. At least not yet.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm going to remember this, Savannah.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I hope you will, $mc. I have high hopes for you.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage 0>>Go into changing room<</btn>>
<<plugi "You have too much free time today!">> Actually... <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough time today!">> Go into changing room <</plugi>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage 16>> Actually...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say $mc>> About that... I have to be somewhere else right now.<</say>>
<<text>> Savannah stopped whatever she was doing and stared at you. You could tell those were the eyes of a person ready to kill. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> So not only did you get here late, but you planned to dip in the middle of your shift? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Look, I wouldn't be asking for leave if it wasn't urgent. Taking on a second job will take some getting used to. <</say>>
<<text>> Still seething with anger, Savannah took a few seconds to think. When she spoke again, her demeanour and voice were as calm as a mountain. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> All right. You're a hustler, I can respect that. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 17>> Wow... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<say $mc>> Thanks, I'll... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't interrupt me, I haven't finished yet. <</say>>
<<text>> For a second Savannah disappeared under a table and when she returned she had a few notes in her hand. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> I really hope it never happens again. Take this. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 150$ <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> I'll try my best to avoid it. <</say>>
<<btno Map0 ThusdPizza0 1>> Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "17a">>
<<say "Savannah">> Fuck... We're done $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah tried to run straight to the computer, but you held her in place with a cheeky smile on your face. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No. Why would I stop at the moment like this? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Because the show is over. Let go. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah pushed your hand away and moved to the keyboard, typing something away at it furiously. For a few moments you just stood there, your erect penis flailing in the wind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait, you serious? But we have just started! At least take me to the edge before you... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> No, it's over. Let it go. At least for the time being. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel a genuine anger bubbling up inside of you. Feeling played, you slam your fist down on the table and Savannah turns back to you. <</text>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 18>> What the fuck? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<say $mc>> What are you talking about? You can't just go away after all that. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't raise your voice to me. Keep your cool. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You don't get to blue-ball me like that... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm afraid I just did. Sorry about that. <</say>>
<<text>> She smiled and you knew she wasn't sorry in the least. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">> Now go and get changed. Time is ticking, remember? <</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage "0a">>Go into changing room<</btn>>
<<plugi "You have too much free time today!">> Actually... <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough time today!">> Go into changing room <</plugi>>
<<btn ThusdPizza0 stage 19>> Actually...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<say $mc>> I don't think I will. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah looked geniunly surprised hearing those words. She stepped back and carefullly examined your face with her blue eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Huh? Don't tell me that this is all it takes for you to quit... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Fuck no, I'm not quiting before I pound you tight asshole to dust. <</say>>
<<text>> Even you were surprised by the sudden strength and authority of your own voice. Hearing you say that, Savannah bit her lips, waiting for you to finish. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> But I have to be somewhere else right now. It's really important. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza0 stage 20>> Wow... <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<text>> Savannah waited a few seconds to make sure you didn't add anything. When she spoke, her voice was unusually warm. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> All right. You're a true hustler, nothing more can be said about that. <</say>>
<<text>> For a second Savannah disappeared under a table and when she returned she held a few notes in her hand. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What's that for? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't interrupt me, it's your pay. You were on a clock and did fix my PC after all. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 150$ <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Right, thanks. See you, then. <</say>>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<<btno Map0 ThusdPizza0 1>> Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $ThusdPizza0 to 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>>After leaving Savannah's office, you moved to the next door, entering a not so shabby staff room.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I was expecting something more like a broom closet... Savannah really does take care of her employees, doesn't she <</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/work2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder where they keep the uniforms... I hope they have the right size for me.<</say>>
<<text>>You opened the lockers one after the other until you found one with a polo shirt in it that looked somewhat fresh.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/work3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What an ugly shirt though... But I guess I don't really have a choice here.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 1>>Change into the shirt<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<set $ThusdPizza0 to 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<text>>Swallowing your pride, you left Savannah's office and moved to the next door, entering the shabby staff room.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I was expecting something more like a broom closet... <</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/work2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder where they keep the uniforms... I hope they have the right size for me.<</say>>
<<text>>You opened the lockers one after the other until you found one with a polo shirt in it that looked somewhat fresh.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/work3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What an ugly shirt though... But I guess I don't really have a choice here.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 1>>Change into the shirt<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>After changing into your uniform, you went back to the reception. Alexis was still sitting in the same position and it was obvious that she was getting bored. Noticing you, her lips curled into a cute smile.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Nice shirt, $mc. Suits you well. <</say>>
<<text>>Ignoring her playful jab, you went straight to business.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What do I do now? The sooner I get it off, the better.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>As usual with you, I'd wager. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell was that for?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Weren't you in a hurry? Come on, go into the kitchen, Giorno will give you something to work with. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, then. I hope he won't be such a bitch about it.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 2>>Visit the kitchen<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Giorno?<</say>>
<<text>>You stepped into the kitchen to find a big man busy kneading the pizza dough. Noticing you, he dropped the dough onto the board and turned his attention to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/giorno0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Giorno">>Oh. You must be the new one? Your name... $mc it was, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Can I help you with anything? Alexis sent me here...<</say>>
<<say "Giorno">>Of course you can. I have a very important task for you. Here's the thing...<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Giorno">>...I need about a 100 pizza poxes for the evening. But folding them with one hand, while making the pizza with the other is one hell of a task, so you can start with that.<</say>>
<<text>>Italian man pointed towards a large stack of soon to be boxes and then got back to cooking pizza.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/work4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck me... No way I'll fold so many of them in one go.<</say>>
<<say "Giorno">>Trust me, it is easier than it looks. And that's saying something!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess I'd better start soon then. Didn't expect to be doing the most boring shit first day on the kitchen...<</say>>
<<say "Giorno">>Don't be so sour, ha-ha. I'll treat you with something nice when you'll be done. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take you up on that.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 4>>Fold the boxes<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Christ, my fingers... Oh God.<</say>>
<<text>>The last box was finally folded and you felt the full depth of the pain in your fingertips. <</text>>
<<say "Giorno">>Ho-ho, don't worry about it, you'll get callus soon enough. Ladies like men with strong fingers. And I'm speakinng from experience.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure about that? All the ladies I've met so far liked my big dick more.<</say>>
<<say "Giorno">>Lucky bastard, you. Ho, but since you've finished your assignment, here's a little present from chief Giorno himself.<</say>>
<<text>>Giorno stretcherd out a medium sized plate to you, making sure that no-one sees it.<</text>>
<<if $AlexisCounter > 1>>
<<img "act2/pizza/pizza0-image.jpg">>
<<img "act2/pizza/pasta0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Whoa... <</say>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $AlexisCounter < 2>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Wait, what?<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1-1 stage 0>>That looks good...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<say $mc>>I thought this place was supposed to be a pizzeria?<</say>>
<<say "Giorno">>We cook a lot of different things here. Now go into the break room, have a nice meal while you have the time. Enjoy it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Giorno. I will.<</say>>
<<text>>As you sat behind the table, you've marveled at the image of fresh pasta, as your mouthh began to water.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Finally, freedom... At last.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis appeared in the doorframe, looking somehwhat excited.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, you're on a break too?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 5>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>What now...<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Wanna join?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "6a">>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm eating. Did you want something?<</say>>
<<text>>After a second's hesitation, Alexis shook her head.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>No. I'm just surprised, that's all. Enjoy your meal, I'll get back to work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, then.<</say>>
<<text>>After watching her walk away, you took a bite of the pasta, feeling the flavours explode in your mouth. The sweet scent of the alcohol base, the tomato sauce, the meat and the cheese all blended together in a perfect taste.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/pasta1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit... So good...<</say>>
<<text>>Soon you were leaning back in the chair, feeling the comforting fullness and being rejuvenated with energy.<</text>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 21>>Get back to work after some rest<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "6b">>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. Do you want a bite? I'm not sure if I'm hungry enough to eat all this by myself.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you so much! I was just about to die of hunger.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis quickly sat down on a stool, picked up a fork and began to chew on the pasta.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Bon appetit~.<</say>>
<<text>>As you took your first bite, you felt the flavour explode in your mouth. The sweet scent of the alcohol base, the tomato sauce, the meat and the cheese all blended together in a perfect taste.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/pasta1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit... So good...<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 8>>Enjoy your meal<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>>Having finished your half, you leaned back in the chair, feeling rejuvenated with energy. But when you turned to Alexis, she had long since finished hers, looking somewhat embarrassed.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hey, $mc... I'm sorry about earlier.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? It's all banter, I get it. No need to...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I really was a bit pissed at you. For... Being so unreliable.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, you knew me for what? Two, three days now? Maybe a week? How can you be so sure?<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis twirled her hair for a second and then smiled.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>You know what? You're right. I'm willing to give you one more chance.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 9>>One more what?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>>At the sight of your puzzled look, Alexis had a quick answer.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I mean, I get it, learning teamwork takes a while. I'm just saying I'm not ready to give you up just yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's good. Who knows, maybe I'll impress you by working really hard or something.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You could. But it would take more than that...<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis gave you a devilish look.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Eh... Care to elaborate?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, remember that special pizza Savannah gave us? <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 10>>Huh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Special? Oh, that time... Yes, I do. What about it?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, it's still waiting for us. So, if you want to train with me...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait a minute. Shouldn't it have gone bad by now?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No, not at all. It's something special.<</say>>
<<text>>Still not completely convinced, you decided not to push the idea any further, given how enthusiastic Alexis was.<</text>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 11>>So what?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<set $WdJb315AlxsJoke to 1>>
<<say $mc>>OK, so what are you saying?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>It's an invitation to spend an evening with me and pizza, silly. Well, and hopefully it could be a way to learn some teamwork as well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I suppose you mean you want us to behave like a well-oiled piston and a um... cylinder? <</say>>
<<text>>Alexis laughed, and you noticed a faint, seductive smile on her face. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh shit, $mc... I didn't take you for a mechanic... But you're right. <</say>>
<<text>>With that, she glanced at her watch and got up from the table.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Let's get back to work. You can think about what kind of exercises we can do together to... how did you say, oil up?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 11>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Sure<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Sorry, not today<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "12a">>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I'll think about it for a while. You can be sure of that.<</say>>
<<text>>The rest of the day went smoothly as you and Alexis returned to your workstations. At the end of your day's work, you check in with Alexis at the reception desk.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>All done? Well done, $mc. By the way, here's what you get paid. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+400>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 400$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Alexis hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>And that's with the bonus, since you stayed the whole shift.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Cool. That's more than I expected...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Isn't that great? All right, now take the pizza and wait for me outside.<</say>>
<<btno WedJob4 stage "0a">>Walk outside<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "12b">>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I'll think about it for a while. You can be sure of that.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Great, then...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But not today. I'm really busy and if I'm going to spnd time with you - I don't want to be in a hurry...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huh... All right. I'll be waiting for your signal, then~. <</say>>
<<text>>The rest of the day went smoothly as you and Alexis returned to your workstations. At the end of your day's work, you check in with Alexis at the reception desk.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>All done? Well done, $mc. By the way, here's what you get paid. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+400>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 400$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Alexis hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>And that's with the bonus, since you stayed the whole shift.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Cool. That's more than I expected...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>It's good. By the way, can you help me close the shades? I'm going to change, have a meeting with a friend later.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 21>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $AlexisCounter > 2>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Sure<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't feel enough connection between each other">>Sure<</plugi>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage "23a">>Sorry, I'm busy<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<text>>The rest of the day went off without a hitch. After finishing your duties, you go to see Alexis at the reception.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Done already? Well done, $mc. Here's your pay, by the way. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+400>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got 400$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Alexis hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>That's with the bonus, since you stayed for the whole shift and all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Cool. It's more than I expected...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>By the way, can you help me close the shades? I'm going to change, have a meeting with a friend later.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 21>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Sure<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage "23a">>Sorry, I'm busy<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "22a">>
<<set $AlexisPeep0 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you very much! I've got the keys with me, so you can go as soon as you're done.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. <</say>>
<<text>>You have done your best to make sure that all the windows are firmly in place. Now there is no way anyone can break in. After that, you turned off the lights and prepared for the exit from the building.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Took me longer than expected... But that should do it.<</say>>
<<text>>A bright light coming from the dressing room caught your attention. Alexis must still be changing...<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 22>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Check up on her<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "23b">>
<<say $mc>>Wonder what took her so long. Perhaps she's doing something silly and got into a trouble? I'd better have a look...<</say>>
<<text>>Trying not to make too much noise, you approached the doorframe and peered through the small gap between the door and its frame.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis4-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Holy sh...<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised by the sudden sight, you couldn't hold back your exclamation. Alexis stopped in her tracks and began to look around.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Is anyone there? $mc?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 23>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>It's me...<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Time to hide!<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "23a">>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, I'm in a big hurry. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>All right. <</say>>
<<text>>Alexis shook her shoulders and went into the kitchen.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Goodbye then.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bye, Alexis.<</say>>
<<text>>Coming out of the Rooster's Egg, you're greeted by Grigoriy, who's patrolling the entrance of the building.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How did it go?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well enough. Let's go.<</say>>
<<if $timeM > 1>>
<<btno Map0 ThusdPizza1 1>>...<</btno>>
<<btno Map1 ThusdPizza1 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "24a">>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Ye-yeah, it's me. Fuck, I've got my feet stumbled into the corner in this darkness. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>What are you doing here? Please don't come in, I'm naked.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wasn't going to, who do you think I am? A creep? I just got a bit worried when I saw that the lights were still on in a room.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Is that how it is? That's very sweet of you.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few seconds of getting dressed, Alexis looked out of the room. Her breasts looked much smaller, now grouped tightly together by her lingerie as she waved her hand over to you.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I'm fine, see? You can go home, really. I'll close the place up myself.<</say>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis grow a little 💙 <</text>>
<<set $cstage to 24>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1 stage 25>>Cool!<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "24b">>
<<text>>You quickly ran away and hid around the corner, not wanting to be caught by Alexis. Still half naked, the girl looked out of the room, looking for the Intuder.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>What the hell was that? Must have been the wind... <</say>>
<<text>>Then, thankfully, Alexis disappeared back into the room. You're greeted by Grigoriy patrolling the entrance to the building as you leave the Rooster's Egg.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How did it go?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Well enough. Let's go, we still have some things left to do.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Right.<</say>>
<<if $timeM > 1>>
<<btno Map0 ThusdPizza1 1>>...<</btno>>
<<btno Map1 ThusdPizza1 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 25>>
<<say $mc>>Okay... See you next time, Alexis. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Bye, $mc. I'm looking forward to your next shift.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis has disappeared back into the changing room as you moved to the main hall of the pizzeria. Coming out of the Rooster's Egg, you're greeted by Grigoriy, who's patrolling the entrance of the building.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How did it go?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well enough. Let's go, we've got things to do.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Right.<</say>>
<<if $timeM > 1>>
<<btno Map0 ThusdPizza1 1>>...<</btno>>
<<btno Map1 ThusdPizza1 1>>...<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, this looks delicious...<</say>>
<<say "Giorno">>Now go into the break room and have a nice meal while you have the time. Enjoy it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, Giorno. I will.<</say>>
<<text>>As you sat behind the table, you've marveled at the image of fresh pizza, as your mouthh began to water.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Finally, freedom... At last.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis appeared in the doorframe, looking somehwhat excited.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, you're on a break too?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1-1 stage 1>>What now...<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1-1 stage 2>>Wanna join?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'm eating. Did you want something?<</say>>
<<text>>After a second's hesitation, Alexis shook her head.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>No. I'm just surprised, that's all. Enjoy your meal, I'll get back to work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, then.<</say>>
<<text>>As you took your first bite, you could feel the taste exploding in your mouth. As soon as you finished the first slice, you reached for the second, savouring the perfect combination of tomato juice, cheese and spicy pepperoni. <</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/pizza1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit... So good...<</say>>
<<text>>Soon you were leaning back in the chair, feeling the comforting fullness and being rejuvenated with energy.<</text>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 21>>Get back to work after some rest<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Care to join in? I think this pizza should be more than enough for both of us.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>...Really? <</say>>
<<text>>Alexis looked at you in confusion, but before she could say another word, her stomach let out a loud growl. With a slight blush across her cheeks, she hastily sat down on a nearby stool and took a slice for herself.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Bon appetit.<</say>>
<<text>>As you took your first bite, you could feel the taste exploding in your mouth. Alexis followed your every move, savouring the perfect combination of tomato juice, cheese and spicy pepperoni. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>It's really good. Thank you $mc. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1-1 stage 3>>Enjoy your meal<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>>Having finished your half, you leaned back in the chair, feeling rejuvenated with energy. Alexis hadn't finished her yet, struggling with the last slice. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hey, $mc... I'm sorry about earlier.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mm? Ah, no big deal, really. It's all banter, I get it.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Not... really. I really was mad at you. For... You know what.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've already explained why I did what I did, haven't I?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes. And it did not satisfy me in the way I wanted it to.<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1-1 stage 4>>Oh.<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>OK, so what's your problem? Because I don't get you at all.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis sighed heavily and put the slice back in its place.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I don't like being with people I can't rely on. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>But you don't even know me. At least not yet.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>When we first met, you looked... good. I thought I could trust you, but... <</say>>
<<text>>Alexis' shoulders trembled a little, but as she continued, her voice was as firm as ever.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I guess I'm still bitter about you running away after I let you fuck me all the way. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1-1 stage 5>>That's not it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Come on now...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No, really. It was supposed to be a team-building exercise. And you just bailed. How fair is that?<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis' lips trembled as she said the words. It was clear that your actions that day had hurt her deeply. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Because I don't think it's fair... Not at all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, is it now? Well, would it be fair if I stayed with you for one evening, but as a result - my own life and the lives of my friends would be left in shambles?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Wh... What do you mean by that?<</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1-1 stage 6>>Seriously...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>I keep telling you this, I had really important matters to attend to. I can't just tell you in detail, it could be dangerous.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh...<</say>>
<<text>>For a few moments, Alexis covered her mouth with a hand, thinking through what you've just told her and what it meant. You could hear a faint mumbling coming off her.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>So, you did care for me too, in a sence...<</say>>
<<text>>Having finished her train of thought, Alexis spread out her shoulders and gave you a smile.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>All right then. I'm willing to give you another chance.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 16>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Okay?<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>The what...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "17a">>
<<say $mc>>Well... thank you?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No need. It's what any good member of a team would do. <</say>>
<<text>>With this weight off her shouilders, Alexis made quick work out of the remains of her pizza. Satisfied, she leaned back in her chair, mirroring your relaxed position.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you for sharing your food with me, $mc. You saved me from starving again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What, you often get too busy working to order something for yourself?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeah, that happens sometimes. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1-1 stage 18>>I have your back<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "17b">>
<<say $mc>>Another chance? There's no need to be so dramatic. Just act like a normal human being, please.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Pft, all right, all right. <</say>>
<<text>>With this weight off her shouilders, Alexis made quick work out of the remains of her pizza. Satisfied, she leaned back in her chair, mirroring your relaxed position.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you for sharing your food with me, $mc. You saved me from starving again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What, you often get too busy working to order something for yourself?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeah, that happens sometimes. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1-1 stage 18>>I have your back<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<say $mc>>I'll make sure to keep an eye on you then.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah, that's cute. Very considerate coming from you, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I'm just making sure that you're staying healthy. No way I'll be able to run around this place doing work for both of us, ha.<</say>>
<<text>>That joke got Alexis good. After a solid minute of laughing and wheeseing, she finally calmed herself down enogh to speak.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I should've become comedian since my wisecracks are this good, huh?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>God damn... You wouldn't get it, but you're not the first person telling me this. Oh man. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdPizza1-1 stage 19>>Well, tell me about it...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<text>>After a while, you found yourself lost in a pleasant conversation with Alexis. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes, and that was just before my graduation. Can you imagine that?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, there you two are. I wondered what it was you were so busy with that you could not see the queue of customers that was getting longer by the minute.<</say>>
<<text>> Looking down at Alexis with malicious intent, Savannah appeared in a doorway. Feeling that look, the smile vanished from Alexis' face and she froze in horror as she realized something important. <</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/pizza/alexis2-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/pizza/savannah1-image.jpg"></div>
<<say "Alexis">>No way... It's already time! I'm so sorry, I'm off to the till.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis jumped out of her seat and disappeared into the doorway, past Savnnah.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes, do that. And maybe I won't take your bonus for the week.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 19>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ThusdPizza1-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Don't be like that<</btn>>
<<btn ThusdPizza1-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Time to go...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "20a">>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, don't be so hard on her. She's struggling with the money as it is.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, I know that.<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah chuckled to herself, then took a few steps closer to the table, looking down at you.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>What business is it of yours, I wonder? Oh... Is that a sense of comradery I sense between you two?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And if it is?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Then I am very pleased with your performance. It is in my interest that you two grow closer.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Savannah left the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 21>>Get back to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "20b">>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'll join her. <</say>>
<<text>>You stood up, ready to follow in Alexis' place, but Savannah took a step forward, cutting you off.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Not so fast, $mc. I can feel some comradeship building up between you too. Isn't that sweet?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't worry about it. I am very pleased with your performance. It is in my interest that you two get to know each other better.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why is that?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You'll find out soon enough.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Savannah left the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜
<<btno ThusdPizza1 stage 21>>Get back to work<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $Hentai0 to 1>>
<<text>>As soon as you click on the link to the hentai site, upbeat music starts playing in the background.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Are you ready for the ultimate gaming experience? Introducing Hypnosis Sex Guidance, the groundbreaking adult video game that will take you on an unforgettable journey!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, that was an advert... But what the fuck do I have to lose? I'll let it play.<</say>>
<<text>>You pay close attention to the video and read out the subtitles to yourself.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, he has a fat bastard, hasn't he? And the main lead looks pretty good too...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Like that cocky little brat? Then I have good news for you!<</someone>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Enter a world where your fantasies come to life. With Hypnosis Sex Guidance you are in control of your destiny. Create your own characters, customise their appearance and embark on exciting adventures in a virtual universe designed exclusively for adults!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>So I can customise both of them as I like? Damn, that's what games should be all about!<</say>>
<<text>>The next clip starts to play, while you wait in anticipation for the fat bastard's next move.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Now I wonder if there will be different ways to break this girl's will... Shit, I'd kill for a game like this.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>But that's not all. Hypnosis Sex Guidance allows you to explore your desires in a safe and fun way!<</someone>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Do you have a classmate, colleague or other female interest who keeps rejecting your advances? Or maybe you're just too nice and considerate to confront her out in the open?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Man, where was this game a few months ago? It would have been so good to spice up my lonely days.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Do not threaten! With Hypnosis Sex Guidance you can fulfil that desire to the fullest! Create her through our innovative character creation system and do whatever you want with her! You can play out romance, have deep and long conversations... Or you could just rape her!<</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Hypno-fuck? Not bad, but I bet I can do better.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Still not convinced? Then have a listen to some of these reviews from our dear players!<</someone>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<someone someone "NTRChad" dick>>Hypnosis Sex Guidance has completely changed the way I game. It's like stepping into another dimension where I can truly be myself and explore my wildest fantasies.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "VanillaEnjoyer99" dick>>The attention to detail in Hypnosis Sex Guidance is incredible. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is addictive. Plus, the adult content is tastefully done, making it a truly enjoyable experience.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds very compelling...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Dive into a world of endless possibilities with Hypnosis Sex Guidance. Immerse yourself in a compelling storyline, engage in exciting gameplay and connect with a community of like-minded players. Buy now for only 299.99$!<</someone>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<if $WdArcde200Fix isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>>Very tempting... But where do I play it? Oh well, I'll think of something. I just have to make sure I buy it before the offer ends.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Very tempting... If I buy it now, I can probably play it with Nico's VR. And this game is currently on sale at the special price...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $DayValue isnot 4>>
<<if $cash >= 300>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage 33>>Buy it now for 300$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy it now for 300$<</plugi>>
<<btn WorkMini1 stage 34>>Resist the temptation<</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 300>>
<<btn WorkMini3 stage 3>>Buy it now for 300$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy it now for 300$<</plugi>>
<<btn WorkMini3 stage 4>>Resist the temptation<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "4c">>
<<say $mc>>So what do we have here today...<</say>>
<<text>>You've opened that all-too-familiar thread on 4chan, the one that was infamous for people posting revenge porn. <</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy0-image.jpg">>
<<text>>And after a minute of scrolling you've finally found something that wasn't a cropped photo of a badly shaved pussy being pounded by a limpdick BF. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, this is promising...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Anonymous #35969540" dick>>Got this photo after checking the messanger on a stolen phone of some white chick. I bet she's desperate enough even for guys like you, LOL. Check the logs to see more of the spicy shit.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Anonymous #35969549" dick>> <p style="color:red;">>>35969540</p> Nice rrat retard, do the world a service and end yourself instead of wasting our time with this low quality bait. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Man, I really hope this isn't a honeypot...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 6>>Give it a try<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>>In spite of what the OP said, the beginning of the file was full of useless dialogue between two friends and nothing really happening, so you had a quick scroll through it until the topic of conversation didn't get more... intimate.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/sammy8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Cassie">>So how have things been going with you and Ben lately? You know, in bed...<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Honestly... Not good, Cassie.<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>What do you mean? Sam, don't tell me he was too big for you in the end. You know that I only skipped jumping on his dick because you were interested in him...<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>I wish... He hasn't touched me for weeks now... I feel so terrible.<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>No way. What an asshole! Girl, I know how hard this must be for you. I remember how wild you used to be in college...<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Yeah, it is... I'm literally crying right now...<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>Well, have you tried that new chat site? <</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 7>>Scroll down<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Why? How is this going to help me with my problem? I don't want to cheat on him. He's just stressed. He's got all this work. He is busy making money for the both of us.<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>Sam... You don't have to blow the first stranger on this website. I'm just saying - go out there and try some meeting new people. Maybe do some sexting, it might get you off too.<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>I don't know...<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>Just try it. I'll even make you an account, just give me a second.<</say>>
<<say "Cassie">>Here it is, just go through and log in with your email - internetsexxx.turbo.cum/SluttySam69.<</say>>
<<say "Cassie">>Are you there? Sam?<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Why the hell did you choose such a name?<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>It'll help you get some attention over there. Come on, your pussy isn't going to cream itself, you know~ <</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>All right Cass, fine. I'll check it out.<</someone>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 8>>Check the url<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Hm. Nothing spicy, sadge... Although I could have a go at this link.<</say>>
<<text>>After typing in the URL, you hit enter and are greeted by a surprisingly decent looking website. Luckily, the chat room wasn't empty, so you decide to give it a go.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hi, what are you up to?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Hi there. Could you skip the obligatory dick pick, please? I've seen too many of those today, I feel like I'm going to puke.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 8>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Grow up<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>That sucks<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "9a">>
<<say $mc>>Too bad. This is an adult chatroom, what did you expect?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I was looking for a distraction from a personal problem of mine. To find someone nice to talk to... But instead I'm constantly being bombarded with all these horrible pictures of unwashed junk...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Try changing the URL of the room. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh... damn, that's smart. How do I do that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Press the cog icon in the right hand corner of the screen. You'll see the option there.<</say>>
<<text>>Once you have typed that in, you start waiting for a response.<</text>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 10>>You there?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "9b">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, that sounds disgusting, I'm sorry to hear that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Thank you, I was getting ready to shut this down for good before you showed up. I had lost all hope of actually having a decent conversation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see... What brought you here anyway? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I was looking for a distraction from a personal problem of mine. To find someone nice to talk to... But instead I'm constantly being bombarded with all these horrible pictures of unwashed junk...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Try changing the URL of the room. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh... damn, that's smart. How do I do that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Press the cog icon in the right hand corner of the screen. You'll see the option there.<</say>>
<<text>>Once you have typed that in, you start waiting for a response.<</text>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 10>>You there?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Hey? Are you there?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, I just fixed it. Thought I was going to lose you since the link changed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, I'm still here, as you can see :p I'm $mc, by the way.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>That sounds cool. You can call me Sam. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>So, $mc, how's life treating you recently?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Quite decent, even good. I'm on a break right now. What about you?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I'm at home. I've been a housewife for a few months now. I wish I could be working right now too...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 11>>Why not?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Why not? Give it a try. I'm sure your husband wouldn't mind if you bought him something expensive with your own money.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>No, he's too old-fashioned for that. He sweats every second he's got working to earn us more money to buy us... I don't even know what at this point.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you get a lot of presents from him, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I do. But what good are these gifts if he doesn't have time to spend with me? I feel so alone and isolated...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you have any friends around? Maybe they can cheer you up?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I have a few, but it's not the same... I mean, I'm his wife and all, but still...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>$mc... Can I trust you with something?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 12>>This is getting spicy...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, go ahead. After all, we are two complete strangers, so be a little more brave.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well... It is just that... It's really embarrassing. I feel like a slut just thinking about it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sam, I seem to remember hear you saying that you've been struggling to get laid. And I know it's a struggle.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, did I say that? Well... It's not like I can't find a dick to ride and more like... <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You see, I haven't had sex with Ben, my husband, since our honeymoon ended. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I can't take it any more. It's been 2 months.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I'm at a loss. Can you help me out?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 12>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Corrupt her<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>You should stay loyal<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "13a">>
<<say $mc>>It's tough. But you're a married woman now.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Even if your husband isn't able to fulfil your needs in bed, he's doing his best to build a path to the best life you both could ever have.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah. I'm such a slut for even entertaining that for a second...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's just a thought, don't be too hard on yourself. There are ways to satisfy your desires without being a whore. You could try some toys, for example.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>What do you mean by that? I'm married now. I can't do things... Like I used to.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 14a>>You're right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "13b">>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn, he sounds like such a bastard. It's not cool at all to ignore your wife like that. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Since he's too busy at work, you have every right to satisfy yourself in any way you like.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But wouldn't that make me... You know. A slut?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not really. You can get your relief in a lot of different ways, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But I'm married now. I can't do things... Like before.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 13>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Like what?<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>You're right<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "14a">>
<<set $SammyCounter to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe you're right. Sam, thing is - you're not free anymore. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Probably you shouldn't be tempting yourself like that. Follow your heart instead.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah. Sorry about that, $mc, that was inappropriate of me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. Just try to remember that you've got a loving husband and try to talk to him when you get a chance. About the way his actions make you feel.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I will do that. I think I'll go and call him now. Thank you so much. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue isnot 4>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 25>>Exit the chat<</btno>>
<<btno WorkMini3 stage 5>>Exit the chat<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "14b">>
<<say $mc>>And what did you do before you got married? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well... It's too embarrassing to admit...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We're complete strangers, remember? I don't know your name, and neither do you. Hell, you could admit to being a criminal and get off scot-free.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Right. You're right... <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Before I married Ben, I was something of a... Nympho. Just a little bit.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And I had lots of toys. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don't sound like a nympho though...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, that's because I left that part of me in the past. When I decided to marry Ben.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 15>>Prove it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>I'm still not convinced. Tell me the whole story.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You promise not to tell everyone about this, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, sure.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well then... Let's just say... My sexual awakening happened earlier than for most other girls. I had to live with those thoughts and desires of having a firm cock inside me for so long...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And? Did you ever give in?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I did. It happened at school. I got too hot and bothered looking at our physics teacher and decided to go to the toilet to get rid of these thoughts. Hurrying, I accidentally stepped into the boy's cubicle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who was in the toilet?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I don't remember his name... It was some nerdy looking kid who was busy masturbating to porn on his phone or something. That's when I... Fuck.<</say>>
<<text>>A minute passed, and from the looks of it, Sam was in no hurry to continue her story. She must've kept delving deeper into her youthful fantasies all by herself.<</text>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 16>>Hey?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say $mc>>C'mon, what happened next? Don't leave me hanging...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh yeah, sorry. I've just had a flashback to how big his dick was for some reason... Jesus, just the thought of it has me salivating... <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Anyway! Seeing it, I couldn't hold back anymore. The boy was surprised at first, but when I showed him my tits he got the message. At the time I couldn't even get his cock to fit properly in my mouth,<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/sammy2-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>No way that happened. Sounds fake as hell. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I guess I can share this with you as well. The guy did manage to get some of it on film.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Shit, now I remember how tasty that cock was...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 17>>Wow...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit. What a lucky bastard...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And what's really funny, I remember that he asked to touch my tits. Can you imagine? I don't know why, but it felt so ridiculous at the time... Finally getting my first taste of a dick, with a guy who couldn't even use it properly... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds kind of sweet. The two of you were trying to figure it out, Neture's way and all that. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I guess you're right, in a way. It took me a while to push him over the edge. I didn't really know what I was doing, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you swallow it?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Of course I did!<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I tried to swallow it like a good girl. But it was a bit much for me at the time. I had to spend the next 15 minutes washing my face to get it all out.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Surprisingly, the boy turned out to be something of a friend to me. He's helped me with assignments and even bought me a new mobile phone for my birthday next week! <</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 18>>I bet you had fun often...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<say $mc>>I'd imagine you had a lot of fun with him after school.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>What? No way, he was a nerd. But he was a good friend. Although...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>At that time he was being bullied by some guys. They saw the video of me on his phone during one of these fights. That's when the fun part of my school started.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've heard a few stories like that... I bet those guys had something to do with it.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yes, they decided to jump me after PE while I was getting dressed. Other girls had gone home by then, so I was surrounded by them and all alone.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 19>>That's scary<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds scary.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And it was. At first I was terrified of being caught naked by a group of ruffians like them. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But then I saw how big their captain's bridge was. I think it was Josh. Anyway, I thought, "Why shouldn't I mess around with him for a bit?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In front of all his goons? You're crazy.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I had no idea what the rest of the day would be like. I was getting a good taste of Josh's dick with my lips and he just started shoving it down my throat without warning me! It was so good that my legs gave out.<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/sammy3-image.jpg">>>
<<say "Sammy">>It must have been quite a show for the guys watching me from behind. One of them took these photos btw. My virgin pussy was drooling with all the juices. <</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 20>>What a bunch of lads<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<say $mc>>Surprised they didn't just take you on the spot, they must've been so horny at that point.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, they did. As soon as Josh came, the other brute turned me over like a pancake and started licking my pussy clean. That was quite unexpected, I thought I was going to be gangbanged like a whore. <</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What a fucking gentleman he is.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, then his friend came along and well... Let's just say they couldn't quite agree on who should have a go first.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 21>>So?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<say $mc>>And?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Turns out, losing my virginity with both my pussy and an asshole at the same time felt a lot better than I thought it would.<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy5-image.webp">>
<<say "Sammy">>Fuck... Finally experiencing being fucked with a real cock instead of one of those plastic toys was fascinating, to say the least.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you're painting a hell of a picture here... I can see why you got addicted to cocks after this being your first time.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh yeah, I love them. Especially after what happened next. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>After one of them filled my asshole with cum, the next guy in line didn't want to use it anymore. So he tried to find a solution...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 22>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 22>>
<<say "Sammy">>They gave me a good stretch, to say the least. My mind was on the verge of collapse as I screamed at the top of my lungs from all the pleasure and pain I was feeling.<</say>>
<<text>>The following clip shocked you deep to the core. To think that a virgin girl was violated like that on her first time...<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>No fucking way. This sounds more and more like a horror story...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It had a happy ending though. I don't know how long it took, but in the end I became part of their group. We helped each other a lot.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>They even gave me a place to live when I ran away from my drunken father. It was a basement, but it was better than sleeping on the street.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's quite a life you had...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, it was a fun time, too bad we've had to split up when I went to college. And then a couple of years later I met Bob and we got married.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini1-1 stage 23>>You must be really happy<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 23>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, I would like to see that "happy ending" you were talking about...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Ha-ha, you're funny... Here~<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy7-image.webp">>
<<say "Sammy">>Shit, now you made me curious.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In what way? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, you know... It's not fair that I show you both my goods as well as tell you my spicy stories, but you keep yours locked away~ Come on, send me a dick pick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, I thought you were tired of seeing them? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I'm tired of seeing dirty small cocks. And I have a hunch yours won't be like that~~<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 23>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>That's too much<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Sure, but first...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "24a">>
<<set $SammyCounter to 1>>
<<say $mc>>You really shouldn't ask that. Sam, again, you're a married woman. <</say>>
<<text>>The answer didn't come right away, and after a good minute of waiting you began to wonder if something happened to her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's just try to forget about today's discussion. You were just blowing off steam and I was here to listen. And now it's over and done with.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You're right. Sorry about that, $mc, that was inappropriate of me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it. Just try to remember that you've got a loving husband and try to talk to him when you get a chance. About the way his actions make you feel.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I will do that. I think I'll go and call him now. Thank you so much. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue isnot 4>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 25>>Exit the chat<</btno>>
<<btno WorkMini3 stage 5>>Exit the chat<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "24b">>
<<set $SammyCounter to 2>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll do it.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yay!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But before I do, you have to promise me one thing. To satisfy your desires, you will begin by playing with toys. Bottling up all that libido isn't healthy and you know it.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But wouldn't that be going against my marriage? I don't want to cheat on my husband.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Toys exist because of situations like yours. And more importantly, what about me showing you junk? That sounds more like cheating to me.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It's not like your cock is going to tear through my holes for real, though. I think just looking at it is totally fine. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But I promise to try some toys, even if I don't think that It'll work... Now send me a photo!<</say>>
<<if $DayValue isnot 4>>
<<btno WorkMini1 stage 28>>Take photo<</btno>>
<<btno WorkMini3 stage 6>>Take photo<</btno>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<run memorize('SavannahScene0', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<say "Savannah">> Come a little closer. Now. <</say>>
<<text>> After a few more button presses and clicks, Savannah beckoned you with a finger. In her look, you saw something primal, something... Dangerous. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> All right then... <</say>>
<<text>> Understanding what you had got yourself into, you could only laugh to yourself. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah3-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You walk around the table and glance over Savannah's shoulder. It looks like she's sharing her webcam feed with someone... <</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell is that for? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't worry about it. You'll make a good worker, though, I like your attitude. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah got up from her chair and pushed you against the wall. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>> What the f... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> It's time to put your words to a litlle test. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Eh... What? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm saying that it is time to show me what you're capable of. <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">> Not quite what I had in mind... But go on... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Savannah">> Jesus Christ...What's all this soft shit? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Don't be a party pooper... I've always dreamed of sucking up on my boss lips... and titties. <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">> You're such a kid... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> I prefer saying that I'm "In touch with my inner child". <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh yeah... I can see that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Mmh... <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<text>> You notice Savannah's eyes drift back to the computer screen. She grunts as you begin to remove her bra, and pushes you harder against the wall with her chest. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">> Enough of these games $mc. Start acting like the men you are. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Savannah">> It's time for the real question for which this sharade was intended. Show me what you've got stashed underneath. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah reached for your groin and unzipped your trousers, grabbing your massive wiener with her hand. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Oh shit... You're a crazy bitch... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Do you call all of your bosses that? Answer truthfully... <</say>>
<<text>> You could feel her hand tightening around your balls. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No, you're the first. Honest! <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Hm. I'll believe you... this time. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> Her hand makes a few strokes along your cock, but Savannah's eyes are fixed on her computer. You try to make out what the monitor is showing, but the long years of gaming have taken their toll on your eyesight. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> So... have I passed this test too? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Maybe... Let me have a closer look... <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Oh fuck... <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah5-image.jpg">>
<<text>> You feel Savannah's hot lips playing with the head of your shaft. She's clearly a professional and you get ready to push it even deeper. And that is when she takes one last look at the screen... <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn SavannahScene0-1 stage $stage+1>> Hey! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns SavannahScene0-1 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Kiss <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns SavannahScene0-1 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Tittylick <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn SavannahScene0-1 stage $stage+1>> Oh? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn SavannahScene0-1 stage $stage+1>> Go on... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<if $DayValue is 4>>
<<btne SavPstScene0>> ... <</btne>>
<<btne ThusdPizza0>> ... <</btne>>
</div><<widget "btng" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 gold-scene">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<</widget>>$timeM (0, 4) - Переменная общая времени 0-2 утро 3-4 ночь
$cash - cash lmao
$item2-4 - итемы
$RileyCounter - rep
$AlexisCounter - rep
$SavannahCounter - rep
$KendraCounter - rep
$RileyBlock - Шоп недоступен
$SavannahBlock - Саванна не в пицце
<<if $RileyCounter is undefined>>
<<set $RileyCounter to 0>>
<<if $SavannahCounter is undefined>>
<<set $SavannahCounter to 0>>
<<if $KendraCounter is undefined>>
<<set $KendraCounter to 0>>
<<if $AlexisCounter is undefined>>
<<set $AlexisCounter to 0>>
<<set $RileyCounterOld to $RileyCounter>>
<<set $SavannahCounterOld to $SavannahCounter>>
<<set $KendraCounterOld to $KendraCounter>>
<<set $AlexisCounterOld to $AlexisCounter>>
<<set $OldGifRng to $NewGifRng>>
<<for ; $NewGifRng == $OldGifRng ; >>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewGifRng is 0>>
<<imgv "act2/energy1-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/energy2-image.gif">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/energy3-image.webp">>
<<if $WdJb211Notseen isnot 1>>
<<set $ThsdPzz0aSawScene to 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<set $WorkMini1 to 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> 200$. It's all yours, $mc. Here. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+200>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 200$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+200>>
<<say "Riley">>200$ overall, but you can take 100$. It's your half of the cut, the other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+100>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+100>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 100$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<set $countVar to $RileyCounter-$RileyCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a little 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley growing 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley grow a lot 💚 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Riley weaken 💔 <</text>>
<<set $countVar to $SavannahCounter-$SavannahCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you grow a little 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you grow a lot 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you weaken 💔 <</text>>
<<set $countVar to $AlexisCounter-$AlexisCounterOld>>
<<if $countVar is 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis grow a little 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar is 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis growing 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar > 2>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis grow a lot 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $countVar < 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis weaken 💔 <</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<text>> The doorbell rang with a loud ding. After waiting for a second and getting no responce, I've rang the bell again. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, are you in there? I waited for quite a long time,,. Is everything all right? <</say>>
<<text>> You heard a muffled sound of something falling down, followed by a woman's voice. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>
<<say $mc>> You're all right? Riley? <</say>>
<<text>> For a brief moment, all you could hear was silence. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>
Hi $mc. The door is open. Come in, make yourself comfortable, I'll be with you in a sec. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<text>> Closing the door behind, you walked inside a surprisingly luxurious apartment. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Damn, this place must be expensive as hell. How the fuck is Riley able to pay the rent, being cashier and all? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, I've seen better places. But even then, a hole like that is something that poor shmuck like you can only dream of. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, yeah. Don't forget that it is my poor ass, who feeds you every day. <</say>>
<<text>> Awkwardly pacing back and forth inside the luxurious room, You waited for Riley to arrive, feeling empty in the stomack. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Riley, I'm inside now. And I would really appreciate it if you would grab me something to chew on. I've skipped on a dinner, you know? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Kid, come on, don't be silly. Eating food should be the last thing for you worry about. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> What are you talking about? Getting a snack before a fuck should be common practice by now. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Have you ever seen anything like this in porn? No? Then drop the point. <</say>>
<<text>> You shook your head in disbelief and fell onto the sofa, remembering all the porn you'd seen in your life. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'm going to check out the apartment. Call if you need me. Non-sexually, of course. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure, dude... <</say>>
<<text>> After a few minutes of waiting, Riley finally came inside the room, wearing knee-high socks and a comfy-looking sweater. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">> Kept you waiting, huh? Well, I did bring you something to snack on as a reward for being such a good boy... <</say>>
<<text>> She smiled coyishly, and sat beside you, reaching for a kiss. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I can see that "other" Riley in you again... <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> You might want to get used to that part of me... Unless you're planning on running away? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>> I don't run away from trouble... And I'm sure you're not afraid either. <</say>>
<<say "RIley">> Oof. I can't wait to really pounce on you... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Then we'd better get started soon. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>> Get to work, girl. My friend isn't gonna serve himself, you know. <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Mhm... I missed the taste of this cock... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, this feels good... Shit, I'm getting sleepy...<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<text>> Trying to keep yourself awake, you began summonning all of your strength for the last resort action. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>Give me that... Feels good, doesn't it? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob1.5.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, Daddy! Yes! Punish me! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Are you going mad already? Calm down, girl. We got the whole night ahead of us. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, you have such a lovely ass, you know that? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Please... Let's do it already... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "vaginal">>
<<say $mc>> Show me your little perky tits, Riley. You know how much I love them. <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Vaginal.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Yeeees! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "vaginal1">>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, $mc, your cock is so big! Fuck me harder! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Vaginal1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "vaginal2">>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, you like that? You like that? <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Vaginal2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Fuck! It feels so... So good! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "facefuck">>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah, chew on this cock, you little slut...<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Mhmmm...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "facefuck2">>
<<say $mc>> You know who's the smartest one here, yeah? Show me. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Sure thing, daddy <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Look at this shit... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Riley">> So good... You are amazing at this. <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Mhmm... I'm melting.... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Riley">> Oh fuck! So deep! Slap me! Harder! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Fuuuck! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, this is so hot...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Yeah? You like my pussy? You like it?<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> I fucking love it... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "facefuck1">>
<<say $mc>> Taste the power of my cock!<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Facefuck.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Yes! Use my mouth as much as you want! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "facefuck3">>
<<say $mc>> That's not all! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Facefuck1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> Mhm! Mhrm.... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<say "Riley">> I can feel your cock throbbing inside me... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/CowgirlCum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Hey, Daddy hasn't finished yet! <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, I know... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum1">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say "Riley">> Go, cum all over my face, $mc. Show everyone who's the owner of this girl. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> It's me, babe... <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> Fuuuck.... Fuck. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">> Mhm, it tastes... so... good... Thank you. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumw += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Riley">> Oh my god! OH MY GOD! YES! <</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">> You're amazing, Tuni... Keep it up and I may become an addict for your cock... Ha... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Rileygallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> Walk inside <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Rileygallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> Think about it <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Rileygallery1 gstage start>> "Main Course", huh? <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage start1 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage start2 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage start3 0 10>> Slap ass <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage start4 0 5>> Kiss <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "vaginal">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage vaginal1 20 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage vaginal2 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "vaginal1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage vaginal2 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "vaginal2">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage vaginal1 20 20>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "facefuck">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage facefuck1 20 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage facefuck2 15 15>> Go silly <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "facefuck1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage facefuck3 25 20>> Choke her <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage facefuck 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "facefuck2">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage facefuck 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "facefuck3">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage facefuck1 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery1 gstage doggy1 20 25>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3" && $gstage isnot "cum">>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage vaginal 15 15>>Vaginal <</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage doggy 15 20>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage cowgirl 15 20>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btnl Rileygallery1 gstage facefuck RileyFuck1Perm 500 "Riley doesn't like you enough" 15 15>>Facefuck<</btnl>>
<<if $gcumw === 100 && $gstage isnot "cum" && $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage "cumw" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70 && $gcum != 100 && $gstage isnot "cum">>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage "cum" 10 10>>Cum?<</btns>>
<<if $gcum === 100 || $gstage is "cum">>
<<btns Rileygallery1 gstage "cum1" 0 10>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 && $gstage isnot "cum">>
<<btnegp Riley-gallery>>I'm spent<</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Riley-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $NakedSIntro0 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, this one is the club that I was just driving past... It must be Leeches' Den, right?<</say>>
<<text>>On the horizon, the building of the strip club was rapidly approaching, as both you and Grigoriy were marching towards it at a brisk pace.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/city1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Den wouldn't be the right word for it... One of their bases of operations maybe, that's what I'd call it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. It's time to get it over with. I'm getting all pumped up anticipating this challenge...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Look at yourself. You were an innocent lost chick when I first picked you up. And what now? You're just about to spread your wings. Brings tear to my eye...<</say>>
<<text>>The sound of that corny remark made you choke on your own tongue. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Kha... Ew... Jesus, Greg, don't say it like that... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No, I'm serious. You're really acting like the confident male you're supposed to be. Just know one thing...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro0 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>There is a very fine line between being confident and being a dimwitted asshole. Look after yourself.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, I guess? Anyway, get ready. We're about to enter... What's it called now...<</say>>
<<text>>You look at a neon sign hanging from the wall of the club, squinting your eyes to get a better look. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Naked Snake? Cool name for a gentleman's bar, I guess.<</say>>
<<text>>You adjust your sleeves and move forward, ready for whatever's to come.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Eh... mate? What's with the outfit? <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro0 stage 3>>Isn't it cool?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>You like it? We're visiting a strip club after all. It must be a fine establishment, and I have dressed in my best clothes. In this shirt I'm ready to slay.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>All right, all right... I'll trust you with this one.<</say>>
<<text>>As you get close to the entrance, the guy who you thought was a bum earlier on moves and cuts you off from the door.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/bouncer0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bouncer">>Where the hell do you think you're heading?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Er... into a strip club?<</say>>
<<text>>Putting on your best face, you look into the unfeeling eyes of the bouncer. Though he doesn't seem to be moved.<</text>>
<<btno NakedSIntro0 stage 4>>Can I go in?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>So... can I go in now or what?<</say>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Fuck no, we only let one kind of pussies in and it's not your kind.<</say>>
<<text>>Not sure how to respond to such a verbal attack, you look over at Grigoriy. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Come on, kid, if you can't get into this club, you have no chance of dealing with what comes later.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... All right, man, so I take it you're some kind of bouncer here?<</say>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Shit, I think we've got a Harvard bachelor over here. Took you long enough.<</say>>
<<text>>How should you approach this situation?<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 300>>
<<btn NakedSIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Bribe him<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Bribe him <</plugi>>
<<btnl NakedSIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"b" DumpValueBouncer 300 "This requires some character strength..." 0 0>>Make a bluff<</btnl>>
<<btn NakedSIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"c">>Try asking nicely<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<set $BouncerRep to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-300>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spent 300$!<</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe the sweet smell of money will do the trick...<</say>>
<<text>>You pull out a few 100$ bills and slide it under the bouncer's hand.<</text>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Hm. All right, you seem like a decent enough guy. Let me add you to the list. What's your name?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>$mc.<</say>>
<<text>>The bouncer glanced at his papers and examined you once more. Then he wrote something on the piece of paper and pulled out a heavy looking stamp.<</text>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Great. Give me your winning hand, and I'll give you a stamp of approval. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Alright...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro0 stage 7>>Let's go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<set $BouncerRep to 2>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, I came here to see your boss...<</say>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Ha! Don't bullshit me, punk. I'll break your nose if you try that again.<</say>>
<<text>>It took some effort to brush off this threat, but in the end you didn't even flinch. You just stared back indifferently at the bouncer.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I haven't finished yet. I can see that you're good at your job, and I wonder - why haven't you figured out who I am yet?<</say>>
<<text>>Indecision flashed in the bouncer's eyes as he hastily pulled out a mobile phone. <</text>>
<<say "Bouncer">>All right... Stay still, I'll check with the boss.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Shit, you're finished now, kid... Better start running now.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro0 stage 6>>No need<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5c">>
<<set $BouncerRep to 0>>
<<say $mc>>So... What if I ask you nicely one more time to let me in?<</say>>
<<text>>The bouncer chuckles and spits on the floor, near your boot.<</text>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Ha. Get lost. Unless you are interested in a quick and painful rhinoplasty.<</say>>
<<text>>Having nothing to add to the conversation, you look over at Grigoriy for encouragement.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Wow! What a wordy way to tell you that he's going to break your nose... I think we should find another way in.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, then. We'll go. And you - have a good one, try not to piss and shit yourself while being a guard dog. <</say>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Yeah-yeah. Get lost already, you fuck.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro0 stage 8>>Look for another way in<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>No, it'll be fine, Greg. I can feel it.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug stared at you like you were mad, but then shrugged and sat down on the ground.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Have it your way. I wonder what's taking this guy so long though...<</say>>
<<text>>After another minute of talking, the bouncer finally turns back to you. His face is solemn as he holds out a huge stamp.<</text>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Give me your hand, I'll mark you as the real thing. The bartender will show you the way to the boss.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, man. I'll tell the boss you were great.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro0 stage 7>>Let's go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Have a good time, fella.<</say>>
<<text>>Having cleared your path, the bouncer resumed his modest position. You didn't waste any time and went straight into the club, holding the door open for the pug.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/bouncer1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Get in, Greg. Hurry up before he chanhes his mind...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah-yeah...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro1 stage 3>>Walk inside<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>>You walk around the perimeter of the building, looking for an open window or something of the sort. Lucky for you...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, this one should be easy enough for me to get through. Let me get in there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, here you go!<</say>>
<<text>>Having thrown the Pug through the gap, you wait for him to open the window all the way, then climb in, stumble to the floor in the process.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... That's some exercise for you...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro1 stage 0>>Look around<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Of course it's a toilet...<</say>>
<<text>>You quickly get up from the floor and check your clothes for any shit that might have stuck to them. To your surprise, you're left pretty clean.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>No way... A bathroom not covered in piss and shit? What is this, Tokyo? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You might want to go and freshen up, kiddo. It'll help you to keep your head cool.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<<text>>You walk into the surprisingly clean toilet and start to think about what you should do next.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>If you came to refresh yourselves, then do it quickly. We have things to do, remember?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or I could check the stalls again...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What for? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh1">>
<<say $mc>>Let me get a good look at the stalls...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Again? Jesus, pal...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Chill out, I'm just cheking if there's someone available... For curiosity sake. <</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. After opening the door, you leaned closer to the wall, peeping through the hole...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn...! There doesn't seem to be anyone on the other side at the moment.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're done now? I'm waiting.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh0">>
<<set $gh0V to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'll have a look in the stalls first.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What, you need to take a leak?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I just wonder... Does this place have one?<</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. You opened the door and examined the wall closely. Your intuition was right on target.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell, yes! But... There doesn't seem to be anyone on the other side at the moment. Not that I have time to fool around anyway.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're done now? I'm waiting.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1c">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm going to go and freshen up a little.<</say>>
<<text>>Washing your face with soap, you make sure that your skin is as clean as a newborn baby's.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club7-image.webp">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How do you feel now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were right, Greg. My mind feels sharper now.<</say>>
<<text>> You're feeling refreshed now 💦 <</text>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "fresh">>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $DanceVisited to 1>>
<<text>>You find yourself in the middle of a dance floor. It's not crowded by any means, but there is a group of people dancing. There are also some shady looking people sitting in the corner.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wow, this club is in a lot better shape than I remember...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you been here a lot, Greg?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, I came here on occasion with one of my owners. The same one who liked to visit that laundry. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>He must have been one hell of a party animal to bring a dog to a strip club...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> He was not. He was like you. He came here strictly for business.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<text>>You walk out onto the dance floor and take a look around. People are dancing. The table in the corner seems to be occupied by dubious people discussing something important. The bathroom seems to be empty at the moment. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What do you think, pal? Do you want to party a bit?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or maybe I could go and see if those crooks have anything for me to work on.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're a civilian, so probably not.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $MainVisited to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Damn... This place is enormous...<</say>>
<<text>>On the way into the hall, it was only now that the sheer size of this club dawned on you. It must have been very popular at some point, even though most of the seats were empty now.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Still not sure if this club is laundering money or not. I've never seen it being filled to the brim.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it must cost a fortune to keep it running... No wonder it's one of the Leeches' headquarters.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug stopped and pointed his paw towards a stylish bar, manned by a single man.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>There. I think we can get some information from the bartender.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>> Not a lot of people today, huh? <</say>>
<<text>>As you enter the main room, your eyes squint, disturbed by the bright pink neon lights. The strippers are busy performing under the money showers, twerking their butts to the loud music, and the bar shines as a lone beacon of calmness.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Do you want to get a drink? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe, after I've checked out the new stripper's tits and ass. She looked pretty good on the poster.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Be my guest. Even though I don't really like humans, watching their package wiggle is surprisingly relaxing.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0 || $stage is "1c" || $stage is "1a">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage $cstage+1+"c">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You are feeling good already">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<if $gh0V isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage "gh0">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage "gh1">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<if $DanceVisited isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage 2>>Walk out<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage "2a">>Walk out<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "gh0" || $stage is "gh1">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage $cstage+1+"c">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You are refreshed already">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "This is not the time for that">>Stick your dick in it<</plugi>>
<<if $DanceVisited isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage 2>>Walk out<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage "2a">>Walk out<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2 || $stage is "2a">>
<<plugi "This is not the time for that">>Check the corner table<</plugi>>
<<plugi "This is not the time for that">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage "1a">>Visit a toilet<</btn>>
<<if $MainVisited isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage 3>>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage "3a">>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3 || $stage is "3a">>
<<if $DanceVisited isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage 2>>Go to the dance floor<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro1 stage "2a">>Go to the dance floor<</btn>>
<<plugi "This is not the time for that">>Watch dancers perform<</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage 0>>Walk up to the bar<</btn>>
<<plugi "This is not the time for that">>Exit the building<</plugi>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh. I know that guy, he's a good one. Don't worry about it $mc, just ask him out. <</say>>
<<text>>The bar looked extraordinary. You have never seen such a wide variety of drinks even in your town, even though you have visited quite a few clubs in your life.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear it, Greg. Think he'll give me a free pass to one of these drinks?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wouldn't count on it, even though he's a nice guy - he's always been a cheapskate.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 1>>Talk to the Barmen<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hey man... I hear you can get me a meeting with the boss of this place.<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender turned away from polishing the glass and, having checked your hand, grinned.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>And who are you to demand to see Adriana? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Someone who is in possession of some vital information that will surely pique her interest.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Pft. Funny hearing that from someone wearing a shirt straight out of Wallmart.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>See, I told you...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 2>>Come on...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, it's a decent shirt... Even Kendra said so. Ah, whatever.<</say>>
<<text>>Having regained your composure after such a low blow, you continue with your offence.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Doesn't change the fact that I have proof that someone in the crew took a slice for themselves. Do you get what I'm saying?<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Then, shit, you better have some good evidence.<</say>>
<<text>>Dropping his friendly persona, men's face turned serious.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>Because otherwise - you'll know what it's like to rot in a hole for a few months.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 3>>Uh-uh...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Barmen">>But here you go. <</say>>
<<text>>The bartender pulled a bottle from under the bar. It contained a lot of banknotes, tied up with a ribbon, each accompanied by a little sticker with different names written on it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club15-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Show us you mean business. When you demand to see someone as important as her, it's customary to show respect.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... How much should I put in, Greg? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wouldn't bother giving anything less than $800. It can be seen as a sign of disrespect and all that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it! But that's a lot... <</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Don't put in anything<</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 800>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Put in 800$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Put in 800$<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Put in 2500$<</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is "4a">>
<<set $LeechesCounter to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Look... Sorry, but I don't have shit. <</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, the bartender laughed and returned to polishing his glass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>But don't take this as me being stingy or anything like that. I'll make up for it later. But I really need to meet her. Like right now.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Well, I guess you got past our very industrious bouncer... Ah. I'll see what I can do.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the man disappeared behind a fancy-looking door. As Grigoriy put a paw on your feet, you let out a sigh of relief.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>See? I told you he was a nice guy.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 5>>Wait for the man to return<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "4b">>
<<set $cash to $cash-800>>
<<set $LeechesCounter to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spent 800$!<</notify>>
<<say $mc>>All right... Here's $800, that's all I have.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>That's at least something. What is your name?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>$mc<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender nodded, wrote your name on a piece of paper, stuck it over your money and put it in the bottle.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'll talk to the boss. Hopefully she's not too busy at the moment... <</say>>
<<text>>With that, the man disappeared behind a fancy-looking door. As Grigoriy put a paw on your feet, you let out a sigh of relief.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>See? I told you he was a nice guy.<</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that your reputation with Leeches increased ✠ <</text>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 5>>Wait for the man to return<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm surprised. I thought this place would be filled with all kinds of pricks...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Nah, this place is a bit too public to have sourpusses hanging around for long. Guys like Dick usually only come here to visit the Redroom or Adriana herself.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The Redroom?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You'll see soon enough.<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding not to inquire further, you turn your attention to watching the dancers. After a while of waiting, the bartender returns with a smile plastered all over his face.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>The boss is waitin' for ya. If I were you, I'd hurry up.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 5>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 50>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Can I get a drink first<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Can I get a drink first<</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Where do I go?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "6a">>
<<say $mc>>I'm a bit nervous... Would you mind getting me something to drink?<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender takes a moment to measure you and gives you a slow nod.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'd imagine wiskey would be more to your taste. 50$ would be enough.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, that's expensive... But all right.<</say>>
<<text>>After slipping the note to the bartender, he goes to work, pulling out a gleaming glass and pouring your drink from an expensive-looking bottle into it. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I must say - you know how to present yourself... This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>I get that a lot. Compliments like that are my kind of fun.<</say>>
<<set $OldBoozeRng to $NewBoozeRng>>
<<for ; $NewBoozeRng == $OldBoozeRng ; >>
<<set $NewBoozeRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewBoozeRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink2-image.jpg">>
<<text>>You take a last look at the drink before you gulp it down with great pleasure. For a few seconds, as your lips form a smile, the bitterness coats the entirety of your mouth.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>And it's good too...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Do you feel ready now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn right I am. <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spent 50$ to get drunk!<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-50>>
<<text>> You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage "6b">>Where do I go?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "6b">>
<<say $mc>>Let's go then, I'm ready. Where do I...<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Follow me, I'll take you to her. I wouldn't want you to stumble upon something unpleasant all by yourself.<</say>>
<<text>>You do as the bartender says and follow him through the eerie-looking gate. On the other side is the corridor, looking straight out of a chapel bathed in red light.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club2-image.jpg">>
<<if $StateMC0 is "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>This is so cool... <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>I can see that the alcohol did the trick for you. Usually when we take newcomers through here, they are terrified. It sets the mood just right.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> What a spooky atmosphere...<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>That's the point. Newcomers are usually terrified when we walk them through here. Set's up the mood just right.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>>After a dozen seconds or more of silence, you reach the end of the corridor, as the bartender invites you in.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit...<</say>>
<<text>>Inside, you find yourself in a room that would be a manifestation of tension and lust. You are alone however. There is no one else in sight.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Wait a minute, I thought that your boss was supposed to be waiting for me?<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>She is a busy woman, she will join you soon. For now, you can relax on the sofa and think about what you're going to tell her.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Barmen disappeared.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right... Thanks, I guess...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 8>>Look around<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>I'm getting very familiar vibes from this place, Greg... I'm pretty sure the place I was trapped in my dream is nearby.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I think you might be talking about that room over there.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug pointed to the corridor lit by bright red lights.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Could be. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Do you want to check it out? We're kind of stuck here waiting anyway.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 8>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>We shouldn't<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Why not<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "9a">>
<<set $RedRoomDoor to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. If anything happens - we'll just tell them we're on the lookout for a toilet.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh yes, the old reliable...<</say>>
<<text>>Still as if in a daze, you made your way through the corridor, stopping in front of the metal door. It looked bloodied from the way it was lit.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club9-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>It looks like it's locked... But if I knock on it, I wonder what will happen...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 9>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>That's too risky<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Do it anyway<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "9b">>
<<say $mc>>Nope, wouldn't want to upset the 'boss' by trespassing on her territory. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Clever boy. <</say>>
<<text>>Sitting comfortably, you began to doze off, and after a while, your consciousness slipped away.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal! Hey, she's here!<</say>>
<<someone Adriana "Bossy Woman" kendra>>Hm, so it is you after all. Not the meeting I had in mind for today.<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Long time no see, Adriana.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 12>>Open your eyes<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "10a">>
<<set $RedRoomDoor to 2>>
<<say $mc>>Hello! Anyone there?<</say>>
<<text>>After connecting to the metal frame, your knuckles make a few deep thumps. Judging by the sound, it must be very thick...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Probably not...<</say>>
<<text>>That's when the eye-through peephole moves to reveal a pair of cold eyes staring straight into your face.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club10-image.jpg">>
<<someone door "Menacing Person" dick>>...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... is this a... toilet by any chance? I really need to...<</say>>
<<text>>Without waiting for you to finish your sentence, the peephole closes again.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That was close. I think we'd better get back before...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 13>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "10b">>
<<say $mc>>Probably not. Who knows what the hell is going on on the other side...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, let's get back before the...<</say>>
<<someone Adriana "Bossy Woman" kendra>>And here I was wondering where my guest had gone. <</someone>>
<<text>>A woman from your dream cut you off in a hallway. Her sharp voice echoed off the walls, sending shivers down your spine. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana0-image.jpg">>
<<someone Adriana "Bossy Woman" kendra>>Perhaps you are a spy? You don't look Russian... Must be one of the new Harlots' fucktoys. That would explain a lot...<</someone>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 13>>What?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>>When you opened your eyes, you saw the woman from your dream standing in the middle of the room. What was even more surprising was that she was talking to Greg.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>I never thought I'd see your mug again.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Neither did I. And yet, causality brings us together again.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug adopted a dramatic posture, as if pondering the nature of existence. The woman didn't seem to be too impressed by it. <</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Stop this farce, Grigory. Better tell me, how's the Red doing these days? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh. He's fine, I'm sure of it. We just parted ways after a while. Not that I care. I have a new best friend now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>She can hear you Greg?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Speaking of which....<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 15>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<if $RedRoomDoor is 2>>
<<someone Adriana "Bossy Woman" kendra>>And here I was wondering where my guest had gone. <</someone>>
<<text>>A woman from your dream cut you off in a hallway. Her sharp voice echoed off the walls, sending shivers down your spine. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana0-image.jpg">>
<<someone Adriana "Bossy Woman" kendra>>Perhaps you are a spy? You don't look Russian... Must be one of the new Harlots' fucktoys. That would explain a lot...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, you got me completely wrong. I was just, er...<</say>>
<<someone Adriana "Bossy Woman" kendra>>Looking for a toilet, right?<</someone>>
<<text>>A menacing smile crept across the woman's face as she took a few steps forward, metal shining in her hand.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ye-yeah! Seriously, I'm not a spy!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Adriana? That's you, isn't it? <</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy jumped in front of you, ready to strike. The woman stopped her approach, looking confused.<</text>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 14>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<say "Adriana">>You as well, huh? I didn't think... I would see your mug again. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Neither did I. And yet causality brings us together again.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug adopted a dramatic posture, as if pondering the nature of existence. The woman didn't seem too impressed by it. <</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Stop this farce, Grigory. Better tell me, how is the Red doing these days? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh. He's fine, I guess. We parted ways after a while. Not that I care. I have a new best friend now.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Hm. That changes things. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can hear what Greg says?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Hm? I can. But first of all let's sit down and talk about it like reasonable people would.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 15>>All right...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<if $RedRoomDoor isnot undefined>>
<<text>>Sitting on the comfortable couch, Adriana checked your appearance once more.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>What brought you here? I've been told you have some important information about someone in our ranks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I do. It's about a man who goes by the name of "Dick". Mine's $mc, by the way.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Oh, it's about him huh... But we take slander very seriously here, $mc, so unless you want to spend a few months stuck in a concrete hole - I'd advise you to weigh what you're about to say very carefully.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the dryness in your throat, you smacked your lips together a few times before you could formulate a coherent sentence.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I have every reason to believe that he's been stealing from you for a while now.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Oh?<</say>>
<<text>>The corners of Adriana's mouth twitched, forming a sarcastic smile for a split second.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>That's a very serious accusation... But I assume you must have some proof since you've brought it up?<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence fell over the room while you searched for the right answer.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That's right, don't try to rush into answering it.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 17>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<say $mc>>What I have here is causal evidence, and I'm talking about some pretty solid stuff here. <</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Whatever it is, without actual physical evidence of Dick's activities or a word from a gang member - it won't cut it.<</say>>
<<text>>Adriana crossed her arms and looked at you patiently, as if she were sure you had more to say.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>By tomorrow night I will have all the proof you want. A notebook with a history of all the transactions he has made. As well as a share of the money that he is trying to hide from you.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>That sounds interesting. And why are you here today before you have this notebook in your hands?<</say>>
<<text>>The sentence that you uttered after that sounded childish, but there was no better way that you could've put it.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Because I want to be sure that Dick won't be in a position to do any harm to my friends as soon as he learns of the it's disappearance.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>And you need my help to ensure that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah. Can you get him to come here as soon as he's finished collecting the money from the district?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>I can. <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 19>>Excellent!..<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<text>> However the moment you opened your mouth to praise her judgement, you were cut off with something unexpected. <</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>One more thing though. Let's say you're right and Dick gets the thief treatment. I'd like to reward you with an unusual offer if that comes to pass.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Um...<</say>>
<<text>>You get a better look at Adriana's body, not sure what she meant. Your mind begins to flood with lecherous guesses as to what this offer might entail.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>I'll give you a special one...<</say>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/adriana5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>For your detective skills... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck me... Fuck me!<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 20>>Oh yeah!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hey, kid! Stop daydreaming!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? Oh, right, sorry... <</say>>
<<text>>Adriana's cold stare, combined with Grigoriy's barking, brought you back to reality.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm afraid I don't know what you're trying to offer me...<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>But I think you have a good guess. Judging by your expression. Come on, share it with me.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 20>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>I don't, really<</btn>>
<<if $StateMC0 is "drunk">>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Well, since you insist...<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not drunk enough to say that">>Well, since you insist...<</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is "21a">>
<<say $mc>>No, really. I have nothing that would be appropriate in this situation.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Huh. I was hoping you'd have a better intuition than that.<</say>>
<<text>>With a disappointed sigh, Adriana continued.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>What do you think will happen when Dick leaves his place as guardian of your district? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Um... There would be a power struggle, or something like a gang war. Right?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>No, we don't work like that. But what could happen is that someone gets killed. It takes time for civilians to get used to the new management. <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 23>>I'm not sure...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "21b">>
<<say $mc>>Well... I was thinking how good your pussy would feel, being stretched by my big dick and all.<</say>>
<<text>>Adriana froze and her eyes narrowed just a little, giving her the look of a snake ready to swallow it's prey.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Would you mind saying that again? <</say>>
<<text>>It was an obvious sign to apologise profusely, but being drunk you didn't quite get it. You took it as a flirt instead.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What, that turned you on? I'll say it again, no big deal. I bet your hole would love to be stretched by my monster dong...<</say>>
<<text>>The next thing happened so quickly that your eyes couldn't really take it in. A sharp knife tip was under your chin, drawing blood from a small cut.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Wh...<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Let me do you a favour... I bet you're going to be ecstatic when I've finished getting this hole of yours wet enough. I might even call in a few guys to help you stretch it out, yes?<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 22>>I'm sorry!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 22>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... I'm so... So sorry, ma'am... <</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Oh yeah, I can see that... Good.<</say>>
<<text>>After giving you a nasty left hook to the chin, Ariana sat back down on the sofa with a venomous glee in her eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Consider this your final warning. If I didn't think you'd be useful down the line - believe me, you'd be eating sausages through your neck right now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes... I understand... Fuck, my jaw hurts like hell now...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That was really stupid of you, kid. Don't do it again.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Now, let's get back to business.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 23>>Okay...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 23>>
<<say "Adriana">>Who do you think we should appoint as the new caretaker? Who will be responsible for the welfare of you and your friends? <</say>>
<<text>>Unsure how to answer, you turn to Grigoriiy, but he returns your confused look.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, that's new... Adriana, he's a civilian, remember? This thing with Dick was supposed to be strictly personal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I have no idea how a gang should work or who should be in charge of protection...<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>I guess I'll let Jack take over then. He's been busy with his own thing for a while now, but he wouldn't shrug off a new responsibility...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 24>>Jack...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 24>>
<<text>>Your mind flashed with all the horrible things a man like Jack could do to Kait, Kendra and Riley...<</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/bdsm1-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/bdsm2-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/bdsm0-image.jpg"></div>
<<say $mc>>Jack? No, not him!<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Why not? I don't see a problem here. Unless you have someone else willing to take over?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well... I don't think so... <</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Adriana pulled out her phone, seemingly ready to make a call. <</text>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 25>>I'll do it!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 25>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it, I'll take the reign then!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What? $mc, have you finally lost it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Adriana, let me be the one to do it. If I'm successful enough to prove Dick's betrayal, I must be good enough to take his place, right?<</say>>
<<text>>The woman replied with a pleased smile.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Not exactly... But that doesn't sound too bad at all. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What the hell, you too?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>I have my own reasons to trust this boy, Grigoriy. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you agree?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Yes, as long as you come back with proof of Dick's mischief.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 25>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $BouncerRep is 0>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>It's a deal then<</btn>>
<<elseif $BouncerRep is 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>It's a deal then<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"c">>It's a deal then<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "26a">>
<<say $mc>>Then it's a deal. <</say>>
<<text>>You hold out your hand to seal the deal and Adriana follows. Her grip is surprisingly tight, and to make matters worse, she clenches your hand and refuses to let go.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Um... Would you mind letting me go? It's embarrassing to admit, but it kind of hurts...<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>There's no mark on your hand. How did you get past the bouncer?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... Well... I might have broken in through the toilet window after he turned me away at the entrance.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman finally let go of your hand and you jumped back into your seat, shaking it violently.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>What a piece of shit. I'll talk to him later.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 27>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "26b">>
<<say $mc>>Then it's a deal. <</say>>
<<text>>You hold out your hand to seal the deal and Adriana follows. Her grip is surprisingly firm.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>So, anything else?<</say>>
<<text>>You took a second to think, but nothing really came to mind.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nope, that's it.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Then you can go. <</say>>
<<if $LeechesCounter is 0>>
<<text>>Having said that, Adriana rose from her seat and walked towards her desk. You decided that it would be better not to test her patience. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right, Greg, time to move. <</say>>
<<set $FreeStripper to 1>>
<<text>>Having said that, Adriana rose from her seat and walked towards her desk. But after taking a few steps, she stopped to give you a brief glance of respect. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>You know, since you made such a great donation... Have a go at one of the strippers. On the house, of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? Thank you. I could definetly use that. <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage "0a">>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "26c">>
<<say $mc>>Then it's a deal. <</say>>
<<text>>You hold out your hand to seal the deal and Adriana follows. Her grip is surprisingly firm.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>So, anything else?<</say>>
<<text>>You took a second to think, but nothing really came to mind. Except...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, you got a pretty good bouncer here. A real champ.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Hm? What about him?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, nothing. He just did a good job of stopping jerks like me from getting in.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro2 stage 28>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 27>>
<<say "Adriana">>Anything else you want to tell me?<</say>>
<<text>>You took a second to think, still shaking your hand, but nothing really came to mind.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>No, that's it.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Then you can go. <</say>>
<<if $LeechesCounter is 0>>
<<text>>Having said that, Adriana rose from her seat and walked towards her desk. You decided that it would be better not to test her patience. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right, Greg, time to move. <</say>>
<<set $FreeStripper to 1>>
<<text>>Having said that, Adriana rose from her seat and walked towards her desk. But after taking a few steps, she stopped to give you a brief glance of respect. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>You know, since you made such a great donation... Have a go at one of the strippers. On the house, of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? Thank you. I could definetly use that. <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage "0a">>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 28>>
<<say "Adriana">>I guess so. He did warn me about you...<</say>>
<<text>>Adriana looked at you thoughtfully and wrote something on her phone.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>I'll remember your recommendation... Anything else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, that's all.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Then you can go. <</say>>
<<if $LeechesCounter is 0>>
<<text>>Having said that, Adriana rose from her seat and walked towards her desk. You decided that it would be better not to test her patience. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right, Greg, time to move. <</say>>
<<set $FreeStripper to 1>>
<<text>>Having said that, Adriana rose from her seat and walked towards her desk. But after taking a few steps, she stopped to give you a brief glance of respect. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>You know, since you made such a great donation... Have a go at one of the strippers. On the house, of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? Thank you. I could definetly use that. <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage "0a">> Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $CrowdRng is undefined>>
<<say $mc>> Not a lot of people today, huh? <</say>>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0,2)>>
<<if !$talkBar>>
<<set $talkBar to 0>>
<<text>>As you enter the main room, your eyes squint, disturbed by the bright pink neon lights. The strippers are busy performing under the money showers, twerking their butts to the loud music, and the bar shines as a lone beacon of calmness.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Do you want to go into a bar? Get a drink? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Let me think... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<if $CrowdRng is undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0,1)>>
<<if $DayValue is 4>>
<<set $CrowdRng to 2>>
<<set $StripperRng to 1>>
<<if !$talkBar>>
<<set $talkBar to 0>>
<<say $mc>> That was something else...<</say>>
<<text>>As you enter the main room, your eyes squint, disturbed by the bright pink neon lights. The strippers are busy performing under the money showers, twerking their butts to the loud music, and the bar shines as a lone beacon of calmness.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I guess you should try to get used to it from now on. Not like you can back out from the deal like that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll try. But that all can wait untill after I've checked out this stripper's tits and ass. She looked pretty good on the poster.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Be my guest. Even though I don't really like humans, watching their package wiggle is surprisingly relaxing.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>> I love this place... So chill when compared to the rest of the club. <</say>>
<<text>>The bar looked extraordinary as usual. You have never seen such a wide variety of drinks anywhere else, even though you have visited quite a few clubs in your life now.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I bet the bartender will even allow you to nap for a little while. If you buy a drink first, of course. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, it's just what I need when I'm waiting for new people to come onto the dance floor. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1talk">>
<<set $talkBar to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Hey man... How's it goin'? <</say>>
<<text>> The bartender turned his head away from polishing the glass and grinned when he saw your face.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Pretty good, $mc. You?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm doing fine too, thank you. Got any work for me? <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">> For that you'd better go to the dance floor and check the client yourself. You know, at the corner table. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What's the point, you aren't even a part of the gang yet...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "0talk">>
<<set $talkBar to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hey man, got any tips on picking up women here?<</say>>
<<text>> The bartender turned his head away from polishing the glass and grinned when he saw your face.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Same old thing, really. I'm surprised you haven't figured it out for yourself. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, give man a hand here.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Get on the dance floor and have a party. Some girls don't trust you? She probably will, as soon as you match her mojo.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You mean... <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">> If she's drinking - get a bit drunk yourself first. If she looks like a goody-two-shoes, you should approach her sharp as a glass. You can refresh yourself in the bathroom for that. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "donate">>
<<say "Barmen">> Here you go. <</say>>
<<text>>The bartender pulled a bottle from under the bar. It contained a lot of banknotes, tied up with a ribbon, each accompanied by a little sticker with different names written on it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club15-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">> How much are you willing to donate this time? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me think about it...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't be a cheapskate $mc. Giving money to the gang is a great way too build some rep.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "donate0">>
<<say $mc>>...Sorry, changed my mind. <</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, the bartender chuckled and returned to polishing his glass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Don't take this as me being stingy or anything like that. I'll make up for it later.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'm sure you will. Anything else? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "donate1">>
<<set $cash to $cash-800>>
<<set $LeechesCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>All right... Here's $800. Hope it'll be enough to have some impact.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>That's at least something. Let me right your name on it...<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender wrote your name on a piece of paper, stuck it over your money and put it in the bottle.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'm sure people in the gang will like you more after learning about this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That would be great. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know...<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>But of course. Anything else?<</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that your reputation with Leeches increased ✠ <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "drink">>
<<say $mc>>I'm feeling like getting a drink... Would you mind hooking me up with something?<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender takes a moment to measure you and gives you a slow nod.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'd say the usual. Your favourite wiskey for measly 50$.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Expensive... But that's what I like about it.<</say>>
<<text>>You take a last look at the drink before gulping it down with great pleasure. For a few seconds, as your lips form a smile, the bitterness coats the entirety of your mouth.<</text>>
<<set $OldBoozeRng to $NewBoozeRng>>
<<for ; $NewBoozeRng == $OldBoozeRng ; >>
<<set $NewBoozeRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewBoozeRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Just what I needed... <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spent 50$ to get drunk!<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-50>>
<<text>> You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<elseif $stage is "rest">>
<<set $GloryHole to undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRngOld to $CrowdRng>>
<<for ; $CrowdRng == $CrowdRngOld ; >>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $DayValue is 4>>
<<set $CrowdRng to 3>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Hey man, you mind if I chill out for a bit? <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">> Long day, huh? What's got you so worn out?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Work, meetings, deadlines, girls... You know, the usual. <</say>>
<<text>> Barmen nodded, appreciating the company. You leaned back on his stool, letting the music and the chatter of the club wash over your head. <</text>>
<<say "Barmen">> Life can be relentless sometimes. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yup... <</say>>
<<text>> As you begin to doze off, the voice of Barmen reeaches your mind through the fog for the last time. <</text>>
<<say "Barmen">> But you know what they say, "Work hard, play hard." So make sure the time you spend here counts. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "restE">>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<say "Barmen">> Hey $mc. I think you've had enough. It's getting late. <</say>>
<<text>>After a hot minute of struggling to open your eyes, you finally do. The bartender is standing nearby and it looks like all the other patrons have already left. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club18-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Huh... have I dozed off? <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Yes, you've been asleep for a while. I couldn't bring myself to wake you, but it's closing time. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit... I hope I didn't take up too much space... <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>No worries. Happens to the best of us. Just take your dog and go home. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure thing, man. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>You walk out onto the dance floor and take a look around. People are dancing. The table in the corner seems to be occupied by dubious people discussing something important. The bathroom seems to be empty at the moment. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What do you think, pal? Do you want to party a bit?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or maybe I could go and see if those crooks have anything for me to work on.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue < 5>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're a civilian, so probably not.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $DanceVisited to 1>>
<<text>>You find yourself in the middle of a dance floor. It's not crowded by any means, but there is a group of people dancing. There are also some shady looking people sitting in the corner.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Wow, this club is in a lot better shape than I remember...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have you been here a lot, Greg?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> Well, I came here on occasion with one of my owners. The same one who liked to visit that laundry. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>He must have been one hell of a party animal to bring a dog to a strip club...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> He was not. He was like you. He came here strictly for business.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>You walk into the surprisingly clean toilet and start to think about what you should do next.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>If you came to refresh yourself, then do it quickly. We have things to do, remember?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure-sure. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2e">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<text>>After washing your junk clean, you tuck it back into pants and exit the stall. On the way out, you take a good look into the mirror. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club16-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I'm so good at this... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What you're so happy about? Had a good poop? I've heard you moan like crazy...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Let's just say I had a great time. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh0a">>
<<set $gh0V to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'll have a look in the stalls first.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What, you need to take a leak?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I just wonder... Does this place have one?<</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. You opened the door and examined the wall closely. Your intuition was right on target.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell, yes! But... There doesn't seem to be anyone on the other side at the moment. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're done now? I'm waiting.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh0">>
<<say $mc>>Let me get a good look...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Again? Jesus, pal...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Chill out, I'm just cheking if there's someone available... For curiosity sake. <</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. After opening the door, you leaned closer to the wall, peeping through the hole...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn...! There doesn't seem to be anyone on the other side at the moment.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're done now? I'm waiting.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh1">>
<<say $mc>>I hope it will work out...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Again? Jesus, pal...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Chill out, I'm just cheking... For curiosity sake. <</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. After opening the door, you leaned closer to the wall, peeping through the hole...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah! I can see her... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'll take a nap while you're busy.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sink">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm going to go and freshen up a little.<</say>>
<<text>>Washing your face with soap, you make sure that your skin is as clean as a newborn baby's.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club7-image.webp">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How do you feel now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were right, Greg. My mind feels sharper now.<</say>>
<<text>> You're feeling refreshed now 💦 <</text>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "fresh">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Main */
<<if $stage is 0 || $stage is "0a">>
<<if $DanceVisited is 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Go to the dance floor<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "1a">>Go to the dance floor<</btn>>
<<if $StripperFuck is 1>>
<<plugi "You've had enough for the day">>Watch dancers perform<</plugi>>
<<if $StripperRng is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 0>>Watch dancers perform<</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene5 stage 0>>Watch dancers perform<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 3>>Walk up to the bar<</btn>>
<<if $NakedSExit0 isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSExit0 stage 0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<if $DayValue is 5>>
<<btn InterludeMap0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<elseif $DayValue is 4>>
<<if $GloryHole is 2 && $StripperFuck is 1>>
<<btn NakedSExit1 stage 1>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSExit1 stage 0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<btn Map0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
/* Bar */
<<if $stage is 3 || $stage is "donate0" || $stage is "donate1" || $stage is "drink">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage $talkBar+"talk">>Talk to Barmen<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "donate">>Make a donation<</btn>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<if $cash >= 50>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "drink">>Get a drink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Get a drink<</plugi>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "rest">>Skip time<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "restE">>Skip time<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 0>>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "restE">>
<<if $DayValue is 5>>
<<btn InterludeMap0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<elseif $DayValue is 4>>
<<btn NakedSExit1 stage 1>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<if $NakedSExit0 isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSExit0 stage 0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<btn Map0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "rest">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 0>>Wake up<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "0talk" || $stage is "1talk">>
<<plugi "There is no reason for you to go there right now">> Visit Adriana <</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "donate">>Make a donation<</btn>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<if $cash >= 50>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "drink">>Get a drink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Get a drink<</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "rest">>Skip time<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 0>>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "donate">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "donate0">>Don't put in anything<</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 800>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "donate1">>Put in 800$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Put in 800$<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Future content">>Put in 2500$<</plugi>>
/* Dance floor */
<<if $stage is 1 || $stage is "1a">>
<<if $DayValue > 4>>
<<if $GangTask18 isnot 1>>
<<btn GangTask0 stage 0>>Check the corner table<</btn>>
<<plugi "Future content">>Check the corner table<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough reputation">>Check the corner table<</plugi>>
<<if $GloryHole is undefined>>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage $CrowdRng>>Party with the crowd<</btn>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 0>>
<<if $CrowdRng is 0>>
<<if $StateMC0 is "fresh">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage $CrowdRng+"b">>Show off<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're too drunk to do that">>Show off<</plugi>>
<<elseif $CrowdRng is 1>>
<<if $StateMC0 is "drunk">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage $CrowdRng+"b">> Talk for a bit <</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not drunk enough to do that">> Talk for a bit <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You're too tired fot that">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 1>>
<<plugi "This is not the time for that">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You're too tired fot that">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 2>>Visit a toilet<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 0>>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
/* Toilet */
<<if $stage is 2 || $stage is "2e" || $stage is "sink">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "sink">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're feeling good as you are">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<if $GloryHole is 0>>
<<if $gh0V isnot 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "gh0a">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "gh0">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "gh1">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 2>>
<<plugi "You're too tired fot that">>Search the stalls<</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Walk out<</btn>>
/* Glory Holes */
<<if $stage is "gh0a" || $stage is "gh0">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "sink">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You are feeling good already">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "There's noone on the other side">>Stick your dick in it<</plugi>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Walk out<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "gh1">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "sink">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You are feeling good already">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage $CrowdRng+"d" 0 0>>Gloryhole<</btns>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Walk out<</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks today...<</say>>
<<text>>As the club pulsed with rhythmic energy, you scanned the dancing crowd with the eye of a hunter. Amidst the sea of sweaty bodies, one girl caught your eye.<</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>This one I can work with...<</say>>
<<text>>You studied the dancing girl, lost in the seductive embrace of music, and after a second of deliberation, approached her. She takes notice of you and gives you a smile.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Hi.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Hey. Nice moves you got.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Oh, so you were watching? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Of course I was. I have been on the lookout for a dance rival for a while now. I almost gave up on the idea. But you... You have a lot of potential.<</say>>
<<text>>Amused by your compliment, the girl laughed.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>No way... You're just saying that to impress me. Prove that you actually know what you're talking about.<</someone>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<text>>With a playful smile, you showed off a few moves of your own. The girl was left speechless - those dance lessons have finally come in handy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>See? I'm not fooling around. But that made me thirsty... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Me too...<</someone>>
<<text>>With a playful smile, you try to show off a few moves of your own. The girl was left speechless. Being drunk, you almost managed to do a pirouette before stumbling over your ass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Must've had too many today... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Come back when you're feeling refreshed. I bet you can do better than this.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0b">>
<<say $mc>> And I'm back. Colour me surprised - you didn't make it to the big stage while I was away.<</say>>
<<text>>Amused by your compliment, the girl laughed.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I can see you're feeling better.<</someone>>
<<text>>With a playful smile, you showed off a few moves of your own. The girl was left speechless - those dance lessons have finally come in handy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>See? I wasn't fooling around. But that made me thirsty... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Me too...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0c">>
<<set $GloryHole to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-80>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 80$ for two drinks! <</notify>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>Fancy a drink? <</say>>
<<text>>You gesture playfully towards the bar, letting the invitation linger in the air. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Mmh...<</someone>>
<<text>>She paused for a moment, her eyes searching your face as if looking for something. But in the end, she finally gave you a small nod.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Sure, why not?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah, girl! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. <</say>>
<<text>>After a drink, the two of you danced for a while, trying to outdo each other in a friendly competition. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/crowd3-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>All right... I'm going to take a little break now.<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl smiled and went into the ladies' room. A wild idea flashed through your mind as you remember the hole in a toilet. You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "0d">>
<<say $mc>>Well, here goes nothing...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding in your temples, you stick your hard dick through the hole. An audible gasp comes from the other side.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole0-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Oh my God! What is this...<</someone>>
<<text>>You brace yourself and prepare to run as soon as this girl calls for help, but...<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>It's so big though... I just want to touch it...<</someone>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole1-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Mhm...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I can't believe I'm touching a stranger's dick and he's enjoying it...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0e">>
<<set $GloryHole to 2>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I wonder what is going to happen if I do this...<</someone>>
<<text>>The next moment you feel the girl's warm lips touching the head of your penis in a wet kiss before devouring it whole. She uses her tongue in ways you wouldn't have thought possible, working around your shaft with surprising precision.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<<text>>A few seconds later, the hot seed bursts from your hog, and the girl giggles in ecstasy.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole2-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>So much... You must have held it for a while, Mister...<</someone>>
<<text>>You try to pull out, but the girl isn't finished yet.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Not so fast~ Let me clean it up for you first...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl continues to suck furiously on your tip, licking the sides of the shaft in between breaths. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole3-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Je-Jesus... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I hope you enjoyed it, Mr Stranger~.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, I did... <</say>>
/* GH1 */
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks available today...<</say>>
<<text>>As the club pulsed with rhythmic energy, you scanned the dancing crowd with a hunter's eye. Amidst the sea of sweaty bodies, one girl caught your eye. <</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>This one I can work with...<</say>>
<<text>>By the looks of it, your quarry had come with her boyfriend, who was now busy making out with another chick. With nothing better to do, the girl sat behind one of the tables and now was busy dranking herself into a state of bliss.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Damn...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Long day? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>You have no idea. Life fucking sucks...<</someone>>
<<text>>With a soft smile and a chuckle, you sat down on the other side of the girls' table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I can relate to that. Do you want another drink?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl studied your face with her surprisingly clear eyes.<</text>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>No way. I can see you're just trying to take advantage of me. Get drunk yourself, then we can talk.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Sure... Just don't forget to get one for yourself.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<text>>After you've had a drink, you return to the girl who's still sitting at the same table, now fiddling with her empty glass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm back.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing your return, the girl laughs and props her head on her fist.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>I was hoping you'd come back...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Still interested?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Sure... Just don't forget to get a drink for yourself too.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1c">>
<<set $GloryHole to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 80$ for two drinks! <</notify>>
<<text>>Drinking well, you two became engrossed in a conversation about life. Well, mostly it was her venting about her misfortunes while you sat there nodding with a wise look on your face.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>...Such a nightmare, I'm telling you.... But hey, at least I'm free of all that bullshit now.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, cheers to that.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl finished her glass and glanced at you with a thoughtful look in her eyes.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>> I really want to dance. Like, right now, right here... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> So what are you waiting for? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>> It's just that I'm afraid I might fall... After all that drinking and stuff. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1cc">>
<<say $mc>> I'll be ready to catch you if anything happens. Let's go. <</say>>
<<text>> After helping her to her feet, you slowly begin to dance. The drunkenness definitely stifles your movements, but the girl doesn't seem to mind. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>God, I'm having a blast! Makes me all... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, me too. Fuck, you have such a nice body... I wish I could see a bit more.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Then make sure not to blink~ <</someone>>
<<text>> Having said that, the girl gives you a wink and flashes her tits for a second, before bursting into laughter a short time later. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/crowd5-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Holy... You're crazy. I like that!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Ha-ha... I'm sure you do... God, all that laughing makes me want to pee... Excuse me, I'll be right back. <</someone>>
<<text>>The girl smiled and went into the ladies' room. Remembering a hole in a toilet, a wild idea flashed through your mind. You're feeling drunk now 🍹<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "1d">>
<<say $mc>>Well, here goes nothing...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding in your temples, you stick your hard dick through the hole. An audible gasp comes from the other side.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>What the...? <</someone>>
<<text>>You brace yourself and prepare to run as soon as this situation goes south. But instead you relax and feel the wet embrace of the girl's lips around your tip.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole4-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>God it feels so good... And the cock is magnificent too...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<text>>The girl is clearly enjoying this. You can feel her starting to stroke your shaft in addition to sucking on it. Judging by how she moans, she even starts to pleasure herself while she's doing it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole5-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Fuck... Too bad today is not a safe day for me... My pussy is melting...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1e">>
<<say $mc>>Grh... Huh...<</say>>
<<text>>Your dick jerks violently in the girl's mouth and starts to spurt cum, messing up her hair and face.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Oh yeah... It's so thick...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl continues her duty, diligently cleaning your penis, making sure to savour every last drop of your steaming hot cum.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole6-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>What a fucking champ. You liked it, didn't you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>I'll make sure I remember that... You know, there are two guys who can't wait to get into my panties, and yet you were the one I chose to suck off...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl giggles as she sucks out the rest of your cum and then swallows it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole7-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>God, I'm such a slut...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1f">>
<<set $GloryHole to 2>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Too bad you're flaccid now...<</someone>>
<<text>>As you pull your cock out of the hole, you catch a glimpse of something interesting.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/glory/hole8-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Fuck, I wish we could go on... But maybe next time?<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl is ready to go. What are you going to do?<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "1g">>
<<text>>With unbelievable willpower, you make your cock hard again and stick it right in. The girl gasps audibly, both in shock and in amazement.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Oh my God... Fuck, I wish my boyfriend was like you...<</someone>>
<<text>>The warm, soft texture of a slit surrounding your cock made you breathe out a heavy sigh. The girl didn't waste any time, thrusting deeper and deeper on your cock.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/glory/hole9-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>So good... God... Make me your bitch!<</someone>>
<<text>>A few minutes later you are already at the edge. The girl can feel it too. She grabs your cock with her hand to make sure you don't wriggle out of it.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell?! You've said you're fertile today! <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>I don't care... Fill me up! Breed me!<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl's pussy begins to spasm and your cock explodes, releasing a huge blast of cum inside. Loud moans of pleasure come from the other side of the wall and the girl finally lets go of your dick. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/glory/hole10-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Fuck... Fuck... You really did it...<</someone>>
/* GH2 */
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks available today...<</say>>
<<text>>As you look around for new targets, you notice two chicks chatting behind one of the tables. Well, to be more precise, a blonde girl was busy venting while the red-haired one was trying to listen but was clearly getting bored.<</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Usually I avoid couples, but this can work.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking closer to the table, you can now hear exactly what the blonde girl is winking about, and by the looks of it, her friend just about had enough of it.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>...So yeah, he was a total creep. A weirdo, even...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene8", true)>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, so you're a fan of Radiohead too? Good taste; that's a great band. Mind if I join the table?<</say>>
<<text>>The blonde choked on her own words, looking at you as if you were a walking lunatic. But before she could shoo you away, the redheaded girl interjected enthusiastically.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Red-headed Girl" kendra>>Of course, of course! It's always great to see a fellow alt-rock fan.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Marsh! I was just about to tell you the most fucked-up part!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you can continue. I don't mind; besides, stories are always more fun when shared with people, right?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Eh, I don't feel like it.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<set $cash to $cash-160>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 160$ for three drinks! <</notify>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>How about I buy you all a drink, then?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Mhm...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, Sindy, I've been dying from thirst all evening... And we finally have a friend here.<</someone>>
<<text>>Judging by the looks the blonde girl was giving you, she clearly wasn't very fond of you. But, faced with the perspective of a free drink, she quickly caved in.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>All right. Bring me a bar card, then, and I'll have a good look since it's you paying...<</someone>>
<<text>>When the drinks were ready, you found yourself learning more and more about Marsh, all the while getting more physical and intimate. In the meantime, however, Sindy sat silent and became increasingly gloomy.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>That's why I really enjoy going to the beach early. A morning sun just hits differently, you know? And the boys are mostly cute at that time too.<</someone>>
<<text>> You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2c">>
<<say $mc>>So you're popular with the guys, aren't you?<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as those words left your mouth, you noticed an instant change in Sindy's expression, going from boredly glancing over the dancing crowd to an annoyed and spiteful look over at you two.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Marsh! I've finished my drink. I think it's time for us to change places.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Why? It's just started getting fun; I was about to go for a dance...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>And for me, this night was dreadful. I'm sitting here all alone while you are busy making up with him, and not even a single guy came up to me in the meantime.<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wonder why... Definitely not, because she's an insufferable bitch.<</say>>
<<text>>Uncomfortably shifting in place, Marsh reluctantly took her hand off your thigh, preparing to leave. The scorn coming off Sindy's gaze drilling deep into you was almost palpable.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2cc">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Sorry... But I think we'll go now.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>No problem. Friends always come first.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>At least you understand that. Let's keep moving, Marsh; if we're lucky, other bars haven't closed up yet.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>You right. Again, thanks for the drink... Fuck, I didn't even ask your name yet...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, it doesn't really matter. Have a good rest of the night, girls.<</say>>
<<text>>With a victorious look, Sindy picked herself up from the couch and, after making sure that she hadn't forgotten her purse, took Marsh under her hand, leaving towards the exit.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It looks like you just got scammed. Paid for the drink and left with the dick dry as a drybone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can't win them all, Greg.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2e">>
<<set $GloryHole to 1>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about? Sindy, the buff guy over there has been looking at you this whole time. I was certain you noticed that herself...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Wh-what? That 6'2 black dude was looking at me?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'm certain. You better grab the chance before he finds someone else to gaze over...<</say>>
<<text>>With the amount of confidence you put into this bold lie, Sindy didn't stand a chance. With a dumb smile plastered across her face, the blonde quickly touched up her hair and dress, ready to grab her metaphorical bull by the horns.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>You're very observant; I didn't even
notice... Maybe now she'll finally find a suitable partner.<</someone>>
<<text>> Few seconds later, amidst the dancing crowd, you catch a glimpse of Sindy flashing a black dude.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Looks like she's having fun... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2f">>
<<say $mc>>More importantly, now we have some time to dance, just like you wanted. Let's get moving!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, right!<</someone>>
<<text>>As the bass thumped through the speakers, you took Marsh by hand, leading her through the crowd of sweaty bodies into the depths of a moshpit. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Since your friend is having such a good time... How about we leave her here and go have some fun somewhere else?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>No, I'm not leaving her alone. Even though she can be unpleasant at times, Sindy is still my friend.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>And you're okay with her getting all the action while you sit there and wait?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Well... Ah!<</someone>>
<<text>>Lost in the middle of conversation, both you and Mash failed to notice a dude going a little crazy, as under the influence of the beat, he pushed himself against the redhead's back. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2g">>
<<say $mc>>Shit!..<</say>>
<<text>> Thankfully, your quick reflexes proved handy once again, as you managed to catch her fall, while not missing a chance on grouping her tight buttocks.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd7-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Got you! Don't worry!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm... You sure did~<</someone>>
<<text>>Unable to hold her excitement anymore, Marsh pulls herself closer, melting your lips together with hers in an exhilarating kiss. After a few long moments, she finally pulled away, her gaze locking with yours.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>I have an idea... I've heard about the little something in the stalls, just for couples like us... How about we check if it's true or not?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds fun... Let's do it.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2d">>
<<set $GloryHole to 2>>
<<set $cum to 30>>
<<set $cumw to 5>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I hope this is Marsh and not someone else...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding in your temples, you stick your hard dick through the hole. An audible gasp comes from the other side.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Wow, you're much bigger than I'd expected...<</someone>>
<<text>>Biting the lip at the sight of your magnificent member, Marsh knelt on the floor before you and rashly began working on your tip, seemingly unbothered by the hardened floor.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh f-fuck! You really know what you're doing, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering your question, however, Marsh pushed herself deeper onto your spire, forsing yet another sound of pleasure from your lips.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2i">>
<<say $mc>>Actions speak louder than words, you know~<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh yeah?..<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking a moment's breather as a chance to entice you even more, Marsh continued her pleasuring assault on the most sensitive parts of your cock before swallowing it all the way, so you could feel your tip pushing against the abck of her throat.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn... I must admit, you've got some skills...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2j">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Hm?~<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking your words as a reason to show off, the girl bobbed her head back and forth repeatedly, building momentum while giving you the best blowjob of your life, sucking with just the right strength to make your knees weak.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Mn... You're a real cockslut, you know that? Ah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuh, I'm getting... Real fucking... Close...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2k">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>My time to shine~<</someone>>
<<text>>Seeing that you're right at the edge, Marsh decided to make use of her swift hands, stroking your shaft with grace all the while her trained tongue kept running circles around your sensitive tip until...<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Agrghhh!.. Fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>The pleasure overwhelmed both your mind and body as you leaned on the wall, knees weak and shaking, barely processing what was going on.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Wow. That's a lot. You must've been pent up the whole day, huh?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Wh-what? I guess... Fuck, this was good.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2l">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, you're not done yet, right? That wasn't all you've got...<</someone>>
<<text>>Marsh playfully kissed the overly sensitive tip of your still-throbing penis, sending an electric blast through your entire body.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Gah! .. Give me a second here; I didn't have an orgasm this explosive in a while...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, you're so cute when you're all vulnerable like that.<</someone>>
<<text>>Fearing a further escalation of action on your battled member, you pull it out of the hole and slide down to the floor, still trying to catch a breath.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Don't worry, I know how to wait... But in the meantime, how about you make me feel good for a change?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2m">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Just give me your hand. The hole should be wide enough to pull it through, right?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<text>>Doing just as she said, you reach your hand to the other side, greeted with a soft feeling of the girl's breast. Without the need for any further direction, you begin playing with it, as the moan of pleasing escapes Marsh.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start4.mp4">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm~ You know how to pleasure a woman...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2n">>
<<say $mc>>I've trained my digits a lot. You could say they're magical even, ha.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, is that so? I think I know a better use for your fingers then~<</someone>>
<<text>>The feeling of slightly cold skin changes to something more warm and moist. Your fingers rub against the fabric of Marsh's underwear, searching for a way through, and when you finally slide between the puffy lips, you can hear the girl exhale in ecstasy.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start5.mp4">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm! Finally... Get it all in, baby...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2o">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Speaking of... I'm ready to go... How about you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Let me check.<</say>>
<<text>>You could still feel your cock aching from the latest discharge, but the feeling mostly subsided, and the member stood firmly in between your legs, ready to fuck.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, what are you, an old fart? You're young, and I know that there's no way I left you satisfied with just that~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, trust me, you're going to get it, bitch... I'll start slow, though.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Just pull it through allready~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2p">>
<<say $mc>>Fine, take this!<</say>>
<<text>>But no sooner than you stick your cock back in the hole, the sound of a door violently opening, followed by a woman shouting, makes you shudder.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Marsh! You're here? I can't believe it...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>What? I'm... busy!<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Come on, you've been here for God knows how long already! It turns out this asshole is married and has like ten different loans... Doesn't have a single cent to spare!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Terll her to fuck off!..<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>No, sorry... All right Sindy, I'm coming out!<</someone>>
<<text>>The following sounds of the blonde bangin at the door have killed the mood completely. You pull your cock back out and, with a sigh, leave the girls to their business.<</text>>
/* GH3 AKA scam */
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks available today...<</say>>
<<text>>As the club pulsed with rhythmic energy, you scanned the dancing crowd with a hunter's eye. But alas, in the sea of sweaty bodies, not a single girl managed to catch your eye. <</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, it looks like everyone is already taken...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Hey, why's the sad face? I can keep you company for the evening if you're feeling alone.<</someone>>
<<text>>A sudden, but very comforting, voice rang out from one of the tables near you, taken by a single blue-haired girl. Uncertain if that exclamation was directed towards you, you never the less approach the table with a smile.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Ha-ha, from close up, you look even more stoic than from a distance...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Finally, someone agrees with me on this. I've always said that this neon purple light makes me look fitter.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>It sure does... I haven't seen you before. You come here often?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Somewhat. <</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, you placed yourself on the comfortable couch, now sitting directly on the other side of the girl. Noticing your confident look, she smiled back and began playing with her empty glass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How about you?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>I do enjoy spending an evening in a place filled to the brim with energy. And this club is one of the best when it comes to that.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<set $cash to $cash-80>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 80$ for three drinks! <</notify>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>Then how about we add a little bit more energy to the night with a drink or two?<</say>>
<<text>>You gesture playfully towards the bar, letting the invitation linger in the air. A red-haired woman looks at you for a moment, contemplating the offer.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>I like the sound of that. How about a couple of shots to start off? <</someone>>
<<text>>After the first few drinks have been consumed, you find the girl to be a very well-informed conversationalist, especially when it comes to more... "fetishistic" subjects. You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<say $mc>>...Yeah, like, you know, this is why I find tatoos so hot. I mean, especially if they are placed nicely.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Uh-huh? Like, where exactly?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>The ones that align with your spine are fucking amazing. Although I also like the womb ones, like those cosplayer girls...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Oh, you like cosplayers? Like that one girl over there?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "3c">>
<<say $mc>>Where? Who?!<</say>>
<<text>>Enthusiastically, you throw a glance in the direction your conversation parner was pointing at. To your dismay, the girls weren't anything special, however.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd8-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>No, I don't think these two count as cosplayers... If anythin', they look like two bi-curious college girls trying to find their "true selves" and all. <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>My bad, I'm not much of an expert when it comes to it... How about I make it up to you then? I have a few custom made costumes at home, if you want to check them out.<</someone>>
<<text>>With that, the brunette pushed one of the two freshly served coctails closer to you with a suggestive smile.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, this one is more bubbly than usual...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "3d">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, I think I'll pass.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Huh, why?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I dunno. I just don't quite feel like it, to be honest. I'll leave the shot here; you can take it if you want.<</say>>
<<text>>To that, the blue-haired girl let out a dissatisfactory sigh and turned away, shrugging her shoulders.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Well, thanks for that, I guess... I don't feel like drinking it either.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Your loss. Let's keep moving, Greg.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "3e">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Good boy~ <</someone>>
<<text>>You down the shot within a few gulps, biting down on the last remaining piece of lime shortly after. The acidic aftertaste lingers on your lips for a second, but quickly subsides.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That was definitely worth every penny. Let's get moving, shall we?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Of course, give me a hand, please. I might've had too much for one night.<</someone>>
<<text>>Like a true gentleman, you helped a slightly tipsy woman get up on her feet and shumble towards the exit, feeling her hot breath hitting against your skin of the neck.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Thanks for the help...<</someone>>
<<text>> You're feeling intoxicated now 🍹 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Gloryhole0 */
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 80>>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 0a>> Hey <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Hey <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "0a">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 0c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> All right... <</btn>>
<<plugi "You're too drunk to do that">> Show off <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "0b">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 0c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "0c">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> What if... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "0d">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage "0e" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "0e">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "2e">> Time to bail <</btn>>
/* Gloryhole1 */
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 130 || ( $cash >= 80 && $StateMC0 is "drunk" )>>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 1a>> Hey <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Hey <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "1a">>
<<if $StateMC0 is "drunk">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 1c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Go back <</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not drunk enough to do that">> Buy a drink <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "1b">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 1c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1c">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 1cc>> I'll catch you <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1cc">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> What if... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1d">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 1e 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "1e">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 1f 0 0>> Peek <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "1f">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "2e">> Time to bail <</btn>>
<<btnl GloryHole0 stage 1g GloryHole1Value 300 "You need to make your dick hard for that">>Fuck her now<</btnl>>
<<if $stage is "1g">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "2e">> Time to bail <</btn>>
/* Gloryhole 2 */
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 160 && recall('CP') >= 200>>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2a>> Sounds familiar <</btn>>
<<elseif $cash < 160>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Sounds familiar <</plugi>>
<<elseif recall('CP') < 200>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough CP!">> Sounds familiar <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "2a">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2b>> How about a drink? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2b">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2c>>Really?<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2c">>
<<btnl GloryHole0 stage 2e GloryHole2Value 200 "That will require a lot of confidence" 0 0>> Make them stay <</btnl>>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2cc>> Catch you later <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2cc">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2e">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2f>> Let's dance <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2f">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2g>> Catch her <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2g">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Now to the stalls... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2l">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 2m 0 5>> Feel her out <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2o">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 2p 0 0>> Fuck her now <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2p">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage "2e">> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2d" || $stage is "2i" || $stage is "2j" || $stage is "2k" || $stage is "2m" || $stage is "2n" >>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "2d">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 2i 35 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2i">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 2j 35 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2j">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 2k 0 25>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2k">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2l>> Pull out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2m">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 2n 0 15>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2n">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 2o>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2o">>
<<btns GloryHole0 stage 2p 0 0>> Fuck her now <</btns>>
/* GloryHoleScam3 */
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 80>>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 3a>> Hell yeah <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Hell yeah <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "3a">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 3b>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3b">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 3c>> No way! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3c">>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 3e>> Sound fun <</btn>>
<<btn GloryHole0 stage 3d>> I'll pass <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3d">>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3e">>
<<btn gh3Exit stage 0>> Help her out <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>OK girl, let's see what you've got...<</say>>
<<text>>You sat in front of the scene where the stripper was dancing. Noticing a newcomer, the woman smiles and after a few moves, starts to show you her goods.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Could you remind me how you're called? I might have a few bucks with your name on it...<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Oh really? I'm Rhodes, but you can call me Jessa... <</say>>
<<text>>The girl made a few thrusting motions with her legs spread wide, as if inviting you lean closer.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... Nice body you've got.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Oh yeah... I've worked long... and hard... for it.<</say>>
<<text>>The dancer continued her dance, moving to the rhythm of flashing lights and loud music.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Now I have something long and hard for you too. <</say>>
<<text>>Jessa smiled and bit her lip in a playful way. The next time she spreads her legs, she practically pushes her pussy in your face, ensuring you get to see the silhouette of her slit through the thin fabric of her panties.<</text>>
<<say "Jessa">>I wouldn't mind~ But you know the rules, right? 500$ and I'll give you the best night of your life... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $FreeStripper to 0>>
<<say $mc>>The boss told me I could have you on the house. <</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Really? Well, if Adriana told you so... <</say>>
<<text>>The woman laughed and waved at the bartender, who nodded in return and the music changed to a more sedate beat. Jessa quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/jessa0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jessa">>Follow me, stud. I hope you weren't lying about the size of your package...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can bet your sweet cheeks I wasn't.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 500$ for sex! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Money is not a problem with me.<</say>>
<<text>>You take out a wallet and put a 500$ bill in-between Jessa's huge breasts. <</text>>
<<say "Jessa">>So generous... Well, if you insist... <</say>>
<<text>>The woman laughed and waved at the bartender, who nodded in return and the music changed to a more sedate beat. Jessa quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/jessa0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jessa">>Follow me, stud. I hope you weren't lying about the size of your package...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can bet your sweet cheeks I wasn't.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<text>>When she sees that you've remained silent, Jessa takes that to mean that you're poor and moves on to the more generous customers instead.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Middle-aged Baldie" dick>>Jesse! I've missed you so much!<</someone>>
<<say "Jessa">>Oh boys...<</say>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club17-image.webp">>
<<someone someone "Old Dude" dick>>Hell yeah, show us your boobies again!<</someone>>
<<text>>For a while you just sit there and watch the show from the side, but it gets a bit boring after a while.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal, do you think we should move? I bet there's plenty of other bitches in this place.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I think you're right.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<set $StripperFuck to 1>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene5", true)>>
<<text>>Entering the private chamber, Jessa drops to her knees and grabs your cock firmly with her hand.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not wasting any time, are you?<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Jessa">>How can I... I love the smell of a working cock...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say "Jessa">>I wonder what it tastes like...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Jessa">>Delicious... And it keeps getting bigger...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, you ain't seen shit yet. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say "Jessa">>So big... And round...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Come on, stop teasing me. Prove to me that you're worth all that money.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Is that a challenge?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I'll give you a hundred if you can do it on the first try.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Easy~<</say>>
<<text>>But the moment a woman tries to get on your dick, you pull it away quickly, just like any self-respecting man would pull himself out of the life of a girl he accidentally knocked up.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Look at that... Didn't make it, did you?<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>You're such a cheater. No fair!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<say $mc>>All right, here - here...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling you're about to cum, you lower your cock before unsuspecting Jessa and squirt all over her face.<</text>>
<<say "Jessa">>Wh-whoa...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob4.mp4">>
<<say "Jessa">>Bloody hell, that was a lot... Thank you for choosing me, though.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were pretty good too. All right, time for me to get out of here.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Sure thing, King~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn OthersScene5 stage 1>> Enjoy the show <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $FreeStripper is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene5 stage 3>>I have a coupon<</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 500>>
<<btn OthersScene5 stage 4>>Pay her<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Pay her<</plugi>>
<<btn OthersScene5 stage 5>>I ain't paying that<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns OthersScene5 stage "start" 40 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btns OthersScene5 stage "start" 40 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<if $DayValue > 5>>
<<btn ClubMain stage 0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns OthersScene5 stage "start1" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns OthersScene5 stage "start2" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns OthersScene5 stage "start3" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btns OthersScene5 stage "start4" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start4">>
<<if $DayValue > 5>>
<<btne ClubMain stage 0>>Leave<</btne>>
<<btne NakedSIntro3 stage 0>> Leave <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP12') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+200)>>
<<run memorize('CP12', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 200CP! <</notify>>
<<set $ClubBlock to undefined>>
<<text>>Exhausted, you and Riley moved to the bed and cuddled for a while. And when you get tired of that, you took out your vape and have a good drag.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/riley9-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>See? What was I saying about being in tune with your body? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, it was nice, I enjoyed myself here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not to mention that I'm pretty good, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well...<</say>>
<<text>>Riley slid her upper body over you and looked you right in the eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Let's just say that you weren't that bad.<</say>>
<<btno RileyScene1Exit stage 1>>Is that so?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Still not being honest, are you? But whatever.<</say>>
<<text>>You took another heavy drag and searched the room with your eyes. Not too far away were your clothes, on the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I for one really enjoyed your company, Riley.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, really? That's sweet... All right then, you were pretty good as well.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley chuckles and turns to the other side, covering herself with the blanket.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you know what? I'll take it. <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene1Exit stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>You picked yourself up and went for your clothes. Pretty soon, you heard someone moving behind your back.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're done, kid? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yep, I am done. What about you?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>She had a lot of expensive staff in her fridge and she forgotten to close the door. But don't worry, like a real gentleman, I closed it when I was done.<</say>>
<<text>>Obviously pleased with himself, the pug brushed away the crumbs that were still stuck to his fur.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>So, ready to leave? <</say>>
<<btno RileyScene1Exit stage 3>>Of course<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. But...<</say>>
<<text>>You took another look at the sleeping Riley, drowned in the white pillows of the bed. <</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/riley10-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I feel kind of bad, just leaving her after all this.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Maybe you could write a note? Like how they do it in those romantic films.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I suppose I could. I don't want to get into trouble the way I did with Alexis.<</say>>
<<text>>After a minute's thought you finished the letter. It wasn't anything fancy, just a regular notice. It seemed a bit soulless, so you decided to end it with a drawing.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'll draw a cute sun and a smile. That should cheer her up once she wakes up. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<set $ThusdPizza0 to 1>>
<<if $DayValue < 6 || $DayValue is undefined>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<btno Map0 RileyScene1Exit 1 >>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno Map1 RileyScene1Exit 1 >>Leave<</btno>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 RileyScene1Exit 1 >>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 RileyScene1Exit 1 >>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV1 to "Two for One">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>This way. It's a nice place. Too bad it's only open at night. <</say>>
<<text>>After navigating through the empty, dimly lit streets, you finally reach a small, unassuming building in the middle of nowhere.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/image1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Is this... This can't right? Looks like I'm in serious danger of losing a kidney just walking here at night.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't be a pussy, kid. <</say>>
<<text>>The pug went to the door of the building and, after a few seconds of contemplation, sat down close to it. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Go inside. I'll guard the entrance if you're afraid of getting gangbanged.<</say>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss0 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you, I'm sure you'll be able to handle the trained organ harvesters...<</say>>
<<text>>With that remark out of the way, you glanced back at the window, trying to figure out what's going on inside.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/image2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Too dark to see anything, huh... Well, if Greg says it's a safe place...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Move already, smartass.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah-yeah...<</say>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss1 stage 0>>Go in<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $NakedSExit0 to 1>>
<<text>>When you come out of the club, you let out a breath of relief, as the bouncer is nowhere to be seen.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, thank God, his ass is gone...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wouldn't be too happy about that if I were you... Look over there.<</say>>
<<text>>Looking closer, you see two figures silhouetted against a flickering streetlight. Both had one drink too many, judging by their voices.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club19-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Skinny Guy" dick>>Shit, I still can't help but wonder if your girl is taking it all the way while she's sleeping with that guy...<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Shady Dude" dick>>Man, if you're that into mystique, you better check your mum. The biggest mystery of all is how the hell she can suck so many guys, and all from one hood.<</someone>>
<<text>>After that, the guy laughed, while the other just stood there, drunkenly swaying.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Wow, that's quite a burn... I wouldn't take it willy-nilly... Should we move?<</say>>
<<btno NakedSExit0 stage 1>>Let's see what happens<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm curious. I have a hunch that we'll be seeing two drunkards fight right now.<</say>>
<<text>>But instead of physical violence, skinny guy opted for psychological. He went for the lolwest punch there is.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Skinny Guy" dick>>Ah, nigga, don't hate me cause I'm beautiful, nigga...<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Shady Dude" dick>>Huh?<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Skinny Guy" dick>>Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut that you got, you'd get a couple of bitches on your dick. Or better still, maybe your girl would give you a call instead of fucking with that lawyer.<</someone>>
<<text>>After such a ferocious attack, there was nothing shady dude could do but to take it. And after a moment, you could see his hands darting to reach for something in his pocket.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Skinny Guy" dick>>Nigga...<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Shit, we'd better get moving. Like now.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSExit0 stage 2>>This is too far<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>You're right.<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could take a dozen steps, the silence of the night was shattered by the sound of gunfire. You pick up the pace and do not stop until you are a couple of hundred metres away.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... What the fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Shooting guns on Leeches' turf, this guy must be really stupid... Even if he is a member, he's finished now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean by that? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It's a big no-no to shoot guns in this town. Unless, of course, you can afford to hand over a fat wad of cash to the police after the fact. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>But isn't Leeches whole MO something along the lines of "Fuck the police, I come straight from the underground"?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Only if it's going to benefit the Powers That Be. And gang-on-gang violence with guns didn't seem to be something they're interested in.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSExit0 stage 3>>It that so...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>I see... <</say>>
<<text>>You step closer the closed window shop, thinking about what the dog had just said. Back out of the dark, you saw yourself reflected, staring back at you.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club20-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>But you know what? I think there was some wisdom in what he said.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? Who are you talking about?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>The guy who talked about a "yee-yee ass haircut". I think you should get a new one too.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a better look at your reflection, you nod slowly. You could use a change of style.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I know just the place for it. It works at night.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll check it if I'll have time for it. <</say>>
<<set $NakedSIntro0 to 1>>
<<btno Map0>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>After opening the door and taking a few dozen steps into the building, you enter a well-lit room with a surprisingly warm and inviting atmosphere.<</text>>
<<someone lauren "Hair Stylist?" kendra>>Oh, do you have a registration?<</someone>>
<<text>>You are greeted warmly by a nice looking woman.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/image4-image.jpg">>
<<someone lauren "Hair Stylist?" kendra>>Or have you just been invited here by a friend of yours?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it was something like that. I heard you do haircuts.<</say>>
<<someone lauren "Hair Stylist?" kendra>>Sure, it's a barbershop. I'll need your name, though, to see if you're eligible.<</someone>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss1 stage 1>>It's $mc<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>Not interested in being thrown out on the street, you decide to try your luck.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Okay... I'm $mc.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman nods and begins to leaf through the thick stack of papers on her table. Now that you see the amount of work she has to do, you feel a little guilty that she has to go through all this for nothing.<</text>>
<<someone lauren "Hair Stylist?" kendra>>Oh! There you are. Bloody hell... You're very impressive.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Really? You have me on the list...<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised, you tried to take a look at the papers the woman was holding, but with a smile she quickly shoved them under the desk.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>That's confidential information. I'm Lauren, I'll be your hairdresser today.<</say>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss1 stage 2>>Okay<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Lauren, is it? Well, I need a regular cut. You know, short sides, decent top.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman examines your face carefully, nods and leads you to one of the chairs.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Um... So how much will it be? I'm a bit short on cash, so...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh, don't worry about that! You're on the list, so we can take care of it.<</say>>
<<text>>Reminded of how shady this whole thing sounded, you start to have second thoughts as the woman fastens an apron around your neck.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/image0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I hope not with my internal organs, right? Ha-ha... Ha...<</say>>
<<text>>But by the time you turned around, the woman was no longer in the room.<</text>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss1 stage 3>>Wait for her to return<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Well, Greg is guarding the entrance. If the worst comes to pass, I've got a way out.<</say>>
<<text>>The feel of the stiff texture of a plastic apron around your body made you itch like crazy. Just like when you were a kid. You were too shy to tell the hairdresser or move, so you'd end up spending hours with an itchy nose. Except this time...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, what's wrong with my dick? It itches like crazy...<</say>>
<<text>>The thought of a possible STI crossed your mind, but you dismissed it. There's no need for concern, you've always had a good immune system. You took the cock out of your trousers and soothed the skin with your fingers to the point where it was comfortable.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That's better...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>I'm back. Hope I haven't kept you long?<</say>>
<<btno PatreonOthers1 stage 0>>Oh fuck!<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... Oh damn...<</say>>
<<text>>Exhausted, you sit down on one of the chairs, which somehow managed to stay clean after all you had done. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>So... I wonder how much I have to pay for all this...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Ha-ha... That's a funny question, isn't it?<</say>>
<<text>>The girls laughed. They embraced and kissed each other erotically, while giving you a look.<</text>>
<<say "Alyx">>You've already paid enough. Don't worry. We'll leave you some recommendations.<</say>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss2 stage 1>>Huh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean by that?<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Huh? You don't know? But you've signed the contract for the Harlot's Bakery...<</say>>
<<text>>Lauren looked at you sceptically and let out a soft chuckle.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>I take it that they fumbled the bag then. Did they try to make you into some kind of sex slave?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait... Those two? Yeah, they tried to gaslight me into thinking I'd signed a contract with the devil or some shit...<</say>>
<<text>>Remembering the whaky situation at the bakery, you start to put the pieces together.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>But how do you know about them? Are they friends of yours?<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Something of the sort. <</say>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn PatreonYeeYeeAss2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>I'm not a sex slave!<</btn>>
<<btn PatreonYeeYeeAss2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Measured response<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<say $mc>>Are you going to try and get me to be your sex slave now too? <</say>>
<<text>>With some effort, you puff out your muscles and take a deep breath, trying to look bigger.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Because I'm not going down without a fight, I'll let you know... I've slain quite a few pussies in my time.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Ha-ha... We've already got what we wanted from you. <</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Yeah, you can relax. In fact, we're not holding you from leaving right now or anything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So I can go?<</say>>
<<text>>The woman nods as her smile widens.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>Of course you can. If you don't want your cut, that is.<</say>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss2 stage 3>>Well...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<text>>You took a second to think. These two didn't seem aggressive to you, if anything they were quite submissive.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Would you like to elaborate on that? Saying you're friends with them doesn't paint a pretty picture. You know what I mean?<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>I can't. Sorry, call it a company secret. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you have nothing to offer me, I'll take my leave.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman nods, her smile widening.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>You can. If you don't want your cut, that is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, right, about that...<</say>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss2 stage 3>>Well<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>>After taking a quick glance in the mirror you deside against it.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'm fine. After all I must be doing something right if I managed to get laid with both of you...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Well, be it your way. Have a good one, out there.<</say>>
<<text>>Lauren laughs and, holding Alyx under her hand, goes into the other room, no doubt to get cleaned up before the next customer.<</text>>
<<say "Alyx">>Bye!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Bye.<</say>>
<<btno PatreonYeeYeeAss2 stage 4>>Walk out<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<removeclass "body" "barbershop">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<text>>After collecting your things, you go out on to the street. Grigoriy is there, waiting for you, just as he promissed.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I see. You've decided to keep your style.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I like myself better that way.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That's the important part. <</say>>
<<text>>The pug takes a good sniff of the air, then picks himself up and stands proudly.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/image5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>See, I've got you covered too. No gangbangers have managed to take your kidneys, have they? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>That is true. I've only got the good kind of gangbangs in there. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Happy to hear that. But I'm getting cold, let's move. <</say>>
<<if $ActOneFinal3 is undefined>>
<<btno Map0 PatreonYeeYeeAss0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 PatreonYeeYeeAss0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<run memorize('PatreonOthers1', true)>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Right! Yeah...<</say>>
<<text>>Startled by her sudden appearance, you jerked back into the seat. Fortunately, even if it was outisde your pants now, your cock is still covered by the apron.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>Is everything all right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes! I'm totally fine and all...<</say>>
<<text>>The woman inspects you closely and her eyes stop at the small bump where your cock pushes the apron up.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh, I see...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Um, Lauren...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Let me just fix that. I don't want any cut hair to get stuck on the apron and then find its way onto your clothes...<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, Lauren reached under the apron and her soft hand gripped firmly around your half-chubbed friend. Surprised by this sudden development, you look at her in confusion.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh shit...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My bad, I didn't expect you...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<text>>Not paying you any mind, Lauren pushed the apron out of the way.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>It's even bigger than I'd expected...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you?..<</say>>
<<text>>Her thick lips crashed against your tip, not quite being able to get inside the mouth. But that doesn't stop her, as she rearranges the chair and gives it another go.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa... Come on, this is harassment, I don't remember giving you my consent and all.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh, don't play coy now... This isn't your first time, you're in the books. So let's get started right away.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Get started, you say... All right, then sit.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh, I like where this is going...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I like it too.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>I'm almost ready... Yes, turn the stool.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say "Lauren">>You can fuck me plenty. Just cum all over my insides already~<</say>>
<<text>>Not seeing a reason to disagree, you flip her over. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing...<</say>>
<<text>>She wasn't lying. As you tear down her yoga pants, you reveal her sopping wet pussy and enter it with a singular, powerful thrust. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say "Lauren">>You might be too powerful for me... Let me lead.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start4.mp4">>
<<text>>But your hair styling session was cut short, when a second, topless woman entered the room. <</text>>
<<someone alyx "Topless Woman" kendra>>Lauren! What the hell?<</someone>>
<<say "Lauren">>Alyx?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Alyx">>I asked you to wake me up if someone impressive showed up. And yet here you are, taking the man all to yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Alyx, it's not like that...<</say>>
<<text>>But by the looks of it, she has already made up her mind and turns away, huffing and puffing from feeling betrayed.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Girls, girls... Come on, the important part is that you're both here.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>He's right, Alyx. What's important is that you're awake now. <</say>>
<<text>>Lauren smiled and reached out to Alyx with her hand out.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>Join us. What's the point in being grumpy and missing out on this cock as a result?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<say "Alyx">>All right... What's this lucky one's name?<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Alyx took Lauren's hand and sat beside you, while Lauren got busy with your cock again.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I'm... $mc. Fuck, this is good...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Well, then, let me show what I can do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh man...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Lauren">>I just can't get enough of this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can see that... Ough...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>This is a great one, no questions asked.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Alyx">>And to think you were about to keep it all to yourself...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Ha-ha... I would never...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah-yeah girls, now, how about you get back to business? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Alyx">>What a fine cock it is... <</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>My turn now...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Mhm... No wonder it was rated so highly.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Hey, give it back!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Lauren">>All right, let me have it...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>I'll help you out. Wetten it a little...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Come on, you're just taking it to yourself again!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Alyx, give it to her. She deserves it too.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh, my bad.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>So good!..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Mhm... Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say "Alyx">>Nope, I want it too~<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>All right, be it your way...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh yeah... Fuck...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You two are really competitive. You know that?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say "Alyx">>We are... Good friends...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh yeah, we are.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Fuck! Ah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, girls, and you should keep at it.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Lauren">>Damn, you're railing her real good...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wanna taste?<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Fuck yeah.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh shit... Don't forget about me, though.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>All right...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Ah! Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now you can taste it too.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Beatiful...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh yes-yes-yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Man, you're taking it so well...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Ah! Am... I?..<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Honeslty, I'm impressed too.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>Alyx, join the show. Don't just stand there.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Yeah, get on top of me...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Fuck...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now this is cool...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>>It's time to go all the way.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Wait... You weren... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>She must be having a really good time now...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Ah! Ah! Fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Keep steady, girl, wouldn't want you falling over now...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary3">>
<<say $mc>>And now I switch...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh?..<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh!..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to... Fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Give it to me, please!<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll get some of it after...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit! Ah!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>So warm... I can feel the power...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Don't forget to share it with me later, Lauren...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Of course I will.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonOthers1 stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage start 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage start4 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $cumw > 99>>
<<set $cumw to 99>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage start1 5 5>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage start2 10 10>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage start3 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btn PatreonOthers1 stage 2>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "start4">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage blowjob1 0 5>> ... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage blowjob1 0 5>> Girls? <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage blowjob2 10 5>> Girls! <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage cowgirl1 15 10>> Give it to Lauren <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage cowgirl2 15 10>> Let Alyx have it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage cowgirl3 20 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage missionary1 15 10>> Alyx... <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage missionary2 15 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage missionary3 10 10>> Switch Lauren <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage missionary1 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary3">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage missionary1 0 0>> Back to Alyx <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthers1 stage doggy1 15 10>> Let Alyx have some too <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3">>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage doggy 15 5>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $cumw > 35>>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage missionary 15 5>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<plugi "The girls aren't excited enough for that">> Missionary <</plugi>>
<<if $cumw > 50>>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage cowgirl 15 5>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<plugi "The girls aren't excited enough for that">> Cowgirl <</plugi>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns PatreonOthers1 stage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne PatreonYeeYeeAss2 stage 0>> I'm spent... <</btne>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Right! Yeah...<</say>>
<<text>>Startled by her sudden appearance, you jerked back into the seat. Fortunately, even if it was outisde your pants now, your cock is still covered by the apron.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>Is everything all right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes! I'm totally fine and all...<</say>>
<<text>>The woman inspects you closely and her eyes stop at the small bump where your cock pushes the apron up.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh, I see...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Um, Lauren...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Let me just fix that. I don't want any cut hair to get stuck on the apron and then find its way onto your clothes...<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, Lauren reached under the apron and her soft hand gripped firmly around your half-chubbed friend. Surprised by this sudden development, you look at her in confusion.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh shit...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My bad, I didn't expect you...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<text>>Not paying you any mind, Lauren pushed the apron out of the way.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>It's even bigger than I'd expected...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you?..<</say>>
<<text>>Her thick lips crashed against your tip, not quite being able to get inside the mouth. But that doesn't stop her, as she rearranges the chair and gives it another go.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa... Come on, this is harassment, I don't remember giving you my consent and all.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh, don't play coy now... This isn't your first time, you're in the books. So let's get started right away.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Get started, you say... All right, then sit.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh, I like where this is going...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I like it too.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>I'm almost ready... Yes, turn the stool.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say "Lauren">>You can fuck me plenty. Just cum all over my insides already~<</say>>
<<text>>Not seeing a reason to disagree, you flip her over. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing...<</say>>
<<text>>She wasn't lying. As you tear down her yoga pants, you reveal her sopping wet pussy and enter it with a singular, powerful thrust. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say "Lauren">>You might be too powerful for me... Let me lead.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Start4.mp4">>
<<text>>But your hair styling session was cut short, when a second, topless woman entered the room. <</text>>
<<someone alyx "Topless Woman" kendra>>Lauren! What the hell?<</someone>>
<<say "Lauren">>Alyx?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say "Alyx">>I asked you to wake me up if someone impressive showed up. And yet here you are, taking the man all to yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Alyx, it's not like that...<</say>>
<<text>>But by the looks of it, she has already made up her mind and turns away, huffing and puffing from feeling betrayed.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Girls, girls... Come on, the important part is that you're both here.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>He's right, Alyx. What's important is that you're awake now. <</say>>
<<text>>Lauren smiled and reached out to Alyx with her hand out.<</text>>
<<say "Lauren">>Join us. What's the point in being grumpy and missing out on this cock as a result?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<say "Alyx">>All right... What's this lucky one's name?<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Alyx took Lauren's hand and sat beside you, while Lauren got busy with your cock again.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I'm... $mc. Fuck, this is good...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Well, then, let me show what I can do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh man...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Lauren">>I just can't get enough of this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can see that... Ough...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>This is a great one, no questions asked.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Alyx">>And to think you were about to keep it all to yourself...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Ha-ha... I would never...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah-yeah girls, now, how about you get back to business? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say "Alyx">>What a fine cock it is... <</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>My turn now...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Mhm... No wonder it was rated so highly.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Hey, give it back!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Lauren">>All right, let me have it...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>I'll help you out. Wetten it a little...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Come on, you're just taking it to yourself again!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Alyx, give it to her. She deserves it too.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh, my bad.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>So good!..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Mhm... Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say "Alyx">>Nope, I want it too~<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>All right, be it your way...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh yeah... Fuck...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You two are really competitive. You know that?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say "Alyx">>We are... Good friends...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh yeah, we are.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Fuck! Ah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, girls, and you should keep at it.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Lauren">>Damn, you're railing her real good...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wanna taste?<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Fuck yeah.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh shit... Don't forget about me, though.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>All right...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Ah! Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now you can taste it too.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Beatiful...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh yes-yes-yes...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Man, you're taking it so well...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Lauren">>Ah! Am... I?..<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Honeslty, I'm impressed too.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>Alyx, join the show. Don't just stand there.<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Yeah, get on top of me...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Fuck...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh yeah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now this is cool...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>>It's time to go all the way.<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Wait... You weren... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>She must be having a really good time now...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>Ah! Ah! Fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Keep steady, girl, wouldn't want you falling over now...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary3">>
<<say $mc>>And now I switch...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Oh?..<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Oh!..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to... Fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Give it to me, please!<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll get some of it after...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit! Ah!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene10/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Alyx">>So warm... I can feel the power...<</say>>
<<say "Lauren">>Don't forget to share it with me later, Lauren...<</say>>
<<say "Alyx">>Of course I will.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage start 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage start4 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw > 99>>
<<set $gcumw to 99>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage start1 5 5>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage start2 10 10>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage start3 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btn PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage 2>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "start4">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage blowjob1 0 5>> ... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage blowjob1 0 5>> Girls? <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage blowjob2 10 5>> Girls! <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cowgirl1 15 10>> Give it to Lauren <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cowgirl2 15 10>> Let Alyx have it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cowgirl3 20 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage missionary1 15 10>> Alyx... <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage missionary2 15 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage missionary3 10 10>> Switch Lauren <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage missionary1 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary3">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage missionary1 0 0>> Back to Alyx <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage doggy1 15 10>> Let Alyx have some too <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3">>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage doggy 15 5>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw > 35>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage missionary 15 5>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<plugi "The girls aren't excited enough for that">> Missionary <</plugi>>
<<if $gcumw > 50>>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cowgirl 15 5>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<plugi "The girls aren't excited enough for that">> Cowgirl <</plugi>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns PatreonOthersgallery1 gstage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne Others-gallery gstage 0>> I'm spent... <</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>OK girl, let's see what you've got...<</say>>
<<text>>You sat in front of the scene where the stripper was dancing. Noticing a newcomer, the woman smiles and after a few moves, starts to show you her goods.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Could you remind me how you're called? I might have a few bucks with your name on it...<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Oh really? I'm Rhodes, but you can call me Jessa... <</say>>
<<text>>The girl made a few thrusting motions with her legs spread wide, as if inviting you lean closer.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... Nice body you've got.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Oh yeah... I've worked long... and hard... for it.<</say>>
<<text>>The dancer continued her dance, moving to the rhythm of flashing lights and loud music.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Now I have something long and hard for you too. <</say>>
<<text>>Jessa smiled and bit her lip in a playful way. The next time she spreads her legs, she practically pushes her pussy in your face, ensuring you get to see the silhouette of her slit through the thin fabric of her panties.<</text>>
<<say "Jessa">>I wouldn't mind~ But you know the rules, right? 500$ and I'll give you the best night of your life... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>The boss told me I could have you on the house. <</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Really? Well, if Adriana told you so... <</say>>
<<text>>The woman laughed and waved at the bartender, who nodded in return and the music changed to a more sedate beat. Jessa quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/jessa0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jessa">>Follow me, stud. I hope you weren't lying about the size of your package...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can bet your sweet cheeks I wasn't.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Money is not a problem with me.<</say>>
<<text>>You take out a wallet and put a 500$ bill in-between Jessa's huge breasts. <</text>>
<<say "Jessa">>So generous... Well, if you insist... <</say>>
<<text>>The woman laughed and waved at the bartender, who nodded in return and the music changed to a more sedate beat. Jessa quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/jessa0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jessa">>Follow me, stud. I hope you weren't lying about the size of your package...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can bet your sweet cheeks I wasn't.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<text>>When she sees that you've remained silent, Jessa takes that to mean that you're poor and moves on to the more generous customers instead.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Middle-aged Baldie" dick>>Jesse! I've missed you so much!<</someone>>
<<say "Jessa">>Oh boys...<</say>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club17-image.webp">>
<<someone someone "Old Dude" dick>>Hell yeah, show us your boobies again!<</someone>>
<<text>>For a while you just sit there and watch the show from the side, but it gets a bit boring after a while.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal, do you think we should move? I bet there's plenty of other bitches in this place.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I think you're right.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<text>>Entering the private chamber, Jessa drops to her knees and grabs your cock firmly with her hand.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not wasting any time, are you?<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Jessa">>How can I... I love the smell of a working cock...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say "Jessa">>I wonder what it tastes like...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Jessa">>Delicious... And it keeps getting bigger...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, you ain't seen shit yet. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say "Jessa">>So big... And round...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Come on, stop teasing me. Prove to me that you're worth all that money.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Is that a challenge?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>Yes. I'll give you a hundred if you can do it on the first try.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Easy~<</say>>
<<text>>But the moment a woman tries to get on your dick, you pull it away quickly, just like any self-respecting man would pull himself out of the life of a girl he accidentally knocked up.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Look at that... Didn't make it, did you?<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>You're such a cheater. No fair!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>All right, here - here...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling you're about to cum, you lower your cock before unsuspecting Jessa and squirt all over her face.<</text>>
<<say "Jessa">>Wh-whoa...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene9/Blowjob4.mp4">>
<<say "Jessa">>Bloody hell, that was a lot... Thank you for choosing me, though.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were pretty good too. All right, time for me to get out of here.<</say>>
<<say "Jessa">>Sure thing, King~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Othersgallery5 gstage 1>> Enjoy the show <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Othersgallery5 gstage 3>>I have a coupon<</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery5 gstage 4>>Pay her<</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery5 gstage 5>>I ain't paying that<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Othersgallery5 gstage "start" 40 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btns Othersgallery5 gstage "start" 40 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn Others-gallery gstage 0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Othersgallery5 gstage "start1" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Othersgallery5 gstage "start2" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Othersgallery5 gstage "start3" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btns Othersgallery5 gstage "start4" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start4">>
<<btne Others-gallery gstage 0>> Leave <</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Home sweet home....<</say>>
<<text>>You manage to enter your house without being disturbed and go straight to the bathroom, leaving your backsack in front of the door. Grigoriy runs into the bedroom, and after a quick wash of your hands, you join him.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>All right, tomorrow's going to be a big day, kid. Make sure you get a good night's sleep.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure I will, Greg. Make sure to do the same.<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy lets out a yawn and makes himself comfortable in a corner. As you look at him shivering, a pang of compassion stirs in your chest.<</text>>
<<img "act1/mops24-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I really should buy you a proper dog bed... You must be getting quite cold over there.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That would be nice. Damn it, you almost sound like a good owner for a second there. <</say>>
<<btno ThusdHome0 stage 1>>What?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, I'm feeding you expensive food and I'm walking you. Isn't that enough?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, well, at least you don't leave me in the car on a hot summer day. But seriously, if you bought me a sleeping basket it would ensure that I don't get sick down the line.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll talk to Kendra about it. She sounded like an expert when it came to dogs, I bet she knows a cheap place.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, as they say - nobody knows a better way to the dog's heart than a white woman. Let's leave it for another day, though. <</say>>
<<text>>The pug turned and pushed his face deeper into the corner, clearly signalling that he's finished talking to you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Right...<</say>>
<<text>>As you have nothing better to do on top of feeling exhausted, you fall head first into the sweet embrace of your bed.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I could try lucid dreaming again... But then I have to imagine someone I want to meet.<</say>>
<<set $RileyBlock to 1>>
<<set $StripperFuck to 0>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
<<set $DayValue to 4>>
<<set $StateMC0 to undefined>>
<<set $GloryHole to undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRngOld to $CrowdRng>>
<<for ; $CrowdRng == $CrowdRngOld ; >>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0, 1)>>
<<set $OldSleepRng to $SleepRng>>
<<set $SleepRng to random(1, 4)>>
<<for ; $SleepRng == $OldSleepRng ; >>
<<set $SleepRng to random(1, 4)>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 1>> Val <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 2>> Savannah <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 3>> Riley <</btn>>
<<btns ThusdMorning0 stage 1>> Dreamless Night <</btns>>
</div><<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $SleepRng to random(1, 4)>>
<<say $mc>>First, I need to focus on a person I wish to encounter... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> UNUSED REPORT IF BUG <</say>>
<<if $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> UNUSED REPORT IF BUG <</say>>
<<text>>Who should you focus on today?<</text>>
<<set $SleepRng to random(1, 4)>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep0 stage $stage+1+"a">> Val <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 2>> Savannah <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 3>> Riley <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $SleepValue1 to "Val">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'll be thinking about Val for now.<</say>>
<<text>>You closed your eyes and an image of Val wearing fancy lingerie popped out in your mind.<</text>>
<<imgv "gallery/val-gallery.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Next I need to imagine a place that dream will be happening in. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 4>> Her house <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 5>> A bar <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 6>> Massage parlor <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $SleepValue1 to "Savannah">>
<<say $mc>>I'll be thinking about Savannah...<</say>>
<<text>>You closed your eyes and a picture of your boss in her... Um... uniform popped into your mind. <</text>>
<<imgv "gallery/savannah-gallery.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Next I need to imagine a place that dream will be happening in. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 4>> Her house <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 5>> A bar <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 6>> Massage parlor <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $SleepValue1 to "Riley">>
<<say $mc>>Hm, I'll go with Riley for today...<</say>>
<<text>>You closed your eyes and a picture of a voluptuous woman in a red outfit flashed up in your mind.<</text>>
<<imgv "gallery/riley-gallery.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Next I need to imagine a place that dream will be happening in. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 4>> Her house <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 5>> A bar <</btn>>
<<btn GoSleep0 stage 6>> Massage parlor <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $SleepValue2 to "House">>
<<say $mc>>Let it be a house.<</say>>
<<text>> You picture a flat in your head.<</text>>
<<img "act1/bartender3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>OK... That's about it. Time to finish the meditation. <</say>>
<<if $SleepValue1 is "Val" && $SleepValue2 is "House" && $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage 0>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
<<btno Dream0 stage $SleepRng>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $SleepValue2 to "Bar">>
<<say $mc>>It can be a bar maybe...<</say>>
<<text>>You attempt to picture a cozy bar in your head. It doesn't take too much effort.<</text>>
<<img "act1/bartender1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>OK... That's about it. Time to finish the meditation. <</say>>
<<if $SleepValue1 is "Val" && $SleepValue2 is "House" && $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage 0>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
<<btno Dream0 stage $SleepRng>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $SleepValue2 to "Massage">>
<<say $mc>>What about a massage salon? I'll try that.<</say>>
<<text>>An image of a massage parlor pops out in your head. Watching a lot of doramas engraved its image deep in your mind.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream31-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>OK... That's about it. Time to finish the meditation. <</say>>
<<if $SleepValue1 is "Val" && $SleepValue2 is "House" && $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage 0>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
<<btno Dream0 stage $SleepRng>> Fall asleep <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Well then... Today's the day.<</say>>
<<text>>After chewing on a pre-cooked burrito, you lean back in your chair and stare at the wall with the clock on it. You start to think of possible interactions, and not a single one of them promises success. But it's too late to quit now.<</text>>
<<img "act2/home/clock0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>The time is ticking... I should probably go and work out for a bit.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good thinking pal. I'll bet It'll also take the edge off of you. <</say>>
<<btno FrdMorning0 stage 1>>Whoa!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>The unexpected sound of Grigoriy's voice jolted you out of your thoughts, making you spill your cup of tea all over the place.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>My God, you're up already? I didn't wake you this time, so shush!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wasn't making a scene. I was just saying... It might be useful to go to the gym today, considering what you've been up to.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, and I still need to go and talk to Kendra about what we're planning to do. I hope she doesn't freak out when she finds out.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You have a lot of work to do. So what are you waiting for?<</say>>
<<if $ValSide0 isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing. Let's go.<</say>>
<<btno Map1 ThusdHome0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<text>>But just as you are about to leave, your phone goes off in a flurry of activity. Who could it be calling you so early in the morning?<</text>>
<<btno FrdMorning0 stage 2>>Answer the call<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say $mc>>Hey-hey?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Familiar Voice" kendra>>It's your FBI agent, drop to the ground now or our sniper will shoot you! Last warning! Do it now, motherfucker!<</someone>>
<<text>>Confused by the familiar and rather high-pitched voice of the 'FBI agent', you check out the caller. Just as you predicted - it was Val.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Are you authorised to use deadly force? It would be one hell of a deal to get away with killing innocent people, even for the FBI, missy. At least have the decency to groom me into becoming a terrorist first...<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Pft... Ha-ha, you're right, you're right... Good morning, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning to you too. What's up, Val?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Ah... Not much. I finally got the place cleaned up. You know what I mean, right?<</say>>
<<text>>It took you a second, but the memory of her previous message came up into your mind. Knowing where this is going, you reply with a grin.<</text>>
<<btno FrdMorning0 stage 3>>Ready for another go?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say $mc>>So you must be ready for round two, eh?<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Damn, I can't believe you're not a clairvoyant with guesses like that... He-he. So, are you free right now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, fuck. It's a really busy day. I can free up tomorrow though, I think.<</say>>
<<say "Val">>That would be great. Let's meet at the bar then - same place, same time. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, that works. See you there, and take care of your sweet bum in the meantime!<</say>>
<<say "Val">>Ha-ha, you too!<</say>>
<<btno FrdMorning0 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Now that's something to look forward to...<</say>>
<<text>> Smiling, you put the phone down as your mind begins to fantasise about all the things you could do with Val tommorow. Lost in your thoughts, her silhouette appears in front of your eyes, vividly teasing you. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/val16-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid? This is not the time to be daydreaming... You hear me?<</say>>
<<text>> The voice of your fellow countryman has quickly snapped you awake, bringing you back to reality. A bit lost, you look around, noticing Grigoriy waiting for you at the door. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Let's get going. We don't have much time, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah... Right.<</say>>
<<btno Map1 ThusdHome0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $AutumnCounter to 0>>
<<set $StrengthCounter to 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "gym">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Bad luck, pal. It's closed.<</say>>
<<text>>Standing outside the gym, you pulled the door a second time to make sure it was locked.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>And there I was...<</say>>
<<say "Coach">>Hey, $mc! I didn't expect to see you so early in the morning.<</say>>
<<text>>As per usual, Coach appeared from behind you with a friendly smile. After he gave you a friendly pat on the shoulder, he reached to open the locked door, letting you in. <</text>>
<<say "Coach">>So, what brought you here? So early, no less... Didn't take you for an early bird, ha. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Uh, well... I thought that I should try working out and stuff. Build some muscles, you know? Better to start now, than never. <</say>>
<<text>>A huge smile spread across Couch's face as he took you by the shoulder. He held you gently, but firmly, like a proud parent would.<</text>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 2>>That's a bit weird...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Coach">>I had a feeling this day was comin'. Let's go, no point in wasting time.<</say>>
<<text>>The next second, Coach was leading you into the empty halls of the gym. The place felt strangely eerie - the silence was thick and overwhelming, broken only by the echoing sound of your voices. <</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/gym1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Coach">>So, what do you want to work on first? Core, upper body, legs...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I don't really know. I thought I might just come in and lift some weights or something...<</say>>
<<text>>The coach chuckled, looking at you sideways.<</text>>
<<say "Coach">>Then I'll ask you this: What made you think about building a muscular body in the first place? <</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 3>>It's a long story, but...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Eh, I hadn't really planned on sharing this, but... I'm in for a bit of a bumpy ride later on. And the way things are now... My chances of staying allive are slim.<</say>>
<<say "Coach">>I can certainly help you there. I think I know just the man who can make it happen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait a minute. You're not going to train me yourself? <</say>>
<<text>>Confused, you stop in your tracks and stare at the man in disbelief.<</text>>
<<say "Coach">>Ha-ha, no. I'm an expert at building muscle, but you need something else. Come on, have a little faith. I'll show you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well if you say so... <</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 4>>Keep going<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>>You followed Coach through the empty halls of the gym as the rhythmic sound of someone's punches grew louder and louder. And soon you saw the source of it all.<</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing0-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Holy...<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could finish your sentence, a woman, whom you had not noticed before, jumped from behind the corner counter, blocking both you and the trainer from getting any closer.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/gym/autumn0-image.jpg">>
<<someone autumn "Latin Woman" kendra>>Hey, hey, hey! You can't just barge in! Ricardo's training! I thought we talked about it, Coach.<</someone>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 5>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Coach">>Autumn, please. I wouldn't do it without a good reason. Come on.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl is clearly upset and points in your direction.<</text>>
<<say "Autumn">>What makes you think that this pipsqueak is worthy of Ricardo's time? <</say>>
<<say "Coach">>Call it a hunch. But you'll find out soon enough.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Coach swept past the girl and went straight for the boxer. Autumn let out a heavy sigh and, after shrugging her shoulders, went back to her desk, but not before adding a final word to the conversation.<</text>>
<<say "Autumn">>Fine, do what you like. But if Ricardo ends up losing because of it - you'll pay for that, hear me? Both of you.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 6>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Coach">>Ricardo! Got a second? <</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Sure, man. What's up?<</say>>
<<text>>As he continued to box the dummy, Ricardo re-positioned himself so that he could see both of you and talk at the same time.<</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing1-image.webp">>
<<say "Coach">>This good friend of mine needs a bit of help. Can you give him a few pointers to get him started?<</say>>
<<text>>Pausing for a moment, Ricardo examines you with the eyes of an experienced fighter.<</text>>
<<say "Ricardo">>I wouldn't say that a few pointers would be enough for a guy like him, though.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 6>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn FrdGym0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Oh well...<</btn>>
<<btn FrdGym0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>I can take it<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "7a">>
<<say $mc>>Well... Fuck.<</say>>
<<text>>Not quite sure what to say, you take a step back, ready to walk away. But the firm hand of Coach lands on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.<</text>>
<<say "Coach">>Don't let that dishearten you $mc. If there's anyone who can teach you how to kick ass - it's him.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, kid. Come on, grow a pair.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...All right. Richado, man, I really need you to show me how to mean business. It's life or death at this point.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Well, since you're Coach's good friend...<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 8>>Hell yeah!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "7b">>
<<set $AutumnCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>So what of it? I didn't expect it to be that easy, anyway. <</say>>
<<text>>You step forward and take off your jacket. Whatever this man tells you to do to increase your chances of survival - you're willing to do it.<</text>>
<<say "Ricardo">>At least he's got the spirit... Okay, Coach, this could be fun.<</say>>
<<say "Coach">>You see? I told you he had potential. <</say>>
<<text>>Ricardo nods and finally steps away from the training dummy. <</text>>
<<say "Ricardo">>What's your name?<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 8>>$mc<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>>Ricardo nods and finally steps away from the training dummy. <</text>>
<<say "Ricardo">>What's your name?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>$mc.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Good. Show me what you can do. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like... Right now? <</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Yeah. Show me a punch that you'd like the guy who's beefing with you to taste.<</say>>
<<text>>You stretch your shoulders and take a few steps towards the dummy, carefully assessing it. It looks weak enough to be taken down with a single right hook.<</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing3-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Take that, bitch.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 9>>How was that?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Whoa. That was pathetic. Let's get to the bag, the dummy must be a bit too much for you to handle.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Know what? He's got a point, kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, it wasn't that bad...<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Don't worry, I'll show you the way. First - you tighten your grips! Then raise your fists to the height of your eyes! Make sure to hit your target straight! And...<</say>>
<<text>>Fascinated, you watched as the man took the stance and tensed his muscles. It was as if you were looking at a textbook definition of a boxer.<</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Ricardo">>...Hit!<</say>>
<<text>>With a loud bang, Ricardoo's fist exploded into the bag, knocking it to the ground. You couldn't help but gaze in awe of this man's skill. <</text>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Now you try.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 10>>Okay...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>All right... Let me step in... <</say>>
<<text>>After Imitating the movement that you have just seen a few moments ago against the air, you take a deep breath, ready to do it for real.<</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing7-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>And... Hit!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Wow! Kid, that's a mean punch you've got there.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How was it, Ricardoo?<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Impressive. Where did you get such a strong core?<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 11>>What do you mean?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Um, I think I'm pretty normal. No?<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>A shot like that is one in a thousand. Done by someone with no experience, no less.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wha... You must be joking.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Not at all. With a little effort on your part, I can have you go pro in about a year. How about that?<</say>>
<<text>>Shocked by the sudden suggestion, you took a few seconds to think it over, before giving an answer.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's keep our feet on the ground for now. We'll start small. After all, before I start planning that far ahead, I have to survive tonight.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Then we better start training right away.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 12>>Fuck yeah<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>>The next hour or so was spent between you and Ricardo trying to set up your jabs right. Ricardo would show you the moves and you would try to repeat it. <</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing2-image.webp">>
<<say "Ricardo">>You can even do something like this when your opponent is on his knees. Just make sure the refs don't see it, ha.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, kid, and I've heard that wearing barbed wire in your gloves is a good trick too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not that I'm going to get in the ring anyway... But that might came in handy later.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the power flowing through your body, you try to do Ricardoo's moves on the dummy yourself.<</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing5-image.webp">>
<<say "Ricardo">>That was decent. Want some more?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 12>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn FrdGym0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>I'm spent<</btn>>
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<btn FrdGym0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Use an energy drink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have one">>Use an energy drink<</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is "13a">>
<<say $mc>>Phew... Nah man, I'm exhausted.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>That's OK too. You can come back any time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>If I survive until tomorrow, I'll make sure to check in with you.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>I wouldn't worry about that, If I were you. I have a feeling it'll go just fine.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Ricardo gave you a wink and went back to his training. Just as you were about to ask him some more questions, an angry voice from the corner stopped you.<</text>>
<<say "Autumn">>You've finished, then? Now let him train in peace, for God's sake!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...Sure thing, Autumn. He's all yours. Let's go, Greg.<</say>>
<<if $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<<set $RileyBlock to 0>>
<<set $timeM += 0>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map1 FrdGym0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "13b">>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<set $AutumnCounter += 1>>
<<set $StrengthCounter += 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've used Energy Drink to energise yourself! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, just give me a second.<</say>>
<<text>>You take a couple of steps back and reach behind your back to pull out a bottle of energy drink. The bottle opens with a sharp "pst" and you gulp down the orange-flavoured drink. <</text>>
<<set $OldGifRng to $NewGifRng>>
<<for ; $NewGifRng == $OldGifRng ; >>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewGifRng is 0>>
<<imgv "act2/energy1-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/energy2-image.gif">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/energy3-image.webp">>
<<say "Ricardo">>Feeling better?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell, yeah. It's trainin' time.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 14>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<text>>The sweat is dripping down your body as you continue to work relentlessly on your combinations under the strict instructions of Ricardo.<</text>>
<<img "act2/gym/boxing6-image.webp">>
<<say "Ricardo">>Higher. Higher! And... Done. Good stuff, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah... Hah...<</say>>
<<text>>You sat down on a nearby bench in order to catch your breath for a short while. You still felt great, even though your muscles were burning and your breath was stale.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Just give me a couple of seconds. I'll be right back.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>No need. That's enough for one day.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 15>>What?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>But I'm still ready!<</say>>
<<text>>Ricardo examines you for a moment and shakes his head.<</text>>
<<say "Ricardo">>If we continue with our training, you'll risk injuring yourself.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A little bit wouldn't hurt...<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>Attitudes like that will sooner or later cause you a disability. When you reach your limit, don't hesitate to stop.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Listen to the pro, kid. <</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 16>>Fine<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll trust you on this, Ricardo.<</say>>
<<text>>With a loud sigh, you stretched out your legs and lay down on a bench with your eyes closed. <</text>>
<<say "Autumn">>Here you go. Drink this.<</say>>
<<text>>When you opened your eyes, Autumn stood before you, smiling. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/gym/autumn0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Autumn">> Take this. It's a good post-training drink - it'll help you build muscle mass and reduce fatigue.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 17>>Thanks!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. I didn't expect you to be so courteous, to be honest. <</say>>
<<say "Autumn">>Don't worry about it. If Ricardo deemed you worthy of hours of training, it's only fair that I do my part as well. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you guys depend on each other a lot... That's cool.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>You are right. Without her, I'd be in the gutter or on a factory floor. Not sure which is worse, ha-ha. <</say>>
<<text>>The taste of the protein is a lot better than you thought it would be. Noticing the change in your expression, Ricardo scoffs.<</text>>
<<say "Ricardo">>If you want more - come back anytime.<</say>>
<<btno FrdGym0 stage 18>>All right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<say $mc>>I'll make sure to contact you then. If I survive until tomorrow, that is.<</say>>
<<say "Ricardo">>I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. <</say>>
<<text>>With that, Ricardo winked at you and returned to his training. You tried to inquire further, but Autumn quickly prevented you from doing so by butting in.<</text>>
<<say "Autumn">>Hey, Ricardo has an important match quite soon, so he needs to concentrate on it. Your training is over anyway, right? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess so. Well, he's all yours then, Autumn.<</say>>
<<say "Autumn">>Thank you for your understanding. I hope I can see you again.<</say>>
<<if $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<<set $RileyBlock to 0>>
<<set $timeM += 0>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map1 FrdGym0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "housekendra">>
<<addclass "body" "citycountryside">>
<<say $mc>>What the... It's open!<</say>>
<<text>>As you get closer to Kendra's house, you can't help but notice that her front door is left open.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Did she forget to close it or what? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No... But what if it's Dick? Maybe he heard about what we were going to do from Adriana and decided to get involved himself!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I don't think so, pal. There is no reason for Adriana to betray us. Not to mention that she didn't know about Kendra.<</say>>
<<if $DNdTw6TellHer is 1>>
<<say $mc>>I told her she was my informant in that dream we had. Fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But what if she had found out somehow?<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy gave a sigh of defeat and stopped in front of the open door.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You go in then. I'll guard the back. Be stealthy, though - I don't want any more trouble heading our way. <</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 1>>Enter the house<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>As you crept into the house, you made sure to follow the shadows and conceal your presence as best you could. But to your surprise, the house looked exactly as before, with no sign of violence. <</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I better be careful anuway... If Dick did in fact break in, I'd better make sure I have the upper hand.<</say>>
<<text>>You continued to dwell deeper and deeper, and although it was barely audible at first, a pleasant sounding voice reached your ears.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Oh Kendra, it was the best time I ever had at the beach. I am so lucky to have you as a friend.<</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">>Me too, AJ. I've enjoyed it a lot...<</say>>
<<text>>A soft chuckle from the woman helped to calm your nerves a little. From the sound of it, Kendra was totaly fine.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>It was so good, actually, that I think we should make it last this memory a bit longer, don't you?<</someone>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ha-ha, you know me so well, AJ...<</say>>
<<text>>Hidden behind the frame of the door that led to the lounge room, you were now certain that this 'AJ' woman and Kendra were relaxing on the other side of it.<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn FrdKendra0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Make yourself known<</btn>>
<<btn FrdKendra0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Have a peek<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Kendra? It's me. You forgot to close the door... Is everything right?<</say>>
<<text>>As you come round the corner, you see two beautiful women standing in front of you wearing nothing but their bikinis. It looks like they were in the middle of a conversation before you interrupted them.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra0-image.webp">>
<<say "Kendra">>$mc? Are you peeping on me again... I'm not alone this time.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>"Again"? Oh, he's a massive perv, isn't he...<</say>>
<<text>>Amused by her own conclusion, AJ burst out laughing, unable to stop herself until Kendra gave her a sideways glance.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Sorry, sorry.. I didn't realize he was yours, that's all.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>AJ, we just enjoy each other's company. It's an open relationship, no more, no less. Isn't it right, $mc?<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 9>>Yep<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say "Kendra">>But we really shouldn't. Not right now at least, Dick has been awfully jumpy in the past few days. Who knows when he'll decide to show up.<</say>>
<<text>>As you look around the corner, you see two beautiful women wearing nothing but bikinis. From the looks of it, AJ wanted something from Kendra, going so far as to put his hands over her shoulders in a pleading motion.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra1-image.webp">>
<<say "AJ">>Kendra, please... I don't care about Dick, no matter what kind of "deals" he'll strike with me next.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>AJ, don't. I know that you know what it's like to pay him rent, but it's nothing compared to what he'll do to you if you're unlucky enough to anger him.<</say>>
<<text>>Even watching from a compromised position, you could clearly see AJ frowning, unhappy with Kendra. She froze for a second and Kendra took the opportunity to wiggle out of her warm embrace.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Well... Well I still don't care! But if you are scared of him so much, then fine. I'll leave!<</say>>
<<text>>With tears in her eyes, AJ rushed towards your hiding place and you took a preemptive step back, disappearing into the shadows once more. <</text>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>>But as the seconds go by and she is still nowhere to be seen, you decide it would be a good idea to take another look around the corner.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>I'm not scared of him, silly. I'm scared for you...<</say>>
<<text>>As you can see, Kendra successfully prevented AJ from leaving by embarrassing her soft body from behind. Being so close, AJ's loving eyes were glued to her friend's puffy lips. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra2-image.webp">>
<<say "AJ">>Mmh... Did I ever tell you that the smell of your skin drives me crazy? Kendra, I beg you...<</say>>
<<text>>Kendra let out a moan as AJ's hand trailed down her curved thigh, rubbing sensually against her soft skin. Unable to resist the temptation, Kendra gave in as well, covering the sensitive part of AJ's neck with small kisses.<</text>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 5>>Oh shit...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">>I love you, AJ...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Thank you... Mhm...<</say>>
<<text>>You could see both women trembling with excitement as they drew closer and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss. Unwilling to let go, their arms entwined around each other's necks, prolonging their kiss for several long moments.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra3-image.webp">>
<<say "Kendra">>Huf... You're the sweetest girl I know...<</say>>
<<text>>As if swallowed up by the lustful spell, the girls quickly removed their tops and let their ample breasts bounce freely. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra4-image.webp">>
<<say "AJ">>Oh my God... They look even bigger without the bra to contain them...<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 6>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Kendra">>I like yours too, AJ. Playing with them is always a pleasure...<</say>>
<<text>>Kendra's hands rose to cradle AJ's breasts, appreciating their perky nature as she grouped them. A slight moan escaped AJ's lips as she turned away from the pleasure, now staring straight at you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra5-image.webp">>
<<say "AJ">>Ehm... Kendra? Who's that? <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Huh? What the... $mc?!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck...<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 7>>Fuck!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Kendra, it's just me, no need to worry about it. <</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>There's no need to worry about it?! Turn away, now!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, all right...<</say>>
<<text>>Obeying the woman's orders, you turned back to where you came from and stood still, pondering what would happen next. A scenario from one of your doujins flashed through your mind, but you quickly dismissed it. <</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>We're clothed now, you can look at us again.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Yeah, you perv.<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 8>>Hey!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, I'm not a perv! I just got here.<</say>>
<<text>>As you turned back to face Kendra, both women's breasts were once again hidden by the thin bikini material. You could feel the weight of AJ's gaze as she did a thorough examination of your physique.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra0-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, I'm not going to take this from a woman who is busy stripping me with her eyes on our first meeting.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Oh yeah? I bet you were jerking yourself off while peeping at us, that would make you an even bigger pervert that I am. Right, Kendra?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>True. And that wouldn't be the first time for him either.<</say>>
<<text>>To your surprise, AJ burst out laughing at the news, unable to stop herself until Kendra gave her a sideways glance. <</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Sorry, sorry... I didn't realise he was yours, that's all. I almost got carried away with my teasing.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>AJ, we just enjoy each other's company. It's an open relationship, no more, no less. Isn't it right, $mc?<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 9>>That's right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>Yep. And I swear I was only hiding because I was afraid you were going to get in trouble with Dick..<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Ha-ha, isn't he sweet, Kendra? I wish I had a boy like him...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Too bad that Dick called the dibs on you first, then.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Yeah, that stinks.<</say>>
<<text>>The lingering smile on AJ's face vanished when Dick's name was mentioned again. You have another idea - maybe reading all those doujins weren't useless after all...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>And what if, let's say, I made Dick disappear?<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence followed, while AJ tried to decipher whether you were lying or not. In the end she let out a sigh, seemingly unable to come to a conclusion.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Then the whole neighborhood would be in your debt. That includes me. Hypothetically, of course.<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 10>>Sounds promising<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds good to me. Kendra?<</say>>
<<text>>With a grin on your face, you pointed towards Dick's office, letting her know that you would like to continue your conversation from before. With a sigh, she turned to AJ.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>AJ, I'd like to talk with him. In private, that is.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Oh... I see how it is. But okay!<</say>>
<<text>>AJ grabbed her handbag with the jeans sticking out of it and quickly headed for the exit, but then stopped for a moment and turned around with a grin on her face. <</text>>
<<say "AJ">>By the way, $mc?<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 11>>Yeah?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>What is it?<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>I'm trusting you to leave Kendra satisfied, okay? Today it's on you, ha-ha!<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">> Don't give him ideas AJ! Come on, hurry up already.<</say>>
<<text>>Flustered, Kendra hurried her friend out of the room. You could still hear them saying goodbye even after they had disappeared behind a wall, though.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Have a safe trip home. Call me later, all right?<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Sure thing. Make sure to stay safe too.<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 12>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<text>>A few seconds later you heard the familiar sound of paws hitting the ground, accompanied by Kendra's footsteps.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I take it I was right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, Kendra simply forgot to close the door. Got too excited with her friend, I'm guessing.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Honey, what's it all about? You remember what I've said about Dick, right? He's...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nico agreed to help us out. He grew tired of his bullshit and his lackeys too. And together, we came up with a solid plan.<</say>>
<<text>>Kendra's eyes squinted, giving her the look of a wild cat. That was a good sign, you thought.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>What plan? Please explain.<</say>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 13>>It's easy<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's pretty simple. Nico came by here yesterday, right? He should've set up the camera in the office, so that we could get a code by recording a video feed of it.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>What camera? All he did was reposition the bear he gave me as a gift back then... Wait, no, tell me he didn't see my...<</say>>
<<text>>Realising what that meant, Kendra's cheeks flushed bright red. You could swear you saw tears forming in her eyes, and you rushed to calm her down.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Don't think too much. All you have to do is act naturally and make sure the bear stays in place. Can you do it?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ye-yeah... that I can do. But... isn't that dangerous for the two of you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's fine, we'll manage. Together. <</say>>
<<text>>Hearing this, a sob escaped Kendra's lips and after taking a step closer, she leaned over your shoulder. Being the good person that you are, you tried to comfort her, gently running the palm of your hand down her back. <</text>>
<<btno FrdKendra0 stage 14>>It's okay...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<say $mc>>It'll be fine, I'm telling you. The hard part is long behind us, now all we need is that damned code.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>I hear you, $mc... And I'll continue doing my part too. Just be careful, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I'm not planning on dying. Especially after meeting your friend, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>When she heard this, Kendra let out a small laugh and looked at you with a playful expression in her eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh, so you liked AJ? If all works out, I may be able to arrange something fun for you two...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds fun. Too bad I have to run right now, it's a shame that I'll be breaking my word to AJ, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>We can postpone that for a later day then... After all, you have serious business ahead of you. Please, take care...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I will, Kendra.<</say>>
<<if $FrdGym0 is 1>>
<<set $RileyBlock to 0>>
<<set $timeM += 0>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno Map1 FrdKendra0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $DailyPizzaVisited to 1>>
<<if $AlexisScene1Complete is 1>>
<<set $AlexisScene1Completed to 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "pizza">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<text>>Strolling around the city, you didn't notice as you came in front of the Rooster's Egg. The place looks lively as ever, and for a second, you almost felt jealous of all the potential tips that you were missing.<</text>>
<<img "act1/pizza0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What, you've got munchies all of a sudden?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No. But I'm thinking that maybe I should go and check how the girls are doing. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Might be a good call. With the number of workers Savannah has, you might even get an odd job or two.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or I could spend some time with Savnnah herself. Usually, she's too busy bossing around to have a chat with me.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Be my guest. I'll wait on the outside, as usual.<</say>>
<<btno DayOffPizza0 stage 1>>Walk in<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $rng to random(9, 49)>>
<<say "Alexis">>Number $rng! Your order is ready!<</say>>
<<text>>As you came inside, the busy sounds of the streets changed to the hushed noises of the children and people ordering their food. And somehow Alexis was able to keep up with the crowd amid all the chaos.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>I'll have two number nines, a large number nine, a number six with an extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives...<</someone>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes Sir! I'll call you when it's ready!<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>Oh, and a large diet coke.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, how does she keep up with all this... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $SavannahBusy isnot 1>>
<<btn DayOffSav stage "enter0">>Walk into Savannah office<</btn>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Walk into Savannah office<</plugi>>
<<btn DayOffAlexis stage "enter1">>Come talk with Alexis<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<elseif $stage is "enter0">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'd better go check on Savannah then...<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding that it would be better to let Alexis weather the storm without being interrupted, you walk toward the door to Savannah's office.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/door2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh right, I should knock first...<</say>>
<<text>>You put some force into knocking, making sure that despite the noisy atmosphere of the restaurant, your three loud thuds would be heard on the other side of the door. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes-yes, come in! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "enter1">>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh, it's you...<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah smiled coy, adjusting the paper stuck in front of her as if to make the point that she's been hardworking all this time.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>It's your day off, so tell me... Why are you here? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Money. And maybe, just maybe, I've grown slightly fond of you by now. A tiny bit. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Is that so?<</say>>
<<text>>You could swear that Savannah's cold blue eyes sparked out with a devilish spark. But it was gone so quickly that you weren't sure that that wasn't merely a merely trick of the light.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, that's fine with me. What do you want? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "talk0">>
<<set $SavNoTalkSeen to 1>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I've wanted to have a chat with you for some time now.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Hm? What is it now?<</say>>
<<text>>Moving away from the monitors, Savannah turned the center of her attention toward you. You felt a little bit shy under her inquiring gaze, and...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's just... Nice weather today, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don't think so?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't waste my time with this crap. Come by when you have something to say.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "drink0">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Sav. How's the day going?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>It's all right, I guess... Also, don't call me that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then how about I make it a little better for the both of us?<</say>>
<<text>>With a sleazy smile, you pull out a bottle of whiskey from your backpack and place it in front of your boss. Without skipping a beat, Savannah answered.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm in, you bastard. <</say>>
<<text>>The next dozen minutes you spent taking shots with Savannah, sharing different stories of your life to each other.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, that was fun. I'll be waiting for the next time.<</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've given away your Whisky! <</notify>>
<<set $DailyDrinkGivenSav to 1>>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<set $item4 to 0>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you grow a little 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "task0">>
<<set $SavPreSceneNotice to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I was wondering, do you perhaps have some tasks for me today?<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah examined you with a lukewarm stare and after moment of delibiration, shook her head in dissmissal.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Nope, nothing that I could trust you with.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I proved myself to be dependable, haven't I?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>No. Not yet.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "alxsE">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I've gotta run, I've have a bit too much on my plate today. You don't mind, right?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>...Hmh. I guess it's fine then.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Savannah turned back to her PC and started typing something on the keyboard.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Don't get bored, I'll make sure to check in on you whenever I have the time.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't worry, I won't.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1e">>
<<say $mc>>I would like to, but I'm a bit too busy today. Maybe next time?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>...Hmh. I guess I can wait until then.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Savannah turned back to her PC and started typing something on the keyboard.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what about my pay?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>What? You just moved a few boxes, why would I.... Ah, whatever. Here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks. See you.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is "enter0">>
<<btn DayOffSav stage "enter1">>...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "alxsE">>
<<btn DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $SavannahBusy is 1 || $timeM >= 3 >>
<<plugi "Savannah is too busy right now">>Talk<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Savannah is too busy right now">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Savannah is too busy right now">>Ask for a task<</plugi>>
<<btnsb DayOffSav stage "alxsE">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns Map0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns Map1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<if $AlexisScene1Completed && $AlexisQuest1 isnot 1>>
<<plugi "Future content">>Ask about Alexis<</plugi>>
<<if $SavNoTalkSeen isnot 1>>
<<btn DayOffSav stage "talk0">>Talk<</btn>>
<<plugi "There is nothing you can ask of Savannah">>Talk<</plugi>>
<<if $item4 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenSav isnot 1>>
<<btn DayOffSav stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenSav is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Talk<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have any whiskey on you!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<if $SavannahCounter > 0 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene isnot 1>>
<<btn SavPreScene0 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<elseif $SavannahCounter > 0 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene is 1 && $SavPstScene1 isnot 1>>
<<btn SavPreScene1 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<if $SavPreSceneNotice isnot 1>>
<<btn DayOffSav stage "task0">>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<plugi "Savannah is not interested enough in you for that">>Ask for a task<</plugi>>
<<btnsb DayOffSav stage "alxsE">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns Map0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns Map1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I was wondering, do you perhaps have some tasks for me today?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Hm.... Actually, I do.<</say>>
<<text>>Without standing up from behind the desk, Savannah pointed to a stacked pile of boxes in the corner.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I had some new equipment delivered, but didn't have time to set it up properly. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you want me to do it. Because I'm tech-savvy and all...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Partily. They are also quite heavy. Show me that you're a man.<</say>>
<<btno SavPreScene1 stage 1>>Well, I am a man...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>All right. That's a good chance for me to leave a lasting impression...<</say>>
<<text>>Under the watchful gaze of your boss, you got to work, pulling the boxes around, your muscles barely able to sustain the weight.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/camera0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>You weren't kidding... They are heavy.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<text>>Confused by this half-moaned reply, you turned to Savannah. Her eyes were firmly set on your bulging muscles while her mind wandered away.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Savannah? Are you all right there?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh?.. Oh, yeah. I got lost in a thought. Continue please.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing...<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't shake the feeling that you were being devoured by her gaze once you turned back to work. It felt exiting, being desired by a woman of Savannah's caliber.<</text>>
<<btno SavPreScene1 stage 2>>Okay...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>This is the last one. Now, let's see what's inside...<</say>>
<<text>>After you tore the top off a cardboard box, an expensive-looking set of cameras was waiting for you inside. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Two cameras and a tripod... What the hell is that for?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, be a good boy, and I'll show you soon~<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah playfully kicked back in her seat, looking pleased with your performance so far.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Set it up so that it was pointing towards the desk.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay boss.<</say>>
<<btno SavPreScene1 stage 3>>Is this good?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Like this?<</say>>
<<text>>Having done as Savannah said, you look through one of the lenses to make sure that the panoramic view working as intended.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/camera1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't forget to check if it's working or not.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>By the looks of it, it does. I can't tell more without the proper tasting, though.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Would you like to be the one who tests it?<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah's eyes lit brightly as she said it, leaning forward in her chair, her posture reminding you of a hungry cheetah ready to jump on it's prey.<</text>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn SavannahScene1 stage 0>>I was waiting for it<</btn>>
<<btn DayOffSav stage "1e">>Maybe some other time?<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Well, that was something...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>Where the hell all the staff at?<</someone>>
<<text>>Standing in the main hall, you are surprised by the number of people waiting for their order at the empty reception desk. But seconds later, Alexis emerged from the staff room and went straight back to work..<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sorry for the wait! Tell me your order please!<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>I've been waiting for 6 minutes! I'll make sure your manager will get a message about this... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like it would be better not to bother her right now. She's in a bit of a jam.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "enter0">>
<<set $OldQuoteRng to $NewQuoteRng>>
<<for ; $NewQuoteRng == $OldQuoteRng ; >>
<<set $NewQuoteRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewQuoteRng is 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>"Religion is the opium of the people", huh?..<</say>>
<<elseif $NewQuoteRng is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs..." Sounds about right, but...<</say>>
<<elseif $NewQuoteRng is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">>"The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people..." Wait a minute...<</say>>
<<text>>As you approach the reception, you notice that the buzz of the crowd has died down a little, and Alexis, now seemingly relaxed, is busily jotting something down on her trusty notepad, muttering to herself as she goes.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>...Hm. That's an interesting interpretation...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey there, Alexis. What's that book for?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, $mc! Nothing much, it's just for studying. What's up, you having a good day I hope? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "enter1">>
<<set $rng to random(49, 80)>>
<<text>>Waiting for the crowd to disperse, you waited patiently for several minutes, knowing your efforts would be rewarded after Alexis will give out the last order. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Number $rng! Your order is ready!<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>Thank you so much, Alexis...<</someone>>
<<say "Alexis">>Next please!<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing that the last customer has been taken care of, you push a man out of your way and smile at a surprised Alexis.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh! Hi $mc. How are you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not bad at all. As you can see, I even managed to save some time to check on you.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "task0">>
<<set $AlexisNoTaskSeen to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I was wondering if there's something I can do to help you out. With all that.<</say>>
<<text>>Making a broad stroke over the busy restaurant, you wink at Alexis. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, I appreciate it, $mc, but... There's nothing you can do to help me right now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes, I'll do the rest myself. I wouldn't like Savannah to think that I'm slacking off, ha-ha. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "talk0">>
<<set $AlexisNoTalkSeen to 1>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling, Alexis?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I'm fine, thank you for asking. Seeing you has certainly managed to brighten up my mood as well.<</say>>
<<text>>With a gentle chuckle, Alexis looked at you warmly.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeah, it's nice to see that you're taking the work here seriously enough to show up, unlike some other guys... It gives me a bit of hope, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not sure I understand what you're saying, but I'm happy to help. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "drink0">>
<<say $mc>>You've been busy lately... Don't you feel tired at all?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Actually, I do... Just a little bit, though. It's taken more effort than I expected to work and study at the same time, so...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I have something I've prepared just for you.<</say>>
<<text>>Like a famous magician, you reach into your backpack and search for a few seconds. Feeling the metallic coolness of a can against your fingers, you pull out an energy drink and place it before Alexis.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Here you go. It'll get you through the shift.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh wow... Thank you so much, $mc! <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've given away your Energy Drink! <</notify>>
<<set $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis to 1>>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis grow a little 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "savE">>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll go chech on Savannah now.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Already? I thought you came here to cheer me up...<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by Alexis' tone, she was having fun talking to you, while the idea of getting back to the boring shift wasn't that pleasant in comparison.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, come on now. Savannah might need some attention from me too, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I guess you're right... Good luck with that, then.<</say>>
<<text>>As you walked to the door of Savannah's office, you made an effort to knock so that you could be heard on the other side of the door, despite the busy day at the restaurant. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes-yes, come in! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "0e">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, that's a little too much for me...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Really? Pft. My fault for expecting more from you then.<</say>>
<<text>>Visibly disappointed by your decline, Alexis shrugs her shoulders and returns to studying.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No, no, I understand. Someone else will have to do it, so why bother yourself, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well... Sorry.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is "savE">>
<<btn DayOffSav stage "enter1">>Enter the office<</btn>>
<<elseif $AlexisBusy is 1 || $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "Alexis is too busy right now">>Talk<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Alexis is too busy right now">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Alexis is too busy right now">>Ask for a task<</plugi>>
<<if $SavannahBusy is 1 || $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Check on Savannah<</plugi>>
<<btnsb DayOffSav stage "enter1">>Check on Savannah<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns Map0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns Map1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<if $AlexisTalk is 1>>
<<btn DayOffAlexis stage "talk0">>Talk<</btn>>
<<if $AlexisNoTalkSeen isnot 1>>
<<btn DayOffAlexis stage "talk0">>Talk<</btn>>
<<plugi "You can't find a suitable topic to talk about">>Talk<</plugi>>
<<if $item3 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis isnot 1>>
<<btn DayOffAlexis stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have an Energy Drink!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<if $AlexisTask0Completed isnot 1>>
<<btn AlexisWork0 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<if $AlexisNoTaskSeen isnot 1>>
<<btn DayOffAlexis stage "task0">>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<plugi "There's nothing for you to help Alexis with">>Ask for a task<</plugi>>
<<if $SavannahBusy isnot 1 || $timeM < 3>>
<<btnsb DayOffAlexis stage "savE">>Check on Savannah<</btnsb>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Check on Savannah<</plugi>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns Map0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns Map1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I was wondering if there's something I can do to help you out. With all that.<</say>>
<<text>>Making a broad stroke over the busy restaurant, you wink at Alexis.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well... If you'd like to help, you can begin with cleaning the restroom.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Emh... Excuse me? <</say>>
<<text>>Shocked by the audacity of that proposal, you take a step back, shaking your head in disbelief.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That's nasty... Not to mention that it's what a janitor is for.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>He's a lazy bum. But don't worry, this task is quite easy once you actually get going.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn AlexisWork0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>All right...<</btn>>
<<btn DayOffAlexis stage "0e">>No way!<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<set $AlexisTask0Completed to 1>>
<<set $AlexisWork0 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you say so... <</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, you take off your jacket and hide it in your backpack and look around the reception in search of a mop.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Get the paycheck ready, I'll be done quick.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>That's the spirit! Thank you, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah-yeah...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>What the... No way I'll be finishing this in under an hour...<</say>>
<<text>>As you glance over the restroom, you begin understanding just what kind of a monumentary task Alexis lured you into.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Those walls look straight from the modern art galery. That's some dedication to the grafity. Wait, this one looks like a number...<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning closer, you strain your eyes a little, trying to decipher a hastely written litters and digits. <</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/restroom0-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Writings On A Wall" kendra>>"1-800-273-8255 - Telegram Chat - Free Sex"<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Huh... I was always wondering if those numbers were fake or not. I might try it out later, just for fun.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<say $mc>>That should be it. Ha... Fuck me.<</say>>
<<text>>Looking around you feel satisfied with the overall result of your work. The walls are now gleaming clean and the polished floor shines like snow on a sunny day.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm beat... I might even order something to eat after a workout like that.<</say>>
<<text>>Your train of thought was cut short by the creaking sound of a door opening. Alexis appeared in the doorway, glancing at you with a cheeky expression on her face, while also texting something on her phone.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Tired already? I've expected you to have a longer fuse.<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's rich coming from you. If you have time to review my cardio - come and help me clean next time, don't be shy.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Don't be like that, I didn't mean it. Anyway, I've come to give you a pay check, straight out of Savannah's hands.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0 stage 5>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>How thoughtful of you. I was just about to ask you about it myself, actually.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 160$<</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>>After carefully counting the bills, you put them in your pocket and let out a tired yawn.<</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Seems about right. The rest lies with you, Alexis.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hm? But we also have a staff room...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'll pass on that one. I didn't even know it existed, you know.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, it's kind of a secret, but it has fine showers. Unlike Savnannah, though, I rarely use them while I'm working. Don't worry, you'll finish cleaning it within 15 minutes...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0 stage 7>>I doubt that<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I'm not going to trust you on how long it's going to take. Besides, the money I get is only for the hours I've already worked, not for overtime.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>But... It has to be cleaned too! Savnannah will kill me otherwise...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This sounds very unfortunate.<</say>>
<<text>>You pick up your backpack from the floor and get ready to leave, but Alexis is still standing in the doorway, blocking your way.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Alexis, you mind stepping aside? You are kind of in my way...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Please $mc, I really need this done... But I can't pay you out of my own pocket, I'm barely able to cover the rent already. Can't you do it out of the goodness of your heart?<</say>>
<<text>>You could, of course. But why should you let the rare opportunity to indebt Alexis slip away? <</text>>
<<btno AlexisWork0 stage 8>>I'm not doing this for free<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Well, considering everything, I'd need some serious inspiration to motivate me for such an exhausting job again.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I understand, but I've already told you that I'm broke...<</say>>
<<text>>You notice a spark of desperation in Alexis's eyes. Barely suppressing a grin, you pretend to think for a second.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I think I may have an idea. I was just wondering... What kind of lingerie are you wearing today?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do your bidding if you satisfy my curiosity. Simple as that.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Wha...? That's it? Is that all you want?<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis tilted her head inquiringly and looked straight at you, still somewhat sceptical about your proposal.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, why not. So you're in?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>That sounds good, I guess... I didn't take you for a guy with such interests, but... Anyway, I'll come back and check on you soon, okay?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn AlexisWork0 stage 9>> I'll be done in a few <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have time for that">> I'll be done in a few <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough energy for that">> I'll be done in a few <</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 0>>I'd rather relax<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've used Energy Drink to energise yourself! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds great, I just need to get energised first. Would you mind giving me a beat?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Okay... I'll put in one of my faves, so I hope you're into alt-rock. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't be against that, I've listened to a fair share of Radiohead back in my day.<</say>>
<<text>>As you reach for your energy drink, The Score's 'Fighter' starts to play, filling you with motivational beats and lyrics. After opening the bottle with one finger, you down the orange-flavoured liquid in two big gulps.<</text>>
<<set $OldGifRng to $NewGifRng>>
<<for ; $NewGifRng == $OldGifRng ; >>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewGifRng is 0>>
<<imgv "act2/energy1-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/energy2-image.gif">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/energy3-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Ha... Come back in a couple of hours, I should be done by then. <</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>Actually, now that I think about it... I'm too tired, man. Sorry.<</say>>
<<text>>You reply with a gentle smile and, surprisingly, Alexis doesn't seem to mind you slacking off for once.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, that's that then. If you change your mind, you know where to find me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll keep it in mind, Alexis. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> No problem, go and rest now.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage 1>>Good luck<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>Have a good one. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You too.<</say>>
<<text>>You leave the toilet and fall down on a couch behind the corner table, finally allowing your tired body to relax. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/work5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, right, I can check that number I've found. What was it now...<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as you enter the number a Telegram chat pops up immediately.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "@SuperHotChick" kendra>>Hey there, big guy... Want to have fun?<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Sure<</btn>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Sounds like a scam...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>No, I don't think I trust you enough for that, @SuperHotChick. What kind of name is that?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Just call me Sky. It's the internet, so why bother with the little things like that? Fantasy is all that matters, it can even become your reality if you try hard enough~.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The idea that it's nothing more than an elaborate rose to get money out of me certainly doesn't help your case. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Look at you, so serious... I like that. Don't make me wait for too long, though...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you turn the phone off and hide it in your pocket. A smile appears on your face as you stretch your legs under the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sky, huh... Maybe I should give her another chance.<</say>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage 0>>Go back to reception<</btno>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">>Go back to reception<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<say $mc>>Sure. How can I call you? @SuperHotChick is a bit long for my taste.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Call me Sky. I'm as beautiful as the sky above your head after all~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'm $mc. Tell me, Sky, how's life treating you?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Pretty good, right now I'm relaxing on my bed. It's been a rough day, just came back after working out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, I'm jealous. You seem to look after yourself well, I like that in girls.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Health is really important. That's why I do Keto and go to the gym 4 days a week. I wonder what is it like for you~, <</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage "2c">>I go to the gym too<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2c">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do go to the gym on occasion, but overall I'm not that deep into all that stuff.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I can tell you that even a little exercise goes a long way to improving your wellbeing. And I like fit boys more than those lumps of fat who are too busy eating at McDonald's~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, glad to hear that. I love looking at fit girls too, so maybe we should try to exchange some photos... I'm certainly curious to see what you look like now.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Well, what is a body for if not to show it to other people... Here, I hope you enjoy it~<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sky">>Now it's your turn. I'm waiting~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage "2d">>Send a picture<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2d">>
<<say $mc>>I hope you don't mind the sight of a sweaty body after a hard workout. <</say>>
<<text>> You choose one of the photos you took after sparring with Ricardo and, after applying a few filters, send it to Sky. <</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Ooh... You look much better than I've expected~ What a wonderful treat.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> A personal question, but I wonder - how do you like your guys? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Well, I prefer them to weight around 150 lbs, with a height of 6'1 or taler. Nothing too fancy though, 6 pack abs are totally fine. And of course I want them to be just the right size down there~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's quite a list, I won't lie... Better tell me, what kind of size is "just right" for you? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Ha-ha, why don't you find out for yourself~ Send me a picture of yours and I'll rate it accordingly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Isn't that a bit too fast? You haven't shown me your goods yet after all... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> That's fair. Tell me $mc, butts or breasts, which do you prefer? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 3>>I like a good booty<</btn>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 7>>Titties are life<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2e">>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>No, that sounds really fishy to me.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Come on, It's the internet, so why bother with the little things like that? Fantasy is all that matters, it can even become your reality if you try hard enough~.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The idea that it's nothing more than an elaborate rose to get money out of me certainly doesn't help your case. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Look at you, so serious... I like that. Don't make me wait for too long, though...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you turn the phone off and hide it in your pocket. A smile appears on your face as you stretch your legs under the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sky, huh... Maybe I should give her another chance.<</say>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage 0>>Go back to reception<</btno>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">>Go back to reception<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I like to think of myself as a butt connoisseur. Nothing is better than a big but firm ass.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I hope you'll enjoy mine then~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised at how easy it was to get a new photo, you examine it closely. Sky wasn't lying when she said she worked out; her ass is in perfect shape and has a perfect tan.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sky">>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, this is amazing. Too bad I can't feel it in person.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Tell me, what would you like to do with an ass like that... You wouldn't stop at just touching it, would you?~ <</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage 4>>Someone's horny<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>What, does it turn you on? But you're right - there is no way a single touch would satisfy me. I would rip your clothes off and expose your tight little holes... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Ah, that is so hot... I can almost feel the primal lust swelling deep inside you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>After giving you just enough of a good rubdown, I would make you twerk in front of my face, teasing you until your mind went blank with an overwhelming desire... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my God, that sounds so good... Let me give you a little something extra for your efforts~ <</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky1-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Now you're making me real hard. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Glad to hear it~ But we have to stop there. As a model, I can't spend so much money having fun... Usually this kind of texting is only for my tier 3 subscribers.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 60>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 5>>Spend 60$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Spend 60$<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage "2e">>That's unfortunate<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spend 60$<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-60>>
<<set $SkyChatTier to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Then how about I'll buy myself a tier 3? I can spare some money, 60$ isn't that much. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That would be awesome! You already know my number. I'll ping you back as soon as the money goes through~<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick swipe of your fingers, you transfer 60$ to Sky's account. She doesn't disappoint and answers back immidiatly.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Now that I've made you hard enough... Can you show me your... you know what~<</say>>
<<text>> Having made sure no one is looking in your direction, you quickly unzip your trousers and take a picture of your pig. You feel an adrenaline rush at the thought of being caught, but it quickly subsides. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not the best angle I know, but I'm in public right now. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my! That's quite a size... You weren't kidding when you said you were really hard, I almost feel guilty for leading you on so much~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage 6>>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, if only you were around... I would show you what I can do with my dick. Trust me, I know how to use it. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That sounds really fun... It's been ages since anyone's given me a good stretch. Look how exposed and alone I am right now~ <</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>I would take good care of you. I'll be filling you up all night long, going deeper and deeper, until you wouldn't be able to stand up straight any more.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Damn, now you're making it hard for me... I'm so wet right now~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage "6a">>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "6a">>
<<say $mc>>It's nothing compared to what it would be like in real life. Your ass would be screaming for mercy while your mind would be lost in an ocean of pleasure.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>It sounds so juicy that I can't help but move my hips... Even though I'm all alone right now... Look at them wiggling~<</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky5-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>That's just the beginning... I really meant it when I said I could go on all night. So hit me up if you have the time.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh, $mc... So you want to make this fantasy a reality?<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage 11>>Of course<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>There is nothing better in life than spending an evening with a nice pair of tits by your side.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>So you're a romantic... I hope you enjoy my pair~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised at how easy it was to get a new photo, you examine it closely. . Sky wasn't lying when she said she works out; her tits were perky but plentiful, coloured with a perfect shade of tan.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sky">>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, this is amazing. Too bad I can't feel it in person.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh yes... But I can't help wondering if you'd be happy just by touching them?<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage 8>>Damn...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>What, does it turn you on? But you're right - there is no way a single touch would satisfy me. I would rip your clothes off and expose your sweet little body... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Ah, that is so hot... I can almost feel the primal lust swelling deep inside you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>After giving you just enough of a good rubdown, I would make you finger yourself right in front of my face, teasing yourself until your mind would go blank from an overwhelming desire... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my God, that sounds so good... Let me give you a little something extra for your efforts~ <</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky0-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Now you're making me real hard. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Glad to hear it~ But we have to stop there. As a model, I can't spend so much money having fun... Usually this kind of texting is only for my tier 3 subscribers.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 60>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 9>>Spend 60$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Pay up<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage "2e">>Not today<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spend 60$<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-60>>
<<set $SkyChatTier to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Then how about I'll buy myself a tier 3? I can spare some money, 60$ isn't that much. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That would be awesome! You already know my number. I'll ping you back as soon as the money goes through~<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick swipe of your fingers, you transfer 60$ to Sky's account. She doesn't disappoint and answers back immidiatly.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Now that I've made you hard enough... Can you show me your... you know what~<</say>>
<<text>> Having made sure no one is looking in your direction, you quickly unzip your trousers and take a picture of your pig. You feel an adrenaline rush at the thought of being caught, but it quickly subsides. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not the best angle I know, but I'm in public right now. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my! That's quite a size... You weren't kidding when you said you were really hard, I almost feel guilty for leading you on so much~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage 10>>I can show it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, if only you were around... I would show you what I can do with my dick. Trust me, I know how to use it. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That sounds really fun... It's been ages since I've been able to ride someone of your stature and size... Look, this is what we could be doing right now~<</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky3-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>I would give you the best ride of your life. I'd fill you all night long, going deeper and deeper until you couldn't move, and then...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Damn, now you're making it hard for me... I'm so wet right now~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage "10a">>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "10a">>
<<say $mc>>It's nothing compared to what it would feel like in real life. Your pussy will be screaming for mercy while your mind will be lost in an ocean of pleasure.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>It sounds so juicy that I can't help but shake... Even though I'm all alone right now... Look at my them wiggling~<</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky4-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>That's just the beginning... I really meant it when I said I could go on all night. So hit me up if you have the time.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh, $mc... So you want to make this fantasy a reality?<</say>>
<<btno AlexisWork0-1 stage 11>>Of course<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'm ready, just give me an address and I'll...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I have just the deal for you then... You see, my manager prohobist any meeting with unothorised meetings with males, but... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>But? Come on, don't tease me like that.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Donors who support me with payments for more than 1000$ are entered into an exclusive draw, with the grand prize being a chance to spend a night out with me.<</say>>
<<text>>Motionless, you stare at the screen for a few seconds, trying to make sense of Sky's words. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>You mean... I drop one grand and I'll have a chance, just a chance, of meeting you in person? Sorry, but that sounds like a total scam.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Well, it's a chance for people I don't like. You would be surprised how many fat bastards try to get in my panties by throwing money at me. But for you... it will be a guaranteed win.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 1000>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 14>>Spend 1000$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Spend 1000$<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 13>>You got any proof?<</btn>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 12>>Not today<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>1000$ is a lot. Give me some time. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Okay, but there are only a few places left this month! Call me whenever you want and I'll make it happen just for you~<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you turn the phone off and hide it in your pocket. Yuo can't help but smile as you stretch your legs under the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>A model and a slut on the side... That makes a lot of sense, actually. <</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/work5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Now that I think about it... There are definitely worse ways to spend money. At least fucking a model can be fun and I can brag about it to Nico later...<</say>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage 0>>Go back to reception<</btno>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">>Go back to reception<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>> This is a story that is quite hard to believe in. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> $mc, I'm being honest here. My manager checks my DM's. He follows me when I go out. Our only option is these "meetings". <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How can I be sure that you're telling me the truth? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Well... Here's a video highlight reel of the last time I met with someone. If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will. <</say>>
<<text>> Just as Sky told you, the next message contained a video. Eager to find out more, you turn down the volume on your phone and click play. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start6.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> God damn! Are you an interracial fan or what? How did it even fit... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Frankly, I'm not sure how I survived that one either... But he was a Saudi oil baron, so it had to go this way. That's why I asked you for a picture of your cock first... To make sure I would enjoy the process. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 1000>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 14>>Spend 1000$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Spend 1000$<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisWork0-1 stage 12>>Not today<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spend 1000$<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-1000>>
<<set $SkyChatTier to 2>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>> Well, you better be worth it. I could get at least two strippers for that kind of money... <</say>>
<<text>> <</text>>
<<say "Sky">> Oh my God, I won't let you down! I'm a model, not a cheap whore. There is a certain status that comes with a price~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll take your word for it. When will we meet? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>The lottery will be over in a few days. I'll get back to you with the number. I can hardly wait! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, me too. In the meantime, take care of your body. I'm expecting to see you in pristine condition. <</say>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">>Go back to reception<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Savannah, I've been looking at the pay I've been getting lately and... It's a bit shit, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>What's that supposed to mean? You barely worked a week here.<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah gave you a chuckle before returning to the computer. This attitude of hers was starting to get on your nerves...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, but it's basically a robbery...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Listen, think of this as a pretty good opportunity. You work for a prestigious company. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Opportunity my ass! You should be paying me twice as much!<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to contain your sudden burst of anger, you slam your fist down on Savannah's table. She looks up at you, startled.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>What's that supposed to mean?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not your fucking tool, that's what.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Hmph. So you have a spine after all. <</say>>
<<btno SavannahScene0-1 stage 1>>Huh?<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('AlexisScene1', true)>>
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>And... That's it.<</say>>
<<text>>Enjoying the view of the results of your labour, you wipe the sweat from your brow. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ooh... I can see you're finally done.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning at the sound of Alexis' voice, you notice that she has entered the room, smiling. After a quick glance at the now clean walls, she laughs and slips off her blouse, revealing her black lingerie.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>This is what you wanted, isn't it? Do you like them?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah... You are looking especially good today.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis stepped closer, the faint scent of her perfume becoming stronger and mingling with yours. Despite her nervous expression, you could see a devilish spark in her eyes.<</text>>
/* NE KOPITOVAT timeM */
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $AlexisCounter > 3 && $AlexisScene1Completed isnot 1>>
<<btn AlexisScene1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Get a little closer<</btn>>
<<plugi "Your bond with Alexis isn't strong enough">>Get a little closer<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisScene1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $AlexisScene1Completed to 1>>
<<run memorize('AlexisScene1', true)>>
<<say "Alexis">>So... What's next? I'm getting cold just standing here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... I can fix that.<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick movement, you pull Alexis closer, wrapping her slender body in the warm embrace of your own. A soft giggle escapes the girl's lips as you kiss her neck. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha... I knew you wouldn't stop just at looking... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you should know what happens next, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Still holding on to Alexis, you move in for a proper kiss and she responds by gently biting you on the lower lip.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh... All right $mc...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 2>>Remove the bra<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<say "Alexis">>So you're happy now? It's getting cold...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, yeah. Nice bra.<</say>>
<<text>>While Alexis is busy picking up her blouse and skirt, you feel the situation getting a little bit awkward. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you. Both for the compliment and for seeing the deal through. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, well how about we...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sorry, I better get back to work before Savannah notices I'm gone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, right. I'll come with you then. I've just about finished here anyway.<</say>>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis growing 💙 <</text>>
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">>Go to reception<</btno>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>Go to reception<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think you'll be needing this anytime soon...<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's struggle, you successfully unlock Alexis' bra, revealing her silky smooth breasts in all their glory. Her stockings and suspenders follow suit, now lying in the same heap on the floor. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah... Don't stare at me like that...<</say>>
<<text>>Shyly, Alexis tried to cover her exposed private parts, trying to escape your hungry gaze. But you had no doubt that this was all just an act. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, Alexis, don't play innocent. I know you're not the type to be aroused by looks alone.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha... You know me well... Or so it seems.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 3>>Play with her pussy<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>And what if we were to go a little bit further than that?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmm...<</say>>
<<text>>Having locked lips with Alexis once more, you slide one of your hands down to her tender loins, past a small island of well-trimmed pubic hair, until you finally reach her wet silt. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah... $mc...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take good care of you, don't worry.<</say>>
<<text>>You wispered into Alexis' ear as your fingers twirled in circles around her chubby clit, sending waves of excitement through her body. The sound of slightly embarrassed moans escaping the girl's lips accompanied your movements like a hypnotic symphony.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh yes... It's so good... Please don't stop...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 4>>Don't worry...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Why would I? I'm just starting...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ooh!..<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis' legs trembled as you slid two fingers into her soaking folds, pressing against the ever-elusive G-spot, while your second hand continued it's assault, toying with her clit.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I... Can't... Believe... Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to help herself, Alexis pressed her hips against your fingers and with a gasp her whole body shook, finally giving in to the orgasm. A second later, her legs gave out and you barely managed to catch her, locking her trembling body into embrace.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa, easy there! I've got you, it's okay.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you... Me... Huh....<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 5>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>>A few dozen seconds later, Alexis finally regained her senses and you released her, allowing her to catch her breath, now sitting on one of the stalls. Looking around, you notice a fresh puddle near her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh no, not again... I've just cleaned it all up!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah... Sorry... For making a mess all over the floor... But you were the one...Who made me do it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, duh. And now I not only have a raging boner, but more work!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>He-he... My bad. I'll make it up to you, I promise.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'd better...<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you are about to unzip your trousers, Alexis stops you with a wave of her hand.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Whoa, whoa! Not so fast, I'm not planning on fucking in a toilet, even though I'm grateful for your efforts.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 6>>Hey!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of leaving you by the side of the road. I just don't want to get caught...<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, Alexis picked up her clothes from the floor and waved for you to follow her deeper into the room.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start0.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Remember the showers? Should be a safer place...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 7>>I like your idea<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping into the shower cubicle, you are pleasantly surprised by the sheer size and quality of the room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Savannah really doesn't go cheap on the infrastructure, does she?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, yes. I even use it when I stay here for the night... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or when you really, really want to fuck, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Coming closer, you pushed Alexis against the wall, but before you could go any further, the girl pushed you away with a smile.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Don't be so impatient... Let me freshen up first and then we'll get dirty...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 8>>Come on!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, that's just cruel. I'm already hard enough...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, it'll be worth waiting for... I don't think you'd like to fuck some sweaty ass pussy, would you? I've been on shift for hours now...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You've got a good point there. But make it quick, before I lose all the interest.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha... OK.<</say>>
<<text>>With that Alexis disappeared behind the glass curtains, hardly visible to you. The sound of the pressurised water hitting her soft skin filled the air, leaving you wandering.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... I should have a look while I'm at it.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 9>>Take a peek<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>>Trying not to make any noise, you turn the corner and see... Alexis staring down at you with a wide grin plastered all over her face.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the temptation... But since you're here - enjoy the show~<</say>>
<<text>>Not paying much attention to you, Alexis continued to lather her slender body, moving her bottom from one side to the other in an erotic manner.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I like how shameless you are sometimes...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 10>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say "Alexis">>Shameless? I just don't have anything to be ashamed of. Except for...<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis' hands moved to her chest, grouping and washing around her small breasts with their perky nipples.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>...those two. Don't you think they're a little too small to be enjoyable in bed?<</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Nonsense. There's nothing wrong with being a pettan, just like there's nothing wrong with being a double D. I don't discriminate on the basis of size.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 11>>Show me your ass<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Not to mention, you have a really nice ass. And that's more than enough for me.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>And I know how to use it too~<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis arched her backside slightly to give you a full view of her wet and soapy buttocks. They wiggled suggestively with every move she made.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder if you'd mind demonstrating your skills for me, then? <</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 12>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say "Alexis">>I could...<</say>>
<<text>>Continuing to wash her butt, Alexis made sure you got a good look at her well lubricated holes, spreading her cheeks wide as she went for another wipe. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Come closer... Time for a hands-on lesson...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What a coincidence, I've had the same thought.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 13>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<text>>But just as you're about to let your cock out of its prison, the door opens wide and an angry Savannah bursts in.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Fucking hell, Alexis! Your break was over 20 minutes ago, the queue is huge and they keep bugging me... Oh? $mc? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ye-yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You mind giving us a moment of privacy? Don't worry, we'll have a talk in the office later.<</say>>
<<text>>You cast a quick glance at Alexis, who had now had enough time to wrap herself in a towel.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes, it would be best if you left. This could get... personal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay then...<</say>>
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btno DayOffAlexis stage 0>>Go to reception<</btno>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>Go to reception<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<run memorize('SavannahScene1', true)>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, so I just have to test the cams... Are they on?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Just one second... Yes, they are. Now tell me, what's your idea?<</say>>
<<text>>After a few keystrokes, Savnnah fell back into her chair and started unbuttoning her blouse from the rising heat.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You owe me, bitch. And I'm going to make a good tape out of your 'payment'. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Huh? What are you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't play dumb. I saw you ogling my body earlier. And I know that you want nothing more than to be a submissive little slut.<</say>>
<<text>>There was a brief silence as you stared indifferently into Savannah's conflicted face. You knew she would soon succumb to the pressure, and she didn't disappoint.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>You have got me there... I love me a strong man who can put me in place.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Then get on your knees, slut, and I might just grant your wish.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few more seconds of a staring contest, Savannah complied with your command and dropped to the floor, waiting for you to make your next move, just like a good little bitch would do. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>You know how to drive a hard bargain, $mc.<</say>>
<<text>>Smirking, you unbuttoned your trousers, exposing your erect penis and your boss immediately went for it like a wild animal.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Look at you... So hungry for some real cock, eh? I didn't say you could suck me off with that mouse of yours just yet.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh... Should I stop?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm just going to give you a face fuck as a punishment. <</say>>
<<text>>Without hesitation you show your dick deep down your boss's throat. Not expecting this, Savannah tries to slip away, but you reach over her head and hold her in place. <</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Huh? Grg....<</say>>
<<text>>Once she has stopped trying to resist, you let her go away and take a few deep breaths before repeating the process. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Hr... Mrgh... So rough...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl... You have passed the first test. Now we can slow down a bit.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, suck it good, you bitch... Come on...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm... Please, just fuck me already...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I'll have a think about it.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>As for now - take a mouthful of my balls. Lick them clean.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'll do as you desire...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Wow! I didn't expect them to fit all the way. You're good at this...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Let's get those tits working.<</say>>
<<text>>You take your cock out of Savannah's mouth and she quickly follows, gently massaging it between her large tits.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm going to pleasure you nice and well...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you will...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob3">>
<<say $mc>>That one really feels good...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, if you like that, you'll love fucking my tight little holes... Trust me...<</say>>
<<text>>Barely containing her lust, Savnnah bit the tip of her lip and diligently served your dick with her breasts.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Nice try, but I won't give you that satisfaction until I deem you worthy.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah... You so strict $mc...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "strip">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>All right, now we can get on with it... Strip!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Thank you, sir... I will not disappoint you~<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah quickly slid her skirt off, shaking with excitement, and you couldn't resist giving her a good smack on the bottom.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Strip.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah!.. Please, stop teasing me...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. You have been a good girl so far, so I can let you have a little fun...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... So good...<</say>>
<<text>>You made yourself comfortable on the table and allowed Savannah to get on you, sliding your member into her soaked pussy. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah... Mmm...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Don't be shy now. Faster, faster!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Savannah">>Like... Like this? Ah!.. <</say>>
<<text>>At your command, Savannah picked up the pace. She thrust her hips up and down, impailing herself onto your hard rock cock, moaning with each new movement.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Do you want a taste of yourself? Suck on my rod, bitch.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course... Mmm...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, you really have a beautiful mouth, you know that? It's incredible...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Thank you, that's so nice of you~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "lick">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Now let me make you a little bit wetter...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>So noble of you... Ah! You're good...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Lick.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Don't get any ideas, it's just that I'd prefer not to hurt myself while I'm busy going all out at it in your slutty hole.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh yes... Destroy me, please!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>All right, time to fuck you like the bad bitch you are.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes, please!..<</say>>
<<text>>You thrust deep into Savannah's cunt, forcing a loud moan from her lips and start pumping, stretching her warm walls around your massive cock.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fucking hell... You're tight, I'll give you that.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm! Keep going, don't stop!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>You like that? Huh?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh yeah... Ah...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>You go so deep... Oh my...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Time for me to go a little harder, don't you think?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah fuck! Ooh!.. Oh yeah! <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm... I should probably... Raise your hourly rate... But only if you'll keep hitting that one spot...<</say>>
<<text>>Moving closer to Savannah, you give her pussy a good pump while whispering in her ear.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck you bitch, I do what I want. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, that's good...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah! Uh! Fuck me... Mmmm!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I bet you really like it when I grab your tits while I'm ploughing deep into your cunt...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes! Yes I do $mc!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh... Don't stop... Don't stop!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Uhh~<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah moaned as her back arched and a huge wave of pleasure travelled through her entire trembling body. You felt her tighten around your cock and you barely managed to stop yourself from coming on the spot.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ha... Hm... Mmm...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That was close... Let's continue.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah... I'm about to... Your breasts...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the throbbing in your cock, you quickly place it between Savannah's tits as she does her best to bring you over the edge.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Ah!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm... You came so much... Thank you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were a good... girl. And good girls... get cummies... on their tummies...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Erm... I'll pretend I didn't hear that.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage "start" 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage start1 15 10>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if ($cum < 60 || $sceneV1 is 1) && ($cum <95 || $sceneV2 is 1)>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage blowjob1 10 10>> Suck my balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage blowjob2 5 5>> Use those tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage blowjob2 5 5>> Use those tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage blowjob1 10 10>> Suck my balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage blowjob3 10 5>> Put more effort <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob3">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage blowjob2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage cowgirl1 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage cowgirl2 5 10>> Give her a taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage cowgirl2 5 10>> Give her a taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage cowgirl1 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage doggy1 15 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage doggy2 15 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage doggy2 15 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene1 stage doggy1 15 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start">>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage blowjob 5 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage cowgirl 10 10>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<if $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage missionary 15 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage doggy 10 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 40 && $sceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage strip 0 5>>Get rid of the skirt<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 65 && $sceneV1 is 1 && $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage lick 5 10>>Lick pussy<</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100 && $sceneCum < 2 && $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage "cumw" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70 && $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns SavannahScene1 stage "cum" 0 10>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne SavPstScene1 stage 0>>I'm spent<</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $ThsdPzz0aSawScene to 1>>
<<say "Savannah">> Fuck... We're done $mc. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah tried to run straight to the computer, but you held her in place with a cheeky smile. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> No. Why would I? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Because the show is over. Let go. <</say>>
<<text>> Savannah pushed your hand away and moved to the keyboard, typing something away at it furiously. For a few moments you just stood there, your erect penis flailing in the wind. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Wait, you serious? But we have just started! At least take me to the edge before you... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> No, it's over. Let it go. At least for the time being. <</say>>
<<text>> You can feel a genuine anger bubbling up inside of you. Feeling played, you slam your fist down on the table and Savannah turns back to you. <</text>>
<<btno SavPstScene0 stage 1>> What the fuck? <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>> What are you talking about? You can't just go away after all that. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> Don't raise your voice to me. Keep your cool. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> You don't get to blue-ball me like that... <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">> I'm afraid I just did. Sorry about that. <</say>>
<<text>> She smiled and you knew she wasn't sorry in the least. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/savannah4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">> Now go and let me change in peace. Tomorrow we can talk about it. If you still want to, that is. <</say>>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you growing 💜 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btnsb DayOffAlexis stage 0>>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns Map0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btnsb DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns Map1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btnsb AlexisMain stage 1>>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btnsb AlexisMain stage 1>>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP10') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+200)>>
<<run memorize('CP10', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 200CP! <</notify>>
<<set $SavPstScene1 to 1>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh fuck... Oh yeah... That was something...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It really was... It really was...<</say>>
<<text>>Gasping for breath, you fell into Savannah's chair - rolling a few metres back from the force of the impact.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Can you... Press the button... Stop recording?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure...<</say>>
<<btno SavPstScene1 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>A few minutes and bottles of water later, you and Savannah have successfully cleaned and dressed yourselves, and are now sitting behind the table as usual.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like the camera is working fine. But what do you do with the video? Will you keep it as a souvenir or something?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>No, that's childish. I'll sell it, the audience seemed to like you and your energy well enough. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? I don't remember giving you my permission for anything like that.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't be salty. I brought you the fantasy of fucking your boss, didn't I? I think that's a fair trade.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The unauthorised recording and distribution of pornography is a criminal offence. I wouldn't call it being "salty".<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, then, I have something to offer you. <</say>>
<<btno SavPstScene1 stage 2>>Yeah?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>I'm listening.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>When it comes to creating pornographic content, you seem to have a good eye. I could use your help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Will there be money in return?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course. 10-20% of the cut, depending on the amount of effort you put in.<</say>>
<<text>>You took a second to think about this offer. Surprisingly, Savannah didn't try to rush you.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Give it some thought. It's a good deal, really.<</say>>
<<btno SavPstScene1 stage 3>>That's a deal<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good to me. It is always nice to have more money.<</say>>
<<text>>That wasn't the only reason however. The chance to perform with a body as gorgeous as Savannah's was too enticing for you to pass up. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Glad to hear it. Come down here on your days off and I'll make it worth your while.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Awesome. I'm going to do just that.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>And one more thing, $mc. Remember that I'm still your boss and you must address me as such. Outside of our private time, of course.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, you wouldn't want your workers to know that you're a submissive slut on the inside. Makes sense.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm a woman, give me a break. <</say>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btnsb DayOffAlexis stage 0>>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns Map0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btnsb DayOffAlexis stage "enter0">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns Map1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btnsb AlexisMain stage 1>>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btnsb AlexisMain stage 1>>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>So, about the Alexis situation...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, that. Right.<</say>>
<<text>>Moving away from the monitors, Savannah focused her center of attention on you.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well done, $mc. I'm surprised you managed to put influence over Alexis so quickly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Um... Huh? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Is something wrong? <</say>>
<<btno FrdSavTalk stage 1>>I didn't expect praise...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I was expecting you to chastise me, not congratulate me.<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing this, Savannah let out a short chuckle.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I guess you would expected that... Ha-ha... Look, it's in both our interests that you get to know her better.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your intervention there surely hasn't helped. I have my doubts that she would ever do such a thing again, after getting repercussions from her boss.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, she's not 14 anymore, that wouldn't stop someone her age. In fact, it makes it all the better. Not to mention that she's clearly into you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And since when are you such a good judge of character?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, I know Alexis better than the back of my hand. And I'm ready to help you get what you want from her.<</say>>
<<btno FrdSavTalk stage 2>>Is that so...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I can see where this is going... So what's your quid pro quo?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Nothing complicated. I just want you to record your intercourse with her for me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Er... What? <</say>>
<<text>>You didn't see that coming. Sensing your confusion, Savannah sighs in an annoyed fashion.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>You heard me. All you have to do is make a video of you and Alexis fucking. Raw. Bonus points if you creampie her a few times.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What?! That's some weird shit you've got there... Is this a fetish of yours?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Is that something you really want to learn more about, $mc?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn FrdSavTalk stage 3>>Tell me more<</btn>>
<<btn FrdSavTalk stage $cstage+1+"b">>Regardless, I'm in<</btn>>
<<btn FrdSavTalk stage $cstage+1+"c">>That's weird, I'm out<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I want to know more about it. With an offer like that, I could take you for a glowie. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, let's just say I have people who are willing to pay top dollar for this kind of enterteinment. I think you had enough clues about that already. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>So it's about money... I want a cut too. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Since when did fucking your colleague scot-free become too good an incentive for you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's not about fucking Alexis. I'm not an idiot, Savannah. I want 20%.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'll give you 10. Now stop wasting my time, are you in or are you out?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn FrdSavTalk stage $cstage+1+"a">>Sounds good<</btn>>
<<btn FrdSavTalk stage $cstage+"c">>I'm not doing that<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say $mc>>No, that was a rhetorical question. I'm in.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few seconds of studying your physique carefully, Savannah nods and takes a small camera out of her desk. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Here. I'll be waitin' for the results.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'm sure you'll love it. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Just make sure you film it properly. It would be a shame if all I saw was your crotch. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "3c">>
<<say $mc>>I'm not filming anything. This is weird. <</say>>
<<text>>Savannah frowns. She is clearly not happy with your answer.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Are you sure about this? Because I doubt Alexis has enough free time to entertain you otherwise...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What, is she your slave now? <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>She's my wagie. Same thing, but modern. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anyway, my answer is no. I will have more than enough opportunities to let this one slip.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>If that's your decision, then... Fine. I guess I'll find another way. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "4a">>
<<say $mc>>A mere 10%?.. Ah, fuck it. It's good enough for me.<</say>>
<<text>>Smiling, you confidently slap the table while Savannah hands you a small camera from her desk. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Here. I'll be waitin' for the results.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do I have to try for good angels and shit, or...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>It would be great if you filmed it properly. Gonzo isn't exactly a bestselling genre, I'll let you know. <</say>>
<<if typeof $stage != "number">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, so I just have to test the cams... Are they on?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Just one second... Yes, they are. Now tell me, what's your idea?<</say>>
<<text>>After a few keystrokes, Savnnah fell back into her chair and started unbuttoning her blouse from the rising heat.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You owe me, bitch. And I'm going to make a good tape out of your 'payment'. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Huh? What are you... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't play dumb. I saw you ogling my body earlier. And I know that you want nothing more than to be a submissive little slut.<</say>>
<<text>>There was a brief silence as you stared indifferently into Savannah's conflicted face. You knew she would soon succumb to the pressure, and she didn't disappoint.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>You have got me there... I love me a strong man who can put me in place.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Then get on your knees, slut, and I might just grant your wish.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few more seconds of a staring contest, Savannah complied with your command and dropped to the floor, waiting for you to make your next move, just like a good little bitch would do. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>You know how to drive a hard bargain, $mc.<</say>>
<<text>>Smirking, you unbuttoned your trousers, exposing your erect penis and your boss immediately went for it like a wild animal.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Look at you... So hungry for some real cock, eh? I didn't say you could suck me off with that mouse of yours just yet.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh... Should I stop?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm just going to give you a face fuck as a punishment. <</say>>
<<text>>Without hesitation you show your dick deep down your boss's throat. Not expecting this, Savannah tries to slip away, but you reach over her head and hold her in place. <</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Huh? Grg....<</say>>
<<text>>Once she has stopped trying to resist, you let her go away and take a few deep breaths before repeating the process. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Hr... Mrgh... So rough...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good girl... You have passed the first test. Now we can slow down a bit.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, suck it good, you bitch... Come on...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm... Please, just fuck me already...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I'll have a think about it.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>As for now - take a mouthful of my balls. Lick them clean.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'll do as you desire...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Wow! I didn't expect them to fit all the way. You're good at this...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Let's get those tits working.<</say>>
<<text>>You take your cock out of Savannah's mouth and she quickly follows, gently massaging it between her large tits.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm going to pleasure you nice and well...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you will...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob3">>
<<say $mc>>That one really feels good...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, if you like that, you'll love fucking my tight little holes... Trust me...<</say>>
<<text>>Barely containing her lust, Savnnah bit the tip of her lip and diligently served your dick with her breasts.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Nice try, but I won't give you that satisfaction until I deem you worthy.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah... You so strict $mc...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "strip">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>All right, now we can get on with it... Strip!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Thank you, sir... I will not disappoint you~<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah quickly slid her skirt off, shaking with excitement, and you couldn't resist giving her a good smack on the bottom.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Strip.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah!.. Please, stop teasing me...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. You have been a good girl so far, so I can let you have a little fun...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... So good...<</say>>
<<text>>You made yourself comfortable on the table and allowed Savannah to get on you, sliding your member into her soaked pussy. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah... Mmm...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Don't be shy now. Faster, faster!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Savannah">>Like... Like this? Ah!.. <</say>>
<<text>>At your command, Savannah picked up the pace. She thrust her hips up and down, impailing herself onto your hard rock cock, moaning with each new movement.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Do you want a taste of yourself? Suck on my rod, bitch.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course... Mmm...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, you really have a beautiful mouth, you know that? It's incredible...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Thank you, that's so nice of you~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "lick">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Now let me make you a little bit wetter...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>So noble of you... Ah! You're good...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Lick.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Don't get any ideas, it's just that I'd prefer not to hurt myself while I'm busy going all out at it in your slutty hole.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh yes... Destroy me, please!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>All right, time to fuck you like the bad bitch you are.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes, please!..<</say>>
<<text>>You thrust deep into Savannah's cunt, forcing a loud moan from her lips and start pumping, stretching her warm walls around your massive cock.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fucking hell... You're tight, I'll give you that.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm! Keep going, don't stop!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>You like that? Huh?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh yeah... Ah...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>You go so deep... Oh my...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Time for me to go a little harder, don't you think?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah fuck! Ooh!.. Oh yeah! <</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm... I should probably... Raise your hourly rate... But only if you'll keep hitting that one spot...<</say>>
<<text>>Moving closer to Savannah, you give her pussy a good pump while whispering in her ear.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck you bitch, I do what I want. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, that's good...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah! Uh! Fuck me... Mmmm!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I bet you really like it when I grab your tits while I'm ploughing deep into your cunt...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes! Yes I do $mc!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh... Don't stop... Don't stop!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Uhh~<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah moaned as her back arched and a huge wave of pleasure travelled through her entire trembling body. You felt her tighten around your cock and you barely managed to stop yourself from coming on the spot.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ha... Hm... Mmm...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That was close... Let's continue.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah... I'm about to... Your breasts...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the throbbing in your cock, you quickly place it between Savannah's tits as she does her best to bring you over the edge.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Ah!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmm... You came so much... Thank you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were a good... girl. And good girls... get cummies... on their tummies...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Erm... I'll pretend I didn't hear that.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage "start" 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage start1 15 10>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if ($gcum < 60 || $gsceneV1 is 1) && ($gcum <95 || $gsceneV2 is 1)>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage blowjob1 10 10>> Suck my balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage blowjob2 5 5>> Use those tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage blowjob2 5 5>> Use those tits <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage blowjob1 10 10>> Suck my balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage blowjob3 10 5>> Put more effort <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob3">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage blowjob2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage cowgirl1 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage cowgirl2 5 10>> Give her a taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage cowgirl2 5 10>> Give her a taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage cowgirl1 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage doggy1 15 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage doggy2 15 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage doggy2 15 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery1 gstage doggy1 15 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start">>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage blowjob 5 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage cowgirl 10 10>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage missionary 15 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage doggy 10 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 40 && $gsceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage strip 0 5>>Get rid of the skirt<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 65 && $gsceneV1 is 1 && $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage lick 5 10>>Lick pussy<</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100 && $gsceneCum < 2 && $gsceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage "cumw" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70 && $gsceneV2 is 1>>
<<btns Savannahgallery1 gstage "cum" 0 10>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btneg Savannah-gallery gstage 0>>I'm spent<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>And... That's it.<</say>>
<<text>>Enjoying the view of the results of your labour, you wipe the sweat from your brow. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ooh... I can see you're finally done.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning at the sound of Alexis' voice, you notice that she has entered the room, smiling. After a quick glance at the now clean walls, she laughs and slips off her blouse, revealing her black lingerie.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>This is what you wanted, isn't it? Do you like them?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah... You are looking especially good today.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis stepped closer, the faint scent of her perfume becoming stronger and mingling with yours. Despite her nervous expression, you could see a devilish spark in her eyes.<</text>>
<<set $gcstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $AlexisCounter > 1 && $AlexisScene1Completed isnot 1>>
<<btn Alexisgallery1 gstage $gcstage+1+"a">>Get a little closer<</btn>>
<<plugi "Your bond with Alexis isn't strong enough">>Get a little closer<</plugi>>
<<btn Alexisgallery1 gstage $gcstage+1+"b">>...<</btn>>
<<elseif $gstage is "1a">>
<<run memorize('AlexisScene1', true)>>
<<say "Alexis">>So... What's next? I'm getting cold just standing here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... I can fix that.<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick movement, you pull Alexis closer, wrapping her slender body in the warm embrace of your own. A soft giggle escapes the girl's lips as you kiss her neck. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha... I knew you wouldn't stop just at looking... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you should know what happens next, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Still holding on to Alexis, you move in for a proper kiss and she responds by gently biting you on the lower lip.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh... All right $mc...<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 2>>Remove the bra<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is "1b">>
<<say "Alexis">>So you're happy now? It's getting cold...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, yeah. Nice bra I guess.<</say>>
<<text>>While Alexis is busy picking up her blouse and skirt, you feel the situation getting a little bit awkward. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you. Both for the compliment and for seeing the deal through. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, well how about we...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sorry, I better get back to work before Savannah notices I'm gone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, right. I'll come with you then. I've just about finished here anyway.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Alexis-gallery gstage "enter0">>Go to reception<</btneg>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think you'll be needing this anytime soon...<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's struggle, you successfully unlock Alexis' bra, revealing her silky smooth breasts in all their glory. Her stockings and suspenders follow suit, now lying in the same heap on the floor. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah... Don't stare at me like that...<</say>>
<<text>>Shyly, Alexis tried to cover her exposed private parts, trying to escape your hungry gaze. But you had no doubt that this was all just an act. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, Alexis, don't play innocent. I know you're not the type to be aroused by looks alone.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha... You know me well... Or so it seems.<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 3>>Play with her pussy<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>And what if we were to go a little bit further than that?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmm...<</say>>
<<text>>Having locked lips with Alexis once more, you slide one of your hands down to her tender loins, past a small island of well-trimmed pubic hair, until you finally reach her wet silt. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah... $mc...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take good care of you, don't worry.<</say>>
<<text>>You wispered into Alexis' ear as your fingers twirled in circles around her chubby clit, sending waves of excitement through her body. The sound of slightly embarrassed moans escaping the girl's lips accompanied your movements like a hypnotic symphony.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh yes... It's so good... Please don't stop...<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 4>>Don't worry...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Why would I? I'm just starting...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ooh!..<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis' legs trembled as you slid two fingers into her soaking folds, pressing against the ever-elusive G-spot, while your second hand continued it's assault, toying with her clit.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I... Can't... Believe... Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to help herself, Alexis pressed her hips against your fingers and with a gasp her whole body shook, finally giving in to the orgasm. A second later, her legs gave out and you barely managed to catch her, locking her trembling body into embrace.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa, easy there! I've got you, it's okay.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thank you... Me... Huh....<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 5>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<text>>A few dozen seconds later, Alexis finally regained her senses and you released her, allowing her to catch her breath, now sitting on one of the stalls. Looking around, you notice a fresh puddle near her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh no, not again... I've just cleaned it all up!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah... Sorry... For making a mess all over the floor... But you were the one...Who made me do it...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, duh. And now I not only have a raging boner, but more work!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>He-he... My bad. I'll make it up to you, I promise.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'd better...<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you are about to unzip your trousers, Alexis stops you with a wave of her hand.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Whoa, whoa! Not so fast, I'm not planning on fucking in a toilet, even though I'm grateful for your efforts.<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 6>>Hey!<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of leaving you by the side of the road. I just don't want to get caught...<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, Alexis picked up her clothes from the floor and waved for you to follow her deeper into the room.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start0.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Remember the showers? Should be a safer place...<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 7>>I like your idea<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping into the shower cubicle, you are pleasantly surprised by the sheer size and quality of the room. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Savannah really doesn't go cheap on the infrastructure, does she?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, yes. I even use it when I stay here for the night... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or when you really, really want to fuck, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Coming closer, you pushed Alexis against the wall, but before you could go any further, the girl pushed you away with a smile.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Don't be so impatient... Let me freshen up first and then we'll get dirty...<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 8>>Come on!<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, that's just cruel. I'm already hard enough...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, it'll be worth waiting for... I don't think you'd like to fuck some sweaty ass pussy, would you? I've been on shift for hours now...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You've got a good point there. But make it quick, before I lose all the interest.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha... OK.<</say>>
<<text>>With that Alexis disappeared behind the glass curtains, hardly visible to you. The sound of the pressurised water hitting her soft skin filled the air, leaving you wandering.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... I should have a look while I'm at it.<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 9>>Take a peek<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<text>>Trying not to make any noise, you turn the corner and see... Alexis staring down at you with a wide grin plastered all over her face.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the temptation... But since you're here - enjoy the show~<</say>>
<<text>>Not paying much attention to you, Alexis continued to lather her slender body, moving her bottom from one side to the other in an erotic manner.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I like how shameless you are sometimes...<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 10>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 10>>
<<say "Alexis">>Shameless? I just don't have anything to be ashamed of. Except for...<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis' hands moved to her chest, grouping and washing around her small breasts with their perky nipples.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>...those two. Don't you think they're a little too small to be enjoyable in bed?<</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Nonsense. There's nothing wrong with being a pettan, just like there's nothing wrong with being a double D. I don't discriminate on the basis of size.<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 11>>Show me your ass<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Not to mention, you have a really nice ass. And that's more than enough for me.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>And I know how to use it too~<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis arched her backside slightly to give you a full view of her wet and soapy buttocks. They wiggled suggestively with every move she made.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder if you'd mind demonstrating your skills for me, then? <</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 12>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 12>>
<<say "Alexis">>I could...<</say>>
<<text>>Continuing to wash her butt, Alexis made sure you got a good look at her well lubricated holes, spreading her cheeks wide as she went for another wipe. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene1/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Come closer... Time for a hands-on lesson...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What a coincidence, I've had the same thought.<</say>>
<<btno Alexisgallery1 gstage 13>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 13>>
<<text>>But just as you're about to let your cock out of its prison, the door opens wide and an angry Savannah bursts in.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Fucking hell, Alexis! Your break was over 20 minutes ago, the queue is huge and they keep bugging me... Oh? $mc? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ye-yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You mind giving us a moment of privacy? Don't worry, we'll have a talk in the office later.<</say>>
<<text>>You cast a quick glance at Alexis, who had now had enough time to wrap herself in a towel.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes, it would be best if you left. This could get... personal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay then...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Alexis-gallery gstage 0>>Go to reception<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Alexis-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Passing by the town square, one's gaze is drawn to the beautifully finished cobblestone pavement, the lush greenery along the sides of the small pavements filled with casually strolling townsfolk, and a massive but elegant fountain in the center of it all.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/kendra0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, I've never been to this place before... What's that? It looks pretty cool.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It's a city park, kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I see. I mean... Uh... I just didn't expect to see something so beautiful in this urban nightmare of a city.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug blinked, as if struck by something.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I didn't take you for one of 'those', pal.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Kendra0 stage 1>>Huh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>"Those"?<</say>>
<<text>>You imitated the audible contempt with which the pug pronounced that word, satisfied with its close approximation to the original.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah. Artsy types. "Cultured," and so on. We have a whole part of town for that kind of person. If you like that, you should go for longer walks.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's not so bad. Why are you suddenly so pissed?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh, you know...<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy took a deep breath, as if he were about to launch into a massive tirade. But in the end, he let it go, mumbling a few sentences instead.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I just hate bums who do nothing but complain about life, even to the point of using their pretentious craft to do so. And when you rightly point out that their "art" is as stupid as they are, they suddenly act offended and I get a boot up my ass.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Kendra0 stage 2>>A common occurrence?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds like this is something you struggle with a lot. Maybe you should try working on your attitude for a change?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hell, no. I'll just continue to feed my ever-growing hatred of art and this park in general. I mean, it's stupid, a waste of both time and manpower, not to mention money...<</say>>
<<text>>Realising that Grigoriy was on a rant that wasn't going to end any time soon, you turned your attention to the people in the park instead. Some of them were taking a break from walking, leaning against the railing of the fountain, admiring its beauty up close.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/kendra1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa! I think I know that ass...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Kendra0 stage 3>>Kendra?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Kendra, that's you?<</say>>
<<text>>As you approach the fountain, the woman turns, pleasantly surprised by the sound of your voice.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>$mc! I didn't expect to see you here...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me neither; I was just passing by and... Let's just say I've been attracted by your presence.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Huh. Is that so?<</say>>
<<text>>Kendra took a second to examine your attire, as if trying to confirm some kind of suspicion.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>I thought you were rushing on a date or something, but it doesn't look like it. Aren't the boys of your age supposed to be all over ladies 24/7?<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Kendra0 stage 4>>Well...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... Well, I don't really date. It mostly just happens, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ha-ha, you're a cute boy after all~<</say>>
<<text>>Having had a good laugh, Kendra returned to watching over the fountain, which was now spurting water in a new, star-shaped pattern.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/kendra5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, you're okay? You seem a bit less lively than usual.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>You know, truth be told, I do feel a bit off. But usually it goes away after I take some time to enjoy this place. I love taking a jog around the fountain; it makes me happy.<</say>>
<<text>>Kendra fell silent, mesmerized by the beauty of the plaza. Instead of jolting her from the flow, you decide to join her, admiring the scenery.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Good thing I've decided to go out today, even though I've barely made it happen. All of my sportswear ended up in the laundry, so I had to improvise.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Kendra0 stage 5>>Damn, those are small<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Hm? Oh... Right. Aren't you cold in these?<</say>>
<<text>>On closer inspection, you noticed that the clothes you took for sportswear at first were actually just a pair of pink pants and a top.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/kendra3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>Only if I stand still. But it's worth it; getting out made me feel better. And thanks to those scandalously small shorts, I've even managed to attract a pretty interesting guy~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait what? Who?<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing your earnest confusion, Kendra smiled warmly, placing her hand over your shoulder.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Don't be silly; of course I'm talking about you.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Kendra0 stage 6>>Right...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, you've got me worried for a moment. I was ready to go swinging; there's no way I'm letting anyone in on that beauty of yours.<</say>>
<<text>>Flattered by your compliment, Kendra pulled on her top in a sign of affection, and due to its small size, it revealed her perky nipples, hardened by the weather.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/kendra2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>How about you take me out? Since you don't have any girls waiting in line and all~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I already told you, I don't really date...<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing this, Kendra chuckled, wrapping her hands around your waist and looking you straight in the eye with a playful expression.<</text>>
<<btno Patreon0Kendra0 stage 7>>I can bring you home, though<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>But I can escort you home and stay in for a few biscuits.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>This is as good as it gets with you, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yep.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>You're in luck that I'm actually digging that type...<</say>>
<<text>>Smirking, Kendra hugged you tightly, pulling you in the direction of the main street. You allow it, and after looking around, you call out for Grigoriy, all three of you going over to Kendra's house.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Greg! Don't get too far behind, or we might leave you!<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>$mc, we would never do such a thing. Not to a cute little puppy boy like him~<</say>>
<<btno PatreonKendra0 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('KendraGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("PatreonKendra0", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>>An hour of casual stroll and flirtatious behavior later, still hugging each other, you get inside Kendra's house, with your pants bursting with primal desire to inseminate.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>Ho-ho, aren't you a little excited?<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering, you lock her puffy lips into a sloppy kiss, ready to take her on the spot. The woman doesn't fight back at first, but as soon as you attempt to slide her top, she takes a step back.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What?.. Come on, Kendra...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Just give me a second. I wouldn't want to ruin my last pair of semi-decent sportswear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was just about to take it off myself.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">>Wait!..<</say>>
<<text>>Moving under a lusty spell, you tore down Kendra's pants, ripping the thin fabric by accident. Shocked by your daring action, Kendra froze for a moment.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/kendra4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, fuck. My bad.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>You... <</say>>
<<text>>Kendra's eyes lit up with some kind of devilish fire as she effortlessly pushed you over the couch.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Wait!..<</say>>
<<text>>Driven by the burning desire to avenge her clothing, the woman undone your pants, swiping them alongside your boxers in one motion, sending them flying across the room.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Take this!<</say>>
<<text>>Doing so, she placed her head a bit too close to your crotch, so your erect penis went full mast, clobbering her over the cheek.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, sorry, I didn't mean to...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh my, it's so hard already. No wonder you were so eager~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Kendra">>I'll take good care of you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes please!<</say>>
<<text>>Curling her fingers around your cock, Kendra's slippery lips embraced its girth as she pushed herself on it, reaching about the halfway mark.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>What do you want me to do next?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Lick my asshole; I'd love that.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Sure thing, honey~<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Mh... Oh yeah.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Don't forget about my balls too!<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ha-ha, how could I...<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Holy, you're the best...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>I know~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 2>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, now...<</say>>
<<text>>But even before you could finish your sentence, the woman let go of your slippery cock and lied down on the couch, perking her tight asshole upward.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>I know what you want. You can have it.<</say>>
<<text>>You didn't need convincing. Your wet tip pushed against the tight entrance of Kendra's anus, taking a second to enter as she struggled against its girth.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah, baby...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuck, it feels nice...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Want to taste it?<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm... Even better...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Kendra">>You're amazing... Oh shit!..<</say>>
<<text>>Having too much fun, Kendra pulled away a bit too far, causing your penis to slip out. Without skipping a bit, the woman turned, catching it with her arm and lubing it up with her own spit.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>No worries~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "oil">>
<<say $mc>>He-he, I have an idea...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm? Oh, I see~<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding to aid in your conquest of Kendra's butt, you pull out a lube-filled pump and slide it inside the woman's hole.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Oil.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mh~ Such a fuzzy feeling...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh my God! I love your...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? Can you feel it?<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuck... Yeah!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Christ... I want to see you gape.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>I don't mind~<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ah, fuck! So hot...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I'm cumming...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah, baby boy... Fill me up...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm cumming...<</say>>
<<text>>The sensation of Kendra's butt twitching as she milked your penis dry felt so good that you almost passed out for a second.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Ah...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>That was... Fun~<</say>>
<<if $cumw > 99>>
<<set $cumw to 99>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonKendra0 stage $stage+1>> Take her clothes off <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonKendra0 stage $stage+1>> Oh no! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "start" 10 5>> Fuck... <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $cum < 60>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendra0 stage "start2" 15 5>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonKendra0 stage "start1" 10 5>> Rimjob <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendra0 stage "start2" 15 5>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendra0 stage "start1" 10 5>> Rimjob <</btnsb>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendra0 stage "standing1" 15 10>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<if $cum < 60 && $sceneV1 isnot 2>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "start" 0 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "start3" 10 10>>Anal<</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 2>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "oil" 0 0>>Oil her up<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "missionary" 20 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "cowgirl" 20 15>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "standing" 20 15>>Standing<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns PatreonKendra0 stage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne Patreon0Kendra1>>I'm done<</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WorkMini2 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>So... do you need me to help you with something?..<</say>>
<<text>>Since the customer flow dried up considerably in the last few hours, you and Riley found themselves sitting behind the counter, each idly minding their own business.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah?.. No, I think it's all fine, actually. I'm just browsing E-Buy...<</say>>
<<text>>Somewhat lost, you look around for anything that could dispel the coming boredom. That's when one of the posters on the wall caught your eye.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, she's hot... I know they say "Don't stick your dick in crazy", but...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini2 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I wonder how Riley would look in a costume like this.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, the image of Riley dawning in the costume of an arlequin easily came to mind.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>It really makes you think...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini2 stage 2>>Ask Riley if she has one<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Riley? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah $mc?<</say>>
<<text>>After a second's deliberation, thinking about how you should be approaching the topic, you decide that it would be best to be straight to the point.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Do you possibly own any costumes? Haloween type, you know. I got curious, this being the season and all.<</say>>
<<text>>For a second, a sad smile appears on the girl's face, but only for a second, waning without a trace soon after.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Actually, I did want one for the longest time. My parents never really allowed me to have one as a kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How so? You're telling me you've never done any trick or treating?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No. They were really strict about this stuff.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini2 stage 3>>I get it...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, that sucks. I feel you.<</say>>
<<text>>You really did. From your experience, having strict parents was pretty rough, doubly so when they decided to be inconsistent about it.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>So you've said you've wanted one for the longest time... Of what kind, if you don't mind me asking?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley watched you closely, trying to decide if she could trust something very important to you or not. And judging by the change in her expression, in the end, she deemed you worthy.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>This might sound silly, but... promise not to laugh, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I swear on my dog. Or whatever else, really.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay, well... I really like cats, and... I wanted to dress up and become one for as long as I can remember.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini2 stage 4>>What?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Huh... Become one?<</say>>
<<text>>Instantly regretting her choice of words, Riley's cheeks burned with red as she nervously began clarifying what she meant.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>No, no, not in the RP way or anything... Just for the sake of curiosity. I thought it would be cute...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, it's fine either way. So, what stops you from doing this now?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>It just... I dunno. Feels weird?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you try it?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, I've managed to save up on a costume, and... it felt so childish, not like a cat at all.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn WorkMini2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Encourage her<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>You're weird<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<say $mc>>I might have an idea why.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's the point of getting into the costume of a cat if no one sees it? If you don't have a loving "owner"?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You're serious? But it would be so cringe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing a couple of shots can't fix. I mean, come on, you went out of your way to buy it.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, but... You're sure you wouldn't mind me playing a kitty?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini2 stage 6>>Yeah<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<say $mc>>No wonder. That shit is fucking wild...<</say>>
<<text>>Clearly hurt by your dismissive reaction, the girl took a mobile phone out of her pocket, turning her attention back to the feed.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I guess it is... Maybe. Yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>With the conversation exasperated, you both return to your own things until, finally, the clock rings, marking the end of a half-shift.<</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, thanks for keeping me company, even though no customers came by. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, thanks for keeping me company, even though no customers came by. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $RileyScene2Start to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I think it'll be fun.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>All right then. Come talk to me when you've got the booze. I'll get the costume ready.<</say>>
<<text>>Just as Riley was about to leave the staff rooms, she was stopped by the clock's rinsing, marking the end of a half-shift.<</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, right. Let me get your pay first. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, right. Let me get your pay first. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is "5b" || $stage is 6>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage shop0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<if $RileyScene2Start is 1 && $RileyScene2Completed isnot 1>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<btn RileyPreScene0 stage 0>>I've got the drinks<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have alcohol on you">>I've got the drinks<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "debt0a">>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk1>>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<if !$WorkMini2>>
<<btn WorkMini2 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<elseif !$WorkMini3>>
<<btn WorkMini3 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<plugi "That's enough work for the day">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Minimarket is about to close...">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1 && $RileyScene1Exit isnot 1 && $RileyDebtExit0 isnot 1 && $timeM > 2>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $WorkMini3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>So... Do you any help you or?<</say>>
<<text>>Since the customer flow dried up considerably in the last few hours, you and Riley found ourselves sitting behind the counter, each idly minding their own business.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah?.. No, I think it's all fine, actually. I'm spacing out too...<</say>>
<<text>>Somewhat bored, you look around for anything that could dispel the coming boredom. That's when you were reminded about Riley's costume story, am image of hers coming alive before your eyes.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, that's hot... I know they say "Don't fuck the cat", but...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh no, nothing...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $RileyScene2Completed is 1>>
<<btn WorkMini3-2 stage 0>>Spend time with your kitty<</btn>>
<<plugi "You haven't seen that side of Riley yet">>Play with your kitty<</plugi>>
<<btn WorkMini3 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Take a phone break<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<say $mc>>Riley? Do you mind if I take this time to dabble with my phone for a bit? Greg will take care of the vigil and all.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Sure, why not? Just be ready to drop it off if any customers come, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Deal! Greg, stay on guard.<</say>>
<<text>>The sleepy pug wasn't in the mood for arguing, readily agreeing to whatever bullshit you spout out, as long as you'd leave him alone by the end of it.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, sure... Knock yourself out, kid.<</say>>
<<text>>Having looked around the shop, you quickly found a decently secluded spot. After arranging some boxes into a decent seat, you pull out your phone, enjoying the peace and quiet.<</text>>
<<if $Hentai0Acc isnot 1>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/hentai0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>><<if $Hentai0Acc isnot 1>>Now, where was that hentai site... <</if>><<if $SammyCounter is 1>>Or maybe I should check on that chick from before... I wonder how she's doing.<<elseif $SammyCounter isnot 0>> Or maybe I should check out that IRL forum on 4ch instead...<</if>><</say>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $Hentai0Acc isnot 1>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage 0>>Go for the hentai<</btn>>
<<switch $SammyCounter>>
<<case 0>>
<<plugi "You've cut your ties with Sammy">> Check on Sammy <</plugi>>
<<case 1>>
<<btn WorkMini3-1 stage "0a">>Check on Sammy<</btn>>
<<case 2>>
<<btn WorkMini3-1 stage 0>>Check on Sammy<</btn>>
<<btn WorkMini1-1 stage "4c">>Check the board<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1c">>
<<say $mc>> All right, where was I... <</say>>
<<text>>You continued to count the bottles of Plus Ultra on the shelves as your mind began to drift, sending you into a blissful, dreamless state.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Hrrr...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc?.. $mc!<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh?.. Yes, yes it's me!<</say>>
<<text>>Jolted awake by Riley's cheerful voice, you looked around in confusion, noticing that the sky outside had grown considerably darker.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Riley? What is it, do you need help?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No silly, the time is up. Your half-shift is over.<</say>>
<<text>>Just as she mentioned it, you heard a faint sound of the clock ringing in the background. Smiling, Riley reached under the counter and pulled out some notes.<</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Huh. I wonder what's going to happen to her next...<</say>>
<<text>>You put the phone back in your pocket and, after a long stretch, return to the checkout.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How's it going Riley? Did I miss anything?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No. But I'm pretty sure our time is about to...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as she mentioned it, the clock rang, signalling the end of your half-shift. Smiling, Riley reached under the counter and pulled out a few banknotes.<</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $cash to $cash-300>>
<<set $Hentai0Acc to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, now it's mine! <</say>>
<<text>>You're quick to order and, having paid $300, you're notified that the game is scheduled to arrive at your door the following morning.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, that's fine I suppose... I think I should get back to work in a meantime, Riley must be waiting for me.<</say>>
<<text>>You put the phone back in your pocket and, after a long stretch, return to the checkout.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How's it going Riley? Do you need anything to help with?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No, I'm pretty sure our time is about to...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as she mentioned it, the clock rang, signalling the end of your half-shift. Smiling, Riley reached under the counter and pulled out a few banknotes.<</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>> Sounds like a cool game, but 300$ is still 300$... I'm not going to spend that much money for something like this. <</say>>
<<text>>You closed the site and took a deep breath in.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> At least for now. I probably should get back to work in a meantime, Riley must be waiting for me.<</say>>
<<text>>You put the phone back in your pocket and, after a long stretch, return to the checkout.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How's it going Riley? Do you need anything to help with?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No, I'm pretty sure our time is about to...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as she mentioned it, the clock rang, signalling the end of your half-shift. Smiling, Riley reached under the counter and pulled out a few banknotes.<</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>>You closed the chat room and took a deep breath. Saving someone's marriage felt good. Although a deeper part of you really wondered if this woman would be happy with such a life. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, that's fine I suppose... I think I should get back to work in a meantime, Riley must be waiting for me.<</say>>
<<text>>You put the phone back in your pocket and, after a long stretch, return to the checkout.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How's it going Riley? Do you need anything to help with?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No, I'm pretty sure our time is about to...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as she mentioned it, the clock rang, signalling the end of your half-shift. Smiling, Riley reached under the counter and pulled out a few banknotes.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Yep. Here's your cut. Thanks for keeping me company.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>OK. Give me a second.<</say>>
<<text>>You take off your trousers, exposing your half-erect penis before the camera lens. After a few moments of deliberation, you find the angle that works and take the picture, sending it to Sam with a second click. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Huh. I wonder what's going to happen to her next...<</say>>
<<text>>You put the phone back in your pocket and, after a long stretch, return to the checkout.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How's it going Riley? Did I miss anything?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No. But I'm pretty sure our time is about to...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as she mentioned it, the clock rang, signalling the end of your half-shift. Smiling, Riley reached under the counter and pulled out a few banknotes.<</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is "1c" || $stage is 2 || $stage is 3 || $stage is 4 || $stage is 5 || $stage is 6>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage shop0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<if $RileyScene2Start is 1 && $RileyScene2Completed isnot 1>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<btn RileyPreScene0 stage 0>>I've got the drinks<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have alcohol on you">>I've got the drinks<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "debt0a">>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk1>>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<if !$WorkMini2>>
<<btn WorkMini2 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<elseif !$WorkMini3>>
<<btn WorkMini3 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<plugi "That's enough work for the day">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Minimarket is about to close...">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1 && $RileyScene1Exit isnot 1 && $RileyDebtExit0 isnot 1 && $timeM > 2>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Now, what was the URL of a chatroom? I think it was internetsexxx.turbo.cum/SluttySam69 or something like that...<</say>>
<<text>>After typing in the URL, you hit enter and are greeted by the same screen as before. To your surprise, it looks like Sammy is online too, and not only that, but she has also been leaving you messages all this time.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh wow, you actually did it... Nice to see that my hunch was correct; your cock does look like candy waiting for me~<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>$mc? You're still here?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>All right, I'll check in later. I hope I didn't offend you!<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 1>>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>God damn, now I feel like an asshole for not checking in sooner... I'd better reply now, while she's still online.<</say>>
<<text>>You make a quick reply and send it. Not a minute later, Sammy responds.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, glad you liked it. I got a bit busy, so I didn't have a chance to check in with you. How's things going?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Hi! I was just thinking about you. I'm doing all right. Thanks for asking!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You seem to be more excited than the last time. Is something up?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, I did try something out... I feel a bit awkward talking about it now, to be honest.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 2>>I don't mind<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>So you're stuck with the promise... Did it help?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>In a way, it did. Pleasuring myself provided me with a relief I've been craving for a while, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Now I'm having a bit of a different struggle. You see, since I'm married and I don't have an income of my own, I couldn't buy the "toys" from my own pocket.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>So, I've had to borrow them from my good friend, Cassie. As it turns out, she's quite a collector of those things.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Even offered some help and showed how to use them... Can you believe it?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 3>>That's a nice person<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<say $mc>>Now, what was the URL of a chatroom? I think internetsexxx.turbo.cum/SluttySam69 or something like that?<</say>>
<<text>>After typing in the URL, you hit enter and are greeted by the same screen as before. To your surprise, it looks like Sammy is online too, and not only that, but she has also been leaving you messages all this time.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, it didn't go as planned. I tried to talk to him, but he was too busy and... It went on as usual.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>$mc? You're still here?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>All right, I'll check in later. I hope I didn't offend you!<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage "1a">>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, now I feel like an asshole for not checking in sooner... I'd better reply now, while she's still online.<</say>>
<<text>>You make a quick reply and send it. Not a minute later, Sammy responds.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, sorry it didn't work out, I've been a bit busy and haven't had a chance to check in with you. How are things going now?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Hi! I was just thinking about you. I'm doing all right. Thanks for asking!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You seem to be more excited than I'd expect. Is something up?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, after he rejected me once again I decided to try something out... I feel a bit awkward talking about it now, to be honest.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage "2a">>I don't mind<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<say $mc>>Did it help?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>In a way, yes. Pleasuring myself provided me with a relief I've been craving for a while, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that's what you meant.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah and now I'm having a bit of a different struggle. You see, since I'm married and I don't have an income of my own, I couldn't buy the "toys" from my own pocket.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>So, I've had to borrow them from my good friend, Cassie. As it turns out, she's quite a collector of those things.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Even offered some help and showed how to use them... Can you believe it?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 3>>That's a nice person<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, it sounds like you've got a good friend.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And that's the problem... Don't get me wrong, though; you have no idea how glad I am to have Cassie by my side.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Like in the past, she would always stand up for me in high school when other girls would call me a whore and such.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So what's the problem, then? I don't get it.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>The way she looked at me when I told her about my wanting to try something new in my sexual life...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It made me feel something I haven't felt in years.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 4>>So, was it fun?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Did you end up having a good time?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Of course! She helped me out a ton, especially when it came to picking lube and size. And we even agreed to film it all!<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Cassie really liked this angle. What do you think?<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy9-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, she has a good eye for it. And you seem to be enjoying it a lot too...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, it was the smallest toy Cassie had, but even then, I was a little bit scared at first. After all, I haven't done that for a while~<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 5>>That's the spirit!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>For a returning player, you are clearly going for the win.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh yeah, I was so flustered by getting on it with Cassie in sight that it slid in straight away. It felt really good, finally knocking against my crevix and all~<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Soon enough, I've managed to climax, and... It was the best day I had in the last few months.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have a feeling you weren't satisfied after that, though.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>How very observant of you! After catching a little breather, Cassie pulled out a few of her "special" toys; let's call them that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And one word after another, she managed to coherse me into trying to fit them up my ass, with all the lube we had lying around and all.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 6>>Holy...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Now that's the challenge I would expect from the two of you... Did you succeed?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Let's just say that my body seemed to retain some of the lessons I've learned after all those experiences I've had as a teen. So the first one went in real easy—even I was surprised at first~<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy11-image.webp">>
<<say "Sammy">>See how stretchy it is, right? Just looking at this video makes me remember how good it felt in the moment.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... You have an amazing ass, you know that? It just looks so juicy...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Of course, it looks juicy; I spent some real effort warming it up before the real challenge. Because, as it turns out, Cassie is one hell of a pervert!<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 7>>Oh, is she now...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>What could she possibly do to become a pervert in the eyes of someone like you?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I always drew the line at the horsecocks. So I really didn't expect her to bring a full-blown replica of a dragon's member into my house...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Turns out she has some really kinky fantasies. I always thought that those things were for show, since, as you know, fitting them inside seemed impossible!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what being on the Internet does to you. As far as I'm concerned, using oversized dildos as a masturatory aid is rather tame in the grand scheme of things.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You might be right... It turns out it isn't nearly as impossible as I thought it was.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 8>>No way<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Really now?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah. Of course, it was hard to fit even the tip at first, and my legs shaking from all the adrenaline and excitement I was experiencing certainly wasn't helping.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But with our dare on the line, let's just say that where's will there's a way~ See? Here's the proof!<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy12-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>You seem really proud of this...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It is because I am! I don't even know how many times I came while working my way to fit it all the way...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>At one point, I was so exhausted that I had to ask Cassie to help me out! She's such a sweetie, and she was so gentle with me.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I still remember the feeling of her kissing me by the neck while this monster was relentlessly messing up my insides.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 9>>That's hot!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>This is getting really spicy... I wonder what you two did next.<</say>>
<<text>>Sammy took some time to make a reply for the next message, and when she did so, you could clearly feel that her tone now was much colder than before.<</text>>
<<say "Sammy">>We did nothing. My husband came up early from work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that sucks... Was he mad at you? Or did he finally give you good piping, seeing how wet and ready you were?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>In my dreams. He just looked at me like I wasn't even there and went straight to his blasted computer.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 10>>That sucks<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>What a fucking asshole... I'm sorry to hear that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>He absolutely is. The rest of the evening, after I'd escorted Cassie out, was spent cleaning the floors and being a glorified maid.<</say>>
<<text>>Unsure how to reply, you just looked at the screen, taking all of this in. You just couldn't imagine what kind of man her husband was to be completely apathetic to a situation like this.<</text>>
<<say "Sammy">>But, even then, this was the best day of my life for a long time. Thanks for encouraging me to be more brave with my feelings. $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, it's you who took the step forward. I'm just chatting with you, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>While it is true, the thought of my promise to you helped me move forward. So I would like to continue, if that's okay with you.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 11>>Sure<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds great. By the way, do you have any ideas about what you would like to do next? It seems like you and Cassie can have a lot of fun together; you could repeat that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I dunno; it sounds a bit scary to me. What if she doesn't feel the same way I do, and our friendship will be over?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>She means a lot to me, and I really don't want that to happen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, she literally buttfucked you with a dragon dildo while giving kisses on your neck. It doesn't get more obvious that she's into you.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But aren't those things just normal between your friends?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't tell how it is with the ladies, but when I'm with my dudes, the most wholesome thing you can observe is calling each other fags.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, well, with me, she has always been this way. I never thought that it was just her friendly and caring nature, not her showing interest in me.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But that would make sense, considering that she never dated a guy outside of a bet...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 12>>Speaking of...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>That reminds me that you never told me what you were betting on.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, well, nothing unusual. The loser has to comply with the wishes of the winner. We've been having bets like this since we were little kids.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>To be honest, it's more about the feeling of competition than the reward.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about you use it to take Cassie out to the club or something? Since you don't have any spare money, you can ask her to pay the bill.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>That's... I dunno.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>There's nothing for you to lose. Worst-case scenario: you two will have a nice night out and find the answer to your burning question.<</say>>
<<text>>A long minute has passed as you typed in your suggestion, but the answer from Sammy is nowhere to be seen.<</text>>
<<btno WorkMini3-1 stage 13>>You there?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<set $SammyCounter to 3>>
<<say $mc>>Hey? Are you still there?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Sorry, I had to answer a call. You won't believe it, but it was Cassie!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you ask her out?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yep! Thanks for giving me an idea; now I feel much better. A bit nerevious, but still~<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I have to run now, but I'll hop back soon!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be getting back to work then. Get me a few cute photos if your club night works out, all right?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Sure thing, $mc! Bye!<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $RileyScene2Completed to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've given away your Whisky! <</notify>>
<<set $item4 to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I hope your costume is ready, because I've got the drinks.<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling out a bottle of whiskey, you placed it on the counter in front of Riley.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Well...<</say>>
<<text>>Reminded of a costume, Riley's cheeks grew pink as she shyly avoided your gaze.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I was hoping you'd forget all about it... It's really embarrassing.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And that's exactly why I brought the booze. So, how about we finish our shift and share a few glasses first?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mm...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a good minute to think, Riley curled her long hair between her slender fingers, finally desiring to go through with it.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay, let's do it your way. I'll wrap it up with work, while you...<</say>>
<<btno RileyPreScene0 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>A few hours later, you, wiping the sweat off your brow, flip the sign on the door to "closed", shutting it tightly.<</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade12-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>All right, that should be the last of it. What about you, Riley?<</say>>
<<text>>Turning back to the check-out, you notice that both the girl and a bottle of whiskey are missing.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>She must've begun making the preparations in the staff room...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, I saw her go there right after serving the last customer. It's been a few minutes now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it would be rude of me to keep her waiting.<</say>>
<<btno RileyPreScene0 stage 2>>Move into staff room<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>As you enter the staff room, your suspicion is confirmed, as Riley is already sitting on the couch, sipping from her own glass of whiskey, while yours is sitting close by on the table. Noticing you, the girl smiles.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Sorry, I already started. I couldn't resist the temptation of a cold drink after a long day dealing with work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Much like a real cat would, haha.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking the invitation, you drop the pillow close to Riley and reach out for your glass. The golden glow of a hard whiskey glistened under the weight of the cubed ice, gently cracling every now and then.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You weren't lying; drinking this after a long day does fill my soul with bliss.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha, right? <</say>>
<<btno RileyPreScene0 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>>The next half an hour or so, you two spent learning more about each other and having a good time.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>...So I would often sneak up at night and feed stray animals in the neighborhood. And I didn't stop even after I was caught by my dad and punished for it!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wow. That was actually really cool of you!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, I still remember their little faces lighting up with joy whenever they saw me passing by. They are truly wonderful creatures, those kitties.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a pause to have another sip, Riley got strangled with a bitter aftertaste, furrowing her face in a rather cute way. Overall, she seemed rather tipsy, this being her third glass or so.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Haa~ Too bad I've never gotten to trick or treat as one.<</say>>
<<btno RileyPreScene0 stage 4>>How about now?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>You can always do it now. As an adult, no one can stop you.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Hm...<</say>>
<<text>> Riley stretches as her mind drifts off to her thinking place, considering your offer. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Besides, now I get why you're liking cats so much. And I must add, you're making me a fan too.<</say>>
<<text>>Then, as if by chance, you slide your hand off the couch's head, placing it on the girl's thigh. Even through the cloth, you could still feel the heat coming off her loin.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah, hearing that makes me so happy.<</say>>
<<btno RileyPreScene0 stage 5>>I'm glad<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>I sure would hope so.<</say>>
<<text>>As you moved your hand closer to Riley's folds, she let out an exited half-moan, reflectively closing her legs from an unexpectedly strong sensual feeling, now staring right into your eyes in a suggestive manner.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What?~<</say>>
<<text>>As the girl bites her lips, you notice an all-too-famous, devilish spark rinsing the fire of excitement deep inside Riley's soul.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I want to try it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? Try what?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley places her glass on the table and gets up from the couch, elaborating in a simple manner.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Trick or treating you, of course.<</say>>
<<btno RileyPreScene0 stage 6>>I'm in!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>That's cool with me!<</say>>
<<text>>Excited, Riley rushed away from the couch into the dressing room, shouting her directions. But before she vanishes out of sight, you do manage to sneak a peek at her voluptuous body. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Close your eyes for a moment, please! I'll tell you when to look. I want it to be a surprise!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No peeking!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, sure.<</say>>
<<btno RileyPreScene0 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>>Having closed your eyes, you waited and waited. Strengthened by the sensory deprivation, your hearing begins picking up the smallest movements and sounds Riley makes, trying to quickly change but failing due to intoxication.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You're ready?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No! Give me a moment...<</say>>
<<text>>You've heard a sound of naked feet approaching as you tried to quell your desire to open your eyes ever so slightly. Thankfully, the girl didn't make you wait much longer.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Now, you can look...<</say>>
<<btno RileyScene2 stage 0>>Open your eyes<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('RileyGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("RileyScene2", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Okay!<</say>>
<<text>>The first thing you saw when opening your eyes was the furry earpiece, making you think that it was indeed a cat. However, looking down, you notice that it is still Riley.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Mreeow! Trick or treat!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa...<</say>>
<<text>>The cuteness of Riley's silly behavior, coupled with the ounces of alcohol, made all kinds of emotions swirl deep in your stomach.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>H-hey...<</say>>
<<text>>Blinded by the impulse, you get up and pull the girl closer, locking your lips in a lusty dance of love. When Riley pulls away, you notice her smiling, clearly satisfied with your reaction.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>So do I get the candy now? I can't wait to feel it melt on my tongue.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not so quick, kitty. I don't give out my candy just to anyone...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>With a smirk, you take a step back, ogling Riley's costumed body once more, noticing something missing.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Where's your tail? It doesn't seem like you have a belt to hold it.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha~ It's here, see?<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly turning around, Riley demonstrated her fluffy tail to you in all the details. Unexpectedly, the tail turned out to be a high-quality butt plug, and you could see the pink ring of the girl's butthole stretching each time she waved her bottom.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Just like a real kitty...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mreow!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Good one. Now lie down and relax.<</say>>
<<text>>Following your order without hesitation, Riley took a position on the floor, bending her legs to one side while showing off both of her pussy and tummy to you.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Let me rub that little pussy of yours. I can see it's dripping with juice, longing for my attention...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah... Nh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now that's the sound I like to hear~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... I wonder how you taste like~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh! My God... Ah~<</say>>
<<text>>When your tongue began running circles around the sensitive parts of the girl's fold, Riley was already moaning with pleasure, but you didn't stop there. With a heavy grip, you've begun pulling on the girl's tail, massaging her rear with its gentle movements.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Please... Mh! Give it to me.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>With a smirk, you stop, and a consoling gasp escapes from Riley's lips as she tries to hold you in place.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>H-hey! I was so close...<</say>>
<<text>>Standing firmly, you unziped your pants, proceeding to jerk off your manhood in front of the soon-to-be drooling girl.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I've got a snack you wanted, so be a good kitty and come take it~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You tease... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Riley">>Meow...<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold herself in the presence of your cock, the girl obediently pulled out her tongue, moving closer to you on all fours, mimiking a cat. You let a satisfied grin out when her dainty lips connected with the base of your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, baby... Keep it going.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm... It feels so good in my mouth.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Only the best for my kitty~<</say>>
<<text>>Without breaking eye contact, Riley's lips continued moving up and down as her tongue kept caressing the sensitive part of your tip.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>You're liking this, right?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Riley">>I'll go deeper, then~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Please do...<</say>>
<<text>>With a giggle, the girl pushed herself all the way down, her lips now touching the base of your cock, sending electric-like sensations across your body and causing you to moan in pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ah... Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>All right, time to get rough for a second.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh? Oh!~<</say>>
<<text>>You get a good grip on Riley's hair, pulling her face against your cock, her and your own movements clashing, as with each pull you can feel the tip of your member pushing against the back of the girl's throat.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm~<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the face and the sounds the girl was making, she was quite a fan of your rougher approach.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, bend over.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Like this? Nh~<</say>>
<<text>>The warm sensation of Riley's walls rubbing against your cock made you groan with pleasure, only intensifying as you felt the preassure of the buttplug, currently occuping her other hole.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Keep... Going... Mmmh!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck! Oh fuck... I'm going to pass out...<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing a growing weakness in Riley's legs, you decide to give her a slight breather, halting your movement for a moment while embrassing her slim body with your hands.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I love you, $mc... Fuck, I love you... So much...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Shush~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 2>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh my God, yeah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's good, huh? You like it when I'm rubbing against the tail?<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Ye-yeah! You're filling me up... So good... It makes me want... Even more!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>More, you say...<</say>>
<<text>>As you're increasing the speed of your thrusts, one of your fingers slips, ending up inside the girl's mouth. Surprisingly, she instantly clings to it, sucking on it in a very dainty way, almost shyishly.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Mhhmm~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you naughty, naughty girl~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>>I'll give you some more, then!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm... Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>In a span of a few seconds, you went from choking the girl to stimulating her tongue with your fingers to kissing each other passionately, all the while she was moaning from each of your movements.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>So much... Of you... Makes me...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 2>>
<<say $mc>>You're so tight... Fuck...<</say>>
<<text>>While your arms were busy keeping a tight grip over the girl's ass, Riley used her free hands to make this experience even more pleasurable for her by rubbing her overstimulated clitoral area, moaning with each new thrust.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn, you're so cute...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Come here!<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling on the girl's arms, you pushed her against yourself, making Riley grab over your thighs, trying to balance herself against your relentless pace, almost falling in the process.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck! Fuck... Ah-ha... Mh~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>>Mh... I'm going crazy... For you...<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to contain your fascination over this girl, you slide out of her slippery hot sex, going for Riley's plump pinkish lips instead.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha~<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing2.mp4">>
<<text>>With a giggle, Riley responded to your affection by gliding her soft hands against your throbbing member before stroking along its girth fully, sending jolts of electricity up to your brain.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ngh... Mmh...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing3">>
<<say $mc>>All right... That's enough of this soft stuff.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mh?..<</say>>
<<text>>You push Riley against the wall, pulling her left leg high up, stretching her slit, and making her mewl with excitement as you begin thrusting your cock against her pelvix.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing3.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah! Ah... Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm nearly there. Fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah... Give it to your kitty~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add another word, Riley took position on her hands and knees, lying in front of the ceramic bowl. The view is so audacious and yet so erotic that with only a few strokes, you've recouped the peak.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fu-fuck! Agh... Huh!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm~ Yummy~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... I didn't think you'd be... Kinky like that...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Riley">>Mmm! Go on! I'm nearly...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the growing tightness around your shaft as well as the increasingly loud mewl that kept escaping from the girl's lips, you kept the pace going despite the growing stiffness until...<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes-yes! Yes!.. Ahhh!<</say>>
<<text>>The girl's legs give out as her entire body shakes with sparks of ecstasy, her wet slit coiling around your stiff shaft, trying to squeeze you dry.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Phew. That was a loud one, haha.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah... You're amazing...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw1">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... You're twitching like crazy.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ngh... Mh~<</say>>
<<text>>Placing a hand over the girl's neck, you felt her body giving in, ready for another orgasm. Not wasting any time, you pay full attention to her wet slit, kneeding and flicking the most sensitive parts of her clitoral area, making her meowl in excitement.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah, like this, like this! Ah!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw2">>
<<say "Riley">>That was so good...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about we make it double then?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh? But I just...<</say>>
<<text>>Without missing a beat, you slide your cock inside the still quivering walls, eager to send another wave of euphoria over this sweet, sweet girl, leaving her in complete awe at the end.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cumw2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>I can't... Even think... $mc...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your welcome, kitty~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage $stage+1 0 5>> Kiss her <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn RileyScene2 stage $stage+1>> Check her costume out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage $stage+1 0 15>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage $stage+1 0 15>> Lick pussy <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn RileyScene2 stage $stage+1>> Tease her <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "start" 10 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "blowjob" 10 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "blowjob1" 15 10>> Deepthroat <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "blowjob2" 15 15>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "blowjob2" 15 15>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "blowjob1" 15 10>> Deepthroat <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "doggy1" 10 20>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "missionary1" 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "missionary2" 15 25>> Play with her tongue <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "standing1" 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "standing2" 10 20>> Kiss her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "standing2" 10 20>> Kiss her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "standing1" 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "standing3" 15 25>> Pick her leg up <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing3">>
<<btnsb RileyScene2 stage "standing2" 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "cumw1">>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "blowjob" 10 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "doggy" 15 25>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "missionary" 10 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "standing" 15 15>>Standing<</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "cumw1" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $stage is "cumw1">>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "cumw2" 10 0>>Make her cum again<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns RileyScene2 stage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne RileyPstScene0>>I'm done<</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP11') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+200)>>
<<run memorize('CP11', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 200CP! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>That's enough for now...<</say>>
<<text>>In an attempt to relax, you find yourself back on the couch, still too exhausted to clothe yourself properly. Noticing that, Riley finishes playing with her bowl, now gently caressing your body.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Mreow? <</say>>
<<text>>With a devious smile, her hand glides over your flassid penis, making you unvolontairly flinch your belly muscles.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh God... Come on, you're a cat, not a rabbit... What's with this libido of yours?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Meow.<</say>>
<<text>>"Great," you thought - "Now I have myself a nymphomanic retard cat to add to my collection with a talking centient dog".<</text>>
<<btno RileyPstScene0 stage 1>>So, how was it?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>By the way... So how was it, playing cat and all? Lived up to expectations?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>For sure.<</say>>
<<text>>After a small pause, Riley added.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Although I don't think it would be the same without you close by, I definitely enjoyed being your kitty.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So, I take it you wouldn't mind trying this one out another time?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl giggled happily, suddenly kissing you on the cheek.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I was hoping you'd say that.<</say>>
<<btno RileyPstScene0 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>An hour or so later...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll get going now, Riley.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Sure thing!<</say>>
<<text>>Now cleaned and dressed properly, both of you were finishing closing the shop, and you were about ready to leave, only stopping to say goodbye.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>And $mc...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I hope to see you here tomorrow! Today was really fun.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I'll see what I can do.<</say>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<if $DayValue > 5>>
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btno InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btno>>
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btno Map1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno Map0>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal! Didn't you want a screwdriver?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hm? Well, I do, but...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>There's a hardware store. Over there.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug took a hunting stance, pointing his face towards the building he must be talking about. The sign indeed did read, "Wrenches for whenches and other necessities".<</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, this place looks rather exotic...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, did you see any other hardware strobes recently?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's true... Freaking monopolies these days, I swear.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ActOneFinal0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Enter the shop<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal1 stage 0>>Go straight to Nico<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<text>>The doorbell rang as you entered the shop, and the shopkeeper turned to you, greeting you with a respectful nod.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Good day. How can I help you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Can I have a look at your screwdrivers? Regular ones, like the one with a blue handle over there,<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Aha. You're a man of great taste. Just be careful not to damage it while looting.<</someone>>
<<text>>You quickly check the width of the workpiece and its toughness, clicking your tongue in dissatisfaction as it bends ever so slightly under the press of your finger.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Is it any good?<</say>>
<<text>>With a silent nod, you hand the screwdriver back to the shopkeeper.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take this one; no wrapping is needed.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Of course, that would be $500.<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 500>>
<<btn ActOneFinal0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Buy one<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">> Buy the screwdriver <</plugi>>
<<btn ActOneFinal0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Welp...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<if $cash < 500>>
<<say $mc>>This is a bit too much for me. You see, I happen to be short; could you perhaps make an exeption?<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Sorry, sir, but we have fixed prices. No discounts.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, fuck...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>On the other hand, I don't think I will be doing it.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Of course. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get moving, Greg.<</say>>
<<text>>You leave the shop, and after a few minutes of walking, you can finally see an entrance to the basement arcade.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hope Nico is there...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>If things get worse, you can at least play a few games while waiting for him to return, no?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You see, usually you'd be right, but I don't have the entire day to spare this time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh right, you're a busy man now... How could I forget that?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal1 stage 0>>Enter Arcade<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<set $item2 to 1>>
<<set $item2Drblty to 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought a screwdriver for 500$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, here's the money.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Thank you for chosing our shop~<</someone>>
<<text>>You take the screwdriver and leave the shop after hiding it in your backpack. A few minutes of walking later, you approach the basement arcade.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hope Nico is there...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>If things get worse, you can at least play a few games while waiting for him to return, no?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You see, usually you'd be right, but I don't have the entire day to spare this time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh right, you're a busy man now... How could I forget that?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal1 stage 0>>Enter Arcade<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Entering the building, you walk down the stairs, greeted by the usual thick smell of plastic and humidified air.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nico! You're here?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Hi $mc! Come, I'm at the bar!<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing the somewhat cheerful voice of your friend, your lips form a simple smile as you walk through the rooms lit with flashing lights from cabinet videogames.<</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>This place never fails to put a smile on my face.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>You look like a kid in a candy shop. There is nothing wrong with that, though.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal1 stage 1>>How are you?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to see you, dude. How's it going?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>It's been a busy day for me, but things have gone quiet just in time.<</say>>
<<text>>Nico waved his hand over the empty arcade's halls and to the laptop standing idly on the bartable.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What about Dick?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Not there yet. You came a bit early; I think we might have an hour or two to spare.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A few hours, huh?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $WdArcde200Fix isnot 1>>
<<if $item2 is 1>>
<<btn ActOneFinal1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Fix THoTD machine<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have a screwdriver">>Fix THoTD machine<</plugi>>
<<set $OthersScene4Completed to 1>>
<<if $Hentai0Acc is 1>>
<<btn ActOneFinal1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Check out new disk in VR<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have new disks">>Check out new disk in VR<</plugi>>
<<btn ActOneFinal1 stage $cstage+1+"c">>Watch the camera feed<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I might as well take a look at your House of the Dead machine while we're waiting...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Sure thing. You remember where it's at?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, kind of. I'll figure it out; this place isn't that big anyway.<</say>>
<<text>>After a short search, you wander into the room with the malfunctioning THoTD machine.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It should be short work with a screwdriver, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hopefully. Let me get a look.<</say>>
<<text>>You try to pry the bolts out without putting heavy pressure on them, but they refuse to budge.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It must have been oxydized tight. It'll take quite a while to get through...<</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, about your VR setup... Do you mind if I give it another go?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Dude, I knew you'd fall in love with that thing just like I did.<</say>>
<<text>>Not pleased with the way that sentence sounded, you quickly interrupted Nico to explain yourself.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nico, I'm not in love with a piece of tech! It's just that I got my hands on a pretty cool-sounding game...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Sure thing, man. Whatever gets your fancy...<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, your eyes begin drifting away, and you notice that Grigoriy has found himself a new sleeping place on one of the fancy couches.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'll check on this place while you're gone. I'm no worse than a guard dog after all, rrrha!<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 0>>Follow Nico<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2c">>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good to me. Let's start monitoring the room now, just in case Dick shows up early.<</say>>
<<text>>Nico shurgs his shoulders and turns his laptop in a way so that you can see what's going on.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Nico">>Oh yeah... Sorry for the low resolution.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't matter, as long as we can figure out what the code is.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal1 stage 4>>Keep watching<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Nico">>Okay, let's see what we have here...<</say>>
<<text>>Having returned back to the bar table, Nico and you took a seat on the highstools, awkwardly humping each other in order to see the laptop's screen clearly.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Nico">>Oh yeah... Sorry for the low resolution.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't matter, as long as we can figure out what the code is.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal1 stage 4>>Keep watching<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, now I get why security guards always seem so bored.<</say>>
<<text>>Despite the time that has passed, there has been barely any action on the lifeless monitor of Nico's notebook, and only the noises of cooking coming from the kitchen are breaking down your monotonous vigil.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>At least security guards get to peek in the public bathrooms and whatnot.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, I think I've seen something move!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, those are shadows playing tricks...<</say>>
<<text>>But this time, your patience was rewarded when a dark figure, whom you couldn't mistake for anyone but the source of your torment, walked into the room.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Nico">>Oh shit! This is him!<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal2 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene6", true)>>
<<set $OthersScene6Completed to 1>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "cyberspace">>
<<addclass "body" "server">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I still can't get over the fact that you have this hi-tech futuristic lab all to yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Ha-ha... Come on, it's neither of those things. Just a regular server room with a little gaming setup.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist, I have the link on my phone; get it from there.<</say>>
<<text>>Leaving your phone on the table, you get inside the scorpion-looking chair and pull the headset over your head.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>Oh-ho-ho, has Saimin Seishidou got full VR support? Shit, how did I miss it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? I thought it was called "hypnosis sex guidance" or whatever...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>It's a localized name. But I was following this game—no, doujin rather—since the day of its conclusion. I've even had a thread dedicated to translating it.<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 1>>Huh...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "cyberspace">>
<<addclass "body" "server">>
<<say $mc>>I didn't know you were a fan... Well, you can try it out later if you want.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Really? Thanks, man. I really had no idea it would be released this soon.<</say>>
<<text>>Nico continued his ramblings for a few more minutes while you tried to keep the conversation going, even though it felt like he was talking to a brick wall instead of you.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>So that was a cool scene too. Ah, the download is just finished.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Finally... Not a moment too soon.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>$mc, you're ready to hop in?<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 2>>Let's go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, I was born ready...<</say>>
<<text>>As the screen begins to glisten, you find yourself lost amid the ever-changing matrix of numbers.<</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade19-image.webp">>
<<say "Nico">>Don't worry about it; it's just a loading screen. Give it a second.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I feel dizzy... Couldn't they make it more pleasurable to the eye?<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, fuck, what the...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as the loading screen passed away, a lood thud tore away the silence, and a new disclaimer showed itself.<</text>>
<<img "act1/start0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>"All characters reached their legal ages, as well as being fictional and not having any correlation to the real-world people." Damn, someone's trying really hard to cover their ass, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"If you find School Teacher's art to your liking, be sure to support it's creator over at https://www.patreon.com/CIANYO"...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Can you blame them? Better get ready; if you've passed the disclaimers, the game is about to...<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Ding-ding~<</someone>>
<<text>>The sound of a school bell pierced the summer skies as you found yourself bathing under the warm rays of the sun.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa! Those are some impressive graphics! Cellshaded and stylized, it really feels like I've been isekai'd into the anime world.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>You're making me jealous!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've already told you that I'm ready to share. Just wait for your turn, man.<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 5>>Check the gate<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Speaking of... I wonder if I'll get to choose the character I play. It would be pretty cool if it had different routes, like one for a student and another for a teacher.<</say>>
<<text>>You approach the sun-lit building, but once you try pulling on the door, it doesn't budge.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Look around, man. That's usually how these games work: search for the key item, and...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shut up; you're ruining my immersion. Now, where was I?<</say>>
<<text>>Begrudgendly looking around, you notice a stack of application forms lined up near a barely visible letterhole. All of them are already filled up, all except one.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>This one is addressed to a new sex education teacher... The stats are all messed up, and the preview shows a real bastard. But this is the only form left.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<set $sceneV1 to "Nobuyuki Sugou">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it. Let's see if that works.<</say>>
<<text>>Having written your initials on the paper, you try putting the form into a letter hole. Just as you do so, you hear the clatering of some mechanism and the noise of a door opening behind your back.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<text>>As you take a step inside in order to get a better look at your surroundings, a crass voice begins narrating right into your ear.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>When I saw the light of the school lobby, I knew that my life had indeed changed. For the first time in years, I felt my masculine power rising.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>That was such a dramatic monologue... Now I'm really interested to see where this story goes.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<set $sceneV1 to "Donovan Black">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it. Let's see if that works.<</say>>
<<text>>Having written your initials on the paper, you try putting the form into a letter hole. Just as you do so, you hear the clatering of some mechanism and the noise of a door opening behind your back.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<text>>As you take a step inside in order to get a better look at your surroundings, a crass voice begins narrating right into your ear.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>When I saw the light of the school lobby, I knew that my life had indeed changed. For the first time in years, I felt my masculine power rising.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>That was such a dramatic monologue... Now I'm really interested to see where this story goes.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "5c">>
<<set $sceneV1 to "Torao Takabe">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it. Let's see if that works.<</say>>
<<text>>Having written your initials on the paper, you try putting the form into a letter hole. Just as you do so, you hear the clatering of some mechanism and the noise of a door opening behind your back.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<text>>As you take a step inside in order to get a better look at your surroundings, a crass voice begins narrating right into your ear.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>When I saw the light of the school lobby, I knew that my life had indeed changed. For the first time in years, I felt my masculine power rising.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>That was such a dramatic monologue... Now I'm really interested to see where this story goes.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "f1l">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<text>>Deciding to take a better look at the lockers, on one of them you notice a small piece of paper sticking out through the gap.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Hm? What is that? It looks like someone planted a message.<</someone>>
<<text>>Trying to get the paper, you pull on it gently, making sure that it'll stay in one piece. To your surprise, it is a one-sided photo card of one of the teachers with a message written on the other side.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai6-image.webp">>
<<say "Terada">>Aisawa-kun, I hope you'll remember well the lesson I gave you~<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I knew it... This is why Terada-san always rejected each and every one of my advances...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "f2">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Almost there. My office is just around the corner.<</someone>>
<<text>>You moved through the empty halls of the facility, once again reminded that you could've been on vacation right now. But you just couldn't resist Terada-san's charm, and now you were paying consequences for your own foolishness.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai2-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>That reminds me... She should be having a class just about now.<</someone>>
<<if $sceneV3 is undefined>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Hmhh... Ouh... Nhm~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "f1">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Shit, I'm late again... I still have some work waiting for me at the office.<</someone>>
<<text>>The lockers glisten under the warm sunlight of the summer skies, the imagery reminding you of your own time at school.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>It feels nice for once to be superior to those little cunts around... And now I actually have the power to mold this school to my liking. With time. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "office">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>There we go, finally. I hope Reina-chan didn't get too bored waiting for me...<</someone>>
<<text>>Having reached the all-too-familiar room in your office, you reach for the cold metallic handle and confidently walk inside a dimly lit but comfortably looking room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai3-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>And... she's nowhere to be seen.<</someone>>
<<text>>It takes you a good second to look around once more, making sure that the student is indeed missing his appointment.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>God damn it, I was looking forward to correcting this bitch the whole weekend! There's no way I'm going to let her off this easily. I should ask Terada about it; Reina-chan is her student after all.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "f2c">>
<<say "Terada">>Keep doing your homework! All of you are stuck here at the summer school because you're all too damn lazy!<</say>>
<<text>>The class was mostly empty, just as you would've expected from a summer school extracurricular. Aside from the teacher and Aisawa-kun, there were only 4 other students, all lazily writing their homework.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai4-image.png">>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 2>>
<<say "Terada">>Oh, $sceneV1? Why are you here?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "aisawa">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 2>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Aisawa-kun! We need to have a talk.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>What's the matter, sensei?<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Have a good look at this.<</someone>>
<<text>>Seeing the photo of Terada-san you got from his locker earlier, Aisawas' face grows pale. But just as he was about to go, trying to deny any possible allegation, you cut him off.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Don't. I didn't come here to make trouble for you. It's the opposite; I am here to help you.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>Wh-what?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "aisawa1">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>If it wasn't me who found these photos, you'd be in a lot of trouble. You need to be more careful now; give me the other one.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>I don't...<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Don't try to deny it; you can't fool me. Give it now, before I change my mind and take these photos to the director's office.<</someone>>
<<text>>Thanks to your persuasion skills, the boy pulls a new photocard out of his front pocket and stretches it out to you with a shaking hand.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai7-image.webp">>
<<say "Terada">>I know that you're going to miss me this summer, so take this memory of ours with you~<</say>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>That's the only one... Please don't show them to anyone!<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "terada">>
<<say "Terada">>What now?<</say>>
<<text>>You can't help but feel slightly nervous as you approach the woman of your dreams. It takes some effort to shoo away the vivid visage of all those nights you spent stalking and fantasizing about raping her.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai9-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>If this is about your "councling" with Reina, I can't help you. I haven't seen her today; she must be skipping with her boyfriend again.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "terada1">>
<<set $sceneV4 to 1>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>What do you mean, Terada-san? She's your student, after all.<</someone>>
<<text>>Hearing that pitiful attempt at persuasion, the woman scoffed. Seeing her arrogant face, you barely manage to hold yourself together from hypnotizing and raping her on the spot. The only thing stopping you is the amount of violence in the room.<</text>>
<<say "Terada">>There's nothing I can do, really. Sorry. <</say>>
<<text>>You knew well that she was lying through her teeth. With the kind of person Reina was, there was no way Terada didn't have any blackmail ready. She just didn't think that you were important enough to justify using it.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I-I see...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "terada2">>
<<set $sceneV3 to 2>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Terada-chan, I think we might have a little misunderstanding.<</someone>>
<<say "Terada">>Huh? Don't call me that; we're both teachers.<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I didn't come here to ask you for help. I came here because you need mine.<</someone>>
<<text>>Noticing your confidence, Terrada furrowed her brows, surprised by such an unusual sight.<</text>>
<<say "Terada">>And what does that mean?<</say>>
<<text>>You can't help but laugh, seeing the despiration take hold over Terada once you pull out her photos. Her entire face froze, all except for her puffy lips, which kept shaking as she tried to come up with a plausible excuse.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I wonder what you'll say next.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "terada3">>
<<say "Terada">>...Give me those photos. Please. And then I'll do everything...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Don't get ahead of yourself; you're not getting them.<</someone>>
<<say "Terada">>Then why are you...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Because I can't trust you to not run away the second I lose my wager. Understand? <</someone>>
<<text>>A short silence ensued, as you were giving the woman a moment to realize who's in charge now.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Get Reina into my office, and then we will have a long talk about what we will be doing next.<</someone>>
<<text>>Utterly defeated before such an ultimatum, Terada couldn't do anything but nod, agreeing to your terms. Knowing well that she's going to keep her end of the bargain, you let out a satisfied chuckle.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I'll go to my office now. Good luck, Terada-chan. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "f2t">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>What's that I'm hearing?<</someone>>
<<text>>Passing by the restroom, a very peculiar noise caught your attention.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai5-image.jpeg">>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Mhm... Ah~<</someone>>
<<text>>Despite their muffled nature, your avid perception was enough to locate a source of this devilishly sweet moaning, being one of the wooden cubicals.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>This looks like a job for me.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "iori">>
<<set $sceneV3 to 1>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Uh... Nya... Mhm~<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of your relatively big statue, you take a glimpse at what's going on behind the door from the high-up.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>Ah! Nhuh...<</someone>>
<<text>>Iori, one of your students, lay bare on the toilet, spreading her silky smooth legs wide, with one hand grasping over her plump chest while the other was moving a dildo out of her soaking folds.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai10-image.webp">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Her again. Just as I thought.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "iori1">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Ah, fuck! My shoulder!<</someone>>
<<text>>You tried pulling on the door the girl was hiding behind, but to your dismay, Iori was smart enough to lock it tight before beginning to pleasure herself. Your strength wasn't enough to pry it open, and now your shoulder hurts from overexertion.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>H-huh? Who's... This is a woman's restroom; you can't just...<</someone>>
<<text>>Knowing well that the only thing left to do in a situation like this is to double down, you decide to continue your rigorous onslaught against the door.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Open up! You know that this inappropriate behavior can get you expelled!<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>Wh-wait! No, is that you? Please don't tell anybody...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "iori2">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Yes, it's your sex education teacher. And I thought I'd already made the school's stance on this matter clear...<</someone>>
<<text>>Now you could clearly hear the panic in the girl's voice; your persuasion skills were working flawlessly. Still huffing from the act, she really did sound on the verge of crying.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>Sorry... I don't know what I was thinking...<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I understand. After all, you're so young and ripe...<</someone>>
<<text>>You were almost glad that you weren't able to force the lock earlier. It will be much easier to keep the evidence out if you convince Iori to come to your office on her own terms.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>But I can't let you scot-free either. Especially since this is a repeated offense.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "iori3">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Come to my office tomorrow. We're going to have a private lecture on why your behavior was inappropriate. Don't even think about skipping it; it's your last chance.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>I-I understand... I'll go to my class now...<</someone>>
<<text>>Completely defeated, the girl emerged out of the cubicle, now properly clothed. However, you could still smell the sweet juices of her hot virgin pussy; those smells were taking your head for a spin.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Good, good. Now go. And make sure nobody knows about our little agreement; it'll get much harder for me to keep your actions secret otherwise.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "iori4">>
<<text>>With a nod, Iori ran out of the bathroom, leaving you completely alone. As you were about to leave, you noticed a photo the girl must've dropped amid the action.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai8-image.webp">>
<<say "Terada">>Keep this one to remember your sensei by, Iori-chan~<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel your blood boiling as you looked closer at the photocard, making sure that the woman on it is one of the teachers—the one you had a crush on this entire time—Terada-san.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Why does this keep happening? I did so much for her...<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "5a">> Nobuyuki Sugou <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "5b">> Donovan Black <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "5c">> Torao Takabe <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "5a" || $stage is "5b" || $stage is "5c" || $stage is "f1">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2">> Go to the second floor <</btn>>
<<if $sceneV2 is undefined>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f1l">> Check the lockers <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "f1l">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f1">> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "f2">>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 2>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "office">> Enter your office <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene6-1 stage 0>> Enter your office <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2c">> Visit Terada's classroom <</btn>>
<<if $sceneV3 is undefined>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2t">> Check the source of noises <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f1">> Walk downstairs <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "office">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "f2c">>
<<if $sceneV3 isnot 2>>
<<if ($sceneV4 isnot 1)>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "terada">> Talk to Terada <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "terada2">> Talk to Terada <</btn>>
<<plugi "There is no reason to talk with those beneath me">> Talk to Terada-chan <</plugi>>
<<if $sceneV2 is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "aisawa">> Talk to Aisawa-kun <</btn>>
<<plugi "There is no reason to talk with those beneath me">> Talk to Aisawa-kun <</plugi>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "terada">>
<<btns OthersScene6 stage "terada1">> Roll Persuation <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "terada1">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2c">> Back off <</btn>>
<<if $sceneV3 is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "terada2">> Blackmail her <</btn>>
<<plugi "There is nothing you could blackmail her with">> Blackmail her <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "terada2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene6 stage "terada3">> Roll Persuation <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "terada3">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "aisawa">>
<<btnsb OthersScene6 stage "aisawa1">> Roll Persuation <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "aisawa1">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2c">>...<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "f2t">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "iori">> Check cubicals <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "iori">>
<<btns OthersScene6 stage "iori1">> Roll Strength <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "iori1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene6 stage "iori2">> Roll Persuation <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "iori2">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "iori3">> Come to my office tommorow <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "iori3">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "iori4">> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "iori4">>
<<btn OthersScene6 stage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>And now we wait... Finally, I'll get to teach that brat Reina a lesson.<</someone>>
<<text>>Feeling happy with the result of your work, you return to your cozy lair, taking place behind your expensive table. You wait, and wait, listening to the monotonous ticking of the clock as the doubt begins creeping into your mind.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I'm certain that Terada-chan will keep her word. She wouldn't dare go against blackmail of such caliber... I'm sure of it.<</someone>>
<<text>>You decide that it would be nice to pour one out, just enough to calm your nerves, but as you reach for the bottle, a door finally opens, and an unhappy-looking girl finds her way inside.<</text>>
<<say "Reina">>Yo, Terada gave me a call ordering me to come see you. What's the matter, Senpai?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Reina-chan, please; you're in my office. Can't you be a little bit more well-behaved?<</someone>>
<<text>>Trying to make the girl feel more at ease, you stood up from your table and instead went to the couch, hoping for a more level-headed conversation. Reina, however, didn't seem too impressed.<</text>>
<<say "Reina">>Just tell me what you want. I really hope that I didn't miss out on a date with my boyfriend because you "just wanted to talk" or something.<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Please take a seat.<</someone>>
<<text>>Even when following your commands, the brat chose to act rebelious, continuing to chew her gum in front of you with a look full of disguast. You chose to ignore it for now.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>It seems that the rumor about you was correct. You do indeed skip classes, all in an attempt to have fun with your boyfriend. I'm, as a school counselor, worried about the decline in your grades, among other things.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>So?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Clearly, you're in desperate need of sex ED, because that behavior of yours is unacceptable.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Oh? You think I'm inexperienced?<</say>>
<<text>>A snarky smirk crosses Reina's face as she checks your physical appearance.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>Compared to a dirty virgin like you, I'm at my peak. You have nothing on me.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, that wasn't the first time you heard an insult like this addressed to you. The usual feeling of cold fury coming down enticed you, as you knew well that this brat would eat her words very soon.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Really now...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Let's see if you can prove it. One-on-one.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Huh? Are you trying to...<</say>>
<<text>>Genuenly shocked, the girl froze, unsure if she should laugh or scream at the audacity of your proposal. Relieving her of this choice, you snap your fingers, speaking out the magic spell.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai11-image.webp">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Hypnosis Level 1: Activate!<</someone>>
<<text>>For a moment, the room shone with all kinds of spiraling lights while the girl's gaze followed the tip of her finger, as if it were a black hole. When you ended the procedure, Reina's body seemed more relaxed, her eyes still glowing, eager to fight.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>What do you think now?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Reina">>There is no one in this school more experienced than me, and I'll show you. I'll make you squelch like a little pig before I allow you to cum.<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but smile, seeing that your mastery of hypnosis had improved yet again. This time, you've managed to keep her spirit. And now you will have the satisfaction of breaking this young woman's body with nothing but your cock.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Huh, is that right?<</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start1.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>How do you like them apples, brat?<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Ah.. Huh.. Mmhmnh!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Reina">>It doesn't seem like you're experienced enough to handle the real deal now, does it?<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Pl-please... Have mercy... I can't...<</someone>>
<<text>>Not able to finish her thought, Reina's body quivered once again in a wave of euphoric plesure, her mind barely withstanding the onslaught of your swallen cock.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Doggy.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Oh? But your pussy says otherwise. I can hear it loud and clear, haha!<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Reina">>I'm melting! My pussy... It's so... Ah!<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>What? You've never experienced a cock like that. Huuuuh?<</someone>>
<<text>>The way a girl's slick honeypot sucked your cock back inside after every thrust spoke volumes to the forbidden pleasure Reina was experiencing. She was but a textboox definition of a brat, the one that needed nothing but a little push to show off her true colors.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>I'm... I'm... Aughh!.. You're the best... Just... Ah!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say "Reina">>No more... I'm going to... break...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Weren't you the one to boast about experience? And yet, now you can't even handle this "virgin cock". <</someone>>
<<text>>Your body kept moving without a thought; you didn't care about "being too rough" or if "her pussy could withstand it". The only thing of concern to you was teaching Reina a lesson she won't forget.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>Sen-sensei... So deep...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Do you think this is deep? I'll show you...<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>No! Forgive me! I'll do anything! Anything but that!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a swift motion, you snatched Reina's wrists, pinning her hard against the bed and thrusting your cock all the way down as you continuously slammed its head against the girl's cervix. The brat was locked tight in a mating press, and there was no way to escape it.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>This is nothing but a lesson, Reina-chan~ I'm simply doing my job.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Stop... You're breaking me... I'll never be able... To enjoy a regular cock...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 1>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Good. That means you're ready to learn.<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl's eyes rolled back as she stuck the tip of her tongue out, convulsing from an euphoric orgasm more powerful than any before that.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>Mhmh! Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>But you weren't planning on letting her go that easily. Slamming your cock against Reina's very sensitive slit, you pinned her shaking body with yours and recited the magic spell once again.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Hypnosis Level 1: Activate!<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "end">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Phew, we're running out of time today, aren't we, Reina-chan?<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Mm...Nn... A-ah~<</say>>
<<text>>The brat's correction continued for days and days on end, with her mind reduced to nothing more than a slave to her master. She stopped hanging out with her family and friends and is now using every opportunity to slip into your office for a new "lesson".<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Perehod.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Hey, hey, are you zoning out already? That won't do...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "end1">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>You've been getting worse and worse lately... I'm doing all the work here.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>S-sorry... Mhm~<</say>>
<<text>>Being so close, brat couldn't help but go for a kiss, connecting your lips with hers while letting out a barely audible hum full of pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Outro.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I guess at least your lips are doing something...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "end2">>
<<say "Reina">>Uh... Right?.. So good...<</say>>
<<text>>The boiling sensation deep down your groin intensified as Reina's pussy squrmed once again, tightening itself around your chubby cock and adding some much-needed friction. You couldn't help but grin, guessing if Reina would be able to take it this time or not.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Outro1.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Prepare... I'm about to...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "end3">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say "Reina">>Ah! I can feel it. Sensei's cock is...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Ghrh!..<</someone>>
<<text>>Not being able to withhold the smaldering heat of Reina's drooling pussy no more, your hands grasp around little Brat's thighs as you push your erupting member deep into her cervix, filling her womb to the brim.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Outro2.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Hah... Ah...<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Mhm... You came... Inside...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>The lesson is over. What do you think?<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>...<</say>>
<<text>>Reina, however, was clearly in no condition to answer, lying motionless on the bed. You could see her legs continuously shaking while her pussy kept spasming, pushing some of your semen on the outside, making the mess on the sheets once again.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>Oooh?~ It looks like there is still a long road ahead of you, Reina-chan. There is no way I can give you a passing grade after you made the mess again.<</someone>>
<<text>>A grin appeared on your face while you imagined all kinds of degeneracy you could try on this submissive slave of yours.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $sceneV1 author>>I'll book you an appointment for tomorrow...<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn OthersScene6-1 stage $stage+1>> Don't be like that <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene6-1 stage $stage+1>> You need correction <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage $stage+1 0 0>> Activate Ability <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "start" 10 25>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<if $DayValue > 5>>
<<set $OthersScene6Completed to 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<btne InterludeMap0>> Exit the simulation <</btne>>
<<btne VrHentaiExit>> Exit the simulation <</btne>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "cumw">>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "end" 10 30>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "end">>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "end1" 15 30>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "end1">>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "end2" 15 30>> Go hard <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "end2">>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "end3" 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "end3">>
<<btn OthersScene6-1 stage 4>> We're done <</btn>>
<<if $cumw < 100 && $sceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene6-1 stage "doggy1" 10 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb OthersScene6-1 stage "missionary1" 10 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "doggy" 10 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "missionary" 10 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<if $cumw > 70 && $sceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<btns OthersScene6-1 stage "cumw" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $OthersScene6Completed to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, that was something...<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling the weighty headset away, you're blinking, taking a second to get used to a "regular" reality while Nico eagerly stares over at you.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>Come on, man, tell me! Did they manage to deliver on expectations? This was a very anticipated title...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hard to say. I was advertised to it as a "choose your type" adventure, but in the end, the experience was super linal. I think the only thing I got to choose was my name.<</say>>
<<text>>It takes you another second to weigh all the ups and downs of the experience you've just had. But in the end, all you could say was that...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's kind of annoying.<</say>>
<<text>>Flinching a little, Nico takes a look at the game files and, after checking something, turns back to you.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>Hm. Did you have any fun playing it?<</say>>
<<btno VrHentaiExit stage 1>>Yeah<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, yeah. I didn't expect to say this, but taking on the role of an ugly bastard is kind of cool.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Sounds like a positive review in my book. I can't wait to try it out for myself. Just thinking about all those brats waiting to be corrected makes my blood boil!<</say>>
<<text>>While a part of you was happy to see how excited Nico got, you knew that you had more important things than playing games all night.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey man, I bet time is near. What if Dick comes today earlier than usual?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Damn, you're right. Saimin Seishidou can wait... Let's get back to business.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal1 stage 3>>Walk back to the bar<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Damn... Your butt is something else...<</say>>
<<text>>Having pulled out a cock, you watched mesmerized as your own cum, mixed in with other oily fluids, began seeping out of Kendra's stretched butthole.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Your dick is very nice too. I had a lot of fun playing with it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better now.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>I'm always happy when I'm with you, $mc. Thanks for being with me today.<</say>>
<<text>>After a short kiss, Kendra stood up, searching the floor for her ripped underwear.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>I'll go take a shower. I hope to see you soon again~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I'll make sure to come by from time to time.<</say>>
<<if $ActOneFinal3 is undefined>>
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btno Map1 Patreon0Kendra 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno Map0 Patreon0Kendra 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 Patreon0Kendra 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 Patreon0Kendra 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So, how about we continue what we've started? While we have the time and all.<</say>>
<<text>>It took Riley a few seconds to connect the dots, but when she did, she made the biggest smile you've ever seen. Needless to say, she was in, only if not for a small "but".<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah! But what if a customer comes by? I would die if someone saw me in that costume. Well, anyone but you.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't you dare rope me into this, pal... One thing is covering up for your bro so he could get some pussy, and another one if that's for a cat's sake.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 1>>Don't worry about it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>No worries; what are the chances that our peace and tranquility, which have held for so long, will be broken now of all times?<</say>>
<<text>>With striking confidence, you tapped the girl over the shoulder.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>And even if someone comes, I can always manage the checkout myself, see?<</say>>
<<text>>Proving your point, you take a step to the till, pressing the button. The drawer opens with a satisfying ding, and you nonechalantly push it back.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>No problems here.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Hm...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay. Let's go then; we don't have much time left.<</say>>
<<text>>With a satisfied smirk, you followed the girl into the staff room and took a seat on the couch while Riley was changing.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh God, doing this sober is much more cringeworthy than I've thought...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're not cringe if you are free. Think about it, that's an old eastern wisdom.<</say>>
<<text>>After a short silence, the girl let out a heavy sigh, bracing herself.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I won't judge. And I saw you already, remember?<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Riley">>I-I guess... Okay. Here I go...<</say>>
<<text>>Appearing from behind the corner, Riley made her best impression of the catperson.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Hello, my Meowster! How was your day? Was it... purrfect?~<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold such high levels of concentrated cringe, you curl up, slamming your hand on the table, physically hurt by the sucking vortex of second-hand embarrassment deep in your stomach.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Not like this...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 4>>Take a breather<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh? Did I do something wrong?<</say>>
<<text>>Worried by your condition, the girl rushed down to your side, curling her slender arms around your torso.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>N-no... I just wasn't able to handle it.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Maybe some water?<</say>>
<<text>>The sensation of Riley's warm breath against your neck was pleasing enough to take your mind off what just happened, instead focusing it on what you can do with such a pretty girl by your side.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm good. But I think you should stick to playing kitty instead of larping like an underpaid worker in a maid café.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... Sorry, I thought you'd like it...<</say>>
<<text>>A genuine grief in the girl's voice hit you like a brick over the head, suddenly making you feel like a grade A asshole.<</text>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 5>>Oh no...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Really? I appreciate it a ton, just... Yeah. Wasn't exactly my cap of tea.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it. Better yet, come here, and I'll show you what you can try to make it work instead.<</say>>
<<text>>The next half an hour or so you've spent teaching Riley the ways to men's hearts and how exactly a scandalously dressed lady should be behaving.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I think I've got it.<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the spark in the girl's eyes, she got quite excited.<</text>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 6>>Show me<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see then...<</say>>
<<text>>Riley took her position, just as you've told her before, mimicing the elegant behavior of the cat, perfectly demonstrating her curves and even some of her more spicy areas to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley16-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Mreow~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about...<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Riley">>Purr~<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the satisfaction in your tone of voice, Riley decides to play it up a little, looking at you sideways, waiting for the next move.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley17-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Who's a good kitty? Mhmm?~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mrr~<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 8>>Kiss her<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Come here, little one~<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you're about to lean closer to steal Riley's puffy lips into the lock of your own, a voice coming from the main hall cuts away all the tension.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>>Hey? Anyone there?<</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck... $mc?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I know. I'll deal with it like I've promised.<</say>>
<<text>>With a short nod, Riley vanished behind the corner, leading to the dresser once again, while you went straight to the entering customer.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it... It was just getting fun.<</say>>
<<btno WorkMini3-2 stage 9>>Do your job<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>>A few minutes later, you were finishing cleaning the counter after the noisy intruder decided to put his dirty bag there.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, I see you're done already. And here I was, hurring to lend you a hand...<</say>>
<<text>>You turned to the sound of the voice as the now fully clothed Riley entered the main hall of the shop.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I sure would appreciate it if you'd lend me a hand, that's for sure.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh?<</say>>
<<text>>As usual, the innuendo went right over the girl's head.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nevermind. So, now you're taking over, or what?<</say>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> I am. And by the way - here's your pay.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>And thanks for... you know what. It was super fun.<</say>>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn MainMini0 stage shop0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<if $RileyScene2Start is 1 && $RileyScene2Completed isnot 1>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<btn RileyPreScene0 stage 0>>I've got the drinks<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have alcohol on you">>I've got the drinks<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage "debt0a">>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage talk1>>How's the debt going?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<if !$WorkMini2>>
<<btn WorkMini2 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<elseif !$WorkMini3>>
<<btn WorkMini3 stage 0>> Let's get to work <</btn>>
<<plugi "That's enough work for the day">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Minimarket is about to close...">>Let's get to work<</plugi>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1 && $RileyScene1Exit isnot 1 && $RileyDebtExit0 isnot 1 && $timeM > 2>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage 0exit0>> That must be it... <</btn>>
<<btn MainMini0 stage workE>>I'm done<</btn>>
</div><<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "cyberspace">>
<<addclass "body" "server">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<unset $gsceneV1>>
<<unset $gsceneV2>>
<<unset $gsceneV3>>
<<unset $gsceneV4>>
<<unset $gsceneV5>>
<<say $mc>>I still can't get over the fact that you have this hi-tech futuristic lab all to yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Ha-ha... Come on, it's neither of those things. Just a regular server room with a little gaming setup.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist, I have the link on my phone; get it from there.<</say>>
<<text>>Leaving your phone on the table, you get inside the scorpion-looking chair and pull the headset over your head.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>Oh-ho-ho, has Saimin Seishidou got full VR support? Shit, how did I miss it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? I thought it was called "hypnosis sex guidance" or whatever...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>It's a localized name. But I was following this game—no, doujin rather—since the day of its conclusion. I've even had a thread dedicated to translating it.<</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery6 gstage 1>>Huh...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "cyberspace">>
<<addclass "body" "server">>
<<say $mc>>I didn't know you were a fan... Well, you can try it out later if you want.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Really? Thanks, man. I really had no idea it would be released this soon.<</say>>
<<text>>Nico continued his ramblings for a few more minutes while you tried to keep the conversation going, even though it felt like he was talking to a brick wall instead of you.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>So that was a cool scene too. Ah, the download is just finished.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Finally... Not a moment too soon.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>$mc, you're ready to hop in?<</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery6 gstage 2>>Let's go<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, I was born ready...<</say>>
<<text>>As the screen begins to glisten, you find yourself lost amid the ever-changing matrix of numbers.<</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade19-image.webp">>
<<say "Nico">>Don't worry about it; it's just a loading screen. Give it a second.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I feel dizzy... Couldn't they make it more pleasurable to the eye?<</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery6 gstage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, fuck, what the...<</say>>
<<text>>Just as the loading screen passed away, a lood thud tore away the silence, and a new disclaimer showed itself.<</text>>
<<img "act1/start0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>"All characters reached their legal ages, as well as being fictional and not having any correlation to the real-world people." Damn, someone's trying really hard to cover their ass, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"If you find School Teacher's art to your liking, be sure to support it's creator over at https://www.patreon.com/CIANYO"...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Can you blame them? Better get ready; if you've passed the disclaimers, the game is about to...<</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery6 gstage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Ding-ding~<</someone>>
<<text>>The sound of a school bell pierced the summer skies as you found yourself bathing under the warm rays of the sun.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa! Those are some impressive graphics! Cellshaded and stylized, it really feels like I've been isekai'd into the anime world.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>You're making me jealous!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've already told you that I'm ready to share. Just wait for your turn, man.<</say>>
<<btno Othersgallery6 gstage 5>>Check the gate<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Speaking of... I wonder if I'll get to choose the character I play. It would be pretty cool if it had different routes, like one for a student and another for a teacher.<</say>>
<<text>>You approach the sun-lit building, but once you try pulling on the door, it doesn't budge.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Look around, man. That's usually how these games work: search for the key item, and...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shut up; you're ruining my immersion. Now, where was I?<</say>>
<<text>>Begrudgendly looking around, you notice a stack of application forms lined up near a barely visible letterhole. All of them are already filled up, all except one.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>This one is addressed to a new sex education teacher... The stats are all messed up, and the preview shows a real bastard. But this is the only form left.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "5a">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "Nobuyuki Sugou">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it. Let's see if that works.<</say>>
<<text>>Having written your initials on the paper, you try putting the form into a letter hole. Just as you do so, you hear the clatering of some mechanism and the noise of a door opening behind your back.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<text>>As you take a step inside in order to get a better look at your surroundings, a crass voice begins narrating right into your ear.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>When I saw the light of the school lobby, I knew that my life had indeed changed. For the first time in years, I felt my masculine power rising.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>That was such a dramatic monologue... Now I'm really interested to see where this story goes.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "5b">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "Donovan Black">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it. Let's see if that works.<</say>>
<<text>>Having written your initials on the paper, you try putting the form into a letter hole. Just as you do so, you hear the clatering of some mechanism and the noise of a door opening behind your back.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<text>>As you take a step inside in order to get a better look at your surroundings, a crass voice begins narrating right into your ear.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>When I saw the light of the school lobby, I knew that my life had indeed changed. For the first time in years, I felt my masculine power rising.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>That was such a dramatic monologue... Now I'm really interested to see where this story goes.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "5c">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to "Torao Takabe">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck it. Let's see if that works.<</say>>
<<text>>Having written your initials on the paper, you try putting the form into a letter hole. Just as you do so, you hear the clatering of some mechanism and the noise of a door opening behind your back.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<text>>As you take a step inside in order to get a better look at your surroundings, a crass voice begins narrating right into your ear.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>When I saw the light of the school lobby, I knew that my life had indeed changed. For the first time in years, I felt my masculine power rising.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>That was such a dramatic monologue... Now I'm really interested to see where this story goes.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "f1l">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<text>>Deciding to take a better look at the lockers, on one of them you notice a small piece of paper sticking out through the gap.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Hm? What is that? It looks like someone planted a message.<</someone>>
<<text>>Trying to get the paper, you pull on it gently, making sure that it'll stay in one piece. To your surprise, it is a one-sided photo card of one of the teachers with a message written on the other side.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai6-image.webp">>
<<say "Terada">>Aisawa-kun, I hope you'll remember well the lesson I gave you~<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I knew it... This is why Terada-san always rejected each and every one of my advances...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "f2">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Almost there. My office is just around the corner.<</someone>>
<<text>>You moved through the empty halls of the facility, once again reminded that you could've been on vacation right now. But you just couldn't resist Terada-san's charm, and now you were paying consequences for your own foolishness.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai2-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>That reminds me... She should be having a class just about now.<</someone>>
<<if $gsceneV3 is undefined>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Hmhh... Ouh... Nhm~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "f1">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Shit, I'm late again... I still have some work waiting for me at the office.<</someone>>
<<text>>The lockers glisten under the warm sunlight of the summer skies, the imagery reminding you of your own time at school.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>It feels nice for once to be superior to those little cunts around... And now I actually have the power to mold this school to my liking. With time. <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "office">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>There we go, finally. I hope Reina-chan didn't get too bored waiting for me...<</someone>>
<<text>>Having reached the all-too-familiar room in your office, you reach for the cold metallic handle and confidently walk inside a dimly lit but comfortably looking room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai3-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>And... she's nowhere to be seen.<</someone>>
<<text>>It takes you a good second to look around once more, making sure that the student is indeed missing his appointment.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>God damn it, I was looking forward to correcting this bitch the whole weekend! There's no way I'm going to let her off this easily. I should ask Terada about it; Reina-chan is her student after all.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "f2c">>
<<say "Terada">>Keep doing your homework! All of you are stuck here at the summer school because you're all too damn lazy!<</say>>
<<text>>The class was mostly empty, just as you would've expected from a summer school extracurricular. Aside from the teacher and Aisawa-kun, there were only 4 other students, all lazily writing their homework.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai4-image.png">>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 2>>
<<say "Terada">>Oh, $gsceneV1? Why are you here?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "aisawa">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 2>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Aisawa-kun! We need to have a talk.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>What's the matter, sensei?<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Have a good look at this.<</someone>>
<<text>>Seeing the photo of Terada-san you got from his locker earlier, Aisawas' face grows pale. But just as he was about to go, trying to deny any possible allegation, you cut him off.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Don't. I didn't come here to make trouble for you. It's the opposite; I am here to help you.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>Wh-what?<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "aisawa1">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>If it wasn't me who found these photos, you'd be in a lot of trouble. You need to be more careful now; give me the other one.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>I don't...<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Don't try to deny it; you can't fool me. Give it now, before I change my mind and take these photos to the director's office.<</someone>>
<<text>>Thanks to your persuasion skills, the boy pulls a new photocard out of his front pocket and stretches it out to you with a shaking hand.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai7-image.webp">>
<<say "Terada">>I know that you're going to miss me this summer, so take this memory of ours with you~<</say>>
<<someone someone "Aisawa-kun" dick>>That's the only one... Please don't show them to anyone!<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "terada">>
<<say "Terada">>What now?<</say>>
<<text>>You can't help but feel slightly nervous as you approach the woman of your dreams. It takes some effort to shoo away the vivid visage of all those nights you spent stalking and fantasizing about raping her.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai9-image.jpg">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>If this is about your "councling" with Reina, I can't help you. I haven't seen her today; she must be skipping with her boyfriend again.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "terada1">>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 1>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>What do you mean, Terada-san? She's your student, after all.<</someone>>
<<text>>Hearing that pitiful attempt at persuasion, the woman scoffed. Seeing her arrogant face, you barely manage to hold yourself together from hypnotizing and raping her on the spot. The only thing stopping you is the amount of violence in the room.<</text>>
<<say "Terada">>There's nothing I can do, really. Sorry. <</say>>
<<text>>You knew well that she was lying through her teeth. With the kind of person Reina was, there was no way Terada didn't have any blackmail ready. She just didn't think that you were important enough to justify using it.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I-I see...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "terada2">>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 2>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Terada-chan, I think we might have a little misunderstanding.<</someone>>
<<say "Terada">>Huh? Don't call me that; we're both teachers.<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I didn't come here to ask you for help. I came here because you need mine.<</someone>>
<<text>>Noticing your confidence, Terrada furrowed her brows, surprised by such an unusual sight.<</text>>
<<say "Terada">>And what does that mean?<</say>>
<<text>>You can't help but laugh, seeing the despiration take hold over Terada once you pull out her photos. Her entire face froze, all except for her puffy lips, which kept shaking as she tried to come up with a plausible excuse.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I wonder what you'll say next.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "terada3">>
<<say "Terada">>...Give me those photos. Please. And then I'll do everything...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Don't get ahead of yourself; you're not getting them.<</someone>>
<<say "Terada">>Then why are you...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Because I can't trust you to not run away the second I lose my wager. Understand? <</someone>>
<<text>>A short silence ensued, as you were giving the woman a moment to realize who's in charge now.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Get Reina into my office, and then we will have a long talk about what we will be doing next.<</someone>>
<<text>>Utterly defeated before such an ultimatum, Terada couldn't do anything but nod, agreeing to your terms. Knowing well that she's going to keep her end of the bargain, you let out a satisfied chuckle.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I'll go to my office now. Good luck, Terada-chan. <</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "f2t">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>What's that I'm hearing?<</someone>>
<<text>>Passing by the restroom, a very peculiar noise caught your attention.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai5-image.jpeg">>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Mhm... Ah~<</someone>>
<<text>>Despite their muffled nature, your avid perception was enough to locate a source of this devilishly sweet moaning, being one of the wooden cubicals.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>This looks like a job for me.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "iori">>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 1>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Uh... Nya... Mhm~<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of your relatively big statue, you take a glimpse at what's going on behind the door from the high-up.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>Ah! Nhuh...<</someone>>
<<text>>Iori, one of your students, lay bare on the toilet, spreading her silky smooth legs wide, with one hand grasping over her plump chest while the other was moving a dildo out of her soaking folds.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai10-image.webp">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Her again. Just as I thought.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "iori1">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Ah, fuck! My shoulder!<</someone>>
<<text>>You tried pulling on the door the girl was hiding behind, but to your dismay, Iori was smart enough to lock it tight before beginning to pleasure herself. Your strength wasn't enough to pry it open, and now your shoulder hurts from overexertion.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>H-huh? Who's... This is a woman's restroom; you can't just...<</someone>>
<<text>>Knowing well that the only thing left to do in a situation like this is to double down, you decide to continue your rigorous onslaught against the door.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Open up! You know that this inappropriate behavior can get you expelled!<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>Wh-wait! No, is that you? Please don't tell anybody...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "iori2">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Yes, it's your sex education teacher. And I thought I'd already made the school's stance on this matter clear...<</someone>>
<<text>>Now you could clearly hear the panic in the girl's voice; your persuasion skills were working flawlessly. Still huffing from the act, she really did sound on the verge of crying.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>Sorry... I don't know what I was thinking...<</someone>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I understand. After all, you're so young and ripe...<</someone>>
<<text>>You were almost glad that you weren't able to force the lock earlier. It will be much easier to keep the evidence out if you convince Iori to come to your office on her own terms.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>But I can't let you scot-free either. Especially since this is a repeated offense.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "iori3">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Come to my office tomorrow. We're going to have a private lecture on why your behavior was inappropriate. Don't even think about skipping it; it's your last chance.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Iori-chan" kendra>>I-I understand... I'll go to my class now...<</someone>>
<<text>>Completely defeated, the girl emerged out of the cubicle, now properly clothed. However, you could still smell the sweet juices of her hot virgin pussy; those smells were taking your head for a spin.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Good, good. Now go. And make sure nobody knows about our little agreement; it'll get much harder for me to keep your actions secret otherwise.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "iori4">>
<<text>>With a nod, Iori ran out of the bathroom, leaving you completely alone. As you were about to leave, you noticed a photo the girl must've dropped amid the action.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/arcade/hentai8-image.webp">>
<<say "Terada">>Keep this one to remember your sensei by, Iori-chan~<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel your blood boiling as you looked closer at the photocard, making sure that the woman on it is one of the teachers—the one you had a crush on this entire time—Terada-san.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Why does this keep happening? I did so much for her...<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "5a">> Nobuyuki Sugou <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "5b">> Donovan Black <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "5c">> Torao Takabe <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "5a" || $gstage is "5b" || $gstage is "5c" || $gstage is "f1">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2">> Go to the second floor <</btn>>
<<if $gsceneV2 is undefined>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f1l">> Check the lockers <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "f1l">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f1">> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "f2">>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 2>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "office">> Enter your office <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery6-1 gstage 0>> Enter your office <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2c">> Visit Terada's classroom <</btn>>
<<if $gsceneV3 is undefined>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2t">> Check the source of noises <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f1">> Walk downstairs <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "office">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "f2c">>
<<if $gsceneV3 isnot 2>>
<<if ($gsceneV4 isnot 1)>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "terada">> Talk to Terada <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "terada2">> Talk to Terada <</btn>>
<<plugi "There is no reason to talk with those beneath me">> Talk to Terada-chan <</plugi>>
<<if $gsceneV2 is 1>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "aisawa">> Talk to Aisawa-kun <</btn>>
<<plugi "There is no reason to talk with those beneath me">> Talk to Aisawa-kun <</plugi>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "terada">>
<<btns Othersgallery6 gstage "terada1">> Roll Persuation <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "terada1">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2c">> Back off <</btn>>
<<if $gsceneV3 is 1>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "terada2">> Blackmail her <</btn>>
<<plugi "There is nothing you could blackmail her with">> Blackmail her <</plugi>>
<<if $gstage is "terada2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery6 gstage "terada3">> Roll Persuation <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "terada3">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "aisawa">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery6 gstage "aisawa1">> Roll Persuation <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "aisawa1">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2c">>...<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "f2t">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "iori">> Check cubicals <</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "iori">>
<<btns Othersgallery6 gstage "iori1">> Roll Strength <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "iori1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery6 gstage "iori2">> Roll Persuation <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "iori2">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "iori3">> Come to my office tommorow <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "iori3">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "iori4">> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "iori4">>
<<btn Othersgallery6 gstage "f2">> Exit to the corridor <</btn>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>And now we wait... Finally, I'll get to teach that brat Reina a lesson.<</someone>>
<<text>>Feeling happy with the result of your work, you return to your cozy lair, taking place behind your expensive table. You wait, and wait, listening to the monotonous ticking of the clock as the doubt begins creeping into your mind.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I'm certain that Terada-chan will keep her word. She wouldn't dare go against blackmail of such caliber... I'm sure of it.<</someone>>
<<text>>You decide that it would be nice to pour one out, just enough to calm your nerves, but as you reach for the bottle, a door finally opens, and an unhappy-looking girl finds her way inside.<</text>>
<<say "Reina">>Yo, Terada gave me a call ordering me to come see you. What's the matter, Senpai?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Reina-chan, please; you're in my office. Can't you be a little bit more well-behaved?<</someone>>
<<text>>Trying to make the girl feel more at ease, you stood up from your table and instead went to the couch, hoping for a more level-headed conversation. Reina, however, didn't seem too impressed.<</text>>
<<say "Reina">>Just tell me what you want. I really hope that I didn't miss out on a date with my boyfriend because you "just wanted to talk" or something.<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Please take a seat.<</someone>>
<<text>>Even when following your commands, the brat chose to act rebelious, continuing to chew her gum in front of you with a look full of disguast. You chose to ignore it for now.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>It seems that the rumor about you was correct. You do indeed skip classes, all in an attempt to have fun with your boyfriend. I'm, as a school counselor, worried about the decline in your grades, among other things.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>So?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Clearly, you're in desperate need of sex ED, because that behavior of yours is unacceptable.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Oh? You think I'm inexperienced?<</say>>
<<text>>A snarky smirk crosses Reina's face as she checks your physical appearance.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>Compared to a dirty virgin like you, I'm at my peak. You have nothing on me.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, that wasn't the first time you heard an insult like this addressed to you. The usual feeling of cold fury coming down enticed you, as you knew well that this brat would eat her words very soon.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Really now...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Let's see if you can prove it. One-on-one.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Huh? Are you trying to...<</say>>
<<text>>Genuenly shocked, the girl froze, unsure if she should laugh or scream at the audacity of your proposal. Relieving her of this choice, you snap your fingers, speaking out the magic spell.<</text>>
<<img "act2/arcade/hentai11-image.webp">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Hypnosis Level 1: Activate!<</someone>>
<<text>>For a moment, the room shone with all kinds of spiraling lights while the girl's gaze followed the tip of her finger, as if it were a black hole. When you ended the procedure, Reina's body seemed more relaxed, her eyes still glowing, eager to fight.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>What do you think now?<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Reina">>There is no one in this school more experienced than me, and I'll show you. I'll make you squelch like a little pig before I allow you to cum.<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but smile, seeing that your mastery of hypnosis had improved yet again. This time, you've managed to keep her spirit. And now you will have the satisfaction of breaking this young woman's body with nothing but your cock.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Huh, is that right?<</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start1.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>How do you like them apples, brat?<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Ah.. Huh.. Mmhmnh!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Reina">>It doesn't seem like you're experienced enough to handle the real deal now, does it?<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Pl-please... Have mercy... I can't...<</someone>>
<<text>>Not able to finish her thought, Reina's body quivered once again in a wave of euphoric plesure, her mind barely withstanding the onslaught of your swallen cock.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Doggy.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Oh? But your pussy says otherwise. I can hear it loud and clear, haha!<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Reina">>I'm melting! My pussy... It's so... Ah!<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>What? You've never experienced a cock like that. Huuuuh?<</someone>>
<<text>>The way a girl's slick honeypot sucked your cock back inside after every thrust spoke volumes to the forbidden pleasure Reina was experiencing. She was but a textboox definition of a brat, the one that needed nothing but a little push to show off her true colors.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>I'm... I'm... Aughh!.. You're the best... Just... Ah!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say "Reina">>No more... I'm going to... break...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Weren't you the one to boast about experience? And yet, now you can't even handle this "virgin cock". <</someone>>
<<text>>Your body kept moving without a thought; you didn't care about "being too rough" or if "her pussy could withstand it". The only thing of concern to you was teaching Reina a lesson she won't forget.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>Sen-sensei... So deep...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Do you think this is deep? I'll show you...<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>No! Forgive me! I'll do anything! Anything but that!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a swift motion, you snatched Reina's wrists, pinning her hard against the bed and thrusting your cock all the way down as you continuously slammed its head against the girl's cervix. The brat was locked tight in a mating press, and there was no way to escape it.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>This is nothing but a lesson, Reina-chan~ I'm simply doing my job.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Stop... You're breaking me... I'll never be able... To enjoy a regular cock...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 1>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Good. That means you're ready to learn.<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl's eyes rolled back as she stuck the tip of her tongue out, convulsing from an euphoric orgasm more powerful than any before that.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Reina">>Mhmh! Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>But you weren't planning on letting her go that easily. Slamming your cock against Reina's very sensitive slit, you pinned her shaking body with yours and recited the magic spell once again.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Hypnosis Level 1: Activate!<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Phew, we're running out of time today, aren't we, Reina-chan?<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Mm...Nn... A-ah~<</say>>
<<text>>The brat's correction continued for days and days on end, with her mind reduced to nothing more than a slave to her master. She stopped hanging out with her family and friends and is now using every opportunity to slip into your office for a new "lesson".<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Perehod.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Hey, hey, are you zoning out already? That won't do...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end1">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>You've been getting worse and worse lately... I'm doing all the work here.<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>S-sorry... Mhm~<</say>>
<<text>>Being so close, brat couldn't help but go for a kiss, connecting your lips with hers while letting out a barely audible hum full of pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Outro.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I guess at least your lips are doing something...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end2">>
<<say "Reina">>Uh... Right?.. So good...<</say>>
<<text>>The boiling sensation deep down your groin intensified as Reina's pussy squrmed once again, tightening itself around your chubby cock and adding some much-needed friction. You couldn't help but grin, guessing if Reina would be able to take it this time or not.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Outro1.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Prepare... I'm about to...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end3">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say "Reina">>Ah! I can feel it. Sensei's cock is...<</say>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Ghrh!..<</someone>>
<<text>>Not being able to withhold the smaldering heat of Reina's drooling pussy no more, your hands grasp around little Brat's thighs as you push your erupting member deep into her cervix, filling her womb to the brim.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Outro2.mp4">>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Hah... Ah...<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>Mhm... You came... Inside...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>The lesson is over. What do you think?<</someone>>
<<say "Reina">>...<</say>>
<<text>>Reina, however, was clearly in no condition to answer, lying motionless on the bed. You could see her legs continuously shaking while her pussy kept spasming, pushing some of your semen on the outside, making the mess on the sheets once again.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>Oooh?~ It looks like there is still a long road ahead of you, Reina-chan. There is no way I can give you a passing grade after you made the mess again.<</someone>>
<<text>>A grin appeared on your face while you imagined all kinds of degeneracy you could try on this submissive slave of yours.<</text>>
<<someone bastard $gsceneV1 author>>I'll book you an appointment for tomorrow...<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Othersgallery6-1 gstage $gstage+1>> Don't be like that <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Othersgallery6-1 gstage $gstage+1>> You need correction <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage $gstage+1 0 0>> Activate Ability <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "start" 10 25>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btneg Others-gallery>> Exit the simulation <</btneg>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is "cumw">>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "end" 10 30>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "end">>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "end1" 15 30>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "end1">>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "end2" 15 30>> Go hard <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "end2">>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "end3" 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "end3">>
<<btn Othersgallery6-1 gstage 4>> We're done <</btn>>
<<if $gcumw < 100 && $gsceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery6-1 gstage "doggy1" 10 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery6-1 gstage "missionary1" 10 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "doggy" 10 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "missionary" 10 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<if $gcumw > 70 && $gsceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery6-1 gstage "cumw" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Okay!<</say>>
<<text>>The first thing you saw when opening your eyes was the furry earpiece, making you think that it was indeed a cat. However, looking down, you notice that it is still Riley.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Mreeow! Trick or treat!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa...<</say>>
<<text>>The cuteness of Riley's silly behavior, coupled with the ounces of alcohol, made all kinds of emotions swirl deep in your stomach.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>H-hey...<</say>>
<<text>>Blinded by the impulse, you get up and pull the girl closer, locking your lips in a lusty dance of love. When Riley pulls away, you notice her smiling, clearly satisfied with your reaction.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>So do I get the candy now? I can't wait to feel it melt on my tongue.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not so quick, kitty. I don't give out my candy just to anyone...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<text>>With a smirk, you take a step back, ogling Riley's costumed body once more, noticing something missing.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Where's your tail? It doesn't seem like you have a belt to hold it.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha~ It's here, see?<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly turning around, Riley demonstrated her fluffy tail to you in all the details. Unexpectedly, the tail turned out to be a high-quality butt plug, and you could see the pink ring of the girl's butthole stretching each time she waved her bottom.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Just like a real kitty...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mreow!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Good one. Now lie down and relax.<</say>>
<<text>>Following your order without hesitation, Riley took a position on the floor, bending her legs to one side while showing off both of her pussy and tummy to you.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Let me rub that little pussy of yours. I can see it's dripping with juice, longing for my attention...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah... Nh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now that's the sound I like to hear~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... I wonder how you taste like~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh! My God... Ah~<</say>>
<<text>>When your tongue began running circles around the sensitive parts of the girl's fold, Riley was already moaning with pleasure, but you didn't stop there. With a heavy grip, you've begun pulling on the girl's tail, massaging her rear with its gentle movements.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Please... Mh! Give it to me.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>With a smirk, you stop, and a consoling gasp escapes from Riley's lips as she tries to hold you in place.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>H-hey! I was so close...<</say>>
<<text>>Standing firmly, you unziped your pants, proceeding to jerk off your manhood in front of the soon-to-be drooling girl.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I've got a snack you wanted, so be a good kitty and come take it~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You tease... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Riley">>Meow...<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold herself in the presence of your cock, the girl obediently pulled out her tongue, moving closer to you on all fours, mimiking a cat. You let a satisfied grin out when her dainty lips connected with the base of your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Start4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, baby... Keep it going.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<set $sgceneV1 to 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm... It feels so good in my mouth.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Only the best for my kitty~<</say>>
<<text>>Without breaking eye contact, Riley's lips continued moving up and down as her tongue kept caressing the sensitive part of your tip.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>You're liking this, right?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Riley">>I'll go deeper, then~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Please do...<</say>>
<<text>>With a giggle, the girl pushed herself all the way down, her lips now touching the base of your cock, sending electric-like sensations across your body and causing you to moan in pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ah... Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>All right, time to get rough for a second.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh? Oh!~<</say>>
<<text>>You get a good grip on Riley's hair, pulling her face against your cock, her and your own movements clashing, as with each pull you can feel the tip of your member pushing against the back of the girl's throat.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm~<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the face and the sounds the girl was making, she was quite a fan of your rougher approach.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, bend over.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Like this? Nh~<</say>>
<<text>>The warm sensation of Riley's walls rubbing against your cock made you groan with pleasure, only intensifying as you felt the preassure of the buttplug, currently occuping her other hole.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Keep... Going... Mmmh!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck! Oh fuck... I'm going to pass out...<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing a growing weakness in Riley's legs, you decide to give her a slight breather, halting your movement for a moment while embrassing her slim body with your hands.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I love you, $mc... Fuck, I love you... So much...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Shush~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 2>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh my God, yeah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's good, huh? You like it when I'm rubbing against the tail?<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Ye-yeah! You're filling me up... So good... It makes me want... Even more!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>More, you say...<</say>>
<<text>>As you're increasing the speed of your thrusts, one of your fingers slips, ending up inside the girl's mouth. Surprisingly, she instantly clings to it, sucking on it in a very dainty way, almost shyishly.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Mhhmm~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you naughty, naughty girl~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>>I'll give you some more, then!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm... Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>In a span of a few seconds, you went from choking the girl to stimulating her tongue with your fingers to kissing each other passionately, all the while she was moaning from each of your movements.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>So much... Of you... Makes me...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 2>>
<<say $mc>>You're so tight... Fuck...<</say>>
<<text>>While your arms were busy keeping a tight grip over the girl's ass, Riley used her free hands to make this experience even more pleasurable for her by rubbing her overstimulated clitoral area, moaning with each new thrust.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn, you're so cute...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Come here!<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling on the girl's arms, you pushed her against yourself, making Riley grab over your thighs, trying to balance herself against your relentless pace, almost falling in the process.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck! Fuck... Ah-ha... Mh~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>>Mh... I'm going crazy... For you...<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to contain your fascination over this girl, you slide out of her slippery hot sex, going for Riley's plump pinkish lips instead.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha~<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing2.mp4">>
<<text>>With a giggle, Riley responded to your affection by gliding her soft hands against your throbbing member before stroking along its girth fully, sending jolts of electricity up to your brain.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ngh... Mmh...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing3">>
<<say $mc>>All right... That's enough of this soft stuff.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mh?..<</say>>
<<text>>You push Riley against the wall, pulling her left leg high up, stretching her slit, and making her mewl with excitement as you begin thrusting your cock against her pelvix.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Standing3.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah! Ah... Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm nearly there. Fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah... Give it to your kitty~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add another word, Riley took position on her hands and knees, lying in front of the ceramic bowl. The view is so audacious and yet so erotic that with only a few strokes, you've recouped the peak.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fu-fuck! Agh... Huh!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm~ Yummy~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... I didn't think you'd be... Kinky like that...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Riley">>Mmm! Go on! I'm nearly...<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the growing tightness around your shaft as well as the increasingly loud mewl that kept escaping from the girl's lips, you kept the pace going despite the growing stiffness until...<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes-yes! Yes!.. Ahhh!<</say>>
<<text>>The girl's legs give out as her entire body shakes with sparks of ecstasy, her wet slit coiling around your stiff shaft, trying to squeeze you dry.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Phew. That was a loud one, haha.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah... You're amazing...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Shit... You're twitching like crazy.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ngh... Mh~<</say>>
<<text>>Placing a hand over the girl's neck, you felt her body giving in, ready for another orgasm. Not wasting any time, you pay full attention to her wet slit, kneeding and flicking the most sensitive parts of her clitoral area, making her meowl in excitement.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah, like this, like this! Ah!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw2">>
<<say "Riley">>That was so good...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about we make it double then?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh? But I just...<</say>>
<<text>>Without missing a beat, you slide your cock inside the still quivering walls, eager to send another wave of euphoria over this sweet, sweet girl, leaving her in complete awe at the end.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene2/Cumw2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>I can't... Even think... $mc...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your welcome, kitty~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage $gstage+1 0 5>> Kiss her <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Rileygallery2 gstage $gstage+1>> Check her costume out <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage $gstage+1 0 15>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage $gstage+1 0 15>> Lick pussy <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Rileygallery2 gstage $gstage+1>> Tease her <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "start" 10 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "blowjob" 10 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "blowjob1" 15 10>> Deepthroat <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "blowjob2" 15 15>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "blowjob2" 15 15>> Facefuck <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "blowjob1" 15 10>> Deepthroat <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "doggy1" 10 20>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "missionary1" 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "missionary2" 15 25>> Play with her tongue <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "standing1" 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "standing2" 10 20>> Kiss her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "standing2" 10 20>> Kiss her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "standing1" 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "standing3" 15 25>> Pick her leg up <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing3">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery2 gstage "standing2" 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "cumw1">>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "blowjob" 10 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "doggy" 15 25>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "missionary" 10 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "standing" 15 15>>Standing<</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "cumw1" 10 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "cumw2" 10 0>>Make her cum again<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns Rileygallery2 gstage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btneg Riley-gallery>>I'm done<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Riley-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<text>>An hour of casual stroll and flirtatious behavior later, still hugging each other, you get inside Kendra's house, with your pants bursting with primal desire to inseminate.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>Ho-ho, aren't you a little excited?<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering, you lock her puffy lips into a sloppy kiss, ready to take her on the spot. The woman doesn't fight back at first, but as soon as you attempt to slide her top, she takes a step back.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What?.. Come on, Kendra...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Just give me a second. I wouldn't want to ruin my last pair of semi-decent sportswear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I was just about to take it off myself.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">>Wait!..<</say>>
<<text>>Moving under a lusty spell, you tore down Kendra's pants, ripping the thin fabric by accident. Shocked by your daring action, Kendra froze for a moment.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/kendra4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, fuck. My bad.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>You... <</say>>
<<text>>Kendra's eyes lit up with some kind of devilish fire as she effortlessly pushed you over the couch.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Wait!..<</say>>
<<text>>Driven by the burning desire to avenge her clothing, the woman undone your pants, swiping them alongside your boxers in one motion, sending them flying across the room.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Take this!<</say>>
<<text>>Doing so, she placed her head a bit too close to your crotch, so your erect penis went full mast, clobbering her over the cheek.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, sorry, I didn't mean to...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh my, it's so hard already. No wonder you were so eager~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Kendra">>I'll take good care of you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes please!<</say>>
<<text>>Curling her fingers around your cock, Kendra's slippery lips embraced its girth as she pushed herself on it, reaching about the halfway mark.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>What do you want me to do next?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Lick my asshole; I'd love that.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Sure thing, honey~<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Mh... Oh yeah.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Don't forget about my balls too!<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ha-ha, how could I...<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Holy, you're the best...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>I know~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 2>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, now...<</say>>
<<text>>But even before you could finish your sentence, the woman let go of your slippery cock and lied down on the couch, perking her tight asshole upward.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>I know what you want. You can have it.<</say>>
<<text>>You didn't need convincing. Your wet tip pushed against the tight entrance of Kendra's anus, taking a second to enter as she struggled against its girth.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah, baby...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuck, it feels nice...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Want to taste it?<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm... Even better...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Kendra">>You're amazing... Oh shit!..<</say>>
<<text>>Having too much fun, Kendra pulled away a bit too far, causing your penis to slip out. Without skipping a bit, the woman turned, catching it with her arm and lubing it up with her own spit.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>No worries~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "oil">>
<<say $mc>>He-he, I have an idea...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm? Oh, I see~<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding to aid in your conquest of Kendra's butt, you pull out a lube-filled pump and slide it inside the woman's hole.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Oil.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mh~ Such a fuzzy feeling...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh my God! I love your...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? Can you feel it?<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuck... Yeah!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Christ... I want to see you gape.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>I don't mind~<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ah, fuck! So hot...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I'm cumming...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah, baby boy... Fill me up...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm cumming...<</say>>
<<text>>The sensation of Kendra's butt twitching as she milked your penis dry felt so good that you almost passed out for a second.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene2/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit... Ah...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>That was... Fun~<</say>>
<<if $gcumw > 99>>
<<set $gcumw to 99>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonKendragallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Take her clothes off <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonKendragallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Oh no! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "start" 10 5>> Fuck... <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gcum < 60>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "start2" 15 5>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "start1" 10 5>> Rimjob <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "start2" 15 5>> Lick balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "start1" 10 5>> Rimjob <</btnsb>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "standing1" 15 10>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gcum < 60 && $gsceneV1 isnot 2>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "start" 0 0>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "start3" 10 10>>Anal<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 2>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "oil" 0 0>>Oil her up<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "missionary" 20 15>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "cowgirl" 20 15>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "standing" 20 15>>Standing<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns PatreonKendragallery0 gstage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>>I'm done<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 2>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>> <<set $gstage to 2>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks available today...<</say>>
<<text>>As you look around for new targets, you notice two chicks chatting behind one of the tables. Well, to be more precise, a blonde girl was busy venting while the red-haired one was trying to listen but was clearly getting bored.<</text>>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Usually I avoid couples, but this can work.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking closer to the table, you can now hear exactly what the blonde girl is winking about, and by the looks of it, her friend just about had enough of it.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>...So yeah, he was a total creep. A weirdo, even...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2a">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, so you're a fan of Radiohead too? Good taste; that's a great band. Mind if I join the table?<</say>>
<<text>>The blonde choked on her own words, looking at you as if you were a walking lunatic. But before she could shoo you away, the redheaded girl interjected enthusiastically.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Red-headed Girl" kendra>>Of course, of course! It's always great to see a fellow alt-rock fan.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Marsh! I was just about to tell you the most fucked-up part!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you can continue. I don't mind; besides, stories are always more fun when shared with people, right?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Eh, I don't feel like it.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2b">>
<<say $mc>>How about I buy you all a drink, then?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Mhm...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, Sindy, I've been dying from thirst all evening... And we finally have a friend here.<</someone>>
<<text>>Judging by the looks the blonde girl was giving you, she clearly wasn't very fond of you. But, faced with the perspective of a free drink, she quickly caved in.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>All right. Bring me a bar card, then, and I'll have a good look since it's you paying...<</someone>>
<<text>>When the drinks were ready, you found yourself learning more and more about Marsh, all the while getting more physical and intimate. In the meantime, however, Sindy sat silent and became increasingly gloomy.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>That's why I really enjoy going to the beach early. A morning sun just hits differently, you know? And the boys are mostly cute at that time too.<</someone>>
<<text>> You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2c">>
<<say $mc>>So you're popular with the guys, aren't you?<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as those words left your mouth, you noticed an instant change in Sindy's expression, going from boredly glancing over the dancing crowd to an annoyed and spiteful look over at you two.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Marsh! I've finished my drink. I think it's time for us to change places.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Why? It's just started getting fun; I was about to go for a dance...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>And for me, this night was dreadful. I'm sitting here all alone while you are busy making up with him, and not even a single guy came up to me in the meantime.<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wonder why... Definitely not, because she's an insufferable bitch.<</say>>
<<text>>Uncomfortably shifting in place, Marsh reluctantly took her hand off your thigh, preparing to leave. The scorn coming off Sindy's gaze drilling deep into you was almost palpable.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2cc">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Sorry... But I think we'll go now.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>No problem. Friends always come first.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>At least you understand that. Let's keep moving, Marsh; if we're lucky, other bars haven't closed up yet.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>You right. Again, thanks for the drink... Fuck, I didn't even ask your name yet...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, it doesn't really matter. Have a good rest of the night, girls.<</say>>
<<text>>With a victorious look, Sindy picked herself up from the couch and, after making sure that she hadn't forgotten her purse, took Marsh under her hand, leaving towards the exit.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It looks like you just got scammed. Paid for the drink and left with the dick dry as a drybone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can't win them all, Greg.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2e">>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about? Sindy, the buff guy over there has been looking at you this whole time. I was certain you noticed that herself...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Wh-what? That 6'2 black dude was looking at me?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'm certain. You better grab the chance before he finds someone else to gaze over...<</say>>
<<text>>With the amount of confidence you put into this bold lie, Sindy didn't stand a chance. With a dumb smile plastered across her face, the blonde quickly touched up her hair and dress, ready to grab her metaphorical bull by the horns.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>You're very observant; I didn't even
notice... Maybe now she'll finally find a suitable partner.<</someone>>
<<text>> Few seconds later, amidst the dancing crowd, you catch a glimpse of Sindy flashing a black dude.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Looks like she's having fun... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2f">>
<<say $mc>>More importantly, now we have some time to dance, just like you wanted. Let's get moving!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, right!<</someone>>
<<text>>As the bass thumped through the speakers, you took Marsh by hand, leading her through the crowd of sweaty bodies into the depths of a moshpit. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Since your friend is having such a good time... How about we leave her here and go have some fun somewhere else?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>No, I'm not leaving her alone. Even though she can be unpleasant at times, Sindy is still my friend.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>And you're okay with her getting all the action while you sit there and wait?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Well... Ah!<</someone>>
<<text>>Lost in the middle of conversation, both you and Mash failed to notice a dude going a little crazy, as under the influence of the beat, he pushed himself against the redhead's back. <</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2g">>
<<say $mc>>Shit!..<</say>>
<<text>> Thankfully, your quick reflexes proved handy once again, as you managed to catch her fall, while not missing a chance on grouping her tight buttocks.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd7-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Got you! Don't worry!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm... You sure did~<</someone>>
<<text>>Unable to hold her excitement anymore, Marsh pulls herself closer, melting your lips together with hers in an exhilarating kiss. After a few long moments, she finally pulled away, her gaze locking with yours.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>I have an idea... I've heard about the little something in the stalls, just for couples like us... How about we check if it's true or not?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds fun... Let's do it.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2h">>
<<say $mc>>I hope it will work out...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Again? Jesus, pal...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Chill out, I'm just cheking... For curiosity sake. <</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. After opening the door, you leaned closer to the wall, peeping through the hole...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah! I can see her... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'll take a nap while you're busy.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2d">>
<<set $gcum to 30>>
<<set $gcumw to 5>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I hope this is Marsh and not someone else...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding in your temples, you stick your hard dick through the hole. An audible gasp comes from the other side.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Wow, you're much bigger than I'd expected...<</someone>>
<<text>>Biting the lip at the sight of your magnificent member, Marsh knelt on the floor before you and rashly began working on your tip, seemingly unbothered by the hardened floor.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh f-fuck! You really know what you're doing, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering your question, however, Marsh pushed herself deeper onto your spire, forsing yet another sound of pleasure from your lips.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2i">>
<<say $mc>>Actions speak louder than words, you know~<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh yeah?..<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking a moment's breather as a chance to entice you even more, Marsh continued her pleasuring assault on the most sensitive parts of your cock before swallowing it all the way, so you could feel your tip pushing against the abck of her throat.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn... I must admit, you've got some skills...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2j">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Hm?~<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking your words as a reason to show off, the girl bobbed her head back and forth repeatedly, building momentum while giving you the best blowjob of your life, sucking with just the right strength to make your knees weak.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Mn... You're a real cockslut, you know that? Ah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuh, I'm getting... Real fucking... Close...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2k">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>My time to shine~<</someone>>
<<text>>Seeing that you're right at the edge, Marsh decided to make use of her swift hands, stroking your shaft with grace all the while her trained tongue kept running circles around your sensitive tip until...<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Agrghhh!.. Fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>The pleasure overwhelmed both your mind and body as you leaned on the wall, knees weak and shaking, barely processing what was going on.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Wow. That's a lot. You must've been pent up the whole day, huh?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Wh-what? I guess... Fuck, this was good.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2l">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, you're not done yet, right? That wasn't all you've got...<</someone>>
<<text>>Marsh playfully kissed the overly sensitive tip of your still-throbing penis, sending an electric blast through your entire body.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Gah! .. Give me a second here; I didn't have an orgasm this explosive in a while...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, you're so cute when you're all vulnerable like that.<</someone>>
<<text>>Fearing a further escalation of action on your battled member, you pull it out of the hole and slide down to the floor, still trying to catch a breath.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Don't worry, I know how to wait... But in the meantime, how about you make me feel good for a change?<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2m">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Just give me your hand. The hole should be wide enough to pull it through, right?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<text>>Doing just as she said, you reach your hand to the other side, greeted with a soft feeling of the girl's breast. Without the need for any further direction, you begin playing with it, as the moan of pleasing escapes Marsh.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start4.mp4">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm~ You know how to pleasure a woman...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2n">>
<<say $mc>>I've trained my digits a lot. You could say they're magical even, ha.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, is that so? I think I know a better use for your fingers then~<</someone>>
<<text>>The feeling of slightly cold skin changes to something more warm and moist. Your fingers rub against the fabric of Marsh's underwear, searching for a way through, and when you finally slide between the puffy lips, you can hear the girl exhale in ecstasy.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start5.mp4">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm! Finally... Get it all in, baby...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2o">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Speaking of... I'm ready to go... How about you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Let me check.<</say>>
<<text>>You could still feel your cock aching from the latest discharge, but the feeling mostly subsided, and the member stood firmly in between your legs, ready to fuck.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, what are you, an old fart? You're young, and I know that there's no way I left you satisfied with just that~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, trust me, you're going to get it, bitch... I'll start slow, though.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Just pull it through allready~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "2p">>
<<say $mc>>Fine, take this!<</say>>
<<text>>But no sooner than you stick your cock back in the hole, the sound of a door violently opening, followed by a woman shouting, makes you shudder.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Marsh! You're here? I can't believe it...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>What? I'm... busy!<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Come on, you've been here for God knows how long already! It turns out this asshole is married and has like ten different loans... Doesn't have a single cent to spare!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Terll her to fuck off!..<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>No, sorry... All right Sindy, I'm coming out!<</someone>>
<<text>>The following sounds of the blonde bangin at the door have killed the mood completely. You pull your cock back out and, with a sigh, leave the girls to their business.<</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Gloryhole 2 */
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2a>> Sounds familiar <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2a">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2b>> How about a drink? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2b">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2c>>Really?<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2c">>
<<btnl Othersgallery8 gstage 2e GloryHole2Value 200 "That will require a lot of confidence" 0 0>> Make them stay <</btnl>>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2cc>> Catch you later <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2cc">>
<<btneg Others-gallery>> Leave <</btneg>>
<<if $gstage is "2e">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2f>> Let's dance <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2f">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2g>> Hey <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2g">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2h>> Now to the stalls... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2h">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2d>> Stick your dick in <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2l">>
<<btns Othersgallery8 gstage 2m 0 5>> Feel her out <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "2o">>
<<btns Othersgallery8 gstage 2p 0 0>> Fuck her now <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "2p">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage "2e">> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2d" || $gstage is "2i" || $gstage is "2j" || $gstage is "2k" || $gstage is "2m" || $gstage is "2n">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is "2d">>
<<btns Othersgallery8 gstage 2i 40 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "2i">>
<<btns Othersgallery8 gstage 2j 40 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "2j">>
<<btns Othersgallery8 gstage 2k 0 25>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "2k">>
<<btn Othersgallery8 gstage 2l>> Pull out <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "2m">>
<<btns Othersgallery8 gstage 2n 0 15>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "2n">>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> ... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Is that me, or is it super hot in here?<</say>>
<<text>>Despite the rather chilly wind on this night, you knew what she was talking about. You felt the same—the building-up feeling of scorching heat, deep down in your stomach.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Could be us... I feel the same thing after all~<</someone>>
<<text>>Before finishing her sentence proper, the blue-haired girl slipped, pulling down on your neck, as you barely managed to catch her fall. Now positioned directly in front of your face, she giggles when her lips darefully touch yours.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, you're so sweet...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Mhm... And you have a good reaction... I'm afraid I won't be able to come all the way home with shaky legs like those. I need to take this tension off. Right now.<</someone>>
<<btno gh3Exit stage 1>>Oh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>The alley seems empty enough, if that's all right with you.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Ah shit, I don't care at this point...<</say>>
<<text>>It turns out that drunkenly maneuvering themselves behind the corner of the club was much more of a challenge, and you almost crushed into the trashcan in the process.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/backside0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What the hell, how did I get that drunk after just a few shots of teqilla?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>It must've been really strong~ Now, please, help me get rid of my skirt...<</someone>>
<<btno gh3Exit stage 2>>Sure<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Sure... Give me a sec.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling your body weight increasing by the second, you went down on your knee and reached for the girl's skirt. But before your hand could even touch the fabric, the world around you suddenly went pale.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hm... Huh?..<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>And... just in time. That was too close for comfort~<</someone>>
<<text>>Those words were the last sounds you heard before the world came crumbling upon itself in a cacaphony of alien noises. And then there was nothing.<</text>>
<<btno gh3Exit stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<if $cash >= 500>>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've lost 500$! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>> You've lost $cash $! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to 0>>
<<set $gh3Exit to 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>...up! Kid!<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy's voice echoed through your head, forcing you to open your eyes, gasping for air. The pug stood before you as you lied on the floor, right between a puddle of liquid and a pile of garbage.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/backside1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Greg? What the fuck?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Bloody hell, kid. You made me really worry for a second; I was ready to run back to the club for a backup.<</say>>
<<text>>With great effort, you manage to slowly get up, propping yourself against the brick wall of a building. Your breath was slowly recovering as you slowly began recounting the events leading to this.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>The fuck... happened?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Not sure. You left the club so quickly that I didn't even notice you until you were gone.<</say>>
<<btno gh3Exit stage 4>>Recount the memories<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Me and that girl... We were about to fuck... But then I fell down.<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy suspiciously furrowed his brows and walked closer, sniffing the air coming off you.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You were fucked, all right... You reek from drugs.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? You mean she's a... No way.<</say>>
<<text>>As the reality of the situation begins to sink in, you rapidly check your pockets.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Take it easy, kid. <</say>>
<<btno gh3Exit stage 5>>Fuck!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Really? Is it what it feels like to get catfished?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Are you going to do anything about it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I think I could start asking the bouncer or the barmen about it. They should know something.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Are you sure about it? After that, the whole gang will learn about you fucking up and getting robbed by a chick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, right... Maybe I should think about it some more.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, but can you think about it in some other place? Those smells aren't bringing back the best memories for me.<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 NakedSExit1 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="map-back2">
<div class="map-container"></div>
/* system */
<<set $MapState to 0>>
/* Notify */
/* Patreon Notify */
/* Harlot Notify */
<<if $PatreonBakeryNotify is undefined && $DayAfterKendra is 1>>
<<set $PatreonBakeryNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if !$patreonQuestNameV0>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV0 to "Baker's Quest">>
<<if $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify is undefined && $NakedSIntro0 is 1>>
<<set $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify to 1>>
<<if $patreonQuestNameV0 isnot "Fresh Cut">>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added into the queue! Complete "$patreonQuestNameV0" in order to get access to it! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if !$patreonQuestNameV1>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV1 to "Yoga Time!">>
<<if $Patreon1BellaNotify is undefined && $NakedSIntro0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon1BellaNotify to 1>>
<<if $patreonQuestNameV1 isnot "Yoga Time!">>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added into the queue! Complete "$patreonQuestNameV1" in order to get access to it! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
/* Bella Notify */
<<if $Patreon0BellaNotify is undefined && $WedArcade0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0BellaNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
/* Patreon Sides Notify */
<<if $Patreon0KendraNotify is undefined && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0KendraNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
/* Quests */
/* One-time Story Quests */
/* ActOneFinal3 1 */
<<if $ActOneFinal3 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ActOneFinal3">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Betting on a blind guess might not be the wisest move, but who's going to do it if not you?
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Kendra's House
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* ActOneFinal4 1 */
<<if $ActOneFinal4 is undefined && $ActOneFinal3 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ActOneFinal4">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Daring Decision
<div class="quest-description">
Now that you've got the evidence you need, nothing can stop you. Right?..
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* ActOneFinal5 1 */
<<if $NakedSExit1 is undefined && $ActOneFinal4 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ActOneFinal5">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Wait up!
<div class="quest-description">
After dealing with these thugs, you feel better. Time to reap the rewards.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* ActOneFinal6 1 */
<<if $ActOneFinal6 is undefined && $NakedSExit1 is 1 && $ActOneFinal7 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ActOneFinal6">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Walking into your house, you reminisce about everything that happened. You deserve some rest in peace.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* ActOneFinal7 1 */
<<if $ActOneFinal7 is undefined && $ActOneFinal6 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/aj-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/aj-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ActOneFinal7">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Continuation
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to continue the story.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Running Late 1 */
<<if $TheCall0 is undefined && $NakedSIntro4 is undefined && $DayValue is 5 && $ValSide0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/val-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/val-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NakedSIntro4">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Running Late
<div class="quest-description">
As you were finishing up your business, you remembered about planned date with Val.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* the call */
<<if $TheCall0 is undefined && $DayValue is 5 && ($ValSide0 is 0 || $NakedSIntro4 is 1)>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NakedSIntro4-1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Call
<div class="quest-description">
Chatting to Riley, you suddenly received a mysterious phone call...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* NakedSIntro5 1 */
<<if $NakedSIntro5 is undefined && $TheCall0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NakedSIntro5">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
The Ring
<div class="quest-description">
The time has come for you to be accepted as one of the Leeches. Adriana is waiting for you.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon Quest */
/* PatreonBakery0 1 */
<<if $PatreonBakery0 is undefined && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "PatreonBakery0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>'>>
<<notify 6s>> That's patreon only quest! <</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Baker's Quest
<div class="quest-description">
When you take Grigoriy out, you get an unexpected proposition...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Sharlote's Bakery
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Bella0 1 */
<<if $Patreon0Bella0 is undefined && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Bella0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Yoga Time!
<div class="quest-description">
Passing by the gym, you get a craving that is not easy to satiate...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Member Gym
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon1Bella0 1 */
<<if $Patreon1Bella0 is undefined && $Patreon0Bella0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/bella-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/bella-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon1Bella0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Two for One!
<div class="quest-description">
Passing by the cafe, you get a craving that is not easy to satiate...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* PatreonYeeYeeAss 1 */
<<if $PatreonYeeYeeAss0 is undefined && $PatreonBakery0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/lauren-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/lauren-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "PatreonYeeYeeAss0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Fresh Cut
<div class="quest-description">
It might be time to get a "fresh cut". Rumour has it that bitches like that sort of thing.
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Kendra */
<<if $Patreon0Kendra is undefined && $BlockSideMap isnot 1 && $DayValue < 6>>
<div class="map-window map-position-culture patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Kendra0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Unexpected Encounter
<div class="quest-description">
An unexpected encounter happened while you were walking through the city...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Activity Hubs */
<<if $timeM < 4 && $NakedSIntro5 is 1 && $DayValue < 6>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NakedSIntro3">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-description">
Visit stripclub to enjoy some quality time.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* StripClub Day5+ */
<<if $timeM < 4 && $DayValue > 5>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "ClubMain">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-description">
Visit stripclub to enjoy some quality time.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* MinimarketShop */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $DayValue > 5>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $DayValue > 7 && $RileyDebtPayed is 1 && $RileyEvent0 isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "RileyEvent0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "RileyMarket">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Day Job
<div class="quest-description">
Come and spend some time with Riley. This time you might even get paid.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Pizza */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $DayValue > 5>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $DailyPizzaVisited isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "PizzeriaEnter">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "PizzeriaEnter">> <<set $stage to 1>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Pizza Time
<div class="quest-description">
You should go and check on the girls at Rooster's Egg. Who knows, they might need a helping hand.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* NicoArcade */
<<if $DayValue > 5 && $timeM < 4>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/nico-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $item2 isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NicoShop">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "NicoArcade">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Gaming Hours
<div class="quest-description">
Spend some time relaxing in Nico's arcade. Who knows, maybe you'll beat his record this time?
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Rest0 1 */
<<if $Rest0 is undefined && $NakedSIntro5 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/grigoriy-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GoSleepActTwo">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Time to get some rest.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* AlexisScene3 */
<<if $PostAlexisScene3 is undefined && $PreAlexisScene30 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/alexis-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $PreAlexisScene31 is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "PreAlexisScene3-2">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "PreAlexisScene3-1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Freaky Time
<div class="quest-description">
Alexis is waiting for you at the bar. Don't keep her waiting!
<div class="quest-time savannah">
The Bar
<div class="quest-border"></div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see what we've got here today...<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as you placed yourself into the seat, the stipper, noticing a newcomer, welcomed you with a gentle smile, moving in a way so that you could get the best angle on her blossoming body.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Start.mp4">>
<<someone gina "Stripper" kendra>>Hello sweetie. I hope you're having a nice evening.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it definitely just got better. Can you remind me of your name?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>It's Gina, silly... With a capital G, ha-ha~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... You're packing heat, girl!<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Oh yeah, I know... And that's just a part of it~<</say>>
<<text>>Still moving to the beat of the music, the girl knelt on stage, showing off her perfect bubble bum just to entice you even further.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder... Would you mind doing it here, with everyone else in the room?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Ha-ha... sir, if you're interested in that kind of entertainment, I'll be happy to oblige.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl smiles, now having your full attention.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>500$, as per usual. Pretty cheap, all things considered, isn't it?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spend 500$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>For me, money is never a problem.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, you pull out a few 100$ bills and slip them on the side of Gina's g-string.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/gina0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Gina">>A generous patron is always welcomed here. I'll make sure to make you feel good.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, the woman waved at the bartender, who nodded in return, changing the music to a more sedate beat. Gina quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned back to you.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>Follow me, sweetie. Today I'll be your little stepdaughter, awaiting her punishment...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking notice of your prolonged silence, the girl takes it for a "no" and moves back to the pole, now focusing on earning tips from other, more generous clients instead.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club17-image.webp">>
<<someone someone "Middle-aged Man" dick>>Hell yeah! Move your bubble butt, Gina!<</someone>>
<<say "Gina">>Of course, you guys...<</say>>
<<text>>You sat there for a few more minutes, deciding to watch the show from the sidelines. Without active participation, however, you quickly begin feeling bored.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal, do you think we should move? I bet there's plenty of other bitches in this place.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $FreeStripper to 0>>
<<say $mc>>You know, the boss promised me a "free trial," so to speak...<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing how confidently you uttered those words, the girl shot a questioning look at the bartender, who nodded in return.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/gina0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Gina">>Oh, so you met Adriana? Well, if she said so...<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, Gina quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned back to you.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>Follow me, sweetie. Today I'll be your little stepdaughter, awaiting her punishment...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene7", true)>>
<<say $mc>>Kinky. Is this your thing, or?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>I'm the youngest out of all the other stuff, so I get that a lot.<</say>>
<<text>>Biting her lip, the woman kneeled before you on a soft floor and began undoing your belt buckle, examining the bulge closely.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, and what are you doing there?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Helping out my Daddy, of course~ You must be very tired, coming this late from work and all.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say "Gina">>Now let's see if Daddy is willing to play with his little stepdaughter today~<</say>>
<<text>>Despite this slightly akward dirty talk, you felt the spike of excitement deep in your belly, and when Gina finally managed to shove down your pants, letting erect shaft jump to freedom, almost smaking her over the face with it's girth,<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>My God! You're already so big...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, taking you for my would-be stepdaughter did do the trick... Ignoring the non-existent age gap, of course.<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>That makes it all the more fun, doesn't it? Mghm...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>Ooh...<</say>>
<<text>>Not wasting any time, Gina, as if she were nothing more than a hungry beast, pushed herself deep onto your cock with such dedication that it almost made you cum on the spot. Noticing your tightness, however, the girl smiled and, giving you a momentary breather, covered your groin with kisses.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Mhmm... Daddy is really pent up today, isn't he? Don't worry, I'll make it last.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fucking... Hell... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>I think it would be better if I took control over here.<</say>>
<<text>>Now that that momentary weakness has passed, you put one hand over Gina's head as she smiled eagirly and opened her mouth wide, knowing well what'll happen next.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>Of course! Daddy can do as he sees fit.<</say>>
<<text>>With a confident thrust, you slit yourself across her wet tongue, forcing a hot, rasping grunt out of the girl's lips. You didn't stop there, instead picking up a rougher tempo and rocking Gina's head back and forth with every thrust.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Hmhrp... Mhm... Hurf!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like this... Like this!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<say "Gina">>Ah... Huh!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling yet another shudder, you pull your cock out of the girl's mouth, slapping and smearing it across Gina's slutty face.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Damn! Look at the mess you've made...<</say>>
<<text>>To your surprise, Gina didn't do as much as flinch, instead slobbering all over your already wet cock, her tongue dancing piruetes around your sensitive tip.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh my God, this is so hot...<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>I told you, I'm ready to do whatever it takes. For my Daddy...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start5">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, Daddy's little girl is a messy little slut.<</say>>
<<text>>Saying those words, you could feel a tightness around your chest, but at the same time, there was no denying that it turned you on even more. Now fully under the lusty spell of sex, you were reduced to something less, something primal.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob4.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Amhmm~ <</say>>
<<text>>Agreeing with you, Gina curled her fingers around your slippery shaft and, after making a few strokes, plunged deep into it once more. Seeing her head bobbing, you couldn't help but grab onto her hand, forcing your member all the way down and holding it in place for a few seconds.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You've made Daddy proud.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start6">>
<<say "Gina">>That makes me happy too.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the weakness in your knees, you take a step back, falling onto the comfortable couch.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob5.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Oh, Daddy must be really close now... I'll be gentle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, go on...<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of Gina's hot lips embrasing around your throbbing member made your head go for a spin as you let out a deep and heavy groan, filled to the brim with pleasure.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm almost...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start7">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say "Gina">>Ah, I wonder... Would Daddy be kind enough to finish it on my face?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you've acted as a good little girl so far...<</say>>
<<text>>Summoning the reminder of your strength, you stand up while the girl takes her position, eagerly awaiting her reward. And with a few swift strokes pushing you over the edge, you shudder, leeting out a deep and long groan, lost completely in an ocean of euphoria.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob6.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Oh my... Fucking God... Ah... Huh...<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Mhm, Daddy's semen is so tasty today~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<set $StripperFuck to 1>>
<<say "Gina">>I just can't let it go to waste like this.<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft smile, Gina pulls closer to your now slightly flaccid cock and, with a gentle touch of her lips, starts cleaning it up, her tongue sending electric signals right to your brain with each little twirl.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Gina, please, I'm really sensitive.<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Oh, I know... But it feels good, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It sure does... God damn...<</say>>
<<text>>By the end of the procedure, you were lying on the couch, completely exhausted, barely holding onto your unsteady breath. The only thing you could hear was Gina giggle, which seemed very distant, despite her gently caressing your member.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>It was a lot of fun. You can take your time resting, but I have to go now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay then...<</say>>
<<text>>With one last affectionate kiss on your cock, Gina picked herself up and moved to the exit. The next dozen or so minutes you spent in a weary dream, after which you found yourself rather rejuvenated.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>An amazing blowjob and a great nap? This deal just keeps getting better and better.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 1>> Enjoy the show <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $FreeStripper is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 3>>I have a coupon<</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 500>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 4>>Pay her<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Pay her<</plugi>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 5>>I ain't paying that<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 6>>Oh yeah?<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 6>>Oh yeah?<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<if $DayValue > 5>>
<<btn ClubMain stage 0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start1" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<if $DayValue > 5>>
<<btne ClubMain stage 1>> Leave <</btne>>
<<btne NakedSIntro3 stage 0>> Leave <</btne>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start1" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start2" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start3" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start4" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start4">>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start5" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start5">>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start6" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start6">>
<<btns OthersScene7 stage "start7" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start7">>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 7>> ... <</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $ActOneFinal0 to 1>>
<<if $LaundrySide0 isnot 1>>
<<set $LaundrySide0 to 0>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 1>>
<<set $timeM to 2>>
<<say "Dick">>Why do I feel like I'm being watched all of a sudden?<</say>>
<<text>>The man on the screen carefully examined his surroundings, searching for anything that could've prompted his sudden anxiety.<</text>>
<<say "Dick">>What is this now? The fuck?<</say>>
<<text>>You feel your spine shiver as you lock your gaze with the man on the other side of the camera. There was no doubt that Dick caught on to the presence of your little spy.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/finale2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Nico">>Why the fuck is he suddenly all suspicious over a stupid plushie? Shit, not like this...<</say>>
<<text>>But just when Dick was about to get a better look at the plushy you were watching him through, a sudden noise of a phone ringing broke up the tension.<</text>>
<<say "Dick">>...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Is it yours, $mc?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal2 stage 1>>No...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>It's his. Watch.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a few steps back from the plushy, Dick reached into his back pocket, pulling out a phone. Judging by his change of deminor once he looked at the number of a caller, it must've meant business.<</text>>
<<say "Dick">>Yes?.. I'm still waiting, yes. Tommorow? Why?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who is he talking to?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>No idea...<</say>>
<<text>>Pacing back and forth, Dick focused all his attention on the call. Some of his matters were too serious, so the camera's cheap microphone wasn't able to pick them up at all.<</text>>
<<say "Dick">>We agreed on today's evening... Fuck no, of course I'll be there... Yes, and I better see you there too.<</say>>
<<text>>Having finished the call, Dick let out a heavy sigh, pulling his phone back into his pocket. To your luck, it seems that this conversation made him forget about the suspicious-looking plushy outright as he moved straight for the safe.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal2 stage 2>>Look closely<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Now watch closely... Enhance! Fuck, even with this I can barely see the digits...<</say>>
<<text>>Breathing sharply, you tried your best to grasp the combination Dick was entering. But your brain refused to cooperate, and so your eyes stared at the now-opened vault door.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>1206199... Damn, I didn't catch the last one.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me neither. Damn it!<</say>>
<<text>>This was bad. You still remembered from Nico that the safe would lock itself out after three failed attempts and alert Dick.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>What now? Even on a replay, I can't make sense of the number...<</say>>
<<text>>A cold feeling of despair wrapped its loving arms around your chest. In spite of it, however...<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal2 stage 3>>I'll guess<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>I'll just have to guess the last number.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Are you crazy?<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold his anxiety anymore, Nico jumped from his stool, knocking it down in the process, as he grabbed his hair in desperation.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>If you fuck up, he'll think it's my mom doing... Or mine. Fuck, there's no telling what he'll do then...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Relax, Nico. With three attempts, there's a 30% chance of success.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Are you hearing yourself? You are asking me to bet everything on a 30% chance?<</say>>
<<text>>Panicking when it's time to act... You've felt a wave of cold fury rising up from your stomach, reminding yourself that this was the reason you weren't hanging out with Nico much after school.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal2 stage 4>>Get him<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Would you prefer to continue living your life as a fucking failure? Allow this dickbag to abuse you. To abuse your mom?<</say>>
<<text>>With one look over Nico's glass-eyed expression, you knew that you hit the spot. He just stood there in silence, contemplating the reality of his life.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>Shit. What the fuck did I do to deserve this?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Stop pitying yourself, dude. You don't have to do anything; just trust me.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>But...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm the one risking my ass there; what do you think will happen if Dick catches me?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal2 stage 5>>Huh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing pretty, that's for sure. But I have to act now, while we still have a chance at all.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few more moments of delibiration, Nico let out a sigh and turned his gaze to you, giving you an answer. Despite his shaky voice, you felt a spark of conviction that began taking root within the depths of his heart.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>All right, $mc. All right. Do it your way.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, it seems like your message finally went through...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks man. Just sit here and wait for my call. I might need some clarification when I get there. I'm promising you, Kendra, that you will be free by the end of the night.<</say>>
<<text>>Having no time to spare, you picked up your bag and rushed to the exit, Grigoriy following in your footsteps behind.<</text>>
<<say "Nico">>Good luck, $mc. I'll cross my fingers...<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 ActOneFinal2 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "housekendra">>
<<addclass "body" "citycountryside">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid... Damn... I'm getting winded...<</say>>
<<text>>Despite being out of breath yourself, you continued your mad rush towards Kendra's house, only stopping when its fence was 10 feet away. Despite your fingers shaking, you managed to put Nico's phone number in, making a call.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Nico?.. I'm basically there... Did Dick leave the house, or do I need to sneak around again?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>He walked out 15 minutes ago or so. I heard him arguing with someone over the phone; I was not sure what it was about.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's good...<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 1>>Knock on the door<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "housekendra">>
<<addclass "body" "citycountryside">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, come on... Nico, Kendra doesn't answer the door.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Damn... Maybe she's in a bath? You could try walking around the house; she usually leaves the backdoor open.<</say>>
<<text>>Shrugging your shoulders, you spad down on the stairs and, with a confident step, began circling around the house.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I sure hope that she didn't leave the house outright. Fuck, I thought she would be smart enough to guess that I'd need her help getting into the house.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>I'll try calling her in the meantime.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, you go do that. Call you later.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 2>>Use the backdoor<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>Closing in to the back entrance of Kendra's house, you notice a sound of water running and a barely audible ringing of a phone in the background.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It looks like Nico's theory is correct.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>He's Kendra's son after all; it would be weird if he didn't know her habbits.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hope he was right about the door too.<</say>>
<<text>>Thankfully he was, and as you pushed on the side of a handle, the door quetly slid away, allowing you to enter the house. The lights in a bathroom are on, so you can go say a word to Kendra if you so desire.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What are we doing next, pal?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Go straight for the safe<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Talk to Kendra first<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Let's go straight for the safe. Better be done with it quick; who knows what can happen if we loiter too much?<</say>>
<<text>>Reciting the path from memory, you navigated the house of Kendra as if it were yours, soon stepping inside the office with a large safe.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Now... Fuck, what was the code again?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It starts with 1206199. Choose the last one.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say $mc>>Let's go say hi to Kendra first.<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding that it would simply be rude to trespass on a woman's territory without letting your presence be known, you confidently walk into her bathroom, just as Kendra makes her last preparations before getting into the bath.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kendra/kendra8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh my God! You've scared me!<</say>>
<<text>>Catching a glimpse of your reflection with a corner of her eye, the woman turns, covering her aple breasts with her arm.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>What are you doing?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 4>>I called you<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>That's my line. I've been calling you for the past 10 minutes. It's a life-or-death situation; I'll let you know!<</say>>
<<text>>But even though you're annoyed, you can't help but marvel at the natural beauty of Kendra's body. She notices it and proceeds to pull down her black underwear, revealing her puffy sex for you to see.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra9-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I'm not joking around. You know it's urgent.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>What, now I can't even tease you? I need some relief too; I've been super stressed today with Dick around. He seemed to be unusually paranoid, too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if everything goes right, you won't see him anytime soon. If ever.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>God, I hope so.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 5>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Kendra">>You remember where the office is, right, honey?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll figure it out. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold while running around the place butt-naked.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>So very thoughtful of you~<</say>>
<<text>>You smile, watching as Kendra drops herself into a bath, her skin glistening with the wetness of water.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kendra/kendra10-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, it's not time for this, remember? Keep moving.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 6>>Go to the safe<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, yeah. You're right. Let's go for the safe now, it's not going to crack itself. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>And you'd better to do it quickly. Who knows what can happen if we loiter too much.<</say>>
<<text>>Reciting the path from memory, you navigated the house of Kendra as if it were yours, soon stepping inside the office with a large safe.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Now... Fuck, what was the code again?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It starts with 1206199. Choose the last one.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>>With shaking fingers, you enter the combination, with buttons responding to each press with a loud and distinct *beep*.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Did it work? Try pulling on the handle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>O-okay...<</say>>
<<text>>Suddenly feeling dryness in your throat, you pull on the handle and...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's locked!..<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, I doubt that it jammed. Try another.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe this time...<</say>>
<<text>>With shaking fingers, you enter the combination, with buttons responding to each press with a loud and distinct *beep*.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let it work. Let it work.<</say>>
<<text>>Still feeling dryness in your throat, you pull on the handle and...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Still nothing?.. Fuck! This is our last attempt!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>All right then. Let me do it, kid.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 9>>Let him cook<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>>With shaking fingers, you enter the combination, with buttons responding to each press with a loud and distinct *beep*.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Did it work?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Open the door; I've heard a click.<</say>>
<<text>>Trusting the words of your friend you pulled on the handle, the safe opened. The stolen cash from the gang was inside, along with Dick's receipt book.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Okay, now grab the reciet and head straight for Naked Snake. We'd better hurry.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 12>>Sure, but first...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe this time...<</say>>
<<text>>With shaking fingers, you enter the combination, with buttons responding to each press with a loud and distinct *beep*.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let it work. Let it work....<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Open the door; I've heard a click.<</say>>
<<text>>Trusting the words of your friend as you pulled on the handle, the safe opened. The stolen cash from the gang was inside, along with Dick's receipt book.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Okay, now grab the reciet and head straight for Naked Snake. We'd better hurry.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 12>>Sure, but first...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Do you know the code?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Better.<</say>>
<<text>>Trusting in your dog, you pick him up, allowing his paws to touch the pad. After a second thought, the pug enters the combination.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Open the door; I've heard a click.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug told the truth, and as soon as you pulled on the handle, the safe opened. The stolen cash from the gang was inside, along with Dick's receipt book.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Okay, now grab the reciet and head straight for Naked Snake. We'd better hurry.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 12>>Now it's mine<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<set $cash to $cash+500>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 500$! <</notify>>
<<text>>With quick movements, you take out a wad of cash along with the receipts
and put them into your bag.<</text>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>If this asshole is going down, no one will notice a few bucks missing.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hurry up before....<</say>>
<<text>>Just as you're about to leave the house, the front door opens wide, giving you barely enough time to get back to the office.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dick">>Bitch! I'm done with my meetings and shit. You know what to do.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What the fuck?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hide, quick!<</say>>
<<text>>Following the pug's advice, you take cover behind the massive table, praying to God that Dick won't think to check the safe.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>O-oh? R-really?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 13>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say "Dick">>You don't sound too happy. What's wrong? Didn't I teach you about how you should behave in my presence?<</say>>
<<text>>The sound of Dick's footsteps grew louder as he got closer and closer. You held your breath, and even Grigoriy did the same, covering his nose with his little paw.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>...<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>What? Are you that desperate for another lesson?<</say>>
<<text>>You felt a sense of relief, followed by a spike of anxiety, as you saw a glimpse of a shady figure passing by the office and heading straight for Kendra's bedroom.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, now Kendra's in trouble...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>There's nothing we can do, pal. There's no way you stand a chance against him in a fight.<</say>>
<<text>>Sadly, you knew the pug was right. The only option you had was to continue hiding, waiting for the right moment to present yourself.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 14>>Keep hiding<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<say "Dick">>Oh yeah, I hope you're ready... I might only have 15 minutes to spare, but I'll make the most of it.<</say>>
<<text>>Following those words was a short silence, quickly broken by the sudden sound of someone's phone vibrating.<</text>>
<<say "Dick">>Fucking hell, another dumbass refuses to pay up? What's up with today? It's like those morons finally grew a pair or something.<</say>>
<<text>>You barely have time to duck behind the table to avoid being spotted by Dick on his way back to the streets of Grand Vena. Before the door closes, he manages to spew out one last threat addressed to Kendra.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/finale7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dick">>I'll get to you later, bitch! Don't think I'll forget it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sweet Lord Jesus Christ... That was lucky.<</say>>
<<text>>For sure, remember to thank your guardian angel for that. Speaking of, I think we should see how Kendra's doing after all that.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 15>>Kendra!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, right!<</say>>
<<text>>Getting out of your cover, you hurry to check up on Kendra. When you enter the bathroom, you find her standing in a tub, looking at the night's sky, lit up with white-stained day lamps.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>This man... No, this thing is not a man. It's vermin. vile creature. You can't imagine how much I despise him.<</say>>
<<text>>Much like her quiet voice, you notice that Kendra's face is unusually solemn. The whole situation felt strangely intimate, as if you just happened to peek behind a curtain.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>And yet, I was ready to sell my body to him just now. Again. All that just to make sure you'll get through the safe.<</say>>
<<text>>You never saw Kendra so hurt and tortured. You tried to come up with something to put her at ease, but deep down, you knew that no word would be able to make her feel better.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal3 stage 16>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say "Kendra">>Please, make it stop. You've got the evidence you wanted, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...Yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, Kendra lets out a sigh, steps out of the bath, and picks up a towel, beginning to wipe excessive moisture from her silky smooth skin.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Then it's up to you now. Good luck. I'm going to take a nap now.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the woman turns away ready for you to leave. But you just couldn't, not before you had your the last word.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It will be over. Tonight. I'll make sure of it.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Thank you, $mc... Thank you. You can come see me tomorrow. Just let me recharge a bit.<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 ActOneFinal3 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is "3a" || $stage is 6>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>1<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>2<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>3<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>4<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>5<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>6<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>7<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>8<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 9>>9<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 7>>0<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>1<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>2<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>3<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>4<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>5<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>6<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>7<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>8<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 10>>9<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal3 stage 8>>0<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>You feel it too, right, Greg?<</say>>
<<text>>As you walked down the street, a deep sense of unease sank deeper and deeper in your stomach.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What exactly? Good weather? Wind? Relax, kid; the worst part is already behind you.<</say>>
<<text>>But as you marched forward on the dimly lit street, three familiar figures appeared from behind a corner, confirming your sense of unease.<</text>>
<<img "act1/gopniki0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Asshole">> Oi, lads! Is 'this who I think it is?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal4 stage 1>>Just as expected...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I told you I felt something amiss...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>More like you smelt the shite in the wind, pal.<</say>>
<<text>>As usual, the bandits tried acting as menacing as they could, their ugly mugs grinning wide as if they saw a fairy come to life.<</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> So, city boy, since we've been such good pals, how about you return our kindness?<</say>>
<<say "Twat">> With the fat wad of cash you're carrying, of course. Don't be a pisser'.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal4 stage 2>>Come on now<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Guys, come on... You've already shaken me for five grand earlier; why would I have money now?<</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> We're ain't stupid, cunny.<</say>>
<<say "Twat">> Yeah, we've seen you working your ass off for the whole week. There's no way you're light on cash.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step forward, the asshole-leader of this thug group menacingly cracked his knuckles.<</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> That's right. Not in this city. So spit it, wanker.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It's like they're trying to speedrun the insult dictionary... I don't think we can reason with them, kid.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ActOneFinal4 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Give them money<</btn>>
<<if $StrengthCounter is 1>>
<<btn ActOneFinal4 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Fight for it<</btn>>
<<plugi "Your current strength isn't enough. Maybe you should have trained more?">> Fight for it <</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've lost 500$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, so you want money, right?<</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Damn staight.<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding a ribbon from the $500 roll you'd borrowed earlier out of Dick's safe, you pull it out of your bag, showing it to the thugs.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That's all I have. You can have it; just don't hurt me, okay?<</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> Smart. Now hand it over.<</say>>
<<text>>But before this cunt finished lifting his hand, you threw the stack at his face, banknotes flying all over the street. Seeing that, twat got on all fours, trying to scramble as much money as he could before it flew away, rest of his group joining behind.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal4 stage 4>>My bad<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say $mc>>...Fuck. All right, take it away. I'm not planning on getting beat up today.<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, you take the bag off your shoulder and drop it on the ground. The asshole in charge scoffs and, taking a step forward, begins rummaging through your belongings.<</text>>
<<say "Asshole">> <<if $item4 is 1>>Whiskey... <</if>><<if $item3 is 1>>Plus-Ultra... <</if>><<if $item2 is 1>>Screwdriver... <</if>>Cash... Wait, is that... You fag, he has Dick's...<</say>>
<<text>>But before he is able to finish his sentence, you take the initiative, landing a flying knee right into the bastard's face, instantly dropping him.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale8-image.webp">>
<<say "Twat">> What the hell... Oi, man! Get up!<</say>>
<<text>>While one of his twats just stands there with his mouth open, another one starts charging at you with his fists ready.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal4 stage 5>>Greg!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Whops... Sorry, my hand slipped.<</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> You're a bloody psycho... Guys, grab as much as you can before it flies off!<</say>>
<<text>>Now that their attention had turned fully to collecting money from the ground, you took a step back, trying to make as much distance between you as you could before you started running.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale13-image.jpg">>
<<say "Twat">> Dude, he's getting away!<</say>>
<<say "Asshole">> It doesn't matter; just get the money!<</say>>
<<text>>You ran and ran, only stopping when you were completely out of breath. Leaning over the street lamp, you were greedily inhaling the night's wind while the pug looked at you proudly.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That was a good call, kid. There is no way they would let you go if you simply handed them money. I think it's safe now, and the Naked Snake is really close.<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 ActOneFinal4 1>>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Greg, take him down!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>On it!<</say>>
<<text>>With loud barking, the pug jumps on the rapidly approaching thug, making him trip. Not letting this opportunity go by, Grigoriy Furher gets onto his chest and starts tearing his jacket as if he were a pure-plooded buldog.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Who's my little bitch now, huh? Huh?~<</say>>
<<say "Twat">> Shite... You'll pay for this!<</say>>
<<text>>Despise his loud mouth; you can see that the last guy standing barely has any fight left in him. You easily counter his punch, unleashing the combo Ricardo taught you earlier. When you're finished, only you and Grigoriy are left standing.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale9-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Ha... Ha... Oof.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Holy fuck, kid... Don't forget to thank that Ricardo guy when you see him, yeah?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal4 stage 6>>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Thats right... There's no way I'd be able to handle this heat if it weren't for him.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking another look at those lying sacks of shit, you can't help but spit in disgrace. Now that adrenaline has begun to dissolve, you can feel that something is not quite right with your leg.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ouch.. Shit, now my knee hurts. Owie...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It'll hurt a lot more if we keep standing around. I doubt those boys will be knocked out for long.<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy was right; already, you could see one of the twats trying to get on their legs. Luckily for you, he was failing miserably for now.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah. Fuck those pricks... Let's go. <</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 ActOneFinal4 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, the place looks livelier than usual...<</say>>
<<text>>As you enter the main room, your eyes squint, disturbed by the bright pink neon lights. As per usual, the strippers are busy performing under the money showers, twerking their butts to the loud music, and the bar shines as a lone beacon of calmness.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Thankfully, there's barely anyone at the bar. I wonder if Adriana told the bartender about our deal.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't miss your chance while he's free, kid.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 1>>Yep<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Right.<</say>>
<<text>>Without even taking a glance at the stripers, you move straight over to the extraodinary bar. Noticing you from afar, the bartender waves his hand, asking you to follow him right away.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Hey $mc. Glad to see you; Adriana has been waiting for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm happy to see you too. I came here as fast as I could; it wasn't easy, let me tell you that.<</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, you shake the bartender's hand and follow him through the eerie-looking gate. The red, almost blood-soaked appearance of the corridor makes you feel a little bit quesy.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Yeah, I get it. <</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 2>>You know everything?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>So, has Adriana told you everything? About Dick and...<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Please spare the details; I'm just a guy. And I much prefer to keep it this way.<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing a man's dry tone, you get the feeling that this topic wasn't in the best taste.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... Okay.<</say>>
<<text>>After a dozen seconds or more of silence, you reach the end of the corridor, where the bartender invites you in.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">> There. Adriana inside. <</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 3>>Enter the room<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Well, there goes nothing...<</say>>
<<text>>This time, the velvet room isn't empty, as you notice Adriana behind her desk, looking through some kinds of documents while playing with her steel stilleto. Hearing you come in, the woman spoke, continuing her work.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>Thank you for bringing him here. You can go now.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Yes maam~<</say>>
<<text>>With a bow, the barmen hurriedly leave the room, but not before giving you an encouraging bump on the shoulder.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>I take it you came with good news today?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 4>>Something like that<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Ye-yeah...<</say>>
<<text>>Clearing your throat with a cough, you take a few steps closer to Adriana's table, suddenly feeling very confident under her inquiring gaze.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>$mc is trying to say that he's got the evidence.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Hm... Show me, then. Don't be shy.<</say>>
<<text>>Following the direct order, you pull Dick's receipts and place them before Adriana. The woman carefully flips through the pages, still holding her blade in between her fingers.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What do you think? That has to be enough, right?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>This... It does look convicting; I can say that much already. I'll have to check the paperwork thoroughly.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 5>>What about Dick?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>So, what about Dick, then? You're going to hold him for the entire time of your investigation?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Oh, yeah. About that.<</say>>
<<text>>Adriana shut the book with a dull thud, placing it into one of her table's many drawers, and turned her full attention to you.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>I've set up preparations, but he's still nowhere to be seen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wh...<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could even make your complaint audible, Adriana must've sensed that her words offended you, quickly clarifying what she meant in detail.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Don't worry, I'm not going back on my word. Now that you've seen your part of the deal go through, it is indeed my turn.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 6>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Adriana">>As for you getting the role of district caretaker, you'll have to wait.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Paperwork, I presume?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Yes, Grigoriy, all as usual. The boss needs to give his agreement, and the previous caretaker needs to be dealt with.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How long will it take?<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Adriana takes a good look at her own reflection on the blade before hiding it in its sheath.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Depends. I'll set up a few hunting parties, but there is no telling when they'll get Dick. It could be done by tomorrow, or it could take a week.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 7>>Anything else?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<text>>Ready to leave, you fling your backpack over your shoulder, Grigoriy waiting at hand.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I see... Anything else I should know?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>No, but take my phone number. And if anything happens you call me.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing a change in your expression, Adriana sighs and gives you a thousand-yard stare.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/adriana1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>Don't even think about calling me about anything not related to business. I'll castrate you in seconds.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hey, doesn't this kid deserve a reward for all his hard work?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal5 stage 8>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Adriana">>I guess you're right. $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>Adriana takes a second to examine your phisiqye thoroughly, as if trying to gage the price of a slab of meat on the market. After what felt like eternity, she nods and pulls out a convert.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Consider today's night out on me. Have fun! I bet you'll make quick work of this money here.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a closer look at the convert's insides, you find $1,000 in cash, freshly minted.<</text>>
<<set $cash to $cash+1000>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 1000$! <</notify>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>God damn! That's a lot...<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Then go and have fun in my club. I'll contact you when everything is ready.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage "0a">>Leave Adriana's office<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $ActOneFinal6 to 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "corridor">>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit... This was a long fucking day, wasn't it?<</say>>
<<text>>Finally beating the stairs, you drifted to the door of your flat, searching your pockets for the keys. Suddenly, the pug alerts you with a bark, looking in the dark of the corridor behind you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/finale10-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What? <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I smell something... We're not alone.<</say>>
<<text>>Before he was able to finish his warning, a large figure seemingly manifested out of nowhere, kicking the poor dog across the corridor, back where you came from.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Auuuuf!..<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>Fucking bitch!<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal6 stage 1>>Greg!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "corridor">>
<<say $mc>>Greg! You're oka-<</say>>
<<text>>With an ear-piercing whistle, Dick's knuckles flew a milimeter away from your face, as you barely were able to dodge the incoming hit.<</text>>
<<say "Dick">>Stand... still!<</say>>
<<text>>With his next hit, a man's fist crashes through the door of your apartment. Despite successfully dodging both of his hits, you were now pinned between Dick's massive frame and a broken-up entrance into your flat.<</text>>
<<say "Dick">>You fuck... Now you're mine...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Chill! Can't we just talk this out? ..<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal6 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Dick">>I'll make you pay!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling as if you've been blacked out for a second, you find your body in the middle of flying through the door, crashing with your ribs against the hard floor of your home.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale11-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Ghah!..<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>You fucking bitch... You think I wouldn't learn about your little plan?<</say>>
<<text>>The heavy steps of the man rang hollow in your head as you tried to pick yourself up. But as soon as his heavy boot connects with your ribs, sending you sliding a few meters away with its force alone, you decide it would be best to stop your futile attempts.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal6 stage 3>>How?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>H... How...<</say>>
<<if $StrengthCounter is 1>>
<<say "Dick">>Those fucks might've failed to stop you, but at least they've warned me about the receipts you stole from me.<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>I saw the money my boys took from you. They were marked, so I went straight to the safe and saw that you stole my receipts to boot. You're greedy fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing him boast so brazenly, you wondered what his ugly face looked like now, but due to the sharpness of the pain you felt, your eyes refused to focus, showing a red blur instead. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">>And then I've got a call from Adriana. I instantly knew what was up. I should've dealt with you sooner...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, man... You don't have to... Not now...<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>Oh, I don't have to do this, all right. I'm going to mutilate you because taking revenge is the greatest thing a man can accomplish.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal6 stage 4>>Kick him in the gut<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Eat... This!<</say>>
<<text>>Unfortunately, your shallow kick bounced off Dick's body like a brick wall, only making him laugh at your expence. <</text>>
<<say "Dick">>And I will enjoy every second of it...<</say>>
<<text>>In spite of your pleads, you feel Dick's fingers wrap around your neck with great pressure, as if they were a mighty oak's roots.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale12-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>St-stop... Gh...<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>...<</say>>
<<text>>The last thing you hear is the cracking of your own neck bones. In the moments that follow, the blood pressure in your head becomes unbearable and your sense of reality slips away for the final time. <</text>>
/* <<text>>And then you heard your own neck bones cracking, the blood pressure in your head becoming unbearable. The feeling of reality slipping away was strangely soothing, making it seem like dying, or even living, wasn't such a big deal in the grand scheme of things.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>All right, let's go, Greg.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Are you sure you don't want to try and hang out with some of the girls over here? It's been a long day, pal, you might need it.<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence ensued as you weighed the lure of easily available sex against the weight of your own exhaustion.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'm just saying, I'm sure there are new bitches around this time...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 0>>Sure, why not<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSExit1 stage 1>>No, I don't need it<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $GloryHole is 2 && $StripperFuck is 1>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'm good now.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Of course you are, kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I don't think so.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Your choice, pal, your choice.<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you are about to leave the strip club, you manage to bump into the bouncer. Surprised, you still take a step back, even though you know there was no need to be overly cautious.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/bouncer0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bouncer">>Move on<<if $BouncerRep is 2>>, $mc<</if>>. Don't rattle the entrance. <</say>>
<<btno NakedSExit1 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, right...<</say>>
<<text>>Following procedure, you quickly exited the building, glancing sideways at the big guy left behind you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>I had no idea he'd be so well-behaved. Adriana must have given him an earful last time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No doubt about it. She's very strict about work ethics and rules.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just like someone else I know...<</say>>
<<text>>The smell of the night air and the image of empty city streets filled your heart with a soothing calm. It felt really good to finally confront your fears.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Now all that's left is to get a good night's rest. You've earned it, kid. <</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 NakedSExit1 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see what we've got here today...<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as you placed yourself into the seat, the stipper, noticing a newcomer, welcomed you with a gentle smile, moving in a way so that you could get the best angle on her blossoming body.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Start.mp4">>
<<someone gina "Stripper" kendra>>Hello sweetie. I hope you're having a nice evening.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it definitely just got better. Can you remind me of your name?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>It's Gina, silly... With a capital G, ha-ha~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... You're packing heat, girl!<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Oh yeah, I know... And that's just a part of it~<</say>>
<<text>>Still moving to the beat of the music, the girl knelt on stage, showing off her perfect bubble bum just to entice you even further.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I wonder... Would you mind doing it here, with everyone else in the room?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Ha-ha... sir, if you're interested in that kind of entertainment, I'll be happy to oblige.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl smiles, now having your full attention.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>500$, as per usual. Pretty cheap, all things considered, isn't it?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>For me, money is never a problem.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, you pull out a few 100$ bills and slip them on the side of Gina's g-string.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/gina0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Gina">>A generous patron is always welcomed here. I'll make sure to make you feel good.<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, the woman waved at the bartender, who nodded in return, changing the music to a more sedate beat. Gina quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned back to you.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>Follow me, sweetie. Today I'll be your little stepdaughter, awaiting her punishment...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking notice of your prolonged silence, the girl takes it for a "no" and moves back to the pole, now focusing on earning tips from other, more generous clients instead.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club17-image.webp">>
<<someone someone "Middle-aged Man" dick>>Hell yeah! Move your bubble butt, Gina!<</someone>>
<<say "Gina">>Of course, you guys...<</say>>
<<text>>You sat there for a few more minutes, deciding to watch the show from the sidelines. Without active participation, however, you quickly begin feeling bored.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal, do you think we should move? I bet there's plenty of other bitches in this place.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>You know, the boss promised me a "free trial," so to speak...<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing how confidently you uttered those words, the girl shot a questioning look at the bartender, who nodded in return.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/gina0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Gina">>Oh, so you met Adriana? Well, if she said so...<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, Gina quickly picked up the remaining money from the stage and turned back to you.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>Follow me, sweetie. Today I'll be your little stepdaughter, awaiting her punishment...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Kinky. Is this your thing, or?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>I'm the youngest out of all the other stuff, so I get that a lot.<</say>>
<<text>>Biting her lip, the woman kneeled before you on a soft floor and began undoing your belt buckle, examining the bulge closely.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, and what are you doing there?<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Helping out my Daddy, of course~ You must be very tired, coming this late from work and all.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say "Gina">>Now let's see if Daddy is willing to play with his little stepdaughter today~<</say>>
<<text>>Despite this slightly akward dirty talk, you felt the spike of excitement deep in your belly, and when Gina finally managed to shove down your pants, letting erect shaft jump to freedom, almost smaking her over the face with it's girth,<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>My God! You're already so big...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, taking you for my would-be stepdaughter did do the trick... Ignoring the non-existent age gap, of course.<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>That makes it all the more fun, doesn't it? Mghm...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>Ooh...<</say>>
<<text>>Not wasting any time, Gina, as if she were nothing more than a hungry beast, pushed herself deep onto your cock with such dedication that it almost made you cum on the spot. Noticing your tightness, however, the girl smiled and, giving you a momentary breather, covered your groin with kisses.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Mhmm... Daddy is really pent up today, isn't he? Don't worry, I'll make it last.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fucking... Hell... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>I think it would be better if I took control over here.<</say>>
<<text>>Now that that momentary weakness has passed, you put one hand over Gina's head as she smiled eagirly and opened her mouth wide, knowing well what'll happen next.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>Of course! Daddy can do as he sees fit.<</say>>
<<text>>With a confident thrust, you slit yourself across her wet tongue, forcing a hot, rasping grunt out of the girl's lips. You didn't stop there, instead picking up a rougher tempo and rocking Gina's head back and forth with every thrust.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Hmhrp... Mhm... Hurf!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like this... Like this!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<say "Gina">>Ah... Huh!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling yet another shudder, you pull your cock out of the girl's mouth, slapping and smearing it across Gina's slutty face.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Damn! Look at the mess you've made...<</say>>
<<text>>To your surprise, Gina didn't do as much as flinch, instead slobbering all over your already wet cock, her tongue dancing piruetes around your sensitive tip.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh my God, this is so hot...<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>I told you, I'm ready to do whatever it takes. For my Daddy...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start5">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, Daddy's little girl is a messy little slut.<</say>>
<<text>>Saying those words, you could feel a tightness around your chest, but at the same time, there was no denying that it turned you on even more. Now fully under the lusty spell of sex, you were reduced to something less, something primal.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob4.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Amhmm~ <</say>>
<<text>>Agreeing with you, Gina curled her fingers around your slippery shaft and, after making a few strokes, plunged deep into it once more. Seeing her head bobbing, you couldn't help but grab onto her hand, forcing your member all the way down and holding it in place for a few seconds.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You've made Daddy proud.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start6">>
<<say "Gina">>That makes me happy too.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the weakness in your knees, you take a step back, falling onto the comfortable couch.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob5.mp4">>
<<say "Gina">>Oh, Daddy must be really close now... I'll be gentle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, go on...<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of Gina's hot lips embrasing around your throbbing member made your head go for a spin as you let out a deep and heavy groan, filled to the brim with pleasure.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm almost...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start7">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say "Gina">>Ah, I wonder... Would Daddy be kind enough to finish it on my face?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you've acted as a good little girl so far...<</say>>
<<text>>Summoning the reminder of your strength, you stand up while the girl takes her position, eagerly awaiting her reward. And with a few swift strokes pushing you over the edge, you shudder, leeting out a deep and long groan, lost completely in an ocean of euphoria.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene12/Blowjob6.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Oh my... Fucking God... Ah... Huh...<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Mhm, Daddy's semen is so tasty today~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say "Gina">>I just can't let it go to waste like this.<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft smile, Gina pulls closer to your now slightly flaccid cock and, with a gentle touch of her lips, starts cleaning it up, her tongue sending electric signals right to your brain with each little twirl.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Gina, please, I'm really sensitive.<</say>>
<<say "Gina">>Oh, I know... But it feels good, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It sure does... God damn...<</say>>
<<text>>By the end of the procedure, you were lying on the couch, completely exhausted, barely holding onto your unsteady breath. The only thing you could hear was Gina giggle, which seemed very distant, despite her gently caressing your member.<</text>>
<<say "Gina">>It was a lot of fun. You can take your time resting, but I have to go now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay then...<</say>>
<<text>>With one last affectionate kiss on your cock, Gina picked herself up and moved to the exit. The next dozen or so minutes you spent in a weary dream, after which you found yourself rather rejuvenated.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>An amazing blowjob and a great nap? This deal just keeps getting better and better.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Othersgallery7 gstage 1>> Enjoy the show <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Othersgallery7 gstage 4>>Pay her<</btn>>
<<btn Othersgallery7 gstage 5>>I ain't paying that<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Othersgallery7 gstage 6>>Oh yeah?<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Othersgallery7 gstage 6>>Oh yeah?<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn Others-gallery gstage 0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start1" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btnegp Others-gallery>> Leave <</btnegp>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start1" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start2" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start3" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start4" 15 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start4">>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start5" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start5">>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start6" 20 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start6">>
<<btns Othersgallery7 gstage "start7" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start7">>
<<btn Othersgallery7 gstage 7>> ... <</btn>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="map-back2">
<div class="map-container"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-rus">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hospital">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-mine">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-gym">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-restaraunt">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-arcade">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Suburbs6">> <<set $stage to 4>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
A Magic Date
<div class="quest-description">
Time to make your dreams come true! Kait is waiting for you...
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $StripperFuck to 0>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
<<set $DayValue to 5>>
<<set $StateMC0 to undefined>>
<<set $GloryHole to undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRngOld to $CrowdRng>>
<<for ; $CrowdRng == $CrowdRngOld ; >>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0, 3)>>
<<say "Dick">> Grh!..<</say>>
<<text>>But as soon as the Death itself loses its grip, the force of life, taken in with a single sharp breath, makes your heart go wild. Summoning every ounce of your lifepower, you channel them into a single punch, swinging your hand wildly.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Haaah! Ah... Ha...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Oh my God... What have I done?<</someone>>
<<text>>One by one, sensations begin returning to your body, and you find yourself standing on your knees, grasping onto your own brused neck.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I'm alive...<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 1>>Look around<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "AJ">>No, no, no, no... This is not happening...<</say>>
<<text>>When you finally gather enough strength and willpower, you open your eyes, squinting from the unbearable light. Before you stands a familiar-looking woman, seemingly distressed.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/aj0-image.jpg">>
<<say "AJ">>Shit, is he even alive?<</say>>
<<text>>Near her, amid the broken bottle shards, lies a motionless body of man, whom you can vaguly recognize as a beaten and bruised Dick himself.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 2>>It's allright<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>I...<</say>>
<<text>>But before your raspy throat can utter a sound, AJ already reaches for him, placing her head over his chest and cheking for a heartbeat. Despite feeling silly, the only thing capturing your attention in that moment was her round and perfectly shaped butt.<</text>>
<<img "act1/aj1-image.jpg">>
<<say "AJ">>Shit! He does... Fuck-fuck-fuck...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>R-relax... It's okay...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Oh?! $mc? You're okay?! Thank Godness! <</say>>
<<text>>Noticing that you're awake, Aj quickly rushed to your side, helping you to pick himself up. Catching a glimpse of a broken door, you begin piecing together the events of the past few minutes.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 3>>Was it you?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Wh-what happened? Did you?..<</say>>
<<text>>With your throat brusing, you couldn't quite finish the sentence, instead nodding towards the unconscious thug. Somehow, AJ looked even more shocked than you, biting down on her lips with insane persuasion.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Well... Kind of... Yes. Just don't tell anybody, okay? What was I thinking? He has a rep with the gang.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not anymore. Don't worry about it.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Huh?..<</say>>
<<text>>AJ's face lit up with all kinds of conflicting emotions, ranging from distrust to relief and everything in between.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>You sure?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 4>>Absolutely<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, in fact, this is exactly the reason he tried to kill me right now. Fuck, this was close...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Ah!.. So he's done?.. Like done-done? Ha... Ha-ha...<</say>>
<<text>>At the sound of the news, AJ broke down into a fit of nervous laughter, processing the situation. You decide not to bother her, instead akwardly shuffling towards the kitchen sink, getting a mothfull of cold tap water.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's divine intervention, no doubt about it... AJ? I need a rope.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I've got you covered, pal.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning to the sound of a familiar voice, you're greeted by Grigoriy holding a long piece of rope in his mouth.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 5>>You're good too?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Greg? Thank God you're okay...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Of course I am. But fucking hell, this punk sure knows how to kick.<</say>>
<<text>>Grigoriy took a few steps closer to Dick, sniffing him with a disguasted look.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I would show this "petuh" his place in the style of my brothers, but I would hate ruining our floor any further. Tie him up before he gets up.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm on it...<</say>>
<<text>>Finished making sure that Dick won't be able to move when he wakes up, you pull out a phone, searching for Adriana's number.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 6>>Call Adriana<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say "Adriana">>Yes? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Adriana? It's me, $mc; I've got Dick.<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence, followed by the muffled sounds of something being scribbled on paper, was your only answer.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>So...<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>I'll send my people to take him. Good job, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, cool. I've tied him up, but who knows what he'll do when he wakes up?..<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>It's okay; you don't have to worry about it anymore. You've done more than enough. I'll give you a call.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>She didn't even say goodbye... Ah, whatever. AJ, how are you?<</say>>
<<text>>Turning back to the girl, you notice that she almost stopped sobbing but is still sitting with a smile on her lips. She gave off the vibe of a well-painted but fragile porcelain doll.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/aj2-image.jpg">>
<<say "AJ">>I'm great, but... It just sounds too good to be true. I still can't believe it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You should. Now all that's left to do is wait for the right people to come and collect this piece of shit.<</say>>
<<text>>A hint of worry appeared on AJ's face as you mentioned the "right people" and "collecting".<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Then... do you mind if I go now? I think I've had enough extremes for the day.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 7>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ActOneFinal7 stage $cstage+1+"a">>I'll escort you<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal7 stage $cstage+1+"b">>I'll stay with Dick<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "8a">>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'll escort you, just in case. Greg will guard the place.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Oh, thanks; that would be nice.<</say>>
<<text>>With a small chuckle, the girl picked up her belongings, and the two of you moved into the corridor.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>You know, I'm literally one floor above you, so come by if you need something. Usually I'm home in the evenings.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good. Thanks for covering me today; you saved my life. Really.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Nah, I'm sure you'd do the same.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 8>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn ActOneFinal7 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Tell the truth<</btn>>
<<btn ActOneFinal7 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Make up a lie<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "8b">>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'll stay here; I have to guard this motherfucker in case he decides to run away.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Well, that's okay. Have a nice night.<</say>>
<<text>>With an awkward smile and a shuffle, AJ left the room, leaving you and Grigroiy alone.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What do we do now?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I don't know. How about we talk about some movies, then?<</say>>
<<text>>The next few minutes you've spent in a relaxed manner, talking about the topics vaguely connected to reality,<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>...And then he shot him in the head—can you imagine? Right in the fucking car, in-sane. So yeah, that movie was rather cool.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 15>>Yeah, that sounds fun<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "9a">>
<<say $mc>>Uh-uh...<</say>>
<<text>>With a weak smile, you've reminisced of your first night in your flat. When you've heard a woman screaming directly above your room and chose to do nothing.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/aj3-image.jpg">>
<<say "AJ">>Well, anyway, thanks for taking me by. I hope you're looking forward to tomorrow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, what are you talking about? Am I forgetting something?<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Don't worry about it. Just come by Kendra's house; I'm sure you'll get it then~<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, AJ closed the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 14>>Return to your flat<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "9b">>
<<say $mc>>That's right; of course I would.<</say>>
<<text>>Despite remembering how on the first night of sleeping in your flat, you knew that you'd changed from back then, and this time, you wouldn't make excuses for not helping your neighbor in need.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/aj3-image.jpg">>
<<say "AJ">>Ha-ha, I knew that you're a brave one~<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing the rising exhilaration in AJ's eyes, you step in, softly embrassing her in a warm hug, feeling the warmth of her breath against your cheek.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Ouch... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Was I too rough for your liking?<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>No, it's just that my bruise didn't heal completely. The one Dick...<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 11>>Don't worry about it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>It's all good now, and I'm going to make it even better.<</say>>
<<text>>Putting a stop to this chatter, you pulled AJ's closer, giving her a spicy kiss, which soon ended with a playful bite on her puffy lower lip, eliciting a loud moan in response.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/aj4-image.jpg">>
<<say "AJ">>W-wait...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why should I?<</say>>
<<text>>Any further futile and almost playful attempts by the girl to stop you only encouraged you more, your hand sliding along her veloptrous curves. Until she finally slipped, taking a step back, grasping for air.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Come on, give me a moment to breathe at least, Jesus~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like hell, I will~<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 12>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say "AJ">>Okay then~<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could continue your onslaught on the now half-naked neighbor, the phone in your pocket began vibrating vildly, grounding your mind from the lusty heaven back onto pragmatic earth.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Who the hell?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>$mc? Where the fuck are you? My men are waiting at your door.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit, my bad. I'll be there in a sec. I went for... To take a piss. Give me a second.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>...<</say>>
<<text>>Having hung up the phone, you turn to AJ with a smirk.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 13>>I have to go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<set $ActOneFnl13AJtrust to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I got to run. See you later, then...<</say>>
<<text>>Trying to entice you even more, AJ pushed her peaking through the open shirt chest slightly forward, showing off one of her plump breasts in all its glory.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>You mean tomorrow? I hope you're as excited as I am.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, what are you talking about? Am I forgetting something?<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Don't worry about it. Just come by Kendra's house; I'm sure you'll get it then~<</say>>
<<text>>Getting pepped up by the phone that began vibrating anew, you wave your hand to AJ and head towards your flat.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right then, I'll take your word for it! Bye!<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 14>>Return to your flat<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>>God damn, what happened here? No way.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Soothing Voice" dick>>And where's the star of the day? Doesn't he know that it's rude to make his dear guests wait?<</someone>>
<<text>>The voices grew louder and louder, and you guessed that those people must've been sent by Adriana. Walking inside your flat, you were proven right.<</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/jack0-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/bouncer1-image.jpg"></div>
<<say "Bouncer">>There he is. Huh, I've expected him to be a bit bigger, handling Dick alone like that...<</say>>
<<say "Jack">>Big muscles aren't everything, my friend; if anything, it's just a further proof his talent. And Adriana has a good eye for it.<</say>>
<<text>>There was no doubt about it: the man before you was Jack himself. A myriad of thoughts rushed through your head; after all, how could Adriana trust Dick's accomplice to "handle" it?<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have a piece of food stuck to my cheek or something?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 16>>Ehm...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds like I should get some time off and see it too; it sounds rather fun. How did you say it was called? Peak fiction or something?..<</say>>
<<say "Bouncer">>God damn, what happened here? Did you... No way.<</say>>
<<text>>Startled by the sudden voice of an intruder, you turn your gaze over to the non-existent door, seeing two familiar faces. The ones you didn't think you'd see today.<</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/jack0-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/bouncer1-image.jpg"></div>
<<say "Bouncer">>So Adriana wasn't joking; he really did knock him out.<</say>>
<<say "Jack">>She never does. Sorry for intruding, pal, but we just couldn't keep ourselves from seeing it in person.<</say>>
<<text>>There was no doubt about it: the man before you was Jack himself. A myriad of thoughts rushed through your head; after all, how could Adriana trust Dick's accomplice to "handle" it?<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have a piece of food stuck to my cheek or something?<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 16>>Ehm...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's just... I took you for someone else I know, that's all.<</say>>
<<text>>With a forced smile, you took a step forward, stretching your hand out to Jack.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm $mc. Thanks for getting here so quickly.<</say>>
<<say "Jack">>Don't worry about it; we're just showing good manners by showing up on time, that's all.<</say>>
<<text>>Accepting your handshake, Jack smiled in a friendly manner, but you weren't so sure of its genuine nature. Not after what you saw him do on a tape.<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>I'm Jack, and this is...<</say>>
<<say "Bouncer">>My name doesn't matter. We'd better start packing this cunt soon; wouldn't want Adriana to get all pissy again.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 17>>Need help?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<say $mc>>Need any help with that?<</say>>
<<text>>Jack and Bouncer exchanged looks.<</text>>
<<say "Bouncer">>I think we're fine.<</say>>
<<say "Jack">>Get some rest, $mc; there's no reason for you to strain yourself any further. We've got this.<</say>>
<<text>>Having reached for Dick's face, Jack gave him a few backhanded slaps, but in spite of that, the unconscious man remained motionless.<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>Damn good job you did here... I'm afraid he's in no condition to walk. Friend, would you mind taking his torso? I'll take care of his legs.<</say>>
<<text>>With a nod, Bouncer grabbed the unconscious body under his hands and lifted it up. Jack followed, and soon they were out of your flat, with debrees being the only memory of what happened.<</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 18>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<say $mc>>What do you think, Greg?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Think of what?<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling the phone out of your pocket, you stared at Adriana's number, wiggling your options.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>About Jack. I could call Adriana right now while the iron is hot; he was Dick's accomplice after all.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Dumb idea. We don't have anything on him. There was nothing concrete that he wouldn't be able to wheeze out of.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't you think it's at least worth a try?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I don't. Trust me, getting a rep of a snitch is the last thing you would want. Dick was one thing, but trying to do the same with Jack won't end well.<</say>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 19>>All right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<say $mc>>Okay then. Fuck, that's a lot of garbage in the room...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>We'd better talk with Kendra about the missing door tomorrow too. She's your landlord, after all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Right... You go hit the bed; I'll do a quick floor sweep and join you soon.<</say>>
<<text>>The Pug was quick to do so, falling asleep before you had even picked up the broom. The next dozen or so minutes that you spent cleaning the room left you completely exhausted by the time it was over.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That was easier than I thought... <</say>>
<<text>> As you fall onto the bed, your eyes close and your mind flash out every single thought, leaving you in a state of bliss. <</text>>
<<btno ActOneFinal7 stage 20>>Get some rest<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<say $mc>>Ah... Ahcho!..<</say>>
<<text>>Woken up by the sudden feeling of cold, you quickly get up and get clothed even quicker, eager for a hot cup of tea to warm your body up.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oi, kid! I hope you didn't mind me joining you in bed today. It was really chilly, and I didn't want to get sick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's fine.<</say>>
<<text>>Sipping a hot drink definitely made you feel better, and in a few minutes, you were already planning your day out. You had only two things on your mind; seeing Kait and Kendra.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now that all is done, I can face Kait without anything holding me back...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, just don't forget to drop by Kendra's house. The earlier, the better; I would hate to spend another day freezing to the bone because of the lack of the door.<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 ActOneFinal7 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $WdHm3CallKait is 1>>
<<set $KaitCounter to 1>>
<<set $KaitCounter to 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "shoprandom">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, it still feels kind of surreal...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>In what way, pal?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All of it, really. Me getting here on whim, trying to change my life around... All that shit that happened with Dick... And the fact that now it's back to "normal".<</say>>
<<text>>Passing across the street to the hospital, your eyes are caught by the colorful front of the flower shop.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/flowers0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Thinking about buying a bouquet? I bet your girl is a big lover of gifts and flowers.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, well... Me and Kait did have quite a few weddings in all of these different MMO's we were playing, and she was fond of it back then.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Go inside<</btn>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>She doesn't need one<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<say $mc>>Oh God, the smell... So good.<</say>>
<<text>>As you entered the shop, the sweet scent of flowers enveloped you, while your eyes were bound to the colorful petals and delicate blooms on display, which seemed to breathe life into the space itself.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/flowers7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Whoa... Look over there, pal. This is quite an artsy place...<</say>>
<<text>>Following the pug's direction, you glanced over one of the photos on the wall. The beauty on display made you forget to breathe for a moment, overwhelmed with the sensation.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/flowers3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Holy... shit. Whoever runs this place sure knows a thing or two about marketing.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>And it looks like there's more in the room ahead.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage 2>>Go for the check-out<</btn>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage 3>>Explore more art<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<removeclass "body" "shoprandom">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<set $kaitBouquet0 to 0>>
<<say $mc>>It just seems a bit too shalow. Too cliche...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Then don't worry about it so much. If she's a keeper, she's into you for who you are, and no amount of gifts will change that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My thoughts exactly.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking away from the shop, you went straight for the hospital entrance. But before you could enter, the pug stopped you.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'll stay here, kid. They probably don't allow dogs inside anyway.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I could always say that you're my support dog... You just don't want to see my girlfriend, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>More like, I don't want to intrude on the two of you. Yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, the pug walked towards the sunny spot on the street and got comfortable.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 0>>Enter the hospital<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe some other time. I came here to buy a boquete for Kait, not explore the works of art. Even if it's sensual.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step forward, you were greeted by the friendly-looking florist at the counter, her smile adding to the welcoming and warm atmosphere of the shop.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>Good morning! How can I help you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to buy a boquete. I'm visiting someone at the hospital, so...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>Gothca. We get that a lot, so allow me to show you our most popular choices.<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl led you deeper into the shop, stopping at the large set-out, filled with all kinds of flowers.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>Our clients seemed to be the most satisfied with one of those two options, depending on their financial situation. One could either get a beautiful set of freshly picked roses or a cheaper sunflower bouquet.<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 150>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Buy Roses<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy Roses<</plugi>>
<<if $cash >= 50>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Buy Sunflowers<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy Sunflowers<</plugi>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"c">>It's really expensive...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $flowerBeautySeen to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I guess looking around for a bit wouldn't hurt.<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping inside the velvet-soaked room filled with different installations of experimental bouqetes, you take a moment to examine the photographic art on display. The veloptious and slightly wet curves of the model and the way they were contrasted with the flowers took your head for a spin.<</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/hospital/flowers4-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/hospital/flowers5-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/hospital/flowers6-image.jpg"></div>
<<say $mc>>God damn, I wish I was that flower...<</say>>
<<text>>With a watering mouth, your eyes were glued to the beauty of the model, while your mind ran with fantasies of how it would feel to glide along her alluring features before culminating in an act of love. Not the primal kind, no-no, she was too divine for that, but in a way the French movies portrayed it, an act both as passionate as it's seering hot.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal, your mouth is open. Stop staring like that. We came here to buy a boquete, remember?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... Right.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage 4>>Go for the check-out<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>>After summoning enough strength to stop looking at it, you were able to leave the art room, going straight to the check-out.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, now I feel like I should buy the most exquisite flowers this place has to offer...<</say>>
<<text>>At the counter, you were greeted by the friendly-looking florist in her early 20s, her smile adding to the welcoming and warm atmosphere of the shop.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>Good morning! How can I help you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to buy a boquete. I'm visiting someone at the hospital, so...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>Gothca. We get that a lot, so allow me to show you our most popular choices.<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl led you deeper into the shop, stopping at the large set-out, filled with all kinds of flowers.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Our clients seemed to be the most satisfied with one of those two options, depending on their financial situation. One could either get a beautiful set of freshly picked roses or a cheaper sunflower bouquet.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 150>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Buy Roses<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're feeling inclined to buy the most expensive option">>Buy Sunflowers<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You're feeling inclined to buy the most expensive option">>It's really expensive...<</plugi>>
<<elseif $cash >= 50>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy Roses<</plugi>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Buy Sunflowers<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're feeling inclined to buy the most expensive option">>It's really expensive...<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy Roses<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy Sunflowers<</plugi>>
<<btn HospitalIntro0 stage $cstage+1+"c">>It's really expensive...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "4a">>
<<set $kaitBouquet0 to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-150>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought flowers for 150$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take the expensive one.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>With roses? Timeless choice. They are known to symbolize love, admiration, and gratitude, so I'm sure your significant other will appreciate the gesture. I'll pack it up right away.<</someone>>
<<text>>The cheerful florist quickly folded the piece of paper around the flowers and finished it with a bright red stripe, returning the bouquet of roses to you.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/flowers1-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>I hope to see you again!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, thanks. Have a good one.<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro0 stage 6>>Exit to the street<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "4b">>
<<set $kaitBouquet0 to 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash-50>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought flowers for 50$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>I'll get the one with sunflowers.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>Good choice! Sunflowers symbolize positivity and strength, and what's best to wish when visiting someone in a hospital? Here, I'll pack it up.<</someone>>
<<text>>The cheerful florist quickly folded the piece of paper around the flowers and finished it with a bright yellow stripe, returning the sunflower bouquet to you.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/flowers2-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>I hope to see you again!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, thanks. Have a good one.<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro0 stage 6>>Exit to the street<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "4c">>
<<set $kaitBouquet0 to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Man, those are expensive... Yeah, I can't afford that.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Florist" kendra>>Oh, well, you can always come back if you change your mind.<</someone>>
<<text>>With a courtious smile, the florist returned to the check-out, not paying you any further mind.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah... Don't worry about it so much. If your girl is a keeper, she's into you for who you are, and no amount of gifts will change that.<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro0 stage 6>>Exit to the street<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<removeclass "body" "shoprandom">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<if $kaitBouquet0 is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I sure hope so. <</say>>
<<elseif $kaitBouquet0 is 2>>
<<say $mc>>It should be good enough... <</say>>
<<elseif $kaitBouquet0 is 1>>
<<say $mc>>This one is perfect; I'm sure she'll love it.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking away from the shop, you went straight for the hospital entrance. But before you could enter, the pug stopped you.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'll stay here, kid. They probably don't allow dogs inside anyway.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I could always say that you're my support dog... You just don't want to see my girlfriend, isn't it?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>More like, I don't want to intrude on the two of you. Yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, the pug walked towards the sunny spot on the street and got comfortable.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 0>>Enter the hostpital<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Having pushed open the heavy glass doors, you find yourself in a spacious and well-lit foyer.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/hospital0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Now I need to find a reception desk... Oh, there it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Approaching the reception, placed comfortably in the corner of the hall, your gaze fell on the nurse, who, noticing your approach, playfully smiled, attracting you with an alluring movement of her finger.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Good morning~ <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Ehm...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>How can I help you?<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 1>>I'm looking for someone<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>I came here to see someone. Eh, Tru Kait is the name.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>One second, I'll check it out~<</someone>>
<<text>>While the nurse was busy looking through the documents, you couldn't help but take a peek at her rupturing breasts. Cathing up to what you're doing, the nurse smiled.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>See something that you like?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Yeah...<</someone>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, the nurse wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it over to you.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>That's the number of Tru's rooms. Third floor: turn right once you see the elevator.<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 2>>Thanks<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... Thanks.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>And one more thing~<</someone>>
<<text>>Noticing that your gaze was glued to her's body a bit longer than necessary, the nurse chuckled and pointed to the poster on the wall.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Would you like to donate some of your seed? You'll be rewarded, of course.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Uhm... Don't I need to take some exams first? To make sure it's suitable,<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Ha-ha, not necessarily. I have a good eye, you see. One glance at your physique tells me that you'll have wonderful offspring, and your semen is brimming with strength.<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn HospitalIntro1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Not interested<</btn>>
<<btn HospitalIntro2 stage 0>>Okay then<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, but I don't think so. I'll keep it in mind for the future, though.<</say>>
<<text>>With a gentle nod, you turned and walked away, leaving the nurse alone. The next few minutes you spend lost in the corridors of the building, trying to follow the directions to Kait's room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/hospital3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's an elevator... Now to the right: 401, 403...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Familiar Voice" kendra>>$mc?!<</someone>>
<<text>>Turning to the sound of the voice, you see a beautiful lady in a white dress holding a basket of lemons. Your smile widens as you instantly recognize your girlfriend's figure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/kait0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait! You look wonderful!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my God, it is you!<</say>>
<<text>>Embracing each other in a warm hug, both of you just stood there, appreciating the spontaneity and the realness of this moment.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 4>>I'm so happy to meet you!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, it feels good to finally see and hug you.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I was afraid that this wasn't going to happen at all. You made me worry like crazy. Why didn't you call me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I wasn't quite in the right place for it. I had to figure out a way to survive on my own after getting robbed and all...<</say>>
<<text>>Taken aback by the news, Kait shurgs, looking at you both, worried and confused.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>What? And you didn't tell me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'd expect me to dump my troubles on you right after your dad got into the ER? Come on.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>...Still. I could've at least helped you out with money; you know I can afford it.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $kaitBouquet0 is 0>>
<<btn HospitalIntro1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>That's a pussy talk<</btn>>
<<btn HospitalIntro1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>That's a pussy talk<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "4a">>
<<say $mc>>Nah, I'm way too much of a chad for that, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>With a swift kiss on the forehead, you step away, taking in all the beauty of this long-awaited reunion.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>By the way, what are those lemons for? Are you trying to come off as a lemon-stealing thief?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>While I know that I can be dazzling, I'm nowhere near as bright as the star. So lemon stealing whore I am not~<</say>>
<<text>>After this little joke was out of the way, Kait moved towards the room, where, as you've guessed, her father was taking a rest.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Those are for my dad. I was just about to leave them; he's sleeping right now. You want to say hi?<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 6>>No, I'm good<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "4b">>
<<say $mc>>Nah, I'm way too much of a chad for that, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>With a swift kiss on the forehead, you step away, taking in all the beauty of this long-awaited reunion.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>By the way, what are those lemons for? Are you trying to come off as a lemon-stealing thief?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>While I know that I can be dazzling, I'm nowhere near as bright as the star. So lemon stealing whore I am not~<</say>>
<<text>>After this little joke was out of the way, Kait finally noticed the boquete you were holding. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my God! Are those for me?<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 5>>Yep<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Of course they are. How could I come empty-handed?<</say>>
<<text>>Overwhelmed with emotion, Kait jumped into your arms and reached for your lips once more, though this time with a shorter kiss. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Thank you, this is so sweet~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not as sweet as you, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<text>>Accepting your gift, Kait smiled and moved towards the room where, as you've guessed, her father was resting.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>I'll leave it there, with the lemons. They were for my dad; he's sleeping right now. You want to say hi?<</say>>
<<set $KaitCounter += 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Kait growing 💚 <</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 6>>No, I'm good<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>No, let him rest. I'll come by some other time. As for now, the two of us could go for a walk on the steets; how about that?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Sure, that sounds good. Give me a minute.<</say>>
<<text>>Kait quickly walked into the room and, with a careful, quenching movement, placed her gifts on the head counter. Catching a glimpse of the interior, you were reminded once again that her dad wasn't an average Joe.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/hospital2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>All right, did you have a certain place you wanted to visit?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I saw a cool-looking park while walking around. We could check it out together.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>That would be a wonderful way to spend a morning. Let's go.<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro3 stage 0>>Leave the hospital<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds interesting. So, do I just...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Yes. And don't worry, we'll provide you with enough material to make it pleasant.<</someone>>
<<text>>With another look at the nurse's stature, you find this offer too tempting to pass on.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'm willing to try.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Thank you. One second, please.<</someone>>
<<text>>The nurse swiftly filled a pair of blanks and stood up from her place, leading you into the closed room nearby. Walking through it, you managed to catch a glimpse of the sign that was stapled to it, reading "Extraction Room.".<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 1>>This sounds weird<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>"Extraction room"?.. That sounds a bit menacing, doesn't it?<</say>>
<<text>>Your suspicions were unfounded, however, and as you walked in you were greeted by a comfortable-looking pair of chairs and a large television on the wall. From it, two women looked at you in a suggestive maner.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse11-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>I was saying the same thing just the other day! Why couldn't it be named something more enticing, like a "Room of Pleasure" or something~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, now that does sound better...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Get yourself comfortable; I'll turn up some of the material to make the process a little bit easier. Please call me when you're finished.<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 2>>Prepare yourself<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<text>>That's when the screen turned on, showing a recording of a nurse doing a health check on another woman. Soon, the check went south, and both of the women were pointing their considerable breasts to the screen.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/nurse1-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Patient?" kendra>>Ah, doctor, Are you sure this is the right way to check my heartbeat?<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 3>>Keep watching<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<someone someonew "Doctor?" kendra>>Yes, yes, it is. Now, please, if you would lie down~<</someone>>
<<text>>The scene shifted, now showing the same nurse and a patient going at it, rubbing against each other's sizable forms and meowling out in excitement.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/nurse2-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Patient?" kendra>>Oh yes... I knew that you were an experienced doctor, but the rumors can't hold a candle to the real thing.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Jesus. This is way too vanilla for me.<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Is everything okay? It's been quite a while, so I came to check...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, about that... I'm afraid it's not going to work out. Not with the material like that.<</say>>
<<text>>The nurse took a second to examine the TV and shrugged her shoulders.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>I'm afraid this is the best we have... We never had any issues like these reported before.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, now you have.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Are you absolutely certain that there is no way you could "make it" happen? We're behind on our monthly quota, you see...<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn HospitalIntro1 stage "3a">>I don't think so<</btn>>
<<btnl HospitalIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a" HostpitalNurse0 200 "That will require a lot of confidence" 0 0>>Make her "help you"<</btnl>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do have one idea... But I'd require some participation from you.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Oh? Well, I can do a thing or two.<</someone>>
<<text>>Catching your meaning, the blonde nurse quickly slid down her skirt and proceeded to wiggle her bubble butt suggestively in front of you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse3-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Is this good enough for you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Much better; just come a little bit closer, won't you?<</say>>
<<text>>The nurse obediently followed your order, and you didn't hesitate to give her ass a good smack, coaxing a pleasured moan out of the girl.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Ah!~ So rough...<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage "5b">>Show her your cock<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Oh... Mmh~<</someone>>
<<text>>Noticing a change in the girl's eyes, which were now devouring your massive bulge, you temptively unbuckle your pants and slide them down alongside the boxers.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Wanna help me out? You know what to do, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Without uttering a word, the blonde nurse dropped on her knees, getting in between your thighs. Her fingers curled around your base, shily at first, but she gained more and more confidence with each new stroke, and soon she was giving you the best double handjob you've ever had.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse4-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Am I doing this correctly? Do you like it?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, yes, I do...<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 6>>I'm cumming!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Just make sure to warn me before...<</someone>>
<<text>>With the monumental pleasure you were experiencing, a roaring gasp came out of your throat as you peaked, your semen blasting out of your tip and hitting this precious girl right over her lips.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse8-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Grha!.. F-fuck!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Oh my God... Come on, I was just telling you...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>S-sorry. It was a bit too late...<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Damn, there's no way I could use this...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl used her fingers to swipe some of your white semen off her eyes and nose, looking even more erotic in the process.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>We could always go for another round. Perhaps you could even use some of your other parts this time?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Hm...<</someone>>
<<text>>After a second's thought, the girl shook her head dismissively.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>I don't do those... Kind of things. Even what I did now was pushing it, to say lightly.<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 7>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn HospitalIntro2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>All right<</btn>>
<<btnl HospitalIntro2 stage "8b" HostpitalNurse1 200 "That will require a lot of confidence" 0 0>>Push it further<</btnl>>
<<elseif $stage is "8b">>
<<say $mc>>I thought you were behind the quota and all. Are you really going to back down after coming this far?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl didn't answer, thinking through the whole ordeal once again. You decide to help her decide a little bit quicker.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't you say that you had a good eye? I'm part Greek, and we have very strong sperm.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Hm. All right then. But it won't be me; I'll call someone qualified instead.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Tsk. Well, do what you have to do.<</say>>
<<text>>It was unfortunate, but the pure-eyed blonde left the room, leaving you alone for some time. It wasn't long, however, and the door opened before you got bored.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 9>>Hm?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "8a">>
<<say $mc>>That's fine too. I'll get going then.<</say>>
<<text>>With a gentle smile, you've begun cleaning yourself, and after a few minutes, you're already lost in the corridors of the building, trying to follow the directions to Kait's room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/hospital3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's an elevator... Now to the right: 401, 403...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Familiar Voice" kendra>>$mc?!<</someone>>
<<text>>Turning to the sound of the voice, you see a beautiful lady in a white dress holding a basket of lemons. Your smile widens as you instantly recognize your girlfriend's figure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/kait0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait! You look wonderful!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my God, it is you!<</say>>
<<text>>Embracing each other in a warm hug, both of you just stood there, appreciating the spontaneity and the realness of this moment.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 4>>I'm so happy to meet you!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long, sweetie. My little Annie told me everything about you.<</someone>>
<<text>>The woman who entered was clearly a much more experienced friend of the blonde girl. She didn't waste any time getting topless, showing off her round and plentiful breasts.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse9-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Now, now. I'll take good care of you from now on~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I sure hope you will.<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 10>>Let's get to it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Ha-ha, a confident one... I like it.<</someone>>
<<text>>Not wasting any time whatsoever, the woman pushed you back on the couch and got rid of her skirt, her wet slit rubbing against your woken-up member.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse5-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>That's a nice butt...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>You didn't see even half of it yet~<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 11>>Fuck her pussy<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Here we go~<</someone>>
<<text>>With a skillful movement of her arm, the woman easily guided your penis into her entrance, embrassing it tightly. The sheer pressure of her walls was enough to elicit a moan from your lips as she kept going.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/nurse6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, you girls... Are you something else...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Mhm... You're pretty good too... For a boy that is~<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 12>>I'm getting...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>And now...<</someone>>
<<text>>The woman switched once again, making you groan in exasperation as her hot sex continued milking you dry. The sensation of her rubbing against the most sensitive parts of your dick was so strong, in fact, that for a moment, the world lost its color.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse7-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Still going? That's surprising~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'm... Ah... G-God...<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 13>>Cumming!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>I can feel it throbing inside... There!<</someone>>
<<text>>And just when you couldn't hold it anymore, the woman slid away from your cock, curling around it with her fingers instead, kneading and stroking in a way you didn't think was possible.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm... Cumming!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Ah-hah~<</someone>>
<<text>>Even more surprising was the fact that the woman managed to catch every single drop of your seed in a plastic bottle, despite how hard you were shaking after an explosive orgasm.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>So much... And so thick, too. <</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 14>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>I'll be leaving now, but you can take as much time as you need. I know that working with me can be quite exhausting~ <</someone>>
<<text>> Having finished milking you dry, the woman picked up her clothes, which had been thrown on the floor just a few minutes earlier. As she was dressing, she noticed your shameless gaze and slapped her bottom in response. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse10-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Oh~ You came two times and still haven't lost your spirit? Ha-ha, what a pity I have other things to do... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>It really is a shame. I was ready to go for at least a few more...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Ah... Please come back soon for another procedure. We'll be waiting~<</someone>>
<<btno HospitalIntro2 stage 15>>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>It took you quite a few minutes to come together and clean yourself up. But, before long, you were already lost in the corridors of the building, trying to follow the directions to Kait's room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/hospital3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's an elevator... Now to the right: 401, 403...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Familiar Voice" kendra>>$mc?!<</someone>>
<<text>>Turning to the sound of the voice, you see a beautiful lady in a white dress holding a basket of lemons. Your smile widens as you instantly recognize your girlfriend's figure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/kait0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait! You look wonderful!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my God, it is you!<</say>>
<<text>>Embracing each other in a warm hug, both of you just stood there, appreciating the spontaneity and the realness of this moment.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 4>>I'm so happy to meet you!<</btno>>
</div><div class="map-back">
<div class="map-container"></div>
/* system */
<<set $MapState to 1>>
/* Notify */
/* Patreon Notify */
/* Harlot Notify */
<<if $PatreonBakeryNotify is undefined && $DayAfterKendra is 1>>
<<set $PatreonBakeryNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if !$patreonQuestNameV0>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV0 to "Baker's Quest">>
<<if $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify is undefined && $NakedSIntro0 is 1>>
<<set $PatreonYeeYeeAssNotify to 1>>
<<if $patreonQuestNameV0 isnot "Fresh Cut">>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added into the queue! Complete "$patreonQuestNameV0" in order to get access to it! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
/* Bella Notify */
<<if $Patreon0BellaNotify is undefined && $WedArcade0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0BellaNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
<<if !$patreonQuestNameV1>>
<<set $patreonQuestNameV1 to "Yoga Time!">>
<<if $Patreon1BellaNotify is undefined && $NakedSIntro0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon1BellaNotify to 1>>
<<if $patreonQuestNameV1 isnot "Yoga Time!">>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added into the queue! Complete "$patreonQuestNameV1" in order to get access to it! <</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
/* Patreon Sides Notify */
<<if $Patreon0KendraNotify is undefined && $FrdGym0 is 1 && $FrdKendra0 is 1>>
<<set $Patreon0KendraNotify to 1>>
<<notify 6s>>New Patreon-only quest has been added!<</notify>>
/* Quests */
/* One-time Story Quests */
/* HospitalIntro0 1 */
<<if $HospitalIntro0 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hospital">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "HospitalIntro0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Now that everything is done, you can finally face your girlfriend without shame holding you back,
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* KendraScene4 1 */
<<if $KendraScene4 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "KendraScene4">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Both Kendra and AJ told you to come and see them this morning... What are they planning?
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Kendra's house
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon Quest */
/* PatreonBakery0 1 */
<<if $PatreonBakery0 is undefined && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/maddy0-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "PatreonBakery0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>'>>
<<notify 6s>> That's patreon only quest! <</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Baker's Quest
<div class="quest-description">
When you take Grigoriy out, you get an unexpected proposition...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Sharlote's Bakery
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Bella0 1 */
<<if $Patreon0Bella0 is undefined && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/scarlit-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Bella0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Yoga Time!
<div class="quest-description">
Passing by the gym, you get a craving that is not easy to satiate...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
Member Gym
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon1Bella0 1 */
<<if $Patreon1Bella0 is undefined && $Patreon0Bella0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-gym patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/bella-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/bella-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon1Bella0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Two for One!
<div class="quest-description">
Passing by the cafe, you get a craving that is not easy to satiate...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* PatreonYeeYeeAss 1 */
<<if $PatreonYeeYeeAss0 is undefined && $PatreonBakery0 is 1 && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/lauren-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/lauren-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "PatreonYeeYeeAss0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Fresh Cut
<div class="quest-description">
It might be time to get a "fresh cut". Rumour has it that bitches like that sort of thing.
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Kendra */
<<if $Patreon0Kendra is undefined && $BlockSideMap isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-culture patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kendra-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Kendra0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Unexpected Encounter
<div class="quest-description">
An unexpected encounter happened while you were walking through the city...
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Patreon0Riley */
<<if $Patreon0Riley is undefined && $BlockSideMap isnot 1 && $Patreon0Kendra is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-culture patreon-quest">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if recall("JuiceMode07") is true >>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "Patreon0Riley0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>'>>
<<notify 6s>>That's patreon only quest!<</notify>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Sunny Weather
<div class="quest-description">
What can be better than picking up girls on a beach?
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Activity Hubs */
/* MinimarketShop */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $DayValue > 5>>
<div class="map-window map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $DayValue > 7 && $RileyDebtPayed is 1 && $RileyEvent0 isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "RileyEvent0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "RileyMarket">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Day Job
<div class="quest-description">
Come and spend some time with Riley. This time you might even get paid.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Pizza */
<<if $timeM < 3 && $DayValue > 5>>
<div class="map-window map-position-pizza">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/savannah-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $DailyPizzaVisited isnot 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "PizzeriaEnter">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "PizzeriaEnter">> <<set $stage to 1>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Pizza Time
<div class="quest-description">
You should go and check on the girls at Rooster's Egg. Who knows, they might need a helping hand.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Rooster's Egg
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<<if $DayValue > 5 && $KaitDate1 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hospital">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "Hospital0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Time to check up on your girlfriend and her dad.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
<<if $KaitDate1 is 1 && $KaitDate2 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hospital">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "KaitDate2">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
It's time to continue the story
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 15>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<if $ActOneFnl13AJtrust is 1>>
<<run memorize('ActOneFinal7AJtrust', 1)>>
<<say $mc>>Look at that. An open door once again.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>She did tell us to come by first thing in the morning. It makes sense that she'd be waiting.<</say>>
<<text>>Proding against the half-open door, you invite yourself into Kendra's house once more. Judging by the clothes that are scattered around, today she wasn't alone.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Huh... Interesting.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Get a move on, kid. Kendra seems to be excited today.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Ah!.. Ha-ha...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<run memorize('KendraGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("KendraScene4", true)>>
<<say "Kendra">>It tickles!.. <</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Don't be like that...<</say>>
<<text>>Following the sound of laughter, you enter Kendra's bedroom, welcomed by the sight of two naked ladies having a good time with each other. Noticing you, AJ smirked, taking a small break.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra7-image.webp">>
<<say "AJ">>Hey, look who's here... Time sure flies fast when you're having fun~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Hic... $mc! We've got to get started without you... You don't mind, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the number of bottles lying around, both of them were at it for quite some time.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>All the best is saved for you, though...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? Like what.<</say>>
<<text>>The smile on AJ's face grew bigger as she quickly got rid of Kendra's undies, while Kendra did the same for her in return. Then, the girl gave the biggest kiss to her friend's butt you've ever seen.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Have a good look at this. Isn't she beautiful?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, you both are.<</say>>
<<text>>Locking the lips with AJ, you felt a faint scent of alcohol seeping in while your tongues went for a little dance. In spite of how much she drank, the girl's skills were still in tact.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Come on, don't forget me too!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ah!~<</say>>
<<text>>You leaned forward and took a good lick at Kendra's bottom, feeling the tightness around your trousers increase with every second that passed. In a lustful stupor, Kendra lashed out, softly biting AJ's ass.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Oh, Kendra... I must say, no one bitten me so lovely before~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>It's just... I can't... With so much love around...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing3">>
<<say $mc>>All right, Kendra. Here I go~<</say>>
<<text>>The tightness of Kendra's rear was unexpectedly enthraling, and yet as you kept pushing, she swalowed your member deeper than you thought it was possible, well earning the moans of respect and pleasure that came from your lips.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing3.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Ngh... So fucking... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>What a champ! She's quite good, isn't she?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing4">>
<<say $mc>>We'll see about that...<</say>>
<<text>>Enticed by AJ's comment, you locked yourself tightly over Kendra's thighs and proceeded to give her the roughest series of thrusts you could muster. Despite her rolling eyes and shaky legs, the woman managed to hold on.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing4.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mh~ So rough... Fuck... I'm...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>See? Just like I told you~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing">>
<<say $mc>>Come here, AJ. Your turn~<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Ah fuck... You're so much bigger than... Ah!~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ah-ha~ Give her the full experience, $mc.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Like that?<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding your cock back and forth between two equally pleasant holes, you've managed to elicit twice as many mewls, moans, and other sounds of pleasure off of AJ's lips.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>F-fuck... How did Kendra... even... Ngh!~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>You'll... Get used to it too, I'm sure.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>>And a bit deeper now~<</say>>
<<text>>Putting slightly more pressure into your thrusts, you physically felt the tight walls lumping around your cock bagan giving in, the pleasure from all of the friction exploding in your head.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing2.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Ngh! Oh my God! Yes!.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fucking... Hell!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck, this is so hot.<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the sounds coming from both of the girls, they seemed to agree, especially with AJ being face-deep into Kendra's pussycat.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Mhm~ Mh!..<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah. Right there. Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>Kendra, you wanna?<</say>>
<<text>>With bright eyes, Kendra readily took the full girth of your member down her throat, giving you a nice wet palet clenser after experiencing the tightness of AJ's butt for so long.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Jesus Christ, I could suck on it all day long~<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Well, don't forget about me too!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary2">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh fuck! Yes!.. Harder...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay!..<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuuck! More, more!<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>The girl likes it rough, huh?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary3">>
<<say $mc>>Well, if it's the rough you like...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ah!.. Yes! Just like that!<</say>>
<<text>>Increasing the speed of your reps, you gave a hand to Kendra's face, feeling her innards tighten around your cock momentarily.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuckin kiss. You fuckin sluts.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm... Aha~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "AJ">>Oh God! You're reaching so deep...<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Yeah, he does that a lot.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>I'm so... full~ Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Now-now... Lick it clean, Kendra.<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm~ My favorite...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Mine too!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... girls!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling both the greediness of Kednra, who kept jamming herself deeper on your cock, and AJ's skillful tongue play almost made you cum on the spot, if not for your unwavering spirit.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Shit-shitshit!... Ah fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You two are going to... Milk me dry...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Pile em girl... Yes, like that!<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Oof! Exotic...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>He's the best when it comes to stuff like this~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "AJ">>F-fuck! Right there, yes!<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You like that? Yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh! I might have an idea... Follow me, $mc~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>AJ? You're good?<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the girl's weak attempts at pleasuring Kendra, you decide to finish what you've started with AJ first, pulling her closer and allowing her body to fully relax.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Mhm... So... Sensitive...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're such a gentleman, sweetie~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy3">>
<<say "AJ">>Ah fuck, I cant... Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Now lying completely on the floor, as you continued to relentlessly pump against the tightness of AJ's walls, Kendra changed position too, pushing her soaking slit under her friend's face.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Come on AJ, I know you like me too~ <</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Of course I do... Mhm~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, almost, girls!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the imenent explosion of your throbbing girth, both AJ and Kendra lined themselves up just in time to be showered with your cum as if it were a chapagne.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Ah... Hell yeah...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>I could get addicted to this...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<say "AJ">>Oh no... I'm cumming... I'm cumming!...<</say>>
<<text>>Using Kendra as a little helper, you gang up on AJ's shivering pussy until her inevitable release, covering all three of you in her sweet wetness.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Mhm, I think she could go for a second one.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Don't forget about me too, though~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw1">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, give Kendra some space...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuck! Yes, right there!<</say>>
<<text>>Turning the tables on Kendra, now AJ's skillful fingers were the ones running against Brunete's clitoral area, while your cock kept pumping deep into her hot rear, up until the point her legs gave out and her moans filled the room around you.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Ahh!.. Yeees! Mmmmh!..<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>You're pretty good at this, $mc. I haven't seen her cum like this ever...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah, he's my precious little boy~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw2">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>>The second one it is then...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Wh-wha?.. Ah!~ <</say>>
<<text>>Continuesly speeding up your thrusts, you plouged through the woman's gushing butt, fucking a high-pitched squeal out of her in the process, until finally making her legs buckle under her, succumbing to the wave of orgasmic pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cumw2.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Sh... Ah... Ha.... Hah...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Wow, I wish it was me~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. Next time...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn KendraScene4 stage 1>> Follow the sound <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn KendraScene4 stage start>> Yeah? <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage start1 5 10>> Lick her <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing3 10 10>> Use that booty <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing3">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing4 10 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing 0 0>> Switch back to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing4">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing3 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing1 10 15>> Use both holes <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing2 10 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing3 10 10>> Switch to Kendra <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage cowgirl1 10 10>> Use Kendra's mouth <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage cowgirl2 10 10>> Switch to Kendra <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Switch back to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage missionary1 10 10>> Use Kendra's mouth <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage missionary2 10 10>> Switch to Kendra <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage missionary 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary2">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage missionary3 10 15>> Go hard<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage missionary 0 0>> Switch back to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary3">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage missionary2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage doggy1 10 10>> Switch to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage doggy2 10 15>> Hold her tight <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb KendraScene4 stage doggy3 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "cumw">>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage standing 10 10>> Standing <</btns>>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage cowgirl 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage missionary 10 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btnl KendraScene4 stage doggy ActOneFinal7AJtrust 500 "AJ doesn't trust you enough" 10 10>> Doggy <</btnl>>
<<if $cum >= 70 && $stage isnot "cumw">>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100 && $stage isnot "cumw" && $cum != 100>>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage cumw 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "cumw">>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage cumw1 10 0>> Make Kendra cum <</btns>>
<<btns KendraScene4 stage cumw2 10 0>> Make AJ cum again <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne KendraScene4Exit stage 0>> I'm spent... <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... This was fun... <</say>>
<<text>>Exhausted from the exercise, you gasped for air while the three of you lied close to each other. Kendra comfortably curled up in your legs while AJ slid down on the floor, but still held to your hand neverthelless.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>Sure... Was... Oh, I've missed this feeling.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ha-ha... Yeah~<</say>>
<<text>>You weren't certain how much time passed before you and Kendra recovered, but by that time, AJ was already fast asleep on the couch where you lied before.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Let's not disturb her... Come to the kitchen.<</say>>
<<btno KendraScene4Exit stage 1>>All right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I was meaning to talk with you alone anyway.<</say>>
<<text>>Following the woman, you sat behind the dinner table while she got busy brewing coffee. The smell of freshly milled beans enveloped the air, soothing and further comforting the both of you.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh, about what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure AJ already told you, but Dick is done.<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence followed, only rarely interrupted by the sounds of the boiling water.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Huh... Hearing that aloud still feels so surreal. Thanks $mc. Thank you for making it happen.<</say>>
<<btno KendraScene4Exit stage 2>>What's done is done<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>That's already done, so there's no need to think about it too much. I'm only bringing it up because during our last interaction, Dick managed to tear down my flat.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh my God...<</say>>
<<text>>Worried, Kendra came closer, inspecting your appearance closely.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>I was so drunk, I didn't even notice the bruises on your body. Let me help. I have compresses and...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No need; there's nothing serious. I think. I wouldn't be able to roll around the way I did earlier otherwise, right?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>If you say so... Just make sure to go to the ER if anything feels wrong. Who knows if you have internal bleeding or anything?<</say>>
<<btno KendraScene4Exit stage 3>>Of course<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Deal. But about the door now—can you help out with that?<</say>>
<<text>>Returning to brewing, Kendra carefully poured it out of her pot into the mug, finishing it by adding some cream, and placed it in front of you.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kendra/kendra13-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>Please enjoy~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm! Thank you.<</say>>
<<text>>The bitterness of the drink was well welcomed, grounding and, at the same time, filling you with a burst of energy.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>As for the door, I was just planning to have a talk about it with you myself.<</say>>
<<btno KendraScene4Exit stage 4>>Really?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Hm? I hope you're not planning on yanking the price or booting me on the streets?<</say>>
<<text>>Half-jokingly, you finished the rest of your coffee, enjoying how quiet this morning felt. Noticing that you're done, Kendra swiftly took the empty mug away, dropping it into her dishwasher.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Of course not; don't be silly. Look here... <</say>>
<<text>>With that, the woman placed a few pieces of paper on the table. Looking closer, you recognize something that looks akin to the blueprint of your flat.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kendra/kendra12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kendra">>I've been planning on fixing that apartment well before you came by, but I just never had the will or the time... Untill now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>O-okay... So, do I have to pay for it or not?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>No. Well, yes, but not for all of it. I'll take the bulk of the cost, while you will pay for... Let's say 5% of it all. Think of it as a commitment fee more than anything.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn KendraScene4Exit stage 5>>Replace the door<</btn>>
<<plugi "You need to replace a door first">> Fix the bathroom <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You need to replace a door first">> Remodel the kitchen <</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>So, let's say I want to ask you to replace my front door. What happens then?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Well, since it's just a door, we can skip the fee part...<</say>>
<<text>>Going through the papers, Kendra continued.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>I've got the specialists ready, and I have a person who should have the replacement ready. It should be done by the evening, I think.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa... That's much faster than I've expected.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>I've told you, I've been thinking about it for a while~<</say>>
<<btno KendraScene4Exit stage 6>>That's cool<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Kendra">>So, anything else?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, say hello to Nico if he calls. I'll be busy, probably. Now that everything is done, I can focus on forging my life and all...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Speaking of, how's Kait doing?<</say>>
<<if $HospitalIntro0 is 1>>
<<say $mc>>In a good enough place, I'd say. Of course, it's hard for her to have a father in the hospital, but she seemed fine the last time I saw her.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I dunno; I plan on visiting her later today. Her dad is still in the hospital, so I'd say she's getting through it.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh, well, I sure hope she doesn't mind the kind of things we did here~<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing a sudden silence that had fallen over the room, she reiterated once more.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>She doesn't mind that you're sleeping with another woman, right?<</say>>
<<btno KendraScene4Exit stage 7>>Yeah<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>She's cool. We ain't that deep in a relationship to talk about it yet, but she never was the possessive type.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Okay, just making sure.<</say>>
<<text>>After that, the conversation devolved into a small talk and, before long, was over.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right then. I'll go get busy now; have a good evening.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Sure thing. I hope everything works out!<</say>>
<<text>>You made a good stretch and stood up, prodding the sleeping Grigoriy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Wake up. Time to head out.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Huh?.. Oh right, I slept so well I forgot I was even here...<</say>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 KendraScene4 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 KendraScene4 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Walking under the shining sun on this autumn's morning, you and Kait were exchanging stories about what happened in recent times, bonding over each other's misfortunes and victories.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/walk0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>...I never thought that keeping the house in a chack was such a hassle. Eh...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hope your dad will get better soon. It sounds like living alone is not your style.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Heh, you could say that.<</say>>
<<text>>Stopping by the sidewalk, Kait suddenly reached her arms toward you, pulling herself closer to your face.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Wasn't that the reason you came to this city—so we could live together?<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro3 stage 1>>Kiss her<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hah~<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering that question, you simply connect your own lips with hers, letting go of all of the worry and losing yourself in this simple yet intimate moment. The touch of your fingers runs up and down your girlfriend's neck as the feeling you both experience intensifies.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Ah... $mc~<</say>>
<<text>>The simple touch grew more passionate by the second, and before you knew it, both of you were lost in the hot fires of love, kneeling and rubbing off each other like wild animals.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Not in public... Too many eyes are watching...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Who cares?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Mnh~<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro3 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Kait">>I do... I do.<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft yet despondent move, Kait took a step back, breaking the universal attraction that consumed both of you. Her loving eyes were still on you as she shily tried to cover her exposed breasts, not from your gaze but from the others around.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/kait1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Now that we have each other, why rush and risk it? We can take however long it takes, right?<</say>>
<<text>>After a short pause, she added:<</text>>
<<if $KaitCounter < 2>>
<<say "Kait">>For example, how about we meet tomorrow again and see where it takes us?<</say>>
<<set $KateDate0 to 1>>
<<say "Kait">>For example, I could book us a place in a restaurant for tomorrow~<</say>>
<<btno HospitalIntro3 stage 3>>Sound good<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, I'm in! Spending more time with you will be a special treat on my schedule.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Ha-ha, look at you, so busy... What happened to the goofy guy who was spending 16 hours grinding in MMO's?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>He graduated to grinding IRL. Yeah, I'm cool now.<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold the straight face to the end, both of you exploded with laughter.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my God... Thank you, $mc, for being here. You've made my day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Same thing here. See you tomorrow!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Bye!<</say>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 HospitalIntro0 1>>Go on with your business<</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 HospitalIntro0 1>>Go on with your business<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 15>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<if $ActOneFnl13AJtrust is 1>>
<<run memorize('ActOneFinal7AJtrust', 1)>>
<<say $mc>>Look at that. An open door once again.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>She did tell us to come by first thing in the morning. It makes sense that she'd be waiting.<</say>>
<<text>>Proding against the half-open door, you invite yourself into Kendra's house once more. Judging by the clothes that are scattered around, today she wasn't alone.<</text>>
<<img "act1/housekendra4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Huh... Interesting.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Get a move on, kid. Kendra seems to be excited today.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Woman's Voice" kendra>>Ah!.. Ha-ha...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Kendra">>It tickles!.. <</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Don't be like that...<</say>>
<<text>>Following the sound of laughter, you enter Kendra's bedroom, welcomed by the sight of two naked ladies having a good time with each other. Noticing you, AJ smirked, taking a small break.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kendra/kendra7-image.webp">>
<<say "AJ">>Hey, look who's here... Time sure flies fast when you're having fun~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Hic... $mc! We've got to get started without you... You don't mind, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the number of bottles lying around, both of them were at it for quite some time.<</text>>
<<say "AJ">>All the best is saved for you, though...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? Like what.<</say>>
<<text>>The smile on AJ's face grew bigger as she quickly got rid of Kendra's undies, while Kendra did the same for her in return. Then, the girl gave the biggest kiss to her friend's butt you've ever seen.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Have a good look at this. Isn't she beautiful?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, you both are.<</say>>
<<text>>Locking the lips with AJ, you felt a faint scent of alcohol seeping in while your tongues went for a little dance. In spite of how much she drank, the girl's skills were still in tact.<</text>>
<<say "Kendra">>Come on, don't forget me too!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ah!~<</say>>
<<text>>You leaned forward and took a good lick at Kendra's bottom, feeling the tightness around your trousers increase with every second that passed. In a lustful stupor, Kendra lashed out, softly biting AJ's ass.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Oh, Kendra... I must say, no one bitten me so lovely before~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>It's just... I can't... With so much love around...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing3">>
<<say $mc>>All right, Kendra. Here I go~<</say>>
<<text>>The tightness of Kendra's rear was unexpectedly enthraling, and yet as you kept pushing, she swalowed your member deeper than you thought it was possible, well earning the moans of respect and pleasure that came from your lips.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing3.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Ngh... So fucking... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>What a champ! She's quite good, isn't she?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing4">>
<<say $mc>>We'll see about that...<</say>>
<<text>>Enticed by AJ's comment, you locked yourself tightly over Kendra's thighs and proceeded to give her the roughest series of thrusts you could muster. Despite her rolling eyes and shaky legs, the woman managed to hold on.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing4.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mh~ So rough... Fuck... I'm...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>See? Just like I told you~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing">>
<<say $mc>>Come here, AJ. Your turn~<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Ah fuck... You're so much bigger than... Ah!~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ah-ha~ Give her the full experience, $mc.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Like that?<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding your cock back and forth between two equally pleasant holes, you've managed to elicit twice as many mewls, moans, and other sounds of pleasure off of AJ's lips.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>F-fuck... How did Kendra... even... Ngh!~<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>You'll... Get used to it too, I'm sure.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>>And a bit deeper now~<</say>>
<<text>>Putting slightly more pressure into your thrusts, you physically felt the tight walls lumping around your cock bagan giving in, the pleasure from all of the friction exploding in your head.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Standing2.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Ngh! Oh my God! Yes!.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fucking... Hell!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck, this is so hot.<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the sounds coming from both of the girls, they seemed to agree, especially with AJ being face-deep into Kendra's pussycat.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Mhm~ Mh!..<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah. Right there. Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>Kendra, you wanna?<</say>>
<<text>>With bright eyes, Kendra readily took the full girth of your member down her throat, giving you a nice wet palet clenser after experiencing the tightness of AJ's butt for so long.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Jesus Christ, I could suck on it all day long~<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Well, don't forget about me too!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh fuck! Yes!.. Harder...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay!..<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuuck! More, more!<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>The girl likes it rough, huh?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary3">>
<<say $mc>>Well, if it's the rough you like...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Ah!.. Yes! Just like that!<</say>>
<<text>>Increasing the speed of your reps, you gave a hand to Kendra's face, feeling her innards tighten around your cock momentarily.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuckin kiss. You fuckin sluts.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm... Aha~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "AJ">>Oh God! You're reaching so deep...<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Yeah, he does that a lot.<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>I'm so... full~ Fuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Now-now... Lick it clean, Kendra.<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm~ My favorite...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Mine too!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... girls!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling both the greediness of Kednra, who kept jamming herself deeper on your cock, and AJ's skillful tongue play almost made you cum on the spot, if not for your unwavering spirit.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Shit-shitshit!... Ah fuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You two are going to... Milk me dry...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Pile em girl... Yes, like that!<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Oof! Exotic...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>He's the best when it comes to stuff like this~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "AJ">>F-fuck! Right there, yes!<</say>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You like that? Yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh! I might have an idea... Follow me, $mc~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>AJ? You're good?<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the girl's weak attempts at pleasuring Kendra, you decide to finish what you've started with AJ first, pulling her closer and allowing her body to fully relax.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Mhm... So... Sensitive...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're such a gentleman, sweetie~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<say "AJ">>Ah fuck, I cant... Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Now lying completely on the floor, as you continued to relentlessly pump against the tightness of AJ's walls, Kendra changed position too, pushing her soaking slit under her friend's face.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Come on AJ, I know you like me too~ <</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Of course I do... Mhm~ <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, almost, girls!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the imenent explosion of your throbbing girth, both AJ and Kendra lined themselves up just in time to be showered with your cum as if it were a chapagne.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Ah... Hell yeah...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>I could get addicted to this...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Mhm~ <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<say "AJ">>Oh no... I'm cumming... I'm cumming!...<</say>>
<<text>>Using Kendra as a little helper, you gang up on AJ's shivering pussy until her inevitable release, covering all three of you in her sweet wetness.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Mhm, I think she could go for a second one.<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Don't forget about me too, though~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, give Kendra some space...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Fuck! Yes, right there!<</say>>
<<text>>Turning the tables on Kendra, now AJ's skillful fingers were the ones running against Brunete's clitoral area, while your cock kept pumping deep into her hot rear, up until the point her legs gave out and her moans filled the room around you.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Kendra">>Ahh!.. Yeees! Mmmmh!..<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>You're pretty good at this, $mc. I haven't seen her cum like this ever...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Oh yeah, he's my precious little boy~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw2">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say $mc>>The second one it is then...<</say>>
<<say "AJ">>Wh-wha?.. Ah!~ <</say>>
<<text>>Continuesly speeding up your thrusts, you plouged through the woman's gushing butt, fucking a high-pitched squeal out of her in the process, until finally making her legs buckle under her, succumbing to the wave of orgasmic pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "kendra/Scene3/Cumw2.mp4">>
<<say "AJ">>Sh... Ah... Ha.... Hah...<</say>>
<<say "Kendra">>Wow, I wish it was me~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. Next time...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Kendragallery4 gstage 1>> Follow the sound <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Kendragallery4 gstage start>> Yeah? <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage start1 5 10>> Lick her <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing3 10 10>> Use that booty <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing3">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing4 10 10>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing 0 0>> Switch back to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing4">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing3 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing1 10 15>> Use both holes <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing2 10 15>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing3 10 10>> Switch to Kendra <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage standing 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage cowgirl1 10 10>> Use Kendra's mouth <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage cowgirl2 10 10>> Switch to Kendra <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Switch back to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage missionary1 10 10>> Use Kendra's mouth <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage missionary2 10 10>> Switch to Kendra <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage missionary 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage missionary3 10 15>> Go hard<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage missionary 0 0>> Switch back to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary3">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage missionary2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage doggy1 10 10>> Switch to AJ <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage doggy2 10 15>> Hold her tight <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Kendragallery4 gstage doggy3 10 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "cumw">>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage standing 10 10>> Standing <</btns>>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage cowgirl 10 10>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage missionary 10 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btnl Kendragallery4 gstage doggy ActOneFinal7AJtrust 500 "AJ doesn't trust you enough" 10 10>> Doggy <</btnl>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 && $gstage isnot "cumw">>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100 && $gstage isnot "cumw" && $gcum != 100>>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage cumw 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "cumw">>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage cumw1 10 0>> Make Kendra cum <</btns>>
<<btns Kendragallery4 gstage cumw2 10 0>> Make AJ cum again <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btnegp Kendra-gallery gstage 0>> I'm spent... <</btnegp>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kendra-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "bar">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say $mc>>I can't believe it was only yesterday that we had that phone call... Feels like months. I hope Val doesn't mind that I'm late. <</say>>
<<text>>Standing outside the bar where your last meeting with the drunken Val ended, you wonder what kind of mood she will be in now that you blew way past the time.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bartender2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Not surprised. Last night and this morning were pretty... Action-packed for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hopefully Val hasn't left the bar yet...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I bet she's still drinking. The girl seemed to be a fun-loving sort, so I doubt she'd call it a night just because you are 40 minutes late.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4 stage 1>>Enter the building<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>This place is cosy... I've always dreamed of running a bar like this. After I'll get old and frail, that is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Keep dreaming, who knows what might happen. Maybe I'll set you up after I'll make it big with Leeches. <</say>>
<<text>>As you enter the small bar, you're greeted by the sleazy face of the bartender. After staring at Grigoriy for a second, he chuckles and turns his attention to you. <</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bartender0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bartender">>Oh, I see you've brought a friend this time. Good for you~<</say>>
<<text>>Ignoring the not-so-subtle jab, you moved past the bar table and went deeper into the saloon.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That's quite an attitude for a staff member... I like his spirit, though.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4 stage 2>>Look around in search of Val<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Now, where's she hiding this time?<</say>>
<<text>>With a glancing look over the people behind the tables, you quickly understood the target audience of this place. That being the dead-beat salaryman and freshman college girls.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/val1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Living their best life, eh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Keep looking, she should be here already...<</say>>
<<text>>But no matter how hard you looked, you weren't able to spot Val anywhere in the establishment.<</text>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4 stage 3>>Did she leave?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Shit. Was I too late?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Or, you might be too early. Are you sure you didn't miss her words?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm certain she said "tomorrow, same time, same place". Let me call her.<</say>>
<<text>>Dialing up the Val number, you pressed the big green button and waited for a response. You waited and waited until...<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Phone" kendra>>I'm sorry, this number is unavailable right now. Please leave a message after a beep. *beep*<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Try asking the bartender; he should've seen her coming in, right?<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4 stage 4>>I can try<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>All right... Hey man, have you seen Val lately?<</say>>
<<text>>With a curious look, the bartender stopped polishing his glass and examined you carefully before letting out a chuckle.<</text>>
<<say "Bartender">>What, she did you "the usual"? Don't take it too hard; it's just not her style to hang around the same guy for longer than one night. Especially with that brother of hers...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, she called me herself. Promised to meet me at this place, but she's nowhere to be seen now.<</say>>
<<say "Bartender">>Huh... That's less usual. She's a girl of her word, as far as I can remember.<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender shrugged and continued.<</text>>
<<say "Bartender">>But to answer your question - no, I haven't seen her today. Or yesterday, for that matter.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro4 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Check the room once more<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro4 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Leave<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<say $mc>>Let me get another look. Maybe I've missed her.<</say>>
<<text>>In those few minutes, nothing really changed in the room. The drunk were still drunk, as expected, while the college girls began "experimenting", as the college girls usually do.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/val0-image.webp">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Damn... Do you even need Val? Go pick up those chicks; they seem right up your alley.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Greg, I doubt girls like that dig dudes vert much. I'll be wasting my time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, you know what they say: "Every lesbian is a chick who just hasn't had a good dick yet". So come on and show them a good time. Who knows, you might even be able to add them to your harem.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4 stage 6>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<say $mc>>All right then. If you see Val, can you ask her to call me? She alredy have my number number and all.<</say>>
<<say "Bartender">>I'll see what I can do. <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, the bartender returned to his business, now paying you zero mind. You and Grigriy exchanged looks and moved to the exit.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>So that was a bust. Huh.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What are we going to do now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I dunno. I might as well come check on Riley while I have the time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Sounds like a plan.<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 NakedSIntro4 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>If only it was as easy as you say...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Just give it a go, kid. Where's your sense of adventure?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'd rather spend my time on someone I care about.<</say>>
<<text>>Getting tired of Greg's disparaging remarks, you stormed off and made your way to leave the bar.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, your choice. Where do we go from here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I should go check on Riley while I have the time.<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 NakedSIntro4 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 6>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That reminds me, shouldn't she be due to pay her debt by now?<</say>>
<<text>>Enjoying the scenery around you, it took you a moment to understand what the pug was getting at.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/walk0-image.jpg">>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Riley's? Well yeah, but I've already taken care of it, so she's in the clear.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Riley's? I still have time, and a couple of bucks too, if the need arises. Should be fine.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'm glad to hear that... Speaking of - there she is!<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4-1 stage 7>>Wait, what?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>She's not in the shop? But it should be getting busy by now...<</say>>
<<text>>In spite of this, the girl was stretching out on a dry mat on the pavement and was enjoying herself to the fullest.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/riley18-image.webp">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Not a care in the world, huh... Well then, how about you come and join her?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me appreciate the view first.<</say>>
<<text>>You watched Riley for a while longer and before soon, she noticed you and smiled, looking surprised.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Hey $mc! I had no idea you'd be here so early.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4-1 stage 8>>Me too<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, me neither. Do you do this often?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Exercise? Somewhat.<</say>>
<<text>>Continuing her routine, Riley changed positions, giving you a good view of her bottom.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/riley19-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>If you don't mind me asking, why do you wear high heels when you do yoga? Isn't it uncomfortable?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha, that's what I'm getting used to. You know, a woman like me always has to look fabulous~<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4-1 stage 9>>You sure are<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, for sure...<</say>>
<<text>>Mesmerized by the wiggly action, you took a few steps closer, shamelessly glaring at the girl's private parts. Riley didn't seem to mind, judging by the way she started putting much more effort into looking sensual.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/riley20-image.webp">>
<<say "Riley">>Like what you see?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You bet I do.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Can you tell me which part of me you enjoy watching the most? Then I'd do a lot more exercise with it~<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4-1 stage 10>>Oh yeah?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>You reached for the bountiful ass in front of your face just as the phone in your pocket began to vibrate, halting your advance.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, one second. This could be important.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I don't mind~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling out the phone confirmed your suspicion - the caller was indeed important. Taking a few steps away from Riley, you pressed the button.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey? It's $mc...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4-1 stage 11>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<removeclass "body" "citymain">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say "Adriana">>You replied quite quickly this time... Good job. Everything's ready on my end, so come to the club as soon as you can.<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the raspines of Adriana's voice, you could guess that today she hadn't had a good night's rest either.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Um, okay. Anything else?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>No, just don't be late. The sooner we do this, the better.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Gotcha. I'll be going off then, unless you...<</say>>
<<text>>The beep that signalled the end of a call rang hollowly in your ear.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>No more free time for me... Looks like I won't be grouping beautiful girls' asses for a while.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro4-1 stage 12>>I have to go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>Ah well. Sorry Riley, but I've got to run. I hope we can continue this some time later, though!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh? Already leaving? I was hoping for a bit of help today...<</say>>
<<text>>With a puppy-eyed look, Riley flopped on her buttocks, now sitting in a weary, childlike manner.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I was hoping for that too. How about the next time?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay, sure, I can wait a little while~ Good luck with whatever you're busy with!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, you too. See ya.<</say>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 TheCall0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $NakedSIntro5 to 1>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 0>>
<<say "Bouncer">>Move along.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking into the Naked Snake, you moved past both dancers and the bouncer, not paying them any mind. You were heading straight for the bar, as per usual.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Barmen! Adriana's waiting for me. Could you...<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Of course. I'll lead you to her.<</say>>
<<text>>After swiftly serving the drink to the ordered customer, the barmen smiled and walked through the red gate, welcoming you to follow.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>It looks like this time you won't be alone. Adriana's been talking with him for quite a while...<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro5 stage 1>>Really?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>With who?<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>You'll see for yourself.<</say>>
<<text>>The barman winked at you before opening the door to Adriana's office. As you walked into the office, the sounds of casual conversation came to a halt, with both Adriana and Jack now looking curiously at you.<</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/adriana0-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/stripclub/jack0-image.jpg"></div>
<<say "Jack">>And there he is, the man of the hour. Hope you slept well?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...It was an all right for me.<</say>>
<<say "Jack">>Ha, I'm glad to hear that. We've just been discussing yesterday's events. And if I'd known you'd gone through all that beforehand, I'd get you something to drink in advance.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro5 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Adriana">>All right, enough with the pleasentries. $mc, Jack, I take it you already got the chance to familiarize yourself with each other?<</say>>
<<text>>With one look at Adriana, you confirmed that her night wasn't spent in the comfortable bed but instead behind the very table she was sitting at right now.<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>We did. Though our introduction was brief, it left a lasting impression. At least for me~<</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, Jack took another sip from his glass. Judging by the bottle standing on a coffee table near him, it was an expencive brew of some kind, one that by the time of your arrival was already half-emptied.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/jack2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Jack">>You don't mind that we've started drinking without you, right?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Not "we". You started, Jack. And please, keep talking to the minimum. As for you, $mc...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro5 stage 3>>Yes?<</btn>>
<<btn NakedSIntro5 stage "3a">>Can I have a drink too?<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>> Sorry, do you mind if I have a drink first? <</say>>
<<text>> Adriana exchanged a look with Jack, her eyebrows raised in surprise. <</text>>
<<say "Adriana">> Alright, just make this quick. Jack? <</say>>
<<say "Jack">>Ha-ha... I guess it would be kind of rude to drink all the good stuff just for ourselves... <</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, Jack poured the rest of the bottle into the glass and, after theatrically dropping a few crackling ice cubes, invited you with a gesture.<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>Enjoy~ <</say>>
<<text>>The hot liquid flowed easily down your throat, your lips forming a smile as the bitterness coated the entirety of your mouth. You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Oh yeah... it's good, thank you. <</say>>
<<say "Adriana">> Let's get back to business. $mc? <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro5 stage 3>>Yes?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>..Yes? <</say>>
<<text>>Jolted by the callout, you sprung in front of Adriana's table, much like a soldier would. The woman nodded, pleased, and pushed something shiny over to your side.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/ring0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Adriana">>This is your ring. Consider yourself one of the Leeches. I'm sure you understand that this kind of gift comes with certain responsibilities, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Eh?..<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Someone will explain it to you. I'm not in the condition to do it right now myself.<</say>>
<<text>>Rummaging through the papers on the table, the woman continued.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>But when it comes to you becoming a caretaker of those slums, turns out it's not so simple as I've once thought.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro5 stage 4>>Really?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>And that means?<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>It means that Jack will take care of this duty until you're ready.You can still influence certain decisions of course, but they will have to go through the pipeline.<</say>>
<<text>>Schoked by that turn of events, you turn to face Jack, who simply put up his glass in the air, cheering to these news.<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>Don't worry; I'll take good care of all that. Warm up the place before you can properly take it over.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I had a feeling that this was going to go that way.<</say>>
<<text>>Confused, it took you a few seconds to think of how to even answer.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Wh-wait! What about all that mess that happened because of Dick? It was the reason I came here in a first palce.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>And what about it? He's taken care of now; I don't really see any issue.<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro5 stage 5>>Taxes suck!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Well for one, a lot of my neighbours were forced to pay outrageously high taxes to cover up Dick's money-stealing scheme. Now that he's gone, there is no reason...<</say>>
<<say "Jack">>Hey-hey, relax, my friend. You're still green; I get it, but when it comes to money, I don't see a single reason to change how we run businesses in the slums.<</say>>
<<text>>Dealing with Jack proved to be annoying, just as you'd expected. But, to your surprise, Adriana took your side of the argument.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>No, Jack, he's right. I was going through the papers for hours, and one thing is clear: over there, people are pissed. And considering that we get most of our recruits from the slums...<</say>>
<<text>>Adriana gave a meaningful look to Jack.<</text>>
<<say "Jack">>Not much for good optics, huh? I get it, but I'm sure the boss would be a lot happier if our earnings suddenly rose up.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>With decent management, we could have both. I'm sure you're able to understand that, right Jack?<</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro5 stage 6>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Jack">>...Fair enough. We'll do it your way.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Jack went back to drinking, and Adriana turned her full attention to you once again.<</text>>
<<say "Adriana">>Anything else, $mc?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No. That was the main complant.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Good, you can consider it done.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh there is one more thing, actually. When will I be ready for taking the role of a caretaker?<</say>>
<<text>>Adriana let out a heavy breath and pushed the stack of paper away into one of the drawers.<</text>>
<<if $StrengthCounter > 0>>
<<say "Adriana">>I know you can stand up for yourself in a fight; the way you dealt with Dick's henchmen certainly proved that, but you need more experience $mc. Try getting some odd jobs in the club and building reputation first. Then we'll talk.<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>$mc, you need more experience before that. Try getting some odd jobs in the club and building reputation first. Then we'll talk. <</say>>
<<btno NakedSIntro5 stage 7>>Got it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>All right...<</say>>
<<say "Adriana">>Other than that, now that you're officialy a part of the gang. If you need anything, contact me in the office. I'm sure you know the way here by now and won't be much of a bother to Barmen. He's busy as it is.<</say>>
<<say "Jack">>Good luck, my friend. I'm sure we'll work well together.<</say>>
<<text>>The door behind you closed off as Adriana and Jack continued their no doubt serious and business-related conversation. The thought of staying to listen in on the details crossed your mind, but you quickly discarded it, returning to the bar instead.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>All right, pal, what's next? I remember seeing people doing shady business at the dance floor... If you feel ready that is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'm ready... The quicker I get used to it - the better. After all that's the only way to guarantee the safety of Kendra and others.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NakedSIntro5 stage 8>>Go to the dance floor<</btn>>
<<plugi "You have something important to do">>Watch dancers perform<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You have something important to do">>Walk up to the bar<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You have something important to do">>Exit the building<</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I get it, but... Are you sure you want to do it right after coming back from a near-death experience?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not like I have much of a choice.<</say>>
<<text>>You walk out onto the dance floor and look around. The people are dancing as usual, and one of the tables in the corner seems to be occupied by someone who is in need of a "helping hand". <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What do you think, pal? Got a plan?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if watching all those crime movies helps with the tough guy act.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That's going to be a hard sell...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GangTask1 stage 0>>Check the corner table<</btn>>
<<plugi "You have something important to do">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You have something important to do">>Visit a toilet<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You have something important to do">>Go into the main hall<</plugi>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>All right $mc, you're tough... You can do this... I can do this.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking deeper into the smoky area, you notice on closer inspection that the tables are occupied by a much more ragged and desperate looking clientele than you'd expected. You take a deep breath and make your way over.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hey man, you're here to do "business," right? I'm $mc.<</say>>
<<someone martinez "Shady Man" dick>>White kid, huh? It depends. Who are you with?<</someone>>
<<text>>After a small pause, you pull out a ring Adriana gave you, showing the man a symbol of the Leeches.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Call me Martinez. Shit, I was ready to lose all hope at this point...<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1 stage 1>>What do you need?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>So, what kind of job do you need me to do?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Nothing serious. A tiny bit of upholding justice in the world, as one might say.<</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, the black man shuffled through his pockets, pulling out a pack of sigs. Having offered one to you, which you politely declined, he lit one for himself, continuing after taking a deep drag.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>You see, me and my partner had a business of our own a few years ago. Nothing big, just me and my pals selling cars at affordable prices to those in need.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How very noble of them,...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Too bad it didn't last. Those sonuvabiches backstabed me and left, leaving me with no cars, no money, and a shitton of heat. Fucked up, wouldn't you agree?<</say>>
<<text>>On the face of a man rested a tired smile, the one a defeated person would have. But you could still see that squint — a faint spark of an unwavering spirit coming through.<</text>>
<<btno GangTask1 stage 2>>Huh...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Somehwat. At least I get why you're asking for help now. But justice? This sounds like total bull.<</say>>
<<text>>You leaned back in your chair, gazing over Martinez with an empty look on your face. Surprisingly, acting like a jackass came to you naturally. After a minute of silence, the black man caved in.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Don't get me wrong, $mc; I'm not feeding any of my delusions here. I only wish to take back what's rightfully mine.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you want me to steal it back? Ha. Tell me the details, and I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>The man didn't answer you straight away, instead looking at the busy tables around you once again. He was clearly uncomfortable stating his plan out loud in a crowded space like this.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Well, while I don't mind telling you, I feel like it would be more fair if you'd agree to take the work first...<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1 stage 3>>Relax<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it, man. I've already shown you the sigil; I'm no snitch. This place is safe too, all of those folks will have it coming if something comes up.<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez studied your face for a moment, letting out a heavy sigh.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>...You're right. Okay, so there really shouldn't be anything more than some basic breaking and entering. No violence is required. All in all, a clean job.<</say>>
<<text>>With the prospect of getting your hands dirty out of the way, you felt a lot more confident in taking on the task, leaning closer to the man across the table in anticipation.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good so far. But I need you to be more concrete about it.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Okay, the target is my old office in the slums. The documents I need should be lying untouched, so all I need you to do is to pick them up. Oh, and I'll need a copy of a few files from the PC too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds complicated... I expect the pay will reflect that.<</say>>
<<text>>You could see a spark glisten in the man's eyes once more as he dramatically rubbed his chin, as if lost deep in thought.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Let's see... I'm willing to give 10% of the money I'll get in the end. There's a lot of experience maintaining and selling cars, you see...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GangTask1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>All right!<</btn>>
<<if $StateMC0 is "drunk">>
<<btn GangTask1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>I want 30%<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not drunk enough to bargain like that">>I want 30%<</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is "4a">>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good; I'm in.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Wonderful!<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez clapped his hands together, rubbing the palms in anticipation, before catching himself in a moment and reaching for the files to show you instead.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>As I've said, it should be an easy job. The only thing that could give you some trouble is the guard they have.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You said the job required no violence!<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing your confused look, the man was quick to expand on his words.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Yeah, It's just an old guy in a booth who doesn't have that good of an eye sight anymore. You can just walk up to him and ask for the keys. Just tell him that your name is Randy. And that'll be that.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1 stage 5>>Okay<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "4b">>
<<set $GngTsk1Cut15 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Are you stupid? For that kind of money, I wouldn't piss on you if you were ablaze. 30%, now.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>30%?.. Come on, I'm just a guy. That would make me bankrupt. How about 12?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No.<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez gave you a tough look, sizing you up as if he were ready to throw hands. But even with alcohol crossing your veins, you knew that was nothing more than a bluff.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Let's be reasonable. I can't give you more than 15%. Final offer, or I might as well wait for another guy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...Fine. Any additional intel?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>As I've said, it should be an easy job. The only thing that could give you some trouble is the guard they have.<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing your confused look, he was quick to expand on his words.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Even then, it's just an old guy in a booth. He doesn't have that good of an eye sight, and he doesn't really care either, so you can just walk up to him and ask for the keys. Just tell him that your name is Randy. And that'll be that.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1 stage 5>>Okay<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I think I've got it...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Here's a note with the address and files I'll need. Make sure to get all of them.<</say>>
<<text>>The black man pushed a folded piece of paper full of barely legible words closer to you. Coughing from all the smoke the black man exhaled, you tried to make sense of the many spelling errors.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle17-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What the hell, did you skip classes too? What the fuck is this writing even...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Of course I did. I was too busy getting laid and smoking weed. And look at me now. I'm 36, and I'm still living my best life every day.<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, Grigoriy scoffed.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I bet that by this he means that he graduated to fucking prostitutes and smoking crack instead.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1 stage 6>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Martinez">>There's a gate and a fence surrounding the building. But I'm sure you know how to climb, yeah?<</say>>
<<text>>Interptiting the silence for a "yes", Martinez continued.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>The location is right over the abandoned mine shaft, so it shouldn't be a hassle to find.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh, I remember passing by it each time we went over to Kendra's house.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Any questions?<</say>>
<<text>>After inspecting the note Martinez gave you once more, you shook your head.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, I've got it.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Then you can consider this briefing to be done. I'd offer you a drink, but I think you should stay sober for this one.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1 stage 7>>Walk away from the table<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>So this is how it works... Hm.<</say>>
<<text>>Away from the smoke and noise of the dance floor, the fresh air coming in through the dirty windows clears your head as you begin to understand what you've gotten yourself into.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You did well, kid. Exceeded my most favourable expectations even.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, I guess playing this role came somewhat naturally to me. But now we're in this mess... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Raiding an abandoned office shouldn't be too much of a problem. It's a perfect place to get a first job done.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're probably right. <</say>>
<<btno taskMap0>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> We must be getting close... That must be the mineshaft Martinez was talking about.<</say>>
<<text>>About half an hour later, you were walking down the familiar streets, passing both yours and Kendra's house. On the horison, a decrepid old building grew; it's a dark maw, both empty and dangerous, pulling you closer with some kind of eldrich force.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, our target should be a few blocks down the road from here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, and there's a sign... I wonder what it's saying.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>"Property owned by Doug's Diggers, formerly Nick's"...<</say>>
<<text>>After reading the sign aloud, you paused for a moment to take in the name.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Man, if I hadn't heard about this Nick fella before, I'd think that this sign is a subtle joke.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? Care to explain? I still don't get it...<</say>>
<<text>>Turning to you, the pig murmured one word in response.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No. Come on, follow me, we're almost there.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>There we are. What do you think?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Best case scenario it is open...<</say>>
<<text>>The metal gate blocking your path didn't seem to be anything special or even electrified.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>The address on the note checks out. So come on kid, figure it out.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>I should be able to jump over it. Let's see...<</say>>
<<text>>Grasping over the metal bars, your grip proved to be strong enough to carry your body over in a matter of seconds.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Huf... Huh... Damn, how are you going to get through now, Greg?<</say>>
<<text>>Contrary to your expectations, the pug easily slipped in between the bars, as if he were buttered in oil.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Does this answer your question?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<set $item2Drblty to $item2Drblty-1>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if I can force the lock open...<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding the width of your screwdriver between the weak points of the lock, you feel it slowly getting stuck. But, after putting a bit more effort into your thrust, you were rewarded with the sound of clicking metal as the door opened.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good shit, kid. Where did you learn how to do it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've watched my fair share of Break-in Lawyer when I was bored. Who knew it would come in handy like that?<</say>>
<<if $item2Drblty isnot 0>>
<<notify 6s>>You damaged your screwdriver, but it can still be used <</notify>>
<<text>>Checking the screwdriver, you sigh in relief, as fortunately it has survived the ordeal. Though now you can see a dent form in its structure, hinting that the next time you'll do something like that will be it's last.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right, it still has some life left.<</say>>
<<text>>Cheking the screwdriver, you sigh, seeing the worst fears come to life. The cheap and already weak structure of the tool failed under the pressure you put it under, rendering it useless.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it...<</say>>
<<set $item2 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> Your screwdriver has been broken <</notify>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think I can climb over it. Or open it, really. Maybe if I bang loud enough...<</say>>
<<text>>Putting some force into your slams, you tried to make as much noise as possible. Minutes passed by, seemingly to no avail.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Are you done now, kid? This shit's getting annoying.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Wasn't there a security guard? I thought he'd come check out the noise.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, that dude mentioned that the guard is a senile old man. Let me check...<</say>>
<<text>>Adding to the feeling of frustration, the pug easily slipped on the other side of the gate in between its bars, leaving you alone for a few minutes.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I didn't find no hidden keys either. Got any other ideas?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>We leave. Damn, deterred by a freaking fence, some criminals we are...<</say>>
<<text>>Failing at the task like this was rather disheartening, since you knew you could do better. The only thing left to do was admit your failings to the client and hope that he'll give you a second chance.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, fuck.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't be too hard on yourself. Next time, we'll come prepared.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, we sure will.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Now that we're in, we need to find out where the hell his "office" could be.<</say>>
<<text>>Wandering deeper and deeper into the compound, you soon found yourself nearing a bunch of shipping containers stacked on top of each other. They seemed to be repurposed from hauling; however, some even had ladders going up their sides.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>You don't think he meant one of those? They're all numbered, too.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Why not? They're cheap to rent and serve the purpose. Check the paper he gave you; it might help us find the one we need.<</say>>
<<text>>Reading through the scribbled letters was rather difficult, but you've managed to decipher a line of numbers amidst all the chaos.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>The number is 1-5-1. So it should be all the way over there.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>1-4-9... 1-5-0... There! 1-5-1.<</say>>
<<text>>You climb the ladder and stop in front of the locked door. The lock seems heavy and sturdy, despite being quite old.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>How do we open this one? There is no way I can brute-force it.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Obviously, we need a key.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>The guard was supposed to have keys, right?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Think so. I can smell the cheesy coffee and donuts too. It must be a security booth; follow me.<</say>>
<<text>>Following the pug's direction, you quickly found yourself in front of the booth. Through the window, you could see a faint silhouette of an old man going through the puzzles in a newspaper.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Shit. What was the name I was supposed to use?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I have no idea, pal. They all sound the same to me; it's a miracle that I've remembered the ones that I did.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, we'll figure it out as it goes then.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Good evening! Hey?.. Hello, do you hear me?<</say>>
<<text>>Despite your best attempts, the guard continues to ignore your presence, lost deeply in a journal of sudoku. Thankfully, the wound from your loud knocks on the window did the trick.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Huh?.. Oh. What's the matter—something got stolen again?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Ehm... Yeah, I've seemed to lose my keys. I can't get inside my container now; the number is 1-5-1.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Hm...<</someone>>
<<text>>The man turned, rummaging through the file cabinet, before turning back and quinting in an attempt to see your face better.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>And what is your name?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Doug... Huh? There's no Doug mentioned in the papers...<</someone>>
<<text>>The old man was quick to get agitated and now stood up, holding his baton in one hand and the paper in another.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Who the hell are you? You'd better get the fuck out before I beat your ass like I beat my wife!<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Weird flex, but okay...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, calm down! You must've misheard me.<</say>>
<<text>>The momentary confusion seeped deep into the old man's mind; he must've heard that phrase a lot.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Did I?..<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Marty? What the hell, but you don't look black at all! Don't tell me...<</someone>>
<<text>>The old man was quick to get agitated and now stood up, holding his baton in one hand and the paper in another.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Who the hell are you? You'd better get the fuck out before I beat your ass like I beat my wife!<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Weird flex, but okay...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, calm down! You must've misheard me.<</say>>
<<text>>The momentary confusion seeped deep into the old man's mind; he must've heard that phrase a lot.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Did I?..<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Randy? That's you... I haven't seen you in a while.<</someone>>
<<text>>The old man smiled and reached for the locker with the keys.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>I hope you figured it out with your wife. Last time I saw her, she visited this place with that nigger... Oh, sorry, you asked me to stop bringing it up.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, we're doing fine. Thanks for being considerate, though.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>It's my pleasure, really. Here's the key; don't forget to lock it tight afterwards!<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking the keys from the frail hand of the old man, you couldn't help but wonder what kind of history he had with this "Randy" being so nosy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I sure will.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>For sure. I don't know what you've heard, but I've said my name is Doug.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Doug... Huh? There's no Doug mentioned in the papers either... You're fucking with me, you punk! I'll show you...<</someone>>
<<text>>The old man jumped from his seat and rushed to the door, struggling to open the lock. You and Grigoriy exchange looks before sprinting into the distance.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hah. God damn. That was fruitless.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't worry about it, kid. You've seen that dude; surely he'll forget about your existence before the morning. That is, if he lives that long.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah... Too bad we'll have to return with nothing for now.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say $mc>>For sure. I don't know what you've heard, but I've said my name is Marty.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Marty... Huh? But you're white... I knew you were fucking with me, you punk! Now I'll show you...<</someone>>
<<text>>The old man jumped from his seat and rushed to the door, struggling to open the lock. You and Grigoriy exchange looks before sprinting into the distance.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hah. God damn. That was fruitless.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't worry about it, kid. You've seen that dude; surely he'll forget about your existence before the morning. That is, if he lives that long.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah... Too bad we'll have to return with nothing for now.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<say $mc>>For sure. I don't know what you've heard, but I've said my name is Randy.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>Randy? Oh boy, that's you? .. Sorry, I haven't seen you in a while. I'm getting old now...<</someone>>
<<text>>Instanly calming down, the old man smiled and reached for the locker with the keys.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>But I hope you figured out the stuff with your wife. Last time I saw her, she visited this place with that nigg... Sorry, I remember you asking me to stop bringing it up.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks for being considerate; we're doing fine.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Old Guard" jack>>It's my pleasure, really. Here's the key; don't forget to lock it tight afterwards.<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking the keys from the frail hand of the old man, you couldn't help but wonder what kind of history he had with this "Randy" being so nosy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I sure will.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<say $mc>>And... 1-5-1. Here we are, this time with the key.<</say>>
<<text>>You climb the ladder and stop in front of the locked door. The lock seems heavy and sturdy, despite being quite old.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hurry up and get inside, kid. I wouldn't want that old fart to suspect anything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Right.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<set $item2 to 1>>
<<set $item2Drblty to 2>>
<<notify 6s>> You've got a new screwdriver! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, for an office that stayed empty for a few years, this place looks decent.<</say>>
<<text>>Sifting through piles of files and cluttered cupboards, you quickly find the ones you need and pack them away. But just when you think you are done, a glimmer of light from a secluded corner catches your eye.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>...What's that?<</say>>
<<text>>Removing the boxes from your way, you find an elaborate-looking toolbox. And after a quick search, you pulled out a fresh-looking screwdriver from its depths.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, this one looks good—definitely better than mine.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good catch, kid. Being sober must have come in handy. But don't forget the laptop, we still need it.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, for an office that stayed empty for a few years, this place just looks decent.<</say>>
<<text>>Rummaging through the piles of files and disordered cabinets, you quickly collect the ones you need, despite the rising feeling of nausea and headache.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, my head's killing me... I should've had a glass of water before leaving the bar.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Just power through it, kid. We're almost done here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, I know...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>And don't forget about the laptop.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 22>>
<<say $mc>>Right.<</say>>
<<text>>Logging in with the credentials Martinez gave you proved to be a simple task, and within a minute you were browsing through the owner's directory.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It must be their secretary's workplace... Thankfully, she kept all the important files in one place.<</say>>
<<text>>While moving the files over to your drive, a curious photo caught your eye.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, she looks cute... I wonder if there are more.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Suit yourself kid; we have a few minutes to spare.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 23>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like a regular chat between the girl in her late teens and some dude...<</say>>
<<text>>Glancing through the logs, you picked up a few spicy details here and there, but all in all, it was quite vanilla for your taste.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna1-image.jpg">>
<<someone kenna "Blonde Woman" kendra>>I'm so bored without you... But I've managed to catch a break alone in the office. Here's a peek~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oof... Now that's hot.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 24>>
<<say $mc>>And here's the next one...<</say>>
<<text>>The next file turned out to be a short video taken with a mobile phone camera. It showed a naked, lustful woman rubbing her puffy private parts with her own slender and agile fingers, eliciting tantalising moans of pleasure.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna2-image.webp">>
<<someone kenna "Blonde Woman" kendra>>I know that you're busy... But I've felt so alone, and... I just can't wait to meet you again~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Someone's been having too much fun, by the looks of it. Makes me wish I had a secretary too.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Too bad you're too poor to solicit one. At least for now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, don't remind me... Well, at least the transfer's finished.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 25>>
<<set $GangTask11 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Time to cash in. Let's go Greg.<</say>>
<<text>>Having quickly packed up all the papers you found worthy into your backpack, you closed off the laptop and left the abandoned building.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't forget to lock the door up. It would be wiser to leave the place as inconspicuous as possible.<</say>>
<<text>>With the heavy lock back in place, you return the key to the guard and, after a brief chat, leave the compound. As you take a step past the gates, the adrenaline rush you were feeling subsides, leaving only a faint sense of tiredness to keep you company.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it... I've just realized that we'll have to walk all the way back to Naked Snake. Fuck, I wish I had a car.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>One day, kid. One day.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage $stage+1>> Read it out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage $stage+1>> Continue your journey <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<if $StrengthCounter > 0>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 3>>Climb over<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not strong enough to do this">>Climb over<</plugi>>
<<if $item2 is 1>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 4>>Pick the lock<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have a screwdriver">>Pick the lock<</plugi>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 5>>Make some noise<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 7>> Explore the area <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 7>>Explore the area<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 6>>Fuck...<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btn taskMap0 TaskMartyFailed 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 8>> Continue exploring <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 8>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 10>> Look for the keys <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 10>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 11>> Talk to the guard <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 11>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 13>> Marty <</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 14>> Randy <</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 12>> Doug <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 12>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 16>> Marty <</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 17>> Randy <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 13>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 17>> Randy <</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 15>> Doug <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 14>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 19>> Return to the lock <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 15>>
<<btn taskMap0 TaskMartyFailed 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 16>>
<<btn taskMap0 TaskMartyFailed 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 17>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 19>> Return to the lock <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 19>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 20>> Search the office <</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 21>> Search the office <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 20 || $stage is 21>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage 22>> Check the laptop <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 22>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage $stage+1>>Look through the files <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 23>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage $stage+1>>...<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 24>>
<<btn GangTask1-1 stage $stage+1>>Start packing<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 25>>
<<btn taskMap0 TaskMartyCompleted 1>> Leave <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>When you returned to the Naked Snake, Martinez was sitting behind the same table where you left him, sipping from the glass of caramelised whisky. At the sight of you, he waved his hand in greeting.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Martinez">>Ho-ho-ho! Already back? How was it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Couldn't do it. My bad, I'll need more time to prep for this one.<</say>>
<<text>>Disappointment was written all over the black man's face as he set his drink down firmly on the table and pulled out a cigarette instead.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Oh. Can't help it now, I suppose. Come back when you're ready then. That is, if someone doesn't beat you to the challenge first.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fair enough. I'll be back soon.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I have my doubts that he'll be able to find anyone as trustworthy as you are in this place.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno ClubDance stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh, look who's here today.<</say>>
<<text>>As you move deeper into the dance floor, you notice Martinez sitting behind the same table as usual. Judging by the bored look on his face, he hasn't been getting much attention from any of the gang members other than you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What's up, is the job still available?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>$mc? Shit, glad to see you doing fine.<</say>>
<<text>>The man smiled, inviting you to sit down.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>As for the job, it's still waiting, yeah. Are you up to it this time?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-2 stage 2>>I am<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>When you returned to the Naked Snake, Martinez was sitting behind the same table where you left him, sipping from the glass of caramelised whisky. At the sight of you, he waved his hand in greeting.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Martinez">>Ho-ho-ho! Already back? How was it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Easy as pie. Here's your papers.<</say>>
<<text>>After receiving the documents, Martinez's smile widened even further, as he barely could hold his excitement.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Yes!.. Just like I remembered... Good, great, even...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Damn, it looks like Christmas came early for this dude.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-2 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>So, about my pay...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking his attention away from the papers, you sat on the table in front of him, reaching for a bottle.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Ah yes. You've finished the first part of the task after all, so I'll give you some now. Even though we're not at the "selling" part yet,<</say>>
<<text>>The man pulled out a few hundred-dollar bills and put them before you.<</text>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<if $GngTsk1Cut15 is 1>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell, 220$? Really? What the fuck man, we've agreed to 15%! I thought we...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>We agreed you'd get 15% of the cut when we were done. As you can see, I'm still here to do business. Consider this a down payment.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+220>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 220$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>What the hell, 150$? Really? What the fuck man, we've agreed to 10%! I thought we...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>We agreed you'd get 10% of the cut when we were done. As you can see, I'm still here to do business. Consider this a down payment.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 150$! <</notify>>
<<btno GangTask1-2 stage 4>>And when will that be?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>And when do I get the rest?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Let's see...<</say>>
<<text>>The man went back to skimming through the papers, and it took him some time before he continued giving his answer.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>I've got all the contracts retaining the deals of the past, so next I'll need to get the cars themselves... To be more precise, their whereabouts as well as the keys to them.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, this deal just got a hell lot more troublesome...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>You knew it would be a multi-parter from the start, though. Why else would I offer you such a large percentage if all I needed was to raid a location once?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-2 stage 5>>I guess...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Fair enough... What's next?<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez put the folders into his bag and smiled.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>I'm afraid you'll have to wait for that. I still need to figure out a few things first.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't even think about scamming me like this; you know I'm one of the...<</say>>
<<text>>The offended look on the black man's face seemed real enough for you to believe that he was telling the truth. It was either that or he was a spectacular actor.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Come on, I would never... You can meet me here in a few hours, or whenever I'll be suitable for you. Get a drink in the meantime; it might help you pass the time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'll trust you on this...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>I'll get back to you next time<</btn>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>>I'll get back to you next time<</btn>>
<<if $LeechesCounter > 1>>
<<btn GangTask1-3 stage 1>>Wait for him to finish<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Taking a good look at the corner area, you notice a familiar face.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Martinez, there he is! I was getting worried for a second.<</say>>
<<text>>Moving deeper into the smokey area, you step towards Martinez's table. As he notices you, his face tells you that whatever kind of preparations he was making were long done by now.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Martinez">>$mc! Shit, I was just wondering when you'd show up...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Those were my words. What about the job?<</say>>
<<text>>The man smiled, inviting you to sit down while pouring you a drink.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Everything is ready for your entrance. No need to hurry; I'll explain it, so enjoy the time we have.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-3 stage 1>>Take a sip<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Martinez">> Allow me to treat you a little after the good work you did last time.<</say>>
<<text>>Gulping down on the tasteful drink, you were surprised by its overall quality. Martinez definitely didn't strike you as a guy who goes all out in bars. You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<set $OldBoozeRng to $NewBoozeRng>>
<<for ; $NewBoozeRng == $OldBoozeRng ; >>
<<set $NewBoozeRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewBoozeRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink2-image.jpg">>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>Thanks man. So, about the job...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Yes, this time your task will be slightly harder. You'll need to get me a little something out of his actual office. This time, security leveled up too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No violence is required, right?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>As I've said, it's only "slightly" harder. I'll explain as we move along.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-3 stage 2>>Go on<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $TaskMartyFailed to undefined>>
<<set $TaskMartyCompleted to undefined>>
<<say $mc>>Go on, then.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>First, you'll need to get into the facility itself; this time it's located closer to the territory controlled by the Russians, so you don't need to worry about cops being around.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That's good.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Second, from what I was able to gather, the place on the inside is a freaking maze. You could try to chance it, but you'll need a map to get into the rooms you need.<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez chuckled, taking his time to pull out a cigarette. After taking a deep drag, he continued.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>I'm proud of the next part, not gonna lie. The lass I used to know came in really handy, spilling out that despite having good security, the place has a glaring weakness. One we could exploit to our advantage.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-3 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<set $itemOverflow4 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained a second bottle of whisky! <</notify>>
<<set $item4 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained a bottle of whisky! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>That is?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>They've just hired a new guard. And as usual, he's been less than honest in his interview. The guy is a chronic alcoholic to the core. So all you need to get past him is a bottle of his favourite drink.<</say>>
<<text>>With a broad grin on his face, the black man pulled a bottle of Scotch whisky from under the table and slammed it down on the table in front of you with a satisfying thud.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/alcohol0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Martinez">>All you have to do is make it look like you're a delivery boy, and our Jonny will be too obsessed with his addiction to suspect anything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That'll make things much easier... Anything else I need to know?<</say>>
<<text>>The man pulled out another folded piece of paper, sliding it towards you while taking another heavy drag.<</text>>
<<btno GangTask1-3 stage 4>>Attempt to make sence out of it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>I can make out an address, but... Get some copy books or something, because man, your writing is ass.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Heh. I need the keys that he's storing in one of the rooms and the files that would tell me where he hid the cars themselves.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's a lot... The pay better be worth it, man.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>It will be, as long as you stick with your part of the deal.<</say>>
<<text>>To that, you simply gave the man a sideeye, to which he simply continued smoking.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Well and with that we're done. Congratulations for making it through the brief. Next time we meet, we'll be right at the finish line.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We'd better be...<</say>>
<<btno taskMap0>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, it's like we're traveling through the forest...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You didn't know? The Russans managed to pull off both the most beautiful and the most depressing scenery after getting to this town. Grey tombstone-like houses and lush greenery all around<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle8-image.jpg">>
<<text>>Now that Grigoriy mentioned it, you could see a small bit of a gray building peeking through the trees. You wouldn't call it a thombstone, though.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>We're almost there. Follow me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How do you even know?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I have a keen sense of smell, remember?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>And here we are. A fence, our good old friend, how I missed you.<</say>>
<<text>>The metal gate blocking your path didn't seem to be any different from the one you encountered before.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Okay, kid, this should be easy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I sure hope the same trick works twice...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>I'll just climb over it. Let's see...<</say>>
<<text>>Grasping over the metal bars, your grip proved to be strong enough to carry your body over in a matter of seconds.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Huf... Huh. Are you going to get through, Greg?<</say>>
<<text>>Even before you could finish your sentence, the pug had already easily slipped in between the bars, as if he were buttered with oil.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Of course I will.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $item2Drblty to $item2Drblty-1>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, let's see if I can force the lock open...<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding the width of your screwdriver between the lock and the bar, you feel it slowly getting stuck. But, after putting a bit more effort into your thrusts, the lock finally clicked and the door opened.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good shit, you're getting better at it too, kid.<</say>>
<<if $item2Drblty isnot 0>>
<<notify 6s>>You damaged your screwdriver, but it can still be used <</notify>>
<<text>>Checking the screwdriver, you sigh in relief, as fortunately it has survived the ordeal. Though now you can see a dent form in its structure, hinting that the next time you'll do something like that will be it's last.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>All right, it still has some life left.<</say>>
<<text>>Cheking the screwdriver, you sigh, seeing the worst fears come to life. The cheap and already weak structure of the tool failed under the pressure you put it under, rendering it useless.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it...<</say>>
<<set $item2 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> Your screwdriver has been broken <</notify>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, I don't think I can climb over it. Or open it, really. Maybe if I bang loud enough...<</say>>
<<text>>Putting some force into your kicks, you tried to make as much noise as you could, but to no avail.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Wasn't there a security guard? I thought he'd come check out the noise.<</say>>
<<text>>Well, you know, he's probably drinking himself stupid, so no surprise here.<</text>>
<<text>>As if flexing on you, the pug came in between the bars, back and forth.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What now?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>We leave. Damn, deterred by a freaking fence, some criminals we are...<</say>>
<<text>>Failing at the tast felt rather disheartening; you knew you could do better. But what's done now is done, and the only way left is to admit your failings to the client.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't be too hard on yourself. Next time, you'll come prepared.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll make sure of it.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow. This one looks... comfy?<</say>>
<<text>>Despite the new office building still consisting of transportation containers, this time their placement actually resembled a building, and their overall size dwarfed the one you saw before.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I think I can even see the guard up there in the lobby. You think he noticed us?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No, by the looks of it, he's too busy playing the hit HTML-based real-porn game called Multilife Corruption.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa... Are you okay there, Greg? I think you just had a stroke.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Let's just get inside, shall we? The less we shine our asses outside, the better.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Look at this; it's open... Shit, we're getting really lucky today.<</say>>
<<text>>Easily slipping through the gap, you and Grigoriy entered the brightly lit foyer. In front of you sat the guard, mindlessly clicking the buttons on his keyboard, completely unaware of your presence.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle13-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Come on. Come on... Almost!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Should we just come up to him and make ourselves known?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Martinez said this place was a maze. You could try to sneak around, but I doubt he will be sitting on his ass the entire time.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Khm... Hey, you're Jonny, right? I have a delivery for you.<</say>>
<<text>>The security guard flinched at the sound of your voice and, now broken out of his technology-enduced trance, flashed you with his flashlight while reaching out for a pepper spray.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle2-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>How did you get in?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Hey-hey, chill! The door was open, and I've been calling out to you for like 10 minutes before entering.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Fuck, I've forgotten to close it again?..<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<if $itemOverflow4 is 1>>
<<set $itemOverflow4 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've lost your second bottle of whisky! <</notify>>
<<set $item4 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've lost your bottle of whisky! <</notify>>
<<set $GngTskGuardDistracted to 1>>
<<say $mc>>It seems like you did. Anyway, I have a delivery for Jonny. That's you, right?<</say>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Yeah. But I don't remember...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>It was sent by a good friend of yours. Here.<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as you pulled out the bottle of whiskey, the security guard's eyes widened as he clenched his hands in a lock.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Fuck, but I don't... Not anymore...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>It's already paid, so enjoy yourself.<</say>>
<<text>>After a few moments of internal struggle, Jonny took the bottle and, without giving you a second look, vanished into the depths of the complex.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Well, that was easy. Now to check the map of this place...<</say>>
<<text>>Turning your attention to the monitor, you quit the hit HTML-based real-porn game called Multilife Corruption and quickly skim through the files.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh my God, he really was playing it... Greg, you have a real talent for guessing.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>More like a curse.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah... And there it is. Both keys and files are stored in room A-4.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Let's try sneaking around...<</say>>
<<text>>With grace rivaling a slightly overweight cat, you sneak around the room, dodging the lines of sight in case the security guard looks away from the monitor for a moment. However, he did not<</text>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Hell yeah, a few more of these, and I'll get to the next scene...<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Shit, he's really into it. You think it's any good?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have no idea, man; you're the one shilling it. Better tell me, which way do we go now?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I can't smell shit, kid. Your choice.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "12b">>
<<say $mc>>Let's try going to the left first.<</say>>
<<text>>The lights shone brightly as you stepped through the empty halls of the container shipment. Despite being so well lit, you couldn't shake off a feeling of eminent danger lurking.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I can't smell anything but dust and metal. Makes my nose itch...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And yet here we are at another fork...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "12a">>
<<say $mc>>Let's try going to the right.<</say>>
<<text>>The lights shone brightly as you stepped through the empty halls of the container shipment. Despite being so well lit, you couldn't shake off a feeling of eminent danger lurking.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I can't smell anything but dust and metal. Makes my nose itch...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And yet here we are at another fork...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>>I hope I was right.<</say>>
<<text>>The footsteps rang hollow as you approached a dead end with one door in sight. Standing before it, you pull on it, but it doesn't open.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Huh?.. It's shut tight.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Let's try backtracking. There must be another one that is open.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, not like we have a choice.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Hey! I knew I'd heard something!<</someone>>
<<text>>Just as you're about to turn out, from behind the corner, a security guard appears. flashed you with his flashlight while reaching out for a pepper spray.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle2-image.jpg">>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>How did you get in?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Hey-hey, chill! The door was open, and I've been trying to find you this entire time.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Open? Let's get back to the lobby; I'll check it out myself.<</someone>>
<<text>>After getting escorted back to the entrance, the guard went to check the door. Even from a distance, you could hear him mutter to himself as he did so.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" jack>>Fuck, I've forgotten to close it again...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see...<</say>>
<<text>>Having pryed the slightly stuttering door open, you enter the room, and your eyes widen in disbelief at the target before you.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle10-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, we've got the car keys! Do I get all of them? This is going to be a huge payout!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>The more we take, the better the money will be. I might even get that new sleeping basket you've been talking about.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell, if this thing works out - I'll buy you one loitered in gold!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<set $GangTask14 to 1>>
<<text>>After some time has passed...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>This was a lot. Now, what else did he want me to bring?<</say>>
<<text>>Having finished packing keys, you gloss over the room, stopping at the cluttered table with a softly hufing laptop.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle16-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Huh, it looks like someone was in a massive hurry...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Luckily for us, they even forgot to log out of their PC. I wasn't looking forward to searching for the password.<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding into the comfortable chair, you began searching through the PC. It took you a while before you found everything Marinez requested, but in the process, you've stumbled over something interesting.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit. This must be that secretary again. It looks like she filmed something...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage $stage+1>> Continue your journey <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $StrengthCounter > 0>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 2>>Climb over<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not strong enough to do this">>Climb over<</plugi>>
<<if $item2 is 1>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 3>>Pick the lock<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have a screwdriver">>Pick the lock<</plugi>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 4>>Make some noise<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 6>> Explore the area <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 6>>Explore the area<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 5>>Fuck...<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn taskMap0 TaskMartyFailed 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 7>> Check the side door <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 8>> Walk up to the guard <</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 11>> Sneak around <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 8>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage $stage+1>>Yeah<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 9>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage $stage+1>>Check his PC<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 10>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 15>>Follow the map<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 11>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage "12b">>Go to the left<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage "12a">>Go to the right<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "12a">>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 13>>Go to the left<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 15>>Go to the right again<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "12b">>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 13>>Go to the left again<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 13>>Go to the right<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 13>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage 9>>Try to look confident<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 15>>
<<btn GangTask1-4 stage $stage+1>>Grab the keys<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 16>>
<<btn OthersScene9 stage 0>>Play the video<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>When you returned to the Naked Snake, Martinez was sitting behind the same table where you left him, sipping from the glass of caramelised whisky. At the sight of you, he waved his hand in greeting.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Martinez">>Ho-ho-ho! Already back? How was it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Couldn't do it. My bad, I'll need more time to prep for this one.<</say>>
<<text>>Disappointment was written all over the black man's face as he set his drink down firmly on the table and pulled out a cigarette instead.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Oh. Can't help it now, I suppose. Come back when you're ready then. That is, if someone doesn't beat you to the challenge first.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fair enough. I'll be back soon.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I have my doubts that he'll be able to find anyone as trustworthy as you are in this place.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno ClubDance stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh, look who's here today.<</say>>
<<text>>As you move deeper into the dance floor, you notice Martinez sitting behind the same table as usual. Judging by the bored look on his face, he hasn't been getting much attention from any of the gang members other than you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What's up, is the job still available?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>$mc? Shit, glad to see you doing fine.<</say>>
<<text>>The man smiled, inviting you to sit down.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>As for the job, it's still waiting, yeah. Are you up to it this time?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-5 stage 2>>I am<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>When you returned to the Naked Snake, Martinez was sitting behind the same table where you left him, sipping from the glass of caramelised whisky. At the sight of you, he waved his hand in greeting.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Martinez">>Ho-ho-ho! Already back? How was it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Easy as pie. Here are your papers and keys.<</say>>
<<text>>Accepting the bagged goods, Matinez smiled, clasping his hands together.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>You must've got them all... I didn't expect less of you.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-5 stage 3>>What about my cut?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>I hope that means I'll get something good in return...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Of couse. We're almost done, after all. Only one small task remains, but before that...<</say>>
<<text>>The man shuffled his hand in a pocket and pulled out a few hundred dollar bills before you.<</text>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<if $itemOverflow4 is 1 && $GngTskGuardDistracted isnot 1>>
<<if $GngTsk1Cut15 is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, 220$ again? Besides, I didn't even need to use your stupid bottle.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+520>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 520$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, 150$ again? Besides, I didn't even need to use your stupid bottle.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+450>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 450$! <</notify>>
<<say "Martinez">>In that case, I'm ready to trade it for $300 it costed me.<</say>>
<<text>>The man pushed a few more bills to your side while taking the bottle for himself.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Love this brand... This makes makes us even, right?<</say>>
<<if $GngTsk1Cut15 is 1>>
<<say $mc>>I was hoping for more than 220$.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+220>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 220$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>I was hoping for more than 150$.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+150>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 150$! <</notify>>
<<say "Martinez">>Don't worry, the next task will be the last. You'll get your full cut soon enough.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-5 stage 4>>Whatever<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>So what do I have to do next?<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing your conviction, Martinez nodded and pulled out some kind of file from his bag, skimming through it.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Your final task is to enter Randy's house and steal a little something for me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like what? <</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>For all you care, it's more of the same documents, not much different from the ones you've stolen before.<</say>>
<<text>>The face of the black man seemed to be unusually solemn, and his eyes glowed dimly as he looked at you.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>You ready?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GangTask1-6 stage "1a">>Yeah<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-5 stage 5>>Not yet<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Give me a break. I've just pulled off the stunt of my life and now I'm going to need some time to recharge.<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez furrowed his brow, but after a moment's thought he nodded in agreement.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Then you better get some rest. You'll need every ounce of strength you can muster.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. See ya later. <</say>>
<<text>>And with that, you walked away from the table with money in your pocket and a satisfied smile on your face, feeling proud of your accomplishment.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>That was a good call, kid. Not pushing yourself too hard is an important skill to have.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno ClubDance stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $TaskMartyFailed to undefined>>
<<set $TaskMartyCompleted to undefined>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh, look who's here!..<</say>>
<<text>>As you move deeper into the dance floor, you notice Martinez sitting behind the same table as usual. Judging by the bored look on his face, he hasn't been getting much attention from any of the gang members other than you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What's up, is the job still available?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>$mc? Shit, glad to see you doing fine.<</say>>
<<text>>The man smiled, inviting you to sit down.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>As for the job, it's still waiting for you, yeah. Are you up?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $GangTask11 is 1>>
<<if $GangTask14 isnot 1>>
<<btn GangTask1-3 stage 2>>I am<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-6 stage "1a">>I am<</btn>>
<<btn taskMap0>>I am<</btn>>
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btn NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Not right now<</btn>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>>Not right now<</btn>>
</div><div class="map-back2">
<div class="map-container"></div>
/* Gang Tasks */
/* GangTask1-1 */
<<if $GangTask11 is undefined && $TaskMartyFailed isnot 1 && $TaskMartyCompleted isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-hood">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/martinez-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/martinez-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
First Crime
<div class="quest-description">
You press on with your adventure, determined to forge your own destiny.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Abandoned Office
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* GangTask1-4 */
<<if $GangTask14 is undefined && $GangTask11 is 1 && $TaskMartyFailed isnot 1 && $TaskMartyCompleted isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-rus">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/martinez-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/martinez-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-4">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
The dark forest lies between you and your goal. Among other things.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Randy's Office
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* GangTask1-7 */
<<if $GangTask18 is undefined && $GangTask14 is 1 && $TaskMartyFailed isnot 1 && $TaskMartyCompleted isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-rus">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/martinez-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/martinez-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-7">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
<div class="quest-description">
Breaking and Entering wasn't on your to-do list for today, and yet here you are.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Randy's House
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* GangTask2-0 */
<<if $GangTask18 is 1 && $GangTask21 is undefined && $TaskMartyFailed isnot 1 && $TaskMartyCompleted isnot 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-supermarket">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/riley-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask2-1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Dirty Secrets
<div class="quest-description">
A Pimp Named Slickback, huh? Would Riley really do something like that?
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Hubs */
/* Naked Snake */
<<if $TaskMartyCompleted is 1 || $TaskMartyFailed is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-night map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/adriana-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<if $TaskMartyFailed is 1>>
/* Failed */
<<if $GangTask11 is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-5">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-2">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
/* Completed */
<<if $GangTask20 is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask2-2">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<elseif $GangTask18 is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-9">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<<elseif $GangTask14 is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-5">> <<set $stage to 2>> <</link>>
<<elseif $GangTask11 is 1>>
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "GangTask1-2">> <<set $stage to 2>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-description">
It is time to return and report on your progress, be it success or failure.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Naked Snake
<div class="quest-border"></div>
</div><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene9", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Your fingers held the mouse tightly as you double-clicked on the file, staring at a video player. Judging by the picture quality, it was recorded on a phone.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>...'s up? Weren't you the one telling me that you had a free evening?<</say>>
<<someone kenna "Blonde Woman" adriana>>No, Marty, it's just that I didn't expect you to come, that's all. You know that I and Randy have an important day tomorrow.<</someone>>
<<text>>With the camera finally getting stable, you saw the black man sitting on a white couch in an extravagant-looking apartment. There was no denying that this black man kissing a woman was Martinez.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Martinez">>Of course, I do. I'm his wingman after all, ha.<</say>>
<<someone kenna "Blonde Woman" adriana>>Then why did you come? I told you before that we couldn't do this anymore, and...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Martinez">>You already know why I came, Kenna.<</say>>
<<text>>The black man unzipped his pants, letting his massive dick free. With a smile, Kenna's hand gently curled around the man's member as she began stroking along with it.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start0.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Even though I shouldn't, I just can't...<</say>>
<<text>>You could see the lingering struggle through the eyes of the girl as she paused for a moment, closing her eyes. But before long, her mouth got filled with the man's balls, muffling her voice when she tried to speak.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Promise me that this'll be the last time. I can't control myself around you, so please, promise me...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Okay, I'll see what I can do. On one condition, though.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Martinez">>You have to take it all down for 10 seconds.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>That's easy enough... I got used to your size a long time ago~<</say>>
<<text>>The black cock slid down the woman's throat, and in the background, you could see a white wedding dress sliding down the table, ending up as nothing more than a rug on the floor. All the while, the woman kept pushing herself further down, holding her breath while fingering her own pussy.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhm...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Oh fuck! No way, you did it...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Kenna">>Of course, I did. Now that this is dealt with, we can finally have our fun. You know the rules; no rubber!<</say>>
<<text>>Blonde's spread herself on the bed, pushing her butt slightly outwards.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>I wouldn't have it any other way.<</say>>
<<text>>Having smeared Kenna's spit against her soaking sex, the man pushed his cockhead inside the blode's asshole, eliciting a murmuring moan from her lips as his girth dug deeper, claiming the woman for him and him alone.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>I didn't expect you... To go straight for the ass... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>I don't have much patience these days. When I see the honey, I get it right away.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Martinez">>Fuck... You're getting better at this; I'm almost jealous.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh... Marty?.. Uh!...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Martinez">>Yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Since this is our last time, please give it to me all!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Martinez">>Pft, fine. I was planning on being gentle with you so that your soon-to-be husband didn't suspect anything, but if you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna yelped as the black man grabbed her over the waist, pulling her onto himself, exclaiming in both pelasure and excitement as his massive hood penetrated the white girl's tight ass even deeper than before.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fu..ck! .. Ah!... Please use my pussy too! ..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>That's why I fucking love women like you... You were created to be bread with black cocks in mind!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Martinez">>Make sure to remember this one, you hear? That's the best fucking you're going to get in your life!<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding into another hole, a black man humped the girl's pussy as if he were possessed, only stopping to entice her even more.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start5.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck!.. Don't stop... It's so good right now...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Martinez">>How about I do your favorite? This is "last time," after all.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh. Please, yes!<</say>>
<<text>>The man changed position, pulling Kenna's legs upward as you watched her eyes widen and then suddenly roll back, followed by her toes curling, while all she could do was mewl in exasperation.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start6.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhm! I'm cumming!..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Sure, you are. I'm getting close too...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Kenna">>Do it... Right there! Yes!..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Oh yeah, K... Take it...<</say>>
<<text>>The heavy breath of the black man intensified as he kept railing Kenna's pussy until he peaked and, with a grunt, showed his throbbing member all the way inside the girl's womb.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start7.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ah, it's overflowing! So hot... I can feel it melting my insides~<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>That's all yours. Shit, I haven't shot this much cum in a while...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say "Kenna">>Can you put it inside for a bit longer?.. I want to remember this feeling~<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Fuck, you're crazy... Sure thing, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start8.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Yes, like this... So warm...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say "Kenna">>And this is why I like you so much, Marty. Let me help you clean it up.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">> Fuck... You really are determened.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start9.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">> Uh-uh... Mh... We still have the time before tommorow, right? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "end">>
<<say "Kenna">> How about we make it last a little longer?~ <</say>>
<<say "Martinez">> Ha-ha, I still have a lot of spunk left, so you'd better beware... <</say>>
<<text>>But before Kenna's lips could take another hold of the man's cock, the video abruptly stopped, leaving you in complete silence and bewilderment.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Holy fuck. Just... fuck.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wonder if his friend caught wind of it at some point. Would explain why their business went down all of a sudden.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I've got the files, so I guess we can think about it on our way to Naked Snake.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good point.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "stop">>
<<say $mc>>All right, I've seen enough.<</say>>
<<text>>With a swift press of the button, you closed the video abruptly. Now, in complete silence and alone with your own thoughts, you couldn't help but feel bewildered.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Holy fuck. Just... fuck.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wonder if his friend caught wind of it at some point. Would explain why their business went down all of a sudden.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I've got the files, so I guess we can think about it on our way to Naked Snake.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good point.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "end1">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Make sure that you've grabbed everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, yeah, let's get going already...<</say>>
<<text>>Having quickly packed up all the papers you found worthy into your backpack, you shut the PC off and left the office building. You could hear the sounds of revelry coming from one of the side rooms.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" dick>>Ha-ha! I've missed this so much!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, the guy must've really liked our present...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Let's hurry up; we might catch a bus before it's too late.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "end2">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Make sure that you've grabbed everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, yeah, let's get going already... <</say>>
<<text>>Having quickly packed up all the papers you found worthy into your backpack, you shut the PC off and sneaked away from the office building. As you passed through the lobby, the gueard was nowhere to be seen.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>He must be on patrol...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Damn, we're lucky this guy didn't find us yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hurry up; he still has the chance to catch up.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage isnot 0>>
<<btnsb OthersScene9 stage $stage-1>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<btns OthersScene9 stage stop>> Stop <</btns>>
<<if $stage isnot 10>>
<<btnsb OthersScene9 stage $stage+1>> Forward <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene9 stage "end">> Forward <</btnsb>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<if $stage is "stop" || $stage is "end">>
<<if $GngTskGuardDistracted is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene9 stage "end1">> Take the files <</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene9 stage "end2">> Take the files <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "end1" || $stage is "end2">>
<<btne taskMap0 TaskMartyCompleted 1>> Leave <</btne>>
</div><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene9", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<text>>Your fingers held the mouse tightly as you double-clicked on the file, staring at a video player. Judging by the picture quality, it was recorded on a phone.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>...'s up? Weren't you the one telling me that you had a free evening?<</say>>
<<someone kenna "Blonde Woman" adriana>>No, Marty, it's just that I didn't expect you to come, that's all. You know that I and Randy have an important day tomorrow.<</someone>>
<<text>>With the camera finally getting stable, you saw the black man sitting on a white couch in an extravagant-looking apartment. There was no denying that this black man kissing a woman was Martinez.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Martinez">>Of course, I do. I'm his wingman after all, ha.<</say>>
<<someone kenna "Blonde Woman" adriana>>Then why did you come? I told you before that we couldn't do this anymore, and...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Martinez">>You already know why I came, Kenna.<</say>>
<<text>>The black man unzipped his pants, letting his massive dick free. With a smile, Kenna's hand gently curled around the man's member as she began stroking along with it.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start0.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Even though I shouldn't, I just can't...<</say>>
<<text>>You could see the lingering struggle through the eyes of the girl as she paused for a moment, closing her eyes. But before long, her mouth got filled with the man's balls, muffling her voice when she tried to speak.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Promise me that this'll be the last time. I can't control myself around you, so please, promise me...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Okay, I'll see what I can do. On one condition, though.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say "Martinez">>You have to take it all down for 10 seconds.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>That's easy enough... I got used to your size a long time ago~<</say>>
<<text>>The black cock slid down the woman's throat, and in the background, you could see a white wedding dress sliding down the table, ending up as nothing more than a rug on the floor. All the while, the woman kept pushing herself further down, holding her breath while fingering her own pussy.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhm...<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Oh fuck! No way, you did it...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Kenna">>Of course, I did. Now that this is dealt with, we can finally have our fun. You know the rules; no rubber!<</say>>
<<text>>Blonde's spread herself on the bed, pushing her butt slightly outwards.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>I wouldn't have it any other way.<</say>>
<<text>>Having smeared Kenna's spit against her soaking sex, the man pushed his cockhead inside the blode's asshole, eliciting a murmuring moan from her lips as his girth dug deeper, claiming the woman for him and him alone.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>I didn't expect you... To go straight for the ass... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>I don't have much patience these days. When I see the honey, I get it right away.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say "Martinez">>Fuck... You're getting better at this; I'm almost jealous.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh... Marty?.. Uh!...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Martinez">>Yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Since this is our last time, please give it to me all!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say "Martinez">>Pft, fine. I was planning on being gentle with you so that your soon-to-be husband didn't suspect anything, but if you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna yelped as the black man grabbed her over the waist, pulling her onto himself, exclaiming in both pelasure and excitement as his massive hood penetrated the white girl's tight ass even deeper than before.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fu..ck! .. Ah!... Please use my pussy too! ..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>That's why I fucking love women like you... You were created to be bread with black cocks in mind!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say "Martinez">>Make sure to remember this one, you hear? That's the best fucking you're going to get in your life!<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Sliding into another hole, a black man humped the girl's pussy as if he were possessed, only stopping to entice her even more.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start5.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck!.. Don't stop... It's so good right now...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say "Martinez">>How about I do your favorite? This is "last time," after all.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh. Please, yes!<</say>>
<<text>>The man changed position, pulling Kenna's legs upward as you watched her eyes widen and then suddenly roll back, followed by her toes curling, while all she could do was mewl in exasperation.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start6.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhm! I'm cumming!..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Sure, you are. I'm getting close too...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<say "Kenna">>Do it... Right there! Yes!..<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Oh yeah, K... Take it...<</say>>
<<text>>The heavy breath of the black man intensified as he kept railing Kenna's pussy until he peaked and, with a grunt, showed his throbbing member all the way inside the girl's womb.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start7.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ah, it's overflowing! So hot... I can feel it melting my insides~<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>That's all yours. Shit, I haven't shot this much cum in a while...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<say "Kenna">>Can you put it inside for a bit longer?.. I want to remember this feeling~<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Fuck, you're crazy... Sure thing, ha-ha.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start8.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Yes, like this... So warm...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 10>>
<<say "Kenna">>And this is why I like you so much, Marty. Let me help you clean it up.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">> Fuck... You really are determened.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene13/Start9.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">> Uh-uh... Mh... We still have the time before tommorow, right? <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end">>
<<say "Kenna">> How about we make it last a little longer?~ <</say>>
<<say "Martinez">> Ha-ha, I still have a lot of spunk left, so you'd better beware... <</say>>
<<text>>But before Kenna's lips could take another hold of the man's cock, the video abruptly stopped, leaving you in complete silence and bewilderment.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Holy fuck. Just... fuck.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wonder if his friend caught wind of it at some point. Would explain why their business went down all of a sudden.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I've got the files, so I guess we can think about it on our way to Naked Snake.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good point.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "stop">>
<<say $mc>>All right, I've seen enough.<</say>>
<<text>>With a swift press of the button, you closed the video abruptly. Now, in complete silence and alone with your own thoughts, you couldn't help but feel bewildered.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Holy fuck. Just... fuck.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wonder if his friend caught wind of it at some point. Would explain why their business went down all of a sudden.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I've got the files, so I guess we can think about it on our way to Naked Snake.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good point.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end1">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Make sure that you've grabbed everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, yeah, let's get going already...<</say>>
<<text>>Having quickly packed up all the papers you found worthy into your backpack, you shut the PC off and left the office building. You could hear the sounds of revelry coming from one of the side rooms.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Security Guard" dick>>Ha-ha! I've missed this so much!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, the guy must've really liked our present...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Let's hurry up; we might catch a bus before it's too late.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end2">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Make sure that you've grabbed everything.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, yeah, let's get going already... <</say>>
<<text>>Having quickly packed up all the papers you found worthy into your backpack, you shut the PC off and sneaked away from the office building. As you passed through the lobby, the gueard was nowhere to be seen.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>He must be on patrol...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Damn, we're lucky this guy didn't find us yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hurry up; he still has the chance to catch up.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage isnot 0>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery9 gstage $gstage-1>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<btns Othersgallery9 gstage stop>> Stop <</btns>>
<<if $gstage isnot 10>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery9 gstage $gstage+1>> Forward <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery9 gstage "end">> Forward <</btnsb>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<if $gstage is "stop" || $gstage is "end">>
<<btn Othersgallery9 gstage "end1">> Take the files <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "end1" || $gstage is "end2">>
<<btne Others-gallery>> Leave <</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "shoprandom">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say $mc>>Brr... Today is chillier than usual; are you holding out okay, Greg?<</say>>
<<text>>The chilly winds made you shrug once more, stopping in place and hiding behind a bus stop in order to weather the particularly strong gust.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/walk0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Thanks, kid; I have thick fur. Nothing to worry about, really, unless you would like to buy me a new doghouse to sleep in...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh, $mc! Here, here!<</say>>
<<text>>Just as you were passing by the little cafe on the opposite side of a street from the gym, a familiar voice rang through the chilly air, calling out to you.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Is that Bella's voice?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>We'll get back to the doghouse talk some other time...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 1>>Where is she?..<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "shoprandom">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say "Bella">>I'm at the cafe! Look here!<</say>>
<<text>>After a bit of awkwardly looking around like a lost puppy, your eyes finally catch the woman calling out to you. It was Bella, dressed in her evening attire, looking at you happily with her bright eyes.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/bella0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>I haven't seen you for so long that I began thinking that I must've offended you or something!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Offended?..<</say>>
<<text>>Not paying any heed to your confusion at her words, she continued chattering with a worried expression.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>Was it because I got too possessive? Sorry if I did - I tend to get heated when it comes to someone I really like...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 2>>Chill out, it's fine<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<removeclass "body" "shoprandom">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say $mc>>No-no-no, It's okay. Relax.<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly defusing the situation, you give the woman your widest smile before walking under the roof of the cafe and stopping before her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I just got really busy with my life, that's all. I was actually looking forward to meeting you.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good choice of words, kid. A little lie never hurts anybody, especially if it may land you a free pass in a beautiful woman's bed.<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Aww, really?.. Come here then; let's have a chat. What's life been like for you lately?<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 3>>Let me get a coffee first~<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>...and that's pretty much it.<</say>>
<<text>>Sipping on the cup of a heartwarming latte, you enjoyed spelling out the troubles of the past day before someone was willing to listen, and now that the story was finished, you felt as if a heavy rock was lifted off your shoulders.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/bella1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>Whoa... You weren't kidding; you were quite busy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, what's important is that now I've finally caught a break and, even better, caught you! It feels so nice to see you again, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Ha-ha, you tell me~<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 4>>Make an advance<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>And yet I can't stop thinking about the evening we spent together. It's like you have some sort of magic pull on me... But that would be silly~<</say>>
<<text>>With a shy smile, Bella took another sip from her cup before turning her eyes on you once more.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/bella2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>But, I wouldn't mind checking it one more time~ if you're free, of course.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 5>>I'm ready to go~<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds great, but... like right now?<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh, no-no, In a couple of hours, maybe? .. I need to clean up my place; my co-living partner made a mess of herself again. I can't have a nice guy like you getting spooked by something so biased as that~<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft chuckle, Bella finished her drink and stood up, giving you a look full of longing.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>I've paid in advance; there's no need to worry about the tab. Here's my address; come by in an hour or two; I'll be waiting!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. Make sure to not overexert yourself, though; I can take a bit of untidiness just fine. Save your energy for what really matters~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Ha-ha, oh, I'll make sure of that! See you soon!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 6>>And she's gone...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Speaking of energy, I think you should grab a bite of something, kid. While we're at the cafe and all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good point, I've been getting munchies for a while now, and drinking coffee certainly didn't help...<</say>>
<<text>>While strolling into the main part of the cafe, you begin observing the different pastries lying over the counter, their scents intertwining, making your hunger grow even further.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hey pal, this donut looks super tasty. Would you mind bying one for me?..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>$mc?! What a coincidence, bumping into you in my favourite cafe of all places!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 7>>Scarlit?..<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Meeting two beatiful girls in a span of a few minutes?.. That sure feels like a one hell of a coincidence.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>So you're that popular? Lucky me~<</say>>
<<text>>A cheeky smirk rested on Scarlit's puffy lips as she took a step closer to you, her scent of perfume mixing with the smell of freshly baked goods, making your mouth water.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/bella3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, hi Scarlit, you're looking extra nice today. Is there some special occasion of sorts?<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>No, not really; Just wearing makeup and all, this must be the first time you see me outside the gym~<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 8>>Damn, you're right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Now that I think about it, you're right. We never really hung out much...<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Aside from that time, I've tried to teach you yoga for couples, that is... Right, speaking of excercising - what do you think if we go and burn some calories together?~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking another step closer, Scarlit now stood directly face-to-face with you, so that you could breathe in the strawbery flavor of her odor more wividly than ever, taking your head for a spin.<</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">>You know... I'm in dire need of stretching from someone experienced like you are~<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>O-oh... I get it.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 9>>I'm already promised to meet Bella<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sorry but I'm kind of busy right now... But maybe next time, when I'll be free? How does that sound?..<</say>>
<<text>>You saw a devilish spark that was ready to burst in the flames a second ago dim out as Scarlit's eyes grew colder. After a few moments of awkward silence, you hastened to console her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I mean you're a really great person and quite pretty too, I know you must be getting a lot of offers from other man...<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Jeez, that's the last thing someone who just got rejected would want to hear. I get it, you're busy; there's no need to make a big deal out of it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My bad, that's my first time rejecting someone... I guess.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah. I've just remembered that I have an appointment to attend too, so don't worry about it. See you at the gym, when you'll be less "busy"...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella0 stage 10>>Goodbye?..<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>See you later Scarlit...<</say>>
<<text>>With your eyes only, you followed Scarlit on her way out of the cafe, and just by her posture alone you could tell that you've struck a nerve.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>...Fuck, now that was awkward.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You've really dropped the ball there, pal. Good thing you've got pussy waiting for you either way, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Something like that, I guess.<</say>>
<<text>>Giving another look at the pasteries laid down before your eyes, you felt something dragging at your stomach, making you feel sick. With a sigh, you shook your head and moved towards the exit instead.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get going, I don't feel like eating any more...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella1 stage 0>>Follow the adress<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "housealexis">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Feeling better now, kid?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm good now. It's been a good walk~<</say>>
<<text>>Passing by the half-awake city buildings, you breathed in the fresh air you had grown so accustomed to by now and couldn't help but smile, casting away the memories of offending Scarlit.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/bella5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>And this building must be where Bella's flat is. According to the address she gave me at least.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Let's hurry and get inside; it's getting chilly again, wouldn't want to freeze off my butt again.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella1 stage 1>>Walk in<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, it looks like it's not even closed...<</say>>
<<text>>Right as you were about to knock on the door, you noticed a glimmer of light coming through, and with a slight push, it opened wide right as the sound of a heated argument brushed against your ears.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/bella6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>...How many times did I tell you to not drop your clothes in a living room?! I've just spent an hour and a half cleaning!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I'm not in the fucking mood, Bella! It's not like you're any better anyway; you didn't even warn me before inviting a guy here, despite knowing how lonely I am!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Not like it's my problem; go find yourself a date or something...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Bloody hell, they're going at each other's throats. Are you sure you want to have a piece of this? Because I don't.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella1 stage 2>>Well, since I'm already here...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Scarlit">>You know damn well that I don't have any money to go on dates!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It wouldn't hurt to have a look. Besides, I think I know the person with whom Bella is arguing right now.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking behind the corner and into the living room, your suspicions were proven correct.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/bella7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hey Bella! You forgot to close the door, so I decided to check if you're doing all right here~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>$mc? I didn't expect you to come by so soon!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella1 stage 3>>Life happened<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let's just say things happened. Oh, and hi, Scarlit...<</say>>
<<text>>With a baffled look, Scarlits eyes moved between you and Bella, back and forth.<</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">>What the fuck, so not only did you bring in a guy, but it's also had to be him?..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>And what's wrong with that? I didn't say a word when you brought...<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>It was different!.. It was... eh...<</say>>
<<text>>But, unable to find the correct words, Scarlit's voice quickly grew quiet, eventualy deciding to drop the argument, chosing to simply leave, presumingly into her own room.<</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah, whatever, I'll go do some yoga. There's no way I'm letting all this negative energy accumulate within me.<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Good, she'll be gone for a while now. I'm sorry that you had to see this squabble...<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella1 stage 4>>Are you two doing okay?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>So, what was that all about? You two are okay?<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Yeah, just don't mind her. She's just a bit stressed after spending yet another Christmas alone, jerking off to porn. Oh, and speaking of...<</say>>
<<text>>With an inviting gesture, Bella pointed you to a couch before a huge TV.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>I've prepared a few movies we could watch together to set up the mood. I hope you like romcoms~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I'm willing to take the plunge, though!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella1 stage 5>>Watch a movie<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Bella">>Damn, isn't Edgar hot, $mc? I've probably watched this movie at least 12 times since I was a teenager~<</say>>
<<text>>About an hour of an excusiatingly boring movie later, you could barely hold yourself from standing up and straight up turning off the TV.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/bella8-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, are you sure you didn't grow bored of this movie by now?..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Nonsense, $mc; it's only getting better with every rewatch. Quiet now; the good part is about to start!<</say>>
<<btno PatreonBella1 stage 0>>Someone, please save me!..<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('BellaGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("BellaScene1", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Don't mind me!~<</say>>
<<text>>To your surprise, your rescue came in a form you least expected. With a nonechalant attitude, Scarlit dropped her yoga mat before both of you and began doing poses, as you two weren't even there.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Scarlit, we're trying to watch a movie here!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>It's not my fault you didn't warn me of your date in time! This is the only spot in the house where Feng Shui is aligned properly, so I'm not leaving untill I'm done.<</say>>
<<text>>With your eyes busy devouring Scarlit's perky ass, which she no doubt worked endless hours to keep in perfect shape, you felt a rising pressure in your pants. Excited for the first time for what felt like hours, you even had to reaarange yourself, hiding your popping boner from Bella.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Bella">>Okay, I didn't want to do this but... Scarlit, listen, did you even clean the dishes yet? It's your turn, you know, unless you're willing to pay for maid services.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>What, like right now? Come on...<</say>>
<<text>>Scalit furrowed her brows.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>Yes, right now. If you're planning on bothering us, at least do it with a clean conscience.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah, whatever... I'll be back though, don't think that you got rid of me for long.<</say>>
<<text>>Left with no choice, the woman stood up from her mat, her butches clapping thunderously as she walked towards the kitchen.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>At least she's easy to get around. Let's continue watching the movie $mc~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>About that...<</say>>
<<text>>The prcie of Bella's pussy certainly wasn't enough to justify enduring yet another hour of this, and with some quick thinking, you decided to try pull of something truly daring.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm suddenly feeling a little thirsty. Let me go grab a glass of water~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh, no problem, I'll pause the...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, continue watching; I would hate to break you out of the experience you love so much. I'll be back soon.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah, couldn't she do something nice for once?..<</say>>
<<text>>Doing her best, Scarlit was loading in the dishwasher, her perfect putt inches away from your grasp—so close, in fact, that you could see glimpses of her hot sex through the thin fabric of her undies.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start0.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>And to think that $mc chose her over me...<</say>>
<<text>>Following the impulse, you walked towards the unsuspecting Scarlit and, with a heavy smack, got a handful of her ass in your tight grip. Startled by your sudden appearance, the woman let out a half-scream - half-moan, dropping the plate she was carrying.<</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah! What the hell, $mc?!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, sorry, I should've warned you before doing that, right?<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Y-you... Ah.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Scarlit examined the remains of the broken plate before turning her eyes to you, biting into her puffy lip upon noticing the way you gazed at her.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Just clean up your mess, $mc. You have Bella waiting for you, remember? Unless...<</say>>
<<text>>Smirking, Scarlit moved to the fridge next, rummaging through its contents in search of something. You weren't sure if that was her intent, however, judging by the way she kept pushing her ass outward, as if inviting you to grab her once more.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, huh?~<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly swiping the remains of the plate under the carpet, you confidently walked towards Scarlit, grabbing her butt once more. This time, she was expecting it, however, giggling with delight as your fingers ran across her body.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You know, I think I'd prefer your company for now.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ha-ha, and what's that supposed to mean?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Come here~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling your pants down, you were surprised to see just how wet Scarlit had already gotten, her pussy accepting your thick cockhead with a needy gasp.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah! God, you're really doing it!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. Fuck, you're really tight~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Yes! Pound me harder!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, trust me, I will~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start5.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>You're stretching me out so well... So good!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... I'm getting there~<</say>>
<<text>>Lost in a hypnotic act of sex, you kept your thrusts steady, rubbing your cock against the pursed walls of Scarlit's cunt, completely missing the third person on a horison, rapidly approaching the two of you.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>What the fuck are you two doing here?!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add anything, Bella pushed you to the side, and after quickly grabbing Scarlit, she forcefully dragged her out of the kitchen, only their voices echoing through the halls of the flat.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What the heck was that about?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Well, now I feel bad for dragging Scarlit into this mess. I should try making it right...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>You slut!..<</say>>
<<text>>Tracing the voices back to Bella's room, you welcomed yourself through the door; it would be an understatement to say that what you saw next left you shocked.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start6.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Oh yeah, a whore like you deserves a good clapping~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A... What the fuck are you two doing here?!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>As for you, sit back and watch!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<set $cumw to 70>>
<<say $mc>>E-ehm... Okay, if you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>Following Bella's order, you sat yourself down in what, for all intents and purposes, turned out to be a cuck chair and watched the show before your eyes as if mesmerized.<</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist! I wanted to have my pussy stuffed with something thick once again~<</say>>
<<text>>With a scoff, Bella stopped her palm before it connected with Scarilt's bum and instead pulled the woman's undies sideways, shoving her digits inside the soaking wet hole of her friend, eliciting a loud moan from her lips.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start7.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>How about this then, huh? Is that good enough for a whore like you?!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah!.. Y-yes... Mgh!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you two are crazy...<</say>>
<<text>>You could tell that Bella was getting aroused as you watched her skillfully finger Scarlit's pussy, bringing the latter to the seventh cloud of Haven with her hands alone.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/bella9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Scarlit">>M-more... Ngh!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Huh, she's enjoying it a lot more than I thought... Maybe you'll be able to come up with a better punishment. What do you think, $mc?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I think that she should eat you out. She desrves it~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>I like the sound of that!.. You've heard him, whore!<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Scarlit hastily began removing her friend's clothes, and before long, Bella Bagan exclaimed in glee at the swift movements of the black girl's tongue. Entranced by the action before you, you long for your cock, kneeling and jerking it with your own hands.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start8.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>F-fuck!.. I knew your loud mouth had to be good for something.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start5">>
<<set $sceneV2 to 1>>
<<set $cumw to 100>>
<<say $mc>>Eat her pussy Bella; make her cum so hard that she'd regret choosing to fuck me instead of you!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh yeah, this is exactly what this whore deserves!..<</say>>
<<text>>Like a ferocious beast, Bella jumped at her friend, and before you knew it, the only sounds coming from Scarlit's mouth were whimpers and moans.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start9.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah!.. I-I... Ngh!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start6">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I'm cu-cumming!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>You think I'll let you go that easily?!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ha... What are you-<</say>>
<<text>>Not letting Scarlit get a single breath in, Bella began assaulting her pussy even harder, rubbing her oversensitive clitoral area in such a way that the only thing you could hear from Scarlit was her quelps, as her mind melted completely under the repeating waves of orgasms.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start10.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ngh!.. Fuuuuck!.. Aaaah!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh my... You're so easy, it's not even fun~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>You two are really crazy!.. You're nuts!<</say>>
<<text>>With your dick throbbing in hand, your eyes were glued to the ladies performing lusty miracles before your eyes. But then Bella suddenly stopped, staring directly at you instead.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/bella10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>Fucking hell, $mc, stop being such a cuck and get over here already! I can't believe I have to spell out everything for you~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>O-okay...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Bella">>Lie down; Scarlit, I give you the honors~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Mhm, it's so thick! Thank you~<</say>>
<<text>>A gasp echoed through the room once the puffy lips of Scarlit enveloped themselves around your meaty cockhead, her tongue dancing piruetes alongside your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh God, girls!..<</say>>
<<text>>You can feel the whole world begin to spin in extasy as you desperatly pull on the blankets, trying to keep yourself from cumming too quick.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Bella">>Don't forget his balls, slut~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Mgh... You like that, $mc?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, I do... That's my favorite...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Now let me... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Good girl~<</say>>
<<text>>With just how wet Scarlit's pussy was and just how eager she was in her movements, it was no surprise that your cock slipped out of its pleasure room. But before you could even complain, you shuddered, feeling the tight grip of Bella over your shaft, diligently leading it back into her friend's cunt.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Bella, what a good friend you are!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Y-yes!.. T-thank you!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Okay, now it's your turn, Bella! Ahm?..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Have a snack, $mc~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Oh fuck! Your cock is great!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>And his mouth... Ah!.. Even better~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Ah!.. It slipped again!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Dont you worry~<</say>>
<<text>>This time, however, instead of simply leading it back, Bella had some different plans for your cock. Caught by surprise by a sudden change in sensation from Scarlit's tight pussy to the skillful mouth of her friend, you rocked your head back into the pillows, the tightness of Bella's lips melting the world around you.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>S-shit! At least, warn me... Before... I almost came!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Almost?.. That's no fun!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Bella">>M-Ah!.. Sc-Scarlit!.. Alm... Aah!~<</say>>
<<text>>Your cock easily slipped into the depths of the black girl's pussy, easily going all the way in, your swolen tip hitting her cervix hard with each thrust. All the while, you could see Bella's eyes roll, experiencing yet another orgasm in the span of this singular night.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Don't stop, $mc!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, you two are something else...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Bella">>Sh-it!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Shake it, baby! Like that!..<</say>>
<<text>>With your cock now deep inside Bella's pussy, Scarlit tried her best to bring as much pleasure to you as possible, making her friend's fat ass bounce on your cock like a rubber ball and her clamping cunt rub against the most sensitive parts of your penis.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Good girl~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh yeah, $mc! Fuck her good!..<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah! He... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mgh~ You're two are looking so nice together!.. Much alike to cream and coffee, if you catch my drift~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>Now this... is some cicus-tier shit... But it feels so good!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>If you have the time to complain, use your mouth to eat me out!~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say "Bella">>Oh my God! You're so fucking HUGE!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>He is, now kiss me silly~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Ngh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, that's the kind of friendship I like to see in my bitches!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say "Bella">>Pound me harder!.. Please!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like this?!<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Y-yes! Mghm!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Sorry, her mouth is too busy to respond right now~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>>Let's busy your mouth too!~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ngh?.. Glug!..<</say>>
<<text>>Shoving your cock into Scarlit's open mouth, you easily slipped it all the way to the back of her throat, hetting it with your thrusts. To the girl's honor, she did her best to ignore the gag reflex, obediently rocking her head in unison with your thrusts.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you're good~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ghah... Huf..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1, $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit! Oh, fuck! Get ready...<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>We're here! <</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Let it all out!~<</say>>
<<text>>The rest of the sentence was cut short by your sharp exhale as you came, throwing your head back as a torrent of semen erupted from your tip. It's ropey texture paints the faces of the giddy women before you, your whole body spasming in short, repeated bursts as its intensity slowly vained.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Mgh, so much~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>And it's so thick too...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, it's no surprise, really... The both of you did an amazing job~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW to 1, $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Bella">>Ah! I'm going to cum! I'm gonna...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do it! Come on, give it to me!~<</say>>
<<text>>A husky moan was your answer as Bella's fingers clutched the sheets under her, her pussy dropping down your cock until, finally, she exclaimed in exasperation, finally getting the cathartic release she was yearning for.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Good girl, good girl~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>This was... So much pleasure...<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>$mc, please remember to make me cum too~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw1">>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0, $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I'm c-close... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Then cum, you slut! Cum for me!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah, do that, I guess...<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ngh!.. Oh fuck, I can't breathe...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>You don't need to; just keep licking my pussy, baby~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 1>> I don't mind!.. <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 2>> I'm feeling thirsty <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 3>> Sneak into the Kitchen <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 4>> S-shit!.. <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 5>> I'm more interested in you~ <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage start 10 20>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 6>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 7>> Fuck, I need to help Scarlit out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 7>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage start2>> Okay... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 8>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage start4>> "Make her eat your pussy" <</btn>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage start5>> "Eat her pussy as a punishment"<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 9>>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage blowjob 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage start1 10 25>> Go deep <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage 6 0 10>> Go hard <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 8>> This is insane... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "start4">>
<<if $sceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage start5>> "Eat her pussy as a punishment" <</btn>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 9>> You two are nuts! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "start5">>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage start6>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "start6">>
<<if $sceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage start4>> "Make her eat your pussy" <</btn>>
<<btn PatreonBella1 stage 9>> You two are nuts! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage blowjob1 10 5>> Suck my Balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage cowgirl1 15 15>> Switch to Bella <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage cowgirl2 15 25>> Go faster <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Switch back to Scarlit <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage missionary1 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage missionary2 15 15>> Deepthroat Scarlit <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage doggy1 15 15>> Switch to Bella <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage doggy2 15 20>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage doggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage doggy3 15 25>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage doggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb PatreonBella1 stage doggy2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3" && $stage isnot "start4" && $stage isnot "start5" && $stage isnot "start6" && $stage isnot "start7">>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage cum 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100 && $stage isnot "start5">>
<<if $sceneCumW is 0>>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage cumw 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<btns PatreonBella1 stage cumw1 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne Patreon1Bella2 stage 0>> I'm spent... <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Bella">>What? Don't tell me you're done already~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I... Well-<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Give him a breather; we can have some fun together too~<</say>>
<<text>>Giving Bella a kiss on a cheek, Scarlit pushed her down on the sheets one more, her fingers running along the wet slit of her fried, caressing it's gently.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>O-oh... It's nice to see that my correction worked on you, Scarlit~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Have fun. I'll join you in a bit too.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon1Bella2 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>>Some time later...<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>Phew, well, thanks for coming by $mc~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It was really my pleasure. Both of you in fact.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I bet it was! But really, thank you...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>I hope you'll visit us soon again!<</say>>
<<text>>With what you've experienced today, there was no way you could refuse such a generous offer. But you had to go, at least for now.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yep, I sure will! See ya~<</say>>
<<if $MapState is 0>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 Patreon1Bella0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 Patreon1Bella0 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Don't mind me!~<</say>>
<<text>>To your surprise, your rescue came in a form you least expected. With a nonechalant attitude, Scarlit dropped her yoga mat before both of you and began doing poses, as you two weren't even there.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Scarlit, we're trying to watch a movie here!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>It's not my fault you didn't warn me of your date in time! This is the only spot in the house where Feng Shui is aligned properly, so I'm not leaving untill I'm done.<</say>>
<<text>>With your eyes busy devouring Scarlit's perky ass, which she no doubt worked endless hours to keep in perfect shape, you felt a rising pressure in your pants. Excited for the first time for what felt like hours, you even had to reaarange yourself, hiding your popping boner from Bella.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Bella">>Okay, I didn't want to do this but... Scarlit, listen, did you even clean the dishes yet? It's your turn, you know, unless you're willing to pay for maid services.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>What, like right now? Come on...<</say>>
<<text>>Scalit furrowed her brows.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>Yes, right now. If you're planning on bothering us, at least do it with a clean conscience.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah, whatever... I'll be back though, don't think that you got rid of me for long.<</say>>
<<text>>Left with no choice, the woman stood up from her mat, her butches clapping thunderously as she walked towards the kitchen.<</text>>
<<say "Bella">>At least she's easy to get around. Let's continue watching the movie $mc~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>About that...<</say>>
<<text>>The prcie of Bella's pussy certainly wasn't enough to justify enduring yet another hour of this, and with some quick thinking, you decided to try pull of something truly daring.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm suddenly feeling a little thirsty. Let me go grab a glass of water~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh, no problem, I'll pause the...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, continue watching; I would hate to break you out of the experience you love so much. I'll be back soon.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah, couldn't she do something nice for once?..<</say>>
<<text>>Doing her best, Scarlit was loading in the dishwasher, her perfect putt inches away from your grasp—so close, in fact, that you could see glimpses of her hot sex through the thin fabric of her undies.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start0.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>And to think that $mc chose her over me...<</say>>
<<text>>Following the impulse, you walked towards the unsuspecting Scarlit and, with a heavy smack, got a handful of her ass in your tight grip. Startled by your sudden appearance, the woman let out a half-scream - half-moan, dropping the plate she was carrying.<</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah! What the hell, $mc?!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, sorry, I should've warned you before doing that, right?<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Y-you... Ah.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Scarlit examined the remains of the broken plate before turning her eyes to you, biting into her puffy lip upon noticing the way you gazed at her.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Just clean up your mess, $mc. You have Bella waiting for you, remember? Unless...<</say>>
<<text>>Smirking, Scarlit moved to the fridge next, rummaging through its contents in search of something. You weren't sure if that was her intent, however, judging by the way she kept pushing her ass outward, as if inviting you to grab her once more.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Bella, huh?~<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly swiping the remains of the plate under the carpet, you confidently walked towards Scarlit, grabbing her butt once more. This time, she was expecting it, however, giggling with delight as your fingers ran across her body.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You know, I think I'd prefer your company for now.<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ha-ha, and what's that supposed to mean?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Come here~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling your pants down, you were surprised to see just how wet Scarlit had already gotten, her pussy accepting your thick cockhead with a needy gasp.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah! God, you're really doing it!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. Fuck, you're really tight~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Yes! Pound me harder!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, trust me, I will~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start5.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>You're stretching me out so well... So good!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... I'm getting there~<</say>>
<<text>>Lost in a hypnotic act of sex, you kept your thrusts steady, rubbing your cock against the pursed walls of Scarlit's cunt, completely missing the third person on a horison, rapidly approaching the two of you.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>What the fuck are you two doing here?!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add anything, Bella pushed you to the side, and after quickly grabbing Scarlit, she forcefully dragged her out of the kitchen, only their voices echoing through the halls of the flat.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What the heck was that about?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Well, now I feel bad for dragging Scarlit into this mess. I should try making it right...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>You slut!..<</say>>
<<text>>Tracing the voices back to Bella's room, you welcomed yourself through the door; it would be an understatement to say that what you saw next left you shocked.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start6.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Oh yeah, a whore like you deserves a good clapping~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>A... What the fuck are you two doing here?!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>As for you, sit back and watch!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<set $gcumw to 70>>
<<say $mc>>E-ehm... Okay, if you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>Following Bella's order, you sat yourself down in what, for all intents and purposes, turned out to be a cuck chair and watched the show before your eyes as if mesmerized.<</text>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist! I wanted to have my pussy stuffed with something thick once again~<</say>>
<<text>>With a scoff, Bella stopped her palm before it connected with Scarilt's bum and instead pulled the woman's undies sideways, shoving her digits inside the soaking wet hole of her friend, eliciting a loud moan from her lips.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start7.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>How about this then, huh? Is that good enough for a whore like you?!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah!.. Y-yes... Mgh!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you two are crazy...<</say>>
<<text>>You could tell that Bella was getting aroused as you watched her skillfully finger Scarlit's pussy, bringing the latter to the seventh cloud of Haven with her hands alone.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/bella9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Scarlit">>M-more... Ngh!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Huh, she's enjoying it a lot more than I thought... Maybe you'll be able to come up with a better punishment. What do you think, $mc?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I think that she should eat you out. She desrves it~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>I like the sound of that!.. You've heard him, whore!<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Scarlit hastily began removing her friend's clothes, and before long, Bella Bagan exclaimed in glee at the swift movements of the black girl's tongue. Entranced by the action before you, you long for your cock, kneeling and jerking it with your own hands.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start8.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>F-fuck!.. I knew your loud mouth had to be good for something.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start5">>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 100>>
<<say $mc>>Eat her pussy Bella; make her cum so hard that she'd regret choosing to fuck me instead of you!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh yeah, this is exactly what this whore deserves!..<</say>>
<<text>>Like a ferocious beast, Bella jumped at her friend, and before you knew it, the only sounds coming from Scarlit's mouth were whimpers and moans.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start9.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>A-ah!.. I-I... Ngh!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start6">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I'm cu-cumming!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>You think I'll let you go that easily?!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ha... What are you-<</say>>
<<text>>Not letting Scarlit get a single breath in, Bella began assaulting her pussy even harder, rubbing her oversensitive clitoral area in such a way that the only thing you could hear from Scarlit was her quelps, as her mind melted completely under the repeating waves of orgasms.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Start10.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ngh!.. Fuuuuck!.. Aaaah!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh my... You're so easy, it's not even fun~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>You two are really crazy!.. You're nuts!<</say>>
<<text>>With your dick throbbing in hand, your eyes were glued to the ladies performing lusty miracles before your eyes. But then Bella suddenly stopped, staring directly at you instead.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/bella10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bella">>Fucking hell, $mc, stop being such a cuck and get over here already! I can't believe I have to spell out everything for you~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>O-okay...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say "Bella">>Lie down; Scarlit, I give you the honors~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Mhm, it's so thick! Thank you~<</say>>
<<text>>A gasp echoed through the room once the puffy lips of Scarlit enveloped themselves around your meaty cockhead, her tongue dancing piruetes alongside your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh God, girls!..<</say>>
<<text>>You can feel the whole world begin to spin in extasy as you desperatly pull on the blankets, trying to keep yourself from cumming too quick.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Bella">>Don't forget his balls, slut~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Mgh... You like that, $mc?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, I do... That's my favorite...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Now let me... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Good girl~<</say>>
<<text>>With just how wet Scarlit's pussy was and just how eager she was in her movements, it was no surprise that your cock slipped out of its pleasure room. But before you could even complain, you shuddered, feeling the tight grip of Bella over your shaft, diligently leading it back into her friend's cunt.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Bella, what a good friend you are!<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Y-yes!.. T-thank you!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Okay, now it's your turn, Bella! Ahm?..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Have a snack, $mc~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Oh fuck! Your cock is great!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>And his mouth... Ah!.. Even better~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Ah!.. It slipped again!<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Dont you worry~<</say>>
<<text>>This time, however, instead of simply leading it back, Bella had some different plans for your cock. Caught by surprise by a sudden change in sensation from Scarlit's tight pussy to the skillful mouth of her friend, you rocked your head back into the pillows, the tightness of Bella's lips melting the world around you.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>S-shit! At least, warn me... Before... I almost came!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Almost?.. That's no fun!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Bella">>M-Ah!.. Sc-Scarlit!.. Alm... Aah!~<</say>>
<<text>>Your cock easily slipped into the depths of the black girl's pussy, easily going all the way in, your swolen tip hitting her cervix hard with each thrust. All the while, you could see Bella's eyes roll, experiencing yet another orgasm in the span of this singular night.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Don't stop, $mc!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, you two are something else...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Bella">>Sh-it!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Shake it, baby! Like that!..<</say>>
<<text>>With your cock now deep inside Bella's pussy, Scarlit tried her best to bring as much pleasure to you as possible, making her friend's fat ass bounce on your cock like a rubber ball and her clamping cunt rub against the most sensitive parts of your penis.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Good girl~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Oh yeah, $mc! Fuck her good!..<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ah! He... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Mgh~ You're two are looking so nice together!.. Much alike to cream and coffee, if you catch my drift~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>Now this... is some cicus-tier shit... But it feels so good!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>If you have the time to complain, use your mouth to eat me out!~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say "Bella">>Oh my God! You're so fucking HUGE!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>He is, now kiss me silly~<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Ngh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, that's the kind of friendship I like to see in my bitches!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say "Bella">>Pound me harder!.. Please!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Like this?!<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Y-yes! Mghm!..<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Sorry, her mouth is too busy to respond right now~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<say $mc>>Let's busy your mouth too!~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ngh?.. Glug!..<</say>>
<<text>>Shoving your cock into Scarlit's open mouth, you easily slipped it all the way to the back of her throat, hetting it with your thrusts. To the girl's honor, she did her best to ignore the gag reflex, obediently rocking her head in unison with your thrusts.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you're good~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ghah... Huf..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1, $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit! Oh, fuck! Get ready...<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>We're here! <</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Let it all out!~<</say>>
<<text>>The rest of the sentence was cut short by your sharp exhale as you came, throwing your head back as a torrent of semen erupted from your tip. It's ropey texture paints the faces of the giddy women before you, your whole body spasming in short, repeated bursts as its intensity slowly vained.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Bella">>Mgh, so much~<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>And it's so thick too...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, it's no surprise, really... The both of you did an amazing job~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 1, $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Bella">>Ah! I'm going to cum! I'm gonna...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do it! Come on, give it to me!~<</say>>
<<text>>A husky moan was your answer as Bella's fingers clutched the sheets under her, her pussy dropping down your cock until, finally, she exclaimed in exasperation, finally getting the cathartic release she was yearning for.<</text>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Good girl, good girl~<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>This was... So much pleasure...<</say>>
<<say "Scarlit">>$mc, please remember to make me cum too~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0, $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Scarlit">>I'm c-close... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>Then cum, you slut! Cum for me!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah, do that, I guess...<</say>>
<<video "bella/Scene1/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Scarlit">>Ngh!.. Oh fuck, I can't breathe...<</say>>
<<say "Bella">>You don't need to; just keep licking my pussy, baby~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 1>> I don't mind!.. <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 2>> I'm feeling thirsty <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 3>> Sneak into the Kitchen <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 4>> S-shit!.. <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 5>> I'm more interested in you~ <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage start 10 20>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 6>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 7>> Fuck, I need to help Scarlit out <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 7>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage start2>> Okay... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 8>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage start4>> "Make her eat your pussy" <</btn>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage start5>> "Eat her pussy as a punishment"<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 9>>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage blowjob 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage start1 10 25>> Go deep <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage 6 0 10>> Go hard <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 8>> This is insane... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "start4">>
<<if $gsceneV2 isnot 1>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage start5>> "Eat her pussy as a punishment" <</btn>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 9>> You two are nuts! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "start5">>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage start6>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "start6">>
<<if $gsceneV1 isnot 1>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage start4>> "Make her eat your pussy" <</btn>>
<<btn Bellagallery1 gstage 9>> You two are nuts! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage blowjob1 10 5>> Suck my Balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage cowgirl1 15 15>> Switch to Bella <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage cowgirl2 15 25>> Go faster <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Switch back to Scarlit <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage missionary1 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage missionary2 15 15>> Deepthroat Scarlit <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage doggy1 15 15>> Switch to Bella <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage doggy2 15 20>> Go crazy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage doggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage doggy3 15 25>> Go stupid <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage doggy 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb Bellagallery1 gstage doggy2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3" && $gstage isnot "start4" && $gstage isnot "start5" && $gstage isnot "start6" && $gstage isnot "start7">>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage cum 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100 && $gstage isnot "start5">>
<<if $gsceneCumW is 0>>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage cumw 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<btns Bellagallery1 gstage cumw1 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne Bella-gallery gstage 0>> I'm spent... <</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Bella-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $GangTask16 to 1>>
<<set $TaskMartyFailed to undefined>>
<<set $TaskMartyCompleted to undefined>>
<<say $mc>>Sure.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Okay, I've got the plan here. Look.<</say>>
<<text>>The man quickly swiped the table off with a hankerchief and pulled out a blueprint of what you'd assumed was Randy's house.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kendra/kendra12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Martinez">>No need to worry; I've made sure that Randy will be on his business outside tonight and won't return until tomorrow morning. Your entry point will be a side window here.<</say>>
<<text>>Following his finger with your eyes, you nodded.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>From what I've gathered, this dumbass always leaves it open. So you can easily climb the fire exit ladder, and you'll be in. After that, just search for the place.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-6 stage "1b">>Is he alone?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<say $mc>>Does he live alone?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>No, he's married. But she'll be out too. I've used some of my connections to give his wife an invitation she wouldn't be able to refuse.<</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, Martinez grinned at you.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>She was very eager to have a party with her old friends, you see, so I helped a little. The party starts at 8 o'clock, so by the time you get there, she'll be out too.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So the house is empty? I like to hear that.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-6 stage 2>>One more thing <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>I've got the gyst of it, but I'll need a better description of the thing you want; "just a stack of documents" won't suffice. Unless you want me to bring every single piece of paper there is, like I did with your first task,<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Hm.<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez leaned back in a chair, losing himself in thought for a while. At the end of it, with a sigh, he began filling you in on the details.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>You're right. I'm after the car ownership papers, and knowing what kind of man Randy is, he keeps them in the same folder. He always liked order.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn. Sounds important; wouldn't he hide them in a secure place like a bank instead?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>No, he doesn't really trust the Jews as well as the government in general. That's why he chose to dabble with a guy like me instead of being an upstanding citizen.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-6 stage 3>>Okay then<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>I think I've got that.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Great, here's the address.<</say>>
<<text>>The man slid yet another card towards you, this time with letters printed. You've guessed that the street and the house number were your targets.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>I hope you're happy now. I've spent a good minute printing this out after all that complaining you did last time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, nice one. I hope that means you've also listened to me being sick of getting peanuts for pay.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>I've got a few people on the waiting list already, so as soon as you finish with this one, you'll get the real one.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take you up on it...<</say>>
<<btno taskMap0>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "hotelvip">>
<<addclass "body" "crimetask">>
<<say $mc>>Good... It seems like Martinez was right. The window is wide open.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking in the full breath of the night's air, filled to the brim with the smells of a city, you take another good look at the window opening on the third floor of the apartment building.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Just remember to be quiet. Even if the flat is empty, we wouldn't want the neighbors to suspect anything either.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know. Now, how do I get up the ladder?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GangTask1-7 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Use the garbage can<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<say $mc>>I think I should be able to jump this high. Get onto my back and hold tight.<</say>>
<<text>>Following your command, the pug climbed on top of your shoulders, holding firmly.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Sure, but if you fall, do it on your own face, please. I don't fancy the idea of being flattened into a pancake.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll try.<</say>>
<<text>>With a heavy breath, you run up to the ladder and kick the ground with all your might, barely grasping at the fire escape, and yet your fingers were able to hold the weight. A few seconds later, with your muscles sore and your hands heavy, you stood before the open window.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Get inside, kid. It seems like we're in the clear.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<removeclass "body" "hotelvip">>
<<addclass "body" "crimetask">>
<<say $mc>>There must be another way in.<</say>>
<<text>>Looking around the dark alley, you try to find something you could use as a stepping stone to reach the ladder.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/backside1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>This trashcan should be good enough, no? Just make sure not to fall over; your stink is barely bearable as it is.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck you. Better come and help me out.<</say>>
<<text>>With some help from the pug, you've managed to push the container all the way to the fire escape, and a few seconds later, you stand triumphantly before an open window.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Get inside, kid. It seems like we're in the clear.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Careful; I wouldn't want to trip over some elaborate trap on the entry.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You must be a huge fan of Home Alone, don't be silly. Although Martinez did warn us that our target does have a kid...<</say>>
<<text>>What you meant as a joke to free up some tension backfired, and now all you could think was how you're about to get electrocuted to death after touching a doorknob. Greg however, seemingly unfazed, jumped through the window unbothered, leaving you with no option but to follow suit.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Not a bad apartment for the family of three... Dude must be set up with money for life.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Is he now... wait! I think I can hear something.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage "2a">>Runing water?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<say $mc>>What the hell, is this a sound of running water?<</say>>
<<text>>Now that you've focused your attention away from the room itself, you've heard the sounds of someone showering. It was clear as day that you weren't as at home alone as you previously thought.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>We'd better hurry the fuck up before we get busted. Search the place, kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>On it!<</say>>
<<text>>Hurriedly rummaging through the bedroom didn't bring much of a result, and after a few minutes of a fruitless search, you moved on deeper into appartment.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now, where can it be?..<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GangTask1-7 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Look for the home-office<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say $mc>>Now this looks promising...<</say>>
<<text>>Checking the room on the opposite side of a bedroom, you walk inside the small and cozy home office. From the corner of the room, you can make out a closet with an iron box placed firmly inside.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle14-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You think it's in that safe?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hope not. Let me check the counters first.<</say>>
<<text>>A couple of minutes passed, yet you were no closer to locating the documents you were after. The pug looked curiously over you before taking a step into the closet himself.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck. I think it's in the safe...<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Wanna try to brute force it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And how would I do that? Pull the right combination out of my ass on the first try?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>No, I'd bet that it's something simple to remember, like a date of birth or an anniversary. Didn't you see anything while you were going through the counters?<</say>>
<<text>>With that thought, you've cast a passing glance over the table once more, and a picture of a person holding a black kid in his hands caught your attention immediately.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What the... Is that his cousin or something? <</say>>
<<text>>But before Grigoriy could answer your question, the sound of running water suddenly stopped.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It seems like we're out of time. Let's scram.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 5>>Damn it!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck! And we were almost there...<</say>>
<<text>>Rushing back into the corridor, you were faced with a dilemma, however. The shower door was now open, and a half-naked woman wearing nothing but fishnets looked at you with her eyes wide open.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>$mc!..<</say>>
<<text>>Luckily, before she could let out a scream, you'd forced your hand over her mouth, pushing both of you into the shower and closing the door behind her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shut it! If you want to live, that is!<</say>>
<<text>>A glimpse of primordial fear appeared in the woman's eyes as she tried to gasp in horror, her body going limp as she lost consciousness a second later.<</text>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 6>>Whoa<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>And she's out... I'm not sure if threatening her life will do you any good in the long run.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, what was I supposed to do? I've seen it working in movies, so that's why...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>All right - all right! Relax. <</say>>
<<text>>The pug took a few steps closer to the uncouncious body and sniffed the woman's hand before turning back to you.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Now that I had a closer look, this woman looks familiar, doesn't she?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, she does; I'm pretty sure I've seen her recently. But where could I... <</say>>
<<text>>The gears inside your mind began hastily moving in search of the answer. And a few cycles later, the memory of you standing behind a PC in an abandoned office came to surface.<</text>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 7>>Really...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck, don't tell me... She must be the one you saw in that video fucking with Martinez. That means this chick is both Randy's secretary and...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>And his wife. Then that black kid we saw in the photo must be from Matniez too. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wouldn't be surprised. Even the timeline checks out.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>This woman must've convinced the poor guy into believing that it was his own offspring... What a bitch.<</say>>
<<text>>You threw another glance over the woman's body, feeling rather conflicted.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>But think about it. That could be pretty good leverage against this slut. I bet she would really hate it if the truth about the baby suddenly came up.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 8>>Let's try it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>We can try. Now, let's wake her up, shall we?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Remember, you are supposed to act tough and intimidating. It is a threat we making, not an invitation for ice cream. <</say>>
<<text>>With a bit of struggle, you position the girl's face under the sink and pour some water over her cheeks. A few seconds later, you notice the movement in her body, and before you knew it, she opened her eyes and sat on the floor, clearly confused.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna9-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Don't even think about screaming for help. Let's talk.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Huh?.. Who...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is what I can do to you in case you upset me. Got it?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl glanced over your appearance, and you noticed a spark of defiance taking hold in her eyes. Despite that, her lips stayed as a thin red line, and after a few moments of silence, she nodded in agreement.<</text>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 9>>I know everything about you<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>I know who you are, Kenna. Consider this visit as a hello from your black friend from the past.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any black friends...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really now?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Eh just to be clear, it's not because I'm racist or anything! It's just that I don't fuck them anymore...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you do fuck your frends often then? Nice of you to out yourself so quickly, makes my job even simpler.<</say>>
<<text>>Caught in her own words, Kenna kept the defiant look in her eyes as she tried to come up with a believable rebuttle.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not dumb. And I'm sure even Randy will put 2 and 2 together once he sees the tapes of you fucking a black dude raw. I'll bet he'll have a question or two about his kid's skin color then.<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but smile while watching Kenna's reaction to your threat. She froze in place, allowing the bratty facade to slide for a moment, revealing the face of a woman ready to do anything to keep her secrets safe.<</text>>
<<btno GangTask1-7 stage 10>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say "Kenna">>No, don't! Please, I've just started living big again!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you'd better make me happy and do it quickly. Otherwise, you can kiss this "good life" goodbye.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Make you happy, that's it? Oh...<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna swiftly changed her position, now sitting in a more sophisticated, if slightly seductive, way. You could see her eyes shining bright with a rebellious flame, one that you couldn't wait to snuff out again.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kenna">>Don't take me as "one of those" chicks you find on a side of a road, I have a family now. I'm sure you wouldn't be taking advantage of a poor girl like me, right?~<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>She keeps saying one thing while her body does another, how very typical. Woman, am I right?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 10>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn OthersScene10 stage 0>>She looks tight... So, why not?<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask1-8 stage 1>>Clear up the misunderstanding<</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP12') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP12', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck... I can't believe you came inside... Dickhead.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, consider this a parting gift. Wouldn't it be first for you, would it?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Even still... Fuck.<</say>>
<<text>>The next few minutes you spent cleaning up, but as soon as you'd done that, you got straight back to business.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Don't think we're done, though.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>What? Cone on, I'm only now cleaned your cum of me... But if you're ready for a second round~<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-8 stage 1>>No, just tell me the code<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $GangTask18 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Stop that. All I need you to do is tell me the code from the safe.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Really now... That's all you need?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yes. Do that, and you can forget we've ever met each other. You'll get to enjoy your life, and I'll get to enjoy mine.<</say>>
<<text>>With a somewhat solemn look, the woman curled her hair, lost in thought.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhm. It should be 7112003, unless Randy changed it again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then you'd better pray that he didn't...<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>No need to be so threatning all the time~ Not like I'm going to run away while you're out or anything.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-8 stage 2>>Leave Greg to guard her<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Of course you won't. Greg, keep an eye on her.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Aye, aye, boss!<</say>>
<<text>>Having left the pug on his watch, you entered the room containing the safe once again and inputed the sequence. With a loud beep, the door opened, revealing a folder filled to the brim with signed documents.<</text>>
<<img "act1/finale5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah... Just what I was looking for.<</say>>
<<text>>With the target secured in your bag, you closed the safe and, after making sure to wipe any remaining fingerprints, returned to the bathroom. calling out to your dog.<</text>>
<<btno GangTask1-8 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Did it work?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah. We're leaving now.<</say>>
<<text>>You turned to the woman, who was now sitting on the side of a bath, looking curiously over you.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Remember, if someone learns about my being here, you can kiss everything good... <</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>I've got it, I've got it. Jeez, you've got so serious all of a sudden.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-8 stage 4>>Exit the appartment<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<removeclass "body" "hotelvip">>
<<addclass "body" "crimetask">>
<<say $mc>>And we're out.<</say>>
<<text>>As you climbed out of the window and jumped down onto the solid ground, the fresh air reinvigorated your body with energy and the force of life, which was very welcome considering that now you had to walk all the way back to the Naked Snake. Again.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/backside0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That was way tenser than I'd expected it to be. Do you think she'll keep her word?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It seemed to me that this bitch didn't really care whether you stole the documents or not... I'm surprised you were so rough and roudy with her, though.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Turns out that acting like a gangster can be quite fun. Although I suppose you could say that I did get carried away a little.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You sure did. Just be careful not to overdo it, you know what they say about the dark side of the Force.<</say>>
<<btno taskMap0 TaskMartyCompleted 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene10", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Suits me. I guesss it's time to shift my "tough guy" act a little~<</say>>
<<text>>With a loud clap, your palm connects with the pale skin of the woman's butt, the force of the impact alone dropping her to the side. You smirk, taking in the full view of Kenna's plentiful bussiness.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kenna">>Aw! What was that for?!<</say>>
<<text>>Before any further rebuttal could come up, you did a quick work out of the fishnets by tearing them apart, before pulling Kenna's pants away, revealing her silky smooth womanhood.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Hey! Those were extensive!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And look at you—all shaven, nice, and clean. It seems to me like you were hoping to get fucked today by a stranger, huh?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>N-no!.. It's just more comfortable this way...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sure of that.<</say>>
<<text>>Not wasting any time, you pushed your fingers in between the nether lips of the woman, eliciting a gasp of pleasure as your digits continued rubbing against the clump walls.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna14-image.webp">>
<<say "Kenna">>A-ah! .. What... Are you... Ngh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Weren't you the one screaming "I'm not like that" a few minutes earlier? And yet, here's your pussy refusing to let go my fingers~<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>It's because... It feels so good...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Then what if I do this?<</say>>
<<text>>You increased the speed of your thrusts, making Kenna bite down on her lip in an attempt to stop herself from moaning. You didn't relent, stirring up her pussy so much that you could hear the quiet squelches of her wet slit.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Mh! My God! I'm almost... I'm about to...<</say>>
<<text>>But letting Kenna cum so easily wasn't part of your plan. You pulled out your fingers swiftly, leaving the woman right on the edge, her loins shaking in excitement.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh?.. Don't tell me that you're about to put your ugly cock in me now.<</say>>
<<text>>You could hear a smirk in the woman's voice while her fingers spread her pussy lips further apart, teasing you with her tight entrance.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>But, I guess it can't be helped~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>You think that getting a hold of my cock is that simple?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Is it not?~<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering this question, you slapped the butt of the woman once more, her pussy squirting in excitement.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not until you beg for it.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Playing hard to get, are we?<</say>>
<<text>>In response, you simply drop your pants down, revealing your massive member before the woman. She reacted just they way you were expecting.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh... Fine. Please give me your cock. Satisfied?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck no. Kneel for me like a good bitch, and I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman's fierce spirit was slowly giving away under her female nature's calling, as you could see her mouth sail away while her eyes were glued to your shining pike. But a few minutes later, she finally gave in, dropping onto all fours and only stopping a few inches before you.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>...I beg of you to use my pussy for your pleasure, master~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha, good one. But I have a better idea...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of Kenna's position, you shove your cock inside her mouth, and soon enough, the sounds of her giving you a blowjob began filling the room.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Mph...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, suck it up, good bitch...<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna plunged herself deep onto your cock, its tip grazing against her back of the throat as a pulse of pleasure shot up your back.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mgh... I guess it isn't all that bad~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Kenna">>But I want it inside...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I want to see my balls inside your mouth. Got it?<</say>>
<<text>>Without skipping a beat, the woman did as you told her, leaving you moaning while her curled fingers continued stroking alongside the base of your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Anything else?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Eat my ass, you bitch.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh? I...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did I stutter? I told you to eat my ass!<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's delibiration, Kenna's tongue went to work on your asshole, giving you one of the better rimjobs of your life.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck, you actually did it!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Okay, now we'll have some real action...<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Finally!<</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of one of the couches in a corridor, you push the woman on top of it, grabbing her hair and locking her body in a mating press position, your fat cock sliding inside her asshole with a repeating motion, like a well-oiled piston.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck! Why is it my ass now?.. I thought... Ah! Not so... Rough...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>How about this, then?<</say>>
<<text>>You could see Kenna's eyes widen as you pushed all four of your fingers inside her wet pussy, screaming out in pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh! I'm going to break...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary2">>
<<say "Kenna">>I'm almost... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha... I'm not messing around here. How do you like it now?<</say>>
<<text>>The woman desperately tried to hold her moans in, but you weren't having any of that, continuously pounting her bum while fingering her soaking sex. A few seconds passed, and Kenna's body shuddered as she cried out loudly in pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhmm! This cock of yours is the best! Please fuck me more!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, that's what a slut like you deserves...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary3">>
<<say $mc>>Let's give your pussy some attention too.<</say>>
<<text>>You could see the tears forming in the corner of the woman's eyes as you dove deep inside her sloppy sex, delving deeper and deeper with each thrust.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ouh, why the fuck... Is it so big?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Trust me, it only gets bigger from here...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh yes! Come on, please... Ah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, this was almost kind of cute... All right then~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh!.. Like this, keep going!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<say $mc>>I'd rather take you from behind, bitch.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhh... Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck! So good...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Does your husband kiss you like this too?~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>No, he doesn't... Only you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I like to hear!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>And now, ride me, baby.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>I was waiting for it~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mmmh!.. And it was worth it. The wait...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say "Kenna">>What are you doing?.. Ah!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>How was that?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck, I love it!.. I wish I was threatened and raped by you like this more often~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Heh, only a dumbass would return to the scene of the crime.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>>Clean it up, girl.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Sure~<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna's earnest lips pressed around your manhood, sliding all the way down to the base, with her nose deep in your groin, while you kept continuously tugging on her hair, pushing the cock even deeper.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh... Mgh... Haa!.. Damn, I wouldn't mind to choke on this cock all day long.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>S-shit! The way you move... Ah...<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ye-yes! Do it in my ass!<</say>>
<<text>>Ensnared by Kenna's sopping insides, each of her tight squeezes brought you closer to the edge. The only thought passing through your mind is how wonderful it would be to make this bitch bear your child after you've raped her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<text>>So that's exactly what you did — switching the hole at the last moments and busting your seed deep inside the woman's pervix, filling her to the brim with your hot seed.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>What the... No, not inside of my!..<</say>>
<<text>>Before she continued with her whining any further, you cut her off by shoving your cock into her mouth instead.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Suck it up, I'm the one in charge here.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW to 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Kenna">>I want to cum so badly... Please...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. I'll allow it~<</say>>
<<text>>The movements of the woman became incrisingly rigid as she was nearing her peak, so being a true gentleman, you've decided to help by increasing the force behind your own thrust tenfold, and soon, Kenna cried out, an orgasmic wave rushing against her whole body.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Please... again... I want to become your one and only slut... Breed me some more...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, don't get ahead of yourself. There's no way you'll be my only one.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw1">>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Kenna">>Again... Ah! So close, so close!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then do it!<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna's legs shivered once more, her tight walls spasming around your cock, forcing a deep growl out of you as you barely avoided cumming on the spot himself.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh my God! I haven't felt anything like that. Ever before...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Remember it well, then... I doubt you'll ever get a re-do.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh my God, you're getting so deep... Pushing against my cervix...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? And I think it's time to go even deeper.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Huh?..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>All the way, baby!<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ah! Jesus, just how big are you?..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck! I'll never be able to enjoy a normal cock again if you'll keep this up...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. After that, your only option will be to sulk around the block, sucking off every person you meet in the hopes of feeling this high again. Too bad you won't!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Spread your asshole open. I want to see you, gape.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhm~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah... So hot.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>Wanna taste it some more? Ha-ha, I know you do.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>F-fuck... Mhm...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>I could get addicted to this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You already are.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage 1 0 30>> Finger her Pussy <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage 2 0 0>> Edge her <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn OthersScene10 stage 3>> I'm not going to make it that easy <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn OthersScene10 stage start>> Do it properly <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage blowjob1 15 0>> Suck my Balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage blowjob2 15 5>> Eat my Ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage blowjob2 15 5>> Eat my Ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage blowjob1 15 0>> Suck my Balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage cowgirl1 15 20>> Switch to Anal <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage cowgirl2 15 20>> Finger her Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage cowgirl3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage cowgirl3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage cowgirl2 15 20>> Finger her Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage missionary1 15 20>> Pond her Ass <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage missionary3 15 25>> Fuck her Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage missionary2 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage missionary 0 0>> Go back<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage missionary 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary3">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage missionary 0 0>> Go back<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage cowgirl 15 20>> Take her from behind <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage doggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage doggy2 15 20>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage doggy3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage doggy3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb OthersScene10 stage doggy2 15 20>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start">>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage cum 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<if $sceneCumW is 0>>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage cumw 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene10 stage cumw1 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btn GangTask1-8 stage 0>>I'm spent<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Martinez">>Back so soon? Impressive. I knew I could trust you. <</say>>
<<text>>As you walked back into the den of sin in the underbelly of Naked Snake, you found Martinez on the phone, speaking with someone. Noticing you, he quickly hung up the phone and stood up, going as far as shaking your hand and tapping you over the shoulder.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/npc4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>How do you know I haven't returned empty-handed?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>I can see it in your eyes. But enough games—show it to me, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's yours.<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold his excitement, the black man practically tore the folder out of your hands, frantically flipping through the pages.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Yes-yes... Oh yeah! You must've got them all...<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-9 stage 1>>What about my money?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>And this means I'm finally getting my full payment?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Of course you do. Just as we've agreed upon, here's your cut.<</say>>
<<text>>Martinez stepped back to the table and pulled out a paper bag from his seat. Looking inside, you were greeted with the pleasant sight of a money roll waiting to be recounted.<</text>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<if $GngTsk1Cut15 is 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 1500$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+1500>>
<<say $mc>>Fifteen hundreds, is that right? Not gonna lie, I've experienced more. Explain yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>There's nothing to explain, $mc. It is 15% of my sales so far, plain and simple.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+1000>>
<<notify 6s>> You've gained 1000$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>One thousand bucks, is that right? Not gonna lie, I've experienced more. Explain yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>There's nothing to explain, $mc. It is 10% of my sales so far, plain and simple.<</say>>
<<text>>The man smiled, looking through the files you'd brought once more.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Don't get disheartened, though. I'm not planning on running away and leaving you with peanuts; I'll continue visiting this place from now on.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-9 stage 2>>Hm?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Meaning?<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>You'll make more money as long as you stick with me. My partners always get their fill, you know.<</say>>
<<text>>For some reason, that phrase, combined with a snarky smile on Martninez's face, made you slip.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Just like you've filled your previous partner's wife with cum? I don't have much trust in you, truth be told.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Is that so?..<</say>>
<<text>>An awkward silence befell the two of you. The black man's face didn't fault, and the smile was ever-resting on his lips, with his eyes shining.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Wouldn't be the first one. I wonder how many white bitches I've knocked up by now...<</say>>
<<btno GangTask1-9 stage 3>>Sure thing, king<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Whatever.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing no remorse in the man's actions, you've turned around, ready to leave.<</text>>
<<say "Martinez">>Next time you see me - come drink with me. I'll make sure to leave the best of the best for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>As long as the pay is good.<</say>>
<<say "Martinez">>Now that I've got my stuff and I'm back in business, it will be.<</say>>
<<if $DayValue < 6>>
<<btno NakedSIntro3 stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
<<btno ClubDance stage 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Suits me. I guesss it's time to shift my "tough guy" act a little~<</say>>
<<text>>With a loud clap, your palm connects with the pale skin of the woman's butt, the force of the impact alone dropping her to the side. You smirk, taking in the full view of Kenna's plentiful bussiness.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kenna">>Aw! What was that for?!<</say>>
<<text>>Before any further rebuttal could come up, you did a quick work out of the fishnets by tearing them apart, before pulling Kenna's pants away, revealing her silky smooth womanhood.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Hey! Those were extensive!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And look at you—all shaven, nice, and clean. It seems to me like you were hoping to get fucked today by a stranger, huh?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>N-no!.. It's just more comfortable this way...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I'm sure of that.<</say>>
<<text>>Not wasting any time, you pushed your fingers in between the nether lips of the woman, eliciting a gasp of pleasure as your digits continued rubbing against the clump walls.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/kenna/kenna14-image.webp">>
<<say "Kenna">>A-ah! .. What... Are you... Ngh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Weren't you the one screaming "I'm not like that" a few minutes earlier? And yet, here's your pussy refusing to let go my fingers~<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>It's because... It feels so good...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Then what if I do this?<</say>>
<<text>>You increased the speed of your thrusts, making Kenna bite down on her lip in an attempt to stop herself from moaning. You didn't relent, stirring up her pussy so much that you could hear the quiet squelches of her wet slit.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Mh! My God! I'm almost... I'm about to...<</say>>
<<text>>But letting Kenna cum so easily wasn't part of your plan. You pulled out your fingers swiftly, leaving the woman right on the edge, her loins shaking in excitement.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh?.. Don't tell me that you're about to put your ugly cock in me now.<</say>>
<<text>>You could hear a smirk in the woman's voice while her fingers spread her pussy lips further apart, teasing you with her tight entrance.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>But, I guess it can't be helped~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>You think that getting a hold of my cock is that simple?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Is it not?~<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering this question, you slapped the butt of the woman once more, her pussy squirting in excitement.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not until you beg for it.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Playing hard to get, are we?<</say>>
<<text>>In response, you simply drop your pants down, revealing your massive member before the woman. She reacted just they way you were expecting.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh... Fine. Please give me your cock. Satisfied?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck no. Kneel for me like a good bitch, and I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman's fierce spirit was slowly giving away under her female nature's calling, as you could see her mouth sail away while her eyes were glued to your shining pike. But a few minutes later, she finally gave in, dropping onto all fours and only stopping a few inches before you.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>...I beg of you to use my pussy for your pleasure, master~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha, good one. But I have a better idea...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of Kenna's position, you shove your cock inside her mouth, and soon enough, the sounds of her giving you a blowjob began filling the room.<</text>>
<<say "Kenna">>Mph...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, suck it up, good bitch...<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna plunged herself deep onto your cock, its tip grazing against her back of the throat as a pulse of pleasure shot up your back.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mgh... I guess it isn't all that bad~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say "Kenna">>But I want it inside...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I want to see my balls inside your mouth. Got it?<</say>>
<<text>>Without skipping a beat, the woman did as you told her, leaving you moaning while her curled fingers continued stroking alongside the base of your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Anything else?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Eat my ass, you bitch.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh? I...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did I stutter? I told you to eat my ass!<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's delibiration, Kenna's tongue went to work on your asshole, giving you one of the better rimjobs of your life.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck, you actually did it!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Okay, now we'll have some real action...<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Finally!<</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of one of the couches in a corridor, you push the woman on top of it, grabbing her hair and locking her body in a mating press position, your fat cock sliding inside her asshole with a repeating motion, like a well-oiled piston.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck! Why is it my ass now?.. I thought... Ah! Not so... Rough...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>How about this, then?<</say>>
<<text>>You could see Kenna's eyes widen as you pushed all four of your fingers inside her wet pussy, screaming out in pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh! I'm going to break...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<say "Kenna">>I'm almost... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha... I'm not messing around here. How do you like it now?<</say>>
<<text>>The woman desperately tried to hold her moans in, but you weren't having any of that, continuously pounting her bum while fingering her soaking sex. A few seconds passed, and Kenna's body shuddered as she cried out loudly in pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary2.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhmm! This cock of yours is the best! Please fuck me more!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, that's what a slut like you deserves...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary3">>
<<say $mc>>Let's give your pussy some attention too.<</say>>
<<text>>You could see the tears forming in the corner of the woman's eyes as you dove deep inside her sloppy sex, delving deeper and deeper with each thrust.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Missionary3.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ouh, why the fuck... Is it so big?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Trust me, it only gets bigger from here...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh yes! Come on, please... Ah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, this was almost kind of cute... All right then~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh!.. Like this, keep going!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<say $mc>>I'd rather take you from behind, bitch.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhh... Oh yeah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck! So good...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Does your husband kiss you like this too?~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>No, he doesn't... Only you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what I like to hear!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>And now, ride me, baby.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>I was waiting for it~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mmmh!.. And it was worth it. The wait...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say "Kenna">>What are you doing?.. Ah!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>How was that?<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck, I love it!.. I wish I was threatened and raped by you like this more often~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Heh, only a dumbass would return to the scene of the crime.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>>Clean it up, girl.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Sure~<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna's earnest lips pressed around your manhood, sliding all the way down to the base, with her nose deep in your groin, while you kept continuously tugging on her hair, pushing the cock even deeper.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Ngh... Mgh... Haa!.. Damn, I wouldn't mind to choke on this cock all day long.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>S-shit! The way you move... Ah...<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ye-yes! Do it in my ass!<</say>>
<<text>>Ensnared by Kenna's sopping insides, each of her tight squeezes brought you closer to the edge. The only thought passing through your mind is how wonderful it would be to make this bitch bear your child after you've raped her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<text>>So that's exactly what you did — switching the hole at the last moments and busting your seed deep inside the woman's pervix, filling her to the brim with your hot seed.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>What the... No, not inside of my!..<</say>>
<<text>>Before she continued with her whining any further, you cut her off by shoving your cock into her mouth instead.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Suck it up, I'm the one in charge here.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Kenna">>I want to cum so badly... Please...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fine. I'll allow it~<</say>>
<<text>>The movements of the woman became incrisingly rigid as she was nearing her peak, so being a true gentleman, you've decided to help by increasing the force behind your own thrust tenfold, and soon, Kenna cried out, an orgasmic wave rushing against her whole body.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Please... again... I want to become your one and only slut... Breed me some more...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, don't get ahead of yourself. There's no way you'll be my only one.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Kenna">>Again... Ah! So close, so close!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then do it!<</say>>
<<text>>Kenna's legs shivered once more, her tight walls spasming around your cock, forcing a deep growl out of you as you barely avoided cumming on the spot himself.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh my God! I haven't felt anything like that. Ever before...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Remember it well, then... I doubt you'll ever get a re-do.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Kenna">>Oh my God, you're getting so deep... Pushing against my cervix...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah? And I think it's time to go even deeper.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Huh?..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>All the way, baby!<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>Ah! Jesus, just how big are you?..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Fuck! I'll never be able to enjoy a normal cock again if you'll keep this up...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Good. After that, your only option will be to sulk around the block, sucking off every person you meet in the hopes of feeling this high again. Too bad you won't!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Spread your asshole open. I want to see you, gape.<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>Mhm~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah... So hot.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>Wanna taste it some more? Ha-ha, I know you do.<</say>>
<<say "Kenna">>F-fuck... Mhm...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene14/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Kenna">>I could get addicted to this...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You already are.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage 1 0 30>> Finger her Pussy <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage 2 0 0>> Edge her <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Othersgallery10 gstage 3>> I'm not going to make it that easy <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Othersgallery10 gstage start>> Do it properly <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage blowjob1 15 0>> Suck my Balls <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage blowjob2 15 5>> Eat my Ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage blowjob2 15 5>> Eat my Ass <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage blowjob1 15 0>> Suck my Balls <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage cowgirl1 15 20>> Switch to Anal <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage cowgirl2 15 20>> Finger her Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage cowgirl3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage cowgirl3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage cowgirl2 15 20>> Finger her Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage missionary1 15 20>> Pond her Ass <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage missionary3 15 25>> Fuck her Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage missionary2 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage missionary 0 0>> Go back<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage missionary 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary3">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage missionary 0 0>> Go back<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage cowgirl 15 20>> Take her from behind <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage doggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage doggy2 15 20>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage doggy3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage doggy3 20 10>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery10 gstage doggy2 15 20>> Gape her <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start">>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage blowjob 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage cum 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<if $gsceneCumW is 0>>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage cumw 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery10 gstage cumw1 10 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btn Others-gallery gstage 0>>I'm spent<</btn>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if !$RileyDebt>> <<set $RileyDebt to 500, $RileyCollected to 0>> <</if>>
<<if !$RileyTaskSetupDaily>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone to 0>>
<<set $RileyTaskRNG to random(0,2), $RileyTaskSetupDaily to 1>>
<<switch $RileyTaskRNG>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $RileyTask0 to 1, $RileyTask1 to 1>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $RileyTask1 to 1, $RileyTask2 to 1>>
<<case 2>>
<<set $RileyTask0 to 1, $RileyTask2 to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> Hi Riley.<</say>>
<<text>>As you enter the 7/11, the first thing you see is Riley standing behind the counter, busy as ever.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">> Oh, hi $mc! I didn't expect to see you back so soon. I hope your day has been good so far~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "taskE">>
<<say $mc>>That sounds like a lot.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Is that so? Well, it was you who offered to help me in the first place...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> How about I do it some other time?<</say>>
<<text>>Puffing her cheeks like a small child, Riley looked at you dismissively before shrugging and moving on.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">> ...Sure. Whatever floats your boat $mc. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "shopE">>
<<say "Riley">> Maybe you would like to buy anything else? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No-no, I think I'm fine as it is. Thanks for the offer.<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft sigh, Riley stared down at the shelves full of products in front of her, before turning her attention back to you. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>All right, then. What are you going to do next?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "talkE">>
<<say "Riley">> Is there anything else you'd like to ask me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't think so. But if something will cross my mind, I'll let you know right away.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley's eyes sparkled with joy as she gave you an encouraging smile.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>All right. Then, if we are done with that, would you like to buy anything? I've got a new shipment of drinks you might be interested in~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTrade stage 0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage 0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "The work day is over">>Work<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyTaskDone > 1>>
<<plugi "There's no more tasks left for the day">>Work<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask stage 1>>Work<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>All of a sudden I feel a bit thirsty... Would you mind selling me a drink?<</say>>
<<text>>You glance over the counter with a built-in fridge, filled with all sorts of colorful bottles.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/shop0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Of course $mc. Which one would you like?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-50>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought an Energy Drink for 50$! <</notify>>
<<set $item3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like a bottle of Plus-Ultra Energy.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, you must be working hard if you need those... Here.<</say>>
<<text>>After rummaging through the fridge, Riley pulled out the farthest bottle on the shelf before sliding it over to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/energy0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> That's quite a package! <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>It'll get you back on your feet in no time, no matter what happens. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash-400>>
<<set $item4 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought some Whisky for 400$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>I'd like to get drunk. Do you sell whisky?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Let me check...<</say>>
<<text>>After a few minutes, Riley came back, holding a very expensive-looking bottle in her hands.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/alcohol0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Trust me, it's good - my dad used to drink it all the time! And it's pretty cheap too, all things considered~ <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage != 1>>
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<plugi "You already have an Energy Drink">>Energy Drink for 50$<</plugi>>
<<elseif $cash<50>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Energy Drink for 50$<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTrade stage 1>>Energy Drink for 50$<</btn>>
<<if $stage != 2>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<plugi "You already have Whisky">>Whisky for 400$<</plugi>>
<<elseif $cash<400>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Whisky for 400$<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTrade stage 2>>Whisky for 400$<</btn>>
<<btn RileyMarket stage "shopE">>Nevermind<</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>What's up, Riley? How are you feeling?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Me?<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised to hear you ask, the girl took a few seconds to come up with an answer.<</text>>
<<if !$RileyDebtPayed>>
<<say "Riley">> I'm all right, I guess. Just trying to make sure I get through the hard times and all that. You know how it is sometimes.,, <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Thanks to you and your help, I'm doing great! I never expected that you would leave such a positive mark on my life but you proved me wrong~<</say>>
/* Debt */
<<elseif $stage is "debt0a">>
<<set $TwineDogshit1 to $RileyDebt-$RileyCollected>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see how your debt repayment fund is doing.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay. Here it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley takes a small notepad out of her pocket and puts it on the table in front of you.<</text>>
<<if $RileyCollected > 0>>
<<say "Riley">>So, we've managed to collect $RileyCollected, but we still need $TwineDogshit1 more.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, since we haven't collected anything, the amount of money my Manager demands is still $RileyDebt dollars.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hm...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>$mc, why don't you pay her debt instead? You have a few dollars
to spare, right?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt0b">>
<<set $RileyDebtPayed to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-$TwineDogshit1>>
<<say $mc>>You know what, Riley? I'll pay it for you.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley's eyes sparkled with joy for a moment before her face turned to confusion.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>No way... This is so much, and you said so yourself...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, now that I think about it, I have some money left over. So why not? I'd like to help you now.<</say>>
<<text>>You counted out the notes and held them out to Riley. But instead of taking them straight away, the girl pulled you closer to her over the counter, hugging you tightly.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh $mc... Thank you so much, you really saved me. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt0c">>
<<set $RileyDebtPayed to 1>>
<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>>
<<set $spare to $RileyCollected-$RileyDebt>>
<<set $cash to $cash+$spare>>
<<notify 6>> You got $spare $ back! <</notify>>
<<say "Riley">>Actually... We have enough money to pay off my debts!<<if $RileyCollected > $RileyDebt>> We even overdid it a little, here, take the spare - $spare $.<</if>><</say>>
<<set $spare to undefined>>
<<say $mc>>No way... We're done already?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, now that I think about it, you've really put a lot of work into this... Come here.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl reached out and pulled you over the counter, hugging you tightly.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh $mc... Thank you so much, you really saved me here.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt1">>
<<say $mc>>No big deal. But I really wonder what you will do with all this free time now~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm not even sure myself. Maybe work some more, aim for a bonus?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's not something I've expected to hear from you...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha, I'm joking. My promise to you was that once the debt was paid, I'd have a chance to get closer to you... And now I can finally do just that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear that~<</say>>
<<text>>You moved closer to Riley and locked her puffy lips in a long kiss, only pausing to catch your breath now and then. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah, $mc!.. Mh, I live a couple of blocks down the street... How about I close the shop while you take a walk outside, and then we meet there?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "debt2">>
<<say $mc>>That sounds like a fantastic idea. Let me write it down~<</say>>
<<text>>After making a note of her adress on your mobile phone, you make sure it's correct by repeating it back to Riley.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, that's right. But, I've been meaning to ask - will you continue helping me out after that? I mean, I understand, you already did enough...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't see a reason why I wouldn't.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, thank Goodness... You really have opened my eyes on how much more bearable it is to work in a team~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Main */
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $RileyScene2Start is 1 && $RileyScene2Completed isnot 1 && $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<if $item4 is 1>>
<<btn RileyPreScene0 stage 0>>I've got the drinks<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have any alcohol with you">>I've got the drinks<</plugi>>
<<elseif !$RileyDebtPayed>>
<<if $RileyDebt < $RileyCollected>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage debt0c>>How's your debt doing?<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage debt0a>>How's your debt doing?<</btn>>
<<btn RileyMarket stage talkE>>Nevermind<</btn>>
/* Debt */
<<if $stage is "debt0a">>
<<if $cash >= $TwineDogshit1>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage debt0b>>Pay $TwineDogshit1 $<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Pay $TwineDogshit1 $ <</plugi>>
<<btn RileyMarket stage talkE>>Back<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt0c">>
<<btn RileyTalk stage debt1>>Don't worry about it<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt0b">>
<<btn RileyTalk stage debt1>>Don't worry about it<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt1">>
<<btn RileyTalk stage debt2>>I'll write it down<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "debt2">>
<<btn RileyScene1 stage 0>> See you soon! <</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So, is there anything could help you with today?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>That would be so nice! But where do I even start...<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh boy, I know this look - prepare for the worst, kid. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>All right, we've still got some work left. What do I do next, Riley?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Of course!<</say>>
<<text>> Riley's face brightens as she reminds you of the work you can help her with today. <</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<<if $WorkMini0 != 1>>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/icon0-image.jpg"></div>
<<if $WorkMini1 != 1>>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/icon1-image.jpg"></div>
<<say "Riley">>So, do you want to get straight to it? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $RileyTask0 is 1>>
<<btn RileyTask0 stage 0>>I'll be on a tilt<</btn>>
<<if $RileyTask1 is 1>>
<<btn RileyTask1 stage 0>>I can mop the floor<</btn>>
<<if $RileyTask2 is 1>>
<<if !$RileyScene2Start>>
<<btn RileyTask2 stage 0>>I'll help you with clients<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTask2-1 stage 0>>I'll help you with clients<</btn>>
<<btn RileyMarket stage taskE>>On a second thought...<</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'll sit behind the tilt for now.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Great, I'll come back and take over in a couple of hours. Good luck!<</say>>
<<text>>After giving you a reassuring smile, Riley quickly disappeared behind the door of the back room. The shift went by without a hitch and soon you found yourself stared at the clock, wondering if Riley had forgotten about you by now.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Greg? <</say>>
<<text>>Although Pug was nowhere to be seen, you knew he must be nearby. And confirming your suspicion, you heard his voice from under the counter.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> I'm trying to sleep here, kid. Whatever you want from me - please keep it yourself. <</say>>
<<btno RileyTask0 stage 1>> Continue to work <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $RileyTask0 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone += 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
\<<say "Riley">>Phew, I'm done! Sorry for the wait $mc, I'm ready to take over~ Here's your cut.<</say>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<if $change is 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash+159>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 159$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<if $change is 2>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 79$! <</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash+79>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTrade stage 0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage 0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "The work day is over">>Work<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyTaskDone > 1>>
<<plugi "There's no more tasks left for the day">>Work<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask stage 1>>Work<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Well then... I'll mop the floor for now.<</say>>
<<text>> Mop in hand, you started to work on the floor, sweeping away the dirt, enjoying the bright contrast between the clean parts and the parts you hadn't cleaned yet. <</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/work4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Don't forget to move the shelves! I haven't cleaned under them for ages.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... You're taking full advantage of me, aren't you?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Tee-hee~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now this box looks quite comfortable. I wonder if anyone will notice that I am missing for a few minutes...<</say>>
<<text>>After a few hours of relentless cleaning, your back starts to feel tired and your arms ache. Looking around for a place to rest, you notice an open door to the broom closet.<</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTask1 stage 4>>Continue working<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTask1 stage 1>>Relax for a bit<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "minimarket">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say $mc>>Now this box looks quite comfortable. I wonder if anyone will notice that I am missing for a few minutes...<</say>>
<<text>>After a few hours of relentless cleaning, your back starts to feel tired and your arms ache. Looking around for a place to rest, you notice an open door to the broom closet.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Finally, some peace and quiet. At long fucking last.<</say>>
<<text>>But after a few minutes of sitting in the dark, doing nothing but experiencing bliss, your mind begins to wander, bored. As you have nothing better to do, you take out your mobile phone and surfing on the web.<</text>>
<<if $Hentai0Acc isnot 1>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/hentai0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>><<if $Hentai0Acc isnot 1>>Now, where was that hentai site... <</if>><<if $SammyCounter is 1>>Or maybe I should check on that chick from before... I wonder how she's doing.<<elseif $SammyCounter isnot 0>> Or maybe I should check out that IRL forum on 4ch instead...<</if>><</say>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $Hentai0Acc isnot 1>>
<<btn TaskHentai0 stage 0>>Go for the hentai<</btn>>
<<switch $SammyCounter>>
<<case 0>>
<<plugi "You've cut your ties with Sammy">> Check on Sammy <</plugi>>
<<case 1>>
<<btn TaskSammy1 stage "0a">>Check on Sammy<</btn>>
<<case 2>>
<<btn TaskSammy1 stage 0>>Check on Sammy<</btn>>
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage 0>>Check the board<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>>Some time later...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Phew... Is this good, Riley?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yep! Well done, $mc, I bet we'll see an increase in customers now that the place is shining like that~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds good, as long as I get paid.<</say>>
<<set $RileyTask1 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone += 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> 160$. It's all yours, $mc. Here. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>160$ overall, but you can take 80$. It's your half of the cut, the other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTrade stage 0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage 0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "The work day is over">>Work<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyTaskDone > 1>>
<<plugi "There's no more tasks left for the day">>Work<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask stage 1>>Work<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Now, what was the URL of a chatroom? I think it was internetsexxx.turbo.cum/SluttySam69 or something like that...<</say>>
<<text>>After typing in the URL, you hit enter and are greeted by the same screen as before. To your surprise, it looks like Sammy is online too, and not only that, but she has also been leaving you messages all this time.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh wow, you actually did it... Nice to see that my hunch was correct; your cock does look like candy waiting for me~<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>$mc? You're still here?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>All right, I'll check in later. I hope I didn't offend you!<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 1>>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>God damn, now I feel like an asshole for not checking in sooner... I'd better reply now, while she's still online.<</say>>
<<text>>You make a quick reply and send it. Not a minute later, Sammy responds.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, glad you liked it. I got a bit busy, so I didn't have a chance to check in with you. How's things going?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Hi! I was just thinking about you. I'm doing all right. Thanks for asking!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You seem to be more excited than the last time. Is something up?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, I did try something out... I feel a bit awkward talking about it now, to be honest.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 2>>I don't mind<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>So you're stuck with the promise... Did it help?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>In a way, it did. Pleasuring myself provided me with a relief I've been craving for a while, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Now I'm having a bit of a different struggle. You see, since I'm married and I don't have an income of my own, I couldn't buy the "toys" from my own pocket.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>So, I've had to borrow them from my good friend, Cassie. As it turns out, she's quite a collector of those things.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Even offered some help and showed how to use them... Can you believe it?<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 3>>That's a nice person<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<say $mc>>Now, what was the URL of a chatroom? I think internetsexxx.turbo.cum/SluttySam69 or something like that?<</say>>
<<text>>After typing in the URL, you hit enter and are greeted by the same screen as before. To your surprise, it looks like Sammy is online too, and not only that, but she has also been leaving you messages all this time.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, it didn't go as planned. I tried to talk to him, but he was too busy and... It went on as usual.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>$mc? You're still here?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>All right, I'll check in later. I hope I didn't offend you!<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage "1a">>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, now I feel like an asshole for not checking in sooner... I'd better reply now, while she's still online.<</say>>
<<text>>You make a quick reply and send it. Not a minute later, Sammy responds.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, sorry it didn't work out, I've been a bit busy and haven't had a chance to check in with you. How are things going now?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Hi! I was just thinking about you. I'm doing all right. Thanks for asking!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You seem to be more excited than I'd expect. Is something up?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, after he rejected me once again I decided to try something out... I feel a bit awkward talking about it now, to be honest.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage "2a">>I don't mind<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<say $mc>>Did it help?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>In a way, yes. Pleasuring myself provided me with a relief I've been craving for a while, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that's what you meant.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah and now I'm having a bit of a different struggle. You see, since I'm married and I don't have an income of my own, I couldn't buy the "toys" from my own pocket.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>So, I've had to borrow them from my good friend, Cassie. As it turns out, she's quite a collector of those things.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Even offered some help and showed how to use them... Can you believe it?<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 3>>That's a nice person<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, it sounds like you've got a good friend.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And that's the problem... Don't get me wrong, though; you have no idea how glad I am to have Cassie by my side.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Like in the past, she would always stand up for me in high school when other girls would call me a whore and such.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So what's the problem, then? I don't get it.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>The way she looked at me when I told her about my wanting to try something new in my sexual life...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It made me feel something I haven't felt in years.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 4>>So, was it fun?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Did you end up having a good time?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Of course! She helped me out a ton, especially when it came to picking lube and size. And we even agreed to film it all!<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Cassie really liked this angle. What do you think?<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy9-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, she has a good eye for it. And you seem to be enjoying it a lot too...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, it was the smallest toy Cassie had, but even then, I was a little bit scared at first. After all, I haven't done that for a while~<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 5>>That's the spirit!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>For a returning player, you are clearly going for the win.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh yeah, I was so flustered by getting on it with Cassie in sight that it slid in straight away. It felt really good, finally knocking against my crevix and all~<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Soon enough, I've managed to climax, and... It was the best day I had in the last few months.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I have a feeling you weren't satisfied after that, though.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>How very observant of you! After catching a little breather, Cassie pulled out a few of her "special" toys; let's call them that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And one word after another, she managed to coherse me into trying to fit them up my ass, with all the lube we had lying around and all.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 6>>Holy...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Now that's the challenge I would expect from the two of you... Did you succeed?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Let's just say that my body seemed to retain some of the lessons I've learned after all those experiences I've had as a teen. So the first one went in real easy—even I was surprised at first~<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy11-image.webp">>
<<say "Sammy">>See how stretchy it is, right? Just looking at this video makes me remember how good it felt in the moment.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... You have an amazing ass, you know that? It just looks so juicy...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Of course, it looks juicy; I spent some real effort warming it up before the real challenge. Because, as it turns out, Cassie is one hell of a pervert!<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 7>>Oh, is she now...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>What could she possibly do to become a pervert in the eyes of someone like you?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I always drew the line at the horsecocks. So I really didn't expect her to bring a full-blown replica of a dragon's member into my house...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Turns out she has some really kinky fantasies. I always thought that those things were for show, since, as you know, fitting them inside seemed impossible!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what being on the Internet does to you. As far as I'm concerned, using oversized dildos as a masturatory aid is rather tame in the grand scheme of things.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You might be right... It turns out it isn't nearly as impossible as I thought it was.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 8>>No way<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Really now?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah. Of course, it was hard to fit even the tip at first, and my legs shaking from all the adrenaline and excitement I was experiencing certainly wasn't helping.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But with our dare on the line, let's just say that where's will there's a way~ See? Here's the proof!<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy12-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>You seem really proud of this...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It is because I am! I don't even know how many times I came while working my way to fit it all the way...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>At one point, I was so exhausted that I had to ask Cassie to help me out! She's such a sweetie, and she was so gentle with me.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I still remember the feeling of her kissing me by the neck while this monster was relentlessly messing up my insides.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 9>>That's hot!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>This is getting really spicy... I wonder what you two did next.<</say>>
<<text>>Sammy took some time to make a reply for the next message, and when she did so, you could clearly feel that her tone now was much colder than before.<</text>>
<<say "Sammy">>We did nothing. My husband came up early from work.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that sucks... Was he mad at you? Or did he finally give you good piping, seeing how wet and ready you were?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>In my dreams. He just looked at me like I wasn't even there and went straight to his blasted computer.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 10>>That sucks<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>What a fucking asshole... I'm sorry to hear that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>He absolutely is. The rest of the evening, after I'd escorted Cassie out, was spent cleaning the floors and being a glorified maid.<</say>>
<<text>>Unsure how to reply, you just looked at the screen, taking all of this in. You just couldn't imagine what kind of man her husband was to be completely apathetic to a situation like this.<</text>>
<<say "Sammy">>But, even then, this was the best day of my life for a long time. Thanks for encouraging me to be more brave with my feelings. $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, it's you who took the step forward. I'm just chatting with you, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>While it is true, the thought of my promise to you helped me move forward. So I would like to continue, if that's okay with you.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 11>>Sure<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds great. By the way, do you have any ideas about what you would like to do next? It seems like you and Cassie can have a lot of fun together; you could repeat that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I dunno; it sounds a bit scary to me. What if she doesn't feel the same way I do, and our friendship will be over?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>She means a lot to me, and I really don't want that to happen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, she literally buttfucked you with a dragon dildo while giving kisses on your neck. It doesn't get more obvious that she's into you.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But aren't those things just normal between your friends?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't tell how it is with the ladies, but when I'm with my dudes, the most wholesome thing you can observe is calling each other fags.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, well, with me, she has always been this way. I never thought that it was just her friendly and caring nature, not her showing interest in me.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But that would make sense, considering that she never dated a guy outside of a bet...<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 12>>Speaking of...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>That reminds me that you never told me what you were betting on.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, well, nothing unusual. The loser has to comply with the wishes of the winner. We've been having bets like this since we were little kids.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>To be honest, it's more about the feeling of competition than the reward.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How about you use it to take Cassie out to the club or something? Since you don't have any spare money, you can ask her to pay the bill.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>That's... I dunno.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>There's nothing for you to lose. Worst-case scenario: you two will have a nice night out and find the answer to your burning question.<</say>>
<<text>>A long minute has passed as you typed in your suggestion, but the answer from Sammy is nowhere to be seen.<</text>>
<<btno TaskSammy1 stage 13>>You there?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<set $SammyCounter to 3>>
<<say $mc>>Hey? Are you still there?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Sorry, I had to answer a call. You won't believe it, but it was Cassie!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you ask her out?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yep! Thanks for giving me an idea; now I feel much better. A bit nerevious, but still~<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I have to run now, but I'll hop back soon!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll be getting back to work then. Get me a few cute photos if your club night works out, all right?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Sure thing, $mc! Bye!<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask1 stage 4>>Return to work<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $Hentai0 to 1>>
<<text>>As soon as you click on the link to the hentai site, upbeat music starts playing in the background.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Are you ready for the ultimate gaming experience? Introducing Hypnosis Sex Guidance, the groundbreaking adult video game that will take you on an unforgettable journey!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, that was an advert... But what the fuck do I have to lose? I'll let it play.<</say>>
<<text>>You pay close attention to the video and read out the subtitles to yourself.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, he has a fat bastard, hasn't he? And the main lead looks pretty good too...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Like that cocky little brat? Then I have good news for you!<</someone>>
<<btno TaskHentai0 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Enter a world where your fantasies come to life. With Hypnosis Sex Guidance you are in control of your destiny. Create your own characters, customise their appearance and embark on exciting adventures in a virtual universe designed exclusively for adults!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>So I can customise both of them as I like? Damn, that's what games should be all about!<</say>>
<<text>>The next clip starts to play, while you wait in anticipation for the fat bastard's next move.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Now I wonder if there will be different ways to break this girl's will... Shit, I'd kill for a game like this.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>But that's not all. Hypnosis Sex Guidance allows you to explore your desires in a safe and fun way!<</someone>>
<<btno TaskHentai0 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Do you have a classmate, colleague or other female interest who keeps rejecting your advances? Or maybe you're just too nice and considerate to confront her out in the open?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Man, where was this game a few months ago? It would have been so good to spice up my lonely days.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Do not threaten! With Hypnosis Sex Guidance you can fulfil that desire to the fullest! Create her through our innovative character creation system and do whatever you want with her! You can play out romance, have deep and long conversations... Or you could just rape her!<</someone>>
<<video "others/Scene8/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Hypno-fuck? Not bad, but I bet I can do better.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Still not convinced? Then have a listen to some of these reviews from our dear players!<</someone>>
<<btno TaskHentai0 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<someone someone "NTRChad" dick>>Hypnosis Sex Guidance has completely changed the way I game. It's like stepping into another dimension where I can truly be myself and explore my wildest fantasies.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "VanillaEnjoyer99" dick>>The attention to detail in Hypnosis Sex Guidance is incredible. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is addictive. Plus, the adult content is tastefully done, making it a truly enjoyable experience.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds very compelling...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Narrator" dick>>Dive into a world of endless possibilities with Hypnosis Sex Guidance. Immerse yourself in a compelling storyline, engage in exciting gameplay and connect with a community of like-minded players. Buy now for only 299.99$!<</someone>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/hentai1-image.jpg">>
<<if $WdArcde200Fix isnot 1>>
<<say $mc>>Very tempting... But where do I play it? Oh well, I'll think of something. I just have to make sure I buy it before the offer ends.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Very tempting... If I buy it now, I can probably play it with Nico's VR. And this game is currently on sale at the special price...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 300>>
<<btn TaskHentai0 stage 4>>Buy it now for 300$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Buy it now for 300$<</plugi>>
<<btn TaskHentai0 stage 5>>Resist the temptation<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "minimarket">>
<<set $cash to $cash-300>>
<<set $Hentai0Acc to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, now it's mine! <</say>>
<<text>>You're quick to order and, having paid $300, you're notified that the game is scheduled to arrive at your door the following morning.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> Well, that's fine I suppose... I think I should get back to work in a meantime, Riley must have...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! You're here?<</say>>
<<text>>The door opened with a loud clang and you jumped in surprise. Riley was standing in the doorway, looking at you curiously. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you scared me. Didn't they teach you to knock?<</say>>
<<text>>But Riley chose to ignore your question and instead went on the offensive.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>You're on the clock! At least warn me if you're going to slack off. What have you been doing here all this time?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTask1 stage 4>>Sorry, I'll get back to it!<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "minimarket">>
<<say $mc>> Sounds like a cool game, but 300$ is still 300$... I'm not going to buy it. <</say>>
<<text>>You closed the site and took a deep breath in.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> At least for now. I think I should get back to work in a meantime, Riley must have...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! You're here?<</say>>
<<text>>The door opened with a loud clang and you jumped in surprise. Riley was standing in the doorway, looking at you curiously. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you scared me. Didn't they teach you to knock?<</say>>
<<text>>But Riley chose to ignore your question and instead went on the offensive.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>You're on the clock! At least warn me if you're going to slack off. What have you been doing here all this time?<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTask1 stage 4>>Sorry, I'll get back to it!<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So what do we have here today...<</say>>
<<text>>You've opened that all-too-familiar thread on 4chan, the one that was infamous for people posting revenge porn. <</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy0-image.jpg">>
<<text>>And after a minute of scrolling you've finally found something that wasn't a cropped photo of a badly shaved pussy being pounded by a limpdick BF. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, this is promising...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Anonymous #35969540" dick>>Got this photo after checking the messanger on a stolen phone of some white chick. I bet she's desperate enough even for guys like you, LOL. Check the logs to see more of the spicy shit.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Anonymous #35969549" dick>> <p style="color:red;">>>35969540</p> Nice rrat retard, do the world a service and end yourself instead of wasting our time with this low quality bait. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Man, I really hope this isn't a honeypot...<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 6>>Give it a try<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>>In spite of what the OP said, the beginning of the file was full of useless dialogue between two friends and nothing really happening, so you had a quick scroll through it until the topic of conversation didn't get more... intimate.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/sammy8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Cassie">>So how have things been going with you and Ben lately? You know, in bed...<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Honestly... Not good, Cassie.<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>What do you mean? Sam, don't tell me he was too big for you in the end. You know that I only skipped jumping on his dick because you were interested in him...<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>I wish... He hasn't touched me for weeks now... I feel so terrible.<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>No way. What an asshole! Girl, I know how hard this must be for you. I remember how wild you used to be in college...<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Yeah, it is... I'm literally crying right now...<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>Well, have you tried that new chat site? <</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 7>>Scroll down<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Why? How is this going to help me with my problem? I don't want to cheat on him. He's just stressed. He's got all this work. He is busy making money for the both of us.<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>Sam... You don't have to blow the first stranger on this website. I'm just saying - go out there and try some meeting new people. Maybe do some sexting, it might get you off too.<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>I don't know...<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>Just try it. I'll even make you an account, just give me a second.<</say>>
<<say "Cassie">>Here it is, just go through and log in with your email - internetsexxx.turbo.cum/SluttySam69.<</say>>
<<say "Cassie">>Are you there? Sam?<</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>Why the hell did you choose such a name?<</someone>>
<<say "Cassie">>It'll help you get some attention over there. Come on, your pussy isn't going to cream itself, you know~ <</say>>
<<someone sammy "Phone Owner" author>>All right Cass, fine. I'll check it out.<</someone>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 8>>Check the url<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Hm. Nothing spicy, sadge... Although I could have a go at this link.<</say>>
<<text>>After typing in the URL, you hit enter and are greeted by a surprisingly decent looking website. Luckily, the chat room wasn't empty, so you decide to give it a go.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hi, what are you up to?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Hi there. Could you skip the obligatory dick pick, please? I've seen too many of those today, I feel like I'm going to puke.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 8>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Grow up<</btn>>
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>That sucks<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "9a">>
<<say $mc>>Too bad. This is an adult chatroom, what did you expect?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I was looking for a distraction from a personal problem of mine. To find someone nice to talk to... But instead I'm constantly being bombarded with all these horrible pictures of unwashed junk...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Try changing the URL of the room. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh... damn, that's smart. How do I do that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Press the cog icon in the right hand corner of the screen. You'll see the option there.<</say>>
<<text>>Once you have typed that in, you start waiting for a response.<</text>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 10>>You there?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "9b">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, that sounds disgusting, I'm sorry to hear that.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Thank you, I was getting ready to shut this down for good before you showed up. I had lost all hope of actually having a decent conversation.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see... What brought you here anyway? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I was looking for a distraction from a personal problem of mine. To find someone nice to talk to... But instead I'm constantly being bombarded with all these horrible pictures of unwashed junk...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Try changing the URL of the room. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh... damn, that's smart. How do I do that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Press the cog icon in the right hand corner of the screen. You'll see the option there.<</say>>
<<text>>Once you have typed that in, you start waiting for a response.<</text>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 10>>You there?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Hey? Are you there?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, I just fixed it. Thought I was going to lose you since the link changed.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, I'm still here, as you can see :p I'm $mc, by the way.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>That sounds cool. You can call me Sam. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>So, $mc, how's life treating you recently?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Quite decent, even good. I'm on a break right now. What about you?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I'm at home. I've been a housewife for a few months now. I wish I could be working right now too...<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 11>>Why not?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Why not? Give it a try. I'm sure your husband wouldn't mind if you bought him something expensive with your own money.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>No, he's too old-fashioned for that. He sweats every second he's got working to earn us more money to buy us... I don't even know what at this point.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds like you get a lot of presents from him, yeah? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I do. But what good are these gifts if he doesn't have time to spend with me? I feel so alone and isolated...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Do you have any friends around? Maybe they can cheer you up?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I have a few, but it's not the same... I mean, I'm his wife and all, but still...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>$mc... Can I trust you with something?<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 12>>This is getting spicy...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, go ahead. After all, we are two complete strangers, so be a little more brave.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well... It is just that... It's really embarrassing. I feel like a slut just thinking about it.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sam, I seem to remember hear you saying that you've been struggling to get laid. And I know it's a struggle.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, did I say that? Well... It's not like I can't find a dick to ride and more like... <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You see, I haven't had sex with Ben, my husband, since our honeymoon ended. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I can't take it any more. It's been 2 months.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I'm at a loss. Can you help me out?<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 12>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Corrupt her<</btn>>
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>You should stay loyal<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "13a">>
<<say $mc>>It's tough. But you're a married woman now.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I know.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Even if your husband isn't able to fulfil your needs in bed, he's doing his best to build a path to the best life you both could ever have.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah. I'm such a slut for even entertaining that for a second...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's just a thought, don't be too hard on yourself. There are ways to satisfy your desires without being a whore. You could try some toys, for example.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>What do you mean by that? I'm married now. I can't do things... Like I used to.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 14a>>You're right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "13b">>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn, he sounds like such a bastard. It's not cool at all to ignore your wife like that. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Since he's too busy at work, you have every right to satisfy yourself in any way you like.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But wouldn't that make me... You know. A slut?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not really. You can get your relief in a lot of different ways, you know?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But I'm married now. I can't do things... Like before.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 13>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Like what?<</btn>>
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>You're right<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "14a">>
<<set $SammyCounter to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Maybe you're right. Sam, thing is - you're not free anymore. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Probably you shouldn't be tempting yourself like that. Follow your heart instead.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah. Sorry about that, $mc, that was inappropriate of me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry. Just try to remember that you've got a loving husband and try to talk to him when you get a chance. About the way his actions make you feel.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I will do that. I think I'll go and call him now. Thank you so much. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem.<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask1 stage 4>>Return to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "14b">>
<<say $mc>>And what did you do before you got married? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well... It's too embarrassing to admit...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We're complete strangers, remember? I don't know your name, and neither do you. Hell, you could admit to being a criminal and get off scot-free.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Right. You're right... <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Before I married Ben, I was something of a... Nympho. Just a little bit.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And I had lots of toys. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don't sound like a nympho though...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, that's because I left that part of me in the past. When I decided to marry Ben.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 15>>Prove it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>I'm still not convinced. Tell me the whole story.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You promise not to tell everyone about this, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, sure.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well then... Let's just say... My sexual awakening happened earlier than for most other girls. I had to live with those thoughts and desires of having a firm cock inside me for so long...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And? Did you ever give in?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I did. It happened at school. I got too hot and bothered looking at our physics teacher and decided to go to the toilet to get rid of these thoughts. Hurrying, I accidentally stepped into the boy's cubicle.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And who was in the toilet?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I don't remember his name... It was some nerdy looking kid who was busy masturbating to porn on his phone or something. That's when I... Fuck.<</say>>
<<text>>A minute passed, and from the looks of it, Sam was in no hurry to continue her story. She must've kept delving deeper into her youthful fantasies all by herself.<</text>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 16>>Hey?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say $mc>>C'mon, what happened next? Don't leave me hanging...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh yeah, sorry. I've just had a flashback to how big his dick was for some reason... Jesus, just the thought of it has me salivating... <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Anyway! Seeing it, I couldn't hold back anymore. The boy was surprised at first, but when I showed him my tits he got the message. At the time I couldn't even get his cock to fit properly in my mouth,<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/sammy2-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>No way that happened. Sounds fake as hell. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I guess I can share this with you as well. The guy did manage to get some of it on film.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Shit, now I remember how tasty that cock was...<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 17>>Wow...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit. What a lucky bastard...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And what's really funny, I remember that he asked to touch my tits. Can you imagine? I don't know why, but it felt so ridiculous at the time... Finally getting my first taste of a dick, with a guy who couldn't even use it properly... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds kind of sweet. The two of you were trying to figure it out, Neture's way and all that. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I guess you're right, in a way. It took me a while to push him over the edge. I didn't really know what I was doing, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you swallow it?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Of course I did!<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I tried to swallow it like a good girl. But it was a bit much for me at the time. I had to spend the next 15 minutes washing my face to get it all out.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Surprisingly, the boy turned out to be something of a friend to me. He's helped me with assignments and even bought me a new mobile phone for my birthday next week! <</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 18>>I bet you had fun often...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<say $mc>>I'd imagine you had a lot of fun with him after school.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>What? No way, he was a nerd. But he was a good friend. Although...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>At that time he was being bullied by some guys. They saw the video of me on his phone during one of these fights. That's when the fun part of my school started.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've heard a few stories like that... I bet those guys had something to do with it.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yes, they decided to jump me after PE while I was getting dressed. Other girls had gone home by then, so I was surrounded by them and all alone.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 19>>That's scary<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds scary.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>And it was. At first I was terrified of being caught naked by a group of ruffians like them. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But then I saw how big their captain's bridge was. I think it was Josh. Anyway, I thought, "Why shouldn't I mess around with him for a bit?"<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In front of all his goons? You're crazy.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, I had no idea what the rest of the day would be like. I was getting a good taste of Josh's dick with my lips and he just started shoving it down my throat without warning me! It was so good that my legs gave out.<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/sammy3-image.jpg">>>
<<say "Sammy">>It must have been quite a show for the guys watching me from behind. One of them took these photos btw. My virgin pussy was drooling with all the juices. <</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 20>>What a bunch of lads<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<say $mc>>Surprised they didn't just take you on the spot, they must've been so horny at that point.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh, they did. As soon as Josh came, the other brute turned me over like a pancake and started licking my pussy clean. That was quite unexpected, I thought I was going to be gangbanged like a whore. <</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What a fucking gentleman he is.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, then his friend came along and well... Let's just say they couldn't quite agree on who should have a go first.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 21>>So?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 21>>
<<say $mc>>And?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Turns out, losing my virginity with both my pussy and an asshole at the same time felt a lot better than I thought it would.<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy5-image.webp">>
<<say "Sammy">>Fuck... Finally experiencing being fucked with a real cock instead of one of those plastic toys was fascinating, to say the least.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, you're painting a hell of a picture here... I can see why you got addicted to cocks after this being your first time.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Oh yeah, I love them. Especially after what happened next. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>After one of them filled my asshole with cum, the next guy in line didn't want to use it anymore. So he tried to find a solution...<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 22>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 22>>
<<say "Sammy">>They gave me a good stretch, to say the least. My mind was on the verge of collapse as I screamed at the top of my lungs from all the pleasure and pain I was feeling.<</say>>
<<text>>The following clip shocked you deep to the core. To think that a virgin girl was violated like that on her first time...<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>No fucking way. This sounds more and more like a horror story...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It had a happy ending though. I don't know how long it took, but in the end I became part of their group. We helped each other a lot.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>They even gave me a place to live when I ran away from my drunken father. It was a basement, but it was better than sleeping on the street.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's quite a life you had...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yeah, it was a fun time, too bad we've had to split up when I went to college. And then a couple of years later I met Bob and we got married.<</say>>
<<btno TaskSammy0 stage 23>>You must be really happy<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 23>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, I would like to see that "happy ending" you were talking about...<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Ha-ha, you're funny... Here~<</say>>
<<img "act2/mini/sammy7-image.webp">>
<<say "Sammy">>Shit, now you made me curious.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In what way? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Well, you know... It's not fair that I show you both my goods as well as tell you my spicy stories, but you keep yours locked away~ Come on, send me a dick pick.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, I thought you were tired of seeing them? <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I'm tired of seeing dirty small cocks. And I have a hunch yours won't be like that~~<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 23>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>That's too much<</btn>>
<<btn TaskSammy0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Sure, but first...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "24a">>
<<set $SammyCounter to 1>>
<<say $mc>>You really shouldn't ask that. Sam, again, you're a married woman. <</say>>
<<text>>The answer didn't come right away, and after a good minute of waiting you began to wonder if something happened to her.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's just try to forget about today's discussion. You were just blowing off steam and I was here to listen. And now it's over and done with.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>You're right. Sorry about that, $mc, that was inappropriate of me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it. Just try to remember that you've got a loving husband and try to talk to him when you get a chance. About the way his actions make you feel.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>I will do that. I think I'll go and call him now. Thank you so much. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>No problem.<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask1 stage 4>>Return to work<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "24b">>
<<set $SammyCounter to 2>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll do it.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>Yay!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But before I do, you have to promise me one thing - try playing with some toys. Bottling up all that libido isn't healthy and you know it!<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But wouldn't that be going against my marriage? I don't want to cheat on my husband.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Toys exist because of situations like yours. And more importantly, what about me showing you junk? That sounds more like cheating to me.<</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>It's not like your cock is going to tear through my holes for real, though. I think just looking at it is totally fine. <</say>>
<<say "Sammy">>But I promise to try some toys, even if I don't think that It'll work... Now send me a photo!<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask1 stage 4>>Return to work<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So... Is that all then?..<</say>>
<<text>>Since the customer flow dried up considerably in the last few hours, you and Riley found themselves sitting behind the counter, each idly minding their own business.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah?.. Sorry, I can't let you go yet, what if we get a sudden wave of customers?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see...<</say>>
<<text>>Somewhat lost, you look around for anything that could dispel the coming boredom. That's when one of the posters on the wall caught your eye.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, she's hot... I know they say "Don't stick your dick in crazy", but...<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2 stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I wonder how Riley would look in a costume like this.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, the image of Riley dawning in the costume of an arlequin easily came to mind.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>It really makes you think...<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2 stage 2>>Ask Riley if she has one<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Riley? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah $mc?<</say>>
<<text>>After a second's deliberation, thinking about how you should be approaching the topic, you decide that it would be best to be straight to the point.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Do you possibly own any costumes? Haloween type, you know. I got curious, this being the season and all.<</say>>
<<text>>For a second, a sad smile appears on the girl's face, but only for a second, waning without a trace soon after.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Actually, I did want one for the longest time. My parents never really allowed me to have one as a kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How so? You're telling me you've never done any trick or treating?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No. They were really strict about this stuff.<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2 stage 3>>I get it...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, that sucks. I feel you.<</say>>
<<text>>You really did. From your experience, having strict parents was pretty rough, doubly so when they decided to be inconsistent about it.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>So you've said you've wanted one for the longest time... Of what kind, if you don't mind me asking?<</say>>
<<text>>Riley watched you closely, trying to decide if she could trust something very important to you or not. And judging by the change in her expression, in the end, she deemed you worthy.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>This might sound silly, but... promise not to laugh, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I swear on my dog. Or whatever else, really.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay, well... I really like cats, and... I wanted to dress up and become one for as long as I can remember.<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2 stage 4>>What?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Huh... Become one?<</say>>
<<text>>Instantly regretting her choice of words, Riley's cheeks burned with red as she nervously began clarifying what she meant.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>No, no, not in the RP way or anything... Just for the sake of curiosity. I thought it would be cute...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, it's fine either way. So, what stops you from doing this now?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>It just... I dunno. Feels weird?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Did you try it?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, I've managed to save up on a costume, and... it felt so childish, not like a cat at all.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if !$RileyDebtPayed>>
<<plugi "You should help Riley get out of her debt first">> Encourage her <</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Encourage her<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTask2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>You're weird<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<say $mc>>I might have an idea why.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's the point of getting into the costume of a cat if no one sees it? If you don't have a loving "owner"?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>You're serious? But it would be so cringe...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing a couple of shots can't fix. I mean, come on, you went out of your way to buy it.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, but... You're sure you wouldn't mind me playing a kitty?<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2 stage 6>>Yeah<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<say $mc>>No wonder. That shit is fucking wild...<</say>>
<<text>>Clearly hurt by your dismissive reaction, the girl took a mobile phone out of her pocket, turning her attention back to the feed.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I guess it is... Maybe. Yeah.<</say>>
<<text>>With the conversation exasperated, you both return to your own things until, finally, the clock rings, marking the end of a half-shift.<</text>>
<<set $RileyTask2 to undefined>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, thanks for keeping me company, even though no customers came by. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>Well, thanks for keeping me company, even though no customers came by. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTrade stage 0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage 0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "The work day is over">>Work<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyTaskDone > 1>>
<<plugi "There's no more tasks left for the day">>Work<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask stage 1>>Work<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $RileyScene2Start to 1>>
<<set $RileyTask2 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone += 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I think it'll be fun.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>All right then. Come talk to me when you've got the booze. I'll get the costume ready.<</say>>
<<text>>Just as Riley was about to leave the staff rooms, she was stopped by the clock's rinsing, marking the end of a half-shift.<</text>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, right. Let me get your pay first. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, right. Let me get your pay first. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTrade stage 0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage 0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "The work day is over">>Work<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyTaskDone > 1>>
<<plugi "There's no more tasks left for the day">>Work<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask stage 1>>Work<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So... Is that all then?..<</say>>
<<text>>Since the customer flow dried up considerably in the last few hours, you and Riley found themselves sitting behind the counter, each idly minding their own business.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Ah?.. Sorry, I can't let you go yet, what if we get a sudden wave of customers?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see...<</say>>
<<text>>Somewhat bored, you look around for anything that could dispel the coming boredom. That's when you were reminded about Riley's costume story, am image of hers coming alive before your eyes.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, that's hot... I know they say "Don't fuck the cat", but...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh no, nothing...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $RileyScene2Completed is 1>>
<<btn RileyTask2-2 stage 0>>Spend time with your kitty<</btn>>
<<plugi "You haven't seen that side of Riley yet">>Play with your kitty<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask2-1 stage 1>>Power-through the boredom<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $RileyTask2 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone += 1>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<say $mc>> All right, where was I... <</say>>
<<text>>You continued to count the bottles of Plus Ultra on the shelves as your mind began to drift, sending you into a blissful, dreamless state.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc?.. $mc!<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Huh?.. Yes, yes it's me!<</say>>
<<text>>Jolted awake by Riley's cheerful voice, you looked around in confusion, noticing that the sky outside had grown considerably darker.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Riley? What is it, do you need help?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No silly, the time is up. Your half-shift is over.<</say>>
<<text>>Just as she mentioned it, you heard a faint sound of the clock ringing in the background. Smiling, Riley reached under the counter and pulled out some notes.<</text>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. And by the way - here's your pay. <</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">> Thanks for keeping me company. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTrade stage 0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage 0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "The work day is over">>Work<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyTaskDone > 1>>
<<plugi "There's no more tasks left for the day">>Work<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask stage 1>>Work<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $DailyPizzaVisited to 1>>
<<if $AlexisScene1Complete is 1>>
<<set $AlexisScene1Completed to 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "pizza">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<text>>Strolling around the city, you didn't notice as you came in front of the Rooster's Egg. The place looks lively as ever, and for a second, you almost felt jealous of all the potential tips that you were missing.<</text>>
<<img "act1/pizza0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What, you've got munchies all of a sudden?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No. But I'm thinking that maybe I should go and check how the girls are doing. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Might be a good call. With the number of workers Savannah has, you might even get an odd job or two.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or I could spend some time with Savnnah herself. Usually, she's too busy bossing around to have a chat with me.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Be my guest. I'll wait on the outside, as usual.<</say>>
<<btno PizzeriaEnter stage 1>>Walk in<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if !$AlexisTaskSetupDaily>>
<<set $AlexisTaskRNG to random(0,1), $AlexisTaskSetupDaily to 1>>
<<switch $AlexisTaskRNG>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $AlexisTask0 to 1>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $AlexisScene1Completed isnot 1>>
<<set $AlexisTask1 to 1>>
<<set $AlexisTask0 to 1>>
<<set $rng to random(9, 49)>>
<<say "Alexis">>Number $rng! Your order is ready!<</say>>
<<text>>As you came inside, the busy sounds of the streets changed to the hushed noises of the children and people ordering their food. And somehow Alexis was able to keep up with the crowd amid all the chaos.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>I'll have two number nines, a large number nine, a number six with an extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives...<</someone>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes Sir! I'll call you when it's ready!<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>Oh, and a large diet coke.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, how does she keep up with all this... <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $SavannahBusy isnot 1>>
<<btn SavannahMain stage 0>>Walk into Savannah office<</btn>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Walk into Savannah office<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisMain stage 0>>Come talk with Alexis<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'd better go check on Savannah then...<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding that it would be better to let Alexis weather the storm without being interrupted, you walk toward the door to Savannah's office.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/door2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh right, I should knock first...<</say>>
<<text>>You put some force into knocking, making sure that despite the noisy atmosphere of the restaurant, your three loud thuds would be heard on the other side of the door. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes-yes, come in! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Savannah">> Oh, it's you...<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah smiled coy, adjusting the paper stuck in front of her as if to make the point that she's been hardworking all this time.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm curious, so please tell me... Why are you here? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Money. And maybe, just maybe, I've grown slightly fond of you by now. A tiny bit. <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Is that so?<</say>>
<<text>>You could swear that Savannah's cold blue eyes sparked out with a devilish spark. But it was gone so quickly that you weren't sure that that wasn't merely a merely trick of the light.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, that's fine with me. What do you want? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "drink0">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, Sav. How's the day going?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>It's all right, I guess... Also, don't call me that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then how about I make it a little better for the both of us?<</say>>
<<text>>With a sleazy smile, you pull out a bottle of whiskey from your backpack and place it in front of your boss. Without skipping a beat, Savannah answered.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm in, you bastard. <</say>>
<<text>>The next dozen minutes you spent taking shots with Savannah, sharing different stories of your life to each other.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Well, that was fun. I'll be waiting for the next time.<</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've given away your Whisky! <</notify>>
<<set $DailyDrinkGivenSav to 1>>
<<set $SavannahCounter += 1>>
<<set $item4 to 0>>
<<text>> You can feel Savannah's interest in you grow a little 💜 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "taskDecline">>
<<say $mc>>I would like to, but I'm a bit too busy today. Maybe next time?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>...Hmh. I guess I can wait until then.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Savannah turned back to her PC and started typing something on the keyboard.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, what about my pay?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>What? You just moved a few boxes, why would I.... Ah, whatever. Here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks. See you.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "alxsE">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I've gotta run, I've have a bit too much on my plate today. You don't mind, right?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>...Hmh. I guess it's fine then.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Savannah turned back to her PC and started typing something on the keyboard.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Don't get bored, I'll make sure to check in on you whenever I have the time~<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't worry, I won't.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn SavannahMain stage 1>>...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "alxsE">>
<<btn AlexisMain stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $SavannahBusy is 1 || $timeM >= 3 >>
<<plugi "Savannah is too busy right now">>Talk<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Savannah is too busy right now">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Savannah is too busy right now">>Ask for a task<</plugi>>
<<btnsb SavannahMain stage "alxsE">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btn SavannahTalk stage 0>>Talk<</btn>>
<<if $item4 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenSav isnot 1>>
<<btn SavannahMain stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenSav is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have any whiskey on you!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<if $SavannahCounter > 1 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene isnot 1>>
<<btn SavPreScene0 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<elseif $SavannahCounter > 2 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene is 1 && $SavPstScene1 isnot 1>>
<<btn SavPreScene1 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<elseif $SavannahCounter > 3 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene is 1 && $SavPstScene1 is 1 && $SavannahScene2 isnot 1>>
<<btn SavannahScene2 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<btn SavannahTask stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<btnsb SavannahMain stage "alxsE">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>You know, I've wanted to have a chat with you for some time now.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Hm? What is it now?<</say>>
<<text>>Moving away from the monitors, Savannah turned the center of her attention toward you. You felt a little bit shy under her inquiring gaze, and...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, it's just... Nice weather today, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You don't think so?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Haah... don't waste my time with this crap. Come by when you have something to say.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item4 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenSav isnot 1>>
<<btn SavannahMain stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenSav is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have any whiskey on you!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<if $SavannahCounter > 1 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene isnot 1>>
<<btn SavPreScene0 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<elseif $SavannahCounter > 3 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene is 1 && $SavPstScene1 isnot 1>>
<<btn SavPreScene1 stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<btn SavannahTask stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<btnsb SavannahMain stage "alxsE">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I was wondering, do you perhaps have some tasks for me today?<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah examined you with a lukewarm stare and after moment of delibiration, shook her head in dissmissal.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Nope, nothing that I could trust you with.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I proved myself to be dependable, haven't I?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>No. Not yet.<</say>>
<<if $ThsdPzz0aSawScene isnot 1>>
<<text>>You feel that this dialogue would be different if you and Savannah got to know each other better. ($SavannahCounter\3) <</text>>
<<elseif $ThsdPzz0aSawScene is 1 && $SavPstScene1 isnot 1>>
<<text>>You feel that this dialogue would be different if you and Savannah got to know each other better. ($SavannahCounter\3) <</text>>
<<elseif $SavannahCounter > 3 && $ThsdPzz0aSawScene is 1 && $SavPstScene1 is 1 && $SavannahScene2 isnot 1>>
<<text>>You feel that this dialogue would be different if you and Savannah got to know each other better. ($SavannahCounter\4)<</text>>
<<text>>You get the feeling that Savannah means what she says. Perhaps you should wait a while and ask her when the time is right.<</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn SavannahTalk stage 0>>Talk<</btn>>
<<if $item4 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenSav isnot 1>>
<<btn SavannahMain stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenSav is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have any whiskey on you!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<btnsb SavannahMain stage "alxsE">>Check on Alexis<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $rng to random(49, 80)>>
<<text>>You waited patiently for several minutes for the crowd to disperse, knowing your efforts would be rewarded by Alexis after she'll finish giving out the last order. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Number $rng! Your order is ready!<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>Thank you so much, Alexis...<</someone>>
<<say "Alexis">>Next please!<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing that the last customer has been taken care of, you push a man out of your way and smile at a surprised Alexis.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh! Hi $mc. How are you?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not bad at all. As you can see, I even managed to save some time to check on you.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $OldQuoteRng to $NewQuoteRng>>
<<for ; $NewQuoteRng == $OldQuoteRng ; >>
<<set $NewQuoteRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewQuoteRng is 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>"Religion is the opium of the people", huh?..<</say>>
<<elseif $NewQuoteRng is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs..." Sounds about right, but...<</say>>
<<elseif $NewQuoteRng is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">>"The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people..." Wait a minute...<</say>>
<<text>>As you approach the reception, you notice that the buzz of the crowd has died down a little, and Alexis, now seemingly relaxed, is busily jotting something down on her trusty notepad, muttering to herself as she goes.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>...Hm. That's an interesting interpretation...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hey there, Alexis. What's that book for?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, $mc! Nothing much, it's just for studying. What's up, you having a good day I hope? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "drink0">>
<<say $mc>>You've been busy lately... Don't you feel tired at all?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Actually, I do... Just a little bit, though. It's taken more effort than I expected to work and study at the same time, so...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I have something I've prepared just for you.<</say>>
<<text>>Like a famous magician, you reach into your backpack and search for a few seconds. Feeling the metallic coolness of a can against your fingers, you pull out an energy drink and place it before Alexis.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Here you go. It'll get you through the shift.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh wow... Thank you so much, $mc! <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've given away your Energy Drink! <</notify>>
<<set $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis to 1>>
<<set $AlexisCounter += 1>>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your friendship with Alexis grow a little 💙 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "taskDecline">>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... I think I'll pass.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Really? Pft. My fault for expecting more from you then.<</say>>
<<text>>Visibly disappointed by your decline, Alexis shrugs her shoulders and returns to studying.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That was harsh.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Don't het me wrong, I get you. Someone else will have to do it, so why bother yourself, right?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "taskCompleted">>
<<say $mc>>Well, that was something...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>Where the hell all the staff at?<</someone>>
<<text>>Standing in the main hall, you are surprised by the number of people waiting for their order at the empty reception desk. But seconds later, Alexis emerged from the staff room and went straight back to work..<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sorry for the wait! Tell me your order please!<</say>>
<<someone someone "Some Dude" dick>>I've been waiting for 6 minutes! I'll make sure your manager will get a message about this... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Looks like it would be better not to bother her right now. She's in a bit of a jam.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "savE">>
<<say $mc>>All right, I'll go chech on Savannah now.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Already? I thought you came here to cheer me up...<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by Alexis' tone, she was having fun talking to you, while the idea of getting back to the boring shift wasn't that pleasant in comparison.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, come on now. Savannah might need some attention from time to time too, you know~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I guess you're right... Good luck with that, then.<</say>>
<<text>>As you walked to the door of Savannah's office, you made an effort to knock so that you could be heard on the other side of the door, despite the busy day at the restaurant. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes-yes, come in! <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is "savE">>
<<btn SavannahMain stage 1>>Enter the office<</btn>>
<<elseif $AlexisBusy is 1 || $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "Alexis is too busy right now">>Talk<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Alexis is too busy right now">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Alexis is too busy right now">>Ask for a task<</plugi>>
<<if $SavannahBusy is 1 || $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Check on Savannah<</plugi>>
<<btnsb SavannahMain stage 1>>Check on Savannah<</btnsb>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btn AlexisTalk stage 0>>Talk<</btn>>
/* drink */
<<if $item3 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis isnot 1>>
<<btn AlexisMain stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have an Energy Drink!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
/* task */
<<if $AlexisTask0 is 1>>
<<btn AlexisTask stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<elseif $AlexisTask1 is 1>>
<<btn AlexisTask stage 1>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<if $SavannahBusy isnot 1 || $timeM < 3>>
<<btnsb AlexisMain stage "savE">>Check on Savannah<</btnsb>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Check on Savannah<</plugi>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $AlexisScene2 is 1 && $PreAlexisScene30 isnot 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $PreAlexisScene30 to 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>So, what can I do for you? I can see from the look in your eyes that you want something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Am I really so easy to read?..<</say>>
<<text>>To that, the girl shrugged her shoulders, glancing at the clock nested on the wall behind her.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Ehem, I just wanted to check in on you. It seemed like that would be a good idea after what happened.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Alexis twirled her hair in frustration before catching herself.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I'm... allright. Just focusing on doing my work, as usual.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-0 stage 1>>Is that so<</btno>>
<<elseif $AlexisScene2 isnot 1 && $AlexisScene1Completed is 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So, how you're doing?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I'm fine, I think. It's been a boring day so far, so I'm happy to get a chance to chat with you a little.<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft smile, Alexis dusted off her uniform before leaning against the counter.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear that. Savannah looked really pissed that time she caught us in the shower, so I was worrying that you might get fired all together. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Fire me? She knows that I'm the only person taking this job seriously around here. Savannah is smarter than that.<</say>>
<<text>>Reminded of something rather unpleasent, the girl furrowed her brows.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>But she did say that she's going to cut my bonus this month. And I had to stand there, listening to her call me an ungrateful swine and such. For some reason, us taking that break together has really got to her.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 1>>I see...<</btno>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>How are you feeling, Alexis?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, seeing you has certainly managed to brighten up my day~<</say>>
<<text>>With a gentle chuckle, Alexis looked at you warmly.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeah, it's nice to see that you're taking the work here seriously enough to show up, unlike some other guys I had the displeasure of working with... You give me a bit of hope, you know?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not sure that I understand, but I'm always happy to help~ <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* drink */
<<if $item3 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis isnot 1>>
<<btn AlexisMain stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have an Energy Drink!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
/* task */
<<if $AlexisTask0 is 1>>
<<btn AlexisTask stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<elseif $AlexisTask1 is 1>>
<<btn AlexisTask stage 1>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<if $SavannahBusy isnot 1 || $timeM < 3>>
<<btnsb AlexisMain stage "savE">>Check on Savannah<</btnsb>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Check on Savannah<</plugi>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>I was wondering if there's something I can do to help you out.<</say>>
<<text>>Making a broad stroke over the busy restaurant, you wink at Alexis.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well... If you'd like to help, you can begin with cleaning the restroom.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Emh... Excuse me? <</say>>
<<text>>Shocked by the audacity of that proposal, you take a step back, shaking your head in disbelief.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That's nasty... Not to mention that it's what a janitor is for.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>He's a lazy bum. But don't worry, this is quite easy to finish once you actually get going.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn AlexisTask0 stage 0>>All right...<</btn>>
<<btn AlexisMain stage "taskDecline">>I think I'll pass.<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> I was wondering if there's something I can do to help you out.<</say>>
<<text>>Making a broad stroke over the busy restaurant, you wink at Alexis. <</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, I appreciate it, $mc, but... There's nothing you can do to help.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Really? Come on, there must be something.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Trust me, I can handle it. Besides, I wouldn't like Savannah to think that I'm slacking off, ha-ha. <</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage 0>>Tell me if you change your mind<</btno>>
<</if>><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $AlexisTask0 to undefined>>
<<set $AlexisBusy to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you say so... <</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, you take off your jacket and hide it in your backpack and look around the reception in search of a mop.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Get the paycheck ready, I'll be done quick.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>That's the spirit! Thank you, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah-yeah...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask0 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>What the... No way I'll be finishing this in under an hour...<</say>>
<<text>>As you glance over the restroom, you begin understanding just what kind of a monumentary task Alexis lured you into.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Those walls look straight from the modern art galery. That's some dedication to the grafity. Wait, this one looks like a number...<</say>>
<<text>>Leaning closer, you strain your eyes a little, trying to decipher a hastely written litters and digits. <</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/restroom0-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Writings On A Wall" kendra>>"1-800-273-8255 - Telegram Chat - Free Sex"<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Huh... I was always wondering if those numbers were fake or not. I might try it out later, just for fun.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask0 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<say $mc>>That should be it. Ha... Fuck me.<</say>>
<<text>>Looking around you feel satisfied with the overall result of your work. The walls are now gleaming clean and the polished floor shines like snow on a sunny day.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm beat... I might even order something to eat after a workout like that.<</say>>
<<text>>Your train of thought was cut short by the creaking sound of a door opening. Alexis appeared in the doorway, glancing at you with a cheeky expression on her face, while also texting something on her phone.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Tired already? I've expected you to have a longer fuse.<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's rich coming from you. If you have time to review my cardio - come and help me clean next time, don't be shy.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Don't be like that, I didn't mean it. Anyway, I've come to give you a pay check, straight out of Savannah's hands.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask0 stage 5>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>How thoughtful of you. I was just about to ask you about it myself, actually.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 160$<</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>>After carefully counting the bills, you put them in your pocket and let out a tired yawn.<</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Seems about right. The rest lies with you, Alexis.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hm? But we also have a staff room...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'll pass. I'm already exhausted, so I'd rather not overexert myself.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Wait!.. It's kind of a secret, but it has fine showers. Unlike Savnannah, though, I rarely use them while I'm working. Don't worry, you'll finish cleaning it within 15 minutes!..<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $item3 is 1>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn AlexisTask0 stage 7>> And what would I get in return? <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have time for that">> And what would I get in return? <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough energy for that">> And what would I get in return? <</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisTask0 stage 10>>Sorry, but I'm done<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Look, I'm not going to trust you on how long it's going to take. Besides, the money I get is only for the hours I've already worked, not for overtime.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>But... It has to be cleaned too! Savnannah will kill me otherwise...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This sounds very unfortunate.<</say>>
<<text>>You pick up your backpack from the floor and get ready to leave, but Alexis is still standing in the doorway, blocking your way.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Alexis, you mind stepping aside? You are kind of in my way...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Please $mc, I really need this done... But I can't pay you out of my own pocket, I'm barely able to cover the rent already. Can't you do it out of the goodness of your heart?<</say>>
<<text>>You could, of course. But why should you let the rare opportunity to indebt Alexis slip away? <</text>>
<<btno AlexisTask0 stage 8>>I'm not doing this for free<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Well, considering everything, I'd need some serious inspiration to motivate me to go through with such an exhausting work.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I understand, but I've already told you that I'm broke flat!<</say>>
<<text>>You notice a spark of desperation in Alexis's eyes. Barely suppressing a grin, you pretend to think for a second.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I think I may have an idea. I was just wondering... What kind of lingerie are you wearing today?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do your bidding if you satisfy my curiosity. Simple as that.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Wha...? That's it? Is that all you want?<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis tilted her head inquiringly and looked straight at you, still somewhat sceptical about your proposal.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, why not. So you're in?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>That sounds good, I guess... I didn't take you for a guy with such interests, but... Anyway, I'll come back and check on you soon, okay?<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask0 stage 9>>I'll finish it in a heartbeat<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<set $item3 to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> You've used Energy Drink to energise yourself! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds great, I just need to get energised first. Would you mind giving me a beat?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Okay... I'll put in one of my faves, so I hope you're into alt-rock. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wouldn't be against that, I've listened to a fair share of Radiohead back in my day.<</say>>
<<text>>As you reach for your energy drink, The Score's 'Fighter' starts to play, filling you with motivational beats and lyrics. After opening the bottle with one finger, you down the orange-flavoured liquid in two big gulps.<</text>>
<<set $OldGifRng to $NewGifRng>>
<<for ; $NewGifRng == $OldGifRng ; >>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewGifRng is 0>>
<<imgv "act2/energy1-image.webp">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/energy2-image.gif">>
<<elseif $NewGifRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/energy3-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>That's better. Come back in a couple of hours, I should be done by then~ <</say>>
<<btno AlexisScene1 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just too tired, man. Sorry.<</say>>
<<text>>You reply with a gentle smile and, surprisingly, Alexis doesn't seem to mind you slacking off for once.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah... That's that then, you did enough already after all. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll keep it in mind, Alexis. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">> No problem, go and rest now.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>...<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<set $AlexisTask1 to undefined>>
<<set $AlexisBusy to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you change your mind - I'll sit at the couch over there.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Cool! I'll make sure to let you know if something comes by.<</say>>
<<text>>Smiling, you leave the reception and fall onto a couch in the corner, breathing deeply as you feel your tense muscles relax.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/work5-image.jpg">>
<<if $SkyChatTier isnot 2>>
<<say $mc>>I might as well check that number I've found earlier while I'm waiting.<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as you enter the number a Telegram chat pops up immediately.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "@SuperHotChick" kendra>>Hey there, big guy... Want to have fun?<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Sure<</btn>>
<<if !$SkyChatTier>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Is this a scam?<</btn>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't seem like there's much to do right now...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>I've rested enough<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>No, I don't think I trust you enough for that, @SuperHotChick. What kind of name is that?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Just call me Sky. It's the internet, so why bother with the little things like that? Fantasy is all that matters, it can even become your reality if you try hard enough~.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The idea that it's nothing more than an elaborate rose to get money out of me certainly doesn't help your case. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Look at you, so serious... I like that. Don't make me wait for too long, though...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you turn the phone off and hide it in your pocket. A smile appears on your face as you stretch your legs under the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sky, huh... Maybe I should give her another chance.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>I've rested enough, it's time to go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<say $mc>>Sure. How can I call you? @SuperHotChick is a bit long for my taste.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Call me Sky. I'm as beautiful as the sky above your head after all~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'm $mc. Tell me, Sky, how's life treating you?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Pretty good, right now I'm relaxing on my bed. It's been a rough day, just came back after working out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Damn, I'm jealous. You seem to look after yourself well, I like that in girls.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Health is really important. That's why I do Keto and go to the gym 4 days a week. I wonder what is it like for you~, <</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage "2c">>I go to the gym too<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2c">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do go to the gym on occasion, but overall I'm not that deep into all that stuff.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I can tell you that even a little exercise goes a long way to improving your wellbeing. And I like fit boys more than those lumps of fat who are too busy eating at McDonald's~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, glad to hear that. I love looking at fit girls too, so maybe we should try to exchange some photos... I'm certainly curious to see what you look like now.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Well, what is a body for if not to show it to other people... Here, I hope you enjoy it~<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sky">>Now it's your turn. I'm waiting~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage "2d">>Send a picture<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2d">>
<<say $mc>>I hope you don't mind the sight of a sweaty body after a hard workout. <</say>>
<<text>> You choose one of the photos you took after sparring with Ricardo and, after applying a few filters, send it to Sky. <</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Ooh... You look much better than I've expected~ What a wonderful treat.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> A personal question, but I wonder - how do you like your guys? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Well, I prefer them to weight around 150 lbs, with a height of 6'1 or taler. Nothing too fancy though, 6 pack abs are totally fine. And of course I want them to be just the right size down there~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>> That's quite a list, I won't lie... Better tell me, what kind of size is "just right" for you? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Ha-ha, why don't you find out for yourself~ Send me a picture of yours and I'll rate it accordingly.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Isn't that a bit too fast? You haven't shown me your goods yet after all... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> That's fair. Tell me $mc, butts or breasts, which do you prefer? <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 3>>I like a good booty<</btn>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 7>>Titties are life<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2e">>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>No, that sounds really fishy to me.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Come on, It's the internet, so why bother with the little things like that? Fantasy is all that matters, it can even become your reality if you try hard enough~.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The idea that it's nothing more than an elaborate rose to get money out of me certainly doesn't help your case. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Look at you, so serious... I like that. Don't make me wait for too long, though...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you turn the phone off and hide it in your pocket. A smile appears on your face as you stretch your legs under the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Sky, huh... Maybe I should give her another chance.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>I've rested enough, it's time to go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I like to think of myself as a butt connoisseur. Nothing is better than a big but firm ass.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I hope you'll enjoy mine then~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised at how easy it was to get a new photo, you examine it closely. Sky wasn't lying when she said she worked out; her ass is in perfect shape and has a perfect tan.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sky">>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, this is amazing. Too bad I can't feel it in person.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Tell me, what would you like to do with an ass like that... You wouldn't stop at just touching it, would you?~ <</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage 4>>Someone's horny<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>What, does it turn you on? But you're right - there is no way a single touch would satisfy me. I would rip your clothes off and expose your tight little holes... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Ah, that is so hot... I can almost feel the primal lust swelling deep inside you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>After giving you just enough of a good rubdown, I would make you twerk in front of my face, teasing you until your mind went blank with an overwhelming desire... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my God, that sounds so good... Let me give you a little something extra for your efforts~ <</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky1-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Now you're making me real hard. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Glad to hear it~ But we have to stop there. As a model, I can't spend so much money having fun... Usually this kind of texting is only for my tier 3 subscribers.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 60>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 5>>Spend 60$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Spend 60$<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage "2e">>That's unfortunate<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spend 60$<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-60>>
<<set $SkyChatTier to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Then how about I'll buy myself a tier 3? I can spare some money, 60$ isn't that much. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That would be awesome! You already know my number. I'll ping you back as soon as the money goes through~<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick swipe of your fingers, you transfer 60$ to Sky's account. She doesn't disappoint and answers back immidiatly.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Now that I've made you hard enough... Can you show me your... you know what~<</say>>
<<text>> Having made sure no one is looking in your direction, you quickly unzip your trousers and take a picture of your pig. You feel an adrenaline rush at the thought of being caught, but it quickly subsides. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not the best angle I know, but I'm in public right now. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my! That's quite a size... You weren't kidding when you said you were really hard, I almost feel guilty for leading you on so much~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage 6>>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, if only you were around... I would show you what I can do with my dick. Trust me, I know how to use it. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That sounds really fun... It's been ages since anyone's given me a good stretch. Look how exposed and alone I am right now~ <</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>I would take good care of you. I'll be filling you up all night long, going deeper and deeper, until you wouldn't be able to stand up straight any more.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Damn, now you're making it hard for me... I'm so wet right now~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage "6a">>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "6a">>
<<say $mc>>It's nothing compared to what it would be like in real life. Your ass would be screaming for mercy while your mind would be lost in an ocean of pleasure.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>It sounds so juicy that I can't help but move my hips... Even though I'm all alone right now... Look at them wiggling~<</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky5-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>That's just the beginning... I really meant it when I said I could go on all night. So hit me up if you have the time.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh, $mc... So you want to make this fantasy a reality?<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage 11>>Of course<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>There is nothing better in life than spending an evening with a nice pair of tits by your side.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>So you're a romantic... I hope you enjoy my pair~<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised at how easy it was to get a new photo, you examine it closely. . Sky wasn't lying when she said she works out; her tits were perky but plentiful, coloured with a perfect shade of tan.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky9-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sky">>Do you like it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, this is amazing. Too bad I can't feel it in person.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh yes... But I can't help wondering if you'd be happy just by touching them?<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage 8>>Damn...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>What, does it turn you on? But you're right - there is no way a single touch would satisfy me. I would rip your clothes off and expose your sweet little body... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Ah, that is so hot... I can almost feel the primal lust swelling deep inside you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>After giving you just enough of a good rubdown, I would make you finger yourself right in front of my face, teasing yourself until your mind would go blank from an overwhelming desire... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my God, that sounds so good... Let me give you a little something extra for your efforts~ <</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky0-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Now you're making me real hard. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Glad to hear it~ But we have to stop there. As a model, I can't spend so much money having fun... Usually this kind of texting is only for my tier 3 subscribers.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 60>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 9>>Spend 60$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Pay up<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage "2e">>Not today<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spend 60$<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-60>>
<<set $SkyChatTier to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Then how about I'll buy myself a tier 3? I can spare some money, 60$ isn't that much. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That would be awesome! You already know my number. I'll ping you back as soon as the money goes through~<</say>>
<<text>>With a quick swipe of your fingers, you transfer 60$ to Sky's account. She doesn't disappoint and answers back immidiatly.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Now that I've made you hard enough... Can you show me your... you know what~<</say>>
<<text>> Having made sure no one is looking in your direction, you quickly unzip your trousers and take a picture of your pig. You feel an adrenaline rush at the thought of being caught, but it quickly subsides. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Not the best angle I know, but I'm in public right now. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh my! That's quite a size... You weren't kidding when you said you were really hard, I almost feel guilty for leading you on so much~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage 10>>I can show it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, if only you were around... I would show you what I can do with my dick. Trust me, I know how to use it. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>That sounds really fun... It's been ages since I've been able to ride someone of your stature and size... Look, this is what we could be doing right now~<</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky3-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>I would give you the best ride of your life. I'd fill you all night long, going deeper and deeper until you couldn't move, and then...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Damn, now you're making it hard for me... I'm so wet right now~<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage "10a">>Yeah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "10a">>
<<say $mc>>It's nothing compared to what it would feel like in real life. Your pussy will be screaming for mercy while your mind will be lost in an ocean of pleasure.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>It sounds so juicy that I can't help but shake... Even though I'm all alone right now... Look at my them wiggling~<</say>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky4-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>That's just the beginning... I really meant it when I said I could go on all night. So hit me up if you have the time.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh, $mc... So you want to make this fantasy a reality?<</say>>
<<btno AlexisTask1 stage 11>>Of course<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Of course. I'm ready, just give me an address and I'll...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I have just the deal for you then... You see, my manager prohobist any meeting with unothorised meetings with males, but... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>But? Come on, don't tease me like that.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Donors who support me with payments for more than 1000$ are entered into an exclusive draw, with the grand prize being a chance to spend a night out with me.<</say>>
<<text>>Motionless, you stare at the screen for a few seconds, trying to make sense of Sky's words. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>You mean... I drop one grand and I'll have a chance, just a chance, of meeting you in person? Sorry, but that sounds like a total scam.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Well, it's a chance for people I don't like. You would be surprised how many bastards try to get in my panties by throwing money at me. But for you... it will be a guaranteed win.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 1000>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 14>>Spend 1000$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Spend 1000$<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 13>>You got any proof?<</btn>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 12>>Not today<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>>1000$ is a lot. Give me some time. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Okay, but there are only a few places left this month! Call me whenever you want and I'll make it happen just for you~<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you turn the phone off and hide it in your pocket. Yuo can't help but smile as you stretch your legs under the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>A model and a slut on the side... That makes a lot of sense, actually. <</say>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/work5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Now that I think about it... There are definitely worse ways to spend money. At least fucking a model can be fun and I can brag about it to Nico later...<</say>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>I've rested enough, it's time to go<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>> This is a story that is quite hard to believe in. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> $mc, I'm being honest here. My manager checks my DM's. He follows me when I go out. Our only option is these "meetings". <</say>>
<<say $mc>> How can I be sure that you're telling me the truth? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Well... Here's a video highlight reel of the last time I met with someone. If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will. <</say>>
<<text>> Just as Sky told you, the next message contained a video. Eager to find out more, you turn down the volume on your phone and click play. <</text>>
<<video "others/Scene7/Start6.mp4">>
<<say $mc>> God damn! Are you an interracial fan or what? How did it even fit... <</say>>
<<say "Sky">> Frankly, I'm not sure how I survived that one either... But he was a Saudi oil baron, so it had to go this way. That's why I asked you for a picture of your cock first... To make sure I would enjoy the process. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 1000>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 14>>Spend 1000$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">>Spend 1000$<</plugi>>
<<btn AlexisTask1 stage 12>>Not today<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spend 1000$<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-1000>>
<<set $SkyChatTier to 2>>
<<removeclass "body" "phone">>
<<addclass "body" "pizza">>
<<say $mc>> Well, you better be worth it. I could get at least two strippers for that kind of money... <</say>>
<<text>> After a few moments of hesitation, you swipe your finger across the phone's screen, transferring a whopping $1000 directly to Sky's account. <</text>>
<<say "Sky">> Oh my God, I won't let you down! You see - I'm a model, not a cheap whore. So there is a certain status that comes with a price~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'll take your word for it. When will we meet? <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>The lottery will be over in a few days. I'll get back to you with the number. I can hardly wait! <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, me too. In the meantime, take care of yourself, okay? I'm expecting to see you in pristine condition. <</say>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage "taskCompleted">>All right, that should do it<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So, how about we continue what we've started? While we have the time and all.<</say>>
<<text>>It took Riley a few seconds to connect the dots, but when she did, she made the biggest smile you've ever seen. Needless to say, she was in, only if not for a small "but".<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh yeah! But what if a customer comes by? I would die if someone saw me in that costume. Well, anyone but you.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't you dare rope me into this, pal... One thing is covering up for your bro so he could get some pussy, and another one if that's for a cat's sake.<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 1>>Don't worry about it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>No worries; what are the chances that our peace and tranquility, which have held for so long, will be broken now of all times?<</say>>
<<text>>With striking confidence, you tapped the girl over the shoulder.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>And even if someone comes, I can always manage the checkout myself, see?<</say>>
<<text>>Proving your point, you take a step to the till, pressing the button. The drawer opens with a satisfying ding, and you nonechalantly push it back.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>No problems here.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Hm...<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay. Let's go then; we don't have much time left.<</say>>
<<text>>With a satisfied smirk, you followed the girl into the staff room and took a seat on the couch while Riley was changing.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh God, doing this sober is much more cringeworthy than I've thought...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're not cringe if you are free. Think about it, that's an old eastern wisdom.<</say>>
<<text>>After a short silence, the girl let out a heavy sigh, bracing herself.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I won't judge. And I saw you already, remember?<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 3>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Riley">>I-I guess... Okay. Here I go...<</say>>
<<text>>Appearing from behind the corner, Riley made her best impression of the catperson.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Hello, my Meowster! How was your day? Was it... purrfect?~<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to hold such high levels of concentrated cringe, you curl up, slamming your hand on the table, physically hurt by the sucking vortex of second-hand embarrassment deep in your stomach.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... Not like this...<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 4>>Take a breather<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh? Did I do something wrong?<</say>>
<<text>>Worried by your condition, the girl rushed down to your side, curling her slender arms around your torso.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>N-no... I just wasn't able to handle it.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Maybe some water?<</say>>
<<text>>The sensation of Riley's warm breath against your neck was pleasing enough to take your mind off what just happened, instead focusing it on what you can do with such a pretty girl by your side.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>No, I'm good. But I think you should stick to playing kitty instead of larping like an underpaid worker in a maid café.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh... Sorry, I thought you'd like it...<</say>>
<<text>>A genuine grief in the girl's voice hit you like a brick over the head, suddenly making you feel like a grade A asshole.<</text>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 5>>Oh no...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Really? I appreciate it a ton, just... Yeah. Wasn't exactly my cap of tea.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it. Better yet, come here, and I'll show you what you can try to make it work instead.<</say>>
<<text>>The next half an hour or so you've spent teaching Riley the ways to men's hearts and how exactly a scandalously dressed lady should be behaving.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I think I've got it.<</say>>
<<text>>Judging by the spark in the girl's eyes, she got quite excited.<</text>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 6>>Show me<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see then...<</say>>
<<text>>Riley took her position, just as you've told her before, mimicing the elegant behavior of the cat, perfectly demonstrating her curves and even some of her more spicy areas to you.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Mreow~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about...<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say "Riley">>Purr~<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the satisfaction in your tone of voice, Riley decides to play it up a little, looking at you sideways, waiting for the next move.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley17-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Who's a good kitty? Mhmm?~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mrr~<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 8>>Kiss her<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Come here, little one~<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you're about to lean closer to steal Riley's puffy lips into the lock of your own, a voice coming from the main hall cuts away all the tension.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Gruff Voice" dick>>Hey? Anyone there?<</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck... $mc?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I know. I'll deal with it like I've promised.<</say>>
<<text>>With a short nod, Riley vanished behind the corner, leading to the dresser once again, while you went straight to the entering customer.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it... It was just getting fun.<</say>>
<<btno RileyTask2-2 stage 9>>Do your job<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>>A few minutes later, you were finishing cleaning the counter after the noisy intruder decided to put his dirty bag there.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, I see you're done already. And here I was, hurring to lend you a hand...<</say>>
<<text>>You turned to the sound of the voice as the now fully clothed Riley entered the main hall of the shop.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I sure would appreciate it if you'd lend me a hand, that's for sure.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Huh?<</say>>
<<text>>As usual, the innuendo went right over the girl's head.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nevermind. So, now you're taking over, or what?<</say>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if $RileyDebtPayed is 1>>
<<say "Riley">> I am. And by the way - here's your pay.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+160>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 160$! <</notify>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+160>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah. Here's your pay. It's your half of the cut, as usual. The other half goes straight to my debt repayment fund.<</say>>
<<set $cash to $cash+80>>
<<set $RileyCollected to $RileyCollected+80>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 80$! <</notify>>
<<set $OldMoneyRng to $NewMoneyRng>>
<<set $NewGifRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<for ; $NewMoneyRng == $OldMoneyRng ; >>
<<set $NewMoneyRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<text>> Riley hands you some money and, after counting it, you put them in your pocket. <</text>>
<<if $NewMoneyRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/money0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 1>>
<<imgv "act2/money1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewMoneyRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>So, would you mind helping me a bit more?<</say>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by and the evening is looming closer. Even if you wanted to help her out, now you can't 🕑 <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>And thanks for... you know what. It was super fun.<</say>>
<<set $RileyCounter += 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyTrade stage 0>>Shop<</btn>>
<<btn RileyTalk stage 0>>How are you?<</btn>>
<<if $timeM > 2>>
<<plugi "The work day is over">>Work<</plugi>>
<<elseif $RileyTaskDone > 1>>
<<plugi "There's no more tasks left for the day">>Work<</plugi>>
<<btn RileyTask stage 1>>Work<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $CrowdRng is undefined>>
<<say $mc>> Not a lot of people today, huh? <</say>>
<<if $CrowdRng is undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0,3)>>
<<set $StripperRng to random(0,1)>>
<<if !$talkBar>>
<<set $talkBar to 0>>
<<text>>As you enter the main room, your eyes squint, disturbed by the bright pink neon lights. The strippers are busy performing under the money showers, twerking their butts to the loud music, and the bar shines as a lone beacon of calmness. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Do you want to go into a bar? Get a drink? <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Let me think... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $CrowdRng is undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0,3)>>
<<set $StripperRng to random(0,1)>>
<<if !$talkBar>>
<<set $talkBar to 0>>
<<say $mc>> That was something else...<</say>>
<<text>>As you enter the main room, your eyes squint, disturbed by the bright pink neon lights. The strippers are busy performing under the money showers, twerking their butts to the loud music, and the bar shines as a lone beacon of calmness.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I guess you should try to get used to it from now on. Not like you can back out from the deal like that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll try. But that all can wait untill after I've checked out this stripper's tits and ass. She looked pretty good on the poster.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Be my guest. Even though I don't really like humans, watching their package wiggle is surprisingly relaxing.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Main */
<<btn ClubDance stage 0>>Go to the dance floor<</btn>>
<<if $StripperFuck is 1>>
<<plugi "You've had enough for the day">>Watch dancers perform<</plugi>>
<<if $StripperRng is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene7 stage 0>>Watch dancers perform<</btn>>
<<btn OthersScene5 stage 0>>Watch dancers perform<</btn>>
<<btn ClubBar stage 0>>Walk up to the bar<</btn>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>> I love this place... So chill when compared to the rest of the club. <</say>>
<<text>>The bar looked extraordinary as usual. You have never seen such a wide variety of drinks anywhere else, even though you have visited quite a few clubs in your life now.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I bet the bartender will even allow you to nap for a little while. If you buy a drink first, of course. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yes, it's just what I need when I'm waiting for new people to come onto the dance floor. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "1talk">>
<<set $talkBar to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Hey man... How's it goin'? <</say>>
<<text>> The bartender turned his head away from polishing the glass and grinned when he saw your face.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Pretty good, $mc. You?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm doing fine too, thank you. Got any work for me? <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">> For that you'd better go to the dance floor and check the client yourself. You know, at the corner table. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What's the point, you aren't even a part of the gang yet...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "0talk">>
<<set $talkBar to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Hey man, got any tips on picking up women here?<</say>>
<<text>> The bartender turned his head away from polishing the glass and grinned when he saw your face.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Same old thing, really. I'm surprised you haven't figured it out for yourself. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, give man a hand here.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Get on the dance floor and have a party. Some girls don't trust you? She probably will, as soon as you match her mojo.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> You mean... <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">> If she's drinking - get a bit drunk yourself first. If she looks like a goody-two-shoes, you should approach her sharp as a glass. You can refresh yourself in the bathroom for that. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "donate">>
<<say "Barmen">> Here you go. <</say>>
<<text>>The bartender pulled a bottle from under the bar. It contained a lot of banknotes, tied up with a ribbon, each accompanied by a little sticker with different names written on it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club15-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">> How much are you willing to donate this time? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me think about it...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Don't be a cheapskate $mc. Giving money to the gang is a great way too build some rep.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "donate0">>
<<say $mc>>...Sorry, changed my mind. <</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, the bartender chuckled and returned to polishing his glass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Don't take this as me being stingy or anything like that. I'll make up for it later.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'm sure you will. Anything else? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "donate1">>
<<set $cash to $cash-800>>
<<set $LeechesCounter += 1>>
<<say $mc>>All right... Here's $800. Hope it'll be enough to have some impact.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>That's at least something. Let me right your name on it...<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender wrote your name on a piece of paper, stuck it over your money and put it in the bottle.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'm sure people in the gang will like you more after learning about this.<</say>>
<<say $mc>> That would be great. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know...<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>But of course. Anything else?<</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that your reputation with Leeches increased ✠ <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "drink">>
<<say $mc>>I'm feeling like getting a drink... Would you mind hooking me up with something?<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender takes a moment to measure you and gives you a slow nod.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'd say the usual. Your favourite wiskey for measly 50$.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Expensive... But that's what I like about it.<</say>>
<<text>>You take a last look at the drink before gulping it down with great pleasure. For a few seconds, as your lips form a smile, the bitterness coats the entirety of your mouth.<</text>>
<<set $OldBoozeRng to $NewBoozeRng>>
<<for ; $NewBoozeRng == $OldBoozeRng ; >>
<<set $NewBoozeRng to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewBoozeRng is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewBoozeRng is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Just what I needed... <</say>>
<<notify 6s>> You've spent 50$ to get drunk!<</notify>>
<<set $cash to $cash-50>>
<<text>> You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<elseif $stage is "rest">>
<<set $GloryHole to undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRngOld to $CrowdRng>>
<<for ; $CrowdRng == $CrowdRngOld ; >>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0, 3)>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<say $mc>> Hey man, you mind if I chill out for a bit? <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">> Long day, huh? What's got you so worn out?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Work, meetings, deadlines, girls... You know, the usual. <</say>>
<<text>> Barmen nodded, appreciating the company. You leaned back on his stool, letting the music and the chatter of the club wash over your head. <</text>>
<<say "Barmen">> Life can be relentless sometimes. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Yup... <</say>>
<<text>> As you begin to doze off, the voice of Barmen reeaches your mind through the fog for the last time. <</text>>
<<say "Barmen">> But you know what they say, "Work hard, play hard." So make sure the time you spend here counts. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "restE">>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<say "Barmen">> Hey $mc. I think you've had enough. It's getting late. <</say>>
<<text>>After a hot minute of struggling to open your eyes, you finally do. The bartender is standing nearby and it looks like all the other patrons have already left. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club18-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Huh... have I dozed off? <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Yes, you've been asleep for a while. I couldn't bring myself to wake you, but it's closing time. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit... I hope I didn't take up too much space... <</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>No worries. Happens to the best of us. Just take your dog and go home. <</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure thing, man. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Bar */
<<if $stage is 0 || $stage is "donate0" || $stage is "donate1" || $stage is "drink">>
<<btn ClubBar stage $talkBar+"talk">>Talk to Barmen<</btn>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "donate">>Make a donation<</btn>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<if $cash >= 50>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "drink">>Get a drink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Get a drink<</plugi>>
<<if $timeM < 3>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "rest">>Skip time<</btn>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "restE">>Skip time<</btn>>
<<btn ClubMain stage 0>>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "restE">>
<<btn Map0>>Exit the building<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "rest">>
<<btn ClubMain stage 0>>Wake up<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "0talk" || $stage is "1talk">>
<<plugi "There is no reason for you to go there right now">> Visit Adriana <</plugi>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "donate">>Make a donation<</btn>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<if $cash >= 50>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "drink">>Get a drink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Get a drink<</plugi>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "rest">>Skip time<</btn>>
<<btn ClubMain stage 0>>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "donate">>
<<btn ClubBar stage "donate0">>Don't put in anything<</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 800>>
<<btn ClubBar stage "donate1">>Put in 800$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">>Put in 800$<</plugi>>
<<plugi "Future content">>Put in 2500$<</plugi>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0 || $stage is 1>>
<<text>>You walk out onto the dance floor and take a look around. People are dancing. The table in the corner seems to be occupied by dubious people discussing something important. The bathroom seems to be empty at the moment. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club8-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What do you think, pal? Do you want to party a bit?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Or maybe I could go and see if those crooks have anything for me to work on.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "restroom">>
<<text>> You walk into the surprisingly clean toilet and start to think about what you should do next.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>If you came to refresh yourself, then do it quickly. We have things to do, remember?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Sure-sure. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2e">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<text>>After washing your junk clean, you tuck it back into pants and exit the stall. On the way out, you take a good look into the mirror. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/club16-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>> Fuck, I'm so good at this... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">> What you're so happy about? Had a good poop? I've heard you moan like crazy...<</say>>
<<say $mc>> Let's just say I had a great time. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh0a">>
<<set $gh0V to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'll have a look in the stalls first.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What, you need to take a leak?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, I just wonder... Does this place have one?<</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. You opened the door and examined the wall closely. Your intuition was right on target.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell, yes! But... There doesn't seem to be anyone on the other side at the moment. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're done now? I'm waiting.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh0">>
<<say $mc>>Let me get a good look...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Again? Jesus, pal...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Chill out, I'm just cheking if there's someone available... For curiosity sake. <</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. After opening the door, you leaned closer to the wall, peeping through the hole...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn...! There doesn't seem to be anyone on the other side at the moment.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're done now? I'm waiting.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "gh1">>
<<say $mc>>I hope it will work out...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Again? Jesus, pal...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Chill out, I'm just cheking... For curiosity sake. <</say>>
<<text>>You went straight to the stall next to the ladies' room. After opening the door, you leaned closer to the wall, peeping through the hole...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah! I can see her... <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'll take a nap while you're busy.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sink">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm going to go and freshen up a little.<</say>>
<<text>>Washing your face with soap, you make sure that your skin is as clean as a newborn baby's.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/club7-image.webp">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How do you feel now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You were right, Greg. My mind feels sharper now.<</say>>
<<text>> You're feeling refreshed now 💦 <</text>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "fresh">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Dance floor */
<<if $stage is 0 || $stage is 1>>
<<if $LeechesCounter > 1>>
<<if $GangTask18 isnot 1>>
<<btn GangTask0 stage 0>>Check the corner table<</btn>>
<<elseif $GangTask20 isnot 1>>
<<btn GangTask2-0 stage 0>>Check the corner table<</btn>>
<<plugi "Future content">>Check the corner table<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough reputation">>Check the corner table<</plugi>>
<<if $GloryHole is undefined>>
<<btn ClubGlory stage $CrowdRng>>Party with the crowd<</btn>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 0>>
<<if $CrowdRng is 0>>
<<if $StateMC0 is "fresh">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage $CrowdRng+"b">>Show off<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're too drunk to do that">>Show off<</plugi>>
<<elseif $CrowdRng is 1>>
<<if $StateMC0 is "drunk">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage $CrowdRng+"b">> Talk for a bit <</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not drunk enough to do that">> Talk for a bit <</plugi>>
<<plugi "You're too tired fot that">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 1>>
<<plugi "This is not the time for that">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You're too tired fot that">>Party with the crowd<</plugi>>
<<btn ClubDance stage "restroom">>Visit a toilet<</btn>>
<<btn ClubMain stage 0>>Go into the main hall<</btn>>
/* Toilet */
<<if $stage is "restroom" || $stage is "2e" || $stage is "sink">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn ClubDance stage "sink">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You're feeling good as you are">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<if $GloryHole is 0 || $GloryHole is undefined>>
<<if $gh0V != 1>>
<<btn ClubDance stage "gh0a">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<btn ClubDance stage "gh0">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 1>>
<<btn ClubDance stage "gh1">>Search the stalls<</btn>>
<<elseif $GloryHole is 2>>
<<plugi "You're too tired fot that">>Search the stalls<</plugi>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>>Walk out<</btn>>
/* Glory Holes */
<<if $stage is "gh0a" || $stage is "gh0">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn ClubDance stage "sink">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You are feeling good already">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "There's noone on the other side">>Stick your dick in it<</plugi>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>>Walk out<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "gh1">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "fresh">>
<<btn ClubDance stage "sink">>Use the sink<</btn>>
<<plugi "You are feeling good already">>Use the sink<</plugi>>
<<btns ClubGlory stage $CrowdRng+"d" 0 0>>Gloryhole<</btns>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>>Walk out<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks today...<</say>>
<<text>>As the club pulsed with rhythmic energy, you scanned the dancing crowd with the eye of a hunter. Amidst the sea of sweaty bodies, one girl caught your eye.<</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>This one I can work with...<</say>>
<<text>>You studied the dancing girl, lost in the seductive embrace of music, and after a second of deliberation, approached her. She takes notice of you and gives you a smile.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Hi.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0a">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Hey. Nice moves you got.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Oh, so you were watching? <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Of course I was. I have been on the lookout for a dance rival for a while now. I almost gave up on the idea. But you... You have a lot of potential.<</say>>
<<text>>Amused by your compliment, the girl laughed.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>No way... You're just saying that to impress me. Prove that you actually know what you're talking about.<</someone>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<text>>With a playful smile, you showed off a few moves of your own. The girl was left speechless - those dance lessons have finally come in handy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>See? I'm not fooling around. But that made me thirsty... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Me too...<</someone>>
<<text>>With a playful smile, you try to show off a few moves of your own. The girl was left speechless. Being drunk, you almost managed to do a pirouette before stumbling over your ass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Must've had too many today... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Come back when you're feeling refreshed. I bet you can do better than this.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0b">>
<<say $mc>> And I'm back. Colour me surprised - you didn't make it to the big stage while I was away.<</say>>
<<text>>Amused by your compliment, the girl laughed.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I can see you're feeling better.<</someone>>
<<text>>With a playful smile, you showed off a few moves of your own. The girl was left speechless - those dance lessons have finally come in handy.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>See? I wasn't fooling around. But that made me thirsty... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Me too...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0c">>
<<set $GloryHole to 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-80>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 80$ for two drinks! <</notify>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>Fancy a drink? <</say>>
<<text>>You gesture playfully towards the bar, letting the invitation linger in the air. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Mmh...<</someone>>
<<text>>She paused for a moment, her eyes searching your face as if looking for something. But in the end, she finally gave you a small nod.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Sure, why not?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Hell yeah, girl! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. <</say>>
<<text>>After a drink, the two of you danced for a while, trying to outdo each other in a friendly competition. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/crowd3-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>All right... I'm going to take a little break now.<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl smiled and went into the ladies' room. A wild idea flashed through your mind as you remember the hole in a toilet. You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "0d">>
<<say $mc>>Well, here goes nothing...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding in your temples, you stick your hard dick through the hole. An audible gasp comes from the other side.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole0-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Oh my God! What is this...<</someone>>
<<text>>You brace yourself and prepare to run as soon as this girl calls for help, but...<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>It's so big though... I just want to touch it...<</someone>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole1-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Mhm...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I can't believe I'm touching a stranger's dick and he's enjoying it...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "0e">>
<<set $GloryHole to 2>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I wonder what is going to happen if I do this...<</someone>>
<<text>>The next moment you feel the girl's warm lips touching the head of your penis in a wet kiss before devouring it whole. She uses her tongue in ways you wouldn't have thought possible, working around your shaft with surprising precision.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<<text>>A few seconds later, the hot seed bursts from your hog, and the girl giggles in ecstasy.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole2-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>So much... You must have held it for a while, Mister...<</someone>>
<<text>>You try to pull out, but the girl isn't finished yet.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Not so fast~ Let me clean it up for you first...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl continues to suck furiously on your tip, licking the sides of the shaft in between breaths. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole3-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Je-Jesus... <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>I hope you enjoyed it, Mr Stranger~.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, I did... <</say>>
/* GH1 */
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks available today...<</say>>
<<text>>As the club pulsed with rhythmic energy, you scanned the dancing crowd with a hunter's eye. Amidst the sea of sweaty bodies, one girl caught your eye. <</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>This one I can work with...<</say>>
<<text>>By the looks of it, your quarry had come with her boyfriend, who was now busy making out with another chick. With nothing better to do, the girl sat behind one of the tables and now was busy dranking herself into a state of bliss.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Damn...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Long day? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>You have no idea. Life fucking sucks...<</someone>>
<<text>>With a soft smile and a chuckle, you sat down on the other side of the girls' table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I can relate to that. Do you want another drink?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl studied your face with her surprisingly clear eyes.<</text>>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>No way. I can see you're just trying to take advantage of me. Get drunk yourself, then we can talk.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Sure... Just don't forget to get one for yourself.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<text>>After you've had a drink, you return to the girl who's still sitting at the same table, now fiddling with her empty glass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm back.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing your return, the girl laughs and props her head on her fist.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>I was hoping you'd come back...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Still interested?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Sure... Just don't forget to get a drink for yourself too.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1c">>
<<set $GloryHole to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 80$ for two drinks! <</notify>>
<<text>>Drinking well, you two became engrossed in a conversation about life. Well, mostly it was her venting about her misfortunes while you sat there nodding with a wise look on your face.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>...Such a nightmare, I'm telling you.... But hey, at least I'm free of all that bullshit now.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, cheers to that.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl finished her glass and glanced at you with a thoughtful look in her eyes.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>> I really want to dance. Like, right now, right here... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> So what are you waiting for? <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>> It's just that I'm afraid I might fall... After all that drinking and stuff. <</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1cc">>
<<say $mc>> I'll be ready to catch you if anything happens. Let's go. <</say>>
<<text>> After helping her to her feet, you slowly begin to dance. The drunkenness definitely stifles your movements, but the girl doesn't seem to mind. <</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>God, I'm having a blast! Makes me all... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>> Yeah, me too. Fuck, you have such a nice body... I wish I could see a bit more.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Then make sure not to blink~ <</someone>>
<<text>> Having said that, the girl gives you a wink and flashes her tits for a second, before bursting into laughter a short time later. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/crowd5-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Holy... You're crazy. I like that!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Ha-ha... I'm sure you do... God, all that laughing makes me want to pee... Excuse me, I'll be right back. <</someone>>
<<text>>The girl smiled and went into the ladies' room. Remembering a hole in a toilet, a wild idea flashed through your mind. You're feeling drunk now 🍹<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "1d">>
<<say $mc>>Well, here goes nothing...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding in your temples, you stick your hard dick through the hole. An audible gasp comes from the other side.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>What the...? <</someone>>
<<text>>You brace yourself and prepare to run as soon as this situation goes south. But instead you relax and feel the wet embrace of the girl's lips around your tip.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole4-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>God it feels so good... And the cock is magnificent too...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Mmm...<</say>>
<<text>>The girl is clearly enjoying this. You can feel her starting to stroke your shaft in addition to sucking on it. Judging by how she moans, she even starts to pleasure herself while she's doing it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole5-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Fuck... Too bad today is not a safe day for me... My pussy is melting...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1e">>
<<say $mc>>Grh... Huh...<</say>>
<<text>>Your dick jerks violently in the girl's mouth and starts to spurt cum, messing up her hair and face.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Oh yeah... It's so thick...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl continues her duty, diligently cleaning your penis, making sure to savour every last drop of your steaming hot cum.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole6-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>What a fucking champ. You liked it, didn't you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>I'll make sure I remember that... You know, there are two guys who can't wait to get into my panties, and yet you were the one I chose to suck off...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl giggles as she sucks out the rest of your cum and then swallows it.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/glory/hole7-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>God, I'm such a slut...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "1f">>
<<set $GloryHole to 2>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Too bad you're flaccid now...<</someone>>
<<text>>As you pull your cock out of the hole, you catch a glimpse of something interesting.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/glory/hole8-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Fuck, I wish we could go on... But maybe next time?<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl is ready to go. What are you going to do?<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "1g">>
<<text>>With unbelievable willpower, you make your cock hard again and stick it right in. The girl gasps audibly, both in shock and in amazement.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Oh my God... Fuck, I wish my boyfriend was like you...<</someone>>
<<text>>The warm, soft texture of a slit surrounding your cock made you breathe out a heavy sigh. The girl didn't waste any time, thrusting deeper and deeper on your cock.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/glory/hole9-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>So good... God... Make me your bitch!<</someone>>
<<text>>A few minutes later you are already at the edge. The girl can feel it too. She grabs your cock with her hand to make sure you don't wriggle out of it.<</text>>
<<say $mc>> What the hell?! You've said you're fertile today! <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>I don't care... Fill me up! Breed me!<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl's pussy begins to spasm and your cock explodes, releasing a huge blast of cum inside. Loud moans of pleasure come from the other side of the wall and the girl finally lets go of your dick. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/glory/hole10-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Girl with a tattoo" kendra>>Fuck... Fuck... You really did it...<</someone>>
/* GH2 */
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks available today...<</say>>
<<text>>As you look around for new targets, you notice two chicks chatting behind one of the tables. Well, to be more precise, a blonde girl was busy venting while the red-haired one was trying to listen but was clearly getting bored.<</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Usually I avoid couples, but this can work.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking closer to the table, you can now hear exactly what the blonde girl is winking about, and by the looks of it, her friend just about had enough of it.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>...So yeah, he was a total creep. A weirdo, even...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene8", true)>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, so you're a fan of Radiohead too? Good taste; that's a great band. Mind if I join the table?<</say>>
<<text>>The blonde choked on her own words, looking at you as if you were a walking lunatic. But before she could shoo you away, the redheaded girl interjected enthusiastically.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Red-headed Girl" kendra>>Of course, of course! It's always great to see a fellow alt-rock fan.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Marsh! I was just about to tell you the most fucked-up part!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you can continue. I don't mind; besides, stories are always more fun when shared with people, right?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Eh, I don't feel like it.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<set $cash to $cash-160>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 160$ for three drinks! <</notify>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>How about I buy you all a drink, then?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Girl" kendra>>Mhm...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, Sindy, I've been dying from thirst all evening... And we finally have a friend here.<</someone>>
<<text>>Judging by the looks the blonde girl was giving you, she clearly wasn't very fond of you. But, faced with the perspective of a free drink, she quickly caved in.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>All right. Bring me a bar card, then, and I'll have a good look since it's you paying...<</someone>>
<<text>>When the drinks were ready, you found yourself learning more and more about Marsh, all the while getting more physical and intimate. In the meantime, however, Sindy sat silent and became increasingly gloomy.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>That's why I really enjoy going to the beach early. A morning sun just hits differently, you know? And the boys are mostly cute at that time too.<</someone>>
<<text>> You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2c">>
<<say $mc>>So you're popular with the guys, aren't you?<</say>>
<<text>>As soon as those words left your mouth, you noticed an instant change in Sindy's expression, going from boredly glancing over the dancing crowd to an annoyed and spiteful look over at you two.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Marsh! I've finished my drink. I think it's time for us to change places.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Why? It's just started getting fun; I was about to go for a dance...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>And for me, this night was dreadful. I'm sitting here all alone while you are busy making up with him, and not even a single guy came up to me in the meantime.<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I wonder why... Definitely not, because she's an insufferable bitch.<</say>>
<<text>>Uncomfortably shifting in place, Marsh reluctantly took her hand off your thigh, preparing to leave. The scorn coming off Sindy's gaze drilling deep into you was almost palpable.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2cc">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Sorry... But I think we'll go now.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>No problem. Friends always come first.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>At least you understand that. Let's keep moving, Marsh; if we're lucky, other bars haven't closed up yet.<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>You right. Again, thanks for the drink... Fuck, I didn't even ask your name yet...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, it doesn't really matter. Have a good rest of the night, girls.<</say>>
<<text>>With a victorious look, Sindy picked herself up from the couch and, after making sure that she hadn't forgotten her purse, took Marsh under her hand, leaving towards the exit.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It looks like you just got scammed. Paid for the drink and left with the dick dry as a drybone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You can't win them all, Greg.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2e">>
<<set $GloryHole to 1>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about? Sindy, the buff guy over there has been looking at you this whole time. I was certain you noticed that herself...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Wh-what? That 6'2 black dude was looking at me?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'm certain. You better grab the chance before he finds someone else to gaze over...<</say>>
<<text>>With the amount of confidence you put into this bold lie, Sindy didn't stand a chance. With a dumb smile plastered across her face, the blonde quickly touched up her hair and dress, ready to grab her metaphorical bull by the horns.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>You're very observant; I didn't even
notice... Maybe now she'll finally find a suitable partner.<</someone>>
<<text>> Few seconds later, amidst the dancing crowd, you catch a glimpse of Sindy flashing a black dude.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Looks like she's having fun... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2f">>
<<say $mc>>More importantly, now we have some time to dance, just like you wanted. Let's get moving!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, right!<</someone>>
<<text>>As the bass thumped through the speakers, you took Marsh by hand, leading her through the crowd of sweaty bodies into the depths of a moshpit. <</text>>
<<say $mc>> Since your friend is having such a good time... How about we leave her here and go have some fun somewhere else?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>No, I'm not leaving her alone. Even though she can be unpleasant at times, Sindy is still my friend.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>And you're okay with her getting all the action while you sit there and wait?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Well... Ah!<</someone>>
<<text>>Lost in the middle of conversation, both you and Mash failed to notice a dude going a little crazy, as under the influence of the beat, he pushed himself against the redhead's back. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2g">>
<<say $mc>>Shit!..<</say>>
<<text>> Thankfully, your quick reflexes proved handy once again, as you managed to catch her fall, while not missing a chance on grouping her tight buttocks.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd7-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Got you! Don't worry!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm... You sure did~<</someone>>
<<text>>Unable to hold her excitement anymore, Marsh pulls herself closer, melting your lips together with hers in an exhilarating kiss. After a few long moments, she finally pulled away, her gaze locking with yours.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>I have an idea... I've heard about the little something in the stalls, just for couples like us... How about we check if it's true or not?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Sounds fun... Let's do it.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2d">>
<<set $GloryHole to 2>>
<<set $cum to 30>>
<<set $cumw to 5>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I hope this is Marsh and not someone else...<</say>>
<<text>>Heart pounding in your temples, you stick your hard dick through the hole. An audible gasp comes from the other side.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Wow, you're much bigger than I'd expected...<</someone>>
<<text>>Biting the lip at the sight of your magnificent member, Marsh knelt on the floor before you and rashly began working on your tip, seemingly unbothered by the hardened floor.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh f-fuck! You really know what you're doing, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Instead of answering your question, however, Marsh pushed herself deeper onto your spire, forsing yet another sound of pleasure from your lips.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "2i">>
<<say $mc>>Actions speak louder than words, you know~<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh yeah?..<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking a moment's breather as a chance to entice you even more, Marsh continued her pleasuring assault on the most sensitive parts of your cock before swallowing it all the way, so you could feel your tip pushing against the abck of her throat.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn... I must admit, you've got some skills...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2j">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Hm?~<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking your words as a reason to show off, the girl bobbed her head back and forth repeatedly, building momentum while giving you the best blowjob of your life, sucking with just the right strength to make your knees weak.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Mn... You're a real cockslut, you know that? Ah...<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuh, I'm getting... Real fucking... Close...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2k">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>My time to shine~<</someone>>
<<text>>Seeing that you're right at the edge, Marsh decided to make use of her swift hands, stroking your shaft with grace all the while her trained tongue kept running circles around your sensitive tip until...<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Agrghhh!.. Fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>The pleasure overwhelmed both your mind and body as you leaned on the wall, knees weak and shaking, barely processing what was going on.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Wow. That's a lot. You must've been pent up the whole day, huh?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Wh-what? I guess... Fuck, this was good.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "2l">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, you're not done yet, right? That wasn't all you've got...<</someone>>
<<text>>Marsh playfully kissed the overly sensitive tip of your still-throbing penis, sending an electric blast through your entire body.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Gah! .. Give me a second here; I didn't have an orgasm this explosive in a while...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, you're so cute when you're all vulnerable like that.<</someone>>
<<text>>Fearing a further escalation of action on your battled member, you pull it out of the hole and slide down to the floor, still trying to catch a breath.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Don't worry, I know how to wait... But in the meantime, how about you make me feel good for a change?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2m">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Just give me your hand. The hole should be wide enough to pull it through, right?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<text>>Doing just as she said, you reach your hand to the other side, greeted with a soft feeling of the girl's breast. Without the need for any further direction, you begin playing with it, as the moan of pleasing escapes Marsh.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start4.mp4">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm~ You know how to pleasure a woman...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2n">>
<<say $mc>>I've trained my digits a lot. You could say they're magical even, ha.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Oh, is that so? I think I know a better use for your fingers then~<</someone>>
<<text>>The feeling of slightly cold skin changes to something more warm and moist. Your fingers rub against the fabric of Marsh's underwear, searching for a way through, and when you finally slide between the puffy lips, you can hear the girl exhale in ecstasy.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene11/Start5.mp4">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Mhm! Finally... Get it all in, baby...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2o">>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Speaking of... I'm ready to go... How about you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Let me check.<</say>>
<<text>>You could still feel your cock aching from the latest discharge, but the feeling mostly subsided, and the member stood firmly in between your legs, ready to fuck.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Come on, what are you, an old fart? You're young, and I know that there's no way I left you satisfied with just that~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, trust me, you're going to get it, bitch... I'll start slow, though.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>Just pull it through allready~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "2p">>
<<say $mc>>Fine, take this!<</say>>
<<text>>But no sooner than you stick your cock back in the hole, the sound of a door violently opening, followed by a woman shouting, makes you shudder.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Marsh! You're here? I can't believe it...<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>What? I'm... busy!<</someone>>
<<someone someonew "Sindy" kendra>>Come on, you've been here for God knows how long already! It turns out this asshole is married and has like ten different loans... Doesn't have a single cent to spare!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Terll her to fuck off!..<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Marsh" kendra>>No, sorry... All right Sindy, I'm coming out!<</someone>>
<<text>>The following sounds of the blonde bangin at the door have killed the mood completely. You pull your cock back out and, with a sigh, leave the girls to their business.<</text>>
/* GH3 AKA scam */
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if there are any hot chicks available today...<</say>>
<<text>>As the club pulsed with rhythmic energy, you scanned the dancing crowd with a hunter's eye. But alas, in the sea of sweaty bodies, not a single girl managed to catch your eye. <</text>>
<<set $OldCrowdJpg to $NewCrowdJpg>>
<<for ; $NewCrowdJpg == $OldCrowdJpg ; >>
<<set $NewCrowdJpg to random(0, 2)>>
<<if $NewCrowdJpg is 0>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd0-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 1>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd1-image.jpg">>
<<elseif $NewCrowdJpg is 2>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, it looks like everyone is already taken...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Hey, why's the sad face? I can keep you company for the evening if you're feeling alone.<</someone>>
<<text>>A sudden, but very comforting, voice rang out from one of the tables near you, taken by a single blue-haired girl. Uncertain if that exclamation was directed towards you, you never the less approach the table with a smile.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Ha-ha, from close up, you look even more stoic than from a distance...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Finally, someone agrees with me on this. I've always said that this neon purple light makes me look fitter.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>It sure does... I haven't seen you before. You come here often?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Somewhat. <</say>>
<<text>>With a chuckle, you placed yourself on the comfortable couch, now sitting directly on the other side of the girl. Noticing your confident look, she smiled back and began playing with her empty glass.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>How about you?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>I do enjoy spending an evening in a place filled to the brim with energy. And this club is one of the best when it comes to that.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<set $cash to $cash-80>>
<<notify 6s>> You've payed 80$ for three drinks! <</notify>>
<<set $StateMC0 to "drunk">>
<<say $mc>>Then how about we add a little bit more energy to the night with a drink or two?<</say>>
<<text>>You gesture playfully towards the bar, letting the invitation linger in the air. A red-haired woman looks at you for a moment, contemplating the offer.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>I like the sound of that. How about a couple of shots to start off? <</someone>>
<<text>>After the first few drinks have been consumed, you find the girl to be a very well-informed conversationalist, especially when it comes to more... "fetishistic" subjects. You're feeling drunk now 🍹 <</text>>
<<say $mc>>...Yeah, like, you know, this is why I find tatoos so hot. I mean, especially if they are placed nicely.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Uh-huh? Like, where exactly?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>The ones that align with your spine are fucking amazing. Although I also like the womb ones, like those cosplayer girls...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Oh, you like cosplayers? Like that one girl over there?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "3c">>
<<say $mc>>Where? Who?!<</say>>
<<text>>Enthusiastically, you throw a glance in the direction your conversation parner was pointing at. To your dismay, the girls weren't anything special, however.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/crowd8-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>No, I don't think these two count as cosplayers... If anythin', they look like two bi-curious college girls trying to find their "true selves" and all. <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>My bad, I'm not much of an expert when it comes to it... How about I make it up to you then? I have a few custom made costumes at home, if you want to check them out.<</someone>>
<<text>>With that, the brunette pushed one of the two freshly served coctails closer to you with a suggestive smile.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, this one is more bubbly than usual...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "3d">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, I think I'll pass.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Huh, why?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I dunno. I just don't quite feel like it, to be honest. I'll leave the shot here; you can take it if you want.<</say>>
<<text>>To that, the blue-haired girl let out a dissatisfactory sigh and turned away, shrugging her shoulders.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Well, thanks for that, I guess... I don't feel like drinking it either.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Your loss. Let's keep moving, Greg.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "3e">>
<<set $GloryHole to 0>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Good boy~ <</someone>>
<<text>>You down the shot within a few gulps, biting down on the last remaining piece of lime shortly after. The acidic aftertaste lingers on your lips for a second, but quickly subsides.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That was definitely worth every penny. Let's get moving, shall we?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Of course, give me a hand, please. I might've had too much for one night.<</someone>>
<<text>>Like a true gentleman, you helped a slightly tipsy woman get up on her feet and shumble towards the exit, feeling her hot breath hitting against your skin of the neck.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Fun-loving Girl" kendra>>Thanks for the help...<</someone>>
<<text>> You're feeling intoxicated now 🍹 <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* Gloryhole0 */
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 80>>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 0a>> Hey <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Hey <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "0a">>
<<if $StateMC0 isnot "drunk">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 0c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> All right... <</btn>>
<<plugi "You're too drunk to do that">> Show off <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "0b">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 0c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "0c">>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> What if... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "0d">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage "0e" 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "0e">>
<<btn ClubDance stage "restroom">> Time to bail <</btn>>
/* Gloryhole1 */
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 130 || ( $cash >= 80 && $StateMC0 is "drunk" )>>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 1a>> Hey <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Hey <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "1a">>
<<if $StateMC0 is "drunk">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 1c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Go back <</btn>>
<<plugi "You're not drunk enough to do that">> Buy a drink <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "1b">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 1c>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1c">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 1cc>> I'll catch you <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1cc">>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> What if... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "1d">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 1e 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "1e">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 1f 0 0>> Peek <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "1f">>
<<btn ClubDance stage "restroom">> Time to bail <</btn>>
<<btnl ClubGlory stage 1g GloryHole1Value 300 "You need to make your dick hard for that">>Fuck her now<</btnl>>
<<if $stage is "1g">>
<<btn ClubDance stage "restroom">> Time to bail <</btn>>
/* Gloryhole 2 */
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 160 && recall('CP') >= 200>>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2a>> Sounds familiar <</btn>>
<<elseif $cash < 160>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Sounds familiar <</plugi>>
<<elseif recall('CP') < 200>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough CP!">> Sounds familiar <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "2a">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2b>> How about a drink? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2b">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2c>>Really?<</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2c">>
<<btnl ClubGlory stage 2e GloryHole2Value 200 "That will require a lot of confidence" 0 0>> Make them stay <</btnl>>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2cc>> Catch you later <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2cc">>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2e">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2f>> Let's dance <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2f">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2g>> Catch her <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2g">>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Now to the stalls... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2l">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 2m 0 5>> Feel her out <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2o">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 2p 0 0>> Fuck her now <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2p">>
<<btn ClubDance stage "restroom">> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2d" || $stage is "2i" || $stage is "2j" || $stage is "2k" || $stage is "2m" || $stage is "2n" >>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "2d">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 2i 35 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2i">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 2j 35 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2j">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 2k 0 25>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2k">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2l>> Pull out <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2m">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 2n 0 15>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "2n">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 2o>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "2o">>
<<btns ClubGlory stage 2p 0 0>> Fuck her now <</btns>>
/* GloryHoleScam3 */
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $cash >= 80>>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 3a>> Hell yeah <</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money!">> Hell yeah <</plugi>>
<<if $stage is "3a">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 3b>> Buy a drink <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3b">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 3c>> No way! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3c">>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 3e>> Sound fun <</btn>>
<<btn ClubGlory stage 3d>> I'll pass <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3d">>
<<btn ClubDance stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "3e">>
<<btn gh3Exit stage 0>> Help her out <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Pal! Didn't you want a screwdriver?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hm? Well, I do, but...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>There's a hardware store. Over there.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug took a hunting stance, pointing his face towards the building he must be talking about. The sign indeed did read, "Wrenches for whenches and other necessities".<</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade11-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, this place looks rather exotic...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, did you see any other hardware strobes recently?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's true... Freaking monopolies these days, I swear.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn NicoShop stage $cstage+1+"a">>Enter the shop<</btn>>
<<btn NicoArcade stage 0>>Go straight to Nico<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<text>>The doorbell rang as you entered the shop, and the shopkeeper turned to you, greeting you with a respectful nod.<</text>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Good day. How can I help you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Can I have a look at your screwdrivers? Regular ones, like the one with a blue handle over there,<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Aha. You're a man of great taste. Just be careful not to damage it while looting.<</someone>>
<<text>>You quickly check the width of the workpiece and its toughness, clicking your tongue in dissatisfaction as it bends ever so slightly under the press of your finger.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Is it any good?<</say>>
<<text>>With a silent nod, you hand the screwdriver back to the shopkeeper.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take this one; no wrapping is needed.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Of course, that would be $500.<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 500>>
<<btn NicoShop stage $cstage+1+"b">>Buy one<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">> Buy the screwdriver <</plugi>>
<<btn NicoShop stage $cstage+1+"a">>Welp...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<if $cash < 500>>
<<say $mc>>This is a bit too much for me. You see, I happen to be short; could you perhaps make an exeption?<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Sorry, sir, but we have fixed prices. No discounts.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, fuck...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>On the other hand, I don't think I need it.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Of course. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Let's get moving, Greg.<</say>>
<<text>>You leave the shop, and after a few minutes of walking, you can finally see an entrance to the basement arcade.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hope Nico is there...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>If things get worse, you can at least play a few games while waiting for him to return, no?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You see, usually you'd be right, but I don't have the entire day to spare this time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh right, you're a busy man now... How could I forget that?<</say>>
<<btno NicoArcade stage 0>>Enter Arcade<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<set $item2 to 1>>
<<set $item2Drblty to 2>>
<<set $cash to $cash-500>>
<<notify 6s>> You've bought a screwdriver for 500$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, here's the money.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Shopkeeper" dick>>Thank you for chosing our shop~<</someone>>
<<text>>You take the screwdriver and leave the shop after hiding it in your backpack. A few minutes of walking later, you approach the basement arcade.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hope Nico is there...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>If things get worse, you can at least play a few games while waiting for him to return, no?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You see, usually you'd be right, but I don't have the entire day to spare this time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh right, you're a busy man now... How could I forget that?<</say>>
<<btno NicoArcade stage 0>>Enter Arcade<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>Entering the building, you walk down the stairs, greeted by the usual thick smell of plastic and humidified air.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nico! You're here?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Hi $mc! Come, I'm at the bar!<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing the somewhat cheerful voice of your friend, your lips form a simple smile as you walk through the rooms lit with flashing lights from cabinet videogames.<</text>>
<<img "act1/arcade4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>This place never fails to put a smile on my face.<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>You look like a kid in a candy shop. There is nothing wrong with that, though.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $WdArcde200Fix isnot 1>>
<<if $item2 is 1>>
<<btn NicoArcade stage 1>>Fix THoTD machine<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have a screwdriver">>Fix THoTD machine<</plugi>>
<<elseif $Hentai0Acc is 1 && $OthersScene6Completed isnot 1>>
<<btn NicoArcade stage 2>>Check out new disk in VR<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have new disks">>Check out new disk in VR<</plugi>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I might as well take a look at your House of the Dead machine while we're waiting...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Sure thing. You remember where it's at?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, kind of. I'll figure it out; this place isn't that big anyway.<</say>>
<<text>>After a short search, you wander into the room with the malfunctioning THoTD machine.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/arcade2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It should be short work with a screwdriver, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hopefully. Let me get a look.<</say>>
<<text>>You try to pry the bolts out without putting heavy pressure on them, but they refuse to budge.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It must have been oxydized tight. It'll take quite a while to get through...<</say>>
<<btno WedArcade2-0 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, about your VR setup... Do you mind if I give it another go?<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Dude, I knew you'd fall in love with that thing just like I did.<</say>>
<<text>>Not pleased with the way that sentence sounded, you quickly interrupted Nico to explain yourself.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Nico, I'm not in love with a piece of tech! It's just that I got my hands on a pretty cool-sounding game...<</say>>
<<say "Nico">>Sure thing, man. Whatever gets your fancy...<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, your eyes begin drifting away, and you notice that Grigoriy has found himself a new sleeping place on one of the fancy couches.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'll check on this place while you're gone. I'm no worse than a guard dog after all, rrrha!<</say>>
<<btno OthersScene6 stage 0>>Follow Nico<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $AlexisTaskSetupDaily to undefined, $RileyTaskSetupDaily to undefined, $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis to undefined, $DailyDrinkGivenSav to undefined, $SavannahBusy to undefined, $AlexisBusy to undefined>>
<<set $AlexisTask0 to undefined, $AlexisTask1 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTask0 to undefined, $RileyTask1 to undefined, $RileyTask2 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone to undefined>>
<<set $GoSleepActTwo to 1>>
<<set $StripperFuck to 0>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
<<set $DayValue += 1>>
<<set $StateMC0 to undefined>>
<<set $GloryHole to undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRngOld to $CrowdRng>>
<<for ; $CrowdRng == $CrowdRngOld ; >>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0, 3)>>
<<if $item2 is 1 && !$item2Drblty>>
<<set $item2Drblty to 2>>
<<say $mc>>Home, sweet home...<</say>>
<<text>>As you stepped through the door, you were greeted by the bare walls you'd grown accustomed to by now. Exhausted from your day's efforts, you made your way straight to the bedroom without wasting much time.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Make sure to get some good rest, kid; you're going to need it. Now that we're done with Dick, we'll have more options on how to go about the day.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know Greg. You get some rest, too.<</say>>
<<text>>As you drop down onto your surprisingly comfortable mattress, you turn to the side, feeling your thoughts swirl around your head in an erratic fashion.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I wonder if I should focus on something nice instead...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $KaitDate2 is 1 && $MorningKatrina0 isnot 1>>
<<btn MorningKatrina0 stage 0>>Fall into a dreamless sleep<</btn>>
<<if $ValDream is undefined && $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<btn GoSleepActTwo stage $cstage+1+"a">>Think of Val<</btn>>
<<if $SavannahScene3 is not 1 && $SavannahScene2 is 1>>
<<btn SavannahScene3 stage 0>>Think of Savannah<</btn>>
<<btn GoSleepActTwo stage $cstage+1+"b">>Let your mind wander<</btn>>
<<btn GoSleepActTwo stage $cstage+1+"c">>Fall into a dreamless sleep<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "1a">>
<<say $mc>>I might as well be thinking about Val for now...<</say>>
<<text>>You close your eyes, and soon the image of Val in her fancy lingerie doing all sorts of naughty things pops into your head.<</text>>
<<imgv "gallery/val-gallery.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Mmh. Now this is better~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you knew it, your body became as light as a feather, and your mind drifted into a deep sleep state.<</text>>
<<btno ValDream0 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1b">>
<<say $mc>>Let's just see where it takes me on its own..<</say>>
<<text>>You close your eyes and relive the different experiences of the day, their expressions and shapes intertwined. It takes a while to find peace with yourself, but you do.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Mmh...<</say>>
<<text>>Before you knew it, your body became as light as a feather, and your mind drifted into a deep sleep state.<</text>>
<<btno Dream4 stage 0>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "1c">>
<<say $mc>>Huff... It's morning already? Sheesh.<</say>>
<<text>>As you stretch out your limbs, you shuffle out of bed and onto your feet, enjoying the peace and quiet of the early part of the day.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You already up, kid? Never took you for the early bird...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>We have a lot to do today, Greg. Better start soon, than never.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Can't argue with that.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $SkyChatTier is 2 && $SkyFuck isnot 1>>
<<btn SkyPreScene stage 0>>I wonder how Sky's doing...<</btn>>
<<btn InterludeMap1>>Leave the house<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $SkyFuck to 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "hotel">>
<<addclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<text>>But just as you were about to step out through the door and walk out into the hallway, your phone rang, notifying you of a new message.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Could it be?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I hope so. I would hate wasting a thousand dollars and not even getting to feel the touch of a woman in return...<</say>>
<<text>>Checking up on the notification, your guesses were proven correct—it was sent by Sky. Her message was accompanied by a spicy photo.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Sky">>Congratulations on winning the shuffle, stud~ Your prize is waiting for you over at the Seaside Hotel. Don't keep me waiting too long, okay? Ask for "room 404.".<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Jackpot, baby! Change of plans Greg, we're going straight to the "Seaside Hotel.".<</say>>
<<btno SkyPreScene stage 1>>Leave the house<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "hotel">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<text>>Some time later...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Are you sure this is the right place?<</say>>
<<text>>A big sign spelling "Hotel" followed by four massive stars was the first thing that caught your eye well before you could even see the entrance to the building itself.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky12-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Of course it is! I know this town like the back of my paw.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's just... It looks considerably more elaborate than I'd imagined.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Not bad for a $1,000 hook-up, huh? But enough stalling; go in and claim your reward.<</say>>
<<btno SkyPreScene stage 2>>Will do!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Right.<</say>>
<<text>>After you had said your goodbyes to the pug, you walked into the well-lit lobby, which was brightly lit with all sorts of shades of gold and silver. <</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh my God! Is this the place where rich people go to live out their lives? Boy, I wish I could stay here for a few nights. <</say>>
<<text>>The thought of how expensive a single night's stay in a place like this would be made your throat dry as you shuffled awkwardly towards the receptionist.<</text>>
<<btno SkyPreScene stage 3>>Ask for the directions<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>To live like this, Sky must be raking in the cash with her modeling business...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Good morning, sir! Can I help you with something?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, hi... My friend Sky called me and said she'd be waiting for me in her room. Would you mind helping me get there?<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing the girl's name, the receptionist chuckled as she glanced sideways at you, briefly inspecting your body before catching herself and addressing you with a polite nod.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>I see... But of course, sir, I will gladly escort you to her suit.<</someone>>
<<btno SkyPreScene stage 4>>Follow the receptionist<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Room 404. Have a good time~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Thank you. This place is a labyrinth...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Oh, and just a heads up from the staff: please dispose of the rubber properly during and after your visit. Some guests have thought it appropriate to throw it out of the window when it clearly isn't.<</someone>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of a wealthy 40-something throwing condoms on the street like teenage boys.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ha... that's all right; I wasn't planning on using rubber anyway. <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Hm?<</someone>>
<<btno SkyPreScene stage 5>>I'm that good<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>It's just that my pull-out game is THAT good, you know? Not a single woman has made me lose it yet.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Oh... That almsot sounded like a dare~ <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? It can be, if you want it...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Please, enjoy your stay, sir.<</someone>>
<<text>>With that, the receptionist gave you a smile and another bow before heading back to the lift you came from.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>I sure would love to check it out for myself one day. So be sure to visit us again, sir~<</someone>>
<<btno OthersScene11 stage 0>>Check the door number<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not a huge fan of hospitals, but here I am again...<</say>>
<<text>>Having pushed open the heavy doors of the building, you entered the well-lit foyer. Today it was empty—not a single soul inside, except for the friendly receptionist at the desk.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Hello, can I help you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Hi, I came here to visit a friend...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>You're looking for Tru Kait, right?<</someone>>
<<text>>Clearly recognizing you from your visit before, the nurse chuckled and began writing something on a piece of paper before sliding it over to your side.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Young Lady" kendra>>Here's the number of her dad's room; she just came by for a visit. <</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Hospital0 stage 1>>Thanks!<</btn>>
<<btn Hospital1 stage 0>>About the Sperm donation...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Good morning, Kait! I've finally found some time to visit you again.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>$mc!<</say>>
<<text>>As you locked each other in a warm embrace, you couldn't help but appreciate the vibrant scent of Kait's perfume, making you feel as if you were holding each other in a distant but welcoming fruity field.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/kait0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>It feels so nice finally having you close by. I'm so happy that you have chosen to remain in Grand Vena.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, it's my pleasure.<</say>>
<<btno Hospital0 stage 2>>Next time, I'll bring a gift too<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Ehem, so those lemons—they are for your dad, right? He must be liking them a lot; I wonder if I should bring some citrus next time too.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step back from Kait, you nod towards the room where her father was stationed the last time you visited.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Next time? Oh, right, I didn't tell you the news yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? And those news are surely good, right?<</say>>
<<text>>With an amused chuckle, Kait gave you a quick kiss on your lips before explaining further.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>My dad is finally getting better. So the next time you visit me, we'll be back at home~<</say>>
<<btno Hospital0 stage 3>>Really?!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Oh damn, congratulations! That's a lot of weight off our shoulders. Thank God.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>"Our shoulders"? I'm thankful that you're sharing some of that weight, but you really shouldn't be taking it so personally.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How could I not take it personally? I mean, it is my fault that he ended up in this state in the first place, not to mention...<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add another word, Kait cut your sentence off by placing her finger across your lips before pulling you closer and embracing you in a tight hug.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>None of this was your fault, $mc. You know that you shouldn't be blaming yourself for the actions of others. <</say>>
<<btno Hospital0 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Thanks, but you know me—I won't rest easy until I make it up to you. And everyone else whom I unwittingly dragged down, for that matter.<</say>>
<<text>>With your opinions set in stone, Kait could tell that there's no way to change your mind, at least as of now. After a few seconds of an awkward silence, the girl let out a quiet sigh, deciding to change the topic of the conversation to something lighter.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>I see. Well, since it's getting late... Are you feeling hungry yet?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Depends. What do you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Well, since you are so desperate to repay me for disappearing before our date, how about you treat me to something nice?<</say>>
<<btno Hospital0 stage 5>>Sure<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>That's something right up my alley. Feel free to choose the restaurant you like; the tab's on me.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Ooh, how very Gentelmen-like of you~ Okay, I've been getting an itch to taste some nutty sushi for a while now, and I have just the right spot in mind. Freshest ingredients in this town, so you can enjoy it without risking any tummy issues.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll take you up on it. But wouldn't a place like that be busy at this time of the day? <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I think it should be fine, as long as we don't waste too much time on our way there. <</say>>
<<text>>With a bashful smile, the girl took your hand, pulling you closer. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Otherwise, we might end up in a pizzeria instead. So, are you ready to go?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, sure, let's keep it moving.<</say>>
<<btno TempMapDay>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to ask about your sperm donation program. Do I just pull out my...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Pretty much, yes. And don't worry, we'll provide you with enough material to make it pleasant.<</someone>>
<<text>>With another look at the nurse's stature, you find this offer too tempting to pass on.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, I'm willing to try.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Thank you. One second, please.<</someone>>
<<text>>The nurse swiftly filled a pair of blanks and stood up from her place, leading you into the closed room nearby. Walking through it, you managed to catch a glimpse of the sign that was stapled to it, reading "Extraction Room.".<</text>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 1>>This sounds weird<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>"Extraction room"?.. That sounds a bit menacing, doesn't it?<</say>>
<<text>>Your suspicions were unfounded, however, and as you walked in you were greeted by a comfortable-looking pair of chairs and a large television on the wall. From it, two women looked at you in a suggestive maner.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse11-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>I was saying the same thing just the other day! Why couldn't it be named something more enticing, like a "Room of Pleasure" or something~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Huh, now that does sound better...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Get yourself comfortable; I'll turn up some of the material to make the process a little bit easier. Please call me when you're finished.<</someone>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 2>>Prepare yourself<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Okay...<</say>>
<<text>>That's when the screen turned on, showing a recording of a nurse doing a health check on another woman. Soon, the check went south, and both of the women were pointing their considerable breasts to the screen.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/nurse1-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Patient?" kendra>>Ah, doctor, Are you sure this is the right way to check my heartbeat?<</someone>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 3>>Keep watching<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<someone someonew "Doctor?" kendra>>Yes, yes, it is. Now, please, if you would lie down~<</someone>>
<<text>>The scene shifted, now showing the same nurse and a patient going at it, rubbing against each other's sizable forms and meowling out in excitement.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/nurse2-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Patient?" kendra>>Oh yes... I knew that you were an experienced doctor, but the rumors can't hold a candle to the real thing.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Jesus. This is way too vanilla for me.<</say>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Is everything okay? It's been quite a while, so I came to check...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, about that... I'm afraid it's not going to work out. Not with the material like that.<</say>>
<<text>>The nurse took a second to examine the TV and shrugged her shoulders.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>I'm afraid this is the best we have... We never had any issues like these reported before.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Well, now you have.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Are you absolutely certain that there is no way you could "make it" happen? We're behind on our monthly quota, you see...<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn End stage 0>>I don't think so<</btn>>
<<btnl Hospital1 stage $cstage+1+"a" HostpitalNurse0 200 "That will require a lot of confidence" 0 0>>Make her "help you"<</btnl>>
<<elseif $stage is "5a">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I do have one idea... But I'd require some participation from you.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Oh? Well, I can do a thing or two.<</someone>>
<<text>>Catching your meaning, the blonde nurse quickly slid down her skirt and proceeded to wiggle her bubble butt suggestively in front of you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse3-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Is this good enough for you?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Much better; just come a little bit closer, won't you?<</say>>
<<text>>The nurse obediently followed your order, and you didn't hesitate to give her ass a good smack, coaxing a pleasured moan out of the girl.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Ah!~ So rough...<</someone>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage "5b">>Show her your cock<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "5b">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Oh... Mmh~<</someone>>
<<text>>Noticing a change in the girl's eyes, which were now devouring your massive bulge, you temptively unbuckle your pants and slide them down alongside the boxers.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Wanna help me out? You know what to do, right?<</say>>
<<text>>Without uttering a word, the blonde nurse dropped on her knees, getting in between your thighs. Her fingers curled around your base, shily at first, but she gained more and more confidence with each new stroke, and soon she was giving you the best double handjob you've ever had.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse4-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Am I doing this correctly? Do you like it?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, yes, I do...<</say>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 6>>I'm cumming!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Just make sure to warn me before...<</someone>>
<<text>>With the monumental pleasure you were experiencing, a roaring gasp came out of your throat as you peaked, your semen blasting out of your tip and hitting this precious girl right over her lips.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse8-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Grha!.. F-fuck!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Oh my God... Come on, I was just telling you...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>S-sorry. It was a bit too late...<</say>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Damn, there's no way I could use this...<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl used her fingers to swipe some of your white semen off her eyes and nose, looking even more erotic in the process.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>We could always go for another round. Perhaps you could even use some of your other parts this time?<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Hm...<</someone>>
<<text>>After a second's thought, the girl shook her head dismissively.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>I don't do those... Kind of things. Even what I did now was pushing it, to say lightly.<</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 7>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn End stage 0>>All right<</btn>>
<<btnl Hospital1 stage "8b" HostpitalNurse1 200 "That will require a lot of confidence" 0 0>>Push it further<</btnl>>
<<elseif $stage is "8b">>
<<say $mc>>I thought you were behind the quota and all. Are you really going to back down after coming this far?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl didn't answer, thinking through the whole ordeal once again. You decide to help her decide a little bit quicker.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't you say that you had a good eye? I'm part Greek, and we have very strong sperm.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Nurse" kendra>>Hm. All right then. But it won't be me; I'll call someone qualified instead.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Tsk. Well, do what you have to do.<</say>>
<<text>>It was unfortunate, but the pure-eyed blonde left the room, leaving you alone for some time. It wasn't long, however, and the door opened before you got bored.<</text>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 9>>Hm?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "8a">>
<<say $mc>>That's fine too. I'll get going then.<</say>>
<<text>>With a gentle smile, you've begun cleaning yourself, and after a few minutes, you're already lost in the corridors of the building, trying to follow the directions to Kait's room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/hospital3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's an elevator... Now to the right: 401, 403...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Familiar Voice" kendra>>$mc?!<</someone>>
<<text>>Turning to the sound of the voice, you see a beautiful lady in a white dress holding a basket of lemons. Your smile widens as you instantly recognize your girlfriend's figure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/kait0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait! You look wonderful!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my God, it is you!<</say>>
<<text>>Embracing each other in a warm hug, both of you just stood there, appreciating the spontaneity and the realness of this moment.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 4>>I'm so happy to meet you!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long, sweetie. My little Annie told me everything about you.<</someone>>
<<text>>The woman who entered was clearly a much more experienced friend of the blonde girl. She didn't waste any time getting topless, showing off her round and plentiful breasts.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse9-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Now, now. I'll take good care of you from now on~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I sure hope you will.<</say>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 10>>Let's get to it<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Ha-ha, a confident one... I like it.<</someone>>
<<text>>Not wasting any time whatsoever, the woman pushed you back on the couch and got rid of her skirt, her wet slit rubbing against your woken-up member.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse5-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>That's a nice butt...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>You didn't see even half of it yet~<</someone>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 11>>Fuck her pussy<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Here we go~<</someone>>
<<text>>With a skillful movement of her arm, the woman easily guided your penis into her entrance, embrassing it tightly. The sheer pressure of her walls was enough to elicit a moan from your lips as she kept going.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/nurse6-image.webp">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, you girls... Are you something else...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Mhm... You're pretty good too... For a boy that is~<</someone>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 12>>I'm getting...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>And now...<</someone>>
<<text>>The woman switched once again, making you groan in exasperation as her hot sex continued milking you dry. The sensation of her rubbing against the most sensitive parts of your dick was so strong, in fact, that for a moment, the world lost its color.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse7-image.webp">>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Still going? That's surprising~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'm... Ah... G-God...<</say>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 13>>Cumming!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>I can feel it throbing inside... There!<</someone>>
<<text>>And just when you couldn't hold it anymore, the woman slid away from your cock, curling around it with her fingers instead, kneading and stroking in a way you didn't think was possible.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'm... Cumming!<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Ah-hah~<</someone>>
<<text>>Even more surprising was the fact that the woman managed to catch every single drop of your seed in a plastic bottle, despite how hard you were shaking after an explosive orgasm.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>So much... And so thick, too. <</someone>>
<<btno Hospital1 stage 14>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>I'll be leaving now, but you can take as much time as you need. I know that working with me can be quite exhausting~ <</someone>>
<<text>> Having finished milking you dry, the woman picked up her clothes, which had been thrown on the floor just a few minutes earlier. As she was dressing, she noticed your shameless gaze and slapped her bottom in response. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/nurse10-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Oh~ You came two times and still haven't lost your spirit? Ha-ha, what a pity I have other things to do... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>It really is a shame. I was ready to go for at least a few more...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Experienced Nurse" kendra>>Ah... Please come back soon for another procedure. We'll be waiting~<</someone>>
<<btno End stage 0>>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>I'll think about it.<</say>>
<<text>>It took you quite a few minutes to come together and clean yourself up. But, before long, you were already lost in the corridors of the building, trying to follow the directions to Kait's room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/hospital/hospital3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>That's an elevator... Now to the right: 401, 403...<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Familiar Voice" kendra>>$mc?!<</someone>>
<<text>>Turning to the sound of the voice, you see a beautiful lady in a white dress holding a basket of lemons. Your smile widens as you instantly recognize your girlfriend's figure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/hospital/kait0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait! You look wonderful!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my God, it is you!<</say>>
<<text>>Embracing each other in a warm hug, both of you just stood there, appreciating the spontaneity and the realness of this moment.<</text>>
<<btno HospitalIntro1 stage 4>>I'm so happy to meet you!<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene11", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Okay enough with the distractions, time for the main event.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning back to the door in front of you, you let out a deep sigh, feeling a growing excitement coursing through your veins after that little altercation with the receptionist. But just as your knuckles connect with the surface of the door, it slowly slides open, ajar.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>...Huh, the door isn't even locked. Hello?<</say>>
<<text>>Pushing onto the door, you were greeted by the sight of a half-naked, petite girl who had been busy stripping from her casual clothes just a second ago. But now she stood motionless, gazing in your direction curiously.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh!.. $mc, that's you?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah! Sorry, the door wasn't closed, so I decided to check.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>It's okay; I just didn't expect you to come so soon~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is that a problem?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Haah... I wanted to give you a welcome show worthy of the money you gave me. To get you in the right mood, you know? To make sure everything goes right.<</say>>
<<text>>With a quiet sigh, Sky finally freed her butt from the confines of her jeans.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>But it seems that it's too late for that now~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you certainly did enough to make a good first impression as it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping into the suit, you close the door behind you, making sure it's locked, before looking around the room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Gotta be honest, I didn't expect the place you'd invite me in to look so nice...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Didn't I tell you before? I'm a model, not a cheap whore~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Sky">>Besides, I've got to put the money I get to good use. What's the point of hoarding all that gold if you can't spend it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't argue with that...<</say>>
<<text>>You took a few steps towards the half-naked woman, reaching out to grab her juicy butt, but she quickly stopped you with a playful gesture.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Hey-hey, not so quick~ Wash your hands first, will you? I'll let you know I have standards.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah... What a buzz-kill. Fine.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, even her bathroom is posh.<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping into the rather luxurious bathroom, you took a good look around, unable to stop yourself from comparing it to your apartment.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky16-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Man, what would I give to live in a room like this instead of my shed...<</say>>
<<text>>The warm water enveloped your fingers as you began soaping them and rubbing them together, making sure that not a single piece of dust remained.<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>I might as well wash my junk too.<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you were about to pull your cock out, the swift movement of the female hands wrapping themselves around your torso stopped you.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Hey-hey, big guy~ Watcha doin over here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yo?..<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>You wouldn't mind if I helped you out a little, would you?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>...Go ahead. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>With much pleasure~<</say>>
<<text>>Turning around, you held on to the sink as the girl in front of you pulled on your belt, letting your cock free in front of her face.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>What the hell? It's even bigger in real life than in the photos. Amazing!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it?~<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Honestly, I haven't had anyone like that in a long time... It will be an experience.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now-now, no need to be intimidated~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of your youthful erection, the girl curled her fingers around your shaft, stroking it repeatedly. Her experience forced an unexpected shudder from you as she began sucking onto your bulging tip.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>You're kidding me? I'm excited! Let's see how deep it can go...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>If you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the girl's daring smile, you grabbed her head by the hair, pulling it all the way onto your cock, hitting the back of Sky's throat with a wet rasping sound as you did so, before pulling it back for a short moment.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Hgh!.. Kha...<</say>>
<<text>>Not even bothering to give the girl a chance to catch her breath, you rammed your cock back into her welcoming gullet, keeping up the rough pace and burying her nose in your groin with each thrust.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ah fuck!.. Damn it, you're taking it so well...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I always... khah!.. leave my boys satisfied~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say "Sky">>That was fucking something... Let's see how good the real thing is now~<</say>>
<<text>>After giving you a final kiss on the tip of your cockhead, Sky bent over the sink, allowing you to get a good look at her decently sized buttocks. Of course, you didn't miss the chance to give it a good slap, forcing a lewd gasp from the girl's lips.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<text>>You felt a new wave of need wash over you as you pulled her pants aside and marveled at the sight of her soaking wet pussy, realizing how much she had been turned on by sucking your cock.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>What a nice sound you just made! I'm sure there will be many to follow, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Try me and find out~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing">>
<<say $mc>>Let's get going!<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Haah!.. Ngh~ <</say>>
<<text>>Thanks to the mentioned wetness, your cock easily slid into her tight hole, spreading the pink petals of her pussy and spilling a mewl full of pleasure out of the girl as your cock kept sliding deeper and deeper.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Oh fuck, I'm feeling so full already~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Let's spice it up a little...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Huh?.. Oh!.. Ah!~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling the girl's leg up, you jammed your cock into her quaking pussy with abandon, your thrusts rapidly escalating in speed as the sound of smacking flesh mixes with the sound of moans, echoing throughout the bathroom.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>G-god damn!.. Ngh!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>>S-shit, you're so tight!<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>O-of course! I'm a model... Haah!~<</say>>
<<text>>You cut the girl off by ramming your cock all the way in, pushing against her cervix as you grabbed hold of her hair once more, pulling her down and beginning to plunder her pussy with a new-found aggressiveness in your thrusts.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Standing2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>How about that then, huh?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Fuck, this feels so good!.. Ah! Don't stop!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "transition">>
<<set $sceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>How about we take a more comfortable position?<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's pause, the girl looks up at you. Her eyes meet yours, and as you lose yourself in the subdued shade of blue, you can't help but nod back subconsciously, eager for the new sensations to come.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>I have an idea. Follow me~<</say>>
<<text>>Sky leads you back into her bedroom, getting down on all fours without hesitating and playfully inviting you to join her by shaking her booty vigorously.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Transition.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>What a fucking view that is... Oh man.<</say>>
<<text>>aCome on, don't keep me waiting~<</text>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, Sky...<</say>>
<<text>>Grabbing Sky by her hips, you rubbed your cock against her slit before thrusting it in with a beastly grunt, patiently claiming every inch of her wet innards, feeling the girl's body shaking with tension.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Relax; you already took it before, remember?~<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I'm relaxed; it's just... Ngh, I can't quite get used to your size yet...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Tough luck, because I ain't going to stop here!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>I hope you're ready, because we're going places!<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Ngh!.. Agh!~ <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Fuck me!.. Ah- Like this, yes!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>See, I knew you could do it. All you needed was the right tempo, and...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Shut up and just keep ramming my slutty cunt! Ngh!~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>And now you clean it up, baby...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Your wish is my command~ Besides, I always wondered what my pussy tastes like...<</say>>
<<text>>As the girl took your girth between her lips and sucked on it once more, the sudden surge of pleasure left you feeling dizzy as you muttered a half-moan, half-curse straight from your lips.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ghah- God damn!.. You really do know what you're doing, huh?..<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>But of course~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>How about this, then? Hah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Pushing the girl onto her side, you grabbed one of her legs and felt her already tight hole squeezing even tighter around your cock now, heightening your sensations to the limit as you continued to slam your flesh against Sky's slit.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Aaaah! You're so good... Ngh!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Grha!.. Fuck!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm going to bust!<</say>>
<<text>>A lustful groan echoed through the room as you felt the world around you fade away, leaving only the sharpened sensations of the searing hot white that enveloped you as your cock was milked dry by Sky's clamped-up walls.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Me too, me too! Let's do it... Ah- Together! H-haaaah!~<</say>>
<<text>>When you regained your senses, you found your body pressing heavily against the woman you had just creamed, her eyes blank from the multiple orgasms she had experienced alongside you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fucking hell... You're okay, Sky?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Nh... Haah-ha. I'm feeling better than ever~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "end">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of dizziness slowly subsided as you pulled your wet girth out of Sky's tugging hole, spilling a few drops of cum on the sheets alongside a lustful mewl from the girl's lips.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/End.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Mmh?~ Don't tell me you're already done. Come on, $mc...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haah... I swear, it's never enough for you girls.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn OthersScene11 stage 1>> Yeah, it's me <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene11 stage 2>> It's all right <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn OthersScene11 stage 3>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn OthersScene11 stage 4>> Go into the bathroom <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn OthersScene11 stage 5>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn OthersScene11 stage start>> Be my guest <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage start1 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage start2 10 15>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage start3 0 0>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage standing 10 10>> Put it in <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "standing">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage standing1 15 5>> Pull her Leg up <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage standing2 20 20>> Fuck her Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage standing2 20 20>> Fuck her Hard<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage standing1 15 15>> Pull her Leg up <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy2 20 20>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy3 20 20>> Fuck her Sideways <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy2 20 20>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy3 20 20>> Fuck her Sideways <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy3 20 20>> Fuck her Sideways <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy2 20 20>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "transition">>
<<btnsb OthersScene11 stage doggy 15 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3">>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage standing 15 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $sceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage transition 0 0>> Spice it up <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "cum">>
<<btns OthersScene11 stage end 0 0>>I'm spent<</btns>>
<<if $stage is "end">>
<<btne SkyPostScene stage 0>> ... <</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $timeM += 1>>
<<if recall('CP13') is undefined>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+400)>>
<<run memorize('CP13', 0)>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 400CP! <</notify>>
<<say "Sky">>Does it mean no?~ Haah...<</say>>
<<text>>Exaused by the act, the girl fell down headfirst in the sheets.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>That was something... I hope there's no issue with me cumming inside.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nah, it's all good. I couldn't wish for a better finale~<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Me too, and I must say, your ass was worth every penny I spent!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear that... Come visit me every now and then, okay? <</say>>
<<text>>You can feel that some time has gone by, but you still have some before the evening 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno InterludeMap1>>I'll think about it<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Okay enough with the distractions, time for the main event.<</say>>
<<text>>Turning back to the door in front of you, you let out a deep sigh, feeling a growing excitement coursing through your veins after that little altercation with the receptionist. But just as your knuckles connect with the surface of the door, it slowly slides open, ajar.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/sky14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>...Huh, the door isn't even locked. Hello?<</say>>
<<text>>Pushing onto the door, you were greeted by the sight of a half-naked, petite girl who had been busy stripping from her casual clothes just a second ago. But now she stood motionless, gazing in your direction curiously.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Oh!.. $mc, that's you?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah! Sorry, the door wasn't closed, so I decided to check.<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>It's okay; I just didn't expect you to come so soon~ <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is that a problem?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Haah... I wanted to give you a welcome show worthy of the money you gave me. To get you in the right mood, you know? To make sure everything goes right.<</say>>
<<text>>With a quiet sigh, Sky finally freed her butt from the confines of her jeans.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>But it seems that it's too late for that now~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you certainly did enough to make a good first impression as it is.<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping into the suit, you close the door behind you, making sure it's locked, before looking around the room.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Gotta be honest, I didn't expect the place you'd invite me in to look so nice...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Didn't I tell you before? I'm a model, not a cheap whore~ <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Sky">>Besides, I've got to put the money I get to good use. What's the point of hoarding all that gold if you can't spend it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't argue with that...<</say>>
<<text>>You took a few steps towards the half-naked woman, reaching out to grab her juicy butt, but she quickly stopped you with a playful gesture.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Hey-hey, not so quick~ Wash your hands first, will you? I'll let you know I have standards.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah... What a buzz-kill. Fine.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, even her bathroom is posh.<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping into the rather luxurious bathroom, you took a good look around, unable to stop yourself from comparing it to your apartment.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/sky16-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Man, what would I give to live in a room like this instead of my shed...<</say>>
<<text>>The warm water enveloped your fingers as you began soaping them and rubbing them together, making sure that not a single piece of dust remained.<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>I might as well wash my junk too.<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you were about to pull your cock out, the swift movement of the female hands wrapping themselves around your torso stopped you.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Hey-hey, big guy~ Watcha doin over here?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yo?..<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>You wouldn't mind if I helped you out a little, would you?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>...Go ahead. <</say>>
<<say "Sky">>With much pleasure~<</say>>
<<text>>Turning around, you held on to the sink as the girl in front of you pulled on your belt, letting your cock free in front of her face.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>What the hell? It's even bigger in real life than in the photos. Amazing!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Do you like it?~<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Honestly, I haven't had anyone like that in a long time... It will be an experience.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now-now, no need to be intimidated~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of your youthful erection, the girl curled her fingers around your shaft, stroking it repeatedly. Her experience forced an unexpected shudder from you as she began sucking onto your bulging tip.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>You're kidding me? I'm excited! Let's see how deep it can go...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>If you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the girl's daring smile, you grabbed her head by the hair, pulling it all the way onto your cock, hitting the back of Sky's throat with a wet rasping sound as you did so, before pulling it back for a short moment.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Hgh!.. Kha...<</say>>
<<text>>Not even bothering to give the girl a chance to catch her breath, you rammed your cock back into her welcoming gullet, keeping up the rough pace and burying her nose in your groin with each thrust.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ah fuck!.. Damn it, you're taking it so well...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I always... khah!.. leave my boys satisfied~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say "Sky">>That was fucking something... Let's see how good the real thing is now~<</say>>
<<text>>After giving you a final kiss on the tip of your cockhead, Sky bent over the sink, allowing you to get a good look at her decently sized buttocks. Of course, you didn't miss the chance to give it a good slap, forcing a lewd gasp from the girl's lips.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<text>>You felt a new wave of need wash over you as you pulled her pants aside and marveled at the sight of her soaking wet pussy, realizing how much she had been turned on by sucking your cock.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>What a nice sound you just made! I'm sure there will be many to follow, yeah?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Try me and find out~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing">>
<<say $mc>>Let's get going!<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Haah!.. Ngh~ <</say>>
<<text>>Thanks to the mentioned wetness, your cock easily slid into her tight hole, spreading the pink petals of her pussy and spilling a mewl full of pleasure out of the girl as your cock kept sliding deeper and deeper.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Standing.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Oh fuck, I'm feeling so full already~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing1">>
<<say $mc>>Let's spice it up a little...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Huh?.. Oh!.. Ah!~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling the girl's leg up, you jammed your cock into her quaking pussy with abandon, your thrusts rapidly escalating in speed as the sound of smacking flesh mixes with the sound of moans, echoing throughout the bathroom.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Standing1.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>G-god damn!.. Ngh!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "standing2">>
<<say $mc>>S-shit, you're so tight!<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>O-of course! I'm a model... Haah!~<</say>>
<<text>>You cut the girl off by ramming your cock all the way in, pushing against her cervix as you grabbed hold of her hair once more, pulling her down and beginning to plunder her pussy with a new-found aggressiveness in your thrusts.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Standing2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>How about that then, huh?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Fuck, this feels so good!.. Ah! Don't stop!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "transition">>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>How about we take a more comfortable position?<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment's pause, the girl looks up at you. Her eyes meet yours, and as you lose yourself in the subdued shade of blue, you can't help but nod back subconsciously, eager for the new sensations to come.<</text>>
<<say "Sky">>I have an idea. Follow me~<</say>>
<<text>>Sky leads you back into her bedroom, getting down on all fours without hesitating and playfully inviting you to join her by shaking her booty vigorously.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Transition.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>What a fucking view that is... Oh man.<</say>>
<<text>>aCome on, don't keep me waiting~<</text>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, Sky...<</say>>
<<text>>Grabbing Sky by her hips, you rubbed your cock against her slit before thrusting it in with a beastly grunt, patiently claiming every inch of her wet innards, feeling the girl's body shaking with tension.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Relax; you already took it before, remember?~<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>I'm relaxed; it's just... Ngh, I can't quite get used to your size yet...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Tough luck, because I ain't going to stop here!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>I hope you're ready, because we're going places!<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Ngh!.. Agh!~ <</say>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Fuck me!.. Ah- Like this, yes!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>See, I knew you could do it. All you needed was the right tempo, and...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Shut up and just keep ramming my slutty cunt! Ngh!~ <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>And now you clean it up, baby...<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Your wish is my command~ Besides, I always wondered what my pussy tastes like...<</say>>
<<text>>As the girl took your girth between her lips and sucked on it once more, the sudden surge of pleasure left you feeling dizzy as you muttered a half-moan, half-curse straight from your lips.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ghah- God damn!.. You really do know what you're doing, huh?..<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>But of course~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>How about this, then? Hah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Pushing the girl onto her side, you grabbed one of her legs and felt her already tight hole squeezing even tighter around your cock now, heightening your sensations to the limit as you continued to slam your flesh against Sky's slit.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Aaaah! You're so good... Ngh!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Grha!.. Fuck!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm going to bust!<</say>>
<<text>>A lustful groan echoed through the room as you felt the world around you fade away, leaving only the sharpened sensations of the searing hot white that enveloped you as your cock was milked dry by Sky's clamped-up walls.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Me too, me too! Let's do it... Ah- Together! H-haaaah!~<</say>>
<<text>>When you regained your senses, you found your body pressing heavily against the woman you had just creamed, her eyes blank from the multiple orgasms she had experienced alongside you. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fucking hell... You're okay, Sky?<</say>>
<<say "Sky">>Nh... Haah-ha. I'm feeling better than ever~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "end">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<text>>The feeling of dizziness slowly subsided as you pulled your wet girth out of Sky's tugging hole, spilling a few drops of cum on the sheets alongside a lustful mewl from the girl's lips.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene15/End.mp4">>
<<say "Sky">>Mmh?~ Don't tell me you're already done. Come on, $mc...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haah... I swear, it's never enough for you girls.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Othersgallery11 gstage 1>> Yeah, it's me <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Othersgallery11 gstage 2>> It's all right <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Othersgallery11 gstage 3>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Othersgallery11 gstage 4>> Go into the bathroom <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Othersgallery11 gstage 5>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 5>>
<<btn Othersgallery11 gstage start>> Be my guest <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage start1 5 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage start2 10 15>> Facefuck <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage start3 0 0>> ... <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage standing 10 10>> Put it in <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "standing">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage standing1 15 5>> Pull her Leg up <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage standing2 20 20>> Fuck her Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage standing2 20 20>> Fuck her Hard<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "standing2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage standing1 15 15>> Pull her Leg up <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy2 20 20>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy3 20 20>> Fuck her Sideways <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy2 20 20>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy3 20 20>> Fuck her Sideways <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy3 20 20>> Fuck her Sideways <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy2 20 20>> Let her taste <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "transition">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery11 gstage doggy 15 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3">>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage standing 15 15>> Standing <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneV1 is 1>>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage transition 0 0>> Spice it up <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage cum 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "cum">>
<<btns Othersgallery11 gstage end 0 0>>I'm spent<</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "end">>
<<btne Others-gallery gstage 0>> ... <</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Others-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $TaskMartyFailed to undefined>>
<<set $TaskMartyCompleted to undefined>>
<<say $mc>>Let's see who we have here tonight...<</say>>
<<text>>As you make your way deeper into the dance floor, you keep an eye out for anyone who looks like they're mean business. After a few minutes though, none of the would-be headhunters catch your eye, leaving you disappointed.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/npc5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Not great, eh? Well, maybe another day, pal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haah...<</say>>
<<text>>However, just as you are about to leave the place behind you, you hear a familiar voice calling out to you in the distance. <</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>Let me guess - you're looking for a job, aren't you, $mc?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-0 stage 1>>Depends on who's asking<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Well, depends on who's...<</say>>
<<text>>As you turn around, you see none other than the bartender in his trademark suit. He examines you as he mixes your drink, a faint smile on his face.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/barmen0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Ah, it's you. Sure, I suppose. So, do you want me to move some boxes? Or do you have something more exciting for me? Like stealing your lifelong rival's secret cocktail recipe under his nose maybe?<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Ha-ha, you're always so funny $mc; I like that. But I have to disappoint you; my task is rather down-to-earth compared to your scenario. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Yeah, kid, he's not wrong. You must be watching way too many films...<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Nevertheless, I have been waiting for someone like you to come along. All I want you to do is a simple escort mission. How does that sound?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-0 stage 2>>What do you have?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Why not? Whatever you have in mind, I'm sure it's better than doing nothing.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Glad to hear we're on the same page.<</say>>
<<text>>A small chuckle escaped the bartender's lips as he reached behind the bar and pulled out a stack of stapled papers.<</text>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'm not asking for much; all you have to do is meet our new wanna-be stripper at the local 7-11 and bring her here.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Wait, isn't that where Riley works?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-0 stage 3>>Wait a moment!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Pardon me for interrupting, but what's her name? I think I might know her.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>I have a feeling this is some kind of drama in the making... Ha-ha, that was just a joke, don't look at me like that! But I am sorry, man, the girl only ever referred to herself as "Crystal". <</say>>
<<text>>Not one to let go of the truth in front of you, you cut Barmen off once more, determined to get to the bottom of this.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't she send you a photo for an audition or something? Come on, I know you're not telling me everything!<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>And if you'd been kind enough to let me finish, I'd have told you by now. Relax, pal. Now that I see this is getting personal, I'm not going to keep anything from you.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How courteous! I'm sure he's heard enough stories of jealous boyfriends going around stabbing people...<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-0 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Barmen">>I'm afraid it won't do you much good, however.<</say>>
<<text>>The bartender slides a photo over to you, carefully studying your reaction. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/teanna0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What the hell? It's just a picture of someone's butt!<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Yes, it is. Do you recognise it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Um, I can't say that I do.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Then that all I have. But since you're still not sure, confirming the identity of this person should be all the more reason for you to take the job, shouldn't it?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-0 stage 5>>Darn...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I hate to agree, but he's not wrong, pal.<</say>>
<<text>>A brief silence fell over the room, broken only by the occasional sound of polished glass in the bartender's hands, as you did your best to make sense of this information. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>So, my target's name is Crystal, she'll be waiting for me at the 7-11, and she's got a nice butt... Did I miss anything?<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>When you approach her, you don't need to tell her your name. Just tell her that "A Pimp Named Slickback" sent you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Eh, can I just say "Slickback"?<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>No, it's a whole thing. Now be a nice guy and get the girl over here in one piece. I'll let her know you're coming to pick her up.<</say>>
<<btno taskMap0 stage 0>>If you say so...<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $GangTask20 to 1>>
<<set $TaskMartyCompleted to 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "minimarket">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>So tell me, pal, do you really think that the new stripper could turn out to be your little girlfriend?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know, dude. I'd like to say that Riley doesn't seem like the type, but at the same time... Hell, I mean, she works in a fucking 7-11 of all places, she's got to be strapped for cash.<</say>>
<<text>>As you approached the rendezvous point, you cast a gloomy glance down the empty streets of the city, not a soul in sight. When you turned to Grigory, he simply shook his head, confirming your observations.<</text>>
<<img "act1/dream6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>There doesn't seem to be anyone waiting for us. Have we come too early?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Perhaps. But look at this - the mini-market is still open. Usually Riley closes at this time.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>In that case, I don't think it would hurt for you to go inside the damn thing for a minute. Go get your answers straight from the bitch's mouth, boy.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 1>>Let's do that<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, let's go say hello.<</say>>
<<text>>The doors opened with a pleasant clang, and just as you stepped into the hall, Riley's energetic voice rang through the empty shop like thunder on a quiet day.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley7-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! Ohmygosh, you have no idea how glad I am to see you right now!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well-well, it looks like someone is in the rush.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>H-huh?... What's with the energy?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, you see, I was just about to close the shop, but then the customer came in! You know how it is, I can't just chase them out, but I can't be late today either! Please, be a nice guy and take care of them while I'm closing up!<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 1>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GangTask2-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Be polite<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask2-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Be direct<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "2a">>
<<say $mc>>Sure, but as soon as you're done, we'll have a chat, OK?<</say>>
<<text>>The muffled words coming through the back door were your answer, for by the time you finished your sentence, Riley had already disappeared into the staff room.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Sorry, we can catch up when we're done! I really can't afford to be late!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Whoa... This little brat needs a bit of discipline, don't you think kid? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll worry about that later. Let's deal with the customer first, we don't have much time to waste here either.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage "2c">>There she is!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2b">>
<<say $mc>>Riley, let's stay serious for a moment. I need to ask you a few questions, OK?<</say>>
<<text>>The muffled words coming through the back door were your answer, for by the time you finished your sentence, Riley had already disappeared into the staff room.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Sorry, we can catch up when we're done! I really can't afford to be late!<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Whoa... This little brat needs a bit of discipline, don't you think kid? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll worry about that later. Let's deal with the customer first, we don't have much time to waste here either.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage "2c">>There she is!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "2c">>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Oh my God, and not even a single "keto"-marked product in sight...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Can I help you, ma'am?<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing you, the woman enthusiastically nodded, as if she were waiting for you to show up.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna1-image.jpg">>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Yeah, I was like, looking for a quick avokado toast fix, but I notice that you only have products that are like, really rich in carbohydrates.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>So?... I'm not sure that I'm following through.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman let out a dissatisfied sigh and dramatically rolled her eyes. This interaction began reminding you of the girls from your high school, if a bit cheesy.<</text>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>You don't look that bad though... Are you sure you're working here?<</someone>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 3>>Yes<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I'm rather certain about my being a part-time worker here. Can you explain what you're looking for in more simple terms? I don't know much about dieting.<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Are you for real? But that's super important to your health and all! How else would you stay positive and manifest good vibes throughout the day?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I dunno, I'm feeling happy enough after going to the club and drinking with girls over there.<</say>>
<<text>>Teanna gasps, covering her mouth with both of her hands in amazement.<</text>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>That's actually so cool! I'm spending all my money on self-care, so I wasn't able to show my body off lately.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I can only imagine how rough it must be for a girl like you. Why don't you get some coffee to squeeze a few more hours into the day?<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Oh, I wish! But I'm actually on a caffeine detox right now. I'm all about that matcha life; I would be down for a green smoothie or some kombucha, though!<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Holy smokes, this is the most white woman speech I've heard in my life... And she's not even white!<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 4>>C-can you repeat that?..<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>What did you just do? Nevermind, I don't think we have either of these here anyway. <</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Aw, that sucks... I've been having troubles with money lately, so I've hoped the cheaper shops would have some alternatives.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I feel you; I can relate to being stuck in a low-paying job. They say it gets better with time, but I've yet to see that for myself.<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Oh well, I don't have a "job," per se. There's no way I'm going to plunge myself into the metal jaws of a capitalistic regime! I like my freedom. Thank you. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>How do you manage to pay for all this self-care in the first place?<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>You see, I had a few boyfriends take care of me for a while. That's part of the reason why I'm such a firm believer in socialism, and...<</someone>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 5>>What's different now?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>And what has changed now? I don't think you're old enough for finding a new guy to be on your list of troubles. Or do they all disappear after getting a piece of the pie?<</say>>
<<text>>Shutting her eyes in a dramatic fit, the girl shook her entire body in disbelief. <</text>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>That's kind of rude. Bad vibes! I'll let you know that it's me who left them because I got tired of their attempts to guilt-trip me into having sex, even after I've told them that I only sleep with guys who I like!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>You mean, they didn't even get to get a little taste before the end? Talk about losers.<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>I know, right? You're like the first person I've spoken to in ages who gets it, $mc. We should try doing crystal healing together; I feel like we have a bond forming.<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Crystal healing?.. Is she trying to set you up on crack now? What the hell is going on?!<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 5>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn GangTask2-1 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Eh, I'll pass<</btn>>
<<btn GangTask2-1 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Why not<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "6a">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, sorry, I'm just a worker here. I don't think I have enough spare change for any "healing crystals" right now...<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>What a shame! You sounded really fun. You know what? I'll keep coming here from time to time; if anything changes, I'll be up for a group session! <</someone>>
<<text>>Rejuvinated with enthusiasm, the girl went back to watching the products on the shelves while you still stood there, trying to process what just happened.<</text>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Oh, I know what I want! Do you have a nutty avokado-chicken salad?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it's right here. I'm surprised you aren't a vegan, though...<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Actually, I am. Haven't you heard that it's okay to eat chicken? My favorite influencer recently just said so, and he wrote a book about being a vegan too! <</someone>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 7>>That's... interesting.<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "6b">>
<<say $mc>>Sound fun. I haven't tried it myself, though. Do you have a pipe?<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>You don't need a pipe for that, silly. Just a bag of opals, quartz, maybe a few amethysts... <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that kind of "medicine"... Somehow, I trust the dealer down the alleyway more than this scetchy stuff.<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Don't be like that; it's a new age we live in, and, like I'm telling you, it's going to be so big when it hits mainstream. You should really try it; the difference is immense. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>As long as I don't have to pay for it. Do you have a bag on you? <</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>No, sorry, not anymore. I've used it all up after the last breakup, and now it's filled with bad energy. And re-using it might cause cancer, so... Yeah.<</someone>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 7>>That's...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not sure that this is how it works, but I'm no expert myself.<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Well, anyway, I should get going. I'm actually waiting for someone to meet me, only to suddenly be distracted by munchies. Time for me to get back on track~ <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>That's all right, I was just about to leave too.<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, the woman picked up her basket and headed for the counter, you following behind.<</text>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>And as luck would have it, the cashier isn't here either! Damn, now I'm going to be super late for the meeting.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry, I can check you out too. <</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>You can do that? That would be great, thanks!<</someone>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 8>>Check her goods<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<text>>As you finished checking the goods, you couldn't help but continue your conversation, especially as you saw the woman's eyes growing increasingly desperate as the total cost continued to rise.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/work1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>I won't lie, the more I look at you, the more I want to help you. You seem like a good guy, like you need either a new sugar daddy or a new job. Otherwise, bad vibes.<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>I know. It sucks; the only types of guys I've been able to attract lately are college freshmen and depressed divorced dads with no money because of the alemonies... <</someone>>
<<text>>Reminded of how depressing her situation was, the girl sighed heavily and began nervously taping over her purse.<</text>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>What's the point of having a banger bod if you can't use it?!<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Banger body you say... Actually, I might know a place where a girl like you could make a lot of money. And who knows? You might even get a sugar daddy or two.<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>Oh, that would be great! But let me warn you: I'm not planning on prostitution and I don't want to be stuck in a 9 to 5 job.<</someone>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 9>>It's not that<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>It's nothing like that, at least I don't think so. Remember I told you I go to a club a lot? I could try to get you on stage, the place seems to be hiring at the moment. <</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>On stage? No way, don't tell me...<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Become a stripper. You have a great body and you seem to enjoy teasing men. It's like the most important part of the job is already in the bag!<</say>>
<<someone teanna "Young Woman" kendra>>No way! Ha-ha, listen, sweetie, that's really nice of you, but I already have a similar gig lined up.<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, that's an interesting coincidence. You know what I'm thinking, pal?<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 10>>What's your name?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, is your name "Crystal" by any chance? Because if it is, I might have a few words for you.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman froze halfway through her shopping and slowly turned to face you, studying your face carefully. You could almost feel the tension building as she bit her lip before asking a question. <</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/teanna2-image.jpg">>
<<someone teanna "Crystal?" kendra>>And who might that be?<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Looks like you have to play this game now. Do you remember the code word?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>"A pimp called Slickback sent me." Does that ring a bell?<</say>>
<<text>>A grin crosses the lady's face as she shudders at the momentary tension with a sound giggle.<</text>>
<<someone teanna "Crystal?" kendra>>No way. Ha-ha~<</someone>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 11>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say "Teanna">>And here I was, worried that I'd missed the guy. Who would have thought that the workers in the local mini-markets would have connections to the underground club?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Phew. That's one mystery solved. <</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Nice to meet you, but call me Teanna~ And what is your name, my contact? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just $mc is fine. And just for your information, working here is more of a hobby than anything serious.<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Of course I could tell. I said I could sense a familiar soul in you, remember?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It's great to see you two bonding and all, but I think it's time for us to move on. We came here to pick her up, pal, not to get inside her pants.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-1 stage 12>>That's right!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, that's right. The bartender should be waiting for us, are you ready to go?<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Mhm!<</say>>
<<text>>As you closed the cash register, you pointed to the exit and led Teanna out of the minimarket towards her new haven. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Great, I'll show you the way. It's not that far; we can catch a taxi if we hurry...<</say>>
<<text>>The rest of the sentence was cut off as the door closed behind the two of you, leaving the shop in complete silence.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>...And I'm done! So what did you want to talk to me about, $mc?<</say>>
<<text>>Emerging from the staff room, Riley looked around curiously, noticing the freshly cashed money and the absence of your presence.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, he's already gone. But it looks like he took care of the customer too! Ah, I really should think about how I can make it up to him later~ <</say>>
<<btno taskMap0>>...<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>Now this is not how I expected this evening to turn out...<</say>>
<<text>>Taking another sip from your drink, you sat in the corner of the dimly lit VIP room. In front of you, Teanna lay on the bed, her skin glistening with each new photo taken.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/teanna3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I don't see you complaining, pal.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not, this is peak. They do take their sweet time though.<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>We're almost done, $mc. Just a few more and... done.<</say>>
<<btno GangTask2-2 stage 1>>Nice!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Does that mean she's going to get hired now?<</say>>
<<say "Barmen">>Absolutely. And speaking of the jobs...<</say>>
<<text>>Standing up, the man puts his camera on the shelf, before taking out a few 100$ bills and holding them out to you.<</text>>
<<img "act2/money2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Barmen">>Thanks for helping me out $mc. I'll be happy to see you back at the bar anytime.<</say>>
<<text>>After a polite nod, the bartender leaves, leaving you and Teanna alone in the room.<</text>>
<<set $cash to $cash+500>>
<<notify 6s>> You gained 500$! <</notify>>
<<btno GangTask2-2 stage 2>>That was fun<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>All right, it's time for me to get going too.<</say>>
<<text>>But just as you are about to finish your drink and leave, you feel a soft hand on your shoulder, stopping you for a moment.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Teanna">>Are you going so soon? I was hopin' you'd be my helpin' hand, you know, to get me in the right mood and all that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And what's in it for me?<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>I'll be wearing my new stage costume, and I'm sure you'll be interested to see what the Barmen has chosen for a beauty like me~<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn OthersScene12 stage 0>>Ha-ha, sure<</btn>>
<<btn ClubMain stage 1>>Leave<</btn>>
</div><<run memorize('OthersGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("OthersScene12", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>With a cheeky smile, Teanna quickly disappeared behind the curtain, leaving you hanging for a few moments. But before you could make your complaints heard, the freshly made stripper exited and climbed onto the stage. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Teanna">>What do you think of that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>*whistles* <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, you look great! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Though I'm sure you'd look even better without it~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Ha, you think you're so smooth, don't you? You're lucky I like you.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the girl erotically slipped out of her tight shorts, revealing her plum ass in a red thong.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, that's better... Still, you've got some clothes to lose, haven't you?<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>That's not fair, $mc! I have shown you so much already, and yet your goods remain hidden...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Would it make it any easier for you if I did? It was getting too cramped down there anyway...<</say>>
<<text>>Accepting the offer, you quickly pulled down your trousers, taking the boxers with it. A mixture of surprise and excitement appeared on Teanna's face as her eyes were glued to your half-erect member. <</text>>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh my... Finally some good karma for me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, what now? Don't tell me you want to touch it~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Well... Can I?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>What kind of man would say no to that? Go ahead, girl.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking full advantage of your half-erect penis, Teanna's fingers curled around your shaft, jerking you off for a moment before leaning in, her wet tongue flicking against your tip as it passed over her lips, forcing a ruggen groan out of you.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>A-ah... I didn't expect this when I said you could touch it...<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Should I stop?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Fu-uck...<</say>>
<<text>>Her pursed lips went all the way to the base of your cock before sucking straight back to the tip, only to plunge down again a moment later. Teanna bobbed her head back and forth relentlessly, giving you the best blowjob of your life as you desperately held on to the sheets, trying to keep yourself from cumming too soon.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>I can feel it starting to throb in my mouth... I take it; do you like it?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I do... I like it so much!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say "Teanna">>Allow me to make you feel even better than that~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling your cock out of her small mouth, smearing spit over her cheek, Teanna slobbered all over your cock, kissing and licking your balls as her hand continued to stroke your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh my God!..<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Don't worry, $mc; you can cum whenever you're ready~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>No!.. I can't cum now.<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Huh? And why is that? Am I not enough for you?~<</say>>
<<text>>With a shy smile Teanna lay back on the stage and lifted her legs to give you a good look at her wet pussy.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... It's the opposite. I can't get enough of you!<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Ha-ha, what are you waiting for? Oh, but one more thing though: let's make sure we're protected, shall we?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haaah, I hate rubber... But if it means I get to spank your ass-<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, you look so good from this angle~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking your place on top of the stripper, for a moment you felt the tip of your dick prodding against her wet opening before sliding inside of her, the wet clapping sounds of flesh accompanied by the moans spilling profusely.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh my God!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>N-ngh... Good lord, it's so tight yet!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say "Teanna">>Not so fast!.. You're... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'll get used to it. Just bear with me a little~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Fuck!.. You're stretching me so hard! Ch-chil!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How can I slow down when it feels so good?.. I would've busted a nut already if it weren't for the condom.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<say $mc>>Do you like that?~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>I do... It reaches so fucking deep!..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, the way your pussy twitches around my cock!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<say "Teanna">>Keep the rhythm... It's so good!<</say>>
<<text>>Helping herself with her fingers, Teanna squirmed under you as you kept your cock slamming deep into her pussy, each thrust followed by a blissful mewl.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>M-mh!.. Keep going!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Teanna">>Let me take the lead now.<</say>>
<<text>>Rocking her beatiful bossom back and forth, the woman went down on your cock with such vigor that you seriously worried for your pelvic bone withstanding an outslaught of this lust-crazed beast.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh yes!.. Mmh!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sh-shit!.. So you want to play rough, huh?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>I can go harder, too!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Fuuuuck! You're going... Gonna... Ah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How does it feel to be on the receiving end of a real man's cock, bitch?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I'm going to cum... Ah, fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>Catching yourself a moment before passing the point of no return, you've managed to pull yourself together, slowing down on the thrusts and trying to regain your composure, despising the temptations of the quivering cunt around your cock.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Huff, why did you stop? Would it be so badto cum?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not so quick~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>But you make me feel so good... let it all loose, nh~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>>Let's get deeper, baby...<</say>>
<<text>>Reversing the poistion, you were enamored by the sight of a beautiful spread ass dangling before you, bouncing with each thrust of your thys as our cock penetrated the woman's pussy deeply.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>I'm getting... crazy for you~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just try to keep yourself together for a bit longer, okay? We have more way fun ahead of us!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Teanna">>Take me from behind, fuck yeah!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>So that how you like it, huh?~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Being used like that... makes me feel like such a slut!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>Well, maybe you are. I mean, look at us!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>You're such an aah-nimal!.. Fuuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Teanna">>I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just cum! Do it!<</say>>
<<text>>Letting out one last shriek, Teanna finally orggasmed, her head bouncing back, making you slam into her tight pussy that little bit harsher, feeling the woman's hood clamp around your cock even tighter.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh fuuuck!.. Aaah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>How are we feeling after that?~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>This was good... It was really good.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I can't hold it anymore... Teanna!..<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Do it for me. Don't be shy!~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling back at the last second, you stuck your cock right in the woman's face before shooting your load all over her face, making the biggest facial mess imaginable. Teanna didn't seem to complain though, despite the white ropes of cum covering her eyelids.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ha... Ha-ah.<</say>>
<<text>>Exhausted from such a powerful climax, you fell back onto the bed, the world around you becoming nothing more than a dizzying distraction.<</text>>
<<say "Teanna">>Wow, it's even more than I thought~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Teanna">>Rest well, $mc. I know I can be a bit much sometimes~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah... That was a lot just now.<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Hope to see you again~<</say>>
<<text>>The next dozen or so minutes were spent in a tired dream, after which you found yourself completely rejuvenated.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You took a long nap, boy. Are you ready to go now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, just let me stretch my limbs first... The girls here sure are crazy.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn OthersScene12 stage 1>> Aren't you hot in those? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn OthersScene12 stage 2>> Take down your pants <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage start 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn ClubMain stage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage start1 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage start2 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage 3 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<btn OthersScene12 stage start3>> Don't cum yet <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage missionary 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage cowgirl2 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage cowgirl3 20 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage cowgirl1 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage cowgirl2 0 0>> Regular <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage missionary1 15 20>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage sideways1 15 20>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb OthersScene12 stage doggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3">>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage sideways 15 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<btns OthersScene12 stage cumw 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btn OthersScene12 stage 3>>I'm spent<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Well, if you insist...<</say>>
<<text>>With a cheeky smile, Teanna quickly disappeared behind the curtain, leaving you hanging for a few moments. But before you could make your complaints heard, the freshly made stripper exited and climbed onto the stage. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Teanna">>What do you think of that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>*whistles* <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah, you look great! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Though I'm sure you'd look even better without it~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Ha, you think you're so smooth, don't you? You're lucky I like you.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the girl erotically slipped out of her tight shorts, revealing her plum ass in a red thong.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yes, that's better... Still, you've got some clothes to lose, haven't you?<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>That's not fair, $mc! I have shown you so much already, and yet your goods remain hidden...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Would it make it any easier for you if I did? It was getting too cramped down there anyway...<</say>>
<<text>>Accepting the offer, you quickly pulled down your trousers, taking the boxers with it. A mixture of surprise and excitement appeared on Teanna's face as her eyes were glued to your half-erect member. <</text>>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh my... Finally some good karma for me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, what now? Don't tell me you want to touch it~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Well... Can I?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>What kind of man would say no to that? Go ahead, girl.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking full advantage of your half-erect penis, Teanna's fingers curled around your shaft, jerking you off for a moment before leaning in, her wet tongue flicking against your tip as it passed over her lips, forcing a ruggen groan out of you.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>A-ah... I didn't expect this when I said you could touch it...<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Should I stop?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course not!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Fu-uck...<</say>>
<<text>>Her pursed lips went all the way to the base of your cock before sucking straight back to the tip, only to plunge down again a moment later. Teanna bobbed her head back and forth relentlessly, giving you the best blowjob of your life as you desperately held on to the sheets, trying to keep yourself from cumming too soon.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>I can feel it starting to throb in my mouth... I take it; do you like it?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I do... I like it so much!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say "Teanna">>Allow me to make you feel even better than that~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling your cock out of her small mouth, smearing spit over her cheek, Teanna slobbered all over your cock, kissing and licking your balls as her hand continued to stroke your shaft.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh my God!..<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Don't worry, $mc; you can cum whenever you're ready~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>No!.. I can't cum now.<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Huh? And why is that? Am I not enough for you?~<</say>>
<<text>>With a shy smile Teanna lay back on the stage and lifted her legs to give you a good look at her wet pussy.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/stripclub/teanna7-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... It's the opposite. I can't get enough of you!<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Ha-ha, what are you waiting for? Oh, but one more thing though: let's make sure we're protected, shall we?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haaah, I hate rubber... But if it means I get to spank your ass-<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, you look so good from this angle~<</say>>
<<text>>Taking your place on top of the stripper, for a moment you felt the tip of your dick prodding against her wet opening before sliding inside of her, the wet clapping sounds of flesh accompanied by the moans spilling profusely.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh my God!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>N-ngh... Good lord, it's so tight yet!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say "Teanna">>Not so fast!.. You're... Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'll get used to it. Just bear with me a little~<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Fuck!.. You're stretching me so hard! Ch-chil!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How can I slow down when it feels so good?.. I would've busted a nut already if it weren't for the condom.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<say $mc>>Do you like that?~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>I do... It reaches so fucking deep!..<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, the way your pussy twitches around my cock!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<say "Teanna">>Keep the rhythm... It's so good!<</say>>
<<text>>Helping herself with her fingers, Teanna squirmed under you as you kept your cock slamming deep into her pussy, each thrust followed by a blissful mewl.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>M-mh!.. Keep going!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say "Teanna">>Let me take the lead now.<</say>>
<<text>>Rocking her beatiful bossom back and forth, the woman went down on your cock with such vigor that you seriously worried for your pelvic bone withstanding an outslaught of this lust-crazed beast.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh yes!.. Mmh!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sh-shit!.. So you want to play rough, huh?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>I can go harder, too!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Fuuuuck! You're going... Gonna... Ah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>How does it feel to be on the receiving end of a real man's cock, bitch?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I'm going to cum... Ah, fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>Catching yourself a moment before passing the point of no return, you've managed to pull yourself together, slowing down on the thrusts and trying to regain your composure, despising the temptations of the quivering cunt around your cock.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Huff, why did you stop? Would it be so badto cum?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Not so quick~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>But you make me feel so good... let it all loose, nh~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>>Let's get deeper, baby...<</say>>
<<text>>Reversing the poistion, you were enamored by the sight of a beautiful spread ass dangling before you, bouncing with each thrust of your thys as our cock penetrated the woman's pussy deeply.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>I'm getting... crazy for you~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just try to keep yourself together for a bit longer, okay? We have more way fun ahead of us!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Teanna">>Take me from behind, fuck yeah!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>So that how you like it, huh?~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Being used like that... makes me feel like such a slut!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>Well, maybe you are. I mean, look at us!<</say>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>You're such an aah-nimal!.. Fuuck!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Teanna">>I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just cum! Do it!<</say>>
<<text>>Letting out one last shriek, Teanna finally orggasmed, her head bouncing back, making you slam into her tight pussy that little bit harsher, feeling the woman's hood clamp around your cock even tighter.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Teanna">>Oh fuuuck!.. Aaah... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>How are we feeling after that?~<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>This was good... It was really good.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I can't hold it anymore... Teanna!..<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Do it for me. Don't be shy!~<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling back at the last second, you stuck your cock right in the woman's face before shooting your load all over her face, making the biggest facial mess imaginable. Teanna didn't seem to complain though, despite the white ropes of cum covering her eyelids.<</text>>
<<video "others/Scene16/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ha... Ha-ah.<</say>>
<<text>>Exhausted from such a powerful climax, you fell back onto the bed, the world around you becoming nothing more than a dizzying distraction.<</text>>
<<say "Teanna">>Wow, it's even more than I thought~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Teanna">>Rest well, $mc. I know I can be a bit much sometimes~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah... That was a lot just now.<</say>>
<<say "Teanna">>Hope to see you again~<</say>>
<<text>>The next dozen or so minutes were spent in a tired dream, after which you found yourself completely rejuvenated.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You took a long nap, boy. Are you ready to go now?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, just let me stretch my limbs first... The girls here sure are crazy.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Othersgallery12 gstage 1>> Aren't you hot in those? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Othersgallery12 gstage 2>> Take down your pants <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage start 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Others-gallery gstage 1>> Leave <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage start1 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage start2 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage 3 0 0>> Cum <</btns>>
<<btn Othersgallery12 gstage start3>> Don't cum yet <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage missionary 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage cowgirl3 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage cowgirl2 20 15>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage cowgirl1 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage cowgirl2 0 0>> Regular <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage missionary1 15 20>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage sideways1 15 20>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Othersgallery12 gstage doggy1 15 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3">>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage sideways 15 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<btns Othersgallery12 gstage cumw 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btn Others-gallery gstage 3>>I'm spent<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Kait">>Looks like we lucked out; the hall is almost empty. Is it because it's so hot outside?<</say>>
<<text>>Having looked around, Kait moved deeper into the restaurant, going all the way into the corner, before stopping and pointing at the seats near a large window. <</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>I like it here, though. The sun is shining, and the AC is working... You don't mind eating near the windows, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It sounds as good as any other seat to me. <</say>>
<<text>>Taking a seat on the velvet couches, you peered into the menus laden on the table, signaling the waiter to come by a few minutes later.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>So many tasty-looking things... You know your restaurants well, Kait.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 1>>Look through the menu<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Kait">>Mhm, just a second, $mc, I have to visit a restroom real quick. You mind taking care of ordering the food while I'm gone?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure. What would you-<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Thank you! I'll be back in a moment!..<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could even finish the centenary, the girl was already gone, vanishing behind the corner. Leaving you alone before approaching the waiter.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>And she's gone... Shouldn't be a problem, though; I know her preferences well enough. <</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 2>>Wait for the waiter<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone someone "Waiter" dick>>Good day, sir. Can I take your order?<</someone>>
<<text>>Casting a second glance at the menu, you quickly weighted in the risk of trying new foods that you might not like against the desire to simply order your preferred meal done well, with the latter narrowly winning the call.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Yes, I'll take some of your finest pasta, and... To hell with it, I'll get a t-bone steak too. With peas and potatoes on the side.<</say>>
<<someone someone "Waiter" dick>>Great choice, sir! Would you like anything else?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Let's go with a bottle of red wine and glasses for two, please. And...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn KaitDate0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Pepperoni Pizza<</btn>>
<<btn KaitDate0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Fettuccine Alfredo<</btn>>
<<btn KaitDate0 stage $cstage+1+"c">>Almond Sushi Set<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "3a">>
<<say $mc>>Double pepperoni pizza with chicken nuggies as a side dish. I wouldn't want to risk taking something too daring for Kait's pallet.<</say>>
<<text>>With your order taken care of, the waiter quickly left for the kitchen. With nothing better to do, you took a comfortable position, stretching yourself on the couch, waiting for your partner to come back.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Sorry for the wait!<</say>>
<<text>>Thanfully, it didn't take long before Kait popped back onto her seat, waking you up from the slumber. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kait/kait1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Notice anything different about me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow... So that's what took you so long. <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Yep, I felt like my usual dress wasn't up to the occasion. Do you like it?<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 4>>Of course!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "3b">>
<<say $mc>>Let's go with double pasta. Fettuccine alfredo with caesar as a side is something any woman would enjoy. <</say>>
<<text>>With your order taken care of, the waiter quickly left for the kitchen. With nothing better to do, you took a comfortable position, stretching yourself on the couch, waiting for your partner to come back.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Sorry for the wait!<</say>>
<<text>>Thanfully, it didn't take long before Kait popped back onto her seat, waking you up from the slumber. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kait/kait1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Notice anything different about me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow... So that's what took you so long. <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Yep, I felt like my usual dress wasn't up to the occasion. Do you like it?<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 4>>Of course!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "3c">>
<<set $KaitDate0Correct to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Almond sushi set and a California roll for good measure. That will be all.<</say>>
<<text>>With your order taken care of, the waiter quickly left for the kitchen. With nothing better to do, you took a comfortable position, stretching yourself on the couch, waiting for your partner to come back.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Sorry for the wait!<</say>>
<<text>>Thanfully, it didn't take long before Kait popped back onto her seat, waking you up from the slumber. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kait/kait1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Notice anything different about me?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow... So that's what took you so long. <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Yep, I felt like my usual dress wasn't up to the occasion. Do you like it?<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 4>>Of course!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>I love it. It fits you very nicely, Kait.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Aww, thank you~ <</say>>
<<text>>Reaching for your hand, Kait gently wrapped it around her little palm, smiling. Her eyes sparkled with warmth and joy. And, before you knew it, you felt her lips pressing against yours.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Mmh... I love you so much, $mc... Oh!<</say>>
<<someone someone "Waiter" dick>>I'm terribly sorry for interrupting, but your food is ready. <</someone>>
<<text>>The waiter held your plates, patiently waiting for you two to separate and let him do his job. With an akward chuckle, Kait quickly pulled back, her face red from embarrassment. <</text>>
<<someone someone "Waiter" dick>>Please enjoy your meals. I wish you a good day.<</someone>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 5>>That was akward...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<if $KaitDate0Correct is 1>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh, $mc! This is exactly what I wanted! So you did remember!<</say>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I did. Didn't I tell you that I know you really well?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Ha-ha. Should we start then?<</say>>
<<set $KaitCounter += 0>>
<<text>> You can feel your bond with Kait growing 💚 <</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh, $mc... I'm on a diet right now; this is too heavy for me. <</say>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>No big deal, you'll just have to burn a few more calories than usual. And guess what? I happened to know a few tricks to help you with just that~<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Mhm, I guess it's true. Besides, it's our date, so everything is great by default, no matter what happens~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course! Let's get back to eating while it's still hot.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 6>>Bon Appetit!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm... It's so good!<</say>>
<<text>>Time passed, and as you were finishing yet another plate of exquisitely prepared food, you noticed Kait throwing amused glances at you across the table.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>What's so interesting, babe? It seems like you just can't take your eyes off me.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Is that so obvious? Ha-ha...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I know that smirk! I must have something stuck to my face...<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Now-now, let me fix it for you~<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 7>>Go ahead<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Feel free to do so.<</say>>
<<text>>Slihgtly leaning forward, Kait's hand gently brushed a napkin over your cheek. A warmth spread itself across your chest and tummy as you felt yourself getting lost in her beautiful eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>I wonder how you manage to stay fit despite eating so much. I'm a little jealous~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>There's one simple trick to it. Since I don't get to refuel very often, when I do get a chance, I'm taking as much as I can. Some people call it intermittent fasting, but I call it "being lazy." ha.<</say>>
<<text>>Giggling at your silly answer, Kait leaned back on her couch, resting after her meal.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Being lazy, you say... At least something stayed the same about you, $mc. You've changed so much since the first time I met you that it almost feels like I'm talking to a different person now.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 8>>I guess so<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>What can I say? A lot happened in the past week, forcing me to adjust to a brand new lifestyle. You know, improvising on the spot and all that.<</say>>
<<text>>A short silence ensued as the girl carefully examined your face. When she spoke out, you could sense a hint of lingering worry in her voice. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">>You make it sound like you've been going through some really tough times.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't say that I didn't. I definitely felt like a hamster on a wheel too. But there's no point in worrying about it now; it's all figured itself out.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>At least there's a silver lining to all that...<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 9>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say "Kait">>You know, I was certain that you went back to the big city after you didn't show up on our date. Not to mention that you haven't called me once. But then there was that mysterious message you left me; it worried me sick!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My idea was that this way there'd be fewer things for you to be concerned about, but apparently my genius plan has failed yet again.<</say>>
<<text>>The grumpy look on your girlfriend's face suggested that your words did little to elicit her worry, so you rushed over with a proper explanation.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's nothing major besides; I just had a few things to sort out with my "landlord.". <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I thought you were supposed to stay at your friend's house...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I did, kind of.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 10>>It's complicated<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, it's a complicated story. Without going into too many details, all that I can say is that things went all types of apeshit before I was finally able to get a grasp on a situation.<</say>>
<<text>>Having to wetten your throat with a glass of wine, you went silent for a moment, enjoying the strong taste spreading over your tastebuds as you looked at the sun reflecting on Kait's breasts.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait6-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>But now, not only do I have a flat and new friends, but also a girl I always dreamed of~ <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh, $mc... That's so nice of you to say.<</say>>
<<text>>Winking at you, the girl struck a coy pose, doing her darnest to expose every single one of her voluptuous curves before your eyes. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">>I don't know if it's the wine or your compliments making me excited, but I'm feeling a little woosy... How about we move to your place and continue our date there? ~<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 11>>About that...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Oh!.. Well, I'd like to, but... how do I put this in words so that you wouldn't think that I'm making a shitty excuse? <</say>>
<<text>>Despite her confusion, the girl patiently waited for your explanation.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Okay listen. As of now, my flat is nothing more than a glorified dustbin. It's not going to be like that forever; I've been trying to save up! But still, that's a future project.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>C'mon, I don't need much to have fun with you; don't think that I'm some princess. A working shower and a bed are all I need.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And that's exactly what I'm concerned with: my bed is broken, and I wouldn't be surprised if the shower hasn't worked since 2007.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>..You're kidding me, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wish I was...<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 12>>It shouldn't be a problem though<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say $mc>>But it shouldn't be a problem, right? We can always crash at your place whenever we feel freaky.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh, $mc... I don't think that's an option we have either. My dad is on bed rest, remember? And I told you how noisy I can get; I can't have him hear any of that!<</say>>
<<text>>With a heavy sigh, you psuhed back into the couch, searching for a suitable way out. Asking Kait to do it in an alleyway or in public didn't feel right either; she deserved better than this. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>I see. Well, I'll think of something; I'm sure of it. <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I'll see what I can do too. Trust me when I say it: I want nothing more than to be with you together!<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate0 stage 13>>I know<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, Kait, how about we stop thinking about the future and enjoy the time we have instead? <</say>>
<<text>>You saw Kait's lips tensing up, and without thinking, you reached for her hands in the same way she did a few hours ago. Her eyes met yours, and that was all it took to cast away the worries tormenting her mind.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know if one night is going to be enough time to catch up, but I'm willing to give it a try.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Since your home is vacant right now, why don't we move there? Your dad is finishing his thing in the hospital, so until tomorrow we are completely alone. I know it's not much time, but it's better than none.<</say>>
<<text>>Letting out a heavy sigh, the girl smiled cheekily, locking her fingers with yours.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>In that case, we'd better hurry up. I don't want to waste a single second without feeling you body beside me~<</say>>
<<btno TempMapDay KaitDate0 1>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if recall('CP14') is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> You've earned 500CP! <</notify>>
<<run memorize("CP", recall('CP')+500)>>
<<run memorize('CP14', 0)>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck... How's that for a memory?<</say>>
<<text>>You let an exhausted chuckle escape your lips and fell face down on the couch. It's texture was pleasantly cool, taking some of the excess heat away from you and allowing your body to unwind.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Haha, I will cherish this for the rest of my life. But there'll be more to come, won't there?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course there will be.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate1 stage 1>>But for now...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>But for the time being, I just want to relax with you by my side.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Mhm, let me get a little closer then~<</say>>
<<text>>The next dozen minutes were spent cuddling together, enjoying the limited time you had to the fullest, its scariness making the experience all the more vivid. But there was also an all-too-familiar sound in the background that you desperately tried to ignore. <</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Um, $mc? I think I hear your phone ringing... Should I go check who's calling?<</say>>
<<say $mc>> No! I'll do it myself, it could be a work call.<</say>>
<<text>>You let go of your girlfriend with an exasperated grunt. Then, after cracking your neck, you stumbled towards the sound of your ringtone.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Jusst give me a second, Kait.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate1 stage 2>>Pick up the phone<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone someonew "Imperious Voice" kait>>There you are, at last! You kept me waiting. <</someone>>
<<text>>A woman's voice rang through the loudspeaker, its sarcastic tone oddly familiar to you. You could swear you've met this person before.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Um, I'm sorry. Have we met before?..<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Imperious Voice" kait>>Oh, puppy, you're breaking my heart. I know you're slow, but even so.... And to think I gave such a stupid slouch the honor of pleasing my body.<</someone>>
<<text>>With that, the floodgates opened, and the memories of the day you arrived in Grand Vena played out before your eyes. There was only one person who could have that kind of conversation with you; it must be...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Wait, are you... Katrina?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Took you a while, huh? Poor thing, but at least you got there in the end... This is becoming quite a pattern between the two of us, don't you think?~<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 0>>No... Why now?<</btno>>
<<run memorize('KaitGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("KaitScene1", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<if $KaitCounter > 1>>
<<run memorize('KtScn1Rep', 1)>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, this place is massive!<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping through the door and into Kait's home itself, you couldn't help but stop in awe, just imagining the amount of money it took to build this place. <</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait? How much do you-<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Shush!~<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly stopping you from such meaningless thoughts, you felt Kait's hands wrapping around your chest as she breathed heavily into your neck, showering it with hot kisses.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>I don't care. I'm just happy that I can finally do this to you.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... Oh!<</say>>
<<text>>Locking your lips in a passionate kiss, you feel the girl begin unbuttoning your shirt, her slender fingers running along your skin in an intimate yet insatiable manner.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kait/kait5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Finally, I can't wait anymore...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help you out.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my! It's even bigger in real life than in the photos...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is it really? That's surprising, considering how hard I tried to choose the best angle to-<</say>>
<<text>>Not letting you finish, the girl curled her slender fingers around your shaft, wettening its girth with her spit. Your cock was too big for her to handle with one hand alone, but Kait was more than eager to use the second one, covering your tip with licks on occasion.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Aaaaah... Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I'll take this as a sign that I'm doing everything just right~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Looks like... You came prepared.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Of course! You have no idea how long I have been dreaming about it.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl smiled, showering your shaft with licks and kisses, her wet lips teasing your flesh to its utmost point, the burning desire of primal need setting your loins ablaze.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!.. Y-you too?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>This feels so surreal... I must've jerked off at the thought of you sucking me off like that countless times.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Let me make you feel even better.<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, keep doing it like that baby... Fuck, I want more.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>He-he, then come and take it. I'm all yours~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>All right... So this is how you want to play, I see.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh? He-he~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you think you are a big girl... Think that you can handle me, yeah?<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Mmh!.. I do~ <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Use me for your pleasure, $mc... Make me remember this day for the rest of my life! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Get back to sucking, you little slut.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Of course, baby~ <</say>>
<<text>>Kait obeyed without hesitation, and you could sneak a peek at her grinning as she went down on you, curling her lithe fingers around your shaft, giving way for her lips to wrap themselves around your thick cochead.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Mmmh, I love it so much already!.. Just relax, baby; just let me slobber all over this big cock of yours.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>Go faster... Ngh, faster!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Mmgh!.. Mpf! Ah-<</say>>
<<text>>The girl complied again, her lips stroking down as far as she could before sucking straight back to the tip, only to repeat the cycle a moment later. Her head bobbed back-and-forth relentlessly, building momentum until she was giving you the best blowjob of your life, sucking with just the right strength to send you into lustful heaven.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>This is so nice... Fuck, your throat is amazing!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Suck it... Deeper! <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Ghk!.. Mrrhk...<</say>>
<<text>>Gripping over the hair of the girl, you could feel the very tip of your dick curving down it as her muscles clenched around it. It went so deep that Kait could barely breathe, enticing you all the more to keep up the rough pace.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Haaa... My God, it's so thick. Sorry, I did my best, but-<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it; you're doing wonders, Kait. Fuuck...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>You're ready? Let's do it, sweetie~<</say>>
<<text>>With a single push, your cock slid into the girl's tight cunt, forcing a dull moan to escape from your lips and rock your head back from the potent sensation of wet warmth. <</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Ngh! It went in so easily...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your tits feel so good, and the way you squirm around me, it's... Mmh!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Keep going, baby... <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Yes, yes!.. Aaah~<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>I love you... I love this so much!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me too, me too... Fuck, you're so warm and right, I... Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Let me hit it from the back, nice and easy~<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Mmh... it feels so much sharper now!<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't hope to hold back the moan that spilled out past your lips, your cock sliding deeper and deeper into Kait's snug hole, her inner walls coiling tightly around your dick. It felt as if her pussy was actively trying to strangle your cock, enticing you to stuff your dick into her again and again.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Haaah! Yeah... Shit, the way you tighten around my girth!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say "Kait">>Please $mc... I want to feel your hands all over me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>S-sure. Ah fuck...<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Mgh, I'm so close... You're so wonderful to me. Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's my pleasure, really~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I'll help you out~ <</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the rising rigidity in your movements, Kait pulled closer to your crotch, swallowing your girth in between her lips as she went back to sucking you off once more. Pleasure rose even further, rapidly climbing your shaft before exploding, splattering thick ropes of glistening white semen over her extended tongue and lips.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuuuck! My God! Aaah...<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>You liked that a lot, didn't you?~ <</say>>
<<text>>Taking a small breather to swallow your cum, the girl cuddled with you, her hand rubbing against your oh-so-sensitive penis.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I did. You're amazing, Kait.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>He-hee, you got me really excited now. I can't wait for my turn~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<say "Kait">>G-god!.. $mc! Just a bit more!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Say less!<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel Kait's walls clenching like a slick vice around you, begging for your cock to keep going. A desire you were all too happy to fulfill, ramming her from behind. The air was filled with the sound of your flesh clapping, and before long,<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Yes-yes-ye-yes!.. Aaaahhhhh!..<</say>>
<<text>>She came. Hard.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now, would you say that it was worth the wait?~<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>It was better than I could ever hope for...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>How about I rawdog you a little, hm?~<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I would love that... Mmh, you are such a tease.<</say>>
<<text>>After taking a nice eyeful of her slim lips, you let the tip of your dick prod against her wet opening, taking in the sensation before sliding into her wet slit, spreading her tight walls inch by inch, before finally hitting her cervix.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Ooh f-fuck!.. It went so deep...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>How about we pick up the pace now?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>P-please do!..<</say>>
<<text>>Using your girl as a fleshlight, you jammed your cock into her tight hole again and again, her moans making it all that much hotter—the sounds of every loud clap of flesh mixing in and echoing through the house.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Aaah!.. Fuck-fuck! Mmgh...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, I can feel you... Ngh! Fuck-<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "footjob">>
<<say "Kait">>I knew that you always liked my feet, but... I never thought that you liked them that much~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're kidding me? They are so beautiful; how could I resist the chance?<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Footjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>I hope I'm doing this right. Does it feel nice?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah!.. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "footjob1">>
<<say "Kait">>You want to fuck my soles that bad, huh?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just making it easier for you~<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Footjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Sure-sure. As long as you're happy, baby.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "footjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Turn around... Yeah, like that.<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Footjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Mmh... Fuck, I wish I had tried that before.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Someone's got an awakening, it seems~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn KaitScene1 stage 1>> Oh!!! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn KaitScene1 stage start>> Take down your pants <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage start1 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage start2 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage start3 5 15>> Dominate <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage blowjob1 15 5>> Faster! <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage blowjob2 20 10>> Deeper! <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage blowjob2 20 10>> Deeper! <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage blowjob1 15 5>> Faster! <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go On <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage cowgirl2 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage cowgirl3 15 20>> Grab her Butt <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage doggy1 15 20>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "footjob">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage footjob1 15 5>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage footjob2 15 5>> Turn Around <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "footjob1">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage footjob2 15 5>> Turn Around <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "footjob2">>
<<btnsb KaitScene1 stage footjob1 15 5>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2">>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage blowjob 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btnl KaitScene1 stage footjob KtScn1Rep 500 "You aren't close enough with Kait to ask that" 10 0>> Footjob <</btnl>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<btns KaitScene1 stage cumw 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne KaitDate1 stage 0>>I'm spent<</btne>>
</div><div class="map-back">
<div class="map-container"></div>
/* KaitDate0 */
<<if $KaitDate0 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-position-restaraunt">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "KaitDate0">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Making Things Right
<div class="quest-description">
The time for the long awaited date is now. Do your best.
<div class="quest-time savannah">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* KaitDate1 */
<<if $KaitDate0 is 1 && $KaitDate1 is undefined>>
<div class="map-window map-position-hospital">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/kait-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button"> Start </button>' "KaitScene1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name savannah">
Catching Up
<div class="quest-description">
Make the most out of the time you have. Leave nothing undone..
<div class="quest-time savannah">
Kait's home
<div class="quest-border"></div>
/* Morning Katrina 0 */
<<if $MorningKatrina1 is undefined && $MorningKatrina0 is 1>>
<div class="map-window map-position-culture">
<div class="map-icon outside-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/katrina-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="map-quest">
<div class="map-icon">
<img draggable="false" src="img/icons/katrina-icon.jpg" alt="">
<<link '<button class="quest-button">Start</button>' "MorningKatrina1">> <<set $stage to 0>> <</link>>
<div class="quest-name kendra">
Golden Days
<div class="quest-description">
You have the invitation, so why not come and check on Katrina?
<div class="quest-time kendra">
<div class="quest-border"></div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow, this place is massive!<</say>>
<<text>>Stepping through the door and into Kait's home itself, you couldn't help but stop in awe, just imagining the amount of money it took to build this place. <</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/kait4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait? How much do you-<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Shush!~<</say>>
<<text>>Quickly stopping you from such meaningless thoughts, you felt Kait's hands wrapping around your chest as she breathed heavily into your neck, showering it with hot kisses.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>I don't care. I'm just happy that I can finally do this to you.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh... Oh!<</say>>
<<text>>Locking your lips in a passionate kiss, you feel the girl begin unbuttoning your shirt, her slender fingers running along your skin in an intimate yet insatiable manner.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/kait/kait5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Kait">>Finally, I can't wait anymore...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let me help you out.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Kait">>Oh my! It's even bigger in real life than in the photos...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is it really? That's surprising, considering how hard I tried to choose the best angle to-<</say>>
<<text>>Not letting you finish, the girl curled her slender fingers around your shaft, wettening its girth with her spit. Your cock was too big for her to handle with one hand alone, but Kait was more than eager to use the second one, covering your tip with licks on occasion.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Aaaaah... Oh fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I'll take this as a sign that I'm doing everything just right~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Looks like... You came prepared.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Of course! You have no idea how long I have been dreaming about it.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl smiled, showering your shaft with licks and kisses, her wet lips teasing your flesh to its utmost point, the burning desire of primal need setting your loins ablaze.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!.. Y-you too?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>This feels so surreal... I must've jerked off at the thought of you sucking me off like that countless times.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Let me make you feel even better.<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene0/Blowjob3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah, keep doing it like that baby... Fuck, I want more.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>He-he, then come and take it. I'm all yours~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>All right... So this is how you want to play, I see.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh? He-he~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>So you think you are a big girl... Think that you can handle me, yeah?<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Mmh!.. I do~ <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Use me for your pleasure, $mc... Make me remember this day for the rest of my life! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Get back to sucking, you little slut.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Of course, baby~ <</say>>
<<text>>Kait obeyed without hesitation, and you could sneak a peek at her grinning as she went down on you, curling her lithe fingers around your shaft, giving way for her lips to wrap themselves around your thick cochead.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Mmmh, I love it so much already!.. Just relax, baby; just let me slobber all over this big cock of yours.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>Go faster... Ngh, faster!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Mmgh!.. Mpf! Ah-<</say>>
<<text>>The girl complied again, her lips stroking down as far as she could before sucking straight back to the tip, only to repeat the cycle a moment later. Her head bobbed back-and-forth relentlessly, building momentum until she was giving you the best blowjob of your life, sucking with just the right strength to send you into lustful heaven.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>This is so nice... Fuck, your throat is amazing!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Suck it... Deeper! <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Ghk!.. Mrrhk...<</say>>
<<text>>Gripping over the hair of the girl, you could feel the very tip of your dick curving down it as her muscles clenched around it. It went so deep that Kait could barely breathe, enticing you all the more to keep up the rough pace.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Haaa... My God, it's so thick. Sorry, I did my best, but-<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Don't worry about it; you're doing wonders, Kait. Fuuck...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>You're ready? Let's do it, sweetie~<</say>>
<<text>>With a single push, your cock slid into the girl's tight cunt, forcing a dull moan to escape from your lips and rock your head back from the potent sensation of wet warmth. <</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Ngh! It went in so easily...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your tits feel so good, and the way you squirm around me, it's... Mmh!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>Keep going, baby... <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Yes, yes!.. Aaah~<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>I love you... I love this so much!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Me too, me too... Fuck, you're so warm and right, I... Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Let me hit it from the back, nice and easy~<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Mmh... it feels so much sharper now!<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't hope to hold back the moan that spilled out past your lips, your cock sliding deeper and deeper into Kait's snug hole, her inner walls coiling tightly around your dick. It felt as if her pussy was actively trying to strangle your cock, enticing you to stuff your dick into her again and again.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Haaah! Yeah... Shit, the way you tighten around my girth!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say "Kait">>Please $mc... I want to feel your hands all over me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>S-sure. Ah fuck...<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Mgh, I'm so close... You're so wonderful to me. Ah!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It's my pleasure, really~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to... Ah!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I'll help you out~ <</say>>
<<text>>Noticing the rising rigidity in your movements, Kait pulled closer to your crotch, swallowing your girth in between her lips as she went back to sucking you off once more. Pleasure rose even further, rapidly climbing your shaft before exploding, splattering thick ropes of glistening white semen over her extended tongue and lips.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuuuck! My God! Aaah...<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>You liked that a lot, didn't you?~ <</say>>
<<text>>Taking a small breather to swallow your cum, the girl cuddled with you, her hand rubbing against your oh-so-sensitive penis.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Of course, I did. You're amazing, Kait.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>He-hee, you got me really excited now. I can't wait for my turn~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<say "Kait">>G-god!.. $mc! Just a bit more!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Say less!<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel Kait's walls clenching like a slick vice around you, begging for your cock to keep going. A desire you were all too happy to fulfill, ramming her from behind. The air was filled with the sound of your flesh clapping, and before long,<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Yes-yes-ye-yes!.. Aaaahhhhh!..<</say>>
<<text>>She came. Hard.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now, would you say that it was worth the wait?~<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>It was better than I could ever hope for...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>How about I rawdog you a little, hm?~<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I would love that... Mmh, you are such a tease.<</say>>
<<text>>After taking a nice eyeful of her slim lips, you let the tip of your dick prod against her wet opening, taking in the sensation before sliding into her wet slit, spreading her tight walls inch by inch, before finally hitting her cervix.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Ooh f-fuck!.. It went so deep...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>How about we pick up the pace now?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>P-please do!..<</say>>
<<text>>Using your girl as a fleshlight, you jammed your cock into her tight hole again and again, her moans making it all that much hotter—the sounds of every loud clap of flesh mixing in and echoing through the house.<</text>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Aaah!.. Fuck-fuck! Mmgh...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, I can feel you... Ngh! Fuck-<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "footjob">>
<<say "Kait">>I knew that you always liked my feet, but... I never thought that you liked them that much~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You're kidding me? They are so beautiful; how could I resist the chance?<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Footjob.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>I hope I'm doing this right. Does it feel nice?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah!.. <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "footjob1">>
<<say "Kait">>You want to fuck my soles that bad, huh?..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm just making it easier for you~<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Footjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Kait">>Sure-sure. As long as you're happy, baby.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "footjob2">>
<<say $mc>>Turn around... Yeah, like that.<</say>>
<<video "kait/Scene1/Footjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Mmh... Fuck, I wish I had tried that before.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Someone's got an awakening, it seems~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Kaitgallery1 gstage 1>> Oh!!! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Kaitgallery1 gstage start>> Take down your pants <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage start1 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage start2 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage start3 5 15>> Dominate <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage blowjob1 15 5>> Faster! <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage blowjob2 20 10>> Deeper! <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage blowjob2 20 10>> Deeper! <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage blowjob1 15 5>> Faster! <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go On <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage cowgirl2 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage cowgirl3 15 20>> Grab her Butt <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage cowgirl 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage doggy1 15 20>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "footjob">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage footjob1 15 5>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage footjob2 15 5>> Turn Around <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "footjob1">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage footjob2 15 5>> Turn Around <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "footjob2">>
<<btnsb Kaitgallery1 gstage footjob1 15 5>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2">>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage blowjob 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btnl Kaitgallery1 gstage footjob KtScn1Rep 500 "You aren't close enough with Kait to ask that" 10 0>> Footjob <</btnl>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<btns Kaitgallery1 gstage cumw 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne Kait-gallery gstage 0>>I'm spent<</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Kait-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $KaitDate1 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Why are you calling me? Why now?..<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh, I can sense your voice shaking a little. Did I interrupt something important, hm? Now, that would be a real shame.<</say>>
<<text>>Katrina's tone was rich with biting sarcasm. Seriously worried about the possibility of Kait overhearing, you glanced around, but fortunately she was too busy cleaning herself to pay attention to your call.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/katrina1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>You have no idea... How did you even get this number?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Let's just say that I have my sources. They've been a huge help to me, keeping an eye on you at opportune times~<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>As for why - I wanted to congratulate you, of course. You did pretty well dealing with that one annoying underground fly, What's more—you even had the balls to try and take his place! Now that's what I call impressive. <</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 1>>How do you know all that?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>W-what? How much do you know about me?..<</say>>
<<text>>Katrina chuckled, and you could hear a sound of her rummaging through paper.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>I know everything about my puppy: about his friends, the job he's slaving away at on a daily basis, and, of course, I know about his girlfriend as well. Although I guess I should be saying "girlfriends" instead, you stalion~<</say>>
<<text>>You cast another glance at the blissfully unaware Kait, praying for this call to be over. But deep within, you couldn't deny that it was making you excited as well.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course. You've been doing great at meeting my expectations so far, and that brings us to my next point:<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>I want to fuck you again.<</say>>
<<text>>By all means, you should've anticipated this development, but for some reason it still caught you off-guard.<</text>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>..Listen, I'm glad to hear that, I really am, but now is not a good time for this.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>I would not recommend making me upset, $mc. I'm not the kind of person you can afford to make enemies with. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What? I'm not trying to...<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Then shut up and just do as I say.<</say>>
<<text>>There was something special about the way Katrina's domineering nature shone through her words. You had some experience dealing with brats, but here, you felt truly powerless. But in a hot way.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Good puppy. Now, where was I?<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 3>>You wanted to...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh, thats right. Next week I'll be hosting an event at my summer house, and I expect to see you there. I'll send you an invitation, so you won't have to worry about getting lost. And, make sure to bring your little friend with you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..Sure. Is there anything else you would want from me? <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>No. See you in a week, so try not to lose your senses until then. Have a good rest of the night.<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add anything, the line was cut. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Crazy bitch, what's her deal calling me like that?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Who was it $mc?<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 4>>They've got the wrong number.<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know; someone mistook my number for someone else's. <</say>>
<<text>>Unconvinced, Kait examined your face closely.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Really? It sounded like you were having a heated argument.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it took me a while to convince them that I was not the person they were looking for. You know how it is sometimes.<</say>>
<<text>>Deciding that it would be best to change the topic, you placed your phone back on the table and took a step towards the corridor.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Anyway, how about we hit the shower instead and go for the next round? As they say, the night is only about to begin.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh? Sure, I like the sound of that.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 5>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<text>>Some time later... The piercing sound of your phone alarm cuts through the air, waking your aching body from its slumber.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>...Haah.<</say>>
<<text>>Glancing at the screen, you sat up and stretched lazily to try and make yourself feel better. It didn't really help.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/morning0-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What the hell, it's 7 AM already?<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Yes, it is! Rise and shine, sweetie~<</say>>
<<text>>Turning towards the soft voice, you saw Kait standing in a doorway with a plate of delicious-looking food. She smiled before placing it on the bed near you.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Is that for me?!<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Of course. I didn't have that much time, but I hope it will be a good enough breakfast for you.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 6>>This is amazing!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>You kiddin' me? This is great!<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a whiff of the fruity aroma, you dug into the food, much to the girl's delight.<</text>>
<<img "act2/kait/morning1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>M-mh! Let me tell you, I've been surviving on pre-cooked sandwiches and pizza for the past week or so. Having a hand-made meal for once is a real delight. Thank you so much.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I'm glad to hear that. I had a few spare minutes before leaving, so I decided to do my best for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Leaving so early in the morning? Is it something important? <</say>>
<<say "Kait">>Kind of. I was about to go help out my father with moving from the hospital. And before you ask, no, I don't need help with that~<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 7>>Okay.<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Look at you. But okay, just make sure to tell him that I said hi.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I will~ <</say>>
<<text>>Smiling, Kait stepped away from your bed, opening the door to the hall. Instantly, you saw Grigoriy running into the room, wiggling his tail back and forth.<</text>>
<<say "Kait">>Oh, and don't worry about your cute little' pupper; I fed him a few sausages already.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>And they were great, let me tell you! A very much needed refreshment.<</say>>
<<say "Kait">>I'll go now, so when you'll be leaving, just close the door behind you. It shuts automatically.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 8>>See you! <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Cool! Good luck at the hospital!<</say>>
<<text>>With that, you were finally left alone with your breakfest. Kait's cooking left little to be desired, and the taste of the fresh pancakes brought a tear to your eye.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>The girl might turn out to be a fine wife in the end, pal. I'll be keeping my paws crossed for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You would think so, but man, life sure finds a way to throw a wrench into your plans.<</say>>
<<text>>Reminded of Katrina's call yesterday, you let out a sigh before taking a bite of banana. It's sour sweetness tickles your tongue. <</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I feel like you're being overly cautious right now, kid. Let go of your worries for a little bit.<</say>>
<<btno KaitDate2 stage 9>>How can I?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>Listen, it happened once already, so who's to say that it won't happen again?<</say>>
<<text>>To that end, the pug simply shrugged before lying down on your legs.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>..That's not to say that I'll stop trying, of course. It's just that thinking about things like this right now will only lead me to disappointment. It's better to focus on the things on hand for now.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>On hand, you say... It's been a while since we last checked on Savannah. I wonder if she might have something new for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, just let me finish my food first.<</say>>
<<set $AlexisTaskSetupDaily to undefined, $RileyTaskSetupDaily to undefined, $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis to undefined, $DailyDrinkGivenSav to undefined, $SavannahBusy to undefined, $AlexisBusy to undefined>>
<<set $AlexisTask0 to undefined, $AlexisTask1 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTask0 to undefined, $RileyTask1 to undefined, $RileyTask2 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone to undefined>>
<<set $GoSleepActTwo to 1>>
<<set $StripperFuck to 0>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
<<set $DayValue += 1>>
<<set $StateMC0 to undefined>>
<<set $GloryHole to undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRngOld to $CrowdRng>>
<<for ; $CrowdRng == $CrowdRngOld ; >>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0, 3)>>
<<set $KaitDate2 to 1>>
<<btno InterludeMap1>>Leave the house<</btno>>
<<run memorize('SavannahScene2', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $SavannahScene2 to 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Sav, I was wondering, do you have anything new for me? I'm ready to rumble, if you catch my drift.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman's gold gaze fixed on you for a few long moments before shifting back to the computer screen.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>For you, it's Savannah. I'm not your pet, $mc; I'm your boss.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It certainly didn't seem that way the last time we mingled together~<</say>>
<<text>>You could hear an exasperated sigh escape Savannah's lips, and when she spoke, you knew you had hit the nerve. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't mistake how I act on film with how I act when it comes to business. That being said, I do have something in mind for you today.<</say>>
<<btno SavannahScene2 stage 1>>Oh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm all ears.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I was going to do a little show today, but I need someone to moderate the chat while I'm at it. The last few streams have been so messy, they've caused the whole virus fiasco you helped me with last time.<</say>>
<<text>>With a devilish smirk, Savannah moved to the side of the table, freeing up the space before the monitor. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm sure you've had experience with that in the past.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't say that I do. I never got a chance to get to know any cam girls growing up.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Poor guy. But I'm sure you'll figure it out quickly; you're a smart cookie. Come here; I'll show you the basics...<</say>>
<<btno SavannahScene2 stage 2>>Okay<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>>And low and behold, only after a few minutes of practice were you already logged in, ready to enact justice in chat. The only thing left was to start the stream.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You're ready, boss?<</say>>
<<text>>Turning away from the monitor, you glanced at the now-half-naked Savannah. Her curves looked especially good in her black lingerie, seemingly ready to spill out of the tight confines of the fabric at any moment.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>What do you think?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just making sure. Starting in 3... 2... 1...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage 3>>Action!<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Savannah">>Heya darlings, I've missed you~ It's me, Savannah Bond, back at your service.<</say>>
<<text>>With her sultry introduction out of the way, Savannah smiled towards the camera, pushing her curves out for viewing pleasure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>Let's have some fun today, shall we?<</say>>
<<text>>Throwing a glance back to the computer screen, you watch as a chat room fills up and the first donations begin to seep in.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>You know the rules, boys~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage 4>>Watch her do it<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Savannah">>Wow, a thousand tokens already? Thank you so much. It's great to know that you missed me too.<</say>>
<<text>>Having thanked the generous viewer, Savannah reached behind her shoulder, and after a momentary struggle, her breasts were finally freed from the confines of her bra, her pants soon following.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Let's get it started then...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh, how do you like this view, boys?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck!.. That's hot.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage 5>>Continue watching <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Savannah">>Guys, you want to see more than that, right? Then how about I start with one finger and then... Ah~<</say>>
<<text>>You watched in awe as your boss pushed her middle finger into her tight asshole before slowly sliding it in, inch by inch, as the lewd sound of her stretching herself, accompanied by moans of pleasure, began to fill the room.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>I need... More~ Fuck!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Spicy.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage 6>>Continue watching<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say "Savannah">>A big, fat, juicy cock... I want it so bad right now...<</say>>
<<text>>With her movements intensifying, Savannah's eyes were locked with yours, making you doubt if those words she just uttered were addressed to the viewers or if they were yours instead.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, should I?..<</say>>
<<text>>An opportunity to tease your boss like that wasn't something you could let go of so easily. But on the other hand, you also knew that interrupting the show like that could mean future trouble.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah, give it to me you guys~<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 6>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Do nothing<</btns>>
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage $cstage+1+"b">>Masturbate<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is "7a">>
<<set $SavannahScene2noJorking to 1>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh, my pussy is drooling! I'm so wet and horny...<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah's fingers mashed against her pink pussy lips, the abundant juices flowing down her leg, making a small puddle on the couch. You could see her muscles start to tens up as her eyes began to roll back.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>But... I'm afraid this is all I can show you today~<</say>>
<<text>>It all came to a sudden halt.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?..<</say>>
<<btno SavannahScene2 stage 8>>That was sudden<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say "Savannah">>Sorry for the shorter stream today; I know all of you are disappointed just as much as I am. So make sure to check for the new schedule in my bio; I'll try to make up for this on the next one, I promise~ <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Bye-bye!<</say>>
<<text>>With a shameless smile, the woman turned, waving to the camera before pressing the "end stream" button. The moment the broadcast was over, you could sense an unusual coldness coming off of Savannah.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That was quick. I barely had the time to do anything of use...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I've noticed.<</say>>
<<btno SavannahScene2 stage 9>>Flirt with her<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say "Savannah">>But hey, if there's anything I can do for you now that this streaming business is out of the way, just let me know. <</say>>
<<text>>Doing your best attempt at being suave, you kicked back in the chair, pointing to Savannah to take a good look at your bulge before continuing.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>And in case you're still in the mood to put some cream on my dick, I'm...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmpf, keep dreaming, asshole. Because you're not about to get it anytime soon.<</say>>
<<text>>Despite Savannah's best attempt at covering her face as she made her quick escape, you've managed to catch a glimpse of her pinkish cheeks. Clearly, she did enjoy your company. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah7-image.webp">>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm going to get changed; make sure to leave my cabinet before I'm back. Or else I'm cutting your pay. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, sure~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btne InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btne>>
<<btne InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btne>>
<<elseif $stage is "7b">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh... Ah?~<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel the eyes of the woman glued to your crotch the moment you unbuckled your belt, letting you cock free from its tight prison.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Fuck!.. My pussy is drooling all over the place~<</say>>
<<text>>As you continued to stroke your cock, you watched your boss' fingers mashing against her pink pussy lips, the abundant juices flowing down her leg and forming little puddles on the couch. You could see her muscles tensing up, and as her breathing became ragged,.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I can't take it anymore... You! Yes, you, come here!..<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>As you wish~<</say>>
<<text>>You moved closer to the couch, making sure to keep your face out of the camera frame, and as soon as you were within Savannah's reach, she pounced on you, wrapping her fingers around your shaft before giving you a nice kiss on the tip. <</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh my God, you're so big and thick... Just let me...<</say>>
<<text>>The sensation of Savannah's cheeks rubbing against your cockhead as her tongue began to play with the crown forced a deep, guttural moan from your throat, encouraging her further in her quest to bring you the utmost pleasure. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh... It's such a nice cock you have~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage 11>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say "Savannah">>You can be rougher if you want to. I can handle it~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No need to ask me twice!<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling the woman down on your cock, you cursed as a wet grunting sound followed by a rasping gag escaped Savannah's lips, your tip hitting the back of her throat.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start5.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>G-grk! Mmh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!..<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SavannahScene2 stage 12>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say "Savannah">>Nnf... Don't forget that I need to breathe from time to time!..<</say>>
<<text>>That sole remark did little to stop you from rocking your hips more actively now, as you kept thrusting yourself over her tongue. <</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start6.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit! Oh fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah's pink lips, pursed tightly around your cock, made you groan through the teeth as you felt her sucking her way up to the tip only to be shoved back down again.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh!..<</say>>
<<text>>When suddenly, you felt her tapping on the side of your thigh, forcing you to a sudden halt.<</text>>
<<btno SavannahScene2 stage 13>>What's up?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>>What is it? You okay?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course, I am. But for now, I think this will be enough.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>H-huh?..<</say>>
<<text>>With a shameless smile, the woman turned away from you and toward the camera.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>All right guys, I hope you enjoyed today's show! Make sure to check for the new schedule in my bio and stay hyped for the next stream! Bye-bye!<</say>>
<<text>>And with that, the camera was turned off.<</text>>
<<btno SavannahScene2 stage 14>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, so... what the fuck?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You can't show too much at the same time, $mc; I thought you'd learned that already. Nevertheless, good job on your performance today.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And now we get to continue with just the two of us, right? Right?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ha-ha, sorry, $mc, but for now you can only keep dreaming about it~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add anything else, Savannah's made her quick escape, leaving you with only a glimpse of her pinkish cheeks. Clearly, she did enjoy your company, making her actions all the more puzzling. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah7-image.webp">>
<<say "Savannah">>Now I'm going to get changed, so make sure to leave my cabinet before I'm back. Or else I'm cutting your pay. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You bitch... God damn it. And I was just getting into the swing of things!<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btne InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btne>>
<<btne InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btne>>
</div><<run memorize('SavannahScene3', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "dream">>
<<addclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>"In your dreams," she says... Might as well.<</say>>
<<text>>Lying back on the cold sheets, you close your eyes, thinking about Savannah, and before long, the images of your boss doing all sorts of naughty things begin to cycle through your head.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>You like this, don't you? You want me to be your obedient slut, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Open your eyes, baby, and make... me... yours~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if it works...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh my, I get all this cock to myself tonight... I'm so lucky~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Of fuck!.. Hell yeah, it does!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Fuuuck! I can feel my dick melting...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mhm~ I always do my best when it comes to pleasure.<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Of course you do, you little slut~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>Choke on my cock, bitch... That's what you want, don't you?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh yeah!.. Grh.. Hrk!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Khaah... I always dreamt of your throbbing dick destroying my windpipe~<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Thank you for making it a reality, baby~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>In that case, how about you return the favor?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>With pleasure~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Sh-shit! I love when pretty girls suck on my nuts... The best feeling in the world!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<say $mc>>Aaand... Stop.<</say>>
<<text>>Obidently following your command despite her burning need, Savannah reluctantly let go of your cock. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now turn around. Let me see what you have there... Oh Christ!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Transition.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>D-does the baby... like my little toy?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, I do. It tells me that you came prepared.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start5">>
<<say $mc>>But let me give you some more lube first.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>A-ah! Your tongue... Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Transition1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>And now your slutty little bum is fully ready to please me.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Y-yes!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, fuck!.. It's so big!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you're so tight... Mmh, just the way I like it~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah! Oh my God!.. Yes!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say "Savannah">>You feel so nice inside me. Just keep moving!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah shit- Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Keep breeding me... Like this, fuck me silly!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes, I love you so much... My baby's cock is the best~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your ass is pretty good too, you slut. Now make it wiggle.<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah!.. Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>Let me lube you up a bit more... Your gaping asshole deserves all the care.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>T-thank you... Mmh, you reach in so deep!..<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Slap me more! I love it! Show me my place!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh God!.. Fuck! I can't take it... I'm so close!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck!..<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>You feel so great! I want to be your only slut, bred every day!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God, you are one talkative bitch, you know that?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<say "Savannah">>God, it feels like my ass is about to explode! Keep going, baby!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>So good... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck! I'm at my wits end here...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<say $mc>>Allright... How about you taste it now, bitch? Suck my dick, you whore.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course~ Mmh...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>So good~ Yum! This is the tastiest cock in the world you have, baby~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, this ass is unreal!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You like it, baby? I'm- Ah! I'm glad~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Savannah">>You're so rough!.. It's too much- I'm going to break!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is what you get, you little tease. I bet you wanted to get fucked by me all day long! That show was for my pleasure only, wasn't it?<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Y-yes!.. Aaaah!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say "Savannah">>It's hitting my womb, oh God!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what you fucking deserve, you slut. Your butt is mine, you hear?!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>It is yours! Keep going, please!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>>You want to get another taste of your butt? Slide down, girl~<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh, of course, I love your cock so much!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!.. Chill on the sucking; I'm about to blow!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Why not? Blow up all over my slutty face, baby~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then turn around, bitch. Time to return the favor!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>When did you?.. A-ah!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl4.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Fuck!.. Fuuuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>This time, for real... I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Do it, baby~ Mark me with your stick semen!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the pleasure of shooting up your cock and your balls tensing for one last time, a sharp, gutteral groan forced its way past your lips as you busted your load all over Savannah's butt, painting her brass skin a creamy white.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Grraaaah!..<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>That's what I like to see from my baby~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW to 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Savannah">>$mc!.. Oh my God! I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Give it to me. Do it!<</say>>
<<text>>With a gasp, you felt a moan come up and out of your throat as Savannah's snug little hole clenched tightly around your cock, while she was losing her from all the pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Fuck, I want more. Give me more~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll think about it~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw1">>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah! Yes, yes, yes!.. Just a bit... Nggh!<</say>>
<<text>>You exhaled sharply, feeling Savannah's juices squirt from her pussy as her body shook with the power of her climax. With each subsequent thrust of your cock against her womb, you made her jerk and twitch uncontrollably, her gasps feeling the air around you.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh God... That was even better than the first time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Heh, then I hope you're ready for more!<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn SavannahScene3 stage start>> Oh!!! <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $cum < 100 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage start1 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage start2 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage start3 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage start4 0 10>> Anal <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl2 15 15>> Go Deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl3 15 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl2 15 15>> Go Deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl3 15 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl3 15 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl2 15 20>> Turn her around <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl4">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage doggy2 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage doggy1 15 20>> Lube her up <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage sideways1 15 20>> Lube her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage missionary1 15 20>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "start4">>
<<btnsb SavannahScene3 stage start5 0 15>> Lick her butt <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3">>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage missionary 10 5>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage sideways 15 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 >>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<if $sceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage cumw 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<btns SavannahScene3 stage cumw1 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 >>
<<btne SavScene3After stage 0>>I'm spent<</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $SavannahScene3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck... That was something.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm glad my baby enjoyed that. If you hadn't, I wouldn't know what to make of me~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You'd be fine. Fuck, I'm feeling tired all of a sudden...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You did wonderful. You deserve your rest~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can feel my conscience... Slipping away...<</say>>
<<btno GoSleepActTwo stage "1c">>Wake Up<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Hey Sav, I was wondering, do you have anything new for me? I'm ready to rumble, if you catch my drift.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman's gold gaze fixed on you for a few long moments before shifting back to the computer screen.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>For you, it's Savannah. I'm not your pet, $mc; I'm your boss.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It certainly didn't seem that way the last time we mingled together~<</say>>
<<text>>You could hear an exasperated sigh escape Savannah's lips, and when she spoke, you knew you had hit the nerve. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Don't mistake how I act on film with how I act when it comes to business. That being said, I do have something in mind for you today.<</say>>
<<btno Savannahgallery2 gstage 1>>Oh?<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm all ears.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I was going to do a little show today, but I need someone to moderate the chat while I'm at it. The last few streams have been so messy, they've caused the whole virus fiasco you helped me with last time.<</say>>
<<text>>With a devilish smirk, Savannah moved to the side of the table, freeing up the space before the monitor. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm sure you've had experience with that in the past.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't say that I do. I never got a chance to get to know any cam girls growing up.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Poor guy. But I'm sure you'll figure it out quickly; you're a smart cookie. Come here; I'll show you the basics...<</say>>
<<btno Savannahgallery2 gstage 2>>Okay<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<text>>And low and behold, only after a few minutes of practice were you already logged in, ready to enact justice in chat. The only thing left was to start the stream.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>You're ready, boss?<</say>>
<<text>>Turning away from the monitor, you glanced at the now-half-naked Savannah. Her curves looked especially good in her black lingerie, seemingly ready to spill out of the tight confines of the fabric at any moment.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>What do you think?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just making sure. Starting in 3... 2... 1...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 3>>Action!<</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Savannah">>Heya darlings, I've missed you~ It's me, Savannah Bond, back at your service.<</say>>
<<text>>With her sultry introduction out of the way, Savannah smiled towards the camera, pushing her curves out for viewing pleasure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah6-image.jpg">>
<<say "Savannah">>Let's have some fun today, shall we?<</say>>
<<text>>Throwing a glance back to the computer screen, you watch as a chat room fills up and the first donations begin to seep in.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>You know the rules, boys~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 4>>Watch her do it<</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say "Savannah">>Wow, a thousand tokens already? Thank you so much. It's great to know that you missed me too.<</say>>
<<text>>Having thanked the generous viewer, Savannah reached behind her shoulder, and after a momentary struggle, her breasts were finally freed from the confines of her bra, her pants soon following.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Let's get it started then...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh, how do you like this view, boys?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck!.. That's hot.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 5>>Continue watching <</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is 5>>
<<say "Savannah">>Guys, you want to see more than that, right? Then how about I start with one finger and then... Ah~<</say>>
<<text>>You watched in awe as your boss pushed her middle finger into her tight asshole before slowly sliding it in, inch by inch, as the lewd sound of her stretching herself, accompanied by moans of pleasure, began to fill the room.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>I need... More~ Fuck!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Spicy.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 6>>Continue watching<</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is 6>>
<<say "Savannah">>A big, fat, juicy cock... I want it so bad right now...<</say>>
<<text>>With her movements intensifying, Savannah's eyes were locked with yours, making you doubt if those words she just uttered were addressed to the viewers or if they were yours instead.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, should I?..<</say>>
<<text>>An opportunity to tease your boss like that wasn't something you could let go of so easily. But on the other hand, you also knew that interrupting the show like that could mean future trouble.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah, give it to me you guys~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 7a>>Do nothing<</btns>>
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 7b>>Masturbate<</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is "7a">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh, my pussy is drooling! I'm so wet and horny...<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah's fingers mashed against her pink pussy lips, the abundant juices flowing down her leg, making a small puddle on the couch. You could see her muscles start to tens up as her eyes began to roll back.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>But... I'm afraid this is all I can show you today~<</say>>
<<text>>It all came to a sudden halt.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Huh?..<</say>>
<<btno Savannahgallery2 gstage 8>>That was sudden<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 8>>
<<say "Savannah">>Sorry for the shorter stream today; I know all of you are disappointed just as much as I am. So make sure to check for the new schedule in my bio; I'll try to make up for this on the next one, I promise~ <</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Bye-bye!<</say>>
<<text>>With a shameless smile, the woman turned, waving to the camera before pressing the "end stream" button. The moment the broadcast was over, you could sense an unusual coldness coming off of Savannah.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>That was quick. I barely had the time to do anything of use...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>I've noticed.<</say>>
<<btno Savannahgallery2 gstage 9>>Flirt with her<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 9>>
<<say "Savannah">>But hey, if there's anything I can do for you now that this streaming business is out of the way, just let me know. <</say>>
<<text>>Doing your best attempt at being suave, you kicked back in the chair, pointing to Savannah to take a good look at your bulge before continuing.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>And in case you're still in the mood to put some cream on my dick, I'm...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hmpf, keep dreaming, asshole. Because you're not about to get it anytime soon.<</say>>
<<text>>Despite Savannah's best attempt at covering her face as she made her quick escape, you've managed to catch a glimpse of her pinkish cheeks. Clearly, she did enjoy your company. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah7-image.webp">>
<<say "Savannah">>I'm going to get changed; make sure to leave my cabinet before I'm back. Or else I'm cutting your pay. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, sure~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Leave<</btneg>>
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Leave<</btneg>>
<<elseif $gstage is "7b">>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh... Ah?~<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel the eyes of the woman glued to your crotch the moment you unbuckled your belt, letting you cock free from its tight prison.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start3.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Fuck!.. My pussy is drooling all over the place~<</say>>
<<text>>As you continued to stroke your cock, you watched your boss' fingers mashing against her pink pussy lips, the abundant juices flowing down her leg and forming little puddles on the couch. You could see her muscles tensing up, and as her breathing became ragged,.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>I can't take it anymore... You! Yes, you, come here!..<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>As you wish~<</say>>
<<text>>You moved closer to the couch, making sure to keep your face out of the camera frame, and as soon as you were within Savannah's reach, she pounced on you, wrapping her fingers around your shaft before giving you a nice kiss on the tip. <</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start4.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh my God, you're so big and thick... Just let me...<</say>>
<<text>>The sensation of Savannah's cheeks rubbing against your cockhead as her tongue began to play with the crown forced a deep, guttural moan from your throat, encouraging her further in her quest to bring you the utmost pleasure. <</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh... It's such a nice cock you have~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 11>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is 11>>
<<say "Savannah">>You can be rougher if you want to. I can handle it~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No need to ask me twice!<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling the woman down on your cock, you cursed as a wet grunting sound followed by a rasping gag escaped Savannah's lips, your tip hitting the back of her throat.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start5.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>G-grk! Mmh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!..<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Savannahgallery2 gstage 12>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<elseif $gstage is 12>>
<<say "Savannah">>Nnf... Don't forget that I need to breathe from time to time!..<</say>>
<<text>>That sole remark did little to stop you from rocking your hips more actively now, as you kept thrusting yourself over her tongue. <</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene2/Start6.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit! Oh fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>Savannah's pink lips, pursed tightly around your cock, made you groan through the teeth as you felt her sucking her way up to the tip only to be shoved back down again.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh!..<</say>>
<<text>>When suddenly, you felt her tapping on the side of your thigh, forcing you to a sudden halt.<</text>>
<<btno Savannahgallery2 gstage 13>>What's up?<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 13>>
<<say $mc>>What is it? You okay?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course, I am. But for now, I think this will be enough.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>H-huh?..<</say>>
<<text>>With a shameless smile, the woman turned away from you and toward the camera.<</text>>
<<say "Savannah">>All right guys, I hope you enjoyed today's show! Make sure to check for the new schedule in my bio and stay hyped for the next stream! Bye-bye!<</say>>
<<text>>And with that, the camera was turned off.<</text>>
<<btno Savannahgallery2 gstage 14>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $gstage is 14>>
<<say $mc>>Okay, so... what the fuck?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You can't show too much at the same time, $mc; I thought you'd learned that already. Nevertheless, good job on your performance today.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And now we get to continue with just the two of us, right? Right?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ha-ha, sorry, $mc, but for now you can only keep dreaming about it~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add anything else, Savannah's made her quick escape, leaving you with only a glimpse of her pinkish cheeks. Clearly, she did enjoy your company, making her actions all the more puzzling. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/savannah7-image.webp">>
<<say "Savannah">>Now I'm going to get changed, so make sure to leave my cabinet before I'm back. Or else I'm cutting your pay. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You bitch... God damn it. And I was just getting into the swing of things!<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM < 2>>
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Leave<</btneg>>
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Leave<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "dream">>
<<addclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>"In your dreams," she says... Might as well.<</say>>
<<text>>Lying back on the cold sheets, you close your eyes, thinking about Savannah, and before long, the images of your boss doing all sorts of naughty things begin to cycle through your head.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>You like this, don't you? You want me to be your obedient slut, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Open your eyes, baby, and make... me... yours~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>Let's see if it works...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh my, I get all this cock to myself tonight... I'm so lucky~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Of fuck!.. Hell yeah, it does!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Fuuuck! I can feel my dick melting...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mhm~ I always do my best when it comes to pleasure.<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Of course you do, you little slut~ <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>Choke on my cock, bitch... That's what you want, don't you?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh yeah!.. Grh.. Hrk!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Khaah... I always dreamt of your throbbing dick destroying my windpipe~<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Thank you for making it a reality, baby~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say $mc>>In that case, how about you return the favor?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>With pleasure~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Sh-shit! I love when pretty girls suck on my nuts... The best feeling in the world!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<say $mc>>Aaand... Stop.<</say>>
<<text>>Obidently following your command despite her burning need, Savannah reluctantly let go of your cock. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now turn around. Let me see what you have there... Oh Christ!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Transition.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>D-does the baby... like my little toy?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck yeah, I do. It tells me that you came prepared.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start5">>
<<say $mc>>But let me give you some more lube first.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>A-ah! Your tongue... Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Transition1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>And now your slutty little bum is fully ready to please me.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Y-yes!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh, fuck!.. It's so big!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you're so tight... Mmh, just the way I like it~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah! Oh my God!.. Yes!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say "Savannah">>You feel so nice inside me. Just keep moving!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah shit- Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Keep breeding me... Like this, fuck me silly!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes, I love you so much... My baby's cock is the best~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Your ass is pretty good too, you slut. Now make it wiggle.<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah!.. Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>Let me lube you up a bit more... Your gaping asshole deserves all the care.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>T-thank you... Mmh, you reach in so deep!..<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Slap me more! I love it! Show me my place!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh God!.. Fuck! I can't take it... I'm so close!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck!..<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>You feel so great! I want to be your only slut, bred every day!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God, you are one talkative bitch, you know that?<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Yes!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<say "Savannah">>God, it feels like my ass is about to explode! Keep going, baby!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>So good... <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck! I'm at my wits end here...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<say $mc>>Allright... How about you taste it now, bitch? Suck my dick, you whore.<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Of course~ Mmh...<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>So good~ Yum! This is the tastiest cock in the world you have, baby~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, this ass is unreal!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>You like it, baby? I'm- Ah! I'm glad~<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Hell yeah! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Savannah">>You're so rough!.. It's too much- I'm going to break!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This is what you get, you little tease. I bet you wanted to get fucked by me all day long! That show was for my pleasure only, wasn't it?<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Y-yes!.. Aaaah!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say "Savannah">>It's hitting my womb, oh God!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's what you fucking deserve, you slut. Your butt is mine, you hear?!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>It is yours! Keep going, please!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<say $mc>>You want to get another taste of your butt? Slide down, girl~<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Mmh, of course, I love your cock so much!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!.. Chill on the sucking; I'm about to blow!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Why not? Blow up all over my slutty face, baby~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then turn around, bitch. Time to return the favor!<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>When did you?.. A-ah!<</say>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cowgirl4.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Fuck!.. Fuuuck!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>This time, for real... I'm about to...<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>Do it, baby~ Mark me with your stick semen!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the pleasure of shooting up your cock and your balls tensing for one last time, a sharp, gutteral groan forced its way past your lips as you busted your load all over Savannah's butt, painting her brass skin a creamy white.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Grraaaah!..<</say>>
<<say "Savannah">>That's what I like to see from my baby~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Savannah">>$mc!.. Oh my God! I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Give it to me. Do it!<</say>>
<<text>>With a gasp, you felt a moan come up and out of your throat as Savannah's snug little hole clenched tightly around your cock, while she was losing her from all the pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Fuck, I want more. Give me more~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll think about it~ <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Savannah">>Ah! Yes, yes, yes!.. Just a bit... Nggh!<</say>>
<<text>>You exhaled sharply, feeling Savannah's juices squirt from her pussy as her body shook with the power of her climax. With each subsequent thrust of your cock against her womb, you made her jerk and twitch uncontrollably, her gasps feeling the air around you.<</text>>
<<video "savannah/Scene3/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<say "Savannah">>Oh God... That was even better than the first time.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Heh, then I hope you're ready for more!<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Savannahgallery3 gstage start>> Oh!!! <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 2 >>
<<if $gcum < 100 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage start1 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage start2 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage start3 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage start4 0 10>> Anal <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl2 15 15>> Go Deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl3 15 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl2 15 15>> Go Deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl3 15 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl1 15 10>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl3 15 15>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl3">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl2 15 20>> Turn her around <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl4">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl2 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage doggy2 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage doggy1 15 20>> Lube her up <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage sideways1 15 20>> Let her taste it <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage missionary1 15 20>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "start4">>
<<btnsb Savannahgallery3 gstage start5 0 15>> Lick her butt <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3">>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage missionary 10 5>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage sideways 15 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage cowgirl 15 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 >>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage cum 0 15>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<if $gsceneCumW isnot 1>>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage cumw 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<btns Savannahgallery3 gstage cumw1 15 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 >>
<<btneg Savannah-gallery gstage 0>>I'm spent<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Savannah-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>God damn it, why does it have to be so hot today?<</say>>
<<text>>Passing by the sandy shores of the local beach, you stopped and turned towards your grumbling dog.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/beach3-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What's wrong with that? It's the perfect weather to relax on the beach.<</say>>
<<text>>The sun was high, and a gentle breeze caressed your ankles as you looked over at the crowds of people quietly sunbathing and playing all sorts of party games.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Brighten up, dude. Check out all these people around us having fun under the sun; doesn't that make you want to join them?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>"Perfect weather," my ass! Try living in my fur for a while; my muzzle can barely handle the heat as it is, much less with this darn sun scorching from the sky!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..Right, I forgot that you dogs don't sweat. The only way you can regulate your body temperature is through panting.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 1>>Maybe go for a swim?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>How about you go and take a dip in the water then? That should cool you off right away. <</say>>
<<text>>In response, Grigoriy silently stared back at you, his breath heavy and his body unmoving, clearly unwilling to engage in any kind of physical exercise.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Unless you want to turn into a hot dog, that is. Your choice.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hmpf. Go for a swim, you say... Usually I'm not a huge fan of getting all wet, but I guess drastic temperatures require drastic solutions...<</say>>
<<text>>With that, the pug finally moved, slow at first but picking up speed as he got closer to the water before crashing against the waves and barking in excitement. You watched over him from the distance, shouting a few words before moving along.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I'll wait here; take as long as you'd like!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 2>>Walk around the beach.<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Now that's a nice view~<</say>>
<<text>>Walking a few steps along the shore, you come across a blonde woman sunbathing. Her firm butt, coupled with a barely covered slit, immediately caught your attention, much to her pleasure.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/beach1-image.jpg">>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Woman" kait>>Like what you see?~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Oh? Of course, I do.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a closer look at her assets, you put your ass down on the sand by the woman's side, trying to initiate a playful conversation with a smile.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Can't help myself to stop staring; it's rare to see someone with such good form as yours.<</say>>
<<someone someonew "Blonde Woman" kait>>Ha-ha, I don't mind~ I've been putting a lot of work into it lately, so it's nice to see my efforts paying off.<</someone>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 3>>You're going to the gym too?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>You're hitting the gym often, then? What a coincidence! I do too. My name is $mc, by the way.<</say>>
<<text>>Intrigued by your straightforward approach, the woman tilts her sunglasses and extends her hand to you. You could swear you saw a devilish spark lit up in her eyes as she bit her lip, checking you out.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Layna" kait>>Nice to meet you. I'm Layna. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>So, Layna, if you ever find yourself in need of a gym buddy - I'm ready to slot in any time. I might show you a few new tricks too. <</say>>
<<someone someonew "Layna" kait>>Mhm. Would you be able to handle it, though? I need to inspect your muscles a bit more to make sure...<</someone>>
<<text>>With a wide smirk, Layna placed her hand against your abs, rubbing you gently but thoroughly. You couldn't tell if she was really impressed by your physique or just playing, but it felt good either way.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 4>>That was unexpected<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone someonew "Layna" kait>>It's only fair if I get to check you out in return, right?~<</someone>>
<<text>>Her hand slid slowly down under your belt and all the way into your trousers, now cupping your cock between her fingers and stroking your half-flaccid shaft with a big grin on her face.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>W-wow...<</say>>
<<someone someone "Skinny Guy" dick>>Layna! <</someone>>
<<text>>Sadly, your fun time was interrupted just as quickly as it had begun when a man, clearly affiliated with the woman now grasping at your cock, approached the two of you.<</text>>
<<someone someonew "Layna" kait>>Paul? Wow, you came back sooner than I'd expected.<</someone>>
<<someone someone "Paul" dick>>Yeah, I've managed to get a ride without issues this time. Anyway, the party is starting in 40 minutes, so we'd better move quickly. <</someone>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 5>>Fuck...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<someone someonew "Layna" kait>>Ah, and I was only starting to have fun~<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>God damn it, I was so close to getting a handful of that peach too. Tsk, unlucky...<</say>>
<<text>>Blissfully unaware of what was happening few seconds ago, the man pulled his girl onto his shoulder and, after a short kiss, they both disappeared from your view, leaving you alone with your own boner.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/beach2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Everyone is spending their time with their girls while I'm sitting alone here like a total loser. What is my life even?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Then why don't you call one of your girls too? I'm sure they'll be happy too. <</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 6>>Good, you're back<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Ah, it's you, Greg. How was the water?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It's fine, now answer the question.<</say>>
<<text>>It took you quite a while to come up with an explanation, as Grigoriy kept moving around you, rejuvenated after swimming in fresh water. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Mhm. I guess I just don't know if they have the time for that. <</say>>
<<img "act1/phone2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Kait is busy with her father right now, Savannah and Alexis are always on the clock, and Riley... Well, I guess she did say that she has more free time now that I'm helping out with the store.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Then go for it, kid. Shoot your shot, don't let another day rot away.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 7>>Make a call<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<removeclass "body" "beach">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say $mc>>Hi Riley, Do you have a minute?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Sure $mc. What is it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I wanted to ask if you, perhaps, like going to the beach?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Usually, I do. But why are you... Oh.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl paused, and you could hear the excitement building up in her voice as she let out a cute giggle.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh-ho! Don't tell me, are you inviting me to a date right now?! Oh my gosh, this is so cool!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 8>>Is this a "yes"?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<removeclass "body" "beach">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, something like that. I'm at the beach right now. Would you like to join me while the sun is hot?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Of course! Just give me a few minutes, and<</say>>
<<text>>At the other end of the call, you could hear something fall off the shelf, followed by someone cursing. But that didn't seem to affect Riley's mood at all. Let me finish a few small things while I leave the rest to the manager; after that, I'll be there in a heartbeat!<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm just so happy!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>You sound really excited, but take your time. Don't worry, I can wait.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Thank you! See you soon!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 9>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>>Some time later...<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's been a while; where is she? I thought-<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Over there, look, kid!<</say>>
<<text>>Cut off mid-sentence by your pug, you looked at what he was excitedly wagging his tail at, and<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/riley2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc! Sorry for the wait!<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 10>>No problem<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha, why are you staring at me like that? Is something wrong with my swimsuit?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No, it's just that you're looking really cute.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley's cheeks flushed with color as she smiled shyly at your compliment.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/riley1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Aw, shucks. Thank you; it took me a while to pick the best one~<</say>>
<<say $mc>> I'm glad that you did. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha~ So tell me, do you have any plans for today?<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley0 stage 11>>Not really<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>Not exactly; I thought we'd figure it out as we go.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Then, how about we go and swim a little, then move to the beach houses to finish up the evening?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I would love to, but with my pay, there's no way I could afford a place even for half an hour, much less for a whole evening.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, don't worry about silly stuff like that! My parents own the place, so I'm sure they can spare a room for the two of us.<</say>>
<<text>>Stunned by this revelation, you felt your jaw drop as you stared at this seemingly rich girl working in your local convenience store.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Your parents are owning what?! They must be crazy rich!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I guess so. I try not to rely on them too much, so I wouldn't really know.<</say>>
<<text>>After a moment of awkward silence as you stood there in disbelief, Riley tugged at you, pulling you closer to the water.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Anyway, let's go feel the water already! I'm a pretty good swimmer too, so try to keep up!<</say>>
<<btno PatreonRiley0 stage 0>>Go for a swim<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Riley">>What a perfect end to a perfect day! Haa!<</say>>
<<text>>Exhausted, both you and the girl found themselves cuddling on the bed as the gentle breeze caressed your aching bodies. After a few moments of quiet bliss, however, Riley began to move again, sitting up on the edge of the bed.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Do you think about ending it already? Aw, I was expecting more~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'd like to; I'd really do, but $mc... I have a job waiting for me.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl stretched out, giving you one last kiss before she stood up onto her legs and began clothing herself.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>After all, I rushed here as fast as I could, so I'd better get back and finish everything before I get yelled at again.<</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley1 stage 1>>Do you need to go back, though?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, you know that you don't need to go anywhere. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Hm? But I just explained why-<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, I know, but don't you already live in a big-ass apartment most can only dream of? Your family owns this place too, so why do you need anything else? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Tsk.<</say>>
<<text>>Riley stopped for a moment. For the first time, she looked at you with disappointment.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Hm? Did I say something wrong?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>No. <</say>>
<<btno Patreon0Riley1 stage 2>>Then what's up with the attitude?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Then why are you acting like that all of a sudden?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I just have to go. See you later, $mc. Oh, and don't worry about paying for the beach house; that's already done.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Riley waved her hand and left the house. After a few moments, you saw Grigoriy's head peeking at you from the pool.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What did you do, kid? She seemed really ticked off for some reason.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No idea, dude.<</say>>
<<text>>With a shrug, you picked yourself up and, under the dutiful eye of your pug, began to search for your clothes.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Must be a woman-thing, then. Got it. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Anyways. Now that Riley is gone, I think we probably should get moving on as well. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Sure thing, kid.<</say>>
<<if $MapState is 0>>
<<btno InterludeMap0 Patreon0Riley 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap1 Patreon0Riley 1>> Let's get out of here. <</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('RileyGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("RileyScene3", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Riley">>Aw-aw-aw... Now my whole back hurts.<</say>>
<<text>>Whining like a little child, she led you through the expensive-looking house, stopping by the pool. There was no one here but the two of you, which made you wonder if Riley had rented the whole place.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/beach4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What was that about being a good swimmer before? We barely did a few laps.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I know, but... I'm just rusty, okay? I was rotting behind the counter for, who knows, how long; this is the first time I got to really move.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a seat, the girl kicked her legs in the air and stretched her back as far as she could before letting out another moan.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oof. Yeah, it looks like that'll be it for me.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Now, that won't do.<</say>>
<<text>>As you looked at your girlfriend more closely, you let your arms slide over her slightly wet skin, slowly removing her top. She did not object, but her curious gaze remained on you as she asked:<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/riley3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Mmh? W-why are you stripping me all of a sudden?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Back in the day, I took a few classes on how to be a proper masseuse. So just lie down and let me-<</say>>
<<text>>Not waiting for you to finish the sentence, the girl smirked before dropping the rest of her clothes in a single motion.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>You're easy to convince, huh? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>If that helps me get rid of the back pain, I'll do whatever it takes! Besides-<</say>>
<<text>>With her back turned to you, Riley laid down and invited you to begin the procedure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>I trust in you fully, $mc~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>You won't regret it~<</say>>
<<text>>With Riley's back fully exposed, you rubbed some lotion onto your hands and started kneading her sore muscles, loosening the knots until the underlying tension began to melt away. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, you weren't kidding, you are... Mmh, quite good at it~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, right? Just relax now, and I'll work my magic.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>A-ha~<</say>>
<<text>>Your hands continued dancing along the girl's back, each touch eliciting moans past her lips that intensified as you kept getting closer and closer to the lower part of her waist.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Just a bit lower, you are almost there... This place feels very stiff right now.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Riley">>You have a magic trick for that too, don't you? Mmh~<</say>>
<<text>>Given Riley's suggestive movements, it was clear she was asking for a bit of rough play. And after a brief tussle with your own belt buckle, you obliged, your dick rubbing against the girl's jiggling butt cheeks. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, now this is a massage technique I could get addicted to~<</say>>
<<text>>With your cockhead prodding against the girl's tight rear, you simply grunted in agreement, relishing each moment of this "massage" session. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Mmh, I'm sorry to interrupt the process, but my... Erm, "front side" could use some help too.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing, baby. Turn around, and I'll take care of it.<</say>>
<<text>>Your fingertips traced her lips, sending shivers through her body as you teased her with your skilled touch, eliciting another adorable moan from your lover.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>A-ah! So good! It was amazing~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready to return the favor?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say "Riley">>Of course I am~<</say>>
<<text>>With your dick touching her chin, you saw her lean in, her lips opening without question, accepting your penis in her wet opening as she began moving her head back and forth, forcing stars to shoot out before your eyes.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Wow! You're as energetic as ever.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>What can I do? I just love sucking your dick off~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haaa. Sure you do...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say "Riley">>And you like when I'm doing this, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My God, the sloppy kisses—Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I can't... Fuck, this is insane.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha, I'm glad that you're loving it~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start4">>
<<say $mc>>Now I want you! Deeper...<</say>>
<<text>>With her lips sealed around the head of your cock, you cursed as she obliged, sucking all the way down near the base before slurping up back to the tip and diving back once again.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>Your tip kept grazing the back of her throat without going down it, but after spending so much time swimming, you simply did not have the energy to deep-swim the girl, letting her set the pace instead.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Mmf... I'm burning... Inside~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Let me see it bounce. Oh yeah!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft push, you felt Riley's walls parting with ease as her soft, stiff moan grew louder with each inch of your cock sliding deeper.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck, I forgot just how big you are... God!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>You good? We could try another pose if this is too exasperating for you...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>N-no! It's perfect!<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The way you move... Christ!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Wanna add a bit more lube to it?..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Sure, I'll do it myself~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add another word, you felt the girl's lips stroking down the base of your cock with a rasping gag as your bulging tip hit the back of her throat again. You could feel the very tip of your dick curving down it; the sensation alone was strong enough to drive you insane from lewd pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh God! I've had some oil left after massage, but this is even better!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>He-he~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Okay, now turn around... God, your ass is so beautiful!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm~<</say>>
<<text>>Grabbed the girl by the hips, your cock-head slipped past into her well-lubed asshole, pushing in and hilting her depths with each thrust.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Ah!.. Yes!!!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck! Oh my God!<</say>>
<<text>>Encouraged by the intencity of Riley's moans, you tightened your grip, gaining strength as you jammed your cock into her butt with abandon, your rough thrusts rapidly escalating in speed.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>Untill suddenly you stopped, making the woman mewl beg for you to continue using her gaping asshole only to cry out with pleasure once your girth parted her tight walls once again.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>God!.. Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<say "Riley">>Wanna do it from the side? I'm a bit winded~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, baby.<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I love the feeling of your hand stroking around my shaft... All the while my tip is burrying deep inside your ass!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm so happy that... Mmgh~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<say "Riley">>Spread me honey... Ah, like that!<</say>>
<<text>>Obliging with no hesitance, you got a hold of Riley's leg and lifted it forward, gasping as her walls clumped even tigher around your cock, while the girl's fingers ran across her pussy.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, yes! just a bit more!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways2">>
<<say $mc>>Wanna take it from the front for a bit?~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm, sure!<</say>>
<<text>>Riley's pussy coiled tight around your girth, and as you clenched your teeth, you felt the scorching heat rush up your cock, making you thrust deeper as you rode this intense wave of pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Sideways2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Ah! Yes, go on!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need to slow down... Or I will burst!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm close... Just a bit more!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Let it all out, Mc, here.<</say>>
<<text>>Letting you obidiently grab her by the hair, the girl smiled as she stood on her knees before you. Her mouth was open in anticipation of your load, and after a few fast strokes, you peaked, shooting the hot, sticky ropes all over her slutty face.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm. So much cum, and it's all for me~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Riley">>Make me cum... Yes, yes! YES!!!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hold tight!<</say>>
<<text>>With a shriek, Riley cried out, her thighs tightening even more around your shaft and her body shaking under the waves of euphoria as she finally orgasmed.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh my God! Haaah!.. Fuck!<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonRiley0 stage $stage+1>> Let's see what I can do <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonRiley0 stage $stage+1>> That easy, huh? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn PatreonRiley0 stage $stage+1>> I'll do my best! <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "start" 0 15>> Whip it out <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "start1" 5 15>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "start2" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "start3" 10 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start3">>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "start4" 15 15>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2 && $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3">>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "cowgirl1" 15 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "cowgirl1" 15 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "doggy1" 10 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "sideways1" 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "sideways2" 10 20>> Switch to pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways1">>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "sideways2" 10 20>> Switch to pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways2">>
<<btnsb PatreonRiley0 stage "sideways1" 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "cumw1">>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "cowgirl" 10 10>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "doggy" 15 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "sideways" 10 15>>Sideways<</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns PatreonRiley0 stage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne Patreon0Riley1>>I'm spent<</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Riley">>Aw-aw-aw... Now my whole back hurts.<</say>>
<<text>>Whining like a little child, she led you through the expensive-looking house, stopping by the pool. There was no one here but the two of you, which made you wonder if Riley had rented the whole place.<</text>>
<<img "act2/patreon/beach4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>What was that about being a good swimmer before? We barely did a few laps.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I know, but... I'm just rusty, okay? I was rotting behind the counter for, who knows, how long; this is the first time I got to really move.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a seat, the girl kicked her legs in the air and stretched her back as far as she could before letting out another moan.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oof. Yeah, it looks like that'll be it for me.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Now, that won't do.<</say>>
<<text>>As you looked at your girlfriend more closely, you let your arms slide over her slightly wet skin, slowly removing her top. She did not object, but her curious gaze remained on you as she asked:<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/riley3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Mmh? W-why are you stripping me all of a sudden?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Back in the day, I took a few classes on how to be a proper masseuse. So just lie down and let me-<</say>>
<<text>>Not waiting for you to finish the sentence, the girl smirked before dropping the rest of her clothes in a single motion.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Okay!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>You're easy to convince, huh? <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>If that helps me get rid of the back pain, I'll do whatever it takes! Besides-<</say>>
<<text>>With her back turned to you, Riley laid down and invited you to begin the procedure.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/patreon/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>I trust in you fully, $mc~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>You won't regret it~<</say>>
<<text>>With Riley's back fully exposed, you rubbed some lotion onto your hands and started kneading her sore muscles, loosening the knots until the underlying tension began to melt away. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, you weren't kidding, you are... Mmh, quite good at it~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, right? Just relax now, and I'll work my magic.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>A-ha~<</say>>
<<text>>Your hands continued dancing along the girl's back, each touch eliciting moans past her lips that intensified as you kept getting closer and closer to the lower part of her waist.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Just a bit lower, you are almost there... This place feels very stiff right now.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Riley">>You have a magic trick for that too, don't you? Mmh~<</say>>
<<text>>Given Riley's suggestive movements, it was clear she was asking for a bit of rough play. And after a brief tussle with your own belt buckle, you obliged, your dick rubbing against the girl's jiggling butt cheeks. <</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, now this is a massage technique I could get addicted to~<</say>>
<<text>>With your cockhead prodding against the girl's tight rear, you simply grunted in agreement, relishing each moment of this "massage" session. <</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Mmh, I'm sorry to interrupt the process, but my... Erm, "front side" could use some help too.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing, baby. Turn around, and I'll take care of it.<</say>>
<<text>>Your fingertips traced her lips, sending shivers through her body as you teased her with your skilled touch, eliciting another adorable moan from your lover.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>A-ah! So good! It was amazing~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Are you ready to return the favor?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say "Riley">>Of course I am~<</say>>
<<text>>With your dick touching her chin, you saw her lean in, her lips opening without question, accepting your penis in her wet opening as she began moving her head back and forth, forcing stars to shoot out before your eyes.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Wow! You're as energetic as ever.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>What can I do? I just love sucking your dick off~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haaa. Sure you do...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say "Riley">>And you like when I'm doing this, right?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My God, the sloppy kisses—Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I can't... Fuck, this is insane.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Ha-ha, I'm glad that you're loving it~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start4">>
<<say $mc>>Now I want you! Deeper...<</say>>
<<text>>With her lips sealed around the head of your cock, you cursed as she obliged, sucking all the way down near the base before slurping up back to the tip and diving back once again.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Start4.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>F-fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>Your tip kept grazing the back of her throat without going down it, but after spending so much time swimming, you simply did not have the energy to deep-swim the girl, letting her set the pace instead.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Mmf... I'm burning... Inside~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Let me see it bounce. Oh yeah!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft push, you felt Riley's walls parting with ease as her soft, stiff moan grew louder with each inch of your cock sliding deeper.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck, I forgot just how big you are... God!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>You good? We could try another pose if this is too exasperating for you...<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>N-no! It's perfect!<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>The way you move... Christ!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Wanna add a bit more lube to it?..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Sure, I'll do it myself~<</say>>
<<text>>Before you could add another word, you felt the girl's lips stroking down the base of your cock with a rasping gag as your bulging tip hit the back of her throat again. You could feel the very tip of your dick curving down it; the sensation alone was strong enough to drive you insane from lewd pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh God! I've had some oil left after massage, but this is even better!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>He-he~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Okay, now turn around... God, your ass is so beautiful!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm~<</say>>
<<text>>Grabbed the girl by the hips, your cock-head slipped past into her well-lubed asshole, pushing in and hilting her depths with each thrust.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Ah!.. Yes!!!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Riley">>Fuck! Oh my God!<</say>>
<<text>>Encouraged by the intencity of Riley's moans, you tightened your grip, gaining strength as you jammed your cock into her butt with abandon, your rough thrusts rapidly escalating in speed.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>Untill suddenly you stopped, making the woman mewl beg for you to continue using her gaping asshole only to cry out with pleasure once your girth parted her tight walls once again.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>God!.. Ah!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<say "Riley">>Wanna do it from the side? I'm a bit winded~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, baby.<</say>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I love the feeling of your hand stroking around my shaft... All the while my tip is burrying deep inside your ass!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm so happy that... Mmgh~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<say "Riley">>Spread me honey... Ah, like that!<</say>>
<<text>>Obliging with no hesitance, you got a hold of Riley's leg and lifted it forward, gasping as her walls clumped even tigher around your cock, while the girl's fingers ran across her pussy.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, yes! just a bit more!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways2">>
<<say $mc>>Wanna take it from the front for a bit?~<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm, sure!<</say>>
<<text>>Riley's pussy coiled tight around your girth, and as you clenched your teeth, you felt the scorching heat rush up your cock, making you thrust deeper as you rode this intense wave of pleasure.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Sideways2.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Ah! Yes, go on!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I need to slow down... Or I will burst!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say $mc>>I'm close... Just a bit more!<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Let it all out, Mc, here.<</say>>
<<text>>Letting you obidiently grab her by the hair, the girl smiled as she stood on her knees before you. Her mouth was open in anticipation of your load, and after a few fast strokes, you peaked, shooting the hot, sticky ropes all over her slutty face.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Mhm. So much cum, and it's all for me~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Riley">>Make me cum... Yes, yes! YES!!!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hold tight!<</say>>
<<text>>With a shriek, Riley cried out, her thighs tightening even more around your shaft and her body shaking under the waves of euphoria as she finally orgasmed.<</text>>
<<video "riley/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Riley">>Oh my God! Haaah!.. Fuck!<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn PatreonRileygallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> Let's see what I can do <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn PatreonRileygallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> That easy, huh? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn PatreonRileygallery0 gstage $gstage+1>> I'll do my best! <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "start" 0 15>> Whip it out <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "start1" 5 15>> Fingering <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "start2" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "start3" 10 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start3">>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "start4" 15 15>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2 && $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3">>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "cowgirl1" 15 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "cowgirl1" 15 10>> Go on <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "doggy1" 10 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "sideways1" 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "sideways2" 10 20>> Switch to pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "sideways2" 10 20>> Switch to pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways2">>
<<btnsb PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "sideways1" 15 20>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "cumw1">>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "cowgirl" 10 10>>Cowgirl<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "doggy" 15 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "sideways" 10 15>>Sideways<</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her cum<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns PatreonRileygallery0 gstage "cum" 0 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btne Riley-gallery>>I'm spent<</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Riley-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $RileyEvent0 to 1>>
<<say "Riley">>Oh, $mc! Great timing; I was just thinking about calling you.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking inside the 7-11, you notice a familiar figure standing next to Riley behind the counter. Upon noticing you, the girl shyly smiled, waving her hand.<</text>>
<div class="img-voting-container">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/riley0-image.jpg"></div>
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting"><img src="img/act2/mini/manager1-image.jpg"></div>
<<say $mc>>Hi Riley, is everything all right?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>The man of the hour is finally here. It's been a while since we last met, don't you think?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry, do we know each other?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I think he's the one in charge of managing this store. We saw him once before. <</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>I'm your boss. Does that ring a bell?<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 1>>Eh...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, you're that guy. My bad, I didn't recognize you. What got you all stressed out this time?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Going straight to the business, huh? You love to see that.<</someone>>
<<text>>With a nervious chuckle, the man fixed his shirt before turning to face you proper.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/manager0-image.jpg">>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>So, to make it short, I'm here to collect the money you two owe me. I have given you more than enough time, so you'd better have it ready.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>And that's all you want?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Yes.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 2>>That's easy!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Riley, what do you say?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>We've got it ready, Jerry. All thanks to $mc. <</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Let me see it with my own eyes then. Lead the-<</someone>>
<<text>>But before you three could take a single step towards the office, the door to the shop opened, letting a group of chattering office workers in.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Nevermind. $mc, could you bring the money to us instead? I need Riley to take care of the clients.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>No problem.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I've stored the money in the unlocked safe near my work computer. You're not going to miss it; it's super obvious.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 3>>Go to the office<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>I sure hope that it's obvious to someone...<</say>>
<<text>>You were already looking through the office in no time, checking every possible place to find the safe. But despite your best efforts...<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck. Greg, you see anything?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>She told us to look near the desk, so why the hell are you snooping around the couch, pal?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Because I already searched the....<</say>>
<<text>>On closer inspection, you notice a picture hanging loosely on the wall inches away from the desk with a metal stripe peeking past the border.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa. Good catch, man.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 4>>Take the money<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>That should be enough, right?<</say>>
<<text>>With the safe emptied out, you weighted the bills in your hand, pleased with the amount of cash you gathered.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/oddjobs/obstacle18-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'd be surprised if it wasn't. You worked your butt off to make it happen.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Let's hurry up then. They must be waiting for us already.<</say>>
<<text>>And just a few minutes later you already stood before Riley, reassuring her with a smile.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Here it is~<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Nice. Just let me recount to make sure that it's the full sum. <</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 5>>Is something wrong?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>What the fuck... Riley, where is the rest of what I've loaned to you?<</someone>>
<<text>>By his reaction alone you could tell that something was clearly not right with the money. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Huh? I helped her to get that money, and I'm certain that it's more than enough to pay up the sum you called last time.<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>That was only a small part of it! I've been paying for her out of my pocket way before that.<</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>Yeah, about that... All I had was in that safe, so-<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>What?! That's not what we agreed upon!<</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>I know, but... That's all I've got.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 6>>How much does she owe you?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, how much money are we talking about exactly?<</say>>
<<text>>Trying to take some heat off, you reached for your wallet, showing that you're ready to pay.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Not counting the money you two already collected, that would be... 20 thousands.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>Holy shit! What did she even do?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>You have no idea, man. You have no idea.<</someone>>
<<text>>To that, you could only shrug your shoulders. There was simply no way you could pay out a loan like that.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I guess that just means that someone is going home with empty pockets for now. My sympathies, Jonny; I've been there.<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>..Riley, I didn't want this to go this way. I've been very fair to you until now, wasn't I? I gave you a place to work, despite your complete lack of prior experience and skills. I'm not a bad guy, right? <</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>Erm... I guess so?<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 7>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Then you know what's going to happen if you don't pay up your debt right here and right now. <</someone>>
<<text>>Distraught by his words, Riley took a step back, clasping her hands together in shock.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/riley4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Riley">>Y-you serious? <</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>I've warned you before too, many times in fact. <</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>But I thought you were kidding...<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Do I look like a joker to you? In any case, you're going to earn it back one way or another, and I'll make=<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 8>>Let's all take a deep breath<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>Hey, relax, man. I have no idea what you are implying here, but I don't like the sound of that one bit. <</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>It's none of your concern; just stay away from this. <</someone>>
<<say $mc>>I'm afraid I can't do that. I don't plan on sitting back and watching you intimidate Riley all day long.<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>I don't have a choice either! I need to pay for protection today; otherwise, all of us will be in deep shit.<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>"Protection"?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>It is what it is. I know that you are new and probably don't know about this, but it's the gangs that rule this town. And my little shop is no exception.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 9>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>And since we don't have any money... I will have to meet their demands in other ways.<</someone>>
<<text>>The man's expression turned serious as he reached for his phone and dialed a number before looking one last time over to Riley.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>I'm asking you for the last time, Riley. Are you absolutely certain that you can't make up for the lost money?<</someone>>
<<say $mc>>...No. <</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Tsk. I really hoped that it would never come to this, but... <</someone>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>I'll let Fat Tony know that you'll be visiting him soon. <</someone>>
<<set $cstage to 9>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn RileyEvent0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>Interviene<</btn>>
<<btns RileyEvent0 stage $cstage+5>>Let it happen (NTR)<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is "10a">>
<<say $mc>>Hey, hey, hey! The fuck you mean...<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Exactly what it sounds like. And trust me, I'm not happy about it.<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I've seen many guys like him in the past, kid. He's so scared for his own skin that it would be a waste of time to try to make him reconsider. <</say>>
<<text>>The pug shook his head, lying down near the exit door.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You need to approach this from the other angle.<</say>>
<<text>>Following advice, you spoke to the girl instead.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Riley, this is serious. Aren't you living in an expensive house? You must have some funds to satisfy our Janny over here instead of resorting to... that?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>For fuck's sake, my name is Jerry!<</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>It's a bit hard to explain, but... I just can't do that. It's a matter of pride.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage "10b">>Be real<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "10b">>
<<say $mc>>Well, by the sounds of it, you're not going to keep your pride if you'll go with this dickhead's plan anyway. So let's stop at that.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl, however, was undeterred.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes, but... Look. If I go and ask my father for money, I wouldn't know what to do with myself after that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>What do you mean by that?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Why do you think I'm working here, $mc? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Honestly? I've been asking myself this very question for a while.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 11>>But I think I know now<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say $mc>>You live in an apartment that most people can only dream of; you go to all the rich people's attractions, and yet you force yourself to work for slightly better pay than a minimum wage.<</say>>
<<text>>You stopped and let the silence fill up the room for a few moments as you met Riley's gaze, assessing her response. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>It doesn't take a genius to add two and two together. You're desperate to prove something to yourself in the most roundabout way possible. And whatever that is, it's not worth selling your body to someone-<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I know! I wasn't actually planning to take it all the way; who are you taking me for?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>For someone who has no clue on how thugs do their business. Trust me, I speak from experience when I say that you can't mess with them and hope to come out unscathed.<</say>>
<<text>>Finallly, you could see your words having an effect on the girl as she looked away, pacing uncomfortably.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>...<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Can you two hurry up? The clock is ticking.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 12>>What will it be?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say "Riley">>You... You're right. <</say>>
<<text>>The girl looked at you with a defeated look before nodding to her boss.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Give me a moment, Jerry; I have to make a few calls. I'll be back soon.<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Of course. You have my bank numbers, right?<</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>Yes.<</say>>
<<text>>With that, Riley headed off to the back rooms, leaving you and Jerry alone in the main hall. You could see the stress leave the manager's body as his face widened with a happy grin.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Hell yeah!<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 13>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<say $mc>>Tsk. Aren't you happy, huh?<</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Of course I am; I'm not a monster. I was hoping you'd be able to convince her all this time. <</someone>>
<<text>>Yuo felt like he was about to pat you on the shoulder, but noticing a look in your eyes, he stopped himself before taking another step.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Thanks to that, I feel like I can finally relax now. Phew, what a relief it is!<</someone>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What a sketchy punk... <</say>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Oh, and by the way, now that the situation is settled, you are free to go. I'll handle the rest myself.<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>This is your last chance, Riley. <</someone>>
<<say "Riley">>No need; I'm sure I'll be fine.<</say>>
<<text>>The man shook his head, clearly displeased by her answer, and presed a few buttons on his phone, sending a message to someone.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Be it your way then.<</someone>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>It looks like we're done here for today. I'll take care of the paperwork in the office while you take care of the front, Riley.<</someone>>
<<text>>Jerry put his phone away and headed towards the office, stopping just before he was about to disappear behind a door.<</text>>
<<someone manager "Manager" dick>>Oh, and don't think that you can run now.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 15>>Riley...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<say $mc>>So, you're really doing it, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>You looked at Riley, who quickly shook her head, as if to say she didn't agree with you at all.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>$mc, who do you think I am? I was simply bluffing.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>How so?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'll go along with the plan and meet Mr. Tony in private. And I'm certain that if I properly explain myself, the issue will be dropped! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>And you think this is going to work?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I've seen him coming to talk with Jerry before. Despite his scary looks, Mr. Tony sounded like an upstanding and understanding man.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 16>>You sure?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<say $mc>>Even if you say so, I still worry about you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>So how about this - you will update me on the way your meeting goes with a phone call and I'll come running if something wrong happens. That'll bound to take some stress off from the both of us, right?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl bit on her finger, lost in thought for a few long moments, and then gave you a radiant smile.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Mm... Sounds nice! Let's do that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Great! I'll be waiting for your signal, Riley. Have a nice shift.<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Thank you, $mc. I'll call you the moment I get outside.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 17>>Leave<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<removeclass "body" "minimarket">>
<<addclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<say $mc>>Man, I'm starting to feel nervous as hell. Why the hell is she not calling me yet?<</say>>
<<text>>You sat in the kitchen of your barren flat, staring at the idle phone before you. Grigoriy lied nearby, looking completely at ease while you were feeling the opposite.<</text>>
<<img "act2/home/clock0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Relax, kid. It's only been how long?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Few hours at least, man. I feel like we need to figure something-<</say>>
<<text>>Just as you were about to finish a sentence, the phone rang, and a picture of smiling Riley appeared on the screen.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're in luck; it seems that the issue has been resolved by itself.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 18>>Pick up the phone<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<removeclass "body" "minimarket">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say $mc>>God, what took you so long?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Me? Nothing much, just the usual. Had to close the shop and all, then took the taxi and-<</say>>
<<text>>Still feeling enxious, you cut her off with your pressing question.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Got it. But where are you now, Riley? Are you safe?<</say>>
<<say "Riley">>I'm outside of Tony's house near the alcohol store. I was thinking of bringing a bottle of liquor with me as a gift; I figured that might help me to get on his good side from the start.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see. Why not try taking something strong? I've found that gang members aren't too keen on girly drinks, so that might be a good way to go. <</say>>
<<say "Riley">>Thanks for the tip; I'll do exactly that.<</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0 stage 19>>Take care, okay?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<removeclass "body" "minimarket">>
<<addclass "body" "phone">>
<<say $mc>>Oh, and one more thing. Make sure not to bite on more than you can chew, okay?<</say>>
<<text>>A soft chuckle was her only response.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>Of course~<</say>>
<<text>>It felt like she wanted to say more, but something held her back at the last moment. But before you could inquire further, you heard a faint sound of a door being open, sprunging Riley to action.<</text>>
<<say "Riley">>All right, it seems that it's about time for me to get going. I'll drop you a line when something new happens! <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! <</say>>
<<btno RileyEvent0-1 stage 0>>Hang up the phone<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('RileyGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("RileyScene4", true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Phew. That felt like a lot, no, rather it WAS a LOT.<</someone>>
<<text>>With a light buzz stirring up her thoughts, Riley caught herself spacing out at the ceiling before remembering something important.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink0-image.jpg">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Ah, I almost forgot! I need to report back; $mc must be worried sick by now.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Whoa, hold your horses, girl. Who are you planning to report to?<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>To who? Erm, to my boyfriend, I guess?<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Hah, so he's a controlling type... This could be fun.<</someone>>
<<text>>The black man's eyes twinkled with hunger as he pulled Riley into his embrace, eagerly reaching for a kiss as he pressed her small breasts together.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Come here...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mmh!? What are you... doing?<</someone>>
<<text>>Pushing back slightly, the girl grasped for air as her lips were locked in another kiss shortly after once more.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I- Mgh... Came here to talk, not to do "this"!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>What's there to discuss? You've been sent here as a payment to me. So be a good girl and do as I say. Who knows, maybe if you play nice, I'll let you off sooner rather than later.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Ngh...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha-ha, well, before we get too deep into the midst of things, I would like you to finish writing your message.<</someone>>
<<text>>Finally, with a room to breathe, Riley glanced over at her phone, confused if she should do it or not now.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>We could even take a photo together! I'm a bit of a collector myself, you see. Don't forget to share it with your boyfriend as well; if we act modest enough, he won't suspect a thing.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>O-okay... Just let me put a photo filter first; I don't want $mc seeing just how red my face is right now.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Say "cheese"! <</someone>>
<<text>>With a flash and an audible click, the picture was taken. It turned out rather well to Riley's surprise, as there were no signs pointing out how flustered she actually was.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/tony2-image.jpg">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Nice. Now send it.<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking the phone, the girl began typing out the message while reading it out loud under the gaze of a gangster. <</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>"Sorry, $mc, my battery is getting low. I'm doing fine; it seems like Tony was a good guy after all, so I am in safe hands."<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha! Now get to the next part: Make. Me. Hard.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You heard me. Get on it.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Gosh darn it... I'm sorry, $mc, but I can't quit now. My pride hinges on it.<</someone>>
<<text>>With her iron clad determination, the girl did her best to ignore her feelings of shame and give the gangster a good time anyway. After all, she was still holding out hope that he would let her go before things got too serious.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Start2.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha-ha, it tickles... Hey, I didn't tell you to stop!<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Erm... Let's get rid of this next.<</someone>>
<<text>>You've heard that dicks come in different shapes and sizes, but you could never imagine that some could be so different, so large and thick... <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/tony3-image.jpg">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>What the heck is that giant thing!?<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Surprised? No wonder; you won't find a cock like that just anywhere. You should be honored, to be frank.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>What are you waiting for? Ah, don't tell me that you are now trying to compare it's size to your boyfriend's...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Of course not! I don't care if your dick is bigger than his; it doesn't matter to me at all!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>So mone is bigger then, good to know. And now-<</someone>>
<<text>>In a flash, the man grabbed Riley by the head and pushed her down onto his throbbing manhood. Surprised, she nearly bit down on it, but the man was quick to put his thumb into her mouth, holding her jaw open and ready for action.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Start3.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Hrk?!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Get to work, bitch. Move your head back and forth, like this:<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mhgh...<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Hrk, gha... Horff!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Oh, now we're talking! Keep it up, baby!<</someone>>
<<text>>Tears were welling up in the corner's of the girl's eyes as she struggled to fit a girthy cock inside of her mouth, it's shaft stretching her out like a hamster choking on a banana.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Shit, your throat is amazing... Not a lot of chicks can handle my girth.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Choke on it some more. Fuck!..<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Kha!.. Mmh~<</someone>>
<<text>>Riley was delighted to oblige and, to her surprise, felt a sting of shame, which only made her even more excited. It was of no wonder that her pussy was dripping wet as the cock of a stranger kept hitting the back of her throat again and again.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You starting to like this, don't you? You seem much more eager now than before.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Frick, you're so sweaty...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>That's why I have you. Lick my balls clean until they shine brighter than the sun, bitch. <</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>You're so annoying... But fine, I'm on it~<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha-ha, it seems like I've struck gold with this one!<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ready or not, I'm going in. I'll start slow...<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Aaaah- Ohmygosh!.. <</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Shit! So this is how your pussy feels like.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>N-no! I have someone I like... I can't behave like a whore!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Save your breath and keep breathing, baby.<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I guess this is your first time with a big dick like this, huh?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>This is way too huge. Please...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You say that, and yet your little tight pussy is practically begging for me to ruin it~<</someone>>
<<text>>The next she knew, Riley was already moaning and groaning in a state of pure bliss, her insides melting in lustful ecstasy, her mind lost and confused as never before.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Ah!.. T-thank you~ N-no, what am I saying?..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Conflicted, are we? Just give in to the pleasure already~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy3">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Let's get real now! I'm going to claim your pussy all for myself!..<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Y-yes! - Fuck yes! It feels so good!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Tell me, to whom do you belong now, bitch? Your boyfriend, or me?!<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Of course I'm... I'm a Daddy's little whore! Please break my pussy, yes!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Finally.<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh frick! Your tip is knocking on my womb... It feels so good~<</someone>>
<<text>>With her body still recovering from getting pumped with cum earlier, the girl couldn't hold her facade anymore, losing herself in the well of pleasure as the man's cock began rearanging her guts once more.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Missionary.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I can tell that you're getting used to my size. I bet you know where this is going, huh?<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Please continue ravaging me! I'm getting close again!..<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I think you're ready for this now-<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>H-huh? What with the... Ah- Shiiiit!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I'm about to rock your socks off!<</someone>>
<<text>>Tony suddenly changed position, locking the girl in the air and propping her against the wall. In this position, his cock felt even bigger than before, making Riley's eyes roll with feeling that she had never experienced before.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Fuck me more, MORE, yes! - YES!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Now, don't lose your mind yet! We have all night ahead of us; I need you to hold on for a while longer~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "rimjob">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>We're not done. Give my butthole a lick too.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>R-really? Well, I can try... Fuck, it looks so good!<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Rimjob.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>S-shit, I didn't expect you to start eating me out like that! Girl, you're something!<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mm-h~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "rimjob2">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Do it all the way now. From my tip to the... Ngh!<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>You don't have to ask me twice! Mmmf~<</someone>>
<<text>>Rimming like her life depended on it, the girl stimulated the man's rear with abandon, going up and down on his sweaty shaft until it was shining clean.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Rimjob1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>God damn! Who needs a shower when you have a crazy bitch like this, right?<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Absolutely, just use for whatever you need~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "rimjob1">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I'm going deep now... Hope you like it, Daddy~<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Fuck yeah! R-right there! Fuck!<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Rimjob2.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh gosh, this turns me on so bad... I can't stop~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Fuck, I'm about to bust!<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>W-wait! Not inside!..<</someone>>
<<text>>Losing breath in an instant, the man ignored Riley's pelads, slamming into her slick depths instead before blowing his load with an earthshattering yelp. The girl's walls strangled his shaft, helping to squeeze out rope after rope of his seed—it's warmth splattering all across her pussy lips and lower belly.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cum.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Aaah! - N-ngh!.. W-whaa...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Fuck... That was hot; I'm sure your boyfriend won't mind, right?<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum1">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I wonder what I should do next. You have any ideas?~<</someone>>
<<text>>The man watched with growing arousal as the girl, lost deep in her thoughts, continued to rub her slit with increasing fervor, his semen mixed with her own juices slowly dripping onto the sheets.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cum1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>> I want to hear it from your mouth, Riley.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh, Tony... Do me again, please... I want it so-so bad... <</someone>>
<<text>>Riley's eyes were glued to the man's rising penis as she spread her pussy and bit down on her lips, her eyes sparkling with lust.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>You came inside of me once already - so what's the difference if we do it some more? I want you fill my inside with your hotnesss to the brim!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>That's exactly what I was hoping to hear from you. Let's get back to fucking!<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I can feel your body trembling~ Tell me to go on, or...<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>No, don't stop! Keep moving, please!.. I want to know how it feels to cum on your-Aaah!<</someone>>
<<text>>With a growl, Riley plunged herself from the top, down onto the massive cock of this beast of a man, as he pumped into her, spreading her pink petals before a powerful orgasm shook her to the core.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cumw.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Fuuuuck!.. Fuck... <</someone>>
<<text>>With her mind coming down from the high with post-nut clarity, Riley couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself for acting out like an animal...<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh no, what have I done?..<</someone>>
<<text>>However, the presence of the man beside her quickly stifled those thoughts, as he prodded her pussy once again with his girthy tip.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You came on my fat cock, that's what. And I can tell that your body is ready to do it again~<</someone>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw1">>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I don't think—I.. I can't think... Ah!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You don't need to. All I want you to do is... Keep taking it! Till your... body... sore!<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl's muscles tensed up one last time, her thighs trembling when Tony's thick shaft, sticky with her pussy juices, pressed itself against her womb, hilting the cervix with enough force to leave her breathless at the moment of most powerful climax.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Fuuuck!.. Aaaah!<</someone>>
<<text>>But that was no longer enough for her.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>M-more... I want more. Keep fucking me, Tony... Keep going! <</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Again and again... Forever~<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn RileyNTR0 stage $stage+1>> What the?.. <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn RileyNTR0 stage $stage+1>> Okay <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "start" 5 0>> Erm... <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "start1" 10 5>> Whip it out <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "start2" 15 10>> Of course not! <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "blowjob" 15 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2 && $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2" && $stage isnot "start3">>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "blowjob1" 15 15>>Choke on it<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "blowjob2" 15 10>>Lick balls<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "blowjob2" 15 10>>Lick balls<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "blowjob1" 15 15>>Choke on it<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "doggy1" 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "doggy2" 15 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "doggy3" 20 20>> Go even harder <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "doggy" 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "doggy1" 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "missionary1" 15 25>> Against the wall <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rimjob">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "rimjob1" 15 10>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "rimjob2" 15 10>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rimjob1">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "rimjob2" 15 10>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "rimjob2">>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "rimjob1" 15 10>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cum" && $sceneCum === 0>>
<<btnsb RileyNTR0 stage "cum1" 0 10>> Masturbate <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "cum">>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "blowjob" 15 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "doggy" 15 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCumW > 0>>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "missionary" 15 20>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<plugi "You need to cum before doing this">>Missionary<</plugi>>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "rimjob" 15 5>>Rimjob<</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100 && $stage isnot "cum">>
<<if $sceneCumW > 0>>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "cumw1" 20 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "cumw" 20 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns RileyNTR0 stage "cum" 0 15>>Make him Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<btne RileyNTR0End>>Take a breather<</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $RileyNTRComplete to 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "housemc0">>
<<addclass "body" "hotelvip">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Phew, time out girl! A little break won't hurt anybody—Ngh!..<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mmf... Huff~<</someone>>
<<text>>Riley, now completely overwhelmed with lust, clearly disagreed. Her body ached for more, with no regard for anything else, much to Tony's delight.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/tony4-image.jpg">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Shit, she's not listening at this point. No wonder, haha. <</someone>>
<<text>>That's when his eyes passed over the bedrest, on which lied Riley's phone, vibrating after receiving yet another message.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>It looks like you've missed quite a few already... It would be rude keeping your boyfriend in the dark, don't you think?<</someone>>
<<text>>Grabbing the phone, the man quickly shoots a photo of the young woman slobbering all over his black cock, the sheer shamelessness of the sight making him chuckle, before putting the phone into his girl-toy's hand.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Now, if you want me to fuck the last brain cells out of your mind, then send it. Otherwise, no hard feelings between us; I'll let you go right away.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>...<</someone>>
<<btno RileyNTR0End stage 1>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $AlexisTaskSetupDaily to undefined, $RileyTaskSetupDaily to undefined, $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis to undefined, $DailyDrinkGivenSav to undefined, $SavannahBusy to undefined, $AlexisBusy to undefined>>
<<set $AlexisTask0 to undefined, $AlexisTask1 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTask0 to undefined, $RileyTask1 to undefined, $RileyTask2 to undefined>>
<<set $RileyTaskDone to undefined>>
<<set $GoSleepActTwo to 1>>
<<set $StripperFuck to 0>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
<<set $DayValue += 1>>
<<set $StateMC0 to undefined>>
<<set $GloryHole to undefined>>
<<set $CrowdRngOld to $CrowdRng>>
<<for ; $CrowdRng == $CrowdRngOld ; >>
<<set $CrowdRng to random(0, 3)>>
<<if $item2 is 1 && !$item2Drblty>>
<<set $item2Drblty to 2>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, finally a new message! Has she finally replied to me?..<</say>>
<<text>>You scroll down the page and open the chat. But the first thing you see isn't a happy picture., but rather something that you would expect to see straight out of hardcore porno film.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/tony5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Holy moly! You're feeling okay after seeing that, kid?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I think I'm all right. I think.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>But damn, I had a feeling that it was going to turn out that way. Fucking unlucky.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It sucks to see that, pal. But at least you know now.<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling a mixture of disappointment and, surprisingly, some sickening arousal, you choose to ignore it, stretching your limbs before falling back onto the bed.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well, not like I can do anything new with that information. I feel like calling it a day to be honest.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Feel free to do so. If you'll need anything - you know where to find me.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $ValDream is undefined && $ValSide0 is 1>>
<<btn GoSleepActTwo stage $cstage+1+"a">>Think of Val<</btn>>
<<if $SavannahScene3 is not 1 && $SavannahScene2 is 1>>
<<btn SavannahScene3 stage 0>>Think of Savannah<</btn>>
<<btn GoSleepActTwo stage $cstage+1+"b">>Let your mind wander<</btn>>
<<btn GoSleepActTwo stage $cstage+1+"c">>Fall into a dreamless sleep<</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<removeclass "body" "hotelvip">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Something strong he said... Let's see what they have in stock.<</someone>>
<<text>>Riley smiled, her eyes twinkling as she looked at the paper bag in her hand. The drink was worth every penny, but even better, Jerry had loaned her a few thousand from the next month's pay so she could afford to treat herself later too.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Start.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>But what a dingy shop it was. Good thing that I'm not working there...<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>At least I've got my gift ready~ <</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0-1 stage 1>>Message $mc<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<removeclass "body" "hotelvip">>
<<addclass "body" "citymain">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I almost forgot; I need to contact $mc before I go in.<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Start1.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>"Everything is all right! I followed your advice and bought some hard liquor. Don't worry, I'll be fine <3"<</someone>>
<<text>>With the message sent, the girl walked few steps into the alley, looking at the towering door in front of her, and took a huge breath in, trying to compose herself.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Keep it together, Riley. Prove to everyone that you can survive on your own.<</someone>>
<<text>>She pressed on the doorbell, the loud ringing shattering through the silence. The seconds passed, but no one was answering.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mister Tony? Are you there?<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Depends on who asks. Tell me your name first.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0-1 stage 2>>I'm Riley<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<removeclass "body" "hotelvip">>
<<addclass "body" "corridor">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I'm Riley. Riley Reid.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Shit, I almost mistook you for one of those boyscouts in blue.<</someone>>
<<text>>The door opened and on the other side the girl saw Tony himself. He smiled, his eyes drifting along the her curves, as he let out a whistle. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/tony0-image.jpg">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Sheeesh... To think that that fucker Jerry had a beauty like you hidden in his pocket. Come in, girl; don't be shy.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Erm, thank you for the compliment, Tony. Sir.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Girl, leave that formal crap behind the door. I want you to feel like at home, not as if you were stuck in the juvie.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I'll try.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0-1 stage 3>>Walk inside<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Ho... I know that my parents always told me to judge the book by its cover, but I would never expect to see such a well-kept flat in this neighborhood.<</someone>>
<<text>>Muttering to herself, Riley curiously looked around the rooms she was in, pleasantly surprised by the elaborate furniture and stylish decorations.<</text>>
<<img "act2/mini/tony1-image.jpg">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Nothing too special, of course, but still, it must've cost quite a bit for Tony...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You were saying? Couldn't quite catch the last one.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh, it's nothing. I'm just a little impressed, that's all.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You wouldn't be the first one, nor the last one. Let's just say that they don't call me "Fat Tony" for nothing. <</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mh-mhm.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyEvent0-1 stage 4>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Oh, by the way, what's that in your bag? The way you're gripping on it like you owe it money got me rather curious.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>It's a little present that I've prepared in advance. It's not much, but I hope you'll accept it as a sign of my appreciation.<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking a bottle out of the paper bag, you gave it out to the large man. <</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Wow, you've got a good taste for a wagie! The only time I've seen this drink was when my boss gave me a promotion. Ah, good times...<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking two glasses from the nearby counter, the gangster added.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You drink some too. The alcohol always tastes better when it's shared. I insist.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>All right! Oh, kha-hah! Gosh, its so strong...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Keep taking sips until you see the bottom of the glass. It'll help you relax, and we'll need that before we can get down to business.<</someone>>
<<btno RileyNTR0 stage 0>>All right!<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Phew. That felt like a lot, no, rather it WAS a LOT.<</someone>>
<<text>>With a light buzz stirring up her thoughts, Riley caught herself spacing out at the ceiling before remembering something important.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink0-image.jpg">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Ah, I almost forgot! I need to report back; $mc must be worried sick by now.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Whoa, hold your horses, girl. Who are you planning to report to?<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>To who? Erm, to my boyfriend, I guess?<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Hah, so he's a controlling type... This could be fun.<</someone>>
<<text>>The black man's eyes twinkled with hunger as he pulled Riley into his embrace, eagerly reaching for a kiss as he pressed her small breasts together.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Come here...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mmh!? What are you... doing?<</someone>>
<<text>>Pushing back slightly, the girl grasped for air as her lips were locked in another kiss shortly after once more.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I- Mgh... Came here to talk, not to do "this"!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>What's there to discuss? You've been sent here as a payment to me. So be a good girl and do as I say. Who knows, maybe if you play nice, I'll let you off sooner rather than later.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Ngh...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha-ha, well, before we get too deep into the midst of things, I would like you to finish writing your message.<</someone>>
<<text>>Finally, with a room to breathe, Riley glanced over at her phone, confused if she should do it or not now.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>We could even take a photo together! I'm a bit of a collector myself, you see. Don't forget to share it with your boyfriend as well; if we act modest enough, he won't suspect a thing.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>O-okay... Just let me put a photo filter first; I don't want $mc seeing just how red my face is right now.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Say "cheese"! <</someone>>
<<text>>With a flash and an audible click, the picture was taken. It turned out rather well to Riley's surprise, as there were no signs pointing out how flustered she actually was.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/tony2-image.jpg">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Nice. Now send it.<</someone>>
<<text>>Taking the phone, the girl began typing out the message while reading it out loud under the gaze of a gangster. <</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>"Sorry, $mc, my battery is getting low. I'm doing fine; it seems like Tony was a good guy after all, so I am in safe hands."<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha! Now get to the next part: Make. Me. Hard.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You heard me. Get on it.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Gosh darn it... I'm sorry, $mc, but I can't quit now. My pride hinges on it.<</someone>>
<<text>>With her iron clad determination, the girl did her best to ignore her feelings of shame and give the gangster a good time anyway. After all, she was still holding out hope that he would let her go before things got too serious.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Start2.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha-ha, it tickles... Hey, I didn't tell you to stop!<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Erm... Let's get rid of this next.<</someone>>
<<text>>You've heard that dicks come in different shapes and sizes, but you could never imagine that some could be so different, so large and thick... <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/mini/tony3-image.jpg">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>What the heck is that giant thing!?<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Surprised? No wonder; you won't find a cock like that just anywhere. You should be honored, to be frank.<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>What are you waiting for? Ah, don't tell me that you are now trying to compare it's size to your boyfriend's...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Of course not! I don't care if your dick is bigger than his; it doesn't matter to me at all!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>So mone is bigger then, good to know. And now-<</someone>>
<<text>>In a flash, the man grabbed Riley by the head and pushed her down onto his throbbing manhood. Surprised, she nearly bit down on it, but the man was quick to put his thumb into her mouth, holding her jaw open and ready for action.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Start3.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Hrk?!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Get to work, bitch. Move your head back and forth, like this:<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mhgh...<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Hrk, gha... Horff!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Oh, now we're talking! Keep it up, baby!<</someone>>
<<text>>Tears were welling up in the corner's of the girl's eyes as she struggled to fit a girthy cock inside of her mouth, it's shaft stretching her out like a hamster choking on a banana.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Shit, your throat is amazing... Not a lot of chicks can handle my girth.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Choke on it some more. Fuck!..<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Kha!.. Mmh~<</someone>>
<<text>>Riley was delighted to oblige and, to her surprise, felt a sting of shame, which only made her even more excited. It was of no wonder that her pussy was dripping wet as the cock of a stranger kept hitting the back of her throat again and again.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You starting to like this, don't you? You seem much more eager now than before.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Frick, you're so sweaty...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>That's why I have you. Lick my balls clean until they shine brighter than the sun, bitch. <</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>You're so annoying... But fine, I'm on it~<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Blowjob2.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ha-ha, it seems like I've struck gold with this one!<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Ready or not, I'm going in. I'll start slow...<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Aaaah- Ohmygosh!.. <</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Shit! So this is how your pussy feels like.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>N-no! I have someone I like... I can't behave like a whore!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Save your breath and keep breathing, baby.<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I guess this is your first time with a big dick like this, huh?<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>This is way too huge. Please...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You say that, and yet your little tight pussy is practically begging for me to ruin it~<</someone>>
<<text>>The next she knew, Riley was already moaning and groaning in a state of pure bliss, her insides melting in lustful ecstasy, her mind lost and confused as never before.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Ah!.. T-thank you~ N-no, what am I saying?..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Conflicted, are we? Just give in to the pleasure already~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Let's get real now! I'm going to claim your pussy all for myself!..<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Y-yes! - Fuck yes! It feels so good!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Tell me, to whom do you belong now, bitch? Your boyfriend, or me?!<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Of course I'm... I'm a Daddy's little whore! Please break my pussy, yes!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Finally.<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh frick! Your tip is knocking on my womb... It feels so good~<</someone>>
<<text>>With her body still recovering from getting pumped with cum earlier, the girl couldn't hold her facade anymore, losing herself in the well of pleasure as the man's cock began rearanging her guts once more.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Missionary.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I can tell that you're getting used to my size. I bet you know where this is going, huh?<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Please continue ravaging me! I'm getting close again!..<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I think you're ready for this now-<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>H-huh? What with the... Ah- Shiiiit!..<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I'm about to rock your socks off!<</someone>>
<<text>>Tony suddenly changed position, locking the girl in the air and propping her against the wall. In this position, his cock felt even bigger than before, making Riley's eyes roll with feeling that she had never experienced before.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Fuck me more, MORE, yes! - YES!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Now, don't lose your mind yet! We have all night ahead of us; I need you to hold on for a while longer~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rimjob">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>We're not done. Give my butthole a lick too.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>R-really? Well, I can try... Fuck, it looks so good!<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Rimjob.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>S-shit, I didn't expect you to start eating me out like that! Girl, you're something!<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Mm-h~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rimjob2">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Do it all the way now. From my tip to the... Ngh!<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>You don't have to ask me twice! Mmmf~<</someone>>
<<text>>Rimming like her life depended on it, the girl stimulated the man's rear with abandon, going up and down on his sweaty shaft until it was shining clean.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Rimjob1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>God damn! Who needs a shower when you have a crazy bitch like this, right?<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Absolutely, just use for whatever you need~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "rimjob1">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I'm going deep now... Hope you like it, Daddy~<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Fuck yeah! R-right there! Fuck!<</someone>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Rimjob2.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh gosh, this turns me on so bad... I can't stop~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Fuck, I'm about to bust!<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>W-wait! Not inside!..<</someone>>
<<text>>Losing breath in an instant, the man ignored Riley's pelads, slamming into her slick depths instead before blowing his load with an earthshattering yelp. The girl's walls strangled his shaft, helping to squeeze out rope after rope of his seed—it's warmth splattering all across her pussy lips and lower belly.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cum.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Aaah! - N-ngh!.. W-whaa...<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>Fuck... That was hot; I'm sure your boyfriend won't mind, right?<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum1">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I wonder what I should do next. You have any ideas?~<</someone>>
<<text>>The man watched with growing arousal as the girl, lost deep in her thoughts, continued to rub her slit with increasing fervor, his semen mixed with her own juices slowly dripping onto the sheets.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cum1.mp4">>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>> I want to hear it from your mouth, Riley.<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh, Tony... Do me again, please... I want it so-so bad... <</someone>>
<<text>>Riley's eyes were glued to the man's rising penis as she spread her pussy and bit down on her lips, her eyes sparkling with lust.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>You came inside of me once already - so what's the difference if we do it some more? I want you fill my inside with your hotnesss to the brim!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>That's exactly what I was hoping to hear from you. Let's get back to fucking!<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>I can feel your body trembling~ Tell me to go on, or...<</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>No, don't stop! Keep moving, please!.. I want to know how it feels to cum on your-Aaah!<</someone>>
<<text>>With a growl, Riley plunged herself from the top, down onto the massive cock of this beast of a man, as he pumped into her, spreading her pink petals before a powerful orgasm shook her to the core.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cumw.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Fuuuuck!.. Fuck... <</someone>>
<<text>>With her mind coming down from the high with post-nut clarity, Riley couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself for acting out like an animal...<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Oh no, what have I done?..<</someone>>
<<text>>However, the presence of the man beside her quickly stifled those thoughts, as he prodded her pussy once again with his girthy tip.<</text>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You came on my fat cock, that's what. And I can tell that your body is ready to do it again~<</someone>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw1">>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>I don't think—I.. I can't think... Ah!<</someone>>
<<someone fatt "Fat Tony" dick>>You don't need to. All I want you to do is... Keep taking it! Till your... body... sore!<</someone>>
<<text>>The girl's muscles tensed up one last time, her thighs trembling when Tony's thick shaft, sticky with her pussy juices, pressed itself against her womb, hilting the cervix with enough force to leave her breathless at the moment of most powerful climax.<</text>>
<<video "riley/SceneNTR/Cumw1.mp4">>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Fuuuck!.. Aaaah!<</someone>>
<<text>>But that was no longer enough for her.<</text>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>M-more... I want more. Keep fucking me, Tony... Keep going! <</someone>>
<<someone riley "Riley" author>>Again and again... Forever~<</someone>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Rileygallery3 gstage $gstage+1>> What the?.. <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Rileygallery3 gstage $gstage+1>> Okay <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "start" 5 0>> Erm... <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "start1" 10 5>> Whip it out <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "start2" 15 10>> Of course not! <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "blowjob" 15 10>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2 && $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2" && $gstage isnot "start3">>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "blowjob1" 15 15>>Choke on it<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "blowjob2" 15 10>>Lick balls<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "blowjob2" 15 10>>Lick balls<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob2">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "blowjob1" 15 15>>Choke on it<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "doggy1" 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "doggy2" 15 15>> Go fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "doggy3" 20 20>> Go even harder <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "doggy" 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "doggy1" 15 15>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "missionary1" 15 25>> Against the wall <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rimjob">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "rimjob1" 15 10>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "rimjob2" 15 10>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rimjob1">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "rimjob2" 15 10>> Lube it up <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "rimjob2">>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "rimjob1" 15 10>> Go deep <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cum" && $gsceneCum === 0>>
<<btnsb Rileygallery3 gstage "cum1" 0 10>> Masturbate <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "cum">>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "blowjob" 15 10>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "doggy" 15 15>>Doggy<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCumW > 0>>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "missionary" 15 20>>Missionary<</btns>>
<<plugi "You need to cum before doing this">>Missionary<</plugi>>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "rimjob" 15 5>>Rimjob<</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100 && $gstage isnot "cum">>
<<if $gsceneCumW > 0>>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "cumw1" 20 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "cumw" 20 0>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns Rileygallery3 gstage "cum" 0 15>>Make him Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<btneg Riley-gallery>>Take a breather<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Riley-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say $mc>>So, how you're doing?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I'm fine, I think. It's been a boring day so far, so I'm happy to get a chance to chat with you a little.<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft smile, Alexis dusted off her uniform before leaning against the counter.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Glad to hear that. Savannah looked really pissed that time she caught us in the shower, so I was worrying that you might get fired all together. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Fire me? She knows that I'm the only person taking this job seriously around here. Savannah is smarter than that.<</say>>
<<text>>Reminded of something rather unpleasent, the girl furrowed her brows.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>But she did say that she's going to cut my bonus this month. And I had to stand there, listening to her call me an ungrateful swine and such. For some reason, us taking that break together has really got to her.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 1>>I see...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>What about you? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Luckily for me, it seems like I got scot-free. When I was in her office last time, she didn't mention it once.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis gasped in disbelief, her eyes locking with yours for a long second, while she tried to distinguish whether you were messing with her.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>No way. Savannah's always been an awful sticker for the rules, especially when it comes to the discipline.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Pft. If you say so. <</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 2>>About Savannah...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Anyway, the only change I've noticed in her lately is that she's been ignoring me a lot more than usual.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ignoring you, huh?<</say>>
<<text>>Pressing her index finger against her cheek, Alexis seemed to be lost in thought. But, before long, her gaze drifted over to the sizeable crowd gathering behind your back, making her smack her lips in annoyance.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Listen $mc, I'd like to talk about it some more, but I really need to take care of the customers first. I can't let this line grow any further, or it'll be over for me.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>So, would you mind if we finish this conversation in about half an hour from now? Go take a seat for now, and I'll join you as soon as my break starts.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure, I can't wait for a bit.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I won't take long.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 3>>Take the corner table<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Hm.<</say>>
<<text>>As time passed and boredom crept in, you felt your mind drift to the land of dreamers. But just before you could join them in rest, you heard a familiar voice calling out to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/work5-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Hey~ Sorry for the delay.<</say>>
<<text>>In front of you stood Alexis, wearing her casual dress and with a big smile on her face, even if it seemed to be a little bit tired.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Oh! Nice timing; I was just getting bored. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I could tell. Thanks for waiting.<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a set by your side, she smiled, stretching her arms out.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Phew. Working here only gets harder and harder with each day, I swear. Too bad that I need the money to keep studying.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I get what you mean. <</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 4>>What did you wanna talk about?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>So, what was that "idea" you wanted to discuss with me?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah. It's about Savannah-<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course it is.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl looked around before moving a little closer to you, continuing in a low, barely audible voice.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>You wouldn't know it, but I've noticed that she's been behaving strangely ever since she hired you. It was nothing major, just a few little things here and there, so I hadn't given it a lot of thought until now.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>But now that I look at it, considering how hard she jumped on me after she caught us together in the shower, I think I've formed a solid theory.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 5>>And?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>And that is?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I think she's fallen for you. Hard.<</say>>
<<text>>You could see a grin forming at the corners of Alexis' lips as she uttered those words. She clearly felt she was on to something.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I don't know why or how, but if we assume that's true, then it suddenly makes sense why she wouldn't talk to you about me, doesn't it?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ah. That sounds about right.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>"Sounds about right"? That's it?<</say>>
<<text>>Puzzled by your reaction, the girl falls back into her chair and looks at you in utter bewilderment.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>That's your reaction to learning that your boss has a crush on you?<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 6>>Oh, I know<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>I mean, I kinda guessed that already. Let's just say there were a few big hints along the way.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huh. Why does it sound like the two of you have already fucked each other? <</say>>
<<text>>Now it was your turn to act surprised. After all, you would prefer to keep your affair a secret.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now-now, no need to jump to conclusions; all we have with her and me is a strictly business relationship.<</say>>
<<text>>But, unfortunately to you, she wasn't bying it.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Come on, no one is going to believe you when you say it like that. So just answer me truthfully, okay?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene2 stage 7>>Fine<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, you got me. <</say>>
<<text>>With your arms in the air, you had nothing to defend yourself from the onslaught that you were sure would be upon you at any moment.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>..Wow. Did you two do it, like, during the afterhours? Like, did you bring her to your place afterwards?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nah man, if anyone was to see my crib, they'd run away faster than I could say a peacock. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>She called me for something work related to her office, then one word after another, and... we just kind of did it right there.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>What a bitch! God, she's pissing me off.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>..But that was not all bad news, at least. Thanks for telling me, $mc.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, Alexis didn't seem to be mad with you at all.<</text>>
<<btno AlexisScene2 stage 0>>You're not angry?<</btno>>
</div><<run memorize('AlexisScene2', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 65>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Not gonna lie, I thought you'd be a lot more upset out upon learning that. Especially, you know, at me.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Why would I? It's not up to me to blame you for taking the chance to get into your boss' pants.<</say>>
<<text>>That's when you saw that all-too-familiar sparkle in Alexis' eyes, letting you know what was to come.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>But don't get me wrong, I am quite upset. That two-faced hypocrite dared to interrupt us just to take care of you all by herself while screwing me over. <</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of your position, the girl cuddled up to you, almost forcing your face into her nape in the process. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>That's really unfair, don't you think?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Erm... Are you sure? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes. Let's just get to it and forget about everything else.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>When you put it that way-<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling her even closer, you showered her skin with kisses, forcing soft giggles and quiet gasps past her lips in abandon.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Hah!.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I'm getting so hard already. It's insane.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>That's what I like to see. I've got about 20 minutes in me, so<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">>So let's stop wasting our time and make you even harder~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hm? What are-<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Shush!<</say>>
<<text>>Pressing her fingers to your lips, the girl pushed you against the window and, after making sure that no one could see you, began to unbutton your shirt.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis12-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>W-whoa!.. Chill, chill!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I said be quet! Even though it's a bit of a slow time, we aren't exactly alone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..All right.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'm not going to be the only one getting naked~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Nh!..<</say>>
<<text>>Returning the favor, you quickly freed the girl from the confines of her blouse, exposing her small breasts for all to see. But, before you could do anything spicier than that, Alexis quickly shut you down with a gesture.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Come on, you were the one who invited this upon yourself. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I wanted to have some quick and dirty fun with you, not getting fired and jailed for public indecency in the process.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see... Shall we move somewhere more familiar then?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You bet~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<text>>Some time later, you find yourself in a bathroom.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck. You're so hot when you do it like that.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh yeah? Then you're going to love the next part~<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, the girl skillfully caught your tip between her lips, and as a violent shudder recoiled through your legs, you felt your gurthy shaft slowly slide down the glossy lips.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, I feel like I am about to bust already!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I wouldn't have it any other way... The thrill was almost unbearable.<</say>>
<<text>>You felt her descending swiftly, her tongue caressing your length with passion. With your eyes locking with her own, you watched her service your cock, building you up to the point of no return.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmh~ Ha-ha, it throbs so much~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm- I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Do it. I'm right here~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm fucking cumming! Fuck!.. <</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the pleasure shooting up your cock, your balls tensed for one last time before letting out a sharp, gutteral groan as you busted your load all over Alexis's face, painting her brass skin a creamy white.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Nngh! Fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Damn, you've got it everywhere! Wow...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmh. But honestly, I was expecting a bigger load than that.<</say>>
<<text>>Whether she meant it as a joke or not, just hearing her use such a low, sensual tone to tease you—it was enough to make your cock rock hard in moments, much to her playful delight.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Do I look like I'm ready to throw in a towel to you?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hm? You're not?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not running away after finally getting you when I want you to be. We've got at least 15 minutes more, right?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>..And what if we do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'm going to spend every last second we have pounding your ass till one of us drops!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Get on top now.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sure thing, just let me-<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis cried out in delight, her nails digging into your skin as you kept up the pace while playing with her sensitive clitor, thrutting your cock into her clingy, possessive pussy.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah!.. Don't be so hasty, ngh!..<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I want to enjoy it for a long time... It would be a shame if I came just as quickly as you did~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>I'm always open to you taking the lead~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You're shithead... Ha-ha, okay.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis clutched onto your shoulders before slamming back down onto your cock, her movements uneven but passionate, enough so to make you moan in surprise. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha! This is much better!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>H-hey! No cheating; you're squeezing me way harder than before!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh yes, you! You!..<</say>>
<<text>>Pushing the girl onto her side, you grabbed one of her legs and felt her already tight hole squeezing even tighter around your cock as you continued to slam your cock into Alexis's slick depths.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You're a big fan of taking it from behind, I see~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Shut up and just keep going! More! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Alexis">>You're hitting just the right spot!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then have some more!<</say>>
<<text>>Following her command, your cock easily slid in and out of her tight hole, forcing a mewl full of pleasure out of the girl every time your tip was hitting her crevix.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh God!.. Yes! Shit!-<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>God damn you feel good from this angle... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Back to basics with this one?- Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>Grabbing Alexis by her hips, you easily slipped it past her lower lips, letting out a beastie grunt, claiming every inch of her wet innards, feeling the girl's body shaking with tension.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Shit, you're so big that even this feels amazing!.. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Now I get why Savannah couldn't resit the temptation~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh God, you're spreading me even more! Ah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now that it's all nice and slick, just the way I like it~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<text>>Not even bothering to give the girl a chance to catch her breath, you rammed your cock back into her welcoming slit, filling the room with sounds of the girl's moaning and wet flesh hitting against each other.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>I can't take this anymore... The way your cock moves inside my cum-ridden pussy!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 40>>
<<say $mc>>I can't hold it anymore. Fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huh? Wait-<</say>>
<<text>>Cutting Alexis off, you slammed in your sensitive tip against her cervix, and with her insides strangled your length tightly, you peaked before the woman could add another word. With a moan, you released yourself right into her womb, pouring in untold amounts of semen straight into her babymaker. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah!.. Haa!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Oh God. Phew.<</say>>
<<text>>Then, and only then, did you find the strength to relax—and with a moan, you pulled out.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>You should've warned me...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do it next time, okay? It won't take long, I promise.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum1">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm cumming! I'm- Ngh! Gha!..<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes!..<</say>>
<<text>>Even as you began filling the girl's pussy with cum, you kept grinding yourself deeper into her, your breath heavy as a senseless desire overcame you, your condomless cock mashing into her deepest parts.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cum1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I hope that was enough for a warning... Haah.<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel her body flinch when finally you let your cock slide out, the excess of cum radily dripping onto the floor as her own orgasm took over her—her strangling insides spasming away at the white hotness stirring up deep within her.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmh... Fuck, it's so warm—I can feel it~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, don't stop. Don't you dare to stop!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay!<</say>>
<<text>>And with a choked cry, driven to a powerful orgasm, with pleasure rocking her through her body, you saw Alexis' eyes roll back, only made more erotic by a bit of drool going down her lips. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Nnngh!.. Aaaah! Yaaas!-<</say>>
<<text>>Despite her legs long given out, you still could feel her pussy squrming away at the spunk you've previously left inside her, swirling around each time you moved your sheathed cock.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Let's do it again... And again~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sheesh. You're quite something, you know that?~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn AlexisScene2 stage 1>> Kiss her <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn AlexisScene2 stage 2>> ...? <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn AlexisScene2 stage 3>> Give her a taste <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn AlexisScene2 stage start>> Follow her <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $sceneCum < 3 >>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage start1 25 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage start2 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btn AlexisScene2 stage start3>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $cum < 100>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene2 stage cowgirl1 20 10>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene2 stage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2">>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage cowgirl 20 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage doggy 20 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage missionary 20 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCumW is 0>>
<<plugi "You need to make her cum before doing this">>Sideways<</plugi>>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage sideways 25 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<if $cum >= 70 && $sceneCum > 0>>
<<if $sceneCum > 1>>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage "cum1" 0 20>>Cum<</btns>>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage "cum" 0 20>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<btns AlexisScene2 stage cumw 25 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 1 >>
<<btn PostAlexisScene2 stage 0>>I'm spent<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $AlexisScene2 to 1, $AlexisBusy to 1, $timeM += 1>>
<<say $mc>>Ghaa! I feel like I'm about to pass out...<</say>>
<<text>>Fatigued and satisfied, you felt your legs finally giving out, and with a groan, you eased yourself down onto the shower bunk next to the naked pizza girl.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis5-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Best 20 minutes of my life.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huff... You're lucky I'm on birth control.<</say>>
<<text>>Despite her grumpings, the girl didn't resist when your right arm wrapped itself around her waist, snuggling up against you with a moan herself instead. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>M-hm. I knew you'd got my back.<</say>>
<<text>> You can feel that some time has gone by 🕑 <</text>>
<<btno PostAlexisScene2 stage 1>>Did this cheer you up?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>So, are you feeling better now?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Let me think about it-<</say>>
<<text>>Pressing her finger against the lips, Alexis smiled as if teasing you before quickly answering your question.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Of course I am. It feels like I've gotten rid of months worth of stress in just a few minutes.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Plus, cucking my boss has definitely improved my mood too~<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but feel a sting of regret upon hearing that. Was she only fucking you in order to get under Savannah's skin?<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Is that so?<</say>>
<<btno PostAlexisScene2 stage 2>>Hmf.<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">>Come on, didn't you want to get back at the way Savannah treated you too? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, but now that I'm actually thinking about it, it doesn't feel all that great. I'd rather we-<</say>>
<<text>>Cutting you off midsentence, you've heard a distinct ringtone coming from the direction of the girl's pile of clothes. Noticing the sound, she quickly rose up from the bench and stumbled over towards it, picking up her phone.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, I'll take it into consideration next time. As for now, I'm afraid my break is over.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haah. I see.<</say>>
<<text>>The next moment you knew—the girl was already half clothed, with her dress posing a bit of a challenge, but she quickly overcame it, looking at you with her bright eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Cheer up; we can talk later. I'll go first so that Savannah doesn't suspect anything; you come out whenever you're ready.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..Fine.<</say>>
<<btno AlexisMain stage taskCompleted>>Get your clothes ready and leave<</btno>>
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 65>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Not gonna lie, I thought you'd be a lot more upset out upon learning that. Especially, you know, at me.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Why would I? It's not up to me to blame you for taking the chance to get into your boss' pants.<</say>>
<<text>>That's when you saw that all-too-familiar sparkle in Alexis' eyes, letting you know what was to come.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>But don't get me wrong, I am quite upset. That two-faced hypocrite dared to interrupt us just to take care of you all by herself while screwing me over. <</say>>
<<text>>Taking advantage of your position, the girl cuddled up to you, almost forcing your face into her nape in the process. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis10-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>That's really unfair, don't you think?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Erm... Are you sure? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes. Let's just get to it and forget about everything else.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>When you put it that way-<</say>>
<<text>>Pulling her even closer, you showered her skin with kisses, forcing soft giggles and quiet gasps past her lips in abandon.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis11-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Hah!.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck, I'm getting so hard already. It's insane.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>That's what I like to see. I've got about 20 minutes in me, so<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">>So let's stop wasting our time and make you even harder~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Hm? What are-<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Shush!<</say>>
<<text>>Pressing her fingers to your lips, the girl pushed you against the window and, after making sure that no one could see you, began to unbutton your shirt.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis12-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>W-whoa!.. Chill, chill!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I said be quet! Even though it's a bit of a slow time, we aren't exactly alone.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..All right.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I'm not going to be the only one getting naked~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Nh!..<</say>>
<<text>>Returning the favor, you quickly freed the girl from the confines of her blouse, exposing her small breasts for all to see. But, before you could do anything spicier than that, Alexis quickly shut you down with a gesture.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis13-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Come on, you were the one who invited this upon yourself. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I wanted to have some quick and dirty fun with you, not getting fired and jailed for public indecency in the process.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I see... Shall we move somewhere more familiar then?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You bet~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<text>>Some time later, you find yourself in a bathroom.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Fuck. You're so hot when you do it like that.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh yeah? Then you're going to love the next part~<</say>>
<<text>>With a smile, the girl skillfully caught your tip between her lips, and as a violent shudder recoiled through your legs, you felt your gurthy shaft slowly slide down the glossy lips.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Start.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>God damn, I feel like I am about to bust already!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I wouldn't have it any other way... The thrill was almost unbearable.<</say>>
<<text>>You felt her descending swiftly, her tongue caressing your length with passion. With your eyes locking with her own, you watched her service your cock, building you up to the point of no return.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmh~ Ha-ha, it throbs so much~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm- I'm cumming!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Do it. I'm right here~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm fucking cumming! Fuck!.. <</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the pleasure shooting up your cock, your balls tensed for one last time before letting out a sharp, gutteral groan as you busted your load all over Alexis's face, painting her brass skin a creamy white.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Nngh! Fuck...<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Damn, you've got it everywhere! Wow...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmh. But honestly, I was expecting a bigger load than that.<</say>>
<<text>>Whether she meant it as a joke or not, just hearing her use such a low, sensual tone to tease you—it was enough to make your cock rock hard in moments, much to her playful delight.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis14-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Do I look like I'm ready to throw in a towel to you?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hm? You're not?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm not running away after finally getting you when I want you to be. We've got at least 15 minutes more, right?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>..And what if we do?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then I'm going to spend every last second we have pounding your ass till one of us drops!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Get on top now.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sure thing, just let me-<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis cried out in delight, her nails digging into your skin as you kept up the pace while playing with her sensitive clitor, thrutting your cock into her clingy, possessive pussy.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah!.. Don't be so hasty, ngh!..<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I want to enjoy it for a long time... It would be a shame if I came just as quickly as you did~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say $mc>>I'm always open to you taking the lead~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You're shithead... Ha-ha, okay.<</say>>
<<text>>Alexis clutched onto your shoulders before slamming back down onto your cock, her movements uneven but passionate, enough so to make you moan in surprise. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha! This is much better!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>H-hey! No cheating; you're squeezing me way harder than before!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh yes, you! You!..<</say>>
<<text>>Pushing the girl onto her side, you grabbed one of her legs and felt her already tight hole squeezing even tighter around your cock as you continued to slam your cock into Alexis's slick depths.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>You're a big fan of taking it from behind, I see~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Shut up and just keep going! More! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Alexis">>You're hitting just the right spot!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then have some more!<</say>>
<<text>>Following her command, your cock easily slid in and out of her tight hole, forcing a mewl full of pleasure out of the girl every time your tip was hitting her crevix.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh God!.. Yes! Shit!-<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>God damn you feel good from this angle... <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Back to basics with this one?- Ah!<</say>>
<<text>>Grabbing Alexis by her hips, you easily slipped it past her lower lips, letting out a beastie grunt, claiming every inch of her wet innards, feeling the girl's body shaking with tension.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Shit, you're so big that even this feels amazing!.. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Now I get why Savannah couldn't resit the temptation~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh God, you're spreading me even more! Ah!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Now that it's all nice and slick, just the way I like it~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ngh!..<</say>>
<<text>>Not even bothering to give the girl a chance to catch her breath, you rammed your cock back into her welcoming slit, filling the room with sounds of the girl's moaning and wet flesh hitting against each other.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>I can't take this anymore... The way your cock moves inside my cum-ridden pussy!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 40>>
<<say $mc>>I can't hold it anymore. Fuck!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Huh? Wait-<</say>>
<<text>>Cutting Alexis off, you slammed in your sensitive tip against her cervix, and with her insides strangled your length tightly, you peaked before the woman could add another word. With a moan, you released yourself right into her womb, pouring in untold amounts of semen straight into her babymaker. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah!.. Haa!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn... Oh God. Phew.<</say>>
<<text>>Then, and only then, did you find the strength to relax—and with a moan, you pulled out.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>You should've warned me...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do it next time, okay? It won't take long, I promise.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum1">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm cumming! I'm- Ngh! Gha!..<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes!..<</say>>
<<text>>Even as you began filling the girl's pussy with cum, you kept grinding yourself deeper into her, your breath heavy as a senseless desire overcame you, your condomless cock mashing into her deepest parts.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cum1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>I hope that was enough for a warning... Haah.<</say>>
<<text>>You could feel her body flinch when finally you let your cock slide out, the excess of cum radily dripping onto the floor as her own orgasm took over her—her strangling insides spasming away at the white hotness stirring up deep within her.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Mmh... Fuck, it's so warm—I can feel it~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, don't stop. Don't you dare to stop!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Okay!<</say>>
<<text>>And with a choked cry, driven to a powerful orgasm, with pleasure rocking her through her body, you saw Alexis' eyes roll back, only made more erotic by a bit of drool going down her lips. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene2/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Nnngh!.. Aaaah! Yaaas!-<</say>>
<<text>>Despite her legs long given out, you still could feel her pussy squrming away at the spunk you've previously left inside her, swirling around each time you moved your sheathed cock.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Let's do it again... And again~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sheesh. You're quite something, you know that?~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Alexisgallery2 gstage 1>> Kiss her <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Alexisgallery2 gstage 2>> ...? <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Alexisgallery2 gstage 3>> Give her a taste <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Alexisgallery2 gstage start>> Follow her <</btn>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gsceneCum < 3 >>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage start1 25 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage start2 0 10>> Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btn Alexisgallery2 gstage start3>> ... <</btn>>
<<if $gcum < 100>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery2 gstage cowgirl1 20 10>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery2 gstage doggy1 20 20>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2">>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage cowgirl 20 15>> Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage doggy 20 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage missionary 20 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCumW is 0>>
<<plugi "You need to make her cum before doing this">>Sideways<</plugi>>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage sideways 25 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<if $gcum >= 70 && $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 1>>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage "cum1" 0 20>>Cum<</btns>>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage "cum" 0 20>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<btns Alexisgallery2 gstage cumw 25 0>> Make her Cum <</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 1 >>
<<btneg Alexis-gallery>>I'm spent<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Alexis-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $PreAlexisScene3-0 to 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>So, what can I do for you? I can see from the look in your eyes that you want something.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Am I really so easy to read?..<</say>>
<<text>>To that, the girl shrugged her shoulders, glancing at the clock nested on the wall behind her.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis15-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Ehem, I just wanted to check in on you. It seemed like that would be a good idea after what happened.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, Alexis twirled her hair in frustration before catching herself.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>I'm... allright. Just focusing on doing my work, as usual.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-0 stage 1>>Is that so<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>M-hm. I see.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You see what?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That something's got you down. You don't look much like your usual self. <</say>>
<<text>>The girl winced, her eyes locking with yours.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>And?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>While I can't promise I'll be able to fix it, you might feel better after you've said your bit.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>..Or maybe it'd feel better if I didn't.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-0 stage 2>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sorry, I couldn't hold it in. I'm a little upset at myself right now, that's all.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Why though? Did you make a mistake packing an order or something?<</say>>
<<text>>At last, a smile appeared on Alexis' face as she chuckled at the ridiculousness of your theory.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>You know that I would never mess up something as easy as that.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Then what is it? <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Well, I kind of realized that I shouldn't have slept with you for my stupid revenge earlier. That was a wrong move from me.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-0 stage 3>>Was I that bad?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Whoa. Was the sex that bad?<</say>>
<<text>>The girl was taken aback and fell silent for a few moments before firing up a rebuttle.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Of course not; it was the best! I just-<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ngh, nevermind. I don't want to talk about it right now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, you're always welcome to make it up to me if that helps.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>..I'm listening.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-0 stage 4>>Here's what you can do:<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>I had something on my mind for a long time now.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I've been wanting to go to a bar with a lovely girl, so... would you like to come with me? I'll even treat you to something nice. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I don't mind that. But, on one condition.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Which is?..<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I'll be the one treating you this time~ <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>If you're okay with that, I can meet you after my shift is done. I can't just ignore what I need to do, you know~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
/* drink */
<<if $item3 > 0 && $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis isnot 1>>
<<btn AlexisMain stage "drink0">>Offer a drink<</btn>>
<<elseif $DailyDrinkGivenAlexis is 1>>
<<plugi "That's enough drinks for one day">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
<<plugi "You don't have an Energy Drink!">>Offer a drink<</plugi>>
/* task */
<<if $AlexisTask0 is 1>>
<<btn AlexisTask stage 0>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<elseif $AlexisTask1 is 1>>
<<btn AlexisTask stage 1>>Ask for a task<</btn>>
<<if $SavannahBusy isnot 1 || $timeM < 3>>
<<btnsb AlexisMain stage "savE">>Check on Savannah<</btnsb>>
<<plugi "Savannah is busy right now">>Check on Savannah<</plugi>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btns InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btns>>
<<btns InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btns>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $PreAlexisScene31 to 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>It's been a while since we last visited the place, huh?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>It sure was. I was barely able to remember the way here, to be honest. If not for you, I'd<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>There you are, $mc! <</say>>
<<text>>At the bar counter, the familiar voice called out to you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis16-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>I've had a drink already, so I hope you don't mind.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing Alexis in her casual clothes for what felt like the first time was surprisingly hot, no doubt helped by her short skirt, through which you could almost see her pants.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>No worries; that's totally cool with me. I'll just have to catch up~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Cool! Then let's start by finding a nice spot to sit. I think I saw a great corner table somewhere around.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-1 stage 6>>Let's go!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>..And that's how I ended up stuck in this city for a bit. <</say>>
<<text>>After a few drinks, you ended up telling Alexis a bit about your life story, and she seemed really interested, which was a relief.<</text>>
<<img "act2/stripclub/drink1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Wow.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>No need to worry, though. Thankfully I got it all resolved by now, and I feel better than ever!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>I wish I could have the same mentality as you do.<</say>>
<<text>>With a sigh, the girl shook her head.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>You'd be surprised, but I've actually gone through something very similar recently.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-1 stage 7>>Really?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Really?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>M-hm.<</say>>
<<text>>The girl swirled the glass containing her drink around in her hand, watching the ice cubes crackle.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>So, you mind sharing some more? The night is still young.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Listen, it's a long story...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I already told you mine. I'm not asking for you to share every detail; just give me the gist of it.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>..Fine. Haah.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Much like you, I came to Grand Vena as a next step in my life. And just like it happened to you, my plans also fell apart spectacularly.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Fortunately, I've been able to continue my studies at college at least, but I now have to work long hours for Savannah thanks to my limited budget and lack of living space.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-1 stage 8>>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<say $mc>>So you moved here to study then?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Not quite. I... I had an ex. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh.<</say>>
<<text>>After a short silence, she continued.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeah, we had plans to live together, but... it didn't work out that well.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sorry to hear that. I guess he just couldn't handle your freaky side, huh? <</say>>
<<text>>When the girl heard that, her face regained some color. She wasn't offended by your remark, but it was enough to get her eyes back on you.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>And what's that supposed to mean?<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-1 stage 9>>Just pointing it out<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say $mc>>Nothing. I'm just making an observation. <</say>>
<<text>>You gave a little grin and shrugged your shoulders.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>I've noticed that you tend to get a little carried away when you really get going, that's all.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Just so you know, I've kept myself in check all the time around you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeah. You haven't seen anything yet.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-1 stage 10>>I don't believe you<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<say $mc>>Somehow I seriously doubt that.<</say>>
<<text>>Riled up by your attitude, the girl smirked.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>..You wanna see a real freak? I'll show you then~<</say>>
<<text>>But before the situation could get out of hand, a familiar yet obnoxious voice called out to you from the back.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bartender0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bartender">>Hey, you! Dude in the corner! Stop that!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit. I totally forgot about this guy.<</say>>
<<say "Bartender">>Keep it in your pants, my man. Unless you're willing to share it with the whole class, haha.<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-1 stage 11>>Come on!<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<say "Bartender">>Or, if I get you in a jiffy, the two of us can strike a deal. I could give you two a room.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..How much?<</say>>
<<say "Bartender">>$500 for an hour; take it or leave it.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Mhm... Sorry, $mc. That would be too much for me to cash out.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>And I don't think an hour of time is going to be enough for me either.<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 1000>>
<<btn PreAlexisScene3-2 stage 1>>Pay 1000$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">> Pay 1000$ <</plugi>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btn InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<btn InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btn>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, you're back already?<</say>>
<<text>>Walking into the establishment, you saw Alexis drinking at the table, but before you could join her, the bartender budged in.<</text>>
<<imgv "act1/bartender0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bartender">>Fingers crossed you've brought the cash too. It's got to be getting a bit much for the lady to be waiting about like this~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cash >= 1000>>
<<btn PreAlexisScene3-2 stage 1>>Pay 1000$<</btn>>
<<plugi "You don't have enough money">> Pay 1000$ <</plugi>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btn InterludeMap0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<btn InterludeMap1>>Leave<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $cash to $cash-1000>>
<<notify 6s>> You've rented the room for two hours for 1000$! <</notify>>
<<say $mc>>Here's your $1,000. It's better to be worth it. <</say>>
<<text>>The man's grin grew even wider as he nonechalantly acepted your wad of cash, stuffing it straight into his pocket, not even bothering to recount the bills. You catch a surprised look from Alexis, muttering something to you in disbelief.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>..Shit, really? You actually paid him that much?<</say>>
<<say "Bartender">>Now, follow me and try not to get lost on the way inside the storage space. <</say>>
<<text>>He chukles, turning a key to a door with a big "Staff only" sign plastered all over it.<</text>>
<<say "Bartender">>I know it can be very romantic to shag while a can of tomato soup digs into your thigh, but I'd rather have you enjoy what was paid for~<</say>>
<<btno PreAlexisScene3-2 stage 2>>Follow him<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Alexis">>Wow!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>All right, I can see why you asked for that much money now.<</say>>
<<text>>The shining white room had a smidge of pink-colored lighting to it, setting up the mood from the first glance. It was clear that this place was built with one purpose in mind, but as of right now, you sure as hell weren't going to complain about it.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/bar0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Bartender">>Here's a free tip: don't think about the cost too much; it might ruin the magic. Just enjoy your time, mate. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Sheeesh! Look at the size of this bed!<</say>>
<<text>>Excited, Alexis moved to the marble bed while you eyed a small bar fridge in a corner. <</text>>
<<say "Bartender">>Oh, and try not to create too much of a mess in the process, all right?~<</say>>
<<text>>Getting your attention back, the bartender tapped his fingers on the timer and, having set it, courtly waltzed out of the room, leaving you two finally alone.<</text>>
<<btno AlexisScene3 stage 0>>Thanks!<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $PostAlexisScene3 to 1>>
<<say $mc>>Phew. That sure was something.<</say>>
<<text>>Falling down on a bed, you breathed heavily with Alexis resting on your chest.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Feels good to finally let everything out...<</say>>
<<text>>She fell silent, taking a closer look at your face as you headed to the bar to get a drink. After a brief pause, you also made the second one, offerring it to the girl.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/bar2-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Enjoy, this one is for you.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Thanks.<</say>>
<<btno PostAlexisScene3 stage 1>>Take a sip<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>..I just hope that I wasn't too much for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What are you talking about? Not at all!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha~<</say>>
<<text>>Relieved, the girl kissed you again before looking into your eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>..Then shall we continue?<</say>>
<<text>>Looking away for a moment, you examined the timer left by the Bartender. Turns out you were at it a little over an hour by now.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Well... we've got 40 minutes, give or take. Should be enough for a few more rounds~<</say>>
<<if $timeM >= 2>>
<<btno InterludeMap0>>The time passes...<</btno>>
<<btno InterludeMap1>>The time passes...<</btno>>
<<run memorize('AlexisScene3', true)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>We might as well have our fill while we're here. Let's see what-<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could even fill up your glass with a pungent wiskey, you felt a soft pillow hitting you on the back. But before you could even get a sip of that strong whisky, you felt a light tap on the back from a soft pillow colliding with your body.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis17-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>$mc, stop fooling around. You know that we don't have time for that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>..We don't?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No. Especially not when I was finally given the chance to let loose for the first time in a long time~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I mean, we don't have to choose between the two. First I'll get a drink and then-<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, are you sure you'll be able to keep up with me while being inebriated?~<</say>>
<<text>>Eager to give you something else to hold on to instead of the bottle, the girl slid out of her underwear, pushing against you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis18-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Because' I need you to show me that you're the real deal, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well fuck...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>How can I say no when you have such a nice ass?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha, that's what I like to hear~<</say>>
<<text>>Slipping her fingers into your pants, Alexis made quick work of them, quickly pulling them down to reveal your cock in all its glory, fully erect with a neon-pink undertone thanks to the lighting in the room.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Nice and long... Mmh.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nh...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Take it all in now.<</say>>
<<text>>Intoxicated after a few drinks, the girl stares at your cock for a few seconds with a devilish spark in her eyes, before scooping up a glass from the table, using it as a chalice for the dripping mixture of your pre-cum and her spit.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Hrk- Mn-gh!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn! I didn't took you for as much of a... pervert~ <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Careful, don't choke. I know I can be plenty~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You really like saying that, huh?~<</say>>
<<text>>Her tongue pushed up against the underside of your cock as you slid over it back and forth, your girth hitting the back of her throat repeatedly. Your eyes drifted from pleasure, noticing a collection of brand-new looking toys on the bedrest.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/bar1-image.jpeg">>
<<say "Alexis">>But don't worry - I can handle that much just fine. In fact, I'm not sure if that's going to be enough to satisfy me~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, is that so...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>Then how about we spice things up?~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Now this is exciting- Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Good girl! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Fuck I'm so wet right now... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say "Alexis">>See this? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You wanna-<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>In my ass $mc. I want you to fuck my tight butthole untill my legs give out. But first-<</say>>
<<text>>Taking another dildo from the bed, this time with a shiny ball at the end of its length, the girl poked it into her lubricated asshole, glancing at you patiently.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis19-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Fuck, can you... Help me out a bit?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a satisfying pop, the plug goes all the way in, eliciting a moan from Alexis, arousing you with its sheer intensity.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis20-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Sheesh... You actually took it all the way in!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ngh!.. And now I want you to pull it out... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start3">>
<<say "Alexis">>..Make me gape, $mc~<</say>>
<<text>>Obeying the command, you pulled the plug, your dick aching with anticipation, and with a wet sound, the ball popped out of the tight rear, revealing the girl's hole in all its glory.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis21-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes!.. Do you enjoy the view?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..I love it. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Then what are you waiting for?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>I know you want to taste me some more, you little slut.<</say>>
<<text>>Without a word of complaint she opened her mouth, forcing a shudder from you as she took you length inside, claiming an inch after inch – before pulling back and rubbing against her tongue once more.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah-ha... I love playing with your tip like that~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>Then you're gonna love this too!~<</say>>
<<text>>Over and over your cock went down her tight, seizing throat, it's clenching around your cock so snugly that it was impossible to resist.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ngh! Khk!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say "Alexis">>Keep hitting that spot, it feels so good!~<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but groan when your aching cock finally claimed Alexis' tight asshole, spreading her cheeks as you increased your tempo, forcing moans past the girl's lips.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>R-Right!.. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>M-Mmph!.. I-I love it!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Alexis">>If only I could... Aha~<</say>>
<<text>>Enthralled with pleasure, the girl's hand reaches out to grab the black dildo she had just sucked on, shoving it down her throat once more, practicaly spitroasting herself as you continued plundering her guts with relentless thrusts.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn girl... So that's how you like to spend your evenings?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>The more - the merrier, isn't that right?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Hang on, I've got a cool idea.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah!~<</say>>
<<text>>The girl let out a displeased moan as she felt your throbbing cock leaving her vice for a moment, only to yelp with excitement when it was replaced by a lubricated black toy. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>It's... r-reaching so deep~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>And how would you like if I did this?~<</say>>
<<text>>After a few moments of prodding her already taken hole with your cock, you plunged in, making Alexis squeal with excitement, the dildo and your cock pumping into her butt disjointedly - one entering while the other pulled back, stirring her in ways she had never felt before.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Hah, ah, ahh~ Go on!.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ngh- R-right there!~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Harder!.. Yes!~<</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy4.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeees!.. Ngh!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Hnf, you're so tight... H-how do you do it?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>It's a n-natural- Talent!.. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>S-shit!..<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah baby... Like that!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the waves of pleasure bubble up to the tip of your cock, you groan and pull out for a moment, desperate to catch your breath. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, would you look at that~<</say>>
<<text>>The sight of her gaping ass was enough to invigorate you, causing you to thrust yourself into her molten ass with abandon once more.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Nngh... Ha-ha~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah, $mc!~ <</say>>
<<text>>You felt Alexis' legs twitch as you shifted your hold, mating pressing her against the bed - forcing squels with your constant thrusting, pounding her asshole with a vengeance.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>F-Fuck, like that! Holy sh- ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to take the ass-pounding any longer, orgasm jolted through the girl as she cried out, the pleasure rendering her legs limp, her rapidly tightened hole making you groan.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ohmyfuckinggod... Mmh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Still excited for more, huh?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, I'm about to-<</say>>
<<text>>Cursed under your breath, you stumbled forth, shoving your cock in the girl's face before-<</text>>
<<say $mc>>..Cum!~<</say>>
<<text>>-A split-second later you busted your load all over Alexis' face, painting her face with your ropey cum. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>W-wow... that was something.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Great feeling, right?~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum1">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>Let me lick it all off nice and clean~ <</say>>
<<text>>She did just that, her tongue extending, helping to catch some of your dripping milky load. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Cum1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>It would be such a shame wasting even a drop of this sweet-sweet cum~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..Jesus, you weren't kidding - you are freaky.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hey, it's you who busted all over me. that's pretty freaky too, you know?~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn AlexisScene3 stage $stage+1>> Just give me a moment... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage "start" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage "start2" 15 10>> Use the Toy <</btns>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btn AlexisScene3 stage $stage+1>> Push it in<</btn>>
<<if $stage is 4>>
<<btn AlexisScene3 stage "start3">> Make her gape <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage "start1" 10 5>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage 2 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start2">>
<<btn AlexisScene3 stage 3>> What are you?.. <</btn>>
<<if $stage is "cum" && $sceneCum < 1>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage "cum1">> What are you?.. <</btns>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2 && $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1" && $stage isnot "start2">>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "blowjob1" 15 10>>Deepthroat<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "doggy1" 15 15>> Spitroast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "doggy2" 15 15>> Use a toy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "doggy2" 15 15>> Use a toy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "doggy3" 15 15>> DP <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "doggy1" 15 15>> Spitroast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "doggy4" 20 20>> Make her gape <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "doggy2" 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb AlexisScene3 stage "missionary1" 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if !($stage is "cum" && $sceneCum < 1)>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage blowjob 15 15>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her Cum<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns AlexisScene3 stage "cum" 0 15>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0>>
<<if !($stage is "cum" && $sceneCum is 1)>>
<<btne PostAlexisScene3>>I'm spent<</btne>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if !$gstage>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say $mc>>We might as well have our fill while we're here. Let's see what-<</say>>
<<text>>But before you could even fill up your glass with a pungent wiskey, you felt a soft pillow hitting you on the back. But before you could even get a sip of that strong whisky, you felt a light tap on the back from a soft pillow colliding with your body.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis17-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>$mc, stop fooling around. You know that we don't have time for that. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>..We don't?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>No. Especially not when I was finally given the chance to let loose for the first time in a long time~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I mean, we don't have to choose between the two. First I'll get a drink and then-<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh, are you sure you'll be able to keep up with me while being inebriated?~<</say>>
<<text>>Eager to give you something else to hold on to instead of the bottle, the girl slid out of her underwear, pushing against you.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/pizza/alexis18-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Because' I need you to show me that you're the real deal, $mc.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well fuck...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say $mc>>How can I say no when you have such a nice ass?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ha-ha, that's what I like to hear~<</say>>
<<text>>Slipping her fingers into your pants, Alexis made quick work of them, quickly pulling them down to reveal your cock in all its glory, fully erect with a neon-pink undertone thanks to the lighting in the room.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Start.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Nice and long... Mmh.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nh...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Take it all in now.<</say>>
<<text>>Intoxicated after a few drinks, the girl stares at your cock for a few seconds with a devilish spark in her eyes, before scooping up a glass from the table, using it as a chalice for the dripping mixture of your pre-cum and her spit.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Start1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Hrk- Mn-gh!..<</say>>
<<say $mc>>God damn! I didn't took you for as much of a... pervert~ <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Careful, don't choke. I know I can be plenty~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>You really like saying that, huh?~<</say>>
<<text>>Her tongue pushed up against the underside of your cock as you slid over it back and forth, your girth hitting the back of her throat repeatedly. Your eyes drifted from pleasure, noticing a collection of brand-new looking toys on the bedrest.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/bar1-image.jpeg">>
<<say "Alexis">>But don't worry - I can handle that much just fine. In fact, I'm not sure if that's going to be enough to satisfy me~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, is that so...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start2">>
<<say $mc>>Then how about we spice things up?~<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Now this is exciting- Ngh!<</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Good girl! <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Fuck I'm so wet right now... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say "Alexis">>See this? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>You wanna-<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>In my ass $mc. I want you to fuck my tight butthole untill my legs give out. But first-<</say>>
<<text>>Taking another dildo from the bed, this time with a shiny ball at the end of its length, the girl poked it into her lubricated asshole, glancing at you patiently.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis19-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Fuck, can you... Help me out a bit?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 4>>
<<say "Alexis">>Oh fuck!..<</say>>
<<text>>With a satisfying pop, the plug goes all the way in, eliciting a moan from Alexis, arousing you with its sheer intensity.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis20-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Sheesh... You actually took it all the way in!<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ngh!.. And now I want you to pull it out... <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start3">>
<<say "Alexis">>..Make me gape, $mc~<</say>>
<<text>>Obeying the command, you pulled the plug, your dick aching with anticipation, and with a wet sound, the ball popped out of the tight rear, revealing the girl's hole in all its glory.<</text>>
<<img "act2/pizza/alexis21-image.jpg">>
<<say "Alexis">>Yes!.. Do you enjoy the view?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..I love it. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Then what are you waiting for?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>I know you want to taste me some more, you little slut.<</say>>
<<text>>Without a word of complaint she opened her mouth, forcing a shudder from you as she took you length inside, claiming an inch after inch – before pulling back and rubbing against her tongue once more.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah-ha... I love playing with your tip like that~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>Then you're gonna love this too!~<</say>>
<<text>>Over and over your cock went down her tight, seizing throat, it's clenching around your cock so snugly that it was impossible to resist.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ngh! Khk!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say "Alexis">>Keep hitting that spot, it feels so good!~<</say>>
<<text>>You couldn't help but groan when your aching cock finally claimed Alexis' tight asshole, spreading her cheeks as you increased your tempo, forcing moans past the girl's lips.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>R-Right!.. <</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>M-Mmph!.. I-I love it!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say "Alexis">>If only I could... Aha~<</say>>
<<text>>Enthralled with pleasure, the girl's hand reaches out to grab the black dildo she had just sucked on, shoving it down her throat once more, practicaly spitroasting herself as you continued plundering her guts with relentless thrusts.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn girl... So that's how you like to spend your evenings?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>The more - the merrier, isn't that right?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say $mc>>Hang on, I've got a cool idea.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah!~<</say>>
<<text>>The girl let out a displeased moan as she felt your throbbing cock leaving her vice for a moment, only to yelp with excitement when it was replaced by a lubricated black toy. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>It's... r-reaching so deep~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<say $mc>>And how would you like if I did this?~<</say>>
<<text>>After a few moments of prodding her already taken hole with your cock, you plunged in, making Alexis squeal with excitement, the dildo and your cock pumping into her butt disjointedly - one entering while the other pulled back, stirring her in ways she had never felt before.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy3.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Hah, ah, ahh~ Go on!.. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ngh- R-right there!~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Harder!.. Yes!~<</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Doggy4.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Yeees!.. Ngh!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary">>
<<say $mc>>Hnf, you're so tight... H-how do you do it?<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>It's a n-natural- Talent!.. <</say>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Missionary.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>S-shit!..<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "missionary1">>
<<say $mc>>Oh yeah baby... Like that!<</say>>
<<text>>Feeling the waves of pleasure bubble up to the tip of your cock, you groan and pull out for a moment, desperate to catch your breath. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Missionary1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Damn, would you look at that~<</say>>
<<text>>The sight of her gaping ass was enough to invigorate you, causing you to thrust yourself into her molten ass with abandon once more.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>Nngh... Ha-ha~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW += 1>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<say "Alexis">>Ah, $mc!~ <</say>>
<<text>>You felt Alexis' legs twitch as you shifted your hold, mating pressing her against the bed - forcing squels with your constant thrusting, pounding her asshole with a vengeance.<</text>>
<<say "Alexis">>F-Fuck, like that! Holy sh- ah!..<</say>>
<<text>>Unable to take the ass-pounding any longer, orgasm jolted through the girl as she cried out, the pleasure rendering her legs limp, her rapidly tightened hole making you groan.<</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Cumw.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>Ohmyfuckinggod... Mmh~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Still excited for more, huh?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>Shit, I'm about to-<</say>>
<<text>>Cursed under your breath, you stumbled forth, shoving your cock in the girl's face before-<</text>>
<<say $mc>>..Cum!~<</say>>
<<text>>-A split-second later you busted your load all over Alexis' face, painting her face with your ropey cum. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Cum.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>W-wow... that was something.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Great feeling, right?~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum1">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1>>
<<say "Alexis">>Let me lick it all off nice and clean~ <</say>>
<<text>>She did just that, her tongue extending, helping to catch some of your dripping milky load. <</text>>
<<video "alexis/Scene3/Cum1.mp4">>
<<say "Alexis">>It would be such a shame wasting even a drop of this sweet-sweet cum~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>..Jesus, you weren't kidding - you are freaky.<</say>>
<<say "Alexis">>Hey, it's you who busted all over me. that's pretty freaky too, you know?~<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Alexisgallery3 gstage $gstage+1>> Just give me a moment... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage "start" 10 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage "start2" 15 10>> Use the Toy <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btn Alexisgallery3 gstage $gstage+1>> Push it in<</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 4>>
<<btn Alexisgallery3 gstage "start3">> Make her gape <</btn>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage "start1" 10 5>>Blowjob<</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage 2 0 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start2">>
<<btn Alexisgallery3 gstage 3>> What are you?.. <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is "cum" && $gsceneCum < 1>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage "cum1">> What are you?.. <</btns>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2 && $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1" && $gstage isnot "start2">>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "blowjob1" 15 10>>Deepthroat<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "doggy1" 15 15>> Spitroast <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "doggy2" 15 15>> Use a toy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "doggy2" 15 15>> Use a toy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "doggy3" 15 15>> DP <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "doggy1" 15 15>> Spitroast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy3">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "doggy4" 20 20>> Make her gape <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "doggy2" 0 0>> Go back <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "missionary">>
<<btnsb Alexisgallery3 gstage "missionary1" 15 25>> Go hard <</btnsb>>
<<if !($gstage is "cum" && $gsceneCum < 1)>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage blowjob 15 15>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage missionary 15 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns Alexisgallery3 gstage "cum" 0 15>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0>>
<<if !($gstage is "cum" && $gsceneCum is 1)>>
<<btne Alexis-gallery>>I'm spent<</btne>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Alexis-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $MorningKatrina1 to 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Are you sure we've got the right address, kid...?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah. I told you she was rich.<</say>>
<<text>>Walking down the street, you stop before Katrina's supposed "summer house.". <</text>>
<<img "act2/katrina/image3-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, there's a difference between being rich and having a giant mansion on the beach...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>When I first met her, I was surprised too. Her cabin looked like a penthouse. At that point, it didn't even feel like we were on a train.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 1>>Is there any security?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>Doesn't seem like there are any bodyguards around here... Weird.<</say>>
<<text>>As you come closer towards the gate, you notice a surprising lack of security aside from a single fence and a gate.<</text>>
<<img "act2/katrina/image2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, there's the camera...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Is there anyone on the other side? I'm $mc, and I've been invited here by Katrina!<</say>>
<<text>>Waving to the camera, you pull out your invitation and wait a few seconds before you hear the clang of metal as the gates begin to open in front of you.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>See? It's that easy. <</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 2>>Investigate the house<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I don't like how silent it is in here. Not one bit.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprisingly, the house was as empty on the inside as it was outside.<</text>>
<<img "act2/katrina/image4-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>Now I hate to agree with you, but the atmosphere does feel rather eerie in here...<</say>>
<<text>>Walking through the well-decorated rooms, you notice tall glasses and shiny plates placed on the tables in abandon, adding a certain liminal feeling to the experience. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>It looks like everything is prepared for the party, though. Maybe we just came in too early?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Hey, kid! That smell... Someone's behind that door. You should check it out.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 3>>Good catch<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>If you say so.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Just know that they seem to be in serious heat. So act accordingly.<</say>>
<<text>>Caught off guard by the pug's remark, you stumble for a moment.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Y-yeah, thanks for the heads-up...<</say>>
<<text>>But as you pull on the doorknob, you hear a familiar voice as you are greeted by a spectacular sight.<</text>>
<<imgv "act2/katrina/katrina0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Katrina">>There you are, $mc. I thought you were going to make me wait forever.<</say>>
<<text>>The woman smiles, placing one of her hands on her plentiful breasts in a playful manner.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>And you've brought the little one too, just as I told you. That's just wonderful. <</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 4>>Wow...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Um, hi there. Long time no see, Kat. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>...You're lucky I've taken a liking to you, $mc.<</say>>
<<text>>Her voice changes, and you immediately recognize the same persona who threatened you on the train, way before you got to know about this woman's true nature. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>If someone else had the audacity to call me that, I'd have to show them a thing or two about how to behave themselves around me.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, my bad. I just thought that Katrina sounded too long. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue, you know what I'm saying?<</say>>
<<text>>She looks at you and lets out a little chuckle, giving you a condescending look. It seems like she's indeed in a good mood today.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Sounds like someone needs to train their tongue then.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 5>>Oh..?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say "Katrina">>And I might have just the right idea on how to make that training fun for the both of us~<</say>>
<<text>>Katrina smiles and spreads her legs, almost showing off her heated loins, hidden behind a thin layer of dark-as-the-night lingerie. <</text>>
<<imgv "act2/katrina/katrina1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Katrina">>Don't be shy now. I've spent a lot of money to make this place as hospitable as it is, and it's all for you.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>That's your idea of being hospitable...?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Of course. See all those tables that are prepared for dozens of people? And yet, there's no one but you and me. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>You know why that is? <</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 6>>Nope<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<say $mc>>Honestly? I have no idea.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Because you're special where they're not. <</say>>
<<text>>Katrina lets out another chuckle, clearly amused by you. <</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>All those CEOs, executives, and politicians? In this moment, they're all worthless when I compare them to you. <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>It feels good finally realizing that, does it not?~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I guess, but for you to say all that—<</say>>
<<text>>It wouldn't be right to say you weren't feeling a bit heated at the moment yourself. It's not every day that a beautiful, rich woman drools over your dick, even when she has plenty of other options. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>Did those 15 minutes we shared on a train really leave such a lasting impact on you?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>...And what if I've said that it did? <</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 7>>I'd be surprised<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>Frankly, I'd be surprised. And a little flattered.<</say>>
<<text>>It's a dream come true for any guy, really.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Ha. You can be so cute when you want it... But, let's drop the bullshit, all right?<</say>>
<<imgv "act2/katrina/katrina2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Katrina">>I called you here because I want you to fuck me, $mc. Again.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Dear God...<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 7>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn MorningKatrina1 stage "8a">>Hell yeah!<</btn>>
<<btn MorningKatrina1 stage $cstage+"a">>Sure, but first-<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "7a">>
<<say $mc>>Well, I don't mind that, but...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I came here because I have a ton of questions for you to answer. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>For example, how'd you get my number? And you've said that you've been keeping track of me, so what's the deal with that?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>I can tell you the truth. But you already know my conditions~<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>You'll have to make me cum, $mc. Otherwise-<</say>>
<<text>>The woman points towards the door behind your back, shifting her eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>You can go ahead and help yourself out. <</say>>
<<set $cstage to 8>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn MorningKatrina1 stage $cstage+"a">>All right<</btn>>
<<btn End stage 0>>Leave<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "8a">>
<<set $RileyCheated to 1>>
<<say $mc>>You drive a hard bargain, you know that?<</say>>
<<text>>You sit back in your chair, scratching your chin, and give Katrina a look like you're thinking about something.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>But if you have your demands, I have some too.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Which are...?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>This time we're going to do it the way I want it.<</say>>
<<text>>Surprised, Katrina gives you a sharp smirk.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh. That's not something I was expecting.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina1 stage 9>>So?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say "Katrina">>But I guess it wouldn't hurt to be a switch for once.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Just a heads up—you might have to call me a master a few times~<</say>>
<<text>>The smile on the woman's face becomes even sharper as she incinerates you with a look from her beautiful eyes.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Don't push it, $mc. I don't mind going along with your charade, but I have to say, my patience is rather thin when it comes to those things.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Come on, I was just messing with you. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'm sure you'll like what I have in mind for you next~<</say>>
<<btno KatrinaScene1 stage 0>>Listen closely-<</btno>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>...We're in trouble, pal! Wake up!<</say>>
<<text>>Suddenly, your blissful sleep is interrupted by a rather loud barking. As you sit down on the bed, rubbing your eyes, you notice an agitated Grigoriy pacing back and forth before you.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Uh? What's gotten into you, Greg..?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Listen here, kid, I think someone was trying to break in just now. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Haaa... Can we get back to this after I get my 7 hours of sleep?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I'm dead serious! They woke me up too, if that helps.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage 1>>What is it?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>I tried to fight them off as best I could, and it seems like they're gone, but I don't know if it'll last.<</say>>
<<text>>Noticing that your pupper is serious about it, you feel a shiver come down your spine; the memory of Dick is still fresh in your memory.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Alright, alright. Let's see what this all is about. <</say>>
<<text>>But as you come into a hallway, you let out a sigh of relief—the door is still untouched, with no apparent sign of breaking in.<</text>>
<<img "act2/katrina/image0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Grigoriy">>See that? They even dropped some sort of package! <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>While it doesn't smell like drugs or gunpowder, I still find it very suspicious. I just can't put my paw on it.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage 2>>Isn't it just a letter?<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>...Greg, it's just a letter. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What? But it smelled so weird!<</say>>
<<text>>You take a better look at the object on the floor, which is in fact just a normal letter.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>It's just a fucking letter, man. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Kid, I'm telling you—<</say>>
<<text>>Taking a step back, you massage your temples, trying to hold your laughter at the stupidity of this situation. With Greg being so talkative, it was quite easy for you to forget that he's still a dog.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Greg, you want to know what you've been doing here? You've been barking at a mailman at 5 AM in the morning, that's what.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage 3>>Damn...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Haa, I can't believe you woke me up for this shit.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Alright... If you say so, kid.<</say>>
<<text>>The pupper seems down after your remark, seemingly realizing that his animal side has led to a bit of an embarrassing overreaction. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>But, since I've woken up anyway, I might as well check out what's inside. You're hungry?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Of course I am!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Heh.<</say>>
<<text>>About a dozen minutes later, the two of you sat in the kitchen. You held a warm cup of tea in your hand while munching on the sandwich while Grigory hungrily devoured his dog food.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Now this feels like a proper morning for once.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage 4>>Read through the letter<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say $mc>>Oh shit... So she wasn't kidding.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>What does it say, kid?<</say>>
<<text>>You place the letter down on the table, nervously tapping your thigh.<</text>>
<<img "act2/katrina/image1-image.jpg">>
<<say $mc>>It's an invitation. From Katrina.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Who's that?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh right, you don't know her. It's just I've met on my train ride here. Few things happened between us, and I didn't expect to hear from her ever again...<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Ah, I see. So, she's another bitch of yours then?<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage 5>>Well...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say $mc>>Now, I wouldn't put it that way... But I did manage to get into her bed. Or maybe it was the other way around.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Good work, kid. That's how you do it!<</say>>
<<text>>The pupper excitedly twirled around your leg a few times as a show of his respect before continuing.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>So, she wants to see you again?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah. I'm not sure if I can pass on this opportunity to be honest.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Huh. And what about that Kait gal you visited earlier? The one that gave me those nice meat sausages.<</say>>
<<text>>You looked at the pupper, surprised that he would care about something as trivial as that. <</text>>
<<say $mc>>What about her?<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Well, it's just that you've seemed fairly serious about her.<</say>>
<<set $cstage to 5>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn MorningKatrina0 stage $cstage+1+"a">>It's complicated<</btn>>
<<btn MorningKatrina0 stage $cstage+1+"b">>I am serious about her<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is "6a">>
<<say $mc>>I am... I think.<</say>>
<<text>>You stretch out and relax in a comfortable position.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>But it doesn't mean that I shouldn't be exploring my options.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Wise words, kid. Wise words.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>In any case, it's not like I'm only going there with a sole purpose of having fun with Katrina. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>You're not?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Nope. I have quite a few questions for her that I need answers for.<</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage "6c">>...<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "6b">>
<<say $mc>>I am. <</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Then why the hell are you chasing someone else's tail now? <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, let me ask you this, how do you think she knew where to send this invitation? I've never told her my address.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's more, she called me on the night we were together with Kait. On a phone number that I've only recently bought and haven't shared with anyone else.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Whoa. That's really creepy, kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My thoughts exactly. She also mentioned knowing people I've interacted with; it sounded like she has some sort of surveillance on me...<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, Grigoriy winces a little, looking you dead in the eye.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Now that's crazy talk. Who would ever bother doing something like that for a random guy like you? <</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage 7>>Maybe you're right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is "6c">>
<<say $mc>>Let me ask you this, how do you think she knew where to send this invitation? I've never told her my address.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>What's more, she called me on the night we were together with Kait. On a phone number that I've only recently bought and haven't shared with anyone else.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Whoa. That's really creepy, kid.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>My thoughts exactly. She also mentioned knowing people I've interacted with; it sounded like she has some sort of surveillance on me...<</say>>
<<text>>Hearing that, Grigoriy winces a little, looking you dead in the eye.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Now that's crazy talk. Who would ever bother doing something like that for a random guy like you? <</say>>
<<btno MorningKatrina0 stage 7>>Maybe you're right<</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<say $mc>>I don't know. But that's what I want to find out.<</say>>
<<text>>You stand up from the kitchen table, shaking away the bread crumbs off your shirt before carefully pocketing the letter.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>All I know now is that she's filthy rich and has a lot of influence.<</say>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>Oh well, it sounds like you might need help then. I'll lend you a paw.<</say>>
<<text>>The pug nods, following your suit without hesitation.<</text>>
<<say "Grigoriy">>...And I'm totally not doing this only because you've mentioned that she's wealthy.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Sure thing, Greg. I appreciate it.<</say>>
<<set $MorningKatrina0 to 1>>
<<btno TempMapDay>>Leave<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<run memorize('KatrinaGallery', true)>>
<<run memorize("KatrinaScene1", true)>>
<<if $stage is undefined>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Katrina">>Okay, big guy, how do you enjoy the view now?~<</say>>
<<text>>No more than a dozen minutes later, the seemingly tamed cougar was dancing for your pleasure by the side of the pool as you laid back in the shezlong, sipping a cocktail from one hand while gently stroking your cock with the other.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start0.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Good girl. I knew you had it in you.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Don't push it, $mc; I've warned you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, I know~<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>But speaking of pushing things—<</say>>
<<text>>You put the cocktail to the side and stand up, looking at the woman's butt with a questioning look.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Did you do what I've asked?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Well, why don't you come closer and check for yourself?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I like where this is going...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Would you look at that?<</say>>
<<text>>You felt a warmth spread out in your chest as you watched a plump booty stretch needily around the pink toy, ready for your cock to enter.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn girl! How'd you fit all that in?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh, trust me, I've had a lot of practice when it comes to these things.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Now, don't keep me waiting, $mc.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't you forget something? A certain magic word, perhaps? ~<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>You can't be serious...<</say>>
<<text>>You stop going as far as taking a step back from the woman, grinning ear to ear, realizing just how much power you have in this moment.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Please, fuck my slutty ass, you asshole. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I guess I'll have to take it.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start">>
<<say "Katrina">>Ngh...! Finally!<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft push, the needy asshole eagerly accepted your thick cockhead inside, stimulating all kinds of noises out of her as you began rocking your hips.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck! I've almost forgotten how tight you are!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Keep going...!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Gah! Fuck...!<</say>>
<<text>>The tightness was too much for you to bear, however, nearly pushing you to the edge in a few seconds. Realizing that, you pause and let your cock slip out freely, watching as the woman's asshole pulsates with need.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, I'm getting windy all of a sudden... Want to take a break?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Huh...? No way.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing that you're serious, Katrina let out a sigh, gently rubbing over your lower thigh.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>You're killing me...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Here, get a taste of that for now.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Don't mind if I do~<</say>>
<<text>>You let out a low growl as the woman wrapped her lips around your thick cockhead; her eyes locked with yours as she angled herself down your dick, accepting inch after inch of your swollen cock between her pinkish cheeks.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck! Your tongue... It's crazy!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck...!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Glug... Kha-k-<</say>>
<<text>>Katrina's brows rose up as she took you in deeper, your rich taste making her salivate as you instinctively began bucking your hips, almost throat-fucking her. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<if $cum < 70>>
<<say $mc>>If I keep this up... No, it's way too early for me to cum yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't keep up! Fuck-<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Bounce that booty for me!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Ah! Oh my God, yes!<</say>>
<<text>>Having climbed onto your lap, the woman momentarily grazed her pussy against your thick cockhead, making her audibly squirm before sliding your twitching girth into her asshole. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit! You feel so good...!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Katrina">>This is amazing! I'm so glad that you... made it this far!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, me too, Kat! Oh God!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>I'm so close...!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Hold tight!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Wh-what are you—<</say>>
<<text>>Picking up the pace, you slam into Katrina's tight asshole, stuffing her needy hole fully and making her shake, as her eyes screw shut and her moans fill out the air.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>OH FUCK! YES! YES!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Shit... I've never been this hard in my life!<</say>>
<<text>>You plunged into her with abandon, your dick aching as Katrina jammed herself down onto your swollen girth, feeling her inner walls part for your shaft while your bulbous tip was hitting her deepest parts repeatedly.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>My God..! It's like your cock is getting bigger!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course it is! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow... You're gaping so much~<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>It's all your stupid cock's fault! Making me all loose, like a slut...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like you better this way.<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "doggy2">>
<<say "Katrina">>Keep going... Just don't stop, okay..?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do my best~<</say>>
<<text>>The woman broke out into a squeal as you slammed yourself deep into her, your swollen balls kissing her bottom as you jackhammered her asshole.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ngh...! But you aren't making this easy for me!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways">>
<<say "Katrina">>You're hitting me so deep! I can feel it in my womb...!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Haa... You gave me an idea.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Wha..?<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "sideways1">>
<<say $mc>>What if I were to hit your womb directly for a change?~ <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>OH! MY! GOD!<</say>>
<<text>>Changing up the hole, you suddenly slid your cock inside the woman's pussy, the action so abrupt that her muscles tightened even harder around your stiff shaft.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>Yes, baby...! Yes!<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cum">>
<<set $sceneCum += 1, $cum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to... Your pretty face...!<</say>>
<<text>>Following your call, Katrina knelt down, reading herself before your twitching member as you jerked yourself off for the last time before<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ngh...! Fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>You've erupted, your white, ropey cum covering the women's faces in its entirety as your moans rang through the air, much to her amusement. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh yeah... You taste so nice too~<</say>>
<<text>>Katrina smiled, licking off the patches of seed near her lips.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>...But that doesn't mean you're going to stop here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, you're relentless...<</say>>
<<elseif $stage is "cumw">>
<<set $sceneCumW+=1, $cumw to 0>>
<<set $KatrinaScene1CumW to $sceneCumW>>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh God! I'm about to cum...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll keep going... Just a little more!<</say>>
<<text>>You obliged, fucking the sense out of Katrina, your movements growing increasingly jerky as you prayed that you would last longer than her...<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/CumW.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>...OH YES!<</say>>
<<text>>And then she peaked, with a rapturous yelp escaping her lips as she orgasmed hard. Her whole body convulsed, held steady by your hands.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Shit... This was amazing~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it was...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $stage == "number">>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn KatrinaScene1 stage $stage+1>> Speaking of pushing things... <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<btn KatrinaScene1 stage $stage+1>> Pull the plug <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 2>>
<<btn KatrinaScene1 stage $stage+1>> Not so quick <</btn>>
<<if $stage is 3>>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage "start" 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $stage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $stage is "start">>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage "start1" 10 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $stage is "start1">>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage "blowjob" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $cum < 100 && $sceneCum < 2 && $cumw < 100>>
<<if $stage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "blowjob1" 15 10>>Deepthroat<</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "cowgirl1" 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "cowgirl1" 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "doggy1" 15 15>> Make her Gape <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "doggy2" 15 15>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "doggy2" 15 15>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "doggy1" 15 15>> Make her Gape <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb KatrinaScene1 stage "sideways1" 15 25>> Switch to Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage isnot "start" && $stage isnot "start1">>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage blowjob 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage cowgirl 15 15>>Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage sideways 15 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<if $cumw === 100>>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her Cum<</btns>>
<<if $cum > 70>>
<<btns KatrinaScene1 stage "cum" 0 15>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $sceneCum > 0 && $sceneCumW > 0>>
<<btne End>>I'm spent<</btne>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $gstage is undefined>> <<set $gstage to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumW to 0>>
<<say "Katrina">>Okay, big guy, how do you enjoy the view now?~<</say>>
<<text>>No more than a dozen minutes later, the seemingly tamed cougar was dancing for your pleasure by the side of the pool as you laid back in the shezlong, sipping a cocktail from one hand while gently stroking your cock with the other.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start0.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Good girl. I knew you had it in you.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Don't push it, $mc; I've warned you...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I know, I know~<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 1>>
<<say $mc>>But speaking of pushing things—<</say>>
<<text>>You put the cocktail to the side and stand up, looking at the woman's butt with a questioning look.<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Did you do what I've asked?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Well, why don't you come closer and check for yourself?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Oh, I like where this is going...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 2>>
<<say $mc>>Would you look at that?<</say>>
<<text>>You felt a warmth spread out in your chest as you watched a plump booty stretch needily around the pink toy, ready for your cock to enter.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Goddamn girl! How'd you fit all that in?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh, trust me, I've had a lot of practice when it comes to these things.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Now, don't keep me waiting, $mc.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is 3>>
<<say $mc>>Didn't you forget something? A certain magic word, perhaps? ~<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>You can't be serious...<</say>>
<<text>>You stop going as far as taking a step back from the woman, grinning ear to ear, realizing just how much power you have in this moment.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Please, fuck my slutty ass, you asshole. <</say>>
<<say $mc>>Well, I guess I'll have to take it.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start">>
<<say "Katrina">>Ngh...! Finally!<</say>>
<<text>>With a soft push, the needy asshole eagerly accepted your thick cockhead inside, stimulating all kinds of noises out of her as you began rocking your hips.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Fuck! I've almost forgotten how tight you are!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Keep going...!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "start1">>
<<say $mc>>Gah! Fuck...!<</say>>
<<text>>The tightness was too much for you to bear, however, nearly pushing you to the edge in a few seconds. Realizing that, you pause and let your cock slip out freely, watching as the woman's asshole pulsates with need.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, I'm getting windy all of a sudden... Want to take a break?<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Huh...? No way.<</say>>
<<text>>Seeing that you're serious, Katrina let out a sigh, gently rubbing over your lower thigh.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>You're killing me...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<say $mc>>Here, get a taste of that for now.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Don't mind if I do~<</say>>
<<text>>You let out a low growl as the woman wrapped her lips around your thick cockhead; her eyes locked with yours as she angled herself down your dick, accepting inch after inch of your swollen cock between her pinkish cheeks.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Blowjob.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck! Your tongue... It's crazy!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "blowjob1">>
<<say $mc>>Oh fuck...!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Glug... Kha-k-<</say>>
<<text>>Katrina's brows rose up as she took you in deeper, your rich taste making her salivate as you instinctively began bucking your hips, almost throat-fucking her. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Blowjob1.mp4">>
<<if $cum < 70>>
<<say $mc>>If I keep this up... No, it's way too early for me to cum yet.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I can't keep up! Fuck-<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<say $mc>>Bounce that booty for me!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Ah! Oh my God, yes!<</say>>
<<text>>Having climbed onto your lap, the woman momentarily grazed her pussy against your thick cockhead, making her audibly squirm before sliding your twitching girth into her asshole. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cowgirl.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit! You feel so good...!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<say "Katrina">>This is amazing! I'm so glad that you... made it this far!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cowgirl1.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Shit, me too, Kat! Oh God!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>I'm so close...!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<say $mc>>Hold tight!<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Wh-what are you—<</say>>
<<text>>Picking up the pace, you slam into Katrina's tight asshole, stuffing her needy hole fully and making her shake, as her eyes screw shut and her moans fill out the air.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cowgirl2.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>OH FUCK! YES! YES!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy">>
<<say $mc>>Shit... I've never been this hard in my life!<</say>>
<<text>>You plunged into her with abandon, your dick aching as Katrina jammed herself down onto your swollen girth, feeling her inner walls part for your shaft while your bulbous tip was hitting her deepest parts repeatedly.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Doggy.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>My God..! It's like your cock is getting bigger!<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Of course it is! <</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<say $mc>>Oh wow... You're gaping so much~<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Doggy1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>It's all your stupid cock's fault! Making me all loose, like a slut...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, I like you better this way.<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<say "Katrina">>Keep going... Just don't stop, okay..?<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll do my best~<</say>>
<<text>>The woman broke out into a squeal as you slammed yourself deep into her, your swollen balls kissing her bottom as you jackhammered her asshole.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Doggy2.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Ngh...! But you aren't making this easy for me!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways">>
<<say "Katrina">>You're hitting me so deep! I can feel it in my womb...!<</say>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Sideways.mp4">>
<<say $mc>>Haa... You gave me an idea.<</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>Wha..?<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "sideways1">>
<<say $mc>>What if I were to hit your womb directly for a change?~ <</say>>
<<say "Katrina">>OH! MY! GOD!<</say>>
<<text>>Changing up the hole, you suddenly slid your cock inside the woman's pussy, the action so abrupt that her muscles tightened even harder around your stiff shaft.<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Sideways1.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>Yes, baby...! Yes!<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cum">>
<<set $gsceneCum += 1, $gcum to 0>>
<<say $mc>>I'm about to... Your pretty face...!<</say>>
<<text>>Following your call, Katrina knelt down, reading herself before your twitching member as you jerked yourself off for the last time before<</text>>
<<say $mc>>Ngh...! Fuck!<</say>>
<<text>>You've erupted, your white, ropey cum covering the women's faces in its entirety as your moans rang through the air, much to her amusement. <</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/Cum.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh yeah... You taste so nice too~<</say>>
<<text>>Katrina smiled, licking off the patches of seed near her lips.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>...But that doesn't mean you're going to stop here.<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Ha-ha, you're relentless...<</say>>
<<elseif $gstage is "cumw">>
<<set $gsceneCumW+=1, $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gKatrinaScene1CumW to $gsceneCumW>>
<<say "Katrina">>Oh God! I'm about to cum...<</say>>
<<say $mc>>I'll keep going... Just a little more!<</say>>
<<text>>You obliged, fucking the sense out of Katrina, your movements growing increasingly jerky as you prayed that you would last longer than her...<</text>>
<<video "katrina/Scene1/CumW.mp4">>
<<say "Katrina">>...OH YES!<</say>>
<<text>>And then she peaked, with a rapturous yelp escaping her lips as she orgasmed hard. Her whole body convulsed, held steady by your hands.<</text>>
<<say "Katrina">>Shit... This was amazing~<</say>>
<<say $mc>>Yeah, it was...<</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if typeof $gstage == "number">>
<<if $gstage is 0>>
<<btn Katrinagallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> Speaking of pushing things... <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 1>>
<<btn Katrinagallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> Pull the plug <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 2>>
<<btn Katrinagallery1 gstage $gstage+1>> Not so quick <</btn>>
<<if $gstage is 3>>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage "start" 15 10>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<elseif typeof $gstage == "string">>
<<showmeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<showmeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw/ $maxCumw`>>
<<if $gstage is "start">>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage "start1" 10 15>> Missionary <</btns>>
<<if $gstage is "start1">>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage "blowjob" 10 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<if $gcum < 100 && $gsceneCum < 2 && $gcumw < 100>>
<<if $gstage is "blowjob">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "blowjob1" 15 10>>Deepthroat<</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "cowgirl1" 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl1">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "cowgirl2" 15 15>> Go Fast <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "cowgirl2">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "cowgirl1" 15 15>> Reverse <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "doggy1" 15 15>> Make her Gape <</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "doggy2" 15 15>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy1">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "doggy2" 15 15>> Go Hard <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "doggy2">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "doggy1" 15 15>> Make her Gape <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage is "sideways">>
<<btnsb Katrinagallery1 gstage "sideways1" 15 25>> Switch to Pussy <</btnsb>>
<<if $gstage isnot "start" && $gstage isnot "start1">>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage blowjob 15 5>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage cowgirl 15 15>>Cowgirl <</btns>>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage doggy 15 15>> Doggy <</btns>>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage sideways 15 15>> Sideways <</btns>>
<<if $gcumw === 100>>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage "cumw" 20 0>>Make her Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gcum > 70>>
<<btns Katrinagallery1 gstage "cum" 0 15>>Cum<</btns>>
<<if $gsceneCum > 0 && $gsceneCumW > 0>>
<<btneg Katrina-gallery>>I'm spent<</btneg>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btneg Katrina-gallery>>Scenes<</btneg>>
<<btneg $prevpassage>>Story<</btneg>>