<div class="grey">\
You have lived your whole life correctly. Taken one wife, loved her and only her. Never chose the evil path and kept yourself corruption free. Some would say it was a boring life, but you were happy enough with it.
As the light of your life eventually faded you looked back on your life with happiness. As you begin to take your final breaths you feel a strange feeling that you've not felt for many years. Regret. Your life flashes before you showing all the missed opportunities that passed you by.
The promotions you declined for more family time.
The women you refused due to being a faithful husband.
The money you could have made if you weren't such a law abiding citizen.
All of this streams past your slowly dimming vision. The sounds of your family grow distant and you feel yourself drift off to [[whatever may come next|AfterLife]].
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<div class="grey">\
For some time it is just the void.
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<div class="grey">\
But soon you start to actually feel, Although you can feel nothing, you still can feel.
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<div class="grey">\
Soon you can smell something sweet, a beautiful smell that lightens your heart.
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 4s t8n>>\
<div class="grey">\
Then you can hear, it's very faint at first but soon you can hear someone calling your name.
And that name is <<textbox "$pfname" "John">> <<textbox "$plname" "Doe" "nextpassage">>
[[Your eyes start to work again|OpenEyes]]
<div class="grey">\
Welcome to Begin Again!
A story about being reborn as a younger version of yourself in the modern day. Live your life anew and experience all that it offers.
Pay attention to your stats on the left.
- Too little energy and you might not be able to do things.
- Too much lust and you might just finish early and ruin a girls mood.
- Too much stress and you might not be able to work or spend time with a woman.
Manage all three and you'll enjoy all your new life has to offer.
By clicking play now you agree that you are over the age of 18 and are by law able to play this game.
[[Play now|Start]]
<<set $player = {
name : "",
money : 0,
maxEnergy : 100,
Energy : 50,
lust : 0,
maxLust : 100,
stress: 0,
maxStress : 100,
favor : 0,
Promotion : 0,
fitness : 0,
<!-- OtherVars -->
<<set $previousScene to "">>
<<set $goldenChip to false>>
<<set $smartPhone to false>>
<<set $photoBook to false>>
<<set $makeUp to false>>
<<set $hiredStaff to 0>>
<<set $dreamPersonality to 0>>
<<set $hasPenDrive to false>>
<!-- Dream -->
<<set $dreamEncounter to 0>>
<<set $angelsUnlocked to 0>>
<<set $angelUnlockCost to 10>>
<!-- SPA -->
<<set $spaLoyalty to 0>>
<<set $spaFirstTime to false>>
<!-- BAR -->
<<set $barFirstTime to false>>
<<set $barDrinkEvent to 0>>
<<set $barChatEvent to 0>>
<!-- AIRPORT -->
<<set $airportEvent to 0>>
/* OFFICE */
<!-- Reception -->
<<set $receptionEvent to 0>>
<!-- Work -->
<<set $workEvent to 0>>
<!-- BullPen -->
<<set $bullPenEvent to 0>>
<<set $onCase to false>>
<<set $caseName to "">>
<<set $caseCompletion to 0>>
<!-- Canteen -->
<<set $canteenEvent to 0>>
/* Mall */
<!-- Estate Agents -->
<<set $estateEvent to 0>>
<!-- Adult Store -->
<<set $adultEvent to 0>>
<-- Casino -->
<<set $casinoEvent to 0>>
<<set $blackJackHand to 0>>
<<set $dealersHand to 0>>
<<set $betAmount to 0>>
<<set $bjHands = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]>>
/* Leisure Centre */
<!-- Gym -->
<<set $gymEvent to 0>>
<!-- Pool -->
<<set $poolEvent to 0>>
<<set $swimmingLesson to false>>
<<set $lessonNum to 0>>
<!-- Activity -->
<<set $yogaEvent to 0>>
<<set $yogaLesson to false>>
<<set $yogaEnd to false>>
/* Time */
<<set $days = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $hour to 6>>
<<set $minute to 0>>
<<set $night to false>>
<<set $dayCheck to 0>>
<<set $currentDay to "">>
/* Women */
<!-- Cindy -->
<<set $cindyEvent to 0>>
<!-- Gina -->
<<set $storeEvent to 0>>
<<set $ginaEvent to 0>>
<!--Bridgette -->
<!-- Lucie -->
<<set $lucieRelationship to 0>>
<<set $lucieDate to 0>>
<<set $lucieHired to false>>
<!-- Kyra -->
<<set $kyraRelationship to 0>>
<<set $kyraDate to 0>>
<<set $kyraHired to false>>
<!-- Miguel -->
<<set $miguelRelationship to 0>>
<<set $miguelNTR to false>>
<<set $miguelEvent to 0>>
<<set $miguelNTREvent to 0>>
<<set $barMiguelMatureNum to 0>>
<<set $barMiguelYoungNum to 0>>
<!-- Hitomi -->
<<set $hitomiEvent to 0>>
<<set $hitomiNTR to false>>
<!-- Shay -->
<<set $shayEvent to 0>>
<!-- Ava -->
<<set $AvaEvent to 0>>
<!-- Misono -->
<<set $misonoEvent to 0>>
<<set $misonoSpeechCheck to false>>
<<set $infoDeleted to false>>
<!-- Mizuno -->
<<set $mizunoEvent to 0>>
<!-- Lena -->
<<set $lenaHired to false>>
<<set $lenaRelationship to 0>>
<!-- Eliza -->
<<set $elizaHired to false>>
<<set $elizaRelationship to 0>>
<!-- Background stuff -->
<<set $currentVersion to 1>>
<<set $Version to 1>>
<<set $charisma to 50>>
<<set $charismaCheck to 0>>
<<set $myofficeEvent to 0>>
<<set $videoStage to 0>>
<!-- Inv -->
<<set $caseDocuments to 0>>
<<set $hentaiBook to false>>
<<set $tamagotchi to false>>
<<set $camera to false>><<set $player.name to $pfname + " " + $plname>>\
<<set $dreamEncounter to 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You open your eyes to see a beautiful sight, clouds surround you and the sun bakes the vista in a warm glow. You're not sure if you're alive or dead but you are praying you've reached heaven either way.
You turn to the source of the noise and your eyes settle on a beautiful angel.
<img src = "img/Angel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Angel">> $pfname you are finally awake. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Who are you? Where am I? Am I in heaven? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> That's a lot of questions, but for you I'll answer them. My name is not yet important but maybe you'll learn it in due time. You guessed correctly, you're in heaven. You've lived a life free of sin and the vices of everyday life. You've been faithful to your wife and you've never strayed far from the path of good.
You should be proud of yourself. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So does that mean I have made it into heaven? Have I done enough to enter paradise? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> You have, in fact you have done so well you have been awarded a choice. A choice that is rarely offered to people.
You may choose to enter heaven, join your family members that you have lost along the way, and bask in the never ending joy of enterinty.
Or you can be reborn. Reborn as a young man again but this time, able to live out the vices that you so bravely resisted the first time around. But be warned, although this option may be tempting for you, you will be reborn with almost nothing, you will have to work from the ground up. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So a reward for living a life free of sin is a life filled with sin? Seems a little strange to me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> But this life will not be a normal one. Although you will start off with next to nothing. If you perform well, you will gain favor from myself and the other angels. These favors will enhance your abilites back on earth, giving you powers that can influence your life in ways you could only dream of in your first life. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I see, so performing well will earn me favor. What constitutes are performing well? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> That depends on the angel. I personally award favor for acts of submissive behaviour, any event that you find yourself in that has you being dominated by someone will ensure a healthy supply of favor from me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Dominated?? I didn't know angels were such sex fiends. I thought heaven was supposed to be pure? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> Please, when you really enjoy something you say "This feels like heaven" for a reason. We're here to enjoy existance and everything that it brings.
So have you made up your mind?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
So here you are, faced with a decision. Do you continue with the path you've led your whole life, stay in heaven and live an enterinty of peace.
Or do you take the angels offer and be reborn as a younger you and live the life you realised too late that you missed out on.
[[Stay in heaven|heaven]]
[[Be reborn and live your best life|reborn]]
</div>\<div class="grey">\
After some thought you decide that you've lived your life one way forever and it would be a shame to let it go all to waste.
Let's be honest, it's enternity of peace, if you chose to go back you would live for another 50-60 years and then after all that sin, hell forever? I mean if heaven exists then hell should too right?
You look up to the angel and give her your response.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I choose heaven please. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She looks at you a little disappointed
<img src = "img/Angel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Angel">> Well Mr.$plname I can't lie I'm a bit disappointed, but in the end it's your choice. You've earned that after all. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She clicks her fingers and great big pearly gates appear behind her. They slowly swing open and as you walk closer you hear the sounds of laughter and the voices of all you lost along the way. You close your eyes take a deep breath and walk through the gates.
You feel a warmth flow over your body, and you know deep down in your heart that you are finally at peace.
<This is where this option ends. If you want you can go back and choose the other option or restart.
This isn't a bad ending or good ending thing. But just an choice people can make if they want :)>
<<return "Go back and choose again">>
<div class="grey">\
You think for a moment. All your life you've been good, and just before your death you realised that all you had done had left you with regrets. So why not? After all why shouldn't you claim your just rewards?
With all the knowledge you have now surely you can make the next life even better. And with all these potential favors you can gain from the angels maybe you could really live you life like you'd always secretly dreamed.
You look back at the angel and give her your answer.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay, I accept your deal. I want to be reborn and try this whole thing again. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The angel let's out a smile and takes a step closer.
<<speech "Angel">> Excellent Mr.$plname. I'm sure you won't regret this decision. Now just a few things to go over before I send you back.
First, any and all acts done in your new life will not affect your place in heaven when the second life is up.
Second, you will not be going back to your past, you will be transported to the present day and your body will be that of a young adult.
Finally, you must under no circumstances tell anyone that you have been reborn. Well now I come to think of it, you'll most likely be labeled crazy anyway but still, you must do everything you can to ensure no one knows. Just live your life and enjoy it. Don't do anything crazy.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> That all seems reasonable. I accept your terms. Do I get to choose where I get reborn? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> Unfortunetly not. However, you are going to be reborn in a city and in a first world country so all options are open to you. Now unless you have any other questions. I can start the process of sending you back,<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You think of some questions to ask.
<<linkreplace "Why me? Surely there's others who have lived a good enough life as myself.">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Why me? Surely there's others who have lived a good enough life as myself. <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> Who said you were the only one? We've done this for many people. Have you ever wondered? Why is that person so successful? Or why is that person always getting the guy/girl? If so there's a good chance that they've chosen the same choice you've just made now.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Will I get to see you again?">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Will I get to see you again?. <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> I do hope so. In fact if you play your cards right and get enough favor from me, you could even cash it in for a night you'll never forget. <</speech>>
[[Nope let's get this party started|reborn2]]
<<speech "Angel">> Okay then Mr.$plname please close your eyes and relax, you'll slowly drift off to sleep and when you wake up you'll be in your new life. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You close your eyes and you start to feel light headed. Soon your body feels light and after a short period of time you feel the familiarity of unconsciousness.
[[Wake up in your new life|FirstWake]]
</div>\<div class="grey">\
You slowly open your eyes, blinking away the last remnants of sleep. The last thing you remember is speaking to that overly busty angel. You look around the small apartment room.
<img src = "img/Bedroom.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid white;">\
<div class="grey">\
It takes a few moments but it soon hits you. Holy shit this is real. Everything she said was real!
You can't believe that only a few hours ago you were at your deathbed waiting to meet your maker, and now your maker has sent you back.
You look around and find a phone and a wallet on your bedside table. You quickly look through the wallet and find 50 dollars in there.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> 50 dollars, it's not much to live on. I'll need to find a job soon if I want to make enough money to survive. <</speech>>
<<set $player.money to $player.money + 50>>\
<div class="grey">\
You have a quick look around your small apartment and see that you have:
*A small kitchen.
*A small bathroom.
*A crappy laptop.
Checking each thing out will take time. I should use my time wisely as everything will probably be open at 9am and I need to work hard to start rebuilding my life.
What do you do?
''DAY:'' <<print $days[$day % 7]>>
''TIME:'' <<display "time">>
''NAME:'' <<print $pfname + " " + $plname>>
''MONEY'' <<print "$" + $player.money>>
<<switch $player.Promotion>>\
<<case 0>>
<<case 1>>
''JOB TITLE: '' <<print "Associate Attorney">>
<<case 2>>
''JOB TITLE: '' <<print "Senior Attorney">>
<<case 3>>
''JOB TITLE: '' <<print "Junior Partner">>
''ENERGY:'' <<print $player.Energy + "/" + $player.maxEnergy>>
''LUST:'' <<print $player.lust + "/" + $player.maxLust>>
''STRESS:'' <<print $player.stress + "/" + $player.maxStress>>
''ANGEL FAVOUR: ''<<print $player.favor>>
''CHARISMA: ''<<print $charisma>>
<div class="sideButton">\
[[Girl Guide|Guide][$previousScene to passage()]]
<div class="sideButton2">\
[[Inventory|Inventory][$previousScene to passage()]]
<div class="sideButton3">\
[[Support Me?|Support][$previousScene to passage()]]
<div class="sideButton4">\
[[Cheats|Cheats][$previousScene to passage()]]
<<if $hour >= 24>>
<<set _over to $hour - 24>>
<<set $hour to _over>>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $swimmingLesson to false>>
<<set $yogaLesson to false>>
<<if $minute >= 60>>
<<set _over to $minute - 60>>
<<set $minute to _over>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<if $workEvent == 1 and $receptionEvent == 1>>
<<if $day > $dayCheck>>
<<set $bullPenEvent to 1>>
<<if $miguelNTR is true>>
<<if $day >= $dayCheck + 7 and $miguelEvent is 1>>
<<set $miguelNTREvent to 1>>
<<if $player.Energy > 100>>
<<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>>
<<if $player.Energy < 0>>
<<set $player.Energy to 0>>
<<if $player.lust > 100>>
<<set $player.lust to 100>>
<<if $player.lust < 0>>
<<set $player.lust to 0>>
<<if $player.stress > 100>>
<<set $player.stress to 100>>
<<if $player.stress < 0>>
<<set $player.stress to 0>>
<<set $currentDay to $days[$day %7]>>
<<if $minute == 60>>
<<set $minute to 0>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<if $hour >= 18>>
<<if $night is false>>
<<set $night to true>>
<<elseif $hour >= 6>>
<<if $night is true>>
<<set $night to false>>
<<if $night is false>>☀️<</if>> $hour:<<if $minute < 10>>0<</if>>$minute
<</nobr>><div class="grey">\
Your kitchen is small but filled with usful items to cook with. It's not winning any beauty contests but it will do for your basic food needs
<img src = "img/Kitchen.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid white;">\
<div class="grey">\
What do you choose to do?
<<if $hour < 12>>\
<<if $player.Energy lt $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<linkreplace "Cook some breakfast">>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="EnergyText">Energy Filled</div>
<<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not bad, but I wish I had a better kitchen to cook some nicer food.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Cook some breakfast">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I already have max energy. Maybe when I need more energy, I'll eat some food.<</speech>>
<<if $hour >= 12 and $hour < 18>>\
<<if $player.Energy lt $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<linkreplace "Cook some lunch">>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="EnergyText">Energy Filled</div>
<<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not bad, but I wish I had a better kitchen to cook some nicer food.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Cook some lunch">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I already have max energy. Maybe when I need more energy, I'll eat some food.<</speech>>
<<if $hour >= 18>>\
<<if $player.Energy lt $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<linkreplace "Cook some dinner">>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="EnergyText">Energy Filled</div>
<<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not bad, but I wish I had a better kitchen to cook some nicer food.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Cook some dinner">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I already have max energy. Maybe when I need more energy, I'll eat some food.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Your bathroom is quite modern for such a small apartment, a simple shower and bath combo and a sleak modern sink combine to make quite a pleasant room.
<img src = "img/Bathroom.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid white;">\
<div class="grey">\
You stand in the middle of your bathroom, what do you do?
<<linkreplace "Have a shower">>\
You wash yourself clean.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Lowered - 25</div>\
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust - 25>>\
<<if $player.lust < 0>>\
<<set $player.lust to 0>>\
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
[[Leave bathroom|Bedroom]]
<div class="grey">\
You open up the old laptop, after waiting 30 seconds for a google tab to open you realise that you really need an upgrade.
<img src = "img/oldLaptop.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid black;">\
<div class="grey" id="choices">\
What do you want to do online?
<<link "Browse Online">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
You mindlessly scroll through the internet for about an hour.
[[Shut down|Laptop]]
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<link "Watch Porn">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
What do type do you want to search for?
<<link "Straight">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="vid/Computer/ComPorn1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>
<<if $player.lust > 100>>\
<<set $player.lust to 100>>\
[[Shut down|Laptop]]
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
<<link "Interracial">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="vid/Computer/ComPornInter1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>
<<if $player.lust > 100>>\
<<set $player.lust to 100>>\
[[Shut down|Laptop]]
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
<<link "Asian">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="vid/Computer/ComPornAsian1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>
<<if $player.lust > 100>>\
<<set $player.lust to 100>>\
[[Shut down|Laptop]]
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
[[Shut down|Laptop]]
<<if $hasPenDrive is true>>\
[[Check the pen-drive|AvaPendrive]]
[[Shut down|Bedroom]]
</div>\<div class="grey">\
You stand in your room, it's a little small and plan. But it's yours for now and if anything it gives you a feeling of motivation to work hard and get a new place.
<img src = "img/Bedroom.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid white;">\
<div class="grey">\
What do you do?
<<linkreplace "Have a nap">>\
You have a quick nap and pass the time.
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<if $day == 7>>\
[[Go to Sleep|AngelDream]]
<<if $day > 7>>\
[[Go to Sleep|Bedroom][$hour to 8; $minute to 0; $day to $day + 1; $swimmingLesson to false; $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy; $yogaLesson to false]] -OR- [[Go to Heaven|HeavenShop]]
[[Go to Sleep|Bedroom][$hour to 8; $minute to 0; $day to $day + 1; $swimmingLesson to false; $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy; $yogaLesson to false]]
[[Head Outside|City]]
<<widget "updatebar">>\
<<replace "#story-caption">>\
<<display "StoryCaption">>\
<div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > Where do you want to go? </div>\
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="Spa" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Spa.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Spa </h3>
<a data-passage="Bar" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Bar.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Bar </h3>
<a data-passage="Offices" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Office.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Offices </h3>
<a data-passage="Bedroom" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Apartment.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Home </h3>
<a data-passage="Mall" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Mall.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Mall </h3>
<a data-passage="leisure centre" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Leisure.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Leisure Centre </h3>
<<if $myofficeEvent >= 1>>
<a data-passage="Airport" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/AirportLogo.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Airport </h3>
</div><<if $spaFirstTime is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time walking down the street and see a sign reading "Spa Massage". You think to yourself for a moment and decide that all this being reborn thing is tiresome and you could really do with a relaxing spar session.
So you open the door to the spa and you're greeted with a woman stood behind the counter.
<img src = "img/Cindy.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Cindy">> Welcome to Heaven On Earth massage parlour. My name is Cindy, how may I help you today? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course it's called heaven on earth, how fitting. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Sorry sir, I don't quite understand what you mean. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh it's nothing sorry. So Cindy your spa looks amazing, tell me more about what you offer here. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She continues with a wel trained smile on her face.
<<speech "Cindy">> Well we offer full body massages. As well as a stress reduction session which is more intesive. We also have a loyalty card which customers can gain points with. After a set amount of points you can redeem it for a VIP massage. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> A VIP massage? And what does that entail?<</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Sorry sir, it wouldn't be much of a VIP massage if everyone knew about it. If you save up your points I'm sure you can find out in no time at all. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She gives you a cheeky smile and bites her lip ever so slightly. You're guessing that the VIP massage probably isn't just a simple massage.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well I'm definetly interested, how much are your services? <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> For a standard massage it is $100, and for a stress reduction session that's $300.
The standard massage gives 10 loyalty points and the stress reduction session gives 30 loyalty points.
If you save 100 loyalty points then you qualify for the VIP massage.
<div class="grey">\
Jesus, $100 for a simple massage, and then $300 for a stress reduction session whatever that even is. You knew city living was going to be expensive but it's still a suprise how expensive this stuff is. But if you save the money you'd happily spend it on a massage if its her providing it.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sounds great, I can't wait to have my first massage. I'll be back when I need to unwind and relax. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Excellent I can't wait for your first session. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head out the front door of the spa. Maybe it would be a good idea to save up the loyalty points to get the VIP treatment. It must be worth it right?
<<set $spaFirstTime to true>>\
[[Head back out to the street|City]]
<img src = "img/Cindy.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Cindy">> Welcome to Heaven On Earth massage parlour. My name is Cindy, how may I help you today? <</speech>>
<div class="grey" id="choices">\
Cindy gives you a big smile and points to the various options that you can purchase.
<<print "You have " + $spaLoyalty + " points out of 100">>
What do you choose to do?
<<link "Full Body Massage - $100">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $player.money >= 100>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Please follow me into the back room and we'll get started. <</speech>>
[[Follow her|FBM]]
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<set$player.money to $player.money - 100>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Aww I'm sorry hunny, you don't seem to have enough money for that. Maybe come back when you have a bit more money, okay? <</speech>>
[[Choose something else|Spa]]
<<link "Stress Reduction Session - $300">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $player.money >= 300>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Please follow me into the back room and we'll get started. <</speech>>
[[Follow her|SRS]]
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<set$player.money to $player.money - 300>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Aww I'm sorry hunny, you don't seem to have enough money for that. Maybe come back when you have a bit more money, okay? <</speech>>
[[Choose something else|Spa]]
<<link "VIP Session">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $spaLoyalty >= 100>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Please follow me into the back room and we'll get started. <</speech>>
[[Follow her|VIP]]
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "Cindy">> Aww I'm sorry hunny, you don't seem to have enough loyalty points for that. Maybe come back when you have a bit more points, okay? <</speech>>
[[Choose something else|Spa]]
<<if $AvaEvent is 5 and $camera is true>>\
[[Wait around until Ava's Ex-husband shows up|Cindy with husband]]
[[Head back out to the street|City]]
<<if $hour >= 17 or $hour <= 2>>
<<if $barFirstTime is false>>
<div class="grey">\
You push open the door ot the bar and immediately hear the sound of talking, laughing and drinking. The bar seems quite full and clearly a popular place to go to for people after they finish work.
You walk past a few people and manage to make it to the bar, stood there the bartender has just finished serving some people and turns to you.
<img src = "img/Barman.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Bartender">> What can I get you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'll have a beer please. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bartender">> Coming right up. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
He turns around and grabs a cold bottle of beer from the fridge behind him. He pops the top and hands it over to you.
<<speech "Bartender">> You're new around here right? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I am yeah. Is it that easy to tell? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bartender">>Not really don't worry. I just have a good memory and I don't remember serving you before. So what brings you to Ney York? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Mainly looking for work as well as some excitement, <</speech>>
<<speech "Bartender">>Well you've come to the right place. New York always has something going on. If it's work I'd suggest the offices nearby if you haven't already. I heard it's owned by a big law firm who's always looking for associates.
As for excitement, there's always this bar, lot's of people come here to meet new people. But if all the hustle and bustle of the city is causing stress. I'd suggest the heaven on earth massage parlour down the road, trust me after one session there all your stress will just melt away.
I'd also suggest the leisure centre too. It has a pool, a gym and also depending on the day a specific classes such as yoga.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wow, thanks. That's a lot of help! Seriously. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bartender">> No worries. But hey I got to go and serve some more customers. Let me know if you need another drink. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Will do. Wait, I haven't even paid for this one yet. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bartender">> Don't worry it's on the house since it's your first beer in the big city. The next one will be full price though. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
He heads off to begin serving a group of women who all look amazing. As you drink your beer you start to think that this is probably a good place to start meeting som women since you've got to start gaining as much favor as possible.
<<set $barFirstTime to true>>\
[[Take a step back from the bar|Bar]]
<div class="grey">\
You stand near the bar. The place is packed as usual.
<img src = "img/BarImg.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid white;">\
<div class="grey">\
What do you do?
[[Go to the bar and buy a drink ($10)|BarDrink]]
[[Chat to some people at the bar|BarChat]]
<<if $AvaEvent is 4>> [[Look for Ava's Ex-Husband]]<</if>>
[[Leave the Bar|City]]
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the door of the bar but you don't see any lights on or any movement. As you go to leave you see a sign with the opening times on the front door.
<img src = "img/BarSign.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
[[Return to the street|City]]
<</if>><<if $currentDay is "Mon" or $currentDay is "Tue" or $currentDay is "Wed" or $currentDay is "Thu" or $currentDay is "Fri">>\
<<if $hour >=0 and $hour <= 8>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the large doors of the office buildings but you don't see any lights on or any movement. You remember that in almost all countries that the work day usually starts at 9am
[[Wait until 9am|Offices][$hour to 9]]
[[Return to the street|City]]
<<if $hour >= 9 and $hour <= 18>>\
<<if $workEvent == 0>>
<div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > Where do you want to go? </div>\
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="Reception" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Reception.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Reception </h3>
<<if $workEvent > 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > Where do you want to go? </div>\
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="Reception" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Reception.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Reception </h3>
<<if $onCase is false>>
<a data-passage="BullPen" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/BullPen.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> BullPen </h3>
<a data-passage="$caseName" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/BullPen.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> BullPen </h3>
<<if $player.Promotion >= 3>>
<a data-passage="MyOffice" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/MyOfficeBack.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> My Office </h3>
<a data-passage="Ava's Office" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/AvaOffice.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Ava's Office </h3>
<a data-passage="Canteen" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Canteen.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Canteen </h3>
<a data-passage="City" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/City.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> City </h3>
<<if $hour >=19 and $hour <= 24>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the large doors of the office buildings but you don't see any lights on or any movement. You remember that in almost all countries that the work day usually starts at 9am
[[Return to the street|City]]
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the large doors of the office buildings but you don't see any lights on or any movement. Probably because it's the weekend. You should come back on a week day if you want to get some work done.
[[Return to the street|City]]
<</if>><<if $hour >= 9 and $hour <= 18>>
<div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > Where do you want to go? </div>
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="Car Dealership" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/CarShop.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Car Dealership </h3>
<a data-passage="Estate Agent" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Estate.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Estate Agent </h3>
<a data-passage="Gift Store" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GiftShop.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Gift Store </h3>
<a data-passage="Adult Store" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/AdultShop.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Adult Store </h3>
<a data-passage="Casino" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Casino.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Casino </h3>
<a data-passage="City" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/City.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> City </h3>
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the door of the mall but you don't see any lights on or any movement. As you go to leave you see a sign with the opening times on the front door.
<img src = "img/MallSign.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
[[Return to the street|City]]
<</if>><<if $hour >= 9 and $hour <= 18>>
<div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > Where do you want to go? </div>
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="Gym" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Gym.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Gym </h3>
<a data-passage="Pool" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Pool.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Pool </h3>
<a data-passage="Activity Room" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Activity.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Activity Room </h3>
<a data-passage="City" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/City.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> City </h3>
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the door of the Leisure Centre but you don't see any lights on or any movement. As you go to leave you see a sign with the opening times on the front door.
<img src = "img/MallSign.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
[[Return to the street|City]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>
<div class="grey">\
You pass through some curtains into a small room with a table in the center. Cindy lays out a towel on the table and turns to you.
<<speech "Cindy">> I'm going to slip into something a little more comfortable, while I'm gone, please take off your clothes, lay on the massage table and place the smaller towel over you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy leaves you alone and you quickly do as you're told. Before too long she comes into the room dressed in a silk robe and walks up to the table.
<<speech "Cindy">> Okay sir, i'm going to start with massaging your back, hopefully to get all the tension out from your busy busy day. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/FBMCindy1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
Her hands begin to work your back. Her fingers seem to melt all worries and stress away. After some time you can't help but let out some relaxed noises.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh my god Cindy, this feels amazing, I've never felt this relaxed before. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Oh sir, it's only just begun. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She starts to massage lower, getting into your lower back and changing the technique to start using her elbows. Digging into knots you never even knew you had.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Spa/FBMCindy2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Just there, you really know your way around a guys body. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> You don't even know the half of it sir. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy let's out a little laugh and slowly walks around to the front. there she bends over your heard and you notice that she's undone her silk robe, showing all of her beautiful body.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Spa/FBMCindy3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh wow, this really is heaven on earth. I've never agreed with a places name more than I do now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Well this is just the full body massage session. If you really want to feel the true heaven on earth experience you better start collecting those loyalty points <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I think I've just found my lifes new goal. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy finshes up her massage and goes to leave. she turns around before she passes through the curtains.
<<speech "Cindy">> I hope this experience was as enjoyable for you as it was to me. Don't forget to collect as much loyalty points as you can. I'd love to see you in a VIP session. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
And with that she leaves the room. Leaving you to get dressed alone and head back to the main reception
<<set $spaLoyalty to $spaLoyalty + 10>>
<<set $player.stress to 0>>
[[Return to Reception|Spa]]
</div>\<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You pass through some curtains into a small room with a table in the center. Cindy lays out a towel on the table and turns to you.
<<speech "Cindy">> I'm going to slip into something a little more comfortable, while I'm gone, please take off your clothes, lay on the massage table and place the smaller towel over you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy leaves you alone and you quickly do as you're told. Before too long she comes into the room dressed in a silk robe and walks up to the table.
<<speech "Cindy">> Because it seems you have some serious stress I think it's important that we start straight away. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy gets on her hands and knees before you and to your surprise grabs your cock and starts to stroke.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/SRSCindy1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Oh yes I can work with this. a lovely thick cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Is this how you treat all your customers? <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Of course sir. This is the special stress reduction session. And it seems you're really really stressed. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy starts to speed up and before you know it she takes your whole member in her mouth and starts to suck for all shes worth,
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/SRSCindy2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh my god. That feels amazing, keep going like that. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> mmmomf cmourmse <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shhhh you don't need to talk, just keep sucking. I'm getting close. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
After you say that, surprisingly Cindy takes you out of her mouth. But before you can complain you notice that she places you penis between her small perky tits and starts giving you a titfuck.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/SRSCindy3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Cindy">> They're not as big as some other women but I've never had any complaints about my titfucks before. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You'll have none from me either, jesus that feels so good.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She keeps going for a few more minutes and it quickly gets to a point of no return.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck Cindy I'm going to cum any second now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Yes please cum on my stomach. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy quickly lays on her back and you lean over her and let it all out.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck yes I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/SRSCindy4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Cindy">> Mmmmm yes, look at all that cum. I bet any stress you had has just melted away right? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Hell yeah it has, I've forgotten what I was even stressed about in the first place. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">> Excellent then it's a job well done. I'm going to go and clean up. You get yourself dressed. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy wraps herself in the robe and leaves the room. Leaving you sat there with the realisation of what has happened.
After a few minutes you're dressed and leaving through the curtains.
<<set $player.stress to 0>>
<<set $spaLoyalty to $spaLoyalty + 30>>
[[Return to the reception|Spa]]
</div>\<<if $player.money < 10>>
<div class="grey">\
I don't have enough money to get a drink. Maybe I should come back when I have enough
[[Step away from the bar|Bar]]
<<if $barDrinkEvent == 0>>
<<set $player.money to $player.money - 10>>\
<div class="grey">\
You head over to the bar, call the bartender over.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Can I have a drink please? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bartender">> Sure what's your poison?. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Surprise me, <</speech>>
<img src = "img/BarDrink.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
The bartender mixes a drink together and hands it to you. It tastes great but strong. You feel your stress slowly slip away.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="StressText">Stress Lowered - 25</div>\
<<set $player.stress to $player.stress - 25>>\
<<if $player.stress < 0>>\
<<set $player.stress to 0>>\
What do you do?
[[Order another?|BarDrink]]
[[Step away from the bar|Bar]]
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
<<if $barChatEvent == 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You manage to find a space at the bar. You notice a few people speaking in a group, maybe pushing yourself into a group of people this early on isn't a good idea you think.
After a minute or so you notice a woman sat on her own, with a bit of dutch courage you walk over to her and introduce yourself.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Don't tell me you're here all alone. I guess I'll be the gentleman here and fix that problem. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The woman turns to face you and you see her properly for the first time.
<img src = "img/Bridgette.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Well it's not the worst pick up line I've ever heard. But you'll have to do much better than that to have a chance with me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay fair enough, it's not my best but let me at least buy you a drink. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> I guess I can let you do that. I'll have another beer, I've just finished mine. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You turn to the bartender and ask him for another beer for the woman.
<<speech "Bartender">> Sure thing. That will be $10 <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You reach for your wallet, what do you do?
<div id="choices">\
<<link "Pay for her drink">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $player.money >= 10>>\
<<set$player.money to $player.money - 10>>\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Thanks, I guess you're making up for the poor start. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Thanks I aim to please. So do I get to know your name? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> It's Bridgette, and what about you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> $pfname. I just moved here, so far New Yorks been great. What is it you do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Other than drink here most nights? I work at the leisure centre a few blocks down. I teach the Yoga class there. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I knew that someone with as good a body as you had to do something sporty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> You should come down and book a session or two. It runs every Wednesday and Saturday. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sounds great. I'll defenity check it out.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time talking before you decide to head back from the bar.
<<set $barChatEvent to 2>>
[[leave the bar|Bar]]
<<speech "Bridgette">> Jesus you can't even afford to buy a drink? Why are you even at the bar? Bye. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns away from you, maybe you should get a bit more money before trying to talk to her again.
<<set $barChatEvent to 1>>
[[leave the bar|Bar]]
<<link "Resfuse to pay for her drink">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You know what it's the 21st centry, women should pay for their own drinks. You know empowerment and all that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Jesus if you can't even afford to buy a drink? Why even offer? Bye. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns away from you, maybe you should get a bit more money before trying to talk to her again.
<<set $barChatEvent to 1>>
[[leave the bar|Bar]]
<<if $barChatEvent == 1>>\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Have you finally found the money to pay for my drink?. <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Bridgette.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div id="choices">
<<link "Pay for her drink">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $player.money >= 10>>\
<<set$player.money to $player.money - 10>>\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Thanks, I guess you're making up for the poor start. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Thanks I aim to please. So do I get to know your name? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> It's Bridgette, and what about you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> $pfname. I just moved here, so far New Yorks been great. What is it you do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Other than drink here most nights? I work at the leisure centre a few blocks down. I teach the Yoga class there. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I knew that someone with as good a body as you had to do something sporty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> You should come down and book a session or two. It runs every Wednesday and Saturday. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sounds great. I'll defenity check it out.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time talking before you decide to head back from the bar.
<<set $barChatEvent to 2>>
[[leave the bar|Bar]]
<<speech "Bridgette">> Jesus you can't even afford to buy a drink? Why are you even at the bar? Bye. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns away from you, maybe you should get a bit more money before trying to talk to her again.
<<set $barChatEvent to 1>>
[[leave the bar|Bar]]
<<link "Resfuse to pay for her drink">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You know what it's the 21st centry, women should pay for their own drinks. You know empowerment and all that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Jesus if you can't even afford to buy a drink? Why even offer? Bye. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns away from you, maybe you should get a bit more money before trying to talk to her again.
<<set $barChatEvent to 1>>
[[leave the bar|Bar]]
<<if $barChatEvent == 2>>\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Hey again. How's things? <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Bridgette1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Good how's things with you? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You chat together for a bit and after a while decide to leave the bar.
[[leave the bar|Bar]]
<<if $barChatEvent == 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
You head over ot the bar and find an empty spot. Looking around you don't notice anyone you know.
After a few minutes you hear a voice calling your name from behind you.
<<speech "Bridgette">> Hey ther $pfname, how are you enjoying the yoga lessons so far? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You turn around to see Bridgette standing there in a brilliantly fitting black dress.
<img src = "img/Bridgette2.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>To be honest with you I find it really frustrating. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Oh really? And why is that? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I have this really hot yoga teacher. Smoking hot body, loves showing it off. But just won't let me go any further with her for some reason. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Hmmm, maybe it could be becasue she doesn't want to be seen as an easy slut who sleeps around with her students? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh I don't think she would be a easy slut at all, it's just the one student anyway. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> That you know of. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You hear a little joking tone in her voice but for some reason think she's probably not completely joking.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I know we're doing the back and forth thing but... Really? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Well Mr. $plname, I didnt take you for a jealous type. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No, no of course not. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Good, cause there's nothing more of a turn off than a guy who trys to control who a woman is with. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
As she says this she leans a bit closer and looks around. You notice that the bar is really quite empty right now, even the bar tender is nowhere to be seen.
Bridgette looks around too and quickly pulls the top of her dress down showing you her bra underneath.
<img src = "img/Bridgette3.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Bridgette">> A good man who knows what he can and can't do with a woman will really get far. Are you that man? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shiiit, definetly of course I am. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Hmm we'll have to see in time won't we. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette pulls up her dress again and leans closer to you.
<<speech "Bridgette">>How about you come back to one of my yoga classes and I'll show you how a good man is treated. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh I'm there, absolutely! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Good, meet me there for the next lesson, and we can have a more private session. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette gives you a small kiss on the cheek and turns around to leave the bar.
Guess I know what I'm doing next Wednesday or Saturday....
[[Leave the bar|Bar][$yogaEvent to 2; $barChatEvent to 2]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You pass through some curtains into a small room with a table in the center. Cindy lays out a towel on the table and turns to you.
<<speech "Cindy">> I'm going to slip into something a little more comfortable, while I'm gone, please take off your clothes, lay on the massage table and place the smaller towel over you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy leaves you alone and you quickly do as you're told. Before too long she comes into the room dressed in a silk robe and walks up to the table.
<<speech "Cindy">>Welcome to the VIP session. We skip the massages in this session and get straight down to the pleasure<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy bends over in-front of you and takes off her underwear.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Cindy">>Now Mr. $plname I'm going to make you feel like you've entered heaven on earth. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy mounts you and slowly pushes your cock into her impossibly tight pussy.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuuuuck that feels amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">>Just wait until I start moving properly. Don't cum too soon okay. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Cindy">>Good you're doing so well, most men cum too fast with me. They can't handle my tight pussy. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm not surprised, it's so tight it's driving me insane. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">>I'm pleased you like it so much, just don't fall in love with me Mr. $plname. Not so soon anyway. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns around and lays back towards you, wrapping her arm around your head.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Cindy">>That's right baby, pump your cock deep into me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh my god, you're making it so hard not to blow my load right here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">>Let's switch up positions then to give you a little rest. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck this is supposed to be a rest? This is just getting me closer, look at that amazing ass. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">>Hold as long as you can Mr. $plname, trust me it will be worth it in the end.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy seems to feel your desperation and decides to give you a little break by laying on her front and sucking your dick for a little bit.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn this is the best massage I've ever had, I need to keep coming here everytime I'm stressed.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy gives out a little giggle and lays on her back, pulling you ontop of her.
<<speech "Cindy">>Time to give you the release you've been begging for.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit I really am going to cum now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">>Beg me for it, I'm not going to let you cum until you beg.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She slows to an almost complete stop. Shit she's serious.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, Cindy please... Please let me cum. <</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">>Good boy, now cum, cum hard for me.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She speeds up and starts pulling you towards her again.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit, that's done it. I'm cumming! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Spa/VIPCindy7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Cindy">>Yeeessss! Cover me in cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck that was amazing. Worth every loyalty point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Cindy">>I'm excited for you to gather the loyalty points again for a second round.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Cindy stand up and wraps herself in the robe and leaves the room. Leaving you sat there completely drained..
After a few minutes you're dressed and leaving through the curtains.
<<set $player.stress to 0>>
<<set $spaLoyalty to $spaLoyalty - 100>>\
<<set $cindyEvent to 1>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
[[Return to the reception|Spa]]
</div>\<<set $workEvent to 1>>
<<if $receptionEvent == 0>>
<div class="grey">\
You're not really sure where you should be going, but the reception seems like a good start.
You noitce that the receptionist has just stood up and is about to leave so you head closer to her. When you get within ear shot you call out to her.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Hi there. I... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Before you get a chance to finish the sentence the woman doesn't even look up and interupts you.
<img src = "img/Dillion.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Dillion">> If you're here for the interviews, you're late! Head up the stairs to the offices and pray that they don't throw your CV out on the spot. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> uhhh no I'm.... <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">> Why are you stood talking to me with your mouth open like a fish. Hurry up and get up there. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
It's clear that you won't get a word in here. But she did say that there was an interview going on upstairs. I should head up there and try to blend in. If I'm lucky my monetary issues may just solve themselves.
[[Head up the stairs|Interview]]
<<if $receptionEvent == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You're stood in reception, what do you do?
[[Go back to the main area|Offices]]
<</if>><div class="grey">\
You head up the stairs and can see a few people sat down. You take a seat next to one of them.
It doesn't take long to realise that everyone but you are dressed in a suit.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well shit. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
After a few minutes a clerk comes out and picks up a piece of paper from a table just outside the door. Calls out a name and the only other guy with you stands up and heads inside.
Now that you're alone you decide to stand up and walk towards the table near the door. On it you notice some paper stappled together, it seems to be the last stack of paper left.
You quickly read through it and realise that it's a CV for a Mr. Ben Dover. You take a quick look behind you and notice that whoever this Ben Dover is he clearly isn't here. You're then suddenly struck with a devious idea. You quickly run downstairs to the receptionist.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Excuse me can I get a pen and some tip-ex? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Somewhat surprised the receptionist grabs the items and cautiously hands them to you.
<<speech "Dillion">> Ummm sure, but I better get these back okay. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course, you won't even notice they're gone. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You dash back upstairs praying that the final interview hadn't finished yet. To your relief you notice the paperwork still on the table.
You quickly get to work using the tip-ex to remove any traces of this Mr. Dovers name and replacing it with your own. Once done, you quickly skim through the papers to learn as much as you can.
Soon you hear movement behind the door and quickly sit back down in your orignal spot. The door swings open and the guy who went in a few minutes ago leaves and the clerk follows him out. Picks up the final stack of papers and calls out "Ummm Mr. $plname".
With a small smile of satisfaction you stand up and walk into the interview room.
<img src = "img/BossOffice.jpg" class="centerBigger" style="border: 2px solid black;">\
<<speech "Ava">> Please take a seat Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
In front of you is a stunning mature woman, she's standing gesturing you to sit down opposite her. Not that you need to be told twice, you take a seat in-front of her.
<img src = "img/AvaInterview.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Ava">> Apologies for the wait Mr. $plname. There has been more interest in this position than we originally thought. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Not a problem at all they do say it's best to save the best until last, and please call me $pfname <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">> Well $pfname. I sure hope your confidence persists through the interview.
Now your CV says that you have graduatted from Harvard Law with full Honors. That's very impressive. I hope you don't mind answering a few questions just to make sure you really know your stuff?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
"Shit" you think, well let's hope you can remember as much as you can from your last life. It might just be enough to get me the job.... You hope.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course, ask away. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">> Excellent! First, Laws that are written by a state legislature are known as? <</speech>>
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "Statutory Law">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Correct! That one was easy, I would be very surprised if you had gotten that one wrong. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">> Now next. Minor crimes like vandalism and speeding are classified as <</speech>>
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "Felonies">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Torts">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Misdemeanors">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Correct! Not bad so far. One more to go. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">> What type of law is used to resolve disputes between Congress and the President? <</speech>>
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "Civil">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Constitutional">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Excellent. Well done $pfname. You never can be too sure with these things. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The rest of the interview goes well. It looks like you lucked out when you took this Ben Dover guys CV. Before you know it the interview comes to an end.
<<speech "Ava">> Well Mr. $plname I'm impressed, which is something that doesn't happen often. It's with great pleasure that I would like to offer you a position here at Addams & Ann as an Associate Attorney. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> That's amazing I happily accept. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">> Of course you do hunny. Make no mistake, you'll be thrown into the deep-end. You'll report to the bullpen, don't be scared of the name it's just a place where all the associates work. You'll be tasked with reading through court documents and providing the junior partners with any support that they need.
If you work hard then who knows a junior partnership could be a possibility. We take pride in rewarding hard work.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> This all sounds amazing. I can't wait to get started. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">> Good, I will set things up our end. Don't forget to report to the bullpen for 9am tomorrow. Oh and before I forget, wear a suit. I like the casual look but we're a professional law firm and the dress code is suits or formal dresses.
Good bye $pfname<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The clerk opens the door and you leave, heading down to the reception you can't help but smile about how you managed to pull that off.
Don't forget to go to work tomorrow at 9am!
<<set $receptionEvent to 1>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 5>>\
<<set $dayCheck to $day>>\
<<set $player.Promotion to 1>>
[[Back to Reception|Reception]]
<<link "Criminal">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Military">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Plantiffs">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Constitutional Law">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Administative Law">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
<<link "Case Law">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Ava">> Ummm no, not even close. I really don't think this role is suited for you. Thank you for your time Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Nice one you blew it... Try again.
[[Try Again|Interview]]
</div><<if $bullPenEvent == 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
The bullpen seems filled with activity. You remember that Ava told you to come back tomorrow so you probably shouldn't stick around.
[[Head back|Offices]]
<<if $bullPenEvent == 1>>
<<if $hour == 9>>
<div class="grey">\
You hear the activity of the bullpen before you see it. Young associates running around, photo-copying papers. Speaking to people on the phones, arguing with other co-workers about legal issues. The place is almost unnerving, especially since you comepletely bullshitted your way into this position. But if you managed to convince the boss you should be able to convince some snot nosed associates.
You walk past a few stalls before you arrive at one with four names on it. "Kyra", "Miguel", "Lucie" and "$pfname".
You take a seat at one of the seats, the stall seems to be a cube with four chairs and computers inside. You're assuming the other chairs are for the other associates who have their names next to yours. The mystery doesn't remain for long as the first person walks into the stall. A beautiful woman with her hair pulled back stands in-front of you.
<img src = "img/Lucie.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Lucie">> Hi there, and which one are you? Miguel or $pfname? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You stand up and shake her hand.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> $player.name, nice to meet you. How about you, Kyra or Lucie? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> I'm Lucie Wilde and $pfname it seems like we're the first to arrive. how are you feeling on your first day? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> A bit nervous I'm not going to lie, how about you is this your first day too? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> Of course, all four of us in this stall are new starters starting today. I'm really nervous but excited to get started on some real cases. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">> You'll be waiting a while then. The partners don't have us associates work on any cases straight away. Especially not brand new associates like us. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both turn to the sound of the voice and a man walks into the cubical and stands next to you with his hand out stretched.
<img src = "img/Miguel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">> Miguel, nice to meet you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You shake his hand, noting his firm grip... Trying to assert some dominance from the get go? No probably just your imagination.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> The names $pfname, and likewise. This here is Lucie, and I think we're just waiting on Kyra now before we're all here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>She's probably just running late. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">> She better hope she isn't, being late on your first day is a really bad start. If she's not here in about five minutes she's going to miss the work division. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You and Lucie look at each other with confusion.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Work divison? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">> Have neither of you ever worked in a law firm before? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>It's my first time and I'm guessing the same for $pfname as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">> Okay well the work divison happens at the start of each day. If a group of associates don't have work then they are given an assignment to complete for one of the junior partners. It's a way to make sure everyone always has work to do. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So if Kyra misses it she's going to be behind on work from day one. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Almost immediately after saying that you hear footsteps behind you and see a woman with a stack of papers in her hands speed walking towards your stall. She rushes in and drops the papers on the last free desk. She then turns around to all of you with an embarrassed look on her face.
<img src = "img/Kyra.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Kyra">>Oh my god, I haven't missed the work divison have I? I've had the most hectic morning. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Nope not yet, I think you made it with a minute to spare. I'm $pfname by the way, this here is Miguel and the woman next to you is Lucie. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>I'm sorry I completetly forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kyra, it's nice to see who I'll be working with in the bullpen. I'm so excited to get to know all of you. Did you know that... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra's voice is drowned out by a shout coming from the front of the bullpen. A man calls out to everyone telling them that the work division is beginning. He tells everyone that the work will be handed out to all associates that have no assignements as of right now.
After he is done a few other people takes the stacks of paper from his hands and rushes around to the other stalls handing them out. They soon get to your stall and they put a stack of papers on the closest desk. They then rush off to do the same to the final few stalls.
The man at the front then reminds everyone of the importance of finishing the work as quickly as possible and leaves the bullpen. You turn back to your group and all take a look at the papers. You each take some time going through sections of the documents.
<<speech "Miguel">> Hmmm by the looks of it, it seems to be a property dispute case. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Yes a Mrs. James is suing a Mr. James, guessing that's her husband, for complete ownership of the property. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> It also says here that Mrs. James said that her husband broke the vows of marriage by sleeping with another woman, and in her opinion that voids any claim he has on the house. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Wait I thought you said we're not given cases as associates Miguel? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">> And we haven't been. This is a case for a junior partner, it says at the bottom they need us to research the law on property disputes after infidelity and compile it into a report for the junior partner to use. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Also it says that both the prosecutor and the defendant has asked for our law firms help. I guess the junior partner wants to know which side has the strongest case before we choose who to back. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Well let's get started. The quicker we do this the quicker we can start impressing the partners. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Everyone agrees and you get started on reseach.
[[Start some research|Case1][$onCase to true; $caseName to "Case1"]]
<div class="grey">\
You were told to be there at 9am. Maybe come back at the right time?
[[Head back|Offices]]
<</if>><div class="grey">\
As you walk into the canteen you're greeted with a lovely smell of roasted coffee. There's a few people sat around having some food and drinking some coffee.
You walk up to the counter and see what's on offer. The food and drinks seem quite fairly priced, espeically for the center of New York.
<div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > What do you want to buy? </div>\
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="Canteen" data-setter="$player.money to $player.money - 7, $player.Energy to $player.Energy + 25, $player.stress to $player.stress - 25">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Coffee.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Coffee $7
(Energy & Stress)</h3>\
<a data-passage="Canteen" data-setter="$player.money to $player.money - 15, $player.Energy to $player.Energy + 50">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Food.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Meal $15
(+50 Energy)</h3>\
<a data-passage="Offices" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Office.jpg" width="210px" height="146px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Offices </h3>
</a>\<<if $AvaEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to Ava's office. You remember this place from your interview.
You see she's inside there talking with a few partners from the firm. They seem to be in a deep conversation about something important.
You notice that the only people who go into her office are partners. You'll probably have to come back when you make partner here. At least you have a goal now to work towards.
[[Go back|Offices]]
<<if $AvaEvent is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You make your way to Ava's office and see the door closed. You don't hear any talking happening inside so you knock on the door and wait for a response.
<<speech "Ava">>Come in.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You open the door and enter the office. It still looks similar to how it was in your interview. Ava is sitting on her desk reading a case file, as you walk in she puts it down and turns to you.
<img src = "img/Ava1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hello Mrs. Addams, you asked for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Please $pfname I think you've worked here long enough to call me by my first name. Please call me Ava from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course, Ava. May I ask why I've been called to your office?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Well I should tell you $pfname, that I've been keeping my eye on you, after your interview you showed great promise so I decided to put you in a group of associates to see how you would handle it.
I felt that you could hold your own again Luice and Kyra, but I put Miguel in there as he has quite a bit of experience. You however, proved yourself a capable associate and not only that I heard that you managed to win in court for the first time, and on your 3rd case as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well it was mainly Hitomi who helped me out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Well I spoke to her earlier today and she seemed to think otherwise. She gave you a glowing recomendation. Tell me $pfname. Do you know what the position is above Senior Associate? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well it's different dependant on country and company, but I think it's partner right? <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Exactly that! Junior partner to be precise. Do you know what a partner for a law firm is? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Someone who works on more difficult cases?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Yes, but also it is someone who is part of the company, they are partners with the law firm that they work in. This also means that being a partner means that they also gain profit sharing and bonuses of the company. Mainly giving them voting rights.
I'm telling you this because there is two ways a partner can be considered for promotion. First, is by time spent at the company, once an associate works here to 5 years they are considered for a partnership. The second is through recomendation, if an associate is recomended by another partner then the managing partners will choose to promote them or not.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So I'm assuming that since I'm here talking to you, I'm being considered for a promotion to junior partner?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>The truth is that we've lost quite a lot fo partners to a competing firm. And we are in a more desperate position than I'd like to say. Because of this we need to fill our ranks to show to the public that we're not weakened. That's where you come in, we're willing to offer you partnership due to your exceptional work so far. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You'd make me a junior partner so soon? That seems a bit sudden doesn't it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>It almost sounds like you're talking yourself out of a promotion. Do you not want this opportunity?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I do! I'm just a little shocked at it all. I'll happily accept. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Wonderfull! There is however a small issue with the promotion. All junior partners need to buy in. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>What does that mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Well since partners have voting power and gain sharing profits of the company it means they must show that they are willing to buy into this system. Of course, the promotion bonus helps towards this. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>How much is the buy in? And how much is the promotion bonus?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>The buy in is $10,000. And the promotion bonus is $5,000. But due to our increased need for junior partners I'm willing to increase the promtion bonus to $10,000. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hmmm they do seem pretty desperate here. Maybe I could try and convince her to give a bigger promotion bonus? But if I fail I might piss her off. What should I do?
<div id="choices">\
<<link "Best not to risk it...">>
<<replace "#choices">>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That's very generous of you Ava. I gladly accept.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>That's brilliant to hear. I'll use the bonus to pay off the buy in. From here on out you will be a Junior Partner here at Addams and Ann. One of the perks of the promotion is that you get your own office, so no more working in the bullpen. Also you will be part of meetings whens larger cases are brought in, where we will decide who works on them. And then of course there is the considerable pay increase too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>This sounds amazing. I can't wait to get started with it all. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Your office is on the sixth floor. I would suggest heading there and getting yourself comfortable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I will thank you very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Oh and $pfname, I expect great things from you, if you meet my expectations then there will only be positive things. So make sure you do your best. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Ava goes back to reading the files on her desk. You leave and close the door behind you.
Holy shit! What a promotion, more money and more opportunites, not to mention an office. I best go check it out as soon as! [[Head back|Offices][$hour to $hour + 1; $caseName to "Case5"; $player.Promotion to 3; $caseCompletion to 0; $AvaEvent to 2]]
<<link "Give it a try - (% based off charisma skill)">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $charismaCheck to random(1,100)>>\
<<if $charisma >= $charismaCheck>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm greatful that you have offered my this position, but to get no money as a bonus for a promotion since it all goes to the buy in seems a little unfair. Could you do any higher?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have a Charisma level of $charisma, the other person rolled a $charismaCheck. That means your charisma is higher than theirs! Nice one.
<<speech "Ava">>I guess you're right there. The highest I can do for a bonus is $15,000 but not a cent more. That gives you $5,000 left after the buy in.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That's very generous of you Ava. I gladly accept.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>That's brilliant to hear. I'll use the bonus to pay off the buy in. From here on out you will be a Junior Partner here at Addams and Ann. One of the perks of the promotion is that you get your own office, so no more working in the bullpen. Also you will be part of meetings whens larger cases are brought in, where we will decide who works on them. And then of course there is the considerable pay increase too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>This sounds amazing. I can't wait to get started with it all. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Your office is on the sixth floor. I would suggest heading there and getting yourself comfortable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I will thank you very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Oh and $pfname, I expect great things from you, if you meet my expectations then there will only be positive things. So make sure you do your best. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Ava goes back to reading the files on her desk. You leave and close the door behind you.
Holy shit! What a promotion, more money and more opportunites, not to mention an office. I best go check it out as soon as! [[Head back|Offices][$hour to $hour + 1; $caseName to "Case5"; $player.Promotion to 3; $caseCompletion to 0; $player.money to $player.money + 5000; $AvaEvent to 2]]
<<if $charisma <= $charismaCheck>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm greatful that you have offered my this position, but to get no money as a bonus for a promotion since it all goes to the buy in seems a little unfair. Could you do any higher?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have a Charisma level of $charisma, the other person rolled a $charismaCheck. That means their charisma is higher than yours this time, unlucky!. Don't worry though, a failed attempt means you've learned from this, your charisma will be permanently increased.
<<speech "Ava">>No I cannot give anymore than that. I'm a little disappointed in you $pfname. I didn't know that you were this money centered. Maybe I misjudged you. $10,000 is already higher than most people get for their promotion to Junior Partner.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I didn't mean to offend. I'm happy to take the generous offer you made Ava. I gladly accept.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>That's brilliant to hear. I'll use the bonus to pay off the buy in. From here on out you will be a Junior Partner here at Addams and Ann. One of the perks of the promotion is that you get your own office, so no more working in the bullpen. Also you will be part of meetings whens larger cases are brought in, where we will decide who works on them. And then of course there is the considerable pay increase too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>This sounds amazing. I can't wait to get started with it all. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Your office is on the sixth floor. I would suggest heading there and getting yourself comfortable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I will thank you very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Oh and $pfname, I expect great things from you, if you meet my expectations then there will only be positive things. So make sure you do your best. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Ava goes back to reading the files on her desk. You leave and close the door behind you.
Holy shit! What a promotion, more money and more opportunites, not to mention an office. I best go check it out as soon as! [[Head back|Offices][$hour to $hour + 1; $caseName to "Case5"; $player.Promotion to 3; $caseCompletion to 0; $charisma to $charisma + 5; $AvaEvent to 2]]
<<if $AvaEvent is 2 and $misonoEvent < 4 and $mizunoEvent < 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to Ava's office..
You see that she looks very busy working and it's probably best if you don't interupt here.
I'm sure if she needs you she'll contact you. Now you're a partner you'll probably be seeing much more of her.
[[Go back|Offices]]
<<if $AvaEvent is 2 and $misonoEvent is 4 and $mizunoEvent is 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk into the office and see Ava stood with another woman who you've never seen before. They both turn to you and you see this new woman properly as she looks at you.
<img src = "img/Lisa.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Ava">>Ahhh! Welcome back Mr. $plname. Lisa, this is the newest junior partner that I was talking to you about. He's just come back form Tokyo doing a great job over there I've heard! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lisa">>$pfname, it's nice to finally meet you, my name is Lisa Ann and I'm the other managing partner here at the firm. I've been hearing great things about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Nice to meet you, I'm glad you're hearing good things. Hopefully I can continue to impress. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Well, from the messages I received from our client in Tokyo. You really impressed them. You sorted everything out before it even went to trail. They were happy to pay us out fee plus a bonus on the money they saved. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You notice Lisa raise her eyebrows slightly. Seeminly impressed about your work.
<<speech "Lisa">>Well, that's brilliant to hear. I've been talking to Ava about the work you've done and after hearing this you've more than earned your bonus. You'll be getting $25,000 as your bonus. I think that's more than generous for the work you've done. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank you so much! <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Also, since you left so quickly after your promotion you never chose your personal associates, as a new Junior Partner you get two but as you climb up the ladder you're able to hire more. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I thought I would just use the crop of associates in the bullpen? <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Yes, you can but they are just for everyday research. Your personal associates work more closely with you on cases and report directly to you with workloads. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Excellent, I'll head back to my office and pick some. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lisa">>You may look for people who already work here, or from outside. The only requirement is that they have a law degree. Pick wisely Mr. $plname. As for now Ava and I need to catch up on some buisness, it's been a long time since I've been at the office. If you don't mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course, it was a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Ann. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You nod your head and turn to leave the office. It's good you're finally being noticed by the managing partners. It's especially good that they're both smoking hot. You'll have to make sure you continue to impress so you can get closer to both of them.
[[Head back|Offices][$AvaEvent to 3; $myofficeEvent to 2; $player.money to $player.money + 25000]]
<<if $AvaEvent is 3 and $hiredStaff < 2 >>\
<div class="grey">\
You see Ava inside doing work.
You think it's best not to bother her until you're either called in or until you need to go and speak to her about something important.
<<if $AvaEvent is 3 and $hiredStaff is 2 >>\
<div class="grey">\
You knock on the door and you hear Ava call you inside.
She's sat behind her desk and as you walk in she smiles and gestures you to take a seat.
<<speech "Ava">>Please $pfname, take a seat. I trust you've hired two personal associates?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I have, I'm excited to have them help me complete cases. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Excellent! However, I'm not here to ask you to complete a case, but I need a personal favor.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
A personal favor? This could be the perfect opportunity to get closer with Ava.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course, I'm happy to help anyway I can.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>I'm glad to hear it. The truth is I need someone to do a little work off the record. You see I have a little issue with a person from my past. He's shown up randomly and is causing a some issues. Normally I would have this sorted by someone else but I've heard of your investigative powers from our clients in Japan. And I need some of those skills now.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well I can try my best. What is it excatly you need me to investigate?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>It's my ex-husband. He's appeared suddenly out of nowhere and is threatening to leak some personal files of mine. We have been divorced for 5 years now and he has never really gotten over it. He's now come back and is threatining to leak these files. Normally I wouldn't mind but they have sensitive information on that could hurt my position at this firm.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So you want me to find this files and delete them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Yes, but I also want you to find some dirt on him too. I feel like he's going to keep coming back unless I have some leverage over him. So if you could find some dirt on him I'd be in your debt.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hmmm okay, I'm happy to help out. But I do want something in return.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>And what might that be?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I want Senior Partner.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Impossible. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Senior Partner is a role that needs to be voted into by more than one person. I can give you my vote but you'll need to get another from either Mrs. Ann or another Senior Partner.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I see... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She senses your disappointment and not wanting to lose the chance to get your help she quickly adds.
<<speech "Ava">>Ontop of my vote I would also be very, very grateful for your help. And I really reward the people who I'm grateful for.<</speech>>
<img src = "img/AvaOffice1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
She leans forward and undoes a few buttons on her shirt. You see her tits fighting to burst free of her bra.... Holy Shit! That's done it.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'll do whatever it takes. You can count on me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>I knew I could! One more thing, I can't talk anymore about this due to the chance it could be overheard. But for now to find him I'm sure he's practically living in some bar nearby as that's all he ever did when we were married. Once you find him I'm sure you can figure out what to do from then onwards. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You nod and stand up. You go to leave and Ava calls out one more time.
<<speech "Ava">>Oh and $pfname. Thank you for this, I won't forget your help. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
With that you turn back around and leave the office.
A bar? You guess he'll probably be at the local bar so you should try there first. You can think about what to do after you're there.
For now though you should [[head back to the office|Offices][$AvaEvent to 4]]
<<if $AvaEvent >= 4 and $AvaEvent <= 6 and $hiredStaff is 2 >>\
<div class="grey">\
You see Ava inside doing work.
You think it's best not to bother her until you're either called in or until you need to go and speak to her about something important.
<<if $AvaEvent is 7 and $hiredStaff is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
You knock on the door and you hear Ava call you inside.
She's sat behind her desk and as you walk in she smiles and gestures you to take a seat.
<<speech "Ava">>Well hello $pfname, I hope you've made some good progress on our little side deal? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm glad to say I've made more than good progress, your little problem is no longer a problem anymore. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Ava seems a little taken aback, she looks at you in surprise.
<<speech "Ava">>So quickly? Are you sure it's all sorted? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I managed to get a pen-drive that had the personal files on and I "acquired it" and deleted all of the files that were on there. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>You deleted them all? And you didn't check them did you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I didn't, I'm a professional in what I do. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You can tell Ava is a little suspicious of what you said, but it's clear she's just happy that all the files are now gone.
You hand her the empty pen-drive and she seems to notice it.
<<speech "Ava">>This is the pen-drive that Steve always had with him. I'm really impressed $pfname. And what about the leverage that you said you had? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Ahhh yes, I have a camera here with footage of your ex-husband paying someone for sex, which as you know is a crime in New York. So if he keeps coming after you, you can show him this footage to have him leave you alone for good. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>$pfname! This is amazing! I can't thank you enough for all of the work you've done. I can finally say goodbye to this chapter of my life. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm happy to help Ava, and I hope that I can rely on your vote in any future Senior Partner votes? <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Of course you can, I never go back on my word. And if I remember correctly I also said that I would show you my gratitude.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I think I remember something along those lines. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Well trust me, my gratitude is nothing like other peoples. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Ava stands up and locks the office door, she then pulls you [[towards the sofa|AvaOfficeScene]]
<<if $AvaEvent is 8 and $hiredStaff is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
You see Ava inside doing work.
You think it's best not to bother her until you're either called in or until you need to go and speak to her about something important... Buuuut you could probably ask her for another round, you have been missing her tits...
[[Another round?|AvaOfficeScene]]
<</if>>\<div class="grey">\
This is a work in progress.
I'm still planning on how I can incorporate owning a car and what benefits that will have. If you have any ideas please let me know :D
[[Return to the Mall|Mall]]
</div><<if $storeEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk into the shop and have a quick look around. You notice that there's a few things for sale here and even though the sign said Gift Store there is actually a various amount of things for sale here.
While looking around a woman walks up to you and introduces herself.
<img src = "img/Gina.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Gina">> Hi there, can I help you at all? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Hi! I was just looking around, I've never been in her before. There seems to be a bit of everything in this shop. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Yep that's right! That's why I named it a gift store. I feel that literally anything can be a gift. So I'm selling literally anything. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I guess that makes sense. Well what do you have for sale right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Let me show you what we have on sale up at the front. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the front and see the section with things on sale, you see:
*A New Smartphone -$2500 - <<if$smartPhone is false>><<if $player.money >= 2500>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 2500>> <<set $smartPhone to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*An Empty Photobook - $300 - <<if$photoBook is false>><<if $player.money >= 300>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 300>> <<set $photoBook to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*Some branded Makeup - $200 - <<if$makeUp is false>><<if $player.money >= 200>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 200>> <<set $makeUp to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*Camera - $750 - <<if$camera is false>><<if $player.money >= 750>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 750>> <<set $camera to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
[[Leave the Gift Store|Mall][$storeEvent to 1]]
<div class="grey">\
You walk into the shop and have a quick look around. You see the owner of the shop stood behind the cash register, you head over to her.
<img src = "img/Gina.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Gina">> Hi there, can I help you at all? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the front and see the section with things on sale, you see:
*A New Smartphone -$2500 - <<if $smartPhone is false>><<if $player.money >= 2500>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 2500>> <<set $smartPhone to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*An Empty Photobook - $300 - <<if $photoBook is false>><<if $player.money >= 300>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 300>> <<set $photoBook to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*Some branded Makeup - $200 - <<if $makeUp is false>><<if $player.money >= 200>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 200>> <<set $makeUp to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*Camera - $750 - <<if $camera is false>><<if $player.money >= 750>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 750>> <<set $camera to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
[[Talk to Gina|GinaTalk]]
[[Leave the Gift Store|Mall]]
<</if>>\<<if $estateEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
As you enter the Estate Agents you see a man storm out of the store seemingly angry with something.
Without thinking much of it you walk towards the first Estate Agent you see.
<img src = "img/Manuel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn what the hell was that about? <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> It's complicated, but to cut a long story short. He thinks I slept with his wife. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Not to put my nose where it doesn't belong. But was he right? <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Of course not, she works here as one of the Estate Agents. It's her job to take the buyer around the house.
Not that she hasn't tried. But I'm a professional and I don't sleep around where I work.
Anyway enough of that, what are you in the market for?
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well I'm currently living in a tiny apartment, but I'm really hoping to change that situation. <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Well, good news is we have places for sale, but that's where the good news stops. New York is really expensive to own property, it's really going to set you back quite a bit. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah I kind of guessed that. So how much are we looking at here? <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Well for a larger apartment, as in two bedrooms. You're looking at $250,000. <</speech>>
<<if $player.money < 150000 >>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Jesus Christ. I literally only have $player.money dollars right now. Guess I've got some saving to do. <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Well if it means anything because of the prices I don't think we'll be selling it anytime soon. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> That's something I guess. <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Well if there's anything else you need please come back anytime. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Well hopefully you can save that money up. But it seems like a mountain of a task right now. Maybe when you're richer.
[[Leave the store|Mall][ $estateEvent to 1]]
<<if $player.money < 250000 and $player.money >=150000>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn. I have $player.money dollars right now. Not too far away but I still have some saving to do. <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Well if it means anything because of the prices I don't think we'll be selling it anytime soon. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> That's something I guess. <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Well if there's anything else you need please come back anytime. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Well hopefully you can save that money up. But it seems like a mountain of a task right now. Maybe when you're richer.
[[Leave the store|Mall][ $estateEvent to 1]]
<<if $player.money >= 250000>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh okay, well I have $player.money dollars right now on me, maybe I could look at buying it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Great how about I show you what we have for sale.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Manuel shows you a catalogue of what they have.
[[Look at the catalogue|Estate Agent][ $estateEvent to 1]]
<<if $estateEvent is 1>>\
<<speech "Manuel">> Hey man what can I do for you? <</speech>>
<div class="grey" id="choices">\
Manuel shows you what they currently have for sale.
<<link "Medium Apartment - $250,000">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<if $player.money >= 250000>>
<<speech "Manuel">> Excellent I thought we'd never sell that. Please head 39th Street, and our sales representative will meet you there. <</speech>>
[[Head to 39th Street|FirstPurchase]]
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<set$player.money to $player.money - 250000>>
<<speech "Manuel">> You only have $player.money dollars there mate. You'll need more if you want to buy this. <</speech>>
[[Choose something else|Estate Agent]]
[[Leave the store|Mall]]
<</if>><<if $adultEvent == 0>>
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to a store named "Embrace Love". It seems to be half painted inside and you can see workers fitting shelves from the outside.
You see a large sign saying "Under Construction!"
The work looks nearly done and you think it's probably going to be open in the future.
[[Return to the Mall|Mall]]
<</if>><<if $casinoEvent == 0>>
<div class="grey">\
You enter through a door way into the Casino. As you walk through you're hit with a barrage of sounds and lights. You see people gambling their life savings away on games of chance and blackjack.
After a quick walk around you're confronted with a mature looking woman who's dressed in an elegant dress, she looks like something right out of a poster.
<<speech "Shay">> Well if you aren't the cutest piece of meat I've seen all day. <</speech>>
<img src = "img/ShayFox.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You're shocked into silence for a second by the womans forwardness.
<<speech "Shay">> What's the matter sweetie? Never seen a woman as sexy as me before? Don't worry I get it all the time. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I've seen my fair share of women but non as elegant as you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">> Oh sweetie, keep this up and I'll be asking you to come here every night. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You come to gamble every night? <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">> Gamble? Oh no darlin' I own this fine establishment. Everything in here belongs to me, and I mean everything. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm impressed, I love a woman in power. <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">> And I love being a woman with power. Power over others really gets me going if you know what I mean.
Now if you're going to be in here you better get some gambling done. This isn't a place for freeloaders.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> It's like you read my mind. I hope I can continue this conversation at a later date. <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">> Oh I'm sure if you keep winning we'll be talking again real soon. Don't forget to cash in your winnings at the kiosk if you go on a hot streak.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She leans closer to whisper in your ear.
<img src = "img/ShayFox1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Shay">> And if you get enough winnings you'll send me on a hot streak. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She then turns around and disappears into the crowd. leaving you stood alone in the casino with a huge erection.
You stand around for a bit longer to wait for it to go down, and then start to have a [[look for some games to gamble some of your money on.|Casino][$casinoEvent to 1]]
<<if $casinoEvent is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
The casino is as busy as ever. You look around for some games and notice a few tables are free. You see:
[[A game of chance|Chance]]
[[A blackjack table|Blackjack]]
[[A sign that says "Casino Store"|CasinoStore]]
Or you can [[Head back to the Mall|Mall]]
<</if>><div class="grey">\
This is a work in progress.
Honestly no idea how you made enough money to buy the apartment yet. (Unless you cheated -_-) Just click the button to go back to the mall and you'll get your money back.
[[Return to the Mall|Mall][ $player.money to $player.money + 250000]]
</div><div class="grey" id="choices">\
You approach the table and take a seat. The dealer behind the table explains the rules to you.
"It's a simple game of chance, I'll flip a coin, you guess the outcome, if you guess right you double the money bet, you guess wrong you lose the money you bet"
Seems simple enough, How much do you bet?\
<div class="boldText"> Max bet is $1000 </div>\
Bet amount: <<textbox "$betAmount" "0">>
<<link "Heads">>\
<<if isNaN($betAmount)>>
<<if $betAmount < 0>>
<<if $betAmount > $player.money>>
<<if $betAmount > 1000>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<div class="grey">\
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
<img src = "img/Heads.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<set $betAmount to $betAmount * 2>>
Congratulations you won $ $betAmount .
<<set $player.money to $player.money + $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Chance]]
<<case 1>>
<img src = "img/Tails.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>\
Ohhh damn, that's unlucky. Better luck next time.
[[Return to table|Chance]]
<<link "Tails">>\
<<if isNaN($betAmount)>>
<<if $betAmount < 0>>
<<if $betAmount > $player.money>>
<<if $betAmount > 1000>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<div class="grey">\
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
<img src = "img/Heads.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>\
Ohhh damn, that's unlucky. Better luck next time.
[[Return to table|Chance]]
<<case 1>>
<img src = "img/Tails.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<set $betAmount to $betAmount * 2>>
Congratulations you won $ $betAmount .
<<set $player.money to $player.money + $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Chance]]
[[Leave the table|Casino]]
</div><div class="grey" id="choices">\
You approach the table and take a seat. The dealer behind the table explains the rules to you.
"It's quite simple. I'll deal you cards and you want to get to 21. I'll be doing the same. Whoever get's closest to 21 wins. If we both have 21 the dealer, that's me, is the winner. If you win, you double your bet. If you lose, you lose what you bet. Picture cards count as 10 and an Ace counts as 11 for in this casino."
Seems simple enough, How much do you bet?\
<div class="boldText"> Max bet is $1000 </div>\
Bet amount: <<textbox "$betAmount" "0">>
<<link "Deal">>\
<<if isNaN($betAmount)>>
<<if $betAmount < 0>>
<<if $betAmount > $player.money>>
<<if $betAmount > 1000>>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<span class="slowfade">\
<<set $betAmount to $betAmount * 2>>\
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<div class="grey">\
<<set $bjHands[0] to random(1,11)>>\
<<set $bjHands[1] to random(1,11)>>\
<<set $blackJackHand to $bjHands[0] + $bjHands[1]>>\
Your hand totals $blackJackHand .
What do you want to do?
<<link "Hit">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $bjHands[2] to random(1,11)>>\
<<set $blackJackHand to $bjHands[0] + $bjHands[1] + $bjHands[2]>>\
<<if $blackJackHand <= 21>>\
<div class="grey">\
Your hand totals $blackJackHand .
What do you want to do?
<<link "Hit">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $bjHands[3] to random(1,11)>>\
<<set $blackJackHand to $bjHands[0] + $bjHands[1] + $bjHands[2] + $bjHands[3]>>\
<<if $blackJackHand <= 21>>\
<div class="grey">\
Your hand totals $blackJackHand .
What do you want to do?
<<link "Hit">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $bjHands[4] to random(1,11)>>\
<<set $blackJackHand to $bjHands[0] + $bjHands[1] + $bjHands[2] + $bjHands[3] + $bjHands[4]>>\
<<if $blackJackHand <= 21>>\
<div class="grey">\
Your hand totals $blackJackHand .
What do you want to do?
<<link "Hit">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $bjHands[5] to random(1,11)>>\
<<set $blackJackHand to $bjHands[0] + $bjHands[1] + $bjHands[2] + $bjHands[3] + $bjHands[4] + $bjHands[5]>>\
<<if $blackJackHand <= 21>>\
<div class="grey">\
Your hand totals $blackJackHand .
You managed to get 21 or under in 5 cards. That's a 5 card trick! You win $ $betAmount!
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
<<set$player.money to $player.money + $betAmount>>\
</div> \
Sorry you're bust. Better luck next time.
<<set $betAmount to $betAmount / 2>>\
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
<<link "Stay">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $dealersHand to random(14,21)>>
The dealer gets $dealersHand .
<<if $blackJackHand > $dealersHand>>
Congratulations you won $ $betAmount
<<set $player.money to $player.money + $betAmount>>
<<updatebar>> \
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]\
Sorry the dealer beat you. Better luck next time.
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
Sorry you're bust. Better luck next time.
<<set $betAmount to $betAmount / 2>>\
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
<<link "Stay">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $dealersHand to random(14,21)>>
The dealer gets $dealersHand .
<<if $blackJackHand > $dealersHand>>
Congratulations you won $ $betAmount
<<set $player.money to $player.money + $betAmount>>
<<updatebar>> \
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]\
Sorry the dealer beat you. Better luck next time.
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
Sorry you're bust. Better luck next time.
<<set $betAmount to $betAmount / 2>>\
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
<<link "Stay">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $dealersHand to random(14,21)>>
The dealer gets $dealersHand .
<<if $blackJackHand > $dealersHand>>
Congratulations you won $ $betAmount
<<set $player.money to $player.money + $betAmount>>
<<updatebar>> \
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]\
Sorry the dealer beat you. Better luck next time.
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
Sorry you're bust. Better luck next time.
<<set $betAmount to $betAmount / 2>>\
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
<<link "Stay">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $dealersHand to random(14,21)>>
The dealer gets $dealersHand .
<<if $blackJackHand > $dealersHand>>
Congratulations you won $ $betAmount
<<set $player.money to $player.money + $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
Sorry the dealer beat you. Better luck next time.
<<set $player.money to $player.money - $betAmount>>
[[Return to table|Blackjack]]
[[Leave the table|Casino]]
</div><<if $gymEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You enter the gym, you're surprised how busy it is. In your past life you really didn't go to the gym that much. Maybe it was good genes but you rarely gained weight so you never felt the need. At the same time you never really gained muscle either. Maybe this time around you can change that.
You head over to the first machine you see. You start adding some weights to the machine when it suddenly hits you... You have no idea what you're doing or how to use it properly.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit.... Uhhhh I think you just pull this pin out here and then it should be okay to use... Right? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
It would be pretty embarrassing if you get a second life and end up dying to a stupid gym machine.
You get into position, take a breath and go to life the weight when you hear a small laugh behind you.
<<speech "Alexis">> If you use it that way, you'll break your neck. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
you turn around and see a woman stood there smiling at you.
<img src = "img/Alexis.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Alexis">> I'm guessing you haven't been to the gym that much have you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn, is it really that obvious? <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> Just a little bit, and I can't in good conscience watch you damage this poor machine. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well I wouldn't wan't to damage the machine... Or my spine for that matter. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> We definitely wouldn't want that. I'm Alexis by the way, here let me show you how to use it properly. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She walks up to the machine and starts explaining which pins go where and how to set it up to be used safely.
You seem to get the idea that she's flirting with you, each time she has to show you where to stand she will grip your waist and chest to position you. You're not complaining however. After some time she takes a step back.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay that makes much more sense now. It's almost like they should have an induction session for new people. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> Yeah I've been pushing for that, but it seems the gym cares more about getting people in than caring about their safety. Makes working here much more difficult. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So you work here? Is part of your job helping lost souls as myself? <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> Not usually no, but I'm happy to make the exception. I work as a personal trainer here. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Not wanting to miss the opportunity to get to know Alexis a bit better you jump on the chance to sign up.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well it just so happens I really need toning up and could really use a personal trainer. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> Woah there cowboy. First it's not cheap, I'm not the most popular trainer at the gym for nothing. It's $500 per session. Then there's the experience limit. I just watched you nearly kill yourself on the basic equipment. You're going to need to have a fitness level high enough to keep up with my sessions. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay then, I'll get to training. Just wait I'll have those sessions in no time. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis let's out a small laugh, and turns to leave. She looks over her shoulder and you get a clear view of her perfect ass in her exercise pants.
<img src = "img/Alexis1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Alexis">> Good, I look forward to it. And trust me you're going to want as much stamina as you can get for my sessions. They always leave people drained. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
And with that she leaves you alone at the machine. What do you want to do?
<<linkreplace "Work out">>\
<<if $player.Energy >= 25>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn that was a good work out. I already feel fitter. <</speech>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="FitnessText">Fitness Increased + 1</div>\
<<set $player.fitness to $player.fitness + 1>>\
<<set $player.Energy to $player.Energy - 25>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm too tired to do that. Maybe when I have some more energy. <</speech>>\
[[Head back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre][$gymEvent to 1 ]]
<img src = "img/GymMachine.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You head over to the machine. What do you want to do?
<<linkreplace "Work out">>\
<<if $player.Energy >= 25>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn that was a good work out. I already feel fitter. <</speech>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="FitnessText">Fitness Increased + 1</div>\
<<set $player.fitness to $player.fitness + 1>>\
<<set $player.Energy to $player.Energy - 25>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm too tired to do that. Maybe when I have some more energy. <</speech>>
<<if $player.fitness >= 10 and $player.fitness <= 19>>
[[Speak to Alexis about personal training|AlexisScene]]
<<if $player.fitness >= 20>>
[[Look for Alexis at the gym|AlexisScene2]]
[[Head back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre]]
<<if $currentDay is "Mon" or $currentDay is "Tue" or $currentDay is "Thu" or $currentDay is "Fri" or $currentDay is "Sun">>
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to a door that has a sign above it saying Activity Room. Peering thought the window on the door you can see a large room with many different things inside. Clearly a centre for all types of activites. It seems that there isn't anything on today.
Maybe when you speak with more people and find out who runs which activites you can join in.
[[Head back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre]]
<<if $currentDay is "Wed" or $currentDay is "Sat">>\
<<if $barChatEvent >= 2>>\
<<if $yogaLesson is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to a door that has a sign above it saying Activity Room. Peering thought the window on the door you can see a large room with many different things inside. Clearly a centre for all types of activites.
You noitce there's a yoga class being set up. Stood at the front of the class is Bridgette, the woman from the bar. You remember her telling you that she taught the yoga class here on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You also remember he telling you to come and take a class or two as well. What do you do?
<<if $yogaEvent < 3>>
[[Go in for some Yoga|Yoga][$yogaLesson to true]]
<<if $yogaEvent >= 3>>
[[You look inside and notice Bridgette inside the room alone|Yoga2][$yogaLesson to true]]
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to a door that has a sign above it saying Activity Room. Peering thought the window on the door you can see a large room with many different things inside. Clearly a centre for all types of activites.
You have already had the lesson today. Come back when the next lesson is on.
[[Head back|leisure centre]]
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to a door that has a sign above it saying Activity Room. Peering thought the window on the door you can see a large room with many different things inside. Clearly a centre for all types of activites. It seems that there isn't anything on today.
Maybe when you speak with more people and find out who runs which activites you can join in.
[[Head back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre]]
<</if>><<if $poolEvent is 0>>\
<<set $swimmingLesson to true>>\
<div class="grey">\
Passing though the doors you walk into the changing rooms of for the pool. You get changed into your swimwear and take a quick rinse under the showers to wash off any grime before heading to the pool.
The pool itself is a standard lane pool with people swimming laps up and down. There's a section on the right where it seems the lanes have been removed so people can just swim around and enjoy themselves without getting in the way of people.
You head into the section on the right, hoping to keep to yourself wihout getting the the way of the professional looking swimmers.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn it's cold, why do all indoor pools feel so damn cold. They could have warmed it up a bit. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time swimming around, and after a few minutes you notice a woman on her own near the section where the pool gets deeper. She seems to be walking in the water slowly but each time she gets close to the deeper end quickly walks back.
You decide to head over and strike up a conversation. Maybe you're feeling friendly today, or maybe it's the fact she has some of the biggest tits you've ever seen.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You know if you never take the plunge into the deep end you'll never be able to swim. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The woman turns to you with an embarresed smile.
<img src = "img/Maserati.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Maserati">> But what if I take the plunge and I can't swim? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well I guess you're going to need someone to save you. Luckliy I'm available whenever you need. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> That makes me feel safer to take that plunge. Who knows maybe I would want saving. Are you a strong swimmer? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I've been swimming since I was 6 years old. I'm sure I can dive in after you, no problem at all. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She looks you up and down, slightly biting her lip.
<<speech "Maserati">> I might take you up on that offer, but not right now. I'm too new to swimming to give it a try yet. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> How long have you been swimming for? <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> This is just my second time, I was hoping I'd get the hang of it sonner rather than later, but it's a little harder than I thought. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well I'm actually quite a good swimmer, I could give you some lessons, free of charge of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> You'd really do that?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'd be more than happy to, I'm sure we'll have you swimming like a pro in no time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> I really appreciate that. Well I'm here everyday after work, usually about 4pm until closing time so meet me anytime then and we can practice. If I can make it to the deep end then I'd really owe you a massive favour.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Excellent I'll see you then. And I look forward to cashing in that favour! <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> Me too! My names Maserati by the way.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm $pfname, I look forward to our lessons. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She gives you a smile and then turns away and walks to the stairs of the pool and climbs out.
What a score you think to yourself. Teaching a busty woman to swim then getting a reward for it. That's a win in your books.
You decide to head out after a few more minutes. Happy with the events of the day.
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
[[Leave the pool|leisure centre][$poolEvent to 1]]
<<if $swimmingLesson is false>>\
<<set $lessonNum to $lessonNum +1>>
<div class="grey">\
Passing though the doors you walk into the changing rooms of for the pool. You get changed into your swimwear and take a quick rinse under the showers to wash off any grime before heading to the pool.
As you walk out of the changing rooms you see Maserati standing near the pool side. It's hard not to see her with the bikini she's wearing.
You walk up to her and she notices you and waves.
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
<img src = "img/MasLesson1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<case 1>>
<img src = "img/MasLesson2.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Maserati">> Hey $pfname. Are you ready for our lesson? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course, shall we get started. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend the hour teaching Maserati the basics of swimming and keeping afloat. You feel you have made good progress.
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<set $swimmingLesson to true>>\
<<if $lessonNum >= 5 and $lessonNum <=9>>\
[[You notice Maserati is calling you over|MaseratiScene]]
<<if $lessonNum >= 10>>\
[[Maserati stops you before going into the pool|MaseratiScene2]]
[[Head back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre][$swimmingLession to true]]\
<div class="grey">\
Passing though the doors you walk into the changing rooms of for the pool. You get changed into your swimwear and take a quick rinse under the showers to wash off any grime before heading to the pool.
As you walk out of the changing rooms you take a look around and don't see anyone you know. What do you choose to do?
<<linkreplace "Go for a swim">>\
<<if $player.Energy >= 25>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> That was a good swim, I feel less stressed. <</speech>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="FitnessText">Fitness Increased + 1</div>\
<<set $player.stress to $player.stress - 25>>\
<<if $player.stress < 0>>\
<<set $player.stress to 0>>\
<<set $player.Energy to $player.Energy - 25>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm too tired to do that. Maybe when I have some more energy. <</speech>>
[[Head back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre]]
<<if $yogaEvent is 0>> \
<<speech "Bridgette">> Okay guys we'll get started in about 5 minutes. Just start some streches while we wait for everyone to arrive. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You close the door behind you and walk to the center of the room. Bridgette notices you and walks up to you.
<img src = "img/BriYoga.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Well if it isn't the guy from the bar... $pfname right? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> The very same. It's great to see you again Bridgette. You mentioned your yoga class, and I really couldn't pass up the opportunity to give it a try.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> I'm glad you could make it, I hope you felxable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Uhhh kind of, I haven't really ever done yoga before but I'll give it my best shot. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> That's all I can ask of you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns around to walk back to the front of the class, she turns around before they get's there and looks at you.
<img src = "img/BriYoga1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Becasue we don't go easy on people in this class. <</speech>>\
<div class="grey">\
The next hour is a series of yoga positions that you think couldn't be humanly possible. Bridgette had the students folded like pretzels... Well most of the students, you could only really get past the downward dog. Although it wasn't through the lack of trying.
Bridgette noticed all your effort and came over to you often to help you out and try and position you in the correct pose. Often lingering longer than usual when holding your body.
Soon the class comes to an end.
<<speech "Bridgette">> Right everyone, we'll call it there. Well done everyone! Remember yoga isn't just for one or two hours a week. It's a life style, do it every morning and before bed and you'll notice the difference before long. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The other students start to leave the room, as you gather your things Bridgette walks up to you.
<<speech "Bridgette">> So $pfname how did you find your first yoga session? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Really fun, but I think I'm going to be hurting for the next 3 months after all those positions. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Don't be too hard on yourself. You did really well for your first session. They were some advanced moves and you pushed yourself hard to try each one. I'm impressed. With enough practice not only can you increase your flexibility you can also tone your body.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You look over her body, a bit more deliberately than you first meant to.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You don't need to tell me that, I can see the results for myself right in front of me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> $pfname you really are a charmer. You like my body do you? I mean of course you do, it's perfect. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> In everyway. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Of course it is, you don't get an ass like this without all the practice. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She suddenly turns around and to your surprise pulls her yoga pants down and shows you a brilliant view of her ass.
<img src = "img/BriYoga2.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh damn, if that's the reward for trying hard in the class, then sign me up for each lesson. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> I guess that means I've gained a new student? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> definitely! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Excellent, I look forward to our future lessons $pfname. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette pulls her pants back up blows you a kiss and walks out of the activity room. You compose yourself before gathering your things and leaving the room.
[[Back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre][$hour to $hour +1; $yogaEvent to 1; $barChatEvent to 3]]
<<if $yogaEvent is 1>> \
<div class="grey">\
You go into the room and get set up in the same part of the room as you did in the last lesson.
<<speech "Bridgette">> Right everyone we'll begin with the tree stance... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette goes through various stances and positions. Throughout the class you see her catch you staring at her body. It never seems to bother her, in fact every time she catches you looking she will repoisition herself so you have a better view of her body. She seems to like the back and forth. Not that you're complaining in the slightest.
<<speech "Bridgette">> Right everyone, we'll call it there. Well done everyone! Remember yoga is a life style, live, breathe and eat yoga and before you know it you'll be a natural. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The other students start to leave the room, as you gather your things Bridgette walks up to you.
<<speech "Bridgette">> Are you hoping for another little after class show? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'll never say no to it. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns around again and to your pulls her yoga pants down and shows you a brilliant view of her ass.
<img src = "img/BriYoga2.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> That never gets old. How about I see some more from the front? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> I don't show everyting to just anybody you know. Let's get to know each other more before we move further. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She pulls her pants back up and goes to leave the room, blowing you another kiss before she leaves.
<div class="boldText">Damn where can I go to see her and get to know her more? Somewhere not in class.</div>\
You gather your things and go to leave the room.
[[Back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre][$hour to $hour +1]]
<<if $yogaEvent is 2>>\
<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You open the door and walk into the room, you notice that that there's no other students in the hall today.
You also see Bridgette stood in the center of the room dressed in nothing but some thin mesh tights.
<img src = "img/BriYoga3.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Bridgette">> Hello dear student. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> This just became my new favorite activity! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Please come on in. You must take off all your clothes to ensure complete comfort. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You don't have to be told twice. You head to the center of the room, take off all your clothes and walk up to her.
<<speech "Bridgette">> Now I'm just going to do some stretches to make sure I don't pull a muscle with all the work I'm going to be doing.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette bends over onto all fours and shows her ass to you.
<<speech "Bridgette">> Get that oil over there and pout it over me, it will help with my stretches. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course, let me get a good view. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">> Mmmm that's so warm, I love the feeling of liquid dripping off my ass.
Okay I'm all stretched now. Get on your back! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She pushes you on your back and you lay on one of the matts. She quickly starts licking the entire length of your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck that feels nice. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> If you like this then you're going to lose your mind with what comes next. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck Bridgette don't keep me waiting! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
She goes all the way down to the base of your cock. You notice absolutely no gag reflex, she's clearly done this before.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck that's amazing, you really know your way around a cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> You don't even know the half of it. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Should I be jealous? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Shut up and enjoy this or I'll stop halfway. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'd rather die! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She laughs and stops sucking, for a minute you think she's serious. Then she leans back and wraps her feet around your cock.
The feeling of her mesh tights gives an amazing feeling from the base of your cock all the way to the tip.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit this is new. Not that I'm complaining it feels amazing! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Bridgette if you keep going I'm going to cum any second now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>If that's happening then you're doing in my mouth. I want to taste this protein shake.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She leans forward and takes your whole cock into her mouth again. This time you push her head down feeling every part of her mouth.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit I'm going to cum, keep doing that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Yes do it, fill my mouth. Cum for me please.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Here it comes, shit here it comes!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuuuuuck... Shiiiiit!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Hmmmm that's it, good boy. I knew you understood how to treat a woman. Keep this up and there's definitely more where that came from! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'll keep this up for as long as you need. I can't wait until the next yoga lesson. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Oh me neither! Now quickly get changed. There's a new class coming in soon and I'd rather not have to explain all this. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You get changed and gather all of your things. Bridgette changes back into a normal yoga outfit and uses a little mirror to see if there's any of you cum left on her face.
She seems pretty busy so you head off, before you leave she calls out to you.
<<speech "Bridgette">>See you next time $pfname. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You close the door behind you. Damn you heard yoga was calming but you didn't know that you'd get all this from it.
After a bit you decide to [[Back to the Leisure Centre|leisure centre][$hour to $hour +1; $yogaEnd to true; $yogaEvent to 3; $player.lust to 0]]
<</if>><<if $hour <=18>>\
<<if $caseCompletion < 15>>
<div class="grey">\
You sit at your desk in the bullpen. You have a few options on what to do.
Work to do until completion $caseCompletion / 15.
[[Speak to Kyra|KyraChat][$kyraRelationship to $kyraRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Miguel|MiguelChat][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Lucie|LucieChat][$lucieRelationship to $lucieRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy >= 10 and $player.stress <= 90>>\
[[Do some work|$caseName][$player.Energy to $player.Energy - 10; $player.stress to $player.stress + 10; $hour to $hour + 2; $player.money to $player.money + 20; $caseCompletion to $caseCompletion + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy <= 9>>\
You're too tired to do any work right now. Maybe have a rest before trying to work again.
<<if $player.stress >= 91>>\
You're too stressed to do any work right now. Maybe try to relax before trying to work again.
[[Leave the BullPen|Offices]]
<<else>> \
<<set $hitomiEvent to 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You finsih up some research work and add your work to the pile. Once you do, Miguel turns around and double checks the work pile.
<<speech "Miguel">>Oh damn, look at that I think that was the last piece of research. I think it's ready to be taken to the junior partner. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Well done guys, honestly I didn't think we'd be able to do this so well. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I mean we all worked well together so it was quite easy to get into the rhythm of things. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>So we just take the documents to the junior partner on the case? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Yep that's pretty much all that's left now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>I hope we've done everything right. I don't even want to imagine giving the partner the research and it all wrong. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
As soon as Kyra mentioned that the mood in the group changed quickly.
Someone was going to have to hand these research documents to the junior partner. If it went poorly they could be out of a job. Surely it's not that cut throat here right?
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhh guys, they wouldn't fire someone on for making a mistake on their first case... Right? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>I don't know about this place, but the last law firm I was at fired associates all the time. They had so many applicants whoever fell behind got cut. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
If what Kyra said before left any joy alive then what Miguel just said just completely killed it.
But you have what they don't. A second chance and you'll be damned if you're going to live it like you did last time. No more passive $pfname. This time it's all about taking chances and living to the fullest.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry guys, I'lll take it. If it ends bad I'll take responsibility and if it goes good I'll tell them it was a team job. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Everyone looks at you with surprise.
<<speech "Lucie">>You'd do that for us? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Damn $pfname. You're a real one. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Please guys I'm more than happy to do it. Right I'll get these over to the junior partner straight away. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You gather the documents and leave the stall. You read the name of the partner at the bottom of the paperwork and see that the assigned partner is a woman called Miss Tanaka. She seems to work on the fifth floor. So you head off towards her office.
You take the elevator to the fifth floor, and have a quick look for the office. It doesn't take long to find an office with the name "Hitomi Tanaka" written on the door. You give it a knock and hear a voice calling you in.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Come in. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You open the door, stood up in the office is Miss Tanaka. You freeze for a second, almost not believing that you've just walked into a lawyers room. This woman was stunning, surely the clothes she's wearing can't be allowed in a modern office.
<img src = "img/Hitomi.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Hitomi">>And who are you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhhh... $pfname. Sorry, I'm $pfname, one of the associates on the housing dispute case. The one concering Mr and Mrs James. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She thinks for a second then recollection crosses her face.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Ahhhh yes I remember. Have you researched everything about the two sides? As well as the current law on housing ownership in New York? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yes, according to the law Mrs James has a stronger claim on the house since Mr James broke the sanctity of marrage. But Mr James is offering more money for us to join as his defence. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hmmm interesting. Hand the documents over then. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You hand the documents over to her and she reads through what your group has put together.
<<speech "Hitomi">>This is really good work here $pfname. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank you Miss Tanaka. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Please call me Hitomi. I know you did this work as a group in the bullpen but I can see your name signed at the bottom of these documents more than your other group members. Also the fact that you came to me with them tells me you're a hard worker here $pfname. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank you Miss... Uhh Hitomi. I'm here to do my best and get as far as I can. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Good! it's important to be ambitious in this line of work. You know what, why don't you help me represent the client? If you do well it will really make you stand out from the other associates. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Really? Of course I'd love to. I'll do anything to help out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Anything? I'll have to hold you to that... Okay well for your first task. Pick who you think we should back in the case? Mr. James or Mrs. James. Here take the file to see who we're dealing with here. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi hands you two small files with the name Mr. James and Mrs. James on the front. This is your chance to pick who is represented. Who do you pick?
<div class="container2">\
<a data-passage="MrJames" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/MrJamesFile.png" width="250px" height="300px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Mr. James
( Voyeurism route ) </h3>\
<a data-passage="MrsJames" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/MrsJamesFile.png" width="250px" height="300px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Mrs. James
( Normal route ) </h3>\
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<</if>><<if $hour <= 18>>\
<<if $kyraRelationship <= 5>>\
<img src = "img/Kyra.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Kyra is sat on a desk looking at some papers.
<<speech "Kyra">>Isn't it so exciting to be researching these cases? I can't wait until I become a partner and can take part in a trail in court.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You're such a hard worker here Kyra, I'm sure that will happen in no time! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Thank you $pfname, that means a lot. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time talking to Kyra about the current case.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Kyra Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if$kyraRelationship > 5 and $kyraRelationship <=10>>\
<img src = "img/Kyra1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Kyra is stood near the printer. It seems she's trying to get some documents printed but it's not working.
<<speech "Kyra">>Damn this old ass printer. %pfname, do you know how to fix this thing? It's not printing out the copies I need to make. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sure let me give it a try. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Thanks $pfname, I knew I could count on you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time fixing the printer all she needed to do was add more paper to it, but you think it's best to not tell her since she'll probably need your help again soon.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Kyra Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if$kyraRelationship > 10 and $kyraRelationship <=14>>\
<img src = "img/Kyra2.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You hear someone messing with the printer, as you head over you see Kyra pulling the thing apart.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Kyra, what are you doing to that poor printer? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Ahh $pfname, just the person I wanted to see. You know the printer has been acting up lately, well I think I've found the problem. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'd hope so since you've taken it all apart, you know we have an IT department for a reason right? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>They take forever to fix things. Unlike you, listen if you could fix this so it prints out for me I'd be very appreciative. And trust me I love showing my appreciation. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra gives you a wink and bends forward to give you a great view of her cleavage.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well consider it done. I'll have it fixed in no time. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time fixing the printer you think this will be a bit longer than expected, you'll have to meet her here a few more times before you can get it fixed.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Kyra Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if$kyraRelationship >= 15 and $miguelNTR is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
You finally get the printer fixed and let Kyra know it's all done.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Kyra, the printer should be running like a charm now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>I knew you could do it $pfname, now come here and let me show you my appreciation. <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Kyra3.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Kyra takes you behind the printer and places your hands on her tits.
<<speech "Kyra">>Mmmm there we go, I've seen you looking at them all day. They're not as big as Lucies but they should be more than big enough to enjoy. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Kyra they're perfect! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>How about we go for a few drinks after work today and I can let you feel much more than just my tits! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You don't have to ask me twice. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You're really getting into touching Kyra up before you hear footsteps behind you and notice another associate coming up to the printer. You quickly let go and act normal.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Kyra Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
[[Go on a Date|KyraDate]]
<<if $kyraDate >= 1>>\
<<if $makeUp is false>>\
<<linkreplace "Go back to Kyra's House">>
<<speech "Kyra">>I'd love to go on another date with you $pfname, but honestly I'm running pretty low on makeup. Without it I just don't even feel like going out in public. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Honestly you don't even need it, but I understand. How about I have a look round for some? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>That would be amazing! Thank you so much.<</speech>>
<<if $makeUp is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Go back to Kyra's House">>
<<speech "Kyra">>Oh my god $pfname! I can't believe you went out and bought me some makeup. Thank you so much!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No worries, it was nothing really. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>It still means a lot, so thank you! How about that date we spoke about earlier? <</speech>>
[[Go back to Kyra's House|KyraScene][$makeUp to false]]\
<<if $kyraRelationship >= 15 and $miguelNTR is true>>\
<div class="grey">\
You're working on the current case and you hear Kyra call you over.
<<speech "Kyra">>Hey $pfname, Miguel told us that you've been promoted and you don't have too much time to work with us anymore. <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Kyra.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah it's true, I will try to make time but I'm really busy with new cases. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> That's a shame, its going to be me, Miguel and Kyra for a while then. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm sure you guys will do okay, you're all great workers! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Thank you, well I guess I'll see you about.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra seems a little distant, you feel like shes a bit annoyed that you've been promoted and now don't have time for everyone.
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<</if>><<if $hour <= 18>>\
<<if $miguelRelationship < 5>>\
<img src = "img/Miguel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel is reading some papers when you come up to him.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Hey Miguel, you seem to know so much about what's going on here for a new hire. Have you worked in another law firm before this one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Yeah I used to work as an associate down in Florida, but you know, New York is the top place to do law, anyone who makes it big in law does so in the big apple. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I guess you're right. It would be really great to pick your brain about the whole process sometime. We could maybe go for drinks later? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Sounds good man, but I just moved to New York, so give me some time to settle in and then I'm down! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend a little time talking to Miguel about a bit of everything then head back to your desk.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Miguel Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelNTR is false and $miguelEvent < 3>>\
<img src = "img/Miguel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You're sat at your desk and Miguel heads over to you.
<<speech "Miguel">>Hey man, I'm all settled in my new place now, so what do you say about those beers you mentioned? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What do you choose to do?
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "Sure, sounds good.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah that sounds great, shall we head to the bar after work?<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Excellent I'm up for that! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Great I'll meet you there after work. <</speech>>
[[Finish work and head to the bar|BarMiguel]]
<<link "Sorry, I'm really busy today.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sorry I'm really busy today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>No worries, maybe next time? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Definitely! <</speech>>
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelNTR is false and $miguelEvent is 3>>\
<img src = "img/Miguel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You're sat at your desk and Miguel heads over to you.
<<speech "Miguel">>It was a lot of fun having a few drinks the other day. What do you say we go for a few more later today? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What do you choose to do?
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "Sure, sounds good.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah that sounds great, shall we head to the bar after work?<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Excellent I'm up for that! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Great I'll meet you there after work. <</speech>>
[[Finish work and head to the bar|BarMiguel1]]
<<link "Sorry, I'm really busy today.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sorry I'm really busy today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>No worries, maybe next time? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Definitely! <</speech>>
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelNTR is false and $miguelEvent is 4>>\
<img src = "img/Miguel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You're sat at your desk and Miguel heads over to you.
<<speech "Miguel">>It was a lot of fun having a few drinks the other day. What do you say we go for a few more later today? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What do you choose to do?
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "Sure, sounds good.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah that sounds great, shall we head to the bar after work?<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Excellent I'm up for that! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Great I'll meet you there after work. <</speech>>
[[Finish work and head to the bar|BarMiguel1]]
<<link "Sorry, I'm really busy today.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sorry I'm really busy today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>No worries, maybe next time? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Definitely! <</speech>>
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $miguelRelationship > 5 and $miguelNTR is true and $miguelNTREvent is 0>>
<img src = "img/Miguel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You're sat at your desk and Miguel heads over to you.
<<speech "Miguel">>Hey Mr. Promotion, how about grabbing a few beers? If you're not too busy that is.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What do you choose to do?
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "Sorry, I'm really busy today.">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sorry I'm really busy today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>No worries, maybe next time? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Definitely! <</speech>>
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $miguelRelationship > 5 and $miguelNTR is true and $miguelNTREvent is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You take some time from your busy schedule to look around for Miguel. You check his desk and notice he's not there. You also notice that both Kyra and Lucie are not at their desks either.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Strange. why is nobody here... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You leave that section of the bullpen and head back to the main area, you pass an office and hear some muffled noises inside.
There's probably a meeting going on inside there and it would be pretty bad if you opened the door to there right?
[[Leave it alone|$caseName]]
[[Peek inside|MiguelNTR]]
<<if $miguelRelationship > 5 and $miguelNTR is true and $miguelNTREvent is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
This is the end for Miguel's side of the story for now, there will be more in future updates. Due to picking the NTR route Lucie and Kyra are now locked out so you cannot progess with them anymore. Sucks to be cucked I guess.
You can however replay the scene below however you won't get any more favor for it.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Strange. why is nobody here... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You leave that section of the bullpen and head back to the main area, you pass an office and hear some muffled noises inside.
There's probably a meeting going on inside there and it would be pretty bad if you opened the door to there right?
[[Leave it alone|$caseName]]
[[Peek inside|MiguelNTR]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<<if $hour <= 18>>\
<<if $lucieRelationship <= 5>>\
<img src = "img/Lucie.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Lucie seems a little confused, you notice this and head over to her to see if she's okay.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Hey Lucie, are you okay? You seem a little confused. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Honestly I hardly know any of this section of the law. It just doesn't make any sense <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay let me have a look, maybe I can help you with it? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Thank you $pfname, that means a lot. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time with Lucie going over the specific law she was refering too. Helping out where you can.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Lucie Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if$lucieRelationship > 5 and $lucieRelationship <=10>>\
<div class="grey">\
You're working on the current case and you hear Lucie call you over.
<<speech "Lucie">>Hey $pfname, is it just me or is the AirCon on so high? It's really hot in this office. <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Lucie1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Honestly I've never noticed it, but now you mention it, yeah it's quite warm. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> I'm going to have to take my jacket off. It's way too hot in here.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'll speak with some of the other associates here and see if we can lower the temperature. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> You would do that? Thank you so much. It's so nice to have a man I can rely on to help me out.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Lucie really hangs on those last words. Is she flirting with you? No surely not, either way you're not going to speak to anyone about the room temperature. if anything you might even raise it. If she takes off any more clothes then you're definitely not going to complain.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Lucie Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $lucieRelationship > 10 and $lucieRelationship <=14>>\
<div class="grey">\
You manage to complete some research and think you have desrved some free time. You leave the stall and head to the staff lounge area. You head in and hear some noise around the corner. You go there and see Lucie in all but her skirt and bra.
<img src = "img/Lucie2.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh wow, hey Lucie, you know this isn't a changing room right? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh shit... $pfname you scared me. I thought you were some random person. Yeah I know but this damn room temperature is so high I just can't get confortable. Sometimes you just have to let the twins breathe if you get what I mean. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh don't worry I totally understand. just maybe find a more secure place, anyone could walk in and see you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Are you worried that someone else might see me? I mean I don't mind if it's you who see's me #pfname. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Lucie gives you a wink turns to face you. You get a perfect sight of her tits almost flowing out of her bra..
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn girl, well if that's the case, I'm pretty sure there's an office on the second floor no one uses. If you use that room to cool down, I'm sure I can head there a few times. You know just to make sure you're okay. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Hmmm maybe I'll use it to cool off then. Don't be shy and stop off there every now and then. You know... To make sure I'm okay. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take a moment more to take in the sight in-front of you then quickly turn and head back to your stall.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Lucie Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $lucieRelationship >= 15 and $miguelNTR is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
You look around and notice that Lucie is not at her desk. "She's probably cooling her self off in that office on the second floor" you think to yourself. You can't take it much more and head off to the second floor.
You open the door to the office and see Lucie in there cooling herself off.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I hope I'm not too late to the show. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>I'm glad you could make it $pfname. Honestly this AirCon is so high now that it's not just the twins who are too hot. <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Lucie3.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<div class="grey">\
Lucie turns around and lowers her skirt. You notice she's taken off her bra but also her more than ample ass is staring you right in the face.
<<speech "Lucie">>I hope you don't me, but my body needs to breathe. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I don't mind at all. In fact I completely support it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>You do? That makes me so happy. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I don't want to be too forward but how about after work we go for a drink. The AirCon at the bar is much cooler. And I'd love to get to know you more, as well as the twins. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>I'd love too, both me and the twins. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You stand there for a bit longer, trying to hide your sizable erection. Before Lucie pulls her clothes back on and goes to leave.
<<speech "Lucie">>I'll see you after work then $pfname. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Lucie leaves the office, closing the door behind her. Leaving you with a choice now. What do you do?
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Lucie Relationship Increased + 1</div>\
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<<if $miguelNTR is false>>\
[[Go on a Date|LucieDate]]
<<if $lucieDate >= 1>>\
<<if $photoBook is false>>\
<<linkreplace "Go back to Lucie's House">>
<<speech "Lucie">>I'd love to go on another date with you $pfname, but I'm just a little busy, I'm trying to gather up all my photo's from my holiday last year but I can't find a photo book anywhere. It's really putting a downer on my mood. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'll keep a look out for you, maybe I can find one. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>That would be amazing! Thank you so much.<</speech>>
<<if $photoBook is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Go back to Lucie's House">>
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh my god $pfname! I can't believe you found a photo book for me. I really appreciate it.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No worries, it was nothing really. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>It still means a lot, so thank you! How about that date we spoke about earlier? <</speech>>
[[Go back to Lucie's House|LucieScene][$photoBook to false]]\
<<if $lucieRelationship >= 15 and $miguelNTR is true>>\
<div class="grey">\
You're working on the current case and you hear Lucie call you over.
<<speech "Lucie">>Hey $pfname, Miguel told us that you've been promoted and you don't have too much time to work with us anymore. <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Lucie.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah it's true, I will try to make time but I'm really busy with new cases. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> That's a shame, its going to be me, Miguel and Kyra for a while then. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm sure you guys will do okay, you're all great workers! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> Thank you, well I guess I'll see you about.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Lucie seems a little distant, you feel like shes a bit annoyed that you've been promoted and now don't have time for everyone.
[[Head Back|$caseName]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<set $hour to 19>>\
<<if $kyraDate == 0>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You finish up the work day and as you pack up your things you head over to Kyra as she's gathering her stuff.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So where are we going? Bar? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> I was thinking some place a little more secluded. How about my place? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You're place? Like I'm going to say no to that! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Great, I live nearby, follow me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra leads you out the building and you walk with her for a few minutes until you reach an apartment block, she unlocks it and starts heading up the stairs.
You follow, barely able to contain your grin. If the messing about in the office is anything to go by then this should be one hell of a house visit.
<<speech "Kyra">> Here we are. It's not much but it's all someone can get on an associates salary right. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It's nice! better than my place that's for sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Well, I'm going to go and get changed into something a little more comfortable, please make yourself at home. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra gives you a little wink and heads over to what you can guess is the bedroom.
You take a quick look around the apartment and take note of the modern funiture, It's clear she makes more than just an associate. You wonder where she could get the money from. But before you finish that train of thought you here your name called from behind you.
<<speech "Kyra">> $pfname it's time for me to show you the time of your life. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kneeling on the table is Kyra dressed in the most revealing fishnet bodysuit. You stand there speachless for a second and just take it all in.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> What's the matter $pfname? Are you stunned into silence? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fucking hell Kyra, I'm speechless. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> You may be, but it seems you cock is very talkative, it looks like it's about to tear out of your pants. Come here let's get those pants off. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You close the distance quickly and start making out with her, trying to get your pants off quicker than you've ever had to do so in your life.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> There we go! Give me that fat cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You can take it all Kyra, shit I'm so horny. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck you're really good at this. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Of course I am. Once you've been with me you'll be dreaming of me every night. Trust me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn look at those tits too, so perfectly round and hot. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> I mean they're not as big as Lucies but I they're still pretty damn amazing aren't they. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course they are, I want to stick my dick between them. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Normally I don't do it but since you asked so nicely I'll make an exception. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> Mmmm there we go, how does that feel? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>This combined with the blowjob is pushing me so close the the edge. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Ooooh you're going to pop huh? You want to cum all over my face? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not yet, you look so sexy I want to fuck your brains out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Now I never fuck on a first date $pfname, not even for you. Sorry to disappoint. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>There's no disappointment here, this is also amazing. Since I don't need to hold on anymore I'm going to cum so fucking hard. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Mmmm excellent, all over my face. Cum all over my pretty face. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Here it fucking comes Kyra, FUUUUCK! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">>Yes, so much on my face, it's so nice and warm. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That was fucking intense, I nearly lost my balance I can so hard. That was amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>It wasn't terrible for myself either. You've got a nice cock $pfname. I can't wait to try it out in the near future. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It's yours whenever you need it! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>That's what I like to hear. Now as much as I've enjoyed your company it's probably best if you leave, I don't want the neighbours to start gossiping, I actually have quite the professional repuatation around here. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>We wouldn't want that now would we. I'll see you in work Kyra. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>I look forward to it, as well as our next date. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You get changed back into your clothes and head out of the apartment. Kyra gives you a kiss on the cheek leaving a bright red lip mark as you leave.
As you head out of the building you think that getting this job might have been the best decision in the world. You can't wait until the next date with Kyra!
[[Leave Kyra's place|City][$kyraDate to 1; $player.lust to 0]]
</div><<set $hour to 19>>\
<<if $player.Promotion < 2>>
<div class="grey">\
You finish off the last piece of work for the day and you and Miguel leave the office and head down to the local bar.
As you enter it seems pretty busy but you manage to find a table. Miguel heads over to the bar and brings back two beers.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> How much do I owe you for the drink? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>We'll do rounds so don't worry about it. So how are you finding the office so far?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah it's great so far, the people there are really nice. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Defintly! I mean have you see the two bombshells we work with? Talk about hitting the jackpot! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>How could I miss them? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>I don't know about you but it seems that every woman I'm running into here is insanely hot. Is it just this city or what? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Honestly I know what you mean, our co-workers, our boss. Hell even the just the random people I'm meeting. It almost seems like it's been set up this way or something. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Well I say keep it coming that's for sure! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both finish off a few beers and decide to call it a night.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Miguel Relationship Increased + 5</div>\
[[Head home|Bedroom][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 5; $hour to $hour + 1; $miguelEvent to 1]]
<<if $player.Promotion >= 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
You finish off the last piece of work for the day and you and Miguel leave the office and head down to the local bar.
As you enter it seems pretty busy but you manage to find a table. Miguel heads over to the bar and brings back two beers.
<<speech "Miguel">>Here's to your promotion! Honestly I have no idea how you managed to impress that junior partner. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>What can I say I clearly know excatly what I'm doing. Either that or I'm just stumbling my way up the ladder. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Well now that you're promted I guess you're the boss of all of us now? You think you can order me around? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You laugh a little thinking Miguel is joking. He holds his stare for a second then breaks into a smile. Unsure of how to take what happened you decide to play it off a all being fine.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Me? Boss? No not at all, all this means is that I'm going to be doing much more work for a fraction of a pay increase. I don't know if I'm any better off really. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>That's true actually. Given all the extra work you'll be leaving me all alone. You won't even have time for the other two co-workers we have. It'll be just me and the two women. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
<div class="boldText">Attention! This is a choice which WILL affect the game from this point onwards. I suggest making a save if you want to experience both paths. </div>\
<div id="choices">
<<link "I can make time for everyone don't worry about that. - (Friend route)">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I can make time for everyone don't worry about that. I couldn't tear myself away from the women who work with us, also it would be a shame to not hang out with you now that I have a bit more work to do. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>That's true! We should meet up for more drinks like this, there's tons of smoking hot women out here and we can work as wingmen for each other. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That sounds great!<</speech>>
<<set $miguelNTR to false>>\
You both finish off quite a few beers and decide to call it a night.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Miguel Relationship Increased + 5</div>\
[[Head home|Bedroom][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 5; $hour to $hour + 1; $miguelEvent to 3]]
<div id="choices">
<<link "You're right, honestly I barely have enough time to do my work - (Sleeps with co-workers route)">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You're right, honestly I barely have enough time to do my work, let alone going around and keeping up with people. It's a shame but it's the price of success I suppose. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>That's a real shame to hear. But I'm sure I can cope, it will be just me, Kyra and Lucie. However will I survive. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Something tells me you'll find a way. <</speech>>
<<set $miguelNTR to true>>\
<<set $dayCheck to $day>>
You both finish off quite a few beers and decide to call it a night.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="RelationshipText">Miguel Relationship Increased + 5</div>\
[[Head home|Bedroom][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 5; $hour to $hour + 1; $miguelEvent to 1]]
\<<speech "Hitomi">>Mr. James huh? I must admit it makes finacial sense. The more money we bring in from a case the better we're rewarded. Okay we'll take Mr. James as our client. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi picks up the phone and calls the number on the case file. She talks briefly with Mr. James and explains that she will be taking his case.
After hanging up she let's you know that Mr. James will be coming in today to speak to us about the case. He said he'll be here within the hour. So Hitomi says you can head off and meet her in meeting room in 1 hour.
You leave the office and kill some time by having a coffee and walking around the fifth floor. When there's only 10 mintues to go you head over ot the first meeting room to find Hitomi setting up in there.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Good you're here. Mr. James will be here soon so make sure you have all the research documents set out correctly. Also while he's here let me do the talking. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sure thing, I'm here to learn so I'll be taking notes. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Good. Right take your seat and get the documents ready. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You start sorting the documents out and soon a receptionist knocks on the door and enters with Mr. James following behind.
He comes into the room and sits opposite both you and Hitomi. It's clear straight away that he can't take his eyes off Hitomi and her overly large breasts.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Welcome Mr. James. Thank you for choosing Addams and Ann as your law firm. We want to let you know that from this point onwards we will take care of absolutely everything. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Well if you're lawyering skills are as good as your looks I'm in very good hands. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well thank you Mr. James I know I won't disappoint you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You look between the two, and you get the feeling there's something between these two. Could they know each other from somewhere?
You keep quiet and keep watching, learning all you can.
<<speech "Hitomi">>So Mr. James, according to your wife, you cheated on her and because of this she believes she has access to the ownership of the house. First thing I need to ask. Are her claims true? <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> I can't deny them. For some reason women are attracted to me. I can't help that unfortunately. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes I can tell that from here. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Okay that's a pretty big hint that there's something here. If you knew this you would have picked the other client.
You notice that Hitomi has quietly unbuttoned the first button on her top. Jesus is she always this forward with other men?
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> But what I can say is she has no evidence for her claim. I made sure of that before anything happened. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Excellent. That means we can go ahead with this quite easily. If there's no evidence then this is all just hearsay. We can lead with that and then we can handle anything she throws at us in the deposition. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Brilliant, I already feel more confident. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Now we have to talk about our costs. For our services, if you don't win the case then it will be a flat fee of just $1,000. However if you win the case we charge a 20% fee of the winnings. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> 20%? Surely not, I could go to any law firm in the city and get 10% easily. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes, but you have a certain gaurentee with our firm. Also you will be surprised how persuasive I can be with that fee. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Oh really? Well you'll have to be pretty persuasive to almost double the fee's of other firms. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi smiles and then quickly turns to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>$pfname could you please go down to the canteen and get a coffee for Mr. James here. Maybe even some food, charge it to my account. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course, I'll quickly get the secretary to get it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>No you will do fine I'm sure. Now please if you will. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi gestures to the door. You awkwardly stand up and go to leave. Before you have fully left Hitomi quickly closes the door behind you.
What the hell? You know you're just an associate but to go for a fetch task? Either way you know you can't say no so you head down to the canteen and grab the things Hitomi has asked for.
It takes about 5-10 minutes to get everything but soon you're back outside the first meeting room. But as you get close to the door you can hear some strange sounds coming from the room. You quietly open the door and peek inside.
[[Peek inside|HitomiNTR]]
</div><<speech "Hitomi">>Mrs. James huh? I must admit it makes sense. The law will be on our side for this one which will make things much easier. Each win we get the better our records look. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi picks up the phone and calls the number on the case file. She talks briefly with Mrs. James and explains that she will be taking her case.
After hanging up she let's you know that Mrs. James will be coming in today to speak to us about the case. She said she'll be here within the hour. So Hitomi says you can head off and meet her back at her office in 1 hour.
You leave the office and kill some time by having a coffee and walking around the fifth floor. When there's only 10 mintues to go you head back to her office to find Hitomi setting up in there.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Good you're here. I'll be taking the back seat on this one. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Really? I thought I would be observing you so I can learn as much as possible. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Normally yes, but you did a lot of work collecting this research data and I think this would be a good reward. Also when it comes to female clients it's been found that dealing with a male lawyer often helps them open up more, it works the other way round too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay that makes sense, but what if I make a mistake? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't worry, I'll step in if I think the situation is going to shit. I'd suggest you take some time to go over everything in your head. She should be here any moment.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You go over aspects of the case in your head while waiting. This is a great chance to do well and maybe even impress some partners. But on the other hand there's also a good chance you'll fuck it up, giving the opposite effect...
You don't have long to think as a secretary knocks on the door and announces that Mrs. James is here.
She opens the door and Mrs. James walks in, clearly a little nervous she doesn't initially make eye contact.
<img src = "img/MrsJames.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You stand up and guesture Mrs. James towards the empty chair.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Please Mrs. James take a seat. Thank you so much for coming in today. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> That's okay, I just want to get this whole ordeal out of the way. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I can understand that this is really difficult for you. I'm sorry that it's come to this. I hope that we can help you out as much as possible. Please could you let us know what you want from this case? <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> He cheated on me, he broke my heart. I want revenge and I want to take as much as I can. I was always faithful so I deserve everything I can get. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I see, and did you at any time give him money, or used your own personal money for him? <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Yes I did, when we were first married I helped pay for his student loans, all the way up until they were paid off in full. God I was so stupid. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> On the contrary Mrs. James, due to you using martial assets on him you could be entitled to much more of a payout on the divorce. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
For the first time since Mrs. James walked into the room you notice relief on her face, and maybe even a little bit of happiness.
You also notice an impressed smile on Hitomi's face, clearly she didn't expect you to know about that, but that's thanks to all the research everyone did before this.
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Really? That's amazing to hear. I lost so much money due to helping him out. It's such a relief that I could get that back, and stick it to him one last time. I don't know how I could thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Please Mrs. James, you're out client we will do anything to help out where we can. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mrs. James' demeanor quickly changes after what you said, she seems to lean forward slightly.
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> I really appricate that you can help me so much. You know, I never once cheated on him, even though there were chances. Many chances. I always remained faithful. I almost wish I didn't now, I wish I could go back and really go behind his back like he did to me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You notice she starts to lean much closer to the table now, almost resting her breasts on it. You're not the only one who notices and Hitomi gives a little smirk and stands up.
<<speech "Hitomi">>You'll have to forgive me Mrs. James, I have an urgent meeting with another client that completely slipped my mind. I'll leave you in the very capable hands of $pfname here. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi stands up and walks towards the door. You quickly stand up and follow her, as she opens the door she turns to you. You whisper to her.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You can't just leave me alone here. What if you need to step in if I mess up? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh trust me $pfname, you've already got the client, in fact I think you've done so well you'll enjoy what comes next. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She gives you a quick wink and closes the door behind her. Well thanks, guess you're going to just have to finish up here alone.
You turn around and to your surprise you see Mrs. James sat on the desk with her suit nearly fully unbuttoned.
<img src = "img/MrsJames1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Uhh Mrs. James are you feeling okay? <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Oh I'm completely fine. In fact I know excatly what I want to do now. That bastard broke my heart, took my money and laughed. Now I want to take his money and do what I've wanted to do for years. Please $pfname, let me do what he did to me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Mrs. James are you sure? This isn't even my office. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> It's fine, also I'm pretty sure that woman from before knew excatly what I wanted, why do you think she left? Now go and lock the door. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You don't need to be told twice, you turn around and lock the door. When you turn back around you see Mrs. James bending over the table with her skirt pulled down.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>\
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>\
<img src = "img/MrsJames2.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Not wanting to waste any time you grab her push her onto her knees.
[[Time to get a bonus|MrsJamesScene]]
</div>\<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You almost can't believe what you're seeing. Hitomi is kneeling in-front of Mr. James sucking him off and damn does she know what she's doing.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>\
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>\
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Fuck yes, if you keep this up I can see now why you take 20% commission. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Please, if you think this is why then the next few minutes are going to blow your fucking mind. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi takes his cock out her mouth and places it between her massive tits.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> That's right let me fuck the shit out of those tits. They're all I could think of since I came into this room. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes, fuck my tits. Don't stop. treat them rough. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Shit if you keep this up I'm gonna cum any second. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well we can't have that. I need to enjoy this too. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi stands up and turns around. She bends over the table and Mr. James starts fucking her from behind.
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Ohhh fuck yes, that's what I wanted. Keep that up. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Damn Hitomi, you're fucking wild. I'll be going with this law firm every fucking time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>I aim to please. Now sit down. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Fuck isn't that associate going to come back soon? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Who $pfname? He's new he probably doesn't even know where the canteen is. But you're right, we have to finish up soon. Time to make you cum your brains out. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Shit that's right, ride that dick. Fuck you're so fucking tight. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Mmmmm that's right come on pound that pussy. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Shit I'm close, get on your back I want to see those massive tits when I cum. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>You like these big tits? Where do you want to cum? <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Depends are you on birth control? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Of course, why do you want to fill me up? <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> Fuck yes, shit I'm gonna cum. I'm cumming inside you! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>That's right, cum inside me fill me up! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls >
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiNTR7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> FUUUUUCK! That was amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>It wasn't too bad for me either. Now quick get your clothes on, my associate will be back any second.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You watch as they quickly get changed. Almost in disbelief of what you saw you quietly close the door and wait for a minute.
I can't believe I let another guy get to the woman I wanted. This is supposed to be another chance at life, and I just sat as another man got to fuck her. Is this what I want? Am I going to let this happen again? You think about it for another minute or so then open the door to go back into the meeting room.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Ahh $pfname. There you are, we're all finished up here and the deals sorted. Mr. James I look forward to working closely together. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrJames" "Mr. James">> And I with you Hitomi. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mr. James stands and goes to leave, shaking your hand as he leaves and giving you a wink just before he leaves the room.
After he leaves it's just you and Hitomi in the room.
<<speech "Hitomi">>I'll be taking the rest of the case from here on. You did well for your first case. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I didn't really do anything except get some coffee. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Not excatly, you chose a client that is going to pay us lots of money to represent him in a case. You made us some good money. Expect a good bonus from this. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well thank you. I hope I can continue to work with you as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well since you mention it. I do have another case I'm working on, I can give you it as a research task and if you do well with it I can bring you on another case with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That sounds great. I'll get to work on it right away. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Excellent! Come see me when it's all done. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You thank Hitomi again and leave the meeting room. Although you missed out this time, with another chance you could get closer to her with this new case. You just need to complete the research like last time in the bullpen.
[[Head back to the offices|Offices][$caseName to "Case2"; $caseCompletion to 0; $player.money to $player.money + 1000; $hour to $hour + 2; $hitomiEvent to 2; $player.favor to $player.favor + 1]]
</div><<if $hour <=18>>\
<<if $caseCompletion < 15>>\
<div class="grey">\
You sit at your desk in the bullpen. You have a few options on what to do.
Work to do until completion $caseCompletion / 15.
[[Speak to Kyra|KyraChat][$kyraRelationship to $kyraRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Miguel|MiguelChat][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Lucie|LucieChat][$lucieRelationship to $lucieRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy >= 10 and $player.stress <= 90>>\
[[Do some work|$caseName][$player.Energy to $player.Energy - 10; $player.stress to $player.stress + 10; $hour to $hour + 2; $player.money to $player.money + 20; $caseCompletion to $caseCompletion + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy <= 9>>\
You're too tired to do any work right now. Maybe have a rest before trying to work again.
<<if $player.stress >= 91>>\
You're too stressed to do any work right now. Maybe try to relax before trying to work again.
[[Leave the BullPen|Offices]]
<<else>> \
<<set $hitomiEvent to 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You finally finish the research work that Hitomi gave you. You had to do all the work yourself on this one as she asked you personally to help out with it.
You quickly go over all the things that you've researched here are the main points:
* The case is a domestic abuse case.
* Your client named Emelia, the plaintiff claims that her husband attacked her in their room.
* The defendant, the husband, claims that he didn't and your client is making it up to get a payout.
* You have an image of the scene as well as the medical report of your client that proves she broke a rib. But the defendant says that it happened after this event so it couldn't have been him.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Right time to get all this stuff together and bring it to Hitomi. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Hitomi got you doing more case work? Man I did a case with her and she was a total hard ass, complained about my work the whole way through. Still I wasn't complaining about the view though if you know what I mean. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Really she didn't complain about my work, well not yet anyway. There's still plenty of time for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Well good luck mate, you better head off, you don't want to keep her waiting. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit, yeah you're right, good luck with your research. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You rush off and take the elevator to the fifth floor and make your way to Hitomi's office.
The door is open and you can see Hitomi typing away on the computer. You knock on the door to get her attention.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hi Miss Tanaka. I have your research for the case you asked me to work on. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Ahhh $pfname perfect timing! Also call me Hitomi remember. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sorry... Hitomi, I've completed all the research and have it all compiled here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Excellent, like I said your timing is perfect as the client will be arriving here any minute. She will be coming in to talk about the photo of the room. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Do you want me in on this or will you be taking it yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>My dear, how will you ever learn if you don't sit in with me? Come on I've booked meeting room 1 we should get it set up for when she arrives. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You follow Hitomi to meeting room 1. Trying your best to keep your eyes off her ass.
[[Head to the Meeting Room|Meeting Room 1]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
It's clear Mrs. James knew excatly what to do as she threw herself at your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck you really know what you're doing. Shit <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> I've imagined this moment for years. I'm going to really enjoy it to the fullest. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She works your cock for a bit, it feels like heaven. If she's going to give you such a good sucking then you have to repay the favour.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Stand up and turn around. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Mmmm fuck yes Mr. $plname <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck I can't take it any more, I'm putting it in. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> God yes! put it in, make me yours. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You slide your cock in all too easily. This womans so fucking wet it's insane!
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Holt shit yes, finally! Fuck this feels so good. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh I'm only getting started. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Fuuuuuuuck yes keep going like that. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh shit that feels so fucking good. This ass is amazing.<</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Mmmm you like it? Let me give you a great view of it. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She pushes you onto the desk and sits ontop of you, with her ass facing you.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck that's amazing how's a guy not supposed to cum from this sight alone? <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Don't you fucking dare cum yet $pfname. <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust == 100>>\
<div class="grey">\
Your lust is maxed out. You're going to cum prematurely...
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit I'm sorry I can't hold it in any longer fuck I'm gonna cum. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> No don't fuck, I'm close don't cum yet. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Too late! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You push her off you and just about hold it in until she's kneels down.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust decreased</div>\
<<set $player.lust to 0>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>FUUUUUCKKKK <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJamesPre.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit that was amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> What the fuck? Is that it? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm sorry, you just made me so horny I couldn't hold it in... I hope we haven't lost you as a client.<</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Whatever, you're still my lawyer. Just let me get my stuff and leave. I'll leave all my details with the woman from before. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mrs. James seems pretty pissed. You let her gather her things and leave. You get your clothes back on too.
Before long you hear the door unlock and Hitomi comes in with a confused look on her face.
<<speech "Hitomi">>What the fuck happened? Mrs. James gave me her details but she seemed pretty pissed. What did you do? Or in fact what didn't you do? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Listen I don't really want to talk about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh damn, that bad huh? Get some performance anxiety then? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No the opposite actually. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Ahhhh I see, you deployed your troops before the call to battle huh? I wouldn't have guessed you're one of those. Shame... <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm not, honestly. I guess I just got overly excited. Anyway I'm going to leave, we signed her as a client either way. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>I'll be taking the rest of the case from here on. You did well for your first case. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Are you trying to rub it in? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Not excatly, you chose a client that is going to pay us lots of money to represent her in a case. You made us some good money. Expect a good bonus from this. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well thank you. I hope I can continue to work with you as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well since you mention it. I do have another case I'm working on, I can give you it as a research task and if you do well with it I can bring you on another case with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That sounds great. I'll get to work on it right away. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Excellent! Come see me when it's all done. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You thank Hitomi again and leave the meeting room. Damn what a case, maybe if you continue to help Hitomi you can getg closer to her. You just need to complete the research like last time in the bullpen.
[[Head back to the offices|Offices][$caseName to "Case2"; $caseCompletion to 0; $player.money to $player.money + 750; $hour to $hour + 2]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry I can keep going. Now turn around, let me see those tits. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Do you like it when I sit on your fat cock? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck yes, keep going don't stop. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
Mrs. James rides you like a wild animal. After a while she walks over to the office windows.
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Come here $pfname. I want you to fuck me next to the window. I want the world to see me finally getting what I wanted. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit this is so hot. I'm really not going to be able to keep it in for much longer. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> That's fine let me get on my back. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck I really am going to cum now. <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Yes! Please cum. Cum all over my face, I want it all over me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit get down on your knees I'm cumming! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You push her off you and just about hold it in until she's kneels down.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust decreased</div>\
<<set $player.lust to 0>>\
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/MrsJames/MrsJames9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>FUUUUUUUCCCK! <</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Holy shit that was so much. Mmmmm it's so warm on me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit Mrs. James you drained me completely. I feel light headed.<</speech>>
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> It was amazing for me too, I'm so happy I have such a caring lawyer. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mrs. James stands up and cleans herself off. She then puts her clothes back on, you do the same and within minutes it's like nothing has happened.
<<speech "MrsJames" "Mrs. James">> Well $pfname. Thank you for your care today. I will leave all my details with the woman from earlier on my way out. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It was my pleasure Mrs. James, have a wonderful day.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You're left alone with your thoughts after Mrs. James leaves. Holy shit that just happened. You can get used to this job you think to yourself.
Before long you hear the door unlock and Hitomi comes in with a sly look on her face.
<<speech "Hitomi">>That's one satisfied looking client. I assume it all went swimmingly? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Very much so. Are all clients like that? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Not all, but it definetly is a perk of the job when they are. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah no kidding. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">> Right well I'll be taking the rest of the case from here on. You did well for your first case. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I mean all I did was give her some advice and screw her on your desk. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Not excatly, you chose a client that is going to pay us lots of money to represent her in a case. You made us some good money. Expect a good bonus from this. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well thank you. I hope I can continue to work with you as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well since you mention it. I do have another case I'm working on, I can give you it as a research task and if you do well with it I can bring you on another case with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That sounds great. I'll get to work on it right away. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Excellent! Come see me when it's all done. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You thank Hitomi again and leave the meeting room. Damn what a case, maybe if you continue to help Hitomi you can getg closer to her. You just need to complete the research like last time in the bullpen.
[[Head back to the offices|Offices][$caseName to "Case2"; $caseCompletion to 0; $player.money to $player.money + 750; $hour to $hour + 2; $hitomiEvent to 2; $player.favor to $player.favor + 1]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
It's been a while but you feel like you've really come a long way with your fitness. You used to be out of breath when you walked up the stairs.
Feeling more fit means you can now find Alexis and speak to her about some more personal training. You look around and eventually find her in a more secluded section of the gym.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> There you are. I've been working out like crazy since our last meeting. So what do you think? Fit enough for your private sessions? <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> I can see from here that you've been taking your work outs seriously. But I'll have to test you properly to see if you really have the stamina to keep up. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Keep up with what? <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Oh don't worry you'll find out. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis hands you some weights and then steps onto a treadmill nearby.
<<speech "Alexis">> Right, keep using these while I warm up on this treadmill. If I see you slacking then this sessions over. Understand? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Got it! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
Alexis starts on the treadmill. You notice her ass as she's walking. Damn, did she always have an ass that perfect?
<<speech "Alexis">> Are you keeping up? No slacking remember. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Don't worry, I'm just getting started. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis finishes up on the treadmill and picks up a werid looking weight. She holds it over her head and starts shaking it.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">> This thing really works out the arms. It's perfect to get rid of any excess fat you may have. Are you still good to keep going? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm all good back here. Don't worry about me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Holy shit, forget getting tired while exercising, trying not to pop the biggest erection right now is much more difficult.
<<speech "Alexis">> Good, we should do some stretches before we really get started. Could you help me? I get really stiff if I don't stretch properly. Do you get stiff anywhere? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Definitly, especially right now. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">>Mmmm that's good, keep pushing there. That's perfect. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn Alexis, all your working out has given you the best ass I've seen. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>You like it? How would you like throwing your cum all over it? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Bloody hell? Really? <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Get that cock out, hurry. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You don't have to tell me twice! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You quickly pull your pants down and Alexis starts working away at you cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Mmm, oh shit yeah. That feels amazing. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She can't talk with her mouth being otherwise pre-occupied but she starts moaning and turns to face you so she can put your whole member in her mouth.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shiiiiit yes. If you keep sucking like that it won't be long until I paint you white. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>If you're going to do that surely you want to paint my ass white? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> It's almost like you read my mind. Quick turn around before I bust in your mouth. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis quickly turns around and shows you her perfect ass. Good job she did it so quickly because you can hardly hold another second as you spray her ass with you cum.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Here it comes. Shiiiiit, fuuuuck that's amazing. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">>Ohhh it's so warm. It feels so good. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You have no idea. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Hopefully in the future we can do more than just foreplay? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I couldn't be more down for that. Anytime you just tell me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>If you want to put it in, you'll really need more stamina than what you have now. You'll be drained before you even know it. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit okay, then I'll be focusing on working out then. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis wipes herself clean and pulls her shorts back up. She gives you a kiss on the cheek and goes to leave.
<<speech "Alexis">>Find me when you're really fit okay. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
If it's going to be more of this as a reward for working out. Then you've never been more motivated to work out in your life!
<<if $gymEvent == 1>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
[[Head back to the gym|Gym][$hour to $hour + 1; $gymEvent to 2]]
<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You head over to where Maserati is calling you, she's stood just before the door to the outside pool.
As you get closer you notice that the whole outside section is completely empty with a sign on the door saying "Under Maintenance"
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Is everything okay? <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> Of course, It's just I've been practicing a lot recently and I think I'm really making good progress. So much so I want to show you some of what I've learned. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That sounds great! Why don't we head to the pool and you can show me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> I think it might be better if we use the outdoor pool, you know, since there won't be anyone around. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Isn't it under maintenance right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> Excatly! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns around quickly and pushes the door open. Not wanting to waste an opportunity to be alone in a pool with a smoking hot woman, you quickly follow her outside.
<<speech "Maserati">>This place is perfect, quickly come over here. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Okay fair enough, it is more peacefull out here. So what have you been practicing?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She walks closer to you until she's only a few inches away from your body.
<<speech "Maserati">>Well I've been really working hard on the Breast Stroking <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhhh don't you mean the breast stoke? <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Oh no, I really don't <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
As she says that she pulls her bra downwards and quickly kneels in-front of you. Pulling your swimming trunks down all in one movement.
<<speech "Maserati">>Now it's time to really show my appreciation, using the best floatation devices in the world <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Maserati quickly grabs your dick and squeezes it between her huge tits.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Maserati.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuuuucking hell, these tits are amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>I know you've been staring at them every lesson, along with every other man in the pool. I bet you've been dreaming about sticking your dick between them. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Definetly, I'm living the dream now. Push them together let me fuck them harder.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Maserati1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>You're thrusting so hard. You must really want to cum all over these amazing tits. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You have no fucking idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Grab them, start fucking them like your life depends on it. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Maserati2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck these tits are so amazing I'm going to cum any second now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Yes, paint my tits white, drain your balls all over me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit, that's done it. Show me those beautiful tits. I'm cumming! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Maserati3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>Yes, cum all over them... So fucking warm. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shiiiiit that was amazing! I came so hard my knees are weak. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>I'm glad I could pay you back for all the lessons. I just hope we can continue the lesson for much longer.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Are you kidding, fucking yes we can! <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>That makes me very happy $pfname. And if you keep you can help me enough to be a confident swimmer I'm more than happy to keep rewarding you with more and more sessions like this. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>If that's the case then you'll be swimming in no time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Great! Now we really should get out of here. If we're caught we might get kicked out of the pool, then I'll never be able to learn to swim.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Not wanting to risk getting caught, you both quickly change back into your swimming clothes and quickly leave the outdoor section. Maserati goes to the showers to clean up and you head back to the leisure centre reception feeling drained but very satisfied.
<<if $poolEvent == 1>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
[[Head back|leisure centre][$poolEvent to 2; $swimmingLession to true]]
</div><div class="container">\
<<if $dreamEncounter == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Angel" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Angel.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Angel </h3>
<<if $onCase is false>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Lucie" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Lucie.png" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Lucie </h3>
<<if $onCase is false>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Kyra" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Kyra.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Kyra </h3>
<<if $onCase is false>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Miguel" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Miguel.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Miguel </h3>
<<if $hitomiEvent < 1>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Hitomi" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Hitomi.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Hitomi </h3>
<<if $spaFirstTime is false>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Cindy" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Cindy.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Cindy </h3>
<<if $barChatEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Bridgette" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Bridgette.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Bridgette </h3>
<<if $receptionEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Dillion" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Dillion.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Dillion </h3>
<<if $player.Promotion == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Ava" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Ava.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Ava </h3>
<<if $casinoEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Shay" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/ShayFox.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Shay </h3>
<<if $gymEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Alexis" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Alexis.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Alexis </h3>
<<if $poolEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Maserati" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Maserati.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Maserati </h3>
<<if $storeEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Gina" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Gina.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Gina </h3>
<<if $mizunoEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Mizuno" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Mizuno.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Mizuno </h3>
<<if $misonoEvent == 0>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Misono" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Misono1.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Misono </h3>
<<if $lenaHired == false>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Lena" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Lena.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Lena </h3>
<<if $elizaHired == false>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/GirlPlaceholder.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> ??? </h3>
<a data-passage="Eliza" class="link-internal link-image">\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Eliza.jpg" width="200px" height="270px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Eliza </h3>
[[Go back|$previousScene]]
(If stuck in an endless loop within these menus then you can use the back button on the side bar or click [[Here|City]] to go back to the city.)<img src = "img/Angel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<if $dreamEncounter == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
The last time you saw the Angel you had just died. You hope you don't have to die again to see her.
Maybe she'll contact you again when she's ready.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
She will contact you in your sleep after a set amount of days. Just go to sleep each night and you'll see her again.
<<if $dreamEncounter == 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
So I can choose to go to heaven and spend my favor points or go to bed instead.
This is the end of the content for her, there will be more in the future :)
<<return>><img src = "img/Lucie.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Lucies Relationship level $lucieRelationship. </div>\
<<if $miguelNTREvent < 2>>\
<<if $lucieRelationship < 15>>\
<div class="grey">\
Lucie is one of the associates who started with you in the bullpen. She seems nice but still very new and not too sure what to do.
Maybe I should get to know her a bit more?
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her until you have a relationship level of 15 or higher.
<<if $lucieRelationship >= 15 and $lucieDate is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
Holy shit, Lucie seems really up for meeting up and having a date. hopefully it can be a little more than just a date.
Maybe I should ask her for a date next time I see her.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her and select "Go on a Date" option.
<<if $lucieRelationship >= 15 and $lucieDate is 1 and $photoBook is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn that was one hell of a date with her, I can get used to going on dates with her if that's how they end.
Maybe I should see if I can go further than just a bar date.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her and select "Go back to Lucie's House" option. When she asks for a photobook, go to the gift store in the mall and buy it.
<<if $lucieRelationship >= 15 and $lucieDate is 1 and $photoBook is true>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn that was one hell of a date with her, I can get used to going on dates with her if that's how they end.
I've bought the photo book, now I should go and give it to Lucie.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her and select "Go back to Lucie's House" option.
<<if $lucieRelationship >= 15 and $lucieDate is 2 and $lucieHired is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn that was one hell of a house visit. I can't wait to get closer to her and see where this goes!
I wonder if I can do something in work to get closer to her. Maybe I should finish up all my cases first?
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Wait until you get a chance to hire some personal associates and choose to hire her.
<<if $lucieRelationship >= 15 and $lucieRelationship <=24 and $lucieDate is 2 and $lucieHired is true>>\
<div class="grey">\
I've now hired her as my associate, she may not have been the most qualified but I know she works hard!
I should talk to her more in work and see if we can continue progressing our relationship.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Talk to her in your office until she has 25 realtionship level. Then click on the option "Lucie talks to you".
<<if $lucieDate is 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
What a way to be repayed! Needless to say I'm happy with that!
This is the end of Lucies story, there are no plans to continue this for now. Don't forget to re-live some of the scenes in the deam world!
<div class="grey">\
Well shit, after that event I don't think I'm going to be able to get any closer with Lucie... It's a shame but that's what happens when I choose to get cucked I guess.
In future updates there will be more events for this route. If you want you can load a previous save or restart and pick the friend route with Miguel if you haven't seen that path yet.
<img src = "img/Kyra.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Kyra's Relationship level $kyraRelationship. </div>\
<<if $miguelNTREvent < 2>>
<<if $kyraRelationship < 15>>\
<div class="grey">\
Kyra is one of the associates who started with you in the bullpen. She seems really smart and knows what she's doing.
Maybe I should get to know her a bit more?
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her until you have a relationship level of 15 or higher.
<<if $kyraRelationship >= 15 and $kyraDate is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn Kyra really let me feel her up in work, she's crazy! She mentioned a few drinks after work.
Maybe I should ask her for a date next time I see her.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her and select "Go on a Date" option.
<<if $kyraRelationship >= 15 and $kyraDate is 1 and $makeUp is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn that was one hell of a date with her, I can get used to going on dates with her if that's how they end.
Maybe I should see if I can go further than just a bar date.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her and select "Go back to Kyra's House" option. When she asks for some makeup, go to the gift store in the mall and buy it.
<<if $kyraRelationship >= 15 and $kyraDate is 1 and $makeUp is true>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn that was one hell of a date with her, I can get used to going on dates with her if that's how they end.
I've bought the Makeup, now I should go and give it to Kyra.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her and select "Go back to Kyra's House" option.
<<if $kyraRelationship >= 15 and $kyraDate is 2 and $kyraHired is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn Kyra is a fucking animal, hopefully I can get closer to her and experience some more?
I wonder if I can do something in work to get closer to her. Maybe I should finish up all my cases first?
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Wait until you get a chance to hire some personal associates and choose to hire her.
<<if $kyraRelationship >= 15 and $kyraRelationship <=24 and $kyraDate is 2 and $kyraHired is true>>\
<div class="grey">\
I've now hired her as my associate, she is very qualified and I know she'll do great!
I should talk to her more in work and see if we can continue progressing our relationship.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Talk to her in your office until she has 25 realtionship level. Then click on the option "Kyra calls you".
<<if $kyraDate is 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn that was some role play, she really knows how to get me horny as fuck!
This is the end of Kyra;s story, there are no plans to continue this for now. Don't forget to re-live some of the scenes in the deam world!
<div class="grey">\
Well shit, after that event I don't think I'm going to be able to get any closer with Kyra... It's a shame but that's what happens when I choose to get cucked I guess.
In future updates there will be more events for this route. If you want you can load a previous save or restart and pick the friend route with Miguel if you haven't seen that path yet.
<img src = "img/Hitomi.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<if $hitomiEvent == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi is one of the Junior Partners here at the law firm. I'm currently working on a case with her now I've handed in the research work.
I wonder how the case is going to go.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Bro you're literally doing the case right now, just go through the pages and you'll finish the case. (Unless you're not on the case and if so then you've bugged the game... gg no re)
<<if $hitomiEvent == 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi told you to do some research for another case she's working on. If I complete that research then maybe I can go on another case with her?
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Do work on a case 15 times until you complete it.
<<if $hitomiEvent == 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
That was some promotion present. It's given me motivation to keep working hard in the future that's for sure!
I should spend some time to complete that case research that I picked up after my meeting with Hitomi.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Do work on a case 15 times until you complete it.
<<if $hitomiEvent == 4>>\
<div class="grey">\
What a first court case! I can't believe I managed to win!
That's it for Hitomi's content in this update. There will be some in the future so keep an eye out for future updates.
<img src = "img/Cindy.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Spa loyalty points $spaLoyalty </div>\
<<if $cindyEvent == 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
Cindy owns the spa in your neighbourhood. She seems really sweet and I've heard she's really good at her job!
I should really try and get to 100 loyalty points. Whatever the VIP session is it sounds amazing.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Get 100 loyalty and then go for the VIP session.
<<if $cindyEvent == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
That VIP session was amazing. I can't wait until I save up another 100 points and go again!
This is the end of the content for her, there will be more in the future :)
<<return>><img src = "img/Bridgette.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<if $barChatEvent == 1 and $yogaEvent == 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You met Bridgette at the bar. I offered her a drink but for some reason I chose not to pay for some reason. Something about equality...
Maybe I should have paid.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Go back to the bar and pay for her drink cheapskate.
<<if $barChatEvent == 2 and $yogaEvent == 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You met Bridgette at the bar and paid for her drink. She seems nice and even told me she teaches yoga down at the leisure centre on Wednesdays and Saturdays
If I'm free on one of those days I should head over there and take one of her lessons.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Go to the leisure centre on either Wednesday or Saturday then go to the activity room.
<<if $barChatEvent == 3 and $yogaEvent == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
Well that lesson was interesting. She said that she wants to get to know each other first.
Where can I go to see her and get to know her more? Somewhere not in class.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to her at the bar again to get to know her some more.
<<if $barChatEvent == 2 and $yogaEvent == 2 and $yogaEnd is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
I've had a few more drinks with Bridgette. Fucking hell that woman is thirsty as fuck, both figuratively and literally.
I can't wait for our next yoga lesson!
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Go to the leisure centre on either wednesday or saturday then go to the activity room.
<<if $barChatEvent == 2 and $yogaEvent == 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
If all yoga sessions are like that one. Then sign me up for life!
I really should go to the next yoga lesson and see what else I can get out of it?
<div class="boldText">(Important! If you go to the yoga event with full lust you will cum early and there will be a scene where she fucks someone else. If you don't want to see this then make sure you don't have full lust when you go for your next yoga lesson!) </div>
<<if $barChatEvent == 2 and $yogaEvent == 4>>\
<div class="grey">\
Well that yoga lesson was really something...
This is the end of the content for this character in this update. There may be more but there isn't any planned as of right now.
<<return>><img src = "img/Dillion.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<if $receptionEvent == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
I don't really know much about the receptionist other than she's smoking hot! I hope I can get to know her more soon.
Wait until you're sent on a buisness trip overseas and you'll get to know her more. (Choose to dream if you want a scene)
<<if $receptionEvent == 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
Dillion is no longer the receptionist anymore and is Ava's personal secretary. She's been tasked with helping me in Japan. I look forward to working with her.
There are no more scenes with Dillion for this update, there will be as time goes on, with it focusing on her more as the updates continue.
<<return>><img src = "img/Ava.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<if $player.Promotion > 0 and $player.Promotion < 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn Ava is one hell of a hot boss. I got to get promoted more so I have more chances to meet her again!
Maybe if I get to Junior Partner I'll be able to speak to her again.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Get promoted to Senior Partner by completing case work. Then work as in the bull pen until 15 case work completed and Hitomi should tell you Ava wants to see you.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent < 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
Holy shit, I got promoted to Junior Partner! And now I'm going to be working on bigger cases. I need to do my best not to disappoint Ava.
I should keep working hard and finish all the cases I'm on before going to see her again!
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Finish the Japan case and once done head back to Ava's office.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent is 3 and $staffHired < 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
I've been told to hire two personal associates. I should go back to my office and hire two of them.
I wonder who I should hire? Probably someone good right? Or someone hot as fuck...
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Hire two people in your office and go back and speak to Ava in her office.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent is 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
I've been told to hire two personal associates. I should go back to my office and hire two of them.
I wonder who I should hire? Probably someone good right? Or someone hot as fuck...
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Hire two people in your office and go back and speak to Ava in her office.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent is 4>>\
<div class="grey">\
Ava has asked me to help her with a personal matter. I need to find her ex-husband and try to get the personal files from him and delete them.
She also wants me to find some leverage on him so he doesn't come back.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
She said that you could find him in the bar. Head there when it's open.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent is 5>>\
<div class="grey">\
I found him in the bar and he went to the heaven on earth massage parlour...
If I can get a camera maybe I can wait there for him to arrive and then get some physical evidence of this for the leverage?
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Go to the shop and buy the camera if you haven't already then head to the spa and choose to wait around for the ex-husband to arrive.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent is 6>>\
<div class="grey">\
I have all the leverage I need from him and I also found this interesting pen-drive in his bag before leaving.
I should find a private computer to delete the contents of this pen-drive.... Or maybe give whatever's on there a little look??
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Go home and use your laptop, there should be an option to check the pendrive, choose to either copy the files for personal use, or delete them for good.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent is 7>>\
<div class="grey">\
That's the pen-drive dealt with, now all that's left to do is head back to Ava's office and tell her to good news.
With her on my side that's one vote in the bag for Senior Partner!
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Just head to Ava's office and the event will play.
<<if $player.Promotion is 3 and $AvaEvent is 8>>\
<div class="grey">\
I got her vote and her gratitude, and that was some gratitude! I can't wait to see what else I may get in the future!
This is all there is for Ava in this update. There is more planned for her so keep an eye out for future updates.
<<return>><img src = "img/ShayFox.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<if $casinoEvent == 1 and $shayEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
Shay owns the casino in the mall. It must be something about a hot mature woman in power but damn I just want to spend all my money there!
Maybe I should visit the kiosk and buy the "Shay's Reward" card thing.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Go to the casino store and buy the "Shay's Reward" Option for $10,000.
<<if $casinoEvent == 1 and $shayEvent is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn that was one hell of a reward, even if it did cost me $10,000!
That's all for Shay for now. There's no plans for anymore but if people want more then just let me know.
<<return>><img src = "img/Alexis.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Your fitness level is $player.fitness. </div>\
<<if $gymEvent == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
Alexis is the woman who helped you in the gym. She really knew what she was doing and had the body to prove it. She mentioned that she did private lesson.
I should probably work on my fitness before asking her for lessons.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Work out until you have 10 fitness and then an option will appear to have a private lesson.
<<if $gymEvent == 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
That was one hell of a work out session. A few more of them and I'll be fit enough to take on anything!
Alexis said that I should work on my fitness before I get anything else. Once I've worked hard I should speak to her again.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Work out until you have at least 20 fitness and then an option will appear to look for her at the gym.
<<if $gymEvent == 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn! Who knew I could do so much at the gym? If I knew this earlier I would have started going to the gym in my past life.
This is the end of the content for her, there are no plans as of yet to add more scense with her, but you can replay her scene as much as you want at the gym.
<<return>><img src = "img/Maserati.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Number of lessons completed $lessonNum . </div>\
<<if $poolEvent == 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You met Maserati in the pool when you went there. She can't swim and you offered to give her lessons for a... reward.
I should probably head over there to give her a lesson (one a day).
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Give her 5 lessons then in her next lesson click the option saying "You notice Maserati is calling you over".
<<if $poolEvent == 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn, that was a great thank you from Maserati! If this is why she's giving you for helping her a little bit, what reward will you get for teaching her to swim fully?
I should keep giving her lessons until she calls me over again.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Give her 10 lessons then in her next lesson click the option saying "Maserati stops you before going into the pool".
<<if $poolEvent == 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
That was an even better thank you than the previous one!
This is the end of the content for her, there are no plans as of yet to add more scense with her, but you can replay her scene as much as you want at the pool.
<<return>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<set $hour to 19>>\
<<if $lucieDate == 0>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You wait around until after work and meet up with Lucie as you both leave the office.
You walk and talk as you make your way to the local bar. Heading inside you notice that the place is just starting to get busy. Before it gets too crowded you both quickly get a table and order a few drinks.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> See much better air-con in here compared to the office. You probably won't have to get half naked here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh really? I thought you liked our previous meeting. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh I definetly did! Don't get me wrong I'd love to see you get half naked here. I'm just not sure about some of the people in here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Well once we're done here we should go to a place where the people there don't mind me taking my clothes off. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well I know of one place, it's quite private and pretty exclusive actually. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Really? And where is this exclusive place? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> My apartment. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>I'm not sure whether to laugh at the joke, or laugh at the attempt to say your bedroom is an exclusive place. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah, it really wasn't my best line. But you can't blame a guy for trying. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Well as long as you keep trying then I don't see why it can't end up there. As long as you keep playing your cards right. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Renewed with the expectation of whats to come you and her continue to chat and enjoy each others company. After a few more drinks you both can barely keep yourselves off each other.
<<speech "Lucie">>The place better be close by. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> It's just down the block, come on, quick follow me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both gather your things and head back to your place, you're practically run up the stairs, unlock the door and start undressing each other like wild animals.
She drops to her knees and starts pulling off your pants.
<<speech "Lucie">>You've seen a lot of me without clothes, now it's time to return the favor. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Lucie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Mmmm that's nice, your hands are so soft. It feels great. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>I love teasing a cock like this, watching it twitch as I lick up and down. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> And the cock loves it too, let me get a good feel of these amazing tits. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Lucie1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> They are so fucking soft. They feel great in my hands. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>They're the thing about myself I'm most proud of. My tits always makes guys stop and stare. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm not surprised. They feel amazing in my hands. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>They'll feel even better with your cock in them. Trust me, most men don't last longer than a minute when squeezed between them. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Let me put some oil on them first make them easy to fuck hard. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Lucie2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>Mmmm that feels warm, I can't wait for another warm liquid to go all over them. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit all this talk is making me so fucking horny. I'm going to fuck the shit out of these tits. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Lucie3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck! They're amazing, so soft and warm, the pressure is just perfect too. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>This why I'm so proud of them, they're pretty damn perfect aren't they. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Hell yes they are. Shit I gotta shit down somewhere or my legs are going to give way. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You lean back on the stairs and give yourself a second to compose yourself.
But before you even have a chance to breathe, Lucie crawls over to you and starts sucking your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Lucie4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>You don't get to rest that easily. Come on, can you last longer than the average guy? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit Lucie, I'm trying! But you're not making it easy. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Yeah well I'm about to make it much harder. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Lucie5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck they're so soft. My dick is in heaven right now. I'm really not going to last much longer. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>It's been around 50 seconds. Just 10 more seconds and you'll have beaten the average. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The next 10 seconds feel like 10 minutes. You're holding on with everything you've got.
Until you just can't hold on any longer.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I can't anymore, there's no stopping it! I'm cumming! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Lucie6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit yes! That was amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>One minute and 10 seconds. Not bad Mr. $plname, not bad. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Time normally isn't an issue for me, but something about those tits made me lose all control. Sorry you didn't get much fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh I still very much enjoyed myself. And since you got all the fun this time, we'll just need a second time where I get my fun too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Absolutely! I'd more than love to do this again. Any time, any place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Any place? I like the sound of that. Right I better leave, thank you $pfname, I'll see you in work. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> No honestly, thank you! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Lucie gathers all her things and goes to leave. You watch her as she walks towards the door.
Before leaving she turns around and blows you a kiss then closes the door behind her. Holy shit, that just happened. This job really has it's benifits!
[[Finish up here|Bedroom][$lucieDate to 1]]
<<set $dreamEncounter to 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
You open your eyes to a familiar scene. The warm feeling of perfection washes over you... Did you die again?? In you sleep of all places.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Am I dead again? <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">> Oh well I didn't expect anyone to be here today. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You turn around when you hear another voice, standing in-front of you is another angel. But not the one you saw the first time you were here. She seems younger and wearing much less clothes.
<img src = "img/EmmaAngel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh wow, you're not the angel I saw before. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">> Now now $pfname, don't tell me you've been seeing other angels.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wait how do you know my name Miss... Angel? <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Emma">> Cute, you can call me Emma for now, and every Angel knows every human that's been reborn. It's kind of our job.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I guess that makes sense. But where is the other angel that I first saw. And why am I here? <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Emma">> Geeez why are you talking so much about the other angel. Am I not good enough for you? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She says in quite a playful tone. She then turns around and sits on the floor, clearly point her ass out for you to see.
<img src = "img/EmmaAngel1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Uhh well... I didn't say that... It's just... <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">> Junior Angel Emma, stop playing with the poor man. Go back I'll take over from here. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Emma">> God fine. You always ruin my fun. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The younger angel storms off and the older angel that you first saw after you died appears in-front of you.
<img src = "img/Angel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Angel">>Hello again Mr. $plname. It's good to see you again. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay I'm really confused. Did I die in my sleep or something? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>Not at all, don't worry it would be really unfair to let people chosen to be reborn to die in such a simple way. At least not this early on anyway. I'm simply here to see how your first week of life has been. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh okay, well that makes things less nerve-racking. <</speech>>
<<if $player.favor == 0>>\
<<speech "Angel">>It seems that you've been alive again for a whole week and you still haven't gained any favour. Surely you haven't been reborn just to sit around and not follow any of your desires? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> No of course not. I've just been busy setting things up. You know it's important to have a good start, then everything will happen quickly. <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>Hmmm okay then, if you insist.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I will focus on getting more favor I promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>It seems that you've already gained some favor in just a weeks time. I'm impressed with the speed in which you work. Well done. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well it's not everyday you get another shot at everything you've wanted. I'm not going to take this opportunity lightly. <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>That's what I like to hear. Well keep it up, the more favor the more rewards.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well I've gathered some so what now? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>As mentioned before you can use the favor earned for bonuses in your new life. And that's excatly why you've been brought here now. From this point onwards everytime you get ready to go to sleep you'll have an option to come here and trade your angels favor for these bonuses.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> What bonuses can I get? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>Well you'll have to see when you next visit here. For now however, you can't stay long. and you must return soon. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Okay seems a little bit like you're kicking me out here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>Don't take it personally, you've been told you're not the only one who's been reborn right. There's many more to deal with. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Not sure if that's made me feel any better, but okay.... Umm how do I leave? <</speech>>
<<speech "Angel">>Just feel like waking up and your body will do the rest. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Not really sure how you feel like waking up, you give it a go and as you do everything around you starts fading to black and before you know it you're waking up back in your bed.
[[Wake up|Bedroom][$hour to 8; $minute to 0; $day to $day + 1; $swimmingLesson to false; $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy; $yogaLesson to false]]
</div>\<div class="grey">\
You look around and see the whole clouded vista all around you.
Standing behind a golden trimed marble counter is the angel that you've met before.
<<speech "Angel">>Greetings Mr. $plname. Have you come to spend some angel favor? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You see small signs on the counter with descriptions on them and a price underneath. They read:
*Permenant increase to Fitness - 1 Favor - <<if $player.favor >= 1>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.favor to $player.favor - 1>> <<set $player.fitness to $player.fitness + 10>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough favor for this. <</if>>
*Permenant increase to Max Energy - 5 Favor - <<if $player.favor >= 5>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.favor to $player.favor - 5>> <<set $player.maxEnergy to $player.maxEnergy + 25>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough favor for this. <</if>>
*Meet a new Angel - $angelUnlockCost Favor - <<if $player.favor >= $angelUnlockCost>> <<linkreplace "Buy (only two to unlock in this update.)">> Purchased (Next time you come here there will be an option to speak to a new Angel underneath the shop option.) <<set $player.favor to $player.favor - $angelUnlockCost>> <<set $angelsUnlocked to $angelsUnlocked + 1>> <<set $angelUnlockCost to $angelUnlockCost + 5>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough favor for this. <</if>>
<<if $angelsUnlocked >=1>>\
[[Speak with Angel Emma|AngelEmmaChat]]\
<img src = "img/EmmaAngel.jpg" width="50%" class="centerSmaller" >\
<<if $angelsUnlocked >=2>>\
[[Speak with Angel Dylan|AngelDylanChat]]\
<img src = "img/DylanAngel.jpg" width="50%" class="centerSmaller" >\
[[Dream about previous scenes]]
[[Wake up|Bedroom][$hour to 8; $minute to 0; $day to $day + 1; $swimmingLesson to false; $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy; $yogaLesson to false]]
</div>\<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You see a different angel who seems to have appeared almost as soon as you paid the favor. She seems older than the younger angel and as you get closer she seems to give you a sly smile.
<img src = "img/EmmaAngel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">> Couldn't keep your eyes off me could you? That's understandable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So at the angel shop there was an option to "Unlock you?"<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Unlock me? I'm not some fucking video game character... <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So I didn't need to buy the thing at the favor shop then?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>No you have to do that! Each time someone does I get the favor points so you better have done so. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Uhhh yeah I have. What does buying it get me then?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Well since you bought it that means you've gained 10 favor. Which you've gained by fucking or at least getting sexual with women. So your reward for that is... Yep you guessed it, sex with another woman. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh well, fair enough I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>It's a porn game, what did you expect? A long lecture on the differences between protons and antiprotons? Hurry up and get your cock out!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Here? Isn't it a bit open here?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Fine! I guess you do have a point.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The young angel snaps her fingers and in an instant you're sat on a white sofa in a living room.
She walks up to you and pull your cock out of your pants.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>One of the many benefits of being an angel is I can make reality what I want it to be... Within reason.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn okay I'm impressed! <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>You'll be even more impressed after I'm done with you.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stops stroking your cock and puts it in her mouth. It's like nothing you've ever felt before. Warm and wet, but also tight for some reason, every part of it squeezing your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Holy shit! Is that your mouth? <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Yep! You've never been with an angel before, so this is going to be an experience you'll never forget. It might even ruin all other normal women for you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit how can a mouth be this tight! Also my cock is so sensitive. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>That's because angels bodily fluids are mixed with a strong aphrodisiac. You'll feel everything 10x more than normal. Now, I hope you can hold on while you experience the best pussy of your life. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> If it's half as good as your mouth then I can't wait. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Not just yet. First you need to earn it.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She lays back on the sofa and spreads her legs. She pulls your head into her pussy and you start working away.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Mmmm not bad! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit, you're so wet it feels like I'm drowning! And the taste, it's making my cock so hard it feels like it's going to explode. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>The aphrodisiac is working it's magic then. Well I guess you've earned your reward. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She hops ontop of you and lowers herself onto your cock. You gasp and almost fill her up right then and there! Everything about her pussy is is better than anything you've had before.
You take a moment to breathe and then she starts riding you.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Holy Shit! I nearly came as soon as you sat down. This pussy feels amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Of course it does. Other Angels have their big tits and big asses. But my pussy is my best weapon. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well right now it's going to drain me dry! I can't last much longer in this amazing pussy. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Well we don't want that! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She snaps her fingers.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>There we go, all sorted. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> What do you mean? I'm still about to cum any second now! <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Oh really? Well why don't you cum then? Go on cum! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
There's no stopping you now and you go to cum as hard as you can...
But nothing happens. You're pushed to the edge and you're so close to cumming, but nothing happens.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> What the fucks happening? I need to cum, why can't I cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>We angels can control reality remember. And I've made it so you can't cum, no matter how much you want to. Not until I say so. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Are you kidding? I'm dying here! Please let me cum.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She says nothing and jumps off your lap. She turns around and bends over. Shaking her ass, inviting you inside.
You want to cum so badly that you stick it in her without even thinking.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Oh yes! That's good. Keep pounding me like that. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Good God please let me cum! I'm going crazy back here.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Soon $pfname. Soon. But for now I still want your cock so you'll have to keep fucking me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She leans back into you, standing up but still not letting your dick escape. You keep thrusting with all your might. Hoping that you can cum any second now.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Please... please... please<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Begging now are we? Okay fine I'll let you cum. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She lays on her back and opens her legs wide for you.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>If you're going to cum then you better cum inside the best pussy in the world.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Inside? Is that safe? <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Please! Don't think that you a mere mortal could get an angel pregnant. It's impossible.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
At this point you don't even care if it's safe or not. You've been on the verge of cumming for about 10 minutes now and any longer and you'll lose your mind.
You plunge deep into her, feeling every part of her pussy squeezing against your dick.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Cum for me $pfname, cum deep inside my pussy. Let it all out!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit! yes here it cums, finally I'm cumming! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You explode inside her. The cum keeps going and going, you think it's never going to end. Until after around 20 seconds you feel yourself calming down.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fucking hell. I thought I was going to die.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Don't worry. I wouldn't let you. Not bad for just 10 favor right?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It felt amazing, but the holding back of the cum was getting insane. I nearly went crazy.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>You wouldn't have been the first. Now you should get changed. I'll take us back once you're back in your clothes.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take a moment to get your breath back and then get changed back into your clothes.
When you're done the young angel snaps her fingers and you both are brought back to where you were before you left.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Whenever you want another bit of fun, come and see me. I'd be happy to do it all again!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She gives you a small kiss on the cheek and then heads off.
You turn around and [[head back to the shop|HeavenShop][$player.lust to 0]].
<div class="grey">\
You make it to the meeting room and set it up for the client to arrive.
After you're done Hitomi sits on the sofa and turns to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Right while we have a few minutes to spare please give me a quick run down of what you've researched. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You start listing off what you've learned, but after a minute you start to notice Hitomi's shirt button seems to have just given up holding back the monsters on her chest and you get a perfect view of her cleavage
<img src = "img/Hitomi1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Hitomi">>Are you okay $pfname? You just stopped halfway through a sentence. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah... Sorry it's just that... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Do you tell her that her massive tits are practically hanging out of her top?
Before you get a chance to make the decision the door opens and the secutary steps aside and in walks the client.
<img src = "img/Client.jpeg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Hitomi">>Emelia please come in. Thank you so much for coming. <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Hello Hitomi, you said it was important for me to come in. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes it is. You said you have another image of the scene within the room, where the assault happened? <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Yes I first thought it was useless to have an image of the room, but other than the broken rib it's the only evidence I have of the event. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
After she says this she looks over to you with a look of confusion.
Hitomi seems to notice this and quickly explains.
<<speech "Hitomi">>This here is Mr. $plname. He is an associate here and is helping me with the research related to this case. <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Nice to meet you Mr. $plname. I hope your research has helped as right now it seems I don't have enough to convict him. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Nice to meet you too Emelia, we're all working as hard as we can to help in anyway. You said you had a new image, could you show it to us? The image we have in our records in just a blurry image of the bed in the room. <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Yes here it is. I hope it provides even a little bit of help. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Emelia pulls out a file and opens it, producing a couple of copies of theimage of the bedroom.
She hands it to Hitomi and yourself.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hmmm $pfname, can you see anything out of the ordinary here?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take a look at the photo given to you.
<div class="boldText">Look at the image and click on the items that might be out of place in the image.</div>\
<img src="img/Case2Img.jpg" alt="Workplace" usemap="#workmap" class="centerClickable">
<map name="workmap">\
<area alt="Preg" title="???" onclick=" SugarCube.Dialog.setup('Clue Found!');SugarCube.Dialog.wiki('A pregnancy test? And it looks negative. Could this mean someing?');SugarCube.Dialog.open();" shape="rect" coords="105,197,159,221">\
<area alt="Bottle" title="???" onclick=" SugarCube.Dialog.setup('Clue Found!');SugarCube.Dialog.wiki('A bottle of whiskey? Was Emelias husband a drinker? This could be important.');SugarCube.Dialog.open();" shape="rect" coords="582,206,628,283">\
<div class="grey">\
<div class="boldText">Have you checked the image and clicked on all the items, they will help with the next step of the case. There's only 2 for this case.</div>\
<<linkreplace "Yes all done.">>\
<div class="boldText">Are you sure? I know it's easy to skip past but it will help. </div>\
[[Omg yes just let me move on|Meeting Room 1-2]]\
<<set $buttonPressed to false>>
<div class="grey">\
You look up from the photo that Emeila handed to you both.
<<speech "Emelia">>So, do you see anything that might help me in the case? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hmmm the image does seem a bit strange, I feel like there's something here. $pfname, did you see anything that could have been out of place? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I did see somethings. Emeila can you tell me about this <<textbox "$input" "Write item here." >> <</speech>>
@@#test;<<button "Submit Answer">>
<<set _keywords to ["bottle", "whiskey", "alcohol", "drink"]>>
<<set _found to false>>
<<set _input to $input.toLowerCase()>>
<<for _keyword range _keywords>>
<<if _input.includes(_keyword)>>
<<set _found to true>>
<<if _found>>
<<replace "#output">>
<<goto "Meeting Room 1-3">>
<<replace "#output">> \
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 0>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>No that doesn't seem right, what was in the picture that was werid? <</speech>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Did you see the image that Emeila gave us? There were two things that were out of place there. What were they? <</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>There were two things that were a little odd. Do you remember what they were? <</speech>>
<span id="output"></span>
<<speech "Hitomi">>That's right I noticed that too Emelia, does you husband have a history of drinking? <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Yes he had to go to rehab in the past as he couldn't control how much he was drinking. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Interesting, this could be important. $pfname, did you find anything else? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I did find somehting else, Emelia how about the <<textbox "$input" "Write item here." >> <</speech>>
@@#test;<<button "Submit Answer">>
<<set _keywords to ["preg", "pregnancy", "test"]>>
<<set _found to false>>
<<set _input to $input.toLowerCase()>>
<<for _keyword range _keywords>>
<<if _input.includes(_keyword)>>
<<set _found to true>>
<<if _found>>
<<replace "#output">>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Wow I didn't even notice that. Emeila, did you take a pregnacy test recently? <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>I'm not sure I really want to talk about it. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Emelia, if you are not 100% truthful with us then we really cannot help you. We need to know everything so we can create the best defence we can. <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Okay well, the truth is we've been trying for a kid for the past year. Everytime we try we get a negative test result. My husband has been blaming me every time.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You and Hitomi look at each other with a knowing look. This changes everything.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Emelia do you have records of your husband going to rehab? <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Yes I have all the copies of everything here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>It seems we have a case here Emelia. From what I see in all of this, is that you and your husband tried for a baby, it failed again and this time he got drunk, couldn't control his anger and ended up taking his aggression out on you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>This is what I've been trying to tell people but no one has been listening.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well Emelia, with this evidence we can go ahead with the case and we're happy to create a defence for you. But from now on you need to give us all the evidence straight away. <</speech>>
<<speech "Emelia">>Of course, thank you so much! I can't believe I finally have some representation, I've been battling this for so long.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>We will be with you every step of the way Emelia. If you speak with the secutary that brought you into the room she will give you all of the details. She will also give you my number which you can use at any time to get in contact with. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Emelia stands up and shakes both of your hands. She goes to leave and turns around once more.
<<speech "Emelia">>Once again thank you so much the both of you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She then closes the door behind you and you and Hitomi are left in the meeting room.
<<speech "Hitomi">>That was some really good work there, I didn't even notice the pregnacy test there. If it was just the bottle of whiskey then it would be a weaker case due to not being able to prove a motive behind the assault. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm glad I could help, this was really fun to be able to help someone who really needed it. I can't wait until I can tackle larger cases with more evidence.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well if you keep wokring like this then I can see you making partner in no time to work on those bigger cases. In fact, after your performance today I'm going to recomend you for a promotion to Senior Associate.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wow I don't know what to say, thank you so much Hitomi. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>And since you'll be getting that promotion I think some celebration is in order. Lock that door, I'm going to give you your promotion present right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh damn, sure now I'm really happy about it! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You stand up, close the blinds to the meeting room and quickly lock the meeting room door.
[[You turn around|HitomiBJ1]]
<<replace "#output">> \
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 0>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>No that doesn't seem right, what was in the picture that was werid? <</speech>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Did you see the image that Emeila gave us? There were two things that were out of place there. What were they? <</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>There were two things that were a little odd. Do you remember what they were? <</speech>>
<span id="output"></span><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
As you turn around you see Hitomi standing there with her suit open and her bra barely holding back her monster tits.
<img src = "img/Hitomi2.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Hitomi">>I hope you're ready for the best tit fuck of your life.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You have no idea. I couldn't be more ready for this. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi pushes you down onto the sofa stands behind you, resting her tits onto your face.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Everyone I've ever met couldn't keep their eyes of my tits. You Mr. $plname are no different. I bet you've dreamed of these tits.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Every night since I first saw them. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well I do love making dreams come true.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She walks around to face you and pulls your pants off, teasing you dick underneath your underwear.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Now now, we're going to have to make this harder or you'll never be able to fit between my tits. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Trust me that's not going to be a problem <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Let's get it out then! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn you hards feel great. Let me feel your tits. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>You want to fuck them? Patience $pfname, all in good time. For now just enjoy the present. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $player.lust < 100>>\
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hmmm we're just getting started now. Just looking at it makes me want to give it a taste. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm definitely not going to stop you! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well I won't hold back then. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit all this teasing is driving me crazy! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Are you ready for the main course? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yes! please yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Okay but don't be surprised if you want to cum quickly. My tits are world famous. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Ohhhhh shit, that's amazing. Holy shit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>That's the usual reaction. How are you doing? getting close? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I don't want to be but yes, I'm so fucking close. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't hold it in. Cum all over my tits, enjoy your reward! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit I'm going to cum all over your tits. Here it comes! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>God damn! That was amazing! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes I am aren't I. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Best promotion present I've ever had.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well there's more where that came from if you keep up the promotions. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>If they're the rewards then I'll be managing partner by the end of the week!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi let's out a little laugh and cleans herself off.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Slow down there big boy. One step at a time. Enjoy this moment as well as the pay increase that comes with it. You should be making double what you were making before this. So use the money wisely. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She puts her suit back on and you also change back into your clothes.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I will do, and thank you again for your memorable teachings. I've learned a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Of course you have, I was your teacher. Now we need to leave, this meeting room isn't booked out forever. Head back to the bullpen and you'll be given out more cases to work on. Keep working hard and you'll be partner in no time I'm sure. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both leave the meeting room and you head back down to the bullpen. You think to yourself if this is the action you're getting just as an associate then how amazing is it going to be when you get promoted to higher ranks?
You make your way back to the bullpen, and head over to the out going cases. You take one of the cases from the top of the pile and take it back to your desk ready to get to work with it.
With renewed determination you head back to [[the office|Offices][$player.favor to $player.favor + 1; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2; $caseName to "Case3"; $hitomiEvent to 3; $player.Promotion to 2; $caseCompletion to 0]]
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit wait Hitomi stop! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>What do you mean stop? We're just getting to the good bit. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>If you keep going I'm going to cum. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>What?? I've barely even started. How could you cum so quickly? Just try to hold it in okay. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'll try but I'm so fucking horny I feel like I'm going to burst at any moment. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>You better not, I want to enjoy this and it will be pretty pathetic if you do. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>fuck too late, your tits are just too soft! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>What?? No! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/Hitomi6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>What the actual fuck?? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit, I'm sorry it just felt too good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>That was like under a minute... I really hope you're not usually like this or any future plans are going to be completely ruined. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No I swear it's just a one off thing. You were just so hot that I couldn't hold it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hmmm, whatever. Just get changed we need to leave here before someone else comes in. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She puts her suit back on and you also change back into your clothes. You can tell she's really not in the mood anymore. You feel if you had less lust build up then you could have probably lasted much longer.
You both leave the meeting room and you head back down to the bullpen. You think to yourself if this is the action you're getting just as an associate then how amazing is it going to be when you get promoted to higher ranks?
You make your way back to the bullpen, and head over to the out going cases. You take one of the cases from the top of the pile and take it back to your desk ready to get to work with it.
With renewed determination you head back to [[the office|Offices][$player.favor to $player.favor + 1; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2; $caseName to "Case3"; $hitomiEvent to 3; $player.Promotion to 2; $caseCompletion to 0]]
<</if>><<if $hour <=18>>\
<<if $caseCompletion < 15>>\
<div class="grey">\
You sit at your desk in the bullpen. You have a few options on what to do.
You've got some work to complete for the case you've just picked up:
Work to do until completion $caseCompletion / 15.
[[Speak to Kyra|KyraChat][$kyraRelationship to $kyraRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Miguel|MiguelChat][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Lucie|LucieChat][$lucieRelationship to $lucieRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy >= 10 and $player.stress <= 90>>\
[[Do some work|$caseName][$player.Energy to $player.Energy - 10; $player.stress to $player.stress + 10; $hour to $hour + 2; $player.money to $player.money + 40; $caseCompletion to $caseCompletion + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy <= 9>>\
You're too tired to do any work right now. Maybe have a rest before trying to work again.
<<if $player.stress >= 91>>\
You're too stressed to do any work right now. Maybe try to relax before trying to work again.
[[Leave the BullPen|Offices]]
<<else>> \
<div class="grey">\
You finally finish the research for the case that you picked up recently. Now you're a Senior Attorney you pretty much have to do it all yourself. No help fron the other co-workers on this one unfortunetly.
You quickly go over all the things that you've researched here are the main points:
* The case is an assualt case.
* Your client named Mr. Chang, Is the plaintiff he claims that he was attacked when shopping at a local convenience store.
* The defendant who is being represented by a different firm, claims that although he was there at the time, it is a case of mistaken idenity and he wasn't the one who attacked Mr. Chang.
* Due to a technical difficulty there was no CCTV footage of the event.
* Finally, this case has progressed to court. That means this will be your first case where you will be going to court for!
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit, I'll be going to court for this case. I'm not going to lie that's pretty scary. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> Did I overhear that you said you're going to court for a new case? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sorry did I say that out loud? I've just been mubbling to myself all day. But yeah it's my first case that's going to court. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> Well fingers crossed you don't fall victim of the beginners curse. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Beginners curse? What's that? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> Miguel told me about it, appartently it's a common thing for new associates, you almost always lose your first court case. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh excellent! Thanks for that, now I'm definetly not worried in the slightest. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">> Oh yeah, sorry! Just ignore what I said, I'm sure you'll be completely fine with it all! Good luck!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Umm yeah. Thanks. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You pack up your things and take all you've researched with you to the Junior Partner who's assigned to the case. And of all the partners in the firm of course it was Hitomi again. It's either a complete coincidence, or a huge conspiracy.
Either way you make your way Hitomi's office to show her all the research.
[[Hitomi's Office|HitomiCourtCase]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<</if>><<link "Cash+">>
<<set $player.money to $player.money + 50 >>
<<link "Cash-">>
<<set $player.money to $player.money - 50 >>
<<link "Time+">>
<<set $hour to $hour + 1 >>
<<link "Time-">>
<<set $hour to $hour - 1 >>
<<link "Lust+">>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 50 >>
<<link "Lust-">>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust - 50 >>
<<link "Stress+">>
<<set $player.stress to $player.stress + 50 >>
<<link "Stress-">>
<<set $player.stress to $player.stress - 50 >>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/BeginAgain239" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
<img src="img/Logo.png" width="90%">\<img src = "img/Miguel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Miguels Relationship level $miguelRelationship. </div>\
<<if $miguelNTR is false>>\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Not chosen the sleeps with co-workers route so far. </div>\
<<if $miguelNTR is true>>\
<div class="RelationshipText2"> Chosen the sleeps with co-workers route. </div>\
<<if $miguelRelationship < 5>>\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel is one of the associates who started with you in the bullpen. He seems quite smart, I think he said he worked in a firm before this one?
Maybe I should get to know im a bit more?
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to him until you have a relationship level of 5 or higher.
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel is one of the associates who started with you in the bullpen. I've gotten to know him a little bit and he's invited me to have a few drinks with him at the local bar. I should meet up with him at work and go to the bar.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Speak to him and choose "Sure, sounds good." to go to the bar after work.
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelEvent is 1 and $player.Promotion < 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel and I went for a beer and had a good time. He seems to know quite a lot and has just moved into the neighbourhood just like me. Maybe after I progress in the company we can chat again,
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Get promoted to Senior Associate or higher and go for another drink with him.
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelEvent is 1 and $player.Promotion >= 2 and $miguelNTR is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel and I went for a beer and had a good time. He seems to know quite a lot and has just moved into the neighbourhood just like me. Maybe after I progress in the company we can chat again,
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Get promoted to Senior Associate or higher and gor for another drink with him.
\ <!-- NTR -->
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelEvent is 1 and $player.Promotion >= 2 and $miguelNTR is true>>\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel and I went for a beer to celebrate my promotion. He brought up that due to my extra work I'll be too busy to spend time with my other co-workers. He might be right... Maybe if I get some free time in work I should talk to him.
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Wait 7 days after the drinks with Miguel then go and speak to him at work.
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $player.Promotion >= 2 and $miguelNTR is true and $miguelNTREvent is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
Shit that went from 0 to 100 really quick. I only got promoted a while ago and they already ended up fucking each other. I know I've been busy with work. How could he cuck me like that. And why did I kind of like it??
That's all there is for this update with Miguel. There might be more but not for the next few updates, for now you can keep going back to speak to Miguel in the bullpen to rewatch the scene, but you'll get no extra angel favor from doing so.
\ <!-- NonNTR -->
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelEvent is 3 and $player.Promotion >= 2 and $miguelNTR is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel and I went for a beer to celebrate my promotion. He brought up that due to my extra work I'll be too busy to spend time with my other co-workers. But I reassured him that I'll have time. I should go for a drink with him again in the future and we can work together to pick up some women!
(still can't figure out what to do? Are you feeling like a 2 IQ goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby?)
<<linkreplace "Click here for the answer">>\
Wait 7 days after the drinks with Miguel then go and speak to him at work.
<<if $miguelRelationship >= 5 and $miguelEvent is 4 and $player.Promotion >= 2 and $miguelNTR is false>>\
<div class="grey">\
Miguel and I went for a beer and ended up pulling some women home. Both of us got some action so overall pretty successful!
That's all there is for this update with Miguel. There might be more but not for the next few updates, for now you can keep going back to speak to Miguel in the bullpen to go to the bar, there are 4 women in total with this route so make sure you see them all.
<<return>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<if $miguelNTREvent == 1>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You slowly open the door to see what the sound is when you're shocked to see Miguel and Lucie in the office together, with Miguel squeezing her tits right in front of you.
You take a step inside the office.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> What the fuck? What's happening? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
They both look up and see you stood there.
<<speech "Miguel">>Well hello Mr. Promotion, guess you finally have enough time to spend time with us. Unfortunetly we're a little busy right now, so if you could kindly fuck off. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Stunned you go to turn around but hear the door close behind you.
Stood there is Kyra looking at you with a smirk on her face.
<img src = "img/KyraNTR.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Kyra">>Oh no he's not going anywhere, he's right where he needs to be. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>That's right, if he's so busy doing work and ignoring us then he's too busy to join in, But he will be watching whether he likes it or not. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Shit okay, I've always wanted to cuck someone, sorry $pfname but I'm not passing up this chance. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You hear the door lock behind you and see Kyra walk around towards Miguel, putting the key in her jacket pocket. She then drops down and starts working on Miguels cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Miguel">>Oh fuck, I don't care that you got a promotion before me, if I was too busy to enjoy this then I'd quit right away. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Mmmm tastes so good. Go on Miguel start fucking Lucies tits, make $pfname watch. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Yes Ma'am! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">>How does it feel $pfname? All your hard work for the company, and for what? a little extra money? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>I'm sure the money is nice and all but I'll tell you what is just as nice, this fat cock between my tits. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>I'm sure it is, in fact I want to give it a try, let me squeeze it between my tits. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Migel happily let's Kyra titfuck him while he plays with Lucies tits.
Why are you here? Were you really that busy that you got this distant with them? Surely not it was only an extra case...
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Miguel">>Enough warm up, I'm here for the real thing! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Me too, hurry up and put it in, quick! <</speech>>
<<if $lucieDate is 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wait what, we didn't even get to fuck on our date! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>I mean have you seen the size of his cock? I'm not passing up the chance to put that inside of me! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>That's right $pfname, watch has he slides into her, how much do you wish that was you? If only you had a bit more time... Right?. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh shit! That feels amazing. I can feel every inch. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Shit, you pussy is so wet, You're such a horny slut. Damn $pfname, you're really missing out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Get closer $pfname, look at her getting fucked hard by his massive cock. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You seem to have almost no control over your body as you step closer. You watch as Miguel fucks her hard.
He starts to pick up the pace and Kyra starts sucking on Lucies tits. You start to feel some tension in your pants, there's no way this is making you horny right?
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">>There's no way you're getting all the fun in this. Move Lucie I want to ride his cock like a wild bull.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Wow is that an erection in your pants? I didn't know you were into this $pfname. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Of course he is, I bet he loves watching other men fuck the women he wants. Better get ready and watch this! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She pushes Miguel onto the desk and straddles him, easily slips his cock into her and starts riding him.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Miguel">>Damn Kyra your pussy is so fucking tight. This shit's amazing! Having two big titted women fucking me is heaven right now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>You like our tits? Then let me get off and give you a surprise. $pfname, you can watch this and imagine it's you. You can even start stroking yourself if you want, I don't mind. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra jumps off him and positions Lucie onto of the desk, wraps her tits around his cock and starts titfucking him with Lucies tits.
You can't take it anymore and unbutton your pants and start stroking your cock furiously.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Miguel">>Fuck if this keeps up I'm going to drop the biggest load of my life. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>You think you can hold it in for a bit longer so you can fuck me again? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Don't forget about me I want it again too! <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Well since you both asked so nicely I guess I can make an exception. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">>Yes that's right, fuck me hard just like that. You better be watching how a real man fucks a woman $pfname.<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Fuck, having him watch me like this is so fucking hot! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Look at him stroking himself, he's going so fast I bet he's going to cum any second as well. Quick Miguel I want a turn before you cum. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Miguel">>I still can't get over how wet you are Lucie, shit! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Can you see how he fucks her $pfname. Watch as eacha thrust brings her joy you never could. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The view of Lucie getting plowed hard by Miguel mixed with the slutty talking from Kyra is all too much for you and you end up cumming all over the floor.
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh my god, look he's cum on the floor. That's so funny. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Please you call that a cumshot. Miguel come over here and show us a real cumshot. Cum all over our tits. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Fucking yes I will, I can barely hold on as it is! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/KyraLucieNTR10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Miguel">>FUCK that was amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>It's so warm, I love the feeling on my tits. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
All you can do is watch as Kyra and Lucie spreads the cum around their tits.
After a minute or so Kyra walks over and drops the office key in-front of you.
<<speech "Kyra">>Here you go. You can leave now. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You pick up the key and take one last look back seeing Lucie and Miguel making out.
You unlock the door and close it behind you. What the fuck was that... You really don't even know how to feel.
[[Head back to the offices|Offices][$miguelEvent to 2; $miguelNTREvent to 2; $player.lust to 0]]
</div>\<<set $hour to 19>>\
<<if $miguelEvent >= 3>>
<div class="grey">\
You finish off the last piece of work for the day and you and Miguel leave the office and head down to the local bar.
As you enter it seems pretty busy but you manage to find a table. You head over to get a few beers for both you and Miguel.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Here you go, pretty busy in here tonight. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Yeah it really is. I think if we play our cards right we should be able to have a really fun night if you get what I mean.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Definitely, so do we head over to the bar and find some women? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>No not yet, wait for the place to fill up a bit more, as well as giving it a bit more time for the women to have a bit more to drink. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Not going to lie Miguel but that sounds a little dodgy... <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Don't take it like that! Think about it, if you go to a woman while she's only just begun her night she won't want to leave with you, you wait until she's had fun, a few guys have tried and failed to pull her, then you swoop in just as she starts thinking it's time to leave. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I mean that makes sense. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Have you really never done this before $pfname? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
No! Of course not, In you last life you only ever went out with your wife, you didn't need to even consider all this.
You make the decision to follow Miguel blindly, if anything he seems to know what he's talking about.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I've been a little out of practice since I've moved here. But I'll follow your lead. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Don't worry I'm an expert. For now we wait, and enjoy the drinks. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both finish off the beers and Miguel goes up to get another two. After you finish them he makes the decision that you've waited long enough and it's time to move.
<<speech "Miguel">>Right that should be a good amount of time. When I last went to get us some drinks I noticed two pairs of women. A younger pair and a more mature pair. So which would you prefer?<</speech>>
<div id="choices"> \
<<link "The Younger Women.">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Miguel">>Sounds good to me! Now we have to flip a coin on who's going to be the wingman.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Who will wingman? I thought you were going to be my wingman? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>And I will be, if you win the coin toss. Come on it's more fun this way.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fine go ahead flip the damn coin. <</speech>>
<div class="grey" id="choices">\
Miguel flips the coin high into the air, you watch he catches it and instantly slaps his hand down intop of his fist. He looks up at you with a grin on his face.
What do you pick?
<<link "Heads">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<switch random(1)>>\
<<case 0>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Heads.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Damn it! Okay you won fair and square, I'll take the uglier one and you can have the hot one.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>As it should be! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the uglier one which leaves you alone with the hotter one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Young][$barMiguelYoungNum to 0; $player.lust to $player.lust + 25]]
<<case 1>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Tails.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Ayyyy looks like lady luck finds me hot as shit! Come on help me out here and take the ugly friend okay! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, fine I swear I'm so unlucky sometimes...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the hotter one which leaves you alone with the uglier one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Young][$barMiguelYoungNum to 1; $player.lust to $player.lust + 25]]
<<link "Tails">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<switch random(1)>>\
<<case 0>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Heads.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Ayyyy looks like lady luck finds me hot as shit! Come on help me out here and take the ugly friend okay! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, fine I swear I'm so unlucky sometimes...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the hotter one which leaves you alone with the uglier one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Young][$barMiguelYoungNum to 1; $player.lust to $player.lust + 25]]
<<case 1>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Tails.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Damn it! Okay you won fair and square, I'll take the uglier one and you can have the hot one.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>As it should be! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the uglier one which leaves you alone with the hotter one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Young][$barMiguelYoungNum to 0; $player.lust to $player.lust + 25]]
<div class="black"> OR</div>\
<<link "Definetly The More Mature Women.">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "Miguel">>Going for a couger huh? Nice, I'm all up for that! Now we have to flip a coin on who's going to be the wingman.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Who will wingman? I thought you were going to be my wingman? <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>And I will be, if you win the coin toss. Come on it's more fun this way.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fine go ahead flip the damn coin. <</speech>>
<div class="grey" id="choices">\
Miguel flips the coin high into the air, you watch he catches it and instantly slaps his hand down intop of his fist. He looks up at you with a grin on his face.
What do you pick?
<<link "Heads">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<switch random(1)>>\
<<case 0>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Heads.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Damn it! Okay you won fair and square, I'll take the uglier one and you can have the hot one.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>As it should be! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the uglier one which leaves you alone with the hotter one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Mature][$barMiguelMatureNum to 0; $player.lust to $player.lust + 25]]
<<case 1>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Tails.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Ayyyy looks like lady luck finds me hot as shit! Come on help me out here and take the ugly friend okay! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, fine I swear I'm so unlucky sometimes...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the hotter one which leaves you alone with the uglier one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Mature][$barMiguelMatureNum to 1; $player.lust to $player.lust + 25]]
<<link "Tails">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<span class="slowfade">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<switch random(1)>>\
<<case 0>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Heads.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Ayyyy looks like lady luck finds me hot as shit! Come on help me out here and take the ugly friend okay! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, fine I swear I'm so unlucky sometimes...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the hotter one which leaves you alone with the uglier one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Mature][$barMiguelMatureNum to 1]]
<<case 1>>
<div class="grey">\
<img src = "img/Tails.png" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Miguel">>Damn it! Okay you won fair and square, I'll take the uglier one and you can have the hot one.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>As it should be! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head over towards the group of younger women, Miguel heads straight to the uglier one which leaves you alone with the hotter one.
[[Chat to her|BarMiguel1Mature][$barMiguelMatureNum to 0]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<if $barMiguelYoungNum is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You see Miguel already working on the other woman so you head up to your one and strike up a conversation.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Your friend seems a little bit occupied with that guy there, If I came in here with you I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off you, let alone leave you by yourself. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Honestly I'm just happy she's speaking to a guy, everytime we go out she never seems to meet anyone. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Do all the men end up hitting on you? <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Most of the time, although I never try and hook up with them when she's here because I'd feel bad. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You're a really nice friend, and she seems pretty occupied over there. I bet she wouldn't feel bad anymore. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The woman looks you up and down and gives an approving smile.
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>I guess you're right, how about you get me a drink and we'll see if she ends up staying with that guy or not.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Absolutely! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You buy her a drink and one more for yourself.
Time passes and Miguel is really a man of his word. He's being the wingman of the year over there and has even started making out with her. The woman who introduced herself as Sara is all over you right now.
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>God you have no idea how long I've waited for someone to pull my friend, it means I can finally hook up with a guy here. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm always happy to help a woman in need. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Oh I'm in desperate need. In fact I'm in such need right now you might need to help me back to my place. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She takes a step back and with the light of the bar you can get a good look at her.
<img src = "img/Sara.jpg" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Fucking Jackpot!
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well what man would I be if I refused? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She quickly leans over to her friend and whispers something in her ear. They both laugh, she leans back to you and grabs your arm and leads you out of the bar.
You catach a quick glance of Miguel who looks so jealous as you leave him with the friend.
You walk with her for about two blocks then head into a small apartment complex. She leads you up some stairs, unlocks the door and you both practically attack each other as you get inside.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sara.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Shit I need this so bad, quickly take your pants off let me at that cock of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn girl, you're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sara1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit that's right suck that cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Smmoo bmmiggm<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't speak just suck. Fuck that feels good. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You stand her up and bend her over the table. Suckings great and all but you need to fuck her right now!
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sara2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $player.lust is 100>>
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, that feels amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Yes that's right! Fuck me hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit wait. Fuck wait! <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>What?<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/SaraEarly.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuuuuuuuuuck <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Did you just fucking cum??<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It was just too good and I was just so horny. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Yeah so was I! Like I wanted to get off too. That's just embarrassing.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit sorry, I don't know what came over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>You know what just leave, I'm sure I have a toy around here somewhere that won't disappoint me...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shit, you really pissed her off. Maybe try again another time with less lust and you won't cum too quick.
You better leave before she gets even more angry.
[[Leave her house|City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, that feels amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Yes that's right! Fuck me hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You want it hard? Okay her it comes!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sara3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Fuck yes! Fuck you're going to make me cum!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Sara shakes as she cums on your cock. All this is just adding to your excitement. Imagining all the ways you can fuck this horny woman!
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Get ontop I want you to ride me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Anythig you say daddy. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Daddy? You're not sure how to feel about that one but you're not going to stop and think about it as she straddles you on the table.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sara4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit you're so fucking hot Sara<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Of course I am, why do you think all the guys hit on me instead of my friend. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Because you're hot as hell and you've got a great ass! Now turn around and let me see it in action. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sara5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
The almost piston like motion on your cock nearly sends you over the edge, you can't even think straight but what you do know is you're going to cum any second.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck Sara I'm going to cum so hard! <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Good! Do it inside, I'm on the pill for this exact reason. I love feeling a guy bust his load inside me.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit that's done it, get on your back I'm going to fill you up!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sara6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>Yeeeees, ohhh that feels so good, so warm!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuuuuuck, fuck fuck that was amazing. Best fuck I've had in a while.<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>It wasn't too bad for me either. It's been a while since I've came like that. I really needed it. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Like I said always ready to help a woman in need. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sara">>That you are. Now as much as I'd love to go again, you'll have to head out. I share this place with a few friends and if they come in now it would be a little awkward.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah that makes sense. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both clean up and you get changed. You knew this was a one night stand but still feel a little werid leaving so quickly after sex. You realise this is something you need to get over if you want to live this life style.
You head out of her apartment and back down into the streets of the [[City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<<if $barMiguelYoungNum is 1>>
<div class="grey">\
You see Miguel already working on the other woman so you head up to your one and strike up a conversation.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Your friend seems a little bit occupied with that guy there. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Yeah looks that way, it always happens. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Really? I mean if I was him I would have walked up to you instead. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You lie.
But it seems to work as she lightens up quite a lot.
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Really? Nah you're just messing with me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Why would I do that? I came over here because you seemed to be lonely. I think it would be a shame if a woman like you is stood here all alone. How about I buy us a drink and try to prove I'm not messing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Okay I'd really like that. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You buy her a drink and one more for yourself.
Time passes and Miguel has already worked his magic with her and it looks like they're about to go at any point. The lights are really dark in the bar so you still haven't got a good view of the woman you're with yet.
As you keep drinking Miguel walks over and takes you to one side.
<<speech "Miguel">>Listen man, I'm really getting somewhere with this woman but she won't leave with me if her friend is staying here. Some girl code or something. I need you to be a real one and take that woman your with home. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Really? I mean the lights are crap here so I haven't got a good look at her, but even her shilloute is a bad sign. <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Come on man I bet she's not that bad. This is what wingmen do. I'd have to do the same if I lost the coin flip. Think of the coin flip $pfname. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Alright, alright fine. But when I win the coin flip you better be the wingman of a lifetime.<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Yes you hero. Of course I'll do whatevers needed. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Miguel heads back to the woman he was talking with and you walk back to who you now know is called Diana.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hey Diana, this place is getting a little crowded, how about I take you back to my place. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Really? Wow no one has ever asked me that before. Okay, but we have to go back to mine. I don't like the idea of going to a guys house I've just met. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure that's fine by me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She quickly leans over to her friend and whispers something in her ear. They both laugh, she leans back to you and grabs your arm and leads you out of the bar.
You catach a quick glance of Miguel who gives you a secret salute as he turns back to the woman he's talking to.
You walk with her for about two blocks then head into a small apartment complex. She leads you up some stairs, unlocks the door and you both walk inside, you're in the kitchen you think and she turns the light on. For the first time all night you see her fully.
<img src = "img/Diana.jpg" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>We should move to the bedroom to get more comfortable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhhh sure... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You follow her to the bedroom and she starts taking all her clothes off. As she does so you're wishing she wasn't.
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Come on then $pfname, take off your clothes I want to suck that cock of yours. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Okay, sure no problem. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
you take off your clothes and get onto the bed, Diana takes your cock in her mouth and starts sucking.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Diana.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
She's not terrible and if you close your eyes you can imagine someone else doing it which definetly helps.
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Mmmm you like that? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah... It's nice. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>How about we move onto the main course. Why don't you stick it in and fuck me? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Diana lays down and lifts her leg up for you to sidefuck her. As she opens her legs you're sure you catch a smell of fish...
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Diana1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Yes! Yes finally I've waited so long for this! <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh shit, hang on wait...<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>What? Are you okay? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What the fuck? Are you really about to cum this early?
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit I think I'm going to cum...<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Wait really? That fast? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck yeah it's happening. shit shit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Okay, finish on my face then. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You stand up and quickly move to her face, as you get there you cum straight away.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Diana5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, sorry I really don't know what happened. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>It's fine, it's probably because I'm so hot right? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhhh yeah, sure... <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Well we can always try again in the morning? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh uhh, I have work in the morning, so I really have to leave. Sorry... Maybe some other time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Ohh umm okay, sure.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You can tell she's disappointed about it all but there's no way you're staying the night.
You quickly clean up and get changed and go to leave the house. Damn you still can't believe you came so quickly. Maybe next time you should try again with less lust built up.
Anyway you head out of the apartment and onto the streets of the [[City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck you're really wet. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">> Mmmm you like that? It's cause I've been so damn horny for so long. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You roll her over onto her back and start pumping. It's not the best sight in-front of you but again if you close your eyes and imagine hard enough you're fucking someone completely different. And it's not the worst fuck you've ever had either.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Diana2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">> Yes that's right, spread my legs and fuck me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You pussy's quite tight. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">> Of course it is, you're only the second person to ever go in there. You need to stretch it out for me okay. Now let me get ontop of you. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Diana3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">> Yes that feels so good, fuck I love boucing up and down on your cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn you're getting me quite close. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Mmmm before you cum, take me from behind, it's my favorite position. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You push her off you and bend her over. This view isn't as bad as she has quite a fat ass. Sure it's not Phat fat but it's got some weight to it.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Diana4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Oh my god yes! That's right fuck the shit out of me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Get ready I'm going to cum. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Yes cum deep inside me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
There's no fucking way you're going to give this woman a creampie, knowing her she's not even on the pill. It's not like she expected to pick up a guy up today.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No I'm going to pull out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Okay then, cum on my face then I want to taste your cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fine, here it comes! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Diana5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shiiiit, there we go! <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Oh my yes, it tastes soooo good. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That wasn't too bad Diana thanks for that. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>That's okay I can't wait to do it all again in the morning. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh uhh, I have work in the morning, so I really have to leave. Sorry... Maybe some other time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Diana">>Ohh umm okay, sure.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You can tell she's disappointed about it all but there's no way you're staying the night.
You quickly clean up and get changed and go to leave the house. Well that was something, Miguel owes you big time, although it wasn't the worst fuck you've had, if you had a choice you wouldn't have picked her that's for sure.
Anyway you head out of the apartment and onto the streets of the [[City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<if $barMiguelMatureNum is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You see Miguel already working on the other woman so you head up to your one and strike up a conversation.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Your friend seems a little bit occupied with that guy there, If I came in here with you I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off you, let alone leave you by yourself. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Please that's not my friend that's my mother but honestly I'm just happy she's speaking to a guy, everytime we go out she never seems to meet anyone. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Do all the men end up hitting on you? <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Most of the time, although I never try and hook up with them when she's here because I'd feel bad. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You're a really nice daughter, and she seems pretty occupied over there. I bet she wouldn't feel bad anymore. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The woman looks you up and down and gives an approving smile.
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>I guess you're right, how about you get me a drink and we'll see if she ends up staying with that guy or not.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Absolutely! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You buy her a drink and one more for yourself.
Time passes and Miguel is really a man of his word. He's being the wingman of the year over there and has even started making out with her. The woman who introduced herself as Fyre is all over you right now.
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>God you have no idea how long I've waited for someone to pull my friend, it means I can finally hook up with a guy here. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm always happy to help a woman in need. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Oh I'm in desperate need. In fact I'm in such need right now you might need to help me back to my place. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She takes a step back and with the light of the bar you can get a good look at her.
<img src = "img/Fyre.jpg" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
Oh yes she will definitely do!
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well what man would I be if I refused? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She quickly leans over to her mother and whispers something in her ear. They both laugh, she leans back to you and grabs your arm and leads you out of the bar.
You catach a quick glance of Miguel who looks so jealous as you leave him with the mum.
You walk with her for about two blocks then head into a small apartment complex. She leads you up some stairs, unlocks the door and turns on all the lights. She pushes you down onto a chair and pulls down your pants..
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Fyre.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Shit I need this so bad, quickly take your pants off let me at that cock of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit, that feels so damn good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Now now, don't cum too quick now. But I bet I could make you cum in seconds! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Fyre1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $player.lust is 100>>
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit wait. Fuck wait! <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>What? Are you actually going to cum? Oh my god I was only joking! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit no, no, no, no. Shiiiiiiiit <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Fyre5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuuuuuuuuuck <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Oh shit look at that cumshot, I didn't know you were a little premature ejaculator. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm normally not! I was just so fucking horny and you were talking so sexy. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Well, I'm not going to lie that was probably the fastest a guys cum with me. I don't know whether to feel flattered or disappointed.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit sorry, I don't know what came over me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>It's fine I guess, listen I've kind of lost the mood, how about you clear off... <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhh sure, I'll get my stuff and leave... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shit, you really ruined the mood there! Maybe try again another time with less lust and you won't cum too quick.
You better leave before she gets even more disappointed.
[[Leave her house|City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, that feels amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">> But I won't make you cum this early that's too mean, it won't be any fun if that happens.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Fyre2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry I can keep going! <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Oh really? Well that is good ot hear. Let's see how long that lasts with you inside me.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stands up and turns around facing her amazing ass towards you. She slowly sits on your cock and you feel a wave of ecstasy wash over you!
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Fyre3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fucking hell that pussy is amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Ohhh careful not to pop too soon, I want to get my entertainment out of this cock first. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit it's going to be hard but I think I can make it. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She starts bouncing up and down, almost like she's trying to squeeze the cum out of you. She's a fucking machine!
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Fyre4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Are you trying to hold out? Trying not to cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck it's becoming impossible your fucking me too good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>It's okay, you can cum when you want. I want to see your face when you blow your hot steamy load everywhere.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit that's going to do it! Here I fucking cum! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She jumps off you and grabs your cock, pumping it hard as she pushes you over the edge.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Fyre5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>Mmmmmm there we go, you lasted about 6 minutes, that's not bad for a regular guy. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuuuuuck, fuck fuck that was amazing. Best pussy I've had in a while.<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>It wasn't too bad for me either. It's been a while since a guy lasted that long. I really needed it. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Like I said always ready to help a woman in need. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Fyre">>That you are. Now as much as I enjoyed myself I think you'll have to head out. You understand right?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah that's fine. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both clean up and you get changed. You knew this was a one night stand but still feel a little werid leaving so quickly after sex. You realise this is something you need to get over if you want to live this life style.
You head out of her apartment and back down into the streets of the [[City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<<if $barMiguelMatureNum is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You see Miguel already working on the other woman so you head up to your one and strike up a conversation.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Your friend seems a little bit occupied with that guy there. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Friend? No that's my daughter but yeah looks that way, it always happens. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Really? I mean if I was him I would have walked up to you instead. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You lie.
But it seems to work as she lightens up quite a lot.
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Really? Nah you're just messing with me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Why would I do that? I came over here because you seemed to be lonely. I think it would be a shame if a woman like you is stood here all alone. How about I buy us a drink and try to prove I'm not messing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Woman like me? Please young man I'm old enough to be your grandmother! But sure I'll never say no to a free drink. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You buy her a drink and one more for yourself.
Time passes and Miguel has already worked his magic with her and it looks like they're about to go at any point. The lights are really dark in the bar so you still haven't got a good view of the woman you're with yet.
As you keep drinking Miguel walks over and takes you to one side.
<<speech "Miguel">>Listen man, I'm really getting somewhere with this woman but she won't leave with me if her mother is staying here. I need you to be a real one and take her back with you to your with home. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Really? I mean the lights are crap here so I haven't got a good look at her, but she said she's old enough to be my grandmother... <</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Come on man I bet she's not that bad. This is what wingmen do. I'd have to do the same if I lost the coin flip. Think of the coin flip $pfname. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Alright, alright fine. But when I win the coin flip you better be the wingman of a lifetime.<</speech>>
<<speech "Miguel">>Yes you hero. Of course I'll do whatevers needed. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Miguel heads back to the woman he was talking with and you walk back to who you now know is called Sally.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hey Sally, this place is getting a little crowded, how about I take you back to my place. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Really? Are you sure about that?. Okay, but we have to go back to mine. I don't like the idea of going to a guys house I've just met. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure that's fine by me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She quickly leans over to her daughter and whispers something in her ear. They both laugh, she leans back to you and grabs your arm and leads you out of the bar.
You catach a quick glance of Miguel who gives you a secret salute as he turns back to the woman he's talking to.
You walk with her for about two blocks then head into a small apartment complex. She leads you up some stairs, unlocks the door and you both walk inside, you're in the living room you think and you turn the light on. For the first time all night you see her fully.
<img src = "img/Sally.jpg" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>We should move to the bedroom to get more comfortable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhhh sure... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You follow her to the bedroom and she starts taking all her clothes off. As she does so you're wishing she wasn't.
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Come on then $pfname, take off your clothes I want to suck that cock of yours. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Okay, sure no problem. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
you take off your clothes and stand near the bed, Sally takes your cock in her mouth and starts sucking.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sally.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
She's not terrible and if you close your eyes you can imagine someone else doing it which definetly helps.
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Mmmm you like that? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah... It's nice. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>How about we move onto the main course. Why don't you stick it in and fuck me? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Sally lays down and opens her legs wide for you to fuck her. As she opens her legs you're sure you catch a smell of fish...
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sally1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Yes! Yes finally I've waited so long for this! <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh shit, hang on wait...<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>What? Are you okay? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What the fuck? Are you really about to cum this early?
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit I think I'm going to cum...<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Wait really? That fast? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck yeah it's happening. shit shit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>What no surely not? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You slow your thrusts but it's all too much and cum inside her while she's on her back.
She's way too old to get pregnant right?
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sally2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck, sorry I really don't know what happened. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>It's fine, it's probably because I'm so hot right? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhhh yeah, sure... <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Listen I don't want to make it anymore awkward but I think you should leave, I was expecting a bit more you know. That was just a little embarrasing. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Honestly that doesn't normally happen.<</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Sure okay whatever you say, just grab your stuff and leave when you're changed. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You can tell she's disappointed about it all so you get all your things together.
You quickly clean up and get changed and go to leave the house. Damn you still can't believe you came so quickly. Maybe next time you should try again with less lust built up.
Anyway you head out of the apartment and onto the streets of the [[City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck you're really wet. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">> Mmmm you like that? It's cause I haven't had a dick in years! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You roll her onto her front and bend her over. This view isn't as bad as she has a decent ass. You also dont have to look at her face.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sally3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Oh my god yes! That's right fuck the shit out of me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit okay this feels quite good, I'm close to cumming. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Yes cum deep inside me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Are you sure? Are you on birth control? <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Birth control? I haven't needed that for years. Nature has done all the birth control for me, I'm way too old to have kids anymore.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shit when she puts it like that I guess you can't really argue.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Okay here I cum. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Sally4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shiiiit, there we go! <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Oh my yes, it feels soooo good. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That wasn't too bad Sally thanks for that. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>That's okay I can't wait to do it all again in the morning. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh uhh, I have work in the morning, so I really have to leave. Sorry... Maybe some other time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Holder" "Sally">>Ohh umm okay, sure.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You can tell she's disappointed about it all but there's no way you're staying the night.
You quickly clean up and get changed and go to leave the house. Well that was something, Miguel owes you big time, although it wasn't the worst fuck you've had, if you had a choice you wouldn't have picked her that's for sure.
Anyway you head out of the apartment and onto the streets of the [[City][$player.lust to 0; $hour to 21; $miguelEvent to 4]]
<</if>><div class="grey">\
You see the woman who welcomed you to the casino stood behind the counter of the kiosk.
You head over to see what is for sale.
<img src = "img/ShayFox.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Shay">> Hello again darling. I hope you're enjoying the casino, and more importantly I hope you've won lots of money to spend in this here kiosk. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You see a some things on display at the kiosk each being help up by a small wooden stand. You see:
*A Golden Chip -$1000 - <<if$goldenChip is false>><<if $player.money >= 1000>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 1000>> <<set $goldenChip to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*A Bottle that says "Lust Filler" - $100 - <<if $player.money >= 100>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 100>> <<set $player.lust to 100>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>>
*A Bottle that says "Stress Be Gone!" - $100 - <<if $player.money >= 100>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 100>> <<set $player.stress to 0>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>>
*A Piece of card that says "Shay's Reward" - $10,000 - <<if $player.money >= 10000>> <<linkreplace "Buy">>
<<speech "Shay">> Oh so you want to sample Shay's reward do you? Well then follow me! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
[[Follow Shay|ShayScene]]
<<set $player.money to $player.money - 10000>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>>
[[Leave the Casino Shop|Casino]]
</div><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<set $shayEvent to 1>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
Shay leads you through a door near the back of the kiosk.
She turns around and locks the door behind you.
<<speech "Shay">> Are you ready to get your reward?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I've saved up like crazy to find out what this reward is. I hope it doesn't disappoint. <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">> Oh trust me! It won't.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns around and starts grinding against you. She holds your hands and pushes them against her tits.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Shay">> That's right, play with my tits. That feels good.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You kiss and lick her tits kissing every inch of them.
<<speech "Shay">> That's right, these tits are all for you! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Without even asking she drops down and pulls your cock out. Almost as if she read your mind.
She wastes no time taking your cock into her mouth.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck yes that feels amazing. You're so fucking good at this. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She continues to suck your cock, her tongue licking the tip of your cock while she sucks down to the base.
She's clearly done this many times. She's knows exactly what she's doing!
<<speech "Shay">>Lay down, let me get a good hold of this cock! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn that feels great. You're sucking so hard! <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>I've made so many men cum with this mouth, can you hold out long enough to fuck me? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course I can. In fact, turn around let me fuck you, I can't wait any longer! <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>Mmmm I like it when a man knows what he wants. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shay stands up and climbs ontop of you. Sitting down on your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh shit! I nearly burst the second you put it in!<</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>Of course you did hunny, My pussy has that effect on men. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You watch as she rides you cock, seeing her ass bouncing up and down you can't resist grabbing her ass while she rides you.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Shay">>Good! You're still holding on, Let me lay down I want you to fuck me hard.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shay lays down on her side and lifts her leg up showing her pussy. You lay down behind her and start thrusting with all your energy into her wet pussy.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>FUCK yes this feels amazing. Your pussy is so fucking wet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>Slow down baby, if you keep that pace up you'll never last inside my pussy. You want to get your moneys worth right?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You slow down, taking long thrusts and feeling every inch of her pussy.
<<speech "Shay">>There you go! That's good! Now I want you to fuck me from behind. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shay stands up and bends over for you, spreading her pussy for you to enter.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Shay">>Yes! That's so fucking good, I love this position. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn Shay it feels like your pussy's getting tighter and tighter! <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>You can feel it right? I can tighten my pussy as much as I want making it feel as good as a virgin. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well if you keep tightening it then I'm going to cum any second. <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>Try to hold just a little longer okay. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stands up again and sits on the table, spreading her legs wide so you can fit in perfectly between them. You slide back into her pussy and start thrusting like crazy. So close to cumming you don't care about taking it slow!
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck! You've tightened up again! Shit I can't hold on any longer. <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>It's okay, don't worry. You've done well! Where do you want to cum? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I really want to fill you up! <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>Hmmm as fun as that would be, I don't think that's the best idea. How about my face? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Anywhere is fine, I'm so close I could cum anywhere. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shay pushes you off her and drops down in front of your cock. You barely hold it in before you burst all over he face.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Shay8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>YEEEEEEES, FUCK! That felt so fucking good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>Well I do aim to please. I'm glad you felt it was worth the purchase. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit yes it was. I'll need to save up to buy this again as soon as I can.<</speech>>
<<speech "Shay">>I'll be here waiting for whenever you buy the reward again. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shay cleans off her face and pulls her dress back up.
<<speech "Shay">>You better get changed unless you want to leave here naked. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You grab your clothes and start getting changed. When done, Shay unlocks the door and you both leave, you try to look as inconspicuous as possible.
Shay heads back to the kiosk and you head back to the centre of the [[casino|Casino][$player.lust to 0]]
</div><div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > Anything that you've bought or get will be shown here. </div>\
<div class="container">\
<<if $goldenChip == true>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Inv/GoldenChip.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<h3> Golden Chip </h3>\
<<if $smartPhone == true>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Inv/SmartPhone.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<h3> Smart Phone </h3>\
<<if $photoBook == true>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Inv/photoBook.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<h3> Photo Book </h3>\
<<if $makeUp == true>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Inv/MakeUp.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<h3> Makeup </h3>\
<<if $camera == true>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Inv/Camera.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<h3> Camera </h3>\
<<if $tamagotchi == true>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Inv/tamagotchi.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<h3> Tamagotchi </h3>\
<<if $caseDocuments >= 1>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Inv/CaseDocuments.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<<link "Case Documents">>
This is what you remember from reading the case documents. (THIS WILL UPDATE AS YOU LEARN MORE THINGS)
*The case itself is a corporate fraud case.
*You are the prosecutors in this case, as the high value client has hired you to help prosecute an employee who is suspected of commiting this fraud.
*Large amounts of untaxed income has been discoverd by the government and your client insists that the employee earned it fraudulently without the companies knowledge.
*An image of the client is attached, her name is Mizuno Asahi, she is the CFO of the company and is dealing with the new found income personally.
<img src = "img/MizunoImg.jpg" class="centerSmall">
*The employee with the charges against her is currently on paid leave and has her own lawyers creating her defence.
*The employee has been silent on everything so far and has not given any statements as of yet.
<<if $misonoEvent is 1>>\
*Misono is claiming that she's innocent and that she was on holiday when the payment came in. Meaning she didn'd purposefully hide the payment. <</if>>\
<<if $misonoSpeechCheck is true>>*Misono has told us that she was late in sending the message to finance. We should find this evidence before the company does. <</if>>\
<<if $hentaiBook is true>>\
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/manga/01.jpg" width="200px" height="200px" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<<link "Hentai Book">>
<img src = "img/manga/01.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/02.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/03.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/04.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/05.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/06.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/07.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/08.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/09.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/10.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/11.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/12.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/13.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/14.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/15.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/16.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/17.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/18.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/19.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/20.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/21.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/22.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/23.jpg" class="centerBigger">\
<img src = "img/manga/24.png" class="centerBigger">\
<<return>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<set $hour to 19>>\
<<if $lucieDate == 1>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You wait around until after work and meet up with Lucie.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So shall we head off to the bar then? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>We could but would you not prefer to head back to my place instead? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wait are you serious? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Of course, unless you'd rather not... <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Are you kidding me? What are we waiting here for? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You leave the office together and Lucie leads you to her place.
She lives quite closeby and you both head into the house.
<<speech "Lucie">>Why don't you sit down at the table and I'll get some wine for us both. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Sounds great! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Luice heads off for a minute and comes back with two glasses of wine.
She sits opposite you and you both spend some time talking and flirting with each other.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
After some time Lucie stands up and comes around to your side of the table.
<<speech "Lucie">>You know, in my last job I didn't get along with anyone. Nobody even spoke to me after the first week of me working there. But you $pfname, you've been so nice to me from day one. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I can't even imagine why people would not get along with you. You funny, intersting and of course, have an amazing body. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>You think so? You really like it? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Of course, I can barely take my eyes off it you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Well instead of just using your eyes why don't you use your hands too! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You start making out with her and feeling up her body!
<<speech "Lucie">>Mmmm yes that feels good. I want you to feel all of me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Let me take your shirt off so I can feel your amazing tits.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You pull her shirt and bra off and expose her huge tits. You start massaging her tits while making out with her.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>Yes that's great! I hope you can use that tongue where it really matters. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Lay on the table, I'll show you how I can use my tongue. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She lays on the table and pulls her skirt off. Laying there naked infront of you.
You go to your knees and go to work on her pussy.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>Yes Oh My God! Yes! That's so fucking good. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You work your tongue hard making her body twitch and convulse.
So hard in fact that the muscles in your tongue start to ache after a while. Damn you really need more practice if you're going to be doing this more in the future.
<<speech "Lucie">>Shit yes, that is so good. Come on, let me show you my appreciation. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She slides off the table and drops to her knees, she then unzips your pants and start sucking your cock,
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck that feels amazing, keep going like that! <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust is 100>>
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit hang on that's actually too good! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You feel the familar feeling of an orgasm building much quicker than you expected.
You try to stop her but she keeps going.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Lucie shit, stop... FUCK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>What do you mean? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You pull your cock out of her mouth and try to hold it in, but nothings stopping what's already started.
You aim over her tits and let out a huge cumshot.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>Umm what the fuck? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit Lucie I'm so sorry, I didn't realise how horny I was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Well that was really underwhelming, I didn't expect you to be such a quick shot. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm honestly not, not usually. If you give me a little bit I can be good to go again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>You know, it's probably best if you leave, I'm not really in the mood for it anymore anyway. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Really? Umm well okay, maybe another time then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Yeah... Maybe. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You watch as she cleans herself off and gathers her clothes up. You do the same and get changed.
You exchange a few words but it's clear that she wants you to leave. You get the hint and head out of the house.
You enter onto the city street. What the fuck was that all about? I should really make sure my lust is lower before I go ahead and try getting with women from now on, or I'll keep embarassing myself.
[[Headback to the city|City][$lucieDate to 2; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2]]
<<speech "Lucie">>Mmm you taste so good!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit that's good. Shit I need to fuck you right now! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>It's like you read my mind. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She lays back into the table and spreads her legs wide.
You slide into her soaking wet pussy with ease.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh shit yes! That's good, keep going like that! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn you're so wet. This is amazing! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>God, keep pounding me like that, don't slow down. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You reposition yourself so you can slide in and out easier.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
Lucie grabs her huge tits as you fuck her, watching them bounce up and down with each thrust.
<<speech "Lucie">>Let me sit on your cock. I want to feel every inch of you inside me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck that sounds so hot! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You sit down and before you even get a chance to get comfy she's ontop of you riding your dick.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>God damn Lucie you pushing me so close to the edge here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>You want to cum? I bet you want to throw you cum all over me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit yes. I want to cum all over your amazing tits. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>That's what I like to hear! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She jumps off you and kneels down infront of your cock. She holds her tits up and you stroke yourself over the edge.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck yes, here it comes! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/LucieFuck8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh shit yes, that feels so warm. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fucking hell that felt amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>It felt pretty damn amazing for me too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Anytime you want me to come round to yours for some wine you let me know! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>Oh I will, don't you worry. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both clean up and then get changed back into your clothes.
Lucie hands you a glass of wine filled back up and you both sit there for a while drinking and laughing.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Tonight has been really fun! I don't want to be that guy by fucking and running but it is getting pretty late. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lucie">>No don't worry, I was getting pretty tired myself. Thank you for coming round. I really enjoyed myself too. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You share one last kiss before you turn around and leave the house.
You enter onto the city street. Damn that was one hell of a date night, This woman is wild and you're more than happy to go along with the ride, I wonder how far we can go?
[[Headback to the city|City][$lucieDate to 2; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2]]
<</if>>\<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<<set $hour to 19>>\
<<if $kyraDate == 1>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You wait around until after work and meet up with Kyra.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So shall we head off to the bar then? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Fuck the bar, we're heading back to my place and finishing what on our other date. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wait are you serious? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Whats the matter? Don't think you can handle me? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Are you kidding me? Lead the way and I'll show you excatly how much I can handle. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You leave the office together and Kyea leads you to her place.
She lives a bit of a ways away from the office but after a few minutes you make it there and you both head into the house.
<<speech "Kyra">> Well, I'm going to go and get changed into something a little more comfortable, you've been here before so just make yourself at home. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra gives you a little wink and heads over to what you can guess is the bedroom.
You remember the last time you were here with a grin on your face. You walk around for a little bit and find a bottle of wine, open it up and pour two glasses for both you and Kyra. A few minutes pass and you hear Kyra walk back into the room. You turn around and see her in an all familar pose on the table.
<<speech "Kyra">> $pfname it's time for me to show you the time of your life. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kneeling on the table is Kyra dressed in the most revealing fishnet bodysuit. You stand there admiring her again like last time.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> I hope you're able to keep up with me! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>There's no doubt about that! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You close the distance quickly and start making out with her, quickly trying to take off your pants.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> There we go! Give me that fat cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You can take it all Kyra, shit I'm so horny. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck yes I've been missing this! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Of course you have! I did tell you that you'd be dreaming of this every night. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I have been as well. God it feels amazing. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> Going for my tits again? You really liked them last time.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>They were amazing last time, can I fuck them again? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Normally I don't do it but since you asked so nicely I'll make an exception. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $player.lust is 100>>
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>FUCK that feels just too good. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> I can feel your dick twitching. Does it really feel that good? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yes! Shit, fuck you have to slow down. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Surely not? You said that you could handle me. We've hardly even started yet. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shiiiiit fuck, fuck I'm going to cum, I can't hold it back anymore. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Really?? That's pathetic it's barely been 5 minutes! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck that was amazing! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Amazing? Are you kidding, that was such a quick shot. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sorry I was so fucking horny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> And you think that I wasn't? You were all talk and no action. Typical... <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I can go again, just let me rest a little. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> You really think I'm just going to sit around while you rest up? No that's not happening. You should go. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit Kyra, I'm sorry I'll do better next time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> You'll be lucky if there's another time. Just leave me alone for a bit so I can calm down okay. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure I'll leave you alone. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra leaves to go to the bathroom where she cleans herself off and gathers her clothes up. You do the same and get changed. You head out quickly after.
You enter onto the city street. What the fuck was that all about? I should really make sure my lust is lower before I go ahead and try getting with women from now on, or I'll keep embarassing myself.
[[Headback to the city|City][$kyraDate to 2; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yes, I've missed the feeling of them, they're so soft. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> I can feel you twtiching, you better not be close to cumming.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry I can keep going. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Good because I need your dick in me right now!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You push her back onto the table and push yourself into her soaking wet pussy.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> Yes! Fuck yes that's feels good. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn it, that pussy feels so good. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Careful, if you're not careful my pussy will ruin you for all other women, it just won't feel as good. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She's not lying, Her pussy feels so good. You're surprised you didn't cum the second you put it in!
<<speech "Kyra">> Come on $pfname, is that all you got? Show me how good my pussy really is!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Here I go, I'm going to have you screaming my name. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Kyra">> Yes! That's right! punish that pussy! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck! Fuck this feels amazing! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Let me get on the chair, I want you to take me from behind, dominate my pussy. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra stands up from the table and climbs onto the chair, pointing her ass towards you, inviting you in.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yes look at that ass bouncing off my dick! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Fuck I can feel every fucking inch, keep going! don't you dare cum yet! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
How are you not supposed to cum yet? You're barely holding on as it is!
Not wanting to ruin the mood you put on your most convincing voice.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry I can keep going for much longer! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Good! Good! sit down on the chair I want to ride your cock like a wild bull! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
She mounts you and starts bouncing up and down on your cock, with the piston like movement sending you over the edge.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit Kyra, I'm so fucking close to cumming! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Mmm well I suppose you've done well enough to last this long, I'll let you cum. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank god! I don't think I can hold out much longer. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> I thought you said you could keep going for much longer. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That was before you started riding my cock like your life was on the line. Shit here if fucking cums. Where do you want it? <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">> Finish on my face, I love to look at a man cumming after he's held on for so long! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She hops off your cock and drops to her knees, opening her mouth for you to finish all over her.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/Kyra10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck fuck fuck! That was so fucking good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>You don't taste too bad you know, I could get used to it. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit me too! <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>Let me head off to the bathroom and clean myself up. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stands up and heads over to the bedroom, you hear the shower going and you take this time to clean yourself up and get changed back into your clothes.
Kyra comes back out of the bathroom, dressed in a silk nightdress. You hand her a glass of wine that you poured earlier and you both spend some time chatting and drinking some wine.
<<speech "Kyra">>Well $pfname, that's the last of the wine. I must admit I enjoyed tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So did I! I hope we can do it again soon. <</speech>>
<<speech "Kyra">>If you're lucky. Now I really must go to bed, it's getting a bit late. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I didn't even notice the time, I'll get out of your hair. I'll see you in work. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Kyra gives you a long kiss on the lips and you leave the apartment behind.
You enter onto the city street. Damn that was one hell of a date night, This woman is wild and you're more than happy to go along with the ride, I wonder how far we can go?
[[Headback to the city|City][$kyraDate to 2; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2]]
<div class="grey">\
You open the door, to Hitomi's office, at first glance you don't see anyone in the office, but you hear a voice from near the desk coming from the floor.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well if it isn't my favorite associate.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Ummm Hitomi what are you doing on the floor? <</speech>>
<img src = "img/Hitomi3.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Hitomi">>I can't stand sitting on my desk chair anymore. That thing is killing my lower back. I find it more comfortable on the floor anyway.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh... Okay, well I have all the research for the case involving Mr. Chang. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Mr. Chang? Who's he again?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>He was the one who was assulted at the convenience store.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh yes! And once again perfect timing with this case work. We'll be going to the court in about 3 hours. You'll need to de-brief me with everything you have found out.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take almost a whole hour explaining the finer details of the case to Hitomi, she takes notes and asks questions throughout.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Okay this is more complex than I thought. Since there is a lot we have to do we need to make a decision now on who will be questioning the plaintiff and who will be questioning the defendant. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>What do you mean by questioning the witness? Why would we be questioning our own client? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>It's quite common, asking questions to our client directly can help ensure certain responses are given, this then let's the jury what we want them to. It also gives the client a good way to provide defending evidence. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh I see, so I could ask him something like "Can you see the man who attacked you here today?" And that way we can lead up a response that will eventually point out the plantiff. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Excatly! Now time to decide. Who would you rather question?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
<div class="boldText">Attention! I would save here as there will be a different scene depending on which option you take!</div>\
<div id="choices">
<<link "I'll ask quesitons to our client. - (Normal route)">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'll ask quesitons to our client, I feel that it's safer. Also that way since you have more experience you can try and catch the plantiff in a lie. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>That makes sense. I'm glad you have noticed my experience and awesome lawyering skills! Come on let's head to the court, we want to get there nice and early.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure thing!<</speech>>
You both gather up all the documents and head downstairs to get a taxi over to the court house.
[[Enter the Court House|Case3CourtSceneNonNTR][$hour to $hour + 3]]
<div id="choices">
<<link "I'll ask the plantiff the questions. - (Voyeurism route)">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'll ask the plantiff the questions. I want to see if I can catch him in a lie. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh okay, if you think you can handle it. I'll be dealing with our client so I'll go over everything with him before the court session starts. Come on let's head to the court, we want to get there nice and early.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure thing! <</speech>>
You both gather up all the documents and head downstairs to get a taxi over to the court house.
[[Enter the Court House|Case3CourtSceneNTR][$hour to $hour + 3]]
<div class="grey">\
You both arrive at the court house. There seems to be quite a lot of people here, you guess that because of it being such an important place there's always going to be people around here.
You enter through the front door and pass through security. Once through Hitomi heads to the reception area and the person behind the desk points you both to some large double doors at the end of the hall.
Hitomi walks with you to the doors then stops and turns to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Right, once we go through these doors the court session will begin shortly after. At that point there's only one thing you should think about and that's winning this case. You'll have my help of course but when it comes to questioning the client that's all on you remember. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure, I know this. I've got it don't worry! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Okay then if that's the case then let's get going, and good luck! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi pushes the doors open and you both walk into the court room. You follow her to the desk up at the front and sit down next to the client who is already here.
Hitomi shakes his hand and introduces you to him.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hello there Mr. Chang. This is $player.name he will be questioning you on the stand. Please just answer truthfully and with everything you know. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>A new person on the case? I don't remember being told this. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Mr. Chang as part of our firm taking your case you were told that a Junior partner would be taking your case, and an associate would be supporting. I am that associate. I've read through all of the case information and will focus on asking questions that will help you look favorably to the jury. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Well I do remember something along those lines in the contract... Okay I'll trust you for this, I'm 100% sure the defendant is the guy who attacked me so I have nothing to hide. Ask any questions you think are necessary. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>We will do everything we can. the main plan is to...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Before Hitomi could finish what she was about to say you hear a call out saying "All rise for the Honourable Judge Williams"
You see the judge walk up to his chair and sit down. Everyone sits down and you realise that this is the real deal. It's now or never to make this work and if you fuck it up... well it's best not to think of that.
Hitomi seems to notice your nervousness and whispers to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't worry, just be confident. If you speak confidently you will give off a vibe to the rest of the court room that you're someone who knows the facts of the case. If you're visably nervous then it looks like you're not sure about the facts which will make most people doubt what you say. Even if it's just an act be as confident as you can. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You nod, feeling a little better, if it's just acting then you can do that. You just have to think of what questions you'll be asking Mr. Chang when he goes up to the stand.
Luckily you'll be asking Mr. Chang last and it will be the last witness of the whole trail. This gives you a chance to watch how the rest do it as well as gain any last minute information before you go up to ask.
The trail goes on, with witnesses being brought up and asked questions as well as evidence such as hospital reports being brought forward. Soon a quick break is called and Hitomi turns to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Right, so far so good. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just to make yourself sure why don't you go over what you know as well as anything you may have learned in this trail so far. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You list off the things you know which are:
*Your client claims that the defendant was the one who assulted him.
*The CCTV was not active during that part of the day due to a technical issue, this has been proven by an expert during the trail.
*The hospital reports show that your client was admitted to hospital and was treated for a broken rib and a head injury.
*The defendants core defence rests on the fact that due to your client having a head injury he miss remembered who attacked him.
*They also say that your client is just trying to sue the defendant because he wants money.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes, well done. Now what we should focus on for the clients questions should be the last two. The memory issue and the money issue. If you can think of some good questions to help prove these are false with his answers then that could help tip this case in our favor. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have some documents in front of you to look at, what do you choose to look at first?
<<link "Image of the Medical Report">>
<<link "Image of Mr. Chang's Tax Return">>
<<link "Evidence of CCTV damage">>
You put the documents back into the folder. As you do so the judge arrives back and everything starts again.
It's nearly your time to question the client. Hitomi turns to you after she returns from questioning the defendant.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Right it's almost your turn. Are you ready? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yes I know what I'll be asking. I'm ready! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Good because it's your turn now. Good luck I know you can do it! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi calls Mr. Chang to the stand, and tells the court that she'll be passing the questioning of Mr. Chang to you.
<div class="boldText">Like in Case 2 you will be writing the question out, make sure you've looked at all of the documents shown above?</div>\
<<linkreplace "Yes I've looked at them all.">>\
<div class="boldText">Are you sure? Again just checking as it will be harder to ask the questions in the next scene. </div>\
[[Yes, yes, yes let's get on with it|Case3CourtSceneNonNTR - 1]]
<div class="grey">\
You both arrive at the court house. There seems to be quite a lot of people here, you guess that because of it being such an important place there's always going to be people around here.
You enter through the front door and pass through security. Once through Hitomi heads to the reception area and the person behind the desk points you both to some large double doors at the end of the hall.
Hitomi walks with you to the doors then stops and turns to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Right, once we go through these doors the court session will begin shortly after. At that point there's only one thing you should think about and that's winning this case. You'll have my help of course but when it comes to questioning the defendant that's all on you remember. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure, I know this. I've got it don't worry! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Okay then if that's the case then let's get going, and good luck! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi pushes the doors open and you both walk into the court room. You follow her to the desk up at the front and sit down next to the client who is already here.
Hitomi shakes his hand and introduces you to him.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hello there Mr. Chang. This is $player.name he will be questioning the defendant. I'll be questioning you so please just answer truthfully and with everything you know. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>A new person on the case? I don't remember being told this. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Mr. Chang as part of our firm taking your case you were told that a Junior partner would be taking your case, and an associate would be supporting. I am that associate. I've read through all of the case information and will focus on asking questions that will help you look favorably to the jury. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Well I do remember something along those lines in the contract... Okay I'll trust you for this, I'm 100% sure the defendant is the guy who attacked me so I have nothing to hide. Ask any questions you think are necessary. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>We will do everything we can. the main plan is to...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Before Hitomi could finish what she was about to say you hear a call out saying "All rise for the Honourable Judge Williams"
You see the judge walk up to his chair and sit down. Everyone sits down and you realise that this is the real deal. It's now or never to make this work and if you fuck it up... well it's best not to think of that.
Hitomi seems to notice your nervousness and whispers to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't worry, just be confident. If you speak confidently you will give off a vibe to the rest of the court room that you're someone who knows the facts of the case. If you're visably nervous then it looks like you're not sure about the facts which will make most people doubt what you say. Even if it's just an act be as confident as you can. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You nod, feeling a little better, if it's just acting then you can do that. You just have to think of what questions you'll be asking the defendant when he goes up to the stand.
Luckily you'll be asking the defendant last and it will be the last witness of the whole trail. This gives you a chance to watch how the rest do it as well as gain any last minute information before you go up to ask.
The trail goes on, with witnesses being brought up and asked questions as well as evidence such as hospital reports being brought forward. Soon a quick break is called and Hitomi turns to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Right, so far so good. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just to make yourself sure why don't you go over what you know as well as anything you may have learned in this trail so far. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You list off the things you know which are:
*Your client claims that the defendant was the one who assulted him.
*The CCTV was not active during that part of the day due to a technical issue, this has been proven by an expert during the trail.
*The hospital reports show that your client was admitted to hospital and was treated for a broken rib and a head injury.
*The defendants core defence rests on the fact that due to your client having a head injury he miss remembered who attacked him.
*They also say that your client is just trying to sue the defendant because he wants money.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes, well done. Now what we should focus on for the defendants questions should be the last two. The memory issue and the money issue. If you can think of some good questions to help prove these are false with his answers then that could help tip this case in our favor. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have some documents in front of you to look at, what do you choose to look at first?
<<link "Image of the Medical Report">>
<<link "Image of Mr. Chang's Tax Return">>
<<link "Evidence of CCTV damage">>
You put the documents back into the folder. As you do so the judge arrives back and everything starts again.
It's nearly your time to question the client. Hitomi turns to you after she returns from questioning the defendant.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Right it's almost your turn. Are you ready? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yes I know what I'll be asking. I'm ready! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Good because it's your turn now. Good luck I know you can do it! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi calls Mr. Chang to the stand, and tells the court that she'll be passing the questioning of Mr. Chang to you.
<div class="boldText">Like in Case 2 you will be writing the question out, make sure you've looked at all of the documents shown above?</div>\
<<linkreplace "Yes I've looked at them all.">>\
<div class="boldText">Are you sure? Again just checking as it will be harder to ask the questions in the next scene. </div>\
[[Yes, yes, yes let's get on with it|Case3CourtSceneNTR - 1]]
<div class="grey">\
Mr. Chang walks up to the stand and is sworn in.
You stand up and for the first time all day everyones eyes are staring at you. You start off with the introductory questions to begin with.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Can you confirm that your name is Steven Chang? <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Yes that is my name. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank you Mr. Chang, can you also confirm that you were at the store in question on the date of the 15th of April 2024 <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Yes, I was there on that date. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>And in your own words could you describe what happened when you were shopping at the store on the 15th of April 2024. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Well I was only there to buy some milk and bread due to running out at home. I don't usually go to that store, but it was late and most of the other shops were closed. When I went to pay I heard an arguement going on behind me, I thought nothing of it at first but it then got louder and louder.
As I turned around to see who was making all the noise, A man ran forward and punched me twice, once in the chest and once in the head. I was knocked down and before I could recover and stand back up the attacker had ran out of the store. One of the employee's who was there on the day and who has testified today told me the name of my attacker as he is a frequent customer of the store.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>And Mr. Chang can you say with 100% certainty that the man who attacked you is the defendant today? <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Yes, 100% percent. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You hear someone stand up behind you and see the defendants lawyer protesting to the judge.
<<speech "Lawyer">>Your honour as the medical report suggests, Mr. Chang had a head injury how could he know for 100% certainty? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
That's true, how could he know for sure if he had a head injury?
What do you say to counter this?
<<linkreplace "You stuck? Only click this if you either have no idea what to write or just don't want to play the game.">>\
The medical document mentioned that Mr. Chang had a head injury but no evidence of brain damage with normal brain activity. You can ask any queston as long as it has any of these key words in. "no evidence", "no damage", "normal", "normal activity", "fine", "activity".
<<textbox "$input" "Write your counter here." >>
@@#test;<<button "Submit your counter">>
<<set _keywords to ["no evidence", "no damage", "normal", "normal activity", "fine", "activity"]>>
<<set _found to false>>
<<set _input to $input.toLowerCase()>>
<<for _keyword range _keywords>>
<<if _input.includes(_keyword)>>
<<set _found to true>>
<<if _found>>
<<replace "#output">>
<<goto "Case3CourtSceneNonNTR - 2">>
<<replace "#output">> \
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hmmm, no that's not right. It was something about his brain activity right?<</speech>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I don't think so, didn't the report say something about if he had damage? <</speech>>
<span id="output"></span><<speech "You" "$player.name">>You are correct, the medicial report said that Mr. Chang had a head injury, but the results of the scan showed no evidence of damage to the brain and all tests returned normal activity. So he was in a completely normal state when he witnessed his attacker. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You note the surprise of the lawyer when you easily dismiss his attempted counter. The judge waves you to continue your line of questions.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Mr. Chang, you said that you have never been to this store before. Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Well. How can I put this nicely. It's a little below my budget. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>For clarity please could you expand on this. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Well, the area of the store is not my usual shopping location as I usually shop in more higher end places. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You hear someone stand up behind you again and see the defendants lawyer protesting to the judge once more.
<<speech "Lawyer">>Your honour as mentioned by our legal expert that we brought up earlier, suing people in cases like this is very often financially motivated. It was clear to everyone that Mr. Chang targeted my client to gain some quick money. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The legal expert did say that, and this could look bad if not countered right now.
What do you say to counter this?
<<linkreplace "You stuck? Only click this if you either have no idea what to write or just don't want to play the game.">>\
The tax return proved that Mr. Chang had made a lot of money last year, he's clearly not in the need for a small payout from this case. You can ask any queston as long as it has any of these key words in. "rich", "tax return", "lots of money", "money", "tax", "return", "$", "dollars", "420,000"
<<textbox "$input" "Write your counter here." >>
@@#test;<<button "Submit your counter">>
<<set _keywords to ["rich", "tax return", "lots of money", "money", "tax", "return", "$", "dollars", "420,000"]>>
<<set _found to false>>
<<set _input to $input.toLowerCase()>>
<<for _keyword range _keywords>>
<<if _input.includes(_keyword)>>
<<set _found to true>>
<<if _found>>
<<replace "#output">>
<<goto "Case3CourtSceneNonNTR - 3">>
<<replace "#output">> \
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hmmm, no that's not right. Wasn't there a tax return document in the evidence? <</speech>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I don't think so, How much money did Mr. Chang make last year again? <</speech>>
<span id="output"></span><<speech "You" "$player.name">>Which could be the case in other trails, however as shown in Mr. Chang's tax report for the previous tax year he made over half a million dollars. The payout of this case is only to cover the medical bills, why would a man with that wealth target a random person? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Again the defendants lawyer is silenced and sits back down. You look at Hitomi who looks very impressed.
You turn back to Mr. Chang and finish off your questions and thank him for coming up to the stand.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No further questions your honour. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You sit back down and the jury are told to leave to make their decision. You're unsure how long this will take but for now you sit at the desk with Mr. Chang and Hitomi.
<<speech "Hitomi">>You did really well up there! You caught the other lawyer out twice. I think you're really helped the overall case there. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>I take back what I first said about you $pfname. Thank you for all your help there.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So how long will this take do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well it's not like the movies or a large murder case, so the jury usually only takes about 30 minutes, with the evidence presented should help speed that up too. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Even though I know the truth I still feel pretty nervous about it all. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't worry Mr. Chang, the defendant really didn't bring anything up to the plate here, so we should be good.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time talking and waiting and much quicker than expected the jury return and get ready to call out their findings.
A woman stands up as the elected speaker and begins.
<<speech "Jury">>In the case of Mr. Chang vs Mr. Jones, we the jury unanimously find the defendant Mr. Francis Jones guilty of the charge of assult. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mr. Chang breathes a sigh of relief and Hitomi grabs your arm and squeezes it.
Holy shit! You did it, somehow you managed to win in your first court case. You're still surprised how you've managed to stumble your way to this position but you're happy with how it's going so far!
The rest of the trail finishes with the sentencing of the defendant. All in all it takes another hour to finish up. You, Hitomi and Mr. Chang leave the court room.
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>I can't even begin to thank you both enough. I'm glad that the man who attacked me will be punished and I can rest easy knowing that justice has been carried out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>It was a pleasure to represent you Mr. Chang. And please for any other legal representation we hope you will consider our firm in the future. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Of course, I'd be more than happy to have your firm represent me in the future. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mr. Chang thanks you both again and leaves you both.
Hitomi turns to you with a huge grin on her face.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well $pfname, you always seem to impress me whenever we work together. And this time not only did you do well, you helped win the case.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hopefully I can continue to impress you! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>I hope that too, and I also hope that the firm will impress you with the bonus you'll make from this case. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>There's a bonus? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Of course, all cases that go to court give a bonus, which comes from the winnings of the court case. For this one I believe it is $10,000 <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>$10,000 Holy Shit! I need to celebrate! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well if you're talking about celebrating, then how about we celebrate at my place? I've got a bottle of wine that I said I'd enjoy after a big win, seems like a good enough event as ever to open it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Excellent I'll call a cab to take us there! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi calls a cab and you both sit in the back seat, to your surpise she's all over you, touching your thighs and chest. You don't leave her unattended either and before you know it you're at her house. You both [[go inside|HitomiCase3Scene][$hour to $hour + 4]]
</div>\<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You are practically pulled into the house. Hitomi drags you into the living room and starts making out with you before you can say anything.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Watching you work today made me so fucking horny. Get down on the floor, I'm going to suck you dry. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi pushes you down to the floor and un-buttons her shirt. She opens your pants and grabs you cock.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Hmmmm I've missed this cock. Let me get started! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit I've missed your mouth since last time too. It's been all I could think about. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Of course it is, Everyone who I've been with is obsessed with me after. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
After she says that she plunges your cock down her throught.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit Hitomi, I've fucking missed that feeling, That's amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Shit I forgot about how big this cock was. I can't wait to have this deep inside me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You and me both! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi repositions her body and sits on your face. She then leans forward and grabs your cock.
<<speech "Hitomi">>I hope you don't think that you'll be getting all the fun to start off with.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck yes! You sure know how to suck a cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Of course I do! And it's not just sucking that I know. I'm well equiped for another thing too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh hell yes! I've been wanting another round with your tits ever since the previous case! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh look at that, no matter the size of the cock it always disappears inbetween my tits. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>This has to be one of the best feelings in the world! <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust >= 100>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hang on, wait, it really does feel just too good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't expect me to slow down, I'm just getting started. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You're going to have to! I'm going to cum if you don't! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Haha come on, you're not really going to cum that quickly? Surely not! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No seriously, wait please slow down! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh no, if you're actually going to cum, that's just embarrasing, after all that talk? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck please slow down! Shit... Shit! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You push Hitomi off you before she makes you blow your load, but you quickly realise that you've already passed the point of no return.
You step over her and without being able to hold back cum all over her face.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseEarly.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>God damn that was amazing. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Amazing? More like fast... What the fuck was that supposed to be? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Your body is just too hot, I couldn't control myself. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well, I had much bigger plans that just a blowjob but I guess it's over now so it doesn't matter. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I can go again if you just give me a little bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>What and I just sit here while we wait? No I'm fine, to be honest this whole thing has kind of ruined the mood for me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh, umm okay then, shall we finish the wine you said that you had saved for today? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Maybe I should save it for another time, it's probably for the best anyway, it's getting pretty late too so...<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You get the idea that she really doesn't want you to hang around after that pathetic display.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah, you're right I should probably get going... <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yeah probably for the best. Well done again at court, I'll see you in work.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure see you then. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You grab all of your things and head out of the house.
Fucking hell, how did that happen? You really need to learn to go into these things with less lust or you're just going to embarass yourself again... Either way even if it was a bad ending, the day was good, you won in court and you got a bonus of $10,000 that's not bad in one day.
Time is getting on to be fair, you should probably head [[home|Bedroom][$player.favor to $player.favor + 1; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2; $caseName to "Case4"; $hitomiEvent to 4; $caseCompletion to 0; $player.money to $player.money + 10000]]
<<speech "Hitomi">>If you think this is one of the best feelings in the world. Then just you wait until you're inside me! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Just thinking about it is making me horny as fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Then instead of thinking about it, let me help you experience it. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stands up from you and turns around to face you, she then drops down onto your cock, sliding it into her soaking wet pussy.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh shit! Yes that feels so good! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>God damn it! That feels fucking great, look at those tits bouncing around infront of me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>You like them? Well let me give you all of them. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi leans forward and rests her tits on your face, all while continuing to bounce on your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit I got to change position or I'm going to blow a huge load inside you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Mmm well as much as I wouldn't say no to that, I also don't want this to end too soon. How do you want to take me? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Bend over on the sofa, I want to fuck you from behind. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Alright then I do like it when a guy takes me from behind. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi bends over on the sofa and shows you her pussy. Without a second to hesitate you plunge deep into her tight cunt.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>YES! Fuck that's so deep, fuck the shit out of me $pfname. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn it Hitomi you're a fucking animal! I you're pushing me over the line here, I don't know how long I'll last like this. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>So you want to cum then? How about all over my face? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It's like you read my mind. Lay on your back! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Come on, pound me hard, cum all over me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck! Your dirty talk is driving me insane. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>You like it when I ask you to cum? Then cum for me! Cum for me $pfname, cum all over me and cover me in your seed! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh shit! That's done it! Here it comes!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCase7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Mmm that's warm on my face, that was a big load, were you that built up?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fucking yes I was. That felt so fucking good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>As much as I enjoyed that and the ending on my face, I'm going to have to clean this off before it drys.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yeah that's probably a good idea <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi leaves to have a quick shower, while she's gone you get changed back into your clothes.
She soon comes out of the shower wearing a silk gown.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Shall we open up that bottle of wine I mentioned earlier? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Absolutely. The perfect way to wind down after great sex! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both spend time drinking, talking and laughing.
Before you even notice it you realise that time has flown by and you should probably head off sooner or later. Almost sensing what you were thinking Hitomi finishes the last of the wine and turns to you.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well this was a brilliant way to celebrate your first court case win! But if I keep drinking I'll barely wake up tomorrow. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You're right there, I enjoyed every second. I'm looking forward to our next celebration. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>As am I! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi gives you a kiss and opens the front door. You give her one last kiss and leave out onto the streets of the city.
God damn! This day was good, you won in court, you fucked the shit out of Hitomi and you got a bonus of $10,000 that's not bad in one day.
Time is getting on to be fair, you should probably head [[home|Bedroom][$player.favor to $player.favor + 1; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2; $caseName to "Case4"; $hitomiEvent to 4; $caseCompletion to 0; $player.money to $player.money + 10000]]
<</if>><<if $hour <=18>>\
<<if $caseCompletion < 15>>\
<div class="grey">\
You sit at your desk in the bullpen. You have a few options on what to do.
You don't have a case to work on right now, so you should probably do a bit more work. You've been doing really well recently so who knows, maybe you'll get a call soon.
Work to do until completion $caseCompletion / 15.
[[Speak to Kyra|KyraChat][$kyraRelationship to $kyraRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Miguel|MiguelChat][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Lucie|LucieChat][$lucieRelationship to $lucieRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy >= 10 and $player.stress <= 90>>\
[[Do some work|$caseName][$player.Energy to $player.Energy - 10; $player.stress to $player.stress + 10; $hour to $hour + 2; $player.money to $player.money + 40; $caseCompletion to $caseCompletion +1]]
<<if $player.Energy <= 9>>\
You're too tired to do any work right now. Maybe have a rest before trying to work again.
<<if $player.stress >= 91>>\
You're too stressed to do any work right now. Maybe try to relax before trying to work again.
[[Leave the BullPen|Offices]]
<<else>> \
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time completing the piece of work in-front of you and you hear some footsteps approaching from behind.
<img src = "img/Hitomi4.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well it's good to see you working hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course, I'm always working hard!<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>I know you are, and so do the upper management in-fact. So much so that Ava has asked me to bring you to her in her office. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Her office? I really must be doing well. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well, I wouldn't keep her waiting. She's a powerfull woman and doesn't like waiting on people. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi gives you a wink and turns to leave.
Damn her tits are just amazing... Although no matter how great her tits are you proabably shouldn't sit here and imagine her tits any longer. You stand up and head over to Ava's [[office|Ava's Office][$AvaEvent to 1]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<</if>> <div class="grey">\
The defendant walks up to the stand and is sworn in.
You stand up and for the first time all day everyones eyes are staring at you. You start off with the introductory questions to begin with.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Can you confirm that your name is Francis Jones? <</speech>>
<<speech "Defendant">>Yes that is my name. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank you Mr. Jones, can you also confirm that you were at the store in question on the date of the 15th of April 2024 <</speech>>
<<speech "Defendant">>Yeah I was there, buying some things for myself. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>And in your own words could you describe what happened when you were shopping at the store on the 15th of April 2024. <</speech>>
<<speech "Defendant">>I shop there most nights. Since I live nearby it's my local shop. Ask anyone they'll tell you I'm pretty much always there.
There was a large argument going on in the store that night, there's usually events happening there due to where the store is located. We don't really have much money around there so crime is qutie common. Basically there was some people arguing and before I knew it one guy got punched and another guy ran away, I went up to the guy on the floor and he started shouting at me telling me that I hit him and he would be pressing charges.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>And Mr. Jones, why would you think that my client Mr. Chang would accuse you of hititng him? <</speech>>
<<speech "Defendant">>I dunno, he was hit in the head right? So he probably couldn't remember who actually hit him. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
That's true, how could he know for sure who hit him if he had a head injury?
What do you say to counter this?
<<linkreplace "You stuck? Only click this if you either have no idea what to write or just don't want to play the game.">>\
The medical document mentioned that Mr. Chang had a head injury but no evidence of brain damage with normal brain activity. You can ask any queston as long as it has any of these key words in. "no evidence", "no damage", "normal", "normal activity", "fine", "activity".
<<textbox "$input" "Write your counter here." >>
@@#test;<<button "Submit your counter">>
<<set _keywords to ["no evidence", "no damage", "normal", "normal activity", "fine", "activity"]>>
<<set _found to false>>
<<set _input to $input.toLowerCase()>>
<<for _keyword range _keywords>>
<<if _input.includes(_keyword)>>
<<set _found to true>>
<<if _found>>
<<replace "#output">>
<<goto "Case3CourtSceneNTR - 2">>
<<replace "#output">> \
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hmmm, no that's not right. It was something about his brain activity right?<</speech>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I don't think so, didn't the report say something about if he had damage? <</speech>>
<span id="output"></span><<speech "You" "$player.name">>You are correct, in fact the medicial report even said that Mr. Chang had a head injury, but the results of the scan showed no evidence of damage to the brain and all tests returned normal activity. So he was in a completely normal state when he witnessed his attacker. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You note the surprise of the defendant when you easily dismiss his attempted lie.
<<speech "Defendant">>Well... There's always a possiblity that he could right? Right? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I don't think so Mr. Jones, so we've established that he was in a normal state and could witness his attacker. So why are you denying it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Defendant">>So what if he could tell? He's clearly trying to accuse me for the money!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>And why do you think that is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Defendant">>Well... as mentioned by the legal expert that my lawyers brought up earlier, suing people in cases like this is very often financially motivated. It was clear to everyone that Mr. Chang targeted me to gain some quick money. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The legal expert did say that, and this could look bad if not countered right now.
What do you say to counter this?
<<linkreplace "You stuck? Only click this if you either have no idea what to write or just don't want to play the game.">>\
The tax return proved that Mr. Chang had made a lot of money last year, he's clearly not in the need for a small payout from this case. You can ask any queston as long as it has any of these key words in. "rich", "tax return", "lots of money", "money", "tax", "return", "$", "dollars", "420,000"
<<textbox "$input" "Write your counter here." >>
@@#test;<<button "Submit your counter">>
<<set _keywords to ["rich", "tax return", "lots of money", "money", "tax", "return", "$", "dollars", "420,000"]>>
<<set _found to false>>
<<set _input to $input.toLowerCase()>>
<<for _keyword range _keywords>>
<<if _input.includes(_keyword)>>
<<set _found to true>>
<<if _found>>
<<replace "#output">>
<<goto "Case3CourtSceneNTR - 3">>
<<replace "#output">> \
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hmmm, no that's not right. Wasn't there a tax return document in the evidence? <</speech>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I don't think so, How much money did Mr. Chang make last year again? <</speech>>
<span id="output"></span><<speech "You" "$player.name">>Which could be the case in other trails, however as shown in Mr. Chang's tax report for the previous tax year he made over half a million dollars. The payout of this case is only to cover the medical bills, why would a man with that wealth target a random person? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Again the defendant is silenced and looks shocked. You look at Hitomi who looks very impressed.
You turn back to defendant and finish off your questions and thank him for coming up to the stand.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No further questions your honour. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You sit back down and the jury are told to leave to make their decision. You're unsure how long this will take but for now you sit at the desk with Mr. Chang and Hitomi.
<<speech "Hitomi">>You did really well up there! You caught the defendant out twice. I think you're really helped the overall case there. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>I take back what I first said about you $pfname. Thank you for all your help there.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So how long will this take do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well it's not like the movies or a large murder case, so the jury usually only takes about 30 minutes, with the evidence presented should help speed that up too. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Even though I know the truth I still feel pretty nervous about it all. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't worry Mr. Chang, the defendant really didn't bring anything up to the plate here, so we should be good.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend some time talking and waiting and much quicker than expected the jury return and get ready to call out their findings.
A woman stands up as the elected speaker and begins.
<<speech "Jury">>In the case of Mr. Chang vs Mr. Jones, we the jury unanimously find the defendant Mr. Francis Jones guilty of the charge of assult. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mr. Chang breathes a sigh of relief and Hitomi grabs his arm and squeezes it.
Holy shit! You did it, somehow you managed to win in your first court case. You're still surprised how you've managed to stumble your way to this position but you're happy with how it's going so far!
The rest of the trail finishes with the sentencing of the defendant. All in all it takes another hour to finish up. You, Hitomi and Mr. Chang leave the court room.
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>I can't even begin to thank you both enough. I'm glad that the man who attacked me will be punished and I can rest easy knowing that justice has been carried out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>It was a pleasure to represent you Mr. Chang. And please for any other legal representation we hope you will consider our firm in the future. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Of course, I'd be more than happy to have your firm represent me in the future. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>$pfname, We should all celebrate this victory!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That sounds great. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>I'd definetly not say no to that! By the way do we have a place to celebrate? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>We can all head back to my place, I have some alcohol there. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Excellent, let's head there!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi calls a cab and you go to head into the back seat. This could be a great time to get to know Hitomi more, and who knows, get more than what happened last time.
As you go to sit in the back you notice that Hitomi and Mr. Chang are already sat down and there isn't much space for you.
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Hey $pfname, there's not much space here, why don't you take the front seat? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Umm yeah... Sure I'll go in the front.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shit! Why the hell did you take so long to get in the cab? Now you're stuck in the front while Mr. Chang is in the back with Hitomi...
You look in the rearview mirror and see Hitomi and Mr. Chang talking and laughing, you also notice Mr. Chang has moved closer to her and even has his hand on her thigh. Damn it! That could have been you...
The taxi makes it to Hitomi's place and you've basically only had the driver to talk to, as you all get out you head towards the front door. Hitomi turns around.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh right! That reminds me, I acutally only have enough drinks for two, we're going to need to buy some more if we all want some. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Well $pfname, if I give you some money why don't you head to the corner shop to buy some drinks? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Oh no! This isn't happening again, you're not getting pushed out for a second time.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well how about... <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>It's only down the road, I'm sure you can grab a few things... Right $pfname? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What the fuck? Hitomi too? What is even happening?
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhhh fine, okay then I guess I'll go and grab some more drinks. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi and Mr. Chang head into the house and close the door behind them, they don't even look back either.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit, I better grab the drinks as quickly as possible! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You spend about 10 minutes to grab some drinks and make it back to Hitomi's house, at least she left the door unlocked.
You head up some stairs and can hear some werid noises. Do they have the TV on? You get closer and push [[open the door|HitomiCase3SceneNTR][$hour to $hour + 4]]
<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You open the door, and see Mr. Chang almost attacking Hitomi, pulling her clothes off and kissing her all over her body.
<<speech "Hitomi">>You really couldn't wait could you? <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>I've got to get as much as I can in before your associate gets back. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mr Chang grabs hitomi's tits and sucks them hard.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Fuck these tits are fuckign amazing. I've been staring at them ever since the start of the case.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>You and every guy in the court room. Even the judge couldn't take his eyes off them. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Yet I'm the one who's playing with them, now get down and start sucking my cock. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi drops down and starts sucking his cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You can't believe what's going on. how did you manage to screw this up so much that another guys fucking her? And why the hell aren't you doing anything about it?
<<speech "Hitomi">>Mmmm yes, this cock is so big. I've needed a real cock, I haven't had one in a few days.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Only a few days? You really are a slut aren't you! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Only for fat cocks, and right now I'm dealing with a perfect one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Well this fat cock wants to fuck your huge tits, get on your back. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Fuck yes! They feel amazing! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>You better cum soon, I'm pretty sure $pfname will be back soon. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>There's no way I'm rushing this, if he walks in I'll just keep fucking you. I've waited so long for this! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Now they're talking about you! Why are you just stood here watching? And why the hell are you getting hard as well?
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well I better make you cum then! Come on put that thing inside me, I want you to fuck the shit out of me.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh shit yes! I fucking love having a cock ram the shit out of me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>God damn it you're so fucking wet, these tits are just perfect!<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Of course they are, men just love playing with them while they fuck me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>And just how many clients have you ended up fucking?<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She leans forward and starts riding the shit out of Mr. Chang.
Fuck this is too hot, before you know it you've pulled your pants down and started stroking your cock. As Hitomi leans forward on Mr. Chang you're sure she looks over to the door and see's you. If she does she doesn't make any action to stop what she's doing.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh shit! Yes that feels so good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>God damn it! That feels fucking great, look at those tits bouncing around infront of me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Just think, $pfname has no idea all this is going on right now, I wonder what he'd do if he saw it. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Again, Hitomi looks overtowards the door, you're sure she's looking right into your eyes now but for some reason that just turns you on more and you start stroking faster.
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>I bet he wouldn't say shit, he seemed like a bit of a cuck when I met him the first time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh I bet he is, I bet he loves watching the woman he's trying to fuck getting railed by a real man! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mr. Chang rolls Hitomi onto her front, he then starts pounding her ass from behind, all while Hitomi is facing the door, looking back and forth from Mr. Chang to you while you keep stroking harder and harder.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Shit, this position feels so fucking good! I'm going to cum so hard soon. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Mmm I'd love to feel your cum all over my face! <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Shit you'll let me give you a facial? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well only for special people, and I'm feeling more horny than normal today. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi lays on her back and Mr. Chang lays ontop of her, sliding himself easily inside her. While he does so she looks back at the door and you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
You're not sure what it is, but something about a man using the woman you were trying to get with has turned you on more than you could ever imagine.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Hitomi">>YES! Fuck that's so deep, fuck the shit out of me, make me scream so loud that $pfname can hear me! <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Shit I wan't that cuck to hear us, I want him to know that I've claimed this prize. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>That's right! Claim me, dominate me, show me that you've won! <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Fuck that's going to do it, talking like that's making me cum! <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes paint my face, let me wear you hot cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Shit shit shit, here it comes! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Hitomi/HitomiCaseNTR7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
Mr. Chang jumps forward and cums over Hitomi's face, as he does so you can't hold back anymore and cum all over the wall just outside the door.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yes, it's so fucking warm! <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Fucking hell Hitomi! You're a fucking animal, I haven't came like that in years. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Of course you haven't, no one fucks like I do. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi looks over to the door with a smirk on her face, you look at her and realise that she knows you came too.
You think that it's probably best if you just leave, there's no recovering from this really. You turn to leave and overhear some conversation
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>Fuck that was good, where the hell is $pfname anyway?<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh I just got a message from him, he said that he's got to head home. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>So he took the money, bought some alcohol and went home. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Yeah but who really won tonight? Anyway enough talking are you ready for round two? <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Mr. Chang">>You really are a slut aren't you. Shit I was ready the second I came. Bend back over!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Not excatly what you were expecting at the end of your first day in court. Yes you won the case but the ending of the day really put a bad taste in your mouth...
God damn! But you guess that you did get a bonus of $10,000 that's not bad in one day.
Time is getting on to be fair, you should probably head [[home|Bedroom][$player.favor to $player.favor + 1; $player.lust to 0; $hour to $hour + 2; $caseName to "Case4"; $hitomiEvent to 4; $caseCompletion to 0; $player.money to $player.money + 10000; $hitomiNTR to true]]
<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
The last time you were with Alexis she told you to come back to her when you were much fitter.
Well you've been working hard and now you're at the level you think you can take her without getting tired! You spot her working out at the gym.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I don't know if you've noticed, but I've made some serious progress with my fitness. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Have I noticed? You keep improving your body like that I'll be unable to keep my hands off you.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Keep improving? It's already perfect, I've got amazing stamina now! <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Oh really? Well then, let's see put that theory to the test. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis leads you off into a private work out section of the gym.
<<speech "Alexis">> Remember I win if you can't keep up! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Won't be a problem at all. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wow, okay getting right into it are you? <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> Of course, you're not getting worried are you? Starting too strong? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Don't worry, about me, I'm happy to get right into it! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She speeds up and you grab her hair to help her mouth.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> As amazing as this feels, I can't wait to move to the main course! <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">> You read my mind, I want to see how much you enjoy my pussy. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> If your mouth is anything to go by, then I'll be enjoying it a lot!. <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust is 100>>\
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
Alexis starts quickly, taking you by surprise.
<<speech "Alexis">>I hope you can handle my speed! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit Alexis, you start really fast! <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>What's up $pfname? I thought you said you had the stamina to keep up now?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I do.... You're just sprinting from the start, don't you want to ease into it? <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Hahaha! I knew you couldn't keep up! <</speech>>
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<div class="grey">\
She speeds up, not giving you a second of rest to gather yourself.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Alexis! Please slow down, seriously! <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>You just can't handle my pussy, come on $pfname, surely you can do better than this? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit! Shit! please stop, SHIT! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">>Hahaha that wasn't even a few minutes. What happened to all that big talk before? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck Alexis, I told you to slow down!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Slow down? please, you with all that big talk before I thought you were better?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I have been training and my fitness is good. But I guess I was just too horny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Well, if you want a second chance you better sort that out before you come back... <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah, I will don't worry! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stands up and wipes your cum off her ass. Within seconds she's changed back into her clothes and is heading off to leave. You can tell she's not impressed.
Damn it! Why did you go into that when you were so horny? Surely you can smash one out before hand? Or even just have a cool shower to calm down? Anyway no point in overthinking it now, better head off.
<<if $gymEvent == 2>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
[[Head back to the gym|Gym][$hour to $hour + 1; $gymEvent to 3; $player.lust to 0]]
<div class="grey">\
You push her onto her back and spread her legs wide. You're going to show her how much you've been working on your fitness.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shiiiiit yes. That feels so fucking good. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Taking control are you? You'll have to do better than that to show your fitness level. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Slow and steady Alexis! <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>More like boring and slow. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis pushes you off her and onto your back. She steps over you and sits down on your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">>Now I'm in control, let's see if you can really keep up. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn! You really know how to ride a cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Of course I do, all those squats in the gym were for a reason you know. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well they were all fucking worth it, that's for sure. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You grab her ass, playing with it. Fuck she has a great ass you think to yourself!
<<speech "Alexis">>You like playing with my ass? Most guys do.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I could do it all day. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>If you're holding my ass then I can't ride the life out of you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh really? Well it would be a crime to stop you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You let go of her ass and she starts to ride your cock like a wild animal.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">>There we go! Fuck I love bouncing off a guys dick! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn it, I'm getting close here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>I knew you would be! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Come on, how is a guy supposed to keep going with your ass bouncing like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>I guess you're right there. Okay, let me bend over, I want you to paint this ass white. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis stands up from you giving you a second to breathe. As you stand up you see her bending over. That's a sight that you'll never get tired of.
Well better get to work!
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">>Yes! That's right, pound that ass with all you've got! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit this feels tighter than the other position. Not good, I'm going to cum any second.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>I've already said you can, so come one and cum for me $pfname!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Here it comes Alexis! Shiiiit!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Alexis11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Alexis">>Mmmmm it feels so warm! I can feel every drop.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fucking hell, I may have worked on my fitness but I'm fucking shattered now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>I can't lie you did quite well. Better than most in-fact.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well that's all thanks to the motivation for my training. <</speech>>
<<speech "Alexis">>Well I'm glad I could motivate you.... Shit! I forgot I have a training session with a client now. I've got to run, just get changed and leave here quickly I think this room is being used soon. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Alexis dashes out of the room after getting change. You stand there for a second catching your breath... Damn that woman knows how to ride a cock! Who knew the gym could be so fun?
<<if $gymEvent == 2>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
[[Head back to the gym|Gym][$hour to $hour + 1; $gymEvent to 3; $player.lust to 0]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You head towards the pool, getting ready for another lesson with Maserati, but before you make it there she calls out to you from the changing rooms.
<<speech "Maserati">>Hey! $pfname, quick come over here.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Maserati? Is that you? Why are you not changed into your swimming things? <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Because, I've been doing really well recently. And I think you deserve another thank you... If you get what I mean.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have a flashback of your time with her perviously.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Right now? As much as I'd love to, I don't think we can do it here, shall we go back to the outside section? <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>I've got a better idea, get changed and meet me outside the leisure centre. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Maserati turns around and leaves the pool area. You can guess what the thank you is, so you rush to get changed and head outside as quickly as you can! You wonder what she has in store for you this time?
You practically run outside and see Maserati stood there waiting for you.
<<speech "Maserati">> That was fast! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yeah well I may have been a little excited to get my thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> Well, lets hope thats the only thing thats fast today.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She grabs your arm and pulls you along, almost rushing towards wherever shes taking you.
Soon you arrive at her house, its small but quite close to the leisure centre. She lets you inside and almost instantly pulls you into the bedroom, she lays on her back an starts teasing you.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Holy shit, Look at those fucking tits!<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> They are my proudest parts of my body. And Ever since I gave you my first thank you, you've never taken your eyes off them. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> How can I not? They're so big that they're impossible to miss. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> Now now, don't get too excited. I want to enjoy this myself too. Quickly take off your clothes. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take off all your clothes and lay on the bed. Maserati stands over you and sits her big ass on your face.
<<speech "Maserati">> While I look after you, you need to look after me. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit! I've missed that feeling. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">> If you're able to talk then that means you're not looking after me as good as you should be. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You get back to your work, although you can't really call it work.
<<speech "Maserati">> I bet you're really missing my tits. Here let me give you what you've been dreaming of since our last meeting. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>Oh! and your cock just disappears into them! <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust is 100>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> God Damnit, these feel just too good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Careful now $pfname, we don't want an accident. <</speech>>
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit then slow down, please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Okay, I'll stop, let you catch your breath.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Maserati stops her titfuck, and you rest your cock there trying to hold in the largest cumshot you've had in a while.
But even her breathing is causing her tits to rub against you and it's all just too much! You push her off you and lay her on her back. If you're going to cum you're going to get a good view of her tits while you cum.
<<speech "Maserati">>Oh shit! Wait $pfname... Are you actually going to cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>See for yourself!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>Oh shit! you really came so quickly?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck! That was so much, I didn't really how horny I was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Oh my god! What was that supposed to be? You really think I'm satisfied after that?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> No... I guess not, I mean you were just so hot and I was so horny. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Maybe I'm going to have to use my toys to finish me off.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I can help you out if you want? <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Ummm no. I think you should just leave. Maybe next time okay?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stands up and wipes your cum off her tits. She is getting her clothes back on and it's clear that you've overstayed your welcome. She seems pretty underwhelmed about the whole situation.
Damn it! Why did you go into that when you were so horny? Surely you can smash one out before hand? Or even just have a cool shower to calm down? Anyway no point in overthinking it now, better head off.
<<if $poolEvent == 2>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
[[Head outside to the city streets|City][$hour to $hour + 1; $poolEvent to 3; $player.lust to 0]]
<div class="grey">\
You grab her tits and start fucking them, feeling every inch of your cock smothered by her huge tits.
<<speech "Maserati">>Mmmmm that feels good, you seem to be really ready for it!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stands up and bends over right in front of you.
<<speech "Maserati">>Come on the $pfname, claim your prize for helping me all this time. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shiiiiit yes. That feels so fucking good. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>There's the feeling I've been wanting for so long! Pound me hard $pfname, give me every inch!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Come here, lean back and sit on my cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Mmm I like it when a guy takes control. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She sits on your cock and you hold her leg up so you can get a good angle to fuck her.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>Yes! fuck that feels good. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I could fuck you like this all day! <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>I would never say no to that! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
After a few minutes she hops off your cock and lays down on her side.
<<speech "Maserati">>Come over here and push that fat cuck into me from behind. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>Oooooh yes, that feels good, push it in deep, use every inch..<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Fuck you're so fucking hot, you mkae me want to cum so hard. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>As much as I'd love to feel you hot cum all over me, I'm not ready for you to be done yet. Stand up, I'll let you have a little rest. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You stand up from the bed, almost as soon as you do Maserati lays down under your cock and starts sucking it.
You're not sure how this is supposed to be a rest but you're not complaining.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit! These tits are just perfect!<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>mmfphf mnmthmmey mnfoarppfe <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>If you keep sucking me like that it's not going to be much of a rest, it's just getting me closer to cumming. <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Well if you're cumming soon then I want to get some more of that dick inside me! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns around on the bed and opens her legs, inviting you towards her, you don't wait even a second and plunge yourself deep into her.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>Yes! That's right, pound me with all you've got! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit this feels so fucking good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Yes! Yes! Fuck, I'm cumming $pfname!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit me too! I'm gonna cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>It's not a safe day for me, use my tits, cum all over them.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/MaseratiSex8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Maserati">>Oh my god yes! It's so warm.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit! fucking hell, that was one hell of a fuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Not too bad of a reward for free swimming lesson right? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Worth every lesson! <</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Yes it was, I'm going to go clean up, please make yourself at home and grab whatever you want, don't be shy. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
To be honest you're fucked, she's drained you completely and you just want to head out and recover instead of hanging around.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'd love to but, I've got to grab some things from my house for a friend, so I'll get going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Maserati">>Oh, okay well I'll see you again at the pool. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She seems a little disapointed that you're not hanging around, but doesn't say anything, she just gives you a kiss and heads off to the bathroom. You gather your things and head out of her house.
<<if $poolEvent == 2>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
[[Head outside to the city streets|City][$hour to $hour + 1; $poolEvent to 3; $player.lust to 0]]
<</if>><<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk into the room and notice that again, like last time there isn't anyone else here.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You know, I'm starting to believe that you don't actually have any customers anymore. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Of course I do, I've just been telling them I'm sick recently. If they all showed up then I couldn't have my fun with you now could I? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> And you're not losing any money over this? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> They all pay monthly, so there's no issues there. Also if you feel that bad then you better make it up to me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh well, I think I can do that. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She walks up to you and starts undressing you.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> You really waste no time do you? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> I'm sorry, were you expecting some hugs and kisses? I'm here to fuck the shit out of you and you're here to fuck the shit out of me. Why would we wait around?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well when you put it that way. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You lay down and Bridgette starts attacking your cock with her mouth.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> God damn I forgot how good you were! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> I'm the best you're ever going to have! Now don't disappoint me, I want to fuck the shit out of a cock. <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust is 100>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> If that's the case then you're really going to have to slow down!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Already? You can't be serious, I'm going to keep going at the speed I want and you're going to hold it in and let me enjoy myself. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Seriously Bridgette... Please! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> What are you going to cum early like a little bitch? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> If you don't stop! Please... please slow down! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Almost as soon as you finish that sentence you erupt inside her mouth, cumming so hard that you're sure you feel you life getting sucked out with all your cum.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/Bridgette5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">> What the fuck! I told you not to cum! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> It's not like I can choose when to cum, if you don't slow down like I asked then that's what happens. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> I fucking knew I should have invited a real man! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Wait, real man? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Oh you'll see. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She leans over and pulls her phone out of her bag. She calls someone and starts walking towards the door.
<<speech "Bridgette">> I need you in here now. He was a waste of time. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You go to stand up and ask her what this is all about, but you hear the door open and a man walk into the room.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit, Bridgette who the fuck is this guy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> This guy is a real man, and he's going to show you how a real man fucks a real woman. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns to the door and locks it. She then pulls this new man into the center of the room and pulls his shorts down to show his cock and starts sucking it.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteNTR.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>What the fuck is happening. I'm not watching this shit. Give me the key.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette takes the keys out of her pocket and loops the large keychain around the guys cock.
<<speech "Bridgette">> You have two choices. Sit there and be a good little cuck and when we're done, I'll unlock the door. Or come over here and take the keys from his cock, Your choice. <</speech>>
<div id="choices">\
<<link "Take the keys and leave">>
<<replace "#choices">>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck this shit, I'm out. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You grab the keys around the guys cock, taking special care to not touch any part of his penis. You then unlock the door and leave the room.
What the fuck was she thinking, you get that it's a bit disappointing that you came quickly, but to try and fuck a guy in-front. You try and get it out of your head and leave back out into the [[street.|City][$hour to $hour +1; $yogaEnd to true; $yogaEvent to 4; $player.lust to 0]]
<<if $yogaEvent is 3>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<<link "Sit down and wait for it to be over">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette watches you as you walk back to the middle of the room and take a seat on the floor.
<<speech "Bridgette">> And how did I know you would do that? Now sit there and watch how a real man fucks the shit out of me. Maybe you'll learn something.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Bridgette turns back to the huge cock in-front of her face. She starts sucking it, taking time to look over at you to see if you're still watching.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteNTR1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">> Oh my god! Look I can barely put it all in my mouth. It's nothing like your cock $pfname. Does watching this make you feel less like a man?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you just take the key and go? Did something deep down inside you want to watch this? And why are you getting turned on by it all?
<<speech "Bridgette">> Don't look away, I want to you see how he fucks me. I want you to see how he makes me moan.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteNTR2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">> Fuck! Fuck yes! Now this is a real cock. I bet you wish you were fucking me instead. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well actu... <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">> Shut up! I didn't say you could talk, your job right now is to sit and watch... Oh my god! Do you have a hard on right now? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You look down and notice your pitching a pretty big tent. Why the fuck are you so horny right now?
<<speech "Bridgette">> Wow you really are a massive cuck aren't you! Well cuck watch me ride him!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteNTR3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">>Yes! Look at how he stretches my pussy out. Fuck this feels so fucking good!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The more they fuck the less Bridgette seems to even notice you're there. She seems to really be getting into it with this guy.
Soon she turns around and faces her ass towards you and starts riding his cock again.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteNTR4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">>Shit I can barely sit all the way down! Are you watching Mr. Cuck? Watch my ass bounce on his cock. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shit! You're feeling really horny now! You wish you could just wank one out in secret but she'll definitely notice...
<<speech "Bridgette">>Mmmmm lay me on my back. I want you to fuck me hard then cum all over my face. Show this cuck how a real man cums! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The man almost thows Bridgette onto her back and quickly pushes himself as deep as he can inside her.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteNTR5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You can hear them both moaning now, it's clear he's getting really close to cumming.
<<speech "Bridgette">>Yes! That's right, cum for me, show that cuck your cum! Don't hold back! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You hear him breathing heavily and pushes himself off her. He stands up and Bridgette starts stroking his cock and playing with his balls. Before long he's groaning and painting her face white with his cum.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteNTR6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">>Oh shit! That's so warm. $pfname, look at all the cum on my face, look at how much he's cum all over me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Listen, I've sat through all of this, just give me the key so I can leave. Okay? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Don't say "sat through" by the look of it you seemed to enjoy yourself a bit as well.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Just give me the keys. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She laughs and slides the keys over to you. Without any delay you stand up and walk straight to the door, unlock it and leave.
What the fuck was she thinking, you get that it's a bit disappointing that you came quickly, but to fuck a guy in-front. You try and get it out of your head and leave back out into the [[street.|City][$hour to $hour +1; $yogaEnd to true; $yogaEvent to 4; $player.lust to 0]]
<<if $yogaEvent is 3>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well if that's the case let's waste no time! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You grab her by the waist and pull her ontop of you. She laughs and repositions herself over your cock. Since she's so fucking wet she slides down onto you with almost no resistance.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteSex.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit Bridgette! You really start strong!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>It's not just starting strong I go strong throughout. So I hope you can hold on. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I could say the same for you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She repositions herself ontop of you and starts bouncing up and down on your cock. You grab her hips and start pounding back up into her.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteSex1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">>Ohhh! Trying to take back some control are you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You think I'd just let you have all the fun? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She turns around and faces her ass to you, She then sits back down onto your cock.
<<speech "Bridgette">>Well two can play at that game then. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteSex2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit! Look at that ass bounce. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>You like my ass huh? Well how would you like to stick it in there? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Wait you'll let me fuck your ass? <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Only if you get on with it. I'm not wanting to sit here and discuss it. Either shove it in there or shut up. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Shit, you're not going to pass up a chance like this!
You push her off you and lay her down on her side. Getting an easier angle you slowly push yourself into her backdoor.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteSex3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit! It's so fucking tight. I can barely move.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>It has been a while. Don't worry I can take it, start fucking me up. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>God damn it you're one horny slut. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Only when I've got good cock inside me. Now hurry up! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit okay, here I go! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteSex4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">>Oh shit yes! I forgot how good this felt. Why haven't I done this for so long?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck it's so fucking tight! I'm getting so fucking close! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>You want to cum? Then fuck the shit out of me! Keep pounding my ass $pfname.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteSex5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck here it comes, I'm going to cum any second! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Well since you're fucking my ass why don't you dump that huge load deep inside me?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit that's done it! I'm cumming inside you!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You feel a huge orgasm build up and suddenly release all at once. You cum buckets into her tight asshole. You're sure you black out for a few seconds after cumming so hard.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/BridgetteSex6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Bridgette">>Oh shit! I can feel it all inside. You came so fucking much.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I did, how could I not with a fuck like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Mmm I'm glad you liked it. And I'm glad you could hold your own against me and not cum too early. You wouldn't have liked it if you did.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Huh? Why's that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bridgette">>Oh don't worry about it. Now quickly, we need to clean up before anyone tries to use this room for a lesson. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both quickly clean up and get changed back into your clothes.
<<speech "Bridgette">>Remember $pfname. My lessons are always open for you. Don't be a stranger and come by when you're free.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit, of course I will! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You leave the room with your whole body feeling weak, almost like you've just had an hour of full exercise.
Shit Bridgette is a fucking sex machine. Yoga's just become your favorite activity! You leave out the onto the [[street.|City][$hour to $hour +1; $yogaEnd to true; $yogaEvent to 4; $player.lust to 0]]
<<if $yogaEvent is 3>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
Hey there! So far this game is is a hobby for me. But I'm really enjoying making it and hopfully you're enjoying playing it.
But I also have a lot of things that take my time outside of developing this game. (As does everyone)
So if you enjoy and want to support me in making this game please visit the link below and join my patreon. If you do you'll get access to:
*Early access to updates before public release.
*Exclusive voting power towards polls that can affect the general game development.
*Being able to particiapte in polls for actors to be added into the game as well as which actors might get side stories.
If you don't want to support me that's fair enough as well. I will never have content locked behind a paywall. (I mean I uploaded the game to F95zone. It would be pretty stupid to expect a piracy site to value a paywall 😅). This is just for people who enjoy the game and want to see if continued to be developed on a somewhat more stable schedule other than "Whenever I get a free hour or so here and there".
Thank you for reading and a huge thank you for supporting if you choose to do so.
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/BeginAgain239" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
<<if $hour <=18>>\
<<if $myofficeEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
Damn! From living a boring old life, to dying, to having your own office. Not bad $pfname, not bad at all.
You look around your office. taking not first of the size. It's not as big as you expected, but that's probably because you're just a Junior Partner. You'll probably get a bigger one with more promotions. You also notice that there is a laptop set up already for you as well as everything else that a normal office may have. It's not much but it's so much better than the bullpen, mainly because it's nice and quiet.
You spend a little time getting used to the office and soon you hear a knock on the door.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Come in. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Well well well, it's a nice office. Not as nice as my of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hey I've just got it, give it some time and I'll have it looking much better. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Just remember, the office is for work only. No hookers and no drinking, I found that out the hard way. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Ummm I'm not even going to ask about that. So did you just come here to tell me the rules of the office. Or did you want to maybe test how sound proof it is? <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Oh they're sound proof. We don't need a test for that! But as fun as that sounds, I'm here to tell you that we have a partners meeting. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Already?? I've only just got the position. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Normally I would say to skip it as you've just started. But I've heard it's a really big client. And there's something else about the case but I've not been told yet. So hurry up and get to the meeting room. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>okay okay, fine I'm going. Lead the way I'll follow you. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both head out of the door and you lock the office behind you. You follow Hitomi to the [[Meeting Room|MeetingRoom]]
<<if $myofficeEvent is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You stand in your office.
As much as it's a nice office you'll need to leave soon so you can catch your flight. You're sure you'll be doing lots of work in here when you get back from your first case.
[[Leave your office|Offices]]
<<if $myofficeEvent is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
You stand in your office. You notice it's quite small compared to others but at least you're not in the bullpen anymore.
You remember that you were told to hire two personal assoicates. You take some time to look around on a few websites and end up narrowing it down to a few people. You've made the personal decision to only hire women? Why? Because you want to help increase the female representation in law... That's it, why would it be anything else? You're just doing what the world has been telling you to do...
Either way you have found two people from an internet search and you have two people who you've already worked with in the bullpen. Kyra and Lucie. You now have to [[make a choice.|hiringScene]]
<<if $myofficeEvent is 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
With that you're all done. As a new Junior Partner you can only hire two personal associates, But in the future you can hire more.
You stand in your office ready to do some work. You can either choose to do work for some passive money, like in the bullpen but with better pay.
Or you can speak to your personal associates and get to know them better, your choice.
<<if $player.Energy >= 10 and $player.stress <= 90>>
[[Do some work|MyOffice][$player.Energy to $player.Energy - 10; $player.stress to $player.stress + 10; $hour to $hour + 2; $player.money to $player.money + 250]]
<<if $player.Energy <= 9>>\
You're too tired to do any work right now. Maybe have a rest before trying to work again.
<<if $player.stress >= 91>>\
You're too stressed to do any work right now. Maybe try to relax before trying to work again.
<div style="text-align: center;" > Who do you want to speak to? </div>\
<div class="container3">\
<<if $lucieHired is true>>
<a data-passage="AssociateLucie" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/LucieImg.jpg" width="210px" height="210px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Lucie </h3>\
<<if $kyraHired is true>>\
<a data-passage="AssociateKyra" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/KyraImg.jpg" width="210px" height="210px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Kyra </h3>\
<<if $lenaHired is true>>\
<a data-passage="AssociateLena" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/LenaImg.jpg" width="210px" height="210px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Lena </h3>\
<<if $elizaHired is true>>\
<a data-passage="AssociateEliza" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/ElizaImg.jpg" width="210px" height="210px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Eliza </h3>\
[[Back to the main offices|Offices]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<<if $hour <=18>>\
<div class="grey">\
You sit at your desk in the bullpen. You have a few options on what to do.
You no longer work here anymore, you have your own office! You still see Kyra, Miguel and Lucie here though so you can still speak to them.
[[Speak to Kyra|KyraChat][$kyraRelationship to $kyraRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Miguel|MiguelChat][$miguelRelationship to $miguelRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
[[Speak to Lucie|LucieChat][$lucieRelationship to $lucieRelationship + 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
<<if $player.Energy <= 9>>\
You're too tired to do any work right now. Maybe have a rest before trying to work again.
<<if $player.stress >= 91>>\
You're too stressed to do any work right now. Maybe try to relax before trying to work again.
[[Leave the BullPen|Offices]]
<div class="grey">\
You check the time and realise that it's time to finish up. The working day is over so now it's time to leave.
[[Leave the Office|City]]
<</if>><<if $myofficeEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi opens the door to the meeting room and you both sit down at an open chair.
You look around and see a lot of partners who you've never seen before. You look at the end of the table and see Ava sat there and an empty chair next to her.
<<speech "Ava">>Thank you all for coming at such short notice. Now we're all here we will begin. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You notice at least half of the chairs are empty. Clearly the news of partners leaving the firm to go to others are true.
<<speech "Ava">>First, I would like to welcome our newest partner Mr. $plname. He's paid the buy in and is now an official Junior Partner of Addams and Ann. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
There is a small round of applause as you sit there feeling a little awkward.
<<speech "Ava">>Secondly as you may notice Mrs. Ann is still away, the case she's working on in Canada is nearly over but will still be a few weeks before she's back.
Finally I'll get onto why we're all here. As you all may have heard, our firm has been contacted by a high value client and we need to decide who will be working on this case.<</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Mrs. Addams, do we know who this client is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>So far we've only had contact with their representative, but if all is confirmed we could be looking at a client that will really help Addams and Ava get back ontrack. Right now the public see us as weak after many partners have left. We need to show them we can still represent people at the highest level, and this case could really help towards that goal.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
There's a general murmur of agreement at that last note. It seems that everyone needs a win here to make the future look a bit brighter.
<<speech "Ava">>Now, there is another aspect to this case. It's overseas. Now I know many of you have families here and I understand that the possibility of weeks away from your loved ones isn't to everyone's liking but I would like a volunteer before we have to go to a vote. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi leans over to you and whispers.
<<speech "Hitomi" "Hitomi *Whispering*">>Most people don't like overseas cases. The laws there can be different, but also there's no guarantee how long the case could take. It could be done in days or months. Mrs. Ann's case has been 3 months so far.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Why on earth would people not like overseas work? A flight to a new country, new people and best of all, it's all paid for?
Without a second thought you put your hand in the air.
<<speech "Ava">>Ah Mr. $plname. Don't worry you don't have to put your hand up we're not in school.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'd be happy to volunteer. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You hear a bit of talking around the room. Then one of the partners speaks up.
<<speech "Lawyer" "Senior Partner">>Surely you can't be serious? You've only just been made a junior partner. This case is far too important to be left to you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Mr. Johnson has a point $pfname. Why do you think you should be tasked with this important matter?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You notice that everyones watching you now. Damn, it's a good job I've spoke in-front of a court before this. This is nothing compared to that.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I couldn't agree with Mr. Johnson more, I am new, very new. And that means I need to prove myself, I understand that it's risky but I believe that I'm more than capable to succeed here. And to prove that I'll put my buy in on the line. If I fail, I'll double my buy in. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
That seemed to get most peoples attention. All but the Senior Partner who challenged you.
<<speech "Ava">>Well that's some bold words. As you are all partners you all have a say in how we conduct buisness here. So we will hold a vote. If you agree to have Mr. $plname take on this case please raise your hand. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
All but Mr. Johnson and two other partners raise their hand.
<<speech "Ava">>That settles it then. Mr. $plname, you will represent Addams and Ann for this client. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lawyer" "Senior Partner">>Bah, fine. But if he fails then I'll be looking for firms elsewhere. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ava">>Mr. Johnson, I don't take kindly to threats. If you wish to leave there is the door. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Ava points to the door and Mr. Johnson seems to back down. Clearly he doesn't have to balls to stand up to Ava.
She then turns to you.
<<speech "Ava">>Well then Mr. $plname. I would suggest going to the airport as soon as you are able. A flight and hotel will be booked in your name and their details emailed to you, once you land and check in please email us so you can begin.
As for everyone else. It is buisness as usual, please continue with your great work and we will have our weekly meeting next week.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Everyone stands and goes to leave the meeting room. Once outside Hitomi pulls you to one side.
<<speech "Hitomi">>Damn $pfname, you really put a target on your back in there. You really better deliver or we're all screwed. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I already had a target on my back by being promoted so quickly, this way I've set up a way to remove it. Don't worry Hitomi, I don't plan on failing. This way I can prove to everyone I deserve to be here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Hitomi">>Okay I trust that you'll get it done. Right now head over to the airport okay, you don't want to miss your flight. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Hitomi gives you a hug and leaves.
Holy shit, this is a serious gamble, you either succeed or you pay lots of money and piss off the whole firm. No pressure! Well you better head off whenever you get the chance to
[[Head back to the office|Offices][$hour to $hour + 1; $myofficeEvent to 1]]
<</if>>\<<if $airportEvent is 0>>\
<<set $caseDocuments to 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You enter the busy airport. You've seen signs leading towards the airport but ever since you were brought back for death you never had a reason to come here.
But now here you are, moving up in the world. Travelling to a new country for work. If you keep this trajectory then who knows where you'll end up in the future.
You look at your tickets that you picked up before leaving the office and see that you need to go to check in at counter 5E. You grab you bags and head over to that counter. As you get closer you noitce a familar face standing near the counter.
<img src = "img/DillionAirport.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Dillion">> Well well, if it isn't our newest Junior Partner. I heard that I'd be meeting a partner here for this case but I didn't think it would be you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You're the receptionist right? Dillion was it? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Ex-receptionist, I'm now Mrs. Addams personal secretary. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well, congratualtions! I'm guessing you're here to give me some last bit of information? Since I already have my ticket. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Not excatly. I'm here to help you with this case. Since it's such a high value case, Mrs. Addams has asked me to go along with you and report back to her if any issues arise or if more help is needed. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh so you're spying on me then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Don't be like that $pfname. It's quite uncommon for such a new partner to be given a high value case like this so Mrs. Addams is just taking precautions, she would be foolish not to, don't you think? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I guess I understand what you mean. So since I'm not travelling alone, shall we head over to the line for the counter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>What line? Did you not check your ticket? This is a buisness trip remember so we can check in via the buisness class counter. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Buisness class? You've always wanted to travel buisness class. First a trip to another country, then getting to travel with a smoking hot co-worker and now getting to travel buisness class. If you hadn't already done so you would think you have died and gone to heaven.
You're both checked in quickly and as written on your tickets you're told to go to gate 36 as boarding will start soon.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So Dillion, where are we going for this case?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Honestly, did you even read the ticket? I really hope you read legal documents better than you do travel tickets... We're going to Tokyo, Japan.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Holy shit! Japan! You've always wanted to go there in your past life. This buisness trip really does get better and better.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Wait, isn't Hitomi from Japan? Why didn't she choose to take this case since it's from her home country?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>She was offered before anyone else, but she has been very busy with some important cases here. Leaving for another country would not be benifical for her cases. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That's fair, I've worked with Hitomi on a few cases and I did have to do a lot of research and work to help out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>I've heard about the work you've done on those cases. I'm impressed and hope you can do the same on this case. Which reminds me, before we board I'll give you the paperwork on this case. It's a long flight so I suggest you go over all the aspects of the case before we land.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take the case paperwork from Dillion. <div class="boldText">(Case paperwork added to your inventory, as part of the story you will get all of the inforamtion, but if you forget anything you can access the paperwork again from your inventory.)</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank you, I'll need your help through this. I understand I'm new and have the chance to make mistakes so I appreicate all the help I can get. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You notice Dillion is a bit taken aback by this comment.
<<speech "Dillion">>Well that's refreshing to hear. Most partners ignore most of the advice and help given to them unless its from another lawyer. I'm glad you're not like them.
Come on the boarding is about to start.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both head through the gate, you're taken out onto the runway to board the plan. Dillion turns back to you before boarding.
<img src = "img/DillionPlane.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Dillion">>Let's do our best okay! I'm excited to see what happens on this case.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You notice her wink as she turns around and you get a great view of her ass.
If this case goes well not only will you have the other partners and the managers back at the firm on your side. But maybe you can get closer to Dillion on this trip?
You both board and get to your seats. After take off you're offered some drinks and food. Once finished you take out the case paperwork and spend a few hours [[going through everything.|PlaneJapan][$airportEvent to $airportEvent +1]]
<<if $airportEvent is 1 and $mizunoEvent < 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
You arrive at the airport. You still haven't finished the case for the client in Japan. You really should head over there as soon as you can.
You find your gate, do you choose to go to [[Tokyo][$hour to $hour + 6]]?
Or head [[back|City]]
<div class="grey">\
You arrive at the airport. It's busy but from here you can head back to Tokyo. Usually it takes about 6 hours to get there.
You find your gate, do you choose to go to [[Tokyo][$hour to $hour + 6]]?
Or head [[back|City]]
<div class="grey">\
You spend a few hours going through all of the paperwork of the case. You have collected the most important points of the case and written them down, they are:
*The case itself is a corporate fraud case.
*You are the prosecutors in this case, as the high value client has hired you to help prosecute an employee who is suspected of commiting this fraud.
*Large amounts of untaxed income has been discoverd by the government and your client insists that the employee earned it fraudulently without the companies knowledge.
*An image of the client is attached, her name is Mizuno Asahi, she is the CFO of the company and is dealing with the new found income personally.
<img src = "img/MizunoImg.jpg" class="centerSmall">
*The employee with the charges against her is currently on paid leave and has her own lawyers creating her defence.
*The employee has been silent on everything so far and has not given any statements as of yet.
You put the documents down and rub your eyes. You haven't slept for a while. You begin to close your eyes but you hear Dillion call your name softly.
<<speech "Dillion" "Dillion *Whispering*">> Hey $pfname. So did you manage to go through the documents? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name *Whispering*">>Yes I finished going through them a few minutes ago. It seems like quite a big case. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion" "Dillion *Whispering*">> That's why Mrs. Addams said that it was a very important client I've heard they're paying a high price to have this issue be solved.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name *Whispering*">>Well we better make sure we do our best. Do you have any idea where to start? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion" "Dillion *Whispering*">> Well, the first thing we need to do when we arrive is to meet with This Mizuno Asahi. She represents the company as our client in this case. We need to get everything we can from her.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name *Whispering*">>I agree. I'm also interested in meeting with the employee if possible. It's a bit strange she hasn't said anything at all so far. Not even to deny anything. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion" "Dillion *Whispering*">>It's not that uncommon. People often say nothing as anything they do say is usally used against them at a later date.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name *Whispering*">>I know, but it still seems a bit weird to me. I'll speak to Mizuno about it when we meet her. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion" "Dillion *Whispering*">> Good idea, now get some rest. We have 6 more hours until we land in Toyko and you need to be as rested as possible when we get there.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You don't need to be told twice. Dillion leans back into her chair and you press the button in your section that lets you push the back down into a bed. You skip getting the rest ready and end up falling asleep the second you lay down. You sleep heavy and do you [[dream]] or [[not?|JapanLanding][$receptionEvent to 2]]
</div>\<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You're not really sure you remember how you got here. But you're sat in a living room of a house you don't really recognise.
You look up and see Dillion stood there in nothing but her underwear.
<<speech "Dillion">>Are you there $pfname? I suppose seeing me like this stunned you into silence. Come on now, don't be shy. Tell me what you want. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/DillionBJ.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Dillion. Holy shit you look amazing. I'm so horny right now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Oh I can tell, your cock is nearly ripping itself free from your pants. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It does hurt a little, I think some it needs some love and attention to feel better. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Of course it does, I wouldn't be doing my job if I let you sit there without some love and attention. Now let me help you feel better.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Dillion moves closer and grabs you cock. Immediately working on your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/DillionBJ1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit, you look so innocent but you really know how to suck a cock. I knew you were a little sex demon. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>I'm much more experienced that you think. If you're ever lucky you'll find out excatly how experienced. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>How about right now? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Please, Mr. $plname. The tastiest fruit is aways enjoyed better after you've earned it. For now just enjoy my mouth. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/DillionBJ2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uggh shit, I need to sit down. My legs can hardly hold me right now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Make yourself comfortable Mr. $plname. You'll need something stable to lean against because I'm going to make you cum so hard you won't be able to stand. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fuck yes, I can feel it coming too!<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/DillionBJ3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit Dillion, You're sucking me so hard. You're going to make me cum any second.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>That's right, cum for me. Cum all over my pretty face!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You pull your cock out of her mouth and start stroking, she pushes her face against your cock and you feel the familar feeling of a huge orgasm building.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Staff/DillionBJ4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You're just about to release a massive load all over her face, when you are almost pushed off the chair. You get back into position and are nearly ready to cum again and just like before you're nearly pushed off the chair.
You see the world around you slowly fading to black and can hear a voice calling your name.
<<speech "Dillion">>Wake up $pfname, we're landing. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Are you fucking kidding me? You were just about to cum! You don't want to [[wake up!|JapanLanding][$receptionEvent to 2]]
</div>\<div class="grey">\
<<set $day to $day + 8>>\
You open your eyes, seeing Dillion stood over you shaking you awake. The lights in the cabin are on and you can see the flight attendent asking the passengers to put their seatbelts on and get ready for landing.
<<speech "Dillion">>$pfname, wake up we're landing any minute now.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Huh? Oh right, sorry I was having a really nice dream. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Really? What was it about?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>You know, I can't remember for some reason. It doesn't matter anyway. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You set your chair to the correct position for landing and within 20 minutes the plane has landed and taxied to the gate.
After another 10 minutes the doors are opened and you're let off the plane. You follow Dillion to immigration and you show your work visas to the immigration officers. Once through you get your bags and meet the driver booked by your client to pick you up. Once in the back of the car Dillion turns to you.
<<speech "Dillion">>Right, the company should only be 35 minutes from Haneda airport. We'll have a short introduction with Mizuno Asahi and then once we're been debreifed we'll be free to headback to the hotel and have a bit more freedom to work. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Good, do we know how much time we have to work on this case? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>No, not really. Usually its until the court date. Since there is not one set yet we have some time to work and set everything up. So don't worry about how long things take.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You sit in the car for a little while longer. As you get closer you think to yourself, should you ask Dillion for some help with what to do after the meeting with this Mizuno woman?
On one hand, some help will be good. Especially since you're new to this and you're in a new country. But on the other hand there's a chance that she'll think that you don't know what you're doing...
<div id="choices">\
<<link "Best not to risk it...">>
<<replace "#choices">>
<div class="grey">\
It's probably best not to risk it you think to yourself. If she thinks you don't know what you're doing then she might tell Ava in some of her reports.
You have some casual conversation with Dillion on the way to the clients offices. Before you know it you arrive there and enter the [[building|JapanOffice]]
<<link "Ask her for some advice - (% based off charisma skill)">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $charismaCheck to random(1,100)>>\
<<if $charisma >= $charismaCheck>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hey Dillion, after we meet with Mizuno, what do you think should be the first thing to do?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have a Charisma level of $charisma, the other person rolled a $charismaCheck. That means your charisma is higher than theirs! Nice one.
<<speech "Dillion">>You want to know my opinion?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Dillion looks a little surpised but smiles slightly.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I do, I value your opinion just as much as any one elses.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>I just thought since I'm not a lawyer... But thank you. Well then if you want to know my opinion, I think that your idea of speaking with the employee who has been accused of doing this corporate fraud is a good one. I'm not sure why she is choosing to say nothing. But if we can find out then it will help us a lot. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I agree, We'll do that afterwards then. Thank you for your help.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Dillion smiles and looks really pleased with herself, it's clear that other partners at the firm don't really ask other non partners for advice much.
You have some casual conversation with Dillion on the way to the clients offices. Before you know it you arrive there and enter the [[building|JapanOffice]]
<<if $charisma <= $charismaCheck>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hey Dillion, after we meet with Mizuno, what do you think should be the first thing to do?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have a Charisma level of $charisma, the other person rolled a $charismaCheck. That means their charisma is higher than yours this time, unlucky!. Don't worry though, a failed attempt means you've learned from this, your charisma will be permanently increased.
<<speech "Dillion">>Umm $pfname, no offence but I think that should be something you already know. Remember you're the face of Addams and Ann while you're on this case. You need to know what you are going to do and when.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Uhh yeah, of course. I was just wondering if you had an opinion. Don't worry... I know what to do.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Dillion gives you a less than convincing look and goes back to writing some emails on her phone.
Shit... You hope she isn't making notes of your progress...
You have some casual conversation with Dillion on the way to the clients offices. Before you know it you arrive there and enter the [[building|JapanOffice][$charisma to $charisma + 5]]
\<div class="grey">\
You are taken up to the top floor of the offices and are sat waiting for a little bit outside what you assume to be this Mizuno Asahi's office.
<<speech "Dillion">>This buildings quite modern. It's not as big as our firm but it really feels like a new business.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Just what is this company anyway? I never really asked. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Well it's a... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The door to the office opens and a shy looking employee steps out and quickly walks off. You hear someone call outside the office and ask for the next people to be brought in.
You and Dillion stand up and enter the office. As you enter you notice a woman stood near the window. A woman you assume to be Mizuno.
<img src = "img/Mizuno.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You're taken aback a little with her beauty. You were expecting someone a bit older considering she is the CFO of the company.
<<speech "Mizuno">>Ah! You must be the lawyer from New York. I was told that you were coming today. Please take a seat. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Thank you, and I must say your English is very good. Have you been speaking it for long?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Thank you, I've been learning for almost 15 years now. In fact all employees here must have business level English if they want to work here. Due to our dealings with overseas clients. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That will make our job much easier. Thank you for agreeing to go with our firm. Although we appreciate it greatly, I must ask. Why did you choose us instead of a more local firm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Well Japanese firms have a tendency to be too polite and not dig enough to get the answers we need. I believe in this case my company needs lawyers who will not be afraid to cause some insult to the other team in order to help us win.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I see, that makes sense. And I promise you that we will do all we can to provide the best legal service. I have been over the case details in great lengths and have come to the decision to ask the employee some questions.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Of course, I can contact her and bring her here for an official deposition.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Dillion notices what you are trying to ask here and steps in to help out.
<<speech "Dillion">>What Mr. $plname is trying to say is that we need to get to know the defendant a bit more before moving to a deposition. If we could meet with her before that and get any information we don't yet have it will help overall. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Well it's not a normal course of action. But I trust your actions in this. I can give you the employee's address and you can contact her there. Her name is Misono Waka. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That would be very helpful. Thank you for all your support Mrs. Asahi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Oh no it's not Mrs. I'm not married and please you can call me Mizuno. We'll be working very closely through all of this I hope, so we should cut the formalities early on don't you think? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course Mizuno. I look forward to working very closely with you to ensure mutal satisfaction.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>I do hope we can finish all of this very satisfied indeed. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You can tell that Mizuno is on the same wave length as yourself. You're not sure why she's so forward but you're definitely not complaining.
Dillion seems to notice this too and quickly interjects.
<<speech "Dillion">>I'm sure you're very busy Mizuno and we should really get to work too. If you need us please call on the business number provided to you, anytime you need.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Thank you. I'll be sure to do that. Please also let me know if you need anything. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You both stand up and leave the room. Once you're outside you leave the office and start walking towards the hotel that the company has booked for you.
<<speech "Dillion">>Well you two really hit it off...<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh, is that a hint of jealousy I hear?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>You wish! I just don't know how it will look if you end up banging the companies client.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So you think I have a shot?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>That's not what I meant!... Uhh you're insufferable. Come on let's get to the hotel.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You make it to the hotel and check in. Dumping your bags in your room you freshen up after the flight and head back outside. You're in Tokyo so you may as well enjoy the area before you have to get to work. You're stood in the middle of the [[city centre|Tokyo][$mizunoEvent to 1]]
<div class="grey">\
<div style="text-align: center;" > Where do you want to go? </div>\
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="JapanHotel" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/JapanHotelImg.jpeg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Hotel </h3>
<a data-passage="JapanNightClub" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Nightclub.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Nightclub </h3>
<a data-passage="JapanOffices" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/MizOffice.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Mizuno Offices </h3>
<a data-passage="Konbini" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Konbini.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Konbini </h3>
<a data-passage="Soapland" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/soapland.jpeg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> SoapLand </h3>
<a data-passage="MisonoHouse" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/MisonoHouse.png" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Misono's House </h3>
<<if $myofficeEvent >= 1>>
<a data-passage="JpnAirport" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/AirportLogo.jpg" width="210px" height="140px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Airport </h3>
</div><div class="grey">\
You stand in the hotel room, its quite nice and you're thankful for being able to stay in such a nice place while you're here. In here there is a kitchen, a bathroom, your laptop and your bed.
<div class="grey">\
What do you do?
<<linkreplace "Have a nap">>\
You have a quick nap and pass the time.
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
[[Go to Sleep|JapanHotel][$hour to 8; $minute to 0; $day to $day + 1; $swimmingLesson to false; $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy; $yogaLesson to false]] -OR- [[Go to Heaven|JapanHeavenShop]]
Or you could just [[Head Outside.|Tokyo]]
<div class="grey">\
The kitchen is quite small, but it's to be expected for a hotel kitchen. You think you could cook some small meals here.
<img src = "img/JapanHotelKitchen.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid white;">\
<div class="grey">\
What do you choose to do?
<<if $hour < 12>>\
<<if $player.Energy lt $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<linkreplace "Cook some breakfast">>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="EnergyText">Energy Filled</div>
<<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not bad, but I wish I had a better kitchen to cook some nicer food.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Cook some breakfast">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I already have max energy. Maybe when I need more energy, I'll eat some food.<</speech>>
<<if $hour >= 12 and $hour < 18>>\
<<if $player.Energy lt $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<linkreplace "Cook some lunch">>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="EnergyText">Energy Filled</div>
<<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not bad, but I wish I had a better kitchen to cook some nicer food.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Cook some lunch">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I already have max energy. Maybe when I need more energy, I'll eat some food.<</speech>>
<<if $hour >= 18>>\
<<if $player.Energy lt $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<linkreplace "Cook some dinner">>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="EnergyText">Energy Filled</div>
<<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>>\
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not bad, but I wish I had a better kitchen to cook some nicer food.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Cook some dinner">>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I already have max energy. Maybe when I need more energy, I'll eat some food.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You look around and see the whole clouded vista all around you.
Standing behind a golden trimed marble counter is the angel that you've met before.
<<speech "Angel">>Greetings Mr. $plname. Have you come to spend some angel favor? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You see small signs on the counter with descriptions on them and a price underneath. They read:
*Permenant increase to Fitness - 1 Favor - <<if $player.favor >= 1>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.favor to $player.favor - 1>> <<set $player.fitness to $player.fitness + 10>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough favor for this. <</if>>
*Permenant increase to Max Energy - 5 Favor - <<if $player.favor >= 5>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.favor to $player.favor - 5>> <<set $player.maxEnergy to $player.maxEnergy + 25>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough favor for this. <</if>>
*Meet a new Angel - $angelUnlockCost Favor - <<if $player.favor >= $angelUnlockCost>> <<linkreplace "Buy (only one to unlock in this update.)">> Purchased (Next time you come here there will be an option to speak to a new Angel underneath the shop option.) <<set $player.favor to $player.favor - $angelUnlockCost>> <<set $angelsUnlocked to $angelsUnlocked + 1>> <<set $angelUnlockCost to $angelUnlockCost + 5>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough favor for this. <</if>>
<<if $angelsUnlocked >=1>>\
[[Speak with Angel Emma|JapanAngelEmmaChat]]\
<img src = "img/EmmaAngel.jpg" width="50%" class="centerSmaller" >\
[[Wake up|JapanHotel][$hour to 8; $minute to 0; $day to $day + 1; $swimmingLesson to false; $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy; $yogaLesson to false]]
</div>\<div class="grey">\
You open up the old laptop, after waiting 30 seconds for a google tab to open you realise that you really need an upgrade.
<img src = "img/oldLaptop.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid black;">\
<div class="grey" id="choices">\
What do you want to do online?
<<link "Browse Online">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
You mindlessly scroll through the internet for about an hour.
[[Shut down|JapanLaptop]]
<<set $hour to $hour + 1>>\
<<link "Watch Porn">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
What do type do you want to search for?
<<link "Straight">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="vid/Computer/ComPorn1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>
<<if $player.lust > 100>>\
<<set $player.lust to 100>>\
[[Shut down|JapanLaptop]]
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
<<link "Interracial">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="vid/Computer/ComPornInter1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>
<<if $player.lust > 100>>\
<<set $player.lust to 100>>\
[[Shut down|JapanLaptop]]
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
<<link "Asian">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="vid/Computer/ComPornAsian1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Increased + 25</div>
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust + 25>>
<<if $player.lust > 100>>\
<<set $player.lust to 100>>\
[[Shut down|JapanLaptop]]
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
[[Shut down|JapanLaptop]]
[[Shut down|JapanHotel]]
</div>\<div class="grey">\
The bathroom in this hotel is quite small, but nothing you're not used to.
<img src = "img/JapanBathroom.jpg" width="50%" class="center" style="border: 2px solid white;">\
<div class="grey">\
You stand in the middle of your bathroom, what do you do?
<<linkreplace "Have a shower">>\
You wash yourself clean.
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Lowered - 25</div>\
<<set $player.lust to $player.lust - 25>>\
<<if $player.lust < 0>>\
<<set $player.lust to 0>>\
<<set $minute to $minute + 30>>\
[[Leave bathroom|JapanHotel]]
<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
You see the younger angel that you remembered was called Emma. She's on her own so you head over to her.
<img src = "img/EmmaAngel.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">> Couldn't keep your eyes off me could you? That's understandable. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So at the angel shop there was an option to "Unlock you?"<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Unlock me? I'm not some fucking video game character... <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> So I didn't need to buy the thing at the favor shop then?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>No you have to do that! Each time someone does I get the favor points so you better have done so. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Uhhh yeah I have. What does buying it get me then?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Well since you bought it that means you've gained 10 favor. Which you've gained by fucking or at least getting sexual with women. So your reward for that is... Yep you guessed it, sex with another woman. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Oh well, fair enough I guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>It's a porn game, what did you expect? A long lecture on the differences between protons and antiprotons? Hurry up and get your cock out!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Here? Isn't it a bit open here?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Fine! I guess you do have a point.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The young angel snaps her fingers and in an instant you're sat on a white sofa in a living room.
She walks up to you and pull your cock out of your pants.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>One of the many benefits of being an angel is I can make reality what I want it to be... Within reason.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Damn okay I'm impressed! <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>You'll be even more impressed after I'm done with you.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She stops stroking your cock and puts it in her mouth. It's like nothing you've ever felt before. Warm and wet, but also tight for some reason, every part of it squeezing your cock.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Holy shit! Is that your mouth? <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Yep! You've never been with an angel before, so this is going to be an experience you'll never forget. It might even ruin all other normal women for you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit how can a mouth be this tight! Also my cock is so sensitive. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>That's because angels bodily fluids are mixed with a strong aphrodisiac. You'll feel everything 10x more than normal. Now, I hope you can hold on while you experience the best pussy of your life. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> If it's half as good as your mouth then I can't wait. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Not just yet. First you need to earn it.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She lays back on the sofa and spreads her legs. She pulls your head into her pussy and you start working away.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Mmmm not bad! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Shit, you're so wet it feels like I'm drowning! And the taste, it's making my cock so hard it feels like it's going to explode. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>The aphrodisiac is working it's magic then. Well I guess you've earned your reward. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She hops ontop of you and lowers herself onto your cock. You gasp and almost fill her up right then and there! Everything about her pussy is is better than anything you've had before.
You take a moment to breathe and then she starts riding you.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Holy Shit! I nearly came as soon as you sat down. This pussy feels amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Of course it does. Other Angels have their big tits and big asses. But my pussy is my best weapon. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Well right now it's going to drain me dry! I can't last much longer in this amazing pussy. <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Well we don't want that! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She snaps her fingers.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>There we go, all sorted. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> What do you mean? I'm still about to cum any second now! <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Oh really? Well why don't you cum then? Go on cum! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
There's no stopping you now and you go to cum as hard as you can...
But nothing happens. You're pushed to the edge and you're so close to cumming, but nothing happens.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> What the fucks happening? I need to cum, why can't I cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>We angels can control reality remember. And I've made it so you can't cum, no matter how much you want to. Not until I say so. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Are you kidding? I'm dying here! Please let me cum.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She says nothing and jumps off your lap. She turns around and bends over. Shaking her ass, inviting you inside.
You want to cum so badly that you stick it in her without even thinking.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Oh yes! That's good. Keep pounding me like that. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Good God please let me cum! I'm going crazy back here.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Soon $pfname. Soon. But for now I still want your cock so you'll have to keep fucking me. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She leans back into you, standing up but still not letting your dick escape. You keep thrusting with all your might. Hoping that you can cum any second now.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Please... please... please<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Begging now are we? Okay fine I'll let you cum. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She lays on her back and opens her legs wide for you.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>If you're going to cum then you better cum inside the best pussy in the world.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Inside? Is that safe? <</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Please! Don't think that you a mere mortal could get an angel pregnant. It's impossible.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
At this point you don't even care if it's safe or not. You've been on the verge of cumming for about 10 minutes now and any longer and you'll lose your mind.
You plunge deep into her, feeling every part of her pussy squeezing against your dick.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Cum for me $pfname, cum deep inside my pussy. Let it all out!<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit! yes here it cums, finally I'm cumming! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Angels/Emma6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You explode inside her. The cum keeps going and going, you think it's never going to end. Until after around 20 seconds you feel yourself calming down.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Fucking hell. I thought I was going to die.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Don't worry. I wouldn't let you. Not bad for just 10 favor right?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It felt amazing, but the holding back of the cum was getting insane. I nearly went crazy.<</speech>>
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>You wouldn't have been the first. Now you should get changed. I'll take us back once you're back in your clothes.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take a moment to get your breath back and then get changed back into your clothes.
When you're done the young angel snaps her fingers and you both are brought back to where you were before you left.
<<speech "YoungAngel" "Young Angel">>Whenever you want another bit of fun, come and see me. I'd be happy to do it all again!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She gives you a small kiss on the cheek and then heads off.
You turn around and [[head back to the shop|JapanHeavenShop][$player.lust to 0]].
<<if $hour >= 17 or $hour <= 2>>
<div class="grey">\
As you get closer to the nightclub, you notice that it's quite busy and popular.
You head up towards the door and you see a bouncer stood outside. You head up to the front door, but before you can go in the man puts his hands in-front of you.
<<speech "Chang" "Bouncer">>Sorry... Ummm, no invitation.... Ummm no enter.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>What do you mean? Am I not allowed to go inside? Say's who? <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Bouncer">>No... Sorry.... No ummm entry. please back with ummm inviation.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
It's clear that this guys used up the most of his English in this converstation alone.
Guess you'll have to return with an invtiation before you can enter here.
[[Return to the street|Tokyo]]
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the door of the nightclub and notice that there's no lights on in the building. You see a sign that you're not sure you can read, but you do notice the numbers which must be times. You guess that it must only be open from 5pm - 2am. Maybe you should come back when it's open?
<img src = "img/JpnSign.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
[[Return to the street|Tokyo]]
<</if>><<if $misonoEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk into your clients offices and take the elevator up to Misuno's Office.
The door is open and you head inside.
<<speech "Mizuno">>Hello Mr. $plname. Have you spoken to Misono yet?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not yet, but I plan on doing so very soon. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Okay well, make sure you head there as soon as you're free to do so. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno looks back at some of the papers on her desk.
You should head over to Misono's house and meet with her before you make any progress on this case.
You turn around and [[leave the offices.|Tokyo]]
<<if $misonoEvent is 1 and $mizunoEvent is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You walk into your clients offices and take the elevator up to Misuno's Office.
The door is open and you head inside.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hello Mizuno. I was wondering if we could speak to some of people in HR? <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>HR? I can take you down there. But why would you want to speak to them? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>We need to check some records that they have about the employee. There could be some evidence there that can help us build a case. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Of course. I'll take you down there now. But I'd suggest only bringing one of you, HR are quite defensive about employee records and if we go down there in force they might end up being hard to work with. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>$pfname. You head down with Mizuno. I'll wait up here until you both get back. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno leads you to the elevator and you both head down to the second floor.
The door opens and you're greeted with a small office with only one person working behind a desk. The he looks up as you enter the room.
<<speech "Mizuno">>Hello Hiragawa, I hope you're doing well. I'm here with Mr. $plname. He was wondering if he could have a quick look at some of the records pertaining to the employee Misono Waka.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The man behind the HR desk looks at you suspiciously.
<<speech "Chang" "Hiragawa">>Mizuno... You know we aren't really allowed to show employee records to outside people. It's all about data protection. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>I understand that, but Mr. $plname here works for us as a legal representative so he's not really an outsider. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chang" "Hiragawa">>Even so, if someone found out I let someone outside of HR look at all these records I could get into real trouble. You know that right. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno turns around and whispers to you.
<<speech "Mizuno" "Mizuno *whispering*">>How much do you need to see these records? Because I have a plan... But it's not something I want to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name *whispering*">>If I find what I'm looking for, then there might not have to be a case in court at all. And we'll save both parties lots of money, as well as preventing the story from going public which could affect the companies reputation. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno" "Mizuno *whispering*">>That important huh? Shit... Well I guess I'm going to have to do something I really don't want to do... $pfname, please don't think any less of me...<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name *whispering*">>Wait what are you going to do? <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno" "Mizuno *whispering*">>Hiragawa's always had the biggest crush on me. In-fact we dated for a very short time. He's always wanted to rekindle our relationship. I'll ask you to take the elevator then come back down in 5 minutes. I'll get him away from the computer. You do what you need to do. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno stealthly un-buttons the top two buttons of her shirt and turns back around to the HR employee.
<<speech "Mizuno">>Hiragawa, you know what. You're right it was rude of me to ask. Say Mr. $plname. Could you head back up the elevator I still need to talk to Hiragawa about something.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Just like the plan you turn around and take the elevator up one floor. Damn... I wonder what Mizuno is planning. There was a small room near the office where she could probably get him inside.
You wait the 5 minutes and take the elevator back down. As the doors open you notice that the office is empty, but you can hear some small talking coming from the room next door. You don't waste any time and run to the computer. Luckly it's still unlocked.
<<speech "You" "$player.name *whispering*">>Damn Mizuno, what did you do to get him to leave the computer unlocked so quickly? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
The desktops open. You need to find Misono's files quick!
<div class="buttonCenter">\
<a data-passage="JpnHROffice" >\
<img src="img/File.jpg" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<a data-passage="JpnHROffice1" >\
<img src="img/File1.jpg" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<a data-passage="JpnHROffice2" >\
<img src="img/File2.jpg" class="ImageborderWhite">\
<<if $misonoEvent is 1 and $mizunoEvent is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
You take the elevator back up to Mizuno's office where Dillion is sat waiting.
<<speech "Dillion">>So, did you get what you came for? Are we good to go? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yep! I got it all. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Where's Mizuno? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>She distracted the HR guys so I could get access to the HR computer. We should head back to Misono as soon as possible. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Good idea, we'll go to Misono's house, tell her of her innocence with the data we've found here. Then we can bring her to Mizuno's office and explain everything. Once this has been sorted then the company won't need to go through a long painful court case and we would have done our job for the client! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You nod and then both of you head off and leave the office back out into the streets of [[Tokyo][$misonoEvent to 2]]
<<if $misonoEvent >=3 and $mizunoEvent is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
Feeling pretty good about yourself after your visit from Misono's house you make your way to Mizuno's office.
After taking the elevator up to her floor you enter in the office where Mizuno is sat working.
<<speech "Mizuno">>Ah! Mr. $plname. It's good to see you again, I hope I was able to distract Hiragawa for long enough for you to get what you need.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yes, you did thank you for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Oh trust me, it was my pleasure!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno smiles to herself before noticing and looks back at you expectantly
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well it's actually the information I found which is what's brought me here today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Oh really? Go on then, I'm listening.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I spoke to Misono as I said I would earlier and she told me that she is compeletly innocent. She explained how she put in a message to finance about the payment and because the client was slow in paying the finance team closed the payment message after one week. Then the client paid after the week and normally the message to finance would have been sent but Misono had pre-booked vacation then and wasn't in work. So only after she came back did she realise that the payment has been sent without the message sent to finance. Causing all of this mess. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Well, that's a nice story but it's just her words, she could say anything to save herself.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>That's also what I thought, which is why I needed to check the HR records. And while there I found that it's all true. I saw the message and the vacation request, Everything she said is true. That's why I want to talk to you about dropping the case now, since there's been no wrong doing then everything can go back to normal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>I'm not sure we can, if we bring her back then we're recognising that we've made a mistake and, even though I want to do that the company won't be happy.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>My advice would be to try and convince them to regardless. Because if you do fire her, and this comes out she can sue for wrongfull termination and that would be much worse for the image of your company. Also if you bring her back then no-one outside of this will ever know there was even an issue to begin with. Saving your companies face. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno thinks about it for a few seconds and looks up impressed.
<<speech "Mizuno">>I agree with you. Honestly, I'm very impressed with your work. You've saved us thousands in court fees and potentail embarresment from the public. You're firm has done everything we've asked for and you can tell your bosses that they'll get the completion payment from us. And since this was all done by saving us money too, I'll be sending them a performance bonus too. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Thank you so much. I'm glad we could work together to come to a happy conclusion. I hope that if you ever need legal help again you consider Addams and Ann in the future.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Well, now you mention it I do have another thing I need help with, but I'd rather ask for this help off the books if you understand. I get it if you're too busy, but with how you handled this case I feel that you will be perfect for a little issue I have.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well I do have to head back to New York soon. Is this a thing that needs my full time and attention?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>No don't worry, this would be something that you can work on in your free time, obviously I'll be paying you and also if you do this personal thing for me I'll be incredibly grateful.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno slyly pulls the the top of her shirt to the side, exposing her cleavage and her bra.
You stare and catch yourself from standing there with your mouth open.
<img src = "img/Mizuno1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well... uhhh... It would be rude of me not to, I'll help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mizuno">>Excellent! I knew I could count on you. Head back to New York and when you've got some free time, come back to me and I'll give you all the info. Oh and as a guesture of good faith I'll give you a payment in advance. I look forward to seeing you again soon $pfname.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Mizuno hands you some money and you thank her and turn around to leave the office.
Damn! Another woman here who will reward me for my help with sexual favours. You're not complaining but you're hoping your luck with it can continue.
You head out of the office and back into the center of [[Tokyo][$mizunoEvent to 3; $player.money to $player.money + 10000; $hour to $hour + 1]]
<<if $mizunoEvent is 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
This is the end of Mizuno's story for this update.
The next update will focus on the start of the story as well as more things in New York.
If you've enjoyed the game so far and want to support me for whatever reason, then you can head over to my patreon using the button below :) If not then make sure you've done everything, there's a lot of scenes and replayable ones too, so enjoy!
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/BeginAgain239" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
<</if>>\<<if $hour >= 17 or $hour <= 2>>
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the soapland and notice that it's open. You remember hearing about these places in the past. Apprently you can pay for sex here. Although you've heard it's not fully legal.
You head into the reception and see the woman behind the counter. She gives you a sexy smile as you walk in.
<img src = "img/Otsu.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Otsu">>Ahh いらっしゃいませ <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh... Umm Sorry I don't speak Japanese. <</speech>>
<<speech "Otsu">>That's okay. I can speak a little English... Are you here for bath? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Bath? Umm yes I think so. What types of baths do you have here? <</speech>>
<<speech "Otsu">>I show you a menu. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She brings out a folder and opens it up to the english section. You see a few pictures of girls. You notice that there are only two as of now. But a small note says there there will be more available in the future.
<div class="container">
<a data-passage="Meisa" data-setter="$player.money to $player.money - 1000">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Meisa.jpg" width="170px" height="210px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Meisa Hanai
- $1000</h3>\
<a data-passage="Ichika" data-setter="$player.money to $player.money - 2000">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Ichika.jpg" width="170px" height="210px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Ichika
- $2000</h3>\
<a data-passage="Mitani" data-setter="$player.money to $player.money - 3000">
<div class="skyBlue">\
<img src="img/Mitani Akari.jpg" width="170px" height="210px" class="ImageborderWhite">
<h3> Mitani Akari
- $3000</h3>\
or you could leave and [[return to the street|Tokyo]]
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the door of the nightclub and notice that there's no lights on in the building. You see a sign that you're not sure you can read, but you do notice the numbers which must be times. You guess that it must only be open from 5pm - 2am. Maybe you should come back when it's open?
<img src = "img/JpnSign.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
[[Return to the street|Tokyo]]
<</if>> <img src = "img/KonbiniWoman.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<div class="grey">\
You walk up to the front and see the section with things on sale, you see:
*Family Mart Chicken -$5 (+20 Energy) - <<if $player.money >= 2500>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 5>> <<set $player.Energy to $player.Energy + 20>><<if $player.Energy > $player.maxEnergy>> <<set $player.Energy to $player.maxEnergy>> <</if>> <<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>>
*Hentai Book - $300 - <<if$hentaiBook is false>><<if $player.money >= 300>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 300>> <<set $hentaiBook to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
*Tamagotchi - $750 - <<if$tamagotchi is false>><<if $player.money >= 750>> <<linkreplace "Buy">> Purchased <<set $player.money to $player.money - 200>> <<set $tamagotchi to true>><<updatebar>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> You don't have enough money for this. <</if>><<else>> You've already bought this. <</if>>
[[Leave the Gift Store|Tokyo]]
</div><<if $misonoEvent is 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You head up to the address that Mizuno gave you. It seems to be quite a modest place and you ring the door bell as you arrive.
Dillion is with you and you both wait for an answer. Quickly someone arrives at the door and opens it.
<<speech "Dillion">>Hello Miss Misono we're here for... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Dillions words trail off and you look up to see why, stood in-front of you is Misono clearly in her nightgown. You're stunded as well as you look at her.
<img src = "img/Misono.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Dillion">>Ummm. What I mean to say is... We're from the american law firm... <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>I know who you are. You're the lawyers that my company hired to make sure that I end up fined or in prison. I'm sorry if I'm not excatly happy to talk to you both.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well, when you put it like that it makes us seem like bad people. However, right now we're just here to hear more about your side of the story. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>And why would you want to do that? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It's important to us to know what excatly happened. Although we represent your boss, often peoples opinions can be one sided and often skewed in their favour. This leads the truth to be quite muddy. Would it be okay if we came in and asked you a few questions? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Misono seems a little surprised by your answer. She opens the door a bit more and gestures you both to come inside.
The interior is plain but well kept. Misono leads you into the living room and sits on the chair that faces the sofa. You and Dillion sit down of the sofa.
<<speech "Misono">>So American lawyers, what do you want to know? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Why did you remain silent through all this time? If you feel you're innocent then surely you'd say something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>I know why you would think this way, but I knew that if I said anything it would be used against me. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Then why are you speaking to us now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Because if I keep my silence I'll look more and more suspicious. This isn't America, we don't have the right to remain silent and not be considered guilty by doing so. If you're here to listen to the truth then I don't mind telling you it.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well the first question is quite bluntly... Did you do it? Did you commit fraud and not delacre the companies income to avoid the tax that comes from it? <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>No I didn't. We got a large client about two months back. This client said that he would pay us for our services and I sent the message to finance. But the client was slow in paying us and after a week of not getting paid the finance team closed the ticket.
Soon after the client paid the money to us. However, I had taken some paid vacation time and was away from work when the money came in. I came back two weeks later and saw the payment had come in. I then went to contact finance and found out my log in details had been frozen. I tired to speak to HR about it and they told me I had been suspended on suspected fraud. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>So because the payments came in and there was nothing from your end confirming it. It looked like you never delacred the payment from the client?<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Excatly! Now the company and my boss either won't believe me, or don't want to look like they made a mistake and are refusing to accept this was all a mistake.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You think she's telling the truth, but also think that she might be hiding something. Do you push her on the topic and potentially find out what it is? Or do you not want to risk it?
<div id="choices">\
<<link "Best not to risk it...">>
<<replace "#choices">>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>If this is all true then we need to try and prove it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Sorry to interupt you here $pfname, but we work for Mizuno remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I remember. However, our job is to make sure that in the eyes of the law the company did nothing wrong. If we can prove that by proving Misono did nothing wrong then surely we'll be helping both parties?<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Wait, you'll help me? I never believed anyone would even believe me, let alone go out of their way to help me. Thank you so much... Mr... Sorry what was your name?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Just call me $pfname. And think of this as helping each other. We also want this to be clear of any wrong doing. Now! The first thing we need to do is check HR. If they have a record of your first message about the payment, as well as a record of you booking your holiday well before the payment, that should be enough to convince any sane person you had not intention for this to happen. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>HR work at the office so if you head over there then they should be found there.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Okay, we'll head over there and you stay here. We won't tell your boss to push forward with the case untill we have a bit more evidence. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You and Dillion stand up to leave. As Dillion leaves the living room Misono grabs your arm and pulls you to one side.
<<speech "Misono">>$pfname, I really appricate you doing this. You're really putting your neck out to help me and I really do want to say thank you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry about it, it's my job to make su... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Before you finish the sentence, Misono kisses you, grabbing your waist and pulling it towards her.
Holy shit, this woman is either really desperate for help or is one horny bitch. Either way if this is how she rewards you for just sayhing you'll help. How will she reward you for clearing her name?
<<speech "Misono">>Quick, you won't want your co-worker to wonder where you are. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She pushes you through the living room door and you see Dillion opening the front door.
You head out with her and take one last look at Misono who is giving you a wave and a very sly smile. There's clearly more to this woman than first meets the eye.
Both you and Dillion head back to the center of [[town|Tokyo][$misonoEvent to 1; $hour to $hour + 1]]
<<link "Try and push some more - (% based off charisma skill)">>
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set $charismaCheck to random(1,100)>>\
<<if $charisma >= $charismaCheck>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Misono, if you want us to really help you here, you need to tell us everything. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have a Charisma level of $charisma, the other person rolled a $charismaCheck. That means your charisma is higher than theirs! Nice one.
<<speech "Misono">>Fine, but I'm only telling you this because you seem like people who care more for the truth than greedy companies... The truth is I was late in sending the message to finance. We have a policy that we have to send the message to finance within 24 hours of the client letting us know they're paying. I missed that deadline by a few hours. So even though I didn't mean to do anything wrong. If they find this they can say I did so on purpose. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hmmmm. Well if what you say is true then we should find this before the company does. We can then make sure that it's not part of our investigation. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Sorry to interupt you here $pfname, but we work for Mizuno remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I remember. However, our job is to make sure that in the eyes of the law the company did nothing wrong. If we can prove that by proving Misono did nothing wrong then surely we'll be helping both parties?<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Wait, you'll help me? I never believed anyone would even believe me, let alone go out of their way to help me. Thank you so much... Mr... Sorry what was your name?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Just call me $pfname. And think of this as helping each other. We also want this to be clear of any wrong doing. Now! The first thing we need to do is check HR. If they have a record of your first message about the payment, as well as a record of you booking your holiday well before the payment, that should be enough to convince any sane person you had not intention for this to happen. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>HR work at the office so if you head over there then they should be found there.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Okay, we'll head over there and you stay here. We won't tell your boss to push forward with the case untill we have a bit more evidence. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You and Dillion stand up to leave. As Dillion leaves the living room Misono grabs your arm and pulls you to one side.
<<speech "Misono">>$pfname, I really appricate you doing this. You're really putting your neck out to help me and I really do want to say thank you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry about it, it's my job to make su... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Before you finish the sentence, Misono kisses you, grabbing your waist and pulling it towards her.
Holy shit, this woman is either really desperate for help or is one horny bitch. Either way if this is how she rewards you for just sayhing you'll help. How will she reward you for clearing her name?
<<speech "Misono">>Quick, you won't want your co-worker to wonder where you are. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She pushes you through the living room door and you see Dillion opening the front door.
You head out with her and take one last look at Misono who is giving you a wave and a very sly smile. There's clearly more to this woman than first meets the eye.
Both you and Dillion head back to the center of [[town|Tokyo][$misonoEvent to 1; $hour to $hour + 1; $misonoSpeechCheck to true]]
<<if $charisma <= $charismaCheck>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Misono, if you want us to really help you here, you need to tell us everything. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You have a Charisma level of $charisma, the other person rolled a $charismaCheck. That means their charisma is higher than yours this time, unlucky!. Don't worry though, a failed attempt means you've learned from this, your charisma will be permanently increased.
<<speech "Misono">>I have told you everything! Do you not believe what I've said? Maybe it was a mistake trusting in you both! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No! I do believe you and we will see what we can do. If this is all true then we need to try and prove it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>Sorry to interupt you here $pfname, but we work for Mizuno remember.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I remember. However, our job is to make sure that in the eyes of the law the company did nothing wrong. If we can prove that by proving Misono did nothing wrong then surely we'll be helping both parties?<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Wait, you'll help me? I never believed anyone would even believe me, let alone go out of their way to help me. Thank you so much... Mr... Sorry what was your name?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Just call me $pfname. And think of this as helping each other. We also want this to be clear of any wrong doing. Now! The first thing we need to do is check HR. If they have a record of your first message about the payment, as well as a record of you booking your holiday well before the payment, that should be enough to convince any sane person you had not intention for this to happen. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>HR work at the office so if you head over there then they should be found there.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Okay, we'll head over there and you stay here. We won't tell your boss to push forward with the case untill we have a bit more evidence. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You and Dillion stand up to leave. As Dillion leaves the living room Misono grabs your arm and pulls you to one side.
<<speech "Misono">>$pfname, I really appricate you doing this. You're really putting your neck out to help me and I really do want to say thank you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't worry about it, it's my job to make su... <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Before you finish the sentence, Misono kisses you, grabbing your waist and pulling it towards her.
Holy shit, this woman is either really desperate for help or is one horny bitch. Either way if this is how she rewards you for just sayhing you'll help. How will she reward you for clearing her name?
<<speech "Misono">>Quick, you won't want your co-worker to wonder where you are. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She pushes you through the living room door and you see Dillion opening the front door.
You head out with her and take one last look at Misono who is giving you a wave and a very sly smile. There's clearly more to this woman than first meets the eye.
Both you and Dillion head back to the center of [[town|Tokyo][$misonoEvent to 1; $hour to $hour + 1; $charisma to $charisma + 5]]
<<if $misonoEvent is 1>>\
<div class="grey">\
You stand outside Misono's house. You remember that you need to go to your clients offices to speak to HR to see if you can find anything out before coming back and speaking to Misono again..
Both you and Dillion head back to the center of [[town|Tokyo]]
<<if $misonoEvent is 2>>\
<div class="grey">\
You and Dillion head towards Misono's house. Before you set off to go there Dillion stops you.
<<speech "Dillion">>Hey $pfname, I think it's best for you to go to Misono's house and give the good news. I've just had an email from Mrs. Addams and apparently Mrs. Ann has arrived back from Canada and I'm needed back in New York. Once you're done here, speak to Mizuno to ensure that the final bits of the contract are done and the payment gets sent through okay. Once that's all done head back to New York and meet Mrs. Addams in her office.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Will do, and Dillion, thank you for your help. You've been really helpfull with all of this! <</speech>>
<<speech "Dillion">>It was nice to work with you too. It's nice to see that someone still cares about the law instead of just finishing the contract and nothing else.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Dillion gives you a hug and heads off towards the airport. Damn you need to make sure you keep this relationship up with Dillion in the future. Who knows where it will go. But for now you turn around and head towards Misono's house.
After a few stops on the train you end up at Misono's house and ring the bell. After a few seconds Misono opens up the door.
<img src = "img/Misono1.jpg" width="50%" class="center">\
<<speech "Misono">>$pfname, It's good to see you, I really hope you're here with some good news. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I am! Can I come in? There's quite a bit to talk about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Of course please come in. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Misono leads you through the house and you both take a seat on the sofa.
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I wont' leave you in suspense, I managed to find the information we needed on the HR computer. It's all as you said, about the payment message being sent to finance and about booking your vacation months before all of this. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Oh thank god! So what happens now? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Now I'm going to bring all of this information to Mizuno and hopefully get all of this dropped, she actually helped me get the information so I think she just want's this to be over so the news doesn't break to the public. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Was there anything else on the computer? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Yes, I found some information saying that you were late in processing the payment message to finance. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>And... What is your opinion on that? <</speech>>
<<if $infoDeleted is true>>\
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I don't think that you did it on purpose at all and if left there they could try and still put you through disciplinaries for a simple mistake. So I deleted it. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Misono's eyes widen and she grabs your hand.
<<speech "Misono">>You did that for me?? Thank you so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Don't mention it. I wouldn't feel right if I left it there and you got in trouble for something so small. <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>I honestly don't know what to say. How can I ever repay you for all you've done for me? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well... I don't want to be too forward, but I remember how you were when I left here last. And I was hoping we could continue from there?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Misono gives you a sly grin and takes her hands off yours and warps them around your neck.
<<speech "Misono">>I thought you'd never ask. I didn't want to scare you off after how forward I was before. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Scare me off? Are you crazy, if anything it made me work harder! <</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Well if that's the case, how about you come with me to the bedroom? And since you worked extra hard and deleted that mistake I made. I'll give you an even better reward than normal! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You're pulled into the bedroom and all of your clothes are practically ripped off. Misono drops down and [[begins|MisonoHouseScene]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>It didn't seem like it would be too much of an issue if they find out about it. You should be fine.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Misono seems a little disappointed and looks away for a second. But quickly looks back and gives you a smile.
<<speech "Misono">>You're right... I'm still so thankfull for everything you've done. I don't know how I can repay you.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well... I don't want to be too forward, but I remember how you were when I left here last. And I was hoping we could continue from there?<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Misono gives you a little grin and takes her hands off yours touches your arm.
<<speech "Misono">>Well I guess you have done so much for me, I suppose I could give you a little reward. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Really? Well I can't say no to that at all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>Well if that's the case, how about you come with me to the bedroom? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You're pulled into the bedroom and Misono starts to take off your clothes she then drops down and [[begins|MisonoHouseSceneBJ]]
<<if $misonoEvent is 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
You stumble out of the bedroom, barely able to keep on your feet you feel so drained.
Misono follows you out with a grin on her face.
<<speech "Misono">>Well I hope that was as fun for you as it was for me! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Are you kidding me, I'll be dreaming about that for the next month.<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>If that's true then don't be a stranger and come visit sometimes. I'm always ready to enjoy that all over again. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh definetly!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You head to the front door and open it, before you head out Misono gives you a kiss before you leave.
You close the door behind you and head back into the center of [[Tokyo][$misonoEvent to 4]]
<<if $misonoEvent is 4>>\
<div class="grey">\
You knock on the door and after a little bit Misono opens the door, standing there with a smile.
<<speech "Misono">>Hello again $pfname, I'm glad you're here to see me.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>How could I possibly stay away?<</speech>>
<<speech "Misono">>I hope you're here for the same reason I want you to be here for. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What do you choose to do?
<<if $infoDeleted is true>>\
[[Go for another round?|MisonoHouseScene]]\
[[Go for another round?|MisonoHouseSceneBJ]]\
[[Head back to city center|Tokyo]]
<<if $mizunoEvent < 3>>\
<div class="grey">\
You arrive at the airport. You have time to complete the case but you really shouldn't be wasting too much time.
If you really need to you can travel back to [[New York|City][$hour to $hour + 6]].
Or you can head [[back|Tokyo]]
<div class="grey">\
You arrive at the airport. It's busy but from here you can head back to New York. Usually it takes about 6 hours to get there.
Do you choose to travel back to [[New York|City][$hour to $hour + 6]].
Or you can head [[back|Tokyo]]
<<if $ginaEvent <= 0>>\
<div class="grey">\
You turn to talk to Gina. She gives you a warm smile.
<<speech "Gina">> Hi there sir. Is there anything I can do to help? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I was wondering, I never got your name. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Oh! It's Gina, nice to meet you! And your is Mr....? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Don't worry about the Mr part. Just call me $pfname. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Okay $pfname. I've seen you come in here before. Are you looking for anything in particular?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I'm just looking to be honest. You have some interesting things in here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Thank you, I've been trying to get items from all over the world, but recently it's been hard to get specific items. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Like what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Oh don't worry. Honestly It's fine, I didn't mean to bother you.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Not at all, I'm sure I can keep an eye out for something specific. Surely two sets of eyes are better than one? <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Gina's face lights up.
<<speech "Gina">> Really $pfname? You'd really do that for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> I mean it's not that hard to keep an eye out for an item. So what is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Well, there's a few things. But the first one would be a tamagotchi! It's a little game from Japan, where you look after a little pet. It was super popular in the past and I have a client who's willing to pay good money for an original from Japan. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Hmmm, that's a little more difficult, but I'll help out if I can. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Thank you so much $pfname. If you can get it for me then I'll happily give you half of the profits. As well as my complete gratitude.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She gives you a sly smile and bites her lip a little.
You're grateful for the chance to make some money, but you're also very interested in what kind of gratitude she will give!
You tell her you'll do your best and head back into the [[centre of the store|Gift Store][$ginaEvent to 1]]
<<if $ginaEvent is 1>>\
<<if $tamagotchi is false>>\
<<speech "Gina">> Hey $pfname! Have you managed to find a tamagotchi yet?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Not yet, but I'm looking for it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Honestly, I can't thank you enough! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You better keep an eye out for this tamagotchi thing. Once you find it you should bring it back to her.
You head back to the [[centre of the store|Gift Store]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Hey Gina, Look what I found! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You take out the Tamagotchi that you bought in Japan.
<<speech "Gina">> OMG! Is that a legit Tamagotchi? From Japan right?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">> Yep, I bought it when I was there for work. So you said you had a buyer set up for this right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Of course! I can't believe you remembered and also brought it back for me. I don't know what to say! <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>No worries, I'm sure a thank you will be enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Oh I'm going to thank you alright!<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Gina rushes past you and closes the gift store's doors. She turns the sign from open to closed and rushes back and grabs your arm.
<<speech "Gina">> Follow me upstairs. My house is attached to this store, I live upstairs. Quick hurry, I can't keep the store closed for too long.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Wait is this actually happening?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> You don't want it to?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Of course I do! I'm just surprised it's happening so quickly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> I don't like waiting around for things I want. And right now I want you.<</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You can't argue with that! You are led up the stairs and pulled into the small [[bedroom|ginaScene][$tamagotchi to false]] she has up there.
<<if $ginaEvent is 2>>\
<<speech "Gina">> Hey $pfname, how are you? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>I'm good! So do you have another item you need me to track down? <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">> Not right now, but if you talk to me later then I might have one for you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Brilliant! I'll talk to you later then. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
What do you want to do?
Replay the [[BJ scene?|ginaScene]]
Go back to the [[shop|Gift Store]]
<</if>>\<<done>><<run setup.initScrollPlay()>> <</done>>\
<div class="grey">\
Gina pushes you onto the bed. She gives you a mischievous grin and starts pulling your clothes off.
<<speech "Gina">> Come on now, I can't excatly give you your reward if you're dressed up like that. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>By all means take it all off. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
After she takes all your clothes off she starts stripping in-front of you. In an instant she's in her underwear and crawling along the bed towards your cock.
<<speech "Gina">>Now, give me that cock. I'm going to make you cum so hard that you'll barely be able to walk. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn girl you're a real nympho aren't you.<</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/GinaBJ.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit! You'll suck me dry if you keep going like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>That's the plan! Although I hope I don't do it too quickly. I want to enjoy this cock fully. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She sits up and wraps her feet around your dick. Her tights feeling soft against your shaft.
<<speech "Gina">>I bet you've never had a woman do this for you! You get to experience my footjob, blowjob special. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/GinaBJ1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit! That feels so fucking good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Careful now, we don't want an accident do we? <</speech>>
<<if $player.lust is 100>>\
<div style="text-align: center;" class="LustText">Lust Maxed out, cumming early!</div>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>If you don't want an accident you're going to have to stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Surely not! We've just started haven't we? <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Something's started, and I don't think I can stop it! Shit, here it comes! <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Oh shit! Okay, umm let me catch it in my mouth then. <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/GinaBJ4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>FUCK... Fuck that was good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Well it didn't taste bad at all to be fair. Just a shame it was over so quickly. I was enjoying myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sorry Gina... It just felt so damn good. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
Gina smiles and it seems she isn't that upset about it all. You think you dodged a bullet there.
<<speech "Gina">>Don't worry about it, I probably shouldn't be leaving the shop closed for so long anyway. Plus I did enjoy myself so it's fine.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well I enjoyed myself too, and also let me know if there's any more items to collect. If this is the type of reward that I'll be definitely looking out for them. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Oh something tells me that there will be. I'll be sure to ask you when I get a new order in. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You and Gina quickly get changed and head back downstairs to the shop floor. Gina unlocks the front door and changes the sign to open again. Almost instantly a customer walks in and Gina is back into customer service mode.
You're left stood there in the middle of the [[shop floor|Gift Store][$hour to $hour + 1; $player.lust to 0; $ginaEvent to 2]]
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Sure, but you'll need to slow down or there will be one! <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Mmmm okay, how about I take of these tiny panties? <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/GinaBJ2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn that's a nice ass. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>I may not have the biggest tits or ass, but I sure as hell know how to use my mouth and pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Holy shit, I want to try that pussy out. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Mr. $plname. I'm not some common whore who fucks on the first date! You'll get to try I'm sure but for today you'll just have to cum hard into my mouth instead.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Something tells me I'm okay with that! <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
She drops back down and starts working on your cock again.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/GinaBJ3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Oh damn! You're sucking so fucking hard. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Of course! I want to make sure I suck all the cum out of you. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Shit well it's working. I'm going to cum any second now! <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Good, cum in my mouth! I want to taste your hot cum. <</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Damn! Here it comes! <</speech>>
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="vid/Side/GinaBJ4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="grey">\
You fill her mouth to the brim. You feel like your balls are drained instantly but she manages to keep it all in her mouth before opening and drooling the cum out.
<<speech "Gina">>Hmmmm not a bad taste at all. I could get used to that taste! I really enjoyed this $pfname.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$player.name">>Well I enjoyed myself too, and also let me know if there's any more items to collect. If this is the type of reward that I'll be definitely looking out for them. <</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Oh something tells me that there will be. I'll be sure to ask you when I get a new order in. <</speech>>
<div class="grey">\
You and Gina quickly get changed and head back downstairs to the shop floor. Gina unlocks the front door and changes the sign to open again. Almost instantly a customer walks in and Gina is back into customer service mode.
<<if $ginaEvent < 2>>\
<<set $player.favor to $player.favor + 1>>\
You're left stood there in the