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<<widget "Doll">> <<if SugarCube.settings.artHD && _showDollBack>> <<set _firstArg = _args[0] || "body">> <<set _secondArg = _args[1] || "sidebar">> <<set _thirdArg = _args[2] || undefined>> <<DollBackHD _firstArg _secondArg _thirdArg>> <<else>> <<set _layout = $args[0] or "body">> <<set _id = $args[1] or "sidebar">> <<set _outfit = $args[2] or undefined>> <<set _hairClass = 'doll hair' + $>> <<set _shirtSize = '_' + $Body.tits>> <<set _slimBody = $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs") ? "slim_" : "">> <<set _faceType = $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face") ? "" : "plain">> <<set _titType = $Stats.BodyTraits.includes('tits') ? '' : 'plain_'>> <<if ndef _doll>> <<set _doll = {}>> <</if>> <<set _currDoll = _id === "sidebar" ? $doll : (_doll[_id] || $doll)>> <<if _outfit>> <<set _currDoll = setup.Outfits[_outfit]>> <</if>> /* This placeholder prevents the missing image icon from showing up for both HD and non-HD art. */ <<set _onErr = "this.onerror=null;this.src='img/dollHD/BLANK_PLACEHOLDER.png'" >> <<if $CC.showDoll || _tempShowDoll>> <div @id="'doll-' + _id" @class="'dollContainer ' + _layout"> /* Hair back*/ <<if _currDoll.hairback>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + _currDoll.hairback + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Doll base */ <img data-slot="body" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'body/body_' + _slimBody + $ + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> /* Doll face */ <<set _expression = _currDoll.expression ? _currDoll.expression : "normal">> <<set _eyeType = _currDoll.expression ? _currDoll.expression : "normal">> <img data-slot="face" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'face/' + $ + '/' + _faceType + '/' + _expression + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <img data-slot="eyes" @class="'doll eye' + $Body.eyes" @src="$dollPath + 'face/eyes/eyes_' + _eyeType + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <<if _currDoll.faceMakeup>> <img data-slot="faceMakeup" class="doll faceMakeup" @src="$dollPath + 'face/makeup/' + _currDoll.faceMakeup + '_' + _currDoll.expression + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Doll breasts */ <<if !_currDoll.bra and !_currDoll.upper>> <img data-slot="tits" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'body/topless_' + $Body.tits + '_' + _titType + $ + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <<else>> <img data-slot="tits" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'body/boobs_' + $Body.tits + '_' + _titType + $ + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <<if _currDoll.bra>> <img data-slot="bra" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.bra + '_' + $Body.tits + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> <</if>> /* Tattoos */ /* Currently have pictures of ankle, wrist, mound, sleeve, thigh, foot */ /* Remaining list: [ "Nape", "Arm", "LowerBack" ] */ <<set _tatArr = $Body.tattooStyle ? Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item) : []>> <<if _tatArr.length > 0>> <<for _tattoo range _tatArr>> <<if ["Ankle", "Wrist", "Mound", "Sleeve", "Thigh", "Foot"].includes(_tattoo)>> <<capture _tattoo>> <img data-slot="tattoo" class="doll tattoos" @src="$dollPath + 'tattoos/tat_' + _tattoo.toLowerCase() + '.png'"> <</capture>> <</if>> <</for>> <</if>> /* Am I wearing panties? if not show pubes*/ <<if $Body.pubes neq "bald">> <img data-slot="panties" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/pubes_' + $Body.pubes + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> <<if _currDoll.panties>> <img data-slot="panties" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/panties_' + _currDoll.panties + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Am I wearing socks or shoes? */ <<if _currDoll.socks>> <img data-slot="feet" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.socks + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> <<if _currDoll.feet>> <img data-slot="feet" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.feet + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Bodysuits go UNDER as oppossed to over our shorts. */ <<if Array("modellingerie", "bodysuit").includes(_currDoll.upper)>> <img data-slot="upper" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.upper + _shirtSize + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Am I wearing a skirt or pants? */ <<if _currDoll.lower>> <img data-slot="lower" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.lower + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Am I wearing a shirt or dress? */ <<if _currDoll.upper && !Array("modellingerie", "bodysuit").includes(_currDoll.upper)>> /* Dirty check for one_size_only_shirts if needed. */ <<if _currDoll.upper === "shirt_africantribaltraditional" || _currDoll.upper === "shirt_africantribalmakeshift">> <<set _shirtSize = "">> <</if>> <img data-slot="upper" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.upper + _shirtSize + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Am I wearing accessory or jacket? */ <<if _currDoll.accessory>> <img data-slot="accessory" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.accessory + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> <<if _currDoll.glasses>> <img data-slot="glasses" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.glasses + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> <<if _currDoll.jacket>> <img data-slot="jacket" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.jacket + '_' + $Body.tits + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Make-up */ <<if>> <img data-slot="makeup" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'makeup/' + + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Hair */ <<if>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/' + + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <<elseif _currDoll.hat == "gradcap" && $>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hathair_' + $ + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <<elseif _currDoll.hat == "hat_cowboyBrown" && $>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hatbangs_' + $ + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <<elseif $ neq "">> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + $ + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <img data-slot="hair_rim" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + $ + '_rim.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Hat */ <<if _currDoll.hat>> <img data-slot="hat" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.hat + '.png'" @onerror="_onErr"> <</if>> /* Cum Sprays */ <<if _currDoll.overlay?.length > 0>> <<for _overlay range _currDoll.overlay>> <<capture _overlay>> <img data-slot="overlay" class="doll overlay" @src="$dollPath + 'cum/' + _overlay + '.png'"> <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> </div> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> /*Socks subwidget*/ <<widget "socks">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.socks = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*Feet subwidget*/ <<widget "feet">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.feet = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*Hairback subwidget*/ <<widget "hairback">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.hairback = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*panties subwidget*/ <<widget "panties">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.panties = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*bra subwidget*/ <<widget "bra">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.bra = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*lower subwidget*/ <<widget "lower">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.lower = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*upper subwidget*/ <<widget "upper">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.upper = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*jacket subwidget*/ <<widget "jacket">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.jacket = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*accessory subwidget*/ <<widget "accessory">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.accessory = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*hat subwidget*/ <<widget "hair">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $ = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*hat subwidget*/ <<widget "hat">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $doll.hat = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> /*makeup subwidget*/ <<widget "makeup">> <<set _clothingtemp to "">> <<if def $args[0]>> <<set _clothingtemp to $args[0]>> <</if>> <<set $ = _clothingtemp>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <</widget>> <<widget outfit>> <<set _outfitName = _args[0]>> <<set _tryon = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">> <<set _outfitPlus = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "">> <<set _custom = false>> <<if _outfitName == "slinky">> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<set _outfitName = "slinkyshort">> <<else>> <<set _outfitName = "slinkylong">> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _outfitName == "slinkywind">> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<set _outfitName = "slinkyshortwind">> <<else>> <<set _outfitName = "slinkylongwind">> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _outfitPlus>> <<set _outfitName += _outfitPlus>> <</if>> <<set $currentOutfit = _outfitName>> /* Doesn't add outfit to Closet if only trying on. */ <<if _tryon !== "tryon">> <<if _outfitName == "promDress">> <<set _outfitWithNum = _outfitName + parseInt($HS.promDress)>> <<run $Closet.pushUnique(_outfitWithNum)>> <<else>> <<run $Closet.pushUnique(_outfitName)>> <</if>> <</if>> /* Custom outfits */ <<if _outfitName == "default" && Object.keys($OutfitSaves.default).length>> <<set _custom = true>> <<set _customFit = $OutfitSaves.default>> <<elseif _outfitName == "sleepwear" && Object.keys($OutfitSaves.sleepwear).length>> <<set _custom = true>> <<set _customFit = $OutfitSaves.sleepwear>> <<elseif _outfitName == "goingOut" && Object.keys($OutfitSaves.goingOut).length>> <<set _custom = true>> <<set _customFit = $OutfitSaves.goingOut>> <<elseif _outfitName == "prostitution" && Object.keys($OutfitSaves.prostitution).length>> <<set _custom = true>> <<set _customFit = $OutfitSaves.prostitution>> <<else>> <</if>> /* Reset doll to base outfit */ <<set $doll = Object.assign({}, _custom ? _customFit : setup.Outfits[_outfitName])>> /* Update bra / panties depending on fit / character variables */ <<pantyAndBraCheck>> /* Add on hometown accessories */ /* Stops adding the hometown accessories for custom default fits */ <<if ( (_outfitName == "default" || _outfitName == "basic") && _custom == false ) && SugarCube.settings.hometownAcc>> <<switch $CC.hometown>> <<case AL>> <<set $doll.feet = "shoes_cowboyboots">> <<case NO>> <<set $doll.hat = "hat_cowboyBrown">> <<case NY>> <<set $doll.accessory = "accessory_choker">> <<case LA>> <<set $doll.accessory = "anklet_surfer">> <<case WA>> <<set $doll.glasses = "glasses_hipster">> <</switch>> <</if>> /* Lost clothing check: If anything on is in the lost section, remove it.*/ <<for _i, _item range $doll>> <<if $lostClothing && $lostClothing.includes(_item)>> <<set $doll[_i] = "">> <</if>> <</for>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</widget>> <<widget pantyAndBraCheck>> <<set _currentDoll = _args[0] ? (_doll[_args[0]] || $doll) : $doll>> <<set _pantiesStyles = { Commando : "", "Bikini-style" : "bikini", Thongs : "thong", }>> <<if _currentDoll.panties == undefined>> <<set _currentDoll.panties = _pantiesStyles[$Body.undies] || "">> <</if>> <<if !_currentDoll.bra>> <<set _currentDoll.bra = $Body.braless || _currentDoll.bra == false ? "" : "bra">> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget cumSpray>> <<if !$doll.overlay>> <<set $doll.overlay = []>> <</if>> <<set _remainingSprays = setup.cumSprays.filter((spray) => !$doll.overlay.includes(spray))>> /* removes chance of duplicates */ <<if _args[0] == "reset">> <<set $doll.overlay = []>> <<else>> <<for _input range _args>> <<run _sprays = _remainingSprays.filter((spray) => spray.includes(_input.slice(0,-1)))>> /* narrows arr to one position */ <<set _numOfSpraysToApply = Number.isInteger(_input.last()) ? _input.last() : 1>> /* lets widget work even for args without a number. */ <<run _maxRange = _numOfSpraysToApply > _sprays.length ? _sprays.length : _numOfSpraysToApply>> <<set _randomSprays = _sprays.pluckMany(_maxRange)>> <<set $doll.overlay = $doll.overlay.concat(_randomSprays)>> <</for>> <</if>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</widget>> /* TODO: (Fict) Rewrite this && confirm it works */ <<widget restoreLook>> <<set $doll = {}>> <<set $doll = _initialLook>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</widget>> <<widget face>> <<set _expr = _args[0]>> <<set _faceMakeup = _args[1]>> <<set $doll.expression = _expr>> <<set $doll.faceMakeup = _faceMakeup>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</widget>> <<widget fullOutfit>> <<set _outfitName = _args[0]>> <<set _fullOutfit = setup.Outfits[_outfitName]>> /* TODO: (Fict) Update HD Doll art to display properly in shopping mall and then replace this with $dollPath */ <<set _dollPath = "img/doll/">> /* TODO: (Fict) Memoize this for faster reloads */ <<for _slot range Object.keys(_fullOutfit)>> <<capture _slot>> /* TODO: @Fict? Some outfit Items have "" as their value which causes unexpected visuals to appear, we should probably fix that in instead of doing a check here. */ <<if _fullOutfit[_slot]>> <<switch _slot>> <<case hat>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <<case glasses>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <<case jacket>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '_' + $Body.tits + '.png'"> <<case upper>> <<if _fullOutfit[_slot] === "shirt_africantribaltraditional" || _fullOutfit[_slot] === "shirt_africantribalmakeshift">> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <<else>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '_' + $Body.tits + '.png'"> <</if>> <<case bra>> <<if _fullOutfit.bra>> /*Ignore when outfit.bra is false */ <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '_' + $Body.tits + '.png'"> <</if>> <<case lower>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <<case panties>> <<if _fullOutfit.panties>> /*Ignore outfits where panties = false */ <<if _fullOutfit[_slot].toString().contains("panties")>> /* Some outfits like bikini are named panties_<item> and others are not */ <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <<else>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/panties_' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <</if>> <</if>> <<case socks>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <<case feet>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <<case accessory>> <img class="mallSlot" @src="_dollPath + 'clothing/' + _fullOutfit[_slot] + '.png'"> <</switch>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget liftUpDress>> <<if $doll.upper is "promdress_thrift">><<upper "promdress_thriftup">> <<elseif $doll.upper is "promdress_regular">><<upper "promdress_regularup">> <<elseif $doll.upper is "promdress_classy">><<upper "promdress_classyup">> <<elseif $doll.upper is "promdress_risky">><<upper "promdress_riskyup">> <<elseif $doll.upper is "promdress_prude">><<upper "promdress_prudeup">> <<elseif $doll.lower is "denimSkirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">> <<elseif $doll.upper is "dress_littleblack">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">> <<elseif $doll.lower is "dress_silver_skirt_short">><<lower "dress_silver_skirt_short_windy">> <<elseif $doll.lower is "dress_silver_skirt_long">><<lower "dress_silver_skirt_long_windy">> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget loseDefaultOutfit>> <<if $lostClothing == undefined>> <<set $lostClothing = []>> <</if>> /* Check if the player has set a default fit. Target that custom fit if so. */ <<if Object.keys($OutfitSaves.default).length>> <<set _fit = $OutfitSaves.default>> <<for _i, _item range setup.Outfits>> <<if _item.upper == _fit.upper>> <<set _fitName = _i>> <</if>> <</for>> <<else>> <<set _fit = setup.Outfits['basic']>> <<set _fitName = "basic">> <</if>> /* Remove the fit from our Closet so it's buyable again. */ <<run $Closet.delete(_fitName)>> /* Add the fit into our lost clothing section so if it's put on in any way, it is not shown. */ <<for _item range _fit>> <<run $lostClothing.pushUnique(_item)>> <</for>> <<NotificationPopup "Default Outfit has been lost...">> <</widget>> <<widget dollRearView>> <<set _showDollBack = true>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</widget>>
<<widget "DollBackHD">> <<set _layout = $args[0] or "body">> <<set _id = $args[1] or "sidebar">> <<set _outfit = $args[2] or undefined>> <<set _dollPath = "img/dollHD/">> <<set _hairClass = 'doll hair' + $>> <<if ndef _doll>> <<set _doll = {}>> <</if>> <<set _currDoll = _id === "sidebar" ? $doll : (_doll[_id] || $doll)>> <<if _outfit>> <<set _currDoll = setup.Outfits[_outfit]>> <</if>> <<if $CC.showDoll || _tempShowDoll>> <div @id="'doll-' + _id" @class="'dollContainer ' + _layout"> /* DollHD base */ <img data-slot="body" class="doll" @src="_dollPath + 'body/body_' + $ + '_back' + '.png'" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='img/dollHD/BLANK_PLACEHOLDER.png'"> /* DollHD Hair */ <<if>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="_dollPath + 'hair/' + + '_back' + '.png'" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='img/dollHD/BLANK_PLACEHOLDER.png'"> <<elseif $ neq "">> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="_dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + $ + '_back' + '.png'" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='img/dollHD/BLANK_PLACEHOLDER.png'"> <img data-slot="hair_rim" class="doll" @src="_dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + $ + '_rim' + '_back' +'.png'" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='img/dollHD/BLANK_PLACEHOLDER.png'"> <</if>> </div> <</if>> <</widget>>
<<set _isInit = previous() is "CC000 - Open">> <<set _exitLinkLabel = _isInit ? "Continue to Origin Story" : `Back to ${previous()}`>> <header> <h1>Help</h1> <h2>Secret Agent<br>Starter Kit™</h2> </header> Blue Swallow is the story of a young woman who had no intention of becoming a spy and so has to rely on the person she has become with the skills she already has at hand to overcome obstacles and succeed at her mission. <br><br> Primarily, the game utilized a number of statistics that will be raised and lowered through choices she makes during her character creation, and can be improved through use during the main gameplay. <br><br><br> <h2>🙋♀️ Her Traits:</h2> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand items-grid-help"> <div> ''Suggestible'' How susceptible she is to peer pressure and the situation around her? Is she motivated by an external or internal locus of control? </div> <div> ''Stable'' How grounded is she? Have her experiences and life made her expect and, maybe at a subconscious level, //want// upheaval? </div> <div> ''Sophisticated'' Does she like and expect the better things in life? This is both a good thing in high-class situations and a bad thing when she might have to rough it. </div> <div> ''Confident'' How much does she believe in herself? Will she vacillate or stay convicted? </div> <div> ''Easy'' How little does she value sexual interaction? This is not necessarily a bad thing, but defines both the level of her standards for who she sleeps with and how often she does it with someone brand new. </div> <div> ''Risky'' How little does she value her personal well-being? This could be a bad thing if there is threat to herself, but also allows her to eschew the worries of self-preservation to do the 'right' thing in the situation. </div> <div> ''Excitable'' How much does she value novelty and fun? Is she bored easily and chafe under the mundane? </div> <div> ''Attractiveness'' How good looking is she? This is both an objective quality and takes into consideration the intangible 'it' factor that some people have. </div> </div> <br><br> <h2> 🕵️♀️ Her Skills </h2> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand items-grid-help"> <div> ''Social'' How adept is she at social interactions? Does she have a bevvy of friends and contacts or is she more of a wallflower? </div> <div> ''Athletics'' How athletic is she? Can she exert herself and ask more from her body than other people? </div> <div> ''Learning'' How smart is she? Does she soak up knowledge easily and how much does she retain? </div> <div> ''Deception'' How good is she at misdirecting and fooling others? Do people see through her easily? </div> <div> ''Wiles'' Does she know how to affect her feminine charms to her benefit? Irrespective of her beauty, can she make people do things because, simply, she's a woman? </div> <div> ''Investigation'' Is she facile at deduction? Can she dig in and connect the dots between facts or understand subtext and physical tics? </div> <div> ''Coordination'' How deft is she? Will she stumble or remain upright? Can she do multiple things at once? </div> <div> ''Discipline'' How able is she to power through duress? How much can she overcome her own personality and innate qualities to do something that she might not 'want' to? </div> <div> ''Perception'' How keen is she at noticing things? This is both an active ability if she's trying to pay attention, and her intrinsic ability to pick up on subtleties around her. </div> <div> ''Performance'' Can she put on a show? This could be a distinct and actual performance or it could be a personality she's trying to affect. </div> </div> <br><br><br> As you can tell, certain situations may cause for two (or more) skills or traits to conflict -- or enhance -- each other, and so their interaction might lead to unexpected outcomes. (Example: Deception and Coordination both being tested for a slight-of-hand check to do a magic trick!) What kind of outcomes? Failure. Success. Inability to go down certain options and routes. There are many results in Blue Swallow and each playthrough will likely be unique. <br><br> Unlike other games, her stats will not be available to see, nor will you definitely know when they are changing. There //will// be opportunities in the game to uncover (UN-REDACT) portions of her Dossier (WIP) that might give clues to these statistics, but they will never be numerically defined. <br><br> <<if _isInit>> Now! Let's get to character creation! <</if>> <br><br> <div class="sticky bottom to-right"> <<button _exitLinkLabel>> <<run State.history.pop()>> <<if _isInit>> <<run"CC001 - Origin")>> <<else>> <<run>> <</if>> <</button>> </div>
<div id="doll"><<Doll body sidebar>></div>
/* All Rights Reserved 2024 by CTJ */ <<set $version = "v0.8.5.0">> <<set $bodies = []>> /* Unchanged for now */ <<set $bodiesDetails = new Map([[]])>> /* Unchanged for now */ /* $sexcount + $kinkNum + $num need to all be looked at with these */ <<set $Inventory = []>> <<set $Memories = []>> <<set $Legend = []>> <<set $Closet = []>> <<set $OutfitSaves = { default : {}, goingOut : {}, prostitution : {}, sleepwear : {}, }>> <<set $lostClothing = []>> <<set $currentOutfit = "default">> <<set $doll = {}>> <<set $dollPath = "img/doll/">> <<set $statCap = 6>> <<set $statCapHit = false>> <<set $statCapPassedUni = false>> <<set $statCapPassedGY = false>> <<set $Stats = { Traits : { 'Attractiveness' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, 'Confident' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, 'Easy' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, 'Excitable' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, 'Risky' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, 'Sophisticated' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, 'Stable' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, 'Suggestible' : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, }, Skills : { "Athletics" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Coordination" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Deception" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Discipline" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Investigation" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Learning" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Perception" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Performance" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Social" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, "Wiles" : { value: 0, exp: 0, base: 0, temp: 0 }, }, Kinks : [], BodyTraits : [], SexSkills : [], SexSkillLvls: { anal : { level: 0, experience: 0, }, arousal : { level: 0, experience: 0, }, oral : { level: 0, experience: 0, }, flexibility : { level: 0, experience: 0, }, handjob : { level: 0, experience: 0, }, pussy : { level: 0, experience: 0, }, orgasm : { level: 0, experience: 0, }, intercourse : { level: 0, experience: 0, } } }>> <<set $Body = { age : 0, abortions : 0, bust : 0, braless : false, cesarean : false, cheatCount : 0, cycleTracker : 0, eyes : "", daysUntilOvulation : 0, dayImpregnated : 0, fertile : true, fertility : 0, hair : "", hips : 0, implants : false, isBarefoot : false, isBraless : false, isTopless : false, isWearingDress : false, isWearingHeels : false, maxFertility : 0, ovulation : 0, piercings : [], piercingStyle : {}, pregnant : false, pregnantBy : [], pubes : "", realHeight : "", sexuality : "", skin : "", state : ['healthy'], style : "", tattooStyle : {}, tits: "", undies : [], /* array and string */ vCard : {}, virgin : true, virginityLostIn : "", waist : 0, }>> <<set $People = { "CC" : { Drew : { name: "Drew", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Ethan : { name: "Ethan", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Parents : { name: "Parents", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, M : { name: "M", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, F : { name: "F", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, }, "HS" : {}, "GY" : { Alina: { name: 'Alina', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Lily: { name: 'Lily', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Masenna: { name: 'Masenna', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Sofia: { name: 'Sofia', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Bekkah: { name: 'Bekkah', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Rian: { name: 'Rian', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, }, "UN" : { Roommate : { name: "", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, SoroSister : { name: "", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Boyfriend : { name: "", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, }, "AI" : { Angelo : { name: "Angelo", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Bona : { name: "Bona", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, DancerGroup : { name: "DancerGroup", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Sakura : { name: "Sakura", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Euji : { name: "Euji", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Lori : { name: "Lori", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Anika : { name: "Anika", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Daxa : { name: "Daxa", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Luz : { name: "Luz", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Nino : { name: "Nino", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Tara : { name: "Tara", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Peaches : { name: "Peaches", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Callum : { name: "Callum", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, DJDJ : { name: "DJDJ", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Datu : { name: "Datu", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Nestor : { name: "Nestor", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Karl : { name: "Karl", title: "", gender: 'M', rel: 0, caption: ""}, }, "UNBodies" : {}, }>> /* TODO: Break up CC even further. Looking at Clothes, and maybe Family? */ <<set $CC = { actPath : 0, adoptive : "", activity : "", attempt : false, attemptBig : false, APtaken : false, bank : 0, barnTime : 0, barnDrink : false, barnDrugs : false, barnLocation : false, barnMusic : false, barnPeople : false, barnSurprise : false, BC : "", bodies : [], /* ?? */ clique : "", codeName : "", chellaDirect : false, chellaDetect : false, chellaSneak : false, conception : 0, dad : 0, danceStyles : [], day : 0, DName : "", earlyGrad : false, EDName : "", father : "", firstDay : "", friend1 : "", freetime : "", Feyes : "", Fhair : "", FhairStyle : "", Fheight : 0, Fname : "", Ftrait : 0, Fskin : "", FFName : "", FFsex : "", FFpeople : 0, FFlocation : 0, FFmusic : 0, FFdrink : 0, FFdrugs : 0, FFsurprise : 0, grooming : 0, gymScore : 0, hometown : "", hometownName : "", height : 0, inherited : [], HSBC : 0, hsv : "", kinknum : 0, /* Didn't update */ labelReaction : 0, maleAttention : 0, maleReaction : 0, makeIt : 0, MName : "", Mhair : "", Mheight : 0, Mtrait : 0, Meyes : "", Mskin : "", mom : 0, month : 0, mother : "", name : "", num : 0, /* Didn't update */ opening : "", parents : "", position : 0, schoolinterest : "", sextivity : "", showDoll: false, spoiled : false, spy : "", surname : "", traits: [], wealth : 3, year : 0 }>> <<set $HS = { acceptance : 0, ava : 0, addictionLv : 0, baby : "", bandWin : 0, bandName : "", bandCohesion : false, chair : "", college: 0, compHungover : false, compWin : 0, cosplay : false, costume : "", dates : 0, dropOut : false, fidelity : "", firstOptions : {}, firstRelationship : {}, gapYear : 0, grad : "", label : false, LDR : false, leftoverBodies : [], media : 0, modelHire : 0, musicOriginal : false, /* set but not used */ paddyHU : "", popularity : 0, postGrad : "", preg : false, preggedBy : {}, pregAttempts : 0, promDate : "", promWin : 0, promDress : 0, Risky : 0, sales : 0, sigOther : {}, SMfollowers : 0, soloist : false, soloSuccess : 0, Stable : 0, Sugg : 0, testScore : 0, twitchChap : false, twitchWin : 0, twitchOpenLoss : false, twitchCosWin : 0, twitchFifth : "", vol : 0, }>> <<set $GY = { baseBodies : 0, bodies : 0, friend : "", goal : 0, hookup : "", job : false, joinedIn : false, Jordan : false, knows : false, location : 0, native : false, nativeStyle : "", repatriated : false, swissTrysts : 0, tiktok : false, topless : false, wife : false, }>> <<set $PG = { boysSex : false, oops : false, }>> <<set $ACTI = { cheatCount : 0, followed : false, goOut : "", oops : false, search : 0, Tallinn : 0, target : "", ticket : 0, }>> /* TODO: Put all the Soros and their scores into a map maybe lol. Like people. */ <<set $UN = { ADP : 0, baby : "", badEnd : false, CBC : 0, clothes : "", DDD : 0, DZ : 0, extracurricular : "", GDI : false, GPA : 0, hookupEnd : false, job : "", greek : "", KKG : 0, KD : 0, major : "", maxBodies : 0, newFirst : "", notFirst : false, preg : false, preggedBy : {}, pregAttempts : 0, present : "", professor : false, rush : false, rushed : [], sex : "", sexCat : [], /* set but not used */ sorSlut : false, test : 0, XO : 0, bodiesNum : 0, }>> <<set $HomeBase = { visits : 1, days : 0, Mission1Cleared : false }>> <<set $M1 = { eval1 : 0, eval2 : 0, eval3 : 0, eval4 : 0, eval5 : 0, }>> <<set $M2 = { visitedClubJobDay1 : false, }>> <<set $Dossier = { dossierCheck : false, knowsDossier : false, showWardrobe: false, showEval: false, showSexSkills: false, testedAth : false, testedCoo : false, testedDec : false, testedSugg : false, testedDis : false, testedPer : false, testedInv : false, testedSta : false, testedSop : false, testedCon : false, testedEas : false, testedRis : false, testedExc : false, /* These are never turned true */ testedPrf : false, testedWil : false, testedAtt : false, testedSoc : false, testedLea : false, testedStb : false, }>> /* Constant Variables */ <<set setup.rushOptions = ['XO', 'DDD', 'KKG', 'KD', 'DZ', 'ADP']>> <<set setup.heights = { 2 : ["6'", "6' 2", "6' 4"], 1 : ["5' 7", "5' 9'", "5' 11"], 0 : ["5' 3", "5' 5", "5' 6"], "-1" : ["5' 0", "5' 1", "5' 2"], "-2" : ["4' 9", "4' 10", "4'11"], }>> <<set setup.piercings = ["Navel", "Right Eyebrow", "Left Eyebrow", "Nostril"]>> <<set setup.tattoos = ["Nape", "Wrist", "Ankle", "Arm", "Thigh", "Foot"]>> <<set setup.ethnicityOpts = { "black" : [ "Caribbean", "West African", "Central African", "Arabic", "Jewish", "Australian", "East African" ], "golden" : [ "Slavic", "Italian", "Greek", "South American", "Iberian", "Caribbean", "Central American", "Korean", "Japanese", "Chinese", "Indian", "Pakistani", "Thai", "Vietnamese", "Filipino", "Pacific Islander", "Native American", "Arabic", "Jewish" ], "fair" : [ "British", "Irish", "Scottish", "Scandinavian", "Slavic", "German", "French", "Italian", "Greek", "South American", "Iberian", "Caribbean", "Central American", "Korean", "Japanese", "Chinese", "Indian", "Pakistani", "Thai", "Vietnamese", "Filipino", "Pacific Islander", "Native American", "Arabic", "Jewish" ], "olive" : [ "Slavic", "Italian", "Greek", "South American", "Iberian", "Caribbean", "Central American", "Pacific Islander", "Native American", "Arabic", "Jewish" ], "white" : [ "British", "Irish", "Scottish", "Scandinavian", "Slavic", "Italian", "Greek", "German", "French", "South American", "Iberian", "Caribbean", "Central American", "Arabic", "Jewish" ], }>> <<set setup.sexSkills = { anal : { 1 : "Good Anal", 2 : "Great Anal", 3 : "Anal Queen", }, arousal : { 1 : "Easy Arousal", 2 : "High Libido", 3 : "Constantly Horny", }, oral : { 1 : "Good Head", 2 : "Deepthroater", 3 : "No Gag Reflex", }, flexibility : { 1 : "Pliant Limbs", 2 : "Incredible Flexibility", }, handjob : { 1 : "Good Handjobs", 2 : "Skilled Hands and Feet", 3 : "Master Manipulator", }, pussy : { 1 : "Tight Pussy", 2 : "Tiny Pussy", 3 : "Crazy-Small Pussy", }, orgasm : { 1 : "Easy Orgasms", 2 : "Quick Orgasms", 3 : "Hair-Trigger Orgasms", }, intercourse : { 1 : "Good Intercourse", 2 : "Great Intercourse", 3 : "Sex God", }, }>> <<set setup.LezFlavor = [ "was decent.", "was a great lay.", "was barely a blip.", "was mostly focused on me cumming.", "asked permission to cum.", "did amazing things with her fingers.", "was incredibly vocal.", "never made a sound until her came.", "was a mistake, but we had fun.", "loved to watch in the mirror.", "liked being tied up.", "loved pulling my hair.", "just kinda...happened?", "was incredible with her tongue.", "came so quick, made me feel like a god.", "preferred cuddling.", "used a strap-on.", "had a gorgeous pussy.", "had an incredible set of tits.", "had eyes I could swim in.", "had incredible hair.", "left me with pubes in my teeth.", "tasted awful.", "breath smelled like eggs.", "only liked to fuck drunk.", "got horny when she was high.", ]>> <<set setup.FuckFlavor = [ "was decent.", "was a great lay.", "was barely a blip.", "came quick.", "couldn't really get it up.", "breath smelled like eggs.", "only liked to fuck drunk.", "got horny when he was high.", "was mostly focused on me cumming.", "treated me like a fleshlight.", "went multiple rounds, multiple times.", "lasted til it hurt.", "preferred doggy.", "wanted me on top.", "asked permission to cum.", "enjoyed fucking my tits.", "had a giant dick.", "had a tiny dick.", "did amazing things with his fingers.", "was incredible with his tongue.", "was incredibly vocal.", "never made a sound until he came.", "was a mistake, but we had fun.", "loved to watch in the mirror.", "liked being tied up.", "loved pulling my hair.", "just kinda...happened?", "never cleaned his cock.", ]>> <<set setup.FuckFlavorOld = [ "Back at home on Spring Break, ", "Back at home...a Summer Fling, ", "On a surprise visit from back home, ", "During a random quick weekend visit home, ", ]>> <<set setup.cumSprays = [ 'facial_0','facial_1','facial_2','facial_3','facial_4','facial_5','facial_6', 'mouth_0', 'breasts_0','breasts_1','breasts_2','breasts_3', 'body_0','body_1','body_2', 'mound_0','mound_1','mound_2','mound_3','mound_4', 'pussy_0','pussy_1', 'thighs_0','thighs_1', ]>> /* Used to check if doll is wearing Hells -- $Body.isWearingHeels */ <<set setup.Heels = [ "expensivedress_shoes", "going-out-shoes", "heels_yellow", "shoes_blackheels", "shoes_blackhighheels", "shoes_laquer", "shoes_popular", "shoes_promblue", "shoes_promdark", "shoes_promred", "shoes_prude", "shoes_boots_70bond", "shoes_cowboyboots", "shoes_silverheels" ]>> /* Used to check if doll is wearing a dress -- $Body.isWearingDress */ <<set setup.Dresses = [ "promdress_thrift", "promdress_regular", "promdress_classy", "promdress_risky", "promdress_prude", "cheerskirt", "cheerskirt_college", "denimSkirt", "dress_elegant", "dress_hippie", "dress_littleblack", "dress_sororitysundress", "expensivedress", "punkdress", "skirt_africantribaltraditional", "skirt_ahriacademy", "skirt_ahridefault", "skirt_ahrielderwood", "skirt_popular", "skirt_office", "skirt_ahrikda", "skirt_prude", "dress_silver_skirt", "camisole", ]>> /* outfits can disable bras and panties by passing { ..., bra: false, panties: false } */ <<set setup.Outfits = { default: { upper: `shirtSparrow`, lower: "denimSkirt", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, sleepwear : { bra: false, panties: false }, goingOut : { upper: `shirtSparrow`, lower: "denimSkirt", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, prostitution : { upper: `shirtSparrow`, lower: "denimSkirt", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, naked: { bra: false, panties: false }, underwear: {}, basic: { upper: `shirtSparrow`, lower: "denimSkirt", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, loser: { upper: "hoodie", lower: "pants_flannel", feet: "shoes_uggslips", socks: false, /* TODO (Fict/Lewd): this has a back portion of the hoodie, not sure how to code it */ }, towel: { upper: "towel", bra: false, }, prude: { upper: "shirt_prude", feet: "shoes_prude", socks: "socks_pantyhose", lower: "skirt_prude", }, choir: { upper: "shirt_choir", feet: "shoes_prude", socks: "socks_pantyhose", }, nerd: { upper: "shirt_nerd", lower: "pants_nerd", feet: "shoes_nerd", glasses: "glasses_nerd", }, gym: { upper: "leotard_gym", bra: false, panties: false, }, club: { upper: "dress_littleblack", feet: "shoes_blackheels", }, gang: { jacket: "jacket_gang", upper: `tanktop_bound`, lower: "jeans_lowcut", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, ballerina: { upper: "leotard_ballerina", socks: "stockings_ballerina", feet: "shoes_ballerina", bra: false, }, soccer: { upper: "shirtSports", lower: "sportshorts", feet: "shoes_cleats", }, track: { upper: "tracktop", lower: "trackshorts", feet: "shoes_cleats", }, baseball: { upper: "shirtSports", lower: "pants_baseball", feet: "shoes_cleats", }, lifeguard: { upper: "bathingsuit", bra: false, panties: false, }, HScheer: { upper: "cheertop", lower: "cheerskirt", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, UNcheer: { upper: "cheertop_college", lower: "cheerskirt_college", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, hiphop: { upper: "tanktop", lower: "pants_sweats", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, ahri: { lower: "short_ahriprechoice", upper: "shirt_ahridefault", feet: "shoes_ahridefault", hairback: "back_ahridefault", hair: "hair_front_ahridefault", }, ahriElder: { upper: "shirt_ahrielderwood", lower: "skirt_ahrielderwood", socks: "socks_ahrielderwood", makeup: "makeup_ahrielderwood", hair: "hair_front_ahrielderwood", hairback: "back_ahrielderwood", }, ahriAcademy: { upper: "shirt_ahriacademy", lower: "skirt_ahriacademy", feet: "shoes_ahriacademy", socks: "socks_ahriacademy", makeup: "makeup_ahriacademy", hair: "hair_front_ahriacademy", hairback: "back_ahriacademy", }, ahriPrestige: { upper: "shirt_ahrikda", lower: "skirt_ahrikda", feet: "shoes_ahrikda", makeup: "makeup_ahrikda", hair: "hair_front_ahrikda", accessory: "bracelet_ahrikda", }, juliet: { upper: "dress_juliet", bra: false, }, volunteer: { upper: `top_volunteer`, lower: "khakishorts", socks: "socks_whiteshort", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, sports: { upper: "yellowsportsshirt", lower: "tightsportsshorts", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, popular: { feet: "shoes_popular", socks: "socks_popular", lower: "skirt_popular", upper: "shirt_popular", }, bikini: { bra: "bra_popularmodest", panties: "popularmodest", }, smallbikini: { bra: "bra_popularrisky", panties: "popularrisky", }, redbikini: { bra: "bikinired", panties: "redtied", }, bikinibandeau: { bra: "bikini_bandeau", panties: "hiwaist", }, modelbikini: { bra: "modelbikini", panties: "modelbikini", }, bodysuit: { upper: "bodysuit", bra: false, panties: false, lower: "shorts_sororityjeanshorts", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, teddy: { upper: "teddy", panties: "thong_lingerie", }, modellingerie: { bra: false, upper: "modellingerie", panties: false, }, bwshoot: { panties: false, bra: false, upper: "camisole", }, basejeans: { upper: "shirt_plainwhite", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, rocker: { feet: "leatherboots", socks: "blackfishnetgarters", upper: "punkdress", panties: "blacklace", bra: "blackbralace", }, africa: { feet: "hikingboots", upper: "top_volunteer", lower: "khakishorts", socks: "socks_whiteshort", }, native: { upper: "shirt_africantribaltraditional", lower: "skirt_africantribaltraditional", feet: "shoes_africantribal", accessory: "bracelet_africantribal", }, tatters: { upper: "shirt_africantribalmakeshift", lower: "skirt_africantribalmakeshift", }, sundress: { upper: "dress_sororitysundress", feet: "heels_yellow", }, soroslut: { upper: "top_sororityslutty", lower: "shorts_sororityjeanshorts", feet: "heels_yellow", }, ADP: { upper: "shirt_sororityalphadeltapi", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "heels_yellow", }, KD: { upper: "shirt_sororitykappadelta", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "heels_yellow", }, KKG: { upper: "shirt_sororitykappakappagamma", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "heels_yellow", }, DDD: { upper: "shirt_sororitytridelta", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "heels_yellow", }, DZ: { upper: "shirt_sororitydeltazeta", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "heels_yellow", }, XO: { upper: "shirt_sororitychiomega", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "heels_yellow", }, GDI: { upper: "shirt_sororitygammadeltaiota", lower: "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans", feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, hippie: { upper: "dress_hippie", feet: "leatherboots", }, backpacker: { upper: "top_backpacker", lower: "khakishorts", feet: "shoes_backpacker", }, elegantdress: { upper: "dress_elegant", feet: "shoes_blackhighheels", }, yoga: { upper: "yogashirt", lower: "yogapants", feet: "", }, gym: { upper: "yogashirt", lower: "sportshorts", feet: "shoes_cleats", }, promDress1: { bra: false, upper: "promdress_thrift", feet: "shoes_nerd", }, promDress2: { bra: false, upper: "promdress_regular", feet: "shoes_blackhighheels", }, promDress3: { bra: false, upper: "promdress_classy", feet: "shoes_promblue", }, promDress4: { bra: false, upper: "promdress_risky", feet: "shoes_promred", }, promDress5: { upper: "promdress_prude", feet: "shoes_promdark", }, grad: { hat: "gradcap", upper: "gradgown", feet: "shoes_blackhighheels", }, soaked: { upper: `wet_shirtSparrow`, lower: "denimSkirt_wet", }, Auburn: { upper: "auburn-shirt", }, Yankees: { upper: "yankees-shirt", bra: false, }, Euro: { upper: "euro-shirt", lower: "euro-shorts", feet: "euro-shoes", bra: "euro-bra", }, fashion: { upper: "sweater_fashion", lower: "miniskirt_fashion", socks: false, feet: "shoes_chunkysneakers", }, EuroNight: { upper: "going-out", feet: "going-out-shoes", bra: false, }, office: { lower: "skirt_office", upper: "blousewhite", feet: "shoes_laquer", }, KimP: { hair: "KpWig", upper: "KpTop", feet: "KpShoes", lower: "KpPants", accessory: "KpAccessory", }, apron: { upper: "apron", }, sugarDress: { upper: "expensivedress", feet: "expensivedress_shoes", }, techie: { upper: "techtshirt", lower: "tech_pants", feet: "tech_vans", socks: "socks_whiteshort", }, bargirl: { upper: "bargirl_top", lower: "bargirl_panties", socks: "socks_whiteshort", feet: "bargirl_shoes", }, gogo: { upper: "gogo_dancer_top", panties: false, bra: false, socks: "gogo_dancer_socks", feet: "gogo_dancer_shoes", }, slinkyshort: { upper: "dress_silver", lower: "dress_silver_skirt_short", bra: false, feet: "shoes_silverheels", }, slinkylong: { upper: "dress_silver", lower: "dress_silver_skirt_long", bra: false, feet: "shoes_silverheels", }, slinkylongwind: { upper: "dress_silver_windy", lower: "dress_silver_skirt_long_windy", bra: false, feet: "shoes_silverheels", }, slinkyshortwind: { upper: "dress_silver_windy", lower: "dress_silver_skirt_short_windy", bra: false, feet: "shoes_silverheels", }, bond: { upper: "shirt_70bond", lower: "pants_70bond", accessory: "choker_70bond", feet: "shoes_boots_70bond", }, AL : { feet: "shoes_cowboyboots", }, NO : { hat: "hat_cowboyBrown", }, NY : { accessory: "accessory_choker", }, LA : { accessory: "anklet_surfer", }, WA : { glasses: "glasses_hipster", }, }>>
<<set _ears = ["Right"]>> <div class="row"> <<for _index, _ear range _ears>> /*RIGHT EAR*/ <<set _lcEar = _ear.toLowerCase()>> <<capture _ear, _lcEar>> <div @class="'ear-piercing-' + _lcEar" style="display: inline-block; width:128px; margin: auto;"> <div style="position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/head.png'"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/ear_earflip.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/earhair_tat_' + $ + '.png'"> /* Added conditional checks for $Body.piercingStyle to solve console errors */ <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/tattoo_ear.png'"> </div> <br/> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div>
<u>Other piercings</u> <br><br> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand"> <<for _addPiercing range _piercingOpts>> <<if !$Body.piercings.includes(_addPiercing)>> <<capture _addPiercing>> <<button _addPiercing>> <<run $Body.piercings.push(_addPiercing)>> <<replace #piercings>> <<include addPiercings>> <</replace>> <</button>> <</capture>> <</if>> <</for>> </div> <br><br> <<if $Body.piercings.includesAny("Left Ear", "Right Ear", "Left Cartilage", "Right Cartilage", "Navel", "Right Eyebrow", "Left Eyebrow", "Nostril", "Left Nipple", "Right Nipple", "Tongue")>> And I had <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Left Ear")>> a couple in my left lobe;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Right Ear")>> a few in my right lobe;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Left Cartilage")>> pierced my left cartilage;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Right Cartilage")>> put one in my right cartilage;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Navel")>> gotten my bellybutton pierced;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Right Eyebrow") || $Body.piercings.includes("Left Eyebrow")>> pierced an eyebrow;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Nostril")>> pierced my nose;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Left Nipple") || $Body.piercings.includes("Right Nipple")>><<if $Body.piercings.includes("Right Nipple") && $Body.piercings.includes("Left Nipple")>><<else>> got one of my nipples pierced;<</if>><</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Right Nipple") && $Body.piercings.includes("Left Nipple")>> got barbells through both my nips;<</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Tongue")>> got one in my tongue;<</if>> <br><br> <</if>> /*Not currently used */
/* Doll face */ <<set _faceType = $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face") ? "" : "plain">> <<set _expression = _currDoll.expression ? _currDoll.expression : "normal">> <<set _eyeType = _currDoll.expression ? _currDoll.expression : "normal">> /* <div class="headshot"> */ <<Doll small-portrait>>
<<script>> const presetVars = { "bodies": [ { "name": "Marco", "gender": "M", "title": "Marco, my first", "caption": "Marco, my first", "from": "CC018 - SigOther TRANSITION" }, { "name": "Julio's Dad", "gender": "M", "title": "Julio's Dad at a house party, hiding from the cops.", "caption": "Julio's Dad at a house party, hiding from the cops.", "from": "CC022 - Partier" }, { "name": "Chad", "title": "Chad, Super Senior with a rep added me as a notch to his massively whittled headboard.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chad, Super Senior" }, { "name": "Enzo", "title": "Enzo, a very complimentary local barber", "gender": "M", "caption": "Enzo, hometown barber" }, { "name": "Angel", "title": "Angel, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Angel, rando at a house party" }, { "name": "Don't know who it was", "title": "Don't know who it was, but do know I got fucked at a party.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Some guy at a HS party" }, { "name": "Coop", "title": "Coop, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coop, a rando from a bar" }, { "name": "Ace", "title": "Ace, the townie with a rep", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ace, townie who had everyone" }, { "name": "Max", "title": "Max, a pushy club promoter", "gender": "M", "caption": "Max, club promoter" }, { "name": "Zeke", "title": "Zeke, our go-to beer smuggler", "gender": "M", "caption": "Zeke always brought the kegs." }, { "name": "Ryker", "title": "Ryker, an ex-con lucky after being down on his luck", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryker, ex-con" }, { "name": "Tyler", "title": "Tyler, Maddy's Dad. Hanging out together gave the opportunity", "gender": "M", "caption": "Maddy's Dad, Tyler", "olderMan": true }, { "name": "Eric", "title": "Eric, Ethan's older brother, was my first DM, teaching me D&D and D.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Eric, my first DM" }, { "name": "Ryan", "title": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend" }, { "name": "Archer", "title": "Archer, local university professor", "gender": "M", "caption": "Archer, hometown university professor", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Anthony", "gender": "M", "title": "Anthony, one of my seven Prom Dates", "caption": "Anthony, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex" }, { "name": "Jack", "gender": "M", "title": "Jack, one of my seven Prom Dates", "caption": "Jack, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex" }, { "name": "Logan", "gender": "M", "title": "Logan, one of my seven Prom Dates", "caption": "Logan, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex" }, { "name": "Mason", "gender": "M", "title": "Mason, one of my seven Prom Dates", "caption": "Mason, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex" }, { "name": "Oliver", "gender": "M", "title": "Oliver, one of my seven Prom Dates", "caption": "Oliver, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex" }, { "name": "Noah", "gender": "M", "title": "Noah, one of my seven Prom Dates", "caption": "Noah, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex" }, { "name": "Igor", "gender": "M", "title": "Igor, one of my seven Prom Dates", "caption": "Igor, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex" } ], "bodiesDetails": [ "(revive:map)", [ [ [ "(revive:eval)", "undefined" ], [ "(revive:eval)", "undefined" ] ], [ "Marco, my first", { "fuckFlavor": "had Plan B on hand because he preferred cumming in me." } ], [ "Julio's Dad at a house party, hiding from the cops.", { "fuckFlavor": "got horny when he was high." } ], [ "Chad, Super Senior", { "fuckFlavor": "had me worried he infected me." } ], [ "Enzo, hometown barber", { "fuckFlavor": "took off the condom without telling me." } ], [ "Angel, rando at a house party", { "fuckFlavor": "got horny when he was high." } ], [ "Some guy at a HS party", { "fuckFlavor": "loved to watch in the mirror." } ], [ "Coop, a rando from a bar", { "fuckFlavor": "wanted to be blindfolded." } ], [ "Ace, townie who had everyone", { "fuckFlavor": "liked keeping me from cumming." } ], [ "Max, club promoter", { "fuckFlavor": "had a giant dick." } ], [ "Zeke always brought the kegs.", { "fuckFlavor": "liked to roleplay." } ], [ "Ryker, ex-con", { "fuckFlavor": "asked permission to cum." } ], [ "Maddy's Dad, Tyler", { "fuckFlavor": "lasted til it hurt." } ], [ "Eric, my first DM", { "fuckFlavor": "was mostly focused on me cumming." } ], [ "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", { "fuckFlavor": "preferred cumming on my face." } ], [ "Archer, hometown university professor", { "fuckFlavor": "treated me like a fleshlight." } ] ] ], "Inventory": [], "Memories": [], "Closet": [ "default", "nerd", "ahri", "underwear", "promDress4", "naked", "towel", "grad" ], "OutfitSaves": { "default": {}, "goingOut": {}, "prostitution": {}, "sleepwear": {} }, "lostClothing": [], "Stats": { "Traits": { "Attractiveness": { "value": 2, "exp": 0, "base": 2, "temp": 0 }, "Confident": { "value": 10, "exp": 0, "base": 10, "temp": 0 }, "Easy": { "value": 4, "exp": 0, "base": 4, "temp": 0 }, "Excitable": { "value": 2, "exp": 0, "base": 2, "temp": 0 }, "Risky": { "value": 5, "exp": 0, "base": 5, "temp": 0 }, "Sophisticated": { "value": -4, "exp": 0, "base": -4, "temp": 0 }, "Stable": { "value": 2, "exp": 0, "base": 2, "temp": 0 }, "Suggestible": { "value": 3, "exp": 0, "base": 3, "temp": 0 } }, "Skills": { "Athletics": { "value": 0, "exp": 0, "base": 0, "temp": 0 }, "Coordination": { "value": 0, "exp": 0, "base": 0, "temp": 0 }, "Deception": { "value": 5, "exp": 0, "base": 5, "temp": 0 }, "Discipline": { "value": 1, "exp": 0, "base": 1, "temp": 0 }, "Investigation": { "value": 2, "exp": 0, "base": 2, "temp": 0 }, "Learning": { "value": 1, "exp": 0, "base": 1, "temp": 0 }, "Perception": { "value": 1, "exp": 0, "base": 1, "temp": 0 }, "Performance": { "value": 2, "exp": 0, "base": 2, "temp": 0 }, "Social": { "value": 0, "exp": 0, "base": 0, "temp": 0 }, "Wiles": { "value": 7, "exp": 0, "base": 7, "temp": 0 } }, "Kinks": [ "Cheating", "Older Men", "Nympho", "Exhibitionism" ], "BodyTraits": [ "tits", "ass" ], "SexSkills": [ "Tight Pussy", "Tiny Pussy", "Crazy-Small Pussy", "Easy Arousal", "High Libido", "Good Intercourse" ], "SexSkillLvls": { "anal": { "level": 0, "experience": 0 }, "arousal": { "level": 2, "experience": 0 }, "oral": { "level": 0, "experience": 0 }, "flexibility": { "level": 0, "experience": 0 }, "handjob": { "level": 0, "experience": 0 }, "pussy": { "level": 2, "experience": 0 }, "orgasm": { "level": 0, "experience": 0 }, "intercourse": { "level": 0, "experience": 0 } } }, "Body": { "age": -2, "abortions": 1, "braless": true, "cesarean": false, "cheatCount": 0, "cycleTracker": 0, "eyes": "brown", "dayImpregnated": 0, "fertile": true, "fertility": 5, "hair": "brown", "isBarefoot": false, "isWearingDress": false, "isWearingHeels": false, "maxFertility": 10, "ovulation": 0, "piercings": [ "Left Ear", "Right Ear", "Left Cartilage", "Right Cartilage", "Navel", "Nostril", "Right Eyebrow" ], "piercingStyle": { "leftear": "triple", "leftcartilage": "helix", "rightear": "double", "rightcartilage": "orbital" }, "pregnant": false, "pregnantBy": [], "pubes": "bald", "realHeight": "5' 5", "sexuality": "straight", "skin": "white", "state": [ "healthy" ], "style": "straight", "tattooStyle": { "Neck" : "Nape" }, "tits": "small", "undies": "Thongs", "vCard": { "caption": "Marco, my first", "gender": "M", "name": "Marco", "title": "Marco, my first" }, "virgin": false, "virginityLostIn": "HS" }, "People": { "CC": { "Drew": { "name": "Drew", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 1, "caption": "" }, "Ethan": { "name": "Ethan", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 2, "caption": "" }, "Parents": { "name": "Parents", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": -1, "caption": "" }, "M": { "name": "M", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 2, "caption": "" }, "F": { "name": "F", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 2, "caption": "" } }, "HS": { "ava": { "name": "Ava", "title": "Ava was my nemesis, but maybe it's because we wanted each other.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Ava, my nemesis", "from": "HS" }, "easy1": { "name": "Eli", "title": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "from": "HS" }, "easy2": { "name": "Ryan", "title": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend" }, "easy3": { "name": "Cam", "title": "Cam, a boyfriend's friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Cam, a boyfriend's friend", "from": "HS" }, "easy4": { "name": "Ronnie", "title": "Ronnie, Jake's friend.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ronnie,Jake's friend", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "easy5": { "name": "Don't know who it was", "title": "Don't know who it was, but do know I got fucked at a party.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Some guy at a HS party" }, "easy6": { "name": "Abby", "title": "Abby and I got too drunk at a party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Abby, drunk at a HS party", "from": "HS" }, "easy7": { "name": "Grace", "title": "Grace used to date Taylor", "gender": "F", "caption": "Grace, Taylor's ex-girlfriend", "from": "HS" }, "ffriend": { "name": "Maddy", "title": "Maddy, were friends and experimented together to figure sex out.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Maddy, my best friend and lover", "from": "HS" }, "generic1": { "name": "Levy", "title": "Levy was a sweet, but nerdy guy from Computer Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Levy from Computer class", "from": "HS" }, "generic2": { "name": "Owen", "title": "Owen, an upper classman.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Owen, upper classman", "from": "HS" }, "generic3": { "name": "Asher", "title": "Asher, an under classman.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Asher, under classman", "from": "HS" }, "generic4": { "name": "Carl", "title": "Carl, from my class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carl, from HS", "from": "HS" }, "generic5": { "name": "Terry", "title": "Terry, from our sister school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Terry from another HS", "from": "HS" }, "generic6": { "name": "Demi", "title": "Demi, was a quiet girl from Computer Class.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Demi from Computer class", "from": "HS" }, "generic7": { "name": "Sarah", "title": "Sarah, was a freckled under classman.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sarah, under classman", "from": "HS" }, "generic8": { "name": "Saoirse", "title": "Saoirse, from my class.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Saoirse, from HS", "from": "HS" }, "generic9": { "name": "Tyler", "title": "Tyler, had a guy's name and went to our sister school.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Tyler, girl from another HS" }, "learning1": { "name": "Milo", "title": "Milo, from AP Calc class", "gender": "M", "caption": "Milo, from AP Calc", "from": "HS" }, "learning2": { "name": "Vanni", "title": "Vanni, another National Merit Finalist", "gender": "M", "caption": "Vanni, National Merit Finalist", "from": "HS" }, "learning3": { "name": "Aloïs", "title": "Aloïs, French Exchange Student", "gender": "M", "caption": "Aloïs, French Exchange Student in high school", "from": "HS" }, "learning4": { "name": "Amelia", "title": "Amelia, our valedictorian", "gender": "F", "caption": "Amelia, our valedictorian", "from": "HS" }, "learning5": { "name": "Winny", "title": "Winny, our salutorian", "gender": "F", "caption": "Winny, our salutorian", "from": "HS" }, "maleAttention1": { "name": "Enzo", "title": "Enzo, a very complimentary local barber", "gender": "M", "caption": "Enzo, hometown barber" }, "maleAttention2": { "name": "Rhett", "title": "Rhett picked me up in his pick-up", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rhett in his pick-up", "from": "HS" }, "maleAttention3": { "name": "Bentley", "title": "Bentley insisted I was to be his Sugar Baby.", "gender": "M", "caption": "my 'Sugar Daddy'", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "maleReaction1": { "name": "Ryker", "title": "Ryker, an ex-con lucky after being down on his luck", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryker, ex-con" }, "maleReaction2": { "name": "Max", "title": "Max, a pushy club promoter", "gender": "M", "caption": "Max, club promoter" }, "maleReaction3": { "name": "Ace", "title": "Ace, the townie with a rep", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ace, townie who had everyone" }, "nerd1": { "name": "William", "title": "William, A married guy who was staying at the hotel during TwitchCon.", "gender": "M", "caption": "William, 'Milady' at the TwitchCon hotel", "from": "HS" }, "nerd10": { "name": "Gianna", "title": "Gianna was a super hot DVA at TwitchCon", "gender": "F", "caption": "Gianna, DVA at TwitchCon", "from": "HS" }, "nerd11": { "name": "Avery", "title": "Avery, one of the few other girls at the TwitchOpen", "gender": "F", "caption": "Avery, also mained Ahri", "from": "HS" }, "nerd12": { "name": "Faith", "title": "Faith, a Twitch Streamer at TwitchCon", "gender": "F", "caption": "Faith, Streamer at TwitchCon", "from": "HS" }, "nerd13": { "name": "Jerry", "title": "Jerry, nerd that had a popular twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jerry, nerdy twin", "from": "HS" }, "nerd7": { "name": "Mark", "title": "Mark insisted we meet up off a DM. He was hot online. In person...charming, enough?", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mark, successful catfisher", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "nerd8": { "name": "Wil", "title": "Got an autograph from Wil at the con, and a memory or two", "gender": "M", "caption": "Wil, a not-so-famous Sci Fi actor", "from": "HS" }, "nerd9": { "name": "Eric", "title": "Eric, Ethan's older brother, was my first DM, teaching me D&D and D.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Eric, my first DM" }, "partier1": { "name": "Darnell", "title": "Darnell, the green King in my circle", "gender": "M", "caption": "My hometown weed hookup, Darnell", "from": "HS" }, "partier10": { "name": "Dr. Lawrence", "title": "Dr. Lawrence tried to straighten me out, a different way.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dr. Lawrence, school psychologist", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "partier2": { "name": "Mohammed", "title": "There was a taxi ride I got a little creative in payment for", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mohammed, a taxi driver", "from": "HS" }, "partier3": { "name": "Easton", "title": "Easton, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Easton, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier4": { "name": "Angel", "title": "Angel, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Angel, rando at a house party" }, "partier5": { "name": "Nolan", "title": "Nolan, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Nolan, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier6": { "name": "Naomi", "title": "Naomi, a girl from a house party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Naomi, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier7": { "name": "Hannah", "title": "Hannah, a girl from a house party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Hannah, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier8": { "name": "Zeke", "title": "Zeke, our go-to beer smuggler", "gender": "M", "caption": "Zeke always brought the kegs." }, "partier9": { "name": "Linda", "title": "Linda was always hooking up at parties", "gender": "F", "caption": "Linda was always hooking up at parties.", "from": "HS" }, "petey": { "name": "Petey", "title": "Petey -- I landed my first crush", "gender": "M", "caption": "Petey, first crush", "from": "HS" }, "prom2": { "name": "Stephen", "title": "Stephen, a dorky underclassmen with enough acne and fat for both of us.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Stephen, gross underclassman", "from": "HS" }, "prom3": { "name": "Absame", "title": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia, and I showed him the American way", "gender": "M", "caption": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia", "from": "HS" }, "prom4": { "name": "Miguel", "title": "Miguel was hot as hell and went to a rival high school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Miguel, hottie from a rival school", "from": "HS" }, "prom5": { "name": "Chad", "title": "Chad, Super Senior with a rep added me as a notch to his massively whittled headboard.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chad, Super Senior" }, "prom7": { "name": "Joe", "title": "Joe was Ava's boyfriend and it was a great way to get at her by letting him get in me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Joe, Ava's boyfriend", "from": "HS" }, "regex1": { "name": "Jackie", "title": "Jackie was my roommate from summer camp", "gender": "F", "caption": "Jackie, Summer Camp fling", "from": "HS" }, "regex2": { "name": "Shauna", "title": "Shauna was a boyfriend's ex...she and I looked a lot alike.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Shauna, a boyfriend's ex", "from": "HS" }, "risky1": { "name": "Lorenzo", "title": "Lorenzo, a guy at school's Dad", "gender": "M", "caption": "Lorenzo, a schoolfriend's dad", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "risky2": { "name": "Archer", "title": "Archer, local university professor", "gender": "M", "caption": "Archer, hometown university professor", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "risky3": { "name": "Tyler", "title": "Tyler, Maddy's Dad. Hanging out together gave the opportunity", "gender": "M", "caption": "Maddy's Dad, Tyler", "olderMan": true }, "risky4": { "name": "Mila", "title": "Mila wanted to announce our relationship, but I was too afraid", "gender": "F", "caption": "Mila, loud and proud lesbian", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible1": { "name": "Waylon", "title": "Waylon, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Waylon, rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible2": { "name": "Coop", "title": "Coop, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coop, a rando from a bar" }, "suggestible3": { "name": "Kai", "title": "Kai, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kai, a rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible4": { "name": "Chloe", "title": "Chloe taught me the ways of a woman.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Chloe got me to switch teams", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible5": { "name": "Luna", "title": "Luna wasn't attractive, but pushy.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Luna, an uggo", "from": "HS" }, "wealth1": { "name": "Griffin", "title": "Griffin and I got bored together on his dad's yacht", "gender": "M", "caption": "Griffin, wealthy family friend", "from": "HS" }, "wealth2": { "name": "Richard", "title": "Richard was from across the lake during summer camp.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Richard, from the boys' summer camp", "from": "HS" }, "wealth3": { "name": "Tommy", "title": "Tommy was a counselor at summer camp. It was hot. He was hotter.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tommy, summer camp counselor", "from": "HS" }, "wealth4": { "name": "Serenity", "title": "Serenity had a movie room in her house.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Serenity, a rich girl", "from": "HS" }, "wealth5": { "name": "Ayla", "title": "Ayla and I enjoyed the time in our empty cabin.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Ayla from my summer camp", "from": "HS" }, "wealth6": { "name": "Raelynn", "title": "Raelynn was a bored trophy wife", "gender": "F", "caption": "Raelynn, bored trophy wife", "from": "HS" } }, "GY": { "Alina": { "name": "Alina", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Lily": { "name": "Lily", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Masenna": { "name": "Masenna", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Sofia": { "name": "Sofia", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Bekkah": { "name": "Bekkah", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Rian": { "name": 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"from": "HS" }, { "name": "Naomi", "title": "Naomi, a girl from a house party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Naomi, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Maddy", "title": "Maddy, were friends and experimented together to figure sex out.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Maddy, my best friend and lover", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Saoirse", "title": "Saoirse, from my class.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Saoirse, from HS", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Shauna", "title": "Shauna was a boyfriend's ex...she and I looked a lot alike.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Shauna, a boyfriend's ex", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Faith", "title": "Faith, a Twitch Streamer at TwitchCon", "gender": "F", "caption": "Faith, Streamer at TwitchCon", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Sarah", "title": "Sarah, was a freckled under classman.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sarah, under classman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Linda", "title": "Linda was always hooking up at parties", "gender": "F", "caption": "Linda was 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"olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Terry", "title": "Terry, from our sister school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Terry from another HS", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Stephen", "title": "Stephen, a dorky underclassmen with enough acne and fat for both of us.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Stephen, gross underclassman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dr. Lawrence", "title": "Dr. Lawrence tried to straighten me out, a different way.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dr. Lawrence, school psychologist", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mohammed", "title": "There was a taxi ride I got a little creative in payment for", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mohammed, a taxi driver", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Lorenzo", "title": "Lorenzo, a guy at school's Dad", "gender": "M", "caption": "Lorenzo, a schoolfriend's dad", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "William", "title": "William, A married guy who was staying at the hotel during TwitchCon.", "gender": "M", "caption": "William, 'Milady' at the TwitchCon hotel", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Levy", "title": "Levy was a sweet, but nerdy guy from Computer Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Levy from Computer class", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Nolan", "title": "Nolan, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Nolan, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Richard", "title": "Richard was from across the lake during summer camp.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Richard, from the boys' summer camp", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Darnell", "title": "Darnell, the green King in my circle", "gender": "M", "caption": "My hometown weed hookup, Darnell", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Tommy", "title": "Tommy was a counselor at summer camp. It was hot. He was hotter.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tommy, summer camp counselor", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Petey", "title": "Petey -- I landed my first crush", "gender": "M", "caption": "Petey, first crush", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Eli", "title": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Milo", "title": "Milo, from AP Calc class", "gender": "M", "caption": "Milo, from AP Calc", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Bentley", "title": "Bentley insisted I was to be his Sugar Baby.", "gender": "M", "caption": "my 'Sugar Daddy'", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Carl", "title": "Carl, from my class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carl, from HS", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Rhett", "title": "Rhett picked me up in his pick-up", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rhett in his pick-up", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mark", "title": "Mark insisted we meet up off a DM. He was hot online. In person...charming, enough?", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mark, successful catfisher", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Kai", "title": "Kai, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kai, a rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Easton", "title": "Easton, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Easton, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Asher", "title": "Asher, an under classman.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Asher, under classman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Wil", "title": "Got an autograph from Wil at the con, and a memory or two", "gender": "M", "caption": "Wil, a not-so-famous Sci Fi actor", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Absame", "title": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia, and I showed him the American way", "gender": "M", "caption": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Joe", "title": "Joe was Ava's boyfriend and it was a great way to get at her by letting him get in me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Joe, Ava's boyfriend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Waylon", "title": "Waylon, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Waylon, rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Vanni", "title": "Vanni, another National Merit Finalist", "gender": "M", "caption": "Vanni, National Merit Finalist", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Miguel", "title": "Miguel was hot as hell and went to a rival high school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Miguel, hottie from a rival school", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Griffin", "title": "Griffin and I got bored together on his dad's yacht", "gender": "M", "caption": "Griffin, wealthy family friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jerry", "title": "Jerry, nerd that had a popular twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jerry, nerdy twin", "from": "HS" } ], "media": 2, "modelHire": 0, "musicOriginal": false, "paddyHU": "", "popularity": 0, "postGrad": "", "preg": true, "preggedBy": { "caption": "Jack, one of my seven Prom Dates", "from": "HS008 - PromNightSex", "gender": "M", "name": "Jack", "title": "Jack, one of my seven Prom Dates" }, "pregAttempts": 5, "promDate": "Seven", "promWin": -3, "promDress": 4, "Risky": 3, "sales": 0, "sigOther": { "name": "Petey", "gender": "M" }, "SMfollowers": 4, "soloist": false, "soloSuccess": 0, "Stable": 1, "Sugg": 3, "testScore": 7, "twitchChap": true, "twitchWin": 0, "twitchOpenLoss": true, "twitchCosWin": 2, "twitchFifth": "Loser", "vol": 0 }, "GY": { "baseBodies": 0, "bodies": 0, "friend": "", "goal": 0, "hookup": "", "job": false, "joinedIn": false, "Jordan": false, "knows": false, "location": 0, "native": false, "nativeStyle": "", "repatriated": false, "swissTrysts": 0, "tiktok": false, "topless": false, "wife": false }, "PG": { "boysSex": false, "oops": false }, "ACTI": { "followed": false, "goOut": "", "oops": false, "search": 0, "Tallinn": 0, "target": "", "ticket": 0, "opps": false }, "UN": { "ADP": 0, "baby": "", "badEnd": false, "CBC": 0, "clothes": "", "DDD": 0, "DZ": 0, "extracurricular": "", "GDI": false, "GPA": 0, "hookupEnd": false, "job": "", "greek": "", "KKG": 0, "KD": 0, "major": "", "newFirst": "", "notFirst": false, "preg": false, "preggedBy": {}, "pregAttempts": 0, "present": "", "professor": false, "rush": false, "rushed": [], "sex": "", "sexCat": [], "sorSlut": false, "test": 0, "XO": 0, "bodiesNum": 0 }, "HomeBase": { "visits": 1, "days": 0, "Mission1Cleared": false }, "M1": { "eval1": 0, "eval2": 0, "eval3": 0, "eval4": 0, "eval5": 0 }, "M2": { "visitedClubJobDay1": false }, "Dossier": { "dossierCheck": false, "knowsDossier": false, "testedAth": false, "testedCoo": false, "testedDec": false, "testedSugg": false, "testedDis": false, "testedPer": false, "testedInv": false, "testedSta": false, "testedSop": false, "testedCon": false, "testedEas": false, "testedRis": false, "testedExc": false, "testedPrf": false, "testedWil": false, "testedAtt": false, "testedSoc": false, "testedLea": false, "testedStb": false, "showEval": false, "showSexSkills": false }, "doll": { "upper": "shirtSparrow", "lower": "denimSkirt", "feet": "shoes_chunkysneakers", "panties": "thong", "bra": "", "glasses": "glasses_hipster" }, "sexcount": true, "codeName": "Omega Stratagem", "kinknum": 4, "num": 4, "angeloTalk": false, "clubJob": "", "employedZZYZX": false, "takenPlanB": 0, "Skip": { /* Manual Skip Vars */ "bond":false, "skipToManilla": false, } }; const keys = Object.keys(presetVars).filter(x => x!="version" && presetVars[x] && presetVars[x] != {}); for(var key of keys){ State.variables[key]= presetVars[key]; } <</script>>
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Only ever saw him at games.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Roddy, my dad's old college friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Chip", "title": "Chip from ZBT.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chip from Zeta Beta Theta" }, { "name": "Absame", "title": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia, and I showed him the American way", "gender": "M", "caption": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Les", "title": "Les, my little at DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Les, one of my sisters at DDD" }, { "name": "Babs", "title": "Babs, the hottest sister DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Babs, one of my sisters at DDD" }, { "name": "Serenity", "title": "Serenity had a movie room in her house.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Serenity, a rich girl", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Barkewitcz", "title": "My softball coach, Barkewitcz", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Barkewitcz", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Emma", "title": "Emma, I don't think she was into girls, but she was into me.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Emma, a non-lesbian", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mikey", "title": "Menthol Mikey from Kap Sigma.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Menthol Mikey from Kappa Sigma" }, { "name": "Coach Liam", "title": "Coach Liam knew how to help my stretch", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Liam, my track coach", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Kevin", "title": "Kevin, star athlete who had a nerdy twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kevin, athletic twin", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Waylon", "title": "Waylon, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Waylon, rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dick", "title": "The assistant coach was always the last one around, and sometimes I showered too long", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dick, the assistant coach", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Carey", "title": "Carey, dropped out of DDD after we...connected.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Carey, one of my sisters at DDD" }, { "name": "Rolf", "title": "Rolf was a long-distance champ I met at Districts", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rolf, Districts long-distance champ", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mary", "title": "Maryand I got closer in more ways than one.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Mary, my Big in my sorority" }, { "name": "Jerry", "title": "Jerry, a nerd that had a popular twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jerry, nerdy twin", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Sabrina", "title": "Sabrina was a hottie I met in the motel Sauna", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sabrina, motel sauna hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Lance", "title": "Lance, who ran the Naked Run with me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Lance from the Naked Run" }, { "name": "Carson", "title": "Carson, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carson, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Bryce", "title": "Bryce, teacher at the community college", "gender": "M", "caption": "Bryce, my teacher at community college", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, 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"name": "Sarah", "title": "Sarah, was a freckled under classman.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sarah, under classman", "from": "HS" }, "generic8": { "name": "Saoirse", "title": "Saoirse, from my class.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Saoirse, from HS", "from": "HS" }, "generic9": { "name": "Tyler", "title": "Tyler, had a guy's name and went to our sister school.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Tyler, girl from another HS", "from": "HS" }, "nerd7": { "name": "Mark", "title": "Mark insisted we meet up off a DM. He was hot online. In person...charming, enough?", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mark, successful catfisher", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "nerd13": { "name": "Jerry", "title": "Jerry, a nerd that had a popular twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jerry, nerdy twin", "from": "HS" }, "sports2": { "name": "Dick", "title": "The assistant coach was always the last one around, and sometimes I showered too long", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dick, the assistant coach", "from": "HS" }, "sports8": { "name": "Kayden", "title": "Kayden, Away Game bus driver", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kayden, bus driver", "from": "HS" }, "popular1": { "name": "Dominic", "title": "Dominic, brother of a 'friend'", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dominic, a friend's brother", "from": "HS" }, "popular2": { "name": "Carson", "title": "Carson, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carson, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, "popular3": { "name": "Austin", "title": "Austin, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Austin, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, "popular4": { "name": "Jace", "title": "Jace, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jace, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, "popular8": { "name": "Derek", "title": "Derek was Big Man on Campus", "gender": "M", "caption": "Derek, Big Man on HS Campus", "from": "HS" }, "popular9": { "name": "Aria", "title": "Aria wanted to be popular and thought I was her in-road", "gender": "F", "caption": "Aria, popular wannabe", "from": "HS" }, "popular10": { "name": "Nora", "title": "Nora and I had to keep our hookups on the DL to not get outed", "gender": "F", "caption": "Nora, HS popular girl", "from": "HS" }, "popular11": { "name": "Holly", "title": "Holly, a cute underclassman wanted to help me with anything", "gender": "F", "caption": "Holly, a cute underclassman", "from": "HS" }, "popular12": { "name": "Lewis", "title": "Lewis, former Prom King", "gender": "M", "caption": "Lewis, last year's Prom King", "from": "HS" }, "prude8": { "name": "Minister John Hull", "title": "Minister John Hull, proving the rumor", "gender": "M", "caption": "John Hull, Minister", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "rebel5": { "name": "Colton", "title": "Colton, singer in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Colton, local singer", "from": "HS" }, "rebel6": { "name": "Hunter", "title": "Hunter, drummer in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Hunter, local drummer", "from": "HS" }, "rebel7": { "name": "Christian", "title": "Christian, a roadie passing through", "gender": "M", "caption": "Christian, a roadie", "from": "HS" }, "rebel8": { "name": "Silas", "title": "Silas, bassist in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Silas, local bassist", "from": "HS" }, "rebel9": { "name": "Xavier", "title": "Xavier, guitarist in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Xavier, local guitarist", "from": "HS" }, "home1": { "name": "Leo", "title": "Leo, My neighbor growing up", "gender": "M", "caption": "Neighbor Leo", "from": "HS" }, "home2": { "name": "Damian", "title": "Damian, a plumber when I was alone", "gender": "M", "caption": "Damian, a plumber", "from": "HS" }, "home3": { "name": "Chase", "title": "Chase, the UPS guy", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chase, the UPS guy", "from": "HS" }, "home4": { "name": "Jesus", "title": "Jesus, the older gardener", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jesus, our older gardener", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "home5": { "name": "Carlos", "title": "Carlos, the younger, hot gardener.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carlos, our young gardener", "from": "HS" }, "home6": { "name": "Santiago", "title": "Santiago, our middle-aged gardener", "gender": "M", "caption": "Santiago, our other gardener", "from": "HS" }, "home7": { "name": "Nova", "title": "Nova, a babysitter. Took real good care of me.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Nova, a babysitter", "from": "HS" }, "home8": { "name": "Riley", "title": "Riley from down the block and I loved to skinnydip together", "gender": "F", "caption": "Riley, a neighbor", "from": "HS" }, "vandal1": { "name": "Malachi", "title": "Malachi was a cop and I didn't want to get arrested", "gender": "M", "caption": "Malachi, a cop", "from": "HS" }, "vandal2": { "name": "Mitchell", "title": "Mitchell was school security and I needed back in", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mitchell, school security", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "helper1": { "name": "Beau", "title": "Beau, leader of the neighborhood watch", "gender": "M", "caption": "Beau, neighborhood watch leader", "from": "HS" }, "helper2": { "name": "Rowan", "title": "Rowan, working on his hot rod and needed help", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rowan with the hot rod", "from": "HS" }, "helper3": { "name": "Micah", "title": "Micah, farmer from our Saturday farmer's market", "gender": "M", "caption": "Micah, Saturday farmer from the market", "from": "HS" }, "church1": { "name": "Dylan", "title": "Dylan, the Youth Minister", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dylan, Youth Minister", "from": "HS" }, "partier3": { "name": "Easton", "title": "Easton, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Easton, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier4": { "name": "Angel", "title": "Angel, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Angel, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier5": { "name": "Nolan", "title": "Nolan, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Nolan, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier6": { "name": "Naomi", "title": "Naomi, a girl from a house party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Naomi, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier7": { "name": "Hannah", "title": "Hannah, a girl from a house party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Hannah, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, "partier8": { "name": "Zeke", "title": "Zeke, our go-to beer smuggler", "gender": "M", "caption": "Zeke always brought the kegs.", "from": "HS" }, "partier9": { "name": "Linda", "title": "Linda was always hooking up at parties", "gender": "F", "caption": "Linda was always hooking up at parties.", "from": "HS" }, "partier10": { "name": "Dr. Lawrence", "title": "Dr. Lawrence tried to straighten me out, a different way.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dr. Lawrence, school psychologist", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "gang6": { "name": "Caleb", "title": "Caleb, a crooked cop", "gender": "M", "caption": "Caleb, a crooked cop", "from": "HS" }, "gang7": { "name": "Mr. Nobody", "title": "Mr. Nobody, school janitor", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mr. Nobody, the school's janitor, one of my most loyal customers", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "volunteer1": { "name": "Joel", "title": "Joel, homeless but kind", "gender": "M", "caption": "Joel, displaced person", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "volunteer5": { "name": "Paisley", "title": "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer and smelled of patchouli", "gender": "F", "caption": "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer", "from": "HS" }, "sporty1": { "name": "Patrick", "title": "Patrick, on the shot-put team", "gender": "M", "caption": "Patrick, Track and Field shot-put" }, "sporty2": { "name": "Colt", "title": "Colt, top sprinter", "gender": "M", "caption": "Colt, HS top sprinter", "from": "HS" }, "sporty3": { "name": "Tristan", "title": "Tristan, coach from an opposing squad", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tristan, coach for the opposing team", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "sporty4": { "name": "Barkewitcz", "title": "My softball coach, Barkewitcz", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Barkewitcz", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "sporty5": { "name": "Delila", "title": "Delila sat behind home plate and could kneel before me for hours.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Delila on the softball team", "from": "HS" }, "sporty6": { "name": "Valentina", "title": "Valentina was quick between the bases and between the sheets", "gender": "F", "caption": "Valentina, softball shortstop", "from": "HS" }, "sporty7": { "name": "Kevin", "title": "Kevin, star athlete who had a nerdy twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kevin, athletic twin", "from": "HS" }, "sporty8": { "name": "Coach Liam", "title": "Coach Liam knew how to help my stretch", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Liam, my track coach", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "sporty9": { "name": "Assistant Coach Justin", "title": "Justin loved grabbing me by the legs", "gender": "F", "caption": "High Jump Assistant Coach Justin", "from": "HS" }, "beach1": { "name": "Nash", "title": "Nash, from beach 'security'", "gender": "M", "caption": "Nash, from beach 'security'", "from": "HS" }, "beach2": { "name": "Jeremy", "title": "Jeremy, hotshot surfer", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jeremy, a hotshot surfer", "from": "HS" }, "beach4": { "name": "Ian", "title": "Ian was the regular lifebuard on the beach", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ian, our lifeguard", "from": "HS" }, "club2": { "name": "Ajani", "title": "There was a taxi ride I got a little creative in payment for", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ajani, a taxi driver", "from": "HS" }, "club4": { "name": "Amin", "title": "Amin and I took pills and had blissed-out sex at his place", "gender": "M", "caption": "Amin, pills and sex", "from": "HS" }, "tailgate1": { "name": "Roddy", "title": "Roddy was my dad's old college friend. Only ever saw him at games.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Roddy, my dad's old college friend", "from": "HS" }, "outdoors3": { "name": "Phoenix", "title": "Phoenix, park ranger", "gender": "M", "caption": "Phoenix, park ranger", "from": "HS" }, "power1": { "name": "Simon", "title": "Simon was a teacher's assistant in the science department, covering labs and always had an inside track on test questions.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Simon, a high school teaching assistant", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "power2": { "name": "Jose", "title": "There was something about Jose's accent, rolling the tongue, or the Latin root.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jose, high school Spanish Teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "power3": { "name": "Paul", "title": "Paul was young, cute, and made Nabakov's Lolita make sense.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Paul, high school English teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "power4": { "name": "Karl", "title": "We joked that Karl was around when algebra was created but he __did__ know how to balance my equations", "gender": "M", "caption": "Karl, high school math teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "power5": { "name": "Mark", "title": "Sure, our principal sent me to detention a ton. He had ulterior motives.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mark, the principal", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "power6": { "name": "Everett", "title": "Everett, who used to buy us alcohol", "gender": "M", "caption": "Everett, our alcohol hookup.", "from": "HS" }, "power7": { "name": "Brooklyn", "title": "Brooklyn, our Sex Ed teacher. Really gave me the ins and outs.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Brooklyn, Sex Ed Teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "power8": { "name": "Cora", "title": "Cora, queen of the cafeteria", "gender": "F", "caption": "Cora, lunch lady", "from": "HS" }, "warren": { "name": "Warren", "title": "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", "gender": "M", "caption": "Warren, high school Varsity QB", "from": "HS" }, "cheerleader1": { "name": "Coach LeTourneau", "title": "Coach LeTourneau coached the cheer squad. And me, in his off time.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach LeTourneau", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "cheerleader2": { "name": "Theo", "title": "Theo, HS Basketball Star", "gender": "M", "caption": "Theo, HS Basketball Star", "from": "HS" }, "cheerleader3": { "name": "Maverick", "title": "Maverick, HS Wrestling Star", "gender": "M", "caption": "Maverick, HS Wrestling Star" }, "read1": { "name": "Bryce", "title": "Bryce, teacher at the community college", "gender": "M", "caption": "Bryce, my teacher at community college", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "read2": { "name": "Hudson", "title": "Hudson, went to a nearby community college.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Hudson from community college", "from": "HS" }, "petey": { "name": "Petey", "title": "Petey -- I landed my first crush", "gender": "M", "caption": "Petey, first crush", "from": "HS" }, "ffriend": { "name": "Taylor", "title": "Taylor, were friends and experimented together to figure sex out.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Taylor, my best friend and lover", "from": "HS" }, "wealth1": { "name": "Griffin", "title": "Griffin and I got bored together on his dad's yacht", "gender": "M", "caption": "Griffin, wealthy family friend", "from": "HS" }, "wealth2": { "name": "Richard", "title": "Richard was from across the lake during summer camp.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Richard, from the boys' summer camp", "from": "HS" }, "wealth3": { "name": "Tommy", "title": "Tommy was a counselor at summer camp. It was hot. He was hotter.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tommy, summer camp counselor", "from": "HS" }, "wealth4": { "name": "Serenity", "title": "Serenity had a movie room in her house.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Serenity, a rich girl", "from": "HS" }, "wealth5": { "name": "Ayla", "title": "Ayla and I enjoyed the time in our empty cabin.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Ayla from my summer camp", "from": "HS" }, "wealth6": { "name": "Raelynn", "title": "Raelynn was a bored trophy wife", "gender": "F", "caption": "Raelynn, bored trophy wife", "from": "HS" }, "attractiveness1": { "name": "Emma", "title": "Emma, I don't think she was into girls, but she was into me.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Emma, a non-lesbian", "from": "HS" }, "attractiveness2": { "name": "Walker", "title": "Walker, yes -- that Walker from TV", "gender": "M", "caption": "Walker, TV Star", "from": "HS" }, "attractiveness3": { "name": "Jasper", "title": "Jasper, my home town's most notable Hall of Famer", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jasper, hometown Hall of Famer", "from": "HS" }, "attractiveness4": { "name": "Warren", "title": "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", "gender": "M", "caption": "Warren, high school Varsity QB", "from": "HS" }, "prom1": { "name": "Derek", "title": "Derek was the hottest guy in school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Derek, hottest guy at school", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible1": { "name": "Waylon", "title": "Waylon, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Waylon, rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible2": { "name": "Coop", "title": "Coop, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coop, a rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible3": { "name": "Kai", "title": "Kai, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kai, a rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible4": { "name": "Chloe", "title": "Chloe taught me the ways of a woman.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Chloe got me to switch teams", "from": "HS" }, "suggestible5": { "name": "Luna", "title": "Luna wasn't attractive, but pushy.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Luna, an uggo", "from": "HS" }, "easy1": { "name": "Eli", "title": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "from": "HS" }, "easy2": { "name": "Ryan", "title": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", "from": "HS" }, "easy3": { "name": "Cam", "title": "Cam, a boyfriend's friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Cam, a boyfriend's friend", "from": "HS" }, "easy4": { "name": "Ronnie", "title": "Ronnie, Jake's friend.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ronnie,Jake's friend", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "easy5": { "name": "Don't know who it was", "title": "Don't know who it was, but do know I got fucked at a party.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Some guy at a HS party", "from": "HS" }, "easy6": { "name": "Abby", "title": "Abby and I got too drunk at a party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Abby, drunk at a HS party" }, "easy7": { "name": "Grace", "title": "Grace used to date Jacob", "gender": "F", "caption": "Grace, Jacob's ex-girlfriend", "from": "HS" }, "sports1": { "name": "Rod", "title": "Rod, We spent a ton of time together. Afternoons, weekends, alone and sweaty.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Rod", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, "sports3": { "name": "Willy", "title": "Willy could never demonstrate what we were doing in PE, but I knew he was fit enough", "gender": "M", "caption": "Willy, high school PE teacher", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "sports6": { "name": "Gael", "title": "Gael, judge at a competition", "gender": "M", "caption": "Gael, volleyball judge", "from": "HS" }, "sports7": { "name": "Ryder", "title": "Ryder, male club volleyball player", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryder from the men's volleyball club", "from": "HS" }, "sports9": { "name": "Eleanor", "title": "All that time in locker rooms meant it was easy with Eleanor", "gender": "F", "caption": "Eleanor, one of my teammates", "from": "HS" }, "sports10": { "name": "Hazel", "title": "Hazel looked great in the spandex, taking a serve", "gender": "F", "caption": "Hazel, one of my teammates", "from": "HS" }, "sports11": { "name": "Madelyn", "title": "Madelyn was there for me and the team in a pinch", "gender": "F", "caption": "Madelyn, pinch hitter", "from": "HS" }, "sports12": { "name": "Fat Bob", "title": "Fat Bob, our water boy", "gender": "M", "caption": "Fat Bob, Volleyball waterboy", "from": "HS" }, "sports13": { "name": "Dr. Angels", "title": "Dr. Angels, our sports trainer", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dr. Angels, Sports Trainer", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "sports14": { "name": "Klaus", "title": "Klaus was the Rod on another squad", "gender": "M", "caption": "Klaus, a foreigner and opponent's squad captain.", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, "sporty10": { "name": "Rolf", "title": "Rolf was a long-distance champ I met at Districts", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rolf, Districts long-distance champ", "from": "HS" }, "sporty11": { "name": "Sabrina", "title": "Sabrina was a hottie I met in the motel Sauna", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sabrina, motel sauna hottie", "from": "HS" }, "regex1": { "name": "Jackie", "title": "Jackie was my roommate from summer camp", "gender": "F", "caption": "Jackie, Summer Camp fling", "from": "HS" }, "regex2": { "name": "Shauna", "title": "Shauna was a boyfriend's ex...she and I looked a lot alike.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Shauna, a boyfriend's ex", "from": "HS" }, "prom10": { "name": "Igor", "title": "Igor was a guy who was always interested in me and didn't care if I was with other people.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Igor, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, "prom11": { "name": "Anthony", "title": "Anthony was a guy who was always interested in me and wouldn't relent til I said yes.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Anthony, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, "prom12": { "name": "Jack", "title": "Jack was a guy who was always interested in me and then lost interest once he landed me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jack, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, "prom13": { "name": "Logan", "title": "Logan was a guy who was always interested in me and was glad I gave him the chance.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Logan, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, "prom14": { "name": "Mason", "title": "Mason was a guy who was always interested in me and was willing to accept me hooking up with others.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mason, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, "prom15": { "name": "Oliver", "title": "Oliver was a guy who was always interested in me and preferred sloppy seconds.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Oliver, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, "prom16": { "name": "Noah", "title": "Noah was a guy who was always interested in me and seemed to like if I hooked up with others.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Noah, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, "prom2": { "name": "Stephen", "title": "Stephen, a dorky underclassmen with enough acne and fat for both of us.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Stephen, gross underclassman", "from": "HS" }, "prom3": { "name": "Absame", "title": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia, and I showed him the American way", "gender": "M", "caption": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia", "from": "HS" }, "prom4": { "name": "Miguel", "title": "Miguel was hot as hell and went to a rival high school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Miguel, hottie from a rival school", "from": "HS" }, "prom5": { "name": "Chad", "title": "Chad, Super Senior with a rep added me as a notch to his massively whittled headboard.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chad, Super Senior", "from": "HS" }, "prom7": { "name": "Joe", "title": "Joe was Ava's boyfriend and it was a great way to get at her by letting him get in me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Joe, Ava's boyfriend", "from": "HS" } }, "GY": { "Alina": { "name": "Alina", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Lily": { "name": "Lily", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Masenna": { "name": "Masenna", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Sofia": { "name": "Sofia", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Bekkah": { "name": "Bekkah", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Rian": { "name": "Rian", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" } }, "UN": { "Roommate": { "name": "Hilary", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "SoroSister": { "name": "Mary", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Boyfriend": { "name": "Hilary", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" } }, "AI": { "Angelo": { "name": "Angelo", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Bona": { "name": "Bona", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "DancerGroup": { "name": "DancerGroup", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Sakura": { "name": "Sakura", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Euji": { "name": "Euji", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Lori": { "name": "Lori", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Anika": { "name": "Anika", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Daxa": { "name": "Daxa", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Luz": { "name": "Luz", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Nino": { "name": "Nino", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Tara": { "name": "Tara", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Peaches": { "name": "Peaches", "title": "", "gender": "F", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Callum": { "name": "Callum", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "DJDJ": { "name": "DJDJ", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Datu": { "name": "Datu", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" }, "Nestor": { "name": "Nestor", "title": "", "gender": "M", "rel": 0, "caption": "" } }, "UNBodies": { "bi1": { "name": "Lilian", "title": "Lillian, from my Freshman Dorm.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Lilian, from my year at college" }, "bi2": { "name": "Penny", "title": "Penny, a bartender at a college staple.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Penny tended bar near my college" }, "bi3": { "name": "Luna", "title": "Luna was a prospect checking out the college.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Luna, was showing her the campus" }, "bi4": { "name": "Mary", "title": "Maryand I got closer in more ways than one.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Mary, my Big in my sorority" }, "bi5": { "name": "Ciri", "title": "Ciri, the quiet sister at DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Ciri, one of my sisters at DDD" }, "bi6": { "name": "Babs", "title": "Babs, the hottest sister DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Babs, one of my sisters at DDD" }, "bi7": { "name": "Les", "title": "Les, my little at DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Les, one of my sisters at DDD" }, "bi8": { "name": "Carey", "title": "Carey, dropped out of DDD after we...connected.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Carey, one of my sisters at DDD" }, "bi9": { "name": "Hattie", "title": "Hattie hooked up with most of the girls at DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Hattie, one of my sisters at DDD" }, "generic1": { "name": "Anand", "title": "Anand was on the guys floor above us Freshman Year.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Anand, from my Freshman Dorm" }, "generic10": { "name": "Darnell", "title": "Darnell, one of the groundskeepers.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Darnell, college campus groundskeeper", "olderMan": true }, "generic11": { "name": "Dillon", "title": "Dillon, campus security guard.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dillon, from campus security", "olderMan": true }, "generic12": { "name": "Allan", "title": "Allan, who graduated last year.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Allan, partied where he graduated", "olderMan": true }, "generic13": { "name": "Tyler", "title": "Tyler fucked the friend group.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tyler, college fuckboi" }, "generic14": { "name": "Dennis", "title": "Dennis was the Freshman dorm's RA.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dennis, Freshman Dorm RA" }, "generic15": { "name": "Endicott", "title": "Endicott was on sabbatical from Oxford.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Endicott, Oxford professor on sabbatical", "olderMan": true }, "generic2": { "name": "Ollie", "title": "Ollie was on the guys floor above us Freshman Year.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ollie, from my Freshman Dorm" }, "generic3": { "name": "Mikey", "title": "Menthol Mikey from Kap Sigma.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Menthol Mikey from Kappa Sigma" }, "generic4": { "name": "Tony", "title": "Tony, from my Sociology Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tony, from college Sociology" }, "generic5": { "name": "Ronald", "title": "Ronald, from my Philosophy Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ronald, from college Philosophy" }, "generic6": { "name": "Gary", "title": "Gary, from my History Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Gary, from college History" }, "generic7": { "name": "Samuel", "title": "Samuel, from my Biology Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Samuel, from college Biology" }, "generic8": { "name": "Bernie", "title": "Bernie, from my PoliSci Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Bernie, from college PoliSci" }, "generic9": { "name": "Vance", "title": "Vance, a graduate and Teacher's Assistant.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Vance, a TA at college" }, "home1": { "name": "Brady", "title": "Brady was a townie from back home. Amounted to nothing, except with me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Brady, townie", "olderMan": true }, "home2": { "name": "Gaia", "title": "Gaia was a maid for my Dad once my mom was gone. We both needed her.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Gaia, Dad's maid" }, "nakedRun1": { "name": "Lance", "title": "Lance, who ran the Naked Run with me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Lance from the Naked Run" }, "nakedRun10": { "name": "Sharon", "title": "Sharon remembered me from the Naked Run when we ran into each other.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sharon, Naked Run fanatic" }, "nakedRun11": { "name": "Melissa", "title": "Melissa and I ran together and sweat the excitement out afterward.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Melissa, fellow Naked Runner" }, "nakedRun12": { "name": "Suri", "title": "Suri interviewed me for an article on the Naked Run.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Suri, from my college newspaper" }, "nakedRun13": { "name": "Jylle", "title": "Jylle and I would do the Naked Run together and then hookup afterwards.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Jylle, co-runner of the Naked Run" }, "nakedRun2": { "name": "Topher", "title": "Topher, who hit on me after seeing me at the Naked Run.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Topher picked me up from the Naked Run" }, "nakedRun3": { "name": "Zayne", "title": "Zayne was an amateur photographer and sourced 'models' from the Naked Run.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Zayne, amateur photographer" }, "nakedRun4": { "name": "Cody", "title": "Cody was a spectator of the Naked Run.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Cody, Naked Run spectator" }, "nakedRun5": { "name": "Derringer", "title": "Derringer remembered me from the Naked Run when we ran into each other.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Derringer, Naked Run fanatic" }, "nakedRun6": { "name": "Ricardo", "title": "Ricardo and I ran together and sweat the excitement out afterward.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ricardo, fellow Naked Runner" }, "nakedRun7": { "name": "Rando spectator", "title": "Some spectator that pulled me off the Naked Run for a quickie -- was already sweaty, why not.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rando spectator from the Naked Run" }, "nakedRun8": { "name": "Run watcher", "title": "Some guy that pulled me off the Naked Run route -- grass stains, yay.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Handsy Naked Run watcher" }, "nakedRun9": { "name": "Male viewer", "title": "A guy from the Naked Run sidelines. Too horny at that point to say no.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Relief during the Naked Run, an available male viewer" }, "none1": { "name": "Graeme", "title": "Graeme wasn't interested in trading information, but he had a lot of intel I wanted. So he got what he wanted.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Graeme, traded me for intel" }, "none2": { "name": "Ulises", "title": "Ulises was a groundskeeper on campus, but he didn't seem to care about my grass maintenance at all.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ulises, campus groundskeeper", "olderMan": true }, "none3": { "name": "Rodrigo", "title": "Rodrigo hand delivered drugs on campus, getting in with him meant info as well as some sex.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rodgrigo, campus drug dealer" }, "none4": { "name": "Denzil", "title": "Denzil came to me about another girl but ended up 'settling' on me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Denzil, converted Cassanova" }, "none5": { "name": "Elif", "title": "Elif walked campus barefoot and I found her endearing.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Barefoot Elif" }, "none6": { "name": "Stasya", "title": "Stasya was 'in hock' to me and I leveraged that for some loving.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Stasya owed me for intel" }, "rush1": { "name": "Dirk", "title": "Dirk, a dork from Lambda.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dirk from Lambda Chi" }, "rush10": { "name": "Maude", "title": "Maude, our House mother, let me get away with more than the others.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Maude, DDD house mother" }, "rush2": { "name": "Hunter", "title": "Hunter, a BYX boy.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Hunter, a christian frat boy" }, "rush3": { "name": "Tripp", "title": "Tripp, from AEPi.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tripp from AEPi" }, "rush4": { "name": "Blake", "title": "Blake, from Beta Phi.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Blake from Beta" }, "rush5": { "name": "Logan", "title": "Logan, from Sigma Chi.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Logan from Sigma Chi" }, "rush6": { "name": "Tucker", "title": "Tucker, from Phi Delta.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tucker from Phi Delta" }, "rush7": { "name": "Biff", "title": "Biff, from Phi Psi.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Biff, from Phi Psi" }, "rush8": { "name": "Cayden", "title": "Cayden, from Sigma Nu.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Cayden from Sigma Nu" }, "rush9": { "name": "Chip", "title": "Chip from ZBT.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chip from Zeta Beta Theta" }, "sport1": { "name": "Ryan", "title": "Ryan was President of the intermural volleyball competitions.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryan, intermural volleyball President" }, "sport2": { "name": "Greta", "title": "Greta on the intermural volleyball team had a killer spike as a front-liner.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Greta, intermural volleyball teammate" }, "study1": { "name": "Sheldon", "title": "Sheldon picked me up outside of office hours.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Sheldon, fellow student" }, "study2": { "name": "Winston", "title": "Winston and I traded notes when we couldn't attend class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Winston kept great notes" }, "study3": { "name": "Dexter", "title": "Dexter was my lab partner in Chem.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dexter, Chem Lab partner" }, "study4": { "name": "Norman", "title": "Norman worked in the library.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Norman, library assistant" }, "study5": { "name": "Clark", "title": "Clark helped me study for exams.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Clark, study buddy" }, "study6": { "name": "Gina", "title": "Gina was hot and wanted my notes.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Gina, reluctant but needed my notes" }, "study7": { "name": "Becks", "title": "Becks and I met in a study group.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Becks, college study group" }, "vCard1": { "name": "Ava", "title": "Ava and I continued even after I went to school.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Ava wasn't just a HS love" } } }, "CC": { "actPath": 0, "adoptive": "", "activity": "dance", "attempt": false, "attemptBig": false, "APtaken": false, "bank": 3, "barnTime": 0, "barnDrink": false, "barnDrugs": false, "barnLocation": false, "barnMusic": false, "barnPeople": false, "barnSurprise": false, "BC": "Pill", "bodies": [], "clique": "Sports", "codeName": "", "chellaDirect": false, "chellaDetect": false, "chellaSneak": false, "conception": 7, "dad": 1, "danceStyles": [], "day": 27, "DName": "Jake", "earlyGrad": false, "EDName": "", "father": "loving", "firstDay": "excitement", "friend1": "Jacob", "freetime": "home", "Feyes": "blue", "Fhair": "black", "FhairStyle": "straight", "Fheight": 1, "Flooks": 3, "Fname": "", "Ftrait": "Confident", "Fskin": "fair", "FFName": "Taylor", "FFsex": "F", "FFpeople": 0, "FFlocation": 0, "FFmusic": 0, "FFdrink": 0, "FFdrugs": 0, "FFsurprise": 0, "grooming": 3, "gymScore": 0, "hometown": "NO", "hometownName": "Telluride, Colorado", "height": 2, "inherited": [ "Confident", "Funny" ], "HSBC": 5, "hsv": "sporty", "kinknum": 0, "labelReaction": 4, "looks": 5, "maleAttention": -2, "maleReaction": -3, "makeIt": 0, "MName": "Elle", "Mhair": "black", "Mheight": 1, "Mlooks": 2, "Mtrait": "Confident", "Meyes": "blue", "Mskin": "white", "mom": 1, "month": "JUN", "mother": "loved", "name": "Claire", "num": 0, "opening": "unrealistic", "parents": "together", "position": 1, "schoolinterest": "active", "sextivity": "normal", "spoiled": false, "spy": "Sydney Bristow", "surname": "Campbell", "traits": [ "Confident", "Tats", "Pierced" ], "wealth": 3, "year": 1999, "ethnicity": "Scandinavian", "FName": "Taylor", "showDoll": true }, "HS": { "acceptance": 9, "ava": 9, "addictionLv": 1, "baby": "", "bandWin": 0, "bandName": "", "bandCohesion": false, "chair": "", "college": 1, "compHungover": false, "compWin": 9, "cosplay": false, "costume": "", "dates": 0, "dropOut": false, "fidelity": "cheated", "firstOptions": { "My first crush, Petey": { "name": "Petey", "title": "My first crush, Petey", "caption": "My first crush, Petey", "gender": "M" }, "One of our gardeners, Carlos.": { "name": "Carlos", "title": "One of our gardeners, Carlos.", "caption": "One of our gardeners, Carlos.", "gender": "M", "hint": "Must be a homebody" }, "Coach Rod.": { "name": "Rod", "title": "Coach Rod.", "caption": "Coach Rod.", "gender": "M", "olderMan": true, "hint": "Must beint the sporty clique" }, "Taylor, my best friend": { "name": "Taylor", "title": "Taylor, my best friend", "caption": "Taylor, my best friend", "gender": "F", "hint": "BFF is Female and must like girls" }, "Ava, my nemesis.": { "name": "Ava", "title": "Ava, my nemesis.", "caption": "Ava, my nemesis.", "gender": "F", "hint": "Must like girls" }, "Seth, my first ever hook-up.": { "name": "Seth", "title": "Seth, my first ever hook-up.", "caption": "Seth, my first ever hook-up.", "gender": "M", "hint": "Must be suggestible" } }, "firstRelationship": { "name": "Ava", "title": "Ava, my nemesis.", "caption": "Ava, my nemesis.", "gender": "F", "hint": "Must like girls" }, "gapYear": 3, "grad": "pass", "LDR": false, "label": false, "leftoverBodies": [ { "name": "Nora", "title": "Nora and I had to keep our hookups on the DL to not get outed", "gender": "F", "caption": "Nora, HS popular girl", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jesus", "title": "Jesus, the older gardener", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jesus, our older gardener", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mark", "title": "Sure, our principal sent me to detention a ton. He had ulterior motives.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mark, the principal", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Naomi", "title": "Naomi, a girl from a house party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Naomi, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Theo", "title": "Theo, HS Basketball Star", "gender": "M", "caption": "Theo, HS Basketball Star", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Aria", "title": "Aria wanted to be popular and thought I was her in-road", "gender": "F", "caption": "Aria, popular wannabe", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Delila", "title": "Delila sat behind home plate and could kneel before me for hours.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Delila on the softball team", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Grace", "title": "Grace used to date Jacob", "gender": "F", "caption": "Grace, Jacob's ex-girlfriend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Tyler", "title": "Tyler, had a guy's name and went to our sister school.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Tyler, girl from another HS", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Paisley", "title": "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer and smelled of patchouli", "gender": "F", "caption": "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Chloe", "title": "Chloe taught me the ways of a woman.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Chloe got me to switch teams", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Brooklyn", "title": "Brooklyn, our Sex Ed teacher. Really gave me the ins and outs.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Brooklyn, Sex Ed Teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Eleanor", "title": "All that time in locker rooms meant it was easy with Eleanor", "gender": "F", "caption": "Eleanor, one of my teammates", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Luna", "title": "Luna wasn't attractive, but pushy.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Luna, an uggo", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Saoirse", "title": "Saoirse, from my class.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Saoirse, from HS", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Valentina", "title": "Valentina was quick between the bases and between the sheets", "gender": "F", "caption": "Valentina, softball shortstop", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Nova", "title": "Nova, a babysitter. Took real good care of me.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Nova, a babysitter", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Riley", "title": "Riley from down the block and I loved to skinnydip together", "gender": "F", "caption": "Riley, a neighbor", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Cora", "title": "Cora, queen of the cafeteria", "gender": "F", "caption": "Cora, lunch lady", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Linda", "title": "Linda was always hooking up at parties", "gender": "F", "caption": "Linda was always hooking up at parties.", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Hannah", "title": "Hannah, a girl from a house party", "gender": "F", "caption": "Hannah, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Raelynn", "title": "Raelynn was a bored trophy wife", "gender": "F", "caption": "Raelynn, bored trophy wife", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jackie", "title": "Jackie was my roommate from summer camp", "gender": "F", "caption": "Jackie, Summer Camp fling", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Serenity", "title": "Serenity had a movie room in her house.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Serenity, a rich girl", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Hazel", "title": "Hazel looked great in the spandex, taking a serve", "gender": "F", "caption": "Hazel, one of my teammates", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Emma", "title": "Emma, I don't think she was into girls, but she was into me.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Emma, a non-lesbian", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Assistant Coach Justin", "title": "Justin loved grabbing me by the legs", "gender": "F", "caption": "High Jump Assistant Coach Justin", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Sabrina", "title": "Sabrina was a hottie I met in the motel Sauna", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sabrina, motel sauna hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Madelyn", "title": "Madelyn was there for me and the team in a pinch", "gender": "F", "caption": "Madelyn, pinch hitter", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Ayla", "title": "Ayla and I enjoyed the time in our empty cabin.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Ayla from my summer camp", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Sarah", "title": "Sarah, was a freckled under classman.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sarah, under classman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Shauna", "title": "Shauna was a boyfriend's ex...she and I looked a lot alike.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Shauna, a boyfriend's ex", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Holly", "title": "Holly, a cute underclassman wanted to help me with anything", "gender": "F", "caption": "Holly, a cute underclassman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Taylor", "title": "Taylor, were friends and experimented together to figure sex out.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Taylor, my best friend and lover", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Demi", "title": "Demi, was a quiet girl from Computer Class.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Demi from Computer class", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Derek", "title": "Derek was the hottest guy in school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Derek, hottest guy at school", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Absame", "title": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia, and I showed him the American way", "gender": "M", "caption": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jerry", "title": "Jerry, a nerd that had a popular twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jerry, nerdy twin", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dominic", "title": "Dominic, brother of a 'friend'", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dominic, a friend's brother", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dr. Lawrence", "title": "Dr. Lawrence tried to straighten me out, a different way.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dr. Lawrence, school psychologist", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Austin", "title": "Austin, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Austin, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Damian", "title": "Damian, a plumber when I was alone", "gender": "M", "caption": "Damian, a plumber", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Hunter", "title": "Hunter, drummer in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Hunter, local drummer", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Joel", "title": "Joel, homeless but kind", "gender": "M", "caption": "Joel, displaced person", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Petey", "title": "Petey -- I landed my first crush", "gender": "M", "caption": "Petey, first crush", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Warren", "title": "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", "gender": "M", "caption": "Warren, high school Varsity QB", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Amin", "title": "Amin and I took pills and had blissed-out sex at his place", "gender": "M", "caption": "Amin, pills and sex", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Carson", "title": "Carson, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carson, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Richard", "title": "Richard was from across the lake during summer camp.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Richard, from the boys' summer camp", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Rowan", "title": "Rowan, working on his hot rod and needed help", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rowan with the hot rod", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Terry", "title": "Terry, from our sister school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Terry from another HS", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Angel", "title": "Angel, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Angel, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Nolan", "title": "Nolan, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Nolan, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Igor", "title": "Igor was a guy who was always interested in me and didn't care if I was with other people.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Igor, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Easton", "title": "Easton, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Easton, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Hudson", "title": "Hudson, went to a nearby community college.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Hudson from community college", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Derek", "title": "Derek was Big Man on Campus", "gender": "M", "caption": "Derek, Big Man on HS Campus", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Santiago", "title": "Santiago, our middle-aged gardener", "gender": "M", "caption": "Santiago, our other gardener", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Ian", "title": "Ian was the regular lifebuard on the beach", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ian, our lifeguard", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Ryan", "title": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Coach Liam", "title": "Coach Liam knew how to help my stretch", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Liam, my track coach", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Christian", "title": "Christian, a roadie passing through", "gender": "M", "caption": "Christian, a roadie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Caleb", "title": "Caleb, a crooked cop", "gender": "M", "caption": "Caleb, a crooked cop", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Cam", "title": "Cam, a boyfriend's friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Cam, a boyfriend's friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Tommy", "title": "Tommy was a counselor at summer camp. It was hot. He was hotter.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tommy, summer camp counselor", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Malachi", "title": "Malachi was a cop and I didn't want to get arrested", "gender": "M", "caption": "Malachi, a cop", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Gael", "title": "Gael, judge at a competition", "gender": "M", "caption": "Gael, volleyball judge", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Kayden", "title": "Kayden, Away Game bus driver", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kayden, bus driver", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mitchell", "title": "Mitchell was school security and I needed back in", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mitchell, school security", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Beau", "title": "Beau, leader of the neighborhood watch", "gender": "M", "caption": "Beau, neighborhood watch leader", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dick", "title": "The assistant coach was always the last one around, and sometimes I showered too long", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dick, the assistant coach", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Ryder", "title": "Ryder, male club volleyball player", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryder from the men's volleyball club", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Karl", "title": "We joked that Karl was around when algebra was created but he __did__ know how to balance my equations", "gender": "M", "caption": "Karl, high school math teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dylan", "title": "Dylan, the Youth Minister", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dylan, Youth Minister", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Willy", "title": "Willy could never demonstrate what we were doing in PE, but I knew he was fit enough", "gender": "M", "caption": "Willy, high school PE teacher", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Waylon", "title": "Waylon, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Waylon, rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Rod", "title": "Rod, We spent a ton of time together. Afternoons, weekends, alone and sweaty.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Rod", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jeremy", "title": "Jeremy, hotshot surfer", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jeremy, a hotshot surfer", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Carlos", "title": "Carlos, the younger, hot gardener.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carlos, our young gardener", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Joe", "title": "Joe was Ava's boyfriend and it was a great way to get at her by letting him get in me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Joe, Ava's boyfriend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Fat Bob", "title": "Fat Bob, our water boy", "gender": "M", "caption": "Fat Bob, Volleyball waterboy", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Logan", "title": "Logan was a guy who was always interested in me and was glad I gave him the chance.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Logan, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jasper", "title": "Jasper, my home town's most notable Hall of Famer", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jasper, hometown Hall of Famer", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Stephen", "title": "Stephen, a dorky underclassmen with enough acne and fat for both of us.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Stephen, gross underclassman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Nash", "title": "Nash, from beach 'security'", "gender": "M", "caption": "Nash, from beach 'security'", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Rolf", "title": "Rolf was a long-distance champ I met at Districts", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rolf, Districts long-distance champ", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Everett", "title": "Everett, who used to buy us alcohol", "gender": "M", "caption": "Everett, our alcohol hookup.", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Oliver", "title": "Oliver was a guy who was always interested in me and preferred sloppy seconds.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Oliver, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Warren", "title": "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", "gender": "M", "caption": "Warren, high school Varsity QB", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Ronnie", "title": "Ronnie, Jake's friend.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ronnie,Jake's friend", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jack", "title": "Jack was a guy who was always interested in me and then lost interest once he landed me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jack, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Lewis", "title": "Lewis, former Prom King", "gender": "M", "caption": "Lewis, last year's Prom King", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Asher", "title": "Asher, an under classman.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Asher, under classman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jose", "title": "There was something about Jose's accent, rolling the tongue, or the Latin root.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jose, high school Spanish Teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Chase", "title": "Chase, the UPS guy", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chase, the UPS guy", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Paul", "title": "Paul was young, cute, and made Nabakov's Lolita make sense.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Paul, high school English teacher", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Levy", "title": "Levy was a sweet, but nerdy guy from Computer Class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Levy from Computer class", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Walker", "title": "Walker, yes -- that Walker from TV", "gender": "M", "caption": "Walker, TV Star", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Minister John Hull", "title": "Minister John Hull, proving the rumor", "gender": "M", "caption": "John Hull, Minister", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Griffin", "title": "Griffin and I got bored together on his dad's yacht", "gender": "M", "caption": "Griffin, wealthy family friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Kevin", "title": "Kevin, star athlete who had a nerdy twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kevin, athletic twin", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Bryce", "title": "Bryce, teacher at the community college", "gender": "M", "caption": "Bryce, my teacher at community college", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Kai", "title": "Kai, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kai, a rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Owen", "title": "Owen, an upper classman.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Owen, upper classman", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mason", "title": "Mason was a guy who was always interested in me and was willing to accept me hooking up with others.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mason, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Colton", "title": "Colton, singer in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Colton, local singer", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Tristan", "title": "Tristan, coach from an opposing squad", "gender": "M", "caption": "Tristan, coach for the opposing team", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Coop", "title": "Coop, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coop, a rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Leo", "title": "Leo, My neighbor growing up", "gender": "M", "caption": "Neighbor Leo", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Don't know who it was", "title": "Don't know who it was, but do know I got fucked at a party.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Some guy at a HS party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Eli", "title": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "gender": "M", "caption": "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Micah", "title": "Micah, farmer from our Saturday farmer's market", "gender": "M", "caption": "Micah, Saturday farmer from the market", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Jace", "title": "Jace, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jace, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mark", "title": "Mark insisted we meet up off a DM. He was hot online. In person...charming, enough?", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mark, successful catfisher", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Klaus", "title": "Klaus was the Rod on another squad", "gender": "M", "caption": "Klaus, a foreigner and opponent's squad captain.", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Phoenix", "title": "Phoenix, park ranger", "gender": "M", "caption": "Phoenix, park ranger", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Simon", "title": "Simon was a teacher's assistant in the science department, covering labs and always had an inside track on test questions.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Simon, a high school teaching assistant", "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Coach LeTourneau", "title": "Coach LeTourneau coached the cheer squad. And me, in his off time.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach LeTourneau", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Miguel", "title": "Miguel was hot as hell and went to a rival high school.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Miguel, hottie from a rival school", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Noah", "title": "Noah was a guy who was always interested in me and seemed to like if I hooked up with others.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Noah, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Barkewitcz", "title": "My softball coach, Barkewitcz", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Barkewitcz", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Silas", "title": "Silas, bassist in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Silas, local bassist", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Zeke", "title": "Zeke, our go-to beer smuggler", "gender": "M", "caption": "Zeke always brought the kegs.", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Colt", "title": "Colt, top sprinter", "gender": "M", "caption": "Colt, HS top sprinter", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Ajani", "title": "There was a taxi ride I got a little creative in payment for", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ajani, a taxi driver", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Roddy", "title": "Roddy was my dad's old college friend. Only ever saw him at games.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Roddy, my dad's old college friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Anthony", "title": "Anthony was a guy who was always interested in me and wouldn't relent til I said yes.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Anthony, one of my high school droolers", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dr. Angels", "title": "Dr. Angels, our sports trainer", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dr. Angels, Sports Trainer", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Chad", "title": "Chad, Super Senior with a rep added me as a notch to his massively whittled headboard.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chad, Super Senior", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Carl", "title": "Carl, from my class.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carl, from HS", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Xavier", "title": "Xavier, guitarist in a local band", "gender": "M", "caption": "Xavier, local guitarist", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mr. Nobody", "title": "Mr. Nobody, school janitor", "gender": "M", "caption": "Mr. Nobody, the school's janitor, one of my most loyal customers", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" } ], "media": 1, "modelHire": 0, "musicOriginal": false, "paddyHU": "", "popularity": 0, "postGrad": "gapyear", "preg": false, "preggedBy": {}, "pregAttempts": 0, "promDate": "GF", "promWin": 0, "promDress": 2, "Risky": -2, "sales": 0, "sigOther": { "name": "Petey", "gender": "M" }, "SMfollowers": 15, "soloist": false, "soloSuccess": 0, "Stable": 16, "Sugg": 3, "testScore": 5, "twitchChap": false, "twitchWin": 0, "twitchOpenLoss": false, "twitchCosWin": 0, "twitchFifth": "", "vol": 0, "compwin": null }, "GY": { "baseBodies": 5, "bodies": 0, "friend": "", "goal": 0, "hookup": "", "job": false, "joinedIn": true, "Jordan": false, "knows": true, "location": 0, "native": false, "nativeStyle": "", "repatriated": false, "swissTrysts": 0, "tiktok": true, "topless": true, "wife": false }, "PG": { "boysSex": false, "oops": false }, "ACTI": { "followed": false, "goOut": "", "oops": false, "search": 0, "Tallinn": 0, "target": "", "ticket": 0, "opps": false }, "UN": { "ADP": 4, "baby": "", "badEnd": false, "CBC": 2, "clothes": "cute", "DDD": 4, "DZ": 3, "extracurricular": "none", "GDI": false, "GPA": "2.6", "hookupEnd": false, "job": "", "greek": "DDD", "KKG": -1, "KD": -1, "major": "Business", "newFirst": "none", "notFirst": true, "preg": false, "preggedBy": {}, "pregAttempts": 0, "present": "me", "professor": false, "rush": true, "rushed": [ "ADP", "DDD", "DZ" ], "sex": "study", "sexCat": [ "frat" ], "sorSlut": false, "test": 5, "XO": 0, "bodiesNum": 32, "bodies": [ { "name": "Warren", "title": "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", "gender": "M", "caption": "Warren, high school Varsity QB", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Delila", "title": "Delila sat behind home plate and could kneel before me for hours.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Delila on the softball team", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Logan", "title": "Logan, from Sigma Chi.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Logan from Sigma Chi" }, { "name": "Lilian", "title": "Lillian, from my Freshman Dorm.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Lilian, from my year at college" }, { "name": "Eleanor", "title": "All that time in locker rooms meant it was easy with Eleanor", "gender": "F", "caption": "Eleanor, one of my teammates", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Demi", "title": "Demi, was a quiet girl from Computer Class.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Demi from Computer class", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Theo", "title": "Theo, HS Basketball Star", "gender": "M", "caption": "Theo, HS Basketball Star", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Ryder", "title": "Ryder, male club volleyball player", "gender": "M", "caption": "Ryder from the men's volleyball club", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Don't know who it was", "title": "Don't know who it was, but do know I got fucked at a party.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Some guy at a HS party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Easton", "title": "Easton, a guy from a house party", "gender": "M", "caption": "Easton, rando at a house party", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Luna", "title": "Luna was a prospect checking out the college.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Luna, was showing her the campus" }, { "name": "Roddy", "title": "Roddy was my dad's old college friend. Only ever saw him at games.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Roddy, my dad's old college friend", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Chip", "title": "Chip from ZBT.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Chip from Zeta Beta Theta" }, { "name": "Absame", "title": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia, and I showed him the American way", "gender": "M", "caption": "Absame, exchange student from Somalia", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Les", "title": "Les, my little at DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Les, one of my sisters at DDD" }, { "name": "Babs", "title": "Babs, the hottest sister DDD", "gender": "F", "caption": "Babs, one of my sisters at DDD" }, { "name": "Serenity", "title": "Serenity had a movie room in her house.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Serenity, a rich girl", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Barkewitcz", "title": "My softball coach, Barkewitcz", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Barkewitcz", "olderMan": true, "schoolHelp": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Emma", "title": "Emma, I don't think she was into girls, but she was into me.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Emma, a non-lesbian", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mikey", "title": "Menthol Mikey from Kap Sigma.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Menthol Mikey from Kappa Sigma" }, { "name": "Coach Liam", "title": "Coach Liam knew how to help my stretch", "gender": "M", "caption": "Coach Liam, my track coach", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Kevin", "title": "Kevin, star athlete who had a nerdy twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Kevin, athletic twin", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Waylon", "title": "Waylon, a guy I met at a bar", "gender": "M", "caption": "Waylon, rando from a bar", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Dick", "title": "The assistant coach was always the last one around, and sometimes I showered too long", "gender": "M", "caption": "Dick, the assistant coach", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Carey", "title": "Carey, dropped out of DDD after we...connected.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Carey, one of my sisters at DDD" }, { "name": "Rolf", "title": "Rolf was a long-distance champ I met at Districts", "gender": "M", "caption": "Rolf, Districts long-distance champ", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Mary", "title": "Maryand I got closer in more ways than one.", "gender": "F", "caption": "Mary, my Big in my sorority" }, { "name": "Jerry", "title": "Jerry, a nerd that had a popular twin brother", "gender": "M", "caption": "Jerry, nerdy twin", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Sabrina", "title": "Sabrina was a hottie I met in the motel Sauna", "gender": "F", "caption": "Sabrina, motel sauna hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Lance", "title": "Lance, who ran the Naked Run with me.", "gender": "M", "caption": "Lance from the Naked Run" }, { "name": "Carson", "title": "Carson, one of the hottest guys", "gender": "M", "caption": "Carson, HS hottie", "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Bryce", "title": "Bryce, teacher at the community college", "gender": "M", "caption": "Bryce, my teacher at community college", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" }, { "name": "Klaus", "title": "Klaus was the Rod on another squad", "gender": "M", "caption": "Klaus, a foreigner and opponent's squad captain.", "olderMan": true, "from": "HS" } ] }, "HomeBase": { "visits": 1, "days": 0, "Mission1Cleared": false }, "M1": { "eval1": 0, "eval2": 0, "eval3": 0, "eval4": 0, "eval5": 0 }, "M2": { "visitedClubJobDay1": false }, "Dossier": { "dossierCheck": true, "knowsDossier": false, "testedAth": false, "testedCoo": false, "testedDec": false, "testedSugg": false, "testedDis": false, "testedPer": false, "testedInv": false, "testedSta": false, "testedSop": false, "testedCon": false, "testedEas": false, "testedRis": false, "testedExc": false, "testedPrf": false, "testedWil": false, "testedAtt": false, "testedSoc": false, "testedLea": false, "testedStb": false, "showWardrobe": true, "showEval": false, "showSexSkills": true }, "doll": { "panties": "bikini", "bra": "bra", "feet": "shoes_chunkysneakers", "lower": "denimSkirt", "upper": "shirtSparrow", "hat": "hat_cowboyBrown", "expression": "", "faceMakeup": "" }, "sexcount": true, "codeName": "Omega Stratagem", "kinknum": 5, "num": 4, "imgSrc": "img/headshots/MFriend.png", "angeloTalk": false, "clubJob": "", "employedZZYZX": false, "takenPlanB": 0, "Skip": { /* Manual Skip Vars */ "bond":false, "skipToManilla": true, } }; const keys = Object.keys(presetVars).filter(x => x!="version" && presetVars[x] && presetVars[x] != {}); for(var key of keys){ State.variables[key]= presetVars[key]; } <</script>>
<div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <<link "<img @src=\"$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'\" style='filter:opacity(0%);' class='closeup'>">> <<set $Body.pubes to "bald">> <<replace "#pubicbuttons">> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> </div> <</replace>> <</link>> </div> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_strip.png'"> <<link "<img @src=\"$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'\" style='filter:opacity(0%);' class='closeup'>">> <<set $Body.pubes to "strip">> <<replace "#pubicbuttons">> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_strip.png'"> </div> <</replace>> <</link>> </div> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_sparse.png'"> <<link "<img @src=\"$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'\" style='filter:opacity(0%);' class='closeup'>">> <<set $Body.pubes to "bikini">> <<replace "#pubicbuttons">> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_sparse.png'"> </div> <</replace>> <</link>> </div> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_trimmed.png'"> <<link "<img @src=\"$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'\" style='filter:opacity(0%);' class='closeup'>">> <<set $Body.pubes to "trimmed">> <<replace "#pubicbuttons">> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_trimmed.png'"> </div> <</replace>> <</link>> </div> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_natural.png'"> <<link "<img @src=\"$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'\" style='filter:opacity(0%);' class='closeup'>">> <<set $Body.pubes to "bush">> <<replace "#pubicbuttons">> <<run Doll.refresh()>> <div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pussy.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/pubes_natural.png'"> </div> <</replace>> <</link>> </div>
<<if visited("CC013 - FinalForm2") && $RPGCharacter>> <div id="overlay"> <div id="overlay-top" class="vert"> <<statSheet>> </div> </div> <br><br> <<done>> <<addclass ".passage" "passagePadding">> <</done>> <</if>> <<silently>> <<if $doll>> <<set _initialLook = $doll>> <<set $doll.expression = "">> <<set $doll.faceMakeup = "">> <</if>> <<if $doll && (setup.Dresses.includes($doll.upper) || setup.Dresses.includes($doll.lower))>> <<set $Body.isWearingDress = true>> <<else>> <<set $Body.isWearingDress = false>> <</if>> <<if $doll && setup.Heels.includes($doll.feet)>> <<set $Body.isWearingHeels = true>> <<else>> <<set $Body.isWearingHeels = false>> <</if>> <<if $doll && ($doll.feet == "shoes_africantribal" || $doll.feet == "" || $doll.feet == undefined)>> <<set $Body.isBarefoot = true>> <<else>> <<set $Body.isBarefoot = false>> <</if>> <<if $doll && ($doll.bra == false || $doll.bra == "" || $doll.bra == undefined)>> <<set $Body.isBraless = true>> <<else>> <<set $Body.isBraless = false>> <</if>> <<if $doll && $Body.isBraless && ($doll.upper == "" || $doll.upper == undefined || $doll.upper == "shirt_africantribalmakeshift")>> <<set $Body.isTopless = true>> <<else>> <<set $Body.isTopless = false>> <</if>> /* These fertility checks only start happening after visiting HomeBase */ <<if $HomeBase && $HomeBase.days > 0>> <<set $Body.cycleTracker = $HomeBase.days % 28>> /* Set daysUntilOvulation to be used in other places */ <<if $Body.cycleTracker <= $Body.ovulation>> <<set $Body.daysUntilOvulation = $Body.ovulation - $Body.cycleTracker>> <<else>> <<set $Body.daysUntilOvulation = ( 28 - $Body.cycleTracker ) + $Body.ovulation>> <</if>> /* Sets fertility. Based on your cycleTracker and your ovulation. */ <<switch $Body.daysUntilOvulation>> <<case 0>> <<set $Body.fertility = $Body.maxFertility>> <<case 1>> <<set $Body.fertility = $Body.maxFertility - 5>> <<case 2>> <<set $Body.fertility = $Body.maxFertility - 10>> <<case 3>> <<set $Body.fertility = $Body.maxFertility - 15>> <<default>> <<set $Body.fertility = 2>> <</switch>> /* Keeps fertility from going under 2. And over 999. I think. */ <<set $Body.fertility = Math.clamp($Body.fertility, 2, 999)>> <</if>> <</silently>> /* Back Button */ <<set _backButtonLabel = "">> /* If there is history, show back button */ <<if State.length>1 && UIBar.isStowed() >> <div class="transparent-sticky"> <div class='backButton'> <<link _backButtonLabel>> <<run Engine.backward()>> <</link>> </div> </div> <</if>>
<<if hasVisited('ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye')>> <<RunStatsLevelUpCheck>> <</if>> <<RunStatsValueCalculation>> <<set _location = passage()>> <<set _title = passage().replace(/.*\s\-\s/, '')>> <<run gtag('event', 'page_view', { page_title: _title, page_location: _location, })>> <<set $dollPath = SugarCube.settings.artHD ? "img/dollHD/" : "img/doll/">>
<<widget linkexpand container>> <span class="macro-link-expand"> <<linkreplace _args[0] t8n>> <<if _args[1] !== "noScroll">> <<scrollIntoView>> <</if>> _contents <</linkreplace>> </span> <</widget>> /* Used to Indicate a skill check to the player, accepts up to 3 stats <<skillCheckIcon "Easy">> <<skillCheckIcon "Easy" "Excitable">> <<skillCheckIcon "Easy" "Excitable" "Suggestible">> */ <<widget skillCheckIcon>> <<set _statsToTest = dataUtils.getTraitPopupLabel(_args[0])>> <<set _statsToTest = _args[1] ? _statsToTest + " and " + dataUtils.getTraitPopupLabel(_args[1]) : _statsToTest >> <<set _statsToTest = _args[2] ? _statsToTest.replace(" and ", ", ") + " and " + dataUtils.getTraitPopupLabel(_args[2]) : _statsToTest >> <<set _hoverText = _statsToTest + " will be tested">> <<hovertext _hoverText>> <img class="skillCheckIcon" src="./img/favicon.png"> <</hovertext>> <</widget>> <<widget hovertext container>> <span @title="_args[0]"> _contents </span> <</widget>> <<widget video>> <video autoplay muted loop @src="_args[0]" @poster="_args[1]" /> <</widget>> <<widget call container>> <<set _name = _args[0] or $>> <<set _class = 'call ' + (!_args[0] ? 'mc' : _args[0] === '?' ? 'unknown' : 'other') + ' ' + _name>> <div @class="_class"> <div class="avatar">_name</div> _contents </div> <</widget>> <<widget redacted container>> <<set _parsedContents = $(document.createDocumentFragment()).wiki(_contents).text() || _args[1]>> <<if !Scripting.evalTwineScript(_args[0])>> <span> _contents </span> <<else>> <span class="redacted"> <<=_parsedContents.replace(/./g, 'x')>> </span> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget addBody>> <<set _name = _args[0]>> <<set _gender = _args[1]>> <<set _title = _args[2] ? _args[2] : _name>> <<set _caption = _args[3] ? _args[3] : _title>> <<set _passage = passage()>> <<run $bodies.push({ name: _name, gender: _gender, title: _title, caption: _caption, from: _passage, cheatedWith: _cheatedWith })>> <</widget>> <<widget vCardCheck>> /* Like this widget seperate from addBody bcuz Cassie uses them in different cases. Just keeps the code intent clear. */ <<set _name = _args[0]>> <<set _gender = _args[1]>> <<set _title = _args[2] ? _args[2] : _name>> <<set _caption = _title>> <<set _desc = _args[3] ? _args[3] : "And that's how I lost my virginity.">> <<if $ == true>> <<set $ = false>> <<set $Body.vCard = { name: _name, gender: _gender, title: _title, caption: _caption }>> _desc <</if>> /* Failsafe: Stops scenarios from double adding if they are the "same". Example: To ensure there is only one "xxx , my first" */ <<if !$bodies.find(body => body.title == _title)>> <<addBody _name _gender _title _caption>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget vCardCheckPreg>> <<set _name = _args[0]>> <<set _gender = _args[1]>> <<set _title = _args[2] ? _args[2] : _name>> <<set _caption = _title>> <<set _desc = _args[4] ? _args[4] : "And that's how I lost my virginity.">> <<vCardCheck _name _gender _title _caption _desc>> <<pregCheck _name _gender _title _caption>> <</widget>> <<widget GYvignTag>> <<if _args.includes("location")>> <<if _location === _args[0]>> <<done>><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</done>> <</if>> <<set _location = _args[0]>> <<else>> <<if _goal === _args[0]>> <<done>><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</done>> <</if>> <<set _goal = _args[0]>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget businessCard>> <<set _card = _args[0]>> /* <<run console.log(_args[0])>> */ <div class="businessCard"> <<if _card.image>><img @src="'img/' +_card.image"><</if>> <div class="card-basic"> <div class="card-basic-name"> <<= >> <<redacted !_card.surname>><<= _card.surname || "LongSurname">><</redacted>> </div> <<if _card.role>> <<= _card.role >> <</if>> <<if _card.branch>> <br> <<= _card.branch>> <</if>> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div> <<if>> <<>> <</if>> <<if _card.parent>> <br> <<=_card.address>> <</if>> </div> <div> Tel: <<redacted true>>(212)-9876543<</redacted>> <br> E-mail: <<redacted true>><</redacted>> </div> </div> </div> <</widget>> <<widget IdentifyingFeatures>> /* Following If statemnet is temporary until peircings are ready */ <<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<if _arrOfTats.length > 0 or $Body.piercings.length > 0>> <div class="Title"> <h3> Identifying Features </h3> /*Tattoos */ <<if _arrOfTats.length > 0 >> <<for _tatName range _arrOfTats>> <<capture _tatName, _pos>> <<set _pos = dataUtils.getTattooLocation(_tatName)>> <<print _pos>> tattoo <div style="position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <<if _pos == "Ear">> /*Add Head and Hair Images and set Ear-flip position to show tattoo */ <<set _pos = "ear_earflip">> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/head.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/earhair_tat_' + $ + '.png'"> <</if>> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/' + _pos.toLowerCase() + '.png'"> <<if _arrOfTats.includes(_tatName)>> <img @id="_pos.toLowerCase() + '-tattoo'" class="closeup" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/tattoo_' + _tatName.toLowerCase() + '.png'"> <<else>> <img @id="_pos.toLowerCase() + '-tattoo'" class="closeup" @src=""> <</if>> </div> <br> <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> /* Piercings */ <h4> Piercings </h4> <<if $Body.piercings.length > 0 >> <<if $Body.piercings.some(x=>x.contains("Ear") || x.contains("Cartilidge"))>> <<set _ears = ["Left", "Right"]>> <<for _index, _ear range _ears>> <<if $Body.piercings.contains(_ear+" "+"Ear") || $Body.piercings.contains(_ear+" "+"Cartilidge") >> <<set _lcEar = _ear.toLowerCase()>> <<capture _ear, _lcEar>> <div @class="'ear-piercing-' + _lcEar" style="display: inline-block; width:128px;"> <<print _ear>> Ear <div style="position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/ear.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/earhair_' + $ + '.png'"> <<if $Body.piercingStyle[_lcEar + 'ear'] !== 'none'>> <img @id="_lcEar + '-ear'" class="closeup" @src="$Body.piercingStyle[_lcEar + 'ear'] ? ($dollPath + 'closeup/earpiercing_' + $Body.piercingStyle[_lcEar + 'ear'] + '.png') : ''"> <</if>> <<if $Body.piercingStyle[_lcEar + 'cartilage'] !== 'none'>> <img @id="_lcEar + '-cartilage'" class="closeup" @src="$Body.piercingStyle[_lcEar + 'cartilage'] ? ($dollPath + 'closeup/earpiercing_' + $Body.piercingStyle[_lcEar + 'cartilage'] + '.png'): ''"> <</if>> </div> <br> <</capture>> <</if>> <</for>> <</if>> <br> <<for _piercing range $Body.piercings>> <<capture _piercing, _pos>> <<set _pos = _piercing>> <<if _piercing.indexOf("Ear") == -1 && _piercing.indexOf("Cartilidge") == -1>> <<print _pos>> Piercing <br> <</if>> /* Piercing Display Logic Goes here when images become available*/ <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> </div> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget RunStatsLevelUpCheck>> /* Archaic brute force level up algorithm */ /* TODO: Please rewrite this so it doesn't take a century to finish and require other widgets need to use <<done>> hacks */ <<silently>> <<script>> $(document).ready(function (ev) { const traits = SugarCube.State.variables.Stats.Traits; const skills = SugarCube.State.variables.Stats.Skills; updateStats(); function updateStats() { for (const trait in traits) { const traitObj = traits[trait]; /* Handles exp into value for positive and negative values. */ if ( Math.sign(traitObj.base) > 0 ) { if ( traitObj.exp > traitObj.base ) { traitObj.base++; traitObj.exp = traitObj.exp - traitObj.base; } else if ( traitObj.exp <= -traitObj.base ) { traitObj.exp = traitObj.exp - -(traitObj.base); traitObj.base--; } } else if ( Math.sign(traitObj.base) < 0 ) { if ( traitObj.exp < traitObj.base ) { traitObj.base--; traitObj.exp = traitObj.exp - traitObj.base; } else if ( traitObj.exp >= -traitObj.base ) { traitObj.exp = traitObj.exp - -(traitObj.base); traitObj.base++; } } else { if ( traitObj.exp > traitObj.base ) { traitObj.base++; traitObj.exp = traitObj.exp - traitObj.base; } else if ( traitObj.exp < traitObj.base ) { traitObj.base--; traitObj.exp = traitObj.exp - traitObj.base; } } } for (const skill in skills) { const skillObj = skills[skill]; /* Handles exp into value for positive and negative values. */ if ( Math.sign(skillObj.base) > 0 ) { if ( skillObj.exp > skillObj.base ) { skillObj.base++; skillObj.exp = skillObj.exp - skillObj.base; } else if ( skillObj.exp <= -skillObj.base ) { skillObj.exp = skillObj.exp - -(skillObj.base); skillObj.base--; } } else if ( Math.sign(skillObj.base) < 0 ) { if ( skillObj.exp < skillObj.base ) { skillObj.base--; skillObj.exp = skillObj.exp - skillObj.base; } else if ( skillObj.exp >= -skillObj.base ) { skillObj.exp = skillObj.exp - -(skillObj.base); skillObj.base++; } } else { if ( skillObj.exp > skillObj.base ) { skillObj.base++; skillObj.exp = skillObj.exp - skillObj.base; } else if ( skillObj.exp < skillObj.base ) { skillObj.base--; skillObj.exp = skillObj.exp - skillObj.base; } } } } }); <</script>> <</silently>> <</widget>> <<widget RunStatsValueCalculation>> <<silently>> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].value = $Stats.Traits[_trait].base + $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp>> <</for>> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].value = $Stats.Skills[_skill].base + $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp>> <</for>> <</silently>> <</widget>> <<widget animation>> <<set _animation = _args[0]>> <<set _hairClass = 'hair' + $>> <div id="Animation"> <<if _animation == "FirstSex">> <img src='img/anim/more/bed.png' class="animations" /> <img @src="'img/anim/missionary_' + $ + '.webp'" class="animations" /> <img @src="'img/anim/more/missionary_hair_' + $ + '.webp'" @class="'animations ' + _hairClass" /> <img @src="'img/anim/boobs/missionary_boobs_' + $Body.tits + '_' + $ + '.webp'" class="animations" /> <img src='img/anim/more/missionary_he.webp' class="animations" /> <<elseif _animation == "LesbianFirstSex">> <img @src="'img/anim/Lesbian_' + $ + '.webp'" class="animations" /> <img @src="'img/anim/more/Lesbian_hair_' + $ + '.webp'" @class="'animations ' + _hairClass" /> <img @src="'img/anim/boobs/Lesbian_boobs_' + $Body.tits + '_' + $ + '.webp'" class="animations" /> <img src='img/anim/more/Lesbian_she.webp' class="animations" /> <</if>> </div> <</widget>> <<widget Stats>> /* <<Stats Risky>> = Just increments */ /* <<Stats Deception ++>> = Add to Value / Exp automatically depending on if user is passed Act I or not */ /* <<Stats Deception -->> = Subtract from Value / Exp automatically depending on if user is passed Act I or not */ /* <<Stats Coordination += 5>> = This and -= as well. */ <<set _stat = _args[0]>> <<set _increment = _args[1] || "">> <<set _num = Util.isNumeric(_args[2]) ? _args[2] : "" >> <<set _notificationMessage = "Stat change occurred">> <<if Object.keys($Stats.Traits).includes(_stat)>> <<set _section = "Traits">> <<else>> <<set _section = "Skills">> <</if>> /* Grab the variable we working on */ <<set _base = "$Stats." + _section + "." + _stat + "">> <<set _newBase = $Stats[_section]>> <<set _currVal = _newBase[_stat].value>> <<set _statIsCapped = _currVal >= $statCap>> /* Need this to know whether to operate on exp or value */ <<if hasVisited('ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye') || _statIsCapped>> <<set _baseOrExp = "exp">> <<else>> <<set _baseOrExp = "base">> <</if>> /* Decides what operation to do on said variable */ /* OG Print Trick: <<print '<<set ' + $args[0] + ' to "something complicated">>'>> */ /* Include Hack: <<include `_type + "Slider"`>> */ <<set _base += "." + _baseOrExp>> <<if _increment>> <<set _increment = Util.isNumeric(_num) ? _increment + ' ' + _num : _increment>> <<set _incrementLabel = _increment.indexOf('-') >= 0 ? 'Decreased!' : "Increased!">> <<set _notificationMessage = dataUtils.getTraitPopupLabel(_stat) + " " + _incrementLabel>> <<silently>> <<print '<<set ' + _base + ' ' + _increment + '>>'>> <</silently>> <<else>> /* Default: Increment value by one. */ /* TODO: (Fict) Delete this use case? Pretty sure NEVER used <<Stats nameAlone>> */ <<set _notificationMessage = "Experience Increased!">> <<silently>> <<print '<<set ' + _base + ' ++>>'>> <</silently>> <</if>> <<if _statIsCapped && !hasVisited('ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye')>> <<if $statCapHit == false>> <<dialogHint "Stat Caps" 'popup'>> <<include "CC000 - StatCapHit">> <</dialogHint>> <<set $statCapHit = true>> <</if>> <<set _notificationMessage = dataUtils.getTraitPopupLabel(_stat) + " is Maxed Out!">> <</if>> <<if !_quietMode>> <<NotificationPopup _notificationMessage>> <</if>> <<RunStatsValueCalculation>> <<if visited("CC013 - FinalForm2") && $RPGCharacter>> <<done>> <<replace "#overlay-top">><<statSheet>><</replace>> <</done>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget StatsSilentReverse>> <<set _quietMode = true>> <<set _stat = _args[0]>> <<set _increment = _args[1] || "">> <<set _num = Util.isNumeric(_args[2]) ? _args[2] : "" >> <<switch _increment>> <<case "++">> <<set _increment = "--">> <<case "--">> <<set _increment = "++">> <<case "+=">> <<set _increment = "-=">> <<case "-=">> <<set _increment = "+=">> <</switch>> <<Stats _stat _increment _num>> <<set _quietMode = false>> <</widget>> <<widget skillChecked>> <<set _traitsTested = => dataUtils.getTraitPopupLabel(x))>> <<set _message = _traitsTested[0] + ` ${["SexSkills", "Many traits", "Univeristy jobs", "Blowjob skills", "Previous Johns", "Anal skills", "Handjob skills"].indexOf(_args[0])>=0 ? 'were' : 'was'} tested.`>> <<if _traitsTested.length >= 2 >> <<set _message = _traitsTested.slice(0, _traitsTested.length-1).join(', ')>> <<set _message += ", and " + _traitsTested[_traitsTested.length-1] + " were tested.">> <</if>> <<NotificationPopup _message "skill-check">> <</widget>> <<widget NotificationPopup>> <<set _ToastMessage = _args[0]>> <<set _mode = _args[1]>> <<run /*Show Popup regarding stat change*/ let duration = 12000; let toastType = "info"; /* Determine the mode and adjust styles accordingly */ if (_mode === "skill-check") { toastType = "skill-check"; } let availableIcons = [ "Anal", "Athletics", "Blowjob", "Coordination", "Deception", "Discipline", "Handjob", "Intercourse", "Investigation", "Learning", "Oral", "Perception", "Performance", "Social", "SexSkills", "Wiles"]; let showIcon = availableIcons.some(skill=> _ToastMessage.includes(skill)); let skillIcon = showIcon ? availableIcons.find(skill=>_ToastMessage.includes(skill)).replace("Oral", "Blowjob").replace("SexSkills", "Intercourse") : ''; var toastCount = 0; $(".toast").each(function() { toastCount += 1; }); let box = document.createElement("div"); box.classList.add("toast", `toast-${toastType}`); = (toastCount * 100 + 25) + 'px'; /* Adjust top position */ box.innerHTML = ` <div class="toast-content-wrapper"> ${showIcon ? `<img alt=${skillIcon+" gif"} class="toast-image" src=${'./img/icons/skills/'+skillIcon+".gif"}>` : ''} <div class="toast-message"><h3>${_ToastMessage}</h3></div> <div class="toast-progress"></div> </div>`; duration = duration; box.querySelector(".toast-progress").style.animationDuration = `${ duration / 1000 }s`; document.body.appendChild(box); /*Clean up toasts after duration (So that positioning code above will work)*/ setTimeout(function() { box.remove(); $(".toast").each(function(index) { = (index * 100 + 25) + 'px'; /* Recalculate top positions */ }); }, 12000); >> <</widget>> <<widget state>> <<set _state = _args[0]>> /* Restores state to default */ <<if _state == "reset" || _state == "restore">> <<set $Body.state = ["healthy"]>> <<SexSkillReset>> <<else>> /* Loops through to-be added states and adds 1 at a time */ <<for _state range _args>> /* Remove opposites of new state */ <<if _state == "sick">> <<set $Body.state = $Body.state.filter(word => word !== "healthy")>> <</if>> <<if _state == "healthy">> <<set $Body.state = $Body.state.filter(word => ["sick", "illness"].indexOf(word)==-1)>> <</if>> /* Stack states if duplicate */ <<if _state == "tired">> <<if $Body.state.includes("tired")>> <<set _state = "exhausted">> <<set $Body.state = $Body.state.filter(word => word !== "tired")>> <</if>> /* Do nothing if already exhausted */ <<if $Body.state.includes("exhausted")>> <<set _state = ''>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _state == "sick">> <<if $Body.state.includes("sick")>> <<set _state = "illness">> <<set $Body.state = $Body.state.filter(word => word !== "sick")>> <</if>> /* Do nothing if already illness */ <<if $Body.state.includes("illness")>> <<set _state = ''>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _state == "aroused">> <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused")>> <<set _state = "horny">> <<set $Body.state = $Body.state.filter(word => word !== "aroused")>> <<elseif $Body.state.includes("horny")>> <<set _state = "oversexed">> <<set $Body.state = $Body.state.filter(word => ["horny", "aroused"].indexOf(word)==-1)>> <</if>> /* Do nothing if already oversexed */ <<if $Body.state.includes("oversexed")>> <<set _state = ''>> <</if>> <</if>> /* Add new state to arr if it is valid (not blank)*/ <<if _state != ''>> <<run $Body.state.pushUnique(_state)>> <</if>> <</for>> <<changeState>> <</if>> /* AddIcons for State */ <<stateIcons>> <</widget>> <<widget improveState>> <<set _newStates = []>> <<for _state range $Body.state>> <<capture _newStates>> <<if _state == "exhausted">> <<set _newStates.push("tired")>> <</if>> <<if _state == "oversexed">> <<set _newStates.push("horny")>> <</if>> <<if _state == "horny">> <<set _newStates.push("aroused")>> <</if>> <<if _state == "illness">> <<set _newStates.push("sick")>> <</if>> /* Add new if block for each new state that stacks*/ <</capture>> <</for>> <<set $Body.state = _newStates>> <<changeState>> <<stateIcons>> <</widget>> <<widget stateRemove>> <<set _removeState = _args[0]>> <<set _stateIndex = $Body.state.indexOf(_removeState)>> <<if _stateIndex > -1 >> <<set $Body.state.splice(_stateIndex,1)>> <</if>> <<changeState>> <<stateIcons>> <</widget>> <<widget stateIcons>> <<run let old = document.getElementById('sidebar-state-icons'); if(old) { old.remove(); } const states = SugarCube.State.variables.Body.state; /* shallow copy states, because we dont want to mondify its contents */ const variables = states.length > 1 ? states.filter((status) => status != 'healthy') : states.filter(s=>s!=''); const iconDiv = document.createElement('div'); = "sidebar-state-icons"; variables.forEach((variable) => { const imgDiv = document.createElement('div'); imgDiv.innerHTML = `<div class="sidebar-state-icons"> <img title=${variable} alt=${variable+ " emote"} class="sidebar-icon" src=${'./img/icons/states/'+variable+".png"} /> </div>`; iconDiv.appendChild(imgDiv); }); document.getElementById('ui-bar-body').prepend(iconDiv); >> <</widget>> <<widget changeState>> /* Reset temps */ <<for _trait range $Stats.Traits>> <<set _trait.temp = 0>> <</for>> <<for _skill range $Stats.Skills>> <<set _skill.temp = 0>> <</for>> <<SexSkillReset>> /* Loop through current State values and apply them to temps. */ <<for _state range $Body.state>> <<switch _state>> <<case sick>> <<for _trait range $Stats.Traits>> <<set _trait.temp -->> <</for>> <<for _skill range $Stats.Skills>> <<set _skill.temp -->> <</for>> <<StateSexSkillModifier -1>> <<case illness>> <<for _trait range $Stats.Traits>> <<set _trait.temp -= 2>> <</for>> <<for _skill range $Stats.Skills>> <<set _skill.temp -= 2>> <</for>> /* Debuff skills twice */ <<StateSexSkillModifier -1>> <<StateSexSkillModifier -1>> <<case tired>> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<if _trait == "Suggestible">> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp ++>> <<elseif ["Stable", "Excitable"].includes(_trait)>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp -->> <<else>> /* no change */ <</if>> <</for>> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<if ["Discipline", "Social"].includes(_skill)>> /* no change */ <<else>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp -->> <</if>> <</for>> <<StateSexSkillModifier -1>> <<case exhausted>> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<if _trait == "Suggestible">> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp += 2>> <<elseif ["Stable", "Excitable"].includes(_trait)>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp -= 2>> <<else>> /* no change */ <</if>> <</for>> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<if ["Discipline", "Social"].includes(_skill)>> /* no change */ <<else>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp -= 2>> <</if>> <</for>> <<StateSexSkillModifier -1>> <<case aroused>> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<if ["Sophisticated", "Stable"].includes(_trait)>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp -->> <<else>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp ++>> <</if>> <</for>> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<if ["Social", "Wiles"].includes(_skill)>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp ++>> <<elseif ["Athletics", "Coordination", "Discipline", "Performance"].includes(_skill)>> /* no change */ <<else>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp -->> <</if>> <</for>> <<case horny>> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<if ["Sophisticated", "Stable"].includes(_trait)>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp -= 2>> <<else>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp += 2>> <</if>> <</for>> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<if ["Social", "Wiles"].includes(_skill)>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp += 2>> <<elseif ["Athletics", "Coordination", "Discipline", "Performance"].includes(_skill)>> /* no change */ <<else>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp -= 2>> <</if>> <</for>> <<case oversexed>> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<if ["Sophisticated", "Stable"].includes(_trait)>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp -= 3>> <<else>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp += 3>> <</if>> <</for>> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<if ["Social", "Wiles"].includes(_skill)>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp += 3>> <<elseif ["Athletics", "Coordination", "Discipline", "Performance"].includes(_skill)>> /* no change */ <<else>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp -= 3>> <</if>> <</for>> <<case hungover>> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<if _trait == "Sophisticated">> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp ++>> <<elseif _trait == "Attractiveness">> /* no change */ <<else>> <<set $Stats.Traits[_trait].temp -->> <</if>> <</for>> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<if _skill == "Discipline">> /* no change */ <<else>> <<set $Stats.Skills[_skill].temp -->> <</if>> <</for>> <<StateSexSkillModifier -1>> <</switch>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget shoppingMall>> <<set _placement = _args[0]>> <<set _allClothes = Object.keys(setup.Outfits).filter(item => item !== $CC.hometown)>> <<set _bought = []>> <<set _initCloset = Object.assign([], $Closet)>> <div id="shoppingMall"> <<shoppingMallInner _placement>> </div> <</widget>> <<widget shoppingMallInner>> <<set _placement = _args[0]>> <<for _idx, _fit range _allClothes>> <<set _isCustom = ["sleepwear", "default", "prostitution", "goingOut"].includes(_fit)>> <<if _placement && _placement.startsWith("dossier") ? _initCloset.includes(_fit) : !_initCloset.includes(_fit) && !_isCustom>> <<capture _idx, _fit>> <<set _customStyle = _isCustom ? "isCustomFit" : "">> <div class="mallBox"> <div @id="_idx" @class="'mallItem ' + _customStyle"> <img class="mallSlot" src="img/doll/body/doll_wardrobe_base.png"> <<fullOutfit _fit>> <span class="paper-scrap mallItemTooltip"> <<if ['NY', 'NO', 'LA', 'WA', 'AL'].includes(_fit)>> <<= dataUtils.getAccessoryName(_fit)>> <<else>> _fit <</if>> </span> </div> <<if _bought.includes(_fit)>> /* This button should be unclickable, also doesnt matter */ <<done>><<addclass `"#" + _idx` mallItemBought>><</done>> <<button "BOUGHT">> <</button>> <<else>> <<if _placement && _placement.startsWith("dossier")>> <<button "PUT ON">> <<outfit _allClothes[_idx] tryon>> <<if _placement == "dossier">> <<replace ".dossierPage #shoppingMall">> <<shoppingMallInner dossier>> <</replace>> <</if>> <</button>> <<else>> <<button "BUY IT">> <<run _bought.push(_fit)>> <<run $Closet.pushUnique(_fit)>> /* Remove clothings from lostClothing as bought back */ <<if $lostClothing && $lostClothing.length gt 0>> <<run _clothingPieces = Object.values(setup.Outfits[_fit])>> <<set $lostClothing = $lostClothing.filter(item => !_clothingPieces.includes(item))>> <</if>> <<set _buypower -= 2>> <<replace #shoppingMall>> <<shoppingMallInner>> <</replace>> <</button>> <</if>> <</if>> </div> <</capture>> <</if>> <</for>> /* Lets Claire try-on the outfit on click. */ <<run $(document).on("click", "div.mallItem", function (event) { const myId =; $.wiki(`<<outfit ${_allClothes[myId]} tryon>>`); event.preventDefault(); }); >> /* TODO: Make this dynamic for future cases of usage ( 0 into a maxBuyPower var, etc etc) */ /* This section reloads the whole intial passage once buypower is out */ <<done>> <<if _buypower lte 0>> <<replace #mallStore>> <<include "M000 - Mall_Shopping">> <</replace>> <</if>> <</done>> <</widget>> /* Usage */ /* Display speech bubble with both Name and headshot: <<speech "FFriend.png" $CC.FName>> Hi Claire! <</speech>> Display Speech Bubble with just Image: <<speech "MFriend.png">> Hi Claire! <</speech>> Display Speech bubble with just a Name: <<speech $CC.friend1>> Hi Claire! <</speech>> Display Player Speech Bubble <<speechPC>> Hi $CC.FName <</speech>> */ <<widget speech container>> <<set _isImg = _args[0] && _args[0].indexOf(".")>-1>> <<set _headshot = _isImg ? _args[0] : false>> <<set _name = _headshot ? _args[1] : _args[0]>> <div class="chatBubble"> <<if _headshot>> <<headshot _headshot>> <</if>> <div class="speechContent"> <<if _name>> <div class="speakerName">_name:</div> <</if>> <div class="speechText"> _contents </div> </div> </div> <br/> <</widget>> <<widget speechPC container>> <div class="chatBubble playerSpeech"> <div class="speechContent"> <div class="speechText"> _contents </div> </div> </div> <br/> <</widget>> <<widget headshot>> <<set _imgPath = _args[0].indexOf(".jpg") >=0 ? "img/headshots/pixels/" : "img/headshots/" >> <<set $imgSrc = _imgPath+_args[0]>> <img class="headshot" @src="$imgSrc"> <</widget>> <<widget EROSCornerStamp>> <div class="stamped"> <div style="--rotation: 1.15deg; z-index: 1;"> <img src="img/EROS_stamp.png"> </div> </div> <</widget>> <<widget SexSkill>> <<set _skillCategories = []>> <<set _tempXp = _args[_args.length-1]>> <<for _skillType range _args>> <<capture _skillType>> <<if typeof _skillType == 'string'>> <<run _skillCategories.push(_skillType)>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <<for _skillCategory range _skillCategories>> <<HandleSexSkill _skillCategory _tempXp>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget HandleSexSkill>> <<set _skillCategory = _args[0]>> <<set _xpToAdd = _args[1]> 0 ? _args[1] : 1>> <<set _skillOptions = setup.sexSkills[_skillCategory]>> /*<<run console.log("Skill up for '" + _skillCategory + "' Adding " + _xpToAdd + " Experience" )>>*/ <<set $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_skillCategory].experience+=_xpToAdd>> /* Default our skill level and Exp requirements */ <<set _currLvl = 0>> <<set _expNeeded = 30>> /* Find if we have a level in this category. */ <<if $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_skillCategory].level > 0>> <<set _currLvl = $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_skillCategory].level>> <<set _currSkill = _skillOptions[_currLvl]>> <<set _expNeeded = _currLvl*50>> /*Hacky way of generating XP requirements. Level 3 is hardcoded out */ <</if>> /* Check if we have the max skill already, if not; add level 1 ! */ <<set _maxLvl = _skillCategory == 'flexibility' ? 2 : 3>> <<set _maxSkill = $Stats.SexSkills.find((skill) => skill == _skillOptions[_maxLvl])>> /*Helpful for debugging */ /*<<run console.log(`currLvl: ${_currLvl}, currXp:${$Stats.SexSkillLvls[_skillCategory].experience}, expNeeded:${_expNeeded}`)>>*/ <<if !_maxSkill>> <<if $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_skillCategory].experience >= _expNeeded>> <<set _currLvl++>> <<set $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_skillCategory].level = _currLvl>> <<set _levelUpMessage = _skillCategory.splice(0,1,_skillCategory[0].toUpperCase()) + " Skill Level Up!">> <<NotificationPopup _levelUpMessage>> /*Prevent Duplicates */ <<if $Stats.SexSkills.findIndex(existingSkill=> existingSkill === _skillOptions[_currLvl]) == -1>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.push(_skillOptions[_currLvl])>> <</if>> <<set $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_skillCategory].experience -= _expNeeded>> <<set _expNeeded = _currLvl*50>> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget retroAddSkillLvl>> <<set _skillToAdd = _args[0]>> <<set _skillSet = false>> <<set _tempSexSkillsList = setup.sexSkills>> <<for _category, _categoryObj range setup.sexSkills>> /*Loop over each skill in the Skills Object */ <<capture _category, _categoryObj, $Stats.SexSkills, $Stats.SexSkillLvls, setup.sexSkills, _categorySkillValues, _skillSet>> <<set _categorySkillValues = Object.values(_categoryObj);>> <<for _index, _skillString range _categorySkillValues >> <<capture _index, _skillString >> <<if _skillString == _skillToAdd>> /*<<run console.log("Found Skill Category:", _category)>>*/ /* Index starts at zero */ <<set $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_category] = { level: (parseInt(_index) +1), experience: 0, }>> /*<<run console.log("Setting Skill Level to:", $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_category])>>*/ <<set $Stats.SexSkills.push(_skillToAdd)>> <<set _skillSet = true>> <<break>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <<if _skillSet>> <<break>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget SexSkillLvlReset>> <<set $Stats.SexSkills = []>> <<for _name, _skillCategory range $Stats.SexSkillLvls>> <<capture _name, _skillCategory, $Stats.SexSkillLvls>> <<set _skillCategory = {level: 0, experience:0 }>> <<set $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_name] = _skillCategory>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget StateSexSkillModifier>> <<set _debuff = _args[0] == -1 >> <<set _skillsToModify = ["anal", "oral", "handjob", "orgasm", "intercourse"]>> <<if _debuff>> /*Loop through all the Modifible Skill Categories and remove 1 skill each if applicable */ <<for _name range _skillsToModify>> <<capture _name, _skillCategory, $Stats.SexSkillLvls, _skillOptions>> <<set _skillCategory = $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_name]>> <<set _skillOptions = setup.sexSkills[_name]>> <<for _i to 3; _i gt 0; _i-->> <<capture _i, _skillIndex>> <<set _skillIndex = $Stats.SexSkills.findIndex(existingSkill=> existingSkill === _skillOptions[_i])>> <<if _skillIndex > -1>> <<set $Stats.SexSkills.splice(_skillIndex, 1)>> <<break>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</capture>> <</for>> <<else>> /* Else Buff all Modifible Skill Categories by 1 level*/ <<for _name range _skillsToModify>> <<capture _name, _skillCategory, $Stats.SexSkillLvls, _skillOptions>> <<set _skillCategory = $Stats.SexSkillLvls[_name]>> <<set _skillOptions = setup.sexSkills[_name]>> <<for _i to 1; _i lt 4; _i++>> <<capture _i, _skillIndex>> <<set _skillIndex = $Stats.SexSkills.findIndex(existingSkill=> existingSkill === _skillOptions[_i])>> <<if _skillIndex == -1 && _skillOptions[_i]>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.push(_skillOptions[_i])>> <<break>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> /* Updates the sex Skills list on the Cheats menu only */ /* <<replace "#sexSkills">> <<include "sexSkillDisplay" true>> <</replace>> */ <</widget>> <<widget SexSkillReset>> /*<<run console.log("Removing all Skills: "+ $Stats.SexSkills)>>*/ <<set $Stats.SexSkills = []>> <<for _name, _skillCategory range $Stats.SexSkillLvls>> <<capture _name, _skillCategory, $Stats.SexSkillLvls, _skillOptions>> <<if _skillCategory.level > 0>> <<set _skillOptions = setup.sexSkills[_name]>> <<for _i to 1; _i lt 4; _i++>> <<capture _i>> <<if _skillCategory.level >= _i>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.findIndex(existingSkill=> existingSkill === _skillOptions[_i]) == -1>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.push(_skillOptions[_i])>> /*<<run console.log(`Adding ${_skillOptions[_i]} to skills`)>>*/ <</if>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> /* Updates the sex Skills list on the Cheats menu only */ /* <<replace "#sexSkills">> <<include "sexSkillDisplay" true>> <</replace>> */ <</widget>> <<widget DisplaySexSkillLevels>> <<set _enableCheats = _args[0]>> <<set _skillNames = Object.keys(State.variables.Stats.SexSkillLvls)>> <div id="SexSkillLevels" style="margin-left:20px;"> <<include "sexSkillDisplay">> <h3> __Skill Levels__ </h3> <<if _enableCheats>> <<button "Add 10 XP to 3 Random skills">> <<SexSkill _skillNames.random() _skillNames.random() _skillNames.random() 10>> <<replace #SexSkillLevels>> <<DisplaySexSkillLevels true>> <</replace>> <</button>> <br/> <<button "Reset all sex skills">> <<SexSkillLvlReset>> <<replace #SexSkillLevels>> <<DisplaySexSkillLevels true>> <</replace>> <</button>> <</if>> <<for _skillCategory, _skillObj range $Stats.SexSkillLvls>> <<capture _skillCategory, _skillObj, _tempy>> <div @id="_skillCategory" class="SkillCard"> <<include "sexSkillLvlsDisplay">> </div> <br/> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <</widget>> <<widget abortion>> <<set $Body.pregnant = false>> <<set $ACTI.oops = false>> <<set $Body.dayImpregnated = 0>> <</widget>> <<widget pregCheck>> <<set _name = _args[0]>> <<set _gender = _args[1]>> <<set _title = _args[2] ? _args[2] : _name>> <<set _caption = _args[3] ? _args[3] : _title>> <<if random(1, 100) lte $Body.fertility>> <<set _pregSuccess = true>> <<set $Body.pregnant = true>> <<set $Body.dayImpregnated = $HomeBase.days>> <<set $Body.pregnantBy.push({ name: _name, gender: _gender, title: _title, caption: _caption, dayImpregnated: $Body.dayImpregnated})>> <<set $ACTI.oops = true>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget skinColorSelector>> <<set _skinOptions = {"White" : "white", "Golden" : "golden", "Black" : "black", "Fair" : "fair", "Olive" : "olive"}>> <div class="selector-group"> <label><b>Skin Color: </b> <<listbox "$" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _skinOptions>> <</listbox>> </label> <<include "ethnicitySelector" true>> </div> <</widget>> <<widget ovulationCheck>> /* ovulation check here against cycle? If its one of the three days prior to ovulation (highest risk), Claire starts the day <<aroused>> */ <<if $Body.daysUntilOvulation <= 3 >> <<state aroused>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget cycleTracker>> /* Cycle tracking. Claire should know where she is in her cycle. I think it'd be great to have a ref in this dossier page for what she thinks it is. For example, if she's on birth control it would just always say 'Safe'. If she's not on BC, then it would be dependent on her cycle and her Discipline trait. Meaning if she's highly disciplined, it would be preeeetty fucking accurate but as the Discipline is lower, it's more variable. This could read like: Highly Fertile, Fertile, Probably Safe depending on where she is in her cycle and then accounting for Discipline. Figure like, Discipline 10 would be fully accurate, 0 would have an inaccuracy variance of 10ish days? I dunno, something like that. */ <div class="cycle-tracker"> <<if $Body.fertile >> I've been tracking my ovulation cycle to know how fertile I am. <<else>> I've been pretty __Disciplined__ in taking my birthcontrol so... <</if>> <br> <label> <b>Today I should be: </b><<checkFertility>> </label> </div> <</widget>> <<widget checkFertility>> <<set _fertilityLevels = ['Safe', 'Probably Safe', 'Fertile', 'Highly Fertile'] >> <<if $Body.cycleTracker <= $Body.ovulation >> /*Refresh the daysUntilOvulation count just in case, using same calculation from Home base */ <<set $Body.daysUntilOvulation = $Body.ovulation - $Body.cycleTracker>> <<else>> <<set $Body.daysUntilOvulation = ( 28 - $Body.cycleTracker ) + $Body.ovulation>> <</if>> <<if !$Body.fertile>> /* If On Birth Control */ <<set _realFertilityLevel = 0>> <<set _consideredFertilityLevel = 0>> <<else>> /* Not On Birth Control */ <<set _realFertilityLevel = $Body.daysUntilOvulation <= 4 ? 3 : $Body.daysUntilOvulation <= 10 ? 2 : 1>> <<if $Stats.Skills.Discipline.value >= 10>> /* Discipline is good Claire is never wrong */ <<set _consideredFertilityLevel = _realFertilityLevel>> <<else>> /* Discipline is Bad Claire is varying levels of wrong */ <<set _variance = (10 - $Stats.Skills.Discipline.value)>> <<if _variance > 10>> /*Clamp Variance to a max of 10 to account for negative Discipline */ <<set _variance = 10>> <</if>> <<set _offByXDays = random(0, _variance)>> <<set _clairesCount = random(0,10) > 5 ? $Body.daysUntilOvulation + _offByXDays : $Body.daysUntilOvulation - _offByXDays>> <<if _clairesCount > 28 >> /* Clamp Claire's Incorrect Count to realistic numbers */ <<set _clairesCount = 28 - _clairesCount>> <</if>> <<if _clairesCount < 0 >> <<set _clairesCount = 0>> <</if>> <<set _consideredFertilityLevel = _clairesCount <= 4 ? 3 : _clairesCount <= 10 ? 2 : 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<hovertext "Accuracy varies based on Discipline stat">> __<<print _fertilityLevels[_consideredFertilityLevel]>>__ <</hovertext>> <</widget>> /* TODO @Fict Is this needed anymore? I think its safe to delete */ /* Fict: Low-priority tech debt but yes it's still needed! I despise the existence of `W - FinalFormDoll`. Doll code should all be coming from the single source of truth! */ /* TODO: (Fict) Refactor this Quiz to use the normal Doll callout to save future headaches on updates */ <<widget finalFormQuizRefactor >> <<set _list = _args[0] >> <<set _maxSelections = $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value >> <<set _onComplete = _args[3] >> /* Randomize breast Size to show the doll */ <<set $Body.tits = either("small", "medium", "large", "extralarge","huge") >> <<set _tempShowDoll = true >> <<Doll body finalForm>> <<set _tempShowDoll = false >> <</widget>> /* RPG finalFormQuiz (No Doll) */ <<widget RPGfinalFormQuiz container>> <<set _list = _args[0] >> /* Players already chose their chest size so randomized sizes and chest size selection are not required */ /* <<include "W - ChestSelection">> /* let players change their breast size if they choose Fantastic tis */ <div class="quizNoDoll"> <span id="finalFormText"> _contents </span> <div class="quiz-group onecolumn"> <div class="quiz-group-inputs"> <<for _index, _item range _list>> <<capture $Stats.BodyTraits, _maxSelections, _myId, _disabled>> <<set _choiceId = "checkboxQuizChoice-" + _index>> <<set _myId = "checkboxChoice-" + _index>> <<set _disabled = $Stats.BodyTraits.indexOf(_item)>=0 ? 'disabled' : ''>> <div @id="_choiceId" @class="'quiz-choice ' + _disabled"> <label title class="checkbox" @id="_myId"> <input type="checkbox"/> <span> _item </span> </label> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> </div> </div> <<script>> $(document).ready(function (ev) { const list = State.temporary.list; const selected = State.variables.Stats.BodyTraits; const maxCount = State.variables.Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value; if(maxCount >1){ let textVar = "Top "+maxCount+" traits putting me in the spotlight:"; document.getElementById(`finalFormText`).textContent=textVar; } const traitMap = new Map([ ["Fantastic Tits", "tits"], ["Amazing Ass", "ass"], ["Striking Eyes", "eyes"], ["Perfect Smile", "smile"], ["Actor-level Bone Structure", "face"], ["Modelesque Legs", "legs"], ["An Ineffable Charm", "charm"], ["Smoky Voice", "voice"], ["Easy, Unwavering Fitness", "fit"] ]); for(let i=0; i<list.length;i++){ var hoverlist= ["Fantastic Tits","Modelesque Legs", "Actor-level Bone Structure"]; var beingHovered = []; jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`).addEventListener("click", function(e){ let traitName = traitMap.get(list[i]); if(beingHovered.indexOf(traitName) >= -1 ){ if (selected.indexOf(traitName) == -1){ selected.push(traitName); } beingHovered = []; jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxQuizChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); if(list[i]=="Fantastic Tits"){ setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh()>>`), 330); } setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh()>>`), 330); if(selected.length >= maxCount){ for(let i=0; i<list.length;i++){ jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxQuizChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); } } } })); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`).addEventListener("mouseover", function(e){ if(selected.indexOf(traitMap.get(list[i])) == -1 ){ beingHovered.push(traitMap.get(list[i])); selected.push(traitMap.get(list[i])); if(hoverlist.indexOf(list[i]) >=0){ setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh()>>`)); } } })); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`).addEventListener("mouseout", function(e){ if(beingHovered.indexOf(traitMap.get(list[i])) >=0 ){ var idx =selected.indexOf(traitMap.get(list[i])); selected.splice(idx, 1); beingHovered=[]; setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh()>>`)); } })); } }); <</script>> <</widget>> /* Normal Final From Quiz (Doll Included) */ <<widget finalFormQuiz container>> <<set _list = _args[0] >> /* Randomize breast Size to show the doll */ <<set $Body.tits = either("small", "medium", "large", "extralarge", "huge") >> <<include "W - FinalFormDoll">> /* show the doll */ <<include "W - ChestSelection">> /* let players change their breast size if they choose Fantastic tis */ <div class="quizwDoll"> <span id="finalFormText"> _contents </span> <div class="quiz-group columns"> <div class="quiz-group-inputs"> <<for _index, _item range _list>> <<capture $Stats.BodyTraits, _maxSelections, _myId, _disabled>> <<set _choiceId = "checkboxQuizChoice-" + _index>> <<set _myId = "checkboxChoice-" + _index>> <<set _disabled = $Stats.BodyTraits.indexOf(_item)>=0 ? 'disabled' : ''>> <div @id="_choiceId" @class="'quiz-choice ' + _disabled"> <label title class="checkbox" @id="_myId"> <input type="checkbox"/> <span> _item </span> </label> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> </div> </div> <<script>> $(document).ready(function (ev) { const list = State.temporary.list; const selected = State.variables.Stats.BodyTraits; const maxCount = State.variables.Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value; if(maxCount >1){ let textVar = "Top "+maxCount+" traits putting me in the spotlight:"; document.getElementById(`finalFormText`).textContent=textVar; } const traitMap = new Map([ ["Fantastic Tits", "tits"], ["Amazing Ass", "ass"], ["Striking Eyes", "eyes"], ["Perfect Smile", "smile"], ["Actor-level Bone Structure", "face"], ["Modelesque Legs", "legs"], ["An Ineffable Charm", "charm"], ["Smoky Voice", "voice"], ["Easy, Unwavering Fitness", "fit"] ]); for(let i=0; i<list.length;i++){ var hoverlist= ["Fantastic Tits","Modelesque Legs", "Actor-level Bone Structure"]; var beingHovered = []; jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`).addEventListener("click", function(e){ let traitName = traitMap.get(list[i]); if(beingHovered.indexOf(traitName) >= -1 ){ if (selected.indexOf(traitName) == -1){ selected.push(traitName); } beingHovered = []; jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxQuizChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); if(list[i]=="Fantastic Tits"){ setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<replace "#chestSelection">><<include "W - ChestSelection">><</replace>>`), 330); } setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<replace "#finalFormDoll">><<include "W - FinalFormDoll">><</replace>>`), 330); if(selected.length >= maxCount){ for(let i=0; i<list.length;i++){ jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxQuizChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); } } } })); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`).addEventListener("mouseover", function(e){ if(selected.indexOf(traitMap.get(list[i])) == -1 ){ beingHovered.push(traitMap.get(list[i])); selected.push(traitMap.get(list[i])); if(hoverlist.indexOf(list[i]) >=0){ setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<replace "#finalFormDoll">><<include "W - FinalFormDoll">><</replace>>`)); } } })); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`).addEventListener("mouseout", function(e){ if(beingHovered.indexOf(traitMap.get(list[i])) >=0 ){ var idx =selected.indexOf(traitMap.get(list[i])); selected.splice(idx, 1); beingHovered=[]; setTimeout(() => $.wiki(`<<replace "#finalFormDoll">><<include "W - FinalFormDoll">><</replace>>`)); } })); } }); <</script>> <</widget>> /* Usgage CheckboxQuiz <ListOptions> <{#} Max Selections> <OnSelect function> <OnComplete function>*/ <<widget checkboxQuiz container>> <<set _list = _args[0]>> <<set _maxSelections = _args[1]>> <<set _selectedValues = _args[2]>> <div class="quiz"> _contents <div class="quiz-group columns"> <div class="quiz-group-inputs"> <<for _index, _item range _list>> <<capture _selectedValues, _maxSelections, _myId, _disabled>> <<set _choiceId = "checkboxQuizChoice-" + _index>> <<set _myId = "checkboxChoice-" + _index>> <<set _disabled = _selectedValues.indexOf(_item)>=0 ? 'disabled' : ''>> <div @id="_choiceId" class="quiz-choice _disabled"> <label title class="checkbox" @id="_myId"> <input type="checkbox"/> <span> _item </span> </label> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> </div> </div> <<script>> $(document).ready(function (ev) { const list = State.temporary.list; const selected = State.temporary.selectedValues; const maxCount = State.temporary.maxSelections; const completeFunc = State.temporary.onComplete; for(let i=0; i<list.length;i++){ const choice = jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`)); document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`).addEventListener("click", function(e){ if(selected.indexOf(list[i]) == -1 ){ selected.push(list[i]); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); jQuery(document.getElementById(`checkboxQuizChoice-${i}`)).addClass("disabled"); if(selected.length == maxCount){ setTimeout(() => Scripting.evalTwineScript(completeFunc), 330); } } }); } }); <</script>> <</widget>> <<widget mixAndMatch>> <<set _dollEmptySlots = ["outfit", "hat", "glasses", "hair", "bra", "upper", "jacket", "accessory", "panties", "lower", "socks", "feet"]>> <<set _arrOfType = {}>> <div id="wardrobePage"> <div id="mixAndMatchBox"> <div id="mixAndMatchDoll"> <<Doll body mixAndMatch>> <<set _doll["mixAndMatch"] = $doll>> </div> <div id="mixAndMatchSelectors"> <<include mixAndMatchSelectors>> </div> <div id="mixAndMatchButtons"> <div class="mixAndMatchBtns"> <h4 class="mixAndMatchBtnTitle">Save outfit to:</h4> <<for _customLook range Object.keys($OutfitSaves)>> <<capture _customLook>> <<button _customLook>> <<set $OutfitSaves[_customLook] = _doll["mixAndMatch"]>> <</button>> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <div class="mixAndMatchBtns"> <h4 class="mixAndMatchBtnTitle">Put on outfit:</h4> <<for _customLook range Object.keys($OutfitSaves)>> <<capture _customLook>> <<button _customLook>> <<set _doll["mixAndMatch"] = $OutfitSaves[_customLook]>> <<set _currFit = _customLook>> <<replace #mixAndMatchSelectors>> <<include mixAndMatchSelectors>> <</replace>> <<run Doll.refresh('mixAndMatch', 'body')>> <</button>> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> </div> </div> </div> <</widget>> <<widget earPiercings>> <<set _ears = ["Left", "Right"]>> <div id="earBox"> <u>Ear piercings</u> <br><br> <div id="ears"> <<include ears>> </div> </div> <</widget>> <<widget tattoos>> /* Fullbody Tatto Reference: Ankle, Wrist, Mound, Sleeve, Thigh, Foot, "Nape", "Arm", "LowerBack" */ /* Closeup Tattos Reference: tat_ankle, tat_wrist, tat_mound, tat_arm, tat_thigh, tat_foot, tat_nape, (no Upper arm), tat_lowerback */ /* TODO: (Fict) Update the CSS clases here to be specific */ <<set _posArr = ["Neck", "Arm", "Hand", "Thigh", "Butt", "Foot", "Pussy"]>> <<if ndef $Body.tattooStyle['Neck']>> <<for _item range _posArr>> <<run $Body.tattooStyle[_item] = "">> <</for>> <</if>> /* Have 8 closeup tattoos... 7 positions. */ <div class="ear-piercings"> <u>Tattoos</u> <br> <br> <div id="tattooBox" class="row"> <<include tattoos>> </div> </div> <div id="tattoo-choices"> <<include tattooFollowUpText>> </div> <</widget>> <<widget updateDollPath>> <<set $dollPath = SugarCube.settings.artHD ? "img/dollHD/" : "img/doll/">> <</widget>> <<widget statSheet>> /* TODO: Add optional - and + around the value if the player has stat points available */ <div id="statSheet"> <div class="statTitle"> Skills </div> <div class="statTitle"> Traits </div> <div class="statCol"> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <div class="statDiv"> <div> _skill </div> <div> <<= $Stats.Skills[_skill].value>> </div> </div> <</for>> </div> <div class="statCol"> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <div class="statDiv"> <div> _trait </div> <div> <<= $Stats.Traits[_trait].value>> </div> </div> <</for>> </div> </div> <</widget>> /* -------------------------- */ /* Do NOT add new widgets below this line */ /* -------------------------- */
<<for _index, _ear range _ears>> <<capture _ear>> <<set _earSrc = $Body.piercingStyle[_ear.toLowerCase() + 'ear'] ? ($dollPath + 'closeup/earpiercing_' + $Body.piercingStyle[_ear.toLowerCase() + 'ear'] + '.png') : ''>> <<set _cartilageSrc = $Body.piercingStyle[_ear.toLowerCase() + 'cartilage'] ? ($dollPath + 'closeup/earpiercing_' + $Body.piercingStyle[_ear.toLowerCase() + 'cartilage'] + '.png') : ''>> <div @id="_ear + 'Ear'" class="earItem"> <div class="earPic"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/ear.png'"> <img @class="'closeup hair' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/earhair_' + $ + '.png'"> <img @id="_ear + '-ear'" class="closeup" @src="_earSrc"> <img @id="_ear + '-cartilage'" class="closeup" @src="_cartilageSrc"> </div> <label> _ear Ear <br> <<set _earPiercing = "$Body.piercingStyle['" + _ear.toLowerCase() + "ear']">> <span id="earListbox"> <<listbox _earPiercing autoselect>> <<option "None" "">> <<option "Single Hoop" "single">> <<option "Double Rings" "double">> <<option "Triple Studs" "triple">> <</listbox>> </span> </label> <label> _ear Cartilage <br> <<set _cartilagePiercing = "$Body.piercingStyle['" + _ear.toLowerCase() + "cartilage']">> <<listbox _cartilagePiercing autoselect>> <<option "None" "">> <<option "Industrial" "industrial">> <<option "Helix" "helix">> <<option "Tragus" "tragus">> <<option "Orbital Conch" "orbital">> <</listbox>> </label> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> <<run function bindOnChangeEvents() { $(document).ready(function (ev) { $("#listbox-bodypiercingstyleleftear").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<replace "#ears">><<include "ears">><</replace>>`); }); $("#listbox-bodypiercingstyleleftcartilage").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<replace "#ears">><<include "ears">><</replace>>`); }); $("#listbox-bodypiercingstylerightear").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<replace "#ears">><<include "ears">><</replace>>`); }); $("#listbox-bodypiercingstylerightcartilage").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<replace "#ears">><<include "ears">><</replace>>`); }); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(); >>
<<for _index, _pos range _posArr>> <<set _tatNames = []>> <<capture _pos>> <<switch _pos>> <<case Butt>> <<run _tattooOpts.includes("LowerBack") ? _tatNames.push("LowerBack") : "">> <<case Neck>> <<run _tatNames.push("Nape")>> <<case Arm>> <<run _tattooOpts.includes("Sleeve") ? _tatNames.push("Sleeve") : "">> <<case Thigh>> <<run _tatNames.push("Thigh")>> <<case Pussy>> <<run _tattooOpts.includes("Mound") ? _tatNames.push("Mound") : "">> <<case Hand>> <<run _tatNames.push("Wrist")>> <<case Foot>> <<run _tatNames.push("Ankle")>> <<run _tatNames.push("Foot")>> <</switch>> <<if _tatNames.length > 0>> <<set _tatSrc = $Body.tattooStyle[_pos] ? ($dollPath + 'closeup/tattoo_' + $Body.tattooStyle[_pos].toLowerCase() + '.png') : "">> <div @class="'tattoo-' + _pos" style="display: inline-block; width:128px;"> /* Doll Display */ <div style="position: relative; width:128px; height:128px"> <img @class="'closeup skin' + $" @src="$dollPath + 'closeup/' + _pos.toLowerCase() + '.png'"> <img @id="_pos.toLowerCase() + '-tattoo'" class="closeup" @src="_tatSrc"> </div> /* Dropdown below Doll */ <label> _pos <br> <<set _tatOpts = { None: "" }>> <<for _tatName range _tatNames>> <<run _tatOpts[_tatName] = _tatName>> <</for>> <<set _stringTat = "$Body.tattooStyle['" + _pos + "']">> <<listbox _stringTat autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _tatOpts>> <</listbox>> </label> </div> <<run function bindOnChangeEvents(pos) { $(document).ready(function (ev) { pos = pos.toLowerCase(); let tatID = "#listbox-bodytattoostyle" + pos; $(tatID).on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(` <<replace "#tattooBox">><<include "tattoos">><</replace>> <<replace "#tattoo-choices">><<include "tattooFollowUpText">><</replace>> <<run Doll.refresh()>> `); }); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(_pos); >> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>>
<<set _tattArr = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<if _tattArr.includesAny("Nape", "Wrist", "Ankle", "Arm", "Thigh", "Foot", "Mound", "LowerBack", "Sleeve")>> My ink? I had <<if _tattArr.includes("Sleeve")>>an awesome sleeve;<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("LowerBack")>>a 'tramp stamp';<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("Mound")>>an exciting surprise to guys who got in my pants;<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("Arm")>>a quote on my bicep;<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("Thigh")>>a beautiful design on my thigh;<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("Foot")>>stars on my foot;<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("Ankle")>>a little butterfly on my ankle;<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("Wrist")>>a dandelion on my inner wrist;<</if>> <<if _tattArr.includes("Nape")>>and dragonflies on the back of my neck.<</if>> <br><br><br> <</if>>
<<for _type range _dollEmptySlots>> <<capture _type>> <div class="mixAndMatchSliderTitle"> <<print _type.toUpperFirst()>> </div> <<include mixAndMatchSlider>> <</capture>> <</for>>
<div @id='_type + "Slider"' class="mixAndMatchSlider"> <<button "<">> <<set _clickForward = false>> <<include mixAndMatchClick>> <</button>> <div @id='_type + "Text"' class="mixAndMatchText"> <<switch _type>> <<case outfit>> <<print _currFit ? _currFit : $currentOutfit>> <<default>> <<print _doll["mixAndMatch"][_type] ? _doll["mixAndMatch"][_type] : "">> <</switch>> </div> <<button ">">> <<set _clickForward = true>> <<include mixAndMatchClick>> <</button>> </div>
<<if ndef _allClothesMixAndMatch>> /* Hack to see all options in mixAndMatch */ /* <<set _allClothesMixAndMatch = Object.keys(setup.Outfits)>> */ <<set _allClothesMixAndMatch = $Closet>> <</if>> <<set _outfitToCompare = _currFit || $currentOutfit>> /* Set the index based on where our current fit is in the array. */ <<if _type === "outfit">> <<set _currFitIdx = _allClothesMixAndMatch.indexOf(_outfitToCompare)>> <<else>> <<if ndef _arrOfType[_type]>> <<set _arrOfType[_type] = [ Set( => setup.Outfits[item][_type]))] || []>> <</if>> <<set _currFitIdx = _arrOfType[_type].indexOf(_doll["mixAndMatch"][_type])>> /* Hacks that must remain until we figure out a better way to handle Braless and Panties overall */ <<if _type == "bra" || _type == "panties">> <<if _doll["mixAndMatch"][_type] == "bra" || ["bikini", "thong"].includes(_doll["mixAndMatch"][_type])>> <<set _currFitIdx = 0>> <<elseif _currFitIdx == -1>> <<set _currFitIdx = 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> /* Move to the next item, forwards or backwards */ /* Filter here so we can't see the hometown Accessory sets while scrolling through outfits */ <<set _targetArr = _type === "outfit" ? _allClothesMixAndMatch.filter(item => !['AL', 'NO', 'NY', 'LA', 'WA'].includes(item)) : _arrOfType[_type]>> <<if _clickForward>> <<set _currFitIdx ++>> <<set _currFitIdx %= _targetArr.length>> <<else>> <<set _currFitIdx -->> <<if _currFitIdx < 0>> <<set _currFitIdx = _targetArr.length - 1 >> <</if>> <</if>> /* Set our doll to the intended fit, could be a custom fit as well. */ <<if _type === "outfit">> <<set _targetFit = _allClothesMixAndMatch[_currFitIdx]>> <<if ["sleepwear", "default", "prostitution", "goingOut"].includes(_targetFit) && Object.keys($OutfitSaves[_targetFit]).length > 0>> <<set _doll['mixAndMatch'] = Object.assign({}, $OutfitSaves[_targetFit])>> <<else>> <<set _doll['mixAndMatch'] = Object.assign({}, setup.Outfits[_targetFit])>> <<pantyAndBraCheck mixAndMatch>> <</if>> <<set _currFit = _targetFit>> <<else>> <<if _type === "hair">> <<set _doll['mixAndMatch']['hairback'] = "">> <<if ["hair_front_ahridefault", "hair_front_ahrielderwood", "hair_front_ahriacademy"].includes(_arrOfType[_type][_currFitIdx])>> <<set _doll['mixAndMatch']['hairback'] = "back_" + _arrOfType[_type][_currFitIdx].slice(11)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set _doll['mixAndMatch'][_type] = _arrOfType[_type][_currFitIdx]>> <<if _type == "bra" || _type == "panties">> <<pantyAndBraCheck mixAndMatch>> <</if>> <</if>> /* Reload all the sliders and Doll to reflect the new changes! */ <<replace #mixAndMatchSelectors>> <<include mixAndMatchSelectors>> <</replace>> <<run Doll.refresh('mixAndMatch', 'body')>>
<div class="finalFormBreasts" id='chestSelection'> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> When all was said and done, I had developed quite a pair, if I did say so myself. I was incredibly proud of my <<listbox "$Body.tits" autoselect>> <<option "tiny little A's" "small">> <<option "perky, nice B's" "medium">> <<option "tight but large C's" "large">> <<option "heavy, but bouncy D's" "extralarge">> <<option "bras all disagreed, but everyone agreed they were massive" "huge">> <</listbox>> <<run function bindOnChangeEvents() { $(document).ready(function (ev) { $("#listbox-bodytits").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<replace "#finalFormDoll">><<include "W - FinalFormDoll">><</replace>>`); }); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(); >> <<else>> When the changes settled down, genetics had left me <<print $Body.tits>> chested. <</if>> </div>
<div id='finalFormDoll'> /*Start Doll */ <div class="finalFormDoll"> <<set _layout = "body">> <<set _hairClass = 'doll hair' + $>> <<set _shirtSize = '_' + $Body.tits>> <<set _slimBody = $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs") ? "slim_" : "">> <<if ndef $doll>> <<set $doll = {}>> <</if>> <<if ndef _doll>> <<set _doll = {}>> <</if>> <<set _currDoll = _id === "sidebar" ? $doll : (_doll[_id] || $doll)>> <div @id="'doll-' + _id" @class="'dollContainer ' + _layout"> /* Hair back*/ <<if _currDoll.hairback>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + _currDoll.hairback + '.png'"> <</if>> /* Doll base */ <img data-slot="body" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'body/body_' + _slimBody + $ + '.png'"> /* Doll face */ <<set _faceType = $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face") ? "" : "plain">> <<set _expression = _currDoll.expression ? _currDoll.expression : "normal">> <<set _eyeType = _currDoll.expression ? _currDoll.expression : "normal">> <img data-slot="face" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'face/' + $ + '/' + _faceType + '/' + _expression + '.png'"> <img data-slot="eyes" @class="'doll eye' + $Body.eyes" @src="$dollPath + 'face/eyes/eyes_' + _eyeType + '.png'"> <<if _currDoll.faceMakeup>> <img data-slot="faceMakeup" class="doll faceMakeup" @src="$dollPath + 'face/makeup/' + _currDoll.faceMakeup + '_' + _currDoll.expression + '.png'"> <</if>> /* Doll breasts */ <<if !_currDoll.bra and !_currDoll.upper>> <img data-slot="tits" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'body/topless_' + $Body.tits + '_' + ($Stats.BodyTraits.includes('tits') ? '': 'plain_') + $ + '.png'"> <<else>> <img data-slot="tits" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'body/boobs_' + $Body.tits + '_' + ($Stats.BodyTraits.includes('tits') ? '': 'plain_') + $ + '.png'"> <<if _currDoll.bra>> <img data-slot="bra" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'clothing/' + _currDoll.bra + '_' + $Body.tits + '.png'"> <</if>> <</if>> /* Hair */ <<if>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/' + + '.png'"> <<elseif _currDoll.hat == "gradcap" && $>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hathair_' + $ + '.png'"> <<elseif _currDoll.hat == "hat_cowboyBrown" && $>> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hatbangs_' + $ + '.png'"> <<elseif $ neq "">> <img data-slot="hair" @class="_hairClass" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + $ + '.png'"> <img data-slot="hair_rim" class="doll" @src="$dollPath + 'hair/hair_' + $ + '_rim.png'"> <</if>> </div> </div> /*End Doll */ </div>
<div id="sexSkills"> <h3>__Attained Skills__</h3> $Stats.SexSkills </div>
<div id="sexSkillLvls" style="margin-left:10px;"> <b> <<print _skillCategory.splice(0,1,_skillCategory[0].toUpperCase()) >></b> <br/> Level: <<if _skillObj.level > 0 >> <b> <<print _skillObj.level>> </b><<else>> 0 <</if>> <br/> Experience: <<if _skillObj.experience > 0 >> <b> <<print _skillObj.experience>> </b><<else>> 0 <</if>> <br/> <<if _enableCheats>> <<set _tempy = "#" + _skillCategory>> <<button "Add 10 XP">> <<SexSkill _skillCategory 10>> <<replace _tempy>> <<include "sexSkillLvlsDisplay" true>> <</replace>> <<replace "#sexSkills">> <<include "sexSkillDisplay" true>> <</replace>> <</button>> <</if>> </div>
<span id="ethnicitySelector"> <label> <<if visited("Skip Prologue - 00") || visited("CC001 - Origin Quick")>> <b>Ethnicity: </b> <<else>> Ethnicity: <</if>> <span id="ethnicity"> <<include "ethnicityListBox">> </span> </label> </span> <<run function bindOnChangeEvents() { $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodyskin").on("change", function (event) { /* It should be fading in so players can tell that the options changed...but it's not working. Godspeed. */ $("#ethnicity").empty().wiki("<<include ethnicityListBox>>").fadeIn(500); }); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(); >>
<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <<listbox "$CC.ethnicity" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom setup.ethnicityOpts[$]>> <</listbox>>
<<set $ACTI.followed = false>> <<set $ACTI.ticket = 0>> <<set $ = 0>> /* TODO: (Fict) This should be in the preset files tbh, not here. */ <<set $CC.showDoll = true>> /* Fictionary TODO: Create negative reset macro Mira: should we create a setter that by default wouldn't allow going below 0? or allow for min/max based on variable name (logic hidden inside macro in a variable definition object), if we had something like this we could have more complex logic if needed ie. don't raise if something, or raise linked stat/trait every X of this etc. :) */ /* Can't use Stats widget here because it only targets exp post Act-I LOL */ /* Skill/Trait Limitations - Act I All Skill caps are removed. .xp is rendered as immediate skill-ups if they meet the requirements. */ <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Social'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Performance'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base lt 0>><<set $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base = 0>><</if>> <<if $CC.BC == "Pill">> <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Pills")>> <</if>> <<if $CC.BC == "Ring">> <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Ring")>> <</if>> <header> <h1><<type 0.125s>>Act I<</type>></h1> <h2><<type 0.125s>>Spying for Dummies<</type>></h2> </header> <<timed 5s t8n>> <<if Array("HS013 - SexLeveling", "HS012 - LifeChoices", "GY010 - Home", "GY011 - Bacc", "PG003 - HomeVign4", "PG001 - Decisions").includes(previous()) || $Skip?.bond>> <<outfit bond>> It was time for daughter to emulate mother. Cue music! <br><br> <<else>> <<outfit default>> <</if>> I had given it lots of thought. I had fought the demons that came easily from within. But the fear of the unknown had quickly been outstripped by the fear of the known. I couldn't stand this bullshit anymore. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Deception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 1>> Not a word was spoken about what I was up to. I think that <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> was glad to see so much activity out of me. He was extremely careful around me, as if he expected me to break at any moment. Very few, selective words and interactions -- I wondered how much of this was guidance by Nate. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/act1.luggage.png">> My bags were packed. My room was clean. Everything was in order, and while the biggest decision had been made, I had left important ones until this moment. Nothing left to procrastinate with. <br><br> Where was I <<linkexpand "going?">> going? <div id="going"> <<crossroads #going>> <<path>> Take the cash I had on hand and drop by <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>'s travel agency and grab a ticket somewhere? They might even have ideas -- seemed like an easy option, but he could find out. He //would// find out, but maybe too late. <<contents>> <<image framed "passage/a1.street.png">> <<face shock>> <br><br> My bag rumbled behind me with all my worldly belongings. The back door was handy and I think I left home with him still blissfully unawares. <br><br> I wondered if that would make things easier on him or worse. Did I care? <br><br> It was a lot longer of a walk than I remembered, but I couldn't turn back now lest all my plans go for naught -- would I be able to keep my resolve? Would <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> convince me? <br><br> Wait... <div id="perception"> <<crossroads #perception>> <<path>> Was...that car moving especially slow? <<contents>> <br><br> That car was moving...very...slow. I felt like I was literally in some movie. The hairs raising on the back of my neck and my hand tightened on the handle of my bag. How long had it been behind me? Was that Nate? <br><br> What should I do? <div id="act"> <<crossroads #act>> <<path>> Duck down the next street <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Performance" "Deception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 2>> And...//now//. And...//now//. I could still get to my destination this way, but now I'd have more information. I slowed my steps and kept focused on the car. Their breaks squeaked just slightly, lurching after I made my move. <br><br> Yep. Wow. This shit really happened. And I was important enough for a tail. Well, now that I had that knowledge, that I had ''made'' my pursuer, I kept going. Guess I out-agented the agent, eh, Nate? <br><br><br> The bell jangled as I stepped in the door, wheels of my bag thumping over the [[entryway|ACTI001 - Travel Agency][$ACTI.followed = true]]. <<else>> And...//now//. I could still get to my destination this way, but now I'd have more information. I slowed my steps and kept focused on the car. It passed, same speed, as if nothing was wrong. Maybe just an old person. <br><br> That's just an overactive imagination. I'm on edge, my adrenaline's up and I needed to calm down. Everything had gone crazy, no need for __me__ to go crazy as well. <br><br><br> The bell jangled as I stepped in the door, wheels of my bag thumping over the [[entryway|ACTI001 - Travel Agency][$ACTI.followed = false]]. <</if>> <<path>> Keep going as if nothing was wrong? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> No. That's just an overactive imagination. I'm on edge, my adrenaline's up and I needed to calm down. Everything had gone crazy, no need for __me__ to go crazy as well. <br><br><br> The bell jangled as I stepped in the door, wheels of my bag thumping over the [[entryway|ACTI001 - Travel Agency][$ACTI.followed = false]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> No. That's just an overactive imagination. <<contents>> <br><br> I'm on edge, my adrenaline's up and I needed to calm down. Everything had gone crazy, no need for __me__ to go crazy as well. <br><br><br> The bell jangled as I stepped in the door, wheels of my bag thumping over the [[entryway|ACTI001 - Travel Agency][$ACTI.followed = false]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Bite the bullet and tell him I was going? Make //him// decide: help or lose me forever. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception -->> <div id="dad"> <br><br> With my heart thudding in my chest, I headed to his room. A rap-rap-rap of my knuckles on the door. Like he would do, it was an announcement of entry. <br><br><br> "Yeah?" <br><br> "Hey--" I was caught short, he was trying to hide drying his eyes, "Uh. Sorry." <br><br> "No, no, no. What's up, <<print $>>?" <br><br> "I...uh--I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to go." <br><br> "You too?" <br><br> "It's different, Dad. Don't gimme that." <br><br> Right as I might have been, the moisture in his eyes still expressed the pain I had inflicted. "Okay." <br><br> "It's not like I'm going to //disappear//." <br><br> "I know." <br><br> "I just, can't do ''this'' anymore. So, I can either do this __with__ you or on my own." He nodded, not understanding, but not about to send me away. <br><br> "With me? How." <br><br> "Got anywhere that I could go?" He chuckled, looking down at his knees. He wiped his hands against them and stood. <br><br> "Sure. <<link "Come on">><<replace "#dad">> <br><br> The chair squeaked as he sat down, "I'm sure there's somewhere we haven't been able to sell." The computer booted and his messy desktop filled the screen. Practiced movements, he navigated the clutter with ease. A couple folders expanded, his email flipped up onto the monitor -- it was surprisingly organized. "Okay. How do you feel about: <<hover>>[[the Philippines|ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 1]]<<tip>>Cheap and formerly US, so less of a language barrier, but known to have a massive criminal element.<</hover>>, <<hover>>[[Bangkok|ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 2]]<<tip>>Incredibly inexpensive and fun destination, but one of the most dangerous criminal spots in the world and not easy to navigate for English-speakers.<</hover>>, or <<hover>>[[Tallinn|ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 3]]<<tip>>Europe, while typically a safe place to visit for Americans, Tallinn is only a hop-skip from Russia, Russian-affiliated countries and the largest land war in generations.<</hover>>?" <br><br> He leaned back in the chair, watching me as I decided. "Not the best places, but that's what we've got. Just be safe and...have fun." He squeezed my hand with a pained smile. <br> <</replace>><</link>>." </div> <<path>> Dig through my Mom's shit and see if I could find some clues? Go after her myself? Was that crazy? Some //agency// had told me she had disappeared. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <br><br> Into the office I went. My heart pounded in my chest, listening intently to ensure I didn't hear him coming. <br><br> Into the drawers. Travel agency bullshit. Itineraries. Medical records. Old finger paintings -- why did they keep these? They aren't even recognizable as...a turkey? <br><br> Nothing of hers. Nothing? No passport. No itinerary. Not even tax or medical records. And certainly not shitty childhood drawings. <br><br> I almost slammed the drawers shut in frustration. I dropped into the office chair with a squeak, spinning in it slowly as I looked around the room. I could tear the place apart, but probably when <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> wasn't here. And I didn't have //time//. <br><br> Then my eyes fell on his computer. She used it sometimes, even though it was mostly for his work. <br><br> The computer booted and his messy desktop filled the screen. Oof, the //clutter//. I pulled up his email - surprisingly organized. More travel bullshit. Searching some terms. <<print $CC.MName>>: nothing. Nate? Nothing. The date of Prom: nothing. <br><br> Closing out of that, I tried a search of the PC itself. <<linkexpand "Come on, Gen Z skills.">> Come on, Gen Z skills. <br><br><br> <<print $CC.MName>>: nothing. Guess she //is// a spy or something. Not a trace. Date of Prom. Nada. Nate...? <br><br> <<linkexpand "Using his business card...">> <<set _nate = { name: "Nate", image: "", branch: "International Affairs", role: "Deputy Agent", company: "External Recon\n & Operations Service" }>> <<businessCard _nate>> <br> Using his business card: full name; phone number. <<shake 3s>>''BINGO''<</shake>> Files with your usual 'computer string' of random letters and numbers, but the contents told tales. <<crossroads>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 2; $ = 2]]>> <<hover>> Reference to Bangkok <<skillChecked "Discipline">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Dated a few months ago.<<else>>.<</if>> <<tip>> Incredibly inexpensive and fun destination, but one of the most dangerous criminal spots in the world and not easy to navigate for English-speakers. <</hover>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 3; $ = 1]] $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0>> <<hover>> Another to Tallinn <<skillChecked "Discipline">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Dated last month.<<else>>.<</if>> <<tip>> Europe, while typically a safe place to visit for Americans, Tallinn is only a hop-skip from Russia, Russian-affiliated countries and the largest land war in generations. <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ doesn't have high enough investigation. <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 1; $ = 3]] $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 1>> <<hover>> And finally, from the week before Prom: the Philippines. <<tip>> Cheap and formerly US, so less of a language barrier, but known to have a massive criminal element. <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ doesn't have high enough investigation. <</crossroads>> <br> And a quick cross-reference with his email. Yep, I could nab some tickets surreptitiously through his login and password. He //certainly// wasn't an agent. <br><br> I just needed to decide, and quick, before he caught on to me. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Another tap-tap-tap of knuckles on my door. The announcement of entry. I tried to shield my open suitcase with my body as the door swung open. "What." I put as much threat into my voice as I could. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/act1.luggage.png">> <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom looked at me puzzled, "You're...leaving too?" I felt bad for him. He'd stepped in to fill the massive void that had appeared in my life.<<else>>"You...just going to...leave, too?" There was a tightness in <<print $CC.DName>>'s' voice, restraint of the emotions that he was feeling.<</if>> Somehow the pain he was experiencing just offended me, rather than soften me. <br><br> "Looks like it, doesn't it." Flipping the case closed, I patted it with finality. Silent, he moved over and sat on my bed unbidden. <br><br> It had been so close: my room was clean, I had just finished packing and was resolving to head out. He wasn't stopping me, which was its own kind of infuriating, but...what was he doing? <br><br> "Hey. I feel like you've kept a fuck-ton from me. long has Nate been around? What has Mom been up to?" <br><br> He nodded at each one, "Fair. All fair." He sighed. "'re right. We were waiting to tell you until you had graduated. Adulthood and whatnot. But the real answers I don't really know. Nate would be the best one to ask." I let my dissatisfaction sit pregnant in the air. "Where are you going anyway?" <br><br> It was a fucking great question. I hadn't gotten that far. Your move, <<print $>>. <div id="caught"> <<crossroads #caught>> <<path>> Call the bluff and see what I can sus out from Nate? <<contents>> <br><br> Heading back to my room, I considered giving Nate a call. He did have all the answers. At least those that were to be had. I kicked the door shut and pulled out my cell, dialing. There was a tightness growing in my stomach as the tones rang in my ear. I didn't have a plan and I didn't have leverage. <<call Nate>>Hello, <<print $>><</call>> My throat clenched as I heard his voice. The flood of that moment after graduation returning to me. <<call>>H-hi.<</call>> <<call Nate>>How are you holding up?<</call>> No. I was not going to let him drive this conversation. <<call>>Look. Why did you give me your card? I'm not looking for a job, or a recommendation...or to //hire// you.<</call>> He chuckled. Okay, I had gotten him off-balance, or at least surprised him a little. <<call Nate>> a good point. We don't really do work-for-hire.<</call>> <<call>>Right. So why.<</call>> Silence on the other end. <<call Nate>>You free now?<</call>> <<call>>You're the spy, don't you know?<</call>> <<call Nate>>Yes, we have a little satellite squarely on your position at all times.<</call>> I didn't like that he made jokes out of his superior position. <<call>>So, what do you think of what my hand is doing right now.<</call>> Silence. <br><br> A very different type this time. <<call Nate>>How about meet me outside in...<</call>> <br> I clicked the phone off. I got off the bed and headed outside, standing in the yard with my hands on my hips, looking back and forth down the street. <br><br><br><br> When he pulled up a few moments later I felt supremely uncomfortable. He had been parked just down the street the whole time. It skeeved me out. It made me supremely curious. What. The. Fuck? <br><br> I opened the door to his Volvo and dropped into the passenger-side, using the impact of my weight as a commentary for how I felt right now. He coughed. Mission accomplished. <br><br> "This really how the government spends its resources?" We sat, idling in front of my house. I wasn't looking at him. <br><br> "This is not...normal." <br><br> "No. It's //not//. You're behaving like I'm on suicide watch or something. Like I'm some vital US asset in danger, under witness protection or some bullshit--" I was using the fictions that I had seen as a way to put some sort of context to how I felt, even though I knew they were fictions. So I'd keep spouting them until I got the truth from him. Why were they treating me this way? Why did it seem like I was special? Or scary? Or weak? Because it felt like they were saying all of them at once. <br><br> "<<print $>>. <<if $ == 0>>Emma<<else>><<print $CC.MName>><</if>> was working a critical case. Very dangerous people involved, and honestly, I'm hoping that her disappearing means she's close. Because of who it was, because of what's at stake there //is// the chance that you were in danger, though that would also mean her cover was blown and we're in worse straits than you can imagine." <br><br> "Witness protection. For real." I finally looked at him. Scowling. Incredulous. <br><br> He sighed and set his jaw, now switching roles to be the one looking out the windshield, "I told you I'm your Minder. But there's more to it than that. I've been waiting for the go-ahead for something else." <br><br> "And do you have it?" <br><br><br> More silence. I wondered if it was a spy tactic. Or maybe spies are just people and aren't some uncanny superhero like we make them out to be. Wordlessly, he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled a piece of heavy card stock out and slid it onto the console between us with the smallest of movements. <br><br> He didn't look at me. He reached over, keeping his hand below the dash and put it on mine. I fought the instinct to recoil. Gently, he pulled it onto the white paper and then let go of my hand. "No. I don't. That's all I can say." <br><br> I grasped the paper and tried to tuck it against my body as I jerked out of the car. Far from elegant or crafty, but I think I understood. He was sending me a message and it was in the thing I had folded in the palm of my hand. I might have an answer! <br><br> I slammed the door and rushed to my room, wary about where I looked at it. I peeked out the window and his Volvo was gone. I wondered if he just parked back on the street. I went and hid in my closet, knees and feet nudging the packed suitcase to make room for me. I didn't dare use my phone for light. With just the barest crack in the door, I unfolded the thick, slightly slick and weirdly-shaped paper. I frowned, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. <br><br><br> It was a airplane ticket to [[Manila|ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 1]]. <<path>> Take the goodwill I had earned and ask <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> to help me go. Wherever. Just go. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> "I...honestly don't know. I just feel like, I need to...go." He nodded. <br><br> "Running doesn't solve everything -- or anything, in my experience." <br><br> "Didn't stop <<print $CC.MName>>, did it?" A wry smile. <br><br> "I understand." <br><br> "I made my decision." <br><br> "I understand." <br><br> "You aren't going to change my mind, <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>." <br><br> "I understand, <<print $>>." <br><br> "Got anywhere that I could go?" He chuckled, looking down at his knees. He wiped his hands against them and stood. <br><br> "Sure. The chair squeaked as he sat down, "I'm sure there's somewhere we haven't been able to sell." The computer booted and his messy desktop filled the screen. Practiced movements, he navigated the clutter with ease. A couple folders expanded, his email flipped up onto the monitor -- it was surprisingly organized. "Okay. How do you feel about: <<crossroads>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 1]]>> <<hover>> the Philippines <<tip>> Cheap and formerly US, so less of a language barrier, but known to have a massive criminal element. <</hover>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 2]]>> <<hover>> Bangkok <<tip>> Incredibly inexpensive and fun destination, but one of the most dangerous criminal spots in the world and not easy to navigate for English-speakers. <</hover>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 3]]>> <<hover>> or Tallinn? <<tip>> Europe, while typically a safe place to visit for Americans, Tallinn is only a hop-skip from Russia, Russian-affiliated countries and the largest land war in generations. <</hover>> <</crossroads>> <br> He leaned back in the chair, watching me as I decided. "Not the best places, but that's what we've got. Just be safe and...have fun." He squeezed my hand with a pained smile. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</timed>>
<<image framed "passage/">> Inside was exactly as it always was, people hunched over monitors, on headsets and clacking away intently. <br><br> <<if $ACTI.followed == true>> Yet there was a part of me that felt an urgency. If someone was keeping eyes on me than I needed to get a move on. And who knew if any of them were also watching for me. <br><br><br> I slid into the seat across from Livvy, who manned the front desk, "Hey." <br><br> "Oh, hey, <<print $>>." Okay, she seemed less than interested with my arrival. <br><br> "So, uh, weird request. Stuck with anything that I might be able to use? Ya know, extras--" <br><br> "Uh, sure, probably. For two of you, yeah?" <br><br> "Two? Yeah." I figured it was best to just ditch the other ticket than try and lie my way into a single ticket. <br><br> "How'd'ya feel about... <<crossroads>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 2]]>> <<hover>> Bangkok <<tip>> Incredibly inexpensive and fun destination, but one of the most dangerous criminal spots in the world and not easy to navigate for English-speakers. <</hover>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 3]]>> <<hover>> Tallinn <<tip>> Europe, while typically a safe place to visit for Americans, Tallinn is only a hop-skip from Russia, Russian-affiliated countries and the largest land war in generations. <</hover>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 1]]>> <<hover>> the Philippines <<tip>> Cheap and formerly US, so less of a language barrier, but known to have a massive criminal element. <</hover>> <</crossroads>> <br> Well. That was easy. Now. Which one. Grab and go. <<else>> No one seemed to blink at my arrival. I wasn't a usual visitor, especially without <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. They didn't want to be bothered and I needed to raise as little attention as possible, girl. <br><br><br> I slid into the seat across from Livvy, who manned the front desk, "Hey." <br><br> "Oh, hey, <<print $>>." <br><br> "So, uh, weird request. Stuck with anything that I might be able to use? Ya know, extras--" <br><br> "Uh, sure, probably. For two of you, yeah?" <br><br> "Two? Yeah." I figured it was best to just ditch the other ticket than try and lie my way into a single ticket. <br><br> "How'd'ya feel about... <<crossroads>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 2]]>> <<hover>> Bangkok <<tip>> Incredibly inexpensive and fun destination, but one of the most dangerous criminal spots in the world and not easy to navigate for English-speakers. <</hover>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 3]]>> <<hover>> Tallinn <<tip>> Europe, while typically a safe place to visit for Americans, Tallinn is only a hop-skip from Russia, Russian-affiliated countries and the largest land war in generations. <</hover>> <<path [[ACTI001 - The Boys][$ACTI.ticket = 1]]>> <<hover>> the Philippines <<tip>> Cheap and formerly US, so less of a language barrier, but known to have a massive criminal element. <</hover>> <</crossroads>> <br> Well. That was easy. Now. Which one. Grab and go. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI001-TheBoys-alt.png">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> Time for the goodbyes...Goodbye. Shit. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>>, easy. A text would suffice. She'd be confused AF, but we had an easy thing between us like always. No questions. Just understanding. <br><br> <<print $>>. Hm. I couldn't imagine trying to explain where I was going--why. They'd make me want to stay, whether they tried to or not. I needed to keep the distance so I could //get// the distance. <br><br> I'm sure they'd be pissed, but a text would have to do. Maybe a FaceTime later. <br><br> The Boys, though. Somehow, I //had// to say goodbye to them and I knew they'd get it. We had such history together. <br><br> <</if>> <<if visited("PG002 - BoysSex")>> <div id="ethan"> Me and The Boys had, of course, sent texts back and forth over the past year. The group chat had been frenzied at first while they became situated at schools, felt homesick and sought consistency. The personal texts to me -- with the exception of <<print $CC.friend1>> -- dropped off almost instantly. They mostly ignored the comments and emojis I added and I could tell that they either felt I abandoned them or just lost the thread of how to interact with me. I understood it because we'd been pushing along through life at the same pace, experiencing the same things at the same times until I had up and gone and done something different. Still, understanding it and not being hurt by it were two different things. <br><br> By the time the first quarter had passed, the communication had dropped to absolutely nothing. No matter how interesting, exciting, and different my year away had been, I still missed them. The people I was around were 'mine' for probably just a year...they'd been mine for what felt like //forever//. <br><br> I had returned home before they had by a number of weeks and it felt distinctly empty to be surrounded by such familiarity without them. And now the emptiness really pulled at my heart, knowing I was striking out and going away for...possibly forever. I //needed// to reconnect with them. So when I found out they were all getting together (and thank GOD!) before I left, I jumped at the chance to join in. <br><br> As I approached the garage, a flicker of the last time I'd been there was hard to ignore. The vivid feeling and sounds of our explosive 'goodbye' made me feel a clench in my lower abdomen. I felt another tightness in my throat as I considered if that had changed how they'd view me now. And another worry couldn't be ignored: I had been parting ways with them once and now I was going to drop a bigger rift in their laps. Would they reject me outright? <br><br> A part of me wanted to just turn and walk away, but I ducked under the half-open door anyway. <<speech>>"Hey, Boyyyys. How was college?"<</speech>> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Oh, hey!"<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> brightened, turning away from the glow of the television screen and seeing me appear. The other two were in echo, though their reactions were much more placid and confused. "Ups and downs, to be honest." He continued, tossing the controller away and coming to give me a proper greeting and hug, "How was the world?" "Like a...commercial break? It was fun, and just like...completely different. So that was cool." It was crazy that a year ago we were all going at each other right here. Beyond the telling gaze of Ethan, it seemed like it was a dream. They'd definitely gotten laid then, or viewed it as a mistake, or just preferred consistency over really pushing the envelope into making it weird. Whatever the case, I was glad for it. <br><br> Soon we were all back on the couches like nothing had ever changed. They all had, though. Each had adopted little bits of fashion that shocked me: Ethan a goatee and long hair, Drew was rocking designer brands on his clothing and $CC.friend1 had started hitting the gym, clearly. And the staccato and pitch of their voices -- indelible on my mind -- now rumbled more in their chests with more control and reserve. I wonder if I had changed from their perspective and what they thought of it. <br><br> "So, 'nother commercial break for ya?" Drew jibed over his shoulder at me. <br><br> "Not so much a commercial. Might be like a prestige drama on HBO." <br><br> "What the fuck does //that// mean?" Drew actually turned to frown at me. <br><br> "She's leaving, leaving." Ethan squeaked from his corner. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"No she isn't."<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> shooed the idea away. "He's right." The tightness in my throat made saying it harder, even though the cat was out of the bag, "I need to...find my Mom." <br><br> "Oh." Ethan dropped his controller. The clatter left the garage quiet except for the insipid game music. They stared at me. <br><br> "Yeah, so." <br><br> " Why?" Andrew was incredulous. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"Dude. College is //amazing//! You gotta go."<<else>>"College is going to be a blast."<</if>> <br><br> I dropped down on the couch, the emotional weight and exhaustion of my decision suddenly hitting me like a brick. "Yeah, you should enjoy it. You ''will'' enjoy it. Look, this is going to sound absolutely //insane//--" <br><br> I filled them in. They were rapt. I was thankful that they knew me as well and as long as they had. They could fill in the blanks and understand the conclusion I had come to. <br><br> "So uh. Wow." "Crazy." <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Fucking. //''sucks''//."<</speech>> We sat on the couch together in silence. Then, Ethan -- always the one lacking decorum, "So, where you going?" <br><br> <<if $ACTI.ticket == 1>> "Call it synchronicity or coincidence, but...Manila? There's this part of my brain that won't let go of this fight ''years'' ago where she was going there. And it was an" <<elseif $ACTI.ticket == 2>> "Thailand sounded fun, to be honest. Kinda like...fringe. The opposite of all of this," I made a hand motion at the life we lived, "Plus, I hear they've got some...//unique// clubs. So, the party scene's crazy." <<else>> "I didn't want to make //too// big of a change, to be honest. And I haven't seen like the Tallinn? Don't know anything about it, really, but it was a place to go in Europe." <</if>> <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> didn't seem to care anything about the where, <<speech "MFriend.png">>" be coming back?"<</speech>> "Before August? Or like...ever?" I tried to make it into a joke, "I'm //not// my Mom." <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Kinda...feels like it, though?" That stung. "Oh. Not your Mom...the ever thing."<</speech>> "And the Mom thing too." Ethan. Fucking Ethan. <br><br> "It's a one-way. For now. We'll see. Okay?" I leaned over and gave <<print $CC.friend1>> a peck on the cheek. He pulled back and away before I made contact. I felt the coldness of the room and the lack of eye contact. <br><br> It was exactly what I feared. I backed up, nodding in affirmation and wondering if it would have been better to skip this entirely. Damage was done. Too late now. <br><br> I made my way back to the garage door, silence deafening. And then I realized that Ethan was getting off the couch and following. He hadn't turned away when I had told them my whys and wherefores. <br><br> Wordlessly, we both ducked out and away from the others, both subconsciously wanting to manifest the differences between us as distance. <br><br> He pulled me tight into a hug in the driveway. It made me laugh, especially as the closeness was extended longer and longer. He was really going to miss me. I couldn't help but clutch at his pudgy body a bit tighter too. <br><br> And then when he did let go, he patted the roof of his Honda, "Lemme give you a ride to the airport." <br><br> Oh, <<link "Ethan">><<replace "#ethan">> He shuddered with the sighing release, "I'm going to fucking miss you." <br><br> "God. Yeah. You can't imagine how fucking scared I am right now."" <br><br> "It was not cool them icing you like that. You're one of us." His hand dropped to my knee. <br><br> "No. But...I get it." I sighed, too. <br><br> "<<print $>>, I'm just going to be honest with you. It's been really hard these past couple months, fuck it, the whole //year// plus since you went away." There was a look in his eyes and tone in his voice that made it undeniable he was referencing the 'goodbye'. "You left. The guys disappeared during college. I couldn't make friends, couldn't seem to find where I belonged...and this summer's just been showing me how much I belong here with you guys. And..." He looked off, but his hand hadn't moved, "I think you've always known how I feel about you, in particular. And that's why when we...said goodbye...last year, something clicked. It felt...perfect. Like everything made sense, like it was supposed to be." <br><br> I didn't know if this was going to become a proposal, just a heart-opening session of honesty, or what. I was stunned and also felt that I should just let him keep going. No harm, no foul, yet. He was being sweet and open -- a far cry from his usual self. <br><br> "You've got a lot in front of you, but I might need some reciprocation..." He leaned over, offering an awkward kiss as he tried to pay attention to the road as well. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[ACTI001 - EthanSex]] $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho')>> Dive in. <<blocked>> $ isn't that easy. <<path [[ACTI001 - EthanDeny]]>> Whoah. Stop Mistake #2 before it happens. <<path [[ACTI001 - EthanSex]] $CC.maleReaction gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 4>> Pity fuck? <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<else>> I hadn't quite thought this moment through before I arrived. Saying goodbye to the Boys. They were my rock, my youth and adolescence...and now I was deciding to leave it all behind. This was the kind of decision that, normally, would have involved their input. I would have heard their arguments. But not this time. I knew that would hurt...because it was already hurting me. But I felt that I owed it to them to not just disappear like certain...other...people. And that's why I had come here. Without an ounce of planning. <br><br><br> And as I had that revelation, I was standing in front of <<print $CC.friend1>> with my roller bag. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"I don't think you understand the timing of semesters, $ mean, we could teach you, since we're the experts now..." He laughed off his confusion with a joke, but I could tell he had no clue what was going on.<<else>>"College isn't for months, <<print $>>." He laughed off the confusion with a joke, but I could tell he had no idea what was going on.<</if>> <br><br> Moving past him, I saw the other two lounging as if they were on easy street. They were. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>Any fears of what to expect from college were now dispelled. They had the next three years laid out in front of them.<<else>>The stress of the past //thirteen// years was suddenly over. No one really knew what to expect next (except sex and alcohol).<</if>> It must have been easy to relax. For them. <br><br> "Yeah, well. That's cuz...I'm not going." <br><br> They all laughed. <br><br> Andrew rolled his eyes. Ethan waved me off like a fly. <<print $CC.friend1>> chuckled, but I could see our life-long bond had him starting to put the pieces together. I flashed my ticket, waving it back at Ethan with a bit more mockery than I had intended. <br><br> "Oh." Ethan dropped his controller. The clatter left the garage quiet except for the insipid game music. They stared at me. <br><br> "Yeah, so." <br><br> " Why?" Andrew was incredulous. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"Dude. College is //amazing//! You gotta go."<<else>>"College is going to be a blast."<</if>> <br><br> I dropped down on the couch, the emotional weight and exhaustion of my decision suddenly hitting me like a brick. "Yeah, you should enjoy it. You ''will'' enjoy it. Look, this is going to sound absolutely //insane//--" <br><br> I filled them in. They were rapt. I was thankful that they knew me as well and as long as they had. They could fill in the blanks and understand the conclusion I had come to. <br><br> "So uh. Wow." <br><br> "Crazy." <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Fucking. //''sucks''//."<</speech>> We sat on the couch together in silence. Then, Ethan -- always the one lacking decorum, "So, where you going?" <br><br> <<if $ACTI.ticket == 1>> "Call it synchronicity or coincidence, but...Manila? There's this part of my brain that won't let go of this fight ''years'' ago where she was going there. And it was an" <<elseif $ACTI.ticket == 2>> "Thailand sounded fun, to be honest. Kinda like...fringe. The opposite of all of this," I made a hand motion at the life we lived, "Plus, I hear they've got some...//unique// clubs. So, the party scene's crazy." <<else>> "I didn't want to make //too// big of a change, to be honest. And I haven't seen like the Tallinn? Don't know anything about it, really, but it was a place to go in Europe." <</if>> <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> didn't seem to care anything about the where, <<speech "MFriend.png">>" be coming back?"<</speech>> "Before August? Or like...ever?" I tried to make it into a joke, "I'm //not// my Mom." <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Kinda...feels like it, though?" That stung. "Oh. Not your Mom...the ever thing."<</speech>> "And the Mom thing too." Ethan. Fucking Ethan. <br><br> "It's a one-way. For now. We'll see. Okay?" I leaned over and gave <<print $CC.friend1>> a peck on the cheek. <<if $HS.promDate == "Friend">> He turned and we were mouth to mouth. I kinda melted. My body was craving affection, touch, care. I could <<linkexpand "make out">> I started making out with him. <br><br> I wasn't paying attention to the room but I bet it was awkward as we were grabbing at each other with our tongues down each other's throats. I'm pretty sure he broke the kiss first, there were tears in his eyes. It was then that I read the room. Andrew was shocked. Ethan was rock hard and his eyes were devouring me. <br><br> "Uh, wow. I'll take one of those goodbyes." I could practically feel the heat coming off of him and the tension in his voice. <br><br> <div id="escalate"> <<set $PG.boysSex = true>> <<skillChecked "Easy" "Stable">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<crossroads #escalate>> <<path>> Part of me said sure, <<contents>> <<face ahego runny>> I don't know what came over me, but he saw some look in my eyes and we were making out next. His hand pulled mine to his rock hard cock through his shorts while his other started to slide up my stomach to go under my top. <br><br> //Fuck//. He was really pushing things. <div id="sexy"> <<skillChecked "Excitable" "Stable">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<crossroads #sexy>> <<path>> And it was turning me on? <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> I scooted closer, his hand pushing up to my chest with the shifting of position. I grunted into his mouth as my hand squeezed on his cock and he grunted back. I was confused as I felt a third hand on my thigh, pulling them open but my brain was occupied so it took me a few moments to realize that <<print $CC.friend1>> was the one fingering me all of a sudden. <br><br> <<shake 2s>>Ohhh.<</shake>> That felt good. <div id = "sex"> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal") || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho")>> <<crossroads #sex>> <<path>> Release right now would be...great. <<contents>> <<set $fuckedBoys = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> My free hand reached over to Andrew -- it was getting to be like a game of Twister on the beat up couch -- and I started working open his shorts. Ethan was pushing my hand away so he could open his own. My underwear was being pulled down my legs and I spread my thighs eagerly. <br><br> Ethan didn't so much as stop kissing me as break the kiss with a firm push down on my head. And then I was sucking his cock. I lost the game of Twister but Andrew seemed content to finish getting himself out as I moved down onto my knees on the floor, head held and making me continue sucking as I moved. <br><br> I looked up at him and saw the triumph and long-term desire in his eyes and thanks to <<print $CC.friend1>> diving in to my pussy, my brain went: "Yes." And my head pushed down deeper, rewarding Ethan for <<print $CC.friend1>>'s tongue. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> Ethan's head dropped back against the couch cushion as he grunted loudly. I wondered what Andrew was doing and a quick look over, he was sitting there, jacking himself slowly and watching. "Cu-cumming." Came Ethan. And then he did. A surprisingly copious amount of slimy jism pumped again and again into my mouth. <<cumSpray mouth1 facial1>> I held still, giggling proudly at how fast I got him off, feeling his hand grabbing at my hair while his semen collected in my mouth. <br><br> "Fuck. You're //that// good?" Andrew chuckled. So did Ethan as he shuddered and nodded, finally done with the monster load that nearly was choking me. He pulled my head up firmly. <br><br> "Show me." He panted. I opened my mouth, feeling Andrew shifting over for his turn as Ethan grinned at the view and then patted my cheek with his free hand, "Swallow. Good girl." I was still gulping down the viscousness as he was putting my mouth on Andrew. <<else>> Ethan watched me intently, applying pressure and guiding my movements. I wondered what Andrew was doing and a quick look over, he was sitting there, jacking himself slowly as he watched. <br><br> "I got first." Announced Ethan and suddenly I wasn't being eaten out anymore. <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Bullshit."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Throw you for it."<</speech>> "Fine." Ethan's hand keeping me out of the conversation easily. His chubby belly pushed up against my nose ridge and forehead as he leaned in to RPS above me. "Fine. Seconds." And he pulled my head up firmly and guided me to Andrew. <</if>> <br><br> <<include "ACTI001 - The Boys_Fertile">> <<path>> But not smart. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> I grabbed the hand and pulled it from between my thighs, sliding forward and off the couch. This had gotten out of control. I didn't know how to leave now, but I had to. So, I didn't make eye contact or say a word, just corrected my clothing as I grabbed my bag and [[left|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <</crossroads>> <<else>> Release right now would be...great. But not <<link "smart">><<replace "#sex">> <<Stats Stable ++>> I grabbed the hand and pulled it from between my thighs, sliding forward and off the couch. This had gotten out of control. I didn't know how to leave now, but I had to. So, I didn't make eye contact or say a word, just corrected my clothing as I grabbed my bag and [[left|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> </div> <<path>> Crazy? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> "Whoah, whoah, whoah. Fuck. Heh, uh. Awkward. Okay. Going now." I could feel the disappointment and frustration bubbling inside him, so I moved off the couch quickly. <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"It's okay. I'll be back before you know it." I had no idea if that was true.<<else>>"Enjoy college if I don't see you first."<</if>> <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]." <</crossroads>> <<else>> "Whoah, whoah, whoah. Fuck. Heh, uh. Awkward. Okay. Going now." I could feel the disappointment and frustration bubbling inside him, so I moved off the couch quickly. <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"It's okay. I'll be back before you know it." I had no idea if that was true.<<else>>"Enjoy college if I don't see you first."<</if>> <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]." <</if>> </div> <<path>> the rest was reasonable <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> "Ha, ha. Funny." I rolled my eyes. Andrew did too. I leaned over and gave him light one on the cheek, which he //tried// to accidentally get on my mouth. Then I quickly leaned over and did the same for Andrew before getting up. <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"It's okay. I'll be back before you know it." I had no idea if that was true.<<else>>"Enjoy college if I don't see you first."<</if>> <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]." <</crossroads>> <<else>> <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"It's okay. I'll be back before you know it." I had no idea if that was true.<<else>>"Enjoy college if I don't see you first."<</if>> <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]." <</if>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> "I'll take one of those, too." Laughed Ethan. I rolled my eyes and gave him light kiss, which he //tried// to accidentally get on my mouth. Then I quickly leaned over and did the same for Andrew before getting up. <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>"It's okay. I'll be back before you know it." I had no idea if that was true.<<else>>"Enjoy college if I don't see you first."<</if>> <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> A last hug for him. "I [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]." <</if>> <</if>>
<<face ahego runny>> <<dollRearView>> <<skillChecked "Fertility">> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> "You got some fucking condoms, right?" I panted out while licking slowly at Andrew's engorged meat. <br><br> "Uh. No. You're not...?" I shook my head, Ethan sighed. "<<print $CC.friend1>>?" <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"You want me to go //inside// right now? Just grab some condoms in front of my ''Mom''?"<</speech>> <br><br> "There's pullout game..." chuckled Ethan. <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Risky">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding") || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho")>> <<set $fuckedBoys = true>> <br><br> I didn't respond, starting to actually suck on Andrew's hot dick, hips rising as an offer to <<print $CC.friend1>>. He was inside me before I knew it. <<if $HS.PromDate == "Friend">> <<if !visited("HS008 - PromNightSex")>> <br><br> <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M "Best Guy Friend" "And that's how I lost my virginity...quick, suddenly and to my best guy friend.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <br><br> <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M "Best Guy Friend" "And that's how I lost my virginity...quick, suddenly and to my best guy friend.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> It's hard to suck a cock when you're being fucked at the same time. Hadn't really thought about it until that moment, but between the sensation of being stuffed, balls smacking against your clit, the push-pull heat and hardness of a bare cock inside you and the momentum of a body crashing against you urgently. It's very hard to concentrate and keep a good rhythm. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> But not too hard for me. Using the force from behind me to push down over Andrew's cock, nose to his pubic hair, lips against the base of his cock. Back and again, about once every couple thrusts. <<cumSpray mouth>> He came in my mouth and throat, gasping out in surprise. And then, thankfully I was breathing, head on Andrew's thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <<else>> Eventually, I just gave up, holding Andrew's cock and slowly stroking the moist cock as I lay my head on his thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>><<set $ACTI.oops = true>><</if>> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Sh-shit. S-sorry."<</speech>> He shook his head as his hips moved erratically a last couple times and then he was cumming inside me. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound2 thighs1>> <br><br> I started thinking about if I could swing by a pharmacy or if the airport had Plan B while he was pulling free. I hadn't cum, either. Ugh. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <<else>> <<addBody "Ethan" M "Ethan, as a garage goodbye">> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me and I felt Ethan eagerly driving home rather than giving any thought to his pullout game. <<cumSpray mouth1 pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> I smacked my lips after swallowing Andrew's swimmers, looking back in surprise as another blast of heat fired into me. That I could feel it spoke to the size and viscosity of what had to have been a half-dozen or so shots of spunk, "Jesus." I chuckled, my orgasm and this not being the first mistake made it easy to let him do his thing. Both of the other two Boys copied my impressed reaction too as his fingers dug at my hips and he was finally done. Edging him earlier plus what I knew was really good pussy probably just gave him the longest orgasm of his life and a monster load into me. <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I nodded and encouraged him, feeling the release that had started all of this building within me. And <<shake 3s>>there<</shake>> it was. When I came down, I felt the cooling stickiness on my ass and lower back. Good. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <</if>> <<else>> The cock felt good, but I wasn't going to get there so I dropped my hand between my legs and began to strum...too late. He tugged out, spewing onto my ass and lower back -- good. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <<else>> <<addBody "Ethan" M "Ethan, as a garage goodbye">> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me and I felt Ethan's copious and viscous load spraying against my slit and mound -- close enough I hoped. <<cumSpray thighs2 mound2 mouth1>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> "Ha. Right." I sat my ass down on the floor and reached back, nudging <<print $CC.friend1>>'s hand back between my legs as I blew <<link "Andrew">><<replace "#makeout">> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. Each of them had gotten me off -- Andrew was the best and easiest. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <<else>> I didn't respond, starting to actually suck on Andrew's hot dick, hips rising as an offer to <<print $CC.friend1>>. He was inside me before I knew it. <<if $HS.PromDate == "Friend">> <<if !visited("HS008 - PromNightSex")>> <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M "Best Guy Friend" "And that's how I lost my virginity...quick, suddenly and to my best guy friend.">> <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M "Best Guy Friend" "And that's how I lost my virginity...quick, suddenly and to my best guy friend.">> <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> They didn't ask about protection like the eager guys they were. Thank god I was on it, and maybe that's what they assumed. <br><br> It's hard to suck a cock when you're being fucked at the same time. Hadn't really thought about it until that moment, but between the sensation of being stuffed, balls smacking against your clit, the push-pull heat and hardness of a bare cock inside you and the momentum of a body crashing against you urgently. It's very hard to concentrate and keep a good rhythm. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> But not too hard for me. Using the force from behind me to push down over Andrew's cock, nose to his pubic hair, lips against the base of his cock. Back and again, about once every couple thrusts. He came in my mouth and throat, gasping out in surprise. <<cumSpray mouth>> And then, thankfully I was breathing, head on Andrew's thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <<else>> Eventually, I just gave up, holding Andrew's cock and slowly stroking the moist cock as I lay my head on his thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Fuck! Too. Good. S-Sorry..."<</speech>> He shook his head as his hips moved erratically a last couple times and then he was cumming inside me. <<cumSpray pussy>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<else>> <<addBody Ethan M "Ethan, as a garage goodbye">> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. <br><br> The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me <<cumSpray mouth>> and I felt Ethan eagerly driving home rather than giving any thought to his pullout game. <br><br> I smacked my lips after swallowing Andrew's swimmers, looking back in surprise as another blast of heat fired into me. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <br><br> That I could feel it spoke to the size and viscosity of what had to have been a half-dozen or so shots of spunk, "Jesus." I chuckled, my orgasm allowing me to enjoy the sensation of his release. <br><br> Both of the other two Boys copied my impressed reaction too as his fingers dug at my hips and he was finally done. <br><br> Edging him earlier plus what I knew was really good pussy probably just gave him the longest orgasm of his life and a monster load into me. <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I nodded and encouraged him, feeling the release that had started all of this building within me. And <<shake 3s>>there<</shake>> it was. When I came down, gasped in surprise with an unceremonious tugging free from my pussy. He had finished, too. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> <</if>> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<else>> The cock felt good, but I wasn't going to get there so I dropped my hand between my legs and began to strum...too late. His sack rapped against my knuckles as he shoved deep inside me, "Take it," He declared as he got there before I did. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <br><br> That I could feel it spoke to the size and viscosity of what had to have been a half-dozen or so shots of spunk and if I hadn't been so focused on peaking, I might have made a comment. I was simply hoping the load kept coming so that I could cum. But my attempt was cut short by his unceremonious withdrawal, making me wince sharply as he yanked out, cum meeting my fingers while they vainly tried to push back to how __close__ I had been. But no. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<else>> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax <<cumSpray mouth>>pulsed through me and I felt Ethan's copious and viscous load spraying against my slit and mound -- close enough I hoped. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): Legs up in the air in the backseat of a car */ <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Ethan")>> I had already hooked up with him once, it wouldn't be right to hold out now. <br><br> <</if>> <<skillChecked "Suggestible" "Easy" "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 4>> His words made me feel so wanted in that moment. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3>> He wasn't the worst person to fuck. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho')>> And, can't lie. I loved to fuck. Here was another chance. <br><br> <</if>> <<face ahego>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<SexSkill oral>> Our lips met and hunger fueled the next few moments until the car swerved. I saw my life flash in front of my closed eyelids as the tires squealed, what might have happened if I got on that plane... <br><br> And then we weren't making out anymore. My heart was threatening to break my ribcage. "Shit, the road. S-sorry!" He was laughing and simply from looking at him I could tell he and I were experiencing the same things. "Let me just..." He nodded a couple times to himself, leaning forward into the wheel and focusing as he drove onward. The hand that had been at my slid up and in between them without any pretense, just another thing to focus on. <br><br> It nearly melted my frantically pounding heart when I heard his groan upon feeling my pussy. The lack of action. The amount of time he had imagined and thought about this. The //desperation//. <br><br> There was a momentary blip when a knuckle brushed my clit, but he dug into my hole with one digit and then quickly two. I winced and gasped, which he misread, at the sudden entry. My thighs spread to give him better access and I began to sit back in my chair, watching the traffic and road thunder along while his fingers jammed in and pulled back. I reached down to try and guide him and he misread my intentions again, withdrawing his fingers quickly and reaching his hand up to my head. The scent of my pussy invaded my nostrils, the stick of my juices wiped on my face as he pulled, guiding me towards his lap. His thigh bumped against my chin as he held me down while he drove with his knee and undid his jeans with the hand that should have been driving. <br><br> His dick freed, he grabbed the wheel again and used the insistence of his other, wet hand to get me going on him. <br><br> He was already stiff as steel, the heat and pulse of his cock reiterating his horniness as it pressed into my mouth. I began to apply rhythm and pressure, but almost instantly, he grunted, fingers digging into my hair to fight my efforts, "N-nuhuh. Too fast. Just...hold still." He guided me with his hand until he was as deep in my mouth as I could manage. I could feel him resisting the urge to thrust as I sucked and held his meat in there, but he just wanted me to 'warm' him. So I did, nose against his fly, a sticky palm tight against the back of my head and a dick deep between my lips while he drove me to the airport. <br><br> The centripetal force trying to pull me off his cock and against the dash, the dig of the seatbelt across my tits, told me that we were going up into a parking garage. Circling our way up. For privacy. <br><br> Moments later, the car squealed into a parking spot and he pulled up on my hair again, smiling broadly down at me, "God, you're gorgeous. Get back there." A head motion was all he offered as guidance. <br><br> I clambered back, <<skillChecked "Height">> <<if $CC.height gt 0>>thinking to myself -- fucking backseats...never built for people my size,<</if>> and he quickly followed. The adipose of his belly and chest squished up against me as we found one of the only positions that might work in the small car's backseat. He was already poking between my legs as his greedy hands yanked my <<link "top up">><<upper>><<bra>><</link>> to expose my tits. <br><br> My feet were trying for purchase against the back of a seat or headrest, squirming under his pinning weight to try and get some semblance of comfortable and before I was halfway there, he was the whole way //in//. <br><br> I gasped out. He grunted deeply, his stomach down against me as the cock stuck in me to <<linkreplace "the hilt">> <<cumSpray mound3 pussy3 thighs3>> the hilt. <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<set $ACTI.oops = true>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> He was going bare and I could feel every bit of his cock as it invaded me unprotected. <<else>> "F-fuck, condom, Ethan." I squeaked out. <br><br> He shook his head, already thrusting, "Don't. Have any. I'll try." He grunted, eyes half-closing. "to pull--" he stopped talking, thrusts driving down roughly. I doubted his words instantly. Fuck. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> He was urgent. Needy. And incredibly quick. My pussy had just begun to enjoy the feeling of being stuffed, the pull and push of the hard dick against my walls, and he was cumming. "Oh. F-fuck. $" If the last time he came a lot, he put that time to shame. He came far longer than the fuck lasted and so I watched my friend, Ethan shuddering and grunting as he reacted to the pleasure blasting through him as he blasted inside me. Maybe for the last time ever. <br><br> "God. I've waited so long for that." He laughed and gave a few more pushes between my thighs before he pulled out, looking at my slit and the thick filling he had given me. He smacked his dick against my mound and then leaned back, looking for something as I cocked my hips, trying not to mess up his seat with the rapidly exiting semen. "Uh shit, sorry...nothing to clean that up with." He made a little grimace and shrug, then leaned over me, cock wiping juice and jizz against my stomach and thigh as he popped the backdoor open. "Lemme get your bag." <br><br> He got out of the other door, coming around as I was awkwardly trying to get myself from being on my back and filled to out of the car. He pulled, freeing me from the backseat before too much of his load got anywhere except me. He pulled me close again for a tight hug and kiss, tongue swirling in my mouth. This time there was passion and emotion behind it. Post-coital he was being gentler and lovey. <br><br> He retrieved my bag and pulled me close again, like we were long-distance lovers who were traveling away from each other. He mistook my silence for emotion, "It's okay. It'll be okay. I'll see you soon." <br><br> And with that, he got back in his car and left me to wheel the bag through the parking garage to the terminal, sticking to myself and oozing him until I could get to a bathroom. I got more than enough looks on the way that I was //not// inconspicuous. <br><br> Well, another goodbye in the books. Time to leave that behind and get to my [[gate|ACTI002 - Departure]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Ethan M>> <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</linkreplace>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI001-EthanDeny.png">> I jerked back reflexively. While that probably //should// have been my reaction last time, Ethan hadn't been the precipitator but had garnered the benefit. Lucky once did not mean lucky twice. "Ethan. The r-road." A quick excuse. <br><br> "Oh, right. S-sorry." He laughed it off. <br><br> The car became quiet and I extricated my leg from his hand as normally as I could manage. Eventually, I broke the silence, seeing the airport coming into view, "I really appreciate what you said and you not...forming a cabal with them. I know this was hard for you, too. And it will be. But I'll be back." <br><br> "Yeah. You better." Another laugh. <br><br> "Promise." The car had pulled up to the terminal and, carefully, I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for the ride, it means a lot to me." <br><br> "Of course. You're one of us. I couldn't leave you stranded with what must feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders." <br><br> He squeezed me tight again and helped me with my bag. Then another hug. <br><br> I pulled free and gave him as ambiguous a smile and wave as I could manage. It was time for me to [[depart|ACTI002 - Departure]].
<<image framed "passage/gy.airport.png">> <<outfit default>> <<if $ACTI.oops == true>> Not having to pay for my ticket freed a bit of money for the unexpected. That whole event had been unexpected and not the goodbye I had been seeking out. As distance and time from it grew, the less of a good idea it had seemed, especially as I was swallowing down the emergency contraceptive in the bathroom of the terminal. Well, what better way to avoid and ignore a problem besides put a few thousand miles between you and it? <br><br> <</if>> <<if $ACTI.followed == true>> <<skillChecked "Hometown">> Maybe Nate had other people working with him. Maybe it hadn't been Nate. But if it was -- and that's all I could bank on right now -- I hadn't seen anything of him on my way to <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>JFK<<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">>BHM<<elseif $CC.hometown == "LA">>LAX<<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">>SEA<<elseif $CC.hometown == "NO">>Denver International -- it was a trip, but I had time now.<</if>> And through security, nothing. I couldn't shake the feeling that it just wasn't my skill set, that maybe I was out of my depth and I was being ridiculous thinking I could slip whatever agency my Mom had worked for. I hadn't even known about them. <br><br> <</if>> I settled into my seat at the gate, taking stock of everything and just taking a deep breath. It looked like it was going to be a packed flight, the odd assortment of business travelers, and the rest seemed to be buzzing with the anticipation of an upcoming vacation. I wondered where I fell. I certainly didn't have any business to conduct. I //was// getting away -- maybe I could consider this a vacation. A hiatus. A sabbatical. <br><br> Pulling up my texts, I saw the ream that had come through from <<print $CC.FName>> -- I'd been leaving her on read and that was not fair, especially now. <br><br> I snapped a cute pic. <<call>> <<Doll portrait>> Hey girl, sorry. Grad present from <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. Vacay! <</call>> <<if $HS.dropOut == true>> I received a quick response: <<call $CC.FName>> <big>😠</big> <br><br> You didn't grad. <</call>> <<else>> <<call $CC.FName>>Wow. That's a shitty reason for MIA.<</call>> <</if>> I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. <br><br> Swiping my messages away, there was a pang of regret that this was so abrupt -- it would be <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>a massive leap into the unknown. Nothing like any trip I had taken before.<<else>>my first real big trip<</if>>. And alone. Resolving to have some fun when I got there, I popped earbuds in and scrolled through my playlist, nudged my roller bag between my knees and rested my head on the handlebar. Waiting for boarding to be called gave me some time to learn about my destination. Better now than never. <br><br> Last step was board. That was it. Then I'd be in <<if $ACTI.ticket == 1>> [[Manila|ACTI003 - Manila Arrival]]. <<elseif $ACTI.ticket == 2>> [[Bangkok|ACTI002 - Bangkok Interlude]]. <<elseif $ACTI.ticket == 3>> [[Tallinn|ACTI002 - Tallinn Interlude]]. <</if>>
<<if $ACTI.oops == true>> <<face hurt1>> The cramping on the plane was awful and I got well acquainted with the plane bathroom, but everything seemed to have settled by the time we landed in Estonia. <br><br> <<set $ACTI.oops = false>> <</if>> I was fucking //exhausted//. It's incredible to me how simply sitting, watching some movies, listening to music, reading a magazine or a book -- all could just knock you flat on your ass. I slept what I could, and maybe that was my mistake. <br><br> My eyes were bleary as we fell into our approach. The immigration cards were passed out for easy entry and I began to fill mine out as we bounced onto the tarmac, finally arriving in Tallinn. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/tallinn.airplane.png">> Yawning, I deplaned with the masses -- all scrabbling to get off the aluminum cigarette faster than anyone else. I was jostled and bumped, but I didn't care. I didn't really have anywhere to go besides where I was. I what. <br><br><br> Pulling out my phone, I went to sign into the WiFi so I could plan my next steps...and saw a notification from my provider that there was no service. <<linkexpand "Fuck.">> Fuck. <br><br><br> <<skillChecked "Stability">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value is 0>> <<face hurt1 runny>> And that must have been the straw. Suddenly, I found myself in the bathroom, bawling my eyes out into my palms, hunched in a stall. The insanity of all of this hit me like a ton of bricks and I was //freaking// ''out''. It was probably a good fifteen minutes of irrational thought -- grab a return ''now''; I was going to die; sex slavery; I'd never see home again -- and then, I think my emotional batteries were simply drained. No more tears came, so I was able to get myself together with some semblance of resolve and clean up. Nothing to do but soldier on, I guess. <br><br><br> <</if>> I hadn't thought of changing my cell plan before leaving -- it's incredible what you forget when you're rushing these giant life choices. <<skillChecked "Inventory">> <<if $Inventory.includes("Burner")>> Luckily, I had an extra phone on-hand that was more ready to accept a new provider, cash for time, so my burner became my main cell. <<else>> Moving through the Terminal I couldn't find anything beyond a Duty Free. I'd have to figure something out sooner rather than later, but who was I trying to call anyway? <</if>> <br><br> It was the largest airport in Estonia. But, that was Estonia. Walking through the terminal, I felt like I was in a midwestern airport in the States rather than a capital, international hub. <br><br> I was thankful to see the symbols of Euro, knowing that it'd be relatively easy here from a money standpoint, so I tugged my single roller bag behind me and made my way to the ground transportation. <br><br> As I walked, I considered -- where am I going? <<if $ gt 0>> I had picked this place because it had been away, 'same'-ish and probably fun, so I guess downtown? Find some fun? Estonia had to have //something// interesting to do. <<else>>She had been here, but where had she been? Did I come here with designs of hunting down a spy? Run into her randomly on the street? Pick up the trail like she was Carmen Sandiego? It was a small country, but even in Providence, Rhode Island, there were innumerable places to go, things to do...places to hide. Hm. <</if>>So before getting too far from the gate, I dropped into a chair to consult my phone while I had WiFi access. The seat struck me as something out of the 60s or 70s: vibrant color stripes with the hint of padding. Better than simple hard plastic, though. <br><br><br> Something central. Oh. The map practically drew your idea right towards Old Town. Seemed like everything was there. Hotels, night life, business -- Old Town seemed pretty 'now'. I wanted my money to stretch, so I settled on a hostel on the northern side of Old Town and shrugged to myself. Better than nothing. <br><br> After seeing the map, I knew that I wasn't that far from where I needed to go so I kept the cost low and grabbed a bus to the city center. <br><br> No eye contact, not a word of English. Climbing onboard the driver said something to me that sounded vaguely Hebrew? I smiled and nodded. <br><br> I grabbed a seat and looked around as we pulled out of the airport, it was quiet and relatively empty. The day workers coming back from shifts at the airport. Beleaguered travelers like myself. <br><br> There was a tension in the air and I couldn't quite place why. <br><br><br> And twenty minutes or so later, we arrived in [[Old Town|ACTI003 - OldTown]]. <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI003-OldTown.png">> <div id ="old"> We passed within //walls// and deposited in what felt like another time and place. It was majestically maintained: parapets, brick and stonework buildings, cobblestone roads. My bag thumped along behind me as I navigated the narrow sidewalk, doing my best to remember which direction my hostel was in. The looks I got let me know that travelers were an unusual sight, both curious and critical. <br><br> I was pleasantly surprised to arrive at what looked less like a hostel and more like a church. Young people were milling about and smiling pleasantly to me as I came up the steps -- another welcome change from the walk over. The interior was clean and well-maintained, a common area with people working on laptops, and then the front desk, "Tere, kuidas ma saan sind aidata?" <br><br> With a broad smile and tight eyes, "Uh, hi?" <br><br> "Ah, American?" I nodded and chuckled it off, "Not many of you around nowadays." <br><br> "Oh?" <br><br> "Have you been to Pirita?" <br><br> "I just arrived." <br><br> "Well today it has a perfect view of Russian wargames." She said with an icy tone, sarcasm and displeasure as one. "Anyway. Name?" <br><br> "Oh, yeah. I just made a reservation, <<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>?" <br><br> She squared me away with a small room upstairs and I thanked her as I moved away from the desk, looking for where she had directed me. Wargames. That's fucking ominous. When I had decided on Tallinn, I figured that there being two to three //countries// between here and the war that there wouldn't be anything to worry about. <br><br> Suddenly, a bright and shining male face popped into view, "Welcome!" He didn't have the same accent that she did, but it was a hostel, people traveled. <br><br> "Uh, thanks." This was a lot. <br><br> "Pavel, and you are?" He extended his hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>." <br><br> "So you just arrived, I heard. And American?" <br><br> "Accent gave me away?" <br><br> "Yes, and the stickers on your bag." There were airline tags, but given the text was small, I didn't even consider that they would be readable. <br><br> "Oh, well...yeah." I shrugged, "I should be getting to my room--" <br><br> "Oh, of course. I'll let you go, maybe I'll see you around?" It was a kind smile. <br><br> "Sure thing, Pavel. Nice to meet you." <br><br> He shook my hand and said something that sounded like Ciao, so I said Ciao back and headed up the stairs and to the hole in the wall that would be my room. I tore the labels off my bag and looked at them again. I guess that the American Airlines was an indicator, if you knew the logo, but the rest of it looked like gobbledygook. There was no way that any of the airline code said I was American. Whatever. I'm being too weird about it. They were just on high alert for people from the West. And for good reason. There were fucking boats in the water shooting at each other as a show of strength that the looming bear nearby could levy destruction and conquest their way if and when it decided to. <br><br> I needed a shower. Clean the travel off me, relax, and get a fresh start. I grabbed a towel and <<linkexpand "stripped down.">> <<outfit towel>> stripped down. I tied the towel around myself, feeling the cool air infiltrating the short length all up and down my thighs, pussy and ass as I stepped into the hall and <<linkexpand "headed to the communal showers.">> headed to the communal showers. <<outfit naked>> <br><br><br> The showers were pretty clean -- not the nightmare that you'd expect from a hostel. The water was warm and the water pressure decent. I cleaned off with a deep, body shuddering sigh, letting the water rush over me before drying off and heading back to my room. A little pep to my step and far less concerned with the length of the towel now that I felt refreshed. And seemed no one was on the floor at the moment. <br><br> Back in the room I threw on some <<linkexpand "clean clothes">> <<outfit default>> and headed back out, determined to make nice with <<link "Pavel">> <<replace "#old" t8n>> And there he was, a relatively non-descript, sinewy guy with brown hair, brown eyes and just a touch older than me, if I had to guess. "Hey, Pavel." I casually sat myself in a seat next to him -- he seemed alone and focused on his laptop. <br><br> "Oh, uh hey, <<print $>>. How's the room?" <<skillChecked "Perception" "Investigation">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Perception ++>> He shut the lid of his laptop quickly as soon as he registered me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> And it wasn't like he was watching porn. Seemed like he was in the midst of some Telegram-like chat. <<else>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <</if>> <</if>> "Fine, this is all surprisingly...nice?" <br><br> "Absolutely. So. what are you doing here? What brings you to this corner of the world? I'm doing a bit of startup work and this is kind of a startup hostel. Lots of blockchain things happen in Estonia." <br><br> "Oh, <<skillChecked "Learning">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 3>> <<Stats Learning ++>> cool! <<else>> <<Stats Learning ++>> cool? <</if>> Uh, would it be weird if I said it was kind of a dartboard thing?" <<if $ gt 0>>Because, essentially, that's what it was.<<else>>The lie was not quite a full lie, but would serve me for now.<</if>> <br><br> "Huh. Should have ended up in the water then, got lucky landing on water." <br><br> "Well, I was close to dropping into the Baltic, right?" I joked back. I noticed that he didn't seem gay, but despite being in a miniskirt, his eyes hadn't once dropped to try and peek, let alone look at my legs. Weird. <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>>And kinda offensive.<<else>>But glad about it.<</if>> "So, what's there fun to do?" <br><br> "Wanna go out with us tonight? Me and some guys were planning on heading out if you wanted to meet up here a bit later...?" <br><br> Hm. Didn't know him from Adam... <<crossroads #old>> <<path>> But it would be good to have a host... <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<set $ACTI.Tallinn = 1>> "Sure!" <br><br> "Great! See you down here in...a couple hours?" <<skillChecked "Need for attention">> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>>I got up, giving him a quick peck on the cheek -- craving some kind of non friendzone attention from him. He smiled in surprise and didn't jerk back. Yes! Pleased, I headed back to my room.<<else>>Wow, I don't know the last time I felt so comfortable just hanging out with a strange guy. I got up and headed back to my room.<</if>> A little last look over my shoulder: he was already deeply involved with his laptop again. <br><br> Comfortable and cozy with plans made for me and not having to do this whole crazy thing alone, I grabbed a nap. I was out like a light, even with the lights on. <br><br> I was startled awake, absolutely freaking out in my new shoebox of a room as my phone alarm woke me up. My heart was pounding. Something was wrong. And then, I remembered how I got here and that it was time for me to get ready and have some fun. <br><br> Laughing at my ridiculousness, I donned my <<linkexpand "dress">> <<outfit naked>> <<waiting 1.5s>> <<timed 1.5s t8n>> <<outfit underwear>> <<waiting 1.5s>> <<next 1.5s>> <<outfit club>>dress, and headed downstairs to meet Pavel and his friends so that we could party out in the dimming medieval streets of [[Old Town|ACTI004 - TallinnNightOut]]. <</timed>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> ...or try things myself <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Social -->> <<set $ACTI.Tallinn = 0>> "Oh uh--" I wasn't sure quite how to respond. He was literally a new person in a strange town and a guy. I didn't feel like throwing in with him and his 'guys'. <br><br> "Totally get it." His hands came up instantly, warding off the rejection and my worries together, "If you change your mind, feel free to meet me here in a couple hours." I nodded and got up, not sure how to continue the conversation now, "Oh, just a word of advice -- dangerous time here and being American? Keep it to yourself?" A knowing, slightly condescending tone. <br><br> "Not sure I can hide how I talk..." I tried to laugh it off, though it didn't make me feel safe. Maybe I //had// made the right choice? <br><br> "I know. Well, we'll be here." And he was back to his laptop, shifting his body to block the screen as he opened the device again. So I headed back to my room to get ready, mulling those things over and feeling even less confident about this crazy choice that I had made. <br><br> I spent too much time online, trying to google my way into finding information about being safe and good/bad areas of Tallinn and the current political climate, but it didn't make me feel more comfortable, even as I donned my <<outfit club>>, and headed onto the dimming medieval streets of [[Old Town|ACTI004 - TallinnNightOut]]. <</crossroads>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> </div>
<<outfit club>> <<if $ACTI.Tallinn == 1>> Pavel and the guys were such a slavic stereotype, I couldn't help but laugh. Track suits, shirts unbuttoned deeply, gold chains, slick hair. But Pavel received the end of my laugh as an excited smile, "Wow! You look excited. Guys, this is <<print $>>." And there it was: these guys were eyeing me over. Eh, whatever, we were going out. I was wearing this dress. <br><br> "Yeah! So, show me Tallinn!" <br><br> We popped out of the hostel and on the way to our destination I was introduced to the other four guys. Oleg was a meaty, squat man with a brow that wouldn't quit. Artyom wouldn't quit hitting his vape pen. Gennady didn't make a sound as he walked, despite the crisp leather dress shoes on the cobblestone. Dima wouldn't stop walking behind me and staring at my ass, even when I called him out about it. "Dima! Come on, join us and stop looking at my ass." <br><br> "Elle?" The name stopped me squarely in the middle of the street. It was directed at me and the fact that it came from a feminine voice made me immediately think she was //her//. I spun, prepared to see my mother standing right there on the streets of the Baltic capital. <br><br> "Oh." She was a blonde, in her mid-40's or so with a deep, unmistakable and arresting beauty. She both seemed to immediately recognize her mistake and be even more confused as we met eyes: they were blue-green and held a sadness and withdrew from me as soon as we made contact. <br><br> Dima chuckled, finally alongside me now that I had stopped. Pavel had pivoted, calling back to me, "Come on, <<print $>>." <br><br> I moved over towards her. There was a desperation in my movement that had her take a step back. Her eyes were considering the men I was with. <<if $Stats.Skills["Perception"].value gt 1>><<Stats Perception ++>>I felt Dima continuing to follow me, his presence notable since he hadn't been this close at any point on our walk before.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>><</if>> <br><br> "Why...did you say that name?" It was like she had splashed chum in the water and I was a shark on the hunt. <br><br> "Mistaken identity, I'm sorry." Her accent was very similar to Pavel's. And all his friends. A little conclave of his nation on the streets of Tallinn? Accidentally? That's weird. <br><br> "Who's. Elle." I was right in front of her. The words barely escaped my tight throat. I felt Dima's hand on my upper arm: masculine and controlling. I pulled forward from his grasp without even thinking, barely noticing his grip tightening ''hard''. <br><br> She was leaning in to me and then a short, quick phrase: <<linkexpand "\"Duck.\"">> <<face shock>> "Duck". <br><br><br> <<skillChecked "Coordination">> <<if $Stats.Skills["Coordination"].value gt 1>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> It was instinctive and I moved fluidly without really thinking. Then Dima was dropping. His hand unclenching my arm and he was yelping in surprise. <br><br> I could smell the tang of iron on the air, there was the immediate yells of Pavel and the guys, and the __pew__, slow and methodical. The first one had been right after she had told me to duck. <br><br> I felt her pass me as whatever was happening...happened. Louder reports of return fire echoed off the stones around me. Plaster crumbled under impacts, I felt air disturbed far too close to me -- I felt it: it was too close. It was a firefight and all I could think of was, "If I stay still, they can't see me." Crouched, hands tight over my head, nose pressed to the tops of my thighs, just a curled up ball in the middle of the street in a dress. It was ridiculous. But I didn't need encouragement. <br><br> There was groaning, the sound of dress shoes retreating down the street and the random pot-shots taken in retreat. I remained deathly still. I wondered if I had been shot. <<if $Memories.includes("Nearly Killed")>>I didn't really remember being shot before and the conflagration felt as sudden and as scary as before, so maybe I had been. Again.<<else>>I'd never been shot before and didn't know how it felt.<</if>> A few more of the suppressed spits and then it was quiet. <br><br> I jerked when I felt the gentle caress on my bare back, "Come with me. Now." It was gentle, yet impossible to argue with. I scrambled up and along with her, my heels clicking rapidly against the cobbles as I looked back at the devastation in her wake. <br><br> Dima was laying there, still as if asleep. So was Oleg and Artyom. They were not asleep. I registered the black, sleek object in her hand. She carried it with a cool confidence that scared me: when had it appeared, //where// had it come from, and why was I only just now realizing that this woman had a fucking gun in her hand. And had killed those guys. <br><br><br> "What--" <br><br> "The fuck, right?" She chuckled and shook her head as if we were sharing this moment as comrades. As if we had both just been tools of violence. "You look //so// much like her. You're her daughter, yes?" <br><br> I didn't know how to respond. Unnerved and about to just devolve into a flood of tears. In less than five seconds, the thought of my mother -- and her disappearance -- had been thrust into my consciousness, shattering what would have been a fun night and then carnage and death. And now we were running. Why was I going with her? Was she about to kill me? <br><br> We were in a car. She thrust the pistol between her thighs, sticking up like a dildo as she pulled off into the narrow streets. "They had no idea who you were, I don't think." <br><br> "And you //do//?" I coughed out, the wetness battling in my eyes was thick in my throat. <br><br><br> She reached over, kindly, brushing my cheek and tucking some hair behind one of my ears, "I knew Elle. We worked together. I owe her this. Now. Where to send you. It's not safe here." She laughed as if it were another joking matter, "[[Clearly|ACTI005 - LeavingTallinn]]". <<else>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> Duck? Duck w--? I froze, Dima was yanking me back and I moved like a stiff board, clumsily yanked back out into the street as he was grunting and falling back with me -- always behind me, always. His grip on my arm yanking me harder as he stumbled and I was thrown onto the cobbles roughly, splayed out on the street. <br><br> I could smell the tang of iron on the air. I saw this woman moving forward, ignoring my tumble and with a steely focus in her eyes. __Pew__. __Pew__. __Pew__. Slow, methodical. There was a sleek black gun kicking back in her hands. The first one had been right after she told me to duck. <br><br> Pavel and the guys were yelling. I saw them scattering down the street, Oleg was already laying still and the others had gotten out their own firearms, responding. I was glad to have been laying flat, as small of a target as possible as I watched her walking //towards// them like an insane person. Plaster crumbled as bullets made contact with the old facades of buildings. <br><br> And then, as sudden as it had all begun. It was over. They were retreating down the street and taking random pot-shots. She was stepping over to Artyom, who had also been dropped. Summarily pulled the trigger twice as she stood over him, then to Oleg, the same. Then back towards me. Was I about to die? Like a crab, I began to try and drag myself away, my heels not able to catch at the street stones. <br><br> Dima groaning, stopped after she finished him off. Then, making eye contact with me, she reached out a hand and I jerked back, turning my head and closing my eyes. Then I realized it was //not// the gun hand. "Come with me. Now." It was gentle, yet impossible to argue with. <br><br> I scrambled up and along with her, my heels clicking rapidly against the cobbles as I looked back at the devastation in her wake. <br><br> Then the pistol in her hand. She carried it with a cool confidence that scared me: when had it appeared, //where// had it come from, and why was I only just now realizing that this woman had a fucking gun in her hand. And had killed those guys. <br><br><br> "What--" <br><br> "The fuck, right?" She chuckled and shook her head as if we were sharing this moment as comrades. As if we had both just been tools of violence. "You look //so// much like her. You're her daughter, yes?" <br><br> I didn't know how to respond. Unnerved and about to just devolve into a flood of tears. In less than five seconds, the thought of my mother -- and her disappearance -- had been thrust into my consciousness, shattering what would have been a fun night and then carnage and death. And now we were running. Why was I going with her? Was she about to kill me? <br><br> We were in a car. She thrust the pistol between her thighs, sticking up like a dildo as she pulled off into the narrow streets. "They had no idea who you were, I don't think." <br><br> "And you //do//?" I coughed out, the wetness battling in my eyes was thick in my throat. <br><br><br> She reached over, kindly, brushing my cheek and tucking some hair behind one of my ears, "I knew Elle. We worked together. I owe her this. Now. Where to send you. It's not safe here." She laughed as if it were another joking matter, "[[Clearly|ACTI005 - LeavingTallinn]]". <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I found a side exit, trying to avoid the off-chance at seeing Pavel and his friends. <br><br> I think the wargames happening on the doorstep of the small Baltic state probably had something to do with how quiet the streets were. I had picked out a cute little spot called Depeche Mode Baar. Theming obvious. It didn't seem like some 'hot' and crazy spot, but it had great ratings and seemed like it could offer a sedate evening or a wild one, depending on me. <br><br> It was a short walk, which I was thankful for -- heels and cobblestones did //not// mix. And then I was stopped short: "Elle?" It was directed at me and the feminine tone made me immediately think it was //her//. I spun, prepared to see my mother standing right there on the streets of the Baltic capital. "Oh." She was a blonde, in her mid-40's or so with a deep, unmistakable and arresting beauty. She both seemed to immediately recognize her mistake and be even more confused as we met eyes: they were blue-green and held a sadness and withdrew from me as soon as we made contact. <br><br> I moved over towards her. There was a desperation in my movement that had her take a step back. "Why...did you say that name?" It was like she had splashed chum in the water and I was a shark on the hunt. <br><br> "Mistaken identity, I'm sorry." And I was diffused. I stopped again and watched her retreat, fumbling at a doorway and that made me feel like a pervert, invading her life. I turned and continued my way <<linkexpand "down the street.">> down the street. <br><br><br> All the questions and confusion flooded back into my head moments later, I shook my head confused as to why I stopped pursuing so easily. I looked back, but she was gone. And with no other options, I made my way to the Baar. <br><br> It would have served as any dive bar in the states. Small booths, kitschy decor (thumb-tacked photos of the band on a corkboard, albums and clippings on the walls) and a dark room illuminated with neon and video screens playing their music videos. <br><br> Mostly male, a good bit of what I associated with Russian flavor: tracksuits, shirts open too deeply, gold chains. Well, when in Rome! <br><br> I shouldered my way to the bar and avoided using words as much as possible, just pointing to what I wanted and paying for a 'Red Beer' rather than a 'Dark Beer', though both were 'flavored with Depeche Mode.' <br><br> "<<print $>>!" Once again, I was pulled by my thoughts and...there was Pavel. "Crazy coincidence! You have good taste in bars." He was flanked with who I assumed were 'his guys,' four dudes that very much fit in with the vibe. Oleg was a meaty, squat man with a brow that wouldn't quit. Artyom wouldn't quit hitting his vape pen. Gennady seemed to fade away into the crowd of them, quiet and reserved. Dima wouldn't staring at my ass, even I moved to make it difficult. <br><br> "Yeah, crazy to see you here. Well, how do you cheers here?" <br><br> Dima leaned forward, his hand taking the opportunity to get a feel, "Vashe zdorov'ye." I repeated the words as best I could, lifting my beer with theirs and we <<linkexpand "began the night.">> began the night. <br><br><br> I wouldn't say that DM really had great dance music, but it let you do a two-step and bounce. Pavel paid for the rest of my rounds and I was getting a pretty serious buzz going. <<if $Stats.Traits["Easy"].value gt 2>>And it wasn't too long before I was letting the back of my dress flash Dima.<<else>>I had to catch myself and stop Dima as he kept getting adventurous with my rear end.<</if>> I let the inhibitions drop away and started to consider...were they all back at the hostel? Hostels were kind of all about sex...which of them might I be down to fuck? <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>//If// I was into men. Fuck it, I could still enjoy the play even if I wouldn't follow through.<</if>> <div id="fake"> <<crossroads #fake>> <<path>> Pavel <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> He was the one I was most comfortable with, seemed to be the least predatory. Maybe. We'll see. <br><br> I mis-stepped and fell into him, pulling his hips against mine by his ass. It had started as a trip while I was dancing along to "Personal Jesus," but my brain had taken the opportunity to try and make the moment magic. He just smiled at me as I pulled back, awkwardly, "Fuck hehe sorry guys, I think the travel has gotten to me...I should probably head back." <br><br> "Of course...we'll walk you back and head somewhere else after." Pavel nodded and with a chin motion, the guys rolled out, with me in tow. <br><br> As soon as we got outside, was disappointed that Pavel hadn't followed up my opener. I wondered if he saw the 'not interested?' in my eyes as I looked over at him in surprise. <<path>> Oleg <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> That beefiness made me wonder if he was a beast in bed. Could he manhandle me? Toss me around? Maybe. We'll see. <br><br> I mis-stepped and fell into him, my hands squeezing his thick arms. It had started as a trip while I was dancing along to "Personal Jesus," but my brain had taken the opportunity to try and make the moment magic. He just smiled at me as I pulled back, awkwardly, "Fuck hehe sorry guys, I think the travel has gotten to me...I should probably head back." <br><br> "Of course...we'll walk you back and head somewhere else after." Pavel nodded and with a chin motion, the guys rolled out, with me in tow. <br><br> As soon as we got outside, was disappointed that Oleg hadn't followed up my opener. I wondered if he saw the 'take me' in my eyes as I looked over at him in surprise. <<path>> Gennady <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> I wondered if he was this quiet in bed. Did his fluidity speak to the way he moved and maneuvered with someone else? Maybe. We'll see. <br><br> I mis-stepped and fell into him, my fingers sliding over the front of his pants. It had started as a trip while I was dancing along to "Personal Jesus," but my brain had taken the opportunity to try and make the moment magic. He just smiled at me as I pulled back, awkwardly, "Fuck hehe sorry guys, I think the travel has gotten to me...I should probably head back." <br><br> "Of course...we'll walk you back and head somewhere else after." Pavel nodded and with a chin motion, the guys rolled out, with me in tow. <br><br> As soon as we got outside, was disappointed that Gennady hadn't followed up my opener. I wondered if he saw the 'don't disappear on me' in my eyes as I looked over at him in surprise. <<path>> Artyom <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> His oral fixation made my pussy tingle. Would he pull at my clit the same way he did that pen? Maybe. We'll see. <br><br> I mis-stepped and fell into him, my lips meeting his cheek. It had started as a trip while I was dancing along to "Personal Jesus," but my brain had taken the opportunity to try and make the moment magic. He just smiled at me as I pulled back, awkwardly, "Fuck hehe sorry guys, I think the travel has gotten to me...I should probably head back." <br><br> "Of course...we'll walk you back and head somewhere else after." Pavel nodded and with a chin motion, the guys rolled out, with me in tow. <br><br> As soon as we got outside, was disappointed that Artyom hadn't followed up my opener. I wondered if he saw the 'come here' in my eyes as I looked over at him in surprise. <<path>> Dima <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <br><br> I liked his hands and eyes constantly being on me. I wondered if he was into any position besides doggy. Maybe. We'll see. <br><br> I mis-stepped and stumbled into Dima, "Fuck hehe sorry guys, I think the travel has gotten to me...I should probably head back." A slight motion of my hips to get his hands off my rear, and then I just relented. <br><br> "Of course...we'll walk you back and head somewhere else after." Pavel nodded and with a chin motion, the guys rolled out, with me in tow. <br><br> As soon as we got outside, I felt Dima let go of my ass and I felt a bit of disappointment. I wondered if he saw the 'put the hand back' in my eyes as I looked over at him in surprise. <<contentsShared>> <br><br> <<include "ACTI005 - TallinnNightOut_Fight">> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI005-TallinnNightOut_Fight.png">> "This way, <<print $>>. Don't get distracted now." Pavel chuckled and lightly guided me by the arm. <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills["Perception"].value gt 1>> <<Stats Perception ++>> Wait. This wasn't the right way. Well...maybe they knew the city better than I did. I //was// drunk. <</if>> <br><br> I thought I could taste the salt water on the air, feeling the moisture in the air and hearing the lap of water. But our hostel wasn't by the water side. <br><br> Pavel suddenly was grabbing my arm and yelling out in what sounded like...Russian? His grip was firm and I was being yanked backwards, out of the street. It sounded like someone was spitting. All the guys were yelling. And then there was the unmistakable sound of gunfire -- Pavel was shooting -- and the tang of iron on the air. <br><br> I flattened myself against the wall, freaking out and thankful for the bulletproof armor of the alcohol as I watched the night-lit street explode in chaos. Dima was on the ground, groaning. I felt the plaster of the building next to me crumble and raining on my head. <br><br> And then Pavel was coming back at me -- fast. Grabbing for my arm. An impact happened right beside my head, the plasterwork exploding and caused him to duck away and back towards the water, firing pot-shots that made me jerk every time. <br><br> She melted out of the darkness: the woman from the street. Ms. Mistaken Identity. She was stepping over to Artyom, who had also been dropped. Summarily pulled the trigger twice as she stood over him, then to Oleg, the same. Then back towards me. Was I about to die? Like a crab, I began to try and drag myself away, my heels not able to catch at the street stones. <br><br> Dima groaning, stopped after she finished him off. Then, making eye contact with me, she reached out a hand and I jerked back, turning my head and closing my eyes. Then I realized it was //not// the gun hand. "Come with me. Now." It was gentle, yet impossible to argue with. <br><br> I scrambled along with her, my heels clicking rapidly against the cobbles as I looked back at the devastation in her wake. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/ACTI005-TNOF.png">> Then the pistol in her hand. She carried it with a cool confidence that scared me: when had it appeared, //where// had it come from, and why was I only just now realizing that this woman had a fucking gun in her hand. And had killed those guys. <br><br><br> "What--" <br><br> "The fuck, right?" She chuckled and shook her head as if we were sharing this moment as comrades. As if we had both just been tools of violence. "You look //so// much like her. You're her daughter, yes?" <br><br> I didn't know how to respond. Unnerved and about to just devolve into a flood of tears. In less than five seconds, the thought of my mother -- and her disappearance -- had been thrust into my consciousness, shattering what would have been a fun night and then carnage and death. And now we were running. Why was I going with her? Was she about to kill me? <br><br> We were in a car. She thrust the pistol between her thighs, sticking up like a dildo as she pulled off into the narrow streets. "They had no idea who you were, I don't think." <br><br> "And you //do//?" I coughed out, the wetness battling in my eyes was thick in my throat. <br><br><br> She reached over, kindly, brushing my cheek and tucking some hair behind one of my ears, "I knew Elle. We worked together. I owe her this. Now. Where to send you. It's not safe here." She laughed as if it were another joking matter, "[[Clearly|ACTI005 - LeavingTallinn]]."
<<image framed "passage/ACTI005-LeavingTallinn.png">> We were heading to the airport. I hadn't even been here eight hours but Dominika wouldn't hear anything else, "I'll get your things and send them after you." <br><br> "How?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized how ridiculous they were. If she had just taken on those guys, she would be able to find a way into my room at a fucking hostel. <br><br> "You //cannot// stay here. What you just witnessed was a small proxy fight. Ukraine isn't just in Ukraine. And those weren't Estonians." <br><br> "You sound just like them." <br><br> She shrugged, "Many roads lead to Rome." <br><br> "Isn't it //all//?" <br><br> "Your road was about to be in a container ship on the way back to the Motherland. You might have even ended up at a Sparrow school like I did. Unwilling, but they'd break you, of course." <br><br> "How are you so--" <br><br> "Sounds better than a sex slave, right? That was the other possibility. Young American girl on her own here? Perfect target. I have no idea when they decided on you, but I'm glad I ran into you. And that I knew you." There was a wave of sadness that seeped through her calm demeanor. I wondered if it spoke to other situations where she hadn't stepped in. Or wished she had. <br><br><br> The car ride was quiet and then, "Sparrow school? Wait." She laughed. <br><br> "You'd think they'd do a bit more to protect me, don't you." She sighed and looked over at me, the airport coming into view, "Your mother was the American version of me, honestly. Or the Sparrows. We had a joke back at school. Before I..." <br><br> "Turned?" <br><br> She nodded, "When the Americans tried to copy our training we were belittling them. There's an American version of the same kind of bird: swallows. Which has its own humor to it." A flash of dirty joke flickered through her eyes. <br><br> "Red sparrows and--" <br><br> "Blue Swallows. Yeah." <br><br> "Fuck. You're serious." She nodded. "So, she..." <br><br> "Honey. Whether its business, life, love, we have something that men do not. And if we try and ignore that -- well, we better be fucking incredible at whatever it is we're doing, because we're only harming ourselves." <br><br> "Well, you seem fucking incredible." <br><br> "Thank you. I had the drop on them and they're preying on the weak." That hurt, but whether or not she had meant it, she was right. <br><br><br> We were in the parking garage and getting out of the car. I wondered if she was confident that no one was following us, that we were safe, or if those checks and considerations were so subconscious that they didn't even seem to be happening. She was on her phone as we walked towards the familiar terminal. We looked so different -- //were// so different -- me in my going-out dress and her in just normal everyday wear. She should be the one leaving on a flight, not me. <br><br> "Oh. //Oh//. Honey. Did come here...for her?" She looked up from her phone, her countenance far more human. Caring. Maternal? <br><br> <<if $ gt 0>> "No. Why. Is she here?" <br><br> She gave my bare shoulder a squeeze, "Not for a long time. Just lucky, then. Very lucky. I hope you keep that luck going." <br><br> <<else>> I didn't respond, but she could __absolutely__ read me. She gave my bare shoulder a squeeze, "Hasn't been here a long time. Wow. You are her daughter. How'd you know to come here? Keep that up, okay?" <br><br> <</if>> "Why. America is just--" I cut myself off as I saw her at the kiosk. Manila. Philippines. A chill ran down my spine. Memories came to the forefront. I got real quiet and didn't say a thing, I think, until I got on the plane. <br><br> "I'm not sure what happens from here, but these are my instructions." She handed me the flimsy paper ticket. She leaned in and hugged me. The person that she had become, the intrusion into my personal space made me tense: she was a killer. A real spy. And then my eyes were wet. So was my mom. //This// was her. In a way. <br><br> As she broke the hug and squeezed my arms again, leaning in close for her last words, "Thank you for showing up. Now I know." And she kissed my forehead. My mom hadn't done that before, but it felt like it was her version of the same thing. <br><br><br> I made my way to my flight: across the world to some island nation. I wondered if she also had a daughter some place, if there was a carbon copy of me in her [[life|ACTI003 - Manila Arrival]].
<<if $ACTI.oops == true>> <<face hurt1>> The cramping on the plane was awful and I got well acquainted with the plane bathroom, but everything seemed to have settled by the time we landed in Thailand. <br><br> <<set $ACTI.oops = false>> <</if>> I was fucking //exhausted//. It's incredible to me how simply sitting, watching some movies, listening to music, reading a magazine or a book -- all could just knock you flat on your ass. I slept what I could, and maybe that was my mistake. <br><br> My eyes were bleary as we fell into our approach. The immigration cards were passed out for easy entry and I began to fill mine out as we bounced onto the tarmac, finally arriving in Bangkok. An unbidden thought popped into my head: something about this trip made me feel like it took six years to get to this place. Hyperbole, I know, but that's what it felt like...a destination far too long in the arrival. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/bangkok.airplane.png">> Yawning, I deplaned with the masses -- all scrabbling to get off the aluminum cigarette faster than anyone else. I was jostled and bumped, but I didn't care. I didn't really have anywhere to go besides where I was. I what. <br><br> Pulling out my phone, I went to sign into the WiFi so I could plan my next steps...and saw a notification from my provider that there was no service. <<linkexpand "Fuck.">> Fuck. <br><br><br> <<skillChecked "Stable" "Inventory">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value is 0>> <<face hurt1 runny>> And that must have been the straw. Suddenly, I found myself in the bathroom, bawling my eyes out into my palms, hunched in a stall. The insanity of all of this hit me like a ton of bricks and I was //freaking// ''out''. It was probably a good fifteen minutes of irrational thought -- grab a return ''now''; I was going to die; sex slavery; I'd never see home again -- and then, I think my emotional batteries were simply drained. No more tears came, so I was able to get myself together with some semblance of resolve and clean up. Nothing to do but soldier on, I guess. <br><br><br> <</if>> I hadn't thought of changing my cell plan before leaving -- it's incredible what you forget when you're rushing these giant life choices. <<if $Inventory.includes("Burner")>> Luckily, I had an extra phone on-hand that was more ready to accept a new provider, cash for time, so my burner became my main cell. <<else>> Moving through the Terminal I couldn't find anything beyond a Duty Free. I'd have to figure something out sooner rather than later, but who was I trying to call anyway? <</if>> <br><br> Finding my footing again, I headed towards immigration, following the dual English and Thai signs to the scary looking immigration line. Despite the paper card, pre-filled out and designed to expedite the process, this was going to take a while. Maybe I had a precog moment and //this// is what was going to take six years. All of these people wanting to arrive in Bangkok and held back by the claws of progress. There had to be a more efficient way. Maybe more staff? <br><br> Maybe I was just really tired. And angry. <br><br> As I finally approached the immigration officer with his hard stare, I wondered if spies did this. If my mom had followed these very steps, or if they had like a back door way into their 'ops'. <br><br> It did afford me time on the WiFi to source a cheap hostel across town. Six miles. Ugh. <br><br> He asked a few questions in broken English and accepted the reasoning of me being here as Tourism. I mean, it was, essentially. Why wouldn't he accept it. Why would an American be here anyway. Business maybe. <br><br> That annoying step done, I was glad to have just brought the roller bag so I skipped the wait at baggage claim and headed to ground transportation, where the cars and travelers all seemed to be watched over by statues of Hindu gods and monsters. <br><br> Dropping down a level to avoid the expensive rip-off 'private taxis,' I was slapped in the face by the heat and humidity. It was massively built up and bustling. It lined up with the concept I had of the place. Bangkok. <br><br> The transport options weren't very appealing, but it seemed the accepted, common way was the motorcycle taxi. And it was cheap. One nodded me over and he helped me latch my bag onto the 'luggage rack' and bungee'd it on. <br><br> Climbing on the back of a motorbike, I pulled knees round some guy's hips, and it brought sexual tension to mind instinctively. And it I had to pull myself tight up against him: there was no way to hide between my thighs, so better it to be close to him than on display for everyone on the street. <br><br> No helmet, no pads, barely a word of 'ready' and he pulled into the frantic traffic, hands tight on the bar. <br><br> It was an absolute //rush//. We weaved between vehicles tangled in traffic, and I was absolutely white-knuckle by the time he hopped the curb and onto the sidewalk, dodging foot-traffic to avoid the ''actual'' traffic. <br><br> And despite his skill and knowledge, most of the travel was being stuck behind vehicles pouring out exhaust and making the heady heat feel oppressive. I started trying to will the lights green as I felt the sweat trickle down the small of my back and my inner thighs starting to stick to the seat and my driver. <br><br> Thankfully it was over before I asphyxiated, though I was certain my lungs were worse for the wear. Exciting and insane -- and that was the normal transpo around here...Bangkok really was a thrilling place, even if it came at a physical and mental cost. <br><br><br> I sighed, checking in with my internal organs as I grabbed my bag and he sped off, turning to face my hostel. It looked more like a small home rather than a motel or what I expected out of communal living. <br><br> Climbing the steps, I saw a little woman peek out and -- unencumbering herself of something else -- waved at me half-dismissively and half in welcome. It was confusing, but I put on a smile and continued my approach. "No. No! Wait there. My son." Another confusing hand motion and she disappeared. I wondered what she was otherwise involved in, but I did stop right there, halfway up the approach. <br><br> A few moments later an adolescent came out, broadly smiling upon seeing me and speeding down the wooden staircase that felt dangerous. "Welcome!" He doesn't look any more capable of bringing the bag the rest of the way, but he was practically pulling my fingers from the handle, "American?" <br><br> I nodded, "Yeah, <<print $>>." I don't know why I felt compelled to tell him my name, but he seemed so keen and kind. "Thank you." <br><br> "This way -- lot of Westerners stay here." He looked in disbelief at the statement rather than disappointed or upset, "I hope to go some day." <br><br> "I'm sure you will." That short conversation later, we had arrived at my room. Well-maintained but definitely a hostel, complete with a shared bathroom and tiny room. "Thanks again." <br><br><br> "Of course! Enjoy your stay." Man, that smile never left his face. He disappeared and I began to [[unpack|ACTI003 - MeetKate]], one hand preoccupied with fanning air over my sweaty face. <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI003-MeetKate.png">> I had taken a breather, hands on my hips and trying to stand as still as I could, hoping that would let me cool off, dry a bit when a British lilt came from behind me, "Crushing heat, innit?" <br><br> Must have been one of the Westerners that kid had been talking about. I turned, smiling and waving both hands in front of my face, feeling the moisture on my face unwilling to be evaporated, "That's one way to put it." <br><br> A 'can I come in?' look and I quickly nodded, waving her in. She was //gorgeous//. Chestnut and curly hair that fell to her shoulders, striking emerald eyes and dimensions that defied belief. Was modeling an industry here, because she ''had'' to be a model. "Kate." She smiled affably and extended her hand. <br><br> Shaking it and returning the introduction, I noticed that she looked __tired__. Though her appearance was youthful and energetic, tight and appealing, there was something in her eyes -- in her soul -- that felt worn and...milked? "You okay?" <br><br> She laughed, eyes flashing in surprise and scrambling for a response, "Late night. They're //all// late nights. So, you just got in?" <br><br> "Yeah. And seriously reconsidering the choice to come here. Does it get any better than this?" <br><br> "At night." With a smile and a shrug she motioned towards my bag and I was a bit shocked, but welcomed the help as we put away my things. She'd been here for a number a months, maybe a year -- she avoided specificity about much -- and despite the way she talked about where she worked, I could tell she was not happy about it. <<if $ gt 0>>I avoided the real reason why I was here. She'd probably think the whole 'searching for my spy mom' was a bullshit story...and what would I gain from mentioning it?<<else>>I let her know that I just came here for some fun. To get away. Like throwing a dart at the dartboard.<</if>> <br><br> "So you're //not// a model?" I looked stunned. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Attractiveness" "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> "I was about to ask you the same thing." She laughed, considering my appearance again. <<else>> "They would probably call us that, like at Abercrombie, Not a model" <</if>> We had moved out of the room and into the communal area, while in the sun, was easier to tolerate because of the air flow. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills["Perception"].value gt 1>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I noticed the boy was watching us from one of the windows in the main house. <<else>> <<Stats Perception ++>> Kate pointed out the boy watching us from one of the windows in the main house. <</if>> "He's a perv. But he's harmless. You'll get used to it." And I tried to ignore him continually peeking at us as we discussed her backpacking from Cambodia and getting here and finding the job at a topless bar that sounded more like a brothel than anything else. She didn't seem happy about the situation at all, but also didn't seem concerned -- immediately dismissing future stops on her backpacking in South-east Asia as well as moving on from her 'employment'. It felt like there was more of a story there, some thing or person that was keeping her stuck. <br><br> "Speaking of...I need to get ready. And you're free to join, though I'm not going to recommend it. I'm //also// not going to recommend heading out on your own. You could meet up with me after work?" <<crossroads>> <<path [[ACTI004 - HardCockCafe]]>> Join her now. <<path [[ACTI004 - LateNightBangkok]]>> Meet up after work. <</crossroads>>
<<image framed "ACTI004-HardCockCafe.png">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<outfit club>> I was curious about this job she had -- I wasn't trying to work there -- and I was glad to have a friend. Might as well accompany her and I could protect her a little? The idea was silly in retrospect, but I could read between the lines. She had mentioned it was crawling with men (and why wouldn't it be, given it being a topless club), so I didn't want to be a target, so I just wore what I was wearing. I wasn't going //out//. <br><br> There was a lightness to her step on our way out from the hostel. She was really enjoying having me around. Something different from her typical day to day. She flipped off the garish, neon sign above the club and for good reason. It was a woman giving a 'guitar neck' a lick in a very, very suggestive way. Fuck, the //name// of the club was pornographic, I don't know why they bothered with the innuendo. <br><br> She gave me a quick peck on my cheek, "Be careful, kay?" And disappeared. <br><br><br> The place was crawling with men and women wearing practically nothing. It felt a little like one of those strip clubs in the States where they weren't legally allowed to go fully nude, but they were skirting the line as close as they could. There couldn't be rules like that here, why weren't all these women naked? The men were pawing at them, ogling them and in some cases stealing kisses from the girls that were serving them liquor. <br><br> Kate appeared back behind the bar, her bare and gorgeous tits on full display and highlighted with glitter. Within moments she was having a conversation -- a drink order probably -- and the guy was squeezing her tits as they talked. She acted as though it wasn't even happening. <br><br> I pushed my way through the testosterone and dropped into a stool at the bar, hoping that I'd be an oasis among the raging erections. <br><br> The drink order was taking //forever// and Kate made eye contact with me while the Thai man was working her nipple slowly. There was a shrug in her eyes and then they got big. Did that feel good? Hurt? My own nipples were hardening merely watching. <br><br><br> "Lookin' fer a job, missy?" came a thick Scottish brogue, almost as thick as the sticky heat of his breath in my ear. Oh, this is why she was reacting. <br><br> I turned, slowly, carefully, trying to decide between bitchy dismissiveness or kind and casual 'no'. "Excuse me?" I smiled pleasantly. It had to be her boss, or someone in some kind of position of power and I came here to make her life easier, not harder. <br><br><br> "Come with me." His thick hand grasped my wrist and he gave a little pull. <div id="cafe"> <<crossroads #cafe>> <<path>> Pull back. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> <<skillChecked "High School Clique" "Sexuality">> "Ex//cuse// me?" I pulled back, but he wasn't letting go. Then Kate was there, her hand around his. <br><br> "Hey, Connor. She's a friend of mine. Just got here." <br><br> "Perfect." His accent made the 'r' roll. His grin toothy and hungry. "What's yer name, dearie." There was a subtle battle happening around my wrist, fighting for my freedom. <br><br> "<<print $>>. But she's right, not here for a job." And I tugged my hand free. His demeanor immediately changed and my hand removed, he found her wrist. He didn't respond, he looked through and past me like I wasn't there all of a sudden. And then he was dragging her: on either side of the bar it was like a child pulling along a doll carelessly, banging her against her side of the counter as he moved. And then they were gone into the crowd. <br><br> Fuck. I guess coming here was hurting more than helping. <br><br> "Yoo should be workin'." The man who had been ordering moments before, completely unaffected by what had just happened in front of him, was now hitting on me. His eyes devouring me with a bluntness I had rarely encountered. Yeah, maybe this hadn't been the smartest idea. <br><br> "Nope. And //yoo// should be walkin' away." I mocked his accent. He didn't take kindly to it, but not being an employee I could see him immediately avoiding conflict. He took his beer and left me alone. <br><br><br> My eyes watched the exits, trying to ignore the lewd display on the stage where two too-young women were using dildos on each other to the cheers of the drunken male masses. Even over the din of the music and conversation, I could hear their fake, porn-like cries of 'pleasure'. I felt my stomach turn. I hoped Kate was okay. <br><br> I think my curt and quick denial of the Thai man had provided me at least a temporary shield. <<if $CC.clique == "Nerd">>I imagined the blue barrier around me and wondered how long the timer would last.<</if>> On one hand, I was thankfully unaccosted, on the other I had no distractions to my anxiety about Connor and Kate. <br><br> And then, she was back. Her mascara was running. She was moving quickly and without affect. Her tits bounced with her rapid movement but not in a seductive way. She had a cigarette between her fingers and as soon as we made eye contact there was a 'come on' move of her head and I practically leapt off the stool to follow her. <br><br> In the back, by where they deposited the trash, she was taking a smoke break. She hadn't been crying, but tears had caused her running makeup. The cigarette between her lips, dragging deeply, she looked down and shook her head, wiping a streak of cum from her inner thigh and trying to flick it off her fingers, "Fuck." <br><br> "You okay? I'm so, so sorry." <br><br> "I don't know if I can do this anymore." Now there //were// tears in her eyes. <br><br> "That's kind of what I was asking back at the hostel." <br><br> "I __know__." She found a kitchen rag on one of the trashcans to clean her hand. Kinda. "I don't have a choice, <<print $>>. I ''have'' to do this." She pulled out her phone, talking with the cigarette bouncing up and down between her lips that had been working on Connor just a few minutes before. She began texting, her bare chest shuddering as she fought the sobs. <br><br> Stepping over, I pulled her tight. Some people say crisis can make fast friends and I wondered if this is what they meant, feeling her naked body press against me, the glitter glue coming off on my skin, smelling the scent of semen somewhere on or in her. My eyes considered the furiously tapping fingers as she worked out some sort of...coded message?...on her Signal app. "Who's that." <br><br> She laughed, giving me another kiss on my cheek and offering me a drag of the cigarette. In solidarity, I took a pull and held onto the cig while I waited for her to say what I could tell she wanted to. A big sigh, she looked around, "This is going to sound //crazy//. I'm a fucking spy." <br><br> I think she expected a laugh. Disbelief. Probably the reverse of my thoughts earlier in the day. Instead, the cigarette dropped from my fingers and I pulled away from her. <br><br> Her eyes searched mine, confused and worried all at once, "I...didn't mean to offend you." <br><br> "You didn't." I looked down at the refuse piled around the garbage cans, then stamped out the cig, "Since we're...being honest..." She nodded quickly, sparkling breasts jiggling -- how was she so comfortable right now? -- to ensure me it was a safe space, out there by tomorrow's trash pickup. "So is my mom? And she like...disappeared. Maybe here. I dunno. That's the whole thing about spies, no one else knows, do they?" It was my turn to be battling the sobs. <br><br> It was her turn to be stunned, pulling me close. <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>I had never been this close to a nearly naked woman and been less aroused, such a beautiful body, clutching and pulling me closer to her pert chest that I doubted would fit in my hands.<</if>> "Really?" <br><br> Nodding, I fought for control, "Yeah, Elle. But who the fuck knows if that was her name." <br><br> "Okay. I'm ditching tonight. We're going to figure this out. You and me. Let's say I know a guy." She started tapping into her Signal app again as my breathing came back to normal. She was placid now, as if I had sucked out her upset into myself and now I had let it out. <br><br><br> She brought me around out front, not willing to subject me to the profane club again and met me a few moments later, hot shorts and a T-shirt on. "Connor seems pleased enough tonight, he didn't seem to mind. [[Come on|ACTI005 - Clark]]." <<path $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1>> Go with him. <<blocked>> $ isn't suggestible or easy enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> Kate was there all of a sudden, her hand around his wrist. <br><br> "Hey, Connor. She's a friend of mine. Just got here." <br><br> "Perfect." His accent made the 'r' roll. His grin toothy and hungry. "What's yer name, dearie." There was a subtle battle happening around my wrist, fighting for my freedom. <br><br> "<<print $>>. It's okay, Kate." I shrugged and let him guide me off the stool. I wasn't going to rock the boat at her place of employment, and who knows. Might need a job. <br><br> "Kate's good, but canna be a //bit// feisty. Are ye feisty?" Somehow his voice carried through the din as we moved through the crowd and towards the back of the building. We moved down a hallway, "Looks like not. And lucky you, Kate came in the normal way, not the VIP treatment you're gettin'." He punched in a code at the door and we were in a small back room, a black couch <<if visited("HS002 - CastingSeed")>>, that immediately sent shivers up my spine,<</if>> and a desk. He sat on the edge of it. <br><br> There was no menace or threat in his posture or attitude, but his size and role at the 'cafe' held all the power he needed. He looked me over as I sat on the couch, indicated by his orientation on the desk. His eyes dipped between my <<link "thighs">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. <<skillChecked "Coordination ">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>> Ha. Perv. Not a chance. I was ready and he caught nothing between my legs. <<else>> Fuck. He caught me unprepared and he got a full-on view between my thighs. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>He grinned ear to ear, "Well, well, well. What a pretty pussy you got." <<else>>He smiled and nod, "Cute."<</if>> <</if>> <br><br> "So. an interview?" <br><br> "We'll see. Get yer kit off." I didn't understand the words, but I understood the meaning. <br><br> <div id="interview"> <<crossroads #interview>> <<path>> No. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> He looked shocked, but I soldiered on, not missing a beat, "That's your interview? Get naked?" <br><br> "Have you looked around, you little bitch? Every piece of ass here is naked. That's the __idea__." <br><br> "Can't get pussy any other way?" I had probably pushed this a bit too far. Suddenly he was on me, hand grabbing me by the hair and yanking me up from the couch. <br><br> I was shoved against the door with a rough <<shake 2s>>THUD<</shake>>. "Get the fuck outta my club." My head <<shake 2s>>hit<</shake>> the door again. I couldn't help but yelp and with that he relented with a deep, guttural chuckle. The door was open and he shoved me out into the hall, "You just made yer friend's life here much, much harder." His tongue trilled on the each 'r' with relish. <br><br> My brain a bit scrambled, I tentatively touched the sensitive places on my face to make sure he hadn't cause any bleeding. Maybe some bruising. I wobbled my way back out to the club, my head starting to throb in time with the music. <br><br> Kate saw me and practically leapt over the bar, motioning 'smoke' off to someone else I couldn't see and she was bringing back the way I came. But not to Connor's office. Instead, she deposited us behind the club. "You okay?" I saw the overflowing trash bins. <br><br> Stepping over, I pulled her tight. Some people say crisis can make fast friends and I wondered if this is what they meant, feeling her naked body press against me, the glitter glue coming off on my skin, smelling the scent of sweat and booze somewhere on her. <br><br> "I'm so, so sorry. //Fuck// Connor." It was weird to be in this place and having two Brits at odds with each other, over me. She pulled out a cigarette and lit up, "That shit he did? I //told// you not to come tonight. Sorry. Sorry. This isn't on you." She sighed, breathing out the smoke as I clutched at her. <br><br> "You were right." <br><br> "//I// don't know how much more of this shit I can take." She had pulled a phone out of...where had she even kept it. Cradling me in the nook of her arm, she began tapping at her screen with one hand while she pulled at the cigarette again. I felt the heat nearly burn at my skin as she breathed out and gave me a peck on the cheek, "Shouldn't have let you go back. God. There's gotta be another way." <br><br> My eyes considered the furiously tapping fingers as she worked out some sort of...coded message?...on her Signal app. "Who's that." <br><br> She laughed, giving me another kiss on my cheek and offering me a drag of the cigarette. In solidarity, I took a pull and held onto the cig while I waited for her to say what I could tell she wanted to. A big sigh, she looked around, "This is going to sound //crazy//. I'm a fucking spy." <br><br> I think she expected a laugh. Disbelief. Probably the reverse of my thoughts earlier in the day. Instead, the cigarette dropped from my fingers and I pulled away from her. <br><br> Her eyes searched mine, confused and worried all at once, "I...didn't mean to offend you." <br><br> "You didn't." I looked down at the refuse piled around the garbage cans, then stamped out the cig, "Since we're...being honest..." She nodded quickly, sparkling breasts jiggling -- how was she so comfortable right now? -- to ensure me it was a safe space, out there by tomorrow's trash pickup. "So is my mom? And she like...disappeared. Maybe here. I dunno. That's the whole thing about spies, no one else knows, do they?" It was my turn to be battling the sobs. <br><br> It was her turn to be stunned, pulling me close. <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>I had never been this close to a nearly naked woman and been less aroused, such a beautiful body, clutching and pulling me closer to her pert chest that I doubted would fit in my hands.<</if>> "Really?" <br><br> Nodding, I fought for control, "Yeah, Elle. But who the fuck knows if that was her name." <br><br> "Okay. I'm ditching tonight. We're going to figure this out. You and me. Let's say I know a guy." She started tapping into her Signal app again as my breathing came back to normal. She was focused now, as if what I had said dramatically changed things. <br><br><br> She brought me around out front, not willing to subject me to the profane club again and met me a few moments later, hot shorts and a T-shirt on. "Connor seems pleased enough tonight, he didn't seem to mind. [[Come on|ACTI005 - Clark]]." <<path>> Kay. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> I stood up and started to take my clothes <<linkexpand "off.">> <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego runny>> <<SexSkill oral>> off. They came off easily, practiced, piece by piece and collected onto the floor in front of the couch. I turned slowly, showing off my body to him and watching the way he checked my naked form out with as much practice as I had revealing it to him. <br><br><br> "You //certainly// aren't feisty. I //like// girls like you." He smiled, his hand dropping to unbuckle his pants and motioning me over. //Fuck//. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I felt the sensation of how closed the door was. I dropped to my knees, wondering how many other girls had been in this position with him before. Dozens. Hundreds? His member fell out unimpressively and limp, "Show me what you've got." <br><br><br> My lips met the softness of his cock and wrapped around it. He gripped one of his strong hands in my hair and pulled, urging my <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes up to greet his dispassionate face. I began to suck. Thankfully there wasn't too much length so I didn't have to fight the gag. He smelled a bit like semen, so I didn't have to wonder if this was his first encounter of the evening. often did he get some here? <br><br> It took some effort, further speaking to his refractory period, but the rigidity and pulsing of his hardness soon filled my mouth. He gave mostly gentle tugs at my hair as he guided my rhythm and depth. I wondered how often Kate had been in this position and I felt bad for her. This is how these girls got their jobs and kept their jobs. And what option did they have? "Yer nae bad there, missy. But I think yer gunna need a little help. Nae your fault. And you don't work here, so you don't git the full Connor treatment." I think that was a good thing. <br><br> He gripped tightly in my hair and grabbed his cock in his fist, holding my head cocked back and he began jerking off with the head of his cock in my mouth. I held still and looked up at him, watching him grunt and lose the focus in his eyes. Had he seen so much naked female body that I wasn't doing it for him? Not enough of a trigger? I sucked down at the portion of cock in my mouth, encouraging him. And then it <<linkexpand "came">> <<cumSpray mouth1>> came. <br><br> An extra firm pull at my hair and I felt the pumping of his cock, the spread of thick bleachy cum spewing over my tongue and to the back of my mouth. The angle he was holding my head had me instinctively swallowing. He grunted deeply, a shuddering pull at my head a few more times as he pushed me over the length of his cock as he milked the last bits out and then pushed my head back, letting his cock lay across my face, "Good job. Nae...git out." <br><br><br> He didn't have to ask me twice. I wiped my eyes and the streak of semen from my face as I quickly put my clothes back <<linkexpand "on.">> <<outfit default>> on. I stumbled out of his office not sure if I had gotten a job or just done a good interview...or whatever had just happened. Maybe just an act of domination over Kate. <br><br> Kate saw me and practically leapt over the bar, motioning 'smoke' off to someone else I couldn't see and she was bringing back the way I came. But not to Connor's office. Instead, she deposited us behind the club. "You okay?" I saw the overflowing trash bins. <br><br> Stepping over, I pulled her tight. Some people say crisis can make fast friends and I wondered if this is what they meant, feeling her naked body press against me, the glitter glue coming off on my skin, smelling the scent of sweat and booze somewhere on her. <br><br> "I'm so, so sorry. //Fuck// Connor." It was weird to be in this place and having two Brits at odds with each other, over me. She pulled out a cigarette and lit up, "That shit he did? I //told// you not to come tonight. Sorry. Sorry. This isn't on you." She sighed, breathing out the smoke as I clutched at her. <br><br> "You were right." <br><br> "//I// don't know how much more of this shit I can take." She had pulled a phone out of...where had she even kept it. Cradling me in the nook of her arm, she began tapping at her screen with one hand while she pulled at the cigarette again. I felt the heat nearly burn at my skin as she breathed out and gave me a peck on the cheek, "Shouldn't have let you go back. God. There's gotta be another way." <br><br> My eyes considered the furiously tapping fingers as she worked out some sort of...coded message?...on her Signal app. "Who's that." <br><br> She laughed, giving me another kiss on my cheek and offering me a drag of the cigarette. In solidarity, I took a pull and held onto the cig while I waited for her to say what I could tell she wanted to. A big sigh, she looked around, "This is going to sound //crazy//. I'm a fucking spy." <br><br> I think she expected a laugh. Disbelief. Probably the reverse of my thoughts earlier in the day. Instead, the cigarette dropped from my fingers and I pulled away from her. <br><br> Her eyes searched mine, confused and worried all at once, "I...didn't mean to offend you." <br><br> "You didn't." I looked down at the refuse piled around the garbage cans, then stamped out the cig, "Since we're...being honest..." She nodded quickly, sparkling breasts jiggling -- how was she so comfortable right now? -- to ensure me it was a safe space, out there by tomorrow's trash pickup. "So is my mom? And she like...disappeared. Maybe here. I dunno. That's the whole thing about spies, no one else knows, do they?" It was my turn to be battling the sobs. <br><br> It was her turn to be stunned, pulling me close. <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>I had never been this close to a nearly naked woman and been less aroused, such a beautiful body, clutching and pulling me closer to her pert chest that I doubted would fit in my hands.<</if>> "Really?" <br><br> Nodding, I fought for control, "Yeah, Elle. But who the fuck knows if that was her name." <br><br> "Okay. I'm ditching tonight. We're going to figure this out. You and me. Let's say I know a guy." She started tapping into her Signal app again as my breathing came back to normal. She was focused now, as if what I had said dramatically changed things. <br><br><br> She brought me around out front, not willing to subject me to the profane club again and met me a few moments later, hot shorts and a T-shirt on. "Connor seems pleased enough tonight, he didn't seem to mind. [[Come on|ACTI005 - Clark]]." <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI004-LateNightBangkok.png">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<outfit club>> I took her warning at face value. It didn't sound like a safe place for women and if she worked there, I wasn't sure if it wouldn't be more dangerous for someone who didn't work there. We said our goodbyes as she headed out in her hot shorts and tight shirt, the boy watching from his vantage point. It felt great, but also confusing to get a 'my girl' hug from her. We had found an easy kinship so quickly, faster than I had with other women in my life. But I wasn't about to argue with it. Thrilling as it was, Bangkok clearly was a lonely place too. <br><br> I spent some time on the spotty WiFi, checking out the city and planning what my first steps would be tomorrow while I waited for Kate's shift to wrap up. I checked out the 'cafe' that she worked at and saw how the online version left a lot unsaid, very implied and the shots tastefully made sure that you //knew// the women were essentially naked, but you couldn't actually see their bodies. <br><br> "Friend with Kate?" The boy was back. He had a broom in hand and was cleaning the open-air courtyard that didn't really need it. <br><br> "Never met her before, actually." I shifted, making sure I wasn't flashing anything up my skirt. "But yeah, she's nice." <br><br> "She's...very popular." <br><br> "With you as well?" Immediately he blushed, turning to work on some 'spot' with his back to me. "I didn't mean any offense. She is very pretty." <br><br> "Yes. Very nice too. Too nice with these men, though." I wasn't sure exactly what to say to that. I understood the implication and could feel the jealousy and upset under the surface. <br><br> "All you can do is be there for her, okay? If she needs help, then try and do what you can. But until then, just be a friend." I felt a little pang inside as I realized I hadn't been in my choice of the afternoon, sitting here, safe and sound while she was beating off men. Okay, that's unacceptable. Might have been true, but wasn't my meaning. <br><br> His dark eyes met mine and he nodded, "Okay." And he found his sweeping took him out of the vicinity, leaving me to my devices. I decided to take my own advice and get over myself, heading out of the hostel and finding my way to the club a little early. <br><br><br> I couldn't miss the place. A garish, neon sign above the club making sure everyone around knew it was there and what happened inside. It was a woman giving a 'guitar neck' a lick in a very, very suggestive way. Fuck, the //name// of the club was pornographic, I don't know why they bothered with the innuendo. Finding a spot out of sight of the overt misogyny, I shot her a text. And then realized how silly that was -- where would she even have the phone until she was on her way out. <br><br><br> But then I got a buzz, <<call "Kate">>"On my way out. Ur early."<</call>> And then a smiley face. She was wearing the same as she left in, but now shone with glitter and looked exhausted...and a bit drunk. In tow were two other girls, "Meet Zoe and Amanda." I smiled and nodded, waving to them as they eyed me over curiously. <br><br> "Hey, <<print $>>." Trying to ignore their inspection and lean into Kate's warmth, "So, where we headed?" <br><br> "A fave of ours, just around the corner." Amanda smiled and led the way, sauntering in front of us in a 'I'm hotter than you' kind of way. <br><br> It was a small little bar, and the girls got a cheer when they walked in. The patrons because they were mostly men, the bartenders because I'm sure they brought in more money simply by being here. The three girls in their hot shorts dropped into stools that were vacated for them and I found a niche between Kate and Zoe. "Shots?" Kate smirked over at me, then the other two. "And //you// need to catch up." <br><br> Well, she seemed pretty okay after the night's work. I guess I hadn't abandoned her. She could handle herself. The bartender poured out four shots of tequila, thinking the request had been for us all to do one. And then with a mischievous smile, Kate slid an arm around all four of them and pulled them my way. Oh fuck. Could I handle myself? I laughed, looking to someone to save me, but they mimicked her smile. "Start drinkin', bitch. I'm thirsty." <br><br> So I did the shots. I was coughing. I was holding back a retch or two, but I pounded them as quickly as I could to the cheers that grew from Kate to include even Amanda on number four. And, of course, five was on its way as now the other girls got to take their first one. And it was a round. <br><br> Fuck. I don't think I had gotten a buzz that fast in my life. This was dangerous. These girls partied hard and came by it honestly. Of course they'd drown all of the rest of this bullshit out with alcohol. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> Fuck. Yeah, this //was// dangerous, because Kate was gorgeous and all I could think about was how much skin I could see and how I wanted to see more. <div id="lesbo"> <<crossroads #lesbo>> <<path>> But...did I risk the bond and friendship in this scary place and maybe ruin it? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<face ahego>> <<SexSkill oral>> <br><br> Yeah, I could use the excuse of the alcohol, if anything went wrong. I leaned into the joy of the high and the closeness with the women -- Amanda and Zoe opened up once they got a couple shots in them. <br><br> I was the most dressed out of them, so I wasn't the target of much of the attention from the guys in the bar, and I watched with amazement at how they were able to diffuse each situation as it cropped up. But overall, they were relatively pleasant and allowed us to do our thing. It felt comfortable and easy...and like I was back at home. Yeah, maybe being here in Bangkok could be fine with this crew. While I figured things out, while I decided what was next. Plus, she was to-die-for. <br><br> I staved off too many more drinks, feeling the rest enough for anyone. Zoe and Amanda headed off to the bathroom for a moment for some extra 'party' and I gave Kate a little pull, fingers intertwining with hers, "Come on." <br><br> She let me drag her along, but gave me a firm look, "Not down for lines tonight. You can do some if you want." <br><br> "Whatever. Girls go to the bathroom together, right?" And she relented fully. We watched the other two stumble into a shitty stall and giggle as they banged around in the small confines, trying to finagle their noses to some powder. <br><br> As soon as the door swung mostly closed, I grabbed Kate and pulled her again. This time firmly and with a very different purpose. Her hands came up wardingly, but softened a bit as our mouths met. I could taste the strawberry of her lip gloss. That was nice. <br><br> Her hand found my hair and started to stroke through it -- she was not adverse to my plan, it seemed -- and our tongues began to work against each other. Even the taste of tequila in her mouth was nice. I grabbed her close, pulling her against me in need. <br><br> I knew we didn't have long and I had been holding back, restraining myself to the point of nearly driving myself crazy, so I started to drop down. My mouth didn't want to leave hers, but still I was lowering myself onto the sticky bathroom tile. Our mouths stayed together until they couldn't anymore. My fingers found the edges of her hot shorts and pulled down, hooking under the thong she had been wearing for work and peeling it down with them. The smell of her crotch was pungent: the scent of someone who had been turned on and turned on and turned on, her pussy was crying out for the attention I was ready to give. The sweat and other scents from her work? I could ignore. <br><br> I dived in without a second thought, the bridge of my nose against her freshly manicured mound, taking a deep breath as I got a lung full of air, my tongue snaking out now to get between her other lips. The strawberry of her lip gloss met the tang of her glossed pussy. I heard her whimper happily and I looked up, watching her sea-green eyes flutter and head lift up from watching me as she leaned back against the sink. <br><br> "You alright out there?" Came a giggle from within the stall. I ignored them, grabbing at her firm and succulent asscheeks, pulling her crotch against my face. My tongue flickered, digging for her clit, finding it swollen and as needy as I was. Thankfully I wasn't getting a mouthful of semen in the process, only just now realizing that //could// have been happening. <br><br> She clutched at my head, biting down on her lower lip as she tried to keep still and quiet, but I felt her thighs quivering as I ate her out, feeling the heat of her arousal, the wetness of hours of her work, and the pulse of her erratic heartbeat. It wasn't going to take her long. "Fuck, is that all you brought?" Zoe was bitching and it looks like our time was at hand. <br><br> I wouldn't be getting mine, but I was determined to give her hers. She nodded, encouraging me and she lifted onto her tiptoes, tensing up as she neared climax, then started shuddering, fingertips grabbing at my scalp as her legs fought her ability to remain standing. I felt the pressure of her weight against my chin and nose as I had to help her remain upright. And then she was shoving me away quickly, panting hard as she reached down to pull her shorts up, barely making it in time before the flimsy door swung open again and the two girls rolled out with wide pupils. <br><br> "Ew. You're //sitting// in here? Gross. This is Bang. Kok. Wash that shit off, now." Amanda was gagging at the thought, seeing me half-squatting on the bathroom floor and thankfully not thinking anything else was happening. They weaved their way out of the bathroom as I took the advice and began to wash up. <br><br> Kate leaned over and squeezed me tight, "Fuck. Thank you. I've been dying all night." <br><br> "I could tell." I smiled, wiping my mouth and chin clean. I touched up my makeup as I watched the beautiful woman leaning onto my shoulder, getting back under control and holding me. "Gonna be weird living together?" <br><br> "No. Promise. Where did you come why are you here?" She laughed, squeezing my shoulders as we got ready to make our way out to the bar. <br><br> "Honestly? This is going to sound fucking crazy..." She shrugged, so I continued, "My Mom's a spy, I freaked out and just...left." She froze. Well, maybe the alcohol had messed something up, just not the way I had intended. <br><br> "You...trying to find her?" <br><br> <<if $ gt 0>> "Kind of. I guess." I didn't like the way the tequila was letting my emotions come to the surface easily, so I turned away. <<else>> "Not...really?" Somehow that had hit home a bit, like I should have been. I didn't like the way the tequila was letting my emotions come to the surface so easily, so I turned away. <</if>> <br><br> " //this// is going to sound even crazier." My turn to shrug, so she continued, "I kinda know a guy." When I just stared at her blankly, she pulled a phone out from under her shirt and began to tap furiously at the screen. I leaned in, watching her fingers work, "Who's that?" <br><br> "The guy. I got more to tell you, just...gimme a sec." We came back out of the bathroom, suddenly the passion and fun of the night had turned to focus and seriousness. <br><br> "Finally cleaned up?" Amanda laughed, making another dig at me. At least she was being kind and pleasant now, even with the attitude. <br><br> "Yeah, cleaned up and gonna head out. Sorry, but we're going to call it early. Okay?" Zoe rolled her eyes and Amanda grunted as she dropped back onto the stool. <br><br> "Whatever. Bye bitches." And Kate led me outside, into the streets of Bangkok. I hoped that the walk would help me sober up a bit. <br><br> We began to walk and she tucked the phone back under her shirt, "Kay, it's gonna be a //bit// of a walk." <br><br> "I think I need it...wait you said you had more to tell me?" <br><br> Without a second's thought, "I'm a spy, too," she smiled. <br><br> I stopped in the street, dead ass. "What." <br><br><br> She grinned bigger and waved me on, "Come on." Yeah, I definitely needed to [[sober up|ACTI005 - Clark]]. <<vCardCheck Kate F "Kate in Bangkok">> <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> Or just enjoy the closeness for the time being? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> I just leaned into the joy of the high and the closeness with the women -- Amanda and Zoe opened up once they got a couple shots in them. <br><br> I was the most dressed out of them, so I wasn't the target of much of the attention from the guys in the bar, and I watched with amazement at how they were able to diffuse each situation as it cropped up. But overall, they were relatively pleasant and allowed us to do our thing. It felt comfortable and easy...and like I was back at home. Yeah, maybe being here in Bangkok could be fine with this crew. While I figured things out, while I decided what was next. Plus, she was to-die-for. <br><br> I staved off too many more drinks, feeling the rest enough for anyone. Zoe and Amanda headed off to the bathroom for a moment for some extra 'party' and I stuck back with Kate, dropping my head to her shoulder -- my head felt so heavy. She smelled of booze and sweat. I could feel some of the glitter sticking on my skin when I pulled away, "Wanna hear something //crazy//?" <br><br> "I was about to ask you the same thing." She ran her fingers through my hair. That felt nice. <br><br> "My mom. Is a spy. Like a fucking...//spy//." Her head jerked back and she pulled my chin slightly, making deep eye contact. Sober eye contact. She wasn't sober, no way. "What?" <br><br> "You're serious?" Fuck, was I too drunk? I was too drunk. <br><br> "Yeah...she like, disappeared. And this guy, my...Minder or something -- Nate -- says they don't know where she is, where she went. It's fucking scary." <br><br> "Yeah. It is." <br><br> " she alive? Is she like, undercover?" <br><br> Kate squeezed my arm, "She isn't. I can promise you that." <br><br> "How would you know?" <br><br> She laughed and gave me a peck on the cheek. I was a little shocked. That felt really nice. "I might be able to help. I know a guy." Her phone was out and she was furiously tapping on some chat app. <br><br> Zoe and Amanda came back, their laughter their vanguard. Kate smiled at them but was focused on her phone, "You guys. Missed out." Amanda squeezed Kate from behind. <br><br> "Well, we're gonna miss out on the rest. Sorry, but we're going to call it early. Okay?" Zoe rolled her eyes and Amanda grunted as she dropped back onto the stool. <br><br> "Whatever. Bye bitches." And Kate led me outside, into the streets of Bangkok. I hoped that the walk would help me sober up a bit. <br><br> "I'm a spy, too." She smiled. <br><br> I stopped in the street, dead ass. "What." <br><br><br> She grinned bigger and waved me on, "Come on." Yeah, I definitely needed to [[sober up|ACTI005 - Clark]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> I just leaned into the joy of the high and the closeness with the women -- Amanda and Zoe opened up once they got a couple shots in them. <br><br> I was the most dressed out of them, so I wasn't the target of much of the attention from the guys in the bar, and I watched with amazement at how they were able to diffuse each situation as it cropped up. But overall, they were relatively pleasant and allowed us to do our thing. It felt comfortable and easy...and like I was back at home. Yeah, maybe being here in Bangkok could be fine with this crew. While I figured things out, while I decided what was next. Plus, she was to-die-for. <br><br> I staved off too many more drinks, feeling the rest enough for anyone. Zoe and Amanda headed off to the bathroom for a moment for some extra 'party' and I stuck back with Kate, dropping my head to her shoulder -- my head felt so heavy. She smelled of booze and sweat. I could feel some of the glitter sticking on my skin when I pulled away, "Wanna hear something //crazy//?" <br><br> "I was about to ask you the same thing." She ran her fingers through my hair. That felt nice. <br><br> "My mom. Is a spy. Like a fucking...//spy//." Her head jerked back and she pulled my chin slightly, making deep eye contact. Sober eye contact. She wasn't sober, no way. "What?" <br><br> "You're serious?" Fuck, was I too drunk? I was too drunk. <br><br> "Yeah...she like, disappeared. And this guy, my...Minder or something -- Nate -- says they don't know where she is, where she went. It's fucking scary." <br><br> "Yeah. It is." <br><br> " she alive? Is she like, undercover?" <br><br> Kate squeezed my arm, "She isn't. I can promise you that." <br><br> "How would you know?" <br><br> She laughed and gave me a peck on the cheek. I was a little shocked. That felt really nice. "I might be able to help. I know a guy." Her phone was out and she was furiously tapping on some chat app. <br><br> Zoe and Amanda came back, their laughter their vanguard. Kate smiled at them but was focused on her phone, "You guys. Missed out." Amanda squeezed Kate from behind. <br><br> "Well, we're gonna miss out on the rest. Sorry, but we're going to call it early. Okay?" Zoe rolled her eyes and Amanda grunted as she dropped back onto the stool. <br><br> "Whatever. Bye bitches." And Kate led me outside, into the streets of Bangkok. I hoped that the walk would help me sober up a bit. <br><br> "I'm a spy, too." She smiled. <br><br> I stopped in the street, dead ass. "What." <br><br><br> She grinned bigger and waved me on, "Come on." Yeah, I definitely needed to [[sober up|ACTI005 - Clark]]. <</if>>
"I'm //kinda// breaking protocol here. But that's kind of my thing, I think." Kate wasn't giving me much information on our way to...wherever we were going. It felt ridiculous, walking down the streets of Bangkok like two girls on a night out but instead of seeking out some password-protected bar in the underbelly of the city, we were going to make a clandestine meeting. She sparkled as she walked, getting cat-called about once a block with so much of her body on display but she shrugged it off as if it weren't even happening. <br><br> "So, uh. Who's this guy and why are we meeting him?" It came out as light and joking, but I was deadly serious. She looked back over her shoulder coyly and just smiled, "Hey, if you're already breaking protocol..." She just winked at me and went back to her phone and then suddenly taking a turn that didn't seem the way she had originally intended. We were weaving our way through the bustling downtown and surprisingly didn't stick out at all. Except that that we weren't Asian. That distinctly set us apart. The hazy air was filled with the smells of open food carts, the noise of scooters nearly hitting us, and tuk-tuks bell's dinging as warning before nearly taking people out. <br><br> And there he was. It had to be him. He was a thick and dark-haired white guy that couldn't catch a tan if his life depended on it. He stood in front of a cart, shoveling noodles into his mouth. "Alright," Kate started, coming up alongside him, "<<print $>>, this is--" <br><br> "Nuh-uh." A reprimand from a father figure and Kate was drawn up short. "I should not have to explain why that is not happening right now." He was American. "Normally you wouldn't even be seeing me. And this little lady would probably be on her first flight back, ending her backpacking trip." He was //not// happy. "But." A second bowl of noodles was ready and he offered it to Kate. She nodded and began to slurp it down. It seemed an easy and normal cadence for them: she disappointed him or came up short and he admonished her. And then they moved on, "I actually received an alert regarding __you__ today. Name Nate ring a bell?" He slurped a long noodle slowly, smiling as he watched the name register. <br><br> "What the fuck." <br><br> "No shit, really? You weren't kidding, were you. Sure ''you'' aren't the spy?" Kate laughed, far too flip about this. How had this followed me here? How had I run into an actual spy and //my// presence had been on their radar. And what the fuck was Kate doing 'undercover' at that 'cafe'? Nothing about this made sense and I could feel the emotion coming to the surface again. <br><br> "Hey, hey, hey. We're going to make this easy on you, okay? Answers will be forthcoming. I'm going to hand you something and you both will head back to your place, you'll pack and...well, that's all I know. A pleasure meeting you and best of luck." He leaned over and whispered something to Kate. <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Perception ++>> "More dangerous than DEVILFISH," was what I caught. And that didn't exactly settle my stomach. <<else>> <<Stats Perception ++>> Something about 'danger'. Which absolutely was not the part of the comments that I wanted to hear. <</if>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A plane ticket poking out of a napkin by a bowl of noodles */ A third bowl of noodles, it came with a napkin and in the napkin I felt something else. And then he paid the woman at the cart and turned, leaving. I was about to turn and head off myself when Kate touched my arm and smiled, downing some noodles. She could tell I didn't want to talk and I could tell we were supposed to stay here. <br><br> The noodles were spicy, thick and oily. But they tasted good and gave some weight to my stomach that slowed the somersaults. I didn't finish my bowl, but was given an opening to leave when Kate finished hers. She hooked her arm through mine and leaned her head on my shoulder, "Let's go home." <br><br><br> I looked at the napkin, which contained a ticket to Manila. Well, that had me immediately bent over in the gutter, about to spew the dinner. Kate was rubbing my back. It was like a really bad night going out. I just pictured Kate and I in a bathroom, her holding my hair back as I threw up everything that was setting me off. Instead of jello shots or jungle juice, it was my mother and moments from my childhood. <br><br> Shaking my head, I stood up and started to crumple the ticket, "No, no no...not going to do that." She laughed, prying it from me, "I'll take care of that for the time being, okay?" And we were moving through the crowded streets again, neon and headlights illuminating us, "So, who's this Nate guy?" She said it like he was a crush. I glared at her. <br><br> "My...//minder//?" Vitriol on both syllables. <br><br> "Oh. Wow, so you know more about this than I thought." <br><br> "Yeah. Recently picked all this up." <br><br> "He's mine." Meaning the dark-haired attractive American that had just sent me to the last place I wanted to be on Earth. Which is, of course, where she would be. <br><br> "But //I'm// not a fucking spy." <br><br> "Neither was I? Until very recently." <br><br> "Fine. Whatever. Well, since we've got so, so much in common. What was he telling you?" <br><br> "Eh, I might be a bit AWOL from time to time, but let's just say that I have a target I'm working on. So was your Mom. That's all I really know, except that it's important that you get here," She waved the wrinkled airline ticket. <br><br> We didn't say much more and just like a few hours before, she helped me in my room, packing this time. <br><br><br> And then I was alone. I didn't sleep much and left early. I didn't see the kid again, but I wasn't looking. I was focused on the next step: further east. To [[Manila|ACTI003 - Manila Arrival]].
<<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set $ACTI.cheatCount = 0>> <</if>> <<if previous() is "UN012 - Commencement" || $Skip?.skipToManilla>> <<outfit default>> <header> <h1><<type 0.125s>>Act I<</type>></h1> <h2><<type 0.125s>>Spying for Dummies<</type>></h2> </header> <br><br> <</if>> <<if visited("ACTI002 - Tallinn Interlude") || visited("ACTI002 - Bangkok Interlude")>> I got so many weird looks boarding and on the plane. Men as curious as hell about this girl in a tiny dress on their plane. Could they hit on me. Pick me up since I was locked in for hours with them? Thank god for my exhaustion, though, they never had a chance. If I had thought I was exhausted before...I actually fell asleep on the plane. It wasn't comfortable and my neck hurt like fuck when I was jolted awake by the landing, but I needed the rest. I needed to turn my brain off. I felt like I was being tossed around the world in the wake of my mother. <br><br> Nudged by a flight attendant from my slumber, I unconsciously fixed the short hem of my dress as consciousness retook me, my eyes tacky and bleary as we fell into our approach. The immigration card sat in my lap, passed out for easy entry and I began to fill mine out as we bounced onto the tarmac, finally arriving in Manila. The city that had lived rent-free in my mind for most of my life. And now I would be meeting her. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/manila.airplane.png">> <br><br> It was a weird sensation. Like a deep-seated need to know, but also a fear of what the knowledge would bring. <br><br> Deplaning, I was given a wider berth than I was used too -- probably because of my odd outfit. And it was easy to get off a plane when you didn't have anything with you. Welp. Once again: now what. <br><br> It was an impressive terminal. If it weren't for the symbols for Philippine Peso and the multiple languages -- thank god it was a former US protectorate -- I would have had no idea that I was outside of the US. It was clean, it was bright, it was spacious. And it was fucking busy. <br><br> Peso. Right, new money. Spying an exchange kiosk I popped in my plastic and withdrew a couple hundred worth of Peso just in case. I didn't really know what things cost or if I'd be able to use my card. I pocketed it and turned away, as good to go as I could be at this point. <br><br> Utilizing the WiFi, I found new accommodations -- wondered if I'd be at these longer than the last. Well, at least these were __eleven__ dollars US. That made up for whatever loss on the last leg. A little. It was downtown and central to the 'scene'. It was a bit away, so I headed to ground transportation, looking for a way to get there. <br><br> No Uber. That's going to be something to get used to. I headed to the taxi line and got in a yellow cab. <br><br> "Where going?" It was an approximation of English -- had heard worse //in// the US. <br><br> "Uh, RedDoorz?" <br><br> "Where dat, chica?" His eyes in the reflection of the rear view peeking between my thighs. I dropped my palm between them, practiced. He sounded...Spanish? Interesting. I leaned forward, showing him where on my phone -- the WiFi of the airport was barely making it out this far. "Oh." He shrugged and I didn't know what to make of that, but he <<linkexpand "sped off.">> sped off. <<image framed "passage/manila.road.png">> <br><br><br> I grabbed the door handle, trying to maintain some semblance of control as he pressed through traffic with aggression. The drive took all of half an hour, but it gave me time to take in the city without distraction from my brick of a phone. <br><br> What was it about this place that had brought Mom here? It seemed like any other overpopulated eastern island nation. I definitely hadn't heard about it in the news besides some election stuff or a brief mention of the country in history class. <br><br> This //had// to have been where she disappeared. All the pieces were clicking into place. Did that mean it was dangerous? Did that mean I'd run into her like the other spies? Is that what they did, just like some BS James Bond 'accident'...but not at a craps table. <br><br> <br><br> Did I want to? <br><br> "Here you go." The cab stopped short and he motioned at a disheveled entry way underneath rickety scaffolding that indeed did say RedDoorz. <br><br><br> I passed him the Peso his meter indicated with some tip that he seemed surprised by, even got out of his vehicle to help me with the door -- and to see up my dress again, a second tip. "Have nice stay." And smiled at me as he got back in and sped off, leaving me in an alleyway where tarp flapped from its ties on the scaffolding piping. Well, no wonder it was [[eleven dollars|ACTI004 - NightOut]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<if $ACTI.oops == true>> <<face hurt1>> The cramping on the plane was awful and I got well-acquainted with the plane bathroom, but everything seemed to have settled by the time we landed in the Philippines. <br><br> <<set $ACTI.oops = false>> <</if>> I was fucking //exhausted//. It's incredible to me how simply sitting, watching some movies, listening to music, reading a magazine or a book -- all could just knock you flat on your ass. I caught naps what I could, and maybe that was my mistake. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/manila.airplane.png">> My eyes were bleary as we fell into our approach. The immigration cards were passed out for easy entry and I began to fill mine out as we bounced onto the tarmac, finally arriving in Manila. The city that had lived rent-free in my mind for most of my life. And now I would be meeting her. <br><br> It was a weird sensation. Like a deep-seated need to know, but also a fear of what the knowledge would bring. <br><br> Yawning, I deplaned with the masses -- all scrabbling to get off the aluminum cigarette faster than anyone else. I was jostled and bumped, but I didn't care. I didn't really have anywhere to go besides where I was. I what. <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>Nate had gotten me here. Well, the ticket had. But no means of contacting him besides his card. No instructions. here. Was I supposed to call him?<</if>> <br><br> Pulling out my phone, I went to sign into the WiFi so I could plan my next steps...and saw a notification from my provider that there was no service. <<linkexpand "Fuck.">> Fuck. <br><br><br> <<skillChecked "Stable" "Inventory">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value is 0>> <<face hurt1 runny>> And that must have been the straw. Suddenly, I found myself in the bathroom, bawling my eyes out into my palms, hunched in a stall. The insanity of all of this hit me like a ton of bricks and I was //freaking// ''out''. It was probably a good fifteen minutes of irrational thought -- grab a return ''now''; I was going to die; sex slavery; I'd never see home again -- and then, I think my emotional batteries were simply drained. No more tears came, so I was able to get myself together with some semblance of resolve and clean up. Nothing to do but soldier on, I guess. <br><br><br> <</if>> I hadn't thought of changing my cell plan before leaving -- it's incredible what you forget when you're rushing these giant life choices. <<if $Inventory.includes("Burner")>> Luckily, I had an extra phone on-hand that was more ready to accept a new provider, cash for time, so my burner became my main cell. <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>But calling him on my burner? Kind of defeated having a second, unknown phone. I decided against it. I'd have to figure out what to do on my own, I guess.<</if>> <<else>> Moving through the Terminal I couldn't find anything beyond a Duty Free. I'd have to figure something out sooner rather than later, <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>I'd have to figure out what to do on my own, I guess.<<else>>but who was I trying to call anyway?<</if>> <</if>> <br><br> It was an impressive terminal. If it weren't for the symbols for Philippine Peso and the multiple languages -- thank god it was a former US protectorate -- I would have had no idea that I was outside of the US. It was clean, it was bright, it was spacious. And it was fucking busy. <br><br> Peso. Right, new money. Spying an exchange kiosk I popped in my plastic and withdrew a couple hundred worth of Peso just in case. I didn't really know what things cost or if I'd be able to use my card. I pocketed it and turned away, as good to go as I could be at this point. <br><br> Packed light, I pulled my roller behind me, letting the urgent people pass around me, taking in my surroundings as I made my way to ground transportation. <br><br> I booked myself a room at a place that was...ELEVEN dollars? Yes, the RedDoorz would help me stretch my cash for a lot longer than expected and was central to the downtown scene. <br><br> And no Uber. That's going to be something to get used to. I headed to the taxi line and got in a yellow cab. <br><br> "Where going?" It was an approximation of English -- had heard worse //in// the US. <br><br> "Uh, RedDoorz?" <br><br> "Where dat, chica?" Some Spanish? Interesting. I leaned forward, showing him where on my phone -- the WiFi of the airport was barely making it out this far. "Oh." He shrugged and I didn't know what to make of that, but he <<linkexpand "sped off.">> sped off. <br><br><br> I grabbed the door handle, trying to maintain some semblance of control as he pressed through traffic with aggression. The drive took all of half an hour, but it gave me time to take in the city without distraction from my brick of a phone. <br><br> What was it about this place that had brought Mom here? It seemed like any other overpopulated eastern island nation. I definitely hadn't heard about it in the news besides some election stuff or a brief mention of the country in history class. <br><br> <<if $ === 3>> And was this where she disappeared? Did that mean it was dangerous? Did that mean I'd run into her? Did I want to? <br><br> <</if>> "Here you go." The cab stopped short and he motioned at a disheveled entry way underneath rickety scaffolding that indeed did say RedDoorz. <br><br><br> I passed him the Peso his meter indicated with some tip that he seemed surprised by, even got out of his vehicle to help me with my bag. "Have nice stay." And smiled at me as he got back in and sped off, leaving me in an alleyway where tarp flapped from its ties on the scaffolding piping. Well, no wonder it was [[eleven dollars|ACTI004 - NightOut]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI004-NightOut.png">> <<if visited("ACTI002 - Tallinn Interlude") || visited("ACTI002 - Bangkok Interlude")>> My heels clicked up the linoleum staircase past the sign "Apartment Room for Rent"; the entire bank of electricity gauges, plain as day; and an advertisement "Why Pay More, Stay at RedDoorz!" Well. That's clearly why I'm already here, sign. The door was open and a ceiling fan -- no, not a typical fixture: a desk fan that had been mounted to the ceiling -- was on high, pushing around the thick Summer air. <br><br> The artificial light was abrasive and made me blink as I approached the front desk. A clerk sat behind it, watching something on her mobile. She was middle-aged and her wispy hair was fluttering comically in the 'breeze'. Even with the aid of the airflow, her upper lip was dewy. And also wispy. <br><br> "Hey, my name's <<print $CC.surname>>?" Her eyes flicked up from her device, displeased at being interrupted. "I rented a room here?" Could I have put more question marks into a statement of fact? Dammit. I did it again. Freeing my phone, I was about to show her the receipt and check-in information when I realized I didn't have internet connection. Old habits of a first world girl die hard. <br><br> "Fill dis out." Another device came from behind the desk, a tablet encased in one of the strongest materials known to man and came with a steel-fiber cord that connected somewhere else down there. She was looking at her phone again. <br><br> I worked the screen with aplomb, the familiarity of screen interaction calming. It felt modern. I signed some waivers and it notified me that rooms were auto-book and auto-pay as of 9 AM each day. So, if I was going to leave, I needed to notify them. But otherwise, it would make staying here easy. <br><br> As I handed back the tablet, reaching awkwardly over the desk to not just drop it unceremoniously on her viewing setup, my mouth was open to announce...oh. The keycard was already on the desk. Efficient. Wordless. Inhospitable. <br><br> I turned, understanding where I wasn't wanted and tried to make sense of the number on the card and the signage in the stairwell which was -- of course -- literally right next to the front desk. No lobby here! And no elevators. <br><br> Heeling my way up again, I climbed the <<linkexpand "stairs.">> stairs. <br><br><br> The room left a lot to be desired. A. Lot. <br><br> Sure, it was small -- given -- but the sheets had a stain of unknown origin -- shouldn't have been surprised -- but there was some kind of maintenance closet abutting the room and the door was half off its hinges. And inside, besides a ladder, was a formerly wooden 'door' that looked like it had suffered an explosion and chunks of wood were scattered on the floor. But most concerning was the wall behind it. It would have been hidden if the 'door' weren't a wreck, but there was some sort of patching and painting of the drywall and it was not a good construction job. <br><br> <div id = "freakout"> <<skillChecked "Spoiled">> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<face angry>> Eleven dollars or not, I was //not// going to deal with <<link "this">><<replace "#freakout" t8n>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face angry runny>> ''this''. <br><br> I stormed downstairs and smacked my hand firmly on the lacquered desk. She didn't look up. I smacked again a few more times, "//Excuse// me." <br><br> "Yes, American bitch?" She raised an eyebrow, absolutely unaffected by my fury. <br><br> "<<shake 3s>>What?!<</shake>>" My nostrils had to be flaring. <br><br> "Be hab yer munny, hunny. Leab ip yoo wan." And waved me away like a gnat. Back to her phone-drama. <br><br> I don't think I'd ever had the rug pulled out from under me like that before. Emotionally frayed as I was, the tears that were coming were not going to be seen by this cunt. I turned and stormed upstairs and began adding more damage to that door in the closet. <br><br> My hands hurt. I felt better. And she was right. I could spend more money and who knows where I'd end up. I didn't know this city--//country//--''continent'' at all. I'd just...find somewhere better tomorrow. When I wasn't this goddamn confused and tired and overwhelmed. Were there other things? Yes. All. Of. The. Things. <br><br> But for now, I needed out of here. I needed distraction. I needed fun. <br><br> I plugged my phone in to get a charge and logged in to the WiFi which worked, if not exceptionally spotty. Probably due to the drag of desk lady's video watching. <br><br> I felt dirty. Travel stuck to me like a film and the setting certainly wasn't making me feel rejuvenated so I set out to take a shower. I put my hair back and up -- I wasn't about to subject it to whatever was in the water here -- grabbed a threadbare towel and some flipflops, I made my way down the hallway to the floor's bathroom. Yay, hostels. <br><br> Through the thin doors, I could hear people themselves? Some sort of sporting event -- how were they getting enough bandwidth? And grunting as people were getting dirty. I wondered how many of these rooms were long-stay, by the hour, or occupied by young travelers like myself. <br><br> The bathroom was a relief. It was moist, but the tang of bleach in the air told me it was at least industrially cleaned. I did a quick little peek around to make sure I was alone and to select the 'best' of a bad situation. Keeping my flipflops on, I put my towel on the hook and began <<linkexpand "stripping down.">> <<outfit naked>> stripping down. <br><br><br> Flipflops were staying on but making it extra awkward to remove clothing while not touching anything. A quick little naked run to a clean seating area and then back to my shower, I pulled the curtain and hit the <<linkexpand "water.">> water. <<outfit naked>> <br><br><br> The pipes thrummed begrudgingly, the showerhead shaking and then the water exploded in my face making me yelp -- both from the cold and the velocity. Nipples harder than rocks, I tried to endure the slowly warming water. At least it was invigorating. Shivering, I turned slowly under the stream before grabbing my razor and beginning to slather my legs. I shaved slowly, taking my time and investing in the ritual. The water had reached lukewarm levels and doing something for myself was calming and allowed me to disassociate for a bit. <br><br> Finishing up with my armpits, I did an inspection of my mound and the environs before shutting the water off and reaching out of the stall for my <<linkexpand "towel.">> towel. <<outfit towel>> <br><br><br> <<timed 4s>>It was there.<</timed>> Drying myself off as best as the non-absorbent cloth could manage, I wrapped it around myself and went to toss the razor head. I stopped short, some fat Filipino stood shirtless in front of a mirror and right next to my pile of clothes. He looked over at me and I registered the shock on his face. "Uh. Hey. Can I..." making a slight step forward, motioning towards my things. <br><br> He looked down at them, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth at an angle, and then back at me, sliding his hand underneath and walking them over to me while he continued to brush. "'ello." Mouth full, but affecting kindness. <br><br> "Uh, hey. Thanks." I smiled, taking my stuff and stepping back. He made a quick hand motion to halt me as he went to the basin and expectorated the paste. <br><br> "Angelo," he wiped his mouth and smacked his bare chest. Then extended that hand towards me. Fighting down the repulsion and thoughts that I had //just// gotten clean, I took the hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Thanks, again," a little up, down with my pile. I really hoped the towel was well cinched. <br><br> "Nice to meetchoo. Guess we're hall mates, <<print $>>. Gettin' reddy bor tonight?" <br><br> "Just got in...but yeah, I guess I'm going out." <br><br> "American. Like de Bilippines?" <br><br> "Sure! So far!" <br><br> "I know good places. Let me cho you." Before I could respond, he frowned, shaking his head and waved me off, "Go, get reddy. Knock at dwelb." Sounded like twelve. I smiled and scurried off to my room to get decent and [[decide|ACTI004 - NightOut2]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>>. No. No. I was not going to freak out. It was fine. It was... <<link "manageable">><<replace "#freakout" t8n>> <<Stats Confident -->> manageable. <br><br> Unsure if the trade off between cost and safety was worth it, I went ahead and put my things away. I kept glancing at the askew maintenance door as if someone or some thing would be peeking. It wasn't. Yet? <br><br> I plugged my phone in to get a charge and logged in to the WiFi which worked, if not exceptionally spotty. Probably due to the drag of desk lady's video watching. <br><br> I felt dirty. Travel stuck to me like a film and the setting certainly wasn't making me feel rejuvenated so I set out to take a shower. I put my hair back and up -- I wasn't about to subject it to whatever was in the water here -- grabbed a threadbare towel and some flipflops, I made my way down the hallway to the floor's bathroom. Yay, hostels. <br><br> Through the thin doors, I could hear people themselves? Some sort of sporting event -- how were they getting enough bandwidth? And grunting as people were getting dirty. I wondered how many of these rooms were long-stay, by the hour, or occupied by young travelers like myself. <br><br> The bathroom was a relief. It was moist, but the tang of bleach in the air told me it was at least industrially cleaned. I did a quick little peek around to make sure I was alone and to select the 'best' of a bad situation. Keeping my flipflops on, I put my towel on the hook and began <<linkexpand "stripping down.">> <<outfit naked>> stripping down. <br><br><br> Flipflops were staying on but making it extra awkward to remove clothing while not touching anything. A quick little naked run to a clean seating area and then back to my shower, I pulled the curtain and hit the <<linkreplace "water.">> water. <br><br><br> The pipes thrummed begrudgingly, the showerhead shaking and then the water exploded in my face making me yelp -- both from the cold and the velocity. Nipples harder than rocks, I tried to endure the slowly warming water. At least it was invigorating. Shivering, I turned slowly under the stream before grabbing my razor and beginning to slather my legs. I shaved slowly, taking my time and investing in the ritual. The water had reached lukewarm levels and doing something for myself was calming and allowed me to disassociate for a bit. <br><br> Finishing up with my armpits I decided that I might as well get out of this shithole and experience the city and maybe have some fun, so I did an inspection of my mound and the environs before shutting the water off and reaching out of the stall for my <<linkreplace "towel.">> towel. <<outfit towel>> <br><br><br> <<timed 4s>>It was there.<</timed>> Drying myself off as best as the non-absorbent cloth could manage, I wrapped it around myself and went to toss the razor head. I stopped short, some fat Filipino stood shirtless in front of a mirror and right next to my pile of clothes. He looked over at me and I registered the shock on his face. "Uh. Hey. Can I..." making a slight step forward, motioning towards my things. <br><br> He looked down at them, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth at an angle, and then back at me, sliding his hand underneath and walking them over to me while he continued to brush. "'ello." Mouth full, but affecting kindness. <br><br> "Uh, hey. Thanks." I smiled, taking my stuff and stepping back. He made a quick hand motion to halt me as he went to the basin and expectorated the paste. <br><br> "Angelo," he wiped his mouth and smacked his bare chest. Then extended that hand towards me. Fighting down the repulsion and thoughts that I had //just// gotten clean, I took the hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Thanks, again," a little up, down with my pile. I really hoped the towel was well cinched. <br><br> "Nice to meetchoo. Guess we're hall mates, <<print $>>. Gettin' reddy bor tonight?" <br><br> "Just got in...but yeah, I guess I'm going out." <br><br> "American. Like de Bilippines?" <br><br> "Sure! So far!" <br><br> "I know good places. Let me cho you." Before I could respond, he frowned, shaking his head and waved me off, "Go, get reddy. Knock at dwelb." Sounded like twelve. I smiled and scurried off to my room to get decent and [[decide|ACTI004 - NightOut2]]. <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> <<else>> Unsure if the trade off between cost and safety was worth it, I went ahead and put my things away. I kept glancing at the askew maintenance door as if someone or some thing would be peeking. It wasn't. Yet? <br><br> I plugged my phone in to get a charge and logged in to the WiFi which worked, if not exceptionally spotty. Probably due to the drag of desk lady's video watching. <br><br> I felt dirty. Travel stuck to me like a film and the setting certainly wasn't making me feel rejuvenated so I set out to take a shower. I put my hair back and up -- I wasn't about to subject it to whatever was in the water here -- grabbed a threadbare towel and some flipflops, I made my way down the hallway to the floor's bathroom. Yay, hostels. <br><br> Through the thin doors, I could hear people themselves? Some sort of sporting event -- how were they getting enough bandwidth? And grunting as people were getting dirty. I wondered how many of these rooms were long-stay, by the hour, or occupied by young travelers like myself. <br><br> The bathroom was a relief. It was moist, but the tang of bleach in the air told me it was at least industrially cleaned. I did a quick little peek around to make sure I was alone and to select the 'best' of a bad situation. Keeping my flipflops on, I put my towel on the hook and began <<linkexpand "stripping down.">> <<outfit naked>> stripping down. <br><br><br> Flipflops were staying on but making it extra awkward to remove clothing while not touching anything. A quick little naked run to a clean seating area and then back to my shower, I pulled the curtain and hit the <<linkexpand "water.">> water. <br><br><br> The pipes thrummed begrudgingly, the showerhead shaking and then the water exploded in my face making me yelp -- both from the cold and the velocity. Nipples harder than rocks, I tried to endure the slowly warming water. At least it was invigorating. Shivering, I turned slowly under the stream before grabbing my razor and beginning to slather my legs. I shaved slowly, taking my time and investing in the ritual. The water had reached lukewarm levels and doing something for myself was calming and allowed me to disassociate for a bit. <br><br> Finishing up with my armpits I decided that I might as well get out of this shithole and experience the city and maybe have some fun, so I did an inspection of my mound and the environs before shutting the water off and reaching out of the stall for my <<linkexpand "towel.">> towel. <<outfit towel>> <br><br><br> <<timed 4s>>It was there.<</timed>> Drying myself off as best as the non-absorbent cloth could manage, I wrapped it around myself and went to toss the razor head. I stopped short, some fat Filipino stood shirtless in front of a mirror and right next to my pile of clothes. He looked over at me and I registered the shock on his face. "Uh. Hey. Can I..." making a slight step forward, motioning towards my things. <br><br> He looked down at them, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth at an angle, and then back at me, sliding his hand underneath and walking them over to me while he continued to brush. "'ello." Mouth full, but affecting kindness. <br><br> "Uh, hey. Thanks." I smiled, taking my stuff and stepping back. He made a quick hand motion to halt me as he went to the basin and expectorated the paste. <br><br> "Angelo," he wiped his mouth and smacked his bare chest. Then extended that hand towards me. Fighting down the repulsion and thoughts that I had //just// gotten clean, I took the hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Thanks, again," a little up, down with my pile. I really hoped the towel was well cinched. <br><br> "Nice to meetchoo. Guess we're hall mates, <<print $>>. Gettin' reddy bor tonight?" <br><br> "Just got in...but yeah, I guess I'm going out." <br><br> "American. Like de Bilippines?" <br><br> "Sure! So far!" <br><br> "I know good places. Let me cho you." Before I could respond, he frowned, shaking his head and waved me off, "Go, get reddy. Knock at dwelb." Sounded like twelve. I smiled and scurried off to my room to get decent and [[decide|ACTI004 - NightOut2]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> The heft of my bag was evident as it thumped up the linoleum staircase past the sign "Apartment Room for Rent"; the entire bank of electricity gauges, plain as day; and an advertisement "Why Pay More, Stay at RedDoorz!" Well. That's clearly why I'm already here, sign. The door was open and a ceiling fan -- no, not a typical fixture: a desk fan that had been mounted to the ceiling -- was on high, pushing around the thick Summer air. <br><br> The artificial light was abrasive and made me blink as I approached the front desk. A clerk sat behind it, watching something on her mobile. She was middle-aged and her wispy hair was fluttering comically in the 'breeze'. Even with the aid of the airflow, her upper lip was dewy. And also wispy. <br><br> "Hey, my name's <<print $CC.surname>>?" Her eyes flicked up from her device, displeased at being interrupted. "I rented a room here?" Could I have put more question marks into a statement of fact? Dammit. I did it again. Freeing my phone, I was about to show her the receipt and check-in information when I realized I didn't have internet connection. Old habits of a first world girl die hard. <br><br> "Fill dis out." Another device came from behind the desk, a tablet encased in one of the strongest materials known to man and came with a steel-fiber cord that connected somewhere else down there. She was looking at her phone again. <br><br> I worked the screen with aplomb, the familiarity of screen interaction calming. It felt modern. I signed some waivers and it notified me that rooms were auto-book and auto-pay as of 9 AM each day. So, if I was going to leave, I needed to notify them. But otherwise, it would make staying here easy. <br><br> As I handed back the tablet, reaching awkwardly over the desk to not just drop it unceremoniously on her viewing setup, my mouth was open to announce...oh. The keycard was already on the desk. Efficient. Wordless. Inhospitable. <br><br> I turned, understanding where I wasn't wanted and tried to make sense of the number on the card and the signage in the stairwell which was -- of course -- literally right next to the front desk. No lobby here! And no elevators. <br><br> Hefting again, I climbed the <<linkexpand "stairs.">> stairs. <br><br><br> The room left a lot to be desired. A. Lot. <br><br> Sure, it was small -- given -- but the sheets had a stain of unknown origin -- shouldn't have been surprised -- but there was some kind of maintenance closet abutting the room and the door was half off its hinges. And inside, besides a ladder, was a formerly wooden 'door' that looked like it had suffered an explosion and chunks of wood were scattered on the floor. But most concerning was the wall behind it. It would have been hidden if the 'door' weren't a wreck, but there was some sort of patching and painting of the drywall and it was not a good construction job. <br><br> <div id = "freakout"> <<skillChecked "Spoiled">> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<face angry>> Eleven dollars or not, I was //not// going to deal with <<link "this">><<replace "#freakout" t8n>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face angry runny>> ''this''. <br><br> I stormed downstairs and smacked my hand firmly on the lacquered desk. She didn't look up. I smacked again a few more times, "//Excuse// me." <br><br> "Yes, American bitch?" She raised an eyebrow, absolutely unaffected by my fury. <br><br> "<<shake 3s>>What?!<</shake>>" My nostrils had to be flaring. <br><br> "Be hab yer munny, hunny. Leab ip yoo wan." And waved me away like a gnat. Back to her phone-drama. <br><br> I don't think I'd ever had the rug pulled out from under me like that before. Emotionally frayed as I was, the tears that were coming were not going to be seen by this cunt. I turned and stormed upstairs and began adding more damage to that door in the closet. <br><br> My hands hurt. I felt better. And she was right. I could spend more money and who knows where I'd end up. I didn't know this city--//country//--''continent'' at all. I'd just...find somewhere better tomorrow. When I wasn't exhausted. <br><br> But for now, I needed out of here. I needed distraction. I needed fun. <br><br> I plugged my phone in to get a charge and logged in to the WiFi which worked, if not exceptionally spotty. Probably due to the drag of desk lady's video watching. <br><br> I felt dirty. Travel stuck to me like a film and the setting certainly wasn't making me feel rejuvenated so I set out to take a shower. I put my hair back and up -- I wasn't about to subject it to whatever was in the water here -- grabbed a threadbare towel and some flipflops, I made my way down the hallway to the floor's bathroom. Yay, hostels. <br><br> Through the thin doors, I could hear people themselves? Some sort of sporting event -- how were they getting enough bandwidth? And grunting as people were getting dirty. I wondered how many of these rooms were long-stay, by the hour, or occupied by young travelers like myself. <br><br> The bathroom was a relief. It was moist, but the tang of bleach in the air told me it was at least industrially cleaned. I did a quick little peek around to make sure I was alone and to select the 'best' of a bad situation. Keeping my flipflops on, I put my towel on the hook and began <<linkexpand "stripping down.">> <<outfit naked>> stripping down. <br><br><br> Flipflops were staying on but making it extra awkward to remove clothing while not touching anything. A quick little naked run to a clean seating area and then back to my shower, I pulled the curtain and hit the <<linkexpand "water.">> water. <br><br><br> The pipes thrummed begrudgingly, the showerhead shaking and then the water exploded in my face making me yelp -- both from the cold and the velocity. Nipples harder than rocks, I tried to endure the slowly warming water. At least it was invigorating. Shivering, I turned slowly under the stream before grabbing my razor and beginning to slather my legs. I shaved slowly, taking my time and investing in the ritual. The water had reached lukewarm levels and doing something for myself was calming and allowed me to disassociate for a bit. <br><br> Finishing up with my armpits, I did an inspection of my mound and the environs before shutting the water off and reaching out of the stall for my <<linkexpand "towel.">> towel. <<outfit towel>> <br><br><br> <<timed 4s>>It was there.<</timed>> Drying myself off as best as the non-absorbent cloth could manage, I wrapped it around myself and went to toss the razor head. I stopped short, some fat Filipino stood shirtless in front of a mirror and right next to my pile of clothes. He looked over at me and I registered the shock on his face. "Uh. Hey. Can I..." making a slight step forward, motioning towards my things. <br><br> He looked down at them, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth at an angle, and then back at me, sliding his hand underneath and walking them over to me while he continued to brush. "'ello." Mouth full, but affecting kindness. <br><br> "Uh, hey. Thanks." I smiled, taking my stuff and stepping back. He made a quick hand motion to halt me as he went to the basin and expectorated the paste. <br><br> "Angelo," he wiped his mouth and smacked his bare chest. Then extended that hand towards me. Fighting down the repulsion and thoughts that I had //just// gotten clean, I took the hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Thanks, again," a little up, down with my pile. I really hoped the towel was well cinched. <br><br> "Nice to meetchoo. Guess we're hall mates, <<print $>>. Gettin' reddy bor tonight?" <br><br> "Just got in...but yeah, I guess I'm going out." <br><br> "American. Like de Bilippines?" <br><br> "Sure! So far!" <br><br> "I know good places. Let me cho you." Before I could respond, he frowned, shaking his head and waved me off, "Go, get reddy. Knock at dwelb." Sounded like twelve. I smiled and scurried off to my room to get decent and [[decide|ACTI004 - NightOut2]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> No. No. I was not going to freak out. It was fine. It was... <<link "manageable">><<replace "#freakout" t8n>> <<Stats Confident -->> manageable. <br><br> Unsure if the trade off between cost and safety was worth it, I went ahead and put my things away. I kept glancing at the askew maintenance door as if someone or some thing would be peeking. It wasn't. Yet? <br><br> I plugged my phone in to get a charge and logged in to the WiFi which worked, if not exceptionally spotty. Probably due to the drag of desk lady's video watching. <br><br> I felt dirty. Travel stuck to me like a film and the setting certainly wasn't making me feel rejuvenated so I set out to take a shower. I put my hair back and up -- I wasn't about to subject it to whatever was in the water here -- grabbed a threadbare towel and some flipflops, I made my way down the hallway to the floor's bathroom. Yay, hostels. <br><br> Through the thin doors, I could hear people themselves? Some sort of sporting event -- how were they getting enough bandwidth? And grunting as people were getting dirty. I wondered how many of these rooms were long-stay, by the hour, or occupied by young travelers like myself. <br><br> The bathroom was a relief. It was moist, but the tang of bleach in the air told me it was at least industrially cleaned. I did a quick little peek around to make sure I was alone and to select the 'best' of a bad situation. Keeping my flipflops on, I put my towel on the hook and began <<linkexpand "stripping down.">> <<outfit naked>> stripping down. <br><br><br> Flipflops were staying on but making it extra awkward to remove clothing while not touching anything. A quick little naked run to a clean seating area and then back to my shower, I pulled the curtain and hit the <<linkexpand "water.">> water. <br><br><br> The pipes thrummed begrudgingly, the showerhead shaking and then the water exploded in my face making me yelp -- both from the cold and the velocity. Nipples harder than rocks, I tried to endure the slowly warming water. At least it was invigorating. Shivering, I turned slowly under the stream before grabbing my razor and beginning to slather my legs. I shaved slowly, taking my time and investing in the ritual. The water had reached lukewarm levels and doing something for myself was calming and allowed me to disassociate for a bit. <br><br> Finishing up with my armpits I decided that I might as well get out of this shithole and experience the city and maybe have some fun, so I did an inspection of my mound and the environs before shutting the water off and reaching out of the stall for my <<linkexpand "towel.">> towel. <<outfit towel>> <br><br><br> <<timed 4s>>It was there.<</timed>> Drying myself off as best as the non-absorbent cloth could manage, I wrapped it around myself and went to toss the razor head. I stopped short, some fat Filipino stood shirtless in front of a mirror and right next to my pile of clothes. He looked over at me and I registered the shock on his face. "Uh. Hey. Can I..." making a slight step forward, motioning towards my things. <br><br> He looked down at them, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth at an angle, and then back at me, sliding his hand underneath and walking them over to me while he continued to brush. "'ello." Mouth full, but affecting kindness. <br><br> "Uh, hey. Thanks." I smiled, taking my stuff and stepping back. He made a quick hand motion to halt me as he went to the basin and expectorated the paste. <br><br> "Angelo," he wiped his mouth and smacked his bare chest. Then extended that hand towards me. Fighting down the repulsion and thoughts that I had //just// gotten clean, I took the hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Thanks, again," a little up, down with my pile. I really hoped the towel was well cinched. <br><br> "Nice to meetchoo. Guess we're hall mates, <<print $>>. Gettin' reddy bor tonight?" <br><br> "Just got in...but yeah, I guess I'm going out." <br><br> "American. Like de Bilippines?" <br><br> "Sure! So far!" <br><br> "I know good places. Let me cho you." Before I could respond, he frowned, shaking his head and waved me off, "Go, get reddy. Knock at dwelb." Sounded like twelve. I smiled and scurried off to my room to get decent and [[decide|ACTI004 - NightOut2]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> <<else>> Unsure if the trade off between cost and safety was worth it, I went ahead and put my things away. I kept glancing at the askew maintenance door as if someone or some thing would be peeking. It wasn't. Yet? <br><br> I plugged my phone in to get a charge and logged in to the WiFi which worked, if not exceptionally spotty. Probably due to the drag of desk lady's video watching. <br><br> I felt dirty. Travel stuck to me like a film and the setting certainly wasn't making me feel rejuvenated so I set out to take a shower. I put my hair back and up -- I wasn't about to subject it to whatever was in the water here -- grabbed a threadbare towel and some flipflops, I made my way down the hallway to the floor's bathroom. Yay, hostels. <br><br> Through the thin doors, I could hear people themselves? Some sort of sporting event -- how were they getting enough bandwidth? And grunting as people were getting dirty. I wondered how many of these rooms were long-stay, by the hour, or occupied by young travelers like myself. <br><br> The bathroom was a relief. It was moist, but the tang of bleach in the air told me it was at least industrially cleaned. I did a quick little peek around to make sure I was alone and to select the 'best' of a bad situation. Keeping my flipflops on, I put my towel on the hook and began <<linkexpand "stripping down.">> <<outfit naked>> stripping down. <br><br><br> Flipflops were staying on but making it extra awkward to remove clothing while not touching anything. A quick little naked run to a clean seating area and then back to my shower, I pulled the curtain and hit the <<linkexpand "water.">> water. <br><br><br> The pipes thrummed begrudgingly, the showerhead shaking and then the water exploded in my face making me yelp -- both from the cold and the velocity. Nipples harder than rocks, I tried to endure the slowly warming water. At least it was invigorating. Shivering, I turned slowly under the stream before grabbing my razor and beginning to slather my legs. I shaved slowly, taking my time and investing in the ritual. The water had reached lukewarm levels and doing something for myself was calming and allowed me to disassociate for a bit. <br><br> Finishing up with my armpits I decided that I might as well get out of this shithole and experience the city and maybe have some fun, so I did an inspection of my mound and the environs before shutting the water off and reaching out of the stall for my <<linkexpand "towel.">> towel. <<outfit towel>> <br><br><br> <<timed 4s>>It was there.<</timed>> Drying myself off as best as the non-absorbent cloth could manage, I wrapped it around myself and went to toss the razor head. I stopped short, some fat Filipino stood shirtless in front of a mirror and right next to my pile of clothes. He looked over at me and I registered the shock on his face. "Uh. Hey. Can I..." making a slight step forward, motioning towards my things. <br><br> He looked down at them, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth at an angle, and then back at me, sliding his hand underneath and walking them over to me while he continued to brush. "'ello." Mouth full, but affecting kindness. <br><br> "Uh, hey. Thanks." I smiled, taking my stuff and stepping back. He made a quick hand motion to halt me as he went to the basin and expectorated the paste. <br><br> "Angelo," he wiped his mouth and smacked his bare chest. Then extended that hand towards me. Fighting down the repulsion and thoughts that I had //just// gotten clean, I took the hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Thanks, again," a little up, down with my pile. I really hoped the towel was well cinched. <br><br> "Nice to meetchoo. Guess we're hall mates, <<print $>>. Gettin' reddy bor tonight?" <br><br> "Just got in...but yeah, I guess I'm going out." <br><br> "American. Like de Bilippines?" <br><br> "Sure! So far!" <br><br> "I know good places. Let me cho you." Before I could respond, he frowned, shaking his head and waved me off, "Go, get reddy. Knock at dwelb." Sounded like twelve. I smiled and scurried off to my room to get decent and [[decide|ACTI004 - NightOut2]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI004-NightOut2.png">> <<outfit club>> <<set $ACTI.goOut = "">> I tugged down at the bunching around my hips, flattening some of the travel wrinkles. Little black dress would have to do. Maybe I'd do some shopping tomorrow. Tomorrow. That was a crazy thought. Didn't even know where to go for shopping if I wanted to. <br><br> Twisting at the waist slightly and lifting up onto the balls of my feet I considered myself in the mirror, "New city. New life. New me." I guess. I'd go with that. <br><br> Now. Who to go with? <div id="goout"> <<crossroads #goout>> <<path>> Solo? <<contents>> <<set $ACTI.goOut = "solo">> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br><br> As much as I appreciated the offer and Angelo //seemed// like a stand-up guy, I needed to figure this place out by myself and I really had no idea who he was at all. So, I didn't go knocking at twelve, but headed down the stairs and actually received attention from front desk cunt -- a disapproving shake of her head as American girl went out to party. I could only imagine the thoughts and commentary in her head. <br><br> It was still relatively early to go out, but that made the street in front of RedDoorz more palatable than the sketchy alleyscape that it probably would appear to be when I returned later tonight. <br><br> The air was heavy and there was a warm breeze coming off of the nearby water, but I knew this to be the 'dry season'. And it still felt wet. Yay. My heels clicked wetly on the rough concrete underfoot as I made my way onto the next street -- Mabini -- where I had seen a cluster of 'clubs' from a quick Google search. I clocked a Mall only a block away, too. <br><br> Despite the seedy feeling of the little corner of RedDoorz, it certainly would be convenient for the two things I knew that I'd be doing. The throb of music and the rumble of bass told me I was headed in the right direction and I eagerly picked up the pace, even if that made my jiggle a bit too wanton and the hem flip up a bit too much. It was like a siren's call. And I was answering. <br><br> I passed by a few that looked too small or too empty and even though it meant my feet were beginning to hurt, I was a good Goldilocks and waited for what was ''just'' right. <<linkexpand "Club ZZYZX.">> <<image framed "passage/a1.crowd.png">> Club ZZYZX. <br><br><br> The bouncer seemed to appreciate that I didn't have anything for him to check and a single look at me was all the ID he needed. I walked right in to the pulsing EDM. The light show from up ahead at the end of the hallway illuminated the haze of cigarette smoke and fog machines. I could feel my excitement brimming, like a release just around the corner. <br><br> The DJ was good: I was already bopping my head and jumping a little as I came 'round into the big dance hall. I was certainly a minority both in gender and ethnicity. And I hated myself a little bit because I couldn't honestly tell the origin of most of the people around me. Locals? Foreign Asians? I pushed off my self-judgment and pushed through the attention and crowd to get to the bar. <br><br> Oh. There were a good number of women here...Oh. They were definitely prostitutes. And I was immediately approached. <br><br> "You new here." It was not the accent I had been hearing since arriving, but English was not their first language. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." I yelled back, my senses overwhelmed, the tiredness and travel making my first reaction respond rather than run. <br><br> "We go back to my place." <br><br> "No--" <br><br> "No? I pay." <br><br> "I'm not a..." <br><br> "Riiiight." Okay, picking up Chinese vibes to the pronunciation. "Look, first time customer. Very generous." <br><br> <<skillChecked "Sexuality" "Athletics">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">> <<face angry>> Having zero desire to either be a prostitute or finding men, let alone //him// attractive, I turned away without another word, looking for a bartender. Then, he ''grabbed'' my arm. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>> And a quick yank and I dipped into the crowed, not interested in the insistence that I was some whore. I didn't get my drink, but in the swell of the crowd there was anonymity. It was a herd tactic and it worked. I lost myself in the music, becoming sweaty and loosing all my frustrations into the night. I screamed and no one could hear me. I laughed and no one cared. I cried and no one could see. <br><br> Sadly, the only attraction I felt were going to require a transaction. And I wasn't about to ply the sex trade. <br><br> So, I whiled away the hours with careful trips to the bar and got a light buzz going while I sweated out the toxins of the trip. Then, euphoric -- or just dead tired -- I stumbled out of the club into a pulsing night scene. It had really picked up from the time I had headed out. <br><br> Despite not knowing the town, the proximity to my 'home base' was a smart move. I made it back to RedDoorz and was able to collapse, still in my dress. I slept like a [[fucking rock|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<else>> Pulling my arm back was not going to work without creating a scene. <br><br> "Look--" <br><br> "No. //You// ''look'', girl. I make offer. You accept offer." He pulled me again, away from the bar and I stumbled. It was moments like these that I hated the natural imbalance of physical strength between men and women. It was do or die so I screamed and flailed, pulling with all of my might. <br><br> No one came to my aid and he didn't flinch. But I don't think he was expecting this much of a fight. I fell, flat on my ass and flashing him and everyone <<link "spread eagle">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. He lurched towards me and I scrambled back, heels scrabbling on the floor where my dignity had also been left. <br><br> Once you start screaming, there's something internally that keeps the engine going. But I was getting away, and finally getting my footing as we both were bumping into dispassionate clubbers. And then I ran into something solid. <br><br> It was security, grabbing me by the arm that had started the whole scene. A flash of me just being handed over to the man by another man went across my mind. <br><br> Thankfully, I was being escorted out -- the scene I had created had successfully ended the man's attempt. But it had also ended my night. As I was tossed out into the street I gave a wail and gave the sumo-like man the finger. Tears were ruining my makeup and one of my heels had broken. <br><br> I hobbled home, not in a state to 'try again'. Nothing this extreme would have happened to a girl like me in the States, I thought. I probably received more disapproval as I returned so quickly and in this state to RedDoorz, but I didn't care. I tossed my clothes on the floor and cried into the flat pillow. <br><br> I didn't realize I was going to sleep, but I passed out hard. What a //successful// [[first night|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <</if>> <<else>> Well. <div id="prostie"> <<crossroads #prostie>> <<path>> I wasn't about to whore myself out, but I could ask for a drink. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <br><br> ..."How about a drink?" <br><br> He grinned and pulled me closer by the arm, "Cheaper. Sure." His hand dropped to my ass and gave it a squeeze through the thin material of my LBD as he waved a bartender over. He got attention and I didn't? Weird. My hand reached back to nudge his hand off my right cheek, but he just grabbed firmer and gave my hand a smack. "Give this girl a...tequila?" He grinned, face right up in mine. <br><br> "Sure." I nodded and just relented to the grabbing at my ass. A shot passed my way, and I was glad to not have to worry about what was in it. I shot it and he waved a second pour immediately, "Just one is fine..." <br><br> "No, no. Have good time." I looked around for an exit. A girl to swoop in and save me? No, they were working. Security? Shit. I pounded the second shot. <br><br> "Dance?" I pressed off from the bar, trying to change the venue and maybe get an exit in the crowd. He was content to follow me out, eyeing my bare legs as I tried to coyly bring him into the bobbing bodies. <br><br> I felt a tug at my hand and let our distance and a quick little motion separate us and then I moved quickly, into the crowd. I probably bobbed and weaved longer than I needed to, but when I stopped I realized a couple things: I stood out like a sore thumb and I couldn't really remember what he looked like compared to the other guys. He could reappear at any moment. <br><br> So, debating between the risk of being pounced while trying to enjoy myself and being safe, I bounced. <br><br> How long had I actually been at the club? At least I had a little buzz. I considered a few other clubs as I gravitated back to the RedDoorz but decided I didn't want a repeat where I wasn't as successful. <br><br> "No pun?" Came a chuckle from counter-cunt. I gave her the finger. She clucked her tongue at me and I made my way upstairs. Maybe I should have gone with Angelo. <br><br><br> Instead, I got ready to bed and let the alcohol pull me to a [[heavy slumber|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<path>> I could give him a firm denial. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> <br><br> "''//No//''." His hand __grabbed__ at my arm and pulled me firmly with slow intention towards him. <br><br> "Say that again." Despite the lowered volume, I heard him clearly. He pulled me again, away from the bar and I stumbled. It was moments like these that I hated the natural imbalance of physical strength between men and women. It was do or die so I screamed and flailed, pulling with all of my might. <br><br> No one came to my aid and he didn't flinch. But I don't think he was expecting this much of a fight. I fell, flat on my ass and flashing him and everyone <<link "spread eagle">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. He lurched towards me and I scrambled back, heels scrabbling on the floor where my dignity had also been left. <br><br> Once you start screaming, there's something internally that keeps the engine going. But I was getting away, and finally getting my footing as we both were bumping into dispassionate clubbers. And then I ran into something solid. <br><br> It was security, grabbing me by the arm that had started the whole scene. A flash of me just being handed over to the man by another man went across my mind. <br><br> Thankfully, I was being escorted out -- the scene I had created had successfully ended the man's attempt. But it had also ended my night. As I was tossed out into the street I gave a wail and gave the sumo-like man the finger. Tears were ruining my makeup and one of my heels had broken. <br><br> I hobbled home, not in a state to 'try again'. Nothing this extreme would have happened to a girl like me in the States, I thought. I probably received more disapproval as I returned so quickly and in this state to RedDoorz, but I didn't care. <br><br> My confidence shot, I tossed my clothes on the floor and cried into the flat pillow. <br><br><br> I didn't realize I was going to sleep, but I passed out hard. What a //successful// [[first night|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 && $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> He wanted to fuck and I wanted release... <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough and doesn't respond to pervs that way. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<face ahego runny>> <<SexSkill oral>> I wanted dick. "Okay. But I'm not one of //them//." I intoned towards my fellow femmes. He shrugged. <br><br> "Sure. Way cheaper." He began pulling me away from the bar and I had a sense it was towards the back, maybe a bathroom. <br><br> "Hey...not here." Shit, so much for going out and clubbing. <br><br> He frowned, "Hotel too far. Not paying for car." <br><br> "Weren't you going to pay when you left?" I smiled, leaning into him, hand sliding on his stomach. <br><br> His eyes narrowed, but the ease of the encounter and his fuller wallet I think made the decision. We made our way out of the club as he fidgeted with his phone in his free hand. I noticed an app called Grab and it seemed to be like Uber. Huh. So there was that option. <br><br> It arrived shortly thereafter and we climbed in, the crowds outside just beginning to form. Super-early end to my night, I realized as I gasped out, being suddenly tugged against him in the backseat while his other hand took advantage of my distraction to go between my <<link "legs">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> "Oh, not one of them?" He grinned into my face as he felt my unprotected slit. <</if>> I squirmed but he was insistent and I knew it was going to happen anyway so I relaxed into feeling his hand go under my <<print $Body.undies>> and fingers beginning to work at my cleft. <br><br> I grunted and squirmed, moving in to kiss him and felt his other hand up on my head, pulling me in to his...crotch. He held it there as he gave a <<shake 2s>>smack<</shake>> on my pussy which made me jerk. He chuckled and freed his hand from between my clenched thighs and unzipped his pants, fishing out his member and hitting it limp against my lips. <br><br> Beginning to bob, I worked on him as the rideshare drove along as if nothing was happening. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> He grunted pleased in surprise, "Oh, you //are// one of them." My head continued bobbing, feeling his rapidly hardening manhood pulsing in my mouth. <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> "Shit. ''NGH''." I had only just begun to work when he released, pushing my head down and making me take his load into my throat. <<cumSpray mouth>>I pulled off, panting and looking for his reaction. He was leaning over me, "Pull over." Rapping on the back of the driver's seat. The car slowed down and he gave a little lift of his chin, "Get out." Dispirited, but knowing his nature there wasn't much room for argument. <br><br> I climbed out and was left on some side street in the middle of Manila with semen cloying at my tastebuds. Fear rose in my craw and I fought it down, beginning my search for my 'home base'. <br><br> I made it, thanks to the kindness of strangers, but I felt the shame of what had happened as I climbed into bed. Rubbing myself to a climax that took longer than Mr. Grab, I fell into a [[heavy slumber|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<else>> <br><br> My pussy was soaking by the time we arrived at our destination, a ride full of his grunting and approval and my sucking. "Enough of that." He pulled me up and out of the cab as I wiped my wet mouth. <br><br> We had arrived at the palacious Manila Hotel. It made my RedDoorz look exactly like what it was. <br><br> He walked with a limp, the strain in his pants making walking difficult and I couldn't help but grin to myself as we made our way up to his room. The luxury was impressive and I practically melted when we pushed the door <<linkexpand "open.">> open. <<skillChecked "Wealth">> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> It was like the hotels I had known, a thankful reminder of the life I had just left. <<else>> It was like nothing I had ever experienced. My heart fluttered. Swooning. <</if>> And then what we had come for ruined the moment. <br><br> He nudged the straps off my shoulders and guided me over to the bed as the dress <<link "fell off">><<upper>><</link>> my form. Then he grabbed my head by the hair again and his knees hit the back of mine, making me fall forward onto all fours on the bed, back arched and head back and up awkwardly. <<dollRearView>> <<skillChecked "Fertility">> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<set $ACTI.oops = true>> "You got a condom?" <br><br> "No." I felt the meat that had been in my mouth poking at my opening. <br><br> "It's just in my bag--." <br><br> "Shut up." He jostled my head as he thrust. Fuck. <<else>> "Ow!" I felt the meat that had been in my mouth poking at my opening. <br><br> "Shut up." He jostled my head as he thrust. <</if>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squealed, bracing myself on the opulent bed, watching the wood-carved headboard bouncing in my vision as he pumped. He wasn't a good partner but that didn't surprise me. I had hoped for something else, though. Instead, I got a very rough but quick coupling and a load of semen deposited in me before he shoved me aside and headed off to take a shower, "You can stay. There." He pointed to the chaise at the foot of the bed. "Your pay." <<cumSpray thighs1 pussy1>> <br><br> It felt demeaning, but it would be far more comfortable than the RedDoorz. I waddled over to grab a towel as he showered and let it soak as I grabbed a sheet and pillow, a makeshift bed at the end of his. <br><br> I didn't hear him get out of the shower. I slept hard and he wasn't there in the morning, so I could try and dissuade myself of the notion of what had happened the night before and I had actually paid for the room. I had, kinda. <br><br> I headed 'home,' a walk of shame to the place I had paid for and not used. A yin to the yang of last night's [[stay|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<vCardCheck "Chinese guy" M "Chinese guy, on my first night in Manila">> <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Angelo? <<contents>> <<set $ACTI.goOut = "angelo">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> I walked down the hallway to knock on twelve, preferring a guide and potential male protector for the evening. "Oh! <<print $>>. Lookin' good. Come on. Les go." <br><br> He smiled kindly and waved me on. He had cleaned up well, wearing a linen suit and button down shirt that didn't hide his gifted midsection, but it was a proper accent to it. <br><br> It was still relatively early to go out, but that made the street in front of RedDoorz more palatable than the sketchy alleyscape that it probably would appear to be when I returned later tonight. <br><br> The air was heavy and there was a warm breeze coming off of the nearby water, but I knew this to be the 'dry season'. And it still felt wet. Yay. My heels clicked wetly on the rough concrete underfoot as I made my way onto the next street -- Mabini -- where I had seen a cluster of 'clubs' from a quick Google search. I clocked a Mall only a block away, too. <br><br> Despite the seedy feeling of the little corner of RedDoorz, it certainly would be convenient for the two things I knew that I'd be doing. The throb of music and the rumble of bass told me I was headed in the right direction and I eagerly picked up the pace, even if that made my jiggle a bit too wanton and the hem flip up a bit too much. It was like a siren's call. And I was answering. <br><br> "Takin you to a good place near here." We passed by a few that looked too small or too empty before arriving at <<linkexpand "Club ZZYZX.">> <<image framed "passage/A1.crowd.png">> Club ZZYZX. <br><br><br> The bouncer seemed to appreciate that I didn't have anything for him to check and a single look at me was all the ID he needed. Angelo slipped him something, but there was a nod of familiarity as we both walked right in to the pulsing EDM. <br><br> The light show from up ahead at the end of the hallway illuminated the haze of cigarette smoke and fog machines. I could feel my excitement brimming, like a release just around the corner. <br><br> The DJ was good: I was already bopping my head and jumping a little as I came 'round into the big dance hall. "Oh, yah? Like it?" Angelo chuckled, giving my bare shoulder a squeeze. I smiled and nodded, looking around as I took in the high-energy atmosphere even at this hour. <br><br> I was certainly a minority both in gender and ethnicity. And I hated myself a little bit because I couldn't honestly tell the origin of most of the people around me. Locals? Foreign Asians? I pushed off my self-judgment and turned back to Angelo, "Gonna get a drink, want anything?" <br><br> "I can come with?" I shrugged and we pushed through the crowd to get to the bar. <br><br> Oh. There were a good number of women here...Oh. They were definitely prostitutes. <br><br> Even with Angelo as company, I was immediately approached. <br><br> "You new here." It was not the accent I had been hearing since arriving, but English was not their first language. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." I yelled back, my senses overwhelmed, the tiredness and travel making my first reaction respond rather than run. <br><br> "We go back to my place." <br><br> "No--" <br><br> "No? I pay." <br><br> "I'm not a..." <br><br> "Riiiight." Okay, picking up Chinese vibes to the pronunciation. "Look, first time customer. Very generous." <br><br> <<skillChecked "Sexuality" "Athletics">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">> Having zero desire to either be a prostitute or finding men, let alone //him// attractive, I turned away without another word, looking for a bartender. Then, he ''grabbed'' my arm. <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>> And a quick yank and I was free. Angelo saw the exchange and leaned closer, giving the man a dead stare -- I think he finally understood I wasn't a whore. Or taken. Didn't matter. He left and we got our drinks. <br><br> We both got a good buzz on and danced essentially wordlessly and without much contact for the rest of the evening. We smiled and laughed a bit, whiling away the hours with while I sweated out the toxins of the trip. Then, euphoric -- or just dead tired -- we stumbled out of the club into a pulsing night scene. It had really picked up from the time we had headed out. <br><br> Angelo continued his guidance and we laughed and smiled our way back to RedDoorz. I collapsed, alone, still in my dress. I slept like a [[fucking rock|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<else>> "''//No//''." His hand __grabbed__ at my arm and pulled me firmly with slow intention towards him. <br><br> "Say that again." Despite the lowered volume, I heard him clearly. He pulled me again, away from the bar and then, I stumbled. It was moments like these that I hated the natural imbalance of physical strength between men and women. It was do or die so I screamed and flailed, pulling with all of my might. I fell, flat on my ass and flashing everyone <<link "spread eagle">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. But he wasn't there any more. Confused, I realized he was on the floor as well, Angelo standing, arms crossed and staring him down. <br><br> "Say dat again." He smiled at me as I got myself together. <br><br> "No." I chuckled away some tears and slid alongside Angelo. <br><br> The guy scrambled off, leaving me alone and the show had done enough that the rest of the night we weren't bothered. There was a query in the back of my head expecting Angelo to take in trade what he had saved me from, but that didn't seem to be his intention. <br><br> We both got a good buzz on and danced essentially wordlessly and without much contact for the rest of the evening. We grinned and laughed a bit, whiling away the hours with while I sweated out the toxins of the trip. Then, euphoric -- or just dead tired -- we stumbled out of the club into a pulsing night scene. It had really picked up from the time we had headed out. <br><br><br> Angelo continued his guidance and we laughed and smiled our way back to RedDoorz. I collapsed, alone, still in my dress. I slept like a [[fucking rock|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <</if>> <<else>> Well. <div id="prostie"> <<crossroads #prostie>> <<path>> I wasn't about to whore myself out, but I could ask for a drink. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <br><br> ..."How about a drink?" <br><br> He grinned and pulled me closer by the arm, "Cheaper. Sure." <br><br> Angelo had caught the interaction from the moment, watching curiously out of the corner of his eye. An eyebrow raised, seeing if I wanted him to step in. I shook my head, even though the guy's hand had dropped to my ass and squeezing it through the thin material of my LBD as he waved a bartender over. <br><br> He got attention and I didn't? Weird. <br><br> My hand reached back to nudge his hand off my right cheek, but he just grabbed firmer and gave my hand a smack. "Give this girl a...tequila?" He grinned, face right up in mine. <br><br> "Sure." I nodded and just relented to the grabbing at my ass. A shot passed my way, and I was glad to not have to worry about what was in it. I shot it and he waved a second pour immediately, "Just one is fine..." <br><br> "No, no. Have good time." I looked around Angelo. Gone. Shit. A girl to swoop in and save me? No, they were working. Security? Shit. I pounded the second shot. <br><br> "Dance?" I pressed off from the bar, trying to change the venue and maybe get an exit in the crowd. He was content to follow me out, eyeing my bare legs as I tried to coyly bring him into the bobbing bodies. <br><br> I felt a tug at my hand and let our distance and a quick little motion separate us and then I moved quickly, into the crowd. I probably bobbed and weaved longer than I needed to, but when I stopped I realized a couple things: I stood out like a sore thumb and I couldn't really remember what he looked like compared to the other guys. He could reappear at any moment. <br><br> So, I searched for Angelo. An arm grabbed mine and I froze, thinking my time was up. <br><br> It was Angelo. "You kay?" I nodded emphatically, my eyes moist as I chuckled the adrenaline spike off. He smiled back and made a motion to the dance floor. I accepted the offer and began the night that I had wanted. <br><br> We both got a good buzz on and danced essentially wordlessly and without much contact for the rest of the evening. We smiled and laughed a bit, whiling away the hours with while I sweated out the toxins of the trip. Then, euphoric -- or just dead tired -- we stumbled out of the club into a pulsing night scene. It had really picked up from the time we had headed out. <br><br><br> Angelo continued his guidance and we laughed and smiled our way back to RedDoorz. I collapsed, alone, still in my dress. I slept like a [[fucking rock|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<path>> I could get Angelo involved. <<contents>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> "''//No//''." His hand __grabbed__ at my arm and pulled me firmly with slow intention towards him. <br><br> "Say that again." Despite the lowered volume, I heard him clearly. He pulled me again, away from the bar and then, I stumbled. It was moments like these that I hated the natural imbalance of physical strength between men and women. It was do or die so I screamed and flailed, pulling with all of my might. I fell, flat on my ass and flashing everyone <<link "spread eagle">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. But he wasn't there any more. Confused, I realized he was on the floor as well, Angelo standing, arms crossed and staring him down. <br><br> "Say dat again." He smiled at me as I pulled myself up and together. <br><br> "No." I chuckled away some tears and slid alongside Angelo. <br><br> The guy scrambled off, leaving me alone and the show had done enough that the rest of the night we weren't bothered. There was a query in the back of my head expecting Angelo to take in trade what he had saved me from, but that didn't seem to be his intention. <br><br> We both got a good buzz on and danced essentially wordlessly and without much contact for the rest of the evening. We grinned and laughed a bit, whiling away the hours with while I sweated out the toxins of the trip. Then, euphoric -- or just dead tired -- we stumbled out of the club into a pulsing night scene. It had really picked up from the time we had headed out. <br><br><br> Angelo continued his guidance and we laughed and smiled our way back to RedDoorz. I collapsed, alone, still in my dress. I slept like a [[fucking rock|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 && $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> He wanted to fuck and I wanted release. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough and doesn't respond to pervs that way. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<face ahego runny>> <<SexSkill oral>> I wanted dick. Angelo had flinched at the interaction, eyes curious and watching me. I gave him a wink as I turned to the pick-up artist. "Okay. But I'm not one of //them//." I intoned towards my fellow femmes. He shrugged. <br><br> "Sure. Way cheaper." He began pulling me away from the bar and Angelo. I had a sense it was towards the back, maybe a bathroom. <br><br> "Hey...not here." Shit, so much for going out and clubbing. <br><br> He frowned, "Hotel too far. Not paying for car." <br><br> "Weren't you going to pay when you left?" I smiled, leaning into him, hand sliding on his stomach. <br><br> His eyes narrowed, but the ease of the encounter and his fuller wallet I think made the decision. We made our way out of the club as he fidgeted with his phone in his free hand. I noticed an app called Grab and it seemed to be like Uber. Huh. So there was that option. <br><br> It arrived shortly thereafter and we climbed in, the crowds outside just beginning to form. Super-early end to my night, I realized as I gasped out, being suddenly tugged against him in the backseat while his other hand took advantage of my distraction to go between my <<link "legs">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> "Oh, not one of them?" He grinned into my face as he felt my unprotected slit. <</if>> I squirmed but he was insistent and I knew it was going to happen anyway so I relaxed into feeling his hand go under my <<print $Body.undies>> and fingers beginning to work at my cleft. <br><br> I grunted and squirmed, moving in to kiss him and felt his other hand up on my head, pulling me in to his...crotch. He held it there as he gave a <<shake 2s>>smack<</shake>> on my pussy which made me jerk. He chuckled and freed his hand from between my clenched thighs and unzipped his pants, fishing out his member and hitting it limp against my lips. <br><br> Beginning to bob, I worked on him as the rideshare drove along as if nothing was happening. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> He grunted pleased in surprise, "Oh, you //are// one of them." My head continued bobbing, feeling his rapidly hardening manhood pulsing in my mouth. <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> "Shit. ''NGH''." I had only just begun to work when he released, pushing my head down and making me take his load into my throat. <<cumSpray mouth>> I pulled off, panting and looking for his reaction. He was leaning over me, "Pull over." Rapping on the back of the driver's seat. The car slowed down and he gave a little lift of his chin, "Get out." Dispirited, but knowing his nature there wasn't much room for argument. <br><br> I climbed out and was left on some side street in the middle of Manila with semen cloying at my tastebuds. Fear rose in my craw and I fought it down, beginning my search for my 'home base'. <br><br> I made it, thanks to the kindness of strangers, but I felt the shame of what had happened as I climbed into bed. Rubbing myself to a climax that took longer than Mr. Grab, I fell into a [[heavy slumber|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<else>> <br><br> My pussy was soaking by the time we arrived at our destination, a ride full of his grunting and approval and my sucking. "Enough of that." He pulled me up and out of the cab as I wiped my wet mouth. <br><br> We had arrived at the palacious Manila Hotel. It made my RedDoorz look exactly like what it was. <br><br> He walked with a limp, the strain in his pants making walking difficult and I couldn't help but grin to myself as we made our way up to his room. The luxury was impressive and I practically melted when we pushed the door open. <<skillChecked "Wealth">> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> It was like the hotels I had known, a thankful reminder of the life I had just left. <<else>> It was like nothing I had ever experienced. My heart fluttered. Swooning. <</if>> And then what we had come for ruined the moment. <br><br> He nudged the straps off my shoulders and guided me over to the bed as the dress fell <<link "off">><<upper>><</link>> my form. Then he grabbed my head by the hair again and his knees hit the back of mine, making me fall forward onto all fours on the bed, back arched and head back and up awkwardly. <<skillChecked "Fertility">> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<set $ACTI.oops = true>> "You got a condom?" <br><br> "No." I felt the meat that had been in my mouth poking at my opening. <br><br> "It's just in my bag--" <br><br> "Shut up." He jostled my head as he thrust. Fuck. <<else>> "Ow!" I felt the meat that had been in my mouth poking at my opening. <br><br> "Shut up." He jostled my head as he thrust. <</if>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squealed, bracing myself on the opulent bed, watching the wood-carved headboard bouncing in my vision as he pumped. He wasn't a good partner but that didn't surprise me. I had hoped for something else, though. Instead, I got a very rough but quick coupling and a load of semen deposited in me before he shoved me aside and headed off to take a shower, "You can stay. There." He pointed to the chaise at the foot of the bed. "Your pay." <<cumSpray thighs1 pussy1>> <br><br> It felt demeaning, but it would be far more comfortable than the RedDoorz. I waddled over to grab a towel as he showered and let it soak as I grabbed a sheet and pillow, a makeshift bed at the end of his. <br><br> I didn't hear him get out of the shower. I slept hard and he wasn't there in the morning, so I could try and dissuade myself of the notion of what had happened the night before and I had actually paid for the room. I had, kinda. <br><br><br> I headed 'home,' a walk of shame to the place I had paid for and not used. Crawling into bed for just a bit more rest really put in perspective the difference between my bed and that chaise. The squalor a perfect yin to the yang of last night's [[stay|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <<vCardCheck "Chinese guy" M "Chinese guy, on my first night in Manila">> <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "ACTI000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Just get some rest? <<contents>> <<set $ACTI.goOut = "no">> <<Stats Excitable -->> <br><br> No matter how much I wanted to shake all of this craziness off and just lose myself with abandon, I figured I really needed to listen to my body, not my frazzled emotional brain. I wiped the makeup off, pulled my dress off and tossed it <<if visited("ACTI002 - Tallinn Interlude") || visited("ACTI002 - Bangkok Interlude")>>onto the floor<<else>>ontop of my bag<</if>>. Then, with a last look into that monster-closet for safety, I curled into the rough sheets and flipped off the light. <br><br><br> I barely clocked drifting off as I spent my first night in Manila sleeping [[heavily|ACTI005 - Deus Ex Machina]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
The hangover of the morning hit me hard, and it wasn't due to tequila. My head hurt, my muscles ached and my mouth felt cottony. A labored sigh, head in my hands, elbows on my knees, I remained half-in, half-out of bed. What would I do today? What //was// I doing here? Both were unanswered questions, but I was here and needed to keep forward momentum. <br><br> Grunting, I pulled myself out of the cot, put my hair up and slid on flipflops to go brush my teeth. <br><br> Angelo was in the hall. "You okay?" I nodded and smiled, shuffling my way towards the bathroom. My mind was foggy enough not to question why he would just be standing in an empty hallway. <br><br> "Mornin'." <br><br> "Let me know when you put together and reddy -- got a meeding on de books." <br><br> "It's fine. I can handle myself today. I appreciate you wanting to be my guide. I really do--" <br><br> "Meeting is por you." <br><br> "Sure." I swung into the bathroom and proceeded to brush away last night. The specter of what he said was creeping into the back of my head and when I splashed water on my face I realized: was he serious? He sounded serious. Like, pre-planned and arranged. Business-like. I didn't have any business. Peeking back out of the doorless portal to the bathroom, I saw him unmoved, "A meeting?" <br><br> He nodded and smiled soft, but humorless. "I'll be here. Go get changed." It wasn't forceful, but there was a tone to it that there wasn't choice, but there also wasn't danger. He didn't try to dispel my clear confusion as I ambled past him to get some decent clothes on. My mind spun, trying to remember if something had happened last night or at the airport...I hadn't called anyone. Hadn't even emailed or texted. <br><br> "Okay." I shrugged, my countenance a nervous frown. He nodded again and motioned for me to join alongside him, "You going to tell me anything?" <br><br> He sighed as we made our way down the steps and past counter-cunt, "Nothin dat you won't be hearin' soon anyway. Nothin to prep, you know?" <br><br> I laughed uncomfortably and shook my head, "No. I don't. Can I at least know //who// the meeting is with? Did Dad send you to wrangle me home? Second thoughts? Fear for my safety?" I was trying to keep it light, but not a single light went on in his eyes. <br><br> "Not par prom here." We descended into the street and he didn't call a cab or anything, so he either meant it or wanted me to get my steps in. I dropped into silence, just letting him lead me. My sixth sense wasn't throwing alarms, so it was either broken and I was about to die, or it was doing its job and allowing me some semblance of calm. <br><br> We passed by United Nations Avenue and into a gorgeous park that stood out starkly from the area we had just left, mere steps ago. It felt capitol, like Washington, DC. It had monuments, broad swaths of open green, paths lined with palm trees -- not found in DC -- and it was immaculate. It helped me relax, taking in the green space as he guided me towards a little plaza where there were people hunched over stone tables playing chess. <br><br> And that was our destination. I knew because sitting at one of the setups was <<linkexpand "Nate.">> <<face shock>> Nate. <br><br><br> <<if $ACTI.followed == true>> So, it had been true. He'd been following me. Wait. Angelo worked for him, with him, whatever? My mind reeled as I considered the timeline of arriving and running into Angelo. They must have been tracking me...oh. Through the online booking. Well, guess I //wasn't// cut out for spying. <<else>> <<if visited("ACTI002 - Tallinn Interlude") || visited("ACTI002 - Bangkok Interlude")>> Nate was //here//. He had sent for me. That's what this was all about. Wait. Angelo worked for him, with him, whatever? Another 'random' chance meeting. Fuck these spies. <<else>> Nate was here. He had followed me. He had been tracking me. Wait. Angelo worked for him, with him, whatever? My mind reeled as I considered the timeline of arriving and running into Angelo. They must have been tracking me...oh. Through the online booking. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): An interpretation of the Spy vs. Spy characters */ He looked up from the pieces with a slight acknowledgement of our approach. "So, you're not just a spy, you're like a...grandmaster, too?" It was an attempt at a dig, I wanted control. <br><br> "Hm? Oh. No. Neither." He shook his head and leaned up from his study of the arrangement of pieces, "They were just like this when I sat down and I, for the life of me, can never make heads or tails of this game." <br><br> "You //are// a spy. Apparently, so is friendly Mr. Angelo." I twiddled a black pawn between my fingers. I heard him chuckle behind me. "What. Is there some like...nomenclature I'm missing? Some big linguistic faux pas for calling you a fucking ''spy''?" The anger had reached the surface. I had been trying to get away from this bullshit and it had come along for the ride -- and I was exhausted, jet lagged. <br><br> Nate cleared his throat. "Kind of. Look. For your safety. For our safety. Cut it with that word, please, Ms. <<print $CC.surname>>." <br><br> "Then you can at least do me the favor of explaining all the //actual// cloak and dagger bullshit." <br><br> He nodded, eyed the pawn I had clutched in my palm and his eyes unfocused, going somewhere else. <<if visited("ACTI002 - Tallinn Interlude") || visited("ACTI002 - Bangkok Interlude")>> "The...details will have to wait. But let me say first that I'm impressed by you. How you ended up here, while...fortuitous...was not what I expected or planned." <br><br> "You were the one who sent for me." It wasn't a question. <br><br> He nodded, "Mhmm. And how did you decide on..." <br><br> <<if $ gt 0>> "Fucking chance? Roll of the dice? Or maybe you machinated it too?" <br><br> He shook his head. "Maybe fate. Well, I'm happy you're here." <<else>> I gave him the details of what I understood about her disappearance, my search. And the happenstances. <br><br> He nodded, "Good work." <</if>> <<if $ACTI.goOut !== "rest">> <<set $People['AI'].Angelo.rel ++>> "And las night. Club ZZYZX? And wit dat guy..." Angelo added. <br><br> "Yes. You had an interaction--" <br><br> "With some guy at the club, yeah. Why?" <br><br> "Just...the stars aligning?" <</if>> <br><br> "Thank you?" I was unsure what the subtext was, but it seemed positive. He paused, sitting back on the backless seat, considering me. Then a nod and I could sense Angelo's big body moving away. Privacy. Okay. <br><br> "So, yes. This is your mother's last known location. She's been working here for years--" <br><br> "I know. Bullshit about arrays here. Called her on that years ago." <br><br> "I know." He chuckled and smiled. "And she was close. Operation was nearing an end and then...she went dark. And given the op, we're very concerned for her safety." <br><br> There was a pain in my chest, the words fought to come free from my larynx, "She's dead." <br><br> He sighed, shifting and looked at me firmly, "It's //possible//. But knowing her, I sincerely doubt it. But we're at an impasse and we didn't know how to proceed. And the op is of the highest importance for world safety." <br><br> "Bullshit." <br><br> "You like that word." I shrugged, he smiled. "But I'm not being hyperbolic. Continuing this op immediately is the best chance for her and __legitimately__ millions of people back home. I can't give you details because, you're a civilian." <br><br> I rolled my eyes, "So, why are we here. Why this meeting out of a fucking Ludlum book?" <br><br> "You //do// know that some of the best espionage has been written by people were in the service." <br><br> "Ludlum's just some dude." <br><br> "You're here because we've come to the conclusion that you may be the only way forward." <br><br> "Me." <br><br> "Highly. //Highly// unorthodox, but when I said the stakes were high -- they're willing to do anything. For completion of the operation. Your mother is collateral, but in ''my'' mind? Let's get her too." <br><br> "I'm not a spy." <br><br> "__Highly__--" <br><br> "Unorthodox. Yeah." <br><br> "It will be immensely dangerous, but I do see what the analysis showed: a non-operative working in this function may be able to fly under the radar, with a ready-made legend. Let me pull a line from another good writer: You are our only hope. Your mother's only hope." <br><br> The tightness in my throat got worse. And my palm //hurt//. I was clenching the pawn and the edges were digging in at my flesh. I looked off. <br><br> "What would you need me to do?" <br><br> "I'll take that as a yes?" <br><br><br> My cheeks were wet. "[[Yes|ACTI006 - Indoctrination]]." <<else>> "The details will have to wait. But let me say that first, I am impressed that you are here. How did you...I guess the opportune question is //why// did you come here?" <div id="reason"> <<crossroads #reason>> <<path $ == 3>> Tell him about the search? <<blocked>> $ didn't learn about her Mom in Manila. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Deception -->> <br><br> Something wanted to impress, so I gave him a step-by-step description of my 'infiltration' and finding the documents that seemed to point to this as being her last known position. <br><br> A shift of the head and a slight nod, "Good work." <br><br> <<if $ACTI.goOut !== "rest">> <<set $People['AI'].Angelo.rel ++>> "And las night. Club ZZYZX? And wit dat guy..." Angelo added. <br><br> "Yes. You had an interaction--" <br><br> "With some guy at the club, yeah. Why?" <br><br> "Just...the stars aligning?" <br><br> <</if>> "Thank you?" I was unsure what the subtext was, but it seemed positive. He paused, sitting back on the backless seat, considering me. Then a nod and I could sense Angelo's big body moving away. Privacy. Okay. <br><br> "So, yes. This is your mother's last known location. She's been working here for years--" <br><br> "I know. Bullshit about arrays here. Called her on that years ago." <br><br> "I know." He chuckled and smiled. "And she was close. Operation was nearing an end and then...she went dark. And given the op, we're very concerned for her safety." <br><br> There was a pain in my chest, the words fought to come free from my larynx, "She's dead." <br><br> He sighed, shifting and looked at me firmly, "It's //possible//. But knowing her, I sincerely doubt it. But we're at an impasse and we didn't know how to proceed. And the op is of the highest importance for world safety." <br><br> "Bullshit." <br><br> "You like that word." I shrugged, he smiled. "But I'm not being hyperbolic. Continuing this op immediately is the best chance for her and __legitimately__ millions of people back home. I can't give you details because, you're a civilian." <br><br> I rolled my eyes, "So, why are we here. Why this meeting out of a fucking Ludlum book?" <br><br> "You //do// know that some of the best espionage has been written by people were in the service." <br><br> "Ludlum's just some dude." <br><br> "You're here because we've come to the conclusion that you may be the only way forward." <br><br> "Me." <br><br> "Highly. //Highly// unorthodox, but when I said the stakes were high -- they're willing to do anything. For completion of the operation. Your mother is collateral, but in ''my'' mind? Let's get her too." <br><br> "I'm not a spy." <br><br> "__Highly__--" <br><br> "Unorthodox. Yeah." <br><br> "It will be immensely dangerous, but I do see what the analysis showed: a non-operative working in this function may be able to fly under the radar, with a ready-made legend. Let me pull a line from another good writer: You are our only hope. Your mother's only hope." <br><br> The tightness in my throat got worse. And my palm //hurt//. I was clenching the pawn and the edges were digging in at my flesh. I looked off. <br><br> "What would you need me to do?" <br><br> "I'll take that as a yes?" <br><br><br> My cheeks were wet. "[[Yes|ACTI006 - Indoctrination]]." <<path $ != 3>> An old memory? <<blocked>> $ knew about her Mom in Manila. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Deception -->> <br><br> I shrugged, confused why it mattered, "Kinda like a dartboard? And there was this fight we had years ago and this place always stuck with me." <br><br> A shift of the head and a slight nod, "Good memory." <br><br> <<if $ACTI.goOut !== "rest">> <<set $People['AI'].Angelo.rel ++>> "And las night. ZZYZX? And wit dat guy..." Angelo added. <br><br> "Yes. You had an interaction--" <br><br> "With some guy at the club, yeah. Why?" <br><br> "Just...the stars aligning?" <br><br> <</if>> "Thank you?" I was unsure what the subtext was, but it seemed positive. He paused, sitting back on the backless seat, considering me. Then a nod and I could sense Angelo's big body moving away. Privacy. Okay. <br><br> "So, yes. This is your mother's last known location. She's been working here for years--" <br><br> "I know. Bullshit about arrays here. Called her on that years ago." <br><br> "I know." He chuckled and smiled. "And she was close. Operation was nearing an end and then...she went dark. And given the op, we're very concerned for her safety." <br><br> There was a pain in my chest, the words fought to come free from my larynx, "She's dead." <br><br> He sighed, shifting and looked at me firmly, "It's //possible//. But knowing her, I sincerely doubt it. But we're at an impasse and we didn't know how to proceed. And the op is of the highest importance for world safety." <br><br> "Bullshit." <br><br> "You like that word." I shrugged, he smiled. "But I'm not being hyperbolic. Continuing this op immediately is the best chance for her and __legitimately__ millions of people back home. I can't give you details because, you're a civilian." <br><br> I rolled my eyes, "So, why are we here. Why this meeting out of a fucking Ludlum book?" <br><br> "You //do// know that some of the best espionage has been written by people were in the service." <br><br> "Ludlum's just some dude." <br><br> "You're here because we've come to the conclusion that you may be the only way forward." <br><br> "Me." <br><br> "Highly. //Highly// unorthodox, but when I said the stakes were high -- they're willing to do anything. For completion of the operation. Your mother is collateral, but in ''my'' mind? Let's get her too." <br><br> "I'm not a spy." <br><br> "__Highly__--" <br><br> "Unorthodox. Yeah." <br><br> "It will be immensely dangerous, but I do see what the analysis showed: a non-operative working in this function may be able to fly under the radar, with a ready-made legend. Let me pull a line from another good writer: You are our only hope. Your mother's only hope." <br><br> The tightness in my throat got worse. And my palm //hurt//. I was clenching the pawn and the edges were digging in at my flesh. I looked off. <br><br> "What would you need me to do?" <br><br> "I'll take that as a yes?" <br><br><br> My cheeks were wet. "[[Yes|ACTI006 - Indoctrination]]." <<path>> Lie? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <br><br> They held all the cards, they didn't deserve my honesty, they didn't deserve //anything// from me. "I've heard good things about how cheap and fun this place can be. And after the bullshit that you and Dad dropped on me the other day--" <br><br> He chuckled, smiling over at Angelo, "Basing it in truth. Good work." I was confused, he had read me like a book. "Maybe some innate talent?" <br><br> "Learned or inherited mebbe--" <br><br> "Mother, like daughter..." <br><br> <<if $ACTI.goOut !== "rest">> <<set $People['AI'].Angelo.rel ++>> "And las night. Club ZZYZX? And wit dat guy..." Angelo added. <br><br> "Yes. You had an interaction--" <br><br> "With some guy at the club, yeah. Why?" <br><br> "Just...the stars aligning?" <br><br> <</if>> "Thank you?" I was unsure what the subtext was, but it seemed positive. He paused, sitting back on the backless seat, considering me. Then a nod and I could sense Angelo's big body moving away. Privacy. Okay. <br><br> "So, yes. This is your mother's last known position. She's been working here for years--" <br><br> "I know. Bullshit about arrays here. Called her on that years ago." <br><br> "I know." He chuckled and smiled. "And she was close. Operation was nearing an end and then...she went dark. And given the op, we're very concerned for her safety." <br><br> There was a pain in my chest, the words fought to come free from my larynx, "She's dead." <br><br> He sighed, shifting and looked at me firmly, "It's //possible//. But knowing her, I sincerely doubt it. But we're at an impasse and we didn't know how to proceed. And the op is of the highest importance for world safety." <br><br> "Bullshit." <br><br> "You like that word." I shrugged, he smiled. "But I'm not being hyperbolic. Continuing this op immediately is the best chance for her and __legitimately__ millions of people back home. I can't give you details because, you're a civilian." <br><br> I rolled my eyes, "So, why are we here. Why this meeting out of a fucking Ludlum book?" <br><br> "You //do// know that some of the best espionage has been written by people were in the service." <br><br> "Ludlum's just some dude." <br><br> "You're here because we've come to the conclusion that you may be the only way forward." <br><br> "Me." <br><br> "Highly. //Highly// unorthodox, but when I said the stakes were high -- they're willing to do anything. For completion of the operation. Your mother is collateral, but in ''my'' mind? Let's get her too." <br><br> "I'm not a spy." <br><br> "__Highly__--" <br><br> "Unorthodox. Yeah." <br><br> "It will be immensely dangerous, but I do see what the analysis showed: a non-operative working in this function may be able to fly under the radar, with a ready-made legend. Let me pull a line from another good writer: You are our only hope. Your mother's only hope." <br><br> The tightness in my throat got worse. And my palm //hurt//. I was clenching the pawn and the edges were digging in at my flesh. I looked off. <br><br> "What would you need me to do?" <br><br> "I'll take that as a yes?" <br><br><br> My cheeks were wet. "[[Yes|ACTI006 - Indoctrination]]." <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI006-Indoctrination.png">> He reached over and kindly slid his fingers under mine and extracted the pawn, placing it in the center of the board. "Thank you. I can tell this matters to you. Now, before we can consider anything official, I have things I need to get out of the way." <br><br> I wiped my face and nodded. My heart was pounding. <<skillChecked "Opening choice">> <<if $CC.opening == "dumb">> This stuff was //real//? This was ''so'' stupid. I was going to be a fucking spy? I __hated__ this shit. <<elseif $CC.opening == "not my thing">> I shook my head unconsciously as the disbelief surfaced -- this was real. I was going to be a spy? //Me//? <<else>> My skin prickled. This was //real//. I was going to be a fucking spy. This was exciting. <</if>> <br><br> "This is going to be exceedingly dangerous. The world that she was in and that you would be in is literally the underworld." His eyes dropped, "This cannot be an official operation. This is completely off the record for many reasons. <<if $Body.age lt 0>> One of the primary ones is you. While what you'll be involved in here can't be on American documents." I got what he was getting at. Rules, regulations, //laws//. " <</if>> Nothing ''in'' ''particular'' will be required or asked of you. I will be leading the operation and Angelo will be your Case Officer. That will be the line of command and communication. My analysts have insisted that we lean on your natural abilities and your flexibility thanks to not going through the normal procedures and indoctrination. We're relying on you being you." <br><br> Should I be taking offense? Should I be proud? My gut was clenching as my mind wandered into the subtext and implication of what he was saying, what I'd be seeing...maybe needing to do. <br><br><br> "With that out of the way...shall we go and begin working on the things we can say and do?" I nodded, standing and passing the point of [[no return|ACTI007 - Info Dump]].
<<image framed "passage/ACTI007-InfoDump.png">> Angelo was nowhere to be seen as we left the park and headed north. Like a ghost. <br><br> Nate let me know that they'd built a dossier on me already. Their profilers had simply modeled me based on...being my mother's daughter. <br><br> <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>> By the time I had headed to college, they felt the mission was dead in the water. Time was running out and they had no options. <br><br> Except. For. Me. <br><br> It was an analyst's flier. The Hail Mary pass based on some conjecture that maybe, just //maybe// would work. <br><br> That's why Nate approached me. That's why he had sent me here. He'd activated Angelo and they waited. They watched. <br><br> And now, with the assessment a bit more fleshed out, they had decided to move forward. <<else>> They'd been ready to approach me, but then when I dipped, it had triggered all of this. <br><br> An analyst read into my 'disappearance' and, utilizing my profile, assessed that I'd be coming here. Lucky them! I was the perfect and only option for continuation of a dead mission. They had presented this option to Nate. He had (reluctantly? That's how he presented it.) had given the go-ahead. Nate booked a flight, activated Angelo and //orchestrated// ''everything'' that had happened. <</if>> <br><br> They had assessed that not only did I have the right personality -- but I was just some chick, what about me made me //right//? -- but that they didn't need to do any preparations for me being involved. There was no building of a legend -- he defined the term this time, which meant the story and background on why a 'person' was who they said they were. I could simply be me, looking for my Mom or enjoying myself in the Philippines and no one would bat an eye. Just some chick from America being a chick from America. So...I guess I was a good fit. <br><br><br> The target was an unknown Filipino warlord that had a base of operations that spider-webbed throughout the series of islands. <<if $ACTI.goOut !== "rest">> And a club nearby where I was staying was one of the threads. <<else>> And the club I had been to last night was one of the threads. <</if>> He was floored by my selection of location and joked with me about whether or not she had given me any training over the years, maybe seeded intel on purpose. It was in line with how much respect he had for her. Hell if I knew. It actually unsettled me that I could be manipulated at such a deep level. Or was that insightful? All of this was making me feel even more out of sorts, in over my head. <br><br><br> The warlord was an unknown and only known<br> by his codename: <span class="inline-text-input"><<textbox "$" "Jayadewa">></span>. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "His base of operations...">> His base of operations was one of the small islands in or around the Sulu Archipelago. And there was preparing for a devastating nuclear attack on the United States. The reason? Deep-seated hatred for the time and after-effects of our occupation and protectorate time. He blamed all of Filipino issues on America and wanted to exact revenge. And he was close. <br><br> Nate's assessment was that the attack would come within a year. The operation had moved from just trying to remove him years ago -- a rogue entity that posed a potential future threat -- into an actual top-priority threat. And they seemed to be no closer to success, and far closer to world-altering failure. <br><br> The weight on my shoulders suddenly hit Atlassian-levels. I wondered why the fuck I had said yes? Would I actually be able to do something my //trained// mother hadn't been able to do, just because I looked innocuous? Because I was a cute lost puppy that couldn't possibly pose a threat to some evil, violent and sadistic warlord with daddy issues? <br><br> We strolled up into the front doors of the Technological University of the Philippines as Nate was trying to undersell what my objectives would be: find the warlord and or his base island and rescue my mom. I wouldn't be needed to do any of the 'wetwork' -- I was no Ethan Hunt. I was recon, I was infiltration, I was //not// a field agent. <br><br><br> "Welcome to where we will liaise, in person, if needed. You'll be taking some [[night classes|ACTI008 - Processing]]." <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI008-Processing-alt.png">> We walked the empty hallways and up the stairs to an office: Nathan Rolles, Adjunct Professor. I raised an eyebrow, he smiled and shrugged, "I don't teach many classes." <br><br> "So, what's next?" <br><br> "This is a lot. You haven't even begun to integrate much of what I've said." The office was organized and felt professorial. <<skillChecked "Perception" "Age" "Stable">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>> <<set $Dossier.knowsDossier = true>> And on his clean desk was a file that bore my name. So, my life and its analysis was right there. God, that was tempting. <br><br> <</if>> "So. Walk the halls of your new school and give it some thought. Come back for my Office Hours if you want to move forward and we'll hammer out the details." There was a frogginess to his voice that made me wonder how much emotional attachment he had to this operation, to my mother...I thought spies were supposed to be machines. Or maybe it was a play on my susceptible civvy brain. <br><br><br> Wheels within wheels. I shut the door behind me as I started to feel a panic attack at the fringes of my perception. <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> <<face hurt1 runny>> And I couldn't stop it. I dropped onto a bench and my breathing left me. I was hunched over, hyperventilating and tears falling to the linoleum floor. I was glad for the vacant hallways because I was having a grade A freakout. I had to save my //mom//? I had to save the <<shake 3s>>world<</shake>>? <<if $Body.age === -2>>I hadn't even finished high school.<<elseif $Body.age === -1>>I hadn't even gone to college.<<else>>My life had just begun.<</if>> How was I going to do this? Wouldn't it just be likely I was walking into a deathtrap or a complete and utter ruining of my life and still fail? I stood, hands on the top of my head, whimpering as I tried to get my breathing under control and settle down. I pressed my forehead against the cool metal of a door, my chest heaving against it. It grounded me. Once I found some control, I went to the bathroom to clean up. <<else>> I had to save my //mom//? I had to save the <<shake 3s>>world<</shake>>? <<if $Body.age === -2>>I hadn't even finished high school.<<elseif $Body.age === -1>>I hadn't even gone to college.<<else>>My life had just begun.<</if>> How was I going to do this? Wouldn't it just be likely I was walking into a deathtrap or a complete and utter ruining of my life and still fail? I stood, hands on the top of my head, whimpering as I tried to get my breathing under control and settle down. I pressed my forehead against the cool metal of a door, my chest heaving against it. It grounded me. It was to the bathroom...I figured might as well do the thing and throw water on my face in realization. <</if>> <br><br><br> Water beaded on my skin as I stared into the mirror, true self-assessment. I had to take solace in who was asking me to do this. And it didn't feel out of desperation. These were the guys who'd just drop Gerard Butler and a bunch of Navy SEALs on a potential site to kill everyone on the off chance that they'd get the baddie. They truly believed I was the best option. Maybe Mom had been prepping me for this for years, like a spare set of keys. <br><br><br> This was crazy, but [[I'd do it|ACTI009 - Acceptance]].
<<image framed right "passage/act1.poster2.png:My own double oh adventure begins...">> I threw open the door performatively, "I'll do it, teach." I knew that the ruddiness of my cheeks and the color around my eyes didn't hide the processing I'd just done. He flipped a file closed on his desk with a nod and leaned back in his 'teacher' chair. <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> <<Stats Perception ++>> It was my file. He had been reading up on me. He knew more about me than I did. And it was all in black and white right there. Right. There. <<else>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <</if>> "So." <br><br> "So. Now for the nitty-gritty. <<print $>> has a network of businesses that keep his criminal enterprise afloat -- to acquire and utilize nuclear weaponry is not cheap. That's probably the in-road to finding him, but how you do it is up to you. Back to those enterprises. They are rife with drugs and sex. They are people outside of the law -- and law in the Philippines is both incredibly strict and very porous. The drug war here is about as big a deal as in Mexico and South America, and you'll be diving head first into the community of drug traffickers." I sat across from him, chin resting in my hands as I tried to digest all of this. <br><br><br> He continued, a monologue of red flags and concerns that made this all the more appetizing. What was I doing? "There will be situations where drugs and alcohol will be expected to fit in. It's a highly male dominated environment and they are not concerned with laws, let alone societal or female preferences. Are you comfortable with that?" <div id="comfort"> <<crossroads #comfort>> <<path $bodies.length gt 10>> "Nate. This wouldn't be the first time I've been in those kinda situations." <<contents>> <br><br> "Nate. This wouldn't be the first time I've been in those kinda situations. <br><br> He nodded, "We know. But I needed to hear it from you." A firm look and my shrug and playful grin made him smile, "Alright, then. Let's [[begin|ACTI010 - Mission Prep]]." <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> "Honestly? I am finding this exciting." <<blocked>> $ isn't risky enough. <<contents>> <br><br> "Honestly? I am finding this exciting." <br><br> He nodded, "We figured so, but I needed to hear it from you." A firm look and I gave a giggle, letting the emotion out and it made him smile, "Alright, then. Let's [[begin|ACTI010 - Mission Prep]]." <<path $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> "I can navigate my way through it. I'll figure it out." <<blocked>> $ isn't confident enough. <<contents>> <br><br> "I can navigate my way through it. I'll figure it out." <br><br> He nodded, "We figured so, but I needed to hear it from you." A firm look and I returned it with a firm nod, "Alright, then. Let's [[begin|ACTI010 - Mission Prep]]." <<path $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> "So...I'll have to...oh. Okay." <<blocked>> $ isn't suggestible and excitable enough. <<contents>> <br><br> "So...I'll have to...oh. Okay." <br><br> His hands spread in a platitude. "I'm not prescribing anything. We're not prescribing anything. Just detailing the situation." <br><br> A firm look and I nodded, "I'll do it. I can do it." <br><br> "Alright, then. Let's [[begin|ACTI010 - Mission Prep]]." <<path>> "I have to be, don't I?" <<contents>> <br><br> "I have to be, don't I?" <br><br> His hands spread in a platitude. "I'm not prescribing anything. We're not prescribing anything. Just detailing the situation." A firm look, I sighed awkwardly and nodded. "Alright, then. Let's [[begin|ACTI010 - Mission Prep]]." <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/ACTI010-Mission-Prep.png">> "You'll remain at the RedDoorz. Sorry." He shrugged and smiled, "But it makes sense for your legend. And you built it yourself, remember. Maybe at some point a shift will make sense. But until then, you've gotta deal with its lovely atmosphere." <br><br> Fuck, that sucked. I thought Bond got to live in the lap of luxury. But I guess I understood his meaning. Didn't want to throw up any flags. <br><br> "You are you. No nickname, no code name. Angelo will be your Case Officer, as I mentioned, and anything we need will be passed through him and anything you need to tell us will be passed through him. If there's //anything// that you are uncomfortable with, it is up to you to bubble that up. He'll do his best to keep you as safe as possible, but if we don't know, we can't help. And we should know everything anyway. The slightest detail might give us the answers we need." <br><br> Everything? They needed to know the details of things that might happen? But I understood that I'd be essentially on my own and needed support in a very disconnected way. <br><br> "You'll be your own operative, and we trust you to choose what to do and how to approach it. We'll be there for suggestions and aid where needed, but there's a reason you're our choice." He smiled, standing. "Good luck." <br><br> <<skillChecked "Fertility">> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $ACTI.oops == true>> "Oh. Uh, awkward might need this?" He pulled a box out of his pocket and handed me the Plan B. How did he know? Fuck this //is// awkward. "Do you want...anything? Just, know." He was awkward, but suggesting I be //on// birth control. <br><br> <div id="BC"> <<crossroads #BC>> <<path>> "Yes. Absolutely." <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br><br> And after some thought, I told him, I decided upon <<listbox "$CC.BC">> <<option "Yaz" "Pill">> <<option "Nexplanon implant" "Implant">> <<option "copper IUD" "IUD">> <<option "Mirena IUD" "mIUD">> <<option "Nuvaring" "Ring">> <</listbox>>. <br><br> "We'll get that squared away for you." <br><br> I smiled and gave an awkward wave. What a way to end this mission prep. I shut the door, [[an agent|HomeBase]] for the US government. <<path>> "No. I'll be fine." <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <br><br> "Oh, uh. Okay. You know yourself well enough." <br><br> I nodded, "Thanks for this, though." Waving the box awkwardly as I smiled. What a way to end this mission prep. I shut the door, [[an agent|HomeBase]] for the US government. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> "Oh. Uh, awkward but we know that you are...not taking birth control. Do you want...anything? Just, know." He was awkward, but suggesting I be //on// birth control. <div id="BC"> <<crossroads #BC>> <<path>> He knew best: "Yes. Absolutely." <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br><br> And after some thought, I told him, I decided upon <<listbox "$CC.BC">> <<option "Yaz" "Pill">> <<option "Nexplanon implant" "Implant">> <<option "copper IUD" "IUD">> <<option "Mirena IUD" "mIUD">> <<option "Nuvaring" "Ring">> <</listbox>>. <br><br><br> "We'll get that squared away for you." <br><br> I smiled and gave an awkward wave. What a way to end this mission prep. I shut the door, [[an agent|HomeBase]] for the US government. <<path>> My hair prickled and I immediately shook my head: "Nope. Been good this far!" <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <br><br> "Oh, uh. Okay. You know yourself well enough." <br><br> I nodded, "Thanks for this, though." Waving the box awkwardly as I smiled. What a way to end this mission prep. I shut the door, [[an agent|HomeBase]] for the US government. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <<else>> I smiled and gave an awkward wave. What a way to end this mission prep. I shut the door, [[an agent|HomeBase]] for the US government. <</if>>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <br><br> Was going across the world too much for us? I'd //just// said goodbye to <<print $>>. I had promised and immediately broken that promise. <br><br> What did that mean for our future? What did that say about me? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. The...differences...between them and what I had just experienced. And there was no way they'd ever know. Especially now. I was going to be half-way around the //world//. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gte 3>> <<set $ = "free">> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <br><br> I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly, and they didn't feel that I was 'the one' either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like. It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <br><br> There's long-distance and then there's //long//-distance. This was the latter. <<else>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? They could //never// find out. <br><br> It was both a relief and scary at how easy it would be to hide it from them...far, far away. <</if>> <</if>>
<img class="image cover" src="img/Blue_Swallow.png"> <br><br> Welcome to Blue Swallow<sup>©</sup>: Adult American Spy Thriller. <br><br> You control the action of our main protagonist, our heroine who has been thrust from a normal life into going undercover to save her family and save her country. <br><br> Who is she? How did she end up in this position? Will she succeed? <br><br> ...What will she have to do to accomplish her mission? <br><br> <<if !settings.hint>> [[You decide|Help]]. <<else>> [[You decide|CC001 - Origin]]. <</if>> <<paperscrap>> ⛔ This is a sexpionage adventure game for adults only. <br><br> If you're under 18, if adult material offends you, or if it's illegal for you to view adult material, ''please''' //leave// <a target="_blank" href="">now</a>. <br><br> //All// sexual content within this game --no matter how you may perceive it being presented --occurs between ''consenting'' persons who are //legally// able to do so. <</paperscrap>>
/* Skill/Trait Limitations - CC & HS. Until Claire leaves HS can we have Skill and Traits max out at 6? [Attractiveness is the only exception here, as it *can* hit 8, in fact] Any skill-up above 6 should give an .xp that would render in Act I as a level-up if qualified (ex: Claire enters Act I with Confident 6 and 6 xp that would level her to 7, I believe.) It'd be great if there was some notification to the player that this 'max out' occurred. Not necessary, though, at this early stage. */ <<set _skipKey = (Config.macros.typeSkipKey)>> <div id="open"> <header> <h1><<type 0.125s>>Prologue<</type>></h1> <h2><<type 0.125s>>The Origin Story<</type>></h2> </header> <<timed 5s t8n>> It's no: "The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. Then the soul-erosion produced by high gambling -- a compost of greed and fear and nervous tension -- becomes unbearable and the senses awake and revolt from it." <br><br> <div id="differentBeginnings"> This story begins... <<link "differently">> <<replace "#differentBeginnings">> <<dialog "Skip Prologue?">> <div class="skipProloguePopup"> Your first choice! <br> New player? We strongly encourage you to play through the Prologue as intended at least once. <br> <div class="skipProloguePopupButtons"> <<button "Continue The Prologue">> <<run"CC001.5 - Shower")>> <<dialogclose>> <</button>> </div> <br> If you prefer a more RPG-style character creation before diving into the Prologue, try this. <br> <div class="skipProloguePopupButtons"> <<button "RPG-Style Prologue">> <<run"CC001 - Origin Quick")>> <<dialogclose>> <</button>> </div> <br> Or, if you'd prefer to take one of our 'pre-generated' Claires and jump right into the action of the spy story... <br> If you skip, we will offer you a couple of preset options for your protagonist, but if you want more control over your character's stats and formative experiences --and understand who she is, why she is, and where she came from -- you should continue with the Prologue. <br> <div class="skipProloguePopupButtons"> <<button "Skip to Act One">> <<run"Skip Prologue - 00")>> <<dialogclose>> <</button>> </div> /* TODO (Fict/Zach) -- Shifted Char Gen I think this becomes three options. Would you like to play: The Prologue as originally designed? (This will feel like a CYOA, where choices will be sometimes obfuscated and unclear. Choices you make will build Claire's stats and abilities. This is designed to be more about the //feel// of her life rather than setting statistics or building a character in the typical RPG fashion.) The Prologue, but more like a typical RPG? (You will have full control over a number of her characteristics before delving into the Prologue where the it will feel more like a CYOA with obfuscated and unclear results from choices that will build her stats and abilities. This will have a discrete 'RPG-style' Stat block in view at all times.) [A variable that will be set to throw up all stats and traits...on the left-hand bar?] Skip the Prologue and use one of our Quick-Start Claires? (You'll dive into the main game which plays like a CYOA, using predefined traits and skills based on types of Claires that have been prepared for you. Get right to the spy action and skip the lifepath that brought her there.) */ </div> <</dialog>> This story begins... <<link "differently">> <<replace "#open" t8n>> <<include "CC001.5 - Shower">> <</replace>> <</link>>. <</replace>> <</link>> </div> <</timed>> /* TODO (Fict/Zach): This needs to be more clear and emphasized. Maybe rather than a hint it can be something informed early on in gameplay and have somewhere else as a standing hint in case they missed it or forgot? */ <div class=""> <<hint>> You can press the <span class="macro-listbox"> _skipKey </span> key on your keyboard in order to skip timed events and animations. <</hint>> </div> </div>
<<shake Infinity 3.6s 0.25>> <<video "img/OriginSex.mp4" "img/OriginSex.png">> <</shake>> <<timed 2s t8n>> <br><br> <div id="his"> He was <<listbox "$">> <<option "hers" 3>> <<option "a big mistake" -3>> <<option "intoxicating" 1>> <</listbox>>. <br><br> Biting his lip, he was focused on staving off the inevitable -- he didn't want to surprise her and disappoint. He drove himself into her, intent on her reactions: Would she be surprised if he...oh... <br><br> It was <<linkexpand "//close//...">> close! <br><br> <<shake 3s>>Thrusting.<</shake>> <br><br> <<link "''Grunting.''">><<replace "#his" t8n>> She was <<hover>> <<listbox "$CC.position">> <<option "riding" 1>> <<option "bent over" -1>> <<option "on her back" 0>> <</listbox>>, <<tipHint>>Nurture: Actions speak loudly to the people taking them. <</hover>>body bouncing from the impact of his hips. <br><br> She could feel his intensity: fire and steel with his impending end. <br><br> <<linkexpand "Shit...">> Shit! <<timed 1s>> <br><br> But she wanted to <<shake 2s>>cum<</shake>>. <br><br> <<next 1s>> His cock shoved her open, making room for what would come. <br><br> <<next 1.25s>> She //gyrated//. <<scrollIntoView>> <br><br> <<next 1.25s>> Panting. Trying to get there. <<scrollIntoView>> <br><br> <<next 1s>> She <<hover>> <<listbox "$">> <<option "was trying for me" 3>> <<option "was too drunk to be careful" -2>> <<option "thought he was wearing protection" -3>> <<option "was trapping him" -1>> <<option "was forgetful this week" 1>> <<option "believed his promise" -2>> <</listbox>>. <<tipHint>>Nurture: And it takes two to tango. <</hover>> <<scrollIntoView>> <br><br> <<next 1s>> <<shake 2.25s>> [[In and out.|CC002 - OriginSex]] <</shake>> <<scrollIntoView>> <</timed>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> <</linkexpand>> <<hint>> Huh? You might be asking yourself, 'What is going on here?' <br><br> Blue Swallow will allow you to make choices that seem a bit...opaque...but they may have long-lasting effects. <br><br> So the choices you see here, while not clearly spelled out, are getting to the core of one of the things that will make your protagonist, Claire, who she is: her parents. <br><br> ''Nurture'': The types of people around our protagonist can certainly affect who she is and the life she leads. None of these choices directly affect her skills and abilities, but will affect her upbringing -- which may have knock-on effects. <</hint>> </div> <</timed>>
<<set $CC.conception = $ + $ + $CC.position>> She pawed at him, squealing from the penetration. <br><br> <<timed 1s>> It hit deeply inside her. <br><br> <<next>> Deep. <br><br> <<next>> Shit. <br><br> <<next 1.5s>> That's //deep//. <br><br> <<next>> <<shake 4s>> <<if $CC.conception gte 3>>[[They made love.|CC003 - Conception]] <<elseif $CC.conception lt -1 && $CC.conception gte -3>>[[They fucked.|CC003 - Conception]] <<elseif $CC.conception lte -4>>[[He railed her.|CC003 - Conception]] <<else>>[[They had sex.|CC003 - Conception]]<</if>> <</shake>> <</timed>>
/* TODO: (Cassie) Add flavor for these sections and $ and $ variables -- patron request */ <<if $CC.conception == -1>> She got off multiple times despite feeling __nothing__ for the man. As he clutched at her, emptying himself inside her, she thought, "Well, at least it was a great fuck." <br><br> She crossed her fingers, too late for anything else. His sperm, though, didn't care much for [[luck|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception == -2>> His average performance had her feeling disappointed as his eyes rolled back in his release. <br><br> Yet before the dissatisfaction could take hold, orgasm exploded within her. His last powerful thrust and the intense feeling of his semen invading her body, thankfully bringing her bliss. <br><br> She spasmed and gasped, his sperm taking full advantage of her [[distraction|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception == -3>> He was off in his own little world. Unable to follow her subtle hints or directions he remained oblivious as he fucked her. <br><br> Uncaring staring off above her, he pounded away mercilessly excited by the moment of taking her. <br><br> She quickly realized that cumming wasn't in the cards for //her//. She relented, simply adjusting to avoid discomfort rather than seek pleasure. <br><br> And then he grabbed her firmly, already nutting. Deeply inside her. //HARD//. He either liked seeing her reaction or just ignored it, enjoying his climax while she waited. She got [[knocked up|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception == 0>> Their bodies smacked against each other, a familiar pattern each of them had learned over the years. This angle, that speed...and...//there//. A contented climax, typical of their lovemaking as she lay there tensed, body trembling slightly. <br><br> He followed soon after. She felt his cock pulsing inside her as their session came to an end. <br><br> It was good. Not especially memorable and she couldn't for the life of her have told you that it was ''this'' encounter that had been [[so decisive|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception == 1>> There was a passion, intensity, and focus on her, she could see the look in his eyes as he thrust excitedly, trying to find that combination that unlocked her. <br><br> She came. <br><br> A crescendo they were both seeking. <br><br> Her head flew back crying out in ecstasy as he gave in to his own desires, quickly thrusting as deep as he could to unleash his seed while she was in the throws. <br><br> Something felt special about those five or so minutes, and soon she knew [[why|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception == 2>> She was overwhelmed. Cumming //again// -- how was that ''possible''? "Chr//ist//!" There was a pleading pitch to her cries now. <br><br> Her hands pressed and pushed, as if she were fighting off death itself, her body screaming at her for some relief from these reliefs. <br><br> He chuckled and smiled proudly as he ignored her, continuing without a second thought, trying to extend her orgasm. <br><br> He was sweaty; she was a sloppy mess. He wondered what would happen first: his muscles giving out or his ability to keep his own orgasm at bay. <br><br> She had lost count. He had lost count, his brain far more occupied with...and there it was. <br><br> She collapsed as he finished. He gave a disappointed shake of his head, unable to keep increasing her count, as his control gave way to the massive load that he'd been edging. <br><br> She laughed as her brain melted. His sperm laughed, too, their incredible numbers gave her [[no chance|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception gte 3>> Her hands stroked his chest, fingers digging into his moistened skin. They weren't in any rush, reveling in the pleasure and the beauty of the other's naked body. <br><br><br> She encouraged him, "That's it, goooood boy." <br><br><br> He shook his head with a bemused smile, but his rhythm didn't stutter. He drove deeply, his crotch crashing into hers as his cock stuffed inside her to the absolute limits of his length. <br><br> She felt the pressure deep inside her at every inward stroke, until the ultimate moment. They pressed tightly against each other, clutching at their tensing muscles and feeling each other reach crescendo. <br><br> A moment where the silence was punctuated only by their ragged breaths. <br><br><br> Meanwhile, ''//I//'' was being [[created|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception lte -1 && $CC.conception gte -3>> Their hormones raged, bodies competing with each other for pleasure. <br><br> It had all happened in a flash. Clothes flew off their bodies, torn off in a flurry to get naked and behave like absolute animals. <br><br> Selfishness reigned supreme: they unabashedly slammed their bodies against one another ignoring any pain, seeking orgasm as quickly as possible. <br><br> An orgasm that brought something besides pleasure [[with it|CC004 - Household]]. <<elseif $CC.conception lt -3>> As he held her still, like a fucktoy, she wondered what had gone wrong. Somewhere the evening had gone from fun to having this guy casually banging her out. <br><br> She felt him unromantically jamming his hard cock inside her without abandon, completely out of tune to anything other than his pleasure. <br><br> She listened to him, "Good girl, //take// that ''cock''." <br><br> He grinned broadly at his conquest, throwing his head back in finality while pressing roughly against her crotch as her pussy brought him to orgasm, his semen spewing thickly inside her. <br><br> Just another disappointment. One that felt incredible for him for half a minute, and had [[long lasting ramifications|CC004 - Household]]. <</if>>
<<set _motherOptions = { 'excited' : 'loved', 'too young' : 'young', 'ready again' : 'family' }>> <<if $ !== "was trying for me" || $ !== "was trapping him">> <<set _motherOptions["who didn't want me"] = 'unwanted'>> <<set _motherOptions['who felt I ruined her life'] = 'hated'>> <</if>> <div id="origin"> How's //that// for an origin story? <br><br> My literal origin. <br><br> Luckily, I don't have ''actual'' knowledge of those...//seminal// moments of my life. <br><br><br> <<timed 1.5s>> Ha. <br><br> <<next>> Okay. <br><br> <<next>> Fine. <br><br><br> <div id="cc004-1"></div> <<next>> <<replace #cc004-1 t8n>> You might think it's too far back or irrelevant, but you'd be surprised how even tiny events or differences I've found to have important repercussions. <br><br> I only have to assume that something from the very beginning, coupled with everything else along the way, brought me to my own spy story. <br><br> And, I'd argue, incredibly relevant that sex starts the story, right? <br><br><br> La petite mort <<link "du petit">> <<replace "#origin" t8n>> <<scrollIntoView>> So there I was. <br> /* IMAGE (Needed): It's a Girl balloons! */ <br><br><br> Inside a woman <<listbox '$CC.mother' autoselect>><<optionsfrom _motherOptions>><</listbox>> to be my mother. <br><br> Created by a man, my <<listbox "$CC.father" autoselect>> father. <<option "prick" "abusive">> <<option "loving and attentive" "loving">> <<option "unknown" "gone">> <<option "...present" "absent">> <</listbox>>. <br><br><br><br> And...that's who made [[me|CC005 - Who]]. <br><br><br><br> <</replace>> <</link>> Le Carré. <<scrollIntoView>> <</replace>> <</timed>> </div>
<<set $CC.month = ["JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AUG","SEP","OCT","NOV","DEC"].random()>> <<set $ = random(1,29)>> <<set $CC.year = 2004>> <div id="who"> <<set _Opening = [ "hard to follow", "exciting", "unrealistic" ]>> <<done>> <<run $('#cycle-opening').click( ()=>{ $('#opening').empty().wiki('$CC.opening'); })>> <</done>> <<set _skinOpts = ["black", "golden", "fair", "olive", "white"]>> <<set _ethnOpts = setup.ethnicityOpts[$]>> <<set _spyOpts = [ "Evelyn Salt", "Sydney Bristow", "Kim Possible" ]>> <<set _choiceThatDoesNotMatter = "words">> <<set _choicesMatterOptions = [ "words", "phrase", "sentence" ]>> <<set _parentsOptions = {}>> <<if $CC.mother == "loved">> <<set _parentsOptions['the two of them, before he left'] = 'separated'>> <<if $CC.father !== "gone">> <<set _parentsOptions['Mom'] = 'together'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.father !== "loving">> <<set _parentsOptions['the two of them, though I wish it was just her'] = 'hurt'>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.mother == "young">> <<set _parentsOptions["Mom. She was between guys"] = 'separated'>> <<if $CC.father !== "gone">> <<set _parentsOptions["my parents"] = 'together'>> <<set _parentsOptions["Mom and Dad, though I wish it was just her"] = 'hurt'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.father !== "loving">> <<set _parentsOptions["Mom, before she put me up for adoption"] = "adopted">> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.mother == "unwanted">> <<set _parentsOptions = { "my parents, but my arrival ended them" : 'separated', "by her and that angry person that was my Dad" : 'hurt' }>> <<if $CC.father !== "gone">> <<set _parentsOptions["the two of them, hand in hand"] = 'together'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.father !== "loving">> <<set _parentsOptions["my parents, but I don't remember them at all"] = "adopted">> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.mother == "hated">> <<set _parentsOptions = { 'by my biologicals, but soon she was gone' : 'separated', }>> <<if $CC.father !== "gone">> <<set _parentsOptions['my parents, trying to ignore me in the backseat'] = 'together'>> <<set _parentsOptions['Mom and Dad, probably wishing they could dispose of me'] = 'hurt'>> <<if $CC.father !== "loving">> <<set _parentsOptions['my parents, for the hot second before they shipped me off'] = 'adopted'>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.mother == "family">> <<set _parentsOptions = { 'Mom, bringing another family member home' : 'separated', 'Mom and Dad, excited to expand their family further' : 'together' }>> <<if $CC.father == "loving">> <<set _parentsOptions['with Mom driving and Dad cooing over me'] = 'together'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.father == "abusive">> <<set _parentsOptions["Dad driving, Mom cooing over me protectively"] = 'hurt'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.father !== "loving" && $CC.father !== "gone">> <<set _parentsOptions['Mom, cradling me, far happier for my arrival than Dad'] = 'together'>> <</if>> <</if>> <div id="birth-certificate" class="paper-form"> <h1>Birth certificate</h1> <fieldset> <label>Name: <<textbox "$" "Claire">></label> <label>Family name: <<textbox "$CC.surname" "Campbell">></label> <label>Date of birth: <input class="redacted" readonly value="" /></label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Parents:</legend> <label>Father: <input readonly class="redacted" value="" /></label> <label>Mother: <input readonly class="redacted" value="" /></label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Details:</legend> <label>Weight: <input readonly value="7 lb 2 oz" /></label> <label>Height: <input readonly value='19.4 inches' /></label> <label>Skin: <<listbox "$" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _skinOpts>><</listbox>></label> <<include ethnicitySelector>> </fieldset> <fieldset style="display: block"> <legend>Additional notes:</legend> 10/10 Apgar score. Important to note <span class="redacted">Ha, nice try!. You thought you can find it out by inspecting the code? Not so quick!</span>. <br> ------ <br> <br> </fieldset> </div> <br><br> <<timed 1s t8n>> <<dialogHint "Choices Matter" 'popup'>> This choice and other early moments, rather than links or drop-downs, are cycled. <br><br> Wherever you see: <span class="macro-cycle"></span>, click on the <<cycle "_choiceThatDoesNotMatter" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _choicesMatterOptions>><</cycle>> until you are happy with the result, which will affect Claire's personality. <br><br> Some of choices will be embedded in story elements. Like here - MC's __name__ and __family__ __name__ on her birth certificate. <</dialogHint>> <</timed>> That's me! <br><br> The <<cycle "$CC.spy" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _spyOpts>><</cycle>> of the real world. Maybe, just like Bond was modeled after Fleming's experiences, there will be some famous spy created from my adventures. Before we could just dive in, though, we have to understand who I was. Why I was. Jason Bourne, Jack Ryan, Nikita, Hanna, Natasha Romanova and Yelena Belova, even Severus Snape -- but especially Alec Leamas -- were who they were because of their origin stories. __Stories__. <br><br> I had always found the whole spy thing <<cycle "$CC.opening" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _Opening>><</cycle>>. Wheels within wheels, double crosses, world-threatening crises...but those things didn't really happen...right? <br><br> Well. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't happening now would we? All those movies, all those books, hinted at what was //really// happening. What ''I'' would be a part of. So much for fantasy, so much for<<linkexpand "...">> so much for <span id='opening'>$CC.opening</span>. <br><br> <<hint>> This selection, for example, can affect Claire's ''Stability'', ''Sophistication'', and ''Suggestibility''. These are some of the Traits that define her personality. Traits and Skills will be affected by most of the choices you make for her throughout the game. <br><br> During the Prologue, Skills and Traits will have a hard cap. That means that in each phase prior to Act I and the main game, they will not be able to increase beyond certain levels. <br><br> Choices that would increase them past the cap will be remembered as 'xp', so the choices are not entirely worthless, but have less of an effect on her final stats. <</hint>> <br> I was driven from the hospital to my childhood home<br> in <<listbox "$CC.hometown" autoselect>> <<option "Los Angeles, California" "LA">> <<option "New York, New York" "NY">> <<option "Birmingham, Alabama" "AL">> <<option "Seattle, Washington" "WA">> <<option "a small town, nowhere of note" "NO">> <</listbox>> by <<listbox "$CC.parents" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _parentsOptions>><</listbox>>. <br><br><br> And inside that <<link "home">><<replace "#who" t8n>> <<if $CC.opening == "unrealistic">><<Stats Stable ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.opening == "exciting">><<Stats Suggestible ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.opening == "hard to follow">><<Stats Sophisticated -->><</if>> Well. <br><br> That's where this //agent// -- I can't stop laughing when I say that -- <<link "grew up">><<replace "#who" t8n>> <<set _rents = false>> <<if $CC.parents == "together" || $CC.parents == "hurt">> <<set $ = 1>> <<set $ = 1>> <<set _rents = true>> <<elseif $CC.parents == "adopted">> <<set $ = 0>> <<set $ = 0>> <<set _rents = true>> <<elseif $CC.parents == "separated" && $CC.mother == "hated">> <<set $ = 0>> <<set $ = 1>> <<set _rents = true>> <</if>> <<if _rents == false>> <<set $ = 1>> <<set $ = 0>> <<if $CC.father == "gone">> <<set $ = 2>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 0>> <<set $CC.MName = "Emily">> <<else>> <<set $CC.MName = "Elle">> <</if>> <<if $ == 0>> <<set $CC.DName = "Arvin">> <<set $CC.EDName = "Jake">> <<else>> <<set $CC.DName = "Jake">> <</if>> <<if $CC.mother == "loved">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Hey hun."<</speech>> The requisite kiss on the forehead. It was warm and I certainly was doted upon. <<speech "$CC.DName">>"Mom left you a note before she left."<</speech>> It sucked when she was gone, but I did love the reason for the notes. Growing up felt complete. <br><br> I honestly can't complain. Or, really, [[shouldn't|CC006 - Homelife]]. <<elseif $CC.mother == "young">> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"No she's my //daughter//."<</speech>> An eyeroll, a quick pull away from whatever guy (or nosey woman) was asking. It was a conversation that happened more often than not. It was a struggle. <br><br> Some times I had to be the adult, long before I should have. We were close enough in age anyway, sometimes I had to parent. <br><br> But honestly, I wouldn't be who I am today without [[the journey|CC006 - Homelife]], right? <<elseif $CC.mother == "unwanted">> <br> <<speech "$CC.DName">>"Watching those old things again?"<</speech>> He ruffled my hair. <<if $ == "gone">>My uncle was in a digitization phase<<else>>Dad was in a digitization phase<</if>> and they served as a touchstone with the part of home that felt missing. <br><br> Seeing the look on her face, you could tell energy between them <<if $ == "gone">>-- the two people I never knew, together, apart...<</if>>was fucking ebullient. <br><br> <<print $CC.DName>> was bringing me over to her. Her hands shoved back:<<speech "Elle">>"I don't want her."<</speech>> The words cut like a knife. Indelible on the home video before she took her exit... <br><br> But I'm here, for better or worse, and still have [[to keep going|CC006 - Homelife]]. <<elseif $CC.mother == "hated">> <br> A door slammed. It wasn't mine. Mine was closed. A barricade against the inevitable onslaught. <br><br> The fact that I'm here today is an absolute miracle. <br><br> It was a battlefield every day, muffled yells. Thrown toys. Maybe it wasn't because of me, but it felt like it was. <br><br> In some ways, now, I'm thankful for it, because that home gave me bearings on [[the world|CC006 - Homelife]], especially the life I found myself in. <<elseif $CC.mother == "family">> <br> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Get over here for the picture!"<</speech>> There'd be many. Someone was blinking. Someone was hitting someone else. Someone had been forgotten. It was raucous and lively, that's for sure. <br><br> It felt wonderful to have the companionship and love, but that also meant that attention and care was spread thin. I -- all of us -- were kind of just another 'number,' not so much any 'special addition' to the brood. A brood where I was <<listbox "$" autoselect>>. <<option "surrounded by testosterone" "brothers">> <<option "crammed in between girls and boys" "both">> <<option "adding to the estrogen" "sisters">> <</listbox>> <br><br> But it made for interesting [[times|CC006 - Homelife]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>?<</linkexpand>> </div>
/* Cassie (TODO): Rework these passages. Improve this writing! */ <<image framed "passage/CC006-Homelife.png">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Need to do something about this image, given the variation of parentage - No stable diffusion*/ <<if $CC.spy == "Evelyn Salt">> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<elseif $CC.spy == "Kim Possible">> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.parents == "together">> <<if ["unwanted", "hated"].includes($CC.mother)>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 0>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> While I was ''there'', I quickly learned to be invisible. <br><br> And that had its advantages. You want alone time? Easy. You want to go out? They weren't calling your ass wondering when you were getting home. <br><br> It was nice to see them together. <br><br> In its own weird way, that was a healthy and <<linkexpand "good model for me.">>good model for me. <br><br><br> I saw other homes and…well at least I was fed, clothed, and they were dependable. Even if it took me asking sometimes. <br><br> When Mom traveled for work -- and <<print $CC.MName>> did it a lot -- I actually had a great time. <br><br> It afforded me time that was just me and, <<print $CC.DName>>, Dad. It was different and nice. <br><br> Sure, there was a sense of a vacancy waiting to be filled, but we were compatriots holding down the fort in the meantime. <br><br><br> That's how we [[lived|CC007 - HomeVign1]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 1>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> It's weird to think I had the 'idealized' family. <br><br> To me, family isn't some black-and-white thing, but compared to the representations nowadays of alternative families...blended or fractured or...whatever...I guess mine was pretty normal. <br><br> My sandwiches were cut corner to corner -- the best way. I had support in the bleachers and someone to pick me up after school. <<if $ !== 0>>And <<print $CC.MName>> made the effort to ensure that she was filling the extra void.<<else>><<print $CC.EDName>>, my real dad, showed up and on-time when it was his turn.<</if>> <br><br> But on the other hand, it was stifling from time to time. Having people around you all the time had its pros and cons. All the same, it was comfy. It was warm. Thinking of my family, for all its foibles, makes me <<linkexpand "smile.">>smile. <br><br><br> Thank <<if $CC.freetime == "church">>God<<else>>god<</if>> for stability. <br><br> When Mom traveled, it was an interesting time -- and <<print $CC.MName>> did it a lot. <br><br> Her being away so much gave me some moments where it was just me <<if $ == 2>>figuring out things on my own<<else>>and <<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. It was different and nice. <br><br> Sure, there was a sense of a vacancy we were both waiting to be filled, but we were compatriots holding down the fort. <br><br><br> That's how we [[lived|CC007 - HomeVign1]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<elseif $CC.parents == "adopted">> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 1>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<print $CC.DName>> and <<print $CC.MName>>. They weren't my parents. Biologically. And you can feel that, don't know how. Maybe it's at a genetic level of knowing? <<listbox "$CC.adoptive">> <<option "My grandparents" "grandparents">> <<option "My uncle" "uncle">> <<option "The foster system" "foster">> <</listbox>> took care of me well enough. <br><br> It was all I knew, so I can't say whether it was 'normal' or the same feeling of 'home' as anyone else has. <br><br> And it definitely was something whispered just out of earshot. I got glances, suspicion -- curiosity. And pity. <br><br> Yet, here I am! Funny how it all shakes out in the wash, <<linkexpand "eh?">>eh? <br><br><br> The topic of ''them''. Elle and <<print $CC.EDName>>. <br><br> The 'others'...they were never directly discussed -- my actual, genetic parents -- came up from time to time, especially when I was younger and had heard kids in the schoolyard making fun of me for not having a 'real' mom or dad. But when they were discussed, they never explained the __why__ of where they were. Of why they weren't there for me anymore. <br><br> With a bit of a sigh and a bevvy of carefully planned responses, they talked to be about my situation obliquely. I could tell it hurt them to bring it up and I learned to avoid the conversation. <br><br> They only really talked about -- and blamed -- my Dad, Jake. I never understood why, but there was deep emotional vitriol for the man. As for Elle, my mom? They skirted the topic altogether. <br><br><br> That's how we [[lived|CC007 - HomeVign1]]. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $CC.parents == "hurt">> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 0>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> Look. I don't want to talk about it. <br><br> It wasn't forever. Clearly. It was home. <br><br> Now it's not. Rearview mirror and whatnot. <br><br> Let's move on. <<linkexpand "Nothing to see here.">>Nothing to see here. <br><br><br> Why? <br><br> Well, when <<print $CC.MName>> gallivants to the ends of the Earth. Your mom just a perpetual motion machine and you're left to deal with everything else, including //Dad// all by yourself? <<print $CC.DName>>, problematic as he least he was there and straightforward. <br><br> Right, you don't understand. When we're on equal footing, //then// we can have a frank conversation. How about that. <br><br><br> That's how we...I...[[lived|CC007 - HomeVign1]]. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $CC.parents == "separated">> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<if $CC.mother == "hated">> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 0>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<print $CC.DName>> took care of me as best he could. <br><br> There was a look in his eye of "I'm sorry, <<print $>>." <br><br> Maybe I'm creating that. Who knows what was going on in his head. It's weird, but in a way, I think we both can thank Mom, dear old Elle bouncing so early in my life as being the cause for us forming that bond. <br><br> Ultimately, I love him and he certainly loved me -- he loved a lot of women in his life. <br><br> Would I have wanted it another way? I don't know. Whatever damage she caused, whatever he or I lost out on because of her, I can only imagine how much worse it would have been if she <<linkexpand "had been there.">>had been there. <br><br><br> I asked about her. <br><br> Once. <br><br> And all I could register was pain. A deep-seated reason why there was no answer. Not a word. <br><br> He knew, but he didn't want me to know. Maybe he was protecting me from what he was feeling or something else. Silence is insidious that way. <br><br><br> That's how we [[lived|CC007 - HomeVign1]]. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $CC.mother == "young">> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 1>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> I'm not going to try and explain why my Mom, Elle, was the way she was. <br><br> Other parents and people in my life certainly tried to tell me who she was and I'll leave them to their opinions. <br><br> I can say she and I had a fun and interesting household. We bonded in ways that only could have happened because she wasn't really that much older than me. Not quite a generation gap. We weren't that different. <br><br> As far as the other half of my genetic code...When someone mentions "dad", it isn't the guy that //made// me -- Jake. <br><br> There are a few different 'dads' that pop into my mind. The guys that were more constant in my life than he ever was. <br><br> In some ways having non-Dads was super cool, because there wasn't some father-daughter complex or any over-protectiveness. They were just dudes hooking up with my Mom. I came with that package. <br><br> And overall, she <<linkexpand "seemed happy.">>seemed happy. <br><br><br> The only time I saw a crack in that facade was when she returned from a junket. Every single time, and she traveled a //ton//. I never really knew where she went and I knew not to ask, she was haggard enough. <br><br> There was a hardness to her. She was off somewhere else and trying to reacclimate to being a mother. I couldn't help but take it personally. That she didn't want me. <br><br> But eventually, there was a shift in her eyes. And she'd relax back into being here, at home, with me. And I was reassured. <br><br><br> That's how we [[lived|CC007 - HomeVign1]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 1>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> It was mostly, <<print $CC.MName>>'s world, Mom's world and we were living in it. <br><br> She was the one who decided when <<if $ == 2>>I got to do anything, hang out with //anyone// -- whether it was weekends; this week or //that// week; this break or that month<<else>><<print $CC.DName>>, Dad, got time with me -- whether it was weekends; this week or //that// week; this break or that month<</if>> -- consistency be damned. She was in charge. <br><br> At times, it felt like badminton and I was the shuttlecock. She served me to someone else's court when I wasn't wanted. <br><br> No, not tennis. I wasn't flying at crazy speeds, I was more... <<linkexpand "on the float.">> on the float. <br><br><br> But with that lack of consistency, I learned to rely on myself and no one else. Thank god. <br><br> She took care of me in her own way, and I made it this far, thanks to her or thanks to myself. I made it. <br><br><br> That's how we [[lived|CC007 - HomeVign1]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/CC007-HomeVign1.png">> My early years. What to say about them. About <<print $CC.DName>> and <<print $CC.MName>> during those years of nurture over nature... <br><br> Well, there was one moment that comes to mind. <br><br><br> I had grabbed all my dolls -- <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">>Ken and Barbie had to have alone time...with me.<<else>>it was alone time for Barbie and Barbie or Barbie and Ken...<</if>> We'd 'all' gone down into the basement. I wasn't allowed down there. It was dark, it was dingy. It definitely wasn't //safe//. <br><br> I don't know why I wanted to be down there. Not exactly an ideal playground. <br><br><br> Dark, but the dark didn't scare me. An unfinished basement, more of a storage room, but the dirt didn't bother me. <br><br> Sitting on the bare concrete, I didn't hear their frenzied steps above me, the ceiling creaking while the thumping made its way to the stairs. I was deeply ensconced in some scenario, ringleader amongst all the little plastic characters. <br><br> Despite being unaware, I vividly remember the ''instant'' fear when the basement door swung open. I can still feel the hair raising on the back of my neck. <br><br> Immediately, panic set in. I was going to be caught. I grasped my little friends and pulled myself tight in behind the water heater. Thankfully it wasn't winter, my back would have been scalded. <<if $ !== 0>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"<<print $>>?" There was an edge to her voice. "This isn't funny, girlie." Mom had a short fuse right after getting back from a trip. <</speech>> <<else>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"<<print $>>! <<print $>>?!"<</speech>> It was <<print $CC.DName>>. Daddy could be a little short-tempered when Mom had just come back from a trip. <<speech $CC.DName>>"This isn't funny, girlie."<</speech>> <</if>> I <<linkexpand "held my breath.">> held my breath. <br><br><br> Pressed up against the metal, I carefully peered around it, watching <<if $ !== 0>>her<<else>>their<</if>> feet descend the staircase. <br><br> Each footfall was louder, approaching, making my heart race. I didn't move. <br><br> <<if $ !== 0>><<print $CC.MName>> was gliding down the stairs, on the hunt, <<else>><<print $CC.MName>> followed shortly behind Dad,<</if>> intense and careful. That was Mom. I could tell it was her from <<linkexpand "her pace.">> her pace. Frozen, I listened from my hiding place as the search took place, frustrated comments and grunts. Boxes being pushed aside. <br><br> Feeling the tension each time a shadow passed by my hiding spot, certain I would be discovered. Luckily, <<if $ == 0>>she<<else>>they<</if>> didn't find me. <br><br> They never gave the water heater more than a cursory glance. I held my breath, hearing them ascend the stairs to continue their search elsewhere. <br><br> Carefully, I counted out five minutes, gathered my friends -- some now slick with palm sweat -- and crept my way back up. <br><br><br> I was on the floor of the living room, dirty feet tucked underneath me when they found me. I had //appeared// back upstairs -- <<speech $CC.MName>>"Oh! Where were you?"<</speech>> I couldn't help the wry little grin, enjoying the bewilderment. <<speech $CC.MName>>"You sure you weren't in the basement playing?"<</speech>> I made sure my dirty feet were tucked carefully underneath me. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No, I'm not allowed."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Why did this stick with me? It wasn't getting away with it. It wasn't the hiding spot or the newfound freedom to play in the basement. <br><br> It a singular moment. <<if $ == 0>> The search had begun. <<print $CC.MName>> was mere feet away from me. Her awareness was always insanely acute -- I was certain I was about to be punished. She was making a slow turn, assessing her surroundings...and then she threw her arms up in defeat. She stomped back up the stairs, muttering, <<speech $CC.MName>>"Well, I guess I know where she got this disappearing act from. I guess I should get used to it."<</speech>> <<else>> The search had begun. <<print $CC.DName>> was tossing boxes around. But <<print $CC.MName>> was mere feet away from me. Her awareness was always insanely acute -- I was certain I was about to be punished. She was making a slow turn, assessing her surroundings...And <<print $CC.DName>> threw his arms up in defeat, <<speech $CC.DName>>"Well, I think we know where she got this disappearing act from. I guess we should get used to it."<</speech>> <br><br> She never felt like she was attacked. They stomped up the stairs in silence. <</if>> What did that <<linkexpand "mean?">> mean? <br><br><br> I didn't know at the time. Still, there was some part of me knew that it //mattered//. <br><br> Where did I get my ability to hide from? My disappearing act -- my violation into places I shouldn't have been...A kinship and something earned from someone else... <br><br> From Elle. <br><br><br> That would come to roost later. I'd only come to grapple with it once I was mature. Once I was done growing and learning the hard way that not everything I experienced was 'normal'. I had to meet other kids, see other families. I had to get through [[school|CC009 - School]]. <br><br><br> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<set _wealthOptions = { "My family had more than enough money for me to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted." : 5, "We had more than most, which meant very few doors were closed to me." : 4, "We were solidly middle-class, but they did what they could to afford me opportunities." : 3, "Despite knowing we didn't have much, they did what they could for me." : 2, "They went without so that I could have something." : 1, "It required begging, but somehow, they made sure I could do what I wanted." : 0 }>> <<set _imgPathTmp = 'passage/' + $CC.hometown + '.png'>> <<image framed _imgPathTmp>> <<if $CC.hometown == "NO">> <<set $CC.hometownName = [ "Beaufort, South Carolina", "Whitefish, Montana", "Hood River, Oregon", "Berlin, Maryland", "Sitka, Alaska", "Sedona, Arizona", "Montpelier, Vermont", "Telluride, Colorado", "Moab, Utah", "Oxford, Mississippi" ].random()>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <p> Growing up in that little backwater was like having a large family. No one left, generation after generation, so the community was tight-knit which in some ways was nice. </p> <p> There wasn't much 'new' or 'exciting,' though, so only the slightest of nudges to the needle felt like a massive upheaval. A new store. An invasion by a wild pack of trash pandas (raccoons) that were terrorizing local dumpsters. </p> <p> There really wasn't <<linkexpand "shit to do">>shit to do. <<replace "#choices" t8n>> <br> <<listbox "$CC.wealth" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _wealthOptions>><</listbox>> <p> I planned to skee-daddle out of butt-fucking Egypt, but until then, I kept sane by: </p> <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "barn"]]>> <<hover>> ...hanging out, partying in fields and barns.<br> <<tip>> A more 'rural' kind of partygirl. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "home"]]>> <<hover>> ...sticking around home, alone or with friends.<br> <<tip>> The girl who doesn't get out a lot. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "vandal"]]>> <<hover>> ...speeding around town, causing mischief.<br> <<tip>> The girl who prefers excitement and craziness. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "helper"]]>> <<hover>> ...helping out with home projects or at neighbors farms.<br> <<tip>> The good girl who's everyone's favorite in the neighborhood. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "church"]]>> <<hover>> ...focusing on local church and its groups.<br> <<tip>> The religious, self-respecting girl. <</hover>> <</crossroads>> <p> And I was glad to have them. Kept me occupied and //relatively// out of trouble. Right? </p> <p> Because otherwise -- I'm not looking to just open the floodgates about why I am who I am, Oh the trauma, blah, blah...this isn't therapy -- most of my time was spent at school </p> <<hint>> Choices like these above guide later options for her life. We'll see moments and vignettes from this part of her life later on in our Prologue. <</hint>> <</replace>> <</linkexpand>>. </p> <<else>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<if $CC.hometown == "LA">> <<set $CC.hometownName = "Los Angeles, California">> <<elseif $CC.hometown == "NY">> <<set $CC.hometownName ="New York, New York">> <<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">> <<set $CC.hometownName = "Birmingham, Alabama">> <<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">> <<set $CC.hometownName = "Seattle, Washington">> <</if>> <p> Growing up in a city was insane! </p> <p> Stimulation was __everywhere__ -- there was <<linkexpand "shit to do">>shit to do. <<replace "#choices" t8n>> <br> <<listbox "$CC.wealth" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _wealthOptions>><</listbox>> <p> Yet, coming with all of the excitement and opportunity, there was an ever-present danger that kept you looking over your shoulder. </p> <p> There were times when shit got so bad you wished for a simpler life. </p> <br> <p> It felt chaotic, for sure, but you found people to connect with and bond. My assembled crew: </p> <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "partier"]]>> <<hover>> ...hopped from home to home, or whatever space we could find to have some fun.<br> <<tip>> The school partygirl. Hitting up house parties and throwing her own. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "home"]]>> <<hover>> ...always were over at my place, watching some movies or playing some games.<br> <<tip>> The girl who doesn't get out a lot. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "gang"]]>> <<hover>> ...were, well, a gang. We tagged shit, we did some stupid stuff, but we could hold our own.<br> <<tip>> The girl who runs in the 'wrong' crowd. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "volunteer"]]>> <<hover>> ...were a community I built doing volunteer work. Kind and warm.<br> <<tip>> The girl who seeks extra-credit and/or is just selfless. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "sporty"]]>> <<hover>> ...were my team. Exerting ourselves together, winning or losing, always keeps you tight.<br> <<tip>> The girl who was always in sports. <</hover>> <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "beach"]] $CC.hometown is "LA">> <<hover>> ...were on the beach! Sand between my toes, sun bronzing my skin, the salty air, it was all fun to me.<br> <<tip>> The girl who was always at the beach. <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ isn't from Los Angeles. <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "club"]] $CC.hometown is "NY">> <<hover>> ...were a fluid group. But we all had our contacts, or a fake ID, anything to get into a hot spot, club, bar, or pop-up.<br> <<tip>> The partygirl who had a fake ID to get into places before she shoulda. <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ isn't from New York. <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "tailgate"]] $CC.hometown is "AL">> <<hover>> ...tailgated with me. On a flatbed or fold-out chair for the next Auburn game.<br> <<tip>> The girl who loves her local sporting team! <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ isn't from Alabama <<path [[CC015 - Clique][$CC.freetime = "outdoors"]] $CC.hometown is "WA">> <<hover>> ...were down to strap on some boots and a pack and get our trek on. When it wasn't raining, and sometimes when it was, we were on a trail or camping or climbing.<br> <<tip>> The girl who gets out, but to enjoy nature and a nice getaway. <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ isn't from Seattle. <</crossroads>> <p> And I was glad to have them. Kept me occupied and //relatively// out of trouble. Right? </p> <p> Because otherwise -- I'm not looking to just open the floodgates about why I am who I am, Oh the trauma, blah, blah...this isn't therapy -- most of my time was spent at school </p> <<hint>> Choices like these above guide later options for her life. We'll see moments and vignettes from this part of her life later on in our Prologue. <</hint>> <</replace>> <</linkexpand>>. </p> <</if>> /* Cassie: Why is this here? Shouldn't it be around the choices stuff in the passage? */ /* Fict: The div is free! It has no rules, it can be anywhere. We typically wrap it around where its being used to erase the old content on click. */ /* But in this example we are adding to this empty div here with content whenever the user clicks on that replace! */ <div id="choices"></div>
<<image framed "passage/CC009-School.png">> <<set _hairOpts = {}>> <<set _hairOpts['blonde'] = 'blonde'>> <<set _hairOpts['brunette'] = 'brown'>> <<set _hairOpts['redhead'] = 'red'>> <<set _hairOpts['raven-haired'] = 'black'>> <<set _styleOpts = ["straight", "curly", "wavy"]>> <<set _eyesOpts = ["blue", "brown", "green", "hazel", "gray"]>> There I was, my first day of school, a tangle of <<listbox "$" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _styleOpts>><</listbox>> <<listbox "$" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _hairOpts>><</listbox>> hair with wide <<listbox "$Body.eyes" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _eyesOpts>><</listbox>> eyes, barely able to contain my <<cycle "$CC.firstDay">> <<option "fear">> <<option "excitement">> <<option "confusion">> <</cycle>>. <br> <<hint>> Now that we're getting deep into character creation, we're only going to give a last hint or two. <br><br> Some choices affect who she is OR stats and skills, like here: either being more excitable or less confident / stable. <br><br> Soon, you're on your own! <</hint>> <br> Wiping those emotional tears from my cheeks, I made my way into the classroom -- from what I've been told -- from the first moments I was ''enamored'' by <<listbox "$CC.schoolinterest">> <<option "boys" "boys">> <<option "my teachers" "power">> <<option "learning" "new">> <<option "other students" "people">> <<option "nothing" "free">> <<option "recess" "active">> <<option "books" "books">> <<option "trouble" "trouble">> <</listbox>>! <br> <<hint>>We're starting to get into her thoughts and feelings. What excites her the most? This will directly affect her stats as well as unlock certain paths and interests she has later in life: potential sexual partners, activities she could participate in, AND, potentially, who she runs with in High School.<</hint>> <br> <br><br><br> And it's where I made my <<linkexpand "first friend.">> first friend, a <<cycle "$CC.FFsex">> <<option "boy" "M">> <<option "girl" "F">> <</cycle>>, named <span class="inline-text-input"><<textbox "$CC.FFName" "Taylor">></span>. <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> We were [[inseparable|CC010 - Youth]]. <</linkexpand>>
/* TODO: (Cassie) Assuming this is all supposed to be comparing to $ Updating the else statements from $CC.Fskin to $ */ <<if $ == "alabaster">> <<set $CC.MSkin = either("white", "golden", "fair")>> <<set $CC.FSkin = either("white", "golden", "fair")>> <<elseif $ == "ebony">> <<set $CC.MSkin = either("black", "golden")>> <<set $CC.FSkin = either("black", "golden")>> <<elseif $ == "fair">> <<set $CC.MSkin = either("white", "golden", "fair", "olive")>> <<set $CC.FSkin = either("white", "golden", "fair", "olive")>> <<else>> <<set $CC.MSkin = either("white", "golden", "fair", "olive")>> <<set $CC.FSkin = either("white", "golden", "fair", "olive")>> <</if>> <<if $Body.eyes == "blue">> <<set $CC.Meyes = either("blue", "hazel", "green", "gray")>> <<set $CC.Feyes = either("blue", "hazel", "green", "gray")>> <<elseif $Body.eyes == "green">> <<set $CC.Meyes = either("blue", "hazel", "green", "brown")>> <<set $CC.Feyes = either("blue", "hazel", "green", "brown")>> <<elseif $Body.eyes == "brown">> <<set $CC.Meyes = either("brown", "hazel", "green")>> <<set $CC.Feyes = either("brown", "hazel", "green")>> <<elseif $Body.eyes == "gray">> <<set $CC.Meyes = either("blue", "gray", "green")>> <<set $CC.Feyes = either("blue", "gray", "green")>> <<elseif $Body.eyes == "hazel">> <<set $CC.Meyes = either("blue", "hazel", "green", "brown")>> <<set $CC.Feyes = either("blue", "hazel", "green", "brown")>> <</if>> <<if $ == "wavy">> <<set $CC.FhairStyle = either("wavy", "curly", "straight")>> <<elseif $ == "straight">> <<set $CC.FhairStyle = either("wavy", "straight")>> <<elseif $ == "curly">> <<set $CC.FhairStyle = either("wavy", "curly")>> <</if>> <<if $CC.FFsex == "M">><<set $People['CC'].M.rel ++>><<else>><<set $People['CC'].F.rel ++>><</if>> <<image framed "passage/CC010-Youth.png">> <<if $CC.wealth == 2>> <<Stats Social -->> <<elseif $CC.wealth lt 2>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<elseif $CC.wealth == 4>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<elseif $CC.wealth gt 4>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <<set _activityOptions = { 'at the library, nestled in a corner with a book' : 'read', 'nothing. Surprisingly, I was allowed to roam wild' : 'none', 'sent to the park to play outside with the neighborhood kids.' : 'play', }>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 2>> <<set _activityOptions["dancing, focusing on posture and exactness -- and the occasional recital"] = 'dance'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 2>> <<set _activityOptions["plunking at the ivories, working on scales and intervals -- and the occasional recital"] = 'piano'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> <<set _activityOptions["gymnastics, learning how to tumble, vault -- straining the limits of flexibility and strength"] = 'gym'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.firstDay == "fear">> <<Stats Confident -->> There was something about the day-to-day that kept me <<linkexpand "on edge.">>on edge. <br><br> The upcoming test -- heck, the pop quiz I was always sure was about to happen. The other kids. Life decisions -- it always felt like I was making decisions for a future me that I didn't know. <br><br> So...that was my experience. A little bit of dread, a sprinkle of playing sick, and a pinch of opting out when I could. <br><br> Did it make things easier? Not on my adrenal glands, that's for sure. <<include "CC010 - Youth (shared)">> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $CC.firstDay == "excitement">> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> I <<linkexpand "loved school.">>loved school. <br><br> Being scheduled was annoying. Whatever class I was supposed to be in played second-fiddle to what I really wanted to be doing: people to talk to, things to try, and experiences to be had. I hardly wanted to leave. <br><br> A couple times, they had to literally drag me off the premises. <br><br> No one understood why I was so passionate about school (and good, cuz it wasn't //school//), but then again no one really asked either. <br><br> It was more of those confused looks or "who is this chick" kind of reactions. Meh. <<include "CC010 - Youth (shared)">> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $CC.firstDay == "confusion">> <<Stats Learning -->> I never really understood school. There was <<linkexpand "too much going on.">>too much going on. Everything felt like it was competing for my time and attention. Too many things at odds with each other. It was overwhelming. <br><br><br> Other kids gobbled classwork and the social interactions up. I was far more comfortable in my silo with my set group, set plan, set schedule. <br><br> Consistency made it all easier for me. <<include "CC010 - Youth (shared)">> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<br><br><br> <<linkexpand "School itself?">> School itself? <br><br> <<if $CC.schoolinterest == "boys">> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> I had a crush on one kid, Petey, almost instantly. I never understood why girls and boys kept mentioning 'cooties' and the opposite sex in the same breath. Whatever, they eventually learned. I was ahead of the curve. But in the meantime, being into guys at such an early age came with a lot of chaff. <br><br> Name calling. Things written on textbooks and lockers -- One time lipstick was used: "For a good time call <<print $>>" on the girl's bathroom mirror. <br><br> I know it was just catty jealousy, but in the end it just ingratiated me even more with the opposite sex. <br><br> It meant I didn't have very many female friends. It also meant guys were beating down my door when hormones started to get involved. <<elseif $CC.schoolinterest == "power">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> Teachers always knew //so// much! They led so self-assuredly. They had every ounce of my rapt attention. <br><br> Don't call me a teacher's pet because my grades weren't stellar. I never tried to be their favorite, and I didn't raise my hand for every question. It was admiration from a distance. <br><br> I wasn't ''that'' kid. So don't give me any of that crap. I got enough of that razzing from everyone else. <br><br> I wanted to be their friend. I learned how and why they became a teacher. What interested them. And why not? Teachers weren't //that// much older than us anyway... <br><br> Well, some of them. <br><br> Ignoring the raised eyebrows I received for having "adult" friends, it did come with a little benefit from time to time. Ingratiating myself with the ones who made the tests meant that sometimes I got some insight or hint from time to time. <<elseif $CC.schoolinterest == "new">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> Yes, I knew the answer. I knew //all// the answers. Everything put in front of me was so fascinating. New information opened new doors. I was ravenous for knowledge. <br><br> That's why my hand went up. ''I'' studied. Just like I was expected to. <br><br> Unfortunately, teachers would ignore me. Because they knew I knew. And classmates hated that I was right and right again. Ugh. I didn't get it. I did the right things but it felt like I was being punished by instructors and my peers alike. <br><br> Fine then, teach. I'll just use my phone and answer that text from <<print $CC.FFName>>. <<call>>"Borrrreddd."<</call>> <br><br> If class wasn't going to engage me, I'd whip out my planner and figure out the weekend plans. No skin off my back. <<elseif $CC.schoolinterest == "people">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Learning -->> It was //between// class where I flourished. Making friends, playing games with them, and just getting to know people became the focus of my attention. <br><br> Out of the classroom and into the social arena was my 'schooling'. I was learning the most important skill in life: how to live with others. <br><br> And people can give you a pretty good mirror to see yourself. <br><br> You'd think that not being the best at school would make you an outcast. It's the opposite. You can become a social __god__ with a big network, connecting people rather than being nose-down studying. School is really all about networking. <br><br> And connections can never hurt. My lessons definitely suffered, though. <<elseif $CC.schoolinterest == "free">> <<Stats Learning -->> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> Those first few years weren't bad. I kept to myself. Never saying much. I did my work because I had to. It wasn't inspired. I wanted to be out //truly// living life -- unregimented, unrestricted. <br><br> What activity station did I want to play? What were my favorite colors? All those silly childhood questions. Blocks. Red. Who cares. Those were the easy years, then came the drudgery... <br><br> Who cares about times tables or what year the Civil War happened in? Just look it up on your phone if you really wanted to know. <br><br> As the years passed in school, slowly but surely, there was more flexibility outside of the classroom and more opportunities to do the things I enjoyed. <br><br> Just had to make sure bad marks on the report card didn't get my freedoms revoked. <<elseif $CC.schoolinterest == "active">> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Learning -->> Recess in how long? When was the next free period? Oh, and PE! Anything to get me away from tests and lessons. I was a //bit// competitive. Nothing felt greater than getting my heart pumping and getting all sweaty. <br><br> Sure, maybe I got called 'butch' or a 'dyke.' Yeah, but I left them red or flat-faced. It always started with a joke and everyone laughing at me, but the impressed nods that came afterwards were more than worth it. <br><br> The hardest group to convince were the boys. Who says a girl can't hang? I live above the rim. Dunkin' on fools. <<elseif $CC.schoolinterest == "books">> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> You'd think with the amount of paper that I consumed I would have had the best grades of anyone in my class. I was a voracious reader. Staying up late, reading into the wee hours. And rather than the textbook we had been assigned, I was always reading my newest novel instead. <br><br> When I got called on, it was never a direct answer to their question and that confused them. I wasn't wrong, but I was more curious about the broader-reaching implications. The things adjacent to the question at hand. <br><br> I couldn't tell you the number of times I trailed off from some overly-thought out response when I realized I was getting dead stares from everyone, including the teacher. <br><br> But what I was saying was fascinating, right? <<elseif $CC.schoolinterest == "trouble">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> Detention. There was a seat reserved for me every week. I craved attention, ask any shrink. Textbook case of attention-starved. I loved being bad. My name was on Santa's naughty list and it stayed there. <br><br> I turned my textbooks into works of art with graffiti, silly notes, and unnecessary commentary scattered throughout the margins. <br><br> There was that //one// teacher that seemed to get me. We never discussed class, grades, what I was wearing, or what I had just done. Instead, I got the space to be me...and some opportunities to get by without following the rules 'expressly as intended'. <br><br> But most of them were furious with me. They were all so easily offended and quick to write me up again and again. <</if>> <br><br> <<hint>>And finally, some choices are focused on developing her skills.<</hint>> <br><br> Outside of school, <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>>to keep me out of trouble<<else>>to keep me occupied<</if>>, I was mostly: <<listbox "$CC.activity" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _activityOptions>><</listbox>>. <br> <<hint>>What does she like to do? Is she the more active type? If so, what kind of activity does she take up? This is one of many examples during character creation where you're going to affect her stats based on the kinds of things she does and enjoys. <br><br> We're not going to explain what each choice means in detail because what matters most is the idea of her. Yes, the stats will matter, but invest in the //who// she is rather than the numbers. <</hint>> <br> <br><br><br> <<if $CC.FFsex == "M">> <<Stats Wiles ++>> Having a guy best friend was... <<linkexpand "complicated.">>complicated. <br><br> <<print $CC.FFName>> and I were in lock-step. I was close with other kids in my clique, but with him it was different. We were simpatico. <br><br> I don't think it was because he was a guy. There were other guys I would call friends, too. It wasn't simply that we jived. We //got// each other. <br><br> People thought we were dating. ''Insisted''. Knew we were just hiding it. And other guys were jealous. <br><br> He got ribbed (and probably some high-fives). But thats because society expected a guy and girl that close, spending all their time was because of sex. <br><br> Our changing bodies certainly //wanted// that to be the case. Puberty <<linkexpand "changed things.">>changed things. <br><br> As I grew into myself, there were lists of 'Hottest Girls,' comments on who was fat, was overwhelming how suddenly it changed from all anyone cared about was your height and who you hung out with. <br><br> Now it was all around sex. And we barely understood any of what we were feeling. What even //was// sex? Rumors of kids who had been given 'the talk' started to give us answers -- and confuse us more. But one thing was definitely true: <br><br> People really cared how you looked. <br><br> Girl becomes woman, I guess, and as things...developed, I found people whispering to <<print $CC.FFName>> about them liking me, or asking if I was single...and if they had a shot. <br><br> Was I interested in them by chance? Check yes or no? I didn't understand the hype but something was changing in my social network. <br><br><br> Gotta love [[puberty|CC011 - Puberty]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $CC.FFsex == "F">> <<Stats Stable ++>> Being friends with girls was <<linkexpand "tough.">>tough. <br><br> <<print $CC.FFName>> and I were in lock-step. <br><br> There were others in our clique that we got along well-enough with, but her? It was different. <br><br> We liked the same things, and it wasn't some sycophant kind of thing. I wasn't some 'yes-girl' and she certainly wasn't either. It just felt comfortable with her. Sister-like. <br><br> It was incredible too, how with just one look, we knew exactly what the other was thinking. That's how aligned we were. <br><br> And then puberty <<linkexpand "changed things.">>changed things. <br><br> As I grew into myself, there were lists of 'Hottest Girls,' comments on who was fat, was overwhelming how suddenly it changed from all anyone cared about was your height and who you hung out with. <br><br> Now it was all around sex. And we barely understood any of what we were feeling. What even //was// sex? Rumors of kids who had been given 'the talk' started to give us answers -- and confuse us more. But one thing was definitely true: <br><br> People really cared how you looked. <br><br> Girl becomes woman, I guess, and as things...developed, I found people whispering to <<print $CC.FFName>> about them liking me, or asking if I was single...and if they had a shot. <br><br> Was I interested in them by chance? Check yes or no? I didn't understand the hype but something was changing in my social network. <br><br><br> Gotta love [[puberty|CC011 - Puberty]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/CC011-Puberty.png">> <<if $CC.activity == "play">><<Stats Social += 2>><</if>> <<if $CC.activity == "gym">><<Stats Athletics += 2>><</if>> <<if $CC.activity == "piano">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.activity == "dance">> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.activity == "read">> <<Stats Learning += 2>> <</if>> <<if $CC.activity == "none">> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Social ++>> <</if>> <<set _heightOpts = {}>> <<set _heightOpts['an Amazon'] = +2>> <<set _heightOpts['tall'] = +1>> <<set _heightOpts['about five-five'] = 0>> <<set _heightOpts['short'] = -1>> <<set _heightOpts['under five foot'] = -2>> <<set _sexOpts = { 'boys. God, I could feel a clench in my lower abdomen when I caught eye contact. The way they filled out those jeans.' : "straight", 'an attraction in other people. Good looking is good looking.' : "bi" }>> <<if $CC.schoolinterest !== "boys">> <<set _sexOpts['other girls. The bounce in their hair and it how it cascaded down their slender shoulders.'] = "lesbian">> <</if>> <<set _attOpts = {}>> <<set _attOpts['very little attention'] = 1>> <<set _attOpts['average attention'] = 2>> <<set _attOpts['a good bit of attention'] = 3>> <<set _attOpts['more attention than other girls got'] = 4>> <<set _attOpts['literally constant attention'] = 5>> <<set _attOpts['overwhelming attention'] = 6>> And it ''hit''. <br><br><br> It felt like all of a sudden, I went from being little me to <<listbox "$CC.height" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _heightOpts>><</listbox>> me. <br><br> Everyone around me was changing too. I couldn't help but really beginning to notice <<cycle "$Body.sexuality" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _sexOpts>><</cycle>>. <br><br><br> My development certainly now aroused <<listbox "$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _attOpts>><</listbox>> from guys. <br> <<hint>>A last, obvious hint: very little attention means she's the least attractive she can be, your last option on this cycle is the most attractive.<</hint>> <br> <br><br> The "puppylove" of just months before fell away to constant daydreaming, watching porn, and thinking about how good of a kisser somebody was the first time I met them. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "It was insane.">> It was insane. <br><br> Hormones are [[insane|CC012 - Body]]. <</linkexpand>> /* TODO (Cassie): Proofing from here on out */
<<image framed "passage/CC012-Body.png">> <<set $Body.realHeight = setup.heights[$CC.height].random()>> <<set _potential = ["Awkward", "Smart", "Funny", "Confident", "Popular", "Slutty", "Quirky"]>> <<run _traits = [ "Fantastic Tits", "Amazing Ass", "Striking Eyes", "Perfect Smile", "Actor-level Bone Structure", "Modelesque Legs", "An Ineffable Charm", "Smoky Voice", "Easy, Unwavering Fitness" ] >> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.length gte $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <p> One day, looking at myself in the mirror, I actually gave myself an honest appraisal. Fighting back my body dysmorphia, I smiled and shook my head, impressed to see: </p> <ul> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Fantastic Tits")>><li>Tits that didn't need a bra? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Amazing Ass")>><li>Pert rear with a grabbable meatiness? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Striking Eyes")>><li>Big <<print $Body.eyes>>s that drew you in? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Perfect Smile")>><li>A smile that could kill? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Actor-level Bone Structure")>><li>Symmetry and cheekbones to die for? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Modelesque Legs")>><li>Lithe legs that cried out for dresses and skirts? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("An Ineffable Charm")>><li>A crazy likeability factor? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Smoky Voice")>><li>A voice that rivalled ScarJo? Check.</li><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Easy, Unwavering Fitness")>><li>The ability to eat whatever I want and still look //fuckable//? Check.</li><</if>> </ul> <br> It wasn't simply how I looked that was firming up, but also my personality. Argue about nature versus nurture all you want, there were certainly some personality traits I exhibited that seemed hard-coded in. <br><br> <<if $CC.traits.length gt 0>> In particular, how I <<if $CC.traits.includes("Popular")>>had tons of friends<</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Smart")>>did well in school without trying<</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Funny")>>tended to be the class clown<</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Awkward")>>wasn't too sure of myself<</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Confident")>>knew exactly who I was<</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Slutty")>>was comfortable with my body<</if>>, <<if $CC.traits.includes("Quirky")>>was odd, but in a cute's cute, right?<</if>> just seemed to Nothing I could do about it. Body, behavior, all part and parcel of who I now was -- I had to get used to this whole new [[package|CC013 - FinalForm]]. <<else>> <<quiz noChanging onSubmit="" submitIf="$CC.traits.length gt 0">> My top personality trait: <br><br> <<quizGroup columns>> <<choicesFrom _potential change="$CC.traits.pushUnique(this)" checked="$CC.traits.includes(this)">> <</quiz>> <</if>> <<else>> These changes were new, deeply interesting, but also scary. And guys found them //very// interesting. <br><br> And at the time, I couldn't quite pin down what it was that drew them to me -- hell, they probably couldn't either. My brain didn't care about the 'why,' just that it __was__. <br><br> But as I've calmed down and the newness wore off, I've come to learn that it always seemed centered on specific...''ahem''...aspects. <<finalFormQuiz _traits>> Top trait putting me in the spotlight: <br><br> <</finalFormQuiz>> <br> <</if>> <div class="choice-button-container"> <<button "Next" "CC013 - FinalForm">> <</button>> </div>
<<set _traitsConversionMap = { "Fantastic Tits": "tits", "Amazing Ass": "ass", "Striking Eyes": "eyes", "Perfect Smile": "smile", "Actor-level Bone Structure": "face", "Modelesque Legs": "legs", "An Ineffable Charm": "charm", "Smoky Voice": "voice", "Easy, Unwavering Fitness": "fit" }>> <<for _key, _value range _traitsConversionMap>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes(_key)>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.delete(_key)>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push(_value)>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $CC.traits.includesAny("Awkward", "Quirky")>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Smart")>><<Stats Learning ++>><<Stats Sophisticated ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Funny")>><<Stats Performance ++>><<Stats Social ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Confident")>><<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Stable ++>><<Stats Suggestible -->><</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Popular")>><<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Stable ++>><<Stats Risky -->><</if>> <<if $CC.traits.includes("Slutty")>><<Stats Easy ++>><<Stats Risky ++>><</if>> <<set _fert = {}>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> <<set _fert["Guys hate condoms that much was clear. They don't feel good. So, the safest option? Birth control."] = false>> <<set _fert["Why did this rest solely on me? Condoms should suffice. All the information and opinions out there supports that."] = true>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> <<set _fert["My parents __insisted__ I take no risks."] = false>> <<set _fert["The side effects of birth control are frightening. I'd be just fine with condoms."] = true>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> <<set _fert["Sure, I should be using condoms...but who does. I wasn't insane though, so: birth control"] = false>> <<set _fert["Scare tactics didn't work on this girl. I won't get knocked up. I got this on my own."] = true>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<set _fert["Sex was going to be a part of my life. So would birth control."] = false>> <<set _fert["I wasn't gonna abstain but I would only put something in me that is guaranteed fun."] = true>> <<else>> <<set _fert["Taking birth control is what most girls did. Made sense to me."] = false>> <<set _fert["And kill my libido? No. No BC here."] = true>> <</if>> That was the outside me... <br><br> <<linkreplace "Inside me, though? Shit." t8n>><<scrollIntoView>>Pregnancy was now my next big concern to handle. I didn't want that happening anytime soon. Or ever. <br><br> <<listbox "$Body.fertile" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _fert>><</listbox>>. <br><br> At a certain point, I gave up fighting or crying over the changes, now I was [[someone|CC013 - FinalForm2]] else -- better get used to it. Yeah. Maybe I kinda liked the new me!<</linkreplace>>
<<set $CC.showDoll = true>> <<face happy>> <<set _undiesQuiz = { "Just normal underwear.": "Bikini-style", }>> <<run _piercingOpts = Object.assign([], setup.piercings)>> <<run _tattooOpts = Object.assign([], setup.tattoos)>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<run _piercingOpts.push("Left Nipple", "Right Nipple", "Tongue")>> <<run _tattooOpts.push("Mound", "LowerBack", "Sleeve")>> <<run _undiesQuiz["Low coverage, no lines."] = "Thongs">> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<run _undiesQuiz["To be free and breezy."] = "Commando">> <</if>> <<set _groom = { 'A razor' : 3, 'wax' : 21 }>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>><<set _groom["laser treatment"] = 120>><</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 4>><<set _groom["electrolysis"] = 720>><</if>> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> /* IMAGE: Pamphlets */ It seemed like every other girl was talking about her birth control. Did it hurt getting an IUD, reminding each other to take their pills, how easy it made their dating lives -- and how much better it was without 'making out through saran wrap'. Even I noticed how great their skin looked now. <br><br> After looking at all of the options, I decided upon <<listbox "$CC.BC">> <<option "Yaz" "Pill">> <<option "Nexplanon implant" "Implant">> <<option "copper IUD" "IUD">> <<option "Mirena IUD" "mIUD">> <<option "Nuvaring" "Ring">> <</listbox>> <br><br> So now I was safe, at least from the biggest worry. The rest I could figure out more, in the moment. <br><br><br> <<else>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> It seemed like every other girl was talking about her birth control. Did it hurt getting an IUD, reminding each other to take their pills, how easy it made their dating lives -- and how much better it was without 'making out through saran wrap'. Even I noticed how great their skin looked now. <br><br> But I had my reasons and I wasn't going to be broken down. They could go and be sluts. I knew I was making the right choice. <br><br><br> <</if>> Time passed. The changes settled in and slowed down, ensuring me that I was closer to becoming a 'finished product'. <br><br> With damn DNA controlling so much of who I was, I felt compelled to exert some control too. <br><br> <<earPiercings>> <br><br> <<hint>> <<set _subscribestarURL = "">> <<set _patreonURL = "">> More visuals and interactivity coming soon. Your support helps us expand the story with more quality updates -- faster! <br><br> Support us on <a @href="_subscribestarURL" target="_blank">SubscribeStar</a> or <a @href="_patreonURL" target="_blank">Patreon</a> <</hint>> <br> <div id="piercings" class="ear-piercings"> <<include addPiercings>> </div> <<tattoos>> Most choices, I felt, had some sort of expectation, but what I wore underneath <<linkexpand "was //entirely// up to me.">> was //entirely// up to me. <br><br><br> <<set $Body.braless = false>> <<run { _titsQuiz = []; const bralessHint = 'You lack confidence or are not daring to not wear a bra!'; const canGoBraless = $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0 || $Stats.BodyTraits.includes('tits'); switch ($Body.tits) { case 'small': _titsQuiz = [{ label: 'I constrain them unnecessarily.', hint: "Bras could be sexy and classy.", change: "$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base++; Doll.runOutfitWidget('underwear')" }, { label: "I like to show the nippage.", hint: "My nips and tits were free girls.", change: "$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base++; $Body.braless = true; Doll.runOutfitWidget('underwear')" }]; break; case 'huge': _titsQuiz = [{ label: 'My large chest? Had to rein them in.', hint: 'Bras could be sexy and classy.', change: "$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base++", }, { label: "I would never restrain them. Even gazongas", change: "$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base++; $Body.braless = true; Doll.runOutfitWidget('underwear')", disabled: canGoBraless, hint: canGoBraless ? "My nips and tits were free girls." : bralessHint }]; break; case 'extralarge': _titsQuiz = [{ label: 'My big girls needed support.', hint: 'Bras could be sexy and classy.', change: "$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base++", }, { label: "I would never restrain them, even my big girls.", change: "$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base++; $Body.braless = true; Doll.runOutfitWidget('underwear')", disabled: canGoBraless, hint: canGoBraless ? "My nips and tits were free girls." : bralessHint }]; break; case 'medium': default: _titsQuiz = [{ label: 'I keep the jiggle and nipping to a minimum', hint: 'Bras could be sexy and classy.', change: "$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base++; Doll.runOutfitWidget('underwear')", }, { label: "I like to show the nippage.", change: "$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base++; $Body.braless = true; Doll.runOutfitWidget('underwear')", disabled: canGoBraless, hint: canGoBraless ? "My nips and tits were free girls." : bralessHint }] } }>> <<quiz singleChoice autoselect>> //How do you treat your breasts?// <br><br> <<choicesFrom _titsQuiz>> <</quiz>> <br><br> /* TODO (Zach): Make it so they can't uncheck it if there is a single-option. Or maybe just have it mandatory that one option is checked. Make sure this update doesn't break other quizzes..... */ <<quiz singleChoice autoselect>> //What's your downstairs style?// <br><br> <<choicesFrom _undiesQuiz checkFirst change="$Body.undies = this; Doll.runOutfitWidget('underwear')">> <</quiz>> <br><br> And underneath, on the flower patch <<linkreplace "between my legs." t8n>>between my legs... <br><br> Society can dictate what is socially acceptable for downstairs maintenance with all the movies, models, magazines, boys, and girls suggesting the best lovescape. I controlled it as much as I could due to the shared showers and hot/heavy nights. <br><br> As I experimented and decided on my preference, the razor worked its magic and found the waste basket, and I left myself... <br><br> <div id="pubicbuttons"><<include "pubicbuttons">></div> <br><br> Styling aside, there was also the <<linkreplace "how to do it.">> <<if $Body.pubes !== "bush">> What was never finished, it seemed, was downstairs maintenance. It. was. ''work''. Eventually, I found my method and technique over the years using: <<listbox "$CC.grooming" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _groom>><</listbox>>. <br><br> Perfect. Ready to play. <</if>> <br><br><br> The stress of the changes and decisions in my life affected the energy at [[home|CC014 - HomeVign2]]. <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkexpand>>
<<if $Body.piercings.includesAny("Navel", "Right Eyebrow", "Nostril", "Right Nipple", "Left Nipple", "Tongue")>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <</if>> <<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 1>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<elseif _arrOfTats.length === 1>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <</if>> <<if $Body.undies is "Commando">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<elseif $Body.undies is "Thongs">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<if $Body.braless == true>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Social -->> <<else>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <</if>> <<outfit default>> <<if $ == 1>> Everything was changing around me, inside me, and who knows if it was just the hormonal change (Narrator: it was the hormones), but I felt so much more empty than everyone around me. <br><br> Why did I <<linkexpand "feel...">> feel the way I did? <br><br><br> <<print $CC.MName>> was in her room, <<linkexpand "packing?">> <<face angry>> packing. //Again//. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/packing.png">> I tried to surprise her, give her a little shake-up. Her back was to the open doorway, like always, and I was //silent//. I don't think I had ever been more careful not even to slip out of the house or especially not even for a <<linkexpand "midnight snack">> <<face shock>> midnight snack. <<speech $CC.MName>>"I only have a few minutes."<</speech>> Her preternatural senses made me wonder if I had actually gotten away with __any__ of my sneaking. I hadn't even crested the door frame. Maybe it was my footfalls or my jaw clicked as I began to speak. Either way she spoke first, <<speech $CC.MName>>"everything okay?"<</speech>> She turned slowly, a kind and understanding look on her <<linkexpand "face">> <<face hurt1 runny>> face. <br><br><br> Tears welled up in my eyes. How could she be so calm, so considerate right ''now''? This isn't <<linkexpand "what I wanted">> <<face angry>> what I wanted. <br><br><br> <<speechPC>>"Where are you fucking going?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"I told you--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"//Business// trip--''bull''. __shit__."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Manila's primary array--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"//You//?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Yes, me--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"The Philippines aren't part of the US--"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"They can still appreciate our help--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"You're no Telecom expert."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Because I'm a woman?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"You can't even fix the WiFi //here//--"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"That's different--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Why is it always //other// countries?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"That's my job."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"What about that guy, your boss?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Nate?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Yeah. //Nate//. He's qualified, I'm sure--"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"And I'm not?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I have my doubts."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Don't be sexist, <<print $>>--"<</speech>> <<linkexpand "Sexist?">> <<face hurt1>> <<speechPC>>"Sexist..." I stared at her, incredulous. Was that really what I was implying? No. "I just want you to stay."<</speechPC>> Now it was her turn to stop. <br><br> A beat. <br><br> Then she shook her head. Her shoulders imperceptibly lifted and fell.<<speech $CC.MName>> "I wish I could. You have no idea how important this is. I ''have'' to go--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Then //go// ''fuck'' yourself." <</speechPC>> <<linkexpand "fuck yourself">> <<face angry runny>> <br> In a split second her calm demeanor shifted. I had hurt her. Her shoulders sagged, churning something over in her head. I stood in front of her, boiling inside, head pounding from the tension in what certainly would be a massive headache later. I felt like I was trying to bottle surging power just moments away from letting it all <<linkexpand "explode">> <<face hurt1 runny>> explode. <br><br><br> Silently and softly she edged forward crossing the distance towards me, <<speech $CC.MName>>"Come here."<</speech>> I shook my head defiantly, tears returning. I took a step back fending her off with one arm to keep her away from me. <<speechPC>>"You're leaving? Then just...__//''leave''//__."<</speechPC>> The bottle burst. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed) : Door slam (GIF?)*/ I <<shake 2s>>slammed<</shake>> the door in her face. I was furious. She wanted to keep everything to herself so be it. She could act like the private //cunt// all she wanted just <<linkexpand "not with me.">> not with me. <br><br><br> Lucky for me, I had ways to avoid this kind of crap on [[most days|CC008 - TownLife]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $ == 2>> Everything was changing around me, inside me, and who knows if it was just the hormonal change (Narrator: it was the hormones), but I felt so much more at a loss than everyone around me. <br><br> Why was I the way I was? Why did I look like I did? More like Mom or Dad? <<if $CC.adoptive !== "grandparents">>Or my grandparents?<</if>> There was this giant hole and my <<linkexpand "psychic distress">> psychic distress was immense. <<speechPC>>"<<print $CC.MName>>, what was Elle like?"<</speechPC>> I wished I didn't have to ask her. I could see the walls rising with the question. But I didn't have another choice. <br><br> She became so rigid. There was worry, uncertainty, and...fear? in her <<linkexpand "eyes">> tone. <<speech $CC.MName>>"Elle?"<</speech>> The name barely squeaked out of her vocal chords. <<speechPC>>"Look. I just...feel like I have a right to know."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Well, What, um, exactly do you want to know"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Everything? I don't know. What //can// you tell me about her? What, like, sticks out in your mind?"<</speechPC>> <br> She laughed and shook her <<linkexpand "head">> <<face hurt1>> head. <<speech $CC.MName>>"Honestly? I only met her once. remind me of her." Tears welled up in my eyes, "Oh, honey, come now--" I shook my head, staving her off with an outstretched hand.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Why isn't she here now? Why don't I get to know her?"<</speechPC>> She shuddered a little bit, her own emotions struggling to remain contained, <<speech $CC.MName>>"She's a difficult woman--not that you're difficult--you ''are'', but--"<</speech>> <br><br> I <<linkexpand "snapped">> <<face angry runny>> snapped: <<speechPC>>"Oh //fuck// you."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"<<print $>>--"<</speech>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Door slam (GIF?)*/ <<speechPC>>"No. I came to __you__ to ask you a fair question. I needed to know something and what did you do? You blamed her--''me'' know what?" <</speechPC>> I stormed off and <<shake 2s>>slammed<</shake>> the <<linkexpand "door">> door. <br><br> That hurt too much, I wasn't going to try again, so my brain tried to tease what answers I could from our interaction. <br><br> Was there pain in her eyes? Recognition? Whatever it was, it wasn't what I was looking for. <<linkexpand "Who I was looking for">> Who I was looking for. <br><br> Lucky for me, I had ways to avoid this kind of crap on [[most days|CC008 - TownLife]]. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <<else>> Everything was changing around me, inside me, and who knows if it was just the hormonal change (Narrator: it was the hormones), but I felt so much more at a loss than everyone around me. <br><br> Why was I the way I was? Why did I look like I did? More like Mom or Dad? <<if $CC.adoptive !== "grandparents">>Or my grandparents?<</if>> There was this giant hole and my <<linkexpand "psychic distress">> psychic distress was immense. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"<<print $CC.DName>>, what was Elle like?" I certainly wasn't going to ask <<print $CC.MName>>.<</speechPC>> He became so rigid. There was worry, uncertainty, and...fear? in his <<linkexpand "eyes">> eyes. <br><br><br> <<speech $CC.DName>>"Uh, w-what?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Look. I just...feel like I have a right to know."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"Well, What, um, exactly do you want to know"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Everything? I don't know. What //can// you tell me about her? What, like, sticks out in your mind?"<</speechPC>> He laughed and shook his <<linkexpand "head">> <<face hurt1>> head. <br><br> <<speech $CC.DName>>"Honestly? You remind me a lot of her." Tears welled up in my eyes, "Oh, honey, come now--" I shook my head, staving him off with an outstretched hand.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Why isn't she here now? Why don't I get to know her?"<</speechPC>> He shuddered a little bit, his own emotions struggling to remain contained, <<speech $CC.DName>>"She's a difficult woman--not that you're difficult--you ''are'', but--"<</speech>> <br><br> I <<linkexpand "snapped">> <<face angry runny>> snapped: <<speechPC>>"Oh //fuck// you."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"<<print $>>--"<</speech>> <br><br> /* IMAGE: Door slam (GIF?)*/ <<speechPC>>"No. I came to __you__ to ask you a fair question. I needed to know something and what did you do? You blamed her--**me** know what? I know why she's not here. Reason's plain as day. Can't even get out of his chair for something important." <</speechPC>> I stormed off and <<shake 2s>>slammed<</shake>> the <<linkexpand "door">> door. <br><br> That hurt too much, I wasn't going to try again, so my brain tried to tease what answers I could from our interaction. <br><br> Was there pain in his eyes? Recognition? Whatever it was, it wasn't what I was looking for. <<linkexpand "Who I was looking for">> Who I was looking for. <br><br> Lucky for me, I had ways to avoid this kind of crap on [[most days|CC008 - TownLife]]. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>>. <</if>>
<<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0>><<run $CC.traits.push("Tats")>><</if>> <<if $Body.piercings.length gt 0>><<run $CC.traits.push("Pierced")>><</if>> <<set _reactionOptions = {}>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Mean girls walking the hall */ As I experimented and discovered my own independent identity, it definitely felt like a paradigm shift in life. How I presented to others would prove to be the person that I was. How I acted, who I hung out with, what I wore, and how I looked were going to define the <<print $>> that I'd be. And while genetics defined a lot of immutables, there were certain things I had //some// control over and being a woman, I had access to a [[hair salon|Hair Salon]] to really control exactly what I looked like to other people. <br><br> It felt like, all of a sudden one day, I became me. Showing up to school exactly like <div id = "myself"> <<link "this">><<replace #myself>> <<face happy>> this. And here, as ''me'', I really felt understood. In a way that <<print $CC.MName>> and <<print $CC.DName>> could never. <br><br><br> And there, I came to be known as... <br><br> <div id="clique"> <<crossroads #clique>> <<path Array("active", "people", "power").includes($CC.schoolinterest) || Array("gym", "cheer", "play").includes($CC.activity) || Array("sporty", "beach", "tailgate", "outdoors").includes($CC.freetime) || $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> A Jock <<contents>> <<set $CC.clique = "Sports">> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Learning -->> <<set _reactionOptions["made sense to me. I had a drawer of gym shorts and all my free time was taken up by competing."] = 3>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["was good for me. You focus, get stuck in and push yourself to the limits. Thanks, Coach!"] = 4>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["was...accurate, but, it wasn't some love of mine. It kept me in shape. That's all."] = -2>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["was 'officially', true. I guess."] = -1>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["meant off-site travel, and new, fit people around."] = 1>><</if>> ...a jock, that competitive girl that did sports. <br><br> I made the volleyball team, gravitating to the serving specialist position once our coach, Rod, recognized my knack for quickly spotting opportunities and threats on the court. <br><br> Lots of girls dropped out of sport. But I pushed myself harder and harder, loving the camaraderie and the sense of well-being that I got from regular training. <br><br> My team-mates and I had to put up with after-school training sessions -- and jibes about lesbianism -- that other girls didn't. But the sweet thrill of a well-earned victory always made it worth it. <br><br> So, the grouping... <br><br> <<hover>> <<listbox "$CC.labelReaction" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _reactionOptions>><</listbox>> <<tipHint>>How does $ feel about the group she's found herself in? Does it agree with her or not? This may affect choices later on as we explore her time in this clique. <</hover>> <<path Array("books", "new", "power").includes($CC.schoolinterest) || Array("read", "piano").includes($CC.activity) || Array("home", "helper", "church", "volunteer").includes($CC.freetime) || $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> A Nerd <<blocked>> $ isn't interested in learning or withdrawn enough. <<contents>> <<set $CC.clique = "Nerd">> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Social -->> <<set _reactionOptions["Look. You like what you like. It cost me social capital but I wasn't going to be miserable."] = 3>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>><<set _reactionOptions["Once people looked past that veneer, sneers and snickers became surprised gawking. Dork in name only."] = -2>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["I loved it. Being a girl led to a level of attention and belonging that nothing else seemed to match."] = 4>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["I wasn't a nerd, but I liked to argue."] = -1>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["And that's okay, head down, nose in a book keeps you from getting too much attention."] = 1>><</if>> ...the nerd. <br><br> <<hover>> <<listbox "$CC.labelReaction" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _reactionOptions>><</listbox>> <<tipHint>>How does $ feel about the group she's found herself in? Does it agree with her or not? This may affect choices later on as we explore her time in this clique. <</hover>> <br><br> Teams, cliques, just socializing in general had never been something I wanted to do. <br><br> Thanks to phones and computers, I'd been able to ensconce myself in a digital landscape and avoid IRL quite a bit. And whenever I got pushed to hang out with friends, displaying the rapid-fire messages on my phone shut down that argument and quickly. <br><br> And my __excellent__ grades were hard to argue with. <br><br> The internet is a wealth of information which put me leaps and bounds ahead of my classmates who didn't venture past the text threads and emojis. And PornHub. <<path $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3 || Array("power", "people", "boys").includes($CC.schoolinterest) || Array("club", "partier", "tailgate", "barn").includes($CC.freetime) || $CC.activity is "play" || $CC.wealth gt 3>> Popular <<blocked>> $ isn't attractive enough or into things like partying and boys. <<contents>> <<set $CC.clique = "Alpha">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set _reactionOptions["Being at the center of attention feels good. Constant, positive reinforcement is hard to disagree with."] = 3>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>><<set _reactionOptions['I was popular simply because everyone gravitated to me.'] = 4>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["It didn't fit me."] = -2>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["It was awkward for me. I was always upsetting the apple cart."] = -1>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions['I had a hard time with the label. Sometimes it felt like they were actually calling me `slut`.'] = -2>><</if>> Alpha. Queen Bee. <br><br> I'd walk the halls with an aura of importance. People knew who I was even if I had no clue who they were. <br><br> The social structure of school was defined by me and others like me We could make or break someone's school career with the snap of our fingers. <<hover>> <<listbox "$CC.labelReaction" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _reactionOptions>><</listbox>> <<tipHint>>How does $ feel about the group she's found herself in? Does it agree with her or not? This may affect choices later on as we explore her time in this clique. <</hover>> <<path Array("free", "trouble").includes($CC.schoolinterest) || Array("none", "piano").includes($CC.activity) || Array("barn", "vandal", "home", "gang", "partier", "outdoors").includes($CC.freetime) || $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> A Rebel <<blocked>> $ isn't fringe enough in her desires. <<contents>> <<set $CC.clique = "Rebel">> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<set _reactionOptions["And it made sense. I was no normie."] = 3>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>><<set _reactionOptions["People insisted I was too pretty to hide myself. Fuck 'em. I felt the way I felt."] = -2>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["And so what if I was. I got to do what I wanted, when I wanted, with who I wanted."] = 2>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["Eh. It had its perks, I guess. No eyeballs on me, no rules and no judgement."] = 1>><</if>> ...a rebel. <br><br> I didn't like what other people liked. I was into music. I wore the clothes I wanted to wear, rather than what was 'popular'. <br><br> In fact, I hated the idea of popularity. What did that shit matter at all? What did you //do// is who you were, not some vague concept of value. <<hover>> <<listbox "$CC.labelReaction" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _reactionOptions>><</listbox>> <<tipHint>>How does $ feel about the group she's found herself in? Does it agree with her or not? This may affect choices later on as we explore her time in this clique. <</hover>> <<path Array("church", "home", "volunteer", "helper").includes($CC.freetime) || Array("read", "piano", "dance").includes($CC.activity) || Array("books").includes($CC.schoolinterest) || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gte 0 || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> A Prude <<blocked>> $ isn't withdrawn enough. <<contents>> <<set $CC.clique = "Prude">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <<set _reactionOptions["And it made sense. I knew the verses and I felt most comfortable with that community."] = 3>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["Hallelujah! I proselytized. It felt good to do His work."] = 4>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["But that was fine. People are who they are and who they commune with."] = 1>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["It really wasn't appropriate though. I felt compelled to poke holes in the commandments."] = -3>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["I felt bottled up. My body was crying out for different acts than He wanted."] = 1>><</if>> ...a prude. <br><br> Just because I attended church regularly and was a part of youth groups that happened to have His name involved, I got labeled. <br><br> But there was a warmth, a loving glow I felt inside. No matter what others said or thought, I knew I mattered. That there was something above and beyond all of us. <br><br> He was important. <<hover>> <<listbox "$CC.labelReaction" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _reactionOptions>><</listbox>> <<tipHint>>How does $ feel about the group she's found herself in? Does it agree with her or not? This may affect choices later on as we explore her time in this clique. <</hover>> <<path !Array("barn", "club", "partier", "gang", "tailgate", "cheer").includes($CC.freetime) || !Array("people").includes($CC.schoolinterest) || $Stats.Skills['Social'].value is 0 || ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value is 0 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Social'].value)>> A Loser <<blocked>> $ is too normal. <<contents>> <<set $CC.clique = "Loser">> <<Stats Suggestible += 2>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _reactionOptions["And it made sense. I never felt like I fit in."] = 3>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>><<set _reactionOptions["I didn't get it. I looked in the mirror and I felt like I should belong."] = -2>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 3>><<set _reactionOptions["I wanted to be a part of that world, even if they didn't want me."] = -2>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["I let what they said roll off me like water. I didn't need them."] = 1>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>><<set _reactionOptions["But even 'losers' got some from time to time. Girls had it easy."] = 1>><</if>> ...a loser. <br><br> I never seemed to fit in. I'd say the wrong thing, wear the wrong clothes. Simply being around upset people. I was like an albatross. <br><br> It sucked, but it seemed to be my lot in life. Nothing I could do but tuck my chin, nod, and move along. <<hover>> <<listbox "$CC.labelReaction" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _reactionOptions>><</listbox>> <<tipHint>>How does $ feel about the group she's found herself in? Does it agree with her or not? This may affect choices later on as we explore her time in this clique. <</hover>> <<contentsShared>> <br><br> Which was the way //I// felt about it. But how much of that was social pressure just etching into me and how much was actually coming from within me? Who knows. didn't matter how I felt about it. Made who I hung out with more or less easy to get along with, but once you get put in a box it was impossible to have judgey kids reconsider you. So, I'd have to deal with it, no matter how I viewed myself or whether or not I agreed. <br><br> Teenagers categorized each other to understand who belonged with who, and it all was an outcropping of not being monitored [[every moment|CC016 - Male Gaze]] of every day. <</crossroads>> </div> <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<set _Attention = { "I couldn't change them, they were just built that way" : 0 }>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> <<set _Attention["And I gave them the finger. I'm no object"] = -1>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> <<set _Attention["It didn't make me feel vulnerable"] = 1>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<set _Attention["It made me feel wanted and important"] = 2>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<set _Attention["It was a compliment"] = 1>> <</if>> <<set _Reaction = { "Ignored what I could, avoided what I had to, but occasionally I liked a bit" : 0 }>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lte 0>> <<set _Reaction["Freeze. Kinda felt like a deer."] = -1>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<set _Reaction["Stop and smile. I'm not going to offend them."] = +1>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 0>> <<set _Reaction["I just gave them the benefit of the doubt, just continued walking along."] = -2>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<set _Reaction["I may have gotten and given numbers. But what's wrong with that."] = +3>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> <<set _Reaction["Teasing was certainly fun. They liked it and mostly it worked out to be...a not totally regrettable choice."] = +2>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> <<set _Reaction["Chat them up. Always nice to hear compliments."] = +1>> <</if>> <<if $CC.mother is "young">> <<set _Reaction["It wasn't a tactic, really. I just knew not to judge a book by its cover."] = +3>> <</if>> /* IMAGE (Needed) : Multiple male eyes */ Life was opening up, which was fantastic. There was more trust, more freedom, more flexibility to be who I was. <br><br> But that also meant not being cloistered away with adults shielding me from other adults. And the attention I was getting clearly wasn't limited to my class -- Upper Classmen were far more aggressive and blatant. Wasn't limited to my school, and certainly wasn't limited to any age-group. It became a regular occurrence, noticing a leer from creeps and weirdos. <br><br> Getting older just meant all of them, young and old, knew them or didn't, behaved more brazenly. <br><br> It was about that time that I really began to understood the comments about women being 'objectified' and what it truly was to be a vulnerable woman. I had context, <<hover>><<listbox "$CC.maleAttention" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _Attention>><</listbox>><<tipHint>>How does the attention tend to make her feel?<</hover>>. <br><br><br> I learned to <<linkexpand "take it in stride">> <<face shock>> take it in stride, but also learned to be wary around strange men. Leading them on or pissing them off could be dangerous; they're all much bigger and stronger, and any one of them could be a psycho. <br><br> My tactic? <br><br> /* because of hover breaks inline flow */ <<hover>><<listbox "$CC.maleReaction" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _Reaction>><</listbox>><<tipHint>>How does she tend to respond to the attention?<</hover>> <br><br><br> But guys, writ large, [[aren't all bad|CC017 - Guy Friends]]. <</linkexpand>>
<<set $People['CC'].M.rel = 2>> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel = 1>> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel = 2>> <<set $People['CC'].F.rel = 2>> /* IMAGE (Needed) : Inside the garage */ <<if $CC.FFsex == "F">><<set $CC.FName = $CC.FFName>><<else>><<set $CC.FName = "Maddy">><</if>> My core group, even though they //were// guys, definitely didn't make me feel like the rest of their gender. <<if $CC.FFsex == "M">><<print $CC.FFName>><<set $CC.friend1 = $CC.FFName>><<else>>Jacob<<set $CC.friend1 = "Jacob">><</if>>, Ethan and Andrew, three boys from my class. <<if $CC.schoolinterest == "boys">> Unlike the rest of the guys around me, they found themselves in the friendzone, but that made it comfortable to chill with them once or twice a week. <<else>> Andrew <<if $CC.clique == "Prude">>was one of the guys from your youth group<</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Rebel">>skated at your skatepark<</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Sports">>was the son of one of my coaches<</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Nerd">>surprisingly lived nearby, though we met when I crushed him in League<</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>was one of the guys in my circle that never was attached to anyone<</if>> and his close friends became mine. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.clique == "Nerd">> They got me into League and to join their 'Clan'. We played practically every night, and I exclusively took on the mantle of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Ahri, as the obvious A-tier pick for the Mid-Lane. <br><br> And when we weren't in a match, I felt comfortable enough for some face-to-face time, but that was mostly spent discussing changes to builds or team-comp. <</if>> <br><br> Mostly this just involved <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">><<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>seeing a show on Broadway or newest IMAX screening before discussing it to death over an expansive 'snack' on the West-side.<<else>>sitting around in Washington Square park and making fun of the couples and 'street artists'.<</if>><</if>> <<if $CC.hometown == "AL">><<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>bumming around the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum or seeing something at the Alabama Theatre<<else>>chilling in Kelly Ingram Park and making fun of the couples.<</if>><</if>> <<if $CC.hometown == "LA">><<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>sometimes deciding on going to one of the Theme Parks for a ride or two<<else>>bopping around Griffith Park and making fun of the couples.<</if>><</if>> <<if $CC.hometown == "WA">><<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>wandering around Ballard and just wandering into hot restaurants for an appetizer<<else>>scooting through the crowds at Pike Place Market and 'accidentally' getting in the way of the mongers.<</if>><</if>> <<if $CC.hometown == "NO">><<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>heading to a racetrack to watch the pit crews or the cars squealing and roaring by<<else>>out in some field, in a flatbed, or once...we might have made a crop circle.<</if>><</if>> <br><br> sitting on the curb by the 7-11 with a microwaved slice while we scrolled on our phones. But the boys were a nice break from my own gender. Estrogen and being on similar cycles can be rough. <br><br> They're silly and immature. But watching how they gave affection to each other -- far more physical and blunt than the subtleties I was used to -- was a breath of fresh air. Attracted to them? [[No, not really|CC019 - Extracurriculars]]. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>Though the looks they gave me belied their thoughts, even though they kept it to themselves.<</if>>
<<set $CC.attemptBig = false>><<set $CC.attempt = false>> <<set $CC.chellaDirect = false>><<set $CC.chellaSneak = false>><<set $CC.chellaDetect = false>> <<set $CC.barnDrink = false>><<set $CC.barnLocation = false>><<set $CC.barnMusic = false>><<set $CC.barnPeople = false>><<set $CC.barnSurprise = false>><<set $CC.barnDrugs = false>> <<set $CC.FFpeople = 0>><<set $CC.FFlocation = 0>><<set $CC.FFmusic = 0>><<set $CC.FFdrink = 0>><<set $CC.FFsurprise = 0>><<set $CC.FFdrugs = 0>> <<set $CC.makeIt = 0>><<set $CC.actPath = 0>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 2>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt $CC.wealth || $CC.mother == "loved">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<set $CC.spoiled = true>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> Besides bumming around, trying to fit in (while keeping my grades up), I was able to carve out some time to... <<dialogHint 'Vignettes' 'popup'>> Here we and <<print $>> encounter our first choice in Vignettes. These are stand-out events that happen throughout her youth. Similar to the set pieces that occurred at home, these are small narrative sequences giving depth to her experience.<br><br>Some are like these: more focused on skill and personality development of our protagonist than story or plot. They help us understand who <<print $>> is and how she develops. Think of them as flashes/memories rather than a narrative sequence. <</dialogHint>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'barn'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'barn' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Enjoy the local party scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'vandal'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'vandal' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Raise hell around town. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'helper'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'helper' || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> Made myself of use around the neighborhood. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'church'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'church' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> Joined a Youth Group. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'partier'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'partier' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> Hit up all the weekend parties. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'home'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'home' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 0>> Chill by myself or with friends at home. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'gang'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'gang' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> Join a new family -- what you'd call a 'gang'. Judgey. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'volunteer'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'volunteer' || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Use my free time for the greater good. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'sporty'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'sporty' || $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0>> Stay active in seasonal sports. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'beach'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'beach'>> Get paid to enjoy the beach? Easy: lifeguard. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'club'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'club'>> Hit the club scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'tailgate'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'tailgate'>> Spend my weekends entirely ensconced in football. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'outdoors'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'outdoors'>> Spend my time in the great outdoors. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'cheer'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Try out for the cheer squad. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'act'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Try my hand at acting. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'job'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.wealth lte 3>> Get a part-time job for extra cash. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'dance'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "dance" || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Started exploring other styles of dance. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'piano'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "piano" || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> Took playing seriously leaned into piano recitals. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'gym'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "gym" || ($Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0)>> Dig into competition with club gymnastics. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$CC.hsv = 'read'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "read" || $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0>> Enroll at Community College for advanced and college-credit classes. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[HS000 - Testing][$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base ++]]>> Enjoy my free time...and focus on studying. <</crossroads>>
<<set $sexcount = false>> <<outfit default>> <header> <h1><<type 0.125s>>Prologue<</type>></h1> <h2><<type 0.125s>>The High School<</type>></h2> </header> <<timed 5s t8n>> <br><br> <img class="img framed" src="img/passage/hs.png"> <br> High School. <br><br> At first, school was just a place to go. A place to figure out how to interact with people beyond my family. Learn some things. But as the years passed, it stopped being so much fun and started being work. There were expectations. School started to //matter//. <br><br><br> Like, all of a sudden you hear that your ''entire'' life is going to depend on what you do from that point onwards. Testing, Papers, GPA, Extracurriculars. Each of them were a massive component. Would you be a success or a failure? And because school, now, was only a stepping stone to the __next__ school, everyone was thinking about how all these puzzle pieces would fit together into the best school they could possibly get into. <br><br> And where you went to school spoke to how you'd do in life and you'd do in life spoke to...on and on. The hamster wheel had begun. <br><br> And to top it all off? The dating scene. <br><br> It was [[exhausting|CC018 - SexActivity]]. <</timed>>
<<image framed "passage/CC018-SexActivity.png">> <div id="activity"> <<set $HS.sigOther = {}>> <<set $CC.sextivity = "">> Attraction. Yeah. <br><br> Hormones weren't just changing my body, they were also doing their damnedest to wake up the lizard part of my brain. Like a switch had been flipped, everything seemed to now be framed in terms of sex. I considered how people looked naked all the time. Were they were wondering how //I// looked naked?! <br><br> Sex was always a topic of conversation. Who was dating who. Who //wanted// to date who. Who was fingering, who was sucking, who was fucking. And what that said about them. <br><br> People's popularity could be made or broken by who they were with, a single sex act...or even the //rumor// of one. And there were ''tons'' of rumors. <br><br> What did the rumors say about me? True or not... <br><br> <<crossroads #activity>> <<path $CC.clique == "Popular" || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0 ||$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> I was considered a trailblazer. A 'fucking pioneer'. <<blocked>> $ isn't Popular, or isn't Easy, Suggestible, Excitable or Attractive enough. <<contents>> <<set $CC.sextivity = "pioneer">> <<Stats Stable -= 2>> Maybe I looked at porn too early. Maybe I ran with older kids before I shoulda. Maybe I was impressionable. Maybe I was just ahead of my time. Whatever the reason, I was the first girl in my class to get fingered. To give head. To get my cherry popped. <br><br> And it was fucking //great//. It was so exciting being first, to be the one who knew before anyone else. Yeah, so what that everyone called me the school slut. Yeah, so what that I got talked about and looked at differently than anyone else. I //enjoyed// being different. <br><br> I was young and I was enjoying myself. That's what being young was all about and I lived it up! <br><br><br><br> Boyfriend? //Girl//friend? Ha. You're funny. Yeah, sure, there was 'someone', I guess. I dunno what it was about them, but I got hung up on [[them|CC018 - Significant Other]] more than others, for sure. <<path>> When other girls started doing it, I was too. <<contents>> <<set $CC.sextivity = "slut">> <<Stats Stable -->> Backseats, movie theatres, couches. There are a lot of memories of sweaty and slick moments throughout high school. I was horny as everyone else and needed to alleviate it, so I got busy. <br><br> And it seemed like everyone else was doing the dirty all the time too. We were all raging hormones. I hated how people always seemed to find out about who I hooked up with because I got quite a bit of a rep. But I wasn't some slut, no matter how much I heard it being whispered about me. <br><br> Sluts didn't date. I had someone I was [[with|CC018 - Significant Other]], just like everyone else. <<path>> Eventually, the pressure of hearing about others sex-capades was too much and I gave in. <<contents>> <<set $CC.sextivity = "normal">> <<Stats Stable ++>> Backseats, movie theatres, couches. There are lot of memories of sweaty and slick moments with wandering hands throughout high school. I was horny as everyone else, I just was careful about who I eventually fucked and when it happened. <br><br> It always felt like everyone else was doing the dirty all the time, but I think that was just hormones talking. There was probably a lot less sex going on than it sounded like. A more 'normal' amount. I'd like to believe that I was normal. <br><br> And just like any other normal girl, I found [[partnership|CC018 - Significant Other]], just like everyone else. <<path $CC.clique == "Prude" || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> I was reserved, and valued my integrity and body a lot (lot!) more than others. <<blocked>> $ isn't a Prude, or isn't Sophisticated or Stable enough. <<contents>> <<set $CC.sextivity = "prude">> <<Stats Stable += 2>> I wasn't spreading my legs, but that didn't mean I was some nun! A good makeout sesh was //di//vine. A little petting happened from time to time. It felt good and my body encouraged it. <br><br> You can only do so much of that alone, so I found [[partnership|CC018 - Significant Other]], just like everyone else. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC018-Significant-Other-alt3.png">> <<set $HS.sigOther = []>> <<face happy>> Honestly, my heart still flutters a bit thinking about them. Formative years, first furrow in my heart and whatnot. Maybe we build up the whole 'highschool sweetheart' story too much and so when you find that person, you get hung up on them a bit extra. A bit forever. <br><br> <<include "HS004 - FirstSexSel">>
<<set $HS.firstRelationship = {}>> <<set $HS.firstOptions = { "My first crush, Petey" : { name: 'Petey', title: 'My first crush, Petey', caption: 'My first crush, Petey', gender: 'M' } }>> /* Moved all options for this quiz in one place, This makes identifying missed options easier */ <<set _allSexOptions = { "My first crush, Petey" : { name: 'Petey', title: 'My first crush, Petey', caption: 'My first crush, Petey', gender: 'M' }, 'Vance, my Romeo.' : { name: 'Vance', title: 'Vance, my Romeo.', caption: 'Vance, my Romeo.', gender: 'M', hint: 'Must be an Actress'}, 'Coach Vovk.' : { name:'Coach Vovk', title: 'Coach Vovk.', caption: 'Coach Vovk.', hint: 'Must be a gymnast', gender: 'M', olderMan: true,}, 'One of our gardeners, Carlos.': { name: 'Carlos', title: 'One of our gardeners, Carlos.', caption: 'One of our gardeners, Carlos.', gender: 'M', hint: 'Must be a homebody'}, 'Some Rando at a party.': { name: 'Random Guy', title: 'Some Rando at a party.', caption: 'Some Rando at a party.', gender: 'M', hint: 'Must be a partier'}, 'Barkewitcz, Softball Coach.': { name: 'Barkewitcz', title: 'Barkewitcz, Softball Coach.', caption: 'Barkewitcz, Softball Coach.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: 'Must be an athlete'}, 'Samson, hottie from Youth Group.': { name: 'Samson', title: 'Samson, hottie from Youth Group.', caption: 'Samson, hottie from Youth Group.', gender: 'M', hint:"Must be a church goer"}, 'Ian, another lifeguard.': { name: 'Ian', title: 'Ian, another lifeguard.', caption: 'Ian, another lifeguard.', gender: 'M', hint:"Must be a beach goer"}, 'Amari, gang leader.': { name: 'Amari', title: 'Amari, gang leader.', caption: 'Amari, gang leader.', gender: 'M', hint:"Must be a gangster"}, 'Raymond, he had his truck.': { name: 'Raymond', title: 'Raymond, he had his truck.', caption: 'Raymond, he had his truck.', gender: 'M', hint:"Must be a vandal"}, 'DJ Eros, he played at our favorite clubs.': { name: 'DJ Eros', title: 'DJ Eros, he played at our favorite clubs.', caption: 'DJ Eros, he played at our favorite clubs.', gender: 'M', hint: "Must be a club goer"}, 'Coach Rod.': { name: 'Rod', title: 'Coach Rod.', caption: 'Coach Rod.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must beint the sporty clique"}, 'John Hull, our Minister.': { name: 'Hull', title: 'John Hull, our Minister.', caption: 'John Hull, our Minister.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must be a prude"}, "Eric, Ethan's older brother and my first DM": { name: 'Eric', title: "Eric, Ethan's older brother and my first DM", caption: "Eric, Ethan's older brother and my first DM", gender: 'M', hint: "Must be a nerd"}, 'Clay Molder, from my music label.': { name: 'Clay Molder', title: 'Clay, from my music label.', caption: 'Clay, from my music label.', gender: 'M', hint: "Must be a rebel"}, 'Derek, Big Man on Campus.': { name: 'Derek', title: 'Derek, Big Man on Campus.', caption: 'Derek, Big Man on Campus.', gender: 'M', hint: "Must be a popular"}, 'Mark, my principal.': { name: 'Mark', title: 'Mark, my principal.', caption: 'Mark, my principal.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must be excited by power"}, 'Warren, Varsity QB.': { name: 'Warren', title: 'Warren, Varsity QB.', caption: 'Warren, Varsity QB.', gender: 'M', hint: "Must be a Cheerleader"}, 'Larry, my foster Dad.': { name: 'Larry', title: 'Larry, my foster Dad.', caption: 'Larry, my foster Dad.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must be adopted"}, 'My step-dad, Arvin.': { name: 'Arvin', title: 'My step-dad, Arvin.', caption: 'My step-dad, Arvin.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must not have a dad"}, 'Tom, my uncle.': { name: 'Uncle Tom', title: 'Tom, my uncle.', caption: 'Tom, my uncle.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must not have a mom"}, 'Ava, my nemesis.': { name: 'Ava', title: 'Ava, my nemesis.', caption: 'Ava, my nemesis.', gender: 'F', hint: "Must like girls"}, 'Marco, Construction Worker at school.': { name: 'Marco', title: 'Marco, Construction Worker at school.', caption: 'Marco, Construction Worker at school.', gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must have low male reaction"}, 'Seth, my first ever hook-up.': { name: 'Seth', title: 'Seth, my first ever hook-up.', caption: 'Seth, my first ever hook-up.', gender: 'M', hint: "Must be suggestible"}, 'Wes, Popular Upper Classman.': { name: 'Wes', title: 'Wes, Popular Upper Classman.', caption: 'Wes, Popular Upper Classman.', gender: 'M', hint:"Must be easy"}, }>> /* Must add options with variables individually */ <<set _allSexOptions[$CC.DName + ', my Dad'] = { name: $CC.DName, title: $CC.DName + ', my Dad', caption: $CC.DName + ', my Dad', gender: 'M', hint: "Must be hurt" }>> <<set _allSexOptions[$CC.FName + ", my best friend"] = { name: $CC.FName, title: $CC.FName + ', my best friend', caption: $CC.FName + ', my best friend', gender: 'F', hint: "BFF is Female and must like girls" }>> <<set _allSexOptions["Ronnie, " + $CC.DName + "'s friend"] = { name: "Ronnie", title: "Ronnie, " + $CC.DName + "'s friend", caption: "Ronnie, " + $CC.DName + "'s friend", gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must have low male reaction" }>> <<set _allSexOptions[$CC.FName + "'s Dad, Tyler."] = { name: "Tyler", title: $CC.FName + "'s Dad, Tyler.", caption: $CC.FName + "'s Dad, Tyler.", gender: 'M', olderMan: true, hint: "Must be Risky" }>> <<set _allSexOptions[$CC.FName + "'s boyfriend, Brian."] = { name: "Brian", title: $CC.FName + "'s boyfriend, Brian.", caption: $CC.FName + "'s boyfriend, Brian.", gender: 'M' , hint: "Must be Stable"}>> <<switch $CC.hsv>> <<case "act">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Vance, my Romeo.'] = _allSexOptions['Vance, my Romeo.']>> <<case "gym">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Coach Vovk.'] = _allSexOptions['Coach Vovk.']>> <<default>> <</switch>> <<switch $CC.freetime>> <<case "home">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['One of our gardeners, Carlos.'] = _allSexOptions['One of our gardeners, Carlos.']>> <<case "partier">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Some Rando at a party.'] = _allSexOptions['Some Rando at a party.']>> <<case "sporty">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Barkewitcz, Softball Coach.'] = _allSexOptions['Barkewitcz, Softball Coach.']>> <<case "church">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Samson, hottie from Youth Group.'] = _allSexOptions['Samson, hottie from Youth Group.']>> <<case "beach">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Ian, another lifeguard.'] = _allSexOptions['Ian, another lifeguard.']>> <<case "gang">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Amari, gang leader.'] = _allSexOptions['Amari, gang leader.']>> <<case "vandal">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Raymond, he had his truck.'] = _allSexOptions['Raymond, he had his truck.']>> <<case "club">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['DJ Eros, he played at our favorite clubs.'] = _allSexOptions['DJ Eros, he played at our favorite clubs.']>> <<default>> <</switch>> <<switch $CC.clique>> <<case "Sports">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Coach Rod.'] = _allSexOptions['Coach Rod.']>> <<case "Prude">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['John Hull, our Minister.'] =_allSexOptions['John Hull, our Minister.']>> <<case "Nerd">> <<set $HS.firstOptions["Eric, Ethan's older brother and my first DM"] = _allSexOptions["Eric, Ethan's older brother and my first DM"]>> <<case "Rebel">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Clay Molder, from my music label.'] = _allSexOptions['Clay Molder, from my music label.']>> <<case "Popular">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Derek, Big Man on Campus.'] = _allSexOptions['Derek, Big Man on Campus.']>> <</switch>> <<if $CC.schoolinterest == "power">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Mark, my principal.'] = _allSexOptions['Mark, my principal.']>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique is "Alpha" || $CC.hsv is "cheer">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Warren, Varsity QB.'] = _allSexOptions['Warren, Varsity QB.']>> <</if>> <<if $CC.parents == "hurt" && $ !== 2>> <<set $HS.firstOptions[$CC.DName + ', my Dad'] = _allSexOptions[$CC.DName + ', my Dad']>> <</if>> <<if $CC.parents == "adopted">> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Larry, my foster Dad.'] = _allSexOptions['Larry, my foster Dad.']>> <</if>> <<if $ == 0 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.firstOptions['My step-dad, Arvin.'] = _allSexOptions['My step-dad, Arvin.']>> <</if>> <<if $ == 0 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Tom, my uncle.'] =_allSexOptions['Tom, my uncle.']>> <</if>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $HS.firstOptions[$CC.FName + ", my best friend"] = _allSexOptions[$CC.FName + ", my best friend"]>> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Ava, my nemesis.'] = _allSexOptions['Ava, my nemesis.']>> <</if>> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> <<set $HS.firstOptions["Ronnie, " + $CC.DName + "'s friend"] = _allSexOptions["Ronnie, " + $CC.DName + "'s friend"]>> <</if>> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Marco, Construction Worker at school.'] = _allSexOptions['Marco, Construction Worker at school.']>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.firstOptions[$CC.FName + "'s Dad, Tyler."] = _allSexOptions[$CC.FName + "'s Dad, Tyler."]>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Seth, my first ever hook-up.'] = _allSexOptions['Seth, my first ever hook-up.']>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.firstOptions['Wes, Popular Upper Classman.'] = _allSexOptions['Wes, Popular Upper Classman.']>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> <<set $HS.firstOptions[$CC.FName + "'s boyfriend, Brian."] = _allSexOptions[$CC.FName + "'s boyfriend, Brian."]>> <</if>> <br><br> <<quiz noChanging onSubmit="$HS.firstRelationship = $HS.firstOptions[_firstChoice];'CC018 - SigOther TRANSITION')" submitIf="_firstChoice">> My first, 'real relationship' was with... <br><br> <<quizGroup columns>> <<choicesFrom $HS.firstOptions change="_firstChoice = this" checked="$CC.traits.includes(this)">> <</quiz>> <<set _missedSexOptions = dataUtils.getMissingOptions($HS.firstOptions, _allSexOptions)>> <<missedOptions>> <<quizGroup columns>> <<choicesFrom _missedSexOptions>> <</missedOptions>>
<<if $ == "Random Guy">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck "Random Guy" M "Some Rando at a party." " ">> /* vCard no Output Hack */ <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -= 2>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Easy += 2>> <<Stats Social -->> <<set $HS.sigOther = { name: "Petey", gender: "M" }>> In my case, while that guy was 'important' in his own way, the fact is...that I honestly can't remember who he was. I could see him on the street and wave and never realize it was him. <br><br> I lost my card and moved on. It was a non-event. That gave me needed distance about sex and dating. <br><br> Everyone else was bawling their eyes out over each other, even just hearing that someone didn't 'like' them. It was ridiculous. <br><br> People asked who I was interested in...sure, there were people I thought were hot, or I was DTF, but it didn't really matter all that much to me. Sex was sex. Dating happened when I felt really comfortable with a person -- which took a lot -- and was usually just a reason to fuck around. <br><br> After that 'important' night, I didn't feel the need to rush anything. Eventually, though I found a crush: Petey. I think he could tell he wasn't 'the One,' but even so, he was more than willing to comfort me and be my 'guy'. <br><br> <<elseif Array("Coach Vovk", "Carlos", "Barkewitcz", "DJ Eros", "Rod", "Hull", "Mark", $CC.DName, "Larry", "Arvin", "Uncle Tom", "Ava", "Marco", "Tyler").includes($>> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "secret">> <<vCardCheck $ $HS.firstRelationship.gender `$ + ", my first"` " ">> <<set $HS.sigOther = { name: "Petey", gender: "M" }>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -= 2>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Easy += 2>> <<Stats Social -->> In my case, while <<print $>> was important to me...shit, I'm crying... <br><br><br> Sorry. <br><br><br> There was no way that I could date //them// in the 'normal' way. That should be obvious. <br><br> I couldn't be seen with them. No one could find out that we were together in any way, shape, or form. We had to keep apart. We were on the DL. <br><br> The forced separation gave me some distance to figure a few things out. People asked who I was interested in...sure, there were people I thought were hot, or I would have been DTF, but...there were reasons I wasn't drooling over them. Still, had to maintain appearances. I couldn't appear to be celibate or asexual. I couldn't be //weird//. It would draw attention to what was really going on. So, I had to develop a cover-story. I guess that was my first foray into the whole espionage thing, in a way. <br><br> <<print $>> understood what I was doing. They couldn't be seen constantly solo either. There was an unspoken agreement. <br><br> It sucked to see them with someone else. I only imagine it was just as hard for them. But we had to keep our shit together. Pretending and being strong was the only way we could keep ''us'' alive. <br><br> For appearances sake, (and I'm so, so sorry, Petey) the only person that really felt 'right' to fill the role of my 'boyfriend' was Petey. He was my first crush, so in that way it made sense. Even though I think he could tell he wasn't 'the One,' he was more than willing to comfort me. <br><br> <<else>> <<set $HS.sigOther = $HS.firstRelationship>> <<print $>> was the most important person in my life. Sure, <<print $CC.MName>> <<if $ !== 2>>and <<print $CC.DName>> were<<else>> was<</if>> my foundation, but there was something about <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>> that said to me that my life would crumble without them. It was a //need//. <br><br> It was exciting to get to know someone else, learn their idiosyncrasies and experience someone in a different way from family and friends. There was a compulsion to spend more time with <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>>, eking out every possible moment like it was a drug. Because, in a way, it was. <br><br> There was something massively addicting about them, and something -- right around my lower abdomen -- that was driving that need. <br><br> <</if>> <<image framed "passage/room.png">> <<face ahego>> <br><br> <<print $CC.MName>> was out. <br><br> The house was quiet. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hey!"<</speechPC>> I giggled, being pushed back onto the couch. <br><br> <<speech $>>"What?"<</speech>> <<print $>> smiled, crawling up beside me. <br><br> This had been planned for days. <<if $CC.Mom == 0>><<print $CC.MName>> was hard to avoid, so when these opportunities happened, I gobbled them up.<<else>><<print $CC.MName>> was gone a lot, and that meant a ton of opportunities like this.<</if>> Knowing that no one was around meant that we had the house to ourselves. We both knew what that meant even though neither of us were willing to voice it. It was that time in life when verbalizing 'sex' and the things around it were immensely scary. I wanted it. <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>He<<else>>She<</if>> wanted it. But saying it out loud made it too real because it was //scary// and new, and often it would make someone -- or both of us -- balk. And then there'd be no fun. <br><br> No one wanted that. <br><br> <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">> Our mouths met, tentatively. A little taste and touch of tongues. It was a trickle that became a waterfall. We were eating each others faces. We were grabbing at each other hornily. The pent up energy was threatening to break the dam. <br><br> My shirt was <<linkexpand "up.">><<upper>>Off. <br><br> I gasped, breaking the ravenous kiss as his hand was between my <<linkexpand "legs.">><<liftUpDress>><<panties>>legs. It was a rough, aggressive and sudden attack of my vulnerable cleft, but I wanted it. I cooed into his ear as his fingers dug into me for the first time. I panted and gasped, feeling things that I hadn't before...from another person. <br><br> And they were nice. Oh, GOD. I wanted this. I wanted more of it. <br><br> I could feel how hard he was. He was grinding hard against my thigh, insisting his arousal against me. Oh, I noticed. I get it. I'm just...distracted. <br><br> Fine. <br><br> I worked him free from his pants. Oh, that's nice too. His fingers stopped within me and he mimicked one of my gasps. It was hard, but soft. It was hot with blood. It was throbbing with his heartbeat and need. It felt so big. <br><br> This was supposed to fit inside me? I looked down at it, staring and grinning as I watched it drool for me, because of me. My hand pumped. I didn't know what I was doing, but he was thrusting against my palm and it helped me figure out what he liked. <br><br> I squirmed my hips, trying to remind him of my need. <br><br> He bit at my earlobe, he tweaked one of my nipples. He jabbed his fingers in and rubbed at my clit. Oh, he was really trying to work me up. <br><br> I could tell that I wasn't likely to get him off on my own. I'd get better, of that I was sure. And since we had all the time in the world, I'd get there. <br><br> His hands started to guide my thighs apart, <<speechPC>>"Hey."<</speechPC>> I frowned, letting go of his cock. <br><br> <<speech $>>"Heyy..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What are you doing?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"Just...the tip."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I laughed, "No."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"Come onnn."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"We've waited so long..."<</speech>> Had it? He was pushing his hips forward, trying to get it there while we were talking about it. <br><br> I got up, pushing myself away from him and the couch. <<speechPC>>"Not yet."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"Really?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded. <<speechPC>>"Just...not ready...yet."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He sighed, his cock twitching out of his slacks. <<speech $>>"Soon?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded again, giving him some sort of hope, though I wasn't sure I meant it. Or what Soon<sup>(TM)</sup> meant, really. <br><br> Not long after that, he was <<linkexpand "jizzing">><<face shocked>>jizzing into my hand and I learned how awkward it was to clean __that__ up. That kept him sated, for the time being. <br><br> <<include "CC018 - SigOther_SHARED">> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Our mouths met, tentatively. A little taste and touch of tongues. It was a trickle that became a waterfall. We were eating each others faces. We were grabbing at each other hornily. The pent up energy was threatening to break the dam. <br><br> My shirt was <<linkexpand "up.">><<upper>>Off. I returned the favor. <br><br> I gasped, breaking the ravenous kiss as her hand was between my <<linkexpand "legs.">><<liftUpDress>><<panties>>legs. It was a rough, aggressive and sudden attack of my vulnerable cleft, but I wanted it. I cooed into her ear as her fingers dug into me for the first time. I panted and gasped, feeling things that I hadn't before...from another person. <br><br> And they were nice. Oh, GOD. I wanted this. I wanted more of it. <br><br> I could feel how hot she was. She was grinding hard against my thigh, insisting her sopping arousal against me. Oh, I noticed. I get it. I'm just...distracted. <br><br> Fine. <br><br> My hand met the same place between her legs, interposing itself between her and my thigh. I sunk in. Velvety. Soft. //Different// from me. ''Oh'', that's nice too. Her fingers stopped within me and she mimicked one of my gasps. It was like so many solo moments before, but exploring a new cavern, a new space. <br><br> My hand pumped. I did what I liked. She squirmed. Ah, my hand was the other angle. I tried again. I was working against and within her. I heard her grunting frustrated into my ear. <br><br> I squirmed my hips, trying to remind her of //my// need. <br><br> She bit at my earlobe, she tweaked one of my nipples. She jabbed her fingers in and rubbed at my clit. Oh, she was really trying to work me up. <br><br> I could tell that I wasn't likely to get her off on my own yet. It'd take time to learn. It had taken me how long to figure myself out? I'd get better, of that I was sure. And since we had all the time in the world, I'd get there. <br><br> Her hands started to guide my thighs apart, she began to scoot down "Hey." I frowned, looking down at her and holding her by her chin. Her wetness threatened to make my hold slip too easily. <br><br> <<speech $>>"Heyy..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What are you doing?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"Just...a taste."<</speech>> <br><br> I laughed, <<speechPC>>"No."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"Come onnn."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"We've waited so long..."<</speech>> Had it? She was pushing trying to free her face from my hand, trying to go down on me while we were talking about it. <br><br> I got up, pushing myself away from her and the couch. <<speechPC>>"Not yet."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $>>"Really?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded. <<speechPC>>"Just...not ready...yet."<</speechPC>> <br><br> She sighed, her thighs splayed delectably as if to tease me back to her. <<speech $>>"Soon?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded again, giving her some sort of hope, though I wasn't sure I meant it. Or what Soon<sup>(TM)</sup> meant, really. <br><br> Not long after that, she was cavorting in my hand and I learned how awkward it was to clean two girls up afterwards. That kept her sated, for the time being. <br><br> <<include "CC018 - SigOther_SHARED">> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<br><br> Thank //god// for those moments and the thrills of sex, it was great to get a literal __release__ from time to time. Just a couple years ago, I had thought the most satisfying thing in the world was a good stretch or sneeze (or trip to the bathroom)...and then I'd discovered the offerings of my body. And with someone ''else'''s body it was even better. A whole new world opened for me. <br><br> <div id="dating"> As far as <<print $>>... <br><br> <<crossroads #dating>> <<path>> We were ''that'' couple. <<contents>> <<set $ = "committed">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> Always holding hands. Doing //everything// together. My heart was theirs and theirs mine. It felt __so__ important. I could see us getting married and settling down together. <<print $>> was my soulmate. <br><br> Having them as my rock was incredibly important because so much else had become __so__ [[serious|CC020 - HSVs]]. <<path>> I was too young to be tied down. <<contents>> <<set $ = "cheater">> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> And...technically? We were together. And I saw more than enough tears from them to know they absolutely //loved// me. It didn't seem to matter how many times I broke their heart, they stayed loyal. <br><br> I was a shit to them. I know that now, but I couldn't keep tied down. <br><br> There was no way I could deal with a //serious// relationship because so much else had become __so__ [[serious|CC020 - HSVs]]. <<path>> They insisted they loved me. <<contents>> <<set $ = "cheated">> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> And we //were// together. No one else had the right to call them theirs. But fuck did love ''hurt''. I don't think they were trying to hurt me on purpose, but time after time I'd be crying, clutching at <<print $>> as I tried to endure a new revelation of them having been with someone else. <br><br> Maybe I was too needy. Maybe they just needed more than I could give. But they were them, and this was part of them. <br><br> And the idea of not having them? Nuhuh. I'd get cheated on a thousand times rather than lose them as my rock because so much else had become __so__ [[serious|CC020 - HSVs]]. <<path>> We always got back together, but were also always breaking up. <<contents>> <<set $ = "free">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> People always assumed we were going to eventually end up married or something, even though we were probably broken up more than we were ever together. Fighting was our love language. And we'd take a break, or 'end things forever!' and then go hook up with other people, have some fun, or just be solo for a while. <br><br> And then something would happen and they were the only person I could think of to call, or <<print $>> would roll up to my door and we'd start things off with a bang again. <br><br> Even if they weren't really, //really// my <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>boyfriend<<else>>girlfriend<</if>>, they were still a rock in my life. <br><br> But thankfully we were both aligned and not put too much weight on anything between us because so much else had become __so__ [[serious|CC020 - HSVs]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if $CC.hsv>> <<set _hsvPassage = "CC020 - " + $CC.hsv.toUpperFirst()>> <<include _hsvPassage>> <<else>> <<include "CC025 - ModelOpp">> <</if>> /* TODO: Speech through HSVs */
<<set $CC.barnTime = 5>> <<image framed "passage/cc.barn.png">> <<backdrop "passage/cc.barn.png">> An advantage to being out in the boonies is certainly the space. There's room for anything and distance to make sure it's private. The vacant spots around town had developed their own hierarchy. A perennial fave was the 'Corn Maze' -- but only when it wasn't Fall; so the cool place to be was Tanner's, or if you were in the inner-most circle: Coppice-chella. <br><br> But whether or not you were on the in, there was always some fallow field or rickety barn to co-opt with your friends. <br><br> <div id="options"> <<crossroads #options>> <<path $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>> I was more than content to ''chill'' with my friends, occasionally tipping a few with them. <<blocked>> $ isn't disciplined or lacking self-confidence enough. <<contents>> <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> had a run-down barn on the property next to theirs and it became our haunt, us and The Boys. We took turns secreting off 'supplies' from our parents or elder siblings. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2>>Occasionally, I batted by big <<print $Body.eyes>>s and had some poor sap carry some out of Local Liquor.<</if>> <br><br> It was chill, in our private world, laughing or lamenting in our safe place, with the people we trusted. The barn developed over time: a sleeping bag here, hand-me-down quilt there, some curb furniture to round out the creature comforts. It didn't matter how they looked or how we treated them. <br><br> And, despite our parent's concerns, we ''did'' occasionally do homework and study together. <br><br> But, yeah, it was mostly getting a buzz on, relieving tension and having somewhere else to crash than at home. <br><br><br> I heard some crazy stories about the events I missed, but we never risked the cops. <br><br> And we had a great time -- our barn collective a little part of [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp[$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> Simply participating or gaining entry wasn't enough for me, I wanted to throw a ''legendary bonfire''. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky or excitable enough. <<contents>> <<set $CC.attemptBig = true>> <br><br> I was going to make my mark here before I blew this pop stand. //Everyone// would remember Fire Festival. Hell, maybe it would live on after me. <br><br> Over the next couple days, when I should have been paying attention in class, I jotted down every idea that came to mind. I created quite a to-do list. None of it would be easy, but what I tackled first would have the best chance of going off well. <br><br><br> I just had to [[prioritize|CC021 - Barn]]. Too much to do, too little time. Shit. <<path>> I wanted to get into ''Coppice-chella''. <<contents>> <<set $CC.attempt = true>> <br><br> Coppice-chella was shrouded in mystery and legend, whispers and tales of cousins who //had// gone. It was 'run' by a couple of townies, Chet and Harry, who were the two who actually worked on the copse yearly and somehow had gotten away with this covert affair despite not owning the land. Around here, you could get shot for this kinda thing. <br><br> You couldn't show up. Unlike clubbing, simply being female wasn't enough. The little dirt frontage road was gated. Chet seated on a gatepost, checking his list and enforcing it with __his__ shotgun. Money was definitely involved, but how did you get on that clipboard? <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 0>>Maybe try the [[direct approach|CC021 - Barn][$CC.chellaDirect = true]] with the two of them.<</if>> Or, sus out truth from story [[around town|CC021 - Barn][$CC.chellaDetect = true]]. Or, just try and [[sneak in|CC021 - Barn][$CC.chellaSneak = true]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* TODO: this requires some rework with linkexpands */ <<if $CC.attemptBig == true>> <<image framed "passage/cc.barn2.png">> <<backdrop "passage/cc.barn2.png">> I sighed, pressing down the edges of the paper, contemplating the list of options in front of me. <br><br> <<if $CC.barnPeople == false>> A party <<link "needed people" `passage()`>> <<set $CC.barnPeople to true>> <<if $CC.barnTime + $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gte 2>><<set $CC.FFpeople = 1>><</if>> <<set $CC.barnTime -->> <</link>>. This also needed to feel exclusive and exciting. <<else>> <<if $CC.FFpeople == 1>> I curated a ''perfect'' list of names. Upperclassmen, the hottest and most popular Underclassmen, Damian -- the super Senior that was always a good time, and the townies who threw their own parties with discretion. I waited til the ideal moment to send out invites. Build up enough mystique without everyone figuring out their way in. <<else>> The invites went out. A list of who's who in town. Damian --the super Senior that was always a good time, and the townies who threw their own parties with discretion, and even a selection of the creme de la creme of Underclassmen. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.barnMusic == false>> I needed something to make people <<link "dance" `passage()`>> <<set $CC.barnMusic to true>> <<if $CC.barnTime + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gte 1>><<set $CC.FFmusic = 1>><</if>> <<set $CC.barnTime -->> <</link>>. Spotify playlist and bluetooth speaker wouldn't cut it. <<else>> <<if $CC.FFmusic == 1>> After vetting a couple of options, I went with this awesome Ska band, Hot Tub Ska Machine, almost no one would know them, thanks to them being over state lines, but they would knock everyone's socks off, I'm sure. <<else>> I asked <<print $CC.FName>> to build out and run a playlist. While they handled that, I was able to rent some equipment that would make it feel more legit. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.barnDrink == false>> Everyone would turn around and leave if there wasn't constant <<link "drinks" `passage()`>><<set $CC.barnDrink to true>><<if $CC.barnTime + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gte 1 || $CC.barnTime + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte 4>><<set $CC.FFdrink = 1>><</if>><<set $CC.barnTime -->><</link>>. And, the drunker they got, the more fun it would be. Mostly. <<else>> <<if $CC.FFdrink == 1>> Okay, the volume was hard to come by, but using connects, trades, promises, I was able to assemble a mountain of booze that should easily last the night. And The Boys were more than happy to sling drinks in exchange for the invite. <<else>> Okay, the volume was hard to come by. I used every trick in my book without turning tricks to assemble as big of a mountain of booze as I could manage. And The Boys were more than happy to sling drinks in exchange for the invite. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.barnLocation == false>> There were tons of options, but I had to make sure <<link "where" `passage()`>><<set $CC.barnLocation to true>><<if $CC.barnTime gte 3>><<set $CC.FFlocation = 1>><</if>><<set $CC.barnTime -->><</link>> I chose fit the bill. It had to be easy to get to but private. Safe from authorities and for the partiers. And it had to be ''cool''. <<else>> <<if $CC.FFlocation == 1>> There was this flat area along the creek that would do the trick. The treeline shielded sound and sight, the water would help keep things cool, and we would have more than enough space. Unfortunately, it was unclaimed because it happened to be a spot that trash collected, dumped or just the flow of water -- it took a lot of time and effort to clear it. <<else>> There was this flat area along the creek that would do the trick. The treeline shielded sound and sight, the water would help keep things cool, and we would have more than enough space. Unfortunately, it was unclaimed because it happened to be a spot that trash collected, dumped or just the flow of water -- I cleared as much as I could. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.barnSurprise == false>> I needed to spend the time making the space <<link "special" `passage()`>> <<set $CC.barnSurprise to true>> <<if $CC.barnTime gte 2 && $CC.barnLocation == true>> <<set $CC.FFsurprise = 1>> <</if>> <<set $CC.barnTime -->> <</link>>. A 'wow'-factor. Something completely unexpected. <<else>> <<if $CC.FFsurprise == 1>> The path to the creek was perfect for a multi-reveal. I staged an area where everyone would assemble, then have the 'gate' drop away to reveal the decorations that drew the eye to the //drinks//. Everyone would hustle on in, and then a massive curtain that looked like a simple element of decor would drop with the opening moment of music. It would be sick. <<else>> I scrambled, but site selection came too late, I wasn't able to manage to do anything especially fun. I just had to hope that everything else came together. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.barnDrugs == false>> <<link "Drugs" `passage()`>> <<set $CC.barnDrugs to true>> <<if ($CC.barnTime + $CC.wealth) gte 6 || $CC.clique == "Rebel">> <<set $CC.FFdrugs = 1>> <</if>> <<set $CC.barnTime -->> <</link>> could kick everything and everyone into the stratosphere. <<else>> <<if $CC.FFdrugs == 1>> It wasn't cheap, but grease enough palms and know the right people and you can get together enough designer and high-quality to at least whet people's appetite. Plus, having a dealer on-site would keep it flowing. People wouldn't be happy about paying, but it was part of Amari's deal for the amount I wanted. <<else>> I just didn't know a way to get the amount of drugs on-site. And every time I found a 'vendor,' I balked at the price. Good idea, but I couldn't exactly ask family to pitch in. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.barnTime lte 0>> My heart was in my throat. Time had run out. It was time for [[Fire Festival|CC022 - Barn]]. <</if>> <<elseif $CC.attempt == true>> <<if $CC.chellaDetect == true>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <div id = "detect"> Asking around town about Coppice-chella wasn't exactly new. Very few had the in and even those that raved about last year, you could never quite tell if they were keeping their cards close to their chest or if they had just lied about attending. <br><br> This wouldn't be easy. <br><br> <<crossroads #detect>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> ...I could be though. Spy movies always showed info getting passed after sex... <<contents>> <<set $CC.HSBC ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> It took more than one try and as I narrowed down who __actually__ knew, there was definitely a grin and bear it, but I got my [[name on the list|CC022 - Barn]]and a couple notches in my belt in the process. <<path>> I could brute force it... <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 0>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Social -->> And it was __brutal__. I definitely lost some friends and acquaintances along the way, but I was dogged in my pursuit of the golden ticket. I inquired and pressed. Give me a lamp and a locked room and I could have gotten a confession out of anyone. Because...I got [[entry|CC022 - Barn]]! Bonnie gave it up with just slight pressure to her elbow. <<else>> <<set $CC.chellaDetect = false>>And it was __brutal__. Being dogged in this pursuit was clearly going to cost me social capital and I wasn't sure that getting in would balance the scales. I tried a bit softer approach, a bit more lackadaisical...but that wasn't the [[way in|CC022 - Barn]]. <</if>> <<path>> There was also the doomscrolling of Insta and TikTok that might give me a lead... <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value + $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gte 4>> <<Stats Investigation ++>>I felt like a hacker on NCIS initially: triangulating friendships and even bloodlines I wasn't aware of before, finding the //right// time to send that connection request to get in under the radar. At one point, I felt compelled to do one of those string-maps as I followed the breadcrumbs to...Bonnie? ''Bonnie''?! Sweet little wallflower had not only been last year, but had a direct connect to Harry. Surprisingly, just a quick DM to the shrinking violet netted me [[access too|CC022 - Barn]]! <<else>> <<set $CC.chellaDetect = false>> I felt like a hacker on NCIS initially: triangulating friendships and even bloodlines I wasn't aware of before, finding the //right// time to send that connection request to get in under the radar. But after all was said and done, my follower count was much higher and I had a crazy understanding of the people of my town, but [[no way in|CC022 - Barn]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $CC.chellaDirect == true>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <div id = "direct"> They weren't called 'C & H' for no reason. Always working the same jobs, always together. Hell, I heard stories they even...uh..shared ladies. And together they were a united front. <br><br> Right. So. Direct. Two choices here. Get one of the two of 'em alone. <br><br> I had actually never seen Chet by himself, but I knew that he was the one who manned the front door and only him. Well, and his shotgun. <br><br> Harry made trips into town, a little sherpa for the duo on their jobs. I had smiled to him and waved from time to time heading in or out of Lowe's. <br><br> <<crossroads #direct>> <<path>> I could either find Chet the night of, where I knew he'd be, sitting at the entrance. <<contents>> <<set $CC.chellaDirect = false>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<outfit club>> So, I sidled up in my best going out wear, lagging back just enough so that I arrived at the gate solo. He eyed me up curiously as he shut the gate behind the previous group. "Hey Chet." Mhmm. "So.." I looked around performatively, "Looks like I might be the last one for a bit, you might have time." Mhmm. He didn't budge, eyes flicking down to his list. Back to me. <br><br> I made the offer clearer, one hand nudging the dress up my thighs provocatively while my other hand gave a little tug to the zipper, " you have some time?" He shrugged, Mhmm. He slid off his post and motioned for me to assume the <<linkreplace "position.">> <<set $CC.HSBC ++>> <<face angry>> <<cumSpray thighs>> position. <br><br> Not quite a minute later I was fixing my dress and he was resuming his post, a bit lighter than moments before. <br><br> Moving over towards the gate with a bright smile I was confronted with a confused lift of his eyebrow. "I can go in, right?" His eyes were back on the list. "<<print $>>?" I said, voice catching in my throat. Mmmm...nuh-uh. He shook his head and waved for the next group to approach. Are you fucking [[kidding me|CC022 - Barn]]? <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "Had getting into this party been worth it. No, clearly not. I had betrayed them as much as I had just been betrayed.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Fuck.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " would never have done this to me.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck Chet M "Chet, gatekeeper to Coppice-chella">> <</linkreplace>> <<path>> Or Harry and have an 'accidental encounter.' <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<lower "pants_sororitydarkbluejeans">> <<set $CC.HSBC ++>> <<face happy>> I poked around the lumber aisle wearing a tight pair of my newest jeans. And being female in the mecca of malehood was a balancing act of being available but not //too// available. I spent a couple more hours wandering than I had expected, but then the gruff guy showed up heading Shit. <br><br> I scampered over and found a perfect spot to be checking something out, bent over, cleavage on display. I looked up with a surprised smile as he rounded the corner, "Oh, hey Harry." I saw his broad grin and I knew, I was in. <br><br> He was quick in the aisle and my curiosity was ravenous. He checked out and I asked to have him explain it all again in his truck. He wasn't quick there. <br><br> and he was more than happy to oblige with a [[ticket|CC022 - Barn]]. <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "Had getting into this party been worth it? I had betrayed them. They could //never// find out.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Fuck.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " would never have done this to me.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck Harry M "Harry, keymaster to Coppice-chella">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<outfit club>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <div id = "sneak"> Partying outfits weren't exactly designed for surreptitious behavior. Skirting through brush and under the tree line to find the best place to cross a fence -- that was //designed// to keep people out -- meant staving off bugs, avoiding catches on fabric, keeping sweating under control, and literally just trying not to fall out of what you were wearing. God, guys had it so much easier. <br><br> I grunted, making it across. Finally. But that was the easy part. Now, how to get across the clean field to the small grouping of trees where I could already see lights play across the foliage. Music was coming through the speakers. I gulped, not wanting to miss a moment. <br><br> <<crossroads #sneak>> <<path>> There was a group of people walking up the frontage I could try and slip in with. If I moved quickly, I could cover the distance and maybe not be seen. <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte 4>> Coming out of the brush wasn't exactly crafty, and it got me a couple of side-long 'really?' looks, but I was relieved to feel the casual acceptance straight away. I ensconced myself in the group and made small talk as we [[made our way in|CC022 - Barn]]. <<else>> <<set $CC.chellaSneak = false>> <<face angry>> "Whoah, whoah, whoah. Nuh-uh." A bigger guy moved straight towards me, shaking his head and pointing back the way they had come. "Check in like the rest of us." [[Shit|CC022 - Barn]]. <</if>> <<path>> Running in a minidress, though? <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>> Whew. I made it, dress riding up a <<link "ton">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>, but since I didn't get seen, neither did what I was flashing. Risk came out all for the good, flattening my dress down and giving my hair a bit of a fluff as I made [[my way in|CC022 - Barn]]. <<else>> <<set $CC.chellaSneak = false>> <<face angry>> I'm not sure whether it was my tits bouncing all over the place, or the sight of me with a dress up around my <<link "waist">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>, but this big guy was cutting me off in the brush, shaking his head and pointing back down towards the gate, "Nuhuh. Just cuz yer givin' a show doesn't mean you get a show." [[Shit.|CC022 - Barn]] <</if>> <<path>> Or just straight up put my trust in the effort I had made so far and arrive solo, as un-mussed as possible. <<contents>> <<set _fail = either(true, false)>> <<if _fail == true>> <<set $CC.chellaSneak = false>> <<face angry>> Slowly picking my way through the brush and unkempt field, I tried to keep as nonchalant as possible. I kept my whole look in pristine condition, but...the fates weren't on my side. A big guy broke off from the path and headed towards me, shaking his head and pointing towards the gate, "I think you missed the check-in, little lady." [[Shit.|CC022 - Barn]] <<else>> Slowly picking my way through the brush and unkempt field, I tried to keep as nonchalant as possible. I kept my whole look in pristine condition, strappy heels swaying from my fingertips, bare feet pushing through the tall grass. I noticed some people on the path towards the copse and I felt a chill down my spine -- would they see me? And then...[[I made it|CC022 - Barn]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $CC.attemptBig == true>> <<image framed "passage/cc.barn3.png">> <<backdrop "passage/cc.barn3.png">> <<set _barnSuccess = ($CC.FFdrink + $CC.FFdrugs + $CC.FFlocation + $CC.FFmusic + $CC.FFpeople + $CC.FFsurprise)>> <<if $CC.FFpeople == 1>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<print $CC.FName>> was doing their work with a fun little clipboard and wearing a t-shirt I had screen printed with "Fire Festival" on it. I watched them weaving through the clustered group. There were definitely people there I hadn't invited, but...manageable. I kinda felt like a succubus, I could feel their anticipation and excitement and I was feeding on it. <<else>> <<print $CC.FName>> was doing their work with a fun little clipboard and wearing a t-shirt I had screen printed with "Fire Festival" on it. I watched them weaving through the mass of people waiting. Shit. I saw far more faces that I __didn't__ invite than I did. Popularity is great and all, but if //everyone// showed, where was the FOMO? <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.FFsurprise == 1>> <<Stats Deception ++>> The first drop had an energy of 'thanks, glad we can get on with it' -- even though there was literal alcohol waiting for them. I was on edge, watching the energy dissipating into the night as, essentially, people milled around and drank in the middle of a forest.<br><br>Then, it all changed.<br><br>It dropped. The music lifted and everyone turned, stunned to the lights kicking on alongside the creek. It ''worked''. <<else>> People made their way down towards the booze, drinking and chatting each other up. I felt the energy dissipating into the evening, trying to will the music to begin, to distract from this just being a bunch of people hanging out in the woods. <</if>> <<if $CC.FFlocation == 1>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> It was like a magnet -- people surged into the flat creekbed, beginning to move and find partners. It was like a natural dance floor, and I had thanked nature in turn by doing a little cleanup. <<else>> People were trying to find where to dance, some finding purchase on the parts of the creekbed that I had cleared. The rest didn't want to risk it and dealt with being jostled by the bar, fighting for space with trees, or just being too far away from the music to really get into it. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.FFmusic == 1>> <<Stats Performance ++>> And Hot Tub Ska Machine was //killing// it. I had seen them in a seedy bar, but giving them space like this and full license, I wished I could sign them on the spot. Even Ethan who swore he hated ska was trying to skank. <<else>> <<print $CC.FName>> had technical issues, and probably wasn't helped by having to dual-role as bouncer and check-in. Shit. I hadn't thought of that. By and large people were enjoying themselves, but there were pockets where the song choice didn't land with the audience or the pacing was off. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.FFdrink == 1>> <<Stats Social ++>> I could feel everyone loosening up, getting into the Fire Festival as the alcohol had the desired affect. Some people were definitely testing the limits of my supply, but they eventually culled themselves to go puke off in the woods. <<else>> People were definitely loosening up, getting into the festivities. I had to catch myself from being a buzzkill, though, gritting my teeth as someone would go up for another drink before being done with theirs, or leaving one unfinished. I was going to run out. And so would the fun, instantly. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.FFdrugs == 1>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Learning -->> Damian was probably having a banner night. He gave me a wink after the first half hour, heading off to get more product. I was floored, people were trying things for the first time tonight, and everyone was smiling and laughing, losing themselves. <br><br> <</if>> <<if _barnSuccess == 5>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<set $Memories.push("FireFest")>> <<face happy>> I think half the school called out the next day. I know I did. That night had given me massive social capital and had added another name to the list of iconic events. <<elseif _barnSuccess gte 3>> Yes! Oh that was a rush. Not exactly what I had planned out, but the sketching of what it could be was there and everyone had a good time. Maybe not a monumental success, but I had thrown a fun party. <<else>> <<Stats Social -->> Well, that had not gone how I had imagined it. Far from the fantasies I had been daydreaming in class or crowding my mind at night. Shit. Well, at least some people had fun, just certainly wasn't worth all that fucking effort. <</if>> <br><br> Fire Festival, a little part of [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <<if $CC.attempt == true>> <<if $CC.chellaDetect == true || $CC.chellaDirect == true || $CC.chellaSneak == true>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <a class="border img"><img src="img/Coppicechella.png"></a> <<face happy>> Walking in to the manicured group of oaks I was at a loss at to why this was special, even seeing the lights pulsing ahead and feeling the energy of the people already convened. It was just a party in some trees. <br><br> Oh. Ohhh. Now I got it. It really did have the feel of a small-town Coachella. Tents dotted the space between the trees even though this was a one-night event. Over the years -- it couldn't have been from day one, right? -- a full-on stage had been erected at the treeline. And while there was no ferris wheel, there were discarded ferris seats scattered throughout the copse as little seating areas. I didn't want to think about how many hookups had happened in them throughout the years. <br><br> "Welcome to Coppice-chella!" The crowd erupted. I couldn't help but cheer, vibrating in excitement. I pressed forward to the stage, "First up, we've got an up and coming band from not too far away, let's welcome Hot Tub Ska Machine!" <br><br> They were fucking fantastic. I skanked my heart out, despite my dress. Everyone was blissed out, drunk, high, on things or just on the music and it was infectious. No one cared, they just wanted to enjoy themselves. <br><br> Ska Machine stepped off the stage to raucous applause and the next band stepped on. The bands played on and I definitely didn't go to school the next day. <br><br> Coppice-chella, a little part of [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> I wasn't going to get in. <br><br> I <<if $CC.spoiled == true>>screamed and stamped in the dirt by the frontage, grabbing the fence and shaking it. Chet laughed and waved me off<<else>>bristled, about to try again but Chet saved me off, barely even lifting his eyes<</if>>. I could hear the thumping noise from my bed, curled up alone. I couldn't fall asleep as the lights played across the clouds and sky. It was a bad night. <br><br> I heard that Ava was one of the few 'chosen ones' that year. And the stories that came from her expanded the mythology of Coppice-chella, something that'd never be a a little part of [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]. <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<image framed "passage/cc.gym.png">> <<backdrop "passage/cc.gym.png">> <<outfit gym>> Foam and rubber. Powder. <br><br> Hell, even pulling my hair into a super-tight ponytail -- all easy triggers for my sense memory. <br><br> I'd been tumbling from the time I could walk. <br><br> That was the joke that <<print $CC.MName>> always made because I face-planted the first time I stood up. Funny. <br><br> Maybe the decision was made because of my falls off the monkeybars on the playground, or my routines on the couch. I was put in leotards and dropped off at the gym many afternoons since before I can remember. I can still feel the impact of a mat and the drop in my gut when my brain registered I was just //slightly// off-balance. It was a fucking tough sport, unrelenting and I //loved// the challenge of it all. <br><br> The champions of the 90s were almost forgotten and I was a part of the modern gymnastic resurgence as Simone Biles came to the forefront, and then there was Livvy Dunne and her NIL deal. My contemporaries. But... <br><br> not me. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> I had the ability to push myself further and faster than others. Got my splits down first and was advanced with kids a year older than me into more complicated routines. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> When it was my turn for an attempt, I could feel the coaches relax. They weren't worried about needing to catch me. I almost never missed. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> On breaks I was literally getting back on the horse rather than go off for some water and chat with the others. I wanted to push myself at every opportunity. The extra effort bore better results. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> I had an edge. A quality that's unspoken amongst gymnasts: No coach is going to ''make'' you exceed your limitations, but the athletes that succeed risk their bodies without thinking. <br><br> <</if>> Was I on the trajectory of a Maroney?...closer to the mark. I wasn't about to be an Olympian. Once puberty was beginning you could sense the girls assessing whether accomplishment was worth not growing into your body. I was one of them, but I didn't want to give up gymnastics altogether. <br><br> My changing body was frustrating, to say the least. Hips widening, center-of-weight dropping. The muscle-memory of how to hit the uneven bars sent me spinning or unable to rotate. That was nature, nothing I could do about it. <br><br> <<if Array("bush", "trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>> I //could// do something about the hairs that began to peek out of my leotard. <br><br> Gymnasts had outfits and these //swimsuits// meant throwing modesty out the window. <br><br> The other girls in the locker room -- whether or not it was because their hormones were stunted -- told me that hairless was ideal, and ''easy''. I didn't need to go that extreme, but I wasn't about to have my coaches, other people's parents, the //judges// seeing any sign of my fucking pubes. <br><br> <<listbox "$Body.pubes">><<option "bald">><<option "landing strip" "strip">><</listbox>> <</if>> <br><br> It was about that point when after-school classes ceased to be an option. <br><br> The other girls came up to my fucking hips. They were limber, little, a reminder of the size I'd never be again. <br><br> They'd embarrass you without trying, and it was embarrassing to feel like a 'super-senior' amongst all the kiddos. <br><br> It was time to look into competitive [[club teams|CC021 - Gym]].
/* IMAGE (Needed): Uneven bars */ <<face shock>> The release was wrong. I felt it almost before my hands met the final bar. But the uneven bars were inevitability, motion, momentum. <br><br> I hurtled through the air, trying to assess my orientation to my landing. Twist more? Less? Vertically? Horizontally? What way was up anymore? <br><br> It all happened in a second...second and a half. The mat and gravity had a way of just insisting themselves on <<linkexpand "me.">> me. <<face hurt1>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Sprained ankle? Grabbing at your own ankle? Definitely no shoes. It's representing a mild, but painful gymnastic injury. */ The gym was quiet. That's how I knew I hadn't made a sound. <br><br> I was still, my animal instinct keeping me from moving. Something was wrong. <br><br> People were around me, rushing beside me. Hands were on my legs. So, it was my legs. Of course it would be. <<speech "Trainer">>"Don't move, <<print $>>."<</speech>> No shit. <br><br> I just gave a teeth-gritted nod. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"I'm here. Are you okay? Is she okay?"<</speech>> There was a franticness to her voice that surprised me. Annoyed me? Made me want to cry? <<speechPC>>"I'll be fine."<</speechPC>> My hand grasped her arm to comfort her. To comfort me. <br><br> Later, icepack on my foot, comfortable and warm at home, we had a <<linkexpand "conversation.">> conversation. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Were you really scared?"<</speechPC>> I meant it jokingly. I was even smiling. But to see her reaction, I knew the answer before she opened her mouth. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"I haven't felt that kind of fear in a long time."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"But there were mats--"<</speechPC>> <<speech "CC.MName">>"Mats won't save your neck."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"We have a //trainer//!"<</speechPC>> <<speech "CC.MName">>"I just didn't want to watch something bad happen to you. I felt powerless."<</speech>> I got the point. The room was quiet for a moment. I considered my ankle, swelling purple and black. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"I'm glad that nothing actually bad happened to you. I'm glad I was there. I just...don't want there to be another time."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"When you aren't there?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"When something actually happens to you."<</speech>> Was she right? Was it too dangerous? Especially if I wasn't trying to be All-American... <div id="quit"> <<crossroads #quit>> <<path>> Yeah, gym-me was old-me. I had other, less dangerous interests now. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, guess I'm not an invicible kid anymore."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"No you're not."<</speech>> We talked the rest of the evening away about how babies and toddlers seemed to be indestructible. Just bounce right off the ground. <br><br> While we discussed the invulnerability that was behind us both, I tried to decide what I preferred to spend my time on now that might be a tad less dangerous. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC020 - Barn][$CC.hsv = 'barn'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'barn' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Enjoy the local party scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Vandal][$CC.hsv = 'vandal'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'vandal' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Raise hell around town. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Helper][$CC.hsv = 'helper'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'helper' || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> Made myself of use around the neighborhood. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Church][$CC.hsv = 'church'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'church' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> Joined a Youth Group. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Partier][$CC.hsv = 'partier'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'partier' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> Hit up all the weekend parties. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Home][$CC.hsv = 'home'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'home' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 0>> Chill by myself or with friends at home. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Gang][$CC.hsv = 'gang'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'gang' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> Join a new family -- what you'd call a 'gang'. Judgey. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Volunteer][$CC.hsv = 'volunteer'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'volunteer' || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Use my free time for the greater good. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Sporty][$CC.hsv = 'sporty'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Less intense sports sounded great. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Beach][$CC.hsv = 'beach'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'beach'>> Get paid to enjoy the beach? Easy: lifeguard. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Club][$CC.hsv = 'club'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'club'>> Hit the club scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Tailgate][$CC.hsv = 'tailgate'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'tailgate'>> Spend my weekends entirely ensconced in football. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Outdoors][$CC.hsv = 'outdoors'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'outdoors'>> Spend my time in the great outdoors. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Cheer][$CC.hsv = 'cheer'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Cheering was kind of like gymnastics. <<path [[CC020 - Act][$CC.hsv = 'act'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Try my hand at acting. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Job][$CC.hsv = 'job'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.wealth lte 3>> Get a part-time job for extra cash. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Dance][$CC.hsv = 'dance'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Dance was kind of like gymnastics. <<path [[CC020 - Piano][$CC.hsv = 'piano'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "piano" || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> Took playing seriously leaned into piano recitals. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Read][$CC.hsv = 'read'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "read" || $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0>> Enroll at Community College for advanced and college-credit classes. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base ++]]>> Enjoy my free time...and focus on studying. <</crossroads>> <<path>> No way was I going to let a little danger get in the way of something slightly 'difficult'. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<speechPC>>"It's just a sprain, Mom."<</speechPC>> A simple answer, and all she needed. My life was mine to lead...for [[now|CC022 - Gym]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit gym>> <<backdrop "passage/cc.gym.png">> <<face angry>> <<set $CC.gymScore = ($Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value)>> I shrugged off my injury and was back in the gym as soon as I was able. I even hobbled a little bit, much to <<print $CC.MName>>'s chagrin. <br><br> She didn't know gymnasts the way I did. <br><br> It's almost cult-like in its intensity. And then there was our coach: <br><br> The club was led by a Ukranian, Coach Vovk. And he pushed us //hard//. <<if $ == "Coach Vovk">> His aggression. The pressure he made me interest was piqued instantly. Was he interested in me though? I had to make him notice. It took time. It took care. I had to make sure he didn't freak out...But it happened. <</if>> <br><br><br> Another failed roundoff, I buckled and collapsed to the mat. I was careful about my ankles now. <br><br> He charged at me, <<speech "Vovk">>"Don't you want to win?"<</speech>> I wasn't even sure I wasn't hurt yet. My imagined pain fueled me snapping back, <<speechPC>>"No."<</speechPC>> His head cocked to the side. His eyebrow raised. I immediately felt worthless. All the rage of embarassment and being called out seeped out of me. <<speechPC>> "I...I didn't mean that. I just...I'm not good enough."<</speechPC>> He looked down. He considered my words. The eyebrow was gone, but the dispassion was painful all the same. <br><br> The air was saturated with the tension and sweat. He took a step forward and pulled me close, plucking me off my knees like a toy. /* IMAGE (Needed): Mid-body view of a girl in a leotard being held up by both upper arms. */ He clutched me to his broad, muscular body: <<speech "Vovk">>"Not with that thinking, you won't be."<</speech>> It was kind. His thick Ukranian accent made it even more endearing. <br><br> <div id="try"> <<crossroads #try>> <<path>> I just needed that to scare me straight. I wanted to win. No matter the cost. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Athletics">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> My brain tried to save my body, to prevent injury. I'd have none of it. If I was going to take a fall, I'd take a fall //hard//. I'd own my failures like the rest of the girls. <br><br> Vovk applauded. Even wiping tears and struggling off the mats on yet another failed roundoff, I felt proud. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 3>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<set $CC.gymScore += 2>> And he was right. I just had to really put myself into it. I could feel myself getting better. <br><br> My roundoffs came easier and soon I was landing them pretty regularly. <br><br> Would I be some amazing, medalled champion? No. But I had tried and it was paying dividends. I felt like I could really call myself a [[gymnast|CC023 - Gym]]. <<else>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Severely Injured")>> Until it was one roundoff too many. Something snapped. Something popped. I kept trying to get up, which didn't help the matter. <br><br> It was a 'career' ending injury. Vovk pulled me close and we cried together. He felt awful, but we both knew this was the potential price of glory. <br><br> I wouldn't be gracing the gym again...I hadn't been good enough after all. Can't force ability you don't have, I guess. Time to pick something else to options now. <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC020 - Barn][$CC.hsv = 'barn'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'barn' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Enjoy the local party scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Vandal][$CC.hsv = 'vandal'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'vandal' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Raise hell around town. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Helper][$CC.hsv = 'helper'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'helper' || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> Made myself of use around the neighborhood. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Church][$CC.hsv = 'church'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'church' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> Joined a Youth Group. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Partier][$CC.hsv = 'partier'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'partier' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> Hit up all the weekend parties. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Home][$CC.hsv = 'home'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'home' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 0>> Chill by myself or with friends at home. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Gang][$CC.hsv = 'gang'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'gang' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> Join a new family -- what you'd call a 'gang'. Judgey. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Volunteer][$CC.hsv = 'volunteer'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'volunteer' || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Use my free time for the greater good. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Beach][$CC.hsv = 'beach'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'beach'>> Get paid to enjoy the beach? Easy: lifeguard. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Club][$CC.hsv = 'club'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'club'>> Hit the club scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Tailgate][$CC.hsv = 'tailgate'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'tailgate'>> Spend my weekends entirely ensconced in football. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Outdoors][$CC.hsv = 'outdoors'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'outdoors'>> Spend my time in the great outdoors. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Act][$CC.hsv = 'act'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Try my hand at acting. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Job][$CC.hsv = 'job'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.wealth lte 3>> Get a part-time job for extra cash. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Dance][$CC.hsv = 'dance'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Dance was kind of like gymnastics. <<path [[CC020 - Piano][$CC.hsv = 'piano'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "piano" || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> Took playing seriously leaned into piano recitals. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Read][$CC.hsv = 'read'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "read" || $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0>> Enroll at Community College for advanced and college-credit classes. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base ++]]>> Enjoy my free time...and focus on studying. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<path>> I didn't want to be cut, but I didn't want to get hurt. I'd just have to put on a show for him. <<contents>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<skillChecked "Athletics">> Did he know I wasn't pushing myself to the limits? I still had to exert myself, I still had to //try//, yeah...but I wasn't going to just throw myself needlessly against the floor. <br><br> He didn't seem to notice. It was good enough. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>> And thankfully, I didn't hurt myself. I had a number of near-misses -- even a careful routine was a risky routine. <br><br> My roundoffs never got better, but I could tell Vovk appreciated my stick-toitiveness. <br><br> Would I be some amazing, medalled champion? No. But I had known that already. And he was just coming to terms with it. I was still participating and putting the effort in. I believed I could call myself a [[gymnast|CC023 - Gym]]. <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("Severely Injured")>> But good enough still meant there was risk...Something snapped. Something popped. I kept trying to get up, which didn't help the matter. <br><br> It was a 'career' ending injury. Vovk pulled me close and we cried together. He felt awful, he knew this was the price of glory and I felt worse because this wasn't what I'd been after. The //opposite// in fact! <br><br> I wouldn't be gracing the gym again...Not good enough after all. Can't fake ability you don't have, I guess. Time to pick something else to options now. <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC020 - Barn][$CC.hsv = 'barn'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'barn' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Enjoy the local party scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Vandal][$CC.hsv = 'vandal'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'vandal' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Raise hell around town. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Helper][$CC.hsv = 'helper'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'helper' || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> Made myself of use around the neighborhood. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Church][$CC.hsv = 'church'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'church' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> Joined a Youth Group. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Partier][$CC.hsv = 'partier'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'partier' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> Hit up all the weekend parties. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Home][$CC.hsv = 'home'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'home' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 0>> Chill by myself or with friends at home. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Gang][$CC.hsv = 'gang'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'gang' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> Join a new family -- what you'd call a 'gang'. Judgey. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Volunteer][$CC.hsv = 'volunteer'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'volunteer' || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Use my free time for the greater good. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Beach][$CC.hsv = 'beach'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'beach'>> Get paid to enjoy the beach? Easy: lifeguard. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Club][$CC.hsv = 'club'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'club'>> Hit the club scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Tailgate][$CC.hsv = 'tailgate'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'tailgate'>> Spend my weekends entirely ensconced in football. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Outdoors][$CC.hsv = 'outdoors'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'outdoors'>> Spend my time in the great outdoors. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Act][$CC.hsv = 'act'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Try my hand at acting. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Job][$CC.hsv = 'job'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.wealth lte 3>> Get a part-time job for extra cash. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Piano][$CC.hsv = 'piano'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "piano" || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> Took playing seriously leaned into piano recitals. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Read][$CC.hsv = 'read'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "read" || $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0>> Enroll at Community College for advanced and college-credit classes. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base ++]]>> Enjoy my free time...and focus on studying. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<path>> I knew I wasn't good enough. I just had to hope I wouldn't get cut. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Gymnastic Ability">> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<if $CC.gymScore gt 6>> Luckily, I was able to coast by and even tucking my landings, avoiding pushing myself too hard...Vovk preferred having my natural abilities. <br><br> He glowered. He wasn't happy with me, but he wouldn't [[cut me|CC023 - Gym]]. <<else>> I barely lasted another day. I came out of the locker room ready to go and he dismissed me on the spot. <<speech "Vovk">>"You were right. Not good enough. Go."<</speech>> Time to pick something else to do. I was done as a gymnast. <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC020 - Barn][$CC.hsv = 'barn'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'barn' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Enjoy the local party scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Vandal][$CC.hsv = 'vandal'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'vandal' || ($CC.hometown == "NO" && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0)>> Raise hell around town. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Helper][$CC.hsv = 'helper'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'helper' || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> Made myself of use around the neighborhood. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Church][$CC.hsv = 'church'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'church' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> Joined a Youth Group. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Partier][$CC.hsv = 'partier'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'partier' || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> Hit up all the weekend parties. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Home][$CC.hsv = 'home'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'home' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 0>> Chill by myself or with friends at home. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Gang][$CC.hsv = 'gang'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'gang' || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> Join a new family -- what you'd call a 'gang'. Judgey. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Volunteer][$CC.hsv = 'volunteer'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'volunteer' || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> Use my free time for the greater good. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Sporty][$CC.hsv = 'sporty'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Less intense sports sounded great. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Beach][$CC.hsv = 'beach'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'beach'>> Get paid to enjoy the beach? Easy: lifeguard. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Club][$CC.hsv = 'club'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'club'>> Hit the club scene. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Tailgate][$CC.hsv = 'tailgate'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'tailgate'>> Spend my weekends entirely ensconced in football. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Outdoors][$CC.hsv = 'outdoors'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.freetime == 'outdoors'>> Spend my time in the great outdoors. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Cheer][$CC.hsv = 'cheer'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Cheering was kind of like gymnastics. <<path [[CC020 - Act][$CC.hsv = 'act'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Try my hand at acting. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Job][$CC.hsv = 'job'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.wealth lte 3>> Get a part-time job for extra cash. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Dance][$CC.hsv = 'dance'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]>> Dance was kind of like gymnastics. <<path [[CC020 - Piano][$CC.hsv = 'piano'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "piano" || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> Took playing seriously leaned into piano recitals. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC020 - Read][$CC.hsv = 'read'; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]] $CC.activity == "read" || $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0>> Enroll at Community College for advanced and college-credit classes. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this option for freetime earlier. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base ++]]>> Enjoy my free time...and focus on studying. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $ == "Coach Vovk">><<set $HS.firstRelationship = "My first crush, Petey" : { name: 'Petey', title: 'My first crush, Petey', caption: 'My first crush, Petey', gender: 'M'}>>The worst part was, he wouldn't have anything to do with me. Before we even started.<</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
As I mentioned before, when I got into gymnastics it was before it was a thing. It was just something parents sent their kids to. It wasn't in the news. It wasn't interesting. <br><br> And then there was Simone. <br><br> It was weird. It felt like it was planned. But really it was just perfect timing. Livvy, Simone, Suni, Jordan, Jade. They were household names, athletes like the biggest names in other sports. <br><br> And that meant that when kids at school found out I was a gymnast, it gave me a certain kind of mystique. I was //elite//. I was desireable. <br><br> My musculature and build wasn't as much a turn-off as a turn-on. The other girls were gorgeous and their proximity rubbed off on me. <br><br> Guys were <<linkexpand "interested.">> interested. <br><br> My social media presence ticked up. People outside of my school and my circle were watching me, attracted. <br><br> And the guys //in// my school? Interested was far too tame a word for <<linkexpand "it.">> horny. <<outfit towel>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A naked selfie in the bathroom mirror, covering as much as possible */ <br><br> But it was so new and so sudden... <br><br> <<call>>"Come on..."<</call>> <br><br> <<call $>>"Haven't you seen enough?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"Don't tease."<</call>> <br><br> <<call $>>"You better not be saving these."<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"It's Snap. I can't."<</call>> <br><br> So I let <<link "him see.">><<outfit naked>><</link>> <br><br> <<call>>"Fuck!"<</call>> 🍆 <<call>>"I thought gymnasts had no tits."<</call>> <br><br> <<call $>>"Don't be gross."<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"You're //so// far from gross."<</call>> <br><br> But he had been saving them. And he wasn't the only one who got me to reveal a little too much of myself at school. It became a little bit of a scandal. <br><br> The woes of being young, impressionable and seeking attention. Unexpected attention. Just for being a [[gymnast|CC024 - Gym]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit gym>> <<backdrop "passage/cc.gym.png">> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Pliant Limbs')>> Meets came and went. Practices started to hurt more, aches last longer. I was aging out of this and I wasn't even done with High School. <br><br> One time they accidentally placed me in a younger section, which was far more competitive than my 'geriatric' status, so it was my worst result of the season. <br><br><br> Still, Coach Vovk clearly admired what he called "chutzpah". He applauded me finishing out competitions. I think he appreciated that while I didn't have designs on collegiate or Olympic greatness, I was there to push my own limits for what they were. <br><br><br> <<if $CC.gymScore gte 10>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("legs")>> <</if>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("ass")>> <</if>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("fit")>> <</if>> <br><br> I had fought my way through one of the most demanding sports that exists. I had pushed my body to the limits and made it through. <br><br> And damn, if it wasn't worth it. Beyond what I learned, I was now a lean machine. My body was crazy tight, waist narrow, and ass had that pertness that only refined muscle could give. /*IMAGE (Needed): A very attractive narrow, female waist */ <br><br> And putting my legs behind my head? Oh. You can't? <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Very flexible girl, legs behind her head. */ <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> If I had worked harder, I probably would have seen better results, but I wasn't chasing after beams and rings in my future. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): Headshot and Resume */ <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<if $CC.hometown == "NY" || $CC.hometown == "LA">> Being in a cultural center like I was, I didn't have to settle for a school or community production. Technically, I could try my hand at something professional. <<if $CC.parents == "loved" || $CC.parents == "together" || $CC.adoptive == "grandparents">> First, I had to convince //them// that it wasn't a crazy idea. <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lte 0 || $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>> Using my track record so far, and maybe a little stretching of the truth, they relented. Then the ''real'' fear set in: did I really want to try this? <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC021 - Act][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> Nope, something ''more local'' would suffice. <<path [[CC021 - Act][$CC.actPath = 2]] $CC.wealth gt 3>> There were some crazy good acting coaches around, maybe just focus ''on the craft''. <<blocked>> $ isn't rich enough. <<path [[CC021 - Act][$CC.actPath = 1; $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]>> Dakota Fanning was discovered way younger than I was...I had to ''take a shot''. <</crossroads>> <<else>> I begged, I pleaded, I bartered, but when they insisted that -- due to my behavior up til now -- they'd have to accompany me, I reconsidered and decided on something [[more local|CC021 - Act]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $CC.adoptive == "uncle">>My uncle grunted assent without looking up from the paper.<</if>> <<if $CC.adoptive == "foster">>My foster parents couldn't have cared less.<</if>> Permission came easily, so then the real fear set in: did I really want to try this? <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC021 - Act][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> Nope, something ''more local'' would suffice. <<path [[CC021 - Act][$CC.actPath = 2]] $CC.wealth gt 3>> There were some crazy good acting coaches around, maybe just focus ''on the craft''. <<blocked>> $ isn't rich enough. <<path [[CC021 - Act][$CC.actPath = 1; $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]>> Dakota Fanning was discovered way younger than I was...I had to ''take a shot''. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<else>> Not being in a cultural center, I had to settle for a school or [[community production|CC021 - Act]]. <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>>I mean, there __were__ agents and managers out here, maybe I could actually try that way [[outta this god-forsaken town|CC021 - Act][$CC.actPath = 1]]?<</if>> <</if>>
<<if $CC.actPath == 1>> <<set _actingopp = random(1,10)>> <<if $CC.hometown == "NY" || $CC.hometown == "LA">> /* IMAGE (Needed): NY Street */ /* IMAGE (Needed): LA Street */ It was time to pound the pavement. With new headshots in hand and some Anya Taylor-Joy sides, I auditioned. Cattle calls, agent calls, manager calls, anything and everything I could find.<br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $CC.maleAttention - _actingopp gte 5>> <<set $CC.actPath = 3>> <<face happy>> I was floored by how easy this was. It felt like more times than not, I received callbacks. I definitely got nods, smiles and chatted up after I was done. They wanted to know about me and 'where I had come from.' It [[felt goooood|CC022 - Act]]. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> <<face happy>> This was ''hard''. It felt like I was putting everything out there to be judged. And it wasn't like some test where either I had the right or wrong answer. It was softer than that. You couldn't put your finger on what went wrong or went well. <br><br> And then it all clicked. I had finished my sides and I looked up at the casting table. My headshot was being turned over and considered a few times. A couple of nods and then a smile, "Good job, <<print $>>. My assistant will be in touch." <br><br> I had landed [[a small role|CC022 - Act]] on a procedural drama! <<else>> <<set $CC.actPath = 4>> This was ''hard''. It felt like I was putting everything out there to be judged. And it wasn't like some test where either I had the right or wrong answer. It was softer than that. You couldn't put your finger on what went wrong or went well. <br><br> And I guess I'll never know whether it was my ability, my look, or the competition, but I never seemed to [[get anywhere|CC022 - Act]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<image framed "passage/street4.png">> It was time to pound the pavement. With new headshots in hand and some Anya Taylor-Joy sides, I auditioned. Cattle calls, agent calls, manager calls, anything and everything I could find.<br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> <<face happy>> This was ''hard''. It felt like I was putting everything out there to be judged. And it wasn't like some test where either I had the right or wrong answer. It was softer than that. You couldn't put your finger on what went wrong or went well. <br><br> And then it all clicked. I had finished my sides and I looked up at the casting table. My headshot was being turned over and considered a few times. A couple of nods and then a smile, "Good job, <<print $>>. My assistant will be in touch." <br><br> I had landed [[a small role|CC022 - Act]] on a procedural drama! <<else>> <<set $CC.actPath = 4>> This was ''hard''. It felt like I was putting everything out there to be judged. And it wasn't like some test where either I had the right or wrong answer. It was softer than that. You couldn't put your finger on what went wrong or went well. <br><br> And I guess I'll never know whether it was my ability, my look, or the competition, but I never seemed to [[get anywhere|CC022 - Act]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $CC.actPath == 2>> Money exchanged hands every week and I received my hour-long session with Jessup. He was a paragon of his time. He had taught leading actors who had worked under people like John Ford. Not my genre of choice, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Ha. <br><br> "No! What is she //feeeeeling//?" <br><br> "Well, I thought--" <br><br> "Think? No. __Feel__." <br><br> "Right. Got it." <br><br> And so it went, understanding that it was really putting myself in the situation, not concocting something or forcing anything. Acting was fascinating, and supremely scary. After some coachings, I felt [[very exposed|CC022 - Act]]. <<else>> <<outfit juliet>> I found an audition posting for a production of Romeo & Juliet. Shakespeare was daunting, but the fact that there would be people trying out who were going to school nearby, or worked at the market, made it all the more digestible. <br><br> The auditorium smelled a little musty, and there was an air of pretension amongst the people wandering around. I wondered how far up into the A-listers that kind of self-obsession and entitlement went. I focused on my sides, the balcony scene. Of course it was the balcony scene. <br><br> "Tomorrow I will send...A thousand times good night!" <br><br> "Nicely done, <<print $>>," came the commentary from the darkened seats, "Your pentameter could use some work," he was somewhere in the...back? "but I'd like to see you here on Thursday." Oh. A callback? "for rehearsal." OH! "You'd make a beautiful Juliet." <br><br> I beamed. I blushed. I squealed and allowed myself to feel far more self-possessed than any of those other people as I [[skipped home|CC022 - Act]]. <</if>>
<<if $CC.actPath == 1>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Casting Couch */ <<set $CC.HSBC += 3>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<cumSpray mouth1>> <<face happy>> I was overwhelmed. The casting couch wasn't a myth. It also didn't seem to be a rare aspect of the business. I wondered if maybe I should have had a chaperone around, but I also felt the pressure and the opportunity constantly. I tried to balance everything and manage expectations as best I could. I tried to sus out the truth from these guys in these offices. <br><br> It wasn't for naught, though. Through it all I managed a 'day player' on a procedural drama. I literally lost my shit when it turned into a small recurring arc. This business really did work the way people said it did. But it worked. <br><br> Being on set was exhilarating. It was crazy to be alongside such big-name actors and get to know them as just...normal people. And they were //so// nice. Whoever said that famous people were pretentious needs to get over themselves. <br><br> I made sure to soak it all up and also not press too hard. Didn't want to blow any other opportunity that might come my way from this. <br><br> Everyone was more than happy to help and made sure I hit my mark, kept the proper eyeline, and effectively delivered my scene. <br><br> I was the detective's main source on a 'white slavery' case<<if $ == "black" || $ == "golden">>, which I found hilarious,<</if>> and over the arc had to continue being undercover to help unearth who was really behind it all. <br><br> An absolutely insane experience, some fantastic paychecks, and also some contacts that I wasn't sure if they would ever pan out, but I felt like I needed to keep them warm. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<elseif $CC.actPath == 2>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> We worked on Shepard, some scenes from Deadwood, and Tombstone. Eventually, I got him out of his comfort zone and was able to bring in my own ideas and scenes. <br><br> Working with the camera. Improving my vocal technique. Some stagecraft like props and blocking. But really, he helped me understand my own 'method'. <br><br> My afternoons with Jessup left me feeling confident in my ability -- whether or not I used it ever again. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<elseif $CC.actPath == 3>> /* IMAGE (Needed): TV Set */ <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<face happy>> Being on set was exhilarating. It was crazy to be alongside such big-name actors and get to know them as just...normal people. And they were //so// nice. Whoever said that famous people were pretentious needs to get over themselves. <br><br> I made sure to soak it all up and also not press too hard. Didn't want to blow any other opportunity that might come my way from this. <br><br> Everyone was more than happy to help and made sure I hit my mark, kept the proper eyeline, and effectively delivered my scene. Well, I was //in// the scene. <br><br> A couple of lines, but I was on camera as the detectives asked me and a couple other girls questions. We had been 'trafficked' and they were after the perps. <br><br> An absolutely insane experience, a good paycheck, and learned some things I never thought mattered. Man, making TV and film is complicated! <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<elseif $CC.actPath == 4>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face hurt1>> I had put my heart and soul out there and gotten crushed. One of the many who tried every day, every year. But at least I could say that I tried. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <<outfit juliet>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> Kissing 'Romeo' throughout rehearsal was a kick. He was some plumber's son and going to technical college. But he was cute. It was a ''lot'' of kissing. <br><br> He didn't mind. I didn't mind. Sometimes we rehearsed outside of rehearsal. <br><br> Otherwise, the whole thing was such a kick. I felt center stage and super important. The applause was surprisingly emphatic for our couple of performances. <br><br> As I said goodbye to the auditorium's green room on closing night, I wondered if catching the acting bug like this would be a good thing or a bad thing. It was fun though. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/CC020-Club-alt.png">> <<set $People['CC'].M.rel -->> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel -->> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel -->> "Again?!" I don't think Ethan's mouth could be any more agape. Or his eyes roll any harder in his head. He leaned his hefty body against my doorframe, leaning against the jamb as if he could wall me off from my night out. <br><br> Ducking my head to look through the crook of his arm at Andrew and <<print $CC.friend1>>, "It's a tradition..." <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> tugged him away, "So is The Boys!" he warbled, stumbling out into the hallway. <br><br> "Well, tonight it's The Girls. Okay?" I pushed past them. They had not been happy with my nights being taken up so frequently. But things change, people get older. I had other interests. <br><br> "What's The Girls?" I nearly backed up into her, the shock of my crew probably mirroring my own. She was so quiet. They had been looking her way the whole time and yet, her announcement had been the first any of us had noticed her. <br><br> "Uhhh..." I twisted, veering away and past her. Well, I tried. She interposed herself. <br><br> "Why do I get the sense that you're about to bullshit me." <br><br> I shot daggers at Ethan, knowing he was about to out me. "I'm not. I told you, I'm heading to Della's." <br><br> "Right. The last time I tried to call her parents, no one picked up." <br><br> One of my hands fidgeted with the hem of my skirt. The other resituated my night bag, shifting it behind me as if she were about to rifle through it. I looked back, seeking support, but The Boys were gone. "Well her Mom is a nurse, works late, ya know?" <br><br> She nodded, hands on her hips letting me know that was not a winning argument. <br><br> "It's just a sleepover." <br><br> "And when I call you in a couple hours...I'm not going straight to voicemail?" Yeah, I'd been doing that a //bit// too often. <br><br> <div id="mom"> <<crossroads #mom>> <<path>> Lie. <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> "Do you really think I'm up to something?" <br><br> "Yes." <br><br> "What." <br><br> A hard look. My eyes insisted. "You're really going to Della's?" I nodded. "And you'll be there all night." I nodded, using my experience of the first nod to inform the second. "Pick up when I call you." <br><br> "I will." And I was off, not giving her a second to change her mind. <br><br> I didn't pick up later that night and got in trouble for it, but I still got to go [[out|CC021 - Club]]. <<path>> Skip tonight. <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Wiles ++>> "Yeah. I mean, if you're really like...sus or whatever--" <br><br> She nodded. <br><br> "Then look. I don't need to go to Della's." I wasn't about to sacrifice everything for just one night. She could call the cops on me and that was the last thing I wanted. <br><br> She frowned, confused, "Really." <br><br> I dropped the bag off my shoulder, turning to head back to my room, "I'll pick up when you call later. But it'll be through this wall--" I tapped on it, "So that's just like...weird. But whatever." <br><br> I shut the door. I had weighed the situation and using guilt and trust might be better than trying to slip around her. <br><br> So I stayed in, despite my phone blowing //up// all night. It earned me enough brownie points with the powers that be that I didn't have to skip out again. It was well-worth sacrificing one night for [[many|CC021 - Club]]. <<path>> Sneak out anyway. <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -= 2>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> "Yeah. I mean, if you're really like...sus or whatever--" <br><br> She nodded. <br><br> "Then look. I don't need to go to Della's." Just let her //think// I was staying in. <br><br> She frowned, confused, "Really." <br><br> I dropped the bag off my shoulder, turning to head back to my room, "I'll pick up when you call later. But it'll be through this wall--" I tapped on it, "So that's just like...weird. But whatever." <br><br> I set up as good of a 'me-in-bed' as I could manage before slipping out the window. I was late and had to rush over to not make the girls wait too long. I was pretty giddy when my feet hit the sidewalk, dashing off for the night out. <br><br> Her hackles were already up, so it wasn't surprising that I was caught red-handed. Grounded for a month. Didn't stop me from sneaking out again, because I needed to keep going [[out|CC021 - Club]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Club.png">> <<outfit club>> "This is not you." Steely-eyed, he fluttered the plastic in the air in front of my face. It wasn't but it had worked enough before that I was as incredulous as if it //was// me. <br><br> "Yes. It. Is. How many times am I going to have to say that for you to believe me?" It was a new club and this bouncer was having none of me. Usually it didn't matter if you were cute enough, young enough...they just wanted bodies in the door to get guys buying drinks. But this guy seemed to go by the letter of the law. <br><br> "Zero. Because I'm not gonna. I //will// be recycling this though. Get a better fake," he peered at the name again, "Samantha..." Maybe I should have found one that actually had <<print $>> hair. And <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes. Shiiittt. <br><br> <div id="bouncer"> <<crossroads #bouncer>> <<path>> Try and convince him in the tried-and-true method of girls and bouncers from time immemorial. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> My hand dropped to his, stepping into him as I tried to extricate the card from his grasp. He was a big guy, but the feel of my touch on his palm, the bare skin of my chest against his bicep -- and for good measure, I gave his hand a little tug so he brushed my supple thigh -- stopped him. His eyes considered me. <br><br> "I prefer Sammy." My hand pulled his back and forth against the enticing heat and recently shorn skin of my leg, "Shorter. Easier. Like a sandwich. A snack." <br><br> My fingers slowly loosened the ID from him, they were now occupied where I had been teasing them. We stepped aside from the door together. The other bouncer didn't even deign to recognize his partner was deserting him. He probably knew his time was coming soon. <br><br> I plopped the shitty fake back in my clutch as I let him guide me around. He knew the setup better than I did. And if we were aligned, he had a spot in mind. I couldn't help but smile at the poor sods in line, dying for the opportunity to get into the club. Dying for an opportunity with a girl like me. And here I was just giving it up in front of them to the powerful men denying them entry. Entry in multiple forms. <br><br> New York doesn't really have alleys, but it does have places besides dumpsters. The ground was gross. I don't know how he managed the smell, but I'm guessing getting blown turned off that consideration. <br><br> He didn't touch me, just let me use my head and hands. He let me be in control -- probably knowing I didn't want to be mussed for when I ''did'' get inside. <br><br> I spat onto the ground beside the dumpster, dabbing my lips with some of the tissues from my bag. I got up, trying to avoid looking at what I had picked up on my bare knees as he guided me quickly back around front and past the same sod in line...and through the door. <br><br> I was overjoyed with the palate cleanser of my first drink a few minutes later. I let the girls know what had kept me held up. They barely flinched. Though we all did agree I needed to get a better fake. It was just another night, another part of getting to have my [[fun|CC022 - Club]]. <<path>> Call it a loss. Don't need to lose my ID, get my parents called //and// end up banned here. <<contents>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set $People['CC'].M.rel ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel ++>> I sighed and nodded, going to my phone to text the girls that I wouldn't be in. <br><br> <<call "Lexi">>"Just blow him!"<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Ava">>"A couple minutes == rest of the night!"<</call>> <br><br> <<call $CC.FName>>"Ugh. I told u that ID was trash."<</call>> <br><br> I played it cool. I just wasn't like them. And they'd get over my absence soon enough. <br><br> Literally a few minutes later the text thread stopped. I had enough memories of other nights to know the kinds of things that were happening that distracted them from me. <br><br> I swung by to hang with The Boys instead. They appreciated me in my dress, so that was a win for the evening. Oh, and Drew was more than willing to help hook me up with a better ID maker. So two wins. <br><br> There would be other nights [[anyway|CC022 - Club]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<outfit club>> My skin prickled as I applied mascara, flashes of excitement hitting me as I thought about tonight's commencement of the "Legendary Tour." It was tradition passed down from year to year by the girls who went out at school: where to go, in what order, who to talk to, what to say. It was kinda like an initiation or hazing, but only the fun parts and no one was monitoring or judging you (more than usual). <br><br> Leaning back from the mirror, I appraised my efforts: turning my head one way, then the other, hands tugging down at the hem of my LBD. I lifted up onto the balls of my feet, twisted my hips slightly, patted my stomach and grinned. Fuck. I looked hot. <br><br> <<if $CC.parents == "together" || $CC.parents == "loved" || $CC.adoptive == "grandparents">> I had my whole routine prepared over the years: a rotation of who I was 'staying with,' what I wore over my outfit and a non-descript bag that both held what I needed to swap out yet didn't look garish when I was out. I barely waved on my way out the door, even to the chorus of "Have fun!" "Say Hi to..." "Don't stay up too late!" <<else>> I never bothered hiding it anymore, legs and cleavage on full display, clomping out the door in my heels, sometimes I got a wave, occasionally a "Be safe," but usually it was as if I hadn't disturbed a soul. <</if>> <br><br> And then...I was out! <br><br> The cool night air of Spring caressed my bare skin <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>and uncovered slit<</if>>, nipples perking as I <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>unceremoniously plopped into the Uber<<else>>made my way to the train<</if>> to meet up with the others. <br><br> Rolling up to the first spot of the evening: Tao, I was unsurprised to see Ava already working the doorman. Not that she needed to. Our school had been coming here for long enough simply saying the name would get you considered a regular -- but she enjoyed the attention. <br><br> <<if $CC.FFsex == "F">><<print $CC.FFName>><<set $CC.FName = $CC.FFName>><<else>>My girl Maddy<<set $CC.FName = "Maddy">><</if>> was wearing the cute pink version of my minidress. I grabbed her into a tight hug. The people standing behind the stanchion almost assuredly received flashes of our asses. I didn't care. Clubbing meant people saw things you didn't want them to. Or did. Just a matter of how you were feeling at the moment. <br><br> Della and Lexi rounded out the crew and with my arrival, we were ready to begin the <<linkreplace "Legendary Tour.">> <<Stats Social ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A Geisha painted on a brick wall */ Legendary Tour! <br><br> Only a hint of soy sauce remained in the air: Tao was a restaurant by day, club by night. The expensive rolls and sake had been exchanged for sweaty bodies and alcohol. <br><br> Cover here <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>wasn't too expensive<<else>>was too expensive<</if>> to pay for ourselves, but that wasn't the point. We were out. We were hot. We got drinks. And soon, with just a smile, I had a cocktail in my hand. <br><br> We moved to the center of the dance floor. A Geisha peered down over the partiers from the brick wall where she was painted. We bounced together, taking our first drinks and giggling with glee as the night began. My mind began to wander. I didn't just want Tao to be the first place I went tonight. It was a special night that deserved an auspicious beginning... <br><br> <div id="club"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> /* TODO: Cassie - Here's an instance of adding skill Check popup notification*/ <<skillChecked "Risky" "Excitable">> I knew it was early, but I could hit up that guy by the bathroom for /* TODO: Cassie - Here's an instance of adding and Icon for stat-gated choices. Accepts up to 3 arguments Ex: <<skillCheckIcon "Easy" "Excitable" "Suggestible">> */ <<skillCheckIcon "Easy">> <<link "some blow.">><<replace "#club">> <<Stats Discipline -->> ...I wasn't asking his name. My hand caressed his as I leaned casually against the wall next to him. I let my hip nudge and press against him while my eyes fluttered playfully to his. <br><br> No mention of what I wanted. He knew. His attitude made it clear that he understood what was going on, nonchalant and enjoying the attention. He let me linger, receiving a caress of bare skin or a whiff of my unadulterated (it was early) scent as he made me wait. He made a couple of deals, clearly enjoying having me at his hip brought him a bit more clout. <br><br> My eyeline progressed away from him, noticing my girls having the time of their lives without me. Was this a fool's errand? <br><br> //Right// before I was about to get frustrated and leave, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Head inside..." <br><br> <<skillChecked "Easy">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> Head. Inside. Got it. And in we went, sliding into the stall in the back where the TP dispenser looked like you could ski on it. He gave a nudge at my bare shoulder. I dropped my knees to the cool tile floor and began unzipping his <<linkreplace "pants.">> pants. <br><br> <<cumSpray mouth>> <<face happy runny>> Hair tie was already in hand, knees meeting the cool and sticky floor. A couple minutes later I was flying, stumbling out of the bathroom with a giant grin on my face, mascara running and a mix of tangs at the back of my throat. I wiped my nose and mouth and [[joined the girls|CC023 - Club][$CC.makeIt ++; $CC.attempt = true]]. <</linkreplace>> <<else>> in we went, sliding into the stall in the back where the TP dispenser looked like you could ski on it. He gave a nudge at my bare shoulder. I looked up at him incredulously. "What?" He sighed, looking <<linkreplace "down at me">> down at me. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<cumSpray mouth>> <<face happy runny>> He shook his head, guiding my hand to his open fly. A couple minutes later, I was flying, stumbling out of the bathroom with a giant grin on my face. I wiped my hand across my dress and then cleaned up my nose as I [[joined the girls|CC023 - Club][$CC.makeIt ++; $CC.attempt = true]]. <<else>> <<face angry>> He shoved me unceremoniously out of the stall and I stumbled out of the bathroom, hearing "Cockteasing slut," as the door shut behind me. Awkwardly, I [[joined the girls|CC023 - Club]]. <</if>> <</linkreplace>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> <br> <</if>> Eh, staying with the pack was good...these were my <<link "GIRLS!">><<replace "#club">> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face happy>> GIRLS! <br><br> The music throbbed, sweat lined the bare curves of our bodies. We alternated, being pulled away for a moment to grind and dance with some rando, make out a bit and then giggling and laughing as we were tugged back, safe, to [[the pack|CC023 - Club]]. <</replace>><</link>> <br> I had to find someone hot. <<link "Now.">><<replace "#club">> <<Stats Easy ++>> Now. I sidled away from the pack as best I could without being //too// obvious. I gave a smirk to <<print $CC.FName>>, caught at the last second, but with a shrug...I was gone. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> Thank god for the door quotas. Beautiful women were in droves and drew my eye. Sure, guys tried when they went out, but we went to a whole 'nother level. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<face ahego>> I was shocked when my wrist was tugged, spinning around and now eye-to-eye with...I'd want my identity private for obvious reasons, so I'll give her the same consideration...let's just say she's been in a Marvel movie or two. <br><br> "Oh. Uh." She beamed at my reaction, pulling me closer and we began to dance. Her fingers intertwined with mine as I felt her tight, trained body through her outfit, our thighs interwoven, bouncing slightly. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>She didn't seem to mind feeling my wetness, skin-to-skin.<<else>>I knew she could feel the heat against her quad. I felt hers.<</if>> <br><br> She hummed in my ear to the music, she didn't know the underlying song, but she was into it. Her breath puffing against my cheek, hands unweaving and moving to each other's sides. <br><br> Then we were making out. Slow, considerate, testing. Our arms moved up around each other's shoulders and that's how I spent Tao: pressed tightly against her as we 'danced,' tongues down each other's throats. <br><br> I think the shock of seeing me with her kept us at Tao too long, but eventually Lexi pulled me away. Ms. Marvel smiled and waved. My heart fluttered. We [[moved on|CC023 - Club][$Memories.push("Made out with Marvel Heroine"); $CC.attempt = true]]. <<else>> I was also thankful for women being, generally, more fluid than men. While I felt a little 'needy'--no single girl spent the time at Tao with me--I got my dance on, I felt some ass, I got some tongue. <br><br> And then, Lexi was dragging me out of the club. We [[moved on|CC023 - Club][$CC.attempt = true]]. <</if>> <<else>> Even with the door quotas, men were on the hunt and beautiful women were in droves. <br><br> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> Oof! I was pulled and found myself face-to-face did //he// get in? Gross, older, disheveled. He clearly hadn't come with lady friends and now his hands were snaking their way around my hipbones to my ass. <br><br> I laughed, "Oh uh, hi." I don't know if he heard me over the music, so I leaned in and yelled it into his ear. He didn't respond, but accepted me getting closer to lock me in. <br><br> Feeling the pressure between his legs against my body, I could sense his eagerness. My dress was being inched up around my <<link "waist">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>> and as he got a gauge on my demeanor, it didn't take him long before he was grinding against me firmly and worming his hand down to my pussy from behind. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> I grunted, chin and nose leaning against him as his fingers found my lack of underwear and one stuffed inside me. We were less dancing and more hooking up, but we certainly weren't the only ones here focused on pleasure over fun. <<else>> His fingers rubbed at the cloth between my thighs, testing the waters before pulling them aside and stuffing a finger inside. We were less dancing and more hooking up, but we certainly weren't the only ones here focused on pleasure over fun.<</if>> <br><br> His pants got sticky quick, soaking through his clothing and into my dress. I heard him grunting into my ear and felt him clutching me to stay still. His finger was still too for those moments, then returned to pumping in and out. <br><br> I shifted my hips and tried to guide him, but he couldn't be instructed. I relented because it still felt good. He chuckled, listening to my gasps audible from our closeness. I spent Tao being worked up by this random guy on the dance floor. <br><br> "<<print $>>!" Lexi was dragging me away from him and his hands slid from me without complaint. He watched me leaving, fixing my minidress as I was dressed down by her and my friends as we [[moved on|CC023 - Club][$CC.attempt = true]]. <<else>> Oof! I was pulled and found myself face-to-face did //he// get in? Gross, older, disheveled. He clearly hadn't come with lady friends and now his hands were snaking their way around my hipbones to my ass. Pulling them back and with a gentle pressure at his chest, I exited the grasp and found him reluctant but unsurprised, rather than trying to continue with me, he was searching for someone else. <br><br> Whew. That was close. "You alone?" came the words, loud in my ear because...well, they had to be in here. <br><br> I nodded, smiling at a much more acceptable guy. A little salt and pepper at his temples, but I accepted the attention readily and soon we were dancing. He was polite for a bit, but his hands found my rear, dress hiked to my waist as we gyrated. Fuck. I was wet. <br><br> "Oh, bye!" He laughed as suddenly I was yanked away by Lexi, shaking her head at me as I corrected my dress and we [[moved on|CC023 - Club][$CC.attempt = true]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> </div> <</linkreplace>>
<<outfit club>> <<image framed "passage/CC023-Club.png">> We weaved our way through town, exhaustion starting to set in, buzz strong, <<if $CC.makeIt == 1>>heart pounding from the coke,<</if>> as we arrived in Williamsburg at SILO. <br><br> We stumbled towards the door, Lexi flashing a special card she had been given for the night, and the bouncer ushered us into the converted hangar. <br><br> Techno throbbed in the smoky air. Laser lightshows danced across the haze. Projectors swam with images clearly designed for people on drugs. There were ''so'' many people here. <br><br> We had made it through half our list, but I could tell we were all reaching our limit, but we still had to close out the night strong. <<if $CC.attempt == true>>And I was super. SUPER. fucking horny.<</if>> <br><br> <span id="club"> Solidarity would <<link "keep us strong">><<replace "#club">> <<face happy>> ..."You raise me uuuupppp!" How someone had turned Groban into EDM was pretty incredible. We screamed along at the top of our lungs. <br><br> Unlike Tao, SILO was mostly a solo-style event. People came to roll, not necessarily get some ass. <br><br> Our hair sticking to our face or flicking sweat into the crowd, we bounced and rocked, hands on each others arms in a little circle. <br><br> When we sensed someone faltering, someone started a cry: "Legendary!" or screaming their name, or just "Woooo!". Yeah, we were woo girls, but we made it through this part of the evening, sobering up to [[close out strong|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 0]]. <</replace>><</link>>. Weakest link and whatnot, right? <br> <<if $CC.attempt == true>> I needed to find some <<link "relief">><<replace "#club">> arr. ee. ell. eye. ee. effffff me, //now//. <br><br> Tao hadn't been the only place that had spun my hormones into a tizzy, but from site one, I was a wet one. <br><br> SILO wasn't a meat market the way that some of the other clubs were, <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">>which just meant I'd have to rely on the other sex<<else>>but guys were guys no matter where we were<</if>>. I leaned in to tell Della I needed to go to the bathroom and moved through the crowd on my hunt. I sensed the group was breaking out into their own little adventures and I wondered if everyone would make it to the final 'round'. <br><br> I would, though, I just needed to clear my head with...oh, //hello//. I grinned at an Adonis of a man and only slightly stumbled as I changed trajectory, probably salivating. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> He grinned right back and motioned me over. "What's your name?" As he stepped backward, his presence and size moving people out of his way. <br><br> "<<print $>>" <br><br> "That's cute. It's loud in here, though. Wanna get outta here?" He was grinning broadly, cock-sure and testing the waters. He could smell my need...maybe literally. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<Stats Easy ++>> Without a word, I fell in tow and slid into the Uber with him. He nudged me over and we gave the driver a show as we went back to [[his place|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 3]]. <<else>> <<face ahego>> "Well it's wet in //here//..." I countered, guiding his hand between my <<link "legs">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. He clutched at the sensation and tried to pull me with his fingers towards the door, but the pull hit my g-spot perfectly and that was all I needed. <br><br> I convulsed slightly as he got me stutter-stepping with him towards the door. Thankfully, my peak was over before he could abscond with me. Nudging his hand free from me with a contented sigh he looked disappointed but clearly proud, thinking he had some god-like skill. <br><br> Libido quenched, I left Adonis behind, pushing through the Molly-mass and tried to find my girls. Slowly, I reassembled the crew and we tried to make the best of it and sobered up to [[close out strong|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 0]] <</if>> <<else>> He seemed struck and a little unsure of what to do when I was suddenly saying hi, hand on his forearm. He looked down at me and nodded, considering. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> I leaned forward, cleavage on display, <<if $Body.tits == "small">>what little I had to offer, <</if>>and brushed my touch up his arm, and then back down, "<<print $>>...nice shoes." <br><br> I don't know why //that// line came to mind, but I could tell I was losing him and it was the first thing that popped in there. <br><br> He understood and shrugged, "Come on." Leading me out of SILO unceremoniously. <br><br> <span id="innerClub"> Oh. I guess this would end my <<link "Legendary Tour?">><<replace "#innerClub">> <<Stats Easy -->> No thanks. Didn't need it //that// bad. <br><br> Libido killed dead, I let him leave SILO before he noticed I wasn't behind him, pushing through the Molly-mass and tried to find my girls. Slowly, I reassembled the crew and we tried to make the best of it and sobered up to [[close out strong|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 0]] <</replace>><</link>>...but I <<link "needed">><<replace "#innerClub">> <<Stats Easy ++>> ...but I needed a hot guy on me, like yesterday. <br><br> Without a word, I fell in tow and slid into the Uber with him. He nudged me over and we gave the driver a show as we went back to [[his place|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 3]]. <</replace>><</link>> </span> <<else>> His forearm left my fingertips and he leaned slightly away from me. He shook his head, frowning and pointing to his ear, mouthing, "Can't hear you..." and moments later disappeared into the crowd. <br><br> <<Stats Confident -->> Wow. Confidence killer. Libido killer for sure. Tears welled up in my eyes and I pushed through the Molly-mass and tried to find my girls. Slowly, I reassembled the crew and we tried to make the best of it and sobered up to [[close out strong|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 0]] <</if>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <br> <</if>> Power on with the <<link "power of alcohol">><<replace "#club">> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<face happy>> path to the barrrr! I wasn't the only one fragmenting our little wolfette pack, and I wondered if we'd all make it to the final 'round'. <br><br> SILO wasn't a meat market the way Tao was, which just meant I had to be a little bit more available to get some drinks. But the drinks came and my buzz kept me above the rising tide. I squealed "Woo!" and danced by the bar, mostly trying to ignore the pawing mitts of the men who were [[helping me imbibe|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 2]]. <</replace>><</link>>! <br> Clearly drugs were to be had. <<link "Keeping me high">><<replace "#club">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<face happy>> Drugs. Drugs...druuuugs. Weed would be an easy get, but I didn't want ''down'', I wanted __lifffft__. I could probably source some powder, but not as easily as other clubs on our list. M.D.M.Aaaay! There we go. Baggy changing hands. <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> I fished some cash from my hiding spot and palmed it to the hipster-looking MF. Playing it cool, he played it cooler. This was a Friday night for him. It was a Friday night for me too, but...nevermind. I opened the bag and popped one in my mouth. <br><br> It dissolved on my tongue and soon I was bouncing along with the rest of the crowd, arms up, head swinging side to side. <br><br> I have no concept of how long I was in my own little world, but Della, good 'triple-dee' Della, designated driver Della...she couldn't drive, but, oh! We're in another uuuuber. I played with her hair, breathing heavily as the girls talked about something or other. <br><br> This was a [[fun night|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 1]]. <<else>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> No cash on me and drugs weren't the same thing as drinks, ya couldn't just stand by a dealer until someone tried using that as a pathway to pussy. <br><br> <<if $CC.makeIt == 1>> Tried and true methods worked for a reason. I casually walked up to him and leaned close, letting the curve and softness of my chest be the first subtle clue, "Pop ya for a pill?" Less subtle. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>He looked me over and nodded with a wry grin<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>He looked shocked that someone that looked like //me// was making the offer<</if>>. He unzipped. Far less subtle, but clearly he thought that no one would notice, or no one would care. <br><br> The converted hangar truly didn't have more private spots and he didn't want to give up his posting. My knees felt the cold and rough concrete as I began to work. He freed my tits as an extra bonus for him and anyone <<linkreplace "around.">> <<cumSpray mouth>> around. <br><br> The dissolving pill didn't cut the taste, but it did have be bouncing along with the rest of the crowd, arms up, head swinging side to side. <br><br> I have no concept of how long I was in my own little world, but Della, good 'triple-dee' Della, designated driver Della...she couldn't drive, but, oh! We're in another uuuber. She was urging my dress up over my chest, "Thanks, Del." I played with her hair, breathing heavily as the girls talked about something or other. <br><br> This was a [[fun night|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 1]]. <</linkreplace>> <<else>> I wasn't smooth about this, letting the curve and softness of my chest be the first subtle clue, "Pop ya for a pill?" Yeah, not subtle. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>He looked me over and nodded with a wry grin<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>He looked shocked that someone that looked like //me// was making the offer<</if>>. He unzipped. Far less subtle, but clearly he thought that no one would notice, or no one would care. <br><br> The converted hangar truly didn't have more private spots and he didn't want to give up his posting. My knees felt the cold and rough concrete as I began to work. He freed my tits as an extra bonus for him and anyone <<linkreplace "around.">> <<cumSpray mouth>> around. <br><br> The dissolving pill didn't cut the taste, but it did have be bouncing along with the rest of the crowd, arms up, head swinging side to side. <br><br> I have no concept of how long I was in my own little world, but Della, good 'triple-dee' Della, designated driver Della...she couldn't drive, but, oh! We're in another uuuber. She was urging my dress up over my chest, "Thanks, Del." I played with her hair, breathing heavily as the girls talked about something or other. <br><br> This was a [[fun night|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 1]]. <</linkreplace>> <</if>> <<else>> <<face angry>> Fuck. Guess I wasn't getting any if I wasn't giving any. I pushed through the mass that //was// on Molly and tried to find my girls. Slowly, I reassembled the crew and we tried to make the best of it and sobered up to [[close out strong|CC024 - Club][$CC.makeIt = 0]] <</if>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> would keep me up. </span>
<<if $CC.makeIt == 1>> <<image framed "passage/hsv.bedroom.png">> <<outfit naked>> <<set $CC.HSBC ++>> <<cumSpray pussy3 thighs1>> <<face hurt2>> I don't remember if I screamed, but my brain did. I felt like a vampire as the morning sun seared my eyes. I turned away, clutching sheets...these weren't my sheets. <br><br> They were sticking to me too. <br><br> Clenching my eyes I slid out of the bed. Carefully, because everything hurt. I stumbled around for my dress...found it. I <<link "pulled it over">><<outfit club>><</link>> my naked body as I took in the bare back of some guy. <br><br> My inner thighs were tacky, and a quick finger check: yep, pussy smelled heavily of bleach. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>Fuuuuck. Kay. Too late. Deal with that later.<<else>>Happy that I was safe, I just hoped I didn't catch anything.<</if>> <br><br> I grabbed my heels and slid out of the basement apartment and found myself looking at the city. I was in fucking Jersey City. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Social'].base --]]. <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "Being drunk was no excuse...but no one would know. The girls would never say anything. Right?">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Welp.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " just couldn't find out. I wish I remembered last night more, so that the infidelity had been given me something in return.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck "Unknown rando that ended my Legendary tour" M>> <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 2>> <<face drunk>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A tattoo couch */ Lit. tle. Sistahhh. I maaaade it. <br><br> We were exhausted, and we'd lost Lexi along the way -- even Ava was showing it. <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>>I moved without the tell-tale signs, holding up better than any of them. <</if>>We clambered inside the bougie lounge, getting eye rolls from the buttoned up suits and ties, because we definitely looked the part of partiers. And if it weren't for Ava's pass, a bouncer certainly would have ejected me for fear that I'd eject on someone. <br><br> I dropped into the lounge at the back, eager for its embrace as the Legendaries looked me over. One corrected the hem of my skirt. The rest began talking to Ava and <<print $CC.FName>> about the night's tales, especially how I ended up...this way. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A tattoo couch */ <<include rightearcloseup>> There's a vague recollection of them deciding whether or not I deserved the final right, but Della insisted and helped carry me to the nearby parlor for the final initiation: tattooing "Legendary" behind our right ears. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$CC.traits.push("Tats"); $Body.tattooStyle['Ear'] = "Ear"; $Stats.Skills['Social'].base ++]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 3>> <<face hurt2>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Blazing Morning Sun */ <<outfit naked>> <<set $CC.HSBC ++>> The morning sun seared my eyes. I turned away, clutching the sheets. Fuck. I didn't make it to the end of the tour. <br><br> My insides felt sore, my body felt relaxed, and my mind replayed the memories of the events of the previous...morning. Well, my needs were satisfied and the gentle rise and fall of the muscular back beside me hinted of his satisfaction as well. <br><br> I grabbed my heels, found my <<link "dress">><<outfit club>><</link>> and checked on his side of the bed: Condom, check. Cool. Good good. I double checked with my fingers and was pretty sure that all I felt was me. I tasted it. Yep, just me. <br><br> I took the elevator down and hailed a cab. I didn't complete the tour and would certainly get roasted for this, but I had a fun night. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Social'].base --]]. <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "Being drunk was no excuse...but no one would know. The girls would never say anything. Right?">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Welp.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " just couldn't find out. I wish I remembered last night more, so that the infidelity had been given me something in return.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck "Adonis" M "Adonis that ended my Legendary tour">> <<else>> Little Sister. Last stop. Holy fuck, we made it. <br><br> We were exhausted, Lexi was flagging, even Ava was showing it. <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>>I moved without the tell-tale signs, holding up better than any of them. <</if>>We clambered inside the bougie lounge, getting eye rolls from the buttoned up suits and ties, because we definitely looked the part of partiers. <br><br> Thankfully, there was a lounge set aside by the last group of Legendaries. Butterflies tickled the insides of my ribcage as we plopped down beside them. They nodded, impressed and bought us a round. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A tattoo couch */ <<include rightearcloseup>> We regaled them with tales of the evening and then led us to a nearby parlor for the final initiation: tattooing "Legendary" behind our right ears. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$CC.traits.push("Tats"); $Body.tattooStyle['Ear'] = "Ear"; $Stats.Skills['Social'].base ++]]. <</if>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<set $CC.danceStyles = ["Ballet1"]>> <<outfit ballerina>> <<backdrop "passage/">> <<image framed "passage/">> I had grown up with a barre at my side, plié at the ready, and a tutu in my closet. I understood the rigors and expectations, and the pressure of recitals. <br><br> While adolescence had taken my weekly lessons down, I found that I missed it. I missed the structure, I missed working in tandem with others, I missed learning new techniques. <br><br> So, I gathered up my willpower -- I was out of practice and I'd be behind the curve -- and checked a local studio for classes to enroll during my free afternoons. <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC021 - Dance][$CC.makeIt = 1]]>> Intermediate Ballet seemed doable. <<path [[CC021 - Dance][$CC.makeIt = 2]]>> Could try something completely different with Hip Hop. <<path [[CC021 - Dance][$CC.makeIt = 3]]>> Ballroom, for all those balls that often. <<path [[CC021 - Dance][$CC.makeIt = 4]]>> Or stretch the basics of Ballet into Contemporary. <</crossroads>>
<<outfit dance>> <<backdrop "passage/">> When I had left dance behind, I hadn't been confronted with more than the beginnings of the changes in my body. Now, they were impossible to ignore. The girls assembled in the changing room before class, like me transitioning from school to dance attire. <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">> <br><br> I felt right at home, seeing the hardwood on almost everyone's downstairs, aligned with the immaculate studio's floors. <<else>> <br><br> <span id="dancehair"> Shock isn't the right word for it. The school locker room showed many girls went for a clean, tidy or bare approach. But dancers, clearly it was a cultural thing. I didn't realize the uniformity was so...complete. <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">> <<set $Body.pubes = "bikini">> <br><br> At the very least, the leotards wouldn't allow me my freestyle hair, so I cleaned myself up. <<else>> <br><br> I had to decide: <<link "assimilate">><<replace "#dancehair">> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "not">><<replace "#dancehair">> <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> </span> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.makeIt == 1>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Ballet2")>> I was like a fish to water, hips in, elbows up, stomach engaged. But the others, __damn__ they had been training all this time. I was that gawky girl in the corner that they were probably laughing at in between lessons. <br><br> So, I pushed myself. I drilled at home in front of the full-length mirror. My toes ached. My calves would randomly spasm in the middle of class. <br><br> But I was going to [[make up|CC022 - Dance]] for lost time. <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 2>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("HipHop1")>> <<outfit hiphop>> <<face happy>> Shit, this was ''fun''. Granted it wasn't the first time I had tried to learn a combination from a music video, but now I actually looked good doing it. <br><br> Popping my pussy, shaking my ass, and even a session on Krumping. This was so much different from the staid, restrained and 'classical' aesthetics of ballet. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>And there were guys to dance with! Like, really dance with.<</if>> <br><br> Time to focus. Different was good, but different also meant my body hadn't developed the muscle memory [[yet|CC022 - Dance]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 3>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Ballroom1")>> <<outfit elegantdress>> It wasn't as stodgy as I expected it to be. Sure, the first bit learning a boxstep was tedious and eye-roll inducing, but then we got into Salsa and some Swing -- I never expected to be learning the Lindy! This was so much different from the staid, restrained and 'classical' aesthetics of ballet. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>And there were guys to dance with! Not how I typically would, but it was fun and exhilarating.<</if>> <br><br> Time to focus. Different was good, but different also meant my body hadn't gotten the timing and movements into muscle memory [[yet|CC022 - Dance]]. <<else>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Contemporary1")>> <<outfit hiphop>> This was ''difficult''. Everything was so exact and so different from Ballet. Not because of the rhythm or approach, but because there was such versatility to what was asked of you. And there was personal nuance to every movement. Some of my nuance seemed expected, the rest was 'not doing it right.' <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> But there were ''guys'' to dance with...and while it still was all 'implied', there were definitely undertones that you couldn't miss between yourself and them when you were moving together.<</if>> <br><br> Time to focus. Different was good, but different also meant my body hadn't gotten the timing and movements into muscle memory [[yet|CC022 - Dance]]. <</if>>
<<outfit dance>> <<backdrop "passage/">> <<if $CC.makeIt == 1>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Pliant Limbs')>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("fit")>> <</if>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("legs")>> <</if>> It came to me slowly, like pulling gently at threads of a memory until it came to the forefront of your mind. And then the fluidity returned to my limbs, my positions became more exact, my actions more precise. <br><br> Couldn't come near the girls who had been doing it for ages, but I narrowed the gap substantially and received even a nod from Evelyn, my instructor. Not sure if it was being impressed or that I was present. <br><br> As we wrapped for the season, I reflected and, passing by my trusty room mirror I also saw my reflection -- if my body wasn't different now, more of a ballerina's form, I'll be damned -- <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>>those lithe and elegant legs,<</if>><<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>>that extreme tightness and toning to my muscles,<</if>> so I guess it had perks beyond higher jumps. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 2>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> Popping and locking, the right purse of the lips, the right energy in the eyes. All the pieces of the new puzzle came to me, locking into place as my isolations got more refined and my hips worked differently in their sockets. <br><br> It was also a relief to be able to wear whatever you wanted to class and for what I learned to have just a ''bit'' more applicability to a more daily use-case. <br><br> As we wrapped the session of classes, I felt more at home in my body and with a bit more versatility to the way I could move. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 3>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> Everything came down to rhythm. There wasn't too much variation in what was moving or how far, but your timing had to be great to make this look effortless and good. Funny how much work it was to make it look like no work. <br><br> And goddamn if it wasn't nice to have a 'lead'. The partnership in the dances was something I missed in the more solitary ballet performing. And here, you could essentially wear what you wanted which was nice. <br><br> As we wrapped the session of classes, I felt not only more connected to my body and how I could move, but also developed some friendships and connection to the others in my class. This was a far more social version of dancing. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> There was something calming and peaceful about performing a piece. Perfecting it was rigorous and the execution was exacting, but as it coalesced in form first in each individual and then as the group, it felt transcendent. <br><br> It also felt more 'now' and at home than ballet. Like the natural evolution of what I had been taught originally. <br><br> As we wrapped the session of classes, I welcomed the massive versatility that contemporary dance had brought into my repertoire. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> /*IMAGE (Needed): Night sky */ Boredom was usually the main motivator for what we did on those nights in town. The three of us, staring up at the stars, Allie smoking a cigarette, Raymond swigging from a Coors can, eventually would just get bored and one of us would come up with some random idea that sounded more fun than sitting around or going home. <<if $ == "Raymond">>It was one of those random ideas that led to Raymond and I eventually getting together. It didn't seem overtly sexual of purposeful at the time, but eventually it was him and me in the cab and Allie in the bed.<</if>> <br><br> That night, like it always seemed to end up being, it was... <br><br> <div id="mischief"> <<crossroads #mischief>> <<path>> Joyriding <<contents>> Taking turns behind the wheel, we spun out in the dirt, squealing as we felt the truck rock, threatening to go end over end. Or it was screaming down the highway, pulling into oncoming traffic until the very last moment. More often than not, we'd end up in the culvert laughing and crying -- partially from fear, partially from excitement -- as the truck whined and climbed back onto the asphalt. <br><br> We challenged the world, we pushed the limits of the vehicle and our own adrenaline. It was fun, but looking back it was [[stupid|CC021 - Vandal][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++]]. <<path>> Shooting <<contents>> Raymond had his dad's .45 and he was more than happy to pop open the glove compartment and hand over the ammunition. We'd head out to some field with a downed tree or clean stump. We'd arrange the empty Coors cans and whatever odds and ends happened to be lying along the floorboards. <br><br> At first it was just target practice in the failing light, but we got adventurous quick, attempting flashy technique that none of us were really certain we'd execute until the trigger went off. <br><br> We laughed and screamed as the hand-cannon's report went off. Looking back, we were fortunate, and didn't hurt anyone, not even [[ourselves|CC021 - Vandal][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++]]. <<path>> Skinnydipping <<contents>> Sometimes it'd be a lake or a pond, or the creek, but the water was cold, even during the Summer and who knew what was growing or living in it. So, mostly this meant hopping the fence into someone's pool, or breaking into the school and taking a swim. <br><br> Maybe it was the excitement at possibly getting caught -- and we got caught -- or it was the difficulty of trying to figure out ways in and around the locks, but there was something about being where we shouldn't have been that was incredibly fun. <br><br> And it never hurt to be naked, listening to the water lapping, most of the lights being off and having your heart pumping around people you trusted. We'd laugh and play, and eye each other's bare forms even though we'd seen them time and again. <br><br> Play would turn to __play__ and our laughter would drop off into making out, curled against each other until we got too cold or until we got [[kicked out|CC021 - Vandal][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Easy'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base ++]]. <<outfit naked>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Vandal.png">> Raymond had a bright red Ford F-150. It was primarily used to haul on his dad's farm, but dusty or not, it was our best friend. It made the quaintness of our town bearable as the monster engine revved and sent us all rumbling down the open roads. It served as entertainment, transportation, housing, and getaway vehicle all in one. <br><br> I was in the flatbed, bumping along one of the backroads, hands clawed into the plastic so I wouldn't go flying to my death, when Raymond called out through the window to me, "Shitty what Ava did today." <br><br> "Uh, yup! Surprising absolutely no one," Allison, beside me bandwagoning. <br><br> "Wanna get back at her?" I couldn't see Ray's eyes, but I could see the hint of a wry grin pulling back his cheek. "I'll take that look and quiet as a yes." <br><br> Allie squealed and smacked at my thighs, "Gunna git that bitch!" <br><br> <div id= "stop"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>> My stomach was in my throat. <<link "Should I stop him?">><<replace "#stop">> I clambered up to the window at the back of the cab as the treads tried to get purchase at the loose, dry soil, "Ray, her Dad owns half the //town//..." <br><br> "What? Can't hear you?" His grin was demonic. I reached in through the window and tugged at his wifebeater, "Rayyy..." <br><br> He sighed, rolling his eyes as he let the truck naturally come to a stop, "Okay, then, <<print $>>...what ''should'' we get up to?" <br><br> <div id = "else"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> I caught him eyeing down my shirt. "Ya ever hear of <<link "Lady Godiva?">><<replace "#else">> <<Stats Wiles ++>> I spent the next couple minutes telling Raymond the story, and then only another minute explaining what I had in mind. The moment he understood it meant me, naked, he was on-board. <br><br> The car rumbled its way towards the pavement that led to Main Street and I was figuring out how to stay standing in the back of the vehicle. <br><br> Allie motioned with one hand, other one at the ready with her phone to record, "Alrighty, Lady, git nekkid." The buildings at the edge of the actual town were coming into focus. <br><br> I pulled my clothes <<link "off">><<outfit naked>><</link>> as best I could, alternating hands for bracing on the lips of the flatbed. I tossed the clothes at Allie as she recorded in a vain attempt to get her to stop or cover the lenses. <br><br> She squealed out and laughed as I bounced and jiggled, trying to stay upright and naked as the day I was born. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> My inner ear won out and despite the Ford being completely not intended for this function, I stayed up, waving and laughing at the people who we passed. <br><br> I smacked at the window and yelled at Raymond the couple of times he purposefully slowed down. And then, when he heard the peal of sirens, he knew our fun time was over. Allie pulled me down and Raymond [[sped off|CC022 - Vandal]]. <<else>> Shiitttt. The momentum of the vehicle had me tumbling, Allie grasped for my hand and missed. I fell out the back unceremoniously and dropped square on my ass. I watched Raymond fishtailing away as the Sheriff pulled up in front of me. <br><br> Thankfully, he threw his jacket over me which offered me a modicum of cover as I sat in the jail, awaiting someone to pick me up. <br><br> The deputy and the drunks enjoyed seeing essentially all of me for the next couple hours. They played it off but I knew they didn't mind. And fuck, [[jail is cold|CC022 - Vandal]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>" <br> <</if>> <br><br> " <<link "Donuts in Erikson's fields?">><<replace "#else">> <<Stats Discipline ++>>"Like last week?" He sighed and peeled off, bee-lining towards the farm that hadn't had time to recover from last week's antics. <br><br> I looked over at Allie, disassociating and [[clearly disappointed|CC022 - Vandal]]. <</replace>><</link>> </div> <</replace>><</link>> <</if>> <br> I <<link "matched his grin">><<replace "#stop">> <<Stats Risky ++>> He laughed, smacking his meaty hands against the steering wheel as he took a hard turn and I took a hard fall in the back. <br><br> <div id = "ava"> Allie helped me reposition, our backs to the cab. I outlined my thoughts, "Could do a <<link "drive-by">><<replace "#ava">> <<face happy>> We took a slight detour over to the Farm Stores drive-through to grab a couple dozen eggs. We received firm glares from Chester, who manned the register in the afternoons, but we just smiled it off and hoped he wouldn't be dialing the Sheriff when we rolled out. <br><br> The sound either drowned out the sirens, or we were good to go, so Raymond pulled out towards the edge of town where Ava's dad had deigned build his monument to wealth. <br><br> Having a gate is a double-edged sword, and thankfully hid the highly visible truck. Each of us had a carton under our arms, humming that Bridge on the River Kwai song as we rounded the corner towards Ava's room. <br><br> A handful of pebbles scooped into my hand, I began to ping at her window. After a couple, I saw a shadow moving inside, curious about the noise. <br><br> "Git'er!" Allison was about to toss, and I grabbed her wrist, motioning for her to wait a tic. She nodded, surprised, but then we watched Ava push her window ajar, then further to look outside. <br><br> "Roger?" Ava thought it was romance come knocking. Nope. Eggs flew. We mostly caught the sill and the stonework of the facade, but one -- we debated whose it was -- caught her square in the face before she could hide away. <br><br> We heard her yelp and high-pitched wail. We hooted happily and high-tailed it out of there. [[Call it even|CC022 - Vandal][$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++]], Ava. <</replace>><</link>>." <br><br> She nodded and shrugged, "'course." <br><br> "Orrrr...she does have that <<link "new Benz">><<replace "#ava">> Allie hooted and smacked my thigh excitedly. I couldn't help but grin ear to ear as Raymond took the detour towards the Farm Stores. Her shining new car had been an emblem of the difference, the superiority, between her and us. Her and everyone. <br><br> We bought a couple dozen eggs while Chester, register guy in the afternoons for the drive-through, gave us all firm, disappointed looks. I crossed my fingers that he wouldn't alert the Sheriff and listened intently as we headed towards the outskirts of town. <br><br> No sirens. Good. And there it was: her dad's monument to wealth. Raymond settled the massive truck in the drive up against the gate. We were in full view of the cameras, but her car was within range. <br><br> We popped open our cartons and began flinging. It was less for accuracy and more for volume, hearing the crackle of a voice at the buzzer -- we didn't have much time. The shells splintered on the newly buffed chassis, oozing yellow and white down the windows and wheels. <br><br> And then the guards came. I heard Raymond curse, accidentally dumping eggs in the seat beside him as he got the truck into gear and pulled out. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> <<face happy>> My inner ear won out and despite the Ford being completely not intended for this function, I stayed up, waving and laughing at the guards behind us. <br><br> Ava would be [[needing a car wash|CC022 - Vandal][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]], post-haste. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Shiitttt. The momentum of the vehicle had me tumbling, Allie grasped for my hand and missed. I fell out the back unceremoniously and heard something crack. Somehow, I managed to evade capture. <br><br> Ava had suffered a hit to her pride. I had a literal sling and cast for the next few months. You win some, [[you lose some|CC022 - Vandal][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>." </div> <</replace>><</link>>. I ''loved'' the idea. </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Vandal.png">> So, my school has a mascot of sorts. That it's a cow shows just how uninspired these people are. And, well, there's a tradition amongst the kids more like me -- something had to happen to Sue. Now it was my turn. <br><br> <div id = "cow"> There was the tried and true <<link "theft">><<replace "#cow">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy. Raymond had a massive truck, which would make the transportation simple, but it was garishly red. The cow, also: massive. And this wasn't some brilliant, unique idea. Sue had been stolen before and so the district actually assigned more money to monitoring her than the safety of the students. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>> I took it upon myself to solve the last problem. I kept tabs on Mitchell and on the night, I knew exactly when to 'need help getting inside.' <br><br> "Oh, uh hey, Mitchell." <br><br> "Mhmmm...<<print $CC.surname>>" <br><br> "Could you help me? I have a test tomorrow and I left my book in my locker. I really need to grab it and my notes." I bit my lower lip, flashing as puppy-dog <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes as I could. <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("eyes") || $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<face happy>> "Well...o-okay little lady. Just this once." I nodded and did a little leprechaun jump as I followed behind Mitchell, leaving Allie and Raymond to move in. <br><br> Pelting my way out the other side of the school and back around to the truck, I was nearly breathless when I met up with the two of them, also huffing as they tried to move a massive bovine into the attached trailer. Who woulda thought: tough to just push a cow. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>> "Guys..." I shook my head, disappointed. It took them a few moments of me waving her pail in front of her face and seeing her ambling forward into the trailer before they understood the idea of literal carrot versus stick. <br><br> And then we were off. Sue in tow. <br><br> It was a little bit of a game at school as the kids tried to sus us out. Eventually we let them know, because we wanted the cred, of course. <br><br> They said they found her and returned her within the week, but I believe Sue is still out in Harv's fields to this day, if her markings are any indication. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Social'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base ++]]. <<else>> And...thats how we were found by Mitchell, returning to his duties and proud to be escorting ne'er-do-wells off property. We received detention the next couple weeks. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<face angry>> "Sorry, duty's duty, ya know?" He shook his head forlornly. "Best of luck tomorrow, though, little lady." He tipped his hat, as if he were John Wayne, sauntering off on his rounds. I made a mental note to work on my helpless woman act as I headed back to Raymond and Allie, shrugging as they waved at me like 'WTF!' <br><br> We had little other option but to wait for his bathroom break. Raymond idled the truck up to Sue, who lowed in a way that made me wonder if she knew what was coming. <br><br> Behind her and getting a full nose of her recent meals, we pushed, pressed and prodded to get her into the attached trailer we had...borrowed...but who woulda known it'd be difficult to move a bovine like this. <br><br> Soon, we were cow-less and heading home, defeated. Mitchell had chased us off and we received detention the next couple weeks. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <<else>> <br><br> Pelting my way out the other side of the school and back around to the truck, I was nearly breathless when I met up with the two of them, also huffing as they tried to move a massive bovine into the attached trailer. Who woulda thought: tough to just push a cow. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>> <<face happy>> "Guys..." I shook my head, disappointed. It took them a few moments of me waving her pail in front of her face and seeing her ambling forward into the trailer before they understood the idea of literal carrot versus stick. <br><br> And then we were off. Sue in tow. <br><br> It was a little bit of a game at school as the kids tried to sus us out. Eventually we let them know, because we wanted the cred, of course. <br><br> They said they found her and returned her within the week, but I believe Sue is still out in Harv's fields to this day, if her markings are any indication. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Social'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base ++]]. <<else>> <<face angry>> And...thats how we were found by Mitchell, returning to his duties and proud to be escorting ne'er-do-wells off property. We received detention the next couple weeks. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <br> Sending a <<link "message to the man">><<replace "#cow">> <<Stats Stable -->> Sue was paraded around at school events, usually in some half-assed attempt at a pun or some extended metaphor that never landed with us. <br><br> I thought there might be a better, more direct use of her at the upcoming convocation. So, the night before, I snuck out of the house and headed to the field where they kept Sue. <br><br> Sue had been stolen before, so the district actually assigned more money to monitoring her than the safety of the students. <br><br> I had considered a few methods of maneuvering Mitchell away, but the risk was too great so I decided upon timing his routine. I lay in wait, watching him wander aimlessly, making money for doing nothing except stand in a field. <br><br> As soon as he turned his back, I sprinted across the field and up to the cow, paintbrush and bucket in hand. She lowed and I wondered if she was trying to say, "Oh, please don't..." <br><br> "Sorry, girl." The top of the bucket popped off and I dipped the brush, beginning work. It was difficult, given I didn't want them noticing and cleaning it off in time, so I had to do my best to remember my strokes and watch the glisten. <br><br> Before Mitchell was back, I was off, heading home and preparing part two: <<linkexpand "Black Light">> /* IMAGE (Needed): The Cow, it's dark now and there's a Blacklight message "CALL PETA"! */ <<face happy>> Surreptitiously planting black lights in a venue like our gym was no easy feat. It took multiple passes, checks, and a few skipped classes, but I think I had hidden the power cords and bulbs enough -- but not too much. <br><br> Convocation started and the requisite cheers and rah-rah happened before Headmaster Suarez came out, waving his best Nixon, leading Sue begrudgingly behind him. <br><br> "Thank you! Thank you! Next week is Sadie Hawkins, so I hope you all have -- what's that, Sue?" Suarez bent down as if Sue was whispering to him. Now. <br><br> I hit the switch and before he could land a punchline, the school erupted in laughter as "Call PETA" in bright purple rippled across her fur. <br><br> Suarez turned every shade of red. He jerked upright like someone had shoved a rod up his ass. Quickly, he grabbed her reins and tried to pull her out of the gym -- as fast as a ton of cow would move. <br><br> A second bout of laughter: "PLEASE! <3 <<print $>>" on the other side. <br><br> It was worth the detention. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Social'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Risky'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]. <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> was always an option. <br><br> And the sweet and simple: <<link "tipping">><<replace "#cow">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Shoulders pushing into the side of a cow */ <<Stats Sophisticated -->> It wasn't going to be easy. Sue was massive. And this wasn't some brilliant, unique idea. Sue had been stolen before, so the district actually assigned more money to monitoring her than the safety of the students. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>> I took it upon myself to solve the last problem. I kept tabs on Mitchell and on the night, I knew exactly when to 'need help getting inside.' <br><br> "Oh, uh hey, Mitchell." <br><br> "Mhmmm...<<print $CC.surname>>" <br><br> "Could you help me? I have a test tomorrow and I left my book in my locker. I really need to grab it and my notes." I bit my lower lip, flashing as puppy-dog <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes as I could. <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("eyes") || $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<face happy>> "Well...o-okay little lady. Just this once." I nodded and did a little leprechaun jump as I followed behind Mitchell, leaving Allie and Raymond to move in. <<else>> "Sorry, duty's duty, ya know?" He shook his head forlornly. "Best of luck tomorrow, though, little lady." He tipped his hat, as if he were John Wayne, sauntering off on his rounds. I made a mental note to work on my helpless woman act as I headed back to Raymond and Allie, shrugging as they waved at me like 'WTF!' <br><br> We had little other option but to wait for his bathroom break. We slid out of Raymond's truck and snuck over to Sue, who lowed in a way that made me wonder if she knew what was coming. The three of us leaned into her and the heft of the heifer. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> Pelting my way out the other side of the school and back around to the truck, I was nearly breathless when I met up with the two of them, also huffing as they tried to move a massive bovine into the attached trailer. Who woulda thought: tough to just push a cow. <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> <<face happy>> We rocked against her, feet planted as best we could. We gave her shoulders and a good count and there she went. A long, deep moo came from her as she toppled, simply not designed against an attack from the flanks. <br><br> The ground shuddered as she dropped and we scrambled back to Raymond's truck. We high-fived and crowed out the windows as we sped through the town. <br><br> While we had assumed it was just a small mischief we were making, it turned out to have had far broader consequences than we expected. Sue was dead. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>>I didn't care who knew it, I didn't care what people thought. I wanted people to know what I did. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Social'].base ++]]. <<else>> A few people found out, but we mostly kept it to ourselves. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<face hurt1>> We rocked against her, feet planted as best we could. We gave her shoulders, but our count was off and we heard Mitchell yelling. We scrambled, I fell in a mudpie. <br><br> Sue stayed standing and I stayed in the back of the trailer as we sped away. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> </div>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel += 2>> /*IMAGE (Needed): Neighborhood */ It was a warm afternoon, just returning from school and Mr. Strong was working on his gutters. Being old and feeble climbing that high up ladder could cost him a hip. <br><br> "Mr. Strong, Oh, Mr. Strong! Please be careful. Let me help you with that." <br><br> He always struck me as a 'do it yourself' kind of guy, I hardly expected him to take me up on the offer. <br><br> "Why yes, dear. That would be nice," the ladder labor brought the words out with a surprising bellow. Shit. I just wanted the points for the offer. <br><br> Now his assistant, I crossed the lawn to his ladder, the warm breeze reminding me -- I was in a <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>>. <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1 and $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> Agreement being more important than dignity, it looked like the old man would get a show. He descended and I took his place, his hands steadying the base of the ladder. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> I could feel his eyes on my bare legs creeping higher as my legs pumped up the rungs of the ladder. I couldn't believe I was flashing my pussy to old man Mr. Strong. I waited for a reaction, possibly the thud of him hitting the ground from a heart attack.. But hey my folks couldn't say I didn't help a neighbor in need. Just might give a little too much help. <br><br> There it came: coughing "Are you alright up there, <<print $>>?" Looking down, I saw he had downcast his own gaze. He had seen. <br><br> That old sly dog. Thinking of older men in this way usually made my skin crawl, but it felt so naughty and exciting to be on display for him for some reason. <br><br> Digging the leaves and muck from the gutters wasn't something I was prepared for --in more ways than one -- dirtying my hands. My ass shook with every cup-and-toss. I swear, the man nearly had a stroke before the day was out. And it wasn't from the heat. <br><br> With sweat -- I think it was just sweat -- lubricating my inner thighs, I finished up, coming down the ladder, "Take care, [[Mr. Strong|CC021 - Helper]]," <br><br> <<else>> Thankful for underwear, I assured myself the view wasn't unacceptably lewd. I was helping a neighbor, so any judgment had to put that into the balance. <br><br> I balanced at the top, driving from my mind the consideration of //what// pair of underwear I had chosen, focusing on the clog. <br><br> He cleared his throat (I wonder why), "Thank, thank you for all the help <<print $>>." I peered over my shoulder, catching him just before his gaze dropped. <br><br> "Keep me stable, Mr. Strong. It's no problem. I'll be done in a jiff." I wiggled my ass for effect as I rooted the gutter. It did feel extra stable…maybe a third leg was supporting the ladder that day. <br><br> Job complete, he thanked me as I skipped away, allowing my <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>> to flare up one last time. I was devious and extra [[kind-hearted|CC021 - Helper][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<else>> Already bound to my offer, I mulled the options over and decided my best bet was to keep my thighs closed and pin the skirt with them. Faux-skort in a way. <br><br> Hand over hand, I moved up the ladder utilizing my upper-body strength as much as I could. At the top, I got to work, shifting as little as possible. . The ladder felt stable and, checking a couple times, he didn't seem to be snatching glimpses. <br><br> "Thank you so much, <<print $>>. I would have been here all day with the bad knees and all. You are a godsend." <br><br> "No problem, Mr. Strong, just thank my <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>>parents<</if>> for raising me right." Brownie points with them were //actually// useful. <br><br> Within an hour we had moseyed around and gotten the gutters clean. Flashing crisis averted. I smiled, giving him a final wave as I headed home, sweaty, dirty, but [[feeling accomplished|CC021 - Helper][$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<else>> "Oh sorry, Mr. Strong. Not really...dressed for the occasion. Please be careful!" pointing out my ensemble, he nodded. <br><br> "Oh, of course. Thanks for lookin' out for an old codger like me! Now get on home, young'n." I wasn't about to be judged for parading my hindquarters in front of a neighbor.. Perhaps there would be another neighbor in need. <br><br> Rather than go straight home, I always took a stroll around the block. It's a safe neighborhood so I didn't feel concerned about running into trouble. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> The sound of barking and screaming made me reconsider the notion. Old Ms. Unis was chasing her dog, its leash flopping behind it as it padded away. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0 and $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0>>My feet were already pounding pavement, legs burning as I took off after the young pup. <br><br> "I've got it Ms. Unis!" I shouted, mid-sprint. <br><br> Ms. Unis, huffed and puffed, stopping her own chase, "Oh. Thank. You. <<print $>>. That damn dog got away again," she choked out bent over at the waist. <br><br> The dog had a few paces on me. With the leash trailing, I'd have to get close to grab the reins unless I dove -- so I did, managing to snag the leash by the fingertips body scuffing to a stop in a neighbor's yard. <br><br> Grass-stained, I escorted the energetic mutt back to its owner. <br><br> "Here ya go, Ms. Unis. He is a fast bugger." <br><br> "Oh, you're such a dear, I will tell your <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>>parents<</if>> how wonderful you are," she was pinching my cheeks. Sweaty old lady fingers. <br><br> "No problem," I grimaced. "Have a great day." She took her dog back to heel as I proudly headed home -- directly now. I had already gotten my run [[around the block|CC021 - Helper][$Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base ++]]. <br><br> <<else>> The dog was //fast//. As I got into my pace, I nearly tripped, surprised by the way it took off. But I was determined to help her, I wouldn't let my clumsiness get in my way. <br><br> ''Huff'' ''huff'' "I'll get your dog, Ms. Unis." <br><br> Gassed and already way behind: "Bless. You. <<print $>>. Bless. You!" <br><br> I chased that mangy mutt through yards. I realized it was built for this and I wasn't, I'd have to take a shot. I dove once and found, rather than the leash, a face full of grass and scraped knees. Lurching myself back upright, I pressed on. <br><br> Though the dog was athletic, it wasn't smart. Moments after my fall, it became enraptured by stray dog droppings and had stopped to sniff. I pounced, snagging the leash. <br><br> Half-beaten and half-dead I marched the pup back to its owner. "Here is your rascal," wincing slightly as my scraped knee began to throb. <br><br> "Ooo, that looks bad. Go home and tend to that. I'll be sure to tell your <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>>parents<</if>> how wonderful you are <<print $>>." She scolded the dog and walked away, leaving me surprised she hadn't offered nanny-sensibilities and helped me out with my injuries. <br><br> I limped my way home, feeling proud to have my [[badges of honor|CC021 - Helper][$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++]]. <</if>> <<else>> I heard screaming and a dog barking excitedly but I couldn't make out where. It sounded like a neighbor needed help. Unfortunately, it the noises trailed off before I could be a [[super-neighbor|CC021 - Helper][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base --]]. <</if>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Helper.png">> <<outfit soaked>> Mr. Eriksson was the most elderly person in the neighborhood and <<print $CC.FName>> had taken it upon herself -- or me, that is -- to bring him his portion of the coop produce after school. <br><br> I swung by the community center, smiling and waving as the crunchy-granola Rudy, leaned forward in our weekly joke, "//Mister// Eriksson, I presume." <br><br> "That's me!" He slid a box across the table and I went through the produce, picking out what seemed to be most fresh. And then, leg two was bringing them to the old codger. <br><br> Box under arm, I knocked on his door. Knocked again. Oh shit. Visions of him collapsed on the ground flashed in front of my eyes as I tried the knob and it gave. He was going to be dead. Deceased old man. <br><br> "Mr. Eriksson?" I barely squeaked out as I stepped inside, taking solace in the lack of smell of death. <br><br> "Hurry! Hurry!" sprinting, figuring a broken hip, wondering what you did for a heart attack, any medical knowledge flooding my brain as I let the veggies tumble. <br><br> I stopped short. He. Was. Standing. Staring at a sink. Sure it was overflowing, but it was hardly an emergency. "Mr. Eriksson?" <br><br> "Oh, good gracious, you...wouldn't happen to be able to fix this, would you, Ms. <<print $CC.surname>>?" <br><br> A grimace, but thinking of the veggies all over his floor, I shrugged, "Sure?" And I walked over to the rising water levels. I had arrived right on time, it wasn't flooding the kitchen, but would be soon. I chewed at my lip, not exactly sure what to do. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> <<face shock>> Fuck, fuck, fuck! I shoved my hand under the water, searching. It was full of dishes, and the weight of water was making it hard to move anything around. My hand dug, surging water splashing up onto my shirt. <br><br> I leaned in, straining to make work of the problem. What was the problem? Gross, the water was so gross. What was I touching? The water was overflowing, right down my legs. <br><br> "Oh, dear." Yes, Mr. E, to say the least. I continued to struggle, getting grimy, waterlogged and soaked. While I worked, he made the smart move to call a plumber. <br><br> When the plumber arrived, he was unhappy with the flood, but he looked quite pleased to see me. <<if $Body.braless == true>>He saw my tits<<else>>He saw my bra<</if>> clear as day even though they were covered, free wet T-shirt for the guy. <br><br> Mr. E left the coordination to me, I shifted and moved around the moat of the kitchen, every inch of my clothes soaked through, he definitely caught snatches of <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> my full on snatch. He looked as I instructed him, but I was so annoyed and over it, I just wanted to get the instructions out and not worry about anything else. Look at my pussy dude, [[there's your tip|CC022 - Helper]]. <<else>> panty-shot. I just wanted to get the instructions out and not worry about anything else. <br><br> Finishing, I went to get up and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me down and spent the next fifteen minute giving me some pointers as to what to look for in the future. Sure, I learned some stuff but he just wanted to eye me longer. Look at my pussy dude, [[there's your tip|CC022 - Helper][$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base ++]]. <</if>> <<else>> Don't freak out. First problem: water flow. I turned off the faucet. The water stopped. Wow. Complete incompetence, Mr. E. Now, what caused it to get like this?<br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> Probably a clogged drain. I slid my hand into the water, searching. It was full of dishes, and the weight of the water was making it hard to move anything around. My hand dug, <br><br> I leaned in, straining to make work of the problem. Gross, the water was so gross. What was I touching? <br><br> Eureka. Gross as it was, I found the 'clog'. He had left the stopper in. Using one hand to prevent this grossness from re-clogging the drain, I pulled and the water drained. <br><br> He cheered me on. I shook my head and used his bathroom towels to clean off. <br><br> Then, I proceeded to receive a dressing down for the vegetables and dirt in his foyer. I helped him out, biting my tongue, and [[headed home|CC022 - Helper][$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base ++]]. <<else>> Probably something with the pipes, right? I had always left this kinda thing to <<print $CC.DName>>. I squatted down, opening the under-sink cabinet and leaned into the dark. Most of those cleaners and things probably hadn't been touched since the 90s. "You got a wrench?" <br><br> He nodded and wandered off, coming back with what I guess was a good enough wrench. <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> Putting my weight into it, I loosed the pipe. And got fucking ''drenched''. Water <<shake 10s>>spewed<</shake>> free into me and inundating me with a deluge that put everything before to shame. Mr. E let out a yell that put mine to shame and rushed off to call a plumber. <br><br> When the plumber arrived, he was unhappy with the flood, but he looked quite pleased to see me. <<if $Body.braless == true>>He saw my tits<<else>>He saw my bra<</if>> clear as day even though they were covered, free wet T-shirt for the guy. <br><br> Mr. E left the coordination to me, I shifted and moved around the moat of the kitchen, every inch of my clothes soaked through, he definitely caught snatches of <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> my full on snatch. He looked as I instructed him, but I was so annoyed and over it, I just wanted to get the instructions out and not worry about anything else. Look at my pussy dude, [[there's your tip|CC022 - Helper]]. <<else>> panty-shot. I just wanted to get the instructions out and not worry about anything else. <br><br> Finishing, I went to get up and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me down and spent the next fifteen minute giving me some pointers as to what to look for in the future. Sure, I learned some stuff but he just wanted to eye me longer. Look at my pussy dude, [[there's your tip|CC022 - Helper][$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base ++]]. <</if>> <<else>> Grunting and pushing, I leaned into it but I couldn't make it budge. My muscles ached, but I shook my head, defeated. <br><br> "Sorry, Mr. E. Just can't get this." He nodded, sighed, patting me on the head. <br><br> "Thank you for trying, dear." He was content not to have the water threatening to overflow, so it was a small win. As he escorted me out, he did take some time to admonish me for the mess I left in his foyer. I bit my tongue and resolved to get him worse veggies [[next week|CC022 - Helper][$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Helper.png">> One Saturday, there was a neighborhood garage sale. We donated a few boxes of things to be sold. Luckily, it was a mild and warm sunny day so it wouldn't be too unbearable for a late morning start. <br><br> I never understood why these were still a thing. Ebay and...well, the internet...would have made all of it easier and less sweaty, but, I guess for some it felt better to be selling to those next door. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> I knew I was supposed to try to be the good "neighbor" and all but meh, there are other more fun things to do than be around pretentious people buying used-up crap. <br><br> I ditched out at the earliest opportunity. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base --]]. <<else>> It was my duty to help out our fellow neighbors. Not only for the Mr. Rogers' element; you never knew when having people who liked you nearby could help you or your family. <br><br> Hefting our family' boxes for sale, I walked up to the head lady: Ms. Z. <br><br> "Oh hey, <<print $>>. Thank you so much!" <br><br> "No biggie Ms. Z." I smiled, having nowhere else important to be, I set to work the tables, pricing and just keeping eyes on all the randos that walked up.<br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a young kid snag something...probably one of those Garbage Pail Kids cards...and pocket it. <br><br> I didn't immediately react, I was too far and they could jet. Carefully, I stalked a little closer as the bugger put on a cool facade, pretending to browse. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0>>I kept a couple paces back, avoiding eye contact with the perp. I matched his 'make-believe,' shifting items on the table as I made my careful approach. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>> But...did he steal something? He seemed like he was behaving now and I don't think I had been made. Maybe it was a trick of my eyes. I certainly didn't want to make a scene. It wasn't my stuff anyway. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].base ++]] <<else>> I couldn't let the kid out of my sight. I kept pace on him incase he was a runner. I saw him pocket another item so it was time to pounce. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0>> <<face happy>> I covered the ground quickly, pulling up in front of him in a shot, "Hey kid. Whatcha got there?” He balked, I leaned in, “You need to pay for those." <br><br> "W-where'd you come from? I didn't take crap," the kid tried to back away. My reaction had alerted the other adults. He could feel the attention. <br><br> "Empty your pockets, kid. If they're empty, then it's my bad. Otherwise, we call the //cops// so you can learn a lesson." <br><br> "I--I don't want any trouble. Suh-suh-sorry. I just liked them. Here? See?" the kid turned out his shorts and the two trinkets appeared. <br><br> "Stealing is not the right way of getting things you want. This stuff is someone else's. If you wanted, it you could have tried to negotiate and trade for it. <br><br> I won't call the cops since you were honest. So. You can either leave it behind or find the owner and work out a trade." <br><br> "Tha-thanks." He wiped his shining cheeks. <br><br> Ms. Z waltzed over after watching the exchange from a distance. <br><br> "That was mighty nice of you letting that kid go. I hope he learned his lesson." <br><br> We were cut off as a young <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>man<<else>>girl<</if>> came running up. "Grandma, grandma, you okay? What was all that commotion about?" <br><br> Ms. Z greeted her kin, "It was some kid trying to steal. <<print $>>, here, thwarted them. <<print $>> this is my <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>grandson<<else>>granddaughter<</if>>, Alex." <br><br> Even before the introductions, I knew who they were. God, was I crushing. <br><br> "Huh-hi, Alex. I'm <<print $>>--right, she said that. It was nothing. Just saw the kid and took action." Not my best attempt at playing cool. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> smiled, "Well, thanks. Not every day are people willing to get involved. I like those kinds of people, heh." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>>…blushed, slightly? <br><br> With a not-so-subtle nudge from Ms. Z, I moved closer, "Uhh, uhh, you…wanna go grab some food or coffee sometime?" <br><br> FIREWORKS!! Holy Shit! Act Natural, act natural. "Hmmm, yeah I guess so," I pushed some of my <<print $>> hair behind my ear. <br><br> Their shoulders relaxed. "Great! Let me get your number and we'll go out." <br><br> "GREAT! I mean, yeah. Sounds good." I wanted to believe they weren't trying to duck me and were just playing it off. "I gotta go now. It was great meeting you. Great garage sale. Great day. Byeeee!" <br><br> I couldn't help watching them go. I hated seeing them leave...butt...this was nice. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base ++]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> I moved swiftly but bumbled my steps knocking candlesticks and dinnerware over as I hit my knee. The kid, now alerted, bolted. <br><br> "HEY! KID! Come back!" I continued the chase, weaving around tables and people with my now-hobbling gait. <br><br> The kid certainly had the beat on me. I needed an edge. <br><br> "Look out! Car!" I tried surprise (not my finest) which seemed to do the trick. The kid stumbled at the sidewalk, teetering before going into the road. <br><br> I grabbed his arm just as he realized he'd been duped. <br><br> Gathering myself, "Why you runnin', kid? You stealin'?" I panted. Not a good show. <br><br> "Leave me alone. I didn't steal. //You// scared me. So I ran." <br><br> "I saw you pocket some items. Empty them and I'll let you go. If not, I gotta call the cops," my labored breathing started calming down. <br><br> "Screw you." The truculent kid wasn't cooperating. <br><br> Ms. Z and a couple of other adults came over to assist. The kid was forced to empty his pockets. Cops were called. I felt bad but we can't have petty theft in the neighborhood. <br><br> "Great job, <<print $>>. Every year it seems like a certain number of things go missing. Saved the day today." <br><br> "Eh, just cost a twisted ankle." <br><br> "Oh no! Deary. Let me help with that…Come on." Ms. Z was leaving the yard sale, for me? It was all a little much being escorted back to her house. And then it got to be a lot. <br><br> A hot young <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>man<<else>>girl<</if>> popped out of her front door. "Gran-gran, everything alright? Why are there //cops// here?" It was my damn crush. <br><br> "Calm down, calm down. I'm fine. But, our banged up <<print $>> here stopped us from being robbed." <br><br> "Gran, robbed? Don't be so extreme. I'm sure it wasn't that...oh." Our eyes met for the briefest of moments before I turned away. "Hi, I'm Alex. Thanks for helping out, uh, my grandma." <br><br> Their apparent nerves helped calm mine, "Awww, it was painful but worth it, heh," I couldn't keep direct eye contact. <br><br> Ms. Z saw the tension and nudged Alex kindly. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> jolted in surprise. "Yeah. Uh…This hero deserves a reward. Can I take you to lunch or coffee sometime?" <br><br> Pain in my knee? What pain? "Uhhh, yeah. That would be cool, yeah," I kicked some grass feeling lame. <br><br> "Oh excellent, let's exchange numbers!" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> pulled out <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>>r phone and digits changed hands. <br><br> "I, uhh, gotta get home and tend to my wounds…and ego, heh. See you...uhh, soon, Alex. //Bye//!" I didn't wait for their response. <br><br> I stumbled home feeling proud for having helped my neighbors, not fumbling a rare chance with my crush, and stopped some punk kid from stealing. I hope they learnt their lesson. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> Taking a closer look, I wasn't careful and went ass-over-head bumping into a table. Klutz! Good thing it was a shorts day. The kid jetted. Mrs. Z shook her head at the upended table but was thankful I had scared him off before more damage was done to her bottom line. Just have to be more careful next time. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++]]. <</if>> <<else>> It was so nice out. People browsed and kindly moved down the makeshift aisles. The hours passed, making a few introductions to people I didn't know and seemed pleasant enough, a couple of sales for Mrs. Z, and saying "Have a great day," about a billion times. It kind of shocked me when Mrs. Z dressed me down for missing and unsold items from my section. A thief had gotten past me. My bad. I vowed I'd never let that happen again. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel += 2>> <<outfit basejeans>> I don't know why I was jittery. It was only a youth group. I'd probably know at least some, if not all of the other members simply because of the overlap of the congregation. Maybe it was excitement. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/">> We assembled around the fire pit in the back of the church. Logs were situated at angles to form natural seating. With the backdrop of the stained glass, we got settled. I smiled around, trying to make that initial connection. <br><br> "Hey, I'm <<print $>>." I stood, looking around the other kids around my age and I did recognize many of them from Sundays. <br><br> "Hey, <<print $>>." A rolling response. Then the youth minister grinned, a blade of grass playing between his fingers, "What verse speaks most to you?" <br><br> <div id="verse"> <<crossroads #verse>> <<path>> "Romans 12:2" <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <br><br> "Ah, interesting. And what part of it speaks strongest to you?" <br><br> "Then you will be able to test--" <br><br> "So it's your job to test God's will?" <br><br> I smiled, easy trap, "To discover his will. By breaking the bonds of normalcy. It's in the frayed edges that we find ourself and Him." <br><br><br> He nodded. And so it went, around the circle, a personal investigation of [[the Bible|CC021 - Church]]. <<path>> "Ephesians 6:12" <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <br><br> "Ah, interesting. And what part of it speaks strongest to you?" <br><br> "...against the rulers--" <br><br> "Is the church not an authority? Should you struggle against the church--this group?" <br><br> I laughed, "Are you infused with forces of evil?" <br><br><br> He smiled. And so it went, around the circle, a personal investigation of [[the Bible|CC021 - Church]]. <<path>> "John 16:33" <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br><br> "Ah, interesting. Have you suffered trouble?" <br><br> "Who has not?" <br><br> "And do you see evidence of His overcoming the world?" <br><br> "Are we here, together today?" <br><br><br> He nodded. And so it went, around the circle, a personal investigation of [[the Bible|CC021 - Church]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Church.png">> We had to be His voices, reaching out and finding those who had not yet come to us and to Him. So we were doing outreach in a park. Throwing a frisbee around. <br><br> The day was lovely and sunny, but we hadn't done much outreach. Hadn't met a single other person outside of our group. And the frisbee came to me. As it settled on my fingertips, I looked around. <br><br> <div id = "frisbee"> <<crossroads #frisbee>> <<path>> Toss it back to the cute guy who'd been flirting with me all morning. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> With a giggle and a shy look away, I sent it back to Paul, who smiled big at receiving the return throw. <br><br> We didn't accomplish much that day besides working up a sweat and finding connection with each other. But maybe that was the outreach that was supposed to happen that afternoon. <br><br> Paul and I left the frisbee game and just went on a walk through the park. It was a [[lovely day|CC022 - Church]]. <<path>> Send it 'accidentally' over to the group picnicking. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> Oops! Must have left my fingers too late. "Sorry! Duck! Oh, please! Sorry!" I ran over. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>I was bouncing over and so was my chest. It got their attention if the missile hadn't.<</if>> <br><br> "Well, hello there. Nearly took my head off." Chuckled a shirtless guy as he stood up, letting the disc spin on his middle finger. <br><br> "Yeah, sorry! Really am. Me and my friends from the youth group are just throwing it, wanna throw it back?" I motioned to the group that was waving kindly. <br><br> "I throw it now, I'll brain you." <br><br> I laughed, smiling, "No. To think you can make it?" He raised his eyebrow at the challenge, took two long strides and heaved. <br><br> By the end of the afternoon, we had at least introduced ourselves to the whole group of picnickers and had let them know when we met. One showed up, which was a [[massive win|CC022 - Church]]. <<path>> Make eyes at a jogger and cast it on the run. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> A fit guy in form-fitting workout gear from head to foot noticed my looks and smiled at me. I loosed. He sped up and caught it. <br><br> And then he kept running. Oh, jeez! I started to pelt after him. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>I had not dressed for a run, so my chest was bounding more than I was. He didn't mind, clearly.<</if>> "Hey there." Despite the dewy skin, he seemed fully capable to run and talk. Impressive. <br><br> "Hey. Can I have my frisbee back?" <br><br> "Oh this? What's your name?" <br><br> "<<print $>>." Keeping up with him was going to be difficult. <br><br> "Hmm...don't see that on here..." <br><br> "It's ours..." And so it went, finishing off the run with him and getting chatted up before I got the frisbee back. <br><br> When I returned to the group, I was drenched, exhausted, but I had gotten his commitment to join us next week. Worth the lactic [[acid build-up|CC022 - Church]]! <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Church.png">> Once a month, we did good works, mostly volunteering at a local old folks home. We were assigned our 'buddies' and it was such a lovely sight to see them react to our arrival. Life re-entered them. They were funny. Vibrant. And it made it all the sadder. <br><br> They had been essentially forgotten by and large by their family. Or they had no family left. The people paid to care for them put as much emotional distance between them and their patients as possible. I understood it, but that's what we were there for. <br><br> "Clark!" <br><br> "<<print $>>!" He tried to raise himself from his chair a few times before I was there and helping him get up. <br><br> "Careful now. Good to see you too." The hug was awkward and the smell was something //different// but I could feel the need in his arthritic grasp. <br><br> <div id ="clark"> <<crossroads #clark>> <<path>> Wanna play a game? <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> He was actually a killer at chess. I don't think I even brought him to a draw -- not like I was some chess maven when I started. <br><br> I don't think he enjoyed beating me. I think he longed for the game and partnership. He would tell stories that some move or capture reminded him of, and he taught me something about the game and being able to look past just the current position of the pieces. <br><br> There was something to that. And I was more than happy to lose. He did smile a little. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Are you leading exercise hour today? <<contents>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> "Of course. Like every time." I laughed and shook my head. I didn't know if he honestly forgot or was just so excited by the prospect. <br><br> We hobbled him over to the activity room and into one of the chairs in the semi-circle. "Hello, <<print $>>!" came the chorus of elderly. <br><br> I grabbed some elastic bands and we began to move. A little music, a lot of smiling and encouragement. It was far from a workout for me, but you had to put on a show so they kept their encouragement up. <br><br> And they certainly needed the activity: we were meant to be creatures that lived and moved. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Time for my bath. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> My skin crawled every time, but it was old hat at this point. I helped him hobble off to his room. It took us long enough that I could steel myself for what was coming -- I don't know why I didn't expect it from the time we arranged to show up here. <br><br> His nurse helped him disrobe and she was more than keen to let me do the work, sitting in a chair and scrolling on her phone, chewing gum while I sponged down his wrinkled body -- consistency was gummy there as well. <br><br> He wasn't pervy about it, thank God, or I wouldn't have done it. And I think he knew it. He was content to sit there and chat, pleased to have the physical contact and show off what remained of his virility. <br><br> It was weird, but it wasn't wrong. And he did need a bath. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> /*IMAGE (Needed): Keg and cups */ Pretty much every weekend, you could find some house where the parents were gone. It was about being in the know, or knowing who //was// in the know. <br><br> You never had to bring anything except your self. The parties were being thrown for social clout, to make some friends, or just get some strange. For attendees though, the value proposition was clear: free party? Yes. Please. <br><br> Everyone had their own reasons for being excited about going to a party, for me, it was... <br><br> <div id="party"> <<crossroads #party>> <<path>> Doing something ''I wasn't supposed to''. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <br><br> Sneaking out was a thrill like none other. Or the lie that I was over at <<print $CC.FName>>'s with a change of clothes in my bag? Epic. <br><br> There was also this little 'danger' factor when I was at a party. No one knew what I was going to get up to. People knew I have higher limits and fewer inhibitions. //I// was the party. <br><br> Sure, there were some regrets. Many groundings. Some detentions when the word got back to school. But a life full of regrets is a life well-lived. <br><br><br> Oh! And if the cops were called and I had to scramble. Usually it was drunk or high off my ass and out of a bathroom window. Chased by flashing red and blue was a kick you'll never know until you [[try it|CC021 - Partier]]. <<path>> ''Getting blitzed'' was freeing. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<face drunk>> <br><br> Honestly, I...didn't remember most of them. <br><br> That said, I'm a proud member of never having to get my stomach pumped and not being the girl that had a rep of always heading into some back room. <br><br> I was a champ at flip cup and beer pong. Guys feared me -- or at least really enjoyed having a competitive girl across the table from them. <br><br> And I was a ton of fun, always invited because people knew I was going to keep the party going as long as I could, calling for others to rally even when they were face-first in a toilet bowl. <br><br><br> So, I didn't need to remember the party itself. People would remind me what happened and what I did the [[next Monday|CC021 - Partier]]. <<path>> I didn't want to feel like I ''wasn't included''. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> <br><br> I //hated// hearing the next Monday about some crazy thing that Derek had done. Or that 'everyone who's everyone' was somewhere...where I hadn't been. It was like everyone had passed judgment on me and had determined I wasn't fun. <br><br> I was fun! <br><br> I wasn't dancing on a table or getting black out, but I could pull attention from guys, and I was right in the mix on a Never Have I Ever. <br><br><br> But more than the simple pleasure of being included, the enjoyment came from being in the know. I could be someone people knew that //knew//. I got to feel important and on the inner circle. Deigning that someone else was worth and invite just to watch someone's face light up when I gave them the time and place? [[Incredible|CC021 - Partier]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Partier.png">> I grunted, shoulder hitting the floor harder than I had expected. Well, I hadn't expected to hit the floor at all, but I was ass-over-head and dangling halfway through the window. <br><br> "Welcome home, Missy." <br><br> The light flicked on, illuminating me in all of my disgrace. Fuuuuck. <br><br> Using my knee, I pushed off the wall and rolled onto my ass. Yeah, that should have been more graceful than it was. And there she was. <<print $CC.MName>> sitting in a leather chair like it was her throne, glass of something in her hand. <br><br> " just been, sitting there in the dark?" I got up, brushing myself off. A good offense is a great defense, right? <br><br> "You know what time it is?" <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> "Yeah. Time for me to go. To. Bed." I started marching off, letting the alcohol-bravery take hold. <br><br> "A little late for that." She grasped my hand. Even booze-bold, I stopped. I gulped, my throat suddenly having a very pungent taste of whatever I'd been drinking tonight. Gawd. What //was// that stuff? <br><br> I tried to pull away, spinning on her with ferocity, <<if $CC.Mom == 0>>"You have your drink right there. Don't be a hypocrite!"<<else>>"You get to leave when you want, so do I. Don't be a hypocrite!"<</if>> That was a little louder than I intended it to be. <br><br> And didn't have the intended effect, "You're going to your room?" <br><br> "Yeah." I started that way with assuredness to my steps. <br><br> "Then you can stay there." She quaffed the rest of the amber liquid, punctuating her point. <br><br> I wasn't going to validate her with a response. <br><br> It didn't matter though, I was grounded. <br><br><br> Thus started the war with my <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>>parents<</if>> over my nocturnal excursions. Sometimes I won, sometimes they won. <br><br> But they couldn't stop this unstoppable force. I was going to [[party|CC022 - Partier]]! <<else>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> "Yeah..." Sheepishness was all I could muster. <br><br> She sighed, shaking her head slightly, "Come here." She patted the arm of the chair. I sat. My booze-boldness dissipating rapidly. "Yes, I was up waiting for you because I was worried." She held up a hand to ward off interjection, "I //do// think you can handle yourself. You're my daughter." She squeezed my palm, "But I've been out -- in worse places than you just were -- and I don't know who ''else'' is there." <br><br> "It's fine though, I'm fine." <br><br> She sighed and nodded, bringing the hand she squeezed to the glass in hers, transferring it to me, "This time." She let go. "I just want to know is all." <br><br> I felt the weight of the glass in my hand. I looked at her and saw the concern on her face. I looked down at the amber liquid and caught a whiff of it. It sent my stomach churning. Gawd, what //was// that stuff I had been drinking tonight? "Thank you...but..." I was fighting the rising gorge in my throat, "I'll pass." Quickly, I returned it to her and leaned back to avoid more vapors. <br><br> She smiled, "You need me to hold your hair back?" <br><br> I stood up, firm, frowning, faking, "No." <br><br> A little giggle from her, then a shrug, "I'll bring you some water then." <br><br> I stuttered, partially towards my room since now I knew I wasn't really in trouble and I felt that the conversation was done, then back towards her because I felt I needed to give her a hug, "I'll tell you next time." <br><br> She kissed my cheek. <br><br><br> She wasn't a fan of me coming in wiped, but she was a fan of my coming home. She'd get me water and stroke my back til I fell asleep. <br><br> None of the other kids believed that I had such a chill Mom. Still, maybe she knew I was an unstoppable force and I was going to [[party|CC022 - Partier]] no mater what. <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): A house party, maybe a beer pong table. People having fun */ Going to a house party had a more 'adult' nature to it -- rather than classmates or kids from the rival school, the attendees were townies, college kids, classmates' elder siblings. It came with its ups and downs. The drinks were better. The music was better. I always felt out of place, always riding the line between others being overly excited with me there and others despising the 'fetus' joining. They were more dangerous, for sure. They were also always more fun. <br><br> There was a confidence and casualness to the nights. For everyone it was old hat, just another party. Whereas at school, we'd always be worried about who might crash -- and if that was going to be accompanied by sirens. Now, the worry of cops //should// have been even more heightened. These parties weren't simply 'not allowed,' just 'not legal'. Especially with kids like me there, it went from noise disturbances and kids being kids to something that could literally send people to jail. And so that meant that cops weren't just a nuisance, they were a constant. <br><br> The other constant (that I actually //liked//)... <br><br> <div id="constants"> <<crossroads #constants>> <<path>> Were the ''drinks''. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<face drunk>> <br><br> Solo cup in hand, I felt at ease. <br><br> It was a rundown place at the edge of town, dark as dark can be, which meant the music could be //loud//. <br><br> The froth sloshed, lukewarm through the plastic against my hand as I wandered through the house. A group splayed out on a couple couches (that had seen better days) were debating the merits of The Wire even though Law & Order reruns were playing on the TV. I smiled because maybe they didn't know what they were watching. <br><br> Outside, there was a low-key game of beer pong, but I didn't feel like fighting the mosquitos. <br><br> Hm. Was I bored? <br><br> Okay, so house parties might have been a little too chill at times. I missed the nervous energy charging things. <br><br> I pounded the rest of my cup and made my way to the kitchen where the keg was posted. Julio pushed himself off the counter when he saw me, vape pen resolute between his lips as he lifted the tap and his eyebrows in offering. <br><br> Just a refill? Nah. Let's kick this up a notch. "Kegstand?" I smiled playfully. <br><br> Waving me over excitedly, "Keg stand!" He yelled out through a wreath of vapor. There was a commotion from the other room and the 'Wire' guys stumbled their way into the kitchen, their conversation shocked into silence when they saw it was //me// squaring up to the container. "Ready?" The plastic of his pen pressed against my thigh as he got a grip on me. I nodded. He lifted. <br><br> <<if $CC.height gt 1>> Head over heels, I was flipped up into the air. One hand grabbed at the front of my <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>> to fight gravity, but I'm positive my ass was hanging out in the back. <br><br> My lips barely touched the tap when I felt the upward arc continuing too much. Too far. Too <<linkexpand "fast">> <<outfit default>> fast. <br><br> And then heels over head, I came crashing down. I screamed. He screamed. The guys laughed. <br><br> Julio was a dude and far too self-confident, no way he could keep a person my size inverted. I hit the linoleum hard and Julio toppled, bracing himself against the metal of the keg as everyone lost it. <br><br> I shook my head, pushing my splayed body slowly off the floor, "Well that didn't work. Sorry, <<print $>>." Julio was chuckling with a shrug, "Ya able to do a handstand?" He yanked me up. <br><br> I guess I was doing this. <br><br> Hefted again, I was upside down, this time both of my hands engaged on the lip of the keg. Between him leaning against me, his grip on my knees along with my balance, I was held aloft. And my <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>> was inching its way down. Up? Well, gravity was winning. <br><br> "Come on! Someone put it in my mouth!" I yelped out with an awkward laugh. <br><br> The responses don't need to be stated -- especially with me on display the way I was -- but after enough lewd comments a guy came over and popped the spout into my mouth. I couldn't hear what he said, or their responses because I was focused on the flood of liquid. <br><br> I was swallowing. Swallowing. My skirt was sliding down. My ass going from peeking, to half-way, to fully ''out''. <br><br> "Go! Go!" Came the cheer. <br><br> I'm not sure if the encouragement was for me, my skirt or simply me to keep at it so that they got a longer show. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> I could feel the AC on my pussy and the cheers became welcome disbelief as it came into view, "Fuck man. Right on, <<print $>>." My willingness to rock a skirt, commando and do a kegstand was rewarded with a slow-clap. I could feel more people coming in to check out my snatch. <<else>> I could feel the AC on my asscheeks, but I was so glad I was wearing something. It was a good view, to be sure, but I was decent. Enough. <</if>> <<if $Body.braless == true>> /* DOLL (Needed): hiked up default top */ My top was a lost cause, the hem of my shirt under my armpits and my tits on full display. <br><br> Whistles, comments a plenty, but my mind was focused -- //had// to be focused -- on the flow of booze. I was chugging and my tits were bouncing in time with my gulps. <<else>> <<face shock>> My top was a lost cause, hem of my shirt under my armpits and my tits threatening to fall __up__ out of my bra. But my mind was focused -- //had// to be focused -- on the flow of booze. I was chugging and my tits were bouncing in time with my gulps. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Head over heels, I was flipped into the air, both of my hands engaged on the lip of the keg. Between him leaning against me, his grip on my knees along with my balance, I was held aloft. And my <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>> was inching its way down. Up? Well, gravity was winning. <br><br> "Come on! Someone put it in my mouth!" I yelped out with an awkward laugh. <br><br> The responses don't need to be stated -- especially with me on display the way I was -- but after enough lewd comments a guy came over and popped the spout into my mouth. I couldn't hear what he said, or their responses because I was focused on the flood of liquid. <br><br> I was swallowing. Swallowing. My skirt was sliding down. My ass going from peeking, to half-way, to fully ''out''. <br><br> "Go! Go!" Came the cheer. <br><br> I'm not sure if the encouragement was for me, my skirt or simply me to keep at it so that they got a longer show. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> I could feel the AC on my pussy and the cheers became welcome disbelief as it came into view, "Fuck man. Right on, <<print $>>." My willingness to rock a skirt, commando and do a kegstand was rewarded with a slow-clap. I could feel more people coming in to check out my snatch. <<else>> I could feel the AC on my asscheeks, but I was so glad I was wearing something. It was a good view, to be sure, but I was decent. Enough. <</if>> <<if $Body.braless == true>> /* DOLL (Needed): hiked up default top */ My top was a lost cause, the hem of my shirt under my armpits and my tits on full display. <br><br> Whistles, comments a plenty, but my mind was focused -- //had// to be focused -- on the flow of booze. I was chugging and my tits were bouncing in time with my gulps. <<else>> <<face shock>> My top was a lost cause, hem of my shirt under my armpits and my tits threatening to fall __up__ out of my bra. But my mind was focused -- //had// to be focused -- on the flow of booze. I was chugging and my tits were bouncing in time with my gulps. <</if>> <br><br> And then with a kip of my feet, I was cartwheeling <<linkexpand "back">> <<outfit default>> back to proper orientation. Coughing hard, the spout spewed beer across my face and chest as it left my lips. I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my head, the flush of my face, gulping air now as I tried to recover. I wobbled there, pumping my arms above my head as they congratulated me, lacking the oxygen to remain solidly upright. <br><br> Now I was ''blitzed''. Good. I gave Julio a squeeze, "Thanks dude." <br><br> "Nah. Thank you, beb." I grabbed another cup of beer and left the kitchen. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> Blue and red started flashing across my face. <br><br> I swigged my new drink confused, wondering if this was an after-effect of hypoxia. Then, my drunk-brain realized how in danger I was. <br><br> Spinning lights were making their way towards the house from the direction of the woods. <br><br> Welp. Guess it wasn't as remote as we thought it was. And the music was probably too loud. Here I was thinking it was too lame! <br><br> Time to get going. Couldn't get caught for myriad reasons. <<print $CC.DName>> and <<print $CC.MName>> two of them. My age a third. I pounded my cup and started scrambling. <br><br> But where? <br><br> <div id="cops"> <<crossroads #cops>> <<path>> The tree line? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> Flee. <br><br> Run. <br><br> Out the back door, dropping the cup on the patio and leaping out into the taller grass. <br><br> Away from the lights. <br><br> Towards darkness. <br><br> Light = Bad. Dark = Good. <br><br> The whooping police sirens seemed to be coming from everywhere. <br><br> Was I being pursued? Pell-mell running through the grass? <br><br> Couldn't check. <br><br> Go, //go//, ''go''! <br><br> A root caught my foot, <<linkexpand "Shit!">> "Shit!" and I tumbled, thudding //hard// against the thankfully ''soft'' dirt. <br><br> I held still, prone and trying to make out sounds besides the cicadas, my thudding chest, and my heaving breaths. <br><br> I could just picture the boys in blue casually walking up behind me, flashlights full-on up my skirt as they found me. <br><br> But the moments lengthened. <br><br> I took a chance and pressed myself off the ground into a careful crouch. <br><br> For the next hour or so, I got bit by mosquitos and lost my buzz, waiting 'til the cop car left the house. Squatting like an idiot in the woods. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> A hiding spot? <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> They couldn't possibly search the whole house, right? <br><br> I thudded up the stairs while the others wandered out the front door -- the party was over and they were headed home. <br><br> But not me. <br><br> I'd have to figure out a way home later. <br><br> Now, I needed...a closed door. <br><br> I tugged and it came <<linkexpand "open">> open. <br><br> The light flicked on. A sleepy head lifted, groggily looking me over, "Hello?" Julio's Dad. A few beers empty on his bedside table. <br><br> "Uh, hi. I need--" <br><br> "Cops?" I nodded and he laughed, "Close the fuckin' door then." <br><br> I shut it firmly and leaned against the wall. <br><br> He looked at me with a humored grin, propping himself up on one elbow, "Hm. You know, you look like you're hiding standing there like that. Come 'ere." He patted the bed beside him. <br><br> Right. Get in bed with him. That sounded smart. <br><br> "I'm not gonna bite." He rubbed down his beer belly, ruffling his curly hairs. <br><br> And then I heard people coming up the stairs. <br><br> I scrambled quickly over next to him, feeling the sweat of sleep on his skin as he pulled me close and tugged my shoes <<link "off">><<feet>><</link>> and sheets across us both. Then he leaned over me, flicking the light off. <br><br> Moments later the door opened, a flashlight making both of us blink as the cop checked the room. Julio's Dad lifted up, "You got a warrant buddy? This is my house." <br><br> "We have reasonable cause--" <br><br> "To wake me up? We've been fuckin' sleeping. Get out." And the door closed. "See?" He chuckled and pulled me tighter, "Should probably wait a bit, though." <br><br> "You think they're gone?" <br><br> "Dunno." His hand snaked down my body, "Better to be safe." I gasped as he began to work my zipper open. <br><br> I was drunk... <br><br> <div id="dad"> <<crossroads #dad>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> enough. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> I wiggled my hips, the <<link "skirt">><<lower>><<panties>><</link>> was lost at the foot of the bed. <br><br> The bed rocked as his weight yanked his own boxers down behind me. <br><br> The bed rocked again as he firmly pushed his big body against mine. I lifted my thigh slightly, his hands found my hipbones. <br><br> The bed rocked again, his whole weight driving his cock inside me. <br><br> I yelped, arching and pushing my hands back against him instinctively. <br><br> Thrust. "Shh." Thrust. "The." Thrust. "cops." He grunted in my ear, one hand from my hips going over my mouth. <br><br> The bed rocked hard as he drunkenly banged out his teenaged surprise bed-mate. His hand became hot and moist against my mouth, cheeks, and chin as I breathed, gasped and yelped into it, muffled. <br><br> It was the quintessential drunk hookup. His drunkenness keeping him entirely focused on himself. My drunkenness making it easy to go along with and less uncomfortable to be fucked that way. <br><br> The bed rocked quicker and he loudly grunted in my ear as he <<linkexpand "finished">> <<cumSpray mound2 thighs4 pussy1>> finished. <br><br> He sighed deeply as he presses his beer belly against my back and pulled my hips against him. Sleep took him quickly but not before he locked me in for the night. <br><br> Sleep took me quickly as well. <br><br> Before morning, he slipped out and off of me because when I awoke, he was gone. Either he had very much cared when he realized, or he didn't care at all. <br><br> Either way, I hadn't gotten locked up. Safe, but I had to explain where I was the next morning. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "Being drunk was no excuse...but no one would know. Julio would never say anything, would even //Julio// know? I think I was safe.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Welp.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " just couldn't find out.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck "Julio's Dad" M "Julio's Dad at a house party, hiding from the cops.">> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> not enough, though. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> My hand caught his and I just squeezed it. He got the message and either he was drunk enough to just fall asleep, or wasn't willing to be //that// kind of guy. <br><br> Thank god he didn't press the issue. My mind was sloshy from the night. The comfort of the bed and darkness of the room enough of a suggestion. I fell asleep there that night. Safe, but I had to explain where I was the next morning. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Get lost in the crowd? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face angry>> It was like a shift-change. Everyone was getting up and going...but not in a rush? Just taking the appearance of the pigs as a sign that the night and the fun was over. <br><br> Okay... <br><br> I fell in line with the rest of them, a little clump of kids and adults heading out of the house and towards their vehicles. <br><br> I heard the whooping of the police sirens as we were lit brightly by their floodlight, "Do not leave the premises." <br><br> Fuck. <br><br> I felt a tightening in my stomach. <br><br> The patrol car rumbled over the uneven ground and pulled between me and a few of the cars. <br><br> I saw one of the other kids from school manage to hop into a truck and make his way off into the night. <br><br> I, on the other hand, was trapped. Police on one side and the older guys and girls who were stopping because that knew there was no trouble they could get into. //They// were of age. <br><br> For the next hour or so, I leaned against the hood of the cop car as they took down my information and proceeded to call my home. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Were the ''drugs''. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<face happy>> <br><br> Solo cup in hand, I felt at ease. <br><br> It was a rundown place at the edge of town, dark as dark can be, which meant the music could be //loud//. <br><br> The froth sloshed, lukewarm through the plastic against my hand as I wandered through the house. A group splayed out on a couple couches (that had seen better days) were debating the merits of The Wire even though Law & Order reruns were playing on the TV. I smiled because maybe they didn't know what they were watching. <br><br> Outside, there was a low-key game of beer pong, but I didn't feel like fighting the mosquitos. <br><br> Hm. Was I bored? <br><br> Okay, so house parties might have been a little too chill at times. I missed the nervous energy charging things. <br><br> Pounding the rest of my cup, I decided I needed something //stronger//. <br><br> I poked my head into the kitchen, but Julio was manning the keg and was puffing a vape pen -- not good enough. <br><br> I headed to the back hallway and began checking out the bedrooms. <br><br> "Hey, <<print $>>..." A mellow smile, an inviting wave, some dude -- how did he know my name? -- wearing just some basketball shorts was cuddled up to a couple girls. <br><br> Their clothes were crumpled in a pile beside them, hands stroking at each other's skin. <br><br> It didn't feel like the prelude to an orgy, but that didn't mean it wasn't going to be. <br><br> I stepped in tentatively. <br><br> "Whatcha up to?" <br><br> "K." At first that confused me. That wasn't an answer to my question. <br><br> Then, he lifted his other hand, a tiny plastic spoon between his fingers. Ohhhh. ''K''. <br><br> I moved over to him, "It feels great. Ever done a bump?" <br><br> I shook my head, trying to pick my way around the bare skin squished together in a bean bag chair. <br><br> "You should. I'm so blissed out right now." One of the girls grabbed my hand, pulling me towards her, just in her bikini underwear and bra, unconcerned that both of the others hand their hands on her. <br><br> I fell against him, between the two girls and the cup of the spoon touched my nose. <br><br> I snorted. <br><br> I coughed and sat back on the floor with a thud. <br><br> They looked down at me, smiling as it began to seep into my sinuses. <br><br> She held my hand, playing with my fingers and grinning, nuzzling her head against his bare chest. <br><br> "So...your clothes are off." I laughed, feeling the burn of the powder in my nasal cavity. <br><br> "Yeah. Freeing." Said the other girl, "Come here...lemme give you a massage." Now both of them were grasping my hands, pulling me closer. <br><br> "Ughhh okayyy..." Why was I smiling?! <br><br> Her hand snaked into my hair, starting to massage my scalp, guiding me back against her and between her thighs -- against her breasts. Oh, jeez. <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">>Not my ''thing'', but everyone appreciates some good tits.<<else>>Yeah. I liked this situation more and more.<</if>> <br><br> It felt good and I wasn't about to say no to a massage. Seemed innocent enough. <br><br> She kept massaging, and it felt even better. <br><br> I loved the feeling of her skin against mine and I wanted to feel more. <br><br> I pulled my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>> off, then my <<link "skirt">><<lower>><</link>>, snaking my body closer to hers as I used my toes to kick my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> off. <br><br> Oh //fuck//. This ''was'' nice. <br><br> We were a mess of cooing and groaning as we formed a kind of massage circle, working out knots in each others muscles. <br><br> My hands squeezed down his thighs, the shorts tenting immediately as he became fully erect. <br><br> My fingers worked at the flesh of one of the girl's asses, watching the other one start to make out with him. That looked nice. <br><br> My skin felt warm, hot, //lovely//. <br><br> I guided a hand to my body at every chance I could, it didn't matter whose it was. I wanted to be felt. I wanted to feel being felt. <br><br> Then, they stopped kissing. I leaned up to replace her, but he shifted away, "Come on, guys." <br><br> I noticed blue and red was flashing across my face through the window, but was more concerned with his departure. She was going, too. And her. "Wait!" I giggled, tugging them back towards the beanbag chair. <br><br> They didn't come. They were gathering their clothes. <br><br> We could hear the sirens now. "Fuck." He chuckled. The girls laughed. <br><br> "Oh. //Shit//!" My body tensed. It went from lovely to awful in a split-second. <br><br> "Guess it wasn't as remote as we thought." He was dressed again. <br><br> "Music was too loud." So was she. <br><br> "Come on, <<print $>>." And so was she. <br><br> They started moving, in no rush but realizing the necessity to go. I hadn't. Or couldn't. <br><br> Time to get going. I //couldn't// get caught for myriad reasons. <<print $CC.DName>> and <<print $CC.MName>> two of them. My age a third. <br><br> But where? <br><br> <div id="cops"> <<crossroads #cops>> <<path>> Paranoia kicked in. The tree line? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> Flee. <br><br> Run. <br><br> Out the back door, leaving my clothes behind and leaping out into the taller grass. <br><br> Away from the lights. <br><br> Towards darkness. <br><br> Light = Bad. Dark = Good. <br><br> The whooping police sirens seemed to be coming from everywhere. <br><br> Was I being pursued? Pell-mell running through the grass? <br><br> Couldn't check. <br><br> Go, //go//, ''go''! <br><br> A root caught my foot, <<linkexpand "Shit!">> Shit!" and I tumbled, thudding //hard// against the thankfully ''soft'' dirt. <br><br> I held still, prone and trying to make out sounds besides the cicadas, my thudding chest, and my heaving breaths. <br><br> I could just picture the boys in blue casually walking up behind me, flashlights full-on up my skirt as they found me. <br><br> But the moments lengthened. <br><br> I took a chance and pressed myself off the ground into a careful crouch. <br><br> For the next hour or so, I got bit by mosquitos and lost my buzz, waiting 'til the cop car left the house. Squatting like an idiot in the woods. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Panic set in. A hiding spot? <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> They couldn't possibly search the whole house, right? <br><br> I thudded up the stairs while the others wandered out the front door -- the party was over and they were headed home. <br><br> But not me. <br><br> I'd have to figure out a way home later. <br><br> Now, I needed...a closed door. <br><br> I tugged and it came <<linkexpand "open">> open. <br><br> The light flicked on. A sleepy head lifted, groggily looking me over, "Hello?" Julio's Dad. A few beers empty on his bedside table. <br><br> "Uh, hi. I need--" <br><br> "Cops?" I nodded and he laughed, "Close the fuckin' door then." <br><br> I shut it firmly and leaned against the wall. <br><br> He looked at me with a humored grin, propping himself up on one elbow, "Hm. You know, you look like you're hiding standing that. Dressed for bed already, Come 'ere." He patted the bed beside him. <br><br> Ohhh shit. I was naked. The realization flooded over me and I got awkward. <br><br> "I'm not gonna bite." He rubbed down his beer belly, ruffling his curly hairs. <br><br> And then I heard people coming up the stairs. <br><br> I scrambled quickly over next to him, feeling the sweat of sleep on his skin as he pulled me close and sheets across us both. Then he leaned over me, flicking the light off. The closeness of his body, his size...felt nice. My hands began wandering along his skin enjoying the touch. I pulled myself closer. He chuckled and began to pet my head. Yes. Please. <br><br> Moments later the door opened, a flashlight making both of us blink as the cop checked the room. Julio's Dad lifted up, "You got a warrant buddy? This is my house." <br><br> "We have reasonable cause--" <br><br> "To wake me up? We've been fuckin' sleeping. Get out." And the door closed. "See?" He chuckled and pulled me tighter, "Should probably wait a bit, though." <br><br> I felt his hand squeeze one of my tits. Oh. <br><br> I felt the bed rock as he yanked his boxers off, lost to the foot of the bed. OH. <br><br> The touch felt...sooo...nice... <br><br> <div id="dad"> <<crossroads #dad>> <<path>> I wanted more. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> I wiggled my hips back against his freed dick, my hands pulling myself back tighter against him. So much for a hint, I was making it obvious as hell. <br><br> The bed rocked again as he firmly pushed his big body against mine. Mhmm. I lifted my thigh slightly, his hands found my hipbones. Yeah. <br><br> The bed rocked again, his whole weight driving his cock inside me. Yeah? <br><br> I yelped, arching and pushing my hands back against him instinctively. <br><br> Thrust. "Shh." Thrust. "The." Thrust. "cops." He grunted in my ear, one hand from my hips going over my mouth. <br><br> The bed rocked hard as he drunkenly banged out his teenaged surprise bed-mate. His hand became hot and moist against my mouth, cheeks, and chin as I breathed, gasped and yelped into it, muffled. <br><br> His drunkenness kept him entirely focused on himself. The K made it a crazy weird experience. It both didn't feel good at all, but also felt amaaazing. I was hitting my ass back against him in time, my hands clutching back at his fuzzy body to keep him tight. I felt the sharp pain of his hard cock slamming inside me. It wasn't hitting any of my spots, but the contact and filling alone was a great sensation. I needed it. <br><br> The bed rocked quicker and he loudly grunted in my ear as he <<linkexpand "finished">> <<cumSpray mound2 thighs4 pussy1>> finished. <br><br> He sighed deeply as he presses his beer belly against my back and pulled my hips against him. Sleep took him quickly but not before he locked me in for the night. <br><br> Sleep took me quickly as well. <br><br> Before morning, he slipped out and off of me because when I awoke, he was gone. Either he had very much cared when he realized, or he didn't care at all. <br><br> Either way, I hadn't gotten locked up. Safe, but I had to explain where I was the next morning. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "Being drunk was no excuse...but no one would know. Julio wouldn't say anything -- would he even know? I was safe. I think.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Welp.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " just couldn't find out.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck "Julio's Dad" M "Julio's Dad at a house party, hiding from the cops.">> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> not nice enough, though. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> My hand caught his and I just squeezed it. He got the message and either he was drunk enough to just fall asleep, or wasn't willing to be //that// kind of guy. <br><br> Thank god he didn't press the issue. My mind was sloshy from the night. The comfort of the bed and darkness of the room enough of a suggestion. I fell asleep there that night. Safe, but I had to explain where I was the next morning. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <br><br> I didn't know when would be safe. My mind was sloshy from the night. The comfort of the bed and darkness of the room enough of a suggestion. I fell asleep there that night. Safe, but I had to explain where I was the next morning. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> I was trapped. Definitely. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face angry>> I saw them leaving and I just froze. <br><br> Shit, shit, shit! <br><br> I didn't know what to do! <br><br> "Coming?" He offered. <br><br> I pulled myself tighter against the bean bag chair. He looked at me. He motioned towards the door again. I grabbed tighter, caressing the 'beans' under the fabric. <br><br> And then they were gone. <br><br> All I could do was listen to my breathing. <br><br> If I didn't move, they couldn't find me. <br><br> If they found me, then they couldn't see me. <br><br> The door <<linkexpand "opened">> opened. <br><br> They saw me. <br><br> Two patrol men laughing at me, curled up in the tightest ball I could manage. <br><br> Fuck! <br><br> They could //see// me. <br><br> I felt a tightening in my stomach. <br><br> For the next hour or so, I leaned against the hood of the cop car as they took down my information and proceeded to call my <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>>parents<</if>>. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Was the ''sex''. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<face ahego>> <br><br> Solo cup in hand, I felt at ease. <br><br> It was a rundown place at the edge of town, dark as dark can be, which meant the music could be //loud//. <br><br> The froth sloshed, lukewarm through the plastic against my hand as I wandered through the house. A group splayed out on a couple couches (that had seen better days) were debating the merits of The Wire even though Law & Order reruns were playing on the TV. I smiled because maybe they didn't know what they were watching. <br><br> Outside, there was a low-key game of beer pong, but I didn't feel like fighting the mosquitos. <br><br> Hm. Was I bored? <br><br> Okay, so house parties might have been a little too chill at times. I missed the nervous energy charging things. <br><br> I was going to have to find something more entertaining. I pounded the cup of beer and began poking around the house. <br><br> Julio was in the kitchen, manning the keg and hitting a vape pen. Nope. Into the back hallway, I began trying doors. Found a couple girls and a guy curled up mostly naked on a bean bag chair and I thought I was finally finding something interesting, but no. They were just on K and blissed out. <br><br> "Hey, <<print $>>!" How did he know my name? "Come on!" He waved me in. I shook my head. <br><br> Shutting the door again to decline their invitation, I kept up the search. <br><br> Behind one of the last doors came exactly what I was looking for: moans. No sock on the knob, so...I tried it. It was unlocked -- oh shit, they musta been in a <<linkexpand "hurry">>. <br><br> She was ass-up, head-down on the bed, her feet hanging off the edge as he stood behind her and was solidly just plowing away. I didn't recognize either of their asses. <br><br> I stood there, and despite the infiltration of light and my shadow, they just kept going. Ignoring me. <br><br> The wet slapping set that place in my brain a-tingle. My hand was between my thighs before I realized it, standing half in the hallway and playing voyeur. <br><br> They didn't seem to be in a rush anymore, his hands lightly resting on her lower back as his hips hit forward again and again, hilting himself inside her as her body reacted, bucking forward from the firm thrusting. <br><br> She was panting, grabbing handfuls of the sheets. <br><br> I was getting into myself, pushing two fingers deep at the soft clutch inside me. <br><br> I leaned my shoulder against the door frame, pumping my fingers as I watched them and imagined being involved. Either they hadn't noticed and if they did, I risked them stopping. If they //had// noticed, I wasn't invited. <br><br> I kept my hand in time with the sounds and show playing out in front of me, palm pressed against my clit as I held my breath. Quiet, <<print $>>. <br><br> Oh. <br><br> I was getting there. <br><br> My shoulder pressed hard against the door jamb. <br><br> I bit into my lip. <br><br> My hand worked erratically. <br><br> I lifted up onto my toes. <br><br> I <<shake 3s>>shuddered<</shake>>. <br><br> I let out the breath, eyes in a haze from the orgasm abating and the beer buzz as I slowed my masturbation and returned to watching them. Maybe a second one... <br><br> Blue and red started flashing across my face, Never had that happen before after I...OH. Shit. <br><br> Spinning lights flickered through the window and across their naked, bouncing bodies. The deep darkness of the night was being destroyed as the police approached from the woods. <br><br> "Ow!" I tugged my fingers out a bit too quickly, stumbling back from the doorway. <br><br> They heard that, both turning to look at me but not messing with their rhythm. But then they realized what I had: Cops. I left them to figure things out or finish because I needed to be. on. my. way. <br><br> Welp. Guess it wasn't as remote as we thought it was. And the music was probably too loud. <br><br> Time to get going. Couldn't get caught for myriad reasons. <<if $ == 2>><<print $CC.MName>> one<<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and <<print $CC.MName>> two<</if>> of them. My age another. <br><br> But where? <br><br> <div id = "cops"> <<crossroads #cops>> <<path>> The tree line? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> Flee. <br><br> Run. <br><br> Out the back door, the wetness of my thighs not providing extra speed as I leapt out into the taller grass. <br><br> Away from the lights. <br><br> Towards darkness. <br><br> Light = Bad. Dark = Good. <br><br> The whooping police sirens seemed to be coming from everywhere. <br><br> Was I being pursued? Pell-mell running through the grass? <br><br> Couldn't check. <br><br> Go, //go//, ''go''! <br><br> A root caught my foot, <<linkexpand "Shit!">> "Shit!" and I tumbled, thudding //hard// against the thankfully ''soft'' dirt. <br><br> I held still, prone and trying to make out sounds besides the cicadas, my thudding chest, and my heaving breaths. <br><br> I could just picture the boys in blue casually walking up behind me, flashlights full-on up my skirt as they found me. <br><br> But the moments lengthened. <br><br> I took a chance and pressed myself off the ground into a careful crouch. <br><br> For the next hour or so, I got bit by mosquitos and lost my buzz, waiting 'til the cop car left the house. Squatting like an idiot in the woods. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> A hiding spot? <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> They couldn't possibly search the whole house, right? <br><br> I thudded up the stairs while the others wandered out the front door -- the party was over and they were headed home. <br><br> But not me. <br><br> I'd have to figure out a way home later. <br><br> Now, I needed...a closed door. <br><br> I tugged and it came <<linkexpand "open">> open. <br><br> The light flicked on. A sleepy head lifted, groggily looking me over, "Hello?" Julio's Dad. A few beers empty on his bedside table. <br><br> "Uh, hi. I need--" <br><br> "Cops?" I nodded and he laughed, "Close the fuckin' door then." <br><br> I shut it firmly and leaned against the wall. <br><br> He looked at me with a humored grin, propping himself up on one elbow, "Hm. You look like you're hiding like that. Come 'ere." He patted the bed beside him. <br><br> Right. Get in bed with him. That sounded smart. <br><br> "I'm not gonna bite." He rubbed down his beer belly, ruffling his curly hairs. <br><br> And then I heard people coming up the stairs. <br><br> I scrambled quickly over next to him, feeling the sweat of sleep on his skin as he pulled me close and tugged my shoes <<link "off">><<feet>><</link>> and sheets across us both. Then he leaned over me, flicking the light off. <br><br> Moments later the door opened, a flashlight making both of us blink as the cop checked the room. Julio's Dad lifted up, "You got a warrant buddy? This is my house." <br><br> "We have reasonable cause--" <br><br> "To wake me up? We've been fuckin sleeping. Get out." And the door closed. "See?" He chuckled and pulled me tighter, "Should probably wait a bit, though." <br><br> "You think they're gone?" <br><br> "Dunno." His hand snaked down my body, "Better to be safe." I gasped as he began to work my zipper open. <br><br> I was horny... <br><br> <div id = "dad"> <<crossroads #dad>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> enough. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> I wiggled my hips, the <<link "skirt">><<lower>><<panties>><</link>> was lost at the foot of the bed. <br><br> The bed rocked as his weight yanked his own boxers down behind me. <br><br> The bed rocked again as he firmly pushed his big body against mine. <br><br> I twisted, rolling onto my shoulders and knees. <br><br> He grunted, clearly preferring to remain lazily laid down, but wasn't going to really argue as I proffered myself. <br><br> His hands found my hipbones. <br><br> The bed rocked again, his whole weight driving his cock inside me. <br><br> I yelped, arching and pushing my hands back against him instinctively. <br><br> Thrust. "Shh." Thrust. "The." Thrust. "cops." He grunted loudly behind me (so much for Shh), one hand from my hips going to hold my face against the mattress. The other hand on my lower back, assuming the position of the other couple. With some adjustments. <br><br> The bed rocked hard as he drunkenly banged out his teenaged surprise bed-mate. The bedding became hot and moist against my mouth, cheeks, and chin as I breathed, gasped and yelped into it, muffled. <br><br> It was the quintessential drunk hookup. His drunkenness keeping him entirely focused on himself. I wasn't //that// drunk, and I wondered if she had been feeling this way just a few minutes before. <br><br> The bed rocked quicker and he practically yelled out as he <<linkexpand "finished">> <<cumSpray mound2 thighs4 pussy1>> finished. <br><br> He sighed deeply as he dropped ontop of me, flattening me against the bed beneath him. <br><br> I squirmed, but he pulled my hips against him. I twisted my head, at least I could breathe now. <br><br> Sleep took him quickly but not before he locked me in for the night. <br><br> Sleep took me quickly as well. <br><br> Before morning, he slipped out and off of me because when I awoke, he was gone. Either he had very much cared when he realized, or he didn't care at all. <br><br> Either way, I hadn't gotten locked up. Safe, but I had to explain where I was the next morning. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "Being drunk was no excuse...but no one would know. Julio just couldn't say anything -- did he even know? I think I was safe.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Welp.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " just couldn't find out.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck "Julio's Dad" M "Julio's Dad at a house party, hiding from the cops.">> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> not enough, though. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> My hand caught his and I just squeezed it. He got the message and either he was drunk enough to just fall asleep, or wasn't willing to be //that// kind of guy. <br><br> Thank god he didn't press the issue. My mind was sloshy from the night. The comfort of the bed and darkness of the room enough of a suggestion. I fell asleep there that night. Safe, but I had to explain where I was the next morning. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Get lost in the crowd? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face angry>> It was like a shift-change. Everyone was getting up and going...but not in a rush? Just taking the appearance of the pigs as a sign that the night and the fun was over. <br><br> Okay... <br><br> I fell in line with the rest of them, a little clump of kids and adults heading out of the house and towards their vehicles. <br><br> I heard the whooping of the police sirens as we were lit brightly by their floodlight, "Do not leave the premises." <br><br> Fuck. <br><br> I felt a tightening in my stomach. <br><br> The patrol car rumbled over the uneven ground and pulled between me and a few of the cars. <br><br> I saw one of the other kids from school manage to hop into a truck and make his way off into the night. <br><br> I, on the other hand, was trapped. Police on one side and the older guys and girls who were stopping because that knew there was no trouble they could get into. //They// were of age. <br><br> For the next hour or so, I leaned against the hood of the cop car as they took down my information and proceeded to call my home. <br><br> ACAB. Like I said. [[Constants|CC023 - Partier]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit default>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Pool Party */ I didn't always go to parties other people threw. When <<if $ == 2>><<print $CC.MName>> was<<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and <<print $CC.MName>> were<</if>> gone, the mice came out to play. <br><br> I couldn't pass up opportunities like that. Hell, it was an //expectation// for a person with my rep as a party girl to throw a dope party when she had a chance. <br><br> Sure, the clean-up sucked. Doing it hung over and in a rush the next morning might have been a Circle of Hell unmentioned in Dante's Inferno. But I had The Boys and <<print $CC.FName>> to help most of the time. Or maybe a hookup or guy who stayed over with someone else might be guilted into a little trash bag duty. <br><br> I could get through the pain, because what mattered was that they didn't know what had happened when they returned. They probably knew. But if they weren't saying anything, then I had done a good enough job making sure that the damage wasn't...permanent? Noticeable? <br><br> Whatever the reason for flying under the radar, I was happy about it, passed out in my bed after too-little sleep and too-much party. <br><br> <div id="mine"> <br><br> A party that //I// threw did exactly what things I wanted a party to. Most importantly: <br><br> <<crossroads #mine>> <<path>> I had //my// room when I ''needed it''. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <br><br> It was my sacred place -- almost never did anyone violate the sanctum of //my// room. <br><br> The master bed though? Change the sheets. Sorry, <<print $CC.MName>>. <br><br> The guest? Hide the stain. <br><br> Literally any other room in the house? Hide the underwear left behind. <br><br> But not my room. <br><br> I could scurry off with whomever I was crushing on at the time and no one would miss the host too badly. <br><br> Sometimes you just needed to get some action. To feel important. To feel wanted. To feel lips pressed against yours. Hands grabbing and grasping like you were life-sustaining. And I got to explore without concern. No one to barge in and catch or interrupt. And I knew every inch of the room. And because it was mine, I controlled when things <<linkreplace "ended.">><<cumSpray mouth>>ended. <br><br> And then I'd rejoin the party, hair and clothes in disarray. But now glowing, flushed and super relaxed. <br><br><br> Never had to worry about the state of my room after all. Messy, stained, clothes? It was my [[domain|CC024 - Partier]].<</linkreplace>> <<path>> Who was there was (mostly) up to ''me''. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> There was always some cute guy or girl my friends wanted me to invite. And there was the risk/reward of an upper classman or someone from outside of our school bubble...maybe they'd say no and I'd feel rejected. Maybe they'd say yes, bring their own crew and ruin the party. But, essentially, the invites were in my hands. <br><br> It wasn't simply a popularity contest because there were a lot of considerations that went into throwing a party. Who would be a mess? Who would //cause// a mess? Who just got broken up with? Who would bring a little green or drink and not be a mooch? Who had a hotter, older brother that might show up...if even at the end only to be there as someone's ride back home. It was all important and I had to weigh it all. <br><br> Curation complete, I'd throw a party that was exactly my speed. Never had to worry about who I'd run into or what was going on. <br><br> The only downside? Getting. people. to. leave. <br><br> Once they showed up, they wanted to crash there. They wanted to hang out //long// after their welcome was over. <br><br> Ugh. <br><br> Oh, no. The worst were the kids who would ''crash'', because (of course) someone would let my address slip. Well, the where was pretty obvious, but when it was happening. So there was always an unwanted guest or two. <br><br> But I guess that made things interesting? And simply a fact of parties. <br><br><br> Even though the party would end, the next week would begin and I would just be <<print $>> again, but for that short period, it was my [[domain|CC024 - Partier]]. <<path>> I got the attention for throwing a ''sick'' party. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> A rare opportunity to be important. You could feel, as the party approached, people being nicer to you, people doing things for you without asking. And the power I had over them was intoxicating. <br><br> They wanted to be invited. My friends never had to worry. My 'enemies' probably were throwing a party to spite me. They wouldn't be getting an RSVP in any regard. It was the people in the gray that were in my sway. <br><br> Next, I could turn my attention to making the party a //rager//. There had to be enough to drink. Enough to smoke. Enough space for people the playlist? Oh, the playlist was crucial. <br><br> I spent hours going through selection and ordering. And it had to go long enough to last the entire night. Nothing would be worse than sudden, dead air. <br><br> The party itself was the highlight. Though I could never really enjoy it as much as everyone else -- hostess with the mostess. But still, it's why you do the thing. People //loved// me for the night. So much gratitude. So many friends. <br><br> Afterwards, there was this glow. <br> The first time hookups of the night? I made that happen. <br> And the stories of people puking out into the bushes, or trying to jump off the roof? That was me, too. <br> The crazier and bigger the stories were spoke to my prowess of a party planner. Then more people would want to be at the next one. More people in my sway. <br><br><br> The stories had a downside when they inevitably spread beyond just us. Parents finding out was never a good thing. I got a bit of a rep for parties being my [[domain|CC024 - Partier]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC023-Partier.png">> <<outfit default>> <<face drunk>> Backseat of a cruiser, staring at my sneaks while I considered the night. My head felt heavy as I looked down, threatening to drop. I hoped that me being caught didn't mean anyone else got in //actual// trouble. Delinquency of minors. Woof. Such a stupid thing. <br><br> The door swung open again, "Miss..." he considered my ID, "<<print $CC.surname>>. Do you have a number that you'd like me to call?" <br><br> The party was over and my drunkenness was seeming like a bigger annoyance than the fun it had been a half hour before, "No..." <br><br> "So, I'm going to have to pull up your records?" <br><br> My head dropped back against the seat. "No..." <br><br> "So then what are we going to do here. You don't need me to tell you how much trouble you're in." <br><br> "I mean..." I smacked my lips, trying to find the focus to make an argument, "Isn't it the guys who threw the party who are in trouble? I just...partook. There laws against that?" <br><br> "Well, a simple call can let us know how your parents feel about it. That matters more to me right now. That and your safety. You let me deal with the guys who threw this party." <br><br> "You never did anything like this? Come onnnnn...." I reached out, grabbing at his hand, giving it a shake and the biggest, incredulous eyes that I could manage. <br><br> He sighed. "Man, everyone's making it hard on me tonight, aren't they." He said to no one in particular. <br><br> <div id="cop"> <<crossroads #cop>> <<path>> Convince him for a ride rather than making that call. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> "Making you hard?" My hand swung from his wrist to his crotch, smiling dumbly up at him with lidded eyes as I inspected his slacks. Not hard, but he was reacting and //would// be. <br><br> "W-what are you doing?!" He pushed my hand away. <br><br> "You miss the fun. I think that's why you're upset." I swung my knees out of the cruiser door, everything between them on display as I reoriented myself. Sober I might have cared about decency. <br><br> "This is //not// how things work." <br><br> "I bet you won't be angry or upset any more...and you'll get a little bit of the fun, too. What's wrong with that?" The weight of his equipment made the belt hard for me to finagle. I scooted forward, trying to get a better angle. He wasn't running away. Instead, he was looking around, as if ensuring no one would see. <br><br> He grabbed my hands, " give you a ride home." His belt was open and I had begun working his zipper. I looked up at him curious, but he was confirming my address from my ID. I shrugged and giggled a bit as he had to waddle with his open belt to get me into the passenger-side rather than the backseat. He didn't bother reclasping the belt even as he made his way to the driver's seat. <br><br> Starting the car, he pulled away from the house party -- much to their delight, a win-win for everyone involved. My head dropped to his lap, ignoring seatbelt laws as well. <br><br> He drove <<linkreplace "slowly">> <<face drunk runny>> <<cumSpray mouth1>> slowly. <br><br> If he was in no rush, neither was I. I also didn't want to have the night's meal and drinks come up in his lap. I heard the amazement in his voice. Must have been a first for him. Maybe a fantasy realized. Maybe why he became a cop in the first place. <br><br> "Thank you, officer." I smiled, stepping out of the cruiser in front of my place, wiping my lips and giving him a little wave goodbye. <br><br> "Uh. Y-you're welcome. safe in the future, okay?" <br><br> I nodded, smiling I saw him fumbling. He looked so confused, so pleased, and so limp, pants just open and direct contrast to the officer of the law that he was. <br><br> A safe and easy conclusion to the evening. Police still sucked. Or rather, I guess...I did. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</linkreplace>>. <<path>> Pay the piper. <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Learning ++>> "Sorry. Can you just...I dunno. Here." I pulled out my phone and dialed for him. I sat there, listening to the dial tone as it rang through til it got an answer. <br><br> A groggy, "<<print $>>?" <br><br> "Yeah, it's me." I looked up at the cop. He was doing paperwork. He looked so proud of himself. "Can you come pick me up?" <br><br> They were not happy. Except that I was safe. He was thanked effusively for his service and apologized to for my bad behavior. He was more than happy to soak up the accolades while I was about to get grounded for life. <br><br> For just having some fun. No one got hurt. <br><br> It didn't matter. I got caught. <br><br> There were no more parties at that house. I never heard what happened to them, but I never really knew them in the first place. <br><br> Didn't stop me from going to other parties. It just meant I had a set of lessons on what //not// to do. And how to avoid fucking cops. Goddamn to they suck. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC020-Home.png">> The best part of spending extra time at home? The freedom to goon and masturbate alone. Ah, the sweet, sweet sound of no one around. <br><br> Maybe I should have spent a little more time with something productive, but the release and calmness that would come after cumming? I really understood the meaning of 'ecstatic'. <br><br> I would hurry home, sometimes cutting out of a free period early, knowing the household calendar and timing to a 'T'. Like clockwork, I would unlock the front door and call out as I came in, locking behind me as I took in the sound of silence. <br><br> Then it was dropping my bag on the floor and bounding down the hallway to my bedroom, working my clothes, eager to make <<linkexpand "the most of each moment.">> the most of each moment. <<outfit naked>> <br><br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> My mind would return to a moment earlier in the day that had turned me on: a thought I had in class, someone during PE, or just what I had logged in the brain bank. My hand was between my legs while I was disrobing, making myself grunt as I got to business. <br><br> I had been ready before I opened the door and my folds welcomed my fingers, climbing up onto my bed, leaning back on one elbow with my thighs dropped open. <br><br> The build-up was the best part, groaning out as my body fought my mind when I shifted off 'right there' and let the impending orgasm dissipate, making my loins ache. <br><br> And there, cheeks pink, fingers grinding slightly against my <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>smooth skin<<else>>hair<</if>> on top of my mound, I gasped, freezing as I realized someone was looking in my window. <br><br> It was gardening day. I had forgotten and definitely not taken precautions, in flagrante delicto. When he noticed I noticed, he grinned, waving the shears in his gloved hand. <br><br> <div id="caught"> <<crossroads #caught>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> Keep going? ''Fuck it''. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky enough. <<contents>> <<face shock>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br> <<scrollIntoView>> Since my fingers were already pausing, I used them to give a little wave as I smirked back. My free hand slid up to my <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>>perky<</if>> <<print $Body.tits>> breasts and began to tweak one nipple as my fingers resumed my second climb of the afternoon. <br><br> He grinned broadly and leaned on the hedge by the window, watching intently as I worked myself up again, nodding in agreement as my body lurched moments before I would cum as I stopped. A little sweaty, heart thumping, I grinned broadly at him and patted lightly at my pussy. <br><br> I got focused at that point, lest I actually cum too quickly, and him watching gave me more to get aroused about. A third, fourth, fifth, sixth hill, dots forming in my vision as I gasped up at the ceiling, fingers trembling. I needed to stop or else I wouldn't be able to control myself. With a throbbing ache in my core I slid off the bed with wobbly legs and rolled my eyes as I saw he had been recording. <br><br> Okay, enough of that. I yanked the curtain shut with a quick little [[kiss-y face|CC021 - Home]]. <<path>> Quickly ''shut the curtains''? <<contents>> <<face shock>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<outfit default>> <br> <<scrollIntoView>> Oh, //fuck// no. The pink in my cheeks became red as I bounced and jiggled my way over to the window. Yanking the curtains shut, I vowed to add that to my calendar -- I'd not forget ''that'' detail [[again|CC021 - Home]]. <<path $CC.maleAttention gt 1>> Give him a ''show''. <<blocked>> $ doesn't want male attention enough. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <br> <<scrollIntoView>> Well, this certainly got more interesting. He was //cute//. The sweaty, dirty glisten on his body gave me more to work with. My fingers -- already paused -- gave a little wave to him and then a 'come here' curl. His eyes popped and I nodded. He disappeared. <br><br> I took the moment to bring myself up the hill again, grunting out as I heard movement inside the house, which brought my arousal nearly to a surprising peak and I had to squirm, yanking my hand away from my pussy just in time. <br><br> And as I gasped up at the ceiling, I saw him again, entering my room. Not alone. All three of the gardening team were around my bed, "Bonita..." came the old one. <br><br> My body was a little pre-occupied to do anything, "N-no touching." I tried to wave them off with one hand. <br><br> "Sí, Sí, Sí." The middle-aged one nodded and made a little blocking move with his arms. Content enough with that, I started again. I felt the weight of one of them joining me on the bed as I moaned and breathed hard. <br><br> Hearing their comments about my body, their encouragement, smelling the exhaustion and testosterone of their was the best session I'd ever had. <br><br> It was probably the best job they'd had either. And most months we had some kind of a repeat -- [[win-win|CC021 - Home]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Home.png">> The Boys and I didn't always hang out at <<print $CC.friend1>>'s -- the garage is cool and all, but it wasn't that convenient for me. So mine became home base number two, especially when things were a bit frantic on his end, or quiet on mine. <br><br> "Alright, who's turn was it today...?" Ethan turned, performative as always. <br><br> "Wait." I shook my head, returning the acting as best I could. It was. I forgot. <br><br> Andrew dropped onto the bed beside me, "Don't bullshit, <<print $>>. Where's the green." <br><br> <div id="weed"> <<crossroads #weed>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> "You know I ''don't smoke''. I'm not contributing to your delinquency." <<blocked>> $ isn't stable enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> "Oh, come //on//." Ethan threw a pillow at me. I ducked and it hit <<print $CC.friend1>>. <br><br> "See? Ya don't get those reflexes being a pothead." I stuck out my tongue. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Ya also don't get to be any fun."<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> smacked me in the face with the pillow. <br><br> Andrew packed a bowl and passed between them. I didn't understand the things they laughed and talked about -- it just sounded dumb. But I enjoyed their company, in [[any state|CC022 - Home]]. <<path>> "Ugh //fine//. I don't have it ''on'' me...lemme ''make a call''." <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> They dove into a mobile game with scantily clad orcs and lots of blood while I texted, chewing at my lower lip trying to come up with new avenues for acquisition. <br><br> Eventually, I found a dealer and convinced them to do a delivery. "Kay. Smoke 'em cuz you got 'em." I tossed the bag at Andrew and let him pack a bowl for us. <br><br> It was fun spinning in a computer chair when you were blazed. The way the world just...[[spins|CC022 - Home]]. <<path>> "No one else is carrying? I'll getcha ''next time''. //Promise//." <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> There was an eyeroll and a sigh. Andrew shook his head and patted my thigh. Being a girl was ''great''. <br><br> A bowl was packed and I curled up against Andrew as he passed to me after lighting. And soon we were on our way, opening a window and lightly just stroking each other's fingers as we laughed and [[waxed poetic|CC022 - Home]]. Mooch for life. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Home.png">> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> And then there were days when I was bored out of my mind. The Boys were busy and I didn't feel in the mood. Nothing on my phone was interesting and I //certainly// didn't want to do school work. <br><br> I flipped through streaming options. I looked in the pantry for snacks. And then, all my options exhausted, I got curious. I started poking around where I knew I shouldn't be. <br><br> <<if $ == 1>> <<if $ == 2>>The family<<else>><<print $CC.DName>>'s<</if>> office. It was like a sanctuary and the doors were usually closed. I wondered what worlds would present themselves. <br><br> I dropped into the chair casually, as if the approach mattered. Wiggled the mouse...Password. Hm. My birthday? Wow. That was way too easy. <br><br> Travel agent stuff. Trip deals, trying to convince people to spend money. Hotels...K. Boring. What about... <br><br> <<shake 2s>>Gross!<</shake>> Close, close close! I did not want to find that porn folder. Can I scrub my memory? Men in Black? Please? <br><br> Fighting the gag reflex and my better judgment, I trudged on. There sure were a lot of sub-folders. <br><br> Passports, mine...Mom's. Mom's. Mom's? There's a //dozen// of them. Stamps for: UAE, Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines...North Korea?-- <br><br> "<<print $>>?" Fuck. He's back. Quick shut down and find a way out of the room. <br><br> Curiosity kills the cat, right? <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <<if $ == 2>>The family<<else>><<print $CC.DName>>'s<</if>> office. It was like a sanctuary and the doors were usually closed. I wondered what worlds would present themselves. <br><br> I dropped into his chair casually, as if the approach mattered. Wiggled the mouse...Password. Hm. My birthday? Wow. That was way too easy. <br><br> Travel agent stuff. Trip deals, trying to convince people to spend money. Hotels...K. Boring. What about... <br><br> <<shake 2s>>Gross!<</shake>> Close, close close! I did not want to find that porn folder. Can I scrub my memory? Men in Black? Please? <br><br> Fighting the gag reflex and my better judgment, I trudged on. There sure were a lot of sub-folders. <br><br> Passports? The same person has...wait. Who is this woman. Why does she look so much <br><br> "<<print $>>?" Fuck. He's back. Quick shut down and find a way out of the room. <br><br> Curiosity kills the cat, right? <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>>
/* TODO: format */ <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<set _fight = 0>> <div id = "gang"> How had //I// become a part of a gang? Don't judge a book by its cover. I didn't get corrupted, I didn't fall in with the bad kids. <br><br> I don't think people really understand how important it is to have solid people around you. A team. A community. <br><br> It had, honestly, just been happenstance. <br><br> I was coming home from school and stopped short, seeing these kids hanging precariously from the edge of a roof. I had no idea how he could hold himself by what seemed to be one set of fingertips. Maybe he was Spider-Man. <br><br> His other hand was preoccupied with a can of spray paint and the rest, sitting comfortably on the roof, were cheering him on. Either to see him succeed or see him fall. <br><br> I couldn't help myself and stopped below them, potentially in the danger zone should he actually fall. "What'cha doin?" I <<link "called up">><<replace "#gang">> <<image framed "passage/cc.gang.joining.png">> The one in the center turned his head, then they all did, looking at me. Even the one dangling for his life stared down. I could sense they were preparing to either attack or run...and then...the flight or flight response dissipated as they took me in. There was a collective look of surprise and curiosity. <br><br> "Initiation, hot stuff. Come on up." It was then I realized that they were older than me -- just had that mischievous, kid-like energy -- and this guy was closer to thirty. <br><br> I did come on up, though it took me too long to find a way onto the roof of the dilapidated building than would have allowed me to remain 'cool'. <br><br> His name was Amari and he led the group. Our group, as I quickly found it. He had years of experience. It seemed like he had been born into the gang life (and maybe he had.) The group was embedded in the fiber of his being and he __deeply__ cared about ''his'' people. He felt fatherly, it felt friendly. They felt like home. <<if $CC.parents !== "together">>Which I desperately needed.<<else>>Which was weird to me because I had never thought I needed any other place than my //real// home.<</if>> <<if $ == "Amari">>His simple aura had me drooling. He had that effect on women. I knew that if I was going to make him mine it would mean being open to sharing him. But having a piece of him was going to be better than none of him. It'd happen, it was just a matter of not being a casual hookup...something more substantial.<</if>> <br><br> The kid managed not to fall. That was his initiation, a number of years younger than me and now an inductee to Amari's Gators. <br><br> We spent the rest of the afternoon cheering Alejandro on. I was surprised they were being so inclusive of me. <<if Array("white", "fair").includes($>>I certainly didn't //look// the part. I looked exactly like I was: a typical teenager.<<else>>I may have appeared to fit in, but I was just a normal teenager.<</if>> But I got to chill with them the rest of the day and surprisingly there were no crimes committed besides some typical delinquency. Eventually, I needed to get home though, because I __was__ a typical teen who had dinner waiting, homework to be done and school the next day. <br><br> "I'd be down for you to be a Gator." Amari said casually. Others nodded, though I did catch the surprise. <br><br> " Uh. Sure!" I giggled in delight before heading off. And not a day later, it was time for ''my'' <<linkexpand "initiation">> <br><br> <div id="initiation"> I had been given the option to either get: <<scrollIntoView>> <<crossroads #initiation>> <<path>> Sexed in. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<cumSpray mouth1 facial1>> The couple girls that were part of the group had let me know it was the expected way in, and since I had a pussy, I'd be hooking up with the gang anyway, might as well start from the start. And so I spent the afternoon in a parking lot in the back of a Honda Civic. <br><br> They were all chilling, blasting music from the car speakers and getting drunk off Bud Light they'd lifted last night. One by one, they would get into the backseat, chatting with each other as I gave them head. It was hours of the most casual sexual activity, my jaw ached, my neck throbbed, my hands were pruned and raw. My mouth tasted of bleach-y, salty tang as the gang busted nuts in my mouth. <br><br> My win, though, was despite how turned on I got -- thanks teen hormones -- and how pushy and handsy some of them got, it never escalated to sex. The girls were surprised. I was proud. <br><br> My body felt absolutely destroyed, though. I wondered if I'd be less exhausted and beaten down if I had gotten jacked in [[instead|CC021 - Gang]]. <<path>> Jacked in. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<face hurt1>> An abandoned parking lot, at night. Car headlights providing illumination as I squared off against one of the gang's female members. <br><br> Our hair was up, jewelry put away, clothing as tight and unimportant as I could manage. I'd never been in a fight. She certainly had. I had heard that girls usually took the sex-in route, or weren't given an option. I hoped I wouldn't come out of this broken and scarred. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0>><<set _fight ++>>While she looked good, slender and attractive, it probably was more diet than effort, I could tell quickly that my body was more used to exertion.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>><<set _fight ++>>Most of a fight was maneuver and reading your opponent. I seemed to be able to catch her steps off the shift in her weight, and her strikes from the tension in her shoulders.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>><<set _fight ++>>The parking lot was bare, but old, and even tussling on asphalt had its own dangers, but I kept my footing as we made contact.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>><<set _fight ++>>A strike to the face, a punch to the gut, wrenched hair or the goddamn clawing -- I steeled myself against the pain and bodily shock.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>><<set _fight ++>>Key to fighting was out-thinking your opponent. And I clearly had an edge, catching her unawares most of the time.<br><</if>> We tore into each other, screaming like <div id = "fight"> <<link "banshees">><<replace "#fight">> banshees. <br><br> <<if _fight gt 3>> The brutality of the finish was not something I had even conceived of as I jammed her head against the ground. Her body went limp, my eyes went wide, I instantly regretted this and hoped I hadn't killed her. My new clan whooped and tugged my bruised and beaten body up from my still opponent. <br><br> While I felt elation, I kept trying to turn back to her motionless body on the concrete while they congratulated me and I was [[inducted|CC021 - Gang]].<<else>>The brutality of the finish was not something I had even conceived of -- but she had -- my hands grasping for her wrists as she clamped onto my head and slammed me down against the concrete. Black. <br><br> When I woke up, I was in her bed sometime the next morning. I hurt all over. She had spent a few moment of my unconsciousness beating my body til she had been stopped. But now she was nursing my bruised and beaten body back to the living. And I had been [[inducted|CC021 - Gang]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<path>> Tagged in. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> And there I was, hanging by my wrist, thirty or forty feet above the street below, body banging up against the brick wall as one of the guys let me dangle over my death. It all depended on our hands staying clasped. I willed my palms to not sweat as I grunting and tried to gain purchase with my feet and use my free hand to do some art. <br><br> The fun part had been designing my tag during home room in a sketchpad. But now I had to execute. I don't know why I had thought they wouldn't be doing the same kind of thing as the previous inductee -- and here I was, wearing a <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>>. <br><br> I was giving a show, luckily to no one as my thighs and calves tensed, spread widely and I sprayed. No time to think about decency as I applied my mark to the side of an apartment building. <br><br> The <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>> was up around my hips, the guys leaning over the ledge getting not only between my legs <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>of my <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>bare mound<<elseif Array("bush", "trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>>hairy mound<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>landing strip<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>manicured womanscape<<else>>stray hairs I missed<</if>> and pink<<else>>of my underwear color of choice of the day<</if>>, but also of my bouncing chest. <br><br> I strained, tugging myself up for leverage, fingertips digging into the meaty flesh of his arm. Eventually, nearing the end, I wasn't proud of my exhausted whimpers, but I was done. I was alive, hauled back up and rolling onto my back as I tossed the can away, panting breathlessly while just leaving the show. I was racked with a near-death experience and recovering from such a weird ask of my body. They cheered me on, circling me and applauding. I laughed, smiled, sighed, smacking my palms against the hot roof in finality. <br><br> I was [[inducted|CC021 - Gang]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> to them. </div>
<<outfit gang>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"What the //fuck// are you wearing?!"<</speech>> <<print $CC.MName>> grasped me by the upper arm, stopping me from joining the Gators. <br><br> I held back the instinctive spit to her face that had become a //bit// too ingrained in my reactions after the past few weeks. <<speechPC>>"What. I'm not allowed to try new things?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Trying out the trashy look?"<</speech>> And here I had thought I was being subtle. It wasn't close to what many of the other girls wore: hot shorts or bodycon dresses -- they could have fit in on the corner -- but it was a //blend// of what I used to wear and my new crew. It was giving the essence of being member while also not getting me kicked out of school. <br><br> But too apparent enough for her. <<image framed "passage/CC021-Gang.png">> <br><br> Again, I held back the saliva. <br><br> <div id ="confrontation"> <<crossroads #confrontation>> <<path>> Be honest and tell her? <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $CC.hsv = "none">> <<speechPC>>"I'm a part of a gang."<</speechPC>> I smiled, proud and loud. <br><br> Her fingers dug in to my upper arm and she pulled me firmly into a dining room chair. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Honey. What did you get yourself //involved// in?"<</speech>> There was intense care and fear in her eyes and it made me break down. Tears followed immediately. From both of us. <br><br> We spent the afternoon at the dining room table. It was a makeshift therapy session as, thankfully, she didn't try to scare me or proselytize. She approached my decision with curiosity to find out what I may have been missing and needed that we could achieve other ways rather than amongst the Gators. <br><br> <<if $CC.Mom == 0>> Later, she went into all of the stories she'd heard from her friends or the news. It didn't sound like Amari and his crew, but at that point I was already emotionally vulnerable and I //could// see the violence latent among the group and the risk of getting in bad with law enforcement. It could ruin my life. <<else>> There was an odd undercurrent to the sentiment that she had. When she described the risks of running with a gang, it didn't come with the expected half-truths from news and friends that I had expected, that I had heard before. I had the impression that she was more familiar with people like Amari and the Gators than she should have been. There was color and context to her worries and what she saw as threats to me and my person that sounded, to me, as if she'd seen them first hand. As if they'd touched her, harmed her, in some way. It took a while before I understood why, but in that moment I was too emotionally vulnerable to be curious. I understood that this could ruin my life. <</if>> <br><br> I disappeared off the gang's radar, went back to being my old self, and luckily they didn't come looking for me. It had been a blip on the radar, a momentary rebellion, my few weeks as a member of a gang. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Fight her and protect my new family? <<contents>> <<face angry>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Social -->> <<speechPC>>"Oh, go fuck yourself."<</speechPC>> I yanked my arm free and //did// spit in her face. She was stunned, rocking back and planting squarely into a dining room chair. The saliva seemed to adhere to her cheek in that moment before I wheeled around and sped out the door. I would ride and die for my crew, but that didn't mean I //wanted// to die. <br><br> The Gators laughed along with me, cheering me on as I told them about what I had done. Almost all of them had similar stories, whether it was from a teacher-mentor or a family member. We all had pulled away from those communities in favor of this new one, this one that would bleed for you. <br><br> The rest of high school was a tenuous tightrope because I still did need a place to sleep and food to eat. There were moments of upheaval and throw-down fights at home, but by that point I'd become pretty hardened and I think they were more afraid of me than anything else. <br><br> Otherwise, it was like I was a ghost, gliding in when I wanted and out when I wanted. <br><br> Kids at school also figured it out and, while I'd always have The Boys and <<print $CC.FName>>, there was distance put between me and the others. It kinda felt like an honor, but it also meant I really only had my [[Gators|CC022 - Gang]] to hang with. <<path>> Avoid the topic and just sneak around from here on out? <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<speechPC>>"You never tried out different things"<</speechPC>> I sighed, sliding my arm from her fingers. Her eyes worked me over, trying to find the underlying truth, but I wasn't going to let her have it. <br><br> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Just...go change."<</speech>> She sighed back, giving in. <br><br> And I did. Though I did start packing my outfit in my backpack or 'gym bag' and just changing when I wasn't at home. It was living a dual life, but I avoided any conflict at home by being the <<print $>> I was expected to be there and at school, and I was my true self among the Gators. <br><br> I wished that I didn't have to hide, but I came from a different side of the tracks and I saw the value of my crew and felt the warmth of their care and love in a way that far outstripped anyone else in my life. <br><br> I wasn't going to lose them just to appease anyone else. Even if I was holding it deep down, deep down I //was// a [[Gator|CC022 - Gang]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Gang.png">> <<outfit gang>> And being a Gator meant doing things that were...'illegal'. But, really, illegal is just a perception. Laws change all the time. And when you get down to it, they're all just bullshit. <br><br> When a guy on Wall Street does it, or Madoff, or Holmes...they might get in trouble. ''//Might//''. __If__ they get caught. Meanwhile, the sheer number of people affected by what those few 'white collar criminals' have done and how __much__ they've taken is...incalculable. They'll go to prison (after a lengthy trial) pay some fines that are nothing in comparison to the damages done -- and certainly don't restitute any victims. And then, when they walk down the street after getting out? Just another guy, no harm, no foul. Compare that to what we did. <br><br> We didn't come from anything and most of us didn't have prospects. They often laughed about how they should knock over my house because of where I grew up, or pointed out how many advantages I had in comparison to them. Most of them came from large families working multiple jobs and still not able to meet the needs they had. It was simply unfair and a roll of the dice that they were in this position. No one in life was going to help them, so they helped themselves. <br><br><br> We were selecting our target: Target. They were walking me through the things to watch out for, and what to do in certain situations. My heart was thumping, I was on edge, but families needed money, needed clothes, needed things and Target could more than afford the losses -- that they'd write off at the end of the year as breakage anyway. <br><br> Then, without realizing how I got there, I was in the aisles, acting as normally as I could manage. It was just me, just a <<if $ == "black">>black girl, please ignore,<<elseif $ == "golden">>white-passing chick<<else>>white chick<</if>> doing a little deal-hunting. <br><br> The hunt had been good. I had been filling my school bag with shirts, underwear, a couple Playstation titles. A good first go. Nodding to myself as I made the decision to consider this as good enough, I turned to go. <br><br> I was close to making it out when I saw the blue of security starting to move in. Shiiit. I turned, pretending to just be meandering a different way. Then I saw uniforms at the end of this aisle as well. <br><br> Yep, exactly as I was warned. <br><br> <div id="theft"> <<crossroads #theft>> <<path>> Ignore them and continue? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <br><br> If I act guilty, they'll think I'm guilty. They aren't actually gunning for me. Move over another aisle...keep my peripherals going... <br><br> Yeah. Outsmarted the fuckin' pigs. And got the goods. <br><br> I certainly impressed the guys when I got back with [[my haul|CC023 - Gang]]. <<path>> Act casual? <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> Okay, then. Just time for an exit. Over towards the registers, like I'm going to pay for these. <br><br> Peripherals on. Are they watching me? No, I think they're just checking me out. Ha. Got 'em. <br><br> "I had to duck early." I shrugged as I handed them my haul. Light, but there. <br><br> "You got out good. That's what matters." Amari patted me on the shoulder and gave it [[a squeeze|CC023 - Gang]]. <<path>> Run? <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<face shock>> <br><br> Fuck. Outta here. Now! <br><br> I kicked it into gear, hoping a gradual increase in my pace would not arouse--suspicion. Shit. I wish I had paid more attention to the layout as I began to squeak around corners and head down aisles. I think I was headed to the -- <<shake 3s>>Flat on my ass<</shake>> after bouncing off of one of the big guys in blue. <br><br> Not even able to get a word out, my good spilling out of the bag onto the linoleum, he reached down and hefted me up by the arm, dragging me kicking and fighting down into the back. <br><br> Luckily, he took me for just a delinquent who got her kicks from shoplifting. He gave me a stern talking to and when he threatened to call <<if $ == 2>><<print $CC.MName>><<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> and the //actual// police I squirmed. So I <<linkreplace "put out.">><<cumSpray facial>>put out. <br><br> There was a glint in his eye like he was used to this kind of exchange and had been expecting it since the chase began. He took his time, I didn't rush him. And once he finished and the contentedness set in, he actually let me walk with a couple of the shittier items. <br><br> Amari nodded, not too surprised by what happened and thumped me on the arm impressed that I didn't flinch and just blew the security and got something out of it. <br><br> "Yer my go-to girl, <<print $>>. Hope ya learned something this time." I had. I got better at [[reading them|CC023 - Gang]].<</linkreplace>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit gang>> Eventually, I had earned enough trust and respect in the gang to begin bringing enriching not just fellow members but now: myself. I was given a piece of the action for being able to access my unique markets. Just had to sell a little green and powder, take my cut, make sure nothing too ridiculous went missing. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/CC023-Gang.png">> It was weird doing this thing. It felt incredibly masculine. And it was risky as fuck. Being female meant a lot less eyes were on me, but it also meant people thought I was weak. That I could be taken advantage of, ripped off. It meant I had to affect a hard-line attitude, cut people off quicker, force people's hands, and pick the right venues. <br><br> So, I preferred to... <br><br> <div id="dealing"> <<crossroads #dealing>> <<path>> Take the risks, do the corners, take all comers as ''clients''. <<contents>> <<set $Inventory.pushUnique("9mm Pistol")>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> I'd deal a little at school -- didn't want to get too much of a rep or literally kicked out. But my usual spot was the neighborhood park, overrun by youth groups and the other yuppie, nimby bullshit. The rest of the Gators -- or any other gang --- wouldn't dare be in this area, because of the risk of being picked up. It provided me a little locational, social advantage. <br><br> A girl, sitting at a picnic table alone received attention and even if they weren't looking for a hook up, it was easy to slowly, subtly turn the interest into a deal. It had become 'my spot' and regulars knew where and when to expect me. It felt surprisingly exciting to be doing something so illicit right next to a kids playground, while people had innocuous picnics -- people who would have been aghast at the idea that I was there, delivering dimes. And that //I// was the dealer? Egad. <br><br> It usually went: one guy before his weekend, then a different one who had a hard day at work, a girl with a habit, and occasionally some guy who had been trying to keep his cool while hanging out with his friends...and then dart over before he lost his shit. Those were the best. <br><br> One day felt a little odd, quiet. I guessed people were still riding high from their last purchase. My guard was down, scrolling on my phone and acting exactly like who I was: just a girl in a park. <br><br> It happened. <br><br> Three guys I'd never seen before approached me. They were oozing violence and threat. "K. Hand it over, bitch." A knife flashed. My blood ran cold. I had not expected this. Here. Even with my new hard-edge lifestyle, I froze. I had no clue what to do and my brain just went into full "don't want to die"-mode. <br><br> They took full advantage of their strength, my weakness and took my stock. <br><br> Then I lost my shit. I became the girl from before the Gators: insipid, soft, scared. I didn't want to go to Amari, but I knew I had to. I'd be short this week. I got myself together and prepared for the worst. <br><br><br> He was surprisingly understanding -- which actually made the lesson take root. And then he [[gave me a gun|CC024 - Gang]] for the next time. <<path>> Focus on my access at ''school''. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Ava.rel ++>> <br><br> I'd set up at lunch and my free periods in the mall. I had ready access to my locker where I kept what I didn't need on-hand, but I would never leave anything there overnight. That was just asking for some kid to narc on me to the administration. No thanks. <br><br> It was incredible at how fast I became known as a source at the school and how readily the kids took me up on the offer. There was a reason our school had a rep name of Triple A (Alcoholics, Abortions and Addicts) and it returned dividends for me. <br><br> I took a special glee when //Ava// hit me up for some goodies to flesh out her upcoming party. I wasn't invited -- she made that eminently clear -- but she still had to come to me for her [[supply|CC024 - Gang]]. <<path>> Keep the risk low with known quantities, my ''friends''. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel -->> <br><br> Product moved slowly, but my friends were happy to have a personal, always-available source. I was happy to have safe, easy sales. They came to me. I didn't need to advertise. <br><br> I did have to shut Ethan down a couple times when he got too big for his britches. He started flapping his mouth about who his connect was -- I had to remind him who was on the other end of my supply -- upsetting Amari was not a healthy proposition. For either of us. <br><br> I thought he had been set straight, but he tried to ingratiate himself instead and send me more clients -- which I happy to receive. And then the pretentious kid expected a cut. Luckily, he valued his own access and our friendship enough to let my firm and immediate "No" [[stand|CC024 - Gang]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit gang>> I had become Amari's right hand girl, much to the other female crewmembers' chagrin. <br><br> The fact that I had been a complete outsider and been offered a place, initiated, indoctrinated, and fully integrated into a gang made me wonder about the nature of people. Were certain people just naturally predisposed to rising to the top of things? Because of how they looked (genes and nature and whatnot), or because of how they were raised? Or was it a //me// thing? <br><br> I enjoyed the privilege and status and he clearly enjoyed something about me -- and saw value in who I was and what I had to offer. <br><br> But it also came with its drawbacks. This was one of those <<linkexpand "moments.">> moments. <br><br> "<<print $>>." The softness of his voice always was a stark contrast to the strength he embodied. "Flatcoats need to be dealt with." I nodded. He would let me know when he was done speaking. It came short and as the thoughts fully materialized for him. "They're escalating and if something isn't done soon, we're either gonna be out of room, or out of blood." Mine chilled. I knew what he meant. "If I go--" I shook my head before he had to finish, "Exactly. So." And without saying it, I knew. My blood dropped a few more degrees. <br><br> I was going to be his proxy, our envoy, diplomat for the Gators and our future -- and potential deaths -- would all be riding on me being able to make peace with the up-and-comers that tastes blood. And so, I went. No one really knew what the 'Flatcoats' was all about except that Zayden really liked dogs. Or something like that. I knew where to find Zayden, their Capo. It was a weird thing about gangs: no one really hid and there was mutual respect not to go and try to headhunt. <br><br> As I walked over, I mulled my chances and Amari's idea. It made a lot of sense, sending me. I was an important part of the Gators, but I was also female so I didn't carry natural threat, and most importantly: I had two 'skins'. I was protected by going to school, coming from a different background, living in both worlds...I couldn't just disappear. Zayden had to figure out how to manage me as much as I had to figure out how to manage him. <br><br> The junkyard was popping with energy. I could sense hands on weapons and the meerkat-like peering as soon as they saw me on approach. I raised my hands and smiled, knowing I could walk in and essentially could relax. They wouldn't kill me. <br><br> Probably. <br><br> Now. How to make the peace and ensure that my belief was correct... <br><br> <div id="Flatcoats"> /* IMAGE (Needed): Junkyard */ <<crossroads #Flatcoats>> <<path>> Offer an exchange of action. Gators get some of the Flatcoats' streams and vice versa. Win-win. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<face happy>> No one wanted bloodshed and that was going to be my tack. Lean into reason and equitability and we'd all come out ahead, "We know you've got some angles on the meth, you know we've got most of the rest of the market cornered. You got some girls that earn. You've got some warehouses, we've got some stores." <br><br> "Yeah. And we're taking it all." He chuckled, patting the burnt out wreck where he sat. I heard metal banging metal as members around me used their brandished weapons to 'clap' and encourage their leader. <br><br> "Or losing it all." I just stood there, needing no one else to make my point. <br><br> "Nah, you see it wrong." <br><br> "I see you not being able to hold onto anything you //might// gain when he's dead--" I jabbed a finger to a boy standing behind him, "And him--" another jab, "--dead--" "--dead--" "--dead--he handles your girls, right?" Motioning again at the last one I had eliminated. "Who can keep them in line then?" <br><br> He ground his teeth. The portent of death quieted the banging and clanging. He gestured a couple times with his chin. Then he spoke. "So what are you offering?" <br><br> "Enrichment for all. Rising tide and whatnot." <br><br> "Stop with yer smart-girl talk." He furrowed. <br><br> "You get a piece of our action, we get a piece of yours. We manage ours, you manage yours. We work together, help each other out. Watch each other's backs. Cover more area together than we would apart." <br><br> He nodded, twisting his head slightly one way, then the other. He frowned a bit, as if he was going to disagree, then nodded again, "Okay. Counter-offer. We keep ours, you keep yours. Give a little taste of what we got and you do same." <br><br> I had to bite back the laugh. Instead, I did a little of his consideration, then nodded, "Deal." <br><br> We shook hands and I knew I could leave the rest to Amari. He was more than pleased with the results. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Offer myself as an olive branch. Sacrifice just one Gator to save the rest. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> I was a trophy in this world. It was why I was Amari's right hand. I knew how much sex traded for and what it would be worth to Zayden to have that male sense of dominance in taking what was Amari's. It wasn't what I //wanted// to do in an ideal world, but this was the world I was a part of and I saw first hand how it worked. Cocks talked and pussies were pay. I had the latter. The other girls wouldn't have thought twice about it and with my rank, I needed to be doubly okay with this. <br><br> "Well, well, well...look who come to see us." <br><br> "Amari sends his best." Triple meaning. I was his best girl, best asset, and he was sending kind regards. I dropped to my knees casually in front of Zayden. The dirt of the junkyard was unforgiving, hard-packed and dry, but overtures had to be made in the way they needed to be made. I pulled at his track pants to free his cock. <br><br> "Yes he does." It was a growl that turned into a gasp as I started to suck his limp shaft. His hand went right to the back of my head and firmly pushed me down and ignoring me gagging on him as he looked around. "Looks like we might not have to fight boys." My stomach was spasming, he wasn't letting me up. Part a test, mostly just dominance and proving his position. He was hardening against my tongue, palate and in my throat. <br><br> They all cheered, banging their brandished weaponry against the wrecks of vehicles that formed the structure around us. I was slobbering on their Capo's cock and, in a way, saying Amari was submitting. But really, I was just submitting and otherwise things would just become kind between them. Un-hostile. <br><br> I sucked his cock as they all watched, occasionally forced to the base whenever he felt like it. Each time I coughed at the insertion, they all applauded. I held back, I held strong and before long he was content. Now was phase <<linkexpand "two">> two. <<upper>> <<lower>> <<bra>> <<panties>> <<cumSpray mound1 thighs1 pussy2>> <<face happy>> He pulled me up onto the burnt out vehicle that was his 'throne', helping me pull my clothes off as he turned me onto all fours. Yep, really liked dogs. <<dollRearView>> <br><br> The sex was firm and relentless. His hand held down between my shoulder blades, pinning my face against the worn and sun-bleached material that used to be the seat of a car. They all cheered hearing my plaintive yelps, trying to deal with his unromantic fucking. <br><br> I had expected nothing else and got exactly what I expected. He smacked against me and grunted out proudly as he fucked the trophy pussy that 'had' been Amari's. 'Had' been a Gator. And he claimed me, pumping his spunk inside me deep as he could manage before climbing off and getting a round of applause from his gang as if he had just won the heavyweight championship. <br><br> Quietly, I got myself in order and left without a word. I could tell Amari was both concerned for me as well as impressed at what I had done. We both knew that it wasn't a one-and-done. I had initiated this and Zayden wouldn't be sated with just a single offering. <br><br> My cell would light up with a simple text from him and I would go and meet him. Sometimes it would be casual and more of a hangout with him and his crew, but mostly it was just him wanting to fuck me again. <br><br> So things were settled, both crews were able to focus outward rather than on each other. As long as I was around. While I was still in town and still a member of the Gators, the peace was maintained. <br><br> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "I had sacrificed them as much as myself for Amari. I felt //awful//.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "After that, I needed">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = ". Something much kinder, caring and protective of me. And they could never find out. ">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck Zayden M "My pussy was peacemaker: Zayden, Flatcoats' Capo, ">> <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</linkexpand>>. <<path>> Force the issue and show the Gators' dominance. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<face happy>> I leaned into my invincibility. It felt empowering. My heart was pounding and the fact that I was so sure of my own safety meant I took every risk. "I'll kill you right where you stand, Zay. And I'll get away with it. I'll walk right out with the blood on my hands." <br><br> "You won' make it two steps." He fumed, motioning to the armed gang around me. He was right, I would definitely die in //that// case. I didn't flinch. <br><br> "And have death row waiting for each and every one of them? You know how it goes when someone like me is hurt by someone like..." I raised my eyebrows pointedly and looked them all over. Some flinched like they wanted to draw, some flinched like they were considering the pain of the law. <br><br> He ground his teeth together. "Then we kill your boys." They chomped at the bit, guttural agreements around the burnt out wreck where he sat. <br><br> "Amari's been through worse. You might get some of us, know the Gators. We //pre//date Amari." I laughed, "That might be a quicker death sentence than the other way, though." <br><br> "Bitch is wrong!" "Cut down this cunt." "We'll go down with a fight!" "--worth //two// of them--" It was a chorus of commentary. That would never have flown with Amari. <br><br> He slammed his hand down on the charcoal-colored metal. It pinged unimpressively at the impact and refused to dent. "So. What are you offering then." Each word he punctuated with his chin. <br><br> "I'm //offering// for you to be sensible. You stepped where you shouldnta. And you know it. Be happy you have Amari for a neighbor, other Capo's woulda taken you out when you were teething." And with that, I turned, walking through the walls of former vehicles, leaving my back to them as a final display of disrespect and contempt. <br><br> I heard the squabbling begin. The voices rose and fell as he tried to quiet the mob. And the fact that I didn't take a bullet to the back of my head as soon as I turned around? <br><br> The Gators had won. Amari had won. I. Had. Won. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel += 2>> <<outfit volunteer>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Salvation Army */ Giving of my free time wasn't only for experiences and my college application. It really felt good. My usual haunt was the nearby Salvation Army, and the 'hiring' process was ridiculously easy. They needed bodies, especially free bodies. Matias, a middle-aged man with an accent I could never place, ran the place. He was simultaneously beaten-down and over it and supremely kind, giving and invested. <div id="vol"> <br><br> Mostly, he'd assign me to the mall to work the: <<crossroads #vol>> <<path>> ''Cash register'' <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> We weren't exactly the most in-demand store in town. Our typical customers fell into two broad categories: those slumming for vintage finds for resale or their own vanity, and those who made your heart ache. <br><br> The former would try and haggle with me at the counter. Haggle. Over donated goods. Over things designed for the 'have nots'. It infuriated me and gave me a distinct pleasure to be able to find ways to say no. It was them that kept the place running anyway. <br><br> The latter really opened my eyes to all the different strata below the 'average' line. Not just the displaced and unhoused, but those that were struggling under the weight of family and capitalism. It was mothers and fathers, it was kids who'd run away from nasty situations, it was normal people who'd been dealt a bad hand. <br><br> Sometimes I'd have to step in and stop theft. From both kinds of people. The needs and why's behind the act were so vastly different, but I loved getting security sic'd on the ones that took because they could and I also loved putting a few dollars in the register instead of ratting on those that were taking because they [[needed to|CC021 - Volunteer]]. <<path>> ''Bins'' <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <br><br> Absolutely back-breaking labor because I was bent over most of the day, rummaging through bags of the most varied items in the world. Most of it was essentially trash that people went through far too much effort to get into a landfill. Some of it was gems or little nostalgia that made me smile. <br><br> A lot of it was folding clothes. Packing clothes. Storing clothes. And then the stocking. <br><br> Up a ladder that had probably seen use in the early 20th century, trying to figure out a way for //me// to get things up or down solo. <br><br> "You okay?" I nearly fell off the ladder. <br><br> Matias. "Uh. Yeah. Thank you." His hand steadied the ladder. I worked the box off the shelf. Then cold and prickles went down my back. I was in a <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>>. <br><br> I tried to ignore the situation as I clambered awkwardly down the ladder, legs working wide and knees open. He was getting an absolute front-row ''Show'' of <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<print $>>'s holes.<<else>>the upskirt performance of the year.<</if>> <br><br> He didn't mention anything. I didn't either. "Don't be getting yourself killed. Call me over if you're going up a ladder again." Oh, I'm sure you wanted me to. <br><br> I tried to make sure I wore at least shorts from [[then on|CC021 - Volunteer]]. <<path>> ''Donation station'' <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br><br> I was like the mall Santa when it wasn't Winter. Standing by a tripod little box and trying to guilt people into putting their loose change in the slot. <br><br> Did people have change anymore? Didn't really seem like it. And it tried my wherewithal. Getting no's was tough, especially when they came with utter dismissal of my existence. They'd walk by, no matter how cute I looked. <br><br> But, occasionally I think my femininity and the surprise at the station not just being attended by some down and out dude did mean for more donations than expected. <br><br> //But// it was usually from guys that I really wasn't that interested in talking to. And man, did they want to talk. Why were they hanging around a mall anyway? <br><br> And I was captive. Stuck by the little red tripod until the end of my shift. I had some uncomfortable encounters, but being public saved me from worse. <br><br> It was my toil, but at least I could [[people watch|CC021 - Volunteer]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit volunteer>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Chain gang */ It wasn't glorious, but it was probably the most impactful of my volunteering choices -- at least in the large timescale of the health of the planet. Cleaning up beaches and beside the highway did a lot more for us and the environment than simply making it look nicer. <br><br> Sweaty, dirty and leg-tired, I'd have a crick in my neck from looking down for hours. We'd do little paths and sections at a time to make sure we grabbed everything. It was very methodical. <br><br> And sometimes, we'd be sent out with some convicts from a minimum security prison. So there was a little time for doing guidance and outreach. A little friendliness, a little humanity go a long way. <br><br> The guards were far less pleased with it, preferring to feel powerful and treat their charges like mongrels. <br><br> <div id ="convicts"> So, I <<link "stopped">><<replace "#convicts">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> I was not going to fight the Man. They could hurt me, or the convicts simply because they could. <br><br> With looks of 'sorry' to my guys in orange, I shied away and went back to the work at hand. I'd get a few words and hellos from time to time, but the guards made a point to keep separation between 'in' and 'out.' <br><br> It pained me, but we were probably more efficient and no one got hurt. Even if I didn't buck [[the system|CC022 - Volunteer]]. <</replace>><</link>>, <<link "flirted">><<replace "#convicts">> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> A little roll of my eyes, sliding up to the guard and maybe holding their hand for a bit. I tried to get them to make them think it was equal opportunity. I just wanted to chat. <br><br> Giving them every excuse and a little bit of love, they softened. Though there were far more aggressive than their convict counterparts when it came to me. They tried to take me home and were very hard to manage. <br><br> No wasn't a word they wanted to hear, and certainly when they knew they had leverage in the form of my care for their charges. <br><br> So, a couple of times I let them buy me a meal, or went to a movie. But it kept my guys in orange safe, unharmed and I still got to hang out with [[them|CC022 - Volunteer]]. <</replace>><</link>> with them as a distraction, let my good will buy some <<link "protection">><<replace "#convicts">> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> Though they were in chains, a mere grunt, or look and the guards were at least a little startled. <br><br> And they backed off, and I kept my buddies in orange. They really weren't bad people. And though I knew they'd have to pay for defending me in one way or another, I think they appreciated the attention and time with a pretty girl on the outside. <br><br> A couple tried -- kindly and considerately -- to hook up with me when they 'got out.' I let them wonder and hope. I wouldn't kill [[a dream|CC022 - Volunteer]]. <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<outfit volunteer>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Volunteer Shelter */ When I came to the shelter, I felt the most actualized out of all my 'good works'. I could affect change one on one, I could see its effects, I could interact with the people who were hurting, who I was helping. <br><br> It certainly wasn't easy, and I could see why people in their situation stayed in their situation. Where were the resources? I certainly wasn't trained, and neither were the people who were being paid -- very little -- to do the work to help, protect, and assist people who were in the most need. <br><br> Some were there because life dealt them the worst hand: families, young people, the elderly. Some were there because of what they had gotten involved in: alcohol and drugs. Some were there because society didn't know what else to do with them: the mentally ill. <br><br> And here we were, just...people...trying to be everything to everyone. The most profound and affecting moment at my time in the shelter -- it sincerely changed me -- was with: <br><br> <div id="shelter"> <<crossroads #shelter>> <<path>> A young mother <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <br><br> She came in one weekend with her son, smiling broadly as I brought them to a cot and explained the rules and expectations of our space. <br><br> She assented without a second thought, seemingly overjoyed at what little we had to offer. My heart swelled as I walked away, remarking to myself at how some great deeds are easily done. <br><br> Throughout the rest of the afternoon, while I was seeing to other occupants, logging entry and supplying our closets, something nagged in the back of my brain. And what really set me off is that, for all I've seen and experienced, I was able to move on well enough. Here, I couldn't. <br><br> So, I paid closer attention and that's when I noticed what was triggering me. The son. His reactions, his behavior. So, I waited until she had gone to the bathroom and I spent a few moments with him. <br><br> "Hey there, buddy." He wasn't talkative. Not surprising. "Everything okay?" He shook his head. "Why. What's wrong?" Nothing. Tears appearing in his eyes. "I'm here to help you. Nothing's scary here. Do I look scary?" He laughed, wiping his eyes and shaking his head. <br><br> "Dad hits Mommy." It came out just in time. She returned and I had more than enough information. I was able to get her extra time with us, special counseling and I learned her story. <br><br> It maddened me that men were like this, and it reiterated how much more circumspect I needed to be in my own life. She was a person living a life like me and here she was. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> A runaway <<contents>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br><br> He wasn't much younger than me, which hurt my heart. He had a strange, high-strung energy that keyed me in on him. Him being my contemporary made me want to be //the// one to help. <br><br> So, I tried. "Hey. My name's <<print $>>." Smiling as I dropped a blanket on his cot. <br><br> The suddenness was breathtaking. His eyes met mine and there was a deadness. And that deadness snapped -- animalistic rage. I was on the ground, the concrete impact on the back of my head and ass nothing compared to the fear of what he would do to me. He was ontop of me, hands around my throat and pinning me easily. <br><br> I felt so weak, so scared. Like prey. <br><br> Thankfully he was pulled from me by a few of our bigger aides, I was given the care to the bruises I sustained, and I was kept apart from him. <br><br> They were about to turn him out when I stepped in, insisting it was simply mental illness and not his fault. I found him an appropriate, nearby alternative and he was brought there. But fuck. We're animals, deep down. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Joel, who'd been displaced longer than I'd been alive. <<contents>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> He was such a gentle soul. He was our 'regular' if you could call it that. If it were a happy thing. <br><br> "Here ya go, Joel." I patted his cot, safe in the corner. <br><br> "You're new here, aren't you..." He shook his head, smiled and patted where I had patted while he sat, "Here." A couple glances let me know I was safe, so I sat. <br><br> He spent the whole afternoon telling me his story. How he had been wealthy, how it had been stolen out from under him by his partner, and then the remainder by his family. And then what he was left with by his landlord. And then his friends and family were nowhere to be found. And that was twenty years ago. <br><br> The details were particular enough and not forced that I believed him. And vetting it with the other aides -- it was a true story. His resilience astounded me. It was a perfect warning about what people can do to you and how irreparably it can affect your life. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<image framed "passage/">> <<outfit soccer>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> As soon as the leaves started to turn, I was out in cleats, truly getting my steps doing drills on the soccer field. Coach Ben would blow the whistle and we'd do sprints, burpees, cones -- he always had a new, unexpected and exhausting trial to defeat us. Then we'd settle into our positions for some mock play. Guys got to do shirt and skins, girls had orange pinnies. <br><br> It wasn't the most glamorous of the sports -- football was in season, and drew all of the attention. Our crowds were always sparse, but Dads and Moms were on the sidelines and we had some die-hard fans that rounded out the non-familial attendees. I guess bare, coltish legs pelting across an open field, the bouncing that came with it, all the while hearing girls grunt had its own draw. <br><br> I loved the grass and the open range of the game. I loved how fit it made me. I also loved my position on the squad. <br><br> I squared up as... <br><br> <div id="position"> <<crossroads #position>> <<path>> Goalie. Defending the net. <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> Knees flexed, leaning slightly forward, I watched the rest of my team scramble back and forth across the field. A few steps to the left, a shift to the right. Planted, ready. My eyes were locked on their striker, speeding towards me, the rhythmic thumping of the ball off their foot. My eyes flicked side to side, assessing additional threats: potential passes, angles I needed to cover. <br><br> I breathed in deeply, finding a place of simultaneous tension and relaxation, ready to let my mind and body do the thing: react. My ass and thighs were coiled, prepped to spring. I saw the striker lurch, kicking into high-gear. <br><br> Stutter-step, about to -- YES! One of the defender girls had landed a killer steal, punting the ball to their backfield. Truly relax now. Shake out my feet. Stretch a bit. Cheer on my girls. <br><br> The pause lasted only a moment. Our attackers hadn't been able to out-maneuver their defenders. <br><br> It was coming back. <br><br> Focused, lifted onto the balls of my feet, the attack came. Again, I watched my defenders striving for a repeat of the last exchange -- they pressed in, using their bodies and approach to try and nudging the attacker out of position with no angle to make a shot--CRACK! It seared towards me: <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value - $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte 3>> <<face happy>> Diving hard, my hands caught leather and the ball went over the net, "Corner!" Coach Ben called triumphantly with another blow of his whistle. Hopping up from being face-first in the soil, I dusted the grass off myself. I sputtered out some green blades, smiling as Ben gave me a nod and thumbs up. I was a solid goalie, keeping the score low meant our team was [[competitive|CC021 - Sporty]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Diving hard, I yelled out, my fingertips brushed the rocketing soccer ball, but too late, not enough. Coach Ben blew his whistle while I dusted the grass off myself. I sputtered out some green blades, avoiding the eye contact of him and the other girls. Had I been distracted? Had I misjudged? Not pushed hard enough? I wasn't the best goalie, but none of the other girls [[wanted the job|CC021 - Sporty]]. <</if>> <<path>> Defender. In the backfield. <<contents>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> A slight jog back and forth, watching the approaching midfielders. I kept a good vector on potential attack, ensuring that they didn't have a breakaway. Our goalie was good, but alone, there was nothing she could do. We were the underpinnings of a save or goal. <br><br> Our midfield met theirs, shuffling and shoving as they set the exchange to a stutter-stop. Ours won! <br><br> The pass soared deep into the enemy territory, giving me the opportunity to cross mid-field. There I could redirect our attack for an assist, putting additional pressure on their out-of-place defenders. Or I was prepared to receive a deflected attack and send it right back in for another go. Some, rare occasions I'd even get a chance to try my foot against their goalie. But never get //too// far out of position. <br><br> Shot on goal?! No good. Their goalie swatted it away, sending it bounding back towards me. <br><br> The energy was heading against us. I began backpedaling, getting my ass in gear. A counter-attack was coming. It would be quick and fierce. I fell alongside their Forward, both of our chests heaving as we matched stride. <br><br> She tried to juke... <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value - $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte 3>> <<face happy>> Nope! Not on my watch. Sacrificing my body, I flung one foot outward as my other planted and shoved off the ground. A sliding tackle that connected, sending the ball off her foot and out to the sidelines. <br><br> Our throw-in! Coach Ben blew his whistle. The girls hustled for a continuation of play, I brushed myself off and gave their Forward a 'good game' smack on the ass. She gave me a double-smack and Coach Ben threw me a thumbs-up. I was a great defender and kept our opposition working hard to get anywhere on our side [[of the field|CC021 - Sporty]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Nope! Not on my watch. Sacrificing my body, I flung one foot outward as my other planted and shoved against the ground. A sliding tackle, planned to direct the ball off her foot and out of play. She was ready for it. I went under her stride and missed the ball, watching her casually leaping over my outstretched body. <br><br> Goal! <br><br> Coach Ben blew his whistle and got his jog on for a kickoff. The girls hustled into position for the next play, while I dejectedly lifted myself off the turf. Brushing myself off, I felt a quick, hard smack on my ass as their scoring Forward came back to pass me with a winning wink. I wasn't the best defender and definitely known to be the [[weak point|CC021 - Sporty]]. <</if>> <<path>> Striker. Attacking their goal. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> Salivating for a score. But the ball was in our field now. I had to wait. If I pulled back too far, I'd be out of place for a reversal of their fortune. We couldn't get bogged down and let them keep the initiative. At mid-line I jogged sideways, watching our defenders do their difficult job, ready for a sudden reversal of fortune. <br><br> And there it was. <br><br> A great sacrifice of a body: sliding tackle sent the black and white was spinning my way. <br><br> Awesome. <br><br> Time for a counter-attack! <br><br> The ball thumped against my chest, trapped, and dropped to my waiting feet. I spun on a dime, pressing into their field quickly. Aggressive. //Hungry//. <br><br> Their defender, slightly out of position, tried to vector in on me. Our chests heaved, our muscles strained and tensed, our eyes darting as we both measured the other girls around us. Every opportunity for me was a threat for them. <br><br> She wasn't paying attention to my footwork. I saw her misstep and my chance... <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 3>> <<face happy>> Her eyes went wide, she knew I was beating her. She had a split-second to react. Rather than try for the ball, she slammed straight into me. Coach Ben blew his whistle -- foul. Time for a Free Kick. <br><br> I grunted. Shoulda been a yellow card. I flipped her off where Ben couldn't see me before taking my place in front of their goal. I patted the grass from my hands and sighed deeply, assessing potential strikes. <br><br> Not Beckham or Keira Knightly, but I had a little bend in my shot. Up, around <br><br> Goal! <br><br> The girls crowded around me, grabbing me tight. I laughed as they all got solid smacks in on my ass before we headed back for the kickoff. Coach Ben threw me a thumbs-up. I was a great forward, girls knew to [[worry about me|CC021 - Sporty]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> I didn't have the edge I expected and she tackled, sending the ball off my cleat and to the sideline. Their throw-in. Shit. <br><br> Coach Ben blew his whistle and the girls got ready for continuation of play as the defender gave me a little wink and quick smack-smack on my ass. I was a weak attacker, but occasionally things fell [[my way|CC021 - Sporty]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "CC021-Sporty.png">> We were coming up to Districts and the most important games were ahead of us. "I'll be in the bleachers, kiddo." <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> smiled, stretching himself out to hold the door unnecessarily for me as I climbed out of the passenger side. <br><br> "I know." Returning the smile, I hefted my bag. He was always there, perennial support. It should have felt great, to have someone always in my corner, always driving me to practice and games. He had every single bit of my schedule written out on the calendar. <br><br> Still, it felt...insipid? Crowding? <br><br> I shut the door and headed off to the field we were visiting. I saw Coach Ben and the girls already huddled up, "<<print $>>! Get over here!" <br><br> Pelting over, I dumped my bag and got a run-down on the strategy for the <<linkexpand "game">> game. <br><br> We were coming upon halftime. I was a sweaty mess. We were holding them to a nil-nil game, but it was hard. My body hurt. My legs were on fire. <br><br> The ball was coming my way again. It was like they were trying to break me. "You got it, <<print $>>!" I slipped on some loose turf, falling right onto my ass. That was a female voice. <br><br> My palms smacked hard down onto the field, yelling out in dismay right in time to hear the cries of goal. They had gone up on us because of me. Because of her. <br><br> My eyes shot over to the bleachers and there she was, sitting next to him. She //never// came to my games. What was she doing here? I felt my eyes moisten. It was because I had been outplayed. <br><br> Right? <br><br> <div id="soccermom"> <<crossroads #soccermom>> <<path>> I was furious. Where did she get off surprising me like this? <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> She was going to cost us the game. Deigning to show up like a fair-weather friend. It was such a stark contrast, the two of them. I'd take stifling <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> any day over inconsistent, disinterested <<print $CC.MName>>. <br><br> Normally, I would have met up with <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> and grab some gatorade during halftime, but despite how exhausted my muscles were, I wasn't going to risk engaging with her simply for some electrolytes. <br><br> Instead, I dug in with Coach Ben, discussing their tactics and how to best counter them in the next half. We had another forty, fifty minutes. A goal was not insurmountable. <br><br> We hit the field again. I heard him cheer. I heard her cheer. I frowned hard, eyeing the girl who had been dogging me the entire match. <br><br> I came at her hard, again and again. I'd show <<print $CC.MName>> how good I was, how I'd turn things around, how she should have been supporting me this entire season. <br><br> "You've got her!" Came another choice encouragement, right as I was engaged. The //worst// timing. <br><br> I roared! Straining every muscle as I drove my body into this bitch. She tumbled. I think I heard something pop. I lurched over her, growling, body heaving in anger. <br><br> I saw red. A red card. <br><br> The rest of the game I was sidelined. Coach Ben had to cover for me and protect me from reprisal from that girl's parents which would have been worse than the result of the game. <br><br> We lost the game. The car was full on the way home. The car was quiet. <br><br> <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> ventured, "She really had it coming." <br><br> It wasn't surprising to me, he was always kind and forgiving -- he'd said things like this before -- but all I could hear was it in her tone and her voice, from the other side of the car. <br><br> "Shut the fuck up." I punched the window. That killed all further conversation. <br><br> And it wasn't just that game...We didn't make it to Districts and I never let her forget it. My silence was vicious. <br><br> Lucky for her, there was always another season, another sport to keep me [[preoccupied|CC022 - Sporty]]. <<path>> She had come? Why did this feel so good? <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> I mouthed 'I'm sorry' to Coach Ben, he waved it off, but I was already looking to the bleachers. I was smiling from ear to ear and could see her giving me that small little flutter of fingers that was so uniquely her. It was such a stark contrast, the two of them. Stifled by him, not enough from her...and what did I want? Well, that was clear, now. <br><br> In usual fashion, I headed to the bleachers at halftime to grab some gatorade from <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. She was handing it to me and pulling me close despite the fact that I was drenched, "She's really giving it to you, isn't she?" <br><br> I swigged hard from the cold, blue raspberry flavored water. "Yeah. Um, thank you for coming." <br><br> Rather than respond, she tugged my hair free from the band and helped comb some of the sopping wetness out while I housed the plastic bottle. He worried at my calves which felt amazing. It was like having two personal trainers prepping me for the second half. <br><br> She kissed me on my salty cheek as the whistle blew, "You've got her." I kissed her back on the forehead as I hopped up, bounding down the metal steps, re-energized and ready. <br><br> I did have her. <br><br> We hit the field again. I heard him cheer. I heard her cheer. I smiled, eyeing the girl who had been dogging me the entire match. "Ready? Let's go." I gave my opponent a little flutter of fingers. I could tell it incensed her. She had beaten me and I was beaming. <br><br> She came at me hard, ready to take me out. She roared! She drove her body into me, but I had a feeling this was coming. My legs tangled, dropping out from under me and I hit the ground like concrete. Even ready for it, that hurt. <br><br> She was lurching over me, growling, chest heaving in triumph. <br><br> I didn't even pull a typical soccer 'injury'. I just smiled up at her as I saw the red card flashed in her face. <br><br> The crowd cheered and I felt like I could hear her voice cawing above the rest of them. <br><br> The rest of the game she was sidelined and it gave me the freedom that we all needed. We went from down one to up one right in penalty time. <br><br> We won Districts and while I never said anything, I really feel like I performed better because of her being there. It really had meant a lot. <br><br> Lucky for me, I was able to pre-occupy myself with the next season, another sport so that I didn't have to put too much thought into how much her sudden appearance may or may not have affected [[me|CC022 - Sporty]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit track>> <<image framed "passage/cc.sporty.tracknfield01.png" "passage/cc.sporty.tracknfield02.png">> When winter hit, it was too cold to be outside for most sports, so we went indoors for track and field. While it was weird not to have real grass underfoot, fake turf wasn't //that// bad. What really was difficult was to hear yourself echoing off the walls, reverbing on forever. Better some inconveniences than hypothermia, I guess. <br><br> Just like soccer was eclipsed by football, track and field was second-tier to basketball on the gym courts. And whereas soccer had energy and direct competition to it, Track was a far more individual and restrained sport. Our spectators were now almost exclusively family. <br><br> On the other hand...<<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian">>it was a co-ed sport. It was hours alongside the guys, watching the boys run and throw in little shorts, spare pinnies or shirtless. It was oodles of content for my spank bank.<<else>>the more 'normal' girls rounded out our team. They weren't in stupid cheer outfits or drooling over ballers. They were down-to-earth and wearing outfits that really showed off their gazelle-like bodies. Oodles of content for my spankbank.<</if>> <br><br> My competition of choice was... <br><br> <div id="track"> <<crossroads #track>> <<path>> Long-distance running <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> The two mile was all about pacing. Small increments and adjustments, tuning yourself like a machine and it was highly meditative. It was a true mind-body experience. It was like finding ways to eke out every little bit of performance from my body like it was a machine. If I had enough energy to sprint at the end, I had done it wrong. It was pushing myself to the limit, but no further. Riding the edge of my abilities and cutting my time by nanoseconds that would accrue over the long-term. <br><br> I loved listening to my breath. I loved the clarity that came after the first lap. I loved seeing the distance between me and the girl ahead closing, inch by inch -- and her having no clue until I was passing. <br><br> Lap four. Halfway done and holding a good lead on most of the girls, just a couple ahead of me. I was ahead of pace and it felt ''good''. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value - $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value - $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte 5>> <<face happy>> A girl passed me...she was going too fast. <br><br> I held back the chuckle. I'd let her wear herself out; I still had gas in the tank. <br><br> A little while later, we headed into the final lap and I heard Coach Liam clapping me on, "You got this, <<print $>>!" That passer started to lag, just as I expected. The creep of inches became feet. I kicked it into high gear, sprinting out the last eighth of the distance. Passing. Passing. And finished! <br><br> Liam was at the finish line, lifting me up off the ground, arms tight around my rocking ribcage. I couldn't even laugh in surprise. I had placed and we'd see where I'd end up for [[Districts|CC023 - Sporty]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> I was making a break for it. <br><br> I led the pack, pushing, not about to let them catch up. Shit, my breathing was labored, lungs in pain, but I was sure I could keep this up. It was just a new limit I was breaking. <br><br> I crossed into the final lap with a broad grin on my face, hearing Coach Liam cheering me on, "Keep it up, <<print $>>!" <br><br> As I rounded the final curve, I felt the lactic acid in my legs, I had been going too fast for too long. The other girls began to pass me. Shiiiit... <br><br> When I finally crossed the finish line, I was behind pace. All that extra effort had been to my detriment. "My bad, Coach." I panted out as I met up with him afterward. <br><br> He nodded and gave me a squeeze on my sweaty shoulder, "We'll [[keep working|CC023 - Sporty]]." <</if>> <<path>> The hurdles <<contents>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> Short, quick, exciting. The gun went off and so did we -- it was speed, it was flexibility, it was rhythm. There was something musical to the right timing. Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump. The right gait and you could clear hurdle after hurdle. <br><br> There was something far less magical when your cleat caught the bar of a hurdle -- CLANG! <br><br> A second too late in timing, or not enough height in my leg-lift: tumbling, off-stride and either eating dirt or having to really press to keep in the race. <br><br> Coach Liam looked at his watch, lifted the starting pistol and pulled the trigger. <br><br> My feet sprung from the starting blocks and my calves got in gear. <<if $Body.tits == "small">>It was sprints like these that made me thankful for my lack of breasts -- might even give me an edge.<<else>>Having a chest like mine added a dynamic of motion that was uncomfortable and probably held me back from a PB.<</if>> <br><br> But I couldn't concentrate on that, just the pace and my path. <<set _compareNum = $Body.tits == "small" ? 4 : 5>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gte _compareNum>> <<face happy>> Over. <br><br> Over. <br><br> Over. <br><br> //Yes!// <br><br> Ngh! -- That one caught a little at my hamstring, but press on. <br><br> Nope, not going to clip these. And... <br><br> Across the finish line. Arms above my head, ribcage rapidly lifting and falling, I smiled to Liam who nodded as he checked his watch. We were on [[our way to Districts|CC023 - Sporty]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Over. <br><br> Over. <br><br> Dammit -- Hit another one. <br><br> I was off my cadence and I was not going to place. I could feel Liam shaking his head before I even crossed the finish line. It wasn't atypical, but wasn't the improvement we were [[looking for|CC023 - Sporty]]. <</if>> <<path>> The high jump <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> It was pretty stop-and-start, but when you were setting the bar slightly higher, looking at the short distance to the pad, there was a jolt of adrenaline like none other. <br><br> There was an introspection, checking in with every single muscle in your body that had to work in perfect unison to send yourself flying -- the slightest miscalculation would be a failure. <br><br> And you went //backwards//, head ''first''. <br><br> Whoever came up with this was a sadist. <br><br> Assistant Coach Justin was relegated to our little neck of the woods, but he was as much a devotee to the sport as I was. We had a little smirk to each other each time I got into position, as if we understood things others didn't. <br><br> Whistle. I was sprinting. Leaping. Twisting... <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 5>> <<face happy>> and over the bar, clean. <br><br> My body thudded and bounced on the mat, looking up at the rafters as I held back from looking at the bar. It was still there. <br><br> Justin came over, smacking hard at my thighs and yanking me off the mat as he grasped them. "Nice job! <<print $>>. Higher?" I nodded, taking his hands. "[[Higher|CC023 - Sporty]]." <<else>> <<face hurt1>> and over the bar, clean? <br><br> My body thudded and bounced on the mat, looking up at the rafters as I held back from looking at the bar. Damn. <br><br> Justin came over, giving me a little tug by my ankles, helping me off the mat. "Again?" I knew it was probably past my limit, but I nodded, "[[Again|CC023 - Sporty]]." <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC023-Sporty-alt.png">> Districts were a time of competition, but they were also a time away from home, from school. It was like a mini-vacation. We and half the other teams would be holed up at some Super 8 or other crappy motel nearby the host school. I know, I'm selling this hard, aren't I? Well, it wasn't the accoutrement and environment that was enticing. It was all the other hard bodies there to compete. <br><br> It was like our Olympics. A bunch of hard-training, fit kids with hormones raging all crammed into a single place together when the weather wasn't good enough to go anywhere else. It was like a single-serving meat-market. <br><br> Rooming with our teammates and having chaperones made opportunities scant, but that's why I enjoyed the sauna, as sketchy and mildewy as it <<linkexpand "was">> was. <<outfit towel>> <br><br> Solitude. An excusable place to go to loosen up the muscles or relax. And there was only one, far too few for the number of athletic-minded people booked at the same time. <br><br> Rules for gender-exclusivity were ignored. And we only could wear a towel. <br><br> <div id="sauna"> <<crossroads #sauna>> <<path>> But that didn't mean I //had// to. <<contents>> <<outfit naked>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> "Oh, uh. H-hello." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was agog, checking out every inch of my body, expecting to see a lot, but not this much as they entered. <br><br> "Hey there." I smiled, warm as the moist air, acting as nonchalant as I could. "<<print $>>." I offered a hand, thighs spreading to give a full display while maintaining my ease. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> eyes dropped and mostly stayed there as we chatted the evening away. Tomorrow we'd be competitors, but tonight we got to make a memory. <br><br> Results of Districts weren't as interesting as that crappy little sauna at the shitty motel. The competition and placing simply meant that indoor track and field was coming to a close and we were moving on to the next season and the next [[sport|CC024 - Sporty]]. <<path>> And I enjoyed the eye candy. That was the excitement for me. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> It was a crowded little room and the towels weren't the most covering of things, but that was the idea. Skin was sticky and great to look at, the heat soaked into our bodies and tickled at our baser instincts. You could almost see everyone's noses flaring as they appreciated each others bodies and the musky, thick scents in the air. <br><br> Though nothing happened with me, some others went to the locker room, the showers, another room, unable to hold back. For me, the tension and restraint was part of the fun. It was the tease, the not-having, the not-giving...I loved counting the number of people that wanted me, that I could tell were just dying for an opportunity. <br><br> A night that was a single moment in time for that exact opportunity, but I wasn't going to let it happen. I'd be only a memory for them that they'd probably never forget. <br><br> Results of Districts weren't as interesting as that crappy little sauna at the shitty motel. The competition and placing simply meant that indoor track and field was coming to a close and we were moving on to the next season and the next [[sport|CC024 - Sporty]]. <<path>> Which meant easy access. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> Even crowded together, I picked out my preferred person, scooting over their way and using the congestion as an excuse to get closer. Sticky skin pressed against sticky, bare skin. There was an awkward chuckle. A connection at the eyes. A check-in with the other people around. <br><br> Then there was a little show, a new scent in the air, new noises as our hands got busy. Tomorrow we'd be competitors, but tonight we made a memory and got to relax together amongst our cohort. <br><br> We also eased the situation for others and before long it was a practical orgy of little couples making out and getting out some tension. <br><br> Results of Districts weren't as interesting as that crappy little sauna at the shitty motel. The competition and placing simply meant that indoor track and field was coming to a close and we were moving on to the next season and the next [[sport|CC024 - Sporty]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit baseball>> /* IMAGE (Needed): High-angle view of people playing on a softball field */ Spring had sprung! <br><br> That meant that we were breaking out the mitts and dyke comments. Playing this sport was like asking people to question your sexual identity. <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">>And maybe that helped me realize who I was<<else>>Which just pissed me off. The sport didn't mean I liked munching carpet.<</if>> <br><br> It felt good to get outside again, despite the pollen. But once again, it was a sport that took second-fiddle to the boys on the baseball field. //They// certainly weren't having their bedroom preference questioned. Because their ball was smaller? Because their field was bigger? Because they threw overhand? Who the fuck knows. <br><br> There were some familiar faces from the soccer squad, whereas most of Track and Field transitioned into the Spring outdoor track season. Only some of the field competitors (throwers, mainly) joined us. <br><br> Barkewitcz, our Softball coach, either stood in the dugout, or was found leaning his elbows on the side-line fence. He was butch-ier than any of us, that's for sure. <<if $ == "Barkewitcz">>That hyper-masculinity -- //true// masculinity -- was what keyed me into him from the first practice. I knew I wasn't going to have competition from my teammates, but it still took time and care in my approach before it happened.<</if>> <br><br> There were some weird stories and rumors about why he was our Coach, rather than attending to another team. He had played baseball himself, but that's transferrable, I think. Thankfully, nothing ever seemed off to me about his behavior. Just another quirk of the softball team: demeaned even being a coach. He understood the game and that's all that mattered. <br><br> I dug my cleats into the clay... <br><br> <div id="soft"> <<crossroads #soft>> <<path>> On the mound, as pitcher. <<contents>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> My shoulder ached and I usually had ice taped around it throughout the week, but the feeling of taking down a girl one-on-one, a battle of will and skill? Incomparable. <br><br> Tt was certainly more involved and active than most other positions around the field. Every single play, I was a part of. I had to be keyed in and with the fastest reactions, reading the entire field as well as the girl at the plate. <br><br> Barky and I had our own private language. A little tug of his hat, even a casual glance down as he kicked some dirt alongside the fence...I knew what he was saying. He made me feel special and saved me from the drills the others were running as we got in some private sessions assessing the strengths and weaknesses of our upcoming opponents. <br><br> But, specialness came with its own cross to bear. Most of the responsibility was on me. <br><br> Every moment we were on the defense, I was on. Breathing in, squaring up, breathing out. Staring down a batter in a ponytail and... <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value - $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte 10>> <<face happy>> Strike! "<<shake 3s>>Yer<</shake>>...out!" I pumped my arm like I had chambered a shotgun round. The crowd groaned. The batter slammed her bat against the plate. <br><br> My catcher ran pell-mell to be the first to congratulate me. <br><br> I jumped up into her arms, legs curling around her chestplate and waist. I banged on the top of her cap and mask as we enjoyed the win. <br><br> I'd closed out another win with my golden gun. <br><br> Moments later, there was a pile-up on the mound as I was doused in affection and excitement. Bark just smiled from his place at the edge of the field as if he was unsurprised. <br><br> It was wins like this that made a likely shoulder blow-out later in life worth it. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Crack! <br><br> My head spun as the ball whistled up and over me. <br><br> I had miscalculated and the batter was on her game -- going...going...shit. <br><br> I tossed my mitt onto the mound, kicking it as I tried to ignore her running the bases. <br><br> We lost the game and Barky was cursing and kicking the fence. <br><br> I'd need to avoid him after the game. <br><br> It was losses like those that made a likely shoulder blow-out later in life far less appealing. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <<path>> Behind home plate, as the catcher. <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> My quads and ass got workout. <br><br> Squatting was killer on my knees -- up and down, up and down -- but there was something exciting about being right behind an opponent, knowing exactly what the pitch was because //I// had called it. Like I was the unseen, unknowable opponent she was really playing against. <br><br> My little messages to our killer on the mound were the death knell she never saw coming. Together, we'd take her out. <br><br> Catcher is a critically undervalued and important position. It's like a mini-coach that made most of the calls. <br><br> Nearly every pitch, I was engaged, whether it was running, sprinting, or just tossing the ball back after a called pitch. <br><br> There was also something immensely satisfying of the impact in my mitt, the sound of the leather reacting to the pitch...but mainly it was the enjoyment at getting the ball past her. Zone or not. She hadn't sent it flying. <br><br> Time for another one. She seemed a little weak on her reaction, even if it was a slower pitch. I flashed the sign for a curve and... <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value - $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte 8>> Perfect spin, somehow my brain tracked the quick pitch, and then it was in my mitt. Strike! "<<shake 3s>>Yer<</shake>>...out!" <<face happy>> Strike! "<<shake 3s>>Yer<</shake>>...out!" I pumped my arm like I had chambered a shotgun round. The crowd groaned. The batter slammed her bat against the plate. <br><br> I tore off my mask, dropped my mitt in the dust and charged the mound. I lifted my counterpart in a bear hug laughing as she curled her legs around my chestplate and banged away on the top of my mask. <br><br> Man, it was moments like this that made the pain later in life worth it. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> A fastball?! <br><br> That's not what I called! <br><br> Shit. <br><br> My mitt was off-center. It got past the batter, but it bounced off my chest plate and ricocheted. <br><br> The runner was off from the unforced error as I scrambled for the ball. <br><br> Our fielders reacted quickly, but not quick enough. By the time I had gotten things under control, the runner came home and ended up being the critical score. <br><br> I grunted, shaking my head as I dropped into stance again, down on the board and down on the count. I felt the pain in my knees and wondered if I'd regret this later in life. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <<path>> Left field, as the forgotten fielder. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> It was the quietest place in the field, which was nice. <br><br> There wasn't as much responsibility for me and I was keen on that. <br><br> It gave me time to contemplate the world and figure out what I was going to do when the game wrapped up. <br><br> I wondered if Barky put me out here because of talent or personal dislike. It always meant I was the last one off the field and was the most ignored person on the team. <br><br> "Last again, <<print $>>..." he'd grunt, every. single. time. as I came through the gate. <br><br> I'd just shake my head and shrug, not sure what other choice I had. <br><br> But sometimes, I did make a difference... <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value - $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte 10>> <<face happy>> Crack! <br><br> The batter had connected?! Shit! <br><br> The ball was careening my way. <br><br> A lefty? Didn't matter now. <br><br> I swung into action, triangulating and running simultaneously. Mitt up, mitt up. <br><br> Shit, the lights were in my eyes. I was going to have to leap for it... <br><br> I crashed into the ground, face-full of dirt and freshly-cut grass. Sputtering I tried to get up quickly: time was of the essence, I needed to make a play at the plate. <br><br> Where was the...oh. I caught it. <br><br> That was it. The final out! <br><br> The girls were squealing and running out to me, taking the long run out that I always had to take in. I had actually closed out the game and a //W// for us. Barky didn't have words for me which I took as a the real win. A rare, fun memory from my time playing sports. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]].. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Crack! <br><br> The batter had connected?! Shit! <br><br> The ball was careening my way. <br><br> A lefty? Didn't matter now. <br><br> I swung into action, triangulating and running simultaneously. Mitt up, mitt up. <br><br> Shit, the lights were in my eyes. I was going to have to leap for it... <br><br> I crashed into the ground, face-full of dirt and freshly-cut grass. Sputtering I tried to get up quickly: time was of the essence, I needed to make a play at the plate. <br><br> Where was the...//shit//. I had missed it my inches. <br><br> Dirty and frazzled, I grabbed for the ball but missed, and again. Even motionless, I couldn't get control over the thing. <br><br> The errors mounted as their runners came home. Barky had more than enough words for me that night. Just another crappy memory to round out my time playing sports. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC020-Tailgate.png">> <<upper "Auburn">> Football was an altar to be worshipped at. We'd pile into a truck, a van, a bunch of cars and we'd down to Auburn when the season was in and occasionally we'd swing over to Atlanta for a Falcons game. It was an excuse to get out of town. It was an excuse to hang out. It was an excuse to drink. But mostly, it was an excuse to watch our guys beat the living shit out of the other teams. <br><br> We'd spend hours outside the Stadium in the lead-up to the game. Tailgates would drop, coolers would be dropped onto the asphalt, and we'd break out some grills. The heat was intense out in the parking lot, but we didn't care. We'd come home with sunburns, dehydration and raw voices and it would all be worth it because we won. <br><br> There was so much going on, so much energy and passion, but the thing that was my favorite part of tailgating? <br><br> <div id="fave"> <<crossroads #fave>> <<path>> What was in the ''coolers''. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <br><br> There was //so// much beer around. And I knew that I couldn't have any when we got into the Stadium. The last thing that I wanted was for my ID to be confiscated in front of family. So, I had to be a bit more creative in how to get my buzz on and go hard and early to get there. <br><br> It was a veritable treasure trove of stocked coolers, but there were also tons of people around and not everyone was keen on handing a cold one to someone like me. <br> <div id="beer"> I found my best method was... <br> <<crossroads #beer>> <<path>> Sneaking and ''stealing''. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<face drunk>> <br><br> Not everyone was paying attention every second and as they got drunker, I could get a bit more brazen. Just sit on or near a cooler...wait...wait...pop the lid, grab one and take a quick trip to the bathroom or something. <br><br> I'd chug it down and come back with the biggest shit-eating grin on my face. Everyone always seemed to wonder why I got to be more fun as the day went on. <br><br><br> The hangover also hit early and hard, but I wasn't DD for anyone, so why should I be [[sober|CC021 - Tailgate]]? <<path>> The people I ''didn't know''. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<face drunk>> <br><br> Rather than risk getting caught by the people who could actually get me in trouble, there were so many other tailgaters around. Guys -- drunk guys moreso -- are always more than willing to throw a beer to a cute girl they don't know. <br><br> Make an excuse. Head out from our setup and start meandering the other rows of cars. Eventually, I'd get hit on. I'd smile and walk on over, making sure I had an extra playfulness in my eyes and bounciness to my body. Chat a bit as I drank my beer, avoid topics of my age -- they never asked anyway -- and then leave before they tried anything with me. <br><br><br> The hangover also hit hard and early, but I wasn't DD for anyone, so why should I be [[sober|CC021 - Tailgate]]? <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> What was on the ''field''. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<face happy>> <br><br> Painted face, current jersey. I was the uber-fan. And I could argue with the best of them about the calls on the field, the play choice, the over-under on who was going to win (Auburn). Just 'cause I was female didn't mean that I couldn't hang with the most ravenous fan. <br><br> Because that was //me//. We'd get into the stadium and my heart would pound a bit faster. I was standing almost the entire game. Go get snacks? Yeah, __you__ can. I'd scream myself mute. <br><br> I might get in a fight with other fans from time to time, especially if they were from the opposing team, but being a lady meant that I was give a bit more breadth and didn't have to truly worry. <br><br><br> Goddamn did I love this [[sport|CC021 - Tailgate]]. <<path>> Who was at the ''game'' <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<face happy>> <br><br> The game wasn't that important to me. Don't tell anybody, but it was an excuse more than anything else. I wanted the social activity. I wanted to drink in the excitement with some guys. And //man// was there testosterone. <br><br> There were other girls, but they were clearly eye candy. I wondered if I fell into that category too. But it was a meat market of men. And when they got drunk, they got hornier and more open. And handsier, which was a problem, but one that came with the territory. <br><br> I did have to be careful, not just of the guys, but also so that I didn't get in trouble with <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. I couldn't appear __too__ keen on the attention, and I had to at least appear passably interested in the sport. <br><br> But I still got to end up in a lap or two, or pulled tight against a guy. <br><br><br> Goddamn did I love this [[sport|CC021 - Tailgate]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Tailgate.png">> Before the game there were hours to fill. Saying hi, discussing last week's game, could all occupy only so much time. Cornhole filled one of those holes. Ha. That's a pun. And one that was used around me...a lot. At least when <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> wasn't within ear shot. <br><br> Hitting the board: okay. Touching the hole: better. In the hole? I shouldn't have to tell you. <br><br> We'd square up and make our three tosses. Trade off back and forth until someone hit 21. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 3>> Bam. Sunk. Again--Shit, the third hung precariously on the hole but resisted falling in. I smacked my thigh and shook my head, stepping back from my board. "Still killing us, <<print $>>..." the guys sighed, but were grinning broadly. Probably because they were watching my cleavage, my tensed legs, my body as it rocked back and forth with each throw. <br><br><br> I guess they were winning in their own way. And explained why they always came back for more, despite that I was clear and away the best cornhole player amongst our crew. <br><br> Throwing (and winning) worked up an appetite, so I swung over to where we were grilling out. The sun was beating down -- hot as fuck today -- but coming around the corner from behind our vehicles was like running into a thick wall of boiling air that I could //smell//. Charcoal, smoke, and the sweet, sweet scent of sausage. <br><br> No one was manning the station, but that meant I had my pick of the litter. The guys were over by the cooler, drinking focused on one of our 'neighbors,' some young woman twirling her hair between her fingers while she was appreciated by all the sweaty men, <<linkexpand "shirtless or in tanktops.">> shirtless or in tanktops. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception']>> <<face shock>> Something was off. Flames were kicking up as the grease from the meat was dripping through the grate. The guys were not paying attention. I could tell it was moments before the whole thing was aflame. <br><br> I grabbed the tongs and jumped in front of the grill like the best of them. I was a flurry of grab and flick, taking the endangered pork and beef from the open flame and onto the aluminum foil on the folding table beside me. The flames were kicking up, the smoke was roiling. I was beginning to cough, but I was determined to save the meat. <br><br> "Whoah, whoah, whoah! Careful!" And I was tugged back, the tongs yanked from my hand as the original 'grill operator' realized what was going on. Probably more due to a girl invading his area than the actual fire that was now consuming the remaining patties and dogs. <br><br><br> I didn't care. I wondered how many times I'd have to wash my hair to get the smell out. Barehanded, I grabbed a dog and popped it in a bun. He could fight the fire that was his fault, flames kicking up and probably visible from a few cars down. He was yelling and laughing. Singed and suffering while I walked away from the saved snacks. <br><br> Crises averted, I sprayed my meat with mustard, ketchup and relish. The guys were swarming over the grill now. Grillmaster masculinity in full swing while I dropped my smokey self onto the cooler they had been surrounding moments before. <br><br><br> I bit into the soft, cool and fluffy bun and tasted the moist explosion of charred flavor in my meat. Fuck. This tasted good. Maybe it was my brush with death that made it taste all the [[sweeter|CC022 - Tailgate][$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++]]. <<else>> <<face shock>> Leaning in, I looked over the offerings. God, my mouth was watering. It smelled so good and was mesmerizing watching the flames licking up higher and higher as the grease fell between the grate. The guys were not paying attention. <br><br><br> I grabbed the tongs figured I should step in, turning the dogs and patties and humming to myself. The flames were kicking up, the smoke was roiling. Huh. Was that supposed to happen? I was beginning to cough -- god the smoke was getting really thick. <br><br> "Whoah, whoah, whoah! Careful!" And I was tugged back, the tongs yanked from my hand as the original 'grill operator' realized what was going on. Probably more due to a girl invading his area it than the actual fire that was now consuming the remaining patties and dogs. <br><br> Brushed aside, stumbling away from the flaming grill as I coughed up a lung. The guys were swarming over the grill now. Grillmaster masculinity in full swing while I dropped my smokey self onto the cooler they had been surrounding moments before. <br><br><br> Hungry, but happy to not be burnt to a crisp like the meat, I casually dipped my hand inside my seat and grabbed a cold one. No one made any comment as I chugged the thing to cool down and get something in my stomach. I'd get one of the shitty hot dogs inside, but in the meantime, the beer would do the [[trick|CC022 - Tailgate][$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Board. Board. Asphalt. Shit. I just couldn't get it together. I groaned and threw my head back as yet again, I wasn't going to come even close to winning against a bunch of drunk dudes. I stepped back from the board so that they could finish me off. "S'allright. Getting better, <<print $>>. Keep trying." And man were they smiling. Easy competition and doubtless they wanted me to keep playing because they had front-row seats to watch my cleavage, tensed legs, my body as it rocked back and forth with each throw. And coming up short meant I was throwing a lot each game. <br><br><br> I guess that was really why they wanted to play. It couldn't have been fun even to win so handily each time. I was the //worst// cornhole player amongst our crew, but always nominated to play. <br><br> Throwing (even losing) worked up an appetite, so I swung over to where we were grilling out. The sun was beating down -- hot as fuck today -- but coming around the corner from behind our vehicles was like running into a thick wall of boiling air that I could //smell//. Charcoal, smoke, and the sweet, sweet scent of sausage. <br><br> No one was manning the station, but that meant I had my pick of the litter. The guys were over by the cooler, drinking focused on one of our 'neighbors,' some young woman twirling her hair between her fingers while she was appreciated by all the sweaty men, <<linkexpand "shirtless or in tanktops.">> shirtless or in tanktops. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> <<face shock>> Something was off. Flames were kicking up as the grease from the meat was dripping through the grate. The guys were not paying attention. I could tell it was moments before the whole thing was aflame. <br><br> I grabbed the tongs and jumped in front of the grill like the best of them. I was a flurry of grab and flick, taking the endangered pork and beef from the open flame and onto the aluminum foil on the folding table beside me. The flames were kicking up, the smoke was roiling. I was beginning to cough, but I was determined to save the meat. <br><br> "Whoah, whoah, whoah! Careful!" And I was tugged back, the tongs yanked from my hand as the original 'grill operator' realized what was going on. Probably more due to a girl invading his area than the actual fire that was now consuming the remaining patties and dogs. <br><br> I didn't care. I wondered how many times I'd have to wash my hair to get the smell out. Barehanded, I grabbed a dog and popped it in a bun. He could fight the fire that was his fault, flames kicking up and probably visible from a few cars down. He was yelling and laughing. Singed and suffering while I walked away from the saved snacks. <br><br> Crises averted, I sprayed my meat with mustard, ketchup and relish. The guys were swarming over the grill now. Grillmaster masculinity in full swing while I dropped my smokey self onto the cooler they had been surrounding moments before. <br><br><br> I bit into the soft, cool and fluffy bun and tasted the moist explosion of charred flavor in my meat. Fuck. This tasted good. Maybe it was my brush with death that made it taste all the [[sweeter|CC022 - Tailgate][$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++]]. <<else>> <<face shock>> Leaning in, I looked over the offerings. God, my mouth was watering. It smelled so good and was mesmerizing watching the flames licking up higher and higher as the grease fell between the grate. The guys were not paying attention. <br><br> I grabbed the tongs figured I should step in, turning the dogs and patties and humming to myself. The flames were kicking up, the smoke was roiling. Huh. Was that supposed to happen? I was beginning to cough -- god the smoke was getting really thick. <br><br> "Whoah, whoah, whoah! Careful!" And I was tugged back, the tongs yanked from my hand as the original 'grill operator' realized what was going on. Probably more due to a girl invading his area it than the actual fire that was now consuming the remaining patties and dogs. <br><br> Brushed aside, stumbling away from the flaming grill as I coughed up a lung. The guys were swarming over the grill now. Grillmaster masculinity in full swing while I dropped my smokey self onto the cooler they had been surrounding moments before. <br><br><br> Hungry, but happy to not be burnt to a crisp like the meat, I casually dipped my hand inside my seat and grabbed a cold one. No one made any comment as I chugged the thing to cool down and get something in my stomach. I'd get one of the shitty hot dogs inside, but in the meantime, the beer would do the [[trick|CC022 - Tailgate][$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Tailgate.png">> Fuck. That was such a good game. The crowd was cheering a ragged War Eagle, drunken and overwhelmed with the passion of winning. <br><br> This wasn't the first time that I had gotten 'lost' and practically crushed post-game as everyone tried to get out of the stadium in the throws of post-football climax. Jostled around, I knew I would be able to find my crew back in the parking lot so I wasn't too concerned. Grunting, I pushed through the beer-swaddled masses and joining into War Eagle like it was a giant round. <br><br> And then, there was an opening and I hustled to get free. I loved our team and our fans, but this was the point where they had usually gotten to be a little much, even for me. <br><br> The open air hit me like a welcome hug. Taking a deep breath as my ribcage realized it could spread larger than it had been allowed for the past five or so minutes, I trotted forward and realized...ah, shit. Had I gotten turned around? I turned around. I saw the centipede of craziness I had just exited. Turned again. What hallway was this? Did it lead outside? <br><br> <div id="exit"> <<crossroads #exit>> <<path>> Did I head ''back'' into the crowd and correct my mistake? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<face happy>> <br><br> With another deep breath, this time in preparation, I swam back in against the tide -- not Roll Tide now, come on -- trying to figure out where I had gone wrong. <br><br> Bumping against beer bellies and sloshed with frothy beer, I eventually figured out that I had just missed the exit I was used to by a couple dozen feet. Relieved, I parted ways with our fanbase until the next home game and made my way back out to our cars. <br><br> "There you are!" <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> waved me over, "Got lost again?" <br><br> "You know, you're supposed to be a little more concerned than this." <br><br> "Why? Gonna disappear on me?" <br><br><br> I hugged him tight, "Nah." <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Did I forge my way ''forward'' and hope to not get lost in the bowels of the building? <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<face happy>> <br><br> Fuck it. I wasn't about to battle against that tide. Plus, I could definitely do with a secondary route out of here going forward. <br><br> As I wandered, I was surprised at the dearth of people here. Not even employees. Where the hell had I gotten myself? I couldn't help but grin, curious and eager. <br><br> And then the tickle at the base of my neck started. I'd been walking a while. Less lights, maybe there had been a downward slope to the pathing? There really were people. How would I get back. A second wave of trying to map a return trip started to surge in my mind, this time without having the indicators of song and sweaty people to guide me. <br><br> A door opened, off to my left, and light filtered in. I stopped, looking. No one. I scurried forward, catching the door before it closed. Had someone just come through here or opened the door by mistake? Either way, it would have required //someone// who could at least point me in the right direction. <br><br> He was shirtless. He was, well, not wearing practically anything and the jockstrap was accentuating his bare asscheeks. His muscles shifted under his skin enticingly as he walked away from me, bare feet echoing down the hallway. "Uh, he-hello?" I broke out awkwardly to the practically nude, large man. <br><br> He turned, unconcerned with his state of dress, the front of the jockstrap accentuating his package, clutched together and the only thing hidden from view. My jaw dropped. <br><br><br> "Oh. Uh. H-hi. You're--" He smiled, nodding. <br><br> "Erron. How'd you get down here?" <br><br> "I. idea?" I laughed, trying to keep my eyes up. Now I knew why guys had such a hard time. Really wasn't their fault, I guess. Just an instinctive thing to look when you could. <br><br> "Well, you're going to stick out like a sore thumb around here. Gonna be pretty obvious you're outta place." He laughed. He was the premiere running back for Auburn. I was star struck. Not only was I this close, and talking to him -- //alone// -- but I was seeing him as very few people ever did. <br><br> "Yeah, probably. I was...trying to..." I broke off, not wanting to give any excuse to cut this short, "I'm //such// a fan." I tugged at my shirt, as if he couldn't tell I was an Auburn fan. <br><br> "Yeah. I can tell. What's your name?" <br><br> "<<print $>>." It exploded from my mouth. I was fangirling. His smile said he could tell. He didn't mind. <br><br><br> He led me back into the locker rooms with him, now under his charge and protection, nobody questioned my presence. I got to meet the fucking team. And most of them were naked. I saw so much cock. I couldn't help but smile to myself seeing out of the corner of my eyes the guys giving themselves tugs whenever they thought I wasn't looking -- not enough to get erect, but to have as much size as their blood could afford. <br><br> When <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> texted me, I barely thought twice before telling him not to worry. I had 'met some friends' and would be getting a ride back with them. <br><br> And Erron was nice enough to do that, even though there was a bus waiting for him and I wasn't going in the same direction as the rest of the team. I got to spend the rest of the day with him and get personally dropped off at home by one of the best players in college football. <br><br><br> Would anything //ever// compare to this? Don't think so. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image postcard "passage/cc.outdoors.png">> <<outfit backpacker>> One of the best things about living in the Pacific Northwest was the proximity to wild, 'untamed' nature. When the weather was compliant, I'd spend a weekend a month trying a new trail. <br><br> Meditation in solitude, the gentle exertion while communing with Mother Nature, it was a dream. Immensely relaxing after the stress of school, home, and whatever odds and ends of annoyance my 'friends' threw at me. Phone on silent. Disconnected. <br><br> <div id="trails"> My favorite trails were... <<crossroads #trails>> <<path>> ...the popular ones. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <br> My favorite trails were the popular ones. <br><br><br> Solitude without being alone. The little hi's and smiles as you passed a couple coming the other way. <br><br> The trails were well-kept, well-worn and well-known. While it didn't make for a difficult hike, I just did them to get away from everyone else. And you got to have these little moments with other people as you stopped for lunch or a water break. <br><br> It could be knowledge about the trail up ahead, comments about the day...or their dogs. That was the best thing about these walks: owners with their mutts. You could tell how happy they were to be sniffing around, leaping up the dirt trails and chasing a bird or squirrel. <br><br><br> We were all supposed to be out here, in [[my opinion|CC021 - Outdoors]]. <<path>> ...the tough ones. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br> My favorite trails were the tough ones. <br><br><br> Breakneck was part of the name? I was there. The more climbing, the more gradient, the more I wanted to try it out. I wanted to push myself and conquer whatever had stopped other hikers. <br><br> <<print $CC.MName>> begged me to stop going out there as we were nursing another sprained ankle or my cut-up hands. But that made me want to go out again next weekend. Everyone out there was as serious as I was. Hiking was supposed to be difficult. There's a reason trail and trial used the same letters. <br><br> And that rush when you just conquered a ridge or overgrown path and got to give a little advice to the next person making the ascent? Golden. <br><br><br> Best though was at the end -- there was some beautiful vista showing just how small people were compared to the world -- oxygen deprivation in the brain was like a kind of euphoric drug. [[Gimme more|CC021 - Outdoors]]. <<path>> ...the unknown ones. <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br> My favorite trails were the unknown ones. <br><br> There was an elite few who were pathfinders of old. Resurrecting old trails that weren't in service any more, or finding our own way in the wilderness. <br><br> It required a certain way of thinking: caution and pre-planning were the name of the game. No one was out there to save you if something went wrong...and nine times out of ten, these weren't official trails and we weren't supposed to be out there either. <br><br> But to dig your mark into a tree, denoting to the next hiker -- the follower -- where you had been before. It was a little like being a modern day Sacagawea. Plus, it was so serenely quiet. Only animals as companions and neighbors. <br><br><br> And then you'd return, worn out, but dropping a pin online, leaving the information on a website. And there it was: my contribution, my creation, my [[path|CC021 - Outdoors]]. If only life were that easy. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Outdoors.png">> When I was over with <<print $CC.FName>> or over at <<print $CC.friend1>>'s, yeah it was an 'escape', but there were still parents around. There were elements I couldn't control: who would be joining us, what we'd be doing. But taking a tent and heading off into nature? <br><br> Talk about freedom and escape! <br><br> I slept when I wanted and however long that needed to be, I did what I wanted, I went where I wanted, hung out with who I wanted. I left when I wanted. I arrived when I wanted. And goddamn, when you're fighting at home, or pissed at a 'friend,' just //departing// has an unparalleled power to it. <br><br> But nature's a fickle bitch. You can't control her. <br><br> <div id="nature"> <<crossroads #nature>> <<path>> Or the wildlife, <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> I woke with a start, jerking upright as my conscious brain tried to catch up with my unconscious. Not too hot. Not too bright so I hadn't slept in...Something moved outside. Who the //fuck// was trying to steal my stuff. <br><br> Tugging my legs out of the twisted sleeping bag, I extricated myself and crawled across the nylon flooring towards the noise. And then I ''froze''. That wasn't the breathing of a person. Huffing against the ground and my things. I think it heard me. The massive shadow, the plodding weight of the animal turned towards the tent. Me looking at his outline, him (her?) looking at mine. A stand-off. <br><br> Fuck. I needed to do something. <br><br> <div id="animal"> <<crossroads #animal>> <<path>> Get big. <<contents>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<face shock>> I tugged the zipper of the tent and moved out quickly, reaching deep into my chest for the loudest, biggest growl I could manage. My arms up over my head, trunk swollen up with as much breath as I could manage. <<shake 3s>>"What the //FUCK// are you doing?!"<</shake>> <br><br> A yelp and the dog went running off. The poor little mutt practically falling flat on his stomach as he tried to get away from the big monster that just tried to attack him. I couldn't help but laugh and feel bad simultaneously, arms dropping back by my sides and looking at the disarray of my camp. <br><br> With a sigh, I looked around, making sure no one saw the ridiculousness that just transpired. <<if $Body.isTopless == true && $Body.undies == "Commando">><<outfit naked>>Buck naked, I went about my business au natural. Unconcerned that I was being indecent as I cleaned up, setting things back in their proper place before getting on with my day<<elseif $Body.isTopless == true>><<outfit naked>><<panties "panties_bikini">>I was glad to be out in nature, not having to bother with putting on clothes as I went about setting my camp aright. They were just tits and its not like there was anyone around except the bird and bees to see them anyway<<else>><<outfit underwear>>I was glad to be out in nature, not having to bother with putting on clothes as I went about setting my camp aright. Just bopping around in my underwear, giving a show to all the trees<</if>>. <br><br> Served me right for not keeping a tidy camp, but I had learned my lesson and hopefully not have any more run-ins with [[wildlife|CC022 - Outdoors]]. <<path>> Get small. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<face shock>> Something about bears and pretending to play dead ran through my mind. I dropped flat and clutched my knees to my chest. I tried to restrain my breathing as I listened to the destruction and consumption just bare feet away from me and through the thinnest of materials. <br><br> I imagined claws tearing through the trent and my memory of bear behavior being so deadly wrong -- the next meal on the menu. My heart was pounding. I don't know how much time passed, trying to fight the instinct to jerk with every loud or sudden noise outside. <br><br> And then it was over. I waited probably longer than needed before carefully tugging the zipper open. The camp was destroyed. Food scraps strewn all over, plastic scraps scattered and pieces of equipment essentially destryoed. <br><br> With a sigh, I looked around, making sure the beast had left. I had no idea what it had been, but I was safe and no harm besides a camping trip cut short. <<if $Body.isTopless == true && $Body.undies == "Commando">><<outfit naked>>Buck naked, I went about my business au natural. Unconcerned that I was being indecent as I cleaned up, setting things back in their proper place before getting on with my day<<elseif $Body.isTopless == true>><<outfit naked>><<panties "panties_bikini">>I was glad to be out in nature, not having to bother with putting on clothes as I went about setting my camp aright. They were just tits and its not like there was anyone around except the bird and bees to see them anyway<<else>><<outfit underwear>>I was glad to be out in nature, not having to bother with putting on clothes as I went about setting my camp aright. Just bopping around in my underwear, giving a show to all the trees<</if>>. <br><br> Served me right for not keeping a tidy camp, but I had learned my lesson and hopefully not have any more run-ins with [[wildlife|CC022 - Outdoors]]. <<path>> Run. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<face shock>> I was not about to be trapped in here, like a tupperware snack waiting to be devoured. I tugged down on the zipper violently and jumped out into a full run. My foot caught the edge of the doorway -- I was yanking the tent with me as I tried to ignore the large brown presence feet away from me. Oh, god. I was going to be killed. <br><br> Ignoring whatever happened to the tent, I pushed myself harder, off into the woods, barefoot and barely awake, shoving away the visions of the other predators I was about to run into. Clever girl. <br><br> <<if $Body.isTopless == true && $Body.undies == "Commando">><<outfit naked>>Buck naked, I was like a cave man ancestor, naked prey in the wild. Being indecent or seen was the furthest thing from my mind as my bare body bounced and jiggled through brush and over roots<<elseif $Body.isTopless == true>><<outfit naked>><<panties "panties_bikini">>Having just gotten up, my tits were swaying violently and unrestricted as I sped off into the wild. Being indecent or seen was the furthest thing from my mind as my bare body bounced and jiggled through brush and over roots --they were just tits and its not like there was anyone around except the bird and bees to see them anyway<<else>><<outfit underwear>>There was a flash of thankfulness being out in the wild as I ran for my life: not having to bother with clothes, just bopping around in my underwear, giving a show to all the trees<</if>>. <br><br> I didn't know when to stop, when was safe, but eventually I did and tried to make my way back. I hadn't paid attention to where I was going and didn't have a compass. It took me a few hours to find my destroyed site, but I was alive. <br><br> Served me right for not keeping a tidy camp, but I had learned my lesson and hopefully not have any more run-ins with [[wildlife|CC022 - Outdoors]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Or the campers, <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> I spent the night trying to muffle the noise from the next camp over. Just a bunch of college kids that were drinking and blasting music. How had a ranger not heard this and come to break it up -- fine them. Kick them out! <br><br> <div id="neighbor"> At some point, I had fallen asleep, but I don't remember when. I woke groggy from lack of sleep, but sighing happily at the sound of a dewy morning, the light chirp of birds and crickets...and quiet. I pulled myself from the sleeping bag that I had twisted around myself in the distress of the night. I threw on some clothes as I wrestled with whether or not <<crossroads #neighbor>> <<path>> to involve the ranger, <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> At some point, I had fallen asleep, but I don't remember when. I woke groggy from lack of sleep, but sighing happily at the sound of a dewy morning, the light chirp of birds and crickets...and quiet. I pulled myself from the sleeping bag that I had twisted around myself in the distress of the night. I threw on some clothes as I wrestled with whether or not to involve the ranger... <br><br> I smirked to myself as I slid out of the tent, planning exactly how I'd bring the hammer of justice down on their heads. And the wind was taken out of my sails. I stared at the vacant site and felt the resolve disappear into impotence. They were gone. I laughed, trying to find some triumph. The solitude soaked into my skin even as I spent some time cleaning up the trash and ensured the fire embers were not going to cause a problem. <br><br> Yeah, they were shitty 'campers,' but I wasn't going to let their delinquency affect more people. I was a good [[camper|CC022 - Outdoors]]. <<path>> give them a piece of my mind, <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> At some point, I had fallen asleep, but I don't remember when. I woke groggy from lack of sleep, but sighing happily at the sound of a dewy morning, the light chirp of birds and crickets...and quiet. I pulled myself from the sleeping bag that I had twisted around myself in the distress of the night. I threw on some clothes as I wrestled with whether or not to involve the ranger or give them a piece of my mind... <br><br> The agita had nearly reached my craw as I stepped out of my tent, feet stamping against the ground as a prelude to the rage I was about to display. And the wind was taken out of my sails. I stared at the vacant site and felt the resolve disappear into impotence. They were gone. I laughed, trying to find some triumph. The solitude soaked into my skin even as I spent some time cleaning up the trash and ensured the fire embers were not going to cause a problem. <br><br> Yeah, they were shitty 'campers,' but I wasn't going to let their delinquency affect more people. I was a good [[camper|CC022 - Outdoors]]. <<path>> or just enjoy the peace and quiet. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> At some point, I had fallen asleep, but I don't remember when. I woke groggy from lack of sleep, but sighing happily at the sound of a dewy morning, the light chirp of birds and crickets...and quiet. I pulled myself from the sleeping bag that I had twisted around myself in the distress of the night. I threw on some clothes as I wrestled with whether or not to involve the ranger, give them a piece of my mind or just enjoy the peace and quiet. <br><br> And good that I had gotten over myself. They were gone. I laughed in triumph as I looked over their empty site. The solitude soaked into my skin even as I spent some time cleaning up the trash and ensured the fire embers were not going to cause a problem. <br><br> Yeah, they were shitty 'campers,' but I wasn't going to let their delinquency affect more people. I was a good [[camper|CC022 - Outdoors]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Or the rules that still exist. As much as you don't want them to. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face angry>> Sitting out by a campfire in the pure darkness of the woods at night was a magical experience. Listening to it crackle and watching it dance as I enjoyed an ice cold bevvie. <br><br> "Excuse me." I practically flew off the edge of the log where I had been sitting, my drink tumbling into the dirt and beginning to belch its contents into the thirsty forest floor. <br><br> "Y-yes?" It was a park ranger and my stomach dropped. <br><br> "Do you have your camping permit?" <br><br> "My...what?" He nodded and pulled out a ticket book, walking around the site and beginning to document what he saw, "Wait, wait. I'm sorry. It's my first time here, I guess I...missed a ranger on the way in?" <br><br> He looked me over. Maybe my age, maybe how I looked, maybe because I was alone...he nodded, "$50 for a camping permit. Can't just have any and everyone posting up out here." I scrambled for some cash and quickly handed it to him. <br><br> "Of course, I honestly just didn't know or didn't see it. I wasn't--" <br><br> "I know. Also, please take care of that fire. I don't see anything nearby to put it out." <br><br> He spent the next thirty minutes or so helping me get up to 'code' and understand the expectations of the area. I was grateful for his assistance and that I hadn't been escorted off to jail instead. <br><br> I took my learnings and became a conscientious camper going [[forward|CC022 - Outdoors]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit naked>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Clothes folded neatly by a rock alongside the edge of a pond */ I slipped into the cool water of the pond and gasped -- why is it always colder than you expect? My nipples hardened instantly as my skin pulled taut and hair raised. My thighs cut through the water, feeling the fresh water beginning to kiss and spray against my nether lips. <br><br> This was far better than jumping a fence and into some rando's pool. No chlorine burn, or being walked in on by the owner. And it was ''so'' much bigger! <br><br> I kicked off the muddy pond floor and began to do laps, swimming out deeper into the middle of water. I dipped my head and came up for air, breathing deeply and pushing my wet hair back behind my ears, sputtering while I tread water. <br><br> "Havin' fun?" I turned awkwardly, slowly as my feet reoriented me this way. That way. So much for not being walked in on. There were these two guys, replete in overalls watching me out in the water and standing far too close to where I had hidden my clothes. <br><br> They hadn't seen them, right? I could still see them, right? "Uh, yeah. Just...taking a dip. That...okay?" <br><br> "Course. I guess. What do you think, Tommy?" Tommy shrugged, his workboot nudging the stone right beside my pile of clothes. Fuck. I needed to do something. <br><br> <div id="nekkid"> <<crossroads #nekkid>> <<path>> They'd get bored. Just tread water til they ''left''. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> "Water's gotta be cold. And man, wet clothing's gotta weigh ya down, don't it." <br><br> "Oh, yeah. Wouldn't dare get these things wet." Not-Tommy tugged at his overalls. <br><br> Tommy was crouching by my pile and making a big show out of its discovery, "Well, not soaked at all, are they. They're right here, Billy Bob." Displaying each article as he pulled them from the pile, and whistling when he got to the last couple, "Can't just go 'round nekkid. People gunna see." <br><br> "Whatcha gonna do if these disappear?" Billy Bob and Tommy began laughing. There wasn't predation in their voice, just mischief and loving having power. Because, well, guys. <br><br> I wasn't about to try and get to them, no way I'd make it in time. And I'd be naked and they already had my clothes. So, I tried to treat them like bullies and just began to do laps, trying to find the enjoyment of moments before. <br><br> They whistled and called out to me, but I couldn't turn to see what they were doing -- wouldn't. <br><br> Eventually they did leave, and I was //exhausted//. Ploddingly, I stepped out of the pond, chest heaving, body shivering and my arms clutched tightly around myself. My clothes were gone, but I hadn't expected much less. <br><br><br> Getting back home was a weird experience, but it wasn't til I got there that I had to explain anything as I walked in absolutely naked. They freaked out and were extremely worried, but were happy to hear it was relatively tame and I was safe. Could have been much worse. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Act ''casual'' and just play it cool and go get my clothes before they did. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, water's super cold, I was just getting out. Didn't think anyone would mind." I began paddling my way towards them. <br><br> Tommy was crouching by my pile and reaching towards it as my tits came into view. Not-Tommy whistling, "Well. Look at that, Tommy." Tommy rocked at the hit to his shoulder and he smiled, watching my fully naked form walking straight out of the water like something out a movie. <br><br> "Well, I wasn't about to get my clothes wet." I laughed, wringing my hair out with my hands as I walked over to them. <br><br> "Nah, that'd be stupid. Gaw-damn, girl." Not-Tommy was eyeing between my legs and up to my tits, clearly appreciating my indecency and lack of concern. <br><br> "Well, thank you boys for keeping guard and protecting my stuff. I do appreciate it. You got a towel or something?" I squatted down by my pile of clothes, letting my thighs frame my pussy rather than hide anything. <br><br> "Uh, yeah, Billy Bob, mind...grabbing it from the truck?" And he left, bringing a quilted blanket back over. <br><br> So I dried myself off and got dressed as we talked, learning about this being their dad's property and that I wasn't the first one they caught out here, but by far the one they had enjoyed the most. <br><br><br> I thanked them again and headed back home. Glad that it had ended that way. Could have been much worse. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Invite them to ''join''. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face happy>> <br><br> "Come in. The water's fine!" I smiled and patted the surface making ripples. <br><br> They chuckled in surprise, looked at each other and shrugged, popping the buttons of their overalls and dropping their clothes in less tidy piles, cocks swinging small but freely as they came out to join me in the pond. "Ya know, this is our daddy's land." <br><br> "Oh really? It's nice." It wasn't too surprising to me as they got closer and started to 'use' me for balance, their cocks no longer so small, poking against me as we chatted in the water. I wasn't the first one to do something like this, but certainly the first to invite them to join. <br><br> I made out a bit with each of them, my hand keeping them from getting too adventurous with me and taking my invitation for more than it was. <br><br> Soon we were play fighting in the pond, getting dunked and grabbed and yanked around by the two 'rednecks,' but it was all fun and certainly better than getting my clothes stolen. <br><br> Eventually -- practically frozen -- I needed to leave and Billy Bob (that was Not-Tommy) got me a quilt to dry off before I got dressed. And they invited me back anytime I wanted. Just give them a heads up next time. <br><br><br> Okay, so being caught could be fun too. Could have been much worse. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> Madame Demianova was of few words, strong hands, and a serious demeanor. I'd show up twice a week in the afternoons once classes ended and we'd sit in her living room. Scales. Intervals. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/cc.piano.png">> I was glad to be done with "Mary Had a Little Lamb," and "Twinkle, Twinkle" -- but practicing playing wasn't so much about having fun and playing as getting the muscles into memory. <br><br> She didn't swat my hands, but she was firm and instructive. It was also kind of cute -- there was always a cup of tea waiting for me when I arrived. <br><br><br> "Alright. Enough. <<print $>>. I'm having recital. What will you play?" I had a choice? This was new. I tried to fight the excited smile that was starting to dance across my face. <br><br> <div id="piano"> <<crossroads #piano>> <<path>> Classical? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br><br> It pleased her immensely, I could tell. And I guess it was what was expected of people playing piano at a recital. Some Chopin would do the trick. <br><br> She dug out her musty library of Chopin and we proceeded to work through the choices. I think she enjoyed it most getting to play each piece, even the easily recognizable ones -- but it was all to give me a taste of what they were. <br><br><br> It was a rare release and opportunity for her, so I sipped tea and gave my fingers [[a rest|CC021 - Piano][$CC.makeIt = 1]]. <<path>> Modern? <<contents>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <br><br> Just because it was new doesn't mean it was easy. People've been trying to take the Masters and give them their own spin for hundreds of years. <br><br> They tended to be more difficult, but also it would be something that people wouldn't know. I would be bringing something new to the table and maybe impress a few people. <br><br> She didn't have much on hand, but played through some Cage and Bernstein to give me some options. My mind was already running wild as I considered options. <br><br><br> I spent the evening on YouTube, checking things out and seeing what [[grabbed me|CC021 - Piano][$CC.makeIt = 2]]. <<path>> Popular? <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <br><br> I think she nearly dropped dead. Disappointment rang clear in her expression. But it also didn't look like something she hadn't heard before. <br><br> She wouldn't fight me on it, which was honorable of her and I was thankful for that at least -- I don't know if I could stand up to her resilient, austere presence. <br><br> "Fine. Bring it Thursday." And with that, we adjourned early. Probably so she could scream when I left. <br><br><br> I went through my playlists, seeing what songs I liked and checking to see if I could find sheet music...and if it could even be played by a piano. Wow. Finding something good and usable was going to be harder than I [[thought|CC021 - Piano][$CC.makeIt = 3]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Piano.png">> <<print $CC.MName>> got me an electric keyboard once I started to really taking practice seriously. And Madame insisted that our lessons twice a week were not enough for me to really deliver at the recital (and to actually develop my talent at the keys). <br><br> I'd start with the pages of the practice books, running intervals and scales. I was beginning to develop the muscle memory in my hands. In class, my fingers tapped away at my thigh or the edge of the desk when I zoned out. It was becoming second nature which is good. <br><br> And then I'd lay out the sheet music for my recital piece and begin to work on the capstone. All her little grunts of disapproval, or how I feel she'd zone out because she felt I was just another student -- I'd show her. <br><br> But damn. Songs were much harder than intervals or practice. I could just imagine myself up there and the chords coming out of the piano being completely unrecognizable. I wouldn't let her be right. That wouldn't be me. <br><br> But to do that, I'd need to hunker down and focus. On what though? <br><br> <div id="focus"> <<crossroads #focus>> <<path>> I wasn't going to be plinking away. I needed to focus on ''speed''. <<contents>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <br><br> It was like a less impressive Whiplash. Scales. Scales but quicker. Intervals, but quicker. Really trying to drive home the muscle memory so that the progressions came out fast and fluid. <br><br> I knew I couldn't play my piece faster than the time signature on the page, but if I could play it that fast, then that meant when I slowed down, it would come even more effortlessly. <br><br><br> That was the hope at [[least|CC022 - Piano]]. <<path>> Missed notes? No. I'd focus on ''accuracy''. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline += 2>> <br><br> I wouldn't let a practice section go without it being perfect. 100% was the only percent. I'd go back over previous materials simply to make sure I still had them down pat. <br><br> I'm sure I drove them crazy as the scales continued well into the night, but I was determined and I think that's why they didn't mention anything. <br><br> I broke down my piece into digestible sections. Really small sequences. And I wouldn't move on until the section was perfect. Until it came unbidden. Until I was humming the intervals as I walked the halls at school. <br><br><br> It was hard, but I was sure it would be [[worth it|CC022 - Piano]]. <<path>> Get frustrated and burnt out? Nah. I just wanted to have ''fun''. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> I spent some time at home working on my scales and intervals. Sometimes I'd break out my music and see how it was all coming together for my recital piece. <br><br> But when I got a text message from <<print $CC.friend1>> or <<print $CC.FName>>, I was out the door and the keyboard would sit on my bed forgotten. <br><br> I wasn't going to let myself get annoyed with the process, because I knew me well enough that I'd just drop it all together if it became too much of a chore. If I didn't find the enjoyment and relaxation in playing, then I wouldn't do it. And what was the point of all that time and money if I wasn't going to play anymore? <br><br><br> Plus, it'd be a fun little party trick [[someday|CC022 - Piano]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit prude>> <<image framed "passage/CC022-Piano.png">> Madame Demianova's recital was in her church. A little Lutheran hall that wasn't too demonstrative, but also had a smell kind of like mothballs. All the other kids and I shuffled into the pews and waited our turns as we sat with our parents. Maybe there was an uncle, family friend, or the rare schoolmate, but mostly it was just the obligated people here to watch their kids and other people's kids run the gamut of skill from barely capable to wonderkind. <br><br><br> My turn came soon enough -- towards the end due to my age -- my hands felt clammy as I dropped onto the piano bench and stretched my fingers, eyeing the keys. Fuck. Here it goes. <<if $CC.makeIt == 1>> Languid, subtle notes came off the keys as I began my piece. It was familiar: people in the audience were humming along. It wasn't a help, and it startled me a bit -- everyone would know exactly <<set _expandLabel = "what notes I missed.">> <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 2>> Stark, clear notes emanated from the strings as my fingers struck the keys. Some sat up a bit, curious. Others shuffled in their seats because they had no clue what they were hearing. Well, at least no one would know <<set _expandLabel = "if and when I messed up.">> <<else>> The rolling rhythm was a welcome change from the litany of classical pieces that had been played so far. I could feel people perking up as they recognized the piece, some trying to place it, others humming along. The latter was quite annoying because it wasn't helping me play. And they'd know exactly <<set _expandLabel = "when and if I went wrong.">> <</if>> <<linkexpand _expandLabel>> <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 3>> <<face happy>> My fingers struck the first chord confidently. I leaned forward into the music, letting my head sway and body rock as I played. My foot was able to find the sustain and soft accurately, accentuating the tone and quality of the song as it resonated through the church. <br><br> Oh, this felt good. Felt magical. I was in it and the melody was coming out of me like a song. It was a song. I understood why people said that now. And this was my song. <br><br> I held the final chord a bit long, letting it sit in the air, resolving into nothingness. And once it was gone, the applause was firm and wholesale. I smiled, standing up, grabbing my music and making a bow. <br><br> Stepping down from the stage, I looked at Madame and she smiled broadly. The warmth bloomed inside me. I don't think I'd seen that reaction on her face. Ever. <br><br> Everything had come together. It was all worth it. Sure, it had been for essentially a bunch of people that I'd never see again. But I'd done it for myself and done it for her. And I //had// done it. <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 2>> I rocked with the rhythm of the music, my foot lightly touching at the sustain to accentuate the play. It started well and continued cleanly. But I couldn't quite get the time signature right. It didn't feel right. Was it right? <br><br> I'd nudge the cadence a bit faster. No, too fast. Bring it back. No, too slow. Fuck. I lost the thread, but at least my fingers were hitting the right keys in the right order. <br><br> The piece felt like a rubber band or Doppler version of the song as written. Far from as intended. <br><br> There was a smattering of applause as I got up, made a curt little bow and headed down the aisle. <br><br> A quick glace to the Madame, but she was looking to the next student heading up to the stage. And that student absolutely killed it. I'd be forgotten, which was a blessing and a curse. <<else>> <<face angry>> And I went strong and wrong, as the saying goes. My time signature was off. My fingers slid off the keys and onto their sisters and brothers, adding little half-notes in between. And the more I messed up, the more I tensed up and made more mistakes. <br><br> I barely made it through the piece and could barely see the sheet music when I stood up, wiping my eyes and quickly shuffling back to my seat in the pews with my head down. I couldn't even try to look at Madame. <br><br> I could blame it on the different piano. I could blame it on nerves. But I knew she'd blame it on me. And ultimately, who was at those keys? <</if>> <br><br><br> <<print $CC.MName>> and <<print $CC.FName>> pulled me tight and told me how great I did. It felt good, but they were my family. They were going to say that <<linkexpand "no matter what.">> no matter what. <br><br><br> At home, the question became whether or not I wanted to continue pursuing it. I pushed off the decision. High School had a lot to offer, especially for my free time. Maybe take some time away, maybe not practice as much, maybe drop it all together. I could always pick it up again later. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Books on a desk */ I liked school well enough, and was certainly good at it, but that didn't mean I wanted to stay in school forever. I could graduate early and get to college sooner, or do the work now and save time later for something else. A trade of time. I had time now with few options, time later had so many more possibilities! <br><br> I was already taking as many Advanced and college-credit classes that my high school offered, but there was Community College that could accelerate the process. So, my days were school days and nights were school nights. <br><br> First, I needed to focus on what the goal was: <br><br> <div id="goal"> <<crossroads #goal>> <<path>> ''Early'' graduation <<contents>> <<set $CC.earlyGrad = true>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> I just wanted to get the hell out of dodge of high school as soon as possible. I'd take the extra coursework now, rather than spread it out over a longer time. Work harder, get done sooner. Move on to the important stuff in life as soon as possible. <<path>> A lighter load in ''college'' <<contents>> <<set $CC.APtaken = true>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> My first opportunity at having freedom would be college...and if I took on a bit more work now, I could have more fun and really enjoy that freedom. I'd front-load some work now when I didn't have much else to enjoy in exchange for opportunities during the 'best time of a girl's life'. <<contentsShared>> <br><br> Most of my classmates fell into the category of remedial adults, trying to get equivalency, some were more middle-aged and trying something new -- getting a degree in something else while they worked during the day, and others were just bored old people as far as I could tell. So that left me, the overachiever to remind them of failures, missed opportunities and essentially be the pariah that no one wanted to associate with. <br><br> Upside? The TAs and adjuncts teaching the classes appreciated the right answers and the work ethic I brought to class, and I tended to be closer to their age as well. I gotta say, my butt really got used to the feeling of [[desks|CC021 - Read]]. <br><br> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC021-Read-alt.png">> Extra school didn't simply mean losing my nights, it often meant I spent time on the weekends at the local library, or the community library. Just broke out a laptop, threw on some headphones and occasionally walked the stacks. <br><br> Even with the headphones, though, guys didn't take the hint. <br><br> A hand waved in front of my face, I jerked back, in the midst of trying to crunch some statistics. I popped an earbud out reflexively, "Uh, y-yeah?" looking up at -- oh, it was Oliver from my stats class. <br><br> "Oh, sorry, <<print $>>, h-how's it going?" An unsure motion towards the open textbook. Well, at least it wasn't being disturbed just because, ya know, I was a girl and that's what guys did. <br><br> "Eh, fine. This binomial stuff kinda escapes me." He nodded, dropping into the seat across from me. Just an average dude, but he gave a Reddit mod vibe. <br><br> "//Totally//. __Confusing__ stuff." He nodded, his eyes not on the textbook, even though I was clothed for the brutal AC. <br><br> <div id="oliver"> <<crossroads #oliver>> <<path>> I could have some fun with him and take a break from the Stats... <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face happy>> <br><br> Pushing my work aside, "Yeah, too confusing for me. Whatcha doin here?" I leaned forward, letting the edge of the table and my forearms press up on my breasts. <br><br> He noticed. I could see his wheels turning as he tried to process how much of this was on purpose versus accidental. How many standard deviations...I coughed to get him to focus, "Oh, honestly?" He tugged at his collar comically, and not as a joke, "You're here pretty much every weekend? It's really admirable." <br><br> So he had been waiting for his opening. I mulled it over as I saw him faltering, worried he'd overreached, "Well, thanks! Yeah, gotta keep the grades up." <br><br> He nodded, swallowing, thankful that the silence had been broken, "Oh, I'm sure you do fine." He smiled, grateful for my attention despite the age difference. <br><br> "SHHHHH!" both of us ducked instinctively as if a firearm had gone off. I giggled and smiled with a little shrug, cleavage jiggling. I leaned closer, half out of my chair, "Guess we're being too loud." I whispered. <br><br> He leaned forward too, letting his hand take my wrist, "Should we take our loud selves somewhere else?" <br><br> I left my bag and work exactly where they were, moving off into the stacks with him, talking in hushed tones and giggles and up to the areas that weren't used much during the week and not at all during off-times like this. <br><br><br> We still kept quiet, fumbling around in the dark corners of the library, skirting work. Look. Spending this much time focused on work makes any opportunity look [[like gold|CC022 - Read]]. <<path>> ...or get a free tutor session. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <br><br> Pushing my work aside, "Yeah, too confusing for me. Whatcha doin here?" I leaned forward, letting the edge of the table and my forearms press up on my breasts. <br><br> He noticed. I could see his wheels turning as he tried to process how much of this was on purpose versus accidental. How many standard deviations...I coughed to get him to focus, "Oh, honestly?" He tugged at his collar comically, and not as a joke, "You're here pretty much every weekend? It's really admirable." <br><br> So he had been waiting for his opening. I mulled it over as I saw him faltering, worried he'd overreached, "Well, thanks! Yeah, gotta keep the grades up." <br><br> He nodded, swallowing, thankful that the silence had been broken, "Oh, I'm sure you do fine." He smiled, grateful for my attention despite the age difference. <br><br> "SHHHHH!" both of us ducked instinctively as if a firearm had gone off. Admonished, I leaned back and pulled the textbook in front of me, "Shit. Mind just like...helping me understand all this?" <br><br><br> He nodded, looking around with wide eyes, sliding around to beside me at the table. We kept quiet the rest of the afternoon and I made sure he got enough of a show to keep him grinning, while I improved my understanding of the material. He really knew [[his stuff|CC022 - Read]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Read.png">> We had our final Classics paper due and I had finished early, so rather than attend the class that night, I just swung by the college straight after school to drop it off and finally have some time to myself. <br><br> It was a low-point in activity, just a random person wandering the hall, janitorial staff stocking the restrooms. I probably looked more like someone's lost kid, rather than a student with one of the highest GPAs in the building. <br><br> I smiled to myself as I pushed into the empty auditorium and nearly jumped when a voice called out, "Good mood, <<print $>>?" <br><br> "Jeez, Dillon. You'd have given someone else a heart attack. Where...where are you?" Stepping down the aisles with my head on a swivel, I searched for our Teacher's Assistant. Then I caught a flash of a hand waving to me from the projector room. <br><br> With a quick little skip up the steps, I spun around the doorframe, "Whatcha doin' in here? Couldn't have said hi when I literally walked in..right there?" The door behind me had barely come to a halt from when I had arrived. <br><br> He shrugged and leaned back in the squeaking old chair, his feet up, "Was busy watching YouTube. World Chess Championship is serious business." <br><br> I hopped up, sitting on the desk, an arm lightly curled around his beat-up New Balances, dropping my paper in front of him. "Early submission, extra credit, right?" <br><br> "Like you need it. So skipping the final class huh?" I nodded, "What're you going to get up to instead?" <br><br> "//Not// chess. Dork." He shrugged, his eyes instinctively checking my legs as they dangled. <br><br> "Well, it's the Prof tonight, not me. So I can leave this for him and we can celebrate together instead." I had to admire his confidence. <br><br> <div id="lastnight"> <<crossroads #lastnight>> <<path>> Chilling with my TA...better than hang with the Boys? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> "Sure, whatcha wanna do?" The response was quick and he definitely appreciated the lack of consideration. His feet dropped back to the floor, hand tucking the phone into his pocket. <br><br> "Let's get an early start, what'd'ya say." He collected the paper from in front of him, making the decision for us as we headed out of the projector room. With a lazy flourish, he dropped my final on the lectern and gave me a little bump and smile, "Let's get outta here." <br><br> It wasn't too surprising that he wanted to get off campus, lest rumors start or he risk his career. <br><br> Safely sequestered in his small one-bedroom apartment we began on his couch with some Drunk History and as the afternoon waned, we ordered in Mediterranean and began the epic that is Gladiator. <br><br> My late nights from school, a general lack of paying attention at what my schedule really was, plus my diligence kept me in the clear when I wasn't home by the time everyone went to bed. <br><br><br> They were content enough to see me at the breakfast table in the morning. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<path>> Nah, I'd barely seen them in months -- plus TA-student stuff was creepy. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> "Actually, I already made plans...sorry." I gave him a flat smile, raised eyebrows like I truly felt bad for the excuse. <br><br> He nodded, shrugged and looked back to the black and white squares on his phone, "Course. No worries. I'll make sure to get your assignment submitted." <br><br> The ice-out was obvious and it had the desired effect on me, emotionally, but it wasn't the first time a guy had tried that on me. I weighed the feeling against my feelings, plus the fact I wouldn't have to see him again. <br><br> "Thanks. Been a fun class!" sliding off the desk and turning to head out. <br><br> "Have fun tonight." A slight peek over my shoulder I caught him eyeing me as I left. Yep. It had been a tactic and I had crushed his hopes. <br><br><br> I just hoped he didn't try and get back at me by not turning in my final. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Cash in hand */ As soon as I could, I jumped at the opportunity to make a little Skrilla on the side. It would give me some freedom to buy what I wanted, do what I wanted, and be the person I wanted to be. <br><br> <div id="jobchoice"> There was the perennial option of: <<crossroads #jobchoice>> <<path>> Working ''in a restaurant''. <<contents>> I filled out a couple applications, dropped them off across the chains and local joints in our area and heard back relatively quickly from Ida's. <br><br> "So. <<print $>>. First job, eh? Getting a jump on everyone else your age...that's good." Deborah scanned the sparse entries on my application while talking essentially to herself. "So. I've got an opening at reception." <br><br> <div id = "placement"> <<if $CC.spoiled == true || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> My initial reaction: "Really? I was thinking /* TODO Mira - Here's an example of gated options that only appear if the traits/stats are correct */ <<link "server">><<replace "#placement">> Deb flushed. A stern gaze. A showdown at high...three PM... <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gte 6>> <<set $CC.makeIt = 3>> <<face happy>> "Well, there might be a shift or two we could have you do a trial run." I beamed as I slid out of the booth, "See you [[this weekend|CC021 - Job]]." <<else>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<face angry>> "I appreciate your pluck, but now's not the time. We have a full staff of servers. See you this weekend for your first shift at the door." She slid out of the booth, leaving me unceremoniously alone. Well, at least [[I tried|CC021 - Job]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>..." but did I say those words or <<link "take what I could get">><<replace "#placement">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> "Perfect. Just show up on time, look nice, smile and keep our servers happy and you'll do great. Look forward to seeing you this weekend!" I nodded and slid out of the booth, it sounded straight-forward and [[simple enough|CC021 - Job]]. <</replace>><</link>>? <<else>> "Oh, okay. Yeah <<link "that sounds good">><<replace "#placement">> "Perfect. Just show up on time, look nice, smile and keep our servers happy and you'll do great. Look forward to seeing you this weekend!" I nodded and slid out of the booth, it sounded straight-forward and [[simple enough|CC021 - Job]]. <</replace>><</link>>" <</if>> </div> <<path>> Join the legions of Dashers and ''do deliveries''. <<contents>> <<set $CC.makeIt = 1>> Enlisting was insanely simple, just upload a picture of your ID, give them access to my location on my phone, and switch on or off the "Deliver" button. There were a litany of terms and conditions, legal blah blah, and eventually my eyes glazed over and I just hit Accept. Seemed easy enough. I grabbed my bike and got ready to help out some [[lazy asses for cash|CC021 - Job]]. <<path>> Or there was always ''retail''. <<contents>> <<set $CC.makeIt = 2>> I walked the corridors of the slowly dying dinosaur of the mall, tossing some applications around, receiving some perfunctory interviews and then returned home. A day later <<print $CC.MName>> let me know that an Abercrombie had called to let me know I was hired and to show up [[this weekend|CC021 - Job]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if $CC.makeIt == 1>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Traffic */ Oh boy. Dodging traffic must have been in those terms and conditions. I had a near-miss every single time I set out on my bike. <br><br> Narrowly missing an opening door, or a car changing lanes, or just someone crossing the street and not paying attention, I was intimately familiar with the physics of me on a bicycle by the end of my first week. <br><br> I'm less sure about the protections or what I may have signed away when it came to my experience at the actual delivery. <br><br> "Uri" answered his door in...a robe would be generous. It was gaped, untied and I didn't stay long enough or inspect if his state was due to recent showering or simply comfort. I yelped, dropped his stuff on the doormat and took an about-face. <br><br> One of the weirdest encounters was when I picked up an assortment of sex toys and supplies from an adult store and when I arrived, a woman answered the door -- a sigh of relief, right? -- No. "Samantha" saw me and immediately asked if I wanted to join her and...never got the name of her partner. I politely said no and handed her the bag. <br><br> Delivery duty gave me a unique insight to what [['average' Americans were|CC022 - Job]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 2>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Dressed Mannequins */ <<Stats Investigation ++>> I heard stories about what the store used to be: shirtless guys and scantily clad girl 'models' outside, inside, drawing in the eyes and shoppers. I mean, I doubt they were upset to have me on the floor, but there weren't those kinds of standards about what I wore. Hell, their catalog didn't even have the kind of thing they sold back then. <br><br> Instead, I showed up, folded clothes. Checked the changing rooms for left over articles and...folded them. Unpacked new shipments and! Folded. <br><br> It was inane. It was boring. There's only so much you can talk about with people on your shift. You'd make up stories about the people browsing the store. I even __hoped__ for people trying to get frisky in the back. <br><br> And then, wool fully over my eyes, boredom calcified into disassociation, my mind clicked on. Did...that stack look smaller than it had moments before? I clocked the person moving away from the display, getting into gear as I began to pursue. First, it was to confirm my suspicions, then it was to ensure they didn't bounce. <br><br> Out of the corner of their eye, they made me. I leapt. <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 3>>And like some football champion, I took them down by the ankles, their arms outstretched as if just a few more inches, getting their ill-gotten gains past the threshold meant they got to keep it. Not in my house, buddy.<<else>>I ate dirt. More like dust, but I smacked a belly-flop on the hardwood that put any pool dive to shame. My pride and tits throbbed as I watched them disappearing out the doors, klaxons blaring, but they had made good on their escape.<</if>> <br><br> Well, I didn't choose the job for the excitement, just [[easy pay|CC022 - Job]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt == 3>> <<Stats Social ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Restaurant */ Ida's was a pretty lazy spot and didn't prove to be too difficult to manage clientele. Yawn. But people always had to complicate things. <br><br> Let me be clear: men, dining, had to complicate things. You think it'd be simple, just take their order, bring it over, bring the check, next. Nope. It was a delicate balance of being available, but not //that// kind of available, or a ''hint'' of being available so they'd tip better. And then some would try and push the envelope. <br><br> Russell, regular and local...not __quite__ drunk...took a shine to me and began to ask for my section. His eyes would light up on my approach, and probably brighter when I was walking away. What began as a simple and normal dining experience became more conversational and I felt more trapped. <br><br> <div id="serving"> I appreciated the attention (and tips) and <<link "gave him what he wanted">><<replace "#serving">> <<Stats Wiles ++>> First, it was a compliment of my jeans, then it was of my ass. Then he started coming in at the tail end of the shift, knowing I'd be less busy and be able to sit with him. I did. <br><br> I laughed at his jokes, tolerated his hand on me, and thankfully he never pushed the limits while I was working. The offers to come home with him were there, I had his number. He was relentless. <br><br> <</replace>><</link>>. I tried to <<link "tow the line">><<replace "#serving">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> "Oh, Russ!" was a typical refrain. A laugh at his dirty jokes, a playful eye-roll and a little nudge of his hand off my ass from time to time. And when he got too friendly and comfortable, I worked with the host to ensure maybe he didn't end up in my section for the next couple seatings. <br><br> He was a nice guy, and lonely. I wasn't going to dash his dreams, but I wasn't going to make them a reality. The industry was all masques and facades, I put on mine and played my was like a far less involved version of escorting, I guess. <br><br> <</replace>><</link>> of acceptability without losing him. I <<link "involved Deb">><<replace "#serving">> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<face angry>> One time, he actually grabbed my ass. I smacked it, stormed off without a second thought and cornered Deb in the service station, "I am not dealing with this harassment." <br><br> Her Adam's apple visibly bounced, "Well...<<print $>>" <br><br> "No, Deb. You want me working here? I'm not a stripper." <br><br> The gears turned in her head, but I could see the thoughts -- I was her top earner, people liked me, he was __one__ customer -- she nodded and headed over to the table. He tried to play off the encounter as a story, then misunderstood, then, sheepishly, he relented. Deb waited on him from then on. <br><br> <</replace>><</link>> whenever needed. </div> Ida's was far from lazy when the night closed out. Restaurateurs know how to party. There was always an after-hours situation going on, or if Deborah wasn't around, drinks disappearing from behind the bar. <br><br> It was also highly 'incestuous' with pairings that happened after the debaucherous post-shift drinks, or sometimes...during them. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>>I may have had a few indiscretions, but it was fun and exciting.<<else>>I avoided any entanglements, just to keep things easier when I was working.<</if>> <br><br> It was the most unexpected part of [[working at Ida's|CC022 - Job]] and the biggest added benefit. <<else>> <<Stats Social ++>> <div id = "host"> /* IMAGE (Needed): Restaurant Host Stand */ Ida's was a pretty lazy spot and didn't prove to be too difficult to manage incoming clients or who's server's turn it was to be seated. Yawn. But people always had to complicate things. <br><br> There was this regular, Thom, who insisted on 'his' spot, but I knew that Lydia would absolutely throw a fit. She was up on the rotation and she was the least flexible of any of the staff. <br><br> I smiled broadly at Thom as he stopped following me to make a bee-line towards the corner table. He couldn't see me, but I was fighting the urge to scream. <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1>> Shuffling up beside him, I slid my arm through his, "Sir, let me get this table prepared for you -- my apologies that it wasn't ready right away." It wasn't dirty, but it hadn't fully been set. It seemed to be a good enough reason and he leaned against the edge of the booth, pulling out his phone while I had a moment to cut off Lydia. <br><br> In hushed tones, "I'll give you the next //two// tables, kay? It's know how he is." I could tell she was fuming, her jaw working side to side as she considered the offer, "Three. He's not that good of a tipper anyway." She turned before I could counter...with two and a half? I'd make it work. <br><br> I returned, my wide smile as I gestured to the table, my other hand placing a breadbasket and olive oil on the table. He wordlessly sat. I sighed in relief, <<link "returning to the stand">><<replace "#host">> Ida's was far from lazy when the night closed out. Restaurateurs know how to party. There was always an after-hours situation going on, or if Deborah wasn't around, drinks disappearing from behind the bar. <br><br> It was also highly 'incestuous' with pairings that happened after the debaucherous post-shift drinks, or sometimes...during them. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> I may have had a few indiscretions, but it was fun and exciting. <<else>> I avoided any entanglements, just to keep things easier when I was working. <</if>> <br><br> It was the most unexpected part of [[working at Ida's|CC022 - Job]] and the biggest added benefit. <</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> Interposing myself between him and the table, "" moving slightly and gesturing to the nearest table in Lydia's section. He pulled out his phone and passed me, dropping into his booth, "This table needs bread and olive oil." <br><br> With gritted teeth, back tensed, I walked away to grab the final touches of the table setting. Lydia had already corralled Deb. "She's doing it //again//, Deborah. She never seats us in the right order. It's her //job//, her //only// job." <br><br> Deborah reached out before I could pass on my way to get the bread and I was brought right into the scuffle: "<<print $>>--" <br><br> "I'm s-sorry, but, it's Thom, you know how he is." <br><br> Lydia stared down Deb, arms crossed, "This is your last strike. Don't make me tell you again." She released my arm with a flick of her wrist. Anger dissipated from Lydia and swelled within me. I'd have to figure out a way to <<link "make this work">><<replace "#host">> Ida's was far from lazy when the night closed out. Restaurateurs know how to party. There was always an after-hours situation going on, or if Deborah wasn't around, drinks disappearing from behind the bar. <br><br> It was also highly 'incestuous' with pairings that happened after the debaucherous post-shift drinks, or sometimes...during them. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> I may have had a few indiscretions, but it was fun and exciting. <<else>> I avoided any entanglements, just to keep things easier when I was working. <</if>> <br><br> It was the most unexpected part of [[working at Ida's|CC022 - Job]] and the biggest added benefit. <</replace>><</link>>, because I wasn't about to get fired. <</if>> </div> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/CC022-Job.png">> Extra cash kinda burns a hole in your pocket, doesn't it? Well, better to have and use it than not have it. Society certainly didn't emphasize saving and investment at my age -- thinking about retirement? I wasn't ever gonna die, let alone get old. So it was time to make it rain. <br><br> It was a little part of what made And the cash? I spent my hard-earned bills on: <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Social'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base ++]]>> ''Clothes'', I wanted to impress my classmates and be a trendsetter. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++; $Stats.BodyTraits.push("fit")]]>> ''Classes'' at the gym. Pilates, Yoga, HIIT, I got fit. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base ++]]>> ''Tutoring'' and practice tests, the extra reading assignments, I devoured it all. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Risky'].base ++; $Inventory.pushUnique("Burner")]]>> A ''Burner Phone'' so that I could do what I wanted when I wanted with who I wanted. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base ++]]>> New ''game releases and equipment'' because I had to keep my gaming edge. <</crossroads>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<outfit lifeguard>> There's nothing like the sun's rays beating down, collecting a nice tan...ahh...What better reason to take this 'job'? <br><br> <<image framed "passage/cc.beach.png">> Just watching the waves crash and making sure dumb-dumbs don't drown is a pretty easy gig.<br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Also it's a great place to scope guys.<</if>><br> Work on my swimming.<br> Read a <<if $CC.opening !== "dumb">>spy Thriller<<else>>pulpy romance<</if>>.<br> Catch up on sleep. Oops? <br><br> It was a typical day like any. Hundreds of patrons all flapping gaily, enjoying all that pearls had to offer. <br><br> Children frolic and scamper. People of all ages (ugh. //all// ages) take dips in the water. <br><br> It's mostly reapplying sunscreen. And there was a lot of exposed <<print $>> skin I needed to keep from cooking. <br><br> My fingers tugged and peeled away the chipped paint on my wooden stand. I was only a few hours into my Saturday shift. Lifeguards are expected to have a vigilant eye but keeping watch gets tiresome. <br><br> Then, in the distance, screams. <br><br> My eyes narrowed, focused. <br><br> <div id="help"> <<crossroads #help>> <<path>> Help? <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <br> I need to help them! <br><br> Swiftly, my red buoy was in hand and I leapt over the aging railing and hit the powdery sand in stride. <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> My fit form had me effortlessly skimming over the sand that tried to suck me down. I was at the crowd within 30 seconds. <br><br> I surveyed the waterline and saw someone, flailing like a fish. In an all-out sprint, I headed for the waves. <br><br> <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>> Sadly, despite wearing a classic, red one-piece with the broadest chest, my breasts flopped around nearly smacking me in the face. Luckily, the suit kept them restrained even as I drew my hands over my head, my <<print $>> hair immediately soaked in the salt-curtain crest. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Confident ++>> //My// flotation devices were not serving my purposes. The waves were proving difficult to slice through, but I made it to the flailer. Tucking them close, I paddled back, guiding them onto the beach -- they needed CPR. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face happy>> Focused on dragging <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> in, I didn't take stock of my appearance. Water sputtered from their mouth as I checked their vitals -- the victim, now, the saved. And they weren't sputtering simply from the water: the top of my swimsuit was now a thong and my girls were hanging in their face. Oh well, hehe. Job has to [[get done|CC021 - Beach]]. <br><br> <<else>> <<face shock>> The weight of a drowning person is difficult to contend with. Tugging them on to the beach, my breasts tried to escape but with a deft hand, I returned them to their red cage. I worked diligently, performing CPR and soon they coughed up water and [[opened their eyes|CC021 - Beach]]. <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> I knew I wasn't too athletic, but man, my tits were making this far harder than I expected. I wouldn't be deterred, eventually snagging my drowning victim. I managed to lay their body onto the wet warm sand, frighteningly still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face shock>> The waterlogged <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> was more difficult than anticipated. My breaths were heaving, but //they// needed to be breathing. I began my assessment and noticed eyes on me but, I was...oh! Hehe, they're just [[boobs|CC021 - Beach]]. <br><br> <<else>> <<face shock>> In the midst of dragging the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> onto the shore, I made a mental note to do more weight training. Now, safely away from the waves, I realized 'the girls' were out. While dropping to my knees, I tucked them in and began [[assessing the victim|CC021 - Beach]]. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> I am no Baywatch babe, but my body had some bounce. Luckily, these red one pieces are tight and firm holding. my hands over my head while my <<print $>> hair immediately soaked as I dove into the crest. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Confident ++>> My arms slid through the water as if it were tissue paper and soon, I was saving them from being shark bait. Using an over-arm technique, I snagged the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> while arming myself with the buoy and pulled them ashore. My toned thighs making it look good as well as look easy. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face happy>> Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation does not always have to be used. I assessed the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>>...their lips were pouty but not blue. Still, this was my first drowning victim, so I proceeded with "mouth to mouth." Their tongue clued me in to switch tactics, and that they were alright. [[Yay|CC021 - Beach]]! <br><br> <<else>> Fist over fist I pumped on their chest. Their lips not being blue they mean they didn't have severe...drowning--whatever it's called. So after some firm pumps bubbles of water came out their mouth and I [[sat them up|CC021 - Beach]]. <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> I wasn't top of my lifeguarding group, but I faired well in the trials. So getting to the bobber was tougher than expected, but easily in time. I managed to buoy the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>>, so I could struggle to get them ashore. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face happy>> I was huffing and puffing so hard my brain couldn't function on my training. Seeing how attractive they were, my instinct kicked in as my hands worked their chest. This <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> had nice looking pillows. Had to be careful to not use tongue. Still my skills prevailed and water burst into my mouth. They were [[saved|CC021 - Beach]]. <br><br> <<else>> I was laboring pretty hard getting the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> to shore. Luckily, the lifeguard training kicked in as hard as the mule who clearly kicked my chest. Luckily, I powered through, managing to get the bubbles of water out of my unconscious wet fish of a [[patient|CC021 - Beach]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> I felt as though I was plodding, every step taken seemed draw me further away. My calves screamed at me, but I had to keep going. <br><br> <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>> My feet were failing in the soft sand and my chest was smacking me in the face, I must have looked like a tumbling red balloon of tit flesh as I careened towards the crowd. Despite my breasts best efforts, the red suit proved to be cut broad enough. My tired legs pushed off, plunging my <<print $>> locks into the surf. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Confident ++>> Carrying these funbags did award me with some benefit. I had a strong back and arms, now carrying the //actual// buoy and my buoys joining the squad as I swam to the bouncing <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Bob<<else>>Betty<</if>>. Together, the flotations made bringing the semi-unconscious vic onto the shoreline relatively effortless. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face shock>> I toted the body onto the warm, wet sand. The crowds gathered with more "ooos" and "ahhhs" than worried faces. I noticed why as I began CPR. My tits were out. Eh. Oh, well. Stare all you want boys and girls, I got a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> to save. My titties may smother this fucker eventually, but in that moment, I got the water pumping out of their mouth. [[#Saved|CC021 - Beach]]. <br><br> <<else>> <<face shock>> Semi-gracefully -- with no help from my lower half -- I managed the sack of potatoes victim on the sandy wetness. My bombastics tried to pop out, but I shifted them back in like old hat and used my CPR technique. I was able to wrestle the water out the lungs and get them [[semi-lucid|CC021 - Beach]]. <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> I was not blessed with good strength, instead had healthy back problems. Thanks gazongas! Still, I had a job to do. Surprising myself, I managed the task of retrieving the ill-fated person to the shore. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face shock>> I was exhausted. My tits had flopped out. People were staring. And to top it all off, I was aching, but still had to perform CPR. Surely, I was going to faint before this <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> came back to us...but miraculously, they coughed up sea water and then smiled. [[Cheeky|CC021 - Beach]] <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>bastard<<else>>bitch<</if>>. <br><br> <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Mental note: do some cardio or something. My hefty chest felt more like an anchor as they threatened to escape the suit. I shoved 'em in tight and gave every last breath between chest compressions. As my lungs failed, they choked up the sea and then I flopped. "You're saved, my friend." [[Yay|CC021 - Beach]]. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> Baywatch certainly wouldn't be calling me for the reboot but who cares -- I had lives to save. I approached the surf, diving in knowing the one-piece wouldn't be around my waist as I plunged towards the flopping person. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Confident ++>> My legs propelled me. My arms and back worked overtime. Swiftly, I bouyed the victim and paddled them to the crowded shore, depositing the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> carefully. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face happy>> You're not supposed to develop feelings on the job. This <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> though...//clearly// my type. I administered CPR, then when they were breathing I gave them a moment to take me in before I went back for a different administration. Sue me. They found life //and// more.[[Pay for pay|CC021 - Beach]]. <br><br> <<else>> My legs were tired but my training was already in overdrive. Pumping the chest and administering CPR. Despite the throb in my lower half, I got the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> breathing again. I turned them and their lungs [[expelled fluid|CC021 - Beach]]. <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> This was not an easy task. I wondered why I chose this job. Shut up brain! Someone needed saving. I belly flopped into the waves and swam -- doggypaddled? -- to the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> drowning. Luckily, the buoy did most of the work so that I could struggle the rest of the way to get their body onto the sand. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<face happy>> Perk of the job: occasionally there was a hottie needing rescuing and this was one of those times. My brain was so tired it went into autopilot. Save the victim and get some action. A little kissing //after// CPR won't hurt. Mmm. Don't moan -- resuscitate. Wooo! There we go. Coughing and alive. [[They tasted good too|CC021 - Beach]]. <br><br> <<else>> <<face hurt1>> I was seriously gassed, but no other lifeguards were close enough to help. With labor, I worked on the <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> and after what felt like five minutes, I managed to get them to spill their lungs and sputter up. They [[were alive again|CC021 - Beach]] -- I nearly passed out dead. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> Play fear <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <br> Yeah, just someone playing. <br><br> The screams were probably just people playing chicken. (Narrator: They weren't.) Plus there were other lifeguards near enough-ish to help out. (Narrator: They were.) No one came running to the stand. It'd be fine. I chilled there. [[Yeah that's wise|CC021 - Beach]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit lifeguard>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Bonfire party */ Nearing the end of the afternoon, the sunset is wonderful perk for being a lifeguard. So many postcard-style evenings. The pinks, purples, oranges, and reds blending together across the sky, signaling the change to night. All the people were packing up as the chill night air urged them away. My sunbaked skin was <<if $ == "olive" || $ == "black" || $ == "golden">>nicely tanned<<else>>toasty red<</if>>. <br><br> I was about to grab my gym bag from the make''shit'' hut on stilts -- where we stored our crap -- when the sounds of radios and people //way// too excited for time caught my ears. <br><br> Grabbing the binoculars, I noticed folks had already started a fire and out of coolers? Glass. bottles. Sonuva bitch. Really? <br><br> <div id="beach"> <<crossroads #beach>> <<path>> I was gonna have to go break this up <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> I was gonna have to go be a boss-ass bitch. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<face happy>> <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">> Rule 35a, Section 4, Sub-Paragraph D states: "No frolicking and fraternization can take place after dark." I __had__ to go inform them of this infraction before they were served hefty fines. <br><br> I marched proudly over to the cantankerous crowd of ne'er-do-wellers. Yep. They were drinking -- fraternization-- and laughing -- frolicking. <br><br> "Excuse me. The beach is closed." <br><br> A <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>hunky young man<<else>>half-naked girl<</if>> stopped. "Whoa, hey babe. Errr...lifeguard. We aren't causing no trouble..." <br><br> "You realize you are breaking over seven city ordinances! I will be forced to call the cops." <br><br> "Come on, //hotty// lifeguard, hic...with a...woooo-ey! ''Hefty'' bush. Cut us a break. Have a beer." <br><br> "Ughhh. As if," I called the cops and the perps were arrested for all violations. [[City hero|CC022 - Beach]] here I come. <<else>> <br><br> FROLICKING and FRATERNIZATION at this hour? So many violations of city ordinances on //my// beach. I wouldn't have it. <br><br> I stomped over to the excited pandemonium. A fire bloomed and bottles clinked as half-naked <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>men<<else>>girls<</if>> all laughed and danced to music. <br><br> "Beach is closed. Please vacate the premises immediately." <br><br> A <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>strapping young man<<else>>lithe, skimpy-bikini girl<</if>> turned to me, "Hey babe. Chillax. No harm is being done. The turtles are saaaaafe." <br><br> "Last warning <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Bub<<else>>Bab<</if>>. Take a hike now and save yourself jail time and fines." <br><br> "Awww come on now ''sexy'' lifeguard. Can't you just give us the warning and let us party? We need this." <br><br> I shook my head. "Nope. Calling the cops. As promised." <br><br> The group was arrested and later fined. Me? [[Lifeguard of the month|CC022 - Beach]] recipient. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">> Not on my watch. These hooligans will __not__ tarnish my beach. <br><br> I confidently marched over to their 'play area'. There was a fire going with people drinking libations. <br><br> "I am gonna need you all to pack your things and leave. This is not place to party. I will call the cops." <br><br> "Listen here, Bushels Betty." He motioned at the scraggles at my crotch, "Take your broccoli-covering 'bathing suit' wearing-ass back //home//. The beach is a free space." He took a big hit of his beer. Errrt. <br><br> "Well I...How //dare// you? I'm calling the cops." <br><br> "Oh hell, no, Bitch," he tossed a beer bottle at me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>> Whiff! Like the Matrix<<else>>Boink! That fuckin' hurrrt.<</if>> <br><br> "Nice try, dumbass..." I called the cops. The perps got arrested. And I nursed <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value lte 0>>my bruised head and<</if>>my [[bruised ego|CC022 - Beach]]. <<else>> <br><br> I was gonna set those damn rabble rousers straight for good. I took pride in my beach and these jokers weren't going to ruin it. <br><br> My bare feet thumped firmly over the sand until I reached the campfire and music. <br><br> "Hey folks. This isn't allowed on the beach. Alcohol, campfires. City ordinances and all. Please vacate the premises." <br><br> The nearest, semi-drunk <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>man<<else>>girl<</if>> looked me over. "Err, the beach is //public//. We can be here. Fuck off ''uggo'' lifeguard." <br><br> "Don't make me involve the law. Just get your stuff and go." <br><br> Still bitter, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> walked up to me and SHOVED. "Take your scrawny ass home and stop bothering us." <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 0>> <<face happy>> <br><br> Anticipating the move, I grabbed a wrist and tugged. Immediately, it was pinned behind his back. "I //said//: it's ''fucking'' time to __go__. Go now or I call the cops!" <br><br> Seeing their buddy get woman-handled, they packed their shit quicker than they set up camp while <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> got dumped a few feet away from my shove. <br><br> "Wuh...we're leaving. Shittt." Hands on my hips in the twilight, beaming like a [[superhero in a one-piece|CC022 - Beach]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> <br><br> Stumbling backwards, I knew I was not adequately prepared for a scrap. I scrambled away with their laughter chasing me off and called the cops. They handled the drunkards, doing what [[I couldn't|CC022 - Beach]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> or the cops would. And with snails on a hot sidewalk being faster than the patrol... <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> or the cops would. <br><br> A couch and pizza seemed more enticing than stopping probably my fellow schoolmates or maybe some college kids from trying to have some fun. <br><br> Leave that to Fat Fred. <br><br> He'd handle it on his own time. <br><br> I don't own this [[damn beach|CC022 - Beach]]. <<path>> I'd probably end up getting chewed out, but might have a good time before hand. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<face happy>> I'd probably end up getting chewed out, but might have a fun night. <br><br> As I approached, I noticed that the party goers were more my age. Oooh, this could be a nice evening then... <br><br> "Hey Everybody! I hate to be bearer of bad news but this //public// beach closes at night. No partying allowed. Sorry..." <br><br> A lit young <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>man<<else>>girl<</if>> spoke to me, "Awww, but we aren't harming nothing. Any chance you can let us go, hip, hotty lifeguard?" <br><br> I scratched my head for effect, "It //is// against city ordinance...but...if you share some of those brews and let me hang? Then I won't call it in." <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> An eyebrow raised from the intoxicated <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>man<<else>>girl<</if>>, "Sure...but how about boobs for brews?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> looked to group. They all nodded. <br><br> This wouldn't be the first time the girls helped me out. I played coy, "I don't know..." twirling my hair, "Oh, why not," I lifted the shoulder straps, releasing my <<print $Body.tits>>-sized tan-lined boobs to the crowd as they basked in the glow of tits and orange flames. <br><br> "Now hand me a brew!" We partied to the wee hours, straps swaying behind as I moved. Eventually, I stumbled back to the lifeguard hut and crashed, laughing when I woke up and saw the [[state of my suit|CC022 - Beach]]. <br><br> <<else>> The intoxicated <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>man<<else>>girl<</if>> got a little frisky, "Sure...but how about boobs for brews then?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> looked to their friends for support. <br><br> I didn't even consider. "I am looking the other way on this little fiesta, be thankful for that. Give me a beer or get off the beach." My hand suddenly had a beer in it. We partied [[until I woke up|CC022 - Beach]] in the lifeguard shack. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<face shock>> <<image framed "passage/CC022-Beach.png">> It's a big beach. There's anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand plus people a day -- especially weekends. I never ran into anyone from school. So, there's never really any fear of those awkward teen moments you see in movies. <br><br> I did my rounds. I slept on the rickety tower of shame. I put in my hours and, then, I would leave. Hey now. I was dedicated for the full eight hours...minus my lunch. <br><br> Days just went by and shit remained uncharacteristically normal. Yay for tediousness. <br><br> Wait. Someone was...coming up to me? <br><br> As they got nearer...Oh fuck...I //knew// them. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Roger, one of the hottest guys<<else>>Amanda, one of the hottest girls<</if>> from school. Fuckity fuck fuck. <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> Of all the rickety lifeguard shacks on this sprawling beach <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Roger<<else>>Amanda<</if>> just had to walk up. Checking my skin -- scaly -- I hadn't been in the water. Shit. <br><br> A fresh coat of SPF 25 made my skin glisten. <br><br> "Uhh hi, is there something I can help you with, cutie?" I leaned against the railing trying to present my body at that model angle. My red bathing suit taut on my curves. <br><br> <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Roger<<else>>Amanda<</if>> stopped just below the railing staring up at me. The sunlight made them shine in the afternoon light. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> kicked a little sand in front of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>. "I, uhh, heh, came cause there was an issue...yeah." <br><br> "Well that's what I am here for //cutie//." Twice? Ugh, where's my game? Outwardly, I was solid. Inwardly: chaos. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> eyes were on my form as I watched <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> eye me from head to toe. "Uhh, you need to put a bush...err, ''brush'' of paint on that shack, heh." <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> shook <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> head at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> stupidity. "I got sidetracked. There's some guys lighting fireworks near the bush--err I mean, brush by the dunes. It'll start a fire!" <br><br> "Oh no. That ''is'' a problem. That protected ground. I'll get on it right away." <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> Having my crush there and <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> seemed more timid than I was, I figured, what the hell. "Before that, like what you saw just now? Is that why you stumbled through the...bush twice?" <br><br> "Well I...uhhh." <br><br> "It's okay...hehe. I leave it natural because when my partner ''gets it''...if they have no problem with it, then we have no problem." <br><br> I brushed some of the curls along my bikini line for effect. "This a problem for you?" <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> gulped, "Nuh-no." <br><br> I let <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>>r sweat it for a second, then: "GOOD," I cheered. "Maybe you could take me out sometime and make up for your...Bush-lunder, hehe." <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> smiled and nodded. Cool. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> My crush being there looking all timid was somewhat of a shock. ''<<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>>'' was the hot one. <br><br> I took advantage of the momentary superiority: "I'm not dumb. I'll have you know a womanscape is her business." <br><br> "Well I...uhhh, sorry." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> looked down dejected. <br><br> "It's okay. I'm just playing with you, silly. How about take me out sometime? Call it B-ush-alanced?" <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> smiled and nodded. Cool. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> came up to just below the railing of shack, smiling cutely and giving __super__ cute. The sunlight framed <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>>r body giving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>>r spotlight silhouette. <br><br> Shuffling <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>>r toes in the sand, "Uhhh, <<print $>>, I think there is an issue you need to go deal with right away." <br><br> "What's the issue, cutie?" A strong facade while insides were screaming. <br><br> As if being sized up, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> eyes scoured my mostly exposed flesh. "There's some guys playing with fireworks near the dunes. It's likely to start a fire." <br><br> "Oh shit. That is a serious problem. Those plants are protected. I'll take care of it. Thanks for letting me know, hehe." I couldn't help but giggle, my attraction winning out. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> It was empowering, seeing my crush somewhat shy around me. So I went for it. <br><br> "You //could// have taken a picture. It would have lasted longer," I framed my body like a model on the Price is Right. <br><br> "...damn, I'm sorry." <br><br> "It's no biggie. Just the body I was born with, ya know." I hefted my <<print $Body.tits>> breasts to tease <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> more. <br><br> "Yuh -- yeah, true. Heh," <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> scratched <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> neck. <br><br> "Say, why don't you take me out and you might just get to see what's hiding under this bathing suit." I pretended to take a strap off my shoulder. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> grinned. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Roger<<else>>Amanda<</if>> was literally standing near me looking all demure. I couldn't believe it. <br><br> "It's impolite to undress a lady with your eyes, ya know. You should be ashamed," I wagged a finger for effect. <br><br> "Damn it. I'm sorry. That was rude." <br><br> "You should be. It's okay. Make it up to me by taking me out sometime." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> grinned. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <br><br> Just my fucking luck. There's at least //ten// other lifeguard shacks within a short distance and they have to amble up to my dilapidated hut. Lucky for me, I didn't have matted hair from swimming in the ocean. <br><br> A good lather of SPF 25 was still lingering on my skin, so I had a good glow. Oops. Still streaky. Damn it. <br><br> "Uhhh, hey there...friend. What's the problem?" I awkwardly leaned against the railing trying to present my better side...did I do it right? It felt awkward. <br><br> <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">> Just below me there stood <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Roger<<else>>Amanda<</if>> smiling up at me with <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> charming face. The sun behind <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> making <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> more beautiful than ever. <br><br> They gave me quick up-and-down before quickly pointing back and off to the right, "Your stand needs a good Bushing--err brushing of paint." Realizing <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> mistake <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> continued anyway. "There's some guys blowing up fireworks near that big Bush--err brush. It's dangerous. Can you take care of it?" <br><br> Slightly fuming now, "Yeah. I can take care of the ''bush''. It's a protected area." <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> My crush did notice my crotch region. Well, at least I caught their eye somehow. <br><br> "There could be fire to put out in //my// bush later if you want, hehe." <br><br> "Yeah...well, hmmm. I would. For sure, but my <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>girlfriend<<else>>boyfriend<</if>> may not like that. Sorry." <br><br> That came as a little bit of surprise. "Ok then, your loss." They walked off. I jumped down to stop the fire. Ours was already quenched. <br><br> Just one of the many stories about [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <br><br> Not but a few feet away my crush stood below me at my stand. It blew me away. <br><br> "A lesson in manners: Don't stare at a lady and then comment about her body. Got it?" <br><br> "'re right. Sorry." <br><br> "You can make it up to me by taking me out," I smiled. <br><br> "My <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>girlfriend<<else>>boyfriend<</if>> may not like that. Sorry. You're nice and all." <br><br> Ouch. Guess they wouldn't be a part of my [[life|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <<else>> <br><br> Walking up was the vision of of beauty, right below me in the sand. Of course, the sun behind <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> gave <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> this otherworldly beauty. <br><br> Right to the point, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Roger<<else>>Amanda<</if>> didn't play coy. I did notice a quick glance at my body. "There's some guys playing with fireworks and blowing stuff up by the dunes. It's dangerous. Can you go take care of it?" <br><br> "Damn it. Those fucking guys. Yeah, I'll get it taken care of right away." I grabbed my radio. "Charlie. We got a code 27 on the dunes." <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>>My crush being so close, I felt like I //had// to try. <br><br> "I couldn't help but notice you, noticing me." <br><br> "Eeek, sorry about that." <br><br> "I don't mind you lookin', but if you want the real should take me out." <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> shrugged. "I am not sure my <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>girlfriend<<else>>boyfriend<</if>> would like that. Sorry." <br><br> "No biggie." It was a biggie, but just a part of who I [[was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <<else>> <br><br> The one I had my eye on, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Roger<<else>>Amanda<</if>> stood below me looking __good__. The sun's rays streaming behind <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> picturesque. <br><br> "My eyes are up here. Don't ''objectify'' me." <br><br> "Yeah, yeah. Sorry." <br><br> "It's fine. Perhaps we should hang out and you could make it up to me, maybe." <br><br> "Ehhhh...My <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>girlfriend<<else>>boyfriend<</if>> wouldn't like that. Again sorry." <br><br> They wouldn't be a part of [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <br><br> I ducked away in shame. Maybe they didn't see me. I locked the door. Closed the blinds. Still. They'd go away eventually. Hoped no one was drowning. That'd be a shitty thing to be a part of my [[life|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</if>>
<<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<outfit HScheer>> The 'society' in highschool had an echelon set aside for elite girls: the cheer squad. It required dance skills, looks, and the social status before being allowed into the most esteemed group. <br><br> Nothing about it was easy. Whereas other athletic teams accepted anyone, even if they'd just become bench warmers, the cheerleaders prided themselves in their willingness to cut until there were only the best of the best. Or, the ones they liked. <br><br> So that Monday afternoon had I rolled out of class early, getting my head in the game before I had to download a lot of choreography...and quickly. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"You sure you want to--"<</speech>> <br><br> My response? I got out of the car, shouldering my bag and starting to walk away. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"<<print $CC.DName>> will--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<if $ == 1>><<speechPC>>"Pick me up. Yeah. Fly safe."<</speechPC>> She was going again. What was new? Not like she'd be able to offer me any guidance with this anyway. She was a dork. 'Radio towers'. <<else>><<speechPC>>"Pick me up, I know." Not like she'd be able to offer me any guidance with this anyway. She was a dork. At least Dad //liked// women, probably some cheerleaders in his day. He'd probably have something of value.<</speechPC>><</if>>She didn't -- was //incapable// -- of understanding the social importance of what I was doing. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Love you."<</speech>> <br><br> Readjusting the bag, I headed into the gym, ready for the gauntlet that awaited me: Tryouts were going to last a //week//. <br><br> I wasn't the first one there. The girls who had made the squad in previous years -- the ones who would be deciding on us, on ''me'' -- were already milling around in towels and chattering excitedly. They were discussing us. As if we weren't there. <br><br> We, on the other hand, were trying to just ignore the blatant judgement and went about changing. Feeling naked (in every respect) was an <<link "understatement.">> understatement. /* IMAGE (Needed): Girls in a locker room wearing towels. */ <br><br> <<if $Body.pubes == "bush" || $Body.pubes == "trimmed">> <span id="pubes"> <<outfit naked>> Then they saw me and the conversation stopped cold. I felt a tightness in my throat. A dozen other girls were naked too, but they were looking at //me//. <br><br> Their eyes were at the patch between my thighs. Insecurity bubbled up inside me instantly. <br><br> <<speech "Bella">>"Well, that's...a deep cut," while eyeing my lower...hairstyle.<</speech>> <br><br> Heat on my cheeks. A hand dropping to cover up. I felt the curls against my palm, my fingertips unconsciously inspecting the difference between myself and-- <br><br> To make her point, she took a moment to moisturize her leg, allowing her towel to part in the middle and giving a full view of her perfectly smooth lack of hair. <br><br> <<speech "Ella">>"What is this, a stag porn?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Stella">> laughed, mocking a gag, "Yeah, cover up that shit if you're not going to get rid of it."<</speech>> /* TODO Zach - here's a set of options that only appear based on Traits/Skills */ <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>>By the time I had finished a shower, I had decided between the <<button "Line">><<replace "#pubes">><<set $Body.pubes = "strip">><<set $CC.makeIt ++>><</replace>><</button>> and <<button "Hollywood">><<replace "#pubes">><<set $Body.pubes = "bald">><</replace>><</button>> look.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>>I decided I'd keep rocking my <<button "bush">><<replace "#pubes">><<set $CC.makeIt -= 2>><</replace>><</button>> how I wanted. Fuck'em.<br><</if>> <<if $CC.labelReaction gt 0>>I wasn't going to be the odd-ball and decided tomorrow I'd show up with a <<button "Line">><<replace "#pubes">><<set $Body.pubes = "strip">><<set $CC.makeIt ++>><</replace>><</button>><<button "Hollywood">><<replace "#pubes">><<set $Body.pubes = "bald">><</replace>><</button>><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 0 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 0 && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 0>>I preferred being <<button "Unique">><<replace "#pubes">><<Stats Stable -->><</replace>><</button>><br><</if>> A little late for the choreo, but I had a matching <<button "Smile">><<replace "#pubes">><<set $Body.pubes = "bald">><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<set $CC.makeIt ++>><</replace>><</button>> rather than endure more stares.<br> </span> <br> <<else>> <<outfit naked>> Then they saw one of the other girls and the conversation stopped cold. I saw her freeze. A dozen other girls were naked too, but they were focused intently on her. <br><br> Their eyes were at the patch between her thighs. Insecurity bubbled up inside me instantly. <br><br> <<speech "Bella">>"Well, that's...a deep cut," while eyeing her lower...hairstyle.<</speech>> My hips turned, just waiting for the inspection to be levied on me. Heat on my cheeks. A hand dropping to cover up. I felt the skin against palm, my fingertips unconsciously inspecting-- <br><br> To make her point, she took a moment to moisturize her leg, allowing her towel to part in the middle and giving a full view of her perfectly smooth lack of hair. <br><br> <<speech "Ella">>"What is this, a stag porn?"<</speech>> <<speech "Stella">> laughed, mocking a gag, "Yeah, cover up that shit if you're not going to get rid of it."<</speech>> I felt awful for the girl. She was beet-red. But I sighed. I wouldn't be criticized. <</if>> <</link>> From that moment on, we knew we were under the microscope. Every inch of our bodies, every moment of our time together was under inspection. It felt punitive coming from peers. I couldn't help but wonder how much of this would hit the rumor-mill, especially if I didn't make the team. <br><br> Clearly, I //had// to make the team. <br><br> Dressed, we assembled in the gym while we listened to the Varsity head cheerleader, Stella, posture and admonish. <br><br> <<speech "Bella">>"To make the team. To be one of //us//? You have to show ''dedication'', hard //work//, __spirit__, //sharp//ness, and ''ability''."<</speech>> You could almost hear the subtext of 'As if' beneath each phrase. <br><br> Her moment on the pedastal over, they ran us through some tumbling to ascertain our initial skills. <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC021 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt ++]] $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>> I had all those qualities Bella mentioned. <<blocked>> $ isn't athletic, performative, disciplined, or coordinated enough. <<path [[CC021 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt += 2]] $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> I'd rely, happily, on how I looked. <<blocked>> $ isn't attractive enough. <<path [[CC021 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt += 2]] $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1>> I knew enough of them and had a powerful network -- my status would get me in. <<blocked>> $ isn't social enough. <<path [[CC021 - Cheer]] $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 0>> Tumbling was not my strong suit, but I'd not let that stop me. <<blocked>> $ isn't confident enough. <<path [[CC025 - ModelOpp][$CC.hsv = "home"; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value --; $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value ++]]>> Oof. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this. I should give up now. <</crossroads>>
<<outfit HScheer>> <<image framed "passage/CC021-Cheer.png">> Tuesday was the sideline. <<if $CC.height lt 0>>They quickly ascertained that my height made me perfect to be a flyer<<set $CC.makeIt ++>>.<</if>> Wednesday was the cheer. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("charm")>>I loved seeing the beaming smiles from the bleachers each time I took my turn<<set $CC.makeIt ++>>.<</if>> Thursday was the dance. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>>There were comments about how my lines were incredible thanks to my lithe legs<<set $CC.makeIt ++>>.<</if>> <br><br> It was three hours each night. It was grueling. We were quizzed on the members of the football, basketball and wrestling teams. If this was the test to get in, I could only imagine how hard actually being a part of the team would be. Some girls were dropping out. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 1>>I could tell I was bristling the girls with how I reacted to direction and guidance. I was hard-headed, and they were not a fan.<<set $CC.makeIt -->><</if>> <br><br> Friday was looming. It was the final moment. We'd put all we'd learned to the test in front of the established squad and Coach LeTourneau. <br><br> There wasn't much free time between school and these tryouts, I could only concentrate my efforts on: <<crossroads>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt += 2]] $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>> My tumbling <<hidden $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value lt 1>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt ++]] $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value lte 0>> My tumbling <<hidden $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gte 1>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt += 2]] $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> The dance <<hidden $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value lt 1>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt ++]] $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value lte 0>> The dance <<hidden $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gte 1>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt += 2]] $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> The sideline <<hidden $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 1>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt ++]] $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lte 0>> The sideline <<hidden $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gte 1>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt += 2]] $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> The cheer <<hidden $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value lte 4>> <<path [[CC022 - Cheer][$CC.makeIt ++]] $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value lte 4>> The cheer <<hidden $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte 4>> <</crossroads>>
<<outfit HScheer>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Pliant Limbs')>> Hair pulled back -- checked innumerable times for bumps or strays. Makeup on point even though I was wearing clothes to work out in. <br><br> I was there early. Dropped off by <<print $CC.DName>> and stretching. A couple of the other girls were early birds too -- all of us desperate, some because we needed every last moment of preparation, some didn't seem like they'd need it. There wasn't talking. There wasn't the laughing and helping each other with steps anymore. <br><br> Then the rest of the girls rolled in. They were either content with whatever happened, were resigned to their fate, or too confident that they didn't need to waste any time preparing. <br><br> Bella stepped forward and clapped her hands. Not a word was said, we all jumped up and formed our designated groups. Coach LeTourneau sat off to the side with a legal pad, ready to take notes. Who knew whether his comments mattered, or if he was just here for the show. <br><br> Tumbling. <br><br> Dancing. <br><br> Sideline. <br><br> Individual Cheer. <br><br> I was a sweating mess. My chest was heaving. I tried to ignore it and put on a placid face. Pretend this was easy. Show I was implacable. <br><br> The final girls finished their routines and that was it. <br><br> Stella and Ella moved out, clapped their hands -- Bella was over by Coach LeTourneau having a discussion. //The// discussion. <br><br> <<speech "Stella and Ella">>"Thanks, girls. You can go."<</speech>> They shooed us out. Dismissed. <br><br> We all didn't make eye contact as we left. Too much rode on the line and we were all fighting back the swelling anticipation of disappointment. <br><br> <<speech $CC.DName>>"How'd it go?"<</speech>> I just clambered into the car and let him drive me back. A part of me wished that it had been her asking the question. I wondered how she would react to the results, no matter what they'd be. <br><br> I sighed, quietly driven home. My body fidgeted, as if the combinations were coming out of me unbidden now. <br><br> After the intense boot camp that was this try out, I felt more limber. A part of me wished that we could start over //now//. I had a feeling that if I had this new baseline, making the squad would have been an assured thing. <br><br> But...we couldn't go back in time. It was just waiting for the posted <div id="friday"> <<link "results">><<replace "#friday">> <<if $CC.makeIt gte 7>> <<set $Memories.push("Cheerleader", "CheerCaptain")>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<face happy runny>> The results are posted on the school website over the weekend. I have no idea how many names were on the list because the first entry: <<print $>>. I was a ''captain''. I screamed, crying into my phone, and <<print $CC.FName>> had to check on me. Consoling turned to celebrating: no one my year had ever made Captain. <br><br> Cheerleading doubtless became a big part of my life, with practice, summer camp, pep rallies and cheering at games with stands full of screaming fans. It ate up a lot of my free time. <br><br> But now I walked the hall with a chip on my shoulder. People whispered about me. I guess Coach LeTourneau had more clout that I had expected -- Stella had to kow-tow to //me// now. <br><br> <<image "passage/CC022-Cheer.png">> The hell week had been worth it, now it was just doing the thing and reaping the [[rewards|CC023 - Cheer]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt gte 5>> <<set $Memories.push("Cheerleader")>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> The results are posted on the school website over the weekend. About 50 names are on the list...including <<print $>>. I made the ''main'' squad! <br><br> Cheerleading became a big part of my life, with practice, summer camp, pep rallies and cheering at games with stands full of screaming fans. It ate up a lot of my free time. <br><br> But now I walked the hall with a chip on my shoulder. I was one of the cheerleaders. It was //great//. <br><br> <<image "passage/CC022-Cheer.png">> The hell week had been worth it, now it was just doing the thing and reaping the [[rewards|CC023 - Cheer]]. <<elseif $CC.makeIt gte 3>> <<set $Memories.push("Cheerleader")>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> The results are posted on the school website over the weekend. About 50 names are on the, not me...not me...scanning, and there, finally, <<print $>>. I barely squeaked onto the backup squad. <br><br> Cheerleading became a big part of my life, with practice, summer camp, pep rallies and cheering at games with stands full of screaming fans. It ate up a lot of my time. I didn't see much time actually cheering, but I practiced and showed up all the same. <br><br> But now I walked the hall with a chip on my shoulder. I was one of the cheerleaders. It was //great//. <br><br> <<image "passage/CC022-Cheer.png">> The hell week had been worth it, now it was just doing the thing and reaping the [[rewards|CC023 - Cheer]]. <<else>> <<Stats Social -->> The results were posted on the school website over the weekend. About 50 names were on the list...but mine wasn't one of them. I didn't make the squad! Not even the backup squad. <br><br> I told my friends that I didn't really want to be a cheerleader anyway. <br> <<image "passage/CC022-Cheer.png">> Time was finite and there were other things in my [[life|CC025 - ModelOpp][$CC.hsv = "home"]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<image framed "passage/CC023-Cheer.png">> <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> People say being a cheerleader isn't an athletic sport haven't actually tried. Sure, the 'important' thing was how good we looked and how unattainable we seemed to be, but really, we had to put in the hours, blood, sweat and tears. It wasn't just dancing. It wasn't the risk of throwing out our voices. <br><br> My body was bruised from even a good throw. I twisted ankles over the season -- more than I could count. Fingernails would cut you, hell one time I took an accidental hand to the face and looked like I had gotten in a fight. <br><br> You had to be willing to throw yourself around with abandon, to trust the girls underneath you with your weight. And we were //teenagers//, no one had really done any of this before. It was all new to us. <br><br> We were learning on the fly, literally. <br><br> But with all of the danger and intensity came a lovely intimacy and safety with the girls. Our trust and time bonded us differently than other relationships. <br><br> And we got very well-acquianted with each other <<linkexpand "naked">> naked. <<outfit naked>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Girls naked in the showers, bodies obscured by the steam */ <br><br> Ah, the showers. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <div id="girls"> <<crossroads #girls>> <<path>> Try and make a pass at one of the girls? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Social -->> A guy's wet dream. You'd see it in every 'coming of age' college movie. But to us, they're just bodies, and nothing to be ashamed about. <br><br> And we looked fucking //good//. <br><br> It was really tough for me. I had to pretend I wasn't looking longer than I was. I wasn't imagining being up-close-and-personal with them. That I wasn't just wet from the shower. <br><br> And there was Bella. I could have sworn I caught her looking the same way that I was. And so I took a chance. <br><br> Had she been staying longer in the showers after each practice and game? Was it an invitation? <br><br> I hung back like she was, hearing the last of our squad wetly padding off and laughing with some of the other girls. I shot a quick smirk over at her. She was long-done with body wash. She smirked back. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Gotta love making the hot water run out."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bella">>"But then you get cold..."<</speech>> She said with a pained tone to her voice. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I've still got lukewarm..."<</speechPC>> The offer hung in the steamy air. <br><br> And she came over. A little giggle as we tried to make the showerhead cover us as evenly as possible, but it wasn't enough. We needed body warmth, so I pulled her close and felt the rising goosebumps on her skin. <br><br> Her hands grabbed my ass. We were making out before I knew it. I hoped I had heard the last bang of a locker. <br><br> If they all weren't gone, they were definitely going to hear our wet entangling, panting and squeals as they echoed off the tile walls. <br><br> It was something else to look forward to after a tough practice...even if it did start some rumors. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Bella" F "Bella, the cheerleader in the showers.">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "It was just a girl, no biggie, right? And the squad would never say anything. I hoped.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " wouldn't mind a girl. Wasn't even cheating, really.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <br><br> [[Cheerleaders|CC024 - Cheer]] aren't athletic, my ass. Why do you think we have rocking bodies? <<path>> Play it safe and just enjoy the views? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> A guy's wet dream. You'd see it in every 'coming of age' college movie. But to us, they're just bodies, and nothing to be ashamed about. <br><br> And we looked fucking //good//. <br><br> It was really tough for me. I had to pretend I wasn't looking longer than I was. I wasn't imagining being up-close-and-personal with them. That I wasn't just wet from the shower. <br><br> But I didn't want to risk my credibility, so I shied away and just tried to take these images back home with me. <br><br> I had a spank bank for the ages. Being worked up after a game meant that I got working when I got home. <br><br> At home they probably thought I was exhausted, but really, I was just horny and needed to rub one out. <br><br> [[Cheerleaders|CC024 - Cheer]] aren't athletic, my ass. Why do you think we have rocking bodies? <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> A guy's wet dream. You'd see it in every 'coming of age' college movie. But to us, they're just bodies, and nothing to be ashamed about. <br><br> And we looked fucking //good//. <br><br> [[Cheerleaders|CC024 - Cheer]] aren't athletic, my ass. Why do you think we have rocking bodies? <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<set $People['CC'].M.rel -->> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel -->> <<set $People['CC'].F.rel -->> <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> <div id="guys"> We weren't only spending extra time with each other, but also the guys we were cheering on. <br><br> The cliche: football team. The forgotten: basketball team. And the unexpected: the opponent's teams. <br><br> <<speech "Opponent">>"Hey there."<</speech>> He was sweaty. His jersey clung and pulled at his skin in wet places. He brushed his hand over his close-cropped tight coils of hair. They had trounced us and it seemed like this guy wanted to expand his conquest. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">> <<speechPC>>"Try Stella."<</speechPC>> A slight chin motion towards the girl I'd known to be needy. He wasn't my type anyway. <br><br> <<speech "Opponent">>"But you're cute."<</speech>> A narrow smile and sigh, <<speechPC>>"Appreciate it. But try Stella."<</speechPC>> He didn't need more encouragement. I got my things together while I watched her giggle away under his affection. <br><br> She didn't take the bus back with <<link "us.">><<replace "#guys">> My friends saw me almost never, but I really wanted to be a cheerleader. Everyone except Ethan seemed to really be hurt by the decision, that I was taking time away from them with my new 'friends'. Ethan was just happy he was 'in' with a cheerleader. I wished the rest of them could understand. <br><br> Still, it was just a little part of [[who I was|CC025 - ModelOpp]]. <</replace>><</link>> <<else>> Was he cute? Did I want his moist overconfidence? What would the other girls think? <br><br> I coughed a bit, uncomfortably filling the quiet, as I considered my response. <br><br> <<speech "Opponent">>"Y'all are better than those guys."<</speech>> I laughed. He liked it. He thought it was his in. <br><br> <<speech "Opponent">>"So you're across town, huh? How have we not heard about the talent y'all have?"<</speech>> <<crossroads #guys>> <<path>> Alright, Rizzler, I'm down. <<contents>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> A small giggle and a flash of my eyes and he knew he was in the paint. <br><br> I heard Stella making some comment as I entertained this guy, taking my time getting my gear together and essentially ignoring the fact that everyone else was filing out of the gym. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh. bus leave?"<</speechPC>> Cheerleader playing the ditz card. What could be easier? <br><br> <<speech "Opponent">>"My car's in the lot. No worries. I got you."<</speech>> <br><br> And he did. In his backseat. I was surprised to find that the stories about basketball players and him...weren't actually true. All the time at least. <br><br> It was a nice car, but I don't think he had paid for it, based on how little he cared for the mess we made. <br><br> Even after the hard-fought game, he had a lot of energy, maybe spun up by the excitement of victory. He dribbled his balls against me until he was dribbling down his balls. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Opponent Basketball Player" M "The basketball player beat our team and then beat my pussy.">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<set _primaryTextOutput = "I can't believe I did that. Got too wrapped up in things...but to everyone else, it'd just be a rumor, I could play it off like that.">> <<set _secondTextPrefix = "Welp.">> <<set _secondaryTextOutput = " yeah, that wasn't the most loyal of things to do, but the opportunity presented itself.">> <<include "CC000 - Cheating">> <br><br> The story circulated around school and hurt my cred, especially because it was with one of our rivals, but I didn't care about that too much. <br><br> I was a cheerleader and these were the perks. <br><br> My friends saw me almost never, but I really wanted to be a cheerleader. Everyone except Ethan seemed to really be hurt by the decision, that I was taking time away from them with my new 'friends'. Ethan was just happy he was 'in' with a cheerleader. I wished the rest of them could understand. <br><br> Still, it was [[just a part|CC025 - ModelOpp]] of who I was. <<path>> Player playing the wrong game. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Social ++>> <<speechPC>>"Hey, my bus is gonna go."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Opponent">>"Lemme get yer snap."<</speech>> <br><br> Directive, not ask. What else should I expect. <br><br> I nodded and hurriedly told him what my handle was...with a couple inaccuracies. And then I was off, back to the bus before he could check. <br><br> The girls and I all had a huge laugh at his expense -- maybe a little win for the Away team after all. The guys also appreciated the loyalty. <br><br> The only one who looked a bit down was Stella. I think she had wanted to be approached. Too bad, girl. <br><br> I was a cheerleader and these were those interesting moments that wouldn't happen to other kids, the ones who weren't a part of the squad. <br><br> My friends saw me almost never, but I really wanted to be a cheerleader. Everyone except Ethan seemed to really be hurt by the decision, that I was taking time away from them with my new 'friends'. Ethan was just happy he was 'in' with a cheerleader. I wished the rest of them could understand. <br><br> Still, it was [[just a part|CC025 - ModelOpp]] of who I was. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div>
<div id="model"> <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A pharmacy store shelf full of condoms and other sex-adjacent items. */ <<set _adam = { name: "Adam Marcus", branch: $CC.hometownName, role: "Casting Agent", company: "Bubblegum Talent" }>> <<print $CC.FName>> and I were poking around a CVS. We didn't need anything, but it was a place to go when you were bored. <br><br> We were giggling over the condoms and douches and jumped when we were approached. <br><br> Shit. <br><br> We were about to get kicked out. Delinquents. <br><br> <<speech "Big Guy">>"Excuse me. I don't mean to bother you, but...this is going to sound crazy, but I am a photographer and talent scout. I couldn't help but notice you."<</speech>> <br><br> Dumbfounded, we both turned towards the man who decidedly was //not// wearing a CVS uniform. <br><br> <<speech $CC.FName>>"What?"<</speech>> <br><br> And then I clocked his body language. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value lte 3>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>><<Stats Confident -= 2>><<else>><<Stats Confident -->><</if>> He was talking to //her//. It was both a relief and a punch to the gut. Between us, she had been selected. And that hurt. <br><br> She was all giggles. He was all smiles. <br><br> I felt myself disappearing and receding standing beside her. I kept having thoughts about her behavior or his. That it was inappropriate. But I couldn't ignore the fact that my hurt was coloring what I was thinking. <br><br> And then it was over and he was gone. She was standing, stunned, looking down at what he had given her. <br><br> I couldn't help but look over her shoulder, curious and jealous. I saw his card. It looked pretty legit: <<businessCard _adam>> <br><br> But it wasn't for me. I wasn't model material. <br><br> <<speech $CC.FName>>"Well, that was fun!"<</speech>> She was on cloud ''nine'' for the next few days. Being a model was all she could talk about. And then it wasn't mentioned again. She was all jitters, about to go to her scouting session and then it was like she wanted to forget it. <br><br> I was more than happy to not bring it up. Whatever reason she had for wanting to come back down to 'normal' girl levels was a-ok with me. <br><br> The moment in CVS was hardly spoken about again, quickly dissolving into the weird little anecdotes that were worth a laugh, but not worth mentioning. She didn't laugh though. Ever. <br><br> We had other things to be focused on now. [[School|HS001 - StoryArc]]. <<else>> He was talking to //me//. It was both flattering and scary. I could see her slightly deflate as she understood the same thing. <br><br> I was all giggles. He was all smiles. <br><br> I felt myself disassociating, overwhelmed. Wait did he just touch my side? Did I just touch his wrist? What was he saying? Beaches. Clothing. Travel. And that I //had// something. <br><br> I was standing, stunned, looking down at what he had handed me. When did he pass that to me? How long had I been holding it? It looked pretty legit: <<businessCard _adam>> <<crossroads #model>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> All I could think of were the possibilities and opportunities! <<blocked>> $ isn't excitable or risky enough. <<contents>> "Fuck. Yes!" I leaned up and pecked him on the cheek. Where had that come from? <br><br> This was like every girl's dream. He gave me a time and date to go to the address on his card. I was nodding so hard, my head felt like it might just wobble off. <br><br> And then he was gone. My skin felt like it was on fire, tingling. My brain felt fuzzy. My eyes were wet with emotion. <br><br> <<speech $CC.FName>>"Well, that was fun, I guess."<</speech>> She seemed deflated. Because I said no? Because I had been picked and she hadn't? <br><br> I had gotten...[[scouted|HS002 - CastingHS]]? <<path>> All I could think of were the risks and reasons to decline. <<contents>> <<speechPC>>"Oh, uh, no. I can't."<</speechPC>> I handed it back to him. Real or not, it felt too scary to just jump at the 'opportunity'. He could have been a predator. <br><br> <<speech $CC.FName>>"Well, that was fun, I guess."<</speech>> She seemed deflated. Because I said no? Because I had been picked and she hadn't? <br><br> The moment in CVS was hardly spoken about again, quickly dissolving into the weird little anecdotes that were worth a laugh, but not worth mentioning. <br><br> We had other things to be focused on now. [[School|HS001 - StoryArc]]. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div>
/* Pop-up Title: Stat Caps */ Your choice has brought <<print $>> to the current maximum cap for that stat. Any future choices that raise this stat will garner one 'xp' instead of an increase to the stat. The 'xp' will help her raise the stats during Act I of the main game.
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <br><br> Fuck. What about <<print $>>?! <<print _primaryTextOutput>> <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> <<print _secondTextPrefix>> <<print $>><<print _secondaryTextOutput>> <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <br><br> Fuck! What had I done? <<print $>>. Had I done the same thing to them now? Had that been why I had done it? Revenge? They could //never// find out. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/END.png">> <<if previous() is "HomeBase">> <<if $clubJob is "whore">> <<elseif $clubJob is "none" && $knowsBona is true>> <<elseif $clubJob is "dance">> <<elseif $clubJob is "bar">> <<else>> <</if>> <<elseif previous() is "KU006 - The Birth">> And that's the end of my story. That's how it ends. It began with conception and my birth and ends in kind of a circle. <br><br> It sounds sweet, but unfortunately it's about as bad as it can be. <br><br> We have no idea what happened to Elle. I'm sorry Mom. <br><br> And we know exactly what the man she was after did. <br><br> <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>My little one and I died without realizing what was happening.<<else>>New York was the first to suffer from his attacks. They were brutal, devastating and completely upended the world. While we survived the attacks, having a baby around made me vulnerable and in the ensuing chaos raiders did what the attacks hadn't.<</if>> <br><br> I'm sorry //everyone//. <br><br> I <<link failed>><<run UI.restart()>><</link>> you. <</if>> <br><br> And that's the end of my story. That's how it ends. I wish I could have done more. I wish I could have been everything that was needed from me...and then it wouldn't have been //this//. <br><br> But not everyone can be a winner, not everyone can be happy, not everything can be a James Bond film. Sometimes, it's more like The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. <br><br> I'm sorry Mom. <br><br> I was safe. Well, as safe as I could be in my situation, but I was near $ and so I was as far away from his nuclear attacks on the United States as I could be. Unfortunately, the world that followed was not kind. It was brutal. The microcosm that I had experienced on my abortive spy adventures encompassed the globe. <br><br> It was a new Dark Ages. I hope we are able to recover. <br><br> I'm sorry //everyone//. <br><br> I <<link failed>><<run UI.restart()>><</link>> you. /* Good End Ideas 5th (or whatever) High School/College Reunion*/ /* Bed End Ideas if visited("HB - MindSave")>> the epic repercussions of breaking after having taken that drug */
<div id="exit-backdrop"> <br><br><br> <img src="img/Blue_Swallow_name.png"> <div style="text-align: center"><small>An American Spy Thriller</small></div> <br><br><br> </div> <h3> 🎉 You've come to the end of (<<= window.gameVersion>>)! </h3> <br><br> There are now three ways to enjoy the character creation: the normal, established Prologue; the Quick-Start Claires, and our first release of our RPG-builder!<br> Besides all of this and numerous bugfixes, exactly how much new content is there?: <br><br> <ul> <li>A new breast size for Claire! (Clothes to follow as our artists catch up)</li> <li>A trait 'bonus' has been added to the Finishing School gap year for those that take all the options. Big downside, some upside!</li> <li>Skills and traits are now capped in the Prologue. Hitting the cap will add 'xp' to the Act I bank, but won't increase stats during the character creation. (They were too high and variable)</li> <li>Claire can now get breast augmentations if she wants at the end of High School. (There didn't seem to be a right timing for post-Gap Year or College, so we've left it as one opportunity).</li> <li>Claire's breasts grow during pregnancy.</li> <li>A tattoo parlor (and soon to be added piercing kiosk!) in Act I. This precedes us adding more of those assets to the game!</li> <li>Unlimited Saves return!</li> <li>New Loser 'clique' in High School.</li> <li>Setup for the first Mission 'big event'.</li> <li>Give a SitRep to EROS and see how you're progressing -- unlock future paths!</li> <li>Additional random events in Act I.</li> <li>More interludes each morning in Act I Home Base reflecting what Claire did the previous day.</li> <li>Each Club Arc has a choice for Claire to be passive or active in her investigation.</li> <li>Two of the three Club Arcs are nearing the end of the first 'phase'.</li> <li>Identifying features has been added to the Dossier -- and the Legendary tattoo is now reflected!</li> <li>Modeling in high school is no longer an arc, but a possible additional vignette path!</li> <li>Seven new outfits for modeling Claires.</li> <li>New random 'bodies' for HS and College models.</li> <li>The opportunity for trying out modeling in College!</li> <li>55 HD-ified assets for the doll on top of the hundreds already in-game.</li> <li>A toggle to turn off the 'hometown' accessory on the doll.</li> <li>Identifying features and more Dossier improvements.</li> <li>'Final Form' is fully new and improved. Better responsiveness, hovering over choices to see them reflected on the doll before choosing!</li> <li>The doll's rearview exists in HD mode!</li> <li>New Lesbian animation!</li> <li>The Cheerleading paths in high school and college have been expanded and improved.</li> <li>Cycle tracking and risk 'awareness' for fertility is now in the Dossier!</li> <li>All of the Pop-up GIFs Sex Skills/Traits/Skills have been added!</li> <li>More hints and improvements in the Prologue -- make informed, clearer decisions</li> <li>Claire can choose who she dates in College //and// she can choose to keep the same significant other from high school onwards!</li> <li>Cheating is now reflected throughout the game</li> <li>Claire can be valedictorian during her graduations!</li> <li>Claire can choose to skip Prom (if she's not an Alpha chick)</li> <li>Failing out or graduating early is reflected in the game.</li> <li>Claire's measurements are now in the Dossier.</li> <li>Mix-and-Match outfits!</li> <li>MORE passage art!</li> <li>MORE HD art! -- supporters only bonus.</li> </ul> <br><br> The Club arcs combined into the largest file to date, nearly 16,000 lines of code comprising so many options, paths and content to encounter! <br><br> Did a little comparing the other day in the space. <br> This version of Blue Swallow has 188,600 ''more'' words. <br> That's comparing our 0.8.2 against the //other//'s 1.20.1. It's even more with 0.8.4 a couple weeks later!<br> That's 26.7% //more// content. <br> In 1.5 years against SEVEN+ years. <br> No reboots here. If things need to be changed/updated/improved, we do it during our dev cycles alongside additional content with every release. <br> That's not counting sheer number of options, choices mattering, stats and skills being affected. <br> And lots, lots more sex. <br><br> Thank //you// for being a part of this project. Thank you for being a part of the community and guiding its development. <br><br> Thanks for playing this game and __please__ let us know your thoughts! <br><br> Also, thank you to some individuals, without whom this release wouldn't be anything close to what it is. Throw some applause to:<br> <ul> <li>Noice1bruh - Paper Doll and art assets -- do you love their art? Check out their <a href ="">other game too!</a></li> <li>Fictionary - Rockstar coder, fixer...making all these things //work//</li> <li>Zachari - Welcome to our new UX/UI Designer!</li> <li>LewdPirate - Assorted doll assets; Doll Coding</li> <li>Gertan - for rounding out our passage art!</li> </ul> <br><br> <div class="bs-image framed"> <div class="bs-img-wrap" title="" style="--rotation: 1.15deg; z-index: 1;"> <a href="img/exit.png" target="_blank"> <img src="img/exit.png"> </a> </div> </div> <br> <br> <h3> 🗒️ What's on track for the following (0.9) release ? </h3> <ul> <li>We'll keep the current model of polling our supporters and dividing our released between some Prologue enhancements and some spy-story depth.</li> <li>The first big event for EROS agents in Act I!</li> <li>'That' Door, Friends, and Bona paths will be continued!</li> <li>Acting HSVs in high school and college being expanded and improved</li> <li>NEW Au Pair Gap Year Arc</li> <li>The Africa Gap Year Arc gets improved and expanded</li> <li>Enhancing and Expanding the Backpacking Gap Year Arc.</li> <li>Enhancing and Expanding High School dating.</li> <li>Exhibitionist Claire's at graduation ;)</li> <li>Additional hairstyles, piercings, tattoos!!</li> <li>Piercings rendering on the doll</li> <li>Disheveled versions of clothes -- pulled-down and pulled-aside underwear, for example!</li> <li>Tan-lines? Hair versions (ever wanted highlights?)</li> <li>Additional Quick-Start Claires</li> <li>Enhancing and Expanding the 'family' aspect of the Prologue to give more character and specificity.</li> <li>MORE HD Art!</li> <li>And more!</li> </ul> <br> <br> <h3> 💃 Support us and take part in developing the game! </h3> <br> We'd appreciate your support for the continued development of Blue Swallow, which you can [[join here|]]. <br><br> Joining our community also allows you to give feedback and input, which guides and improves the game -- we look forward to hearing your ideas! <br><br> We're also open to __content__ __contributors__, if you want to be a part of the game! Reach out on the Discord =) <br><br> Looking forward to continuing the adventures of our intrepid protagonist! <br><br><br> <div class="splash-links"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="img/vendor/ss_support_med_01_inv.png" alt="Support us on SubscribeStar!" data-tip="Thanks for your support!"></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="img/vendor/patreon.png" alt="Support us on Patreon!" data-tip="Thanks for your support!"></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="img/vendor/boosty.jpg" alt="Support us on Boosty!" data-tip="Thanks for your support!"></a> </div>
<<set $GY.baseBodies = $bodies.length>> <header> <h1><<type 0.125s>>Prologue<</type>></h1> <h2><<type 0.125s>>The Gap Year<</type>></h2> </header> <<timed 4s t8n>> <<image framed "passage/gy.airport.png">> /* Skill/Trait Limitations - GY/Uni Once Claire enters either of GY or Uni, the cap should increase by 1. Ex. Claire enters GY - her skill cap raises to 7; she then moves on to Uni, the skill cap raises to 8. If Claire goes to Uni but skips the GY, her skill cap would be 7 until Act I. Just like before, skill-ups over the cap would render as .xp */ <<if $statCapPassedGY == false>> <<set $statCap ++>> <<set $statCapPassedGY = true>> <</if>> <br> I settled into my seat at the gate, taking stock of everything and just taking a deep breath. It looked like it was going to be a packed flight, the odd assortment of business travelers, and the rest seemed to be buzzing with the anticipation of an upcoming vacation. I wondered where I fell. I certainly didn't have any business to conduct. I //was// getting away -- maybe I could consider this a vacation. A hiatus. A sabbatical. <br><br> Pulling up my texts, I saw pics of <<print $CC.FName>> had sent me of her arriving on campus. A few hundred emoji response felt about right. <<call $CC.FFName>>"You'll be here soon enough!"<</call>> I didn't call out that her choice, while fun, hadn't been in consideration. <br><br> <<call $CC.friend1>>"Fly safe. Be safe."<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"Will do. You too!"<</call>> Man, what a reminder of how empty the seat beside me was. I considered texting <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> and decided against it. <br><br> Swiping my messages away, there was a pang of regret that I was taking a year 'off'. It felt escapist, and maybe it was. It would be my first real big trip. And alone. <br><br> But I'd have fun, I assured myself and popped earbuds in as I scrolled through my playlist. I nudged my roller bag between my knees and rested my head on the handlebar. Waiting for boarding to be called gave me some time to read over the introductory emails about the next year of my life and about my destination. Better now than never. <br><br><br> Last step was board. That was it. Then I'd be in <<if $HS.gapYear == 1>> [[Switzerland|GY002 - SwissArrival]]. <<elseif $HS.gapYear == 2>> [[Italy|GY002 - EuroArrival]]. <<else>> [[Namibia|GY002 - AfrArrival]]. <</if>> <</timed>>
<<image framed "passage/GY002-EuroArrival.png">> <<if $PG.oops == true>> <<face hurt1>> <<outfit backpacker>> The cramping on the plane was awful and I got well acquainted with the plane bathroom, but everything seemed to have settled by the time we landed in Rome. <br><br> <</if>> I was fucking //exhausted//. It's incredible to me how simply sitting, watching some movies, listening to music, reading a magazine or a book -- all could just knock you flat on your ass. I slept what I could, and maybe that was my mistake. <br><br> Groggily, I pulled my roller bag down the gangway, thankful to be off the plane. Roma. Maybe the most 'typical' destination for an American in Europe, backpacking as if it were the first time anyone had come up with the idea. Maybe it was my addled brain, but I began to wonder if Europeans did the reverse. Where did they end up? New York, had to be New York. <br><br> There wasn't the Colosseum sitting outside the windows of the gangway or anything -- it felt like any other airport, but were they going to fly straight into the heart of an ancient city? Nope. <br><br> I didn't want to deal with the throngs of people at immigration, but I knew I needed to get used to doing things the hard way. This wouldn't be the least pleasant thing I'd need to endure if I was going to spend nearly a year abroad with essentially just the pack on my back. <br><br> The line was stop-start loveliness. People bumped into my bag. Sure, it was ungainly and I couldn't quite make things out in my periphery, but they didn't come with rear view mirrors. There were so many goddamn people and it was a cacophony of languages: hard to parse anything. Earbuds in or not, I felt overwhelmed. I couldn't wait to be free from this process and eager to be essentially freewheeling for months from here on out. <br><br><br> I stumbled forward. That was it. That was the last straw. I was //not// going to get shoved around like this anymore. I spun around, ready to spew forth every curse in every language I knew... <br><br> And stopped short. "Shit, I'm really sorry. I wasn't paying attention." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was gritting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> teeth, eyes wide. English was as American as it got. And <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had a backpack on <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> back as well and seemed to be struggling with the weight. <br><br> "You backpacking too, huh?" <br><br> "It that obvious?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> hefted the bag and glanced over <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> shoulder performatively. "Jordan." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> stuck out <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> hand. <br><br> "<<print $>>." Two packs our size in this kind of a line were not going to work side-by-side, so we moved forward together not quite together. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was from a small town in Texas and wanted to see the world. And cute. Silvery, gray eyes and auburn hair undercut on both sides with the remaining on the top of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> held in a top-knot. <br><br> Older, done with college, but not ready to jump into life-life. Our stories were different, but essentially the same. It was the comfort of home without being too familiar. It was an immediate bond that neither of us could fight. <br><br> The rest of the line went by miraculously quickly and I barely remember getting my passport stamped. And now, with a friend, we could split a cab into the city proper. <br><br> "Hostel, yeah?" I looked for confirmation that I wasn't unnecessarily living frugally. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, "Don't have one yet, to be honest," stretching <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> back now that our packs were in the trunk. Yeah, it definitely felt nice to have ditched that for the time being. <br><br> "Well, I'm sure mine isn't booked up." And it wasn't. Wasn't truly a hostel either, but was on the cheap end which was good enough for me. We walked up to the quaint little building and were greeted by a cute old woman who insisted on us calling her 'Nonna'. Granny walked us up the stairs to where we'd be housed, a quadruple room -- a bed for each of us and two open ones for other travelers -- the shared bathroom down the hall, and showed us where we'd have breakfast in the morning. <br><br><br> Jordan seemed more than pleased. I was glad to have a ready-made [[friend|GY003 - Bearings]].
<<image framed "passage/GY003-Bearings.png">> <div id="bearings0"> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> "So, Rome your only stopover?" Jordan startled me slightly upon <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> re-entry to the room. I'd need to get used to that, if I'd be sharing housing accommodations so intimately for the substantial portion of the year. A towel was tied around <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> waist, wet length of hair draped to one side of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head revealing how long it was when not tied up. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was a total skinny<<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>boi<<else>>chick<</if>>, a tuft of hair between where <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> pecs would have been. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>>'d ever seen the inside of a gym. <br><br> "Oh, well, I was planning on..." I shrugged, looking away from <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> and focusing back on my packing. <div id="bearings"> <<crossroads #bearings>> <<path>> "...seeing all the major sights." <<contents #bearings>> <<set $GY.location = 1>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, that sounds like a great plan." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, fingers sliding through <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> hair, bending at the waist as <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> tugged through them and shook <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head, drying off like a dog. Huh. Weird response. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was making plans based on mine. Or that ours lined up? Or maybe I was just reading too much into what <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> said. No way to really tell, yet. "Thanks again for letting me bunk up with you. I guess I really shoulda done a bit more planning before just jumping on a plane." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> laughed, swinging <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head back, one hand precariously holding onto the front knot of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel while <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> other worked the back-length hair into its place bundled at the top of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head. Huh. Just letting it dry up like that. Probably would still be moist in time for the next shower. "Hell, I barely brought enough cash with me. I was planning on seeing what odds and ends jobs I might be able to pick up. Maybe bug Nonna for a gig or two?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> tone invited me to divulge my plans for paying my way through my Eurotrip. <div id="bearings2"> <<crossroads #bearings2>> <<path $CC.wealth gt 3 || $CC.spoiled == true>> "Not gunna lie, Jordan. I don't need to. I'm here to enjoy myself, not work." <<blocked>> $ isn't wealthy enough or spoiled. <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = false>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br><br> "Oh, sick! Good for you. Wish I had that kinda parental backing. Who's doin' the main bankrolling? Pops?" I felt a flush in my face, a little embarassment from taking my situation for granted. And <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether the money was his or some like slush fund for agents that was tied to our bank account. Was missing Mom the one paying for me gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <<path>> "Yeah, something like that. Just hope I can keep a roof over my head!" <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, didn't have much support from my parents either. Who was more pissed? Pops, I bet." I felt a flush in my face, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether he'd be okay while I was out gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> "...just going where the wind takes me." <<contents>> <<set $GY.location = 2>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, that sounds like a great plan." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, fingers sliding through <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> hair, bending at the waist as <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> tugged through them and shook <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head, drying off like a dog. Huh. Weird response. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was making plans based on mine. Or that ours lined up? Or maybe I was just reading too much into what <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> said. No way to really tell, yet. "Thanks again for letting me bunk up with you. I guess I really shoulda done a bit more planning before just jumping on a plane." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> laughed, swinging <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head back, one hand precariously holding onto the front knot of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel while <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> other worked the back-length hair into its place bundled at the top of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head. Huh. Just letting it dry up like that. Probably would still be moist in time for the next shower. "Hell, I barely brought enough cash with me. I was planning on seeing what odds and ends jobs I might be able to pick up. Maybe bug Nonna for a gig or two?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> tone invited me to divulge my plans for paying my way through my Eurotrip. <div id="bearings2"> <<crossroads #bearings2>> <<path $CC.wealth gt 3 || $CC.spoiled == true>> "Not gunna lie, Jordan. I don't need to. I'm here to enjoy myself, not work." <<blocked>> $ isn't wealthy enough or spoiled. <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = false>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br><br> "Oh, sick! Good for you. Wish I had that kinda parental backing. Who's doin' the main bankrolling? Pops?" I felt a flush in my face, a little embarassment from taking my situation for granted. And <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether the money was his or some like slush fund for agents that was tied to our bank account. Was missing Mom the one paying for me gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <<path>> "Yeah, something like that. Just hope I can keep a roof over my head!" <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, didn't have much support from my parents either. Who was more pissed? Pops, I bet." I felt a flush in my face, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether he'd be okay while I was out gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> "...using this as my home base." <<contents>> <<set $GY.location = 3>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, that sounds like a great plan." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, fingers sliding through <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> hair, bending at the waist as <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> tugged through them and shook <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head, drying off like a dog. Huh. Weird response. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was making plans based on mine. Or that ours lined up? Or maybe I was just reading too much into what <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> said. No way to really tell, yet. "Thanks again for letting me bunk up with you. I guess I really shoulda done a bit more planning before just jumping on a plane." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> laughed, swinging <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head back, one hand precariously holding onto the front knot of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel while <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> other worked the back-length hair into its place bundled at the top of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head. Huh. Just letting it dry up like that. Probably would still be moist in time for the next shower. "Hell, I barely brought enough cash with me. I was planning on seeing what odds and ends jobs I might be able to pick up. Maybe bug Nonna for a gig or two?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> tone invited me to divulge my plans for paying my way through my Eurotrip. <div id="bearings2"> <<crossroads #bearings2>> <<path $CC.wealth gt 3 || $CC.spoiled == true>> "Not gunna lie, Jordan. I don't need to. I'm here to enjoy myself, not work." <<blocked>> $ isn't wealthy enough or spoiled. <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = false>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <br><br> "Oh, sick! Good for you. Wish I had that kinda parental backing. Who's doin' the main bankrolling? Pops?" I felt a flush in my face, a little embarassment from taking my situation for granted. And <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether the money was his or some like slush fund for agents that was tied to our bank account. Was missing Mom the one paying for me gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <<path>> "Yeah, something like that. Just hope I can keep a roof over my head!" <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, didn't have much support from my parents either. Who was more pissed? Pops, I bet." I felt a flush in my face, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether he'd be okay while I was out gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <</crossroads>> </div> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> "So, Rome your only stopover?" Jordan startled me slightly upon <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> re-entry to the room. I'd need to get used to that, if I'd be sharing housing accommodations so intimately for the substantial portion of the year. A towel was tied around <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> waist, wet length of hair draped to one side of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head revealing how long it was when not tied up. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> had a kind of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>Grunge/Rock/Punk thing going on. Couldn't quite place exactly what the right category was, but he had the tatts. And seemed unconcerned with 'typical' body standards, living in the shape he<<else>>Suicide Girl/Grunge/Rock thing going on. Couldn't quite place exactly what the right category was, but she had the tatts. And she seemed unconcerned with 'typical' body standards, living in the shape she<</if>> was born in, skinny without much definition. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>>'d ever seen the inside of a gym. <br><br> "Oh, well, I was planning on..." I shrugged, looking away from <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> and focusing back on my packing. <div id ="bearings"> <<crossroads #bearings>> <<path>> ...seeing all the major sights. <<contents>> <<set $GY.location = 1>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, that sounds like a great plan." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, fingers sliding through <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> hair, bending at the waist as <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> tugged through them and shook <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head, drying off like a dog. Oh, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had pit hair too, yeah, she marched to the beat of her own drummer. Huh. Weird response. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was making plans based on mine. Or that ours lined up? Or maybe I was just reading too much into what <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> said. No way to really tell, yet. "Thanks again for letting me bunk up with you. I guess I really shoulda done a bit more planning before just jumping on a plane." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> laughed, swinging <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head back, one hand precariously holding onto the front knot of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel while <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> other worked the back-length hair into its place bundled at the top of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head. Huh. Just letting it dry up like that. Probably would still be moist in time for the next shower. "Hell, I barely brought enough cash with me. I was planning on seeing what odds and ends jobs I might be able to pick up. Maybe bug Nonna for a gig or two?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> tone invited me to divulge my plans for paying my way through my Eurotrip. <br><br> <<crossroads #bearings>> <<path $CC.wealth gt 3 || $CC.spoiled == true>> "Not gunna lie, Jordan. I don't need to. I'm here to enjoy myself, not work. <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = false>> <<Stats Confident ++>> "Oh, sick! Good for you. Wish I had that kinda parental backing. Who's doin' the main bankrolling? Pops?" I felt a flush in my face, a little embarassment from taking my situation for granted. And <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether the money was his or some like slush fund for agents that was tied to our bank account. Was missing Mom the one paying for me gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <<path>> "Yeah, something like that. Just hope I can keep a roof over my head!" <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> "Yeah, didn't have much support from my parents either. Who was more pissed? Pops, I bet." I felt a flush in my face, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether he'd be okay while I was out gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <</crossroads>> <<path>> ...just going where the wind takes me. <<contents>> <<set $GY.location = 2>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, that sounds like a great plan." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, fingers sliding through <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> hair, bending at the waist as <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> tugged through them and shook <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head, drying off like a dog. Huh. Weird response. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was making plans based on mine. Or that ours lined up? Or maybe I was just reading too much into what <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> said. No way to really tell, yet. "Thanks again for letting me bunk up with you. I guess I really shoulda done a bit more planning before just jumping on a plane." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> laughed, swinging <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head back, one hand precariously holding onto the front knot of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel while <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> other worked the back-length hair into its place bundled at the top of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head. Huh. Just letting it dry up like that. Probably would still be moist in time for the next shower. "Hell, I barely brought enough cash with me. I was planning on seeing what odds and ends jobs I might be able to pick up. Maybe bug Nonna for a gig or two?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> tone invited me to divulge my plans for paying my way through my Eurotrip. <br><br> <<crossroads #bearings>> <<path $CC.wealth gt 3 || $CC.spoiled == true>> "Not gunna lie, Jordan. I don't need to. I'm here to enjoy myself, not work. <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = false>> <<Stats Confident ++>> "Oh, sick! Good for you. Wish I had that kinda parental backing. Who's doin' the main bankrolling? Pops?" I felt a flush in my face, a little embarassment from taking my situation for granted. And <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether the money was his or some like slush fund for agents that was tied to our bank account. Was missing Mom the one paying for me gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <<path>> "Yeah, something like that. Just hope I can keep a roof over my head!" <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> "Yeah, didn't have much support from my parents either. Who was more pissed? Pops, I bet." I felt a flush in my face, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether he'd be okay while I was out gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <</crossroads>> <<path>> ...using this as my homebase. <<contents>> <<set $GY.location = 3>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, that sounds like a great plan." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, fingers sliding through <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> hair, bending at the waist as <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> tugged through them and shook <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head, drying off like a dog. Huh. Weird response. I wondered whether <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was making plans based on mine. Or that ours lined up? Or maybe I was just reading too much into what <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> said. No way to really tell, yet. "Thanks again for letting me bunk up with you. I guess I really shoulda done a bit more planning before just jumping on a plane." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> laughed, swinging <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head back, one hand precariously holding onto the front knot of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel while <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> other worked the back-length hair into its place bundled at the top of <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> head. Huh. Just letting it dry up like that. Probably would still be moist in time for the next shower. "Hell, I barely brought enough cash with me. I was planning on seeing what odds and ends jobs I might be able to pick up. Maybe bug Nonna for a gig or two?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> tone invited me to divulge my plans for paying my way through my Eurotrip. <br><br> <<crossroads #bearings>> <<path $CC.wealth gt 3 || $CC.spoiled == true>> "Not gunna lie, Jordan. I don't need to. I'm here to enjoy myself, not work. <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = false>> <<Stats Confident ++>> "Oh, sick! Good for you. Wish I had that kinda parental backing. Who's doin' the main bankrolling? Pops?" I felt a flush in my face, a little embarassment from taking my situation for granted. And <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether the money was his or some like slush fund for agents that was tied to our bank account. Was missing Mom the one paying for me gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. She had a chestplate tattoo that sat between her ant-bite size breasts. And, unsurprisingly, while she wasn't rocking a jungle, she had a full, lightly manicured bush. <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a girl not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were friends in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> body. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> tossed the towel aside, starting to unpack <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <<path>> "Yeah, something like that. Just hope I can keep a roof over my head!" <<contents>> <<set $GY.job = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> "Yeah, didn't have much support from my parents either. Who was more pissed? Pops, I bet." I felt a flush in my face, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> had hit the nail on the head as to where the money was coming from, but had no clue //why// that was the case. <br><br> "Uh, yeah." My mind wandered a bit, suddenly concerned with whether he'd be okay while I was out gallivanting around the world? Yeah, now I felt extra bad about it. <br><br> "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure that's like...the ''right'' way to do this. I'm just crazy. Or dumb. Or both." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> towel was suddenly off. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his cock was at odds with his body. Sure, it was a lanky length like he was, but he was no Slim Jim. Just hanging there, no hint of being chubbed, his girth rivalled what most guys got to when they were fully erect.<</if>> <br><br> "You. Didn't." I choked out. For a <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> not trying to make me uncomfortable, just letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self hang out within an hour of meeting me like we were <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>guys<<else>>chicks<</if>> in the locker room? Either <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> __was__ trying to make me uncomfortable, didn't realize, or didn't care. <br><br> "Cool. Yeah. So, like...what would you say is your like...main goal for your European 'Vacation'?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> chuckled at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> joke, or at me being unable to keep my eyes off <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his dick<<else>>her pussy<</if>>. Tossing the towel aside, Jordan started to unpack, just leaving <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> full self to air-dry. Yeah, total locker room behavior. <br><br> <<include "GY004 - Bearings_Goals">> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/GY004-Bearings_Goals.png">> <<crossroads #bearings0>> <<path>> "Broaden my horizons? Ya know, learn and see things I might never otherwise?" <<contents>> <<set $GY.goal = 1>> <<Stats Learning ++>> "Kinda like a semester abroad. Sick." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, not offering <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> own plans, and wordlessly leaving what felt like the next most important decision for me. <div id="bearings-inner"> <<crossroads #bearings-inner>> <<path>> Were we going to be platonic backpacking buddies... <<contents>> <<set $GY.Jordan = false>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> "I'm gonna...go take a shower," barely getting those words out of the tightness in my throat. <br><br> "Sure. Yeah. Water's great. Surprising, right?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> laughed, letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>himself<<else>>herself<</if>> shake in the places and the ways that <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> could. <br><br> I tried to leave the room as naturally as possible. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> reaction. Was <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> expecting me to just climb right into bed with <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>? Not that I didn't //want// to. Well, maybe I didn't want to. Or maybe I did. I'd wrestle with those thoughts eventually, but I wasn't //going// to. I pulled the plastic curtain aside, rings shuddering along an old pipe and I began to <<linkexpand "disrobe">> <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego>> disrobe. <br><br><br> I jumped a bit at the water. "Water's great"? Bullshit. That's frigid. My nipples erect, hell -- every hair follicle was raised. I shook my head and sighed, waiting for the water to warm up. I needed a cold shower anyway. While my decision had been the sane one, the sensible one, the considered one, my body was making a distinct argument against me. <br><br> Grunting, I rolled my hips. The water was warming. My desire to fuck had not cooled. My mind flickered right back, unbidden, to Jordan from moments before. Now I was naked like <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was. <br><br> My hips rolled again, this time rolling right into my fingertips that had somehow found their way to between my thighs. Okay. I patted <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">>the tangle of hair that was starting to flatten and dampen against the skin beneath<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>the patch of hair that had begun to dampen as the water coursed down to meet it<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>the tuft of hair that was starting to moisten as the water occasionally coursed into it<<else>>the freshly smooth skin on the top of my mound<</if>> I give up. You aren't getting laid, but you can have the next best thing. <br><br> Fingertips led the way, practiced and ready to quench the need. Hell, I needed to relax after the flight anyway. I tried to push Jordan's image from my mind as my fingers pushed into the supple clutch inside of myself. Knuckles deep, I dug, trying to reach the thing that was calling to me. Further, faster. My other hand had found my breast, nipple now hard not from the water -- it was good water now that it was hot: not as hot as the flesh around my fingers, but hot all the same -- but hard from my arousal. <br><br> My legs quivered, up on tiptoes and the ball of the other foot as I contorted myself into something that felt the best, that let me reach, that let me release. I felt the jiggle and shake of my titflesh in my hand with each shudder and contraction of my body. <br><br> The top of my palm caressed my peeking clit, my palm rubbing and pressing down on my mound and lower stomach. I was grabbing myself between the legs as my fingers thrust and rotated. I couldn't help but nod, as if guiding myself to the promised lands. Feeling the peak nearing and retreating in pulsing waves. I held my breath. My hand clutched hard at my breast, harder on my pubic bone. My heartbeat pounded in my head, throbbed around my inserted fingers. I could feel the honeyed moisture that was clearly not the shower. That was clearly mine. <br><br> I whimpered and shuddered, biting back the noise as best I could. I tugged my fingers out of myself before I pushed myself too far. I didn't know how soundproof this was, I didn't know how loud the water was, I didn't know how loud I was about to be. The explosion of pleasurable warmth was tingling out to my limbs as I kept a good handle on my volume and began to recover, panting and spattering the tiles with water. I felt it spattering back against my face instantly. I was leaning my head against the wall. <br><br> Jerking back quickly, I nearly fell out of the shower, a tumble of ecstatic and uncontrollable body and moving too fast for how wet everything was. <br><br> I began to laugh, clutching at the edge of the tub and raising myself up. I gave a hard look to the tiles, wondering how clean they were, how many people had showered there. The grout looked clean. Turning the water off and extricating myself from a near-death little death, I hoped it was as clean as I thought. <br><br> Laughter became a contented sigh as I dried myself off, whether it was suddenly nearly dead or the need beaten back, it didn't matter. I felt //great//. <br><br><br> I rubbed the coarse towel firmly against my face just in case, and then grabbed my things and made my way back to the room. Now, with a thankfully clear [[mind|GY004 - Rome]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> ...or were we really going to start saving cash by sharing bunks from the get-go? <<contents>> <<set $GY.Jordan = true>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<include "GY003 - PART - JordanMaleSex">> <<else>> <<include "GY003 - PART - JordanFemaleSex">> <</if>> <</crossroads>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was naked. The offer was there. Intended or not. </div> <<path>> "Just have a good time. Didn't want to jump into...more school, or life...ya know?" <<contents>> <<set $GY.goal = 2>> <<Stats Social ++>> "Yeah! Exactly. Europeans definitely know how to party, right?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, seemed like that aligned with <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>his<<else>>her<</if>> plans pretty well, and wordlessly <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was leaving what felt like the next most important decision for me. <div id="bearings-inner"> <<crossroads #bearings-inner>> <<path>> Were we going to be platonic backpacking buddies... <<contents>> <<set $GY.Jordan = false>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> "I'm gonna...go take a shower," barely getting those words out of the tightness in my throat. <br><br> "Sure. Yeah. Water's great. Surprising, right?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> laughed, letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>himself<<else>>herself<</if>> shake in the places and the ways that <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> could. <br><br> I tried to leave the room as naturally as possible. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> reaction. Was <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> expecting me to just climb right into bed with <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>? Not that I didn't //want// to. Well, maybe I didn't want to. Or maybe I did. I'd wrestle with those thoughts eventually, but I wasn't //going// to. I pulled the plastic curtain aside, rings shuddering along an old pipe and I began to <<linkexpand "disrobe...">> <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego>> disrobe. <br><br><br> I jumped a bit at the water. "Water's great"? Bullshit. That's frigid. My nipples erect, hell -- every hair follicle was raised. I shook my head and sighed, waiting for the water to warm up. I needed a cold shower anyway. While my decision had been the sane one, the sensible one, the considered one, my body was making a distinct argument against me. <br><br> Grunting, I rolled my hips. The water was warming. My desire to fuck had not cooled. My mind flickered right back, unbidden, to Jordan from moments before. Now I was naked like <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was. <br><br> My hips rolled again, this time rolling right into my fingertips that had somehow found their way to between my thighs. Okay. I patted <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">>the tangle of hair that was starting to flatten and dampen against the skin beneath<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>the patch of hair that had begun to dampen as the water coursed down to meet it<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>the tuft of hair that was starting to moisten as the water occasionally coursed into it<<else>>the freshly smooth skin on the top of my mound<</if>> I give up. You aren't getting laid, but you can have the next best thing. <br><br> Fingertips led the way, practiced and ready to quench the need. Hell, I needed to relax after the flight anyway. I tried to push Jordan's image from my mind as my fingers pushed into the supple clutch inside of myself. Knuckles deep, I dug, trying to reach the thing that was calling to me. Further, faster. My other hand had found my breast, nipple now hard not from the water -- it was good water now that it was hot: not as hot as the flesh around my fingers, but hot all the same -- but hard from my arousal. <br><br> My legs quivered, up on tiptoes and the ball of the other foot as I contorted myself into something that felt the best, that let me reach, that let me release. I felt the jiggle and shake of my titflesh in my hand with each shudder and contraction of my body. <br><br> The top of my palm caressed my peeking clit, my palm rubbing and pressing down on my mound and lower stomach. I was grabbing myself between the legs as my fingers thrust and rotated. I couldn't help but nod, as if guiding myself to the promised lands. Feeling the peak nearing and retreating in pulsing waves. I held my breath. My hand clutched hard at my breast, harder on my pubic bone. My heartbeat pounded in my head, throbbed around my inserted fingers. I could feel the honeyed moisture that was clearly not the shower. That was clearly mine. <br><br> I whimpered and shuddered, biting back the noise as best I could. I tugged my fingers out of myself before I pushed myself too far. I didn't know how soundproof this was, I didn't know how loud the water was, I didn't know how loud I was about to be. The explosion of pleasurable warmth was tingling out to my limbs as I kept a good handle on my volume and began to recover, panting and spattering the tiles with water. I felt it spattering back against my face instantly. I was leaning my head against the wall. <br><br> Jerking back quickly, I nearly fell out of the shower, a tumble of ecstatic and uncontrollable body and moving too fast for how wet everything was. <br><br> I began to laugh, clutching at the edge of the tub and raising myself up. I gave a hard look to the tiles, wondering how clean they were, how many people had showered there. The grout looked clean. Turning the water off and extricating myself from a near-death little death, I hoped it was as clean as I thought. <br><br> Laughter became a contented sigh as I dried myself off, whether it was suddenly nearly dead or the need beaten back, it didn't matter. I felt //great//. <br><br><br> I rubbed the coarse towel firmly against my face just in case, and then grabbed my things and made my way back to the room. Now, with a thankfully clear [[mind|GY004 - Rome]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> ...or were we really going to start saving cash by sharing bunks from the get-go? <<contents>> <<set $GY.Jordan = true>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<include "GY003 - PART - JordanMaleSex">> <<else>> <<include "GY003 - PART - JordanFemaleSex">> <</if>> <</crossroads>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was naked. The offer was there. Intended or not. </div> <<path>> "I just. Had to get away. Do anything else. Ya know? So. No plans." <<contents>> <<set $GY.goal = 3>> <<Stats Stable -->> "Oh, yeah? Had too much of Texas, too." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded, seemed to surprise <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> a bit, but <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> didn't dig. And there, wordlessly he was leaving what felt like the next most important decision for me. <div id="bearings-inner"> <<crossroads #bearings-inner>> <<path>> Were we going to be platonic backpacking buddies... <<contents>> <<set $GY.Jordan = false>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> "I'm gonna...go take a shower," barely getting those words out of the tightness in my throat. <br><br> "Sure. Yeah. Water's great. Surprising, right?" <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> laughed, letting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>himself<<else>>herself<</if>> shake in the places and the ways that <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> could. <br><br> I tried to leave the room as naturally as possible. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>His<<else>>Her<</if>> reaction. Was <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> expecting me to just climb right into bed with <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>? Not that I didn't //want// to. Well, maybe I didn't want to. Or maybe I did. I'd wrestle with those thoughts eventually, but I wasn't //going// to. I pulled the plastic curtain aside, rings shuddering along an old pipe and I began to <<linkexpand "disrobe">> <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego>> disrobe. <br><br><br> I jumped a bit at the water. "Water's great"? Bullshit. That's frigid. My nipples erect, hell -- every hair follicle was raised. I shook my head and sighed, waiting for the water to warm up. I needed a cold shower anyway. While my decision had been the sane one, the sensible one, the considered one, my body was making a distinct argument against me. <br><br> Grunting, I rolled my hips. The water was warming. My desire to fuck had not cooled. My mind flickered right back, unbidden, to Jordan from moments before. Now I was naked like <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was. <br><br> My hips rolled again, this time rolling right into my fingertips that had somehow found their way to between my thighs. Okay. I patted <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">>the tangle of hair that was starting to flatten and dampen against the skin beneath<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>the patch of hair that had begun to dampen as the water coursed down to meet it<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>the tuft of hair that was starting to moisten as the water occasionally coursed into it<<else>>the freshly smooth skin on the top of my mound<</if>> I give up. You aren't getting laid, but you can have the next best thing. <br><br> Fingertips led the way, practiced and ready to quench the need. Hell, I needed to relax after the flight anyway. I tried to push Jordan's image from my mind as my fingers pushed into the supple clutch inside of myself. Knuckles deep, I dug, trying to reach the thing that was calling to me. Further, faster. My other hand had found my breast, nipple now hard not from the water -- it was good water now that it was hot: not as hot as the flesh around my fingers, but hot all the same -- but hard from my arousal. <br><br> My legs quivered, up on tiptoes and the ball of the other foot as I contorted myself into something that felt the best, that let me reach, that let me release. I felt the jiggle and shake of my titflesh in my hand with each shudder and contraction of my body. <br><br> The top of my palm caressed my peeking clit, my palm rubbing and pressing down on my mound and lower stomach. I was grabbing myself between the legs as my fingers thrust and rotated. I couldn't help but nod, as if guiding myself to the promised lands. Feeling the peak nearing and retreating in pulsing waves. I held my breath. My hand clutched hard at my breast, harder on my pubic bone. My heartbeat pounded in my head, throbbed around my inserted fingers. I could feel the honeyed moisture that was clearly not the shower. That was clearly mine. <br><br> I whimpered and shuddered, biting back the noise as best I could. I tugged my fingers out of myself before I pushed myself too far. I didn't know how soundproof this was, I didn't know how loud the water was, I didn't know how loud I was about to be. The explosion of pleasurable warmth was tingling out to my limbs as I kept a good handle on my volume and began to recover, panting and spattering the tiles with water. I felt it spattering back against my face instantly. I was leaning my head against the wall. <br><br> Jerking back quickly, I nearly fell out of the shower, a tumble of ecstatic and uncontrollable body and moving too fast for how wet everything was. <br><br> I began to laugh, clutching at the edge of the tub and raising myself up. I gave a hard look to the tiles, wondering how clean they were, how many people had showered there. The grout looked clean. Turning the water off and extricating myself from a near-death little death, I hoped it was as clean as I thought. <br><br> Laughter became a contented sigh as I dried myself off, whether it was suddenly nearly dead or the need beaten back, it didn't matter. I felt //great//. <br><br><br> I rubbed the coarse towel firmly against my face just in case, and then grabbed my things and made my way back to the room. Now, with a thankfully clear [[mind|GY004 - Rome]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> ...or were we really going to start saving cash by sharing bunks from the get-go? <<contents>> <<set $GY.Jordan = true>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<include "GY003 - PART - JordanMaleSex">> <<else>> <<include "GY003 - PART - JordanFemaleSex">> <</if>> <</crossroads>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was naked. The offer was there. Intended or not. </div> <</crossroads>>
"I'm gonna...take a shower...after," barely getting those words out of the tightness in my throat. <br><br> "Sure. After..." He smiled, my tone...or probably my eyes betraying me. His cock had begun to lift, a single pulse away from his body and elevating in preparation. <br><br> "Oh come off it, Jordan. You always just hang out naked with people you don't know?" My hand had found his cock, giving it a slow stroke as I spoke. I felt it engorging and pressing out at my fingers gaining more girth and making it difficult to get my hand fully around it. <br><br> His eyes fluttered and he moaned, immediately putty in my hands after he had been playing with me moments before, "You don't. Know. That. I don't." He chuckled, his hands sliding down my body and beginning to <<linkexpand "undress me">> <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego>> <<dollRearView>> undress me. <br><br><br> "This gonna make traveling together awkward?" His hardness poked at my stomach with each stroke of my hand, feeling some of his sticky precum making where he tapped. <br><br> "Doesn't. Feel. Awkward. To me." He smiled devilishly tugging me onto his? bed. His hand now turning the tables on me and making me gasp and clutch and the threadbare blanket. I wondered if Nonna thought of us as together and if this would be a surprise. Would she hear us? What was Jordan rooting around for. Oh. Prepared. <br><br> I was looking down between my parted thighs, his palm flat between them, fingers curling and stroking in time with the motion of his other hand as he worked the condom over his prodigious thickness. Then he grabbed me and rolled me over onto my stomach. <br><br> A part of me hated the disconnect on a first hook-up, a part of me thankful for it to try and keep things simpler? I felt him climb over me like a large grasshopper, the largest part digging between my thighs for me. I wasn't exactly keen on going from solo to handcuffed -- ffuckkkk! <br><br> My feet kipped up and then smacked down against the bed hard, I felt like my mound was being shoved inside me, "W-wait. Jeeeesus, Jordan." <br><br> "Sorry. Yeah, a little too eager." I felt him rolling back and reaching in his bag again. <br><br> "I'll take that as a compliment?" Trying to laugh it off, half-looking back over my shoulder and then feeling the coolness as he squirted lube between my legs and could tell he was applying to himself as well, "Super prepared. Need that a lot?" <br><br> "Every time." And a hand was between my shoulder blades, holding me down. Still felt like I was being pushed into myself, but gladly had the lubrication now. Every time? Why wasn't it a habit like the condom? I grunted out, feeling my heartbeat in my eyes, flat on the mattress as slowly, but with practiced firmness he crammed that thing inside me. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> My toes curled. Simply putting it in, I was cumming. The heartbeat swelled and they went blank as I jerked underneath him, but held still -- maybe practiced -- as I rode it out. I think I heard him chuckle.<</if>> <br><br> Talk about handcuffed. As his hips met my ass and I felt him arch up, more pressure on the hand on my upper back, he grunted out deeply. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tight Pussy')>>"Jeeesus, <<print $>>." I could feel his log pulsing inside me, "You're ''small''." <br><br> "Every time," my turn to surprise. <</if>> <br><br> A moment. The length of his wet hair long enough to brush and tickle at my side. I think I could feel the springs digging at me through the mattress. God, this was not going to be a comfortable time for rest. And he was thrusting. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>>I dug my chin into the bed, pressing my face against it as the first strike at my depths set me off, "Atta girl."<</if>> <br><br> The Spartan bed squeaked as I felt the skin and bones banging against me, driving his pride inside me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Crazy-Small Pussy')>>He could be proud, but god-damn if it wasn't killing me: even with a normal length, feeling his massive head pounding squarely at my cervix was torture and I honestly think part of my mound //was// pushed inside with each stroke, lube or nah. Designed in opposites him and me, I felt the barest sparks of pleasure as my pussy screamed at me.<<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tiny Pussy')>>He could be proud, but god-damn this was un//com//fortable. Kinda designed to fit far different people him and I, my body was in a dispute between pain and pleasure.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tiny Pussy') || $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tight Pussy') || $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Good Intercourse') || $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Great Intercourse')>> It was over __quick__. I was too much for him. I don't think Nonna had time to confirm or deny us being together before he was bearing down on my ass and growling deeply, rolling his hips against me, "Shit. Your. Fuckin'. Pussy. Gaw-damn, gurl." <br><br> "Monster met his match." I laughed out as I felt him dismounting and pulling out of me, feeling nearly like he was taking inside and making it outside. I'd really need to think twice about that in the future. Looking good and feeling good aren't always the same thing, especially if I made him nut that quickly. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>>Luckily, I was a fuckin mess myself, panting and whimpering, feeling like I was melting through the box spring.<</if>> <br><br> I rolled myself off the bed, both of us huffing. He was disposing the condom, I was grabbing a towel and wobbling my way to the shower as my body tried to understand what he had done to it. <br><br><br> Welp. That was certainly one way to kick Europe off with a [[bang|GY004 - Rome]]. <<else>> I huffed as he hit against me, I couldn't think about the headboard announcing to the house what was going on...I was cumming on that thing that certainly drove home things //are// bigger in Texas. And he rode me through it, unrelenting as my cunt grabbed and clenched at him sporadically, certainly as hard for him to drive that thing into a spasming snatch as it was for me to take it. <br><br> He teeth gritted, determined, he was driving home, erratically. I don't know how long, my long one? Interconnected? but I don't think it was more than a typical length of a fuck, much more likely less, but he was cumming too. He bore down on my ass, growling deeply, rolling his hips as his cock filled the condom inside me. I could feel each pulse down his underside against my g-spot, my lips being swelled outward before each blast of his load. <br><br> And then he dismounted, pulling out of me, feeling nearly like he was taking inside and making it outside. I'd really need to think twice about that in the future. Looking good and feeling good aren't always the same thing, especially if I made him nut that quickly. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>>Luckily, I was a fuckin mess myself, panting and whimpering, feeling like I was melting through the box spring.<</if>> <br><br> I rolled myself off the bed, both of us huffing. He was disposing the condom, I was grabbing a towel and wobbling my way to the shower as my body tried to understand what he had done to it. <br><br><br> Welp. That was certainly one way to kick Europe off with a [[bang|GY004 - Rome]]. <</if>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 1>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Jordan M "Jordan, my backpacking buddy">> <</linkexpand>>
"I'm gonna...take a shower...after," barely getting those words out of the tightness in my throat. <br><br> "Sure. After..." She smiled, my tone...or probably my eyes betraying me. Her nipples had contracted slightly, shrinking and extending in preparation. <br><br> She smiled, taking a casual step forward and guiding my hand to her. My fingers fluttered, feeling the freshly showered skin, knowing the warmth was hers and not a relic. I searched for her slit, the curls on her mound prickling my palm as my two first digits dug in along her cleft, giving a slow stroke as I spoke. I felt her heating and wetting along my fingers, making it hard for both of us to focus. <br><br> Her eyes fluttered, she grunted, and her body shuddered, immediately putty in my hands after she had been playing with me moments before, "This going to make traveling together awkward?" I asked with a wry smile, watching her reactions, learning what worked. She chuckled, her hands sliding down my body and beginning to <<linkreplace "undress me">> <<face ahego>> <<outfit naked>> undress me. <br><br> "This gonna make traveling together awkward?" I could feel her sweet moistness spreading on my fingers and into my palm across her mound with each stroke I made. <br><br> "Doesn't. Feel. Awkward. To me." She mmm'd softly, eyes wandering down my body as the clothes relinquished me. <<if $CC.traits.includes("Tats")>> "Nice..." Her fingers traced the inking of my skin, pressing her body closer, nearing her body artwork to mine. Comparing? Just seeing them against each other? Getting closer to me? <br><br> "Yours too." <<else>> "So...clean." <br><br> "I'm definitely not--" Her hand pulled my free one up along her tattoos. I got what she meant, "Oh." <br><br> "It's cute. Pure." <</if>> We moved onto her? bed. Her hand now turning the tables on me and making me gasp and clutch and the threadbare blanket. I wondered if Nonna thought of us as together and if this would be a surprise. Would she hear us? <br><br> Her hands traced up my body as she dove down between my parted thighs. A hand on each of my breasts as her tongue -- oh she had a piercing -- I arched //hard// as the cold metal randomly added firmness and pressure to the sensations of her dragging muscular tongue. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And I was off. Grabbing at the wet mane of hair on her scalp, pulling and pushing her head as the pleasure and extreme and sudden peak fought with 'more' or 'less' inside me. Her tongue slowed, but continued to lap slightly, looking up from down below before lifting slightly, "That was quick." <br><br> "Yeah, s-sorry." <br><br> She shook her head and tried to extricate her hair from my grip, "Nothing to be sorry about -- my work is easy, then." <br><br> <</if>> Grabbing at the skinny, slightly rough iron headboard for purchase as my legs kicked in the air as she ate the shit out of my pussy. I was dying. <br><br> Suddenly, she was up beside me, smiling and wiping her mouth, "Can't have you useless...come on." She was straddling my face, pressing down without asking and my nose was aflood of her scent. Her hips rolled, her thighs flexed beside my head as I returned the favor, watching her tattoos undulate close-up and personal. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Good Head')>> Not surprisingly, she was quickly squeezing my head, hearing the rush of blood inside it under the pressure. Those early moments of touching had told me all I needed to know and I was driving her over the edge and pushing further. She shuddered and was giving a broken, startled laugh as the pleasure rocked through her, "Gaw-damn, girl." She lifted up, hand pressing down at my forehead forcing me away from her honeypot. "You're fucking good at that." <br><br> I nodded, "Sit back down." I ordered. She did, if quivering. <br><br> <</if>> It wasn't much longer before she was biting at the 'headboard' -- it was metal, was that advisable? -- as she stifled a peak ripping through her while I tasted her excitement and felt the pulsing heat. <br><br> She dismounted awkwardly, suddenly and breathed hard into my face as she grabbed me between the legs, her fingers digging instantly inside me and getting to work. I grabbed her back, my other hand getting a handle in her hair and we locked eyes. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> I don't know how much good I was to her. Primed as I already was, I think my fingers were moving of their own accord in reaction to the rapid-fire orgasms ripping through me. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> I think I got her off at least one more time, but primed as I already was, I wasn't much good to her as I kept cumming, my clit an easy button and clearly fun for her to find. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> We went back and forth, she well primed for more and I came easy, so my climax was fading as she grabbed at me and pulled me tight. It was like a see-saw of cumming. <<else>> She was cumming a lot quicker than I was, her body shaking against me and pulling me tight as he ministrations stopped suddenly when she came. But, I got there eventually, even if I had to use my thigh grip on her hand to hold her still as I moved my hips. <</if>> <br><br> I rolled myself off the bed, both of us huffing. She was chuckling and awkwardly pulling herself into the bed we had just used, I was grabbing a towel and wobbling my way to the shower as my body tried to understand what she had done to it. <br><br> Welp. That was certainly one way to kick Europe off with a [[bang|GY004 - Rome]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 1>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">><<vCardCheck "Jordan" M "Jordan, my backpacking buddy">><<else>> <<vCardCheck "Jordan" F "Jordan, my backpacking buddy">><</if>> <</linkreplace>>.
<<image framed "passage/GY004-Rome.png">> <<outfit Euro>> <div id="rome"> Rome. One of the grandest cities in the world. It was, it was again, and still is. It was such a fascinating place: the blend of old and new. How you'd be walking down a street that seemed paved during the time of Emperors, but seeing a Starbucks or chain clothing store in the buildings on either side of you? It was...anachronistic? But also a curious experience, like being constantly questioned as to what millennia I was living in. <br><br> Pantheon. Michelin-star restaurants. Trevi Fountain. Fassi Gelateria. I wondered if the city felt as vibrant and bustling then as now. Were we experiencing the hedonistic decline of our Western civilization like Rome had gone through? Who were our Gothic barbarians knocking on the gates? <br><br> It was my first city of this leap into the void. It was overwhelming and exciting and intoxicating. It was perfect. I don't know if it could have been more cliche. One moment, I was sipping espresso 'al fresco', a new outfit of Euro-chic, and feeling as Roma-ntic as I possibly could. I knew where I was, where I was going next. I felt comfortable. I had finally //become// a local. <br><br><br> And there he was, suddenly in the wrought-iron chair opposite mine. His capris showing off the dark hair and his olive skin. "How are you liking your time in my city?" Ouch. Outed. He had pegged me, effortlessly, as not being from here. <br><br> "You //own// it? That had to be expensive." Not my best attempt at humor, but I had been enjoying such a lovely moment...and here came an Italian man being //exactly// like Italian men were made out to be. <br><br> "Have you heard about the Italian economy? Dire times." He couldn't be averted. Yet, he could tell I wasn't keen on his joke -- it was good, but not good enough. "My apologies," he leaned forward, hand extending out of a smart looking sports coat, "Rocco." <br><br> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>>I shook it, "<<print $>>."<<else>>I left him hanging, "<<print $>>."<</if>> But I had to find out, "How did you know?" <br><br> Unphased, he leaned forward, and with such supreme confidence, he brushed a thumb along my jawline, "Bone structure," he sat back, eye-fucking me but with an appraising overtone, "How you sit," and then he looked away as if he thought of something funny, chuckling soundlessly to himself, "And...look around, <<print $>>. This is not an 'Italian' espresso spot." <br><br> I bristled, about to disagree. To contend with his look and his touch. I did a quick look around at the other patrons, certainly there were some tourists. Oh. Wait, was I turned, heat on my cheeks, but he was smiling kindly, his hand sliding back towards and into one of mine. <br><br> "Come on, let me show you my favorite spot." <div id="rocco"> <br><br> <div style="margin-bottom: -2em">And count me amongst the ones who...</div> <<crossroads #rocco>> <<path>> ...could... <<contents>> <br><br> My hand slid back from his. "No, that's alright. I'd like to find my own spot. But thank you for letting me know." I gave a bite to the biscotti, standing. To his credit, his hand slid from mine as easily as he slid into it. <br><br> "Ciao. Enjoy my city." He nodded and left as well. A momentary encounter -- the most emblematic things about my entire time in <<link "Europe">><<replace "#rome" t8n>> <<if $GY.job == true>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> Sadly, I didn't have too much time for the city. Having to keep up with costs was exhausting. Sometimes Jordan and I would be working together -- sighting an opportunity and letting the other one in on it -- and Nonna did prove to be helpful when we were in a pinch. Whether that was doing a grocery run, or cleaning up after some of the others who came through our room, or other maintenance, she'd throw us a night or a meal as a thank you. More of us thanking her, really. <br><br> It didn't take me long to bristle, though. Not having any space to myself, this felt more like real life -- a working life of labor -- than having an adventure. Of the idea of what backpacking through foreign countries would be. It wasn't a solo, eye-opening experience of scraping by but being delighted daily. It //was// eye-opening though. <br><br> There was something I did take solace in, though: access to different people. Working, traveling, or partaking, there were moments and opportunities to have little 'single-serving' friendships, to get to know people I wouldn't have a chance to otherwise if I hadn't left. So I took full advantage. <br><br> Along the way, I found myself gravitating towards... <div id="eurofriend"> <<crossroads #eurofriend>> <<path>> ''The locals''. I liked getting to know the places through the eyes of who lived there. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "local">> <br><br> I'd strike up conversations in (broken) Italian, or English if that failed me. Whether it was sitting in a coffee shop, or trying to find a particular nook around town. Sometimes I came across the locals that knew how to prey on travelers and they made me a mark. Other times, I was greeted with the warmth because I really wanted to get to know their city, rather than be a typical tourist. And then there were those that were keen on showing me the modern life that they enjoyed: clubs and other hot spots. <br><br> I truly got the authentic experience thanks to full-blooded nationals. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> Others ''my age'', whether they were students, backpackers -- I liked people like me. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "kids">> <br><br> I'd be in line for a work of Michelangelo, or some local pizza, and there'd be someone behind me in a similar situation: not from here and trying to feel like they ''knew'' Rome. There was the smile of seeing one's self reflected and there was an easy in-road to getting to know each other as the eternal lines shuffled along. Some were students on a semester abroad, others were backpackers roughing it through the metropolises, and then there were a couple times when someone actually __from__ the town would come out of their bubble to talk with an American wanderer. <br><br> It was the safe experience, it was comfortable, but it was fun in that way. A young energy always around and mostly people in my kind of situation. A lot to talk about and it was cool to see other people my age and compare experiences at our young point in life. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> ''Co-workers'', travelers...the wealthy and leisure-minded types. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "work">> <br><br> There was a comradery busting your ass for hours of the day simply to enjoy yourself for a couple at the end of it. Or go crazy during the weekends. There was an authenticity to hanging out and enjoying the city with the people who, truly, kept it running. And I was one of them. A cog in the machine that would use me while I was here and give me a little taste of what the people with money got to do day-to-day. These were //their// spots with ''their'' people. And that was me. Jordan and I fell in easily amongst the other people with raw hands, tired eyes and sore backs. <br><br> I was glad to be as young as I was. To have the reserves of energy and just go late and wake up early to grab another paycheck. I couldn't imagine being like some of them who were in the later stages of life and keeping up with us. How did they do it? I was burning at both ends and I could feel myself fraying by the end of my adventure. It was tough, but it felt character-building, to say the least. <br><br> Rome was a playground and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> I ensconced myself in everything I could. While Jordan was off doing grocery runs for Nonna or coming back scalded from working in a laundromat, I was investigating the Vatican. I got to take my time and enjoy the art, the marbles, the old architecture. And the food. I didn't need to rush and could listen to the audio guide, or take a tour with a docent. I felt a little guilty that I knew my 'companion' was literally working <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self to the bone to take part is just a taste of what I was 'eating'. <br><br> Mostly, I felt guilty because it felt nice to be alone. I hadn't come with anyone and, in my mind, had pictured it just being me bopping around the continent. For better or worse. I had a partner-in-crime with Jordan when I wanted (and <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was available) and otherwise, it was how I imagined it. <br><br> An added bonus: rolling solo allowed me to make friends and connections with whomever I wanted. <br><br> Along the way, I found myself gravitating towards... <div id="eurofriend"> <<crossroads #eurofriend>> <<path>> ''The locals''. I liked getting to know the places through the eyes of who lived there. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "local">> <br><br> I'd strike up conversations in (broken) Italian, or English if that failed me. Whether it was sitting in a coffee shop, or trying to find a particular nook around town. Sometimes I came across the locals that knew how to prey on travelers and they made me a mark. Other times, I was greeted with the warmth because I really wanted to get to know their city, rather than be a typical tourist. And then there were those that were keen on showing me the modern life that they enjoyed: clubs and other hot spots. <br><br> I truly got the authentic experience thanks to full-blooded nationals. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> Others ''my age'', whether they were students, backpackers -- I liked people like me. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "kids">> <br><br> I'd be in line for a work of Michelangelo, or some local pizza, and there'd be someone behind me in a similar situation: not from here and trying to feel like they ''knew'' Rome. There was the smile of seeing one's self reflected and there was an easy in-road to getting to know each other as the eternal lines shuffled along. Some were students on a semester abroad, others were backpackers roughing it through the metropolises, and then there were a couple times when someone actually __from__ the town would come out of their bubble to talk with an American wanderer. <br><br> It was the safe experience, it was comfortable, but it was fun in that way. A young energy always around and mostly people in my kind of situation. A lot to talk about and it was cool to see other people my age and compare experiences at our young point in life. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> ''Tourists'', travelers...the wealthy and leisure-minded types. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "tourist">> <br><br> Having my freedom allowed me the time and availability to not simply hit up the tourist spots. I had more opportunities -- and cash didn't hurt -- to get to the ritzy areas, the posh spots, the places where the well-to-do (couldn't argue that I was one of them, really) and see how the other half vacationed. Exclusive spots, people who were used to getting their way, and a substantial barrier between the riff-raff. <br><br> It was certainly inauthentic as far as backpacking went. More like glamping, since I'd still slum it up at a hostel. It was definitely a grab bag of the better and worse end of things because I was amongst people who were used to doing whatever they wanted, going wherever they wanted, with whomever they wanted. Good or bad, there was always a story and a feeling like this story was unique, different and exclusively //mine//. <br><br> Rome was a playground and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <<path>> ...couldn't... <<contents>> <<image framed "passage/">> <br><br> I smirked, matching his attitude and allowed his gentle guidance out of my seat. "Okay. Count me as curious." <br><br> "Bella." And we were off. I imagined that we looked like a proper Italian duo, me in my fit and he in his, but I also was a still unsettled by being caught out like I had been. Did I walk like an American? Was my bone structure //that// much of a give-away? I had always considered the US to be such a melting pot that there weren't truly 'American' features or type. Sure, the 'boy next door' or that kinda thing, but that in a line-up you wouldn't be able to pick us out. <br><br> We had found our way from the main drag and I started to understand that maybe I ''had'' been in a touristy spot, if this was where the real Romans went. At a doorstep and him working through a keychain, my curiosity became a little more confused, "Here?" <br><br> "I make the best espresso." It was a charming smile. The key slid into the lock effortlessly. He was so. fucking. smooth. The front door open, his watch flashing as he held it open for me. The mid-morning, Italian version of a 'come back to my place for a drink'. I laughed, shook my head -- was he skipping out on work? Did Italian men work? <br><br> Well. When in Rome! "I'll be the judge of that." He nodded like 'of course.' And I was inside, moving up the narrow staircase up to his apartment. <br><br> He ground beans, talking about some interesting little places around his neighborhood. He brewed my espresso and his, asking how I liked it and teaching me all the different draws. And then I made a comment how, as nice as this tasted, I motioned at the empty dish. No biscotti. No cookie. He just smiled and unzipped his pants. <br><br> Coffee taste in my mouth short-circuited my brain a bit due to the darkness of his skin. His cock still tasted like cock. <br><br> He put our dishware aside casually, removing his jacket as my head bobbed in his lap. His smoothness continued, working his slacks down and then moving me with my legs aloft and he took his turn enjoying what came with his coffee. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>>I came with his coffee. His fluttering tongue, warmed by the espresso shot, shot me to the moon.<<else>>His fluttering tongue, warmed by the espresso shot, warmed me quickly.<</if>> <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "Our clothes came off rapidly...">> <<outfit naked>> <<image framed "passage/gy.bedroom.png">> <<face ahego>> Our clothes came off rapidly. I was now as keen as he was. He slipped on a condom wordlessly -- as much as his words had gotten me here, they had stopped now -- and he was inside me. Fluidly, he thrust. His hand caressed my jawline and his smile peeked from time to time. It was Romantic without feelings, without feeling whisked away or that I was falling for him. It was passionate without being rough or selfish. It was kind without being weak or boring. <br><br> And he took his time. I came, grasping my fingers into his pomaded hair, loosening it and ruining his slicked affect. He tossed his head slightly and continued on, thrusting into me while I quaked underneath him, my American accent clear as day in my exclamations. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>>I giggled out as I quaked, pawing at his curled chest hairs. It wasn't too long before I was shuddering again, the time between them shortening as he took his time with me and brought me off again and again.<<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>>I was cooing during the come-down from that lovely peak and then grabbed at his flanks, feet kicking high and legs wide as another slammed into me. Harder, stronger. I was panting out as that one came down, just to be met again with another powerful pleasure burst. His cock felt incredible.<<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>>And thats how it began, because from that moment onward, it was a thrumming of orgasm cresting ontop of orgasm. I have little recollection for how long the fuck lasted, or what happened after that point. It was a wash as my body lost itself on his bed.<<else>>It was a long one, it was a beautiful one, it was a powerful one. And in some way, seemed to bloom brighter from the choice of beans.<</if>> <br><br> Then he was finished, pulling free despite wearing a condom because he was removing it, his length pulsing straight out from his crotch, spewing up my stomach and across my tits, painting me as he let his cock aim where it wanted to. And I was too blissed out to care. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "I cleaned myself...">> <<outfit default>> I cleaned myself as he re-engaged the earlier conversation about the true local spots. He got dressed again as he silently excused my awkwardness as I tried to match his comfort and casualness. And then he escorted me out, a sweet peck on my cheek and sending me on his way. Never saw him again, but I kind of like that it was so 'typically' Euro. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 1>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Rocco and espresso" M>> <br><br><br> A 'momentary' encounter -- the most emblematic things about my entire time in <<link "Europe">><<replace "#rome" t8n>> <<if $GY.job == true>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> Sadly, I didn't have too much time for the city. Having to keep up with costs was exhausting. Sometimes Jordan and I would be working together -- sighting an opportunity and letting the other one in on it -- and Nonna did prove to be helpful when we were in a pinch. Whether that was doing a grocery run, or cleaning up after some of the others who came through our room, or other maintenance, she'd throw us a night or a meal as a thank you. More of us thanking her, really. <br><br> It didn't take me long to bristle, though. Not having any space to myself, this felt more like real life -- a working life of labor -- than having an adventure. Of the idea of what backpacking through foreign countries would be. It wasn't a solo, eye-opening experience of scraping by but being delighted daily. It //was// eye-opening though. <br><br> There was something I did take solace in, though: access to different people. Working, traveling, or partaking, there were moments and opportunities to have little 'single-serving' friendships, to get to know people I wouldn't have a chance to otherwise if I hadn't left. So I took full advantage. <br><br> Along the way, I found myself gravitating towards... <div id="eurofriend"> <<crossroads #eurofriend>> <<path>> ''The locals''. I liked getting to know the places through the eyes of who lived there. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "local">> <br><br> I'd strike up conversations in (broken) Italian, or English if that failed me. Whether it was sitting in a coffee shop, or trying to find a particular nook around town. Sometimes I came across the locals that knew how to prey on travelers and they made me a mark. Other times, I was greeted with the warmth because I really wanted to get to know their city, rather than be a typical tourist. And then there were those that were keen on showing me the modern life that they enjoyed: clubs and other hot spots. <br><br> I truly got the authentic experience thanks to full-blooded nationals. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> Others ''my age'', whether they were students, backpackers -- I liked people like me. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "kids">> <br><br> I'd be in line for a work of Michelangelo, or some local pizza, and there'd be someone behind me in a similar situation: not from here and trying to feel like they ''knew'' Rome. There was the smile of seeing one's self reflected and there was an easy in-road to getting to know each other as the eternal lines shuffled along. Some were students on a semester abroad, others were backpackers roughing it through the metropolises, and then there were a couple times when someone actually __from__ the town would come out of their bubble to talk with an American wanderer. <br><br> It was the safe experience, it was comfortable, but it was fun in that way. A young energy always around and mostly people in my kind of situation. A lot to talk about and it was cool to see other people my age and compare experiences at our young point in life. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> ''Co-workers'', travelers...the wealthy and leisure-minded types. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "work">> <br><br> There was a comradery busting your ass for hours of the day simply to enjoy yourself for a couple at the end of it. Or go crazy during the weekends. There was an authenticity to hanging out and enjoying the city with the people who, truly, kept it running. And I was one of them. A cog in the machine that would use me while I was here and give me a little taste of what the people with money got to do day-to-day. These were //their// spots with ''their'' people. And that was me. Jordan and I fell in easily amongst the other people with raw hands, tired eyes and sore backs. <br><br> I was glad to be as young as I was. To have the reserves of energy and just go late and wake up early to grab another paycheck. I couldn't imagine being like some of them who were in the later stages of life and keeping up with us. How did they do it? I was burning at both ends and I could feel myself fraying by the end of my adventure. It was tough, but it felt character-building, to say the least. <br><br> Rome was a playground and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> I ensconced myself in everything I could. While Jordan was off doing grocery runs for Nonna or coming back scalded from working in a laundromat, I was investigating the Vatican. I got to take my time and enjoy the art, the marbles, the old architecture. And the food. I didn't need to rush and could listen to the audio guide, or take a tour with a docent. I felt a little guilty that I knew my 'companion' was literally working <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>self to the bone to take part is just a taste of what I was 'eating'. <br><br> Mostly, I felt guilty because it felt nice to be alone. I hadn't come with anyone and, in my mind, had pictured it just being me bopping around the continent. For better or worse. I had a partner-in-crime with Jordan when I wanted (and <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was available) and otherwise, it was how I imagined it. <br><br> An added bonus: rolling solo allowed me to make friends and connections with whomever I wanted. <br><br> Along the way, I found myself gravitating towards... <div id="eurofriend"> <<crossroads #eurofriend>> <<path>> ''The locals''. I liked getting to know the places through the eyes of who lived there. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "local">> <br><br> I'd strike up conversations in (broken) Italian, or English if that failed me. Whether it was sitting in a coffee shop, or trying to find a particular nook around town. Sometimes I came across the locals that knew how to prey on travelers and they made me a mark. Other times, I was greeted with the warmth because I really wanted to get to know their city, rather than be a typical tourist. And then there were those that were keen on showing me the modern life that they enjoyed: clubs and other hot spots. <br><br> I truly got the authentic experience thanks to full-blooded nationals. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> Others ''my age'', whether they were students, backpackers -- I liked people like me. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "kids">> <br><br> I'd be in line for a work of Michelangelo, or some local pizza, and there'd be someone behind me in a similar situation: not from here and trying to feel like they ''knew'' Rome. There was the smile of seeing one's self reflected and there was an easy in-road to getting to know each other as the eternal lines shuffled along. Some were students on a semester abroad, others were backpackers roughing it through the metropolises, and then there were a couple times when someone actually __from__ the town would come out of their bubble to talk with an American wanderer. <br><br> It was the safe experience, it was comfortable, but it was fun in that way. A young energy always around and mostly people in my kind of situation. A lot to talk about and it was cool to see other people my age and compare experiences at our young point in life. <br><br> Rome was a playground of sorts and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <<path>> ''Tourists'', travelers...the wealthy and leisure-minded types. <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "tourist">> <br><br> Having my freedom allowed me the time and availability to not simply hit up the tourist spots. I had more opportunities -- and cash didn't hurt -- to get to the ritzy areas, the posh spots, the places where the well-to-do (couldn't argue that I was one of them, really) and see how the other half vacationed. Exclusive spots, people who were used to getting their way, and a substantial barrier between the riff-raff. <br><br> It was certainly inauthentic as far as backpacking went. More like glamping, since I'd still slum it up at a hostel. It was definitely a grab bag of the better and worse end of things because I was amongst people who were used to doing whatever they wanted, going wherever they wanted, with whomever they wanted. Good or bad, there was always a story and a feeling like this story was unique, different and exclusively //mine//. <br><br> Rome was a playground and a great starting place for me to find my footing. I figured out exactly how I was going to navigate the broader continent before taking my first train away. <br><br><br> It was a couple months, and my longest stay anywhere in particular, but eventually, I left the [[nest|GY005 - BackpackingVign]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> ...resist an Italian man like Rocco. </div> </div>
/* VIGNS: */ /* Pull 1 from each category (goal and location) and then 1 more randomly from the full set of (Goal + Location) */ /* each one has a selection. making the selection should move on to the next vignette */ <<set _VignStep = 0>> <<set _goal = "">> <<set _location = "">> <div id="vigns"> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> </div>
<<switch _VignStep>> <<case 0>> <<image framed "passage/">> It was a year of sights and travel. It was incredible seeing how varied and different places just around the corner could be. It was like every possibility was crammed together on this continent. And it was all so culturally different from America. Deeper. And even the big cities back home had a different feel to their polyglot. There was a richness and history to everything. <br><br> Europe was incredible and there were a couple of stand-out moments that I still recall to this day. <br><br> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Goals">> <<case 1>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Locations">> <<case 2>> <<set _random = true>> <<switch random(1,2)>> <<case 1>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Goals">> <<case 2>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Locations">> <</switch>> <<case 3>> <<image framed "passage/">> Europe was beautiful. Was impressive. And so multi-faceted that I wished I could see more. There was so much to just this tiny part of the world. <br><br> It was bits like this that made me feel not just cultured, but that I might have picked up a thing or two and the whole idea about backpacking Europe hadn't only been about having fun. <br><br> But I did have [[fun|GY006 - GoingOut]]. <</switch>>
<<set _vignGoal = $GY.goal>> <<if _random == true>> <<set _vignGoal = random(1,3)>> <</if>> <<switch _vignGoal>> <<case 1>> /* $GY.goal 1 Vignettes - learn */ <<switch random(1,5)>> <<case 1>> <<GYvignTag Austria goal>> Austria. Home to one of the oldest families that ruled the continent -- the Hapsburgs. And given how long they were in charge, they had time to establish their own icons and one outlasted them: the Lipizzaners. "Spanish," but in the heart of Vienna and still performing to this day were some absolutely gorgeous horses. <br><br> Their training was impeccable. Precision of that caliber out of something that size, that powerful, it must have been a wonder to see on the battlefield. It was a wonder to watch their maneuvers and jumps in a graceful ballet. <br><br> Walking out of the Spanish Riding School, I was debated whether I was most struck by... <<crossroads #vigns>> <<path>> ...the stallions' discipline... <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <<path>> ...or ability to perform on command. <<contents>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</crossroads>> <<case 2>> <<GYvignTag Versailles goal>> Versailles was no little hunting lodge. Or, if that's what Kings considered a hunting lodge, they were certainly the billionaires of an earlier time. The word 'resplendent' or 'ornate' does nothing to truly do credit to the palace. It felt like every inch was plated in gold, there were frescos and statues in every nook and cranny. <br><br> It was beautiful and it was overwhelming. And it was //massive//. <br><br> There was a push and pull within me. Part of me hated the extravagance and wastefulness of the expenditure and creation of the monstrosity of wealth. The other part of me was glad that it had been saved the ravages of time and preserved for me to walk through. <br><br> The gardens, the halls, I spent a full day soaking in the grounds and walked out a bit exhausted. I wondered if I had <<link "seen">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> everything or soaked in all of the <<link "history">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> that oozed from alcoves and ceilings. <<case 3>> <<GYvignTag Florence goal>> <<face hurt1 runny>> If there was a mecca of Western culture, it would be Florence. It felt like the city still lived before the 20th century. Art, museums, sculptures, architecture to last the ages were found around every corner. Uffizi Gallery, David, Duomo, Ponte Vecchio. It was a majestic town and felt like a font of knowledge and things to see that never exhausted. <br><br> I was exhausted. But that was because there was so much to see and do and I only had so much time. There were decades, centuries of creation to consume and there was no way I was going to be able to see and do it all. <br><br> Luckily, I could just take a breath, sitting by the Arno and still feel like I was getting cultured by osmosis. <br><br> I couldn't deny the tears in my eyes when I left, wondering if I would ever return. There were things I wanted to see again, to see every day, but now Florence was retreating and if I never returned -- don't say that -- I'd still retain some of the <<link "edifying">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or things I had <<link "uncovered">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<case 4>> <<GYvignTag Dachau goal>> If there was a gut-punch just //being// somewhere? It was Dachau. I felt like it was a duty to anyone coming to Europe to see not just the beauty but also the horror. And there was a stark...lack? to the barren spaces and spare foundations of the former camp that were more devastating than pictures or first-hand accounts. <br><br> I don't think I had been so affected by an empty field the way that I cried standing outside there. <br><br> I don't think I could have understood better with a picture or a video what I felt in the fiber of my soul when I walked through the 'intake facility' with a height chart on the wall. With an opening and a room behind it. <br><br> I was torn down by what people had done to other people, but it was worth it. Even with a body tired from emotion, I felt like I <<link "understood">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> the human condition better, or at least could not have the wool pulled over <<link "my eyes">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<case 5>> <<GYvignTag Salzburg goal>> What might have been my favorite town -- and I couldn't tell you why -- was Salzburg. Certainly, it was the home of Mozart and his home was an interesting place to visit, but it was more just the atmosphere of the city. <br><br> Walking the old streets, it just felt calming and 'homey'. The Alps hugging the town felt protective, the air felt cleaner, the sunlight brighter and the sky blue-er. <br><br> The hills were truly alive. <br><br> I know that it doesn't make any sense, but leaving Austria, I felt like I had found 'my' city. It was exclusively mine and no one else could change that, or make it theirs. And that gave me a sense of <<link "grounding">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "self-assuredness">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>. <</switch>> <<case 2>> /* $GY.goal 2 Vignettes - party */ <<switch random(1,5)>> <<case 1>> <<GYvignTag Amsterdam goal>> What's not to like about Amsterdam? One of the most open cities in the world, and everyone knows it so everyone's there to have a good time. Get some drugs. Go get drunk. Legalized pretty much everything. <br><br> The 'coffee' shops felt a little quaint with how broadly weed had become accepted now, but that didn't mean I didn't go and enjoy the atmosphere. I jumped on party boats where I didn't know anyone, but was welcomed like an age-old friend. <br><br> And then there was the Red Light District. Kind of synonymous with the city and I had to see it. And it was fucking fun. Strip shows were everywhere and knowing that everyone was a legal worker made it all feel comfortable -- and more sexy. <br><br> I do have to be honest, though, for all I mentioned...I don't //really// remember much of it. I was on something like the entire time I was there. There are flashes and moments I recall -- and I'm pretty sure they all happened. But when I left there was an overwhelming feeling that I had gone a bit too <<link "crazy">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or maybe shouldn't have tried <<link "everything">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<case 2>> <<GYvignTag Ibiza goal>> Ibiza. If I was going to be in Europe and wanted to party, there was no way I was going to miss that. Pristine, gorgeous beaches; people wearing next to nothing all the time; and party going all the time. People weren't kidding about Ibiza and I was glad they were right. <br><br> Playa en'Bossa was my home til I broke. EDM throbbing in my ear drums as I tried to grab enough sleep so that I could power through another day of DJs, drinking and drugs. I had a sunburn, probably was dehydrated the whole time and wondered how people did it. People lived here right? Were they always neck deep in basslines? <br><br> I was sweaty and I think I had a headache hangover but eventually used to it? My body either knew I wouldn't listen to it, or realized that I was going to go hard until I was done and needed to keep up with me rather than the usual way around. <br><br> I couldn't tell you the name of a single person I met or spent time with. I don't think I could hear their names if I tried. And the only names that I was trying to remember were the DJs, but they all started to flow together in my mind after a bit. <br><br> Leaving the Med, I had a new-found appreciation for <<link "music">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> and a <<link "good time">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<set $HS.addictionLv ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<case 3>> <<GYvignTag Prague goal>> It was like the entire city was focused on partying. During the day, I'd walk down these medieval streets, surrounded by gorgeous architecture erected centuries ago -- it felt like Prague was supposed to be a center of culture, full of museums and artifacts from history, where you'd walk out edified and wow'd. <br><br> And then the sun would come down and buildings from the 14th century would become homes to pulsating music, haze and dancing. There were even some clubs where you could see the art that stayed on the walls from when it was a gallery a few hours ago. I wasn't about to buy one of them, whether I was as drunk at night or sober during the day, but having them to look at as I cavorted gave an air of sophistication to being blasted. <br><br> None of this came as a surprise: people came from all over the continent and the //world// to party in Prague. It's why I had come and so I was dancing and drinking and rolling alongside a true cross-section of the world. No arguments, cultural differences forgotten because we were united by a common desire: have a fucking great time. <br><br> Every inch of the city felt like it was dual-purpose: the 'adult' and restrained daytime whitewashed version and the nocturnal loose version of adult fun. It hurt to say goodbye to Prague, mostly the excuse to check out <<link "museums">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or the fun of <<link "sussing">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> out where the party was. <<case 4>> <<GYvignTag Slovakia goal>> When I was looking for a crazy, fun time, I had never considered that Slovakia would have been one of my stop-overs. But there I was. This guy from Iceland name Oli had heard from some Alexei who knew from some friends -- sounded like a game of telephone -- that there was an uber-inexpensive and unknown center of partying deep in Slovakia. Oli had heard that the hottest women in Europe were there and he kept insisting that meant that //I// needed to be there. <br><br> My ego stoked and after unrelenting pressure from the funny kid, I decided why not. On our way, we picked up a businessman who was Dutch and some kids also from America, which made me feel a little more at ease. And then we were there, a little hostel that served as the hub for all the partying. And yep, there were tons of hot women. The guys, more miss than hit, but that was unsurprising. It always felt like there was never an even split. Everywhere the imbalance between attractiveness was present, usually in guys' favor. <br><br> The first night I ended up at a spa. While it was not the party I had expected, it was incredibly inexpensive and welcome after how hard I had been pushing my body. The next morning, Oli was gone and I started getting a little uncomfortable. The disco that night was a pretty good time, but there was a strange edge to all the hardened eastern European guys there and I felt that the guys I had come with were mostly into the hot women and I was being left to fend for myself. <br><br> The next morning I headed out, saying goodbye to a strange little detour to a 'party hot spot.' I hadn't done much partying and I probably was losing out and would regret it if I ever came across those guys again, but I didn't want to end up <<link "dead">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> and was glad for any <<link "spidey sense">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> I had. <<case 5>> <<GYvignTag Berlin goal>> The nightlife capital of Europe: Berlin. When I decided to have a great time on my trip, I knew I had to hit the most famous place for fun. And it did. not. disappoint. <br><br> The thing I had to get most used to is that people were very open and free with invites. And it wasn't sketchy or something to be concerned about. I just had to say yes. It was like a culture of people trying to spread the joy of a good time. <br><br> Once, I ended up in an old DDR hangar that had this small 'party train' driving around in circles. Idea? Insane. Actuality? Weird, but definitely interesting. And of course there were more than enough spots for techno and EDM. The options were endless and the hours were long. Nights ended only with the next morning and I always felt that I hadn't hit all the places I had wanted to. <br><br> Every block seemed to have somewhere to lose yourself in some music and drinking. Underground, on the roofs, in buildings, open air. Berlin was a pastiche of party. I wondered if I could ever hit all the venues, even if I had infinite time. <br><br> I left Berlin absolutely exhausted, but was most glad to have experienced <<link "twenty clubs">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> in one night. <<link "the weird">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> stuff I could only have found there. <</switch>> <<case 3>> /* $GY.goal 3 Vignettes - get away */ <<switch random(1,5)>> <<case 1>> <<GYvignTag Switzerland goal>> I'd had enough of cities. You can only take so many museums, statues, pieces of art before they are start to meld into each other and honestly, maybe my brain was just over-saturated. //Too// much culture. Blech. It wasn't fun any more and I needed a refresher. <br><br> So I glommed onto the idea of hitting the slopes when I overheard some ritzy and young Italians discussing what they were going to do with their weekend. Well, why not me too? I headed up to Switzerland and the Alpine slopes and got the cleansing that I needed on the perfect white slopes. <br><br> The air felt cleaner, cutting my throat with the cold crispness. The wind gave my skin a different type of burn as it whipped against anything I didn't cover. My muscles ached as I pushed them to do things I hadn't done -- hell, besides walking, I hadn't really been active at all this whole time abroad. <br><br> I came down off my <<if $CC.clique == "Rebel">>board<<else>>skiis<</if>> feeling as invigorated as I had hoped. Maybe a little <<link "stronger">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "focused">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> than when I arrived for my year away. <<case 2>> <<GYvignTag Paris goal>> I didn't think I would be packing a pair of Minnie ears when I first thought of going to Europe, but eventually there was a kind of special draw to going to DisneyLand in Paris. It was a different kind of getting away. <br><br> All my thoughts of these theme parks come with ideas of 'family' or 'friends' and here I was all by myself in the dark on Pirates of the Caribbean and the Tower of Terror. <br><br> I gotta say, I kind of changed my mind spending time munching on a churro and realizing maybe these were just more stressful and less fun balancing all of the personalities and needs of a bigger group. If I wanted to go on a ride again? I would just do it. If I wanted to take a break? I sat. <br><br> I enjoyed the familiarity of a taste of home just a few miles away from Paris, and maybe it quenched a bit of homesick. Wasn't a cheap way to do it, but it was fun and quite unexpected. I waved goodbye to Mick-oui oui feeling a bit more <<link "stable">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "silly">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> but the only person to judge me <<case 3>> <<GYvignTag Amalfi goal>> Going to the Amalfi Coast wasn't the most original idea I had, but it was no wonder that so many people went there to get away. And it was only a hop-skip (and a train) to get to. And it was //gorgeous//. There was a peace and calm to the area that had me coming back. <br><br> Looking out over the Mediterranean while enjoying some limoncello? It felt perfect. There was nothing like it back at home and I soaked up the differences all that I could: the mash-up of seaside, mountain, city; the deeply rooted culture, the small-town feel. <br><br> But I wasn't that welcome. Tourists. And there were tons of us. I tried to be conscientious and I hated the tourists ruining my mojo as much as the locals, but I had to admit that I was one of them. I was an outsider. <br><br> So, I avoided just being a daytripper and coming back time and again was both a benefit to me because I enjoyed the place, but also lent me some credibility. I wasn't gawking. I was a true lover of their home. And I loved their <<link "food">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "views">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> the most. <<case 4>> <<GYvignTag Tuscany goal>> Italy was an incredible place: cities that had been around for literal eons, built upon and built out and built up, and then you headed a few miles out from the city centers and you'd find remote, untouched and old communities. Like Tuscany. <br><br> It was a dear of a place to me. So close to my 'home base' that travel out was cheap and quick and then I'd be in some township that felt like it was straight out of the past century. There was peace and quiet, there was ease and simplicity. And in Tuscany, there was wine. <br><br> They did it so well and so cheaply that more often than not, I'd be returning to my hostel with a buzz and a bottle. There were vineyards aplenty, so I always had somewhere new to try and I developed quite the appreciation for the notes and flavors that could differ just on the other side of a hill. I //had// thought the whole sommelier thing was a put-on, but quaff enough and you do start to understand there are differences to the grape juice you're drinking. <br><br> And there I'd be, sitting in a wrought iron chair that had probably been made by someone's grandfather, looking out onto the rolling hills of green. Watching grazing animals or the wine whipping through the vines and sipping at a glass of red or white that had been grown in that very soil for generations. I loved Tuscany for its <<link "wine">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "remoteness">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> the most. <<case 5>> <<GYvignTag GreekIslands goal>> While Italy was my home, I played a bit of a Roman conquerer and with the spare resources I had, I plundered the nearby countries for fun and adventure. It wasn't too expensive to do. No wonder that the Romans of old were rampaging this part of the world, taking from other cultures -- they were //right// __there__. <br><br> The Greek Islands were my preferred raid. The waters were a crystal blue that I had never seen. The beaches were clean and beautiful. It was like a cheap and local resort getaway in my backyard. I got to feel like I was truly having a vacation and throw on a bikini (or less) and party a bit. <br><br> They were quite welcoming to visitors, especially a cute American tourist. It was refreshing to enjoy a bit of freedom and fun rather than focus on my depleting bank account and survival. The islands seemed set up for escapists. Men brought their yachts, replete with booze and food, and were eager to have some eye candy jump onboard with them. <br><br> It was like a bunch of floating clubs where I could come home with a fun story and a tan. There was definitely a male-centered culture though that had high expectations when you got on their boat. For me that just meant <<link "putting out">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or taking my exit and <<link "swimming">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> to the next yacht. <</switch>> <</switch>>
<<set _vignLocation = $GY.location>> <<if _random == true>> <<set _vignLocation = random(1,3)>> <</if>> <<switch _vignLocation>> <<case 1>> /* $GY.location 1 Vignettes - Major Sites */ <<switch random(1,3)>> <<case 1>> <<GYvignTag Barcelona location>> Barcelona is one of the first places you think of when you think of visiting Europe. At least I do. Architecture crammed up ontop of each other in these fascinating ways, the difference of peoples in Spain like a microcosm of all the different people across the continent. <br><br> There were late night parties, late night eating -- incredible food -- and museums upon museums. There was a limitless supply of things to do, and all were walkable. I barely needed to use transit, even if one day I decided to take an unadvised walk all the way up to the Science Institute that was...a bit further than I expected and the incline was insane. <br><br> The most striking thing to me, though, was the Sagrada Familia. The fact that it was incepted and partially designed in the NINETEENTH century and is still under work, long, long after the architect's death is confounding. But when you walk in the doors, you immediately know why. <br><br> I had never experienced stained glass in a way that didn't feel old and medieval. This felt bright, current, modern and full of life. Inspiring rather than pressuring. I challenge anyone to go there and not have their <<link "eyes">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> opened or their artistic ideals <<link "challenged">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<case 2>> <<GYvignTag Eiffel location>> How can you head to the continent and not want to see one of the marvels of the world? Not only is it in Paris and emblematic of passion, but it was literally a //wonder//. The architecture, the staying power, it was no wonder than anyone in the world would have been able to recognize that place with the barest of sketches. <br><br> You could dine on the first floor at a brasserie and enjoy some incredible food while taking in the views of central Paris. Or, you could head all the way to the Laboratory that was supposed to have been destroyed, but luckily was saved. I even took in a show once or twice in their Salon. <br><br> I didn't have to be in the thing to be delighted, either. Simply sitting nearby would send my heart a-flutter. Sipping an espresso across the river, or having a glass of wine in the early evening and watching it light up was just a spectacle that I am glad I didn't miss. <br><br> And then it simply served as an excuse to enjoy one of the greatest cities in the world. Incredible food, wonderful sights and culture, and a humming metropolis with so many people, it was a never-ending experience. Ultimately, the Tower was a landmark of <<link "learning">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "experience">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> to me. <<case 3>> <<GYvignTag Louvre location>> Where do you go to see some of the most famous, most important works of art in the world? The Louvre. Not just the Venus and Mona Lisa, but artifacts and historical pieces that capture times and events that are gone and otherwise forgotten. So many things to see, so much to read that I doubt that anyone could take it all in a single visit. <br><br> And I know because I tried. Multiple times. With the changing of exhibits, showcases coming and going, it would have taken a concerted effort to be able to be current on everything tha the Louvre had to offer. <br><br> Even with how crowded and busy the museum was on any given hour, it became my little slice of sanity. I'd pick a wing to focus on and just sit, enjoying a piece of art, or engage with the summaries on the wall while pulling up what the internet had to afford. <br><br> I got on a first-name basis with some of the docents and security guards. And yes, I did see the Mona Lisa, but mostly I avoided the crowd because that area is absolute insanity. It's not worth the effort, just to see the smile. I preferred the other pieces of <<link "art">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or the <<link "history-focused">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> exhibitions. <<case 4>> Neuschwanstein <<case 5>> Acropolis <</switch>> <<case 2>> /* $GY.location 2 Vignettes - Wanderlust */ <<switch random(1,2)>> <<case 1>> <<GYvignTag Gotland location>> How did I even get to Gotland? Did I even know that Gotland was a place? Could I point it out to you on the map? Probably not. It's an island, that's for sure, but I was just mindlessly wandering the continent with these kids who had gotten out of Ukraine. There was an air of solemnity to them, but also an excitement for life. <br><br> And then we were on this quaint little island. Cows. Fields. Cold Baltic winds. Not a lot to scream 'come visit me,' but I was with the right people. There was a wonder they found in the simplicity. They loved how communal and traditional these people were. And the appreciation went both ways. <br><br> I got the sense that seeing us immediately bristled the locals, but our interest in them and that we weren't staying at some hotel but just roughing it in tents showed us as a kind of kindred spirits. We holed up in pubs, we got our hands dirty in some fields and with odds and ends work. There were gorgeous views of the water and amazing ruins. <br><br> It was it's own kind of gem and I'm glad that I was brought along, otherwise not only would I not be able to point it out on the map, but I wouldn't even consider it twice. Most notable to me was...either <<link "learning">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> that not everything had to be modern to be good, or finding a <<link "calm">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> in the mundane. <<case 2>> <<GYvignTag Eurail location>> There was an entrenched way of life amongst backpackers and general nomads called 'Eurail'. Taking the name straight from the rail system throughout the continent. At first, the idea of railroad being a preferable (and effective) way to navigate Europe, I would have laughed in your face -- and then I tried it. Quick, clean, efficient. You could navigate effectively wherever you wanted throughout the EU-zone and beyond. It made sense. <br><br> Buy a ticket to your next place and hit the rails. Could be next on the line, could be the cheapest thing available, it didn't matter the reason, you'd jump on the train and go. And the train was part of the life as well. Meet some friends for a stop or two, or maybe for the whole jaunt. They might be checking out your destination as well and then you had a ready-made group for when you disembarked. Sometimes who I met made me drop off early or take the train a bit longer. It was a very flexible way to travel and explore. <br><br> It was a bit cramped and uncomfortable from time to time -- sometimes I could manage a sleeper cabin, other times I'd catch what I could in the normal seats. That wasn't appreciated by the conductors, but neither was when I was overstaying my welcome (cough, ticket) and there were some lines that I had to avoid after a while. But I needed to get to where I needed to get to, and sometimes there were no other options. was part of the thrill. There was this sub-culture of avoiding getting caught, of 'it should be for public use' mentality -- kind of felt hippy in a way. <br><br> The Eurail really let me go wherever I wanted and I'm glad that I learned about the hack. I saw tiny towns, big cities, the edges that avoided all the tourists and the inner nooks that were truly local delights. When I finally put down my bindle, I knew that I'd kind of miss the <<link "hobo life">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "freedom">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> I was leaving behind. <<case 3>> Tromso, Norway <<case 4>> London <<case 5>> Monaco <</switch>> <<case 3>> /* $GY.location 3 Vignettes - Rome */ <<switch random(1,2)>> <<case 1>> <<GYvignTag Rome location>> I bet I could have spent the entire time in Rome. There were so many things to see and do -- and what's surprising about that? Home to one of the longest-lived empires of all time and a religious center afterwards. Millennia of history had a way of cramming a lot of things into one place. <br><br> And they're right //there// alongside the rest of every day life. The Colosseum, Forum, Pantheon, the city bustled around them, built around them, lived around them as if they were both nothing special and so special as to keep them preserved for so long. <br><br> I loved how I could be able to visit incredible sites so readily and often. I got to know them intimately and enjoyed having a meditative little break in the quiet, overgrown Forum, or a lunch around the Pantheon, and if I was in the mood for crowds and a more museum-like experience, I would go to the Colosseum. <br><br> It was the first city I came to, where I spent most of my time and truly became //my// city. I could probably be a docent at any of these places. Rome had brought me such... <<link "sophistication">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>? <<link "Knowledge">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>? Either way, so much time in one city wasn't as bad as I thought. Because it was Rome. <<case 2>> <<GYvignTag Milan location>> Milan. Home to fashion (don't tell the Parisians), it felt the most 'with the times' compared to other areas in Italy and the way people dressed, maybe ahead of the times. //I// felt culturally relevant simply being there, dining at the incredible restaurants and walking through the Galleria. <br><br> It was a vibrant city that still held true to its roots: the Duomo sitting squarely in the midst of the modern hustle-and-bustle, like a reminder that that's where they came from -- respectfully maintained and honored, but they'd moved on. Skyscrapers going bigger, faster, stronger. <br><br> You'd think that I'd have been swept up in some Fashion Week or something, but I became a patron of opera. Yeah, I know. La Scala was a testament to the past and present rolled into one. A gorgeous, fashionable location where people sat respectfully for (mostly) ancient art. It astounded me how rapt the audiences were, with their libretto following along, hushing anyone who made the slightest whisper. You couldn't find a similar level of respect anywhere in America. <br><br> Whether it was a full opera, or a singular singer astounding me for a couple of hours, I found ways up into the mezz to watch as much as I could. I knew that I would be coming to Milan for <<link "culture">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>> but had no idea I'd take away memories of <<link "classical music">><<replace #vigns t8n>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set _VignStep ++>> <<include "GY005 - BackpackingVign_Step">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<case 3>> Vatican city <<case 4>> Venice <<case 5>> Sicily <</switch>> <</switch>>
<<outfit EuroNight>> <<if $GY.friend == 'tourist'>> Giselle sauntered out of the Four Seasons as if she had just been experiencing the worst pain of her life, "Darling! You ready?" Her shoulders sagged, face drawn, but making eye contact she began to lift and relax. It was such a show: she'd probably been at the spa all day. <br><br> "There you are!" Jordan called out. It was cutting. They didn't get along the best and I felt judged by Jordan that I kept the company that I did. And Giselle wasn't impressed by my backpacking companion either. Meh, can't win them all. I felt like I needed them both. <br><br> "Yes. As always, Jordie." A pet name. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> didn't like it. We needed to get going now before there was a throw down in front of the valets. <<elseif $GY.friend == 'kids'>> Giselle shut her book emphatically, "Ugh. Enough of that." We'd been sitting in that coffee shop and I was nearly at wits end watching her do work that reminded me why I'd taken this year away. Did I want to be going back to school and waste away on notes and fat textbooks? Even surrounded by the wonders of being away from home -- Semester Abroad for her -- it felt like she couldn't enjoy it. <br><br> "Thank. God." I laughed and pushed the heavy thing off the table onto the floor. She smacked my thigh as she leaned over to pick it up. <br><br> "There you are!" Jordan was crossing the street towards us. I had texted <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> a half hour before so there'd be even more pressure to leave this study session. Or save me. <<elseif $GY.friend == 'local'>> "Where we going tonight?" Giselle was always in the know and loved keeping it a secret (a surprise?) from me until we were practically on the doorstep. "Oh, come on." I rolled my eyes, but this was our banter. <br><br> "Oh, you'll see." The accented English always made me smile and capitulate to her local knowledge. And she never turned us wrong. <br><br> "There you are!" Jordan was lifting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>himself<<else>>herself<</if>> off of a low wall across the street from us -- that was <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> skill: always able to find us even in a bustling city. <<else>> Walking out into the night air always came with a sigh of relief. My eyes were bleary, my hands raw, but the work was done and the fun could begin. Would I blow my entire paycheck tonight -- I'd try not to, but once things started to roll, it was easier to say yes than no. <br><br> It was a tough life, but the only way I was going to be able to make it through the year. It would have been better to find jobs that paid better, but they required stability and things like paperwork that I just didn't have or didn't want. So I'd subject myself to the immigrant work so that I could enjoy the backpacker life. <br><br> "There you are!" Jordan was lifting <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>himself<<else>>herself<</if>> off of a low wall across the street from where I worked. Giselle and the others in tow, equally tired and equally relieved to see Jordan, like a sign that all the exhaustion and bullshit we'd dealt with for the past eight or ten hours was behind us and worth it in a way. <</if>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Sleek, leather-bound cocktail menu*/ <br><br> Our party gang ebbed and flowed with the exception of those two. Sometimes Giselle had joiners, other times it was Jordan, and -- less often -- me. <br><br> Tonight it was both, well, if you considered the two of them my adds. We were buzzing along towards the trendy area of town and my curiosity was piqued. Giselle leaned against a metal-gated door with a flair. A button was hit on a gold-plated intercom. A slot opened and she leaned in to whisper something. The door opened and with a sweeping arm, she ushered us in to a Speakeasy. <br><br> The atmosphere was exactly as you would expect: straight out of the early 20th century, complete with mugshots of mobsters. There were also posters from il Padrino that felt -- yes, of the flavor, but -- out of place. It was too cute to really give it more than passing judgment. We cozied into cushioned stools and a couch along one wall and dug into the <<linkexpand "cocktail list...">> cocktail list. <br><br><br> We were all relaxed, a few cocktails in and learning all about Giselle's in here. I doubted it was as exclusive as she made it out to be, but it felt exclusive and fun enough for me and I was enjoying the alcohol coursing through my veins. The seven that we had with us was a nice balance and everyone seemed to feel comfortable. And if they were comfortable, so was I. <br><br> "You lonely?" A hand was on my shoulder and a guy in a Yankees jersey and jeans was looking down at me. I was startled, looking up at him and being confused as to A: why was he talking to me, B: how did he get in, C: why was he talking to me? <br><br> "Uh, what?" There was no other response that would do this justice. <br><br> His fingers squeezed at my bare collarbone. His chin motioned at the triads on either side of me and I realized what he meant: Giselle and her crew were chattering away on the couch, Jordan and the others were on the other side of the table and I was at the head, between and with them both but also distinctly apart. <br><br> "Thought you were American, how are you enjoying Rome?" Giselle gave me a little wink, encouraging me and turning right back to her friends. Jordan's <<if $GY.Jordan == true>>eyes flickered away, but I got a sense of them hardening seeing me approached. Neither going to step in and play the protector while also asserting a claim or connection to me, nor let me just do my own thing without clocking it and making sure that I knew <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> knew.<<else>>eyes firmed under a creasing forehead, a wordless question if I needed an intervention.<</if>> <div id="american"> <<crossroads #american>> <<path>> Push his hand off. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> "I'm with my friends. Thanks." A tight smile, conveying all the meaning in the world as I hunched forward more into the group and trying to pick up on the conversations under way. Maybe I had been a little reserved and maybe I had been feeling a bit left out. But that's as much my fault as anyone else's. I needed to put myself into the mix and find where I fit in this bigger hodge-podge of people. <br><br> I felt the Yank moving away from me, thankfully not pushing the envelope. It wasn't like he was giving his A-game looking the way he did. Plus, why would I be interested in hanging out with Americans when I was here? I came here to get away from everything back there. Well, except for Jordan. That's an exception I could make. <br><br> Whether others got the message by turning him away, or if my newfound investing in the others was enough to keep the pick-ups away, I was left alone. Or rather, amongst my friends. And I definitely felt most closely bonded with... <div id="american2"> <<crossroads #american2>> <<path>> Jordan's. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky -->> <br><br> Jordan had been the first person I had met and luck had it that I enjoyed having <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> around in my inner circle. I didn't know how long Giselle would be around and so it was smarter for me to keep close to my constant this year. <br><br> And I enjoyed the people Jordan pulled into the group. They had a comfortable feel to me. I raised a glass and sipped, holding eye contact with Jordan. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> smiled and reciprocated. We didn't have to say anything and we jived. <br><br> So it was a relatively uneventful evening, but maybe seminal for me, finding my way forward with the ever-changing group of people when your 'home' was intangible and consistency was a pipedream. But we did get drunk, a little rowdy, and enjoyed the 'elite' bar to its fullest. <br><br><br> So many cities, so many nights, so many options, and nothing holding me back. I loved [[going out|GY007 - HostelHookups]]. <<path>> Giselle's. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> She and her friends were unknowns and decidedly //not// roommates. Which made it an easy choice to scoot closer to Giselle and keep a bit of distance with Jordan. It kept tensions low and ensured that we had our own things going on. We'd be attached at the hip for the rest of our journey but that didn't mean to be that we needed to be co-dependent. <br><br> Plus she was a part of the people that I just got along with. Jordan and I shared travel and housing, but Giselle and the people that surrounded her shared my __life__. I raised a glass and sipped, holding eye contact with her. She smiled and reciprocated. And then she introduced me to this <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian">>guy<<else>>girl<</if>> that I think she either was done with or lost interest in. But <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was cute and when I was done...I could leave. <br><br> So it was a relatively uneventful evening, but maybe seminal for me, finding my way forward with the ever-changing group of people when your 'home' was intangible and consistency was a pipedream. But we did get drunk, a little rowdy, and enjoyed the 'elite' bar to its fullest. <br><br><br> So many cities, so many nights, so many options, and nothing holding me back. I loved [[going out|GY007 - HostelHookups]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Enjoy having 'my' person tonight. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <br><br> "Yeah, I am." I leaned back on my free hand. He could probably see down my dress to cleavage, but I didn't mind. I wasn't being ignored now -- that's what it had been. Two groups of 'friends' who didn't want to include me for whatever reason. I gave a little tug at the bottom of his untucked jersey, "They let you in like this?" <br><br> "All you need is a reservation...I'm TJ...why are you staying down there?" His hand slid into the crook of my arm, hinting I rise. <br><br> I stood, finding my way as naturally as I could from facing away from him to around the stool and facing him, back now to the people I came with, "<<print $>>. A reservation?" <br><br> "Yeah, no other rules as long as you have money for drinks." So, not as elite as Giselle made it out to me. Made me bristle a bit, made me wonder how many of these spots were show rather than substance. "Speaking're you doing on yours?" <br><br> I downed it. Smiled playfully at him. He was a pretty average guy, but that would shock no one given his wardrobe. "So, where are you from, Teej?" A little pet name to play back maybe a bit too hard, but there was something nice and comfortable to this interaction, the kind of pick-up I was used to. Europe was different and I guess I missed the American way. <br><br> "Jersey. You?" And I told him, waiting for my drink to be made. He was here for business -- some electrical manufacturing or something that he had taken over from his dad -- <<linkexpand "and headed back tomorrow...">> and headed back tomorrow. <br><br><br> Over my next drink he wanted to know about why I was here and what I was doing. I kept it to the SparksNotes version and highlighting the desire for freedom and having fun. I may have been coming off a little slutty, but he didn't mind. He had approached me with one thing in mind. <br><br> My next drink was left on the bar as we headed out to his hotel -- when I heard he had an early flight I mentioned that he probably wanted to be getting back soon then. <br><br> Even the lower tier hotel was an improvement over Nonna's, so it felt like we were making out on a cloud. <br><br> My fingers slid through his thinning, gelled hair as his fingers slid my <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>underwear<<else>>dress<</if>> off. We laughed drunkenly through the story he had for not being prepared with protection. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>Then we had an inebriated laugh through how I was always unprepared and hi-fived over being teammates on squad 'oops'.<<else>>Then we had an inebriated laugh through why he even brought it up, because I had it taken care of. A hi-five for being a 'champ.'<</if>> <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "And then we were at it...">> <<face ahego>> <<outfit naked>> And then we were at it. Despite his early morning flight and the drinks in our system, we fucked three times that night. I think I wanted the disconnect from the others. I think he liked the random, last night pussy that he could talk about with his buddies at the next Yankees game. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding')>> Maybe I shouldn't have been that drunk, because hearing him grunt about how good my pussy was had me asking if he wanted to cum in me and he said yes. That was all that was said and I cooed each time I felt him making my pussy gooey. <<cumSpray pussy2 mound1 thighs2>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> I was thankful for the drunkenness because though he tried to pull out, I was 'too good' and he pumped his load inside me. He chuckled something about team 'oops' and a comment about how it was too late now. I didn't agree or disagree, but he took that as a go ahead. <<cumSpray pussy2 mound1 thighs2>> <<else>> Thankfully he had pretty good pull-out game. While it was annoying to fuck afterward being crusty and sticky, at least he was doing his part. <<cumSpray mound2 thighs2 body2 facial1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> I was too drunk and so was he, but thankfully we -- I -- didn't have anything to worry about really. He grunted the night away about how good my pussy was and I cooed encouragingly as it followed with him making it gooey. <<cumSpray pussy2 mound1 thighs2>> <</if>> <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "I woke up the next morning...">> <<outfit Yankees>> I woke up the next morning with the hotel room empty and nothing to remember TJ except the post-fuck sensations inside me and that Yankees shirt. Which I kept, because why not. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 1>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck TJ M "TJ, Yankees Shirt Guy">> <br><br><br> So many cities, so many nights, so many options, and nothing holding me back. I loved [[going out|GY007 - HostelHookups]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): The beast with two backs on the top-bunk in a hostel bedroom */ <<set _hostelHooks = new Map([[]])>> <<run _hostelHooks.delete(undefined)>> <<if $ == true>> I had left home as a virgin. Being afar and around so many people, so many //different// people who didn't know me and no one back home knew what I got up to afforded more than a few opportunities to venture into the sexual landscape. <br><br> <div id = "virgin"> I kept <<link "waiting">><<replace "#virgin">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> But everything being different didn't make it feel 'special'. The feel of the rough-spun linens, the random places I'd end up staying and sleeping, the lack of connection with essentially anyone...and knowing that it would essentially be one and done? None of that felt particularly attractive to me as a 'first time'. Definitely not the story that I wanted to hold on to. <br><br> Everyone around me was in a haze of hormones, which made sleeping often difficult at best. I definitely now knew -- intimately -- a lot more about sex. The smells, the sounds, the duration. I had a sexual learning without diving in. <br><br> Which was enough for [[me|GY008 - LMO]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <br> So I figured <<link "now">><<replace "#virgin">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> /* pull one random hookup from available list (composed below) based on GY.goal, GY.friend, GY.location */ <<include "GY007 - HostelHookups_Setup">> <<set _tempArr = []>> <<set _currKey = ''>> <<for _key, _value range _hostelHooks>> <<set _tempArr.push(_key)>> <</for>> <<set _currKey = _tempArr.random()>> <<print _hostelHooks.get(_currKey)>> <<set $ = false>> /* TODO: (Fict) Is this gendered? */ <<set $Body.vCard = _currKey>> <br><br> And that's how I lost my [[virginity|GY008 - LMO]]. <</replace>><</link>> was as good a time as any. </div> <<else>> <<if $GY.Jordan == true>> From time to time, Jordan and I would end up in the same bunk -- monetarily driven or not -- but it was rare. Common was the annoyance and bristly nature Jordan had after listening to me fucking through the night next to <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>. Meh, I needed to get mine. Deal with it. <br><br> <<else>> Jordan was the person I spent the most time with, but not a person that ever crossed into my bed. Well, except that time we needed to save on cash. But we didn't hook up. And maybe <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was offended, because I definitely had to deal with constant annoyance and a bristly reaction on mornings after <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> endured hearing me getting fucked through the night in the same room. Meh. I needed to get mine. Deal with it. <br><br> <</if>> /* pull two options from available hookup lists (composed below), until total number of selections == $Stats.Traits.Easy.value ; if pulling from both lists (because CC.sexuality == 0) we need to make the lines unique. Ex: only one possible pull from Dachau so they can't have both the male and female version of the same event.*/ <<set _hooksupLeft = $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> <<set _clickedOn = 0>> <<include "GY007 - HostelHookups_Setup">> <div id="display"> </div> <div id="buttons"> <<include "GY007 - HostelHookups_Display">> </div> <</if>>
<<set _biSwitch1 = false>> <<set _biSwitch2 = false>> <<set _biSwitch3 = false>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<set _biSwitch1 = random(0,1)>> <</if>> <<switch $GY.goal>> <<case 1>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch1>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Gal, visiting Dachau", "I was an emotional wreck after Dachau. There was a leggy brunette in town afterward -- she had come to visit the camp as well to get perspective on her people's history. It wasn't a pity fuck, but I felt compelled to be close, to feel her against me. Pleasure for pain. And she needed the release as well.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Holly, at Versailles", "There was this cute, bespectacled red-head wandering the halls of Versailles. She was the most eye-catching thing. Something demure. I didn't know if the approach would work with such a shrinking violet, but we ended up in the gardens, hands working down each others pants. Finding her glasses afterwards was a quick scramble.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Francesca, in Florence", "I was wandering Centrale Firenze, picking through produce for the evening when Francesca brushed my hand over some ripe tomatoes. We made eye contact and laughed. We didn't have much common language, but it was clear where things were headed: her place for a home-cooked meal and a different bed for the evening.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Melody, in Salzburg", "Melody was a music conservatory student absorbing the atmosphere in Salzburg. She was on a bench, cutely bopping to some non-Classical music when I sat beside her. We shared an earbud for a bit and then shared her room that night. She had a beautiful voice.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Fiona, Stable girl", "I had made my way 'backstage' of the Lipizzaner show to see them up-close and personal. Fiona was treating me to a little tour to see the beautiful horses, but I was most interested in her coltish legs. It was a smelly romp in the hay -- literally -- but the straw wasn't too noticeable in her hair afterwards.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Gal, visiting Dachau", "I was an emotional wreck after Dachau. There was a lanky brunette in town afterward -- he had come to visit the camp as well to get perspective on his people's history. It wasn't a pity fuck, but I felt compelled to be close, to feel him against me. Inside me. Pleasure for pain. And maybe some biological imperative to replace the lost. And he needed the release as well.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Holland, at Versailles", "There was this cute, bespectacled red-head wandering the halls of Versailles. He was the most eye-catching thing. Something demure. I didn't know if the approach would work with such a shrinking violet, but we ended up in the gardens, hands working down each others pants. Finding his glasses afterwards was a quick scramble.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Franco, in Florence", "I was wandering Centrale Firenze, picking through produce for the evening when Franco brushed my hand over some ripe tomatoes. We made eye contact and laughed. We didn't have much common language, but it was clear where things were headed: his place for a home-cooked meal and a different bed for the evening.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Mel, in Salzburg", "Mel was a music conservatory student absorbing the atmosphere in Salzburg. He was on a bench, cutely bopping to some non-Classical music when I sat beside him. We shared an earbud for a bit and then shared his room that night. He commented on my beautiful voice.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Finneas, Stable boy", "I had made my way 'backstage' of the Lipizzaner show to see them up-close and personal. Finneas was treating me to a little tour to see the beautiful horses, but I was most interested in his wiry physique. It was a smelly romp in the hay -- literally -- but the straw wasn't too noticeable in his hair afterwards.")>> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch1>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Maaike, in the Red Light", "I had been checking out the Red Light because...that's what you do in Amsterdam...and saw Maaike in one of the windows. I was stopped short. I had never thought of myself as 'that' kind of person, but I spent the money and spent the night with Maiike.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Jana, at a Prague Rave", "I don't know what I was rolling on, but I was having a fantastic time. I don't actually remember anything from that night, but I do remember waking up the next morning next to this girl named Jana. We hooked up, but sadly I don't remember what happened.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Natalya, at a hostel outside Bratislava", "I had been told about this crazy fun place to meet up in Slovakia and it was a place seemingly //stocked// with hotties. Natalya was one of them and surprisingly down. She looked better without her clothes off and even better post-coital. No wonder people talked about that place.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Daleyza on a beach in Ibiza", "Ibiza is the party of all parties and did not disappoint. Daleyza was wearing next to nothing on the beach and it suited her. There was a playfulness in her eyes and she must have seen the need in mine. A part of me worried I was missing out on the party as we cavorted in the sand, but it was Ibiza. This was part of the party. And the party was still raging when I got back, high on endorphins.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Freida at an underground in Berlin", "As if the underground party site wasn't exclusive enough: there was a back room. Once I knew about it, I had this need to get back there and I'm very glad I did. Freida's nose was caked with snow and she was excited. I think I wasn't the first person for her that evening, but we enjoyed the couches all the same.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Maes, in the Red Light", "I had been checking out the Red Light because...that's what you do in Amsterdam...and Maes approached me. He was checking it out for different reasons and couldn't be convinced I wasn't working. I made a little extra cash though I don't think he needed it, nor do I know how to feel about it.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Vaclav, at a Prague Rave", "I don't know what I was rolling on, but I was having a fantastic time. I don't actually remember anything from that night, but I do remember waking up the next morning next to this guy named Vaclav. We hooked up, but sadly I don't remember what happened.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Pax, at a hostel outside Bratislava", "I had been told about this crazy fun place to meet up in Slovakia and it was a place seemingly //stocked// with hotties. Pax was one of them and expected me to just be down. Everyone else seemed to be, so I went with the flow. Afterwards, he tried to convince me to go out with them that evening, but I decided against it. Never saw him again.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Sergio on a beach in Ibiza", "Ibiza is the party of all parties and did not disappoint. Sergio was wearing nothing on the beach, drinking and staring out at the ocean. And then he was staring at me. Playfulness in my eyes and I saw the need in his. A part of me worried I was missing out on the party as we cavorted in the sand, but it was Ibiza. This was part of the party. And the party was still raging when I got back, high on endorphins.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Wolfgang at an underground in Berlin", "As if the underground party site wasn't exclusive enough: there was a back room. Once I knew about it, I had this need to get back there. It wasn't too difficult once I met Wolfgang. I don't know if -- and seriously doubt -- I was the first girl to make it to those couches, and maybe not the last, but I got to enjoy myself all the same.")>> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch1>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Pia, on the Amalfi Coast", "Sipping limoncello, looking out over the gorgeous coastline, Pia dropped into the seat next to me, 'Pretty.' She meant me. She was local to the area and knew all the good spots to eat and drink, and I showed her what I knew about eating as well. It was a hedonistic romp and maybe better than the coastline.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Avena, in Tuscany", "It was only a day trip, and there wasn't much to do except drink wine. So I did. A lot of wine. Never knew I could black out on the stuff, but I certainly did, waking up the next morning next to someone who didn't exactly fit the bill of my 'type,' so I've tried to shy away from wine ever since.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Phoebe, in Lesbos", "I used to laugh about the Greek islands being called what they were. But they were absolutely gorgeous, all names and kidding aside. And while I was enjoying feeling like I was off in some far-flung, exotic location, I actually reinforced their name. There was this dainty girl named Phoebe who happened to be laying out next to me one day and laying under me by the evening. Guess they came by their name honestly.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Leota, in DisneyLand", "DisneyLand Paris was like getting away while being at home, but it was fun and certainly an escape. I had run into this girl in line and learned that her name was straight out of the Haunted Mansion -- Phantom Manor -- and decided to ride with her. We got a little hot and heavy and learned that they had cameras everywhere. So we were scrambling to escape again, this time from security, but were summarily banned from the park for 'lewdness'.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Camilla, on the slopes", "Hot chocolate after skiing in the Alpine beauty was something else. And it's where I ran into Camilla. A bored daughter of wealth that was looking to hang her skiis up for the afternoon. I was more than happy to oblige, especially once I saw her accommodations. I saw them all night.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Tommaso, on the Amalfi Coast", "Sipping limoncello, looking out over the gorgeous coastline, Tommaso dropped into the seat next to me, 'Pretty.' He meant me. He was local to the area and knew all the good spots to eat and drink, and I showed him fun nights after the fun nights. It was a hedonistic romp and maybe better than the coastline.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Aristide, in Tuscany", "It was only a day trip, and there wasn't much to do except drink wine. So I did. A lot of wine. Never knew I could black out on the stuff, but I certainly did, waking up the next morning next to someone who didn't exactly fit the bill of my 'type,' so I've tried to shy away from wine ever since.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Agamemnon, in the Med", "An offer for a trip on a yacht, even with the subtext of what that implied, was hard to pass up. I wanted to get away and it sounded like it'd be in the lap of luxury while enjoying the Greek islands. He took more than his fair share of payment and it seemed like this was a typical MO for him. I felt dirty and used, but I saw places I wouldn't have otherwise.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Buzz, in DisneyLand", "DisneyLand Paris was like getting away while being at home, but it was fun and certainly an escape. I had run into this guy in line and learned that her name was straight out of Pixar and decided to ride with him. We got a little hot and heavy and learned that they had cameras everywhere. So we were scrambling to escape again, this time from security, but were summarily banned from the park for 'lewdness'.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Adelmo, on the slopes", "Hot chocolate after skiing in the Alpine beauty was something else. And it's where I ran into Adelmo. A ski instructor that seemed more interested in what I could show him than the other way around. I was more than happy to oblige, especially since it gave me access to slopes I didn't otherwise...and a lesson or two.")>> <</if>> <</switch>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<set _biSwitch2 = random(0,1)>> <</if>> <<switch $GY.friend>> <<case "tourist">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch2>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Selina was in an open marriage", "Selina picked me up right in front of her husband. They were wealthy and from northern Africa. He smiled coyly and then left us alone for the rest of the evening. Maybe I was an excuse for him to get some strange too.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Sofia, oil magnate's daughter", "I have no idea how she picked me out of the crowd, but I was //selected// and she had the personality of someone who always gets what she wanted. She was in Europe for finishing school and was out on the town, using daddy's Russian oil money...and using me.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Rey, American boss bitch", "She wore a smart suit, custom-designed from her and was identifying business opportunities on the continent while also identifying other opportunities. I was one. I felt like a sugar baby for the time she was around. Money, like everything else, seemed like it didn't matter to her.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Seigfried was in an open marriage", "Seigfriend picked me up right in front of his wife. They were wealthy and from northern Africa. She barely seemed to clock him and me together and then she was gone. He said it was open and understood between them...I never learned //what// was understood, just that he fucked me.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Erdogan, oil magnate", "I have no idea how he picked me out of the crowd, but I was //selected// and he had the personality of someone who always gets what he wanted. He was in Europe visiting his daughter at finishing school, but I didn't see her around. He was from big, Russian oil money and that compensated for everything else.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Ron, American businessman", "He wore cowboy hat and boots and was identifying business opportunities on the continent while also identifying other opportunities. I was one. I felt like a sugar baby for the time he was around. Money, like everything else, seemed like it didn't matter to him.")>> <</if>> <<case "kids">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch2>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Winnie, on study abroad", "Winnie was studying abroad at one of the local colleges and clearly came less for the learning and more for the partying. It took a while to establish exactly where her interest lay with me, but then we were laying together often. It was fun, she was cute and a constant for me.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Tara, fellow backpacker", "Tara was on her way through town and ran into her filling her water bottle from a fountain. We exchanged some stories and ideas of where we'd been and where we should go next. The hostel was the next location which was exciting in its own right.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Jules, sneaking away from her parents", "Jules was on a european vacation with her parents. I couldn't quite peg her age, but she was in a rebellious phase. She was getting away from them and didn't have particular plans. I swooped her up and made sure she had a place to go and things to do.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Willy, on study abroad", "Willy was studying abroad at one of the local colleges and clearly came less for the learning and more for the partying. It took a while to establish exactly where his interest lay with me, but then we were laying together often. It was fun, he was cute and a constant for me.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Tor, fellow backpacker", "Tor was on his way through town and ran into him filling his water bottle from a fountain. We exchanged some stories and ideas of where we'd been and where we should go next. The hostel was the next location which was exciting in its own right.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Julian, sneaking away from his family", "Julian was on a european vacation with his family. I couldn't quite peg his age -- older -- but he was getting away from the frustrations of family. He set eyes on me and saw me as an outlet. He swooped me up and made sure he had a place to release the his pent-up tension.")>> <</if>> <<case "local">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch2>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Vica, tour guide", "Vica knew the ins and outs of the town: the sites to see, how to get in and get the real scoop on the area. Her ready knowledge was incredibly attractive, and useful as she was able to show me some of the more adventurous places to take off our clothes.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Alessandra, vintner", "Alessandra ran a winery out of town. She was widowed and her home was empty and sad without a family. I knew how to cheer her up, and she knew how to ensure I had to sleep off a bit too much to drink.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Caterina, petty bureaucrat", "Caterina was handling an awkward moment when I nearly got deported due to some accident. She used my situation to her advantage -- one of the few perks of being such a low-level clerk.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Vic, tour guide", "Vic knew the ins and outs of the town: the sites to see, how to get in and get the real scoop on the area. His ready knowledge was incredibly attractive, and useful as she was able to show me some of the more adventurous places to take off our clothes.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Alessandro, vintner", "Alessandro ran a winery out of town. He was a widower and his home was empty and sad without a family. I knew how to cheer him up, and he knew how to ensure I had to sleep off a bit too much to drink.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Ennio, petty bureaucrat", "Ennio was handling an awkward moment when I nearly got deported due to some accident. He used my situation to his advantage -- one of the few perks of being such a low-level clerk.")>> <</if>> <<case "work">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch2>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Ambrosia, sweatshop worker", "Her hands were rough, her eyes always looked moments from closing, but she still found energy for me after her nights that ended in the morning. She had worked herself to the bone and had an intensity of a woman burning at both ends.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Suri, waitress", "Suri was perpetually drunk or on something. Not too uncommon among restaurant workers, but it lowered her inhibitions -- and maybe her standards -- but it meant that I received the inebriated end of her passion and she received a way to deep sleep.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Irina, whore", "Irina worked the town's johns. And somehow, even after her work she still wanted sex. And with me. I had to quash the thoughts of who she was with and what she might be bringing with her, but goddamn was she an incredible fuck.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Dario, sweatshop owner", "Dario's life was eeking out margins and drawing every last bit of energy out of his workforce. He leveraged deportation and everything else he could drum up. There was something sinister about him, especially in how he targeted me and found his way inside. Yet somehow, even looking back I still miss him.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Aurelio, waiter", "Aurelio was perpetually drunk or on something. Not too uncommon among restaurant workers, but it lowered his inhibitions -- and maybe his standards -- but it meant that I received the inebriated end of his passion and he received a way to deep sleep.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Carmine, gigolo", "Carmine worked the town's johns. And somehow, even after his work he still wanted sex. And with me. I had to quash the thoughts of who he was with -- men or women -- and what he might be bringing with him, but goddamn was he an incredible fuck.")>> <</if>> <</switch>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<set _biSwitch3 = random(0,1)>> <</if>> <<switch $GY.location>> <<case 1>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch3>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Madeline, by the Eiffel Tower", "They say Paris is for lovers, and the Eiffel tower is the emblem of passion -- I don't know if that last part is said, but I think everyone agrees. So it doesn't strike me as too odd that I ran into Madeline with her cliche beret and that we had a little fling of passion in her apartment near the center of the city.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Catalina, near the Sagrada Familia", "I don't know if I've had a stronger religious experience than walking through La Sagrada Familia. Something about the light and color just hit me at my core. And there I was, wiping tears away in a pew when Catalina approached me with a tissue. A Spaniard visiting the site for the first time as well, she and I had another religious experience later, together.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Aimee, after the Louvre", "I had been told to rush to the Mona Lisa, lest I get stuck behind the crazy crowds. So, walk-running at the opening moments of the museum, I ran into Aimee. She was also rushing the Mona Lisa and we ended up seeing more of each other's faces than the famous Da Vinci. She had a cute smile as well, enough that I could ignore the goose egg on her forehead watching her sucking at my tits.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Daria, near the Acropolis", "There's a lot of animosity regarding tourism in Greece and Daria was no exception. In fact, we encountered each other first as she was telling me to get out of her country. A diatribe of reasons and pain, but I couldn't help but be attracted to her and this passion. I don't know if I changed her mind about foreigners seeing the sites, but I know I helped her release some of that anger.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Wilhelmina, in Neuschwanstein", "Mad King Ludwig's castle is not what I expected. Nothing about the design made sense, there were rooms on top of rooms and every kind of room that you could imagine. Mina was as into the discovery process as I was and we bonded walking through the insanity, and then, caught up with our own, we searched out the Secret Grotto and shared it together, quickly, intimately, before anyone caught us.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Isak, by the Eiffel Tower", "They say Paris is for lovers, and the Eiffel tower is the emblem of passion -- I don't know if that last part is said, but I think everyone agrees. Isak chatted me up at the foot of the wrought iron and brought me back to his nearby flat. He swept me up and swept me off my feet and straight into his bed. I wondered if it came so easily to him because it was a regular thing for him.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Giovanni, near the Sagrada Familia", "I don't know if I've had a stronger religious experience than walking through La Sagrada Familia. Something about the light and color just hit me at my core. And there I was, wiping tears away in a pew when Giovanni approached me with a tissue. He was working on the building -- will it ever be complete? -- and was willing to show me a new alcove that he was working on. And then he worked on me. Dusty, teary, I left with quite an experience.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Emilio, after the Louvre", "I had been told to rush to the Mona Lisa, lest I get stuck behind the crazy crowds. So, walk-running at the opening moments of the museum, I ran into Emilio. He was also rushing the Mona Lisa and we ended up seeing more of each other's faces than the famous Da Vinci. He had a cute smile as well, enough that I could ignore the goose egg on his forehead watching him sucking at my tits.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Baptiste, near the Acropolis", "There's a lot of animosity regarding tourism in Greece and Baptiste was no exception. In fact, we encountered each other first as he was telling me to get out of his country. A diatribe of reasons and pain, but I couldn't help but be attracted to him and this passion. I don't know if I changed his mind about foreigners seeing the sites, but I know I helped him release some of that anger.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Bence, in Neuschwanstein", "Mad King Ludwig's castle is not what I expected. Nothing about the design made sense, there were rooms on top of rooms and every kind of room that you could imagine. Bence was as into the discovery process as I was and we bonded walking through the insanity, and then, caught up with our own, we searched out the Secret Grotto and shared it together, quickly, intimately, before anyone caught us.")>> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch3>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Bodil, in Gotland", "Gotland wouldn't have been on my short list of places to go in Europe, nor a place that I would remember, but Bodil, a cattle farmer on the quaint little island made sure it was. Attracted by my foreign charms -- maybe I was her version of escape -- she was coarse, a cattle farmer leaning into the cultural differences to be aggressive. And it worked. And I worked on her farm a bit, taken in her thrall for my stint on the far-flung island.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Lorelei, in Tromso", "Going north far enough reveals some incredible beauties. Beyond being remote, beyond quaintness, there are bits of nature hidden to most of us -- like the Northern Lights. What makes them all the more magical is watching them undulate as you rock with a person like Lorelei, a little crunchy, but not adverse to doing it out in the starkness of nature, no matter who or what could be around.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Talia, on the Eurail", "Being on the Eurail was fun. There was a constant flow of new faces and places. Some were normal, business types, others were travelers like me. Talia was down on her luck and seemed to be very comfortable in that state. She needed a ticket and a bunk to crash, and some food. I obliged because she was cute enough and while I wondered how often this was what she did, we had our moment on the train. I wonder if she still remembers me.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Anne, in London", "Bland, weird food, shitty weather, and gross beer would have meant that London was at the very bottom of my list if it weren't for Anne. Her name was simple, but she could eat me out for hours -- and did. She made what was an unspired trip to the Isles insteresting at least between the sheets.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Nicolette, in Monaco", "There are places of wealth and then there's Monaco. It's like a magnet for people over a certain net worth. It was a magnet for me as well and maybe that's the point, because I could feel that people knew and Nicolette was one of them, and I was her plaything, attending to her needs and tossed aside when she found another pretty, young thing.")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Gustav, in Gotland", "Gotland wouldn't have been on my short list of places to go in Europe, nor a place that I would remember, but Gustav, a cattle farmer on the quaint little island made sure it was. Attracted by my foreign charms -- maybe I was his version of escape -- he was coarse, a cattle farmer leaning into the cultural differences to be aggressive. And it worked. And I worked on his farm a bit, taken in his thrall for my stint on the far-flung island.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Odin, in Tromso", "Going north far enough reveals some incredible beauties. Beyond being remote, beyond quaintness, there are bits of nature hidden to most of us -- like the Northern Lights. What makes them all the more magical is watching them undulate as you rock with a person like Odin, a bear of a viking, but not adverse to doing it out in the starkness of nature, no matter who or what could be around.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Remy, on the Eurail", "Being on the Eurail was fun. There was a constant flow of new faces and places. Some were normal, business types, others were travelers like me. I was a little hard-up for cash and luckily there was Remy who took me under his wing and into his cabin for the night -- saved me from getting kicked off if it meant that he got paid in trade. It was a weird moment for me, but I wasn't about to get stranded or put in jail.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Ryan, in London", "Bland, weird food, shitty weather, and gross beer would have meant that London was at the very bottom of my list if it weren't for Ryan. His name was simple, but he could eat me out for hours -- and did. He made what was an unspired trip to the Isles insteresting at least between the sheets.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Rhys, in Monaco", "There are places of wealth and then there's Monaco. It's like a magnet for people over a certain net worth. It was a magnet for me as well and maybe that's the point, because I could feel that people knew and Rhys was one of them, and I was his plaything, attending to his needs and tossed aside when he found another pretty, young thing.")>> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || _biSwitch3>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Nora, the grifter", "Foreigner, big city, you're literally a target. And I got lifted. This woman was nearly masterful in her approach, but I was quick too. I don't know if it was the shock of making eye contact and her beauty making me smile, or if it was her shock at me catching her bringing a smile to her lips. We went to a nearby bar, used the money she would have stolen off me for some drinks as she told me about what she did. Later, she stole my panties.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Lucia, idolater", "If you had told me I would end up with someone between my legs //in// Vatican City, I would have told you that you were crazy. And it was crazy. Lucia was a fellow wanderer and we had a little passion between us, but I didn't realize how into things she got once we were near the Pope. Granted there was no way that we could do anything in one of ''those'' buildings, but we worshipped each other in the bathrooms and that felt wrong enough.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Emilia, on a gondola", "The canals of Venice may be cliche, but they certainly are intoxicating. I had already taken my requisite trip when I first arrived, but when Emilia insisted that we take a romantic little jaunt just the two of us, I relented. She seemed to know exactly where in the routes were darkest and had good luck or new a good gondolier who didn't turn around when my pants came off.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Elena, in Milan", "The center of the fashion world and Elena was a photographer. I loved the way she looked at me and the way she captured my soul with her pictures. I'm still struck by the fact that I was noticed by her, but can't argue that playing model with her in Givenchy and seeing what I looked like was an epic experience. Not to mention the sex that came afterwards. I glowed.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Aurora, in Sicily", "There was something old and traditional to Sicily. And also frightening. You hear about the Mafia being alive and well in Sicily. Well. They are. Aurora was a bedraggled wife to a local leader. We got close before I knew her connections and despite how intense our time was together, I was especially worried that he would show up one day and put me in the ground. It also made getting away harder too, would there be reprisal for leaving her behind?")>> <<else>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Davide, the grifter", "Foreigner, big city, you're literally a target. And I got lifted. This guy was nearly masterful in his approach, but I was quick too. I don't know if it was the shock of making eye contact and his sexiness making me smile, or if it was his shock at //me// catching him bringing a smile to his lips. We went to a nearby bar, used the money he would have stolen off me for some drinks as he told me about what he did. Later, he stole my panties.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Ignatius, idolater", "If you had told me I would end up with someone between my legs //in// Vatican City, I would have told you that you were crazy. And it was crazy. Ignatius was a fellow wanderer and we had a little passion between us, but I didn't realize how into things he got once we were near the Pope. Granted there was no way that we could do anything in one of ''those'' buildings, but we worshipped each other in the bathrooms and that felt wrong enough.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Marcel, on a gondola", "The canals of Venice may be cliche, but they certainly are intoxicating. I had already taken my requisite trip when I first arrived, but when Marcel insisted that we take a romantic little jaunt just the two of us, I relented. He seemed to know exactly where in the routes were darkest and had good luck or new a good gondolier who didn't turn around when my pants came off.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Oliver, in Milan", "The center of the fashion world and Oliver was a photographer. I loved the way he looked at me and the way he captured my soul with his pictures. I'm still struck by the fact that I was noticed by him, but can't argue that playing model with him in Givenchy and seeing what I looked like was an epic experience. Not to mention the sex that came afterwards. I glowed.")>> <<run _hostelHooks.set("Paolo, in Sicily", "There was something old and traditional to Sicily. And also frightening. You hear about the Mafia being alive and well in Sicily. Well. They are. Paolo was one of them and I didn't know at first. He was attractive, if a bit gruff and toxic masculinity in a bottle, but he was persistent and then he was inside me. And then I found out. It made sex afterwards incredibly frightening. And it made leaving even worse. I still wonder if I'll end up 'taken care of' simply for not staying around.")>> <</if>> <</switch>>
<<if _clickedOn lt _hooksupLeft>> <<for _key, _value range _hostelHooks>> <<capture _key>> <<link _key>> <<replace #buttons>> <<run $bodies.push(_key)>> <<set _clickedOn ++>> <<append #display>> <<print _hostelHooks.get(_key)>> <br> <br> <</append>> <<run _hostelHooks.delete(_key)>> <<include "GY007 - HostelHookups_Display">> <</replace>> <</link>> <</capture>> <br> <</for>> <<else>> <br> So, I'd say I had my full of freedom over the time away. Chance encounters, longer stints when I was in the same place for a while, it was the sexual version of my travels. Unexpected, unplanned, and [[free|GY008 - LMO]]. <</if>>
<<set $GY.bodies = ($bodies.length - $GY.baseBodies)>> <<if visited("GY002 - AfrArrival")>> <<outfit volunteer>> <<if $GY.wife == true && $Body.fertile == true>> <<set $Body.abortions ++>> <<set $Body.fertility -= 5>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Puking by a van */ The trip back was stop-and-go. And I was pretty sure I knew why. I think everyone in the van knew why. It wasn't just the jostling of the vehicle that was causing me to vomit my guts out every half hour. <br><br> I wasn't surprised, and I think the only reason I saw surprise and worry in their eyes is that I had been doing what I had been doing...on birth control of course. It just hadn't worked. I let them think that. I was too queasy to care. <br><br> When we returned to the camp, Rachel had pulled Elena aside and then I was pulled aside by Elena. <br><br><br> "I was worried about this, <<print $>>. It was not smart. And we can't have you here for what's coming." I nodded, my head on her shoulder. "You will get back on the van and take the next flight out." I nodded again, feeling her squeeze my shoulder. "I appreciate what you've done, but we shall take it from here." I felt awful, for so many reasons, but I nodded. "You have your own things to decide." A final nod. <br><br><br> I had a lot of alone time from then on out. My volunteering had come to an abrupt finish and I would not be able to see things through. I wouldn't be seeing any of these things through. <br><br> On the flight back, I saw some kid playing a shooting game on his phone and the repeated Game Over screens really resonated with me. If this were not real life, if this were some game, this //would// have been a Game Over for me. <br><br> I would have failed my mission -- I had. I hadn't been smart and it had cost me. <br><br><br> All the pain and discomfort that followed, I was glad to know that my life would continue. I had learned a very valuable lesson, and I would soldier on. <br><br> I spent much of the rest of the year alone in my room. Depression, but also who else was there? <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> didn't make any comments and left me to myself. It had been an incredibly awful year for me. A lot of loss. Some my fault, some not. <br><br> I was glad to see that the Ovatwa had finally gotten the Namibian government to stand down, even though it had meant they began to settle -- literally and figuratively. In some of the clips, I saw my team. I saw some of the tribe that I knew. I saw Kaze. I wondered about him, but that's all it would be. <br><br><br> Eventually, I had to start thinking about what I would do next. I couldn't just remain closed up in my room. [[Life marches on|GY010 - Home]]. <<else>> <div id="dam"> /* IMAGE (Needed): African Soldiers with guns */ The trip back was tense. No words were spoken, the bonding, closeness, touching of mere hours ago was gone. We had seen the threat not just to the Ovatwa but to our lives as well, and we were heading right back into the military maw. <br><br> Uwe and Elena were waving us down as the van approached the camp, tight smiles of welcome and import. "I hope that was relaxing. They've already started to move." And he was right, the makeshift village was simply structures and reminders of their former presence. <br><br> We grabbed what we could from the camp and climbed back into the van, Uwe handing our driver another wad of cash, and we were on our way. <br><br> "That they are reticent should be clear." He chuckled, "They had agreed to work with us and then, this morning..." <br><br> "Gone," finished Elena. <br><br> "As soon as you get uncomfortable, just drop us off, okay?" He patted the driver's shoulder. The man nodded and I could tell he relaxed at being released so completely from involvement. <br><br> "It is as we suspected, they are moving in and making it as visible and impossible to move them." Elena turned to address us, "Uwe and I have decided the best thing to do would be to record, so I hope your batteries are charged." <br><br> "Only physically and actively intervene if there is a real and credible threat to these people." <br><br> "And that, is a personal decision. We require nothing. You are volunteers." Elena patted Uwe's arm and he nodded. <br><br> It was a quiet ride. The tenseness of our return had increased ten-fold. The AC certainly couldn't abate the sheen of sweat that was less heat-induced and more from nerves. <br><br> And then we saw the military vehicles. That was where we were deposited and we could tell that the tension we were experiencing was nothing compared to what was happening on-site. <br><br> The soldiers saw us and tried to puff up and insist we back off. We pulled out our phones and began to record. Their eyes wide, their anger rising, their fingers toying at the triggers, they turned their attention to the tribal people who had ensconced themselves amongst their equipment. <br><br> We pressed forward, each of us doing our own version of journalism as we reported what we saw, what had brought us to this point and how dire the situation was. And why. The dam had been 'in the works' for decades? At this point, it clearly wasn't going to make or break the country, but it would break these people. <br><br> The cordon did not prevent our entry, the soldiers far more concerned with the repercussions should they not evict their new 'tenants' rather than some meddling kids. <br><br> And that's when I saw Kaze. He and the young girl I had seen him making eyes at were surrounded by desert camo, on the ground in front of the soldiers, and taking the brunt of the butts of AK-47s. <br><br> I rushed forward, a decision needed immediately. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> I could tell these men were in act mode, not thinking mode. And they had guns. <br><br> <</if>> <<crossroads #dam>> <<path>> Watch and record the brutality? <br><br><br> Stand by as Kaze and this woman potentially get killed? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<face angry runny>> "Get the //fuck// away from them!" It felt impotent, to be standing so close, to watch the blows fall on people I had spent all this time with. <<if $GY.wife == true>>This person being brutalized that had been so intimately with me, inside me.<</if>> But then, a smarter soldier grabbed the brutalizer by the sleeve. A gun went off, the automatic rile kicking as a spray of rounds flew into the air. Thank god that was the air. <br><br> That could have been me. Or them. <br><br> Everything came to a sudden stop. Men with chevrons intervened and pulled them away, and all of it was on camera. I crouched down and hugged Kaze and the girl, asking them -- bloodied as they were -- if they were okay. <br><br> Elena came over to provide the aid that she spent her life learning. <br><br> The soldiers pulled back outside their own cordon. <br><br> Johannes, Rachel, Pedro all checked on me. We all sent off our recordings. We all felt the crash of adrenaline as the light waned and we realized that likely, this was the end. And the end we wanted. <br><br> That night there was a new fire and a new village, with new people from other tribes -- with our volunteer tribe -- and we danced again. <br><br> I gave a better rendition of my arrival dance in all its glory and was cheered on far more emphatically than that first night. <br><br><br> I think we all were welcome now. And now they were welcome to the very land that they so [[rightfully deserved|GY009 - LeavingAfr]]. <<path>> Intervene and use my privilege for their protection? <br><br><br> Risk my life for theirs? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<face shock runny>> "Get the //fuck// away from them!" It was some combination of a movie sequence and what I thought a movie sequence was. I pushed. I insisted. I was <<shake 5s>>shot<</shake>>. <br><br> I don't know if it was accidental, intended, or even who pulled the trigger, but multiple punches to my body sent me to the ground. And I was staring up at the broad, blue sky. That dark. <br><br><br> <<timed 3s t8n>> <<run $Memories.push("Nearly Killed")>> <<face hurt1>> Game. <<next 1s>>Over. /* IMAGE (Needed): Hospital Bedroom */ <br><br><br> <<next 2s>> I heard the words from the cot beside me. That kid would not stop playing his stupid combat game. He had no idea how real bullets and death could be. <br><br> Thank god for Elena and the Red Cross. Thank god for medical equipment being on-site. And, according to Elena, thank god for <<linkexpand "youthful resilience.">> youthful resilience. <br><br><br> If this were not real life, if this were some game, this //would// have been a Game Over for me. <br><br> I would have failed my mission -- I had. I hadn't been smart and it had cost me. <br><br><br> All the pain and discomfort that followed, I was glad to know that my life would continue. I had learned a very valuable lesson, and I would...ha...soldier on. <br><br> I spent much of the rest of the year alone in my room. Depression, but also who else was there? <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> didn't make any comments and left me to myself. It had been an incredibly awful year for me. A lot of loss. Some my fault, some not. <br><br> I was glad to see that the Ovatwa had finally gotten the Namibian government to stand down, even though it had meant they began to settle -- literally and figuratively. In some of the clips, I saw my team. I saw some of the tribe that I knew. I saw Kaze. I was glad to see him. <br><br> I wondered if my sacrifice had mattered. Had it, movie magic, brought a sudden resolution and made cooler heads prevail? Had I saved Kaze and, likely, his future wife? Not a word was spoken about what had happened on any news feeds, and while some of the clips from my team and my own recording included the gunfire, nothing of who had received the lead. <br><br> Whatever the case, I had acted. I had done something. And we had gotten the ending we wanted. I'd play with my scars as they healed and wondered how often I'd tell that story and what people would think. <br><br><br> Eventually, I had to start thinking about what I would do next. I couldn't just remain closed up in my room. [[Life marches on|GY010 - Home]]. <</linkexpand>> <</timed>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <<elseif visited("GY002 - EuroArrival")>> There was a tingle at the back of my head. Kind of like I was feeling eyes on me. It wasn't consistent, but I also knew it wasn't just an awareness of something real -- it happened when I was alone, like the shower, or about to go to sleep. And it grew. There was that instinctive draw to run, to get away from the feeling, and so I did, in a way. I tried to fill my days more, sights, trips, whatever I could. <br><br> The tingle became a pressure, a weight, and that's when I truly knew what it was. It was my time running out. Home. 'Normal life'. It was needing to be confronted with everything I had left behind. The situation and the curiosity of anything had changed. But no word from <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> on that front told me what to expect. <br><br> Now having a name for it made me feel a greater need to run. But where to? Was that just delaying the inevitable return of the tingle? Money would eventually run out, and honestly, I was getting worn down by the nomadic-ish life. Not having roots. <br><br> I'm sure there were some people that, in crisis, just threw themselves out into the world never to return. <br><br> That wasn't me. <br><br> My return flight was booked and travel took me inexorably towards my departing airport. And the day arrived. Bag slung behind me again, I was getting ready to put Europe behind me. <br><br> "You sure you don't want to stick it out a bit longer?" Jordan chuckled. It wasn't a joke, I could tell. It was a desire, and more from <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> own fear of being in my position. <br><br> I turned, looking back at <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> and shook my head, "Can't." <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>He<<else>>She<</if>> nodded. I saw the shift in <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> eyes, halfway to kicking rocks and switching to steely resolve, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> looked at me once more. "Welp." And a shrug. <br><br> Yeah. <br><br> <<if $GY.Jordan == true>> It certainly felt like the end of a relationship. We'd never firmed up what we were to each other, or what the future would be. Intwined thanks to our circumstances and randomness, and now we were finding circumstances driving us apart. <br><br> "Welp." I smiled as kindly as I could, mimicking <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>. <br><br> "See ya around sometime?" <br><br> I nodded, watching <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> turn around and leaving me. Not sure how hurt <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was, and was surprised to feel a pang in myself. It made me a little upset. I turned on my heel, insisting that I move away first, faster, further. <br><br> The whole time had been to disconnect, to gain space and keep casual freedom first and foremost. We hadn't behaved like we were dating, despite that we were traveling partners. Ugh. Feels. Well, being alone again would solve that soon enough. I [[hoped|GY009 - LeavingEuro]]. <<else>> It wasn't the end of a relationship, we certainly weren't dating. The whole thing for both of us had been about disconnecting and finding a freedom. But still, we had been traveling partners. I'd miss Jordan, no matter what. <br><br> "Welp." A shrug and a smile as I mimicked <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>. <br><br> "See ya around sometime?" <br><br> I nodded and then lunged forward, squeezing <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> tight. Of all the memories, maybe finding a soul mate in Jordan had been the most important of all. I'd miss <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>>. <br><br> A chuckle and we were disentangled. Circumstances and randomness had brought us together and now the same thing was driving us apart. <br><br> I watched Jordan turn and leave me. It hurt, but I clung on to what I could, and maybe I'd see <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">>him<<else>>her<</if>> again? I [[hoped|GY009 - LeavingEuro]]. <</if>> <<elseif visited("GY002 - SwissArrival")>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Swiss Alps */ The snow on the peaks melted away as the Madame brought a close to our bespoke portion of the education. I could tell the others were jonesing to get out of here. They were ready to apply their knowledge, or put this BS behind them, or get to something that mattered. <br><br> True, this wasn't world-changing, but the people in the room //could// change the world. Which was a crazy concept. And I was among them. By proximity. It wasn't like I could actually affect the world at the global level. I was just some girl. Some girl who had actually attended and completed a finishing school. <br><br> I added my name to the registry alongside Princesses, Queens, prominent names of generations past. It was crazy. And it was over. <br><br><br> I was packing to return to the States -- most of the others were already gone -- when <<print $GY.friend>> came in and wrapped me in a tight hug. "Going to miss you." <br><br> "Me too." <br><br> "Stay in touch, okay? Who knows when our paths will cross again." <br><br> I laughed. I hoped so, but imposter syndrome was still strong all these months later. As comfortable as I felt with <<print $GY.friend>>, it felt like an anomaly. But still I nodded and squeezed back. "I won't be a stranger." <br><br> "What are you doing next?" <br><br> A chuckle was all I could manage: that thought had been on my mind constantly in the last week or so. <br><br> "Yeah. Well, I thought all of this would have prepared you for something. You're finished now." It was a play on words that had lost its humor, but I smiled anyway. <br><br> "Don't feel it. What are you going to do?" <br><br> <<if $GY.friend == "Rian">> "Might swing around East and see if I can find some of that Chinese money. Gotta fund my ambitions somehow." <<elseif $GY.friend == "Lily">> "Head home. Convene with father and see what our next steps are." <<elseif $GY.friend == "Masenna">> "I have a few causes in mind. Now to see if they are acceptable." <<elseif $GY.friend == "Bekkah">> "I'm thinking, maybe, Bali. Or something else fun." <<elseif $GY.friend == "Alina">> "Same. We'll see." <<elseif $GY.friend == "Sofia">> "Business partnerships in the East. No details for you, dear." <</if>> <br><br><br> I nodded. Well, <<print $GY.friend>> had a far better idea than I did. Another hug, a kiss on my forehead. The perfunctory ones on each other's cheeks with a 'god this is dumb' smile. And then I was [[alone|GY009 - LeavingAlps]]. <</if>>
<<set $num ++>> <<set $kinknum ++>> <<sexSkillsSetup 3>> <<intro>> It had been a //crazy// year. I hadn't expected it to be as freaky as it was. <<kinks>> And through the sexcapades, I realized I liked: <<skills>> And I think I had gotten a bit better<<if $Stats.SexSkills.length eq 0>> at<</if>>: <<onDone>> <</sexSkillsSetup>> <br><br>
<<if $GY.bodies gte 10>> <<include "GY009 - SexLeveling">> <</if>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Jet on a tarmac */ Stepping into the terminal was an instant transition. There were no monuments, no art -- well, not by a Master -- and everything was modern. //Hyper// modern. Screens, plastic, transactions, advertisements, a general banality...and screens. The automatic doors shutting behind me had brought me from a world that was new ''and'' old. A hybrid of everything that had been incredible before and the way that we'd marched on. It kind of had given a 'wow' factor to today, to see things side by side, to really emphasize our development. But now there was no comparison, except other people. <br><br> It made me think if it had been the same back then, when the cathedrals were going up, but everything felt samey. Everyone was just grinding their gears to eek out an existence. Would some of modernity end up being majestic? <br><br> Who cares. I already missed it. I felt the pressure of now and what was next. <br><br> A bit of me bucked at how easy it was to go back. No massive lines for immigration -- that'd be once I was already State-side, it was just scanning and moving through security and waiting by my gate for the flight home. And I'd get there, unpack and be back in my room. <br><br> Was I more cultured? Did I have enough time and distance from the previous year to find new perspective? Was I any different? That's really the question. <br><br> Or had it just been a waste of time. A temporary, useless escape. And I was heading right back to the exact same place I left. <br><br> I wanted to believe it was the former. But I wouldn't know until I was back, staring face-to-face with what I'd left [[behind|GY010 - Home]].
<<image framed "passage/GY002-AfrArrival.png">> <<outfit africa>> <<if $PG.oops == true>> <<face hurt1>> The cramping on the plane was awful and I got well acquainted with the plane bathroom, but everything seemed to have settled by the time we landed in Ruacana. <br><br> <</if>> I was fucking //exhausted//. It's incredible to me how simply sitting, watching some movies, listening to music, reading a magazine or a book -- all could just knock you flat on your ass. I slept what I could, and maybe that was my mistake. <br><br> Rolling down the gangway into the airport I could feel the futile effort of the air conditioning trying to fight against the dry heat. Why did people think they should be living in places like this? Well, I guess that's unfair -- the people I was here to volunteer with, the Ovatwa had been here probably since the dawn of humans. So, it was more of a question about why civilization chose to try and fight <<linkexpand "the brutality of nature here.">> the brutality of nature here. <br><br><br> "<<print $>>!" A guy called to me. Aussie? Definitely some kinda cute accent. And he was cute. Looked to be about my age, sporting a pair of sandals and rolled up capris. I smiled easily as I approached, pulling my bag behind me. <br><br> "Hey! Johannes?" He nodded and took the bag from me, guiding me away from the crowds and through the airport. <br><br> "How was the flight? You need the bathroom...anything?" It was nice to know that here I'd still enjoy English companions. <br><br> "No, fine. Thanks. I know, I look like shit." <br><br> "Oh, uh no. You look...<<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 6>>incredible<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>great<<else>>good<</if>>." Was he hitting on me? <br><br> "Thanks. So, been with them long?" <br><br> "Yeah. A few months. Pretty incredible stuff. They're so confident in their ways and so easily able to resist modernization. It's crazy admirable." <br><br> "Except for the issues it's bringing between them and the government." <br><br> "Well, yeah. But like...we thought the nomadic elements of these people had died out, become more like their settled cousins--" <br><br> "You like a sociologist or something?" <br><br> "Eventually, maybe. Anthropology is what I've been majoring in." We climbed into a beat up van that had been waiting for me. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/">> <br> "Oh, yeah this is sort of a pre-college thing for me." <br><br> "Wow. I don't know of many people that'd make that kind of sacrifice." Was it a sacrifice? I definitely seemed at odds with my contemporaries. Maybe I'd have that in common with <<linkexpand "the tribal people.">> the tribal people. <br><br><br> We spent the five hours on standard roads and the couple hours overland learning about each other and him bringing me up to speed on the situation as well as our companions. It was a small group of volunteers from across the world that had decided to take it upon themselves to bring the conflict over the Dam to some sort of resolution. It had been going on for years and the government was applying military pressure to force the issue. The resistance had been the settled people of nearby tribes until what looked like the last remaining Ovatwa nomadic tribe was brought into the international spotlight. They were fighting back and a gorgeous -- if horrific -- photo from National Geographic had brought it all to a head. <br><br> There were two elder 'leaders' of the effort: Uwe from the UN, and Elena from the Red Cross, alongside some other younger volunteers like ourselves: Pedro from Mexico and Rachel from Israel. The six of us would be trying to mediate and de-escalate the situation and bring about some sort of compromise, if possible. Why we were being trusted with something this momentous? I couldn't say, but there was clear pressure on the Namibian government and no one else who seemed willing to be involved. <br><br> At the very least, it'd be a story and a great look on my college resume, if I did decide to apply. <br><br><br> In the meantime, the excitement of arrival had dissipated into the oppressive heat, bleak desert landscape, pain of travel and the encouraging rocking of the van. Johannes had fallen asleep on my shoulder. If it weren't for the drool, it was incredibly [[endearing|GY003 - TribalCustoms]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit africa>> <<image framed "passage/GY003-TribalCustoms.png">> <div id = "arrive"> It was nightfall when the van pulled up to a verdant little section at the base of the Baynes mountains. Waterfall and its collection nearby provided the healthy greenery where the tribe was currently nestled. The plastic of our tents were iconoclastic even with the couple hundred yard distance to the wood and mud huts of the tribe. It was sad -- they had to accept some sort of incursion to allow them to remain the way they were. It felt wrong. <br><br> We clambered out of the van, Johannes wiping his chin and trying to shake off the cloud of sleep. He gave a little smile and motioned me over to my tent, where I happily climbed in, shoved my roller bag aside and dropped ontop of the sleeping bag before accepting the sweet and needed embrace of <<link "slumber">><<replace "#arrive" t8n>> I woke to the sauna of the tent, my clothes soaked through. I peeled them off and flicked them wetly aside as I unzipped my bag and dug through for a towel to de-dampen my moist skin. <br><br><br> "You up?" It was Johannes tapping at the plastic doorway. <br><br> "Uh, yeah. Just getting decent." <br><br> "Yeah, sleeping naked is definitely the way to go." He chuckled and I watched his shadow standing nearby as I hurried myself to a better state of dress, and dry. <br><br><br> We made our way over to the main tent where I was introduced to the others officially and welcomed with a warm breakfast. "Welcome ceremony again tonight." Based on the accent, I assumed it was Rachel. <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">>She was fucking hot.<<else>>She was a gorgeous girl.<</if>> "So, just fair warning here. <<print $>> , yeah?" I nodded. "They're a highly sexual people. The men will want to take a crack at you. It's...relatively...respectful. And very culturally expected." That explained the vagueness that Johannes had gone into on our van-ride over. There were moments of clear discomfort and he skirted the edges of things that now made sense. <br><br> We remained at the outskirts of the tribe during the day as I was given the rundown of the current situation by Elena and Uwe while we observed them in their day-to-day. Very little clothing, lots of breasts, bodies adorned with leather and hair of the women caked and dyed red. And while you're watching them, they're definitely watching you with a fascination. <br><br><br> Everything that had been said or unsaid made sense that evening during the <<link "ceremony">><<replace "#arrive" t8n>> Children sprinted out to the tents to welcome and draw us in to their fires. They were singing and dancing rhythmically while a cluster formed around me, cooing and pawing at my skin and hands, fingers tugging and toying at the edges of my clothing. I couldn't help but be enamored both by the beauty of their ritual, but also with their attention and fascination <br><br> <<if $ == "black">>And it felt weird. Standing next to them, seeing their hands on me, we weren't so different. And I was being treated like some oddity. Was I wrong being who I am and being here, beside them and trying to 'help' from the outside rather than from within? <<elseif $ !== "white">>While I didn't look exactly like the Europeans that had changed this continent for generations -- outside invaders picking it clean for its resources and people -- I looked far more like them than I did the people that were pawing at my skin. The visible differences between us making the social and subtextual ones very apparent. <<else>>Man did I feel //weird//, seeing their hands on me as they were in awe. The positive emotions that were flowing out of them about how I looked made me feel so weird. Why did my appearance make them fascinated and impressed? <</if>> <br><br> /* IMAGE: Fire at the Tribal village */ They'd formed a crescent, clapping and stomping the ground. The men were nearby, watching and clapping along as they watched the women and children each doing their own interpretation of a dance and taking turns by the fire. Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves -- especially me. And then, suddenly, I was being pulled off my ass and towards the center by one of the younger girls, "Careful..." came Rachel from beside me as they all let it happen. <br><br> They wanted //me// to dance. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<crossroads #arrive>> <<path>> Whew. Oh, buddy. Here we go. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> I brought my own flavor to the dancing. What would it be? <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("Ballet1")>> <<linkreplace "Ballet">> My boots weren't too pliant, but I danced as if we were on marley, focusing on my lines and grace of movement. It was quite well received, hearing the women oohing pleased from the circle. <</linkreplace>>? <</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("HipHop1")>> <<linkreplace "Hip Hop">> It was not too dissimilar from what they were doing as I rocked and shifted my body to an internal beat. It was hips and tits, thighs and ass, popping my pussy and all highly sexual. And very well received. The men hooted from the sidelines. <</linkreplace>>? <</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("Ballroom1")>> <<linkreplace "Ballroom">> The girl who had brought me out became my dance partner. We waltzed on our makeshift dance floor and my new friends clapped and I could hear them pretending to be courtiers. <</linkreplace>>? <</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("Contemporary1")>> <<linkreplace "Contemporary">> It was a far cry from the hit and plant of the other women, but I brought my emotionality and flow to my movement and the atmosphere changed to a respectful and entranced quiet. <</linkreplace>>? <</if>> Emulate what they're <<linkexpand "doing?">> doing? <br><br> And so I bounced and clapped and tried my best to follow what I had been seeing. They hooted and laughed along with me, appreciating my attempts. <br><br> And right as I was getting into it, I realized there were a couple others around me, pulling up on my top. At first, I laughed at the playfulness, but then realized that they wanted me to join them as women were: topless. <br><br> <<crossroads #arrive>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> I felt a pulse in my pussy and was helping them pull my top off me without a second thought. <<blocked>> $ isn't an Exhibitionist. <<contents>> <<upper>><<set $GY.joinedIn = true>> <<if $Body.braless == false>> <<face happy>> <<bra>> I reached back to unclasp my bra and flung it aside. <</if>> I smirked over at the men from the tribe and got bright toothy smiles in response as my tits came free. I knew it wasn't because of...tits. It was because they knew how Western society was, while I defied it all. I danced freely, emphasizing movement that made my <<if $Body.tits == "small">>pert little chest<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky handfuls<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>weighty breasts<<else>>swaying and heavy tits<</if>> bounce with extra vigor. <br><br> My team enjoyed it because, well they were seeing them. The tribe enjoyed the sight because of the 'newness' of what I had to offer. And there I was, going 'native' and as breast-free as the rest of the women around. I continued my dance and it became a little group event, all of the women welcoming me as I met them at their level. <br><br> A couple girls jabbered away, eyeing at my chest as we frolicked together. <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Left Nipple") or $Body.piercings.includes("Right Nipple")>>One even reached out to flick my piercings and smiled at me, surprised at my affectation.<</if>> <br><br><br> The dancing settled down and I started walking over to the group, looking around for where my shirt had gone. One of the tribesmen, on the younger side and probably even younger than I was brought it over to me, "Thank you." He smiled. <br><br> "Welcome." I nodded back as I took the shirt. "You like our ways?" <br><br> "I do." And to show him I meant it, I kept my shirt off the rest of the evening. Plus, I appreciated the attention. <br><br> "Not too careful." Rachel laughed as she patted my thigh. <br><br> "Eh, nothing happened." Shrugging it off and heading back to the tents with everyone else, I finally put my shirt back on. <br><br><br> I felt [[welcomed|GY004 - TribalConflict]] and I hoped that they were happy to have me. <<path $Body.braless is true>> I was most of the way there, not like my top was doing much to keep them in. So, it came off without argument. <<blocked>> $ doesn't go braless. <<contents>> <<set $GY.joinedIn = true>> <<upper>> I smirked over at the men from the tribe and got bright toothy smiles in response as my tits came free. And I knew it wasn't because of...tits. It was because they knew how Western society was, and here I was, defying it all. I danced freely, emphasizing movement that made my <<if $Body.tits == "small">>pert little chest<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky handfuls<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>weighty breasts<<else>>swaying and heavy tits<</if>> bounce with extra vigor. <br><br> My team enjoyed because, well they were seeing them. The tribe enjoyed because of the 'newness' of what I had to offer. And there I was, going 'native' and as breast-free as the rest of the women around. I continued my dance and it became a little group event, all of the women welcoming me as I met them at their level. <br><br><br> A couple girls jabbered away, eyeing at my chest as we frolicked together. <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Left Nipple") or $Body.piercings.includes("Right Nipple")>>One even reached out to flick my piercings and smiled at me, surprised at my affectation.<</if>> <br><br><br> The dancing settled down and I started walking over to the group, looking around for where my shirt had gone. One of the tribesmen, on the younger side and probably even younger than I was brought it over to me, "Thank you." He smiled. <br><br> "Welcome." I nodded back as I took the shirt. <br><br> "I do." And rather than just put on the piece of cloth that wouldn't be hiding all that much -- plus I was sweaty -- I kept my shirt off the rest of the evening. <br><br> "Not too careful." Rachel laughed as she patted my thigh. <br><br> "Eh, nothing happened." Shrugging it off and heading back to the tents with everyone else, I finally put my shirt back on. <br><br><br> I felt [[welcome|GY004 - TribalConflict]] and I hoped that they were happy to have me. <<path $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>> Oh, well I didn't want to offend, so I helped them take it off. <<blocked>> $ isn't suggestible enough'. <<contents>> <<set $GY.joinedIn = true>> <<upper>> <<if $Body.braless == false>> <<bra>> I reached back to unclasp my bra and flung it aside. <</if>> I smirked over at the men from the tribe and got bright toothy smiles in response as my tits came free. And I knew it wasn't because of...tits. It was because they knew how Western society was, and here I was, defying it all. I danced freely, emphasizing movement that made my <<if $Body.tits == "small">>pert little chest<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky handfuls<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>weighty breasts<<else>>swaying and heavy tits<</if>> bounce with extra vigor. <br><br> My team enjoyed because, well they were seeing them. The tribe enjoyed because of the 'newness' of what I had to offer. And there I was, going 'native' and as breast-free as the rest of the women around. I continued my dance and it became a little group event, all of the women welcoming me as I met them at their level. <br><br><br> A couple girls jabbered away, eyeing at my chest as we frolicked together. <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Left Nipple") or $Body.piercings.includes("Right Nipple")>> One even reached out to flick my piercings and smiled at me, surprised at my affectation. <</if>> <br><br><br> The dancing settled down and I started walking over to the group, looking around for where my shirt had gone. One of the tribesmen, on the younger side and probably even younger than I was brought it over to me, "Thank you." He smiled. <br><br> "Welcome." I nodded back as I took the shirt. <br><br> "I do." I smiled, pulling it back over my head. I had no idea where my bra went, but covering up felt like enough of a return to normal for me. That had been a crazy few moments. <br><br> "Not too careful." Rachel laughed as she patted my thigh. <br><br> "Eh, nothing happened." I shrugged it off and headed back to the tents with everyone else. <br><br><br> I felt [[welcome|GY004 - TribalConflict]] and I hoped that they were happy to have me. <<path>> No way. In the West, we keep our tits in, not out. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky -->> I swatted at their hands, "No, no, no!" <br><br> And they started laughing! Continuing to pull like it was a game, tugging firmer as flashes of my <<if $Body.braless == false>>bra<<else>><<print $Body.tits>> tits<</if>> were being highlighted by the flames. One of the guys yells out in surprisingly good English something about being one of 'us' with a firm tone. <br><br> But I twisted free, trying to laugh it off as we all were giggling and I tried to complete my dance. Shaking my head and with beet-red cheeks, I returned to my friends, seeing absolutely crestfallen tribal people and most of the guys of our collective. <br><br> Rachel gave a wry little smile, "Only one to not give them a show." I felt it like a punch to the gut. But she squeezed my thigh and laughed it off. <br><br><br> We watched them round out the evening. All things concerned, I felt [[welcome|GY004 - TribalConflict]]. <</crossroads>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Oh, no, no, no. I can't. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> She nodded, crestfallen but let me retreat to the others. <br><br> I could see that even my compatriots were disappointed in me, but Rachel squeezed my thigh, "Well, that's certainly careful." And laughed. <br><br><br> We watched them round out their dance and we ended the night with broad smiles on our faces. I definitely felt [[welcome|GY004 - TribalConflict]]. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <br> Oh, no, no, no. I <<link "can't">><<replace "#arrive" t8n>> <<Stats Confident -->> She nodded, crestfallen but let me retreat to the others. <br><br> I could see that even my compatriots were disappointed in me, but Rachel squeezed my thigh, "Well, that's certainly careful." And laughed. <br><br><br> We watched them round out their dance and we ended the night with broad smiles on our faces. I definitely felt [[welcome|GY004 - TribalConflict]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<image framed "passage/GY004-TribalConflict.png">> The next morning came and went. We fell into a gentle rhythm of living beside and amongst these people. The men had a good grasp of English and the women had enough to essentially communicate. <br><br><br> <div id="topless"> <<if $GY.joinedIn>> There was a part of me that the welcome ceremony, while being a wonderful way to start the experience, it was a bit wrong to have become 'one of us' and then reverted to normal Western behavior. <</if>> <<crossroads #topless>> <<path $GY.joinedIn == true>> Despite the recommendations of the rest of the group, I decided to dress like their women. <<blocked>> $ didn't join in the dance. <<contents>> <<set $GY.topless = true>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<upper>> <<bra>> And out there in the desert, it really made sense. Wearing less was not just freeing (and less washing), but was also far cooler and more comfortable. And it was quick to get used to. While the eyes from Johannes, Pedro, and Uwe were constantly not at eye-level, there was a simpatico and surprised response from the tribe that was clearly more at home with me than with any of the others. <br><br> <<path $GY.joinedIn == false>> I heard the reasoning against doing anything otherwise, so I kept my top on. <<blocked>> $ joined in the dance. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<outfit africa>> I appreciated not having my team's eyes on my chest, and it seemed to be the expected response from the tribe. <br><br> <<contentsShared>> After a few weeks of getting to know who they were and how their lives would be irreparably affected if the Dam was built, there was a change in the air. The men seemed on edge and most of them were out from the camp on a daily basis. <br><br> When I brought up the change, there was a hushed and measured response from the women and completely ignoring me from the men. The latter was unsurprising -- men were the far dominant sex in the tribe and they did not take well to my attitude and general demeanor, even though it was friendly. <br><br> And then the cause for their behavior became apparent when the roar of engines started. Namibian military was on <<linkexpand "approach.">> approach. <br><br><br> /* IMAGE: Jeeps and Humvees on approach */ We rushed forward, the nylon of our tents flapping in the wind as if creating the tone of tension that we were all experiencing. Elena was at the forefront, waving her arms and walking straight towards the jeeps as they bounded across the terrain our way. <br><br> They were honking, they had weapons brandished and my heart was pounding -- would they really do something with //us// here? Flashes of the NatGeo images and their grotesque subtext flickered across my mind. <br><br><br> Soldiers dismounted the vehicles before they rolled to a stop, weaponry slung at the ready as they motioned for us to get out of their way, "No, no. It's time for them to move. Don't get involved." The man who spoke in accented English <<linkexpand "had chevrons on his arms.">> <<face shock>> had chevrons on his arms. <br><br><br> "You have no right to do this!" Elena stood firm. <br><br> "These people haven't done anything to you." <br><br> "Haven't you done enough?" <br><br> "You going to kill us all?" It was a cacophony from the volunteers, ranging from solid arguments to the extreme. <br><br><br> <<if $GY.topless == true>> A couple of the soldiers were stopped short as they saw me coming forward with the other volunteers -- surprised grins on their faces as they watched my endowments bouncing their way. "We moving her too?" <br><br><br> <</if>> Elena motioned us all forward into a kind of soccer-like penalty kick line, using our bodies to prevent the men with guns from doing what they came here to do. <br><br> <div id="intervene"> My heart was thudding. I had come here to make a difference and I had been welcomed by these people. But should I //do// something? <br><br> <<crossroads #intervene>> <<path>> Elena was the leader, she'd handle things. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> I stood mostly to the back, watching Uwe and Elena confront the men in camouflage. A look behind me showed the Ovatwa people going about their business as if nothing was happening -- more of a curious interest as to what was happening than any reaction to their lives being so close to being permanently altered. <br><br> They spoke with their automatic rifles. The threats were clear. <<if $GY.topless == true>>My nipples were ''rock'' hard out of fear, despite the heat.<</if>> And yet, we stood firm. And slowly, but surely, they left. <br><br> Elena pulled us all together afterwards and we let our emotions run free as we tried to release the fear and anger that had been holding us captive for the afternoon. <br><br> "It appears that the men from this tribe and some of the other non-nomads have been seen in and around the area where the Dam is supposed to be erected. They've been passing agreed upon boundaries and we're unsure what they have been doing. We need to find out what's happening and, hopefully, keep there from being any bloodshed. What was stopped here today won't be stopped out there." <br><br><br> The emotionality of the talk and the fury we all felt brought about quick assent. We'd stop this. We'd do what we came here [[to do|GY005 - TribalWork]]. <<path>> No, I needed to act. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> I ran back to the tents, hearing Johannes calling after me and clearly thinking I was just turning tail. I dug through my things. <br><br> A well-placed TikTok could go viral. I grabbed my <<linkexpand "phone.">> phone. <br><br><br> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $GY.tiktok = true>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers ++>> <<if $GY.topless == true>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 9>> I dismissed the thought that my bare tits would probably get the video pulled down instantly and my account banned. Instead, I walked out with my phone aloft, talking to my camera as it got a full view of myself and framed the tribe behind me. <br><br> <</if>> /* IMAGE: POV - looking into a phone */ "I've been spending time here with the Ovatwa people of Namibia. They're a lovely, peaceful and kind people. They've welcomed me with open arms. And what are the Namibians doing?" I hit the button to turn the view to the gun-toting soldiers who were frozen, watching me approach. "They're here to displace them, and if those guns don't make the message clear: kill them. You all see the images from National Geographic? It's about to happen again. We need to stop this. //You// need to stop this. <br><br> Reach out to your representatives. Repost this. At people. At Namibia. This is unconscionable." <br><br> I continued my diatribe as I made sure to get close to the men, they wouldn't dare touch me. I got their faces. I got their name tags. And I got them to leave. <br><br> My team was stunned and applauded as the jeeps sped off. It was not directed at me, and definitely came from a place of relief, but I could tell they were stunned and pleased at my quick intervention. We'd see if the video had any broader impact over time. <br><br> Elena pulled us all together afterwards and we let our emotions run free as we tried to release the fear and anger that had been holding us captive for the afternoon. <br><br> "It appears that the men from this tribe and some of the other non-nomads have been seen in and around the area where the Dam is supposed to be erected. They've been passing agreed upon boundaries and we're unsure what they have been doing. We need to find out what's happening and, hopefully, keep there from being any bloodshed. What was stopped here today won't be stopped out there." <br><br><br> The emotionality of the talk and the fury we all felt brought about quick assent. We'd stop this. We'd do what we came here [[to do|GY005 - TribalWork]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Maybe our distance was to our detriment. We needed to go fully native. I stuffed my bag and dragged it out of the tent. <<contents>> <<set $GY.native = true>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<feet>> <<socks>> <<lower>> I dropped my shorts and kicked off my shoes, losing my Western clothing behind as I made my way over to the huts by the waterfall. I have no idea what was happening behind me, but I saw the women of the tribe laughing and clapping happily -- so blissfully unaware of the crisis -- and the men were grinning, seeing me in a way that even the women of the tribe didn't bare themselves except in private. /* IMAGE: Tribal Hut */ <br><br> "Where can I stay?" My heart was pounding. I was trying to just bull my way through the emotion that was fighting my impulse, that was trying to get me to recant and turn back. The woman I asked shied away and ignored me. One of the men stepped forward. He was young. <<if $GY.joinedIn == true>>Oh. He was the one from the welcome ceremony.<<else>>I had noticed his attention most days and he was probably younger than I was.<</if>> <br><br> "With me." His broad smile could not have been bigger, his hand kindly sliding over mine to take the bag's handle from me. I felt the roughness of his skin. I felt the breakdown inside about to win, so I nodded and let him guide me to his hut. <br><br> I was so on display and I so dearly wanted the privacy of inside, enduring the embarassment of what I was showing as I bent over and crawled inside into the deep earthy smell of the hut. <br><br> "My name. Kaze." He patted his bare chest and smiled, leaving the light of the doorway, leaving me to myself. I couldn't bear to walk out, so I calmed down in the cool and dark of the hut, hoping that my choice had forestalled the soldiers. <br><br><br> My mind was preoccupied, though, wondering what this decision would mean. What did joining the tribe mean [[for me|GY004 - HutNight]]? <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/GY004-HutNight.png">> I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out how to make the best of what was in my bag. What would work as tribal? What could be co-opted? What would just have to wait in the bag. I was committed at this point and clearly the team wasn't going to fight me in my decision. I was left perfectly alone. Well, at least we all hadn't been killed -- so maybe this //had// worked. <br><br> It wasn't the first time I'd been in my 'room' sitting around naked, but it was far different when your floor is literally dirt and the bed can poke you as much as the ground. But still, the privacy was useful while I decided what to do in regards to my tribal status. <br><br> <div id="clothes"> <<crossroads #clothes>> <<path>> I could tear up what I had into my own version of tribal clothing <<contents>> <<outfit tatters>> <<set $GY.nativeStyle = "tatters">> <<Stats Stable -->> I took little peeks out of the doorway and used my memory as I worked my hands raw, tearing the lighter clothing I had and knotting strips into a kind of loincloth. I'd keep decent and hopefully fit in well-enough. A kind of bastardization of their culture? Or an honorific as I brought my culture to theirs? We'd see. <br><br> Kaze chuckled when he climbed into the hut as the sun went down, eyeing my mostly bare body and the attempt at their clothing around my hips, "Not bad." He nodded as he slid in next to me, not much room in his 'one bedroom apartment'. <br><br> His hands confidently slid onto my skin as he got close. <br><br> "W-what are you...doing?" I tried to scoot away, his hands gripped at my hips firmly, a frown on his face. "I'm not your wife." <br><br> "My house. My guest. Woman guest." He leaned in and began sucking at my tits, I gasped out and squirmed a bit. I wasn't sure what to do. I knew that these people had a very polyamorous and polygamous sexual attitude. Men offered their wives to guests and men expected women to submit. I was in Kaze's house and I was taking his hospitality, which -- me being female -- meant he got to take me. <br><br> I hadn't thought about this, just been impulsive and thought I was being clever, but as my body shuddered under his ministrations and I was practically naked, my mind frantically was trying to parse a way forward. <<path>> I could ask to see if there were spares that the tribe could offer me. <<contents>> <<outfit native>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set $GY.nativeStyle = "tribal">> I peeked my head out of the hut and waved over one of the more familiar women, who was smiling at me, "Yes?" <br><br> "Um. Can I have...something to wear?" I motioned at my naked form and then at what she had on. She smiled and nodded and I quickly ducked back inside. Minutes passed and she returned with some leather trappings that we worked around my hips and even an adornment around my neck. It probably looked ridiculous, but she didn't seem to care. <br><br> Kaze chuckled when he climbed into the hut as the sun went down, eyeing my mostly bare body and the traditional clothing around on me. It was not what he had expected. "I like." He nodded as he slid in next to me, not much room in his 'one bedroom apartment'. <br><br> His hands confidently slid onto my skin as he got close. <br><br> "W-what are you...doing?" I tried to scoot away, his hands gripped at my hips firmly, a frown on his face. "I'm not your wife." <br><br> "My house. My guest. Woman guest." He leaned in and began sucking at my tits, I gasped out and squirmed a bit. I wasn't sure what to do. I knew that these people had a very polyamorous and polygamous sexual attitude. Men offered their wives to guests and men expected women to submit. I was in Kaze's house and I was taking his hospitality, which -- me being female -- meant he got to take me. <br><br> I hadn't thought about this, just been impulsive and thought I was being clever, but as my body shuddered under his ministrations and I was practically naked, my mind frantically was trying to parse a way forward. <<path>> I didn't feel comfortable wearing theirs or destroying my own. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<set $GY.nativeStyle = "nude">> <<outfit naked>> I wasn't about to reduce my clothing to trash, didn't want to offend them by mimicking their style, nor did I think it was right to take their clothing. I could eventually make my own maybe, if I learned. But at the end of the day, what their women wore was not much different than plain nudity. So...nude it was. <br><br> Kaze climbed into the hut as the sun went down, eyeing my bare body and wordlessly just casually climbed ontop of me. There wasn't much room in his 'one bedroom apartment,' but there was enough he didn't have to be literally //on// //top// of me. <br><br> His hands confidently grabbed onto my hips as he lifted himself over me, his own hips pushing my thighs apart. <br><br> "W-what are you...doing?" I tried to scoot away, he immediately tugged with his grip on my hips and got me flat on my back instantly, a frown on his face. "I'm not your wife." <br><br> "My house. My guest. Woman guest." He leaned in and began sucking at my tits, I gasped out and squirmed a bit. His cock was pushing against my naked pussy through the rough cloth of his wrap. He was humping against me slowly. I wasn't sure what to do. I knew that these people had a very polyamorous and polygamous sexual attitude. Men offered their wives to guests and men expected women to submit. I was in Kaze's house and I was taking his hospitality, which -- me being female -- meant he got to take me. <br><br> I hadn't thought about this, just been impulsive and thought I was being clever, but as my body shuddered under his ministrations and I was practically naked, my mind frantically was trying to parse a way forward. <<contentsShared>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[GY004 - HutSex][$GY.wife = true]] $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal") || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho')>> It had been too long. Reasons and circumstances be damned. I needed to get fucked. <br><br><br> Backward, uncivilized, native, whatever. Fucking is always fucking. <<blocked>> $ isn't excitable or easy enough or have easy arousal. <<path [[GY004 - HutSex][$GY.wife = true]] $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 2 || $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> Being one of the tribe meant adopting their customs. <br><br><br> And so I learned their customs first-hand. <<blocked>> $ isn't suggestible enough or respond to men that way. <<path [[GY005 - TribalWork][$GY.repatriated == true]] $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 0>> No way. This was not what I had intended. <br><br><br> I pushed Kaze off and scrambled back to the safety of our camp. <<blocked>> $ isn't stable or sophisticated enough. <<path [[GY005 - TribalWork][$GY.repatriated == true]] $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value lte 2 && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lte 2 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 2 && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 1 && $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gte 1>> I freaked. I shoved him off me and left my bag behind. <br><br><br> My only concern returning to the safety of the camp. <<blocked>> $ is too excitable, easy, suggestible, while being too sophisticated and stable. <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<face ahurt1>> "W-wait." I gasped out. It was going to happen, his way or the highway. But it was Africa and I had come prepared. I could see the hardness in his eyes -- and not the good kind -- forming as I lightly pushed his chest to indicate he get off me. He wasn't a mean or malicious man, that was clear because he eased up. "Sorry. Just...we need..." I reached over into my bag, rooting around until I found the roll of Skyns that I had brought. <br><br> "What this?" He watched me tearing it, but knowing he would be fucking me shortly, he was getting his loincloth off, freeing where he was also hard: long, chocolatey brown and steely from the passion of youth. <br><br> "It's a condom." He laughed, still confused as I pulled out the latex and scooted over to him, knees on either side of his hips, feeling the packed dirt floor unrelenting against my bare ass. My hands moved to his cock and I giggled happily hearing and watching him sigh as I took hold of his needy shaft. "Just going to put this on." Holding the base, feeling the pulse of his heartbeat, my other hand guided the condom to his surprisingly circumcised head. <br><br> His hand reached down and grasped my wrist, pulling it away, "No. Nothing on." <br><br> I gave him my best, kind and convincing smile -- seems men were men everywhere -- "It's for protection." <br><br> He smiled cockily and patted himself on his chest, "I protection." Not what I meant. So there we were, in a standoff of sorts, my one hand holding and lightly squeezing his cock around the base, him kneeling between my legs ready to pounce, and his hand holding my other hand away from his penis. I tried to slowly, lightly move my hand back and there was an instant tug away. He looked at me firmly, "Not Ovatwa way." Reached down with his free hand, yanked the thin sheath from my fingertips and flung it aside. He pushed me down with a firm thud onto my back, <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>and instantly a thought popped unbidden into my head -- fuck this is //hot//. The Ovatwa way: unprotected sex for breeding --<</if>> tugging my knees up with his hands while using my hand on his root to make it very easy to find my cunt and thrust. <br><br> My head flicked back against the packed soil with a gasp, he grunted deeply as he thrust deeply, not pausing for a moment, beginning a rhythmic and firm drive into my core. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy")>>The lack of foreplay, but also our relative size difference was making this massively uncomfortable. He was long. I was built shallow. And he was treating me like I could take the full length. (Narrator: she could not). He seemed quite pleased, though.<</if>> <br><br> My hands grabbed at his hips, trying to soften the impact of his long cock-blows, but he was young, and a hunter, living daily in nature and unless I was trying to actually stop him, my hands were doing nothing. "Good American." His bright white teeth smiled over me. "My American." He slammed down, driving my ass and back against the bare ground. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>>And suddenly, I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>, a surprised squeal escaping my lips as my hands went from pushing to pulling, body able to ignore the depth of his strokes for that moment and instinctively wanting him closer, deeper.<</if>> <br><br><br> And then he was cumming. I felt the heat bloom as his cock got impossibly hard and he pushed roughly and deep, releasing his native spunk into me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms") || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>The sensation sent me over, my legs curled and pulled at his lower back, drawing him into me as I panted raggedly and my upper body jerked, each thick jism blast of heat sending another wave of pleasure rocketing through me as he rocketed inside me. Lizard part of my brain hoping for another shot of semen so I could cum with him, just a bit longer and a bit harder.<<else>>As I felt him dumping his balls into me, I hoped that my stay within his tent wouldn't always be this urgent, this quick and always leaving me wanting.<</if>> <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs1>> <br><br> It was over. He breathed deeply, flashing those teeth again as he leaned down to suck at my tits<<if Array("extralarge", "huge", "large").includes($Body.tits)>>-- he seemed quite enamored with the size of my female endowment as I was with the endowment inside me<</if>>. I shuddered and mmmphed as the hut got quiet and he stayed inside me, a sandwich of Kaze, me and the ground as he slowly drifted off. And he was asleep ontop of me. <br><br> Such an exhausting day with so much novelty, confusion and stress, I gave in to sleep soon <<linkexpand "afterwards.">> afterwards. <br><br><br> He woke me as the sun began to rise and groggily, we went at it again. Part morning wood. Part because he woke ontop of me. Part because it was new. It took longer and he let me guide him this time: he could be taught, which was good. It was a good morning. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs1>> <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> It was an absolutely unnerving day once he left and had left me leaking two loads. This was going to be regular, I hoped he would be open to oral or at least be hunting on my fertile stretch. Because out here, rhythm and luck was all I had. Especially when I noticed the string of condoms had 'disappeared' that morning, the conversation permanently off the table. <br><br> <</if>> The women of the tribe smiled broadly, seeing the Kaze stain between my legs. Just that little bit of cultural encouragement that I was being part of the tribe. <br><br> My teammates had the opposite reaction. While they understood the societal ways of the Ovatwa and could probably respect my assimilation, the Western sensibilities, doubt, distaste and discomfort were in all of their eyes. Especially Johannes. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 1>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Kaze M "Kaze, one of the Ovatwa." "And so, Kaze became my first. In the true, Ovatwa way.">> <br><br><br> Now I was Ovatwa, American Ovatwa, as Kaze liked to remind (himself?), but we set to work with the [[tribe|GY005 - TribalWork]]. <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/GY005-TribalWork.png">> <<outfit africa>> As time passed and the conflict fell into the rearview mirror, we all fell into a comfortable routine. The excitement of my arrival and the surge of changes that coincided shifted into a day to day that was a great stretch from my American upbringing, but still found its way to being a normal that I was more than happy with. <<if $CC.grooming gte 120>> While the treatments that I had gotten growing up had made my previous years very easy -- maintaining my mound was barely a thought in my mind -- out here I really enjoyed the fruits of the pain and money. I felt bad for the other women (and even Johannes) as they complained about not having enough 'scaping' supplies. And the months were //just// beginning. I shivered at the thought of the jungle that would result. <<elseif $CC.grooming gt 0 and $CC.grooming lt 120>> While I had always been happy at how little maintaining I needed to do to my mound, out here I really saw how much of an advantage it was. Upkeep was relatively simple with my home-kit and the bits and bobs I had brought with me. Essentially I could just live my life while I listened to the women (and Johannes) bitching about a lack of 'scaping' supplies. I shivered at the thought of the jungle that would result. The months were //just// beginning. <<else>> I hadn't really given maintenance of my mound too much thought, but out here the women and I (and Johannes) quickly found a common topic of bitching about a lack of 'scaping' supplies. They ran out practically right away, and it's not like the environment really suited itself to pubic care anyway. The jungle in our desert grew quick and hungrily. I couldn't wait for a return to civilization. <</if>> <br><br> Being around these last vestiges of early human life was fascinating. They loved to spend time talking with me, stroking my unblemished hands and ask questions about me and where I was from. They loved to giggle at my age -- young for leaving highschool -- was an old maid to them. Not married. No children. Old and not a woman, in their mind. <br><br> <<if $GY.topless == true>> And it wasn't just my hands and hair that they were interested in. There was a casualness with the way they wanted to feel and talk about my breasts that was more throw-away than the most bold girl in a locker room. <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> And I didn't want to offend, so over the weeks every woman and child had some time groping at me, some multiple times. I was so different and they were so intrigued. <<else>> I wasn't that comfortable with it, though, so I declined more often than not. Only the most elder or most respected got their turn...and just a moment or two. <</if>> <br><br><br> <</if>> <<if $GY.tiktok == true>> <<if $HS.SMfollowers gt 8>> The TikTok I had put up had absolutely gone viral. While in the moment, just me filming had been enough to stop the soldiers, the message had caught on. Elena and Uwe were quite thankful for my intervention and it sounded like it was actually applying pressure on the Namibian government. <<else>> My friends and meager following all liked and shared the TikTok I had made, but it hadn't done much beyond stopping the soldiers simply by filming. <</if>> <<if $GY.topless == true>> Surprisingly, TikTok had excluded my post from their T&C. It had not been taken down, it had not been flagged. They had determined the content (and its uptake) was far more important than people seeing tits. Eventually, they had found a way to blur on their end, but that had not stopped a massive trend in the video and my following. That would definitely be a talking point at multiple points in my life. <</if>> <br><br><br> <</if>> <<if $GY.native == true && $GY.repatriated !== true>> The tribe had taken me under their wing with surprising ease. The women treated me as one of their own and sincerely seemed to appreciate my efforts at integration. My team was impressed -- anthropologically, of course -- by what I had done and they watched with interest. Rachel and Elena occasionally gave silent check-ins, but after a couple, they saw my willingness and begged off. <<if $GY.wife == true>> What brought the most clout was not bucking their culture and accepting Kaze every single night when he wasn't off on the hunt. The pauses between my guest 'duties' were welcome, but he was very eager and anticipated his returns -- very, very needy. The men of my team became quite distant, knowing what I was partaking in and their Western sensibilities were not as easily bucked as my own. Rachel gave a shake of her head after the first night, "Told you." But that was the only admonishment. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $GY.repatriated == true>> The tribe had become far colder to me than the others of my group. Denying Kaze was far more of a cultural offense than I thought it would be. They were not interested in having me around. <br><br> <</if>> Whereas the others were doing what they could -- Uwe and Pedro going out with the men on hunts; Elena working with the healers of the tribe; Rachel and Johannes assisting in the gathering and general care of the tribe -- I had to find my own inroads with the tribe to try and uncover what was going on out by the potential Dam. <br><br><br> What were they planning and what could be done? <<if $GY.wife == true>> <br><br><br> <<set $GY.knows = true>> Kaze had told me the very first time I had asked -- though he had insisted on my secrecy. I was them, they were not us. Not the cleanest grammar, but the understanding was conveyed. <br><br> While 'backwards', they were far from dumb. Their plan seemed like it could work: hide supplies and materials nearby the site and planned on relocating during the next season alongside some of their less nomadic cousins and forming a community right where they were not supposed to be. They were hoping that being in place before being discovered would be all the convincing the world needed to support the native cause. <br><br><br> <<include "GY005 - Part - TribalWork Summary">> <<else>> <div id="tribalplans"> <<crossroads #tribalplans>> <<path>> I could ask Kaze, putting my trust in his interest in me and his youth. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set $GY.knows = true>> <br><br> "Hey, I'm curious, Kaze," I saw the flash in his eyes, "What is happening when you all...go...? Something secret?" He got uncomfortable, that I could tell, but his eyes on me told another story. "I just want to help, if I can. We're really on your side. Remember when the soldiers came? We helped then. We can help with this." He thought, eyes dropping to my chest, then nodded, pulling me aside. <br><br> "Secret, yes?" I nodded emphatically and touched his arm. That brightened the fire in his eyes. He then proceeded to tell me. <br><br> While 'backwards', they were far from dumb. Their plan seemed like it could work: hide supplies and materials nearby the site and planned on relocating during the next season alongside some of their less nomadic cousins and forming a community right where they were not supposed to be. They were hoping that being in place before being discovered would be all the convincing the world needed to support the native cause. <<else>> "Hey, Kaze, I'm curious," he perked up, eyeing my form, "What is happening when you all...go...? Something secret?" He got uncomfortable, that I could tell, but his eyes on me told another story. "I just want to help, if I can. We're really on your side. Remember when the soldiers came? We helped then. We can help with this." He thought, eyes dropping to my chest, then shook his head as his eyes wandered to a girl in the tribe that looked to be four years my junior. <br><br> "You them, not us." Not the cleanest grammar, but the subtext was conveyed. I nodded and left him. That hadn't worked and I'd have to hope the others were going to be able to uncover something. I felt a pang as I thought about the possible outcomes if we weren't involved. I didn't want to see more NatGeo images. <</if>> <<path>> I could ask some of the women of the tribe, leaning into our feminine community. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0 || $GY.native == true>> <<set $GY.knows = true>> One afternoon, we were sorting what had been brought in on a foraging run, sitting on our haunches around the burned out remnants of last night's fire. Performatively, I looked around and hmmed curiously. I was very glad none of them had seen TV or movies, and I pulled on all the references I could think of. A couple more times and I saw one of the younger girls -- a wife and four years my junior -- perked up a bit, young curiosity flashing in her eyes, "Where are the men?" <br><br> "Hunt." Came one of the elders. <br><br> "Right, but...not really." I smirked at the younger and gave a little wink. "They aren't being very successful on their 'hunts'. They bring back so little." The elder glared at me and I bit my tongue, not wanting to offend. The younger giggled, though. <br><br> Later on, when we were packing away our portions, she leaned in to whisper, "Secret, yes?" nodding emphatically, she told me everything. <br><br> While 'backwards', they were far from dumb. Their plan seemed like it could work: hide supplies and materials nearby the site and planned on relocating during the next season alongside some of their less nomadic cousins and forming a community right where they were not supposed to be. They were hoping that being in place before being discovered would be all the convincing the world needed to support the native cause. <<else>> One afternoon, we were sorting what had been brought in on a foraging run, sitting on our haunches around the burned out remnants of last night's fire. Performatively, I looked around and hmmed curiously. I was very glad none of them had seen TV or movies, and I pulled on all the references I could think of. A couple more times and I saw one of the younger girls -- a wife and four years my junior -- perked up a bit, young curiousity flashing in her eyes, "Where are the men?" <br><br> "Hunt." Came one of the elders. <br><br> "Right, but...not really." I smirked at the younger and gave a little wink. "They aren't being very successful on their 'hunts'. They bring back so little." The elder glared at me and I bit my tongue, not wanting to offend. My eyes darted to the younger, hoping that her connection with me was strong enough to beat out the societal structure. She hadn't looked up. <br><br> "You them, not us." Not the cleanest grammar, but the subtext was conveyed. I nodded and continued my efforts, hoping I wouldn't be relegated to a less important duty come tomorrow. <br><br> That hadn't worked and I'd have to hope the others were going to be able to uncover something. I felt a pang as I thought about the possible outcomes if we weren't involved. I didn't want to see more NatGeo images. <</if>> <<path>> I could try and follow some of the men out and see where they were going. <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>> <<set $GY.knows = true>> I had a pretty good bead on the travels of the men thanks to Kaze. Having his attention had given me knowledge and opportunity the others did not. And so, one early morning, I got myself prepared for light, quiet travel and even before the break of dawn was creeping at the edges of the camp, waiting to see the line of men on their way out. <br><br> It was tough, especially in the open land that they travelled in. They were skilled and they knew the area, so much of the day was spent watching them ahead, barely specks on the horizon before creeping forward to anything that might provide cover. They clearly were not hunting, while one would steal away for anything that did happen on their pre-arranged path -- in fact, one of those men almost caught me. I was making my way forward on the kind of leap-frogging travel that had been working so far and all of a sudden, I saw movement to my left. I dropped to the ground and hoped that the mild rise of the earth was enough to hide me. Breathing as little as possible, I watched him -- how he had broken off without me noticing? Damn dots are hard to monitor -- he was finishing cleaning a rabbit and then throwing it over his shoulder as his long-legged gait pounded over the ground to rejoin the group. I breathed a sigh of relief and patted myself off. <br><br> Eventually, I was rewarded with their actual goal. Somehow, they had crossed the edges of the cordoning. This was the area where the Dam would go, if Namibia was allowed. I didn't dare have another run in with armed soldiers, so I skirted the edges, seeing if I could catch a glimpse of these hunters who were far more skilled at subterfuge than I was. <br><br> They weren't the only ones there. I noticed other, similar looking people, moving together -- they wore modern clothes though -- they were removing bags and bundles that they had brought with them and hiding them. Most impressively, they were actually using the Namibian temporary set-up as places for their hideaways. Hiding in plain sight, as it were. <br><br> Once I felt like I had pressed my luck, didn't want to get them caught, and understood what was happening, I began my way back. Walking normally. And still, they returned before I did. There was a look from a couple of the men that made me wonder if they hadn't known. Or they thought I was hot. It was hard to tell. <br><br> It seemed that they and other cousin tribes were heading into the site and building up caches of equipment, food and other supplies. Knowing how other grassroots and guerilla campaigns had gone in the US, this was likely something similar. Set up exactly where they wanted to be. Become unavoidable. Unremovable. It hadn't worked too well for native or progressive groups in the States. But it was a valiant plan. And it could work. <br><br> <<else>> I had a pretty good bead on the travels of the men thanks to Kaze. Having his attention had given me knowledge and opportunity the others did not. And so, one early morning, I got myself prepared for light, quiet travel and even before the break of dawn was creeping at the edges of the camp, waiting to see the line of men on their way out. <br><br> It was tough, especially in the open land that they travelled in. They were skilled and they knew the area, so much of the day was spent watching them ahead, barely specks on the horizon before creeping forward to anything that might provide cover. They clearly were not hunting, while one would steal away for anything that did happen on their pre-arranged path -- I found that out the hard way. I was making my way forward on the kind of leap-frogging travel that had been working so far and all of a sudden, I saw movement to my left. I dropped to the ground and hoped that the mild rise of the earth was enough to hide me. Breathing as little as possible, I watched him -- how he had broken off without me noticing? Damn dots are hard to monitor -- he was finishing cleaning a rabbit and then throwing it over his shoulder before standing and casually walking right up to me. I felt like a fool as I just lay on the ground in front of him. "Go back. No follow." <br><br> He waved dismissively and stood there, waiting and watching me depart. <br><br> That hadn't worked and I'd have to hope the others were going to be able to uncover something. I felt a pang as I thought about the possible outcomes if we weren't involved. I didn't want to see more NatGeo images. <</if>> <<contentsShared>> <br><br><br> <<include "GY005 - Part - TribalWork Summary">> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
A couple of months passed and Elena called us together for a <<linkexpand "team meeting.">> team meeting: <br><br><br> <<if $GY.knows == true>> I could barely contain myself, wanting to share what I knew, but I waited as patiently as possible as she began, propped up on the edge of a table casually, "Okay. So. Where are we with this investigation?" Her palms lifted, upturned. "No violence. That's good. No news. That's also good. But, as Johannes pointed out -- these are a happy people, but not content to be steamrolled. They are doing something. I wish I could give you more. So. I open the floor to you all, any thoughts?" <br><br> And the floodgates were open. I blurted out everything. How I found it. What I thought it could mean. How likely it was to succeed. Compared it to the pipeline sit-in from the States, Occupy Wall Street, even Ghandi. Pain and concern for these people and the pent-up energy of holding all of this inside eventually had me breathless and a little teary. <br><br> "Wow. Good work." Rachel squeezed my thigh, Johannes nodded -- head inclined slightly. Uwe leaned back, staring at the nylon ceiling. Elena looked down at her knees, rocking slightly. Pedro seemed to disassociate. <br><br> "This will be dangerous. But we will move with them. If anything has become clear -- shitty as it is -- that our presence is a massive boon to these people and can keep them safe. Maybe even make this all resolve in their way." <br><br> There were cheers. There were hugs. I couldn't stop smiling. <br><br> "So. I'll call a van. Time to blow off some steam, relax and have some fun before things become very serious. In the meantime, Uwe and I will meet with them and work out a strategy together." <br><br> There were more cheers. Johannes eyed me and Rachel without much subtlety. <br><br><br> "Be safe. And [[thank you|GY006 - VolTown]]." <<else>> She began, propped up on the edge of a table casually, "Okay. So. Where are we with this investigation?" Her palms lifted, upturned. "No violence. That's good. No news. That's also good. But, as Johannes pointed out -- these are a happy people, but not content to be steamrolled. They are doing something. I wish I could give you more. So. I open the floor to you all, any thoughts?" <br><br> Suddenly, Rachel was talking. She popped out a notebook and began to reference her findings over the past few weeks. Meticulous detail. While she didn't have direct evidence or any words from the tribe, she was pretty sure that they were preparing for a move. And it was an abnormal move. They were prepping the site pre-emptively, which indicated the importance of the location. She surmised that it would be at the gates of the cordoned 'Dam' area: a sit-in of sorts. Live-in. She smiled at her joke. "They are making a final, forceful play for resolution. Kind of a Ghandi strike of sorts." <br><br> "Wow. Good work." Johannes squeezed her thigh. Uwe leaned back, staring at the nylon ceiling. Elena looked down at her knees, rocking slightly. Pedro seemed to disassociate. <br><br> "This will be dangerous. But we will move with them. If anything has become clear -- shitty as it is -- that our presence is a massive boon to these people and can keep them safe. Maybe even make this all resolve in their way." <br><br> There were cheers. There were hugs. I couldn't stop smiling. <br><br> "So. I'll call a van. Time to blow off some steam, relax and have some fun before things become very serious. In the meantime, Uwe and I will meet with them and work out a strategy together." <br><br> There were more cheers. Johannes eyed me and Rachel without much subtlety. <br><br><br> "Be safe. And [[thank you|GY006 - VolTown]]." <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<div id="party"> A part of me felt bad as we all rushed to get our things together. We were putting especial effort into what we were wearing and how we looked and there was a bugbear that was saying the shift in behavior was a comment on our tribal friends. <br><br> <<if $GY.wife == true>> I wasn't eager to get away from Kaze, I told myself. My brain was wrestling with my contextualization of 'boyfriend' and Ovatwa 'wife' and the past months. Break-up came to mind. How it had all begun and how it had continued. How there was no communication besides the base instinct that had been a form of bond. I shook it off. I couldn't think about any of this or what would change or be the same when I got back if I was going to enjoy myself at all. <br><br> <</if>> <br> <<if visited("GY004 - HutNight") && $GY.repatriated !== true>> <<outfit volunteer>> When I showed up at the van, Pedro was laughing and heat rushed to my cheeks, "What?" <br><br> "You just look..." <br><br> "Normal." Rachel finished for him, giving me a squeeze on the shoulder, "Welcome back." Another pang of discomfort in my gut as I considered how, yes, this did feel normal. Better? How easy it was for me to slide back into the 'civilized' world. I knew the Ovatwa wouldn't hold it against me, but it kind of felt like an insult. And I think Pedro actually meant it as an insult. <br><br><br> <</if>> We piled into the van and there was a collective sigh of relief as the AC (weak as it was) washed over us. "Ready?" Looked back the driver. <br><br> "Yeah!" came the unanimous response. <br><br> "Cool. Where we <<link "goin'">><<replace "#party" t8n>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Disappointing townscape */ We were all asleep by the time we arrived in 'nearby' Oshakati. The stillness of the vehicle waking me and my teammates, I stumbled out of the van and gave a wave to our driver, "Have fun!" <br><br> I turned, expecting to see Vegas, or something that felt like Vegas after the desert. Oshakati...was not. It was modern, but as we checked in at the Oshakati Guest House, the clerk told us that the area had only been a town for something like 30 years. "There's liquor not far, though." With a broad smile, handing us our keys. <br><br> "What is there //to// do?" I tried to make it a joke. Small-town people never take kindly to those kind of remarks, but given we were guests... <br><br> "Safari? Felix does good ones." And passed a pamphlet across the table. <br><br><br> Did we want to head back out into the desert? <<crossroads>> <<path [[GY007 - Safari][$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base ++]]>> It was something to do and we really hadn't seen the 'tourist' Namibia. <<path [[GY007 - VolParty][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]>> Or we could just try and tear it up ourselves. <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>?" </div>
<<image framed "passage/GY007-Safari.png">> We didn't have the time to take the full seven-day option that was recommended by the pamphlet and Felix was emphatic that we needed to. But then he learned that we were the ones with the Ovatwa.<<if $GY.tiktok == true>> "Aha. I thought you looked...familiar." His eyes wandered a bit over me. I probably held far more celebrity here than other places around the world.<</if>> And relented in his sales pitch. <br><br> We climbed into another van, using Oshakati as our home base and drove back out into the wild. He wanted to know how things were going and gave us the low-down on the local rumor mill, what the news was saying about us (not kind) and what the people were thinking the government would do (a mix of full eradication and backing down). <br><br><br> I could tell that Johannes were less than thrilled at this outcome, but seemed to perk up at the sight of Zebras, "Don't get close. They aren't friendly." <br><br> He proceeded to tell us about how vicious the creatures could be with each other. Kicking each other to death, raping to cause miscarriages. It sounded...human. Sickeningly similar. <<linkexpand "But they were majestic animals.">> But they were majestic animals. <br><br><br> And then the falls. Ruacana Falls, just miles from where I had arrived, were incredible. Massively wide and one of the largest waterfalls in all of Africa. It was a dry season, so they weren't flowing as heavily as they could be, but they were still incredible. <br><br> Felix was a fantastic guide. He was able to fill in the details on practically everything and somehow made it feel like we weren't driving forever before seeing something new and interesting. <br><br><br> The couple days rounded out our knowledge of northern Namibia and were full of naps before we climbed into our beds back in Oshakati. We just crashed, and the beds felt like clouds. The AC like magic -- and I cranked it. <br><br><br> And the //showers//. I felt like a new woman when our time away came to a close and we met our driver to head back to the Ovatwa and see where we stood with the impending [[struggle|GY008 - LMO]]. <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/GY007-VolParty.png">> <<set $GY.hookup = "">> <<set _hookups = [ "Johannes", "Pedro" ]>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<run _hookups.push("Rachel")>> <</if>> <div id="party"> The look I was getting from Johannes mirrored my own -- culture be damned. We were here for fun. We had two days, so we headed down to that liquor store post-haste and grabbed enough supplies for the time away and then returned to my room. <<if $CC.wealth gt 3 || $CC.spoiled == true>> I had sprung for everyone to have their own room -- we needed the pampering and space. <<else>> We were about to be sharing rooms, but Rachel had jumped in to pay for everyone to have their own room -- I couldn't tell if it was that she wanted privacy, to be away from me, or that she actually cared about everyone being as comfortable as possible. <</if>> <br><br> Pedro began splitting out some bevvies for everyone while I cranked the AC: god that felt //good//. <<if $GY.wife == true>> Johannes and Rachel climbed onto my bed, which irritated me but I wasn't about to start things off with a fight. And it was the most comfortable place in the room. So, I joined them, cramped as it was. <<else>> Johannes patted the bed beside him as he climbed on, smiling at me. I understood the invitation. <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> I eagerly hopped onto the bed beside him and tried to ignore the daggers that Rachel was throwing at me with her eyes. She accepted the foot of the bed reluctantly. <<else>> Awkwardly, I looked over at gorgeous Rachel, trying to gauge if I should try and make a pass this evening. "Come on, Rach," and offer for her to join us on the bed with Joh. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> And then the drinks were handed out. I flicked on some mindless television on for some background noise and we got to drinking. Early afternoon drunk. The best kind? <br><br> The conversation began with the upcoming struggle and what we each thought was going to happen. <<if $GY.knows == true>> I got another round of impressed comments from the team about what I had uncovered and how it might make it all work out okay. I hoped so. <</if>> But then we got into our home lives, what we were most excited to get back to (by and large it was creature comforts). <<if $GY.native == true && $GY.repatriated !== true>> Once the drunkenness settled in, they all wanted to know what life had been like as 'one of them'. <<if $GY.wife == true>> I avoided mentioning any of the details of Kaze, though I could hear the subtext to their questions. <</if>> They found my answers boring, it seemed, because the topic was quickly exhausted and a new round of drinks was passed out. I was more than happy to avoid the topic. <</if>> <br><br><br> Alcohol has its effects. And maybe that was the point. There we were, comfortable, wanting to relieve stress and nothing else to do but chill on...beds. I couldn't help it that I was making eyes at <<cycle "$GY.hookup" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _hookups>><</cycle>> <<crossroads #party>> <<path>> make a ''move''? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<goto [[GY007 - VolSex]]>> <<path>> Eh, better ''not'' risk ruining things with them. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<if $GY.wife == true>> Once Rachel and Joh had started making out, the conversation was killed. Pedro and I looked at each other uncomfortably and so I patted Rachel and nudged them to leave. They all did and I curled up on bed and enjoyed scrolling on my phone until I passed out. It wasn't good sleep, thanks alcohol, but it was a deep sleep. <<else>> Johannes scooted closer and closer and I kept moving away and making excuses to leave the proximity of my own bed. Eventually, he got the hint and Rachel and he began to make out. On my bed. Conversation was dead and Pedro and I looked at each other uncomfortably. So, I patted Rachel and nudged them to leave. They all did and I curled up on bed and enjoyed scrolling on my phone until I passed out. It wasn't good sleep, thanks alcohol, but it was a deep sleep. <</if>> <br><br> The next morning, Pedro and I walked around the town and grabbed a few bites to eat before returning to our rooms to kill some time and enjoy the comforts of the hotel for our final day while Rachel and Johannes were doing...each other. <br><br><br> They both seemed quite refreshed and happy when we piled into the van and headed back to our tribe. The time away was nice enough, I guess, but I'm not sure it was that much of a respite given what was [[coming|GY008 - LMO]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if $GY.hookup == "Rachel">> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Perception ++>> I thought back to the times that Rachel and I had touched, and I mimicked the behavior, the moments. I smiled at her and flashed some puppydog eyes, eventually leaning in to nuzzle against her neck. A nose-full of her shampoo permeated my nose pleasantly. My lips reached forward and began to press to her slender throat and clavicle. And then she jerked back, her eyes looking at me surprised and confused. She shuffled slightly on the bed and excused herself to the bedroom. <br><br> Shit. I had misread that. Or wanted it to be something that it wasn't. <br><br> Johannes watched her scamper off and slid off the bed as well, leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom to check on her. Pedro gave an 'oops' grimace and smiled with empathic pain. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian">> I sighed and shrugged, Pedro moved closer, "You okay?" <br><br> It was the first time we had really shared any time alone or words just the two of us. I nodded, "Just...misunderstood." <br><br> "Yeah. She is beautiful." <br><br> "Yeah, she is. So are you." A tightness started in my throat. Pity fuck? Welcome replacement? Or was I that last girl at the party and easy pickings? <br><br> <div id="pedro"> <<crossroads #pedro>> <<path>> I could turn and kiss him. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> As I turned my head, he was moving too. I don't think he was considering the thoughts I had, just that he was into me. And then we were off to the races, kissing, tongues twirling. He was gently, carefully leaning into me and seeing what my intentions were. He wasn't unsteady, just unsure. <br><br> I had gone this far already and needed the release, even if it wasn't my ideal partner. I took the lead, breaking the kiss and moving off the bed. "Uh, s-sorry, did I--" <<if visited("GY004 - HutSex")>> "Shush. Oh shit." I had gotten to my bag and remembered that I was out of condoms...somehow. "Do you have any protection?" <br><br> "Yeah. Of course." He nodded. Then realized he needed to go get it. "Oh, right. Sorry. One sec." He scrambled off the bed and out of the room. <br><br> Well. That was a mood-killer. Well, he'd be back soon enough, so <<linkexpand "I took my clothes off...">> <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego>> I took my clothes off in the meantime and began to play with myself. Laying there, fingers moving in circles over my moistening slit, my mind went to Kaze and these past few months. Fuckin' sex always brings feelings. <br><br><br> I was about to have sex with Pedro and my arousal thoughts were going to the dirt, mud and African heat, rather than the comfort of this room. There was a soft knock at the door, tearing me away from a particularly nice moment when Kaze had taken the night enjoying how many times he could make me orgasm. <br><br> Right. He'd need to get back in the room. With a sigh, I slid off the bed and opened the door, smirking playfully as Pedro's jaw dropped. "I. Uh." I tugged him inside and laughed as we made our way over to the bed. <br><br> "Thank you." I took the condoms from his hand and flung them on the side table as I dropped back into position and pulled him between my thighs. Back to my memory. <br><br> He went down on me with abandon. I don't think he was undressing either, just eating my mound like a compliant little puppy, but I wasn't paying attention. I was remembering the way that Kaze held my hips, held me down, drove home when he finished. <<shake 5s>>"AhHhHhHHH!"<</shake>> F-fuck that was good. My feet had even left the bed. <br><br> I panted, coming down and then giggled in surprise as Pedro was going back at it, licking and sucking at my super-sensitive clit, making me squirm and shake, "G-get up here." I tried to pull his head up weak from the orgasm, but he did. And with a self-assured grin that I was glad he finally found. <br><br> He undressed as I rolled my hips slightly and shuddered on the bed in my aftershocks. He reached over me and grabbed the condom and put it on and then dropped between my thighs to insert. <br><br> My eyes gave a passing look over him as he was mounting me, "N-no. Here." It wasn't the sight I wanted. I spun at the waist, flipping over into doggy and pushing my ass up, head down as he repositioned. His one hand rubbing the protected tip up and down my hungry gash as his other hand was teasing at my nub, "Je-jesus, just f-fuck me already." I laughed out, but it was a bit harsh. <br><br> He pushed in. Gently. I reached back and grabbed at his hands, putting them on my hips and getting back to my memory. Pedro was a far more selfless lover, his hand between my legs as he thrust. His thrusts not bucking me as far forward as was happening in my minds-eye, but the length of his cock was surprising and gave me the touchstone I was looking for. <br><br> We used the three condoms he brought over that night and while he didn't seem too happy about me insisting on doggystyle each time, he was more than happy enough to fuck me. I came and came and came, collapsing immediately into sleep and a pile of goo as Pedro retreated that third time. <br><br><br> I came more that night than the one I was recalling, but the orgasms still seemed to be coming from [[Kaze|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 2>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Pedro in an African motel" M>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I pulled out a string of Skyn condoms from my bag and let them sway seductively as I came back over. Flinging them over to him and watching him set them on the side table. He was cute enough and the eagerness and wanting me was certainly a needed ego boost after Johannes. <br><br> "You usually go through that many?" He chuckled awkwardly at the length. <br><br> "Shush." And I leaned into him, quieting him with a kiss. His hands slowly, carefully began peeling away my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>, then unbuttoning and working down my <<link "shorts">><<lower>><</link>>. My hands were a bit more insistent, undoing his slacks and tugging them down with his underwear as one, freeing an impressive length, head hidden by his foreskin. "Whoah uh hello." <br><br> <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>"Yeah, I hear that from time to time," he chuckled uncomfortably, rather than proudly, as he pulled my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> down.<<else>>"Whoah yourself," He laughed, seeing my lack of underwear.<</if>> I reached over him to grab one of the condoms and roll it down his shaft, smirking at his little whimpers of pleasure at the touch. And then, swinging my leg over his, I mounted him, pushing the rubbery head up and down at my gash, grunting. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal")>> Thank god for my libido, because I was ready to go and sunk down over him, both of us groaning out as he spread me and I gripped down him. <<else>> "Mind if I..." he was lightly guiding my hips off from over him. I was confused at first, but as he moved them up towards his face, I got the hint and was very pleased to accept my hands on the headboard while he began to eat me out. I panted and pressed my hips against his face, feeling his nose pressing against my mound and lower stomach as I let my need dominate my desire to make sure he was comfortable. He wasn't bad at it, sucking and licking at my clit, a finger slowly pumping and twisting inside me. And he wasn't content to just get me ready: soon my stomach, pinning his face to the headboard were spasming, jamming his head back as I squealed out in orgasm. <br><br> Once the ripples slowly ebbed and I was able to finally pull away, he laughed, wiping his mouth, and accepted my hips being back over his. I sunk down, gasping as another wave of shocks went through me, him groaning as I gripped down his length -- he was really in need of this. <</if>> <br><br> He clutched at my hips, watching my <<if $Body.tits == "small">>tiny tits barely move with each thrust<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>handfuls bouncing with each thrust<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>tits swaying and jiggle enticingly with each thrust<<else>>heavy mounds rocking and swaying deeply with each thrust<</if>>, gentle as they were. It was caring, close and passionate. He pulled me close and we made out as he slowly drove himself into me, careful not to discomfort me with the length of his cock. <br><br> The shitty bed squeaked and the headboard thumped slowly and rhythmically against the wall. While I hadn't jumped at this for some romantic roll in the hay, it was getting me to the place I needed to go. He knew how to use his cock and soon I was grabbing at him the way he was holding me, cumming on him as he pulled me down, waiting for me to finish off before beginning to thrust again. <br><br> We used three of the condoms that night and while I think he was a little distracted and upset that I wasn't matching his attention and eye contact, he still came every time and was down to do it again. He was more than happy enough to fuck me. <br><br><br> It wasn't what I had originally planned, but it was still a good [[fuck|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Pedro in an African motel" M>> <</if>> <<path>> Just ignore her comment. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy -->> I sighed and waved him away. He understood the message and gathered the other two and left me to my own devices. <br><br> It was a defeat that left me incredibly un-aroused. I curled up on bed and enjoyed scrolling on my phone until I passed out. It wasn't good sleep, thanks alcohol, but it was a deep sleep. <br><br> The next morning, Pedro and I walked around the town and grabbed a few bites to eat before returning to our rooms to kill some time and enjoy the comforts of the hotel for our final day while Rachel and Johannes were doing...each other. <br><br> They both seemed quite refreshed and happy when we piled into the van and headed back to our tribe. The time away was nice enough, I guess, but I'm not sure it was that much of a respite given what was [[coming|GY008 - LMO]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> I sighed and shrugged, he moved closer, "You okay?" <br><br> It was the first time we had really shared any time alone or words just the two of us. I nodded, "Just...misunderstood." <br><br> "Yeah. She is beautiful." <br><br> "Yeah, she is. So are you." A tightness started in my throat. Not only did I feel like the last girl at the party and 'easy pickings' but also trading Rachel for...Pedro's dick. I think I gagged. I think he noticed. <br><br> I sighed and waved him away. "Girls?" I nodded. He understood and gathered the other two and left me to my own devices. <br><br> It was a defeat that left me incredibly un-aroused. I curled up on bed and enjoyed scrolling on my phone until I passed out. It wasn't good sleep, thanks alcohol, but it was a deep sleep. <br><br> The next morning, Pedro and I walked around the town and grabbed a few bites to eat before returning to our rooms to kill some time and enjoy the comforts of the hotel for our final day while Rachel and Johannes were doing...each other. <br><br><br> They both seemed quite refreshed and happy when we piled into the van and headed back to our tribe. The time away was nice enough, I guess, but I'm not sure it was that much of a respite given what was [[coming|GY008 - LMO]]. <</if>> <<elseif $GY.hookup == "Johannes">> <<if $GY.wife == true>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> I thought back to the initial van ride and the way Joh looked at me. I smiled at him and flashed some puppydog eyes, eventually leaning in to nuzzle against his neck. A nose-full of the remnants of his shaving cream permeated my nose pleasantly. My lips reached forward and began to press to his throat and clavicle. And then he jerked back, his eyes looking at me surprised and disgusted. <<shake 3s>>Disgusted.<</shake>> He shuffled slightly on the bed and excused himself, his hand reaching out to pull Rachel with him. <br><br> She went very compliantly and gave me a little smirk. I hadn't realized them getting that close, nor how Johannes had turned. It had to have been my time with Kaze. It was so male. It was so depressing. <br><br> Pedro gave an 'oops' grimace and smiled with empathic pain. <br><br> I sighed and shrugged, he moved closer, "You okay?" <br><br> It was the first time we had really shared any time alone or words just the two of us. I nodded, "Just...fucked up." <br><br> "Yeah. Guys are dumb." <br><br> "Yeah, he is." His hand gave my thigh a squeeze. A tightness started in my throat. Pity fuck? Welcome replacement? Or was I that last girl at the party and easy pickings? <br><br> <div id="pedro"> I could turn and <<link "kiss him">><<replace "#pedro">> <<Stats Easy ++>> As I turned my head, he was moving too. I don't think he was considering the thoughts I had, just that he was into me. And then we were off to the races, kissing, tongues twirling. He was gently, carefully leaning into me and seeing what my intentions were. He wasn't unsteady, just unsure. <br><br> I had gone this far already and needed the release, even if it wasn't my ideal partner. I took the lead, breaking the kiss and moving off the bed. "Uh, s-sorry, did I--" <<if visited("GY004 - HutSex")>>"Shush. Oh shit." I had gotten to my bag and remembered that I was out of condoms...somehow. "Do you have any protection?" <br><br> "Yeah. Of course." He nodded. Then realized he needed to go get it. "Oh, right. Sorry. One sec." He scrambled off the bed and out of the room. <br><br> Well. That was a mood-killer. Well, he'd be back soon enough, so <<linkexpand "I took my clothes off...">> <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego>> I took my clothes off in the meantime and began to play with myself. Laying there, fingers moving in circles over my moistening slit, my mind went to Kaze and these past few months. Fuckin' sex always brings feelings. <br><br><br> I was about to have sex with Pedro and my arousal thoughts were going to the dirt, mud and African heat, rather than the comfort of this room. There was a soft knock at the door, tearing me away from a particularly nice moment when Kaze had taken the night enjoying how many times he could make me orgasm. <br><br> Right. He'd need to get back in the room. With a sigh, I slid off the bed and opened the door, smirking playfully as Pedro's jaw dropped. "I. Uh." I tugged him inside and laughed as we made our way over to the bed. <br><br> "Thank you." I took the condoms from his hand and flung them on the side table as I dropped back into position and pulled him between my thighs. Back to my memory. <br><br> He went down on me with abandon. I don't think he was undressing either, just eating my mound like a compliant little puppy, but I wasn't paying attention. I was remembering the way that Kaze held my hips, held me down, drove home when he finished. <<shake 5s>>"AhHhHhHHH!"<</shake>> F-fuck that was good. My feet had even left the bed. <br><br> I panted, coming down and then giggled in surprise as Pedro was going back at it, licking and sucking at my super-sensitive clit, making me squirm and shake, "G-get up here." I tried to pull his head up weak from the orgasm, but he did. And with a self-assured grin that I was glad he finally found. <br><br> He undressed as I rolled my hips slightly and shuddered on the bed in my aftershocks. He reached over me and grabbed the condom and put it on and then dropped between my thighs to insert. <br><br> My eyes gave a passing look over him as he was mounting me, "N-no. Here." It wasn't the sight I wanted. I spun at the waist, flipping over into doggy and pushing my ass up, head down as he repositioned. His one hand rubbing the protected tip up and down my hungry gash as his other hand was teasing at my nub, "Je-jesus, just f-fuck me already." I laughed out, but it was a bit harsh. <br><br> He pushed in. Gently. I reached back and grabbed at his hands, putting them on my hips and getting back to my memory. Pedro was a far more selfless lover, his hand between my legs as he thrust. His thrusts not bucking me as far forward as was happening in my minds-eye, but the length of his cock was surprising and gave me the touchstone I was looking for. <br><br> We used the three condoms he brought over that night and while he didn't seem too happy about me insisting on doggystyle each time, he was more than happy enough to fuck me. I came and came and came, collapsing immediately into sleep and a pile of goo as Pedro retreated that third time. <br><br><br> I came more that night than the one I was recalling, but the orgasms still seemed to be coming from [[Kaze|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Pedro in an African motel" M>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I pulled out a string of Skyn condoms from my bag and let them sway seductively as I came back over. Flinging them over to him and watching him set them on the side table. He was cute enough and the eagerness and wanting me was certainly a needed ego boost after Johannes. <br><br> "You usually go through that many?" He chuckled awkwardly at the length. <br><br> "Shush." And I leaned into him, quieting him with a kiss. His hands slowly, carefully began peeling away my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>, then unbuttoning and working down my <<link "shorts">><<lower>><</link>>. My hands were a bit more insistent, undoing his slacks and tugging them down with his underwear as one, freeing an impressive length, head hidden by his foreskin. "Whoah uh hello." <br><br> <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>"Yeah, I hear that from time to time," he chuckled uncomfortably, rather than proudly, as he pulled my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> down.<<else>>"Whoah yourself," He laughed, seeing my lack of underwear.<</if>> I reached over him to grab one of the condoms and roll it down his shaft, smirking at his little whimpers of pleasure at the touch. And then, swinging my leg over his, I mounted him, pushing the rubbery head up and down at my gash, grunting. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal")>>Thank god for my libido, because I was ready to go and sunk down over him, both of us groaning out as he spread me and I gripped down him.<<else>>"Mind if I..." he was lightly guiding my hips off from over him. I was confused at first, but as he moved them up towards his face, I got the hint and was very pleased to accept my hands on the headboard while he began to eat me out. I panted and pressed my hips against his face, feeling his nose pressing against my mound and lower stomach as I let my need dominate my desire to make sure he was comfortable. He wasn't bad at it, sucking and licking at my clit, a finger slowly pumping and twisting inside me. And he wasn't content to just get me ready: soon my stomach, pinning his face to the headboard were spasming, jamming his head back as I squealed out in orgasm. <br><br> Once the ripples slowly ebbed and I was able to finally pull away, he laughed, wiping his mouth, and accepted my hips being back over his. I sunk down, gasping as another wave of shocks went through me, him groaning as I gripped down his length -- he was really in need of this.<</if>> <br><br> He clutched at my hips, watching my <<if $Body.tits == "small">>tiny tits barely move with each thrust<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>handfuls bouncing with each thrust<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>tits swaying and jiggle enticingly with each thrust<<else>>heavy mounds rocking and swaying deeply with each thrust<</if>>, gentle as they were. It was caring, close and passionate. He pulled me close and we made out as he slowly drove himself into me, careful not to discomfort me with the length of his cock. <br><br> The shitty bed squeaked and the headboard thumped slowly and rhythmically against the wall. While I hadn't jumped at this for some romantic roll in the hay, it was getting me to the place I needed to go. He knew how to use his cock and soon I was grabbing at him the way he was holding me, cumming on him as he pulled me down, waiting for me to finish off before beginning to thrust again. <br><br> We used three of the condoms that night and while I think he was a little distracted and upset that I wasn't matching his attention and eye contact, he still came every time and was down to do it again. He was more than happy enough to fuck me. <br><br> It wasn't what I had originally planned, but it was still a good [[fuck|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Pedro in an African motel" M>> <</if>> <br><br> <</replace>><</link>>, or just <<link "ignore his comment">><<replace "#pedro">> <<Stats Easy -->> I sighed and waved him away. He understood the message and gathered the other two and left me to my own devices. <br><br> It was a defeat that left me incredibly un-aroused. I curled up on bed and enjoyed scrolling on my phone until I passed out. It wasn't good sleep, thanks alcohol, but it was a deep sleep. <br><br> The next morning, Pedro and I walked around the town and grabbed a few bites to eat before returning to our rooms to kill some time and enjoy the comforts of the hotel for our final day while Rachel and Johannes were doing...each other. <br><br> They both seemed quite refreshed and happy when we piled into the van and headed back to our tribe. The time away was nice enough, I guess, but I'm not sure it was that much of a respite given what was [[coming|GY008 - LMO]]. <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<else>> I thought back to the initial van ride and the way Joh looked at me. I smiled at him and flashed some puppydog eyes, eventually leaning in to nuzzle against his neck. A nose-full of the remnants of his shaving cream permeated my nose pleasantly. My lips reached forward and began to press to his throat and clavicle. He shuddered and his hand grasped me around the waist, pulling me in. I rolled up onto my knees and continued to kiss and lick slowly along his gorgeous neck. <br><br> Why wasn't he doing anything? I took a moment to take a check-in. Pedro was stunned. Not surprising. Rachel was...working his pants off. That bitch. <br><br> I pulled up on his shirt and he complied, arms up as he lifted his ass and then suddenly, the South African was fully nude, but Rachel was closer to his cock and so I was left to watch her go down on him and him very happily grunting. Her head bobbed as I froze, a little unsure of what to do. "Come on, get your kit off." He smacked my ass as his other hand took Rachel's red-brown waves into his grip and began to firmly push her along his average manhood. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> I wasn't about to let her crowd in on my show. Johannes was //mine//. I quickly stripped down, <<linkexpand "tossing my clothes off to the side...">> <<outfit naked>> tossing my clothes off to the side of the bed as I watch Pedro go grab a chair, realizing he wasn't the focus...or invited. <br><br><br> I swung my leg, moving to straddle him despite the face that Rachel was still blowing him. I'd use my ass and hips and get her off and away by force. He grabbed my thigh and held it in the air, "Hey now, sharing is caring." <br><br> Kicking my knee, I dropped off him and flung his arm wide, "Get. Out. And fuck off." Another knee to his side. Rachel was looking at us, still sucking on his cock as he began to move and mouth-on she was moving with him -- not understanding what was going on. Finally freeing her from his deflating cock, he reached to grab his clothes, giving me the dirtiest look I'd ever received. "Nuh-uh. I said. Get out." Not even letting him get decent, I kicked him and her out. He'd get his clothes in the morning. <br><br> The door shut and I looked at Pedro, frozen in the chair. I sighed and waved him away. He understood the message. <br><br> It was a defeat that left me incredibly un-aroused. I curled up on bed and enjoyed scrolling on my phone until I passed out. It wasn't good sleep, thanks alcohol, but it was a deep sleep. <br><br> The next morning, Pedro and I walked around the town and grabbed a few bites to eat before returning to our rooms to kill some time and enjoy the comforts of the hotel for our final day while Rachel and Johannes were doing...each other. <br><br><br> They both seemed quite refreshed and happy when we piled into the van and headed back to our tribe. The time away was nice enough, I guess, but I'm not sure it was that much of a respite given what was [[coming|GY008 - LMO]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Well, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I wasn't going to ruin the moment. I leaned in and we started making out. I smelled the aftershave and the shampoo he had used, and then he was moving my head down, down towards Rachel. <br><br> Our heads bumped and she was as surprised as I was, but we complied with the pretty young man, taking turns applying our tongues and lips to his cock. Now I could taste his pre and smell Rachel's perfume...and her arousal. Yeah, fuck. This was hot. Our eyes up at him as he took each of our hair in his hands and guided us, his cock pushing against our faces and smacking against us as the pressure of our oral made it suddenly move and give. It flexed and pulsed against us and then, suddenly, Johannes went from pleased to serious, "You got condoms around?" It was surprising hearing a guy ask for one. <br><br><br> <<if visited("GY004 - HutSex")>> I shook my head and he looked over at Pedro, his hands keeping us focused on our task, "Hey man, can you go grab some?" Such a dick. <br><br> "Uh, yeah. Sure." And I heard him get up and leave. <br><br> I was bobbing on his cock, Rachel taking her turn to get naked when I heard a knock at the door, "Get that for me, kay?" He pushed my head off his cock. Right. He'd need to get back in the room. <br><br> With a sigh, I slid off the bed and opened the door, smirking playfully as Pedro's jaw dropped. "I. Uh." <br><br> I took them from him<<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> and gave him a little fun with a smack at my ass and slow swagger away. He deserved that much<</if>>. Returning to the bed, I had a full-on view of Rachel, ass high, thighs framing the recently smooth mound and glistening sex. She was ready. We both were. <br><br> Tossing the condoms to Johannes, he smiled as he disconnected one from the pack. <<else>> I nodded and motioned over to my bag, "Hey man, can you grab those?" Such a dick. Didn't even look at Pedro to ask. <br><br> "Uh, yeah. Sure." And I heard him get up, the zip of my bag and the unfurling of the stack of Skyn condoms. <br><br> "Shit, <<print $>>. You came ready." He chuckled. He released my head to grab them from Pedro and disconnected one from the pack. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<face ahego>> "<<print $>> first." Well, //that// was an ego boost. I could feel the disappointment and rage percolating from Rachel as she slid to the side and Johannes waved me over to mount him. I walked up over his lap on my knees, watching him roll the condom over his cock, "Eat her out so she doesn't feel left out." <br><br> I laughed and shook my head, "Sorry, guys only--" I gasped, Johannes suddenly jammed himself inside me. I heard Rachel's frustrated grunt mimic Johannes pleased one. She didn't seem thrilled by the idea of being left out //or// having a girl do the work. <br><br> We'd gone from a relatively sedate bit of foreplay into the sudden throws of all out passion. He wasn't especially skilled, but he was insistent. And gorgeous. <br><br> I couldn't help smirking over at her as I enjoyed the feeling of his cock shoving inside of me. She was playing between her legs, waiting her turn and didn't seem to be enjoying the show one bit. Pedro, though...he was grunting and grabbing at himself through his shorts. He wouldn't be long... <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> Between the work we had done on him earlier and my own natural...talent...Jo was too. I felt his cock working inside me as his semen filled the condom. His hands clutched at my hips hard, holding me still as he grunted out loudly. Johannes thumped randomly against me, keeping his going as the peak I was going to have ebbed away into nothing. <br><br> "Fuck. You're good." He chuckled, giving me a smack on my ass. I leaned up and climbed off, dropping to the side and sighing out. <br><br> "Just you wait..." like a cat claiming her prey, she began to move to climb onto Johannes for her turn, "Wait. Seriously?" The Israeli accent hit hard, deep guttural tones in her anger. <br><br> I rolled onto my back, prideful. Johannes shrugged, removing the condom and getting off the bed. Rachel chuffed and frowned at me as they both got up and dressed. <br><br> Pedro walked bow-legged out of the room as his sticky shorts making things difficult. <br><br><br> When the door shut, I smiled up at the ceiling and began working myself off, recalling just moments before when I had absolutely dominated [[Rachel|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Johannes in an African motel" M>> <<else>> And Johannes was pounding away eagerly at me and I felt the awkwardness building quickly. Between the work we had done on him earlier and my pussy, he was getting close. <br><br> Suddenly his hands hit my stomach and waist hard as he shoved me off him unceremoniously. Apparently, Johannes didn't know any other way to control himself. I tumbled to the side and nearly off the bed as they both huffed, looking to each other with red cheeks. <br><br> "Ready?" she spread her thighs and withdrew her hand. He complied as they both ignored me now and he climbed onto her like a dragon, grabbing her shoulders and tugging her down as he hilted himself inside her roughly. She squeaked sharply and continued making that annoying little sound as he rammed her pussy with abandon. <br><br> I watched her freckled, perky tits bouncing as her legs awkwardly swayed and moved, held slightly above the bed. Behind them was Pedro, watching and grabbing at himself. And then I could tell he was coming. Oh, yeah I should probably get mine too. <br><br> My hand snaked between my thighs just in time to see Johannes finish his thirty seconds in Rachel, watching her giggling proudly as she took credit for his quick finish, making annoying little 'pleased' squeaks as she felt him loading the condom inside her. <br><br> I sighed, not even begun on myself. Johannes sighed, content. Rachel sighed and slid a hand down Johannes' beautiful body. Pedro sighed and fixed his now sticky shorts. <br><br> Jo climbed off her, Pedro awkwardly got out of his chair, Rachel happily rolled off my bed in triumph. Clothes were collected and put on. <br><br><br> And then the room was quiet. Well, that had been a crazy turn of events. I took a few moments to try and use the visual memories to get myself off, but I kept hearing those squeaks, so I gave up. But at least I got [[laid|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Johannes in an African motel" M>> <</if>> <<else>> <<face ahego>> "Rach first." Ouch. That's a blow to the pride. I could feel the heat of disappointment and embarassment percolating all over as Rachel eagerly climbed up over him, helping him slide the condom over his cock and grunting out, immediately stuffing himself inside her. I awkwardly climbed up onto the bed, watching her small freckled tits bounce in rhythm with her bouncing. "Eat her out so she doesn't feel left out." He motioned his chin over at me. <br><br> Rachel gave him a surprised and not-too-keen look. I laughed and shook my head, "Sorry, guys only--" But then she was grasping at him, squeaking out as he suddenly jammed himself inside her, clearly unconcerned with me being left out. <br><br> I watched the two beautiful people fucking beside me, the way he grabbed her hips, the cute freckled tits bouncing on her chest...and tried to ignore the annoying squeaking noises she was making while my fingers went where Rachel wouldn't. <br><br> Fine. I'll do this myself. Selfish bitch. While I wasn't turned on by the idea of being eaten out by her, it did hurt that she didn't //want// to. I gasped and panted, I heard Pedro grunting off in his chair, doing what I was doing: watching the pretty people fuck each other. <br><br> Her noises got higher and louder, her hands pressed down on his chest as the motel bed squeaked far more pleasantly. My vision got hazy. Blackening at the edges. Spots...And then he was clutching her hard, grunting and pressing up into her. I don't know if she really was cumming, but she was making a show of it, her mousey whimpers encouraging and mixed with a giggle. <br><br> Well, I was cumming. Gasping out beside them as they finished, not including me at all. I squirmed and shook a little, panting out as I saw her giving him a kiss and climbing off of him, checking out the full condom to ensure that I wasn't going to be involved. <br><br> He tugged the condom off and looked over at me, "Good you a little worked up early. Your fault." He nodded his chin at both of us as he slid off the bed. <br><br> Pedro awkwardly got out of his chair as the other two grabbed their clothes and put them on. <br><br><br> And then the room was quiet. Well, that had been a crazy turn of events. I spent the rest of the evening remembering the two of them right next to me, her knee pressing against my side, his elbow bumping against me...I could smell them still in my bed. I came a few more times before sleep took [[me|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Johannes in an African motel" M>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<face ahego>> "<<print $>> first." Well, //that// was an ego boost. I could feel the disappointment and rage percolating from Rachel as she slid to the side and Johannes waved me over to mount him. I walked up over his lap on my knees, watching him roll the condom over his cock, "Eat her out so she doesn't feel left out." <br><br> Didn't have to ask me twice! I dropped down between her knees. She didn't seem thrilled by the prospect, but wasn't going to say no when she was this horny and with Johannes' approach to the whole scenario. <br><br> My mouth met her clean pussy, enjoying the smooth, silky skin as I dragged my tongue along her cunt, tasting her desire. I heard her gasp out in surprise. That's //right//, bitch. I know what I'm doing. <br><br> Her hand was in my hair like Johannes had been, pressing me down -- her attitude quickly changed -- Johannes suddenly jammed himself inside me. The shock ruined my rhythm and Rachel tugged at my head, trying to guide me with a frustrated grunt. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> I got back into it, eating with abandon, my hands gripping back at her thighs as he fingers found my scalp. And Johannes was pounding away eagerly at me. <br><br> We'd gone from a relatively sedate bit of foreplay into the sudden throws of all out passion. Rachel was cumming and then so was Johannes. Between the work we had done on him earlier and my own natural...talent...he'd been too close. I felt his cock working inside me as his semen filled the condom. <br><br> I kept Rachel occupied, drawing out her orgasm as Johannes thumped randomly against me, keeping his going as the peak I was going to have ebbed away into nothing. <br><br> "Fuck. You're good." He chuckled. <br><br> "Yeah, she is." Rachel roughly tossed my head aside by the hair and I leaned up, climbing off Johannes and wiping my mouth proudly. Two at once. Definitely a record for me. Slowly, and still recovering from her own orgasm she began to move to climb onto Johannes for her turn, "Wait. Seriously?" The Israeli accent hit hard, deep guttural tones in her anger. <br><br> I rolled onto my back, prideful. Johannes shrugged, removing the condom and getting off the bed. Rachel chuffed and frowned at me as they both got up and dressed. <br><br> Looking over at the chair, I saw that Pedro had been masturbating through his shorts the whole time but clearly hadn't gotten his either. He saw the show and event was over and walked bow-legged out of the room as his cock made things difficult. <br><br> When the door shut, I smiled up at the ceiling and began working myself off, recalling just moments before when I had blown both of their [[worlds|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Rachel F "Rachel in an African motel">> <<else>> I got back into it, eating with abandon, my hands gripping back at her thighs as he fingers found my scalp. And Johannes was pounding away eagerly at me. <br><br> We'd gone from a relatively sedate bit of foreplay into the sudden throws of all out passion. Rachel was cumming and I felt the awkwardness of Johannes' thrusts. Between the work we had done on him earlier and my pussy, he was getting close quickly. <br><br> Suddenly his hands hit my stomach and waist hard as he shoved me off him, which also ended my work on Rachel. I was trying to draw out her orgasm, but Johannes didn't know any other way to control himself. I tumbled to the side and nearly off the bed as they both huffed, looking to each other with red cheeks. <br><br> "Ready?" she spread her thighs, still overwhelmed by her orgasm and didn't want to move. He complied as they both ignored me now and he climbed onto her like a dragon, grabbing her shoulders and tugging her down as he hilted himself inside her roughly. She squeaked sharply and continued making that annoying little sound as he rammed her pussy with abandon. <br><br> I watched her freckled, perky tits bouncing as her legs awkwardly swayed and moved, held slightly above the bed. Behind them was Pedro, watching and grabbing at himself. And then I could tell he was coming. Oh, yeah I should probably get mine too. <br><br> My hand snaked between my thighs just in time to see Johannes finish his thirty seconds in Rachel, watching her giggling proudly as she took credit for his quick finish, making annoying little 'pleased' squeaks as she felt him loading the condom inside her. <br><br> I sighed, not even begun on myself. Johannes sighed, content. Rachel sighed and slid a hand down Johannes' beautiful body. Pedro sighed and fixed his now sticky shorts. <br><br> Johannes climbed off her, Pedro awkwardly got out of his chair, Rachel happily rolled off my bed in triumph. Clothes were collected and put on. <br><br><br> And then the room was quiet. Well, that had been a crazy turn of events. I took a few moments to remember my ability to get Rachel off and tried to cum, but I kept hearing those squeaks, so I gave up. But at least I got [[laid|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Rachel F "Rachel in an African motel">> <</if>> <<else>> <<face ahego>> "Rach first." Ouch. That's a blow to the pride. I could feel the heat of disappointment and embarassment percolating all over as Rachel eagerly climbed up over him, helping him slide the condom over his cock and grunting out, immediately stuffing himself inside her. I awkwardly climbed up onto the bed, watching her small freckled tits bounce in rhythm with her bouncing. "Eat her out so she doesn't feel left out." He motioned his chin over at me. <br><br> Rachel gave him a surprised and not-too-keen look. I was not about to take two disappointments in a row, and if Johannes was telling this beauty to gimme some...gimme some. I yanked her head down and she squeaked, and Johannes laughed, liking my initiative. I pressed her mouth down between my thighs and insisted. <br><br> At first it was difficult for her because Johannes suddenly slammed himself inside her and she was squeaking and -- I think -- trying to use it as an excuse to not eat me out. But a few tugs of her chestnut hair and a couple thrusts of my hips and she began to lick and lap. Ohhh. Not great, but she knew what she liked and it was close enough. <br><br> Most importantly, though, her eating my pussy kept those damn squeaks she was making to a minimum. Muffled as I looked over to the side at the two beautiful people fucking each other, his hands urgently grabbing at her hips as my body rippled with the rasping of her tongue. We'd gone from a relatively sedate bit of foreplay into the sudden throws of all out passion. It was intense and it was enough for me. <br><br> I grabbed her head without meaning too, suffocating her against my cunt as my thighs pressed onto the sides of her head, shaking and lurching in the bed beside Johannes as he chuckled and was holding still, watching me orgasm. "Fuck, that's hot." <br><br> Rachel lifted her head in disgust, wiping her mouth and looking at Johannes, "Come on...I'm not done." Keep going was the motion of her hand. <br><br> His hands were pushing her off of him, she tumbled to the side with the sharpest squeak she had made so far. He was grinning, "Gonna be quick, Rach almost got me." <br><br> I shrugged as he climbed over me, nodding and shrugging, "Already came." Barely got it out before he grabbed my shoulders and shoved me down and into his ramming hips. I think I may have squeaked. I looked up at him plaintively for the whole five or so rapid-fire strokes before he was cumming, filling the condom and grunting triumphantly over me. <br><br> I sighed, sliding my hand down his beautiful body. He sighed, very content: two women in quick succession. Rachel sighed, not quite finished herself with the fingering she was trying to get in, but the show was over. Pedro sighed from his chair, his shorts sticky. <br><br> Jo climbed off of me, Pedro awkwardly got out of his chair and Rachel dropped off the bed battling the emotions of getting first, but not getting hers. Clothes were collected and put on. <br><br><br> The door shut and the room was quiet. Well, that had been a crazy turn of events. I took a few moments to remember the beautiful Israeli between my legs and gorgeous South African cumming while on top of me and fingered myself to another orgasm. Fuck. That //was// [[hot|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Rachel F "Rachel in an African motel">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $GY.hookup == "Pedro">> <<if $GY.wife == true>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I knew that Joh found me 'dirty' from my time with Kaze, and that had turned me off from him. Hot as he was, Pedro -- not attractive in the same way, but in his attitude. <</if>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<Stats Perception ++>> While Rachel was kind and touchy-feely, she was not into me. <br><br> Pedro was. <br><br> Pretty as she was, I was not about to try to fit a square peg in a round hole. <</if>> I could feel the surprise in the tension of his body as we got close on the bed. At first it was as an excuse to give Rachel and Johannes space -- they were getting awfully close as well. Then hands began to intertwine and lips began to meet and we started to fully focus on our partner rather than the group. <br><br> We were pulling at each others clothes. Rachel and Jo getting at it aggressively while Pedro and mine was more sedate. <<linkexpand "My top.">> <<upper>> My top. His shirt. The other two already naked, Jo giving me a little smack smack on my side, "Got condoms?" He was whispering urgently. Rachel was ontop of him and teasing his cock between her legs with a predatory smile. <br><br> <<if visited("GY004 - HutSex")>> "My shorts." Pedro whispered to me, which was good, because I didn't have any anymore. Interrupted, I moved off the bed as I heard him grunting and her give a sharp squeak. <<else>> "Uh...yeah. One sec." Interrupted, I moved off the bed as I heard him grunting and her give a sharp squeak. <</if>> <br><br> <<face ahego>> "Careful." She giggled and he began to smack into her slowly, rawdogging her for a bit while I played servant to grab them protection. I came back with a string of Skyn condoms and tore one off for the two of them. Pedro looked pained, knowing how shitty that was, but neither of us could really do anything now. The two beautiful people fucking beside us having a special majesty. <br><br> He nodded and took it from me, tearing it in his teeth and withdrawing for a moment to apply it while Pedro and I tried to get back into a rhythm of sorts. We started making out again while we listened to her squeaking mimicking the shitty motel bed's. My <<link "shorts">><<lower>><</link>>. His. <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>I yanked my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> off, eager to join the throws of sex.<</if>> <br><br> Pedro was sliding the condom on his impressive length as I mounted him, wanting to be able to watch the two beside us and being on top gave me the best vantage of Jo. <br><br> I pressed myself down over Pedro, gasping as he filled me. He held my waist lightly, he kissed at my chest and neck, cradling me while the two beside us banged firmly and intently. It was weird, feeling her thigh against mine, her body rubbing and pressing against mine on the bed not made for four people. Pedro's eyes were on me, mine on them, and their own world. <br><br> She squeaked where I gasped breathily. I was hotter. I fucked better. It was what I was telling myself as I saw the way he grabbed and held her, the way she arched her back to show off her pretty, perky freckled tits, and made those insipid noises he seemed to enjoy. <br><br> And then they were finished. He growled triumphantly as he drove himself up inside her, she giggled proudly as she took credit for his quick finish, making annoying little 'pleased' squeaks as she felt him loading the condom inside her. <br><br> Johannes sighed, content. Rachel sighed and slid a hand down Johannes' beautiful body. My eyes fluttered, feeling a peak rising. He wasn't an intense lover, but he knew how to use his cock. I saw Johannes make a head motion for her to get off of him and them leave. <br><br> The bed groaned as they climbed off, still ignoring us as we were continuing going at it. They collected their clothes and then left. <br><br> Slam. The door shut abruptly and it seemed to set off my orgasm. I shuddered and moaned as I was brought off. Pedro held me still, watching me and waiting for me to finish before beginning again. <br><br><br> The next morning, Pedro and I walked around the town and grabbed a few bites to eat before returning to our rooms to kill some time and enjoy the comforts of the hotel for our final day while Rachel and Johannes were doing...each other. <br><br><br> They both seemed quite refreshed and happy when we piled into the van and headed back to our tribe. The time away was nice enough, I guess, but I'm not sure it was that much of a respite given what was [[coming|GY008 - LMO]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Pedro in an African motel" M>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/GY009-LeavingAfr.png">> That night we slept out on in the open. <<if $GY.wife == true>>Kaze did not find me. Whether it was the events of the day -- things like that can change you and what you want -- or if it was my normal clothes, or if it was that it was all over, I think we knew that whatever had happened was over.<</if>> <br><br><br> That morning, dusty and dirty, we got back into the van. The driver was beaming and highly congratulatory. We felt sore. It was probably the ground, but it could have also been all of the tension we'd been holding in. I needed a massage. <br><br> It felt like such a let down. But what could have felt comparable to what had happened and what we'd overcome. We exchanged information in the Ruacana airport and took our flights home. <br><br><br> And just like that, the desert, the tribe, the conflict were all behind me, all a memory. Back were the comforts of 'civilization', the safety, the cloistering. And surrounded by literal first-world problems. <br><br> Part of me was happy to have these things, part of me saw how fleeting and unimportant it all was. Manufactured and just as flawed as the culture we had just left. <br><br><br> But. It was my [[culture|GY010 - Home]].
<<image framed "passage/GY002-SwissArrival-alternative.png">> <<if $PG.oops == true>> <<face hurt1>> The cramping on the plane was awful and I got well acquainted with the plane bathroom, but everything seemed to have settled by the time we landed in Zurich. <</if>> <br><br> I was fucking //exhausted//. It's incredible to me how simply sitting, watching some movies, listening to music, reading a magazine or a book -- all could just knock you flat on your ass. I slept what I could, and maybe that was my mistake. <br><br> Groggily, I pulled my roller bag down the gangway, thankful to be off the plane. And in Geneva. <br><br><br> Looking out the windows at the Alps is kind of an uncanny experience. It boggled my mind to think that people live here, always experiencing the majesty of those mountains. <br><br> Right over there? Fricking ''France''. A stone's throw. <br><br> And then there was the broad, beautiful Lake Geneva. And across it, my destination, the finishing school -- last in the country and one of the last in the world -- <<linkexpand "in Montreaux.">> in Montreaux. <br><br><br> It came as a slight surprise when I heard my name, "Ms. <<print $CC.surname>>," before I even reached customs. There stood a uniformed man. Crisp and clean. "This way, I can take your bag." His hand reached out before I responded and he ushered me from the gate towards the bustling customs entry, "Oh, no. Not this way." There was a smile that hinted at some personal joke as he moved the other way. <br><br> Instead of making our way through the lines and throngs to dead-eyed customs agents, he brought me to a little room offset from the terminal where a woman nodded as soon as we walked in. "Passport, Ms. <<print $CC.surname>>?" <br><br> It was already in my hand, having expected a far different arrival. But as she quickly scanned it, stamped it and handed it back with nary a question, I began to process all of this. It made sense. For the cost of the school, for the kind of people who attended, of course there would be a private and exclusive (and quick) personal arrival process. <br><br><br> Luminaries in film, business, politics, hell -- fucking princesses -- went to this school. The elite of the elite, and while that did not equate to //me//, <<linkexpand "it did in a way.">> it did in a way. <br><br><br> And so me and Alfred (I couldn't help but think of him as the quintessential butler's name) departed in mere minutes, making our way not to the general pop ferry to cross Lake Geneva, but to a private and ''not'' small vessel that was waiting for us. <br><br> We weren't alone. Which I didn't mind, but was slightly surprising given the personal experience I had been given so far. An effete young man and a bevvy of young women, all dressed to the nines and barely glancing up as I arrived. <br><br> Luckily, I wasn't the last one, because -- as I expected -- the last girl to hop onto the boat had earned a social ding from the enclave. Man, it would be posturing the whole time, wouldn't it. //The// social ladder of all social ladders. <br><br><br> And the boat churned away from the docks into the blue-green waters of the lake. I enjoyed the trip and tried to ignore the general cliquey-ness of my soon to be classmates, watching the countryside roll by, the mountains, the townships. God, it was [[beautiful|GY003 - Friends]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/GY003-Friends.png">> <<outfit elegantdress>> It was a small class. Exclusive, exclusive, exclusive. But also, a dying breed. There had once been a need to reinforce certain values on women when there were few options for them, but modernity had made things (essentially) equal. So attendance here was more of a status symbol and for social connectedness rather than holding a greater importance. And for me? A pre-college college? A structured vacation? Whatever the real reason was, I was here amongst them. <br><br> There was... <ul> <li>Rian, that effete and singular man amongst the women -- American but otherwise private.</li> <li>Masenna, youngest daughter and princess of Lesotho.</li> <li>Sofia, daughter of a Russian oil magnate (and probably other things).</li> <li>Alina, whose mother was mostly a model, whose father was effectively an actor.</li> <li>Bekkah, a socialite from Greece.</li> <li>Lily, who hailed from a religious guru of the Christian Asia.</li> </ul> And then there was me. Just some girl from America whose Dad was a travel agent. And Mom a spy. I had to come up with a better story than that. Not only would it not be believed, it probably wasn't kosher to say. I could already feel my social strata being relegated as I contemplated the difference between us all. <br><br> I unpacked my things in the gorgeously kept single room that overlooked the lake. It was essentially a hotel, and a far cry from the expectation at learning institutions to co-habitate, co-mingle, co-everything. I felt so out of place, talk about imposter syndrome. Next? A fucking <<linkexpand "mixer.">> mixer. <br><br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> Putting on the best, most elegant dress that I had packed, I made my way down to the parlor. <br><br> Hors d'oeuvres were set out on tiered serving platters on a rich mahogany table in the center of the room. The rugs were plush. The students looked plush-er. Madame Neri, headmistress stood in front of the palatial front doors, "Good evening. Welcome to our humble Institute. Thank you for making your trips, long as they might have been," she inclined towards Lily, "and for those that did not have as far to fly, it brings us great honor that you are here. I look forward to our commencement tomorrow, but for the time being, enjoy a little respite and meet your class." A soft clap. The event begun. <br><br> "Here we go." <br><br><br> <div id = "student"> I swallowed and knew that the choice of who to speak to first carried weight and spoke immense volumes about myself -- and how they responded could be equally important. <<crossroads #student>> <<path>> Rian <<contents>> <<set $GY.friend = "Rian">> <<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel -->> <<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel += 2>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -= 2>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel -= 2>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -= 3>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel -->> <<scrollIntoView>> "Oh. We've got to take you shopping." There was an upturn to the corners of his mouth as he looked me over. The tone was cold and unforgiving, but I don't think my approach had been taken as an affront. And effete be damned, he was not even hiding his sexuality. <br><br> "I mean, I'm not...opposed to it." I smiled. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> "You. Are. Fucking. Gorgeous. You need to wear thinks that don't detract from" he made a hand motion at me, "this." <<else>> "You're pretty, but we can make you look //devastating//." <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("TeenModel")>> "Well, not to brag, but I //am// a model." <br><br> "No fucking shit. Work." <</if>> <br><br> He swatted my hand away from a delicately cut sandwich, "Nuh-uh. Honey, if I'm taking you on as a charity case, then you gotta make good decisions." Somehow, the playfulness of his comments made them not hurt. <br><br> "Okay, what other advice you got for me?" <br><br> He shook his head, bringing us over to the flutes of champagne, handing me one, "First. Tell me all about you." And so I did. Not everything, but he seemed to like the mundanity of my life story, so I didn't need a trump card. As the bubbles got to our head he also loosened up enough to tell me about himself. He was from <<if $CC.hometown == "LA">>my home town<<else>>Los Angeles<</if>> and was here for the business etiquette and connections to help him build a fashion empire. He was certain that the political power and money collected in this room would help him get into any room he needed to in the future. I don't think he was wrong. <br><br> We spent the entire hour chatting away, which I think pissed everyone else off, but we didn't seem to care. There was a bond of spirit. <br><br> Madame Neri gave a little soft clap and our eyes turned to her. "Wonderful to meet you all. Have a good evening." None of us had talked to her. <br><br> Hm. I wonder if it had all been monitored as a part of a test, maybe a placement test? In any event, the night was over, so we proceeded back upstairs. <br><br> I felt more at ease about all of this, but that could have been the alcohol, or his easy way -- he was going to do //great//. He left me at my door, swishing away playfully with, "Too bad I'm not into women's fashion, could'a been really useful for you," over his shoulder. I laughed and dropped into bed. He'd be good for [[me anyway|GY004 - FinishingSchool]]. <<path>> Masenna <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel -->> <<scrollIntoView>> "Your Highness." I curtseyed in front of her. It was a choice. <br><br> She sighed. Not the right choice. "Please don't." <br><br> "Did I do something wrong?" <br><br> She waved it off, "Not your fault. Where are you from, anyway?" <br><br> "Well, we certainly don't have Princesses in America." <br><br> "I'm //hardly// a Princess. In name only." It was pleasant chatting with her. There was a calm ease about her and I think she appreciated that there wasn't any expectation in our conversation. Her brother would become King, she would essentially be a figurehead of some NGO or not-for-profit. Something to bring honor to her family -- of service to the family. Her sisters had attended before her, her brother was not required. Pleasantries aside (and I think over talking about herself), she excused herself to continue making the rounds. So, I followed suit. <br><br> Bekkah looked like she lived her life on a yacht. Maybe she did. She was wearing a clean, white pant suit that accentuated her even tan. "Hey there. I'm <<print $>>." <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $CC.wealth gt 8>> "Call me Beks." She smiled as her hands dipped into my palm. Not a true handshake, but full of self-importance. <br><br> "Okay." I smiled, thinking that Bekkah had been a nickname. Maybe a nick-nickname? <br><br> Maybe I'll have you to one of our islands. They're ''divine''." It felt like every word was emphasized. Important. I let her impress me for what felt like requisite amount of time before making an exit and find someone who might have been more my speed. She might be a good person to know, but she certainly wasn't a good person. I was just glad I qualified what felt like stringent standards <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->>"Mmm." She nodded and gave me one of the weakest handshakes I had ever felt. I don't know what I had done to her or how she had already classified me as not worth her time, but as her finger slipped from mine like limp noodles, I felt the embarassment in my cheeks. <br><br> I was stunned as she stepped away from me and felt like everyone was judging me. Had Bekkah been my judge, jury and executioner? I hoped not. <br><br> Grabbing a linen napkin, I turned from as many people as I could, dabbed at the corners of my eyes and looked for someone who might be more receptive. <</if>> <br><br> I saw an opening as Lily awkwardly pulled away from the Russian. There was an aura around Sofia, and not simply because she was by far the best dressed here -- I had never seen the high-slit dress before and imagined it was a special edition or a design that hadn't even made it to Milan. No, the palpable aura wasn't wealth, pretension (she had that, certainly), or the expected airs of our 'colleagues'. There was an icy cold, a worldliness and understanding that immediately set me on edge. "Hi, I'm--" <br><br> "<<print $>>. I know." I nearly stumbled, she hadn't even brought her eyes to bear on me. <<if $CC.wealth lt 4 || $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>> "//How// you came to be here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> Her gaze scanned me in a way that felt robotic, as if data was being pulled into a far off server. "Right, well, I feel out of place." <br><br> "Why is that?" the delicate way she held the stem of the champagne flute was impressive. "Just because you chose to fly Coach -- you didn't //have// to." There was play in her eyes as if we were in some elite club. I guess we kind of were? <br><br> "How did you know that?" I gulped some bubbly uncomfortably. I felt naked. <br><br> She shrugged, her delicate chest bouncing slightly in her dress that served to enhance and impress with her small handfuls. Her grin broadened, "Knowledge is power, especially when you already have all the power that money can buy." <br><br> She left me with levity, "To put in the necessaries, you know," her lightly accented accent was incredibly disarming. As I turned to engage in my own 'necessaries,' I wondered if she knew my mother's secret. And if she had known before I did. <br><br> <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -->> <<face shock>> "//Why// you are here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> I gulped -- why was I feeling like there was a threat to my life behind every comment? "Yeah. I feel out of place." <br><br> "You are." I could hear the conclusion of our encounter in her tone. I stepped back, eyes darting around hoping that I could make a transition without looking the complete fool that I felt. <</if>> <br><br> Lily was tall. Her hair was pulled back and she had the barest of makeup on. Her fingers played with some sort of beads that were slung around her wrist and waist. "Hi. I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> She turned, smiling broadly towards me and bowing her head, "Lily." <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - Volunteer") || $CC.clique == "Prude" || ['church', 'volunteer'].includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your prayer." I motioned towards the beads between her fingers. The religious sect had not made many inroads to America, but I recognized the practice and she smiled broadly. <br><br> "I had just finished. Thank you." Another, deeper bow of her head. She patted an ottoman and we seated together. <br><br> We talked as we gazed around at our company, side-by-side but it felt like this was comfortable to her. Her English was not good and she let me know that was her main purpose here: improve her language skills so that she could be an emissary for her father. <br><br> "I could help, if you want." She gave another bow of her head and smiled, eyes finally meeting again. <br><br> "If you want to pray sometime. Let me know." And she stood, backing away with another bow. <br><br> Well, I think that was a friendship in the works. Let's see if I could manage anyone else. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel -= 2>> "Kind of stuffy in here, right?" I led with a joke. <br><br> She frowned looking at me, "My stuff is in my room." The accent was stronger than I had expected. I realized that my colloquialism had not been understood and that I shouldn't have assumed that she would be a perfect English speaker. <br><br> "Oh, yeah. Mine too." I nodded and coughed slightly, unsure of how to continue. <br><br> "American...Christian?" <br><br> "Uh, //no//." I laughed, which immediately caught in my throat. I saw the offense in her eyes. Her smile was tight, controlled. Another bow of her head. <br><br> "Nice to meet you." And she backed away with another slight bow. Not a good start, but now I had to try again, with someone else. <</if>> <br><br> When I got around to Rian, he raised an eyebrow and appraised what I was wearing with a criticality that felt like a knife. He stood in front of Alina who had far more disdain for me -- didn't even affect a look -- "Dear. What are you wearing." <br><br> Alina laughed and swirled her champagne, "Let's get some more bubbly, Rian." He pounded the rest of his, raised his eyebrows and glass at me in a goodbye as they both swished over to grab more golden-filled crystal. Well, wouldn't be speaking to either of them, clearly. And effete my ass. His sexuality was on his sleeve. <br><br> I had made the introductions where I could. Some better, some worse. The champagne was nice and the snacks were incredible. <br><br> Madame Neri gave a little soft clap and our eyes turned to her. "Wonderful to meet you all. Have a good evening." None of us had talked to her. <br><br> Hm. I wonder if it had all been monitored as a part of a test, maybe a placement test? In any event, the night was over, so we proceeded back to [[our rooms|GY004 - FinishingSchool]]. <<path>> Sofia <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel -->> <<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel ++>> <<scrollIntoView>> There was an aura around Sofia, and not simply because she was by far the best dressed here -- I had never seen the high-slit dress before and imagined it was a special edition or a design that hadn't even made it to Milan. No, the palpable aura wasn't wealth, pretension (she had that, certainly), or the expected airs of our 'colleagues'. There was an icy cold, a worldliness and understanding that immediately set me on edge. "Hi, I'm--" <br><br> "<<print $>>. I know." I nearly stumbled, she hadn't even brought her eyes to bear on me. <<if $CC.wealth lt 4 || $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>> "//How// you came to be here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> Her gaze scanned me in a way that felt robotic, as if data was being pulled into a far off server. "Right, well, I feel out of place." <br><br> "Why is that?" the delicate way she held the stem of the champagne flute was impressive. "Just because you chose to fly Coach -- you didn't //have// to." There was play in her eyes as if we were in some elite club. I guess we kind of were? <br><br> "How did you know that?" I gulped some bubbly uncomfortably. I felt naked. <br><br> She shrugged, her delicate chest bouncing slightly in her dress that served to enhance and impress with her small handfuls. Her grin broadened, "Knowledge is power, especially when you already have all the power that money can buy." I fell under her wing, whisked around the room as she lightly intoned all the little secrets and knowledge she had about every. single. person. in the room. That we were kin in her mind was both a blessing and potentially incredibly scary. <br><br> She left me with levity, "To put in the necessaries, you know," her lightly accented accent was incredibly disarming. As I turned to engage in my own 'necessaries,' I wondered if she knew my mother's secret. And if she had known before I did. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -= 2>> <<face shock>> "//Why// you are here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> I gulped -- why was I feeling like there was a threat to my life behind every comment? "Yeah. I feel out of place." <br><br> "You are." I could hear the conclusion of our encounter in her tone. I stepped back, eyes darting around hoping that I could make a transition without looking the complete fool that I felt. <</if>> <br><br> Bekkah looked like she lived her life on a yacht. Maybe she did. She was wearing a clean, white pant suit that accentuated her even tan. "Hey there. I'm <<print $>>." <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $CC.wealth gt 8>> "Call me Beks." She smiled as her hands dipped into my palm. Not a true handshake, but full of self-importance. <br><br> "Okay." I smiled, thinking that Bekkah had been a nickname. Maybe a nick-nickname? <br><br> Maybe I'll have you to one of our islands. They're ''divine''." It felt like every word was emphasized. Important. I let her impress me for what felt like requisite amount of time before making an exit and find someone who might have been more my speed. She might be a good person to know, but she certainly wasn't a good person. I was just glad I qualified what felt like stringent standards <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->> "Mmm." She nodded and gave me one of the weakest handshakes I had ever felt. I don't know what I had done to her or how she had already classified me as not worth her time, but as her finger slipped from mine like limp noodles, I felt the embarassment in my cheeks. <br><br> I was stunned as she stepped away from me and felt like everyone was judging me. Had Bekkah been my judge, jury and executioner? I hoped not. <br><br> Grabbing a linen napkin, I turned from as many people as I could, dabbed at the corners of my eyes and looked for someone who might be more receptive. <</if>> <br><br> There was a stateliness to 'Maseena and she simply stood still, the colors of her African country resplendent in the modernization of what looked like to be a traditional gown. She took deliberate bites of a small sandwich while having a few words with one of the male attendants. Interesting. Not one of the others. <br><br> "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt." I meekly stepped towards them. <br><br> "You aren't, ma'am." The man's accent sounded Italian. And then he was gone. <br><br> "He was cute." She sighed, looking down her nose at me. <br><br> "I'm sorry, your--" <br><br> "Stop it. Don't you //dare//. You're lucky I've had some champagne and my heart is a little aflutter." There was humor to it, thankfully and I smiled. <br><br> "Oh, don't do those, things?" She laughed and squeezed my arm. I was surprised by the familiarity. <br><br> "Hardly a Princess...?" I introduced myself awkwardly and we had a lovely five minutes or so as we discussed the cuteness of the attendants and even the one male instructor, older as he was. Then she made an easy exit, clearly experienced at events like these. <br><br> Lily was tall. Her hair was pulled back and she had the barest of makeup on. Her fingers played with some sort of beads that were slung around her wrist and waist. "Hi. I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> She turned, smiling broadly towards me and bowing her head, "Lily." <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - Volunteer") || $CC.clique == "Prude" || ['church', 'volunteer'].includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your prayer." I motioned towards the beads between her fingers. The religious sect had not made many inroads to America, but I recognized the practice and she smiled broadly. <br><br> "I had just finished. Thank you." Another, deeper bow of her head. She patted an ottoman and we seated together. <br><br> We talked as we gazed around at our company, side-by-side but it felt like this was comfortable to her. Her English was not good and she let me know that was her main purpose here: improve her language skills so that she could be an emissary for her father. <br><br> "I could help, if you want." She gave another bow of her head and smiled, eyes finally meeting again. <br><br> "If you want to pray sometime. Let me know." And she stood, backing away with another bow. <br><br> Well, I think that was a friendship in the works. Let's see if I could manage anyone else. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel -= 2>> "Kind of stuffy in here, right?" I led with a joke. <br><br> She frowned looking at me, "My stuff is in my room." The accent was stronger than I had expected. I realized that my colloquialism had not been understood and that I shouldn't have assumed that she would be a perfect English speaker. <br><br> "Oh, yeah. Mine too." I nodded and coughed slightly, unsure of how to continue. <br><br> "American...Christian?" <br><br> "Uh, //no//." I laughed, which immediately caught in my throat. I saw the offense in her eyes. Her smile was tight, controlled. Another bow of her head. <br><br> "Nice to meet you." And she backed away with another slight bow. Not a good start, but now I had to try again, with someone else. <</if>> <br><br> When I got around to Rian, he raised an eyebrow and appraised what I was wearing with a criticality that felt like a knife. He stood in front of Alina who had far more disdain for me -- didn't even affect a look -- "Dear. What are you wearing." <br><br> Alina laughed and swirled her champagne, "Let's get some more bubbly, Rian." He pounded the rest of his, raised his eyebrows and glass at me in a goodbye as they both swished over to grab more golden-filled crystal. Well, wouldn't be speaking to either of them, clearly. And effete my ass. His sexuality was on his sleeve. <br><br> I had made the introductions where I could. Some better, some worse. The champagne was nice and the snacks were incredible. <br><br> Madame Neri gave a little soft clap and our eyes turned to her. "Wonderful to meet you all. Have a good evening." None of us had talked to her. <br><br> Hm. I wonder if it had all been monitored as a part of a test, maybe a placement test? In any event, the night was over, so we proceeded back to [[our rooms|GY004 - FinishingSchool]]. <<path>> Alina <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->> <<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel ++>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel += 2>> <<scrollIntoView>> God, Alina was gorgeous. Not too surprising given her breeding, and she seemed the most in line with me. The most normal. The closest to a pretender. <br><br> "Hey." I smiled, walking up, "I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> She smiled back, "Alina." She shook my hand and we drew over to the plated appetizers and began selecting a couple on little napkins with toothpicks, "This all as weird to you as it is to me?" <br><br> I nodded emphatically, "No. Shit. So. Why are you here then?" <br><br> She raised an eyebrow, "Same back to you." <br><br> "I asked first." Wow, this felt like time with <<print $CC.FName>>. That was good. <br><br> She took a bite of a crust-less sandwich and rolled her eyes, "Dad didn't want me acting. Mom didn't want me modeling. Both the same reason: didn't want me underneath guy after guy with my legs in the air." <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - SeedyCouch") || $CC.actPath == 1>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel ++>> "Welp, they aren't wrong." Some memories rushed forward of exactly the scenarios she had mentioned. <br><br> "Oh. God. I'm so sorry." Her fingers entwined with mine as she stepped closer. <br><br> "It's okay. Just the way things are. Can't get pissed about what's happened. I was there, I did it." Her eyebrows raised at how un-me too I was being about it. "So, they'd rather you become...?" <br><br> I laughed at how 'uncouth' her response was. "So they'd rather you become...?" <br><br> "Who the hell knows. I think it's a delaying tactic more than anything else. I don't think they have any ideas, and neither do I. Now. Spill, girl. Since you've already done the casting couch thing, what are you avoiding?" Despite the chord that she just struck, I couldn't help but laugh. <br><br> I was laughing a lot and getting some looks from some of the instructors. Felt like a class cut-up and class hand't even started. I told her all about my uneventful background and that my Mom had disappeared and I just wanted to get away, didn't want to go to college, didn't know what else to do. <br><br> She reached a pinkie over and we clasped, "Twinsies. Alright, girlie. Gotta go make nice with the others." I kissed my knuckle and she hers. And then we broke away, both content at finding a fast friend. <<else>> <br><br> I laughed at how 'uncouth' her response was. "So they'd rather you become...?" <br><br> "Who the hell knows. I think it's a delaying tactic more than anything else. I don't think they have any ideas, and neither do I. Now. Spill, girl." <br><br> I was laughing a lot and getting some looks from some of the instructors. Felt like a class cut-up and class hand't even started. I told her all about my uneventful background and that my Mom had disappeared and I just wanted to get away, didn't want to go to college, didn't know what else to do. <br><br> She reached a pinkie over and we clasped, "Twinsies. Alright, girlie. Gotta go make nice with the others." I kissed my knuckle and she hers. And then we broke away, both content at finding a fast friend. <</if>> <br><br> There was a stateliness to 'Maseena and she simply stood still, the colors of her African country resplendent in the modernization of what looked like to be a traditional gown. She took deliberate bites of a small sandwich while having a few words with one of the male attendants. Interesting. Not one of the others. <br><br> "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt." I meekly stepped towards them. <br><br> "You aren't, ma'am." The man's accent sounded Italian. And then he was gone. <br><br> "He was cute." She sighed, looking down her nose at me. <br><br> "I'm sorry, your--" <br><br> "Stop it. Don't you //dare//. You're lucky I've had some champagne and my heart is a little aflutter." There was humor to it, thankfully and I smiled. <br><br> "Oh, don't do those, things?" She laughed and squeezed my arm. I was surprised by the familiarity. <br><br> "Hardly a Princess...?" I introduced myself awkwardly and we had a lovely five minutes or so as we discussed the cuteness of the attendants and even the one male instructor, older as he was. Then she made an easy exit, clearly experienced at events like these. <br><br> I saw an opening as Lily awkwardly pulled away from the Russian. There was an aura around Sofia, and not simply because she was by far the best dressed here -- I had never seen the high-slit dress before and imagined it was a special edition or a design that hadn't even made it to Milan. No, the palpable aura wasn't wealth, pretension (she had that, certainly), or the expected airs of our 'colleagues'. There was an icy cold, a worldliness and understanding that immediately set me on edge. "Hi, I'm--" <br><br> "<<print $>>. I know." I nearly stumbled, she hadn't even brought her eyes to bear on me. <<if $CC.wealth lt 4 || $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>> "//How// you came to be here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> Her gaze scanned me in a way that felt robotic, as if data was being pulled into a far off server. "Right, well, I feel out of place." <br><br> "Why is that?" the delicate way she held the stem of the champagne flute was impressive. "Just because you chose to fly Coach -- you didn't //have// to." There was play in her eyes as if we were in some elite club. I guess we kind of were? <br><br> "How did you know that?" I gulped some bubbly uncomfortably. I felt naked. <br><br> She shrugged, her delicate chest bouncing slightly in her dress that served to enhance and impress with her small handfuls. Her grin broadened, "Knowledge is power, especially when you already have all the power that money can buy." <br><br> She left me with levity, "To put in the necessaries, you know," her lightly accented accent was incredibly disarming. As I turned to engage in my own 'necessaries,' I wondered if she knew my mother's secret. And if she had known before I did. <br><br> <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -->> <<face shock>> "//Why// you are here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> I gulped -- why was I feeling like there was a threat to my life behind every comment? "Yeah. I feel out of place." <br><br> "You are." I could hear the conclusion of our encounter in her tone. I stepped back, eyes darting around hoping that I could make a transition without looking the complete fool that I felt. <</if>> <br><br> Lily was tall. Her hair was pulled back and she had the barest of makeup on. Her fingers played with some sort of beads that were slung around her wrist and waist. "Hi. I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> She turned, smiling broadly towards me and bowing her head, "Lily." <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - Volunteer") || $CC.clique == "Prude" || ['church', 'volunteer'].includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your prayer." I motioned towards the beads between her fingers. The religious sect had not made many inroads to America, but I recognized the practice and she smiled broadly. <br><br> "I had just finished. Thank you." Another, deeper bow of her head. She patted an ottoman and we seated together. <br><br> We talked as we gazed around at our company, side-by-side but it felt like this was comfortable to her. Her English was not good and she let me know that was her main purpose here: improve her language skills so that she could be an emissary for her father. <br><br> "I could help, if you want." She gave another bow of her head and smiled, eyes finally meeting again. <br><br> "If you want to pray sometime. Let me know." And she stood, backing away with another bow. <br><br> Well, I think that was a friendship in the works. Let's see if I could manage anyone else. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel -= 2>> "Kind of stuffy in here, right?" I led with a joke. <br><br> She frowned looking at me, "My stuff is in my room." The accent was stronger than I had expected. I realized that my colloquialism had not been understood and that I shouldn't have assumed that she would be a perfect English speaker. <br><br> "Oh, yeah. Mine too." I nodded and coughed slightly, unsure of how to continue. <br><br> "American...Christian?" <br><br> "Uh, //no//." I laughed, which immediately caught in my throat. I saw the offense in her eyes. Her smile was tight, controlled. Another bow of her head. <br><br> "Nice to meet you." And she backed away with another slight bow. Not a good start, but now I had to try again, with someone else. <</if>> <br><br> When I got around to Rian, he raised an eyebrow and appraised what I was wearing with a criticality that felt like a knife. He stood in front of Bekkah who had far more disdain for me -- didn't even affect a look -- "Dear. What are you wearing." <br><br> Bekkah laughed and swirled her champagne, "Let's get some more bubbly, Rian." He pounded the rest of his, raised his eyebrows and glass at me in a goodbye as they both swished over to grab more golden-filled crystal. Well, wouldn't be speaking to either of them, clearly. And effete my ass. His sexuality was on his sleeve. <br><br> I had made the introductions where I could. Some better, some worse. The champagne was nice and the snacks were incredible. <br><br> Madame Neri gave a little soft clap and our eyes turned to her. "Wonderful to meet you all. Have a good evening." None of us had talked to her. <br><br> Hm. I wonder if it had all been monitored as a part of a test, maybe a placement test? In any event, the night was over, so we proceeded back to [[our rooms|GY004 - FinishingSchool]]. <<path>> Bekkah <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel -->> <<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel ++>> <<scrollIntoView>> Bekkah looked like she lived her life on a yacht. Maybe she did. She was wearing a clean, white pant suit that accentuated her even tan. "Hey there. I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $CC.wealth gt 6>> "Call me Beks." She smiled as her hands dipped into my palm. Not a true handshake, but full of self-importance. <br><br> "I had assumed Bekkah was your nickname." I smiled, 'shaking her hand'. <br><br> "Family name. Beks. Kay?" It was a cold smile, but it was a smile. "So. <<print $>>. Why //are// you here?" <br><br> "Could ask the same thing of you?" <br><br> "Yeah. But don't." The coldness reached her eyes and I realized that it was her way or the highway. <br><br> "It was this or college." <br><br> "Oh, how ''plebian''." <br><br> I tried to laugh in agreement. "Yeah. Or backpack Europe? Or hang out with natives in Africa? Gag me." <br><br> "Oh, that sounds far more fun." <br><br> I laughed. This one came easier. "And I didn't feel like just...traveling." <br><br> "Oh, dear. You //should//. Maybe I'll have you to one of our islands. They're ''divine''." It felt like every word was emphasized. Important. I let her impress me for what felt like the right amount of time before making an exit and find someone who might have been more my speed. She might be a good person to know, but she certainly wasn't a good person. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->> "Mmm." She nodded and gave me one of the weakest handshakes I had ever felt. I don't know what I had done to her or how she had already classified me as not worth her time, but as her finger slipped from mine like limp noodles, I felt the embarassment in my cheeks. <br><br> I was stunned as she stepped away from me and felt like everyone was judging me. Had Bekkah been my judge, jury and executioner? I hoped not. <br><br> Grabbing a linen napkin, I turned from as many people as I could, dabbed at the corners of my eyes and looked for someone who might be more receptive. <</if>> <br><br> There was a stateliness to 'Maseena and she simply stood still, the colors of her African country resplendent in the modernization of what looked like to be a traditional gown. She took deliberate bites of a small sandwich while having a few words with one of the male attendants. Interesting. Not one of the others. <br><br> "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt." I meekly stepped towards them. <br><br> "You aren't, ma'am." The man's accent sounded Italian. And then he was gone. <br><br> "He was cute." She sighed, looking down her nose at me. <br><br> "I'm sorry, your--" <br><br> "Stop it. Don't you //dare//. You're lucky I've had some champagne and my heart is a little aflutter." There was humor to it, thankfully and I smiled. <br><br> "Oh, don't do those, things?" She laughed and squeezed my arm. I was surprised by the familiarity. <br><br> "Hardly a Princess...?" I introduced myself awkwardly and we had a lovely five minutes or so as we discussed the cuteness of the attendants and even the one male instructor, older as he was. Then she made an easy exit, clearly experienced at events like these. <br><br> I saw an opening as Lily awkwardly pulled away from the Russian. There was an aura around Sofia, and not simply because she was by far the best dressed here -- I had never seen the high-slit dress before and imagined it was a special edition or a design that hadn't even made it to Milan. No, the palpable aura wasn't wealth, pretension (she had that, certainly), or the expected airs of our 'colleagues'. There was an icy cold, a worldliness and understanding that immediately set me on edge. "Hi, I'm--" <br><br> "<<print $>>. I know." I nearly stumbled, she hadn't even brought her eyes to bear on me. <<if $CC.wealth lt 4 || $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>> "//How// you came to be here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> Her gaze scanned me in a way that felt robotic, as if data was being pulled into a far off server. "Right, well, I feel out of place." <br><br> "Why is that?" the delicate way she held the stem of the champagne flute was impressive. "Just because you chose to fly Coach -- you didn't //have// to." There was play in her eyes as if we were in some elite club. I guess we kind of were? <br><br> "How did you know that?" I gulped some bubbly uncomfortably. I felt naked. <br><br> She shrugged, her delicate chest bouncing slightly in her dress that served to enhance and impress with her small handfuls. Her grin broadened, "Knowledge is power, especially when you already have all the power that money can buy." <br><br> She left me with levity, "To put in the necessaries, you know," her lightly accented accent was incredibly disarming. As I turned to engage in my own 'necessaries,' I wondered if she knew my mother's secret. And if she had known before I did. <br><br> <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -->> "//Why// you are here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> I gulped -- why was I feeling like there was a threat to my life behind every comment? "Yeah. I feel out of place." <br><br> "You are." I could hear the conclusion of our encounter in her tone. I stepped back, eyes darting around hoping that I could make a transition without looking the complete fool that I felt. <</if>> <br><br> Lily was tall. Her hair was pulled back and she had the barest of makeup on. Her fingers played with some sort of beads that were slung around her wrist and waist. "Hi. I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> She turned, smiling broadly towards me and bowing her head, "Lily." <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - Volunteer") || $CC.clique == "Prude" || ['church', 'volunteer'].includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your prayer." I motioned towards the beads between her fingers. The religious sect had not made many inroads to America, but I recognized the practice and she smiled broadly. <br><br> "I had just finished. Thank you." Another, deeper bow of her head. She patted an ottoman and we seated together. <br><br> We talked as we gazed around at our company, side-by-side but it felt like this was comfortable to her. Her English was not good and she let me know that was her main purpose here: improve her language skills so that she could be an emissary for her father. <br><br> "I could help, if you want." She gave another bow of her head and smiled, eyes finally meeting again. <br><br> "If you want to pray sometime. Let me know." And she stood, backing away with another bow. <br><br> Well, I think that was a friendship in the works. Let's see if I could manage anyone else. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel -= 2>> "Kind of stuffy in here, right?" I led with a joke. <br><br> She frowned looking at me, "My stuff is in my room." The accent was stronger than I had expected. I realized that my colloquialism had not been understood and that I shouldn't have assumed that she would be a perfect English speaker. <br><br> "Oh, yeah. Mine too." I nodded and coughed slightly, unsure of how to continue. <br><br> "American...Christian?" <br><br> "Uh, //no//." I laughed, which immediately caught in my throat. I saw the offense in her eyes. Her smile was tight, controlled. Another bow of her head. <br><br> "Nice to meet you." And she backed away with another slight bow. Not a good start, but now I had to try again, with someone else. <</if>> <br><br> When I got around to Rian, he raised an eyebrow and appraised what I was wearing with a criticality that felt like a knife. He stood in front of Alina who had far more disdain for me -- didn't even affect a look -- "Dear. What are you wearing." <br><br> Alina laughed and swirled her champagne, "Let's get some more bubbly, Rian." He pounded the rest of his, raised his eyebrows and glass at me in a goodbye as they both swished over to grab more golden-filled crystal. Well, wouldn't be speaking to either of them, clearly. And effete my ass. His sexuality was on his sleeve. <br><br> I had made the introductions where I could. Some better, some worse. The champagne was nice and the snacks were incredible. <br><br> Madame Neri gave a little soft clap and our eyes turned to her. "Wonderful to meet you all. Have a good evening." None of us had talked to her. <br><br> Hm. I wonder if it had all been monitored as a part of a test, maybe a placement test? In any event, the night was over, so we proceeded back to [[our rooms|GY004 - FinishingSchool]]. <<path>> Lily <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel -->> <<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel ++>> <<scrollIntoView>> She was tall, her hair was pulled back and she had the barest of makeup on. Her fingers played with some sort of beads that were slung around her wrist and waist. "Hi. I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> She turned, smiling broadly towards me and bowing her head, "Lily." <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - Volunteer") || $CC.clique == "Prude" || ['church', 'volunteer'].includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your prayer." I motioned towards the beads between her fingers. The religious sect had not made many inroads to America, but I recognized the practice and she smiled broadly. <br><br> "I had just finished. Thank you." Another, deeper bow of her head. She patted an ottoman and we seated together. <br><br> We talked as we gazed around at our company, side-by-side but it felt like this was comfortable to her. Her English was not good and she let me know that was her main purpose here: improve her language skills so that she could be an emissary for her father. <br><br> "I could help, if you want." She gave another bow of her head and smiled, eyes finally meeting again. <br><br> "If you want to pray sometime. Let me know." And she stood, backing away with another bow. <br><br> Well, I think that was a friendship in the works. Let's see if I could manage anyone else. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel -= 2>> "Kind of stuffy in here, right?" I led with a joke. <br><br> She frowned looking at me, "My stuff is in my room." The accent was stronger than I had expected. I realized that my colloquialism had not been understood and that I shouldn't have assumed that she would be a perfect English speaker. <br><br> "Oh, yeah. Mine too." I nodded and coughed slightly, unsure of how to continue. <br><br> "American...Christian?" <br><br> "Uh, //no//." I laughed, which immediately caught in my throat. I saw the offense in her eyes. Her smile was tight, controlled. Another bow of her head. <br><br> "Nice to meet you." And she backed away with another slight bow. Not a good start, but now I had to try again, with someone else. <</if>> <br><br> Bekkah looked like she lived her life on a yacht. Maybe she did. She was wearing a clean, white pant suit that accentuated her even tan. "Hey there. I'm <<print $>>." <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $CC.wealth gt 8>> "Call me Beks." She smiled as her hands dipped into my palm. Not a true handshake, but full of self-importance. <br><br> "Okay." I smiled, thinking that Bekkah had been a nickname. Maybe a nick-nickname? <br><br> Maybe I'll have you to one of our islands. They're ''divine''." It felt like every word was emphasized. Important. I let her impress me for what felt like requisite amount of time before making an exit and find someone who might have been more my speed. She might be a good person to know, but she certainly wasn't a good person. I was just glad I qualified what felt like stringent standards <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->> "Mmm." She nodded and gave me one of the weakest handshakes I had ever felt. I don't know what I had done to her or how she had already classified me as not worth her time, but as her finger slipped from mine like limp noodles, I felt the embarassment in my cheeks. <br><br> I was stunned as she stepped away from me and felt like everyone was judging me. Had Bekkah been my judge, jury and executioner? I hoped not. <br><br> Grabbing a linen napkin, I turned from as many people as I could, dabbed at the corners of my eyes and looked for someone who might be more receptive. <</if>> <br><br> I saw an opening as Lily awkwardly pulled away from the Russian. There was an aura around Sofia, and not simply because she was by far the best dressed here -- I had never seen the high-slit dress before and imagined it was a special edition or a design that hadn't even made it to Milan. No, the palpable aura wasn't wealth, pretension (she had that, certainly), or the expected airs of our 'colleagues'. There was an icy cold, a worldliness and understanding that immediately set me on edge. "Hi, I'm--" <br><br> "<<print $>>. I know." I nearly stumbled, she hadn't even brought her eyes to bear on me. <<if $CC.wealth lt 4 || $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>>"//How// you came to be here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> Her gaze scanned me in a way that felt robotic, as if data was being pulled into a far off server. "Right, well, I feel out of place." <br><br> "Why is that?" the delicate way she held the stem of the champagne flute was impressive. "Just because you chose to fly Coach -- you didn't //have// to." There was play in her eyes as if we were in some elite club. I guess we kind of were? <br><br> "How did you know that?" I gulped some bubbly uncomfortably. I felt naked. <br><br> She shrugged, her delicate chest bouncing slightly in her dress that served to enhance and impress with her small handfuls. Her grin broadened, "Knowledge is power, especially when you already have all the power that money can buy." <br><br> She left me with levity, "To put in the necessaries, you know," her lightly accented accent was incredibly disarming. As I turned to engage in my own 'necessaries,' I wondered if she knew my mother's secret. And if she had known before I did. <br><br> <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -->> <<face shock>> "//Why// you are here, though..." She let it trail off pointedly. <br><br> I gulped -- why was I feeling like there was a threat to my life behind every comment? "Yeah. I feel out of place." <br><br> "You are." I could hear the conclusion of our encounter in her tone. I stepped back, eyes darting around hoping that I could make a transition without looking the complete fool that I felt. <</if>> <br><br> There was a stateliness to 'Maseena and she simply stood still, the colors of her African country resplendent in the modernization of what looked like to be a traditional gown. She took deliberate bites of a small sandwich while having a few words with one of the male attendants. Interesting. Not one of the others. <br><br> "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt." I meekly stepped towards them. <br><br> "You aren't, ma'am." The man's accent sounded Italian. And then he was gone. <br><br> "He was cute." She sighed, looking down her nose at me. <br><br> "I'm sorry, your--" <br><br> "Stop it. Don't you //dare//. You're lucky I've had some champagne and my heart is a little aflutter." There was humor to it, thankfully and I smiled. <br><br> "Oh, don't do those, things?" She laughed and squeezed my arm. I was surprised by the familiarity. <br><br> "Hardly a Princess...?" I introduced myself awkwardly and we had a lovely five minutes or so as we discussed the cuteness of the attendants and even the one male instructor, older as he was. Then she made an easy exit, clearly experienced at events like these. <br><br> When I got around to Rian, he raised an eyebrow and appraised what I was wearing with a criticality that felt like a knife. He stood in front of Alina who had far more disdain for me -- didn't even affect a look -- "Dear. What are you wearing." <br><br> Alina laughed and swirled her champagne, "Let's get some more bubbly, Rian." He pounded the rest of his, raised his eyebrows and glass at me in a goodbye as they both swished over to grab more golden-filled crystal. Well, wouldn't be speaking to either of them, clearly. And effete my ass. His sexuality was on his sleeve. <br><br> I had made the introductions where I could. Some better, some worse. The champagne was nice and the snacks were incredible. <br><br> Madame Neri gave a little soft clap and our eyes turned to her. "Wonderful to meet you all. Have a good evening." None of us had talked to her. <br><br> Hm. I wonder if it had all been monitored as a part of a test, maybe a placement test? In any event, the night was over, so we proceeded back to [[our rooms|GY004 - FinishingSchool]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> /* Cassie (TODO): Linkexpands for flow. */
<<image framed "passage/GY004-FinishingSchool.png">> Classes begun the next morning after a polite, restrained breakfast. There was so much silverware on the table, meticulously arranged. And European dining was afoot. <br><br> Customs of France, England and nuances of different regions of Europe were covered. It felt like a language class and I had no idea how much was at play when you were eating. I had just thought keeping your mouth closed and gripping your silverware was enough. <br><br> We learned the differences between dining privately and in public, different sequences of coursing, taboos, pairings of food and wine. There was //so// much. History of the evolution of these cultural requirements, the silverware, greetings, small talk. <br><br> I felt like I needed a notebook on hand so much information was being thrown at me. And the days passed, more knowledge, rules and requirements followed. More and more. It was certainly overwhelming while I had felt like the whole experience was going to be soft and simple, a breeze. It wasn't. <br><br> And then the roleplay began. We played host, we organized, we served. We ate and drank //so// much. Eventually, even the richness of the courses blended into one another. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 2>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel ++>> The rules and roles came easily to me, and I was glad for the dinners and cultural experiences I had been offered in my adolescence. I would have certainly felt out of sorts without it. <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->><<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> I felt out of place, not having nearly the baseline that the rest of my classmates had. I stumbled where others walked without a thought. I could feel a collective sigh when I was holding the class back with the basics. I often was looking down at my knees. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 2>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>> <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->><<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> I forgot most of it and received quite a few shakes of the head by Madame Neri, and even some of the attendants. I felt like the others were joking about me behind my back. <</if>> <br><br> And that was just the first couple months. I was glad when we were leaving <<linkexpand "the table behind us.">> the table behind us. <br><br><br> Then we shifted slightly into Etiquette and Protocol. <br><br> Things diversified from the Euro-focus and I could feel Lily relax a bit as there was distinct care taken in addressing Chinese and Japanese culture. <br><br> We didn't leave dining entirely -- how would you comport yourself at a restaurant or dining in a culture. God. Dammit. <br><br> Our clothing. Formal and informal -- informal certainly had a higher bar than I was used to. Manners, manners, manners. And stationary, of course. <br><br> We discussed the //right// //gift//. <br><br> Floral arrangement, decoration, engagements and weddings, naming ceremonies. And then Rian and Bekkah seemed to become piqued as we moved into business etiquette. Not so much with the interview process, but leadership, media, event organization and business meals. <br><br> We discussed business cards, office and ranking in diplomatic circles, even ''flag'' etiquette. <br><br> There was so much to learn, but at least I wasn't constantly staring at food I couldn't eat, sitting in a chair at a long table for hours on end. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<face happy>> <<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel -->><<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> I could not have been more glad that I had built up some level of sophistication before arriving in Switzerland. While at home, I felt stuffy at times -- an unforgivable offense -- it allowed me a graceful progress through this tutelage. <<else>> <<face angry>> <<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel -->><<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel -->><<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> Woof. I felt like I was stumbling constantly. Foot in my mouth disease. I did not feel cultured enough to be consuming this knowledge. There were out-and-out laughs at me, sometimes on a daily cadence. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0>> <<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>><<else>><<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel -->><<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel ++>><<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -->> <</if>> <br><br> <<Stats Attractiveness ++>> Another couple of months transpired and we moved into the <<linkexpand "bespoke portion of our instruction.">> bespoke portion of our instruction. <br><br><br> One thing that I noticed is I felt more put together and more attractive. The small bits and pieces accumulating into giving me a draw, a mystique -- class is a crazy thing. <br><br> I hadn't put anything in the 'other knowledge requests' section of my application, but it was apparent the others had. Our final leg of instruction would include language (Lily), political diplomacy (Bekkah? Sofia? 'Masenna?), and home management (Uh...?). <br><br> The atmosphere changed. Maybe because we were comfortable, maybe because these were the sections that had been especially requested, maybe because our instructors were flying by the seat of their pants to cater to their wealthy students. I was thankful for the relative lack of structure. The other classes had felt defined over hundreds of years. These felt newer, flexible and -- maybe -- more useful? <br><br> Language held a specific focus on English, and the three Americans got to yawn our way through that one. But there were also intricacies of major languages across the world. Common faux pas, passable basics in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German. It focused on the inter-personal rather than your usual language classes finding your way to the library or bathroom, but anything was better than nothing. <br><br> Madame Neri dropped a fascinating story during our midday foray into political diplomacy. Vera Atkins, a British agent, had attended the Institute. Had other spies? Had my mom? <br><br> I shook off the uncanny moment and tried to focus as we navigated what clearly wasn't just how to say hello to a President, but had shadowy undertones. It was clear that the Madame took especial relish in this portion of instruction. <br><br> We rounded out our evenings managing our homes. Finance, decor, and then...servants. That just felt so hollow to me. And wrong? But as instruction continued, it was apparent how far 'ahead'? 'Apart'? from the rest of the world that America was. Serving -- in the truest sense -- and household attendants were widespread in use across the world. <br><br> There was less testing, so I digested what I could and felt relieved that I wouldn't be exposed for the imposter that I felt like I was. <br><br><br> But enough of the school. That wasn't the entire experience in Montreaux. We had [[fun, too|GY005 - SwissDays]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/GY002-SwissArrival.png">> <div id="daytime"> <div class="crossroads-intro"> There were some activities that were Institute-organized: </div> <<crossroads #daytime>> <<path>> ''Volunteering'' for the poor [to open our eyes]. <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> Lily and the female staff took day trips down into Lausanne and the Renens district to do 'good' for the community there. It felt like the right thing to do: we had the wealth, access, power and privilege -- it was our obligation to give back. <br><br> Most of the population was foreign, which certainly had to do with why such a high percentage of people were without employment. When they had told me about the run-down and impoverished area, I was expecting something else, but it was far from a slum or ghetto. It still was clean, nice and people were well-mannered. <br><br> We'd sit down in a small office and the (mostly) men would come in. They'd be wearing suits, they'd be put together and we were supposed to instruct them with our knowledge, whether we'd come by it at the institute or in our life. We were supposed to help them with skills to get a job, to present themselves well. <br><br> It was like a mock interview, but I treated it more like a therapy session. To be a sounding board for them, because who was I to tell someone in their forties how to get a job. <br><br> They were nice, easy days that made me feel good and gave me time with Lily who clearly felt the imperative to help more than anyone I had ever [[met|GY006 - SwissNights]]. <<path>> ''Cultural'' outings to Munich, Milan, and Leon. <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Masenna.rel ++>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> 'Masenna took the opportunity for free time to visit some of the cultural centers of nearby Europe. Bekkah went because, well, she's Bekkah. If she was going to do something like shop or eat out...why would she do it in the small town when there were these incredible places so close. <br><br> I went because, well it was my first time in Europe and I had to see these places if I could. There would be cold little chauffeured trips where we didn't say much (that wasn't shut down by Bekkah) and then we'd arrive and she'd disappear, leaving 'Masenna and I to our own devices. <br><br> And then things would lighten up. Her laugh was infectious and her mind was ravenous. We went to museums. Marienplatz. Duomo. Basilica de San Isidoro. <br><br> While in Switzerland you'd hear Spanish, Italian, German, French -- it was a true melting pot -- it was wonderful to be surrounded by a unified language and just lose yourself in the French speakers, the Germans. It helped to work our language skills. <br><br> It helped to understand these people that we had studied and talked about in class. We saw who they were, where they were and why they were. <br><br> And then Bekkah would roll up, much more pleasant on the way back and allowed us to talk about the goings on of the [[day|GY006 - SwissNights]]. <</crossroads>> <div class="crossroads-intro"> While others were just the ideas that we had: </div> <<crossroads #daytime>> <<path>> ''Shopping'' in the unique European markets. <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel ++>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel ++>> While Bekkah raved about what she found in Germany and France, I didn't feel like going so far afield. And it gave time with Alina, who wasn't flush with cash, and Rian, who preferred seeing inspiration in the common people rather than what was already hitting the carpets of the big cities. <br><br> The three of us were probably the quintessential 'tourists,' poking around town and we didn't spend all that much, but it was fun to have some time away from the others and our studies. It was great to be close and comfortable and just get to the activity of the day. <br><br> We enjoyed the walks along the lake. We sat in little cafes, where we got to be regulars and welcomed with open arms. We got to feel more like 'normal' people rather than those who went to a fucking Finishing School. There were some disparaging looks from the Madame when we'd return, but we didn't care. <br><br> It was lovely. It was light. A little pastoral pastiche while we could look up and see the school up above us, overlooking the town as pretentious as what went on [[indoors|GY006 - SwissNights]]. <<path>> ''Local activities'', just to take it easy and enjoy this time away. <<contents>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> I was in Switzerland. The //Alps//. I was going to enjoy the slopes. Lake Geneva? Get in a fucking kayak. Or, when Sofia was willing -- out on a boat. <br><br> Sometimes we would play together, whether on the powder or on the water. But most of the time it offered me solitude. I could sweat it out and get active, feel alive, and get out the frustration of all the restraint and 'gentility' that we were being instilled with. <br><br> I wasn't just some trophy wife. I wasn't just some pretty thing to be quiet and sit around. I was alive and I wanted to push myself and try things out. <br><br> So I sailed, I paraglided, I skied, and then I went to some ice caves as a break from the [[exertion|GY006 - SwissNights]]. <</crossroads>> And one, more than the others was where I really leaned in and enjoyed myself. </div>
<<image framed "passage/GY006-SwissNights.png">> <<set $GY.swissTrysts = 0>> /* TODO: Refactor GYFriend Logic */ <<if $People['GY'].Lily.rel gte $People['GY'].Rian.rel && $People['GY'].Lily.rel gte $People['GY'].Sofia.rel && $People['GY'].Lily.rel gte $People['GY'].Alina.rel && $People['GY'].Lily.rel gte $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel && $People['GY'].Lily.rel gte $People['GY'].Masenna.rel>> <<set $GY.friend = "Lily">> <<elseif $People['GY'].Rian.rel gte $People['GY'].Lily.rel && $People['GY'].Rian.rel gte $People['GY'].Sofia.rel && $People['GY'].Rian.rel gte $People['GY'].Alina.rel && $People['GY'].Rian.rel gte $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel && $People['GY'].Rian.rel gte $People['GY'].Masenna.rel>> <<set $GY.friend = "Rian">> <<elseif $People['GY'].Sofia.rel gte $People['GY'].Lily.rel && $People['GY'].Sofia.rel gte $People['GY'].Rian.rel && $People['GY'].Sofia.rel gte $People['GY'].Alina.rel && $People['GY'].Sofia.rel gte $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel && $People['GY'].Sofia.rel gte $People['GY'].Masenna.rel>> <<set $GY.friend = "Sofia">> <<elseif $People['GY'].Alina.rel gte $People['GY'].Lily.rel && $People['GY'].Alina.rel gte $People['GY'].Sofia.rel && $People['GY'].Alina.rel gte $People['GY'].Rian.rel && $People['GY'].Alina.rel gte $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel && $People['GY'].Alina.rel gte $People['GY'].Masenna.rel>> <<set $GY.friend = "Alina">> <<elseif $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel gte $People['GY'].Lily.rel && $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel gte $People['GY'].Sofia.rel && $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel gte $People['GY'].Alina.rel && $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel gte $People['GY'].Rian.rel && $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel gte $People['GY'].Masenna.rel>> <<set $GY.friend = "Bekkah">> <<else>> <<set $GY.friend = "Masenna">> <</if>> And then, there were the nights. Sure, there was a curfew, but that never seemed to get in anyone's way, nor really enforced. I'm sure even as prim and proper Madame was, she understood that a bunch of kids from late teens to mid twenties would not be kept indoors for long. <br><br> It all began one evening when I was in my room, cross-legged on my bed and using different books to try and remember what arrangement plates were supposed to be in. And my door opened, <<print $GY.friend>> walked in. Nonchalant and dressed to party. "Alright. You're late." <br><br> "Late?" I laughed, smiling and surprised to see them standing in my room. I guess we'd affected a kind of friendship. Cool. <br><br> "Get dressed, bitch." <<print $GY.friend>> stepped over and smacked my ass. A bigger smile, I rolled off the bed, leaving my 'plates' behind. <br><br> "Where we going?" I threw on my <<linkexpand "going out clothes">> <<outfit club>> going out clothes, which I had barely even considered packing I was eager to give them an inaugural evening. <br><br> <div id="out"> "Well. This sleepy little town has some <<link "fun clubs">> <<replace "#out">> <<print $GY.friend>> wagged their eyebrows at me and I laughed, flattening the dress against myself and giving a cursory look in the mirror. <br><br> "Think Madame would approve?" <br><br> "No. I //love// it." <br><br> And so we rolled out, sneaking through the palatial mansion as best we could. I doubted that we got away with it -- the place certainly had cameras, and during the day was brimming with staff -- there was no way we got out sight unseen, but I never heard anything about it. That night, or any night. <br><br> <<if $GY.friend == "Masenna">> <<Stats Performance ++>> She was resplendent in her outfit. Sure, she was a bigger girl, but she showed off her luscious curves and wore it confidently. I was jealous of her confidence. I was more jealous seeing her handle the cobblestones that threatened to wrench my ankles. <br><br> "How. Are you doing that?" I grunted out, catching myself on the wall -- heels did not mix with this old-style construction. She turned slowly, effortlessly, held up on two points just like I was, weight shifted forward and looking at me trying to make my way forward. <br><br> "Oh, I'm sorry! Careful! Can't have you breaking something before we even get to dancing. Here." She came back and offered me her arm. A hit to my pride that she could both handle herself //and// me, but better that than the alternative. Together, we made our way down to the town at night. <br><br> And it wasn't just a sleepy lakeside town, it felt practically asleep. "You sure anything's open?" <br><br> A deep, resonant, mhmmm was all she responded and my interest was piqued. She hadn't been to Switzerland, and especially this town, before as far as I knew. It was the difference in strata, I guess, she had connections given who she was. A princess. <br><br> She brought me to what looked like an old warehouse, but as soon as we made our way through the doors, I saw how perfect a venue this was for dancing. Dresses fluttered, women spun on in their heels, hitting striking poses and dipped by their partners. Salsa, samba, classical, oh these were ''dancers''. "I didn't bring a partner..." <br><br> "Neither did I." She grinned broadly and moved away. She found a fit young man in moments, tight pants, button down shirt and holding his core instinctively. And then they were one. I don't remember them even saying a thing to each other, but suddenly they were hitting a complex tango with impressive accuracy. What was even more impressive was how effortless it looked for her. I feel bad admitting it, but I expected this kind of style and elegance from woman with gazelle legs and sinewy muscle. It made me jealous, and a bit embarassed at how surprised I was. <br><br> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("Ballroom1")>> My turn. He had a hairbun, a well-kept beard and deep chocolate eyes. Our hands found each other and we dropped into the Lindy Hop. Two can play this game 'Masenna, I thought to myself, striking a leg out and feeling him pull me into a dip and spin. It looked like my lessons and recitals wouldn't go to waste after all. It was a club that was an actual dancer's playground. None of the bump and grind or two-stepping that was just BS to get people hooking up. <br><br> Here there were people who knew what they were doing, enjoyed the art and partnership of dance. It was like a low-key "So You Think You Can Dance," your partner would pull you into something and see if you could keep up. It was fun, especially because it was Europe -- a place in the world that still really respected dancing. <br><br><br> "Wow, <<print $>>. You can //move//." She was fanning herself, coming over to me after she and her most recent partner had affected some traditional African dance. <br><br> "I was going to say the same thing to you." Her eyes glinted happily. The test was over and I had passed. We grabbed a couple drinks to refresh ourselves and she let me know that her dance teacher back home had told her about this club. <br><br><br> We broke off and rotated partner to partner for a couple hours until my toes were throbbing and my ass started to feel sore. <br><br> On the way back to the school, she and I were both grabbing on each other for support, the dancing had taken all of our ease away from us and making it back in one piece was a miracle. Not a typical 'night out,' but so much more interesting than what I had thought it was going to be. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <<else>> My turn. He had a hairbun, a well-kept beard and deep chocolate eyes. Our hands found each other and he tugged me onto the dance floor. Wait, this didn't feel in tempo with the music -- how were there so many different dance styles happening at once? My heels were catching and resisting his lead and he frowned at me. I think he was going for a dip, shit. I immediately regretted not taking more formal dance. <br><br> I was trying to shift into something I was more comfortable with, something where we were closer together. He was cute and I wanted to feel him holding me. Instead, a few missed steps in, he let go and headed back to the mill looking for another partner. Shit, maybe I couldn't hang. <br><br> It was a club that was an actual dancer's playground. None of the bump and grind or two-stepping that was an intro to get people hooking up. <br><br> Here there were people who knew what they were doing, enjoyed the art and partnership of dance. It was like a low-key "So You Think You Can Dance," your partner would pull you into something and see if you could keep up. I couldn't but a couple times the guys would slow it down a bit and try and teach me a couple steps. It was a far cry from a dance class, but I wouldn't always be falling on my face. <br><br><br> "You doing okay, hun?" She was fanning herself, coming over to me after she and her most recent partner had affected some traditional African dance. <br><br> "Yeah...never really took dance." I shrugged with gritted teeth, feeling like I had let her down. <br><br> "I'm sure there are other clubs, too. I just feel those are so seedy...and sticky." <br><br><br> We grabbed a couple drinks to refresh ourselves and she let me know that her dance teacher back home had told her about this club. <br><br> We broke off and rotated partner to partner for a couple hours until my toes were throbbing and my ass started to feel sore. <br><br> On the way back to the school, she and I were both grabbing on each other for support, the dancing had taken all of our ease away from us and making it back in one piece was a miracle. Not a typical 'night out,' but so much more interesting than what I had thought it was going to be. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <</if>> <<elseif $GY.friend == "Rian">> He looked slick in a white, tight suit, accentuating his lean body. He definitely had style and I was glad to be going out with him. He wouldn't intimidate anyone else, but he also drew the eye. <br><br> "Ugh, you're making me look bad, Rian." Popping his eyebrows at me, he sauntered out ahead of me and quickly was gaining distance as I nearly wrenched my ankles on the cobblestones with practically every step. <br><br> "Careful, honey. Hurting yourself is gonna blow our cover." <br><br> "Then wait up and be a gentleman." With a flourish and a bow he bent, waiting for me, then hooked an arm through mine and provided the support I definitely needed. "So, where we going." <br><br> "A little place I heard about through the gayvine." I laughed and we made our way through the town that was more than sleepy. It was asleep. There were clubs open and alive right now? <br><br> And then I saw the little clusters of men smoking, giving him the critical eye and looking at me with even more intensity. The bouncer was more of a formality than anything else -- this was the one kind of club that didn't limit guys coming in, or girls. <br><br> "Come here!" He was yelling over the music and pulling me close, smiling as we began to dance together. It was such a different feeling, like there was a void where tension or attraction should be, but also a missing understanding when I went out with girls. Didn't make it less fun though. When we got close enough there were little jokes or references to the staid learnings of the day, and at one point we broke out into a foxtrot was hilarious to us. We'd pop a shot and then back onto the floor. But it wasn't going to be the entire evening...his eyes started to wander. <div id="rian"> <<crossroads #rian>> <<path>> Could wing-woman for him a bit. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<set $People['GY'].Rian.rel += 2>> <br><br> It's not like I had prospects around here, so as we danced, I caught the eyes on him that he couldn't see. I leaned in close, whispering descriptors to him, "Woody from Toy Story" or "Nic Cage" or "Wannabe Thor" and then we'd shift in our dance and he'd get a look. He'd respond with his assessment which he seemed to be getting more entertainment out of than actually hooking up with anyone. <br><br> And so it went, occasionally watching him pair off with a guy to make out and sometimes that guy had a buddy, so at least I had someone to dance with. Or maybe I took a little round at the bar, bringing back a shot to cleanse the taste of whatever that kiss had left him with. <br><br> "You're one boss bitch." He smacked my ass. "I'm gonna get you laid one of these days. Or better." I wondered what 'better' entailed in his mind. <br><br> And then he finally found his one...didn't look too different from him, but I guess we're always attracted to ourselves when you get down to it. I watched them shoving their tongues down each others throats as their hands worked at each others belts. Right there on the floor, which was probably as entertaining to everyone around as it was fun for them. <br><br> They were off, pulling each other towards the bathrooms and leaving me alone. No guy to dance with. No one to bring a shot back to. I sighed and headed off to the bar to nurse a cocktail. At least I'd accomplished my mission. <br><br> I wondered if this had been his plan for the evening...if I was an afterthought or an excuse. <br><br> Before I got too deep into melancholy, he was back, hand on the back of my arm, "Gross. Did you even wash up?" <br><br> He waggled his fingers, "No promises." And leaned over the bar, flashing his card, "Taking care of the tab, kay?" I didn't need to respond and didn't have a chance. He paid and then was entwining fingers with me and pulling me out of the bar, "Such. A. Great. Night. Thanks, <<print $>>." <br><br> "No problem." And pecked him on the cheek. We stopped outside the club and he helped me out of my heels, carrying them together as we headed back to the school together. I wondered whether other nights would be like this. Whatever the next one was like, I was glad to have gotten out and had a first night on the town. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <<path>> Or fight for his attention. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <br><br> I didn't come here to be left in the lurch as he went off to the bathrooms or maybe just to some guy's place. And it's not like //I// had prospects here. Nuh-uh, Rian. <br><br> First, it was interposing myself in his gaze. It wasn't a cock-block, it was keeping him focused on us hanging out tonight together. Because that's what this had been about, not just an excuse for him to go out and enjoy himself. Right? <br><br> Next, it was pulling him back into our dance zone, not letting him wander. I kept it innocuous, playful and with whatever little story or in-joke I could muster. I had to keep his attention. <br><br> Finally, when they were pressing up against him or when he got insistent, I had to put my cards on the table, "Rian. Come //on//." <br><br> "Sorry, beb. Gotta get my dick wet." It was so nonchalant. Dismissive of my need and the overture of the invite of the evening. So, I stood in stunned silence as I watched the two of them making out, hands going into each other's pants right there on the dance floor as the gayboys danced around me. <br><br> Defeated, I went to the bar, looking around vainly for some straight that had been brought here to be flipped and the effort had failed. Nada. I was getting zero looks. Not even from the girls here. You'd think there'd be at least one lesbian. And where was Rian. Ugh. Gone. Would he be back? Was I ditched completely? <br><br> I battled with my self-worth and self-respect for a few minutes before I felt a hand on the back of my arm, "Ahhh. So much better." <br><br> I spun on him, frowning and giving him the full knowledge of how I felt right now, "Gross. Did you even wash your hands?" <br><br> He waggled his fingers, "No promises. Come on." Rolling his eyes he motioned for a cocktail. <br><br> "Nah, I'm good. Been hitting it hard while I was waiting." <br><br> "Well, let me at least cover the tab." So he was accepting a little reproach. Okay. I watched him pay and then our fingers intertwined as we headed out of the club. <br><br> He kissed me on the cheek and we walked quietly back to the school. Not exactly the evening I had expected when heading out with him and I wondered if there'd be more of these in the works -- would he learn or would there be repeats? Whatever it was, I was glad to have gotten out and had a first night on the town. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $GY.friend == "Alina">> Fuck. She looked hot. She came by it honestly and could probably have worn anything and ended up looking this good, but her dress showed off her legs while remaining elegant. Well, we knew who'd be getting the attention tonight! <br><br> "You look so good." She smiled, looking me over. Sure, I thought she edged me out, but I felt comfortable walking out with her -- we were on the same plane, which is how I felt about us normally. We both were kind of fish out of water in this Swiss Finishing World. She giggled, nearly twisting her ankle on the cobblestones, and then a moment later -- maybe on the same stone -- I did the same. "They designed heels __after__ this city." She laughed, reaching back to grab my arm and give me some balance. <br><br> "And men wore them first. Idiots." I grabbed back onto her and together we made our way down to the sleepy town. It was...quiet? Asleep? "So, where are we going?" As we took another turn down another street that seemed to be more residential than the last. <br><br> "Dunno. We'll figure it out." She shrugged and laughed again, making a game out of it as she did a quick step and made another turn. I shook my head and tried to make off after her. And so the two idiot school girls were running through the echoing streets of the little Swiss village like it was a game of tag. <br><br> Even if we didn't end up anyplace, I enjoyed the freedom. Getting out and being delinquents, a kindred free-spirit that were bucking the social norms we were supposed to be learning. <br><br> "Oh, what about here?" We rounded another corner and she came up short, nearly running into her from behind. I peered over her shoulder and saw her pointing at a little hole-in-the wall pub. <div id="alina"> <<crossroads #alina>> <<path>> Not exactly what we were dressed for <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <br><br> "Like this?" Serving maybe a bit too much shade. <br><br> "O. Kay." Yeah. Too much shade. "We can def just keep walking around til our feet bleed." And then the laughter died, the conversation became perfunctory as she let me take the lead. Every turn, every decision. I pulled out my phone and started asking Google where to find some place we might fit in a bit better, "Well, won't be a special spot. Our spot. But that works." <br><br> "Okay, so there'" It was a forced laugh through a grimace and feeling bad, but she just nodded with a 'show me the way,' and followed behind. The doorway looked like a New York nightclub, shi-shi and exclusive -- and felt out of place after all the searching we had done. But we walked in, barely a glance up from the bouncer and I could feel the bass welcoming us. <br><br> It was a cute and small little club, but it felt like what I had thought we were going out for. I pulled her out to the dance floor and began to sway, seeing the cracks in her armor as she let the music wash over her and accept that maybe she had dressed for the right occasion. <br><br> "Okayyy...sorry for being a bitch." <br><br> "Honestly, the DJ could be better." <br><br> "And it's not //too// crowded. Who woulda thought that this town wasn't a hot spot for night life." <br><br> "So, maybe we will have our spot?" I smirked at her, she nodded and we intertwined fingers, swaying together and both of us more at home than we had been since arriving. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> And just like the clubs at home, there were more guys than girls. We enjoyed ourselves as we let them approach and dance with each of us throughout the evening, feeling them make their moves, watching each other roll our eyes at men being men and giving signals when we needed a little save. It was //us// being out together rather than two girls on the hunt. It would have killed my evening if I ended up being the grenade. <br><br> We got a little sweaty, we each had a little make out with the cuter of the guys, and had our drinks bought for us. We wore ourselves out -- I didn't realize how much I had craved the physical exertion until the lovely walk back, heels in hand, moving over the cool cobblestones and feeling the lake breeze flutter at our dresses as we made our way back to the promontory, drunk and loose. The night was over and a great way to start school. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <<else>> Under the dimmer lights, haze of the smokey air, lasers glinting off her bare skin and reflecting in her cool eyes, I couldn't help but be even more attracted to her. The atmosphere of clubs intoxicating and making my brain go into 'hookup' mode. Ugh. But, I just met her. I didn't know her at all, or if she was that way. She was just so goddamned beautiful. <div id="alina2"> <<crossroads #alina2>> <<path>> Maybe this would be my only chance to take my shot. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<face ahego>> <<set $GY.swissTrysts ++>> <br><br> I felt a guy coming up behind me -- just like all the clubs at home, there were more guys here than girls -- and with practiced, I moved away at the barest of approach. And right into her, "Sorry. Creepy guy." <br><br> "Ugh. The worst." She smiled and didn't seem to mind the proximity, two girls dancing together and not giving opportunity for skeezes. <br><br> I felt her breath -- moist and hot on my neck, her thighs brushing and slightly sticking against mine, her tits jiggling just close enough to be able to sense their movement. I wanted to feel her, I wanted to be closer. I kissed her. <br><br> <<if $Attractiveness gt 4>> Her dance rhythm stuttered in shock, but she didn't pull away. Slowly, her lips parted and I pressed closer. The lightest of kisses intensifying and my hands finding her hips. Hers tentatively finding mine. She wasn't into women, or hadn't made that realization yet. But...she hadn't had a drink. <br><br> I pulled at her hips and the top of my thigh pushed the slit of her dress upward, finding her crotch and made sure she kept contact, grinding and stimulating. My tongue dove in and hers fluttered in response, instinctively responding to me. And then I felt her trying to disconnect. I don't know if it was trying to say something, to end the moment, or engage differently, but I had to keep going. <br><br> One hand slid up her bare side and into her golden waves, gripping tight and pulling, I felt her gasp in my mouth and I responded with a gyration, pressing hard at her clit through the lacy underwear she was wearing. Whatever she was about to do she stopped trying to do, her hands grabbed at my ass, pulling me against her and I worked her off on the floor, making out slow and sloppy. My hands tight on her, not letting her escape. <br><br> She finally broke away from the kiss. I felt her body shuddering as she came, the whimpering little gasps in my ear and the tugs at my rear to guide my timing and elongating her orgasm. I laughed, pleased, into her ear. She was nearly done and flashed me a hard, angry look. <br><br> "What." I smirked. <br><br> "Should be glad you're so fucking hot." She pulled at my ass, her thigh making contact with my mound, my little dress shoved up and baring my ass for all these skeeves to see. It was her turn to shove her tongue in my mouth and we began probably an hour or so of 'dancing' in this club, holding tightly to each other and getting absolutely soaked, making each other cum and making out. <br><br> We wore ourselves out -- I didn't realize how much I had craved the physical exertion until the lovely walk back, heels in hand, our other hands lightly entangled, moving over the cool cobblestones and feeling the lake breeze flutter at our dresses as we made our way back to the promontory, drunk and loose. The night was over and a //great// way to start school. It did become our spot, but we didn't behave so raunchily going forward. We saved that for quiet and sneaky trips to each other's rooms for a 'study session' or just a sleepover. <<else>> Her dance rhythm stuttered in shock and she pulled back, the light contact of my mouth to hers ending abruptly. "Shit. Uh, sorry." It was the most apologetic smile I could manage. <br><br> "Creepy //guys//?" Her brow furrowed, eyes investigating mine. <br><br> "Let me get you a drink to apologize." I pulled her off the floor. Guys had used this very sequence on me how many times? On her, absolutely, but she didn't seem to notice. I wondered how obvious I was being. How many other women had tried their luck. She didn't seem to be into women, or at least hadn't made the realization yet. <br><br> I paid for a shot to 'cleanse the palate' and then a cute little cocktail for us both. I avoided the topic of what had just happened and despite the pang in my chest watched her get pulled away by a guy, grinding against him and making out as I was left by the bar to watch the beauty and the skeez. He started to get handsy and my drinks had let her inhibitions drop a bit, his fingers pulling the slit of her dress away to reveal the lace of her underwear and then diving under. She shuddered and lost the step of the dance as he began to finger her. Her eyes popped open, locking with me and I pounded the rest of my cocktail and came to her aid. <br><br> My hand pulling his away as she grabbed at me and used me as leverage to extricate herself. We were stumbling back towards the bar and she gave me a peck on my cheek, "Creepy fucking guys." <br><br> "Gross. Here." I arched my back, trying to get the bartender's attention, liking the way it felt to have her holding on to me like I was her lifeline. Another round of shots and then we wer back on the dance floor. <br><br> A laugh in my ear, "I hate that he still got me horny. I'm fucking wet now." A roll of her deep eyes. <br><br> "Bodies and brains never seem to agree, right?" She shook her head, Rapunzel-like hair brushing at her bare upper back and shoulders seductively. She pulled me closer, dancing together now, my thigh reinserting itself between hers and I felt the heat. It was intense, "Fuck, Alina. Yeah, you're hot as hell." <br><br> A cooing 'mhmm' in my ear and I wondered if that was a signal. With all the strength of confidence I could muster, I kissed her again. Slowly, her lips parted and I pressed closer. The lightest of kisses intensifying and my hands finding her hips. Hers tentatively finding mine. She wasn't into women, or hadn't made that realization yet. But...she hadn't had a drink. <br><br> I pulled at her hips and the top of my thigh pushed the slit of her dress upward, finding her crotch and made sure she kept contact, grinding and stimulating. My tongue dove in and hers fluttered in response, instinctively responding to me. And then I felt her trying to disconnect. I don't know if it was trying to say something, to end the moment, or engage differently, but I had to keep going. <br><br> One hand slid up her bare side and into her golden waves, gripping tight and pulling, I felt her gasp in my mouth and I responded with a gyration, pressing hard at her clit through the lacy underwear she was wearing. Whatever she was about to do she stopped trying to do, her hands grabbed at my ass, pulling me against her and I worked her off on the floor, making out slow and sloppy. My hands tight on her, not letting her escape. <br><br> She finally broke away from the kiss. I felt her body shuddering as she came, the whimpering little gasps in my ear and the tugs at my rear to guide my timing and elongating her orgasm. I laughed, pleased, into her ear. She was nearly done and flashed me a hard, angry look. <br><br> "What." I smirked. <br><br> "Why'd you stop." She pulled at my ass, her thigh making contact with my mound, my little dress shoved up and baring my ass for all these skeeves to see. It was her turn to shove her tongue in my mouth and we began probably an hour or so of 'dancing' in this club, holding tightly to each other and getting absolutely soaked. She teased me with her thigh but was insistent with me, making her climax again and again while not giving me the return favor. I was dying, desperate by the end of our make out on the dance floor, but she was hungry and unrelenting. And so goddamn good looking I wasn't going to argue. <br><br> We wore ourselves out -- I didn't realize how much I had craved the physical exertion until the lovely walk back, heels in hand, our other hands lightly entangled, moving over the cool cobblestones and feeling the lake breeze flutter at our dresses as we made our way back to the promontory, drunk and loose. The night was over and a //great// way to start school. It did become our spot, but we didn't behave so raunchily going forward. We saved that for quiet and sneaky trips to each other's rooms for a 'study session' or just a sleepover. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Alina F "Alina at Finishing School">> <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <<path>> No, just no. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> I'd be fingering myself with the fantasies later. Maybe she would be my spankbank for my entire time in Switzerland. Maybe my life. But I couldn't risk the one comfortable relationship I had found in this place. So, we just danced. And just like the clubs at home, there were more guys than girls. We enjoyed ourselves as we let them approach and dance with each of us throughout the evening, feeling them make their moves, watching each other roll our eyes at men being men and giving signals when we needed a little save. It was //us// being out together rather than two girls on the hunt. It would have killed my evening if I ended up being the grenade. <br><br> We got a little sweaty, we each had a little make out with the cuter of the guys, and had our drinks bought for us. We wore ourselves out -- I didn't realize how much I had craved the physical exertion until the lovely walk back, heels in hand, moving over the cool cobblestones and feeling the lake breeze flutter at our dresses as we made our way back to the promontory, drunk and loose. The night was over and a great way to start school. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <<path>> But could be fun. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<set $People['GY'].Alina.rel += 2>> <br><br> "Good with me!" I was just excited to be out and about, and yeah, a divey little place, replete with pink neon lighting sounded like really getting to know the non-elites of this Swiss township. And my feet were hurting. <br><br> We made a bit of a scene coming in, getting eyes from the locals as we walked in as if it were the new hot spot. A couple were eating a late night meal in a corner, a number of men were at the bar in their cups, all of their clothes made my little dress look resplendent. "Can we help you?" The bartender leaned forward, flat palms down on the bartop, slightly a challenge, slightly a curiosity. <br><br> "A drink?" I looked to the blonde on my arm as if we were making the decision in the moment. <br><br> "Perfect." And we hopped onto the stools and letting him pour us draughts while I pushed my heels against the stool, working them loose and to hang on my feet rather than grip them tightly. Oh, yeah. <br><br> Her coltish leg hung outstretched from one side of her stool, cut of her dress accentuating the length and tone while she casually sipped at a beer, but now that we were seated and relatively quiet, the locals left us to our own devices. They didn't want to be disturbed and treated us in kind. <br><br> The bartender also relaxed as we fell in line with his normal clientele. We chatted with him and sipped, all of us laughing and eye rolling as we talked about the Madame and the Finishing School. We heard about previous years and the worst of the worst. The entitlement and the crazy famous names that had taken over the town for a period of months while they studied imperiously at the mansion on the cliffs. <br><br> It felt //wrong// to be drinking watery beer with the 'peons' and ripping on the day's classes, our classmates, the school that we spent so much effort and time in. And money. It was weird to have such an easy rapport with the bartender -- Gustav -- even though we were among the people who everyone was being so dismissive of. Were we being given carte blanche? Were we a novelty that would be laughed at the moment we walked out of the door? <br><br> I didn't care. I loved that it was this easy with Alina, that I didn't feel the need to compete and she wasn't competing with me. And it was lovely to walk back, heels in hand, moving over the cool cobblestones and feeling the lake breeze flutter at our dresses as we made our way back to the promontory, drunk and loose. The night was over and a great way to start school. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $GY.friend == "Bekkah">> What she was wearing had to be designer. Bespoke. I would never //dare// going out in something that expensive. The sweat, the drinks, the coming back looking anything like it did now was almost nil. But she looked fucking fantastic. <br><br> We could not have looked more different -- my ass and tits out and hers...well out as well, but in a way that was tasteful. We moved down the cobblestone paths and I nearly wrenched an ankle, while she took the trip like it was smooth pavement. She didn't say anything on the way down and I wondered why she had invited me. I was sure that she would have found more in common with most of the others. But here we were. <br><br> The sleepy town was...quiet. Asleep? No one was about and I wondered if this was all some sort of play to humiliate me. I could hear some music and movement further inland, but we were heading towards the lake. And then I saw our destination: a yacht, moored at the docks, alit and live with people. <br><br> "We going to one of your islands?" I skipped forward, trying to match pace with her. It nearly was my literal downfall. <br><br> "Kinda. That's kind of like an island, yeah?" She smiled, leading me up the gangplank. <br><br> The boat was full of women just like her and men that hit both ends of the spectrum: some wore perfect, designer suits while the others preferred the open-shirt, boat-faring look that left their body (usually nothing to admire) on display. <br><br> "Have fun. See you back at the school tomorrow, kay?" I was a little shocked at being dropped like that. Weird to be invited to something like this, past the red rope, and then just deposited. Her way of showing friendship? Access and opportunity rather than anything that actually transpiring between the two of us. <br><br><br> And so I wandered the boat, trying to figure out how to navigate this new experience: <br><br> <div id="boat"> <<crossroads #boat>> <<path>> Coy and careful? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> She'd given me access, but I wasn't about to be some prey like the other women seemed keen on being. Yeah, they were acting vapid, a little bubbly, and I could tell that underneath it all, most of them were far brighter than these guys. I definitely wasn't the most eye-catching in the simple dress, but it kind of played into my 'new girl' mystique. The new, young thing that I could sense men picking up on instinctively. Shit. <br><br> I quickly shifted to another deck. I ducked to where there was food, and it was a table lavishly adorned with appetizers that easily put the displays at the school to shame. Fuck, this tasted good. I washed a tart or something down with some champagne and... <br><br> "What's your name?" Shit, I hadn't gotten away. I guess that was naive. I turned and was shocked, seeing a jaw-droppingly attractive man who chuckled seeing my response, "I'm Max." Yeah, sure he was older, but he was damn good looking and dressed to the nines. I couldn't place his accent, it sounded Baltic maybe. <br><br> "<<print $>>." I wiped my mouth, ensuring there were no crumbs, "Sorry." <br><br> I think he found me endearing, "Nothing to be sorry about dear. I'm glad to make your acquaintance. Just got back from Dubai and decided to drop by." <br><br> "Me as well. Not Dubai. But dropping by. A friend invited me." <br><br> "No excuses need to be made." His acceptance of me was even more unbalancing and I think he enjoyed it. <br><br> We wandered the mostly empty deck, snacking and sipping as we got to know each other. Some other men wandered down in various states of inebriation, saw our dynamic and didn't intervene. <br><br> And while I could tell he found me attractive, he didn't make a move. I was a little upset about it because he was so pretty and dashing, but also I think he read me right. I had been dropped into unfamiliar territory and didn't need to be taken advantage of. <br><br> He provided the class and culture and was also my protection from other, more insidious male attention for the evening. <br><br> And for that I was thankful. Thankful for Bekkah inviting me and opening this world to me as well. I never saw Max again, but it made for a great first night out on the town. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <<path>> Dive in and party <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set $People['GY'].Bekkah.rel += 2>> <<face ahego>> <<set $GY.swissTrysts ++>> She'd given me access, I might as well enjoy it. So I keyed on on the behavior of the other women on the boat -- yeah, a little vapid, a little bubbly, but I could tell most of them were far brighter deep down than these guys -- and started to fall in line. I definitely wasn't the most eye-catching in the simple dress, but it kind of played into my 'new girl' mystique. The new, young thing that I could sense men picking up on instinctively. <br><br> "What's your name?" It was a Greek accent? Something Mediterranean for sure. He was barefoot, light flannel pants, a healthy mid-section showing as he didn't even bother with a shirt, and he had accepted his baldness by giving his head a close shave. <br><br> "<<print $>>." I giggled perkily, making sure to let my movement draw his eyes downward. "This your boat?" <br><br> "Oh, no. Mine's..." He smiled broadly, not taking his eyes off my revealed flesh as he pointed out across the moorings to a larger yacht that couldn't get this close to land, "That's mine." <br><br> "Oh!" Well, this was certainly a ladder-climbing situation. And what these parties were all about. <br><br> "Dimnos," he offered a hand. I took it and shook, making sure mine was lighter than his. "I do know this boat well though, let me show you around." His hand sliding from mine and curling its way around my waist. And he led me below deck, the pressure of his arm making my minidress hike up a bit, flashing every bit of my legs and it felt like the cool lake air was hitting my asscheeks a bit more than it should have been. <br><br> Below decks wasn't too interesting, and he avoided a room that was lavishly covered with appetizers, small plates and rows upon rows of champagne flutes. A little nudge and we headed down a narrow hallway to the state rooms. He wasn't doing much of a tour, just making little chuckles and asks about me, "Oh, you know Bekkah..." and comments, "We need to get you a dress. It looks good on you..." <br><br> "But" We were in a state room and his hand deftly slid one strap off my shoulder, than the other. His bare foot had shut the door behind me and my dress fluttered <<link "down my body">><<upper>><</link>> to the floor. "Ah yes, much better. Off." And he guided me over to the bed. <br><br> Okay. This was fast. And I really wasn't seeing much of an exit, or how to handle this. I felt kind of like a working girl and wondered if that's what my attire read as. Or just easy prey. <br><br> And so he got his prey on the bed and was working his linen slacks off with one hand as his other hand slowly massaged at my pussy, talking to me about parties on his yacht and where he's been. Casually, he pulled my hand to his cock and had me getting him ready as he got me ready. <br><br> He felt my warmth and wetness and moved his hips, pressing ontop of me and using them to get my thighs apart. My hand on his cock providing the guidance to my primed snatch. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> I knew from his state of dress that he wasn't packing protection and my body clenched in worry as he mounted me. <br><br> <</if>> And then with a pleased sigh, he stroked inside me. He began to coo about my attractiveness and the tightness of my cunt on his cock as he thrust. His fat jiggled, the pudge of his crotch pressing against my mound as he shoved himself ballsdeep. His bald head shined in the recessed lighting. <br><br> He took his time and it wasn't to get me off. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>>I got close though. I was actually surprised at how I //didn't// cum. The way he pressed against my clit and his cock dug deep inside me. And that he wasn't in a rush. I was frowning at the end, seemingly always on the verge of getting there.<</if>> Still, I cooed out and clutched at him with my calves as I felt him on his verge, pretending to cum as he began to blast his semen inside of me. <<cumSpray pussy1 thighs1>> <br><br> He shuddered and smiled, pressing his weight between my legs a couple times before shaking his head with a smile and making the reverse motion that he had to get ontop of me. <br><br> "I'll show you my boat next time?" He chuckled, patting his stomach and giving his sticky, flaccid cock a few strokes, enjoying the post-coital pleasure. <br><br> "Sounds perfect." I giggled, pulling the dress on over myself and letting him enjoy seeing his semen slowly seeping from me, the new girl mounted and marked. And then I left the room, quickly finding a bathroom so I didn't let anyone //else// see and lose credibility. It was all show and audience. And now I had to get back and get some sleep. What a night. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Dimnos M "Dimnos, with his massive Macedonian yacht">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $GY.friend == "Sofia">> Her little black dress put mine to shame. Her tits (fake), looked incredible, pushed up and out on full display. I wondered if they'd stay in. Her asscheeks slightly peeked from the bottom of the body-con dress that emphasized even her //navel//. Her heels were egregiously tall, but somehow she managed not even a little wobble. <br><br> And so, the two of us sauntered, legs and tits out, asses jiggling as we moved down the cobblestone paths and threatened wrenching an ankle. She didn't say anything on the way down and I wondered why she had invited me. I was sure that she would have found more in common with most of the others. But here we were. <br><br> The sleepy town was...quiet. Asleep? No one was about and I wondered if she was bringing me to some Russian hit, or to be spirited away into white slavery by some of her father's goons. Or a play for Putin against America. My heart was beating and all the pieces seemed to be coming together. <br><br> I was going to die. Or worse. <br><br> We stopped in an alley and my eyes had to be the size of those 'plates' I had been working with in my room. My safe room. Where I ''should'' be. Maybe she had paid off the servants to make my disappearance this simple. <br><br> I looked around for potential avenues of attack, for threats. And then what looked like a small metal door opened and I knew that was it. Where I'd be disappearing into. <br><br> "Come on, slut." She laughed with the deep, round tone of her Russian accent. I was befuddled, I was clammy, but I was entranced and moved into the small opening...barely registering the pulsing bass that all of a sudden could be heard now. <br><br> I squeezed in, she followed and we were in this tiny, boutique little club. I started laughing out loud, jumping in my heels in a way I should not have been, nearly falling into her. Squeezing her, smiling at her. <br><br> "Fun, right?" She had no clue. I felt like my life had just been given back to me. I guess she had knocked on that door and I had been to pre-occupied. She knew some little hideaway club and here we were. <br><br><br> The crowd was hers, for certain. I don't think I heard a lick of the dominant languages of Switzerland. Nope, just Russian dialects and slavic tones. Lots of white people. Lots of fat guys. Lots of gaudy jewelry and women -- who weren't prostitutes -- but were dressed like they were. <br><br> I don't know who she knew, but I didn't feel like asking was safe. We headed up the stairs, her whispering to this guy and that guy. They had to have guns, yeah, definitely. And then we were in a small booth that overlooked the dance floor below. There were two guys in the booth with us. Cold, dead eyes looking us over and seeing if they caught anything between our legs as we sat down. She didn't seem to care. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>> I don't think they got anything. Not my first time in this dress in these conditions, boyos. <<else>> Not my first time in this dress in these conditions, they //definitely// saw what they wanted: <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>direct eyeline to my cunt-line.<<else>>my crotch, congratulations.<</if>> <</if>> <br><br> "Sasha." She was yelling into my ear, pointing out the elder, the shlubbier of the two. Probably the one who ran the place. He oozed power. He saw the introduction and patted the seat next to him, his other meaty hand reaching over to the vodka on ice beside him as an offer. A promise. Who he was, where we were was the threat. If there was a threat. There was a threat. Had to be. <br><br> <div id="clubsex"> <<crossroads #clubsex>> <<path>> Sit? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel += 2>> <<face ahego>> <<set $GY.swissTrysts ++>> <<dollRearView>> With the barest of consideration, I dropped next to him and the hand that had patted the seat was on my thigh and nudging it apart in the first second. He was leaning forward, his belly pushing forward against the straining and button-down shirt, to pour out a shot for us both. His fingers had found their place, creating grooves in the flesh of my inner thigh but he wasn't going further. <br><br> He leaned back, slowly, confidently and handed me one shot, lifting his to meet my glass as he leaned in to yell, "Sasha." Introducing himself again and shooting his shot. I leaned up into him, my movement letting his fingers find higher purchase. <br><br> "<<print $>>." And shot mine. Following his lead. Sofia was gone. When had that happened? Oh boy. Had she pimped me out? Who //was// this guy? <br><br> I looked around and saw the men around -- and they were all men -- had to have been his muscle and weren't on team <<print $>>. He nodded towards the vodka and I nodded back. He poured another shot and offered it to me. <br><br> "Sofia's friend?" <br><br> I nodded, shooting mine, it was __clean__ vodka. Had to have been expensive. "Yeah, go to school with her." I was practically pressed up against his bear-like body, his fingers nearly at my pussy, my dress hardly at my <<link "hips">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>> but surprisingly he wasn't rubbing. His restraint was commendable. <br><br> "I know her father." And so it went, little bits of knowledge about each other traded, loudly and none of it was too risky or interesting, and the shots continued. I was getting blasted quick, which I knew was the point, but the warmth was a welcome friend where Sofia used to be. "Want to watch show?" He motioned down at the lower floor. How had his fingers //not// touched my pussy yet? It was wet simply by proximity now, he could probably feel the pulsing heat as my body responded to him despite the lack of attraction. Bodies have a mind of their own. <br><br> "Uh, sure!" I don't think I could have taken another shot. So I stood, the hand pulling at my thigh helpful in making sure I didn't fall over. He positioned me against the railing, his hand leaving between my legs to rest on my ass, giving it a slight squeeze as we both leaned forward to look down. <br><br> A few naked women came out on stage and it didn't surprise me -- what else would the show be? They were lithe, probably ex-ballerinas or something, walking out as if they were fully clothed. And then they started their dance. It was strange to be done in these conditions since at the heart it looked artful, but it was in time with the bassline. They used each other's momentum and weight, balance and counter balance as they grabbed and grasped at each other. They climbed and leaned onto each other. Their hands sliding erotically along each other's limbs, taking moments to caress an angular neck, a flat stomach, the nub of a breast or the bare mound and vaginal lips. <br><br> He had moved behind me and I felt my short dress lifting just the barest of inches so that he could access underneath. And here it was. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>Asking for a condom would have gone a) unheard, b) ignored, so I just grabbed onto the invincibility that the vodka was giving me and leaned forward.<</if>> <br><br> I watched them contort as I made my first contortion, my jaw dropping and my back arching as he pressed slowly inside me. It wasn't rough, it wasn't urgent, it wasn't possessive. But it also wasn't romantic. I felt his gut pushing up my lower back, bunching my dress higher as his root met my lips, balls rubbing at my thighs. <br><br> The girls were moving their bodies against each other in ways I had only thought at the Cirque, contorting and rotating, moving fluidly and easily as he matched the beat, beating into me firmly. <br><br> He didn't rush. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>>And him taking time allowed me to get into it. I came, hard, hands gripping at the railing as I felt his rigid cock thrusting against the right place and sending me off. No one heard my cries. But he felt me losing myself on his cock.<</if>> And then, as the show came to a slow, rhythmic completion, so did he. His belly pressed hard against my back and he leaned me against the railing, over the crowd below as his testicles emptied their sperm inside me deeply. <<cumSpray pussy2 thighs2>> <br><br> And then he pulled out and guided me back down to the seat. He gave me another shot as if nothing had happened, cum oozing out of me like the most natural thing, "Good show?" He smiled. He seemed far less cold now. <br><br> I nodded and then Sofia came back. He nodded to her and she pulled me off and away. "Sorry about that, slut. But you aren't exactly //our// people. But you're good here now." <br><br> She smiled like this was fine and dragged me out onto the floor, cummy but dancing the rest of the night away and burning through the raging buzz that the cold, clean vodka had given me. <br><br> And that show //had// been really fucking cool. And kind of hot to have been fucked while watching. Crazy fucking night. <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god they wouldn't always be like that. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _textNum = 3>> <<include "GY000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck Sasha M "Sasha, Swiss Club Owner">> <<path>> or Risk? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<set $People['GY'].Sofia.rel -->> <<face hurt1 runny>> My words caught in my throat, trying to consider a way to say no. The fear of the alleyway returning ten-fold. I saw the coldness get colder, Sofia get awkward and smiling demurely as she pulled me away quickly. <br><br> "He knows my //father//." She screamed in my ear, pushing me through the crowd back towards the door __hard__. "You aren't //our// people." Another shove, I ran into some guy. "What were you thinking!" I nearly tripped over my heels, stumbling out into the alleyway again. <br><br> She didn't follow me out, frowning as she leaned from the little metal door. "S-sorry, but like...he was fucking scary." <br><br> "No. Shit. It's just a one-time thing. What's the big deal?" <br><br> I shrugged, tears pooling in my eyes, threatening to kill my mascara. Maybe my relationship with Sofia was fucked now, that cost? "I just...couldn't. I'm..." <br><br> "Don't be such a dumb American bitch. Doesn't make you a whore. Makes you //female//." And with that the metal door slammed with a clang. The music was gone. So was my future entry to the club. And maybe going out with Sofia. Time would tell. Fuck, what a shitty first night. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god, needed something better than that. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<set $People['GY'].Lily.rel ++>> Her outfit was simple, it was wasn't going out clothes. It didn't show off what had to be a foal-like body, but hid it respectfully. It looked more like she was showing up for prayer or yoga, but yet...we were going out? <br><br> I felt a little weird wearing what I was, stumbling over the cobblestones that were not designed for heels, "Oh dear! You are going to hurt yourself." She clutched to me, aiding me down the winding path from the school. "I feel naughty. We shouldn't be out after hours." <br><br> "No. That's why I was a little shocked when you showed up." <br><br> "And said...bitch." Her eyes twinkled, mischievous little smile like she was being so incredibly naughty. Would daddy find out?! <br><br> "Where are we going?" I laughed, looking around at the sleepy little town that looked...asleep. Lights were off, night life seemed to be an idea that hadn't quite made it to the lakeside village. <br><br> She pointed down the street that looked dark and dead, and I realized she was pointing to a church. Maybe it had been retrofitted? "Oh, cool!" <br><br> She beamed and pulled me excitedly down the street, her strappy shoes smacking against the stones, while my heels clicked erratically as I tried to keep up. <br><br> And inside was definitely alive, people were lining the pews and swaying and singing. It was a young crowd and there was a band on stage, guitar and bass echoing off the stone and wood structure. Christian Rock. Hm. Okay. <br><br> We found some space at the back of the church and grabbed a couple programs that told me that we hadn't arrived on time. Little delinquents that we were. And then she launched into the song, singing the chorus with the band on stage. It was in English, so that was good, but I didn't know it and there wasn't a songbook to sing along. <br><br> There was even some headbanging when they got raucous a few songs in. It was easy to move to and I enjoyed the warmth and the communal excitement was infectious, and I didn't mind seeing Lily grinning as much as she was. She looked at home here. At school she was so fastidious, trying so hard and so serious. She was free. That was refreshing to see. <br><br> There were refreshments and small bites at a break in the music. People milled around and met each other and I got tons of looks and questions about my dress and it became a kind-hearted 'oops!' joke as people pegged me for being not one of the flock the way Lily was. <br><br> The music came to an end and people began to file out, some making donations in a little box on their way out. And then we were headed back to the school. Not too late, but still breaking the rules. I wondered if it was worth it. <br><br> I had ditched my heels, holding them in one hand and not risking the cobblestones on the way back. "Thanks for bringing me." I smiled over at her. She seemed ebullient. <br><br> "Did you enjoy it?" <br><br> "Never been to one of those before." It wasn't a lie, and it wasn't an answer to her question, but it felt like the right response. <br><br> "Well, glad to have brought you. Thanks for coming along!" <br><br> "Didn't hear them use bitch much tonight." I dug at her, bringing up earlier. <br><br> She blushed, "I thought you wouldn't come if I wasn't being edgy." Somehow that stung, but she was right I guess. I just smiled and shook my head, giving her hand a squeeze as we made it back to our halls and headed to our rooms. I sighed, looking at the homework I had abandoned and decided to just get some sleep. At least I wouldn't have a hangover or deal with the other things that can come from a night out. <br><br> Okay. That was not exactly the usual 'night out.' But. It was interesting? And good to have time with Lily. I just hoped that the rest of my opportunities to get out of the school after hours would be a little bit more fun. <br><br><br> And there were //many// [[nights|GY007 - SwissTrysts]]. Thank god. <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>>." </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> And going out was essentially the only way to meet new people and relieve the building hormonal stress. But partying is hard on the body and not good for learning and retaining that knowledge. So, I had to weigh my options, while I could go out anytime I wanted, I could go out //anytime// I wanted. <br><br> Some nights, I stayed in and I felt the benefits of school. Some nights, I went out and traded those for some 'local flavor.' <br><br> <<set _allSwissTrystOptions = { "Skeezy Romanian" : { name:'Skeezy Romanian', title: 'Skeezy Romanian in Switzerland', caption: 'Skeezy Romanian in Switzerland', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Baltic Guy" : { name:'Baltic Guy', title: 'Baltic Guy in Switzerland', caption: 'Baltic Guy in Switzerland', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Enzo" : { name:'Enzo', title: 'Enzo the Pickpocket', caption: 'Enzo the Pickpocket', gender: 'M', hint: "Must only like boys"}, "Marcel" : { name:'Marcel', title: 'Marcel, sexy Swiss partner', caption: 'Marcel, sexy Swiss partner', gender: 'M', hint: "Must only like boys"}, "Javier" : { name:'Javier', title: 'Javier, on his Swiss sabbatical', caption: 'Javier, on his Swiss sabbatical', gender: 'M', hint: "Must only like boys"}, "Odin" : { name:'Odin', title: 'Odin, tongue god in Switzerland', caption: 'Odin, tongue god in Switzerland', likesBiGirls: true, gender: 'M', hint: "Must like boys"}, "Remy" : { name:'Remy', title: 'Remy, hid me from his wife', caption: 'Remy, hid me from his wife', gender: 'M', hint: "Must like boys"}, "Rocco" : { name:'Rocco', title: 'Rocco and I broke a bed', caption: 'Rocco and I broke a bed', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Giovanni" : { name:'Giovanni', title: 'Giovanni, Milan Model', caption: 'Giovanni, Milan Model', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Cyrilo" : { name:'Cyrilo', title: 'Cyrilo, Swiss DJ', caption: 'Cyrilo, Swiss DJ', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Casimir" : { name:'Casimir', title: 'Casimir, got a discount for product', caption: 'Casimir, got a discount for product', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Henrik" : { name:'Henrik', title: 'Henrik, mansplainer before every lay', caption: 'Henrik, mansplainer before every lay', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Alejandro" : { name:'Alejandro', title: 'Chauffeur Alejandro loved to hatefuck', caption: 'Chauffeur Alejandro loved to hatefuck', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Bron" : { name:'Bron', title: 'Bondage Bron', caption: 'Bondage Bron', gender: 'M', hint: "Must only like boys"}, "Kristofer" : { name:'Kristofer', title: 'Kristofer kept me from classes in Switzerland', caption: 'Kristofer kept me from classes in Switzerland', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Mikel" : { name:'Mikel', title: 'Mikel on a boat in Switzerland', caption: 'Mikel on a boat in Switzerland', gender: 'M', hint: "Must only like boys"}, "Hugo" : { name:'Hugo', title: 'Hugo, the heel hater', caption: 'Hugo, the heel hater', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Lucas" : { name:'Lucas', title: 'Lucas, the Swiss homebody', caption: 'Lucas, the Swiss homebody', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Phillipe" : { name:'Phillipe', title: 'Bottle service Phillipe', caption: 'Bottle service Phillipe', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Xander" : { name:'Xander', title: 'Xander, the conspiracy theorist', caption: 'Xander, the conspiracy theorist', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Barnaby" : { name:'Barnaby', title: 'Barnaby negged me constantly', caption: 'Barnaby negged me constantly', gender: 'M', hint: "Must only like boys"}, "Abella" : { name:'Abella', title: 'Abella, the pickpocket', caption: 'Abella, the pickpocket', gender: 'F', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like girls"}, "A husband" : { name:'A husband', title: 'Natalia', caption: 'Natalia\'s husband, as a favor', gender: 'M', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like boys"}, "Kennedy" : { name:'Kennedy', title: 'Kennedy, amateur shrink', caption: 'Kennedy, amateur shrink', gender: 'F', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like girls"}, "Angie" : { name:'Angie', title: 'Angie learned she was a lesbian', caption: 'Angie learned she was a lesbian', gender: 'F', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like girls"}, "Sofia" : { name:'Sofia', title: 'Sofia, daughter of a Russian oil magnate', caption: 'Sofia, daughter of a Russian oil magnate', gender: 'F', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like girls"}, "Bekkah" : { name:'Bekkah', title: 'Bekkah, the socialite', caption: 'Bekkah, the socialite', gender: 'F', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like girls"}, "Alina" : { name:'Alina', title: 'Alina, American Model', caption: 'Alina, American Model', gender: 'F', likesBiGirls: true, hint: "Must like girls"}, "Baltic babe" : { name:'Baltic babe', title: 'Baltic babe in Switzerland', caption: 'Baltic babe in Switzerland', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Skeezy Romanian (F)" : { name:'Skeezy Romanian', title: 'Skeezy Romanian in Switzerland', caption: 'Skeezy Romanian in Switzerland', gender: 'F', hint:"Must only Like girls"}, "Ingrid" : { name:'Ingrid', title: 'Ingrid, a one-off that ghosted me in Switzerland', caption: 'Ingrid, a one-off that ghosted me in Switzerland', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Delia" : { name:'Delia', title: 'Delia leanred English from me', caption: 'Delia leanred English from me', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Bianca" : { name:'Bianca', title: 'Bianca put me to shame with her talent on the dance floor', caption: 'Bianca put me to shame with her talent on the dance floor', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Annabelle" : { name:'Annabelle', title: 'Annabelle, crazy Swiss tryst', caption: 'Annabelle, crazy Swiss tryst', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Zoe" : { name:'Zoe', title: 'For Zoe, weed was an aphrodesiac', caption: 'For Zoe, weed was an aphrodesiac', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Madame Neri" : { name:'Madame Neri', title: 'Madame Neri picked me to be her yearling', caption: 'Madame Neri picked me to be her yearling', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Phoebe" : { name:'Phoebe', title: 'Phoebe loved to slum it', caption: 'Phoebe loved to slum it', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Opehlia" : { name:'Opehlia', title: 'Ophelia, the thrill seeker', caption: 'Ophelia, the thrill seeker', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Michalina" : { name:'Michalina', title: 'Michalina, possessive girlfriend', caption: 'Michalina, possessive girlfriend', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Lillian" : { name:'Lillian', title: 'Lillian, the coke fiend', caption: 'Lillian, the coke fiend', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"}, "Emery" : { name:'Emery', title: 'Emery hated my finishing school', caption: 'Emery hated my finishing school', gender: 'F', hint: "Must only like girls"} }>> <<set _MOptions = dataUtils.filterObject(_allSwissTrystOptions, (x)=>{return x.gender == 'M'})>> <<set _FOptions = dataUtils.filterObject(_allSwissTrystOptions, (x)=>{return x.gender == 'F'})>> <<set _BiOptions = dataUtils.filterObject(_allSwissTrystOptions, (x)=>{return x.likesBiGirls})>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<quiz noChanging>> What did I lose? <br><br> <<quizGroup columns>> <<quizChoice "Social refinements" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Skeezy Romanian'])" alt="He was a skeezy Romanian at the club, never got his name.">> <<quizChoice "Cultural nuance" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Baltic Guy'])" alt="We spoke two different languages: his was...something Baltic?">> <<quizChoice "Appreciation for the finer things" change="$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Enzo'])" alt="I don't think Enzo was a pickpocket but he stole my wallet.">> <<quizChoice "Subtle forms of manipulation" change="$Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Marcel'])" alt="Marcel was smooth, suave and sexy.">> <<quizChoice "Behavioral insight" change="$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Javier'])" alt="Javier was a psychologist on sabbatical.">> <<quizChoice "Artful equivocation" change="$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Odin'])" alt="Odin got me into bed with simply his golden tongue...where it also was a plus.">> <<quizChoice "Sussing subtext" change="$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Remy'])" alt="Remy, I think was married and I was his dalliance.">> <<quizChoice "Much of the language" change="$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Rocco'])" alt="Rocco's broken English and my broken Italian equalled a broken bed.">> <<quizChoice "Poise and presentation" change="$Stats.Skills['Performance'].base--; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Giovanni'])" alt="Giovanni was a gorgeous model from Milan.">> <<quizChoice "Control and restraint" change="$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Cyrilo'])" alt="Cyrilo and I fucked during some of his sets as DJ at the club.">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=10 disable>> <br>/* IMAGE: Used Redbull cans, snorted lines of cocaine, empty alcohol bottles -- excess */ <<quizChoice "A bit of myself" change="$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Casimir'])" alt="Casimir was a dealer and I traded pussy for product...and a good fuck.">> <<quizGroup columns priorChoices=11>> <br>/* IMAGE: Very bleary eyes*/ I didn't care. I fucking loved just letting go. Didn't matter that I earned a reputation at the Institute. I didn't cross a line that would kick me out and I was there to escape. So, I escaped. <br> <br> <<quizChoice "Forgot more" change="$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Henrik'])" alt="Henrik loved to mansplain what I picked up in class.">> <<quizChoice "Turned people off" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Alejandro'])" alt="Alejandro, chauffeur got out his hatred for serving with me in bed">> <<quizChoice "Lost control" change="$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Bron'])" alt="Bron loved bondage">> <<quizChoice "Cared about less" change="$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Kristofer'])" alt="Kristoffer had me skip classes to meet up.">> <<quizChoice "My body took a hit" change="$Stats.BodyTraits.delete('fit'); $GY.swissTrysts ++; $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base--; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Mikel'])" alt="Mikel had a boat and I spent weekends of decadence with him.">> <<quizChoice "Stumbled more" change="$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Hugo'])" alt="Hugo hated heels, so I practically stopped wearing them.">> <<quizChoice "Saw less" change="$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Lucas'])" alt="Lucas never wanted to leave his flat, so we didn't.">> <<quizChoice "Lost inhibition" change="$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Phillipe'])" alt="Phillipe spent so much on bottle service with me.">> <<quizChoice "Lost insight" change="$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Xander'])" alt="Xander watched lots of YouTube conspiracy channels.">> <<quizChoice "Lost talent" change="$Stats.Skills['Performance'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Barnaby'])" alt="Barnaby loved to use the neg on me">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=11 change="$Memories.push('Met Casimir')">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=20 change="$Memories.push('Met Mikel'); $GY.swissTrysts = priorChoices">> <</quiz>> <<set _missedSexOptions = dataUtils.getMissingOptions(_MOptions, _allSwissTrystOptions)>> <<missedOptions>> <<quizGroup columns>> <<choicesFrom _missedSexOptions>> <</missedOptions>> <<elseif $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<quiz noChanging>> What did I lose? <br><br> <<quizGroup columns>> <<quizChoice "Social refinements" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Skeezy Romanian'])" alt="He was a skeezy Romanian at the club, never got his name.">> <<quizChoice "Cultural nuance" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Baltic Guy'])" alt="We spoke two different languages: his was...something Baltic?">> <<quizChoice "Appreciation for the finer things" change="$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Abella'])" alt="I don't think Abella was a prostitute, but she stole my wallet.">> <<quizChoice "Subtle forms of manipulation" change="$Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['A husband'])" alt="Natalia convinced me to hook up with her husband.">> <<quizChoice "Behavioral insight" change="$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Kennedy'])" alt="Kennedy psychoanalyzed me after sex.">> <<quizChoice "Artful equivocation" change="$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Odin'])" alt="Odin got me into bed with simply his golden tongue...where it also was a plus.">> <<quizChoice "Sussing subtext" change="$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Angie'])" alt="Angie was married and wanted out.">> <<quizChoice "Much of the language" change="$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Rocco'])" alt="Rocco's broken English and my broken Italian equalled a broken bed.">> <<quizChoice "Poise and presentation" change="$Stats.Skills['Performance'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Giovanni'])" alt="Giovanni was a gorgeous model from Milan.">> <<quizChoice "Control and restraint" change="$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Cyrilo'])" alt="Cyrilo and I fucked during some of his sets as DJ at the club.">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=10 disable>> <br>/* IMAGE: Used Redbull cans, snorted lines of cocaine, empty alcohol bottles -- excess */ <<quizChoice "A bit of myself" change="$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Casimir'])" alt="Casimir was a dealer and I traded pussy for product...and a good fuck.">> <<quizGroup columns priorChoices=11>> <br>/* IMAGE: Very bleary eyes*/ I didn't care. I fucking loved just letting go. Didn't matter that I earned a reputation at the Institute. I didn't cross a line that would kick me out and I was there to escape. So, I escaped. <br> <br> <<quizChoice "Forgot more" change="$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Henrik'])" alt="Henrik loved to mansplain what I picked up in class.">> <<quizChoice "Turned people off" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Alejandro'])" alt="Alejandro, chauffeur got out his hatred for serving with me in bed">> <<quizChoice "Lost control" change="$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Sofia'])" alt="Sofia and I got too drunk one night. I lived to regret it.">> <<quizChoice "Cared about less" change="$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Kristofer'])" alt="Kristoffer had me skip classes to meet up.">> <<quizChoice "My body took a hit" change="$Stats.BodyTraits.delete('fit'); $GY.swissTrysts ++; $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base--; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Bekkah'])" alt="Bekkah was quite giving, but I think she did it to undermine me">> <<quizChoice "Stumbled more" change="$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Hugo'])" alt="Hugo hated heels, so I practically stopped wearing them.">> <<quizChoice "Saw less" change="$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Lucas'])" alt="Lucas never wanted to leave his flat, so we didn't.">> <<quizChoice "Lost inhibition" change="$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Phillipe'])" alt="Phillipe spent so much on bottle service with me.">> <<quizChoice "Lost insight" change="$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Xander'])" alt="Xander watched lots of YouTube conspiracy channels.">> <<quizChoice "Lost talent" change="$Stats.Skills['Performance'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Alina'])" alt="Sleeping with Alina made me feel less about myself">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=11 change="$Memories.push('Met Casimir')">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=20 change="$Memories.push('Met Mikel'); $GY.swissTrysts = priorChoices">> <</quiz>> <<set _missedSexOptions = dataUtils.getMissingOptions(_BiOptions, _allSwissTrystOptions)>> <<missedOptions>> <<quizGroup columns>> <<choicesFrom _missedSexOptions>> <</missedOptions>> <<elseif $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">> <<quiz noChanging>> What did I lose? <br><br> <<quizGroup columns>> <<quizChoice "Social refinements" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Skeezy Romanian (F)'])" alt="She was a skeezy Romanian at the club, never got her name.">> <<quizChoice "Cultural nuance" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Baltic babe'])" alt="We spoke two different languages: hers was...something Baltic?">> <<quizChoice "Appreciation for the finer things" change="$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Abella'])" alt="I don't think Abella was a prostitute, but she stole my wallet.">> <<quizChoice "Subtle forms of manipulation" change="$Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['A husband'])" alt="Natalia convinced me to hook up with her husband.">> <<quizChoice "Behavioral insight" change="$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Kennedy'])" alt="Kennedy psychoanalyzed me after sex.">> <<quizChoice "Artful equivocation" change="$Stats.Skills['Deception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Ingrid'])" alt="Ingrid strung me along">> <<quizChoice "Sussing subtext" change="$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Angie'])" alt="Angie was married and wanted out.">> <<quizChoice "Much of the language" change="$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Delia'])" alt="Delia wanted to practice her English.">> <<quizChoice "Poise and presentation" change="$Stats.Skills['Performance'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Bianca'])" alt="Bianca was a ballroom dancer.">> <<quizChoice "Control and restraint" change="$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Annabelle'])" alt="Annabelle was wilder than I was.">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=10 disable>> <br>/* IMAGE: Used Redbull cans, snorted lines of cocaine, empty alcohol bottles -- excess */ <<quizChoice "A bit of myself" change="$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Casimir'])" alt="Casimir had product, I had pussy.">> <<quizGroup columns priorChoices=11>> <br> I didn't care. I fucking loved just letting go. Didn't matter that I earned a reputation at the Institute. I didn't cross a line that would kick me out and I was there to escape. So, I escaped. <br>/* IMAGE: Very bleary eyes*/ <br> <<quizChoice "Forgot more" change="$Stats.Skills['Learning'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Zoe'])" alt="Zoe and I got high before sex.">> <<quizChoice "Turned people off" change="$Stats.Skills['Social'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Madame Neri'])" alt="Madame Neri treated me like this year's pet, and people knew.">> <<quizChoice "Lost control" change="$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Sofia'])" alt="Sofia and I got too drunk one night. I lived to regret it.">> <<quizChoice "Cared about less" change="$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Phoebe'])" alt="Phoebe loved the divey clubs and bars.">> <<quizChoice "My body took a hit" change="$Stats.BodyTraits.delete('fit');$GY.swissTrysts ++; $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base--; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Bekkah'])" alt="Bekkah was quite giving, but I think she did it to undermine me.">> <<quizChoice "Stumbled more" change="$Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Opehlia'])" alt="Ophelia was a daredevil and I got hurt during one of her stunts.">> <<quizChoice "Saw less" change="$Stats.Skills['Perception'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Michalina'])" alt="Michalina was controlling and possessive.">> <<quizChoice "Lost inhibition" change="$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Lillian'])" alt="Lillian loved lines.">> <<quizChoice "Lost insight" change="$Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Emery'])" alt="Emery downplayed my studies as frivolous.">> <<quizChoice "Lost talent" change="$Stats.Skills['Performance'].base--; $GY.swissTrysts ++; $bodies.push(_allSwissTrystOptions['Alina'])" alt="Sleeping with Alina made me feel less about myself.">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=11 change="$Memories.push('Met Casimir')">> <<quizGroup priorChoices=20 change="$Memories.push('Met Mikel'); $Stats.Kinks.pushUnique('Nympho'); $GY.swissTrysts = priorChoices">> <</quiz>> <<set _missedSexOptions = dataUtils.getMissingOptions(_FOptions, _allSwissTrystOptions)>> <<missedOptions>> <<quizGroup columns>> <<choicesFrom _missedSexOptions>> <</missedOptions>> <</if>> <br><br> I came here to learn, I came here to have fun. Ultimately, I felt I had achieved the [[best of both worlds|GY008 - LMO]].
<<outfit elegantdress>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Empty Ferry Boat */ That's when the imposter syndrome felt most real: pulling my bag out of the palatial Institute and making my way back to the boat. I'd cross Lake Geneva the way I came, the others had found better ways to depart. I'd head out without my attendant. I'd get back into Coach and be home no more resolved than when I left. <br><br><br> It felt like such a let down. <br><br><br> And everything now felt so...unimpressive. I was leaving a class of society that essentially didn't exist. Everything felt plebian. Tasteless, poor replicas, mockery. Madame had done her job -- there was a bit of me that was 'refined'. I had been conditioned and altered in ways I hadn't expected. A little more Sofia, a little more Bekkah, a little less <<print $>>. <br><br> Part of me was happy to have these things, part of me saw how fleeting and unimportant it all was. That society was just as manufactured and flawed as the one I was returning to. I wondered how long these changes in me would last. Would I revert quickly or would it be indelible? <br><br><br> I had been molded, but I don't think I was truly finished. A real misnomer. And whatever way I ended up, I'd end up [[me|GY010 - Home]].
<<if ($bodies.length - $GY.baseBodies) gte 10>> <<if ($bodies.length - $GY.baseBodies) lt 20>> <<set $kinknum += 1>> <<set $num += 1>> <<else>> <<set $kinknum += 2>> <<set $num += 1>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.length < $kinknum>> <<sexSkillsSetup $kinknum>> <<intro>> It had been a //crazy// year. I hadn't expected it to be as freaky as it was. <<kinks>> And through the sexcapades, I realized I liked: <<skills>> And I think I had gotten a bit better<<if $Stats.SexSkills.length eq 0>> at<</if>>: <<onDone>> <<include "GY010 - Home2">> <</sexSkillsSetup>> <<else>> <<include "GY010 - Home2">> <</if>> <<else>> <<include "GY010 - Home2">> <</if>>
<<set _nate = { name: "Nate", image: "", branch: "International Affairs", role: "Deputy Agent", company: "External Recon\n & Operations Service" }>> <<businessCard _nate>> <<outfit default>> What a year it had been. <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 2>> And it felt so good to have done what I did. It had been the right call, eschew all the rest of the bullshit and do something for me and about me. <<else>> I wasn't sure that it was the right call. It a pause. It had filled the time, but not filled the holes or given me answers. I still felt lost. <</if>> <br><br><br> But the year was coming to a close and the choices that had been before me remained, unrelenting, unresolved and unforgiving. <br><br> My head in my hands, a few weeks before the Boys and <<print $CC.FName>> got back from their first year at school, I was overwhelmed by all the pamphlets -- all the verbiage and pictures looked the same. College looked the same. How did //anyone// make a decision about something that seemed to be this important? <br><br> I shoved the slick and shiny paper with a frustrated grunt. And there it was: Nate's card. <br><br> There hadn't been a visit, not a word about Mom. Tears dropped onto the white of the thick paper: was she dead? Had I abandoned her? Was she going to be as much of a forgotten memory as this past year would soon be? As unimportant? <br><br><br> It felt like my choices were set right there in front of me: <<crossroads>> <<path [[GY011 - Bacc]]>> The normal, expected path of college. <<path [[ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]>> Do something, //anything// about the person who had brought me into this world. <</crossroads>>
/* TODO: (Fict) Format, especially near the bottom */ <<image framed "passage/GY011-Bacc-alt.png">> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> Advertisements for colleges had become more bountiful than bills and credit card applications in the past year or so. The floor could be carpeted in tear sheets, pamphlets, and stock photos. <br><br> I had no idea there were that many colleges around, let alone which one I wanted to go to. But eventually, I had to take a deep breath and just...throw the dart. <br><br> As I mulled over the decision, I nudged the papers around on my desk. My GPA -- wouldn't be such a huge component of the application. I was older, wiser, had experienced the world. My transcript that outlined who I was besides the numbers. My essay. <br><br> <<if ["helper", "church", "volunteer", "sporty", "beach", "cheer", "act", "job", "piano", "gym", "dance", "read"].includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> I was glad to have had 'expand my world view' growing up -- I heard from more than a few of my more studious friends that they had a hard time coming up with content for their essays for their applications. I could only shrug. Mine came easy. I had a different context and was able to flesh out myself beyond just the grades...whatever they might have been. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includesAny("CheerCaptain", "TwitchOpenWin", "Won Faith and Service Award", "TeenModel", "DistrictsWon", "Signed By a Label", "Opened for Sara Morales")>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> Not gonna lie, having had such an outstanding performance, so early in life, //outside// of school was a boon beyond I could have imagined. Just hearing about my accomplishments made people perk up when considering me. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> And I got a little bump from being scouted -- just dicking around by myself on the athletics fields of all places -- for my 'impressive athleticism'. I'm not sure I wanted to pursue collegiate sports, but if it was an in...I wasn't going to argue. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> I couldn't help but smile looking over my entrance essay. I had found a compelling story to set me out from the pack -- whether or not the content was entirely, //exactly// true, it read like it was. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <div id="college"> <<crossroads #college>> <<path>> It was either a decision to go for a safe option: a nearby //State// //School//. <<contents>> <<set $ = 2>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I tossed some applications to the cheaper and nearby institutions -- now don't turn your nose up, we had some highly competitive colleges in state. <br><br> <<if $HS.acceptance gt 6>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Learning += 2>> <<run $Memories.push("Elite College Student")>> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> <<face happy>> Scholarships and acceptance letters abounded. I was overwhelmed by choice and opportunity. After careful deliberation and weighing the options -- cost versus benefit, quite literally -- <<if $ == 2>>It was just me, so <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and <</if>>I finalized a selection an institution that actually competed with some of the Ivy Leagues when it came to [[prestige|PG004 - Summer Break Vignette]] <<elseif $HS.acceptance gt 3>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry runny>> <<print $CC.FName>> kept telling me the letter was //kind//. Well, ''fuck'' kind. I __deserved__ to get in. And what made it worse? No fucking backup. <br><br> Being absolutely crushed didn't come close to describing how I felt. I felt like this was punitive, a mistake. But still, all the application windows had passed. <br><br> ...or fuck it. Life was giving me the finger, I'd give life the finger right [[back|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("State School Student")>> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> <<Stats Learning ++>> There were surprisingly quite a few schools that were keen on my entry and after some debate, <<if $ == 2>>It was just me, so <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and <</if>>I selected one of the better options. Quite a large class size, but it was a tried and true [[option|PG004 - Summer Break Vignette]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry runny>> <<print $CC.FName>> kept telling me the letter was //kind//. Well, ''fuck'' kind. I __deserved__ to get in. And what made it worse? No fucking backup. <br><br> Being absolutely crushed didn't come close to describing how I felt. I felt like this was punitive, a mistake. But still, all the application windows had passed. <br><br> ...or fuck it. Life was giving me the finger, I'd give life the finger right [[back|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<run $Memories.push("Feeder School Student")>> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> I had not expected to be so deflated when all the rejections from other kid's 'safety schools' came back in. It was a close call in avoiding just some vocational, community or technical college, but the school I would be attending was a glorified feeder to the larger state [[institutions|PG004 - Summer Break Vignette]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> Or, lean into my scores and ability to write a good essay and try for one of the //top schools// in the country. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <br><br> The pressure on the whole process -- especially when you started to look at the numbers and chances -- was close to debilitating. There were so many competing opinions, and once the applications went out, there was this haze of listlessness. Like you were waiting for your life to happen to you. And then kids started wearing college sweatshirts and I began to envy those that had gone for the easier options, just to know sooner. <br><br> And it wasn't simply: would I get in or not, and where, but the knock-on effects that whatever happened here on out through my eventual graduation could have life-altering effects. It was enough to make you want to burn the whole system down. Fuck the hamster wheel. <br><br> Oh. There was something in the mail. For me. <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>>The butterflies were intense.<<else>>I don't think my stomach could have sunk any lower.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $HS.acceptance gt 8>> <<set $ = 1>> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> <<Stats Confident += 2>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Ivy League Student")>> <<Stats Learning += 3>> <<face happy>> Holy fucking shit. I don't think I'd been as excited or impressed with myself at any other point in my life. I had done it. I'd be attending not just college -- which was a dream for so many -- but one of the best ones available. It took me a week to shake the grin off my face. And the chip on my shoulder I don't think ever [[fell off|PG004 - Summer Break Vignette]]. Even with what I eventually endured. <<elseif $HS.acceptance gt 3>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry runny>> <<print $CC.FName>> kept telling me the letter was //kind//. Well, ''fuck'' kind. I __deserved__ to get in. And what made it worse? No fucking backup. <br><br> Being absolutely crushed didn't come close to describing how I felt. I felt like this was punitive, a mistake. But still, all the application windows had passed. <br><br> ...or fuck it. Life was giving me the finger, I'd give life the finger right [[back|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <<else>> <<set $ = 2>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<run $Memories.push("State School Student")>> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> <<Stats Learning ++>> The letter was kind, if not short, but I would not be attending one of the best schools in the country. I was not in the top percent and I had no idea how close or far I had been from making it in. Luckily, I had a backup and would be attending one of the better state schools. Thank god for having some sort of [[forethought|PG004 - Summer Break Vignette]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry runny>> <<print $CC.FName>> kept telling me the letter was //kind//. Well, ''fuck'' kind. I __deserved__ to get in. And what made it worse? No fucking backup. <br><br> Being absolutely crushed didn't come close to describing how I felt. I felt like this was punitive, a mistake. But still, all the application windows had passed. <br><br> ...or fuck it. Life was giving me the finger, I'd give life the finger right [[back|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <<else>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> The tiny slip in the mail could hardly be called an envelope. I knew my answer as soon as I saw it. I was absolutely crushed. I don't think I opened it for days. It became a scramble for some other option, but the windows had passed. Icarus was <<print $>> and my wings had melted. <br><br> ...fuck it all. I needed to reconsider [[everything|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<set _textPrefix = { 1 : "I had barely begun my time away from", 2 : "I guess I couldn't be trusted.", 3 : "I couldn't be trusted, clearly.", }>> <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <br><br> <<print _textPrefix[_textNum]>> <<print $>><<if _textNum == 2 || _textNum == 3>> had committed to me<</if>> and here I was ruining everything I had agreed to: staying together, committed, exclusive. <br><br> What did that mean for our future? What did that say about me? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. The...differences...between them and what I had just experienced. And there was no way they'd ever know. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gte 3>> <<set $ = "free">> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <br><br> I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly and they didn't feel that I was the one either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like. <<else>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? They could //never// find out. <</if>> <</if>>
<<outfit default>> <<set $Dossier.showWardrobe = true>> <<image framed "passage/HS000-Testing.png">> <<set $HS.testScore = $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value>> <<if $CC.schoolinterest == "boys">> <<set $CC.HSBC += $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <</if>> <<if $CC.activity == "none">> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv == $CC.activity || $CC.hsv == $CC.freetime>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> The pressure mounted from every direction: the teachers, at home, even the energy of my peers shifted. Where they used to joke and goof off, kids were literally quizzing each other and engaging in //actual// study sessions. <br><br><br> But it wasn't as simple as just 'get grades' and 'do homework'. Life was getting complex and people were running in different circles. Friends stopped being friends because of what they did and what they wore. The entire social fabric that had been so easy and simple before tore apart and was resown around us because, now, the real question was, what I liked...and what the other kids thought about it. <br><br> Now I had to decide who I was going to be. I couldn't just be //<<print $>>//. I had to __define__ myself, put myself into a box that others could recognize. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - Volunteer]] $CC.clique is "Prude">> pastor had asked that everyone consider devoting time and energy towards the community, as He did. <br><br> So, of course, I considered my obligations to my college chances alongside God. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this Clique. <<path [[HS002 - Music]] $CC.clique is "Rebel">> ...being a loner was hard. The only thing that really made me feel good was music. <br><br> So, of course, I ditched everything else in lieu of art. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this Clique. <<path [[HS002 - Popular]] $CC.clique is "Alpha" && !visited("HS002 - PromQueen")>> ...and the only box to pick was the best box. The box that everyone else wanted to be in: Popular. <br><br> So, of course, I needed to be Prom Queen. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this Clique. <<path [[HS002 - Twitch]] $CC.clique is "Nerd" && !visited("HS002 - Twitch")>> ...there was the opportunity to see our idols. In. Person. <br><br> So, of course, I needed to go to TwitchCon. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this Clique. <<path [[HS002 - Sports]] $CC.clique is "Sports">> ...the end of the year meant capstone competitions that made or broke you. <br><br> So, of course, I focused on the other thing colleges cared about: sports. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this Clique. <<path [[HS002 - Loser]] $CC.clique is "Loser">> ...I didn't have a choice. I had been pidgeonholed long ago. <br><br> Wallflower. Weirdo. Loser. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose this Clique. <<path [[HS002 - Studies]]>> ...with such a high bar to meet, grades were of the utmost importance. <br><br> So, of course, I studied. <</crossroads>> <<timed 1s>> <<dialogHint 'Story Arcs' 'popup'>> Some Vignettes are larger and form story arcs, and -- rather than cultivating the Bonzai tree of her skills and personality -- are more centered on achievement.<br><br> These test the <<print $>> that has reached this point of her story. What can she achieve? Will she succeed? What goalposts will be solidified in her memory? <</dialogHint>> <</timed>>
<<outfit loser>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Cafeteria tray of food splattered across the floor */ /* Cafeteria and choice for path */ My tray spun from my hands. I grasped in vain, watching my salisbury steak tumbling in a proof of centripetal force -- everything I had just paid for, the milk, the mashed potatoes and peas -- looking undisturbed just moments before the corner of my plastic tray hit the linoleum and it was all over. <br><br> The serenity and edibility ruined in one explosive shock. My food was spreading out over the floor. Wasted. <br><br> I looked around dumbly, not understanding the suddenness and violence. Everyone was laughing. At me. Everyone was looking at me. Everyone but //Ava//. <br><br> There was no proof and no one would out the princess. No one would defend me. No one would come to my aid. <br><br> I just tucked my chin and scooped the debris onto the tray. The laughter ebbed into chuckles and whispered comments. I tried not to hear them. <br><br> Ditching the trash, I returned to the cafeteria line and used my last extra cash to get something to eat. <br><br> By the time I ventured back among my classmates, the display had mostly been forgotten, lost among each little clique's conversation. Now I just had to find somewhere to sit. There were no empty seats. No sign of The Boys or <<print $CC.FName>>. I'd have to take a risk. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Can...I sit with you?"<</speechPC>> Just a couple of underclassmen girls. I'd never met them before, but they seemed kind, they seemed to not be affiliated with the main groups...and they were younger than me, certainly they'd-- <br><br> Their mouths gaped. One gagged. They looked to each other in dumb astonishment before spreading their thighs and taking up as much space as possible. <br><br> I found a staircase to sit by myself. <br><br><br> Later, when <<print $CC.MName>> picked me up from school, she asked the age-old and most dreaded question, <<speech $CC.MName>>"How was school?"<</speech>> Sighing, I shook my head. <<speechPC>>"Just another day."<</speechPC>> She knew to leave it be. I'd just hole up in my room like every afternoon, alone. <br><br> Not that I didn't wish it was different. I //did//. I wished... <br><br> <div id="loser"> <<crossroads #loser>> <<path>> I could be one of the popular kids. <<contents>> [[HS002 - Loser2_Pop]] <<path>> I could fit in with the athletic kids. <<contents>> [[HS002 - Loser2_Sports]] <</crossroads>> </div>
<div id="volleyball"> <<print "$CC.MName">> smiled at me, peering back from the driver's seat. We'd come straight from school and I was awkwardly trying to change in the backseat, <<speech $CC.MName>>"I heard they have locker rooms, dear."<</speech>> Her tone was kind, but it still stung. She didn't have the memories I did of the locker room. Maybe eventually. Stripping down in front of them felt too vulnerable right now. <<speechPC>>"Yeah, just...faster this way."<</speechPC>> I had my backpack crammed up against one of the windows while my eyes darted at the other ones, making sure no one was seeing me as we sat in the parking lot. <<speech $CC.MName>>"Okay."<</speech>> I could hear her disbelief. <<speechPC>>"Show up early and ready to go. Impress the coach, ya know?"<</speechPC>> I tugged on the <<link "jersey">><<upper "yellowsportsshirt">><</link>>. At least now, people would see me fumbling around but not realize I was essentially Winnie the Pooh-ing it. <<speech $CC.MName>>"I think he'll care more about your talent than coming in your uniform Day One."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Just...I'm halfway there, Mom. Can you just--"<</speechPC>> I stuffed my school clothes into my gym bag with a bit too much force, feeling them catch on the zipper. <<speech $CC.MName>>She switched tacks immediately, "Junior Varsity team. That's a big step, <<print $>>."<</speech>> Shifting my shoulder away from my backpack, I let it drop so I could dig through it for the rest of my gear. The <<link "spandex">><<lower "tightsportsshorts">><</link>> tugged tightly up my legs. <<speech $CC.MName>>"You know I'm proud of you."<</speech>> Was she reacting to my lack of response? Was she worried about me? <<speechPC>>"Did you ever play?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Volleyball? No. I was surprised you wanted to pick it up."<</speech>> I shrugged. <<speech $CC.MName>>"I didn't really do the sports thing, growing up."<</speech>> <<if $CC.Mom == 0>>I believed her. She never really had much definition. She was just a full-on, typical Mom-type Mom.<<else>>It was hard to not show my disbelief. She never hit the gym, but she had this effortless grace and athleticism about her.<</if>> <<speechPC>>"Really?"<</speechPC>> I slid my feet into my <<link "sneaks">><<feet "shoes_chunkysneakers">><</link>>. <<speech $CC.MName>>"Let's say //I'm// impressed. You look great, <<print $>>."<</speech>> She did look like she was beaming. <<speechPC>>"Well. Thanks."<</speechPC>> I leaned forward, gave her a peck on her cheek and began sliding out of the car, tugging my gym bag with me, <<speechPC>>"I'm ready to go."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"I'll be here to pick you up when you're done."<</speech>> Hitting the door shut with my butt, I couldn't help but smile. It was nice to <<if $CC.Mom == 0>>see her making this effort with me<<else>>have Mom back in town for once<</if>>, it made things feel more normal. <<speechPC>>"Kay. Thanks, Mom."<</speechPC>> I called to her through the window and waved, stepping over towards the gym and my new after-school life on a club volleyball <<link "team.">><<replace '#volleyball'>> <<set $HS.compWin = $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value>> <<if ($CC.freetime == "sporty" || $CC.schoolinterest == "active") && ($CC.hsv == "sporty" || $CC.hsv == "cheer")>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> School was...shit. <br><br> I got along with practically no one. <br><br> I'd always felt that being a part of a team might be a way to find that belonging, no matter what those girls stuck together. Maybe that's how I'd find //my// people. <br><br> My heart was in my throat and it was ''pumping'' with excitement. And yet, I wanted to run right out of the doors seeing the girls assembled there already -- these were girls who //knew// me. <br><br> But these were younger girls, the less talented girls, the girls who -- like me -- were wanting to do the sport rather than crush some skulls. <br><br> We eyed each other cautiously while we waited for the thick air to be cut by our coach: Rod. <<if $ == "Rod">>Needless to say, I was enamored from the moment we met. Most of the girls were. And that kind of made it more important that he and //me// be a thing. Careful, <<print $>>. Didn't wanna screw this up.<</if>> Clap, clap. <<speech "Rod">>"Alright, girls. Let's do some drills. Let me see what you can do."<</speech>> Clap, clap. We scrambled onto the court and began to show off or striking, setting, serving. <br><br> I was exhausted, sweaty and dying for a shower by the end of our first session. The ick was too much to take, so I got over myself and headed to locker room along with all the other <<linkexpand "girls">> <<skillChecked "Pubes">> <<skillChecked "Suggestible" "Clique Label Reaction" "Stable" "Confident">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Naked girls in a shower */ girls. <br><br> <span id="pubes"> <<if Array("bush", "trimmed", "bikini").includes($Body.pubes)>> /* Zach/Fict (TODO): replace pubes should show new pubes if style changed! */ I pulled <<link "off my clothing">><<outfit naked>><</link>> urgently. The sound of water running was teasing me. Girls were already in there and I needed to get clean. Now. <br><br> Then, as I stepped out of my shorts, one of the girls coughed. <br><br> Another cough. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell she was looking at me. I froze, trying to ignore her. She had been one of the girls I had driven a spike at and was wondering if this was come-uppance. Maybe I should have taken my earlier beliefs to heart and stayed out of the locker room a bit longer. <<speech "Teammate">>"Gross."<</speech>> It was another girl, standing naked beside me, hands on her hips. The coughing girl had become laughing girl and I was gaining an audience as they checked out my sweaty, matted pubes. <<speechPC>>"What."<</speechPC>> It came out as a squeak more than anything else. <<speech "Other Teammate">>"Fuckin nasty."<</speech>> I heard one girl gag. There wasn't a conversation. Just shaking heads, their hairless twats walked away from me and my shame. //This// is why I'd avoided the locker room, Mom. <br><br> The heat on my cheeks wasn't residue from the workout. I was embarassed and could feel my lower hair clinging to my body as it wetted in the shower. And as nice as it felt to get clean, all I could think about was comparing my trim to their lack. I felt a wholesale expectation to go bald. Lindsey, the cougher, was cleaner than I'd ever thought possible. Deepa and Rachel kept something along the lines of...a line, landing strip. But they were the only two. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> I quickly joined in and decided between the <<link "Line" "HS002 - Loser3_Sports">> <<set $Body.pubes = "strip">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <</link>> and <<link "Hollywood" "HS002 - Loser3_Sports">> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <</link>> look. <<elseif $CC.labelReaction gt 0>> I wasn't going to be the odd-ball and went <<link "Hollywood" "HS002 - Loser3_Sports">> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <</link>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 1 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 0 && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 1 && $CC.labelReaction lte 0>> I preferred being <<link "Unique" "HS002 - Loser3_Sports">> <<Stats Confident ++>> <</link>> Or... The __next__ day, we were all <<link "smiles" "HS002 - Loser3_Sports">> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <</link>> rather than stares. <</if>> <<else>> I pulled <<link "off my clothing">><<outfit naked>><</link>> urgently. The sound of water running was teasing me. Girls were already in there and I needed to get clean. Now. <br><br> I heard a cough from a girl named Lindsey. I looked over and she was making another, louder, clearly fake as she drew attention <<speech "Lindsay">>"Looks like <<print $>> is a slut."<</speech>> It was another girl, standing naked beside me, hands on her hips. The coughing girl had become laughing girl and I was gaining an audience as they checked out my pubic region. <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> It came out as a squeak more than anything else. My hands dropped to cover up what I thought was...normal. Expected...acceptable. <<speech "Other Teammate">>"Like anyone would fuck //her//."<</speech>> I heard one girl gag. There wasn't a conversation. Just shaking heads, their hairless twats walked away from me and my shame. The heat on my cheeks wasn't residue from the workout. I was embarassed and as nice as it felt to get clean, all I could think about was comparing myself to them. //This// is why I'd avoided the locker room, Mom. <br><br> I was confused. Lindsey, the cougher, was cleaner than I'd ever thought possible. Deepa and Rachel kept something along the lines of...a line, landing strip. But they were the only two. What made me the outlier? <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - Loser3_Sports][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].value ++]] $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 1 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 0 && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 1 && $CC.labelReaction lte 0>> Fuck'em. I was who I was. <<blocked>> $ isn't Stable or is too Suggestible. <<path [[HS002 - Loser3_Sports][$Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value ++; $Body.pubes = "trimmed"]]>> I started letting it grow out a bit. I wasn't a slut. <<path [[HS002 - Loser3_Sports][$Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value += 2; $Body.pubes = "bush"]]>> I grew it out fully, hiding my shameful parts. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </span> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> </div>
<<outfit loser>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Eyes peering out of the backseat car window */ <<if ($CC.schoolinterest == "people")>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <div id="mall"> <<print "$CC.MName">> smiled at me, peering back from the driver's seat. We'd come straight from school and I was peering awkwardly out the window, <<speech $CC.MName>>"I heard the interesting things are inside, dear."<</speech>> Her tone was kind, but it still stung. She didn't have the memories I did of the social interactions. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, just...thought I saw someone I knew."<</speechPC>> my eyes darted side to side, making sure no one was seeing me as we sat in the parking lot. <<speech $CC.MName>>"Well, then go and say hi!."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>" wasn't them."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Okay."<</speech>> I could hear her disbelief. <<speechPC>>"Just...I'm supposed to meet them--"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Ya know, <<print $>>, people can be scary. I get it."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>That got some side-eye, "Do you?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Oh, I've dealt with some absolutely //frightening// individuals."<</speech>> I shrugged. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Look. What's the worst that can happen?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"You want a list?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"What about the //best//? Did you make a list of that? You're ''wonderful''. You look great, <<print $>>."<</speech>> She did look like she was beaming. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well. Thanks."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"And nothing //good// is going to come out of you just sitting in the backseat."<</speech>> I sighed. I nodded. She was right. I leaned forward, gave her a peck on her cheek and began sliding out of the car. <br><br> Hitting the door shut with my butt, I couldn't help but smile. It was nice to <<if $CC.Mom == 0>>see her making this effort with me<<else>>have Mom back in town for once<</if>>, it made things feel more normal. <<speechPC>>"Kay. Thanks, Mom."<</speechPC>> I called to her through the window and waved. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Plus I have errands to run!"<</speech>> A wry smirk, a wave, and she was gone, leaving me with the monolith of the mall and whatever waited for me <<link "inside">><<replace '#mall'>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I didn't have plans to actually meet anyone. I just knew they were here. A little eavesdropping, a few timely questions and I knew when I could run into them. <br><br> I wanted to run into them, right? <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Mall Food Court */ <br><br> And there they were: Ava and the 'popular' kids. Ava was sitting on a table in the food court -- holding court. The rest were lazing around in chairs they'd pulled over, munching on fast food. They weren't //doing// anything, just exercising their freedom and feeling self-important. That's what they did. <br><br> Ava clocked me. I could ''feel'' her eyes landing on me. She was in the midst of saying something and I watched the corners of her mouth turn upward, leaning forward conspiratorially <<speech "Ava">>"Look who's alone."<</speech>> I heard it? Was it the design of the walls and tile and a lucky happenstance? Or did she do that on purpose? <br><br> The grind of chairlegs against the floor sounded like a construction site. They all turned to look at me. <br><br> A smattering of: <<speech>>"Loser."<</speech>><<speech>>"Does she hang out with //anyone//?"<</speech>><<speech>>"What is she doing here?"<</speech>><<speech>>"What is she ''wearing''?"<</speech>> <div id="ava"> <<crossroads #ava>> <<path $CC.labelReaction lte 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> Approach? <<blocked>> $ believes she deserves to be a Loser too much. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<speechPC>>"Hey guys!"<</speechPC>> As believable smile as I could muster. <br><br> To my surprise, Ava slid off her throne and walked right up to me. She threw her arm around my shoulder and began leading me away from the food court, <<speech "Ava">>"Good point, Lindsay. We've //got// to do something about these clothes."<</speech>> A styling by ''Ava''? Sign. Me. Up. <<speechPC>>"Oh. Uh. Okay."<</speechPC>> Forever 21. The rest of the crew in tow and I was the focus. It felt //incredible//. She was talking to me like I was one of the others. She was ''touching'' me. <br><br> We picked out some things that I'd seen her wear and headed off to a changing room. <<speech "Ava">>"Oh, not much hanging space. I'll hand you these when you're ready."<</speech>> She clutched the outfit against herself, nudging me back behind the curtain. <br><br> I was grinning and nodding. <<speechPC>>"Thanks! They looks so cute!"<</speechPC>> I pulled off my <<link "sweatshirt">><<upper>><</link>>. I tossed it out to her, <<speechPC>>"Not really sure it's my color, but I trust you."<</speechPC>> The Uggs and my flannel pants came off in a <<link "one-two">><<feet>><<lower>><</link>>. I kicked them under the curtain. Sticking my arm out, <<speechPC>>"Kay. Ready."<</speechPC>> Hands were dragging my clothing out of sight, <<speech "Ava">>"Oh no, no. I don't wear anything under this."<</speech>> Really? Fuck, that was...a choice. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okay."<</speechPC>> I followed her <<link "advice">><<bra>><<panties>><</link>>. <<speechPC>>"Fine, //now// I'm ready."<</speechPC>> I laughed off my discomfort. <br><br> <<timed 2s>> <<speechPC>>"Ava?"<</speechPC>> <<timed 2s>> <<speechPC>>"Ava..."<</speechPC>> <<timed 2s>> <<speechPC>>"Ava?!"<</speechPC>> It took me a number of asks from changing room attendees and nearly half an hour before I worked up the courage to ask for them to find my clothes and pass it back to me. What a cruel [[trick|HS002 - Loser3_Pop]]. <</timed>> <</timed>> <</timed>> <<path $CC.labelReaction gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lte 0>> Run. Save myself. <<blocked>> $ is hates her Clique too much. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> Oh, no no. I felt danger. A gazelle on the open Savannah. <br><br> I acted like I didn't see her. Like I saw no one. <br><br> I kept walking. <br><br> Deeper into the mall. I didn't dare look back. <br><br> Into a store, making sure I wasn't followed. And then I heard her laugh. <br><br> I ducked behind a display. <br><br> Why was she standing right outside //this// store? Did she know? <br><br> Eventually I was asked to leave -- they didn't like some girl clutching her knees in the corner of their store. I felt like I was being tossed out for sacrifice. But she wasn't there. <br><br> All the same, I moved from store to store, jumping slightly at every female voice, every crowd of kids my age. <br><br> I had no ride, so I had time to kill anyway. <br><br> This wasn't the way I had expected to spend the day at the [[mall|HS002 - Loser3_Pop]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<outfit sports>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Girls playing volleyball */ <<skillChecked "Athletics">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>> I was placed at the top of the team. That meant our rotation was built around me. And that meant: animosity. <br><br> After school were days of drilling skill, relentless jumping, running and weight training. Friday we'd have our games. It was like a natural build and then the competition to cap it all off, just to start again the next week. <br><br> Yet, despite us working together to take down someone each week, I still felt...alone. <br><br> <<else>> I was placed towards the bottom of the team. And everyone seemed very cool with that fact. <br><br> After school were days of drilling skill, relentless jumping, running and weight training. Friday we'd have our games. It was like a natural build and then the competition to cap it all off, just to start again the next week. <br><br> Yet, despite my benchwarming was making the girls feel comfortable enough with me around...I still felt alone. <br><br> <</if>> Here I thought that I'd find comraderie and companionship. Instead, I was probably despairing and crying //more// often after practice. What was I supposed to do? <br><br> Was being a loser just ingrained in who I was? Could I ever find belonging? <br><br> Did I try something to try and build more of a rapport? <div id="rapport"> <<crossroads #rapport>> <<path $CC.labelReaction gt 0>> No. This was just confirmation that I was the loser I always knew I was. <<blocked>> $ doesn't fall in with her Clique enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> Getting my ass snapped by towels. Turning around and seeing no one but hearing the laughs echoing off the tile walls. <br><br> Girls jumping in my way when I called 'mine' -- dropped onto my ass. But maybe I woulda missed. Maybe they were right. <br><br> Rod looking for rotating a girl in and me ducking so he picked someone else. <br><br> It wasn't the snickers in the halls. It wasn't the stuff written on my locker. But it was still more of the same, just now in [[spandex|HS002 - Loser4_Sports]]. <<path $CC.labelReaction lte 0>> Maybe if I was more supportive of them, I'd ingratiate myself. <<blocked>> $ is too in line with her Clique. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> I stopped putting myself so out there. I was there for bonding, not being some superstar. <br><br> I helped clean up. I brought them water bottles. Fresh towels, tidy gym bags. I'd take the last shower -- even if the water was cool. <br><br> Despite being on the team, I got the nickname 'watergirl'. That was fine. It was a form of inclusion. I now had my role and it wasn't some excluded loser. <br><br> Rod seemed disappointed, seeing my focus turn to the other girls rather than my discipline. But he didn't understand what [[mattered|HS002 - Loser4_Sports]]. <<path $CC.labelReaction lte 0>> Maybe I just needed to work harder and impress them. <<blocked>> $ is too in line with her Clique. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> I blocked them out as much as I could. Just focus on the game, show them I belonged. <br><br> My thighs and elbows got beat up as I threw myself on the floor, sacrificing my body to save a rally. <br><br> I wouldn't let the girls just take the balls that I called -- I knew that I had it, so we'd crash together while I powered through a strike or set. <br><br> It didn't make me any friends, but Rod warmed to me. Him calling out my passion also didn't 'net' me any friends. <br><br> Not the right way forward, but maybe there wasn't a way forward. Whatever, we were there to play volleyball, so I [[played|HS002 - Loser4_Sports]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit loser>> /* IMAGE (Needed): The highschool 'mall'. The place where kids congregate to hang out between classes. */ The Monday after a Break was always an interesting time at school. There had been a party and someone had gotten way too drunk, or hooked up with some guy. Or girl. //Something// had happened and it was all they could talk about. <br><br> <<speech "Erica">>"Danny. Did you //hear//? My older brother and his friends were throwing a party...and guess who showed up."<</speech>> She cocked her head my way. Wait. What party? She had an older brother? <br><br> <<speech "Danny">>"Oh shit. How'd she get invited? He always throws ''ragers''."<</speech>> <<speech "Erica">>"Because they know about her. And she lived up to expectations."<</speech>> I was sitting right //here//, Erica. She began making blowjob motions. For multiple guys at once. I felt the heat of embarassment. <br><br> <<speech "Danny">>"All of them?"<</speech>> He looked at me with lustful desire. <br><br> <<speech "Erica">>"//All//. She had to go to the hospital and get her stomach pumped."<</speech>> This was me. It wasn't true. I hadn't been there, but the more people talked about it, the more people believed it. I was being etched into the scholastic zeitgeist as a dirty, gross slut. <br><br> <div id="lies"> <<crossroads #lies>> <<path>> Well, I guess if people already thought that about me, I had nothing to lose now. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> Danny didn't have any shame. He heard that I had no reservation when it came to putting out. <br><br> It wasn't a direct approach, but he didn't wait //too// long. <br><br> He wanted a front-row seat to a demonstration of what had happened at that party, so we went out to his car in the parking lot and I gave him <<linkexpand "one">> <<face runny>><<cumSpray mouth1 facial1>> one. <br><br> And maybe Danny would be my way in to a more popular [[crowd|HS002 - Loser4_Pop]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> I needed to double-down. Be very careful. Protect my rep. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> There was nothing I could do about the rumors. I just had to wait for them to die down. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of any reaction or response. <br><br> On the flipside, I made sure to start documenting where I was and what I was doing. Just a simple post to insta or tiktok. Then if someone did their due diligence and some idiotic lie came out, there would be proof. <br><br> I wasn't some party girl. I wasn't a slut. <br><br> That I wasn't really doing anything at all or hanging out with anyone popular wouldn't help my standing, but at least I wouldn't be known as the unpopular girl who put out for anybody and everybody. <br><br> I tried to soothe myself knowing that if they were targeting me this way, they were threatened. I didn't know why, but it had to be true, [[right|HS002 - Loser4_Pop]]? <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit sports>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> Eventually the capstone game arrived. If we won this game, we'd be in the running to enter Districts. <br><br> The air vibrated. I could barely pay attention to the other games as the pre-ordained time approached. <br><br> I could feel her presence without seeing her. Ava. My nemesis. <br><br> And then I saw her. She was just chatting away in the bleachers with girls from our school. She had invited them to watch. It was a social event for her and had nothing to do with me. But maybe...I could make them all notice. If we won, if I delivered, they couldn't possibly relegate me anymore. <br><br> I knew I'd win -- I //had// to. <br><br> I felt like a gladiator getting ready to go into the arena. <br><br> I took my place on the back line, toe of my sneaker digging at the paint as if I could get better purchase. I gave a quick glance to Rod. <br><br> He nodded. <br><br> The ball took flight, crowd hubbub falling away, and for a moment the stadium was silent. <br><br> The ball flew forward just before the <<shake 3s>>CRACK<</shake>> of my palm against fabric echoed in the cavernous gym. And we were off! <br><br> Back and forth, girls grunted, slammed into the floor at the last moment to save from a Kill. The score climbed, neck and neck, <<linkexpand "until match point...">> until match point... <br><br> <<if $HS.compWin gte 3>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Celebration on the volleyball court, girls all hugging and lifting each other */ <<Stats Confident ++>> <<face happy>> <<speech "Opponent">>"Mine!"<</speech>> she called out, her body shifting to target the far side of court, while her angle of her arms belied a closer target. <br><br> Smack! The ball tumbled upwards, back over the net. <br><br> I hurtled towards the shortfall. The rest of my squad was exhausted and caught off-guard. This was the moment. I dove against the hardwood, the padding of my elbows and knees not saving my chest or hips. <br><br> My hands shot underneath the ball, giving it purchase on my forearms to pop back into the air. <br><br> Erica, beside me, had recovered and squared underneath with a firm, <<speech "Erica">>"Set!"<</speech>> Somehow, I got my feet underneath me and launched myself into the air, from belly-down to reaching eight feet into the air easily. My arm swung down, using the strength and talent of my serve. The power gave Ava no time to react. The ball smashed her squarely in the face she the proud recipient of a six-packing, before dropping onto her pompous ass. The ball tumbled forward for the Kill. <br><br> Erica grabbed me ''ferociously''. We all were screaming, crying. Rod and the assistant coach were scrambling onto the court just ahead of our fans and parents. <br><br> Our side was a veritable mosh pit of emotion. <br><br> I was distracted. I looked towards the bleachers. For <<linkexpand "Ava.">> She was chattering away with the girls she came with. She didn't care. Oh. It was a social event. They weren't there for the game. They were flirting with some of the boys. <br><br><br> Oh well...We. ''Had''. <<shake 2s>>//''Won''//<</shake>>! <br><br><br> That night, I celebrated with <<print $CC.FName>>. None of the girls on the team invited me to their win-party. <<if $ == "Rod" && visited("HS002 - Sports_Party2")>> <br><br> It was a night full of wins. Rod had no reason to be texting me...but he was. I'd meet up with him later. I couldn't get the grin off my face. <</if>> <br><br><br> We didn't quite make the cut for Districts, but that was fine. It meant the end of the season and I didn't have to deal with feeling apart while being a 'part' of a team. <br><br><br> I could focus on other things. There was a [[party|HS002 - LoserEND]], something I hadn't had time for before. And somehow, I had gotten wind of it, even if I hadn't been 'invited' technically. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face hurt1>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Black eye or a girl on knees, head hung on empty court */ <<speech "Opponent">>"Mine!"<</speech>> she called out, her body shifting to target the far side of court, while her angle of her arms belied a closer target. <br><br> Smack! The ball tumbled upwards, back over the net. <br><br> I hurtled towards the shortfall. The rest of my squad was exhausted and caught off-guard. This was the moment. You dove against the hardwood, the padding of my elbows and knees not saving my chest or hips. <br><br> Somehow, I got my feet underneath me and launched myself into the air, from belly-down to reaching eight feet into the air easily. I sailed towards the net, my arm swung down, using the strength and talent of my serve. But suddenly the ball was screaming right at me, swelling in my vision. <br><br> And then I was back on the ground, my face red and throbbing from the impact and now growing redder from embarrassment as I saw Ava grinning and giving me a flip wave. <br><br><br> She turned to her squadmates who were screaming, and crying. Their coach was scrambling onto the court just ahead of their fans and parents. It was a veritable moshpit of emotion. <br><br> Ours emptied just as fast, <<linkexpand "leaving me alone.">> leaving me alone. <br><br><br> They had won. Our season was over. And even worse: it had been my fault. I couldn't bear to look to the bleachers. <br><br><br> A bruise was burgeoning in my eye sockets and red was pouring into my frenulum, the copper tang in my mouth. Tears welled in my eyes. <<speech "Rod">>"Too bad, kid,"<</speech>>, giving me a tap at the back of my head as I sat there, deflated, on the court. <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Stable -->> I smacked his hand away and rose up, thrusting my chest into his and making him stumble back. <<speechPC>>"This is __your__ fault. See if you coach again next year."<</speechPC>> There was a moment of fear in his eyes, I think. But that was the last I saw of Rod, or the court. It was over and I was glad for it. <</if>> <br><br> That night, I commiserated with <<print $CC.FName>>. Needless to say, the girls on the team weren't interested in any more time with me. <<speech $CC.FName>>"The deepening color around your eyes...quite striking, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <<if $ == "Rod" && visited("HS002 - Sports_Party2")>> <br><br> It wasn't a complete loss, though. Maybe he felt bad. Maybe he realized how much he was going to miss me...Rod was blowing up my phone. Despite the shiner, I couldn't stop grinning. <br><br> Later, it hurt to kiss but that didn't stop me. <</if>> <br><br><br> Well, now I didn't have to deal with feeling apart while being a 'part' of a team. <br><br><br> I could focus on other things. There was a [[party|HS002 - LoserEND]], something I hadn't had time for before. And somehow, I had gotten wind of it, even if I hadn't been 'invited' technically. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<cumSpray reset>> <<outfit loser>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<print $CC.MName>> and <<print $CC.DName>> were out of town. There wasn't even a word about 'behaving' or setting down ground-rules. They trusted me. <br><br> There was an opportunity here to leverage that trust into some social currency. I could throw a party. <br><br> Even though it was //me//, who could deny the opportunity to get out from prying eyes, get drunk, dance, have some fun? It was a new, fresh venue...and wouldn't something crazy happening at ''my'' house be an even better story to tell? <br><br> <div id="party"> <<crossroads #party>> <<path>> Time to start inviting people! <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> I was greeted with encouragement straight from the start: surprised looks and immediate 'yes'es. <br><br> Moving with confidence, I approached the more popular kids. Unsurprisingly, I received looks of doubt and incredulousness. But still they shrugged and smiled. <br><br> This was going to be a kickass party! Go <<print $>>! Things might be looking up for your standing around school. <br><br> The day approached and I began to worry about how big the party would end up being. I had a detailed list of who I had invited and a majority of positive RSVPs, but what about the spreading excitement? Who would invite their friends? <br><br> Was my reasonable number going to end up being an unreasonable crowd? Would the cops get called? Would the place get trashed? Would my parents find out? <br><br> Pushing down my worries, I got snacks and drinks. I began making the playlist and making sure that my house was ready to receive my guests! <br><br> It was the night of the <<linkexpand "party!">> party... /* IMAGE (Needed): A living room, ready for a party, but no one is there. */ Not a single person showed up. <br><br> I was devastated. <br><br> Ava had thrown her own competing party on the down-low and had actually //encouraged// kids to say yes to me knowing full well that they'd be at her party. <br><br> It sounded like it was an incredibly time, too. <br><br> I was the laughing-stock. <br><br> A few solitary drinks in, I realized that it hadn't all been for naught. I had overcome some of my social anxiety and actually tried to throw a party. I had to consider that a success, at the very least. <br><br> Good for you, <<print $>>. <br><br><br> There was another [[party|HS002 - LoserEND]]. It wasn't mine, but somehow I had gotten wind of it, even if I hadn't been technically 'invited'. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> What if no one said yes? That would //kill// any popularity I ''did'' have. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $People['CC'].M.rel ++>> <<set $People['CC'].F.rel ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel ++>> I couldn't stomach trying to do the fun thing and then getting shut down. <br><br> That would be the //worst//. <br><br> But that didn't mean I couldn't throw any party. <br><br> I still had a perfect venue and I had some people I could count on. <br><br> So, I put together a playlist, grabbed some drinks and snacks, and invited over <<print $CC.FName>>, <<print $CC.friend1>>, Ethan and Drew. <br><br> They all showed up and were more than glad to have a chill little party with me. <br><br> There were still people that considered me fun. <br><br> I did have friends. <br><br> I was popular in my own way, I guess. /* IMAGE (Needed): A living room with a few people hanging out casually. */ <br><br><br> There was another [[party|HS002 - LoserEND]]. It wasn't mine, but somehow I had gotten wind of it, even if I hadn't been technically 'invited'. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* Party */ /* IMAGE (Needed): The facade of an expensive, large suburban house. */ <<outfit loser>> Wow. I was here. <br><br> My first //real// highschool party. Everyone was going...well, with me there, I guess that was actually true. <br><br> I had heard so many whispers and excited discussions about tonight, I had pieced together where it was happening and when. <br><br> But now that it stood in front of me: music could be heard down the block. Shadows of people inside showing just how many people were here... <br><br> Could I just walk in the front door? <br><br> <div id="door"> <<crossroads "#door">> <<path>> No guts, no glory. <<contents>> I was holding my breath when I opened the door. I was waiting for drinks to be thrown in my face, to be chased out with pitchforks. <br><br> Instead, not a single person seemed to notice me walking in. <br><br> Was I that invisible? <br><br> Okay, still, nothing bad had happened. <br><br> I grabbed a drink and red Solo cup in hand charged me with confidence. <br><br> I meandered, not exactly sure what I wanted to do or why I was there. Who was I going to talk to. Was I trying to dance? Get drunk? Just be seen and considered one of everyone else? <br><br> And then I heard my name, <<speech "Ava">>"<<print $>>!"<</speech>> She was waving me over. <<speech "Ava">>"We were almost done, come on, get in..."<</speech>> Ushering me towards a door as two other kids came out. Derek and Erica, clothes disheleved, hair a mess. Her makeup was mussed. He looked quite happy. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What's..."<</speechPC>> She rolled her eyes, <<speech "Ava">>"Seven minutes in heaven."<</speech>> And then I was in the closet. <br><br> With someone else. <br><br> The door was closed. <br><br> It was dark. <br><br> I heard their breathing. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hello." Soft, unsure.<</speechPC>> Then he grabbed me and moved to make out. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - Loser_7inHeaven">> <<path>> Be sensible. A side door or something wouldn't make a big entrance. <<contents>> Down a pathway alongside the house. Around the back to where kids were jumping into the pool, some fully clothed, some in swimsuits, some...not. <br><br> I hugged the wall tightly, not wanting to get shoved in. <br><br> And then I found the back door, right into the kitchen. I pulled the knob and entered. <br><br> People shuffled around, barely a look my way -- sometimes it's good to be invisible. <br><br> I'd made it in I could just party! <br><br> I grabbed a drink and red Solo cup in hand charged me with confidence. <br><br> I meandered, not exactly sure what I wanted to do or why I was there. Who was I going to talk to. Was I trying to dance? Get drunk? Just be seen and considered one of everyone else? <br><br> And then I heard my name, <<speech "Ava">>"<<print $>>!"<</speech>> She was waving me over. <<speech "Ava">>"We were almost done, come on, get in..."<</speech>> Ushering me towards a door as two other kids came out. Derek and Erica, clothes disheleved, hair a mess. Her makeup was mussed. He looked quite happy. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What's..."<</speechPC>> She rolled her eyes, <<speech "Ava">>"Seven minutes in heaven."<</speech>> And then I was in the closet. <br><br> With someone else. <br><br> The door was closed. <br><br> It was dark. <br><br> I heard their breathing. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hello." Soft, unsure.<</speechPC>> Then he grabbed me and moved to make out. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - Loser_7inHeaven">> <</crossroads>> </div>
<div id="sevenInHeaven"> <<crossroads #sevenInHeaven>> <<path>> When in Rome... <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> I latched onto him in return. Our tongues dived into each other's mouths. I was picturing Derek. Even though it couldn't have been Derek, still the thought, the image, the possibility...who else had I lucked out to be with? <br><br> God. He really wanted me. He was pawing at my ass, tugging at my leggings and getting a hand in them. They <<link "dropped">><<lower>><</link>> and his finger dug in. He wasn't good at this, but kinda felt...good? I guess. <br><br> His other hand was pulling at my sweatshirt, yanking it <<link "over my head">><<upper>><</link>> to get at my other goods. He was going quick. <br><br> My one hand was on his wrist, trying to forestall this moving any further. Trying to hold back my own arousal as well. <br><br> Still he was urgent...we //did// only have seven minutes. <br><br> The door yanked <<linkexpand "open.">> open. <br><br> Had it been seven? No way-- <br><br> Shocked, I had broken the kiss, his finger still pushing in and out of me, his hand kneading my chest. <br><br> Not Derek. Stephen. A kid that I thought had less social cred than me. Pockmarked and acne-ridden. Pudgy. Oily. Receding hairline even at his age. Coke-bottle glasses. <br><br> I froze, not sure what else to do. <br><br> And they all were laughing. At me. <<speech>>"What a SLUT!"<</speech>> Stephen was laughing happily, feeling the heat and softness of my pussy on his finger, the give and suppleness of my breast. <br><br> I twisted, yanking myself free from him and nearly tumbling out of the closet, my pants tying up my ankles. Somehow I had grabbed my sweatshirt on the way out. <br><br> I was moving through the crowd with my clothes in disarray, trying to pull them back on while heading straight out the door. <br><br> This had been a //disaster//. <br><br> And right before [[Prom|HS002 - PromDress]]. The story of this would be on everyone's lips. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> No. Way. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy -->> I tugged back, avoiding the searching mouth. <br><br> Who was this? <br><br> I fought against his pawing hands. He was pulling at the tie of my flannel pants, trying to get his Heaven while he could. <br><br> Fuck, dude! Consent! <br><br> <<speech>>"Aw come onnnn..."<</speech>> He grunted, annoyed. I felt his strength fighting his way past my defenses. He'd get what he wanted whether I agreed or not. <br><br> I pounded on the door, my only chance. <br><br> And it swung <<linkexpand "open.">> open. <br><br> Ava and crew stood there, arms crossed in disbelief, looking at me trying to extricate myself from the super-senior, Chad. <br><br> <<speech "Ava">>"What. A. Pruuuude."<</speech>> I stumbled out, shouldering my way past the wall of opps. <<speech>>"No fun."<</speech>><<speech>>"Why'd she even go in."<</speech>><<speech>>"Chad's hot."<</speech>><<speech>>"Must be a lesbian."<</speech>> Somehow I heard all their comments over the music. <br><br> I had only one thing in mind: leaving. <br><br> This had been a //disaster//. <br><br> And right before [[Prom|HS002 - PromDress]]. The story of this would be on everyone's lips. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if ($CC.freetime == "partier" && $CC.hsv == "partier") || ($CC.schoolinterest == "people" && $CC.hsv == "cheer")>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <<set $HS.popularity = 0>> <<if Array("boys","power","people").includes($CC.schoolinterest)>> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> <<elseif Array("trouble","free","books","new").includes($CC.schoolinterest)>> <<set $HS.popularity -->> <</if>> <<if Array("people","cheer","helper","church","partier","volunteer","sporty","club","barn").includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> <<elseif Array("gang","home","vandal","outdoors","act","job","piano","gym","read").includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $HS.popularity -->> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Cheerleader")>> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("CheerCaptain")>> <<set $HS.popularity += 2>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth == "5">> <<set $HS.popularity += 2>> <<elseif $CC.wealth == "4">> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> <<elseif $CC.wealth == "2">> <<set $HS.popularity -->> <<elseif $CC.wealth == "1">> <<set $HS.popularity -= 2>> <</if>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A girl sitting alone on a bench looking over at a girl surrounded by people at the bench next to her */ There was a quality to High School that was different from previous stages of life. Initially, it had just been a place to learn some stuff and make some friends. It didn't matter who they were as long as they were your friends. <br><br> Middle School had initiated us to our changing bodies. Who was interested in who dominated what we talked about with our friends. Who we hung out with mattered, but moreso was who was interested in hanging out with //me//. <br><br> High School took everything and put it on steroids. Learning, in a way, took a backseat to the social structure. <br><br> People were either in -- and had massive social (and even tangible) benefits; or they were out -- struggling on the fringes, unimportant and unwanted. You wanted to be //in//. It was ''necessary'' to a happy, healthy and fun school life. <br><br><br> I needed to be in. <br><br> <<speech>>"Oh. Hi, <<print $>>." <</speech>> It was //Ava//. She was interrupting me and <<print $CC.FName>> and the only indication that she was even //aware// of that fact was her mentioning me. <br><br> I bristled at her vocal fry. Partly because I wanted it, partly because it was so innately //hers//. And everyone knew who she was. She had been ruling the roost since Middle School, back before any of it seemed to matter. Back before it had been on my radar. <br><br> <<speech>>"Hey, Ava."<</speech>> I smiled. It was a smile that came easily to me, it was the smile from before we had been elevated into High School. The smile that was the same for everyone, the one that came from my heart when we weren't ranking each other. <br><br> She turned back to <<print $CC.FName>>, <<speech>> "So, I'm having a party this weekend. 'Rents are not gonna be around." <</speech>> Her eyes flashed in excitement. She was pointedly //not// inviting me. Not including me. <br><br> A throat-clearing was building in my chest, ready to make my discomfort known...but <<print $CC.FName>> was enrapt with Ava. <br><br> <<speech "FFriend.png">>"Oh, really?" <</speech>> She was ''beaming''. She cared more about the hinted invitation than she cared about me and my feelings. <br><br> <<speech>>"Mhm. See you there?"<</speech>> And Ava left without hearing a response. She didn't need to. She knew the answer. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>>'s cheeks were flushed, she was opening and closing her mouth in disbelief, trying to wet her dry mouth, unable to speak. <br><br> <<speech>>"So. You're going? To //Ava//'s party?" <</speech>>I looked at her through my brow pointedly. <br><br> <<speech "FFriend.png">>"Uh, yeah!" The answer was instant. And then she understood why. I could see her realizing, "I could...maybe see can...come...too?" <</speech>> It was not an inspiring offer. <br><br> Asking for an invite? That would be admitting her superiority. And showing up? Validating her popularity. <br><br> Nuh-uh. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>>'s betrayal was enough to confirm to me that I needed to be one of the 'It' girls. I would always be invited. Invited first. //Throwing// the parties. <br><br> And I'd be a kinder, gentler, __better__ version of Ava. And <<linkexpand "then">> <<face happy>> then... <br><br> <<timed 2s>> And then not invite her... <br><br> <<if $HS.popularity gt 0>> I was ahead of the game, thankful for the choices I had made and the things I had been born into that were clearly advantages right now. <br><br> People already liked me, this should be a piece of [[cake|HS002 - Popular2]]. <<else>> I was starting at a deficit. There were people, like Ava, who already were valued more than I was as a person. <br><br> Thinking back on all the choices I had made before I knew they would affect me -- and the things that I didn't have control on and simply been born into, disadvantaged me right now. I sighed. I knew I had a lot to make up for now, a long way to [[go|HS002 - Popular2]]. <</if>> <</timed>> <</linkexpand>>...
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Popular2.png">> <div id="parents"> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Did a Tasmanian Devil get loose in here?"<</speech>> She shook her head in disbelief, hands on her hips as she stood in the devastated living room. They had gotten back early. Too early. I had been planning on cleaning up, but instead had slept through my alarm to fight off the raging hangover that was still pounding through my forehead. <<speech "$CC.DName">>"What the fuck, <<print $>>!"<</speech>> wasn't taking it the same way. She might have been furious as well, but at least she was hiding it. It was obvious what had happened. If the smell wasn't enough (or the stains), the discarded beers were enough to cement that I had thrown a party the night before. It had been a rager. People had //loved// it. <br><br> Lying my way out of this wasn't realistic. <br><br> <<crossroads #parents>> <<path>> I tucked tail. I had been caught, now I needed to make it up to them. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity -->> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<speechPC>>"It just...happened."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Right."<</speech>> I wasn't going to be able to convince them of anything. <br><br> I launched into the cleaning with a vigor. I made dinner for them that night. I got my homework done despite the nausea I was feeling. <br><br> I never threw another party. I don't think it would have mattered because even with my mea culpas, it took forever to get back into their good graces. There was a loss of trust and by the time it was back, everyone had forgotten about that night. <br><br> It was all well-enough. At least I wasn't grounded. <br><br> And that wasn't my only run-in at home that threatened to impact my life at [[school|HS002 - Popular3]]. <<path>> I wouldn't make //this// mistake again. But I'd just be smarter next time. <<contents>> <<face shock>> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, I'm sorry."<</speechPC>> I put on my best face I could, grabbing a waste bin despite the nausea I was feeling and began to stuff trash into it. <<speech "$CC.DName">>"You will be."<</speech>> said what didn't need saying. <br><br> I spent the whole day working over the house to bring it back into its earlier, pre-party state. But the whole time I was thinking about how great the night had been. My phone was blowing up with people who had missed it, hadn't been invited, and some people who had been awakened to the greatness that was a <<print $>> party. <br><br> I don't think he took well to my grinning garbage girl. <br><br> <<speech "$CC.DName">>"Oh this is just the beginning."<</speech>> And I was grounded. For a month. It really quashed my socializing and I had to lie through my teeth, but I think people knew that I was being kept under lock and key. <br><br> It took a while before they trusted me enough and I could manage another party. By that point, I was just another house. The sheen of the amazing night was gone and I wasn't able to regain it. <br><br> And that wasn't my only run-in at home that threatened to impact my life at [[school|HS002 - Popular3]]. <<path>> Parents be damned. I threw one party. I'd throw another one. My life was in the balance. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<face angry>> <<speechPC>>"Oh, come on. It's not that bad."<</speechPC>> I rolled my eyes even as the rotation strained my sockets. <<speech "$CC.DName">>"Oh? That's it. You're grounded, miss thing."<</speech>> was having //none// of it. <br><br> I was sent to my room as they started to clean up my mess. I didn't mind because I had to respond to the swell of texts that I was receiving from people who had missed out on the night, who hadn't been invited, from those who had been awakened to what a night at one of my parties was like. <br><br> I promised another one was in short order. <br><br> It wasn't, they were never going to trust me again. But I was able to monitor their schedules enough to know when I could squeeze in another party. <br><br> I was grounded as fuck. For months. But that didn't put any limits on my socializing. I snuck out all the time, even if that meant I had more grounding tacked on. There was only one thing that mattered and they couldn't take that away from me. <br><br> And that wasn't my only run-in at home that threatened to impact my life at [[school|HS002 - Popular3]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Popular3.png">> <<speech "$CC.FName">>"What do you mean you aren't going?"<</speech>> I bristled at the question. Of course I //wanted// to go. I knew that everyone else was going, but they hadn't signed my permission slip. Maybe as a final punishment for the party. <<speechPC>>"Shhh. Don't. Like...say anything."<</speechPC>> I pulled <<print $CC.FName>> close into a conspiratorial whisper, <<speechPC>>"This is a brainstorming sesh, girl because I ''am'' going, but we gotta be smart chicks and figure out __how__."<</speechPC>> It irked me to know end that my <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>>parents<</if>> had so much control over my social calendar. <<speech "$CC.FName">>"Oh, cool. Yeah, sure."<</speech>> She looked down at the slip, barely legible thanks to me crumpling it in abject rage. <<speech "$CC.FName">>"But...why? It's just an overnight at the fucking science museum."<</speech>> <br><br> I looked at her through my eyebrows, <<speechPC>>"You think anyone cares about what's in the building?"<</speechPC>> She giggled. <<speech "$CC.FName">>"Just giving you shit. Kay. How're we gonna do this shit."<</speech>> <br><br> <div id="school"> <<crossroads #school>> <<path>> Hope they forget the date and just say I was staying at <<print $CC.FName>>'s house. <<contents>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> I peeked at the carbon-copy page of a checkbook for a reference point and then practiced for a solid hour before putting in <<print $CC.MName>>'s signature on the dotted line. I felt like I was some forger. Well. I was, I guess. <br><br> It had to be perfect because if someone was a handwriting specialist in the admin office, I could probably get expelled. Otherwise, I figured I could probably relax. There's no way they could figure out what I was doing on just some random Friday night unless I -- or a friend -- let it slip. <br><br> My heart was pounding as I packed a bag that night, but hearing, <<speech "$CC.FName">>"Have a great time at <<print $CC.FName>>'s!"<</speech>> was enough to put me at ease. I'd gotten away with it. <br><br> Bad girl, <<print $>>. But also...clever girl. <br><br> <<crossroads #school>> <<path>> I played politics. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity += 2>> We had hours in front of us. We'd doubtlessly outlast these teachers and be able to sneak around the building once they were out. Or once they were just tired of trying to tie us down. <br><br> Everyone had broken off into their little sub-groups, as expected: who was going to put their sleeping bag next to whom. Little campgrounds in the far corners of classrooms and hallways as everyone tried to stake out their territory. <br><br> It was like you could use the bags as a way to count people's pull. <br><br> Ava had too much. That I knew without even looking. If she had //one// person near her, that was too much. <br><br> So I had to cull her little flock. <br><br> I also knew her well enough that she'd have to create some sort of situation that would be talked about at school for weeks afterwards. To give herself more mystique and power. I simply had to wait until she got too bored and too in her own way. <br><br> Once she acted, then it was my turn. <br><br> I nudged our English teacher, Ms. DeWeese, and she desultorily pretended she was asleep. But I was able to rouse her when I mentioned that some kids were playing 'settler' in one of the dioramas. <br><br><br> Everyone was surprised that Ava hadn't been at least suspended over the act. But there luckily hadn't been any damage to the replicas so there were no pressed charges. <br><br> Ava got her 'event,' but it had the less desired effect of making her a dangerous person to play with. <br><br> That gave space for people to leave her and go where they will...a lot came my [[way|HS002 - Popular4]]. <<path>> I played important. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> We had hours in front of us. We'd doubtlessly outlast these teachers and be able to sneak around the building once they were out. Or once they were just tired of trying to tie us down. <br><br> Everyone had broken off into their little sub-groups, as expected: who was going to put their sleeping bag next to whom. Little campgrounds in the far corners of classrooms and hallways as everyone tried to stake out their territory. <br><br> I brought goodies and entertainment. <br><br> Because this shit truly was boring. We were just laying on the hard ground in sleeping bags trying to sleep when all the nervous, young excitement of our friends around us was doing anything but letting us get some shuteye. <br><br> I let some people get some pulls from a flask. <br><br> I had a few TV shows downloaded and ready to watch. <br><br> By the end of the night, I had made a few friends who were glad to have something interesting and fun to do rather than just make up stupid games like 'try and break the snakes out of their cages'. <br><br> Ava had managed to set up her cap within an actual diorama, though which was pretty cool and had people talking for weeks about afterwards. Bigger cool award, but I had still been able to expand my [[influence|HS002 - Popular4]]. <<path Array("free", "cheater").includes($>> My hormones played. <<blocked>> $'s relationship doesn't allow for this. <<contents>> <<set $CC.HSBC += 2>> We had hours in front of us. We'd doubtlessly outlast these teachers and be able to sneak around the building once they were out. Or once they were just tired of trying to tie us down. <br><br> Everyone had broken off into their little sub-groups, as expected: who was going to put their sleeping bag next to whom. Little campgrounds in the far corners of classrooms and hallways as everyone tried to stake out their territory. <br><br> I was panting, hands against the cold concrete wall where we had set up our little camp. One of the kids who had repeated our grade was repeatedly digging his fingers in and out between my legs as I tried to brace myself. His sleeping bag was up against mine and we were trying to keep quiet. <<speechPC>>"Lemme just give you head."<</speechPC>> I said. This wasn't going to get me off, no matter how horny I was. <br><br> <<speech "Horny Harry">>"Sure."<</speech>> His fingers were out of me before he even agreed. It was like it was his plan all along: get me super hot and bothered and then get some dome. <br><br> We shifted our bags awkwardly til my face was aligned with his lower half. He unzipped and flipped the bag open presenting me with his prepared <<linkexpand "cock.">> <<cumSpray mouth1 facial3>> cock. <br><br> We thought we were being clever and sneaky, but I think it was just our lustiness keeping us from being smart. People definitely knew what was going on and rumors started to spread. It wasn't that great for my rep, but it wasn't the worst thing that happened that night. <br><br> The guys who noticed, though, weren't content to just let it be a little hookup between me and Dumbo. I had to please a couple of them to 'keep quiet' even though it didn't end up mattering after all. It mattered to them and their balls [[though|HS002 - Popular4]]. <<include "HS000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <<path>> Double-down on the chores and earn some goodwill with the 'rents so they actually signed the damn thing. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> I tucked tail. I put in extra time for homework and test prep. I did chores around the house that had never even been asked of me. <br><br> And it worked. <br><br> Just before the deadline, they allowed me to go. <br><br> I leapt for joy, stuffed my bag full of what I'd need for the overnight and showed up to a bunch of surprised classmates. Ava was especially displeased to see me rolling up after dinner that night. Now for that overnight... <br><br> We outnumbered the chaperones (just a couple of overtired and young teachers) about 65 to 1. We could do anything we wanted to. <br><br> <<crossroads #school>> <<path>> I played politics. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity += 2>> We had hours in front of us. We'd doubtlessly outlast these teachers and be able to sneak around the building once they were out. Or once they were just tired of trying to tie us down. <br><br> Everyone had broken off into their little sub-groups, as expected: who was going to put their sleeping bag next to whom. Little campgrounds in the far corners of classrooms and hallways as everyone tried to stake out their territory. <br><br> It was like you could use the bags as a way to count people's pull. <br><br> Ava had too much. That I knew without even looking. If she had //one// person near her, that was too much. <br><br> So I had to cull her little flock. <br><br> I also knew her well enough that she'd have to create some sort of situation that would be talked about at school for weeks afterwards. To give herself more mystique and power. I simply had to wait until she got too bored and too in her own way. <br><br> Once she acted, then it was my turn. <br><br> I nudged our English teacher, Ms. DeWeese, and she desultorily pretended she was asleep. But I was able to rouse her when I mentioned that some kids were playing 'settler' in one of the dioramas. <br><br><br> Everyone was surprised that Ava hadn't been at least suspended over the act. But there luckily hadn't been any damage to the replicas so there were no pressed charges. <br><br> Ava got her 'event,' but it had the less desired effect of making her a dangerous person to play with. <br><br> That gave space for people to leave her and go where they will...a lot came my [[way|HS002 - Popular4]]. <<path>> I played important. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> We had hours in front of us. We'd doubtlessly outlast these teachers and be able to sneak around the building once they were out. Or once they were just tired of trying to tie us down. <br><br> Everyone had broken off into their little sub-groups, as expected: who was going to put their sleeping bag next to whom. Little campgrounds in the far corners of classrooms and hallways as everyone tried to stake out their territory. <br><br> I brought goodies and entertainment. <br><br> Because this shit truly was boring. We were just laying on the hard ground in sleeping bags trying to sleep when all the nervous, young excitement of our friends around us was doing anything but letting us get some shuteye. <br><br> I let some people get some pulls from a flask. <br><br> I had a few TV shows downloaded and ready to watch. <br><br> By the end of the night, I had made a few friends who were glad to have something interesting and fun to do rather than just make up stupid games like 'try and break the snakes out of their cages'. <br><br> Ava had managed to set up her cap within an actual diorama, though which was pretty cool and had people talking for weeks about afterwards. Bigger cool award, but I had still been able to expand my [[influence|HS002 - Popular4]]. <<path Array("free", "cheater").includes($>> My hormones played. <<blocked>> $'s relationship doesn't allow for this. <<contents>> <<set $CC.HSBC += 2>> We had hours in front of us. We'd doubtlessly outlast these teachers and be able to sneak around the building once they were out. Or once they were just tired of trying to tie us down. <br><br> Everyone had broken off into their little sub-groups, as expected: who was going to put their sleeping bag next to whom. Little campgrounds in the far corners of classrooms and hallways as everyone tried to stake out their territory. <br><br> I was panting, hands against the cold concrete wall where we had set up our little camp. One of the kids who had repeated our grade was repeatedly digging his fingers in and out between my legs as I tried to brace myself. His sleeping bag was up against mine and we were trying to keep quiet. <<speechPC>>"Lemme just give you head."<</speechPC>> I said. This wasn't going to get me off, no matter how horny I was. <br><br> <<speech "Horny Harry">>"Sure."<</speech>> His fingers were out of me before he even agreed. It was like it was his plan all along: get me super hot and bothered and then get some dome. <br><br> We shifted our bags awkwardly til my face was aligned with his lower half. He unzipped and flipped the bag open presenting me with his prepared <<linkexpand "cock.">> <<cumSpray mouth1 facial3>> cock. <br><br> We thought we were being clever and sneaky, but I think it was just our lustiness keeping us from being smart. People definitely knew what was going on and rumors started to spread. It wasn't that great for my rep, but it wasn't the worst thing that happened that night. <br><br> The guys who noticed, though, weren't content to just let it be a little hookup between me and Dumbo. I had to please a couple of them to 'keep quiet' even though it didn't end up mattering after all. It mattered to them and their balls [[though|HS002 - Popular4]]. <<include "HS000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <<path>> I couldn't kow-tow to them and I wasn't going to get caught lying. I'd just endure not going. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set $HS.popularity -->> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <<print $CC.FName>> wasn't much help. Everything we came up with either meant submitting to them or risking more grounding from them -- or being suspended or expelled at school. <br><br> I told her I'd think about it, but I knew what my decision was. <br><br> I sowed the seeds as much as I could to make people think the whole event was lame, hoping that my influence would be enough to minimize any blowback. <br><br> Because I didn't go. <br><br> My <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>>parents<</if>> were pleased as punch and we seemed to be on the road to mending things between us, but I just had to put on a strong face while I listened to how my friends and classmates behaved when there were just a couple chaperones. Who got away with fooling around or staying up. So much juicy gossip. <br><br> And there was always that little glint in their eye when they were telling me: I hadn't been a part of it. I had put my bet on 'lame overnight' and [[lost|HS002 - Popular4]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Popular4.png">> Popularity wasn't simply about yourself. It was about your friends and who you were dating. No matter who you were, there were people jostling to tell you that who you were with wasn't the right people. <br><br> Sometimes the people telling you those things was yourself. <br><br> <div id="rels"> My fingers, interlaced with <<print $>>'s, itched. I wanted to pull them away. I felt suffocated simply by the touch. <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>He<<else>>She<</if>> was staring into a textbook, barely aware of my presence, but I had been noticing the way that people looked at us together. If those looks were about me, I couldn't do a damned thing about it. <br><br> But...I could affect who I was with. Maybe I should try...someone new. Maybe I wasn't available enough. And being taken didn't seem to give me a cool 'unattainable' quality. Quite the opposite. <br><br> <<crossroads #rels>> <<path Array("cheated","committed").includes($>> Stay Strong. It didn't matter what people thought. <<blocked>> $'s relationship doesn't allow for this. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity -->> <<set $CC.HSBC -= 3>> <<set $ = "committed">> I squeezed <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>his<<else>>her<</if>> hand and pulled myself closer, nuzzling my chin against <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>his<<else>>her<</if>> shoulder. I shut my eyes tight and tried to forget all the thoughts that had been running through my head. <br><br> How could I dump <<print $>>? Ha! Right. Especially if I didn't know that there was actually anything to gain on the other end. <br><br> People definitely gave me a lot of crap for my 'marriage,' calling me lame, boring, and lots of other things. It especially was hard when date-night came up against other plans that clearly were excuses for partying and hooking up. <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>He<<else>>She<</if>> had no idea what I risked, what I sacrificed to keep them in my life... <br><br> But I had <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>>. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - Popular4_secondCrossroad">> <<path>> We could always get back together later. Right? <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity += 2>> <<set $CC.HSBC += 3>> <<set $ = "free">> <<speechPC>>"Hey, <<print $>>..."<</speechPC>> I coughed, disentangling my fingers from theirs. <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>He<<else>>She<</if>> grunted but didn't look up. That resolved me. <br><br> We fought it out right there in front of everyone. There were tears and it wasn't pretty. It //was// pretty goddamned final. <br><br> I can't believe the things I said. And what <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>he<<else>>she<</if>> said to me? Unforgivable. <br><br> But it was done. What I had decided to do...I was free. <br><br> I was out from under the limitations of a simple, straight-forward relationship. Now I could play the field, dating someone for as long as it advantaged me and dump them when the time was prime. <br><br> The first hookup that wasn't <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>//him//<<else>>//her//<</if>> was awkward -- I kept trying to do the same things, expecting the same feelings and sensations...but it got easier after then. <br><br> What wasn't easier was seeing <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>> with other people. It hurt like hell. <br><br> And it kinda made me feel stupid for thinking I ''wanted'' to get back together someday. They seemed to have moved on. So could I. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - Popular4_secondCrossroad">> <<path $ == "committed">> I could just downplay our 'relationship' in front of other people...and date around. <<blocked>> $'s relationship doesn't allow for this. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity ++>> <<set $ = "cheater">> <<set $CC.HSBC += 3>> I untangled our fingers and <<print $>> didn't seem to notice. I slid out of the table and still, nothing. I'd leave <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>> to their studies. <br><br> From that moment on, I kept my distance at school, which was awkward. <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>He<<else>>She<</if>> definitely figured something was up, but I just had to...convince <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>> otherwise when we were alone. <br><br> I ditched <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>> for parties. I ditched <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>> for dates. At first it was painful and awkward. I freaked that <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>he<<else>>she<</if>> would find out that I had spent a hot and heavy moment in a steamy backseat with someone else. <br><br> But I got away with it and it got easier. <br><br> Maybe <<if $HS.sigOther.gender == "M">>he<<else>>she<</if>> knew, but it never seem to come back to roost for me. All I got out of it was more play, more fun, and a lot more friends. People knew I was on the market and it really elevated my status. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - Popular4_secondCrossroad">> <</crossroads>> </div>
My friends were also a pain point. I had had them since what felt like the beginning of time. Sure, they were annoying at times, but they were my rock. <br><br> Rocks that didn't expressly make hanging out with me all that easy. <br><br> We had our way together and people knew that they were never going to get along with us the same way, never have our deep connection and inside jokes. <br><br> And that kept them away. <br><br> I saw other people changing their friends, dropping those they had grown up with in favor of the popular, hot, interesting ones. Was I going to do the same thing? <br><br> <<crossroads #rels>> <<path>> Yep. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity += 2>> <<set $People['CC'].M.rel -= 2>> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel -= 1>> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel -= 3>> <<set $People['CC'].F.rel -= 3>> I think it hurt <<print $CC.FName>> and Ethan the worst. They gave me the cold shoulder for a very long time. It might have been a giant crack in our friendship that would never heal. <br><br> There were other friends though, I tried to convince myself. Just because they were the ones that came with me from the bottom...sorry guys, now we're here. <br><br> As soon as people noticed I wasn't around Ethan and...what was her name...they came to fill the void. And they were //FUN//. They were different and new and really, really liked me. <br><br> I knew instantly that these could be forever friends //too//. I didn't have to limit myself to just a couple, just because they'd been there before. <br><br> I'm sure they'd come around in the long term, anyway. They'd be fine. We'd be fine. <br><br> They'd love having super-popular <<print $>> on their team at the end of it all. It was all for a good cause [[anyway|HS002 - PopularEND]]. <<path>> No way. <<contents>> <<set $HS.popularity -->> It grated me because I could see the people who turned away from me because they saw me with Ethan, or <<print $CC.FName>>. Even <<print $CC.friend1>>. But just the thought of trying to ditch them was crushing to my soul. <br><br> We had history and even being super-popular wasn't worth the potential long-term damage of my crew. They were in my corner and always would be. Thick and thin. <br><br> The kids who might fill the void? Who thought I was the shit for the next couple of years? They'd forget about me soon enough. Right after graduation, I bet. <br><br> So, I wasn't about to do that. I could still be Big <<print $>> on Campus without throwing my friends in the [[woodchipper|HS002 - PopularEND]]. <</crossroads>>
My little gambit was over. I had done what I could in as short a time frame as I could manage. Now people had started to calcify in who they ran with. Not just because it was comfortable for them, but also because other people had made that decision for them. People had been put in their place or chosen their place and everyone had found a status quo that was more or less acceptable. <br><br> <<if $HS.popularity gte 6>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<face happy>> I //ruled// the school. Everyone knew my name. Didn't matter if they were an Upper Classman, I was respected wherever I went. Anything I wore, people bought for next week. Anything I did, people wanted to be a part of. <br><br> I could knight a person with a mere smile. I could ruin a person with an off-hand comment. <br><br> The power was incredible, but more important was the status. I was not just admired, adored and emulated, I was //untouchable//. I was the girl that everyone would remember after we graduated. I was the girl that everyone would want to know what I was up to when we returned for our reunions. <br><br> All that was left to cement my legacy was to be elected [[Prom Queen|PM001 - PromQueen]]. Eh, it was in the baaaag. <<elseif $HS.popularity gt 4>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> I was included pretty much wherever I went. A social butterfly. Everyone liked me and nothing was really outside of my purview. Still, I wasn't in the dominant class. There were people who could push me aside and so I still needed to maintain a good balancing act to not teeter and fall into obscurity. <br><br> What might change all of that, what might elevate me to the stratosphere? If I surprised them all by being elected [[Prom Queen|PM001 - PromQueen]]. <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Social -->> <<face hurt1>> I hadn't really made it. I didn't matter, in the scheme of things. And what made it worse was that people knew I cared about it. That I had tried and been denied. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face angry runny>> I wanted to quit school, to be honest. Entering campus felt like walking over hot coals. Having someone walk up to the table I was at and ignoring me felt like daggers being driven into my gut. <br><br> I spent innumerable lunch periods crying in the bathroom. And I knew people knew. And were talking about me. <br><br> They were doing it out of spite and it drove me crazy. <br><br> <</if>> Well. I'd show them all when I was elected [[Prom Queen|PM001 - PromQueen]]. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Volunteer.png">> <<outfit prude>> <<set $HS.vol = $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> <<if $CC.freetime == "volunteer" && $CC.hsv == "volunteer">><<Stats Stable += 2>><</if>> <<if ["vandal", "gang", "partier", "club"].includes($CC.freetime)>><<set $HS.vol -->><</if>> <<if ["vandal", "gang", "partier", "club"].includes($CC.hsv)>><<set $HS.vol -->><</if>> <<if ["helper", "church", "volunteer"].includes($CC.freetime)>><<set $HS.vol ++>><</if>> <<if ["helper", "church", "volunteer"].includes($CC.hsv)>><<set $HS.vol ++>><</if>> <<set _givingchoice = new Map([["nothing, we didn't believe in it", -1], ["even though we didn't have anything to give", 1]])>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 2>><<run _givingchoice.set("what we could afford", 0)>><</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>><<run _givingchoice.set("generously", 2)>><</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 4>><<run _givingchoice.set("probably as a way to show off, but we gave", 3)>><</if>> Reverend Hull was an incredibly inspiring figure. The way he spoke came with a conviction that was at once inspired from Above, while also being grounded and human. His eyes were kind. His handshake firm, but soft. <<if $ == "Hull">>The duality of his nature had me weak in the knees. I knew I wanted him from the moment I met him. I just didn't know if he'd be receptive. If that was...okay. With the Lord and all. It took care and a slow, cautious approach before our Truth was realized.<</if>> <br><br> I remember sitting in the pews and just being enrapt during his homilies. Other children were scribbling on the donation envelopes or shuffled off to day care...not me. <br><br> As a family, when that collection plate cycled around, we gave <<cycle "_giving" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _givingchoice>><</cycle>>. <br><br> As time passed, there were chances to be closer to Him, to him, and to the church and I leapt at the opportunity. <br><br> <div id="church"> <<crossroads #church>> <<path>> We had a prestigious, friendly and talented ''choir'' <<contents>> <<set $HS.vol = $HS.vol + _giving>> We had a prestigious, friendly and talented ''choir'' <br><br><br> No audition was necessary, just warm smiles and handshakes of welcome, though I could tell there was posturing and curiosity from the moment I approached. <br> <<speech "Proctor">>"And what section should you be in?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> The soloists? No, I couldn't say that. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>> <<speechPC>>"Alto."<</speechPC>> A surprised smirk, but speaking reassured him how true it was. <<speech "Proctor">>"Alto it is! We're certainly in need. Let's get you some [[music|HS002 - Choir]]."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speechPC>>"Girl part?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He chuckled, <<speech "Proctor">>"I'm sure soprano will be fine. Let's get you some [[music|HS002 - Choir]]."<</speech>> <</if>> <<path>> Work in the ''soup kitchen'' <<contents>> <<set $HS.vol = $HS.vol + _giving>> The most Christ-like thing around was getting my hands dirty and actually //helping//. I showed up weekly to the soup kitchen, providing meals and aid to the families and displaced in our area. <br><br> It wasn't easy work, but that made it felt more ''right''. Occasionally, clergy and staff from the church attended and ladled, or met with the less fortunate, but mostly it was me with a bunch of elderly or middle-aged [[ladies|HS002 - Soup]]. <<path>> The church had changed over time, and it leant the opportunity to work closely with the clergy as an ''altar girl'' <<contents>> <<set $HS.vol = $HS.vol + _giving>> Show up //early// before mass. Stay late and clean up. Lead in the processional and out the recessional. But there was also a ton of surprisingly administrative tasks and duties to support the Reverend and the clergy. <br><br> I didn't mind, it was closer to understanding them and their Work than carrying some object full of metaphor and portent. And it [[humanized them|HS002 - AltarGirl]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit choir>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Choir singing */ <<set _solo = 0>> We rehearsed every Tuesday and Thursday night and performed at each service on Sunday. It was a big time suck, but it was like a little family within a bigger family. I was, by far, the youngest person in the group. A few young professionals -- who were always talking about their community theatre productions -- were the closest thing I had to contemporaries and they still had ten or so years on me. Well, and Ava. She technically was older than me as well, but the friction between us from school bled into this space as well and I tried to ignore her presence. <br><br> Gladys, an...octogenarian? led the group rehearsals and conducted for us until it came time for the Sunday singing. <br><br> <<speech "Gladys">>"Alright,"<</speech>> her crinkly voice was infectious -- I couldn't help but smile each time she opened her mouth, <<speech "Gladys">>"So, for Easter services we've got some of our most important pieces of the year. Obviously. And those pieces require a soloist. They're not easy, but if you'd like a shot, I'll hold auditions after today's rehearsal."<</speech>> <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 1>>My heart jumped -- I //had// to get that part.<<else>>Oh, that's fun! I began to consider if it was worth it, if I was good enough, if I wanted the part.<</if>> <br><br> You could feel the ripple of anticipation through the group. The rehearsal wasn't as useful as they usually were, <<speech "Gladys">>"Okay, okay, I can tell you all are chomping. Let's close out early, __take__ a ''break'', and then get to the auditions."<</speech>> <br><br> Some left, eager to have a shorter rehearsal and win some time back in their day. <br><br> <div id="soloist"> I looked at the remaining contenders and steeled myself for <<link "competition">><<replace "#soloist">> A deep breath. I stepped forward and squared up, <<speech "Gladys">>"Easy now, dear. This isn't a fight. Relax the knees -- you can sight read?"<</speech>> I gave a shrug, based on what I saw, I thought I could do it. <<speech "Gladys">>"Henry, lead her in..."<</speech>> <br><br> <div id="sing"> The piano began and I <<link "sang">><<replace "#sing">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>><<set _solo ++>>It wasn't only about the singing, but presenting the story and ensuring people heard the words. The music just accentuated the tale I was telling.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>><<set _solo ++>>Being alone meant it was even more important to had //presence//, to stand out from the crowd.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>><<set _solo ++>>All the rest? I let the uniqueness of my voice add color and depth to the notes.<br><br><</if>> And then we had to wait a //week// for the <<link "results" "HS002 - Choir2">><<if _solo gt 1>><<set $HS.soloist = true>><</if>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>> and considered <<link "going home">><<replace "#soloist">> <<if $CC.spoiled == true || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> Turning around, I took one step towards the door but then something inside got the better of me -- I auditioned. <br><br> A deep breath. I stepped forward and squared up, <<speech "Gladys">>"Easy now, dear. This isn't a fight. Relax the knees -- you can sight read?"<</speech>> I gave a shrug, based on what I saw, I thought I could do it. <<speech "Gladys">>"Henry, lead her in..."<</speech>> <br><br> The piano began and I <<link "sang">><<replace "#soloist">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>><<set _solo ++>>It wasn't only about the singing, but presenting the story and ensuring people heard the words. The music just accentuated the tale I was telling.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>><<set _solo ++>>Being alone meant it was even more important to had //presence//, to stand out from the crowd.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>><<set _solo ++>>All the rest? I let the uniqueness of my voice add color and depth to the notes.<br><br><</if>> And then we had to wait a //week// for the <<link "results" "HS002 - Choir2">><<if _solo gt 1>><<set $HS.soloist = true>><</if>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> Being new to the group, I was sure tenure mattered in selection, plus I wasn't //that// certain of my pipes. So, I headed [[home|HS002 - Choir2]].<</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Choir2.png">> <<if $HS.soloist == true>> <<set $Memories.push("Easter Service Soloist")>> <<set $HS.vol += 4>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<face happy>> Wow. To be leading the group -- the congregation on the most important of days. It floored me. <br><br> It also didn't make Ava very happy. She was the closest competitor and likely would have been the soloist if it were not for me. <br><br> My notes floated as I sang. It felt right to be up there. And she eventually did come around and congratulate me. As much as it probably hurt her. <br><br> Gladys was such a character, jiving her creaky hips to the beat, moving her arthritic hands in the air to guide the group. Part of me wished she was the conductor. And she was singing along with us like the best of them. <br><br> Crazy enough, she was also open to criticism that she took notes as well as she gave them. <br><br> We continued to practice, becoming a fine-tuned machine under Glady's guidance. We paired off into part groupings to help us hold our singing lines. We worked sections repeatedly to ensure our breathing was in unison and our cut-offs were clean. <br><br> I learned a lot from the people around me who'd been singing like this in some cases for decades. There was knowledge there and I soaked it up. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>> <<Stats Performance ++>> The person I was before joining wasn't the same singer and performer as the person I was now. <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("voice")>> The practice and consistent singing really helped me understand where my voice sat, the colors and flavors that I had. And so much of it was breathing, weirdly enough. Support with the breath. Support. <</if>> <br><br> Before I knew it, Gladys announced, <<speech "Gladys">>"That's it, a wrap. You're going to be great out there tomorrow."<</speech>> Tomorrow? [[It was Easter|HS002 - Election]]. <<else>> It was far easier to watch and listen to Ava as she alighted God's words to the rafters. The notes floated as she sang. She was the right soloist. <<if $CC.spoiled == true>><<Stats Confident -->>As much as that hurt me to say.<</if>> <br><br> Gladys was such a character, jiving her creaky hips to the beat, moving her arthritic hands in the air to guide the group. Part of me wished she was the conductor. And she was singing along with us like the best of them. <br><br> Crazy enough, she was also open to criticism that she took notes as well as she gave them. <br><br> We continued to practice, becoming a fine-tuned machine under Glady's guidance. We paired off into part groupings to help us hold our singing lines. We worked sections repeatedly to ensure our breathing was in unison and our cut-offs were clean. <br><br> I learned a lot from the people around me who'd been singing like this in some cases for decades. There was knowledge there and I soaked it up. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>> <<Stats Performance ++>> The person I was before joining wasn't the same singer and performer as the person I was now. <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("voice")>> The practice and consistent singing really helped me understand where my voice sat, the colors and flavors that I had. And so much of it was breathing, weirdly enough. Support with the breath. Support. <</if>> <br><br> Before I knew it, Gladys announced, <<speech "Gladys">>"That's it, a wrap. You're going to be great out there tomorrow."<</speech>> Tomorrow? [[It was Easter|HS002 - Election]]. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Soup.png">> Just another Sunday after Mass, leaving the church and heading nearby to the community center. And then I was waiting patiently in the stifling hot kitchen, ready with oven mitts to receive trays and vats and heft them over to the serving area. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> And I was good at it. They meant it as a punishment or low-girl on the totem pole kind of hazing, but I could move the hefty things with relative ease -- my youth didn't hurt either. Some thought I was showing off -- throwing my age in their faces -- but most were just happy at having to do less work. <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value lt 0>> <<set $HS.vol -->> But I was only able to help out with the lighter loads. I felt their glares and disapproval. Despite me just not being built and sized the way they were, they thought I was lazy. But after a couple incidents, even though I was low-girl on the totem pole, I didn't do much hefting. <<else>> And I was able to manage it, barely. Not really built or sized like the rest of these ladies, yet I was low on the totem pole, trudging back and forth and trying not to get burned. <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Gladys">>"Alright, girls,"<</speech>> came the call from the hall. Gladys was pulling the lock on the door and we'd soon be inundated. It was time to shift gears. <br><br> <div id="kitchen"> I enjoyed taking my place on the <<link "front lines">><<replace "#kitchen">> I departed the kitchen with a healthy sheen of sweat, wiping my brow and making myself as presentable as I could while wearing a hair net. There was a press at the door like something out of a zombie movie, bodies nearly running over Gladys to get to nourishment. <br><br> She yelped and I called out, <<speechPC>>"Careful now! Enough for everyone. Extras if you walk!"<</speechPC>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> That worked. Eyes got wide and the swelling of humans slowed down, giving Gladys time to move her creaky hips out of the way. She nodded a thank you to me. <<else>> Something about the way I said it maybe? The frenzied force surged forward and Gladys went sprawling. A squawk and thud -- I really hope she didn't break a hip. Then all of the ladies were leaning up over their pans and yelling, trying to get the needy to hold their horses. <br><br> They didn't, but it was a mad rush for those extras -- they insisted on them anyway. <</if>> <br><br> Being on the front lines meant resisting the basic human needs and myriad personalities each with their own method of eking out a little bit more. Kindness, forcefulness, pain, but it was up to me to ensure that people at the end of the line weren't left without simply because desperation was desperation. <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> But I could give as well as I got, and I wasn't going to back down. A smile, an understanding nod, a kind word. Whereas the other ladies utilized their wisdom and grizzled nature to deny, I was able to employ youthful wonder, interest in me and who I was. By being unique, it gave me an edge. Being pretty didn't hurt either. I was one of the best keeping my [[food flowing|HS002 - Soup2]]. <<else>> They were so hungry. I felt so bad for them. I don't think there was a day that I wasn't crying at some part of my shift. New faces and so much need. My food didn't last long, but the brightness I saw in those I did serve made me feel [[better|HS002 - Soup2]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>, doling out dumplings. <br> Usually, I was out amongst them, monitoring and seeing what <<link "extra aid">><<replace "#kitchen">> The ladies leaned into my energy (and better eyes) to maintain the floor. Desperate people did crazy things. But I also found it gave me an avenue to listen and hear. No one who walked through our doors was simply in need of a meal. It helped, but it wasn't a panacea. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> <<speech "Male Voice">>"I'm just so goddamned lonely..."<</speech>> my head snapped around. He was certainly displaced and his clothes were among the worst off I had seen in a while. He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, but the tears streaming down his dirty cheeks told me it wasn't some concoction of his mind. Carefully, kindly, I sat down beside him. <<speechPC>>"I'm <<print $>>."<</speechPC>> He looked at me in disbelief, deep, dark eyes broadening as he took in my face. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, catching some of the food he had been eating as well. <<speech "Rog">>"Rog, the Dodger."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"That's a fun name."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Rog">>"//Nick// name, cutie."<</speech>> Uh-oh. He was misreading this. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value + $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $CC.maleReaction>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> Turning on my best reserved and caring demeanor, shifting my weight in the seat beside him, even when he reached to take my hand I was prepared and extricated myself before it escalated too much. Walking that tight rope, I was able to convince him to meet with Hull after he was done eating. He just needed community and I'm sure [[the Reverend|HS002 - Soup2]] would have some ideas. <<else>> I tried to present as reserved as I could, but suddenly his hand was grasping mine and I tried to pull it free. He lost it, jumping up in his seat and screaming from the top of his lungs, <<speech "Rog">>"You ''hate'' me! You're like everyone else."<</speech>> <br><br> Gladys, God save her soul, came by to help extricate me from the crazed man. They had to ask him to leave before he had finished eating, but at least I was safe, <<speech "Gladys">>"Maybe keep away from the men, dear. You give them ideas."<</speech>> I nodded and kept a distance [[from then|HS002 - Soup2]] on out. <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> There was a part of this that felt like a prison warden, and the way that many of them looked at me, I could tell that simply wandering the dining aisles gave them flashbacks. Even little me. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> Keeping that in mind, for we must walk in their shoes, I ensured that my demeanor was present, but available. I was there to guide and help, rather than detain and restrain. When I walked among them, they were more at ease, smiling more and fighting [[far less|HS002 - Soup2]]. <<else>> And just walking like I was I think would set them off. There'd be a fight over food. Screaming and suddenly all our work was tossed on the floor. Between my stature and the age of the women, it took almost the full staff to break the altercation up. <br><br> As I spent the evening cleaning up the mess, I decided to leave the monitoring to the [[experienced ones|HS002 - Soup2]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> we could provide. <br> I let the experienced ladies take the line, I moved <<link "into the back">><<replace "#kitchen">> It was a changing of the guards, Crocs and sandals shuffling past me, a stained apron was doffed and tossed into my waiting arms. I tied it on and stepped in, like a benchwarmer ready to take over for the All Star. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> Surveying the scene, I could tell what needed to come off the burners, what stage the dishes were in, and what was needing to be prepped. I got to work. <<else>> I jumped in with what was in front of me, basting some gristly meat. I had to fight back a curse or two when I realized that I had missed something about to burn, and wasn't ready with round two -- some prep had been left unfinished. I scrambled, doing the best I could. <</if>> <br><br> It was like a real-life game of Overcooked. The kitchen wasn't moving around, but it certainly felt like it. I had to be line cook, sous and expediter all in one. <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> Somehow, I managed it with aplomb. Skidding on the greasy floor, I used the momentum to my benefit, pulling a Kramer as I slammed through the swinging door and refreshed the ladies. Then I was back in, switching burners, transitioning dishes and keeping all the plates [[spinning|HS002 - Soup2]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> It was maddening, grabbing a hot pan and scrambling to make it to the ladies before that first rush left them attacked by ravenous people. The greasy floor was unexpected and I skidded, not through the swinging door but against the wall beside it. <<shake 2s>>''Thud''<</shake>> I tumbled, the tray spilled and the floor greeted me, sticky, dirty and hard. <br><br> Dazed, I hissed as my hand accidentally went right into steaming food. I hadn't spilled it on me, thankfully, but the collision had done its work. I don't think I made a sound that could have been heard over the din outside, but one of the ladies checked on me -- in a way -- door swinging wildly and smacking me square in the ass as she barrelled in. <<speech "Gladys">>"<<print $>>! We're out, where's out...where's...OH! Are you okay, dear?"<</speech>> I was being pulled up off the grimy floor, laughing it off with her as she sat me down. <br><br> Not an auspicious day. Some wasted food and the ladies had to cover for me, but it all turned out [[okay|HS002 - Soup2]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> to make sure the pots stayed plentiful. </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Soup2.png">> I got into my rhythm, the regulars got to know me by name and even the ladies got used to having me around. It was nice, a way to spend the final hours of the weekend that felt useful. <br><br> Easter rolled around and the longer service didn't deter Deacon Stern from heading straight over, in his robes, to visit and commune with the needy. <br><br> One woman broke down in tears, clutching her child to her chest at the mere sight of his approach. He sat down next to her, sliding an arm around them both. <br><br> <div id = "verse1"> <<link "John 3:16">><<replace "#verse1">> <<speech "Deacon">>"Yes, my dear."<</speech>> Stern nodded to me as he pet the woman's head, patting beside him as well instructing me to sit. <<speech "Deacon">>"But, while we all shall have eternal life, I think it is anxiety, instead that wracks our company."<</speech>> Swing and a miss. But I had gotten a seat at the right hand of the Deacon. That meant something. <<speech "Deacon">>"Come with me."<</speech>> Rising up from the bench and leaving the woman relieved. Just a touch, just his presence had set her at ease. <<speech "Deacon">>"Bless you, child."<</speech>> And then he turned to me, <<speech "Deacon">>"You...are new here."<</speech>> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>"<</speechPC>> He nodded again, sagely. <<speech "Deacon">>"What do you see here? Weekly, you see it, so I trust you."<</speech>> He made a gesture across the community center. <br><br> <div id = "verse2"> <<link "Tired, hungry">><<replace "#verse2">> <<speechPC>>"2 Corinthians 5:7"<</speechPC>> The words had barely left his mouth when I sighed. <<speech "Deacon">>"Faith...not sight."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Not sight."<</speechPC>> He smiled. <<speech "Deacon">>"But you bring them faith every week. And that is good. Thank you for what you do. It is rare in someone your age."<</speech>> And with that, he was gone. <<speech "Gladys">>"He never talks to me..."<</speech>> Gladys chuckled with that crinkly voice. I squeezed the flab of her upper arm. <<speechPC>>"Thank you for [[saying so|HS002 - Election]]."<</speechPC>> <</replace>><</link>> people who shouldn't be subjected to this. <<link "Renewed spirit">><<replace "#verse2">> <<set $HS.vol ++>> <<speech "Deacon">>"Exactly. For we live by //faith//, not by sight."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"2 Corinthians 5:7"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Deacon">>"You know your verses well."<</speech>> I blushed. <<speech "Deacon">>"You bring them that renewal, weekly. And that is good. Thank you for what you do. It is rare in someone your age."<</speech>> And with that, he was gone. <<speech "Gladys">>"He never talks to me..."<</speech>> Gladys chuckled with that crinkly voice. I squeezed the flab of her upper arm. <<speechPC>>"Thank you for [[saying so|HS002 - Election]]."<</speechPC>> <</replace>><</link>>, ready to try again. </div> <</replace>><</link>> <<link "Peter 5:7">><<replace "#verse1">> <<set $HS.vol ++>> <<speech "Deacon">>"Yes. We should cast aside our anxiety to Him."<</speech>> He patted the seat beside him with a sideways smile, his focus on petting the woman curled up against him. I had gotten a seat at the right hand of the Deacon. That meant something. <<speech "Deacon">>"Come with me."<</speech>> Rising up from the bench and leaving the woman relieved. Just a touch, just his presence had set her at ease. <<speech "Deacon">>"Bless you, child."<</speech>> And then he turned to me, <<speech "Deacon">>"You...are new here."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded,<<speechPC>> "<<print $>>"<</speechPC>> He nodded again, sagely. <<speech "Deacon">>"What do you see here? Weekly, you see it, so I trust you."<</speech>> He made a gesture across the community center. <br><br> <div id = "verse2"> <<link "Tired, hungry">><<replace "#verse2">> <<speechPC>>"2 Corinthians 5:7"<</speechPC>> The words had barely left his mouth when I sighed. <<speech "Deacon">>"Faith...not sight."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Not sight."<</speechPC>> He smiled. <<speech "Deacon">>"But you bring them faith every week. And that is good. Thank you for what you do. It is rare in someone your age."<</speech>> And with that, he was gone. <<speech "Gladys">>"He never talks to me..."<</speech>> Gladys chuckled with that crinkly voice. I squeezed the flab of her upper arm. <<speechPC>>"Thank you for [[saying so|HS002 - Election]]."<</speechPC>> <</replace>><</link>> people who shouldn't be subjected to this. <<link "Renewed spirit">><<replace "#verse2">> <<set $HS.vol ++>> <<speech "Deacon">>"Exactly. For we live by //faith//, not by sight."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"2 Corinthians 5:7"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Deacon">>"You know your verses well."<</speech>> I blushed. <<speech "Deacon">>"You bring them that renewal, weekly. And that is good. Thank you for what you do. It is rare in someone your age."<</speech>> And with that, he was gone. <<speech "Gladys">> "He never talks to me..."<</speech>> Gladys chuckled with that crinkly voice. I squeezed the flab of her upper arm. <<speechPC>>"Thank you for [[saying so|HS002 - Election]]."<</speechPC>> <</replace>><</link>>, ready to try again. </div> <</replace>><</link>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Election.png">> Easter. When every person who held any bit of religiousness in their soul came for services. It was a long service, but it was a beautiful service. <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - AltarGirl")>> We were in full regalia, walking down the aisle, the organ leading us in. I processed behind Dylan, smiled at <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> who had joined us for the services today, and continued forward to my spot up on the dais. <br><br> The pews felt fuller today, lights felt brighter, the chorus of voices more on key. <br><br> Reverend Hull began with the Service of Light. There was something calming and portentous knowing what was up next. That the words had been said so many times, and heard so many times from this very man. <br><br> There wasn't the improvisation and and unknown of what we'd be learning as if this were a normal service. The choir sang, led by Ava -- our beautiful soloist whose notes floated on the pregnant air. <br><br> I wondered on resurrection, both metaphorical and literal. I wondered on myself as I knelt for the blessing -- would we all be resurrected? Would we need it? <br><br> And then I was woken from my reverie. <<elseif visited("Choir")>> Everyone was in full regalia, walking down the aisle, the organ leading us in. <br><br> The pews felt fuller today, lights felt brighter, the chorus of voices more on key. <br><br> Reverend Hull began with the Service of Light. There was something calming and portentous knowing what was up next. That the words had been said so many times, and heard so many times from this very man. <br><br> There wasn't the improvisation and and unknown of what we'd be learning as if this were a normal service. We sang with an energy and connectedness that we hadn't had in any of our rehearsals. <<if $HS.soloist == true>>And then came the central pieces. I stepped forward and opened my throat, my notes floated on the pregnant air. I saw tears in the eyes of quite a few of our congregation -- touched.<<else>>And then came the central pieces, led by Ava, whose notes floated on the pregnant air. She did it beautifully.<</if>> <br><br> I wondered on resurrection, both metaphorical and literal. I wondered on myself as I knelt for the blessing -- would we all be resurrected? Would we need it? <br><br> And then I was woken from my reverie. <<else>> Everyone was in full regalia, walking down the aisle, the organ leading us in. <br><br> The pews felt fuller today, lights felt brighter, the chorus of voices more on key. <br><br> Reverend Hull began with the Service of Light. There was something calming and portentous knowing what was up next. That the words had been said so many times, and heard so many times from this very man. <br><br> There wasn't the improvisation and and unknown of what we'd be learning as if this were a normal service. The choir sang, led by Ava -- our beautiful soloist whose notes floated on the pregnant air. <br><br> I wondered on resurrection, both metaphorical and literal. I wondered on myself as I knelt for the blessing -- would we all be resurrected? Would we need it? <br><br> And then I was woken from my reverie. <</if>> <br><br> The structured passages and rites came to a close and Hull began his touch, his epilogue on the ritual of the day. <<speech "Rev Hull">>"And so, I believe it is right to bring forth one of us who has most embodied His nature this past year. In service of this body, His glory, and our community. I ask that..."<</speech>> He lifted a hand. <<if $HS.vol gte 10>> <<face shock>> <<speech "Rev Hull">><<print $>> come forward."<</speech>> I was stunned, nearly fell out of the pew as it registered. I was surrounded by smiles and suddenly found myself moving up the aisle -- had I walked? Had I been carried? Was this ecstasy? <<speech "Rev Hull">>"Thank you for all you have done, child, you truly embody Christ and you make us all stronger in the knowing of Him through you."<</speech>> <br><br> Wow. I had been given the Faith and Service Award. <<set $Memories.push("Won Faith and Service Award")>> <br><br> What a wonderful and overwhelming Easter. This year would be one for [[the ages|HS002 - PromDress]]. <<else>> <<speech "Rev Hull">>"Gladys come forward?"<</speech>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face angry>> <br><br> I looked up to the rafters, eyes wide. I didn't care if anyone saw me mouthing 'what?!' and shrugging my shoulders in disbelief. It should have been me up there. Not //Gladys//. <</if>> <br><br> She was clearly stunned. I worried about her advanced age and the shock. She was surrounded by smiles and was brought up in front of the congregation, <<speech "Rev Hull">>"Thank you for all you have done, child, you truly embody Christ and you make us all stronger in the knowing of Him through you."<</speech>> <br><br> What a wonderful Easter. Gladys truly deserved it. I made a promise to myself to try and embody more of her spirit from [[now on|HS002 - PromDress]]. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-AltarGirl.png">> <div id="comp"> Yep. Showed up in the afternoons and all day on Saturday in my //normal// clothes. Did you really think that the clergy walked around in vestments all the time? Deacon Stern was put together in a button-down and dark slacks, shoes -- though worn -- shining brightly with care. And Hull often broke out a Rush t-shirt, well-loved through the years, and a pair of cargo shorts. The dissonance was astounding. <br><br> But, given that they weren't cloistered monks, I quickly got over my preconceived notions and became used to our little church-Office dynamic. Our Youth Pastor, Dylan, popped in from time to time, but he was often off-site doing outreach, managing community affairs and running errands for the more senior duo. <<speech "Pastor Dylan">>"Morning, gentlemen. <<print $>>."<</speech>> He nodded my way, deliberately including me at my make-shift desk in the corner. <<speech "Rev Hull">>"Morning, Dylan."<</speech>> Hull lifted his head from the weekend's sermon. He watched Dylan move about the office with purpose -- this file cabinet, that folder. Then he turned his gaze on me and I dropped my eyes immediately to the address list I was double-checking. <<speech "Deacon Stern">>"Why don't you take <<print $>> with you today? I think she could do with getting out of this musty office and away from two moth-eaten old men."<</speech>> Stern cleared his throat, Hull smiled at him kindly, <<speech "Stern">>"And just leave the address list on my desk. I'll finish it for you, dear."<</speech>> <br><br> Not wanting to get between whatever unspoken conversation was happening, I kept my eyes bowed and placed the list carefully on an open area of his desk before joining Dylan by the entryway. <<speech "Dylan">>"Ready for our little adventure?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"What are we doing?"<</speechPC>> I asked, meekly. <<speech "Dylan">>"We're going to have a little competition. Do you think you can get more signatures than me this afternoon?"<</speech>> He handed me a clipboard. It was a petition to unconstrain the Pledge of Allegiance in school and allow people to reference God, if they so chose. <<speech "Dylan">>"Ready? Go!"<</speech>> And -- a little like Charlie Chaplin -- he waddled off jokingly. He'd have the advantage on me of actually knowing the petition, so I'd have to find some way to outmaneuver him. He looked back, I mimicked his waddle off in another <<link "direction">><<replace "#comp" t8n>> <div id ="result"> <div id ="compch"> <<if $CC.hsv == "church">> Had he not thought about the <<link "Youth Group">><<replace "#compch">> <<set $HS.vol ++>> Well, maybe it was because he didn't know where they'd be during 'off-hours'. But I did. Right behind the church. Hiding in plain sight? <br><br> They all readily signed the petition, some simply because they knew it was a competition with Dylan. That was a quick batch, but wouldn't be enough. I made my way around town. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>><<set $HS.vol ++>>Thankfully, people were actually happy to be approached by me. Irrespective of gender, they were willing to entertain a few words and sign something while I smiled at them.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>><<set $HS.vol ++>>But I did have to pound some pavement. Moving quickly when an area was exhausted was a strain, but I made it work. I had a deadline to make.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>><<set $HS.vol ++>>And to some...I may have lied -- covered the name and description text. I tried to use the strength of numbers to assure them it was a good cause. I didn't know their politics and certainly doubted many of their religions. But I needed the signatures.<br><br><</if>> <br><br> <<link "How'd I do">><<replace "#result">> <<if $HS.vol gt 5>> Dylan's eyes gaped, <<speech "Dylan">>"Incredible. I think this actually might pass, thanks to you."<</speech>> He squeezed my hand, some tears in his eyes. I didn't realize this meant that much to him. <<speech "Dylan">>"Dinner's on me."<</speech>> <br><br> We went to a diner and spent the night laughing about the people we'd encountered and things we'd said and done. We munched on fries while sipping a milkshake and stayed even after the meal [[was crumbs|HS002 - AltarGirl2]]. <<else>> Dylan nodded, <<speech "Dylan">>"Great job."<</speech>> And began to move away with my clipboard, I reached out, grabbing for his, <<speech "Dylan">>"We all win in the end, isn't that right?"<</speech>> Ugh. That was going to [[bother me|HS002 - AltarGirl2]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> <</replace>><</link>>? //His// Youth Group? Easy win. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom's<<else>><<print $CC.DName>>'s<</if>> <<link "office">> <<replace "#compch">> It was a quick jaunt down to the Travel Agency where <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom's<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> worked. It was always a madhouse, people on calls, papers everywhere, and everyone was frantically clicking their mouses as their eyes darted across their monitors. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> He wasn't the biggest fan of my entrenchment at the church, but he didn't //have// to know what the petition was about. <<speechPC>>"You mind helping me out on this thing for school? Just need some signatures for Government and Econ?"<</speechPC>> He nodded and quickly sent off a memo to the office distro telling them to sign. It was good to know the boss. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> The pace and focus was like a puzzle I needed to navigate. Disrupt someone at the wrong time was a quick way to a quick no. But I was able to sus out who was most available and made sure they didn't feel time-pressure. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.vol ++>> I could taste the win. I //needed// to win. I wondered if I was going to get judged, but I knew how to get guys attention quickly. A little sit on the desk, not cross the legs, their eyes darted down without any encouragement. And their pens darted across the paper. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<set $HS.vol ++>> What they //really// enjoyed? Was that they got the full show as I sat on their desk. I didn't make them rush to sign. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <br><br> <<link "How'd I do">><<replace "#result">> <<if $HS.vol gt 5>> Dylan's eyes gaped, <<speech "Dylan">>"Incredible. I think this actually might pass, thanks to you."<</speech>> He squeezed my hand, some tears in his eyes. I didn't realize this meant that much to him. <<speech "Dylan">>"Dinner's on me."<</speech>> <br><br> We went to a diner and spent the night laughing about the people we'd encountered and things we'd said and done. We munched on fries while sipping a milkshake and stayed even after the meal [[was crumbs|HS002 - AltarGirl2]]. <<else>> Dylan nodded, <<speech "Dylan">>"Great job."<</speech>> And began to move away with my clipboard, I reached out, grabbing for his, <<speech "Dylan">>"We all win in the end, isn't that right?"<</speech>> Ugh. That was going to [[bother me|HS002 - AltarGirl2]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> <</replace>><</link>> seemed like a fish in a barrel. <br><br> Better get to plying the <<link "Saturday Park Goers">><<replace "#compch">> I rushed out to the park, standing by the great green expanse littered with people. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>><<set $HS.vol ++>>It felt too easy in some ways, people perking up at my approach and wanting me to open my mouth, to chat them up. Their yeses came with a ready smile too.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1>><<set $HS.vol ++>>You had to know the right approach, gauge your audience and not just jump-scare them. A comment about their kid, the bottle of wine, the book they were reading. Connecting with them got a pen to connect to paper.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>><<set $HS.vol ++>>If you got over your own mind gremlins, it was pretty easy. The ask on the petition wasn't that big. Just some confidence and the fact that they were a captive audience? People signed.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0 && $CC.maleReaction gt 0>><<set $HS.vol ++>>I could taste the win. I //needed// to win. I wasn't about to tell Dylan how I got those last few signatures, and no one here would be able to spread rumors, so I remained the only one who knew that sure, I made out with some guys that asked for a kiss in exchange. They put down their John Hancock.<br><br><</if>> <br><br> <<link "How'd I do">><<replace "#result">> <<if $HS.vol gt 5>> Dylan's eyes gaped, <<speech "Dylan">>"Incredible. I think this actually might pass, thanks to you."<</speech>> He squeezed my hand, some tears in his eyes. I didn't realize this meant that much to him. <<speech "Dylan">>"Dinner's on me."<</speech>> <br><br> We went to a diner and spent the night laughing about the people we'd encountered and things we'd said and done. We munched on fries while sipping a milkshake and stayed even after the meal [[was crumbs|HS002 - AltarGirl2]]. <<else>> Dylan nodded, <<speech "Dylan">>"Great job."<</speech>> And began to move away with my clipboard, I reached out, grabbing for his, <<speech "Dylan">>"We all win in the end, isn't that right?"<</speech>> Ugh. That was going to [[bother me|HS002 - AltarGirl2]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>? <</replace>><</link>>. </div> </div> <</replace>><</link>>. <br><br> That's where all the people were on a nice day like today. </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-AltarGirl2.png">> <<set $HS.vol += 2>> <<set _penance = 0>> The work was surprisingly mundane. I didn't expect the church to be maintained by all these spreadsheets, envelopes and phone calls. The juxtaposition of the cross on the wall overhanging the filing cabinet filled with tax forms, balance sheets, and grant documentation was odd to say the least. <br><br> But those days and afternoons weren't entirely paper pushing. Just before three, Hull stood with a contented sigh and stretching of his lower back and moved to assume a piece of his vestments. There was always a wry little 'come on' wave of the hand and side-long glance. <br><br> And then we were off to the confessional. I'd maintain order as he listened to the penitent. There wasn't some Black Friday sale clamor for the booth, but I did my duty, nodding the next person in as it became vacant. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> Hull mentioned to me every time that I could give just a //bit// more space between them, but I felt like I had. Hadn't I? I'd try better next time, but the same comment. Hmm. <<else>> I knew the perfect pace, giving Hull moments to collect himself and say a personal prayer after the last departure. He was always thankful. <</if>> <br><br> Once the last confession was heard, the church sat empty for a moment as I prepared myself. It was my turn. It was also how Hull knew and expected his time in the box to come to a close. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> There was one time when I tried to just skimp on my confession and knocked at his door. <<speechPC>>"That's it for today."<</speechPC>> He chuckled. <br><br> <<speech "Hull">>"I think I hear one more..."<</speech>> I roiled a bit at the implication, <<speech "Hull">>"Not that you can forgive, but you can hear mine, if it makes you feel at ease, child."<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been a week since my last confession...<br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>><<set _penance ++>>I fought with <<print $CC.MName>> again. She just knows how to get my hackles up.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 0>><<set _penance ++>>There were some clothes that I couldn't afford, but I needed -- everyone has them. I...may have borrowed them from the store.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lte 0>><<set _penance ++>><<print $>> sat beside me in Physics and I hadn't done my I copied off him so I wouldn't get a zero.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>><<set _penance ++>>I went on this date with...just some guy...and I dunno how it happened, but we were just talking one minute and then...<br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>><<set _penance ++>>His Dad walked in and I lied to him about what I was doing.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0>><<set _penance ++>>Afterward, I may have felt powerful and important and I may have teased him despite knowing that we wouldn't be continuing.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>><<set _penance ++>>It was just's not //that// big of a deal.<br><br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>><<set _penance ++>>And I know, we should have been using protection...but it happened so fast.<br><br><</if>><</if>> ...This is all I can remember. I am sorry for these and all my sins."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Each truth wrenched from me simply by the silence across the grated, small window. But then they were out and there ''was'' release. I was assigned my penance, <<if _penance gt 7>> which always came with a heavy, disappointed sigh that surprised me -- Hull never made even that kind of comment -- I was to deny myself my phone, make dinner for my home, promise to reform and give myself to Him. I always asked forgiveness for these undone tasks each was too much <<elseif _penance gt 5>> which was to promise to reform, give myself to Him, and sacrifice my phone for the next week -- I came close most weeks, but it was always a sin to be mentioned <<elseif _penance gt 3>> which was a few prayers and the promise to reform <<else>> which was to sit in silence with him for a moment. He believed I was holding back, but I insisted. I'd always win Never Have I Ever <</if>>. I said the Act of Contrition, and then, amazingly without judgement, he slid the window open, <<speech "Hull">>"Time to make sure we have something to atone for next week, I think."<</speech>> <br><br> We'd go get a hamburger. It was a fun 'bad' deed. <br><br> I really enjoyed [[Reverend Hull|HS002 - Election]].
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Tutor.png">> <<if $CC.activity == "read" && $CC.hsv == "read">> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv.length is 0>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <<set $HS.testScore ++>> Surprisingly, he was young -- he was taking classes at the community college. He was cute. And he did know his stuff. <<print $CC.MName>> giggled a bit at how quickly I nodded when they asked if I wanted to continue with the tutor after the first session. <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> uncomfortably exited the room. <br><br> And so it went. Harden and I met in the living room, in a nearby park, at the local library, back behind the school from time to time. He was very flexible, and I was a sponge. <br><br> I absorbed what I could while I //occasionally// drifted into daydreaming and reading into his mannerisms and behavior. Did he think I was cute? Was that wrong? Should I touch his hand? Did he just touch my hand? <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - TutorTry]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> I was determined to know for ''certain''. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky or excitable enough. <<path [[HS002 - TutorHU][$Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base ++]] $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> I got frustrated, so I managed to finagle the next session for my ''room''. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough. <<path [[HS002 - TutorEnd][$HS.testScore ++]]>> The thoughts were fun, but I didn't push ''anything''. <</crossroads>>
The tension lessened. Maybe the novelty had worn off, or maybe the questions in (both?) of our heads were dispelled and that meant we fell into a much more typical rhythm and I definitely learned more now. <br><br><br> Our progress continued and then his own final season began gearing up. <<print $CC.MName>> sounded sad each time she relayed a tutoring session being rescheduled or cancelled. <br><br> She offered that I should invite the Boys over instead. I shrugged. <br><br><br> I saw Harden less and less, and my end of year was quickly [[approaching|HS002 - PromDress]], too.
Now, I wasn't going to //throw// myself at him. <br><br><br> I made certain that <<print $CC.MName>> <<if $ == 2>>was<<else>>and <<print $CC.DName>> were<</if>> out of the house. I put on a touch of makeup, but otherwise exemplified my best attempt at 'cute casual'. <br><br> My heart was pounding. My throat was dry. I squeaked when I opened the door for him and led him inside. <<speechPC>>"Oh, my bag's in my room...that okay?"<</speechPC>> I off-handedly mentioned when he began <<linkexpand "moving towards the couch.">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A hand pushing up a shirt */ moving towards the couch. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<speech "Harden">>"Uh, sure."<</speech>> He nodded and we silently headed back to my room. I dropped onto the bed and began digging in my bag, leaning forward to give as much of a show as possible. Just accidentally happening to be ass up, head down. <br><br><br> Did he gulp audibly? I don't know, but when I smirked up at him, books still not retrieved, the look on his face told me everything I needed to know. <br><br> I shifted to make room and patted the bed. I could see his consideration, and enough time passed that I almost felt offended. <br><br> Shifting back against him, our mouths met. Quickly, the dynamic changed from me against him <<linkexpand "to him against me.">> to him against me. <br><br><br> I don't remember us talking at all. I certainly didn't learn anything...about school. <br><br> That may have been my favorite [[session|HS002 - TutorEnd]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<speech "Harden">>"Okay, I can wait for ya."<</speech>> He nodded, not catching the hint. <br><br><br> My heart sank. <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> I charged down the hallway, fighting the heat rising in my cheeks and chest. I slammed the door open and dropped onto my bed, kicking my bag aside. I stared at the door, waiting for him to appear. He didn't. How. Dare. He. <<else>> I felt gut-punched and headed back to my room like the meekest of mice. The weight of my bag felt immense. Had I brought ''every'' book home with me? <</if>> <br><br> Harden was on his phone, infuriatingly unaware, or fully aware and that would have hurt even more. <br><br> I chose the chair across from him. I pulled on a loose sweatshirt and let him drone on. <br><br><br> I don't remember learning <<linkexpand "anything at all that day.">> anything at all that day. <br><br> When you swing and you miss, [[it hurts|HS002 - TutorEnd]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<set _success = ($Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value - $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value)>> <<set _successNum = random(1,10)>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Fingers twisting the end of a lock of hair nervously */ I brought an extra change of clothes, a bit more revealing and suggestive than my usual. As I made my way to //our// picnic table, my heart was in my throat. My hands were slick and no matter how many times I wiped them across my skirt, they were instantly moist again. <br><br> There he was, endearingly nose-down and preparing for our session. <<speechPC>>"Hey, Harden."<</speechPC>> <<if _success gte _successNum>> He looked up and I couldn't help but laugh when his jaw dropped. While he was wordless, I sat next to him, rather than across in the usual fashion. <br><br> My bare thigh pressed slightly against his as I got settled and his eyes still were finding difficulty settling on something that wasn't a part of me. <<speechPC>>"What're we covering today?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Harden">>"N...not much."<</speech>> I don't think he realized his double entendre. I leaned in closer, peering into his book rather than grabbing my own. <br><br> He didn't argue, and we stayed close like this. My body screamed at me each time I held new contact with him, or when his arm subtly slid around my waist. <br><br> Towards the end of our session, I couldn't resist and I looked up, eyes on his lips and he caught the cue. It was difficult to make out on a bench like this and the wood was certainly doing favors to my ass and thighs, but we didn't notice anymore. <br><br> And then, I had him drive me back home. 'Like always.' <br><br> <<else>> <<speech "Harden">>"Hey, <<print $>>, how was class?"<</speech>> his eyes barely lifting from the book. <<speechPC>>"Got a perfect score on a pop quiz that //happened// to include what we covered last week..."<</speechPC>> I sat across from him, deciding to let the skirt work in my favor. <<speech "Harden">>"That's awesome!"<</speech>> <<speech "Harden">>"Yeah, right? Super stoked."<</speech>> I bounced a bit, letting my thighs spread a bit as I took a more casual seated position. Physics and my choices didn't seem to distract him. <<speech "Harden">>"So I guess we could move on to Bio?"<</speech>> Was he making an age-old (and tired) implication? <<speech "Harden">>"Kreb's cycle still getting you down?"<</speech>> He wasn't. Shit. <br><br> We studied, I occasionally peacocked and flashed, but I really felt unattractive by the end of the session. <br><br> I made up some BS about heading to a friend's house and declined the usual ride back home. The walk was annoying, but gave me time to process. <br><br> <</if>> Welp. Now I [[knew|HS002 - TutorEnd]].
<<outfit nerd>> <<set $HS.twitchWin = $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value>> <<set $HS.twitchCosWin = $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <<set $HS.cosplay = false>> <<if $CC.freetime == "home" && $CC.hsv == "home">> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <<if $CC.activity == "read" && $CC.hsv == "read">> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Can you get off the computer?"<</speech>> I practically jumped, hearing <<print $CC.MName>>'s voice from behind me. Where had she come from? <br><br> I spun on her, arm clutching the back of my gaming chair, <<speechPC>>"You //can't// do that to me! What if I was in the middle of a match?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Her neck craned, focused on my monitor. Thank god there wasn't porn up. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Where are you going?"<</speech>> She ignored my complaint, stepping into the room without permission. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"TwitchCon."<</speechPC>> There was a hardness to my voice that felt unearned, but she ''knew'' I liked my privacy. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Mhm."<</speech>> She nodded, though I could tell she had no idea what that meant. I was distracted, Her fingers stroking through my hair like she'd always done, it soothed me instantly. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"With who?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Uhh..." I shivered, eyes closing, "<<print $CC.friend1>>...and..."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Oh, the 'Boys'?"<</speech>> She chuckled, always making fun of my term for them. <<speechPC>>"Mhm."<</speechPC>> I was putty in her hands. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"<<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"N-no. Just us..."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Did you ask him? Certainly didn't ask me."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I'm asking now?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Let me get back to you on that."<</speech>> She leaned down and kissed my forehead. <br><br> Ughhh. We were all so ready and excited to go, I didn't want her to kill the //one// thing that I wanted to do this year. I could only imagine what The Boys would say if I had to drop out. <br><br> Just as if I was Ahri, my main, I planned my attack. I was going to be prepared for the conflict [[ahead|HS002 - Twitch_Chaperone]].
<<set $HS.twitchChap = false>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A long table and a single shadowy form at the other end */ Family discussion time. I was across from her in my base and the dining room table was our battlefield. <<if $ !== 2>>And then there was <<print $CC.DName>>. How would he be swayed. Could he be swayed?<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Alright," she came out of the gates swinging. "It seems like TwitchCon -- what is with that name anyway?"<</speech>> I kept my mouth shut. It was an opening that wasn't worth the energy. She continued, <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Should be a lot of fun for you, but you can't just go alone."<</speech>> I felt some heat raising in my cheeks. I wanted to bite back for all the reasons that we could. That //I// could. But I knew it wasn't time yet.<<speech "$CC.MName">> "So."<</speech>> She sat back in her chair, hands turned upwards, <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Is <<print $CC.friend1>>'s mom chaperoning you?"<</speech>> <br><br> I coughed, thinking of the overworked and simple woman heading with us to the core of nerd-dom. And how <<print $CC.friend1>> would react to that idea. I couldn't help but smile, <<speechPC>>"No."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"What's so funny, missy?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Nothing, sorry. Just...nothing."<</speechPC>> I shook my head, waving my hands to end that line of conversation. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"So then who?"<</speech>> <br><br> It was time for my counter. <br><br> <div id="chap"> <<crossroads #chap>> <<path>> Play for a tie: I'd rather go with someone than not at all. <<contents>> <<set $HS.twitchChap = true>> <<speechPC>>"What about <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if $ == 2>> She raised an eyebrow. She hadn't thought of that. Then nodded. <<else>> <<speech>>"I. Uh."<</speech>> Oh he didn't expect that. She turned and looked at him, they held eye contact for a few moments and he stopped fumbling, then, <<speech>>"Of course."<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Good, that's decided." She stood, pleased with the outcome, "Have a great time."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I will."<</speechPC>> I wasn't sure about <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> and if he'd enjoy himself, though. <br><br> And then...there was the little wrinkle of cosplay. Not sure what either one of them would think of it, nor what <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> would think seeing me dressed up that way. But I wasn't going to bring it up and possibly lose it all. <br><br> I scurried off to let The Boys know about the changes to our 'team' [[composition|HS002 - TwitchTransition]]. <<path>> Press for an ultimate win: unaccompanied. <<contents>> <<set _hstrust = $People['CC'].Parents.rel>> <<speechPC>>"You can trust me."<</speechPC>> I furrowed my brow, fingers tracing all of the reasons I had written down. Grades, historical evidence of trust, I had enumerated all the reasons. I deserved it and I was old enough. <br><br> She furrowed her brow back, looking at me firmly. I waited for her to start the argument. I was ready. <br><br> <<if $HS.testScore gt 2>><<set _hstrust ++>><</if>> <<if Array("helper","church","read","home","job","piano","vol","dance").includes($CC.hsv)>><<set _hstrust ++>><</if>> <<if $ == $CC.DName>> <<set _hstrust ++>> Tentatively, carefully, <<print $CC.DName>> reached his hand out to her, <<speech "$CC.DName">>"I think she's right, dear."<</speech>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $CC.HSBC lte 5>><<set _hstrust ++>><</if>> <<if _hstrust gt 3>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Okay."<</speech>> <br><br> I nearly blurted out my first point of contention, which stumbled out into, <<speechPC>>"Okay?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She nodded. She had done the math herself, or actually trusted me, or...something. I was flabbergasted. <br><br> I think she took that as her win as she stood, smiling, <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Have a great time."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I...I will."<</speechPC>> Wow. Okay, that had not gone how I had expected. <br><br> I scurried off to let The Boys know that it was full-steam [[ahead|HS002 - TwitchTransition]]. <<else>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"I don't know where you get off thinking that." A hand held upright, forestalling any of my prepared contentions. "So you're really going to fight me on having a your age?"<</speech>> <br><br> I was furious. I shoved the chair back, leaning forward and ready to go all out, <<speechPC>>"I'm practically an //adult//!"<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Practically."<</speech>> She said simply, calmly. Firmly. <<speechPC>>"You can't do this!"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if $ == 1>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"I...can. And with my trip coming up--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Oh of //course// your trips. Don't be a hardass."<</speechPC>> <<else>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"I can. And I am."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Don't be such a hardass!"<</speechPC>> <</if>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"You're the one being a hardass about not needing any chaperone."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I don't need a babysitter!"<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Not what you've shown me to date--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"This is all I've wanted to do //all// ''year''!"<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"You'll have to find something else then. I'm sure you will."<</speech>> She was already walking away from the table. <br><br> The battle was over. <br><br> I had lost. I had lost so much. <br><br> The Boys would go to TwitchCon...I would [[not|HS001 - StoryArc]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
Why TwitchCon? <br><br> You can probably hear my eyes rolling at you asking the question. How did you feel growing up at school? Was it easy for you? Were you well-liked? <br><br> Or was there something //just// out of grasp? It wasn't just knowing things in class. You had to deliver it the right way, and I didn't often. <br><br> You couldn't simply show up either. You had to interact. With the meatheads. With the pretty, pretty Princesses. With the losers. With all of the people who liked things so different from you and would laugh if your interests came up. <br><br> Nah. I preferred //my// kind of people. My insulated little bubble. Sure, we were intense. But we liked what we liked. And we liked our things the most -- and loved those that agreed. <br><br> TwitchCon was a cultivated little moment in time for people like us, for the devotees, to get together and share in our nerd-dom. <br><br> It would be a release. It would be a confirmation of who I was. It would be //everything//. <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> We bought our flights <<else>> Even being allowed to go, we had to pool all our allowance //and// pleaded and promised our way into transportation <</if>> to the yearly capstone for streaming. It was going to be my high school capstone, too. <br><br> It was set! <br><br> <<shake 3s>>We were going!<</shake>> <br><br> The Boys were stoked. I was //ebullient//. <br><br> I had been wanting to go to TwitchCon for years. It had seemed like a pipe dream and now it was real. <br><br> For them it was being able to share the same air their favorite content creators. The ones who would destroy us online. The ones who made the tier lists we followed. But it was also a chance for them to prove themselves at a first, actual competition. Placing at the League Championship Series Open would score some ''insane'' cred. <br><br> For me -- sure, I wanted to compete -- but it was more than that. It was about rubbing elbows with my kindred spirits. It was about getting out of town and feeling some sort of freedom from the constraints of my normal high school life. It was about the CosPlay. I had always looked up to the incredible outfits that were borne from creativity. How hot some of these girls looked. I knew I could be one of them. <<speech "Andrew">>"The...Cosplay Competition? Isn't it just a bunch of people walking in a line?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Don't be so reductive, Andrew."<</speechPC>> I grunted, hands on my hips. I had broached the issue and was met with complete dispassion. <<speech "Ethan">>"I mean. That //is// what it is."<</speech>> Ethan laughed, needling me, <<speech "Ethan">>"Though some of those bitches are fucking hot. Why don't //you// just wear what you want."<</speech>> There was a slight upturn to his lips, imagining them in their tees and jeans while I was prancing around half-naked. <br><br> I looked to <<print $CC.friend1>>. He gave a less than enthusiastic shrug. <br><br> They weren't enamored with it the way I was. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - TwitchConvince][$HS.cosplay = true]] $CC.labelReaction gt 0>> There was the chance that we could all get our way. <<blocked>> $ doesn't fit in with her Clique enough. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchConvince][$HS.twitchWin --]] $CC.labelReaction lt 0>> I honestly didn't give a shit about the Open. I was there to have fun. And that meant cosplay. <<blocked>> $ fits in with her Clique too much. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchConvince][$HS.cosplay = true]] $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> Fine, Ethan. I could show them exactly why they should join me in cosplay. <<blocked>> $ isn't doesn't want male attention enough. <<path [[HS002 - Twitch2][$HS.twitchWin += 2]]>> Ugh. I didn't want to fight with them. I could have some accents, but I should focus on the competition. <</crossroads>>
<<Stats Wiles ++>> <div id="convince"> I rolled over to <<print $CC.friend1>>'s garage like it was a typical Friday afternoon. It wasn't. <br><br> I was late. <br><br> <<call $CC.friend1>>"Where ru?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call Ethan>>"We can't roll without a full comp, <<print $>>!"<</call>> <br><br> And other variations had been buzzing my phone for the past hour as I got ready. They were miffed that I hadn't headed straight over with them after school, but they had no idea what was in store for them. <br><br> The door was partially lifted like always, <<speech "Ethan">>"There she is..."<</speech>> came the groan from inside, seeing my chucks on approach. That was all they could see. <br><br> Ignoring them, I rapped my hand against the metal, <<speech "Andrew">>"Yeah, yeah. Yer late, you have to crawl under the gate. You know the rules, <<print $>>."<</speech>> Andrew, who still had scrapes on his knees from last week when he was the delinquent. He had just been late. I was here to make them forget about training altogether. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I'm pretty sure you're going to want to open this goddamn thing up."<</speechPC>> I reached back, grabbing my trail and pushed down, making it swing where they could see it. A flick of some fluffy fur, two weighted white tails waving //just// below the edge of the door. There was silence. Confusion. They were never silent otherwise. <br><br> Someone got up and then the machine groaned, notching the door up by degrees, a slow, magnificent reveal of me, in my true form... <br><br><br> <<link "Ahri">><<replace "#convince" t8n>> <<outfit ahri>> I hadn't decided which ''Ahri'' skin to emulate yet, but the basics of the outfit were there. The tails had taken forever (and the weight was something to be addressed), tugging down uncomfortably at the back of the Spanx where I'd fastened them to under the bodice. I couldn't stop some of my fucking asscrack from showing at the moment. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2>> They were agog. It was doing the trick. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> The cut-out skirt, askance on my hips, flashed upper thigh in such a way to hint that mayyybe they could see more. <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> The bodice hid a demi-cup and lifted my chest in a way that accentuated the cleavage and accented their natural movements. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<speech "Ethan">>"Holy. Fuck."<</speech>> was all Ethan could squeak. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You wanted Ahri to compete. Here she is. Come on guys. Joiiin me. Let's go as our team!"<</speechPC>> I stepped into the cool air of the garage, heading to the remote, <<speechPC>>"<<print $CC.friend1>> can be Vladimir,"<</speechPC>> I reached down to press the button, the view from the front and the back being emphasized simultaneously. <<speechPC>>"Andrew can be Zed,"<</speechPC>> using my toes I kicked off my <<link "chucks">><<feet>><</link>>, acting as nonchalant and "average Friday" as I could. <br><br> Padding over to them without any of my normal wear, <<speechPC>>"and Ethan, I know you like Caitlyn, but I'm not sure that's the look you're going for."<</speechPC>> It was a needed joke: the tension in the air and in their shorts was palpable. Even Ethan laughed. The energy reset as the door clanked closed. <<speech "Ethan">>"Uh. Y-yeah. So..."<</speech>> he tried to regain composure. <<speechPC>>"Lucian?"<</speechPC>> He gulped and nodded. <<speechPC>>"I know you guys are worried about our fifth, but we can pug at the Con."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.friend1">>"Are we only going to pick-up someone who came dressed?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"No."<</speechPC>> Rolling my eyes at <<print $CC.friend1>> as I dropped onto the couch on my stomach, tails arching up over my half-bare back. <<speechPC>>"How about this: I'll take lead on finding us our fifth--"<</speechPC>> I knew they were not keen on doing the social interaction with strangers who might be better than them. And we had to find a fifth to qualify for a squad. They nodded, understanding the quid-pro-quo <<speechPC>>"Thank you for indulging me."<</speechPC>> I affected my best Ahri. <br><br> They all laughed again. They loved it. <<speechPC>>"Maybe we can win twice in our first Con? Open ''and'' the Cosplay Competition. What dya say?"<</speechPC>> Nods all around, though their eyes were having difficulty tracking anything except my body while I was having difficulty finding a comfortable way <<linkexpand "to sit on the couch.">> to recline with these fucking tails. <br><br><br> Maybe this outfit for the entire evening wasn't the best choice. But I had gotten what I wanted. <<speech "Ethan">>"Uh. Not sure I can do much seamstress work. Unless I just like...wear some stuff that feels like Lucian, like you're doing."<</speech>> <br><br> Ouch, Ethan, <<speechPC>>"I'll help you with your fucking costumes."<</speechPC>> I fought the bristling I felt, not wanting them to back out. I motioned at what I had, <<speechPC>>"It's not done yet...Not sure whether to go Prestige, Academy, or Spirit Blossom [[Ahri|HS002 - TwitchCos]]."<</speechPC>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<set $HS.cosplay = false>> They nodded, <<speech "Ethan">>"Hey, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> Hey? That was it. I felt gutted. <<speech "$CC.friend1">>"Cosplaying Ahri. Cool."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> Maybe I wouldn't after all. If I couldn't get my crew on board, how would I get complete strangers? <br><br> Ethan -- perennial perv that he is -- didn't deign me with a second look, just a little head motion, indicating to join them and that my moment [[was done|HS002 - Twitch2]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> </div>
<<outfit nerd>> <<set $HS.costume = "">> <<set $HS.twitchWin -->> Not gonna lie, I loved LoL. They had introduced it to me begrudgingly, but I had really found that I enjoyed gaming with them. That was their world where I was included and accepted. Doing the Cosplay contest as a team, though? I felt like we were bonding in something I enjoyed as well. And hell, we could win some cash. Probably far more likely than the Open, if you had to ask me. But I was never going to tell them that. <br><br> There were more than a few requests over the weeks for me to 'remind them' of the outfit and I played it off as best I could, using the excuses (that were real) that my outfit wasn't finished yet. But mainly, they had gotten their taste and I'd accomplished my goal, I wasn't about to just be some dress-up doll for them to look at now. They could use Instagram or TikTok. <br><br><br> But I did need their help in deciding what version of Ahri I'd go as. In the game they were just skins and didn't affect anything. In reality, the skin was all there was. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/hs.twitch-ahri-prestige.webp:Ahri Prestige by Pan Chengwei" "passage/hs.twitch-ahri-elderwood.webp:Ahri Elderwood by Alvin Lee" "passage/hs.twitch-ahri-academy.webp:Ahri Academy by Sixmorevodka Studio">> <br> They were more than happy to suggest their preferred skin -- and clearly for me to show as much of my own as possible -- for my outfit: <div id = "ahri"> <<crossroads #ahri>> <<path>> <<Doll body ahriPrestige ahriPrestige>> <<print $CC.friend1>> wanted Prestige <<contents>> <<set $HS.costume = "Prestige">> We started by searching online for reference images. Not only were there innumerable skins, but each one had so many iterations with multiple ways of being envisioned, it was hard to pin down exactly what flavor of the kitsune-girl I was going to be. <br><br> Then we moved on from me and onto them. And fuck, that was hard. They weren't exactly attuned to looking like their fantasy avatars. It was going to be a lot of work for my outfit because I wanted it to look good. But it was going to be a //lot// of work on their outfits simply because they had so far to go. <br><br> Our LoL training sessions sometimes were entirely consumed with costume planning. Even a simple costume has lots of pieces, and there were four of us. We decided which parts to make, which parts to buy, and which parts to modify. <br><br> They both enjoyed and hated the moments where I measured their waists...inseam felt awkwardly intimate, but we got over it. <br><br> And then, the costumes started to come together. That day, we skipped training altogether, focusing on group group photos for the first time. We looked pretty [[awesome|HS002 - Twitch2]]! <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<Doll body ahriElder ahriElder>> Ethan wanted Elderwood -- the sweaty neckbeards like him would certainly like the look of that... <<blocked>> $ isn't risky or easy enough. <<contents>> <<set $HS.costume = "Elder">> <<set $HS.twitchCosWin += 2>> We started by searching online for reference images. Not only were there innumerable skins, but each one had so many iterations with multiple ways of being envisioned, it was hard to pin down exactly what flavor of the kitsune-girl I was going to be. <br><br> Then we moved on from me and onto them. And fuck, that was hard. They weren't exactly attuned to looking like their fantasy avatars. It was going to be a lot of work for my outfit because I wanted it to look good. But it was going to be a //lot// of work on their outfits simply because they had so far to go. <br><br> Our LoL training sessions sometimes were entirely consumed with costume planning. Even a simple costume has lots of pieces, and there were four of us. We decided which parts to make, which parts to buy, and which parts to modify. <br><br> They both enjoyed and hated the moments where I measured their waists...inseam felt awkwardly intimate, but we got over it. <br><br> And then, the costumes started to come together. That day, we skipped training altogether, focusing on group group photos for the first time. We looked pretty [[awesome|HS002 - Twitch2]]! <<path>> <<Doll body ahriAcademy ahriAcademy>> Andrew wanted Academy <<contents>> <<set $HS.twitchCosWin ++>> <<set $HS.costume = "Academy">> We started by searching online for reference images. Not only were there innumerable skins, but each one had so many iterations with multiple ways of being envisioned, it was hard to pin down exactly what flavor of the kitsune-girl I was going to be. <br><br> Then we moved on from me and onto them. And fuck, that was hard. They weren't exactly attuned to looking like their fantasy avatars. It was going to be a lot of work for my outfit because I wanted it to look good. But it was going to be a //lot// of work on their outfits simply because they had so far to go. <br><br> Our LoL training sessions sometimes were entirely consumed with costume planning. Even a simple costume has lots of pieces, and there were four of us. We decided which parts to make, which parts to buy, and which parts to modify. <br><br> They both enjoyed and hated the moments where I measured their waists...inseam felt awkwardly intimate, but we got over it. <br><br> And then, the costumes started to come together. That day, we skipped training altogether, focusing on group group photos for the first time. We looked pretty [[awesome|HS002 - Twitch2]]! <<path>> <<Doll body ahri ahri>> I thought O.G. Ahri was best Ahri. <<contents>> <<set $HS.twitchCosWin -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> We started by searching online for reference images. Not only were there innumerable skins, but each one had so many iterations with multiple ways of being envisioned, it was hard to pin down exactly what flavor of the kitsune-girl I was going to be. <br><br> Then we moved on from me and onto them. And fuck, that was hard. They weren't exactly attuned to looking like their fantasy avatars. It was going to be a lot of work for my outfit because I wanted it to look good. But it was going to be a //lot// of work on their outfits simply because they had so far to go. <br><br> Our LoL training sessions sometimes were entirely consumed with costume planning. Even a simple costume has lots of pieces, and there were four of us. We decided which parts to make, which parts to buy, and which parts to modify. <br><br> They both enjoyed and hated the moments where I measured their waists...inseam felt awkwardly intimate, but we got over it. <br><br> And then, the costumes started to come together. That day, we skipped training altogether, focusing on group group photos for the first time. We looked pretty [[awesome|HS002 - Twitch2]]! <</crossroads>> </div>
<<outfit nerd>> All of a sudden, TwitchCon was upon us. We weren't ready. The cosplay needed more touches. We had kind of fallen off of our groove in League. I wished time hadn't lined up this way, but we were going. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/HS002-Twitch2.png">> My bags were packed to the brim. My heart was in my throat. And we were on our <<linkexpand "way.">> way. <<if $HS.twitchChap == true>><<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> patted my thigh kindly, sensing my jitters, as we got situated on the flight. I was happy to have him there. If I was this on-edge with an adult here...shit. Maybe <<print $CC.MName>> was right after all.<<else>>And <<print $CC.MName>> actually did let us go alone. It was //insane// getting on the flight just us 'kids'. It felt so exhilarating. And scary. Maybe she was right, maybe we were too young. But it was going to be alright. Right?<</if>> <br><br> <div class="img framed"><img src="img/passage/tc01.png"></div> <br><br> There were. <br><br> So. <br><br> Many. <br><br> People there. <br><br> The line to grab our badges was never-ending. <br><br> My excitement was a drop in the bucket compared to the energy of all these nerds. Like they'd all been pent up and ready to explode. <br><br> The AC blasted so hard and so constantly that even Andrew's nipples were perpetually hard. <br><br> And the men, oh man, there were so many men. Simply being female was like a target on me. They were astounded by my presence. I was gawked at. I was ogled. <br><br> I don't know if the proportion was making the attention so prevalent or if it was a law of large numbers kind of thing, but if I was at the Con, //someone// was looking at me. <<if $HS.twitchChap == true>>I had convinced <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> to stick around in the rooms, which he was more than happy to do. Getting work done and avoiding the things that he didn't understand.<<else>>I wondered if this was exactly the reason why <<print $CC.MName>> had wanted someone to go with us.<</if>> So, in those (perpetual) moments, I was super glad to be with <<linkexpand "The Boys">> The Boys. My protective barrier of testosterone. <br><br> Badges finally in hand, The Boys started to make their way back to the rooms, <<speech "$CC.friend1">>"Let's get some practice in, team!"<</speech>> <br><br> I stopped dead in the corridor, giving <<print $CC.friend1>> a hard look, <<speechPC>>"Our roster's short. It'll be impossible to PUG //tomorrow//."<</speechPC>> From the sidelong glances Andrew and Ethan gave me, I could tell they were thinking the same thing. <br><br> <<speech "$CC.friend1">>"With this many people around? Someone's bound to be down to clown!"<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> spread his arms wide, walking backwards away from me. <br><br> He was resolved, the social skills of the crew weren't awe inspiring...but we did need a fifth. <<if $HS.cosplay == true>><<speech "Ethan">>"Plus. You said that was on you."<</speech>> Ethan and Andrew immediately sided with him, nodding.<</if>> <br><br> Ugh. Okay. So how was I going to find us the fifth that //they// needed to even compete? <br><br> <<set _multiplePaths = $CC.maleAttention gt 0 && $HS.cosplay || $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 0>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - TwitchAhri]] $CC.maleAttention gt 0 && $HS.cosplay == true>> Maybe Ahri needed to make an appearance before the Open. Ahri could charm a Fifth. <<blocked>> $ isn't doing cosplay and want male attention enough. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchSearch][$HS.twitchWin --]] $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 0>> I could ditch practice and check out the Gaming Hall now. <<blocked>> $ isn't social enough. <<path [[tomorrow|HS002 - TwitchEarly]] $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 0>> I'd go early tomorrow, before they got up, otherwise they'd just grab //anyone//. <<blocked>> $ isn't confident enough. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchWin -=2; $HS.twitchFifth = "Loser"; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value --; $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value ++; $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value --]]>> <<if _multiplePaths>>Otherwise, <</if>>I wasn't keen on the talking either, guys. I'd default to whatever they dug up as a last-minute resort. <</crossroads>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-TwitchEarly.png">> <div id="AhriStart"> <<outfit underwear>> <<shake 1s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <br><br> <<shake 2s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <br><br> <<shake 3s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <br><br> Grunting, I swung my arm out, searching for my phone. It was across the room. <br><br> <<shake 4s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <<speechPC>>"Fuck."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Practically dumping myself out of the bed, I clambered over to punch the alarm //off//. <br><br> Rubbing my eyes and tucking my feet under myself, I considered what being awake was. The Boys in the next room wouldn't be up for an hour yet, at best. <<if $HS.twitchChap == true>><<print $CC.DName>> mighta been, but I wasn't going to drag him along for what needed to be done.<</if>> <br><br> A quick rinse-off shocked my system fully alert, and barely fought the urge to enjoy the hot steam for longer than a couple minutes. Knowing time was of the essence, I dried off, sitting on the edge of the bed to begrudgingly pull on my costume that I had laid out meticulously the night before. <br><br> Glancing quickly in the mirror, I fluffed my hair to cover my ear-headband and give a quick stroke of lipstick: one-two-three on each cheek, <<linkexpand "Ahri came together.">> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> Ahri came together. <br><br><br> <<speechPC>>"This better work."<</speechPC>> I mumbled to myself, as I padded out of the room, mostly because of the ungodly <<link "hour">><<replace "#AhriStart" t8n>> <<if $HS.costume == "Elder">> I had worn this before, but never in front of strangers. I tried to convince myself that I was wearing a miniskirt, or some fantasy version of what that would have been. And the top was //essentially// a bikini, right? I felt naked. Far more than at the beach. The constant, industrial-level air-conditioning tickled at my skin to prove that I was underdressed. An even more unfortunate reality of the outfit in the Con-conditions: the occasional patches of wet or crusty carpet underfoot. Ick. I tried to ignore them as best I could, making my way from the hotel through the skyway and into the convention hall. <br><br> It was early, so it was a ghost-town. Most people con-enjoyers enjoy rolling up at the last minute. Even with the bare cohort -- maybe //moreso// because of it, every eye was on me. I couldn't blame them, practically every inch of me was on display. Well. That //was// the desired affect, right? <br><br> <</if>> <<if $HS.costume == "Academy">> I was thankful for the coverage. The bodice accentuated my proportions, but the closed collar and long sleeves protected me from the worst of the industrial AC. The pleated mini was certainly dangerously short, so I was thankful for the stockings: only a few inches of my legs remained bare. <br><br> Even with a 'modest' version of Ahri, it drew eyes. The few that were there at the hour. Most con-enjoyers enjoyed rolling up at the last minute. <br><br> And compared to the meager cohort present, I was baring the most, by far. <</if>> <<if $HS.costume == "Prestige">> The skirt was slitted, which allowed for a long stride and a fair amount of cover, while certainly giving a show of pretty much every inch of my gams. The bodice lifted and accentuated my chest and highlighted my ratio. And the boots added some extra height. <br><br> The jangle at my wrists attracted the few early-comers' eyes -- most people con-enjoyers enjoyed rolling up at the last minute. Nobody else was in full cosplay mode, so every eye was on me. I couldn't blame them, the outfit ''rocked''. <br><br> <</if>> The attention varied from "Great costume!" to slack-jawed drooling. I had to quickly evade a couple of people wanting pictures with me -- the compliment well taken, but I was on a mission. Pictures would come later. <br><br> The main hall was abuzz, even though the Open was hours away. And I was //out// //of// //place//. It was an assortment of jeans and graphic tees and then me, practically a booth girl. I had hit the showers, even for a few moments. They...were unshaved and based on the smell: unwashed. <<if $HS.costume == "Elder" || $HS.costume == "Prestige">> Goosebumps covered my skin -- the AC here was on overdrive to fill the vacuous space. <</if>> <<if $HS.costume == "Elder">> The uncarpeted floor was far less forgiving in the hall. It sucked heat from my bare soles and I could feel every tiny speck of crust, grime and dirt that came underfoot. <</if>> <br><br> I could feel the entirely-male audience deciding if to approach, how to approach. I quickly glanced over the board and got a basic grip on teams and comps. <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - TwitchFly][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]>> ''DieQuest'' was a top contender. They had an alternate that I could approach. That would be bold AF. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchUn]]>> There were ''Unaffiliated'' players, of course. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchApp][$CC.maleAttention ++; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> Or, I could let whomever had the ''confidence'' to approach //me// as the indicator of skill. <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</linkexpand>> </div>
A few moments later, the crunch of a crumpling Beast can announced his arrival. He looked straight out of an ad for a video game. One of those mobile games where its all art and design and very little substance. He would have been the barbarian or overly-muscled sniper. <<image framed "passage/HS002-TwitchApp.png">> He towered over me as he moved closer, though he was acting as if I wasn't the aim of his attention. As if he just 'happened' to be near me, unaware of my presence. Typical try-hard alpha behavior. <br><br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <<speech>>"Lost, kitten?"<</speech>> <br><br> I <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> laughed, frowning firmly, <<speechPC>>"Lost. Ha. No."<</speechPC>> <<else>> stuttered unconvincingly, <<speechPC>>"Uh, lost? ''No''."<</speechPC>> playing at <</if>> a similar, disaffected vibe. <br><br> He chuckled and grinned, leaning against the railing beside me. One of his molded triceps brushed against me. A scant glance over my cosplay, <<speech>>"Well, you got your audience right."<</speech>> <<if $HS.costume == "Elder">> His finger tugged confidently at the elastic band at my waist, <<speech>>"You here to distract one of the teams? Who's paying you?"<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> I <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> pulled back, ignoring the snap against my skin <<else>> stumbled over my words <</if>>, <<speechPC>>"We need a fifth. I'm ''competing'' later."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if $HS.costume == "Academy">> <<speech>>"Oh! That explains the outfit. You're here to get schooled."<</speech>> <br><br> <<else>> <<speech>>"And so your teammates sent you to...attract one? Doesn't say much for your chances, kitten."<</speech>> <br><br> <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> I was red. The annoyance and anger boiling up inside me meant I //had// to be red. Turning on him, hands on my hips, I flicked my tails, not about to take his demeaning attitude. <br><br> <<speech>>"Whoah. Kitten's got some fight in her."<</speech>> He looked me over, curious. Then, smiled, pleased with himself, <<speech>>"Well, might want to hold up one of those signs so that they don't...misunderstand."<</speech>> <br><br> My cheeks flushed. What was I thinking, that someone could read my mind? <<speechPC>>"You play?"<</speechPC>> Was all I could manage. <<speech>>"Inviting me to your squad?"<</speech>> I nodded, eyes turning upward hopefully, <<speech>>"Not really in a competing mood. Here's my number, though."<</speech>> He tugged my phone out of my cleavage without asking, gave a chin motion indicating for me to unlock it. Then put in his number, name listed as: Good Luck. <br><br> As he walked off, I was infuriated. I was embarrassed. I was at a loss. And, I noticed that now that he had picked me up, no one was giving me the time of day. His alpha aura was keeping all these betas, bay. <br><br><br> After a half hour or so, I left the hall to grab a coffee and return for the [[Open|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Loser"]]. Hopefully the Boys would have turned someone up. <<else>> I was red. I //had// to be red. I was absolutely embarrassed. Tears began to well up in my eyes, threatening to smudge the 'whiskers', as I realized how demeaning the whole idea was. <<speech>>"Whoah, whoah, whoah. No need for those,"<</speech>> a broad thumb caught one from each of my eyes as I turned them upward towards him, surprisingly not ruining my eyeliner. <<speech>>"I'll be your fifth. How's that sound?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded quickly and took a step back, <<speechPC>>"T-thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He smiled and waved, <<speech>>"See you later, kitten."<</speech>> <br><br> I darted out of there as fast as my legs would carry me. <<if $HS.costume == "Prestige">> My tits felt like they were about to bounce out of the bodice. <</if>> <<if $HS.costume == "Academy">> My skirt was certainly flipping up and removing any modesty I had left. <</if>> <<if $HS.costume == "Elder">> By the time I made it back to my room, the top had <<link "slid">><<upper>><</link>> down my stomach despite my urgent tugging, <<if $Body.braless == false>>bra<<else>>tits<</if>> on full display. I know every single person I passed, practically running, caught full-on view under my skirt of leaves. <</if>> <br><br> Fumbling with my keycard and wiping at my teary face, I plunged into my room. I stuffed the costume into the <<linkexpand "trashcan.">> trashcan. as fast as I could manage, ditching all pretention and desire to be Ahri any longer. Seen that way any longer. <br><br><br> <<upper>><<lower>><<feet>> <<face hurt1 runny>> Crumpled and overstuffing the bin, unceremonious and irretrievable, I stood there crying unattractively as I mourned the hours of work and the experience I had just gone through. I took another shower. I didn't care how long the water ran for. <br><br> When I extricated myself from the bathroom, stopped short, wiping my nose. "Holy shit. Wait. We have our fifth!" Ahri was lost, but that was a win. <br><br><br> Looking back at the ruined costume, I realized she deserved better than that. Rewarding myself for the victory, I plucked the ears as they hung from the rim. I got ready, tucked them into my hair and returned to the [[Open|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Stud"; $HS.cosplay = false]] as an accented version of myself. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> <<speech>>"Ya look a little lost."<</speech>> <br><br> I stuttered unconvincingly, <<speechPC>>"Uh, //no//."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He chuckled and grinned, leaning against the railing beside me. One of his molded triceps brushed against me. <<speech>>"Games haven't started yet. Nothing to spectate."<</speech>> <br><br> I stumbled over my words, <<speechPC>>"We need a fifth. I'm ''competing'' later."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He looked me over, curious. Then, smiled, pleased with himself, <<speech>>"Well, you should at least hold up a sign. They won't understand your intentions otherwise."<</speech>> <br><br> My cheeks flushed. What was I thinking, that someone could read my mind? <<speechPC>>"You play?"<</speechPC>> Was all I could manage. <<speech>>"Inviting me to your squad?"<</speech>> I nodded, eyes turning upward hopefully, <<speech>>"Not really in a competing mood. Here's my number, though."<</speech>> He tugged my phone out of my back pocket without asking, gave a chin motion indicating for me to unlock it. Then put in his number, name listed as: Good Luck. <br><br> As he walked off, I was infuriated. I was embarrassed. I was at a loss. And, I noticed that now that he had picked me up, no one was giving me the time of day. His alpha aura was keeping all these betas, bay. <br><br><br> After a half hour or so, I left the hall to grab a coffee and return for the [[Open|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Loser"]]. Hopefully the Boys would have turned someone up. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-TwitchEarly.png">> <<outfit underwear>> <<shake 1s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <br><br> <<shake 2s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <br><br> <<shake 3s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <br><br> Grunting, I swung my arm out, searching for my phone. It was across the room. <br><br> <<shake 4s>>Bzzt.<</shake>> <<speechPC>>"Fuck."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Practically dumping myself out of the bed, I clambered over to punch the alarm //off//. <br><br> Rubbing my eyes and tucking my feet under myself, I considered what being awake was. The Boys in the next room wouldn't be up for an hour yet, at best. <<if $HS.twitchChap == true>><<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> mighta been, but I wasn't going to drag him along for what needed to be done.<</if>> <br><br> A quick rinse-off shocked my system fully alert, and barely fought the urge to enjoy the hot steam for longer than a couple minutes. Knowing time was of the essence, I dried off and sat on the edge of the bed pulling on the clothes I had set out last night. <br><br> It was early, so the hall was mostly empty -- most con-enjoyers tended to enjoy rolling up at the last minute. <br><br> With fewer bodies around, being the only female was even more apparent. I could feel the entirely-male audience deciding if to approach, how to approach. I quickly glanced over the board and got a basic grip on teams and comps. <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - TwitchFly][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]>> ''DieQuest'' was a top contender. They had an alternate that I could approach. That would be bold AF. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchUn]]>> There were ''Unaffiliated'' players, of course. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchApp][$CC.maleAttention ++; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> Or, I could let whomever had the ''confidence'' to approach //me// as the indicator of skill. <</crossroads>>
<<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <</if>> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri") || visited("HS002 - TwitchEarly")>> DieQuest were already ensconced in their chairs, running trainings and tactics. They seemed like they were locked in for the next few hours: practicing right up to the beginning of the competition. No wonder they were so highly ranked. Standing behind them was a much older guy, sipping a coffee. At first, the intensity with which he was watching the screens had me thinking he was a coach. But after a few quick counts that gave me the same answer, I realized he had to be their alternate. <br><br> It made sense, with a couple decades (and more than a few pounds) on any of the others, his twitch skills were probably deteriorating. But he still had that hunger in his eyes. <br><br> <span id="approach"> How to get his attention? <<crossroads #approach>> <<path>> There was the indirect... <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <br> I sidled up nearby, keeping my eyes on the DieQuest monitors. Almost instinctively, I felt him respond, <<speech "DieQuest Guy">>"Hey, hey. Private session..."<</speech>> a hand coming up to guide me away. My <<print $Body.eyes>> lifted to meet his, a look of confusion and unreproachability. He trailed off, both confused and intrigued. <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri") || $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<speechPC>>"Oh, I'm so sorry."<</speechPC>> I stepped away from the gaming chairs, but not away from him, nor quickly. Simply gaining some distance on his teammates. <<speech "DieQuest Guy">>"No, no," he laughed, his warding hand now waving, "clearly you aren't some...spy,"<</speech>> his movements mirrored mine, shifting away from the rest of DieQuest as well. <<speechPC>>"I //could// be!" My eyes flashed playfully, " I main Ahri."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> <<speech "DieQuest Guy">>"I can see that. Clearly a fit for you."<</speech>> <br><br> I modeled for him slightly, and he took advantage of the opportunity to let his eyes roam, <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>"<</speechPC>> I extended my hand and his --much grubbier -- clasped it firmly straight away. <<speech "Bric">>"Bric"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"So you don't get to play today?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Bric">>"Alternate. If one of them is sick, or--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"They don't look sick."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Bric">>"No."<</speech>> His eyes had not left my outfit. Or rather what was under it. <<speechPC>>"You never get to compete? You //should// have a shot, ya know."<</speechPC>> My hand dropped to my hip, tugging the skirt down slightly to accentuate my hipbones and bare slightly more skin. <<speech "Bric">>"Not really..."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Never?! What's the point?!"<</speechPC>> My eyes were wide, I bent forward at the waist, decolletage on full display, <<speechPC>>"You think they'd miss you? We're looking for a fifth and we're signed up for the Open..."<</speechPC>> I bit my lower lip, eyes on his though his were lower. Slightly submissive pose, on display. Subtext clear: get to compete, get time with //me//. <<speech "Bric">>"And get fired?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"And get to //play//."<</speechPC>> I extended my hand, again, fingertips brushing his wrist lightly, <<speechPC>>"Look, I get it. How about you come back with me..." Let that linger, "...and meet the guys and...decide then?"<</speechPC>> I stepped backward, tough I kept my contact, slight pressure on his wrist as a subtle suggestion to come with. <br><br> He [[did|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Bric"]]. <<else>> <<speech "DieQuest Guy">>"Really? Well, I guess you are suited to the charm."<</speech>> <<speech "Bric">>"Bric,"<</speech>> he extended his grubbier hand to clasp mine. <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>. So, Bric, you don't get to play today?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Bric">>"Alternate. If one of them is sick, or..."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"They don't look sick."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Bric">>"No."<</speech>> His eyes were darting between me and the team. He was enjoying the attention but not wanting to be called out. <<speechPC>>"You ever get to compete? Have a shot, ya know?"<</speechPC>> I looked off to the side and shifted my weight, cocking my hips slightly to encourage him to check me out, my gaze away so that he felt he had unconstrained opportunity. <<speech "Bric">>"Not really..."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"You think they'd miss you? We're looking for a fifth and we're signed up for the Open."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Bric">>"And get fired?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"And get to //play//."<</speechPC>> I extended my hand, hand, again, fingertips brushing his wrist lightly, <<speechPC>>"Look, I get it. How about you come back with me..." let that linger, "...and meet the guys and...decide then?"<</speechPC>> I stepped backward, tough I kept my contact, slight pressure on his wrist as a subtle suggestion to come with. <br><br> He [[did|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Bric"]]. <</if>> <<else>> "Oh, I'm so sorry." I stepped away from the gaming chairs, but not away from him, nor quickly. Simply gaining some distance on his teammates. He gave me an odd look and I couldn't quite gauge what was going on in his head, but he was turning back around. <br><br> Shit. I stepped forward, hand lightly touching his lower back, "Sorry again, excuse me..." He jerked back instinctively. <br><br> "Look, girlie..." his hand pushed mine aside. His face was firm. <br><br> "You get to play today?" <br><br> "This is a private session. Skeedaddle." <br><br> "We're looking for a fifth--" <br><br> "Ha. Well I have my team, and a job that I'd like to keep. Now scoot." I spun, defeated -- <<if $CC.spoiled == true>><<Stats Confident -->> where did ''he'' think he got off, treating me that way!<<else>>my boldness punished instead of rewarded --<</if>> and returned to my room to wait out the painful time until we played with [[whoever they managed|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Loser"]]. <</if>> <<path>> or the direct approach. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri") || $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2>> "Bric, right?" I had pulled his name from the board, and he met my gaze as I stood beside him, squared up and serving my most confident self, "I've watched your streams." <br><br> He grinned. I don't think he was used to being approached by anyone who looked like me. <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> I stepped off to the side, giving him a look over one shoulder, "Don't worry. We'll be back soon enough," giving my best Ahri impression. Instantaneously, he was following me, the post he had been holding with such focus, vacant. His eyes were glued on my swaying form. Once out of earshot, "<<print $>>, and I don't think it's fair you're stuck watching." <br><br> "Me either. But if I were playing, I wouldn't get to talk to you. Jesus, <<print $CC.nam>> how much work did you put into all this?" <br><br> "Probably as much as you've put into League." He chuckled. <br><br> "Years? I doubt it." <br><br> I laughed back, matching him, "True. Now, I'm short one for our team, we're playing in the Open--" <br><br> "Whoah, whoah, whoah, you poaching?" <br><br> Affecting Ahri again: "There you are! Come to see new sights with me?" my grin sparkled. <br><br> "You're good. You play as well as you can mimic?" <br><br> "Better. <br><br> He pondered, looking back at the bank of gaming chairs, "...You gonna wear that the whole time?" <br><br> "We got a deal?" I shifted, urging him to follow back out of the hall, "Come on, meet the guys." <br><br> "We're keeping this on the DL, hear me, <<print $>>?" <br><br> <br><br> We had our [[fifth|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Bric"]]! <<else>> I stepped off to the side, giving him a look over one shoulder. He shifted, considering. I flashed a smile. His post was vacant. Once out of earshot, "<<print $>>, and I don't think it's fair with your talent, you have to watch." <br><br> "Me either. But if I were playing, I wouldn't get to talk to you." His grin was broader, but I could tell there was a cloud of doubt in his head as he considered our age disparity. <br><br> "Well, I'll do you one better. I'm short one for our team, and we're playing in the Open--" <br><br> "Whoah, whoah, whoah, you're ''poaching''?" <br><br> "It's a //crime// you don't get a seat." <br><br> "Is there a hidden camera? Are you trying to get me...fired?" He had considered a different word there. <br><br> "No one will know. No cap." I <<if $CC.freetime !== "church">>mock<</if>> genuflected and leaned in, "You get swapped in if they're sick...what about if you're 'sick'?" I bit my lower lip, <<print $Body.eyes>> pulling as good a puppy dog as I could manage. I let the beat settle for just long enough, then: "I'll be over there, we can go back to the hotel and I can introduce you to the guys." <br><br> He sighed, returning to DieQuest as I took up position by the exit of the hall. I saw him talking to them, putting on some kind of act, but they were too rapt in their training to catch his shitty performance. His eyes were flicking towards me, making sure I was still there. I smiled. <br><br> Soon we were headed back. <br><br> <br><br> We had our [[fifth|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Bric"]]! <</if>> <<else>> "Bric, right?" I had pulled his name from the board, and he met my gaze as I stood beside him, squared up and serving my most confident self, "I've watched your streams." <br><br> He frowned, looking at me, surprised, "You're not my usual demo." Disconnecting from his post, he gained some air between himself and the rest of the team -- probably as a safety precaution. <br><br> "I can't believe they won't let you rotate in." <br><br> "Not as quick as I used to be." <br><br> "As if! I've seen you destroy other squads just through your own lane, PUG or not." <br><br> "Mhm." He grinned broadly and took me in, then glanced back at their screens. <br><br> "I run a mean Ahri." <br><br> "What's the rest of your comp?" Strategic, not sexual interest. <br><br> "What you like to run. We pulled from your tier list." <br><br> The conversation continued like that, gaining purchase with a look or a smile when I stroked his ego, but fangirling wasn't working. <br><br> Eventually, I noticed the Boys had shown up and I hadn't even asked Bric to join us. Ethan was waving at me, confused. Shit. <br><br> Bric wasn't looking at me now. How long had it been like that? Fuck. <br><br> I had missed my opportunity, if there had been one. Too late now, I headed over as Ethan continued to flag me down, [[game time|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Loser"]]. <</if>> <<contentsShared>> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> A hand brushed underneath my skirt boldly. I coughed in surprise, but it called me into focus. My hand swatted, but missed him. I spun, but couldn't find him. Gross behavior from gross guys. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </span> <<else>> I pushed through the crowd, trying to spy the black skull symbology. <br><br> They didn't seem to be camping any of the competitive banks of computers, so they weren't training. They weren't at any of the meet and greet tables. <br><br> Man, where were they? At least moving through the crowd seemed to save me from unwanted attention. I wasn't about to just go asking around in the manic environment -- a simple question to these types could open me up for a diatribe of condescension. Mansplaining. Wasted time as I tried to pry myself away from a neckbeard or thanks. <br><br> Maybe they weren't even in the Hall. <br><br> Maybe I was reaching too high for a top US team and poaching their alternate. <br><br> And then I was <<shake 2s>>dropped<</shake>>, ass-first to the floor, looking up to find exactly what I was looking for. <br><br> "Oh!" I winced in surprise and shock. I hit hard. His size and stature just treated me like a china shop. <br><br> My <<print $Body.eyes>> lifted, taking in not just a member of DieQuest, but ''the'' alternate, Bric. <br><br> I don't know if it was my 'thank god' smile, that he felt bad, or what I looked like, but his countenance went from pissed at me being in his way to, "Oh shit. I'm sorry!" <br><br> "It's okay, Bric!" I dusted myself off, and with a yank from him, I was back on my feet. He was incredulous, "Sorry, I was literally looking for you." <br><br> More incredulous, "I'm sorry. I don't...know you?" <br><br> I laughed and shook my head, "You're heading this way?" He nodded and I walked with him, no longer in his way, "I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> "Well, uh, nice to meetcha. You were looking for //me//?" <br><br> "You found me --" <br><br> "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I was a little...pissed."" <br><br> "Why?" Maybe this was my in. <br><br> "Just...frustrated. I know this is like the event of all events and I shouldn't expect to be swapped in //here//...I get it, they've got like a decade or so on me, and I __am__ the alternate, but the field is weak this year. Couldn't they afford to let me actually jungle once in a while?" <br><br> "Oh shit, I'm sorry." <br><br> "Yeah, yeah, well might as well quit. What's the point in just waiting around 'til I truly age out?" <br><br> "Or...join another team." I smiled brightly up at him. He stopped and we stood at the exit of the Hall. He took me in. I gave a shrug, my hands lifted slightly. <br><br> "That's why you were looking for me." I nodded. "For __me__?" I nodded. "I'm hungry. Let's talk about it over dinner?" I ''nodded''. "Do DieQuest streams or something?" <br><br> "Uh, Honestly? No." He laughed. We went out and ate and I got us our [[fifth|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Bric"]] <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-TwitchSearch.png">> With a shake of my head, I turned, heading to the gaming hall, ignoring their surprised calls and comments. <br><br> I was on my own. Someone had to be our champion. <br><br> The Hall was absolutely buzzing. <br><br> Every team was logging hours before dinner, and probably would be returning afterward, to eke out whatever edge they could manage. <br><br> I shouldered my way through the mass of bodies, some glassy-eyed at monitors, others waiting in line for a spot in a chair. The reaction to my rare female energy was a a mix of opposites: there were certainly some hands far more adventurous than they should have been -- taking advantage of the confusion of the crowd; while the rest gave me a wide berth or seemed pissed at my presence. <br><br> Peeking over heads, and between overweight bodies, I looked across the board listing tomorrow's schedule and competitors. Then a goosing from behind and yet //another// grabby goon getting away scott-free, I knew I needed to choose a course of action and ''quick''. <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - TwitchFly][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]]>> ''DieQuest'' was a top contender. They had an alternate that I could approach. That would be bold AF. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchUn]]>> There were ''Unaffiliated'' players, of course. <<path [[HS002 - TwitchApp][$CC.maleAttention ++; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> Or, I could let whomever had the ''confidence'' to approach //me// as the indicator of skill. <</crossroads>>
<<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <</if>> There were so many options. Too many. <br><br> Guys who loved League so much they had come to only __watch__. Others were grabbing empty chairs to play -- more to see who they //could// beat rather than having designs on the active competition. And then there were some had come to test their mettle, show off some skill, and maybe join one of the elite squads. <br><br> Any of them could have been competent, better, or worse. I could watch them play and see if I could pick out who might be the best skilled. I settled in to a rhythmic cadence: watch them in their lane, watch their choices in base, listen to their comms, but most importantly -- see who they mained; judge and move; judge and move. <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri") || visited("HS002 - TwitchEarly")>> Given the hour, there were far fewer prospects, which meant fewer to wade through, but doing this now meant I had far less time to decide. <br><br> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> My rhythm was constantly being interrupted. <<if $HS.costume == "Prestige">>I realized I had to essentially stand up straight or I'd find a phone trying to catch a good angle one way or the other. And forget about getting close enough to the players for a good view. The crowds were too dangerous.<<elseif $HS.costume == "Elder">>I think I swatted more hands in that half hour than bugs in my ''life''. And with every grope, they got far more than they expected and I had to move faster and further away to prevent myself from being accosted.<<elseif $HS.costume == "Academy">>A picture with me? Oh, sure. My costume's awesome, wow, um thank you. It was impossible to avoid these fanboys wanting to take home souvenirs with me. And they were not happy if I was distracted from the picture.<</if>> <br><br> I had to cut my losses. I couldn't keep focused, so I ducked out of the hall and wondered who the Boys [[would settle on|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Loser"]]. <<else>> Eventually I settled on this pimply kid who absolutely //destroyed// with Volibear. He had just won a match and was shifting out of his seat, shit-eating grin across his face. <br><br> "Nice one!" <br><br> "Yeah, y-" he was halfway into what felt like a pre-planned gloat before he was shocked into silence seeing it wasn't a dude approaching him. <br><br> "They didn't stand a chance. How are you not competing in the Open?" playing off his gawking. <br><br> "I mean, I coulda. Just...ya know, not ''that'' important." <br><br> 'Cool guy' had come back. Though the mask wasn't very practiced. <br><br> "You want to, though? I could use a fifth on my team." <br><br> "Your team?" He was stunned. World-view completely called into question. <br><br> "Yeah, I've always argued we needed a Voli." <br><br> "Uh sure, yeah. I'm down." <br><br> "Come on then, let's introduce you to the team." <br><br> "Sounds good." He perked up, seeing we were heading to the hotel. I knew what he was thinking. <br><br> "So their names are <<print $CC.friend1>>, Andrew, and Ethan..." I trailed off as we walked. He hadn't gotten the hint, "And I'm <<print $>>..." I looked at him. He was confused. Or poor boy and his EQ. <br><br> "Oh, right. Elijah." <br><br> Okay, hopefully he would recover quick enough to [[play|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Elijah"]]. <</if>> <<else>> Woof. So many people, luckily time was on my side. It was a slog and my brain hurt from all the mental notes, I was making, but eventually I settled on this pimply kid who absolutely //destroyed// with Volibear. He had just won a match and was shifting out of his seat, shit-eating grin across his face. <br><br> "Nice one!" <br><br> "Yeah, y-" he was halfway into what felt like a pre-planned gloat before he was shocked into silence seeing it wasn't a dude approaching him. <br><br> "They didn't stand a chance. How are you not competing in the Open?" playing off his gawking. <br><br> "I mean, I coulda. Just...ya know, not ''that'' important." <br><br> 'Cool guy' had come back. Though the mask wasn't very practiced. <br><br> "You want to, though? I could use a fifth on my team." <br><br> "Your team?" He was stunned. World-view completely called into question. <br><br> "Yeah, I've always argued we needed a Voli." <br><br> "Uh sure, yeah. I'm down." <br><br> "Come on then, let's introduce you to the team." <br><br> "Sounds good." He perked up, seeing we were heading to the hotel. I knew what he was thinking. <br><br> "So their names are <<print $CC.friend1>>, Andrew, and Ethan..." I trailed off as we walked. He hadn't gotten the hint, "And I'm <<print $>>..." I looked at him. He was confused. Or poor boy and his EQ. <br><br> "Oh, right. Elijah." <br><br> Okay, hopefully he would recover quick enough to [[play|HS002 - TwitchOpen][$HS.twitchFifth = "Elijah"]]. <</if>>
<<if $HS.cosplay == true && visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <<set $HS.twitchWin ++>> There was something empowering -- and honestly, super fun -- walking to our bank of computers all dressed as our characters. It certainly would have been cooler if it had been all five, but we four were a almost statement enough. The impression we made was palpable, dressed as our mains. And we looked ''good''. <br><br> <</if>> <span id="open"> <<if $HS.twitchFifth == "Bric">> <<set $HS.twitchWin += 7>> The Boys were floored with me bringing back Bric. They were practically slobbering. Even Andrew, who was our resident doomsayer, suddenly became a believer. We hashed out our strategies (Bric leading the discussion) and were as prepped as we were ever going to be when... <<elseif $HS.twitchFifth == "Loser">> <<set $HS.twitchWin -= 2>> <<set $HS.twitchFifth == "Ryan Gary">> Ryan Gary -- why it was a full name, and //always// a full name -- was not the most inspired of choices. His account W/L was pathetic, but I think the Boys felt comfortable with him because they were all superior. And so, that's who we had to rely on as... <<elseif $HS.twitchFifth == "Stud">> <<if $HS.cosplay == false && visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>><<hairback "back_ahridefault">><<hair "hair_front_ahridefault">><</if>> <<set $HS.twitchWin -->> When we returned to the hall, Chuck -- learned his name eventually -- actually held up his end of the bargain, grinning when he saw me and moving towards me and the Boys. They, on the other hand, were not too pleased when they saw him. They got quiet as... <<elseif $HS.twitchFifth == "Elijah">> <<set $HS.twitchWin += $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value>> Elijah fell into the fold easily, despite being younger than us. There was a bit of friction with adolescent male pride, but we didn't have time for that as... <</if>> <<link "the Open began">><<replace "#open" t8n>> <<if $HS.cosplay == true && visited("HS002 - TwitchAhri")>> <br> I had not thought about these chairs when I designed my outfit. I could only keep my butt at the very front edge of the seat, since I had to make room for my tails between me and the back of the chair. My back was aching at the end of it all due to lack of support. But I looked damn good. <br><br> Looking good, but scared, excited...nervous. <br><br> When I get nervous, I feel cold. <br><br> Palms sweaty, the whole song thing. And the Open was a whole 'nother level of nervous adrenaline. <br><br> Normally, I'd be wearing sweats and comfy in my room, leaning into my knees with my feet up on my chair. Not today. <br><br> <<if $HS.costume == "Prestige">> I was practically shivering, goosebumps on goosebumps, rubbing my moist palms on my bare thighs. I'd clutch my hands across my body, rubbing my arms between matches to try and warm up a bit, which was giving a jiggling show to absolutely every onlooker, but it was either care about winning or care about decency. The crowd was pleased. <br><br> It was hard to decide whether the crowd was growing because of our play or my outfit. So much skin, nothing I could do when we were playing to pay attention to what was flashing... <br><br> After a couple rounds, either I got used to the sensation, or was too focused on the competition to care anymore. In the back of my mind, I noticed that I had returned to my gargoyle-like pose on the chair, the miniskirt fully displaying my legs and framing the cleft them, my knees adding lift and pressure to my bodice. There'd be a light strobe or something else telling me that someone was capturing the moment for posterity. Couldn't think about it though. <<elseif $HS.costume == "Academy">> Once again, I was thankful for my choice of Ahri, protecting me from the worst of the elements and not exacerbating the extra cool clime. After a couple of rounds though, I noticed in the back of my mind that I had returned to my gargoyle-like pose on the chair. Knee-high socks clinging to my legs on full display and skirt probably occasionally flashing extra peeks to the crowd. There'd be a light strobe or something else telling me that someone was capturing the moment for posterity. Couldn't think about it though. <<elseif $HS.costume == "Elder">> I was practically shivering, goosebumps on goosebumps, rubbing my moist palms on my bare thighs, stomach, and arms between matches to try and warm up a bit, which was giving a jiggling show to absolutely every onlooker, but it was either care about winning or care about decency. The crowd was pleased. <br><br> It was hard to decide whether the crowd was growing because of our play or my outfit. So much skin, nothing I could do when we were playing to pay attention to what was flashing... <br><br> After a couple rounds, either I got used to the sensation, or was too focused on the competition to care anymore. In the back of my mind, I noticed that I had returned to my gargoyle-like pose on the chair, bare toes curled around the front lip. The 'miniskirt' of leaves hiked up completely around my splayed hips, fully displaying my legs <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> and the surprise of my pussy<<else>>and my underwear clutching<</if>> between them, my knees pushing up and against my barely contained tits. From a lot of angles, I'm sure I looked practically naked. There'd be a light strobe or something else telling me that someone was capturing the moment for posterity. Couldn't think about it though. <<else>> After a couple of rounds, I noticed in the back of my mind that I had returned to my gargoyle-like pose in my chair. Habits die hard, but I was focused on the enemy base. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $HS.twitchWin gt 10>> <<set $Memories.push("TwitchOpenWin")>> <<face shock>> The first rounds felt pretty typical to our weekly PUGs: we won. Honestly, we were crushing, vibing like we only managed on rare occasions. It took me until about midway through to realize that we were going far beyond expectations. <br><br> When we beat the first truly competitive team, I couldn't help myself: "No one will stand in my way!" my best impression, receiving laughs and applause. <br><br> Than another comp team fell to us -- were we making a run for it? <br><br> My heart was pounding in my chest. The Boys were leaned forward in their chairs. Were any of us blinking? My eyes hurt. <br><br> The end of the field was ''tough''. The way they chewed through Ethan's lane was uncanny. Hard lessons showing me where we needed to improve. <br><br> And then the final game ended. <br><br> We held our breath, watching the shifting leaderboard on the wall. <br><br> We hadn't won, but we had placed. In. The. Money. Each of us would walk with five hundred dollars. Crazy. <br><br> We <<shake>>screamed<</shake>>! We clutched at each other, tears were welling in my dry eyes. We hugged and hugged. In the moment, I was kissing <<print $HS.twitchFifth>>. Then <<print $CC.friend1>> nudged me with a gentle, "Uh, <<print $>>?" and I jerked back, breaking lingual contact in shock. <br><br> I was red-faced. I couldn't look at anyone. <br><br> No more words were spoken as we left the arena and headed to the administrative table. Pulling up the tail of the group <<if $HS.cosplay == true>>, literally and figuratively,<</if>> we got in line for our winnings. <br><br> <<print $HS.twitchFifth>> tried to say goodbye to me. I just shyly nodded and lifted up to peck him on the cheek. <br><br> Air gusted out of my chest as soon as he was gone. Ethan was glowering. I rolled my eyes at him and shrugged, flashing the money, "You unhappy?" <br><br> That didn't stop him from glowering. And then I noticed that the hall was strangely empty. <br><br> <br><br> First, I assumed that it was due to the end of the Open and the spectacle. But, then I realized: the [[Cosplay competition|HS002 - TwitchCC]] was about to begin. <<elseif $HS.twitchWin > 5 && $HS.twitchWin < 10>> The first couple rounds felt pretty typical to our weekly PUGs, and we won. <br><br> It was only about midway through that I began to realize that we were achieving far beyond expectations. <br><br> When we beat the first truly competitive team, I couldn't help myself: "No one will stand in my way!" in my best impression, receiving laughs and applause. <br><br> I shook my head in disbelief. I checked in with the Boys and they were agog as well. We had actually crested a couple of the ''real'' competitive teams in the final standings. Not in the money, not qualifying, but certainly an spoiler. <br><br> We jumped and hugged. High-fived. High-fived again. And I gave an extra squeeze to <<print $HS.twitchFifth>> as we said goodbye. Maybe it was the excitement but I was chittering away with him until I noticed the way my __actual__ teammates were looking at me. I stopped talking. He coughed and nodded, then waved and headed off, thanking us for including him and 'killing it'. <br><br> His departure made me register the change in the the hall. It was suddenly very different. Very empty. <br><br> <br><br> First, I assumed that it was due to the end of the Open and the spectacle. But, then I realized: the [[Cosplay competition|HS002 - TwitchCC]] was about to begin. <<else>> <<set $HS.twitchOpenLoss = true>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> <<shake 4s>>W-what?!<</shake>> With each successive loss, my fuming grew until the Boys barely would make eye contact with me. <br><br> After we hit the bottom of the rankings, they had to talk me off a cliff. I'd rather withdraw then lose. But they insisted. I was //pissed// at them for insisting. <br><br> Thankfully we made our way through a couple wins, ending up below the competitive teams and mid-pack amongst the rest of the competition. Though in that moment of fury, I couldn't be pleased with the result. <br><br> We slid out of our chairs. You could feel the energy pushing everyone away from me, especially with <<print $HS.twitchFifth>>. He ditched without a word. His departure made me register the change in the the hall. It was suddenly very different. Very empty. <br><br> <br><br> First, I assumed that it was due to the end of the Open and the spectacle. But, then I realized: the [[Cosplay competition|HS002 - TwitchCC]] was about to begin. Ugh. Maybe we could at least win //that//. <<else>> I don't know what result I really expected, but it shouldn't have surprised me that as the losses mounted, I had to talk Ethan off the cliff of withdrawing. <br><br> And he did get back in his chair. <br><br> We ended up below the competitive teams and mid-pack amongst the rest of the competition. <br><br> We slid out of our chairs, barely able to maintain eye contact with each other, especially <<print $HS.twitchFifth>>. He ditched without a word. His departure made me register the change in the the hall. It was suddenly very different. Very empty. <br><br> <br><br> First, I assumed that it was due to the end of the Open and the spectacle. But, then I realized: the [[Cosplay competition|HS002 - TwitchCC]] was about to begin. <</if>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. </span>
/* max twitchCosWin == 7 - but needs to be super attractive and choose right outfit */ <<set _CC = random(2,9)>> <<if $HS.cosplay == true>> <<if $HS.costume>> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <<else>> <<outfit ahri>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $HS.twitchOpenLoss == true>> We shuffled out, dejected. I was more than happy to shove bodies out of my way to release some of my anger and disappointment. Even better when they get angry back -- and then see who pushed them. <br><br> <<elseif $Memories.includes("TwitchOpenWin")>> <<face happy>> Adrenaline was pounding. We felt on top of the world. No one could stop us pushing our way through the masses towards the cosplayers. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $HS.cosplay == true>> There were some last minute outfit fixes. Hours of competition and being seated had not been kind to what we had designed to wear __standing__. We pressed out the crumples and wrinkles that we could, but overall I was rather impressed at the care the Boys had taken with their costumes. They'd come quite a way from not wanting to dress up. <br><br><br> We slotted into line, arguing a bit about what our order our squad should be in: did the placement made sense given who our jungler was? <br><br> It was pedantic and wouldn't affect our rating with one exception: I ended up in front. Not sure whether that was to show me off first and foremost, or simply to give //them// a better perspective. <br><br> Video game concepts were strong and plentiful. Some threw back to movies like Legend -- a Tim Curry Darkness was killer -- others tried out original cosplays, and most of the girls (and some guys) were wearing the 'vibe' of characters in an unmistakable attempt to look hot. <br><br><br> In the final three was: a team of Incredibles, a Melina from Elden Ring that...took some liberties with the look, <<linkexpand "and...">> and... <br><br> <<if $HS.twitchCosWin gte _CC>> <<set $Memories.push("TwitchCosWin")>> One of the judges stood up, leaning over the folding table and peered, eyes like focused lasers right at the posing contenders. <br><br> You could feel every matted hair, every painted bit of skin getting taught under the scrutiny. You could sense the pick-me energy. I know, 'cuz I had it. <br><br> I felt a tug on my wrist and the suddenness had me stumbling forward. <<print $CC.friend1>> grinned broadly at me, yanking me again as I trailed the rest of the Boys. <br><br> As I passed the table, that judge slid out from behind it, whispering in my 'real' ears, "Nice Ahri." His beefy arm nudging me further along and towards the Boys, but not without getting a bit of accidental action. <br><br> Then the selection. <br><br> Getting this far was //massive// and super-exciting, "You were right," Ethan rolled his eyes, "you were right..." Drew gave begrudgingly. <<print $CC.friend1>> just kept that dumb smile. The Boys were leaning in close to me, a protective little arc, but also keeping me front and center. <br><br> The judges conferred. The crowd cheered as we were given alternating opportunities to show off for them. I definitely had my contingent of fans. <br><br> After a bit of back and forth, each group walked away a 'winner' with some superlative, <<linkexpand "but...">> but... <<face shock>> <br><br> "League of Legends!" That handsy judge bellowed as he gave a full mouth of teeth, waving me towards the table again, "Best Group Cosplay //and// Best of the Year" he announced again. Before I had been protected by the Boys, but now the excitement had shattered their focus. They were losing it and enjoying the audience's attention while, behind them, I was enduring the attention of a more adventurous investigation of my...outfit. <br><br><br> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> It felt good. Not just the winning. <<else>> I tried to focus on the cash prize I was being handed as best I could. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> a full on Hulkbuster from Infinity War. <br><br> Ouch. <br><br> Dejected, we waited with the other costumed losers, awaiting final decision. <br><br> After a bit of back and forth, each walked away a winner with some superlative, but the overall victor was Melina. She leapt up to the stage to accept her bounty, her dress fluttering widely and revealing what little she had underneath. Then she turned, bowing forward and presenting her cleavage for the entire crowd. A deep, long and proud hold before jumping up and off the platform again. The flash of skin was clearly purposeful and not simply due to her excitement. An extra gift to the mostly-male audience. <br><br> I could see Ethan already working at getting his costume pieces off. The other two were giving displeased. <br><br> So much for //that// idea...would never get their buy-in again. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> We settled in at one side of the divided hallway, crowds assembling on either side of a 'runway' where the competitors were walking, showing off to the crowd before being judged at a far platform. <br><br> It was impressive! <br><br> People had gone to great lengths and looked amazing. I poked <<print $CC.friend1>> in the side and gave a 'told ya' look. "Yeah, you def woulda looked hotter than most of them." I rolled my eyes, the next poke converted into a punch. <br><br> Video game concepts were strong and plentiful. Some threw back to movies like Legend -- a Tim Curry Darkness was killer -- others tried out original cosplays, and most of the girls (and some guys) were wearing the 'vibe' of characters in an unmistakable attempt to look hot. <br><br><br> <<if $HS.twitchCosWin gte _CC>> <<set $Memories.push("TwitchCosWin")>> In the final three was: a team of Incredibles, a Melina from Elden Ring that...took some liberties with the look, <<linkexpand "and...">> and...the judges began to argue. <<face shock>> <br><br> One of the judges stood up, leaning over the folding table and peered, eyes like focused lasers right at the posing contenders, then swiped long and away from them. You could see them all go from tense excitement to confused disappointment like a ripple. <br><br> The crowd got quiet. The spectators all began looking around, also confused. Then, I felt a tug on my wrist, the suddenness had me stumbling forward. I was out from the masses and across the divide, alone. All eyes on me. Nothing made sense. I looked at the judge but he was just nodding and giving all his teeth as he waved me forward. I felt very cold all of a sudden, making my way over to the platform. <br><br> "Nice Ahri." He leaned in and smiled, his beefy arm giving me a nudge over to the finalists. <br><br> "I mean, y-yeah but..." I was the definition of a deer in headlights. <br><br> "Shhh..." <br><br> "I didn't even enter--" <br><br> "...go on now." I shook my head, shrugging back at the Boys but they were stunned and loving my confusion, all smiles and simultaneous frowns. <br><br> I think I blacked out. <br><br> I do remember winning. //Winning// the "Best Hot Tub Cosplay" category. I didn't think that was on the docket, and nobody else besides that judge did either. It meant a cool hundred cash, though, so I wasn't going to argue, despite the fact that the winnings exchange came with enduring his attention and a more adventurous investigation of my...outfit. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> In the final three was: a team of Incredibles, a Melina from Elden Ring that...took some liberties with the look, and a full on Hulkbuster from Infinity War. <br><br> After a bit of back and forth, each walked away a winner with some superlative, but the overall victor was Melina. She leapt up to the stage to accept her bounty, her dress fluttering widely and revealing what little she had underneath. Then she turned, bowing forward and presenting her cleavage for the entire crowd. A deep, long and proud hold before jumping up and off the platform again. The flash of skin was clearly purposeful and not simply due to her excitement. An extra gift to the mostly-male audience. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br><br> Wow. What a fucking day. <br><br> All of the intensity and excitement of the past few hours came out of us in a frenzy of chattering and laughter. We wandered the halls, checked vendor booths, caught some other competitions...but at a certain point we realized that everything was shutting down and we had nothing else to burn our endless energy on. It was time for us to head back to our [[rooms|HS002 - Twitch_Company]].
A massive perk of being at a convention like this was the fact that I got a room to myself. Privacy and space. <br><br> The downside of the same perk was that meant boredom and loneliness. Especially once we all shuffled to our rooms, it felt like a massive let down. The room was too quiet. Too empty. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/HS002-Twitch_Company.png">> It was the pinnacle of this momentous convention and I was going to spend it like this? <br><br> <div id="company"> <<crossroads #company>> <<path>> Yep. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<outfit underwear>> It had been exhausting and I needed me time. The Boys had been a lot, and so had all the rest of the testosterone-laden convention attendees. At that moment in my life, I couldn't imagine having so many hands and eyes on me ever again. It was like the basest of male behavior with the lowest quotient of social restraint had met in one place and there had only been one outlet: me. <br><br> There were a lot of things about TwitchCon that truly had been a dream come true, but there were quite a few others that made me reticent to come back ever again. <br><br> I took a longer shower to wash off the groping and misogyny before climbing into bed and letting some trash TV put me to sleep. <br><br><br> The rest of the convention was a blast. All of the competitiveness behind us, we had the opportunity to check out booths of our favorite streamers, get some merch, and eat some shitty con-food before [[heading back home|HS002 - PromDress]]. <<path $HS.twitchChap == true>> No. I needed company. And <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> sounded like just what I needed. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> I had been surrounded and inundated by testosterone all day. I felt phantom eyes and ghost hands on me even sitting alone in my room. The sensation of being grabbed and looked at had been so constant that even alone, the memory was sticking with me. And it was making me hot. <br><br> Biting my lower lip, I shot a text over to <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>, <<call>>"Hey, mind helping me with something?"<</call>> I couldn't believe I was being so bold. He was in the same room as The Boys. Would they begin to wonder? What was <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> thinking right now? He hadn't texted back, but I had a read-receipt. <br><br> A knock at the door. Avoiding texting and just coming...typical Boomer. I laughed to myself as I went to answer the <<linkexpand "door">> door. <br><br> His eyes were wide, concerned, "Everything okay?" <br><br> I stepped back, "Yeah, just was lonely." <br><br> <<if $HS.cosplay == true>> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <<else>> <<outfit underwear>> <</if>> <<if $ == $CC.DName>> "Oh." He perked up, grinning and following me in. I had wondered if that was the plan (or hope) for him all along. <br><br> The door shut behind him. <br><br> It didn't take any more conversation. We moved over to the bed, taking full advantage of the special conditions of being away, at a hotel together. <br><br> <<if $HS.cosplay == true>> "I really like this cat outfit thing." He tugged at one of my tails, yanking me back against him. <br><br> "I'll keep it on then." I dropped down onto all fours. <br><br> He didn't need to know it wasn't a cat, and cat-pose was good enough for us both. <br><br> He snuck out later in the night due to his charges in the other room, my friends, leaving me quite sated. I had bidden hands groping and allowed eyes leering. It felt cleansing. And dirty. <br><br> I slept hard and well, still in what remained of my disheveled Ahri costume. <<else>> "Why didn't you dress up?" A casual comment that bit a little more than it needed to. <br><br> "You wanted clothes on?" A playful retort that said all that he needed to hear to shut up. <</if>> He snuck out later in the night due to his charges in the other room, my friends, leaving me quite sated. I had bidden hands groping and allowed eyes leering. It felt cleansing. And dirty. <br><br> I slept hard and well. <<else>> "Oh, o..okay." He looked so confused. It was cute. I ushered him in and had him join me on the bed. "You want to put...something on?" <br><br> I shook my head, cuddling close to him on the bed. He really didn't seem to get it. <br><br> I wanted it to be //his// hands on me, his eyes eating me alive. But he seemed content to wrap his arm around me, draw me close enough against his body to make any of those things happen, but didn't. <br><br> We watched trash TV until I fell asleep. <br><br> I woke in the middle of the night to find him gone and my pussy on fire. It needed quenching, so I dug my hand in and worked myself off a few times in rapid succession. The fire didn't abate, but it was enough to let me sleep. <br><br> I cried myself to slumber that night, maybe because of the rejection, maybe because of the lewdness and misogyny of the day. Maybe all of it. <</if>> <br><br><br> The rest of the convention was a blast. All of the competitiveness behind us, we had the opportunity to check out booths of our favorite streamers, get some merch, and eat some shitty con-food before [[heading back home|HS002 - PromDress]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path visited("HS002 - TwitchApp")>> No. I needed company. And 'Good Luck' sounded like just what I needed. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> I had been surrounded and inundated by testosterone all day. I felt phantom eyes and ghost hands on me even sitting alone in my room. The sensation of being grabbed and looked at had been so constant that even alone, the memory was sticking with me. And it was making me hot. <br><br> Biting my lower lip, I shot a text over to Chuck, <<call>>"U up?"<</call>> I couldn't believe I was being so bold. After a few moments, I looked at my phone again, frowning. He hadn't texted back, but I had a read-receipt. <br><br> A knock at the door. My heart started beating //fast//. Avoiding texting and just coming...what else should I have expected. I laughed to myself as I went to answer the <<linkexpand "door">> door. <<if $HS.cosplay == true>> <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <<else>> <<outfit underwear>> <</if>> "Hello, <<if $HS.cosplay == true>>kitten<<else>><<print $>><</if>>." He smiled, leaning against the doorframe, not looking at me even as I stood there in front of him. <br><br> Rolling my eyes at him, I gave his sinewy arm a pull. He sauntered into the room as the essence of everything about today: men proudly and confidently taking and getting what they wanted. He pulled his shirt over his head and didn't spend time assessing what was going on or wasting time. <br><br> I had texted him for a reason and this was the reason, no bones about it. It may not have been the way I imagined it...or maybe it was exactly what a deeper part of me wanted. <br><br> <<if $HS.cosplay == true>>He ruined my tails, using them for handles. He rent my costume in passion and left me a disheveled mess.<</if>> <br><br> After we were done, he grunted something out about how he loved nerd girls. <br><br> "What? Why?" <br><br> He just chuckled, putting his clothes back on and leaving. <br><br> As I went to bed, I still experienced hands, still felt eyes. My skin stung from being manhandled, but it was no longer phantom mind-pains, it was real. The feeling inside me reassured me of that. <<include "HS000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck "Chuck" M "Chuck after the TwitchCon Open">> <br><br><br> The rest of the convention was a blast. All of the competitiveness behind us, we had the opportunity to check out booths of our favorite streamers, get some merch, and eat some shitty con-food before [[heading back home|HS002 - PromDress]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path $Memories.includes("TwitchCosWin")>> No. I needed company. And that judge sounded like just what I needed. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> I had been surrounded and inundated by testosterone all day. I felt phantom eyes and ghost hands on me even sitting alone in my room. The sensation of being grabbed and looked at had been so constant that even alone, the memory was sticking with me. And it was making me hot. <br><br> Biting my lower lip, I found the card that that judge had slipped into the crotch of my waistband, <<call>>"Hey, it's Ahri. Room 401."<</call>> I couldn't believe I was being so bold. I don't know what it was about that guy anyway...Harvey, his card said. Maybe he was just the pinnacle of everything I had experienced today and so he felt most //right//. Nothing? No text? "Ugh!" I flicked his card across the room, deciding how to fix this frustration now. <br><br> A knock at the door. My heart started pounding. Avoiding texting and just coming...typical Boomer. I laughed to myself as I went to answer the <<linkexpand "door">> door. <br><br> "Looks even better now. You definitely deserved the win." He smiled, stepping into the room and tugging me back against him by one of my tails. <br><br> We spent the entire night with me in that winning cosplay and him in absolutely nothing (winning). I was cooing out every line I could remember she had, and at a certain point, I didn't have to think anymore. I was fully in-character, Ahri with some lane-judge who wasn't content with one round, but expected servicing and prep for the next one, all the while toying with my ears and tails. <br><br> I woke up the next morning shaking because he was going again. I was so incredibly sore and my outfit was a sticky, sweaty mess, but he had nothing to do that day. We had ended with him ontop of me so he probably picked right back up where we left off. <br><br> I had to make some excuses for my late-joining The Boys and was very delicately picking my way through the convention: a lot of sitting, but I don't think they really understood why. <<outfit "ahri" + $HS.costume>> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<vCardCheck "Harvey" M "Harvey, the TwitchCon Cosplay judge">> <<set _atCon = true>> <<include "HS000 - Cheating">> <br><br><br> The rest of the convention was a blast. All of the competitiveness behind us, we had the opportunity to check out booths of our favorite streamers, get some merch, and eat some shitty con-food before [[heading back home|HS002 - PromDress]]. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $HS.modelHire = $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <<set _rand = random(1,6)>> <<if $CC.hometown == "NY" || $CC.hometown == "LA">><<set _rand += 2>><</if>> Being offered the opportunity to be a model was earth-shattering. I mean, I knew I was good-looking. At least, based on how other people reacted to me, what people said...even though when I looked in the mirror I only saw the imperfections and would //die// to look the way that the __real__ models did. But. That could be me? I was in High School...but I guess that's really where everyone else got their start. If not earlier. <br><br> Whether it was legit or not, whether I could hack it or not, well...I guess I'd find out. <br><br> Here was the chance at //everything// a girl dreamed of. /* TODO Mira - Here's a place where options only open based on traits/skills */ <div id="casting"> <<if _rand lte 3>> Adam Was literally the <<link "first guy">><<replace "#casting">> <br><br> I wasn't sure how <<if $ !== 0>> <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and <</if>><<print $CC.MName>> would feel about the idea of modeling -- there was a nagging at the back of my head that couldn't quite place anyone in particular that had been discovered in my neck of the woods. But I was determined to take a shot. A quick Google had confirmed the location on the card, though there was a blank when it came to the agency. A search of my area didn't pull up other it was all in line, I guess. Legit, probably? <br><br> With nerves on top of nerves, I headed down to the address on the business card. <<if $CC.hometown == "LA">>Smack dab in Skid Row. Not a place you ever wanted to go.<<elseif $CC.hometown == "NY">>It wasn't Manhattan. Deep in Brooklyn, nowhere I'd ever ventured -- and been told to stay away from.<<else>>An industrial neighborhood. Not much going on and not where anyone was 'supposed' to go.<</if>> But I //needed// to go. <br><br> I may have skipped one of my last classes. I definitely didn't tell anyone where I was going. I was not about to risk asking for a ride, so public transportation it was. <br><br> I was by far the most done-up person around and wasn't wearing the most comfortable clothes on earth. They hadn't said I needed to wear anything in particular, but I wouldn't miss an opportunity to dress to impress. <br><br> My knuckles [[rapped on the door|HS002 - CastingSeed]] as I tried to swallow and get rid of this dry mouth. <</replace>><</link>> to come up to me with the idea. Saw me, discovered //me//. <br> <<else>> Adam hadn't been the //first// guy with the idea. The first one had freaked me out. I had kept that time to myself. <br><br> I had heard stories. I didn't want to be taken advantage of...but man, when there were multiple offers and chances. I kind of had to buy in and take the <<link "chance">><<replace "#casting">> <br><br> I wasn't sure how <<if $ !== 0>> <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and <</if>><<print $CC.MName>> would feel about the idea of modeling -- especially with the office being <<if $CC.hometown == "LA">>next to Skid Row<<elseif $CC.hometown == "NY">>in Greenpoint<<else>>a posh neighborhood<</if>> -- but I was determined to take a shot. A quick Google had confirmed the agency on the card, location, and surfaced some references across the Web. So, legit? <br><br> With nerves on top of nerves, I headed down to the address on the business card. I may have skipped one of my last classes. I definitely didn't tell anyone where I was going. I was not about to risk asking for a ride, so public transportation it was. <br><br> I was by far the most done-up person around and wasn't wearing the most comfortable clothes on earth. They hadn't said I needed to wear anything in particular, but I wouldn't miss an opportunity to dress to impress. <br><br> My knuckles [[rapped on the door|HS002 - CastingProf]] as I tried to swallow and get rid of this dry mouth. <</replace>><</link>>. Right? <</if>> </div>
<<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Performance ++>> The door buzzed and I pressed inside, seeing a middle-aged woman behind a desk, barely glancing up before returning to the stack of paper on her desk. They used paper? <<speech "Secretary">>"Appointment?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Uh..."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Secretary">>"Sit."<</speech>> A quick hand motion and, as if she were moving me like a marionette, I dropped into a chair. Time passed. I wondered if I had been forgotten. Then, <<speech "Secretary">>"Ms. <<print $CC.surname>>, down the hall to your left. Look for Adam's door. Should be open."<</speech>> My head bobbing, it felt like I was darting out of the waiting room and down the hall, my eyes tracked side to side across nameplates and seeing, "Adam Marcus" I poked my head in the slightly ajar <<linkexpand "doorway.">>doorway. <<image framed "passage/HS002-CastingProf.png">> <br><br> A pair of bedraggled eyes lifted from behind the, did //anyone// like their jobs here? He sighed, pushing some pictures and folders aside on his desk, more for changing gears than needing to make space. It wasn't the guy who I had met. Oh, shit. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>, yeah?" He stood, stretching and used his head to instruct me in and over towards a wall where there was a grey butcher paper roll extended to the floor and lighting soft boxes ready to go. "Thanks for coming in, Jared told me he gave you the card a CVS?"<</speech>> I nodded. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>He laughed and rolled his eyes, "Ugh. Well, as much as I'd love for this to work out for you, I don't want //another// amazing discovery stories going around. It's just not how it works, really."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Oh, of course not."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"Except in your case."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Right?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>He smiled, I could tell he was trying to put me at ease as he slowly rounded his world-weary desk and got behind his camera, pre-set on a tripod. "Right. Just don't fuel the fire, come up with some unbearable tale of the number of casting calls you went to...hundreds upon hundreds of pretty faces, girls looking just like you...Alright. Time for the swimsuit set. Guessing Jared didn't give you the details of today?"<</speech>> It was then that I realized he'd been subtly guiding me, fully disarmed, through the first set of pictures. Front, side, side, full-body, headshot, smiling and commercial...jesus, this guy was good. And quick. <<speechPC>>"Uh, no. I didn't bring anything with me..."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"Speaking of came alone?" An awkward nod. "Shit." <</speech>> <<speechPC>>"W-what? I'm sorry--"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"Oh, no no no, this is ''not'' your fault. Guessing Carol didn't mention paperwork? Give you anything?" The not-smile that I gave him was enough, "Okay. Well, there are parental release forms, and waivers that need to be signed. Emphasis on need. They won't be done today, clearly."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>I chuckled, trying to play it off, "Clearly."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"But we'll send you home with them and we can't proceed until we get those squared away. Understood?" A firm, paternal-like look. I nodded. "Okay. Well, we could either wait for that or continue, but it's up to you, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte ($Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value)>> I had to get home and [[get those papers|HS002 - CastingPapers][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]] in order. NOW. <<else>> Papers? And have a no before I even started? That could wait. <br><br> But I wasn't going to strip down in this cold empty room. There had to be a [[changing area|HS002 - Profesh]]. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> It'd be awkward in [[just a bra|HS002 - Profesh]], but I figured he'd seen thousands of women in less. <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> I figured he's seen thousands of women [[fully naked|HS002 - Profesh]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Parental Consent forms */ I cleared my throat all through dinner, <<print $CC.MName>> looking across the table after the first few minutes, <<speech $CC.MName>>"You alright, dear?"<</speech>> <<if $ == 0>>She raised a conspiratorial eyebrow, <<speech $CC.MName>>"Trying to call out sick?"<</speech>><<else>>and <<print $CC.DName>> chuckled, <<speech $CC.DName>>"Trying to call out sick tomorrow?"<</speech>><</if>> <br><br> Blowing it off with an awkward, <<speechPC>>"Nooo..."<</speechPC>> I tried to lock down on my tic, but occasionally found myself fighting phantom phlegm. By the time it was done, I had decided on who to ask. Just a John Hancock, right? <br><br> <<if $ == 1 && $ == 0>> <<print $CC.EDName>> would do the trick. I waited until we had some time together, just the two of us. <<speechPC>>"Hey, um, crazy story."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"Uh-oh." He was smiling //and// frowning.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"No, no."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"Why aren't you telling your Mom?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I will, eventually. Maybe. I just don't know if she'll understand."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"Honey. Usually mothers are...better at these things. That doesn't mean I don't //want// to--I'm only not sure that--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"''Dad''. Can I you something?"<</speechPC>> And so I pulled out my phone, giving the preface I had prepped over the past couple days and <<if visited("HS002 - Profesh")>>started showing him the pictures, reassuring him before we got to the underwear shots.<<else>>pulled up the information about the agency and the card and how that abortive first session went. How Adam was.<</if>> He considered. I could tell he was uncomfortable with his little girl, but he could hear my excitement. <br><br> <<speech $CC.DName>>"Okay. Just. Do me a favor. Two favors. Be careful."<</speech>> I rolled my eyes. <<speech $CC.DName>>"And tell your mother."<</speech>> Another eye roll, this time with a smile. <br><br> And he signed. <<elseif $ == 1 || $ == 2>> <<print $CC.MName>> tended to be more...permissive. So, I waited for a moment when he wasn't around -- didn't want to deal with any aspect of a Daddy's little girl syndrome -- before launching in. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Whoah, whoah, whoah." She laughed at my rapid-fire talking, waving her hand at the papers that just suddenly appeared in front of her with all that tiny text. "What is going ''on'' here, <<print $>>?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>I swallowed, took a breath. "So. Out of nowhere, I got scouted."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Scouted?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"You know how big a deal that is? I was just like...walking through SEE-VEE-ESS and I got //scouted//..." She nodded, eyes narrowing, thinking. "Mom." My hand touched hers, not putting it on the pen, just contact.<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>I could see the reaction, though she tried to mask it, "Okay. Just...don't run off on your own. Keep me in the loop."<</speech>> She was signing, barely reading...I hadn't either, <<speech $CC.MName>>"And," she lowered her voice conspiratorially, "We'll keep him //out// of the loop as long as possible."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I love you." //That// reaction she didn't try to cover.<</speechPC>> <<else>> <<print $CC.DName>>, always Daddy's girl even to not-my-Dad. He was harder to nail down and I had to wait until <<print $CC.MName>> was out running errands before trying my luck, <<speechPC>>"So ya know how you always hear about some random actor or celebrity just getting found on like, the street...outta nowhere?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"And football players too, sometimes." Oblivious, but at least he was engaging.<</speech>> Before he could tell me the tale of some amazing football discovery, <<speechPC>>"Well, I was."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>"You were...oh, you're famous now?" He gave me a look as if it were some game. He hadn't connected the dots.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Ugh. I got ''scouted''. I wanna try modeling. I might have a shot."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.DName>>His chin jutted forward a bit, nodding and a casual little shrug, "Sure."<</speech>> Wow, I thought that'd be harder. He smiled a bit, surprised as if he hadn't realized I came fully cocked and ready, but he signed and then went into what he wanted to talk about: Kurt Warner. Whatever. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gte random(6, 10)>> <<if visited("HS002 - Profesh")>> And then came the call from [[Adam|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> When I returned the papers, an associate gave me a perfunctory set of shots and politely kicked me out of the studio. And then came the call from [[Adam|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <</if>> <<else>> And I waited (patiently?) [[by the phone|HS002 - ModelOutro]]. <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): A room divider with clothes hanging over the top of it */ <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<outfit naked>> There was a split-second between what he had expected and what was happening. He lurched forward, hands outstretched, but then recoiling back -- as if his body was fighting itself, <<speech "Adam">>"No-no-no-s-stop, please."<</speech>> I stopped. My <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes giant, worried. My hands frozen halfway through depositing my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>. He shielded his eyes. <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> came my sheepish bleat. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Could"<</speech>> He motioned off to the side of his setup, a changing area. Shit. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, s-sure. Sorry, so sorry."<</speechPC>> I stumbled over behind the room divider, clutching my clothes as modestly as possible. <br><br> I was absolutely beet-red. <<link "Stripping">><<lower>><<feet>><</link>> down behind the //specific// //thing// //made// //for// //this//, I felt like such a noob. Such an idiot. I hadn't wanted to make him uncomfortable and the silence was deafening. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"There's some spanks and a few sports bras back there if you need them..." The kindness in his voice made it worse, "Don't worry, they're fresh."<</speech>> I didn't respond, just <<link "pulling on">><<outfit underwear>><</link>> the necessaries and stepping out from behind the separator. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Really, I'm--"<</speechPC>> he shook his head and motioned me over to the drop and I shuffled over as pliantly as possible. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Great. Same as before..." We went through another cycle of shots and then he gave a casual, bright move of his head, indicating the panels again, "You can leave those back there, or take them with you, and then we'll go through what we've taken. How's that sound?"<</speech>> Nodding, I moved behind, and despite the offer, underwear still didn't strike me as comfortable, so I deposited them as carefully as I could near where I had taken them and came back out: <<link "clothed">><<outfit default>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Alright, ready for the assessment?"<</speech>> He was already behind his desk again, a small monitor arranged towards the chairs on my side. I deposited myself into one of them and leaned forward, excited, trying to push down the embarrassment of moments before. He made it easy. <br><br> He began flicking through the digital photos, rapid fire, settling on: <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("eyes")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> one where a sparkle had settled into my <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes, <<speech "Adam">>"You've got very welcoming and interesting eyes."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a close up that framed me from neck to crown, <<speech "Adam">>"The camera really likes you -- you see that?"<</speech>> I nodded. It did.<</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("smile")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a picture where I must have been laughing at something he said, <<speech "Adam">>"I can't help but smile've got an infectious one."<</speech>> He made me smile again.<</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a half-body crop, from when I had undressed, <<speech "Adam">>"Just getting into the real part of the biz, now. Your breasts are...eye catching."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a photo he had caught while I was mid-motion, turning for him, <<speech "Adam">>"Your body's tone is fantastic. Whatever you do, or don't do...keep it up."<</speech>> He laughed. I shrugged.<</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> he coughed as he stopped on one of me facing away from him, <<speech "Adam">>"Underwear, bikinis, hell even a good pair of jeans? You'd compliment them well."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> I had been slightly in relevé, <<speech "Adam">>"An aspect that is key for any model, the ratio of your legs is perfect."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("charm")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a slow rotation of a few he had caught, I must have been talking, <<speech "Adam">>"You're so natural, not even doing anything, the camera is pulled to you."<</speech>><</if>> finally, a full-body, straight on, <<if $CC.height gt 0>><<speech "Adam">>"Got a stature that works for all kinds of work, even runway."<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Adam">>"Just being honest. You aren't going to hit the runway, so it does narrow the work you can do."<</speech>><<set $HS.modelHire -->><</if>> <br><br> His eyes checked in with me, considering my reaction. He pushed a set of papers towards me, <<speech "Adam">>"Take care of these and here..." he pointed to one he pulled apart from the rest, "Give me your email and I can send you over all the pictures we took today. And then? You'll either hear from me or you won't. But we've got you on file and we'll see what comes in."<</speech>> I nodded, couldn't help but feel defeated as I stood, straightening my clothes nervously. <<speech "Adam">>"A pleasure meeting you, <<print $>>,"<</speech>> his hand extended. I took it. <br><br> I left and wondered if I'd [[hear from him again|HS002 - CastingPapers]]. <<else>> <<outfit underwear>> <<speech "Adam">>"Do you have anywhere I could..." His frown made me wonder if I had made a misstep. I mean, he had probably seen tons of women wearing nothing. "...change?"<</speech>> He laughed and nodded, pointing over to the room divider, <<speech "Adam">>"Or there's a bathroom down the hall, whatever you're comfortable with."<</speech>> I was beet-red. How had I not seen that? I laughed and shuffled off behind it, where there were some packaged Spanx and flesh-toned <<link "underwear">><<outfit underwear>><</link>> to fill the gaps, should anyone come unprepared. Leaving my outerwear behind, I came out from behind the separator. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Great. Same as before..."<</speech>> We went through another cycle of shots and then he gave a casual, bright move of his head, indicating the panels again, <<speech "Adam">>"Once you're <<link "done">><<outfit default>><</link>>, we'll go through what we've taken. How's that sound?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Sure thing!"<</speechPC>> I called out, returning to the other side of the curtain as I finished straightening my clothing. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Alright, ready for the assessment?"<</speech>> He was already behind his desk again, a small monitor arranged towards the chairs on my side. I deposited myself into one of them and leaned forward, excited, trying to push down the embarrassment of moments before. He made it easy. <br><br> He began flicking through the digital photos, rapid fire, settling on: <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("eyes")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> one where a sparkle had settled into my <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes, <<speech "Adam">>"You've got very welcoming and interesting eyes."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a close up that framed me from neck to crown, <<speech "Adam">>"The camera really likes you -- you see that?"<</speech>> I nodded. It did.<</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("smile")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a picture where I must have been laughing at something he said, <<speech "Adam">>"I can't help but smile've got an infectious one."<</speech>> He made me smile again.<</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a half-body crop, from when I had undressed, <<speech "Adam">>"Just getting into the real part of the biz, now. Your breasts are...eye catching."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a photo he had caught while I was mid-motion, turning for him, <<speech "Adam">>"Your body's tone is fantastic. Whatever you do, or don't do...keep it up."<</speech>> He laughed. I shrugged.<</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> he coughed as he stopped on one of me facing away from him, <<speech "Adam">>"Underwear, bikinis, hell even a good pair of jeans? You'd compliment them well."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> I had been slightly in relevé, <<speech "Adam">>"An aspect that is key for any model, the ratio of your legs is perfect."<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("charm")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>> a slow rotation of a few he had caught, I must have been talking, <<speech "Adam">>"You're so natural, not even doing anything, the camera is pulled to you."<</speech>><</if>> finally, a full-body, straight on, <<if $CC.height gt 0>><<speech "Adam">>"Got a stature that works for all kinds of work, even runway."<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Adam">>"Just being honest. You aren't going to hit the runway, so it does narrow the work you can do."<</speech>><<set $HS.modelHire -->><</if>> <br><br> His eyes checked in with me, considering my reaction. He pushed a set of papers towards me, <<speech "Adam">>"Take care of these and here..." he pointed to one he pulled apart from the rest, "Give me your email and I can send you over all the pictures we took today. And then? You'll either hear from me or you won't. But we've got you on file and we'll see what comes in."<</speech>> I nodded, couldn't help but feel defeated as I stood, tugging at my clothes nervously. <<speech "Adam">>"A pleasure meeting you, <<print $>>,"<</speech>> his hand extended. I took it. <br><br> I left and wondered if I'd [[hear from him again|HS002 - CastingPapers]]. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-CastingSeed.png">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> The door opened. A middle-aged man stood there, immediately appraising me. The guy from CVS. <<speech "Adam">>"Well, hello there." <</speech>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> I lifted the card, <<speechPC>>"You gave me this."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"Right, right, right! Well, my scouts definitely have an eye, come in, come in..." He stepped back with a broad, welcoming grin and letting me into the office. Entering the unimpressive and bare space, I felt him peer out behind me into the hallway, "Alone?" the tone was genuine shock.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, came straight from school."<</speechPC>> He nodded, shutting the door and leading me in, unperturbed, motioning over to a black pleather couch to one side. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Yeah, we'll just have to do the parental releases later. They do know you're here, right?" A conspiratorial raise of the eyebrow.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"No." He laughed and nodded, dropping himself into a chair behind a decade-old IKEA desk. "I'd rather ask forgiveness than permission."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>He raised a meaty hand, "My mantra. Adam, by the way."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>."<</speechPC>> Another smile, reaching over the desk to press a button on a camcorder on a tripod, his heavy gut pushing across the desktop, <<speech "Adam">>"Shall we start, <<print $>>?" I stood in front of the camera and maneuvered like I had seen online. Front, Side, Side, back to front. "Oh, you're a vet?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>I laughed and shook my head, "Nah, just seen what to do."<</speechPC>> He chuckled, leaning back in his chair impressed, <<if $CC.height gt 0>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>><<speech "Adam">>"Hm, should be able to get runway work with a beanpole like you."<</speech>><<elseif $CC.height lt 0>><<speech "Adam">>"Runway is __not__ in your future, cutie, sorry."<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Adam">>"Hm, versatile, not a straight-up runway, but..."<</speech>><</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I nodded and shrugged, "Just how I'm built."<</speechPC>> He nodded and motioned with a 'proceed' spin of his hand. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Speaking of which, let's continue the assessment." He picked up a polaroid camera and, leaning back, snapped a full-body, setting the picture on the desk. "Sit back down and gimme yer most casual, best smile..." He moved around the desk, squatting in front of me as he lined up and pulled the trigger again. <</speech>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("smile")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Wow, you've got a gorgeous grin, girlie."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>Heat rose in my cheeks, "Thank you."<</speechPC>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Alright, now--" cut off as I immediately went Blue Steel, he smiled broadly behind the camera, leaned forward and snapped again. <</speech>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> His hand reached out and I felt the fatty pads of his thumb and forefingers on my jawline, adjusting my skull slightly, <<speech "Adam">>"Cameras have to ''love'' your face."<</speech>> Carefully, I plucked my chin from his hand, smiling, <<speechPC>>"It is easy to get a good selfie."<</speechPC>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("eyes")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> There was a brief moment of silence and stillness, his gaze locked on mine, <<speech "Adam">>"You can get lost in your eyes. Open, big, expressive..."<</speech>> <br><br> I couldn't resist taking a 'look around the room' to break the moment. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> He stood, shaking his head, the air of impressed unmistakable, <<speech "Adam">>"Ya sure yer not a vet?"<</speech>> Returning a shake of my own head, with an air of ease, <<speechPC>>"TikTok teaches you things."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"It does. Okay," he reached back, placing the new polaroids on the desk, "Probably don't need to say this, but next, swimsuit." I looked around for somewhere to change. He caught the expression instantly and gave me the broadest, kindest smile, "Oh no, there is fine. You'll get used to this, I promise." And motioned for me just to take it all off. Right there.<</speech>> <div id="seedy"> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<crossroads #seedy>> <<path $CC.maleAttention lt 2>> Just strip down on camera? I wasn't wearing much under this...There //had// to be a changing room. <<blocked>> $ can't resist men that well. <<contents>> <<set $modelHire -->> <<speechPC>>"Uh, is there somewhere I could..."<</speechPC>> my eyes checked in with the red light on the camcorder, letting my discomfort show. He nodded, bottling in the sigh that I heard anyway. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Not like a room or area to change...but I can turn around. Promise." My eyes flicked back to the camcorder again. He nodded, laughing, "Oh right, one sec," as if he had forgotten, and hit pause.<</speech>> Light was off. <br><br> Everything about this felt //off//. I wasn't about to just take my clothes off right here. At any moment he could turn around. Turn on the camera again. Was it even, __really__, off? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, I think I'm going to--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He turned back around, a fury in his eyes that bore down on me intensely. <<speech "Adam">>"<<print $>>. This is the easiest shoot you will ever do. Do you want to be a model or not? If you can't handle //this//..."<</speech>> <br><br> I gulped. Was I being ridiculous? <br><br> Should I just <<link "do it" "HS002 - SeedyNaked">><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction ++>><<Stats Confident -->><</link>>? <br><br> Or <<link "stand my ground" "HS002 - ModelOutro">><<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Easy -->><<Stats Stable ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction -->><<set $CC.maleAttention -->><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Perception ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>><<set $HS.modelHire = 0>><</link>>. <<path>> It'd be...awkward...but I figured he'd seen...thousands? of women like this. <<contents>> A crawl went up my spine as I steeled myself to show him all of [[me|HS002 - SeedyNaked]]. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<crossroads #seedy>> <<path>> Just strip down on camera? There //had// to be a changing room. <<contents>> A crawl went up my spine. He couldn't truly expect me to just disrobe in front of him, [[right|HS002 - SeedyUndies]]? <<path $CC.maleAttention lt 2>> Just strip down on camera? I wasn't wearing much under this...There //had// to be a changing room. <<blocked>> $ can't resist men that well. <<contents>> <<set $modelHire -->> <<speechPC>>"Uh, is there somewhere I could..."<</speechPC>> my eyes checked in with the red light on the camcorder, letting my discomfort show. He nodded, bottling in the sigh that I heard anyway. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Not like a room or area to change...but I can turn around. Promise." My eyes flicked back to the camcorder again. He nodded, laughing, "Oh right, one sec," as if he had forgotten, and hit pause.<</speech>> Light was off. <br><br> Everything about this felt //off//. I wasn't about to just take my clothes off right here. At any moment he could turn around. Turn on the camera again. Was it even, __really__, off? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, I think I'm going to--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He turned back around, a fury in his eyes that bore down on me intensely. <<speech "Adam">>"<<print $>>. This is the easiest shoot you will ever do. Do you want to be a model or not? If you can't handle //this//..."<</speech>> <br><br> I gulped. Was I being ridiculous? <br><br> Should I just <<link "do it" "HS002 - SeedyUndies">><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction ++>><<Stats Confident -->><</link>>? <br><br> Or <<link "stand my ground" "HS002 - ModelOutro">><<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Easy -->><<Stats Stable ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction -->><<set $CC.maleAttention -->><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Perception ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>><<set $HS.modelHire = 0>><</link>>. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div> <<else>> I awkwardly flashed the card, <<speechPC>>"Uh, the other day..."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"Right, right, right! Well, my scouts definitely have an eye, come in, come in..." He stepped back with a broad, welcoming grin and letting me into the office. I moved in, timid as a mouse -- the office was spare and uninviting. I felt him peer out behind me into the hallway, "Alone?" the tone was genuine shock.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>" That's okay?"<</speechPC>> He nodded, shutting the door and leading me in, unperturbed, motioning over to a black pleather couch to one side. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Yeah, we'll just have to do the parental releases later. They do know you're here, right?" A conspiratorial raise of the eyebrow.<</speech>> I gulped -- had I just killed the opportunity? He laughed at the deer in headlights on his couch, dropping himself into a chair behind a decade-old IKEA desk. <<speech "Adam">>"Ask __forgiveness__ not permission, my mantra too. No worries, girlie! Adam, by the way."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>."<</speechPC>> Another smile, reaching over the desk to press a button on a camcorder on a tripod, his heavy gut pushing across the desktop, <<speech "Adam">>"Shall we start, <<print $>>?" Giving a nod, he motioned for me to stand and I jerked back up onto my feet. With practiced gestures, he guided me through a series of positions: Front, Side, Side, back to front. "Good. Good. Remember these, early on, you'll be doing a lot of these as you get your initial sessions in the books.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>My head twitched, suddenly smiling right at him, "You t-think so?"<</speechPC>> He chuckled, leaning back in his chair, considering me. <<if $CC.height gt 0>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>><<speech "Adam">>"Hm, should be able to get runway work with a beanpole like you."<</speech>><<elseif $CC.height lt 0>><<speech "Adam">>"Runway is __not__ in your future, cutie, sorry."<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Adam">>"Hm, versatile, not a straight-up runway, but..."<</speech>><</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah...s-sorry." <</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"Can't change what you can't change. Just gotta know how to impress people with what you have -- how to market the ''product''. Let's continue my assessment." He picked up a polaroid camera and, leaning back, snapped a full-body, setting the picture on the desk. "Sit back down and gimme yer most casual, best smile..." He moved around the desk, squatting in front of me as he lined up and pulled the trigger again. <</speech>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("smile")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Wow, you've got a gorgeous grin, girlie."<</speech>> Heat rose in my cheeks, <<speechPC>>"Thank you."<</speechPC>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Alright, now I need you to drop the smile. Cool, serious, sexy, right at me." I gave it a shot. He leaned in and snapped again. <</speech>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> His hand reached out and I felt the fatty pads of his thumb and forefingers on my jawline, adjusting my skull slightly, <<speech "Adam">>"Cameras have to ''love'' your face." I could practically able to feel his breath from how close we were, but held still. "Cameras...shit, //eyes// love it." <</speech>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("eyes")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> There was a brief moment of silence and stillness, his gaze locked on mine, <<speech "Adam">>"You can get lost in your eyes. Open, big, expressive..."<</speech>> <br><br> I couldn't resist taking a 'look around the room' to break the moment. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> He stood, nodding, thinking as he leaned against the front edge of the desk.<<speech "Adam">> "Okay," he reached back, placing the new polaroids on the desk, "Next up are what we call swimsuit shots. And I'm guessing you didn't bring one..." He smiled, knowingly. I shook my head, "Course not, so underwear is fine. Same difference, really."<</speech>> <div id="seedy"> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<crossroads #seedy>> <<path $CC.maleAttention lt 2>> Just strip down on camera? I wasn't wearing much under this...There //had// to be a changing room. <<blocked>> $ can't resist men that well. <<contents>> <<set $modelHire -->> <<speechPC>>"Uh, is there somewhere I could..."<</speechPC>> my eyes checked in with the red light on the camcorder, letting my discomfort show. He nodded, bottling in the sigh that I heard anyway. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Not like a room or area to change...but I can turn around. Promise." My eyes flicked back to the camcorder again. He nodded, laughing, "Oh right, one sec," as if he had forgotten, and hit pause.<</speech>> Light was off. <br><br> Everything about this felt //off//. I wasn't about to just take my clothes off right here. At any moment he could turn around. Turn on the camera again. Was it even, __really__, off? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, I think I'm going to--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He turned back around, a fury in his eyes that bore down on me intensely. <<speech "Adam">>"<<print $>>. This is the easiest shoot you will ever do. Do you want to be a model or not? If you can't handle //this//..."<</speech>> <br><br> I gulped. Was I being ridiculous? <br><br> Should I just <<link "do it" "HS002 - SeedyNaked">><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction ++>><<Stats Confident -->><</link>>? <br><br> Or <<link "stand my ground" "HS002 - ModelOutro">><<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Easy -->><<Stats Stable ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction -->><<set $CC.maleAttention -->><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Perception ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>><<set $HS.modelHire = 0>><</link>>. <<path>> It'd be...awkward...but I figured he'd seen...thousands? of women like this. <<contents>> A crawl went up my spine as I steeled myself to show him all of [[me|HS002 - SeedyNaked]]. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<crossroads #seedy>> <<path>> Just strip down on camera? There //had// to be a changing room. <<contents>> A crawl went up my spine. He couldn't truly expect me to just disrobe in front of him, [[right|HS002 - SeedyUndies]]? <<path $CC.maleAttention lt 2>> Just strip down on camera? I wasn't wearing much under this...There //had// to be a changing room. <<blocked>> $ can't resist men that well. <<contents>> <<set $modelHire -->> <<speechPC>>"Uh, is there somewhere I could..."<</speechPC>> my eyes checked in with the red light on the camcorder, letting my discomfort show. He nodded, bottling in the sigh that I heard anyway. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Not like a room or area to change...but I can turn around. Promise." My eyes flicked back to the camcorder again. He nodded, laughing, "Oh right, one sec," as if he had forgotten, and hit pause.<</speech>> Light was off. <br><br> Everything about this felt //off//. I wasn't about to just take my clothes off right here. At any moment he could turn around. Turn on the camera again. Was it even, __really__, off? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, I think I'm going to--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He turned back around, a fury in his eyes that bore down on me intensely. <<speech "Adam">>"<<print $>>. This is the easiest shoot you will ever do. Do you want to be a model or not? If you can't handle //this//..."<</speech>> <br><br> I gulped. Was I being ridiculous? <br><br> Should I just <<link "do it" "HS002 - SeedyUndies">><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction ++>><<Stats Confident -->><</link>>? <br><br> Or <<link "stand my ground" "HS002 - ModelOutro">><<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Easy -->><<Stats Stable ++>><<set $CC.maleReaction -->><<set $CC.maleAttention -->><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Perception ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>><<set $HS.modelHire = 0>><</link>>. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div> <</if>>
<<set $HS.modelHire -->> <<face shock>> <<speechPC>>"Uh, is there somewhere I could..."<</speechPC>> my eyes checked in with the red light on the camcorder, letting my discomfort show. He nodded, bottling in the sigh that I heard anyway. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Not like a room or area to change...but I can turn around. Promise." My eyes flicked back to the camcorder again. He nodded, laughing, "Oh right, one sec," as if he had forgotten, and hit pause.<</speech>> Light was off. He turned and I began a quick <<linkexpand "strip...">> <<upper>> <<feet>> <<lower>> strip, not trusting his timing on turning back around. I collected my clothes into a pile and set them beside the couch. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Kay. Thank you."<</speechPC>> He turned around, eyes sliding over my bared form. He reached out, pause again and the light resumed red. His free hand reached over to the tripod arm, swiveling the lens down my body slowly. My nipples were tensing and perking up <<if $Body.braless == true>>towards him and drawing his eyes down more than they had been.<<else>>underneath my bra, unbidden.<</if>> <br><br> This was fine, right? <br><br> The camcorder settled back straight-on and he lifted the polaroid to snap a full-on, chest level, crotch-level and then, <<speech "Adam">>"Side on? Remember?" he smiled kindly and I turned and gave him the turn, picture, turn, picture. <</speech>> <<speech "Adam">><<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>>"You'd kill a swimsuit shoot." His eyes squarely on my rear.<</if>> "You can sit." Sitting, I crossed my legs, playing off my state of undress.<</speech>> He set the polaroids down with the camera and shifted his hefty body off the edge of the desk, moving to join me on the couch. It squeaked and sighed as the prolific weight settled into the cheap cushions. <<speech "Adam">>"Going to get a little hands-on, if that's okay, for the next part of the appraisal..." he trailed off gently, kindly, but looking for my consent and comfort level.<</speech>> I scooted back, giving us more space, <<speechPC>>"I uh..."<</speechPC>> He sighed, shaking his head, <<speech "Adam">>"Fine, fine, don't freak out about it, girlie."<</speech>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>>A general hand wave near my chest, <<speech "Adam">>"You got a great set."<</speech>><</if>> He looked down over me, leaning against the arm of the couch, <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>><<speech "Adam">>"Flat, amazing tone on your tummy..."<</speech>><</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>><<speech "Adam">>"You could definitely model with legs like these." He gave them a pat pat, I gave him that much.<</speech>><</if>> <<speech "Adam">>"Appraisal's complete, you can relax, <<print $>>." He lifted himself up off the couch with a grunt.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Well...What's the verdict?"<</speechPC>> He chuckled, turned, smiled at me and gave me an appraising look. A different kind of appraising. Like he was deciding something. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Heh. Every girl wants to be the next Karlie. It's not easy. And it's a big risk for me. Honestly?" He sighed, labored, looking away. I felt the need for him to look at me again, "How badly do you want it?" He finally looked at me again. I swallowed.<</speech>> <div id="couch"> /* IMAGE (Needed): Lower-half of a female form just in underwear */ <<crossroads #couch>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1 || $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> I wanted it. And this was it. My only chance. <<blocked>> $ is too Confident, or isn't Suggestible enough. <<contents>> <br><br> He read my quiet and before I could get any words out of my mouth, <<speech "Adam">>"I haven't done a full assessment. Lose those." <</speech>> A dismissive gesture at what was left on me. I practically jerked to action, <<if $Body.braless == true>>thumbs hooking below to tug my underwear down.<<else>>reaching back to pop the clasp of my bra.<</if>> His weight made the couch squeak as he sat beside me, helping me lose 'those' quicker. His thick fingers wormed between my thighs before my remaining scraps of clothing was off. I gasped at the attention. "[[Atta girl|HS002 - SeedyCouch][$Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].base ++]]." <<path>> It felt too much like this was //exactly// the casting couch situation. I was going to call him on his bluff. <<contents>> <<speechPC>>"That...sounds like you're implying something else. You //can// represent me, right?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> His energy shifted. Without either of us having to say it, he knew I knew. <br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gt 7>> <<speech "Adam">>"I'm surprised you have to ask. No wonder you got scouted. You'll book."<</speech>> <br><br> I practically squealed inside. I didn't //have// to do anything to get work. <<speechPC>>"Cool. Thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're welcome, girlie."<</speech>> He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids and smiled casually as he waited for me to <<linkexpand "dress...">> <<outfit default>> dress, his gaze averted and I wasn't going to fight him about the camcorder this time. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door. <</speechPC>> <br><br><br> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd truly [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<speech "Adam">>"Well...honestly--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Really? Fuck."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Hey, hey now, you're beautiful. You've got a great attitude, a good look. I'll certainly put feelers out there." He smiled amiably.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Cool. Thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're welcome, girlie."<</speech>> He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids and smiled casually as he waited for me to dress. I wasn't going to fight him about the camcorder this time. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door.<</speechPC>> <br><br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gte random(9,10)>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - ModelOutro]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<face shock>> Top <<linkexpand "first.">> <<upper>> first. <br><br> <<linkexpand "Skirt">> <<lower>> Skirt. <br><br> There was a split-second between when he expected underwear and when he realized otherwise. <br><br> <<linkexpand "Shoes">> Shoes. <<feet>> <br><br> I heard a cough, trying to cover his reaction as my <<if $Body.braless == true>>top<<else>>clothes<</if>> hit the floor. I looked up to the expressionless stare of the camcorder and Adam, side by side. My toes awkwardly nudged my clump of clothes aside, feeling my unshielded skin prickling at the cool air, my tits jiggling <<if $Body.braless == true>>in the only clothing I had on<<else>>freely<</if>>, drawing his eyes down. And they went down further. His calmness was the assurance that it was fine. His free hand reached over to the tripod arm, swiveling the lens down my naked body slowly. My nipples were tensing and perking up. <br><br> This was fine, right? <br><br><br> The camcorder settled back straight-on and he lifted the polaroid to snap a full-on, chest level, crotch-level and then, <<speech "Adam">>"Side on? Remember?" he smiled kindly and I turned and gave him the turn, picture, turn, picture. <</speech>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Even without, I can tell you'd kill a swimsuit shoot." His eyes squarely on my rear.<</speech>> <</if>> <<speech "Adam">>"You can sit." Doing so was going to give a direct view of my slit, so I crossed my legs, as if I weren't just in my birthday suit. <</speech>> <<speech "Adam">>"Can't say I'm often surprised, but color me impressed, girlie. This your usual?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded and laughed, trying to clear the tension in the air, at least for myself, <<speechPC>>"Yeah, underwear sucks."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Well, you wear not wearing it well. Your attitude and comfort are definitely useful in the biz, comes naturally to you, huh?" I gave a 'yeah' shrug. <</speech>> He set the polaroids down with the camera and shifted his hefty body off the edge of the desk, moving to join me on the couch. It squeaked and sighed as the prolific weight settled into the cheap cushions. <<speech "Adam">>"Going to get a little hands-on, if that's okay, for the next part of the appraisal..." he trailed off gently, kindly, but looking for my consent and comfort level.<</speech>> <br><br> /* TODO Mira - here's a place where options only open based on traits/skills */ <div id="nekkid"> /* IMAGE (Needed): Hand stroking over a bare stomach */ <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1 || $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> <<link "I scooted closer">><<replace "#nekkid" t8n>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> He chuckled, <<speech "Adam">>"God, you're full of surprises, aren'tcha?" <</speech>> <<if $Body.braless == false>> One hand urged me forward as it unhooked my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>> with clear skill, pulling my last shred of clothing away and onto the floor. <</if>> His <<if $Body.braless == false>>other<</if>> hand settled on one of my <<print $Body.tits>> breasts, cupping first, giving a little tap to watch its bounce, then a testing squeeze and a firm one, holding tight for a couple beats. I felt a similar beat beginning between my crossed thighs. Shit. Modeling casting couch? Sure felt like some of those videos on Pornhub. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Oooeee." He nodded slowly, switching to the other one as if to confirm, "You got a great set. <<if $Body.braless == true>> No wonder you keep the girls free. Prevents sagging too. Good thinking. <</if>>"<</speech>> <</if>> My nipples were rock hard, his fingers getting adventurous to tease and tug at them. His eyes flicked up with a little smirk on his face, checking my reaction. <br><br> Then his hand slid down my stomach, <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Flat, amazing tone here..."<</speech>> <</if>> and as it kept dropping, my throat kept tightening. <br><br> But the hand changed course right after brushing across the top of my mound, <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">> <<speech "Adam">>"Great job, no retouching needed."<</speech>> <<elseif Array("bush", "bikini", "trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>> <<speech "Adam">>"//That//." It looked like he was stifling a gag reflex. "Needs. To. ''Go''. //Yesterday//." Making his point with sharp tugs at the lazy strands.<</speech>> <</if>> My brain and my body were in active disagreement over whether his hand moving along my quad was a good or a bad change. <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"No wonder you thought you could model with legs like these." He patted them appreciatively.<</speech>> <</if>> <<speech "Adam">>"Appraisal's complete, you can relax a bit, <<print $>>." <</speech>> He gave a squeeze to my thigh. Pat, pat. Squeeze. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah?" I squeaked out, I felt like my voicebox could barely pass air. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"How're you feeling?"<</speech>> <br><br> I chuckled, again trying to release the tension, wondering if I would be leaving a liquid reminder of my time on the couch, <<speechPC>>"Well...I don't know. What's the verdict?"<</speechPC>> <br><br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gt 8>> <<speech "Adam">>"I'm surprised you have to ask. No wonder you got scouted. You'll book."<</speech>> <br><br> I practically squealed inside. I didn't //have// to do anything to get work. <<speechPC>>"Cool. Thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're welcome, girlie."<</speech>> Another few pats at my thigh and an awkward moment, then he stood and I quietly got <<link "dressed">><<outfit default>><</link>>. He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids and smiled casually as he waited for me to wrap up. I eyed the shine on the cushion and tried to ignore it -- couldn't exactly go wipe up without drawing attention. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door, noticing the camcorder light was still red. <</speechPC>> <br><br> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd truly [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> <<speech "Adam">>"Well...honestly--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Really? Fuck."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Hey, hey now, you're beautiful. You've got a great attitude, a good look. I'll...probably...put feelers out there." He smiled amiably.<</speech>> <br> <div id="put-out"> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> <<shake 3s>>Probably<</shake>>? No. I //needed// this. I [[spread|HS002 - SeedyCouch][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]] my thighs, a quiet offer. <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<shake 3s>>Probably<</shake>>? No. I //needed// this. <<speechPC>>"What about feelers in here?"<</speechPC>> the words popped out before I considered how they sounded, my hand on his wrist, leading it upward as my [[thighs uncrossed|HS002 - SeedyCouch][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]. <</if>> I didn't //have// to do anything to get work. I <<link "nodded">> <<replace "#put-out" t8n>><<speechPC>>"Cool. Thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're welcome, girlie."<</speech>> Another few pats at my thigh and an awkward moment, then he stood and I quietly got <<link "dressed">><<outfit default>><</link>>. He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids and smiled casually as he waited for me to wrap up. I eyed the shine on the cushion and tried to ignore it -- couldn't exactly go wipe up without drawing attention. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door, noticing the camcorder light was still red. <</speechPC>> <br><br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gte random(9,10)>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - ModelOutro]]. <</if>> <br><br> <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0 && $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> I nodded softly, but <<link "I nodded">><<replace "#nekkid" t8n>> <<speech "Adam">>"See? That's the attitude I was talking about. Good girl."<</speech>> <<if $Body.braless == false>>One hand urged me forward as it unhooked my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>> with clear skill, pulling my last shred of clothing away and onto the floor.<</if>> His <<if $Body.braless == false>>other<</if>> hand settled on one of my <<print $Body.tits>> breasts, cupping first, giving a little tap to watch its bounce, then a testing squeeze and a firm one, holding tight for a couple beats. I felt a similar beat beginning between my crossed thighs. Shit. Modeling casting couch? Sure felt like some of those videos on Pornhub. <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Oooeee." He nodded slowly, switching to the other one as if to confirm, "You got a great set. <<if $Body.braless == true>> No wonder you keep the girls free. Prevents sagging too. Good thinking. <</if>>"<</speech>> <</if>> My nipples were rock hard, his fingers were getting adventurous and I shifted my weight on the couch, trying to carefully just remove my breasts from his ministrations. <br><br> He switched tacks. His hand slid down my stomach, <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Flat, amazing tone here..."<</speech>> <</if>> and as it kept dropping, my throat kept tightening. <br><br> But the hand changed course right after brushing across the top of my mound, <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">> <<speech "Adam">>"Great job, no retouching needed."<</speech>> <<elseif Array("bush", "bikini", "trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>> <<speech "Adam">>"//That//." It looked like he was stifling a gag reflex. "Needs. To. ''Go''. //Yesterday//." Making his point with sharp tugs at the lazy strands.<</speech>> <</if>> I felt my pulse in my temples, this was not what I had signed up for...or had I? <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"No wonder you thought you could model with legs like these." <</speech>> He patted them appreciatively. <</if>> <<speech "Adam">>"Appraisal's complete, you can relax a bit, <<print $>>." <</speech>> He gave a squeeze to my thigh. Pat, pat. Squeeze. I shifted again, giving us a little more space, making him have to reach to keep contact. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah?" I squeaked out, I felt like my voicebox could barely pass air. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"How're you feeling?" That wasn't the best question. <</speech>> I felt a cold flash. I didn't hide it well, his words came out quickly: <br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gt 7>> <<speech "Adam">>"I shouldn't have asked, look, you'll //book//."<</speech>> <br><br> I practically squealed inside. I didn't //have// to do anything to get work. <<speechPC>>"Cool. Thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're welcome, girlie." <</speech>> Another few pats at my thigh and an awkward moment, then he stood and I quietly got <<link "dressed">><<outfit default>><</link>>. He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids and smiled casually as he waited for me to wrap up. I eyed the shine on the cushion and tried to ignore it -- couldn't exactly go wipe up without drawing attention. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door, noticing the camcorder light was still red. <</speechPC>> <br><br> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd truly [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> <<speech "Adam">>"<<print $>>...honestly--you're beautiful. You've got a good attitude, a definite look. I can certainly put feelers out there." He smiled amiably, but I could hear the doubt.<</speech>> <br> <div id ="put-out"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>> <<speechPC>>"What about feelers in here?" <</speechPC>> the words popped out before I considered how they sounded, my hand on his wrist, leading it upward as my [[thighs uncrossed|HS002 - SeedyCouch][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]. <</if>> I didn't //have// to do anything to get work. I <<link "nodded">><<replace "#put-out" t8n>> <<speechPC>>"Cool. Thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're welcome, girlie."<</speech>> Another few pats at my thigh and an awkward moment, then he stood and I quietly got <<link "dressed">><<outfit default>><</link>>. He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids and smiled casually as he waited for me to wrap up. I eyed the shine on the cushion and tried to ignore it -- couldn't exactly go wipe up without drawing attention. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door, noticing the camcorder light was still red. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gte random(9,11)>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - ModelOutro]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <br><br> <</if>> <<link "I gulped">><<replace "#nekkid" t8n>> He took the silence as consent. <<scrollIntoView>> <<if $Body.braless == false>> One hand urged me forward as it unhooked my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>> with clear skill, pulling my last shred of clothing away and onto the floor. <</if>> His <<if $Body.braless == false>>other<</if>> hand settled on one of my <<print $Body.tits>> breasts, cupping first. I squirmed slightly and he gave me a disappointed look. Trying again, came a little tap to watch the bounce, then a testing squeeze and I pulled back. Shit. Modeling casting couch? Sure felt like some of those videos on Pornhub. <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> He nodded slowly, eyeing my chest, <<speech "Adam">>"You got a great set. <<if $Body.braless == true>> No wonder you keep the girls free. Prevents sagging too. Good thinking.<</if>>"<</speech>> <</if>> His eyes flicked up, expressionless again, checking my reaction. <br><br> Reaching out, his hand slid down my stomach, <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"Flat, amazing tone here..."<</speech>> <</if>> and as it kept dropping, my throat kept tightening. <br><br> Whether reading my reaction or having other intentions, his hand changed course right after brushing across the top of my mound, <<if $Body.pubes == 'bald'>> <<speech "Adam">>"Great job, no retouching needed."<</speech>> <<elseif Array("bush", "bikini", "trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>> <<speech "Adam">>"//That//." It looked like he was stifling a gag reflex. "Needs. To. ''Go''. //Yesterday//." Making his point with sharp tugs at the lazy strands.<</speech>> <</if>> I was silently wondering if I should have done more research before showing up. Or maybe not simply taken off my clothes. Mixed messages. <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<speech "Adam">>"No wonder you thought you could model with legs like these." He patted them appreciatively.<</speech>> <</if>> <<speech "Adam">>"Appraisal's complete. Jeez, <<print $>>, relaaaax why don'cha." <</speech>> He gave a squeeze to my thigh. Pat, pat. Squeeze. I shifted again, giving us a little more space, making him have to reach to keep contact. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah?" I squeaked out, I felt like my voicebox could barely pass air. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"How're you feeling?"<</speech>> That wasn't the best question. I felt a cold flash. I didn't hide it well, his words came out quickly: <br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gt 8>> <<speech "Adam">>"You'll book." I practically squealed inside, but before it could really register he got up. His size leaving the couch was shocking, "K, ya can git." <</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Cool. Thank you." I hoped he meant it.<</speechPC>> <br><br> I quietly got <<link "dressed">><<outfit default>><</link>>. He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door, noticing the camcorder light was still red. <</speechPC>> <br><br> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd truly [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <br><br> <<else>> <<speech "Adam">>"No bullshit here--" Tears welled up in my eyes. Cold quickly changed to ''hot''. "Hey, hey now, you're cute. You've got a fun attitude, a definite look. I can test the waters." <</speech>> His smile was weak, apologetic. <br> <div id="put-out"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 2>> I don't know what triggered in my brain, but my hand was on his wrist, pulling it to my core as my [[thighs uncrossed|HS002 - SeedyCouch][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++]]. <</if>> <br><br> I didn't //have// to do anything to get work. I <<link "nodded">><<replace "#put-out" t8n>>"Cool. Thank you." <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're welcome, girlie."<</speech>> Another few pats at my thigh and an awkward moment, then he stood and I quietly got <<link "dressed">><<outfit default>><</link>>. He moved back around the desk, assembling the polaroids and smiled casually as he waited for me to wrap up. I eyed the shine on the cushion and tried to ignore it -- couldn't exactly go wipe up without drawing attention. <br><br> I gave an awkward wave and soft, <<speechPC>>"Bye," as I headed to the door, noticing the camcorder light was still red. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if $HS.modelHire gte random(9,13)>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> Closing the door, I wondered whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - ModelOutro]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1 && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>No. Way. <<link "I left">><<replace "#nekkid" t8n>> Without a response and before he could get any closer, I extricated myself from the couch and the sketchy MFer and grabbed my clothes. My brain was an echo camber of self-judgment as I pulled clothes on as quickly as I could. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Hey now, I...I didn't mean anything by it..."<</speech>> He was stumbling, he was trying to regroup, but my <<link "clothing was on faster">><<outfit default>><</link>> than it came off. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Thanks, I think...this just isn't for me."<</speechPC>> I said side-long as I moved to the door, hair on the back of my neck raised as I anticipated being jumped. <br><br> But he didn't move. Instead -- maybe even worse -- he simply looked at me and shook his head, [["No. This isn't."|HS002 - ModelOutro][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Easy'].base --; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++; $CC.maleReaction --; $CC.maleAttention --; $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base ++; $HS.modelHire = 0]] <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit default>> <<face happy>> <<image framed "passage/HS002-FirstShoot-alt.png">> I arrived at the upscale apartment building, expecting more pomp and circumstance from being buzzed in, from the man at the front desk, but that was it. I simply walked in and told where the right elevator bank was. Ding. Out into a quiet hallway and down to a metal door. <br><br> Knocking, the door opened to a vacuous loft with exposed brick and massive, floor-to-ceiling windows. It was bright and I blinked back against the sun as I was welcomed in, <<speech "Yaz">>"<<print $>>? Come in, come in. Adam told me all about you."<</speech>> My mind went to the curious place of wondering exactly what that meant. What had Adam said. What were his expectations? I awkwardly chuckled it off, <<speechPC>>"Oh uh great!"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Yaz">>"First shoot, eh?"<</speech>> Yaz was a slender, tall guy with a man-bun and a linen shirt opened all the way down -- of course he was. "Don't worry, nerves are normal and this should be fun. We're just doing a little <<if $HS.modelHire lt 5>><<set _shoot = 1>>lifestyle<<elseif $HS.modelHire lt 7>><<set _shoot = 2>>bikini<<else>><<set _shoot = 3>>lingerie<</if>> shoot." <br><br> An Oriental-styled room divider, lacquered and expensive-looking, was set to one corner and I knew where to go. Yaz returned to his equipment, squatting in a pair of khakis as I disappeared to change. <br><br> <<if _shoot == 1>> <<outfit fashion>> Shorts, tees, tops, pants, a couple skirts. Time to show off how someone wore some clothes, rather than how they could wear you. <<elseif _shoot == 2>> <<outfit bikinibandeau>> A cute couple of bikinis, nothing too risque, but they'd show me off well and I'd do a good job of making people jealous of how I made them look. <<else>> <<outfit teddy>> So, art shots, straight out of the gate. I knew I'd be cold, even with the sun coming in those windows. And what other people would see. Jeez. I wondered if they'd edit out nipplage or hints of my pubic area. I slid on the sheer fabric and showed myself off. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>>Stepping in front of the brick wall, I struck a pose that just felt...natural. The lights flashed. Yaz nodded, <<speech "Yaz">>"Wow, a natural?"<</speech>> I just smiled and posed again. Flash.<<else>><<set $HS.modelHire -->>Stepping in front of the brick wall awkwardly, I looked for a mark, some indication. He stepped forward, <<speech "Yaz">>"Just...wherever, find the light and make a pose, whatever's comfortable."<</speech>> I tried to laugh it off, but eventually he got me posing.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>>He told a story as we worked, not the expected "Like a bunny." or "Hotter." Looking back, the story didn't give clear direction, but it worked for me.<<else>><<set $HS.modelHire -->>Yaz confused me, he wasn't giving directions most of the time, just talking and telling some weird, winding story. But it was disjointed, broken up when he actually decided to tell me what to do.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>>I hadn't expected it to be as physically taxing as it was, holding a position mid-motion, assuming poses that probably looked great on camera, but damn were they unnatural. But I held and fought the sweat.<<else>><<set $HS.modelHire -->>I hadn't expected this work to And it was, holding a position mid-motion, or posing in what probably looked good on camera, but was awkward as fuck for me. I had to take breaks from time to time until we got the shot.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>><<set $HS.modelHire ++>>And it was a long shoot, far longer than I had done before and covering the same shots a couple times in a row was frustrating, but I kept my cool.<<else>><<set $HS.modelHire -->>And it was a long shoot, far longer than I had done before and covering the same shot multiple times was frustrating -- I may have snapped a few times at Yaz but he took it in stride and helped me settle down.<</if>> <br><br> And we wrapped. <<speech "Yaz">>"Yours to keep. Perk of the job."<</speech>> Yaz commented as I went to go get changed. I giggled behind the divider, jitters finally leaving my body, he smiled and waved as I made my way to the door, "One done, see [[how it goes|HS002 - ModelOutro][$Stats.Skills['Performance'].value ++]] from here." Shit, that was professional.
<<outfit naked>> <<set $CC.HSBC ++>> <<set $HS.modelHire ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face shock>> /* IMAGE (Needed): POV looking right at a video camera on a tripod, red light on */ There was no reluctance. I didn't expect any. He leaned right into the opportunity as if this is what he was waiting for the whole time. <br><br><br> I leaned back into the comfort of the backrest, looking at him with my mouth slightly agape, eliciting soft gasps as my excitement grew. Excitement despite the crawl over my skin. His look was dispassionate even as he gazed down at his fingers working and playing with my pussy. It was so perfunctory and expected for him, I couldn't help but wonder what number I was for him. What number today. <br><br> And the red light of the camera burned itself into the corner of my vision, reminding me that this wasn't just for us, now. For him. But recorded for posterity. For others? <br><br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"I thought you wanted it?"<</speech>> The frown on his face was firm and displeased. He was skilled at icing and even though I //knew// he was doing it, my gut reaction was to give him what he wanted. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I do!"<</speechPC>> I leaned forward, fumbling with his pants with the urgency as if their contents would cure cancer. Now he leaned back, assuming the position I had been and pulling his phone from his pocket while shifting his hips. His stubby cock popped free, a widely-brimmed head on the tip of the short shaft sticking out of the wiry pubic hair. <br><br> His hand was on the back of my head before I realized it, pushing me down and giving me a slight nod with the barest of smiles as I began to suck on his cock. Even short as he was, the flare of his head made sucking deeply difficult. He chuckled to himself as he heard the catches in my throat and the gags, the heavy hand making sure I wasn't trying to pull off or take a breather. Eventually, I had gotten into a rhythm and founded some comfort, hair tickling my nose, flare poking my epiglottis, the heavy gut pressing and rubbing against the side of my face with his breathing and my bobbing. It was then that I wondered what he had gotten his phone out for...oh, a different angle. A close-up, hand casually hanging just above the cushions and aiming at me doing my work. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"Alright!"<</speech>> He <<shake 2s>>smacked<</shake>> my ass sharply. He gave a sharp jerk of his hips, jabbing his cock deep and making me instinctively pull back and off with a cough. <<speech "Adam">>"Not awful. Photographers might be okay with you."<</speech>> <<dollRearView>> His clothes shifted to join mine and we made do with the small, uncomfortable couch, his hands grabbing and moving me into doggystyle, <<speechPC>>"A...condom?"<</speechPC>> My head flicked back and around looking at him aiming his meat, nudging my cleft. <br><br> <<speech "Adam">>"You're on the pill, right?"<</speech>> He didn't make eye contact, looking down as he aimed his phone at the viewpoint as well. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<speechPC>>"Uh. No."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Adam">>"You're cool with me nutting you, though, yeah?"<</speech>> Still no eye contact. I realized it really wasn't a question. It was either me say yes and 'get nutted' -- my stomach flipped -- or have gotten naked, fingered and given him head all on camera for nothing. <<else>> <<speechPC>>"Oh. Okay."<</speechPC>> Still no eye contact. All the possibilities of what number I was for him, the risk and threat of disease fluttering through my queasy stomach. <</if>> <br><br> And then he was in me, abrupt and quickly he was sheathed. I gasped in sharply at the entrance. His hand found my hair and pulled back at my head. His other hand was preoccupied with his phone, otherwise I'm sure it would have been grasping at my tits or ass. <br><br> While he wasn't that well equipped, his sack was prodigious, smacking with weight that rivaled his stomach against the top of my mound and across my slit, whacking at me pendulously as we fucked. My neck was craned, I whimpered plaintively as he railed me on the couch, wondering what kind of decision I had made. Listening to his grunts, feeling his gut against my back, his heat and hardness within me. <br><br> And then it was <<linkreplace"over.">> <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs1>> over. His balls predicted the monster size of his load that spewed inside me, pressing tightly against me from behind to ensure he got me filled and deeply. Then, wordlessly, we came free from each other, both of us panting and breathing heavily as we switched modes as nonchalantly as possible. <br><br><br> I awkwardly cleaned up the couch as best I could while he cleaned himself up a bit. <<speech "Adam">>"Hey," he called back over to me, a firm, but caring look in his eyes, "A promise is a promise."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Cool. Thanks."<</speechPC>> I nodded, collecting myself and my things. I gave an incredibly awkward, <<speechPC>>"Bye"<</speechPC>> and wave as I headed to the door, noticing the camcorder light was still red. And had been the whole time. <br><br><br> With a pit in my stomach, I closed the door, <<if 8 lte random(1,10)>> wondering whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - FirstShoot]]. <<else>> wondering whether I'd [[hear from Adam again|HS002 - ModelOutro]]. <</if>> <<include "HS000 - Cheating">> <br><br> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck Adam M "Adam, my first Agent">> <</linkreplace>>
<<outfit default>> <<if visited("HS002 - FirstShoot")>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Bikini on the sand */ <<if $HS.modelHire gt 7>> <<run $Memories.push("TeenModel")>> <<Stats Confident += 2>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Learning -= 2>> <<face happy>> <<outfit redbikini>> It was crazy. The stories turned out to be true. People did get discovered anywhere. I got shoots from time to time and everyone got used to the money coming in to the college fund. I got to travel, but most fun was seeing me in an ad. A weird kind of mirror. <br><br> School was hard to maintain. I was always lugging my books and having to pay tutors to try and keep me up to date. But I'd miss tests and homework inevitably. It was the cost of this lifestyle. <br><br> For kids at school, it was a mixed bag. Girls hated it and their reactions went from constantly trying to ingratiate themselves to just icing me out. Guys loved it, and made me more of a get -- which made the rest of [[school|HS001 - StoryArc]] more interesting. <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face sad>> And that was it. My early and quick foray into modeling. From the excitement of being found and selected without even trying, and then seeing how it all played out. <br><br> Theres a part of me that regrets not trying a little harder, or doing something different -- maybe I could have made more of the opportunity. <br><br><br> But it was a great learning experience, and it got me a little clout as we headed into the final stretch at which made the rest of [[school|HS001 - StoryArc]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face sad>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Just a couple Polaroids sitting on a very bare table, emphasizing the emptiness that should have more pictures */ And that was it. My early and quick foray into modeling. From the excitement of being found and selected without even trying, and then seeing how it all played out. <br><br> Theres a part of me that regrets not trying a little harder, or doing something different -- maybe I could have made more of the opportunity. <br><br><br> But it was a great learning experience, and it got me a little clout as we headed into the final stretch at which made the rest of [[school|HS001 - StoryArc]]. <</if>>
<<outfit underwear>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Naked Legs up in the backseat, pulling shorts along them*/ <<print $CC.MName>> smiled at me, peering back from the driver's seat. We'd come straight from school and I was awkwardly trying to change in the backseat, <<speech $CC.MName>>"I heard they have locker rooms, dear."<</speech>> Her tone was kind, but it still stung. If this had been the school gym, the girls I had grown up with, the ones I saw in would have been different. Maybe eventually. These were strangers and...stripping down in front of them felt too vulnerable right now. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, just...faster this way."<</speechPC>> I had my backpack crammed up against one of the windows while my eyes darted at the other ones, making sure no one was seeing me as we sat in the parking lot. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Okay." I could hear her disbelief.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Show up early and ready to go. Impress the coach, ya know?"<</speechPC>> I tugged on the <<link "jersey">><<upper "yellowsportsshirt">><</link>>. At least now, people would see me fumbling around but not realize I was essentially Winnie the Pooh-ing it. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"I think he'll care more about your talent than coming in your uniform Day One."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Just...I'm halfway there, Mom. Can you just--"<</speechPC>> I stuffed my school clothes into my gym bag with a bit too much force, feeling them catch on the zipper. <br><br> She switched tacks immediately, <<speech $CC.MName>>"Club team. That's a big step, <<print $>>." <</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Was getting too old for the 'everyone gets a trophy' teams."<</speechPC>> Shifting my shoulder away from my backpack, I let it drop so I could dig through it for the rest of my gear. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"But you would absolutely //trounce// them."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I think that's called bullying, not fair play." <</speechPC>> She laughed, eyes making contact in the rearview mirror, <<speech $CC.MName>><<if $CC.Mom == 1>>"I'd argue it's better to win than it is to play fair."<<else>>"But you've got to admit it'd be funny?"<</if>><</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I don't think you're winning any parent-of-the-year awards with these kind of suggestions."<</speechPC>> The <<link "spandex">><<lower "tightsportsshorts">><</link>> tugged tightly up my legs. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Hm. So what would you suggest, then?" <</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Did you ever play?"<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Volleyball? No. I was surprised you wanted to pick it up."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>I shrugged, "A bunch of upperclassmen seemed to really enjoy their club."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"I didn't really do the sports thing, growing up."<</speech>> <<if $CC.Mom == 0>>I believed her. She never really had much definition. She was just a full-on, typical Mom-type Mom.<<else>>It was hard to not show my disbelief. She never hit the gym, but she had this effortless grace and athleticism about her.<</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Really?"<</speechPC>> I slid my feet into my <<link "sneaks">><<feet "shoes_chunkysneakers">><</link>>. <br><br> <<speech $CC.MName>>"Let's say //I'm// impressed. You look great, <<print $>>."<</speech>> She did look like she was beaming. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well. Thanks."<</speechPC>> I leaned forward, gave her a peck on her cheek and began sliding out of the car, tugging my gym bag with me, <<speechPC>>"I'm ready to go."<</speechPC>> <<speech $CC.MName>>"I'll be here to pick you up when you're done."<</speech>> Hitting the door shut with my butt, I couldn't help but smile. It was nice to <<if $CC.Mom == 0>>see her making this effort with me<<else>>have Mom back in town for once<</if>>, it made things feel more normal. <<speechPC>>"Kay. Thanks, [[Mom|HS002 - Sports2]]."<</speechPC>> I called to her through the window and waved, stepping over towards the gym and my new after-school life on a club volleyball team.
<<outfit sports>> <<set $HS.compWin = $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value>> <<if ($CC.freetime == "sporty" || $CC.schoolinterest == "active") && ($CC.hsv == "sporty" || $CC.hsv == "cheer")>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> School was...fine. I got along with my cohort and went to class. It just wasn't my speed. It was hours of being sedentary. It was flexing brain muscles rather than my real muscles. <br><br> I missed the days of Elementary school when you'd be sent out to recess. <br><br> PE was a single hour //some// days during the week. <br><br> It wasn't enough. <br><br> By the time the final bell rang, I was ready to explode out of my seat and do something active. <br><br> I craved the extracurriculars that gave me peace and a feeling of accomplishment. And this would be something new. A new sport to push me in new ways. I was dying for the opportunity. <br><br> My heart was in my throat and it was ''pumping'' with excitement. I couldn't stop myself from smiling seeing the other girls assembled there already -- Classmates were fine, but there was a different bond and energy with teammates. <br><br> They were all new to me, coming from across the county, but all with a similar background and desire to compete. <br><br> There was a tension as we assembled. We had no bearings on each other. What skills did we bring to the table. We would be competing together as a team, but in those initial moments, you could feel the competition that came naturally to us infiltrating the space between us. <br><br> We eyed each other cautiously while we waited for the thick air to be cut by our coach: Rod. He was a fantastic server in his own right and had been on the American team in 1990. We were all in awe of him and his pedigree. This club was one of the preeminent ones in the country, simply because of him. <<if $ == "Rod">>Needless to say, I was enamored from the moment we met. Most of the girls were. And that kind of made it more important that he and //me// be a thing. Careful, <<print $>>. Didn't wanna screw this up.<</if>> <br><br> Clap, clap. <<speech "Rod">>"Alright, girls. Let's do some drills. Let me see what you can do."<</speech>> Clap, clap. <br><br> We scrambled onto the court and began to show off or striking, setting, serving. <br><br> I was exhausted, sweaty and dying for a shower by the end of our first session. The ick was too much to take, so I got over myself and headed to locker room along with all the other <<linkexpand "girls">> <<skillChecked "Pubes">> <<skillChecked "Suggestible" "Clique Label Reaction" "Stable" "Confident">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Naked girls in a shower */ girls. <br><br> <span id="pubes"> <<if Array("bush", "trimmed", "bikini").includes($Body.pubes)>> /* Zach/Fict (TODO): replace pubes should show new pubes if style changed! */ I pulled <<link "off my clothing">><<outfit naked>><</link>> urgently. The sound of water running was teasing me. Girls were already in there and I needed to get clean. Now. <br><br> Then, as I stepped out of my shorts, one of the girls coughed. <br><br> Another cough. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell she was looking at me. I froze, trying to ignore her. She had been one of the girls I had driven a spike at and was wondering if this was come-uppance. Maybe I should have taken my earlier beliefs to heart and stayed out of the locker room a bit longer. <br><br> <<speech "Lindsay">>"Gross."<</speech>> It was another girl, standing naked beside me, hands on her hips. The coughing girl had become laughing girl and I was gaining an audience as they checked out my sweaty, matted pubes. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What."<</speechPC>> It came out as a squeak more than anything else. <br><br> <<speech "Erica">>"Fuckin nasty."<</speech>> I heard one girl gag. There wasn't a conversation. Just shaking heads as the hairless twats walked away from me and my shame. <br><br> The heat on my cheeks wasn't residue from the workout. I was embarassed and could feel my lower hair clinging to my body as it wetted in the shower. And as nice as it felt to get clean, all I could think about was comparing my trim to their lack. I felt a wholesale expectation to go bald. Lindsey, the cougher, was cleaner than I'd ever thought possible. Deepa and Rachel kept something along the lines of...a line, landing strip. But they were the only two. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lte 0>> I quickly joined in and decided between the <<link "Line">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<set $Body.pubes = "strip">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> and <<link "Hollywood">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> look. <<elseif $CC.labelReaction gt 0>> I wasn't going to be the odd-ball and went <<link "Hollywood">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lte 0>> But I rocked it anyway, <<link "Fuck'em.">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> <br><br> Or... The __next__ day, we were all <<link "smiles">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> rather than stares. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 0 || $CC.labelReaction lte 0>> I preferred being <<link "Unique">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> <br><br> Or... The __next__ day, we were all <<link "smiles">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> rather than stares. <</if>> <<else>> I pulled <<link "off my clothing">><<outfit naked>><</link>> urgently. The sound of water running was teasing me. Girls were already in there and I needed to get clean. Now. <br><br> I heard a cough from a girl named Lindsey. I looked over and she was making another, louder, clearly fake as she drew attention to one of the girls who was dropping her panties to reveal an absolute forest of pubic hair. <br><br> <<speech "Erica">>"Gross."<</speech>> Another girl, naked besides me, hands on her hips had joined Lindsey in her disgust. In moments it was a circle around Ruby as she got red and seemed to be on the verge of crying as the rest of us stood around her in our assortment of hairlessness. <br><br> Was I going to <<link "join in">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<speechPC>>"Fuckin nasty."<</speechPC>> I gagged at her performatively. I received a raucous laugh. They liked that. I got a firm smack on my bare ass. <br><br> Ruby did begin to cry. <br><br> There wasn't a conversation. Just shaking heads as me and the other hairless twats walked away from her and her shame. <br><br> The next day she was covered in razor burn, but she had <<link "shaved">><<replace "#pubes">> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>> and towed the line. <</replace>><</link>> or <<link "defend her right">><<replace "#pubes" t8n>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<speechPC>>"Shut the fuck up guys. It's just hair." <</speechPC>> <br><br> Mouths dropped open in surprise. Brows furrowed and I got look overs worse than Ruby had. <br><br> She began to cry, but I think because I had saved her. <br><br> There wasn't any more conversation. Just shaking heads at me and her as the hairless twats walked away from us and into the showers. <br><br> She kept rocking her forest and didn't get any more <<link "commentary">><<replace "#pubes">> <<include "HS002 - Sports - Crossroads">> <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>> to maintain as little as she wanted to? As differently as she wanted to. <</if>> </span> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit sports>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Girls playing volleyball */ I was placed at the top of the team. <br><br> That meant our rotation was built around me. Despite the animosity that I knew was there, it was tamped in lieu of our chances of winning. <br><br> After school were days of drilling skill, relentless jumping, running and weight training. Friday we'd have a practice game and then call it quits for the week. <br><br> Saturday was our one day off, which was mostly filled with ice baths, carb-loading, and resting as much as I could. <br><br> Because Sunday mornings were the technical sessions. <br><br> Rod had taken especial interest in my training. <<if $ == "Rod">>I hoped it was a sign not just to my talent...but also my //talent.<</if>> It was just me and him. Each Sunday was tuned to exactly where I was falling short, or where I had the most easy improvement. Tailored, one-on-one drills followed by a sit-down strategy session, analysis of upcoming pairings and then his regimen for me and my next week. <br><br> I was his protege. Custom gym and nutrition program to stick to. Twice a week -- outside of practice -- I sweat in the gym, doing strength, core and "pre-hab" exercises. I drank mostly smoothies, ate power salads, and was told to avoid alcohol. Period. <br><br> With all this training -- plus //occasionally// putting eyeballs on schoolwork to appease everyone else -- that Spring was __packed__, and an incredibly stressful time. <br><br> We were doing well, winning most of our games, but Rod was applying more pressure on me than the rest of the girls. They where happy to be shorter blades of grass, but I could tell they also bristled against my special attention. At times I wanted him to forget about me, because it felt like it essentially all rode on me. <br><br> It felt as if ''//I//'' focused a bit harder we might have a shot at Districts. <br><br> The gym echoed with the squeaks of my sneakers those afternoons. <br><br> Then, when I went home, I drove the neighbors mad with the smack-pound of the balls against the fence. My grunts and yells preceded each one, a call-and-response and its own kind of rhythmic music. <br><br> Volleyball was life. It didn't //have// to be. But I did have to decide how much I was willing to give to Rod and the girls. How much of myself was I going to invest in our competitive chances? <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Comp]] $CC.labelReaction gt 0>> A potential victory at the upcoming District Championship was all that mattered. <<blocked>> $ doesn't fall in with her Clique enough. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Fun]] $CC.labelReaction lt 0>> I was doing this only to keep fit and kill time. <<blocked>> $ is too in line with her Clique. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Comp]] $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> I needed was the affirmation: Rod said so, I did so. <<blocked>> $ doesn't want male attention enough. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Comp]] $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> The pressure from Rod was all I needed to lean in. <<blocked>> $ isn't suggestible enough. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Fun][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> The pressure felt too much for me, everything couldn't be //only// on my shoulders. <</crossroads>>
<<set $HS.compWin -->> <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Volleyball on the floor beside a pair of heels */ It didn't take long before I started shirking his expectations. <<if $ == "Rod">>He had to view me as something other than an athlete if we were going to have our time together...<</if>> <br><br> He really was a good coach: he saw it coming and pulled back before I even had to mention 'quitting'. He saw me disconnect and turned to Lindsey, Ruby, Deepa, and Rachel. They didn't receive the one-on-one importance or attention that I had, but they were the core focus of our team. <br><br> There was a terseness to his voice when he called my name. A definite disappointment in his eyes. <br><br> Still, he was able to keep us winning. We kept powering through our competition. Without me. See? I hadn't really mattered all that much. <br><br> Thank god I hadn't thrown more into training. I saved myself so much bullshit. We were on our way to Districts, irrespective. <br><br><br> Our main rival was a team from across town, led by an outside hitter named Ava, an upper class trophy-wife-to-be who was 'slumming it' rather than spending her time at Equinox like other girls in her echelon. <br><br> How did I know her so well? She went to my fucking school. <br><br> I could no longer disconnect my school life with my competitive life. Whatever happened between us on the court was going to be news. And one of us had to win. <br><br> But that also meant that I knew her better than other 'killers' on other squads that we'd come across. <br><br> First: she had a killer wrist-away shot. Second: she was a complete bitch, who couldn't stand me for some reason. <br><br> Case in point, she spread a rumour to the other girls in my club to avoid me because I was a lesbian. <<if $CC.sexuality == "lesbian">>Bullseye, but girls had to closet a lot more carefully than guys.<<elseif $CC.sexuality == "bi">>Not...quite girly.<<else>>Vicious lie.<</if>> Coming from her it was extra-effective. It didn't matter who I liked, everyone now viewed me as an out-and-out carpet muncher. I heard around school that she was getting people to call me "Fat <<print $>>". Unoriginal, but hurts to this day. <br><br> Last? She //loved// to six-pack an unsuspecting opponent. <br><br> That would ''not'' be me. <br><br><br> I'd ''love'' to beat her up, but I was willing to accept simply beating her. <br><br> Rod recommended some extra one-on-one training on Saturday mornings -- saying I needed to work harder. <<speech "Rod">>"Your Aces aren't going to work against her."<</speech>> It burned but also felt like he was just trying to get me back as his little volleyball marionette. <br><br> And Rob and the court had competition. Me and my girl <<print $CC.FName>> had recently learned that wearing lipstick and eyeshadow got us served at bars just one neighborhood over. For some reason...they didn't card. <br><br> Grabbing drinks, breaking Rod's cardinal rule -- and they usually ended up being free -- on a Friday night had become my new favorite way to blow off steam. <br><br> Ava had built up a lot of steam. <br><br> But Rod's insistence on training tickled the back of my mind. I wanted to beat Ava, but that meant training time with Rod. I doubted I could hit up "Paddy's with <<print $CC.FName>>" //and// face a training session with Rod the morning after. <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - Sports_ExtraSesh]]>> So, I gave up the partying until after Districts. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_ExtraSesh][$HS.compHungover = true]] $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lte 0>> I tried to do both. <<blocked>> $ is too stable. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Paddys]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> Winning wasn't worth giving up the fun. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky enough. <</crossroads>>
<<set $HS.compWin ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A volleyball court */ <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> I was sore. I was beaten down. But I was also thrilled. I was now seeing myself as the instrument of destruction that Rod saw me as from the first day. <br><br> Maybe I'd be as good and famous as Rod someday. <br><br> With our powers combined, we powered through the rest of the field. <br><br> Kills dominated when I was on the backline. Searing strikes right where they had the most bodies in a way that left the other squads shaking their heads. <br><br> I sacrificed my body to stop their strikers, throwing myself down on the hardwood to keep a rally alive. I found ways to squeeze my forearms under shots that seemed like they had already hit the floor. <br><br> And on the front-line, my blocks were like a wall, my sets seemed to float for eternity. It didn't matter where I was on the court. The other teams couldn't find ways to keep me from making a difference on every. single. play. <br><br> Clinching //first// in our District was on the horizon. I could taste it. <br><br> Our main rival was a team from across town, led by an outside hitter named Ava, an upper class trophy-wife-to-be who was 'slumming it' rather than spending her time at Equinox like other girls in her echelon. <br><br> How did I know her so well? She went to my fucking school. <br><br> I could no longer disconnect my school life with my competitive life. Whatever happened between us on the court was going to be news. And one of us had to win. <br><br> But that also meant that I knew her better than other 'killers' on other squads that we'd come across. <br><br> First: she had a killer wrist-away shot. Second: she was a complete bitch, who couldn't stand me for some reason. <br><br> Case in point, she spread a rumour to the other girls in my club to avoid me because I was a lesbian. <<if $CC.sexuality == "lesbian">>Bullseye, but girls had to closet a lot more carefully than guys.<<elseif $CC.sexuality == "bi">>Not...quite girly.<<else>>Vicious lie.<</if>> Coming from her it was extra-effective. It didn't matter who I liked, everyone now viewed me as an out-and-out carpet muncher. I heard around school that she was getting people to call me "Fat <<print $>>". Unoriginal, but hurts to this day. <br><br> Last? She //loved// to six-pack an unsuspecting opponent. <br><br> That would ''not'' be me. <br><br><br> I'd ''love'' to beat her up, but I was willing to accept simply beating her. <br><br> Rod recommended some extra one-on-one training on Saturday mornings -- saying I needed to work harder. <<speech "Rod">>"Your Aces aren't going to work against her."<</speech>> His belief that I wasn't good enough really burned me. <br><br> And Rob and the court had competition. Me and my girl <<print $CC.FName>> had recently learned that wearing lipstick and eyeshadow got us served at bars just one neighborhood over. For some reason...they didn't card. <br><br> Grabbing drinks, breaking Rod's cardinal rule -- and they usually ended up being free -- on a Friday night had become my new favorite way to blow off steam. <br><br> Ava had built up a lot of steam. <br><br> But Rod's insistence on training tickled the back of my mind. I wanted to beat Ava, but that meant training time with Rod. I doubted I could hit up "Paddy's with <<print $CC.FName>>" //and// face a training session with Rod the morning after. <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - Sports_ExtraSesh]]>> So, I gave up the partying until after Districts. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_ExtraSesh][$HS.compHungover = true]] $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lte -1>> I couldn't give up either one. <<blocked>> $ is too stable. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Paddys]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> Partying was just too much fun. I excused myself from even //more// training with Rod. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky enough. <</crossroads>>
<<set $HS.compWin += 2>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<set $HS.ava = random(1,5)>> <<if $HS.compHungover == true>> <<call>>"Paddys?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call $CC.FName>>"Yaaaaas!"<</call>> <br><br> That was it. She knew what that meant. <br><br> It meant: We'd hit up the bar and I'd be able to release some of this stress. <br><br> It meant: I'd //maybe// wake up with my alarm and shuffle my hungover way to practice and avoid throwing up. <br><br> It meant: Bullshitting Rod more often than not. "That time of the month." <<else>> <<call>>"Hey uh, <<print $CC.FName>>..."<</call>> <br><br> <<call $CC.FName>>"Nooooo...."<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"Yeah."<</call>> <br><br> That was it. She knew. She was disappointed. Not a single text back. <br><br> I hadn't clarified, but she knew how much winning meant to me. <br><br> It meant: going to sleep early on Friday nights. <</if>> <br><br> It meant: 7AM //every// day of my few remaining weekends were spent in an empty gym, one-on-one with <<linkexpand "Rod">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A coaches whistle, hanging around a neck and resting a man's upper chest (T-Shirt) */ Rod. <br><br> Without the distraction of the other girls, it was eight hours per week of intense personal coaching -- focused on everything: technical, mental, physical, strategic. <br><br><br> Rod coached me not to think about anyone else on the court except myself. <<speech "Rod">>"It literally doesn't matter what they're doing; you're either giving it 100% in every single second or you're not, and that's all you need--" he poked my head, "going on in here."<</speech>> His touch ignited something <<linkexpand "inside me">> inside me. <br><br><br> <<speech "Rod">>"Yes!"<</speech>> Clap, clap. His long, athletic legs crossed the distance towards me after a brutal spike. "//That's//" he smacked he hard on my ass, <<speech "Rod">>"What."<</speech>> Smack. <<speech "Rod">>"I'm."<</speech>> SMACK. <<speech "Rod">>"Talking."<</speech>> SMACK! <<speech "Rod">>"About."<</speech>> Pat, pat, pat, <<speech "Rod">>"Atta girl, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <<linkexpand "SMACK!">> <<shake 3s>>SMACK!<</shake>> <br><br><br> <<speech "Rod">>"Right. Right."<</speech>> He thought, looking down at the floor as we headed off the court. He caressed his dimpled chin with two of his fingers while his other hand rested against my sacrum, guiding me possessively. <br><br> It was right on the bare skin above the skin-tight shorts that showed off every contour of my female form. I wondered if he thought about me in <<linkexpand "that way">> that way. <br><br><br> <<speech "Rod">>"Here!"<</speech>> He called me off the court, pointing beside him like I was a puppy being made to heel. <br><br> I sprinted over. <br><br> <<speech "Rod">>"<<print $>>. It's //here//. It's all ''here''."<</speech>> <br><br> Again, that jab right at my forehead as I looked up at him. It was a weird and very personal invasion of my space. It was violent. Dominant. Strangely <<linkexpand "sexual">> sexual. <br><br> Something about the way he did it, whether it was his signature head-poke, or a hand on my lower back. It seemed innocent, but it felt otherwise. <br><br><br> And then there were the training and [[treatment sessions|HS002 - Sports_Treatment]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Sports_Treatment.png">> <<outfit towel>> Sometimes I'd sprain something, strain something. It was just a fact of high-level competition. <br><br> Other times it was just stretching out, a very enjoyable, deep-tissue massage that rewarded my body for the exertion. <br><br> Our Club had athletic trainers during the week, but Rod had years of experience and there wasn't anyone on staff during our extra sessions. <br><br> So Rod was the trainer on the weekends. <br><br> He was always respectful, cleaning up the gym from our work while he let me have the space and time to get into a towel and lay out before he would walk in, "So what should we work on today?" He'd say as he would walk in. Just like the trainer during the week. <br><br> <div id="massage"> <<crossroads #massage>> <<path $Stats.Traits["Easy"].value gt 1>> This time I hadn't kept my underwear on under the towel. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough. <<contents>> <<set $HS.compWin -->> I leaned up on my elbows, looking back at him. The movement naturally caused my thighs to part more and I saw his eyes dip to the towel's shadow revealing peeks of what was...or wasn't...underneath, <<speechPC>>"Doesn't matter to me...just need you to get into it."<</speechPC>> That was it. Literally laid it all out on the table for him. Now I'd find out whether I was imagining things or picking up on a mutual interest. He was silent, taking in the view and slowly approaching the table. I gave a little smile and let my feet kick up and smack against the table slightly. It made my body jiggle. It made my pussy peek more. <br><br> His strong hands grasped my ankles, preventing any more kicking. <<speech "Rod">>"You just tell me when to stop, then."<</speech>> The fingertips pressed up my achilles and into the flesh of my calves. I grunted and my head fell back down against the table. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Kay."<</speechPC>> I was already wet. But he took his time working the knots out of my legs, inching his way closer to my core. I was //sopping// by the time I knew he could feel the heat. I could smell me, I knew he could smell me. He let his fingers caress down into the crevice between my thighs, not touching my mound, but teasing close enough that we were both aware. Twisting my head to look back at him again, he still had his normal expression as if this were any other session. <br><br> My hand went over to his athletic shorts. He was hard, unlike other sessions. He didn't stop me and I freed his cock. Still that calm, normal expression. I had to change that. So I took him into my mouth, my body craning awkwardly back as he held my hips against the table, working at my thighs and lower gluteus. The strain of the position did cause the knot of my towel to <<link "give away">><<outfit naked>><</link>>. His breathing deepened, but still no significant response despite his hands feeling my arousal and his sensitive member feeling the pleasure of my tongue and mouth. <br><br> Still, this was happening. And with my mouth full, I couldn't exactly say stop. <br><br> He gave in, fingers finally sliding over the offer I'd been giving him since he walked in. I shuddered, mouth popping off his cock as I nearly came from the barest of touches. Fuck. I really wanted this. <br><br> My eyes lifted from his shining glans to meet his eyes. Finally he was looking at me. I shifted again, thighs to the edges of the massage table. No longer offering a peek, now offering entrance. <<dollRearView>> <br><br> He lifted up and onto the table. The entrance was quick, simple and effective. He was spiking his shaft to my court and nailing my spot from the first thrust. <br><br> I squealed and squirmed underneath him, grabbing at the table as I felt his strong body beating into me from above. <br><br> His athleticism came in handy because he went for a long time. It was our longest training session and before we were done the table was soaked with me, the room full of the scent of us. <br><br> Eventually, as he came, I finally got a <<linkexpand "reaction from him.">> reaction from him. <br><br> <<cumSpray thighs2>> I wanted to laugh, but all I could do was smile as he closed out our game with his volley across my back, ass and inner thighs -- barely pulling out in time. He yelled out the way he did when he was sending a searing strike across the net. <br><br> Then we untangled and scrambled awkwardly off the table, my body pressed to exhaustion from practice and now driven to the limits of control by repeated orgasms. But I felt loose. I felt relaxed. <br><br> I collapsed on the floor, his liquid coursing down my skin. "I'm done." I didn't care that the floor was cold and bare, nothing would respond. <br><br> <<speech "Rod">>"So you want to call practice?"<</speech>> He chuckled at me, reaching down to help me up. <br><br> We'd never called it early before. Today was different. <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> We had a different dynamic from then on. It was closer, more in tune with each other. The other practices always went long and I didn't get the massage and stretching work that I probably needed from then on, but we had a different way to close out practice. And I definitely felt stretched afterwards. <br><br> Probably hurt the overall, but we didn't care. <</linkexpand>> <br><br> <<if $HS.compHungover == true>> No matter how good or rough those extra weekend sessions were, I was always looking forward to the next week at [[Paddy's|HS002 - Sports_Paddys]]. <<else>> Before we knew it, [[Districts were here|HS002 - Sports3]]. <</if>> <<if $ == "Rod">> <br><br> Needless to say, that's how things started between us. <</if>> <<if $ !== "Rod">> <<include "HS000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck Rod M "Rod, on the massage table during our extra sessions.">> <<path>> My hamstrings really hurt. <<contents>> <<set $HS.compwin ++>> I leaned up on my elbows, looking back at him. The movement naturally caused my thighs to part more and I saw his eyes dip to the towel's shadow, <<speechPC>>"Legs are pretty tight."<</speechPC>> <br><br> His strong hands grasped my ankles, <<speech "Rod">>"You just tell me when to stop, then."<</speech>> The fingertips pressed up my achilles and into the flesh of my calves. I grunted and my head fell back down against the table. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Kay."<</speechPC>> I was already wet. It felt wrong and I tried to fight back the desire. That wasn't our dynamic and I couldn't ruin things. He didn't want to, clearly. We'd had so much time was just a flirtation. But tell that to my hormones. <br><br> He took his time working the knots out of my legs, inching his way closer to my core. I was //sopping// by the time I knew he could feel the heat. I could smell me, I knew he could smell me. He let his fingers caress down into the crevice between my thighs, not touching my mound, but teasing close enough that we were both aware. Twisting my head to look back at him again, he still had his normal expression as if this were any other session. <br><br> <<speech "Rod">>"How's that feel?"<</speech>> Cool, calm, collected. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Good. Keep going."<</speechPC>> I felt the twinge in my throat as I heard myself saying that. <br><br> He nodded and did...away from where I wanted him to go. <br><br> It felt like a victory and a loss at the same time. We weren't going to go there no matter how much part of me wanted us to. <br><br> And still, him working his hands over my bare skin on the table felt //great//. <br><br> Later that night I'd spend my own training session recalling those moments and brought myself to massive crescendos. <br><br> I wondered if he was doing the same at home. <br><br> <<if $HS.compHungover == true>> No matter how good or rough those extra weekend sessions were, I was always looking forward to the next week at [[Paddy's|HS002 - Sports_Paddys]]. <<else>> Before we knew it, [[Districts were here|HS002 - Sports3]]. <</if>> <<if $ == "Rod">><br><br> That gave us the moment of closeness that we needed. It was soon after that we started seeing each other. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-CompParty-alt">> <<outfit club>> <<set $HS.ava = random(1,5)>> <<set $HS.compWin -->> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $People['CC'].M.rel -->> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel -->> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel -= 2>> Three club sessions and two gym workouts a week were more than enough I figured. Without the release of "Paddy's with <<print $CC.FName>>," I was never going to beat Ava. <br><br> Most weeks, I used school as an excuse: <<call>>"Sorry Rod, I ''had'' to graduate."<</call>> <br><br> He wasn't happy. He would never text back. There would be some slight on Monday of the next week, but he couldn't make me skip out on my favorite part of the week. <br><br><br> We'd become regular 'barflies' at Paddy's. I don't know how long it took them to realize that these were fake IDs and we certainly weren't "Ash" and "//E//va" -- because they definitely did at some point -- but they never brought it up. And in the beginning, we were blind to anything other than how exciting it was to be let in. <br><br> The Boys were already upset that I spent so much time away from them, but knowing that I not only was skipping out on them but //also// practice? That really chapped their hides. Probably most of all because we got into places they never could. <<print $CC.friend1>>, Ethan and Andrew were pretty envious: they always got ID'd whenever they tried to get into a bar or club. Ethan claimed to sometimes get served in a bar in <<if $CC.hometown == "NO">>the next town over<</if>><<if $CC.hometown == "WA">>Capitol Hill<</if>><<if $CC.hometown == "LA">>Silver Lake<</if>><<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>Soho<</if>><<if $CC.hometown == "AL">>Montgomery<</if>>, but he's full of shit. <br><br> We had no problem. I mean, we looked ''hot''. <br><br> It was not the place that had girls that looked like us show up regularly. Or ever. Our regularity was met with excited, broad grins. <br><br> Our biggest fan at that hole-in-the-wall was: <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Party2][$HS.paddyHU = "Marty"]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> The guy who 'owned' the corner seat. Your quintessential middle-aged man drowning his sorrows in drink, Marty. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky and easy enough. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Party2][$HS.paddyHU = "Sean"]]>> The bartender, his Irish lilt giving away his first-generation heritage, Sean. <<path [[HS002 - Sports_Party2][$HS.paddyHU = "None"]]>> The guys were nice, respectful beyond their gaze, but essentially only good for a free beer. <</crossroads>>
<<face drunk>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A Man sitting alone at the end of a bar */ <<if $HS.paddyHU == "Marty">> <<print $CC.FName>> has gone to the bathroom and I had gotten bored. It was a very quiet night at Paddy's and curiosity got the better of me. <br><br> I slid into the stool next to Marty, which startled him, <<speech "Marty">>"Oh uh, hey Eva."<</speech>> (We both used fake names to align with our ID's. It was extra freeing.) <<speech "Marty">>"I can't buy you a drink tonight."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I'm not a mooch--"<</speechPC>> he chuckled at that, <<speechPC>>"Okay, well not to you, okay?"<</speechPC>> I stuck out my hand, he grasped and shook it. It was an uninspired grip, <<speechPC>>"You okay?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Marty">>"Laid off today. As if everything else wasn't enough."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Fuck. I'm sorry..."<</speechPC>> He was always a stick in the mud, but tonight he looked downright awful. I felt bad, and I had been mooching enough drinks off him. I owed him //something//. Reaching between my thighs for my bag, I dug around for some cash. After a few moments, I realized my thighs splaying apart had been giving Marty a full view up my <<link "dress">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<speech "Marty">>"I miss pussy."<</speech>> He sighed, eyeing my pink longingly. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Shit, I'm sorry Marty,"<</speechPC>> giggling to play it off. <br><br> <<speech "Marty">>"Oh no, thank you, Eva. Most I've gotten in years."<</speech>> I put the cash on the bar and motioned for a beer for Marty. Man, I felt so bad for him. Without much thinking (and probably influenced by my drinking so far) the stool squeaked closer and I lightly nudged his hand to my thigh. <br><br> He looked shocked, but he didn't take much encouragement. The softness of my thigh gave way to the softness between them as he drove right for the gold. <br><br> I yelped and grasped at the bar, my eyes wide with the suddenness and lack of care. <br><br> <<speech "Marty">>"Sorry."<</speech>> He chuckled as he twisted one of his fingers back and forth within me, feeling every ridge and bump inside me. <br><br> I tried to avoid eye contact with Sean, especially as he glanced against my spot and made me twitch again, <<speechPC>>"It's--ngh--okay, Marty."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Sean">>"You okay there, Eva?"<</speech>> Only the barest of look up at the younger bartender as he checked in on me and I gave him a quick nod, hinting that he go away. He absolutely could see Marty's hand bunching my dress as his fingers undulated in and out. <br><br> <<speech "Marty">>"She's fiiine, Sean."<</speech>> Bartenders know their place. I watched him wander off as my panting began to grow, hunching my hips to the edge of the stool as the sadsack fingerbanged me as a consolation prize for the night. <br><br> Unfortunately, watching him go brought my eyes to <<print $CC.FName>>'s return. My eyes widened and I tried to wave her off, but she just smiled and approached with increased interest. <<speech $CC.FName>>"How's it going, guys?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Marty lost. His. Job. Today."<</speechPC>> I tried to play it off, but she was looking between my wide-open knees, easily seeing my pussy pulling at his finger as he pushed in and out. <br><br> <<speech $CC.FName>>"Seems like he's doing a good job tonight."<</speech>> She clearly loved catching me like this. <br><br> I came a couple times as we all pretended, but everyone knew what was going on, especially as I tried to bite back my orgasmic release. And then Marty leaned over and whispered into my ear as I shuddered through the most recent climax, <<speech "Marty">>"You're not a mooch, right?"<</speech>> <div id="marty"> <<crossroads #marty>> <<path>> I had shook on it, hadn't I. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<cumSpray mouth1>> I slid off the wet seat and we went out to his car. The seats were worn, the suspension squeaked at the barest movement. Luckily, it didn't move all that much because of how worked up he was. <br><br> It was some quick repayment for the pleasure he had given me. I swallowed a mouthful of Marty to make his week a little less bad. <<print $CC.FName>> always brought that night up to make me feel like an absolute slut. <br><br> That was one of the memorable nights that made the approaching [[Districts|HS002 - Sports3]] less scary. <<path>> I'd already made his night. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> I slid off the wet seat and shook my head, feet barely allowing me to stand up straight as my legs quivered. <<speechPC>>"Sorry, Marty."<</speechPC>> He looked absolutely destroyed, but I wasn't about to do anything more. It had gotten out of hand. <br><br> We made a quick exit and we had to pop around a few other places before returning to Paddy's, but Marty seemed to brighten when he saw us -- me -- next. <<print $CC.FName>> always brought that night up to make me feel like an absolute slut. And I didn't even really do anything! <br><br> That was one of the memorable nights that made the approaching [[Districts|HS002 - Sports3]] less scary. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<speech "Marty">>"Oh sorry,"<</speech>> he sighed as he got caught, looking away quickly. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Not your fault."<</speechPC>> Cash was on the bar and I was motioning Sean for Marty's beer. Man, I felt bad for him, watching the embarrassment and pain echo through his face. <br><br> Without much thinking (and probably thanks to my drinking), the stool squeaked closer to him. I guided his hand to my thigh lightly, but he wasn't arguing. If anything, he was shocked. <br><br> The softness of my thigh gave way to the softness between them as he drove right for the gold. <br><br> I yelped and grasped at the bar, my eyes wide with the suddenness and lack of care. <br><br> <<speech "Marty">>"Sorry."<</speech>> He chuckled as he twisted one of his fingers back and forth within me, feeling every ridge and bump inside me. <br><br> I tried to avoid eye contact with Sean, especially as he glanced against my spot and made me twitch again, <<speechPC>>"It's--ngh--okay, Marty."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Sean">>"You okay there, Eva?"<</speech>> Only the barest of look up at the younger bartender as he checked in on me and I gave him a quick nod, hinting that he go away. He absolutely could see Marty's hand bunching my dress as his fingers undulated in and out. <br><br> <<speech "Marty">>"She's fiiine, Sean."<</speech>> Bartenders know their place. I watched him wander off as my panting began to grow, hunching my hips to the edge of the stool as the sadsack fingerbanged me as a consolation prize for the night. <br><br> Unfortunately, watching him go brought my eyes to <<print $CC.FName>>'s return. My eyes widened and I tried to wave her off, but she just smiled and approached with increased interest. <<speech $CC.FName>>"How's it going, guys?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Marty lost. His. Job. Today."<</speechPC>> I tried to play it off, but she was looking between my wide-open knees, easily seeing my pussy pulling at his finger as he pushed in and out. <br><br> <<speech $CC.FName>>"Seems like he's doing a good job tonight."<</speech>> She clearly loved catching me like this. <br><br> I came a couple times as we all pretended, but everyone knew what was going on, especially as I tried to bite back my orgasmic release. And then Marty leaned over and whispered into my ear as I shuddered through the most recent climax, <<speech "Marty">>"You're not a mooch, right?"<</speech>> <div id="marty"> <<crossroads #marty>> <<path>> I had shook on it, hadn't I. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<cumSpray mouth1>> I slid off the wet seat and we went out to his car. The seats were worn, the suspension squeaked at the barest movement. Luckily, it didn't move all that much because of how worked up he was. <br><br> It was some quick repayment for the pleasure he had given me. I swallowed a mouthful of Marty to make his week a little less bad. <<print $CC.FName>> always brought that night up to make me feel like an absolute slut. <br><br> That was one of the memorable nights that made the approaching [[Districts|HS002 - Sports3]] less scary. <<path>> I'd already made his night. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> I slid off the wet seat and shook my head, feet barely allowing me to stand up straight as my legs quivered. <<speechPC>>"Sorry, Marty."<</speechPC>> He looked absolutely destroyed, but I wasn't about to do anything more. It had gotten out of hand. <br><br> We made a quick exit and we had to pop around a few other places before returning to Paddy's, but Marty seemed to brighten when he saw us -- me -- next. <<print $CC.FName>> always brought that night up to make me feel like an absolute slut. And I didn't even really do anything! <br><br> That was one of the memorable nights that made the approaching [[Districts|HS002 - Sports3]] less scary. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <<elseif $HS.paddyHU == "Sean">> Flirting with Sean was part and parcel of being at Paddy's <<print $CC.FName>> and I had little, silent competitions for his favor. But that's as far as it went. <br><br> Until one night, when <<print $CC.FName>> couldn't make it. Some date. I wasn't happy with her, and without her, there was far less to do except drink. <br><br> Sean gave me concerned looks as I paced ahead of my worst night to date and my body clearly wasn't keeping up. <<speech "Sean">>"Hey, Eva--"<</speech>> His concern dissipated suddenly, leaving him mid-sentence as my hand hand clasped his. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah?"<</speechPC>> lightly stroking his fingers and palm. <br><br> <<speech "Sean">>"Uh. Nothing."<</speech>> Concern had become surprise and curiosity. <br><br> He spent the rest of his shift trying to enjoy my flirtation and touch while still making money from the rest of the patrons. <br><br> Either they knew what was up or Sean was doing his damndest to get them to go because they all closed out ahead of their usual time. I didn't realize at the time though, because of how far gone I was. <br><br> All of a sudden, he was wiping the bar and I finally put it all together: I was the last one. <<speechPC>>"Oh, shit, Sean, I'm sorry...I'm keeping you here."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Sean">>"Oh, it's fine, Eva..."<</speech>> his lilt always made the fake name from my fake ID sound cuter. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No, no, I feel bad."<</speechPC>> I also felt //drunk//. <br><br> Suddenly, I was leaning over the bar and sticking my tongue into his mouth. It wasn't a comfortable position, but neither was the sticky bartop that I climbed onto shortly <<linkexpand "thereafter">> <<upper "dress_littleblack_up">> thereafter. <br><br> My head hung off one end, my ass barely kept purchase on the other edge -- and maybe thanks to the rubber spill mat with its spines that dug into my flesh. My legs dangled, feet banging against the metal of the sink under the bar and clanging against the bottles. My hands swung to grab ahold of a barstool leg and the hooks under the patron-side of the bar usually for bags. <br><br> I huffed and grunted awkwardly as I bounced precariously while he half-lifted himself up to get enough of an angle to get inside me. <br><br> I watched the bar, upside-down, bounce drunkenly as he rammed himself at my offered pussy. <br><br> It was just a fuck that had to happen. Parts coming together urgent and insistently because that's what they did. <br><br> I didn't cum. I'm not sure how enjoyable it was for him. But it was enjoyable enough that he left me leaking his cocktail, filled to the brim and left to find my way up and off the bar again once we were done. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"See ya next week."<</speechPC>> I said with a little wave. Thank god I was so drunk. It didn't matter, I didn't mind. It was just a thing that we did. <br><br> Served <<print $CC.FName>> right. I kept the little fling to myself, something I had over her. <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs2>> <br><br> That was one of the memorable nights that made the approaching [[Districts|HS002 - Sports3]] less scary. <<include "HS000 - Cheating">> <<set $Body.virginityLostIn = "HS">> <<vCardCheck Sean M "Sean, on the bar of Paddy's">> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Both <<print $CC.FName>> and I had our fair share of evenings batting away the advances of the other patrons. And it was a balancing act: accept enough to receive free drinks, but not too much that felt gross or made future interactions uncomfortable. <br><br> Sean had our backs, which was nice. Clearly, he understood the economics of girls out at a bar and saw nothing wrong with it. <br><br> Sure, it meant sometimes we got stiffed, or felt their stiffy, but more or less we were able to have our nights out and keep it focused on us and our buzz. <br><br> And buzzes are what we needed to make the approaching [[Districts|HS002 - Sports3]] less scary. <</if>>
<<if visited("HS002 - Sports_Party2")>><<face hurt1>><</if>> The morning of the District Championships arrived, hundreds gathering to watch as (mostly) their children competed. <br><br> The air vibrated. <br><br> I could barely pay attention to the other games as the pre-ordained time approached. <br><br> I could feel her presence without seeing her. Ava. Nemesis. <br><br> And then I saw her. She was just chatting away in the bleachers with girls from our school. She had invited them to watch, to show off her win. That was bold. <br><br> She wasn't even preparing. That was how assured she was. <br><br> I knew I'd win -- I //had// to -- but even this determined, I got to stretching early. Stretching ''at'' her even. She ignored me. <br><br> I felt like a gladiator getting ready to go into the arena. <br><br> Eventually, I took my place on the back line, toe of my sneaker digging at the paint as if I could get better purchase. I gave a quick glance to Rod. <br><br> He nodded. <br><br> The ball took flight, crowd hubbub falling away, and for a moment the stadium was silent. <br><br> The ball flew forward just before the <<shake 3s>>CRACK<</shake>> of my palm against fabric echoed in the cavernous gym. And we were off! <br><br> Back and forth, girls grunted, slammed into the floor at the last moment to save from a Kill. The score climbed, neck and neck, <<linkexpand "until match point...">> until match point... <br> <<if $HS.compWin gte $HS.ava>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Celebration on the volleyball court, girls all hugging and lifting each other */ <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set $Memories.push("DistrictsWon")>> <<face happy>> <<speech "Ava">>"Mine!"<</speech>> Ava called out, her body shifting to target the far side of court, while her angle of her arms belied a closer target. <br><br> Smack! The ball tumbled upwards, back over the net. <br><br> I hurtled towards the shortfall. The rest of my squad was exhausted and caught off-guard. This was the moment. I dove against the hardwood, the padding of my elbows and knees not saving my chest or hips. <br><br> My hands shot underneath the ball, giving it purchase on my forearms to pop back into the air. <br><br> Erica, beside me, had recovered and squared underneath with a firm, <<speech "Erica">>"Set!"<</speech>> Somehow, I got my feet underneath me and launched myself into the air, from belly-down to reaching eight feet into the air easily. My arm swung down, using the strength and talent of my serve. The power gave Ava no time to react. The ball smashed her squarely in the face she the proud recipient of a six-packing, before dropping onto her pompous ass. The ball tumbled forward for the Kill. <br><br> Erica grabbed me ''ferociously''. We all were screaming, crying. Rod and the assistant coach were scrambling onto the court just ahead of our fans and parents. <br><br> Our side was a veritable mosh pit of emotion. <br><br> Theirs emptied just as fast, leaving Ava with a burgeoning bruise in her eye sockets and red collecting <<linkexpand "on her upper lip.">> on her upper lip. <br><br><br> We. ''Had''. <<shake 2s>>//''Won''//<</shake>>! <br><br><br> That night, I celebrated with <<print $CC.FName>> over Long Island Ice Teas that had been sent over in congratulations. <<if $ == "Rod" && visited("HS002 - Sports_Party2")>><br><br> It was a night full of wins. Rod had no reason to be texting me...but he was. I'd meet up with him later. I couldn't get the grin off my face. <</if>> <br><br><br> After the excitement of the Districts, it was a bit of a drag to come back to the normal reality, but it wasn't without any upside... <br><br><br> There was the party of [[Prom|HS002 - PromDress]] coming, and now that I was done with competition for a bit, I could just be a normal highschool girl again til next season. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face hurt1>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Black eye or a girl on knees, head hung on empty court */ <<speech "Ava">>"Mine!"<</speech>> Ava called out, her body shifting to target the far side of court, while her angle of her arms belied a closer target. <br><br> Smack! The ball tumbled upwards, back over the net. <br><br> I hurtled towards the shortfall. The rest of my squad was exhausted and caught off-guard. This was the moment. You dove against the hardwood, the padding of my elbows and knees not saving my chest or hips. <br><br> Somehow, I got my feet underneath me and launched myself into the air, from belly-down to reaching eight feet into the air easily. I sailed towards the net, my arm swung down, using the strength and talent of my serve. But suddenly the ball was screaming right at me, swelling in my vision. <br><br> And then I was back on the ground, my face red and throbbing from the impact and now growing redder from embarrassment as I saw Ava grinning and giving me a flip wave. <br><br><br> She turned to her squadmates who were screaming, and crying. Their coach was scrambling onto the court just ahead of their fans and parents. It was a veritable moshpit of emotion. <br><br> Ours emptied just as fast, <<linkexpand "leaving me alone.">> leaving me alone. <br><br><br> They had won. <<shake 4s>>//''Ava had won.''//<</shake>>By the merest miscalculation. <br><br><br> A bruise was burgeoning in my eye sockets and red was pouring into my frenulum, the copper tang in my mouth. Tears welled in my eyes. <br><br> <<speech "Rod">>"Too bad, kid,"<</speech>> said Rod, giving me a tap at the back of my head as I sat there, deflated, on the court. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Stable -->> I smacked his hand away and rose up, thrusting my chest into his and making him stumble back. <<speechPC>>"This is __your__ fault. See if you coach again next year." <</speechPC>> There was a moment of fear in his eyes, I think. But that was the last I saw of Rod, or the court. It was over and I was glad for it. <</if>> <br><br> That night, I commiserated with <<print $CC.FName>> over a couple cool cocktails. <<speech $CC.FName>>"The deepening color around your eyes...quite striking, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <<if $ == "Rod" && visited("HS002 - Sports_Party2")>><br><br> It wasn't a complete loss, though. Maybe he felt bad. Maybe he realized how much he was going to miss me...Rod was blowing up my phone. Despite the shiner, I couldn't stop grinning. <br><br> Later, it hurt to kiss but that didn't stop me. <</if>> <br><br><br> After the excitement of the Districts, it was a bit of a drag to come back to the normal reality, but it wasn't without any upside... <br><br><br> There was the party of [[Prom|HS002 - PromDress]] coming, and now that I was done with competition for a bit, I could just be a normal highschool girl again til next season. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-Studies.png">> Tempted as I was by everything else, I couldn't ignore the impending exams. <br><br><br> I spent most of the Spring in my bedroom. <<if $CC.clique == "Nerd">> -- but what's new, filling my brain with facts ranging from the difference between adverbs and modal verbs to the molecular properties of's day ending in 'y'. <</if>> <br><br><br> My dreams were cascades of mind-maps and flashcards, and occasional nightmares about turning up to <<linkexpand "the exam hall...">> the exam hall <span id="naked"><<shake 3s>>''naked''<</shake>></span>. <<outfit naked>> <<timed 3s>> <<outfit default>> <<replace #naked>>[[naked|HS002 - Study2]]<</replace>> <</timed>> <</linkexpand>>
I wasn't the only one going through all this stress and pressure. So, armed with some study buddies -- <<print $CC.FName>>, some girlfriend's, and, of course, The Boys. <br><br> In many ways the latter were most helpful. Because they weren't interested in gossip and rather get back to video gaming -- sessions with them tended to be more focused. <br><br> The downside, though, was the fact that their bedrooms were all gross, so I preferred to having them over to <<linkexpand "my place.">> my place. <br><br><br> "Don't wolf your food, <<print $>>." <br><br> I jammed a mouthful of <<if $CC.wealth lt 3>>Dinty Moore<<else>>a maki combo platter<</if>> into my mouth, ensuring she could see every half-chewed piece: "I told you I've gotta stu-dy tonight, ''<<print $CC.MName>>''" I reminded her, with icy control. <br><br> "<<print $>> wants to look nice for her boyfriends," <<if $ == 2>>she<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> teased. <br><br> "Shut up!" I snapped. "They're not my boyfriends!" <br><br> "You do see a lot of those boys..." she trailed off with the implication. "Are they really all just friends?" <br><br> "You are *NOT* <<linkexpand "my mother!\"">> my mother!" <br><br><br> Welp. That wasn't the best way forward. <br><br> Gone were the comfortable sessions with my friends, studying the amount we wanted to, goofing off, maybe playing a game or watching something on the YubTubs. <br><br> Instead, "If studying meant __that__ much to me...", they hired a [[tutor|HS002 - Tutor]] for me. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
/* Cassie (TODO): speechbubbles throughout Music arc */ <<feet "leatherboots">> <<lower "jeans_lowcut">> <<upper "punkdress">> <<face hurt1 runny>> <<if $CC.activity == "piano" && $CC.hsv == "piano">> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> My Doc Marten banged against the vending machine harder than I expected. <<speechPC>>"FUCK!"<</speechPC>> They were supposed to be heavy-duty. I shouldn't have felt that. I didn't want to feel //anything// right now. <br><br> I flicked my head back, gritting my teeth and resisting the urge to bounce on one foot. No. I'd stay planted and endure the throbbing until it went away. <br><br> <<shake>>Bang!<</shake>> <<shake>>Bang!<</shake>> <<shake>>Bang!<</shake>> My hand pounded against the side of the machine. Nothing inside so much as twitched in their dispensers. Well, at least the pins in my palm were distracting me from my foot. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"It ate your money?"<</speech>> <br><br> I spun hard, ready to deliver my boot into something that certainly would give under the thick sole this time: my Mom. <<speechPC>>"What the //fuck// are you doing here?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> A multitude of emotions rippled across her face as she saw me. Saw my state. A mix of fury at her seeing me this way and embarassment for the same thing fought within me as I tried to maintain my steely resolve -- even with mascara running. <<speech "$CC.MName">>" a call from the school."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"They didn't try <<print $CC.DName>>?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"For once."<</speech>> The self-jab made me feel slightly better. I hated that it did. <<speechPC>>"I didn't even //do// anything."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Want to talk to me about it?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>><<shake 3s>>"No."<</shake>><</speechPC>> It wasn't a yell, but it was loud. It wasn't anger, but it wasn't calm. It was //hard//. <br><br> She nodded. Her arm left her side, presenting a void beside her that the unconscious child inside me immediately filled. Her hand rested on my hip as she turned us away from my unwavering combatant and towards her car. She didn't make me talk. I felt her warmth and presence and it calmed me. <br><br> We climbed into the car and we sat there for a moment in silence, car idling. I could tell she was considering how to get through to me. To teach me something. To do a parent-thing. <br><br> The quiet was suffocating. <br><br> My hand jerked forward and hit the bluetooth button on the console, linking up my phone. <br><br> "Running Up That Hill" came on. It thrust us both back against the seats. I closed my eyes and began to hum along, feeling the tension in my voice quickly giving way. The thickness and glut of saliva and emotional tears dissipating as I fell into Kate Bush's vocals. <br><br> I could tell that it was too loud for her. It was perfect for me. She wanted to turn it down. Turn it off. But she wasn't. She let it play through the final refrain before sliding her hand over to me and lightly nudging the pause button on my playlist before the next one barked out over the speakers. <<speech "$CC.MName">>"You have a beautiful voice. Anyone ever tell you that?"<</speech>> It wasn't admonishment for what had happened in school. It also wasn't something I'd heard from her before. Or anyone, really. <<speechPC>>"No."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"I know you've got a //lot// going on right now. I can only imagine--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Nowhere near as much as //you// do."<</speechPC>> It was cutting. An attempt to fight her, to bring back the rage to fill the space between us. <<speech "$CC.MName">>She didn't bite, "You ever considered actually performing music rather than just listening to it?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I couldn't."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.MName">>"Why not? You looked so happy just now, singing...maybe...just try it?"<</speech>> <br><br> Kate had calmed the beast inside me. <<print $CC.MName>> had offered me something that truly caught at an unknown desire deep inside me. She'd been there, surprising me for once, and not to just align with all the other parents and teachers to tell me what I was doing wrong. <br><br> She pointed me to something she thought I was doing right. <br><br> She was right. I did love music. <br><br> It didn't solve the bullshit at school, but it did give me some escape. And a place to redirect all my swirling emotions. <br><br> So, I got into music. [[Big time|HS002 - Music2]].
/* IMAGE (Needed): Rock posters on a wall*/ Being on the fringes afforded me a kind of freedom away from the typical (boring!) pop and mainstream fare being pumping out at the time. And music became a kind of salve for the travails of youth. My room became a temple to the passion, walls adorned with posters of gorgeous, long-haired singers and guitarists. <br><br> I picked up<<if $CC.activity == "piano">>more<<else>>a couple<</if>> instruments and locked myself away in my room afternoons and weekends to sing along, to emulate, and sometimes to dump my feelings into lyrics and songs of my own. <br><br> My biggest influences were... <br><br> <div id="music"> <<crossroads #music>> <<path>> Joni Mitchell, Lana Del Rey, Dolly Parton...''the singer-songwriters'' <<contents>> <<outfit hippie>> <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> wasn't crazy about the solitude -- nor the volume I played Florence and the Machine or Lake Street Dive most nights. But <<print $CC.MName>> made him cave and realize it wasn't just a phase for me. <br><br> Then, it was a <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>Martin Special<<else>>second-hand<</if>> guitar <<if $ == 2>>'Uncle' Tom<<else>>he<</if>> just happened to pick up one day...and a little practice amp for my birthday. <br><br> My bedroom got louder, jamming along to favorite albums until my fingers bled. From posters on the walls, my idols watched my efforts and I felt the pressure. <br><br> So, I decided to strike out like my forebears and try my hand as a [[solo act|HS002 - MusicSolo]]. <<path>> Pat Benatar, Annie Lennox, and Hayley Williams...''female rockers'' <<contents>> <<outfit rocker>> <<if $ == 2>>Mom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> wasn't crazy about the solitude -- nor the volume I cranked Paramore and The Pretty Reckless most nights. But <<print $CC.MName>> made him cave and realize it wasn't just a phase for me. <br><br> Then, it was a <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>Fender<<else>>second-hand electric<</if>> guitar <<if $ == 2>>'Uncle' Tom<<else>>he<</if>> just happened to pick up one day...and a little practice amp for my birthday. <br><br> My bedroom got louder, jamming along to favorite albums until my fingers bled. From posters on the walls, my idols watched my efforts and I felt the pressure. <br><br> I knew that Ethan played the drums, so I mustered up some courage and kicked an idea out to [[The Boys|HS002 - MusicBand]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-MusicSolo.png">> <<set $HS.soloSuccess = $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> Sequestering myself was the easy part, much harder was figuring out what the next steps were. Music was obviously one part of the equation. But where would I play? Who would want to listen? Was my own stuff good enough or should I stick to standards people knew? I sat on my bed, strumming my guitar and contemplated <<linkreplace "what to sing.">> what to sing. <br><br> <div id="music"> Did I call on the Muse and start crafting my own <<link "original music">><<replace "#music">> <<set $HS.musicOriginal = true>> I wiled away the hours with a pad and pen. I let my mind wander in class, I had stains on my scribblings from the dinner table. And then on weekends, I would find the music to accompany the words. <br><br> The Boys were not happy with me. I just 'fell off the face of the Earth'. And when I //was// hanging out with them, they couldn't drag me out of reveries even with the most disgusting jokes. Eventually, they were content with my presence, simply sitting on the couch or floor humming and rustling paper while ''they'' hung out. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hey guys."<</speechPC>> They were in the midst of a competitive League of Legends game but my words killed their concentration. Immediately, they turned from their screens to me. Their jaws dropped. <<speechPC>>"Mind if I play some stuff and let me know what you think?"<</speechPC>> Dumbfounded (and dying in the match), they nodded, keen on being able to connect with me for once. They put down their controllers and formed a semi-circle, my first audience. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess = $HS.soloSuccess + $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value>> The screen that had remained on -- wounded avatars calling out for aid and intense music playing -- quickly was shut off. It was competing with my song. They were rapt. <br><br> The first verse ended. Ethan scrambled forward, <<speech "Ethan">>"Wait. You wrote this?"<</speech>> I nodded, the song over for the moment, mid-way through, <<speech "Andrew">>"What...draft is this?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Uh, first...ish?"<</speechPC>> Impressed, they motioned for me to continue. It was a magical moment, watching them still for once in their life. Attentive of me but not for the reasons they usually were. My music had calmed these beasts. <br><br> When I wrapped, they applauded. Being them, though, of course they had comments and critiques, <<speech "Ethan">>"That second verse--"<</speech>> <<speech "Andrew">>"Yeah, yeah, but the lift at the end of the refrain--"<</speech>> <<speech "$CC.friend1">>"Maybe...stand when you're playing?"<</speech>>. I took them all with a grain of salt: I could tell it was a cover for how impressed they were. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt -2>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess ++>> <<else>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess -->> <</if>> The screen that had remained on -- wounded avatars calling out for aid and intense music playing -- combating with my fledgling performance, but they nodded along and I got a few thigh slaps. A smattering of applause when I finished my set, they immediately dove into comments and critiques. <<speech "Ethan">>"That second verse--"<</speech>> <<speech "Andrew">>"Yeah, yeah, but the lift at the end of the refrain--"<</speech>> <<speech "$CC.friend1">>"Maybe...stand when you're playing?"<</speech>> I guess I shouldn't have expected more out of them. <<else>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess = $HS.soloSuccess - $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value>> They had left the TV on -- wounded avatars calling out for aid and intense music playing -- couldn't have been more at odds with what I was playing or more contentious with my focus. I barely got through one song and then they clambered back over to what they were doing before, <<speech "Ethan">>"It's a good start!"<</speech>> Shit. Even fans in hand weren't sold. <</if>> <br><br> With their notes, it took a month in total before I was content with what I had put together. At last, [[I had my songs|HS002 - MusicSolo2]]. And they were //mine//. <</replace>><</link>>? It could be tailored to my voice and my experience, but it'd have to be //good// to get anyone to perk up. <br> Or did I appeal to the brilliance on my walls and on my playlists and pull from <<link "songs that were popular">><<replace "#music">> <<set $HS.musicOriginal = false>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess ++>> <<else>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess -->> <</if>> I dug through discography, starting of course with my own library and branching out into my favorites' favorites. Their idols and inspiration. On the shoulders of giants and whatnot. <br><br> I sought every sign of popularity: cross-referencing karaoke lists, playlists you'd hear at coffee shops and wherever -- what did people enjoy listening to? It was like Venn Diagrams were being created in my brain. There were so. many. songs. out there. <br><br> Eventually, I pulled together my 'Cover Canon.' Some great oldies like Nightingale by Carole King, a Kate Bush tribute (of course), "You Know I'm No Good" by Amy (RIP), a Lorde, an Adele -- which was a stretch, I know -- and a Lana thrown in for good measure. And there it was, a set that would work, I liked and people would hopefully ''love''. <br><br> I began practicing, and I'm sure the monotony of hearing the same skrelting from my bedroom might have driven everyone else in the house [[absolutely mad|HS002 - MusicSolo2]]. <</replace>><</link>>? I wouldn't be the first to do it, but even the most established artists did covers of their idols. <br> I could also reach out to a <<link "local label">><<replace "#music">> <<set $HS.musicOriginal = true>> <<set _demo = 0>> Nervously I waited for an email back. I had shot over a demo of me singing some Elton John, a headshot, and a quick and bubbly snippet about my desire to perform. Ugh, that kinda sounds insipid, doesn't it. <br><br> The number of unread ticked up, I checked the inbox habitually, and clicked the boldest email at the top of the screen. Shit, here <<linkexpand "goes">> goes. <br><br> "<<print $>>, <br><br> Thank you for taking the time to send over your demo to us. We're always looking for new, interesting talent. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set _demo ++>> We're all in agreement, you certainly have a great vibe. <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> <<set _demo ++>> You have an instinct for nuanced and personal delivery in your singing. <</if>> <<if $Confidence gt 1>> <<set _demo ++>> We were impressed at your steadiness with the material. It's difficult to try and do a master like Sir Elton and have some 'imposter' shine through. <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>> <<set _demo ++>> Your vocal quality is particularly interesting -- it made us all perk up. <</if>> <br><br> <<if _demo gte 3>> <<set $HS.label = true>> We're quite interested in having you come down to our studio and seeing what we can collaborate on." Then: an address and appointment time. Not an offer of times. A single time they expected me to be there. <br><br> I //may// have skipped school the next couple of days, headed out to a park and worked on another cover, some LSD (Lakestreet...not drugs, ugh) to get ready for an in-person. And just like that -- sans a few days of classes -- I was [[walking up to an office|HS002 - MusicSolo2]] of a true-blue label for a ''meeting''. <<elseif _demo is 2>> We'd like to hear what you can do with something new. We've attached some sheet music, demo vocals, and the necessary legal documentation. Work on these pieces and let us know when you'll be performing. We look forward to it." Wow. Okay. Cool. Wow. Okay...I had music, I had to practice, perform and impress. [[Simple enough right|HS002 - MusicSolo2]]? <<else>> <<set $HS.musicOriginal = false>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess ++>> <<else>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess -->> <</if>> Thank you, again, for your submission, but at this time we will not be moving forward with you on our label. Best of luck." <br><br> Fuck. I cried. For sure, I cried. Shot my shot, right? And then I dug in and tried to [[put together a set list|HS002 - MusicSolo2]] as best I could. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> and see if there was a producer with an opening and some music waiting for an artist. I'd have to impress them and who knows the quality of what they had or how they sold it. </div> <</linkreplace>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-MusicSolo2.png">> <<if $HS.label == true>> <<set $Memories.push("Signed By a Label")>> It felt a little like a Western film, guitar strapped to my back, but I guess this was normal for 'arteests' like myself. Aspiring artist? As I was buzzed in, I firmed up my conviction: Artist. <br><br> I don't know what I was expecting from the space. I had no idea if there was much money in producing music and being a label, but the office certainly didn't belie any hidden wealth. There were two guys, one ancient, one probably not much older than myself, and a bedraggled woman in her middle-age hunched over desks and their motley assortment of laptops as I tried to get the neck of my guitar in the door. Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear is what my brain immediately assigned them. <br><br> "<<print $>>." Came 'Baby', not looking up from his screen. I think I heard the creak of Papa's bones as he lifted himself from his desk, eyes still downcast on a set of papers. Mama didn't react. <br><br> Papa motioned over to a small stool in the corner and then tugged a packet free from a stack -- all of this while continuing his previous reading. I hustled over, not even commenting on my name being announced. <br><br> I plopped down into the chair -- it squeaked, probably like everything else in here -- and I shifted my instrument to my lap as I watched them each come over at their own pace, and all bringing other things with them. Papa and papers, Mama and a recording device, and Baby with his computer. Their chairs squeaked into place around me in a disjointed semi-circle. <br><br> Baby flicked me a business card with casual practice. <<if $ == "Clay Molder">>Oh. He was //cute//.<</if>> <br><br> <<set _clay = { name: "Clay Molder", branch: $CC.hometownName, role: "Talent Associate", company: "G. R. D. Productions" }>> <<businessCard _clay>> <br><br> "Thanks for coming down. Like what we said in our email, we are interested in possibly pursuing a commercial relationship with you--" Baby plucked the packet from Papa and handed it to me, a pen included. "Some standard NDAs, releases, etc. Feel free to take it home and look it over, but we'll need signatures if we decide to continue together." <<if $ == "Clay Molder">>Oh. I'd like to continue together.<</if>> <br><br> I nodded, giving a cursory flip through the dense text and then setting it down on the worn carpet. "This is Gerard, the G, R and D in our label. That's Florence--" <br><br> My brain went to the eponymous band, though she didn't look the part, "Like the Machine!" Baby gave me a perfunctory chuckle, but I could tell it was neither a good joke, nor one they hadn't heard before. <br><br> "And I'm Clay. So. What do you have for us today?" <<if $ == "Clay Molder">>I had to restrain all that I had for him. Yeah. That was going to have to happen. Just not today. Focus, <<print $>>. Focus.<</if>> <br><br> "Lake Street Dive." Mama -- Florence -- nodded with a hmm that I wasn't about to try and decode. I swung up my guitar, strummed and, "Obviously, we're at the beginning of something..." I must have blacked out because all of a sudden, it was, "We'll see what happens but I hope we will never be apart. Oh, yeahhh..." I trailed off, hand strumming while syncopating the beat against the guitar. <br><br> "Really well suited to your voice," Florence. "New." Clay. "With levels and understanding what she hadn't shown us before, right for this intimate venue and lack of instruments..." Gerard. <br><br> They all nodded, "Great. Go home. Sign those papers and we'll set you up with a first gig and we'll see how it goes." He stood. She stood. Clay stood. After a moment, I stood. <br><br> Back at the desks, the bears were back to work and I headed out. My heart dropped until as I reached for the handle, all of them in unison, they lifted their heads and smiled. <br><br> I walked outside, calmly and deliberate. And then [[screamed|HS002 - MusicGig][$HS.soloSuccess += 4]]! <<else>> I did some searching online, asked around, even tried to walk into coffee shops guitar strapped to my back and see if they hired music. I was really pounding the pavement. Song catalog, guitar, voice...I had everything lined up except a place to sing. And I wasn't going to be content busking in <<print $CC.friend1>>'s garage. <br><br> My feet hurt, I was discouraged, but I ventured on. And it was worth it, because in my wanderings downtown I happened across <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>Webster Hall<<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">>Paramount Theatre<<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">>The Crossing<<elseif $CC.hometown == "LA">>The Roxy Theatre<<else>> a small venue called "The Stage" -- uninspired as it was --<</if>> that was holding a 'Battle of the Bands'. Intrigued, I checked out the rules and there was a section for solo acts. <br><br> Well, it wasn't //paying// unless I won, but it was a place to //play//. <br><br> I signed up that afternoon. I was surprised to see more than a cash prize on the table: a deal with a record label. There was also coaching and studio time to record a demo for the runner-up. <<if $ == "Clay Molder">>And a super cute low-level agent that eventually got...entangled with me. I don't think that was in line with their protocol. Whoops!<</if>> <br><br> Without anything to my name, it'd be hard to get gigs beyond playing for The Boys in that garage. Winning this could be a game changer. <br><br> The direct competition was a bit unnerving, but I [[believed|HS002 - SoloBattle]] in myself. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-MusicGig.png">> <<set $Memories.push("Opened for Sara Morales")>> <<face happy>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> It was an unbearable week between the meeting and when Clay called me up. There was an act coming through town that was without its opener...would I be willing to jump in? Uh. Fuck. Yes? <br><br> I turned inward. I played and played and practiced til my fingers ached. I skipped school to spend more time on my set and how I'd perform it. <br><br> I told //everyone// about the gig, trying to play it off that I could get them tickets to see a fun performer coming through town, but there was a bit of pride and watching their reaction as well when I said I'd be opening for them. <br><br> And then, it was the night. I ambled down with my guitar, stomach weak, palms sweaty -- you get it. <br><br> After struggling through a sound check that I strained to understand, followed by an agonizing, too-long wait in a dingy dressing room, it was showtime. <br><br> As I stepped onto a //massive// stage for a solo act, I had a sick feeling of dread churning in my stomach. <br><br> It was a big, dark venue and so it felt as though no one was out there. We'd been told there were ''hundreds'' of people here. For a second, it felt like we'd be playing to an empty room. <br><br> Then <<print $CC.FName>> woo'd from somewhere past the bright lights. Other voices followed suit and I began to notice familiar faces peeking up at the stage. Where //I// was. Oh, shit. <br><br> "I'm <<print $>>...<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>..." Shit. Too late to back out. <br><br> I began to fret, stepping into to the microphone and <<linkexpand "opened my mouth...">> opened my mouth, dropping into it and belting out as I strummed. <br><br> <<if $HS.soloSuccess gt 11>> My melody line danced out of the club's PA. <br><br> I'd been staring intently at my fretboard, but looked up to see <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<print $CC.FName>> making broad gesticulations and mouthing something to me. That's when I realized that not only was I flashing the audience, her insistence on letting me know was bringing more attention to my <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>smooth pussy<<elseif Array("bush","trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>>hidden slit<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>hair pointing to the slit<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>show of pubic maturity<</if>>. A quick cross of my legs, but I missed a beat and the right chord. I could hear the chuckle from the audience...and some clapping.<<else>><<print $CC.FName>> smiling and nodding.<</if>> Yet somehow, her grin encouraged me, and I felt a surge of confidence. I was fucking nailing it! <br><br> Thirty minutes later, I climbed down off the stage, a huge grin on my face. Somehow, everything went...right? I couldn't wait to see the videos that people had recorded. <br><br> I felt like I was just steps from being a rock star. <br><br> The rest of the night was a blur -- hanging with friends, family, and random metalheads. <br><br> One guy from the audience told me that he ''loved'' me, but I wasn't quite sure his motivations. <br><br> Yet, in the midst of hanging out with everyone, I felt a tug at my elbow and, about to give Andrew a hug for being there for me, I noticed he was making pointed looks to a man standing nearby. <br><br> "Uh, hey." I said, impressive opening. <br><br> "I'm Willy, I was on the judging panel. You really rocked it, tonight." I beamed, he didn't say anything else but he handed me his business card! <br><br> I didn't know how to respond, I had a label, but I wasn't going to deny the compliment. <br><br> Later on, I got to meet Sara Morales backstage. She really had killed it and was effusive about how I had opened for her. I felt over the moon and really encouraged to keep trying. She told me stories about how she had started and she was only in her early twenties. <br><br> And was over. I got a call from Papa Bear, Gerard, complimenting what I had done and it was Florence who told me they'd line up more acts, at least at little clubs and shops around town. And that I could come down and pick up my very first cut check at the end of the week. And then a good job. It was Clay from then on out. <br><br> I had put on a fucking show, but now I couldn't distract myself from [[school life|HS002 - PromDress]] any longer. <<else>> My melody line danced out of the club's PA. <br><br> I'd been staring intently at my fretboard, but looked up to see <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<print $CC.FName>> making broad gesticulations and mouthing something to me. That's when I realized that not only was I flashing the audience, her insistence on letting me know was bringing more attention to my <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>smooth pussy<<elseif Array("bush","trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>>hidden slit<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>arrow of hair pointing down<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>sign of pubic maturity<</if>>. A quick cross of my legs, but I missed a beat and the right chord. I could hear the chuckle from the audience...and some clapping.<<else>><<print $CC.FName>> smiling and nodding.<</if>> Yet somehow, her grin encouraged me, and I felt a surge of confidence. I was fucking nailing it! <br><br> Thirty minutes later, I climbed down off the stage, a huge grin on my face. Somehow, everything went...right? I couldn't wait to see the videos that people had recorded. <br><br> I felt like I was just steps from being a rock star. <br><br> The rest of the night was a blur -- hanging with friends, family, and random metalheads. <br><br> One guy from the audience told me that he ''loved'' me, but I wasn't quite sure his motivations. <br><br> Yet, in the midst of hanging out with everyone, I felt a tug at my elbow and, about to give Andrew a hug for being there for me, I noticed he was making pointed looks to a man standing nearby. <br><br> "Uh, hey." I said, impressive opening. <br><br> "I'm Willy, I was on the judging panel. You really rocked it, tonight." I beamed, he didn't say anything else but he handed me his business card! <br><br> I didn't know how to respond, I had a label, but I wasn't going to deny the compliment. <br><br> Later on, I got to meet Sara Morales backstage. She really had killed it. She told me stories about how she had started and she was only in her early twenties. <br><br> And was over. I got a call from Clay a few days later thanking me for taking the gig and that there'd be a check for me and that they'd be in touch. I got my check, but they weren't in touch. Shit. <br><br> I had put on a fucking show, music was now firmly a part of my life. Nothing was as flashy as that night, but there were still some 'rockstar' [[moments|HS002 - GreenRoom]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-GreenRoom.png">> <div id="show"> <<if $HS.soloSuccess gt 10 || $HS.bandWin gt 11>> Despite the success of the show, it was an uphill battle. Most of the venues were small. Sometimes even coffee shops -- Ed & Molly were always content to say yes when I asked. But at the end of the day, I got to perform and always got a positive reaction from our crowds. Even if it meant sometimes we were playing second-fiddle to other, older acts. <<else>> <<if visited("HS002 - SoloBattle") || visited("HS002 - Music Gig")>> It was a harder go of things after the show. The Boys were less interested, so I had to find my own way. I grabbed some pick-up band mates for shows, even though that meant splitting meager proceeds. How else was I going to perform? <<else>> It was a range of coffee shops and small venues. Whoever would have me. Occasionally, I'd pick up a backup player who needed a vocalist for some of their music (and I was really the backup for them). It meant gigs, even though it also meant splitting meager proceeds. How else was I going to perform? <</if>> <br><br> "So, what's your story?" One of his jean-clad legs was slung up and over the arm of the bedraggled chair. I debated which was older between the two of them. <br><br> "Uh. What?" I had been looking at my phone. <<if visited("HS002 - BandBattle")>>They Boys weren't 'available' today -- they'd been losing interest more and more -- so it was just me in the dingy Green Room in the smoke-filled basement venue at the edge of downtown<<else>>It was just me, backup and vocalist for this guy, waiting for our turn back in the dingy Green Room in the smoke-filled basement venue at the edge of downtown<</if>>. <br><br> "You just started, I'm guessing." And I was guessing from his appearance, he was on the downswing of his career. If he ever had one. <br><br> "Well, yeah. What gave it away." I wanted to roll my eyes, but I knew it wasn't exactly the right move before we went on stage together. <br><br> He chuckled, "Hard-ass, just like I was. You'll need that. Alright, let's see what you've got." He dropped his boot from being aloft and swaggered his way out. When he was younger, it probably drew eyes downward to the tightness in his jeans. Now, it drew attention to the slackness of his tattooed skin and the jiggle of the weight that came with aging. <br><br> "Yeah. Let's see what you've got." I said, mostly to myself, following him out into the thick air and scent of <<link "beer">><<replace "#show">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 2>> And I killed it. <br><br> It didn't shock me, but he couldn't keep his eyes off me as we got back into the Green Room. <br><br> "Ya got a thing, girl." <br><br> "Name's <<print $>>." <br><br> "Yeah, you've got something." <br><br> "I know." <br><br> "Ha. Truly like me. I've got some connects. Won't do anything for me anymore--" <br><br> "Clearly." <br><br> He loved my edge, "But for you...I could help." He dropped back in that chair, slinging the leg over the arm. This time he shifted his hips forward, emphasizing the tightness in his jeans. <<else>> He was pretty fucking good. I knew why I was backup for //him// and not the other way around. <br><br> "Shit, dude." <br><br> He laughed, "Yeah. I had something once." <br><br> "Still do." <br><br> "Isn't going to get me anywhere now. You though..." He turned, finally putting his eyes on me since we performed. <br><br> "Really?" <br><br> He shrugged. The lack of enthusiasm cut deep. "I've got some connects. I could help." He dropped back in that chair, slinging the leg over the arm. This time he shifted his hips forward, emphasizing the tightness in his jeans. <</if>> <br><br> <<crossroads #show>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> "Okay." I could use the help. Even if it came with a price. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy or Suggestible enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> I dropped to my knees in front of him. He undid his belt-buckle and helped me with his jeans. For all their tightness, it was more show than anything else. <br><br> When it was over, he smiled down at me, pulling my head back by the hair to watch me finishing up, "Not just a pretty voice, are you." <br><br> I tried to laugh it off. <br><br> "So, there's this guy I know. I'll give you his number and I'll mention we met." <br><br> I nodded, putting in the digits and shooting off a text immediately. <br><br> My throat //was// tired from belting for the past half-hour. I left that night with it exhausted from all the work. <br><br> His guy...he never gave me his name...never responded. <br><br> And that was it. Never saw him again and didn't get anywhere. Just some former or wannabe rocker that I performed with for a night. The fast and furious, ephemeral life that I led at nights and on weekends. <br><br> For all the crazy stories, performing was a great pressure-valve release, but that didn't mean that [[school life|HS002 - PromDress]] didn't exist. And we were closing in on //that// time of the year. Prom... <<path $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 0>> "Nah." No way did I think his help would be worth the price. <<blocked>> $ is too self-respecting for that. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Easy -->> "Yeah, anyone in particular that I'd know?" I stood there, arms crossed. If he liked my edge, he'd get my edge. <br><br> "Not the way I know them." His hips shifted forward again. <br><br> I shrugged, pulling out my phone, "How should I reach out to them?" <br><br> "Oh, if it doesn't come through me..." <br><br> "Ah. Well, I'm not blowing you." Hard. Ass. <br><br> And that was it. There was no more mention of help. Just some former or wannabe rocker that I performed with for a night. The fast and furious, ephemeral life that I led at nights and on weekends. <br><br> For all the crazy stories, performing was a great pressure-valve release, but that didn't mean that [[school life|HS002 - PromDress]] didn't exist. And we were closing in on //that// time of the year. Prom... <<path>> He'd truly help me if he wanted to. He wasn't expecting anything. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Perception -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> "Yeah, I'd love the help!" I grinned, sitting back on the couch and pulling out my phone for any details or contacts. <br><br> "I bet you would." He nodded and shifted his hips forward again. I frowned, not understanding. <br><br> "" He laughed. <br><br> "Okay. Maybe you're not like me much after all." And that was it. There was no more mention of help. Just some former or wannabe rocker that I performed with for a night. The fast and furious, ephemeral life that I led at nights and on weekends. <br><br> For all the crazy stories, performing was a great pressure-valve release, but that didn't mean that [[school life|HS002 - PromDress]] didn't exist. And we were closing in on //that// time of the year. Prom... <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> </div>
<<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess += 2>> <</if>> <<set $HS.soloSuccess = $HS.soloSuccess + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value>> <<set $HS.sales = 6>> <<if $ == 0>> <<set $HS.sales ++>> <</if>> <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Fingers fretting on a guitar */ I turned inward. I played and played and practiced til my fingers ached. I skipped school to spend more time on my set and how I'd perform it. <br><br> The promoter had sent a wedge of 100 pre-sale tickets, and encouraged me to work my ass off selling them to my fans. <br><br> Fans. <br><br> I didn't have any fans yet, so even with my friends and acquaintances, this would be a challenge. <br><br> The next few weeks saw a flurry of hustling. <<if $CC.mother == "family">><<set $HS.sales += 2>> My big brother and sister both bought tickets<</if>> <<print $CC.FName>> and some of her crew agreed to come, and to bring some friends. It seemed like the lamest thing in the world for me to invite my ''family'' to a __rock__ show, but we needed the numbers, so I asked <<print $CC.MName>> <<if $ == 2>><<else>>and <<print $CC.DName>><</if>><<if $ == 0>>. Even, <<print $CC.EDName>>, a<<else>>. A<</if>>ll were __overly__ eager to attend. And 'help'. <br><br> It was incredibly difficult selling gig tickets. The important tests and papers were due for the year, Prom Committee was in session, dork conventions -- there were reasons aplenty to be busy. But I worked hard, and I managed to sell <<print $HS.sales>> tickets to the show. <br><br> Not quite 100, was it. <br><br> Having a bigger crowd would impress the judges and give me a much broader cheering section. How would I close the gap? <br><br> <div id="sales"> <<link "Play at school">><<replace "#sales">> <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> Surprisingly, it was during a detention that I was able to finagle a lunchtime performance slot for <<print $HS.bandName>>. Principal Mark was receptive enough and 'glad to know I had that outlet'. <br><br> I was fucking //nervous// to be playing in front of people who knew me, who razzed me, who would never forget this. But I insisted it to myself that it was great practice. <br><br> The acoustics of the school mall concrete walls and metal lockers weren't great for the sound, but I definitely convinced some people that the earlier ticket sales was for a real gig. <br><br> I felt more at ease now, shaken some of my demons and gotten some live errors out of the way, all that was left was to [[practice and play|HS002 - SoloBattle2]] <</replace>><</link>>? <<link "Plaster promo posters">><<replace "#sales">> <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value + $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value - $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value - $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value>> I conscripted <<print $CC.FName>> to be our photographer and we spent an afternoon in our full regalia. For them, it was essentially their day-to-day clothes. For me, I was slutting it up. <br><br> Posing as if I was playing, and I strutted in front of her, mostly with my guitar out of the way. I showed off leg, cleavage, much bare skin as possible. There was a reason girls made for great performers -- a pin-up is a pin-up. <br><br> We converted the best pics into posters and some social media and spent the next couple days spreading them over the school, near the venue and coffee shops. I did not put my number on the tear tags, thankfully <<print $CC.friend1>> was willing to field the pervy requests for tickets. <br><br> All that was left was to [[practice and play|HS002 - SoloBattle2]]. <</replace>><</link>> with myself front-and-center...and showing off? [[Go with what I had|HS002 - SoloBattle2][$Stats.Skills['Performance'].base ++]] and focus on practicing? </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-SoloBattle2.png">> And then, it was the night. I ambled down with my guitar, stomach weak, palms sweaty -- you get it. <br><br> After struggling through a sound check that I strained to understand, followed by an agonizing, too-long wait in a dingy dressing room, it was showtime. <br><br> As I stepped onto a //massive// stage for a solo act, I had a sick feeling of dread churning in my stomach. <br><br> The promoter, as I passed, commented that he was <<if $HS.sales < 20>><<set $HS.soloSuccess -->>very underwhelmed by my part of the door<<elseif $HS.sales < 40>>thankful for my part of the door<<else>><<set $HS.soloSuccess ++>>sincerely grateful for my work to bring people in<</if>>. It was a big, dark venue and so it felt as though no one was out there. We'd been told there were more than <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + 100>><<print $HS.sales>> people here. For a second, it felt like we'd be playing to an empty room. <br><br> Then <<print $CC.FName>> woo'd from somewhere past the bright lights. Other voices followed suit and I began to notice familiar faces peeking up at the stage. Where //I// was. Oh, shit. <br><br> "I'm <<print $>>...<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>..." Shit. Too late to back out. <br><br> I began to fret, stepping into to the microphone and <<linkexpand "opened my mouth...">> opened my mouth, dropping into it and belting out as I strummed. <br><br> <<if $HS.soloSuccess gt 10>> <<set $Memories.push("Nearly won the Music Competition")>> <<face happy>> My melody line danced out of the club's PA. <br><br> I'd been staring intently at my fretboard, but looked up to see <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<print $CC.FName>> making broad gesticulations and mouthing something to me. That's when I realized that not only was I flashing the audience, her insistence on letting me know was bringing more attention to my <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>smooth pussy<<elseif Array("bush","trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>>hidden slit<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>arrow of hair pointing down<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>sign of pubic maturity<</if>>. A quick cross of my legs, but I missed a beat and the right chord. I could hear the chuckle from the audience...and some clapping.<<else>><<print $CC.FName>> smiling and nodding.<</if>> Yet somehow, her grin encouraged me, and I felt a surge of confidence. I was fucking nailing it! <br><br> Thirty minutes later, I climbed down off the stage, a huge grin on my face. Somehow, everything went...right? I couldn't wait to see the videos that people had recorded. <br><br> I felt like I was just steps from being a rock star. <br><br> The rest of the night was a blur -- hanging with friends, family, and random metalheads; waiting anxiously for the judges to deliver their verdict. <br><br> In the end, I won second place, coming in behind a slicker little hottie in her twenties, Sara Morales. <br><br> It meant I wouldn't win the record contract, but it encouraged me to keep trying and maybe utilize that studio time and record something. <br><br> One guy from the audience told me that he ''loved'' me, but I wasn't quite sure his motivations. <br><br> Yet, in the midst of hanging out with everyone, I felt a tug at my elbow and, about to give Andrew a hug for being there for me, I noticed he was making pointed looks to a man standing nearby. <br><br> "Uh, hey." I said, impressive opening. <br><br> "I'm Willy, I was on the judging panel. You really rocked it, tonight." I beamed, he didn't say anything else but he handed me his business card! <br><br> <<set _willy = { name: "Willy Neilsen", branch: $CC.hometownName, role: "Grammy Award-winning Artist", company: "WN, Inc." }>> <<businessCard _willy>> <br><br> And was over. I had put on a fucking show, music was now firmly a part of my life. Nothing was as flashy as that night, but there were still some 'rockstar' [[moments|HS002 - GreenRoom]]. <<else>> My melody line danced out of the club's PA. <br><br> I'd been staring intently at my fretboard, but looked up to see <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<print $CC.FName>> making broad gesticulations and mouthing something to me. That's when I realized that not only was I flashing the audience, her insistence on letting me know was bringing more attention to my <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>smooth pussy<<elseif Array("bush","trimmed").includes($Body.pubes)>>hidden slit<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>arrow of hair pointing down<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>sign of pubic maturity<</if>>. A quick cross of my legs, but I missed a beat and the right chord. I could hear the chuckle from the audience...and some clapping.<<else>><<print $CC.FName>> smiling and nodding.<</if>> Yet somehow, her grin encouraged me, and I felt a surge of confidence. I was fucking nailing it! <br><br> Thirty minutes later, I climbed down off the stage, a huge grin on my face. Somehow, everything went...right? I couldn't wait to see the videos that people had recorded. <br><br> I felt like I was just steps from being a rock star. <br><br> The rest of the night was a blur -- hanging with friends, family, and random metalheads; waiting anxiously for the judges to deliver their verdict. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> How did I fuck this up so badly? Even some guy in the audience telling me that he ''loved'' me was no recompense for what I was dealing with. <br><br> And now? We wouldn't even get studio time. It infuriated me that everyone was putting on smiles and patting me on the back for a 'good try' and not coming in last. <br><br> In the end, I placed fourth out of ten acts. Average. Fuck average. <br><br> I didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the evening. It was over. I had put on a 'show,' and now I wondered how much of a waste it had been. But still, I soldiered on. Less support from those around me after //that// showing, but I wasn't willing to give up [[yet|HS002 - GreenRoom]]. <<else>> It meant I wouldn't win the record contract, but it encouraged me to keep trying and maybe utilize that studio time and record something. <br><br> One guy from the audience told me that he ''loved'' me, but I wasn't quite sure his motivations. <br><br> In the end, I placed fourth out of ten acts -- not what I'd hoped for, but not dead last. It meant I wouldn't win the studio time or the record contract, but everybody still encouraged me to keep trying. <br><br> And was over. I had put on a fucking show, music was now firmly a part of my life. Nothing was as flashy as that night, but there were still some 'rockstar' [[moments|HS002 - GreenRoom]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-MusicBand.png">> <<set $HS.bandWin = $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> <div id="band"> As I sat on the beat-up couch in <<print $CC.friend1>>'s garage, I mulled over how cliché the whole idea was. I hadn't opened my mouth yet -- watching them fight over what was better: Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch -- but would we really be a garage band? Was that lame? It certainly didn't lend any cred or novelty to whatever we would be. <br><br> "Cool Ranch." Not a deciding vote, but the fact that I had weighed in shocked them to rapt attention. "So, I just got like, this new guitar and I was really thinking about, like...starting a band?" <br><br> "With who?" came the response in stereo. Were they dense or was my //idea// that dumb? I let the question linger, hoping my non-response would let them figure it out. Ethan was the first to visibly register, "Dude, with me? With us?" He corrected, "I mean, do you guys even play?" <br><br> And they dove back into argument. I laughed, because I knew that it meant they were <<link "down">><<replace "#band">> <br><br> Ethan was keen to show off on the drums, he made out like it was for us, but I think it was mostly for me. He wasn't bad. <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> could play guitar as well, but they all agreed I should be front and center...and since I didn't //have// a bass, well, he'd be willing to lend a hand there. <br><br> Andrew had taken piano growing up, so he pulled out his electric keyboard from the attic -- his Mom was more than happy for a renewed interest. <br><br> Once I felt confident in us actually forming, my brain started to kick around names. Surely, we'd need a name...what about <<textbox "$HS.bandName" "Eggplant Abuse">>. Cool. I'd mention it later. <br><br> Now we just had to whip this rag-tag group into a mean [[rocking machine|HS002 - MusicBand2]]. <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-MusicBand2.png">> Our usual gaming and hangout sessions quickly shifted into band practice. We began to find our rhythm and, just like what kind of Doritos was best, eventually aligned on what we'd even play. It'd be covers and with a little give and take, we agreed on a 'demo' list. <br><br> And then, like it was the most important thing in the world, we got into a fight over the name. <br><br> <<speech Ethan.png>>"Naked Tuna!"<</speech>> Ethan screamed for the fiftieth time. <br><br> <<speech Andrew.png>>"Dude. The Flying Fuck is funny."<</speech>> Drew sighed and shook his head. <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>>, comfortable and grinning with the contest, kicked out another name that was completely different than his last suggestion, <<speech BFF.png>>"Indiscreet Priori"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech Ethan.png>>"What. Does. That even //mean//?"<</speech>> Ethan was red in the face. <br><br> I needed to step in. I would make the decision. <br><br> <div id="bandname"> <<crossroads #bandname>> <<path>> Naked Tuna. <<contents>> <<set $HS.bandName = "Naked Tuna">> <<set $HS.bandWin -->> <<set $People['CC'].Ethan.rel ++>> <<speechPC>>"<<print $HS.bandName>>."<</speechPC>> Andrew glowered, <<print $CC.friend1>> shrugged. <br><br> <<speech Ethan.png>>"//Thank// you, <<print $>>!"<</speech>> Ethan cheered, dropping onto the couch beside <<print $CC.friend1>> and I. <<speech Ethan.png>>"Well, we got a name. Now what?"<</speech>> They all looked to me. <br><br> I had initiated the idea. I had just decided the band name. I guess I was leading us. I __was__ the lead singer. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So -- now don't kill me -- but I ''did'' see this poster down at <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>Webster Hall<<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">>Paramount Theatre<<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">>The Crossing<<elseif $CC.hometown == "LA">>The Roxy Theatre<<else>>"The Stage"<</if>> that's doing...a battle of the bands?"<</speechPC>> Andrew's mouth practically dropped open in disbelief. <<print $CC.friend1>> gave me a thump on my arm, <<speech "$CC.friend1">>"Sick."<</speech>> Ethan jumped up from the couch, [[cheering again|HS002 - BandBattle]], <<speech Ethan.png>>"<<print $HS.bandName>>!"<</speech>> <<path>> The Flying Fuck! <<contents>> <<set $HS.bandName = "The Flying Fuck">> <<set $People['CC'].Drew.rel ++>> <<speechPC>>"<<print $HS.bandName>>."<</speechPC>> Ethan glowered, <<print $CC.friend1>> shrugged. <br><br> <<speech Andrew.png>>"//Thank// you, <<print $>>!"<</speech>> Andrew cheered, dropping onto the couch beside <<print $CC.friend1>> and I. <<speech Andrew.png>>"Well, we got a name. Now what?"<</speech>> They all looked to me. <br><br> I had initiated the idea. I had just decided the band name. I guess I was leading us. I __was__ the lead singer. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So -- now don't kill me -- but I ''did'' see this poster down at <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>Webster Hall<<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">>Paramount Theatre<<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">>The Crossing<<elseif $CC.hometown == "LA">>The Roxy Theatre<<else>>"The Stage"<</if>> that's doing...a battle of the bands?"<</speechPC>> Ethan's mouth practically dropped open in disbelief. <<print $CC.friend1>> gave me a thump on my arm, <<speech BFF.png>>"Sick."<</speech>> Drew jumped up from the couch, cheering again, <<speech Andrew.png>>"[[$HS.bandName|HS002 - BandBattle]]!"<</speech>> <<path>> The Indiscreet Priori... <<contents>> <<set $HS.bandName = "The Indiscreet Priori">> <<set $People['CC'].M.rel ++>> <<set $HS.bandWin ++>> <<speechPC>>"<<print $HS.bandName>>."<</speechPC>> Andrew and Ethan glowered, <<print $CC.friend1>>'s head flicked back, guffawing loudly. <br><br> <<speech BFF.png>>"Sick!"<</speech>> It took a solid minute before he stopped laughing. Triumphant? Surprised? Both, probably. <<speech BFF.png>>"Well, we got a name. Now what?"<</speech>> They all looked to me. <br><br> I had initiated the idea. I had just decided the band name. I guess I was leading us. I __was__ the lead singer. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So -- now don't kill me -- but I ''did'' see this poster down at <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>Webster Hall<<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">>Paramount Theatre<<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">>The Crossing<<elseif $CC.hometown == "LA">>The Roxy Theatre<<else>>"The Stage"<</if>> that's doing...a battle of the bands?"<</speechPC>> Andrew's mouth practically dropped open in disbelief. Ethan grunted and got up, moving over to the drums, squaring up to start to play. <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> gave me a thump on my arm, <<speech BFF.png>>"[[$HS.bandName|HS002 - BandBattle]]!"<</speech>> <<path>> Nah, I had a better idea. <<contents>> The name I already had in my head: <<textbox $HS.bandName "The Red Hot Chili Peppers">>...that'd do far better. Now to <<linkexpand "sell it.">>sell it... <<set $HS.bandWin += 2>> <<speechPC>>"<<print $HS.bandName>>."<</speechPC>> Andrew turned his head, dog-like, as he considered. <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> nodded, lips pursed. <br><br> <<speech Ethan.png>>"That's actually better than Naked Tuna."<</speech>> Ethan surprisingly gave in, dropping onto the couch beside <<print $CC.friend1>> and I. <<speech Ethan.png>>"Well, we got a name. Now what?"<</speech>> They all looked to me. <br><br> I had initiated the idea. I had just came up with our band name. I guess I was leading us. I __was__ the lead singer. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So -- now don't kill me -- but I ''did'' see this poster down at <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>Webster Hall<<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">>Paramount Theatre<<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">>The Crossing<<elseif $CC.hometown == "LA">>The Roxy Theatre<<else>>"The Stage"<</if>> that's doing...a battle of the bands?"<</speechPC>> Andrew's mouth practically dropped open in disbelief. <<print $CC.friend1>> gave me a thump on my arm, <<speech BFF.png>>"Sick." <</speech>> Ethan jumped up from the couch, cheering again, <<speech Ethan.png>>"[[$HS.bandName|HS002 - BandBattle]]!"<</speech>><</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $HS.sales = 8>> <<if $ == 0>><<set $HS.sales ++>><</if>> <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> We signed up that afternoon. They were surprised to see more than a cash prize on the table: a deal with a record label. There was also coaching and studio time to record a demo for the runner-up. <br><br> All of us agreed that without anything to our name, it'd be hard to get gigs beyond playing for our classmates out of this garage. Winning this could be a game changer. <br><br> The promoter sent a wedge of 100 pre-sale tickets, and encouraged us to work our asses off selling them to our fans. <br><br> Fans. <br><br> We didn't have any fans yet, so even with our myriad of friends and acquaintances, this would be a challenge. <br><br> The next few weeks saw a flurry of hustling from the four of us. <<if $CC.mother == "family">><<set $HS.sales += 2>>My big brother and sister both bought tickets, <</if>><<print $CC.FName>> and some of her crew agreed to come, and to bring some friends. It seemed like the lamest thing in the world for a band to invite all their ''parents'' to a //rock// show, but we needed the numbers, so I asked <<print $CC.MName>> <<if $ == 2>><<else>>and <<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. <<if $ == 0>>Even, <<print $CC.EDName>><</if>> all were __overly__ eager to attend. And 'help'. <br><br> It was incredibly difficult selling gig tickets. The important tests and papers were due for the year, Prom Committee was in session, dork conventions, there were reasons aplenty to be busy. But we worked hard, and <<print $HS.bandName>> managed to sell <<print $HS.sales>> tickets to the show. <br><br> Not quite 100, was it. <br><br> Having a bigger crowd would impress the judges and give us a much broader cheering section. How would we close the gap? <br><br> <div id="sales"> <<crossroads "#sales">> <<path>> Play at school? <<contents>> <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> Surprisingly, it was during a detention that I was able to finagle a lunchtime performance slot for <<print $HS.bandName>>. Principal Mark was receptive enough and 'glad to know I had that outlet'. <br><br> The guys seemed quite nervous to be playing in front of people who knew them, who razzed them, who would never forget this. But I insisted it was a great practice for us. <br><br> They hunkered down and we rocked it out. The acoustics of the school mall concrete walls and metal lockers weren't great for the sound, but we definitely convinced some people that the earlier ticket sales was for a real gig. <br><br> The Boys also seemed more at ease now, shaken some of their demons and gotten some live errors out of the way, all that was left was to [[practice and play|HS002 - BandBattle2]]? <<path>> Plaster promo posters with myself front-and-center...and showing off? <<contents>> <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value + $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value - $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value - $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value>> I conscripted <<print $CC.FName>> to be our photographer and we spent an afternoon in our full regalia. For them, it was essentially their day-to-day clothes. For me, I was slutting it up. <br><br> Posing as if we were playing, and I strutted in front of them, mostly with my guitar out of the way. I showed off leg, cleavage, much bare skin as possible. There was a reason Rock Girls made for great front 'men'. <br><br> We converted the best pics into posters and some social media and spent the next couple days spreading them over the school, near the venue and coffee shops. I did not put my number on the tear tags, thankfully <<print $CC.friend1>> was willing to field the pervy requests for tickets. <br><br> All that was left was to [[practice and play|HS002 - BandBattle2]]. <<if $ == "blonde">><<image framed "passage/HS002-BandBattle1.png">><<elseif $ == "black">><<image framed "passage/HS002-BandBattle3.png">><<else>><<image framed "passage/HS002-BandBattle2.png">><</if>> <<path [[HS002 - BandBattle2]]>> Go with what we had? <<contents>> /* TODO: (Cassie) This has to have contents since the rest of this crossroad has contents. I wrote this in. Update it however you please. */ [[We're good to go|HS002 - BandBattle2]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-BandBattle2.png">> <<set $HS.testScore -->> The preparation's hectic -- rehearsing, songwriting and selling tickets, all while pulling the Boys away from working on their upcoming exams -- I certainly was putting them on the bottom of the stack. <br><br> We were all feeling the pressure, but Ethan and Drew were taking it out on each other, clashing over every single decision. And when they fought, not only was I frustrated, but <<print $CC.friend1>> seemed ready to drop his bass and get back to Bass Fishing Pro. <br><br> Leaning over to <<print $CC.friend1>>, I whispered, "Go take a break." He nodded, clearly thankful and left the garage. Ethan and Andrew seemed completely ensconced in their argument and didn't notice him depart, or me moving over to the garage door control. They both looked shocked as it began to rumble and roll down. <br><br> It was time to convince them. But how. <br><br> <div id="fight"> <<crossroads #fight>> <<path>> Lay down the law? <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value>> <<set $HS.bandCohesion = true>> //I// ran this show. "Guys. Come on. We're //so// close." I hit a cymbal and mashed a nasty cord. I looked at each of them. "But we're not going to get there like this." <br><br> "Then //he// needs to keep a steady beat." Andrew jabbed at Ethan. <br><br> "Maybe if I could tell what part of the song we were at, melody man." Ethan came right back. <br><br> "Guys!" I shook my head. "Ready for some tough love? Ethan. You're the pace. But listen to <<print $CC.friend1>>, he'll keep you on track. Drew, you can't be improvising. You know what to play. Play. It." <br><br> They thought. Nodded. After a beat, I got up, kissed each of them on the cheek, "Thanks." And grabbed <<print $CC.friend1>>. <br><br> They [[settled down|HS002 - TheBattle]]. <<else>> <<set $HS.bandCohesion = false>> //I// ran this show. "Guys. Come on. We're //so// close." I hit a cymbal and mashed a nasty cord. I looked at each of them. "But we're not going to get there like this." <br><br> "Then //he// needs to keep a steady beat." Andrew jabbed at Ethan. <br><br> "Maybe if I could tell what part of the song we were at, melody man." Ethan came right back. <br><br> "Guys!" I shook my head. "Ready for some tough love? Ethan. You're the pace. But listen to <<print $CC.friend1>>, he'll keep you on track. Drew, you can't be improvising. You know what to play. Play. It." <br><br> I could see them broiling from my comments. They glared at me. "They won't notice us with you screeching like a Banshee." Andrew cut back. <br><br> "Can't even do a stage walk to save her life." Ethan rolled his eyes. <br><br> Tears came. "Thanks." I sauntered off, hearing them squabbling behind me. <<print $CC.friend1>> looked surprised to see me with glistening cheeks. I shrugged and brought him back to play. <br><br> Maybe we all needed tough love. We [[powered through|HS002 - TheBattle]]. <</if>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1>> Give them something else to think about? <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set $HS.bandCohesion = true>> "Guys. Come on. We're //so// close." I dropped down to the carpet in front of them. Pleadingly, I looked at each of them. "But we're not going to get there like this." <br><br> "Then //he// needs to keep a steady beat." Andrew jabbed at Ethan. <br><br> "Maybe if I could tell what part of the song we were at, melody man." Ethan came right back. <br><br> "Guys!" My top was off, tits out. I cocked my head to the side and smiled. "There. Now that you're thinking about something else--" <br><br> "Can...I feel?" Ethan asked. I glared. "Oh, come on." <br><br> "//If// you both promise to get your act together. Our act." He nodded emphatically. I stood up and moved over to them, trying to bear it as they took one a piece and played with them for a few moments. Awkwardly, I tried to pull my top back on and end the playtime so we could actually play. "Don't tell <<print $CC.friend1>>." <br><br> They both laughed and nodded. <br><br> "Thanks." I sauntered off, hearing them squabbling behind me. <<print $CC.friend1>> looked surprised to see me with glistening cheeks. I shrugged and brought him back to play. <br><br> I hoped that was a one-off. I hoped that would work. Maybe I shouldn't have breached the barrier of friendship. <br><br> We [[powered through|HS002 - TheBattle]]. <<else>> <<set $HS.bandCohesion = false>> "Guys. Come on. We're //so// close." I dropped down to the carpet in front of them. Pleadingly, I looked at each of them. "But we're not going to get there like this." <br><br> "Then //he// needs to keep a steady beat." Andrew jabbed at Ethan. <br><br> "Maybe if I could tell what part of the song we were at, melody man." Ethan came right back. <br><br> "Guys!" My top was off, tits out. I cocked my head to the side and smiled. "There. Now that you're thinking about something else--" <br><br> "You gonna do that during the show? Might actually get us to win." Ethan laughed and smiled, giving Drew a high-five. <br><br> "Better than anything else she's doing." Drew gave Ethan one back. <br><br> Tears came. "Thanks." I sauntered off, hearing them squabbling behind me. <<print $CC.friend1>> looked surprised to see me with glistening cheeks. I shrugged and brought him back to play. <br><br> Maybe I shouldn't have breached the barrier of friendship. <br><br> We [[powered through|HS002 - TheBattle]]. <</if>> <<path>> Appeal to their friendship? <<contents>> <<set $HS.bandCohesion = true>> "Guys. Come on. We're //so// close." I dropped down to the carpet in front of them. Pleadingly, I looked at each of them. "But we're not going to get there like this." <br><br> "Then //he// needs to keep a steady beat." Andrew jabbed at Ethan. <br><br> "Maybe if I could tell what part of the song we were at, melody man." Ethan came right back. <br><br> "Guys!" I shook my head. "Weren't we friends?" <br><br> "We...are." Andrew said slowly, a part of his brain activating. Ethan nodded. <br><br> "So. Can we all just take a step back, think about ''that'' first? Maybe focus on the band as a whole, us as a team, The Boys rocking it out with me? Probably...//probably// you're both right?" They thought. Nodded. After a beat, I got up, kissed each of them on the cheek, "Thanks." And grabbed <<print $CC.friend1>>. <br><br> They [[settled down|HS002 - TheBattle]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-TheBattle.png">> <<if $HS.bandCohesion == true>> <<set $HS.bandWin ++>> We crammed in practice sessions more and more as the date came upon us. We skipped school fully that last day. <<else>> We practiced less and less as the date approached, but I managed to get us all together enough that we didn't bail on the competition entirely. <<set $HS.bandWin -= 2>> <</if>> <br><br> Suddenly, it was the night of the show, and <<print $HS.bandName>> was the opening act! <br><br> After struggling through a sound check that none of us really understood, followed by an agonizing, too-long wait in a dingy dressing room, it was showtime. <br><br> I followed Andrew out onto the massive stage, a sick feeling of dread churning in my stomach. <br><br> The promoter commented that he was <<if $HS.sales < 20>><<set $HS.bandWin -->>very underwhelmed by our part of the door<<elseif $HS.sales < 40>>thankful for our part of the door<<else>><<set $HS.bandWin ++>>sincerely grateful for our work to bring people in<</if>>. It was a big, dark venue and so it felt as though no one was out there. We'd been told there were more than <<set $HS.sales = $HS.sales + 100>><<print $HS.sales>> people here. For a second, it felt like we'd be playing to an empty room. <br><br> Then <<print $CC.FName>> woo'd from somewhere past the bright lights. Other voices followed suit and I began to notice familiar faces peeking up at the stage. Where we were. Where //I// was. Oh, shit. <br><br> "We are <<print $HS.bandName>>," Ethan snarled into the mic. "Hit it!" He smashed his hi-hat cymbal four times, hard and fast, and it was too late to back out. <br><br> I began to fret, stepping up to the microphone and <<linkexpand "opened my mouth...">> opened my mouth, dropping into it and screaming out as I strummed. <br><br> <<if $HS.bandWin gt 11>> <<set $Memories.push("Nearly won Battle of the Bands")>> <<face happy>> My melody line danced out of the club's PA, perfectly locked in to Ethan's pounding tom-tom beat. <<print $CC.friend1>>'s bass a monster underlying it all. <br><br> I'd been staring intently at my fretboard, but looked up to see Andrew nodding at me intently, his hands driving away at the keys. His grin encouraged me, and I felt a surge of confidence. We were fucking nailing it! <br><br> Thirty minutes later, we climbed down off the stage, a huge grin on my face. Somehow, everything went...right? -- especially Andrew's keyboard solo. I couldn't wait to see the videos that people had recorded. <br><br> That night? We felt like we were just steps from being a rock star. <br><br> The rest of it was a blur -- selling 'merch'; hanging with friends, family, and random metalheads; waiting anxiously for the judges to deliver their verdict. <br><br> In the end <<print $HS.bandName>> won second place, coming in behind a slicker rock band in their twenties called The Peepos. <br><br> It meant we wouldn't win the record contract, but it encouraged us to keep trying and maybe utilize that studio time and record something. <br><br> One guy from the audience told me that he ''loved'' my band, but I wasn't quite sure his motivations -- especially given what I was wearing. <br><br> Yet, in the midst of hanging out with everyone, I felt a tug at my elbow and Andrew was making pointed looks to a man standing nearby. <br><br> "Uh, hey." I said, impressive opening. <br><br> "I'm Willy, I was on the judging panel. You really rocked it, tonight." I beamed, he didn't say anything else but he handed me his business card! <br><br> <<set _willy = { name: "Willy Neilsen", branch: $CC.hometownName, role: "Grammy Award-winning Artist", company: "WN, Inc." }>> <<businessCard _willy>> <br><br> <br><br> And was over. We had put on a fucking show, but now we couldn't distract ourselves from [[school life|HS002 - PromDress]] any longer. <<else>> Ethan was counting us in way too fast. Everything felt like double time, but something's horribly wrong -- it takes me a few seconds to realize <<print $CC.friend1>> and I were playing a totally different song. <br><br> Fuck, fuck, //fuck//! They had changed the set around, but with all the pressure, I just forgot! The dissonance sounded atrocious. <br><br> Everyone was sharing a look of alarm, then <<print $CC.friend1>> took the initiative. He played some weird, horrible-sounding chords on his bass, making a big sonic mess, then Ethan grabs the cymbals and silence drops on the stage. A soft, "One, two, three, four," -- counting the song in again and we started over, playing together this time. <br><br> The whole thing lasted less than five seconds, but it was a hell of a way to start off the biggest show of our life so far. <br><br> Thirty minutes later, we climbed down off the stage, feeling an incredible sense of relief. That was tough, and our songs fell apart in a few more places -- especially Andrew's keyboard solo. But we made it through the whole set, and a part of me felt stronger for having survived this. <br><br> Maybe it was then, but I've realized that the problems were way deeper than bumming a few notes. None of us could play very well, the songs were unoriginal, we didn't have our own sound, and nobody really liked our band. <br><br> That night? We felt like we were just steps from being a rock star. <br><br> The rest of the night was a blur -- selling 'merch'; hanging with friends, family, and random metalheads; waiting anxiously for the judges to deliver their verdict. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> Third. Out of fucking...//four//. Why did they guys have to fuck this up so badly. If it wasn't for them, we would have had a shot. I was on point. I brought it. <br><br> And now? We wouldn't even get studio time. It infuriated me that they were still putting on smiles and patting each other on the back for a 'good try' and not coming in last. <br><br> I didn't talk to them for the rest of the evening. It was over. We had put on a 'show,' and now I wondered how much of a waste it had been. But still, I soldiered on. Less support from those around me after //that// showing, but I wasn't willing to give up [[yet|HS002 - GreenRoom]]. <<else>> In the end, <<print $HS.bandName>> placed third out of four bands -- not what we'd hoped for, but not dead last. It meant we wouldn't win the studio time or the record contract, but everybody still encouraged us to keep trying. <br><br> And was over. We had put on a fucking show, music was now firmly a part of my life. Nothing was as flashy as that night, but there were still some 'rockstar' [[moments|HS002 - GreenRoom]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> /* PROM INTERLUDE. Those passages in */
<<image framed "passage/HS009-HomeVign3.png">> <<set $HS.testScore = hs.getFinalTestScore()>> <<outfit underwear>> <<face shock>> <<if visited("HS008 - PromNightClean") || visited("HS008 - PromNightSex") || $HS.promDate == $>> I ached from the dancing, the partying, the late hours. The morning light tickling my face as it filtered through the leaves outside my window. I grunted, turning over, and clutching the pillow over my face. <<else>> My gut ached from pouring my emotion into my pillow -- still damp from whenever I had passed out. My eyes crusty and dry, hell, my whole body felt desiccated. And hungry. The morning light tickling my face as it filtered through the leaves outside my window. I grunted, turning over, and clutching the pillow over my face. <</if>> <br><br> Then a knock at the door. Was that what woke me up? My body certainly didn't feel like it was ready. "Not yet." I grunted out groggily from beneath the pillow. A moment passed and then, I jerked upright, eyes going from shut to wide in a split-second as an uncomfortable, "Oh, I'm sorry <<print $>>," came, already in my room -- <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. <br><br> <<if $ == "Uncle Tom">>I wasn't in the mood, but it wasn't anything he hadn't seen already. I remained splayed out until, groggily, I realized it wasn't only him.<</if>> <<if $ == 0>> <<set _isNaked = $Body.undies == "Commando" or $Body.braless == true>> <<if _isNaked>> <br> He averted his gaze. The man with him did not. At least not right away. I was so shocked, it took me too long to realize what was wrong. <br><br><br> <</if>> "Jesus! <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. You can't just come in here!" <<if $ == "Uncle Tom">>yeah it was an act, but a good one, eyes wide at him like 'really?!' while hiding myself for the sake of the //other// man in the room<<else>>I glared at him<</if>>, pulling the sheets <<if _isNaked>>over my naked body<<else>>tight around myself<</if>>, <<linkexpand "cocooning and drawing up the comforter as well.">> <<outfit towel>> cocooning and drawing up the comforter as well. <br><br> Just my head peeked out, frowning firmly and trying to make heads or tails of the other guy in my room. <br><br><br> "We're really sorry--" the man spoke. He wore a suit, which was weird was Monday? Already? Ugh. <br><br> "I did knock--" <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> tried to excuse himself. <br><br> "Knock to say you were coming in...I coulda been doing //anything//. Who are you?" My anger redirected easily. <br><br> "So, you...shouldn't be finding out like this. We were hoping it was going to wait, at least until graduation..." <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> waved the suit off before he could interject, "We were trying to protect you." He stepped back, looking ashamed, <<linkexpand "eyes dropped and giving the suit the floor.">> eyes dropped and giving the suit the floor. <br><br><br> I adjusted myself under the covers, trying to beat back the work my brain was doing to tie up all these loose ends and vagueness. "Ms. <<print $CC.surname>>. My name is Nate. I'm an Officer with the US Government and, this might come as a shock to you, but your mother's Case Officer. No, she wasn't on probation or anything like that..." he brushed away the assumption. <br><br> He continued, sitting on the end of my bed. <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> remained, cowed and standing against the wall, present but quiet. <br><br><br> And that was how I learned that my Mom, a woman who'd been entirely out of my life had just crashed back in -- <<linkexpand "and wasn't //still// wasn't even here.">> and wasn't //still// wasn't even here. <br><br><br> Her name was Elle. She was an 'asset' and that was the reason that she hadn't been a part of my life. Instead, she had been working abroad. And, oh this was the best, they had lost touch with her. <br><br> He apologized again, gave me a card for me to contact him if needed and had assured me that he wasn't just Elle's Case Officer, but also my Minder. A kind of bodyguard for me. <br><br> <<set _nate = { name: "Nate", image: "", branch: "International Affairs", role: "Deputy Agent", company: "External Recon\n & Operations Service" }>> <<businessCard _nate>> <br><br> When he left, I was absolutely frazzled and even more enraged. <br><br> First, why was I being told this? Did that mean they thought she was dead? In what way did any of this affect me -- ''except'' by telling me?! Second, why had this been kept from me? <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> knew. Third and most importantly: what was I supposed to do with any of this? <br><br> And of course, I had been sworn to secrecy. National security and whatnot. I got a chuckle out of thinking of being tried for treason simply for sharing this with the Boys. <br><br> My life had exploded. <br><br><br> Timing was unkind -- giving me no time to process or react -- I had to take [[Finals|HS010 - Finals]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<set _isNaked = $Body.undies == "Commando" or $Body.braless == true>> <<if _isNaked>> <br> He averted his gaze. I was so shocked it took me too long to realize what was wrong. <br><br><br> <</if>> "Jesus! <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. You can't just come in here!" I glared at him, pulling the sheets <<if _isNaked>>over my naked body<<else>>tight around myself<</if>>, <<linkexpand "cocooning and drawing up the comforter as well.">> <<outfit towel>> cocooning and drawing up the comforter as well. <br><br><br> Just my head peeked out, frowning firmly and trying to make heads or tails of why he didn't just leave. <br><br> "I'm sorry, dear. time for school, so you should start getting ready." I rolled my eyes, tossing the sheets back to teach him a lesson for barging in like this. He didn't check to see if I was naked? He was going to see me naked. "And that's not all." <br><br><br> He had turned, looking out the window and trying to give me privacy. "Um. Okay." I stood there, hands on my hips, <<linkexpand "establishing dominance in a very weird way.">> establishing dominance in a very weird way. <br><br><br> "<<print $CC.MName>> is gone." <br><br> I shrugged, feeling my body jiggle in response to the sudden and quick movement, "Yeah. And?" <br><br> He sighed, "I didn't even know she was going. The night of Prom...she just...left. I haven't been able to contact her." There was an edge to how he spoke, as if he was being very careful. <br><br><br> I felt very naked. The pause elongated and he uncomfortably exited the room, taking my silence for an end to the conversation, everything he had intended to say, said. As I got ready for school, my mind returned time and again to that selfie I had taken the other night. Had that been why she had reacted so weirdly? Is that why she left? <br><br> I tried to keep my mind on school for the rest of the week. And then, Friday landed <<linkexpand "another blow">> another blow. <br><br><br> "We're really sorry--" the man spoke. He wore a suit. <br><br> "Did you want to sit--" <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> tried make things normal. I had literally just walked in the door from school to find them both together at the dining room table. <br><br> "Who are you?" I didn't sit. <br><br> "So, you...shouldn't be finding out like this. We were hoping it could wait, at least until graduation..." <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> waved the suit off before he could interject, "We were trying to protect you." He looked ashamed, eyes dropped and giving the suit a sign he could speak. <br><br><br> I dropped my backpack unceremoniously, trying to beat back the work my brain was doing to tie up all these loose ends and vagueness. "Ms. <<print $CC.surname>>. My name is Nate. I'm an Officer with the US Government and, this might come as a shock to you, but your mother's Case Officer. No, she wasn't on probation or anything like that..." he brushed away the assumption. <br><br> He continued, <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> remained, cowed and practically praying at the table, present but quiet. <br><br> And that was how I learned that my Mom, a woman who'd been entirely out of my life had just crashed back in -- <<linkexpand "and //still// wasn't even here.">> and //still// wasn't even here. An invading presence without being ''present''. Fuck her. <br><br><br> Her name was Elle. She was an 'asset' and that was the reason that she hadn't been a part of my life. Instead, she had been working abroad. And, oh this was the best, they had lost touch with her. <br><br> He apologized again, gave me a card for me to contact him if needed and had assured me that he wasn't just Elle's Case Officer, but also my Minder. A kind of bodyguard for me. <br><br> <<set _nate = { name: "Nate", image: "", branch: "International Affairs", role: "Deputy Agent", company: "External Recon\n & Operations Service" }>> <<businessCard _nate>> <br><br> When he left, I was absolutely frazzled and even more enraged. <br><br> First, why was I being told this? Did that mean they thought she was dead? In what way did any of this affect me -- ''except'' by telling me?! Second, why had this been kept from me? <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> knew. Third and most importantly: what was I supposed to do with any of this? <br><br> And of course, I had been sworn to secrecy. National security and whatnot. I got a chuckle out of thinking of being tried for treason simply for sharing this with the Boys. <br><br> My life had exploded. <br><br><br> Timing was unkind -- giving me no time to process or react -- I had to take [[Finals|HS010 - Finals]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<<outfit default>> <div id = "finals"> <<image framed "passage/hs.hallway.png">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lte 1>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value lt 4 && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lte 2>> Fuck. School was hard. And with everything going on, I was having a really hard time staying focused. I had never really spent too much time or effort on my classes anyway and it felt like life was pulling me away, pointing out how unimportant it was -- that I //should// be giving my counselors and teachers the finger. <<crossroads #finals>> <<path>> So there was calling it quits. Who needed to graduate anyway? <<contents>> <<set $Body.age -= 2>><<set $CC.year += 2>> <<set $HS.dropOut = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Learning -->> <<set $HS.grad = "fail">> Yeah. No way, with the world screaming at me like this, was I going to go through the torture of actually taking exams and have them tell me what I already knew: not a student, not gonna be a student. I'm outta here. <br><br> It was a weird thing to do. nothing. Don't show up. Ignore the calls and avoid <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. And then, it just ceased to be a thing. <br><br> The Boys and <<print $CC.FName>> thought I was crazy and being incredibly irresponsible. Maybe I was. Maybe I was blowing up my life irreparably. But that felt like it had already happened //to// me. It was time to take control and [[this|HS010 - Horizon]] is how I was doing it. <br><br> <<path>> Or I could actually try. <<contents>> <<set $HS.testScore += $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> Cramming took on a whole other meaning. My brain couldn't focus on the last-minute sessions just dumping information and notes into my short-term before a test. Instead, I was cramming down the thoughts, confusion and emotions bubbling up inside of me. <br><br> I'm certain it didn't help my testing ability -- the internal commotion, lack of focus, and nothing sticking in my brain that hadn't already been there. <br><br> I bent over my blue books and tests, disassociating mid-essay, blobs of wetness discoloring my Scan-tron and making it hard to decipher what I had filled in with a pencil rather than tears. My pride was protected with everyone in their own world and looking around was asking to be called a cheater. Our teachers were bored, proctoring hour after hour and being unable to do anything in the near-silent classrooms. <br><br> More than half the time, I just tossed my stack of papers onto the front desk as soon as we were allowed, wanting to just escape. <br><br> The series of tortures eventually came to a close and the grades were posted. <<linkexpand "At least now was //some// relief.">> <<include "HS010 - Scores">> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Or...I could get the grades somehow, anyhow. <<contents>> Or...I could get the grades somehow, anyhow. <<crossroads #finals>> <<path>> I could always cheat? <<contents>> <<set $HS.testScore += $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value>> <<Stats Risky ++>> Cramming was //not// interesting to me. I looked around at all those 'studient' types and thought to myself...why not get one of them to do it? I knew which kids I could pressure or buy my way to some answers, and which other ones to sit near and get a few glances over at their work. <br><br> Still, it sucked to have to actually take the damn things. Even having the answers ahead of time on a good portion of this stuff, my brain kept wandering because of my internal commotion. <br><br> I bent over my blue books and tests, finding myself dissociating mid-essay (ugh, can't cheat your way through //them//), blobs of wetness discoloring my Scan-tron and making it hard to decipher what I had filled in with pencil rather than tears. I think that my emotionality helped me get away with it though. The teachers didn't want to accuse the 'girl going through a lot' of cheating. <br><br> But eventually, these series of tortures came to a close and the grades were posted. <<linkexpand "At least now was //some// relief.">> <<include "HS010 - Scores">> <</linkexpand>> <<path $bodies.find(body => body.schoolHelp)>> Or because of who'd been getting some from me, I could get from them. <<blocked>> $ doesn't have a sexual history with someone with that power. <<contents>> <<set $HS.testScore += $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value>> <<Stats Risky ++>> Guess it did pay to fuck people in places of power. Leaning into the guilt that they felt, the risk that they had taken by getting with me...and then the offer of more in repayment? It was easy to get some insight on the upcoming exams. <br><br> Still, it sucked to have to actually take the damn things. Even having the answers ahead of time on a good portion of this stuff, my brain kept wandering because of my internal commotion. <br><br> I bent over my blue books and tests, finding myself dissociating mid-essay (ugh, can't cheat your way through //them//), blobs of wetness discoloring my Scan-tron and making it hard to decipher what I had filled in with pencil rather than tears. I think that my emotionality helped me get away with it though. The teachers didn't want to accuse the 'girl going through a lot' of cheating. <br><br> But eventually, these series of tortures came to a close and the grades were posted. <<linkexpand "At least now was //some// relief.">> <<include "HS010 - Scores">> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> <<else>> Fuck. School was hard. And with everything going on, I was having a really hard time staying focused. I had been really trying my best over the years, but life felt like it was pulling me away, pointing out how unimportant it was. <<crossroads #finals>> <<path>> So there was calling it quits. Who needed to graduate anyway? <<contents>> <<set $Body.age -= 2>><<set $CC.year += 2>> <<set $HS.dropOut = true>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Learning -->> <<set $HS.grad = "fail">> Yeah. No way, with the world screaming at me like this, was I going to go through the torture of actually taking exams and have them tell me what I already knew: not a student, not gonna be a student. I'm outta here. <br><br> It was a weird thing to do. nothing. Don't show up. Ignore the calls and avoid <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. And then, it just ceased to be a thing. <br><br> The Boys and <<print $CC.FName>> thought I was crazy and being incredibly irresponsible. Maybe I was. Maybe I was blowing up my life irreparably. But that felt like it had already happened //to// me. It was time to take control and [[this|HS010 - Horizon]] is how I was doing it. <br><br> <<path>> Or I could actually try. <<contents>> <<set $HS.testScore += $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> Cramming took on a whole other meaning. My brain couldn't focus on the last-minute sessions just dumping information and notes into my short-term before a test. Instead, I was cramming down the thoughts, confusion and emotions bubbling up inside of me. <br><br> I'm certain it didn't help my testing ability -- the internal commotion, lack of focus, and nothing sticking in my brain that hadn't already been there. <br><br> I bent over my blue books and tests, disassociating mid-essay, blobs of wetness discoloring my Scan-tron and making it hard to decipher what I had filled in with a pencil rather than tears. My pride was protected with everyone in their own world and looking around was asking to be called a cheater. Our teachers were bored, proctoring hour after hour and being unable to do anything in the near-silent classrooms. <br><br> More than half the time, I just tossed my stack of papers onto the front desk as soon as we were allowed, wanting to just escape. <br><br> The series of tortures eventually came to a close and the grades were posted. <<linkexpand "At least now was //some// relief.">> <<include "HS010 - Scores">> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $HS.testScore += $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> Fuck. School was hard. And with everything going on, I was having a really hard time staying focused. I had been really trying my best over the years, but life felt like it was pulling me away, trying to say that school didn't matter. But I knew better. That was just life and circumstances. I knew I had to just dig in and focus on doing well during finals. <br><br> Cramming took on a whole other meaning. My brain couldn't focus on the last-minute sessions just dumping information and notes into my short-term before a test. Instead, I was cramming down the thoughts, confusion and emotions bubbling up inside of me. <br><br> I'm certain it didn't help my testing ability -- the internal commotion, lack of focus, and nothing sticking in my brain that hadn't already been there. <br><br> I bent over my blue books and tests, disassociating mid-essay, blobs of wetness discoloring my Scan-tron and making it hard to decipher what I had filled in with a pencil rather than tears. My pride was protected with everyone in their own world and looking around was asking to be called a cheater. Our teachers were bored, proctoring hour after hour and being unable to do anything in the near-silent classrooms. <br><br> More than half the time, I just tossed my stack of papers onto the front desk as soon as we were allowed, wanting to just escape. <br><br> The series of tortures eventually came to a close and the grades were posted. <<linkexpand "At least now was //some// relief.">> <<include "HS010 - Scores">> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> </div>
/* TODO Mira - Here's an interesting one. Some options are only available based on an earlier check of Test Scores, so flagging them would only show to those who hit the metric, whereas we'd want to tell players who DIDN'T hit the TestScores what they missed out on */ At least there was //some// relief. <br><br><br> <div id ="early"> <<if $HS.testScore gte 9>> <<Stats Confident ++>> Despite everything, I had ''crushed'' it. GPA essentially //perfect//. <br><br> Shit, with grades like that, I could get my diploma <<crossroads #early>> <<path $CC.earlyGrad == true>> Earlier than early <<contents>> <<set $Body.age -= 2>> <<set $CC.year += 2>> <<Stats Confident += 2>> <<face happy>> <<set $HS.grad = "early">> Even still, with such a stupendous result from my scholastic career...there was still something looming on the horizon that would be no easier simply because of my stellar marks. <br><br> It was insane, at //my// age, to be having to make a life-altering decision like this. There's something to be said for mental versus emotional maturity and it's time, not your grades in school for the latter. <br><br> Still. I made the choices I made and that led to...yet another choice... <br><br> <<include "HS010 - Horizon">> <<path $CC.earlyGrad != true>> Graduate early <<contents>> <<set $Body.age -->><<set $CC.year ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<face happy>> <<set $HS.grad = "early">> Even still, with such a stupendous result from my scholastic career...there was still something looming on the horizon that would be no easier simply because of my stellar marks. <br><br> It was insane, at //my// age, to be having to make a life-altering decision like this. There's something to be said for mental versus emotional maturity and it's time, not your grades in school for the latter. <br><br> Still. I made the choices I made and that led to...yet another choice... <br><br> <<include "HS010 - Horizon">> <<path>> Or...Just take the easy route and stay in school, to enjoy the rest of the time with no pressure. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<face happy>> <<set $HS.grad = "pass">> the rest of the time in school with my foot ''off'' the pedal. <br><br> And so, a decision loomed, imposing and frightening on the horizon. <br><br> <<include "HS010 - Horizon">> <</crossroads>> <br><br> <<elseif $HS.testScore gte 4>> <<set $HS.grad = "pass">> <<if $HS.testScore gte 7>> Wow. Despite everything...just a single B. Ugh, even looking at it hurt -- I knew it was emblematic of everything going on, not my ability. <br><br><br> <<elseif $HS.testScore gte 5>> Call me Bell Curve <<print $>>. B's and C's. <br><br><br> <<else>> Oof. Barely. //Barely// squeaked by. But D is for diploma, right? <br><br><br> <</if>> And so, a decision loomed, imposing and frightening on the horizon... <br><br> <<include "HS010 - Horizon">> <<else>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry>> <<set $HS.grad = "fail">> Not. Pass?! Are they fucking kidding me? //Everyone// passed. <br><br> How was I going to face the other kids. My friends. My //family//?! <br><br> I felt fucked. Not just in the sense that my options were dwindling unfairly, but also fucked because someone had gotten something wrong. I could name a dozen kids that fit the 'no GED' description far, far better than I did. And they'd passed. How did they fucking pass?! <br><br> And while I was fuming, everyone else was looking to the horizon for their first 'real decision'. For me, it was looming: imposing and super frightening. <br><br> <<include "HS010 - Horizon">> <<else>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face shock>> <<set $HS.grad = "fail">> Well...not everybody had to pass. Right? <br><br><br> Fuuuuuuuck. I knew I hadn't really focused on school. Or tried. Or been good at it. Or whatever. <br><br> Sure, I had been in the principal's office more often than not. And remedial classes were more of my Summer than anything else. <br><br> <<print $CC.MName>> and <<print $CC.FName>> were constantly breathing down my neck. And disappointed. <br><br> But for all that, for all the 'warnings' and things that at the time had pushed me further away from succeeding at school, seeing those grades and hearing from the counselor what they //actually// meant? <br><br> Fuck. It ''did'' have repercussions. And I'd face them now. <br><br> Everyone was looking to the horizon for their first real decision. Looming there, imposing and frightening. <<include "HS010 - Horizon">> <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> </div>
<<set $Dossier.showEval = true>> <<set $codeName = "Omega Stratagem">> I sat on my bed with my phone uncharacteristically off. I looked over the mess of my room: a result of the past couple weeks. I had not been taking care of myself and it showed. The amount of laundry needed to be done was plain as day, there was now a carpet of my discarded clothes. The sheets of my bed had been tugged into place so many times that they no longer could even affect a 'made bed' look anymore. My luggage peeked out at me from the closet. I had pulled them out and put them back at least once every day. <br><br><br> My Mom //disappeared//. Once the disbelief of it passed, processing proceeded to my thoughts that I should do the same. Well, if I was going to do that, I needed to have clothes. <br><br><br> I sighed and pulled myself from the comfort of my bed's cushioning and began picking up my mess. Moving was cathartic -- it felt like forward momentum when everything else had me stalling out. <br><br> With an arm clutch of clothes, I was drawn up short. Nate's card had appeared from beneath a pair of <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>my underwear<<else>>some guy's boxer shorts I used to sleep in<</if>>...My 'minder'. <br><br> <<set _nate = { name: "Nate", image: "", branch: "International Affairs", role: "Deputy Agent", company: "External Recon\n & Operations Service" }>> <<businessCard _nate>> <br><br> I wondered if he was watching, //bodyguarding// for me right now. Did he like keep watch in a car down the street? <<linkexpand "Did he have cameras all over my room?">> Did he have cameras all over my room? <br><br><br> The thought raised my hackles. That was frightening. I reached down and picked the thin rectangle up, playing it over in my fingers. It was all too much. <br><br> I tucked Nate's card into my waistband and did the first load of many. I had made my decision. <<if $HS.dropOut == false>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS011 - Graduation][$HS.postGrad = "college"]]>> I wondered if my 'minder' could get me into school. I doubted it. If it was on me, that meant it was ''College application'' time and figure out where I was going to go to ''college''. <<blocked>> $ didn't choose college. <<path [[HS011 - Graduation][$HS.postGrad = "gapyear"]]>> No need to rush to college. Deferred enrollment was a thing. I needed to clear my head, figure out what to do. I needed to get away from home -- maybe...a year? But, ''where should I go''? <<blocked>> $ didn't choose a gap year. <<path [[HS011 - Graduation]]>> I was done with school. Giving the finger to structure and expectation -- to my ''life'' -- it was time for me to be ''leaving'' on a jet plane. <<path [[HS012 - LifeChoices][$HS.dropOut = true; $Body.age --; $CC.year ++]] $HS.testScore lt 5>> Fuck school. I wouldn't be getting that diploma if I tried, so might as well kick them to the curb //first// and figure out what to do next/instead/for real. <<blocked>> $ didn't have low enough test scores. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS012 - LifeChoices]]>> Fuck school. I wouldn't be getting that diploma if I tried, so might as well kick them to the curb //first// and figure out what to do next/instead/for real. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<if $sexcount == false>> Shit. I got ahead of myself. Because I skipped Prom Night we didn't get into the nitty gritty of my dirty bits. <br><br><br> Let's do that [[now|HS003 - HSSex]]. <<else>> <<if $HS.grad == "pass">> <<outfit grad>> <<set $HS.acceptance = $HS.testScore>> <<if $ == true>> It was the big day. School officially coming to a close and all of us scattering to the wind. Even though there was nothing on the line, there was still a pit in my stomach. <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> buzzed on my phone, keeping me from actually figuring out the root cause of my nervousness, <<call $CC.friend1>>"Cap and gown lookin' good?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"I won't be late."<</call>> <br><br> <<call $CC.friend1>>"Not dressed?"<</call>> Devil face emoji. <br><br> <<call $CC.friend1>>"Lemme see."<</call>> Eggplant. <br><br> Wow. That was an escalation from the usual. I wanted to write it off as just a horny teenager but this was <<print $CC.friend1>>, one of my //Boys//. <br><br><br> /* TODO: (Zach) - Here's a place where options appear only based on traits/skills */ <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> I was surprised it had taken this long. I <<link "snapped">><<upper>><</link>> <<link "some">><<bra>><</link>> <<link "escalating">><<panties>><</link>> <<link "nudes">><<panties>><</link>> and playfully sent them back slowly as I got ready and headed over to the school. [[Graduation present|HS011 - Graduation2]]. <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> I was a little shocked at how it made me feel. I took the compliment I hoped it was and found a <<link "tasteful">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>> way to fulfill the wish. [[Graduation present|HS011 - Graduation2]]. <</if>> <br><br><br> I shut it down immediately, <<call>>"Gross, dude. [[Deleting|HS011 - Graduation2]]."<</call>> <<else>> It was the big day. School officially coming to a close and all of us scattering to the wind. Even though there was nothing on the line, there was still a pit in my stomach. <br><br> <<print $>> buzzed on my phone, keeping me from actually figuring out the root cause of my nervousness, <<call $>>"Cap and gown lookin' good?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"I won't be late."<</call>> <br><br> <<call $>>"Not dressed?"<</call>> Devil face emoji. <br><br> <<call $>>"Lemme see."<</call>> Eggplant. <br> <div id="selfie"> <<crossroads #selfie>> <<path>> Fulfill the ''desire''. <<contents>> <br> Not the most convincing argument, but I was feeling <<linkexpand "generous.">> <<outfit naked>> A confident saunter in front of the mirror and I snapped a couple nudes, deciding between them as I ignored insistent follow-up texts. <br><br> <<waiting 3s>> <<timed 3.125s>> Caption... <br><br> <<shake 1s>>{{{*bzzt*}}}<</shake>> <br> <<next 1.125s>> ...Caption.... <br><br> <<shake 1s>>{{{*bzzt*}}}<</shake>> <<next 1.125s>> <br> ...How to caption this... <br><br> <<shake 2s>>{{{*bzzt* *bzzt*}}}<</shake>> <<next 2.125s>> <br><br> I could sense the salivating. <<next 1.125s>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS011 - Graduation2]]>> Ahh, the one in the cap: It's hot out. I think I'll go like ''this'' under the gown. <<path [[HS011 - Graduation2]]>> Ahh, the one from the side, showing off: You gonna miss ''this''? <<path [[HS011 - Graduation2]]>> Ahh, the one throwing up deuces: Can't rush me when I'm ''fingering''. <</crossroads>> <</timed>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Leave it on ''read'' <<contents>> Eh, can't reward such a half-assed and horny attempt. <br><br> <<waiting 3s>> <<timed 3.125s>> Punish... <br><br> <<shake 1s>>{{{*bzzt*}}}<</shake>> <<next 1.125s>> <br> ...Punish.... <br><br> <<shake 1s>>{{{*bzzt*}}}<</shake>> <<next 1.125s>> <br> ...How to punish... <br><br> <<shake 2s>>{{{*bzzt* *bzzt*}}}<</shake>> <<next 2.125s>> <br><br> It could sense the salivating. <<next 1.125s>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS011 - Graduation2]]>> Ahh, a picture of the gown on the floor by...yeah, those are __not__ my shorts or theirs: Sorry, busy. Hold my ''chair''. <<path [[HS011 - Graduation2]]>> Ahh, send back a dick pic I got sent: You gonna miss ''this'' dick? <<path [[HS011 - Graduation2]]>> Ahh, sun behind me...get a shadow, yeah, cast right over the gown on the bed: Already fading from your ''memory''? <</crossroads>> <</timed>> <</crossroads>> <br> ...Hmm... </div> <</if>> <<elseif $HS.grad == "early">> 'Graduation' was a far cry from the standard experience. I didn't get a cap and gown. There were no graduation parties. I didn't get to share in the excitement and anxiousness with my classmates. <br><br> Instead, I crossed no stage, shook no hands. My diploma was sent to me in the mail. While other kids were hunkering down for the next year, finals, the crunch time...I was done. <br><br> It was a weird moment in my life and the first time I began to feel distanced from my friends. It had been years of us in lock-step and now I was taking a different path. <br><br> I felt forgotten. <br><br> And with nothing else to keep me occupied, it was time for me to make the next steps in my [[life|HS012 - LifeChoices]]. <<set $HS.acceptance = $HS.testScore>> <<elseif $HS.grad == "fail">> <<set $HS.acceptance = 0>> There would be no cap and gown for me. I became a story among the kids at school and a tale of warning for parents and the next few years of students. There would be no diploma. <br><br> It felt damning. <br><br> What had the past ten or so years been all for? A waste? Was I condemned now? Relegated away from not just higher education but continued education as well. What could my life be at this point? <br><br> Looking back on all the opportunities where I could have tried a bit harder, focused a bit more on school, came into stark clarity now. It's not like there hadn't been signs and warnings, I just hadn't thought it that big a deal. It wouldn't happen to me -- and if it did, so what. Couldn't be that bad. <br><br> Right? <br><br> We'd see. But for now, with no other options, I just had to look forward and make the next steps in my [[life|HS012 - LifeChoices]]. <<elseif $HS.dropOut == true>> <<set $HS.acceptance = 0>> I'd thrown the finger to the establishment. I wouldn't let //them// decide I wasn't up to snuff. ''They'' didn't meet my needs. Sure, there would be no cap and gown for me. Yeah, I became a story among the kids at school and a tale of warning for parents and the next few years of students. I didn't want the diploma. And I was resolute that in a few scant years, the story of me would turn around -- I'd be the girl you //wanted// to be. <br><br> They tried to make it feel damning. But who knows, maybe I'd be the female Einstein or something. <br><br> Right? <br><br> We'd see. But for now, with no other options, I just had to look forward and make the next steps in my [[life|HS012 - LifeChoices]]. <</if>> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS011-Graduation2.png">> <<outfit grad>> <<set _vale = random(9,12)>> It was legion: caps and gowns undulating like a sea in the sunlight. Chairs assembled on the freshly cut grass causing our allergies to collectively act up. <br><br><br> Mark -- yeah, we used his first name, we'd never really taken to giving respect to our Principal -- made a meandering speech about how important the time was, today was, and our lives would be. The self-aggrandizement was plain as the sweat on our foreheads. <br><br> <<if $HS.TestScores gt _vale>> <<run $Memories.push("HS Valedictorian")>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> I was called to the stage early. Not to get my diploma...but to give the valedictorian speech. I was far-and-away the best student in the graduating class, eclipsing even Ms. Perfect, Ava. <br><br> Part of me wanted to make the speech about Mom. A talk therapy in front of all these people I'd known so long. But that also felt too vulnerable. <br><br> I talked, instead, about our burgeoning futures, what this time together had meant...and then some choice thoughts and takeaways. <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>><<speechPC>>"I shouldn't be up here. I don't know any better than anyone else what's in store for us."<</speechPC>><<else>><<speechPC>>"We did it!" Pumping a hand over my head, "We're gonna show 'em all, aren't we?"<</speechPC>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>><<speechPC>>"All I can think about is how the training wheels are off. We're in the driver's seat now!"<</speechPC>><<else>><<speechPC>>"We've gotten this far, but we've only just begun."<</speechPC>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>><<speechPC>>Almost a whisper, conspiratorial: " we're free. To do whatever we've been //aching// to do."<</speechPC>><<else>><<speechPC>>"Now we've got to be our own caretakers and protectors."<</speechPC>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>><<speechPC>>"And now we have access to all the fish in this great big ocean!"<</speechPC>><<else>><<speechPC>>"And I'll miss you all. No one will ever compare to you."<</speechPC>><</if>> <<else>> Then Ava made the valedictorian speech. Well, that bitch got attention and victory again. I wish her well. Here, she was a big fish in a small pond. Out there...the pit from before returned. <</if>> Fuck. I was scared about the future. Like something was bearing down on me and I had no control over it, and it was coming. <br><br> We crossed the stage, shaking his hand, grabbing our diploma and usually make some sort of 'personal' touch to the few moments crossing from <<linkexpand "staircase to staircase.">> staircase to staircase. <br><br><br> <<speech "Principal">>"<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>."<</speech>> My turn. My thighs stuck to the gown that was plastered to the cheap vinyl seat as I pulled myself up. Moving was a welcome relief from the heat and allowed my sweat to do its job. <br><br> The Boys cheered. I smiled at them. <<if $ == true>> <<print $CC.FName>> gave me a wink. <<else>> <<print $>> winked at me. <</if>> <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> cheered far too loudly, but I appreciated it, giving a bashful wave to him. <br><br> Then back to my seat. Well. That was... <<linkexpand "underwhelming.">> underwhelming. <br><br><br> That bench post that had been looming in front of us for so long, passed in an instant. Would they all be like that? So easy? So scary? No matter what, we all were [[moving on|HS012 - LifeChoices]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/HS012-LifeChoices.png">> <<set $Body.implants = false>> <<set _SMoptions = { "used it as much as anyone else" : 1 }>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt 0>> <<set _SMoptions["kept it to an absolute minimum"] = 0>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> <<set _SMoptions["put my life out there, no matter what I was wearing or how I was feeling"] = 2>> <</if>> <<set _drugoptions = {}>> <<if $CC.hsv == 'partier' || $CC.hsv == 'club'>> <<set _drugoptions["tried everything once, and preferred the way it all made me feel"] = 3>> <<else>> <<set _drugoptions["had tried a few things here or there, when the opportunity felt right"] = 1>> <<set _drugoptions["knew where to get it, to buy it -- I liked having some on hand"] = 2>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value>> <<set _drugoptions["never touched the stuff. I liked being clean and clear"] = 0>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $bodies.length lt 5 >> <<set $kinknum = 1>> <<set $num = 1>> <<elseif $bodies.length lt 10>> <<set $kinknum = 2>> <<set $num = 1>> <<elseif $bodies.length lt 20>> <<set $kinknum = 3>> <<set $num = 2>> <<elseif $bodies.length lt 30>> <<set $kinknum = 4>> <<set $num = 3>> <<elseif $bodies.length gte 30>> <<set $kinknum = 5>> <<set $num = 4>> <</if>> <<set $Body.fertility = 25>> <<if $Body.age lt 0>> <<set $Body.fertility -= 5>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 3>> <<set $Body.fertility -= 5>> <</if>> <<set $HS.Sugg = $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value>> <<set $HS.Risky = $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value>> <<set $HS.Stable = $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<if $HS.dropOut == true>> I was excited to get a drop on life, while they squirreled away to close out school and 'graduate' what? More school? Blech. Gimme the real world any day. <<if $CC.wealth gt 3 && ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value) && !$Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> <br><br> <<print $CC.DName>> was not pleased with my scholastic...results. He was doing all he could to try and figure out where he had gone wrong, what he had done...what he could do. <br><br> Somehow, he had picked up on some self-consciousness and figured that all of my failings had come from a lack of confidence. So in one of the most awkward conversations //in// ''my'' __life__... <<speech "$CC.DName">>" want to...have....augmentations?"<</speech>> He almost coughed it out. I froze, the thought that he was considering my body in that //all// was front-and-center. <<speechPC>>"What."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.DName">>"Only if you wanted. Some girls get them around your age. I don't think you need them! No, that's not what I'm saying."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Can you shut up."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.DName">>""<</speech>> But the offer was out there. Did I really need them? Was my chest worth doing something about? A painful, irreversible procedure...would it 'improve' me and my life? <div id="tits"> <<crossroads #tits>> <<path>> No. I didn't need them. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention -->> I never brought it up. He never mentioned it again. We were happy to leave it that way. <br><br> But plastic surgery was only one of the //many// choices I was making as a full-fledged 'adult,' now. <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <<path>> Maybe a little. Just one cup size. Hardly noticable, right? <<contents>> <<set $Body.implants = true>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Attractiveness ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention ++>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("tits")>> <<if $Body.tits == "small">><<set $Body.tits = "medium">><<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">><<set $Body.tits = "large">><<elseif $Body.tits == "large">><<set $Body.tits = "extralarge">><<elseif $Body.tits == "extralarge">><<set $Body.tits = "huge">><</if>> <<face hurt1>> I took him up on his offer and went in for the evaluation. <br><br> My age made me a perfect candidate for healing so there was no doubt in the surgeon's mind. <br><br> We made the date and then began some of the most painful weeks of my life. My skin screamed at me for having to stretch, and //quickly//. My muscles ached. The scars looked obscene, though they insisted they'd heal with time. I could barely lift my arms -- I didn't ''want'' to lift my arms. <br><br> Still, I did heal and before I knew it, I was me, just with bigger, perkier tits. <br><br> But plastic surgery was only one of the //many// choices I was making as a full-fledged 'adult,' now. <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <<path !Array("large", "extralarge").includes($Body.tits)>> Yeah. Why not. I'd always hated my tits and envied others in the showers. Let me stun'em with my new girls. <<blocked>> $ has too large a pair to go that big. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -= 2>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable -= 2>> <<Stats Attractiveness ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention += 2>> <<set $CC.maleReaction ++>> <<set $Body.implants = true>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("tits")>> <<if Array("small", "medium").includes($Body.tits)>><<set $Body.tits = "large">><<else>><<set $Body.tits = "huge">><</if>> <<face hurt2>> I took him up on his offer and went in for the evaluation. <br><br> My age made me a perfect candidate for healing so there was no doubt in the surgeon's mind. <br><br> We made the date and then began some of the most painful weeks of my life. My skin screamed at me for having to stretch, and //quickly//. My muscles ached. The scars looked obscene, though they insisted they'd heal with time. I could barely lift my arms -- I didn't ''want'' to lift my arms. <br><br> Still, I did heal and before I knew it, I was me, just with bigger, perkier tits. <br><br> But plastic surgery was only one of the //many// choices I was making as a full-fledged 'adult,' now. <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <</if>> <<else>> That was it. The first real line in the sand in my life. No turning and going back to high school. It was frightening, the world was huge. <<if $CC.wealth gt 3 && ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value) && !Array("extralarge", "large", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel ++>> <br><br> <<print $CC.DName>> was overjoyed with my scholastic results. He bragged to everyone he knew, he was beaming in all the pictures. <br><br> He wanted to make a big show and reward me for my success. How he chose to do it was...a bit awkward. <br><br> Somehow, he had picked up on some self-consciousness. So in one of the most awkward conversations //in// ''my'' __life__... <<speech "$CC.DName">>" want to...have....augmentations?"<</speech>> He almost coughed it out. I froze, the thought that he was considering my body in that //all// was front-and-center. <<speechPC>>"What."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.DName">>"Only if you wanted. Some girls get them around your age. As a graduation present. Not that I think you need them! No, that's not what I'm saying."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Can you shut up."<</speechPC>> <<speech "$CC.DName">>""<</speech>> But the offer was out there. Did I really need them? Was my chest worth doing something about? A painful, irreversible procedure...would it 'improve' me and my life? /* TODO: (Fict) If this tits div and crossroad matches the one above. Make a shared crossroad thingy. */ <div id="tits"> <<crossroads #tits>> <<path>> No. I didn't need them. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention -->> /* Clothing (Needed): Tiffany Necklace */ <<speechPC>>"What about a car. Girls get those for graduation presents too."<</speechPC>> He mused, as if he'd never thought of it. <<speech "$CC.DName">>"We can talk about it."<</speech>> We didn't talk about it. I didn't get a car. But I did get a cute Tiffany necklace to symbolize this transition and my success. <br><br> But plastic surgery was only one of the //many// choices I was making as a full-fledged 'adult,' now. <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <<path>> Maybe a little. Just one cup size. Hardly noticable, right? <<contents>> <<set $Body.implants = true>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Attractiveness ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention ++>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.pushUnique("tits")>> <<if $Body.tits == "small">><<set $Body.tits = "medium">><<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">><<set $Body.tits = "large">><<elseif $Body.tits == "large">><<set $Body.tits = "extralarge">><<elseif $Body.tits == "extralarge">><<set $Body.tits = "huge">><</if>> <<face hurt1>> I took him up on his offer and went in for the evaluation. <br><br> My age made me a perfect candidate for healing so there was no doubt in the surgeon's mind. <br><br> We made the date and then began some of the most painful weeks of my life. My skin screamed at me for having to stretch, and //quickly//. My muscles ached. The scars looked obscene, though they insisted they'd heal with time. I could barely lift my arms -- I didn't ''want'' to lift my arms. <br><br> Still, I did heal and before I knew it, I was me, just with bigger, perkier tits. <br><br> But plastic surgery was only one of the //many// choices I was making as a full-fledged 'adult,' now. <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <<path !Array("extralarge", "large", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>> Yeah. Why not. I'd always hated my tits and envied others in the showers. Let me stun'em with my new girls. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -= 2>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable -= 2>> <<Stats Attractiveness ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention += 2>> <<set $CC.maleReaction ++>> <<set $Body.implants = true>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.pushUnique("tits")>> <<if Array("small", "medium").includes($Body.tits)>><<set $Body.tits = "large">><<else>><<set $Body.tits = "huge">><</if>> <<face hurt2>> I took him up on his offer and went in for the evaluation. <br><br> My age made me a perfect candidate for healing so there was no doubt in the surgeon's mind. <br><br> We made the date and then began some of the most painful weeks of my life. My skin screamed at me for having to stretch, and //quickly//. My muscles ached. The scars looked obscene, though they insisted they'd heal with time. I could barely lift my arms -- I didn't ''want'' to lift my arms. <br><br> Still, I did heal and before I knew it, I was me, just with bigger, perkier tits. <br><br> But plastic surgery was only one of the //many// choices I was making as a full-fledged 'adult,' now. <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<print $CC.DName>> was overjoyed at my scholastic results. He wished he could get me a car or something as a reward, but he did manage to scrounge together enough for a beautiful necklace. /* Clothing (Needed): Tiffany Necklace */ <br><br> It was so sweet of him and meant more to me than a car. <br><br> A perfect reminder that I was a full-fledged 'adult' now, transitioning and needing to make the //many// choices of my own. <<include "HS012 - PART - Choices">> <</if>> <</if>>
<br><br> Growing up nowadays, social media was all around. MySpace and Facebook -- vanguard of it all -- were becoming passé. Kik, TikTok, Insta, Snap, Whisper, it was a veritable cornucopia of ways to connect virtually. <br><br> Personally, I <<cycle "$" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _SMoptions>><</cycle>>. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "Talk about everywhere...">> Talk about everywhere, even before college, drugs and alcohol were everywhere. It didn't matter if it was just over at a friend's, or a highschool party, or a house party, it was present and on offer. I <<cycle "$HS.addictionLv" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _drugoptions>><</cycle>>. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "Knowing I was going out into the world...">> Knowing I was going out into the world, the reins loosened a bit and more of the responsibility on my shoulders I thought about the choices I had made and how they might affect me going forward, emotionally, financially, however it might weigh on me. <br><br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false && $ == false>> There wouldn't always be a pharmacy nearby or necessarily cash on hand... <div id="BC"> <<crossroads #BC>> <<path>> But I had to ''stay safe''. <<contents>> <<set $Body.fertile = false>> <br><br> I wasn't about to let myself get in the 'motherly' way out of stupidity or fear of running out of money. I knew I couldn't trust guys. <<path>> I had learned enough about myself and sex, I ''didn't need the birth control'' anymore. <<contents>> <<set $Body.fertile = true>> <<set $CC.BC = "">> <br><br> But I was confident that I could handle everything life, guys and sex could throw my way. I got off birth control and felt lighter and clearer because of the decision. <<contentsShared>> <br><br><br> <<include "HS012 - PART - shared">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $Body.fertile == true && $ == false>> Sex to date had been a minefield. It came out of nowhere most of the time and, man, the feelings in the moment...I had made some really dumb decisions. <br><br> That I had not gotten knocked up so far was a miracle, maybe thanks to some rhythm, thanks to some OTC help, thanks to luck, didn't matter why. I was glad. <div id="noBC"> <<crossroads #noBC>> <<path>> I had proven the decision was good so far, I didn't feel like a change was necessary. Why fix something that ''wasn't broken''? <<contents>> <<set $Body.fertile = true>> <br><br> Whether I had sperm-killing juices, an iron womb, or some ability to control my ovulation, it didn't matter. I rolled unprotected and I wore it like a badge of honor. <<path>> I...had enough of the sleepless nights, tears and calendar counting. And late night almost texts to guys. I needed to ''get onto something''. <<contents>> <<set $Body.fertile = false>> <br><br> After looking at all of the options, I decided upon <<listbox "$CC.BC">> <<option "Yaz" "Pill">> <<option "Nexplanon implant" "Implant">> <<option "copper IUD" "IUD">> <<option "Mirena IUD" "mIUD">> <<option "Nuvaring" "Ring">> <</listbox>> <<contentsShared>> <br><br><br> <<include "HS012 - PART - shared">> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<include "HS012 - PART - shared">> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
<<set $HS.LDR = false>> <<if $HS.addictionLv == 2>> <<set $Body.fertility -= 5>> <<elseif $HS.addictionLv == 3>> <<set $Body.fertility -= 10>> <</if>> <<if $Body.fertility lte 0>> <<set $Body.fertility = 2>> <</if>> <<set $Body.maxFertility = $Body.fertility>> <<if $ == true>> Hadn't had sex to date, so not weighing myself down with extra hormones had been a solid one. Go me. Let's keep on trucking! <br><br> And speaking of that, while I wasn't the only member of the V-club, I wondered if the pressure I had felt in school would mount to be too much to handle. Was I really that much of a weirdo? I had flirted and had my own fun and -- while dates had been fewer and further between, and not too long-lasting -- it wasn't like I hadn't experienced love. <br><br> Even without sex, <<print $>>. A massive chapter of my life. Helping me undestand who I am and opened doors that I might have been to afraid to try myself if I'd been on my own. <br><br> Fuck, already tears in my eyes, a tightness in my throat and in my stomach. <<print $>> was my constant growing up. But the world was such a huge place and there were so many other people... <br><br> Conversations and texts between us had gotten a little strained over the past couple weeks. We both saw the storm coming and weren't sure exactly where we stood with each other. The future was scary. We'd each made our own decisions... <br><br> Would they include each other? <br><br> <div id="sigOther"> <<crossroads #sigOther>> <<path>> Yeah. I could handle an LDR. <<contents>> <<set $HS.LDR = true>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Easy -->> <<if $ == "cheater">> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> Why would I change how things were? Having <<print $>> in my life meant that I had someone I could cry to if I needed it. Whenever I needed it. <br><br> They were loyal as they came. Why would I ditch having that support? <br><br> I think <<print $>> had their suspicions about my...extra-relationship activities. But I think they took it as part of what 'us together' meant for //me//, what it meant for //them//. It was an arrangement that worked. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I felt a pit in my gut. I knew that with distance between us, how they acted probably wouldn't change. We'd continue the see-saw of misunderstanding and confusion. I'd get hurt. <br><br> But maybe with the distance I wouldn't find out about it. Or...maybe it wouldn't happen. <br><br> Even knowing, I //needed// them to not be scared with how much was changing. <br><br> And I think they needed the stability too. If only because they wanted to have me on speeddial whenever they needed it. <<elseif $ == "free">> <<Stats Stable -= 3>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> Something about the future scared me. I needed a rock. <br><br> We barely had even the semblence of a relationship to date. I think <<print $>> was as confused as I was when I brought up our future. <br><br> Maybe it was just a blip and as soon as there was the distance between us, I'd be alone again. <br><br> But maybe not. <<else>> And they could too! We'd been faithful to each other so far, there was no reason to believe otherwise now. <</if>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> So we kept texting and as life changed around us it was comforting. It might not be forever...but it might. <br><br><br> They had been a part of making me who I was, and I had learned a lot about my self. <br><br><br> Life was changing, and I soldiered on to the <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> [[next big thing|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> [[next big thing|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<else>> [[next big thing|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</if>> <<path>> No. Everything had its season and ours had passed. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident += 2>> <<if $ == "cheater">> <<Stats Stable ++>> It was time to call a spade a spade. I could tell they were relieved to be 'ending' things. But really, they had ended a long time ago. <br><br> At least for me. <br><br> Now we were both being honest with ourselves. Commitment was not in the cards for me. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> A part of me wanted to scream out and insist that we stay together. The normalcy of how things had been going felt familiar. To change that, even as painful as it was, felt like it was too much. <br><br> But it also felt right. <br><br> We both knew that commitment was not in the cards for them. <br><br> It was time to recognize that and move on like adults. <<elseif $ == "free">> That we even addressed it confused us both. What we had was only the barest similarity to a relationship. <br><br> But we both knew there was //something// about each other. <br><br> So we recognized it and confirmed that it wasn't anything. <<else>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> I could barely think of anyone else who was sticking it out once Summer was over. As much as we'd had a long, solid time together...I wasn't ready for marriage. I wasn't ready to settle down. <br><br> Maybe we'd find our way back to each other some day, but the only way to test that strength was to see if it did happen. Staying together wasn't a test. It wouldn't prove anything. <</if>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> Walking away from that conversation was easy. Not because dropping the hammer on <<print $>> was easy -- it wasn't. But the way they acted blindsided, that they screamed and unattractive. I had made the right choice. On to bigger and better. <br><br><br> They had been a part of making me who I was, and I had learned a lot about my self. <br><br><br> Life was changing, and I soldiered on to the <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> [[next big thing|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> [[next big thing|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<else>> [[next big thing|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<print $>>. A massive chapter of my life. Helping me undestand who I am and opened doors that I might have been to afraid to try myself if I'd been on my own. <br><br> Fuck, already tears in my eyes, a tightness in my throat and in my stomach. <<print $>> was my constant growing up. But the world was such a huge place and there were so many other people... <br><br> Conversations and texts between us had gotten a little strained over the past couple weeks. We both saw the storm coming and weren't sure exactly where we stood with each other. The future was scary. We'd each made our own decisions... <br><br> Would they include each other? <br><br> <div id="sigOther"> <<crossroads #sigOther>> <<path>> No. Everything had its season and ours had passed. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident += 2>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> Walking away from that conversation was easy. Not because dropping the hammer on <<print $>> was easy -- it wasn't. But the way they acted blindsided, that they screamed and unattractive. I had made the right choice. On to bigger and better. <br><br><br> They had been a part of making me who I was, and I had learned a lot about my [[sexual self|HS013 - SexLeveling]]. <<path>> Yeah. I could handle an LDR. <<contents>> <<set $HS.LDR = true>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Easy -->> <<if $ == "cheater">> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> Why would I change how things were? Having <<print $>> in my life meant that I had someone I could cry to if I needed it. Whenever I needed it. <br><br> They were loyal as they came. Why would I ditch having that support? <br><br> We both knew what 'us together' meant for me, and what it meant for them. We were happy with that arrangement. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I felt a pit in my gut. I knew that with distance between us, how they acted probably wouldn't change. We'd continue the see-saw of misunderstanding and confusion. I'd get hurt. <br><br> But maybe with the distance I wouldn't find out about it. Or...maybe it wouldn't happen. <br><br> Even knowing, I //needed// them to not be scared with how much was changing. <br><br> And I think they needed the stability too. If only because they wanted to have pussy on speeddial whenever they needed it. <<elseif $ == "free">> <<Stats Stable -= 3>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> Something about the future scared me. I needed a rock. <br><br> We barely had even the semblence of a relationship to date. I think <<print $>> was as confused as I was when I brought up our future. <br><br> Maybe it was just a blip and as soon as there was the distance between us, I'd be alone again. <br><br> But maybe not. <<else>> And they could too! We'd been faithful to each other so far, there was no reason to believe otherwise now. <</if>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> So we kept texting and as life changed around us it was comforting. It might not be forever...but it might. <br><br><br> They had been a part of making me who I was, and I had learned a lot about my [[sexual self|HS013 - SexLeveling]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<set $Dossier.showSexSkills = true>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers = ($ * $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value)>> <<if $CC.hsv == "gym">><<set $HS.SMfollowers ++>><</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("TeenModel")>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 2>> <</if>> <<if $Body.age == -1>> <<run $num += 1>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Tight Pussy")>> <</if>> <<if $Body.age == -2>> <<run $num += 2>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Tight Pussy", "Tiny Pussy")>> <</if>> <<sexSkillsSetup 2>> <<intro>> Sex had taught me a couple of things about myself: what I liked and what I knew about my body and its talents. <<kinks>> My brain just happened to be wired in a way where I loved: <<skills>> And experience had taught me about myself that<<if $Stats.SexSkills.length eq 0>> I had<</if>>: <<onDone>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<set $HS.preg = false>> <<set _pregDiv = ($Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value) - ($Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $CC.maleReaction)>> <<if _pregDiv lte 0>><<set _pregDiv = 1>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>><<set _pregDiv = 1>><</if>> <<set _pregNum = $bodies.filter(body => body.gender && body.gender === 'M').length>> <<set $HS.pregAttempts = Math.floor(_pregNum / _pregDiv)>> /* Intention - Run a preg check (total number of _pregNum / _pregDiv) times, if pregged, go to the new story arc, otherwise, continue to the normal pathing */ <<set $HS.preg = Array($HS.pregAttempts).fill(0).map((x) => random(1,100) <= $Body.maxFertility).includes(true)>> <<if $HS.preg == false>> I'd played a //lot// of Russian Roulette with sperm and my eggs, but I'd gotten through lucky. Not knocked up. Crossing fingers works! <br><br> Thank god. Didn't want __that__ kind of opportunity to grow and change. Life would have many more opportunities for me where a ''child'' wasn't involved. And boy, <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> [[was I right|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> [[was I right|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<else>> [[was I right|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</if>> <<else>> I'd been playing a //lot// of Russian Roulette with sperm and my eggs. And, unsurprisingly, they did what they were trying to do. My life was interrupted with an 'unexpected' opportunity for me to grow and change. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<shake 5s>>FUUUUUCK!<</shake>> This couldn't happen to //me//! <br><br> So I cried. And cried. And fucking cried. But it didn't change anything. <br><br> It was like someone was playing a joke on me. Like 'teen pregnancy' could happen to //anyone//. <br><br> I wished 'they' took their jokes elsewhere, to someone that actually deserved [[this|KU001 - With Child]]. <<else>> [[Fuck|KU001 - With Child]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> And at the time, I was certain that life had many more opportunities to grow and change. And boy, <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> [[was I right|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> [[was I right|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<else>> [[was I right|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</sexSkillsSetup>>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<set _atCon = _atCon == undefined ? false : _atCon>> <<set _textOuput = _atCon ? "Focusing through the rest of the Con was hard." : "Going to sleep that night was tough.">> <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <br><br> That...was so out of character for me. <<print _textOuput>> All I could think about was <<print $>>. What was I going to tell them? Would this change things between us? <br><br> I had thought that I was a loyal person...I guess I wasn't. <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. I craved being back with them. For something loving, for something comforting. Maybe, kinda as an apology. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? Had that been why I had done it? Revenge? They could //never// find out. <</if>>
/* What is the Home Base? - List of 'missions'/'vignettes'/'events' that have variable gates to access them. - Return here after each path. - Ideally, each release would have a new set of these paths added to the catalog and each release would allow players to move one more 'home base' page further. - I'm sure we would create a unique design here to distinguish homeBase from standard CrossRoads. - Each release will have a certain number of 'days' allowed and each of those arcs will take up an amount of days to accomplish. - Once Days = X, they hit EXIT Times visited Base: <<= $HomeBase.visits>> Days Past: <<= $HomeBase.days>> */ <<stateRemove aroused>> <div id="HomeBase"> <<ovulationCheck>> /* TODO (Fict/Zach): Will this work for Claires that are on BC as well? Ovulation should (essentially) happen irrespective of fertility and I can't remember if there was a tracker going on for non-fertile Claires as well */ <<if $HomeBase.visits == 1>> /* TODO: (Fict) Lazy list. Needa move into proper buckets in Init. */ <<set $angeloTalk = false>> <<set $employedZZYZX = false>> <<set $clubJob = "">> <<set $takenPlanB = 0>> <<set $Body.ovulation = random(0,27)>> <<set $mindCorruption = 0>> <<set $mindBreak = 0>> <<timed 1s t8n>> <<dialogHint "Homebase" 'popup'>> Welcome to the main game of Blue Swallow! <br><br> Now that you've defined who <<print $>> is, her background, traits and skills, we'll be putting those to the test as she moves forward in her mission in Manila. <br><br> From here on out, failure will be looming on the horizon: take too long or go down the wrong paths and you will find <<print $>> at a ''Bad Ending'', just like a CYOA. <br><br> Also, <<print $>> might find herself at a Bad End if she's unable to endure the extremes of this mission. Certain events and choices may test her resolve and traits, and if she doesn't meet the requirements, she will find herself being <<shake 3s>>''corrupted''<</shake>>. <br><br> Like other Corruption games, Corruptions will lead to her being looser, easier, riskier, less stable. But, unlike many games of this variety, these corruptions also mean that she's taking steps down the path to breaking and a Bad End. <br><br> Your <<print $>> can only endure a certain number of Corruptions before breaking, and at the beginning of her adventure, we'll be nice and let you know that it is <<print $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>>. <br><br> That number might increase over the course of the game, which will give her more resolve in the face of the extreme conditions and requests she and EROS will be making of her. <br><br> <br><br> What else is new here? <br><br> ''(Semi)Open World''. You will be presented with multiple options or paths like you'll find here. They are options for what to pursue and where to go next. Certain choices will open new ones or continue storylines, others will be singular and be locked off afterwards, some may close off other routes entirely! <br> The only reason we use the word (Semi) is because we are giving a guiding hand. Unlike other games, we are only offering options and places to go to that have interesting or unique content and outcomes. No need to be in the right place at the right time or guess where to go next. Some may be better or more useful than others, but all choices offered will lead to //something//, __somewhere__. Enjoy and Explore! <br><br> ''Leveling Up''. The stats that <<print $>> picked up during the Prologue provide her base abilities for the beginning of her mission, but they aren't locked! Utilizing skills -- actively or passively -- will improve <<print $>>'s abilities. Her Kinks will be essentially set in stone, and her Sex Skills will be very difficult to advance, but her main traits and skills will increase (and occasionally, RARELY, decrease) based on their implementation during her quest. The higher a stat is, the harder it is to increase it -- it requires more use. <br><br> ''States''. Certain choices and conditions may apply states to <<print $>>. They will temporarily modify her stats, which will make things easier or harder. Examples would be Aroused, Tired, Hungover and others you'll come across. <br><br> ''Fertility''. While in the Prologue, it was possible to encounter some pregnancy due to choices <<print $>> made, now it is an active mechanic. If she is not on birth control, or can't find access to it, there is a tracker of her fertility cycle. Should she engage in unprotected or otherwise risky sex, she may find herself knocked up. <br> There will be the opportunity to take Plan B, but that's a finite and body-corrupting resource, so be careful! <br> Similarly, even pregnant, <<print $>> will be able to continue on her quest...for a time. Things like morning sickness and other body changes may make being a secret agent difficult, and eventually, impossible. It //will// result in a Bad End if she cannot complete her mission before the pregnancy gets too far along. <br><br> ''Relationships''. You may have encountered these during the Prologue, but now interactions with characters can have long-lasting repercussions that can open or close off entire routes, provide impediments and barriers to success during her mission, and even potential access to other resources and aid. Be careful who you upset and cozy up to -- it may be for the better or worse! <br><br> ''Time''. Every path taken will involve some amount of time. Time will pass and that will change the opportunities <<print $>> has on offer. Some paths could open, some may close. Some paths may take time and result in no furthering of the mission (through her own actions or simply because it's a red herring). <br> Time will be the ultimate determination if <<print $>> moves on in her adventure or fails. Eventually, Elle may be out of reach. Eventually, <<print $>> will accomplish his goal. <br> Be mindful about what <<print $>> spends her time on and how much! <br><br> ''Dossier''. Accessing the Dossier will give information both about <<print $>>, but also her missions: what options are there, what might be directions she should try, who are important or interesting people on those routes. <br><br> ''Wardrobe''. Accessing the Wardrobe will allow you to customize what <<print $>> wears at a given time, decide what her default outfits are in certain conditions. This is mostly aesthetic, but may provide issues or bonuses depending on the situation. <br><br> We hope that gives some insight and guidance to the game and a great launching-off point for her journey in Manila! Best of luck, Agent. <</dialogHint>> <</timed>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 2>> <div id="statmins"> WARNING: You are entering the main game where there are choices that //will// end the game for you and <<print $>>. She has exited the Prologue with a dangerously low stability. This means there is very little wiggle room before she reaches a 'bad ending'. <br><br> If you'd like to rectify this, click <<link "here">><<replace "#statmins">> <<set $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value = 3>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 2>> SECOND WARNING: <<print $>> has a low-level of Confidence. While this is not as severely an issue as the Stability, Confidence does provide her ability to muster onward in the face of adversity. Think of it as the denominator against her ability to break. The higher it is, she can keep going. Otherwise...So, definitely look for opportunities to raise her Confidence to improve your chances. <br><br> If you'd like to rectify this, click <<link "here">><<replace "#statmins">> <<set $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value = 3>> Now. <<link "On to the game...">><<replace "#statmins">> <<include "HB - Arrival">> <</replace>><</link>> <</replace>><</link>> <br><br> Otherwise, if that's okay with you, then... <<link "On to the game...">><<replace "#statmins">> <<include "HB - Arrival">> <</replace>><</link>> <<else>> Now. <<link "On to the game...">><<replace "#statmins">> <<include "HB - Arrival">> <</replace>><</link>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> and we'll give you a helpful, but small boost -- look to improve her Stability if you can to increase your chances. <br><br> Otherwise, if that is okay with you, then you've been warned. <<link "On to the game...">><<replace "#statmins">> <<include "HB - Arrival">> <</replace>><</link>> </div> <<else>> <<include "HB - Arrival">> <</if>> <<elseif $HomeBase.visits gte 10>> The alarm had a painful quality to it today. I didn't want to get out of bed -- as uncomfortable as it was -- and the weight of time and what was on the line pressed down on my chest, keeping me there. I knew I'd be able to force myself to keep moving, but not now. Just five more minutes. <br><br> (Please save here. Then, [[Keep it moving|EXIT]].) <<else>> <<if previous() is "M003 - Reject">> <<outfit sleepwear>> When I turned my alarm off, I flicked through my messages. Nothing new, but I was willing there to be another message from Dali. A vain hope that I might have another opportunity, even if I wasn't sure I wanted it. <br><br> I hated that I had closed a door. Even if that door felt threatening and potentially fruitless. <br><br> No message. I'd have to move on. <<elseif previous() is "M003 - Strip">> <<outfit sleepwear>> I woke with a sickening feeling in my stomach. It was the regurgitation of yesterday's nakedness. So many people looking at me. Feeling so powerless. <br><br> I hoped it had been worth it. <br><br> Getting out of bed quickly, I got a start on the day so that I could put //on// clothes and move forward. <<elseif Array("M002 - Night1Investigate", "M002 - Night1Drink", "M002 - Night1Dance").includes(previous())>> <<outfit sleepwear>> <<state tired hungover>> My brain felt fuzzy. "Thanks, party animal." I thought to myself as I groaned and forced myself out of bed. It had been a late night, and even as young as I was, I couldn't keep that up forever. <br><br> But maybe the pain and exhaustion would lead to steps forward in the mission. <br><br> I rubbed my eyes while considering what to do today. <<elseif previous() is "M002 - Night1Sex">> <<state tired>> Gotta love a walk of shame. Bitch at the front desk -- usually didn't even give me a glance -- eyed me over when I rolled in with all the tell-tale signs. It reinforced the feeling like a cheap slut. It's what she was thinking. Just another one to walk through these doors tonight after her pussy got used and the guy sent her packing. <br><br> It curdled my blood, realizing the full portent of what I had done. I was building up a 'legend' of a slut to get close to some guys, get into the club, maybe find some intel. Maybe. In the meantime, I was getting fucked, definitely getting fucked. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I took a shower, grabbed a quick nap of a sleep, and then tried to push away my self-judgment and resolve what I'd be doing today. <br><br> Yesterday and the fuck felt (literally) like mere minutes ago, but today was here. Today needed living. <<elseif Array("M002 - D1BarEnd", "M002 - D1Platforms").includes(previous())>> <<outfit sleepwear>> <<state tired>> Ugh. Late nights like that were going to kill me. My calves ached. My feet hurt. Muscles in my lower back taught me of their very existence. <br><br> My ears rang. My body felt unclean. <br><br> Well, I could do something about the last bit. The hot water would feel nice too. <br><br> I got up, despite the complaints of my lower half and headed to the shower, where I'd do my best thinking and planning for the day. <<elseif Array("M001 - Success", "M001 - Fail").includes(previous())>> <<outfit sleepwear>> Alice's last words stuck with me as I returned to RedDoorz. I don't know why I was there, but it felt like normal, like home base, like where I should be when I made my decisions on what to do next. <br><br> "Time is of the essence." Fuck. <br><br> Okay. So, let's make use of that time. <<elseif previous() is "M000 - Mall_Shopping">> <<outfit sleepwear>> My eyes opened before the alarm went off. That was rare. Even with the jetlag, I felt especially rested. I stretched and groaned, tweaking my neck and expecting the usual cracks that accompanied the night on the flat pillow and hard mattress. But none came. Maybe I should turn in early more often. No need to rush into things headlong. <<elseif previous() is "M002 - D1WhoreSex">> <<outfit sleepwear>> I wanted more sleep. Putting my body on the line like that had strained me in ways I hadn't expected. How did women do this for a living? And only for money? It was hard enough for me to rectify my conscience because there was more on the line for me... <br><br> My eyes were tired and didn't want to open. The spies I had grown up with had it far was just their target, only one person they might have to fuck despite how they might feel about them. And it had seemed hard for them then. I was doing something else entirely. <br><br> Would it break me? <<elseif previous() is "M003 - BonaDateEnd">> <<outfit sleepwear>> Bona and Casimir were bad dudes. Decidedly in the underworld. Maybe they'd be an inroad to my mission. Maybe they needed to be dealt with on their own. <br><br> Unfortunately, my way forward with them was by using my body. Was this always the case for female operatives? Or was I just unlucky...or simply not good enough to avoid situations like this? <br><br> Was the cost worth the potential upside? If we cleaned up the world a little bit, would my sacrifice feel more than worth it? <<elseif $clubJob == "dancer" && previous() is "M002 - D2Bar2">> <<outfit sleepwear>> <<state healthy>> <<face happy>> Moving on up! No more lugging alcohol, chapped hands...probably no more being groped. The dancers were elevated, literally and figuratively. They were the elite at the Club. <br><br> Forward momentum was like a jolt to the system. It was still early, but it felt like I was on the right path. <br><br> Practically jumped out of bed, ready and raring to go. <<elseif previous() is "M002 - D2Whore3">> <<outfit sleepwear>> <<if $Memories.includesAll("Knows Cornado", "Knows Jacob")>> Finally, my body had gotten us somewhere. I was able to quash the feelings of being used. Of having no self-worth. It was an 'exchange' that had offered an opportunity. <br><br> We could leverage that. If I couldn't come up with any ideas, EROS would know what to do. <br><br> I'd bagged something that had value! <<else>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<face sad>> Was my body going to get us anywhere or was I simply going to be fucked again and again by the men of the underworld for absolutely nothing? <br><br> Was I going to waste away, disappear like my Mom? Had this been how she disappeared? Was I following in her footsteps? <br><br> The idea sickened me. <br><br> I didn't have her background and training...How would I ever get out of this cycle? How would I know how to actually //use// myself rather than be used? <</if>> <<elseif previous() is "M002 - D2Whore5">> <<outfit sleepwear>> <<if $Memories.includes("New Girl Stays")>> The new girl was on my mind from the moment I woke up. Was trading her for the mission worth it? Two least...all for the sake of taking down <<print $>>? <br><br> Would I be able to look her in the face? <br><br> Would she ever know that I could have protected her? <br><br> Would she have been able to be saved? <br><br> I got out of bed, trying to resolve myself that she was doomed, more so than I was. It had been the only choice. <<else>> The new girl was on my mind from the moment I woke up. I had done a little good. No matter the outcome of the mission, I could have this feather in my cap. <br><br> I couldn't get out, but she could. And that was worth something. <br><br> Hopefully, I hadn't compromised the mission. <</if>> <<elseif previous() is "M002 - Night2End" && $Memories.includes("Knows Nestor")>> <<outfit sleepwear>> Nestor was fucking crazy. I wondered how he compared to Datu. Who was the more dangerous? <br><br> But Nestor was lower-tier. More available, less under the watchful eye. <br><br> Maybe he'd provide a way in to Datu, or maybe just circumvent the big man entirely. <br><br> Would I have to risk the knife again to do it though. <<elseif previous() is "SQ002 - Manila_Dating">> <<outfit sleepwear>> <<state healthy>> <<face happy>> I woke with butterflies. <br><br> It was an uncanny sensation. Unlike anything I'd experienced since showing up here. Last night had been so wholesome. So normal. <br><br> Blue was like a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to consume me. <br><br> The welling of emotion caught in the back of my throat. //Fuck//. If I kept going with Blue would the darkness just consume them too? <br><br> Would they keep me afloat or would I be risking them? <br><br> Would I have to sacrifice them at some point for me, for the mission, for my mother? <<else>> <<outfit sleepwear>> <<if $HomeBase.days lt 14>> <<set _rand = random(1,7)>> <<if _rand == 1>> I woke with a start, eyes wide and I started to freak out. Where was I? My feet scrabbled against the bedding -- it felt like it was a brillo pad. My heart was pounding as I swung my legs free of the prison bed. I leapt out and had the distinct impression that I was in danger and I needed to leave. Now. <br><br> Yanking on the handle, I was about to run pellmell for my life -- and then I stopped, leaning my head against the weak wood of the door. My chest heaved, breathing slowing as I just let the panic attack pass. <br><br> "Fuck. Gotta talk to a shrink about that. I wonder what agent benefits are like." <br><br> I re-centered myself and sighed, wiping away the tears from my eyes. "Gotta get used to this, <<print $>>" <<elseif _rand == 2>> The tinkle from my phone felt like fingernails down a chalkboard, "Noooo..." I pouted, arm swinging out to destroy my waker. I knew $CC.DName was about to walk in the door as my second alarm, but if I willed my eyes to stay shut and enjoy the warmth and comfort of my bed, maybe the day could just pass me by. <br><br> A day in bed sounded so wonderful right now...sleep began to creep back in like a blanket. Wait. Where was my blanket. <br><br> As much as I wanted my eyes to stay shut, they opened. Dad was certainly //not// going to be waking me up as second alarm. The blank ceiling and blank walls were brutal reminders that //if// I did want to sleep the day away...I could. <br><br> Ultimate freedom as I was asked to take ultimate risks for ultimate rewards. Fuck. <<elseif _rand == 3>> "Mom?" I was speaking the word and jerking upright in bed. She wasn't there. No one was, just the crappy room at RedDoorz. <br><br> Confused, I focused on what I had just been dreaming, ignoring the incessant ringing of my alarm. But nothing came to me. <br><br> Tension gripped my throat as all of my thoughts floated around //her// -- where was she, what had happened, what would she think right now?...and... <br><br> Could she come save __me__? <br><br> My vision shimmered and I forced myself from the bed, coughing away emotion as I tried to steel myself for the day and dismissing the child-like emotions. I didn't need saving. She did. <br><br> And that's what I needed to do. <<elseif _rand == 4>> The alarm went off. I grunted. I swung my arm across my body and was rewarded with shooting pain down to my shoulder as my wrist cracked into the wall. <br><br> "Fuuuuckk!" Gritting my teeth against the pain, I sat up, cradling and massaging the point of contact, turning to look the //other// way at my phone dancing against the floor: a happy little melody to wake me up. <br><br> I was too used to my usual setup. RedDoorz had thrown my routines for a loop like this whole adventure had changed my life. <br><br> Assessing that my hand wasn't broken and hoping that the pain would teach my unconscious brain a new pattern and pathway, I dropped a foot out of bed to shush the alarm. <br><br> Then, out of bed, I decided what to do with my day. <<elseif _rand == 5>> <<state tired>> The night was fitful, the sheets pulled free from the corners of the bed and left my feet to be assaulted by the cold room. My toes tugged down at the fringes, seeking warmth and protection. <br><br> My pillow wouldn't stay cool enough or supportive enough for me to find rest. I flipped it. I folded it. I crammed it against the wall. <br><br> My brain wouldn't turn off. I was planning for every possible eventuality, replaying yesterday's events as if I could have a mulligan and that if I did ''that'' differently, it would turn out better. <br><br> And then the sun was up and I could only ignore its invasion until my phone went off. Fuck. The day would not wait for me to rest. <<elseif _rand == 6>> <<state tired aroused>> I get it. It's a hostel. It's shitty and cheap. But did that mean I had to listen to //another// fuckfest? <br><br> I had figured that built from cinderblocks, this place would at least give the semblance of soundproof. But that wasn't the case. At this point, I could practically pinpoint where down the hall these people were sticking it to each other. <br><br> Unbidden, I began analyzing whether I thought it was two men, two women, a mix...It seemed like just two. <br><br> What position. Where did they meet. Was this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? <br><br> Was anyone about to cum? <br><br> My pussy was wet and I ''hated'' it. I resolved to __not__ finger myself to their escapade. It was worse than porn because they were invading my life, I wasn't the one listening in on purpose -- I hadn't decided I wanted to use them to get me off. <br><br> I groaned and pressed my thighs together. My fingers grasped at the edges of the mattress. I pressed my ear against my pillow. <br><br> And then the noises stopped. I didn't care if it was completion, a water break, or an angry and abortive end. I clenched my eyes, focused on my breathing, ignored my own arousal and willed myself to sleep. <br><br> Thankfully, I got there, waking later to just my alarm. And my fucking soaked snatch. Assholes. <<else>> <<state tired>> Murder was on my mind. I was contemplating the ways to stop the block party that was happening outside my window. I didn't dare look at the time on my phone and see how few hours remained that I could sleep. <br><br> Someone down there, in that narrow alleyway of a street, had decided that it was the right time and place to turn on their stereo at full blast. I could hear raucous laughter and voices that tried to lift over the decibels pumping from the speakers. <br><br> At least with other parties, they weren't mobile. They didn't just //appear//. You knew what neighbors were shit, what days you might get woken up, when to put in those earplugs. <br><br> Fuck. I needed earplugs. "Nghhhh!" I whined out to no one in particular, arching my back and smacking my hands against the mattress. I wasn't worried about my RedDoorz compatriots hearing me and being woken up. They either already were or needed to be. Misery needed company. <br><br> I considered all the ways to shut them up that didn't involve violence but kept thinking about how they might result in violence against //me//. So I waited. Patiently. Pained. <br><br> No officers of the peace showed up to shut them down. They just shut things off eventually, as sudden as it started. <br><br> Angry, but exhausted, I grabbed as much sleep as I could. And then my phone's music woke me up. <br><br> Yay. Another day. <</if>> <<elseif $HomeBase.days lt 30>> <<set _rand = random(1,7)>> /* PLACEHOLDER - Future Content. Claire is getting comfortable. <<if _rand == 1>> <<elseif _rand == 2>> <<elseif _rand == 3>> <<elseif _rand == 4>> <<elseif _rand == 5>> <<elseif _rand == 6>> <<else>> <</if>> */ <<else>> /* PLACEHOLDER - Future Content. Claire is beginning to worry. <<set _rand = random(1,7)>> <<if _rand == 1>> <<elseif _rand == 2>> <<elseif _rand == 3>> <<elseif _rand == 4>> <<elseif _rand == 5>> <<elseif _rand == 6>> <<else>> <</if>> */ <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $mindCorruption gt 0 and $mindCorruption gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<set $mindCorruption = 0>> <<set $mindBreak ++>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base -->> <<set $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base -->> <<set $Stats.Traits['Risky'].base ++>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].base ++>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Easy'].base ++>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base -->> <br><br> What had begun as a nagging at the back of my brain ever since I woke up was now manifesting as a pain in the front of my head. <br><br> Trying to open my little notebook, fuck, even //reaching// for it brought forth a whimper, unbidden from my throat. <br><br> My breath felt caught in the top of my esophagus, my diaphragm unwilling and unable to offer me any relief. <br><br> Attempting to consider the frightening portent of the options in front of me, given everything I'd subjected myself to date -- and knowing that more of that pain and suffering was hiding behind any of those choices -- was threatening an overwhelming explosion into sobs and inaction. <br><br> I was <<shake 10s>>''cracking''<</shake>>. <br><br> My fingernails bit into my palms as I tried to regain some balance and force myself to take another step forward. Was I going to be able to make it? <br><br> <</if>> <<if $mindBreak gt 0 && $mindBreak gt $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value && $Inventory.includes("MindSave")>> Fuck. What was I doing? What had I //done//?! Where was the <<print $>> that I had used to be. A flood of my past was crashing into my psyche, flashing back and forth with much more recent, painful memories. My mind couldn't reconcile the two. It was all too much for me. I couldn't go [[on|END]]. <<elseif $mindBreak gt 0 && $mindBreak gt $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value && $Inventory.includes("MindSave")>> My chest was heaving, it felt like my heart was going to bust out of my chest. Fuck! What was I doing? What had I //done//?! My mind felt like it was about to splinter. I could only think of one thing right now: that medication Angelo had given me. <br><br> I pressed down on the explosion in my brain, pressing against the bulging door as long as I could. I grabbed the bottle and popped the ''one'' capsule that was inside. I [[swallowed|HB - MindSave]]. <<else>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HB - Abort]] $ACTI.oops == true>> <<hover>> Didn't want to get knocked up. And in this line of work...that risk had reared its head.<br> Might have been a little fast and loose with the risk recently. Should probably pop a Plan B. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Don't Get Knocked Up'' <<tip>> While EROS agents used sex for their advantage, I doubted there were many instances where getting pregnant would actually be a boon rather than the end of an agent's career. <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ has no reason to worry about pregnancy right now. <<path [[M000 - Mall]]>> <<hover>> Take a break. Do some retail therapy.<br> Be 'myself' and head downtown for some shopping, as I'd originally planned. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Build my Legend'' <<tip>> If I was here as //me// and I had planned on shopping anyway, might as well do it. A delay of a day in getting started wouldn't be the end of the world. <</hover>> <<hidden visited("M000 - Mall")>> <<path [[M001 - CaseOfficer]]>> <<hover>> If he was my Case Officer, he was my best guide. Being underwater and all, I needed one.<br> Find 'Angelo', my Case Officer for some help and direction. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Understand WTF I'm Doing'' <<tip>> Not anything high-stakes, but getting to know my CO, maybe uncovering intel, and getting some guidance on what to do? <</hover>> <<hidden $angeloTalk is true>> <<path [[M002 - Club ZZYZX]]>> <<hover>> Go party...and investigate...the club.<br> See if I could start my infiltration as a club-goer. <br><br> ''Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX'' <<tip>> Get a lay of the land of the club with fresh eyes. See what I can learn. Maybe the best way in was to not get directly involved. <</hover>> <<hidden visited("M002 - Club ZZYZX") || $People['AI'].Nino.rel lt -1>> <<path [[M002 - ClubJob]]>> <<hover>> A job might be the best way to get into the club after all.<br> See if I could start my infiltration with a job at the club. <br><br> ''Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX'' <<tip>> What better way to get intel on my mission than to actually get involved, directly, at the Club? <</hover>> <<hidden visited("M002 - ClubJob")>> <<path [[M002 - ClubJobDay1]]>> <<hover>> Got the job. Now got to get to work.<br> Time for my first shift at ZZYZX. <br><br> ''Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX'' <</hover>> <<hidden $employedZZYZX is false || $M2.visitedClubJobDay1>> <<path [[M003 - Dalisay]] $Memories.includes("Knows Dali")>> <<hover>> She's made contact. Maybe I should see where this leads.<br> Google-check had said the neighborhood wasn't too far. Tondo. Not the best place, but it's where I would go to find Dalisay and check out her 'job' offer. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Dalisay'' <<tip>> While it was off the beaten path, it still was clearly underground and might have its own benefits. The delay might be worth it. <</hover>> <<blocked>> $ hasn't met Dalisay. <<hidden $Memories.includes("Knows Bona")>> <<path [[M003 - BonaDate]] $HomeBase.days == ($dayMetBona + (9 - $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value))>> <<hover>> It was time for the date with Bona.<br> A text from Dali. Bona wanted a date. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Time to see whether or not the Bona angle would pan out.'' <<tip>> Likely he won't wait if <<print $>> doesn't prioritize this //today//. <</hover>> <<path [[HB - TimeSkip]]>> <<hover>> Don't push myself too hard. Take a break today.<br> I didn't //have// to be a secret agent today. I could just relax, distract myself and do some self-care instead. <br> Take a day for me. <<tip>> (Time Skip) While not EROS-encouraged, there may be benefits to avoiding too much physical, emotional, or mental strain. Or simply a need to wait for Mission timings to line up. <</hover>> <<path [[M001 - HQ]] $angeloTalk is true>> <<hover>> See what help my Case Officer might offer. Being a spy and all.<br> I wasn't a spy, it might be useful to touch base with those that //were// spies and get a bit of help. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Understand WTF I'm Doing'' <<tip>> It was all weighing the pros and cons: gaining guidance and assistance while not spending too much precious time. <</hover>> <<path [[M002 - ClubNight2]]>> <<hover>> If I was going to be a regular at the Club, I had to keep going.<br> ''Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX'' <</hover>> <<hidden !visited("M002 - Club ZZYZX") || ( visited("M002 - Night2End") || visited("M002 - Night2Sex") )>> <<path [[M002 - D2Work]]>> <<hover>> Back to the salt mines. Hopefully just one more shift would help me accomplish my mission.<br> Continue working at the Club. <br><br> ''Main Mission: Investigate and Infiltrate the Club'' <<tip>> Push too hard and too fast and I could burn out...or worse. Go to slow and the mission might fail. Rock and a hard place. <</hover>> <<hidden !$M2.visitedClubJobDay1 || ($clubJob == "bar" && visited("M002 - D2Work") gt 5) || ($clubJob !== "bar" && visited("M002 - D2Work") gt 6)>> <<path [[SQ002 - Manila_Dating]]>> <<hover>> Being here is lonely. I miss //real// relationships. Maybe I should find someone to date.<br> Go out and try and date. <br><br> ''Non-Mission: Date'' <<tip>> Might be a waste of time. Incredibly unlikely to help in the mission. But might provide stability for me. <</hover>> <<hidden visited("SQ002 - Manila_Dating") gt 1>> <<path [[SQ001 - Manila_Friends]]>> <<hover>> Being here is lonely. I miss my friends. Maybe I should make some new ones.<br> Go out and try and find some 'normal' life. <br><br> ''Non-Mission: Make friends'' <<tip>> Might be a waste of time. Very, //very// unlikely to help in the mission. But might help ''me''. <</hover>> <<hidden visited("SQ001 - Manila_Friends")>> <<path [[M002 - BE_Setup]]>> <<hover>> Back to work again. <br><br> ''Main Mission: Investigate and Infiltrate the Club'' <<tip>> Maybe one of these days, something important would happen. <</hover>> <<hidden $D2WorkEventsCompleted || visited("M002 - BE_Setup")>> <</crossroads>> <</if>> /* INACTIVE PATHS. MOVE BACK INTO CROSSROADS AFTER UNCOMMENTING. ----------------------------------------------- /* TODO (Cassie) : Future Near-term Paths - Connect with Mikel (if knows him); */ <</if>> </div> <<set $HomeBase.visits ++>> <<set $HomeBase.days ++>>
<<set $Inventory.delete("MindSave")>> <<state restore>> <<set $mindBreak = 0>> <<set $mindCorruption = 0>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 2>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value = $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> <<else>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value = 2>> <</if>> <<face crying runny>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Something Fractal or Psychedelic. Maybe with a Cheshire smile somewhere involved. */ <div id="mind"> It was tasteless, which was a gift, but also didn't give me anything to focus on. Those thoughts, the imminent shattering of my mental state -- my breakdown -- was fast approaching. The parts of my mind that weren't racing began to //run//: Was it a placebo? Was this just carrot to keep me going? Did they know I would eventually just break like this? <br><br> I was facedown on my spare mattress, fingers clutching the sheets, tears soaking into the flat pillow. I was gripping at this shitty bed in this shitty hostel for dear life. As if my physical grip would keep my mental state together. <br><br> I was too focused on everything else, I didn't notice when <<print $bodies.random().name>> started fucking me. <br><br> Fucking me? Of course, //now// of all times, I'd be getting fucked. Fucking had got me to this place and I'd be going out in that fashion. <br><br> How did they get in? <br><br> Wasn't I wearing clothes? <br><br> But it gave me something to distract myself. My mouth -- open from sobs -- closed on the pillow, biting in as a wave of ecstasy pounded up my spine. My thighs spread, giving them better access to me. That felt good. That's what I //should// do. <br><br> Spread myself. <br><br> Give myself. <br><br> Be //taken//. <br><br> Be ''used''. <br><br> My toes scrabbled at the bedsheets, trying to find purchase as the pleasure mounted. This was an earth-shattering orgasm. But felt so, so different. My body wasn't spasming the way I had expected. I felt dissociated, disconnected from the bodily experience I had partaken time and time again. But I was cumming. Everything else about it felt the same. <br><br> I <<link "turned back">><<replace "#mind">> <<face ahego runny>> It was no one. It was all of them. For a moment, I saw the eyes of <<print $bodies.random().name>>, the body of <<print $bodies.random().name>>, the sensation of coupling with <<print $bodies.random().name>>. It wasn't Red Doorz, it was a hotel room, it was my bed back at home, it was the backseat of a car. <br><br> It was sex but also wasn't at all. It was every sexual experience rolled into one simultaneously, but was so different from any of them that it was something entirely new. <br><br> I was panting, I was cooing...I <<link "was">><<replace "#mind">> <<outfit naked>> <<face happy runny>> On the floor of my room. <br><br> I was...naked. <br><br> My inner thighs were wet. But my fingers weren't. I didn't feel the familiar feeling of 'emptiness' that was so common after sex. <br><br> Quickly, reality came crashing back: the cold floor. The dirty fucking floor. The hole in the wall in the 'closet'. That one of my feet was hanging from the edge of the bed, wrapped in the end of my sheets. <br><br> I got up, yanking my foot free. Instantly, I was brushing at my ass and back as if that would remove whatever I'd been lying in...for how long. My own wetness would have made it sticky. That was gross. <br><br> Looking around, I tried to get my bearings. The door was shut. I checked the lock. Yes, locked. <br><br> My clothes... <br><br> Were neatly piled on the counter. When had I done that? //How// had I done that? How long had it been going on? I didn't dare look at the clock lest I see some random sigils rather than numbers. And if it //had// been a time, any time of day would have probably freaked me out too -- nothing felt safe right now. <br><br> I shook my head. The bed looked like it had just experienced what I thought had happened. <br><br> I dropped, hard, sitting on the edge of the mattress, chin in my palms. That was so intense. So confusing. <br><br> But...I didn't feel like I was about to lose my shit. <br><br> Had...the pill worked? <br><br> Carefully. Oh, so cautiously, I ventured back to yesterday. I let my mind reapproach what had happened, the thing that had been the straw to break my mental back. <br><br> It came back immediately and //vividly//. Not the panic. The ''erotic''-ness of yesterday. <br><br> My hand was already between my legs. My back was arched as I recounted every moment of yesterday. The things that had been so unconscionable were fucking //hot//. I thrust my fingers inside me, wishing I could really be back there to yesterday. <br><br> And now I was really, actually <<shake 5s>>cumming<</shake>>. <br><br> I dropped onto my back, panting, staring up at the shitty ceiling as my fingers slowly teased me through the ebb of my orgasm. <br><br> "Fuck that was good." I said to no one. <br><br> And then I laughed. The pill had worked. I hadn't forgotten anything, nothing was //repaired//. All those memories that had beaten me down had become vibrant...but also ''true'' to who I was. I was okay with them. And me doing them. <br><br> I tried the previous moment, the one before...yeah, fuckkk me. I was immediately aroused again, despite having just gotten off. Dirty had become massively arousing. <br><br> I pulled myself fully up onto my bed and began fingering myself to each of those memories one after the other, reinforcing how pleasurable and exciting each of them was to me. Pairing each of them with a hearty orgasm. <br><br> I put myself to sleep that way. I was so pleased to have a good day rather than what had seemed to be a rising, crisis of epic proportions. <br><br> What damage had that drug done? I had no fucking clue, but for the moment, I could ignore it. <br><br> For the moment, I was [[okay|HomeBase]]. <</replace>><</link>>... <</replace>><</link>> to look at the deliverer of this needed release, to thank them. </div>
<<outfit default>> <<improveState>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<image framed "passage/a1.park.png">> It felt like my mouth couldn't fight the smile all day. I got up when I wanted, I took some extra time in the shower to preen and clean; the shower sucked, but hot water still had its own rejuvenating effects. <br><br> I took a stroll around my 'neighborhood', popped in for some local lunch, and headed out to the park to get some green-space. <br><br> As I lazed on the grass, enjoying the warm and humid breeze off the nearby water -- one foot bobbing in the air as I bounced a crossed leg -- I hoped that I'd be able to find a bit more relaxation and joy in this new, strange life. That I wouldn't always be cloistered in that shithole hostel in the shithole neighborhood. <br><br> While I knew that the movies were just that...there had to be some foundation. Because there //were// literal secret agents out and about. There had to be a grain of truth to the smart tuxedos, games of Baccarat, sexy parties and haute couture. I hoped there would be some space for ''that'' in my future as little miss agent. <br><br> I sighed, wishing there was more fun and less work, more __balance__ between the risk and reward before grabbing my towel, getting off my lazy ass to head back to RedDoorz. <br><br> Instead of luxury, I contented myself with scrolling on social media, consuming some Netflix and finally, heading off for early [[sleep|HomeBase]].
<<state tired>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $takenPlanB ++>> <<if ($HomeBase.days - $Body.dayImpregnated) lte 2>> <<abortion>> <</if>> /* IMAGE (Needed): An open Plan B box */ I'd been pretty fucking lucky in life so far -- and maybe that meant, physiologically, there actually wasn't any risk to avoiding birth control. But. //But// the other night wasn't the smartest way to test that theory. <br><br> I received more than a few unwanted 'judgey' looks in the pharmacy as I grabbed a Plan B and considered how lucky I was to be in a place where I //could// get it. I hoped my future agent-life didn't bring me further out from civilization. <br><br> Then it was back to RedDoorz before the cramps started. And they started with a <<shake 2s>>vengeance<</shake>>. <br><br> I laid in bed and kept YouTube on things I didn't really have to pay attention to as I chugged water, ate things that were light and relatively easy to digest, and just avoided moving. <br><br> This was __absolutely__ not the right way to be going about birth control. Better this than pregnant, though. <br><br> I knew I'd feel better after a good [[sleep|HomeBase]].
<<outfit underwear>> I woke with a shock. It could have been the dismal surroundings of my new 'home base' or it could be my brain trying to rectify the idea that now I was working for the government. As an operative. I laid on the thin mattress, fingers worrying at the edge of the sheets as I stared at the ceiling. <br><br> It all felt too fast. <<if $Body.age lte 0>>I had //just// started to come to terms with the new understanding of what my mom did,<<elseif $Body.age == 1>>Even with a year since learning about mom's involvement in espionage,<<else>>Even with the //years// since learning about mom's involvement in espionage,<</if>> and now I was in her shoes? How had this happened? The whirlwind of the conversation with Nate and the decision I had come to (did I feel that I had been ''forced'' into it? I needed to take some time and ponder that question seriously) was overwhelming. And feeling the bedsprings digging into my back through the 'mattress' while realizing this was going to be my reality, I felt the tears bubbling up. <br><br> Tossing the sheets off me, I dropped my feet to the ground, quashing whatever emotion was coming up. I couldn't break down. Not now, not every morning. <br><br> I sighed in relief as the hot water rushed over me, distracting my thoughts with a wondrous sensation of being clean. <br><br> Wait. <br><br> I didn't remember walking to the showers. Did I black that out? I peeked my head out of the flimsy curtain and looked around. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando" && $Body.braless == true>>Shit. No discarded clothes. I had walked down the hall fully naked.<<elseif $Body.undies == "Commando">>Shit. Just a discarded sleeping tank. I had walked down the hall pussy and ass out. Essentially naked.<<else>>Phew. Discarded clothing on the mildewy tiles at least let me know I had been relatively decent walking down the hallway.<</if>> <br><br> Man was I addled. But I had to forgive myself. I would probably have to forgive myself a lot from this point forward. Mental state, preparedness...these were all the things that agents -- my //mom// -- were trained to be ready for. To understand before they were in the field. I was certainly in over my head and remembering the look on Nate's face yesterday, I think he thought the same thing. Weird for a spy to not be able to hide that from me. Was I ''that'' out of my league? Were they __that__ desperate? <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 2>>Fuck that. I'd prove my worthiness. I had been a winner all my life, why would now be any different?<<else>>Ready or not, I //needed// to surprise them and myself. Ignoring the sake of the fucking __world__, for my mom. For my own goddamn survival.<</if>> <br><br> I shut off the water, and headed back down the hallway, drip-drying. I hadn't brought my towel. I ignored the people -- most just waking up themselves -- shocked at my naked body. The goosebumps lifting on my skin reminded me of every inch that was on display. The sensation of air on my rock-hard nipples made it literally feel exciting. I steeled myself. Moist feet slapping down the linoleum. Tits and ass jiggling. Everything on display. <br><br> I was a spy now. A motherfucking badass. I could do __anything__. <br><br> License to kill. /* IMAGE (Needed): James Bond Poster */ <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> Drying myself off back in my palatial RedDoorz suite I reconsidered: did I actually have a license to kill? Were those spare moments with Nate going to be enough to just jump right in and spy? <br><br> Pulling on my '<<link "uniform">><<outfit default>><</link>>', I became the plains-clothes, undercover operative for the first time. <br><br> Shit. What now? I laughed at myself and debated my options: <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - CaseOfficer]]>> I felt underwater. If he was my Case Officer, he was the best guide I could have. <<hover>> Find 'Angelo', my Case Officer for some help and direction. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Understand WTF I'm Doing'' <<tip>> Not anything high-stakes, but getting to know my CO, maybe uncovering intel, and getting some guidance on what to do? <</hover>> <<path [[M000 - Mall]]>> Take a break. Get some retail therapy in. <<hover>> Be 'myself' and head downtown for some shopping, as I'd originally planned. <br><br> ''Side Mission: Build my Legend'' <<tip>> If I was here as //me// and I had planned on shopping anyway, might as well do it. A delay of a day in getting started wouldn't be the end of the world. <</hover>> <<path [[M002 - Club ZZYZX]]>> Go party...and infiltrate...the club. <<hover>> See if I could start my infiltration as a club-goer. <br><br> ''Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX'' <<tip>> Get a lay of the land of the club with fresh eyes. See what I can learn. Maybe the best way in was to not get directly involved. <</hover>> <<path [[M002 - ClubJob]]>> Maybe a job was the best way to get into the club after all. <<hover>> See if I could start my infiltration with a job at the club. <br><br> ''Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX'' <<tip>> What better way to get intel on my mission than to actually get involved -- directly -- at the Club? <</hover>> <<hidden visited("M002 - ClubJob")>> <</crossroads>>
<<set _colours = {}>> <<set _colours['blonde'] = 'blonde'>> <<set _colours['brunette'] = 'brown'>> <<set _colours['redhead'] = 'red'>> <<set _colours['raven-haired'] = 'black'>> <<set _colours['pink'] = 'pink'>> <<set _colours['blue'] = 'blue'>> <<set _colours['green'] = 'green'>> <<set _styles = {}>> <<set _styles['wavy'] = 'wavy'>> <<set _styles['curly'] = 'curly'>> <<set _styles['straight'] = 'straight'>> <<set _styles['bald'] = ''>> <<set _initialColor = $>> <<set _initialStyle = $>> <<if passage() is "Hair Salon">> /* Show only if standalone visit */ Welcome to the hair salon! <br><br> <</if>> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand"> <div> <<Doll portrait salon>> </div> <div> <p>Hair colors</p> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand"> <<for _key, _value range _colours>> <<capture _value>> <<button _key>> <<set $ = _value>> <<run Doll.refresh('salon', 'portrait')>> <</button>> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <p>Hair styles</p> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand"> <<for _key, _value range _styles>> <<capture _value>> <<button _key>> <<set $ = _value>> <<run Doll.refresh('salon', 'portrait')>> <</button>> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <br><br> <div class="items-grid-expand"> <<button "Apply style">> <<set _initialColor = $>> <<set _initialStyle = $>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> </div> </div> </div> <<if passage() is "Hair Salon">> /* Show only if standalone visit */ <br><br> <<link "Back">> <<if State.history.length gt 2>> <<set _target = State.history[State.history.length - 2].title>> <<run State.history.pop()>> <<run State.history.pop()>> <<set $ = _initialColor>> <<set $ = _initialStyle>> <<run>> <</if>> <</link>> <</if>>
<<set _buypower = $CC.wealth>> <<if $Memories.includes("Wet T-Shirt Winnings")>> <<run $Memories.delete("Wet T-Shirt Winnings")>> <<set _buypower ++>> <</if>> <<if $clubJob == "whore">> <<set _buypower ++>> <</if>> <<if visited("M000 - Mall")>> What better cover story for an American tourist than doing what I //would// have been doing if it hadn't been for the whole cloak-and-dagger transition in my life? I would need to build out my wardrobe anyway if I was going to be here for an extended time. If only 'my' agency had seen fit to not hold ''so'' true to my legend and actually afford me some spending cash. Instead, I had what was on hand. <br><br> It was barely a walk to the Robinsons Place Mall. I felt pretty proud of myself. Here I was, on a lark just heading across the world and with no research, I had still been able to situate myself at a hostel that was perfectly situated nearby the agency base of operations, an infiltration point, ''and'' cover activities. <br><br> Stepping through the glass doors, I wondered if I had some innate skill at all this. If maybe I //was// suited for being an operative. If it was in my blood. <br><br> I couldn't help but smile as the cool air conditioning hit me. I felt confident and excited to ensconce myself in some true-blue American consumerism. <br><br> It was easy to do. Robinsons Place felt like it had been picked up and dropped straight from a middle-America floorplan. Everything felt familiar and comforting. I knew all the chains like the back of my hand. <br><br> Why couldn't I get a mission that was based here? <br><br> <<skillChecked "University job">> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "job">> <<set _buypower ++>> And thanks to my little side gig in college, I had some extra spending cash on hand. Eventually, it would run out, but for the time being, it was a nice slush fund! <</if>> <<else>> Hitting up the Mall again. It was my form of stress relief. <</if>> <div id="mallStore"> <<include "M000 - Mall_Shopping">> </div>
<<if _buypower gt 0>> <<shoppingMall>> /* Fict (TODO) */ /* <br><br> and when I wasn't interested in new clothes, there were other things I could get at either the Tattoo parlor <tattooParlor>> and Piercing Kiosk. <br><br> */ <<else>> <<if visited("M000 - Mall")>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Dali")>> It's amazing how exhausting shopping can be. Bags hanging from my arm, I felt a yawn approaching and stifled it in case I was under surveillance -- didn't want them thinking I could barely handle an activity like this. <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"American?"<</speech>> I started a bit, looking to the short Filipino that had come out of nowhere. Jeez, I really wasn't impressing any prying agency eyes at the moment. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh. Yes?"<</speechPC>> After the initial wave of panic had passed, I considered her: non-threatening, curious but I had been a chance encounter, not something I needed to worry about. She looked to be about my age, though the amount of make-up she wore made her look older. Her clothes accentuated her tiny chest and a rear that compensated for any upper 'lack'. Most of both was hanging out. <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"Sorry. Yoo...on baycaytion?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Kind...of?"<</speechPC>> I smiled, wondering where this was all coming from. <<skillChecked "Hometown">> <<if $CC.hometown == "NY">>I had to excuse my initial reaction. You didn't just get approached like this back home.<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"So pretty."<</speech>> Her hand reached up and I had to restrain myself from jerking away. She touched my hair, unbidden, but her smile was so kind I knew there was no threat behind any of this. <<speech "Dali">>"Okay. Well, I know good blace American make good munny on baycaytion."<</speech>> She raised her eyebrows making the magenta mascara beneath them expand prodigiously. Her chocolate eyes were endearing and her smile made me laugh slightly. <<speech "Dali">>"Serious! I'm Dalisay." She squeezed my hand before I realized she had it, "Got yoo selpon?"<</speech>> My mind churned on that, she laughed at me and I was laughing as soon as she was shaking her cellphone at me, the charms swaying from both the receiver and mouthpiece. I felt like an idiot that I hadn't understood what she was asking, <<speechPC>>"Oh. Yeah."<</speechPC>> Tentatively, I procured mine, but kept it out of reach. Her hands seemed quite speedy and intrusive. I was still quite wary of being a mark and given what I was carrying, I certainly looked like one. <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"Jus in case, yah? Gib yoo da address? Come by if yoo need munny?"<</speech>> Her hand extended slowly, catching the shift in my demeanor. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okay. Fine, but I'm not sure--"<</speechPC>> I laughed, cutting myself off as she eagerly input the information into my phone and then relinquished it back to me before the fear could well up inside me. <<speechPC>>"Okay."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Dali">>"Okay! What yoo name?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Dali">>"//So// pretty!" And she nodded again, "See yoo soon, okay?"<</speech>> I shrugged and watched her dance off into the mall. I looked down at my phone and saw that her English was perfect when she was typing. The information she had left for me was clear as day: American Modeling Job. An address that I didn't recognize, but I didn't know the city by any means. I'd need to do a little research, Google-maps that shit, and figure that out. <br><br> A series of dollar signs. And then what I assumed was her phone number. <br><br> Given her appearance, I was a touch suspect about the 'job' and how legitimate the modeling would be. While it would likely be some part of the sketchy underbelly of this city, I believed that belly to be massive so it was unlikely at best to have any relation to my objective. <br><br> As I stepped outside, leaving the comforting embrace of cool air conditioning for the heat and humidity of Manila's day, I did have a thought that having some local friend and one already involved in the world I was supposed to investigate __may__ have some merit. A thing to consider for another day. I had her information and the location, should I decide it was something to follow up on. Or needed the money. <br><br> Hairs prickled on the back of my neck as I considered that second possibility. That girls would arrive here for a good time from America and be swept up in what I could only assume was an appendage of the white sex trade. And that I could have been one of them. That the enticement of money and being out of my protective nest at home made it so seductive and easy. That was scary. <br><br> Even from my scant time in the area, I could tell by the way I was looked at that there was a definite aura of 'American' and the physical and ethereal qualities I brought with me were highly...appreciated here. And even Dalisay had gone to touch me without reservation: we were assailable, there was an ease and expectation to be able to touch, to feel, to ''appreciate''. <br><br> Worn down, I considered either ... <<crossroads>> <<path [[HomeBase][$Stats.Traits['Stable'].exp ++]]>> Calling it a day. Just chalk up my lack of 'progress' to me being me. I was focused on my role, my cover, and -- hey -- I __had__ been getting the tools I needed for my mission, right? <<path [[M002 - Club ZZYZX][$Stats.Skills['Discipline'].exp ++]]>> Soldier on and hit up the Club. I was an agent and I had a mission to do. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <</if>>
<div id = "Angelo"> I stepped out of my room and walked down the hall to twelve. I debated how to approach this: what was the cover story? Who was Angelo to me? Were people watching and actually interested in these two random people interacting in a hostel? <br><br> I hadn't come up with answers to any of it on the short trip, tapping at the door as if <<print $CC.FName>> was behind it. I felt a pull at my heart. I wished that she would be. <br><br> The door opened and I practically fell down. It wasn't her. But it also wasn't Angelo. <<speechPC>>"Oh! Sorry."<</speechPC>> Walking backward and warding them away. They seemed annoyed but unconcerned, more than happy to close the door again as frazzled-me wondered what to do. I ran over the previous night and day in my head. I looked back at the number on the door, cross-referenced it with everything I could remember. <br><br> And now I felt completely confused. I hadn't been given any other information on Angelo or how this 'op' would go. Was he only in twelve until yesterday had happened? It looked like it. <br><br> I didn't have his number in my phone. Was I even supposed to call him if I did? While 'Nathan Rolles' was an Adjunct Professor, I didn't know what Angelo's cover was. <br><br> I felt very out of sorts. They had literally dropped me in the deep end and, I could only assume, treat me the way they would any other agent that was in a similar situation, beginning an operation of this kind. <br><br> So. <br><br> Did I head over to my new <<link "alma mater">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<set $angeloTalk = true>> <<set $Dossier.knowsDossier = true>> <<image framed "passage/a1.building.png">> It was a quick walk, avoiding the detour into the park where we had first met yesterday, but the time I saved was quickly eaten up trying to navigate an active college campus. I fit in -- people about my age and an absolute polyglot. Languages mixing together into unintelligibility which actually caused my brain a bit more confusion than simply being the 'new kid on campus' and I had never been oriented. <br><br> A couple of wrong turns and resisting the tide of rising frustration and fear of being lost and then I felt I had found familiarity: the bathroom I had collected myself in. The bench. And then I stopped short. <br><br> Goddamn they worked quickly. The nameplate was gone. I had to do a couple passes in the hallway to prove to myself that yes, this //was// where I had been made a secret operative yesterday. <br><br> Was this what they meant by 'going dark'? Was I so far undercover that every thread had been wiped clean? Was I on my own until Angelo made himself known to me -- however and whenever he decided to? I stood there, fingers tracing where Nathan's plaque had been...hours? before. <br><br> The door <<linkexpand "swung open...">> <<face shock>> <<image framed "passage/Alice-3.png">> swung open and I was nearly bowled over by a blonde woman in a smart suit. <br><br> I stumbled backwards, halfway to an apology when I was stopped by the confusion of seeing a smile on her face, <<speech "Alice">>"Speak of the devil." The asymmetric bob framed her face, square-rimmed glasses highlighting the pale blue of her eyes. "Come in, <<print $>>."<</speech>> As she stepped back, I saw Angelo behind her, frowning as he took me in. <br><br> It felt like I had walked into the middle of a fight, <<speechPC>>"Hi, Angelo."<</speechPC>> He nodded. The woman held an air of authority -- this was //her// room. She motioned for me to sit. I did, <<speechPC>>"You were...talking about me?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She sat on the edge of the desk, flipping one leg over her knee, <<speech "Alice">>"Yes." The tone was clipped, self-confident. "Nate thought he could slip something pass the chain of command. But Angelo and I have already spoken about that. Salient of the moment is you, dear."<</speech>> Not only did she dominate a room with her air, but also her looks. She was what you would call a bombshell. A curvy hourglass that oozed sex even in the pantsuit that was as conservative -- if incredibly well-cut, designer material -- as they came. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Me?"<</speechPC>> If I felt underwater after yesterday and the morning of disappearing acts, I was drowning now. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"I've heard you've accepted--" I nodded, eyes flicking over to Angelo for guidance. But just like he was unreadable with Nate, he was a stone right now, "Well, we'll come to that again. Maybe as a formality, but...let's get out of here. It's stuffy." She leaned back, her thighs slightly parting and even though nothing showed, it was enough of a hint to make anyone's brain click. She grabbed a notepad, gave a nod to Angelo who busied himself in the file cabinet behind him as she guided me out of the office again, "Call me Alice."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Nice to meet you, Alice. So. You're Nate's boss?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"If this were a typical, corporate structure, sure. And point, you, <<print $>>." She smiled, giving me a friendly little nudge with her shoulder. "So while Nate may have been wrong about his process -- he always is -- he may not be ''entirely'' wrong, it seems."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Point?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Yes. You need to be evaluated. Even in dire situations like this, and while Nate says he did his own 'evaluation' over the years, it was not done in accordance with EROS protocol."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"EROS?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>She sighed, "He really told you nothing, didn't he?"<</speech>> I nodded with an awkward shrug. I wasn't trying to throw him under the bus, but I didn't know how to lie my way around not knowing what I didn't know. <<speech "Alice">>"You are //provisionally// a member of EROS. It's an agency that you've never heard of," she chuckled at the double-meaning, "And no one else has either. On purpose."<</speech>> We had made our way into a gymnasium space. A couple of the athletic department employees: probably a coach, trainer, janitor; all saw her and immediately disappeared with nary a word or reaction. Oh, she held a __lot__ of sway. And whatever I was involved in was deeply entrenched here. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Ready."<</speech>> Angelo had appeared behind us, carrying a manila folder. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Alright. This is going to be a bit more expedited than our typical process, but should give me what I need to know. And I'm sorry that we don't have something more comfortable for you to be evaluated in, but take that as your first real test. As a member of EROS, anything can happen at anytime, in any state of dress."<</speech>> She chuckled to herself. She really had a personal sense of humor and clearly delighted herself. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So, like...what exactly do you want me to do?"<</speechPC>> I moved out onto the hardwood court in front of the bleachers as she sat down, recrossed her legs and accepted the manila folder from Angelo. She whispered something to him, taking her time to respond to me, and flipped open the folder, the legal pad in her lap. <<skillChecked "Previous experience">> <<if $CC.hsv == "act" || $CC.hsv == "cheer" || $UN.extracurricular == "act" || $UN.extracurricular == "cheer" || $CC.clique == "Rebel" || visited("HS002 - CastingHS")>>I had been in front of people before. Judged. But I felt more naked than I ever had before.<<else>>I don't think I'd ever felt this judged, alone, standing in front of their prying eyes.<</if>> <br><br> /* TODO: Mira - Here's a moment where we could consider allowing the players to know what is being tested through the UX/UI, if we wanted to go down that route. */ Angelo turned to face me and approached, rolling his shoulders forward, " <<link "Take Angelo down">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>>My jaw dropped. But the space between us was diminishing rapidly. And he was a big guy. I saw him spreading his meaty paws as he prepared to attack. <br><br> I was going to have to figure something out, and quick. <br><br> Was I going to try <<link "brute force">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<set $Dossier.testedAth = true>> <<set $Dossier.testedCoo = true>> <<set _fighttest = $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $CC.height>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "workout">><<set _fighttest ++>><</if>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<if _fighttest gt 6>> <<face happy>> I squared up, planted my feet and waited for him to close the distance. I was going toe-to-toe with not only a trained agent, but one that looked built for this kind of thing. I had to hope that maybe, //just// maybe, he would underestimate me. <br><br> Hands clapped at each others arms as we each tentatively tried to grab at each other, to get a handle. Skin stung. My head ducked a bit as he went for the easy grab: hair. Nuh-uh, Angelo, wouldn't be going down that easily. <br><br> Then his hand came back around and clapped me, open-palm, across the face. Dazed, I stumbled to the side. His other hand came forward and struck me square in the stomach and I buckled. I don't know why I thought this was going to be some kind of wrestling match. Some kind of fair fight with rules. They were demonstrating a hand-to-hand combat encounter that I could actually experience in the line of duty. __Would__ experience... <br><br> I was down on my knees, huffing, wondering when the blows would come. My arms swung up by my sides to protect my organs just in time. I wasn't just going to endure the beating. I shifted my hips and grasped one of his incoming wrists. I twisted, using my size and weight (and the element of surprise) to use his momentum against him. There was a grunt of surprise as he went head-first over me. I brought my knees and feet up to catch him in his core. I had returned the favor, using the strength in my lower half to send him shuffling back, nearly falling square on his end. <br><br> Using my motion to bring myself up to my feet, I went to charge. He waved me down and arms went slack, standing up and stretching a bit, seemingly unaffected by my counter. <br><br> I shuffled forward, killing my momentum and turning, a bit surprised to look back at Alice. <<speech "Alice">>"Mhmm."<</speech>> She was writing something down on the legal pad, "Alright. A surprising showing all the same, wouldn't you say, Angelo?" <br><br> He nodded and clapped a hand on my shoulder. I almost instinctively went to throw 'bows. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"That choice of tactic given your attacker...interesting. Still, you would have made it difficult before you were ultimately subdued."<</speech>> It hurt to hear it like that. The fight had been so far from over and she was discounting what would have followed as a 'hard-fought loss'. My blood was boiling, I wanted to charge //her// now. <br><br> But I was stopped short by a heavy, cold weight being dropped into my hand. I clasped it reflexively and looked down at semi-automatic that Angelo had just relinquished to my possession. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">> "Now, let's see how you <<link "shoot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Firearms">> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speech>> <<elseif _fighttest gt 4>> <<face hurt1>> I took a deep breath and squared up to the trained agent. Maybe he'd go easy on me? He certainly looked like he was built for exactly these kind of situations. The lack of expression on his face was less than reassuring. <br><br> Taking a step forward, I began to close the distance, using those spare moments to try and gauge where there'd be an opening, what advantages I might have, how to actually take down the hefty Filipino. <br><br> Suddenly, his hand struck out and he was grabbing my arm //hard//. Shit. His reach was longer than I expected. I twisted, trying to use his weight against him and barely extricated myself before his grip set. <br><br> I shuffled around him, circling, not going to make that mistake again. He watched me move. Did he ''have'' a weakness? I shook my head. At least I wasn't giving in. <br><br> Fights wouldn't be like this in the field. They'd be sudden and fierce--and all of a sudden he was charging me like a bull. As if my thought had triggered something in him, he was upon me, slamming me down on the ground. <br><br> I twisted and pushed with all of my might, trying to free myself again like the last time. My knees fluttered against his rear and caught his side once. <br><br> Then he dropped his weight squarely ontop of my hips and held both of my arms on the floor. It was over. I grunted and squirmed underneath him, but it was in vain. His chest was lifting and falling in a way that showed he had actually exerted himself. <br><br> Behind him I heard Alice, <<speech "Alice">>"Mhmm."<</speech>> <br><br> As if that was an order, he lifted off of me and I felt practically weightless now not pinned against the hardwood floor. I stood up quickly as a point of pride, brushing myself off. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"That choice of tactic was...interesting. Teaching moment -- we won't have opportunity for many of these -- you need to win. Diving in without advantages is a surefire way to lose."<</speech>> It hurt, but do had the fight. I had tried to out-combat someone with training, size, many reasons to __not__ have engaged Angelo directly. <br><br> I was about to respond. Whether I was about to fight her or relent, I hadn't decided when the heavy, cold weight dropped into my hand. I clasped it reflexively and looked down at semi-automatic that Angelo had just relinquished to my possession. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">> "And now, let's see how you <<link "shoot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Firearms">> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speech>> <<else>> <<face hurt1 runny>> Fuck. Me. Was she serious? Angelo was //huge//. I had no business fighting him. But maybe that was the lesson here? Was this lesson time or judging my capability in the field. I felt water welling in the corners of my eyes as the thought hit hard. <br><br> And then I was hit hard. I don't remember him even closing the distance, but he grabbed my arm and wrenched. I was on my knees, arm pulled back and I felt a sharp, insistent pain in my shoulder. My eyes were clenched, the tears that had formed were now spilling over my cheeks, assisted by the pain. <br><br> My body tensed, my head joined my arm as it was yanked back by the hair. I felt his size shifting in behind me, closing the distance and ensuring his hold kept. I felt like a marionette in his grip, my strings my hair and my arm. <br><br> I froze. I didn't dare move, for risking pain and my brain had gone into submit-mode. I believed I was safe and that safety made the fight/flight decision instantaneous. <br><br> Behind us, I heard Alice, <<speech "Alice">>"Mhmm."<</speech>> <br><br> Angelo's grip became gentle. I was released and I fell forward onto my hands. I rolled onto my rear, looking at Alice as she finished scribbling something out. I wiped my cheeks, feeling some debris that had made its way from the floor to my face replace them. I looked to Angelo. He was dispassionate. That might have hurt more than what had just transpired. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Not unexpected." Nodding, she eventually graced me with her gaze, "Though there is something to be said for the choice. It was a choice, yes?" I nodded instantly. "Being you, submission by easy physical means will be expected. Being what they expect can have its own benefits. Alright."<</speech>> <br><br> I was about to respond. Whether I was about to fight her or relent, I hadn't decided when the heavy, cold weight dropped into my hand. I clasped it reflexively and looked down at semi-automatic that Angelo had just relinquished to my possession. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"And now, let's see how you <<link "shoot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Firearms">> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speech>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>? <br> Take out <<link "his legs">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<set $Dossier.testedCoo = true>> <<set $Dossier.testedDec = true>> <<set _fighttest = $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value - $CC.height>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "workout">><<set _fighttest ++>><</if>> <<skillChecked "Previous experience">> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<if _fighttest gt 6>> <<face happy>> A deep breath. I dropped into my stance, lowering my center of gravity and protecting myself. A quick analysis had told me everything that I had expected was true: he would //destroy// me in a straight-up fight. I might be able to take him down, but it wouldn't be the way this was all set up. I had to use every advantage I had and avoid his. <br><br> He saw me keeping my distance and he began to circle me. Testing my footwork. He swung out an arm -- surprising distance that seemed to spring from his shoulders and extended back. Testing my reach. <br><br> I kept my feet under me, I swung my head and twisted my shoulders. I kept him away and off me. His meaty hands made contact with my skin and clothing, but I was left with stinging reminders and worries in the back of my head if he had ruined the stitching of my clothes. <br><br> And then he extended himself a bit further, leaning into his dominance in size and skill. I took my chance, I feinted that I was going to strike him in the face -- he shifted his weight and drew up to block the blow. <br><br> I brought my foot down on the side of his knee and he dropped with a surprisingly sharp yelp. I continued closing, a knee under his chin and I dropped him. <br><br> Triumphantly jumping over his falling form, he caught my ankle and yanked. I came smacking down to the floor as well. My foot freed easily, scrambling away to watch him slowly lift himself up. <br><br> The sensation of a fight had dissipated. I saw Alice writing something and going, <<speech "Alice">>"Mhmm."<</speech>> <br><br> After an internal debate, I crossed to Angelo and helped him up. I half expected him to take me down right there, but he didn't, favoring his left leg slightly. <<speechPC>>"Sorry--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Good evaluation of your chances and finding a way to win. You'll need every bit of that. That being said, I do hope you noticed to never let your guard down. You didn't cross that finish line." It stung, but it was true.<</speech>> <br><br> I was about to respond when a a heavy, cold weight being dropped into my hand. I clasped it reflexively and looked down at semi-automatic that Angelo had just relinquished to my possession. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Now, let's see how you <<link "shoot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Firearms">> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speech>> <<elseif _fighttest gt 4>> <<face hurt1>> A deep breath. A quick analysis had told me everything that I had expected was true: he would //destroy// me in a straight-up fight. I might be able to take him down, but it wouldn't be the way this was all set up. I had to use every advantage I had and avoid his. <br><br> He began to circle me. I kept my distance, turning in time with him and stepping backwards. He swung out an arm -- surprising distance that seemed to spring from his shoulders and extended back. I yelped. Not just in shock, but also in pain as he nearly got a handhold in my hair. <br><br> I didn't have time. I had to turn the tables and surprise ''him''. As I twisted my body, one arm coming up to disentangle him from getting any purchase in my hair, I brought that same leg up on the inside of his knee. <br><br> He grunted, but I had made contact with his inner thigh. I stumbled back. Maybe his groin. Of __course__ his groin. I just had to... <br><br> He squared him, tightening the box of his arms, shoulders and knees. He began barreling towards me and cut my thinking short. <br><br> Mimicking my earlier retreating reaction, I saw him anticipating and going to grapple me, but I pulled my momentum and brought my knee up. He expected it, grabbing under it and flipping me squarely on my back. <br><br> I hit <<shake>>HARD<</shake>>. My head rang. He was ontop of me, a gorilla of a person, pouncing on his prey. A part of my brain couldn't help but recognize the position we were in was so close to being fucking, but that showed how submitted he had made me. <br><br> Behind him, I heard Alice go, <<speech "Alice">>"Mhmm."<</speech>> <br><br> The pressure on my shoulders and crotch relented and he lifted off me, yanking me up like a doll. I got airtime before finding my footing again. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Good evaluation of your chances and finding a way to win. You'll need every bit of that. That said, teaching moment: sometimes accepting a fight is the first step to losing." It stung, but it was true.<</speech>> <br><br> I was about to respond when a heavy, cold weight being dropped into my hand. I clasped it reflexively and looked down at semi-automatic that Angelo had just relinquished to my possession. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Now, let's see how you <<link "shoot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Firearms">> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speech>> <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Fuck. Me. A quick analysis told me everything that I had expected was true: he would //destroy// me in a straight-up fight. I might be able to take him down, but it wouldn't be the way this was all set up. I had to use every advantage I had and avoid his. <br><br> He began to circle me. I kept my distance, turning in time with him and stepping backwards. He swung out an arm -- surprising distance that seemed to spring from his shoulders and extended back. I yelped. Not just in shock, but also in pain as he nearly got a handhold in my hair. <br><br> I didn't have time. I had to turn the tables and surprise ''him''. As I twisted my body, one arm coming up to disentangle him from getting any purchase in my hair, I brought that same leg up on the inside of his knee. <br><br> It wasn't elegant. It wasn't strong enough. I don't know if he even noticed. It //did// give him enough that I couldn't get away and he yanked me by the head ''HARD''. My feet came off the floor and I was airborne simply by his upper body strength. <br><br> I hit the floor <<shake 2s>>HARDER<</shake>>. I lost vision. My head throbbed. <br><br> Slowly, consciousness came back to me and I had to dismiss the immediate thought that he was fucking me. I was pinned down by the shoulders, my thighs open and legs raised with the pressure of his weight between them. No, not fucked. But fucked. He absolutely submitted me. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>Alice was also in the midst of saying something, "...sometimes accepting a fight is the first step to losing." It stung -- not as much as my head and back -- but it was true.<</speech>> <br><br> The pressure on my shoulders and crotch relented and he lifted off me, yanking me up like a doll. I got airtime before finding my footing again. I nearly fell down again, shaking my head to clear the stun when a heavy, cold weight being dropped into my hand. I clasped it reflexively and looked down at semi-automatic that Angelo had just relinquished to my possession. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Now, let's see how you <<link "shoot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Firearms">> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speech>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>? <br> Just <<link "give up">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<set $Dossier.testedSugg = true>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<face hurt1 runny>> Fuck. Me. Was she serious? Angelo was //huge//. I had no business fighting him. But maybe that was the lesson here? Was this lesson time or judging my capability in the field. I felt water welling in the corners of my eyes as the thought hit hard. I couldn't beat him in a fucking ''fight''! <br><br> I dropped to my knees in front of him as soon as that decision crossed my mind. I don't remember him even closing the distance, but he grabbed my arm and wrenched. I was twisted hard, arm pulled back and I felt a sharp, insistent pain in my shoulder. My eyes were clenched, the tears that had formed were now spilling over my cheeks, assisted by the pain. <br><br> My body tensed, my head joined my arm as it was yanked back by the hair. I felt his size shifting in behind me, closing the distance and ensuring his hold kept. I felt like a marionette in his grip, my strings my hair and my arm. <br><br> I froze. I didn't dare move, for risking pain and my brain had gone into submit-mode. I believed I was safe and that safety made the fight/flight decision instantaneous. <br><br> Behind us, I heard Alice, <<speech "Alice">>"Mhmm."<</speech>> <br><br> Angelo's grip became gentle. I was released and I fell forward onto my hands. I rolled onto my rear, looking at Alice as she finished scribbling something out. I wiped my cheeks, feeling some debris that had made its way from the floor to my face replace them. I looked to Angelo. He was dispassionate. That might have hurt more than what had just transpired. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Not unexpected." Nodding, she eventually graced me with her gaze, "Though there is something to be said for the choice. It was a choice, yes?" I nodded instantly. "Being you, submission by easy physical means will be expected. Being what they expect can have its own benefits. Alright."<</speech>> <br><br> I was about to respond. Whether I was about to fight her or relent, I hadn't decided when the heavy, cold weight dropped into my hand. I clasped it reflexively and looked down at semi-automatic that Angelo had just relinquished to my possession. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"And now, let's see how you <<link "shoot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Firearms">> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speech>> <</replace>><</link>>? <</replace>><</link>>." <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>> and knock on Nate's door? <br> Or just assume I had all the knowledge I was expected to have and just move on with <<link "the mission">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> Fucked as that was, I had to be the agent they needed me to be. If they had pulled up roots and I wasn't expected to know how to contact Angelo, then that's what it was. Time to get on with the mission. <<crossroads>> <<path [[M000 - Mall]]>> <<hover>> Be 'myself' and head downtown for some shopping, as I'd originally planned. <br><br> 'Mission': Build my Legend <<tip>> If I was here as //me// and I had planned on shopping anyway, might as well do it. A delay of a day in getting started wouldn't be the end of the world. <</hover>> <<path [[M002 - Club ZZYZX]]>> <<hover>> See if I could start my infiltration as a club-goer. <br><br> Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX <<tip>> Get a lay of the land of the club with fresh eyes. See what I can learn. Maybe the best way in was to not get directly involved. <</hover>> <<path [[M002 - ClubJob]] $clubJob != "none">> <<hover>> See if I could start my infiltration with a job at the club. <br><br> Primary Mission: Infiltrate Club ZZYZX <<tip>> What better way to get intel on my mission than to actually get involved, directly, at the Club? <</hover>> <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>? </div>
<<image framed "passage/M001-CaseOfficerPARTFirearms.png">> <br><br> Alice didn't reserve her feelings, seeing my absolutely astonishment. She was laughing. Angelo gave me a good-natured nudge on my shoulder blade, which sent me off-balance forward a few paces, <<speechPC>>"Shoot...what?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Not me."<</speech>> His hands were up, an affable grin on his face as he took a few steps back. It was like good-natured chiding, but it felt a little like being teased on the playground. Alice was literally wiping tears from under her glasses. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Sorry. I'm sorry. That was uncalled for, but I guess it's better we get the shock and awe over and done with now." She sighed, collecting herself, "You //do// realize that this will be dangerous. Yes?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"At least Nate made that much clear to you." Angelo was still moving away from me, but his joke was done, "The people you will be dealing with operate outside law and decency. They are dangerous. They are killers. There //will// be violence. And you might be a part of it. I'd much rather it be you dealing destruction than the other way around, wouldn't you?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded. God, the thing felt like it was pulling my shoulder out of its socket. It was heavy. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Right. Now, maybe you'll just be a party to the violence. A witness. But everyone out in the field is evaluated in their gunplay. So. Go."<</speech>> <br><br> I shook my head, eyes wide, shoulders lifting in complete confusion, when I saw out of the corner of my eye: Angelo was performatively hitting something extra hard on a wall panel. And then something was <<link "flying through the air">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<set $Dossier.testedDis = true>> <<set $Dossier.testedCoo = true>> <<set _shoottest = $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value>> <<skillChecked "Previous experience">> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "workout">><<set _shoottest ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Sports">><<set _shoottest ++>><</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("TwitchOpenWin")>><<set _shoottest ++>><</if>> <<if Array("sporty","gym","gang").includes($CC.hsv)>><<set _shoottest ++>><</if>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<if _shoottest gt 7>> <<set $shoottest = 1>> <<face happy>> My arm lifted in a wide arc. My finger was on the trigger and I barely remember flicking off the safety -- there was no way he had handed it to me off -- I squeezed. <br><br> The report was deafening. This room would have been a cacophony during an athletic competition, let alone a live-fire exercise. <br><br> My ears rang, but the small disc exploded into a fine dust. Another was already aloft, but I was still two-hands on the firearm and squared up, prepared. The second and the third were dispatched. <br><br> Frozen and braced, I breathed calmly, waiting for more. The echo of my shots still was bouncing around the hardwood and metal of the gym. <br><br> No more came. I looked over to the two of them as I flicked the safety and practiced trigger-discipline unconsciously, the heat of the gun radiating near my thigh. <br><br> Alice nodded, looking down as she wrote. She considered the open manila beside her and went back to the ruled-lines of her pad. <<speechPC>>"So, uh. Ceiling must be quite an interesting piece of art."<</speechPC>> I was thinking about imbedded bullets, chipped metal beams, holes straight to what I hoped and assumed was the outdoors and not some classroom or office. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"I don't remember seeing a firing range in your notes." Angelo was picking up the casings by my feet. "This is not your first time with a gun?"<</speech>> <<skillChecked "Inventory">> <<if $Inventory.includes('9mm Pistol')>>I shook my head, but didn't feel like I needed to let them know exactly why.<<else>>I gave an awkward grimace and shrugged, <<speechPC>>"Yes?"<</speechPC>> A slight twitch in her eyebrow. Angelo looked at me with far less mask.<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Okay. Angelo can take that from you. We can't have you going around with a Beretta and have your story be believable." <</speech>> I relinquished the weapon. He had to tug a little harder than he had anticipated to pry it from me. Feeling its power and losing its weight had me immediately missing it. Especially if there was as much danger as there seemed to be. <<skillChecked "Inventory">> <<if $Inventory.includes('9mm Pistol')>> I was immediately glad to know I had one sequestered away in my things. It //was// mine, so that meant it was part of my story too, right? And did they know that already?<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Come, come."<</speech>> She patted the wood of the bleacher beside her. I shook my head again in disbelief. They had a skeet system set up in a fricking gymnasium. I had just been using live ammunition where other people might play basketball. <br><br> She chuckled at me, reading my thoughts as I made my way to her. She moved the manila folder to the other side of her as I sat. <<speechPC>>"Okay, now what. Bomb diffusion?"<</speechPC>> I noticed a slight tilt of her head. Like an animal that was unsure about something. It was a slight thing, but still a thing I'm pretty sure I noticed. "Oh, no. You're funny. A much tougher test. Tell me what you saw when we came in here. Every detail. I'm not asking about the..." She gestured broadly at the vacuous space, "Nothing that's been the same since we started. //Exactly// the moment when we arrived." <br><br> I gulped, my eyes unfocused as I tried to <<link "recall">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Eyes">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<elseif _shoottest gt 4>> <<set $shoottest = 0>> My arm lifted in a wide arc. My finger was on the trigger and I squeezed. <br><br> Nothing. A fake gun? I watched the small black disc continuing its arc. Shit! The safety. My finger found it and then dropped back to the trigger to squeeze again. <br><br> The report was deafening. This room would have been a cacophony during an athletic competition, let alone a live-fire exercise. <br><br> My ears rang, but I had missed. Too much surprise and adrenaline, but my third pull brought it down. <br><br> It was then that I noticed another disc flinging past me and exploding on the shellacked floor. Fuck! There were others. Another was already aloft and I turned to try and take it down. It took a few more attempts, but I took it down before gravity brought it to its demise. <br><br> Cursing with my eyes darting around for more, the whole place felt like a cannonade had gone off. The echo of my shots still was bouncing around the hardwood and metal of the gym. <br><br> No more came. I looked over to the two of them, letting the heft of the weapon bring it down beside me and frowning a bit as the heat of the gun radiating near my thigh. <br><br> Alice nodded, looking down as she wrote. She considered the open manila beside her and went back to the ruled-lines of her pad. <<speechPC>>"So, uh. Ceiling must be quite an interesting piece of art."<</speechPC>> I was thinking about imbedded bullets, chipped metal beams, holes straight to what I hoped and assumed was the outdoors and not some classroom or office. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Okay. Angelo can take that from you." His hand was up, carefully reaching out to retrieve it from me, "We can't have you going around with a Beretta and have your story be believable." <</speech>> I relinquished the weapon. He turned the semi-automatic to the side as a display as he flicked the safety back on. I shook my head and shut my eyes, disappointed in myself. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Teaching moment: the one you see is not necessarily the most dangerous. Those are the ones you don't see right away. Always be looking for additional threats."<</speech>> Poor of a show as that was, feeling its power and losing its weight had me immediately missing it. Especially if there was as much danger as there seemed to be. <<skillChecked "Inventory ">> <<if $Inventory.includes('9mm Pistol')>>I was immediately glad to know I had one sequestered away in my things. It //was// mine, so that meant it was part of my story too, right? And did they know that already?<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Come, come."<</speech>> She patted the wood of the bleacher beside her. I shook my head again in disbelief. They had a skeet system set up in a fricking gymnasium. I had just been using live ammunition where other people might play basketball. <br><br> She chuckled at me, reading my thoughts as I made my way to her. She moved the manila folder to the other side of her as I sat. <<speechPC>>"Okay, now what. Bomb diffusion?"<</speechPC>> I noticed a slight tilt of her head. Like an animal that was unsure about something. It was a slight thing, but still a thing I'm pretty sure I noticed. "Oh, no. You're funny. A much tougher test. Tell me what you saw when we came in here. Every detail. I'm not asking about the..." She gestured broadly at the vacuous space, "Nothing that's been the same since we started. //Exactly// the moment when we arrived." <br><br> I gulped, my eyes unfocused as I tried to <<link "recall">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Eyes">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> <<set $shoottest = -1>> <<face shock>> My arm lifted in a wide arc. My finger was on the trigger and I squeezed. <br><br> Nothing. A fake gun? I watched the small black disc continuing its arc. Shit! The safety. My finger found it and then dropped back to the trigger to squeeze again. <br><br> The report was deafening. This room would have been a cacophony during an athletic competition, let alone a live-fire exercise. <br><br> My ears rang, but I had missed. Too much surprise and adrenaline, squeezed again and again. It disappeared. Had I hit it? Had I lost it? Had it disintegrated on the floor? Where were these bullets going? Into the padding on the walls? What about ricochets? What was I //doing//? <br><br> It was then that I noticed another disc flinging past me and exploding on the shellacked floor. Fuck! There were others. Another was already aloft and I turned to try and take it down. I emptied my magazine at it, the firing pin clicking as gravity brought it to its demise. <br><br> Cursing with my eyes darting around for more. My gun was empty but maybe there were more on their way. The whole place felt like a cannonade had gone off. The echo of my shots still was bouncing around the hardwood and metal of the gym. <br><br> No more came. I looked over to the two of them, letting the heft of the weapon bring it down beside me and frowning a bit as the heat of the gun radiating near my thigh. <br><br> Alice nodded, looking down as she wrote. She considered the open manila beside her and went back to the ruled-lines of her pad. <<speechPC>>"So, uh. Ceiling must be quite an interesting piece of art."<</speechPC>> I was thinking about imbedded bullets, chipped metal beams, holes straight to what I hoped and assumed was the outdoors and not some classroom or office. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"O. Kay. Angelo..." He was approaching like I was an active shooter, hands upright and prepared to talk me out of some heinous act, "...can take that from you." <br>"We can't have you going around with a Beretta and have your story be believable."<</speech>> <br><br> I practically threw the weapon into his more prepared hands. Those things were fucking dangerous and scary. He turned the semi-automatic to the side as a display as he flicked the safety back on. I shook my head and shut my eyes, disappointed in myself. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Teaching moment: the one you see is not necessarily the most dangerous. Those are the ones you don't see right away. Always be looking for additional threats."<</speech>> Still, feeling its power and losing its weight had me immediately missing it. Especially if there was as much danger as there seemed to be. <<skillChecked "Inventory">> <<if $Inventory.includes('9mm Pistol')>>I was immediately glad to know I had one sequestered away in my things. It //was// mine, so that meant it was part of my story too, right? And did they know that already?<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Come, come."<</speech>> She patted the wood of the bleacher beside her. I shook my head again in disbelief. They had a skeet system set up in a fricking gymnasium. I had just been using live ammunition where other people might play basketball. <br><br> She chuckled at me, reading my thoughts as I made my way to her. She moved the manila folder to the other side of her as I sat. <<speechPC>>"Okay, now what. Bomb diffusion?"<</speechPC>> I noticed a slight tilt of her head. Like an animal that was unsure about something. It was a slight thing, but still a thing I'm pretty sure I noticed. "Oh, no. You're funny. A much tougher test. Tell me what you saw when we came in here. Every detail. I'm not asking about the..." She gestured broadly at the vacuous space, "Nothing that's been the same since we started. //Exactly// the moment when we arrived." <br><br> I gulped, my eyes unfocused as I tried to <<link "recall">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Eyes">> <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>.
<<set $Dossier.testedPer = true>> <<set $Dossier.testedInv = true>> <<set _eyestest = $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value + $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value>> <<skillChecked "Previous experience">> <<if $UN.rush == true>><<set _eyestest ++>><</if>> <<if visited("GY002 - SwissArrival")>><<set _eyestest ++>><</if>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<if _eyestest gt 4>> <<face happy>> <br><br> Alice stood, writing as she slid the manila folder underneath her legal pad, walking away from me as she hummed softly to herself -- a thinking tic, I guessed. I looked to Angelo, but he had busied himself cleaning the pistol. It didn't seem like this was over. More? What could be next? How was I doing? <br><br> If I was nervous at the outset of this, my nerves were frayed now. I couldn't help but cough to hear something. <<if $CC.clique == "Sports">>I had spent so many hours in gyms before, tried and pushed and fighting...but this was something wholly different.<</if>> I looked down at my feet, nudging one toe against my other shoe. Would I be dismissed and sent home after this? If not was that because I had succeeded or simply because there really were no other options? In how deep of shit was Nate right now-- <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Alright. Now some questions. Answer them honestly and quickly, first response that comes to mind...if you don't I'll know."<</speech>> She smiled. The superiority was unnecessary. She was enjoying this. It was tantamount to hazing. Maybe that's all this was -- completely unnecessary testing just to have something to laugh at back at home office. Something they did to all 'new recruits'? It didn't matter. She could have her moment in the sun now, because if I was really going to do this, if the success of everything really depended on me...well, I'd be having the last laugh either way. <br><br> So. Fuck you, Alice. <<speechPC>>"Ask away."<</speechPC>> I smiled back, leaning onto the palms of my hands, exposing my stomach confidently. Hit me with your best <<link "shot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Psyche">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<elseif _eyestest gt 2>> <br><br> Alice stood, writing as she slid the manila folder underneath her legal pad, walking away from me as she hummed softly to herself -- a thinking tic, I guessed. I looked to Angelo, but he had busied himself cleaning the pistol. It didn't seem like this was over. More? What could be next? How was I doing? <br><br> If I was nervous at the outset of this, my nerves were frayed now. I couldn't help but cough to hear something. <<if $CC.clique == "Sports">>I had spent so many hours in gyms before, tried and pushed and fighting...but this was something wholly different.<</if>> I looked down at my feet, nudging one toe against my other shoe. Would I be dismissed and sent home after this? If not was that because I had succeeded or simply because there really were no other options? In how deep of shit was Nate right now-- <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Alright. Now some questions. Answer them honestly and quickly, first response that comes to mind...if you don't I'll know."<</speech>> She smiled. The superiority was unnecessary. She was enjoying this. It was tantamount to hazing. Maybe that's all this was -- completely unnecessary testing just to have something to laugh at back at home office. Something they did to all 'new recruits'? It didn't matter. She could have her moment in the sun now, because if I was really going to do this, if the success of everything really depended on me...well, I'd be having the last laugh either way. <br><br> So. Fuck you, Alice. <<speechPC>>"Ask away."<</speechPC>> I smiled back, leaning onto the palms of my hands, exposing my stomach confidently. Hit me with your best <<link "shot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Psyche">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> <br><br> Alice stood, writing as she slid the manila folder underneath her legal pad, walking away from me as she hummed softly to herself -- a thinking tic, I guessed. I looked to Angelo, but he had busied himself cleaning the pistol. It didn't seem like this was over. More? What could be next? How was I doing? <br><br> If I was nervous at the outset of this, my nerves were frayed now. I couldn't help but cough to hear something. <<if $CC.clique == "Sports">>I had spent so many hours in gyms before, tried and pushed and fighting...but this was something wholly different.<</if>> I looked down at my feet, nudging one toe against my other shoe. Would I be dismissed and sent home after this? If not was that because I had succeeded or simply because there really were no other options? In how deep of shit was Nate right now-- <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Alright. Now some questions. Answer them honestly and quickly, first response that comes to mind...if you don't I'll know."<</speech>> She smiled. The superiority was unnecessary. She was enjoying this. It was tantamount to hazing. Maybe that's all this was -- completely unnecessary testing just to have something to laugh at back at home office. Something they did to all 'new recruits'? It didn't matter. She could have her moment in the sun now, because if I was really going to do this, if the success of everything really depended on me...well, I'd be having the last laugh either way. <br><br> So. Fuck you, Alice. <<speechPC>>"Ask away."<</speechPC>> I smiled back, leaning onto the palms of my hands, exposing my stomach confidently. Hit me with your best <<link "shot">><<replace "#Angelo">> <<include "M001 - CaseOfficer PART Psyche">> <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>>
<<set $Dossier.testedSta = true>> <<set $M1.eval1 = 0>> <<set $M1.eval2 = 0>> <<set $M1.eval3 = 0>> <<set $M1.eval4 = 0>> <<set $M1.eval5 = 0>> <<speech "Alice">>"You and your teammate have been staking out a location over the past week. The target has left the location and you have made the determination that the opportunity has come for light infiltration and low risk."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So. These are like story problems?"<</speechPC>> I frowned, unsure how good of an answer I could give because, ya know, I wasn't an agent and hadn't done any of these things before. Maybe I wouldn't understand the situation she was presenting. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Your teammate has left you as lookout and you've determined at what pre-determined time they should return and given likely outcomes or results, what your plan of action should be. If they are not back by the pre-arranged time, you are to leave them and report back to your handler. If the target returns suddenly, you are to set off your car alarm. If there is violence, you are to evaluate whether or not evasion or engagement is the proper course of action."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded. Wondering if my interjection earlier would have been part of the evaluation. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"You watch them make successful infil and during your surveil, you notice a light moving around inside the location." She paused, making eye contact which I assumed meant it was time for me to make my decision.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"They wouldn't use a light, right?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Good assumption."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Time isn't up?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Did I say that it was?" Fuck. Hard ass.<</speech>> <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - Psyche Sophistication]] $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> "Wait. They can handle themselves and we still haven't met any of our criteria." <<blocked>> $ isn't Stable enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Sophistication][$M1.eval1 = 1]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> "Get out of the fucking car and go save them." <<blocked>> $ isn't Risky enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Sophistication][$M1.eval1 = 2]]>> "Turn on the car alarm to warn them." <</crossroads>>
<<set $Dossier.testedSop = true>> <<if $M1.eval1 == 1>> <<speech "Alice">>"You grab your sidearm and head inside. There were additional security measures you both were unaware of. You enter and the two of you are able to neutralize them, though a firefight ensues and the mission is compromised."<</speech>> <<elseif $M1.eval1 == 2>> <<speech "Alice">>"You set off the car alarm, watching intently for your teammate's return. Unfortunately, it also alerts the security guards that you both were unaware of. As your teammate makes their exfil, expecting it's simply the target returning, you watch them gunned down on the front steps."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Alice">>"You sit there, on edge for a few moments until there is a strobe effect on that light and then it goes out. A few minutes later, your teammate returns. There had been additional unknown security that has now been neutralized, but otherwise the mission is intact."<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> I sat there, looking down at my knees, wondering if that would have been the choice I would have made in the moment. I didn't have much time to consider, nor was able to ask any follow-ups or clarifications, because Alice was launching into set-piece two: <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Your infiltration has gone well. You know that you're within the inner circle and simply have to decipher who the target is. Tonight you're among the who's-who at an exclusive gala being held at La Scala in Milan. Once the Opera has concluded and everyone will congregate in the lobby for drinks, hors d'oeuvres and socialization. How do you prepare for the night and what is your planned approach?"<</speech>> <br><br> It was scant. No identifiers on who my target was...and these were all fictitious people anyway. Was I supposed to just 'yes-and' and create a story where I uncover big bad and take him out amongst the tuxedos? <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - Psyche Confidence]] $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 0>> "I splurge. A dress straight off the runway, rent whatever accessories I can manage. I've got to shine. Then, whomever doesn't pay me the slightest mind is likely the target. Especially so if it's a woman." <<blocked>> $ isn't Sophisticated enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Confidence][$M1.eval2 = 1]] $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> "Find the coordinator of the event and sleep with them. Find whatever documentation and names I can and use those as leads." <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Confidence][$M1.eval2 = 2]]>> "Um. So, I look for who's in the most exclusive box and chat them up. If he's got like a scar over his eye, that's the guy." <</crossroads>>
<<set $Dossier.testedCon = true>> <<if $M1.eval2 == 1>> <<speech "Alice">>"You miss the Opera in the throws of the administrative office at La Scala. Unfortunately, you are interrupted before you have a chance to go through the documents and based on your freewheeling sexuality, you are pegged as a prostitute and not a guest. You are summarily removed from the gala."<</speech>> <<elseif $M1.eval2 == 2>> Her held tilted, considering with a slight upturn at the corner of her mouth, <<speech "Alice">>"You keep an eye out for agents of SPECTRE, using Fleming as a baseline. You do seem to be able to narrow it down to a handful who were in the box of honor. Whether any of them are the target or just people of import to the target, you are unable to determine."<</speech>> <<else>> Alice raised an eyebrow, <<speech "Alice">>"You are absolutely resplendent and receive many approaches and overwhelming attention. But there is one woman who seems to make more of a habit of ignoring you than simply being unawares. You relay the information to your handler and the mission moves forward."<</speech>> <</if>> I began to wonder if any of these would be possible to succeed at. Was I ever going to get the target? Or was I just giving bad answers? <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"You're approaching the checkpoint. Your mission is close to a resounding success. You've managed to maintain the identity which has granted you access to the Chinese military base and you are en route on your Plan A exfil. One guard, slung AK47, steps out of the guardhouse and motions for you to stop the vehicle as another guard watches from within. Other guards stand, similarly armed, at either side of the gate arm."<</speech>> <br><br> Okay, could pretty much picture that. Had to give her...or whoever came up with these? credit for them at least painting a picture in my mind. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"One begins to case your vehicle as you slow to a stop, the other comes to the window and asks for your identification and orders."<</speech>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - Psyche Easiness]] $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> "My papers got me in, they'll get me out. Nothing to see here. I hand them over with a smile." <<blocked>> $ isn't Confident enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Easiness][$M1.eval3 = 1]] $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 0>> "I hand over my papers and try to distract him with questions about what's going on, since this is not normal procedure." <<blocked>> $ isn't Deceptive enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Easiness][$M1.eval3 = 2]]>> "I gun it for the gate. Once I get past it, I should be free and clear, so just go, go, go!" <</crossroads>>
<<set $Dossier.testedEas = true>> <<if $M1.eval3 == 1>> <<speech "Alice">>"While he seems keen on engaging with you in conversation, you notice a flag is raised when you mention procedure. You are asked to exit the vehicle. Your package is discovered and you are relegated to the detention center within the hour." Fuck.<</speech>> <<elseif $M1.eval3 == 2>> <<speech "Alice">>"You slam on the gas, but that seems to be pretty expected behavior for someone doing something wrong and they live the daily hoping for a moment like this. The automatic rifles make short work of your tires and engine block, and then you." Oh, fuck. She doesn't pull any punches.<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Alice">>"He gives them a cursory look and nods. You wait with baited breath as the inspection of the vehicle concludes and you are waved onward." Aha! I can win these. Maybe I won others?<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"You have spent the last few months learning the ins and outs of the Red Light District in Amsterdam. You've found a proprietor that is more than willing to maintain your front as a sex worker in exchange for money. Your target, unsurprisingly, eventually makes his way to your venue in his standard rotation as he looks for new blood. You are with him in the VIP suite, his bodyguard standing by the door as the two of you get acquainted on the bed."<</speech>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - Psyche Riskiness]] $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> "I start to give him head. I doubt he's going to want his guy to watch. Give him what he's looking for and once we're alone, I can take him out, probably mid-fuck." <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Riskiness][$M1.eval4 = 1]] $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 0>> "I do a striptease, making sure my dance maneuvers me to my sidearm. Once I have them sufficiently distracted with the ta-tas, I'll kill the big boy, then the target. Dirty man." <<blocked>> $ isn't Performative enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Riskiness][$M1.eval4 = 2]]>> "I make out with him and wait until the bodyguard goes. Then I'll take him out. I'm not about to sleep with him, and certainly not with a voyeur." <</crossroads>>
<<set $Dossier.testedRis = true>> <<if $M1.eval4 == 1>> <<speech "Alice">>"You certainly get both of their attentions. He's grinning ear-to-ear as your body comes into view. Unfortunately, having both of them watching you makes the appearance of your sidearm -- sudden as it is -- immediately noticed by big boy. You're dead before you can get the safety off." That...makes sense. Glad I learned that now rather than when I really would have been dead.<</speech>> <<elseif $M1.eval4 == 2>> <<speech "Alice">>"He becomes insistent. You try to hold him off, but no one is coming to your aid. Your denial seems to excite him. He rapes you and seems eager to take on your fight. You're not able to get the upper hand and he leaves. You never see him again, since he's had you." What the //fuck// Alice. She is certainly not pulling her punches. Maybe this was her making a point about this whole mission ahead of me?<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Alice">>"You act like the good sex worker that you are. The bodyguard quickly gives you the room. You're able to shuffle the target from this mortal coil before he has his own petit mort. You are nowhere to be found when the bodyguard checks in a few minutes later." Ugh. Guys are so predictable. Maybe that's the point?<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"You're in hot pursuit. An enemy agent had infiltrated the American Embassy and made off with critical documents. You haven't had the opportunity to take a shot and they have just leapt from the roof of the embassy to the next rooftop and seem keen on parkouring from building to building to make good their escape."<</speech>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - Psyche Excitability]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> "I follow after them. They've got to make the jumps before I do. I watch how they do it and follow their lead. Any misstep will lead to their injury or death and they'll need to slow up to make judgments that I won't." <<blocked>> $ isn't Risky enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Excitability][$M1.eval5 = 1]] $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> "I immediately call in their location and heading. Then I'll continue using my vantage point to monitor and relay their progress. They won't be able to run up there forever, and hell, they might break their neck and do my work for me." <<blocked>> $ isn't --- enough. <<path [[M001 - Psyche Excitability][$M1.eval5 = 2]]>> "I take careful aim and fire. This is my last chance." <</crossroads>>
<<set $Dossier.testedExc = true>> <<if $M1.eval5 == 1>> <<speech "Alice">>"You're able to relay their last known location but soon they are out of sight. Without a pursuer, they can make careful escape. They do, documents in-hand." Sounds like we needed better security. Chalking this up to their fault, not mine.<</speech>> <<elseif $M1.eval5 == 2>> <<speech "Alice">>"It was your last chance and they had too much of a lead on you. Your shot ricochets off a skylight and they're gone, documents in-hand." Hey. I coulda made that shot. At least in my mind.<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Alice">>"It's frightening and an unsure pursuit, but you are able to gain on them, slowly but surely. Eventually, you're able to distract them with a few shots and it causes them to misstep. You're able to apprehend the documents from their mangled corpse in an alley." Vivid. Alright.<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> She scribbled quickly, as she had during each of her short outros. Was she coming up with these on the fly? Were these standard questions, so easily rote for her? <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"There's a cartel that has made in-roads to the American South in a way that puts the Sinaloa to shame. You've managed to ingratiate yourself with a dealer that could prove the first rung in scaling the ladder. You are sitting in the backseat of his Volvo when he offers you the pipe of crystal for you to take--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Meth?"<</speechPC>> Alice frowned, not liking the interruption or that I needed clarification. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - CaseOfficer PART Honeytrap]] $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> "Hit that shit. Gotta get in while I have the chance." <<blocked>> $ isn't Excitable enough. <<path [[M001 - CaseOfficer PART Honeytrap]] $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> "I'll let him lay some pipe instead. I won't say no to the meth right away, but distract him by undoing his pants." <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough. <<path [[M001 - CaseOfficer PART Honeytrap]]>> "I don't inhale." An easy answer, an easy shrug. <</crossroads>>
I sat there, waiting for her little epilogue, but got nothing. <br><br> Wordlessly, Angelo crossed to Alice and took the manila and pad from her. He passed, leaving the gym without so much as eye contact between them. The gym was deafeningly quiet now once the door swung closed behind him, shielding me from the sound of his retreating footsteps. <br><br> I looked up at her. She hadn't left. She hadn't said a thing. Yet, something about Angelo's departure made this all feel much more official and prepared than I had begun to assume. <<speech "Alice">>"Thank you, <<print $>>." Pretense had fallen away from her, but I was a bit reluctant to immediately believe her. She was a spy after all. "I truly mean it."<</speech>> The clack of her kitten heels on the hardwood silenced the overwhelming quiet and then she was sitting beside me, close in a way that felt so familiar, so female. Like a moment with <<print $CC.FName>> or something. I bristled a bit at my unconscious relaxation. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"That was a lot."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"And yet, not enough. And far less than what's coming your way. But still, you're right. It was a lot and I appreciate that you let us put you through the paces."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You're welcome. I hope you got what you needed. I still have the job?"<</speechPC>> It came with a wry chuckle. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"You do."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"And do I get to know my evaluation? Was that like a D for diploma or an A for Agent?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>She smiled. It felt honest. "You don't. And we're not entirely done."<</speech>> <br><br> I nearly jumped off the bleachers, but barely restrained myself. I could feel her considering touching my hand as she felt me harden. She knew better than to try some bullshit comforting touch. She just looked at me. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Given the nature of what you're getting into, given the nature of the mission and the target, given that you're a woman in EROS, like me..."<</speech>> Now came the touch, fingers sliding to clasp my palm. My guard was down, I wanted the touch now. I applied pressure in response, <<speech "Alice">>"And it's not to say there aren't male agents in EROS who take on the kind of things that we do. But. The last test would break most people. Many would get angry at simply being asked -- furious. But we don't have that luxury. There will be times and moments that being as beautiful and attractive as you are, to move the mission forward, you'll be in positions where you need to be receptive to sex. Evaluating those moments will be integral to your success--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Suck-sex."<</speechPC>> It was a bad joke, but I had to make it. I needed to take ownership on this in some way. <<speechPC>>"Yeah, Nate let me know it was 'part of the job.'"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Essentially. Yes."<</speech>> It was cold and emotionless. Coming from Nate, there had been a bit of 'maleness' and disregard of feminine value...past the sexual. From made it all the more real. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So if like, sex is on the table--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"You're not James Bond--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Jane?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She ignored the joke, wasn't enjoying my attempts to cut the tension, <<speech "Alice">>"Or Austin Powers. Hell, even Bourne. The renditions in film and television are sexy, fun...and there are certainly agencies that utilize the Honeytrap and relationship approach to get close to their targets. For EROS, it's not some fringe 'benefit' or a tool in the toolbox. We're assigned to areas and missions where the other tools are mostly set aside in lieu of the sexual."<</speech>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Flies stuck in honey*/ <<speechPC>>"Got it."<</speechPC>> She nodded, eyes losing focusing. She'd been there and experienced exactly what she was explaining to me. And not just once, given her position in the organization. I wondered what she was remembering. And then she broke the silence, back with me all of a sudden, <<speech "Alice">>"I apologize. I don't mean to be harsh. But this is not our usual--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Way of starting a mission or accepting a new agent. I know. So."<</speechPC>> I looked down at my feet, nudging the shellacked floor as if it were going to move, <<speechPC>>"What I was saying was, if is such a big deal. Don't you need to like, also do an evaluation of my body--my assets?"<</speechPC>> It was a half-joke, but I was surprised that it hadn't been a part of everything we had just done. <<skillChecked "Previous experience">> <<if $Memories.includes("TeenModel", "Model")>>Like I had done in castings before.<<else>>Like I imagined some models or actresses had to endure from time to time.<</if>> <br><br> The question clearly wasn't what she expected. It took her a moment to respond, some calculation happening inside that steel-trap mind of hers. A slight shift of her head, a little cough and a small smile, <<speech "Alice">>"...We. Don't need to put you through that."<</speech>> <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills["Perception"].value gt 1>>A chill ran down my spine: it's because they already //had// done the appraisal. Via other means. I wondered when and how. And who. It felt very violating.<<else>>There was clearly some reason for the way she responded and the thought behind it, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.<</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okay. Well. That's good."<</speechPC>> She nodded, smile broadening, in agreement. <br><br> She laughed, squeezing my hand, tugging me slightly closer, <<speech "Alice">>"Now, just because I've said what I have said so far...that doesn't mean that sex is the //only// tool. There was a reason for all of this," she motioned at the vacant gym, "Sometimes it might __feel__ like you need to, but there is nothing to gain. Sometimes it's finding what there //is// to gain when there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid it. And sometimes it requires you to be the one to ''pursue'' //make// an opportunity occur."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah. I get it. I'm going to need to get fucked."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"I sincerely doubt there will be a way for you to avoid it. I wasn't able to." She shrugged.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"How do you deal with that?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She laughed again, the question novel and intriguing to her, <<speech "Alice">>"I'm sure we all have our own ways. I don't really know what I've done. But to me, it's a part of the job."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So, I'm whoring myself out for my country mom?" My stomach lurched at the idea.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Contextualizing it like that is probably not going to be useful for you...and is how most people would view it. You need to be different."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I get it. Nate had kind of implied as much."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"But he didn't come out and say it."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Eh, he did. But made it sound like more of a choice."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"It //is// a choice. But one you're making now. And in the moment when you evaluate the way forward and the outcomes. It's not a panacea. But it's one I can assure you -- at least from personal experience -- I needed to make. And did make."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"And I have the choice now?" She nodded. "No. I mean. For this test."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Right." She looked away, bemused. "Let's say that we're evaluating the result, not the outcome. I'm not prescribing anything in //particular//."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fine. So. How am I going to prove I can do this?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Angelo."<</speech>> <br><br> I coughed, eyes wide, jaw slack. <br><br> She stood, releasing my hand, <<speech "Alice">>"Come to my office tomorrow with evidence of your success."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"And __what__ exactly, would that be?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"I leave that up to you. You'll always be in the driver's seat to deliver. So, deliver, agent <<print $CC.surname>>."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. He knew all of this--"<</speechPC>> I stood, arm flinging side to side at the gym-firing range-psych eval-fighting ring. <<speechPC>>"He's going to expect--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She turned on her heel, <<speech "Alice">>"Will he?" A sardonic smile. "Not ''all'' EROS agents are of the same echelon."<</speech>> The subtext that my evaluation was still underway was clear as day. She continued walking, leaving me alone with my [[thoughts|M001 - Honeytrap]].
Seduce Angelo? <br><br> <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">> All of a sudden, I felt everything she had been talking about come crashing down upon me. Before, sex had been some intangible thing. Like porn that had been playing in my head with other actors, but now it coalesced into what was really going to be happening. I was going to be expected to fuck. Guys. A lot. <br><br> I felt the urge to vomit. It's not that this was some impossible task, but it was going to be massively displeasing. <br><br> They just weren't my bag. Whether or not they were attractive, I was going to have a hell of a task ahead of me each time that I had to pretend to want it. To go after it. To get some dick. <br><br> I swallowed it down, trying to fight the feeling of my sexuality withering inside of me. <br><br> <<else>> I //liked// men well enough, but to just have one specified for me, my preferences be felt demeaning. The reaction I had was surprisingly visceral: it was like I was a kid again and I had to go perform in front of the class, or go to some stupid adult party and play nice. So massively out of control, because they 'said so'. <br><br> I wondered how often it would be like this. Just texted or told who I had to go fuck, or if it would be more within my discretion. Or if I avoided what was necessary if this would happen all over again and I'd just be forced to put out for whomever they deemed necessarily. And who was on the other end of that decision? Men? Women? A mix? <br><br> The anger burned inside me at having lost control of something so intimate, so personal. <br><br> <</if>> They knew what they were doing. They knew me, in and out. And they probably knew they had to test these exact reactions. They probably knew exactly how I would feel about this and show me how fast and suddenly my sense of self needed to change. <br><br> They didn't pull any punches. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if $Body.age == -2>> It was shocking to me that they were asking me to be agent -- is that what I would call it? At my age. Most people weren't comfortable with anyone being sexualized, let alone engaging in it. They didn't bat an eye. <br><br> <<elseif $Body.age == -1>> I wondered if it mattered ''where'' this mission was happening. I doubted that EROS agents were recruited at my age and put in the field. But maybe the Philippines had different laws and that's why they didn't bat an eye expecting me to do what I would have to do. <br><br> <</if>> <<skillChecked "Virginity">> <<if $ == true>> And they knew -- //had// to know -- that I was still a virgin. <<if $Body.age == -2>> And it shouldn't have surprised them, at my age... <<elseif $Body.age == -1>> Sure, there were girls my age that weren't...more than were virgins like me, but still... <<elseif $Body.age == 0>> Yeah, I know I was far behind the eight-ball compared to like, most girls my age... <<else>> I was certainly no spring chicken. It probably surprised them that I had gone this far without sex with anyone. I wondered if they judged me the way that all the other people in my life certainly did... <</if>> <br><br> <<else>> At least they weren't asking me to do something I had never done some of those tests. I had notches in my belt...which, maybe it was a reason they were comfortable expecting this of me. <br><br> <<if $Body.age == -2>> Maybe that's why they were so chill about the whole situation: asking a girl with the years under my belt to hop into bed with people -- because I already had people under my belt. I guess that made sense...they weren't 'breaking' anything. <<elseif $Body.age == -1>> I wondered what my Mom would think -- Dad too -- of me being recruited and knowingly being thrown into sexual situations at my age...and it wouldn't be with my contemporaries either. <<elseif $Body.age == 0>> I wondered if Mom had started at my age...if it was better to start it all earlier and take advantage of youth. Would an older me have said yes? I'd be more experienced with the whole sex thing, but...worn out? <<else>> Maybe that's why they had taken until now to put me in this position -- they wanted me to get the experience under my belt, to be able to be 'consenting' -- whatever that meant. <</if>>. <br><br> <</if>> <br><br> The mental image of him was already front and center, and certainly he wasn't an unattractive man, but had I thought about him in any sexual context? <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho')>> Beyond my normal wanting dick and he was in my field of view? No. <<else>> No. <</if>> Was he going to be expecting this? Had other agents been 'tested' on him? Did he know this was part and parcel of the testing process? How was I going to 'prove' success? A used condom? And that necessitated sleeping with him, which she didn't say I //had// to. So if not, then what. <br><br> I was already in the hallway heading back to the office. Seeing the door had begun to take on myriad flavors and I'd only been here for a couple days: becoming an agent, Nate disappearing, having to sexually manipulate the man on the other side...It wasn't exactly the Neapolitan ice cream flavor variety that tasted good. But did Neapolitan usually? I cleared my throat, standing beside the door, trying to come up with an approach. <br><br> But there were too many variables to decide. Ignoring the shake of my hand, I twisted the handle and stepped inside, <<speechPC>>"Hey."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He looked like a small mountain, hunched over the desk and switching from the legal pad to the manila folder. His left hand converting Alice's notes into something formal. He grunted, mid-sentence and not wanting to distract himself. <br><br> I didn't interrupt, moving quietly into the chair opposite, waiting for him to finish. The silence in the room pounded in my ears: the reason for me being there drawing every second I waited into an eternity. I tried to refocus myself, read him for any clues. <br><br> He seemed unperturbed by my appearance and besides the grunt had no reaction. That either meant he was ready and waiting for me to make my pass, or he was completely unaware. I had to hope for the latter. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A big, meaty hand ontop of a manila folder */ <br><br> He flipped the manila cover closed and looked up from me, one of his meaty hands spread across the legal pad as if to obscure anything from me, <<speech "Angelo">>"Sorry about dat. At least I knew the day of my test. And had some idea of what was comin'."<</speech>> His accent had muted from the previous day. Playing up the Filipino angle when I thought he was just some guy at RedDoorz? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"It's okay, I guess. I passed?"<</speechPC>> I flashed a smile. And then I felt it: my self-consciousness about the situation. Was that a smile of friendliness? Attraction? Interest? How was he reading it? Should I shift? Would he notice? <br><br> He sighed and leaned back in the chair, which complained with a ancient squeak. His palm patted against the legal pad, <<speech "Angelo">>"You're on the job. How's that sound?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Scary."<</speechPC>> I saw a flutter in his eyes, possibly concern. Okay, maybe I had an opening. Decision time: <br><br> <div id="Angelo"> <<crossroads #Angelo>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lte 1>> I wasn't an EROS agent, yet -- maybe ever. My only way to get what I needed was between my legs. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy or unConfident enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> If Alice was testing me, she wanted to see me use //all// the [[goods|M001 - Honeytrap PART Sex]]. <<path>> If I was being tested as an agent, might as well try to lure him like an agent. No need to actually fuck him. <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> She was testing me but that meant showing I didn't need to resort to sex straight [[away|M001 - Honeytrap PART Wiles]]. <<path>> Who said sex had to be involved? Just had to trick him. Didn't need to use my body. <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> She was testing me but that meant showing I didn't need to resort to sex straight [[away|M001 - Honeytrap PART Deception]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<skillChecked "Bodycount">> <<if $bodies.length lte 10>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> What the //fuck// was I doing? What was Alice asking of me?! And...I was doing it. Sure, it was manipulation, using power that //I// had, but it wasn't the same kind of power that men tended to have. That ''Alice'' had over me. I had to give of myself, trade my body to potentially get what I wanted. <br><br> It was like I was blackmailing myself. And I wanted to cry. <br><br> <</if>> I let my emotions bubble up. They were real, but I needed them in the moment, draw him to me. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Performance" "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte 7>> <<set $People['AI'].Angelo.rel += 3>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<face ahego>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh, <<print $>>..."<</speech>> He shifted in the chair, lifting from it and coming around the desk to me. <<speech "Angelo">>"That was unfair," He sat on the front edge of the desk, "of Alice," leaning forward -- his eyes checking down my top, "of Nate--" his broad hands on either of my shoulders.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Of my mom..."<</speechPC>> My head dropped against his chest. I let a shudder run through me. It was tension that had been building up at the idea of doing this, but I let him believe it was something else. I could feel him breathing against my hair, taking in my scent and my hands pulled slightly on his arms, guiding him closer, tighter, nearer. <br><br> He responded instantly, his lizard brain kicking in. His broad arms encircled me and pulled me against him. I tilted my chin slightly to make eye contact and I could see the desire in his eyes. He, on the other hand, was checking to see if I was too upset or if he was crossing a line -- I stopped that consideration instantly. My chin lifted higher and my lips met his. They were fleshier than mine, but soft. I could feel him initially freeze as his internal struggle continued, but I pressed myself against him, letting him feel my feminine curves and let the tip of my tongue begin to probe at his mouth. <br><br> Accepting, his hands dropped down my back to my ass, taking each cheek and squeezing. It was the first overtly sexual thing he had done, but with that, I knew we were on the right path. <br><br> Now that he was in the bag, my brain shifted over to figuring out how I was going to extricate myself with what I needed. They were on the desk, so he was still between me and him. Sex was //involved//, but he'd notice if I pulled out a paper bag and started collating papers while he was thrusting. Step one was going well, but I wouldn't call this a home run, yet. <br><br> Shit. My distraction had him easing back. I could feel the pressure against my mouth waning, so I reasserted myself, hands dropping to the athletic pants he was wearing and working the waistband outward. I felt predatory, practically forcing myself on him. It certainly was an odd sensation not to have him pawing away at me, to be in the driver's seat so firmly, while also not being super-aroused. <br><br> Still, the release of his manhood got him back on track. The polyester slid down his trunks of his thighs and I felt his pecker swing out to say hi against my clothes and skin. It felt weighty. I had to check. Oh. He was endowed. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh."<</speechPC>> My thought became words, looking at it rise with his bloodflow. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"It okay?"<</speech>> I could hear both a sense of pride but also could tell he'd had some instances where his size hadn't been a win. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, you're just going to have to get me ready."<</speechPC>> I laughed. It was a perfect opportunity. Moving around him was like skirting a gate with an arm that raised, and then I was up on the desk, making sure I was half on the documents in question while I hiked my skirt up. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Chest size">> <<if ["huge", "extralarge","large"].includes($Body.tits)>> He pulled firmly up on my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>. My arms were entangled and I squealed a bit as what he was doing was making it hard to do what //I// was doing. But then my top came off and he dove in, the cock smacking against my lower stomach, hinting at the depth that would be coming. His hands were at my sides as he shoved his head down against my breasts. And he was ''hungry'' for them. <br><br> <<if $CC.braless == true>> I felt a shudder of his excitement against my tits, making them jiggle, as he found them already free. <<else>> His lips kissed and nipped at the bare flesh around my bra, his hands sliding up my sides to my back, wrestling for the clasp which came off <<link "instantly">><<bra>><</link>>. <</if>> <br><br> He latched onto one of my nipples and sucked hard, eliciting a sharp gasp from me. It was like he was nursing. I could tell he absolutely loved the pair that I had, his hands caressing the cup-size -- my own form of endowment that he was excited to get a piece of. Softly I panted, holding his head while he suckled and nursed, switching back and forth and making my nipples absolutely //rock// hard. <br><br> Still, as arousing and pleasing as this was -- feeling this wanted, too, was quite a welcome surprise -- it wasn't going to do the trick. <<else>> His eyes gave a quick -- disappointed? -- look down at my chest under my top as his hand dropped between my thighs, the meaty palm grabbing between them and grinding flat and up and down feeling my heat. Something felt a The intense passion had dropped off a bit, so I grabbed his free hand and pulled it to my mouth, playfully licking and sucking one of his hotdog fingers, eyes up to make contact with his. <br><br> It did the trick. I saw a rekindling in his eyes, a pulse and tap-tap of his cock against my leg and stomach while he pressed harder at my pussy. We maintained the complete eye contact as he rubbed and stroked my soaking slit. It felt good and it was certainly arousing, but I didn't want another abatement in his horniness. I needed to distract and redirect him before that happened. I gave one deep suck and twist on his forefinger before pulling back with tight suction and a flutter of my tongue. <</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No, I really mean...get me ''ready''."<</speechPC>> I laughed, leaning back and encouraging him down between my open thighs. <br><br> He didn't need much encouragement, diving between my thighs <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>to tug my underwear <<link "off">><<panties>><</link>><<else>>where I heard a grunt of surprise, seeing my pussy already on display<</if>> and then he dove right in. I felt the fleshy broad lips make contact with my own lips and couldn't help but arch my back. My mind went blank, losing the thread of acquiring the documents as the wetness and breadth of his tongue slid slowly and firmly along my crotch. Hints of his mouth made contact, but mostly it was the pressure that sent a shudder down my spine. My feet lifted, kicking wide in the office as my hands grasped tightly into his scalp and pushed him in and ''down''. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<skillChecked "Fertility">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> The full contact, the broad swath of his tongue, and his apparent skill was too much for me. I have no idea where different parts of my body went as it felt like I instantly exploded. Gone were the thoughts of the dossier as my body contorted on the desk. Alice's? Nate's? EROS'? <br><br> And the peak wasn't singular, I don't think. He didn't stop when he felt me going over the edge. He redoubled his efforts and my orgasms began to <<shake 3s>>overlap<</shake>>. <br><br> I began to feel my body complaining, that I couldn't take any more, that I was going to __die__ if this didn't stop. <br><br> And it did. I came too, slumped back on the desk, panting and watching the ceiling heave. He was leaning up and over me, a finger to his moist and sticky lips, "Shh!" He couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he admonished me. <br><br> I nodded, laughing too. I took this moment to reach under my ass and tug -- as if the manila and legal pad was uncomfortable to be fucked on -- and yanked it out from under me and onto the floor beside the desk, as close as I could manage. <<speechPC>>"They teach you that in basic?"<</speechPC>> He smiled, unwrapping a condom as he stood between my trembling thighs, <<speech "Angelo">>"No. It's not like there's sex training."<</speech>> <<skillChecked "Kinks and Fertility">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding')>> Seeing the prophylactic, especially with the flood of endorphins running through my brain at that moment, pained me, <<speechPC>>"Really?"<</speechPC>> I reached out, gently trying to push it away from his cock. <<if $Body.fertile == false>><<speechPC>>"You know I'm on--"<</speechPC>><</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Sex training one oh one. Always protect yourself if possible."<</speech>> He pressed it over his girthy shaft despite my plaintive attempts to stop him. <<else>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> It was a wonderful sensation to be both taken //care// of like he just did and also have a guy be careful. He knew full well the risks and wasn't going to take any of them. Well, more than we already were. I let my legs lightly curl around his waist as I watched him press it over his girthy shaft. <<else>> A condom. And he knew I was on birth control...It was a wonderful sensation to be both taken //care// of like he just did and also have a guy be careful. He knew full well the risks and wasn't going to take any of them. Well, more than we already were. I let my legs lightly curl around his waist as I watched him press it over his girthy shaft. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> While he was taking the longer-than-usual time to apply protection, I started to think of my exit plan. The documents were right //there//. How would we finish off in such a way that I could grab them and go? <br><br> And then he was against my entrance and pressing forward. <<else>> I had never experienced a guy eating me out like this. My brain exploded in pleasure instantaneously that was nearly overwhelming. The contact was //full// -- the broad swath of his tongue, his incredible skill, and those big lips grabbed and tugged at my own. I squealed out, losing track of why I was there as I experienced something that was too good to ignore. <br><br> I shuddered and squirmed, muscles in my hands and arms fully engaged as I pulled him against me, as if I could get him to eat me deeper, better, bigger. I was huffing out half gasps and grunts and spots appeared in front of my eyes, obscuring the office and my feet hanging in the air as I was devoured. <br><br> If he kept going at it like this, I was going to cum and ''hard''...and if that happened, who knew if I'd be able to keep on task. I needed to stop this and quickly. I reached underneath myself, shifting one cheek up -- as if the manila and legal pad was uncomfortable to be fucked on -- and yanked it out from under me and onto the floor beside the desk. As close as I could manage. Then I fought my body's desire to have him keep going and pushed him back. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"They teach you that in basic?"<</speechPC>> He smiled, unwrapping a condom as he stood between my trembling thighs, <<speech "Angelo">>"No. It's not like there's sex training."<</speech>> <<skillChecked "Fertility and Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding')>> Seeing the prophylactic, especially with the flood of endorphins running through my brain at that moment, pained me, <<speechPC>>"Really?"<</speechPC>> I reached out, gently trying to push it away from his cock. <<if $Body.fertile == false>><<speechPC>>"You know I'm on--"<</speechPC>><</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Sex training one oh one. Always protect yourself if possible."<</speech>> He pressed it over his girthy shaft despite my plaintive attempts to stop him. <<else>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> It was a wonderful sensation to be both taken //care// of like he just did and also have a guy be careful. He knew full well the risks and wasn't going to take any of them. Well, more than we already were. I let my legs lightly curl around his waist as I watched him press it over his girthy shaft. <<else>> A condom. And he knew I was on birth control...It was a wonderful sensation to be both taken //care// of like he just did and also have a guy be careful. He knew full well the risks and wasn't going to take any of them. Well, more than we already were. I let my legs lightly curl around his waist as I watched him press it over his girthy shaft. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> While he was taking the longer-than-usual time to apply protection, I started to think of my exit plan. The documents were right //there//. How would we finish off in such a way that I could grab them and go? <br><br> And then he was against my entrance and pressing forward. <</if>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A massively overstuffed package, breaking at the seams */ <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Crazy-Small Pussy')>> Oh. GOD. <br><br> I don't know if I yelled that out or not, but I think he could tell because he immediately stopped applying pressure, <<speech "Angelo">>"Y-you okay?"<</speech>> The gritted teeth response of, <<speechPC>>"--Yeah."<</speechPC>> Probably didn't sell it. I don't think I had ever experienced a guy that was too big. Even with how prepared he had gotten me, how we were each built felt immediately incompatible. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Should I...?" His eyebrows raised, looking to me for guidance.<</speech>> The sharp memory of how it had just felt with him trying to enter was fresh in my mind, and despite that I nodded, <<speechPC>>"Yeah, sokay. You're just huge."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Too big?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Just..."<</speechPC>> I reached down, grabbing the ensheathed meat and bringing it back to meet me. I couldn't help but look down, especially as the piercing sensation shot through my core. Despite how solidly that cock was built, it bent as it pressed my mound inward. He grunted. I held my breath. The head bucked off my slit a few times and gave me a slight jolt of pleasure as it bumped over my nub and a momentary relief when I could breathe. He tried a couple more times, each with a longer look to me for approval. <br><br> And then...It was DOA. <<speech "Angelo">>"I...I can't." He was shaking his head, backing off, ashamed. "I don't want to hurt you."<</speech>> His eyes were shielded from was the perfect moment! <br><br> I nodded and slid quickly off the desk, <<speechPC>>"I'm sorry. I feel bad, but I'm starting to realize..."<</speechPC>> I dropped to my knees, grabbing my discarded clothing...and the manila and legal pad. <<speechPC>>"Maybe we shouldn't have been doing this. I was stupid."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh. Yeah. Um...please don't say anything--"<</speech>> There. My naked body and own 'shame' was doing the work of protecting him from seeing what I was carrying. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I won't. It was my fault anyway."<</speechPC>> I shook my head and waved his worried off, shuffling to the door, <<speechPC>>"One sec."<</speechPC>> And then I ducked out. <br><br> A half-naked shuffle down the hallway (that was thankfully empty) and I made it to a bathroom to <<link "put my clothes back on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Shit. I didn't have anywhere or anything to hide these things I'd just have to use embarassment as an excuse. <br><br> With the 'package' behind my back, I came back to the door and peeked in slightly with a sheepish smile. <<speechPC>>"Uh hey. I'm..."<</speechPC>> He was looking around, probably for what I had. He couldn't make eye contact and wasn't putting two and two together, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Okay."<</speech>> I nodded, taking whatever chance I could get away to the bank. I ducked back out and quickly headed down the hallway, hitting the stairs with a happy sigh of relief. <br><br> I had [[done it|M001 - Success]]. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tiny Pussy')>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> Oh. GOD. <br><br> I don't know if I yelled that out or not, but I think he could tell because he immediately stopped applying pressure, <<speech "Angelo">>"Y-you okay?"<</speech>> The gritted teeth response of, <<speechPC>>"--Yeah."<</speechPC>> Probably didn't sell it. I don't think I had ever experienced a guy that was too big. Even with how prepared he had gotten me, how we were each built felt immediately incompatible. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Should I...?"<</speech>> His eyebrows raised, looking to me for guidance. <br><br> The sharp memory of how it had just felt with him trying to enter was fresh in my mind, and despite that I nodded, <<speechPC>>"Yeah, sokay. You're just huge."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Too big?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Just..."<</speechPC>> I reached down, grabbing the ensheathed meat and bringing it back to meet me. I couldn't help but look down, especially as the piercing sensation shot through my core. Despite how solidly that cock was built, it bent as it pressed my mound inward. He grunted. I held my breath. The head bucked off my slit a few times and gave me a slight jolt of pleasure as it bumped over my nub and a momentary relief when I could breathe. He tried a couple more times, each with a longer look to me for approval. <br><br> I nodded each time. I felt the slight give. This wouldn't be //ideal//, but it __would__ work. I pulled at his shirt with one hand, the tension in it belying the sensation I was fighting, my eyes stuck down between my legs. Most men would have watched too, enjoying the view, but he was rapt on me and I was more curious and careful than lustful in my gaze too. <br><br> And then, like I knew it would, it started to go innnn. <br><br> What was outside pushed inside, but he was going in too. I felt the spreading, the shifting, the penetration. And then the <<shake 1s>>POP<</shake>>. <br><br> I lost vision for a second and when it came back, everything looked more normal -- absolutely //STUFFED// and spread -- but he was also sinking up inside my much easier, disappearing inside of me. It was so full. FUCK. SO full. With every inch that went in, the thought echoed through my brain. <br><br> The internal (literally) conflict was ''in''__sane__. I wondered if my organs would return to their normal position after this. I felt the pressure of his spongy but huge head pushing up at my insides so deeply, my diaphragm was having trouble doing the work it needed to do to make me breathe. Could I be the first suffocation from vaginal sex? <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> And I <<shake 10s>>CAME<</shake>>. <br><br> Just putting his dick in me was more than enough. <br><br> I literally can't recall a single thing else. Time lost all bounds, number of peaks and how long they lasted were completely lost to me until he was done. Was it sudden? Was it a marathon? I had no clue. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <<else>> He held deeply, leaning forward and putting his hands right on my chest, squeezing tightly at my tits. His eyes unfocused, feeling the full entry, feeling the flesh of my breasts. <br><br> And I was feeling him too, every heartbeat seemed to ripple through my body, each flex and tension of his penis within me was clear as day. Even with the condom, it seemed I could feel every bit of his shaft. <br><br> Then he began to thrust. My hips complained slightly at how far I had to keep my thighs open for him, but there wasn't much choice in the matter. My cervix -- and what felt like my uterus -- complained as he pushed in. It was gentle each time, but still they complained to me. I cooed uncontrollably as I was filled slowly, methodically on the table. It felt like a climax was right //there// on the verge, being teased with each inward stroke of his cock. It was like he was edging me while I could tell he was at the edge himself. I wondered how difficult it was for him to hold back given his size. <br><br> But he did hold back. <br><br> I...did not. <br><br> <<speechPC>><<shake 5s>>"Ahhhhh!"<</shake>><</speechPC>> The climax that had been waiting ripped through me, my full body engaging as best it could, held down against the desk while he pumped. Fire burned in my brain as it pulsated and spread through me: a welcome, huge orgasm. <br><br> And then it ended. He had stopped thrusting, breathing heavily and looking down at me and my dumb smile, <<speech "Angelo">>"Shhhh!"<</speech>> He smiled awkwardly and shook his head. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S..sorry. You're gonna hafta be quick then. I don't know if I can control myself."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Not how I usually do this."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, well, well...skilled lover, huh."<</speechPC>> He smiled proudly, then his eyes unfocused again and he gave a shove forward, then quickly a slight pull back and shoved forward again. <br><br> I felt the blooming of another, bigger orgasm spread with the first and spread further with the second, but he was cumming before it came. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tight Pussy')>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> Oh. GOD. <br><br> I don't know if I yelled that out or not, but I think he could tell because he immediately stopped applying pressure, <<speech "Angelo">>"Y-you okay?"<</speech>> The gritted teeth response of, <<speechPC>>"--Yeah."<</speechPC>> Probably didn't sell it. I don't think I had ever experienced a guy that was too big. Even with how prepared he had gotten me, how we were each built felt immediately incompatible. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Should I...?" His eyebrows raised, looking to me for guidance.<</speech>> The sharp memory of how it had just felt with him trying to enter was fresh in my mind, and despite that I nodded, <<speechPC>>"Yeah, sokay. You're just huge."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Too big?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Just..."<</speechPC>> I reached down, grabbing the ensheathed meat and bringing it back to meet me. I couldn't help but look down, especially as the piercing sensation shot through my core. Despite how solidly that cock was built, it bent as it pressed my mound inward. He grunted. I held my breath. The head bucked off my slit a few times and gave me a slight jolt of pleasure as it bumped over my nub and a momentary relief when I could breathe. He tried a couple more times, each with a longer look to me for approval. <br><br> I focused on relaxing, on opening for him, my eyes stuck down between my legs. Most men would have watched too, enjoying the view, but he was rapt on me and I was more curious and careful than lustful in my gaze too. <br><br> That did the trick. He was disappearing, and so was I. <br><br> What was outside pushed inside, but he was going in too. I felt the spreading, the shifting, the penetration. And then the <<shake 1s>>POP<</shake>>. <br><br> I lost vision for a second and when it came back, everything looked more normal -- absolutely //STUFFED// and spread -- but he was also sinking up inside my much easier, disappearing inside of me. It was so full. FUCK. SO full. With every inch that went in, the thought echoed through my brain. <br><br> The internal (literally) conflict was ''in''__sane__. I wondered if my organs would return to their normal position after this. I felt the pressure of his spongy but huge head pushing up at my insides so deeply, my diaphragm was having trouble doing the work it needed to do to make me breathe. Could I be the first suffocation from vaginal sex? <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> And I <<shake 10s>>CAME<</shake>>. <br><br> Just putting his dick in me was more than enough. <br><br> I literally can't recall a single thing else. Time lost all bounds, number of peaks and how long they lasted were completely lost to me until he was done. Was it sudden? Was it a marathon? I had no clue. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <<else>> He held deeply, leaning forward and putting his hands right on my chest, squeezing tightly at my tits. His eyes unfocused, feeling the full entry, feeling the flesh of my breasts. <br><br> And I was feeling him too, every heartbeat seemed to ripple through my body, each flex and tension of his penis within me was clear as day. Even with the condom, it seemed I could feel every bit of his shaft. <br><br> Then he began to thrust. My hips complained slightly at how far I had to keep my thighs open for him, but there wasn't much choice in the matter. My cervix -- and what felt like my uterus -- complained as he pushed in. It was gentle each time, but still they complained to me. I cooed uncontrollably as I was filled slowly, methodically on the table. It felt like a climax was right //there// on the verge, being teased with each inward stroke of his cock. It was like he was edging me while I could tell he was at the edge himself. I wondered how difficult it was for him to hold back given his size. <br><br> But he did hold back. <br><br> I...did not. <br><br> <<speechPC>><<shake 5s>>"Ahhhhh!"<</shake>><</speechPC>> The climax that had been waiting ripped through me, my full body engaging as best it could, held down against the desk while he pumped. Fire burned in my brain as it pulsated and spread through me: a welcome, huge orgasm. <br><br> And then it ended. He had stopped thrusting, breathing heavily and looking down at me and my dumb smile, <<speech "Angelo">>"Shhhh!"<</speech>> He smiled awkwardly and shook his head. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S..sorry. You're gonna hafta be quick then. I don't know if I can control myself."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Not how I usually do this."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, well, well...skilled lover, huh."<</speechPC>> He smiled proudly, then his eyes unfocused again and he gave a shove forward, then quickly a slight pull back and shoved forward again. <br><br> I felt the blooming of another, bigger orgasm spread with the first and spread further with the second, but he was cumming before it came. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> Oh. GOD. <br><br> I don't know if I yelled that out or not, but I think he could tell because he immediately stopped applying pressure, <<speech "Angelo">>"Y-you okay?"<</speech>> The gritted teeth response of, <<speechPC>>"--Yeah."<</speechPC>> Probably didn't sell it. I don't think I had ever experienced a guy that was too big. Even with how prepared he had gotten me, how we were each built felt immediately incompatible. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Should I...?" His eyebrows raised, looking to me for guidance.<</speech>> The sharp memory of how it had just felt with him trying to enter was fresh in my mind, and despite that I nodded, <<speechPC>>"Yeah, sokay. You're just huge."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Too big?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Just..."<</speechPC>> I reached down, grabbing the ensheathed meat and bringing it back to meet me. I couldn't help but look down, especially as the piercing sensation shot through my core. Despite how solidly that cock was built, it bent as it pressed my mound inward. He grunted. I held my breath. <br><br> What was outside pushed inside, but he was going in too. I felt the spreading, the shifting, the penetration. And then the <<shake 1s>>POP<</shake>>. <br><br> I lost vision for a second and when it came back, everything looked more normal -- absolutely //STUFFED// and spread -- but he was also sinking up inside my much easier, disappearing inside of me. It was so full. FUCK. SO full. With every inch that went in, the thought echoed through my brain. <br><br> The internal (literally) conflict was ''in''__sane__. I wondered if my organs would return to their normal position after this. I felt the pressure of his spongy but huge head pushing up at my insides so deeply, my diaphragm was having trouble doing the work it needed to do to make me breathe. Could I be the first suffocation from vaginal sex? <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> And I <<shake 10s>>CAME<</shake>>. <br><br> Just putting his dick in me was more than enough. <br><br> I literally can't recall a single thing else. Time lost all bounds, number of peaks and how long they lasted were completely lost to me until he was done. Was it sudden? Was it a marathon? I had no clue. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <<else>> He held deeply, leaning forward and putting his hands right on my chest, squeezing tightly at my tits. His eyes unfocused, feeling the full entry, feeling the flesh of my breasts. <br><br> And I was feeling him too, every heartbeat seemed to ripple through my body, each flex and tension of his penis within me was clear as day. Even with the condom, it seemed I could feel every bit of his shaft. <br><br> Then he began to thrust. My hips complained slightly at how far I had to keep my thighs open for him, but there wasn't much choice in the matter. My cervix -- and what felt like my uterus -- complained as he pushed in. It was gentle each time, but still they complained to me. I cooed uncontrollably as I was filled slowly, methodically on the table. It felt like a climax was right //there// on the verge, being teased with each inward stroke of his cock. It was like he was edging me while I could tell he was at the edge himself. I wondered how difficult it was for him to hold back given his size. <br><br> But he did hold back. <br><br> I...did not. <br><br> <<speechPC>><<shake 5s>>"Ahhhhh!"<</shake>><</speechPC>>The climax that had been waiting ripped through me, my full body engaging as best it could, held down against the desk while he pumped. Fire burned in my brain as it pulsated and spread through me: a welcome, huge orgasm. <br><br> And then it ended. He had stopped thrusting, breathing heavily and looking down at me and my dumb smile, <<speech "Angelo">>"Shhhh!"<</speech>> He smiled awkwardly and shook his head. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S..sorry. You're gonna hafta be quick then. I don't know if I can control myself."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Not how I usually do this."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, well, well...skilled lover, huh."<</speechPC>> He smiled proudly, then his eyes unfocused again and he gave a shove forward, then quickly a slight pull back and shoved forward again. <br><br> I felt the blooming of another, bigger orgasm spread with the first and spread further with the second, but he was cumming before it came. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <</if>> <br><br> What was outside pushed inside, but he was going in too. I felt the spreading, the shifting, the penetration. And then the <<shake 1s>>POP<</shake>>. <br><br> I lost vision for a second and when it came back, everything looked more normal -- absolutely //STUFFED// and spread -- but he was also sinking up inside my much easier, disappearing inside of me. It was so full. FUCK. SO full. With every inch that went in, the thought echoed through my brain. <br><br> The internal (literally) conflict was ''in''__sane__. I wondered if my organs would return to their normal position after this. I felt the pressure of his spongy but huge head pushing up at my insides so deeply, my diaphragm was having trouble doing the work it needed to do to make me breathe. Could I be the first suffocation from vaginal sex? <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> And I <<shake 10s>>CAME<</shake>>. <br><br> Just putting his dick in me was more than enough. <br><br> I literally can't recall a single thing else. Time lost all bounds, number of peaks and how long they lasted were completely lost to me until he was done. Was it sudden? Was it a marathon? I had no clue. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <<else>> He held deeply, leaning forward and putting his hands right on my chest, squeezing tightly at my tits. His eyes unfocused, feeling the full entry, feeling the flesh of my breasts. <br><br> And I was feeling him too, every heartbeat seemed to ripple through my body, each flex and tension of his penis within me was clear as day. Even with the condom, it seemed I could feel every bit of his shaft. <br><br> Then he began to thrust. My hips complained slightly at how far I had to keep my thighs open for him, but there wasn't much choice in the matter. My cervix -- and what felt like my uterus -- complained as he pushed in. It was gentle each time, but still they complained to me. I cooed uncontrollably as I was filled slowly, methodically on the table. It felt like a climax was right //there// on the verge, being teased with each inward stroke of his cock. It was like he was edging me while I could tell he was at the edge himself. I wondered how difficult it was for him to hold back given his size. <br><br> But he did hold back. <br><br> I...did not. <br><br> <<speechPC>><<shake 5s>>"Ahhhhh!"<</shake>><</speechPC>> The climax that had been waiting ripped through me, my full body engaging as best it could, held down against the desk while he pumped. Fire burned in my brain as it pulsated and spread through me: a welcome, huge orgasm. <br><br> And then it ended. He had stopped thrusting, breathing heavily and looking down at me and my dumb smile, <<speech "Angelo">>"Shhhh!"<</speech>> He smiled awkwardly and shook his head. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S..sorry. You're gonna hafta be quick then. I don't know if I can control myself."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Not how I usually do this."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, well, well...skilled lover, huh."<</speechPC>> He smiled proudly, then his eyes unfocused again and he gave a shove forward, then quickly a slight pull back and shoved forward again. <br><br> I felt the blooming of another, bigger orgasm spread with the first and spread further with the second, but he was cumming before it came. <br><br> My legs were shaking and quivering, hanging loosely off the desk in the air on either side of his hips as he huffed, hands grasping tightly at my chest and enjoying his own orgasm. <br><br> I breathed raggedly as I felt the pulse and lift of his giant cock inside me. If I wanted to do anything right now, I couldn't. Pinned on the desk, stuffed to what felt like the absolute limits of my core and //well// fucked. <br><br> I was glad that I had already done what I needed to do, because I doubted my body could do __anything__ right now. <br><br> He grunted a final time and then slowly extracted himself with me. It was careful not just because that was his M.O., but also because of both of our sensitivity. All the same, my body bucked and twitched slightly. He made a number of cute noises and stopped suddenly a few times before he was finally free, leaving me feel more vacant than I had ever felt before. Would I have a literal hole between my legs forever now? <br><br> He turned to pull the condom free, <<speech "Angelo">>"I should..."<</speech>> deciding against the waste bin in the office. <br><br> I nodded, <<speechPC>>"I'll get dressed...and I should..."<</speechPC>> He nodded, pulling his pants up sheepishly while holding the heavily loaded large condom delicately between his fingers. <br><br> He nodded firmly, quickly, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Um. Please...don't say anything."<</speech>> I couldn't agree more. And it was a good enough excuse to make my exit. I smiled soft and kindly and watched him leave, as if I needed to be alone to put my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Which I did quickly, grabbing what I needed as my hands barely felt like they could keep a hold on anything. <br><br> And then I was out the door. I'm sure I looked like an obviously-fucked mess. I could feel the stickiness of sweat and fluids, the disarray and wrinkle of my clothing, the heat still emanating between my thighs and from my face and chest. I was glad the hallway was empty. Not only because I was clutching the docs to me like they were a newborn baby and he could possibly catch me...but also because I was not sure I wanted to be seen on my walk of shame, even by people who weren't actually my fellow students. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Crazy-Small Pussy')>> <br><br> I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <<else>> <<vCardCheck "Angelo" M "Angelo, my Handler, handled him during my eval">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self- <<linkexpand "pity.">> pity. I hit the stairwell with a deep sigh of relief. Either I had been super quick, or he was taking his time...or he was giving me the space I wanted. I got out of [[there|M001 - Success]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry runny>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Filing cabinet */ <<speech "Angelo">>"You...alright?"<</speech>> There was a slight shift in his chair, he almost came over to provide comfort, but he stopped himself. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Um. Yeah, I guess I've gotta be, right? I was just..."<</speechPC>> I lifted myself out of my chair, wiping my eyes and crossing to the window behind him. I needed to get closer to him if he wasn't going to get closer to me. <<speechPC>>"I guess...freaking out? Did you freak out the first time you went out on the field?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Well, of course. Never had to do what you're doing, though."<</speech>> He reached one of those long arms out to give me a little squeeze at my shoulder. I could //feel// the distance he was keeping from me. I leaned into the pressure near my neck, letting myself be taken in by him when he wasn't taking me in. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No? Sounds like a workplace disparity."<</speechPC>> Smiling at him, letting my fingers gently track along his bicep. <<speechPC>>"Woulda thought that was a perk for the guys in EROS. Sex isn't as much work for you, eh?"<</speechPC>> A little flash in my eyes to get a tingle below his waist. <br><br> He extracted his arm from me and turned back towards the desk, shuffling the manila and legal pad together, about to deposit them in the filing cabinet. Fuck. Nuh-uh. He just didn't get what I was offering. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Angelo. Come on. We're alone."<</speechPC>> My hand was at the small of his back, fingers slightly tucking under his waistline, gentle but the presence unmistakable. <br><br> He gave a half-smile over his shoulder while his free hand pulled my fingers free. <<speech "Angelo">>"Handlers don't handle. There's enough stories in the agency...I shouldn't have to say that."<</speech>> <br><br> I think my jaw dropped. I felt a pit in my stomach made of devastation. This time the tears were real, <<speechPC>>"Are you fucking kidding me? You don't want to //fuck// me? Seeing me in the shower? Down the hall? Angelo. I want you to fuck me."<</speechPC>> He shook his head. It came spilling out, down my cheeks and out of my mouth, <<speechPC>>"If you can shut this down that easy, how am I going to do this? If I'm not fuckable...I'm going to //fail// Angelo."<</speechPC>> Turning me down might have ramifications on the mission, on my confidence, on the world. I wasn't past using blackmail or other pressures to get what I wanted. <br><br> The metal of the cabinet clicked shut, my goal locked within it. <<speech "Angelo">>"You need to be fuckable to everyone //except// me, <<print $>>."<</speech>> He pulled me tight into a bearhug, squeezing me but I wanted none of it. He wasn't going to get physical with me if he wasn't going to get physical with me. I pushed him away, stumbling back away from him, banging against the edge of the desk as I scrambled out and away. <br><br> Not only was I leaving empty-handed, but I was truly gutted. If sex was really going to be a tool and I had no sex appeal? I beat myself up the whole way home, seeing disinterest from every single person I passed. At least back at RedDoorz I was alone and didn't have to consider if I was attractive. <br><br> Eventually, I collected myself and resigned myself to how I had been from [[success|M001 - Fail]]. <</if>>
<<skillChecked "Performance" "Attractiveness" "Wiles">> <<set _wilessuccess = ($Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value)>> I let my emotions bubble up. They were real, but I needed them in the moment, draw him to me. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh, <<print $>>..."<</speech>> He shifted in the chair, lifting from it and coming around the desk to me. <<speech "Angelo">>"That was unfair," He sat on the front edge of the desk, "of Alice," leaning forward -- his eyes checking down my top, "of Nate--" his broad hands on either of my shoulders.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Of my mom..."<</speechPC>> My head dropped against his chest. I let a shudder run through me. It was tension that had been building up at the idea of doing this, but I let him believe it was something else. I could feel him breathing against my hair, taking in my scent and my hands pulled slightly on his arms, guiding him closer, tighter, nearer. <br><br> He responded instantly, his lizard brain kicking in. His broad arms encircled me and pulled me against him. I tilted my chin slightly to make eye contact and I could see the desire in his eyes. He, on the other hand, was checking to see if I was too upset or if he was crossing a line -- I stopped that consideration instantly. My chin lifted higher and my lips met his. They were fleshier than mine, but soft. I could feel him initially freeze as his internal struggle continued, but I pressed myself against him, letting him feel my feminine curves and let the tip of my tongue begin to probe at his mouth. <br><br> Accepting, his hands dropped down my back to my ass, taking each cheek and squeezing. It was the first overtly sexual thing he had done, but with that, I knew we were on the right path. <br><br> Now that he was in the bag, my brain shifted over to figuring out how I was going to extricate myself with what I needed. They were on the desk, so he was still between me and him. Sex was //involved//, but he'd notice if I pulled out a paper bag and started collating papers while he was thrusting. Step one was going well, but I wouldn't call this a home run, yet. <br><br> Shit. My distraction had him easing back. I could feel the pressure against my mouth waning, so I reasserted myself, hands dropping to the athletic pants he was wearing and working the waistband outward. I felt predatory, practically forcing myself on him. It certainly was an odd sensation not to have him pawing away at me, to be in the driver's seat so firmly, while also not being super-aroused. <br><br> Still, the release of his manhood got him back on track. The polyester slid down his trunks of his thighs and I felt his pecker swing out to say hi against my clothes and skin. It felt weighty. I had to check. Oh. He was endowed. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Swollen bulge underneath athletic track pants */ <<speechPC>>"Oh."<</speechPC>> My thought became words, looking at it rise with his bloodflow. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"It okay?"<</speech>> I could hear both a sense of pride but also could tell he'd had some instances where his size hadn't been a win. And now, his cock was out. We were on our way to sex, which was //not// the plan. I needed to balance this high-wire of using his reluctance //and// desire to get me what I needed. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"That thing is scary."<</speechPC>> I giggled playfully ass I rounded him, making my way to the desk (and the objective). Moving around him was like skirting a gate with an arm that raised, and then I was up on the desk, making sure I was half on the documents in question while I grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled him towards me. <br><br> I leaned up and into him, kissing him deeply again, feeling his responsiveness heighten slightly as his freed shaft made contact with my stomach. <br><br> If this were a normal moment, I would be grasping it, teasing it...but I had to control the situation. I lengthened and deepened the kiss, fingers dug into his shirt tightly, trying to figure out the right moment and the right way to get what I needed. <br><br> Then he yanked back. I think he saw the look of surprise in my eyes as he broke the kiss, <<speechPC>>"Sorry."<</speechPC>> An embarassed 'lost control there' half-laugh as his eyes looked me over. <<skillChecked "Chest size">> <<if ["huge", "extralarge","large"].includes($Body.tits)>> <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>><<set __wilessuccess += 2>><<else>><<set _wilessuccess ++>><</if>> He lock on only mid-way down his eye-fuck and pulled firmly up on my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>. My arms were entangled and I squealed a bit as what he was doing was making it hard to do what //I// was doing. But then my top came off and he dove in, the cock smacking against my lower stomach, hinting at the depth that would be coming. His hands were at my sides as he shoved his head down against my breasts. And he was ''hungry'' for them. <br><br> <<if $CC.braless == true>> I felt a shudder of his excitement against my tits, making them jiggle, as he found them already free. <<else>> His lips kissed and nipped at the bare flesh around my bra, his hands sliding up my sides to my back, wrestling for the clasp which came off <<link "instantly">><<bra>><</link>>. <</if>> <br><br> He latched onto one of my nipples and sucked hard, eliciting a sharp gasp from me. It was like he was nursing. I could tell he absolutely loved the pair that I had, his hands caressing the cup-size -- my own form of endowment that he was excited to get a piece of. Softly I panted, holding his head while he suckled and nursed, switching back and forth and making my nipples absolutely //rock// hard. <br><br> God. Now he was really working me up and this was feeling more and more like what I hadn't wanted to happen. <br><br> My fingers began to push rather than pull, trying to break that intense contact on my quivering breasts. His eyes flicked up as his lips broke contact, strings of moisture hanging from his mouth to my rock-hard nipples. I could see the moment and victory ebbing away in his questing gaze. <<else>> His eyes gave a quick -- disappointed? -- look down at my chest under my top and I could see the moment and victory ebbing away. <</if>> This was it. Now or never. <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, Angelo. I feel really bad, but...I'm just starting to realize..."<</speechPC>> With each word, I tried to keep a sense of horniness -- an //almost// willing to fuck tone to how I spoke. <<if _wilessuccess gte 8>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Angelo.rel ++>> <<face happy>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Manila folder clutched behind a back */ I slid off the desk, using the motion to tug the documents with me. They slid off, half-stuck to my ass thanks to the build-up of the last few moments. I pinned them against the desk to my thigh, worrying at my lip with my teeth. Did he buy it? <br><br> I twisted around sharply, as if suddenly ashamed. I dropped, down, clutching my knees to my chest and quickly grabbing everything I needed, hoping my body did enough blocking. <<speechPC>>"Maybe we shouldn't have been doing this. I was stupid."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh. Yeah. Um...please don't say anything--"<</speech>> There. My body and own 'shame' was doing the work of protecting him from seeing what I was carrying. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I won't. It was my fault anyway." I shook my head and waved his worried off, shuffling to the door, "One sec."<</speechPC>> And then I ducked out. <br><br> A mussed shuffle down the hallway (that was thankfully empty) and I made it to a bathroom to <<link "get myself together">><<outfit default>><</link>>. Shit. I didn't have anywhere or anything to hide these things I'd just have to use embarassment as an excuse. <br><br> With the 'package' behind my back, I came back to the door and peeked in slightly with a sheepish smile. <<speechPC>>"Uh hey. I'm..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He was looking around, probably for what I had. He couldn't make eye contact and wasn't putting two and two together, <<speech "Angelo">>"Yeah. Okay."<</speech>> I nodded, taking whatever chance I could get away to the bank. I ducked back out and quickly headed down the hallway, hitting the stairs with a happy sigh of relief. <br><br> I had [[done it|M001 - Success]]. <<else>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Angelo.rel -= 3>> <<face angry runny>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Documents scattered from an open manila folder */ I tried to slide off the desk and use the motion to tug the documents with me. They slid...but not //off//, half-stuck to my ass with the build-up of the last few moments, but not as manageable as I had hoped. I hit my hip against the desk, trying to pin the edge of something there for a second try while I worried at my lip with my teeth. Did he buy it? Was I going to have an opportunity to get these things? <br><br> I twisted around sharply, as if suddenly ashamed -- another pull on those askew documents. And they fell, fluttering wildly in front of me. Shit, not good, <<print $>>. But I //had// to get them, no matter what. Time to pray. I dropped, down, clutching my knees to my chest and trying to grabbing everything I needed, hoping he didn't notice. <<speechPC>>"Maybe we shouldn't have been doing this. I was stupid."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Yes, you were."<</speech>> His tone was immediately different. Hard. I tried to use my body to shield the objective...and then that broad hand made contact on me once more but with a very different feeling to it. <br><br> I was spun around, face-to-face with a powerful, big man who didn't have the heart and passion of the Angelo that I had known. I had betrayed him and he was letting me know. His other hand yanked the documents wordlessly from my palms, stroking paper-cuts as sharp and nagging reminders of what I had done (as if the memory was not going to be enough). <br><br> And then, simply, quietly, he stepped back. He dropped into the chair, resetting his work to the way it had been and shooing me away. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I'm sorry."<</speechPC>> The words barely squeaked out. If he had been duped earlier, it was clear now that there had been no thought in his mind that my evaluation was still going and he was on the docket. Alice had thrown me a mission with an unsuspecting -- maybe gullible -- victim and I had failed. And had probably irreparably damaged my relationship with one of the people who could be most important to me here, going forward... <br><br> When things got truly hairy, dangerous, and scary. <br><br> Tears trickled down my face as I shuffled out of 'school'. Partly from the pain that I had just given, partly for the starkness of how everything had been thrown at me -- how everything had changed, and partly because...I had [[failed|M001 - Fail]]. <</if>>
<<skillChecked "Deception">> <<speechPC>>"But you'll be there to train me, right? Not gonna disappear like Nate?" I smiled.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Of course."<</speech>> He nodded firmly, leaning forward to reinforce the assurance, <<speech "Angelo">>"But it's not like we'll have time por trainin' the way that Alice and I had."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I'll pick up things on the fly."<</speechPC>> I shrugged, retaining my smile. My mind had been churning, trying to pick over the room and options for 'proof' and I kept returning to the things he was protecting: my Dossier and that legal pad. I just had to get one of them out and back to Alice tomorrow. Just had to distract him enough to grab it...and make sure he didn't notice it was gone. Yeah, that last part was going to be the hardest. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Of course you will. I meant what I said yesterday: I tink you've got what it takes. So, what are you planning on pirst?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gte 3>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<face happy>> An opening. Perfect. <<speechPC>>"Actually, I'm glad you asked. Could I pick your brain?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He nodded, lifting his prodigious form up from the seat, <<speech "Angelo">>"Absolutely. How about I treat choo to lunch."<</speech>> <br><br> My smile couldn't have been broader, I stood up quickly too -- leaning into eagerness of the offer -- <<speechPC>>"Would love to also know a good place to eat around here. I'm absolutely //famished// if I'm being honest."<</speechPC>> Couch the lie in the truth, <<print $>>. I happened to leave my phone in the seat, dropped in my excitement and lack of attention. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh, you can't spy on an empty stomach. Come on."<</speech>> He patted his stomach for emphasis, his other hand shuffling the manila folder underneath the legal pad. He rounded the desk, positioning himself between me and my goal, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I let him lead with the barest of pressure -- I didn't need to stay here. <<speech "Angelo">>"Now, most of the restaurant scene is north of here and the park, but let's get you back to your neighborhood. Good for the legend and all."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah. Makes sense."<</speechPC>> Me and my mentor left the office, working down the hallway and down the stairs as he went on about some place called Ilustrado...that we //weren't// going to. And just at the foot of the last flight of steps: <<speechPC>>"Oh shit."<</speechPC>> I stopped short, eyes wide. Reflexively, my hands patted at my pockets and even checked my shirt -- as if I had possibly tucked my phone there. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Everything okay?"<</speech>> He prickled. I wasn't sure if it was a learned threat-reaction, or if he was concerned for me, or what...but he watched me doing my pat-down. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"My phone." I frowned, thinking, "Did...I leave it in the gym?" I turned, already heading back up the steps.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh." He started to follow me.<</speech>> <br><br> I quickened my pace, <<speechPC>>"Don't worry about it. You don't need to go all that way back. I'll be right back."<</speechPC>> I saw him considering going back ''up'' all the stairs and it was enough of an inconvenience to deter him. I left him behind and raced back to the office as fast as my feet could carry me. <br><br> My heart was pounding as I grabbed the knob and twisted -- had he locked it? No. Inside, I grabbed my phone as I considered the manila. I didn't have anything except my clothes to hide it under, so I quickly decided to grab the papers, fold them and tuck them as best I could. Luckily, my file was short and there wasn't too much to hide. /* IMAGE (Needed): A folder tucked into a skirt waistband, slightly hidden under a shirt*/ <br><br> And then I was out. There was a moment when I felt like my heart was going to stop as I exited the office: if he saw me there I was dead. But no, the stairs had kept him away and I raced back, ensuring I managed a bit of a sweat and waggled my phone performatively. <<speechPC>>"Got it!"<</speechPC>> I panted. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"It even working?" He raised an eyebrow.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Wifi is a life saver."<</speechPC>> He grunted, accepting that and we headed off, towards some place called "Cowboy" something or other for some cheap, local cuisine. <br><br> They had nachos and fried chicken from the long-standing American influence of great tasting food that was bad for you, but also some things that I could barely pronounce. He chuckled at me trying to pick through the menu and make a decision before I settled on a Filipino rice dish with BBQ meat that met with his approval. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So, I mean, I think it's the club, right?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Well, yeah." He tried to roll his eyes as he mouthed a handful of french fries, "But what were your thoughts on approach?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"And this is where you're supposed to give me sage advice."<</speechPC>> I beamed, trying to ignore the weight and awkwardness of folded paper on my person that could give me away at any moment. <br><br> He chuckled, dropping his elbows onto the cheap table to begin his opinions. They weren't too profound, but that he thought that the only real way in was to be working at the club, but returning as a patron first might make me a more known quantity than just showing up and asking for a job. <br><br> I picked and prodded, but mostly just listened. We finished up and he asked my opinion of the food, which I told him honestly was pretty good, if not impressive. He walked me back and left me to my own devices, giving me a massive bearhug of a squeeze with a final, <<speech "Angelo">>"Good luck. I'll leave my number at the front desk should you ever get service for your phone...or just do the Wifi thing."<</speech>> <br><br> Smiling, I watched him head out the front door, never having ''so'' much desire to rush to that room. Once he was gone though, that's //exactly// what I [[did|M001 - Success]]. <<else>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Deception ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A filing cabinet*/ "Well, first I need //that//." I thought, looking at my Rosetta stone. <<speechPC>>"Uh, that's a good question. Was actually coming here for your thoughts? Ya know. Mentor and all."<</speechPC>> I smiled and tried to relax, tried to look away from the documentation. <br><br> He nodded, lifting his prodigious form up from the seat, <<speech "Angelo">>"Absolutely. How about I treat choo to lunch."<</speech>> I frowned, eyes flicking back down to the folder that seemed to glimmer like an objective in one of the Boys video games. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh. Well, actually. Not too hungry."<</speechPC>> Had to keep us here, had to find //some// opportunity to get those from him...and if we left. Well, that was that. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh. Okay." He nodded, mirroring my frown. "Can't spy on an empty stomach though."<</speech>> He patted his stomach for emphasis. The laugh it elicited from me was less than convincing. He shuffled the legal pad under the manila, standing to deposit them in a filing cabinet. ''Shit''. I might have even said it out loud. <br><br> I heard the metallic click of the drawer and I knew that I was out of luck. Locked. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"So. What's your plan of approach?"<</speech>> And now I was stuck here listening to him wax poetic on how to be a good agent. I could barely focus, feeling the freak out rising in my chest as I imagined Alice in that chair tomorrow and seeing me, the utter failure, showing up. And whether it was just that his ideas weren't too profound or it was my distraction, but basically, he thought that the only real way in was to be working at the club, but returning as a patron first might make me a more known quantity than just showing up and asking for a job. Brilliant work, Sherlock. <br><br> I tried to extend the conversation as much as it pained me, but eventually ran out of tacks to take. And I couldn't come up with any way to get him to leave the room. I did consider pulling the fire alarm on my way out. I wondered how the Filipino police would react to finding me as their perp. <br><br> My questions petered out and he nodded, <<speech "Angelo">>"Well. Hope that helps. Good luck. I'll leave my number at the front desk to contact me, if need be."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okay. Thanks."<</speechPC>> I collected myself and then proceeded home while beating myself up over how badly that went and how far I had been from [[success|M001 - Fail]]. <</if>>
<<set $readDossier = true>> <<face shock>> That night I spent reading, translating and copying the file to my own version. There was //so// much redacting; I tried holding the papers up to the light, perused YouTube for how-tos, but unsurprisingly the agency actually seemed to know how to keep people from reading shit they weren't supposed to. All the same, I had more knowledge about myself -- and what they thought of me -- than I did before. <br><br> It was hard to go to sleep. Not only was I worried about what I was going to do on my actual //mission// but, having opened Pandora's Box, learning my apparent 'agent' strengths and weaknesses might have been a little much to try and grapple with all at once. <br><br> The rest was fitful when I got it and my dreams were filled of composites of James Bond and Ethan Hunt movie-moments and my brain trying to reconcile them with with the incongruity of __me__. Seducing women, jumping off buildings, getting into gun fights, almost being dissected by lasers. And the whole time my mind was going: "Nope, this is wrong. This doesn't make sense." It didn't. <br><br> Waking groggily, I took a quick rinse off -- mostly to get me to full consciousness -- then headed over to the college to meet Alice. <br><br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Come in, <<print $>>."<</speech>> I hadn't even touched the door. Fuck, she was good. I stepped in and the manila folder was open on the desk, waiting for me to return the documents, <<speech "Alice">>"Well done."<</speech>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A hand passing a manila folder*/ <<speechPC>>"Uh, thanks!"<</speechPC>> I was about to launch into how I had done it when she cut me off with a quick, 'come on' motion of her hand. I coughed, cutting myself off as I quickly proffered the creased documents. She unfolded them and laid them in the folder, grabbing a pen to document something additional. <br><br> I opened my mouth but she cut me off again, <<speech "Alice">>"You can go now. Time is of the essence." And that was it.<</speech>> <br><br> Heading back to the RedDoorz, I wondered if I'd see her again. If I wanted to see her again. In any event, I had to get on with my mission and figure out what my next steps were [[going to be|HomeBase]].
That night I spent unable to sleep. I was crossing the finish line tomorrow a disappointment. Not only would I have nothing to prove my success, I had missed an opportunity to get some information for myself. <br><br> Maybe it was better that I hadn't been able to read my file. Better to not know where they felt I was deficient...or what they expected me to do. Just remain in the dark as before -- I had been fine with it a day ago, I would be fine with it going forward. <br><br> When I did rest, it was fitful and my dreams were filled of composites of James Bond and Ethan Hunt movie-moments and my brain trying to reconcile them with with the incongruity of __me__. Seducing women, jumping off buildings, getting into gun fights, almost being dissected by lasers. And the whole time my mind was going: "Nope, this is wrong. This doesn't make sense." It didn't. <br><br> Waking groggily, I took a quick rinse off -- mostly to get me to full consciousness -- then headed over to pay the piper. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Come in, <<print $>>."<</speech>> I hadn't even touched the door. Fuck, she was good. Stepping in, I could see that she was fully ensconced in the very thing I had been trying to get yesterday, making some annotations or additions. Barely cresting the threshold, and before seeing if I was bringing her anything, she commented softly, <<speech "Alice">>"Look. It was just a test. I appreciate that you went forward with it. There will be other times, easier targets and better opportunities. Until then." A slight nod and a motion of her hand.<</speech>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A hand holding open manila folder with papers*/ I coughed, cutting off any response as I stepped back out of the office as quickly as I had entered. <<speech "Alice">>"You can go now. Time is of the essence." And that was it.<</speech>> <br><br> Heading back to the RedDoorz, I wondered if I'd see her again. If I wanted to see her again. In any event, I had to get on with my mission and figure out what my next steps were [[going to be|HomeBase]].
Meandering from Red Doorz towards the EROS 'HQ' was beginning to feel old hat. Apropos that it was situated within a college, because here I was, going for 'classes' and 'office hours'. To anyone else, I was just an expat heading off to my next lecture, deep in thought. Little did they know that my consternation was not due to the upcoming test, but rather a decision as to what I was going to do when I met with my Handlers. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M001 - Logistics]] visited("M001 - Logistics") == false>> While I //had// been flung straight into being a spy, feeling that way wasn't the best road to success. Maybe EROS could give me some support. <<blocked>> $ has already gotten logistical support. <<path [[M001 - Spy School]] $trainedGuns == false || $trainedHTH == false || $trainedInfil == false || $trainedSurv == false>> The spy test had shown me just how out of my depth I felt. Now they knew where my short-comings were, maybe it was time to shore some of them up with some actual training. <<blocked>> $ has gotten as much training as Angelo has to offer. <<path [[M001 - SitRep]] visited("M001 - SitRep") == false>> What did EROS know about <<print $>>? The more I knew, the better I chances I had. <<blocked>> $ has already gotten a SitRep. <<path [[M001 - Reporting In]]>> <<hover>> I felt that I'd made enough progress to do a check in with Alice. Maybe what I'd uncovered would point us in a direction. <<tip>> Only do this if you believe you have important information to report. Otherwise, this will just cost you a day. <</hover>> <</crossroads>>
/* Reporting in to Alice about the current status and information gathering. Will be a very complex passage that will evolve over time to reflect all the different points of interest, etc */ /* IMAGE (Needed): A detective pin-board, connecting headshots, etc. From any cop/spy/detective show or movie. */ <<speechPC>>"Hey, Teach." The grin I had was probably dumb.<</speechPC>> <br><br> To her credit, Alice simply smiled, turning in her chair, facing me. <<speech "Alice">>"So what's the progress on your thesis?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded, leaning forward on my knees, ready to report. <br><br> /* 'Knows' Reports & SitReps */ /* TODO Images - Would probably be cool to have one for each of these. */ <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu") && !$Reports.includes("Datu")>> <<run $Reports.push("Datu")>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"So the guy who runs everything at the club is this guy named Datu." Alice held my gaze. Did she already know this? Of course she did. Fuck. "I haven't had many opportunities of contact with him." The rest spilled out of me quickly: "But I am trying. I'll do what I can. I know he's important."<</speechPC>> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Nestor") && !$Reports.includes("Nestor")>> <<run $Reports.push("Nestor")>> <<set _report += 3>> <<speechPC>>"I've made contact with Datu's brother, Nestor." It felt so weird using the euphemism 'contact'. "I think he likes me..." Well, duh. "And it might be a way in."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Alice's eyebrows raised, <<speech "Alice">>"Well done. Datu's notoriously a self-preservationist. The brother is a good angle." She cocked her head slightly, "Be careful, they've been known to be supremely violent."<</speech>> <br><br> I knew. <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Nino") && !$Reports.includes("Nino")>> <<run $Reports.push("Nino")>> <<set _report += 2>> I hated having to bring this up, but it was the job...and I'd done it, <<speechPC>>"I've been in the back office with their Lieutenant. He's taken a shine to me...I think. I was able to get a little visibility into their communications, his and Datu, I think, while I was in there."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Well done. Don't raise alarm bells, but gather what you can. Don't push for access too hard. But take advantage of it when you can."<</speech>> <br><br> Sure. Get down on my knees again. Sure thing, boss. <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Cornado") && !$Reports.includes("Cornado")>> <<run $Reports.push("Cornado")>> <<set _report += 2>> <<speechPC>>"There's Cornado." Bringing him up both was extremely painful and important, "He recognized me--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>Her hand <<shake 2s>>SLAMMED<</shake>> on the desk, "FUCK!"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Because he knew my mom." I shook my head hard, frowning, "No red flags from him. He thought it was curious--//exciting// even. Like a super power move or something. But if he knew //her//..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Alice sat back, rubbing the palm that probably stung right about now. She nodded, not needing me to finish the thought. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Jacob Bautista") && !$Reports.includes("Jacob")>> <<run $Reports.push("Jacob")>> <<set _report += 2>> I flicked Jacob's card over to her, <<speechPC>>"Logistics. Wanted me to keep in touch."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The gears were turning in her head. She took a quick photo of the card and handed it back. <<speech "Alice">>"Sounds like you want to."<</speech>> <br><br> I definitely didn't. But also definitely did. A very weird counterbalance of emotions. <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Callum") && !$Reports.includes("Callum")>> <<run $Reports.push("Callum")>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"There's a guy who comes by the club relatively frequently. He's had access to the VIP--seems like a potential player. His name is Callum. A Scot. I've made contact and I might be able to leverage it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Promising. Let me know when it leads somewhere."<</speech>> <br><br> Good point. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Prince Sallah") && !$Reports.includes("Prince")>> <<run $Reports.push("Prince")>> <<set _report ++>> Alice broke in, <<speech "Alice">>"We're aware that you've gained entry to Prince Sallah's estate."<</speech>> <br><br> God. Did they have that on tape? //That// was important? <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"We've had our eyes on him for a while now. He and the estate are like a fortress, but you might have given us an opening."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Which can lead us to <<print $>>?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She shook her head, <<speech "Alice">>"Call this a fringe benefit of you being at the Club. We've got many irons in the fire. We can't pass up this opportunity. We'll reach out with next steps."<</speech>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Bona's Escort") && !$Reports.includes("Escort")>> <<run $Reports.push("Escort")>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"So you know Bona--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Small time crook. Porkbutcher mainly."<</speech>> <br><br> Okay. Ouch. <<speechPC>>"He wants me as an escort. I've already met one of his clients...a super-powerful drug guy, Casimir. If that's who he'd have with...there's got to be access and important players out there."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Alice was thoughtful, <<speech "Alice">>"An oblique angle, but they wouldn't expect it." A nod, then a sharp hand motion, "Be careful that no one at Club ZZYZX hears about your...second job."<</speech>> <br><br> Good point. Not only would I be 'used goods,' but I'd be working for a competitor. Gotta keep it on the DL. <br><br> <</if>> <<if visited("M003 - BonaDateCas") && !$Reports.includes("Casimir")>> <<run $Reports.push("Casimir")>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"I don't know if this will directly assist in the mission, but it's mission-adjacent." I was trying to validate the report before I'd given it, "Casimir is a drug dealer--probably a lot more--and he's doing a deal with this Bona character. Seedy guy. But Casimir wants me working for him against Bona. I'm not sure what it could lead to, but he seems powerful. I could get something on Bona, or access from Casimir. It seems like I'd be working with the most powerful player between the two."<</speechPC>> <br><br> She nodded, <<speech "Alice">>"Good assessment. Maybe this will bear fruit. But don't get distracted."<</speech>> <br><br> <</if>> /* Main Club intel */ <<if !$Reports.includes("Surveil")>> <<if $clubSurveill == "passive">> <<run $Reports.push("Surveil")>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"So there has to be some sort of back entrance, secret entrance/exit thing..." I held up my hand, forestalling her, "Not the alley. People--important ones--are coming and going without using any of the standard doors."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Alice">>"And do you know where it is?" A pause, "Or how to get into it?" Another, "Or who these //powerful// persons are?"<</speech>> She sighed. I'd need to be a bit more successful with my passive surveillance. <br><br> <<elseif $clubSurveill == "active">> <<run $Reports.push("Surveil")>> <<if $Memories.includes("code0451")>> <<set _report += 3>> <<speechPC>>"So there's some sort of back entrance, secret entrance/exit thing..." I held up my hand, forestalling her, "Not the alley. People--important ones--are coming and going without using any of the standard doors."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"And do you know where it is?" A pause, "Or how to get into it?" Another, "Or who these //powerful// persons are?"<</speech>> <br><br> I was burying the lede. It felt good, <<speechPC>>"Better. I've seen the door. I know the fucking code."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Another pause. I'd made her speechless. <br><br> <<elseif $Memories.includes("code-451")>> <<set _report += 2>> <<speechPC>>"So there's some sort of back entrance, secret entrance/exit thing..." I held up my hand, forestalling her, "Not the alley. People--important ones--are coming and going without using any of the standard doors."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"And do you know where it is?" A pause, "Or how to get into it?" Another, "Or who these //powerful// persons are?"<</speech>> <br><br> I was burying the lede. It felt good, <<speechPC>>"Better. I've seen the door. I know the fucking code. Most of it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Another pause. I thought I'd made her speechless, then, <<speech "Alice">>"We can probably get you the rest of the way. Now it's just a matter of finding the right timing and plan. Good job."<</speech>> <br><br> <<elseif $Memories.includes("code--51")>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"So there's some sort of back entrance, secret entrance/exit thing..." I held up my hand, forestalling her, "Not the alley. People--important ones--are coming and going without using any of the standard doors."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"And do you know where it is?" A pause, "Or how to get into it?" Another, "Or who these //powerful// persons are?"<</speech>> <br><br> I was burying the lede. It felt good, <<speechPC>>"Better. I've seen the door. I know the fucking code." Quieter: "Half of it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Another pause. I thought I'd made her speechless, then, <<speech "Alice">>"We can probably get you the rest of the way. Now it's just a matter of finding the right timing and plan. Good job."<</speech>> <br><br> <<else>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"So there's some sort of back entrance, secret entrance/exit thing..." I held up my hand, forestalling her, "Not the alley. People--important ones--are coming and going without using any of the standard doors."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"And do you know where it is?" A pause, "Or how to get into it?" Another, "Or who these //powerful// persons are?"<</speech>> <br><br> I was burying the lede. It felt good, <<speechPC>>"Better. I've seen the door. I saw them using the fucking code."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Another pause. I wasn't going to undercut this win by letting her know how little I'd seen. I'd improvise. <<speech "Alice">>"Okay. Now it's just a matter of finding the right timing and plan. Good job."<</speech>> <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> /* Big Event #1 Report & SitRep */ <<if !$Reports.includes("BigEvent_SetUp")>> <<if visited("M002 - BE_Setup") == true && visited("M002 - BigEvent") == false>> <<run $Reports.push("BigEvent_SetUp")>> <<if $BE_work == true>> <<set _report += 3>> I'd saved the best for last. <<speechPC>>"So! Cool news. Timing is impeccable. Barely started and we have a way in." Despite her lack of emotion, I had a feeling she already knew what I was getting at, "There's an event happening offsite from the Club."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I scooted forward to the edge of the chair, <<speechPC>>"More exciting: They //like// me. Even after such a short time. I've been selected to be a part of the event."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Impressive. Nate made a good analysis, it looks like."<</speech>> <br><br> The air sat heavy in the room. That was it? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So...what do I--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"Go to the event. Keep your phone on you. We'll have eyes on."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"That's it? What should I do there? Who am I looking for?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> A tight smile, <<speech "Alice">>"You're in this position because of a loose leash. We'll be keeping it that way. The less you know, the safer for everyone."<</speech>> <br><br> As much as I wanted more, it made sense. At least I knew that they'd be guiding me on the day. Now it was just waiting. <br><br> <<else>> <<set _report ++>> <<speechPC>>"So! Cool news. Timing is impeccable. Barely started and we have a way in." Despite her lack of emotion, I had a feeling she already knew what I was getting at, "There's an event happening offsite from the Club."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I don't have a location or anything -- they're picking the girls up from the Club on the night."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"The girls. Not you." Emotionless. She'd read me.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh no, right." I had to swallow a few times, "We can do something with, intel, right?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She leaned back in her chair, gazing at the ceiling, <<speech "Alice">>"Do anything you can to get yourself selected--" I was about to tell her the selection was done, "Change their minds. Anyway you can."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded. I wasn't sure it was possible, but Alice wanted me //there//. It made sense. <br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $clubJob == "none" && $HomeBase.days gte 10>> <<set _report -->> <<run $Reports.push("BigEvent_SetUp")>> I was lifting out of my chair, my report done, when Alice lifted a finger, <<speech "Alice">>"Mm. Before you go."<</speech>> Stopping, halfway standing, not sure if I should sit back down. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"First and most importantly, I need to reiterate the disappointment myself and the agency have had with you not being able to infiltrate the Club."<</speech>> I felt cold. I nodded, she wasn't wrong. The small office felt claustrophobic. <br><br> <<speech "Alice">>"That said, you aren't an island and we have been doing our own work, as best we can. We've become aware of an event that will have important players from the club, club employees...let's just say, it's an opportunity. We will find you a point of entry. But let me not undercut this: you will be in a very precarious position. You are known, but not a member. Everyone will be on high alert."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Okay. So...what do I--"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Alice">>"Nothing. We will reach out to you, when we're ready for our asset."<</speech>> Standing upright fully now, I just nodded. Asset. Tool. And not a useful one. I'd need to prove otherwise. <br><br> /* For Claire's that have no job but still get informed of a way in */ <</if>> <</if>> /* Alice portion based on report Outro */ <br><br> <<if _report gte 6>> <<set $EROSValue ++>> Alice stood, extending her hand, <<speech "Alice">>"Well done, <<print $>>. I wasn't expecting this extensive of success." Stunned, I shook it. Had I just graduated? "I look forward to more reports being like this. We'll make great headway at this rate."<</speech>> <br><br> Alright. Til next time, boss. Intel collected and conveyed. Ball's in your court now. I'm gonna go home and wait for orders. I only hoped that I'd get [[some|HomeBase]]. <<elseif _report gte 3>> Alice nodded, <<speech "Alice">>"Well done. A not insubstantial amount of work. Keep this up, push a little harder and we might really start getting somewhere."<</speech>> <br><br> Ouch. Okay. High standards or did I just need to elevate my bar? I'd delivered //something// of value, I had to believe. No wonder the spies always 'came in from the cold'. With Handlers like Alice, it was frickin' Antarctica out here. <br><br> Alright. Til next time, boss. Intel collected and conveyed. Ball's in your court now. I'm gonna go home and wait for orders. I only hoped that I'd get [[some|HomeBase]]. <<else>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> A reaction from Alice, head cocked, chin dropped. She was staring at me over her nose, straight through her lenses, <<speech "Alice">>"You're done?" The pause seemed interminable. I wanted something else to fill it, but there was nothing else besides bullshit that I could say. "<<print $>>. This is not an adequate report. Get back out there, do your job. Come to be when you have something of substance."<</speech>> <br><br> I thought I had? Fuck. <br><br> Alright. I'll try, boss. My skin crawled. I'd already done //so// much. If this wasn't enough, just how far was I going to have to go? Was she hardlining, pushing me to burn at both ends til there was nothing left? I had little choice. I had to put more of myself out there...I'd start [[tomorrow|HomeBase]]. <</if>>
<<face angry>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<image framed "passage/M001-SitRep.png">> <<speechPC>>"I feel like I'm going in blind."<</speechPC>> Angelo stroked a hand across the top of the lectern, <<speech "Angelo">>"Analysis showed dat made the most sense--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"For my legend. I know. For the mission, maybe. I doubt that--" I paused deciding how to refer to her, "Elle went in with no intel."<</speechPC>> He chuckled, <<speech "Angelo">>"She was the one pring us the intel. We were all blind then."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Nothing? She had //nothing//?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"No--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Well, can you at least give me that. Give me what she had."<</speechPC>> With a firm, precise movement, he adjusted the lectern, avoiding eye-contact. <<speech "Angelo">>"How did that turn out, though. We're looking for a different result."<</speech>> That wasn't kind. <<speechPC>>"Do we know how that turned out?" He looked up at me, "Might she just be deep undercover?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"That's not the analysis."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Angelo. Would you be comfortable going in like I am?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"If that's what I was instructed--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Would you be //comfortable//?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"This job is not about being comfortable, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Well, I have my own analysis. My ''own'' appraisal of the situation is that I'm just going to throw spaghetti against the wall and look at it like tea leaves. Will what I learn be of use to me? Of you? Will I know what I should report? I have the distinct feeling that I'm just going to get eaten up by this <<print $>> without him even knowing he's won." Tears were turning him into a blurry brown smudge, "I'm going to disappear like her." I wiped my nose, made an emphatic gesture and forced a laugh, "You think //this// version of me is going to win you some clandestine war?"<</speechPC>> Pictures began flickering quickly across the screen. The EROS logo was gone. Instead was a small man in glasses, a man with tattoos, a man peering from a half-open limousine window. <<speech "Angelo">>"Thanks to your mother--" that choice felt purposeful, "We've...narrowed...our list of probable targets to dese."<</speech>> The pictures kept coming. None of them were repeats. None of them were people I recognized. Most of the places where the photos had been taken provided me no context: I hadn't been there either. It was no wonder that his tone was heavily sardonic. <<speechPC>>"I think you've made your point."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"She had been embedded initially at the same club, and made headway into the broader organization. Thanks to her we know dat Manila is simply a banguard por him. Legal fronts--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Legal?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"And semi-legal, //and// illegal. But they are serve his financial needs, providing the funding that the rest of his operation requires."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Then shut them down. Cut him off from the teat."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"And accelerate his timeline? Let him know we're on to him?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"With Elle out of the picture don't you all think that he already knows?"<</speechPC>> Angelo paused, changed the image on the screen to an armored <<linkexpand "Hum-Vee">> <<face crying runny>> Hum-Vee. I don't know if it was how long it had been, or simply shock, but it took me far too long to recognize Elle climbing into the backseat. Then I couldn't see her anymore, the tears had turned her into a Matisse. <br><br> I sobbed for a bit. Angelo didn't say a thing. <br><br> When I recovered, a splotchy mess, he continued, <<speech "Angelo">>"Dat is the last time we saw her. There is a stop-over on the way to the Sulu islands. She was heading there. Possibly to meet him. Depinitely to give us locational information about this second and //integral// base of operations."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"You...couldn't track a fucking car?"<</speechPC>> Her legs were showing too much. I could practically see all the way up. She ''never'' wore anything like that. Too much makeup. And she was smiling. Smiling right to camera. Right to me. <<speech "Angelo">>"Given the importance--"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Oh, fuck off. Given the importance, you should have tried harder." He nodded. At least he was willing to give me that.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"So, with this new phase of our own operation, it's been decided that we needed a closer tether and one that fit in."<</speech>> <<speechPC>> "You." Another nod. "And I need to get in that Hum-Vee."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>He chuckled, "That's one way of looking at it. He requires connections between here and there for personnel and equipment. Given how discrete he's being, we haven't been able to ascertain which are his or where they are going."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"If she's already been where I'm going...aren't they going to think that's weird? A little coincidental?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Maybe you're looking for her. That wouldn't be odd. Maybe they'll be intrigued. He's already cocksure. It might just play into his arrogance."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"But if they know she's a spy--"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Look." His hand slammed down on the lectern, "None of dis is safe. Our other option? Throw some random agents into the grinder where your mother -- one of our //best// -- disappeared, and almost assuredly he knows we're here and after him, and then we lose. Ebryone. Loses."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"So. She's somewhere down...somewhere." He nodded. "I need to figure out how to get there." Another nod.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Hab them take you. Sneak your way down there. Figure out where it is and we'll get you there. Find out who he is and eliminate him here, if he eber comes here. Many roads lead to Rome."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Okay. Thank you."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Angelo">>"You're welcome. I wish I could tell you more. But with what you discover, we'll have a better idea of how to guide you."<</speech>> My turn to nod. Maybe I believed him. Maybe it was seeing her. Maybe I was just exhausted from asking. I had to forge my own path. <br><br> I got up. Angelo turned off the projector and the screen began to roll up into the ceiling. <<print $>> 101 was complete. <br><br> Heading back to the RedDoorz I didn't have any particular next steps. I didn't have anything to research or learn. Tomorrow I'd just need to move forward. Do something. <br><br> It was time for <<textbox "$CC.codename" "Black Widow">> to do some [[forging|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>>
<<set $Inventory.pushUnique("Springfield Hellcat", "MindSave", "EROS Roofy", "EROS Cream")>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> Angelo was sitting behind the desk like the good (big) professor he was. There was something in his gaze that reminded me of our last encounter in this office, <<speechPC>>"Hey Angelo, um I just wanted to say--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> His hand forestalled any continuation, <<speech "Angelo">>"Honestly, we don't have time for any of dat. EROS agents don't have time for our emotions--" Well, that sounded healthy, "We've got only one direction to be looking and dat's porward. So. What's up?"<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded, shrugged and dropped into the chair, <<speechPC>>"Kay. I know my legend or whatever is to be So, just an American on her own in Manila." He nodded, "Well, yeah, I definitely //feel// that way. My phone doesn't even work if I don't have WiFi." He chuckled, "But maybe there's a way for me to maintain this appearance without actually being held back by things like that?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> The chair groaned as he leaned back. His thick lips pursed as he considered, <<speech "Angelo">>"That does make sense. Okay. So," A come-here motion with his meaty hand, "Gimme yer pone."<</speech>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Inventory ">> <<if $Inventory.includes("Burner")>> Okay. Decision time. Did I let them know I had //two// phones? Or keep that secret to myself? <br><br> <div id="burner"> <<crossroads #burner>> <<path>> Why give up my one advantage? <<contents>> <<set $burnerKnown = false>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<skillChecked "Discipline">> The burner had been left back at Red Doorz anyway. I'd need to figure out how to make it more functional on my own, but that meant I had full control over it. And that was worth it. A little edge, maybe a line to the outside world -- call it a safety net or something. <br><br> I pulled my main phone, the other 'brick' out and tossed it unceremoniously across the desk. It spun until he swatted his hand down on it, stopping it from dropping into his lap. "Do dat again and you'll need a new pone all together." <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Would that be a bad idea for your one agent, your //one// chance to succeed?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"If she's just going to break the next one?" <</speech>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 1>><<speechPC>>"Hey now, I keep very good care of my things!"<</speechPC>> I frowned, but I had been a bit cavalier with how I had treated that precious piece of technology. So unlike me.<<else>>I considered the multitudes of broken screens and visits to the toilet my other mobile devices had taken, "Okay, okay, good point."<</if>> <br><br> With surprising dexterity, his thick thumb popped the phone open while his other hand was busy digging through a desk drawer. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You've got the whole canteen here?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"It's our base of operations." I shrugged, letting it go, watching him do his thing. "So now, dis will work." He said it with a sardonic smile before passing it back to me, "Same number. Ebryting."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"But now you're tracking me."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"We weren't bepore?" The smile broadened.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fair."<</speechPC>> Hairs raised on the back of my neck wondering if I'd made the right choice about the burner. Too late now. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"You'll be able to use it on the pield. Dere's a new app on the pone--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"When'd you install that?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> That smile was never going to go away. <<speech "Angelo">>"--Called Signal. Nothing pancy, but secure. It's how we'll communicate. No texting."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okay. Um. Is there like...a codebook or something that I should be using? I'm sure you all have a language and phrases and whatever."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The chair groaned again as he sat forward. The look told me all I needed to know before he spoke, <<speech "Angelo">>"You belieb dose movies and games? Dat's why we use a secure channel. Jus don't be stupid." My cheeks definitely reddened.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>Taking the phone, I stood up, "So um, thank you for this."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Where you goin? This jus about your pone? Needed social media?"<</speech>> The reddening deepened. <<if $shoottest == 1>> <<speech "Angelo">>"We've decided you can handle dis."<</speech>> <<elseif $shoottest == 0>> <<speech "Angelo">>"We think you probably can handle dis. In select situations."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Please be carepul wit dis. Please."<</speech>> <</if>> The weight of the sidearm hitting the desk was shocking. A sleek little black object of death, clutched in a leather holster. It wasn't the thing I'd seen a police officer use, or one of those in movies and TV that would hide under a jacket. The sling looked delicate and threatened to give weigh under the heft of the firearm. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A small semi-automatic pistol in a holster that would strap around an inner thigh -- very delicate. */ <<speechPC>>"Oh. Wow. Okay."<</speechPC>> I reached forward and plucked it from the desk, letting it dangle from my fingers, watching it spin from the straps. <<speechPC>>"Where--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"More likely your opportunities to wear that are going to be rare. And needs to be easily hidden."<</speech>> The chair sighed as he got up and moved around the desk. Without asking, his hand clapped against the inside of my thigh. He slid up a bit further, then squeezed and patted. His index finger was nearly against my pussy, missed it by millimeters, <<speech "Angel">>"Here or..." <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 1>>I felt a rush of heat and the ensuing moistness between my legs. Fuck. This guy really was an EROS agent.<</if>> The contact was over as he reached around and found my sacrum, "Or here. For dresses. Skirts."<</speech>> <br><br> I wondered how red my cheeks were now. I tried to laugh it off, <<speechPC>>"No cute little ankle holster?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"In heels?" He shook his head and chuckled. He wagged a finger, already moving on. "Next."<</speech>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Two small vials and two small capsule bottles set on the edge of a desk */ <br><br> I clutched the gun under my arm, watching intently. He was back in a side drawer again. A couple small vials and plastic bottles cradled in his hand. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dese are the real tools of the trade. I've only used dis one--" He held up a small vial, "Sparingly. Bery high risk, high reward. It'll knock out someone for a night. Feel like dey got roofied." I nodded, immediately knowing where and why I might need that one. He set it carefully on the edge of the oak before taking the two other capsule bottles into each of his hand and presented them in turn, "Por disease." That felt super uncomfortable, "Better to take dis all the time, jus in case." And then the other: "Dis can fuck you up. But also save you. When you need okay with the dings we do."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Any long-lasting effects there?"<</speechPC>> I was pretty sure he meant it was mind altering. The clipped laugh told me all I needed to know. Okay. Last-ditch savior there. <br><br> He set them out beside the vial. My fingers carefully caressed them before tucking them into my small bag. I looked up and he was holding one last, small aluminum tube, <<speechPC>>"Lube?"<</speechPC>> I was going to make a joke land one of these times. <br><br> Nope. Not this time either. <<speech "Angelo">>"Not quite. Numbing. If it's becoming too much and you've got to keep going." My pussy hurt simply from the concept.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, um...thank you?" I tucked that away as well. "Anything else?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dat should be a good baseline. As dynamics change, missions evolve...we'll cross dat bridge--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"When we get there." He nodded. "Okay. Well thank you again. I really appreciate it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> And with that, I headed back to my little room to figure out a good system for these items. I found a place to hide them away because I didn't trust the Red Doorz for safety or privacy -- neighbors or staff. I tried to do some research online about these medications but could find little, if anything on any of them. Well, I hoped I didn't need to use any of them. Ever. <br><br> With the disgust and lack of romance requisite, I popped one of the 'anti-disease' pills. It was hard to swallow. It felt like consuming it was accepting the dark, dirty truth of my situation. As if taking it was being infected. The chalky, cloying taste wouldn't go away no matter how much water I chugged. Better to be //not// infected than otherwise, though...right? <br><br> My thoughts that night as I went to sleep were consumed with the knowledge that I'd probably need them all. And the gun. Maybe...probably?...more than [[once|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Why should I be hiding anything from them? They probably knew anyway. <<contents>> <<set $burnerKnown = true>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Deception -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<face shock>> I pulled my main phone, the other 'brick' out and tossed it unceremoniously across the desk. It spun until he swatted his hand down on it, stopping it from dropping into his lap. <<speech "Angelo">>"Do dat again and you'll need a new pone all together."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So...funny you mention that. I have a second one." He raised an eyebrow, "I got a burner years ago. Has its uses."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Mhm. Well. Dat may come in handy in the puture, depending on the situation. Sometimes we give dose out."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So, I can keep it?" He was distracted by his phone.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"We'll gib it back if we need to."<</speech>> Fuuuuuck. Probably someone was tossing my room right now searching for it. There went my one lifeline away from this whole 'EROS' life. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck Angelo. Really?"<</speechPC>> He didn't deign to answer. Instead, he went to work on my last, remaining device: With surprising dexterity, his thick thumb popped the phone open while his other hand was busy digging through a desk drawer. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You've got the whole canteen here?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"It's our base of operations." I shrugged, letting it go, watching him do his thing. "So now, dis will work." He said it with a sardonic smile before passing it back to me, "Same number. Ebryting."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"But now you're tracking me."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"We weren't bepore?" The smile broadened.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fair."<</speechPC>> Hairs raised on the back of my neck wondering if I'd made the right choice about the burner. Too late now. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"You'll be able to use it on the pield. Dere's a new app on the pone--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"When'd you install that?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> That smile was never going to go away. <<speech "Angelo">>"--Called Signal. Nothing pancy, but secure. It's how we'll communicate. No texting."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okay. Um. Is there like...a codebook or something that I should be using? I'm sure you all have a language and phrases and whatever."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The chair groaned again as he sat forward. The look told me all I needed to know before he spoke, <<speech "Angelo">>"You belieb dose movies and games? Dat's why we use a secure channel. Jus don't be stupid." My cheeks definitely reddened.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>Taking the phone, I stood up, "So um, thank you for this."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Where you goin? This jus about your pone? Needed social media?" The reddening deepened. <</speech>> <<if $shoottest == 1>> <<speech "Angelo">>"We've decided you can handle dis."<</speech>> <<elseif $shoottest == 0>> <<speech "Angelo">>"We think you probably can handle dis. In select situations."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Please be carepul wit dis. Please."<</speech>> <</if>> The weight of the sidearm hitting the desk was shocking. A sleek little black object of death, clutched in a leather holster. It wasn't the thing I'd seen a police officer use, or one of those in movies and TV that would hide under a jacket. The sling looked delicate and threatened to give weigh under the heft of the firearm. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A small semi-automatic pistol in a holster that would strap around an inner thigh -- very delicate. */ <<speechPC>>"Oh. Wow. Okay."<</speechPC>> I reached forward and plucked it from the desk, letting it dangle from my fingers, watching it spin from the straps. <<speechPC>>"Where--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">> "More likely your opportunities to wear that are going to be rare. And needs to be easily hidden."<</speech>> The chair sighed as he got up and moved around the desk. Without asking, his hand clapped against the inside of my thigh. He slid up a bit further, then squeezed and patted. His index finger was nearly against my pussy, missed it by millimeters, <<speech "Angelo">>"Here or..." <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 1>>I felt a rush of heat and the ensuing moistness between my legs. Fuck. This guy really was an EROS agent.<</if>> The contact was over as he reached around and found my sacrum, "Or here. For dresses. Skirts."<</speech>> <br><br> I wondered how red my cheeks were now. I tried to laugh it off, <<speechPC>>"No cute little ankle holster?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"In heels?" He shook his head and chuckled. He wagged a finger, already moving on. "Next."<</speech>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Two small vials and two small capsule bottles set on the edge of a desk */ <br><br> I clutched the gun under my arm, watching intently. He was back in a side drawer again. A couple small vials and plastic bottles cradled in his hand. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dese are the real tools of the trade. I've only used dis one--" He held up a small vial, "Sparingly. Bery high risk, high reward. It'll knock out someone for a night. Feel like dey got roofied." I nodded, immediately knowing where and why I might need that one. He set it carefully on the edge of the oak before taking the two other capsule bottles into each of his hand and presented them in turn, "Por disease." That felt super uncomfortable, "Better to take dis all the time, jus in case." And then the other: "Dis can fuck you up. But also save you. When you need okay with the dings we do."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Any long-lasting effects there?"<</speechPC>> I was pretty sure he meant it was mind altering. The clipped laugh told me all I needed to know. Okay. Last-ditch savior there. <br><br> He set them out beside the vial. My fingers carefully caressed them before tucking them into my small bag. I looked up and he was holding one last, small aluminum tube, <<speechPC>>"Lube?"<</speechPC>> I was going to make a joke land one of these times. <br><br> Nope. Not this time either. <<speech "Angelo">>"Not quite. Numbing. If it's becoming too much and you've got to keep going." My pussy hurt simply from the concept.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, um...thank you?" I tucked that away as well. "Anything else?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dat should be a good baseline. As dynamics change, missions evolve...we'll cross dat bridge--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"When we get there." He nodded. "Okay. Well thank you again. I really appreciate it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> And with that, I headed back to my little room to figure out a good system for these items. I found a place to hide them away because I didn't trust the Red Doorz for safety or privacy -- neighbors or staff. I tried to do some research online about these medications but could find little, if anything on any of them. Well, I hoped I didn't need to use any of them. Ever. <br><br> With the disgust and lack of romance requisite, I popped one of the 'anti-disease' pills. It was hard to swallow. It felt like consuming it was accepting the dark, dirty truth of my situation. As if taking it was being infected. The chalky, cloying taste wouldn't go away no matter how much water I chugged. Better to be //not// infected than otherwise, though...right? <br><br> My thoughts that night as I went to sleep were consumed with the knowledge that I'd probably need them all. And the gun. Maybe...probably?...more than [[once|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> I pulled my main phone, the other 'brick' out and tossed it unceremoniously across the desk. It spun until he swatted his hand down on it, stopping it from dropping into his lap. "Do dat again and you'll need a new pone all together." <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Would that be a bad idea for your one agent, your //one// chance to succeed?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"If she's just going to break the next one?" <</speech>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Discipline">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 1>><<speechPC>>"Hey now, I keep very good care of my things!"<</speechPC>> I frowned, but I had been a bit cavalier with how I had treated that precious piece of technology. So unlike me.<<else>>I considered the multitudes of broken screens and visits to the toilet my other mobile devices had taken, "Okay, okay, good point."<</if>> <br><br> With surprising dexterity, his thick thumb popped the phone open while his other hand was busy digging through a desk drawer. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You've got the whole canteen here?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"It's our base of operations." I shrugged, letting it go, watching him do his thing. "So now, dis will work." He said it with a sardonic smile before passing it back to me, "Same number. Ebryting."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"But now you're tracking me."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"We weren't bepore?" The smile broadened.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fair."<</speechPC>> Hairs raised on the back of my neck wondering if I needed a burner. Some safe haven that was just mine. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"You'll be able to use it on the pield. Dere's a new app on the pone--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"When'd you install that?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> That smile was never going to go away. <<speech "Angelo">>"--Called Signal. Nothing pancy, but secure. It's how we'll communicate. No texting."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okay. Um. Is there like...a codebook or something that I should be using? I'm sure you all have a language and phrases and whatever."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The chair groaned again as he sat forward. The look told me all I needed to know before he spoke, <<speech "Angelo">>"You belieb dose movies and games? Dat's why we use a secure channel. Jus don't be stupid." My cheeks definitely reddened.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>Taking the phone, I stood up, "So um, thank you for this."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Where you goin? This jus about your pone? Needed social media?" The reddening deepened. <</speech>> <<if $shoottest == 1>> <<speech "Angelo">>"We've decided you can handle dis."<</speech>> <<elseif $shoottest == 0>> <<speech "Angelo">>"We think you probably can handle dis. In select situations."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Please be carepul wit dis. Please."<</speech>> <</if>> The weight of the sidearm hitting the desk was shocking. A sleek little black object of death, clutched in a leather holster. It wasn't the thing I'd seen a police officer use, or one of those in movies and TV that would hide under a jacket. The sling looked delicate and threatened to give weigh under the heft of the firearm. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A small semi-automatic pistol in a holster that would strap around an inner thigh -- very delicate. */ <<speechPC>> "Oh. Wow. Okay."<</speechPC>> I reached forward and plucked it from the desk, letting it dangle from my fingers, watching it spin from the straps. <<speechPC>>"Where--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"More likely your opportunities to wear that are going to be rare. And needs to be easily hidden."<</speech>> The chair sighed as he got up and moved around the desk. Without asking, his hand clapped against the inside of my thigh. He slid up a bit further, then squeezed and patted. His index finger was nearly against my pussy, missed it by millimeters, <<speech "Angelo">>"Here or..." <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 1>>I felt a rush of heat and the ensuing moistness between my legs. Fuck. This guy really was an EROS agent.<</if>> The contact was over as he reached around and found my sacrum, "Or here. For dresses. Skirts."<</speech>> <br><br> I wondered how red my cheeks were now. I tried to laugh it off, <<speechPC>>"No cute little ankle holster?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"In heels?" He shook his head and chuckled. He wagged a finger, already moving on. "Next."<</speech>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Two small vials and two small capsule bottles set on the edge of a desk */ <br><br> I clutched the gun under my arm, watching intently. He was back in a side drawer again. A couple small vials and plastic bottles cradled in his hand. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dese are the real tools of the trade. I've only used dis one--" He held up a small vial, "Sparingly. Bery high risk, high reward. It'll knock out someone for a night. Feel like dey got roofied." I nodded, immediately knowing where and why I might need that one. He set it carefully on the edge of the oak before taking the two other capsule bottles into each of his hand and presented them in turn, "Por disease." That felt super uncomfortable, "Better to take dis all the time, jus in case." And then the other: "Dis can fuck you up. But also save you. When you need okay with the dings we do."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Any long-lasting effects there?"<</speechPC>> I was pretty sure he meant it was mind altering. The clipped laugh told me all I needed to know. Okay. Last-ditch savior there. <br><br> He set them out beside the vial. My fingers carefully caressed them before tucking them into my small bag. I looked up and he was holding one last, small aluminum tube, <<speechPC>>"Lube?"<</speechPC>> I was going to make a joke land one of these times. <br><br> Nope. Not this time either. <<speech "Angelo">>"Not quite. Numbing. If it's becoming too much and you've got to keep going." My pussy hurt simply from the concept.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, um...thank you?" I tucked that away as well. "Anything else?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dat should be a good baseline. As dynamics change, missions evolve...we'll cross dat bridge--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"When we get there." He nodded. "Okay. Well thank you again. I really appreciate it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> And with that, I headed back to my little room to figure out a good system for these items. I found a place to hide them away because I didn't trust the Red Doorz for safety or privacy -- neighbors or staff. I tried to do some research online about these medications but could find little, if anything on any of them. Well, I hoped I didn't need to use any of them. Ever. <br><br> With the disgust and lack of romance requisite, I popped one of the 'anti-disease' pills. It was hard to swallow. It felt like consuming it was accepting the dark, dirty truth of my situation. As if taking it was being infected. The chalky, cloying taste wouldn't go away no matter how much water I chugged. Better to be //not// infected than otherwise, though...right? <br><br> My thoughts that night as I went to sleep were consumed with the knowledge that I'd probably need them all. And the gun. Maybe...probably?...more than [[once|HomeBase]]. <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): School gymnasium */ A text before I had left meant that I was headed straight to the 'gym'. It was early in the day so I was a bit curious as to how they were going to make this work, but just like the last time we had taken over the college gymnasium, it was empty when I arrived. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Do you guys...own this school?"<</speechPC>> I shook my head incredulously, half-expecting Angelo to give me an affirmative response. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"No." It was simple, it was unaffected. It told me nothing. "Alice has approved some on-duty training. But we don't have tons of time."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, so I don't get the full EROS training regimen?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"No."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You were //that// impressed with my eval?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if $readDossier == true>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh, I think you know." There was a bit of an edge to that. I had gotten my dossier off of him.<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Angelo">>"Wouldn't you like to know."<</speech>> There was a bite to that. He was digging at me for not having accomplished that first 'mission'. Ouch.<</if>> <<speech "Angelo">>"So. Where should we start?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Isn't sex like EROS 101?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Angelo wasn't having it today. Okay. So...'real' training, I guess. Either my sex skills were up to snuff or they figured I'd pick things up as I went along. And did I really want 'sex training'? Moving on... <br><br> <div id="training"> <<crossroads #training>> <<path $trainedGuns = false>> A spy needs a gun. <<blocked>> $ has already trained in firearms. <<contents>> <<set $trainedGuns = true>> <<Stats Coordination += 2>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Hands holding a handgun */ <<speechPC>>"Handling a gun seems to be very important."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Let's hope you neber get into a situation where you need it."<</speech>> Even as he said it, he was opening the case beside him on the bleachers where two semi-automatic pistols were cradled. He retrieved one, <<speech "Angelo">>"Rudimentary training--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Right, but better than none."<</speechPC>> I stepped over, hand outstretched. He left me waiting, sliding in the magazine, dropping the first one onto his lap before repeating the process with the second weapon. It was only then that he recognized my waiting hand and gave me one of the two killing machines. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Stance."<</speech>> He stood, moving behind me. His manner was gruff and forceful. It seemed as if every part of my body was adjusted: feet, hips, shoulders. He grabbed and moved each of them til he was satisfied. Then his thickset arms levelled along the outside of mine, meaty hands grasping around my wrists and guided my pistol upwards. <<speech "Angelo">>"How does dis peel?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Awkward."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"You are now a weapons platporm."<</speech>> He stood back and gave me a push on the back of my shoulder. I hadn't been expecting it and stumbled, <<speech "Angelo">>"Find the position again."<</speech>> <br><br> What I had thought would have involved a lot of smokeless powder and recoil turned out to be a lengthy 'dance' of me having to find the 'first position' of my gun-pose. Once I had mastered the basic form, he had me assume it from sitting, laying down. He jostled me, he distracted me with conversation, he changed the situation. Again and again he'd call out for me, <<speech "Angelo">>"Now!"<</speech>> He knew how to shock me. I was almost never ready for it. But it didn't take me much to understand the whys of this: if I was going to need to shoot, I wouldn't always be ready or expecting it. <br><br> It was a game of red-light, green-light. And it was exhausting. My muscles tired from being held in the same position over and over. After a few hours, I had the hang of it though. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Now, time to shoot."<</speech>> My arms felt like leaden weights. I didn't //want// to pull the trigger now. Maybe that was the point. Would I be in tip-top form when I needed to use this thing? <br><br> He declared targets in the most unnerving way possible: that second pistol was finally used. He'd pull the trigger and something would now have a hole in it. I jumped at the report of the gunshot. It had seemed like his 'firing position' was assumed like a flash. One moment he was standing still, the pistol hanging in his hand and then there was a flash and bang. It was a time trial. Find the target and use his shot as my own bullseye. <br><br> Some came back-to-back, but most were interrupted by lengthy discussions on his own experiences in deadly combat. It was a lecture as well as a practicum. <br><br> After another two hours, my clip was empty. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"How'd I do?"<</speechPC>> Why was I sweating from simply lifting a pound and a half and pulling a trigger? <br><br> His hand extended for the pistol. I gladly gave it to him, <<speech "Angelo">>"Better than you would have otherwise."<</speech>> No evaluation here. No good job. No places for improvement. Whatever I had done, whatever I had picked up was all that I was going to get. It was going to have to be enough. <br><br> And that was frightening. <br><br> I tried to go home and rest, but couldn't get still. I'd test myself, leaping from bed into stance. I did it naked. I did it in the wet shower. I forced myself to do it right as I felt sleep about to take me. <br><br> When I did sleep, I knew I wanted to avoid taking these skills into use. Hopefully, [[forever|HomeBase]]. <<path $trainedHTH = false>> A spy needs to know how to fight. <<blocked>> $ has already trained in hand-to-hand. <<contents>> <<set $trainedHTH = true>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Hand-chop to the throat */ <<speechPC>>"What about, like..."<</speechPC>> I did my best impression of James Bond doing Krav Maga. <br><br> Angelo shook his head, <<speech "Angelo">>"Zero to MMA session? Bery conpident of yourself, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I blushed, "Still, self-defence and all, or if something goes wrong."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"And it will."<</speech>> He nodded, then warded the thought off with a hand, <<speech "Angelo">>"We can't make you a killing machine, but..." he looked me over with a smile, "We can surprise them."<</speech>> <br><br> I smiled and moved out to the middle of the gym, watching him pull out a mat and let it slap against the hardwood, <<speechPC>>"No one expects a girl to fight."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Exactly. Pirst, you have to know your adbantage."<</speech>> He motioned me to join him on the mat. I popped off my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> and shook out my limbs, slightly hopping side to side, <<speech "Angelo">>"Stop dat."<</speech>> He sighed. <br><br> I nodded, shying. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Height ">> <<if $Body.height gt 1>> <<speech "Angelo">>"You can get toe-to-toe with a man. They'll simply expect you to be shorter. And you aren't."<</speech>> He motioned me over, his hands on my body in a light grapple, "They'll anticipate a diprent center of grabity," With one hand he was guiding my movements, the other hand was trying to take me down. I could feel how my leverage was able to take advantage of his motion and surprisingly, I was able to upend the large man. <<speech "Angelo">>"Exactly!"<</speech>> He clapped his hands together and shoved himself back up off the mat. <<else>> <<speech "Angelo">>"You're a normal woman, which means size is both against you...and por you."<</speech>> He smiled and motioned me towards him, his hands grabbed at my body. At first I thought I was having to figure this out on the go, but he was a good teacher: one hand was attacking me, while the other was subtly guiding my motion. I was able to use my smaller size to dip under him. A foot behind his knee or behind his ankle sent him over me and onto the mat. He clapped his hands, <<speech "Angelo">>"Exactly!"<</speech>> and shoved himself back up. <</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Cool!" He nodded.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"First lesson."<</speech>> With an offer to continue, we repeated the throws and approaches a number of times, including variations and different directions. It was miraculously easy to heft his weight onto the mat time and again. I felt like a badass. <<speech "Angelo">>"Okay, now por less...pair techniques."<</speech>> <br><br> His hand slid down my arm, slowly, kindly and then he drew it quick and just short of his throat. He let go and I tried the attack on my own. He nodded. He tugged my knee up from the underside towards his groin. <<speechPC>>"Heh, yeah //this// one."<</speechPC>> I smiled and tried it on my own. Moving on, he showed me strikes to the inside and outside of his knees, boxing of his ears, upward palm-strikes to his nose. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Now, last resort..."<</speech>> He chuckled and proceeded to guide my foot to drop onto his toes. He mimes bouncing up and down on one foot and I shook my head, rolling my eyes. <<speech "Angelo">>"Still, effective. Now, all dese attacks work just as well against you. Tuck your chin and be ready."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded, gulping slightly as I had only been envisioning these attacks and what they would do to a guy. But that was true, why wouldn't they try and take me out as well? I could just imaging my windpipe crushed, my knee broken, the shock of being hit squarely in the crotch. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Let's practice."<</speech>> We squared up on the mat and unlike the evaluation, this felt far more friendly and slow. When I made a mistake -- which was often -- he stopped us and adjusted and instructed. I got tossed like a doll, but so did he. My skin stung from his pulled punches and attacks, and I could tell I was raising some welts on him as well. <br><br> By the end, I was a sweaty, chest-heaving mess. I dropped onto my ass on the mat and hung my head, recovering. I didn't feel like I had any chance against Angelo if we actually were fighting, but I felt a little bit more confident. I had some tricks up my sleeve and if I did need to get close and violent I had a better sense of what that would feel like and what do to. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Oh, we're not done." He yanked me up off the mat, "Now for some weapons."<</speech>> A small case on the bleachers provided a knife. Despite my exhaustion, he put me through my paces, a real blade threatening my unarmored body. Most of the attacks were very similar to bare hands, but now he taught me disarms and deflections. <<speech "Angelo">>"And sometimes, weapons you don't expect."<</speech>> I laughed, clearly confused. He grabbed the case and threw it at me. I barely ducked in time. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Jesus, Angelo!" He shrugged, unmoved.<</speechPC>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A hand brandishing a pen like a dagger */ <br><br> The case became a bludgeoning weapon and he put me through my paces. Then adding in a pen that came from within. A pad of paper. My own shoe. Found objects suddenly became a reality for me. Anything could be a weapon. <br><br> After a mind-numbing day, I couldn't feel my feet or hands -- they tingled constantly. My arms and legs felt incredibly heavy. My lungs burned. If I had to fight now, I would be a goner. I had some nicks and cuts from the latter portion of our combat, but I'd live. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dere."<</speech>> His padded hands smacked against each other as he 'brushed off' the work of the day. I was glad to see there was at least a sheen on his forehead and wetness at his pits. <<speech "Angelo">>"A lot, but crash course is a crash course."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Go home. Eat. Good job."<</speech>> He ruffled my hair. If I had more of a functioning brain that would have felt demeaning. Instead, I was just glad for it all to be over. <br><br> I didn't bother putting my shoes -- now a potentially deadly device -- back on. I couldn't feel what I was walking on and didn't care. I was thinking about a shower and bed. I took them both in turn and passed [[out|HomeBase]]. <<path $trainedInfil = false>> A spy needs to be able to get where they shouldn't. <<blocked>> $ has already trained in infiltration. <<contents>> <<set $trainedInfil = true>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Login / Password Screen */ <<speechPC>>"There's gotta be something better than me just sneaking around..."<</speechPC>> I laughed, thinking back to all the images I had of maneuvering in vents, ducking around corners, avoiding guards. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Ah, yes. Harder to teach."<</speech>> After a few moments thought, he stood and we left the gymnasium, back towards his 'office'. Nate's office. Alice's office. I couldn't help but sense the previous encounter with him in here. The tail end of my evaluation. I wondered if he was thinking the same. I wasn't going to bring it up, though. <br><br> He sat down in the chair and waved me over to his side while he booted up the computer. The monitor flashed through a series of loading screens, all innocuous, all as if it were just some computer at the University. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hacking?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"You needing to break into a computer, phone or other electonic debice is absolute."<</speech>> A black window popped up on the screen after a few clicks, <<speech "Angelo">>"Hopefully you'll hab someone like me in your ear when it happens. If not, den hopefully you'll remember some of these tricks." The keyboard clacked. I dug into my belongings for a pad of paper. He swatted his hand down over it, "No notes." <</speech>> <br><br> He rose from behind the desk and presented the chair. I could feel the heat of his departure against my back and thighs. I pulled the seat closer to the desk, accounting for our disparate bodies and looked at what seemed to be a login prompt. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Dis program will run you through scenarios where you'll need to gain access. Go ahead. What would you do?"<</speech>> <br><br> I laughed, leaning back in the seat. It only squeaked where for Angelo it would scream. <<speechPC>>"Are sticky notes around?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"You hab what you hab in front of you."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, okay...let's try...password."<</speechPC>> I began plunking keys. He nodded, not upset with my blatant annoyance. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Bepore you try brute porce. Take a look at the screen. What is there besides login and password?"<</speech>> I looked confused, but then began to poke around. Eventually I was able to locate something that gave me an alternate prompt. He nodded with a smile. He introduced me to backdoors. He introduced me to basic bypass commands. He ran me through key combinations and ways to reset the interface that would give me windows of opportunity. We spent about an hour, letting the program present problem after problem until he was content that I had enough baseline that I could at least have somewhere to start should I come across these in the field. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Wow, that's cool."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He nudged me out of the chair, booting down the computer, <<speech "Angelo">>"You'll see cooler things on a real infil. Speaking of...most times you'll need access bepore you can get access."<</speech>> And we were leaving the office. Then we were leaving the school. I heeled, following him intently and curious, wondering where we were headed. Where outside the school was there an EROS setup. <<speech "Angelo">>"Pick one."<</speech>> He motioned at the nearby block. An assortment of homes, commerical properties. <br><br> I was confused, <<speechPC>>"Uh...that one."<</speechPC>> I shrugged, pointing to a convenience store. <br><br> It was the first of a couple that we broke into. He masqueraded first as a technician, despite having no credentials. At a nearby apartment building, he found a loose latch and we were inside someone's home. It was astounding how rapidly he became aware and took advantage of these little gaps in security. It had me appraising things with a whole new set of eyes. <br><br> We meandered back towards RedDoorz, taking pitstops whenever a novel and interesting opportunity presented itself to him. <<speechPC>>"Is just...Filipino security this bad?"<</speechPC>> I laughed after we came out of the back door of a local bank's back office. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"No. America's is worse." <</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So, I guess this is me."<</speechPC>> I commented playfully, standing in front of my digs as if our date was coming to a close. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Exactly. Your turn."<</speech>> <br><br> I gawked, <<speechPC>>"But they //know// me here."<</speechPC>> My mind turned to the cunt at the front counter. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"And they'll know you some places you'll need to do dis as well."<</speech>> He leaned against the metal pole of some scaffolding. His expressionless reaction gave me no other choice: I began climbing the steps. He clucked his tongue, <<speech "Angelo">>"Nuh-uh."<</speech>> <br><br> I sighed and stepped back, looking up and down the facade. It was built into the block so there were no alleys or ways around. But he must have seen something if he discounted my approach that quickly. Hands on my hips, I scanned, and then noticed that the scaffolding he was leaning against would provide the height I needed to scale up and into the hostel. Ugh, I hated that he had given me a clue. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Clothing Worn">> <<if $Body.isWearingDress == true>> Fuuuuck. I was not eager to be climbing this with what I was in. Yet, maybe that was part of the training: be prepared for anything. I grabbed a hold of a crossbar and yanked myself aloft. I felt the breeze and vacancy between my legs as my clothes rode up, giving a full show to Angelo and anyone down below. As embarassing as it was, it also confirmed that despite doing this in broad daylight, no one seemed to care or notice, despite the display. <<else>> I was glad for my attire. I didn't give a second thought as I grabbed a hold of a crossbar and yanked myself aloft. I couldn't help but smile that I was doing this out in broad daylight and no one was screaming or drawing attention to some girl climbing scaffolding. Maybe it spoke to the area of town. <</if>> <br><br> Atop it, I looked down and he nodded, moving to get a better vantage of me as I approached stepped onto the small ledge of the RedDoorz second-floor. One of these windows had to...literally be open. I shook my head and scooted my butt inside, squeezing through the opening and deposited myself in the administrative office. <br><br> I had done what I needed to do, but now I needed to get out and I was certain that Angelo wouldn't have been okay with me just reversing my journey. The door wouldn't be locked from the inside and from the look of things, they didn't care much for people being in here anyway. Wow, that was a lot easier than I had expected. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): 'Fuck You' Post-it on a computer monitor */ Moving to the door, a lightbulb went off. I giggled to myself as I left a little proof of my success: I took a Post-It and wrote "Fuck You" before swatting it on the small monitor. I wished I would be able to see her face, but it was a victory all the same. <br><br> I headed out the door and descended the stairs, garnering a slight look of confusion from her because she hadn't remembered me coming in, but saw her dismiss it just as handily. <<speechPC>>"Did it!"<</speechPC>> I said as I crossed the threshold, but he was gone. <br><br> Lesson over, I returned to my room and tried my hand at a little subterfuge online, trying to access random forums or sites, it was interesting and a good little test with little risk, I hadn't become some super-hacker. Instead, it mostly kept me occupied for the rest of the [[evening|HomeBase]]. <<path $trainedSurv = false>> A spy needs to be hyperaware. <<blocked>> $ has already trained in surveillance. <<contents>> <<set $trainedSurv = true>> <<Stats Perception += 2>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A cluster of co-eds talking in a hallway */ <<speechPC>>"Might need to follow someone."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>He nodded, "Depinitely. Come on."<</speech>> We left the gymnasium and began navigating the halls of the college. <<speech "Angelo">>"Pirst, it's important to understand people. What do you understand about...her--"<</speech>> a gentle nod of his head and I was looking at some co-ed. Why had he picked her? Did it matter? He and I pulled up nearby within eyeline and earshot, but as if we were just conversing the same way she was. <br><br> I watched. I listened. <<speechPC>>"Um. She's really into this TikTok trend--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>He clucked his tongue, "Important things: who does she like most out of the people there? What would be a vector of approach?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh. That guy...there." I tried to point as subtly as possible.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Yes, he'd be the one to approach to get closer to her. Why?" I had nothing, "He is the lowest rung of their social ladder, so having you around would elevate him. And her?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Tell me." I laughed, really intrigued.<</speechPC>> <br><br> He leaned in close, his lips brushing at my ear as he whispered the tells and indicators of who she valued in their group. We continued down the hallway and he began testing the identifiers as he ennumerated them to me. None of these cliques or dynamics actually mattered, but the human behavior was telling. And it was all encompassing: we were social creatures so our behavior was similar across varied people. And that was what he was trying to get across. We told a lot about ourselves simply in the way we acted. <br><br> It went beyond who was showing wealth without having it, or other covers and masks. It was the //why// behind them. It was how these differences would help me identify someone and be able to figure out a way to get in their circle. Things people did naturally every day, but this was more systematic and purposeful. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Okay. Now a tail."<</speech>> <<if $ACTI.followed == true>>The memory of being followed back at home came forward all of a sudden. The feeling of someone pursuing me and not being able to know who it was, just knowing it was happening. It had already happened to me before I had been in the thick of all this spy stuff. Or maybe I always had been.<</if>> We continued down the halls until he decided on someone <<speech "Angelo">>"She's heading home."<</speech>> I didn't ask him how he knew. I knew he knew. <<speech "Angelo">>"Follow her there."<</speech>> <br><br> I turned to ask how. I hadn't been given any training! He wasn't there. Fuuuck. I looked around, incredulous at his disappearance and then I realized: he would be tailing me. So it was twofold: tail and be tailed. Was I supposed to out him or was I suppoed to not be outed? Which mattered more to him? <br><br> Before I got too in my own thoughts I turned back and luckily it was just in time to see her turn the corner. A little hop-skip and I was moving to keep pace. <br><br> It felt like I was in a spy movie. I was lurking around corners, I was dipping between people. And I kept coming back to the thought that this felt to easy...because she didn't matter, she wasn't someone concerned with being pursued. Well, beyond as much as any woman does. But I wasn't a threat to her. <br><br> So that wasn't the test. <br><br> We were back by the park where Nate had indoctrinated me when I decided to change tacks. I had to figure out where Angelo was. He was a big fucker too. This shouldn't be hard. We were out in the open. <br><br> Another couple of blocks and I was becoming infuriated. I was clocking the same men over and over again -- one I was certain was actually following me, the perv -- but no sign of Angelo. Maybe he wasn't tailing me at all. Maybe he was taking the afternoon off and this was all a wild goose chase. <br><br> So I decided I needed to lose him. /* IMAGE (Needed): A man peeking from an alleyway */ <br><br> I wasn't going to play his game any longer. My target had gotten into the neighborhood on the far side of the park and I took it as an oppotunity to move. I took a left when I knew he would be expecting me to take a right. <br><br> And ran right into him. <<speechPC>>"NGH!"<</speechPC>> I grunted as my body collided with him. <<speechPC>>"Shit, Angelo."<</speechPC>> I smacked him on the chest. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>He chuckled, "It's allright. Nice try though. Let's get you back home." <</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"But I didn't //learn// anything."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"I needed to see what you knew and didn't. What came naturally." He gave me a squeeze on the shoulder. <</speech>> <br><br> Our travels took us back towards the RedDoorz and on the trip he talked about what he had been doing the whole time. It wasn't sitting on a bench with a newspaper. It wasn't looking at reflections in mirrors. It was the assumption of continuance. If you weren't made yet -- and that had to be the assumption -- the person you were tailing had no reason to change their behavior. So it was about understanding their paths and where they were likely to go. Not following them directly, but through vectors and varying approaches. <br><br> It was interesting, but I'd have to try it sometime on me own. No teacher better than doing. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Well, um thanks, Angelo."<</speechPC>> I waved to him as I climbed the steps 'home'. <br><br> <<speech "Angelo">>"Might help you on your day-to-day as well." In that he was right. I'd feel safer now walking these foreign streets.<</speech>> <br><br> That night I decided to watch a Jason Bourne film, just to enjoy their version of the tail. It was so much more epic and intense. I guess I'd be glad if they were more mundane in my [[case|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <div id="cheat"> <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "reluctant">> <<face crying runny>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<Stats Confident -=2>> <<Stats Sophisticated -= 2>> <<Stats Suggestible += 2>> <br><br> Everything about this mission was so counter to who I was. <<print $>>. And here I was, actively throwing away everything I knew about myself. <br><br> In one fell swoop, I had changed. I was different. <br><br> Who was I now? <br><br> What would I turn into? <br><br> Would I recognize myself on the other side? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. The...differences...between them and what I had just experienced. And there was no way they'd ever know. Especially now. I was going to be half-way around the //world//. <br><br> Which was fucking fantastic, because how this was all turning out? Well, they'd have bene getting hurt...a LOT. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cheating")>> I could compartmentalize. I had a job to do. <br><br> And...hate to say it, but I kinda liked thinking about how I had just cucked <<print $>>. Them, sitting back at home, unaware to what I had just done. <br><br> Someone else getting what <<print $>> deserved...and wouldn't be getting. <<else>> As much as I wanted to compartmentalize and say I had a job to do, this wasn't simply cheating. This wasn't your run-of-the-mill infidelity that I had done before, that I had done to them. <br><br> This wasn't really my choice. It didn't feel empowering. It felt like I was punishing them. <br><br> Could I really keep doing this to them? <br><br> <<crossroads #cheat>> <<path>> It was fine. Soldier on, $ I'd be coming back to them in the end anyway, and that's all that mattered. These didn't mean anything. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gt $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> <</if>> I'd tough it out. <br><br> I just didn't want to think about detailing this 'affair' to them later. <br><br> I felt awful about who I was. <<path>> I couldn't, in good conscience keep doing this to us. And the only solution I saw was to end us. <<contents>> <<set $ = "free">> <<face sad>> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me. <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gte 3>> <<set $ = "free">> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. <br><br> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me. <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <<else>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? They could //never// find out. <br><br> It was both a relief and scary at how easy it would be to hide it from them...far, far away. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gt $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<shake 5s>> ' 'FUCK!'' WHAT WAS I DOING?! <</shake>> <br><br> Defiling myself. <br><br> Defiling our relationship. <br><br> I felt so incredibly dirty. I felt disgusted with myself. <br><br> No matter how many times I tried to convince myself that these choices were out of my hands, I was still the one doing these things. Still subjecting myself and <<print $>> (in absentia) to this degrading, awful infidelity. <br><br> Could I really keep this up? It felt like it was eating me up from the inside. <br><br> Was I going to let myself be consumed or just give in? <br><br> <<crossroads #cheat>> <<path>> I could make it. //We// could make it. Soldier on, $ <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face sad>> I'd tough it out. <br><br> I just didn't want to think about detailing this 'affair' to them later. <br><br> I felt awful about who I was. <<path>> I couldn't, in good conscience keep doing this to us. And the only solution I saw was to end us. <<contents>> <<set $ = "free">> <<face crying runny>> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me. <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <</crossroads>> <<else>> Deep breaths. Pressing my fingernails into the palms of my hands. Don't think about what I just did. <br><br> There were extenuating circumstances. <br><br> Still. This wasn't fair to them. It was painful as fuck for me. <br><br> And it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. That was evident. <br><br> <<crossroads #cheat>> <<path>> I could make it. //We// could make it. Soldier on, $ <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face sad>> I'd tough it out. <br><br> I just didn't want to think about detailing this 'affair' to them later. <br><br> I felt awful about who I was. <<path>> I couldn't, in good conscience keep doing this to us. And the only solution I saw was to end us. <<contents>> <<set $ = "free">> <<face crying runny>> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me. <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <</if>> </div>
<<if previous() is "M000 - Mall">> <<state tired>> <</if>> <div id="clubbin"> It felt a little...bad?...weird? to be planning on going out and having a good time tonight. And that it was equivalent to being a 'good little agent' and be pursuing my mission to the best of my abilities. It felt a little like cheating. Like slacking. But also...ALSO...who would think that a girl like me, dancing her heart out on the dance floor would be trying to infiltrate some deep, dark organization. Nobody. It was the //perfect// cover, in my mind. <br><br> And if it happened to be fun and easy too? What was the harm. <br><br> If this were a normal day of going out, under normal conditions, I'd have had __someone__ to go with me, but today it was solo. Not even Angelo. As I laid in bed, lazing most of the day away, I made a mental note that I'd need to make some friends. Maybe that'd happen tonight. <br><br> Irrespective, it'd be normal and expected for someone like me to find some kind of community and commonality...especially if I was going to be here for a while. Or I'd be a lonely, depressed bitch. <br><br> I didn't want the latter to be a part of my legend. I also didn't want to be lonely or depressed. I didn't know Manila or the Philippines nor how people really connected here and mulled over different options besides the club. It also might be a bit dangerous to find 'friends' that were frequenters of a place I was trying to infiltrate. Might be a little too close to home, a little too close to hide my true intentions. <br><br> Hmm. Something to think about. <br><br> I wondered if there was a tactic or manual the agency had for building up friends and community when agents were out in the field. Was it encouraged? Outright denied? There were certainly benefits to not being a true-blue agent. I got to do shit how I wanted to. And if they were as desperate as they seemed to be -- to need //me// -- to save the world, well, then they'd need to deal with my approach. <br><br> I'll re-write the book on how to be an EROS agent. <br><br> Or prove them right. <br><br> I pushed that invasive thought away and forced myself out of bed to get <<link "dressed">><<showDossier wardrobe>><</link>>, apply some makeup and get ready for the evening out. <br><br> A new, particle board door swung open with the barest of touches, cheap and light. I stood in front of my clothing hanging there in what used to be a poorly-maintained maintenance closet (the irony was profound). I wasn't living out of a suitcase anymore and I took a moment to reflect on the beginnings of what was becoming home. This would be my wardrobe. That scary gash of a space that abutted my room -- and spoke to this space at one time was //not// a 'hotel' room, but a slap-dash add-on for more income -- was going to be reappropriated for something useful. My clothing hid the poor patchwork in back, and the touch of 'me' gave a warmer, personal touch to what had originally been so scary. <br><br> I shook off the reverie and got ready. I was eager to head out and have some fun. Sure, I was still 'on the clock' -- when wouldn't I be? -- but I could also enjoy myself, unwind a bit, and relieve some of the insane pressure that had been put on my shoulders. <br><br> I was ready to <<link "party">><<replace "#clubbin">> <<skillChecked "Clothing Worn">> It was definitely the time and day for going out, moving down the hallway past other dyads and triads that were in different states of preparedness for the evening -- pregaming and anticipation were ripe in the air. I felt a little pang heading past them -- scooting by and excusing myself when there wasn't much room -- I missed having my own crew, my own group of friends that I could go out with. That was something I'd need to rectify as soon as possible, lest I go mad. I needed it for my cover anyway. What girl my age would be running solo in places like I needed to go? It would raise eyebrows, or say things about me that I didn't need being said. Also, it would be dangerous trying to forge onward in solidarity. Sure, I had a...powerful?...government agency behind me, but it would be easier and safer if I had normies around me. Like a first line of defense. Then I'd only need to drop the EROS hammer if it was really required. Or if they saw things that I didn't. I hoped they were watching. I hoped they cared. <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingHeels>> My feet were already starting to complain as I hoofed it over to the club, managing the hard concrete that was far past the 'need repairs' report to the local municipality. <<else>> My footwear might not have been the most 'party' I could have chosen, but I welcomed the comfort. And fuck it, I could make anything look cute. <</if>> I headed directly there, not really sure if that was a good thing to do or a bad thing to do. Were people even watching some random American chick walking to clubs? I dismissed the worry out of hand and approached the hole in the wall that was Club ZZYZX. <br><br> <<if visited("M002 - ClubJob")>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Bouncer at a club door */ It was Karl and I couldn't help but give him a little smile, <<speechPC>>"Hey."<</speechPC>> He nodded, raising an eyebrow, <<speech "Karl">>"Must really love this place, huh. Ya know, I could give you //dozens// of other options nearby..."<</speech>> I shook my head, giving his ropey arm a squeeze as I passed.<<else>>It was a different bouncer than the other night, but this one also barely looked up when I approached. Female prerogative at clubs: no need for ID or cover. We were the attraction. <</if>> I shuddered as I passed the door into the hazy hallway. Sure, the AC was being pumped hard to fill the space and it was a stark contrast to the heat and humidity outside, but there was also a new tinge to coming here: it was the den of enemy. Or at least //a// den. Before it was just some club, a shitty club, but it had no nefarious edge otherwise. The only thing I was worried about before was the random club-goer, not terrorists or underworld warlords. <br><br> Rounding the corner into the main room, I took a breath, slowing my pace and really taking in the space. The DJ stage, mostly obscured and above the dance floor. The pedestals topped with scantily-clad go go dancers that peppered the area above the crowd of swaying bodies. The bar that ran along the far wall with a number of all-female tenders -- they were also wearing little, but more than their dancing cohorts. The scant and (probably) sketchy couches that adorned the wall perpendicular to the dance floor; little lounging areas spotted with tables large enough for an ice bucket and little else. The women that lounged there were almost exclusively 'ladies of the night', and ladies was a loose term, most of their ages was questionable at best. And then there was the surging crowd of people moving between the door and the dance floor, mostly male, mostly Eastern. <br><br> Besides the sexual selling present, you'd be hard-pressed to call this any more of a haven for evil than any other club I'd been to. Maybe that spoke more to my broadening understanding of the world than anything else. <br><br> I had taken enough time appraising the place. I'd look like a doe in headlights if I stood around aimlessly like this for too much longer. Time to decide what mattered most to me tonight. How would I try and uncover leads? Or did I just...not care. <br><br> <div id="Night1"> <<crossroads #Night1>> <<path>> I could try to surveil from the center of everything. Hide in plain sight and amongst the crowd. Dancing and discovering. <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> Yeah, don't mind me, I'm just a [[party girl|M002 - Night1Dance]]. <<path>> What better way to strike up conversation with people than over beverages. Just needed to be mindful of my intake. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> Yeah, don't mind me, I'm just lookin to get my [[free drinks|M002 - Night1Drink]]! <<path>> Eh, I needed to avoid the draw of pleasure and focus on the mission at hand. Poke around, talk to people. Who was going to think twice about a curious American girl? <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> Yeah, don't mind me. What danger is a girl [[anyway|M002 - Night1Investigate]]? <</crossroads>> </div> <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<skillChecked "Employment">> A second night at the club as a patron. <br><br> The first time had given my a lay of the land, but hadn't provided much in the way of my mission. Tonight that would need to change. I tugged at the hemline of my <<link "outfit">><<showDossier wardrobe>><</link>> and nodded to myself, resolved. <br><br><br> <<if $employedZZYZX is true>> <<speech "Bouncer">>"Oh, hey <<print $>>..." the bouncer at the door looked a little surprised to see me.<</speech>> <br><br> Smiling, I waved back, <<speechPC>>"Hey."<</speechPC>> walking past him as if I owned the joint. Because I did, in a way. I was golden. I was a cute American girl going to a lower-end club. I was who they //wanted// here. And I ''needed'' to be here. What a perfect combination! <br><br> Front door entry and back door entry into the place that was my place of work, place of fun...a place I just //had// to be all the time! And little did they know why. <br><br> Shivering with excitement and the chill of the inside of the club, I began to feel comfortable. Like this was home. Weird home, but at rather this feel like home over RedDoorz. <br><br> The music thumped, vibrating my chest under my outfit. I could feel it in my bones. <<speechPC>>"Woo!"<</speechPC>> I cried out to no one in particular, hopping up and down and making my way to the dance floor. <br><br> Okay. Focus, <<print $>>. What was the gameplan? <br><br> My head flicked back. I felt a sudden, sharp pain at my scalp and I was losing my footing, <<speech "Female Attacker">>"'Merican cunt!"<</speech>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A female hand grabbing a fistful of hair */ <br><br> <<skillChecked "Training, Background" "Coordination" "Athletics">> <<if $trainedHTH == true>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> A flash of my evaluation. A flash of my time on the mat with Angelo. It came to me instinctively. I twisted and used the grip she had on //me// against ''her''. She had no idea what hit her. She was splayed out on the club floor like a discarded doll. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What was that?"<</speechPC>> I retorted with the calm that would have impressed Connery, flicking my hair back in place. <br><br> Before the stunned woman -- skin the color of coffee -- had a chance to collect herself or respond, I was set upon again. This time my arms were restrained and by someone who felt comparable to Angelo in strength. I grit my teeth and twisted, trying to see my attacker. Peaches?! Shit. Then I realized she was standing in front of me, fury raging in her eyes -- or that was the laser light show. My real attacker was her pitbull: the bouncer from the front door. <<speech "Tao">>"Are you going to behave yourself?"<</speech>> The tone was firm. It was directed at //me//. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Excuse me? Tao?! She--"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"These stupid 'merican //cunts//." The instigator had recovered. "Comin' here. Our country. Think dey own everything. Fuck off to where you came prom. We had enough of 'merica here. You been here long enough."<</speech>> The short woman with a bob was letting this bitch get her diatribe in while just staring at me. <br><br> The Filipino tried to hit me, but the bouncer -- even grappling me -- was able to protect me from those wildly swinging hands. She had long nails. I was glad she hadn't used those in her sneak attack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"She attacked me."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tao">>"You don't play where you work." Shit. Working here was a bonus, but...sword cut both ways.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"No, I know. I this place."<</speechPC>> The grip behind me relaxed. I hadn't noticed any order given from the little lady in charge. <<speech "Tao">>"Then don't piss off my patrons."<</speech>> And with that I was left alone, wringing my wrists and trying to bottle up how infuriated I was. Total reversal. Victor to vanquished in a moment. I had gone from 'golden one' to 'hated one' raaather quick. <br><br> Okay. Play nice. If I was getting noticed, I had to be a //wanted// patron. This had been a good lesson that hopefully hadn't really cost me anything. <br><br> Lesson noted, I made sure I knew where the feisty Filipino was before I returned to my [[gameplan|M002 - Night2]]. <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 3 || $CC.hsv == "gang" || $UN.extracurricular == "workout">> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> Ohhhhh, no bitch. It wasn't my first rodeo and she was going to find out how much of a bucking bitch I was. <br><br> My hand shot out to return the favor, grabbing her hair and twisting -- pulling her to me. Feeing her weight approaching and the surprised squeal, I now had a target. <br><br> Elbow connected to her ribs and the grip in my mane relaxed. I turned to watch her stumble, clutching her midsection and collapsing on the floor like a discarded doll. Ferocity to wounded princess in a second flat. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What was that?"<</speechPC>> I retorted with the calm that would have impressed Connery, flicking my hair back in place. <br><br> Before the stunned woman -- skin the color of coffee -- had a chance to collect herself or respond, I was set upon again. This time my arms were restrained and by someone who surprisingly was able to restrain me easily. I grit my teeth and twisted, trying to see my attacker. Peaches?! Shit. Then I realized she was standing in front of me, fury raging in her eyes -- or that was the laser light show. My real attacker was her pitbull: the bouncer from the front door. <<speech "Tao">>"Are you going to behave yourself?"<</speech>> The tone was firm. It was directed at //me//. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Excuse me? Tao?! She--"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"These stupid 'merican //cunts//." The instigator had recovered. "Comin' here. Our country. Think dey own everything. Fuck off to where you came prom. We had enough of 'merica here. You been here long enough."<</speech>> The short woman with a bob was letting this bitch get her diatribe in while just staring at me. <br><br> The Filipino tried to hit me, but the bouncer -- even grappling me -- was able to protect me from those wildly swinging hands. She had long nails. I was glad she hadn't used those in her sneak attack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"She attacked me."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tao">>"You don't play where you work." Shit. Working here was a bonus, but...sword cut both ways.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"No, I know. I this place."<</speechPC>> The grip behind me relaxed. I hadn't noticed any order given from the little lady in charge. <<speech "Tao">>"Then don't piss off my patrons."<</speech>> And with that I was left alone, wringing my wrists and trying to bottle up how infuriated I was. Total reversal. Victor to vanquished in a moment. I had gone from 'golden one' to 'hated one' raaather quick. <br><br> Okay. Play nice. If I was getting noticed, I had to be a //wanted// patron. This had been a good lesson that hopefully hadn't really cost me anything. <br><br> Lesson noted, I made sure I knew where the feisty Filipino was before I returned to my [[gameplan|M002 - Night2]]. <<else>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> I was shocked. A catfight? But why? Why //me//?! <br><br> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"Dat's right. You don't belong here."<</speech>> Any move I made made it worse. But now I heard her. I knew where she was. I swung an arm and hit her. I think it was her. I hoped it was her. <br><br> Her hand twisted in my hair eliciting a sharp yelp. I flicked out a foot. I connected with her again. That time I knew it was her because her hand relented. <br><br> I turned hard and I was a fury of hands. My fingers rigid and using the claws that nature gave me. It was nothing new to her. She returned the favor. We were scrabbling, grabbing, scratching and ducking, tight against each other. The only thing that was saving us was that we both didn't want to ruin our clothes or makeup. It would happen, there would be blood and it would be-- <br><br> I was set upon again. This time my arms were restrained and by someone who had no trouble resisting me. I grit my teeth and twisted, trying to see my attacker. Peaches?! Shit. Then I realized she was standing in front of me, fury raging in her eyes -- or that was the laser light show. My real attacker was her pitbull: the bouncer from the front door. <<speech "Tao">>"Are you going to behave yourself?" The tone was firm. It was directed at //me//.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Excuse me? Tao?! She--"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"These stupid 'merican //cunts//." The instigator had recovered. "Comin' here. Our country. Think dey own everything. Fuck off to where you came prom. We had enough of 'merica here. You been here long enough."<</speech>> The short woman with a bob was letting this bitch get her diatribe in while just staring at me. <br><br> The Filipino tried to hit me, but the bouncer -- even grappling me -- was able to protect me from those wildly swinging hands. She had long nails. I was glad she hadn't used those in her sneak attack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"She attacked me."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tao">>"You don't play where you work." Shit. Working here was a bonus, but...sword cut both ways.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"No, I know. I this place."<</speechPC>> The grip behind me relaxed. I hadn't noticed any order given from the little lady in charge. <<speech "Tao">>"Then don't piss off my patrons."<</speech>> And with that I was left alone, wringing my wrists and trying to bottle up how infuriated I was. Total reversal. Victor to vanquished in a moment. I had gone from 'golden one' to 'hated one' raaather quick. <br><br> Okay. Play nice. If I was getting noticed, I had to be a //wanted// patron. This had been a good lesson that hopefully hadn't really cost me anything. <br><br> Lesson noted, I made sure I knew where the feisty Filipino was before I returned to my [[gameplan|M002 - Night2]]. <</if>> <<else>> <div id="night2"> <<skillChecked "Training, Background" "Coordination" "Athletics">> I think the bouncer even perked up seeing me again. Was he the one from the other night? I couldn't tell. I hadn't been paying attention then. Fuck. I needed to be paying attention //all// the time. <br><br> But his noticing me -- he noticed me, right? -- energized me on this new night and new me. <br><br> I even waved to him. Not a response. I was golden. I was a cute American girl going to a lower-end club. I was who they //wanted// here. And I ''needed'' to be here. What a perfect combination! <br><br> Shivering with excitement and the chill of the inside of the club, I began to feel comfortable. Like this was home. Weird home, but at rather this feel like home over RedDoorz. <br><br> The music thumped, vibrating my chest under my outfit. I could feel it in my bones. "Woo!" I cried out to no one in particular, hopping up and down and making my way to the dance floor. <br><br> Okay. Focus, <<print $>>. What was the gameplan? <br><br> My head flicked back. I felt a sudden, sharp pain at my scalp and I was losing my footing, <<speech "Female Attacker">>"'Merican cunt!"<</speech>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A female hand grabbing a fistful of hair */ <<if $trainedHTH == true>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> A flash of my evaluation. A flash of my time on the mat with Angelo. It came to me instinctively. I twisted and used the grip she had on //me// against ''her''. She had no idea what hit her. She was splayed out on the club floor like a discarded doll. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What was that?"<</speechPC>> I retorted with the calm that would have impressed Connery, flicking my hair back in place. <br><br> Before the stunned woman -- skin the color of coffee -- had a chance to collect herself or respond, I was set upon again. This time my arms were restrained and by someone who felt comparable to Angelo in strength. I grit my teeth and twisted, trying to see my attacker. At first I thought it was this short Asian woman who looked vaguely familiar. Then I realized she was standing in front of me, fury raging in her eyes -- or that was the laser light show. My real attacker was her pitbull: the bouncer from the front door. <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"Are you going to behave yourself?"<</speech>> The tone was firm. It was directed at //me//. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Excuse me? She--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"These stupid 'merican //cunts//." The instigator had recovered. "Comin' here. Our country. Think dey own everything. Fuck off to where you came prom. We had enough of 'merica here. You been here long enough."<</speech>> The short woman with a bob was letting this bitch get her diatribe in while just staring at me. <br><br> The Filipino tried to hit me, but the bouncer -- even grappling me -- was able to protect me from those wildly swinging hands. She had long nails. I was glad she hadn't used those in her sneak attack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"She attacked me."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"You going to be regular here? Seen you here few times. You know there's other clubs."<</speech>> Shit. I was getting //noticed//? That can't be good, right? Though how surprising was it. I was unique. It had literally been my edge here all along. Sword cut both ways. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No, I know. I this place."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The grip behind me relaxed. I hadn't noticed any order given from the little lady in charge. <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"Then don't piss off my patrons."<</speech>> And with that I was left alone, wringing my wrists and trying to bottle up how infuriated I was. Total reversal. Victor to vanquished in a moment. I had gone from 'golden one' to 'hated one' raaather quick. <br><br> Okay. Play nice. If I was getting noticed, I had to be a //wanted// patron. This had been a good lesson that hopefully hadn't really cost me anything. <br><br> Lesson noted, I made sure I knew where the feisty Filipino was before I returned to my [[gameplan|M002 - Night2]]. <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 3 || $CC.hsv == "gang" || $UN.extracurricular == "workout">> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> Ohhhhh, no bitch. It wasn't my first rodeo and she was going to find out how much of a bucking bitch I was. <br><br> My hand shot out to return the favor, grabbing her hair and twisting -- pulling her to me. Feeing her weight approaching and the surprised squeal, I now had a target. <br><br> Elbow connected to her ribs and the grip in my mane relaxed. I turned to watch her stumble, clutching her midsection and collapsing on the floor like a discarded doll. Ferocity to wounded princess in a second flat. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What was that?"<</speechPC>> I retorted with the calm that would have impressed Connery, flicking my hair back in place. <br><br> Before the stunned woman -- skin the color of coffee -- had a chance to collect herself or respond, I was set upon again. This time my arms were restrained and by someone who had surprisingly no issue controlling me. I grit my teeth and twisted, trying to see my attacker. At first I thought it was this short Asian woman who looked vaguely familiar. Then I realized she was standing in front of me, fury raging in her eyes -- or that was the laser light show. My real attacker was her pitbull: the bouncer from the front door. <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"Are you going to behave yourself?"<</speech>> The tone was firm. It was directed at //me//. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Excuse me? She--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"These stupid 'merican //cunts//." The instigator had recovered. "Comin' here. Our country. Think dey own everything. Fuck off to where you came prom. We had enough of 'merica here. You been here long enough."<</speech>> The short woman with a bob was letting this bitch get her diatribe in while just staring at me. <br><br> The Filipino tried to hit me, but the bouncer -- even grappling me -- was able to protect me from those wildly swinging hands. She had long nails. I was glad she hadn't used those in her sneak attack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"She attacked me."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"You going to be regular here? Seen you here few times. You know there's other clubs."<</speech>> Shit. I was getting //noticed//? That can't be good, right? Though how surprising was it. I was unique. It had literally been my edge here all along. Sword cut both ways. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No, I know. I this place."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The grip behind me relaxed. I hadn't noticed any order given from the little lady in charge. <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"Then don't piss off my patrons."<</speech>> And with that I was left alone, wringing my wrists and trying to bottle up how infuriated I was. Total reversal. Victor to vanquished in a moment. I had gone from 'golden one' to 'hated one' raaather quick. <br><br> Okay. Play nice. If I was getting noticed, I had to be a //wanted// patron. This had been a good lesson that hopefully hadn't really cost me anything. <br><br> Lesson noted, I made sure I knew where the feisty Filipino was before I returned to my [[gameplan|M002 - Night2]]. <<else>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> I was shocked. A catfight? But why? Why //me//?! <br><br> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"Dat's right. You don't belong here."<</speech>> Any move I made made it worse. But now I heard her. I knew where she was. I swung an arm and hit her. I think it was her. I hoped it was her. <br><br> Her hand twisted in my hair eliciting a sharp yelp. I flicked out a foot. I connected with her again. That time I knew it was her because her hand relented. <br><br> I turned hard and I was a fury of hands. My fingers rigid and using the claws that nature gave me. It was nothing new to her. She returned the favor. We were scrabbling, grabbing, scratching and ducking, tight against each other. The only thing that was saving us was that we both didn't want to ruin our clothes or makeup. It would happen, there would be blood and it would be-- <br><br> I was set upon again. This time my arms were restrained and by someone who had no trouble resisting me. I grit my teeth and twisted, trying to see my attacker. At first I thought it was this short Asian woman who looked vaguely familiar. Then I realized she was standing in front of me, fury raging in her eyes -- or that was the laser light show. My real attacker was her pitbull: the bouncer from the front door. <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"Are you going to behave yourself?"<</speech>> The tone was firm. It was directed at //me//. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Excuse me? She--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Female Attacker">>"These stupid 'merican //cunts//." The instigator had recovered. "Comin' here. Our country. Think dey own everything. Fuck off to where you came prom. We had enough of 'merica here. You been here long enough."<</speech>> The short woman with a bob was letting this bitch get her diatribe in while just staring at me. <br><br> The Filipino tried to hit me, but the bouncer -- even grappling me -- was able to protect me from those wildly swinging hands. She had long nails. I was glad she hadn't used those in her sneak attack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"She attacked me."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"You going to be regular here? Seen you here few times. You know there's other clubs."<</speech>> Shit. I was getting //noticed//? That can't be good, right? Though how surprising was it. I was unique. It had literally been my edge here all along. Sword cut both ways. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No, I know. I this place."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The grip behind me relaxed. I hadn't noticed any order given from the little lady in charge. <<speech "Chinese Woman">>"Then don't piss off my patrons."<</speech>> And with that I was left alone, wringing my wrists and trying to bottle up how infuriated I was. Total reversal. Victor to vanquished in a moment. I had gone from 'golden one' to 'hated one' raaather quick. <br><br> Okay. Play nice. If I was getting noticed, I had to be a //wanted// patron. This had been a good lesson that hopefully hadn't really cost me anything. <br><br> Lesson noted, I made sure I knew where the feisty Filipino was before I returned to my [[gameplan|M002 - Night2]]. <</if>> </div> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/M002-Night1Dance.png">> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> Raising my arms over my head, I pressed my way into the crowd, hips beginning to sway in opposition to my head. The DJ was good, or at least whatever baseline he was using. <br><br> I danced my way through the growing crowd, noticing the many, //many// male eyes on me for being...well, not from around here. Different was going to be a boon and a bane. I was more obvious, more interesting, more desireable, all of which was a double-edged sword. I just had to know how to wield it. <<skillChecked "Need for attention">> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>>But fuck did it feel //great//. Everyone was noticing me. I felt like Aphrodite.<<else>>Whoo buddy, I was going to hafta get used to this. It was like the sensation I had back home was increased ten-fold. It felt exposing and scary.<</if>> <br><br> Attractive, young woman, apparently alone. It was unsurprising that my bubble was invaded almost right away. The sharks were on the hunt and I looked to be the tastiest tuna on the floor. <br><br> And now the true dance began. It wasn't finding the right rhythm between me and the random partner who had his hands on my hips. It was judging whether that partner could be anything more than some random club guy. It was playing the part of a girl out for fun. It was ensuring that I wasn't corralled by any single person. It was keeping my wits and eyes on everything __except__ the guy I was dancing with. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Wiles" "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 4>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Callum")>> I gave my name so many times. I was glad in these moments that my legend was, just, ''me''. Their hot, sweaty breath came with questions about why I was here, was I with anyone, was I American. It also came with occasional bites and tugs at my earlobe, bold kisses -- and in one case a lick. They were disappointed as most of them were left rigid in their pants and with me disappearing into the crowd with nary a goodbye. <br><br> It came relatively easy to me, the teasing and hints of interest...just enough to play the part, but nothing that committed me to anything more. <br><br> Even still, it was hard to really get a bead on anything in the midst of the swaying, swollen sea of people. Lights, haze, and bodies were a natural camouflage to anything that might have been going on. I couldn't really keep tabs on the comings and goings. So I made the switch from surveillance of the Club operations to finding someone //in// the crowd who might matter in some way, shape or form. <br><br> I pried what I could from them before I had to pry them off of me. Unsurprisingly, they were mostly just hard-up and desperate men who had paid the cover to get inside here on the chance that there'd be some girl willing to let them inside //her//. Some raved about knowing the ins and outs of Manila, or had some places they wanted to show me, but I was coming up short. A lack of leads, tired legs, a body coated in god-knows-who's sweat, and my clothing would probably need two steamings to get out all the wrinkles and creases. <br><br> That was, until I heard the shocking Western accent chuckling in my ear, "Who'd have thought I'd come all this way and find a girl from back home?" <br><br> I chuckled along with his joke. He wasn't American, but I wouldn't dispel him of the notion straight away. I smirked over my shoulder, <<speechPC>>"Well, hello."<</speechPC>> He was a tall, widely-built Scotsman(?), bald and easily twice my age. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Ah, shite." He laughed, pressing his hips against me to counter-point his dissatisfaction, "American."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I look...Scottish?"<</speechPC>> The meat and give of my ass rubbed up and down against his crotch, entertaining the beginnings of an erection. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Maybe I was hoping. You look differen' than everyone else here."<</speech>> What followed was playful banter and while he was groping and grinding as much as any of the guys before, it felt less predatory and more like kinship in a far-flung territory for both of us. And it turned out he was here on 'business' -- not interesting, but just laughed off any inquiries into what the business was -- interesting. <br><br> So after a requisite amount of flirtation, dancing, and teasing, I offered a break (which I was more than happy to receive) to grab a drink and lounge a bit. Callum -- that was his name -- headed off to grab me a vodka tonic while I found us a place to lounge off to the side. <br><br> My feet screamed out in rapture when I dropped myself back into the sofa and I was tired enough not to think about what it might have been soaked and stained with over its life here at Club ZZYZX. <<speechPC>>"So, Callum," I beamed up at him as I retrieved my drink and greedily 'rehydrated', "Why ZZYZX?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Coul' ask the same thing of you."<</speech>> Age had turned former muscle to...less so...and it became much more apparent as his arm swung around behind me and pulled me close. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Clothing Worn">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Hand pushing up a skirt between thighs */ I told him the truth, which is that I was scoping things out, new in town and that my digs were close and this was convenient. I was just looking for a night out and didn't need anything too fancy. His other hand dipped between my legs, pressing upward insistently as we chatted. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>>And, fuck, I was easy access <<print $>> tonight. I felt the pads of his fingers flutter at sensitive bare skin. There was only me between him...and me.<</if>> I tried to slightly dissuade him, but I still needed to get a bit more understanding of Callum before I could end this encounter. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"This neck of the woods? Ach, sorry, dearie." So he was staying elsewhere. Why trek down to this neighborhood and //this// lower-end club. Sure, he might be trying to pull as a big fish in a small pond. Or... "Didn't plan on it meself, victim of circumstance and locality of business being done, yesee."<</speech>> I couldn't keep the fingers at bay any longer, and now he was doing to me what I had been doing to him on the dance floor. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>><<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>What had been a hint of contact at my lips was now unadulterated fingering, <<speech "Callum">>"Mmm. Freeballin' are we. Knew I liked ye."<</speech>><<else>>What had been a hint of contact at the fabric -- my last barrier -- was now pawing strokes.<</if>><</if>> <div id="NightDance"> <<crossroads #NightDance>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Constantly Horny')>> Shit. I hated being hornier than guys. Fine. We could fuck. <<blocked>> $ isn't a nympho or have a high enough sex drive. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I practically jerked my hips forward, my hand grabbing at his other arm and pulling myself into him. I cooed softly as I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. I probably felt like a furnace with how warm the insides of my thighs were. <br><br> My chin rested near his collarbone, eyes closed and keeping myself tight against him as he worked. Then he yanked his hand away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and stood. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me off the couch and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, <<speech "Callum">>"Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..."<</speech>> he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), there was a split-second where I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now--nghh f-fuck I almost came. <br><br> Goddamn, I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night1Sex]]. <<path>> Could be a source. Keeping him live with sex would be easier than without. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<skillChecked "Easy" "Suggestible">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lte 3 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 3>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> Fuck. Was //this// what it was going to take? I felt dirty. <br><br> <</if>> My thighs parted more, my crotch pressed forward into his stroking, thick digits. I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. <<speechPC>>"Where are you staying?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> His hand yanked away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and stood. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me off the couch and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, <<speech "Callum">>"Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..."<</speech>> he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now and didn't know if I was trapping enough. <br><br> I ventured to not push my luck, plus I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night1Sex]]. <<path>> Just because an EROS agent uses sex didn't mean I //had// to. I had a lead and I could disentangle with my dignity intact. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<skillChecked "Virginity">> I tried to hold the tremble and shudder of my eyes at bay, ignoring the shocks between my legs -- god I was getting fucking //soaked// -- <<speechPC>>"Lemme give you my number, Callum. I've been dancing all night so let's pick this back up when I'm not a wreck."<</speechPC>> My hips shifted back, my pussy complaining as the pressure lightened and the hope of sex retreated too. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Fair enough, darlin'."<</speech>> He retrieved his phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to me with surprising ease. Unlocked, unconcerned. So either he would give up his knowledge easily or there was nothing to be had. I popped in my number and got up off the lounger, pecking him on the cheek. He gave my own, other, cheek a good smack in response, <<speech "Callum">>"See you soon. Sure ye don't want a walk home? Dangerous 'round these parts."<</speech>> <br><br> I leaned in, hand sliding down his chest, giving him a little tongue. He took the moment to try again at my vulva. I let him play, feeling my heat as a promise of //next// time, <<speechPC>>"Appreciate the gentlemanly offer."<</speechPC>> The irony of being practically fingered at the moment was not lost on me, <<speechPC>>"But I'll be fine."<</speechPC>> <br><br> And I was. Riding a high of locking in my first potential lead on my first night out on 'infil' duty as silly American party girl? Fuck, maybe I //could// be an EROS agent. <br><br> I put myself to sleep by masturbating furiously, imagining <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>>. He held a special place in my heart, but that night it was different. ''I'' held all of the power. I was merely using them for my own purposes. I had to be sexually sated before I could go out in the field, clear-headed and resolved. And they were my toy. Beneath me, grunting out and holding back their own orgasm so that I could get mine -- I could get a half __dozen__ -- first. <br><br> I collapsed into sleep, thighs quaking, toes digging into the shitty mattress as I laughed out, imagining leaving <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>> pre-orgasm. I was done, they'd have to take care of themselves. <br><br> Sleep was incredible that [[night|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Mouth speaking into an ear */ <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Okayyy? So, you see, Manila is party town."<</speech>> I really couldn't place this guy's accent. My ear was moist with his breath, but I couldn't manage to get away from him. Guys had come with drinks from time to time and by now I was tired...and he was a persistent bugger. Having a pretty good buzz and the exhaustion I was feeling down to my heels was putting me at the end of my rope. I had kept pushing onward in the hope that something would materialize, but maybe it was too much strain, having to learn to pack it in know my own limits. My brain wobbled a bit as I nodded, looking over at him trying to play the pliant and kind girl he expected. <br><br> Shit. I was supposed to be an //agent// right now. This loser wasn't going to offer me anything except pointers on the places he likes to go to have fun. I hadn't noticed anything about the goings on of the club except which dancers were best. <<speechPC>>"Yah,"<</speechPC>> I grinned and, now realizing my mistake, I tried to make an exit, <<speechPC>>"Look, I gotta...go to the bathroom."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He smiled and nodded, arm sliding around my waist to ensure I wasn't going. I tried to make eye contact with another girl on the floor, 'save me' -- shiittt...too many guys. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"And dis is a good place, I guess. But there better ones. Come on, les get outta here, yah?" He pulled.<</speech>> <div id="NightDanceElse"> <<crossroads #NightDanceElse>> <<path $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 3 && ($Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho'))>> Eh, being on my back right now instead of my feet sounds way better. Fine. Spy later. Get laid now. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough or just want sex OR is too disciplined <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> As he pulled me away from the floor, I thought, "Fuck. Well, I should have been a //bit// more focused on the objective, but at least there'd be something good coming out of it." And that's how we went, mostly wordlessly out of the Club and into a cab. Perfect for my legend, drunk new-girl-on-the-block American easily picked up and brought back for some casual [[sex|M002 - Night1Sex]] from a club. <<path>> Nuh-uh, buddy. This ain't how you pickup girls. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Wiles">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value lte 1>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> Leaning up to let my lips graze his ear, I whispered, <<speechPC>>"Lemme just go to the bathroom quick. I'm gunna pee my panties if not."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Quick trip, no worries."<</speech>> Nope, teasing or hinting was not going to be enough to get him away. I had taken too long. I was too drunk. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Coordination">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value lte 3>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<speechPC>>"Yah, yah, yah, but..."<</speechPC>> I waited til his movement gave me the opening, but I couldn't get it. My brain too awash with booze. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Athletics">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value lte 3>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> In a last attempt -- worry flooding my mind -- I grunted, trying to pull away from him. My thighs and calves tensed, toes pressing down as my upper body swiveled to go the other direction. But he seemed well-prepared. We kept making our way towards the exit. <br><br> Shit. The booze in my brain was making this too hard. And I wasn't about to make a grand show of it in the place I'd need to be. I couldn't get a name for myself the first night. EROS agents did this kinda thing...just with their marks. With targets. For intel. <br><br> I, on the other hand, would be getting out of this cab with rando grabby McGee for no-strings-attached and no-benefit [[sex|M002 - Night1Sex]]. Call it field experience. <<else>> In a last attempt -- worry flooding my mind -- I grunted, trying to pull away from him. A little swing of my hips and having that lower center of gravity was all I needed. He stumbled away and I quickly made my way ahead, down the hallway he was trying to lead me into. <br><br> Just had to get to the bouncer first. I panted like an idiot, like I was being chased by a monster, but I got away, stumbling awkwardly into the moist air of the outside. I looked back, wanting to see the bouncer throw my pursuer down, but he didn't appear. I got a few weird looks, but then was ignored as some drunken bitch. <br><br> And I headed back. It took me a little while, especially inebriated, to figure out how to get back but I did. <br><br> I'd wake up pissed in the morning that I had been such and idiot and come up so empty-handed. But at least I was safe and the [[RedDoorz|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<speechPC>>"Yah, yah, yah, but..."<</speechPC>> I waited til his movement gave me the opening...and then I was free, sliding out of his grip and smirking at him with a little playful wave as I disappeared back to the bathroom. <br><br> On my way and before he could decide to follow me and ensure I wouldn't get away, I grabbed one of the go-go girls -- a stocky one with an undercut bob -- that was heading change or do a bump, I don't know, <<speechPC>>"Hey, hey...gotta...get out. Back door?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Instant understanding, she guided me to the service door and I was out into an alley. It took me a little while, especially inebriated, to figure out how to get back but I did. <br><br> I'd wake up pissed in the morning that I had been such and idiot and come up so empty-handed. But at least I was safe and the [[RedDoorz|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> Leaning up to let my lips graze his ear, I whispered, <<speechPC>>"Lemme just go to the bathroom quick. I'm gunna pee my panties if not." My teeth tugged at his earlobe.<</speechPC>> <br><br> He was about to say something when my hand dropped to give his cock a squeeze. Whatever he was about to say changed to, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh. Kay."<</speech>> And he nodded, eyes cloudy as he experienced the pleasure. And then I was gone. <br><br> On my way and before he could decide to follow me and ensure I wouldn't get away, I grabbed one of the go-go girls -- a stocky one with an undercut bob -- that was heading change or do a bump, I don't know, <<speechPC>>"Hey, hey...gotta...get out. Back door?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Instant understanding, she guided me to the service door and I was out into an alley. It took me a little while, especially inebriated, to figure out how to get back but I did. <br><br> I'd wake up pissed in the morning that I had been such and idiot and come up so empty-handed. But at least I was safe and the [[RedDoorz|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable -= 2>> <<skillChecked "Reaction to Men & Addiction Level">> With a confident stride, I approached the bar. It had a better view of the venue anyway. I could watch the back, I could watch the front, I could watch the dance floor. Employees, clientele, guests, I could see all the comings and goings from there. <br><br> I leaned against the bar casually, with the air of someone //about// to order a drink but just not able to get their attention...yet. It would have been difficult anyway given the gender of the bartenders and the way that money usually flowed at a place like this. They knew what I was up to and they were more than happy to wait for my efforts to garner them a fat tip. They'd get paid because of some schmuck's vainglorious hope to get my vagina. <br><br> There was a spare moment before the first approach when I began to notice the many, //many// male eyes on me for being...well, not from around here. Different was going to be a boon and a bane. I was more obvious, more interesting, more desireable, all of which was a double-edged sword. I just had to know how to wield it. <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>>But fuck did it feel //great//. Everyone was noticing me. I felt like Aphrodite.<<else>>Whoo buddy, I was going to hafta get used to this. It was like the sensation I had back home was increased ten-fold. It felt exposing and scary.<</if>> <br><br> Attractive, young woman, apparently alone. It was unsurprising that my bubble was invaded almost right away. The sharks were on the hunt and I looked to be the tastiest tuna on the floor. <br><br> Drinks were practically thrown at me. <br><br> And this was the ''incredibly'' difficult part: I needed them to hit me up and here there was really only one way about that, fine, but the other end of the interaction? How to both extricate myself from someone who wasn't worth my while as well as not //have// a drink when the next guy tried his luck. I couldn't look like I was __with__ any of them. I couldn't look like I was waiting for someone to come back. I had to be giving them openings while not being too available and have no way to...get away. And then, on top of that craziness, I had to judge whether that guy could be anything more than some random club schmo. It was playing the part of a girl out for fun. It was ensuring that I wasn't corralled by any single person. It was keeping my wits and eyes on everything __except__ the guy I was drinking with. <br><br> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 2>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Okayyy? So, you see, Manila is party town."<</speech>> I really couldn't place this guy's accent. My ear was moist with his breath, but he was funneling me the drinks. They had come fast and furious and I had trouble saying no. And trouble not finishing them. I was rocking a major buzz and my body was really happy about it. My brain wobbled a bit as I nodded, looking over at him trying to play the pliant and kind girl he expected. <br><br> Shit. I was supposed to be an //agent// right now. This loser wasn't going to offer me anything except pointers on the places he likes to go to have fun. I hadn't noticed anything about the goings on of the club except which bartenders were the quickest on the draw. <<speechPC>>"Yah,"<</speechPC>> I grinned and, now realizing my mistake, I tried to make an exit, <<speechPC>>"Look, I gotta...go to the bathroom."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He smiled and nodded, arm sliding around my waist to ensure I wasn't going. I tried to make eye contact with a bartender, 'save me', <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"And dis is a good place, I guess. But there better ones. Come on, les get outta here, yah?" He pulled.<</speech>> <div id="NightDrink"> <<crossroads #NightDrink>> <<path $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 3 && ($Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho'))>> Shit. Serves me right for drinking too much and getting locked down by him. Hope he's good in the sack. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough or just want sex OR is too Disciplined <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Easy ++>> As he pulled me away from the bar, I thought, "Fuck. Well, I should have been a //bit// more focused on the objective, but at least there'd be something good coming out of it." And that's how we went, mostly wordlessly out of the Club and into a cab. Perfect for my legend, drunk new-girl-on-the-block American easily picked up and brought back for some casual [[sex|M002 - Night1Sex]] from a club. <<path>> Nuh-uh, buddy. This ain't how you pickup girls. Gotta get away, however I could. //If// I could. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Wiles">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value lte 1>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> Leaning up to let my lips graze his ear, I whispered, <<speechPC>>"Lemme just go to the bathroom quick. I'm gunna pee my panties if not."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Quick trip, no worries."<</speech>> Nope, teasing or hinting was not going to be enough to get him away. I had taken too long. I was too drunk. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Coordination ">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value lte 3>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<speechPC>>"Yah, yah, yah, but..."<</speechPC>> I waited til his movement gave me the opening, but I couldn't get it. My brain too awash with booze. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Athletics">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value lte 3>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> In a last attempt -- worry flooding my mind -- I grunted, trying to pull away from him. My thighs and calves tensed, toes pressing down as my upper body swiveled to go the other direction. But he seemed well-prepared. We kept making our way towards the exit. <br><br> Shit. The booze in my brain was making this too hard. And I wasn't about to make a grand show of it in the place I'd need to be. I couldn't get a name for myself the first night. EROS agents did this kinda thing...just with their marks. With targets. For intel. <br><br> I, on the other hand, would be getting out of this cab with rando grabby McGee for no-strings-attached and no-benefit [[sex|M002 - Night1Sex]]. Call it field experience. <<else>> In a last attempt -- worry flooding my mind -- I grunted, trying to pull away from him. A little swing of my hips and having that lower center of gravity was all I needed. He stumbled away and I quickly made my way ahead, down the hallway he was trying to lead me into. <br><br> Just had to get to the bouncer first. I panted like an idiot, like I was being chased by a monster, but I got away, stumbling awkwardly into the moist air of the outside. I looked back, wanting to see the bouncer throw my pursuer down, but he didn't appear. I got a few weird looks, but then was ignored as some drunken bitch. <br><br> And I headed back. It took me a little while, especially inebriated, to figure out how to get back but I did. <br><br> I'd wake up pissed in the morning that I had been such and idiot and come up so empty-handed. But at least I was safe and the [[RedDoorz|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<speechPC>>"Yah, yah, yah, but..."<</speechPC>> I waited til his movement gave me the opening...and then I was free, sliding out of his grip and smirking at him with a little playful wave as I disappeared back to the bathroom. <br><br> On my way and before he could decide to follow me and ensure I wouldn't get away, I grabbed one of the go-go's that was heading change or do a bump, I don't know, <<speechPC>>"Hey, hey...gotta...get out. Back door?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Instant understanding, she guided me to the service door and I was out into an alley. It took me a little while, especially inebriated, to figure out how to get back but I did. <br><br> I'd wake up pissed in the morning that I had been such and idiot and come up so empty-handed. But at least I was safe and the [[RedDoorz|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> Leaning up to let my lips graze his ear, I whispered, <<speechPC>>"Lemme just go to the bathroom quick. I'm gunna pee my panties if not." My teeth tugged at his earlobe.<</speechPC>> <br><br> He was about to say something when my hand dropped to give his cock a squeeze. Whatever he was about to say changed to, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh. Kay."<</speech>> And he nodded, eyes cloudy as he experienced the pleasure. And then I was gone. <br><br> On my way and before he could decide to follow me and ensure I wouldn't get away, I grabbed one of the go-go girls -- a stocky one with an undercut bob -- that was heading change or do a bump, I don't know, <<speechPC>>"Hey, hey...gotta...get out. Back door?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Instant understanding, she guided me to the service door and I was out into an alley. It took me a little while, especially inebriated, to figure out how to get back but I did. <br><br> I'd wake up pissed in the morning that I had been such and idiot and come up so empty-handed. But at least I was safe and the [[RedDoorz|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Callum")>> I gave my name so many times. I was glad in these moments that my legend was, just, ''me''. Their hot, sweaty breath came with questions about why I was here, was I with anyone, was I American. They were grabby and constantly too close, but I was able to maneuver them away and avoid drinking too much to keep my wits about me. I wasn't making any friends right now and probably was on a growing number of lists as a moocher and ice queen, but I wasn't here to make friends. <br><br> There wasn't anything untoward that I was noticing, besides the prostitution. Otherwise, it just seemed like a normal place of business. There were certainly people who were //not// employees heading to the back or having little impromptu meetings in the lounge areas -- never getting a drink or hitting up the bar -- so that was good intel, but I couldn't figure out an approach on any of them. Maybe it would have to wait until another night, when I saw a repeat face or was able to get a better understanding of the flow and dynamics of these meetings. <br><br> That was, until I heard the shocking Western accent chuckling in my ear, <<speech "Callum">>"Who'd have thought I'd come all this way and find a girl from back home?"<</speech>> <br><br> I chuckled along with his joke. He wasn't American, but I wouldn't dispel him of the notion straight away. I smirked over my shoulder, <<speechPC>>"Well, hello."<</speechPC>> He was a tall, widely-built Scotsman(?), bald and easily twice my age. And, most importantly: he had just come from the back area of the club. Why? Maybe the bathroom, true, but he was enough out of place that it at least piqued my interest. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Ah, shite." He laughed, pressing the side of his hips against me to counter-point his dissatisfaction, "American."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I look...Scottish?"<</speechPC>> I made a little head nod down at the empty space of the bar in front of me. My brain wobbled a bit. Shit, maybe this was the buzz talking and not my perception. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Maybe I was hoping. You look differen' than everyone else here."<</speech>> What followed was playful banter and while he was groping as much as any of the guys before, it felt less predatory and more like kinship in a far-flung territory for both of us. And it turned out he was here on 'business' -- not interesting, but just laughed off any inquiries into what the business was -- interesting. <br><br> So after a requisite amount of flirtation, I offered a break (I'd been standing for hours anyway) to lounge a bit. Callum -- that was his name -- grunted, looking off to the side and then decided against it, his hand dropped against my ass and down to search between my thighs, <<speechPC>>"Changing venue?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> I squirmed, trying to keep him from reaching the honeypot, twisting my hips towards him and making the angle more difficult. <<speechPC>>"So, Callum,"<</speechPC>> I beamed up at him, pounding down the last drink he had gotten me so that he could provide another -- make him think he hadn't primed my pump enough yet, <<speechPC>>"Why ZZYZX?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Coul' ask the same thing of you."<</speech>> Age had turned former muscle to...less so...and it became much more apparent as his arm swung around behind me and pulled me close. <br><br> I told him the truth, which is that I was scoping things out, new in town and that my digs were close and this was convenient. I was just looking for a night out and didn't need anything too fancy. His other hand dipped between my legs ''again'', pressing upward insistently as we chatted. <<skillChecked "Clothes Worn">><<if $Body.isWearingDress>>And, fuck, I was easy access <<print $>> tonight. I felt the pads of his fingers flutter at sensitive bare skin. There was only me between him...and me.<</if>> I tried to slightly dissuade him, but I still needed to get a bit more understanding of Callum before I could end this encounter. But attempt two was much more focused than the first. He wasn't testing the waters, he was making a point. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"This neck of the woods? Ach, sorry, dearie." So he was staying elsewhere. Why trek down to this neighborhood and //this// lower-end club. Sure, he might be trying to pull as a big fish in a small pond. Or... "Didn't plan on it meself, victim of circumstance and locality of business being done, yesee."<</speech>> I couldn't keep the fingers at bay any longer, and now anyone could see what he was doing, plain as day. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>><<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>What had been a hint of contact at my lips was now unadulterated fingering, <<speech "Callum">>"Mmm. Freeballin' are we. Knew I liked ye."<</speech>><<else>>What had been a hint of contact at the fabric -- my last barrier -- was now pawing strokes.<</if>><</if>> <div id="NightDrinkElse"> <<crossroads #NightDrinkElse>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Constantly Horny')>> Shit. I hated being hornier than guys. Fine. We could fuck. <<blocked>> $ isn't a nympho or have a high enough sex drive. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I practically jerked my hips back against the digging, my hand grabbing at his other arm and pulling myself into him. I cooed softly as I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. I probably felt like a furnace with how warm the insides of my thighs were. <br><br> My chin rested near his collarbone, eyes closed and keeping myself tight against him as he worked. Then he yanked his hand away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and leaned off the bar. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me away from the bar and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, <<speech "Callum">>"Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..."<</speech>> he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), there was a split-second where I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now--nghh f-fuck I almost came. <br><br> Goddamn, I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night1Sex]]. <<path>> Could be a source. Keeping him live with sex would be easier than without. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lte 3 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 3>> <<skillChecked "Easy" "Suggestible">> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> Fuck. Was //this// what it was going to take? I felt dirty. <br><br> <</if>> I shifted my feet, parted for him, my crotch pressed back into his stroking, thick digits. I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. <<speechPC>>"Where are you staying?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> His hand yanked away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and leaned off the bar. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me away with him and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, <<speech "Callum">>"Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..."<</speech>> he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now and didn't know if I was trapping enough. <br><br> I ventured to not push my luck, plus I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night1Sex]]. <<path>> Just because an EROS agent uses sex didn't mean I //had// to. I had a lead and I could disentangle with my dignity intact. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> I tried to hold the tremble and shudder of my eyes at bay, ignoring the shocks between my legs -- god I was getting fucking //soaked// -- <<speechPC>>"Lemme give you my number, Callum. I've been dancing all night so let's pick this back up when I'm not a wreck."<</speechPC>> My hips shifted forward, my pussy complaining as the pressure lightened and the hope of sex retreated too. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Fair enough, darlin'."<</speech>> He retrieved his phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to me with surprising ease. Unlocked, unconcerned. So either he would give up his knowledge easily or there was nothing to be had. I popped in my number and moved away from the bar, pecking him on the cheek. He gave my own, other, cheek a good smack in response, <<speech "Callum">>"See you soon. Sure ye don't want a walk home? Dangerous 'round these parts."<</speech>> <br><br> I leaned in, hand sliding down his chest, giving him a little tongue. He took the moment to try again at my vulva. I let him play, feeling my heat as a promise of //next// time, <<speechPC>>"Appreciate the gentlemanly offer."<</speechPC>> The irony of being practically fingered at the moment was not lost on me, <<speechPC>>"But I'll be fine."<</speechPC>> <br><br> And I was. Riding a high of locking in my first potential lead on my first night out on 'infil' duty as silly American party girl? Fuck, maybe I //could// be an EROS agent. <br><br> I put myself to sleep by masturbating furiously, imagining <<skillChecked "Virginity">><<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>>. My first held a special place in my heart, but that night it was different. ''I'' held all of the power. I was merely using them for my own purposes. I had to be sexually sated before I could go out in the field, clear-headed and resolved. And they were my toy. Beneath me, grunting out and holding back their own orgasm so that I could get mine -- I could get a half __dozen__ -- first. <br><br> I collapsed into sleep, thighs quaking, toes digging into the shitty mattress as I laughed out, imagining leaving <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>> pre-orgasm. I was done, they'd have to take care of themselves. <br><br> Sleep was incredible that [[night|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Peaches")>> <<skillChecked "Reaction to Men">> Another deep breath. This was going to be...less than easy. First, I made my way to the bar, waved down a bartender who looked surprised that a girl was trying to get her attention. I didn't have time to waste, girly. Luckily, before she was over to me, I had been approached. Shit that was //quick//. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Whatever she wants,"<</speech>> Eastern accent, but it was too loud to place. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, thank you." I gave a side smile, "Vodka soda."<</speechPC>> And then tried to ignore his presence as he leaned closer and began speaking to me. <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> I was giving him all the bland not-interested I could, leaning away whenever I acted like I couldn't hear him. That was when I began to notice the many, //many// male eyes on me for being...well, not from around here. Different was going to be a boon and a bane. I was more obvious, more interesting, more desireable, all of which was a double-edged sword. I just had to know how to wield it. <<skillChecked "Need for attention">> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>>But fuck did it feel //great//. Everyone was noticing me. I felt like Aphrodite.<<else>>Whoo buddy, I was going to hafta get used to this. It was like the sensation I had back home was increased ten-fold. It felt exposing and scary.<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Bartender">>"Here you go."<</speech>> The bartender not only gave me the drink, but also a knowing squeeze to my wrist before looking for payment from the guy. And //that// was my opportunity to skee-daddle. I slid away from the bar and out onto the dance floor, arms above my head. <br><br> I sipped from the plastic cup while interposing as many bodies between me and him as possible. And then I skirted to the edge, beginning my surveillance. There wasn't anything untoward that I was noticing, besides the prostitution. Otherwise, it just seemed like a normal place of business. There were certainly people who were //not// employees heading to the back or having little impromptu meetings in the lounge areas -- never getting a drink or hitting up the bar -- so that was good intel, but I couldn't figure out an approach on any of them. Maybe it would have to wait until another night, when I saw a repeat face or was able to get a better understanding of the flow and dynamics of these meetings. <br><br> No, now was the time. <br><br> I broke from the dance floor, pounding my drink and making as if I needed to use the restroom badly. Where were these guys (mostly guys) heading back here? <br><br> Caught the timing wrong. Employees and the long line for the men's bathroom. I slowed my pace, hoping to catch something before dipping into the ladies. Nothing. Shit. <br><br> As I took a quick pee, I considered what I had seen: a number of doors that could have been supply closets, employee locker rooms or changing rooms, electrical, god who knows. I could try any of those doors and end up in any kind of situation. And if I just walked into the den of the devil himself, what was I going to do //then//? <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A seedy hallway with a bunch of doors.*/ I imagined all the ways playing into dumb American girly could go before wiping and heading out of the bathroom again. <br><br> A door opened and a dancer walked past me, her tits and ass practically out. Why not just be a stripper, right? <br><br> I kept walking and another door opened, nearly bowling me over as a barback tried lifting a keg with more of his back than his legs. <br><br> And then a stroke of luck. A big guy, white -- so that was not typical -- and clearly not an employee came out of another door. I lagged behind him, trying to see where he was <<linkexpand "going...">> <<face shock>> going... <br><br> <<speech "Asian Woman">>"What you doing?"<</speech>> This little woman jerked out in front of me. Where had she come from? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh sorry, just...coming from the bathroom?"<</speechPC>> I acted as confused and affronted as I could manage. <br><br> <<speech "Asian Woman">>"Kay. Keep walking. Have nice night."<</speech>> And like that, she was gone again. And so was the big white guy. Shit. <br><br> Opportunity squandered, I headed back out to the club. Dance floor was a nightmare to try and surveil anything. It would just be a crapshoot who I would meet and if they would matter. Bar wouldn't be much better and far more difficult to manage the men. <br><br> That left few options. One option. The lounge. <br><br> Guess it was time to try the angle of employees. Maybe they'd be open to being talked to, I'd just have to be careful in how I did it. <br><br> Try talking to a prostitute as a young woman and see how far you get. Try talking to them when there were already guys on the prowl, sitting next to them, talking to them, seeking entertainment. I tried just being in the general vicinity and then I got approached like I was one -- switched loungers //quick//. I tried a more direct approach, asking about the club, about them, about the area. They barely even reacted to my questions. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value + $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gte 6>> <<skillChecked "Deception" "Social">> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Tara")>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<speechPC>>"There ever a girl's night here?"<</speechPC>> I laughed as I dropped into a lounger by one of the older women working in the area. I noticed that she was not being given much attention, probably due to her age. Anywhere else she likely would have cleaned up because she was white and most other places would have been rife with local offerings, but here she was dime a dozen. This club's stock of women were varied, exotic...well, exotic if you weren't in the West. <br><br> She looked over at me, raising an eyebrow, <<speech "Tara">>"Girl. You better me so fucking careful." American. "You're going to get scooped up around here if you play it loose and free."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Oh shit, American too?" She nodded, "I'm from <<print $CC.hometownName>>."<</speechPC>> She laughed, <<speech "Tara">>"Crazy. And...why are you here? Daddy on some 'work trip'?"<</speech>> Air quotes and eyes motioning to the men that weren't talking to her made all the subtext I needed. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, no. Just here like, seeing the world, ya know?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tara">>"Mhm. Yeah, like I said. Be careful."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>Time to play dumb, "Bad night or something?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tara">>"Clearly."<</speech>> Her striking green eyes dropped to the empty space on either side of her. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Guys aren't want to dance?"<</speechPC>> I could see a flicker of consideration in her eyes. Then they hardened. <br><br> <<speech "Tara">>"Can't. Working."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Oh. OH." My own eyes got huge in 'realization'. "Shit, I'm, so sorry." I bit my lower lip, "Want me to go? Am I killing your vibe?" She smiled, shaking her head and squeezing my hand, looking me over. "Okay."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tara">>"You're the light of the evening. I'm Tara,"<</speech>> her fingers twined with mine. Sure, she was older than the other girls in a ratio-kind-of-way, but really she was what, late 20s, tops? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tara">>"Cute. I like it."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"So like...what's it"<</speechPC>> We held hands, chatting away. I noticed that short woman from earlier staring daggers at Tara, but she seemed to not care. <br><br> And she really was telling me things. I played the curious, fresh of the boat American, wide-eyes and in wonder as I learned about this dark, scary underworld. <<speech "Tara">>"Look, you gotta avoid this place. Girls like you and me...they can get...//stuck// working here. And Peaches..."<</speech>> a head motion over at the woman who wanted her to be working and not talking, <<speech "Tara">>"Isn't the one that runs this place. She acts scary, but who she works for? Scary like you wouldn't believe." She got up with a sigh, "Sorry, gotta not get my ass dumped in the gutter tonight. By putting my ass in front of a gutter rat." She laughed at her dark joke, "But here's my number," Her fingers fluttered, asking for my phone.<</speech>> She laughed seeing that there was no service, but plugged in her digits anyway. <<speech "Tara">>"Wow, completely unprotected aren'tcha. Well, text me when you get some service. Talk then." She leaned forward and gave me a peck on the lips.<</speech>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Guy in a club, sitting on a couch and staring at his phone */ She beamed as she walked away, dropping unceremoniously next to some douche who was playing a game on his phone rather than enjoying the club. <br><br> I was beaming as I walked out of the place. I didn't wait around or try anything else, my tank was full. My victory achieved. I also didn't want to be too suspicious. Or dropped in a gutter if I really was that at-risk as Tara had mentioned. <br><br> Riding a high of locking in my first potential lead on my first night out on 'infil' duty as silly American party girl, I barely noticed the shittiness of the RedDoorz on my return. Popping my shoes off and stripping the clothes onto the linoleum floor? Fuck, maybe I //could// be an EROS agent. Sending a text off to Tara and thinking about what access she could give me? I was ''nailing'' this assignment. <<print $>> would be in the bag in no time. <br><br> I put myself to sleep by masturbating furiously, imagining <<skillChecked "Virginity">><<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>>. He held a special place in my heart, but that night it was different. ''I'' held all of the power. I was merely using them for my own purposes. I had to be sexually sated before I could go out in the field, clear-headed and resolved. And they were my toy. Beneath me, grunting out and holding back their own orgasm so that I could get mine -- I could get a half __dozen__ -- first. <br><br> I collapsed into sleep, thighs quaking, toes digging into the shitty mattress as I laughed out, imagining leaving <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>> pre-orgasm. I was done, they'd have to take care of themselves. <br><br> Sleep was incredible that [[night|HomeBase]]. <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">>Though right before it took me, there was a image of Tara.<</if>> <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Callum")>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<skillChecked "Clothes Worn">> This wasn't going anywhere. I backed away from the loungers, deciding if I try something else or give up entirely. Maybe my angle was all wrong. I figured that the night was essentially a loss. <br><br> That was, until I heard the shocking Western accent chuckling in my ear, <<speech "Callum">>"Who'd have thought I'd come all this way and find a girl from back home?"<</speech>> I chuckled along with his joke. He wasn't American, but I wouldn't dispel him of the notion straight away. I smirked over my shoulder, <<speechPC>>"Well, hello."<</speechPC>> He was a tall, widely-built Scotsman(?), bald and easily twice my age. And, most importantly: It was the guy from before, in the hallway. I had lost him, but he had found me. Little did he know I was looking for him. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Ah, shite." He laughed, pressing the side of his hips against me to counter-point his dissatisfaction, "American."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I look...Scottish?"<</speechPC>> I made a little head over at the bar. Now was a time I could use it, with a guy I //wanted// around. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Maybe I was hoping. You look differen' than everyone else here."<</speech>> What followed was playful banter and while he was groping as much as any of these guys would have, it felt less predatory and more like kinship in a far-flung territory for both of us. And it turned out he was here on 'business' -- not interesting, but just laughed off any inquiries into what the business was -- interesting. <br><br> So after a requisite amount of flirtation, I offered a break (I'd been standing for hours anyway) to lounge a bit. Callum -- that was his name -- grunted, looking off to the side and then decided against it, his hand dropped against my ass and down to search between my thighs, <<speechPC>>"Changing venue?"<</speechPC>> I squirmed, trying to keep him from reaching the honeypot, twisting my hips towards him and making the angle more difficult. <<speechPC>>"So, Callum," I beamed up at him, pounding down the last drink he had gotten me so that he could provide another -- make him think he hadn't primed my pump enough yet, "Why ZZYZX?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Callum">>"Coul' ask the same thing of you."<</speech>> Age had turned former muscle to...less so...and it became much more apparent as his arm swung around behind me and pulled me close. <br><br> I told him the truth, which is that I was scoping things out, new in town and that my digs were close and this was convenient. I was just looking for a night out and didn't need anything too fancy. His other hand dipped between my legs ''again'', pressing upward insistently as we chatted. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>>And, fuck, I was easy access <<print $>> tonight. I felt the pads of his fingers flutter at sensitive bare skin. There was only me between him...and me.<</if>> I tried to slightly dissuade him, but I still needed to get a bit more understanding of Callum before I could end this encounter. But attempt two was much more focused than the first. He wasn't testing the waters, he was making a point. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"This neck of the woods? Ach, sorry, dearie."<</speech>> So he was staying elsewhere. Why trek down to this neighborhood and //this// lower-end club. Sure, he might be trying to pull as a big fish in a small pond. Or... <<speech "Callum">>"Didn't plan on it meself, victim of circumstance and locality of business being done, yesee."<</speech>> I couldn't keep the fingers at bay any longer, and now anyone could see what he was doing, plain as day. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>><<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>What had been a hint of contact at my lips was now unadulterated fingering, <<speech "Callum">>"Mmm. Freeballin' are we. Knew I liked ye."<</speech>><<else>>What had been a hint of contact at the fabric -- my last barrier -- was now pawing strokes.<</if>><</if>> <div id="NightInvestigateElse"> <<crossroads #NightInvestigateElse>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Constantly Horny')>> Shit. I hated being hornier than guys. Fine. We could fuck. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I practically jerked my hips back against the digging, my hand grabbing at his other arm and pulling myself into him. I cooed softly as I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. I probably felt like a furnace with how warm the insides of my thighs were. <br><br> My chin rested near his collarbone, eyes closed and keeping myself tight against him as he worked. Then he yanked his hand away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and leaned off the bar. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me away from the bar and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, <<speech "Callum">>"Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..."<</speech>> he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), there was a split-second where I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now--nghh f-fuck I almost came. <br><br> Goddamn, I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night1Sex]]. <<blocked>> $ isn't a nympho or have a high enough sex drive. <<path>> Could be a source. Keeping him live with sex would be easier than without. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<skillChecked "Easy" "Suggestible">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lte 3 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 3>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> Fuck. Was //this// what it was going to take? I felt dirty. <br><br> <</if>> I shifted my feet, parted for him, my crotch pressed back into his stroking, thick digits. I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. <<speechPC>>"Where are you staying?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> His hand yanked away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and leaned off the bar. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me away with him and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, <<speech "Callum">>"Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..."<</speech>> he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now and didn't know if I was trapping enough. <br><br> I ventured to not push my luck, plus I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night1Sex]]. <<path>> Just because an EROS agent uses sex didn't mean I //had// to. I had a lead and I could disentangle with my dignity intact. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<skillChecked "Virginity">> I tried to hold the tremble and shudder of my eyes at bay, ignoring the shocks between my legs -- god I was getting fucking //soaked// -- <<speechPC>>"Lemme give you my number, Callum. I've been dancing all night so let's pick this back up when I'm not a wreck."<</speechPC>> My hips shifted forward, my pussy complaining as the pressure lightened and the hope of sex retreated too. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Fair enough, darlin'."<</speech>> He retrieved his phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to me with surprising ease. Unlocked, unconcerned. So either he would give up his knowledge easily or there was nothing to be had. I popped in my number and moved away from the bar, pecking him on the cheek. He gave my own, other, cheek a good smack in response, <<speech "Callum">>"See you soon. Sure ye don't want a walk home? Dangerous 'round these parts."<</speech>> <br><br> I leaned in, hand sliding down his chest, giving him a little tongue. He took the moment to try again at my vulva. I let him play, feeling my heat as a promise of //next// time, <<speechPC>>"Appreciate the gentlemanly offer." The irony of being practically fingered at the moment was not lost on me, "But I'll be fine."<</speechPC>> <br><br> And I was. Riding a high of locking in my first potential lead on my first night out on 'infil' duty as silly American party girl? Fuck, maybe I //could// be an EROS agent. <br><br> I put myself to sleep by masturbating furiously, imagining <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>>. He held a special place in my heart, but that night it was different. ''I'' held all of the power. I was merely using them for my own purposes. I had to be sexually sated before I could go out in the field, clear-headed and resolved. And they were my toy. Beneath me, grunting out and holding back their own orgasm so that I could get mine -- I could get a half __dozen__ -- first. <br><br> I collapsed into sleep, thighs quaking, toes digging into the shitty mattress as I laughed out, imagining leaving <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>> pre-orgasm. I was done, they'd have to take care of themselves. <br><br> Sleep was incredible that [[night|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<if $Memories.includes("Knows Callum")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> I was a sopping mess when we climbed out of the black car and into the lobby of an upscale condo. <<speech "Callum">>"Li'l home away from home,"<</speech>> he smiled proudly as he escorted me through the wall-to-wall marble to the bay of elevators. Inside though, he seemed to forget where we were going, <<speech "Callum">>""<</speech>> He eyed the rows of buttons while his hand returned between my thighs and feeling there his gaze turned to me with a broad, self-assured grin, <<speech "Callum">>"Fuck, lass. You wan' dis."<</speech>> <br><br> The shove he got was more than firm, his dress shoes slipping slightly on the floor, <<speechPC>>"So. Find the button."<</speechPC>> I was frustrated as all hell right then, but even still, I had to laugh when he thrust his hand against my pussy again, <<speechPC>>"The...other...but-ton," grunting out as I guided his moist fingers away from me and to the panel.<</speechPC>> <br><br> He relented, depressing one of them and leaning back against the mirrored walls, <<speech "Callum">>"Better than yer digs, innit?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"A mite bit."<</speechPC>> My eyes flashed at him, assuming a mocking bit of his accent as I grabbed his belt buckle and let my fingers __slowly__ flip the latch and tug the leather off the clasp, <<speechPC>>"But I'm not some big, bad powerbroker in the Philippines."<</speechPC>> I made sure that my efforts caressed the mostly-solid erection he was sporting. It was his turn to be worked up and frustrated. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Have yer own kind of power, in my opinion."<</speech>> His words affected a chestier quality, but he was trying to retain his collected attitude even as his slacks relaxed, the strap cinching them sliding free from the loops. My hand was drawing the slack out, grabbing and pulling close to his fly, stroking up and back and feeling his own heat. The door dinged and we stepped out into the hallway, the belt trailing along the carpet behind me, hanging loose from my hand. <<speech "Callum">>"What're ye gunna be doin' with that?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, you'll get it back. Don't you worry."<</speechPC>> A flick of my wrist and the belt was like a snake, suddenly flicking up and striking against his side. It was playful and I was <<skillChecked "Hometown">> <<if $CC.hometown == "NO" || "AL">>only vaguely familiar with using a whip<<else>>only familiar with how whips were used in the movies<</if>>, and he took it in stride, stumbling back as if a cowed animal, warding me with his hands. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Ach! Oo-kayy, oo-kay!"<</speech>> He was loving the interplay. <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>><<Stats Perception ++>>I was fascinating to him and someone he'd remember.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>><</if>>He unlocked the door to his place and ushered me in with a gentlemanly flair, <<speech "Callum">>"After ye."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You're right. I want it. Where's the fucking bedroom?"<</speechPC>> I flicked the improvised whip at him again, smirking as he grabbed the end before it dropped and tugged me along like it was a leash. I laughed and tripped along, trying to ditch my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> on the way. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Incredible apartment of a wealthy powerbroker */ It was a gorgeous place. Well-attended and <<skillChecked "Investigation">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 1>>despite the cleanliness, I could tell he'd been staying here more than a couple days at least because it felt lived-in.<<else>>either he was neat, newly in town, or had a maid.<</if>> He had money -- not necessarily a //ton// because it was Manila, but a place like this back home would have run him <<skillChecked "Hometown">> <<if $CC.hometown is "AL">>a million?<<elseif $CC.hometown is "NO">>half a million?<<elseif $CC.hometown is "NY">>a few million, easy.<<elseif $CC.hometown is "LA">>a couple million, easy.<<else>>a million or so, especially downtown.<</if>> And now the question was: where was the money coming from and was any of it to do with why we was at the Club tonight? <br><br> I stumbled hard towards him. He had pulled ''hard'' and I was against him and suddenly pinned against the bed. The belt was between us, me holding the buckle end, him holding the tip. Right. As my body insisted: investigate later. Fuck now. <br><br> Now that I had //started// this was it going to go down. Our eyes were locked on each other's, the decision percolating to the surface. <br><br> <div id="NightSex"> <<crossroads #NightSex>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes('Bondage')>> Tie //him//. <<blocked>> $ isn't into Bondage. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<set $Stats.Kinks.pushUnique("Domination")>> <<Stats Confident ++>> My gaze hardened. I felt the fond excitement of taking control. I yanked the belt from his hand. It came easily, especially given what end of the stick he had. <<speechPC>>"Get on the bed."<</speechPC>> He did. I crawled up beside him -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I moved aside his body. He knew what was coming, his arms going up over his head towards where I was about to loop and strap his wrists together with his own clothing. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Fiesty."<</speech>> It was a low growl more than a word. I pulled //tight// and his chin lifted in reaction to registering extra pressure as pain. Though his eyes quested for mine, I ignored him, looking over his form and deciding what came next. <br><br> In another time, another situation, I would have drawn this out. Relished in having him essentially under my control, a man like him, a man his size, a man his age. Mine. Instead, my pussy was about to murder me. So I unzipped his fly and maybe pulled too hard, because the button popped free, flying across the room as I tugged his expensive slacks down enough to free his cock. <br><br> It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>>Now the ease of access was going to work to my advantage! <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>I tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as I yanked.<</if>><<else>>I worked my own soaked clothing <<link "off">><<lower>><<panties>><</link>> quick and roughly.<</if>> And then, ready to go, I climbed up and over him, grabbing his base as I lined it up. The slickness of his precum lubed cock was completely lost in the sopping wetness of my pussy. <<speech "Callum">>"Get a condom, lass. You dinnae where I've been. Or want te knae."<</speech>> It prickled that it felt like the power dynamic shifted in that moment. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Risky" "Stable" "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding')>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<pregCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if _pregSuccess>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <</if>> <</if>> I didn't care. Except about control. I shoved my hips down roughly, taking him in a single stroke. <<speechPC>>"Ah!"<</speechPC>> It was a squeal of triumph<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his pubic bone, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and I smacked my hands down on his chest as I began to rock. <br><br> My eyes lidded, grinning slightly as I watched him squirm, feeling the soaking wet and hot pussy working his cock without a condom. Dumb move, <<print $>>, but it was in the heat of the moment and too late now. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding')>>Really hot move, though. My hips jerked erratically, panting out as I came, thinking about him filling me with his cum. He chuckled and I gave a squeaking laugh back, <<speech "Callum">>"Likin' that cock, dear?"<</speech>> I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole.<</if>> I looked down over him, such a huge man, so powerless beneath me, I made long, decisive arches of my hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, I drove down. I watched him grunt and roll his hips -- about the only thing he could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> I slowed my motions, but kept them fluid. My upper arms framed and pushed my tits together, emphasizing the view. I was going to edge this fucker for as long as I could, the angle of my hips making sure he dragged and pressed right at my clit on the way out and pushed up at my g-spot on the way in. I was gunna cum my brains out before I let him off. <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I knae. Sucks to be ye?"<</speechPC>> I growled back. He shook his head with a huge <<linkexpand "grin.">> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> grin. <br><br> <<cumSpray mound3 pussy4 thighs3>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Sex God')>> It was fucking <<shake 10s>>//tantric//<</shake>>. My legs were jelly, my arms were constantly shaking and I couldn't feel my fingers and my toes by the time I knew it was either get him off or my legs would give out and I'd just be a deadweight on his chest. I can't tell you the number of times I came, knowing exactly how to control him and where all my buttons were, I was using him like a fucking flesh and blood dildo. <br><br> And then, with a quick one-two drops of my hips, he came. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a couple hours. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Great Intercourse')>> <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Come //on//"<</speech>> He must have said that...twenty times. Mostly it happened when I was cumming and the thrusting stopped. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But eventually, I couldn't resist myself and moved a bit too quick. I was close to what probably would have been my tenth or so hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed inside me. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a about an hour. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Good Intercourse')>> <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Come. //ON//!"<</speech>> He kept saying it. He yanked at the belt he was tied by as he watched me cumming and the thrusting stopped, leaving him wanting. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But I didn't quite have the control I needed, moved a bit too quick. I was close to what would have been my fifth hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed inside me. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for half an hour. Pretty decent for how worked up he was. And no wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I grinned back, knowing I was going to draw this out and then my grin disappeared, lost as I realized he was cumming. <<speechPC>>"Ach. Come. On."<</speechPC>> I pouted, beginning to move my hips, grinding against him to try and urge out an orgasm before he was finished. I wished I had better insight into what set him off, but now it was too late. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I figured it didn't matter. <br><br> I reached forward, he was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him. And then I yelped, his arms swinging out as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, as he thrust against me, I saw it had been only a few minutes. I sighed at my sexual inability, but he seemed happy enough. Unsurprising after how long he'd been teased and edged. <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> He grunted with the last few flexes inside me, smacking my ass and pulling me against him, <<speech "Callum">>"Nae had a girl try that before. And rawdoggin'. Girl. Yer insane."<</speech>> <br><br> Then came the tap tap at my ass letting me know he was done and I pulled myself off him grabbing between my legs as I made the awkward wobble to the bathroom. It took more than a few tissues to soak it up well enough before I felt comfortable returning to the bedroom. He was already passed out, still fully dressed, cock laying lip against his shirt. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, my feet slightly sticking to the floor from cum that I had dripped, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Right. And though it came at the cost of momentum and a bit of control, I took his direction to the sidetable and slid one on him right as I was sticking him inside me. I couldn't wait a moment longer. <br><br> I shoved my hips down roughly, taking him in a single stroke. <<speechPC>>"Ah!"<</speechPC>> It was a squeal of triumph<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his pubic bone, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and I smacked my hands down on his chest as I began to rock. <br><br> My eyes lidded, grinning slightly as I watched him squirm, feeling the soaking wet and hot pussy working his cock <<speech "Callum">>"Likin' that cock, dear?"<</speech>> I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. I looked down over him, such a huge man, so powerless beneath me, I made long, decisive arches of my hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, I drove down. I watched him grunt and roll his hips -- about the only thing he could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> I slowed my motions, but kept them fluid. My upper arms framed and pushed my tits together, emphasizing the view. I was going to edge this fucker for as long as I could, the angle of my hips making sure he dragged and pressed right at my clit on the way out and pushed up at my g-spot on the way in. I was gunna cum my brains out before I let him off. <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I knae. Sucks to be ye?"<</speechPC>> I growled back. He shook his head with a huge <<linkexpand "grin.">> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> grin. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Sex God')>> It was fucking <<shake 10s>>//tantric//<</shake>>. My legs were jelly, my arms were constantly shaking and I couldn't feel my fingers and my toes by the time I knew it was either get him off or my legs would give out and I'd just be a deadweight on his chest. I can't tell you the number of times I came, knowing exactly how to control him and where all my buttons were, I was using him like a fucking flesh and blood dildo. <br><br> And then, with a quick one-two drops of my hips, he came. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into the condom. I was glad he had it on, because even if I //wanted// to move right now, I didn't trust my body. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a couple hours. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Great Intercourse')>> <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Come //on//"<</speech>> He must have said that...twenty times. Mostly it happened when I was cumming and the thrusting stopped. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But eventually, I couldn't resist myself and moved a bit too quick. I was close to what probably would have been my tenth or so hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up the condom for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out. I was glad for the condom because I don't know if I could have gotten off him in time. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a about an hour. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Good Intercourse')>> <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Come. //ON//!"<</speech>> He kept saying it. He yanked at the belt he was tied by as he watched me cumming and the thrusting stopped, leaving him wanting. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But I didn't quite have the control I needed, moved a bit too quick. I was close to what would have been my fifth hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into the condom. Thank god for it, because at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for half an hour. Pretty decent for how worked up he was. And no wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I grinned back, knowing I was going to draw this out and then my grin disappeared, lost as I realized he was cumming. <<speechPC>>"Ach. Come. On."<</speechPC>> I pouted, beginning to move my hips, grinding against him to try and urge out an orgasm before he was finished. I wished I had better insight into what set him off, but now it was too late. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out. Thank god for the condom. <br><br> I reached forward, he was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him. And then I yelped, his arms swinging out as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, as he thrust against me, I saw it had been only a few minutes. I sighed at my sexual inability, but he seemed happy enough. Unsurprising after how long he'd been teased and edged. <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> He grunted with the last few flexes inside me, smacking my ass and pulling me against him, <<speech "Callum">>"Nae had a girl try that before. And rawdoggin'. Girl. Yer insane."<</speech>> <br><br> Then came the tap tap at my ass letting me know he was done and I pulled myself off him grabbing between my legs as I made the trip to the bathroom. I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, still fully dressed, cock laying lip against his shirt. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes('Bondage')>> Tie __me__. <<blocked>> $ isn't into Bondage. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<set $Stats.Kinks.pushUnique("Submission")>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<dollRearView>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Belt wrapped around a hand. */ He saw my gaze stayed soft. I felt the fond excitement of a guy taking control. He yanked the belt from my hand. The buckle bit and tugged roughly from my palm. <<speech "Callum">>"Get on the bed."<</speech>> I did. He crawled up beside me -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I laid back and watched him. I knew what was coming, so I flipped my arms up over my head towards where he was about to loop and strap my wrists together with his own belt. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Not yer first time..."<</speech>> It was a low growl more than a word. He pulled //tight// and my chin lifted in reaction to registering extra pressure as pain. Though my eyes quested for his, he ignored me, looking over my body and deciding what came next. <br><br> He took his time, leaving me there, the cold air flowing over my body and making me feel even more exposed. He wandered over to his nightstand and grabbed a condom, unwrapped it and resumed his position on the bed. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>><<speechPC>>"You don't need that..."<</speechPC>> It was stupid, but I was horny and it was kind of a turnoff to see the prophylactic. <br><br> He shook his head, <<speech "Callum">>"Nae, dearie. Ye dinnae where I've been. And dinnae want te."<</speech>> He laughed. It //was// kind of hot that he was maintaining such control.<</if>> <br><br> He worked his slacks off, his other hand caressing and grabbing at my body on display. It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, returning to me, now naked. He quickly stripped me of what I was <<link "wearing">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>>, making me yelp with each quick movement. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>He tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as he yanked.<</if>> And then, ready to go, he pushed my thighs apart and climbed up and onto me, grabbing his base as he lined up his member. I could barely feel the pressure amidst the wetness of my snatch. <br><br> He shoved his hips down roughly, taking me in a single stroke. <<speechPC>>"Ah!"<</speechPC>> I arched and bucked. It was a squeal of being taken<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his pubic bone, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped back, pleasure flooding my body and he smacked his hands down on my chest, gripping each tit, as he began to rock. <br><br> My eyes lidded, grinning slightly as he watched me squirm, feeling the heat and hardness driving inside me. <<speech "Callum">>"Likin' that cock, dear?"<</speech>> I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. Looking up at him, he was such a huge man, and I was so powerless beneath him. To emphasize that, he made long, decisive thrusts of his hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, he shoved forward. I gasped and rolled my hips each time -- about the only thing I could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> And like I read his mind, he slowed his motions, but kept them fluid. He leaned more into me, pressing me down on the mattress and making the belt really dig in at my wrists. <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I knae. Sucks to be ye?"<</speechPC>> I growled back. He shook his head with a huge grin. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. Cumming on the very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming too. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for. <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. I felt the build from his very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming too. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for. <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that wasn't long before I was lost in climax. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming too. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. <<speechPC>>"Fuck. Y-yes. There."<</speechPC>> I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that I was surprised at how fast the orgasm was coming. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained nearing my peak. Sadly, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming. I was trying to move and get my own to happen, but it was receding as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was."<</speechPC>> A kind of lie, but necessary. It //was// hot, just wish he had lasted a bit longer. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Never came that hard ever. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breath play')>> Knowing it could cinch meant I could be breathless shortly. <<blocked>> $ isn't into Breath play. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<dollRearView>> He saw my gaze stayed soft, I lifted my chin to bare my throat. He yanked the belt from my hand. The buckle bit and tugged roughly from my palm. He looped it around my neck suddenly, firmly and cinched closed. Loose, but the threat was there. <<speechPC>>"Get on the bed."<</speechPC>> I did. He crawled up beside me -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I laid back and watched him. He pulled at the strap and my vision became red, my breathing stopped and he smiled as I tensed instinctively, mouth open. My hand grasping at his pant leg. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Not yer first time..."<</speech>> It was a low growl more than a word. He pulled //tight// and my chin lifted in reaction to registering extra pressure as pain. Though my eyes quested for his, he ignored me, looking over my body and deciding what came next as he held the grip. <br><br> Then he slackened and I gasped out, coughing. Spots dotted what I saw as he left me there, the cold air flowing over my body and making me feel even more exposed. He wandered over to his nightstand and grabbed a condom, unwrapped it and resumed his position on the bed. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>><<speechPC>>"You don't need that..."<</speechPC>> It was stupid, but I was horny and it was kind of a turnoff to see the prophylactic. <br><br> He shook his head, <<speech "Callum">>"Nae, dearie. Ye dinnae where I've been. And dinnae want te."<</speech>> He laughed.<</if>> <br><br> He worked his slacks off, his other hand caressing and grabbing at my body on display. It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, returning to me, now naked. He quickly stripped me of what I was <<link "wearing">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>>, making me yelp with each quick movement. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>He tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as he yanked.<</if>> And then, ready to go, he grabbed the belt again with one hand, my hip with the other and firmly flipped me on hands and knees. My head lifted as he began to pull tight in time with his mounting me. I grabbed at the headboard as my breaths became difficult and he was grabbing his base as he lined up his member. I could barely feel the pressure amidst the wetness of my snatch. <br><br> He shoved his hips down roughly, taking me in a single stroke. I arched and bucked. Though I made no sound, it was a motion of being taken<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his sack, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and he smacked his hands down on my back, releasing the grip to let me breathe a moment as he began to rock. <br><br> My body thrust forward with his motion, feeling the heat and hardness driving inside me. I couldn't help but coo, <<speech "Callum">>"Likin' that cock, dear?"<</speech>> I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. Looking back at him, he was such a huge man, and I was so powerless beneath him. To emphasize that, he grasped the belt again and pulled. I couldn't breathe again and he was making firm, decisive thrusts of his hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, he shoved forward. I rolled my hips each time -- about the only thing I could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> And like I read his mind, he slowed his motions, but kept them fluid. He leaned more into me, pressing me down on the mattress and making the belt buckle really dig in my throat. <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..."<</speech>> I could feel the blood pulsing in my head. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. Cumming on the very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm //and// the threat of death. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. I felt the build from his very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm //and// the threat of death. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that wasn't long before I was lost in climax. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm //and// the threat of death. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. <<speechPC>>"Fuck. Y-yes. There."<</speechPC>> I thought, writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that I was surprised at how fast the orgasm was coming. My legs were quaking. My body complained nearing my peak...and of the threat of death. Sadly, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. And instantly, the approaching peak dissipated. I was trying to move and get my own to happen, but it was gone as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was."<</speechPC>> A kind of lie, but necessary. It //was// hot, just wish he had lasted a bit longer. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Never came that hard ever. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> We didn't need it. <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Belt crumpled on the floor beside a bed. */ <<face ahego>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<dollRearView>> He saw my gaze stayed soft. He yanked the belt from my hand. The buckle bit and tugged roughly from my palm. It dropped to the floor, no longer needed. <<speechPC>>"Get on the bed."<</speechPC>> I did. He crawled up beside me -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I laid back and watched him. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Gorgeous."<</speech>> It was a low growl more than a word. Our eyes met intermittently as he looked over my body and deciding what came next. <br><br> He wandered over to his nightstand and grabbed a condom, unwrapped it and resumed his position on the bed. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>><<speechPC>>"You don't need that..."<</speechPC>> It was stupid, but I was horny and it was kind of a turnoff to see the prophylactic. <br><br> He shook his head, <<speech "Callum">>"Nae, dearie. Ye dinnae where I've been. And dinnae want te." He laughed.<</speech>><</if>> <br><br> He worked his slacks off, his other hand caressing and grabbing at my body on display. It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, returning to me, now naked. He quickly stripped me of what I was <<link "wearing">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>>, making me yelp with each quick movement. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>He tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as he yanked.<</if>> And then, ready to go, he grabbed my hair with one hand, my hip with the other and firmly flipped me on hands and knees. My head arched uncomfortably as he began to pull tight in time with his mounting me. I grabbed at the headboard as I squeaked in surprise, feeling him lining up his member. I could barely feel the pressure amidst the wetness of my snatch. <br><br> He shoved his hips down roughly, taking me in a single stroke. I arched and bucked. <<speechPC>>"Ah!"<</speechPC>> A sharp noise and motion of being taken<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his sack, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and he pulled harder on my hair like a rein, his other hand smacking down on the small of my back. Then, he began to rock. <br><br> My body thrust forward with his motion, feeling the heat and hardness driving inside me. I couldn't help but coo, <<speech "Callum">>"Likin' that cock, dear?"<</speech>> I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. Looking back at him -- not an easy angle over my shoulder as my hair tugged at the root -- he was such a huge man, and I was so powerless beneath him. To emphasize that, he was making firm, decisive thrusts of his hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, he shoved forward. I rolled my hips each time -- about the only thing I could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> And like I read his mind, he slowed his motions, but kept them fluid. He leaned more into me, pressing me down on the mattress at the waist and making my spine ache with the pull of my hair. <<speech "Callum">>"Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..."<</speech>> He said it, but I was thinking it. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. Cumming on the very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. I felt the build from his very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life."<</speechPC>> I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. <<speechPC>>"Fuck. Y-yes. There."<</speechPC>> I thought, writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that I was surprised at how fast the orgasm was coming. My legs were quaking. My body complained nearing my peak...sadly, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. And instantly, the approaching peak dissipated. I was trying to move and get my own to happen, but it was gone as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, <<speech "Callum">>"That was hot."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Fuck, yeah it was."<</speechPC>> A kind of lie, but necessary. It //was// hot, just wish he had lasted a bit longer. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, <<speech "Callum">>"Never came that hard ever. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is."<</speech>> <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' with the imagining of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' with the imagining of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<skillChecked "Reaction to Men">> His hotel's atmosphere didn't scream 'partier,' -- hell, didn't even whisper it -- unless he was spending all his money on the fun and skimping on everything else. Still, it was a step up from RedDoorz. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Temporary place."<</speech>> He excused the bustling lobby full of cheap clothes and its solid touristy vibe. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Totally."<</speechPC>> I nodded, brow furrowing to show my agreement as he shuffled me hurriedly towards the bank of elevators. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"You makin' the most of Manila. Lemme tell you."<</speech>> He smiled, corralling me against the corner of the lift, despite the other people who were around us. He breathed heavily into my ear, fingers toying at the edges of my clothing. For as grabby as a guy as he was, he was being showing a lot of restraint. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"You should make every night like tonight."<</speech>> He whispered into my ear, encouraging my slutty behavior even if it wasn't going to benefit him. Well, maybe it was -- approve of it so that I didn't change my mind. <br><br> Though his attitude as highly sexual and predatory (and possessive), the family that shared the elevator were doing their damnedest to ignore us, even the mother who was clutching her young children to her legs lest our behavior infect them. I wanted to tell her that he could have been worse. I also wanted to smack her for not trying to help one of her own, if I needed it. <br><br> They disappeared as soon as the doors slid open, ushered out like a ducklings. Now alone, he presses his hips against me. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"So, how you pick ZZYZX tonight? Good choice, that one."<</speech>> Was he not hard? Was he //that// collected? <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>>A part of be pained at maybe not being hot enough?<</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"It's near where I'm staying. Local...before I branch out..."<</speechPC>> He //loved// to talk. The whole cab ride had been more of the same. And it's not like he was a good conversationalist. I hoped it wouldn't last into the bedroom. <br><br> And I was about to find out. The doors slid open again and he guided me out. Now that we were on his floor, there was no urgency and far less 'pull' to his guidance. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah, well you pick great. Under the radar spot. High-caliber types go there. They don't go //anywhere// else down there."<</speech>> He laughed, smiling broadly at me as if intoning that he was one of those. Or by association at least. <br><br> It wasn't a keycard, he actually had to use an analog counterpart to get the door open and the blast of air conditioning that the door released had a slightly mildewy, wet quality to it. Very high caliber. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"So you see those ZZYZX dancers? I think, you could be one them."<</speech>> He let go of me in the middle of the room before he took a seat at the end of his bed. He pulled at the heels of his leather shoes to take them off -- he wasn't wearing socks -- while his hand began to undo his slacks -- he wasn't wearing a belt. <br><br> <<if $clubJob == "dance">> <<speechPC>>"Might surprise you...but I am." I grinned, understanding what he was after and enjoying that little nugget, "No music for me?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"See?" He wagged a finger, slacks hanging open and showing his threadbare boxers, "I told you. So, show me."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speechPC>>"I'm not really sure that's my calling." I laughed, "Remember? Fun...not work."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Fun //idea//, though."<</speech>> He wagged a finger, slacks hanging open and showing his threadbare boxers, "So, show me how right I am." <</if>> <br><br> I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully, beginning to sway my hips and using my toes to <<link "remove my own footwear">><<feet>><</link>>. <<speechPC>>"Didn't get enough dancing tonight?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Small penis barely sticking out of open pants and a lot of pubic hair. */ <<skillChecked "Underwear Worn, Pubic Hair & Fertility">> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Best dancer right here..."<</speech>> He pulled the flap of the boxers open and pulled free his rock-hard cock. So, he //was// hard. I didn't feel him because there wasn't much there. Jutting from a nest of curly pubic hair was a slender and short stub of a penis. Not a micro, but certainly on the short end of the spectrum. It disappeared under his palm while my body began to <<link "appear">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>> for him. He nodded, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"See, don't need music."<</speech>> His hand slowly pumping what looked like air. The tip just barely peeking from the top of his palm on the downstroke. <br><br> I moved closer, sliding into his lap to give him more of the dance that I expected he was looking for. His hand bumped against my stomach, mound and ass as I gyrated, lifting my chest to his face. <<if $Body.braless == true>>His mouth latched right onto my nipple, sucking down firmly that made me gasp.<<else>>His free hand reached back to unclasp my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>> so that his hungry lips could latch right onto a nipple and make me gasp.<</if>> He sucked slowly and pulled with his mouth til it was rigid, then switched to the other one, enjoying the pair bouncing in his face. The bed slightly squeaked as my weight shifted from knee to knee on either side of his hips. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>The back of his palm and his knuckles kept rubbing and hitting against my <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>hairless slit<<else>>pubes, knuckles rapping from his own to my own<</if>> as he masturbated and suckled my tits.<<else>>His hand slid down my ass, pulling at the waistband of my underwear, insisting that I find a way to move so that they could come <<link "off">><<panties>><</link>> while maintaining the position and semblance of a lapdance.<</if>> Then both hands were on my ass and pulling down. I felt the sticky line of precum left as he missed and his cockhead pushed up one side of my mound. <br><br> <div id="NightSexElse"> <<crossroads #NightSexElse>> <<path $Body.fertile == false || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding') || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 4>> Let him hit it raw. <<blocked>> $ isn't crazy about getting pregnant. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy1 thighs1>> <<dollRearView>> Not sure why I made the choice, it was dumb as fuck, but I probably was looking for any 'positive' that I could find in the moment. He didn't miss the second time, hilting himself inside me. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Nghh!"<</speech>> His lips broke with my tits as he leaned back, not even waiting a moment before beginning to smack up against me, slow but firmly. Well, too late now...if only...I shifted my hips...I could...cocked my hips...I felt more. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"One sec..."<</speechPC>> I tried to slide off his lap. He kept smacking up into me, ignoring the movement, <<speechPC>>"One. Secccc..."<</speechPC>> Hands grasped at my ass. I pushed him back and got off his dick way easier than it normally would have been. Just popped out instantly. <br><br> He glared at me, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Too late for rubber."<</speech>> His little dick twitched in his slightly matted pubes. <br><br> I flipped onto my hands and knees, facing away from him, hoping doggie would give me what I was seeking -- it usually did, <<speechPC>>"Yah, just...hit it from behind."<</speechPC>> I smirked over my shoulder. His glower became a glimmer and he launched himself upon me. <br><br> Yelping, I nearly was shoved off the bed as he collided with me. His prick found my slot through firmness and insistence rather than accuracy, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Nghhh,"<</speech>> he grunted out as my pussy slowly caressed down his shaft. I winced, his balls press to my mound. Felt //that//. I felt his cock pulse inside me. Good. I flicked my head back, to look at him, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yeah." <</speech>> <br><br> He grabbed harder, done with the 'fun and games' and already ballsdeep. I bit my lower lip as I watched him begin to saw back and forth, my shoulders and head hung slightly off the side of the bed. <br><br> My hands tried to push up and give me more purchase and support than just my knees as this guy began furiously fucking my pussy. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Crazy-Small Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh! D-Diuuu. Sai. Sai. SAIII!"<</speech>> The thrusts were short and awkward as he felt enveloped by my unnatural fit. In that way, maybe we were designed for each other. I heard his breathing get ragged and felt him lean into me in excitement. It seemed like this was a very new sensation for him. And thank //god// for being built this little, 'cuz I could really, really feel him despite his lack. His heat and rigidity shoving my clamped and shallow cavity open. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tiny Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh! D-Diuuu. Sai. Sai."<</speech>> The first thrusts were short and awkward as he felt enveloped by my small fit. In that way, maybe we were designed for each other. I heard his breathing get ragged and felt him lean into me in excitement. It seemed like this was a very new sensation for him. And thank //god// for being built small, 'cuz I could actually feel him too. His heat and rigidity pushed and pressed at my walls. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tight Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Sai sai!"<</speech>> He was liking it, I could tell. And thankfully, I could feel his dick, pushing against my narrow walls as he shoved back and forth intently. I could feel his balls hitting against the top of my mound relentlessly, I could feel his long fingers digging and clawing, pulling my hips back against his own tapping ones. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> I could sense he had endurance and was trying to extend this, but it quickly got the better of him. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> Waiting, I listened to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Fuck. You got //great// pussy. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <br><br> It was a pleasant sensation, but not the usual 'full' that I wanted and craved. I had a guy //in// me, that much I could discern, but even though he was hard as a rock, I couldn't quite sense that. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Diu. Hai. Diu."<</speech>> I tried to cock my hips. No contact with my clit except his sack. I tried to push back in his rhythm, but no pressure on my g-spot. And I knew he wasn't going to get to my deepest buttons. I gave up, focusing entirely now on not being knocked off the bed by the frantic fucking. <br><br> My mind wandered. Was there any purpose to trying to entice him now? Was there any chance he was a target or source of intel? Now that I was here in his room, I had even more doubts than before I left the club. And I was pretty sure then. <br><br> He kept grunting out in little clipped foreign words that I didn't understand and he continued to thrust, so he must have been getting something out of this...even as I decided to just be a fucktoy rather than an active participant. He seemed fine with the choice. <br><br> Eventually, I got bored. Even the little explosions as my clit was whacked by his balls from time to time wasn't enough. I'd done my thinking and decision-making. Now I was just waiting for him to finish. <br><br> Thank god for being tight. I could sense he had endurance and was trying to extend this, but it eventually got the better of him. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <<else>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Diu. Hai. Diu."<</speech>> He was liking it, I could tell. And the fact I wasn't feeling jabbing at my mound or thighs, he was staying in, but...and I hated thinking this, but...was he in? I wasn't especially horned up, so it wasn't my wetness. I could feel his balls hitting against the top of my mound relentlessly, I could feel his long fingers digging and clawing, pulling my hips back against his own tapping ones. <br><br> I felt a pit in my stomach. Was I //loose//? As much as I was thinking hurtful things when I saw his cock for the first time, now I was thinking them about myself as my body bucked forward as he pounded away at me. I couldn't feel a goddamned thing. <br><br> I tried to cock my hips. No contact with my clit except his sack. I tried to push back in his rhythm, but no pressure on my g-spot. And I knew he wasn't going to get to my deepest buttons. I gave up, focusing entirely now on not being knocked off the bed by the frantic fucking. <br><br> My mind wandered. Was there any purpose to trying to entice him now? Was there any chance he was a target or source of intel? Now that I was here in his room, I had even more doubts than before I left the club. And I was pretty sure then. <br><br> He kept grunting out in little clipped foreign words that I didn't understand and he continued to thrust, so he must have been getting something out of this...even as I decided to just be a fucktoy rather than an active participant. He seemed fine with the choice. <br><br> Eventually, I got bored. Even the little explosions as my clit was whacked by his balls from time to time wasn't enough. I'd done my thinking and decision-making. Now I was just waiting for him to finish. Was I too loose for him to get there? Could I do anything about it? <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> My hand reached back again, cupping and starting to massage his swinging sack slightly. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> I sighed, releasing his sack. Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> "Yeah." I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <<else>> Boredom became frustration. I wondered if I was even going to //feel// fucked after this. I'd sure feel wet, and I'd walked around frustrated and horny before, but this would be __after__ getting laid. And this frenetic Asian guy wasn't giving up and maybe he had a lot of endurance and self-control? Because he kept going for what felt like ages. <br><br> I was glad he couldn't see my face as it swayed back and forth overhanging from the side of the bed. Then, after what felt like an eternity, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Zung!"<</speech>> His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <</if>> <</if>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<if $Body.fertile>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Gang Hung" M "Gang Hung, who wasn't and took me away from my surveillance of the club">> <<else>> <<vCardCheck "Gang Hung" M "Gang Hung, who wasn't and took me away from my surveillance of the club">> <</if>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I nearly fell on my face as I opened the door, my foot slipping on the hotel's daily folio. I kept upright and was able to leave without injury to myself or my pride, and also saw learned his name, finally: Gang Hung. <br><br> Shit. That was a complete waste. Worse than a waste, I had been deflected from my mission for a worthless fuck and had to pay for a ride back to the RedDoorz. Despondent, I couldn't even bother to get myself off, even when it became incredibly difficult to shut my brain off and go to [[sleep|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I nearly fell on my face as I opened the door, my foot slipping on the hotel's daily folio. I kept upright and was able to leave without injury to myself or my pride, and also saw learned his name, finally: Gang Hung. <br><br> Shit. That was a complete waste. Worse than a waste, I had been deflected from my mission for a worthless fuck and had to pay for a ride back to the RedDoorz. Despondent, I couldn't even bother to get myself off, even when it became incredibly difficult to shut my brain off and go to [[sleep|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<path>> Be sensible and get him to use protection. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills & Vocal Quality" "Confident" "Wiles">> <<set _condomChance = $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>><<set _condomChance ++>><</if>> <<speechPC>>"Where are your condoms?"<</speechPC>> I whispered breathily in his ear, stroking my hand through his <<linkexpand "hair.">> <<dollRearView>> hair. <br><br> <<if _condomChance gt 4>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"There."<</speech>> I could hear his displeasure in his tone, and he kept trying to hold me still and get it in me, but a little sexy voice and insistence was sometimes all that you needed. <br><br> I giggled playfully as I got my asscheeks free from his hands and clambered across the bed to the bag he had indicated. I kept giggling and making sure he felt this was a fun game as he continued after me, grabbing me, pulling me back and trying to mount me again and again. Furiously, I found the protection and got it open, swinging a hand underneath me and instantly his fight stopped. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Nghhh."<</speech>> He grunted out as my palm slowly caressed down his shaft, my other hand following after, sliding the condom on him to his bushy base. And then I let go. <br><br> He grabbed harder, done with the 'fun and games' and finding his prick to my slot through firmness and insistence rather than accuracy. I grit my teeth and shifted my hips to help it go in as my shoulders and head hung slightly off the side of the bed. My hands tried to push up and give me more purchase and support than just my knees as this guy began furiously fucking my pussy. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Crazy-Small Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh! D-Diuuu. Sai. Sai. SAIII!"<</speech>> The thrusts were short and awkward as he felt enveloped by my unnatural fit. In that way, maybe we were designed for each other. I heard his breathing get ragged and felt him lean into me in excitement. It seemed like this was a very new sensation for him. And thank //god// for being built this little, 'cuz I could really, really feel him despite his lack. His heat and rigidity shoving my clamped and shallow cavity open. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tiny Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh! D-Diuuu. Sai. Sai."<</speech>> The first thrusts were short and awkward as he felt enveloped by my small fit. In that way, maybe we were designed for each other. I heard his breathing get ragged and felt him lean into me in excitement. It seemed like this was a very new sensation for him. And thank //god// for being built small, 'cuz I could actually feel him too. His heat and rigidity pushed and pressed at my walls. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <br><br> <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tight Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Sai sai!"<</speech>> He was liking it, I could tell. And thankfully, I could feel his dick, pushing against my narrow walls as he shoved back and forth intently. I could feel his balls hitting against the top of my mound relentlessly, I could feel his long fingers digging and clawing, pulling my hips back against his own tapping ones. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> I could sense he had endurance and was trying to extend this, but it quickly got the better of him. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled the condom. <br><br> Waiting, I listened to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Fuck. You got //great// pussy. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he flung the used condom onto the floor and laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <br><br> It was a pleasant sensation, but not the usual 'full' that I wanted and craved. I had a guy //in// me, that much I could discern, but even though he was hard as a rock, I couldn't quite sense that. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Diu. Hai. Diu."<</speech>> I tried to cock my hips. No contact with my clit except his sack. I tried to push back in his rhythm, but no pressure on my g-spot. And I knew he wasn't going to get to my deepest buttons. I gave up, focusing entirely now on not being knocked off the bed by the frantic fucking. <br><br> My mind wandered. Was there any purpose to trying to entice him now? Was there any chance he was a target or source of intel? Now that I was here in his room, I had even more doubts than before I left the club. And I was pretty sure then. <br><br> He kept grunting out in little clipped foreign words that I didn't understand and he continued to thrust, so he must have been getting something out of this...even as I decided to just be a fucktoy rather than an active participant. He seemed fine with the choice. <br><br> Eventually, I got bored. Even the little explosions as my clit was whacked by his balls from time to time wasn't enough. I'd done my thinking and decision-making. Now I was just waiting for him to finish. <br><br> Thank god for being tight. I could sense he had endurance and was trying to extend this, but it eventually got the better of him. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled the condom...couldn't even feel that, though. <br><br> Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he flung the used condom onto the floor and laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> "Yeah." I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <<else>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Diu. Hai. Diu."<</speech>> He was liking it, I could tell. And the fact I wasn't feeling jabbing at my mound or thighs, he was staying in, but...and I hated thinking this, but...was he in? I wasn't especially horned up, so it wasn't my wetness. I could feel his balls hitting against the top of my mound relentlessly, I could feel his long fingers digging and clawing, pulling my hips back against his own tapping ones. <br><br> I felt a pit in my stomach. Was I //loose//? As much as I was thinking hurtful things when I saw his cock for the first time, now I was thinking them about myself as my body bucked forward as he pounded away at me. I couldn't feel a goddamned thing. <br><br> I tried to cock my hips. No contact with my clit except his sack. I tried to push back in his rhythm, but no pressure on my g-spot. And I knew he wasn't going to get to my deepest buttons. I gave up, focusing entirely now on not being knocked off the bed by the frantic fucking. <br><br> My mind wandered. Was there any purpose to trying to entice him now? Was there any chance he was a target or source of intel? Now that I was here in his room, I had even more doubts than before I left the club. And I was pretty sure then. <br><br> He kept grunting out in little clipped foreign words that I didn't understand and he continued to thrust, so he must have been getting something out of this...even as I decided to just be a fucktoy rather than an active participant. He seemed fine with the choice. <br><br> Eventually, I got bored. Even the little explosions as my clit was whacked by his balls from time to time wasn't enough. I'd done my thinking and decision-making. Now I was just waiting for him to finish. Was I too loose for him to get there? Could I do anything about it? <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> My hand reached back again, cupping and starting to massage his swinging sack slightly. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled the condom...couldn't even feel that, though. <br><br> I sighed, releasing his sack. Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he flung the used condom onto the floor and laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> "Yeah." I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <<else>> Boredom became frustration. I wondered if I was even going to //feel// fucked after this. I'd sure feel wet, and I'd walked around frustrated and horny before, but this would be __after__ getting laid. And this frenetic Asian guy wasn't giving up and maybe he had a lot of endurance and self-control? Because he kept going for what felt like ages. <br><br> I was glad he couldn't see my face as it swayed back and forth overhanging from the side of the bed. Then, after what felt like an eternity, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Zung!"<</speech>> His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled the condom...couldn't even feel that, though. <br><br> Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he flung the used condom onto the floor and laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> "Yeah." I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy1 thighs1>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<pregCheck "Gang Hung" M "Gang Hung, who wasn't and took me away from my surveillance of the club">> <</if>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"There."<</speech>> I could hear his displeasure in his tone, and he kept trying to hold me still and get it in me, but a little sexy voice and insistence was sometimes all that you needed. <br><br> I giggled playfully as I got my asscheeks free from his hands and clambered across the bed to the bag he had indicated. I kept giggling and making sure he felt this was a fun game as he continued after me, grabbing me, pulling me back and trying to mount me again and again. Furiously, I found the protection and got it open, but too late. <br><br> His prick found my slot through firmness and insistence rather than accuracy, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Nghhh,"<</speech>> he grunted out as my pussy slowly caressed down his shaft. I winced, staring at the wrapper, fingers just about to pull at the tear tag as I felt his balls press to my mound. I felt his cock pulse inside me. I flicked my head back, waving the condom like a flag, <<speechPC>>"Hey. Condom..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He grabbed harder, done with the 'fun and games' and already ballsdeep. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Too. Late." A shake of his head, "Yeah?"<</speech>> then a nod. Insisting and using his insertion as the excuse to keep going. <br><br> He thrust and my throat clenched. I blinked back tears of surprise. Everything about the moment hit me hard. Not only was it //this// guy. Almost assuredly unaffiliated with my mission, but here I was getting fucked by him anyway. Without protection, his or mine. <br><br> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> It wasn't just the stupidity that stung. It was the realization that situations like this __would__ happen when I was ''on'' mission. What had I gotten myself into? <br><br> I bit my lower lip as I watched him begin to saw back and forth, my shoulders and head hung slightly off the side of the bed. I looked at the prophylactic between my fingers for a moment and then let go. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah..."<</speechPC>> I relented as I watched it flop onto the floor, my hands tried to push up and give me more purchase and support than just my knees as this guy began furiously fucking my pussy. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Crazy-Small Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh! D-Diuuu. Sai. Sai. SAIII!"<</speech>> The thrusts were short and awkward as he felt enveloped by my unnatural fit. In that way, maybe we were designed for each other. I heard his breathing get ragged and felt him lean into me in excitement. It seemed like this was a very new sensation for him. And thank //god// for being built this little, 'cuz I could really, really feel him despite his lack. His heat and rigidity shoving my clamped and shallow cavity open. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tiny Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Oh! D-Diuuu. Sai. Sai."<</speech>> The first thrusts were short and awkward as he felt enveloped by my small fit. In that way, maybe we were designed for each other. I heard his breathing get ragged and felt him lean into me in excitement. It seemed like this was a very new sensation for him. And thank //god// for being built small, 'cuz I could actually feel him too. His heat and rigidity pushed and pressed at my walls. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Tight Pussy')>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Sai sai!"<</speech>> He was liking it, I could tell. And thankfully, I could feel his dick, pushing against my narrow walls as he shoved back and forth intently. I could feel his balls hitting against the top of my mound relentlessly, I could feel his long fingers digging and clawing, pulling my hips back against his own tapping ones. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> My hand slid off the edge of the bed and I nearly fell. I was cumming, bleating out plaintively as it caught me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but there it was, throbbing through me. A thankful and unexpected gift that I panted out breathless appreciation for as I tried to claw myself back up into position. <<else>> One hand slid off the bed, his urgency shoving me forward. My other hand slid off my clit, trying to catch myself as I nearly fell. I had only started to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but now, one hand gripping at the mattress and other tightly wound in the sheets, watching the floor bounce rapidly, I was just waiting for it to be over. <</if>> <br><br> I could sense he had endurance and was trying to extend this, but it quickly got the better of him. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> Waiting, I listened to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Fuck. You got //great// pussy. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <br><br> It was a pleasant sensation, but not the usual 'full' that I wanted and craved. I had a guy //in// me, that much I could discern, but even though he was hard as a rock, I couldn't quite sense that. <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Diu. Hai. Diu."<</speech>> I tried to cock my hips. No contact with my clit except his sack. I tried to push back in his rhythm, but no pressure on my g-spot. And I knew he wasn't going to get to my deepest buttons. I gave up, focusing entirely now on not being knocked off the bed by the frantic fucking. <br><br> My mind wandered. Was there any purpose to trying to entice him now? Was there any chance he was a target or source of intel? Now that I was here in his room, I had even more doubts than before I left the club. And I was pretty sure then. <br><br> He kept grunting out in little clipped foreign words that I didn't understand and he continued to thrust, so he must have been getting something out of this...even as I decided to just be a fucktoy rather than an active participant. He seemed fine with the choice. <br><br> Eventually, I got bored. Even the little explosions as my clit was whacked by his balls from time to time wasn't enough. I'd done my thinking and decision-making. Now I was just waiting for him to finish. <br><br> Thank god for being tight. I could sense he had endurance and was trying to extend this, but it eventually got the better of him. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. "Gotta get back." I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <<else>> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Diu. Hai. Diu."<</speech>> He was liking it, I could tell. And the fact I wasn't feeling jabbing at my mound or thighs, he was staying in, but...and I hated thinking this, but...was he in? I wasn't especially horned up, so it wasn't my wetness. I could feel his balls hitting against the top of my mound relentlessly, I could feel his long fingers digging and clawing, pulling my hips back against his own tapping ones. <br><br> I felt a pit in my stomach. Was I //loose//? As much as I was thinking hurtful things when I saw his cock for the first time, now I was thinking them about myself as my body bucked forward as he pounded away at me. I couldn't feel a goddamned thing. <br><br> I tried to cock my hips. No contact with my clit except his sack. I tried to push back in his rhythm, but no pressure on my g-spot. And I knew he wasn't going to get to my deepest buttons. I gave up, focusing entirely now on not being knocked off the bed by the frantic fucking. <br><br> My mind wandered. Was there any purpose to trying to entice him now? Was there any chance he was a target or source of intel? Now that I was here in his room, I had even more doubts than before I left the club. And I was pretty sure then. <br><br> He kept grunting out in little clipped foreign words that I didn't understand and he continued to thrust, so he must have been getting something out of this...even as I decided to just be a fucktoy rather than an active participant. He seemed fine with the choice. <br><br> Eventually, I got bored. Even the little explosions as my clit was whacked by his balls from time to time wasn't enough. I'd done my thinking and decision-making. Now I was just waiting for him to finish. Was I too loose for him to get there? Could I do anything about it? <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> My hand reached back again, cupping and starting to massage his swinging sack slightly. His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> I sighed, releasing his sack. Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <<else>> Boredom became frustration. I wondered if I was even going to //feel// fucked after this. I'd sure feel wet, and I'd walked around frustrated and horny before, but this would be __after__ getting laid. And this frenetic Asian guy wasn't giving up and maybe he had a lot of endurance and self-control? Because he kept going for what felt like ages. <br><br> I was glad he couldn't see my face as it swayed back and forth overhanging from the side of the bed. Then, after what felt like an eternity, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Zung!"<</speech>> His stomach suddenly started smacking harder and more erratically against my asscheeks, <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"DIU!"<</speech>> And that was it. He was cumming. My tits jiggled under me with his final beating against me as he filled me with his semen. I could definitely feel that, the ropes spraying into me and spreading warmth deeper than two of his lengths would ever have reached. <br><br> Again, waiting, listening to him as I stared at the disarray of his cheap clothing on the floor. When he was done, I pulled away and off the bed. <<speechPC>>"Gotta get back."<</speechPC>> I said softly, grabbing my things and putting them on, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speech "Aggressive Asian">>"Yah. Maybe see you at club again."<</speech>> He panted, a sweaty mess as he laid back on his squeaky bed. He watched me put my clothes back <<link "on">><<restoreLook>><</link>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah."<</speechPC>> I smiled wanly and turned to head out. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheck "Gang Hung" M "Gang Hung, who wasn't and took me away from my surveillance of the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I nearly fell on my face as I opened the door, my foot slipping on the hotel's daily folio. I kept upright and was able to leave without injury to myself or my pride, and also saw learned his name, finally: Gang Hung. <br><br> Shit. That was a complete waste. Worse than a waste, I had been deflected from my mission for a worthless fuck and had to pay for a ride back to the RedDoorz. Despondent, I couldn't even bother to get myself off, even when it became incredibly difficult to shut my brain off and go to [[sleep|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I nearly fell on my face as I opened the door, my foot slipping on the hotel's daily folio. I kept upright and was able to leave without injury to myself or my pride, and also saw learned his name, finally: Gang Hung. <br><br> Shit. That was a complete waste. Worse than a waste, I had been deflected from my mission for a worthless fuck and had to pay for a ride back to the RedDoorz. Despondent, I couldn't even bother to get myself off, even when it became incredibly difficult to shut my brain off and go to [[sleep|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<run $Memories.push("Knows Peaches")>> <div id = "job"> Why be on the outside when I could be on the inside? I wasn't entirely sure what kinds of jobs they had (though I had some ideas), nor was I really sure that I would entertain //any// or ''all'' of the possible types of 'employment' the club might have. But I did know that here, hell -- everywhere -- a young, attractive woman had an element of capital that people didn't turn down out of hand. <br><br> I worked on a bowl of noodles for lunch as I considered when to go. Certainly not during prime time. I'd be mistaken probably as just a clubber. And it would be too loud and confusing. Whoever ran the place would be busy running the place rather than sorting resumes. But, conversely, I didn't want to show up when it wasn't even open. <br><br> Imagining myself standing in front of an aluminum door, pounding on it and asking for an application was more sad than funny. <br><br> So there was a narrow window. Before the club got jumping, but after they actually opened the doors. <br><br> I settled on early evening and then tried -- now waiting -- to figure out what the fuck was I going to do in my downtime? What did spies do between getting shot at and sneaking into top secret locations? Watch TV? Was I supposed to be doing things like 'I' normally like 'build my legend' and credibility? Or was I just supposed to twiddle my thumbs? Or was I supposed to have multiple tacks going, multi-threading my work as an agent so that there //was// no downtime. Was I wasting time or was I supposed to waste time? Man, did I wish I had been given some training. <br><br> My thoughts wandered to what training had been for Angelo, for Nate, <<if $angeloTalk is true>>for Alice, <</if>> mother. <<if $angeloTalk is true>> Was it an expansion of the evaluation with Alice and Angelo? Firing ranges, hand-to-hand combat, maybe lectures and training on the subtleties of reading and manipulating people? Crafting profiles and mission plans on targets under the guidance and supervision of agents that had come before and knew from experience what worked and what didn't. <<else>> Was it classrooms and ranges like Quantico? Was it under the tutelage of agents who had come before and knew the ins and outs of the field? Was it practicums and live tests to really put the screws to potential agents? Was there a failure and wash out percentage? How the fuck did they even get recruited anyway? Did they apply? <</if>> <br><br> No matter what it was, it had to be more than simply throwing a school-aged girl to the wolves and seeing if she could stop an international threat. Yeah. <br><br> That would have been nice. <br><br> As it was, I made some Google queries into the club, watched some tidbits of YouTube when people had mentioned or visited it. I tried to learn whatever I could -- and there was nothing (at least on the non-DarkWeb) on something this fringe and sketchy. I made sure that as much of my searching would seem as innocent and curious as it could be. I didn't want to raise any flags. <br><br> I may have also gone down a few rabbit holes of people visiting Manila. I call it research. <br><br> The internet pulling up nothing useful, I got dressed and set out to get myself a <<link "job">><<replace "#job">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Empty club during the daytime. */ Clubs always have a weird, far more seedy air about them during the non-party hours. As if they weren't questionable when it was dark, crowded and sweaty. Club ZZYZX was no different. <br><br> This early, there was no haze, no music, definitely no laser lights. The intoxicating quality of the club was gone and it was simply a boxy place with room enough for a lot of people to get close together and drunk. There was a hint of bleach smell in the air from cleaning. <br><br> I must have looked lost, because that's how I was treated, "Too early. Come back in a few hours." The bouncer was munching on a saucy hotdog, returning to his post by the door that had been vacant long enough for me to come in without being allowed. <br><br> "Oh yeah, totally. I'm guys hiring?" My gaze continued to swing back and forth trying to make heads or tails of who might be in charge. <br><br> He frowned, reconsidered me and swallowed a bite that deserved to be chewed more, "I mean. Yeah. Depending on...what kind of job you're...looking for?" He didn't have the affect of Filipino dialect...he sounded strangely like he could have been from back stateside. I didn't ask, wondering all the same. <br><br> "Well, are there...different people for different types of jobs? Not exactly looking to clean toilets." I laughed playfully. <br><br> "No, that's a good point. Same girl. Head that way," a strong arm swung out, gesturing with the remainder of the hotdog, pointing further towards the back, "Say you're looking for Peaches. You might miss her, but she won't miss you." And with that the gesture returned the dog to his mouth where it disappeared. He turned and left me to my own devices. <br><br> I walked on back, smiling pleasantly at the curious and confused looks on my way. It was mostly women who were mostly some extraction of Asian, some whiter or more Latin than others, some with darker tones. There were a few men, but they all seemed to squarely fall within the range of muscle-bound and big which meant security, whereas I couldn't place the employment of the women for the life of me. "Peaches?" I asked a few times and received a few knowing laughs, but they were helpful and kept pointing me further and further on. Beyond and behind the bar. Past the bathrooms. Towards the storage and office spaces in the bowels of the hallways that allowed this place to run. <br><br> For it being some secret hideout for a villain or at least part of his spider's web, it seemed very...functional and legal. <br><br> "Okay. How'd you get back here?" It was sharp, clipped and quick. <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Peaches")>>Oh, this one again. <</if>>The cadence spoke more to her...Chinese? upbringing than any tone or accent. <br><br> "Oh, hey. You're Peaches?" I grinned, extending my hand. <br><br> Her firm look became a glower and she did not take my hand, "Karl is going to learn that is not funny. Name. Is. Tao." There was a moment where I was sure that his joke had become my mistake and that I'd be turned away instantly, but she considered otherwise and we shook hands. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Karl said you might be hiring?" <br><br> She nodded and retrieved her hand, crossing her arms and giving me a look. She was a slight, hard-edged woman. She certainly didn't seem like a peach. But it also didn't seem like the first time she had heard that. She was clad entirely in black that gave her essentially no shape of femininity, strength or weakness. She would disappear when the lights went out and maybe that was the point. <br><br> <<if visited("M002 - Club ZZYZX") gte 2>> <<set $clubJob = "none">> <<face angry>> "Oh, I've seen you around. Piece of advice," she was already turning away, "Don't shit where you eat. There's lots of clubs. But no jobs for you here." <br><br> And that was it. I shook my head in disbelief at how quick and easy that was for her. It didn't seem to bear any extra portent or meaning behind it. I didn't feel like my cover was blown or something. I also didn't feel like I was ''that'' much of a frequenter that would have mattered. <br><br> But it did. <br><br> I walked out, ashamed to make eye contact with any of the people I had seen on the way in. They didn't give me a second thought or look. <br><br> Shit. Well, I was going to have to keep working other angles, but working here was not going to be one of them. <br><br> I got back to the RedDoorz and avoided any report on what had happened. This kind of failure was not something that I think would have been well-received. I fought off the feeling of messing up and depression as best I could and then went to sleep, ready to try again [[tomorrow|HomeBase]]. <<else>> <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if $Body.age is -2>> "I don't think I could see people being comfortable with you slinging drinks. Confused more than anything." <br><br> "Yeah. That, um. Makes sense, I guess. So...what options //are// there?" <br><br> "American, yeah? On...vacation?" Nodding to each, " long?" I gave a shrug, which was true. "Okay, so not a short-term thing. Need the cash. I got it. Okay. So, no bartending, but there are a couple of options. You seem like a partier to me. Which is good! But I'm not sure you're up for the kind of jobs we have here." <br><br> There was a pregnant pause. She was waiting for me to show alarm or bolt. This was going to be far from the most surprising thing that had been said or offered to me in my life. I don't think I flinched. <br><br> Her lower lip pressed forward a bit, maybe surprised, maybe impressed, maybe both. <div id="clubChoice"> <<crossroads #clubChoice>> <<path>> "We have two types of entertainment, how do you feel about dancing?" <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> Dancing sounded up my [[alley|M002 - ClubDance]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 or $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 5 or $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 5>> "The other type of entertaining is more've heard of working girls?" <<blocked>> $ is //not// comfortable with putting out. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> I //was// an EROS agent, [[right|M002 - ClubWhore]]? <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $Body.age is -1>> "How old are you? I'm not sure I feel comfortable sitting you behind the bar. They shouldn't be concerned having you pour them drinks." <br><br> "Yeah. That, um. Makes sense, I guess. So...what options //are// there?" <br><br> "American, yeah? On...vacation?" Nodding to each, " long?" I gave a shrug, which was true. "Okay, so not a short-term thing. Need the cash. I got it." <br><br> <div id="clubJob"> <<crossroads #clubJob>> <<path $CC.height gt 3 or $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 2>> "Okay. Maybe I think we might be able to swing you as a bartender...but you hide if cops show." <<blocked>> $'s bearing doesn't give Tao confidence that she could pull off being a proper-aged bartender. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> Bartending sounded like low-risk [[access|M002 - ClubBar]] to me. <<path>> "Otherwise, we have two types of entertainment, how do you feel about dancing?" <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> Dancing sounded up my [[alley|M002 - ClubDance]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 or $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 5 or $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 5>> "The other type of entertaining is more've heard of working girls?" <<blocked>> $ is //not// comfortable with putting out. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> I //was// an EROS agent, [[right|M002 - ClubWhore]]? <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> "Well. What kind of job //are// you looking for?" I wasn't sure exactly what to say. How much about the goings-on here did I know, was I supposed to know. "American, yeah? On...vacation?" Nodding to each, " long?" I gave a shrug, which was true. "Okay, so not a short-term thing. Need the cash. I got it." <br><br> <div id="clubJob"> <<crossroads #clubJob>> <<path>> "You ever bartend before? It's the usual way that girls start to work for us." Start. That was interesting. And disconcerting? <<blocked>> $'s bearing doesn't give Tao confidence that she could pull off being a proper-aged bartender. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> Bartending sounded like low-risk [[access|M002 - ClubBar]] to me. <<path>> "Otherwise, we have two types of entertainment, how do you feel about dancing?" <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> Dancing sounded up my [[alley|M002 - ClubDance]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<div id="night2"> This club was dangerous. <<if $ACTI.goOut !== "rest">>I knew that after the first night. When I had been attacked the //first// time. <<else>>When Nate and Angelo had told me what was going on here. But also...<</if>>Women seemed up in arms at my mere presence. And the socialization of fighting here seemed far more acceptable than anything I was used to back home. Danger lurked around every corner, not just from the men, not just from some nefarious <<print $>>, but also from any female. <br><br> Hopefully, for tonight at least, I might be able to eschew the weaker sex and focus on the one that might get me closer to accomplishing this mission. <<crossroads #night2>> <<path>> See if there was anyone worth getting to know. <<contents>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Callum")>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> There was definitely something going on towards the back. Something important. The way that the workers of the Club acted in deference to that area and also seemed to avoid it, while just 'normal' men were coming and going as if it were just some VIP was suspicious. That much I had picked up on in my little time. So, I performed a little stakeout. Or at least that's what I was pretending it was as I sipped on a tequila hard seltzer. It didn't taste good. So I wasn't drinking it quickly. <br><br> Just for show. Just like whatever was going on...back there. <br><br> A few men approached me, a given. But they were quickly assessed and denied wordlessly. And given my caliber amongst the other women around, they just assumed they weren't valuable enough to be worthy of my attention. Even better than back home. Advantage: me. <br><br> I clocked a couple men in particular. I didn't know what they were doing or who they were, but I began making some mental notes. I'd have to figure out the rest later, but at least I was getting some mental snapshots of the important players. least players. They had to be playing, right? <br><br> A Western accent chuckling in my ear, shocked me from my reverie: "Who'd have thought I'd come all this way and find a girl from back home?" <br><br> I chuckled along with his joke. He wasn't American, but I wouldn't dispel him of the notion straight away. I smirked over my shoulder, "Well, hello." He was a tall, widely-built Scotsman(?), bald and easily twice my age. And, most importantly: It was one of the guys I had noted. A player. He had found me. Little did he know I was looking for him. <br><br> "Ah, shite." He laughed, pressing the side of his hips against me to counter-point his dissatisfaction, "American." <br><br> "I look...Scottish?" I made a little head over at the bar. Now was a time I could use it, with a guy I //wanted// around. <br><br> "Maybe I was hoping. You look differen' than everyone else here." What followed was playful banter and while he was groping as much as any of these guys would have, it felt less predatory and more like kinship in a far-flung territory for both of us. And it turned out he was here on 'business' -- not interesting, but just laughed off any inquiries into what the business was -- interesting. <br><br> So after a requisite amount of flirtation, I offered a break (I'd been standing for hours anyway) to lounge a bit. Callum -- that was his name -- grunted, looking off to the side and then decided against it, his hand dropped against my ass and down to search between my thighs, "Changing venue?" <br><br> I squirmed, trying to keep him from reaching the honeypot, twisting my hips towards him and making the angle more difficult. "So, Callum," I beamed up at him, pounding down the last drink he had gotten me so that he could provide another -- make him think he hadn't primed my pump enough yet, "Why ZZYZX?" <br><br> "Coul' ask the same thing of you." Age had turned former muscle to...less so...and it became much more apparent as his arm swung around behind me and pulled me close. <br><br> I told him the truth, which is that I was scoping things out, new in town and that my digs were close and this was convenient. I was just looking for a night out and didn't need anything too fancy. His other hand dipped between my legs ''again'', pressing upward insistently as we chatted. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>>And, fuck, I was easy access <<print $>> tonight. I felt the pads of his fingers flutter at sensitive bare skin. There was only me between him...and me.<</if>> I tried to slightly dissuade him, but I still needed to get a bit more understanding of Callum before I could end this encounter. But attempt two was much more focused than the first. He wasn't testing the waters, he was making a point. <br><br> "This neck of the woods? Ach, sorry, dearie." So he was staying elsewhere. Why trek down to this neighborhood and //this// lower-end club. Sure, he might be trying to pull as a big fish in a small pond. Or... "Didn't plan on it meself, victim of circumstance and locality of business being done, yesee." I couldn't keep the fingers at bay any longer, and now anyone could see what he was doing, plain as day. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>><<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>What had been a hint of contact at my lips was now unadulterated fingering, "Mmm. Freeballin' are we. Knew I liked ye."<<else>>What had been a hint of contact at the fabric -- my last barrier -- was now pawing strokes.<</if>><</if>> <div id="NightInvestigateElse"> <<crossroads #NightInvestigateElse>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Constantly Horny')>> Shit. I hated being hornier than guys. Fine. We could fuck. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I practically jerked my hips back against the digging, my hand grabbing at his other arm and pulling myself into him. I cooed softly as I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. I probably felt like a furnace with how warm the insides of my thighs were. <br><br> My chin rested near his collarbone, eyes closed and keeping myself tight against him as he worked. Then he yanked his hand away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and leaned off the bar. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me away from the bar and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, "Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..." he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), there was a split-second where I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now--nghh f-fuck I almost came. <br><br> Goddamn, I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night2Sex]]. <<blocked>> $ isn't a nympho or have a high enough sex drive. <<path>> Could be a source. Keeping him live with sex would be easier than without. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<skillChecked "Easy" "Suggestible">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lte 3 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lte 3>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> Fuck. Was //this// what it was going to take? I felt dirty. <br><br> <</if>> I shifted my feet, parted for him, my crotch pressed back into his stroking, thick digits. I cocked my hips so that he was making the best contact and delivering me shocks constantly. God, I was getting fucking //soaked//. "Where are you staying?" <br><br> His hand yanked away and my pussy screamed at me in dismay. He looked off to the side as he straightened his jacket, smelled his fingers and leaned off the bar. Did he just tease me to get back at me? To see if he ''could''? <br><br> Then he offered me the tainted hand, pulling me away with him and then dropping squarely to my ass, patting and squeezing as we walked out, "Yeah, no need for you to stay around here..." he motioned at the run-down neighborhood. Then he pulled me close, shoving his tongue into my mouth, but his eyes were elsewhere, lit up in his phone as he called a lift. <br><br> He pawed slowly and gave little reiterating swats to my rear as I sucked and played with his tongue for the next couple minutes until the black car pulled up and we climbed in. <br><br> As we made out in the backseat (his hand returning to ministering to my mound), I wondered if I should be maximizing my intel gathering right now or not. I was literally being the honeytrap right now and didn't know if I was trapping enough. <br><br> I ventured to not push my luck, plus I was enjoying him edging me on the ride back to his [[place|M002 - Night2Sex]]. <<path>> Just because an EROS agent uses sex didn't mean I //had// to. I had a lead and I could disentangle with my dignity intact. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> I tried to hold the tremble and shudder of my eyes at bay, ignoring the shocks between my legs -- god I was getting fucking //soaked// -- "Lemme give you my number, Callum. I've been dancing all night so let's pick this back up when I'm not a wreck." My hips shifted forward, my pussy complaining as the pressure lightened and the hope of sex retreated too. <br><br> "Fair enough, darlin'." He retrieved his phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to me with surprising ease. Unlocked, unconcerned. So either he would give up his knowledge easily or there was nothing to be had. I popped in my number and moved away from the bar, pecking him on the cheek. He gave my own, other, cheek a good smack in response, "See you soon. Sure ye don't want a walk home? Dangerous 'round these parts." <br><br> I leaned in, hand sliding down his chest, giving him a little tongue. He took the moment to try again at my vulva. I let him play, feeling my heat as a promise of //next// time, "Appreciate the gentlemanly offer." The irony of being practically fingered at the moment was not lost on me, "But I'll be fine." <br><br> And I was. Riding a high of locking in my first potential lead on my first night out on 'infil' duty as silly American party girl? Fuck, maybe I //could// be an EROS agent. <br><br> I put myself to sleep by masturbating furiously, imagining <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>>. He held a special place in my heart, but that night it was different. ''I'' held all of the power. I was merely using them for my own purposes. I had to be sexually sated before I could go out in the field, clear-headed and resolved. And they were my toy. Beneath me, grunting out and holding back their own orgasm so that I could get mine -- I could get a half __dozen__ -- first. <br><br> I collapsed into sleep, thighs quaking, toes digging into the shitty mattress as I laughed out, imagining leaving <<if $ == true>>my fantasy man<<else>><<print $>><</if>> pre-orgasm. I was done, they'd have to take care of themselves. <br><br> Sleep was incredible that [[night|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<hidden $Memories.includes("Knows Callum")>> <<path $Memories.includes("Knows Callum")>> I wondered if Callum was here tonight. <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> Callum had been one of the guys who might figure into the big picture. So why not start with him? <br><br> I glanced over the couches. No Scotsman. <br><br> Walking past the bar? He probably had drinks brought to him. <br><br> The dance floor. I doubted he was really the type. <br><br> So, that meant I needed to meander. Try and get a peek back behind the curtain. I headed to the back hall. Just me, maybe I was going to the bathroom? Nothing to see here. I moved slowly, giving myself as much of a window as possible before making my move: "This is the bathroom, right?" I said to no one in particular -- Callum had gone into this room before. <br><br> The door came open. There was no muscle here, surprisingly, no one to stop me. I did stop, though, because I was immediately confronted with a man watching TV, his pants around his calves and a girl between his knees, head bobbing on his prick. Not Callum. <br><br> "Oh." It was all I could think of to say. He looked over from the TV, the frown turning into intrigue as he took me in. <br><br> "Joining the fun? Datu! Who's this piece?" He called out to someone, back further from the lounge -- a sactum more inner. <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu")>> <<set $People['AI'].Datu.rel -= 2>> <<face worried>> I knew that name, though and my blood ran cold. There was a moment of hesitation considering a quick exit before he saw me, but I would be pursued. And running would only add credence to me having done something I knew I shouldn't. <br><br> Instead, I stood as confidently as I could, watching the girl -- unperturbed -- slurping on this guy. She seemed as unaffected by anything as he seemed unaffected by her blowjob: he was just enjoying it as if it were a daily massage. <br><br> "Hi, Datu." <<skillChecked "Confidence">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>Good, that came out well. I belonged.<<else>>Oh, that did //not// sound how I intended it. Deer in headlights.<</if>> <br><br> "<<print $>>." A point of fact. I could tell his mind was working, but I didn't know how this was going to turn out. He was walking towards me, though. I'd find out soon enough. <br><br> "So //this// is where you are all night!" A chipper, naive girl. That was the play. "I heard there was a VIP room, but I didn't know it doesn't seem to cater to people like //me//." Playing off supreme comfort at bearing witness to the sexual exploit. <<if $clubJob is "whore">>I didn't recognize her as one of the working girls, so this had to be either his girlfriend or something worse, but I was taking it as surpremely mundane.<<else>>Whether this was a working girl, his girlfriend, or something worse, I was taking it as mundane.<</if>> <br><br> His approach didn't stop right in front of me. <br><br> A blade came out and pressed under my chin before I knew he had one. <br><br> I was against the door, eyes uplifted simply trying to keep my vulnerable skin away from his instrument. <br><br> My heart was instantly racing. Was I going to die? Why wasn't he saying anything? <br><br> "D-datu." I squeaked, my hands touching at his blazer. Not pushing, not pulling. Simple, unthreatening contact. <br><br> His breath bloomed across my bared throat. The tip of the blade felt like it was breaking the skin. <br><br> "Dat-tu! W-what are y-you doing?" Any confidence I had displayed was gone. I was pleading for my life. This place //was// just as dangerous as I had been warned. I was getting the danger dealt to me in spades tonight, reaffirming all that I had been told. <br><br> "She wasn't doing anything, Dat." Yes. Yes. Listen to the guy who's watching this while he gets his cock sucked. <br><br> I felt like I was scrabbling up the wall. I wished I was <<if $CC.clique =="Nerd">>Spider-Gwen<<else>>Spider-Man<</if>>. "You weren't?" His words felt more dangerous than the dagger at my jugular. <br><br> "She...could be though." The guy chuckled. I heard the girl suddenly gag, the sound of an unending deepthroat filled the room as his words dissapated. "I think I'm done with this one." The wet, quick withrdawal and her pleading gasp. <br><br> Datu grabbed my nose with his fingers and pulled down, making me meet the blade and his eyes, "I'm not sure this one is safe." <br><br> Did I prove I was safe? <<crossroads>> <<path [[M002 - Night2End]]>> No. This had gone too far, I was scared but I wasn't turning out to be the other girl. <<path [[M002 - Night2End][$Memories.push("Knows Nestor")]]>> Yes. I had made a misstep. I didn't want to die. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<set $People['AI'].Datu.rel -= 2>> <<face worried>> Datu? Who was that? My blood ran cold. A big man from behind the curtain was going to appear. There was a moment of hesitation considering a quick exit before he saw me, but I would be pursued. And running would only add credence to me having done something I knew I shouldn't. <br><br> Instead, I stood as confidently as I could, watching the girl -- unperturbed -- slurping on this guy. She seemed as unaffected by anything as he seemed unaffected by her blowjob: he was just enjoying it as if it were a daily massage. <br><br> "Hi." <<skillChecked "Confidence">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>A little wave and smile. Yeah, that went well. I belonged here.<<else>>That wave could have been a bit stronger and my smile could have been quicker. Shit. Deer in headlights.<</if>> <br><br> "Who the fuck are you." Not a question. I could tell his mind was working, but I didn't know how this was going to turn out. He was walking towards me, though. I'd find out soon enough. <br><br> "I really thought this was the bathroom. My mistake!" A chipper, naive girl. That was the play. "Is it..." I motioned back towards the hallway, "More...that way? Or..." Playing off supreme comfort at bearing witness to the sexual exploit. <<if $clubJob is "whore">>I didn't recognize her as one of the working girls, so this had to be either his girlfriend or something worse, but I was taking it as surpremely mundane.<<else>>Whether this was a working girl, his girlfriend, or something worse, I was taking it as mundane.<</if>> <br><br> His approach didn't stop right in front of me. <br><br> A blade came out and pressed under my chin before I knew he had one. <br><br> I was against the door, eyes uplifted simply trying to keep my vulnerable skin away from his instrument. <br><br> My heart was instantly racing. Was I going to die? Why wasn't he saying anything? <br><br> "F-fuck. N-no." I squeaked, my hands touching at his blazer. Not pushing, not pulling. Simple, unthreatening contact. <br><br> His breath bloomed across my bared throat. The tip of the blade felt like it was breaking the skin. <br><br> "P-please! W-what are y-you doing?" Any confidence I had displayed was gone. I was pleading for my life. This place //was// just as dangerous as I had been warned. I was getting the danger dealt to me in spades tonight, reaffirming all that I had been told. <br><br> "She wasn't doing anything, Dat." Yes. Yes. Listen to the guy who's watching this while he gets his cock sucked. <br><br> I felt like I was scrabbling up the wall. I wished I was <<if $CC.clique =="Nerd">>Spider-Gwen<<else>>Spider-Man<</if>>. "You weren't?" His words felt more dangerous than the dagger at my jugular. <br><br> "She...could be though." The guy chuckled. I heard the girl suddenly gag, the sound of an unending deepthroat filled the room as his words dissapated. "I think I'm done with this one." The wet, quick withrdawal and her pleading gasp. <br><br> Datu grabbed my nose with his fingers and pulled down, making me meet the blade and his eyes, "I'm not sure this one is safe." <br><br> Did I prove I was safe? <<crossroads>> <<path [[M002 - Night2End]]>> No. This had gone too far, I was scared but I wasn't turning out to be the other girl. <<path [[M002 - Night2End][$Memories.push("Knows Nestor")]]>> Yes. I had made a misstep. I didn't want to die. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<hidden $Memories.includes("Knows Callum") == false>> <<path>> Do a little snooping. <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> There was definitely something going on towards the back. Something important. The way that the workers of the Club acted in deference to that area and also seemed to avoid it, while just 'normal' men were coming and going as if it were just some VIP was suspicious. That much I had picked up on in my little time. So, I performed a little stakeout. Or at least that's what I was pretending it was as I sipped on a tequila hard seltzer. It didn't taste good. So I wasn't drinking it quickly. <br><br> Just for show. Just like whatever was going on...back there. <br><br> A few men approached me, a given. But they were quickly assessed and denied wordlessly. And given my caliber amongst the other women around, they just assumed they weren't valuable enough to be worthy of my attention. Even better than back home. Advantage: me. <br><br> I clocked a couple men in particular. I didn't know what they were doing or who they were, but I began making some mental notes. I'd have to figure out the rest later, but at least I was getting some mental snapshots of the important players. least players. They had to be playing, right? <br><br> But watching wasn't going to be enough, I needed to find out what was happening back there to get a bit more perspective on my new catalogue of VIPS. Time to get a peek back behind the curtain. <br><br> Leaving my shitty hard tequila behind, I headed to the back hall. Just me, going to the bathroom. Nothing to see here. I moved slowly, giving myself as much of a window as possible before making my move: "This is the bathroom, right?" I said to no one in particular. <br><br> The door came open. There was no muscle here, surprisingly, no one to stop me. I did stop, though, because I was immediately confronted with a man watching TV, his pants around his calves and a girl between his knees, head bobbing on his prick. <br><br> "Oh." It was all I could think of to say. He looked over from the TV, the frown turning into intrigue as he took me in. <br><br> "Joining the fun? Datu! Who's this piece?" He called out to someone, back further from the lounge -- a sactum more inner. <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu")>> <<set $People['AI'].Datu.rel -= 2>> <<face worried>> I knew that name, though and my blood ran cold. There was a moment of hesitation considering a quick exit before he saw me, but I would be pursued. And running would only add credence to me having done something I knew I shouldn't. <br><br> Instead, I stood as confidently as I could, watching the girl -- unperturbed -- slurping on this guy. She seemed as unaffected by anything as he seemed unaffected by her blowjob: he was just enjoying it as if it were a daily massage. <br><br> "Hi, Datu." <<skillChecked "Confidence">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>Good, that came out well. I belonged.<<else>>Oh, that did //not// sound how I intended it. Deer in headlights.<</if>> <br><br> "<<print $>>." A point of fact. I could tell his mind was working, but I didn't know how this was going to turn out. He was walking towards me, though. I'd find out soon enough. <br><br> "So //this// is where you are all night!" A chipper, naive girl. That was the play. "I heard there was a VIP room, but I didn't know it doesn't seem to cater to people like //me//." Playing off supreme comfort at bearing witness to the sexual exploit. <<if $clubJob is "whore">>I didn't recognize her as one of the working girls, so this had to be either his girlfriend or something worse, but I was taking it as surpremely mundane.<<else>>Whether this was a working girl, his girlfriend, or something worse, I was taking it as mundane.<</if>> <br><br> His approach didn't stop right in front of me. <br><br> A blade came out and pressed under my chin before I knew he had one. <br><br> I was against the door, eyes uplifted simply trying to keep my vulnerable skin away from his instrument. <br><br> My heart was instantly racing. Was I going to die? Why wasn't he saying anything? <br><br> "D-datu." I squeaked, my hands touching at his blazer. Not pushing, not pulling. Simple, unthreatening contact. <br><br> His breath bloomed across my bared throat. The tip of the blade felt like it was breaking the skin. <br><br> "Dat-tu! W-what are y-you doing?" Any confidence I had displayed was gone. I was pleading for my life. This place //was// just as dangerous as I had been warned. I was getting the danger dealt to me in spades tonight, reaffirming all that I had been told. <br><br> "She wasn't doing anything, Dat." Yes. Yes. Listen to the guy who's watching this while he gets his cock sucked. <br><br> I felt like I was scrabbling up the wall. I wished I was <<if $CC.clique =="Nerd">>Spider-Gwen<<else>>Spider-Man<</if>>. "You weren't?" His words felt more dangerous than the dagger at my jugular. <br><br> "She...could be though." The guy chuckled. I heard the girl suddenly gag, the sound of an unending deepthroat filled the room as his words dissapated. "I think I'm done with this one." The wet, quick withrdawal and her pleading gasp. <br><br> Datu grabbed my nose with his fingers and pulled down, making me meet the blade and his eyes, "I'm not sure this one is safe." <br><br> Did I prove I was safe? <<crossroads>> <<path [[M002 - Night2End]]>> No. This had gone too far, I was scared but I wasn't turning out to be the other girl. <<path [[M002 - Night2End][$Memories.push("Knows Nestor")]]>> Yes. I had made a misstep. I didn't want to die. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<set $People['AI'].Datu.rel -= 2>> <<face worried>> Datu? Who was that? My blood ran cold. A big man from behind the curtain was going to appear. There was a moment of hesitation considering a quick exit before he saw me, but I would be pursued. And running would only add credence to me having done something I knew I shouldn't. <br><br> Instead, I stood as confidently as I could, watching the girl -- unperturbed -- slurping on this guy. She seemed as unaffected by anything as he seemed unaffected by her blowjob: he was just enjoying it as if it were a daily massage. <br><br> "Hi." <<skillChecked "Confidence">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>A little wave and smile. Yeah, that went well. I belonged here.<<else>>That wave could have been a bit stronger and my smile could have been quicker. Shit. Deer in headlights.<</if>> <br><br> "Who the fuck are you." Not a question. I could tell his mind was working, but I didn't know how this was going to turn out. He was walking towards me, though. I'd find out soon enough. <br><br> "I really thought this was the bathroom. My mistake!" A chipper, naive girl. That was the play. "Is it..." I motioned back towards the hallway, "More...that way? Or..." Playing off supreme comfort at bearing witness to the sexual exploit. <<if $clubJob is "whore">>I didn't recognize her as one of the working girls, so this had to be either his girlfriend or something worse, but I was taking it as surpremely mundane.<<else>>Whether this was a working girl, his girlfriend, or something worse, I was taking it as mundane.<</if>> <br><br> His approach didn't stop right in front of me. <br><br> A blade came out and pressed under my chin before I knew he had one. <br><br> I was against the door, eyes uplifted simply trying to keep my vulnerable skin away from his instrument. <br><br> My heart was instantly racing. Was I going to die? Why wasn't he saying anything? <br><br> "F-fuck. N-no." I squeaked, my hands touching at his blazer. Not pushing, not pulling. Simple, unthreatening contact. <br><br> His breath bloomed across my bared throat. The tip of the blade felt like it was breaking the skin. <br><br> "P-please! W-what are y-you doing?" Any confidence I had displayed was gone. I was pleading for my life. This place //was// just as dangerous as I had been warned. I was getting the danger dealt to me in spades tonight, reaffirming all that I had been told. <br><br> "She wasn't doing anything, Dat." Yes. Yes. Listen to the guy who's watching this while he gets his cock sucked. <br><br> I felt like I was scrabbling up the wall. I wished I was <<if $CC.clique =="Nerd">>Spider-Gwen<<else>>Spider-Man<</if>>. "You weren't?" His words felt more dangerous than the dagger at my jugular. <br><br> "She...could be though." The guy chuckled. I heard the girl suddenly gag, the sound of an unending deepthroat filled the room as his words dissapated. "I think I'm done with this one." The wet, quick withrdawal and her pleading gasp. <br><br> Datu grabbed my nose with his fingers and pulled down, making me meet the blade and his eyes, "I'm not sure this one is safe." <br><br> Did I prove I was safe? <<crossroads>> <<path [[M002 - Night2End]]>> No. This had gone too far, I was scared but I wasn't turning out to be the other girl. <<path [[M002 - Night2End][$Memories.push("Knows Nestor")]]>> Yes. I had made a misstep. I didn't want to die. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if $Memories.includes("Knows Nestor")>> <<set $People['AI'].Datu.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel = 0>> "I'm safe." I nodded, trying to ignore how my larynx bumped up and over the edge of the blade a couple times. <br><br> He leaned in, my view only of his hard eyes, "I can trust you with Nestor?" So that was blowjob man's name. I nodded again. I hoped he wasn't making cuts on my throat. It sure felt like it. <br><br> "Perfect." The man purred. Datu stepped back, considering me and removing the weapon from my life veins. The girl was panting on the floor, wiping her face. The man's erection was wet and pulsing quickly as he enjoyed the idea of me being the one to finish him. He stood, one hand holding the slack pants and walked over to me. "I'll take her from here." I felt a clench in my gut. The trade had been made: body for safety. <br><br> "This room, though?" He gestured with the blade. It came worryingly close to clipping Nestor's stiffy. "Off limits." I nodded, Nestors arm already around me. <br><br> "Oh, so I need to--" <br><br> "Take her elsewhere." Datu had turned, heading back to wherever he had come from. Nestor shrugged and considered the drying erection that was sticking out. He opened the door, me at his side holding his pants with his free hand and heading back out into the club with his cock on full display. I wondered what became of the other girl, but only for a moment. <br><br> From there, it all became about me. I was being paraded through the club and him miraculously maintaining this hard-on like a flag bouncing for everyone to know his status here and that I was going to be on that thing. We received looks from //everyone//. <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Peaches")>>Peaches saw as well. I wondered how this registered for her.<<else>>That small Asian woman saw as well. I wondered if she was seeing this as a final victory.<</if>> That bitch from earlier bit a few words off at me as we passed, "'Merican cunt. Taking our good men. She's a slut. She's not worth it." That wasn't what Nestor thought. <br><br> Outside, Nestor needed to use both hands. "Suck my cock." He declared, gesturing to the sidewalk in front of the Club. In front of the bouncer. In front of all the patrons waiting to get inside. Public indecency clearly not a worry on his mind. <br><br> So I got to my knees and continued where the other girl left off. My hands held his pants while my mouth held his cock. I felt the hard concrete under my knees and against my toes. I felt the air whipping by behind me and the sound of passing cars. I could sense people in line or going about their business recording this. <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>><<state aroused>>I had never been so on display. My pussy was wet and ready for Nestor.<</if>> <br><br> Nestor was concentrating on his phone, calling a ride-share while he passively received my <<linkexpand "head.">> head. <br><br> <<face runny>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel += 3>> I immediately shoved my head to the hilt. Holding it there. Eyes up as I let my tongue, the pressure vaccuum I created, and my upper esophogus do the work. He wasn't able to be passive any longer, "Holy. Fuck." The phone fell from his hand, landing hard against my face and nose, but luckily I broke its fall and he was able to retrieve it before it tumbled to the concrete. I was focused. I held still. Looking up at him as I hid his cock fully in my mouth. My one hand stroked at his bare lower stomach, my tongue flickered against his base and the top of his sack. He grinned huge, grabbing the back of my head and cramming my face against his crotch. He held me there, testing me. I felt his cock throbbing passionately against me, cutting off any chance at airflow. I wasn't going to gag, but I would die of asphyxiation. I tried to pull back, at my limits. "Nuh-uh." He shook his head, holding me there. My vision started to blur at the edges. "Nuh. Uh." Another shake of his head. I was going to die after all. Dots in my vision, blackness closing its shutter on my eyes. "Nuh." I felt my heartbeat in my head. "Uh." <br><br> And then he let go. I was gasping, hands and knees on the sidewalk, wondering how close to passing out I had been. I heard people clapping. <br><br> Before I was fully recovered, before I was certain I was still alive, the ride-share arrived. "Come on." He pulled me up and into the [[car|M002 - Night2Sex]]. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel += 2>> I immediately pushed as deep as I could go. Holding it there. Eyes up as I let my tongue, the pressure vaccuum I created, and my upper esophogus do the work. He wasn't able to be passive any longer, "Holy. Fuck." The phone fell from his hand, landing hard against my face and nose, but luckily I broke its fall and he was able to retrieve it before it tumbled to the concrete. I was focused. I held still. Looking up at him as I hid his cock fully in my mouth. My one hand stroked at his bare lower stomach, my tongue flickered against his base and the top of his sack. He grinned huge, grabbing the back of my head and cramming my face against his crotch. I started gagging. My hands pushing back against him, but he wouldn't relent, testing me. I felt his cock throbbing passionately against me, cutting off any chance at airflow. My stomach was lurching. I was going to vomit. I tried to pull back, at my limits. "Nuh-uh." He shook his head, I felt the gorge rising in my throat. He must have seen the clue because he pushed my head back hard. "Fuck. Fine." <br><br> I was gasping, hands and knees on the sidewalk, saliva stringing from my mouth as I spit. My abs were flexing constantly, my back arching in spasms. <br><br> Before I was fully recovered, before I was certain I was still alive, the ride-share arrived. "Come on." He pulled me up and into the [[car|M002 - Night2Sex]]. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel ++>> I worked hard, twisting and bobbing. Eyes up as I let my tongue, the pressure vaccuum I created, and hints of my soft palate pull at his meat. He wasn't able to be passive any longer, "Holy. Fuck." The phone fell from his hand, landing hard against my face and nose, but luckily I broke its fall and he was able to retrieve it before it tumbled to the concrete. I was focused. Looking up at him as I hid most of his cock in my mouth. My one hand stroked at his bare lower stomach, my tongue flickered against his base and the top of his sack. He grinned huge, grabbing the back of my head and cramming my face against his crotch. I started gagging. My hands pushing back against him, but he wouldn't relent, testing me. I felt his cock throbbing passionately against me, cutting off any chance at airflow. My stomach was lurching. I was going to vomit. I tried to pull back, at my limits. "Nuh-uh." He shook his head, I felt the gorge rising in my throat. He must have seen the clue because he pushed my head back hard. "Fuck. Fine." <br><br> I was gasping, hands and knees on the sidewalk, saliva stringing from my mouth as I spit. My abs were flexing constantly, my back arching in spasms. <br><br> Before I was fully recovered, before I was certain I was still alive, the ride-share arrived. "Come on." He pulled me up and into the [[car|M002 - Night2Sex]]. <<else>> <<SexSkill oral>> It pained me to see how little he seemed to care. No reaction to having my mouth massaging his cock. I was no better than the girl back in the lounge. Despite his interest in me, I felt worthless, down in front of him and everyone else as he ignored me. Then, done with his app, he looked down at me and thought, "Aw come on. Really?" and sighed. "Here. Let me help." He grinned huge, grabbing the back of my head and cramming my face against his crotch. I started gagging. My hands pushing back against him, but he wouldn't relent, testing me. I felt his cock throbbing passionately against me, cutting off any chance at airflow. My stomach was lurching. I was going to vomit. I tried to pull back, at my limits. "Nuh-uh." He shook his head, I felt the gorge rising in my throat. He must have seen the clue because he pushed my head back hard. "Fuck. Fine." <br><br> I was gasping, hands and knees on the sidewalk, saliva stringing from my mouth as I spit. My abs were flexing constantly, my back arching in spasms. <br><br> Before I was fully recovered, before I was certain I was still alive, the ride-share arrived. "Come on." He pulled me up and into the [[car|M002 - Night2Sex]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<run $Memories.pushUnique("Knows Datu")>> "I. I'm." The sound of my voice would have been comical if I hadn't been in dire fear of my life. The blade made it hard for my larynx to move unobstructed. My nasal passages pinched, I tried to talk, "S-sorry. R-really. I'll g-go." <br><br> Datu considered me. Then the lounge. The girl panting on the floor, wiping her face. The man losing his erection, realizing I wouldn't be helping him with it, "Fuck, really? Datu. Just make her." I felt a clench in my gut. This man had the power, the violence, and the weapon to do exactly that. <br><br> "Go." Luckily, he decided I wasn't a risk. Or the man wasn't worth enough to him, "This." He gestured with the blade to the room and then pointed it back at my stomach, "Off limits." <br><br> I nodded like a bobble-head, hand grasping for the door handle and trying to squeeze myself out and away as fast as I could manage. My eyes wouldn't leave the blade. I felt like it was still pointed straight at me as I hurried back down the hall, pushing haphazardly through the crowd. My head was pounding, I was breathing too fast. I felt my hands starting to clench, my feet losing the ability to walk -- my toes were curling. <br><br> Outside, in front of the bouncer that had restrained me earlier, I buckled over and breathed deeply, hands on my thighs. I gulped for breath, ignoring whatever I was showing. When death is in the rear-view mirror, decency goes out the window. <br><br> They ignored me. Just a show for the evening and not something that disturbed anyone. Not the men waiting to come inside. Not the club muscle. No one came to check on me -- even out of false care. <br><br> I recovered. Hands on my head, I began walking the way back to RedDoorz. Night two was over. I was not about to head back in and confront the blade again. <br><br> If I was going to try to investigate as a patron, I would need a very clear plan of action. Winging it was going to land me in a dumpster. <br><br> I had avoided trading my body for my safety and gotten away. I wasn't sure that would be the case in the [[future|HomeBase]]. <</if>>
<<if $Memories.includes("Knows Nestor")>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> The car ride was unsurprisingly more of the same. He really enjoyed having some girl sucking his cock. Occasionally he'd guide me, usually, "Not yet." And make me hold off for a moment. Other times it was another test of my limits. In the meantime, he worked at his phone. <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 2>><<Stats Perception ++>>He had a habit of mouthing out his messages as if he was speaking them first. Enough repeating of certain things and I started to see some consistent words: Datu. Nin-yo. Something like that. People he was communicating with. So, he was working with Datu. I wondered how closely and in regards to what. The club? Me right now? Other girls? Or the bigger operation, whatever that was.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>>I think he was mouthing things from time to time, but I was too focused on my own mouthing to take note.<</if>> <br><br> And then we had arrived. He actually tucked himself into his pants, though they were massively uncomfortable and did nothing to hide his state. At least he demurred complete lewdity when he was at his residence. <br><br> A very standard apartment building. Somwhere more centrally located in Manila based on how long the ride was. The Atrium. Okay, pretty whatever name. The doorman nodded to him as we passed, taking zero note of me, my running makeup, his flagging slacks, or that I was being brought home late at night and a new face. <br><br> "So. You know Datu?" Some conversation! We were taking the elevator up. <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu")>> "Yeah. I work there." Now I had time to consider the man. The only thing remarkable about him was his similarity to Datu. I could have sworn they were twins, or related, or maybe that was just me not being too familiar with Filipinos in my life. I hated that my brain was thinking they 'looked the same'. <br><br> "Work. There...really." He smiled and looked me over. <br><br> <<if $employedZZYZX == true && $clubJob !== "whore">> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel ++>> "Not one of //them//." I chuckled. <br><br> "Eh, looks different now. Moving up in the ranks. I could put in a good word for you." <br><br> My chuckle became awkward at best, "I'll...think about it." <br><br> "Best of both worlds. I like your thinking. A little special access for me, too." He groped my ass, realizing he was getting. <<elseif $employedZZYZX == true>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel -->> "Yeah, why do you think Datu sent me off with you? Who else would be in that back room?" <br><br> "Good point." He seemed a little displeased with that response. I was nothing special to him. Someone he could have gotten any night. <<else>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel += 2>> "Yeah, we've crossed paths before." <br><br> "Seen that side of him?" He grinned lasciviously, he liked my response in a way I couldn't really understand. <br><br> "Datu's got a short fuse." <br><br> He groped hard at my ass, "So you're a free agent, eh?" I didn't know how to respond to that, "Lucky me." <</if>> <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Datu")>> "Not til tonight." I shook my head. Now I had time to consider the man. The only thing remarkable about him was his similarity to Datu. I could have sworn they were twins, or related, or maybe that was just me not being too familiar with Filipinos in my life. I hated that my brain was thinking they 'looked the same'. <br><br> "Not his best side." He chuckled, reaching over to touch the tender place on my neck. I wanted to tuck and cover. I resisted the urge. <br><br> <<if $employedZZYZX == true>> <<if $clubJob !== "whore">> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel ++>> "I do work there, though. Just haven't crossed paths with him before." He cocked his head, curious. "Not one of //them//." I chuckled. <br><br> "Eh, looks different now. Moving up in the ranks. I could put in a good word for you." <br><br> My chuckle became awkward at best, "I'll...think about it." <br><br> "Best of both worlds. I like your thinking. A little special access for me, too." He groped my ass, realizing he was getting. <<else>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel -->> "I do work there, though. Just haven't crossed paths with him before." He cocked his head, curious. "Yeah, why do you think Datu sent me off with you? Who else would be in that back room?" <br><br> "Good point." He seemed a little displeased with that response. I was nothing special to him. Someone he could have gotten any night. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $People['AI'].Nestor.rel += 2>> He groped hard at my ass, "So you're a free agent, eh?" I didn't know how to respond to that, "Just random chance...why were you even back there? Chose the right 'wrong' bathroom, I guess. Lucky me." <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> The elevator doors sighed open and he brought me home, "I'm Nestor, by the way." Oh, such a gentleman. <br><br> "<<print $>>." I tried to be as warm as I could in the moment. <br><br> "Lovely name. Just so you know, this may be quicker than you expected. I've been ready to nut for an hour already. She was going such a great job back there." Well, upside, I guess. "And you too, of course." He was unbuckling and undoing his pants as soon as we walked in the door. I thought he might cum from relief of the pants restraint when they opened again, freeing his adamantine cock. <br><br> "Oh, okay." What was I supposed to say anyway? <br><br> "Here." He tugged me by the hip towards the kitchen. Okay. No bedroom. Okay. I looked around, wondering if I could make anything out of his nondescript apartment. Access denied to the most mundane of rooms. A part of me surprised I was still being a good spy and a part of me decrying how crazy it would be to push my luck. <br><br> And then he pulled a kitchen knife from the <<linkexpand "block.">> block. /* IMAGE (Needed): A hand pulling a chef's knife from a kitchen block. */ <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Rape play") || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>><<face ahego>><<state aroused>>I froze. Fuck. Why did I feel my pussy just clench in excitement. He could //kill// me.<<else>><<face worried>>I froze. He pulled me closer anyway, brandishing it with a cold laugh that froze my blood. Maybe I wouldn't be getting out alive after all.<</if>> <br><br> "I saw how much you liked this." The heat in his voice told me how much //he// had liked it earlier. His unarmed hand was pushing me forward onto the marble counter. The blade was at my throat. My vision froze, locked in on the living room beyond, just not wanting to die. Not to make any misstep. Now in position, he had the ability to feel up between my legs. <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused")>>"Oh, fuck. You //loved// this." He pulled the edge of the blade tighter against my throat. Luckily, he didn't sharpen his kitchen utensils.<</if>> <br><br> He was behind me. He was <<linkexpand "inside me.">> <<dollRearView>> inside me. <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal")>><<face ahego>>I was wet, unsurprisingly. He was harder than I think I'd ever felt a guy. The insertion was ballsdeep and effortless.<<else>><<face hurt2>>I wasn't wet. No surprise there. He was harder than I think I'd ever felt a guy. Him being so hard meant he could stab it in without effort. Me being not ready meant that //hurt//.<</if>> <br><br> He drew my head up with the edge of his kitchen blade. This time I was getting cut. I wanted my heart to stop pounding so hard, but having a guy ramming home inside my pussy made that impossible. I could feel the pulse against the metal, each heartbeat threatening that the gush of blood would cause me to open and the blood to come ''out''. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>>I should have asked for protection. But my willingness to risk impregnation was higher than my willingness to risk death. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>><<state aroused>>Plus there was something incredibly hot about being seeded under threat of death. A man giving me no choice but to take his load.<</if>><</if>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms") || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms") && $Body.state.includes("aroused"))>> <<stateRemove aroused>> Even given the situation, the ridigity and heat spearing up at my core set me off right away. I clutched at the marble countertop, crying out in ecstacy with <<shake 2s>>Each<</shake>> <<shake 3s>>Of<</shake>> <<shake 4s>>His<</shake>> <<shake 5s>>Few<</shake>> <<shake 6s>>Firm<</shake>> <<shake 7s>>Thrusts<</shake>>. <<else>> Despite how hard he was. Despite how hot his cock was. Despite how turned on I may or may not have //was// quick. And I was too focused on that knife threatening my very existence to even get an inch closer to my own orgasm before he found his own, long-belated one. <</if>> <br><br> He came quickly, as he <<linkexpand "promised.">> <<cumSpray mound5 pussy2 thighs3>> promised. He was cumming furiously, cramming himself inside me insistently as his cock rocketed off inside me so fast and so hard. <br><br> Luckily, the knife clattered to the countertop rather than taking off my head. <br><br> His nearly hour-long edging session rewarded him with an incredibly long, powerful and body-shaking meeting with god. It rewarded my cervix with incredibly long, powerful and belly-filling meeting with his sperm. I panted out as he beat against me rhythmically, able to check out his place as I served as his recepticle. <br><br> "Pleasure. Meeting. You. <<print $>>." He gave solid hits against my backside with those last words, announcing his full completion. He yanked free and laughed, triumphantly watching some of what he released become released from me, "Oh I fuckin' messed you up. Better send you home to shower. Can't clean that up here." <br><br> I didn't disagree. It was coursing slow and thickly over my labia and thighs. I tried to laugh with him. <br><br> Unfortunately, he didn't give me the opportunity to do any searching, despite my cum-filled state. "I'll report back positively to my brother." He said, depositing me outside his door. <br><br> So, I hadn't been racist! <br><br> Maybe a small silver lining to my cum-crusted cloud. <<if $Body.fertile>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Nestor" M "Nestor, Datu's brother, who fucked me so I wasn't killed">> <<else>> <<vCardCheck "Nestor" M "Nestor, Datu's brother, who fucked me so I wasn't killed">> <</if>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Not to mention: I was [[alive|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Not to mention: I was [[alive|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> I was a sopping mess when we climbed out of the black car and into the lobby of an upscale condo. "Li'l home away from home," he smiled proudly as he escorted me through the wall-to-wall marble to the bay of elevators. Inside though, he seemed to forget where we were going, "" He eyed the rows of buttons while his hand returned between my thighs and feeling there his gaze turned to me with a broad, self-assured grin, "Fuck, lass. You wan' dis." <br><br> The shove he got was more than firm, his dress shoes slipping slightly on the floor, "So. Find the button." I was frustrated as all hell right then, but even still, I had to laugh when he thrust his hand against my pussy again, "The...other...but-ton," grunting out as I guided his moist fingers away from me and to the panel. <br><br> He relented, depressing one of them and leaning back against the mirrored walls, "Better than yer digs, innit?" <br><br> "A mite bit." My eyes flashed at him, assuming a mocking bit of his accent as I grabbed his belt buckle and let my fingers __slowly__ flip the latch and tug the leather off the clasp, "But I'm not some big, bad powerbroker in the Philippines." I made sure that my efforts caressed the mostly-solid erection he was sporting. It was his turn to be worked up and frustrated. <br><br> "Have yer own kind of power, in my opinion." His words affected a chestier quality, but he was trying to retain his collected attitude even as his slacks relaxed, the strap cinching them sliding free from the loops. My hand was drawing the slack out, grabbing and pulling close to his fly, stroking up and back and feeling his own heat. The door dinged and we stepped out into the hallway, the belt trailing along the carpet behind me, hanging loose from my hand. "What're ye gunna be doin' with that?" <br><br> "Oh, you'll get it back. Don't you worry." A flick of my wrist and the belt was like a snake, suddenly flicking up and striking against his side. It was playful and I was <<skillChecked "Hometown">> <<if $CC.hometown == "NO" || "AL">>only vaguely familiar with using a whip<<else>>only familiar with how whips were used in the movies<</if>>, and he took it in stride, stumbling back as if a cowed animal, warding me with his hands. <br><br> "Ach! Oo-kayy, oo-kay!" He was loving the interplay. <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>><<Stats Perception ++>>I was fascinating to him and someone he'd remember.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>> <</if>>He unlocked the door to his place and ushered me in with a gentlemanly flair, "After ye." <br><br> "You're right. I want it. Where's the fucking bedroom?" I flicked the improvised whip at him again, smirking as he grabbed the end before it dropped and tugged me along like it was a leash. I laughed and tripped along, trying to ditch my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> on the way. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Incredible apartment of a wealthy powerbroker */ It was a gorgeous place. Well-attended and <<skillChecked "Investigation">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 1>><<Stats Perception ++>>despite the cleanliness, I could tell he'd been staying here more than a couple days at least because it felt lived-in.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>>either he was neat, newly in town, or had a maid.<</if>> He had money -- not necessarily a //ton// because it was Manila, but a place like this back home would have run him <<if $CC.hometown is "AL">>a million?<<elseif $CC.hometown is "NO">>half a million?<<elseif $CC.hometown is "NY">>a few million, easy.<<elseif $CC.hometown is "LA">>a couple million, easy.<<else>>a million or so, especially downtown.<</if>> And now the question was: where was the money coming from and was any of it to do with why we was at the Club tonight? <br><br> I stumbled hard towards him. He had pulled ''hard'' and I was against him and suddenly pinned against the bed. The belt was between us, me holding the buckle end, him holding the tip. Right. As my body insisted: investigate later. Fuck now. <br><br> Now that I had //started// this was it going to go down. Our eyes were locked on each other's, the decision percolating to the surface. <br><br> <div id="NightSex"> <<crossroads #NightSex>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes('Bondage')>> Tie //him//. <<blocked>> $ isn't into Bondage. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<set $Stats.Kinks.pushUnique("Domination")>> <<Stats Confident ++>> My gaze hardened. I felt the fond excitement of taking control. I yanked the belt from his hand. It came easily, especially given what end of the stick he had. "Get on the bed." He did. I crawled up beside him -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I moved aside his body. He knew what was coming, his arms going up over his head towards where I was about to loop and strap his wrists together with his own clothing. <br><br> <<speech "Callum">>"Fiesty."<</speech>> It was a low growl more than a word. I pulled //tight// and his chin lifted in reaction to registering extra pressure as pain. Though his eyes quested for mine, I ignored him, looking over his form and deciding what came next. <br><br> In another time, another situation, I would have drawn this out. Relished in having him essentially under my control, a man like him, a man his size, a man his age. Mine. Instead, my pussy was about to murder me. So I unzipped his fly and maybe pulled too hard, because the button popped free, flying across the room as I tugged his expensive slacks down enough to free his cock. <br><br> It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. <<if $Body.isWearingDress>>Now the ease of access was going to work to my advantage! <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>I tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as I yanked.<</if>><<else>>I worked my own soaked clothing <<link "off">><<lower>><<panties>><</link>> quick and roughly.<</if>> And then, ready to go, I climbed up and over him, grabbing his base as I lined it up. The slickness of his precum lubed cock was completely lost in the sopping wetness of my pussy. "Get a condom, lass. You dinnae where I've been. Or want te knae." It prickled that it felt like the power dynamic shifted in that moment. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding')>> <<skillChecked "Risky" "Stable" "Kinks">> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<pregCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if _pregSuccess>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <</if>> <</if>> I didn't care. Except about control. I shoved my hips down roughly, taking him in a single stroke. <<speechPC>>"Ah!"<</speechPC>> It was a squeal of triumph<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his pubic bone, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and I smacked my hands down on his chest as I began to rock. <br><br> My eyes lidded, grinning slightly as I watched him squirm, feeling the soaking wet and hot pussy working his cock without a condom. Dumb move, <<print $>>, but it was in the heat of the moment and too late now. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breeding')>>Really hot move, though. My hips jerked erratically, panting out as I came, thinking about him filling me with his cum. He chuckled and I gave a squeaking laugh back, "Likin' that cock, dear?" I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole.<</if>> I looked down over him, such a huge man, so powerless beneath me, I made long, decisive arches of my hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, I drove down. I watched him grunt and roll his hips -- about the only thing he could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> I slowed my motions, but kept them fluid. My upper arms framed and pushed my tits together, emphasizing the view. I was going to edge this fucker for as long as I could, the angle of my hips making sure he dragged and pressed right at my clit on the way out and pushed up at my g-spot on the way in. I was gunna cum my brains out before I let him off. "Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..." <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I knae. Sucks to be ye?"<</speechPC>> I growled back. He shook his head with a huge <<linkexpand "grin.">> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> grin. <br><br> <<cumSpray mound3 pussy4 thighs3>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Sex God')>> It was fucking <<shake 10s>>//tantric//<</shake>>. My legs were jelly, my arms were constantly shaking and I couldn't feel my fingers and my toes by the time I knew it was either get him off or my legs would give out and I'd just be a deadweight on his chest. I can't tell you the number of times I came, knowing exactly how to control him and where all my buttons were, I was using him like a fucking flesh and blood dildo. <br><br> And then, with a quick one-two drops of my hips, he came. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a couple hours. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Great Intercourse')>> "Ach. Come //on//" He must have said that...twenty times. Mostly it happened when I was cumming and the thrusting stopped. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But eventually, I couldn't resist myself and moved a bit too quick. I was close to what probably would have been my tenth or so hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed inside me. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a about an hour. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Good Intercourse')>> "Ach. Come. //ON//!" He kept saying it. He yanked at the belt he was tied by as he watched me cumming and the thrusting stopped, leaving him wanting. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But I didn't quite have the control I needed, moved a bit too quick. I was close to what would have been my fifth hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed inside me. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for half an hour. Pretty decent for how worked up he was. And no wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I grinned back, knowing I was going to draw this out and then my grin disappeared, lost as I realized he was cumming. "Ach. Come. On." I pouted, beginning to move my hips, grinding against him to try and urge out an orgasm before he was finished. I wished I had better insight into what set him off, but now it was too late. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up into me for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into me. I should have moved, but at this point, I figured it didn't matter. <br><br> I reached forward, he was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him. And then I yelped, his arms swinging out as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, as he thrust against me, I saw it had been only a few minutes. I sighed at my sexual inability, but he seemed happy enough. Unsurprising after how long he'd been teased and edged. "That was hot." He grunted with the last few flexes inside me, smacking my ass and pulling me against him, "Nae had a girl try that before. And rawdoggin'. Girl. Yer insane." <br><br> Then came the tap tap at my ass letting me know he was done and I pulled myself off him grabbing between my legs as I made the awkward wobble to the bathroom. It took more than a few tissues to soak it up well enough before I felt comfortable returning to the bedroom. He was already passed out, still fully dressed, cock laying lip against his shirt. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, my feet slightly sticking to the floor from cum that I had dripped, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- but not before jilling my semen-coated slit til I passed out, imagining what could have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- but not before jilling my semen-coated slit til I passed out, imagining what could have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Right. And though it came at the cost of momentum and a bit of control, I took his direction to the sidetable and slid one on him right as I was sticking him inside me. I couldn't wait a moment longer. <br><br> I shoved my hips down roughly, taking him in a single stroke. "Ah!" It was a squeal of triumph<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his pubic bone, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and I smacked my hands down on his chest as I began to rock. <br><br> My eyes lidded, grinning slightly as I watched him squirm, feeling the soaking wet and hot pussy working his cock "Likin' that cock, dear?" I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. I looked down over him, such a huge man, so powerless beneath me, I made long, decisive arches of my hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, I drove down. I watched him grunt and roll his hips -- about the only thing he could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> I slowed my motions, but kept them fluid. My upper arms framed and pushed my tits together, emphasizing the view. I was going to edge this fucker for as long as I could, the angle of my hips making sure he dragged and pressed right at my clit on the way out and pushed up at my g-spot on the way in. I was gunna cum my brains out before I let him off. "Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..." <br><br> "I knae. Sucks to be ye?" I growled back. He shook his head with a huge <<linkexpand "grin.">> <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks">> grin. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Sex God')>> It was fucking <<shake 10s>>//tantric//<</shake>>. My legs were jelly, my arms were constantly shaking and I couldn't feel my fingers and my toes by the time I knew it was either get him off or my legs would give out and I'd just be a deadweight on his chest. I can't tell you the number of times I came, knowing exactly how to control him and where all my buttons were, I was using him like a fucking flesh and blood dildo. <br><br> And then, with a quick one-two drops of my hips, he came. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into the condom. I was glad he had it on, because even if I //wanted// to move right now, I didn't trust my body. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a couple hours. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Great Intercourse')>> "Ach. Come //on//" He must have said that...twenty times. Mostly it happened when I was cumming and the thrusting stopped. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But eventually, I couldn't resist myself and moved a bit too quick. I was close to what probably would have been my tenth or so hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed up the condom for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out. I was glad for the condom because I don't know if I could have gotten off him in time. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for a about an hour. No wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Good Intercourse')>> "Ach. Come. //ON//!" He kept saying it. He yanked at the belt he was tied by as he watched me cumming and the thrusting stopped, leaving him wanting. His hips worked up against me, but I ensured he wasn't getting much movement while another climax made my body buckle and twitch. But I didn't quite have the control I needed, moved a bit too quick. I was close to what would have been my fifth hard orgasm of the night, but it was cut short as he began to spew his seed. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my sweaty, silly-putty body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out into the condom. Thank god for it, because at this point, I didn't even trust my body to try. <br><br> I reached forward, nearly collapsing on him, thanks to the sweaty palms and his slick shirt. He was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him, seeing the red lines where he'd been struggling. And then I dropped down, in a blissful half-sleep as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, I'd been going for half an hour. Pretty decent for how worked up he was. And no wonder I was so tired and he was cumming so hard. That was the last thought I had before my half-sleep became <<linkexpand "full-sleep.">> full-sleep. <br><br> In the morning, I found we hadn't moved and our skin was sticking to each other in so many places. My body complained as I pulled myself off him and out of me, sliding awkwardly from him and off the bed. I stumbled, feet nearly failing me as I grabbed for my clothes and left the slumbering giant to himself. "Okay," I thought to myself as I wobbled out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I grinned back, knowing I was going to draw this out and then my grin disappeared, lost as I realized he was cumming. "Ach. Come. On." I pouted, beginning to move my hips, grinding against him to try and urge out an orgasm before he was finished. I wished I had better insight into what set him off, but now it was too late. He was coughing he was cumming so hard, writhing beneath my body. His cock felt like it was hard as a diamond as it spewed for what felt like a solid minute. <<speechPC>>"There you go. You've been a good boy."<</speechPC>> I puffed out softly while I let him get his spunk out. Thank god for the condom. <br><br> I reached forward, he was still whining out and pushing his hips up against my crotch as I unlaced the belt and freed him. And then I yelped, his arms swinging out as he quickly grasped my ass and I felt him hold me still as he humped, continuing his own heavy orgasm as long as he could. He was so, so needy in that moment and it felt great. <br><br> Looking over at the clock, as he thrust against me, I saw it had been only a few minutes. I sighed at my sexual inability, but he seemed happy enough. Unsurprising after how long he'd been teased and edged. "That was hot." He grunted with the last few flexes inside me, smacking my ass and pulling me against him, "Nae had a girl try that before. And rawdoggin'. Girl. Yer insane." <br><br> Then came the tap tap at my ass letting me know he was done and I pulled myself off him grabbing between my legs as I made the trip to the bathroom. I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, still fully dressed, cock laying lip against his shirt. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- but not before jilling my slit til I passed out, imagining what could have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- but not before jilling my slit til I passed out, imagining what could have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes('Bondage')>> Tie __me__. <<blocked>> $ isn't into Bondage. <<contents>> <<dollRearView>> <<face ahego>> <<set $Stats.Kinks.pushUnique("Submission")>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Belt wrapped around a hand. */ He saw my gaze stayed soft. I felt the fond excitement of a guy taking control. He yanked the belt from my hand. The buckle bit and tugged roughly from my palm. "Get on the bed." I did. He crawled up beside me -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I laid back and watched him. I knew what was coming, so I flipped my arms up over my head towards where he was about to loop and strap my wrists together with his own belt. <br><br> "Not yer first time..." It was a low growl more than a word. He pulled //tight// and my chin lifted in reaction to registering extra pressure as pain. Though my eyes quested for his, he ignored me, looking over my body and deciding what came next. <br><br> He took his time, leaving me there, the cold air flowing over my body and making me feel even more exposed. He wandered over to his nightstand and grabbed a condom, unwrapped it and resumed his position on the bed. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>"You don't need that..." It was stupid, but I was horny and it was kind of a turnoff to see the prophylactic. <br><br> He shook his head, "Nae, dearie. Ye dinnae where I've been. And dinnae want te." He laughed. It //was// kind of hot that he was maintaining such control.<</if>> <br><br> He worked his slacks off, his other hand caressing and grabbing at my body on display. It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, returning to me, now naked. He quickly stripped me of what I was <<link "wearing">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>>, making me yelp with each quick movement. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>He tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as he yanked.<</if>> And then, ready to go, he pushed my thighs apart and climbed up and onto me, grabbing his base as he lined up his member. I could barely feel the pressure amidst the wetness of my snatch. <br><br> He shoved his hips down roughly, taking me in a single stroke. "Ah!" I arched and bucked. It was a squeal of being taken<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his pubic bone, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped back, pleasure flooding my body and he smacked his hands down on my chest, gripping each tit, as he began to rock. <br><br> My eyes lidded, grinning slightly as he watched me squirm, feeling the heat and hardness driving inside me. "Likin' that cock, dear?" I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. Looking up at him, he was such a huge man, and I was so powerless beneath him. To emphasize that, he made long, decisive thrusts of his hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, he shoved forward. I gasped and rolled my hips each time -- about the only thing I could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> And like I read his mind, he slowed his motions, but kept them fluid. He leaned more into me, pressing me down on the mattress and making the belt really dig in at my wrists. "Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..." <br><br> "I knae. Sucks to be ye?" I growled back. He shook his head with a huge grin. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. Cumming on the very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming too. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. I felt the build from his very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming too. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that wasn't long before I was lost in climax. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming too. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<else>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. "Fuck. Y-yes. There." I was writhing and squealing underneath him, bucking and fighting my bonds as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that I was surprised at how fast the orgasm was coming. My legs were quaking, I was whining out as my body complained nearing my peak. Sadly, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> My heels pressed into his back, pulling him into me as he was cumming. I was trying to move and get my own to happen, but it was receding as my chest heaved against his big hands. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers squeezing at my chest with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released my tits and grunted at me with a big smile, leaning up and unlacing the belt from my hands. I wrung my wrists slightly, feeling blood returning to my fingertips as he dismounted me and patted my inner thigh, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was." A kind of lie, but necessary. It //was// hot, just wish he had lasted a bit longer. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Never came that hard ever. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' on the imaginging of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' on the imaginging of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes('Breath play')>> Knowing it could cinch meant I could be breathless shortly. <<blocked>> $ isn't into Breath play. <<contents>> <<dollRearView>> <<face ahego>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> He saw my gaze stayed soft, I lifted my chin to bare my throat. He yanked the belt from my hand. The buckle bit and tugged roughly from my palm. He looped it around my neck suddenly, firmly and cinched closed. Loose, but the threat was there. "Get on the bed." I did. He crawled up beside me -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I laid back and watched him. He pulled at the strap and my vision became red, my breathing stopped and he smiled as I tensed instinctively, mouth open. My hand grasping at his pant leg. <br><br> "Not yer first time..." It was a low growl more than a word. He pulled //tight// and my chin lifted in reaction to registering extra pressure as pain. Though my eyes quested for his, he ignored me, looking over my body and deciding what came next as he held the grip. <br><br> Then he slackened and I gasped out, coughing. Spots dotted what I saw as he left me there, the cold air flowing over my body and making me feel even more exposed. He wandered over to his nightstand and grabbed a condom, unwrapped it and resumed his position on the bed. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>"You don't need that..." It was stupid, but I was horny and it was kind of a turnoff to see the prophylactic. <br><br> He shook his head, "Nae, dearie. Ye dinnae where I've been. And dinnae want te." He laughed.<</if>> <br><br> He worked his slacks off, his other hand caressing and grabbing at my body on display. It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, returning to me, now naked. He quickly stripped me of what I was <<link "wearing">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>>, making me yelp with each quick movement. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>He tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as he yanked.<</if>> And then, ready to go, he grabbed the belt again with one hand, my hip with the other and firmly flipped me on hands and knees. My head lifted as he began to pull tight in time with his mounting me. I grabbed at the headboard as my breaths became difficult and he was grabbing his base as he lined up his member. I could barely feel the pressure amidst the wetness of my snatch. <br><br> He shoved his hips down roughly, taking me in a single stroke. I arched and bucked. Though I made no sound, it was a motion of being taken<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his sack, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and he smacked his hands down on my back, releasing the grip to let me breathe a moment as he began to rock. <br><br> My body thrust forward with his motion, feeling the heat and hardness driving inside me. I couldn't help but coo, "Likin' that cock, dear?" I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. Looking back at him, he was such a huge man, and I was so powerless beneath him. To emphasize that, he grasped the belt again and pulled. I couldn't breathe again and he was making firm, decisive thrusts of his hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, he shoved forward. I rolled my hips each time -- about the only thing I could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> And like I read his mind, he slowed his motions, but kept them fluid. He leaned more into me, pressing me down on the mattress and making the belt buckle really dig in my throat. "Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..." I could feel the blood pulsing in my head. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. Cumming on the very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm //and// the threat of death. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. I felt the build from his very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm //and// the threat of death. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that wasn't long before I was lost in climax. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm //and// the threat of death. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<else>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. "Fuck. Y-yes. There." I thought, writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that I was surprised at how fast the orgasm was coming. My legs were quaking. My body complained nearing my peak...and of the threat of death. Sadly, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on the noose, letting me have my airflow as he leaned hard against me from behind. And instantly, the approaching peak dissipated. I was trying to move and get my own to happen, but it was gone as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving playful tugs at the belt to clamp at my neck with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and unlacing the belt my neck. I rubbed where it had dug in, feeling the heat of where it had been, the potential for bruising, and my head throbbing as he dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was." A kind of lie, but necessary. It //was// hot, just wish he had lasted a bit longer. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Never came that hard ever. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' with the imagining of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' with the imagining of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> We didn't need it. <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Belt crumpled on the floor beside a bed. */ <<face ahego>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<dollRearView>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks">> He saw my gaze stayed soft. He yanked the belt from my hand. The buckle bit and tugged roughly from my palm. It dropped to the floor, no longer needed. "Get on the bed." I did. He crawled up beside me -- it was a good mattress, so it made no noise -- just the two of us breathing excitedly as I laid back and watched him. <br><br> "Gorgeous." It was a low growl more than a word. Our eyes met intermittently as he looked over my body and deciding what came next. <br><br> He wandered over to his nightstand and grabbed a condom, unwrapped it and resumed his position on the bed. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>"You don't need that..." It was stupid, but I was horny and it was kind of a turnoff to see the prophylactic. <br><br> He shook his head, "Nae, dearie. Ye dinnae where I've been. And dinnae want te." He laughed.<</if>> <br><br> He worked his slacks off, his other hand caressing and grabbing at my body on display. It was a decent dick. Nothing notable in any direction. Absolutely serviceable. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, returning to me, now naked. He quickly stripped me of what I was <<link "wearing">><<upper>><<lower>><</link>>, making me yelp with each quick movement. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">><<else>>He tugged my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> aggressively, feeling the band bite into my skin as he yanked.<</if>> And then, ready to go, he grabbed my hair with one hand, my hip with the other and firmly flipped me on hands and knees. My head arched uncomfortably as he began to pull tight in time with his mounting me. I grabbed at the headboard as I squeaked in surprise, feeling him lining up his member. I could barely feel the pressure amidst the wetness of my snatch. <br><br> He shoved his hips down roughly, taking me in a single stroke. I arched and bucked. "Ah!" A sharp noise and motion of being taken<<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> and completion. I'd been dying for that penetration for so long that it alone got me off. I ground my clit against his sack, cockhead pushing deep inside me as I extended the orgasm as long as I could<</if>>. I slumped forward, pleasure flooding my body and he pulled harder on my hair like a rein, his other hand smacking down on the small of my back. Then, he began to rock. <br><br> My body thrust forward with his motion, feeling the heat and hardness driving inside me. I couldn't help but coo, "Likin' that cock, dear?" I nodded as I gyrated on the pulsing pole. Looking back at him -- not an easy angle over my shoulder as my hair tugged at the root -- he was such a huge man, and I was so powerless beneath him. To emphasize that, he was making firm, decisive thrusts of his hips, drawing his cock almost completely out of me and then slowly sinking him back in. Right before full insertion, he shoved forward. I rolled my hips each time -- about the only thing I could do in this position -- if I had been worked up before this, I knew he was having difficulty too. <br><br> And like I read his mind, he slowed his motions, but kept them fluid. He leaned more into me, pressing me down on the mattress at the waist and making my spine ache with the pull of my hair. "Ach. Yer killin' me, <<print $>>..." He said it, but I was thinking it. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. Cumming on the very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Quick Orgasms')>> And I was off to the races. I felt the build from his very next stroke. His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. I was writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that it felt like it was just one, long cresting orgasm as he shoved his dick inside me again and again, pushing my rise onward. My legs were quaking. My body complained about being unable to take this extended orgasm. Thankfully, or unthankfully, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. My own power-orgasm finally beginning to recede and give me some control of my body back as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was. Maybe the hardest I've cummed in my life." I laughed, shaking my head as I was still delirious. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Me too. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <<else>> His cock drove to the buttons deep inside me and his hip's angle stroked right across my clit. "Fuck. Y-yes. There." I thought, writhing underneath him, bucking like a lassoed horse as my vision exploded into a haze of dots and this heaving form over me. <br><br> I had needed this so much that I was surprised at how fast the orgasm was coming. My legs were quaking. My body complained nearing my peak...sadly, he was as needy as I was. <br><br> He lost grip on my mane, my head flicking forward in surprise as he leaned hard against me from behind. And instantly, the approaching peak dissipated. I was trying to move and get my own to happen, but it was gone as my chest heaved against the bed. He was coughing as he blew his load for what felt like forever, fingers giving shoves down on my back with each pump of his cock, hips bearing down painfully against my crotch as he emptied himself into the condom. <br><br> Finishing, he released me and grunted, leaning up and relieving the pressure of his body ontop of mine. I flicked my head to the side, feeling my hair splay freely as I panted. He dismounted me and patted my ass, "That was hot." <br><br> "Fuck, yeah it was." A kind of lie, but necessary. It //was// hot, just wish he had lasted a bit longer. <br><br> I hopped off the bed and headed over to the bathroom as he deposited the condom and slumped back onto the bed, "Never came that hard ever. Should feel how heavy this fuckin' thing is." <br><br> I peed, did a light wash up and then returned to the bedroom. He was already passed out, over the covers, cock laying lip against thigh. "Okay," I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bedroom, clutching my things to my half-naked and fully-fucked body, "I don't think poking around his place...right now...would be a great idea." Where would I look? What if he caught me? What was I even looking for? <<vCardCheck "Callum" M "Callum, on my first night at the club">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' with the imagining of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> So I left my number on his kitchen island before heading back home to sleep -- jilling myself ''hard'' with the imagining of what //could// have been -- and knew that a call from him wouldn't be long after //that// [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<set $clubJob = "bar">> <<set $employedZZYZX = true>> <<Stats Stable ++>> It sounded like the perfect fit: everyone made their way to the bar when they came to the club. People would want to talk to me. I wouldn't have to spend any extra time with anyone I didn't want to because there were always drinks to be made. While it wouldn't let me get up-close-and-personal, it would allow me a way to rapidly assess who might be important or interesting. And, I might overhear things. <br><br> "Okay. Follow me." The little lady who reminded me somewhat of Edna Mode brought me down the hallway, giving a shoulder to the supply closet door and began picking through cardboard boxes. She pulled out black, lycra articles and lazily held them up in front of me, giving a quick eye over before discarding and trying another. Eventually, she had determined what would be the best fit. With that material, I doubted that much of the decision mattered. It'd stretch to cover or not cover whatever it was intended to, give or take. "Get some shoes to go with this. They can't see them often, but don't go wearing some shitty sneakers." I wasn't sure if that was a comment about what I was wearing or an experience she was recalling. <br><br> "Yeah, of course." The scant cloth hung from my fingers, reiterating to me how little their bartenders wore. That I'd be wearing. <br><br> "I can swing you a shift...tomorrow at the soonest. That okay? You're not going to be kicked out of...wherever you're staying?" We were moving back towards the main club space with intention -- she had things to do. <br><br> "No, no that's fine. I'll be here." Good, little eager new-employee energy. <br><br> "It'll be training on the fly, if you haven't done this before. Tips you get are tips you earn. It can get a little aggressive behind the bar, you know." She smiled wryly. She certainly enjoyed watching the catfighting over the cashflow and wasn't going to do anything to alleviate cut-throat behavior. <br><br> "Sounds good to me." She raised an eyebrow, not believing it actually sounded good, but it added to my need for the job, some desperation, which seemed in line with her expectations. <br><br> "Good. Now get out of here, I've got a club to run." I don't know if the sounds that spluttered from my mouth were a word or response, surprised at my summary dismissal, but she was off and didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Then, barely within earshot over her shoulder and at my retreating form, "And never call me //that// again." <br><br><br> I wouldn't. <br><br> So, no employment forms, no ID or other documentation. That was a good thing. It made all of this easy. But it also made me wonder if I'd be receiving a paycheck weekly, biweekly -- but why did that matter, I was an agent. I had the cash I needed. But they did need to //believe// I was paycheck-to-paycheck. So, note to self that I keep on Tao about a paycheck as soon as it seemed appropriate. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Inventory">> I tossed my new pair of 'underwear' on my bed at the RedDoorz, snapped a quick text off while I had WiFi, <<call>>"Hired: Bar girl at the club. Lady named Tao seems in charge,"<</call>> and then headed out to the nearby mall to acquire some appropriate footwear. <br><br> Returning an hour later, I had gotten a response: <<call "EROS">>"Good news. Apprise with any new details."<</call>> I wondered who was on the other end of the messages. I wondered if there was some sort of short-hand, rules of communication that I would need to abide by. But they hadn't said anything. I'd it safe? <br><br> The rest of the evening I spent using a hairdryer, some of my makeup, <<if $Inventory.includes("Dildo") || $Inventory.includes("Vibrator")>>my personal pleasure device,<</if>> and my toothbrush cup as fake bottles. YouTube was a massive resource for bartenders and while I was doing some memorization of what went into certain drinks, mostly I was trying to get some flair with how I was going to pour. I didn't want to look like a complete dope. <br><br> It took me a while to get to sleep. My mind was racing with anticipation and excitement. This was going to be a new experience for me in so many ways. I ran through fake scenarios in my head of different ways to interact with agents of evil, envisioning myself scanning the crowd and uncovering his network, of leaning casually on the bartop to eavesdrop. It was all silly, but I had no frame of reference for anything else. <br><br> When I did sleep, I dreamt of being behind that bar, but when I caught my reflection, it wasn't me. It was my [[Mom|HomeBase]].
<<set $clubJob = "dance">> <<set $employedZZYZX = true>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> It sounded like the perfect fit: I'd have a bird's-eye view of the whole area. I'd see the comings and goings. I'd have access to the back rooms and hallways. And I'd be center stage, literally. People would know me and I'd have clout and attention, whenever I needed to leverage it. There was the question of how I'd manage just striking up a conversation as just a 'dancer', but I'd figure it out. <br><br> "Okay. Follow me." The little lady who reminded me somewhat of Edna Mode brought me down the hallway, giving a shoulder to the dressing room. No knock, no warning. No privacy. And the girls, despite many of them being mostly naked, didn't seem to care or notice, continuing on their conversation as if nothing was happening. It was a gaggle of tits and (almost) unanimously hairless pussies. Some of them were reclining casually, some of them were in the midst of applying glitter and other kinds of rave-like makeup. A few of them were wearing underwear. "Makeup like their's," a jabbed finger at two of them, "Outfits like..." cursory shake of her hand at half a dozen skimpy outfits that were draped over chairs and vanities. Very Go-Go. High boots, stockings and fishnets, hotpants and tops that clutched to breasts. Stripper-lite. <br><br> The door shut and we were turning quickly back the way we'd come. "Yeah, I can do that." <br><br> She gave me side-eye, "You've got that //with// you?" I shook my head. She laughed in triumph rather than humor. "Right. Outfit is on you, no...stipend of that kind of thing. I can swing you a shift...tomorrow at the soonest. That okay? You're not going to be kicked out of...wherever you're staying?" We were moving back towards the main club space with intention -- she had things to do. <br><br> "No, no that's fine. I'll be here." Good, little eager new-employee energy. <br><br> "You might be able to get some guidance from the girls, but I'm guessing you have danced before. Some men may tip you after your dance -- this isn't a strip club -- but otherwise, don't expect cash-in-hand every night." There was a twist to the way she had said 'may tip' which implied to me there was a bit more 'strip club' than she let on. At least in the VIP, backroom kind of way. <br><br> "Sounds good to me." She raised an eyebrow, not believing it actually sounded good, but it added to my need for the job, some desperation, which seemed in line with her expectations. <br><br> "Good. Now get out of here, I've got a club to run." I don't know if the sounds that spluttered from my mouth were a word or response, surprised at my summary dismissal, but she was off and didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Then, barely within earshot over her shoulder and at my retreating form, "And never call me //that// again." <br><br><br> I wouldn't. <br><br> So, no employment forms, no ID or other documentation. That was a good thing. It made all of this easy. But it also made me wonder if I'd be receiving a paycheck weekly, biweekly -- but why did that matter, I was an agent. I had the cash I needed. But they did need to //believe// I was paycheck-to-paycheck. So, note to self that I keep on Tao about a paycheck as soon as it seemed appropriate. <br><br> Rather than swing back to home base, I headed out to the nearby mall to grab what I needed. Putting together my bespoke club dance-girl outfit felt like a grab-bag of things that I kept trying to make work. I would be in one changing room trying a top on with bottoms from somewhere else and realize I liked the top better than the bottoms and had to go back and return them. And it got worse when I added in more factors like accessories and footwear. The makeup I saved for last, using the palette of colors and tones from the assembled wear as a guideline. <br><br> A few hours later, I finally was back home, exhausted. I snapped a quick text off now that I had WiFi, <<call>>"Hired: Dancer at the club. Lady named Tao seems in charge."<</call>> An almost instant response: <<call "EROS">>"Good news. Apprise with any new details."<</call>> I wondered who was on the other end of the messages. I wondered if there was some sort of short-hand, rules of communication that I would need to abide by. But they hadn't said anything. I'd it safe? <br><br> The rest of the evening I spent doing makeup tutorials on YouTube and trying different applications. When I let my skin rest, I stretched and did more yoga than I'd done in a while. I wanted to be limber and ready to go. I wasn't about to pull something my first time on stage and look a dope. <br><br> It took me a while to get to sleep. My mind was racing with anticipation and excitement. This was going to be a new experience for me in so many ways. I ran through fake scenarios in my head of different ways to interact with agents of evil, envisioning myself scanning the crowd and uncovering his network, of eavesdropping some critical intel while holding a split. It was all silly, but I had no frame of reference for anything else. <br><br> When I did sleep, I dreamt of being up on that stage, but when I caught my reflection, it wasn't me. It was my [[Mom|HomeBase]].
<<set $clubJob = "whore">> <<set $employedZZYZX = true>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> I couldn't believe I was making this decision, but between the opportunities it gave me, plus Tao's reticence for many other options, I'd be joining the ranks of actual sex workers. I wondered if this is what EROS had in mind, if they'd approve, applaud, or what. <br><br> Tao seemed surprised too, giving me another appraising look, "Okay then. You //know// what I'm saying, right?" I nodded. She hmm'd softly, then returned the nod. "Brave girl. Just going to say that you're going to be..." a momentary thought, "maybe the only one who's working of her own accord. I'd probably keep that to yourself." She guided me away from the back hallways and into the main space -- she had things to do and now that the 'hiring' was complete, she could return to them. "You'll have protection, clearly," motioning around at the muscle-bound men, "and the crew seems to be pretty tight-knit. Still, you need to be your own eyes, ears, and brain. I'll find you at the end of the night for the club's cut. Sound good?" She was flipping through a spiral-bound notebook. I couldn't see what was on it and she was doing it with skill and experience. Quick. Efficient. <br><br> "Yeah, I get it." A tilt of her head that spoke of her opinion of the work and me jumping into it like this. But it added to my desperation, my //need// for a job. <br><br> "Good. I'll let the girls know to expect you...tomorrow?," there was an open tone to the word that implied she expected me to ghost, "Wear what you want. It's your job to attract clients. Otherwise, just don't fuck up the night for anyone, yeah?" I nodded, "Good. Now get out of here, I've got a club to run." I don't know if the sounds that spluttered from my mouth were a word or response, surprised at my summary dismissal, but she was off and didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Then, barely within earshot over her shoulder and at my retreating form, "And never call me //that// again." <br><br><br> I wouldn't. <br><br> So, no employment forms, no ID or other documentation. Made sense for a call-girl? Escort? Prostitute? Whore? My throat tensed as I considered those epithets. They now would apply to me. Not some good-natured chiding or bullshit posturing from some girl. It was a label that was ''true''. Still, Tao seemed like she had little belief in me doing the thing at all. So there was still the opportunity to avoid this completely. EROS wouldn't approve of //that//, I knew. <br><br> I headed back to 'home base,' fluttering because I had gotten a job, an in, but also a bit deflated in self-worth now that I knew what the job actually would be. I snapped a quick text off now that I had WiFi, <<call>>"Hired: Working girl at the club,"<</call>> it was the kindest way to put it, I decided, <<call>>"Lady named Tao seems in charge."<</call>> An almost instant response: <<call "EROS">>"Good news. Apprise with any new details."<</call>> Wow. Approval. Cut-throat bitches, these EROS types. I wondered who was on the other end of the messages. I wondered if there was some sort of short-hand, rules of communication that I would need to abide by. But they hadn't said anything. I'd it safe? <br><br> The rest of the evening I spent everything I could to distract myself from what I had agreed to do. My whole world-view of sex was going to change quickly, instantly, irreparably. A simple desire and exchange of money would mean that I'd be putting out for people. Attraction be damned. <br><br> It took me a while to get to sleep. My mind was racing with anticipation and excitement. This was going to be a new experience for me in so many ways. I ran through fake scenarios in my head of different ways to interact with agents of evil, envisioning myself scanning the crowd and uncovering his network, of eavesdropping some critical intel while holding a split. Seeing something in their clothes when they took them off, or hearing something during pillow talk. True honeytrap shit. But was being a 'prostitute' a honeytrap? <br><br> When I did sleep, I dreamt of being pulled aside...into alleys or back to a hotel room with some face-less men, but when I caught my reflection, it wasn't me. It was my [[Mom|HomeBase]].
<<set $M2.visitedClubJobDay1 = true>> <div id="job1"> <<if $clubJob == "whore">> Welp. It was time. I'd gotten my foot in the door and it was time to be the agent I was supposed to be: go undercover and suss out the bad guy from //within// his operation. The turnaround was just ''so'' fast, I felt out of my depth...and being a fucking //whore//. <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 2>>Tears streamed down my face, making me redo my makeup multiple times. I felt dirty and I hadn't even done anything. What was I thinking?<<else>>I felt a flutter in my chest. Anxiety and fear, a panic attack that I was just keeping at bay. Thoughts of my dirtiness kept surfacing and I had to quash them. What was I thinking?<</if>> But here I was. The mission needed to be a success and this was my way in. <br><br> Make-up finally ready, I had to figure out what I was going to wear. What was a girl selling her body supposed to put on? Did I want to be enticing or subtle? How much attention did I want to be getting? How much did I really //want// to be getting paid and laid? <br><br> Irrespective, I did need to get <<link "dressed">><<showDossier wardrobe>><</link>>. <br><br> Okay. I guess that was it. I did a few more looks in the mirror that threatened to fall off the door. Maybe I was delaying the inevitable or improving how it all looked. Final looks. The word 'final' entering my mind had a panic attack cresting again, so before I broke down, I headed <<linkexpand "out the door.">> out the door. <br><br> A brand-spanking-new sex worker left the RedDoorz and off to my place of 'employment'. Bitch at the front desk didn't lift her nose -- but she'd ignored me just like everyone else since that first day. I wondered how many others staying there were selling their bodies. If I had told FDB (front desk bitch), would she even bat an eye? <br><br><br> I'd walked these streets a few times at this point, but this time they had a different air to them. Today's trip felt more personal, more like I belonged. Now that I had a job, I worked and lived down was kind of like a new home. And that both felt centering and crazy. It was not what I imagined for myself when I was growing up. This was not the life I had expected to live. Would this life continue on past this mission? Would I go back to some form of normalcy and one of the versions of my future self that I //had// imagined before? <br><br> Now I was noticing the other people going about their business. Also heading to work. I'd completely blocked them out before as unimportant, just a backdrop. But now I was part of that painting, so //now// it was foreground. I was one of them. I was so different from all of them. They felt run-down, no prospects, no hope. They felt from here, and I stood out as clearly American. <br><br> They didn't pay me any attention, though. To them, I was background? <br><br><br> My reverie stopped as I got to the club, Karl wasn't at the door and whoever was didn't even look me over. Did he know I was here to work? I had been given a hard time before, but open door policy now...weird. <br><br> And inside was the same bustling as when I got hired. Barbacks stocking, bartenders -- not yet in their outfits -- prepping, a cleaning crew doing their damnedest to make a dent in the accumulation of dirt, spilled drinks, sweat and grime. I noticed Tao with one of her checklists, but she didn't pay me mind either. So, no onboarding, just...get to work, I guess. <br><br> I didn't see any of the other girls, or at least no one stood out as being one of the 'put-out patrol'. I bit my lip, considering the thrumming machine that was the club preparing for the night. Was I too early? Where were the other girls? <br><br> "You early." Tao was behind me, quiet (until those words) like a ninja. If she had wanted me dead, call me a corpse, "All this cock--" she pointed around. Barring the errant bouncer, the few men that //were// present at the moment were either likely underage (was that a thing here?) barbacks or overage cleaning crew, "Off-limits." <br><br> "Right. Yeah, I just noticed. And...of course." I head dipping with a serious nod to let her know I would never consider any staff as prospects, "I just figured early is on-time. Ya know?" <br><br> "For the guys with you? Earlier the better." A caustic laugh and she was gone, flipping through her little notebook. <br><br> Either she wasn't a fan of my class of 'employee' or she enjoyed making me feel bad about it. I didn't need shame. I was sure I'd get enough of that later. <br><br> Well, I wasn't going to walk back to...walk back here. I dropped myself onto one of the couches that seemed to be the 'whore-rea' and spent the time that I had watching how this place worked. <br><br> The bargirls were getting their stations ready. The barbacks helping them get stocked and prepped for the evening. One by one, the girls went to go get changed -- it looked like in a store room in the back hallway -- and came out with their body on parade. Interesting, they probably looked more whorish and available than I did. Maybe as a kind of cover and protection of us? Or maybe because all the girls were selling themselves and their bodies in one way or another. <br><br> The lights began to dim, I felt the AC kick on //hard//, and heard the hum that preceded the rise in haze across the floor. <br><br> A booth, elevated adjacent and above the dance floor, was now occupied by the DJ -- a spiked-hair guy who was wearing sunglasses inside, at night -- who began by assaulting my ears with an erratic flipping through tracks. I guess he hadn't prepared his set list or had decided that __now__ was the appropriate time to change things up. Whatever it was, I couldn't wait for it to end. <br><br> Then the parade of dancers. Unlike the bartenders who had a 'uniform' to reveal and offer their bodies, these girls seemed to have a bit more control and personal style to the same display. You could essentially see every inch of them, but there was an extra sexiness that came with the character they brought with their ensemble. Miniskirts, hotshorts, super-tight and super-low rise pants; boots, sneakers, heels; croptops, halters, bikini tops -- it ran the gamut, but still, they looked far more 'whorish' than I did, or any of the girls who were now joining me on the couches. At least in my opinion. <br><br> The workers had assembled. My first night was about to begin. <br><br> <<crossroads #job1>> <<path $Memories.includes("Knows Tara")>> Go find Tara. Could be a touchstone and guardian for me. <<blocked>> $ doesn't know Tara. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Tara.rel ++>> Those green eyes were hard to miss, even in the dim light. They were especially striking given that they looked extra-special on her: her mahogany complexion, raven hair and eastern features all spoke of a woman who would greet you with a black or brown set, not the jade that would have been uncanny even on a white girl from Ireland. "Hey." I settled on the couch next to her as if it were just the two of us, roomies, at home. It was a weird, relaxed attitude to take with what was going on. <br><br> "Oh hey!" She grinned, turning her upper body to take me in, an elbow shifting up onto the back of the couch as she rested her head against it, flicking her hair free and away behind her. And then the confusion set in, "Wait. Are you..." <br><br> "Yeah." A tight-toothed smile and slight shrug were all I could offer. I knew from before that //this// was exactly what she was warning me against. Yet here I was, "I didn't //not// listen to you." <br><br> "Looks like you did exactly that." <br><br> My shoulders turned to mirror hers, "No, no, it's--" I couldn't tell her why. Not really. "A long story. I didn't have like, any options." <br><br> "Yeah. I said that. This is the trap. And now, well...I'm not chewing your foot free." She sighed, looking off as the potential johns began to filter into the club. They eyed us down like prey, the couches the vice that wouldn't let us get away. <br><br> "I'll explain." <br><br> Another sigh. It was deep, labored, and pregnant with something emotional, "You don't need to. //I// need to make sure you don't get gobbled up.," She stood decisively, flicking her fingertips at me with a 'come on' gesture, "Let's [[dance|M002 - D1WhorePrep]]." <<path>> See if I could make some connections with the girls. We're stronger as a pack. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Tara")>> <<set $People['AI'].Tara.rel -->> They were all so pretty. But even in the dim light I could tell that youth or beauty didn't hide their haggardness. Their souls seemed to hang loose on them as if holding on by fingertips, threatening to slip free at any moment. <br><br> Beyond my soul's firm attachment, I still stood out like a sore thumb. I was so, //so// clearly Western. So blatantly American. <<if $Body.age is -2>>And despite their youth, I was younger.<<elseif $Body.age is -1>>Though I was about their age.<<elseif $Body.age is 0>>And older than any of them. Barring Tara, who had me by a good margin.<<else>>So much older than any of them. Barring Tara.<</if>> Most decisively, though: new. Fresh, 'unspoiled', and novel. <br><br> I scooted my ass over to the nearest one, lost in the glow of her phone. Didn't seem like the best approach to //be// approached. "Hey." Nothing. I repeated myself, "Hey." I wondered it if was purposeful or not. I tried a third time. <br><br> "Hm?" Her lips tightened. Her tired eyes flicked from her screen to me and immediately back. <br><br> "Oh uh, sorry. I'm--" <br><br> "<<print $>>." I looked up. Those green eyes were unmistakable. They were especially striking given that they looked extra-special on her: her mahogany complexion, raven hair and eastern features all spoke of a woman who would greet you with a black or brown set, not the jade that would have been uncanny even on a white girl from Ireland. "Hey. What are //you// doing." Her hands were on her hips and she was looking down her nose at me pointedly. <br><br> "Yeah." A tight-toothed smile and slight shrug were all I could offer. I knew from before that //this// was exactly what she was warning me against. Yet here I was, "I didn't //not// listen to you." <br><br> "Looks like you did exactly that." <br><br> I considered turning away from the one girl (who must have been massively uncomfortable right then, if she was aware), "No, no, it's--" I couldn't tell Tara why. Not really. "A long story. I didn't have like, any options." <br><br> "Yeah. I said that. This is the trap. And now, well...I'm not chewing your foot free." She sighed, looking off as the potential johns began to filter into the club. They eyed us down like prey, the couches the vice that wouldn't let us get away. <br><br> "I'll explain." <br><br> Another sigh. It was deep, labored, and pregnant with something emotional, "You don't need to. //I// need to make sure you don't get gobbled up.," Her hands left her hips and she flicked her fingertips at me with a 'come on' gesture, "Let's dance." <br><br> <<crossroads #job1>> <<path>> "It's okay, I'll stay here." <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Tara.rel -->> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> "Fine. Go get fucked." And she was gone. <br><br> Laughing uncomfortably, I turned back to the other girl, "Ha. What's up with--" The girl was gone, too. <br><br> A tightness formed in my throat. It was hard to swallow. <br><br> I found another girl and tried with her, but before I could open my mouth and get the constricted sounds free, she glanced at me hard, "What are you doing?" <br><br> "Uh." <br><br> "I don't know what you're thinking, but this isn't some social clique. So stop with the social-hour bullshit." <br><br> I nodded, blinking back tears as I scooted away, spacing myself like the other girls seemed to be situated. <br><br> No pack it is. Just [[offerings|M002 - D1Whore]]. <<path>> "Okay." <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> I got up, "[[Okay|M002 - D1WhorePrep]]." <</crossroads>> <<else>> They were all so pretty. But even in the dim light I could tell that youth or beauty didn't hide their haggardness. Their souls seemed to hang loose on them as if holding on by fingertips, threatening to slip free at any moment. <br><br> Beyond my soul's firm attachment, I still stood out like a sore thumb. I was so, //so// clearly Western. So blatantly American. <<if $Body.age is -2>>And despite their youth, I was younger.<<elseif $Body.age is -1 >>Though I was about their age.<<elseif $Body.age is 0>>And older than any of them. Barring one (as far as I could tell), who had me by a good margin.<<else>>So much older than any of them. Barring <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Tara")>>Tara<<else>>one, as far as I could tell<</if>>.<</if>> Most decisively, though: new. Fresh, 'unspoiled', and novel. <br><br> I scooted my ass over to the nearest one, lost in the glow of her phone. Didn't seem like the best approach to //be// approached. "Hey." Nothing. I repeated myself, "Hey." I wondered it if was purposeful or not. I tried a third time. <br><br> "Hm?" Her lips tightened. Her tired eyes flicked from her screen to me and immediately back. <br><br> "Oh uh, sorry. I'm <<print $>>." <br><br> "Nice to meet ya." I startled. It came from a woman standing in front of me, a hand offered kindly. Her eyes were piercingly green. They were especially striking given that they looked extra-special on her: her mahogany complexion, raven hair and eastern features all spoke of a woman who would greet you with a black or brown set, not the jade that would have been uncanny even on a white girl from Ireland. "Tara." Her hand remained outstretched, waiting for me to take it. <br><br> <<crossroads #job1>> <<path>> Finally. A friendly. Even if she was older than any of us by a half-decade or so. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Tara.rel ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> I smiled, taking her hand, "You too." <br><br> She dropped beside me and I tensed -- she was about to sit on the other girl -- oh, she was gone. "Hey." She settled on the couch next to me as if it were just the two of us, roomies, at home. It was a weird, relaxed attitude to take with what was going on. <br><br> "Uh. Hi?" I was flustered, to say the least. <br><br> "Looked like you could use a friend. And none of them--" she gestured broadly, taking in not just the other girls, but also the other employees, the clientele. The whole shebang. "Are going to be that for you." <br><br> "Yeah, I was getting that sense." <br><br> "But me? I've been through the wringer and back. And everyone needs a little help." Her palms extended towards me, "Not that I think //you// need it. Just. Well, I wish I had someone like me." <br><br> "Hah. Thanks." I couldn't help but smile. She was a riot. And kind. <br><br> "First bit of advice is not to have joined us here. But, too late for that." She hmmed. Then stood decisively, "So next bit of advice," flicking her fingertips at me with a 'come on' gesture, "Let's [[dance|M002 - D1WhorePrep]]." <<path>> Why was this old engaging with me. She was on her way out to pasture. I needed girls like //me//. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Tara.rel -->> <<Stats Social ++>> I smiled, but left her hanging, "You too." <br><br> My head began to turn back to the other girl when she practically barked, "Fine. Go get fucked." And she was gone. <br><br> Laughing uncomfortably, I turned back to the other girl, "Ha. What's up with--" The girl was gone, too. <br><br> A tightness formed in my throat. It was hard to swallow. <br><br> I found another girl and tried with her, but before I could open my mouth and get the constricted sounds free, she glanced at me hard, "What are you doing?" <br><br> "Uh." <br><br> "I don't know what you're thinking, but this isn't some social clique. So stop with the social-hour bullshit." <br><br> I nodded, blinking back tears as I scooted away, spacing myself like the other girls seemed to be situated. <br><br> No pack it is. Just [[offerings|M002 - D1Whore]]. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<path>> No need to waste time. It was obvious what I needed to do. So... <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> ...[[do it|M002 - D1Whore]]. <</crossroads>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $clubJob == "dance">> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel = 0>> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel = 0>> <<set $People['AI'].Euji.rel = 0>> <<set $People['AI'].Lori.rel = 0>> <<set $People['AI'].Anika.rel = 0>> <<set $People['AI'].Daxa.rel = 0>> Welp. It was time. I'd gotten my foot in the door and it was time to be the agent I was supposed to be: go undercover and suss out the bad guy from //within// his operation. The turnaround was just ''so'' fast, I felt out of my depth...and after trying on the outfit in front of the mirror a few times, <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 0>>I knew I'd get a lot of attention for what they expected us to wear, but it was still going from zero to 60 incredibly quickly.<<else>>I'd be revealing __so__ much of myself every night I went in to work. It felt practically like being a stripper and I hadn't really prepared for something like that when coming here.<</if>> But! It is what it is and I couldn't back out now. I put on my big girl pants and tucked the 'dancer' clothes into a small bag, heading out of the RedDoorz and off to my place of employment. Bitch at the front desk didn't lift her nose -- but she'd ignored me just like everyone else since that first day. <br><br> I'd walked these streets a few times at this point, but this time they had a different air to them. Today's trip felt more personal, more like I belonged. Now that I had a job, I worked and lived down was kind of like a new home. And that both felt centering and crazy. It was not what I imagined for myself when I was growing up. This was not the life I had expected to live. Would this life continue on past this mission? Would I go back to some form of normalcy and one of the versions of my future self that I //had// imagined before? <br><br> Now I was noticing the other people going about their business. Also heading to work. I'd completely blocked them out before as unimportant, just a backdrop. But now I was part of that painting, so //now// it was foreground. I was one of them. I was so different from all of them. They felt run-down, no prospects, no hope. They felt from here, and I stood out as clearly American. <br><br> They didn't pay me any attention, though. To them, I was background? <br><br><br> My reverie stopped as I got to the club, Karl wasn't at the door and whoever was didn't even look me over. Did he know I was here to work? I had been given a hard time before, but open door policy now...weird. <br><br> And inside was the same bustling as when I got hired. Barbacks stocking, bartenders -- not yet in their outfits -- prepping, a cleaning crew doing their damnedest to make a dent in the accumulation of dirt, spilled drinks, sweat and grime. I noticed Tao with one of her checklists, but she didn't pay me mind either. So, no onboarding, just...get to work, I guess. <br><br> Down the hallway, I opened the door to the <<link "dressing room">><<replace "#job1">> A stack of small lockers was against one wall right as I came in. A few of the girls perked up at my entrance, but no one said anything. Whether or not they were watching me, I couldn't check, but I felt it as I approached the metal storage unit and assessed any that I could get into. <br><br> Hm. No locks. Interesting. Concerning? And no other identifying marks, so, I might open one and find literally anything, empty or taken. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel ++>> Something about the ambient light catching through the swiss-cheese holes in the steel, I made a quick choice for one over another and luckily, found it to be empty. I took out my make-up kit and outfit from my bag before pushing my things, phone included (would it get stolen?), into the encasement and shut the panel. <<else>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel -->> I couldn't tell, so I just grabbed one tab and tugged. Nope. "That's my shit. Out of there!" I had the sense I was about to have a shoe thrown at my head. I shut it quickly, nearly catching my finger in the door. Hairs raised on the back of my neck as I carefully tried to make my next decision, "Fuckin new girl." She continued. A rabble of resentment and agreement. A wave of whispers and murmuring that I tried to ignore as I found an empty one. Thank god. I took out my make-up kit and outfit from my bag before pushing my things, phone included (would it get stolen?), into the encasement and shut the panel. <</if>> <br><br> Turning back around, <<if $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel is 1>>they were all in their own worlds. Little bits of idle chatter, stripping their clothes off, putting make-up on.<<else>>I was getting more glares than smiles. I didn't feel welcome and I think that was the point. My simple arrival had stopped them from their idle chatter, make-up application, stripping out of their street clothes. Oh boy.<</if>> Playing it as easy and comfortably as I could, I slid over to an empty stool, laid out my things on the empty vanity and clicked on the lights. <br><br> "What's your name?" The girl next to me, tits out, had swiveled to look at me with a broad smile. She was a gazelle of a girl with long limbs, an olive complexion that spoke of a lot of time in the sun, and despite her Asian-features, the accent placed her as from an Aussie or Kiwi. So a foreigner. <br><br> "<<print $>>." <br><br> "Lori. Noice to meetcha." The accent was thick, unmistakable to the point of almost laughability. Her auburn hair nested ontop of her head, her tits incredibly perky -- they were small -- but hardly moved when she did, leaning over to whisper, "Yah, they're a bit sceery. They'll get ovah it." She smacked her hand a couple times on my thigh, "Welcome!" <br><br> "You too. How long you been working here?" <br><br> A wobble of the head, "Half a yeer, give er take." <br><br> "Like it?" <br><br> "It's fun. Easy. First time?" I nodded, unpacking my mascara and foundation and beginning to apply -- she was finishing off her applique so I followed suit, "That's cool. Not the nicest places to work, gotta keep yer head on." <br><br> "Yeah, kind of figured. Neighborhood and just, like, general vibe." She laughed and nodded. I could tell the other girls were not too keen on the developing kinship. <br><br> "Euji." Slight consipiratorial whisper had returned. She made eyes over at a boxier, but //fit// girl in the corner with an dyed undercut-bob. "Anika," a head tilt pointed out a light-skinned girl with resplendent and long chestnut hair and piercings aplenty. "Sakura," the one who had been making the most aggressive gestures and reactions to me, she didn't have any notable features if I had to pick her out of a crowd, but her energy wouldn't let me ignore her. "And Daxa," the last of them. She was the most buxom <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>, except for me, <</if>> and had a fuller figure than the others. "So...that's the girls. Only three stands out there, so we'll take turns -- nobody's dancin' the whole night through. Not quite slave-drivahs here. Get dressed!" She smacked my ass. <br><br> Lifting up, I began to strip down. It was weird to be the only one clothed and the last one to be taking them off, like //I// was invading //their// space. But still, they came <<link "off">><<outfit naked>><</link>>. Following Lori's lead, I collected my discarded clothing on the vanity, though mine was less crumpled than hers. Avoiding wrinkles and whatnot. By the time I was done, though, I knew I was almost at the buzzer. The other girls, Lori included, were almost done getting dressed and were doing it with a frenetic and focused energy that told me I was about to be last...and late. <br><br> Grabbing my outfit, I tried to <<link "catch up">><<replace "#job1">> <<outfit gogo>> My fingers tugged at the elastic bands at my asscheeks, snapping it a bit further out than it naturally wanted to sit -- ass out from moment one probably wasn't the right look. Then slid my fingers along the banding near my crotch and pulled at where the one-piece clung to my chest. Shit, exposed while being clothed. What a sensation. <br><br> "Ooh. Look atcha." Lori nodded, checking me out. The others had a mix of bikini-like pieces, hot shorts, miniskirts, and Lori wearing incredibly low-rise and flesh-tight pleather pants that accentuated her gorgeous lower limbs. <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">>Fuck, she was hot. She looked good enough to eat.<</if>> I stood out among them, not just in my complexion, newness, and origin (I was certainly the only one from the Western Hemisphere), but what I was wearing also set me apart. Still, I was in the same world and didn't feel like I had made a bad choice as we sauntered out in a line, me pulling up the rear. <br><br> Stepping out of the dressing room, the lights had already been dimmed and I could hear the DJ beginning to erratically flip through tracks. The AC was blasting in preparation for the hordes of body-furnaces that were going to be showing up shortly and the cold reminded me just how exposed I was. My nipples became rigid, goosebumps lifted all over my incredibly bare skin. <br><br> It was a weird dissonance: I'd worn things more revealing, like bikinis, and been in front of people, like at beaches or parties, but somehow this outfit in this place made me feel vulnerable and too seen. It was a heightened recognition of every jiggle my ass, thighs and tits made. I grabbed Lori's arm as I leaned into her, my weight and pull slightly changing our walking gait, "I thought we all weren't dancing--" <br><br> "Later, gotta bring in the boyyyys." She laughed, tugging me forward, now arm in arm and out into the main area. <br><br><br> The fog hung low on the ground and our legs cut through it, pushing it aside and leaving trails behind us that slowly filled in and hid the 'tracks' we had made. The massive room felt so empty now that it didn't have people bustling around to make things ready: everyone was at their stations and leaving the space empty and ready to accept patrons. The dance floor felt sad and cold as we made our way in -- I felt like I was sweating from the cold and anticipation -- and I saw the three platforms looming ahead of us, seemingly randomly arranged in the roughly rectangular area. <br><br> Sakura was suddenly in front of us, bringing Lori and I to a quick halt. "New girl with you, so she," a poke right at my bare sternum, "with you," and a commensurate little flick of her finger at Lori's arm as this dance-matriarch spun off and headed to one of the platforms. <br><br> <<crossroads #job1>> <<path>> Say something and challenge this pecking order right away. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Social -->> I couldn't hold [[back|M002 - D1DanceFight]]. <<path>> Roll with it and not risk upsetting the apple cart. <<contents>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> "Okay, wow." I laughed. It was far from the first time I'd experienced this kind of catty energy from girls establishing things, but it usually came with something to gain, or something to lose. I couldn't fathom what Sakura saw as in the balance simply with my arrival. <br><br> "That's Sakie fer ya. Don't crack the shits about it." Lori shrugged and pulled me towards the platform we were nearest, "No drama, more than happy to have ye." She gave my shoulder a slight downward nudge, "Now be a sheila and gimme a boost." <br><br> I leaned down, offering her my hands, which her toe found and I sent her up. I wondered when there was just five of them how the last girl got up, watching Lori's lanky form tuck up and then extend on the platform. "Thanks, dearie." She gave me a wink and then began to stretch, flat hands on the platform, fully bent over and bouncing as she limbered up. <br><br> Shaking myself out, I looked around at the other girls, figuring out what came [[next|M002 - D1Dancing]]. <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>. <<elseif $clubJob == "bar">> <<set $barClean = 0>> <<set $barGarnish = false>> <<set $barOrder = false>> <<set $barSpout = false>> <<set $barMix = false>> <<set $barStock = false>> Welp. It was time. I'd gotten my foot in the door and it was time to be the agent I was supposed to be: go undercover and suss out the bad guy from //within// his operation. The turnaround was just ''so'' fast, I felt out of my depth...and after trying on the outfit in front of the mirror a few times, <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 0>>I knew I'd get a lot of attention for what they expected us to wear, but it was still going from zero to 60 incredibly quickly.<<else>>I'd be revealing __so__ much of myself every night I went in to work. It felt practically like being a stripper and I hadn't really prepared for something like that when coming here.<</if>> But! It is what it is and I couldn't back out now. I put on my big girl pants and tucked the 'bartender' clothes into a small bag, heading out of the RedDoorz and off to my place of employment. Bitch at the front desk didn't lift her nose -- but she'd ignored me just like everyone else since that first day. <br><br> I'd walked these streets a few times at this point, but this time they had a different air to them. Today's trip felt more personal, more like I belonged. Now that I had a job, I worked and lived down was kind of like a new home. And that both felt centering and crazy. It was not what I imagined for myself when I was growing up. This was not the life I had expected to live. Would this life continue on past this mission? Would I go back to some form of normalcy and one of the versions of my future self that I //had// imagined before? <br><br> Now I was noticing the other people going about their business. Also heading to work. I'd completely blocked them out before as unimportant, just a backdrop. But now I was part of that painting, so //now// it was foreground. I was one of them. I was so different from all of them. They felt run-down, no prospects, no hope. They felt from here, and I stood out as clearly American. <br><br> They didn't pay me any attention, though. To them, I was background? <br><br><br> My reverie stopped as I got to the club, Karl wasn't at the door and whoever was didn't even look me over. Did he know I was here to work? I had been given a hard time before, but open door policy now...weird. <br><br> And inside was the same bustling as when I got hired. Barbacks stocking, bartenders -- not yet in their outfits -- prepping, a cleaning crew doing their damnedest to make a dent in the accumulation of dirt, spilled drinks, sweat and grime. I noticed Tao with one of her checklists, but she didn't pay me mind either. So, no onboarding, just...get to work, I guess. <br><br> I stepped up to the bar, leaning against it on the side I was more used to (for the time being) and waved at one of the other girls, "Uh hey. I start tonight?" <br><br> A mousy girl who's roots were showing from the bleach job (possibly...intentionally?) continued cutting limes without watching the blade, "Okay. So. Start." A huff of a laugh and roll of her eyes. <br><br> onboarding, I guess. <br><br> <<crossroads #job1>> <<path>> I'm sure one of the barbacks could give me some pointers. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set $barPrepTime = 2>> The other bartenders looked equally ensconced in their duties, or just didn't give a fuck about me. A smart agent has multiple avenues of approach, and I was a smart agent, so I brushed off her cold response and headed towards the back hallways. <br><br> It took only moments before I came across a sinewy kid, definitely younger than I was, who was carrying the massive weight of a eggcrate loaded to the brim with handles of liquor. "Uh hey," I gave my flirtiest smile. It stopped him dead in his tracks, despite the sweat beading on his forehead. I could see him considering a number of things: I was attractive. I was female. I was a new face, so that could mean any number of things and one of them meant potentially prostitution. <br><br> "Uh." It was all he could manage. <br><br> Stepping forward, my fingers stroked along his forearms as I ventured to take the eggcrate from him. My touch got him to relent instantly. And //fuck// was it heavy. "First. Day. Behind the. Bar." I tried to make grunting out my explanation of who I was less noticeable and more sexy. <br><br> "Oh! Cool." He nodded, "You...don't have to carry that. It's my job. Unless..." He looked eminently confused, "you're a barback?" His English was impeccable. Not in the 'from America' way, but he'd seen enough American shit that he wouldn't stick out at all. <br><br> I shook my head, laughing and giving him a hip bump that might have been a bit too hard, given the extra weight I was carrying. Turning, I hefted his load and moved back behind the bar, pulling him like a puppy dog. "No, tending...but might direct me? <<print $>>, by the way." <br><br> He took my fingers that barely stretched out from the front of the crate as my attempt to shake hands (it was), "Cristano. Sure." He nodded gleefully. <br><br> "Why's she carrying your shit, Tano?" He took a foot to his butt from one of the other girls. He scrambled forward and grasped the crate back from me as if he'd been stung. His fingers dug up against my tits in a way that hurt, but I tried to ignore it -- especially seeing his gleeful 'oops' expression. <br><br> "S-sorry." He began offloading down the line into each of their wells, the crate quickly becoming more manageable. I watched him with a playful smile, <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>mock appreciating the tension and definition in his back, arms, hands and even his cute little butt. Nothing predatory, but a girl can look, too.<<else>>appreciating the tension and definition in his back, arms, hands and even his cute little butt. Nothing predatory, but a girl can look, too.<</if>> It was adorable seeing him catching me and the red rising at his cheeks and the shudder of his eyes as his body reacted subconsciously to the unexpected attention, "Yeah, so. This...oh fuck," He slid the crate ontop the bar and stepped back, looking at the well at the end of the bar that remained vacant, "Is...your station." <br><br> I took it in as well: It was a //state// from whomever had been there the night before. It had the auspices of having been cleaned and prepped during closing, but only on the first glance. "Oh." <br><br> "Yeah, um. Well. I'll try and help when I can, but just gotta get everything ready for shift. Like, literally everything." He looked pained, but also looked like he needed to hurry off. <br><br> With the devastation in front of me, I knew I had my work cut out. Time was lost in my search and acquisition of Tano, but at least I knew what I needed to do and //where//. Better less time than no time. I had no clear idea of how much I'd need, or how much I had, but either way there was the decision of what to [[prioritize|M002 - D1BarPrep]]. And Tano made appearances and helped in fits and spurts. Not much, but something. <<path $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 2 || $CC.spoiled == true>> Oh. Okay. Fuck you too. <<blocked>> $ is too Suggestible. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set $barClean = 0>> Yeah. That wasn't gonna fly with me. I deserved better than that, but apparently all the bartenders didn't give a fuck about me. Well, if they weren't going to be a team member, neither would I. Whatever slack needed to be taken up during the shift it was their own fault now. And they'd have to deal with it. <br><br> A light push and, without a response, I was off the bar and sauntering back into the bowels of the Club. I might not know what was needed of me, nor where I was supposed to be, but I did know a couple things that //they// didn't. One: I wasn't actually here to work -- well, not the job that was on my nametag per se. So now I had free reign and time to get a little secret agent-ing in. And who better than a little lost bartender with no one to guide or help her? <br><br> And two: I //did// need to get into 'uniform', so that was a good enough excuse. <br><br> I didn't see Tao, which was great, just cleaning crew and assorted barbacks and all of them grunting and doing literal back-breaking labor. Not. For. Me! <br><br> None of them gave me the time of day, so I proceeded to poke around. The first door was locked and I got the gut impression I shouldn't keep trying the door, because someone on the other side would check...and not be happy with me. <br><br> Moving on, door two got me yelled at. Five girls, that were dressed in a range of completely naked to the loosest interpretation of 'dancer' gear, were not keen on my appearance, "Dancers. Only." Came an agressive one with almond eyes, slamming the door in my face, despite giving everyone in the hallway a show of her tits. Maybe they'd already seen them. <br><br> Door three I didn't need to check, it was the one Tao had brought me into the other day. <br><br> Door four...unlocked. Yes! Slipping in and shutting the door quickly, I immediately felt super cool, hunched forward slightly as I began my infiltration. <br><br> I flicked on the light only to be greeted by a supply closet. The smell of bleach was pungent, as was the scent of it battling mold and waste. It was a small room with no ventilation and no other exits besides a tiny, warped metal grate in the corner where liquids were seeping away. <br><br> Reaching back for the handle, I found it turning in my palm and I tugged the other way. My body flew into fight-or-flight mode, but there was nowhere to fly. "Uh, Occupied!" I toed my shoes <<linkexpand "off,">> off, <<feet>> stepping into god-knows-what as I made the effort to be a lost bartender changing for my shift. <br><br> I heard them say something back through the door, but between the struggle with the door banging in its jamb and my own one-armed struggle to get my top <<linkexpand "off,">> off, <<upper>> I couldn't place what it was. I continued responding, "Sorry!" "One second!" as my top dangled from my occupied arm as my free hand fumbled with the remainder of my <<linkexpand "clothes.">> clothes. <<lower>> <br><br> The moment was frantic. I wasn't caring what they were ending up in, but my feet were happy to have something to stand on now -- the panic was intense and the only thought was not to get caught, red-handed on first day. <br><br> My arm tense, I realized I'd //have// to give up the fight to get my clothes ''on''. And so I <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> It swung open and there were two old men who's ferocity and anger immediately dissipated as they looked over me, daintily trying to keep my toes and heels from touching anything wet -- and everything was wet -- all the while being mid-way through dressing. <br><br> "Sorry." I squeaked. <br><br> I have no idea what they said back to me, but it wasn't any language I was familiar with. They shook their heads with dumb grins, continuing to talk to me as they stepped forward. I thought I was about to get assaulted when one took my wrist and gave a little tug. <br><br> But it was light, it wasn't aggressive -- guiding. A head motion as he only partially ignored what he was seeing, beaming broadly now that he was getting a front-row seat. I stepped off my partially wettened clothes and into the hallway, despite not having anything on. The other guy leaned over and with his water-logged and leathery hand grabbed my clothes in a fist and brought them behind us. <br><br> They were laughing and talking as if it were an average workday. Down the hallway with no rush in their pacing, giving the other people bustling around more than enough to see as well while bringing me back to door three. "Here." The first word I understood. <br><br> One opened the door, motioned for me to go in and the other plopped the wad of clothing onto one of the bare shelves. Then the door was shut and I was left in the 'actual' changing room for bartenders. <br><br> Well. I wasn't dead. I took a moment to breathe away any of the panic, and then proceeded to get [[dressed|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 2>> Jump behind the bar and get to work. I'm a quick study. <<blocked>> $ is too Sophisticated or spoiled. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set $barPrepTime = 3>> My casual lean quickly aborted as I moved off and around the end of the bar. I wove between hustling barbacks and canvassed what the other bartenders were doing. Just like the mousy one, they were either too focused to notice me or all wanted to see if I'd sink or swim. <br><br> I noticed there was a section of the bar essentially untended, so I figured that was my station and scurried over. It was a //state// from whomever had been there the night before. It had the auspices of having been cleaned and prepped during closing, but only on the first glance. <br><br> I had no clear idea of how much time I'd need, or how much time I had, but either way there was the decision of what to [[prioritize|M002 - D1BarPrep]]. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div>
<<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Tara")>> You know that beeze that you feel across your back or the side of your face when something //just// missed you? As Tara took me away from the couches, I had that sensation. The air currents certainly didn't shift and I didn't dare look back, but I knew what I felt. <br><br> And then it just felt like two girls out for the night. My thigh between hers and vice-versa, our arms taking turns above our heads as we shifted side-to-side. "I'm not going to lie to you," she didn't have to yell. Her words carried over the music and found the pockets of time to reach my ears effortlessly. Here's a girl with years of experience being vocally intimate in every type of setting, "Manila is rife with girls like us. Club ZZYZX? Nothing special. Except it //is//." I had been about to interject, to make this a conversation, but the way she said that immediately quashed my social instincts. It was time to listen. <br><br> "Frickin' Lion's Den, <<print $>>. You made the same shitty mistake -- not that it's your fault, because how would you know -- that I did. And now you're here. There's no backing out." I knew. She didn't know that I did, though. "Well. There are ways out, but I haven't found any that are voluntary. If you haven't noticed, I'm the oldest by far. There used to be other girls when I first started, but they aren't here anymore. And I've seen my fair share of fresh-face ones like you go poof. I haven't been able to figure out the why or where, but it happens." <br><br> "'ve survived." It felt so weird to be having this kind of intimate and scary conversation in the building where it was happening. While on the job. <br><br> A mirthless laugh, head flicked back immediately in response. I felt her fingers squeeze my upper arm, "Yep. Good enough at my work while not being a stand-out. But god-forbid I can't pull anymore or I piss someone off. Well, besides Peaches. I'm definitely riding the line of pissing her off at all times. So far, still here." <br><br> "So, I do?" A requisite amount of fear, an alteration of the way I was dancing and //intense// eye contact. Here was intel just spilling to me without having to try, I just needed to keep these rails greased. <br><br> A sigh. A peck on my cheek. She met my eyes. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">> I don't know what she was looking for, but the moment passed. "Do? Not much you can do." <br><br> "Well, now you've scared me and...that's it?" <br><br> She looked down, hurt, "That wasn't fair of me. I mean, at least you //got// a warning. Fuck, <<print $>>, I wish __I__ knew what to do. I've been around long enough, but...okay, Peaches is starting to stare daggers at us, so we need to get to work. Quick pointers time: Don't wear yourself out. Play the long game. These girls are vicious, so watch your back. Make friends with the bouncers." We were making our way back from the dance floor, mouthed words and looks between Tara and Tao as she brought me along by the hand back to 'our place'. <br><br> And then, just before depositing me she leaned in. Another peck on my cheek, "And most importantly. Peaches doesn't run the show. Datu does. Well, Datu's Datu." Datu's Datu..."But that's the way. Puppeteers puppeteering puppeteers. And we're fuck puppets." She did a little marionette impression as she left me. <br><br> I laughed. She laughed. Some of the guys around us were confused, but put on a smile because they wanted pussy. <br><br> Now separated, I could feel the air thicken. They were on the prowl. <br><br> Was I on the [[menu|M002 - D1Whore]]? <<else>> And then we were making out, her tongue in my mouth and dancing bodies pulled tight. It was as if the peck was a testing ground and this was what she was looking for. <br><br> A part of me recoiled -- where had she been? <br><br> A part of me was entranced and flattered -- this felt different from how she treated the others. <br><br> The agent inside me wondered if this was an opportunity that I needed to capitalize on. <br><br> The girl who had been hired to work here wondered if this behavior would end my career abruptly. And it didn't sound like careers of our nature ended well. <br><br> <div id="whoreprep"> <<crossroads #whoreprep>> <<path>> Fuck it. Keep going. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Tara.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> <<Stats Excitable ++>> My hands found her waist and pulled, our bodies pressing tightly against one another. My head turned and our mouths latched more tightly together. My tongue thrust back into her mouth. I felt her soften at the reaction, letting me take lead. <br><br> From her waist, I found her ass and squeezed, fingertips tracing the hem of her miniskirt, playing with the bare skin that I found there while our jaws worked against each other. <br><br> She smelled wonderful, a subtle floral undertone mixed with the clean scent of her facial regimen. <br><br> She tasted even better. Strawberries from her lips and a hint of mint from either gum or something like it. <br><br> I wanted to devour her. She was //intoxicating//. No wonder she had been so successful for so long here. I wanted her and in that moment I was willing to pay. I wasn't going to have to pay, though, right? <br><br> A pull came at my arm. Probably some guy who wanted to watch or take a video of two hot girls making out. I pulled free. <br><br> It was insistant. //I// was pulled back, nails biting into my arm as our bodies separated before our mouths. <br><br> Frowning, I spun on the person, about to give them a piece of my mind... <br><br> Fuck. It was Tao. "Show over." <br><br> "They like watching." I couldn't help but grin at her. There was a definite audience, so I didn't need proof. <br><br> "Yeah, yeah. Advertisement did the work. Now it time for //you// to work." She pulled again, this time with a little shove towards the couches. <br><br> Tara was suddenly alongside me, stride for stride. "Shit. Sorry. Trouble on your first day. I didn't--" <br><br> "It's fine." I squeezed her hand. <br><br> "Okay. Quick pointers time: Don't wear yourself out. Play the long game. These girls are vicious, so watch your back. Make friends with the bouncers." We were making our way back from the dance floor, mouthed words and looks between Tara and Tao as she brought me along by the hand back to 'our place'. <br><br> And then, just before depositing me she leaned in. Another peck on my cheek, "And most importantly. Peaches doesn't run the show. Datu does. Well, Datu's Datu." Datu's Datu..."But that's the way. Puppeteers puppeteering puppeteers. And we're fuck puppets." She did a little marionette impression as she left me. <br><br> I laughed. She laughed. Some of the guys around us were confused, but put on a smile because they wanted pussy. <br><br> Now separated, I could feel the air thicken. They were on the prowl. <br><br> Was I on the [[menu|M002 - D1Whore]]? <<path>> Nuh-uh. Pull away. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Tara.rel -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> My hands found her waist and slowly pushed, our bodies separating before out mouths. I turned sheepishly away before we could make eye contact. <br><br> The music wrapped us in a barrier that allowed the awkward silence to feel less sudden and painful. "I uh...s-sorry." I wasn't sure what else to say. I knew that she wasn't going to like this, and now I was living that expectation. <br><br> "What?" She was standing with her hands on her hips, looking at me sternly, head cocked to the side as if she couldn't hear me. <br><br> "Nothing." I waved it off. <br><br> "Huh?" She was a statue. <br><br> I backed off and headed back towards the couches. Time to get to work, I guess. Everything had happened so quickly and I worried that I had caused irreparable damage with the one person who actually seemed like an ally here. Was that a bridge that could be repaired? Was she just interested in me sexually? <br><br> Now separated, I could feel the air thicken. They were on the prowl. <br><br> Was I on the [[menu|M002 - D1Whore]]? <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<set $D1John = "">> <<if previous() is "M002 - ClubJobDay1">> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Social -->> <</if>> I settled back against the plush cushioning of the couch, taking in my surroundings. My hunting grounds...where //I// felt hunted. It felt like I couldn't ''not'' make eye contact with some smiling stranger wherever I looked. A shudder passed unbidden down my back. At least I wasn't doing this on the street. <br><br> <<if ($Memories.includes("Knows Tara") && visited("M002 - D1WhorePrep") is false) || $People['AI'].Tara.rel lt 1>> None of the other girls deigned to make eye contact with me. Instinctively, I sought any form of comfort but even Tara wasn't around. It was just me. Alone, despite being surrounded by people. It felt very solitary and vulnerable. <br><br> <<elseif $knowsTara is true>> None of the other girls deigned to make eye contact with me. And then I felt a flutter and release when Tara's green eyes pierced through the hazy dark and met mine. It was as if she was saying "you got this girl. I got you." without a word. I smiled back and nodded. Okay, gotta get my head on. Fuck this felt incredibly vulnerable, incredibly solitary despite being surrounded by people. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Callum")>> <<set $People['AI'].Callum.rel -= 2>> "Well, hello there." A large form was beside me, arm thrown around me with the calm confidence that surpassed innate personal quality. I looked up, it was Callum. <br><br> "Oh! Hey there." I leaned up and gave him a peck on his cheek and scooted my hips against his. It felt nice to have a touchstone and place of comfort all of a sudden. And maybe, seeing my connection to a guy like him would give me a bit of protection...or just higher value to other guys? <br><br> "Yer here a lot, aren'tcha lass?" He smiled and chuckled into my ear, biting the cartilage and giving it a little tug. <br><br> "Yeah, guess so. Seems like you are, too, huh?" I kept my head facing forward to let him play at my ear. <br><br> "That's because I'm working, dear." <br><br> "And so is she." Tao was in front of us, leaning in kindly and smiling -- she smiled? -- at Callum, a light hand on his shoulder. <br><br> "What?" The confusion on his face was profound. And then he understood. I felt his hips pull away from me like I was on fire. The cool air filling the large space he had occupied made his vacancy even more pronounced. <br><br> He didn't say a thing to me. No goodbye, nothing. I couldn't bear to look at him either. I just hoped that him learning this wouldn't shut that door. <br><br> Fuck you, //Peaches//. <br><br> <</if>> A guy sat down on the edge of the couch nearby me. Maybe scoping out my response. Maybe deciding if he wanted to make a pass. Maybe deciding if I was one of the 'girls' he had heard about. <br><br> Another guy looked over to me, despite his arm being slung over another girl who's cleavage was so on display I was surprised nipples weren't popping free. <br><br> Yeah okay, so...this was happening, huh. <br><br> What would my plan of action be? No playbook, no onboarding, no school or training for selling my body. How was I going to...approach...this? <div id="whore"> <<crossroads #whore>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3>> Accessible. Available. Down to fuck. Right? <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I guess...first come, first [[served|M002 - D1WhoreEager]]? <<path>> Discerning. Picky. High value. Right? <<contents>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> I was only playing the //part// of a whore, but that didn't mean I needed to actually be a full-fledged [[one|M002 - D1WhoreCareful]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <div id = "whoring"> "Welcome." He stood in front of me, a slight bowing of his head. Despite the dark and the haze, I could tell he was well on in years, and no matter what the club was trying to do to camoflage us -- he wasn't attractive, even if he lost 20 or 30 years. Thick, drooping lips, the corners of his eyes sagged, he carried extra padding at his cheeks and neck that spoke of opulent wealth and spending those decades partaking. He was wrapped in robes and his headwear gave him away as Arabic, like I'd seen in all the pictures. "I am Sallah. My car is outside." Okay, wow. That was...quick, officious and firm. <br><br> He wasn't giving me room or time to think. I filled the space with a giggle as I decided. <br><br> My job //was// to fuck guys who asked. He was asking...[["Sure!"|M002 - D1WhoreSex][$D1John = "Prince"]] <br><br> But I could hold myself to some esteem beyond priced-pussy. I could <<link "play him off">><<replace "#whoring">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> "Oh, wow. I'm so flattered, Sallah." I beamed, grinning up at him. I leaned forward slightly to give a hint of decollatage, "I'm sorry, I'm just--" <br><br> "New. I know this. Come." A come-motion with his hand in a way that told me he was not denied. <br><br> "I'm still getting settled. The night's just begun! Let's have a drink and chat." I gestured for him to sit. I wasn't going to be a piece on a platter, more of an escort...more refined. He'd like refined. <br><br> "Unacceptable. Sallah always fucks first." He turned with a flourish of his robes and walked off, a slight limp with how fast he was moving. And on a bee-line to Tao. <br><br> Well. I'd be finding out sooner rather than later what was expected of me, he was going straight to the manager. <br><br> I tried to ignore their conversation, turning my hips and body away from where he had left to survey the surroundings. There were so many men and so few of us. I was surprised we weren't being jumped on like they were a pack of wild dogs. Something held them at bay, slightly, momentarily. <br><br> Because almost as soon as I was having that momentary relief, I felt the couch sigh as a guy settled in beside me. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if $Body.age lt 0>> "You're delicious." I could practically feel the saliva on his breath. I giggled as pleasantly as I could, turning to take him in. The beard on his face didn't get to his face, just covering his neck in coarse, unkept and untrimmed hair. The hair on his head was thinning at best and his skin had an oily gleam to it. He was wearing an old tshirt and pair of sweatpants with sandals sticking out of the end of them: bare feet blatantly on display. "Let's get out of here." <br><br> "Oh, you're American?" <br><br> He didn't need to respond, and he didn't, "How old are you..." it was less a question, especially as he leaned in and I could feel him taking in my scent. Just like a wild dog. <br><br> Hair on my neck pricked up. Every self-protection alarm was going off, but so were the warning bells as I considered the conversation Sallah was having with Tao right now. <br><br> Avoid repurcussions and a line of angry customers? Do my job and just [[get done|M002 - D1WhoreSex][$D1John = "Incel"]], even by this slob? <br><br> Or listen to the warning signs and <<link "save myself">><<replace "#whoring">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> "Uh, sorry. Not really working. First night we just learn the ropes, get pointers, ya know--" <br><br> He grabbed at my arm, "Bullshit. Come on, bitch." <br><br> O-//kay//. Yeah. I pulled free and shuffled off away from the couches, putting as much distance between me and that creep. Without even thinking, I realized I was heading straight to Tao as if she was my protector. And she was standing, hands on hips with Sallah beside her, imperious and grinning. <br><br> "Change mind?" She raised her eyebrow, laden with meaning. <br><br> Fuck. She was going to offer me on a platter to Sallah, not offer protection from the guy who was about to yank me off to his place. <br><br> I felt like I was between a hell and a hot place in that moment, frozen as I considered my options of returning and going with the greaseball ex-pat or Sallah. <br><br> [[Give in|M002 - D1WhoreSex][$D1John = "Prince"]] to Tao? <br><br> No. Hold <<link "my ground">><<replace #whoring>> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> "" I shook my head, trying to keep as firm eye contact as I could manage. <br><br> "Unbelievable. Get your sluts in line." Sallah literally //hit// Tao on the back of the head before walking off. <br><br> Tao was unaffected. How? <br><br> Her eyes hadn't left mine the whole time. "You don't understand, do you?" It was rhetorical. She was continuing, "He has first. Always. You are new girl. You let him fuck. Your //job// is let guys __fuck__. You knew that, yes?" <br><br> I coughed, uncomfortably under the dressing down. "I...did. I just thought that maybe we could...choose, a bit." <br><br> "They choose. Don't be stupid. Get back there. <<shake 2s>>Now<</shake>>." <br><br> I was practically running back to the couches, feeling the threat of violence under her every word. Well. Now the rules were clear. They should have been, I guess. But now they were. And I was on very, very thin ice. <br><br> "Oh uh, hey. Uh hi." I was stopped in my anxious thoughts by another approach -- moments after settling back into my place. He was barely sitting next to me, barely close enough to get the sense that this //was// his approach. <br><br> I turned. God, he was young. Fresh-faced and smiling dumbly. Dressed smart, though it wasn't a well-tailored suit that hung on his slight body as if he was a hangar, "Hey there." I smiled broadly, reaching over and putting my hand in his. "<<print $>>." A slight squeeze. <br><br> His eyes flicked away from me when he felt the warmth and pressure of my hand. He was looking over to a group of guys that were certainly his business bros, "Cool. Yeah. So. You'" <br><br> "First night." I could feel the sweat on his palm. <br><br> "Mine too. I mean. Cool. Uh so. Should we...? They're going to pay." The sweetness and his awkwardness dispelled by that last moment as he brought money into the picture. <br><br> This was the job. I could almost feel Tao approaching right now after receiving the ear-full from Sallah. I needed to do this. "Yeah." I matched his smile and stood. <br><br> He jerked up from the couch, smiling and blushing as his cohort gave some woots and cheers, watching us [[depart|M002 - D1Whore][$D1John = "Virgin"]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>? <<else>> "Oh uh, hey. Uh hi." Two approaches in the span of half a second. He was barely sitting next to me, barely close enough to get the sense that this //was// his approach. <br><br> I turned. God, he was young. Fresh-faced and smiling dumbly. Dressed smart, though it wasn't a well-tailored suit that hung on his slight body as if he was a hangar, "Hey there." I smiled broadly, reaching over and putting my hand in his. "<<print $>>." A slight squeeze. <br><br> His eyes flicked away from me when he felt the warmth and pressure of my hand. He was looking over to a group of guys that were certainly his business bros, "Cool. Yeah. So. You'" <br><br> "First night." I could feel the sweat on his palm. <br><br> "Mine too. I mean. Cool. Uh so. Should we...? They're going to pay." The sweetness and his awkwardness dispelled by that last moment as he brought money into the picture. <br><br> This was the job. I could almost feel Tao approaching right now after receiving the ear-full from Sallah. I needed to do this. "Yeah." I matched his smile and stood. <br><br> He jerked up from the couch, smiling and blushing as his cohort gave some woots and cheers, watching us [[depart|M002 - D1Whore][$D1John = "Virgin"]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> and see what else came my way? </div>
<<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<skillChecked "Wiles" "Attractiveness" "Perception">> <<set _sexvalue = ($Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value)>> <div id = "whoring"> <<if _sexvalue gte 8 && ($Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0) && ($Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0)>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> Almost immediately, it had been an elderly Arab Prince, ugly and imperious who had approached. It had been perfunctory and offensive. <br><br> While his money and his status might have gotten me somewhere eventually -- I'm not sure it would have been where I wanted, if anywhere at all. So I toyed with him. He seemed surprised and intrigued by my response. He wasn't a man who was denied and I wasn't //quite// denying him. <br><br> I let him whisper to me all of the different ways he wanted to take me, because I was new and he always had first fuck. He liked his women fresh and clean and //he// was the despoiler. <br><br> I cooed in his ear about how excited I was by the thought of him ruining me forever. I could tell he was getting at the end of his rope -- he needed action or I was going to frustrate and blueball him. And then, I was saved by some greaseball American ex-pat. <br><br> Thanful for his bigotry, this slob -- who practically oiled the seats when he sat -- was more than happy to intervene and deny a 'towelhead' something that belonged to him. Sallah -- the prince -- was infuriated and stormed off, but at least he was mad at the guy, and not me. <br><br> The slob was more direct and just as self-assured he'd be fucking me as Sallah was. But he was even more intrigued by the story we were planning about the ways he would be placing his flag in the American who had gotten away from where she belonged. <br><br> He knew where I belonged. <br><br> He pawed at my body, he clung to me. I felt the need for all of my skincare products and began ticking off the order I'd be applying them as I tried to maintain my distance, hold off just a bit longer. There was no way this creep was going to get me any access except to his sordid shitty apartment or maybe his mom's basement back home. <br><br> I didn't need to go home. I had far more important things on my to-do list. And he wasn't one of them. <br><br> And while we entertained some verbal foreplay, I could see this smart-suited young boy of a man standing nearby, waiting for his chance. But one wouldn't appear. Not as much as I'd have preferred him over the thinning-hair sleeze. <br><br> "Excuse me, sir." Me and neckbeard looked up with the same shocked impression. <br><br> We were being interrupted and it was the third man in a row who was in my bubble with massive self-importance. He stood there, motioning for the skeeze to move away from me, and it came from a place of assuredness beyond Alpha behavior. "I need to see this one in my office." <br><br> I had no clue who this was. And an //office//? There were offices here?! The sticky man finally relented with a grumble as I got up off the couch, trying to fix the deep creases in my clothes from his behavior. <br><br> He was wearing an odd outfit: His jacket and jeans both had the same shimmering, silver quality underneath the dark blue or black base tone. The tailored jacket accentuated the sinewy, tight cables of muscle on his arms that continued underneath the black wifebeater he was wearing as a shirt. He had vibrant and intricate neck tattoos and radiated underworld personality like it was a billboard. <br><br> I didn't have to think twice to accompany him. Wordlessly, he escorted me off the floor and to the back hallway. We passed by a few doors, the bathrooms, and then he used a keycard to access his office. <br><br> And it was an [[office|M002 - D1WhoreSex][$D1John = "LT"]]. <<else>> "Welcome." He stood in front of me, a slight bowing of his head. Despite the dark and the haze, I could tell he was well on in years, and no matter what the club was trying to do to camoflage us -- he wasn't attractive, even if he lost 20 or 30 years. Thick, drooping lips, the corners of his eyes sagged, he carried extra padding at his cheeks and neck that spoke of opulent wealth and spending those decades partaking. He was wrapped in robes and his headwear gave him away as Arabic, like I'd seen in all the pictures. "I am Sallah. My car is outside." Okay, wow. That was...quick, officious and firm. <br><br> He wasn't giving me room or time to think. I filled the space with a giggle as I decided. <br><br> My job //was// to fuck guys who asked. He was asking...[["Sure!"|M002 - D1WhoreSex][$D1John = "Prince"]] <br><br> But I could hold myself to some esteem beyond priced-pussy. I could <<link "play him off">><<replace "#whoring">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> "Oh, wow. I'm so flattered, Sallah." I beamed, grinning up at him. I leaned forward slightly to give a hint of decollatage, "I'm sorry, I'm just--" <br><br> "New. I know this. Come." A come-motion with his hand in a way that told me he was not denied. <br><br> "I'm still getting settled. The night's just begun! Let's have a drink and chat." I gestured for him to sit. I wasn't going to be a piece on a platter, more of an escort...more refined. He'd like refined. <br><br> "Unacceptable. Sallah always fucks first." He turned with a flourish of his robes and walked off, a slight limp with how fast he was moving. And on a bee-line to Tao. <br><br> Well. I'd be finding out sooner rather than later what was expected of me, he was going straight to the manager. <br><br> I tried to ignore their conversation, turning my hips and body away from where he had left to survey the surroundings. There were so many men and so few of us. I was surprised we weren't being jumped on like they were a pack of wild dogs. Something held them at bay, slightly, momentarily. <br><br> Because almost as soon as I was having that momentary relief, I felt the couch sigh as a guy settled in beside me. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if $Body.age lt 0>> "You're delicious." I could practically feel the saliva on his breath. I giggled as pleasantly as I could, turning to take him in. The beard on his face didn't get to his face, just covering his neck in coarse, unkept and untrimmed hair. The hair on his head was thinning at best and his skin had an oily gleam to it. He was wearing an old tshirt and pair of sweatpants with sandals sticking out of the end of them: bare feet blatantly on display. "Let's get out of here." <br><br> "Oh, you're American?" <br><br> He didn't need to respond, and he didn't, "How old are you..." it was less a question, especially as he leaned in and I could feel him taking in my scent. Just like a wild dog. <br><br> Hair on my neck pricked up. Every self-protection alarm was going off, but so were the warning bells as I considered the conversation Sallah was having with Tao right now. <br><br> Avoid repurcussions and a line of angry customers? Do my job and just [[get done|M002 - D1WhoreSex][$D1John = "Incel"]], even by this slob? <br><br> Or listen to the warning signs and <<link "save myself">><<replace "#whoring">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> "Uh, sorry. Not really working. First night we just learn the ropes, get pointers, ya know--" <br><br> He grabbed at my arm, "Bullshit. Come on, bitch." <br><br> O-//kay//. Yeah. I pulled free and shuffled off away from the couches, putting as much distance between me and that creep. Without even thinking, I realized I was heading straight to Tao as if she was my protector. And she was standing, hands on hips with Sallah beside her, imperious and grinning. <br><br> "Change mind?" She raised her eyebrow, laden with meaning. <br><br> Fuck. She was going to offer me on a platter to Sallah, not offer protection from the guy who was about to yank me off to his place. <br><br> I felt like I was between a hell and a hot place in that moment, frozen as I considered my options of returning and going with the greaseball ex-pat or Sallah. <br><br> [[Give in|M002 - D1WhoreSex][$D1John = "Prince"]] to Tao? <br><br> No. Hold <<link "my ground">><<replace #whoring>> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> "" I shook my head, trying to keep as firm eye contact as I could manage. <br><br> "Unbelievable. Get your sluts in line." Sallah literally //hit// Tao on the back of the head before walking off. <br><br> Tao was unaffected. How? <br><br> Her eyes hadn't left mine the whole time. "You don't understand, do you?" It was rhetorical. She was continuing, "He has first. Always. You are new girl. You let him fuck. Your //job// is let guys __fuck__. You knew that, yes?" <br><br> I coughed, uncomfortably under the dressing down. "I...did. I just thought that maybe we could...choose, a bit." <br><br> "They choose. Don't be stupid. Get back there. <<shake 2s>>Now<</shake>>." <br><br> I was practically running back to the couches, feeling the threat of violence under her every word. Well. Now the rules were clear. They should have been, I guess. But now they were. And I was on very, very thin ice. <br><br> "Oh uh, hey. Uh hi." I was stopped in my anxious thoughts by another approach -- moments after settling back into my place. He was barely sitting next to me, barely close enough to get the sense that this //was// his approach. <br><br> I turned. God, he was young. Fresh-faced and smiling dumbly. Dressed smart, though it wasn't a well-tailored suit that hung on his slight body as if he was a hangar, "Hey there." I smiled broadly, reaching over and putting my hand in his. "<<print $>>." A slight squeeze. <br><br> His eyes flicked away from me when he felt the warmth and pressure of my hand. He was looking over to a group of guys that were certainly his business bros, "Cool. Yeah. So. You'" <br><br> "First night." I could feel the sweat on his palm. <br><br> "Mine too. I mean. Cool. Uh so. Should we...? They're going to pay." The sweetness and his awkwardness dispelled by that last moment as he brought money into the picture. <br><br> Ugh. There wasn't anything to gain from this guy either. I couldn't say <<link "yes">><<replace "#whoring">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> "Sorry, I'm sure any of them can help you out." I smiled and gave him a little nudge towards the nearest girl. He looked confused, but immediately followed my advice. He was off to the next girl and I was left alone. <br><br> For a second. Tao stood in front of me and her cool gaze had become a raging furnace, "You go home. You come back and understand. Your. Place." <br><br> She'd had this conversation before. I wasn't the first to buck the system and I wouldn't be the first that she had dealt with. <br><br> I tucked tail and walked out. I didn't know how I'd report this, //if// I would report this. <br><br> A full-on failure my first night. Within the first thirty minutes. That was fast and furious. <br><br> I was enraged, unsure how I was going to move forward the next time I'd show up for my __job__. I knew that EROS agents did this kind of thing, but it had sounded like it was more of a case-by-case scenario, when there was something to profit on the other end of the scales. <br><br> Tao had made it clear as day that there wasn't a decision matrix. I was to be fucked, she was to profit, and if I gained something on my mission in the meantime, well that would be random, lucky fucking chance. <br><br> I'd gotten out once scott-free, but I doubted that would ever happen again. I doubted it //could// happen [[again|M002 - D1WhoreSex]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <br><br> But I did need to fulfill my duties. Maybe some nights would be a miss, but I had to make sure there would //be// other opportunities for potential gains. I had to say <<link "yes">><<replace "#whoring">> This was the job. I could almost feel Tao approaching. I needed to do this. "Yeah." I matched his smile and stood. <br><br> He jerked up from the couch, smiling and blushing as his cohort gave some woots and cheers, watching us [[depart|M002 - D1Whore][$D1John = "Virgin"]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>? <<else>> "Oh uh, hey. Uh hi." Two approaches in the span of half a second. He was barely sitting next to me, barely close enough to get the sense that this //was// his approach. <br><br> I turned. God, he was young. Fresh-faced and smiling dumbly. Dressed smart, though it wasn't a well-tailored suit that hung on his slight body as if he was a hangar, "Hey there." I smiled broadly, reaching over and putting my hand in his. "<<print $>>." A slight squeeze. <br><br> His eyes flicked away from me when he felt the warmth and pressure of my hand. He was looking over to a group of guys that were certainly his business bros, "Cool. Yeah. So. You'" <br><br> "First night." I could feel the sweat on his palm. <br><br> "Mine too. I mean. Cool. Uh so. Should we...? They're going to pay." The sweetness and his awkwardness dispelled by that last moment as he brought money into the picture. <br><br> Ugh. There wasn't anything to gain from this guy either. I couldn't say <<link "yes">><<replace "#whoring">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> "Sorry, I'm sure any of them can help you out." I smiled and gave him a little nudge towards the nearest girl. He looked confused, but immediately followed my advice. He was off to the next girl and I was left alone. <br><br> For a second. Tao stood in front of me and her cool gaze had become a raging furnace, "You go home. You come back and understand. Your. Place." <br><br> She'd had this conversation before. I wasn't the first to buck the system and I wouldn't be the first that she had dealt with. <br><br> I tucked tail and walked out. I didn't know how I'd report this, //if// I would report this. <br><br> A full-on failure my first night. Within the first thirty minutes. That was fast and furious. <br><br> I was enraged, unsure how I was going to move forward the next time I'd show up for my __job__. I knew that EROS agents did this kind of thing, but it had sounded like it was more of a case-by-case scenario, when there was something to profit on the other end of the scales. <br><br> Tao had made it clear as day that there wasn't a decision matrix. I was to be fucked, she was to profit, and if I gained something on my mission in the meantime, well that would be random, lucky fucking chance. <br><br> I'd gotten out once scott-free, but I doubted that would ever happen again. I doubted it //could// happen [[again|M002 - D1WhoreSex]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <br><br> But I did need to fulfill my duties. Maybe some nights would be a miss, but I had to make sure there would //be// other opportunities for potential gains. I had to say <<link "yes">><<replace "#whoring">> This was the job. I could almost feel Tao approaching. I needed to do this. "Yeah." I matched his smile and stood. <br><br> He jerked up from the couch, smiling and blushing as his cohort gave some woots and cheers, watching us [[depart|M002 - D1Whore][$D1John = "Virgin"]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> and see what else came my way? <</if>> </div>
<<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<set _sexability = 0>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Loose Pussy")>> <<set _sexability -->> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Crazy-Small Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Sex God")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<set _sexability += 2>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <div id="nino"> <<if $D1John is "LT">> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Nino")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel = 0>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Small office backroom of a club. */ The door shut. I heard the magnetic lock engage. The thought of whether I'd need a keycard to get //out// crossed my mind. But my eyes were on him. He oozed danger. And the fact that it was __him__ in the backroom, the office of the club told me everything I needed to know about its operations -- if I hadn't already been clued in. <br><br> "<<print $>>, yeah?" He sat on the edge of his desk closest to me. <br><br> "Yeah." Was I in trouble? Should I play up timidity? Confidence? " are?" <br><br> "Call me Niño." He moved on from names without taking a beat, "First night. And you cockblocked Sallah." <br><br> I coughed, "Not cock//blocked//--" <br><br> "Did I ask?" His coal eyes were cold. His tone was colder. "Never seen any of our girls hold him at bay. One of your many, many unique qualities..." He shifted his weight forward onto his Doc Martins, a step forward and enough to close the distance between us. His fingers toyed with a loose strand of hair, "We've never had American here -- got lucky with you." <br><br> "Thank you." <br><br> He chuckled wryly, "Oh, don't thank me. __You__ aren't lucky. But you will do incredibly well here." If his goal was making me comfortable, he was doing the exact opposite. "But to make things more fair for you, I'm going to do you a favor. I've never done //anyone// a favor. Let alone one of our girls." His hand slid up from the strands he was playing with to the back of my head, a firm pressure insisting I go down. <br><br> Shit. More like do ''him'' a favor. <br><br> <<crossroads #nino>> <<path $CC.maleReaction gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 3>> He's the boss. Door's locked. What else was I going to do? <<blocked>> $ doesn't react to men this way, or isn't Easy/Suggestible enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<SexSkill oral>> It wasn't how I envisioned my first 'job' here, but there I was, unzipping the reflective front of his jeans and working them down enough to free his cock. He was freeballing and opening the pants gave a blast of him being uncontained the entire day. <br><br> He was hung long and uncut, not a bit aroused, limp and out of his fly as he stayed motionless, quiet, just the slightly firm pressure on the back of my head. Yeah, yeah, I got the hint. I took him in my mouth, soft and squidgy, and began to work him with my tongue, lips and firm suction. <br><br> He nudged at the base of my skull, wanting my eyes up. I made eye contact as the vision of him swayed, back and forth massaging his cock with my mouth. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> I kept my eyes up, defiantly unconcerned with having his length fully inserted, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, cocking his head to the side in the first reaction I'd seen from him, curious as he watched my cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag. And he was getting distracted from his work, looking down at me with a frown, suddenly changing the tempo and the force, trying to make my body react to his cock. And getting frustrated that I wasn't. Once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a great job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't deepthroating a cock. <br><br> And then //my// name. He was reporting on what I was doing to him in that moment. Datu didn't respond and I wondered what that meant. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and you've got skills I've never experienced, girl." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel += 2>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I felt my stomach tighten once as I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> Tears were beginning to peek at the corner of my eyes, but I kept them up, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, seeing my eyes tense and body lurch slightly as I fought the instinctive gag, cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and great dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. And you earned it." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Still, I gagged. I held down, clenching my eyes as I tried to resist my body. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch despite the trouble I was having. My mouth flooded with saliva, my stomach was heaving. I was on the verge of losing it on his lap. <br><br> Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him at the base regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, and hilted fully on him, gagging and making noises. "Alright." He chuckled, "We'll work on that." <br><br> He freed me and I swallowed, quietly trying to not show how close that had been to a complete loss. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the instant gag I felt surging up at the mere presence of cock in my mouth. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and decent dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. Even though there's room for improvement." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <<else>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had trouble keeping my eyes on his, not wanting to lose the thread and rhythm of what I was doing. Why was it taking him so long to get hard. I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I wasn't some blowjob virtuoso. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Nope. I immediately gagged and pulled back, coughing, his cock swinging free from my mouth. <br><br> "Nuh-uh." He grabbed my hair and pulled me back, pushing my face against his cock as I tried to recover. I felt my spit wiping across my face as my brain fought with my autonomic system trying to regain some composure. "Deeper." He repeated, stonier. <br><br> Taking him back in before I was ready, my body responded with a gag at the bare presence of his meat. Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, gagging and making noises. "Not impressed. We'll work on that." <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mout stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> If it weren't for the rigidity of his cock and the rare grunt he made, I would have thought I was absolutely shit at this. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. I only wished I could tell he was liking it more.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> I wished I wasn't this shit at head. For a number of reasons: first, because I might be able to get him off and impress the boss-man; second, because then I could pay more attention to what was going on around me and maybe get some intel; third, so that it wasn't so fucking //hard//. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my untrained mouth. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "You're lucky you're goddamn good looking." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. Even though we're going to have to work on your abilities." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</if>> <<path>> A man up the ladder. This is exactly the reason an EROS agent gets on her knees. <<contents>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<SexSkill oral>> It wasn't how I envisioned my first 'job' here, but there I was, unzipping the reflective front of his jeans and working them down enough to free his cock. He was freeballing and opening the pants gave a blast of him being uncontained the entire day. <br><br> He was hung long and uncut, not a bit aroused, limp and out of his fly as he stayed motionless, quiet, just the slightly firm pressure on the back of my head. Yeah, yeah, I got the hint. I took him in my mouth, soft and squidgy, and began to work him with my tongue, lips and firm suction. <br><br> He nudged at the base of my skull, wanting my eyes up. I made eye contact as the vision of him swayed, back and forth massaging his cock with my mouth. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> I kept my eyes up, defiantly unconcerned with having his length fully inserted, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, cocking his head to the side in the first reaction I'd seen from him, curious as he watched my cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag. And he was getting distracted from his work, looking down at me with a frown, suddenly changing the tempo and the force, trying to make my body react to his cock. And getting frustrated that I wasn't. Once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a great job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't deepthroating a cock. <br><br> And then //my// name. He was reporting on what I was doing to him in that moment. Datu didn't respond and I wondered what that meant. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and you've got skills I've never experienced, girl." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel += 2>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I felt my stomach tighten once as I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> Tears were beginning to peek at the corner of my eyes, but I kept them up, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, seeing my eyes tense and body lurch slightly as I fought the instinctive gag, cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and great dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. And you earned it." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Still, I gagged. I held down, clenching my eyes as I tried to resist my body. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch despite the trouble I was having. My mouth flooded with saliva, my stomach was heaving. I was on the verge of losing it on his lap. <br><br> Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him at the base regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, and hilted fully on him, gagging and making noises. "Alright." He chuckled, "We'll work on that." <br><br> He freed me and I swallowed, quietly trying to not show how close that had been to a complete loss. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the instant gag I felt surging up at the mere presence of cock in my mouth. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and decent dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. Even though there's room for improvement." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <<else>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had trouble keeping my eyes on his, not wanting to lose the thread and rhythm of what I was doing. Why was it taking him so long to get hard. I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I wasn't some blowjob virtuoso. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Nope. I immediately gagged and pulled back, coughing, his cock swinging free from my mouth. <br><br> "Nuh-uh." He grabbed my hair and pulled me back, pushing my face against his cock as I tried to recover. I felt my spit wiping across my face as my brain fought with my autonomic system trying to regain some composure. "Deeper." He repeated, stonier. <br><br> Taking him back in before I was ready, my body responded with a gag at the bare presence of his meat. Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, gagging and making noises. "Not impressed. We'll work on that." <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mout stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> If it weren't for the rigidity of his cock and the rare grunt he made, I would have thought I was absolutely shit at this. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. I only wished I could tell he was liking it more.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> I wished I wasn't this shit at head. For a number of reasons: first, because I might be able to get him off and impress the boss-man; second, because then I could pay more attention to what was going on around me and maybe get some intel; third, so that it wasn't so fucking //hard//. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my untrained mouth. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "You're lucky you're goddamn good looking." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. Even though we're going to have to work on your abilities." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</if>> <<path>> Maybe I can cockblock Niño, too? <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel -->> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> I use the pressure to get closer to him, my hand going where he wanted my head to go, giving the front of his jeans a stroke as I leaned in to give him a kiss. <br><br> His fingers grabbed at my hair and tugged back. Suddenly. Viciously. I felt like the roots were about to come free. "What the fuck are you doing." My lips were an inch from his. There was a hardly restrained fury in the black holes that were his eyes. <br><br> "I--" <br><br> "Shut up." His free hand cracked across my face. He was still holding a fistful of hair and it yanked at my roots again. "If you're not going to be a good whore, we don't want you." He shoved me back. He dropped his ass back on the edge of the desk and dropped into a good manspread. <br><br> Okay. That wasn't a good move and wasn't going to work on him. It was on my <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<link "knees">><<replace "#nino">> <<SexSkill oral>> It wasn't how I envisioned my first 'job' here, but there I was, unzipping the reflective front of his jeans and working them down enough to free his cock. He was freeballing and opening the pants gave a blast of him being uncontained the entire day. <br><br> He was hung long and uncut, not a bit aroused, limp and out of his fly as he stayed motionless, quiet, just the slightly firm pressure on the back of my head. Yeah, yeah, I got the hint. I took him in my mouth, soft and squidgy, and began to work him with my tongue, lips and firm suction. <br><br> He nudged at the base of my skull, wanting my eyes up. I made eye contact as the vision of him swayed, back and forth massaging his cock with my mouth. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> I kept my eyes up, defiantly unconcerned with having his length fully inserted, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, cocking his head to the side in the first reaction I'd seen from him, curious as he watched my cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag. And he was getting distracted from his work, looking down at me with a frown, suddenly changing the tempo and the force, trying to make my body react to his cock. And getting frustrated that I wasn't. Once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a great job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't deepthroating a cock. <br><br> And then //my// name. He was reporting on what I was doing to him in that moment. Datu didn't respond and I wondered what that meant. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and you've got skills I've never experienced, girl." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel += 2>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I felt my stomach tighten once as I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> Tears were beginning to peek at the corner of my eyes, but I kept them up, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, seeing my eyes tense and body lurch slightly as I fought the instinctive gag, cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and great dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. And you earned it." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Still, I gagged. I held down, clenching my eyes as I tried to resist my body. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch despite the trouble I was having. My mouth flooded with saliva, my stomach was heaving. I was on the verge of losing it on his lap. <br><br> Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him at the base regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, and hilted fully on him, gagging and making noises. "Alright." He chuckled, "We'll work on that." <br><br> He freed me and I swallowed, quietly trying to not show how close that had been to a complete loss. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the instant gag I felt surging up at the mere presence of cock in my mouth. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and decent dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. Even though there's room for improvement." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <<else>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had trouble keeping my eyes on his, not wanting to lose the thread and rhythm of what I was doing. Why was it taking him so long to get hard. I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I wasn't some blowjob virtuoso. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Nope. I immediately gagged and pulled back, coughing, his cock swinging free from my mouth. <br><br> "Nuh-uh." He grabbed my hair and pulled me back, pushing my face against his cock as I tried to recover. I felt my spit wiping across my face as my brain fought with my autonomic system trying to regain some composure. "Deeper." He repeated, stonier. <br><br> Taking him back in before I was ready, my body responded with a gag at the bare presence of his meat. Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, gagging and making noises. "Not impressed. We'll work on that." <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mout stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> If it weren't for the rigidity of his cock and the rare grunt he made, I would have thought I was absolutely shit at this. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. I only wished I could tell he was liking it more.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> I wished I wasn't this shit at head. For a number of reasons: first, because I might be able to get him off and impress the boss-man; second, because then I could pay more attention to what was going on around me and maybe get some intel; third, so that it wasn't so fucking //hard//. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my untrained mouth. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "You're lucky you're goddamn good looking." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. I'm a man of my word. Even though we're going to have to work on your abilities." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> A rough first night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> or on my <<link "ass">><<replace "#nino">> <<set $employedZZYZX = false>> <<set $clubJob = "none">> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel -= 2>> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel = -2>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<face hurt2 runny>> "This...wasn't what I wanted." The words were true, and came strained from my throat. I was fighting back tears. I felt the throbbing of my scalp and my cheekbone. I wondered if it was the first of extensive pain that would lead to my death tonight. But I wasn't going to do this. <br><br> His weight shifted forward again. I couldn't help but flinch. I expected another strike. He got incredibly close, leaned past me and tugged the door open. Not a word, not even a look. <br><br> I scrambled back and out of his office, down the hallway, through the throbbing club and out the front door before I was willing to breathe. <br><br> I doubled over in the street, hands on my knees, panting and letting the tears fall. How close had I come to being his personal sextoy? How close had I come to being //killed//? <br><br> This is the kind of world I was getting involved in and I had dived in too far, too fast. <br><br> Rather than wait for someone to come out and finish whatever job he wanted done, I moved down and away from the Club as fast as my feet would carry me and before I had recovered emotionally. <br><br> I sobbed the whole way back. I sobbed my way to sleep. <br><br> I would never risk going back through those doors again. My employment was clearly over, but so was my access to the Club. I'd have to find some other way to approach my mission. <br><br> And as I fell off to a fitful slumber I could only think that I had just put the whole operation in jeopardy. Increased the difficulty by a sizeable margin if not entirely impossible. <br><br> But I was [[alive|HomeBase]] and intact. <</replace>><</link>>. <</crossroads>> <<elseif $D1John is "Prince">> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Sallah")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Palatial estate */ <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks">> He literally did have a car waiting outside. A black stretch sedan, idling and looking massively out of character for this neighborhood. It was attracting attention and I could tell he enjoyed that: a little smirk on his face as he guided me outside. <br><br> Guiding was a strong word. I had the //impression// of his touch on my lower back. I felt the air fluttering against my bare skin from the passage of his robes. It had the sense of avoidance bordering on disdain that confused me. We were going to have sex for money, right? <br><br> I hadn't seen money exchange hands, and wondered if I was going to have to handle that myself. I had no direction and the distinct feeling that I was supposed to innately know. Questions seemed taboo. Taboo. Funny word at that moment. <br><br> It also seemed so odd and unsettling to be taken 'offsite'. Thoughts, memories, and stories passed through my head as I thought of lot lizards climbing into trucks or off to the nextdoor motel, girls on the corner doing their work there on the street, brothels having their own setup onsite. And yet, the club had its own sex workers with no location for us -- ugh that was so weird -- to do the thing. It felt dangerous and vague. <br><br> And here I was, climbing into a car with a stranger. If it would have mattered at all, I would have been concerned that my new job was expecting me to not only go offsite, but straight to whoever's home I was with that evening. Or not even their home. Potentially a killroom. Fucking insane practices. <br><br> It was a spacious backseat and he made it easy to notice, moving to the seat opposite me as he watched me climb in. Instinctively, I moved to join him and he held up one hand, "No." <br><br> "Oh. Okay." I coughed out, frowning in confusion as I dropped my ass back into //my// seat. He reached up, rapping on darkened window to his driver with the gold rings on his right hand. <br><br> The car rumbled forward and his eyes went over me once, seeing me in better light for the first time. Then a flick of his wrist at me, "Take it off." <br><br> "My--" <br><br> "Yes. You're not a follower of Allah." It wasn't a question. He had judged me, and girls like me. "Only righteous women have the right to covering themselves in the eyes of God." Then he chuckled, "If you call //that// covering yourself." Another flick of his wrist, looking off to the side dismissively. <br><br> I started slowly, thinking he was looking for a striptease. I carefully folded the first <<link "article">><<upper>><</link>> beside me. I let my eyes flash at him as he saw bare flesh. <br><br> "What are you doing? I said. //Off//." He wasn't angry. He wasn't yelling. But the force behind the words spoke of a lifetime of authority. <br><br> I scrambled, pulling <<link "everything">><<lower>><<bra>><<panties>><</link>> except my shoes off. I sat there, looking at him with wide eyes, tits jiggling with the speedbumps in the road, feeling the cold AC have its effect on my nipples and skinbumps. <br><br> "Off." The wrist-flick was down at my feet. I nodded and reached down, removing <<link "them">><<feet>><<socks>><</link>>, and wondering if he was just wanting a show and making me put it all back on when we arrived. <br><br> And we sat there, looking at each other. A fully-naked girl across from a fully-robed Prince. He didn't say a word. He didn't invite me to speak either. His eyes were methodical, beginning with my feet and moving up my <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>>long and lithe legs<<else>>legs<</if>> and then stopped between my legs. He flicked his wrist again, wanting a better view than my normal sitting posture. I spread. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>>I think he was surprised by how I dropped back against the seat and let my legs splay, lifting my feet and knees off the ground, truly enjoying the display. He wanted a front-row seat? He could have it.<<else>>My body wanted to tense, wanted to cross, wanted to close, but he wanted me open, revealed to him. Displayed like some new acquisition.<</if>> <<if $Body.pubes is "bald">><<set _sexability ++>>"Good girl." He nodded, gazing at my unadorned pussy, "//Good// girl."<<elseif $Body.pubes is "strip">>"Nearly." He sighed, "Americans with their 'fashion'. Idiotic."<<elseif $Body.pubes is "bikini">><<set _sexability -->>I think I saw a gag catch in his throat as he looked at my pubes, "Disgusting Americans."<<else>><<set _sexability -= 2>>"No, no, no. Fucking disgusting Americans." I think he was literally gagging looking at my pubic hair. "I will have a word with Tao."<</if>> And then he looked away, done with his inspection. <br><br> It was weird as fuck being there completely naked and knowing I had to stay that way. But also with him there, but ignoring me. I wondered if the driver could see me, I was on a direct sight line if there was a two-way aspect to that window. <br><br> I didn't have to endure the weirdness for long though, as the car rolled to a stop and the Prince lifted off his seat and motioned for me to go ahead of him. I started to grab my clothes to pull them back on and he <<shake 3s>>smacked<</shake>> me across my cheek. It wasn't to hurt, but it did sting. "No. Leave them." <br><br> I shuddered, having no idea who was about to see me, or for how long. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>><<state aroused>>And I //loved// it.<</if>> <br><br> Caressing my warmed cheek, I slid out of the vehicle ahead of him, bare feet meeting gravel -- not happy about that -- and presented by some gated large building. Goddamn he had money. At least it was shielded from the general public, not like we were about to walk through a hotel or apartment building. <br><br> All the same, there were more than enough viewers. Women starkly contrasting me as they were hidden except their eyes, which didn't even consider me. Purposefully ignoring me. Maybe because of what I was, maybe because of who //he// was. <br><br> I crunched my way along, knowing the direction at least meant into the large house. The men, on the other hand, were mostly in smart suits and took full advantage of watching me try to pick my way up the gravel driveway -- why couldn't he have parked closer? -- tits bouncing, ass jiggling, unable to cover everything so just having to cover nothing. <br><br> He trailed behind me, maintaining this insipid distance. <br><br> Finally, the hardness of cool granite replaced the gravel underfoot, though a couple chunks dug in hard to the soft padding of my soles when I stepped up, nearly sending me toppling onto all fours in surprise. I brushed them off and contined into the resplendent indoors. The AC was throbbing. My nipples were harder than the marble floors. Probably colder, too. I could feel every single hair on my body lifting. My pussy shrank in as much a 'shrinkage' reaction as I imagine men have. <br><br> Not a word was spoken, but a subtle turn of a body, shift of the shoulders and his entourage was using body language to guide me through the building at every step, every intersection. <br><br> The final one opened large, heavy doors, revealing his massive bedroom. <br><br> Without guidance now, I went off instinct and headed to the bed. I heard him clearing his throat, behind me, "That is for wives." He was disrobing, starting from the top, down. His chin motioned towards the divan he was standing near. <br><br> Well, I felt absolutely worthless at this point. I plopped down, dejected, on the edge of it, though thankful for the plush material under my ass and covering my snatch -- body warmth undoing what the AC had done. <br><br> I watched his saggy skin reveal, piecemeal, then the perfect circle of his distended stomach. His liver spots. His cockhead stuck free and clear, shaft pulsing softly and towards me. Again, following instinct, I leaning in to give him a blowjob. <br><br> Another <<shake 1s>>smack<</shake>> across my other cheek. "Lay back." Less stunned than last time, but still not liking his manner with me. I dropped back, shifting my hips and shoulders to make the divan as much of a 'twin-sized' bed as I could manage. But my shoulders and neck were crammed against one side and my ass barely had clearance at the other end, legs aloft as my knees rested on the other arm. "No, no..." he sighed, flicking his wrist //again// in a roll-over <<linkexpand "gesture.">> gesture. <<dollRearView>> <br><br> Oh, he was going straight for the fuck. A second shift of my hips. Twisting them and rolling onto all fours. As I moved, so did he, feeling his cool, dry hands meeting my asscheeks and the tip of his cock poking between my thighs. __No__ foreplay? I figured that he'd be offended if I licked my fingers first. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile is true>> I looked back, shocked, wanting to grasp his unwrapped cock but also not wanting to take another strike across my face, "Um. Do you have a condom?" <br><br> His tip nocked into my opening. I hated that the warmth of his cock felt nice on my pussy compared to the frigid air. "Sacrilige. There's a reason I always have first nights. Prima nocta. //Always//." And he pushed forward, entering me with a grunt from the effort of having no lubrication. <br><br> <</if>> Shit. He was going to fuck a sex worker and wasn't going to wrap up. What. The. Fuck. <br><br> I felt a churn in my stomach. Only partially from his misuse of my throat moments ago. <br><br> I made a mental note to figure out what to be doing in situations like these. Late for pointers now, but better late than never. For the moment, it looked like I was taking this guy rawdog. I crossed my fingers he didn't have anything. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> I felt a heat rising from my clenching internal organs. Fuck, I hated my lizard brain sometime. I was turned //on// by this. And I was disgusted with that fact. Still, my pussy was begging for it. <br><br> <</if>> My toes pressed against the foot of the divan, the pressure from behind pushed my head forward and my hands and chin were fighting with the other end of it -- <<if $CC.height == 2>>My knees were up against my tits, shoulders twisted and one against the front arm. I was pinned front and back trying to fit on the divan. This thing was made for people muuuch shorter than me. I don't know if there //was// a comfortable way for me to use this thing.<<elseif $CC.height == 1>>My shoulders twisted, one against the front arm. I was being pinned against it because this thing was built for people much shorter than me -- or just arranged differently.<<else>>there was barely enough room for me on the thing.<</if>> <br><br> "Hahhhh." It was an extended, light exclamation as my pussy complained with the insertion. He, unsurprisingly, ignored me. His groan deepened as he found more depth within me. One long, steady stroke and he was within me. I felt his cock jerking, probably spurting precum inside me for some lubrication. Small, gross gifts, I guess. He shifted forward on his feet, the last half inch or so hilting within me as I felt his skin jiggling and now pressing against me from behind. His nuts were tight and two little globes pressed up against my mound, bounding either side of my clit. <br><br> He drew back slowly and we both felt every ridge of my soft inner walls pulling against his full, bare shaft. And then he thrust forward, hard, precisely. I felt the sharp explosion of sensation as those clutched testicles collided with my nub. "Hah!" Another sharp exclamation from that hit and the deep jam of his cockhead. It was //right// into my cervix, no warm-up, my body was less than prepared to be taking the length of a cock. But I was taking the length of his cock. <br><br> He laid his hands on either side of my sacrum, pressing down on me as he drew slowly and slammed forward. <br><br> Positioned like this, in the center of the luxurious room, crammed onto this small not-bed with an old Prince behind me, just standing there and fucking me, it felt exactly like it was. I was being conquered and claimed. And he wanted to take. His. Time. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 5>> His regularity was short-lived. My body was more than he was prepared for too and he became ragged and jerky, my pussy too much for him. I enjoyed hearing his grunting -- I could tell he was trying to stay dispassionate, but he couldn't -- a kind of small conquest of him. But the best victory was how almost instantaneously he was about to blow his load. I was ruining his plans, even if it resulted in him cumming. I was great at this and I don't think he had //any// concept of new girl being a fantastic fuck. <<elseif _sexability gt 3>> I was squeaking out, hoping beyond hope to hear some reaction from him, some small win for me as he took me. I was another in a long line of fresh girls for him. They didn't come though, my only victory over him was that I was able to get him off pretty quickly. There was an intentionality to the way he was fucking me and I could tell he wanted me to endure this, experience as much of this for as long as possible, but I was good at it and I don't think he planned on new girl being a good fuck. <<else>> I was squeaking, hoping beyond hope to hear some reaction from him, some small win for me as he took me. I was another in a long line of fresh girls for him. They didn't come though. Nothing did. He beat his hips against me, smacking me again, this time with hips crotch against my ass, nuts to my mound, cock to my cervix, spearing me on his manhood methodically. There was an intentionality to the way he was fucking me and I could tell he wanted me to endure this, experience as much of this for as long as possible. Another reason for a new girl -- not as good fucks. He was in control. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> Those knocking nuts were too much for me. <<shake 3s>>"F-fuckkkk."<</shake>> I bit at the cushioned arm of the divan, my feet kicking back hard against the foor as my body twitched without any space. My pussy clamped along his cock while he kept pace. <br><br> "Shh." He grunted out. I could tell he didn't want me cumming. I didn't know if //I// wanted to be cumming either, enjoying this position I was in. But I couldn't help it and neither could he. A few moments later I was shuddering out another one. <br><br> <<else>> I was huffing, debating internally whether I wanted to enjoy what I was doing or not. Enduring and a lack of enjoyment seemed his plan and he did a fantastic job. My body relished in the penetration and the push, pull of his cock, but it was at the most base level. I never came //close// to anything resembling an orgasm. <br><br> <</if>> Then came firm, final <<linkexpand "thrusts.">> <<face shock>> thrusts. <br><br> He breathed out deeply with each one, then I felt his fingers curl into my sacral bone, sharp manicured fingers pulling at me as he pressed forward, full-insertion as he began to cum. Despite him blowing his load, the room was essentially quiet. He breathed. I panted. I felt the underside of his shaft pulsing and the hot explosions deep within me as he emptied his old man load into my belly. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> I whimpered, pressing my pussy back against him as the basest instincts took over. I heard him hmm pleasantly surprised and pushed harder against me in return.<<else>>I whimpered, my face a wash of emotions that he couldn't see as I faced forward. But what could I do? One of my hands, curled from being pushed against the arm of the divan crossed a couple fingers as I felt his heat blooming inside me. Hoping it was the last one. <</if>> <</if>> And then it was over. His fingernails still bit at my lower back. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. He shifted again behind me, squaring up and moving forward, ensuring a tighter, closer connection. The globes of his testes rolled slowly on either side of my clit, pushing into the cushion of my mound. <br><br> The room got quieter. I knew what was expected and I knew what would happen if I did anything else. Despite my discomfort, I remained still as a stone, cock slowly shrinking inside me til it popped free, unable to remain inside me. Cum followed instantly. He pushed my hips hard before I realized what was happening and I spilled awkwardly and //hard// onto the floor. "Not. On the divan." <br><br> I looked up at him, shocked for so many reasons, and now getting another, post-fuck, post-creampie look at who he was, what he looked like. <br><br> "Stop gawking and get out. Dirty American slut." He raised a hand and I knew what was coming. My bare feet tried to find purchase on the smooth floor, it took a few tries but eventually I was up and I was out. <br><br> I don't remember opening the door. I didn't clock needing my clothes until I was descending a set of stairs, thick and cooling cum dripping out of me with each step, fully naked and heading through this home. I was an absolute sight and it was unequivocal what had happened. I tried swallowing, but my mouth and throat were as dry as my pussy was until he wet me with his semen. I didn't know if I should be asking any of these servants for help or just get out. I abortively would start for one and then turn and rush past them. <br><br> And then, thankfully, by the door were my clothes, neatly folded and waiting for me, my shoes ontop. I grabbed them, about to sit down on the chair where they had rested and remembered his reaction on the divan. <br><br> Standing, dripping, leaking and without anything or anyone to help...I got <<link "dressed">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>. <br><br> Emotions were flooding me, I headed out, finding the car was waiting for me to take it back home. Which was a lucky thing. At least I didn't have to figure that out. I wondered if it was the same driver. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. My first <<linkexpand "encounter.">> encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. Maybe, MAYBE, Sallah would lead to something, sometime. But I had just gotten railed and nutted in by a complete random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<if $Body.fertile>> /* Cassie: Don't we just need one vCardCheckPreg now? */ /* Fict: The other check has no pregnancy chance. So I think you still want both. Follow-up w/ me if you see again. */ <<vCardCheckPreg "Prince Sallah" M "Prince Sallah got to me first, like he did all the girls">> <<else>> <<vCardCheck "Prince Sallah" M "Prince Sallah got to me first, like he did all the girls">> <</if>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self- <<linkexpand "pity.">> pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $D1John is "Incel">> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Gross, dark and messy apartment*/ He shuffled me outside in a way that was almost a fight for forward momentum more than anything else. The way that he was grasping and grabbing at me with unbridled excitement made it hard to not stumble and fall. And yet, I had to keep going forward because I knew he'd take missteps as an offense or an attempt to duck him. <br><br> "Come on." He grunted gruffly, while the angle and pull of his hand had more of a backward energy to it. <br><br> "I ammmm." It was a giddy, fake but playful laugh that he seemed to gobble up. Twice I nearly fell onto my ass as we stood out in the street as he haphazardly tried to wave down tuk-tuks. I would have thought they were more eager for fares, but empty cabs rode right by us and elicted a number of explitives from him. <br><br> Maybe they felt the same flags about him that I had. <br><br> I hadn't seen money exchange hands, and wondered if I was going to have to handle that myself. I had no direction and the distinct feeling that I was supposed to innately know. Questions seemed taboo. Taboo. Funny word at that moment. <br><br> It also seemed so odd and unsettling to be taken 'offsite'. Thoughts, memories, and stories passed through my head as I thought of lot lizards climbing into trucks or off to the nextdoor motel, girls on the corner doing their work there on the street, brothels having their own setup onsite. And yet, the club had its own sex workers with no location for us -- ugh that was so weird -- to do the thing. It felt dangerous and vague. <br><br> And here I was, climbing into a vehicle with a stranger. <br><br> "Stupid Filipinos." An apologetic laugh and sharp look popped out of me hearing those words coming from him as he was pushing me into the vehicle. I couldn't have any more of that, so as soon as he was seated and the door was shut, I pulled myself tight against him and shoved my tongue in his mouth to shut him up. <br><br> I could feel the moistness of his body -- Manilan humidity certainly not helping -- through his t-shirt. I wanted to recoil, but couldn't. It was my job not to, but also he was pawing me close, //tight//. He was taking full advantage of me initiating a makeout session in the backseat of the tuk-tuk. Probably as a fuck-you to the driver, simply for being a resident of this country. <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingDress == true>> One slick palm squeezed at my ass, pulling one leg across his lap while his other hand shoved unceremoniously between my thighs, enjoying the entry my outfit gave him. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> "Fuck yeah. Slut." He grunted into my mouth as he found my pussy uncovered, instant access to the thing he had paid for. He gave one glancing feel across my mons before jabbing one of his sticky fingers inside me without warning. <br><br> <<else>> He grunted into my mouth as he futzed with my underwear, tugging it aside firmly to get access to the thing he had paid for. He didn't even feel me, simply jamming one of his sticky fingers in as soon as my cleft was undefended. <br><br> <</if>> I felt a shudder go through his body as he felt my warm, soft walls pulling at his finger, "God I love girls like you," breathing into my face while his middle finger pressed to the knuckle and pulled back, twisting side to side a couple times before he added another finger, testing my tightness ungently. <br><br> "Fucking. Tiiiight." He chuckled. I squirmed, trying to fight the sensation of needing to fight his hands, sharply digging at my sensative, soft vagina. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> I clawed against him, squeaking. I don't know if I should have been thankful or grossed out by how I suddenly was overcome with a pulsing orgasm, but I bit down at my lower lip, eyes clenched, trying to imagine someone else, anyone else while his knuckles beat against my mound and he chuckled, feeling my walls clenching tighter on his twisting digits. <br><br> "Yeah, knew you loved it." His other hand squeezed tight at my ass, holding me still with my legs akimbo across him, shuddering through random and surprising peaks whenever he chanced upon my buttons. <<else>> I panted, hissing between my teeth, trying to move my hips to help him find some buttons, my instinct to seek pleasure too great while my mind was asking, "WTF <<print $>>, you're //trying// to enjoy yourself with this nasty guy?" <br><br> His hand squeezed at my ass, holding me still with my legs akimbo, making it difficult for me to even try to enjoy myself as I grunted and he beat his knuckles against my mound, "Yeah, I knew you liked it." <</if>> <<else>> One slick palm squeezed at my ass, pulling one leg across his lap while his other hand tried to fiddle with my clothing to get inside, desperately wanting better access to my body than my outfit gave him. <br><br> My hands battled with him the only way I knew how: interlace fingers, play and tease with my hands as a way to distract and interdict him. I knew he wouldn't accept an out-and-out no. <</if>> <br><br> Luckily, it was a short ride, though it took the driver firmly announcing, "Here." Multiple times before this guy could be bothered to stop tonguing my face so that he could get to the main course in just a few moments. He leaned forward, unkindly dropping some bills to the driver and then tugged me out of the car. <br><br> I wondered if this is how he treated all of the people in his life as he buzzed us in the door and manhandled me through the narrow hallway to a dingy-lit elevator. If it would have mattered at all, I would have been concerned that my new job was expecting me to not only go offsite, but straight to whoever's home I was with that evening. Or not even their home. Potentially a killroom. Fucking insane practices. <br><br> It didn't surprise me that he had to resort to paid companionship, nor the state of his apartment. It had a stale quality of needing a good clean. There was an undercurrent of day or two old takeout either in the trash or on some random table. He had to push aside some bags and shoes that were by the door to make for our entry. <br><br> He didn't flick on the light, "We're going back there." He pointed. I hoped I wouldn't tumble to my doom over something else underfoot on the way. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Perception" "Coordination">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 2>> It was definitely a minefield, but I was able to make do with the hint of light that escaped his drawn curtains. Was he hiding from the world even here? <<else>> It was definitely a minefield and even with the hint of light that escaped his drawn curtains, I thudded hard against one of the walls right outside of his bedroom. I heard him laugh behind me and kick whatever it was that had stumbled me and out of his way as he followed, unconcerned and unhelpful as I righted myself and continued into his room. <</if>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<face angry runny>> <<SexSkill oral>> <br><br> His bedroom was worse, if that was imaginable. When had the sheets been washed -- or even changed? I finally saw some of the discarded food items and cartons beside the bedframe and immediately regretted laying eyes on it. "Why aren't you on your knees?" <br><br> Tension arrived at the base of my neck. Yet where I'd normally fight or say //anything// in response, I was left quiet and reminding myself why I was there. ''What'' I was, there. So, I was on my knees, fingers finding the elastic waistband of his sweatpants, pulling towards me and working them down. His hard cockhead caught on the fabric like a hook, fighting my efforts and he just stood there, watching me. The sweats collected at his sandals once the cock was out. I had expected more length. It wasn't short, but it certainly wasn't the longest I had seen, but it __was__ the weirdest penis I had ever seen. More egg-shaped than phallic, I didn't know they grew them that way. <br><br> He grabbed at my head and the tightness he had cause fought him as he shoved his dick against my face, digging in to get at my mouth. I mmphed, wrapping my lips around the odd shape as best I could. "Yeah, it's okay. I'll teach you what you're supposed to do." <br><br> Pull. Pull. Pull. He was fucking my face on his cock. I glacked and glucked, my nose banging against the padding above his dick. I was fighting to relax and try and show him I could do it, but he wasn't giving me the chance. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> "Oh shitttt. First night, but //not// first time. How much you been around, you dirty slut?" He grunted, voice thick with pleasure as he found he could shove that thing fully into my mouth, into my throat and with no problem. So he kept at it, staring down at me as he yanked my head forward against his crotch. <br><br> And then, he was done. No longer holding the back of my head, he released me, but I kept rooted at the base, looking up at him, having a moment to truly feel the shape pushing at my tongue, roof of my mouth, the back of my throat. "Oh ho." He stood there, slack and just watching me before I pulled off slowly, withdrawing him from me. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> "Ha. Nice. First night, but //not// first time. How much you been around, slut?" He grunted, voice thick with pleasure as he found he could shove that thing fully into my mouth, even into my throat. My body lurched, my eyes watered, but I wasn't vomiting, so he kept at it, staring down at me as he yanked my head forward against his crotch. <br><br> And then, he was done. No longer holding the back of my head, he released me, I pulled off quickly, gasping and wiping my mouth. My tummy was spasming still and I felt tingling down my hands and feet from the lack of oxygen. "See, you're fine." <<else>> "MM. Hmm. MM. Hmm." He grunted, voice thick with pleasure, frowning slightly as he tried to shove the whole thing into my mouth and kept endeavoring at my throat. I gagged, body lurching, eyes watering and my hands pressed at his thighs, and he kept doing it, only giving me a slight break right before I was about to retch. He had done this before and enough to see the warning signs. <br><br> And then, he was done. No longer holding the back of my head, he released me, I yanked, gasping and bent over on all fours. My tummy was spasming still and I felt tingling down my hands and feet from the lack of oxygen. I saw saliva dripping from my mouth onto the bare floor, my tears dripping from my nose -- and other liquids there too. "See, you're fine." <</if>> <br><br> Grunting, I lifted myself off the floor. He gave a head motion over towards the bed, turning himself and literally peeling the shirt up and over his head. He was thickly built but in a way that hid the weight. It was like he was a block of cheese, not an express gut or mantits, just a square of being heavy. <br><br> "My turn to see //your// body." He literally licked his lips, waving his hand like 'hurry up.' <br><br> Off came my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>. <<if $Body.braless == true>>He groaned, showing me his yellowed teeth watching my tits come free.<<else>>His eyes were stuck on my bra. I unclasped and <<link "dropped it">><<bra>><</link>>. He groaned showing me his yellowed teeth watching my tits come free.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingDress == true>> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> His cock jerked again, seeing me fully naked in front of him. <<else>> I thumbed my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> off me, hearing his deep sigh and seeing his cock jerk again at eye-level as he saw me fully naked now. <</if>> <<else>> My hands worked everything off <<link "together">><<panties>><<lower>><</link>>, seeing his cock jerk again at eye-level as he saw me fully naked now in front of him. <</if>> <br><br> I was stepping out of my garments, feeling every ounce of what it was to be a prostitute right then. Every act, every word made me feel worthless and his property for a period of time. I reached down for my shoes and he smacked my hand, "Nuh-uh, you can keep those on." And then grabbed me under my arms and lifted, putting me on the bed as his hips pushed forward, forcing my thighs apart. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile is true>> "Wait, wait, wait." Fury immediately burned in his watery blue eyes, "S-sorry. We just need protection." <br><br> "A girl your age? Are you telling me you've got something? Because I don't believe you. I'm feeling your <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if $Body.age lte 0>>teen <</if>>pussy bare, understand?" <br><br> I made a mental note to figure out what to be doing in situations like these. Late for pointers now, but better late than never. For the moment, I had to go with my gut... <br><br> <div id="nocondom"> <<crossroads #nocondom>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1 && !$Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> I wasn't going to let him do that. <<blocked>> $ doesn't have enough self-worth to fight just being rawdogged, or she //likes// it. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Wiles" "Deception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 2>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> "I..." putting on my best act, I looked off to the side, "...think I took my Valtrex." The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, "You have no idea how many times I've heard guys say that." I laughed. Play like it was a constant occurrence, make him wonder exactly how much I had been around. This might be my first night working at the //club// but it wasn't my first time with a guy inside me, and hell, might not be the first time I //worked//. <br><br> I saw the anger and fear ripple across his irises. Grumbling, he grabbed me and pinned me down by the chest, holding me still as he reached for his side drawer. They were __right__ ''there'', asshole. And then he started to loose his erection. He had to let go of me to stroke himself and teethed the wrapper open before fighting the rubber over his weird-looking cock. <br><br> Okay. That worked. But definitely had more risks attached based on the reaction...and if he didn't believe me, or liked my carefree, legs-open attitude? Or...if he had something and so had no risk. Not sure that was the go-to. <br><br> "Fine, there." He grunted and pushed my thighs open harder than he needed to. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> His arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as he grasped his cock, aimed and drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 5>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, even with the barrier between us, I was working him off quickly. Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 3>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, even with the barrier between us, I was working him off. Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, protected, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, with the barrier between us, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end">> <<face angry>> end. <br><br> <<cumSpray body2>> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as he filled the condom. He huffed and looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face as he finished, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He reached down, pulling the condom off his shaft with a disgusted look on his face, flicking it up onto my chest, "There. You wanted a condom, you can have it." <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped from his discarded rubber onto my chest and down my belly. <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me try and treat his condom with some ounce of respect, quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. My first encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed by a complete, //gross// random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den, as my first John">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> "I..." putting on my best act, I looked off to the side, "...I'm not on birth control, though." The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, puppy dog look, hand stroking down his mid-section to grasp and stroke his cock. Mostly to keep it out of me, but also to tease and please him. <br><br> He smiled ruefully, "Should be with what you're doing." It felt like a spider crawling up from my asscrack to the base of my skull as he leaned forward anyway, ignoring my request. "Put my cock in you." His request now. Ignoring my fertile state and making it be //me// that took us the next step. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy and really liked going unprotected now -- I could practically smell his excitement. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> My arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as I grasped his cock, aiming it unhappily til the conical tip found my slit and then my hand hit hard against my mound, cock shoving through my hand like extra pussy as he instantly drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 3>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, especially bareback, I was working him off quickly. "Feels fuckin good, donnit?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 1>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, especially bareback, I was working him off. "Feel it?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. "Feeeel that cock." I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, even unprotected, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end.">> <<face angry>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy2 thighs2>> end. <br><br> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as big blasts of warmth spewed inside me. He huffed, shoving deep, getting his sticky semen ballsdeep inside me. With a shuddering groan, he looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He stopped a moment, eyes between my legs as they dropped from where I'd been keeping them, watching my pink slit slowly begin to show what he'd pumped inside me. "God I fuckin //filled// you. How's that feel?" He smiled up at me, patting hard at my inner thigh, "You're good at taking loads. Get on something," he shrugged and chuckled pleased with himself, "Or not." And then reached across me. I could feel the heat of his large body as it leaned against me once more. <br><br> Groping a tit, he dug in the beside table before grabbing something and flicking it right in my face. I coughed, jerking in surprise as the part-plastic, part-aluminum cold casing hit me. I wondered if it cut me. "There. You wanted a condom, you can have it." He had them the whole time. Asshole. <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped finally from my hole and down my asscheek. I wanted to fling the condom back at him, but just took it. <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Condom")>> <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me disregard the flow from my snatch -- his bed was already dirty enough, probably with cum -- quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. My first encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed and nutted in by a complete random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den, as my first John">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<path>> I guess I was going to get the worst experience first. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>I felt a heat rising from my clenching internal organs. Fuck, I hated my lizard brain sometime. I was turned //on// by this. And I was disgusted with that fact. Still, my pussy was begging for it.<</if>> " sure?" The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, puppy dog look, hand stroking down his mid-section to grasp and stroke his cock. Mostly to keep it out of me, but also to tease and please him. <br><br> He smiled ruefully, "Fuck yeah. You're on something, or you //should// be." He laughed, not letting me answer. Just telling me what I was thinking as well. It felt like a spider crawling up from my asscrack to the base of my skull as he leaned forward anyway, ignoring my request. "Put my cock in you." His request now. Ignoring my potentially fertile state and making it be //me// that took us the next step. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy and really liked going unprotected now -- I could practically smell his excitement. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> My arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as I grasped his cock, aiming it unhappily til the conical tip found my slit and then my hand hit hard against my mound, cock shoving through my hand like extra pussy as he instantly drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 3>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, especially bareback, I was working him off quickly. "Feels fuckin good, donnit?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 1>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, especially bareback, I was working him off. "Feel it?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. "Feeeel that cock." I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, even unprotected, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end.">> <<face angry>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy2 thighs2>> end. <br><br> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as big blasts of warmth spewed inside me. He huffed, shoving deep, getting his sticky semen ballsdeep inside me. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> And I fucking <<shake 5s>>came<</shake>> too, feeling his weird cock's shape flexing inside me, the sticky big shots of liquid spraying my cervix, the underside of his meat pulsing right before each one. I pulled at him with my heels and pushed my crotch against him as I whined between tight lips. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> With a shuddering groan, he looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He stopped a moment, eyes between my legs as they dropped from where I'd been keeping them, watching my pink slit slowly begin to show what he'd pumped inside me. "God I fuckin //filled// you. How's that feel?" He smiled up at me, patting hard at my inner thigh, "You're good at taking loads. Get on something," he shrugged and chuckled pleased with himself, "Or not." And then reached across me. I could feel the heat of his large body as it leaned against me once more. <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped finally from my hole and down my asscheek. <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me disregard the flow from my snatch -- his bed was already dirty enough, probably with cum -- quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. My first encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed and nutted in by a complete random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den, as my first John">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> Shit. He was going to fuck a sex worker and wasn't going to wrap up. What. The. Fuck. <br><br> I felt a churn in my stomach. Only partially from his misuse of my throat moments ago. <br><br> I made a mental note to figure out what to be doing in situations like these. Late for pointers now, but better late than never. For the moment, it looked like I was taking this guy rawdog. I crossed my fingers he didn't have anything. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> I felt a heat rising from my clenching internal organs. Fuck, I hated my lizard brain sometime. I was turned //on// by this. And I was disgusted with that fact. Still, my pussy was begging for it. <</if>> " sure?" The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, puppy dog look, hand stroking down his mid-section to grasp and stroke his cock. Mostly to keep it out of me, but also to tease and please him. <br><br> He smiled ruefully, "Fuck yeah. You're on something, or you //should// be." He laughed, not letting me answer. Just telling me what I was thinking as well. It felt like a spider crawling up from my asscrack to the base of my skull as he leaned forward anyway, ignoring my request. "Put my cock in you." His request now. Ignoring my potentially fertile state and making it be //me// that took us the next step. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy and really liked going unprotected now -- I could practically smell his excitement. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> My arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as I grasped his cock, aiming it unhappily til the conical tip found my slit and then my hand hit hard against my mound, cock shoving through my hand like extra pussy as he instantly drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 3>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, especially bareback, I was working him off quickly. "Feels fuckin good, donnit?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 1>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, especially bareback, I was working him off. "Feel it?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. "Feeeel that cock." I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, even unprotected, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end.">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy2 thighs2>> <<face angry>> end. <br><br> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as big blasts of warmth spewed inside me. He huffed, shoving deep, getting his sticky semen ballsdeep inside me. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> And I fucking <<shake 5s>>came<</shake>> too, feeling his weird cock's shape flexing inside me, the sticky big shots of liquid spraying my cervix, the underside of his meat pulsing right before each one. I pulled at him with my heels and pushed my crotch against him as I whined between tight lips. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> With a shuddering groan, he looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He stopped a moment, eyes between my legs as they dropped from where I'd been keeping them, watching my pink slit slowly begin to show what he'd pumped inside me. "God I fuckin //filled// you. How's that feel?" He smiled up at me, patting hard at my inner thigh, "You're good at taking loads. Get on something," he shrugged and chuckled pleased with himself, "Or not." And then reached across me. I could feel the heat of his large body as it leaned against me once more. <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped finally from my hole and down my asscheek. <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me disregard the flow from my snatch -- his bed was already dirty enough, probably with cum -- quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. My first encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed and nutted in by a complete random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den, as my first John">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<elseif $D1John is "Virgin">> <div id ="virgin"> "Sorry about that." I could barely make out the words as we traversed the hallway outside, "They're just...really excited. It's embarassing." We were walking together, but surprisingly he wasn't touching me. The energy of two...friends? leaving the club together. <br><br> "It's fine. You work with them?" <br><br> "Yeah, just started this week." <br><br> "Oh, wow. Congrats." I smiled broadly. He seemed sweet and unthreatening. Things could be far worse, I figured as we stood on the sidewalk, waiting for his rideshare to arrive. He was fixated on his phone in a way that spoke to nerves, not concern about the ride being cancelled on him. "You okay?" <br><br> "Um. Yeah. Uh. aren't gunna run away, are you?" <br><br> My hackles raised, "Uh. No?" I wasn't sure what outs I had, if any. <br><br> "I'm incredibly embarassed." <br><br> I nuzzled against him, holding his arm, "You keep saying that." <br><br> "Well, cuz...I am. It' //first//--" <br><br> "Shhhh." I leaned up and gave him a slow, passionate kiss. Alright, not a bad first pull after all. Putty and no expectations. He did shush and the rideshare pulled up for us to get into. "It's fine. It'll be great." <br><br> I hadn't seen money exchange hands, and wondered if I was going to have to handle that myself. I had no direction and the distinct feeling that I was supposed to innately know. Questions seemed taboo. Taboo. Funny word at that moment. <br><br> It also seemed so odd and unsettling to be taken 'offsite'. Thoughts, memories, and stories passed through my head as I thought of lot lizards climbing into trucks or off to the nextdoor motel, girls on the corner doing their work there on the street, brothels having their own setup onsite. And yet, the club had its own sex workers with no location for us -- ugh that was so weird -- to do the thing. It felt dangerous and vague. <br><br> And here I was, climbing into a car with a stranger. <br><br> "So, I'm, uh, Paul." I could see him considering where he offered his hand. <br><br> Not a total stranger now, I guess, "<<print $>>." I sat close to him in the back of the <<link "car">><<replace "#virgin">> <<face ahego>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> "That's a nice name. Should--I have not asked? Or said mine? Not really sure what the rules are." <br><br> I laughed, leaning my head against his shoulder. Such a sweet boy, "Neither do I." <br><br> "So not just first night, but like...//first// night?" I nodded, "Well, I guess that makes me feel better." <br><br> I squeezed his hand, "Good. Me too. You can't imagine how nervous I was about all this." <br><br> His body shifted, turning more towards me as we found this strange common ground, "Me either. The guys were telling me what I could expect tonight...and then I saw you." The red hit his cheeks instantly. I felt some rising in my own. I leaned into him and we began to kiss, ignoring the driver as our tongues played. <br><br> He seemed frozen, hands planted on either side of him as he sat there, as if I was off-limits. I reached over and brought his hand to my thigh. I felt him shudder in excitement as I gave him permission and presented my body for him to enjoy. <br><br> His timidity disappeared, hand digging eagerly under my clothes to my pussy. He broke the kiss with a happy gasp feeling my heat and wetness and the sensation of his finger pressing up inside me. I leaned back and spread my thighs, watching him as he worked it back and forth. <br><br> Moving closer, he got a better angle at my snatch, breathing into my ear heavily, palm rubbing against the top of my mound and teasing my clit, his finger pushing up from inside. For a virgin, he definitely had some kind of practice because this was //good//. <br><br> "Oh, yeah..." the encouragement got an immediate response, a second finger entering me and he picked up the pace. I hadn't expected to get mine this evening, so this was another welcome surprise. He was firm, yet gentle, not jamming his fingers inside me like other inexperienced guys or ones who just didn't care. He rocked back and forth with his hand and seemed massively interested in //my// pleasure. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> It rose quick and aggressively from the core of my body right away. I had barely begun to get wet as I felt my walls tightening and spasming on his fingers. I squeaked softly, feet pressing agaist the floorboard as my peak came fast and furious. <br><br> He seemed to startle, freezing and looking at me in shock as he felt my vagina grabbing and holding his fingers. I shook my head, breathing out hard, "Keep going." And I was nodding, feeling the orgasm receding. The words left my lips and he launched right in, grinning and leaning back to look at me as he got me off. And off. And off. <br><br> "F-fuck! P-p-pauul." I grit my teeth, arching against the seat and gyrating against his hand as I came quick and came <<shake 2s>>hard<</shake>>. My panting came out jerkily as he didn't relent, continuing the same rhythm, the blood swelling in my head, pulsing and throbbing in my ears as I squealed despite the driver being //right// there. I could only focus on the back of his head as I came and almost before the last one was complete, my body was tensing and shuddering through another one. <br><br> This kid wasn't going to lose his virginity if he killed me. And he was trying to kill me. <br><br> I don't remember getting to our destination, but Paul was pulling me out of the car. He looked ashamed, but also ruddy in his cheeks from how hot that had been. It had been fucking //hot//. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> I felt the wetness between my thighs, a jungle-like atmosphere as the heat throbbed from my sex oven while he fingered me. My palms became sweaty as his palm became slick with my lubrication. My vision hazed, eyes unfocused, I lost the ability to pay attention to anything around me and only everything in me. And then I came and my awareness expanded to beyond myself. "F-fuuuckk." I writhed next to him, he grinned and leaned back to look at me, unrelentingly thrusting his fingers in and out -- he got me off. And off. And off. <br><br> "F-fuck! P-p-pauul." I grit my teeth, arching against the seat and gyrating against his hand as I came quick and came <<shake 2s>>hard<</shake>>. My panting came out jerkily as he didn't relent, continuing the same rhythm, the blood swelling in my head, pulsing and throbbing in my ears as I squealed despite the driver being //right// there. I could only focus on the back of his head as I came and almost before the last one was complete, my body was tensing and shuddering through another one. <br><br> This kid wasn't going to lose his virginity if he killed me. And he was trying to kill me. <br><br> I don't remember getting to our destination, but Paul was pulling me out of the car. He looked ashamed, but also ruddy in his cheeks from how hot that had been. It had been fucking //hot//. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I felt the wetness between my thighs, a jungle-like atmosphere as the heat throbbed from my sex oven while he fingered me. My palms became sweaty as his palm became slick with my lubrication. My vision hazed, eyes unfocused, I lost the ability to pay attention to anything around me and only everything in me. I ground against his soft, young palm, I rocked in time with his thrusting. I made eye contact with him, breathing hotly in each other's faces as we both had the same focus: me cumming. I whimpered and squeaked, a plaintive, needy stare in my eyes as it felt like it was close, now closer, shit I thought I was about to...closer... <br><br> "F-fuuckkkkk." I nodded hard, head dropping back against the seat as I quivered and shook against him, letting my body spasm while his fingers were gripped within my soaked snatch. <br><br> "F-fuck! P-p-pauul." I grit my teeth, arching against the seat and gyrating against his hand as I came <<shake 2s>>hard<</shake>>. My panting came out jerkily as he didn't relent, continuing the same rhythm, the blood swelling in my head, pulsing and throbbing in my ears as I squealed despite the driver being //right// there. I could only focus on the back of his head as I came and almost before the last one was complete, my body was tensing and shuddering through another one. <br><br> This kid wasn't going to lose his virginity if he killed me. And he was trying to kill me. <br><br> I don't remember getting to our destination, but Paul was pulling me out of the car. He looked ashamed, but also ruddy in his cheeks from how hot that had been. It had been fucking //hot//. <<else>> I felt the wetness between my thighs, a jungle-like atmosphere as the heat throbbed from my sex oven while he fingered me. My palms became sweaty as his palm became slick with my lubrication. My vision hazed, eyes unfocused, I lost the ability to pay attention to anything around me and only everything in me. I ground against his soft, young palm, I rocked in time with his thrusting. I made eye contact with him, breathing hotly in each other's faces as we both had the same focus: me cumming. I whimpered and squeaked, a plaintive, needy stare in my eyes as it felt like it was close, now closer, shit I thought I was about to...closer...I broke eye contact, needing to pull away and focus on that crest that was //right// there... <br><br> Staring hard at the back of the driver's head without even noticing it, watching the spots dance to the tune on the radio -- he had pumped it to keep the pumping in the backseat as hidden from him as possible -- I was a squirming mess, right on the verge and going crazy that it wasn't coming. <br><br> "Here." The car had stopped, Paul's fingers suddenly stopped moving and pulled from me slick and without hesitation. I could see his excitement and arousal become instant shame, "Yeah, sorry." Swiping his card as I panted like an idiot and was yelling at myself for having looked at the driver. As if it was my fault that we got to our destination. I was left wanting. <</if>> <br><br> Giggling and swaying slightly from the light-headedness, Paul was laughing trying to get me in the door. I took a deep breath and righted myself, arms up, arms down, "Sorry. Okay. Good to go." And wrapped my arm through his, leaning into him as we walked through the apartment lobby. I couldn't ignore my thighs rubbing together, the moisture down there made it less easy to walk rather than easier. "Ya know, I thought tonight was about //you//." He rolled his eyes, beaming from the carride, "How would your boys react--" <br><br> "Well, they aren't here now." <br><br> "Nope." I didn't restrain myself as the endorphines rushed through my blood, playfully kissing and teasing him in the elevator up to his floor, his apartment. If I hadn't been so worked up, I would have been concerned that my new hob was expecting me to not only go offsite, but straight to whoever's home I was with that evening. Or not even their home. Potentially a killroom. Fucking insane practices. <br><br> His apartment was Spartan, maybe pre-furnished, "You want a drink?" <br><br> I shook my head, "Should keep my wits about me." I didn't mind telling him straight up that safe was smart. <br><br> "I'm gonna..." I nodded and waved him on. He proceeded to make himself a quick, heavy-handed drink while I moved over into the 'bedroom' of the studio apartment, losing my <<link "footwear">><<feet>><<socks>><</link>> and sitting at the edge of the bed. <br><br> He cleared his throat, maybe making space for him to guzzle the liquid, while looking over at me. He was keeping the kitchen island between us, so I tried to entice him. I pulled one of my remaining articles over my <<link "head">><<upper>><</link>>, tossing my hair and smiling over at him. <br><br> "No?" I laughed. He began pouring a second draught of liquid courage. I didn't need any more indication that this //was// his first time. It was time to see if fully naked <<print $>> did the trick. <<if $Body.braless == true>>I reached back and undid my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>>, freeing the girls.<</if>> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>I leaned back on my palms, smiling and letting my thighs spread, bouncing them wider and closed to draw his eyes between them.<<else>>Quickly, I thumbed my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> my thighs, letting them drop open when they collected at my toes. I leaned back on my palms, grinning at him and bouncing my legs wider and slightly closer to draw his eyes between them.<</if>> <br><br> He pounded drink too, steeling himself. <br><br> I rolled my eyes and patted the bed, "Come here. Where'd the Paul from the car go?" <br><br> The glass clinked against the island and he crossed to me wearing the expression of a shamed dog. "Sorry." /* IMAGE (Needed): Hands pulling at a jacket*/ <br><br> "Shhh." I shook my head with a warm smile, looking up at him and drawing him between my thighs, pulling at his jacket. I looked up at him as I doffed it. Then slowly, I began to undo his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders, before dropping to his slacks. Oh, he was ready. I'd never experienced a man so horny, yet also putting so many barriers between himself and getting release. <br><br> "Oh, one sec." His hand caught the slacks before they fell completely off him, his cock sticking up at a sharp angle, right towards my face and swinging as he dug awkwardly in the back pocket despite the pants being nearly at his knees. I took the opportunity to distract and tease him, taking him in my mouth, looking up and just using my tongue. His hand stopped moving. He froze entirely, mouth dropping open and looking down at me, hiding the head of his cock. "Oh god..." <br><br> "Mhmmm." I said with his meat in my mouth. His frozen state instantly shifted and he pulled out his wallet, digging through it furiously, removing a condom before letting his slacks drop away as he tossed the wallet on the floor too. He waved the packaged prophylactic to get my attention. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> "First time and you want to wrap up? You're definitely clean. I'm--" <br><br> "Just. Please." <</if>> <br><br> I nodded, unwrapping the rubber and working it progressively down his swollen member and watching him grunt at the sensation. I realized while it might be meaningful for him to be on top, to be in control his first time, I worried about his over-concern for me and my pleasure. And I knew I could rock his world. <br><br> Protected, I guided him by his hips to sit down beside me. I lifted, swinging one knee over his lap and then sank myself down over him, one hand on his shaft to ensure it was aimed properly. I was so wet, so ready, the insertion was instantaneous and full. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 4>> "Oh, GOD." His dark eyes flashed wide, gawking up past me at the ceiling as he experienced it for the first time. I giggled and curled my arms around his back so my tits pressed tightly to his chest. I wiggled my hips, ass against his parted thighs as I worked his base against my mound and his tip deep within me. I cradled my chin against his shoulder and began to rock. <br><br> My back hunched and relaxed with fluid motions, my lips nipped slightly at his ear as I began to purr. <br><br> The moment he felt the first tug of my pussy, his hands were grabbing hard at my ass. The grunt in my ear was so loud I worried he popped my eardrum. "Mhmmm." I repeated, not allowing his hands to get any control. The room filled with his noises and the slow, methodical smack of my body against his crotch and legs. <br><br> I could feel him shaking. It didn't surprise me that it would be fast. I knew I was really fucking good. And it //was// his first. I didn't know if I could stop it either. <br><br> I leaned back, giving him a full display of my rocking, tensing naked body and instantly, he came. He whimpered, almost pained as he humped against me. The pitch of that pained whine lifted as I wouldn't stop moving, extending his orgasm as long as I could. <<elseif _sexability gt 2>> "Oh, GOD." His dark eyes flashed wide, gawking up past me at the ceiling as he experienced it for the first time. I giggled and curled my arms around his back so my tits pressed tightly to his chest. I wiggled my hips, ass against his parted thighs as I worked his base against my mound and his tip deep within me. I cradled my chin against his shoulder and began to rock. <br><br> My back hunched and relaxed with fluid motions, my lips nipped slightly at his ear as I began to purr. <br><br> The moment he felt the first tug of my pussy, his hands were grabbing hard at my ass. The grunt in my ear was so loud I worried he popped my eardrum. "Mhmmm." I repeated, not allowing his hands to get any control. The room filled with his noises and the slow, methodical smack of my body against his crotch and legs. <br><br> As we got into it, I felt the familiar rise within me. The car had only been a few minutes ago and my body was more than ready to go there again. <br><br> I felt myself frowning, weirded out by the idea of enjoying myself while fucking someone for money. I couldn't stop, though. If this was any other fuck, I could stop, I could get off, I could do what I wanted with who I wanted. Those were memories now. <br><br> And that thought quashed a lot of the pleasure coursing through me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>>But not enough. My worried and warped thoughts disappeared in the explosion that ripped through me. Instead, I ground myself hard against him, rubbing my clit against the base of his cock.<</if>> <br><br> He was shaking. It didn't surprise me that it would be fast. I didn't know if I could stop it either. <br><br> I leaned back, giving him a full display of my rocking, tensing naked body and instantly, he came. He whimpered, almost pained as he humped against me. The pitch of that pained whine lifted as I wouldn't stop moving, extending his orgasm as long as I could. <<else>> "Oh, GOD." His dark eyes flashed wide, gawking up past me at the ceiling as he experienced it for the first time. I giggled and curled my arms around his back so my tits pressed tightly to his chest. I wiggled my hips, ass against his parted thighs as I worked his base against my mound and his tip deep within me. I cradled my chin against his shoulder and began to rock. <br><br> My back hunched and relaxed with fluid motions, my lips nipped slightly at his ear as I began to purr. <br><br> The moment he felt the first tug of my pussy, his hands were grabbing hard at my ass. The grunt in my ear was so loud I worried he popped my eardrum. "Mhmmm." I repeated, not allowing his hands to get any control. The room filled with his noises and the slow, methodical smack of my body against his crotch and legs. <br><br> As we got into it, I felt the familiar rise within me. The car had only been a few minutes ago and my body was more than ready to go there again. <br><br> I felt myself frowning, weirded out by the idea of enjoying myself while fucking someone for money. I couldn't stop, though. If this was any other fuck, I could stop, I could get off, I could do what I wanted with who I wanted. Those were memories now. <br><br> And that thought quashed a lot of the pleasure coursing through me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>>But not enough. My worried and warped thoughts disappeared in the explosion that ripped through me. Instead, I ground myself hard against him, rubbing my clit against the base of his cock.<</if>> <br><br> He was shaking. It didn't surprise me that it would be fast. I didn't know if I could stop it either. <br><br> I leaned back, giving him a full display of my rocking, tensing naked body and instantly, he came. He whimpered, almost pained as he humped against me. The pitch of that pained whine lifted as I wouldn't stop moving, extending his orgasm as long as I could. <</if>> <br><br> And then, once his noises stopped, his breathing returned to normal, I smiled, leaning in and began to suck on his tongue. Slowly, I lifted myself off of him, feeling the fluid-filled sack tug free of me. <br><br> His eyes were full of amazement. My eyes were full of warmth as I climbed off him. He shook his head and I laughed, reaching down to pull the condom off of his limp shaft, tying it and moving over to the wastebin so he could watch my naked body move some more. <br><br> "You're leaving..." It wasn't a question, and we both knew the answer. The act was done. I came back over, collected my clothes as I gave him another long kiss. <br><br> "You made my first night very special." I was surprised at the emotion underneath the words. My hands busied themselves putting my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>> as I avoided eye contact -- not willing to cry or show him how I felt. <br><br> "Hah. You'll say that to all the guys." <br><br> I smirked, my armor back on, I was able to meet his loving gaze, "Maybe. But thank you." I pecked him again before turning to go. <br><br> "I've called you an car." He called back at me, still naked and spent on the end of his bed. <br><br> "Thank you." It was an unnecessary kindness, but I was glad I wasn't going to need to figure out my own way back in this new town. <br><br> I slid into the car and gave the driver the direction home. As we departed, I wondered who would remember the night more, <<linkexpand "him or me.">> him or me. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. My first encounter. <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<vCardCheck "Paul, the virgin sales guy" M "Paul, cute virgin who was my first John">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</replace>><</link>> </div> <<else>> Going into my first night of being...//that//...and getting out without any sex? Not what I had expected. Not what Tao had expected either. And definitely not what I needed to be doing. <br><br> Still, it felt like a win, kinda. A delaying the inevitable, maybe. <br><br> I had more information on how it was going to be and what kinds of 'clientele' existed. So maybe that was the win. <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> </div>
/* IMAGE (Needed): Bar station that's empty and unkempt */ <<if $barPrepTime == 0>> The bottle of vodka clunked into the well next to her sister that was my next target, but I realized the bar was empty. Fuck. It was time to change and get ready. I made a mental note of how long things took and how much time I'd need in the future as I practically sprinted across the sticky, rubberized mats to go get changed. I saw mousy popping out of the room Tao had brought me the other day: my dressing room was found. I popped in, stripping down quickly as I could and into my new [[uniform|M002 - D1Bar]]. <<else>> There was far, ''far'' too much to do. That much was apparent, but things had to be done. I couldn't work under these conditions, or at least be a successful tender. So, I set my shoulders, took a deep breath and jumped into prepping my station. <br><br> <<if $barGarnish == false>>The mousy girl had been cutting limes. There were drink garnishes that needed <<link "prepping" `passage()`>><<set $barPrepTime -->><<set $barClean ++>><</link>>.<br><</if>> <<if $barMix == false>>Soda, tonic, water and straight alcohol was only going to get me so far. Mixes needed <<link "making" `passage()`>><<set $barPrepTime -->><<set $barClean ++>><</link>>.<br><</if>> <<if $barSpout == false>>Who knows how gross these things were. A deep clean was necessary. Every spout and <<link "utensil" `passage()`>><<set $barPrepTime -->><<set $barClean ++>><</link>>.<br><</if>> <<if $barStock == false>>A quick assessment told me that I was missing staples. Gotta fill the <<link "gaps" `passage()`>><<set $barPrepTime -->><<set $barClean += 2>><</link>>.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 2>><<if $barOrder == false>>Everything was in disorder. I had to find a rhyme and reason to where everything was <<link "placed" `passage()`>><<set $barPrepTime -->><<set $barClean += 2>><</link>>.<br><</if>><</if>> <</if>>
/* TODO: (Fict) Clean up unsets after these variables are bucketed. */ <<if Array("M002 - D1BarPrep", "M002 - ClubJobDay1").includes(previous())>> <<unset $barPrepTime>> <<unset $barGarnish>> <<unset $barOrder>> <<unset $barSpout>> <<unset $barMix>> <<unset $barStock>> <<set $V1 = false>> <<set $V2 = false>> <<set $V3 = false>> <<set $V4 = false>> <<set $V5 = false>> <<set $barWins = 0>> <<outfit bargirl>> /* IMAGE (Needed): People crowding at a bar (POV the bartender) */ Fresh-faced bartender on the prowl! I headed back to my station, the lights already dimmed and hazy smoke pumping out to fill the space. The overwhelming AC making content with so much of my bare skin and the new sensation of //how// my body jiggled and shook with these new garments made me hyper aware of what was out and what was in. There was a movie from the early 2000's that came to mind and wondered if that's what started the trend of sexy bartenders that had spread across the globe...all the way to Manila. Though they had cowboy hats -- maybe I could try that as my personal touch next time. American and all. <br><br> I was thankful for the height of the bar, which would mostly keep half of me hidden from anyone not directly against the bar in front of me. I was also thankful for the dark, because it made it so much harder to see the state of my station. I could almost ignore it. <br><br> <<if $barClean == 0>> It was the only station left, so I had put two and two together and figured out where my new home was. And it was a fucking mess. Who the fuck had been here before? Was this some sick hazing? How was I going to tend bar with everything in disarray? The saran wrapping left much to be wondered as to the cleanliness of anything underneath it, there were decaying limes and other garnishes in half-sealed containers along the well, glassware that hadn't been ported, there was no logic to how anything was arranged -- at least to me -- and there were definitely missing liquors. <br><br> I had a massive hurdle to launch myself over if I was going to make tonight a success. <<elseif $barClean lt 3>> It...wasn't that bad. I wish that I had more time, but it was what it was, and it was better than when I arrived. There were going to be moments that I was going to scramble or have to find some stop-gap, but I had enough of a baseline that I wouldn't be a chicken without a head for the entire night. <br><br> This wasn't going to be easy, but it wasn't going to be //impossible// for tonight to come off as a win. <<elseif $barClean == 3>> Alright! I think that true bartenders would have been pretty proud of what I'd accomplished in a very short amount of time. And with no experience, I might add. Maybe I had some latent bartending in my blood because it at least ''resembled'' what a proper bar should look like. Thank you YouTube. <br><br> There were still some nagging things that I was trying to ignore, but I'd find ways to stop-gap them and ensure tonight wasn't a frantic scramble. <<elseif $barClean == 4>> It was. So. Close. to perfect. I was fighting to ignore the signs of incomplete that I was only noticing now because I had been so entrenched in my prepping duties. I had recognized them as soon as I walked off the floor and assured myself that I'd get to them next time. <br><br> Shaking my head in self-admonition, I did take a moment to look over at Ms. Mousy's -- okay, on par. So she wasn't a perfect Princess. I could take //that// to the bank. A win to start my first night was more than worth it, and more than enough to settle my nerves. <<else>> Leaning my half-bare ass against the cool of the lowboy behind me, I crossed my arms and nodded. I couldn't help but look over to mousey's station and realize that despite her knowing the ins and outs, coming earlier and being old hat? My bar was better than hers. Bitch. Shows you. <br><br> I let myself enjoy a little breather, scanning the room for how things really started on a given night, just waiting for the patrons to arrive and see how badass a bartender I'd turn out to be. <</if>> <br><br> First, the DJ -- a spiked-hair guy who was wearing sunglasses inside, at night -- appeared in the elevated booth. He began by assaulting my ears with an erratic flipping through tracks. I guess he hadn't prepared his set list or had decided that __now__ was the appropriate time to change things up. Whatever it was, I couldn't wait for it to end. <br><br> Then the girls came out. There was no uniform there beyond, "revealing". Miniskirts, hotshorts, bikini tops, halters, pump heels and sneakers -- they ran the gamut. And there were five of them, despite there being only three platforms that projected from the dance floor. I wondered how they were going to make that work. The platforms didn't look large enough for two, but maybe it was going to be more of a strip-show than a dance. <br><br> Finally, the music began. A song I didn't know and didn't understand, but it had a good beat. The bass line was a welcome change, filling the vacuous space with //something//, I couldn't help but close my eyes and give a low "Mmmm," in appreciation. <br><br><br> "Excuse me." My eyes sprung open. My night had begun and I couldn't keep the customers waiting. <br><br> <<if $V1 == false>>It felt like I was being approached by a legion of men in identical suits, loose ties, and thirsty <<link "expressions" "M002 - D1BarV1">><<set $barClean -->><</link>><</if>>.<br> <<if $V2 == false>>There were some intrigued at the new girl and wanted to see how she <<link "stacked up" "M002 - D1BarV2">><<set $barClean -->><</link>><</if>>.<br> <<if $V3 == false>>Others were simply <<link "skeeves" "M002 - D1BarV3">><<set $barClean -->><</link>><</if>>.<br> <<if $V4 == false>>Some were <<link "generous" "M002 - D1BarV4">><<set $barClean -->><</link>><</if>>.<br> <<if $V5 == false>>And then there were those that came for the <<link "drinks" "M002 - D1BarV5">><<set $barClean -->><</link>><</if>>.<br> <<else>> <<if $barClean lte 0>> The rest of the night was a flurry. I hadn't viewed the Club as being //this// high-volume, but the rate at which I was slinging drinks and running cards said otherwise. I'm sure that I'd get more used to things and it would all ''feel'' slower, but for now it was new, overwhelming and too fast-paced to really clock the hours ticking by or any individual who approached the bar. It felt like a fugue state and I hoped that I didn't offend anyone or do anything that I shouldn't have done. <br><br> And then, just as suddenly as it started. It was over. I think I was in the midst of prepping the vodka sodas that seemed to be the drink of choice when I realized that there was no one who had ordered it. Sheepishly, I put the soda gun away and started to do my tear down and closing [[prep|M002 - D1BarEnd]]. <<else>> Whew. Okay. On to the next... <br><br> <<if $V1 == false>>It felt like I was being approached by a legion of men in identical suits, loose ties, and thirsty <<link "expressions" "M002 - D1BarV1">><<set $barClean -->><</link>>.<</if>><br> <<if $V2 == false>>There were some intrigued at the new girl and wanted to see how she <<link "stacked up" "M002 - D1BarV2">><<set $barClean -->><</link>>.<</if>><br> <<if $V3 == false>>Others were simply <<link "skeeves" "M002 - D1BarV3">><<set $barClean -->><</link>>.<</if>><br> <<if $V4 == false>>Some were <<link "generous" "M002 - D1BarV4">><<set $barClean -->><</link>>.<</if>><br> <<if $V5 == false>>And then there were those that came for the <<link "drinks" "M002 - D1BarV5">><<set $barClean -->><</link>>.<</if>><br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $V1 = true>> <<image framed "passage/M002-D1BarV1.png">> It was like a horde of zombies that would not abate. Drinks, rather than brains, is what they wanted thankfully, but still, it was a mad dash to get through one drink before an order came for the next one. <br><br> I knew how to make the drinks, but it hadn't been anywhere near this pace. An instant decision had to be made: not fight the sea and make my body rise to the challenge, or slow and steady wins the race... <br><br> <div id="D1Bar"> <<crossroads #D1Bar>> <<path>> Go get 'em. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Coordination ">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 2>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<set $barWins ++>> Whew. I was glad there wasn't direct light on me because I was ''sweating''. It couldn't have been a good look besides how free moving my tits and ass were. I couldn't care about what they were seeing when I bent over for the lowboy, or how my muscles flexed and tightened as I moved quick and as efficiently as I could manage. <br><br> Breathing was the biggest problem. It was like an athletic event I'd never even practiced before, like what a juggler might feel. I had to just let my mind go and allow my hands to move to where I believed the right bottles were, the correct garnish, the proper glasswear. <br><br> And I did it all with a smile! I was keeping pace with the others as best I could tell and no one seemed upset or tapping their watch. <br><br> Maybe that's because they got to see my unadulterated body swaying, shaking and bouncing in the way these outfits were designed to emphasize and accentuate. Maybe it's because I was slinging shots like a boss. <br><br> I didn't have time to consider which it [[was|M002 - D1Bar]]. <<else>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> Whew. I was glad there wasn't direct light on me because I was ''sweating''. It couldn't have been a good look besides how free moving my tits and ass were. I couldn't care about what they were seeing when I bent over for the lowboy, or how my muscles flexed and tightened as I moved quick and as efficiently as I could manage. <br><br> Breathing was the biggest problem. It was like an athletic event I'd never even practiced before, like what a juggler might feel. I had to just let my mind go and allow my hands to move to where I believed the right bottles were, the correct garnish, the proper glasswear. <br><br> There were a few moments when people coughed when they received their drink -- wrong liquor. Or insisted I remake it -- too messy. But I was doing my best and I hadn't gotten the hang of it. And I did it all with a smile! I was keeping pace with the others as best I could tell and no one seemed upset or tapping their watch. <br><br> Maybe that's because they got to see my unadulterated body swaying, shaking and bouncing in the way these outfits were designed to emphasize and accentuate. Maybe it's because I was slinging shots like a boss. <br><br> I didn't have time to consider which it [[was|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</if>> <<path>> Turtle it. <<contents>> <<set $barWins ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> No, no, no. I wasn't about to serve someone something that I grabbed by mistake. I wasn't some virtuoso behind the bar. This was my //first// night. And I wanted it to be the first night of __more__ nights. So, I took it slow. I ensured I poured correctly and returned the drinks ''as'' ''ordered''. <br><br> I could feel the tension rising with the other barchicks though as people scooted their way when I wasn't finished with my last round. But they'd just have to deal with it. It wasn't like this was some 'team,' as far as I could tell. So, fuck them. They could work a little harder if they were going to be so cold to me. <br><br> And, as an added benefit, it meant that I could be more careful about these skimpy motherfuckers I was in. I wasn't moving all that fast, but I could still feel the threat of a nipple popping free and clear, or giving full cameltoe if I went for the lowboy too directly. <br><br> Easy boys. There was enough of a show as is, it didn't need to be a fucking striptease //and// a watering hole. <br><br> I'd make it through the night with my scorecard perfect, my dignity intact, and no upset customers -- well, the ones I __did__ [[serve|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $V2 = true>> <<image framed "passage/M002-D1BarV2-alt2.png">> "Show us what you got, sexy." It wasn't the first iteration of something along these lines. I stifled an eyeroll and sigh while out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another one of the barchicks doing a flourish and spin with a bottle before pouring. It was like they had all taken classes and here I was, being Miss Simple Shots. <br><br> They raised their eyebrows at my lack of response. Yep, this was going to be a thing. <br><br> I needed to either... <div id="D1Bar2"> <<crossroads #D1Bar2>> <<path>> Give them a show. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Performance">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 2>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<set $barWins ++>> I let the sigh out firmly, my chest jiggling in the sudden exhalation. Focused, I palmed a bottle and gave it a fling. I hadn't practiced at home for nothing. <br><br> It soared up and over my head as I grabbed the next bottle. They hadn't even placed their order, but they were clapping and slapping their hands against the bartop as I caught the first and spun the second. <br><br> A shot glass popped up from behind me and I set it on the bar right as the angle of one bottle began to pour. <br><br> I gave them a wink, "Count it." And they did. <br><br> "One. Two. Three!" And the next, and the next, as I made each of them a shot, putting a little English on each one, or a quick, little hop-step or spin between ladeling out the booze. Okay. I could //do// this. <br><br> I felt like a juggler. And thankfully, I didn't kill anybody with an errant bottle. <br><br> And just like that, I was one of the bargirls, slinging drinks with flair and fashion to the raucous laughter and appreciation of the testosterone-rich [[crowd|M002 - D1Bar]]. <<else>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<set $barWins -->> I let the sigh out firmly, my chest jiggling in the sudden exhalation. Focused, I palmed a bottle and gave it a fling. I hadn't practiced at home for nothing. <br><br> It soared up and over my head as I grabbed the next bottle. They hadn't even placed their order, but they were clapping and slapping their hands against the bartop as I caught the first and spun the second. <br><br> And I hadn't checked the momentum. I sprayed them all. They jerked back as one. Patrons nearby yelled as they suddenly received a soaking. I nearly missed catching the first bottle. <br><br> "Shit! S-sorry! Sorry. Rounds' on me. Sorry! On me." <br><br> "It's on //us//, bitch." That was incredibly aggressive. I needed to be careful. <br><br> "No, the drinks. On me. Two rounds." I offered more. I needed to __not__ be fired. I also needed to work on my skills before I tried any of that [[again|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</if>> <<path>> Double down. <<contents>> <<set $barWins -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> Nuhuh. I wasn't about to hurl a bottle straight into one of their heads. //Un//intentionally. "What'll it be, boys." <br><br> They groaned and gave a roll of their eyes and sigh that I had kept inside. "Vodka. Shots. Can you handle that?" They were looking away from me as they ordered, all of them enjoying a girl on either side of me or one of the girls up on the platform. One was enjoying a girl sitting fifty feet away, sitting and looking at her phone as she sat on a couch waiting for her next John. <br><br> I grabbed the glasses and plopped them onto the bar as nicely as I could. I poured a little heavy, but it was all I could think of to dispel some of this irritation. <br><br> Eventually, I think the hive mind of our patrons caught onto the fact that I was the girl you went to when you wanted a drink. You went to the other girls when you wanted more than that. <br><br> They usually wanted [[more|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $V3 = true>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A hand grabbing a wrist */ "Yer new." He looked important. Or at least that's the air he wanted to give off. Well-dressed, older, confident and self-assured. And it seemed he knew this place well enough that he knew instantly that it was my first night. A regular who didn't appear to be the typical clientele. <br><br> He wasn't angling for some piece that he had sidled up to. He clearly wasn't here for the music. He grinned broadly and extended his hand, I took it and shook firmly, "<<print $>>. Pleasure." <br><br> "It's all mine." The clasp on my hand was firm, he had both size, surprise and angle on me, so I was being leaned over the bar towards him. He gave me a peck on the cheek. "Best lookin' one here." He growled in my ear. <br><br> And that's when I noticed his other hand was giving one of my tits a squeeze. <<if visited("M002 - Club ZZYZX") is true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>><<Stats Perception ++>>I'd seen this before, the serving girls having a hand full down their tops or worse when I was here before.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>><</if>><<else>><<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 2>><<Stats Perception ++>>I'd seen this before, the serving girls having a hand full down their tops or worse when I was here before.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>><</if>><</if>> <br><br> That's when I... <div id="D1Bar3"> <<crossroads #D1Bar3>> <<path $CC.maleReaction lt 2>> Caught the well with my foot and used it for leverage to pull back. <<blocked>> $ appreciates forward, aggressive men. <<contents>> <<set $barWins -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> "Need both hands to work!" I played it off with a joke, hands up as I leaned away, seeing his eyes on my bouncing breasts as the things that were getting away. <br><br> And I turned, trying not to look //too// desperate for another patron. And I really hoped I hadn't fucked something up with someone who mattered. I scooted down the bar to pour another drink as I reminded myself that it was only a quick cop and feel. And not too unexpected given what we were wearing. The Club was sex, personified. <br><br> I might have been a bit too laughy for the next ten minutes or so as I served everyone who was as far away from Grabby-Pants as I could find, and I tried to ignore how he had left one of my nipples erect right afterward. How his hand had felt. How casually he felt permitted and his reaction when I had given him the firm no. <br><br> My eyes darted around for the rest of the evening, feeling my gorge rising up as I realized some of the other girls took it in stride. And the guests took it in hand. I'd need to decide if I was going to go all-in on this, if it was worth it, or if that was more trouble that it was worth. But that was a decision for later. <br><br> When I poured from then on, I kept my weight on my back foot, bracing one hand on the edge of the bar. And I tried not to get too friendly with anyone too [[friendly|M002 - D1Bar]]. <<path>> Shifted my hips forward, against the bar. <<contents>> <<set $barWins += 3>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Luz")>> <<set $People['AI'].Luz.rel = 1>> "Not based on what I'm feeling." I purred into his ear. He squeezed firmly and chuckled, taking the full opportunity to snake his fingers into the gapes in the top, finding the unprotectd and fleshy mound beneath and getting in there. <br><br> I panted slightly, feeling the tension rising below my waist as I //allowed// some guy to feel me up, no asking, no questions, no charge. And he was __feeling__. I poured slowly, a drink he hadn't ordered, but an excuse to stay right here for the moment. <br><br> But then the pour had to end, lest I spill on the bar. I leaned back, allowing him enough warning and time to extricate his hand from my top rather than ruin it. I bit my lip as we made eye contact -- his had a fire in them. My nipples were harder than rocks. His hand pulled free, but with the motion he gave a firm smack on the side of the one he had been groping. I yelped. I was surprised. Who wouldn't have been. <br><br> "What's you're name?" <br><br> "<<print $>>." I dropped the handle into the well and slid the drink towards him, taking my time to extend the encounter. <br><br> "I won't say my full name. It's a mouthful. And I'd prefer to fill my mouth with something else." The dirty joke required a laugh, "So call me Luz. You'll see me around, <<print $>>." And just as confident and self-assured as he arrived, he was gone, drink in the hand that had groped and smacked me. The shudder of it all thrummed through my body for the rest of the evening. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Easy">> <<if $Stats.Traits["Easy"].value lt 3>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> It thrummed in me in a way that I couldn't ignore. What had I just let him get away with? And the first of many, I began to recognize. It felt wrong. //And// it felt necessary. It was the latter that worried me the most. <br><br> <</if>> The rest of the evening where Luz wasn't the only one to get his hands on me. It was like a calling card here: placing an order with their hand on my tit like it was the intercom button. I received a few ass smacks when I left the bar to take a bathroom break or breather. Hell, I had one guy try and use a "It's too loud" as an excuse to lean over the bar and stick his hand down my shorts. <br><br> That one I put a quick stop to. I began to wonder where the line was drawn between the girls on the platforms, the girls behind the bar and the girls over on the [[couches|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $V4 = true>> <<image framed "passage/M002-D1BarV4.png">> "Three doubles." The guy wearing the A-shirt prodded his first three digits against the cold metal bar. <br><br> "So who's doing three?" I laughed as I poured, looking at him and his similarly mis-dressed companion. <br><br> He grinned, lifting his chin, "You." His friend nodded and pushed the first one back towards me, "You deserve it. And you look like you need it." <br><br> He wasn't wrong. It //was// all work and no play makes <<print $>> a dull girl. But I also wasn't sure how this venue took to drinking their own stock, on company time, and this kind of fraternization with clientele. <br><br> So I... <br><br> <div id="D1Bar4"> <<crossroads #D1Bar4>> <<path>> Pounded it. <<contents>> <<set $barWins += 2>> <<Stats Risky ++>> It was a course and nasty draught, but I shot it with them. We all laughed together at how bad it was. And, unsurprisingly another came shortly after it. They hooted, I kicked up a leg and cawed back. The party was here and I was a part of it. <br><br> The rest of the night became progressively more difficult and I had to catch myself from time to time when I might have been pouring one that hadn't yet been purchased for me. But it definitely took the edge off and guys loved to think they might take the bartender home, that she was here to throw down as well. Sex and alcohol mixed incredibly well together. <br><br> With my body out, I was the sex. They provided the alcohol. And no one said a thing to me. <br><br> None of the other barchicks even gave me a sidelong glance. They seemed more reticent on accepting them, though and I worried that I might be going too hard, too fast...that maybe I //would// end up fulfilling one of these guys dreams. But, most importantly, Tao [[didn't|M002 - D1Bar]] suddenly appear and fire me. <<path $HS.addictionLv lt 2>> Smiled and nudged it back. <<blocked>> $ likes drugs and alcohol too much to say no. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> "Sorry, boyos. Ordered and poured. Enjoy!" And with a playful little smirk I watched them down the shitty liquor like castor oil. They coughed together and turned away from me, which was fine because there were more people who needed booze. The party was on the //other// side of the bar. I was not part of it. <br><br> The rest of the night was a lot of the same. Men loving to think that they might be able to take the bartender home, that I wanted to throw down as well. Sex and alcohol mixed incredibly well together. <br><br> With my body out, I was the sex. The appeal got them purchasing more than they should of -- and if they happened to order a bit too much because they thought I was going to partake? Just meant the tabs got larger. And they got drunker and looser. <br><br> Some of the other barchicks seemed to accept a shot from time to time, but they did so timidly. So it reinforced for me that it was the right choice. The safer choice. The choice of veterans. And it kept me [[employed|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $V5 = true>> <<image framed "passage/M002-D1BarV5.png">> You pictured a bar -- a normal bar -- and you would see some sad sack, probably old and unshaven, sitting at the end nursing a beverage between bouts bending the 'tender's ear with long-winded stories. A normal bar. Not some seedy club the ass-end of a place at the ass-end of the world. Not a club designed to be a meat market. A club designed to play off erogeny and hormones. And drugs. And alcohol. High volumes of alcohol. <br><br> But there, right in front of me was this guy who didn't seem to care that my body was served to him on a plat; he didn't care that there were (some) women around at all. I'd have believed one of the women in those booths could have walked right up to him, squeezed his cock and offered him one 'on the house' and he would have given it consideration, but I'd put even money on the answer. "Again." His hand flicked at the empty glass as if to make it go away, but he was asking for it to be filled. <br><br> He wasn't who I had pictured, but he bore the weight of the world on his shoulders. He took the people constantly shouldering past and against him in stride as if it were a busy day on the metro. <br><br> I filled his glass and... <br><br> <div id="D1Bar5"> <<crossroads #D1Bar5>> <<path>> Ask him why here? <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<skillChecked "Social">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>> <<set $barWins += 2>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Gio")>> Leaning on the bar, I poured while I asked. <br><br> He grunted, a bit surprised, lifting his gaze from his glass, past my skin and straight to my face. The furrow on his disappeared and the fuzzy caterpillars that were his eyebrows lifted, surprised, <<speech "Gio">>"Uh. Here?"<</speech>> He smiled. <br><br> It was supremely difficult to get the story. It came in fits and spurts as I battled with the masses of people that //were// interested in what I was hocking. But he didn't seem to mind picking back up wherever I told him I lost him. <br><br> He worked around the block and did general maintenance. It was a hard day -- they all were hard. He liked the energy, liveliness and youth of the crowd here. And the noise and commotion was enough that he didn't have to deal with people that he didn't want to. <br><br> I can't say I was upset, even at his meager purchases, that Gio stuck around most of the [[evening|M002 - D1Bar]]. <<else>> <<set $barWins ++>> I poured as I asked. <br><br> He grunted, surprised, lifting his gaze from his glass, past my skin and straight to my face. His furrow deepend, <<speech "Gio">>"What?"<</speech>> If I hadn't seen his mouth, I wouldn't have understood his return question. I leaned forward and repeated it. His eyes focused hard, watching my own lips, then nodded, <<speech "Gio">>"Uh. Right. Here."<</speech>> <br><br> It was supremely difficult to get the story. There were moments when I could catch a few words and I tried to keep track of where he had left off and where it all was leading, but I was battling with the masses of people that //were// interested in what I was hocking. <br><br> I got his name: Gio. But that was about it. He only lasted one more drink and then he was [[gone|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</if>> <<path>> Move on. <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation -->> I shook my head, I didn't have time for his confusion over where he was. If this //had// been the bar he should have been in, the sheer volume of people calling for my attention should have clued him in that it was not the right time or right place for casual, townie behavior. <br><br> I felt bad, but I had a job to do and it was to be a body with bottles, not an ear and a comforting hand. <br><br> It was a relief when the next time I turned to that end of the bar he had paid his tab and [[gone|M002 - D1Bar]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* TODO: (Fict) remove unsetss afta I properly place variables */ <<unset $V1>><<unset $V2>><<unset $V3>><<unset $V4>><<unset $V5>> <<if $barWins gt 5>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Datu")>> <<set $People['AI'].Datu.rel ++>> <<face happy>> Bottles clanged against each other in the crate as I brought my replenishment to my station. I wasn't about to have a repeat of today's experience. I was going to be ready to go...well, at least do the next bartender a solid, even if it wasn't me. Maybe I'd be able to get a culture shift and improve our working standards and conditions--what was I thinking? What was I //doing//? <br><br> The cleaning crew must have been having the same thought. I hoped. They were giving me looks on every trip as I huffed, ass out, tits bouncing back and forth from the supply closer to my station. All these old, weathered guys enjoying the show that they never got. No dancers were here, no bartenders, not even the ones who would probably be down to 'entertain' them. It was just me and them. <br><br> "You know--" I stopped in my tracks, "we have kids to do that work." I turned, about to give an earful to an ancient mop-man. "You have much, much more value." He was of average build, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Unremarkable except for his bearing. He did wear a smart suit that was expertly tailored. Despite not having a body of any special trait, it still made him look fantastic, "We're overjoyed to have you. Not many like you around here. It's been quite a while." He chuckled and nodded, giving me a slow once over as I strained with the load, clutched to my displayed cleavage. <br><br> So cleaners, me and...this guy. "Uh. Yeah. I know. Uh. T-thank you?" I frowned, not sure how to respond, what to do. One thing was apparent: he held power and access here. It was in his bearing, it was in his dress, it was in his presence at this time of night when even Tao wasn't around. <br><br> "Watching you work was fucking hot." My hackles raised. He wasn't being leering -- he was barely looking at my super-exposed body -- but there was sexual subtext to everything he said. <br><br> "You were watching?" <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 2>><<Stats Perception ++>>I felt a tenseness in my lower back that was beyond me being at my carrying capacity. I was overwhelmed behind the bar, but I had enough awareness to know that he hadn't been a patron. And he had //never// been in my eyeline. Darkness, masses of guests, haze, laser lightshow notwithstanding, I would have noticed //him//.<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>>I had been too overwhelmed behind the bar to even trust whether or not I //could// have seen him at any point of the night. All I knew is he hadn't been a patron.<</if>> <br><br> "Oh yes. Hard to miss. Eye-catching, even. Mesmerizing." The last word held the consonants a little long. "Black and white CCTVs did their damnedest to obscure you." Ah. Instinctively, I tried to locate some, one. Any? "But I guess that further reinforces what I'm saying. And now, in-person, ravishing." <br><br> His English was beyond perfect. Though it had a quality that told me it wasn't his first language. And that he //could// have hidden that fact if he wanted to. "I..." <br><br> "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. And you...have things to attend to." He leaned forward, whispering in my ear, "You really don't have to." <br><br> I chuckled and stepped back, beginning to move away. He wasn't looking at my ass, but he was following me. "Just trying to get things ready for tomorrow. Was a shit-show tonight." <br><br> "Mhm." He didn't care. He let me know. I continued my work anyway. "First night. I couldn't have missed you." <br><br> "Yep. First night." <br><br> "Asked Peaches about you." I was about to correct him, but bit my tongue. <br><br> "Oh?" Last bottle in place. <br><br> "Yes. My opinion: working too hard. High-value that she should have identified immediately." There was an edge of anger in his tone. <br><br> I wasn't sure how to take me evaluation. It had an insidious tone to it and I had far more information than he thought I did. Better to stay quiet. I just looked up and made eye contact. <br><br> "She understood. Still. I wanted to introduce myself, <<print $>>," My name, and I hadn't given it. He extended a manicured hand. His pinkie-nail was affected long. "Datu." <br><br> Wiping my dirty, wet hands on the lycra of my outfit a few times, I did my best to clean myself before accepting the offered handshake, "Um. Nice to meet you. And...thank you." It was a small effort to make to placate him. <br><br> "I'll be seeing you around." And then he was off, back down the hallway where we'd met. The cleaning crew kept their eyes down, as if he didn't exist. <br><br> I avoided going back there again. It had a threat and promise to it now that I wasn't sure I was ready to confront. I finished up what I could and headed out. I was tired anyway. And as Datu said, //I// didn't need to be doing that. <br><br> What the fuck was that? Who was that? What did he mean? Why did he call Tao Peaches? So many questions spun through my head that I was getting dizzy. I hadn't seen him before but he had the access and attitude of someone who was very important in that place. And that both excited me and scared me. <br><br> The walk felt longer than it ever had before, the streets quieter and scarier now that it was so early in the morning. Even the RedDoorz had a menacing quality to it. Still, it was home and I needed to sleep. <br><br> Despite how tired I was, I still forced myself to take a shower. Despite my exhaustion, it was still hard to actually go to sleep as I considered my meeting with Datu. But all I could come up with was that my first night had been a resounding [[success|HomeBase]]. <<elseif $barWins gt 2>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Karl")>> Bottles clanged against each other in the crate as I brought my replenishment to my station. I wasn't about to have a repeat of today's experience. I was going to be ready to go...well, at least do the next bartender a solid, even if it wasn't me. Maybe I'd be able to get a culture shift and improve our working standards and conditions--what was I thinking? What was I //doing//? <br><br> "What're ya doin?" Karl had stopped dead in his tracks, looking at me: the last bartender, huffing it (still in 'uniform') on trip three of four. "Let the barbacks do that." <br><br> "They went home for the night." <br><br> "Well of course they did. It's the morning. You should go home too." <br><br> "Look." I dropped the crate on the bar, leaning against it and showing my exhaustion, "I nearly got eaten alive tonight because the station was a piece of shit when I showed up." <br><br> "Have you looked around?" He laughed, mirroring my position on the other side of the bar, "What ''isn't'' a piece of shit." <br><br> I laughed and sighed, "True." <br><br> "Well. You." <br><br> I couldn't help the smile, "And you." I said it out of instinct. I don't even know if I meant it. But he gave me a smile right back. <br><br> "I meant how you handled yourself tonight. Really impressive." <br><br> "Um." <br><br> "Welcome. Clearly you're a cut above the rest. But don't hold out for things being different tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month." <br><br> I sighed, hefting the crate again to finish off the work, "I gotta finish up." <br><br> "Yeah, sure. Still, I noticed how well you did." <br><br> "Put in a word with me with the boss for me?" It was a joke. But I meant it too. <br><br> Some thought pulled at his brow, then he smiled again, "Sure." He reached across the bar and gave my elbow a squeeze, "But do get home and get some rest." <br><br> "I will." And I watched his broad back pass down the hallway and away, leaving me and the cleaning crew as we both made tomorrow's Club ZZYZX a better experience for everyone. <br><br> And I did go home: wondering if Karl would actually put in a word with the Boss. And was that Tao or would that be someone more important. And was he hitting on me, or serious? <br><br> The walk felt longer than it ever had before, the streets quieter and scarier now that it was so early in the morning. Even the RedDoorz had a menacing quality to it. Still, it was home and I needed to sleep. <br><br> Despite how tired I was, I still forced myself to take a shower. Despite my exhaustion, it was still hard to actually go to sleep -- unsure what the interaction with Karl had meant. Either way, I knew that I //had// really shown up and delivered on my first [[day|HomeBase]]. <<else>> Bottles clanged against each other in the crate as I brought my replenishment to my station. I wasn't about to have a repeat of today's experience. I was going to be ready to go...well, at least do the next bartender a solid, even if it wasn't me. Maybe I'd be able to get a culture shift and improve our working standards and conditions--what was I thinking? What was I //doing//? <br><br> The cleaning crew must have been having the same thought. I hoped. They were giving me looks on every trip as I huffed, ass out, tits bouncing back and forth from the supply closer to my station. All these old, weathered guys enjoying the show that they never got. No dancers were here, no bartenders, not even the ones who would probably be down to 'entertain' them. It was just me and them. <br><br> I tried to ignore it as much as possible. It was pervy, but it wasn't threatening. And they were focused on making tomorrow's Club ZZYZX a better experience for everyone, like I was. <br><br> Eventually, I did finish up -- and before they did -- and headed home. <br><br> The walk felt longer than it ever had before, the streets quieter and scarier now that it was so early in the morning. Even the RedDoorz had a menacing quality to it. Still, it was home and I needed to sleep. <br><br> Despite how tired I was, I still forced myself to take a shower. Despite my exhaustion, it was still hard to actually go to sleep -- unsure what today had amounted to. Was I making progress? It just felt like I had a job. A hard job. As a bartender at a fringe, shitty club in Manila. I'd have to make future shifts more successful, otherwise I risked just being eaten up -- like so many other women -- by their [[day|HomeBase]] job. <</if>>
<<Stats Confident ++>> "No way am I letting her say that shit to me." I didn't even realize I was yanking myself free from Lori's plaintive grasp before I was out of it and charging towards the most average of average girls. "No. I'm with you." <br><br> The words left my mouth before I really thought about what they meant. I just wanted to undermine her authority and contradict her. She spun back around, eyebrows slightly raised over her almond shaped, golden eyes. Her adhesive face gems glittered in the reflection of the lasers that fluttered to life, "Oh. Okay. Here." She continued on her way to one of the platforms, then stood in front of it, hands on her narrow hips, "You down here." She pointed at the floor beneath the platform, "I'm up there." She pointed up, "Now, be a good girl and give Sakura boost." Oh, so she was one of those that talked about herself in the third person. <br><br> <div id="fight"> <<crossroads #fight>> <<path>> I wasn't about to start something on my first night. Just swallow my pride and give her a boost. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> I bristled, but I bit down on my tongue before I said anything, dropping to one knee and interlacing my fingers as I offered her the lift. She waited longer than she needed to, then planted the chunky front of her heel into my fingers harder than she needed to and pushed down all in one motion. I flexed and grunted, taking her weight and pulling up. With practiced motions, she twisted in mid-lift, grasping the edge of the platform and yanking herself up, tucking her knees as her foot left my hands and she was up, standing above us all. She flicked her hair side to side, resettling it, but also clearly preening. She didn't deign look down at me or say a word of thanks. <br><br> Brushing myself off and flexing my slightly pained fingers I turned my back on her, looking to the other pairings of girls to understand what was coming [[next|M002 - D1Dancing]]. <<path>> I didn't need to start a direct confrontation. Contradict her by going up there myself. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> I bristled, but bit down on my tongue before I said anything. Acting like I didn't hear her, I looked up -- the platform was a solid six feet off the ground. I couldn't back down now or really think about what I was doing, so I stepped forward and tried to launch myself up. <br><br> <<if $CC.height gt 0>>My fingers caught the ledge and I felt a rise of triumph as I swung my other arm up to get a good handle and pull myself up. And then I felt the tug. A slight one was all she needed.<<else>>I yelped, fingers barely finding the edge of the platform before gravity proved too much for me.<</if>> <br><br> Thank god I was wearing sneakers rather than the ungainly and chunky platform heels that were now squarely in my eyeline. I hadn't twisted an ankle, but I had bruised my ego, crumpled in front of her as she chuckled and used my bent form as a step stool. I felt the pinpoints of pressure on my back as she pushed off me and up onto the platform. <br><br> I brushed myself off, eyes downcast as I fought the burning anger I felt at her and myself. I turned my back on her -- the only slight I could manage in the moment -- and looked to the other pairings of girls to understand what was coming [[next|M002 - D1Dancing]]. They were all laughing. <<path>> Oh. //Fuck// her. Didn't have to be a ''good'' boost, did it? <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel -= 2>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> I bristled, but I bit down on my tongue before I said anything, dropping to one knee and interlacing my fingers as I offered her the lift. She waited longer than she needed to, then planted the chunky front of her heel into my fingers harder than she needed to and pushed down all in one motion. I flexed and grunted, taking her weight and pulling up. And then, right as I felt her trust my motion, I twisted my grip and sent her tumbling. She was mid-movement, clearly tons of practice at what was needed to easily get aloft, but now she was coming down. And it //surprised// her. <br><br> Her legs and arms swung out as she tried to catch herself, and one of her feet did. The toe of one of those shoes took me square across my face, knocking my head to the side and sending me stumbling as she came smacking down onto the floor. I was stunned and unable to truly relish the moment of watching her collide with the ground. <br><br> Despite the DJ, I could hear the quiet as everyone saw what just happened. <br><br> I was massaging my jaw, turning back to see the charging feline that Sakura had turned into when I was being protectively pulled back and away, Lori interposing herself, "Here, Sakie," quickly dipping and offering her own hands as a launching pad. Sakura glowered at me, stepping not just into Lori's hands, but also using her shoulder as a second step and then was up on the platform like nothing happened. <br><br> "Don't. Ever. Do that again." Lori's eyes were hard. She pushed me back slightly beneath Sakura's platform and turned her back on me, heading to her own place on the dance floor. Shit. Not a good move, <<print $>>. I rolled my jaw as I assessed the other girls, trying to figure out what came [[next|M002 - D1Dancing]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<div id="dancing"> /* IMAGE (Needed): Three dancing platforms above a raised dancefloor */ The music began, the song I didn't know and didn't understand, but it had a good beat. The bass line was a welcome change, filling the vacuous space with //something//, I couldn't help but close my eyes and give a low "Mmmm," in appreciation. <br><br> "Move yer arse, <<print $>>," brought my eyes open as it cut through the throbbing, new beat. I looked up and Lori was already swaying and looking down at me with clear disapproval and 'get going' undertones. I grimaced playfully and then dropped my hips, lowering my center of gravity and spreading my thighs wide as I began to sway and work myself on the empty dance floor. <br><br><br> It wasn't empty long. Like the music had been a siren's call, the men began to fill the club like those lost sailors. And now that they were here, we were the sirens they were after. <br><br> Before I had found my rhythm, a guy was offering me a drink, drinking //me// in with his eyes. A darting glance and I got the signal from Lori that 'no' was the correct response. "Oh, you have it." I smiled as my hips swayed and popped from side to side, making my tits bounce under the the lycra that did little to support or resist any of that kind of movement. His eyes were mostly on them as he shrugged and began to drink as he shifted closer, aiming to dance //with// me rather than accept that I was an employee. <br><br> I had thought the whole idea was to provide eye candy and visually tease and entice these guys so they'd stay longer, drink more, get horny and frustrated and try and hook up with the female patrons. But that was when I thought I was going to be up on the platform. I was not on a platform. <br><br> Ah. So before the other girls showed up, we were supposed to keep them occupied. Shit. <br><br> His jeans ground against my half-bared ass as he slid in behind me, finding rhythm with the way I was moving. At first, he played it careful and tested the waters. And my waters were very confused and unsure. I didn't know what was okay, expected...allowed. I hoped, deep down, that he had been here before and tried this with the other girls so he had a clear understanding of boundaries. <br><br> "I like your outfit." He purred in my ears as he moved behind me, my eyes focused on the open container that threatened to spill on me as we gyrated against each other. Yep, right now it really felt like what I thought being a stripper would be. <br><br> "Thank you. Got it the other day." I craned my neck, trying to be pleasant without too accepting. <br><br> "Really compliments your body..." His free hand was stroking down my bare sternum and across my unprotected stomach. <br><br> "Thank you." Yep, running out of things to say. His hand held me against him, below where my waistband would have been in normal clothing, but pressed against bare skin just inches above my pussy, pressure above the core of my internal sexual organs. <br><br> We danced more, thankfully without words. He wasn't really a conversationalist and don't think he really cared, based on how he was hardening against my ass -- the back had fully ridden up between my cheeks now. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Pubic hair">> <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">>"Not sure how I feel about this though--" his hand dipped lower to the pubic hair peeking from underneath the marginal crotch cloth, "seems designed to compliment something else," and yep. His fingers were underneath the material and playing with my mound and pubic hair.<<else>>"Love how it compliments this--" his hand dipped lower to the more sensative skin bared around the marginal crotch cloth, "shows without showing," and yep. His fingers were underneath the material and playing with my mound and enjoying my 'haircut' that was clearly apparent based on what I was wearing, but he now had front row seats.<</if>> I squirmed, tensing up and losing the rhythm of the music -- getting fingered right from the get-go, hell...fingered at all, was not really in my plan for the evening, or for having picked being a dancer here. <br><br> Lori was shaking her head, making a 'cut it' motion across her neck and giving a chin nod towards the back hallway. I didn't need any other signals. Thank god for her. I twisted my hips, which extricated his fingers and smiled broadly as I moved away from him. "I'll be back later. Gotta go take a break." He was not pleased, "See you later?" I gave him a quick peck on his cheek to try and stun him enough for me to get away. <br><br> And get away I did. Maybe scrambling a bit too quickly off the floor and past the now-crowded area to the safety of the back room. <br><br> Hands on the edge of the vanity, I breathed out deeply, fighting off the distress of that moment and clearing my head. I was back first, but the other two -- Euji and Daxa -- were just a minute or two behind me. So, I hadn't cut and run too early. Good. "Hey." I smiled as they came in the door together, chatting with each other like they were just coming heading into the kitchen in an office. <br><br> <<if $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel lt 0>> It wasn't as if there was no response. They definitely clocked my presence. The two of them dropped onto their stools, Euji throwing her studded, knee-high boots onto the vanity, reclining precariously against the wall. Daxa sat next to her, combing her fingers through her hair, "Not really sure. Maybe go home someday, not yet though." <br><br> "Home? Fuck no." Euji laughed -- it seemed that English was the go-to for conversation, probably the most common middle-ground and Euji's accent was impeccable. "Maybe not Manila forever, but going back is __not__ an option." <br><br> They were going to continue on as if I wasn't there. Seemed like we had common ground though, so maybe it was worth trying to extend an olive branch. <br><br> <<crossroads #dancing>> <<path $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1>> I wasn't going to make friends by being a wallflower... <<blocked>> $ isn't Social enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<skillChecked "Social">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 4>> <<set $People['AI'].Daxa.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Euji.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Saukura.rel -->> <<Stats Social ++>> "Where are you from originally?" I cradled my chin in the crux of my elbow, leaning on the vanity. <br><br> Euji's eyes flicked over to me and I could see a bit of tension in Daxa's shoulders. Interesting that they were this 'tribal'. "Korea. The northern variety." It was a cold response. <br><br> "Fuck. I can only imagine." I shook my head as I lifted it from its perch, eyes wide. And I meant it. If she liked being the Euji I saw in front of me, I doubted that fit in with patriarchical, authoritarian regimes, "Though, from what I have heard...Manila has its own strictness too." <br><br> Daxa laughed, the tension dissipating quickly, "Yeah, its pretty crazy at how...loose things are around here, but then you hear stories of the police--" <br><br> "When was the last time you saw police around here?" Euji clicked a tongue piercing against her teeth. <br><br> "I'm over at the RedDoorz." <br><br> Daxa thought for a moment, "Where's that?" <br><br> Euji just shrugged, "Guessing you mean you're close by?" I nodded, "There's tons of holes in the wall around here, so, figures." <br><br> "Yeah, literal hole in the wall in my room. Total shithole. Cheap though." <br><br> Daxa smiled, "Rite of passage," <br><br> "Just like Sakie." Euji laughed knowingly as she dropped her boots off the vanity with a clunk, "Time to go be second-shift, eh?" <br><br> And the three of us went out and replaced the others. I grabbed Lori's hand just in time to avoid too much groping as she yanked me aloft, gave me a wink and dropped herself down to disppear into the crowd. <br><br> Through the rest of the night I learned that we were the tier-two girls. Me because I was new, and the other two because of their less accommodating types. They were killer dancers, though. Daxa had a fluidity and grace and Euji a raw sensuality, and both got their fair amount of attention either way. <br><br> Our little triad spent about an hour up, and an hour off. Daxa shared some house-made protein balls to keep my energy up, because it was clear the 'short' shifts were designed to keep us dancing hard and with every ounce of energy we had. Being above everyone else meant there was no place to hide, no way to take a break. Anyone would notice pulling back from anything other than all-out performance. <br><br> I loved having the time with the girls because it meant they were away from Sakura and so we could form our own little bond. Daxa was from Nepal and just wanted to see the world, getting stuck here due to lack of money. It was easy to get here, hard to leave. They had both been working as dancers for a while now, Euji for four months and Daxa three. They seemed reticent to talk about anything beyond themselves and their lives -- Daxa had a small apartment nearby and Euji was bouncing around from couch to couch thanks to the staff here -- but wouldn't get into anything beyond the surface rules and expectations of this place. There was definitely something they were hiding, or at least not comfortable talking about. Or lots of things. <br><br> It was a long first night, and I had to dance and dance and [[dance|M002 - D1Platforms]]... <<else>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> "Yeah, I don't know when I'll be going back either." It was met with dead silence. <br><br> Euji's eyes flicked over to me and I could see a bit of tension in Daxa's shoulders. Interesting that they were this 'tribal'. "Mkay." She clicked her tongue piercing against her teeth and then, pointedly, looked back at Daxa, "But it's not too bad here, all things considered." <br><br> There were a couple more openings where I tried to get my foot in, but it just ended up in my mouth. Euji was the stone wall and Daxa was keeping her back to me. Fuck. <br><br> They continued their small talk, ignoring me like an unwanted house guest and I took the time to check my makeup and even a moment to look at my phone, despite knowing I'd have no service. Eventually it was time for us to take over for the others and so we headed out, this time the lag between me and them was pronounced. I felt so ostracized. <br><br> I grabbed Lori's hand just in time to avoid too much groping as she yanked me aloft, gave me a wink and dropped herself down to disppear into the crowd. <br><br> Through the rest of the night, I watched them work. They were killer dancers. Daxa had a fluidity and grace and Euji a raw sensuality. I hoped they were taking notice of my ability as well -- maybe that kind of kinship would soften them. <br><br> Our little triad spent about an hour up, and an hour off. Daxa shared some house-made protein balls with Euji and it made my stomach rumble. I hadn't brought any snacks and made a mental note that they were //required//, because it was clear the 'short' shifts were designed to keep us dancing hard and with every ounce of energy we had. Being above everyone else meant there was no place to hide, no way to take a break. Anyone would notice pulling back from anything other than all-out performance. <br><br> So I was hungry, lonely, and tired, just having to sit there and listen to the two of them talk. I put together that Euji seemed to be roaving from couch to couch, thanks to staff members here -- currently one of the bouncers -- and that the two of them considered themselves 'tier two' compared to the other girls. Woof, part of the bench and the bench wasn't even warm for me. At least being with them meant time away from Sakura, so that was a blessing. <br><br> It was a long first night, and I had to dance and dance and [[dance|M002 - D1Platforms]]... <</if>> <<path>> I didn't want to force things and make my time here even more uncomfortable... <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel ++>> "But it's not too bad here, all things considered," she continued. Daxa shrugged, either disagreeing or not caring. <br><br> They continued their small talk, ignoring me like an unwanted house guest and I took the time to check my makeup and even a moment to look at my phone, despite knowing I'd have no service. Eventually it was time for us to take over for the others and so we headed out, this time the lag between me and them was pronounced. I felt so ostracized. <br><br> I grabbed Lori's hand just in time to avoid too much groping as she yanked me aloft, gave me a wink and dropped herself down to disppear into the crowd. <br><br> Through the rest of the night, I watched them work. They were killer dancers. Daxa had a fluidity and grace and Euji a raw sensuality. I hoped they were taking notice of my ability as well -- maybe that kind of kinship would soften them. <br><br> Our little triad spent about an hour up, and an hour off. Daxa shared some house-made protein balls with Euji and it made my stomach rumble. I hadn't brought any snacks and made a mental note that they were //required//, because it was clear the 'short' shifts were designed to keep us dancing hard and with every ounce of energy we had. Being above everyone else meant there was no place to hide, no way to take a break. Anyone would notice pulling back from anything other than all-out performance. <br><br> So I was hungry, lonely, and tired, just having to sit there and listen to the two of them talk. I put together that Euji seemed to be roaving from couch to couch, thanks to staff members here -- currently one of the bouncers -- and that the two of them considered themselves 'tier two' compared to the other girls. Woof, part of the bench and the bench wasn't even warm for me. At least being with them meant time away from Sakura, so that was a blessing. <br><br> It was a long first night, and I had to dance and dance and [[dance|M002 - D1Platforms]]... <</crossroads>> <<else>> Daxa smiled, "Oh, hey. <<print $>>, right?" I nodded and she pressed a hand to her chest, "Daxa." It was prettier when she said it, the schwa in the middle felt warm and inviting. <br><br> The two of them dropped onto their stools, Euji throwing her studded, knee-high boots onto the vanity, reclining precariously against the wall. Daxa sat next to her, combing her fingers through her hair, "But, yeah. Not really sure. Maybe go home someday, not yet though." <br><br> "Home? Fuck no." Euji laughed -- it seemed that English was the go-to for conversation, probably the most common middle-ground and Euji's accent was impeccable. "Maybe not Manila forever, but going back is __not__ an option." <br><br> "Where are you from originally?" I cradled my chin in the crux of my elbow, leaning on the vanity. <br><br> Euji's eyes flicked over to me and I could see a bit of tension in Daxa's shoulders. Interesting that they were this 'tribal'. "Korea. The northern variety." It was a cold response. <br><br> "Fuck. I can only imagine." I shook my head as I lifted it from its perch, eyes wide. And I meant it. If she liked being the Euji I saw in front of me, I doubted that fit in with patriarchical, authoritarian regimes, "Though, from what I have heard...Manila has its own strictness too." <br><br> Daxa laughed, the tension dissipating quickly, "Yeah, its pretty crazy at how...loose things are around here, but then you hear stories of the police--" <br><br> "When was the last time you saw police around here?" Euji clicked a tongue piercing against her teeth. <br><br> "I'm over at the RedDoorz." <br><br> Daxa thought for a moment, "Where's that?" <br><br> Euji just shrugged, "Guessing you mean you're close by?" I nodded, "There's tons of holes in the wall around here, so, figures." <br><br> "Yeah, literal hole in the wall in my room. Total shithole. Cheap though." <br><br> Daxa smiled, "Rite of passage," <br><br> "Just like Sakie. So what about you? America, //clearly//." Okay. Me. What to say... <<crossroads #dancing>> <<path>> Talk about home? <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Daxa.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Euji.rel += 2>> I wasn't too keen on going into my 'legend' or whatever. Who knows if I'd trip up someday and the less I talked about my whys, the better, in my opinion. So I began to talk about some standout moments from growing up. <br><br> They were both entranced. Euji's eyes glittered as I talked about what America was like. But at a certain point, Daxa kept bringing it back to why did I leave. And...that was a fucking great question, "And after all those other places...and other options, why come to Manila?" Her voice was soft and airy, it was hard to not give her what she wanted. <br><br> "Well, I..." I shook my head, looking down at my sneakers and exposed legs, "Even in America, sometimes things are out of your control. And you, just...''have'' to." I shrugged and a little more truth of that emotion filtered into my eyes than I wanted. <br><br> "Yeah." Euji laughed knowingly as she dropped her boots off the vanity with a clunk, "Time to go be second-shift, eh?" <br><br> And the three of us went out and replaced the others. I grabbed Lori's hand just in time to avoid too much groping as she yanked me aloft, gave me a wink and dropped herself down to disppear into the crowd. <br><br> Through the rest of the night I learned that we were the tier-two girls. Me because I was new, and the other two because of their less accommodating types. They were killer dancers, though. Daxa had a fluidity and grace and Euji a raw sensuality, and both got their fair amount of attention either way. <br><br> Our little triad spent about an hour up, and an hour off. Daxa shared some house-made protein balls to keep my energy up, because it was clear the 'short' shifts were designed to keep us dancing hard and with every ounce of energy we had. Being above everyone else meant there was no place to hide, no way to take a break. Anyone would notice pulling back from anything other than all-out performance. <br><br> I loved having the time with the girls because it meant they were away from Sakura and so we could form our own little bond. Daxa was from Nepal and just wanted to see the world, getting stuck here due to lack of money. It was easy to get here, hard to leave. They had both been working as dancers for a while now, Euji for four months and Daxa three. They seemed reticent to talk about anything beyond themselves and their lives -- Daxa had a small apartment nearby and Euji was bouncing around from couch to couch thanks to the staff here -- but wouldn't get into anything beyond the surface rules and expectations of this place. There was definitely something they were hiding, or at least not comfortable talking about. Or lots of things. <br><br> It was a long first night, and I had to dance and dance and [[dance|M002 - D1Platforms]]... <<path>> Talk about why ''here''? <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Daxa.rel ++>> I couldn't tell them the truth, but maybe this was an opportunity to try out my legend, firm it up, practice. And so I did, I began crafting my little tale from the bits and pieces that were true and that I'd gotten from the agency and began to fill in the gaps. Daxa sat enrapt and curious, enjoying the story of being a world traveler. Euji was less impressed. She seemed to glaze over as soon as I started. <br><br> Eventually, she'd had enough and dropped her boots off the vanity with a clunk, "Time to go be second-shift, eh?" <br><br> "Uh, sure." Daxa nodded, broken from her trance. <br><br> The three of us went out and replaced the others. I grabbed Lori's hand just in time to avoid too much groping as she yanked me aloft, gave me a wink and dropped herself down to disppear into the crowd. <br><br> Through the rest of the night I learned that we were the tier-two girls. Me because I was new, and the other two because of their less accommodating types. They were killer dancers, though. Daxa had a fluidity and grace and Euji a raw sensuality, and both got their fair amount of attention either way. <br><br> Our little triad spent about an hour up, and an hour off. Daxa shared some house-made protein balls to keep my energy up, because it was clear the 'short' shifts were designed to keep us dancing hard and with every ounce of energy we had. Being above everyone else meant there was no place to hide, no way to take a break. Anyone would notice pulling back from anything other than all-out performance. <br><br> I loved having the time with the girls because it meant they were away from Sakura and so we could form our own little bond. Daxa was from Nepal and just wanted to see the world, getting stuck here due to lack of money. It was easy to get here, hard to leave. They had both been working as dancers for a while now, Euji for four months and Daxa three. They seemed reticent to talk about anything beyond themselves and their lives -- Daxa had a small apartment nearby and Euji was bouncing around from couch to couch thanks to the staff here -- but wouldn't get into anything beyond the surface rules and expectations of this place. There was definitely something they were hiding, or at least not comfortable talking about. Or lots of things. <br><br> It was a long first night, and I had to dance and dance and [[dance|M002 - D1Platforms]]... <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div>
<<set _danceability = $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value>> <<skillChecked "Bodily traits">> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>><<set _danceability ++>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>><<set _danceability ++>><</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>><<set _danceability ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("HipHop1")>><<set _danceability ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("HipHop2")>><<set _danceability ++>><</if>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Looking down at a full dancefloor from one of the platforms */ It was so much better being //up// on the platforms, even for all the grief of getting up and down. If only there had been stairs, or a ladder, or if they had been placed somewhere along the edges or wall-side of the dance floor? And I understood it, having us so close to the patrons had a feeling of intimacy, even with a six foot lift -- which also gave them the benefit of some incredibly intimate viewpoints. <br><br> More than once I caught men just standing amidst the crowd, sipping on their beverage and gazing up between my legs. I had to find new and inventive ways for my next move to include a hand-check of my crotch. And yep, a few of those times I was absolutely flashing pussy. I just leaned into that it was a dark room and even with the laser light show, the angle of the lights didn't illuminate down there any better than the sun did. <br><br> I gave it my all. I didn't have much other choice, leaning into everything I had on offer: what I'd picked up over the years in dance (that worked with this music), my ability to connect and identify what my audience wanted, body. I was the show and so was every bit of me. <br><br> <<if _danceability gt 6>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel += 2>> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].Euji.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Daxa.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Lori.rel ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Anika.rel ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> My outfit rode up my crack, but I knew it was a losing battle. I cheered and encouraged the men beneath me and even threw a few 'yeah, girl' looks and smiles to the women who seemed most into the meat-market. I dropped my hips, I swung them, I rolled my body. Anything that made me bounce, anything that gave a hard, sharp movement. My eyes smoldered and I incorporated as much raw sex as I could. <br><br> I found ways to take mini-breaks up there, forming a kind of routine where I'd drop down, sitting on the platform with my legs dangling and giving a closer show, twisting onto all fours and body rolling against the platform. I'd arch and kick, flipping onto my back and occasionally letting my head and upper body hang down so that I could muss a guy's hair or just barely miss a kiss. I tried to have as much fun with it as I could. <br><br> And when the night finally came to an end, Daxa, Euji and I came back into the dressing room to join up with the girls before heading our separate ways. My legs felt like Jell-O, but Euji and Daxa were rolling with the extertion as if it were nothing. This was old hat for them. <br><br> "You. Fuckin' killed it, girl." Lori was ontop of me, grabbing me and I nearly lost my footing to crumple to the floor, "Let's hear it fer <<print $>>!" My feet slid back and forth as she twisted with me in her long arms. <br><br> Euji pounded at the vanity with a smile, whistling -- tongue piercing purposefully caught between her teeth as she blew air. Daxa awkwardly gave a little laugh and 'woo', playing at what was expected of her. Anika gave a polite clap, checking in with Sakura, who simply began to undress square in the center of the room. <br><br> "I wish I had gotten to see you guys." I pulled myself free from Lori, laughing. <br><br> Hands on my shoulders, she leaned back, "You realize, you //can// watch. I did." <br><br> "Oh!" I smiled and nodded dumbly, looking over to Anika, "It felt weird to be so separated. I wanted to see what you guys were doing." <br><br> "Steal from us?" It was cutting. The room quieted. Sakura was removing her makeup, brown nipples on her ample breasts swaying as she rubbed her face clean. <br><br> "Uh. No. I just--" <br><br> "Mhm." The conversation was over. The celebration was cut short. Lori gave me a wide-eyed look and then went about her business. I took the cue and we all silently stripped down, put our street clothes on over our sweaty, sticky and glitter-covered bodies in our end-of-night <<linkexpand "ritual.">> ritual. <<outfit default>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Datu")>> <<set $People['AI'].Datu.rel ++>> <br><br> "See you. Great job." Lori gave me a peck on the cheek, last to leave besides me. My body had not been complying and it had taken me longer -- especially realizing I was putting clean clothes on with no shower. <br><br> "Thanks. See ya." I smiled, pulling on my top and watching the door shut. I grunted, lifting myself from the stool and finally giving myself license to be as tired as I was. And then came a knock at the door. <br><br> "Uh, come in. I'm decent." The door was opening before I had finished. <br><br> "Sure." He laughed at the second thing, stepping in with an air that exuded importance and confidence. "<<print $>>?" I nodded, standing there a bit confused, realizing he would have walked in irrespective of my response. "Looked fucking hot out there tonight." He stepped over to me, a wide-stride in a small room that immediately gave me the sense of being attacked. Hair pricked on my neck. I think I might have startled slightly, especially when his hand darted forward, "Datu." <br><br> I looked down at it dumbly, as if I'd never shaken hands before. Then, after far too long of a beat, I did, "Uh, thank you." <br><br> He gave my hand a squeeze before relinquishing it. His eyes didn't devour me, they stayed locked on mine, "I've already told Peaches," I was about to correct him, mouth opening and then shutting with, "that you're moving to lead." <br><br> "Oh." My mouth dropped open again, eyes wide. I immediately considered Sakura. That would not go over well. "Thank you." <br><br> He nodded, smiling brightly. "I know you're tired. We'll have time to chat, you and I. You've had a long night. Go home and get some rest." He didn't move though, taking up the room and watching me grab my thinks in an awkward stop-start effort that showed my confusion, "So, you're American?" <br><br> My dance outfit clutched to my chest, sneakers hanging from my fingertips, "Yeah. Just got here." <br><br> He was of average build, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Unremarkable except for his bearing. He did wear a smart suit that was expertly tailored. Despite not having a body of any special trait, it still made him look fantastic, "We're overjoyed to have you. Not many like you around here. It's been quite a while." He chuckled and nodded, giving me a slow once over as I went to the locker to procure the last of my things. He was assessing me and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It wasn't sexual, though it certainly appeared that way. <br><br> "Well, um. I look forward to" I smiled, backing my way to the door. He nodded succinctly, still not moving an inch from where we had been introduced. I tried to not dip out and shut the door too quickly. But I didn't make any effort to reserve speed on my way home. <br><br> What the fuck was that? Who was that? What did he mean? Why did he call Tao Peaches? So many questions spun through my head that I was getting dizzy. I hadn't seen him before but he had the access and attitude of someone who was very important in that place. And that both excited me and scared me. <br><br> The walk felt longer than it ever had before, the streets quieter and scarier now that it was so early in the morning. Even the RedDoorz had a menacing quality to it. Still, it was home and I needed to sleep. <br><br> Despite how tired I was, I still forced myself to take a shower. Despite my exhaustion, it was still hard to actually go to sleep as I considered my meeting with Datu. But all I could come up with was that my first night had been a resounding [[success|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif _danceability gt 3>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel ++>> My outfit rode up my crack, but I knew it was a losing battle -- even still, I kept plucking at it vainly. I cheered and encouraged the men beneath me and even threw a few 'yeah, girl' looks and smiles to the women who seemed most into the meat-market. I dropped my hips, I swung them, I rolled my body. Anything that made me bounce, anything that gave a hard, sharp movement. My eyes smoldered and I incorporated as much raw sex as I could. <br><br> But I kept finding myself rotating the same series of moves and sequences. I wished I had more to offer, more experience dancing. It pained me a little to see the audience I had mostly ignoring me, focused on the people around them or the other two girls. They were lovely dancers, sure, but what about //me//? <br><br> And when the night finally came to an end, Daxa, Euji and I came back into the dressing room to join up with the girls before heading our separate ways. My legs felt like Jell-O, but Euji and Daxa were rolling with the extertion as if it were nothing. This was old hat for them. <br><br> Lori smiled broadly seeing me come in and gave a slow clap, "Happy first day." The others didn't join in, but Daxa did smile at me and Euji at least gave me a nod, "Welcome to the crew." <br><br> "Don't get ahead of yourself, Lori," Sakura was standing central in the room, removing her makeup as she stood in front of the vanity, brown nipples on her ample breasts swaying as she rubbed her face clean. Lori just shrugged and motioned for me to join the others in the end-of night <<linkexpand "ritual.">> ritual. <<outfit default>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows DJDJ")>> <<set $People['AI'].DJDJ.rel = 1>> <br><br> I took the cue and we all silently stripped down, put our street clothes on over our sweaty, sticky and glitter-covered bodies. I felt icky that I was going to be pulling my 'clean' clothes onto me without a shower, but that seemed to be the only choice. Lori was the last to leave, giving me a squeeze on my shoulder, "Still, welcome." <br><br> "Wish I'd seen you." <br><br> She laughed and gave another squeeze, "You can always watch, ya know." <br><br> Smiling, I nodded as she departed. Maybe I'd take a moment next time around to see what the other girls were doing. I pulled on my top and sighed, now alone and free to let the exertion of my body show. Grunting, I gathered my things, retrieving my belongings from the locker -- nothing stolen -- and then headed out. <br><br> The cleaning crew was back, doing a pass before any of the spilled drinks or other fluids could soak in too much. I weaved my way through them on my wobbly pegs. They were screaming at me for having been so over-used for so long and I had to keep reminding them that they were //my// legs to do with as //I// wanted. <br><br> "New girl, eh?" Suddenly, I was aware not of just the conversation with my gams, but also the spiked-hair man beside me. He was wearing sunglasses inside. Unmistakably, the DJ, "Squared." He took my sneakers from me so that I wasn't carrying all my things so precariously. <br><br> "Uh yeah. Is um, that...slang?" I was confused, walking alongside him as we both seemed to be on our way out. Had he waited up for me or was this a chance encounter. <br><br> "DJ DJ. DJ Squared is what they call me." He laughed in that wanna-be alpha way, head thrown back as if it was my mistake and not his lack that made the question awkward. "American, yeah?" <br><br> Man, everyone seemed super keen on my...ethnicity? orgin? "Yeah. <<print $>>." <br><br> "Right, right." He was letting my sneakers swing back and forth on his two curled digits as we walked. I could get the sense that he was keeping a relaxed pace to subconsciously urge me to a slower cadence too. "Great add, in my opinion. Been needing some fresh blood that wasn't local." <br><br> I frowned, "Lori is--" <br><br> "Yeah, yeah. None of them...//are//..." He laughed again, with the tone of mansplaining, "But you get what I mean. It's a compliment. Take it." <br><br> It was in that moment that I realized the bouncers were no longer guarding the exit, just an empty hallway out to the night. Just DJ DJ and me alone and leaving. And while my female intuition was throwing alarms, I did recognize that he had some status and access at the club that might be necessary. Agent intuition overrode the alarms, "You ever have dancers up in your booth?" <br><br> He cocked his head, stepping outside with me and stopping on the sidewalk, holding my sneakers to his chest, " an idea. I could get behind it. There are enough of you...hmm. I'll run it up the flagpole." <br><br> "Sure. Just an idea. More than happy to talk about it with you..." I shrugged and smiled, reaching out for my sneakers. He thought I was going in for a hug. Shit. <br><br> He smiled and pushed in close, handing me my sneakers simply to get them out from between us as he grabbed me into a tight hug. His hand got a little adventurous down at my ass -- which I'm sure he'd been looking at all night. "Perfect." <br><br> I pulled away when I could, receiving a peck on the cheek that almost was one on the mouth and waved goodbye as kindly as possible, "See ya, See ya!" <br><br> He laughed and threw me finger guns. I laughed too, turning and heading off with as much effort as my tired legs could give me. <br><br> Well, that was...a thing. I wasn't quite sure I could evaluate his usefulness yet, but better to keep the lead than ditch it out of hand simply because he gave me the creeps. <br><br> The walk felt longer than it ever had before, the streets quieter and scarier now that it was so early in the morning. Even the RedDoorz had a menacing quality to it. Still, it was home and I needed to sleep. <br><br> Despite how tired I was, I still forced myself to take a shower. Thanks to my exhaustion, my head hit the pillow and I was //out//. First night? I'd call it a [[success|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel ++>> My outfit rode up my crack, but I knew it was a losing battle -- even still, I kept plucking at it vainly. There were moments where I had to stop and readjust my outfit simply from a comfort and modesty standpoint, "Oh, come on!" "Where's the show?" "Lazy bitch" were repeated calls from below. I tried to hurry through it and get back to dancing, more emotionally exposed than physically in those moments. <br><br> And I tried to make up for it: I dropped my hips, I swung them, I rolled my body. Anything that made me bounce, anything that gave a hard, sharp movement. My eyes smoldered and I incorporated as much raw sex as I could. <br><br> When the night finally came to an end, Daxa, Euji and I came back into the dressing room to join up with the girls before heading our separate ways. My legs felt like Jell-O, but Euji and Daxa were rolling with the extertion as if it were nothing. This was old hat for them. <br><br> Sakura was front-and-center, topless and slow-clapping as the other two parted ways and left me confronted with the sight of her and the brown nipples shaking on her ample breasts, "Our new addition, ladies!" <br><br> Raucous laughter -- mostly from her as she cackled, head thrown back -- but Anika was right there with her, Euji giving a whistle, and even Daxa awkwardly threw in some laughs. I was beet red. Frozen. There as the door shut behind me, locking me in to this. I tried to make eye contact with Lori, but she was busying herself with her routine. At least she wasn't laughing. <br><br> "Such a //dancer// am I right?" Sakura slung an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in and began to 'help' me undress, tugging one strap off my shoulder to free one of my tits, "So--" and then the other, "glad--" and thrust me away from her, nearly causing me to collapse on my weak legs, "to have you." <br><br> It wasn't what I needed. I knew I hadn't done that great of a job, but she was keen on letting me know exactly how out of place I was with the dancers. I moved, dejected, to my spot as she continued to deride me. Her words were kind, affirmative even, but they were all sarcastic. <br><br> The only way out was...out. I stripped down quickly as we all were putting our street clothes on over our sweaty, sticky and glitter-covered bodies in our end-of-night <<linkexpand "ritual.">> ritual. <<outfit default>> <br><br> "See you. Ya made it." Lori gave me a peck on the cheek, last to leave besides me. My body had not been complying and being ridiculed wasn't helping my speed. <br><br> "Wish I'd seen you." <br><br> She laughed and gave another squeeze, "You can always watch, ya know." <br><br> Smiling, I nodded as she departed. Maybe I'd take a moment next time around to see what the other girls were doing. I pulled on my top and sighed, now alone and free to let the exertion of my body show. Grunting, I gathered my things, retrieving my belongings from the locker -- nothing stolen -- and then headed out. <br><br> The cleaning crew was back, doing a pass before any of the spilled drinks or other fluids could soak in too much. I weaved my way through them on my wobbly pegs. They were screaming at me for having been so over-used for so long and I had to keep reminding them that they were //my// legs to do with as //I// wanted. <br><br> The walk felt longer than it ever had before, the streets quieter and scarier now that it was so early in the morning. Even the RedDoorz had a menacing quality to it. Still, it was home and I needed to sleep. <br><br> Despite how tired I was, I still forced myself to take a shower. Thanks to my exhaustion, my head hit the pillow and I was //out//. First night? I'd call it a [[success|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
<<if visited("M002 - D2Work")>> <<set $jobValue = 0>> <</if>> /* The next time they come to this passage (it's repeatable!) they will receive a different one than they have had before. So we need to ensure the random pull is unique. */ <<if $jobEvent == undefined>> <<set $jobEvent = [0,1,2,3,4,5]>> <<if $clubJob !== "bar">> <<set $jobEvent = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]>> <</if>> <<set $Intel = []>> <<set $alreadyHacked2 = false>> <</if>> /* Hack so older saves can access the later random events as well. Can delete once we are well past v7.3 */ <<if visited("M002 - D2Work") && Array("v0.7.2.1", "v0.7.2.0", "v0.7.1.0", "v0.7.0.0").includes($version) && $alreadyHacked == undefined>> <<set $alreadyHacked = true>> <<switch $version>> <<case "v0.7.0.0">> <<run $jobEvent.push(3,4)>> <<case "v0.7.1.0">> <<run $jobEvent.push(3,4)>> <<case "v0.7.2.0">> <<run $jobEvent.push(4)>> <<case "v0.7.2.1">> <<run $jobEvent.push(4)>> <</switch>> <</if>> <<if visited("M002 - D2Work") && $alreadyHacked2 == undefined>> <<set $alreadyHacked2 = true>> <<if $clubJob == "bar">> <<run $jobEvent.push(5)>> <<else>> <<run $jobEvent.push(5,6)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set _currentJob = $jobEvent.pluck()>> <<if $jobEvent && $jobEvent.length == 0>> <<set $D2WorkEventsCompleted = true>> <</if>> <div id="vigns"> <<if $clubJob == "whore">> <<outfit prostitution>> <<switch _currentJob>> <<case 0>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Whore1">> <<case 1>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Whore2">> <<case 2>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Whore3">> <<case 3>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Whore4">> <<case 4>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Whore5">> <<case 5>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - Spying">> <<case 6>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Whore6">> <</switch>> <<elseif $clubJob == "bar">> <<outfit bargirl>> <<switch _currentJob>> <<case 0>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Bar1">> <<case 1>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Bar2">> <<case 2>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Bar3">> <<case 3>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Bar4">> <<case 4>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Bar5">> <<case 5>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - Spying">> <</switch>> <<else>> <<outfit gogo>> <<switch _currentJob>> <<case 0>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Dance1">> <<case 1>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Dance2">> <<case 2>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Dance3">> <<case 3>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Dance4">> <<case 4>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Dance5">> <<case 5>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - Spying">> <<case 6>> <<set _outPassage = "M002 - D2Dance6">> <</switch>> <</if>> </div> /* TODO: (Fict) Refactor this so Homebase click properly sends them straight to the correct passage if I can */ <<if $clubJob == "whore">> Time to lock in and get ready to sell myself. <<elseif $clubJob == "bar">> Time to lock in and get ready to sling some drinks and be objectified. Not necessarily in that order. <<else>> Time to lock in and get ready to shake what my mama gave me. <</if>> Just [[another day on the job|_outPassage]].
Coming into the Club was starting to feel like a job. A //real// job. <br><br> I had to quash the immediate freak-out that was triggered. <br><br> This was ''not'' a normal thing I was doing. But the fact that I had some subconscious shift towards normality suggested that my brain was trying to become comfortable with this. That I was maybe too focused on the role and not the purpose. <br><br> I wasn't about to lose myself in this. I needed to lean into my mission here. <br><br> That I was doing this at all was because I needed to unearth truths, find connections -- girl on the inside. Those things might be revealed to me over time, naturally, but would that be fast enough? <br><br> On the other hand, become too overt in my spying and I might get identified and...eliminated. <br><br> Either way, I needed to kick things up into a higher gear. <br><br> <div id="spying"> <<crossroads #spying>> <<path>> Higher gear, sure, but passive surveillance was the way to go. <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A version of the Terminator POV -- analyzing a group of people with data, reticles, etc */ <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $clubSurveill = "passive">> I couldn't risk life, limb and the access that I //did// have simply because I was feeling impatient. <br><br> I'd keep my eyes peeled, but I had to keep just doing my job. They couldn't tell that I was being hyper-aware. They couldn't yell at me for that. Not as long as I was doing my job. I was just the wide-eyed new girl from America. <br><br> <<if $clubJob == "dance">> I wondered how long I could get away with most of my dancing being uni-directional. Hey, maybe some guys preferred the backside view anyway. <br><br> Still, even varying it up with a quick spin made me feel like I was missing something. It was hard enough to focus on dancing and monitoring all at the same time -- had other EROS agents been able to do this? <br><br> The layout of the club I had, essentially, on lock. That I'd learned simply by existing, but there were //so// many people to keep track of. It was dark. It was hazy. It was //loud// -- I wished I could 'turn the radio down' to focus. <br><br> So many faces looked the same. And from up here, everyone kind of blended together. The women were easy to identify -- they were few and far-between. Most were employees anyway. But the men were like a undulating mass of varations on a theme. <br><br> It would have been easier if I knew who I was looking for, if I had recognized anybody. <br><br> Despite the obstacles, I persisted. <<elseif $clubJob == "whore">> <<SexSkill oral>><<SexSkill handjob>> <<face runny>><<cumSpray mouth1>> I wondered how long I could get away with handjobs and blowjobs right there on the couches. Even more so: I wondered how many guys I could keep at bay for as long as possible without having to do anything at all. <br><br> No one seemed to care when a cock popped out of some trousers, or that I went to work right there. If anything, it was a free preview, a teaser of what they could have. Or just a no-cost porno. <br><br> Handjobs were the easy ones. I could, essentially, look anywhere and be doing anything else while the guy was in the throws of pleasure. <br><br> Blowjobs on the other hand...I tried to make sure I was facing as much of the club as possible. I had to keep my eyes open and fight the desire of so many of the johns to look up at them while I was giving them head. I had //work// to do, guys! <br><br> The layout of the club I had, essentially, on lock. That I'd learned simply by existing, but there were //so// many people to keep track of. It was dark. It was hazy. It was //loud// -- I wished I could 'turn the radio down' to focus. <br><br> So many faces looked the same. And from the viewpoints of laps, everyone kind of blended together. The women were easy to identify -- they were few and far-between. Most were employees anyway. But the men were like a undulating mass of varations on a theme. Tough enough with runny eyes and bleary vision. <br><br> It would have been easier if I knew who I was looking for, if I had recognized anybody. <br><br> Despite the obstacles, I persisted. <<else>> I wondered how long I could get away with doing most of my own bussing. The barbacks were floored. Happy? ''Confused''. And the other bargirls didn't seem to care. <br><br> Peaches would probably start to care if she noticed I was taking time away from the bar. So I was selective about when I made my trips to the storage room. <br><br> Beyond giving me the freedom of movement and more vantages to watch, it also extricated me from the cloying, pawing, slobbery mass of men that wanted me more than they wanted a drink. <br><br> Actually, being behind the bar was the hardest time to keep focused. Not just because of the tweaks at a nipple, squeezes at a breast. The smacks on my ass were hardly even noticed now. The hands down my shorts -- much harder to ignore. <br><br> No. It was actually trying to //be// a bartender. Listen to orders. Make eye contact on my clients and focus on the mixing. It was incredibly distracting. Not to mention how crowded the bar was. The press of people wanting alcohol formed a wall between me and much of the club. It made it easy to monitor the people who were there, but shielded everyone else's movements. <br><br> But I could only excuse myself from back there so often. <br><br> The layout of the club I had, essentially, on lock. That I'd learned simply by existing, but there were //so// many people to keep track of. It was dark. It was hazy. It was //loud// -- I wished I could 'turn the radio down' to focus. <br><br> So many faces looked the same. On the move, everyone kind of blended together. The women were easy to identify -- they were few and far-between. Most were employees anyway. But the men were like a undulating mass of varations on a theme. <br><br> It would have been easier if I knew who I was looking for, if I had recognized anybody. <br><br> Despite the obstacles, I persisted. <</if>> <br><br> By the end of the night, something had activated my spidey senses. I had noticed there were some people appearing from the back hallway who had never been in the club to begin with. And others disappeared...doubtful they took the alleyway. With as long as I was holding down a shift, that //had// to mean something. One person, maybe two people it coulda been something I missed or a coincidence. But easily five or six? No, there was some other way in and out of here. And they were using it -- just a little bit of awareness goes a long way! <br><br> I was ontop of the world on my walk home. Something that felt a little bit more substantial than just names and faces. <br><br> Slept like a [[baby|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Slow was the path to being lost. I needed to be more active. <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A steel security door with a keypad lock at the end of a hallway. Ominous, important. */ <<Stats Risky ++>> <<set $clubSurveill = "active">> I couldn't wait for it to fall into my lap. I'd been here long enough, I could probably pretend I had the run of this place. <br><br> Still, my heart was in my throat, leaving my station as casually as I could manage. <br><br> That was the VIP room. Probably something to dig up there, but doubted I could just waltz right in. <br><br> Bathrooms. Storage Rooms. Knew those intimately. <br><br> Exit to the alleyway. Smoke breaks. Trash. Quick spot for Johns. <br><br> Okay. Continuing down the hallway, let's see. Just a little wandering and...wait, reinforced door, keypad, that's gotta be something, wait, wait-- <br><br> <<speech "Karl">>"What are you doing, <<print $>>."<</speech>> Not a question. <br><br> <<speechPC>>The laughter came easily, if not convincingly, "I could ask you the same thing, door boy!"<</speechPC>> I pulled at his shirt a little, leaning closer and smiling up at him with a playful little flash of my eyes. <br><br> <<speech "Karl">>A hard, parental look: "And only one of us is ever at the door. You can't be back here."<</speech>> <br><br> "Really? Any you can? That hardly seems fair." Okay. Whether he knew I was up to no good or not, he //was// back here to dissuade and stop it from happening. I needed to choose a course of action, now: <br><br> <<crossroads #spying>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> 'Distract' him. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough. <<contents>> <<if $clubJob == "whore">><<set $jobValue -= 2>><<else>><<set $jobValue -->><</if>> <<set $People['AI'].Karl.rel += 2>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> /* New relationship */ <<speech "Karl">>The hard look hardened: "<<print $>>..."<</speech>> Let's see if I could get something else hard and soften this insistence of his. <br><br> Dropping to my knees right there in the back hallway, my hands caressed down the pleats in his slacks. He dressed well for being the muscle at a seedy club. <br><br> <<speech "Karl">>"<<print $>>." Confusion, but there was a catch in his voice, "What are you--"<</speech>> <br><br> I fished him out, warm and soft, right into my mouth. My <<print $Body.eyes>> went up as my mouth engulfed him. That look on his face instantly softened. <br><br> This must have been more in line with typical EROS procedures. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('No Gag Reflex')>> <<run $Memories.push("code0451")>> His complaints stopped instantly, especially when he felt the skillful fellatio. Oh, he was in //heaven//. <br><br> So pleased, he lost track of anything except the rise and fall of his need. I could have popped him off at any instant, but that didn't serve my purposes. <br><br> Very shortly, I was rewarded for my efforts. And not in the way Karl wanted. <br><br> A man in a suit -- missed his face -- walked past the girl on her knees and the man cavorting against the wall. God, this place was crazy, no one thought twice about some random blowjob. Right up to the door in question and addressed the keypad. <br><br> Karl had no idea that I was essentially ignoring him while I tried to make out the button pushes. Not a great angle, not a short distance, but the guy thought we were both entranced on cockmeat. Zero. Bingo. <br><br> Okay, Karl. We're going to be here as long as possible, maybe no orgasm for you, buddy. <br><br> It wasn't an often-used door, and sometimes people were leaving, watching us with a smirk -- and I got no digits. <br><br> Karl was whimpering, crazed out of his mind and needing to cum, but no-go. I had to confirm what I had learned. Zero. Four. Five. One. <br><br> And too bad for him, with the knowledge in hand, I was about to give him his release when I heard an all-too-familiar voice. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"What the //fuck// are you two doing?"<</speech>> <br><br> I could feel him freeze. My eyes flicked over while I continued to work my magic on the <<linkexpand "end of his cock.">> end of his cock. <<SexSkill oral>><<face happy runny>> I couldn't help but mouth-full chuckle, Peaches standing there with her hands on her hips. Karl yanking his steely shaft from my mouth and awkwardly trying to zip up. <br><br> I wondered who would be in more trouble. He'd be feeling the pain in his balls for certain. A punishment ontop of punishment, maybe. <br><br> Karl ran off like a boy who'd been caught by his mother. I stood up as casually as I could manage, brushing off my knees. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"This is not what you are here for."<</speech>> Little did she know. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, Tao. It won't happen again." Just a dumb little slut. Can't be the first time she's had one of those around here.<</speechPC>> <br><br> She had nothing left to say, watching me head off to the bathrooms to clean up. <br><br> Fuck, //yeah//, <<if visited("M003 - SitRep")>><<print $CC.codename>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>! That's what I'm talking about. <br><br> Sure, I had to get on my knees and put a cock in my mouth -- just another day ending in 'y' -- but this had been totally my choice. It had been to glean intel. And had fucking //worked//. <br><br> Walking by Karl on my way out that night...we both were smiling. For very, very different reasons. [[Thanks, Karl|HomeBase]]. Appreciate you. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Deepthroat')>> <<run $Memories.push("code-451")>> His complaints stopped instantly, especially when he felt the skillful fellatio. Oh, he was in //heaven//. <br><br> So pleased, he lost track of anything except the rise and fall of his need. I could have popped him off, but that didn't serve my purposes. <br><br> Very shortly, I was rewarded for my efforts. And not in the way Karl wanted. <br><br> A man in a suit -- missed his face -- walked past the girl on her knees and the man cavorting against the wall. God, this place was crazy, no one thought twice about some random blowjob. Right up to the door in question and addressed the keypad. <br><br> Karl had no idea that I was essentially ignoring him while I tried to make out the button pushes. Not a great angle, not a short distance, but the guy thought we were both entranced on cockmeat. Fuck! I missed what he pressed. I guess I was too focused on the cock. <br><br> Okay, Karl. I reoriented, less Karl's dick, more keypad. We're going to be here as long as possible, maybe no orgasm for you, buddy. <br><br> It wasn't an often-used door, and sometimes people were leaving, watching us with a smirk -- and I got no digits. <br><br> Karl was whimpering, crazed out of his mind and needing to cum, but no-go. I had to confirm what I had learned. Seemed like four digits and I //think// I had locked in the last three: Four, Five, One. <br><br> So close! I was pretty sure it was a four digit code, but Karl was not willing to let this go on any longer. He grabbed my head and pushed //down// taking full advantage of my skills to get his nut off. My mouth collided with his fly quickly, his moans rising and the pulsing of his cock quickening when I heard an all-too-familiar voice. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"What the //fuck// are you two doing?"<</speech>> <br><br> I could feel him freeze. My eyes flicked over while he unloaded <<linkexpand "into my mouth">> into my mouth. <<SexSkill oral>><<face happy runny>><<cumSpray mouth1>> I stifled a laugh. Karl's urge to enjoy his nut was directly at odds with the threat of Peaches right there. My hands pulled at his thighs, making the decision for him, his warm load pumping into my mouth as he stood dumbfounded, looking at his boss. Peaches stood there with her hands on her hips, quite the climactic capstone. <br><br> I wondered who would be in more trouble. <br><br> Karl ran off like a boy who'd been caught by his mother. I stood up as casually as I could manage, brushing off my knees and trying to ignore the taste in my mouth as I spoke. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"This is not what you are here for."<</speech>> Little did she know. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, Tao. It won't happen again." Just a dumb little slut. Can't be the first time she's had one of those around here.<</speechPC>> <br><br> She had nothing left to say, watching me head off to the bathrooms to clean up. <br><br> Fuck, //yeah//, <<if visited("M003 - SitRep")>><<print $CC.codename>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>! That's what I'm talking about. <br><br> Sure, I had to get on my knees and put a cock in my mouth -- just another day ending in 'y' -- but this had been totally my choice. It had been to glean intel. And had fucking //worked//. <br><br> Walking by Karl on my way out that night...we both were smiling. For very, very different reasons. [[Thanks, Karl|HomeBase]]. Appreciate you. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Great Head')>> <<run $Memories.push("code--51")>> His complaints stopped instantly, especially when he felt the skillful fellatio. Oh, he was in //heaven//. <br><br> So pleased, he lost track of anything except the rise and fall of his need. But getting him off didn't serve my purposes. I'd need to try to hold him at bay. <br><br> Very shortly, I was rewarded for my efforts. And not in the way Karl wanted. <br><br> A man in a suit -- missed his face -- walked past the girl on her knees and the man cavorting against the wall. God, this place was crazy, no one thought twice about some random blowjob. Right up to the door in question and addressed the keypad. <br><br> Karl had no idea that I was essentially ignoring him while I tried to make out the button pushes. Not a great angle, not a short distance, but the guy thought we were both entranced on cockmeat. Fuck! I missed what he pressed. I guess I was too focused on the cock. <br><br> Okay, Karl. I reoriented, less Karl's dick, more keypad. We're going to be here as long as possible, maybe no orgasm for you, buddy. <br><br> It wasn't an often-used door, and sometimes people were leaving, watching us with a smirk -- and I got no digits. <br><br> Shit. Karl was whimpering, crazed out of his mind and needing to cum, Fuck. I was too good at this. Karl got too insistent. He was grabbing at my head, shoving himself into my exciting mouth, about to pop off when I heard an all-too-familiar voice. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"What the //fuck// are you two doing?"<</speech>> <br><br> He yanked back suddenly, cock coming out of my mouth and his load spraying <<linkexpand "across my face.">> across my face. <<SexSkill oral>><<face happy runny>><<cumSpray mouth1 facial1>> I couldn't help but laugh, his warm load streaking me as he tried to get himself back in his pants. Peaches standing there with her hands on her hips. <br><br> I wondered who would be in more trouble. <br><br> Karl ran off like a boy who'd been caught by his mother. I stood up as casually as I could manage, brushing off my knees and trying to ignore my new makeup. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"This is not what you are here for."<</speech>> Little did she know. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, Tao. It won't happen again." Just a dumb little slut. Can't be the first time she's had one of those around here.<</speechPC>> <br><br> She had nothing left to say, watching me head off to the bathrooms to clean up. I ran through what I thought I had picked up. Four digits, it seemed. I think the last two were middle of the keypad and then a 1. Better than nothing. <br><br> Fuck, //yeah//, <<if visited("M003 - SitRep")>><<print $CC.codename>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>! That's what I'm talking about. <br><br> Sure, I had to get on my knees and put a cock in my mouth -- just another day ending in 'y' -- but this had been totally my choice. It had been to glean intel. And had fucking //worked//. <br><br> Walking by Karl on my way out that night...we both were smiling. For very, very different reasons. [[Thanks, Karl|HomeBase]]. Appreciate you. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("code0---")>> His complaints stopped instantly, oh, he was in //heaven//. <br><br> So pleased, he lost track of anything except the rise and fall of his need. But getting him off didn't serve my purposes. I'd need to try to hold him at bay. <br><br> Very shortly, I was rewarded for my efforts. And not in the way Karl wanted. <br><br> A man in a suit -- missed his face -- walked past the girl on her knees and the man cavorting against the wall. God, this place was crazy, no one thought twice about some random blowjob. Right up to the door in question and addressed the keypad. <br><br> Karl had no idea that I was essentially ignoring him while I tried to make out the button pushes. Not a great angle, not a short distance, but the guy thought we were both entranced on cockmeat. Fuck! I missed what he pressed. I guess I was too focused on the cock. <br><br> Okay, Karl. I reoriented, less Karl's dick, more keypad. We're going to be here as long as possible, maybe no orgasm for you, buddy. <br><br> It wasn't an often-used door, and sometimes people were leaving, watching us with a smirk -- and I got no digits. <br><br> There weren't going to be too many opportunities. How many men went in and out of that door in a night. How long would Karl let me continue without insisting he just jack off on my face. I tried to focus, ignoring my failures as another man passed us by. <br><br> His hand went to the bottom of the keypad. Yeah, I think that's like what the others had that meant -- I tried to remember my phone keypad, imagining it on the fluttering wings of Karl's shirt in front of me -- a zero? <br><br> I was starting to feel success -- one digit down! -- when I heard an all-too-familiar voice. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"What the //fuck// are you two doing?"<</speech>> <br><br> I could feel him freeze. My eyes flicked over while I continued to work my magic on the <<linkexpand "end of his cock.">> end of his cock. <<SexSkill oral>><<face happy runny>> I couldn't help but mouth-full chuckle, Peaches standing there with her hands on her hips. Karl yanking his steely shaft from my mouth and awkwardly trying to zip up. <br><br> I wondered who would be in more trouble. He'd be feeling the pain in his balls for certain. A punishment ontop of punishment, maybe. <br><br> Karl ran off like a boy who'd been caught by his mother. I stood up as casually as I could manage, brushing off my knees. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"This is not what you are here for."<</speech>> Little did she know. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"S-sorry, Tao. It won't happen again." Just a dumb little slut. Can't be the first time she's had one of those around here.<</speechPC>> <br><br> She had nothing left to say, watching me head off to the bathrooms to clean up. <br><br> Fuck, //yeah//, <<if visited("M003 - SitRep")>><<print $CC.codename>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>! That's what I'm talking about. <br><br> Sure, I had to get on my knees and put a cock in my mouth -- just another day ending in 'y' -- but this had been totally my choice. It had been to glean intel. And had fucking //worked//. <br><br> Walking by Karl on my way out that night...we both were smiling. For very, very different reasons. [[Thanks, Karl|HomeBase]]. Appreciate you. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<path>> Ditch and run. <<contents>> <<speech "Karl">>The hard look hardened: "<<print $>>..."<</speech>> <br><br> Sheepishly, I nodded, affecting the most genuine concern and innocence that I could muster, backing up away from him, away from the source of my curiosity and back out into the club. <br><br> If I were going to dig in I'd still need guardrails, proactive but //not// active enough to get me the boot...or worse. <br><br> At the very least, this had proven not only that there was something of note I hadn't seen before and that there was a reason for its protection. <br><br> Thanks, Karl. Appreciate you. <br><br> Not the most successful first foray into dynamic investigation. Maybe I needed to dial it back slightly on future ventures. <br><br> Enough for tonight. Back to the other, fake 'job' and then [[home|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> </div>
I took my post on the couches, wondering once again if any of the other girls had found important or useful men this way. And they had a broader spectrum of men who would be interesting to them. They didn't have a mission at hand. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<set _sexability = 0>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Loose Pussy")>> <<set _sexability -->> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Crazy-Small Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Sex God")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<set _sexability += 2>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $D1John is "LT" or "Prince">> <div id="incel"> "You're delicious." I could practically feel the saliva on his breath. I giggled as pleasantly as I could, turning to take him in. The beard on his face didn't get to his face, just covering his neck in coarse, unkept and untrimmed hair. The hair on his head was thinning at best and his skin had an oily gleam to it. He was wearing an old tshirt and pair of sweatpants with sandals sticking out of the end of them: bare feet blatantly on display. "Let's get out of here." <br><br> "Oh, you're American?" <br><br> He didn't need to respond, and he didn't, "How old are you..." it was less a question, especially as he leaned in and I could feel him taking in my scent. Just like a wild dog. <br><br> Hair on my neck pricked up. Every self-protection alarm was going off, but so were the warning bells as I considered denying a 'customer'. Tao would be furious. <br><br> Could I actually avoid repurcussions and a line of angry customers? <<crossroads #incel>> <<path>> Beggars can't be choosers. Neither can whores. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel ++>> He shuffled me outside in a way that was almost a fight for forward momentum more than anything else. The way that he was grasping and grabbing at me with unbridled excitement made it hard to not stumble and fall. And yet, I had to keep going forward because I knew he'd take missteps as an offense or an attempt to duck him. <br><br> "Come on." He grunted gruffly, while the angle and pull of his hand had more of a backward energy to it. <br><br> "I ammmm." It was a giddy, fake but playful laugh that he seemed to gobble up. Twice I nearly fell onto my ass as we stood out in the street as he haphazardly tried to wave down tuk-tuks. I would have thought they were more eager for fares, but empty cabs rode right by us and elicted a number of explitives from him. <br><br> Maybe they felt the same flags about him that I had. <br><br> I hadn't seen money exchange hands, and wondered if I was going to have to handle that myself. I had no direction and the distinct feeling that I was supposed to innately know. Questions seemed taboo. Taboo. Funny word at that moment. <br><br> It also seemed so odd and unsettling to be taken 'offsite'. Thoughts, memories, and stories passed through my head as I thought of lot lizards climbing into trucks or off to the nextdoor motel, girls on the corner doing their work there on the street, brothels having their own setup onsite. And yet, the club had its own sex workers with no location for us -- ugh that was so weird -- to do the thing. It felt dangerous and vague. <br><br> And here I was, climbing into a vehicle with a stranger. <br><br> "Stupid Filipinos." An apologetic laugh and sharp look popped out of me hearing those words coming from him as he was pushing me into the vehicle. I couldn't have any more of that, so as soon as he was seated and the door was shut, I pulled myself tight against him and shoved my tongue in his mouth to shut him up. <br><br> I could feel the moistness of his body -- Manilan humidity certainly not helping -- through his t-shirt. I wanted to recoil, but couldn't. It was my job not to, but also he was pawing me close, //tight//. He was taking full advantage of me initiating a makeout session in the backseat of the tuk-tuk. Probably as a fuck-you to the driver, simply for being a resident of this country. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Body.isWearingDress == true>> One slick palm squeezed at my ass, pulling one leg across his lap while his other hand shoved unceremoniously between my thighs, enjoying the entry my outfit gave him. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> "Fuck yeah. Slut." He grunted into my mouth as he found my pussy uncovered, instant access to the thing he had paid for. He gave one glancing feel across my mons before jabbing one of his sticky fingers inside me without warning. <br><br> <<else>> He grunted into my mouth as he futzed with my underwear, tugging it aside firmly to get access to the thing he had paid for. He didn't even feel me, simply jamming one of his sticky fingers in as soon as my cleft was undefended. <br><br> <</if>> I felt a shudder go through his body as he felt my warm, soft walls pulling at his finger, "God I love girls like you," breathing into my face while his middle finger pressed to the knuckle and pulled back, twisting side to side a couple times before he added another finger, testing my tightness ungently. <br><br> "Fucking. Tiiiight." He chuckled. I squirmed, trying to fight the sensation of needing to fight his hands, sharply digging at my sensative, soft vagina. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> I clawed against him, squeaking. I don't know if I should have been thankful or grossed out by how I suddenly was overcome with a pulsing orgasm, but I bit down at my lower lip, eyes clenched, trying to imagine someone else, anyone else while his knuckles beat against my mound and he chuckled, feeling my walls clenching tighter on his twisting digits. <br><br> "Yeah, knew you loved it." His other hand squeezed tight at my ass, holding me still with my legs akimbo across him, shuddering through random and surprising peaks whenever he chanced upon my buttons. <<else>> I panted, hissing between my teeth, trying to move my hips to help him find some buttons, my instinct to seek pleasure too great while my mind was asking, "WTF <<print $>>, you're //trying// to enjoy yourself with this nasty guy?" <br><br> His hand squeezed at my ass, holding me still with my legs akimbo, making it difficult for me to even try to enjoy myself as I grunted and he beat his knuckles against my mound, "Yeah, I knew you liked it." <</if>> <<else>> One slick palm squeezed at my ass, pulling one leg across his lap while his other hand tried to fiddle with my clothing to get inside, desperately wanting better access to my body than my outfit gave him. <br><br> My hands battled with him the only way I knew how: interlace fingers, play and tease with my hands as a way to distract and interdict him. I knew he wouldn't accept an out-and-out no. <</if>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Gross, dark and messy apartment*/ <br><br> Luckily, it was a short ride, though it took the driver firmly announcing, "Here." Multiple times before this guy could be bothered to stop tonguing my face so that he could get to the main course in just a few moments. He leaned forward, unkindly dropping some bills to the driver and then tugged me out of the car. <br><br> I wondered if this is how he treated all of the people in his life as he buzzed us in the door and manhandled me through the narrow hallway to a dingy-lit elevator. If it would have mattered at all, I would have been concerned that my new job was expecting me to not only go offsite, but straight to whoever's home I was with that evening. Or not even their home. Potentially a killroom. Fucking insane practices. <br><br> It didn't surprise me that he had to resort to paid companionship, nor the state of his apartment. It had a stale quality of needing a good clean. There was an undercurrent of day or two old takeout either in the trash or on some random table. He had to push aside some bags and shoes that were by the door to make for our entry. <br><br> He didn't flick on the light, "We're going back there." He pointed. I hoped I wouldn't tumble to my doom over something else underfoot on the way. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Perception" "Coordination">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 2>> It was definitely a minefield, but I was able to make do with the hint of light that escaped his drawn curtains. Was he hiding from the world even here? <<else>> It was definitely a minefield and even with the hint of light that escaped his drawn curtains, I thudded hard against one of the walls right outside of his bedroom. I heard him laugh behind me and kick whatever it was that had stumbled me and out of his way as he followed, unconcerned and unhelpful as I righted myself and continued into his room. <</if>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<face angry runny>> <<SexSkill oral>> <br><br> His bedroom was worse, if that was imaginable. When had the sheets been washed -- or even changed? I finally saw some of the discarded food items and cartons beside the bedframe and immediately regretted laying eyes on it. "Why aren't you on your knees?" <br><br> Tension arrived at the base of my neck. Yet where I'd normally fight or say //anything// in response, I was left quiet and reminding myself why I was there. ''What'' I was, there. So, I was on my knees, fingers finding the elastic waistband of his sweatpants, pulling towards me and working them down. His hard cockhead caught on the fabric like a hook, fighting my efforts and he just stood there, watching me. The sweats collected at his sandals once the cock was out. I had expected more length. It wasn't short, but it certainly wasn't the longest I had seen, but it __was__ the weirdest penis I had ever seen. More egg-shaped than phallic, I didn't know they grew them that way. <br><br> He grabbed at my head and the tightness he had cause fought him as he shoved his dick against my face, digging in to get at my mouth. I mmphed, wrapping my lips around the odd shape as best I could. "Yeah, it's okay. I'll teach you what you're supposed to do." <br><br> Pull. Pull. Pull. He was fucking my face on his cock. I glacked and glucked, my nose banging against the padding above his dick. I was fighting to relax and try and show him I could do it, but he wasn't giving me the chance. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> "Oh shitttt. How much you been around, you dirty slut?" He grunted, voice thick with pleasure as he found he could shove that thing fully into my mouth, into my throat and with no problem. So he kept at it, staring down at me as he yanked my head forward against his crotch. <br><br> And then, he was done. No longer holding the back of my head, he released me, but I kept rooted at the base, looking up at him, having a moment to truly feel the shape pushing at my tongue, roof of my mouth, the back of my throat. "Oh ho." He stood there, slack and just watching me before I pulled off slowly, withdrawing him from me. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> "Ha. Nice. How much you been around, slut?" He grunted, voice thick with pleasure as he found he could shove that thing fully into my mouth, even into my throat. My body lurched, my eyes watered, but I wasn't vomiting, so he kept at it, staring down at me as he yanked my head forward against his crotch. <br><br> And then, he was done. No longer holding the back of my head, he released me, I pulled off quickly, gasping and wiping my mouth. My tummy was spasming still and I felt tingling down my hands and feet from the lack of oxygen. "See, you're fine." <<else>> "MM. Hmm. MM. Hmm." He grunted, voice thick with pleasure, frowning slightly as he tried to shove the whole thing into my mouth and kept endeavoring at my throat. I gagged, body lurching, eyes watering and my hands pressed at his thighs, and he kept doing it, only giving me a slight break right before I was about to retch. He had done this before and enough to see the warning signs. <br><br> And then, he was done. No longer holding the back of my head, he released me, I yanked, gasping and bent over on all fours. My tummy was spasming still and I felt tingling down my hands and feet from the lack of oxygen. I saw saliva dripping from my mouth onto the bare floor, my tears dripping from my nose -- and other liquids there too. "See, you're fine." <</if>> <br><br> Grunting, I lifted myself off the floor. He gave a head motion over towards the bed, turning himself and literally peeling the shirt up and over his head. He was thickly built but in a way that hid the weight. It was like he was a block of cheese, not an express gut or mantits, just a square of being heavy. <br><br> "My turn to see //your// body." He literally licked his lips, waving his hand like 'hurry up.' <br><br> Off came my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>. <<if $Body.braless == true>>He groaned, showing me his yellowed teeth watching my tits come free.<<else>>His eyes were stuck on my bra. I unclasped and <<link "dropped it">><<bra>><</link>>. He groaned showing me his yellowed teeth watching my tits come free.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingDress == true>> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> His cock jerked again, seeing me fully naked in front of him. <<else>> I thumbed my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> off me, hearing his deep sigh and seeing his cock jerk again at eye-level as he saw me fully naked now. <</if>> <<else>> My hands worked everything off <<link "together">><<panties>><<lower>><</link>>, seeing his cock jerk again at eye-level as he saw me fully naked now in front of him. <</if>> <br><br> I was stepping out of my garments, feeling every ounce of what it was to be a prostitute right then. Every act, every word made me feel worthless and his property for a period of time. I reached down for my shoes and he smacked my hand, "Nuh-uh, you can keep those on." And then grabbed me under my arms and lifted, putting me on the bed as his hips pushed forward, forcing my thighs apart. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile is true>> "Wait, wait, wait." Fury immediately burned in his watery blue eyes, "S-sorry. We just need protection." <br><br> "A girl your age? Are you telling me you've got something? Because I don't believe you. I'm feeling your <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if $Body.age lte 0>>teen <</if>>pussy bare, understand?" <br><br> I made a mental note to figure out what to be doing in situations like these. Late for pointers now, but better late than never. For the moment, I had to go with my gut... <br><br> <div id="nocondom"> <<crossroads #nocondom>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1 && !$Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> I wasn't going to let him do that. <<blocked>> $ doesn't have enough self-worth to fight just being rawdogged, or she //likes// it. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Wiles" "Deception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 2>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> "I..." putting on my best act, I looked off to the side, "...think I took my Valtrex." The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, "You have no idea how many times I've heard guys say that." I laughed. Play like it was a constant occurrence, make him wonder exactly how much I had been around. <br><br> I saw the anger and fear ripple across his irises. Grumbling, he grabbed me and pinned me down by the chest, holding me still as he reached for his side drawer. They were __right__ ''there'', asshole. And then he started to loose his erection. He had to let go of me to stroke himself and teethed the wrapper open before fighting the rubber over his weird-looking cock. <br><br> Okay. That worked. But definitely had more risks attached based on the reaction...and if he didn't believe me, or liked my carefree, legs-open attitude? Or...if he had something and so had no risk. Not sure that was the go-to. <br><br> "Fine, there." He grunted and pushed my thighs open harder than he needed to. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> His arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as he grasped his cock, aimed and drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 5>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, even with the barrier between us, I was working him off quickly. Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 3>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, even with the barrier between us, I was working him off. Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, protected, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, with the barrier between us, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end">> <<face angry>> end. <br><br> <<cumSpray body2>> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as he filled the condom. He huffed and looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face as he finished, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He reached down, pulling the condom off his shaft with a disgusted look on his face, flicking it up onto my chest, "There. You wanted a condom, you can have it." <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped from his discarded rubber onto my chest and down my belly. <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me try and treat his condom with some ounce of respect, quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed by a complete, //gross// random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> "I..." putting on my best act, I looked off to the side, "...I'm not on birth control, though." The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, puppy dog look, hand stroking down his mid-section to grasp and stroke his cock. Mostly to keep it out of me, but also to tease and please him. <br><br> He smiled ruefully, "Should be with what you're doing." It felt like a spider crawling up from my asscrack to the base of my skull as he leaned forward anyway, ignoring my request. "Put my cock in you." His request now. Ignoring my fertile state and making it be //me// that took us the next step. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy and really liked going unprotected now -- I could practically smell his excitement. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> My arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as I grasped his cock, aiming it unhappily til the conical tip found my slit and then my hand hit hard against my mound, cock shoving through my hand like extra pussy as he instantly drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 3>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, especially bareback, I was working him off quickly. "Feels fuckin good, donnit?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 1>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, especially bareback, I was working him off. "Feel it?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. "Feeeel that cock." I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, even unprotected, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end.">> <<face angry>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy2 thighs2>> end. <br><br> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as big blasts of warmth spewed inside me. He huffed, shoving deep, getting his sticky semen ballsdeep inside me. With a shuddering groan, he looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He stopped a moment, eyes between my legs as they dropped from where I'd been keeping them, watching my pink slit slowly begin to show what he'd pumped inside me. "God I fuckin //filled// you. How's that feel?" He smiled up at me, patting hard at my inner thigh, "You're good at taking loads. Get on something," he shrugged and chuckled pleased with himself, "Or not." And then reached across me. I could feel the heat of his large body as it leaned against me once more. <br><br> Groping a tit, he dug in the beside table before grabbing something and flicking it right in my face. I coughed, jerking in surprise as the part-plastic, part-aluminum cold casing hit me. I wondered if it cut me. "There. You wanted a condom, you can have it." He had them the whole time. Asshole. <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped finally from my hole and down my asscheek. I wanted to fling the condom back at him, but just took it. <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Condom")>> <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me disregard the flow from my snatch -- his bed was already dirty enough, probably with cum -- quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed and nutted in by a complete random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<path>> I guess I was going to get the worst experience possible. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>I felt a heat rising from my clenching internal organs. Fuck, I hated my lizard brain sometime. I was turned //on// by this. And I was disgusted with that fact. Still, my pussy was begging for it.<</if>> " sure?" The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, puppy dog look, hand stroking down his mid-section to grasp and stroke his cock. Mostly to keep it out of me, but also to tease and please him. <br><br> He smiled ruefully, "Fuck yeah. You're on something, or you //should// be." He laughed, not letting me answer. Just telling me what I was thinking as well. It felt like a spider crawling up from my asscrack to the base of my skull as he leaned forward anyway, ignoring my request. "Put my cock in you." His request now. Ignoring my potentially fertile state and making it be //me// that took us the next step. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy and really liked going unprotected now -- I could practically smell his excitement. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> My arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as I grasped his cock, aiming it unhappily til the conical tip found my slit and then my hand hit hard against my mound, cock shoving through my hand like extra pussy as he instantly drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 3>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, especially bareback, I was working him off quickly. "Feels fuckin good, donnit?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 1>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, especially bareback, I was working him off. "Feel it?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. "Feeeel that cock." I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, even unprotected, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end.">> <<face angry>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy2 thighs2>> end. <br><br> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as big blasts of warmth spewed inside me. He huffed, shoving deep, getting his sticky semen ballsdeep inside me. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> And I fucking <<shake 5s>>came<</shake>> too, feeling his weird cock's shape flexing inside me, the sticky big shots of liquid spraying my cervix, the underside of his meat pulsing right before each one. I pulled at him with my heels and pushed my crotch against him as I whined between tight lips. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> With a shuddering groan, he looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He stopped a moment, eyes between my legs as they dropped from where I'd been keeping them, watching my pink slit slowly begin to show what he'd pumped inside me. "God I fuckin //filled// you. How's that feel?" He smiled up at me, patting hard at my inner thigh, "You're good at taking loads. Get on something," he shrugged and chuckled pleased with himself, "Or not." And then reached across me. I could feel the heat of his large body as it leaned against me once more. <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped finally from my hole and down my asscheek. <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me disregard the flow from my snatch -- his bed was already dirty enough, probably with cum -- quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed and nutted in by a complete random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> Shit. He was going to fuck a sex worker and wasn't going to wrap up. What. The. Fuck. <br><br> I felt a churn in my stomach. Only partially from his misuse of my throat moments ago. <br><br> I made a mental note to figure out what to be doing in situations like these. Late for pointers now, but better late than never. For the moment, it looked like I was taking this guy rawdog. I crossed my fingers he didn't have anything. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> I felt a heat rising from my clenching internal organs. Fuck, I hated my lizard brain sometime. I was turned //on// by this. And I was disgusted with that fact. Still, my pussy was begging for it. <</if>> " sure?" The last part was almost a whisper, biting my lower lip and regaining eye contact, puppy dog look, hand stroking down his mid-section to grasp and stroke his cock. Mostly to keep it out of me, but also to tease and please him. <br><br> He smiled ruefully, "Fuck yeah. You're on something, or you //should// be." He laughed, not letting me answer. Just telling me what I was thinking as well. It felt like a spider crawling up from my asscrack to the base of my skull as he leaned forward anyway, ignoring my request. "Put my cock in you." His request now. Ignoring my potentially fertile state and making it be //me// that took us the next step. <br><br> He grunted. I grunted. We got into position. None of this was sexy, made more so by the location...and him. How was he staying hard with this efficiency? Oh, right, he found //me// sexy and really liked going unprotected now -- I could practically smell his excitement. His body dwarfed mine as it lumbered over me. I tried to make room. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>>I was immediately thankful for my flexibility, because my hipflexors were at their max.<<else>>My eyes popped open, wishing for better flexibility. His midsection was pushing my hipflexors past their limit and they were //complaining//.<</if>> <br><br> My arm hit against my inner thigh, scant room for him to be moving around as I grasped his cock, aiming it unhappily til the conical tip found my slit and then my hand hit hard against my mound, cock shoving through my hand like extra pussy as he instantly drove his oblong cock inside me. <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 2>>"OW!" I yelped.<<else>>I bit back a yelp.<</if>> I tensed underneath him as he quickly shoved it to the base. A very ungenerous lover. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 3>> "Mother. Fucker. That pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "H-holy f-fuck." He was overwhelmed, especially bareback, I was working him off quickly. "Feels fuckin good, donnit?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. It was giving him levels of pleasure he hadn't experienced before and he was hungry for it. "Hot little cunt..." His eyes were rolling, he couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<elseif _sexability gt 1>> "Mmm. Good pussy." I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was a grin, especially bareback, I was working him off. "Feel it?" Some men would have tried to fight it, but not him. It //excited// him. "Feeeel that cock." I could tell he hadn't expected it to be this good, but he was hungry for it. "Little cunt..." He couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <<else>> "Mmm." He frowned, focusing as he began to bang against me. A staccato rhythm of his jelly-like body, hints of his bones as he made contact against me. It was like he was chopping wood, striking at my axegash in a way that could only be thought of as a task. Like masturbation. <br><br> My hands scrabbled against his grimy sheets as his weight pushed and pressed me down against the mattress. I was begging for purchase, trying to simultaneously not be crushed but also not bounce around under the fucking. Eventually one of my hands reached the wall -- no headboard -- and I braced as hard as I could. One arm up, my <<if Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>>massive tits hitting me in the chin and feeling like they were going to swing off of my body with their swaying.<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>big tits nearly smacking my chin as they bounced with his motions. I felt them pulling at my musculature and wished I could grab and hold them still.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky tits shuddered and swung with this guy's motion, almost feeling like he'd fuck them off me. I wished I could hold them still.<<else>>small tits didn't usually move too much -- I was hardly aware of their presence most of the time, but with the way he was thrusting into me, I could feel them bouncing as much as they possibly could.<</if>> And his eyes were on them, watching them like a show that he created with his thrusting cock. <br><br> "Take. That. Cock." His face was full of focus, even unprotected, he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he would. "Goddammit. Come on, little cunt..." He was working hard, trying to find his release with me, couldn't keep his mouth closed and I was watching a strand of saliva hanging and swinging in time with my tits, threatening to drop on me. <br><br> He grunted loudly. His body shoved hard against me as he tried to find the places my pussy pleased him best. He wasn't athletic, but his body had hidden strength and he was using it to fuck me. I whimpered. I squealed and pouted. And he seemed to like it. A lot. <br><br> "Thought. You'd. Be. A better. Fuck." He talked to me as he thrust, "Whatever. I'll still. Nut." <</if>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> And then my thoughts began to shift from disgust, discomfort and confusion to a sudden rising enjoyment. Though that misshapen thing hurt pulling out and stuffing back in -- pussy was made for more uniform thickness -- it also tugged at me and pushed against my spots in ways I had never experienced. And I <<shake 2s>>came<</shake>>. My heels pressed against his kidneys, pulling him against me as my body responded unexpectedly. <br><br> "Yeah, cum on that cock. God you fuckin love getting fucked don't you." He grunted out, thrusting harder, spearing me with his meat. His eyes took on a quality of his own surprise, watching him making me cum with his cock. <<shake 4s>>Again.<</shake>>. <<shake 6s>>Agaiiiin.<</shake>> And he loved it. I wanted it to end, but my body didn't. <<else>> I was less than surprised at how little enjoyment I got out of the whole thing. It was more like counting time, watching him lurch against me, feeling the wide-in-the-middle cock pop in and tug free like a knot that shocked me every time. Pussy was designed for thickness a bit more consistent, not that thing. It only added insult to injury. <</if>> <br><br> But it did <<linkexpand "end.">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy2 thighs2>> <<face angry>> end. <br><br> He shoved forward with a loud yell, pushing me back towards with wall with the force of his final fucking. His hands stepped their way forward and the saliva finally fell, right across my face. His cock pulsed and swelled in me as big blasts of warmth spewed inside me. He huffed, shoving deep, getting his sticky semen ballsdeep inside me. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Kinks" "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> And I fucking <<shake 5s>>came<</shake>> too, feeling his weird cock's shape flexing inside me, the sticky big shots of liquid spraying my cervix, the underside of his meat pulsing right before each one. I pulled at him with my heels and pushed my crotch against him as I whined between tight lips. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> With a shuddering groan, he looked down at me, pawing one of his hands across my face, giving a few remaining thumps against my pussy to get his whole orgasm out. <br><br> "God, yer a fuckin ''treat''." He laughed, leaning in to lick me across my face, missing the place where the saliva hit, so now I had two drying wetnesses on my mussed makeup. <br><br> And then, as perfunctory as the mounting had been, he dismounted. The pull of that egg-dick from me was less pleasant than the thrusting or sticking in. It was really sudden, very careless, and surprisingly he was still mostly holding shape despite having just blown his load. <br><br> He stopped a moment, eyes between my legs as they dropped from where I'd been keeping them, watching my pink slit slowly begin to show what he'd pumped inside me. "God I fuckin //filled// you. How's that feel?" He smiled up at me, patting hard at my inner thigh, "You're good at taking loads. Get on something," he shrugged and chuckled pleased with himself, "Or not." And then reached across me. I could feel the heat of his large body as it leaned against me once more. <br><br> He dropped off the bed, making the thing rock and bounce with the lack of his weight. He stretched like he was getting up from a good sleep, his flat ass tensing in my view as the sticky load seeped finally from my hole and down my asscheek. <br><br> Looking back over his shoulder he raised an eyebrow, "If you're sticking around, I'm gonna fuck you again." It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a promise. Just him telling me how it was. He smiled, watching me disregard the flow from my snatch -- his bed was already dirty enough, probably with cum -- quickly sliding off the bed, depositing it and grabbing my clothes. <br><br> I wanted out of there. Now. <br><br> Not bothering for a quick rinse off or wipe-down, I tugged my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>>, leaning against the door jamb for support -- and to be as close to a speedy departure as possible. <br><br> He didn't say a thing. Neither did I. I just got out, grabbed a tuk-tuk back home like my life depended <<linkexpand "on it.">> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> on it. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?! There was no intel. That __incel__ would never get me ''anywhere''. I had just gotten railed and nutted in by a complete random on the outside chance that being a whore at this club was going to lead to eventual success in this mission. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<vCardCheck "Unknown Incel" M "Some gross guy in his incel den">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<path>> I was a whore. But I wasn't worthless. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<face worried>> "Uh, sorry. Not really working. First night we just learn the ropes, get pointers, ya know--" <br><br> He grabbed at my arm, "Bullshit. Come on, bitch." <br><br> O-//kay//. Yeah. I pulled free and shuffled off away from the couches, putting as much distance between me and that creep. <br><br> Tao saw me coming. <<if $People['AI'].Peaches.rel lt 1>>She had a bead on me. The unruly girl.<</if>> "You." Her hand brought me to a sudden stop. "Sit. The fuuuck. Back down." She was pulling me back with a ferocity and strength that was shocking. Maybe this little field could protect me if I ever needed it. <br><br> "Sorry, Tao--" <br><br> "No, no sorries. You do your //fucking// job. Pun intended." There was no mirth in her look. She shoved me back down on the couch. Luckily, the gross guy was gone. <br><br> I demured and she accepted my submission. This would not hold up. Not if I wanted to actually get ''in'' with anyone or any//where// at this club. I'd need to be a pliant pussy for her...and these men. Otherwise, I'd be tossed aside. Or worse. <br><br> So, I sat, accepting my position and awaiting whatever way. Pun <<linkexpand "intended.">> <<face sad runny>> <<cumSpray facial2 mouth2>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<SexSkill anal>> <<state tired>> <br><br><br> Maybe I seemed cowed. Maybe people watched the altercation and knew I was on thin ice. Maybe she directed guys my way. Most of the other girls took one, //maybe// two johns in a night. A couple girls were either overzealous or incredibly needy and took as many as possible. Tao loved the latter. That night I was the latter. <br><br> I certainly wasn't zealous being brought into the bathroom, hips banging against the edge of the sink. <br><br> I definitely wasn't needy when I got low-balled on the offer. I just said yes, kneeled in front of them, nose against their balls until they blew on my face. <br><br> I was a shell of who I was. But if I was going to be doing this, it needed to move the needle on the mission. <br><br> None of these Johns were of any use either. I was of use to them. But I did get a better understanding of the flow and and setup of the club. Trips to those back hallways allowed me opportunities to survey. And opportunities to learn the scratichiti on the bathroom stalls. <br><br> I made sure I was the last one to leave. The men were quenched by me. And everything ached. My lips were raw, not to mention my palms, my pussy and ass. My feet throbbed. <br><br> When I finally got to sleep and try and forget about the things I did -- and reinforce the few things I had learned -- I just hoped I had reingratiated myself with Peaches again. I didn't think I could do another makeup session like that [[again|HomeBase]]. <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $D1John is "Incel">> <div id="virgin"> "Oh uh, hey. Uh hi." He was barely sitting next to me, barely close enough to get the sense that this //was// his approach. <br><br> I turned. God, he was young. Fresh-faced and smiling dumbly. Dressed smart, though it wasn't a well-tailored suit that hung on his slight body as if he was a hangar, "Hey there." I smiled broadly, reaching over and putting my hand in his. "<<print $>>." A slight squeeze. <br><br> His eyes flicked away from me when he felt the warmth and pressure of my hand. He was looking over to a group of guys that were certainly his business bros, "Cool. Yeah. So. You'" <br><br> "Uh, yep." I could feel the sweat on his palm. <br><br> "Me too. I mean. Cool. Uh so. Should we...? They're going to pay." The sweetness and his awkwardness dispelled by that last moment as he brought money into the picture. <br><br> Was I going to fuck this kid simply because it wasn't a totally gross option? <<crossroads #virgin>> <<path>> Who was I kidding? A useful john? Might as well be a nice one. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel ++>> "Sorry about that." I could barely make out the words as we traversed the hallway outside, "They're just...really excited. It's embarassing." We were walking together, but surprisingly he wasn't touching me. The energy of two...friends? leaving the club together. <br><br> "It's fine. You work with them?" <br><br> "Yeah, just started." <br><br> "Oh, wow. Congrats." I smiled broadly. He seemed sweet and unthreatening. Things could be far worse, I figured as we stood on the sidewalk, waiting for his rideshare to arrive. He was fixated on his phone in a way that spoke to nerves, not concern about the ride being cancelled on him. "You okay?" <br><br> "Um. Yeah. Uh. aren't gunna run away, are you?" <br><br> My hackles raised, "Uh. No?" I wasn't sure what outs I had, if any. <br><br> "I'm incredibly embarassed." <br><br> I nuzzled against him, holding his arm, "You keep saying that." <br><br> "Well, cuz...I am." <br><br> "Shhhh." I leaned up and gave him a slow, passionate kiss. Alright, not a bad pull after all. Putty and no expectations. He did shush and the rideshare pulled up for us to get into. "It's fine. It'll be great." <br><br> I hadn't seen money exchange hands, and wondered if I was going to have to handle that myself. I had no direction and the distinct feeling that I was supposed to innately know. Questions seemed taboo. Taboo. Funny word at that moment. <br><br> It also seemed so odd and unsettling to be taken 'offsite'. Thoughts, memories, and stories passed through my head as I thought of lot lizards climbing into trucks or off to the nextdoor motel, girls on the corner doing their work there on the street, brothels having their own setup onsite. And yet, the club had its own sex workers with no location for us -- ugh that was so weird -- to do the thing. It felt dangerous and vague. <br><br> And here I was, climbing into a car with a <<link "stranger">><<replace "#virgin">> <<face ahego>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> "So, I'm, uh, Paul." I could see him considering where he offered his hand. <br><br> Not a total stranger now, I guess, "<<print $>>." I sat close to him in the back of the car. <br><br> "That's a nice name. Should--I have not asked? Or said mine? Not really sure what the rules are." <br><br> I laughed, leaning my head against his shoulder. Such a sweet boy, "Neither do I." <br><br> "So you really just started? You're new to...//this//? Nowhere else either?" I nodded, "Well, I guess that makes me feel better." <br><br> I squeezed his hand, "Good. Me too. You can't imagine how nervous I was about all this." <br><br> His body shifted, turning more towards me as we found this strange common ground, "Me either. The guys were telling me what I could expect tonight...and then I saw you." The red hit his cheeks instantly. I felt some rising in my own. I leaned into him and we began to kiss, ignoring the driver as our tongues played. <br><br> He seemed frozen, hands planted on either side of him as he sat there, as if I was off-limits. I reached over and brought his hand to my thigh. I felt him shudder in excitement as I gave him permission and presented my body for him to enjoy. <br><br> His timidity disappeared, hand digging eagerly under my clothes to my pussy. He broke the kiss with a happy gasp feeling my heat and wetness and the sensation of his finger pressing up inside me. I leaned back and spread my thighs, watching him as he worked it back and forth. <br><br> Moving closer, he got a better angle at my snatch, breathing into my ear heavily, palm rubbing against the top of my mound and teasing my clit, his finger pushing up from inside. For a virgin, he definitely had some kind of practice because this was //good//. <br><br> "Oh, yeah..." the encouragement got an immediate response, a second finger entering me and he picked up the pace. I hadn't expected to get mine this evening, so this was another welcome surprise. He was firm, yet gentle, not jamming his fingers inside me like other inexperienced guys or ones who just didn't care. He rocked back and forth with his hand and seemed massively interested in //my// pleasure. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> It rose quick and aggressively from the core of my body right away. I had barely begun to get wet as I felt my walls tightening and spasming on his fingers. I squeaked softly, feet pressing agaist the floorboard as my peak came fast and furious. <br><br> He seemed to startle, freezing and looking at me in shock as he felt my vagina grabbing and holding his fingers. I shook my head, breathing out hard, "Keep going." And I was nodding, feeling the orgasm receding. The words left my lips and he launched right in, grinning and leaning back to look at me as he got me off. And off. And off. <br><br> "F-fuck! P-p-pauul." I grit my teeth, arching against the seat and gyrating against his hand as I came quick and came <<shake 2s>>hard<</shake>>. My panting came out jerkily as he didn't relent, continuing the same rhythm, the blood swelling in my head, pulsing and throbbing in my ears as I squealed despite the driver being //right// there. I could only focus on the back of his head as I came and almost before the last one was complete, my body was tensing and shuddering through another one. <br><br> This kid wasn't going to lose his virginity if he killed me. And he was trying to kill me. <br><br> I don't remember getting to our destination, but Paul was pulling me out of the car. He looked ashamed, but also ruddy in his cheeks from how hot that had been. It had been fucking //hot//. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> I felt the wetness between my thighs, a jungle-like atmosphere as the heat throbbed from my sex oven while he fingered me. My palms became sweaty as his palm became slick with my lubrication. My vision hazed, eyes unfocused, I lost the ability to pay attention to anything around me and only everything in me. And then I came and my awareness expanded to beyond myself. "F-fuuuckk." I writhed next to him, he grinned and leaned back to look at me, unrelentingly thrusting his fingers in and out -- he got me off. And off. And off. <br><br> "F-fuck! P-p-pauul." I grit my teeth, arching against the seat and gyrating against his hand as I came quick and came <<shake 2s>>hard<</shake>>. My panting came out jerkily as he didn't relent, continuing the same rhythm, the blood swelling in my head, pulsing and throbbing in my ears as I squealed despite the driver being //right// there. I could only focus on the back of his head as I came and almost before the last one was complete, my body was tensing and shuddering through another one. <br><br> This kid wasn't going to lose his virginity if he killed me. And he was trying to kill me. <br><br> I don't remember getting to our destination, but Paul was pulling me out of the car. He looked ashamed, but also ruddy in his cheeks from how hot that had been. It had been fucking //hot//. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I felt the wetness between my thighs, a jungle-like atmosphere as the heat throbbed from my sex oven while he fingered me. My palms became sweaty as his palm became slick with my lubrication. My vision hazed, eyes unfocused, I lost the ability to pay attention to anything around me and only everything in me. I ground against his soft, young palm, I rocked in time with his thrusting. I made eye contact with him, breathing hotly in each other's faces as we both had the same focus: me cumming. I whimpered and squeaked, a plaintive, needy stare in my eyes as it felt like it was close, now closer, shit I thought I was about to...closer... <br><br> "F-fuuckkkkk." I nodded hard, head dropping back against the seat as I quivered and shook against him, letting my body spasm while his fingers were gripped within my soaked snatch. <br><br> "F-fuck! P-p-pauul." I grit my teeth, arching against the seat and gyrating against his hand as I came <<shake 2s>>hard<</shake>>. My panting came out jerkily as he didn't relent, continuing the same rhythm, the blood swelling in my head, pulsing and throbbing in my ears as I squealed despite the driver being //right// there. I could only focus on the back of his head as I came and almost before the last one was complete, my body was tensing and shuddering through another one. <br><br> This kid wasn't going to lose his virginity if he killed me. And he was trying to kill me. <br><br> I don't remember getting to our destination, but Paul was pulling me out of the car. He looked ashamed, but also ruddy in his cheeks from how hot that had been. It had been fucking //hot//. <<else>> I felt the wetness between my thighs, a jungle-like atmosphere as the heat throbbed from my sex oven while he fingered me. My palms became sweaty as his palm became slick with my lubrication. My vision hazed, eyes unfocused, I lost the ability to pay attention to anything around me and only everything in me. I ground against his soft, young palm, I rocked in time with his thrusting. I made eye contact with him, breathing hotly in each other's faces as we both had the same focus: me cumming. I whimpered and squeaked, a plaintive, needy stare in my eyes as it felt like it was close, now closer, shit I thought I was about to...closer...I broke eye contact, needing to pull away and focus on that crest that was //right// there... <br><br> Staring hard at the back of the driver's head without even noticing it, watching the spots dance to the tune on the radio -- he had pumped it to keep the pumping in the backseat as hidden from him as possible -- I was a squirming mess, right on the verge and going crazy that it wasn't coming. <br><br> "Here." The car had stopped, Paul's fingers suddenly stopped moving and pulled from me slick and without hesitation. I could see his excitement and arousal become instant shame, "Yeah, sorry." Swiping his card as I panted like an idiot and was yelling at myself for having looked at the driver. As if it was my fault that we got to our destination. I was left wanting. <</if>> <br><br> Giggling and swaying slightly from the light-headedness, Paul was laughing trying to get me in the door. I took a deep breath and righted myself, arms up, arms down, "Sorry. Okay. Good to go." And wrapped my arm through his, leaning into him as we walked through the apartment lobby. I couldn't ignore my thighs rubbing together, the moisture down there made it less easy to walk rather than easier. "Ya know, I thought tonight was about //you//." He rolled his eyes, beaming from the carride, "How would your boys react--" <br><br> "Well, they aren't here now." <br><br> "Nope." I didn't restrain myself as the endorphines rushed through my blood, playfully kissing and teasing him in the elevator up to his floor, his apartment. If I hadn't been so worked up, I would have been concerned that my new hob was expecting me to not only go offsite, but straight to whoever's home I was with that evening. Or not even their home. Potentially a killroom. Fucking insane practices. <br><br> His apartment was Spartan, maybe pre-furnished, "You want a drink?" <br><br> I shook my head, "Should keep my wits about me." I didn't mind telling him straight up that safe was smart. <br><br> "I'm gonna..." I nodded and waved him on. He proceeded to make himself a quick, heavy-handed drink while I moved over into the 'bedroom' of the studio apartment, losing my <<link "footwear">><<feet>><<socks>><</link>> and sitting at the edge of the bed. <br><br> He cleared his throat, maybe making space for him to guzzle the liquid, while looking over at me. He was keeping the kitchen island between us, so I tried to entice him. I pulled one of my remaining articles over my <<link "head">><<upper>><</link>>, tossing my hair and smiling over at him. <br><br> "No?" I laughed. He began pouring a second draught of liquid courage. I didn't need any more indication that this //was// his first time. It was time to see if fully naked <<print $>> did the trick. <<if $Body.braless == true>>I reached back and undid my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>>, freeing the girls.<</if>> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>I leaned back on my palms, smiling and letting my thighs spread, bouncing them wider and closed to draw his eyes between them.<<else>>Quickly, I thumbed my underwear <<link "down">><<panties>><</link>> my thighs, letting them drop open when they collected at my toes. I leaned back on my palms, grinning at him and bouncing my legs wider and slightly closer to draw his eyes between them.<</if>> <br><br> He pounded drink too, steeling himself. <br><br> I rolled my eyes and patted the bed, "Come here. Where'd the Paul from the car go?" <br><br> The glass clinked against the island and he crossed to me wearing the expression of a shamed dog. "Sorry." /* IMAGE (Needed): Hands pulling at a jacket*/ <br><br> "Shhh." I shook my head with a warm smile, looking up at him and drawing him between my thighs, pulling at his jacket. I looked up at him as I doffed it. Then slowly, I began to undo his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders, before dropping to his slacks. Oh, he was ready. I'd never experienced a man so horny, yet also putting so many barriers between himself and getting release. <br><br> "Oh, one sec." His hand caught the slacks before they fell completely off him, his cock sticking up at a sharp angle, right towards my face and swinging as he dug awkwardly in the back pocket despite the pants being nearly at his knees. I took the opportunity to distract and tease him, taking him in my mouth, looking up and just using my tongue. His hand stopped moving. He froze entirely, mouth dropping open and looking down at me, hiding the head of his cock. "Oh god..." <br><br> "Mhmmm." I said with his meat in my mouth. His frozen state instantly shifted and he pulled out his wallet, digging through it furiously, removing a condom before letting his slacks drop away as he tossed the wallet on the floor too. He waved the packaged prophylactic to get my attention. <<skillChecked "Kinks" "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> "First time and you want to wrap up? You're definitely clean. I'm--" <br><br> "Just. Please." <</if>> <br><br> I nodded, unwrapping the rubber and working it progressively down his swollen member and watching him grunt at the sensation. I realized while it might be meaningful for him to be on top, to be in control his first time, I worried about his over-concern for me and my pleasure. And I knew I could rock his world. <br><br> Protected, I guided him by his hips to sit down beside me. I lifted, swinging one knee over his lap and then sank myself down over him, one hand on his shaft to ensure it was aimed properly. I was so wet, so ready, the insertion was instantaneous and full. <br><br> <<if _sexability gt 4>> "Oh, GOD." His dark eyes flashed wide, gawking up past me at the ceiling as he experienced it for the first time. I giggled and curled my arms around his back so my tits pressed tightly to his chest. I wiggled my hips, ass against his parted thighs as I worked his base against my mound and his tip deep within me. I cradled my chin against his shoulder and began to rock. <br><br> My back hunched and relaxed with fluid motions, my lips nipped slightly at his ear as I began to purr. <br><br> The moment he felt the first tug of my pussy, his hands were grabbing hard at my ass. The grunt in my ear was so loud I worried he popped my eardrum. "Mhmmm." I repeated, not allowing his hands to get any control. The room filled with his noises and the slow, methodical smack of my body against his crotch and legs. <br><br> I could feel him shaking. It didn't surprise me that it would be fast. I knew I was really fucking good. And it //was// his first. I didn't know if I could stop it either. <br><br> I leaned back, giving him a full display of my rocking, tensing naked body and instantly, he came. He whimpered, almost pained as he humped against me. The pitch of that pained whine lifted as I wouldn't stop moving, extending his orgasm as long as I could. <<elseif _sexability gt 2>> "Oh, GOD." His dark eyes flashed wide, gawking up past me at the ceiling as he experienced it for the first time. I giggled and curled my arms around his back so my tits pressed tightly to his chest. I wiggled my hips, ass against his parted thighs as I worked his base against my mound and his tip deep within me. I cradled my chin against his shoulder and began to rock. <br><br> My back hunched and relaxed with fluid motions, my lips nipped slightly at his ear as I began to purr. <br><br> The moment he felt the first tug of my pussy, his hands were grabbing hard at my ass. The grunt in my ear was so loud I worried he popped my eardrum. "Mhmmm." I repeated, not allowing his hands to get any control. The room filled with his noises and the slow, methodical smack of my body against his crotch and legs. <br><br> As we got into it, I felt the familiar rise within me. The car had only been a few minutes ago and my body was more than ready to go there again. <br><br> I felt myself frowning, weirded out by the idea of enjoying myself while fucking someone for money. I couldn't stop, though. If this was any other fuck, I could stop, I could get off, I could do what I wanted with who I wanted. Those were memories now. <br><br> And that thought quashed a lot of the pleasure coursing through me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>>But not enough. My worried and warped thoughts disappeared in the explosion that ripped through me. Instead, I ground myself hard against him, rubbing my clit against the base of his cock.<</if>> <br><br> He was shaking. It didn't surprise me that it would be fast. I didn't know if I could stop it either. <br><br> I leaned back, giving him a full display of my rocking, tensing naked body and instantly, he came. He whimpered, almost pained as he humped against me. The pitch of that pained whine lifted as I wouldn't stop moving, extending his orgasm as long as I could. <<else>> "Oh, GOD." His dark eyes flashed wide, gawking up past me at the ceiling as he experienced it for the first time. I giggled and curled my arms around his back so my tits pressed tightly to his chest. I wiggled my hips, ass against his parted thighs as I worked his base against my mound and his tip deep within me. I cradled my chin against his shoulder and began to rock. <br><br> My back hunched and relaxed with fluid motions, my lips nipped slightly at his ear as I began to purr. <br><br> The moment he felt the first tug of my pussy, his hands were grabbing hard at my ass. The grunt in my ear was so loud I worried he popped my eardrum. "Mhmmm." I repeated, not allowing his hands to get any control. The room filled with his noises and the slow, methodical smack of my body against his crotch and legs. <br><br> As we got into it, I felt the familiar rise within me. The car had only been a few minutes ago and my body was more than ready to go there again. <br><br> I felt myself frowning, weirded out by the idea of enjoying myself while fucking someone for money. I couldn't stop, though. If this was any other fuck, I could stop, I could get off, I could do what I wanted with who I wanted. Those were memories now. <br><br> And that thought quashed a lot of the pleasure coursing through me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>>But not enough. My worried and warped thoughts disappeared in the explosion that ripped through me. Instead, I ground myself hard against him, rubbing my clit against the base of his cock.<</if>> <br><br> He was shaking. It didn't surprise me that it would be fast. I didn't know if I could stop it either. <br><br> I leaned back, giving him a full display of my rocking, tensing naked body and instantly, he came. He whimpered, almost pained as he humped against me. The pitch of that pained whine lifted as I wouldn't stop moving, extending his orgasm as long as I could. <</if>> <br><br> And then, once his noises stopped, his breathing returned to normal, I smiled, leaning in and began to suck on his tongue. Slowly, I lifted myself off of him, feeling the fluid-filled sack tug free of me. <br><br> His eyes were full of amazement. My eyes were full of warmth as I climbed off him. He shook his head and I laughed, reaching down to pull the condom off of his limp shaft, tying it and moving over to the wastebin so he could watch my naked body move some more. <br><br> "You're leaving..." It wasn't a question, and we both knew the answer. The act was done. I came back over, collected my clothes as I gave him another long kiss. <br><br> "You made tonight special for me." I was surprised at the emotion underneath the words. My hands busied themselves putting my clothes back <<link "on">><<outfit prostitution>><</link>> as I avoided eye contact -- not willing to cry or show him how I felt. <br><br> "Hah. You'll say that to all the guys." <br><br> I smirked, my armor back on, I was able to meet his loving gaze, "Maybe. But thank you." I pecked him again before turning to go. <br><br> "I've called you an car." He called back at me, still naked and spent on the end of his bed. <br><br> "Thank you." It was an unnecessary kindness, but I was glad I wasn't going to need to figure out my own way back in this new town. <br><br> I slid into the car and gave the driver the direction home. As we departed, I wondered who would remember the night more, <<linkexpand "him or me.">> him or me. <br><br> I had the whole ride back to unfortunately relive the entire encounter. <br><br> I stood in front of the mirror in the RedDoorz bathroom removing my makeup as I considered the evening. From an espionage perspective, I hadn't gotten much. The girls weren't situated in a good place to really see what was going on besides the men who were approaching. It wasn't the venue or the approach to get intel...unless the guy I went with had it. <br><br> If this was going to be my approach, //if// it was going to be worthwhile, I'd need to pick and choose who I slept with to make it as useful as humanly possible. They had to give me intel or access. <br><br> It wasn't going to be easy...being easy...but maybe there was a path to a time when I wasn't relegated to the couches. <br><br> I also didn't think there was opportunity for 'upward mobility' in this profession. More like downward. And I was at the bottom. Couldn't likely leverage my way into another 'occupation' now that I was here. <<vCardCheck "Paul, the virgin sales guy" M "Paul, cute virgin">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Patting water on my face, I groaned into a towel before making my way back to my room and dropping off to [[sleep|HomeBase]] before another day that I'd hope would be better, less taxing, where maybe I'd feel less used. <</if>> <</linkexpand>>. <</replace>><</link>>. <<path>> He was nice, but not useful. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> "I, um--" I pulled back. He pulled back. He was stunned. Were there tears in his eyes? "I just..." <br><br> "No, no. I...did I do something wrong?" <br><br> "No! No. Tonight I'm just...not working." It was a lie he might believe. <br><br> "Oh, I'm so, so sorry." He backed off, getting up, straightening his jacket. <br><br> "It's fine. Going to the bathroom..." A little wave, smile and got up as well, moving towards the washrooms. <br><br> Tao saw me coming. <<if $People['AI'].Peaches.rel lt 1>>She had a bead on me. The unruly girl.<</if>> "You." Her hand brought me to a sudden stop. "Sit. The fuuuck. Back down." She was pulling me back with a ferocity and strength that was shocking. Maybe this little field could protect me if I ever needed it. <br><br> "Sorry, Tao--" <br><br> "No, no sorries. You do your //fucking// job. Pun intended." There was no mirth in her look. She shoved me back down on the couch. Luckily, the virgin and his crew were gone. <br><br> I demured and she accepted my submission. This would not hold up. Not if I wanted to actually get ''in'' with anyone or any//where// at this club. I'd need to be a pliant pussy for her...and these men. Otherwise, I'd be tossed aside. Or worse. <br><br> So, I sat, accepting my position and awaiting whatever way. Pun <<linkexpand "intended.">> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> <<face sad runny>> <<cumSpray facial2 mouth2>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<SexSkill anal>> <<state tired>> <br><br><br> Maybe I seemed cowed. Maybe people watched the altercation and knew I was on thin ice. Maybe she directed guys my way. Most of the other girls took one, //maybe// two johns in a night. A couple girls were either overzealous or incredibly needy and took as many as possible. Tao loved the latter. That night I was the latter. <br><br> I certainly wasn't zealous being brought into the bathroom, hips banging against the edge of the sink. <br><br> I definitely wasn't needy when I got low-balled on the offer. I just said yes, kneeled in front of them, nose against their balls until they blew on my face. <br><br> I was a shell of who I was. But if I was going to be doing this, it needed to move the needle on the mission. <br><br> None of these Johns were of any use either. I was of use to them. But I did get a better understanding of the flow and and setup of the club. Trips to those back hallways allowed me opportunities to survey. And opportunities to learn the scratichiti on the bathroom stalls. <br><br> I made sure I was the last one to leave. The men were quenched by me. And everything ached. My lips were raw, not to mention my palms, my pussy and ass. My feet throbbed. <br><br> When I finally got to sleep and try and forget about the things I did -- and reinforce the few things I had learned -- I just hoped I had reingratiated myself with Peaches again. I didn't think I could do another makeup session like that [[again|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> "Oh, you look nice." I turned. It was a gentle face. Round. <br><br> "So do you!" I smiled. <br><br> "Well, that's not a good thing." He sighed. His fingers moved towards my leg, "Can...I touch?" It was like the words caught in his throat. <br><br> "There's usually a transaction first." It wasn't mean or icy, just true. <br><br> His fingertips dropped just shy of my thigh, "Right." It was like he shut down. He wasn't moving. He was looking at his hand, mere milimeters from me. <br><br> "I...did I say something wrong?" <br><br> "I guess I was hoping for too much. The other girls are so cold. So...professional. It's fine. I guess. It works for a lonely man like me. I was just looked so different. So kind. So new." He wasn't talking to me. It was kind of a monologue to himself. Good English though I'd have pegged him a local. <br><br> And I had broken the fantasy he had that I'd be some magical whore that was //into// him. Or pretended well. Or wasn't jaded. Or all of it. He just didn't know I wasn't //really// a whore. <br><br> He sighed again, heavy. I could feel the despair in the air. <br><br> Fuck! I was a spy, not a sexual therapist. <div id="sadsack"> <<crossroads #sadsack>> <<path>> I felt bad. It was my job to make him feel better. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> "I'm sorry. This is all super new for me." I let our fingers touch. I squeezed his. <br><br> His eyes met mine again, searching for the truth behind the words. I didn't think I had the werewithal to be concealing, or jaded enough to be putting on a show. "This way, milady." He stood, taking my hand in his and graciously bringing me out of the Club. The incongruity brought a smile to my lips: catered to like a prince whisking away his princess, despite it being a prostitute and a john leaving that seedy corner of Manila's underbelly. <br><br> Not a word from Peaches or the bouncer, or any of the girls. So this casual departure with their moneymakers for places unknown was...a thing. Maybe I'd need to start bringing my own protection. Noted. Yet with this one, I wasn't too worried. <br><br> When he didn't hail a tuk-tuk or call a rideshare, I began to worry for my feet. We were going to be walking the whole way? <br><br> "I hope this doesn't offend you." The statement came out of nowhere. I stood in the street, looking around and at him befuddled. He stepped out of the street and towards the gated entryway of the building directly in front of us. <br><br> "Oh, we're going here?" I laughed. We had barely walked a block. <br><br> "So it meets your criteria?" <br><br> I smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek. I could practically feel the butterflies that it inspired. Past the gate, I made a wrong move -- trying to head down the claustrophobic path in front of us -- he redirected me down a slight set of steps that I would have completely missed otherwise. We were headed down, not in. Before my head had gone before street level, he was at the door, working with the lock and a resistant door. He grunted, making apologetic smiles and faces to me while coaxing it to give. <br><br> "There!" With the flourish of a 'voila' he beckoned me into his semi-basement apartment. <br><br> Unsurprisingly, it was sad. Not dark. Not dirty. Not cramped or cheap. It simply exuded sadness. <br><br> "This way. Oh, my manners, I never got your name!" <br><br> "<<print $>>." I followed him towards the bedroom, which I could only assume was where we were headed. <br><br> "I," his hand pressed to his chest, "am Kobe." <br><br> His bedroom was meticulously made up, as if in a ritual prior to my arrival -- or whomever was going to grace his bedsheets. "Oh, fresh and clean." <br><br> "Of course!" He patted the bed, encouraging me up onto it. Okay, quick to it. I went where he directed as he flicked on the overhead light. It cast what was pleasant with a sick, yellow tone. Overhead lights were the bane of appearances. <br><br> He dropped before me. Oh! A gentleman John. I spread my thighs slowly, not to be too crass. He ignored me, or at least the motion. His hands were stroking carefully over my ankles and down to my footwear. Then, gently, delicately, he removed one, then the <<linkexpand "other.">> other. <<feet>> <br><br> His cradled them and gave each a little kiss. Smiling up at me. A foot fetish guy? I mean, sure. I couldn't help but pleasantly grunt feeling him squeeze and slightly dig his thumbs into the soles of my feet. But that was it, his hands slid up my calves, squeezing and stroking. Fuck, he coulda been a masseuse, "Oh, Kobe--" <br><br> "Shhh. Enjoy." Okay. I would. My inner thighs, my hamstrings, my quads, my outer hips and then, as he worked my asscheeks, he began to disrobe me. It had a definite procedure to it, as if there was a right way to take someone's clothes <<linkexpand "off.">> off. <<upper>><<lower>><<panties>><<bra>> <br><br> His hand avoided the typical sexual centers. He worked them over my hips and lower abdomen, but not my mons. My stomach, chest and shoulders, but not my breasts. And then he went down my arms. Lovingly, he kneaded all the way to my hands. <br><br> With a sigh, the massage ended. He seated himself beside me and let his eyes caress me now. "Thank you, Kobe." <br><br> "You're more than welcome. Sometimes that does the job. It should have, with you...but." He opened the fly of his aging chinos, his cock flopped out as flaccid as if he were asleep. <br><br> "Oh." <br><br> I considered giving him a full-body massage but between how long that would take and the fact that he didn't seem concerned with anything more than the state of his penis, I moved my hand across his lower stomach and onto his package. He mmmmed in response. Okay, no massage needed. Well, not //that// kind of massage. "Thank you." <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Master Manipulator")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<SexSkill oral>> My hand worked. I added a second. I smiled up at him. Fuck. It felt like a dry, limp noodle. There was //no// reaction to what I was doing. There was no reaction to ''me''! <br><br> Nuh-uh. I knew what I was doing. The pads of my thumbs passed side to side over the frenulum. I started to feel life coming into his member. I grinned. He literally, "Wow"-ed. I worked lower, a hand cradling his laden balls. He needed this, badly, but his body was being an unhelpful partner to him. <br><br> So the next thirty minutes went with me trying harder and harder, each little pulse and swelling of his cock encouraging me to work with more enthusiasm. I'd get this soft man stiff. <br><br> Finally. I succeeded! His eyes were wide, he scrambled over to his sidetable, I scrambled back. I knew time was of the essence. <br><br> A condom in hand, he climbed onto me. <div id="condom"> <<crossroads #condom>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding") || $Body.fertile is false>> I could make his night by skipping the protection. <<blocked>> $ is not into Risky sex. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> "You don't need that." <br><br> He was shocked. He wasn't about to waste time on arguing though. He carefully guided his shaft to my slit, hand pumping along it with the time-honored tradition of maintaining an erection. <br><br> And then he was in me. Nothing about the interaction had been sexy. The massage had been lovely, but I certainly wasn't turned on, especially after that half hour of hard labor. I was just glad it didn't hurt too much as he began to thrust, "Oh. My. God." The words came out as if he'd never had sex with a woman before. And maybe it had been that long. Or maybe I was truly giving him a night he hadn't dreamed of. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> All the same, feeling the cock driving home, half-engorged that it was, sent me off into my own ecstacy. My thighs clutched at him. I grasped at his newly made bed. I cawed out as he brought me over the edge. <<else>> I giggled and cooed, encourging him as he thrust inside me. I could tell that he was only still barely maintaining half-engorgement and so it could have gone either way. I wasn't going to be cumming from this, I just wanted it not to be a total loss. <</if>> <br><br> And then he <<linkexpand "came.">> came. <br><br> <<cumSpray pussy1 mound2 thighs2>> He shuddered and his breathing became a staccato as his cock became the hardest it had been all evening. It lengthened and stiffened to be able to send his seed into me with an excitement not just of a man who rarely has sex, but one who rarely has the opportunity to release. <br><br> "There ya go, Kobe." I smiled, patting his buttoned-shirt. He laughed, grinding against me in boyish glee. He was already long soft, but it was as if he was feeling the 'ghost cock' of the fuck. He didn't seem to care. Or rather, he cared a LOT. <br><br> "That was...oh my. Thank you for being you, <<print $>>." I didn't know what to say to that. He was thanking me for letting him spunk inside me. I think. Or just get hard and fuck. Or both. I didn't know. The whole situation was hard to parse. <br><br> "I should..." I jerked my head a couple times and his eyes went wide. <br><br> "Oh, of ''course''!" He was off of me, wet cock slapping against me as he dismounted and helped me off of his bed, "Here, here." Like a lady-in-waiting, I was brought to his bathroom, even as I leaked on his floor. Inside, I cleaned up before returning. He already had folded my clothes, even though I just needed to put them back on. What a weird gentleman to have encountered in this line of work. <<vCardCheckPreg "Kobe" M "Kobe was a john who had a very hard time getting it up, until me">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Condoms were a must in this line of work. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> He pulled the condom over his cock. I saw that it was losing some of its form, making it harder to get the protection on, which also meant that he was getting in his head and causing a positive feedback loop. Shit. I leaned down quickly and began sucking on his cock, pushing the prophylactic down over his member as I revived him. "Oh t-thank you." He grunted out, shuddering as the taste of rubber filled my mouth. <br><br> Re-invigorated, I leaned back and shoved my hips down towards him, "Come on." I waved him on with a friendly smile. He wasn't about to waste time on arguing though. He carefully guided his shaft to my slit, hand pumping along it with the time-honored tradition of maintaining an erection. <br><br> And then he was in me. Nothing about the interaction had been sexy. The massage had been lovely, but I certainly wasn't turned on, especially after that half hour of hard labor. I was just glad it didn't hurt too much as he began to thrust, "Oh. My. God." The words came out as if he'd never had sex with a woman before. And maybe it had been that long. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> All the same, feeling the cock driving home, half-engorged that it was, sent me off into my own ecstacy. My thighs clutched at him. I grasped at his newly made bed. I cawed out as he brought me over the edge. <<else>> I giggled and cooed, encourging him as he thrust inside me. I could tell that he was only still barely maintaining half-engorgement and so it could have gone either way. I wasn't going to be cumming from this, I just wanted it not to be a total loss. <</if>> <br><br> And then he <<linkexpand "came.">> came. <br><br> He shuddered and his breathing became a staccato as his cock became the hardest it had been all evening. It lengthened and stiffened to be able to send his seed into the condom with an excitement not just of a man who rarely has sex, but one who rarely has the opportunity to release. <br><br> "There ya go, Kobe." I smiled, patting his buttoned-shirt. He laughed, grinding against me in boyish glee. He was already long soft, but it was as if he was feeling the 'ghost cock' of the fuck. He didn't seem to care. Or rather, he cared a LOT. <br><br> "That was...oh my. Thank you for being you, <<print $>>." I didn't know what to say to that. He was thanking me for getting him hard or letting him fuck. Or both. I didn't know. The whole situation was hard to parse. <br><br> "I should..." I jerked my head a couple times and his eyes went wide. <br><br> "Oh, of ''course''!" He was off of me, wet cock slapping against me with the sagging condom as he dismounted and helped me off of his bed. <<vCardCheck "Kobe" M "Kobe was a john who had a very hard time getting it up, until me">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Skilled Hands and Feet") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> My hand worked. I added a second. I smiled up at him. Fuck. It felt like a dry, limp noodle. There was //no// reaction to what I was doing. There was no reaction to ''me''! <br><br> I leaned in to add some lubrication and try something else. I kissed. I suckled. I used firm pressure. I teased with my teeth. With my mouth I started to feel life coming into his member. I worked lower, to his laden balls. He needed this, badly, but his body was being an unhelpful partner to him. <br><br> So the next thirty minutes went with me trying harder and harder, each little pulse and swelling of his cock encouraging me to work with more enthusiasm. I'd get this soft man stiff. <br><br> Finally. I succeeded! His eyes were wide, he scrambled over to his sidetable, I scrambled back. I knew time was of the essence. <br><br> A condom in hand, he climbed onto me. <div id="condom"> <<crossroads #condom>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding") || $Body.fertile is false>> I could make his night by skipping the protection. <<blocked>> $ is not into Risky sex. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> "You don't need that." <br><br> He was shocked. He wasn't about to waste time on arguing though. He carefully guided his shaft to my slit, hand pumping along it with the time-honored tradition of maintaining an erection. <br><br> And then he was in me. Nothing about the interaction had been sexy. The massage had been lovely, but I certainly wasn't turned on, especially after that half hour of hard labor. I was just glad it didn't hurt too much as he began to thrust, "Oh. My. God." The words came out as if he'd never had sex with a woman before. And maybe it had been that long. Or maybe I was truly giving him a night he hadn't dreamed of. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> All the same, feeling the cock driving home, half-engorged that it was, sent me off into my own ecstacy. My thighs clutched at him. I grasped at his newly made bed. I cawed out as he brought me over the edge. <<else>> I giggled and cooed, encourging him as he thrust inside me. I could tell that he was only still barely maintaining half-engorgement and so it could have gone either way. I wasn't going to be cumming from this, I just wanted it not to be a total loss. <</if>> <br><br> And then he <<linkexpand "came.">> came. <br><br> <<cumSpray pussy1 mound2 thighs2>> He shuddered and his breathing became a staccato as his cock became the hardest it had been all evening. It lengthened and stiffened to be able to send his seed into me with an excitement not just of a man who rarely has sex, but one who rarely has the opportunity to release. <br><br> "There ya go, Kobe." I smiled, patting his buttoned-shirt. He laughed, grinding against me in boyish glee. He was already long soft, but it was as if he was feeling the 'ghost cock' of the fuck. He didn't seem to care. Or rather, he cared a LOT. <br><br> "That was...oh my. Thank you for being you, <<print $>>." I didn't know what to say to that. He was thanking me for letting him spunk inside me. I think. Or just get hard and fuck. Or both. I didn't know. The whole situation was hard to parse. <br><br> "I should..." I jerked my head a couple times and his eyes went wide. <br><br> "Oh, of ''course''!" He was off of me, wet cock slapping against me as he dismounted and helped me off of his bed, "Here, here." Like a lady-in-waiting, I was brought to his bathroom, even as I leaked on his floor. Inside, I cleaned up before returning. He already had folded my clothes, even though I just needed to put them back on. What a weird gentleman to have encountered in this line of work. <<vCardCheckPreg "Kobe" M "Kobe was a john who had a very hard time getting it up, until me">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Condoms were a must in this line of work. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> He pulled the condom over his cock. I saw that it was losing some of its form, making it harder to get the protection on, which also meant that he was getting in his head and causing a positive feedback loop. Shit. I leaned down quickly and began sucking on his cock, pushing the prophylactic down over his member as I revived him. "Oh t-thank you." He grunted out, shuddering as the taste of rubber filled my mouth. <br><br> Re-invigorated, I leaned back and shoved my hips down towards him, "Come on." I waved him on with a friendly smile. He wasn't about to waste time on arguing though. He carefully guided his shaft to my slit, hand pumping along it with the time-honored tradition of maintaining an erection. <br><br> And then he was in me. Nothing about the interaction had been sexy. The massage had been lovely, but I certainly wasn't turned on, especially after that half hour of hard labor. I was just glad it didn't hurt too much as he began to thrust, "Oh. My. God." The words came out as if he'd never had sex with a woman before. And maybe it had been that long. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> All the same, feeling the cock driving home, half-engorged that it was, sent me off into my own ecstacy. My thighs clutched at him. I grasped at his newly made bed. I cawed out as he brought me over the edge. <<else>> I giggled and cooed, encourging him as he thrust inside me. I could tell that he was only still barely maintaining half-engorgement and so it could have gone either way. I wasn't going to be cumming from this, I just wanted it not to be a total loss. <</if>> <br><br> And then he <<linkexpand "came.">> came. <br><br> He shuddered and his breathing became a staccato as his cock became the hardest it had been all evening. It lengthened and stiffened to be able to send his seed into the condom with an excitement not just of a man who rarely has sex, but one who rarely has the opportunity to release. <br><br> "There ya go, Kobe." I smiled, patting his buttoned-shirt. He laughed, grinding against me in boyish glee. He was already long soft, but it was as if he was feeling the 'ghost cock' of the fuck. He didn't seem to care. Or rather, he cared a LOT. <br><br> "That was...oh my. Thank you for being you, <<print $>>." I didn't know what to say to that. He was thanking me for getting him hard or letting him fuck. Or both. I didn't know. The whole situation was hard to parse. <br><br> "I should..." I jerked my head a couple times and his eyes went wide. <br><br> "Oh, of ''course''!" He was off of me, wet cock slapping against me with the sagging condom as he dismounted and helped me off of his bed. <<vCardCheck "Kobe" M "Kobe was a john who had a very hard time getting it up, until me">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. What a weird gentleman to have met this way. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> He helped me dress and then let me out of his home like an honored guest. I guess I was. I wondered if he'd return. I wondered if he'd give me five stars, if there was such a [[thing|HomeBase]]. What a weird gentleman to have met this way. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<SexSkill handjob>> My hand worked. I added a second. I smiled up at him, then leaned in to add some lubrication. It felt like a dry, limp noodle becoming a wet, limp noodle. I kissed. I suckled. I used firm pressure. I teased with my teeth. I worked lower to his laden balls. He needed this, badly, but his body wasn't responding. <br><br> It wasn't responding to //me//. I tried demeaning things, like smacking his cock against my face, but he immediately stopped me. I even went to give him a rimjob, but he would have none of it. <br><br> So the next thirty minutes went with me trying harder and harder to get this soft man stiff. Nothing seemed to work. <br><br> I sat back, wiping my lips, looking at the deflated proof of my defeat, "Did I do something wrong?" <br><br> "Maybe earlier? But no, you've been wonderful. It's not really your fault." <br><br> "Does this happen with other girls?" He nodded, "Oh Kobe." <br><br> "Thank you for a lovely evening. Thank you for trying. Thank you for being you." <br><br> "Are you sure I can't..." I wasn't sure what I was offering, but I felt like I was leaving him hanging, literally. He immediately shook his head. A warm smile that felt even more painful than his sadness. <br><br> He helped me dress and let me out as if I were just a house guest. <br><br> I felt like I was leaving Kobe and his home even sadder than when I had arrived. A relatively uneventful night of being a prostitute, but also one that made me feel deficient. I actually wished I had done a better [[job|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <br><br> <<path>> As low-risk as he was, he was also zero-reward. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> "I, um--" I pulled back. He pulled back. He was stunned. Were there tears in his eyes? "I just..." <br><br> "No, no. I...did I do something wrong?" <br><br> "No! No. Tonight I'm just...not working." It was a lie he might believe. <br><br> "Oh, I'm so, so sorry." He backed off, getting up, straightening his jacket. <br><br> "It's fine. Going to the bathroom..." A little wave, smile and got up as well, moving towards the washrooms. <br><br> Tao saw me coming. <<if $People['AI'].Peaches.rel lt 1>>She had a bead on me. The unruly girl.<</if>> "You." Her hand brought me to a sudden stop. "Sit. The fuuuck. Back down." She was pulling me back with a ferocity and strength that was shocking. Maybe this little field could protect me if I ever needed it. <br><br> "Sorry, Tao--" <br><br> "No, no sorries. You do your //fucking// job. Pun intended." There was no mirth in her look. She shoved me back down on the couch. Luckily, the sad sack was gone. <br><br> I demured and she accepted my submission. This would not hold up. Not if I wanted to actually get ''in'' with anyone or any//where// at this club. I'd need to be a pliant pussy for her...and these men. Otherwise, I'd be tossed aside. Or worse. <br><br> So, I sat, accepting my position and awaiting whatever way. Pun <<linkexpand "intended.">> <<set $People['AI'].Peaches.rel -->> <<face sad runny>> <<cumSpray facial2 mouth2>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<SexSkill anal>> <<state tired>> <br><br><br> Maybe I seemed cowed. Maybe people watched the altercation and knew I was on thin ice. Maybe she directed guys my way. Most of the other girls took one, //maybe// two johns in a night. A couple girls were either overzealous or incredibly needy and took as many as possible. Tao loved the latter. That night I was the latter. <br><br> I certainly wasn't zealous being brought into the bathroom, hips banging against the edge of the sink. <br><br> I definitely wasn't needy when I got low-balled on the offer. I just said yes, kneeled in front of them, nose against their balls until they blew on my face. <br><br> I was a shell of who I was. But if I was going to be doing this, it needed to move the needle on the mission. <br><br> None of these Johns were of any use either. I was of use to them. But I did get a better understanding of the flow and and setup of the club. Trips to those back hallways allowed me opportunities to survey. And opportunities to learn the scratichiti on the bathroom stalls. <br><br> I made sure I was the last one to leave. The men were quenched by me. And everything ached. My lips were raw, not to mention my palms, my pussy and ass. My feet throbbed. <br><br> When I finally got to sleep and try and forget about the things I did -- and reinforce the few things I had learned -- I just hoped I had reingratiated myself with Peaches again. I didn't think I could do another makeup session like that [[again|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<skillChecked "Age">> The night was odd. I had been sitting there for easily an hour at that point. I'd had idle conversation with a couple of men -- they believed I was there for the club and disappeared when they realized what I was really there for. But otherwise, quiet. <br><br> We were front and center. Walk into the club and you couldn't miss us. We were a commodity that didn't need to be advertised or asked for. We were as much a part of day-to-day operations as the vodka behind the bar or the repetitive thumping of a bassline. Still, no one was interested in our trade. Or mine. A couple of the other girls were picked up and went off to a bathroom or the alley for something quick, but I had barely gotten a glance. <br><br> It made me uncomfortable. On one hand, I didn't actually //want// to be whoring myself out. It was all a means to an end, so that's why I was there, doing this thing. But still, I couldn't help but feel my pride get wounded. Hell, I was the new girl. I was the American. I had so many enticing qualities. I was the fresh meat. <br><br> Fuck. <br><br> What was I thinking?! <br><br> I crossed my legs that I had left unladylike as an attempt to tease attention. I composed myself. <br><br> And then Peaches was suddenly there, waving for me to follow her. I felt the hairs prick up on my neck -- and not due to the AC -- was I supposed to just lay spread-eagle like a billboard for her? <br><br> I jerked up off the couch and followed after her, teeth tugging at my lower lip in anxiety. What was this about? <br><br> <<if $Body.age lt 0>> <<set $jobValue ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Dark back alley near dumpsters */ She didn't say a word. We went back into the hallway. Oh, fuck. This had to be bad. We were going past all the normal, 'okay' rooms for someone like me. Worried was a nice way of putting my emotional state. <br><br> Then she stopped by a door and sighed, "Very selective clientele tonight." She nudged the door open and revealed the back alley where staff took their smoke breaks or disposed of garbage to the dumpsters. And there was a grey-haired, slight man, wringing his hands slightly. He wore a highlighter-yellow shirt and a pair of ill-fitting jeans, "Oh." He smiled, waving me out. <br><br> I left Tao without a second thought. He exuded kindness. She exuded threat. And I knew this is what I had been brought back for. "Hey." <br><br> "You're exactly what was promised. I'm Saul." <br><br> "<<print $>>." He pulled me into a hug, there beside the dumpsters, his hands stroking across my bare arms slowly, sensually. "So, Saul. Where are we going?" <br><br> "Oh. Not have somewhere, your place? It's got to be your place. Mine..." <br><br> I didn't want to hear the reasons why we weren't going back to his home. It was good to have selection of location. Safer that way. But was I going to bring him back to RedDoorz? <br><br> <div id="Saul"> <<crossroads #Saul>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> Better RedDoorz than this alley. <<blocked>> $ is too Sophisticated to take that risk. <<contents>> <<run $Memories.push("RD-Known Whore")>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<set _cumming = 1>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>><<set _orgasm = 3>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>><<set _orgasm = 2>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>><<set _orgasm = 1>><<else>><<set _orgasm = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>><<set _cumming ++>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy")>><<set _cumming +=2>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Crazy-Small Pussy")>><<set _cumming +=3>><<else>><<set _cumming -->><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>><<set _cumming ++>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse")>><<set _cumming +=2>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Sex God")>><<set _cumming += 3>><<else>><<set _cumming -->><</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Older Men")>><<set _orgasm ++>><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Constantly Horny")>><<set _orgasm ++>><</if>> <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">><<set _cumming ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.height lt 0>><<set _cumming ++>><<elseif $CC.height gt 0>><<set _cumming -->><</if>> <<if $Body.tits == "small">><<set _cumming ++>><<elseif $Body.tits == "large">><<set _cumming -->><<elseif Array("extralarge", "huge").includes($Body.tits)>><<set _cumming -=2>><</if>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Saul")>> "Uh, sure." I was eager to get out of the ick of that back alley. I practically gagged at the idea of being on my knees or up against a dumpster, enduring what I would endure with the extra of stench or trash. <br><br> The walk back, he had his hairy forearm around my waist as if we were on a date. He made comments about my beauty at my age. About how happy he was to have left Thailand for the Philippines. The cost of things being so much lower than America. Wanted to know where I was from. Why I was there. //So// happy I was there instead. With him. <br><br> The better rules and regulations here. Permissiveness. Access. <br><br> What had appeared to be a gentle, awkward and unthreatening man had proven to be a deep-seated predator of his own kind. <br><br> Cunt at the front desk's look when we came in reiterated the point. There was no way she wouldn't assume exactly what this was. I could hear her scoffing self-riteously behind us as we climbed the stairs. <br><br> "You stay here?" I nodded, walking down the hallway that felt especially long. I didn't want anyone on my hall to see me. Not that I had more than a passing knowledge of any of them -- and they rotated out frequently -- but still, I didn't want a scarlet letter. A red letter on at the RedDoorz. "Oh. You should be able to afford better." So kind of him to think of my 'profession' offering me a better way of life. Little did he know why I was here. Worst of all worlds. And then we were in my room. "Oh." He looked the dingy space over. The condition of the wall. The cramped confines. The quality of my bed. "You're new here, I guess." I nodded, moving him over with me to the bed. He resisted slightly, not the surroundings he had imagined and it was threatening his little fantasy of fucking a young girl. The backdrop reinforcing exactly what was going on there, without varnish. <br><br> I opened his worn belt, pulling his pants down. I had a job to do. Leaning into it might get him to balk and run and save me the trouble, or it would get things over quickly. <br><br> "Oh." He nearly doubled over as my head bobbed as soon as his limp prick flipped out. My nose bumped against his wiry, grey pubes. My breath made them flutter. <br><br> His concern had disappeared. Looking down at me sucking on his cock and the immediate pleasure was exactly what he needed to forget. Or rather, to remember. He honed in on the view of me seated on the edge of my bed, sucking him to full erection. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Good Head')>>His average cock throbbed in my mouth and, now fully engorged, I got the idea that his excitement might put him over the edge quickly if I went at it. I shoved it into my throat, sucking firmly and working with vigor.<</if>> <br><br> "Oh!" He shook his head, grabbing suddenly at my hair and pulling me off with surprising firmness. "Oh, no." His flag was sticking practically straight, oozing a bead of precum, his slack sack nestled tightly against the base of his shaft. He kept a hold in my hair, preventing me from bringing me about a quick resolution, and then proffered a condom. Well, that was kind of him. <br><br> "You've done this more than I expected." The dislike in his tone pained me. What had he expected. I was literally whoring myself. But he had wanted some girl in pigtails and a schoolgirl outfit. He wanted the entire package but simply got the expires-by date. "Come on." He began to pull at my <<linkexpand "clothes.">> <<skillChecked "Pubic Hair" "Tits" "Height">> <<upper>><<lower>><<bra>><<panties>> clothes. If I wasn't going to look the part, he wanted to see my body fully, to enjoy the entirety of our age discrepancy. Naked, he was pushing me onto the bed and disrupting me from getting my shoes off, "Oh. You can keep those on." He shook his head. Alright. His hand beat against his rubberized cock, looking me over as he nonchalantly dropped his jeans and stepped out of his old New Balance. "Oh, yes." He nodded, appraising me in my new condition. My fingers working between my legs to prepare myself for what was coming. <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>His eyes watched my uncovered femininity respond to my pressure and touch. His smile was massive, "Oh god. Beautiful."<</if>> <br><br> His shirt came next, removing the blinding tee thankfully from view. Instead, the wiry hair continued up over his jiggling paunch and lack of musculature. He mounted me, knuckles hitting against my inner thighs as he strained to keep solid. <br><br> He went in for a kiss. <br><br> I knew, simply from media, that kissing was not in the rulebook. And him: <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Older Men")>>Fuck. Why was this crazy hot for me?<<else>>gross<</if>>. <br><br> We were making out while the half-swollen shaft pushed up and down against me having trouble finding my opening thanks to the prophylactic as well as his lack of erection. But the kiss did the trick. I felt the cock flex and swell, pressing against me with the beat of his heart. My feet rested on the small of his bony back and soon, he was <<linkexpand "in.">> <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks">> <<SexSkill intercourse>> in. <br><br> He smelled of Guiness beer. His lips were well moisturized from chapstick, but as his hips beat between my thighs slowly, I realized we'd be making out like kids in the backseat until he came. <br><br> <<if _orgasm gt _cumming>> <<face ahego>> My hips were working against him unbidden. Somehow that cock was hitting all of the right spots. Maybe his pheremones were hitting somewhere in my brain. My heels pressed at his back urging him to fuck me. I needed him to fuck me. The build inside me was growing with each thrust against my mound. Fuck. This old guy had experience. <br><br> My breathing choked off into his mouth. I came <<shake 3s>>hard<</shake>>. He broke the kiss to watch me grab at him and squeal in delight. <br><br> His pace was unaffected. He watched me, the young thing he could never have back in the States cumming from his fucking again and again. I felt him press hard on his in stroke, fully inserting inside me and impressing himself as he watched me get rocked by wave after wave of orgasms. <br><br> I was a shaking mess when I realized he was shaking too. I had lost count. But I knew he had gotten there too, hunched forward, huffing over me. His cock pulsed, but I could tell it was near the end of his release. <br><br> The condom filled, reluctantly he retracted himself from me. I sighed with him, hands sliding over his wiry body, finding some enjoyment to his appearance now that the endorphins were pounding through my bloodstream. <br><br> He grinned, looking at the blush on my cheeks and center of my chest. The pink of my mound from impact and blood flow. He went to remove and dispose of the condom. <br><br> And his countenance changed. He was reacquainted with my room. He got off me quickly, pulling on his clothes as the condom hung from his fingertips, swaying with the weight of his load. <br><br> I lay there, watching him. I was pleased from the fuck but also pleased he seemed to be quickly making an exit. I took the condom from him to tie it off, "I got it." <br><br> "Oh, uh thanks." His eyes met my naked body again, legs akimbo, shoes still on and his grin returned, "I may see you again, <<print $>>. But not here." <<vCardCheck "Saul" M "Saul, an old guy who came to Manila because of women my age.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> And he left. Oh boy. A regular john? <br><br> A regular who had absolutely no angle on my ultimate [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> And he left. Oh boy. A regular john? <br><br> A regular who had absolutely no angle on my ultimate [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif _orgasm == _cumming>> <<face ahego>> My hips were working against him unbidden. Somehow that cock was hitting all of the right spots. Maybe his pheremones were hitting somewhere in my brain. My heels pressed at his back urging him to fuck me. I needed him to fuck me. The build inside me was growing with each thrust against my mound. Fuck. This old guy had experience. <br><br> He kept at it, feeling my urgency and it helped bring on his own. We were huffing at each others faces, intensely approaching our releases thanks to each other's bodies. Jesus. Christ. He was going to make me... <br><br> My breathing choked off. I came <<shake 3s>>hard<</shake>>. I was squealing, pressing against his crotch, grinding. He was cumming too, pressing down against me with the same need, grinding. It helped peak me further, especially feeling the stiffness trying to flex and fill me. And then I was coming down, his cock pulsed, but I could tell it was near the end of his release. <br><br> The condom filled, reluctantly he retracted himself from me. I sighed with him, hands sliding over his wiry body, finding some enjoyment to his appearance now that the endorphins were pounding through my bloodstream. <br><br> He grinned, looking at the blush on my cheeks and center of my chest. The pink of my mound from impact and blood flow. He went to remove and dispose of the condom. <br><br> And his countenance changed. He was reacquainted with my room. He got off me quickly, pulling on his clothes as the condom hung from his fingertips, swaying with the weight of his load. <br><br> I lay there, watching him. I was pleased from the fuck but also pleased he seemed to be quickly making an exit. I took the condom from him to tie it off, "I got it." <br><br> "Oh, uh thanks." His eyes met my naked body again, legs akimbo, shoes still on and his grin returned, "I may see you again, <<print $>>. But not here." <<vCardCheck "Saul" M "Saul, an old guy who came to Manila because of women my age.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> And he left. Oh boy. A regular john? <br><br> A regular who had absolutely no angle on my ultimate [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> And he left. Oh boy. A regular john? <br><br> A regular who had absolutely no angle on my ultimate [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> I felt his hands squeezing at one of my bouncing breasts. His other hand was stroking at the outside of my thigh. His tongue dove into my mouth. His cock drove into my core. <br><br> And then he lifted up, huffing with the exertion. His pace was unaffected. He watched me, the young thing he could never have back in the States. I felt him press hard on his in stroke, fully inserting inside me and impressing himself as he watched my youth being rocked beneath him. <br><br> I felt him hitting deeply, my body tensing with his strokes. I could see how blissed out he was, most of his fantasy fulfilled. I could sense that he was closing in on his orgasm. <br><br> He was there. He was cumming, pressing down against me with need, grinding. It helped tantalize some shudders of pleaure from me, especially feeling the stiffness trying to flex and fill me. And then he was coming down, cock pulsing and ending his release. <br><br> Vision clearing, he smiled down on me and gave a few firm thrusts between my legs, shuddering as he felt my body work on him in the sensative state. He leaned in and gave me another firm kiss, grunting against me while he thrust into me til his softening was too much -- the condom filled retracting suddenly and uncomfortably from me. <br><br> He smiled again, stroking his hands down my youthful form while I felt the heavy condom sliding against the side of my mound. Finally, he went to remove and dispose of the condom. <br><br> And his countenance changed. He was reacquainted with my room. He got off me quickly, pulling on his clothes as the condom hung from his fingertips, swaying with the weight of his load. <br><br> I lay there, watching him. I was pleased he seemed to be quickly making an exit. I took the condom from him to tie it off, "I got it." <br><br> "Oh, uh thanks." His eyes met my naked body again, legs akimbo, shoes still on and his grin returned, "I may see you again, <<print $>>. But not here." <<vCardCheck "Saul" M "Saul, an old guy who came to Manila because of women my age.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> And he left. Oh boy. A regular john? <br><br> A regular who had absolutely no angle on my ultimate [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> And he left. Oh boy. A regular john? <br><br> A regular who had absolutely no angle on my ultimate [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value>> Better here than my home. <<blocked>> $ is too Risky to endure the back alley instead. <<contents>> <<set _cumming = -1>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>><<set _orgasm = 3>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>><<set _orgasm = 2>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>><<set _orgasm = 1>><<else>><<set _orgasm = 0>><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>><<set _cumming ++>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy")>><<set _cumming +=2>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Crazy-Small Pussy")>><<set _cumming +=3>><<else>><<set _cumming -->><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>><<set _cumming ++>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse")>><<set _cumming +=2>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Sex God")>><<set _cumming += 3>><<else>><<set _cumming -->><</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Older Men")>><<set _orgasm ++>><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Constantly Horny")>><<set _orgasm ++>><</if>> <<if $CC.height lt 0>><<set _cumming ++>><<elseif $CC.height gt 0>><<set _cumming -->><</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>><<set _orgasm ++>><</if>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills" "Kinks" "Height">> "Not really." I shook my head, having no desire to bring him back to RedDoorz. Keep 'work' and 'home' separate. <br><br> "Oh." The sadness cresting his face as he looked me over and then considered our location. A hairy forearm slid around my waist and guided me away from the dumpsters and towards the side alley. Maybe we'd be going back to his place after all. "I'd really rather" <br><br> "Well, that's kind of all we have." I could hear the people at the door, only a couple dozen feet away, around the corner. He was nodding, considering things and looking me over with a sigh. My attitude and willingness to hook up with him in this alley was not what he had wanted, nor expected. <br><br> "You've done this more than I expected." The dislike in his tone pained me. What had he expected. I was literally whoring myself. But he had wanted some girl in pigtails and a schoolgirl outfit. He wanted the entire package but simply got the expires-by date. "Come on." He began to pull at my hips, turning me <<linkexpand "around.">> <<dollRearView>> around. <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> My hands planted against the course concrete of the wall, bending forward. I heard him sigh again and again, looking back to see him retrieving a condom. Well, that was nice of him. And then he was undoing his belt. It was robotic. He was accepting the sex while his fantasy fell apart. <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingDress>> <<liftUpDress>> He tugged up the back of my outfit for easy access, revealing myself to him while he rolled his protection on. His hands stroked over my smooth skin, appreciating what he could and then found his way against me. This was going to be uncomfortable. <<else>> I undid my fly and pushed down, revealing myself to him while he rolled his protection on. His hands stroked over my smooth skin, appreciating what he could and then found his way against me. This was going to be uncomfortable. <br><br> <</if>> His knuckles beat against my inner thighs as he tried to get himself hard. I twisted and began to drop, going to help him out, but he grabbed at my hip with his one hand surprisingly firmly. "Oh. No." Then slid his hand up my back, ensuring I stayed bent forward, then nudged my chin, making me look back at him. He nodded. <br><br> I watched him grunting and looking at my face while he furiously got himself erect. Or close enough. Frowning, he pressed his half-hard cock against me and flexed his hips. <br><br> He pressed and slipped. I gasped, feeling the rubberized head digging and grinding along my sensative folds. I reached back between my legs to assist him. He took my hips in both hands and pulled at me while he pushed. I felt his the meaty-noodle of his cock bending as I tried to insist it inward. I gasped, hissing as my body complained. But he went <<linkexpand "in.">> <<face hurt1>> in. <br><br> His hips hit against my ass rhythmically. He stared down at me in the dim light of the alley, though his yellow shirt seemed to glow and sway with his strokes. His hands held tightly at my hips. <br><br> Occasionally, the discomfort and awkwardness of this fuck made me react and turn away. A hand quickly swung up and turned my chin again, insisting I look back at him, craning my neck so he could gaze at me while he pounded my <<linkexpand "pussy.">> pussy. <br><br> <<if _orgasm gt _cumming>> <<face ahego>> And fuck. He could really pound. I felt myself rising onto my toes, cocking my hips backward to emphasize the angle. To make his tight little clutch of balls hit against my clit. My vision began to haze. I pushed off the wall against him, shoving him as deep inside me as I could manage. My hips were working against him unbidden. Somehow that cock was hitting all of the right spots. I needed him to fuck me. The build inside me was growing with each thrust against my mound. Fuck. This old guy had experience. <br><br> I <<shake 3s>>came<</shake>> HARD, unable to check the noise I made, echoing off the narrow alley walls for the people out front hearing that this old guy was making me cum. I pushed myself back against him urgently as my legs shook. His pace was unaffected. He watched me, the young thing he could never have back in the States cumming from his fucking again and again. I felt him press hard on his in stroke, fully inserting inside me and impressing himself as he watched me get rocked by wave after wave of orgasms. <br><br> I was a shaking mess when I realized he was shaking too. I had lost count. But I knew he had gotten there too, hunched forward, huffing over me. His cock pulsed, but I could tell it was near the end of his release. <br><br> The condom filled, reluctantly he retracted himself from me. I sighed with him, hand swinging away from the wall to tug at that highlighter tee, finding some enjoyment to his appearance now that the endorphins were pounding through my bloodstream. <br><br> "Goddamn, Saul." He flicked the condom onto the ground and began to pull up his jeans, ignoring the pulls at his tee. <br><br> Gently, he pushed my cloying fingers aside. "Oh." He coughed, uncomfortably and then began walking away without giving me another look. <<vCardCheck "Saul" M "Saul, an old guy who came to Manila because of women my age.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Wow. Okay. Not the way I had expected that to go. Or end. The fact that I wanted him to stay. To want me. <br><br> But I had done my job. And so I was able to call it a [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Wow. Okay. Not the way I had expected that to go. Or end. The fact that I wanted him to stay. To want me. <br><br> But I had done my job. And so I was able to call it a [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<elseif _orgasm == _cumming>> <<face ahego>> And fuck. He could really pound. I felt myself rising onto my toes, cocking my hips backward to emphasize the angle. To make his tight little clutch of balls hit against my clit. My vision began to haze. I pushed off the wall against him, shoving him as deep inside me as I could manage. My hips were working against him unbidden. Somehow that cock was hitting all of the right spots. I needed him to fuck me. The build inside me was growing with each thrust against my mound. Fuck. This old guy had experience. <br><br> He kept at it, feeling my urgency and it helped bring on his own. We were both huffing away, smacking against each other in the echo of the alleyway for anyone nearby to hear, intensely approaching our releases thanks to each other's bodies. Jesus. Christ. He was going to make me... <br><br> My breathing choked off. I came <<shake 3s>>hard<</shake>>. I was squealing, pressing against his crotch, grinding. He was cumming too, pressing down against me with the same need, grinding. It helped peak me further, especially feeling the stiffness trying to flex and fill me. And then I was coming down, his cock pulsed, but I could tell it was near the end of his release. <br><br> The condom filled, reluctantly he retracted himself from me. I sighed with him, hand swinging away from the wall to tug at that highlighter tee, finding some enjoyment to his appearance now that the endorphins were pounding through my bloodstream. <br><br> "Goddamn, Saul." He flicked the condom onto the ground and began to pull up his jeans, ignoring the pulls at his tee. <br><br> Gently, he pushed my cloying fingers aside. "Oh." He coughed, uncomfortably and then began walking away without giving me another look. <<vCardCheck "Saul" M "Saul, an old guy who came to Manila because of women my age.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Wow. Okay. Not the way I had expected that to go. Or end. The fact that I wanted him to stay. To want me. <br><br> But I had done my job. And so I was able to call it a [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Wow. Okay. Not the way I had expected that to go. Or end. The fact that I wanted him to stay. To want me. <br><br> But I had done my job. And so I was able to call it a [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> I felt his hands squeezing at one of my bouncing breasts. His other hand was stroking along my lower back. His cock drove into my core. <br><br> And then he lifted up, huffing with the exertion. His pace was unaffected. He watched me, the young thing he could never have back in the States. I felt him press hard on his in stroke, fully inserting inside me and impressing himself as he watched my youth being rocked beneath him. <br><br> I felt him hitting deeply, my body tensing with his strokes. I could see how blissed out he was, most of his fantasy somewhat fulfilled. I could sense that he was closing in on his orgasm. <br><br> He was there. He was cumming, pressing down against me with need, grinding. It helped tantalize some shudders of pleaure from me, especially feeling the stiffness trying to flex and fill me. And then he was coming down, cock pulsing and ending his release. <br><br> Vision clearing, he smiled down on me and gave a few firm thrusts between my legs, shuddering as he felt my body work on him in the sensative state. He leaned in and gave me a firm kiss, grunting against me while he thrust into me til his softening was too much -- the condom filled retracting suddenly and uncomfortably from me. <br><br> He smiled again, stroking his hands down my youthful form while I felt the heavy condom sliding against the side of my mound. Finally, he went to remove and dispose of the condom. <br><br> And his countenance changed. He was reacquainted with the alley. He got off me quickly, pulling away and tugging up his pants. He flung the condom into the street and turned without giving me another look. <<vCardCheck "Saul" M "Saul, an old guy who came to Manila because of my age.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Wow. Okay. Not the way I had expected that to end. <br><br> As used as I felt, I had done my job. And so I was able to call it a [[night|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Wow. Okay. Not the way I had expected that to end. <br><br> As used as I felt, I had done my job. And so I was able to call it a [[night|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<skillChecked "Ethnicity">> <<if !(Array("Korean", "Japanese", "Chinese", "Indian", "Pakistani", "Thai", "Vietnamese", "Filipino", "Caribbean", "East African", "West African", "Central African").includes($CC.ethnicity))>> <<set $jobValue ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Dark back alley near dumpsters */ She didn't say a word. We went back into the hallway. Oh, fuck. This had to be bad. We were going past all the normal, 'okay' rooms for someone like me. Worried was a nice way of putting my emotional state. <br><br> Then she stopped by a door and sighed, "Very selective clientele tonight." She nudged the door open and revealed the back alley where staff took their smoke breaks or disposed of garbage to the dumpsters. And there was a middle-aged, stocky man of southeast Asian descent, hands on his hips as he appraised me. He wore a simple tee and jeans, and a baseball cap with the New Jersey Devils insignia. "Beautiful." He smiled, waving me out. His thick accent disagreed with my first appraisal that he was American. <br><br> I left Tao without a second thought. He exuded kindness. She exuded threat. And I knew this is what I had been brought back for. "Hey." <br><br> "What is your name?" His forearm, thick with muscle slid around my waist. <br><br> "<<print $>>." He nodded, giving me a toothful smile. <br><br> "Such a pretty name." He hit the consonants hard and musically. "Tao told me you're new." <br><br> I coughed. Being a 'new' commodity was an uncomfortable thing. Dehumanizing. Demeaning, "Yeah." <br><br> His eyes dropped to my legs, watching them kick forward as he led out out of the alleyway. <<if $Body.isWearingHeels is true>>"Gorgeous choice." Motioning at my footwear.<<else>>"Of course, I'd love to have seen them," he gestured at my footwear, "But keeping them from harm. I understand."<</if>> <br><br> "Uh, yeah." <br><br> "I love your accent." He gave me a kiss at the cheek, pointing to a vehicle that was idling in front of the club. <br><br> I had never thought of myself as having one. But, okay. "Thank you." At least this guy seemed gentle. And we were in this rideshare. The driver purposefully not looking back at us and //instantly// pulling away from the club. "So, what's your name?" <br><br> "Anish." He smiled, caressing down my legs and beginning to work at my shoes. <br><br> "Nice to meet you, Anish. Um, can I keep those..." <br><br> He answered me with removing one, then the other. Baring my <<link "feet">><<shoes>><<socks>><</link>>. <br><br> "Better." His two first fingers hooking in my shoes and pulled them from the floor, claiming them and keeping them away. <br><br> He kissed me on my cheek again. I went to continue the conversation and he placed one of his chocolate fingers against my lips and shook his head. Then his fingertip played along my mouth, others fanning out over my chin as he caressed me. He sighed in a way that I could only describe as deeply erogenous. I leaned back in the seat, not sure how else to continue, watching and letting him do what he was going to do. Even as his hand moved over my presented throat, I did not feel any danger. It was more an inspection, a digital appraisal of my skin, my body. <br><br> It tingled. It tickled. Thankfully, he wasn't peeling off any more of my clothing. It was a demi-massage. It was incredibly invasive, despite being relatively respectful of my more intimate areas. Here was a guy who had paid for all access, but was either taking that for everything it was worth and ensuring he enjoyed //all// of me, or wasn't interested in those other areas. <br><br> The car stopped. I guess I'd be seeing shortly. He didn't offer my shoes back, but stepped out of the car. I slid out to follow but he quickly forestalled me, "Oh no, no." He slid one arm under my knees, other supporting my back and lifted. I worried about his age and throwing out his back, or a hernia. <<skillChecked "Height">> <<if $CC.height is gt 1>>I was incredibly surprised it didn't happen, given I was about his size<</if>> But he was carrying me across the entry of a hotel and through the lobby like we were newlyweds and it was a very, very extended threshold. <br><br> I couldn't help but giggle as my feet swayed and dangled freely, air caressing them. I slid my arms around his neck, being treated like a cherished woman rather than a fucktoy. I tucked my chin against his shoulder and he slid his hand appreciatively across my spine. <br><br> "Tell me about coming here." He cooed. And so I did. Leaving out much of the reasons and what I was doing here, but he really seemed to enjoy knowing about where I came from, my culture shock. <br><br> The story took us through the elevator and hallway and into the hotel room. He nodded and smiled, occasionally encouraging me to give more details on one point or another. His hands were now doffing my clothing as I sat on the end of his bed, him kneeling before me. <br><br> I had just talked about some standout moments of last year when I realized the ritual was <<linkexpand "done.">> <<outfit naked>> done. <br><br> "American women." He kissed his fingertips looking me over, "The best." And then he dipped, taking one of my feet in his hands and began to kiss and suckle at my toes. I couldn't help but giggle and squirm, trying to stave off the reaction as best I could because I could tell he was losing his shit. <br><br> He switched to the other foot, repeating the sequence before smiling at me, cradling both of them against his face. The stark difference between our coloration a frame to his face. <br><br> He stood, pressing my soles down his chest, then his strong dad-bod stomach and to his crotch. Aha. Got it. My toes curled, finding the ridge of him beneath them. I slid up and down, smiling up at him while I applied pressure and manipulated him with my feet. <br><br> "Incredible." He nodded, standing and letting me go ahead with no guidance. He watched my body while he felt my feet teasing him. He grunted and pushed his hips forward, grinding against my soles and toes. I could feel the heat and hardness against them, then the wetness seeping through the material beneath. He was ready. Now to find out whether this was all he wanted. <br><br> My toes found his buckle and I tried my damnedest to free him. <<skillChecked "Handjob/Footjob skill">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Master Manipulator")>>He was massively surprised to find me fully able to get him out with just my feet.<<else>>One hand helped, working the belt open, then his fly.<</if>> He wasn't wearing underwear and his girthy cock smacked out against the inside of my soles, flicking precum across my mound from the force. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Master Manipulator")>> One foot towards me, other foot back. My thighs spreading from the necessary angle. I could feel my nethers fully on display for him, parting and closing as my thighs and legs worked. I leaned back on my elbows, both to present myself but also to be as comfortable as possible. <br><br> My eyes watched the foreskin pushing forward and back over his wide head, revealing and hiding the deep purple beneath. <br><br> He was //so// hard. Pulsing intensely against my feet, lubricating from his earlier ministrations and now his precum. He grunted, body tensing and bracing against my toes and soles. <br><br> Surprise was an understatement. He was agog watching me work him up in ways he had only experienced with other body parts before. In ways he had not though possible with lower extremities. <br><br> He thrust and bucked, intense and amazed that this felt ''so'' good. His hands hung slack on either side of him. I could tell he was fighting the urge to involve them. He had expected to need to jerk off. <br><br> Instead, I would do all he needed. My feet would. <br><br> He couldn't restrain himself forever, grasping at my ankles and holding at me while he thrust, while I slid back and forth. He grasped intensely. His face screwed up. <br><br> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Skilled Hands and Feet")>> One foot towards me, other foot back. My thighs spreading from the necessary angle. I could feel my nethers fully on display for him, parting and closing as my thighs and legs worked. I leaned back on my elbows, both to present myself but also to be as comfortable as possible. <br><br> My eyes watched the foreskin pushing forward and back over his wide head, revealing and hiding the deep purple beneath. <br><br> He was //so// hard. Pulsing intensely against my feet, lubricating from his earlier ministrations and now his precum. He grunted, body tensing and bracing against my toes and soles. <br><br> Grinning wide, he watched me work him up in ways he had only experienced with other body parts before. In ways he had not though possible with lower extremities. <br><br> He thrust and bucked, intense and amazed that this felt ''so'' good. His hands hung slack on either side of him. I could tell he was fighting the urge to involve them. He had expected to need to jerk off. <br><br> The need grew. He was frowning. He was getting so close, edging almost. He couldn't restrain himself any longer. <br><br> One hand grasped at my ankle and held me while he thrust, guiding my sliding back and forth. His other hand was on the extension of his cock that stuck out between my feet. Short, abrupt jerks. He grasped intensely. His face screwed up. <br><br> <<else>> Awkwardly, I tried to work him with my feet. This was //not// something I had really done before, or even conceived of. But I'd do my best. <br><br> One foot towards me, other foot back. My thighs spreading from the necessary angle. I could feel my nethers fully on display for him, parting and closing as my thighs and legs worked. I leaned back on my elbows, both to present myself but also to be as comfortable as possible. <br><br> My eyes watched the foreskin pushing forward and back over his wide head, revealing and hiding the deep purple beneath. <br><br> He was //so// hard. Pulsing intensely against my feet, lubricating from his earlier ministrations and now his precum. He grunted, body tensing and bracing against my toes and soles. <br><br> He thrust and bucked, intense and clearly getting what he wanted. He wasn't going to fuck anything but my feet tonight. <br><br> His hands hung slack on either side of him. I could tell he was fighting the urge to involve them. He had expected to need to jerk off. <br><br> The need grew. He was frowning. He was getting so close, edging almost. He couldn't restrain himself any longer. <br><br> One hand grasped at my ankle and held me while he thrust, guiding my sliding back and forth. His other hand was on the extension of his cock that stuck out between my feet. Short, abrupt jerks. He grasped intensely. His face screwed up. <br><br> <</if>> And he <<linkexpand "came.">> came. <<cumSpray thighs2 mound2 body1>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <br><br> I laughed, my cummy feet stroking against his cock as it lost its form. He dripped and oozed onto them as he finished emptying onto my feet. Then he sighed, breathing heavily and stepped back, considering my gooey feet. <br><br> "Thank you, <<print $>>. You're a dream. The room is yours." I couldn't help how stunned I was. This wasn't his room. Or it was, but wasn't. He put himself away and leaned forward, kissing my forehead. <br><br> And then he was gone. Leaving me to enjoy the comforts of a hotel as a bonus for my good [[(foot)work|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<skillChecked "Previous Johns">> <<if $D1John !== "LT">> <<set $jobValue ++>> She didn't say a word. We went back into the hallway. Oh, fuck. This had to be bad. We were going past all the normal, 'okay' rooms for someone like me. Worried was a nice way of putting my emotional state. <br><br> Then she stopped by a door and sighed, "Very selective clientele tonight. Didn't want..." she eyed me over, "You." <br><br> She swiped a keycard across a small box by the door. A beep and then the lock disengaged with a sigh similar to Tao's. I didn't have to get guided from that point on. <br><br> Quickly, I slipped past her and into the next room, hoping it wasn't leading to my <<linkexpand "death.">> death. <br><br> He was wearing an odd outfit: His jacket and jeans both had the same shimmering, silver quality underneath the dark blue or black base tone. The tailored jacket accentuated the sinewy, tight cables of muscle on his arms that continued underneath the black wifebeater he was wearing as a shirt. He had vibrant and intricate neck tattoos and radiated underworld personality like it was a billboard. <br><br> I had no clue who this was. And an //office//? There were offices here?! The sticky man finally relented with a grumble as I got up off the couch, trying to fix the deep creases in my clothes from his behavior. <<run $Memories.push("Knows Nino")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel = 0>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Small office backroom of a club. */ The door shut. I heard the magnetic lock re-engage. The thought of whether I'd need a keycard to get //out// crossed my mind. But my eyes were on him. He oozed danger. And the fact that it was __him__ in the backroom, the office of the club told me everything I needed to know about its operations -- if I hadn't already been clued in. <br><br> "<<print $>>, yeah?" He sat on the edge of his desk closest to me. <br><br> "Yeah." Should I play up timidity? Confidence? " are?" <br><br> "Call me Niño." <br><br> "Am I in trouble?" <br><br> He shifted his weight forward onto his Doc Martins, a step forward and enough to close the distance between us. His fingers toyed with a loose strand of hair, "We've never had American here -- got lucky with you." <br><br> "Thank you." <br><br> He chuckled wryly, "Oh, don't thank me. __You__ aren't lucky. But you will do incredibly well here. Normally. Most nights." If his goal was making me comfortable, he was doing the exact opposite. "But to make things more fair for you, I'm going to do you a favor. I've never done //anyone// a favor. Let alone one of our girls." His hand slid up from the strands he was playing with to the back of my head, a firm pressure insisting I go down. <br><br> Shit. More like do ''him'' a favor. <br><br> <div id="nino"> <<crossroads #nino>> <<path $CC.maleReaction gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 3>> He's the boss. Door's locked. What else was I going to do? <<blocked>> $ doesn't react to men this way, or isn't Easy/Suggestible enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<SexSkill oral>> I unzipped the reflective front of his jeans and working them down enough to free his cock. He was freeballing and opening the pants gave a blast of him being uncontained the entire day. <br><br> He was hung long and uncut, not a bit aroused, limp and out of his fly as he stayed motionless, quiet, just the slightly firm pressure on the back of my head. Yeah, yeah, I got the hint. I took him in my mouth, soft and squidgy, and began to work him with my tongue, lips and firm suction. <br><br> He nudged at the base of my skull, wanting my eyes up. I made eye contact as the vision of him swayed, back and forth massaging his cock with my mouth. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> I kept my eyes up, defiantly unconcerned with having his length fully inserted, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, cocking his head to the side in the first reaction I'd seen from him, curious as he watched my cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag. And he was getting distracted from his work, looking down at me with a frown, suddenly changing the tempo and the force, trying to make my body react to his cock. And getting frustrated that I wasn't. Once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a great job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't deepthroating a cock. <br><br> And then //my// name. He was reporting on what I was doing to him in that moment. Datu didn't respond and I wondered what that meant. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and you've got skills I've never experienced, girl." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel += 2>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I felt my stomach tighten once as I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> Tears were beginning to peek at the corner of my eyes, but I kept them up, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, seeing my eyes tense and body lurch slightly as I fought the instinctive gag, cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and great dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. You earned it." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Still, I gagged. I held down, clenching my eyes as I tried to resist my body. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch despite the trouble I was having. My mouth flooded with saliva, my stomach was heaving. I was on the verge of losing it on his lap. <br><br> Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him at the base regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, and hilted fully on him, gagging and making noises. "Alright." He chuckled, "We'll work on that." <br><br> He freed me and I swallowed, quietly trying to not show how close that had been to a complete loss. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the instant gag I felt surging up at the mere presence of cock in my mouth. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and decent dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. Even though there's room for improvement." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>>. <<else>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had trouble keeping my eyes on his, not wanting to lose the thread and rhythm of what I was doing. Why was it taking him so long to get hard. I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I wasn't some blowjob virtuoso. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Nope. I immediately gagged and pulled back, coughing, his cock swinging free from my mouth. <br><br> "Nuh-uh." He grabbed my hair and pulled me back, pushing my face against his cock as I tried to recover. I felt my spit wiping across my face as my brain fought with my autonomic system trying to regain some composure. "Deeper." He repeated, stonier. <br><br> Taking him back in before I was ready, my body responded with a gag at the bare presence of his meat. Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, gagging and making noises. "Not impressed. We'll work on that." <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mout stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> If it weren't for the rigidity of his cock and the rare grunt he made, I would have thought I was absolutely shit at this. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. I only wished I could tell he was liking it more.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> I wished I wasn't this shit at head. For a number of reasons: first, because I might be able to get him off and impress the boss-man; second, because then I could pay more attention to what was going on around me and maybe get some intel; third, so that it wasn't so fucking //hard//. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my untrained mouth. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "You're lucky you're goddamn good looking." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "So I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. Even though we're going to have to work on your abilities." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>>. <</if>> <<path>> A man up the ladder. This is exactly the reason an EROS agent gets on her knees. <<contents>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<SexSkill oral>> It wasn't how I envisioned my 'job' here, but there I was, unzipping the reflective front of his jeans and working them down enough to free his cock. He was freeballing and opening the pants gave a blast of him being uncontained the entire day. <br><br> He was hung long and uncut, not a bit aroused, limp and out of his fly as he stayed motionless, quiet, just the slightly firm pressure on the back of my head. Yeah, yeah, I got the hint. I took him in my mouth, soft and squidgy, and began to work him with my tongue, lips and firm suction. <br><br> He nudged at the base of my skull, wanting my eyes up. I made eye contact as the vision of him swayed, back and forth massaging his cock with my mouth. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> I kept my eyes up, defiantly unconcerned with having his length fully inserted, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, cocking his head to the side in the first reaction I'd seen from him, curious as he watched my cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag. And he was getting distracted from his work, looking down at me with a frown, suddenly changing the tempo and the force, trying to make my body react to his cock. And getting frustrated that I wasn't. Once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a great job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't deepthroating a cock. <br><br> And then //my// name. He was reporting on what I was doing to him in that moment. Datu didn't respond and I wondered what that meant. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and you've got skills I've never experienced, girl." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel += 2>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and tucking a thumb in my palm. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. And it was. Had never given head to a mostly-soft man and it was measier than I expected. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch. My mouth flooded with saliva, I felt my stomach tighten once as I leaned forward, pressing my nose tight against his crotch, lips working to the barest limits of his root. <br><br> Tears were beginning to peek at the corner of my eyes, but I kept them up, lookin right into his as I held the full length in my mouth and throat. <br><br> And now he was getting hard, pulsing and tensing against my esophagus and soft palate. "Well, well, well." He chuckled, seeing my eyes tense and body lurch slightly as I fought the instinctive gag, cheeks reddening as I lost the ability to breathe. <br><br> He freed me and I gasped out, giggling. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the complaint of my lungs as I denied them the air they were trying to grab. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, almost testing how to make me gag, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> cumming. <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and great dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. You earned it." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<set $People['AI'].Nino.rel ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on his, even with the looseness of his erection, I could keep the thread and rhythm. Why was it taking him so long to get hard, though? I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I was good, but not some pornstar. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Still, I gagged. I held down, clenching my eyes as I tried to resist my body. <br><br> "Mmm-hmm." He grabbed my hair and pushed me down, pressing my face against his crotch despite the trouble I was having. My mouth flooded with saliva, my stomach was heaving. I was on the verge of losing it on his lap. <br><br> Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him at the base regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, and hilted fully on him, gagging and making noises. "Alright." He chuckled, "We'll work on that." <br><br> He freed me and I swallowed, quietly trying to not show how close that had been to a complete loss. His cock stood hard as a rock, finally. It poked at my face and he looked sternly down at me. Before I was ready, I put my mouth back on him, fighting the instant gag I felt surging up at the mere presence of cock in my mouth. <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mouth stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. And a couple times he pulled me off, allowing me to hungrily gasp for air as I felt his cock throb against my face, close to his own edge. So I was doing a good job. And he was using me to edge him. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. And I could tell he was enjoying it.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> And despite how tiring this was, how hard he was pushing me and how I was barely keeping it together, I saw the reason for having done this: I caught some messages he was sending. It wasn't WhatsApp or Discord, but some other messaging app I wasn't familiar with. And the name on the screen was occasionally //Datu//. They weren't talking about anything important that I could catch, plus the angle was bad and Niño kept minimizing the window with skill, but I could tell they were in constant communication. Something about a project and personnel. Transportation. I hoped a subconscious part of my brain was picking up more that would process later when I wasn't gagging on a cock. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my throat. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> cumming. <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "Goddamn good looking and decent dome." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. Even though there's room for improvement." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>>. <<else>> I breathed through my nose, feeling the muscles in my neck tense and relax off and on. I had trouble keeping my eyes on his, not wanting to lose the thread and rhythm of what I was doing. Why was it taking him so long to get hard. I could feel he was a bit more swollen than before, but not the way I expected. <br><br> Moving my hands up, I made to add them to the mix. He shook his head instantly and quickly flicked the closer of the two away. I wondered if this was a test for my prowess. A part two to the hiring process after Peaches. I also knew if that was the case, I hoped sex was next because I wasn't some blowjob virtuoso. <br><br> Focusing, I leaned forward on my knees and began pushing my head forward, taking more in and feeling the tug at the back of my mouth, gagging incoming. I moved down his shaft quick, and pulled back slowly with as much sucking as I could manage, feeling the stretching length of his shaft and the promise of future inches. He was not the typical Asian stereotype. <br><br> A tap, tap at the back of my head, "Deeper." <br><br> I tried, hoping that his half-flaccid state would make it more tolerable. Nope. I immediately gagged and pulled back, coughing, his cock swinging free from my mouth. <br><br> "Nuh-uh." He grabbed my hair and pulled me back, pushing my face against his cock as I tried to recover. I felt my spit wiping across my face as my brain fought with my autonomic system trying to regain some composure. "Deeper." He repeated, stonier. <br><br> Taking him back in before I was ready, my body responded with a gag at the bare presence of his meat. Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes, but I clenched my fists and fought the spasming of my stomach, trying not to vomit as I sucked on him regardless of how I was reacting. <br><br> And now he was getting hard. Seeing my makeup streaming, seeing me having such trouble with his cock, gagging and making noises. "Not impressed. We'll work on that." <br><br> Holding my head, he began walking back around the desk, ensuring my mout stayed on his cock, making me shuffle along on my knees. Then he sat down and began to work. <br><br> If it weren't for the rigidity of his cock and the rare grunt he made, I would have thought I was absolutely shit at this. <br><br> He tapped away at his keyboard with one hand, the other one insisting at my head again and again to make me go further, gag harder, and once or twice hold me still as his length throbbed in my mouth. <br><br> A guy would come in from time to time and probably seeing my feet sticking out from behind the desk, he would come over, see the show while whispering clandestinely to Niño. <br><br> My jaw felt like it was threatning to break. My neck was hot and tight. My lips hurt. I felt like I was going to run out of saliva -- not just because of the sucking, but because I was constantly streaming from my eyes and nose. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Masochism")>>There was a part of me that was enjoying it, for how hard it was, being seen like this, treated like this. I only wished I could tell he was liking it more.<<else>>It was incredibly unsexy and unfun...for me.<</if>> <br><br> I wished I wasn't this shit at head. For a number of reasons: first, because I might be able to get him off and impress the boss-man; second, because then I could pay more attention to what was going on around me and maybe get some intel; third, so that it wasn't so fucking //hard//. <br><br> It was a marathon, probably an hour or so glucking and gacking again and again as his cock pushed deep into my untrained mouth. Then, thankfully, "Kay, <<print $>>." He tugged back at my head by the hair and I took a deep, relieved breath, mouth gaping open as I gasped and panted feeling so wet. Above and below. <br><br> I watched him slowly stroke his cock, sticky and slimy from my work, looking down at me and taking his time even now. I only knew his orgasm was approaching by the tension and pull at my hair. He gripped down hard and with the barest of facial reactions, he was <<linkexpand "cumming">> <<face normal runny>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> <<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>> cumming. <br><br> His long cock jerked as he held it at the base, letting his jizz fly free and undirected across my face and down onto me, spouting his semen on me. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>My smile came without even thinking, feeling his liquid painting my face. The warmth, the slight sting of the alkaline, the amount. I shuddered as I watched him finishing.<<else>>I fought my instinct to wipe it away, to duck. It was slimy, gross, and copious. I tried to force a smile as he finished on my face.<</if>> <br><br> I tried to not react as the globs landed and streaked my face. I must have looked an absolute mess. And then he was done, giving his cock a couple flicks to remove the last bits from his tip and at my face. He was still holding my hair so I remained still, on my tired knees, neck exposed. He looked down at me, his muscular chest rising and falling under his incongruous wifebeater. "You're lucky you're goddamn good looking." He laughed, pulling my head back to his spent cock. <br><br> I was a bit confused and wishing I could clean up, but quickly I understood and began to suck him slowly, tasting the tang of his stuff while most of it dripped and drooled on my face. <br><br> "I'll put in a good word with Peaches for you. Even though we're going to have to work on your abilities." He was looking at his computer screen as he talked to me. Now it wasn't a blowjob, it was just pleasing and warming him and it was a welcome relaxation to earlier, if I felt dirty and exhausted. "No need to go back out there tonight. Another favor -- see how kind I am? You've done your work for the evening." <br><br> And with that his hand came free from my hair and I slid my mouth back and let go of his cock. I sat back on my haunches and looked at him. He was somewhere else. Still, I waited, knowing the suddenness and violence that came from him easily and quickly. <br><br> He made me wait a couple minutes, but I didn't dare move. Finally, "You can go." No offer of a tissue or anything else, his semen already drying on me. My eyes stung, my throat and mouth were raw and in desperation for water. Still, I got up quickly off my knees, grunting at the strain from behind in that position for so long. <br><br> And then I walked out, I didn't dare wipe my face off until I got to the bathroom, trying to ignore the gawkers on the way and alongside me at the sink. <br><br> A rough night, but I think I had gotten far more than I expected and really hadn't cost me all that much, if I had to do the math. But still, I was literally //doing// this. My body actually on the line, putting out for the mission. Fuuuck. <br><br> And I was glad to get [[home|HomeBase]], early. <</linkexpand>>. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> She didn't say a word. We went back into the hallway. Oh, fuck. This had to be bad. We were going past all the normal, 'okay' rooms for someone like me. Worried was a nice way of putting my emotional state. <br><br> Then she stopped by a door and sighed, "Very selective clientele tonight. Didn't want..." she eyed me over, "You." <br><br> "I'm...s-sorry?" <br><br> "Not your fault. Weird night." She pushed on the door and revealed the back alley to me. Was this where I was tossed out with the trash? <br><br> "T-tao, really, I can...try and pick someone up? Drum up business?" <br><br> She thrust out a hand, shaking her head firmly. The bob cut through the air, side to side, "No. Our girls don't beg." <br><br> I wasn't sure if she meant that in all respects. <br><br> "You can go. Have a good night." <br><br> I gulped, stepping out. The door shut. I looked around, there was no one there to dispose of me. Truly was just a night where a whore didn't end up on her back. <br><br> [[Crazy|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
I set my shoulders, stepping inside the Club, preparing myself for another night of selling my body in hopes that it would get me closer to someone, anyone important. <br><br> I rounded the corner, heading into the pulsing music, trying to ward off the sensation that it was the beat that would be mimicked later, with some random guy. <br><br> And then I jerked back, practically running into the short lady before I noticed she was there: "P--Tao!" Nearly slipped with that one. <br><br> "This way." Clipped. Efficient. Wouldn't expect anything else, but I wondered why. I hadn't even posted up for the evening. <br><br> I cleared my throat, inaudible beneath the music, following obediently. <br><br> Past the couches. Some of the girls, especially Tara, were giving me looks of surprise. <br><br> Past the club-goers. Some eyeing me over with grins that told of their desires for me later. <br><br> Into the hallway. This was either going to be very good, or very bad. Innocuous like a storage room/bathroom...or exactly what I was looking for: the deeper depths of this underworld. <br><br> The very first door. The one where all the VIPs went. That I'd had my eye on since day one. Not. Innocuous. <br><br> She stepped in and to the side, like I was being announced at a ball. Or presented like a dog at Westminster. /* IMAGE (Needed): VIP Lounge, like a backroom at a stripclub */ <br><br> <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $jobValue gt 7>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Cornado")>> "<<print $>>. This is Cornado." He sat, arms on the back of the couch taking up as much space as he could. That he was manspreading was a given. <br><br> "I've heard you're one of the good ones." He chuckled, one hand dropping from the couch to pat the seat beside him. Tao smacked my ass. First time she had ever touched me -- and in that way was jarring. I stumbled forward and into the seat. By the time I dropped down and looked back at Peaches, the door was shut and she was gone. It was just me and Cornado in the VIP room. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Perception">> It was a well-appointed lounge. The couch we sat on wrapped around the far corner opposite the door. A marble-topped coffee table had residue on it from use. His drink sat ontop just within reach. Further back, beyond where we were seated <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 2>>was a hallway that continued past us. I had taken note from when I came in that there were two doors down that way. One just to the left as you went down and had some sort of access point. The positioning and my intuition suggested that the painting on the wall above us was likely offered a viewpoint or something. The door that was further along was of inlaid wood, unlike the simple metal door I had just described, and had no access point beyond the knob.<<else>>lay something of importance. There was a hallway that continued on past us. Either a nook or a doorway had to be beyond, there was no sense to the layout of the room otherwise. And whatever was around that corner involved the 'deeper-downs' of the Club.<</if>> The seats were slightly worn from use and cleaning. I had a feeling that I'd understand what kind of cleaning very, very shortly. <br><br> <<Stats Perception ++>> "Glad Tao thinks of me that way." I smiled up at him. I wondered who he was. Why he was important enough to be here, and able to just request me. Wait. And I had //value//. So being as agreeable as I'd been -- a good little whore -- had gotten me where I wanted to go. Fuck. That hit hard. It was exciting but also humiliating. <br><br> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> "Hmm." A shrug. A wordless response that was indecipherable. There was a quality to him that was coldly reserved. I could practically smell the danger. <br><br> The arm that had patted the padding where I sat was behind me and now pulled me up and into his lap. Straddling him, his other arm swung around to claim a two-handed grip on my ass. He pulled me down, pressing my crotch against his groin. <br><br> As much as I disliked the continued insistance of me putting out on request, I needed to act the part: instinctively, I went in for a kiss. He turned his head and used his cheek to push my face away. Firmly. "No no. You should know better than that." His hands squeezed on my rear, pushing my slit up and down the underside of his cock and the ridges of his zipper. My clothing didn't do much to shield me and it felt like they were little knives cutting at my delicate lips. <br><br> I nodded, leaning in to bite lightly at his ear. He heard the little intakes of breath from his zipper digging at me. He felt my warmth growing through his pants. He felt the beginning of wetness. His hands massaged me up and down against his dick, occasionally lifting to quickly strike down and smack my rear and elicit a yelp from me. <br><br> His hand lifted again, I tensed in preparation, but the pull at my hair was not what I expected. My hips rolled, twisting as he turned my view upward and dropped me to the floor. I felt the beaten carpet underneath my knees, grunting softly as he walked me between his manspread by his grip in my hair. <br><br> By the time I was in position, his slacks were open. His cock was presented, hard from the grinding. He let go of my head with a flick of his wrist, torquing my neck with the 'dismount'. <br><br> Off my heels, leaning up, I slid my mouth over his cock without hesitation. I loved hearing the sigh and seeing the reaction on his face as I began to suck on his cock. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal") || $CC.maleReaction gt 1>><<state aroused>><</if>> I bobbed, my hand coming up and sliding into his open fly to cradle his laden sack. A few suckles, firm pressure up and back, maintaining eye contact before my other hand rose to find the base of his cock. "Hmmm." He nodded down at me, his fingers going to unbutton the shirt. The tails flicked across my face while he opened the button-down and enjoyed my blowjob. "Finger your cunt." The shirt flicked open. My eyes went right to the shine of a knife strapped to his side. <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingDress is true>>My hand released his shaft, dropping between my splayed thighs on command.<<else>>My hand released his shaft, dipping into my pants on command.<</if>> <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused")>>I was sticky. I was //hot//.<<else>>I felt the hints of moistness. I felt the burgeoning heat coming from inside me.<</if>> Touching my own arousal made me feel a tickle at the back of my spine: <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 2>>That I was probably being watched doing this...<</if>>that anyone could walk in directly behind me at any moment. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> He opened his mouth to say something, I stopped him short by meeting my nose with his crotch, his base between my lips. I held, moving my tongue as I felt him arch underneath me and gave me another sigh. He shouldered off his shirt and jacket, displaying his tattooed and structured body and leaving the weapon within hand's-reach. My head went up and then hilted again between the open wings of his fly. <br><br> Topless, he dropped his hand onto my head. <br><br> And held. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<face ahego>> My shoulders lifted, reorienting my face against his crotch. I felt his balls tug up against my chin and lower lip when his cock flexed, experiencing the back of my mouth and upper throat. He chuckled and pressed harder on the back of my head. <br><br> Eyes watering, I fought the need for air. I continued moving my tongue and worked my lips on his base like I was kissing his crotch. <br><br> He held. <br><br> He flexed his hips, trying to dig deeper at my mouth and throat. <br><br> He held. <br><br> Lifting slightly off the couch, he was pressing up while pressing my head down, as if he was trying to cram my nose and face inside of his hips. He grunted and mmmed. <br><br> He let go. <br><br> My head yanked back, back arching as I sucked in a great intake of air. My chest heaved. My fingers were still working between my legs. I felt little spasms in my thighs and lower abdomen, pleasure that had been restrained while I had been throated suddenly exploded like from behind a dam. I squirmed, thighs flexing and tightening as I orgasmed and tried to breathe again. <br><br> He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my orgasming body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as my back undulated in the final throws of my self-inflicted orgasm. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<dollRearView>> fuck. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> <<set $jobValue ++>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> I heard him give a deep, gutteral grunt -- the closest to words I had gotten from him this whole time. His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy1 thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Gruunt. Slam. Grunnnt. Slam. Grrrrunt. Slam. Gruuuuuuunnnntttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> I heard him give a deep, gutteral grunt -- the closest to words I had gotten from him this whole time. His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy1 thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. GRUUUUNT. Slam. //GRUNT//. Slam. GRRRUNtt. Slam. Gruuunnt. Slam. Grunttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered as the second orgasm receded quickly to a coulda-been. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> <<set $jobValue ++>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> I heard him give a deep, gutteral grunt -- the closest to words I had gotten from him this whole time, then he yanked free and //yanked// on my head. My hips lurched, pussy shuddering and wishing he hadn't left. <br><br> But he was coming <<linkexpand "back.">> back. <<SexSkill anal>> <br><br> If it wasn't for me being in the midst of an orgasm and the exceptional lubrication at that point, his entry would have probably put me flat on the floor. <br><br> As it was, I felt the entirely new sensation coupled with the ebbing of my vaginal orgasm combining. I grit my teeth and shuddered. I was floating. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> I heard him give a deep, gutteral grunt -- the closest to words I had gotten from him this whole time, then he yanked free and //yanked// on my head. My hips lurched, pussy shuddering and wishing he hadn't left. <br><br> But he was coming <<linkexpand "back.">> back. <<SexSkill anal>> <br><br> If it wasn't for the exceptional lubrication at that point, his entry would have probably put me flat on the floor. <br><br> As it was, I felt the entirely new sensation coupled with the ebbing of my vaginal orgasm combining. I grit my teeth and shuddered. I was floating. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<face ahego>> My shoulders lifted, reorienting my face against his crotch. I felt his balls tug up against my chin and lower lip when his cock flexed, experiencing the back of my mouth and upper throat. He chuckled and pressed harder on the back of my head. <br><br> Eyes watering, I fought the need for air. <br><br> But I couldn't last long. I smacked my hands against his thighs and pulled back with all my might. He chuckled, but relented. <br><br> My head yanked back, back arching as I sucked in a great intake of air. My chest heaved. My fingers were still working between my legs. I felt little spasms in my thighs and lower abdomen, pleasure that had been restrained while I had been throated suddenly exploded like from behind a dam. I squirmed, thighs flexing and tightening as I orgasmed and tried to breathe again. <br><br> He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my orgasming body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as my back undulated in the final throws of my self-inflicted orgasm. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<dollRearView>> fuck. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <br><br> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work// whether or not I was a blissed-out mess. Probably did ''better'' work on his cock thanks to my rapid clutching and spasming. <br><br> And he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. GRUUUUNT. Slam. //GRUNT//. Slam. GRRRUNtt. Slam. Gruuunnt. Slam. Grunttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum again. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work//. Probably would have done ''better'' work on his cock if it were rapidly clutching and spasming. C'est la vie. His loss. <br><br> Still, he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. GRUUUUNT. Slam. //GRUNT//. Slam. GRRRUNtt. Slam. Gruuunnt. Slam. Grunttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum again. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into. And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> He opened his mouth, "Not bad. Let's see what else you've got." He shouldered off his shirt and jacket, displaying his tattooed and structured body. <br><br> He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as I grunted at the hard, quick motions. He swatted my hand away from between my legs...and I had been //so// close. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<dollRearView>> fuck. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work// whether or not I was a blissed-out mess. Probably did ''better'' work on his cock thanks to my rapid clutching and spasming. <br><br> And he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Slam. GRUUUUNT. Slam. //GRUNT//. Slam. GRRRUNtt. Slam. Gruuunnt. Slam. Grunttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work//. Probably would have done ''better'' work on his cock if it were rapidly clutching and spasming. C'est la vie. His loss. <br><br> Still, he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. GRUUUUNT. Slam. //GRUNT//. Slam. GRRRUNtt. Slam. Gruuunnt. Slam. Grunttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into. And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill oral>> I bobbed, looking up at him and sucked. My hand working and letting my spit lubricate it. He gave a small grunt and I saw the tension between his brows as he watched me. His fingers undid the buttons of his shirt. His brow furrowing more. He shouldered off his jacket and shirt together and grunted again. This time, I could tell it was not confusion, but distaste. <br><br> He shouldered off his shirt and jacket, displaying his tattooed and structured body. <br><br> He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as I grunted at the hard, quick motions. He swatted my hand away from between my legs...and I had been //so// close. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<dollRearView>> fuck. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work// whether or not I was a blissed-out mess. Probably did ''better'' work on his cock thanks to my rapid clutching and spasming. <br><br> And he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. GRUUUUNT. Slam. //GRUNT//. Slam. GRRRUNtt. Slam. Gruuunnt. Slam. Grunttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work//. Probably would have done ''better'' work on his cock if it were rapidly clutching and spasming. C'est la vie. His loss. <br><br> Still, he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. GRUUUUNT. Slam. //GRUNT//. Slam. GRRRUNtt. Slam. Gruuunnt. Slam. Grunttt. <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheckPreg "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into. And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. Grunt. Slam. Grunt. <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> He simply chuckled. Quietly, we looked at each other. Time lengthened. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. And that blade. <br><br> And then...he spoke: "<<print $>>. You look...familiar." A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "I...I've gotten that before." I couldn't run now if I wanted to. If it even would have mattered. <br><br> "What brought you to Manila?" <br><br> My legend. That was all I had. The tears in my eyes were probably more from fear than anything else: "My mom." Nothing registered on his face. I didn't know if that was good or bad. "She just...disappeared. I thought maybe...I could find her. Then I got here...and I needed work. So..." <br><br> He nodded. "Maybe that's why you're familiar." A statement, not a question. And offering nothing else. <br><br> "W-what?" <br><br> Nothing. Not even a grunt. He just looked at me, cooly, his spunk oozing from me onto the carpet, held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. He knew my mom. Cornado was involved. <<vCardCheck "Cornado" M "Cornado who took me as a favor from Datu and the Club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I felt something steel inside me, but I tried to hide it. I had to be the supple little lamb for Cornado. But still, now I had someone in my sights. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Jacob")>> "<<print $>>. This is Jacob." With a name like that, I had expected it to be someone from back home. But Jacob was as Filipino as the next guy. He sat, arms on the back of the couch taking up as much space as he could. That he was manspreading was a given. <br><br> "I've heard you're one of the good ones." He chuckled, one hand dropping from the couch to pat the seat beside him. Tao smacked my ass. First time she had ever touched me -- and in that way was jarring. I stumbled forward and into the seat. By the time I dropped down and looked back at Peaches, the door was shut and she was gone. It was just me and Jacob in the VIP room. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Perception">> It was a well-appointed lounge. The couch we sat on wrapped around the far corner opposite the door. A marble-topped coffee table had residue on it from use. His drink sat ontop just within reach. Further back, beyond where we were seated <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 2>>was a hallway that continued past us. I had taken note from when I came in that there were two doors down that way. One just to the left as you went down and had some sort of access point. The positioning and my intuition suggested that the painting on the wall above us was likely offered a viewpoint or something. The door that was further along was of inlaid wood, unlike the simple metal door I had just described, and had no access point beyond the knob.<<else>>lay something of importance. There was a hallway that continued on past us. Either a nook or a doorway had to be beyond, there was no sense to the layout of the room otherwise. And whatever was around that corner involved the 'deeper-downs' of the Club.<</if>> The seats were slightly worn from use and cleaning. I had a feeling that I'd understand what kind of cleaning very, very shortly. <br><br> <<Stats Perception ++>> "Glad Tao thinks of me that way." I smiled up at him. I wondered who he was. Why he was important enough to be here, and able to just request me. Wait. And I had //value//. So being as agreeable as I'd been -- a good little whore -- had gotten me where I wanted to go. Fuck. That hit hard. It was exciting but also humiliating. <br><br> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> "I'll make sure to let her know if the choice was correct." The arm that had patted the padding where I sat was behind me and now pulled me up and into his lap. Straddling him, his other arm swung around to claim a two-handed grip on my ass. He pulled me down, pressing my crotch against his groin. <br><br> As much as I disliked the continued insistance of me putting out on request, I needed to act the part: instinctively, I went in for a kiss. He turned his head and used his cheek to push my face away. Firmly. "No no. You should know better than that." His hands squeezed on my rear, pushing my slit up and down the underside of his cock and the ridges of his zipper. My clothing didn't do much to shield me and it felt like they were little knives cutting at my delicate lips. <br><br> I nodded, leaning in to bite lightly at his ear. He heard the little intakes of breath from his zipper digging at me. He felt my warmth growing through his pants. He felt the beginning of wetness. His hands massaged me up and down against his dick, occasionally lifting to quickly strike down and smack my rear and elicit a yelp from me. <br><br> His hand lifted again, I tensed in preparation, but the pull at my hair was not what I expected. My hips rolled, twisting as he turned my view upward and dropped me to the floor. I felt the beaten carpet underneath my knees, grunting softly as he walked me between his manspread by his grip in my hair. <br><br> By the time I was in position, his slacks were open. His cock was presented, hard from the grinding. He let go of my head with a flick of his wrist, torquing my neck with the 'dismount'. <br><br> Off my heels, leaning up, I slid my mouth over his cock without hesitation. I loved hearing the sigh and seeing the reaction on his face as I began to suck on his cock. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<SexSkill oral>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal") || $CC.maleReaction gt 1>><<state aroused>><</if>> I bobbed, my hand coming up and sliding into his open fly to cradle his laden sack. A few suckles, firm pressure up and back, maintaining eye contact before my other hand rose to find the base of his cock. "Okayyyy." He nodded down at me, his fingers going to unbutton the shirt. The tails flicked across my face while he opened the button-down and enjoyed my blowjob. "Play with yourself." <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingDress is true>>My hand released his shaft, dropping between my splayed thighs on command.<<else>>My hand released his shaft, dipping into my pants on command.<</if>> <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused")>>I was sticky. I was //hot//.<<else>>I felt the hints of moistness. I felt the burgeoning heat coming from inside me.<</if>> Touching my own arousal made me feel a tickle at the back of my spine: <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 2>>That I was probably being watched doing this...<</if>>that anyone could walk in directly behind me at any moment. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> He opened his mouth to say something, I stopped him short by meeting my nose with his crotch, his base between my lips. I held, moving my tongue as I felt him arch underneath me and gave me another sigh. "And I was about to move on. Good. Girl." He shouldered off his shirt and jacket, displaying his tattooed and structured body. My head went up and then hilted again between the open wings of his fly. <br><br> Topless, he dropped his hand onto my head. <br><br> And held. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> <<face ahego>> My shoulders lifted, reorienting my face against his crotch. I felt his balls tug up against my chin and lower lip when his cock flexed, experiencing the back of my mouth and upper throat. "Well, well, well." He chuckled and pressed harder on the back of my head. <br><br> Eyes watering, I fought the need for air. I continued moving my tongue and worked my lips on his base like I was kissing his crotch. <br><br> He held. <br><br> He flexed his hips, trying to dig deeper at my mouth and throat. <br><br> He held. <br><br> Lifting slightly off the couch, he was pressing up while pressing my head down, as if he was trying to cram my nose and face inside of his hips. He grunted and mmmed. <br><br> He let go. <br><br> My head yanked back, back arching as I sucked in a great intake of air. My chest heaved. My fingers were still working between my legs. I felt little spasms in my thighs and lower abdomen, pleasure that had been restrained while I had been throated suddenly exploded like from behind a dam. I squirmed, thighs flexing and tightening as I orgasmed and tried to breathe again. <br><br> "Ha, must be wet now." He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my orgasming body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as my back undulated in the final throws of my self-inflicted orgasm. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<dollRearView>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> fuck. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> <<set $jobValue ++>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> "Fuck!" I heard him curse. His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy1 thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Fucking." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> "Fuck!" I heard him curse. His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy1 thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Fucking." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered as the second orgasm receded quickly to a coulda-been. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> <<set $jobValue ++>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> "Fuck..." I heard him curse, then he yanked free and //yanked// on my head, "Come //on//." My hips lurched, pussy shuddering and wishing he hadn't left. <br><br> But he was coming <<linkexpand "back.">> back. <<SexSkill anal>> <br><br> If it wasn't for me being in the midst of an orgasm and the exceptional lubrication at that point, his entry would have probably put me flat on the floor. <br><br> As it was, I felt the entirely new sensation coupled with the ebbing of my vaginal orgasm combining. I grit my teeth and shuddered. I was floating. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> "Fuck..." I heard him curse, then he yanked free and //yanked// on my head, "Come //on//." My hips lurched, pussy shuddering and wishing he hadn't left. <br><br> But he was coming <<linkexpand "back.">> back. <<SexSkill anal>> <br><br> If it wasn't for the exceptional lubrication at that point, his entry would have probably put me flat on the floor. <br><br> As it was, I felt the entirely new sensation coupled with the ebbing of my vaginal orgasm combining. I grit my teeth and shuddered. I was floating. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<face ahego>> My shoulders lifted, reorienting my face against his crotch. I felt his balls tug up against my chin and lower lip when his cock flexed, experiencing the back of my mouth and upper throat. "Well, well, well." He chuckled and pressed harder on the back of my head. <br><br> Eyes watering, I fought the need for air. <br><br> But I couldn't last long. I smacked my hands against his thighs and pulled back with all my might. He chuckled, but relented. "Allright. Better than I expected, anyway." <br><br> My head yanked back, back arching as I sucked in a great intake of air. My chest heaved. My fingers were still working between my legs. I felt little spasms in my thighs and lower abdomen, pleasure that had been restrained while I had been throated suddenly exploded like from behind a dam. I squirmed, thighs flexing and tightening as I orgasmed and tried to breathe again. <br><br> "Ha, must be wet now." He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my orgasming body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as my back undulated in the final throws of my self-inflicted orgasm. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<dollRearView>> fuck. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <br><br> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work// whether or not I was a blissed-out mess. Probably did ''better'' work on his cock thanks to my rapid clutching and spasming. <br><br> And he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "GREAT." Slam. "//Fucking//." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum again. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work//. Probably would have done ''better'' work on his cock if it were rapidly clutching and spasming. C'est la vie. His loss. <br><br> Still, he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "GREAT." Slam. "//Fucking//." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum again. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into. And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, the aftershocks now intensified by having a ''rock'' hard cock slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge again. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was //so// close to another one. I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> He opened his mouth, "Not bad. Let's see what else you've got." He shouldered off his shirt and jacket, displaying his tattooed and structured body. <br><br> He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as I grunted at the hard, quick motions. He swatted my hand away from between my legs...and I had been //so// close. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<dollRearView>> fuck. <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work// whether or not I was a blissed-out mess. Probably did ''better'' work on his cock thanks to my rapid clutching and spasming. <br><br> And he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "GREAT." Slam. "//Fucking//." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work//. Probably would have done ''better'' work on his cock if it were rapidly clutching and spasming. C'est la vie. His loss. <br><br> Still, he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "GREAT." Slam. "//Fucking//." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into. And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao was right." He chuckled. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill oral>> I bobbed, looking up at him and sucked. My hand working and letting my spit lubricate it. He gave a small grunt and I saw the tension between his brows as he watched me. His fingers undid the buttons of his shirt. His brow furrowing more. He shouldered off his jacket and shirt together and grunted again. This time, I could tell it was not confusion, but distaste. <br><br> "Let's see what else you've got." He shouldered off his shirt and jacket, displaying his tattooed and structured body. <br><br> He grabbed my head by the hair again, yanking my body up off the floor and twisting me to bend against the cushion of the couch. He moved behind me as I grunted at the hard, quick motions. He swatted my hand away from between my legs...and I had been //so// close. <br><br> He didn't let go of my hair as he began to <<linkexpand "fuck.">> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> fuck. <<dollRearView>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work// whether or not I was a blissed-out mess. Probably did ''better'' work on his cock thanks to my rapid clutching and spasming. <br><br> And he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "GREAT." Slam. "//Fucking//." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao's done better." He chuckled. After being used like that...I nearly started to cry. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao's done better." He chuckled. After being used like that...I nearly started to cry. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> <<if ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse") && $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")) || ($Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy"))>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into and I could feel his crescendo coming. My pussy could do //work//. Probably would have done ''better'' work on his cock if it were rapidly clutching and spasming. C'est la vie. His loss. <br><br> Still, he was fucking //loving// it. The way he primally pulled at my hair and mashed me down on the couch. The intense focus of his remaining strokes as he tried to build for as long as he could, milking his engorged shaft with my soft, hot ridged snatch right at the edge of exploding before he <<linkexpand "did.">> did. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was gone.<<cumSpray mound3 pussy2 thighs2>> He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "GREAT." Slam. "//Fucking//." Slam. "Pussy." Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, my pussy throbbing on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck, even as my body whimpered from the unending waves that it had endured. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao's done better." He chuckled. After being used like that...I nearly started to cry. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I was a long high-pitched whine as I pleaded to cum. I was a tense, still body for him to ram himself into. And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao's done better." He chuckled. After being used like that...I nearly started to cry. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> I squirmed, a ''rock'' hard cock now slamming inside me. And he was //slamming//. My thighs and hips beat against the edge of the couch as his large body forced itself against me, twisting my head and spine back with that one hand as his other pressed down on my lower back to pin me still. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> And I was over the edge. I //clawed// at the couch. I tensed and jerked from my own muscle spasms in addition to the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. My hands opened and closed against the vinyl. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> I was a mess, probably blinking dumbly. Vision going all kinds of weird. I probably was exactly the picture of ahegao. I was a slack body for him to ram himself into, I could barely tell when he had pulled out of me and yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My nerves were overwhelmed below my waist. Did it hurt? I didn't know. But the sensation of new penetration was sending me onto a different cloud entirely. I probably was drooling on the seat. <br><br> But the build was short-lived: his regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao's done better." He chuckled. After being used like that...I nearly started to cry. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I squealed into the cushion of the couch. I tensed and twisted, trying to get him to hit where I needed him to while fighting the jerking of my body being pounded doggystyle. <br><br> He rutted against me. I felt the heat of my body and my sweat sticking me against the surface unforgivingly as he rammed me against it. <br><br> And then, insult to injury: he yanked me into a slightly different angle before shoving back <<linkexpand "home.">> <<SexSkill anal>> home. <br><br> My chances of cumming now quickly receded. It kinda hurt. Thank god for the amount of lubrication at that point. Mostly, I was just glad it sent him over the edge before my body could be damaged by his assault. <br><br> His regularity stuttered and he was <<linkexpand "gone.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> gone. He still slammed against me as we both came, but his was irregular and finishing. Slam. "Good." Slam. "Girl." <br><br> And then he held against me, I felt myself tensing unbidden on his pulsing cock. We both enjoyed the come-down of the fuck. His breathing labored, mine an unending series of rapid, plaintive gasps. <br><br> He withdrew, smacking my ass and pushing me onto my side on the floor -- using me for the leverage to get back up. He dropped onto the couch and resumed his manspread, this time with his slacks mid-thigh, cock laying wet and swollen post-cum against his thigh. He looked down at me leaking his seed. <br><br> "Tao's done better." He chuckled. After being used like that...I nearly started to cry. <br><br> There was a moment a few minutes later when I felt I had the strength to get up, but he saw me shifting and held my head against his knee. I got the hint. <br><br> We spent the better part of half an hour like that, him smiling pleased and talking down to me as I received the reverse view past his sated cock and half-naked, tattooed body while he talked about himself. <br><br> Well. That's what I wanted. So, I was content to ooze spunk onto the carpet and be held still at his feet, forced to see him in his 'resplendant' male glory while I soaked what he said (and his delivered load) up. <br><br> He was a wealthy Manilan. He knew Datu and Niño well, working with them over the years as a supplier for the Club. I was the most recent 'gratis' gift that they had given him over the years, but he said I was the one he was most impressed by. So much so that he left me with his card and contact information. Even if he did make me hold it in my teeth as he got up to go. <<set _Jacob = { name: "Jacob Bautista", company: "Holy Water" }>> <<businessCard _Jacob>> <<vCardCheck "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Alright, Jacob. Maybe you can help me here after [[all|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>>
A quiet night. <br><br> I contained a sigh of relief. I couldn't look too happy about the club being full but men seeming uninterested in paying for pussy. The girls looked less than happy. This was their livelihood. <br><br> Peaches was coming over. I straightened up, readjusting from my comfortable seat on the couch. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hey, Tao," smiling like a good little girl.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Get up. Don't be lazy."<</speech>> <br><br> I jerked up, fighting the urge to point out that Tara and the others were sitting just like I was. A couple flicks of her wrist and we were moving away from the others and towards the rest of the club. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value>>I bit my tongue. I wanted to fight her. I didn't deserve to be picked on like this.<<else>><<speechPC>>"Did I do something wrong?"<</speechPC>><</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"When guys not approaching, you need to //entice// them." Her hand was at my lower back, nudging me forward.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Like...go pick someone up?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Smart girl! You work for us. So get to work." The nudge became a push. I didn't want it to become a shove.<</speech>> <br><br> I moved forward, not looking back. Avoiding anything that could look like disobedience. Avoiding checking to see if I was just the first of the crew to be given a kick in the ass. I sighed. This time, I didn't hold it in. Time to get to work. <br><br> How //hard// to work, though... /* IMAGE (Needed): A female smile and her hand giving a come-hither curl of a finger */ <br><br> <div id="johns"> <<crossroads #johns>> <<path>> Be a good girl. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $jobValue += 2>> Alright, Peaches. Watch me do my thing. <br><br> It wasn't surprising that I didn't have to do much to 'do my thing'. I just had to be available. <br><br> I was almost immediately approached: I was just a girl wandering around on my own, and wearing clothes designed to entice. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Hey, cutie." I was pulled backwards by the hips, away from the guy who had been fidgeting with his cup while trying to keep eye contact (and failing).<</speech>> <br><br> I turned, offering the a surprised smile -- finally, someone not timid? <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, hey..." As I turned, I felt Fidget leave. Good riddance.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Hell-o." He chuckled, his fingers like little spiders, clawing my hips towards him.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Not very nice of you to just butt in like that," I giggled playfully.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"But..." he let the double entendre hang on pulsing air, "with an ass like yours, I just ''had'' to. Come 'ere." Those spiders quickly pulled me against him, flush, body-to-body.<</speech>> <br><br> My waist swayed to the music. I felt the sexual fate drawing in around me. Alright. Now to make it clear I wasn't just some girl to pick up. There were //terms//. <br><br> <<speechPC>>My lips were near his ear now, "I think you've mistaken me..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>Closer, his hands were now moving to the small of my back, clasping me, "Oh? I don't think so."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>My moisture fluttered by his lobe. "Then...what are you offering?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"A fantastic night, I assure you."<</speech>> <br><br> Fuck. He had no clue that I was employed by the club. I felt him nip at my ear. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Nooo," I breathed hotly into his ear, "I meant..." I made a money-motion with my fingertips, rubbing them together, "what are you...offering?" My eyebrows lifted, craning my neck to make pointed eye contact.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>The realization dawned on him. He looked quite pleased, knowing he needed less effort to land me. "Oh, no wonder...come with me."<</speech>> <br><br> His cloying hands were pulling me out through the crowd. And right past Peaches. She nodded with approval. Interesting, so there wasn't a money exchange on the front end. Or at least Tao wasn't insisting on it. <br><br> See, Tao? I was just another one of the girls, making you money and going out to the alleyway behind the <<linkexpand "club.">> <<dollRearView>> club. <br><br> And his pants were down. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<speechPC>>"Wait. We need a condom." I was broken from my reverie by the risk that was suddenly presenting itself. I had been in my thoughts while he got me into position. I could feel his heat threatening penetration.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Fuck. Dirty bitch." He considered what I was and grabbed at the outside of my thighs, pressing them together on either side of his cock. He was not pleased.<</speech>> <br><br> But I'd please him. In the old fashion. He began to thrust, using the pressure, friction, softness and warmth of my legs as his embrace rather than my pussy. He received some wetness as my slit rubbed back and forth along the top of his cock. This was hardly 'safe'. But it was sincerely safer. <br><br> I wondered if he thought I meant that I wasn't clean. Or if he understood why I balked. It made me feel a dirtiness that I wasn't. His hand holding the back of my head reinforced the feeling. <br><br> My hips jerked slightly, lifting upwards every few thrusts or so as his cockhead bumped against, pressed along and nearly entered me. Simply by accident? Simply by nature? I hated how I couldn't control when it happened or that it was happening. At any moment, he could be inside me and unprotected. And my pussy around his worked up cock would certainly be all he needed. He'd be releasing inside me the moment the 'oops' occurred. <br><br> So many thoughts were racing through my head, anxieties aplenty...and then, he <<linkexpand "came">> <<cumSpray thighs3>> It wasn't in me. Thank //god//. His meat flexed against my moist lips while he pumped his load against the wall, to the alley ground, and along my thighs. I'm certain some got on my clothes. I couldn't think about it now though, I was just thrilled at the finishing. <br><br> He yanked back and my hips jerked up, trying to avoid the last swipe of his cock and the dangerous, slippery cum that his cock was oozing. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>He smacked my ass, "Nasty cunt." And was gone.<</speech>> <br><br> I corrected myself as best I could and headed back inside. Slowly. <br><br> Peaches was waiting for me. Maybe the exchange had happened on the way in. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Good job. I knew you were a good girl."<</speech>> <br><br> I had been a good girl. Was pleasing her going to get me closer to my objective? I hoped [[so|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<speechPC>>"Fuck!" I was broken from my reverie by his cock suddenly presenting itself inside me. No warning, no preparation. I had been in my thoughts while he got me in position. I felt his heat thrust inside me to the hilt.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Fuck. Tight bitch." Yeah, no shit. Happens without foreplay.<</speech>> <br><br> I grunted my way through it. He was thrusting and I went back into my thoughts. Tao had asked me to play my part as a prostitute and here I was getting railed in the alley behind the club exactly as she wanted. <br><br> It made me feel dirty. His hand holding the back of my head reinforced the feeling. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And then I was feeling myself cum. My head pressed against my forarm. My forarm was against the cold concrete of the alleyway. My hips jerked and shuddered as his cock hit inside me and my body enjoyed the feeling. And part of me was pissed for it. I was getting fucked and getting off. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Shit. Told. You. Fantastic. Night." He chuckled proudly and leaned in. Smacking quickly against me and drawing out my orgasm...<</speech>> <br><br> And drawing his own out. He <<linkexpand "came">> <<cumSpray pussy1 thighs2 mound2>> I felt him pressing up and into me from behind as he released inside me. My pussy clenched on him as my orgasm wound down and milked him empty. <br><br> He yanked back and my hips jerked up. Sharp entrance, sharp exit and my vagina was not pleased. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>He smacked my ass, wordlessly. And was gone.<</speech>> <br><br> I corrected myself as best I could and headed back inside. Slowly. <br><br> Peaches was waiting for me. Maybe the exchange had happened on the way in. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Good job. I knew you were a good girl."<</speech>> <<vCardCheck "Random John" M "Random John in the alleyway">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I had been a good girl. Was pleasing her going to get me closer to my objective? I hoped [[so|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I had been a good girl. Was pleasing her going to get me closer to my objective? I hoped [[so|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> My head pressed against my forarm. My forarm was against the cold concrete of the alleyway. My hips jerked awkwardly as I endured his cock hitting inside me, not yet ready to enjoy the dick. And part of me was glad for it. Made it less embarassing. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Shit. Told. You. Fantastic. Night." He chuckled proudly and leaned in. Smacking quickly against me...<</speech>> <br><br> And he <<linkexpand "came">> <<cumSpray pussy1 thighs2 mound2>> I felt him pressing up and into me from behind as he released inside me. <br><br> He yanked back and my hips jerked up. Sharp entrance, sharp exit and my vagina was not pleased. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>He smacked my ass, wordlessly. And was gone.<</speech>> <br><br> I corrected myself as best I could and headed back inside. Slowly. <br><br> Peaches was waiting for me. Maybe the exchange had happened on the way in. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Good job. I knew you were a good girl."<</speech>> <<vCardCheck "Random John" M "Random John in the alleyway">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I had been a good girl. Was pleasing her going to get me closer to my objective? I hoped [[so|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I had been a good girl. Was pleasing her going to get me closer to my objective? I hoped [[so|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Go through the motions. <<contents>> <<if ($Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value) gt 4>> <<set $jobValue ++>><<else>><<set $jobValue -->><</if>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<skillChecked "Many traits">> Alright, Peaches. You weren't going to hover. You weren't going to listen to every interaction. You could only be ''so'' much of a puppetmaster. I'd rather be working on my feet than working on my back. I disappeared into the crowd. <br><br> It was just a matter of finding the men who were accessible but looked malleable. Available but not eager. <br><br> The guy dancing near some girls, but who couldn't work up the confidence to approach. The guy who approached but was brushed aside. The guy who was buying drinks but not following it up with conversation. <br><br> The guys who would be weirded out to be propositioned. <br><br> The upstanding, the nervous...the 'good guys'. <br><br> Still, that didn't stop the other ones from approaching me: I was just a girl wandering around on my own, and wearing clothes designed to entice. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> <<if ($Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value + $CC.maleReaction) gte ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value)>> <<speech "Guy">>"Hey, cutie." I was pulled backwards by the hips, away from the guy who had been fidgeting with his cup while trying to keep eye contact (and failing).<</speech>> <br><br> I turned, offering the displeased smile that I had been using on all of the unwanted approaches. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Sorry, already talking to--" I turned, but Fidget was gone. Shit.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"To me, looks like." He chuckled, his fingers like little spiders, clawing my hips towards him.<</speech>> <br><br> This was //not// what I wanted. I was trying to ''avoid'' guys like this one. <br><br> Fuck. <br><br> If he realized what I was? If he made an offer... <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Not very nice of you to just butt in like that," a slight twist of my hips -- nothing noticeable from a distance in case //she// was watching -- and I wrested myself free from him.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"But..." he let the double entendre hang on pulsing air, "with an ass like yours, I just ''had'' to. Come 'ere." The grasping resumed, trying to draw me into his clutches again.<</speech>> <br><br> My waist swayed to the music, inching slowly closer to him. I felt the sexual fate drawing in around me. Okay, different tack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>My lips were near his ear now, "I think you've mistaken me..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>Closer, his hands were now moving to the small of my back, clasping me, "Oh? I don't think so."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>My moisture fluttered by his lobe. "Then...what are you offering?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"A fantastic night, I assure you."<</speech>> <br><br> Fuck. He had no clue that I was employed by the club. I felt him nip at my ear. I didn't know how to dissuade him. He didn't seem dissuadeable. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"N-no, I meant..." Okay, if he didn't know, maybe me telling him would get him off. I made a money-motion with my fingertips, rubbing them together, "what are you...offering?" My eyebrows lifted, craning my neck to make pointed eye contact.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>The realization dawned on him. He looked quite pleased, knowing he needed less effort to land me. "Oh, no wonder...come with me."<</speech>> <br><br> His cloying hands were pulling me out through the crowd. And right past Peaches. She nodded with approval. Interesting, so there wasn't a money exchange on the front end. Or at least Tao wasn't insisting on it. <br><br> I wondered why I had given in, why I hadn't found some way to avoid this. I hadn't been seeking it out and still ended up being brought down the hallway to the alley behind the <<linkexpand "club.">> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<dollRearView>> club. Was I //that// broken in? It was supposed to be a means to an end, to be something I did if ''needed''. This wasn't needed. It was simply expected. I was giving these agents of darkness what they wanted. I was serving their purpose and advancing their agenda. My body gave them money so that they could burn the world down. <br><br> And his pants were down. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<speechPC>>"Wait. We need a condom." I was broken from my reverie by the risk that was suddenly presenting itself. I had been in my thoughts while he got me into position. I could feel his heat threatening penetration.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Fuck. Dirty bitch." He considered what I was and grabbed at the outside of my thighs, pressing them together on either side of his cock. He was not pleased.<</speech>> <br><br> But I'd please him. In the old fashion. He began to thrust, using the pressure, friction, softness and warmth of my legs as his embrace rather than my pussy. He received some wetness as my slit rubbed back and forth along the top of his cock. This was hardly 'safe'. But it was sincerely safer. <br><br> I wondered if he thought I meant that I wasn't clean. Or if he understood why I balked. It made me feel a dirtiness that I wasn't. His hand holding the back of my head reinforced the feeling. <br><br> My hips jerked slightly, lifting upwards every few thrusts or so as his cockhead bumped against, pressed along and nearly entered me. Simply by accident? Simply by nature? I hated how I couldn't control when it happened or that it was happening. At any moment, he could be inside me and unprotected. And my pussy around his worked up cock would certainly be all he needed. He'd be releasing inside me the moment the 'oops' occurred. <br><br> So many thoughts were racing through my head, anxieties aplenty...and then, he <<linkexpand "came">> <<cumSpray thighs3>> It wasn't in me. Thank //god//. His meat flexed against my moist lips while he pumped his load against the wall, to the alley ground, and along my thighs. I'm certain some got on my clothes. I couldn't think about it now though, I was just thrilled at the finishing. <br><br> He yanked back and my hips jerked up, trying to avoid the last swipe of his cock and the dangerous, slippery cum that his cock was oozing. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>He smacked my ass, "Nasty cunt." And was gone.<</speech>> <br><br> I corrected myself as best I could and headed back inside. Slowly. <br><br> Peaches was waiting for me. Maybe the exchange had happened on the way in. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Good job. I knew you were a good girl."<</speech>> <br><br> I had been a good girl. Much to my [[chagrin|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<speechPC>>"Fuck!" I was broken from my reverie by his cock suddenly presenting itself inside me. No warning, no preparation. I had been in my thoughts while he got me in position. I felt his heat thrust inside me to the hilt.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Fuck. Tight bitch." Yeah, no shit. Happens without foreplay.<</speech>> <br><br> I grunted my way through it. He was thrusting and I went back into my thoughts. Tao had asked me to play my part as a prostitute and despite all my best efforts, here I was getting railed in the alley behind the club exactly as she wanted. <br><br> It made me feel dirty. His hand holding the back of my head reinforced the feeling. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Hair-Trigger Orgasms')>> And then I was feeling myself cum. My head pressed against my forarm. My forarm was against the cold concrete of the alleyway. My hips jerked and shuddered as his cock hit inside me and my body enjoyed the feeling. And part of me was pissed for it. I was getting fucked and getting off. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Shit. Told. You. Fantastic. Night." He chuckled proudly and leaned in. Smacking quickly against me and drawing out my orgasm...<</speech>> <br><br> And drawing his own out. He <<linkexpand "came">> <<cumSpray pussy1 thighs2 mound2>> I felt him pressing up and into me from behind as he released inside me. My pussy clenched on him as my orgasm wound down and milked him empty. <br><br> He yanked back and my hips jerked up. Sharp entrance, sharp exit and my vagina was not pleased. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>He smacked my ass, wordlessly. And was gone.<</speech>> <br><br> I corrected myself as best I could and headed back inside. Slowly. <br><br> Peaches was waiting for me. Maybe the exchange had happened on the way in. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Good job. I knew you were a good girl."<</speech>> <<vCardCheck "Random John" M "Random John in the alleyway">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I had been a good girl. Much to my [[chagrin|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I had been a good girl. Much to my [[chagrin|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> My head pressed against my forarm. My forarm was against the cold concrete of the alleyway. My hips jerked awkwardly as I endured his cock hitting inside me, not yet ready to enjoy the dick. And part of me was glad for it. Made it less embarassing. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Shit. Told. You. Fantastic. Night." He chuckled proudly and leaned in. Smacking quickly against me...<</speech>> <br><br> And he <<linkexpand "came">> <<cumSpray pussy1 thighs2 mound2>> I felt him pressing up and into me from behind as he released inside me. <br><br> He yanked back and my hips jerked up. Sharp entrance, sharp exit and my vagina was not pleased. <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>He smacked my ass, wordlessly. And was gone.<</speech>> <br><br> I corrected myself as best I could and headed back inside. Slowly. <br><br> Peaches was waiting for me. Maybe the exchange had happened on the way in. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Good job. I knew you were a good girl."<</speech>> <<vCardCheck "Random John" M "Random John in the alleyway">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> I had been a good girl. Much to my [[chagrin|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> I had been a good girl. Much to my [[chagrin|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<speech "Guy">>"Hey, cutie." I was pulled backwards by the hips, away from the guy who had been fidgeting with his cup while trying to keep eye contact (and failing).<</speech>> <br><br> I turned, offering the displeased smile that I had been using on all of the unwanted approaches. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Sorry, already talking to--" I turned, but Fidget was gone. Shit.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"To me, looks like." He chuckled, his fingers like little spiders, clawing my hips towards him.<</speech>> <br><br> This was //not// what I wanted. I was trying to ''avoid'' guys like this one. <br><br> Fuck. <br><br> If he realized what I was? If he made an offer... <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Not very nice of you to just butt in like that," a slight twist of my hips -- nothing noticeable from a distance in case //she// was watching -- and I wrested myself free from him.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"But..." he let the double entendre hang on pulsing air, "with an ass like yours, I just ''had'' to. Come 'ere." The grasping resumed, trying to draw me into his clutches again.<</speech>> <br><br> My waist swayed to the music, inching slowly closer to him. I felt the sexual fate drawing in around me. Okay, different tack. <br><br> <<speechPC>>My lips were near his ear now, "I think you've mistaken me..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>Closer, his hands were now moving to the small of my back, clasping me, "Oh? I don't think so."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>My moisture fluttered by his lobe. "Then...what are you offering?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"A fantastic night, I assure you."<</speech>> <br><br> I nipped his ear. He jerked back in surprise -- a pleased surprise -- but the jolt was what I was looking for. I used it to get away, rewarding him with a grin and... <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I'm not free." And then I was gone.<</speechPC>> <br><br> Back into the crowd: a deep breath of relief. That wouldn't be the first time I nearly got carted off to fuck, just like Peaches wanted, but I was able to move on, looking for another guy who might be interested, but not make a pass. <br><br> The tactics worked: I played the part. I did my job. And I got home without getting taken [[home|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<speech "Guy">>"Hey, cutie." I was pulled backwards by the hips, away from the guy who had been fidgeting with his cup while trying to keep eye contact (and failing).<</speech>> <br><br> I turned, offering the displeased smile that I had been using on all of the unwanted approaches. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Sorry, already talking to--" I turned, but Fidget was gone. Shit.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Guy">>"Eh, whatever, bitch. You're not that hot anyway." And I was dropped like a bad date.<</speech>> <br><br> I couldn't help but feel the pang of rejection. I had gotten exactly what I wanted, but to have been judged and found wanting like that -- in a meat market like //this//, as a girl who's job it was to be wanted and enjoyed... <br><br> I bit back the tears and moved on, looking for another guy who might be interested, but not make a pass. <br><br> The tactics worked: I played the part. I did my job. And I got home without getting taken [[home|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
/* IMAGE (Needed): POV - checking out cleavage in the bargirl outfit */ Being a bartender usually meant that you expected to have guys hit on you, to ask for your number, to offer you drinks and try to take you home. Par for the course. <br><br> Club ZZYZX upped the ante in a way that never would have flown at 'reputable' establishments back in the States. Guys wanted to grope. They wanted their little chance at a fantasy hookup with their pretty drink-slinger right then, right there. <br><br> Talking to the barbacks didn't give any indication if it was always that way or if it was the permissiveness of the other bargirls. Talking to the other bartenders got me more snark and cold shoulders than any answers. I wasn't judging them. I was trying to maybe, shift the power structure back a bit. <br><br> The practice was inculcated. And little surprise, given that across from the bar were literal prostitutes. Club ZZYZX was a place where people came to take advantage of the women working. Just us a little less than the others. <br><br><br> "Long Island--" <br><br> "Nice tits." I slid the drink over to him anyway. He motioned me over. Fuck. Here we go. <div id="groping"> <<crossroads #groping>> <<path>> When in Rome... <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<face shock>> <<state aroused>> "Thank you." I leaned forward on the bar as if to talk to him. He pushed his hand right into my top. <br><br> "Oh yeah. //Great// tits." He looked over at the guy next to him and gave a little head nod. They didn't know each other. The other guy looked a little confused, but the moment he realized he was being invited to stick his hand into my top, he went right for it. <br><br> I felt the lycra top straining as a hand groped underneath it from two very different angles. <br><br> I was straining up on my toes, feeling them taking purchase in the rubber mat as best they could while my hips leaned hard against the steel bar. "So you guys drinking...or?" <br><br> "Sorry, hand's a bit busy, dear." His fingers found my nipple and tweaked. <br><br> "Fu--" <br><br> "Oh, she likes that." He nudged his new-found friend. The other nipple got tweaked in turn. They were both hard as rocks immediately. The place between my legs was soon wet. And the little outfit was not conducive to female arousal, let me tell you. <br><br> "G-guys." I giggled, trying to fight off the flutter of my eyelids, the desire my lower half had to climb over the bar and get some relief. <br><br> "Allright, allright." The other one smiled and patted his breast-buddy on the back, sliding his hand free, "She's been pretty giving. You know Di would never--" <br><br> "That's why you gotta go after the new ones." The first guy chuckled, turning away from me and into his Long Island Iced Tea. They began to discuss their own perverted approaches and strategies, but talking to each other allowed me to move away and look for different, less handsy clientele. <br><br> My body welcomed another hand almost immediately: "Welcome to the crew, <<print $>>." My ass took a firm swat. One of the more tattooed girls just walked by after that performance and clearly approved. <br><br> Don't make waves. Get in the mix. Even if it meant acting like a playtoy for these 'clients.' <br><br> Just another night as a bargirl, not a [[bartender|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Just because everyone else was jumping off a bridge... <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $jobValue -->> "Thank you." I leaned forward on the bar as if to talk to him. And almost immediately his hand slid forward to go for the opening in the lycra top. I leaned back, letting his fingers barely tease across my cleavage before leaving him wanting. <br><br> "I said, nice. tits." He frowned at me, leaving his hand extended as if I had not given him a high-five. <br><br> "I heard you. That's really nice of you." I began to move away. "Enjoy the drink!" <br><br> "Fuckin' new bitch." I could hear him over the music. He was fuming. <br><br> Moving down the bar, I found another guy in need of a beverage. As I was making it, he tried to smack my ass. I dropped my hips right before his hand fell. Just a perfectly timed little maneuver to get at a lime. "Nobody on this side but us, sorry." I looked firmly at his hand, swaying. <br><br> "Oh, come. On." He was young, he was frustrated. He had expected to play grab-a-girl all night. I wondered if he was even of age. For anything. <br><br> "It's coming. Hold on." And then his drink was made and I was gone. <br><br> The next man to try to take advantage tried to pull me in for a kiss. I almost had to wrestle his hand from the back of my head. He was pulling harder than some guys when they were trying to control a blowjob. <br><br> That brought too much attention. A bottle broke and one of the more tattooed and senior bargirls was over to us in a second, "What the fuck." She stared daggers at me, pushing me away with her hip as she started to make his vodka tonic. <br><br> "Just wanted give her kiss." Came his broken English. Another firm look and then she proceeded to let him suck on her tongue right in front of me as if she were doing an instructional performance. In a way she was. This is how you were a bargirl. Not the way I was. And fuck, she was kinda impressive. Her hands were still making the drink, despite being leaned up and making out with the grizzled southeast Asian man with yellowed teeth. <br><br> The drink was finished and so was the kiss. Then she turned hard on me and pushed me against the lowboy, "Don't fuck around. You're one of us. This isn't a game." <br><br> "We shouldn't have to do this." <br><br> She wasn't convinced. She didn't even think twice, "Do you know who you work for? You //do//." <br><br> I hadn't made any friends. On either side of the bar. Just another night as a bargirl, not a [[bartender|HomeBase]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt 2>> If the other girls were getting felt up, there was only one way to make an impression. <<blocked>> $ is too Sophisticated <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<set $jobValue += 2>> <<face ahego>> <<state aroused>> "Hey, bring yer drink around here..." I motioned him towards the corner of the bar. He looked confused, but moved over without argument. <br><br> I took my time, smiling at him, letting my hips sway back and forth, up and down as I approached the far corner of the bar. Being relegated to this part meant that I was the lowest-rung, furthest from restock, first to be approached from the door, but also had its decided unique advantages. "Why am I drinking here, tits?" <br><br> I put my finger to my lips, my other finger pulled down on the front of the spandex-y shorts, revealing what I was hiding beneath them. I leaned my enticing hips against the far corner of the bar as if I was taking a rest, but perfectly within arms reach of getting in my shorts. <br><br> His hand dived in. <br><br> My tits were forgotten. A finger was shoved up inside me, then two. He was practically panting, grinning at me as he felt me from the inside, "Fuck, gotta love the new girls." <br><br> "Oh. Y-yeah?" I barely gasped out. <br><br> "Might be my new favorite." <br><br> "No--one else...lets you play, play...with their k-k-kitty?" <br><br> "No one else invites me and opens the door." He chuckled, digging his fingers in deep to almost the last knuckle. "Fuck the Long Island Iced Tea." He laughed, withdrawing his fingers. He sucked on them, nodding and smiling at me. I think even in the shitty light of the club he could tell my cheeks were pink. My thumb was still holding down the front of the shorts. It tugged a little lower, almost begging for him to return to a job half-done. <br><br> He shook his head, other hand -- the hand that had been on the cold glass -- clapped firmly against my mound. My heat and his cold was shocking. The strike against my sensative clit was stunning. I practically stumbled. <br><br> "Back to work. I'll let the guys know you need some attention." And with that he was gone. <br><br> Upside: I became quite a favorite amongst the guys who knew. Downside: I was a walking ball of frustration. Upside: When guys were getting their little extra, it meant I didn't need to make drinks. Downside: The other girls were not pleased with my permissive pussy. <br><br> Just another night as a bargirl, not a [[bartender|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* IMAGE (Needed): Thigh-down to a pair of sneakers, dancing on a bartop */ Tonight had been a hustle. I was practically out of breath. Clients were practically ordering ontop of each other. And I was doing my best. <br><br> I felt like I was a dervish, hands and legs working, swaying left and right -- a dance of drinking. But just like the dervish can't stop, spinning dangerously faster, so was I. It felt like I was handling everyone. <br><br> I stepped back, vodka bottle spinning in the well that I had nearly missed. <br><br> Well, that's because I was. <br><br> The other bargirls were //up// ''on'' the bar. They had joined the dancers on the platforms with their own platform. They were all a part of it. <br><br> As much as these guests seemed thirsty to watch more girls bouncing around in next to nothing, they also seemed thirsty and needing their bevs to flow. <div id="dance"> <<crossroads #dance>> <<path>> Join in? <<contents>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<skillChecked "Performance" "Past Experience">> <<set _dancehist = $CC.danceStyles.length>> <<set _danceskill = $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + _dancehist>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<if _danceskill gt 4>> A break? Fuck. Yes. <br><br> I hopped up onto the bar with the rest of them with a squeal of delight. And nearly slipped on some liquid to end up on my ass. <br><br> A stutter step and I waved down at the guys below me. They were all getting a direct shot between my legs at my mound //clutched// by lycra. I was thankful for the dim light and began to gyrate, matching time with the beat. <br><br> My shoulders got into it. I felt the sway and bounce in my barely-restrained tits. <br><br> Knees bent slightly, tensing the exposed muscles in my legs and pulled my skin tight. The lycra bit into my asscrack and pulled tighter across my crotch. <br><br> Just a night at the club or a crazy concert. <br><br> Nuhuh, I was a better dancer than that. I wasn't just some woo-girl. I kicked it up a notch. <br><br> Even in the dim light, I took the risk. I assessed the things on the bar and went for it. A flip, head over heels with long leg extensions. I heard a few guys go 'wow', my feet coming down exactly where I wanted them to. I popped and locked, ensuring my tits and ass shook just a little bit more. My hands caressed up and down my bare body. I stared down at the men and boys before me, giving them the sexiest 'come get me' face I could. I bit my lip and made the show what it was: for them. <br><br> From one side of my station to the other, I sauntered and offered my attention. Stroked one's face, curled my leg playfully around another. It was a combination of what a stripper might do, what a club girl would do...but with a dancer's technique. <br><br> I wasn't paying attention to the other girls, but all the same, I could feel the eyes on //me//. Even from further down the bar. The rest of the girls just felt like stuttering, jiggling messes. Displaying themselves without deeper purpose or desire. No skill. No art. And that was less sexy. <br><br> Then the song transitioned. <br><br> I gave an ecstatic cry and shifted into a more rave-style. I'd figure out my next transition once I got a handle on this song...Oh. <br><br> It had taken me a moment to realize that I was the only one still up on the bar dancing. The others were back at their stations, feverishly working as if nothing had happened. <br><br> Oh. So there was like a 'bargirl' song. I made a mental note that this place had its own kind of Coyote Ugly thing going on and if I heard that beat drop again, I'd be back up and gyrating as a second set of dancers, up-front and center for the clientele at the bar. <br><br> I dropped down, clambering my way back down behind the bar. My ass got smacked rapidly by the guys behind me. It nearly sent me tumbling to the sticky mat below, but I caught myself on a watergun and spun safely into place. I flipped them off. They laughed and gave me thumbs up back. <br><br> Thankfully, they didn't seem any more thirsty than before. Our break had truly been that: a little fun and a spell between the frantic pace of being a bartender. The girl part of being a bargirl. <br><br> The night came to a close much like any other night. I was a sweating, panting mess, hefting heavy bins back and forth until Peaches was standing there in front of me. "Oh uh. Hey, Tao." <br><br> "Incredible show tonight." I heard some bottles clanging sharply against the bar somewhere down to my right. <br><br> "Oh. Uh, the dancing?" <br><br> "Exactly. Dancing. You've seen the other girls, yes?" She pointed to the elevated platforms. I nodded, dumbly, confused. "How would you like to be one of them instead." <br><br> So I had proven myself with my little display tonight. And there was an offer to switch roles. Tao seemed like she wanted me there. I didn't know what that meant or why she would be keen on it. <br><br> But on the other hand, I had been making my way forward as a bargirl so far. Would I be losing all that momentum? Would I have to start over again? Would it be a better opportunity? <div id="promo"> <<crossroads #promo>> <<path>> Take the offer? <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set $clubJob = "dancer">> <<set $M2.visitedClubJobDay1 = false>> <<set $daysWorked = visited("M002 - D2Work")>> The bar had felt like a dead end so far. "Wow. That's...thank you." <br><br> It sounded like the perfect fit: I'd have a bird's-eye view of the whole area. I'd see the comings and goings. I'd have access to the back rooms and hallways. And I'd be center stage, literally. People would know me and I'd have clout and attention, whenever I needed to leverage it. There was the question of how I'd manage just striking up a conversation as just a 'dancer', but I'd figure it out. <br><br> "Okay. Follow me." The little lady who reminded me somewhat of Edna Mode brought me down the hallway, giving a shoulder to the dressing room. No knock, no warning. No privacy. And the girls, despite many of them being mostly naked, didn't seem to care or notice, continuing on their conversation as if nothing was happening. It was a gaggle of tits and (almost) unanimously hairless pussies. Some of them were reclining casually, some of them were in the midst of applying glitter and other kinds of rave-like makeup. A few of them were wearing underwear. "Makeup like their's," a jabbed finger at two of them, "Outfits like..." cursory shake of her hand at half a dozen skimpy outfits that were draped over chairs and vanities. Very Go-Go. High boots, stockings and fishnets, hotpants and tops that clutched to breasts. Stripper-lite. <br><br> The door shut and we were turning quickly back the way we'd come. "Yeah, I can do that." <br><br> She gave me side-eye, "You've got that //with// you?" I shook my head. She laughed in triumph rather than humor. "Right. Outfit is on you, no...stipend of that kind of thing. I can swing you a shift...tomorrow at the soonest. That okay? You're not going to be kicked out of...wherever you're staying?" We were moving back towards the main club space with intention -- she had things to do. <br><br> "No, no that's fine. I'll be here." Good, little eager new-employee energy. <br><br> "You might be able to get some guidance from the girls, but I'm guessing you have danced before. Some men may tip you after your dance -- this isn't a strip club -- but otherwise, don't expect cash-in-hand every night." There was a twist to the way she had said 'may tip' which implied to me there was a bit more 'strip club' than she let on. At least in the VIP, backroom kind of way. <br><br> "Sounds good to me." She raised an eyebrow, not believing it actually sounded good, but it added to my need for the job, some desperation, which seemed in line with her expectations. <br><br> "Good. Now get out of here, I've got a club to run." I don't know if the sounds that spluttered from my mouth were a word or response, surprised at my summary dismissal, but she was off and didn't want anything to do with me anymore. <br><br><br> Rather than swing back to home base, I headed out to the nearby mall to grab what I needed. Putting together my bespoke club dance-girl outfit felt like a grab-bag of things that I kept trying to make work. I would be in one changing room trying a top on with bottoms from somewhere else and realize I liked the top better than the bottoms and had to go back and return them. And it got worse when I added in more factors like accessories and footwear. The makeup I saved for last, using the palette of colors and tones from the assembled wear as a guideline. <br><br> A few hours later, I finally was back home, exhausted. I snapped a quick text off now that I had WiFi, <<call>>"Changed Jobs: Dancer at the club. Felt like a better fit."<</call>> An almost instant response: <<call "EROS">>"Understood."<</call>> <br><br> Was that...agreement? Did they think I was making the wrong choice? Or were they simply trusting my instincts and it was a recognition of information? <br><br> The rest of the evening I spent doing makeup tutorials on YouTube and trying different applications. When I let my skin rest, I stretched and did more yoga than I'd done in a while. I wanted to be limber and ready to go. I wasn't about to pull something my first time on stage and look a dope. <br><br> It took me a while to get to sleep. My mind was racing with anticipation and excitement. This was going to be a new experience for me in so many ways. I ran through fake scenarios in my head of different ways to interact with agents of evil, envisioning myself scanning the crowd and uncovering his network, of eavesdropping some critical intel while holding a split. It was all silly, but I had no frame of reference for anything else. <br><br> When I did sleep, I dreamt of being up on that stage, but when I caught my reflection, it wasn't me. It was my [[Mom|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Stay behind the bar? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> "Oh, uh thanks...that's really nice of you, but...I think I'd be more comfortable back here." I patted the cold bartop, feeling its tackiness pull at my palm. <br><br> She shrugged, unaffected by my response. And she was gone, leaving me to clean up my station like any other night. <br><br> I felt daggers digging into me from my left. It was one of the other girls. "Uh, just...not my thing." <br><br> "Nobody moves up to be dancers." <br><br> "Really?" A playful little laugh, "No upward mobility at a place like this?" <br><br> She didn't like my response. "Only down." She motioned towards the empty couches across from us. <br><br> "Well, sounds like they have an open spot...maybe next time--" <br><br> She had grabbed a bin and turned away from me. Fuck. Trying to play nice back here was brutal. <br><br> I hoped I hadn't both said no to an opportunity that wouldn't come again //and// additionally pissed off the girls I worked with more. <br><br> Only time would tell. <br><br> I grunted my own bin up onto my hips, hefting it to the back. As I huffed, I tried to reassure myself that keeping my head down was the right choice. That the bar would have it's own opportunities. <br><br> Only [[time would tell|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> A break? Fuck. Yes. <br><br> I hopped up onto the bar with the rest of them with a squeal of delight. And nearly slipped on some liquid to end up on my ass. <br><br> A stutter step and I waved down at the guys below me. They were all getting a direct shot between my legs at my mound //clutched// by lycra. I was thankful for the dim light and began to gyrate, matching time with the beat. <br><br> My shoulders got into it. I felt the sway and bounce in my barely-restrained tits. <br><br> Knees bent slightly, tensing the exposed muscles in my legs and pulled my skin tight. The lycra bit into my asscrack and pulled tighter across my crotch. <br><br> Just a night at the club or a crazy concert. <br><br> One of the other girls sauntered towards me, a tight, sexy smile, seductive while matching my movements. Her hand extended and her fingers made a 'come-hither' motion. <br><br> We walked towards each other, navigating between people's arms and drinks and giving each other that 'party girl' look. And then we were against each other. Our practically naked bodies interlocked. I lifted one leg and swung it in the air as she pressed her crotch against my other thigh. Her hands caressed up my arms and mine held her hips. <br><br> I could feel her warmth. Probably just from working her ass off and dancing, but maybe she was getting off on our dance. <br><br> We swayed together, clasping and pressing at each other, two sets of tits, two asses, four legs and a LOT of skin. Whether she was into girls or not, that was the show we were giving them. <br><br> And then the song transitioned. She did a little running-man backwards and woo'd! She gave me a firm smack on my ass and then hopped back down behind the bar to resume working as if nothing had happened. <br><br> Oh. So there was like a 'bargirl' song. I made a mental note that this place had its own kind of Coyote Ugly thing going on and if I heard that beat drop again, I'd be back up and gyrating as a second set of dancers, up-front and center for the clientele at the bar. <br><br> I dropped down, clambering my way back down behind the bar. My ass got smacked rapidly by the guys behind me. It nearly sent me tumbling to the sticky mat below, but I caught myself on a watergun and spun safely into place. I flipped them off. They laughed and gave me thumbs up back. <br><br> Thankfully, they didn't seem any more thirsty than before. Our break had truly been that: a little fun and a spell between the frantic pace of being a bartender. The girl part of being a bargirl. <br><br> And at the end of the night I got one smile from my 'co-workers,' the girl I had danced with. Okay, that was a little forward momentum back here, even if it wasn't directly for the [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <<path>> Keep working? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> I felt the fury rising in me. They were all 'taking a break' and leaving me to do all the work. I'd show them. <br><br> They hooted and wooed. Their crowd joined in with them. I had their asses in my face, lycra pressing against me as I tried to focus on the job at hand. I tried to play it off, smiling and laughing. I gave the asses a smack as they came by. <br><br> My hands had to weave between legs, avoiding their kicks and steps. <br><br> And then one of them just //had// to drop onto her knees and twerk, spinning to pop her pussy out at the crowd and then back at me while her tits bounced in my face. I ''only'' wanted to make a fucking vodka soda, bitch. <br><br> But still I smiled, ignoring the display. <br><br> And then the song ended. <br><br> Almost in unison, they all dropped back behind the bar, a few woos and claps but they went right back to work and saved me from drowning. Oh. So there was like a 'bargirl' song. I made a mental note that this place had its own kind of Coyote Ugly thing going on and if I heard that beat drop again, I'd know better than stay down in the well. <br><br> I could have used the break. <br><br> [[Next time|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
It was a night like any other. Just busting my butt to get guys drunk. Or their girls drunk so they could get it. <br><br> And then came a scream from the end of the bar. <br><br> I jerked to a stop and looked. The pitch dug to that instinctive part of my brain: check for danger! <br><br> One of the girls was standing shock-still, looking down at herself. Had some guy done something? Was she shot? Was she bleeding? My mind immediately went to those places because I knew where I was. <br><br> But she seemed...fine? <br><br> And the guys cheered. She brightened and laughed, bouncing with her arms to her side, letting her chest bounce. And that's when I noticed the way her top stuck to her. She had gotten wet. And so she was even more on display. <br><br> A little wet T-shirt. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A white croptop soaked through to show the outline of breasts and nipples */ She grabbed the soda gun that had been swaying in front of her, hanging limply after it had gone off and drenched her. She turned it to the bargirl next to her and sprayed. She wasn't defenseless, and the two of them were sending streams of liquid at each other and squealing. The guys were cheering and pounding their hands on the bartop. <br><br> Drinks had ceased being ordered. They started to crowd away from me and down towards the two girls as they pretended it was some summer in the backyard with a couple of hoses. <br><br> <div id="wet"> <<crossroads #wet>> <<path $CC.maleAttention gt 1 || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> Raise the bar. <<blocked>> $ doesn't crave attention that much <<contents>> <<set $jobValue += 2>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Wet T-Shirt Winnings")>> Let's make it a 'thing.' I shrugged and turned my own soda gun on myself. I squealed in delight and saw gazed turning back my way. A couple of the girls who had finally been left alone by some of those guys squealed as they got hit with the backspray...and their pursuers were returning now, thanks to me. <br><br> My nipples became fucking //rigid// under the punishing AC. I shivered, goosebumps marbling over my super-exposed body. <br><br> And like the wave of liquid I had sprayed on myself, soon all of us bargirls were getting into it. <br><br> The guys were more than happy to not get drinks for a little bit, enjoying the extra show that we were giving them. I even handed an extra-cute guy the gun for a moment to let him spray me. <br><br> I was a soaking ''mess''. But I was laughing and enjoying myself. Better than most nights working here. <br><br> And that was worth a reward. They deserved more than just some shirts sticking to tits. <br><br> I pulled mine <<link "off">><<upper>><</link>>! I tossed it to the loudest guy cheering as what little hid me ceased to hide anything. I woo'd and bounced, spinning in a circle. <br><br> That definitely drew eyes. Guys crowded down the bar towards me, towards nudity. And they pushed for more. <br><br> I turned around, bending forward against the low-boy, looking back over my shoulder as I swung my ass side to side, thumbs hooking under the lycra as I pulled back. It peeled away from my skin pleadingly, but once it was off my asscheeks and tugging away from my pussy, my <<link "shorts came off">><<lower>><</link>> easily. <br><br> I attempted to flick them up from my sneaker before they hit the gross, dirty mat, but to no avail. They were a lost cause...and quickly ground against the rubbery material that was coated in god-knows what. <br><br> Everyone was watching my impromptu striptease. <br><br> And then I realized I was going to be without clothes. The one who had taken my top? Surprisingly nowhere to be seen. <br><br> Who was to be seen? Peaches and a fucking bouncer. Shit. Time was money and they weren't bringing in any. They came right at me and I was scolded, yelled at. She brought me a new set of bargirl clothing with a reminder, "Do //not// put that on tonight. You'll ruin them." And so she condemned me to be a nude bargirl for the rest of the evening. <br><br> I did see some extra money come across the bartop for the rest of the evening. We soaked, sticky girls getting a little prize for our impromptu wet t-shirt 'contest'. But all in all, we were just shivering and feeling the full repurcussions of our little party as we switched back into bartender mode. <br><br> And for me it was worse than the others. Guys were grabbing at the skin on display because it wasn't hidden at all. They got eyefulls of my tits and pussy all night. Fingers dug and groped at me relentlessly. <br><br> My crowd was huge that evening. Catcalls were relentless. The other bargirls were not happy with what I had done. And neither were the prostitutes: I was stealing the men away from them. <br><br> The house and those girls might have lost a little money, that night thanks to me. And if I could ignore the aftermath, I got a few more bucks as well. <br><br> All in all, it wasn't //that// crazy of a thing to happen in a place like Club [[ZZYZX|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Join in. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Wet T-Shirt Winnings")>> Let's make it a 'thing.' I shrugged and turned my own soda gun on myself. I squealed in delight and saw gazed turning back my way. A couple of the girls who had finally been left alone by some of those guys squealed as they got hit with the backspray...and their pursuers were returning now, thanks to me. <br><br> My nipples became fucking //rigid// under the punishing AC. I shivered, goosebumps marbling over my super-exposed body. <br><br> And like the wave of liquid I had sprayed on myself, soon all of us bargirls were getting into it. <br><br> The guys were more than happy to not get drinks for a little bit, enjoying the extra show that we were giving them. I even handed an extra-cute guy the gun for a moment to let him spray me. <br><br> I was a soaking ''mess''. But I was laughing and enjoying myself. Better than most nights working here. <br><br> The girl next down the bar was pulled over by a couple of the guys and we were judged, tops taut against our tits. <<skillChecked "Chest size">> <<if $Body.tits is ("large","extralarge","huge")>>She was //not// happy about it, but it was quickly clear that I was the winner. I outstacked her by far. She even popped hers out to try and edge me out. She gave them feels while I just stood there proudly clothed and proudly big-chested. No matter what she did, they still shook their heads and voted me. Guys will always be guys. Size always matters.<<elseif $Body.tits is "medium">>They hemmed and hawed. They rubbed their chins. Then they insisted and rubbing our tits. Getting handfuls because it was 'so close'. A photo finish, so they took some photos to really compare and zoom in. And then they decided it was a tie. Of course, even after getting all that, it was a draw. And they had won.<<else>>And she. Fucking. Won. Of //course// she did. No matter how perky and great a little set are, they can't hold up to a girl with bigger handfuls. As if size matters. Guys will always be guys.<</if>> <br><br> It wasn't too long-lived. Peaches and a bouncer came over to break them up. Time was money and they weren't bringing in any. <br><br> I did see some extra money come across the bartop for the rest of the evening. We soaked, sticky girls getting a little prize for our impromptu wet t-shirt 'contest'. But all in all, we were just shivering and feeling the full repurcussions of our little party as we switched back into bartender mode. The house might have lost a little money, but we seemed to fare alright. <br><br> All in all, it wasn't //that// crazy of a thing to happen in a place like Club [[ZZYZX|HomeBase]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value lt 2>> Let them have their fun. <<blocked>> $ is too Excitable <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> Seeing the crowd moving away from me came like a sigh of relief. They could fucking go naked and draw attention for the rest of the night for all I cared. I could use the break. <br><br> I leaned against the bar and watched the two of them really get into it. Soon they were up in each other's faces, spraying and grabbing at each other. A tit came out. Some ass. I worried for their outfits. <br><br> But it was all in fun. They weren't really going for each other's throats. They were probably just enjoying the break as much as I was, even though it meant they needed to sell their bodies a bit more than usual. <br><br> Display ass rather than bust ass. <br><br> A couple of the girls who had been left by the guys angling for them and I laughed and shook our head at the sight. None of us could understand why girls would do that. <br><br> The irony did hit me, but I tried to play it off, as I stood there, ass and tits mostly out, chatting with them and offering an occasional shot or beverage while we enjoyed the time to ourselves. <br><br> It wasn't too long-lived. Peaches and a bouncer came over to break them up. Time was money and they weren't bringing in any. <br><br> I did see some extra tip go across the bartop for the rest of the evening as the soaked, sticky girls switched back into bartender mode. The house might have lost a little money, but they seemed to fare alright. <br><br> All in all, it wasn't //that// crazy of a thing to happen in a place like Club [[ZZYZX|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
Most of the nights it was a slog. By the end, my arms were leaden, my fingers were waterlogged. I didn't have time to care about what was showing and what wasn't. Slinging drinks usually meant that I was moving too fast for there to be too much accosting across the bar. Instead, they were content with lewd remarks and leering. I couldn't pay attention anyway. <br><br> It was nights like those that made me content in my role. On display: an appertif to the sexual offerings of the club without really //being// an offering. I was just a worker. Sex-worker adjacent. <br><br> <<speech "Bargirl">>"Hey."<</speech>> <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Buttcrack peeking out of a pair of black lycra hotshorts */ The sweat -- despite the egregious AC -- had fully beaded in my cleavage and was collecting in my lycra-clad crack. I looked up and nodded at her, pouring my latest bev. I stepped aside, figuring she needed access to my well. <br><br> <<speech "Bargirl">>Her hand dropped ontop of my wrist, keeping me from lifting the vodka, "Hey, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> I yanked up, extricating myself from her and sending a stream of vodka across both of our arms. I finished pouring, nudging the glass across the bar before turning to her with a frown. Both of us taking a bar rag to wipe the alcohol clean. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What did I do." It's what I expected this was about. I didn't exactly have a stellar record with my 'colleagues'.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bargirl">>A clipped laugh, "Some of us are going out after. Want to join?"<</speech>> <br><br> Well. That was unexpected. <div id="comraderie"> <<crossroads #comraderie>> <<path>> "Thanks. Don't know how you do it. I'm wiped. I need to crash after this." <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $jobValue ++>> I was exhausted. I wasn't here to make friends and had been holding my own without playing nice with the others. <br><br> She nodded, returning to the reserved countenance I had gotten used to amongst the other bargirls. Without another word, she turned and headed back to her well. <br><br> And then it was back to serving drinks. <br><br> I didn't have time to consider the decision until we wrapped up and I saw her and two other girls hooting while swinging out from behind the bar -- and out the door. I shook my head and laughed. Their wells were going to be a mess tomorrow. Speaking of... <br><br> Turning to the necessary work, I cleaned up after the evening, wondering if they were going to change before going wherever they were going to end up. Hefting my tubs back to storage, I wondered if they'd be rocking a hangover the next shift. Probably. <br><br> Another shake of my head: No. Thanks. I'd take the comfort of knowing I'd be rocking and rolling easily next time I was behind the bar alongside getting the sleep my body was already craving. <br><br> As far as the mission: these girls weren't the masterminds behind some global terrorism. They hadn't done something with my Mom. They would have just been friends. <br><br> Far better uses of my time. <br><br> Like [[sleep|HomeBase]]. <<path>> "Sure. I'd love to." <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Lila")>> <<state hungover>> <<face drunk>> <<speech "Bargirl">>"Fuck yeah." She did a little kick and leaned forward to smack my ass in rapid succession. <</speech>> <br><br> I laughed. The guys watching us enjoyed it as well. <br><br> And then it was back to serving drinks. <br><br> I didn't have time to consider the decision until we wrapped up and I saw her and two other girls hooting as they sauntered over to me. My hands were filling my first tub of the evening and she was shaking her head. <br><br> <<speech "Bargirl">>"Nuh-uh. No time." She leaned down, grabbed me by the wrist and tugged me away from my duties.<</speech>> <br><br> I stumbled across the rubber mat, looking despondently back at the barely-started chore. That was going to be a bitch to deal with next time I was behind the bar. But too late, we were a conga-line of chicks making our way towards the front door. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"We, uh, gonna change first?" It came with an awkward laugh, the warm night air replacing the cold air-con and reminding me just how exposed we were. Like we were straight out of a rap video.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bargirl">>"Did you bring a change?" She pointed to the compact Indonesian girl, who shook her head. "Did you?" To the bleached-blonde Indian, who responded with a wry laugh. Then to me: "Did you?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bargirl">>"Well, there's your answer. Just don't let guys get any ideas. Ya know, like work." She grinned and squeezed me tight against her.<</speech>> <br><br> She was an American as well and seemed eager to have another ex-pat friend. Her name was Lila. The Indonesian, Jamilah. The Indian, Rupinder. <br><br> There was a hole-in-the-wall bar just around the corner that played an after-hours establishment for hospitality workers like us. Surprisingly, we barely got any looks. We didn't get approached. These girls were regulars and I was happy to feel safe for once. <br><br> Lila was a partying girl (no surprise) from Florida that came here for the cheaper lifestyle and considered our outfits better than some of the bikini bars she had worked in on the beaches. I guess she wasn't wrong. <br><br> None of them had many questions about me. It wasn't a 'getting to know you' session, except in the way that you get familiar with drinking buddies -- because we were //drinking//. Until the encroaching dawn shut the bar down. <br><br> To them, this was just a job. To them, nothing nefarious seemed to fluster them. Not a single word was mentioned about the prostitution, the sexualization, the underworld dealings that the club was a front for. The only other staff member they mentioned (besides a game of Marry-Kill-Fuck with the bouners) was Peaches. I could tell there was a simmering fear and respect for her, but also a latent desire to punch her in the face. Sympatico. <br><br> It really was a wonderful night out. A moment that felt normal. I could disassociate from the real reasons that I was in Manila. <br><br> We stumbled out into the street, heading off in different directions, with only a few hours of sleep left on offer for us. I heard a call from behind me and spun on my sneakers -- swaying and nearly falling on my hip. <br><br> <<speech "Lila">>"Hey, <<print $>>. That was fun. Let's do it again."<</speech>> <br><br> Yeah. That sounded good. <br><br> The drink on the brain made it an easy thing to want to do. And not a single consideration whether or not Lila would get me closer to my end goal here. <br><br> She was nice. She was normal. She was fun. <br><br> Everything my mission was [[not|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* IMAGE (Needed): POV: Encircled by wolves at night */ With Sakie 'in charge,' many nights were less than pleasant. Somehow, I ended up getting the shit duty of 'floor girl' even after our entrance set. Relegated amongst the crowd, unprotected by elevation, I'd have to endure guys treating me like just another girl at the club -- except I was a commodity. I wasn't just some girl at the club. I was a dancer. <br><br> Every guy wanted to go home with a dancer. And there I was, just inches away from their groping paws, pressing hips, cloying eyes. <br><br> Those nights were a dance of 'performing' while protecting myself rather than actually putting on a show. The press of men around me was unending. A rebuked guy would just be replaced by another, and another, and another until the shift was done. Meanwhile, whoever was above me remained oblivious to my situation, shielded from the hungry attacks by the very platform I should have been on instead of below. <br><br> <div id="floorgirl"> <<crossroads #floorgirl>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt 2 && $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> Fighting was too exhausting, I just had to find a way to endure. <<blocked>> $ is too Sophisticated or resistant to men's approach. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<state aroused>> <<SexSkill handjob>> /* Clothes (NEEDED): Gogo outfit pulled off tits, pulled off crotch */ "Hello, beb--" I felt his breath on my neck before I noticed that he was just a //touch// closer than the rest of the crowd. His hands had found my bare hips and were pulling me back. <br><br> I giggled, "Hello," my bare ass against his crotch and we were grinding. His hand slid around front across my lack of clothing and underneath the band on my stomach. He held me there. I felt him filling in his pants. I felt like a stripper. <br><br> His grinding became more humping. I saw people looking at us. I tried to play it off, but his hand was moving up the band to squeeze around one of my tits in his excitement. I tried to pretend this wasn't what it was: him rubbing himself off on me. <br><br> His fingers squeezed tighter. He was cumming. I felt the wetness against my bare cheeks. He jerked me back against him as he orgasmed. His load soaking through his slacks onto me. He leaned forward, grunting into my ear and giving it a little bite, "Thanks, beb." <br><br> I laughed uncomfortably and pulled away. He relented easily, though relinquishing me did free one of my breasts from under my outfit. <br><br> Okay. That was one way, but I could see the 'me too' flashing across all of the men around me. I needed to find //another// way. Because one was already grabbing my free and bouncing breast, trying to use it as a hand-hold to bring me over for his own release. <br><br> I shuddered, tugging myself free and back around the pole. I cursed how wet I felt and knowing it wasn't just the jizz residue, but my own arousal. <br><br> Then I saw him sidling around after me, smiling and hand reaching out towards my breast again. I grabbed at the cold metal above my head, using it as leverage to swing me back around again and away from my pursuer. <br><br> The pole. Yes! <br><br> Using the purchase I had, I engaged my upper back and my arms with all my strength, lifting myself head over heels, off of the floor and pulling myself up like a pole-vault until I could clasp my thighs around the platform support. <br><br> I began to swing around it, kicking one leg out, spinning and ensuring that one foot just nearly clipped by the guy's head. He backed off. <br><br> I didn't have enough height, but pulling myself up and dropping down this faux-stripper pole kept me off the floor. And the guys surely enjoyed watching the show, far different from what the other girls were doing. <br><br> Gravity pulled at my breasts, not having time to put that one back in. My crotch ground at the pole -- much to my pleasure. My legs kicked wide and bared myself to the crowd wantonly. <br><br> My muscles worked. The pole tugged at my inner thighs and ass -- it wasn't the kind of metal that strippers used and that was distressing my skin to no end. <br><br> But the guys stood back and watched. Eye-level to my pussy and my tits in turn. <br><br> Occasionally, one stepped forward when I was upside down and we made out while I slid down to the floor, the angle breaking me free. <br><br> Occasionally, one dared to step forward and squeeze at my tits, back arched to display them. <br><br> Once, a guy pulled the fabric away from my slit and left me on display for the rest of the evening. <br><br> On display enough for a guy or two to get their fingers inside for a moment here or there. It felt good, it also was distressingly surprising when it happened. <br><br> Elsewise, I was able to keep them at bay. Enough, I guess. By the end of the shift, they were cheering me on and even throwing me some cash. By the end of the shift, I was a horny mess. By the end of the shift, my arms were <<linkexpand "dead">> <<state tired>> dead. <br><br> "Come on." At first I thought I had been finally captured, quads and calves on fire and resisting my need to move. But her voice was soft, her hand on my upper arm softer. I relented, if only to give my legs a break. <br><br> Daxa guided me through the crowd and back to the locker room. It felt like the claws retracted from the space around me. I felt like I could finally breathe. "Thank you." <br><br> A gentle sigh of a laugh, "Really putting you through your paces." I knew she meant Sakie. We didn't need to name it. <br><br> "Yeah." I dropped into a seat, looking at the locker and wondering if I hand the strength to get back into my normal clothes. Daxa was removing what I could only describe as a 'concubine' outfit. Her giant tits with dark areola swinging free from the whispy fabric and veils. <br><br> "I couldn't bear to watch that anymore." She covered herself, despite being amongst her gender. Despite the repeated displays of her body. I was still going to see most of it, but she demured. <br><br> I averted my gaze, giving her the privacy she wanted. She finished and I looked back. She was smiling. She wore a simple sundress and shoes that were more like slippers. <br><br> "Aw, <<print $>>, you're beat. Alright, grab your things. Let's go." She practically pulled me from the chair. I clutched my things under one arm and departed the club with Daxa before the other girls got back. Before I had a chance to change. Part of me was totally okay walking ass-out down the street. I just didn't care. I received catcalls practically every step of the way, but the neighborhood seemed more than comfortable with a girl walking around like I was. And Daxa kept me distracted by cute little asks about America and where I'd learned to dance. <br><br> Her apartment truly was nearby. We got in the door and I popped my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> off immediately, needing the relief. I dropped onto a couch and laughed -- one of her protein balls was right in front of me in her extended palm, "Thanks, Daxa." I scarfed it and smiled. <br><br> "No worries. We've got to stick together." <br><br> I shrugged, "That's not Sakie's philosophy." <br><br> "No. And I'm not a fan." <br><br> Ah, a crack in the ranks. <div id="daxa"> <<crossroads #daxa>> <<path>> Build a bond with her? <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Daxa.rel += 2>> <<run $Intel.push("Daxa")>> <<Stats Social ++>> She didn't need much nudging. She seemed to almost //want// to be my best friend. <br><br> It sounded like she had been in my position before I arrived. The put-upon. The whipping girl. So, with Daxa, I could use martyrdom to get closer to her. She would want to save and protect me in whatever way she could. Like tonight. <br><br> "Show me those things you always have." I might have wanted another bite. She was more than happy to oblige. <br><br> We made our way into her abbreviated kitchen and chatted away while we rolled together the goji berries with almond butter, oats, flax, chia, coconut and a little drizzle of honey, "Not //too// much." Daxa smiled while oopsing a little extra into the one she was making. <br><br> She was a dear. I couldn't believe such a gentle thing had found its way to this dark corner of the world. <br><br> Maybe I should have believed it. The dark corners seek out the defenseless. <br><br> I gave her a squeeze out of nowhere. She laughed, but accepted it readily, "Glad you came over, <<print $>>." <br><br> "You abducted me." <br><br> She jerked back, almond eyes wide, "I did no--" and then laughed, seeing the wriness in my face. Then tugged me close for a tighter hug. <br><br> As much as I wanted to know more and was truly enjoying the company, my body was fighting with me to stay awake. "Aw, come on." She practically lifted me up and guided me to join her in the double bed. <br><br> She helped me out of my <<link "clothes">><<outfit naked>><</link>> and we curled up together. I was asleep almost [[instantly|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Find out more about the other girls? <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<run $Intel.push("Daxa", "Euji", "Sakie", "Lori", "Anika")>> She didn't need much nudging. She seemed to almost //want// to tell me everything. <br><br> It sounded like she had been in my position before I arrived. The put-upon. The whipping girl. So, with Daxa, I could use martyrdom to get closer to her. She would want to save and protect me in whatever way she could. Like tonight. <br><br> Euji had spent some time on the very couch I was laying. She had a tough girl facade, but from what Daxa said it was more her aesthetic than anything else. She had grown up in such a strict situation that she almost craved displacement and friction. She could have found a place to stay by now, but bucked at the idea simply because it was an option. She was working here probably as a giant middle finger more than anything else, despite how dangerous it was. Probably //because// of how dangerous it was. <br><br> Daxa seemed to know little, if anything about Anika or what drove her. She was imminently agreeable. Whoever was leading the conversation, she joined in. Favorite anything? Same as her. She was the eldest dancer amongst them and seemed exactly what the Club wanted: a supplicant. <br><br> When Lori came up, Daxa brightened, "I'm so happy you two hit it off." The way that Daxa talked about her, it became clear that the initial read on her was right: she was a kindred spirit. Displaced and a seeker. Leaning into our similarities was the way to go. Plus we were both the only two 'Western' girls. <br><br> Sakie had come in like a hurricane, from what Daxa had heard from the other girls. She had taken advantage of the supple personalities of the girls who had been there before and forced her way into top-girl status. <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>That was something I was very familiar with. Sounded like an Ava.<</if>> But the more that Daxa talked about Sakura, the more it sounded like she was a very scared girl. She was insisting on 'elite' status as a defense mechanism. She knew exactly the kind of place she was in and was shielding herself from abuse by being the 'best'. The important girl wouldn't be harmed. She was deathly afraid of what could happen in a place like that. <br><br> Interesting. <br><br> As much as I wanted to know more and was truly enjoying the company, my body was fighting with me to stay awake. "Aw, come on." She practically lifted me up and guided me to join her in the double bed. <br><br> She helped me out of my <<link "clothes">><<outfit naked>><</link>> and we curled up together. I was asleep almost [[instantly|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> I wasn't a toy. I wouldn't put myself through their objectification. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> "Hello, beb--" I felt his breath on my neck before I noticed that he was just a //touch// closer than the rest of the crowd. His hands had found my bare hips and were pulling me back. <br><br> I twisted, turning, "Hi." A tight smile. A little wave and I slipped away, articulating something out of modern dance -- long extended leg, dipping my body -- and I was around to the other side of the supporting pole. <br><br> Leaning back against it, I considered what kind of dance I could manage down here with so little space. The option of pole dancing was apparent, but would certainly get me the unwanted attention. The other option was far less elegant, but I would just club-hop. <br><br> In my little, spare outfit, I danced as if I was at the club like anyone else. My <<print $Body.tits>> tits bouncing unencumbered and barely restrained by my uniform, I was giving a show. That was what they'd be getting down here rather than any true technique. <br><br> I drew all of the eyes. So much of me was on display, it was hard not to pull attention from the other girls who were there and maybe entertain a man's approach. <br><br> I could feel them salivating. I could feel them turning towards me, both to watch, but also to try an approach. <br><br> So I had to move. <br><br> Constantly circling beneath the platform, I weaved and swayed through the crowd as I bounced to the beat. I found women as often as I could manage, using them for temporary shields. I wasn't going to remain in one place long enough to be grabbed or talked to. <br><br> It worked. But by the end of the shift, my legs were <<linkexpand "dead">> <<state tired>> dead. <br><br> "Come on." At first I thought I had been finally captured, quads and calves on fire and resisting my need to move. But her voice was soft, her hand on my upper arm softer. I relented, if only to give my legs a break. <br><br> Daxa guided me through the crowd and back to the locker room. It felt like the claws retracted from the space around me. I felt like I could finally breathe. "Thank you." <br><br> A gentle sigh of a laugh, "Really putting you through your paces." I knew she meant Sakie. We didn't need to name it. <br><br> "Yeah." I dropped into a seat, looking at the locker and wondering if I hand the strength to get back into my normal clothes. Daxa was removing what I could only describe as a 'concubine' outfit. Her giant tits with dark areola swinging free from the whispy fabric and veils. <br><br> "I couldn't bear to watch that anymore." She covered herself, despite being amongst her gender. Despite the repeated displays of her body. I was still going to see most of it, but she demured. <br><br> I averted my gaze, giving her the privacy she wanted. She finished and I looked back. She was smiling. She wore a simple sundress and shoes that were more like slippers. <br><br> "Aw, <<print $>>, you're beat. Alright, grab your things. Let's go." She practically pulled me from the chair. I clutched my things under one arm and departed the club with Daxa before the other girls got back. Before I had a chance to change. Part of me was totally okay walking ass-out down the street. I just didn't care. I received catcalls practically every step of the way, but the neighborhood seemed more than comfortable with a girl walking around like I was. And Daxa kept me distracted by cute little asks about America and where I'd learned to dance. <br><br> Her apartment truly was nearby. We got in the door and I popped my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> off immediately, needing the relief. I dropped onto a couch and laughed -- one of her protein balls was right in front of me in her extended palm, "Thanks, Daxa." I scarfed it and smiled. <br><br> "No worries. We've got to stick together." <br><br> I shrugged, "That's not Sakie's philosophy." <br><br> "No. And I'm not a fan." <br><br> Ah, a crack in the ranks. <div id="daxa"> <<crossroads #daxa>> <<path>> Build a bond with her? <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Daxa.rel += 2>> <<run $Intel.push("Daxa")>> <<Stats Social ++>> She didn't need much nudging. She seemed to almost //want// to be my best friend. <br><br> It sounded like she had been in my position before I arrived. The put-upon. The whipping girl. So, with Daxa, I could use martyrdom to get closer to her. She would want to save and protect me in whatever way she could. Like tonight. <br><br> "Show me those things you always have." I might have wanted another bite. She was more than happy to oblige. <br><br> We made our way into her abbreviated kitchen and chatted away while we rolled together the goji berries with almond butter, oats, flax, chia, coconut and a little drizzle of honey, "Not //too// much." Daxa smiled while oopsing a little extra into the one she was making. <br><br> She was a dear. I couldn't believe such a gentle thing had found its way to this dark corner of the world. <br><br> Maybe I should have believed it. The dark corners seek out the defenseless. <br><br> I gave her a squeeze out of nowhere. She laughed, but accepted it readily, "Glad you came over, <<print $>>." <br><br> "You abducted me." <br><br> She jerked back, almond eyes wide, "I did no--" and then laughed, seeing the wriness in my face. Then tugged me close for a tighter hug. <br><br> As much as I wanted to know more and was truly enjoying the company, my body was fighting with me to stay awake. "Aw, come on." She practically lifted me up and guided me to join her in the double bed. <br><br> She helped me out of my <<link "clothes">><<outfit naked>><</link>> and we curled up together. I was asleep almost [[instantly|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Find out more about the other girls? <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<run $Intel.push("Daxa", "Euji", "Sakie", "Lori", "Anika")>> She didn't need much nudging. She seemed to almost //want// to tell me everything. <br><br> It sounded like she had been in my position before I arrived. The put-upon. The whipping girl. So, with Daxa, I could use martyrdom to get closer to her. She would want to save and protect me in whatever way she could. Like tonight. <br><br> Euji had spent some time on the very couch I was laying. She had a tough girl facade, but from what Daxa said it was more her aesthetic than anything else. She had grown up in such a strict situation that she almost craved displacement and friction. She could have found a place to stay by now, but bucked at the idea simply because it was an option. She was working here probably as a giant middle finger more than anything else, despite how dangerous it was. Probably //because// of how dangerous it was. <br><br> Daxa seemed to know little, if anything about Anika or what drove her. She was imminently agreeable. Whoever was leading the conversation, she joined in. Favorite anything? Same as her. She was the eldest dancer amongst them and seemed exactly what the Club wanted: a supplicant. <br><br> When Lori came up, Daxa brightened, "I'm so happy you two hit it off." The way that Daxa talked about her, it became clear that the initial read on her was right: she was a kindred spirit. Displaced and a seeker. Leaning into our similarities was the way to go. Plus we were both the only two 'Western' girls. <br><br> Sakie had come in like a hurricane, from what Daxa had heard from the other girls. She had taken advantage of the supple personalities of the girls who had been there before and forced her way into top-girl status. <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>That was something I was very familiar with. Sounded like an Ava.<</if>> But the more that Daxa talked about Sakura, the more it sounded like she was a very scared girl. She was insisting on 'elite' status as a defense mechanism. She knew exactly the kind of place she was in and was shielding herself from abuse by being the 'best'. The important girl wouldn't be harmed. She was deathly afraid of what could happen in a place like that. <br><br> Interesting. <br><br> As much as I wanted to know more and was truly enjoying the company, my body was fighting with me to stay awake. "Aw, come on." She practically lifted me up and guided me to join her in the double bed. <br><br> She helped me out of my <<link "clothes">><<outfit naked>><</link>> and we curled up together. I was asleep almost [[instantly|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
Panting, we all filed back in after our entrance section. <br><br> Okay. So where was I after this little break? I turned to the scrap of paper tacked to the wall. <br><br> The dancer schedule had been adjusted. Again. Was it like that when I arrived? <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>><<Stats Perception ++>>I don't think it was. Fuck. Was one of them messing with me or had the bosses changed their mind?<<else>><<Stats Perception ++>>I couldn't recall even looking at it earlier.<</if>> <br><br> My name //was// on one of the platforms, but it had been struck through decisively with a sharpie. And then my name written in below Sakie's platform in awful handwriting. <br><br> I tapped my finger on it, turning to the girls, "Uh. I'm floorgirl tonight?" <br><br> Lori gave a surprised look over her shoulder, "Again?" Okay, not her. Didn't think so. <br><br> "Yeah. Exactly." <br><br> Sakie shrugged, "Just don't fuck with my routine like last night." Below her own platform too? Would she be so blatant? Probably her. <br><br> Welp. Was I going to try and fight it, or go along and take my medicine? <div id="floorgirl"> <<crossroads #floorgirl>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value>> Acceptance was death. <<blocked>> $ Confidence is lower than her Suggestibility <<contents>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> "Oh don't pull that shit Sakie." The tension in the room became stillness. The other girls were statues. Sakie turned calmly, hands on the hips of her skin-tight spandex. <br><br> "I." The words came slowly, "Pull whatever shit I want." She poked me in my sternum, my tits jiggled with the force. <br><br> "It's fucking dangerous down there." She shrugged with a wry and condescending smile, "There's a //reason// we're up on the platforms." <br><br> "There's a reason //we// are up on the platforms." She looked to the other girls, "Anyone want to swap with <<print $>>?" Nothing. She shrugged, looking back to me. "You've got your assignment." She extended a finger, <<if $Body.piercings.includes("Navel")>>flicking the piercing in my navel,<<else>>caressing my bare stomach before poking me firmly right above my navel,<</if>> "Feel free to take it up with Peaches." <br><br> Lori mouthed an I'm sorry. <br><br> I could feel the air in the room soften, the tension gone and the girls going right back to chattering away. I was the low girl on the totem pole, literally, I guess, so I'd need to just accept the hazing and go with it. I was trying to fit in here. I was trying to get //more// involved, not try and right some professional wrongs. That wasn't my mission. <br><br> So I bit my tongue and waited for Sakie to head back out onto the floor. I followed in tow, preparing myself for the demonic effort it would take to fend off the men down below the platforms. <br><br> Euji smacked my ass, startling me from my resolve: "Smoke break after?" <br><br> "If I survive." <br><br> "Sakie has no idea that you're drawing away all her attention." Her hand squeezed hard at my ass and gave it another swat. <br><br> Well, I guess that was nice to hear. <br><br> I was able to take some solace in the fact that eyes were down, on me. But so were their hands. <br><br> The other girls had their crowds gazing upward, like they were angels on high. I was these guys angel on Earth. Sakie was ignored. <br><br> But Sakie was the one lording over me, high above, ensuring that these seedy men were getting their dirty hands on me all evening. She was the one making me risk upsetting the applecart if I fought them too much or made a display. She was the one making me walk this tightrope of submission, and knowing that made every touch all the more disgusting. I barely made it through the <<linkexpand "evening.">> evening. <br><br> "So it was Sakie?" <<skillChecked "Addiction to Drugs">> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 0>>I flicked the ash from the end of the cigarette<<else>>I waved off Euji's offer of a cig. I didn't smoke.<</if>> <br><br> She gave me a hard look. That was all the answer I needed. "You survived." She shrugged and flattened the pleated schoolgirl skirt against her thighs. <br><br> "Is that all you can do here?" <br><br> A long, slow stream of smoke left her lips, "All you can do anywhere, really. Welcome to the Club." <br><br> She tapped out one cigarette on the sole of her platform boot before lighting another one. I was glad for this time away from the others and that Euji had selected me for company -- had //wanted// company. But how should I make use of this time? <<include "M002 - D2Dance2_Euji">> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Play nice. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel ++>> "I won't, Sakie." Her cold eyes gave some warmth as I kow-towed. <br><br> "Good." <br><br> I could feel the air in the room soften, the tension gone and the girls going right back to chattering away. I was the low girl on the totem pole, literally, I guess, so I'd need to just accept the hazing and go with it. I was trying to fit in here. I was trying to get //more// involved, not try and right some professional wrongs. That wasn't my mission. <br><br> So I bit my tongue and waited for Sakie to head back out onto the floor. I followed in tow, preparing myself for the demonic effort it would take to fend off the men down below the platforms. <br><br> Euji smacked my ass, startling me from my resolve: "Smoke break after?" <br><br> "If I survive." <br><br> "Sakie has no idea that you're drawing away all her attention." Her hand squeezed hard at my ass and gave it another swat. <br><br> Well, I guess that was nice to hear. <br><br> It's what powered me through our time back on the floor. I was able to take solace in the fact that eyes were down, on me. So were their hands. But the other girls had their crowds gazing upward, like they were angels on high. I was these guys angel on Earth. Sakie was ignored. <br><br> That victory made me a little more agreeable. Might have let the hands get a bit handsier that <<linkexpand "evening.">> <<state aroused>> evening. <br><br> "So it was Sakie?" <<skillChecked "Addiction to Drugs">> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 0>>I flicked the ash from the end of the cigarette<<else>>I waved off Euji's offer of a cig. I didn't smoke.<</if>> <br><br> She gave me a hard look. That was all the answer I needed. "You survived." She shrugged and flattened the pleated schoolgirl skirt against her thighs. <br><br> "Is that all you can do here?" <br><br> A long, slow stream of smoke left her lips, "All you can do anywhere, really. Welcome to the Club." <br><br> She tapped out one cigarette on the sole of her platform boot before lighting another one. I was glad for this time away from the others and that Euji had selected me for company -- had //wanted// company. But how should I make use of this time? <<include "M002 - D2Dance2_Euji">> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<div id="Euji"> <<crossroads #Euji>> <<path>> Get close to Euji? <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Euji.rel += 2>> Breaks were long. We had nothing to do but rest up and get rady for the next time that we had to be out on the floor. Me: actually on the floor. Despite being out back by the dumpsters, the alley felt like a respite from the oppression of the Club. <br><br> Euji was laughing off how hard DJDJ was trying to get into her pants -- she was staying on his couch for the time being. "Ya know, you could stay with me, if my place didn't only have a twin bed." <br><br> "Can always sleep on the floor. Not the worst thing in the world." <br><br> "My place kind of //is// the worst thing in the world, though." She laughed at that, too. Her laughs came easy -- I had not expected this to be a chill conversation, given her outward appearance. <br><br> "Ya know, you shouldn't just let Sakie walk all over you. I don't." <br><br> I nodded. I had the sense that Euji was a person not too concerned with repurcussions. Maybe even going headlong into them simply because she knew there //would// be some. That said, she certainly wasn't being shit on the way that I was. Sakie barely payed her mind. <br><br> Maybe she was spending this time with me simply because she knew it would draw Sakie's ire. <br><br> There wasn't any fight afterwards, though, if that had been her intention. Sakie seemed more than happy with me playing 'subservient' to her platform that night. <br><br> And I was more than happy to be taking all of the attention away from [[her|HomeBase]]. <<path>> See what she knows about the Club? <<contents>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<run $Intel.push("Peaches")>> Breaks were long. We had nothing to do but rest up and get rady for the next time that we had to be out on the floor. Me: actually on the floor. Despite being out back by the dumpsters, the alley felt like a respite from the oppression of the Club. <br><br> Euji was laughing off how hard DJDJ was trying to get into her pants -- she was staying on his couch for the time being. "Ya know, you could stay with me, if my place didn't only have a twin bed." <br><br> "Can always sleep on the floor. Not the worst thing in the world." <br><br> "My place kind of //is// the worst thing in the world, though." She laughed at that, too. Her laughs came easy -- I had not expected this to be a chill conversation, given her outward appearance. <br><br> "Worse than here?" Consideration through her halo of smoke. <br><br> "How bad is it really...should I avoid DJDJ?" I started easy, testing the waters. <br><br> Another laugh, "Would I be staying with him if he was dangerous?" I shrugged and smiled, "He's gonna take all the pussy he can get his hands on, but that's about normal for guys like him. It's Peaches you need to worry about." A shocked expression, encouraging her to continue, "She may not run this place, but she says the word and bad things can happen. She's essentially the gatekeeper here for everyone who isn't really running things." <br><br> "So it's her way or the highway. No way to go over her head?" <br><br> "I mean, you could give it a shot, if you think you're in good enough with Datu or Niño, but..." <br><br> "Dangerous." <br><br> "Yeah, more than dangerous. Especially once you involve either of those two." Got it. Ingratiate myself to Tao or try and jump over her. So her weakness was the guys above her. She feared them, and it sounded rightly so. <br><br> "So it's like...just a front for prostitution, huh." <br><br> "Eh, they have their fingers in anything--" <br><br> "Niño and Datu." Checking who she meant. <br><br> "Well, whoever tells //them// what to do. But, yeah, I guess so." She nodded, starting a third cig, "But if it makes money, they're gonna make sure that money flows in. Pussy, booze, drugs, partiers...whatever." <br><br> "Makes sense. So there's other people?" <br><br> "Never seen them, but you can feel it. This isn't a solo operation. It's too well-handled. No cops. But there //are// people who show up that have no business in this neighborhood." <br><br> "Or...they do." <br><br> A flutter of her eyebrows, playfully, "Or they do." <br><br> "Not the type to slum it for some drinks and ass." She shook her head. "So I'm in over my head, huh." <br><br> "We all are." The quiet invaded the space between us for a moment as she reflected the night sky, barely peeking out between the buildings around us, then: "We all are." <br><br> She was very forthcoming. I wasn't going to argue, but I wondered if that put her in any danger. If they had that bead on her. I had the sense that Euji was a person not too concerned with repurcussions. Maybe even going headlong into them simply because she knew there //would// be some. That said, she certainly wasn't being shit on the way that I was. Sakie barely payed her mind. <br><br> Maybe she was spending this time with me simply because she knew it would draw Sakie's ire. <br><br> There wasn't any fight afterwards, though, if that had been her intention. Sakie seemed more than happy with me playing 'subservient' to her platform that night. <br><br> And I was more than happy to be taking all of the attention away from [[her|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* IMAGE (Needed): View from a DJ booth above a crowded dancefloor */ Not every night was having to climb on the platforms. Sometimes a girl was selected to go up in the booth and be a babe alongside the DJ. <br><br> Tonight, it was me. Probably because I was new, maybe for other reasons, but I could see Sakie bristle. That made it all the more joyous. <br><br> Through a narrow hallway, a small, dark stairwell and I was up in the booth: "Hey." I wondered why I needed to be in my outfit up here, they'd hardly be able to see me. And what they could, it would be from an angle where maybe they could see my face...and chest? Still, not my call. <br><br> "Heyyy girl." <<if $Memories.includes("Knows DJDJ")>> He reached over to give me an unrequested hug, "So glad they picked you tonight, <<print $>>. Yer the new, hot shit." His hand got just enough ass to get a feel, not enough for me to call him on it. <br><br> "Yep. Me too!" Just go with it. <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("Knows DJDJ")>> <<set $People['AI'].DJDJ.rel = 1>> He went in for an unoffered hug. "Yer the new one, right?" It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that was a line. He knew full-well who I was and when I had joined. His hand got enough ass to feel, not enough for me to call him on it. <br><br> "Yep. That's me! <<print $>>!" Play it dumb, play it easy. <</if>> <br><br> Introductions out of the way, he leaned against the deck and considered me. Considered the way the outfit pulled tight across my chest and between my legs. At the amount of skin it bared. Up here there was no laser-light show to distract or fool someone from how much of me was on display. "Don't you need to be playing--" I pointed at the turntables and his laptop. <br><br> He laughed and grabbed me, pulling me alongside him for a teaching moment. A conspiratorial whisper: "It plays itself." <br><br> "So then what am I doing up here? What are //you// even doing up here?" <br><br> "Well that's the question isn't it? What do you want to be doing?" His head bobbed along to the music that was throbbing out of the speakers, automatically churning out beats for the people dancing below. <br><br> <div id="DJ"> <<crossroads #DJ>> <<path>> I was a dancer, might as well give a booth show. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue += 2>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> "Dancer's gotta dance, yeah?" I lifted myself up onto the turntable -- even stepping on all those knobs and buttons, I knew not a single skip of a song would happen. <br><br> His hands grabbed for my bare hips, both to steady me but also just to grab me. <br><br> And then I was up, on his table, up above the audience and starting to sway my hips. High above the platforms, I was in view of everyone. I was the dancer supreme tonight. <br><br> The turntable was //not// a good place to be dancing. It had been held up my plywood and two-by-fours and strained under my added weight. It also wasn't built flush or level. Luckily, DJ DJ didn't have much else to do except make sure I didn't fall. Especially when I did something stupid like a lunge or a quick ball-change, or a jumping kick. I did it all. It was reckless, but it was exhilerating and fun. <br><br> At one time I just dropped down to sit on the outer edge, letting my feet kick and legs dangle, waving down at the crowd. I spun, twisting onto my back and letting DJ grab high up on my thighs as I leaned and stretched down. They were tens of feet below me, but it was as if we might meet hands. <br><br> Then I jerked upright, having to stop because Mr. DJ squared was getting a little adventurous with my practically unclad pussy. I slid off the deck and tried to figure out my next routine. He didn't seem chagrined in the slightest. <br><br> Because I didn't actually need to do anything up there, I tried to throw in a few prying questions, but he didn't seem to know much. Or many words at all. A lot of those meaningless filler words and a curiousity about wanting to know the things that I wanted to know. But really, he enjoyed his place and how chill it was to just get to do his thing. What did any of the rest matter. <br><br> Well, if it didn't matter to you, DJ //squared//, then did you matter to me? If you didn't know anything, didn't know anyone...if you didn't matter to anyone outside of this little booth, then what was your worth to me? <br><br> Just another fake Alpha trying to use his aura to get pussy rather than anything of value. <br><br> Back onto his turntable, this time I was bouncing hard, trying to break his shit. Now he started to care. He guided me over to the sides of the booth where I was on the structure, rather than his electronics. So they did matter, I guess. <br><br> I used the window of the booth as if it were a pole, curling my leg around it, leaning against it, grinding and rolling my hips. The audience loved it. Practically a stripper up here. <br><br> "Fuck girl. Yeah." I heard him choke out from behind me. That had me quit it right there. We were at the end of the shift anyway. I was more than glad to be calling it a night. I wasn't sure I'd be eager to get back up into the booth, especially with him. Sakie woud be [[pleased|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Well, then I could 'DJ' too. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> I grabbed the headset off his ears playfully and put it on me. He guided me by my fully bare hips in front of him and proceeded to pretend to walk be through the turntables. <br><br> Really, he was just enjoying grinding himself on my mostly bare ass, letting his fingers play over my skin, for getting to play the Alpha-part he so desperately wanted to play in front of all his 'adoring fans'. <br><br> To his credit, the playlist had been made by him. He worked when he wasn't hear to set up the nightly music, so it was kind of a double-shift. Just this one he didn't really have to do anything except pretend, and play around with some half-naked girl. <br><br> I knew what the deal was, I'd seen enough of those girlies at clubs I'd been to. The 'DJs' who wore bikini tops and bounced to the music simply to bounce. <br><br> And so I played the part. Arms mostly up in the air, hitting poses and throwing out "Woos" that no one but us could hear. <br><br> He and I danced the night away. It was a playful show for those below, but he wasn't minding getting to dance up on me. <br><br> And he was hard. My clothing did not hide that from me. <br><br> Having a guy grinding and grabbing at you for a six-hour shift also just makes your body react in ways that you can't control. He definitely felt the heat and wetness on him and I'm sure he took that as a good sign. A sign for the future. <br><br> Because I didn't actually need to do anything up there, I tried to throw in a few prying questions, but he didn't seem to know much. Or many words at all. A lot of those meaningless filler words and a curiousity about wanting to know the things that I wanted to know. But really, he enjoyed his place and how chill it was to just get to do his thing. What did any of the rest matter. <br><br> Well, if it didn't matter to you, DJ //squared//, then did you matter to me? If you didn't know anything, didn't know anyone...if you didn't matter to anyone outside of this little booth, then what was your worth to me? <br><br> Just another fake Alpha trying to use his aura to get pussy rather than anything of value. <br><br> I was more than glad to be calling it a night. I wasn't sure I'd be eager to get back up into the booth, especially with him. Sakie woud be [[pleased|HomeBase]]. <<path $Stats.Traits["Easy"].value gt 3 || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho") || $Body.state.includes("aroused")>> If neither of us had to work, might as well have some fun. And ingratiate myself to DJ 'DJ'. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].DJDJ.rel += 3>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].Sakura.rel -= 2>> <<set $People['AI'].Lori.rel -->> <<set $People['AI'].Euji.rel -->> <<SexSkill oral>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<dollRearView>> I pulled at the shoulders of my outfit, letting my tits out, "Fuck, girl. Yes, party. They're gonna love it." <br><br> "What about you?" I said, dropping to my knees. <br><br> "Fuck yeah, girl." How many words did this guy know? "Yes, par-ty." He was undoing his jeans like the alpha he wished he was. <br><br> It was a tiny booth and if he was going to play his part, he pushed me up under the turntables. It was hardly what I'd call a nook. My bare back pressed against the nearly searing equipment. My head kept banging against the two-by-fours they had lazily nailed into place to create the structure. Still, no one knew what was going on, though I'm sure some of the girls were curious where I was. <br><br> Well, Sakie, I was sucking the DJ's cock. He twisted knobs as I twisted on his knob. He was lining up tracks while my fingers were working furiously between my legs, trying to match the fun for me with the fun for him. It was a little bit of a beat video game. The rhythm of the song was my guide. He dropped beats as I got him to drop his load into my mouth. It was in that moment he stopped his 'job' to look down and watch his cock pulsate inbetween my lips. <br><br> Then I was up, bouncing and cheering for the crowd. <br><br> That's when he noticed that my pussy was out, so he started being DJ Diddles and since I was still worked up and hadn't quite gotten there, I most gladly accepted. I didn't expect (but should have) that he wasn't that good at using his fingers on my buttons. He preferred to use his stick and it wasn't long until my frustrated pussy was receiving his round two. <br><br> It happened quick, I didn't exactly have much on to dissuade him from my body. And it did feel good. Luckily, I stopped him before he came. Really shoulda been using a condom. <br><br> "Aw come on, I thought you were here to party." He chuckled, pretending to work a knob and get the crowd ready for a sick drop while he smacked his cock against my stomach. <br><br> "You haven't had enough party yet?" He just smiled. He hadn't. And the shifts were long. <br><br> He and I were playing a dance of pretending to be doing something up there while he was trying to get his dick back in me and I was trying to not piss him off. Six hours is a long time in a 5 square foot space. <br><br> I held him off for <<skillChecked "Wiles">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 3>>almost the entire shift, but the crest of the night gave him the opportunity to dupe me, sinking back inside me and riding me to completion.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 1>>half of the session before he finally sunk back in and rode me to completion.<<else>>an hour before he finally sunk back in and rode me to completion.<</if>> At that point, he'd already gotten it and painted my cervix with his semen, so it didn't really matter anymore. We just fooled around relentlessly until the night came to a close. <br><br> <<vCardCheckPreg "DJ DJ" M "DJ Squared, who hit it one night in the booth with me in a game of hide the salami">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. Surprisingly, I was almost as tired as if I had danced a normal shift. <br><br> Unsurprisingly, DJ DJ became my biggest fan. I'd need to really consider who I joined in the booth going forward, if at [[all|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Surprisingly, I was almost as tired as if I had danced a normal shift. <br><br> Unsurprisingly, DJ DJ became my biggest fan. I'd need to really consider who I joined in the booth going forward, if at [[all|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
There was always the danger before and after the platforms. It's why we always moved as a squad. Strength in numbers, but three girls together wasn't enough to ward off the most persistent of patrons. <br><br> A hand spun me around. <br><br> <<speech "Lapdance guy">>"How 'bout a private?"<</speech>> <br><br> I was stunned. I was tired from having been giving it my all up above for the past half hour. He didn't need to have perfect English for me to understand what he meant. <br><br> <<speech "Lori">>"We dance for everyone, buddy." Lori tried freeing me from his grasp.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Lapdance guy">>He yanked back firmly, "I pay."<</speech>> <br><br> He was a squat, middle-aged non-descript Asian man. Dark hair, dark eyes. Couldn't have picked him out of a crowd if you asked me to. And he wasn't letting go. <br><br> Lori was mouthing, "No," while shaking her head. Anika looked like a deer in headlights, but her demeanor also spoke to the fact that 'no' was the standard response. <div id="private"> <<crossroads #private>> <<path>> This wasn't a strip club. He could go find one. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> Finally coming to my senses, I yanked my hand finally free. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"We're //not// strippers, buddy." Lori's word for him felt most apt.<</speechPC>> <br><br> His almond eyes shot open. That was not the catering he expected in a place like this. Before he could blow his top, I was grabbed again and Lori was dragging me down the hallway and into our green room. <br><br> <<speech "Lori">>"Fuck, that was close."<</speech>> <br><br> We dropped into our chairs, waiting for the next time we had to go out there with more trepidation than was usually the case. I could only imagine that little guy just standing out there waiting for us. Finding Peaches and demanding my attention. <br><br> It turned out that this was a hot-button issue at the Club. Sakie, of all people, had been a hard-line defender of the dancer's rights. Peaches and the people behind the curtain had attempted on a number of occasions to find another revenue stream exactly the way that I had been approached that evening. This had been an odd encounter. The others had come as direct requests -- expectations -- by Peaches or one of the other men in suits. None of them were happy with how adament the girls were. <br><br> The two of them detailed the tug-of-war that had been going on and I realized how momentus my choice had been. If I had been willing to go off with that guy, if I had been the chink in the armor, it doubtless would be opening the club needed to be able to take even more from these girls than they already did. <br><br> And once we were giving private dances, who knew where that led. <br><br> The guy wasn't out there waiting for me. Not did the guillotine drop for me. <br><br> The word //did// get around that I had joined ranks with the rest of the girls. I think I even noticed Sakie giving me a bit softer look the next couple of nights. <br><br> We were the respectable part of the club. If you could call barely-clothed go-go dancers respectable. <br><br> But we weren't simply objects and toys for the pleasure of the clientele. <br><br> And I was happy I was one of [[them|HomeBase]]. <<path>> It was just a dance. And I didn't want to upset the apple cart. <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel -->> <<run $Memories.push("Danced for a Patron")>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set _lapdance = $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <<skillChecked "Many traits">> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<speechPC>>"Uh, s-sure," I was not interested in having Peaches up my ass. I could practically feel her eyes drilling into me from some dark corner, drawing those words from my mouth.<</speechPC>> <br><br> I mouthed back, "Sorry!" to Lori and Anika as the guy dragged me away, wordlessly. I felt a furrow in my brow as the confusion set in. Their reactions were more than care for me. A shadow passed over both of their faces and my heart began to pound. Was I dead? Something was //very// wrong. <br><br> They didn't chase after me and were soon consumed by the crowd, leaving me with Mr. Dance. He was leading me over to the couches. Where the whores were. This was not going to be some private dance in some VIP room -- I think, deep inside, I had hoped that maybe this was a way to some back VIP room that might have given me some more intel -- this was going to be a dance for him in front of everyone. The working girls were staring daggers at me. I demured, tucking my chin as he greedily pulled me into his lap, avoiding eye contact. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hey," I tried to laugh off the aggression, being unceremoniously tugged across his hips.<</speechPC>> <br><br> His only response was a firm smack across my bare asscheek. I lifted up at the sharp sting on my unprotected rear, my dance outfit pulling tight up my crack and baring my ass for all to see. <br><br> He pulled me by my bared ass against his crotch. We began to grind. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>><<state aroused>>Fuck, everyone could see us dry humping each other. My pussy was warm and growing wet before we had begun to really press against each other. I felt so watched, so on display.<<else>>I felt a tightness in my throat. I did not like how watched and on display I felt. Everyone was going to watch us dry hump. The whole club could watch him grab and grope on me.<</if>> His hands slid up my back and tightened at my shoulders, leaning me into him. I gave a cute smile, trying to go with this while I felt the crotch of my outfit digging and dragging back and forth against my labia. I felt his growing hardness between us: a heated ridge that pressed along the indent of my lips, a firm pressure grinding back and forth across my barely contained clit. <br><br> My hips began to move more unbidden, encouraged by the pulsing, rhythmic waves of pleasure. I churned to the beat of the music and gave sharp little gasps when he struck at my ass every so often. <br><br> His mouth slackened a bit, feeling my pussy going back and forth against his erection. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>>My hands clutched at his lapel. I was <<shake 4s>>cumming<</shake>>. I shuddered and bucked against him, a staccatto of pressing and rubbing against him, riding out my rush of pleasure. That was quick.<</if>> He groaned and nodded, "Yeah. Move your ass," leaning back with his hold on me, watching my body cavort against him. <br><br> Despite the industrial air conditioning, I was ''hot''. I had just spent half an hour busting my ass and now I was moving my ass, his proximity like another space heater between my legs...and we were working each other up. <br><br> The hand at my shoulder pulled at the shoulder strap. He was trying to free my breasts. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> <<set _lapdance ++>> Oh fuck it. Fine. I shrugged, them and used one of my hands to pull down the other side, freeing them both. Unsurprisingly, he dove right in, clutching his thin lips against one nipple and began to suck and lick lewdly at it while my outfit dropped halfway down to my waist. I shuddered and cooed slightly, my hand sliding through his dark, straight hair in reaction to being suckled. My hips bucked forward and back, riding his ridge as the intensity quickly ramped up. <<else>> Oh, fuck no. I grasped at the shoulderstap and shook my head, guiding his hand to my breast instead. He could enjoy without them being out. I wasn't a stripper. He didn't like it, but he was horny and willing to accept it. He squeezed and swat my ass a few times to 'punish' me for not giving him what he wanted. <</if>> <br><br> I swirled my hips, moving like a corkscrew against him, watching his face intently. I also began to wonder what the stopping point for this would be. There hadn't been anything agreed upon. My ears keyed in on the house beat. Where were we in this song? EDM always ran long. Shit. <br><br> <<if _lapdance gt 8>> His chest was heaving, his hands were grasping. Oh shit, he was going to cum. Didn't need to wait for the end of the song. I pressed my mound ''down'' firmly along his shaft and then //up//. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> was I. I grabbed hard at his shoulders, grinding my pussy against him hard and quick. I was whimpering, rubbing myself off on his cock and orgasming...right before...<br><br><</if>> He came, cock jerking against me through our clothes. I felt the wet coolness spreading quickly through his fabric and into mine. My movements were slower, up and down his spasming length while he finished off and messed himself up. He breathed hard, smiling at me, looking pleasantly surprised at the whole encounter, "You are good dancer. Knew it." <<else>> He was breathing hard and he //was// hard. I could feel his need against me. He wanted so badly to cum, but even a lapdance with a half-naked girl grinding on his crotch wasn't going to get him there. We were going to cavort until the end of the song. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>>I'd cum though. I grabbed hard at his shoulders, grinding my pussy against him hard and quick. I was whimpering, rubbing myself off on his cock and orgasming...<br><br><</if>> He grunted as the beat dropped, transitioning into the next song. My movements slowed, up and down his stiff length. The need in his eyes was unmissable. The frustration mounting in him as his body craved release that he wouldn't be getting. <</if>> Shifting my hips back, I spread my knees and dropped out of his lap. My fingers reached back and corrected the wedgie I had gotten and gave him a coy little wave, turning and leaving the man on the couches. <br><br> Collecting myself and trying to ignore everyone else (eye contact might just mean another taker), I walked back to the dancer 'green room,' the crotch of my outfit soaked through. That would be uncomfortable the rest of the evening and a reminder of what I had just done. I moved quickly, hoping I hadn't lost too much of my break to the extra work. <br><br> I found the girls exceedingly cool to me for the rest of the night. Nary a look and not a word as we made our way through to the end and I was able to make my way back home. <br><br> Had I pissed them off? I hoped it wasn't going to be irredeemable. And what choice was I given? I had done what I had to, right? <br><br> I'd sleep it off and see how the next night [[went|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set _corruption = 0>> <<set _style = 0>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Female dancer holding a Scorpion pose on a platform */ Coming to work had finally begun to feel like going to work. I had found my footing and understood what was expected of me on a nightly basis. Before now, I had felt underwater -- where did I need to go? on the platforms? below the platforms? who was I paired with? what was my standing among the girls? <br><br> Without the confusion, I realized that I'd been going through the motions: dancing on the fly. Now, when I was elevated above the dance floor, I realized how uninspired my routines had been before now. How had the other girls not commented? How had Tao not pulled me aside for a stern talking-to? I had simply been just a girl, wearing little, bouncing for people to watch. <br><br> I needed to figure out what my performing style would be. I needed to define who <<print $>> was as a dancer. <br><br> Would I be sexy like Sakura and Lori, would I be elegant like Anika and Daxa, would I be passionate and expressive like Euji? <br><br> First, what was the core of my dancing? <div id="style"> <<crossroads #style>> <<path>> Something traditional like Ballet? <<contents>> <<set _style = 1>> <<skillChecked "Dance Knowledge, Body Traits, Excitability and Sophistication">> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("Ballet1")>> I put those early-life classes to use, engaged my core and found my relevé. I spun above their heads, arms and legs kicking, fluttering, pointing long and strong. <br><br> There was something eminently comforting to find something pure in my performance. The return to discipline and perfection allowed me distraction from what I was actually doing. <br><br> And maybe a little part of me imagined that Peaches was tapping a baton in tempo. <<else>> I lacked experience in the style, but that didn't mean I couldn't fake it til I made it. I watched Black Swan, Suspiria and The Red Shoes in my off hours so I had examples. <br><br> There was something empowering choosing something classic and antithetical despite my ass being out. I was waiting for someone to criticize me, whether for my bad form or for not being sexy enough. <br><br> Neither came as I affected my best approximation of a ballet dancer. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> And I knew that my legs practically begged for ballet. Already fully bared, they would look incredible held out and engaged. I'd emphasize that most of my height came from my gams. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value>> Ballet felt true to who I was. If dance was a representation of self, what better than this reserved, beautiful refinement? <<else>> I kept finding myself at odds with the music, though. The line of EDM, the drops, the energy below me...I kept dropping out of form and into something more club-like, as much as I tried. <</if>> <br><br> Long lines, full-extensions. A flowing, graceful performance was what I'd give night after night. <br><br> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Interaction">> <<path>> Something middle-of-the-road like Hip-Hop? <<contents>> <<set _style = 2>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<skillChecked "Dance Knowledge, Body Traits, Easiness and Excitability">> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("HipHop1")>> I put those early-life classes to use. I hit and dropped. I could pop my pussy like the best of them. I could shake my ass even better. But that wasn't the core of my dance, just the things that people would notice. <br><br> It felt like the perfect style to keep everyone happy while not devaluing myself. I wasn't a stripper, despite how they dressed me up. I was a skilled performer and I was going to show them exactly how much I'd learned before coming to the Club. <br><br> I could lose myself in the beat, feel as comfortable as I could while dancing the night away. <<else>> I'd seen music videos aplenty. I'd gone out to clubs. Parties, dances...I had a lot of references, but not anything I was really educated in. It felt a little silly trying to make a serious dance routine out of the smattering of moves I'd picked up over the years. <br><br> It was a weird middle ground of giving the performance that was expected of me but also being not good enough at it that it kind of felt like giving the Club the finger. I was some party girlie up on a platform and shaking my ass, but no better than the girls below were doing it. <br><br> Maybe worse. But at least I knew I wasn't going to get yelled at. I was shaking my thang. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>> Everything was hips and ass. My weight was sitting back, legs slightly bent. My outfit dug into my crack as my ass engaged and it looked //good//. It bounced, it swayed. My ass-ets on fully display from down below. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> I loved just being able to ensconce myself in the music. I felt on display, but no more than any other girl at the club. And up there, I could just enjoy the jams all night long. <<else>> I was so on display. It was impossible to ignore. I'd catch guys looking up between my legs and I'd find myself gyrating my hips, cocking myself back to show off to them. And then I'd catch //myself// and try to modulate to something less slutty. <</if>> <br><br> Focusing on lining up with the beat of the music, vaied and interesting. A staccatto of moves and sequences, I'd be the quintessential club performer night after night. <br><br> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Interaction">> <<path>> Forget 'style' -- I was a half-naked girl on stage. Why lie, I was practically a stripper. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue += 2>> <<set _corruption += 2>> <<skillChecked "Desire for Attention, Body Traits, Easiness and Sophistication">> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>> My body was to be shown off. Everytime I can remember going out to dance or party, I was making eyes, I was shaking my ass, I was sliding my hands up and down my body. My cleavage was out, my mouth was slightly open -- available and receptive. <br><br> And now I was fully on display. I could watch all those male eyes devouring my form from afar. Their desire for me fueled my movements. <br><br> There wasn't any skill or training behind it -- excepting the skill I had for showing off. <<else>> <<set _corruption ++>> It wasn't new to be looked at when I was dancing. I could remember every time when I snapped out of my enjoyment of the music to some guy grabbing or lewdly gazing at me. And all of those times before, I pulled away. I retreated. I avoided it and covered up. <br><br> Now I was doing the exact opposite. It was difficult to do. It felt unnatural. I was fighting my instincts of self-preservation and trying to be more revealing, more sensual, more available to men. <br><br> I wasn't good at it. It wasn't practiced. But they didn't seem to care. They just drooled. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("Fantastic Tits")>> My body was built for it, too. My tits were constantly shaking, barely contained by my outfit -- threatening to pop free -- my feminine form trying to entrance the Club patrons with how gifted I had been between my shoulders. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> This felt so good. I got hot every time I got on stage. I felt fucked by all those eyes, felt so needed. So wanted. <<else>> It was hard to maintain, though. I wanted to cover up, I wanted to protect myself. I felt like I was being fucked up there, like I was going to be devoured each time I got up there. I found myself skirting away from displaying too much, too long. <</if>> <br><br> Showing off the goods, displaying my body. I'd make people //want// me night after night. Offering myself to everyone, but out of reach and unattainable. <br><br> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Interaction">> <</crossroads>> </div>
I had an audience. How would I include them? <div id="interact"> <<crossroads #interact>> <<path>> Not at all. I was a display, that's it. <<contents>> I was above them. <br><br> I could dance up there like I was on top of the world. Somewhere else. Just dancing in the dark. <br><br> I'd ignore the crowds below -- they were getting to see what they wanted to anyway. <br><br> There was no need for me to do anything else but dance. So I danced. <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Effort">> <<path>> Eye-contact and enticement. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue ++>> I was above them. I was protected, but that didn't mean I held myself aloof. <br><br> Catch one of the guys checking me out and I could smile. I was there, juuuust out of reach, but still (maybe!) interested. I'd draw them in, I'd make a crowd with little coy looks and smiles. <br><br> I'd connect with them. And when our eyes were locked, I'd let my hands wander a where they wished their hands were. <br><br> It was a show, so I gave them one. <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Effort">> <<path>> Directly, personally, physically. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue += 2>> <<set _corruption ++>> I was above them and that felt false. The other girls that worked here were within reach. <br><br> So, I leveled the playing field. <br><br> I utilized levels, letting my limbs hang and sway overhead where they might be touched. I hung over the edge, fingertips tickling and tugging at those who'd reach up. <br><br> And every once in a while, I'd pick some lucky fellow to come up there with me. He was the example of what all the other guys wished they could be: hands on me, pressing tight. <br><br> They'd inevitably ruin my rhythm and flow, but instead, I had a warm-blooded partner. <br><br> Because they were warm-blooded also meant I had to deal with what the distance usually protected me from -- the wandering hands, the feels between my legs and under my outfit. They'd get a grope, they'd get their feels, sometimes they'd get a finger in me. <br><br> Such were the risks of the job. I couldn't just push them off to their deaths, either. <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Effort">> <</crossroads>> </div>
How hard was I going to work each night? <div id="flair"> <<crossroads #flair>> <<path>> Put my back into it. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<state tired>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I'd leave the stage sweaty, the moisture wicking off of my goosebumped bare skin. The flush of my body and exertion hidden by the fog and bad lighting. But still, I put everything I had into my dancing. <br><br> It wasn't just for the clientele...mostly it was for Peaches and the Club. I wanted to be seen as an overachiever. I wanted to be seen as a great hire, an interesting and hardworking girl. <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Flair">> <<path>> Let the display do the work. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> No one was paying attention to how hard I was dancing. They just wanted to see my body. And see it move. <br><br> There was no reason to over-exert myself. <br><br> <<include "M002 - D2Dance5_Flair">> <</crossroads>> </div>
And what would be my signature? My memorable little bit of flair? <div id="flair"> <<crossroads #flair>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism") || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 3>> A bit of stripping? <<blocked>> $ is not an exhibitionist or suggestible enough <<contents>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<set _corruption ++>> I was essentially a stripper. And it wasn't like go-go dancers wouldn't flash some tit, go what was the harm? <br><br> The outfit barely covered anything anyway. <br><br> Maybe I'd move too quickly, too forcefully and a tit would pop free. I'd let it. Maybe let the other join and the shoulder straps fall off my shoulders. <br><br> Maybe I'd incorporate it into my movement: a hand sliding under the lycra to pull a breast out. <br><br> Or maybe it'd be my pussy, creasing and mostly exposed by the spare crotch-cover. Or pulled aside and fully exposed. <br><br> What did it matter? I watched them looking, enjoying the full reveal of what had been 'hidden' moments before. <br><br> And that's how I performed at Club ZZYZX. Every [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <<if _corruption gte 3>><<set $mindCorruption ++>>Every night, I felt dirty. I felt like I was giving of myself. It was draining being so exposed and me being so free with my body. I hoped the price was worth it.<</if>> <<path ($Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism") && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3) || ($Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 4 && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3)>> A bit of masturbation? <<blocked>> $ isn't an exhibitionist or suggesitble enough and isn't 'easy'. <<contents>> <<set $jobValue += 2>> <<set _corruption += 2>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> I was essentially a stripper. So what was the harm? <br><br> Sometimes you got horny up there, showing so much, moving sensually, being looked at that way -- //so// exposed. <br><br> Sometimes I saw the way someone would look at me. They were hot and I wanted to imagine them with me...and have them imagining it at the same time. <br><br> Sometimes I just knew that it'd draw the eyes and enhance the show. And everyone would be imagining themselves with me in the moment. <br><br> My hands would free my breasts and start to grope and squeeze in time with the pulsating music. I'd get my nipples hard -- harder than they were -- and let the elicited shocks amplify the next movement. <br><br> My fingers would free my pussy from the uncomfortable clutch of plasticy material between my legs and I'd fiddle. I'd be my own DJ, 'scratching' out the beat on my nub before sinking a finger inside. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Easy Orgasms')>> And then my dance would shudder to a stop when I got myself off. <br><br> That always got a load of cheers. And a huge smile from me as I pulled my wet, sticky fingers out and got back to working it. <br><br> <<else>> And sometimes I was able to lose myself, despite being seen by //hundreds// and I got myself off too. <br><br> That always got a load of cheers. I wonder if some guys came in their pants too as I pulled my wet, sticky fingers out and got back to working it. <br><br> A little bonus from time to time. <br><br> <</if>> And that's how I performed at Club ZZYZX. Every [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <<if _corruption gte 3>><<set $mindCorruption ++>>Every night, I felt dirty. I felt like I was giving of myself. It was draining being so exposed and me being so free with my body. I hoped the price was worth it.<</if>> <<path>> A playful little interlude? <<contents>> Why not get a little rest in with the excuse to engage with my clamoring crowd? <br><br> I'd drop square onto my ass and let my legs hang. I'd kick them lightly over their head and giggle, having to tug them free -- a little tug of war trying to yank me off the platform and my legs were the rope. <br><br> I'd lean down and sway to the music, hand-in-hand with some lucky guest who'd be getting an upward view of my hanging tits, barely restrained and pulling towards them with the help of gravity. We'd sing whatever lyrics we knew together... <br><br> Then I'd swing my hips, pulling free and rolling to the other side of the platform for the next person. <br><br> Maybe...juuust maybe...I'd dip lower or let my head be pulled into a kiss. Ostensibly, my dancing stopped, but they weren't seeing the work my tongue was doing. <br><br> It was fleeting, but it was fun. <br><br> I'd catch a glare from Peaches or one of the other girls, so I felt pressured to get back to 'real' work...or I'd luck out and my time on the platform would come to an end. <br><br> And that's how I performed at Club ZZYZX. Every [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <<if _corruption gte 3>><<set $mindCorruption ++>>Every night, I felt dirty. I felt like I was giving of myself. It was draining being so exposed and me being so free with my body. I hoped the price was worth it.<</if>> <<path>> An eye-catching show-stopper? <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Previous Choices">> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<if _style is 1>> Up on pointe, I'd spin. Finding some placement far out in the darkness. <br><br> Rotate. Kick. <br><br> Rotate. Kick. <br><br> Up and down. <br><br> Then, just in time with a drop, my spins would come to an explosive stop, leaping up, legs going into a full split as I threw myself high, //dangerously// into the air on that small platform, before landing. <br><br> I'd lift onto one toe, reaching out, arching my back and I held: the beauty and majesty of the female body on display. <<elseif _style is 2>> Onto my head, legs up. <br><br> I'd bounce, kicking and flicking my legs this way and that. Hopping on my head and making my ass shake and shimmy. <br><br> My thighs were spread, my crotch aloft and squarely in view from the front while every one else got my 'thong'-split ass in back. <br><br> Then, just in time with a drop, I'd flip onto my stomach and into a fully split, mound pressed to the platform and I began to hump against it as if I was fucking the platform. <br><br> One bounce would be the last, lifting my hips up, rolling up from the waist and hitting one final pose. It was powerful and it was fucking sexy. <<else>> My crescendo wasn't much of a dance move, but I tried to make it iconic. <br><br> I had no pole, but I knew what they wanted to see: something sexual, something that oozed sex. <br><br> I dropped onto my back and flicked my legs wide. I arched my back and lifted my tits and crotch up into the air. <br><br> My hands slid down over my body, slowly, purposefully and with conviction. I'd grab at myself as if they were the disembodied hands of some lover. <br><br> I'd curl my legs around my palms when my wandering had reached the cleft below. And I'd cavort... <br><br> Then, just in time with a drop, I'd 'cum'. I'd lurch and shake, the climax of the climax of my performance. <br><br> It ceased being much of a dance, but hit all of the notes of what the audience wanted: lewd and hot. <</if>> <br><br> And that's how I performed at Club ZZYZX. Every [[night|HomeBase]]. <br><br> <<if _corruption gt 3>><<set $mindCorruption ++>>Every night, I felt dirty. I felt like I was giving of myself. It was draining being so exposed and me being so free with my body. I hoped the price was worth it.<</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
/* Getting picked up as a bargirl */ <<speechPC>>I pulled my hand free, "Yeah, I'll get you another--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bar Guy">>He had picked up his still-full beverage. He was smiling and shaking his head. He leaned forward, taking advantage of my distraction from the typical hustle and bustle, "When do you get off?"<</speech>> <br><br> Picking up the bartender. <br><br> This wasn't novel. This was //cliche//, in fact. But there was something about him: being able to get my attention. There was something charming about him. But still, he was picking up the bartender. And not even just a bartender, his regular bartender. I was a skimpy-clad bartender that was practically offering my body with every movement. I was oozing easy pickings. <br><br> That didn't mean that I was. <br><br> He stood out from the usual crowd, for sure. He was Western of some extraction. Over the music, I couldn't place the accent. Speaking English meant nothing, everyone spoke English here. <br><br> He was tall -- also didn't say much given the usual Eastern crowd -- with a curly dark mop of hair and coal-like eyes to match. The way his shirt twisted against his body under the off-the-rack blazer said that he took good care of his body. And he had nice hands. <br><br> He lifted his drink and his eyebrows, taking a drink while letting the question linger on my mind, long after it had dissipated into the din. <br><br> <div id="pickup"> <<crossroads #pickup>> <<path>> Keep trying, buddy. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> Maybe one of my colleagues would be more receptive. <br><br> <<speechPC>>A reserved smile, no life in my eyes, I nodded down the bar to the next girl, "More fish in the sea."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Practically no reaction. He stayed right there. <br><br> No matter how I tried to serve other clients, to give him the cold shoulder, to stay distracted...he kept making passes. He wouldn't take no for an answer. <br><br> It was frustrating. <br><br> But in a place like this club, what else could I expect? Women were objects -- specifically //sexual// objects. <br><br> I hoped that this wasn't going to come around and harm my standing here. Was I supposed to accept? Were we not just bodies on display, but also pseudo-whores for our clientele? There was no expectation set with me and I hadn't noticed any kind of trade happening so far...but I wouldn't doubt the possibility. <br><br> He didn't grab or grope once, which is more than I can say for the other men around the bar that night, but in some ways he was more insidious. He was like a predator not wanting a little nibble, he wanted my whole carcass. <br><br> He sat there with the silent, assured demeanor of someone who was going to receive exactly what he wanted. <br><br> Still, I deferred. Deflected. Denied. <br><br> Hours went on. He drank slow, he drank steady, he continued to make passes. Rarer but firmer. Now I was just ignoring his inquests. He was a wallet and a mouth to put booze in. That's it. <br><br> And then the night was over. <br><br> I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally took a moment to look up and check to see if he was gone. He was gone. <br><br> Then it was a few moments of worry that I'd receive admonishment. But Tao and the other tenders didn't blink. <br><br> I finished my prep work and then realized... <br><br> He might be waiting outside. <br><br> My heart in my throat, I considered going out the back door, but he might just be waiting in that alley anyway and I'd walk right into him. <br><br> The bouncers were gone. So I had to make my way out solo. <br><br> Tense. Ready. I <<linkexpand "exited.">> exited. <br><br> No one. <br><br> Not yet. <br><br> I moved with purpose, no matter how tired my body was. He could be anywhere. <br><br> The truth also settled in that he'd thrown up a flag and made me aware of him. But any man could of been him. Any man could be waiting for me. Any night. <br><br> I fought back the urge to cry at the concept. <br><br> And then I was home. Safe. <br><br> I bounded up the stairs and took a long shower before going to bed. Before getting to sleep and just hoping this was a bad night, not a foreshadowing of some future awful situation. <br><br> I had [[nightmares|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> Oh, what the hell. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> A curious little furrow in my brow. I leaned on one palm, my bicep pressuring the side of my breast and accentuating it. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"That work for you?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He took a drink, eyes never leaving mine. He raised one eyebrow. //Cocked// an eyebrow. Cocky motherfucker. <br><br> <<speechPC>>I couldn't hold back the smile. I shook my head, "You'll know."<</speechPC>> <br><br> It was as coy as I could manage in the moment. I had to do my damn job. By the time I had finished the next order, he was gone. <br><br> Huh. <br><br> Maybe it was a power thing. He just wanted to know he //could// but had no intention of following through. Yep. Cocky motherfucker. Whatever, his loss. <br><br> So, I went back to it. Slinging drinks. Being gawked at and occasionally being groped. All in a bargirl's night's <<linkexpand "work.">> work. <br><br> <<speech "Cocky Bar Guy">>"You were right."<</speech>> <br><br> I looked up from my bin. Before I couldn't hide my smile. This time I couldn't hide my surprise. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, uh hey."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Cocky Bar Guy">>He patted the bar a couple times and dismissed the plastic tub, "Come on, leave that for someone else."<</speech>> <br><br> He didn't know there was no one else except me on my next shift. But he also didn't care. I also was more than willing to fool myself and just lean into the surprise and excitement of the evening. <br><br> Without the music, without the crowd, I could pick up on his accent. English wasn't his first language. It had a strange quality on certain words that made me feel Slavic? Spanish? I couldn't place it. His name was Joao. He was a 'gentleman' on the way back to his place, acting as if my ass wasn't hanging out. He never once grabbed or gawked at my tits being out. <br><br> His place was a gorgeous apartment. Well-appointed, clean -- //pristine// -- I was practically salivating and instantly comparing it to my digs. <br><br> <<speech "Joao">>"I feel like I should both offer you a drink, but also that you're over drinks for the night."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Maybe forever." I tugged him slightly away from his stocked bar cabinet and towards what I coud only assume was his bedroom.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Joao">>"I won't tell your boss.<</speech>> <br><br> Continued coy little comments. Fencing and foreplay with words while we took my uniform <<link "off">><<outfit naked>><</link>>. It was only then that I felt comfortable enough to jump up on his white sheets, perfectly-made bed. I kicked my feet slightly, watching him hang up his jacket, unbutton his shirt and then his pants. He was a remarkable specimen of a man. Cut, abs etched down to an eight-pack, pecs like a Raphael statue. His cock was nothing gigantic, nothing scary, but it was far from small. And it looked gorgeous, easily holding an arching angle up over his clutched sack, swollen cockhead encased in foreskin. He was harder than the rock he was made from, but acting as if he was holding a casual coffee conversation. <br><br> And then he came over to me, a condom appearing in his hand -- no idea where that came from. <br><br> <div id="protection"> <<crossroads #protection>> <<path>> He was a guy that picked up bartenders. Safe, not sorry. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<face ahegao>> <<dollRearView>> He grabbed my hips and flipped me onto all fours. I yelped in surprise. All of a sudden, he was representing the arousal that he was showing. I felt his strength as he pressed his hand down my spine, ass up, head down. Not quickly, but with firm insistence. <br><br> I gasped. He was behind me, tongue sliding broad and long across my pussy. A part of me wanted to recoil: I could only imagine how sweaty and smelly I might be after a long work night in those lycra shorts. But he didn't stop. <br><br> Thank //god// he didn't stop. <br><br> I cooed and clutched at the bed while he brought me to a first, relaxing orgasm. And while I shuddered my way through it, he mounted up behind me, hand remaining on my spine while he lined up, using my moisture and his saliva to enter me. Firm, direct, fully. <br><br> Bucking forward, my orgasm helped me resist the reaction of shock being hilted like that. <br><br> I couldn't complain. There wasn't time. He was fucking me. <br><br> My hands pressed flat against his white sheets, pressing back to stabilize against his solid, pounding strokes. <br><br> His cock was amazing. It struck into me like steel, hitting everything. It was so solid. It was so hot. It was so full. //I// was so full. This had been an amazing decision. <br><br> Another orgasm. Brought there by his adonis cock. <br><br> My head flicked back to look at him, to show him how ecstatic I was. As if he didn't know. <br><br> The cloud of pleasure began to pass...he...wasn't looking at me. He was fucking flexing and...looking into the mirror at himself. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I wanted to be pissed. I wanted to be offended. Instead, I was cumming again. <br><br> My head dropped against the bed while he enjoyed the view of himself taking me. His beautiful body railing the bartender bent over in front of him. <br><br> His beautiful body that was driving me to a peak after an explosion. I couldn't help it. My body beat my brain. I couldn't be pissed, I could only be pleased. <br><br> My back shuddered. My toes curled and uncurled. My fingers grasped at his sheets. <br><br> Less and long had I been cumming? He was <<linkexpand "done.">> <<face happy>> done. <br><br> I dropped onto my side, chest heaving, looking around. The shower was running. <br><br> Another rippling wave went through me, post-orgasmic. God that felt good. <br><br> But he was probably pissed as punch //because// of it. It detracted from the greatness. I wanted to fight my body's desire to work through the remaining pulses of pleasure. <br><br> I slid off the bed. <br><br> Mmm... <br><br> I grabbed my things. <br><br> Fuckkk. <br><br> I got out. <br><br> It was just a pick-up and hook-up. He wasn't going to cuddle, he didn't offer for me to join him in the shower. If he was going to do any of those things, it would only be to look at himself with me there with //him//. He was about to kick me out anyway. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Joao" M "Joao picked me up from the bar to watch himself fuck me.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. So I left first. I wouldn't give him that pleasure as well. <br><br> By the time I made it home, the remnants of the rocking orgasms were gone. The annoyance at him wasn't. Neither was the realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> So I left first. I wouldn't give him that pleasure as well. <br><br> By the time I made it home, the remnants of the rocking orgasms were gone. The annoyance at him wasn't. Neither was the realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<face angry>> Fuck that pissed me off. I was //offended//. And his cock was still driving inside me. <br><br> I bit my lower lip. My eyes tightened. I was going to fight against his great cock. I wasn't going to cum again. <br><br> Wait. What? <br><br> The break in my concentration gave my body an opening and I felt another one welling up in me. Wait. //No//. <br><br> Focusing again because I realized giving him the win of me cumming again in honor of him was worse than the pleasure it offered. My focus went to between my legs. It was my turn to get him off. <br><br> I could feel his hips churning, trying slightly different angles. He grabbed and yanked at my hair, trying a different approach to see if I had other triggers. <br><br> He went slow. He went hard. He went at me furiously. <br><br> Eventually, I think he just got bored and <<linkexpand "thrust in.">> thrust in. Grunting while turning to look at his heaving body while his cock jerked inside me. He grinned from ear to ear while he roared out, arching his back in triumph. <br><br> Then he pushed back and off me, dropping away and shuffling away from the bed without a word. Without a look at me. His loaded condom swinging from the tip of his cock, heavy with the weight of his load. And he was into the next room. <br><br> The shower was running. <br><br> I laughed a bit. That had been one of the weirdest fucks ever. Had I won? Had I defeated the 'perfect' man? Kryptonite to his superpowers? <br><br> Ugh. <br><br> I slid off the bed. <br><br> Had I been trying to //not// enjoy the fuck? <br><br> I grabbed my things. <br><br> Fuck him. <br><br> I got out. <br><br> It was just a pick-up and hook-up. He wasn't going to cuddle, he didn't offer for me to join him in the shower. If he was going to do any of those things, it would only be to look at himself with me there with //him//. He was about to kick me out anyway. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Joao" M "Joao picked me up from the bar to watch himself fuck me.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. So I left first. I wouldn't give him that final chance to win. <br><br> By the time I made it home, I kinda hated how easily he had picked me up. I really hated how hot he was. And what was worse? The realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> So I left first. I wouldn't give him that final chance to win. <br><br> By the time I made it home, I kinda hated how easily he had picked me up. I really hated how hot he was. And what was worse? The realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<path ($Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value) || ($Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding") && $Body.fertile == true)>> He was too hot to use that. <<blocked>> $ is too excitable or is kinked up by the risk. <<contents>> <<dollRearView>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<face ahegao>> <<speechPC>>"You don't need that." Protection? Pish Posh.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Joao">>"Not gonna hear me argue." He flicked it //at// me.<</speech>> <br><br> He grabbed my hips and flipped me onto all fours. I yelped in surprise. All of a sudden, he was representing the arousal that he was showing. I felt his strength as he pressed his hand down my spine, ass up, head down. Not quickly, but with firm insistence. <br><br> I gasped. He was behind me, tongue sliding broad and long across my pussy. A part of me wanted to recoil: I could only imagine how sweaty and smelly I might be after a long work night in those lycra shorts. But he didn't stop. <br><br> Thank //god// he didn't stop. <br><br> I cooed and clutched at the bed while he brought me to a first, relaxing orgasm. And while I shuddered my way through it, he mounted up behind me, hand remaining on my spine while he lined up, using my moisture and his saliva to enter me. Firm, direct, fully. <br><br> Bucking forward, my orgasm helped me resist the reaction of shock being hilted like that. <br><br> I couldn't complain. There wasn't time. He was fucking me. <br><br> My hands pressed flat against his white sheets, pressing back to stabilize against his solid, pounding strokes. <br><br> His cock was amazing. It struck into me like steel, hitting everything. It was so solid. It was so hot. It was so full. //I// was so full. This had been an amazing decision. <br><br> Another orgasm. Brought there by his adonis cock. <br><br> My head flicked back to look at him, to show him how ecstatic I was. As if he didn't know. <br><br> The cloud of pleasure began to pass...he...wasn't looking at me. He was fucking flexing and...looking into the mirror at himself. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I wanted to be pissed. I wanted to be offended. Instead, I was cumming again. <br><br> My head dropped against the bed while he enjoyed the view of himself taking me. His beautiful body railing the bartender bent over in front of him. <br><br> His beautiful body that was driving me to a peak after an explosion. I couldn't help it. My body beat my brain. I couldn't be pissed, I could only be pleased. <br><br> My back shuddered. My toes curled and uncurled. My fingers grasped at his sheets. <br><br> Less and long had I been cumming? He was <<linkexpand "done.">> <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <<face happy>> done. My fingers checked and yep, sticky as fuck down there. <br><br> I dropped onto my side, chest heaving, looking around. The shower was running. <br><br> Another rippling wave went through me, post-orgasmic. God that felt good. <br><br> But he was probably pissed as punch //because// of it. It detracted from the greatness. I wanted to fight my body's desire to work through the remaining pulses of pleasure. <br><br> I slid off the bed. <br><br> Mmm... <br><br> I grabbed my things. <br><br> Fuckkk. <br><br> I got out. <br><br> It was just a pick-up and hook-up. He wasn't going to cuddle, he didn't offer for me to join him in the shower. If he was going to do any of those things, it would only be to look at himself with me there with //him//. He was about to kick me out anyway. <br><br> <<vCardCheckPreg "Joao" M "Joao picked me up from the bar to watch himself fuck me.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left first. I wouldn't give him that pleasure as well. <br><br> By the time I made it home, the remnants of the rocking orgasms were gone. The annoyance at him wasn't. Neither was the realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> So I left first. I wouldn't give him that pleasure as well. <br><br> By the time I made it home, the remnants of the rocking orgasms were gone. The annoyance at him wasn't. Neither was the realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<face angry>> Fuck that pissed me off. I was //offended//. And his cock was still driving inside me. <br><br> I bit my lower lip. My eyes tightened. I was going to fight against his great cock. I wasn't going to cum again. <br><br> Wait. What? <br><br> The break in my concentration gave my body an opening and I felt another one welling up in me. Wait. //No//. <br><br> Focusing again because I realized giving him the win of me cumming again in honor of him was worse than the pleasure it offered. My focus went to between my legs. It was my turn to get him off. <br><br> I could feel his hips churning, trying slightly different angles. He grabbed and yanked at my hair, trying a different approach to see if I had other triggers. <br><br> He went slow. He went hard. He went at me furiously. <br><br> Eventually, I think he just got bored and <<linkexpand "thrust in.">> thrust in. <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs2>> Grunting while turning to look at his heaving body while his cock jerked inside me. He grinned from ear to ear while he roared out, arching his back in triumph. <br><br> Feeling his thick, viscous heat spurting and filling against my cervix and at the deep end of my vagina kinda made me grimace. Ugh. He was gonna be with me for a day or so now. <br><br> Then he pushed back and off me, dropping away and shuffling away from the bed without a word. Without a look at me. His cock shiny, swaying and with some of his pearly jizz hanging from his hiding head. I felt some of his jizz collecting along my lips. And he was into the next room. <br><br> The shower was running. <br><br> I laughed a bit. That had been one of the weirdest fucks ever. Had I won? Had I defeated the 'perfect' man? Kryptonite to his superpowers? <br><br> Ugh. <br><br> I slid off the bed. <br><br> Had I been trying to //not// enjoy the fuck? <br><br> I grabbed my things. <br><br> Fuck him. <br><br> I got out. <br><br> It was just a pick-up and hook-up. He wasn't going to cuddle, he didn't offer for me to join him in the shower. If he was going to do any of those things, it would only be to look at himself with me there with //him//. He was about to kick me out anyway. <br><br> <<vCardCheckPreg "Joao" M "Joao picked me up from the bar to watch himself fuck me.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> So I left first. I wouldn't give him that final chance to win. <br><br> By the time I made it home, I kinda hated how easily he had picked me up. I really hated how hot he was. And what was worse? The realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> So I left first. I wouldn't give him that final chance to win. <br><br> By the time I made it home, I kinda hated how easily he had picked me up. I really hated how hot he was. And what was worse? The realization that it was just sex. Meaningless sex. Even more meaningless because it had absolutely //nothing// to do with my [[mission|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div>
There was a strange energy in the air tonight. I could feel it as soon as I approached the familiar couches -- something was different. Something was off. <br><br> The girls felt disaffected. They were staring at their phones, bouncing their legs. I could feel the frustration. <br><br> And there was a void. Some vacant space between the crowd of men -- distinctly larger tonight than normal -- and the girls they were usually in process of approaching. <br><br> I made eye-contact with Tara. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Tara Relationship">> <<if $People['AI'].Tara.rel gt 1>>She raised her eyebrows and slightly cocked her head. I followed her direction. Oh. A new girl.<<else>>She ducked my gaze. Unsurprising. I hadn't made my way forward with her. But then I caught who was close to her, a new face. Was Tara angling on this one the way she had with me when I first showed up? There was a new girl.<</if>> <br><br> She looked nervous. She looked...afraid. <br><br> I felt a pang. I knew that feeling. I had been there. Had I ever left? And I knew that she wasn't here for the 'epic' reasons I was. She was cornered for other reasons. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): A doe surrounded by wolves in the forest */ <div id="newgirl"> <<crossroads #newgirl>> <<path>> Approach her? <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> I felt an instant kinship. I walked over. I didn't know why I was doing it. What I was trying to achieve, but my feet were moving unbidden. And then I was seated next to her. I could feel the men's gaze on me simply by proximity to the fresh meat. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, hey." Her eyes darted to me. I could see her adam's apple bob as she swallowed. I offered my hand, kindly, "I'm <<print $>>."<</speechPC>> <br><br> A weak smile as she shook my hand. God, she was //young//. <<if $Body.age lt 0>>Younger even than me, that was clear.<</if>> Bright, clear, innocent and ''huge'' blue eyes. A cute, straight blonde bob-cut that accentuated her elfin features. <br><br> <<crossroads #newgirl>> <<path>> Try and save her? <<contents>> <<run $Memories.push("New Girl Leaves")>> <<set $jobValue -= 2>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<skillChecked "Previous Experiences">> <<speechPC>>"You need to leave. This place is dangerous."<</speechPC>> <br><br> It felt like a script. Someone trying to prevent the new girl from following in her footsteps. <br><br> <<speech "New Girl">>"I know." She demured. She was resigned. Her accent was European.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I'm serious. These are some of the worst there are."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Her brow wrinkled. Her slight shoulders lifted the barest amount before dropping. I wondered how she ended up here, why she was so reticent. <br><br> I tugged her by the wrist. I could see Peaches looking at me and approaching the couches. I didn't have much time, "Come on." <br><br> She got up, her small frame offering no resistance to my insistance. I began bringing her to the front door. A part of me wished someone had done the same with me when I started. <br><br> <<speech "New Girl">>"I have nowhere to go." Her heels dug in, tears were appearing. "They stole me and brought me here."<</speech>> <br><br> A chill ran down my spine. <<if visited("ACTI005 - LeavingTallinn")>>The accent //was// familiar. Had those guys from Tallinn managed to grab this girl when I got away?<<else>>White slave trade. Yanked from some unfortunate circumstances and given no option but to do this until she died.<</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I know some people. They can get you away." My thoughts were EROS. I could leverage them. I didn't know if I actually could, but I needed to.<</speechPC>> <br><br> I would not relent. We were outside. I gave her directions and access to my room at RedDoorz. I'd clean that up later, I just needed her safe. <br><br> She got away moments before I was yanked unceremoniously to the hard ground outside the Club. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"What the //fuck// do you think you are doing?"<</speech>> <br><br> I didn't know what to say. I had no idea that she had such strength in her diminutive body, but she had me held by the hair. I could imagine her pulling a blade free and ending me right there. Before I could save the girl. Before I could save myself. Before I could save my mom. And the world? <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>She looked down the street, no sight of the new blonde acquisition. She thrust me away by the grip in my hair, "Inside. Now."<</speech>> <br><br> I was still alive, but maybe not for long. I knew I was on thin ice. But I was a commodity. I just had to make sure I worth more than enough to make up for my rebelliousness. But I had cost them money tonight. Probably a vast amount. Lost futures and lost investment. <br><br> And Tao ensured that I understood that. <br><br> I was brought to a back room. Not the VIP, just a place they could lock me away. And then I was put on discount. <br><br> I had a //very// hard <<linkexpand "evening.">> evening. <<outfit naked>> <<face hurt2 mussy>> <<state exhausted>> <<state sick>> <<cumSpray body2 breasts2 facial3 mound3 mouth1 pussy2 thighs2>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Angry Guy" M "A guy who took out his anger on me in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Rough Guy" M "he was small, but he was vicious in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Ugly Guy" M "One of the grossest men I'd seen had me in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Forgettable Guy" M "I knew it happened, but I can't remember anything about him in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Greedy Guy" M "I don't think he paid for more, but he had a few rounds in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "The Choker" M "I was choked out during the fuck in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "The Laugher" M "He laughed while he fucked me in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Hour-Long Man" M "It took him forever to cum in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Disgusting Guy" M "He made me clean up the other men first...with my the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Infected Guy" M "I could see the blisters on his junk in the back room at the Club">> <<vCardCheckPreg "Violent Guy" M "He seemed to enjoy hitting me more than fucking me in the back room at the Club">> <</if>> She found the worst men. The greediest men. The violent men. <br><br> And they took full advantage. Of course they would. <br><br> In that back room I was fucked over and over until the night was done. <br><br> I wondered if my work that evening put a dent in their losses. <br><br> But I was able to get the girl away. Alice was //not// pleased and made sure I knew that this was not an option going forward. Angelo made sure I knew that I had come close to ruining my cover and the mission with my stupid idea. <br><br> But she was safe. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> Who knew if I could accomplish this crazy mission anyway? At least, if I didn't...I had done some good. No matter the cost. <br><br> And that was worth [[it|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> Who knew if I could accomplish this crazy mission anyway? At least, if I didn't...I had done some good. No matter the cost. <br><br> And that was worth [[it|HomeBase]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Try and guide her? <<contents>> <<run $Memories.push("New Girl Stays")>> <<skillChecked "Previous Experiences">> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> What else was I supposed to do but protect her, as much as I could? <br><br> I sat with her that evening, giving her the lay of the land. She was a sweet girl and scared, but glad to have someone like me as a little comfort. <br><br> <<speech "New Girl">>"I have nowhere to go." She revealed after a bit. "They stole me and brought me here."<</speech>> <br><br> A chill ran down my spine. <<if visited("ACTI005 - LeavingTallinn")>>The accent //was// familiar. Had those guys from Tallinn managed to grab this girl when I got away?<<else>>White slave trade. Yanked from some unfortunate circumstances and given no option but to do this until she died.<</if>> <br><br> Fuck. I tried to fight the need to cry. I squeezed her hand and just tried to smile as the girst guy pulled her away from me. <br><br> I think Peaches wasn't totally pleased with me cozying up to the new girl, because she found me someone who was going to take up my time. <br><br> He was a big fucking cock that approached me just a few moments later. He needed me to accomplish him while he enjoyed the music. He needed me to take my time. <br><br> So we sat there, his manhood on display and scaring away most of the men while drawing looks from most of the women. His pants laying open, slack while my wetted hand pumped slowly on the girth I couldn't quite manage. The length that felt like it went on forever. <br><br> He didn't want a blowjob. <br><br> He didn't want to fuck. <br><br> He wanted my arms to get tired. He wanted my hand to get raw and chapped. He wanted to see how long it took before I had to switch up and avoid a cramp. <br><br> He wanted to watch people gawk at him. He wanted people to experience him getting pleasure. He wanted people to see him blow his load all over my hands and himself. <br><br> In some ways, that was great -- I'd take giving handjobs all day if it got me closer to completing my mission. <br><br> In some ways, that was awful -- I watched the new girl getting picked up almost a dozen times through the evening. Off to the bathrooms. Off to the VIP room. Out to the back alley. And eventually, offsite and gone. <br><br> I had an easy night and she had a very, very hard one. <br><br> I sighed as I left. I'm not sure what good I did, but maybe I made her landing a bit softer. If that mattered. <br><br> As much as her circustances were awful, I couldn't help but think that more girls there were besides me meant the less I might be asked to do. The more safe I was. Now there was someone younger, newer. I wasn't the special [[anymore|HomeBase]]. <<path $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> Try and pick her up? <<blocked>> $ isn't into women. <<contents>> <<run $Memories.push("New Girl Stays")>> <<set $jobValue -= 2>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<SexSkill handjob>> <<SexSkill oral>> <<speechPC>>"You're cute." I giggled, leaning in close to hear ear.<</speechPC>> <br><br> I felt the fight within her. I wasn't some guy. I was definitely one of 'her' team. But at the same time, I was being a predator as much as any of those dicks were going to be. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I think we should get out of here...what do you think?" My breath and tongue tickled at her delicate ears.<</speechPC>> <br><br> My hand on her stomach registered the tension, the war. I was still expecting sex from her. Who knew if she was even into women. But I was also offering a 'soft' first night. And she didn't know how things worked. She had no context for saying no. <br><br> So she didn't. Before Peaches knew what happened, we were gone. <br><br> We made out on every corner -- I couldn't help myself. She was such a gorgeous little thing. She got more comfortable with me almost the moment we were out of the doors. <br><br> The cunt at the front desk just thought it was two friends coming back from an early night out. I loved the deception. <br><br> Elena -- later, in a blissed out state, I learned her name -- seemed fine with the condition of my <<linkexpand "room.">> room. <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego mussy>> <<skillChecked "Previous Experiences">> <br><br> She was pert. She was incredibly tight. //Insanely// taut and small. <br><br> Her tits defied gravity, small but not too small -- I couldn't quite get them all into my mouth. <br><br> I was devouring her. I kissed every inch of her body. I made her coo. I made her gasp. I made her //scream//. <br><br> Her pussy was sweet, like nectar. She was freshly waxed and I was more than eager to just keep eating her. My tongue slathered her slit. My mouth was soaked. Her juices ran down my chin and neck. I would have suffocated myself on her scent if my body didn't prevent me from suicide. <br><br> And then, whether or not she was into women -- maybe because I saved her, maybe because I was such a good lover -- she went down on me. <br><br> My hands squeezed at my tits, because she wouldn't. My fingers tweaked my nipples, because her hands were delicately holding my hips. Despite wanting more from her, it was my time to be screaming, feet banging against the wall as my legs twitched and shook. <br><br> I grasped and grabbed at her short little bob: even with the moisture of sex, her hair was still bone straight. No matter how I mussed it or grabbed it, it wouldn't be disturbed. <br><br> Her doeish eyes stared up at my huffing face from between my legs. Exactly where I had wanted them from the first moment when she looked at me. <br><br> We fucked each other for hours -- my body glad to not being abused for work tonight. <br><br> We exhausted each other. <br><br> Our naked bodies were wound together however we ended up. A natural, unmoving cuddle that we couldn't avoid if we wanted to -- our bodies were spent. <br><br> And when our breaths were caught, moments away from dozing, I learned a little about her. Her accent about to send me off to slumber when something clicked: <br><br> <<speech "New Girl">>"I have nowhere to go." She revealed after a bit. "They stole me and brought me here."<</speech>> <br><br> A chill ran down my spine. <<if visited("ACTI005 - LeavingTallinn")>>The accent //was// familiar. Had those guys from Tallinn managed to grab this girl when I got away?<<else>>White slave trade. Yanked from some unfortunate circumstances and given no option but to do this until she died.<</if>> <br><br> I blamed it on how hard I had been cumming, but I cried, my sobs unnoticed as the cute little girl slept, head on my chest. <br><br> And my crying eventually was too much for my weary body. Sleep took me before I realized it had come. <br><br><br> Peaches was //pissed//. I had taken away income from both the new girl and myself for an evening. The 'merchandise' was not to be sampled by employees. <<vCardCheck "Elena" F "Elena, the new girl. I got first dibs.">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "Mission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. <br><br> But I had sampled. And it was [[sweet|HomeBase]]. I just hope that Peaches wasn't too hard on her. It wasn't her fault anyway. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <br><br> But I had sampled. And it was [[sweet|HomeBase]]. I just hope that Peaches wasn't too hard on her. It wasn't her fault anyway. <br><br> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <<path>> Leave her be? <<contents>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Investigation -->> <<run $Memories.push("New Girl Stays")>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<SexSkill handjob>> What was I going to do anyway? It would hurt too much to involve myself with her -- it was too close to home. I couldn't save or protect everyone, one at a time. I had bigger things to accomplish. <br><br> Like the big fucking cock that approached me just a few moments later. He needed me to accomplish him while he enjoyed the music. He needed me to take my time. <br><br> So we sat there, his manhood on display and scaring away most of the men while drawing looks from most of the women. His pants laying open, slack while my wetted hand pumped slowly on the girth I couldn't quite manage. The length that felt like it went on forever. <br><br> He didn't want a blowjob. <br><br> He didn't want to fuck. <br><br> He wanted my arms to get tired. He wanted my hand to get raw and chapped. He wanted to see how long it took before I had to switch up and avoid a cramp. <br><br> He wanted to watch people gawk at him. He wanted people to experience him getting pleasure. He wanted people to see him blow his load all over my hands and himself. <br><br> In some ways, that was great -- I'd take giving handjobs all day if it got me closer to completing my mission. <br><br> In some ways, that was awful -- I watched the new girl getting picked up almost a dozen times through the evening. Off to the bathrooms. Off to the VIP room. Out to the back alley. And eventually, offsite and gone. <br><br> I had an easy night and she had a very, very hard one. <br><br> But the more girls there were besides me meant the less I might be asked to do. The more safe I was. Now there was someone younger, newer. I wasn't the special [[anymore|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* Last Bar event. Need to figure out what it is. */
<<skillChecked "Social" "Relationships and Job Standing">> Stretching up onto my toes, I elongated my walk as I headed back to the dressing room after our first shift. It was a form of meditation for me, allowing me to ignore the chill of my sweat wicking off my skin, the growing ache and tiredness in my muscles-- <br><br> My meditation was quickly shattered by a tug at my wrist. Fuck, what did Sakie want now. <br><br> I turned, cast of my face already weary and then I realized it was Anika. She smiled, broadening when my looks softened too. We stood there, quiet, just facing each other while the other girls passed us by and left us in the 'solitude' of the back hallway. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Everything okay, 'nika?" I hadn't tried the nickname that the others had for her.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if ($jobValue + $People['AI'].Anika.rel + $People['AI'].DancerGroup.rel + $Stats.Skills['Social'].value) gt 7>> The corners of her mouth turned up, she liked that. Cool! <br><br> <<speech "Anika">>"I just wanted to say..." A pause, considering. As if she felt like she was overstepping her bounds. "You're doing incredible!"<</speech>> <br><br> Wow. Coming from her, that was a massive compliment. Watching her incredible lines, the way her sinewy and lithe form undulated up on the platforms -- she was //good//. If she had more forceful of a personality, she'd be in Sakie's role, for sure. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"...t-thank you!"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She was beaming, <<speech "Anika">>"Wanna pair up for next set?"<</speech>> <div id="anika"> <<crossroads #anika>> <<path>> "Um. Not sure that's what's on the schedule..." <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Anika.rel -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I could see her deflate instantly. There wasn't any shock, as if she expected it. <br><br> There could have been backlash from Sakie. Or Peaches. And what did saying yes afford me? Maybe a nice relationship with one of the weakest personalities among the girls. <br><br> A dance partner. Giving the club a good show. But that's not what I was here for. I was on a mission. <br><br> Dancing was just the cover for my being here. It wasn't why I was [[here|HomeBase]]. <<path>> "Absolutely!" <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Anika.rel += 3>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<run $Memories.pushUnique("Knows Datu", "Knows Nestor")>> Her smile extended from ear to ear, <<speech "Anika">>"Amazing! Come on!"<</speech>> <br><br> She seemed to be practically skipping to the door at the back of the hallway. I guess we were going to prep and plan in the alley. Gross, but I guess we didn't have many choices. <br><br> I grunted a bit, willing myself forward and into more dancing despite my desire for a bit of a break and relaxation. <br><br> Anika didn't put me through my paces. She seemed overjoyed to have a partner, <<speechPC>>"Done this with the others?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> An eye-roll, <<speech "Anika">>"Get real".<</speech>> And then a head-roll, her luscious hair swinging around. <br><br> We worked on a combination that was part my style, and part of her bouncy, hip-shaking bellydancing. It felt kind of like a TikTok dance. Maybe it would go viral. <br><br> Thinking about it going viral and people I knew seeing it had me all kinds of mixed up. <br><br> She broke me out of my worry with a tid-bit I hadn't expected, <<speech "Anika">>"If you haven't already heard. Stay away from Datu. Especially his brother Nestor. Those fuckers are dangerous. They're mixed up in stuff that goes far beyond this club. Way worse."<</speech>> <br><br> I thought about the girls whoring themselves out on a nightly basis -- and though I knew better, I still played the part -- <<speechPC>>"Worse than what they make those girls do."<</speechPC>> <br><br> It was weird discussing the darkness of the place where we worked while we counted out a combo of our upcoming routine. But I needed the information, and the longest standing dancer certainly had information that she was willing to offer up. <<speech "Anika">>"I think we're talking murder and worse."<</speech>> The sadness in her almond eyes proved the genuine belief and her feelings around it. <br><br> I didn't press too much further. There'd be time for that in the future. And we didn't have much more time before we were up on the platforms. <br><br> This time we broke convention, no warning or preparation, we just got up there together, a duo dancing together. <br><br> The crowd //loved// it. <br><br> Not only was it two beautiful and talented dancers overhead, asses and tits shaking for them to enjoy -- my go-go vibe and her sexy-traditional Indian garb -- but there was a bit of two girls clubbing. The hint that we'd make out at any time. The danger and the sex of it. There wasn't much space up on that platform and necessarily we were close together. Our thighs touched, our bodies rolled off each other. Our hands intertwined, our breathing was hot and explosive against our bare skin. <br><br> It was hot. I had to give it that. <br><br> Sakie wasn't pleased, unsurprisingly. But given that we had performed so well, Peaches seemed unconcerned. Without the lady-mistress behind her, Sakie's fury had little bite. <br><br> <<speech "Anika">>"Maybe we'll get a repeat performance some day."<</speech>> Her liquid speech was as entrancing as her ability and looks. I hoped so too. <br><br> Walking home, I barely considered how tired I was. I was floating, the exhaustion forgotten or simply non-existant. I had gotten some information that hopefully would bear fruit...and if not, Anika would definitely offer more. <br><br> Working Anika, while working //with// Anika as we werqed. Not a bad [[night|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> I could see a twitch hearing me use the moniker. Okay, we weren't on that great of terms yet. <br><br> <<speech "Anika">>"I just wanted to ask if..." A pause, considering. As if she felt like she was overstepping her bounds. "You know that I've been here the longest." I nodded. " want any pointers?"<</speech>> <br><br> Ouch. And...aww? That hurt that she felt I needed it, but also was endearing. Watching her incredible lines, the way her sinewy and lithe form undulated up on the platforms -- she was //good//. If she had more forceful of a personality, she'd be in Sakie's role, for sure. <br><br> <div id="anika"> <<crossroads #anika>> <<path>> "Thank you, I'm good." <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set $People['AI'].Anika.rel -= 2>> I could see her deflate instantly. There wasn't any shock, as if she expected it. <br><br> There could have been backlash from Sakie. I wasn't here to make everyone like me, or be some incredible dancer. I was here for a mission. <br><br> And that's not to mention how offended I was. I didn't need help. <br><br> I was sent here on my own, I could do this on my [[own|HomeBase]]. <<path>> "That would be...amazing!" <<contents>> <<set $People['AI'].Anika.rel += 2>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<run $Memories.pushUnique("Knows Datu", "Knows Nestor")>> Her smile extended from ear to ear, <<speech "Anika">>"Amazing! Come on!"<</speech>> <br><br> She seemed to be practically skipping to the door at the back of the hallway. I guess we were going to prep and plan in the alley. Gross, but I guess we didn't have many choices. <br><br> I grunted a bit, willing myself forward and into more dancing despite my desire for a bit of a break and relaxation. <br><br> Anika didn't put me through my paces. She seemed overjoyed to be a mentor, <<speechPC>>"Help any of the others?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> An eye-roll, <<speech "Anika">>"Get real".<</speech>> And then a head-roll, her luscious hair swinging around. <br><br> She had this entrancing bouncy, hip-shaking bellydancing style. I was more than happy to pick up some moves -- they always worked on TikTok, why wouldn't they work here? <br><br> It was tough and my coordination was having trouble with these 'new' isolations, but she broke me from my consternation with a tid-bit I hadn't expected, <<speech "Anika">>"If you haven't already heard. Stay away from Datu. Especially his brother Nestor. Those fuckers are dangerous. They're mixed up in stuff that goes far beyond this club. Way worse."<</speech>> <br><br> I thought about the girls whoring themselves out on a nightly basis -- and though I knew better, I still played the part -- <<speechPC>>"Worse than what they make those girls do."<</speechPC>> <br><br> It was weird discussing the darkness of the place where we worked while she helped me dance hotter. But I needed the information, and the longest standing dancer certainly had information that she was willing to offer up. <<speech "Anika">>"I think we're talking murder and worse."<</speech>> The sadness in her almond eyes proved the genuine belief and her feelings around it. <br><br> I didn't press too much further. There'd be time for that in the future. And we didn't have much more time before we were up on the platforms. <br><br> I threw a bit of what I picked up into my usual pattern. I could feel eyes drawn to me in the way that it made my body shake and bounce. <br><br> <<speech "Anika">>"You're really picking it up. You'll be better than me soon."<</speech>> Her liquid speech was as entrancing as her ability and looks. I hoped I'd at least get comfortable with it. <br><br> Walking home, I barely considered how tired I was. I was floating, the exhaustion forgotten or simply non-existant. I had gotten some information that hopefully would bear fruit...and if not, Anika would definitely offer more. <br><br> Working Anika, while working //with// Anika as we werqed. Not a bad [[night|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<skillChecked "Confident" "Suggestible">> <<skillChecked "Clothing Choices, Body Mods & Previous Work">> <<speech "Tao">>"Come here."<</speech>> <br><br> Peaches had been midstride, doing one of her usual walks past the working girls on the couches, when those words came out. I knew she was talking to me without a single gesture. <br><br> I got up and followed her. <br><br> Was this some set-up John for me? Was this a talking-to? Every follicle of hair felt like it was on high-alert. <br><br> I searched the other girls for any warning or reaction. Nothing. They were either fine with this or weren't about to show concern. <br><br> Down the hallway, it felt like I had been called to the Principal's office and was being escorted from a classroom or something. <br><br> She opened the door to one of the store rooms and ushered me inside. At least we were alone. I doubted even this feisty woman could take me out if that was what she was looking to accomplish. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value>><<speechPC>>"What's up?" Curious, unworried.<</speechPC>><<else>><<speechPC>>"Did something wrong?" Submissive, pliable.<</speechPC>><</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Oh shut up. Every girl gets evaluated."<</speech>> <br><br> I held back the thought that they'd been receiving customer satisfaction reports. Was Peaches going to sample the goods or try and train me? Ugh. <br><br> She crossed her arms in the dim light seeping in from the ajar door. She appraised me. /* IMAGE (Needed): Mid-section view of a female body in slutty clothes */ <br><br> Here came the judgment. Not the first time some bitch had deigned to weigh in on how I looked. But I knew in this case I had to take her word as god's. Arguing with my 'mistress' would not get my anywhere. Bite my tongue, take the notes. <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingHeels>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<speech "Tao">>"Good choice on footwear. Makes your legs and feet look sexy."<</speech>> <<elseif $Body.isBarefoot>> <<speech "Tao">>"I can't believe you walk around here like that." She practically gagged looking at my bare feet, "Sure some men like that...but do that...not here."<</speech>> <br><br> The place was fucking gross. As comfortable as it was, I hated seeing the state of my feet after a night here. <<else>> <<set $jobValue -->> <<speech "Tao">>"Those shoes might be comfortable, but they are not appropriate. Heels, girl. You know better."<</speech>> <br><br> Ugh. So //everything// about this job had to be uncomfortable? <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Body.isWearingDress>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<speech "Tao">>"Outfit is good. Accentuates the body."<</speech>> <<else>> <<set $jobValue -->> <<speech "Tao">>"You need to show off your body, not just wear...whatever." A dismissive hand gesture at my outfit.<</speech>> <br><br> Hey. I'm sure some guys liked the 'not a slut' vibe. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Body.isBraless == true>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<speech "Tao">>"No bra. Good."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Tao">>"Wearing a bra...could be better. Men want to be tantalized, girl. Show them the goods."<</speech>> <br><br> Going without a bra? It made sense, but the discomfort...and how cold this place was? <</if>> <br><br> She squatted, inspecting me from the waist down. <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Thongs">> <<speech "Tao">>"Good, very little pantylines. Sexy panties. Good girl."<</speech>> <<elseif $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<speech "Tao">>"Oh, no panties. Dirty girl. Good girl."<</speech>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<else>> <<set $jobValue -->> <<speech "Tao">>"What are you, a granny? Why are you wearing those disgusting panties?"<</speech>> <br><br> I felt like I was in the locker room again. I thought I had gotten past the phase in my life where my underwear was going to be a point of discussion. <</if>> <br><br> Clothing done, she stood, leaning back and checking out my skin on display. <br><br> <<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 1>> <<speech "Tao">>"Tattoos age you, but nothing we can do about it. Some clients like it." Her head bobbed side to side, as if deciding if my ink was a pro or a con.<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Tao">>"Perfect skin. Keeps you young. Also makes you more...bland." Her head bobbed side to side, as if deciding if my lack of ink was a pro or a con.<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Body.piercings.length gt 1>> <<speech "Tao">>"Those piercings...cute. Give you character."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Tao">>"No piercings...really?" She laughed, shocked, "Okay. Not as enticing to the eye, but certainly a unique choice."<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if visited("M002 - D2Work") gt 2>> <<set _sexability = 0>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Loose Pussy")>> <<set _sexability -->> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Crazy-Small Pussy")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Great Intercourse")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Sex God")>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<set _sexability += 2>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set _sexability ++>> <</if>> <<if _sexability gt 4>> <<set $jobValue ++>> <<speech "Tao">>"Most importantly, we have been hearing great things from your early work here. Keep it up."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Tao">>"And we're hearing you are...sufficient. Your job is to please..."<</speech>> <</if>> <<else>> <<speech "Tao">>"And of course, it's too early to judge your abilities. a good job, I'm sure you know what that means."<</speech>> <br><br> Yeah. Of course I did. Make a guy cum. <</if>> <br><br> And with that, she stepped out. <br><br> I sighed. Evaluation over. Super easy. Barely an inconvenience. But she gave me some things to consider about how I presented here. They wanted me to look the part, which made sense. <br><br> I guess every job had its uniform standards. <br><br> Making a mental note to go through my wardrobe and make any necessary changes at [[home|HomeBase]] before the next time I came to work.
<<set $BE_work = false>> Walking to the club was a process of steeling myself, prepping for what crazy (unacceptable) things might befall me. If the first week of working at this place was a crashcourse in the insanity, I needed things to move faster. This place was designed to use, abuse, chew and spit out girls like me. <br><br> Tuk-tuks sped by, people meandered the sidewalks. Out of context, this was just some urban neighborhood. Did they know what was going on? Did they have any idea what I was doing? Did they care? <br><br> The steel I had made in my stomach twisted when I saw Club ZZYZX and I fought the urge to retch. <br><br> What would today 'offer'? <br><br> <<skillChecked "Discipline">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 2>> <<speech "Karl">>"Afternoon, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> He smiled. It was becoming a routine for us. I was one of the early birds. No matter how damning this place was, I couldn't fight what I'd learned over the years: "Early is on-time. On-time is late. Late is unacceptable." <br><br> <<speech "Karl">>"Big day today."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> The dread seeped in unbidden. <br><br> He waved me in, <<speech "Karl">>"You'll see."<</speech>> <br><br> He wasn't wrong. <br><br> It was pretty standard for little to be going on, few people around when I showed up, but even still I could tell something was //different// today. <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> <<speech "Karl">>"Big day today."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> The dread seeped in unbidden. <br><br> He waved me in, <<speech "Karl">>"You'll see."<</speech>> <br><br> He wasn't wrong. <br><br> As soon as I walked in, I could tell something was //different// today. <<else>> <<speech "Karl">>"Not the day to be late, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> He shook his head. Not even giving me the knowing 'bad girl' smile he usually did. It was becoming routine for us. I was always late. A holdover from my life before. And with the pendulum of this place swinging over me, I had even more desire to keep away as long as possible. As if procrastination would save me from any of the pain. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> The dread seeped in unbidden. <br><br> He waved me in, <<speech "Karl">>"You'll see."<</speech>> <br><br> He wasn't wrong. <br><br> Rolling in when I did, things were on the verge of kicking off. Everyone was in their places, lights were dimming, AC pounding, mist starting to roll out while DJDJ squeaked out some prep. None of that was happening when I walked in: I could tell something was //different// today. <</if>> <br><br> The girls were on the couches, per usual, but they weren't chattering or doom scrolling while they waited til the night of giving themselves started. <br><br> The bargirls weren't hustling to ready their stations. They were sitting //on// the bar, legs hanging like they were bleachers. <br><br> And the dancers were actually standing around, not sequestered in the green room. They precariously perched on the arms of the couches, closer to the 'rest of' the employees than they seemed comfortable with. <br><br> What was going on?! <br><br> <<skillChecked "Previous Work Results" "Attractiveness">> <<if $clubJob == "whore">> <<outfit prostitution>> I dropped down onto the couches. Not reclining like I usually did, but perched at the front edge of the cushions, leaning //forward// with ''anticipation''. <br><br> And then Peaches walked out from the back hallway, officious. Even her typical clipboard felt more imperious today. She held it against her like a shelf, digging in just above her slight little hips. Her eyes were cold -- colder than usual. Ms. Serious Business was more serious than I'd ever seen her. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"First. We're skipping the bullshit crowding your heads right now. Here's what you need to know." Her eyes dropped to the clipboard, "We have been contracted for entertainment and staffing of an upcoming party. This is of critical importance." <</speech>> <br><br> "Contracted." Right. Ordered is more like it. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>She let those words hang for a moment, gazing across the assembled women, "Because of the client and the event, we are being highly selective. Not all of you will be chosen."<</speech>> <br><br> Why did I feel that 'pick-me' energy? Did I //want// to work this? Alice would insist yes. Of course, but why had that come out instinctively? It was more a desire to be chosen and elevated than it was for forward momentum. I doubted the latter had even crossed my mind. <br><br> None of the girls reacted to the announcement. No ripple of excited giggles or anxious shifts. They were as dead-ass as she was. Had this happened before? Was being a part of it that bad? Did they not know? Or did they know all too well? <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Now for assignments."<</speech>> Her eyes dropped back down to the clipboard and began pacing before us. <br><br> <<if $jobValue gt 4>> <<set $BE_work = true>> <<speech "Tao">>"<<print $>>."<</speech>> My name felt like a smack across my face and a tug forward from my solar plexus. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yes." It felt like school attendance.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tao">>"Early for this, but you've acquitted yourself well. Don't make me regret this."<</speech>> I nodded, tucking my chin. My eyes flicked to the other girls. Tara gave a slight shake of her head. She hadn't been selected and seemed to think she was on the right side of the process. <<elseif $jobValue gt 0>> <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if ($Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value - $Body.age) gt 5>> <<set $BE_work = true>> Girls names were ticked off and then she sighed. She tapped her finger against the pad of paper and looked at me dead-eyed. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"<<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> My name felt like a smack across my face and a tug forward from my solar plexus. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yes." It felt like school attendance.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Our roster is a little deficient. You've just made the cut. Don't make me regret this decision."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded, tucking my chin. My eyes flicked to the other girls. Tara gave a slight shake of her head. She hadn't been selected and seemed to think she was on the right side of the process. <<else>> Girls names were ticked off and then she turned to the dancers. <br><br> Fuck. I hadn't been selected. Tara smiled and threw me a thumbs-up. She clearly thought this was a win. Little did she know. <br><br> I hadn't impressed Peaches enough. There hadn't been a ton of time to make myself stand out, but whatever I had done hadn't been enough. <br><br> I hoped this wouldn't mean I had missed a window. That I'd have to throw myself //more// into this work. That there wouldn't be another window. <br><br> Maybe we could still make something come from this. Maybe knowing was enough. <</if>> <<else>> Girls names were ticked off and then she turned to the dancers. <br><br> Fuck. I hadn't been selected. Tara smiled and threw me a thumbs-up. She clearly thought this was a win. Little did she know. <br><br> I hadn't impressed Peaches enough. There hadn't been a ton of time to make myself stand out, but whatever I had done hadn't been enough. <br><br> I hoped this wouldn't mean I had missed a window. That I'd have to throw myself //more// into this work. That there wouldn't be another window. <br><br> Maybe we could still make something come from this. Maybe knowing was enough. <</if>> <<elseif $clubJob == "dance">> I nodded to my girls. The wordless communication between us told me that they knew nothing more than I did. I settled in beside Lori. She squeezed herself against me, dropping her head on my shoulder. <<outfit gogo>> <br><br> And then Peaches walked out from the back hallway, officious. Even her typical clipboard felt more imperious today. She held it against her like a shelf, digging in just above her slight little hips. Her eyes were cold -- colder than usual. Ms. Serious Business was more serious than I'd ever seen her. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"First. We're skipping the bullshit crowding your heads right now. Here's what you need to know." Her eyes dropped to the clipboard, "We have been contracted for entertainment and staffing of an upcoming party. This is of critical importance."<</speech>> <br><br> "Contracted." Right. Ordered is more like it. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">> She let those words hang for a moment, gazing across the assembled women, "Because of the client and the event, we are being highly selective. Not all of you will be chosen."<</speech>> <br><br> Why did I feel that 'pick-me' energy? Did I //want// to work this? Alice would insist yes. Of course, but why had that come out instinctively? It was more a desire to be chosen and elevated than it was for forward momentum. I doubted the latter had even crossed my mind. <br><br> None of the girls reacted to the announcement. No ripple of excited giggles or anxious shifts. They were as dead-ass as she was. Had this happened before? Was being a part of it that bad? Did they not know? Or did they know all too well? <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Now for assignments."<</speech>> Her eyes dropped back down to the clipboard and began pacing before us. <br><br> <<if $jobValue gt 4>> <<set $BE_work = true>> <<speech "Tao">>"<<print $>>."<</speech>> My name felt like a smack across my face and a tug forward from my solar plexus. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yes." It felt like school attendance.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tao">>"Early for this, but you've acquitted yourself well. Don't make me regret this."<</speech>> I nodded, tucking my chin. My eyes flicked to the other girls. Saki glared at me. She had been selected, too. Just the two of us. Oh, this would be so much fun. <<elseif $jobValue gt 0>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<set $BE_work = true>> Saki, unsurprisingly, was the first name called. Then Peaches sighed, <<speech "Tao">>"<<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> My name felt like a smack across my face and a tug forward from my solar plexus. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yes." It felt like school attendance.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"I disagreed, but you've been given the go-ahead. Don't make them upset with their choice."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded, tucking my chin. My eyes flicked to the other girls. Saki glared at me. She had been selected, too. Just the two of us. Oh, this would be so much fun. <<else>> Saki and Anika. Surprise, surprise. <br><br> Fuck. I hadn't been selected. Lori shrugged and rolled her eyes up at me. <br><br> I hadn't impressed Peaches enough. There hadn't been a ton of time to make myself stand out, but whatever I had done hadn't been enough. <br><br> I hoped this wouldn't mean I had missed a window. That I'd have to throw myself //more// into this work. That there wouldn't be another window. <br><br> Maybe we could still make something come from this. Maybe knowing was enough. <</if>> <<else>> Saki and Anika. Surprise, surprise. <br><br> Fuck. I hadn't been selected. Lori shrugged and rolled her eyes up at me. <br><br> I hadn't impressed Peaches enough. There hadn't been a ton of time to make myself stand out, but whatever I had done hadn't been enough. <br><br> I hoped this wouldn't mean I had missed a window. That I'd have to throw myself //more// into this work. That there wouldn't be another window. <br><br> Maybe we could still make something come from this. Maybe knowing was enough. <</if>> <<else>> <<outfit bargirl>> <<speechPC>>"What the //fuck//?" Shrugging to Lila -- the only one I'd made any headway with.<</speechPC>> <br><br> A non-chalant shrug, <<speech "Lila">>"As long as they give me the time I need to setup...they can take as long as they want."<</speech>> <br><br> I hopped up beside her, feeling the cold metal against my bare skin. <br><br> And then Peaches walked out from the back hallway, officious. Even her typical clipboard felt more imperious today. She held it against her like a shelf, digging in just above her slight little hips. Her eyes were cold -- colder than usual. Ms. Serious Business was more serious than I'd ever seen her. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"First. We're skipping the bullshit crowding your heads right now. Here's what you need to know." Her eyes dropped to the clipboard, "We have been contracted for entertainment and staffing of an upcoming party. This is of critical importance."<</speech>> <br><br> "Contracted." Right. Ordered is more like it. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>She let those words hang for a moment, gazing across the assembled women, "Because of the client and the event, we are being highly selective. Not all of you will be chosen."<</speech>> <br><br> Why did I feel that 'pick-me' energy? Did I //want// to work this? Alice would insist yes. Of course, but why had that come out instinctively? It was more a desire to be chosen and elevated than it was for forward momentum. I doubted the latter had even crossed my mind. <br><br> None of the girls reacted to the announcement. No ripple of excited giggles or anxious shifts. They were as dead-ass as she was. Had this happened before? Was being a part of it that bad? Did they not know? Or did they know all too well? <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Now for assignments."<</speech>> Her eyes dropped back down to the clipboard and began pacing before us. <br><br> <<if $jobValue gt 4>> <<set $BE_work = true>> <<speech "Tao">>"<<print $>>."<</speech>> My name felt like a smack across my face and a tug forward from my solar plexus. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yes." It felt like school attendance.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Tao">>"Early for this, but you've acquitted yourself well. Don't make me regret this."<</speech>> I nodded, tucking my chin. My eyes flicked to the other girls. They were a sea of non-expression. Selected or not, they seemed unaffected. My name had made no difference either. <<elseif $jobValue gt 0>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<set $BE_work = true>> The bargirls were selected last, unsurprisingly. She called off a couple names before sighing and tapping a finger at her pad of paper. She looked at me dead-eyed. <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"<<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> My name felt like a smack across my face and a tug forward from my solar plexus. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yes." It felt like school attendance.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"Our roster is a bit underwhelming right now. Don't make me regret this."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded, tucking my chin. My eyes flicked to the other girls. They were a sea of non-expression. Selected or not, they seemed unaffected. My name had made no difference either. <<else>> Girls names were called out, and then she moved back to the assembled group. Oh. That was it. <br><br> Fuck. I hadn't been selected. <br><br> I hadn't impressed Peaches enough. There hadn't been a ton of time to make myself stand out, but whatever I had done hadn't been enough. <br><br> I hoped this wouldn't mean I had missed a window. That I'd have to throw myself //more// into this work. That there wouldn't be another window. <br><br> Maybe we could still make something come from this. Maybe knowing was enough. <</if>> <<else>> Girls names were called out, and then she moved back to the assembled group. Oh. That was it. <br><br> Fuck. I hadn't been selected. <br><br> I hadn't impressed Peaches enough. There hadn't been a ton of time to make myself stand out, but whatever I had done hadn't been enough. <br><br> I hoped this wouldn't mean I had missed a window. That I'd have to throw myself //more// into this work. That there wouldn't be another window. <br><br> Maybe we could still make something come from this. Maybe knowing was enough. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Tao">>"On the day, everyone meets here." Her finger stabbed down at the concrete floor. Weaponized. Threatening, but I didn't understand the purpose of the threat. "The selected girls will be picked up and be taken to the location. You will be instructed with what to do en route. The rest of you will be working here. The Club still has to operate." Her hand lifted and waved at all of us, as if trying to dissipate us like smoke, "Go. Enjoy your night off." A tight smile, granting a reprieve.<</speech>> <br><br> There was a collective sigh, despite her standing right there. I could hear the concern in the low-whispering between the other girls. Yeah, the secrey made me even more sure I had the right read. <br><br> For them, this was just a heightening of the usual. For me, this was something entirely else. This was supremely exciting: an opportunity unlike anything that had come my way so far. <br><br> Still, I played the part. I nodded, dropped onto my feet which felt lighter, just knowing I'd be off them in a few minutes. No work tonight and they were thankful. The wetness in my eyes was hard to contend with as well: I was thankful. <br><br> Thankful not simply because I'd been given a night's reprieve, but my wishes had been answered. This was big. Well, I hoped so. It sounded like it. <br><br> If it wasn't big, it was //important//. <br><br> I'd been given my assignment and information. Now to find a way to parlay that into a win for the mission. <br><br> Felt like it was time to check in with EROS. <br><br> I waved to Karl on my way out, just like I always did, but I was heading home to start compiling notes and preparing. I felt energized and excited. <br><br> I felt like a [[real agent|HomeBase]] for once.
<<if visited("M003 - Dalisay") lte 1>> <div id ="dali"> <<run $Memories.push("Knows Bona")>> <<set $People['AI'].Bona.rel = 0>> <<set $dayMetBona = $HomeBase.days>> I guess I'd be learning more about what Manila had to offer. My current focus and base of operations had me essentially in the same neighborhood of Shengcheng, which was incredibly convenient: walkable, maintained the legend of who I was and why I was there, and meant that I didn't need to do too much or figure much out to just do what I needed to do. <br><br> But if I was going to try other avenues of approach -- like the opportunity Dalisay had given me -- I would have to venture beyond my little nest of downtown Manila. <br><br> Tondo was apparently ''not'' the neighborhood you wanted to vacation to, but that was the world I was trying to infiltrate. I couldn't be too precious. <br><br> <<call>>"Hey Dalisay, it's <<print $>>."<</call>> A quick text as I fidgeted with my toes, sitting one leg under my ass, wondering if I was making the right choice and what I was walking into. With the ease of her approach, I'm certain that I was far from the first American girl having these thoughts, maybe exactly in this position, after Dali had approached them. <br><br> The response was //fast//: <<call "Dalisay <3">>"I know!"<</call>> A huge heart emoji, kissy face, a few emoji-exclamation points. <<call "Dalisay <3">>"See you soon?"<</call>> My heart caught in my throat. She wasn't beating around the bush, but if I was texting her, there really was only one reason why. <br><br> <<call>>"Uh, yeah, think so. Just confirming..."<</call>> and I sent back the address. It was a delaying tactic and a bit of a cover, but she immediately thumbs-upped the ask and left it there. <br><br> I popped on my shoes with a deep sigh, straightening my clothes a few times -- more delays -- and then made my way out to flag down a <<link "tuk-tuk">><<replace "#dali">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Tuk-tuk driving through a cowded street */ It would have been an over-an-hour walk, and while that had been my primary mode of transportation in Manila, it wasn't going to do the trick. Especially with the 'flavor' of the area, daylight or not, I didn't feel eminently comfortable just walking to a place I didn't know in an area like that. Tuk-tuk it was. <br><br> They were incredibly inexpensive, if not the most comfortable, mode of transport. A little open-air 'cab' like thing you just climbed into and went. I gave the driver the address and she -- a squat, middle-aged woman with frizzy hair -- looked back over her shoulder at me. The look also carried a 'I don't want to be there' attitude. I let the address and silence hang in the air making it clear that was the job ahead of her. She gave a little grunt that made her jelly-rolls jiggle, turned forward and set off. <br><br> The roads of Manila weren't that well maintained -- and got worse the further north and west we went -- and this lady took the turns aggressively. So, I was effectively scrambled by the time I stepped out of her tuk tuk in an incredibly dense neighborhood that was our destination. And then she was gone. No new fare, no words to me. I had passed her money and if I had been a moment slower, might have lost my hand to the metal strut at the back of her vehicle. <br><br> People in Tondo were living on top of each other. Little Lego-block like flats stacked on each other and running down every inch of these narrow streets without room for alleyways. The density was suffocating and seemed to bring the humidity and heat fully to bear, pulsating from the concrete and rusting railing. On the other hand, there was an affectation for greenery -- probably to compete with the overbearing presence of construction -- big, leafy plants adorned most balconies and walk-ups. It was almost like a rainforest (which also didn't help the heat and humidity), which was a nice and curious change from the normal cityscape. <br><br> I was //definitely// out of place. It was overwhelmingly apparent that I was a Western girlie and was ''not'' a resident of Tondo. For people that had bustled down these little streets, pushing past each other with nary a look as they bumped shoulders...they were looking at me. <br><br> So I made a quick decision to get outta here. No WiFi, like it had been since I arrived, so I was analog. I looked at a scrap of paper I had scrawled on and tried to make heads or tails of the indications of which building was which. <br><br> I couldn't help but smile slightly when I figured out where I was going -- a few steps down, more up -- and then I realized that the two tatted, wife-beater men were probably a better indication of where I needed to go (if maybe also a warning) than the numbers fading on the concrete and flaking-painted doors. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, hello." My approach was less than graceful, "I'm looking for Dalisay."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Even behind their cheap, CVS sunglasses, I could tell they were eye-fucking me. Not a hint of confusion at seeing someone like me //here//, which further reinforced that I was actually in the right place (and maybe a second warning). <br><br> They nodded. Not a word. Shifting their fat-and-muscle forms slightly aside and pushing the grated and gated door open to beckon me <<link "inside">><<replace #dali>> <<face shock>> /* IMAGE (Needed): People sitting on the floor, looking at their phones */ A chill ran down my spine and definitely because of the temperature. I felt my clothes sticking to my skin and not just because of the humidity. <br><br> The door snicked shut behind me with a finality that belied this being a good idea. <br><br> Welp. Now I was here. The guys seemed to recognize Dalisay's name...or didn't care. But I didn't have any directions. <<skillChecked "Confidence">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>I quashed the bubbling fear easily<<else>>I felt the fear bubbling up inside me<</if>> and moved forward down the narrow, oppressive hallway. <br><br> The quiet and suffocation of the hallway gave way to the mass of people in the next room. There were more of what I could only assume were the heavies, mostly tatted, mostly in wifebeaters, all have the bearing of wanting to hit something hard and //now//. Those guys were wandering through series of small tables and standing at the outskirts of the room. At the tables, and others squatted in little clumps on the bare floor, were people -- mostly men -- huddled over the brightening screens of cellphones. They were entranced, tapping away, scrolling, messaging with a fury. <br><br> Some of the heavies' heads jerked at me with a protective urgency the moment I came through the door. I saw their shoulders squaring up, especially seeing someone so, so out of place like me entering this...what even //was// this? Whatever it was, it wasn't 'legal' if it were in the States. My body tensed instinctively, ready to be grabbed, attacked...hit maybe? <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>And then I saw Dali. One of the few women in the room, she looked up from her own phone and squealed, "<<print $>>!"<</speech>> <br><br> None of the others looked up from their phones. Not at my entrance, not at her sharp and sudden exclamation, not at her hurried crossing to me, pushing past them as if they weren't there. <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"Yay!"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hey Dali...what's goin on--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Her brown eyes flashed big and she gave a little shake of her head, playfully touching her finger to my lips to hush me. Her arm slid around my waist and she pulled me along, navigating through the crowd of Samsung screens and tense air. The heavies no longer paid me any heed as we made our way to another door. <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"Glad you came! Ready to be model?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I laughed, "I guess so? I'm here, aren't I?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"So pretty." She eyed me over again as we moved into the next room.<</speech>> <br><br> A familiar jerk of heads, this time ''much'' more intense. I could //feel// the instinctive movement of hands towards weapons and then the instant relaxation as the two feminine energies were sensed. <br><br> <<speech "Dali">>"Bona, meet <<print $>>." <</speech>> <br><br> She gave me a push into the center of the room. The scrawny southeast asian man sat behind a massive, oaken desk. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>He looked up from his laptop and reflexively toyed with his over-gelled fauxhawk and grinned broadly at me, "<<print $>>. What a nice name!" I couldn't place the accent, but it wasn't from here. <<skillChecked "Age">> <<if $Body.age lt 0>><<set $People['AI'].Bona.rel -= $Body.age>>There was a tilt to his head, a slight furrow to his brow as he considered me. "Are with your parents?" He chuckled. His eyes left me and gave an nod of appreciation to Dali.<</if>><</speech>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Sophistication">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<speechPC>>"So...where's your studio? This //is// for modeling, right?" It came out unbidden and I regretted the words as soon as my pretention left my mouth.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>He chuckled, "Dali, Dali, Dali. I know English is not your first language, but you have to be ''careful'' how you represent me." There was extra emphasis on that last word. It carried weight and an unmistakable threat. What the threat was? I didn't know, but I felt Dalisay unconsciously move behind me slightly. "Now, <<print $>>. My deepest apologies. She wasn't careful in her words." He paused, taking a moment to look up a the ceiling as he considered and then came back to me with a broad smile -- one of his incisors was gold, "But! Maybe she's opened my eyes. What I'm looking for //is// a model in a way."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speechPC>>It certainly didn't //feel// like a modeling studio, or that he had anything to do with the industry, "Thank you."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Of course." He smiled demurely -- one of his incisors was gold.<</speech>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>His eyes appraised me. I could feel the other heavies following his lead, now having permission through his action. "Yes, I think she'll do well. You can leave now, Dali." She did without a touch or goodbye. The room wasn't cold, but I felt a chill creep up my spine. "I don't know what she told you--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Not much." I laughed awkwardly. I saw a coldness flash through his eyes when I cut him off. I bit my lower lip.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>It disappeared quickly, though, "That sounds like her. What //did// she tell you?" He leaned forward onto the desk, cradling his chin in a way that said openness, playfulness, kindness...but I could tell it was a masque.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"That I could make a lot of money. That other girls on vacation have..." I looked down, realizing that I really hadn't been given anything else, yet still was here. I made eye contact again with a shrug, "That's literally it." <<if $Body.braless == true>>His eyes noticed the bouncing under my shirt when I shrugged and his expanding smile told me what he thought about it.<</if>><</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Yes, yes. First, introductions." He stood and moved around the too-large desk and came over to me, extending his hand. It was surprisingly soft, well-manicured...delicate? "Bona. I am a very successful business man around here. I have many employees, as you can see." He broke the contact with my hand to gesture broadly at the half-dozen men in the office with him and then back at the door I had come through, "And as a very successful business man--" Man, did he like hearing the sound of his own voice. "--I don't have time for things the way that others do. But yet, I still need to maintain a certain appearance. I'm //always//--" He rolled his eyes performatively to the men who chuckled in return, "Invited to...galas," he motioned dismissively, "openings," the hand swirled again, "meetings, dinners, travel." He let the last one sit, laden with portent and what he assumed would be enticement for a 'traveler' like myself, "And, while my buddies here are nice enough. I need company. I need to show off. I'm expected to impress."<</speech>> <br><br> The word ''escort'' lingered in my brain, but I didn't say it. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"I have a few girls in town right now, but I am always looking for more." He used his chin to gesture to me, "A man like me can't be seen with the same woman too many times. Can't have them thinking it's anything //serious//." He laughed. The men laughed, "While a relationship, someday," he sighed -- a broad show of dissatisfaction. <<skillChecked "Perception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>>But he meant it. Interesting.<</if>> "Would be nice. It isn't for now. So. $" He leaned closer, taking my hands together and squeezing them slightly, "How does that sound? You'll get to see things, meet people, go __places__ you otherwise wouldn't be able to //dream// of on your little trip to the Billipines." His eyes danced with his local, joking affectation. "And. You'll make money the entire time. I'm a business man, I recognize a business transaction for what it is, and it could be quite lucrative for us both."<</speech>> <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M003 - Reject]]>> This was too far from my planned mission. I wasn't about to be an escort for some random criminal. <<path [[M003 - Accept]]>> The access was more enticing than he thought. While this wasn't directly my mission, it did seem to stack up with the kind of thing that EROS agents did. <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<else>> /* TODO: Time with Dali? Other options for a future release. */ <</if>>
<<Stats Stable ++>> <<run $Memories.deleteAll("Knows Dali", "Knows Bona")>> <<speechPC>>"I'm sorry, Bona, I just...thought this was a modeling opportunity."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if visited("M003 - Accept")>> He launched from the chair. It was violent and sudden. I couldn't help but jerk back. <<else>> His hands yanked from mine and he spun on his designer heels, rounding the desk once more, <</if>> <<speech "Bona">>"Who //knows// what this could be! This is ''more'' than just a __modeling__," the derision dripped, "opportunity." He had not heard the words 'no' from many people, let alone a girl recruited to be one of his women. And he was //not// pleased. "You can go." He shooed me away as he turned to one of his goons, "And send in Dali...I need to have words with her about what she //say//."<</speech>> <br><br> My stomach flipped, realizing that my decision might have extricated me -- and avoided becoming a future Dalisay-- but it might have massive repercussions for the sweet little girl I had met who was in far, far over her head. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Still, danger loomed for me while I remained, so I quickly turned and made my way for the door. Not too fast, not too slow. "<<print $>>." My hand froze on the handle. I didn't look back, but he continued all the same, "There are other jobs here besides //modeling//. If you are in need of money, you could always be an employee."<</speech>> <br><br> I didn't respond, I opened the door and stepped out and amongst his employees. It was like a huddled mass of social-media zombies. As I made my way through them again, I could sense the despair of this place. Their eyes looked so tired, their spines hunched from extreme hours doing the same repetitive tasks. Many had bruises that I hadn't noticed before, and scars that were barely hidden by their cheap, limited clothing. I didn't know what they were doing, but they didn't seem like content employees...or maybe even employees at all. <br><br> The sensation of despair deepened now that I couldn't get out of my head the worry of what I had subjected Dali to, pressing down on my chest and emphasizing the pounding of my heart there. <br><br> Opening the door to the squalid little sector of Manila called Tondo felt like a ''massive'' relief. <br><br> I scurried away from the meatheads by the door and waved down another tuk tuk to return to my own little piece of squalor. But at least it was 'fake' squalor. A fabrication of sadness and lack, because behind me was a powerful government agency. The job I was on had a global stake. What I was experiencing was all a show. I was in control and it would all disappear, replaced with the safety and security I had known -- probably //more// than I had known, once the mission was over. Maybe even a reuniting with my mom. <br><br> A part of me wanted to run out and club the night away, distract myself and drown myself in something fun and releasing. The dirt of sweaty dancing and the cloud of intoxication felt like a proof that I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. <br><br> But trying to put on makeup was fruitless and I kept having to reapply as the images of the day and the fantasized images of Dalisay kept creeping into my head. <br><br> The way those people had all seemed trapped, forced into their condition. <br><br> The way that one powerful man held all the strings, getting what he needed from his little minions, sending Dalisay out to recruit and enlist. <br><br> The way that they all seemed so trapped, locked into their situation without any hope other than doing what they were being told what to do, that life had given them no other chance or choice and they were locked in now. <br><br><br> As I climbed into bed early, emotionally exhausted and determined to do something //else//, something ''useful'', something that moved the needle on the __mission__, a weird tickle happened in my brain. It kept me awake as I kept trying to quash it. It was a simple image, but it was me as Dalisay. <<if $angeloTalk is true>>Alice or Nate<<else>>Nate<</if>> as Bona. <br><br> Sleep was more than welcome. It wiped that idea from my [[head|HomeBase]].
<<speechPC>>I nodded eagerly, playing up the deprived, little American traveler cover as much as possible, "That" Don't inquire about compensation. Don't ask for details. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>He returned a single, unsurprised nod. He slid his hands from mine and casually returned to his desk, plopping down behind it, "Alright. Now let's see how you stack up." The men around us relaxed, some leaning against the walls, one on the arm of a couch that another occupied.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Okay." I giggled, slightly confused. <</speech>> <br><br> He returned just a look, letting the moment hang heavy on my shoulders. Unspoken expectation threatened to drown me. Was I supposed to //do// something? What, though. Was I supposed to know? Was he seeing ''what'' I would do? Was this some sort of test? <br><br> He smiled, the glint of that tooth reflecting some of the overhead, recessed LED lighting. They all seemed quite comfortable and familiar with this moment. How recently was the last recruit here? How many had there been? What had they all done right now? <br><br> Was he seeing what I thought the 'gig' was? Seeing how bright I was to understand the subtext? See my desperation? <br><br> I churned over that: who was I trying to be right now? Who was the <<print $>> I was presenting to them? <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Well, you won't be wearing //that//...out with me." He shook his hand at me with extreme prejudice, "So we'll have to judge you without..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[M003 - Strip]] $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> The thought of taking my clothes off in front of so many eyes may have actually turned me on. <<blocked>> $ isn't an Exhibitionist <<path [[M003 - Strip]] $Stats.Traits["Suggestible"].value gte 2 or $CC.maleReaction gt 0 or $Stats.Traits["Confident"].value gt 3>> If I was going to be an escort, this would be the least of my worries. <<blocked>> $ isn't open to this or isn't confident enough to push forward. <<path [[M003 - Reject]]>> The //idea// of being an escort was enough, but actually being one? Fuck. No. <</crossroads>>
<<set $People['AI'].Bona.rel = $People['AI'].Bona.rel + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face happy>> <<speechPC>>I wondered if I was smiling as I considered all of the guys around me. "Everything?" I raised my eyebrows, the pitch of my voice belying my hope that the answer was yes.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Bona chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh no. Leave something to the imagination, <<print $>>. We aren't perverts. And you're not a whore." The last bit felt like a smack in the face.<</speech>> <br><br> Sheepishly, I nodded. I quashed my disappointment and tried to hold back from feeling too admonished. <<if $Body.braless == true>>I did have a bit of a wry turn to the corner of my mouth. Given I avoided bras, he was going to get more of a show than he asked for. It felt empowering. And hot.<</if>> <br><br> Despite the overture that this was perfunctory and not sexual, I enjoyed the reveal of my body. I took my time as I <<link "removed">><<upper>><</link>> and <<link "discarded">><<lower>><</link>> clothes onto the floor. <<speech "Bona">>"Mhmm." He nodded, cradling his chin in his hands while he looked me over. I could practically feel the moisture increase in the air as the other guys salivated. I turned slightly, keeping my eye contact essentially on Bona, twisting myself at the waist, lifting up onto my toes. I presented myself casually as if he were a mirror at a Target and I was checking out a new outfit or pair of underwear. His eyes and his reaction were all I had for a reflection.<</speech>> <<image framed "passage/M003-Strip.png">> <<skillChecked "Bodily traits">> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> <<speech "Bona">>"Wow. You've got an incredible pair of breasts. We'll need to make sure we emphasize those, yes?" His eyebrows lifting. It was an rhetorical question.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>> <<speech "Bona">>"You do squats?" He wasn't looking for an answer, "Body-con, form-fitting. Yes." It was like he was making a mental list.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<speech "Bona">>"Athletic. //Very//." His eyes caressed the inward curve of my stomach, the tight pull of the skin against my muscles, my lack of cellulite. "You don't need guidance on diet from me." He chuckled and nodded appreciatively.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<speech "Bona">>"Dresses, skirts...or things that compliment that torso-to-leg ratio." I wondered if anyone was taking notes. If this was something I was going to need to keep track of. <</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("smile")>> <<speech "Bona">>"And we've all seen that infectious, incredible smile since you walked in." He nodded, leaning back in his chair, "Can't hide that...well, unless there are Arabs. No Arabs."<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Body.undies is "Commando">> <<set $People['AI'].Bona.rel ++>> His eyes dropped to my lack of underwear. He shook his head and looked to the goon to his left, <<speech "Bona">>"Guess she //is// a whore." It was a conspiratorial whisper but it wasn't much of a whisper.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Body.braless is true>><<set $People['AI'].Bona.rel ++>><</if>> <<else>> <<if visited("HS002 - CastingSeed") is false || !$Memories.includes('Naked on stage') || $UN.job !== "OF">> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <</if>> <<face shock>> I felt like meat on display. I considered all of the guys around me. "Everything?" I raised my eyebrows, the pitch of my voice more of a squeak than a word. <<speech "Bona">>Bona chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh no. Leave something to the imagination, <<print $>>. We aren't perverts. And you're not a whore." The last bit felt like a smack in the face.<</speech>> Sheepishly, I nodded. I agreed. That's not why I was asking. Still, I tried to hold back from feeling too admonished. <<if $Body.braless == true>>All the same, I worried that I was going to //look// the part once I started disrobing. I felt vulnerable and I worried that it would ding my appraisal. That I would be showing too much, and for nothing.<</if>> <br><br> Despite the overture that this was perfunctory and not sexual, I knew that they were going to enjoy seeing bare skin. I didn't rush -- as much as I wanted to -- but I didn't take my time, <<link "removing">><<upper>><</link>> and <<link "discarding">><<lower>><</link>> my clothes onto the floor. <<speech "Bona">>"Mhmm." He nodded, cradling his chin in his hands while he looked me over. I could practically feel the moisture increase in the air as the other guys salivated. "Turn." His finger twirled. I turned slightly, keeping my eye contact essentially on Bona, "Hips." I twisting myself at the waist, "Up." lifting up onto my toes. Like a puppet, he moved me. He guided the presentation like I was an object on show, my body parts displayed on the hangar that was //me//. His eyes and his reaction were all I had for a reflection and they were dispassionate. It felt so dehumanizing. I felt unimpressive and just another one of a long, long line of women that would come and go. Would he even remember me later on? Tomorrow?<</speech>> <<image framed "passage/M003-Strip.png">> <<skillChecked "Bodily traits">> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> <<speech "Bona">>"Wow. You've got an incredible pair of breasts. We'll need to make sure we emphasize those, yes?" His eyebrows lifting. It was an rhetorical question. I felt a flutter of approval.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>> <<speech "Bona">>"You do squats?" He wasn't looking for an answer, "Body-con, form-fitting. Yes." It was like he was making a mental list. I'd impressed him with my body!<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<speech "Bona">>"Athletic. //Very//." His eyes caressed the inward curve of my stomach, the tight pull of the skin against my muscles, my lack of cellulite. "You don't need guidance on diet from me." He chuckled and nodded appreciatively. My self-care had gotten a thumbs-up!<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>> <<speech "Bona">>"Dresses, skirts...or things that compliment that torso-to-leg ratio." I wondered if anyone was taking notes. If this was something I was going to need to keep track of. But still, he //liked// me. A part of me.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("smile")>> <<speech "Bona">>"And we've all seen that infectious, incredible smile since you walked in." He nodded, leaning back in his chair, "Can't hide that...well, unless there are Arabs. No Arabs." It wasn't only my body. Maybe this wasn't sexual. Entirely.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Body.undies is "Commando">> <<set $People['AI'].Bona.rel ++>> <<speech "Bona">>His eyes dropped to my lack of underwear. He shook his head and looked to the goon to his left, "Guess she //is// a whore." It was a conspiratorial whisper but it wasn't much of a whisper. Fuck. I knew it.<</speech>> <</if>> <<if $Body.braless is true>><<set $People['AI'].Bona.rel ++>><</if>> <</if>> <<speech "Bona">>"Dali has your number," Oh, that was it. "so that's how we'll reach you." Judgement and evaluation complete. "She'll let you know where to be," He talked to me with a tone that expected me to stand still, like a boss giving instructions to an inferior. "what to wear," while I wore so little, "what to do, yes?" I nodded. Hands awkwardly finding my hips as a way to try and find comfort in the moment. "Great." His eyes finally left my bared skin, returning to the laptop on his desk. "Now you can leave knowing that you've made the best choice you could have while you're here." His fingers tapped at some keys idly. The other men were still enjoying my lack of clothing. They were going to soak up every second they could and it didn't seem like I was yet allowed to put anything back on. "You're so lucky <<print $>>." He paused. I didn't move. "You can go now." Not: 'get dressed', just 'go'.<</speech>> I grabbed my clothes, but before I was given the opportunity to put them back on, one of the meat-heads took me by the arm and escorted me out of Bona's office. <<speech "Dali">>Dali gave me a squeeze while I awkwardly tried to pull my things on. "Went well?" She seemed to disregard that she was making this difficult.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Yeah. I think so."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Dali">>"So glad! I knew dis would be good for you! Dali is your priend. Good priend now." <</speech>> I nodded and laughed, barely struggling myself back into a fully <<link "clothed">><<outfit default>><</link>> state. Not a single one of the many, many men in this room seem to pay me any heed. They were //intent// on the task before them. The goons either very used to seeing women coming out of the office like I had, or were similarly fixated on their own job. <<speechPC>>"Yeah, he said you'd call?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Dali">>"Text. Probably soon! See you then, kay?" She grinned dumbly, pushing past me and into the office I had just left. The urgency was profound. I wondered if it was for a debrief...or payment.<</speech>> Now 'alone,' I made my way back towards the exit. No longer concerned or focused on what I was getting into, nor fearing for my life, I was able to give my surroundings a bit more attention. <br><br> It was like a huddled mass of social-media zombies. I could sense the despair of this place. Their eyes looked so tired, their spines hunched from extreme hours doing the same repetitive tasks. Many had bruises that I hadn't noticed before, and scars that were barely hidden by their cheap, limited clothing. I didn't know what they were doing, but they didn't seem like content employees...or maybe even employees at all. <br><br> The sensation of despair dissipated as my instinct reminded me that my job was different than theirs, that my status was higher. It was a bit disheartening when my empathetic part of my brain registered the selfishness, but I did feel massive relief. <br><br> Opening the door to the squalid little sector of Manila called Tondo was like crossing a finish line. I had taken opportunity into my own hands, I had walked into danger with an idea in mind and come out with a win. I now had a connect in the underworld, someone with influence and pull, someone who would unknowingly bring me places and introduce me to people that could help me going forward. <br><br> I had stepped into the jaws of the lion and proven to myself that not only was I capable, but that I was moving beyond a little task-monkey of an agent. I didn't need everything to be fully outlined. I could take my approach into my own hands. <br><br> What this would bring in the long-term? Who knew, but at that moment, I didn't even bother with a tuk tuk back home. I felt empowered and I walked the whole way, invincible and once again proving to myself that I didn't need to be afraid. <br><br> I continued to ride the high of my success and despite being leg-tired, I went out that night. I avoided Club ZZYZX and found a place that //I// really thought was cute. I had drinks bought for me. I danced and was danced with. <br><br> I celebrated with myself, curious when I would hear from Dali and where Bona and I would [[go|HomeBase]].
/* Text Convo opp */ A controlled breath in and out as I looked down at the text from Dali, <br><br> <<call "Dalisay <3">>"Tonite. 9 PM. Same place!!!"<</call>> <br><br> Fireworks. Clock. Moon. The only thing about Bona that said to me that he might provide some value to me on my mission was that he was clearly doing illegal things and had power in the Manilan underworld. But would that translate into something real or just a unicorn that would mean spending time, effort and who knows what else trying to get somewhere with him and just end up spent and empty-handed. <br><br> But I didn't have a massive amount of leads right now. So maybe beggers couldn't be choosers. <br><br> <<call>>"Awesome! See you there!"<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Dalisay <3">>"No, just you and him. Have fun!"<</call>> <br><br> Heart, heart, heart. Eggplant. Waterspray. Peach. Goddamn did she love emojis. Not that I thought she was some protector, but her //not// being there was a touch worrisome. <br><br> <<call>>"What should I wear?"<</call>> <br><br> I shifted over towards my closet, about to start trying things on and shooting her the options. <br><br> Her response ended that in a second, <br><br> <<call "Dalisay <3">>"Outfit's already here." <</call>> <br><br> Drooling emoji. <br><br> <<call>>"Can I see?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Dalisay <3">>"You will!"<</call>> <br><br> Okay then. Made getting ready easier and I had less to worry about as far as impressing him. So it was just a matter of waiting til this evening <<linkexpand "then">> then. <br><br> Not the same tuk-tuk driver, unfortunately. But this time I was far more comfortable with where I was going and why. I guess that says more about how unnerved I was the first go-around than it did about how ready I was for my night with Bona. <br><br> The block where he 'worked' was far more lively at night. It had that energy of exhausted people unwinding after long days, long weeks, long nights. Alcohol, drugs, a fight -- any of them and all of them could break out at any time. But right now it was in a happy place, people calling out at each other and their voices ringing wetly off of the concrete, claustrophobic structures around them. <br><br> I would reserve my excitement for later, approaching the dingy door and giving a nod to the two guys at the door. Were they the same ones from before? Were they all hired for their similarities? Was I being racist? Or just didn't want to pay attention to their individuality because that meant really taking them in. Being present, when all I wanted to do was pull away or move past them quickly. <br><br><br> I don't know which was more shocking, my first time through the door or this time, but I was stunned all the same coming upon the huddled mass of people staring at their phones despite the hour. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, uh--" A stutter-step as I tried to navigate the room that I had mistakenly believed would be empty.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Goon">>"Through there."<</speech>> <br><br> One of the goons pointed. I knew where to go but I wasn't going to get smart with him. It was his way of telling me to mind my business and move on. <br><br> <<speechPC>>I moved on. "Hey, Bona..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I put on a grin from ear-to-ear as I came through the doorway into his pseudo-plush office. But his desk was empty. The guys were there, looking up from their own phones -- though far less intensely than the ones outside -- but no sign of the bossman. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hey." I shut the door behind me, maintaining as much of the smile as I could manage, "So...Dali said."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>"Yep. You're on time, <<print $>>." One of the guys lifted himself off the couch. He was rolling a toothpick across his teeth as he moved over towards me, "He'll be back soon to pick you up. So you should be ready when he gets here."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, okay. And the outfit?" He smiled, hand on my lower back, guiding me towards the desk where the white cardboard box lay. "Cool, thanks." I pulled the lid off, "Got somewhere to..." revealing the thin, silver material that implied a kind of chainmail aesthetic. This would //not// cover much. "Change?" I stifled a cough as I considered how I was going to manage this outfit.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>"Here's good. Here. Let me help." His hand was already finding purchase at my top. Jesus, these guys. Last time they had gotten a show, but this time they wanted to be part of it. Was this escalation going to keep continuing?<</speech>> <br><br> <div id="bonaDate"> <<crossroads #bonaDate>> <<path $CC.maleReaction gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 2>> "...sure..." <<blocked>> $ doesn't respond well to hands-on men and isn't Suggestible enough. <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Hand groping a breast */ I wasn't sure what kind of report Bona would get back if I pissed his guys off. And if he was this comfortable with potentially stripping me down when Bona walked in, likely there wasn't much risk on his end. His fingers slid under what I was wearing and I held still, feeling the fabric pulling <<link "off of me">><<upper>><</link>>. He discarded the first article with one hand as his other stroked down the outside of my arm. It was a kind touch, but it was also more than 'helping me'. He was close to me, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. And all of their eyes. It was a lot of things to take in at once. <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Exhibitionism')>><<state aroused>>I felt the heat pulse between my legs and a moment later the warm slickness.<<else>>I wanted to cover up. And I knew I couldn't.<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Some Muscle">>"Fuck man, making me jealous here." One of the guys on the couches sounded more pent up than upset.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>"Shoulda shot your shot,"<</speech>> <br><br> <<if $Body.braless == true>> The hand left my arm and casually slid forward to cup one of my breasts, pushing the envelope again. And it wasn't a complete grope, he was simultaneously working below my waist to maintain the appearance of doing what he said he would. My nipples hardened as I stepped out of the last of my <<link "clothing">><<lower>><</link>>. <<else>> Skillfully, I felt the tightness of my bra release. His hand left my arm and guided its way underneath my bra to <<link "remove it">><<bra>><</link>>, while getting a full cup and squeeze to my right tit. I thought about squirming or complaining, but he was simultaneously working below my waist to maintain the appearance of doing what he said he would. My nipples hardened as I stepped out of the last of my <<link "clothing">><<lower>><</link>>. <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>Mostly bare now, his hand was free to pat at my ass, "Come on." I figured he meant for me to do the rest. I used my toes, leaning forward to brace myself against the edge of the desk, feeling my ass pressing to his crotch as he remained still. <</speech>> <br><br> I couldn't help but be grinding against him as I finished the <<link "last details">><<feet>><<socks>><</link>>. <br><br> He leaned against my back, keeping me bent forward as he took the dress from the back, a hand on the front of my hips and bringing me to stand up and against him as he straightened, holding the garment against me, draped against my front. <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>I felt the cool flimsiness of the material against my bare skin, the lack of structure that let it hang. "Oh that's gonna look ''fantastic'' on you. Dali did a good job."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Some Muscle">>"Fuck yeah she did, //look// at her. Where did she __find__ you?" They were all now engaging in this conversation about me while staring at my body.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Literally the mall." I sighed, not many options on what would actually work underneath this thing. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<speech "Hired Thug">>"Came prepared," his fingertips crested the ridge of my hipbone, dipping lower across the front, not quite invading my most private of areas, but making clear he meant my lack of underwear.<</speech>> <<else>> And he had made the decision that I had been wrestling with. I felt his fingertips clasp at the waistband of my underwear and pull down. I stepped <<link "out">><<panties>><</link>> as he caressed the now-bare lower front of my abdomen. <</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Okayyyy..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I squirmed slightly, hand dropping to his wrist and stopping its adventuring. I looked coyly over my shoulder at him and then lifted my arms, bringing his hand with me and off me. He smiled and nodded, bunching the dress up and guiding it down over my arms and head, letting it drop quick and suddenly down across my naked body. <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>"Mhmm." <</speech>> <br><br> He stepped back slightly, turning me to face him before running his hands slowly over my form to 'fix' any creasing and making sure it draped properly. Then he leaned in, breathing into my ear and feeling my chest against his as he took his time grabbing the heels and then dropped to his knees. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Proposing so quickly?" I laughed. <</speechPC>> <br><br> All the guys around us laughed, too. He flipped the other goon off and took one proffered foot, then the other, buckling the straps while looking up at me and getting what must have been an amazing view essentially up my dress. A gentleman with ulterior motives. <br><br> Done, he stood and stepped back. I stepped back, glad for the extra space. I twisted my hips slightly, presenting myself to the crew. <br><br> They whistled. They nodded. They literally clapped. I couldn't help but smile. I was [[ready to go|M003 - BonaReady]]. <<path>> "I got it, thanks though." <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Guys staring, POV over a female bare shoulder */ <<speech "Hired Thug">>"Oh, come on. It'll be faster--" I pulled away from him, sliding the box to the other side of the desk and rounding it so that I could at least pretend there was something between me and them, even if it wouldn't hide me fully naked.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Bona probably wouldn't like walking in on that." <</speechPC>> <br><br> I smirked wryly while working my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>> off. They'd already seen it all, so I steeled myself for being on display. <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>"You know Bona better than me?" He was looking at my chest while talking to me. The rest of the guys laughed. <</speech>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Exhibitionism')>><<state aroused>>I felt the wetness and heat between my thighs. That was quick.<<else>>I wanted to cover up so badly right now, but I was thankful for the desk as a form of barrier. I knew I couldn't shy away and hide at all.<</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I know men."<</speechPC>> <br><br> My hands and toes worked the rest of my <<link "clothes off">><<lower>><<feet>><<socks>><</link>>, not caring how much it made my body shake and jiggle. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Plus, I'd like to make sure he's not upset with //me//."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Some Muscle">>"Oh, he won't be." Came support from the peanut gallery. <</speech>> <br><br> I rolled my eyes at him but gave him a smile that said it was fine. Get the show guys, but stay respectful...ish. <br><br> I pulled the dress from the box and held it against me, feeling the cool flimsiness of the material against my bare skin, the lack of structure that let it hang. <br><br> <<speech "Hired Thug">>"Oh that's gonna look ''fantastic'' on you. Dali did a good job."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Some Muscle">>"Fuck yeah she did, //look// at her. Where did she __find__ you?" They were all now engaging in this conversation about me while staring at my body.<</speech>> <br><br> "Literally the mall." I sighed, not many options on what would actually work underneath this thing. <<if $Body.braless == false>>Reaching back, I popped the clasp of my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>>, shrugging it off and freeing the girls.<</if>> <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>Underwear would show. Through it, around it, under it. Was I going to lose my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> or not?<</if>> <br><br> Their laughs imagining me being 'talent scouted' at the mall dwindled as they took me in, shouldering the tunic on, tits bouncing freely as I leaned forward to pop and clasp the silver heels on -- one hand bracing myself against the edge of Bona's desk -- before standing back up and ensuring the 'gown' draped properly down my form. <br><br> They whistled. They nodded. They literally clapped. I couldn't help but smile. I was [[ready to go|M003 - BonaReady]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<image framed "passage/M003-BonaReady.png">> <<outfit slinky>> <<speech "First Guy">>"Les do that again," said one,<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Greedy Guy">>"Yeah, we each get a turn," another, <</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Laughing Guy">>"Compare the choices," and a rolling chuckle before, <</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Another Guy">>"What, this and what she had?" followed by a quick, <</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Last Guy">>"And neither!" <</speech>> <br><br> Gotta love being talked about when you were right there. My cheeks lifted into a half-smile, a bitten-off laugh along with them, and then the door opened and ended all the fun and games. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Is she--" It was Bona, "Ah. Yes. You //are//..." At least it was nice to be recognized as present.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hey, Bona."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I literally skipped over to him, happy to be saved from the goons, though I recognized how my eagerness to go off with him was tantamount to insanity. But all things are different when juxtaposed, aren't they? <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Good evening. I knew that would look ravishing on you." His soft, almost-yellow, eyes drank me in, certainly enjoying seeing the cleavage, the outer curve of my breast that couldn't help but show given how unrestrained they both were...and then down my body.<</speech>> <br><br> The way the thin, metallic material collected on the minor shelf that was my asscheeks, the high hemline cut that revealed my legs up to a dangerous height -- almost where my femur and hipbone intersected. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Thank you, it's quite the dress." I smoothed my hands down my stomach. It was essentially bodycon, but I wanted to emphasize the more sexual-adjacent areas, if at all possible. I slid my arm through his, "Shall we? I don't even know where we're going..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Height">> <<if $CC.height gt 0>> I wondered if he liked tall women because, alongside the heels, I dwarfed his slight stature. <<elseif $CC.height lt -1>> Even with heels, he was taller than me. I had wondered if that was the case, given his slight stature, but I was glad for it. Still felt feminine. <<else>> We were essentially the same height, with heels -- maybe that was what decided the rise -- which felt weird. <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Oh, I think you'll love it," his hand slid around my waist, wrist finding the nook at where my hip and ass met, cradling it there slightly as he guided me out and away from his pervy entourage.<</speech>> <br><br><br> The room outside felt frenetic when we passed through. Despite what I was wearing, not a single eye was on me. Even his muscle didn't make notice. Everyone was hyper-focused, working feverishly. His presence dominated here. <br><br><br> Outside, there was a motorbike waiting for us and I felt re-exposed, considering saddling up with him. It had to be on purpose. He mounted up, pulling me by intertwined fingers closely behind him, then sliding his other hand along my leg to guide it around and beside his. My heels locked in on the 'stirrups' and I scooted my ass forward, not trying to think of who had gotten a flash up the slinky dress as I got in behind him. "Hold on tight." <br><br> I didn't have to be told twice. I pulled myself, breasts now having some support and restraint as I pressed them to his back, my hands around his tight stomach, my pubic bone against his coccyx. And then he hit the gas and we sped off. <br><br> He was a maddeningly aggressive driver. The hot, night wind whipped and tugged at the dress, constantly showing the entirety of my legs, most of my ass and probably nipple -- there was no hope to try and fight that fight. I tucked my head against his shoulder, trying to shut my eyes and hope this wouldn't be my last night on earth. Or how I'd be found, 'wearing' this and mangled in a wreck. <br><br><br> Before too long, we were out by the water, coursing along the boardwalk and towards the marina. Approaching, I knew our destination was one of these boats. And they were mostly big, yacht types intermingled with the cruise ships arriving in Manila. <br><br> It was much more comfortable getting off the bike. Maybe because my feet and legs were numb. Maybe because I'd already been flashing everything. But mostly it was because of how empty the area was. I could take the moment to readjust and fix the dress without worrying what I flashed in the process. <br><br> Bona was ahead of me, making his way towards one of the gangplanks and heading up, self-assured I'd be <<linkexpand "in tow.">> <<outfit slinkywind>> in tow. <br><br> I was. <br><br> There were a few people fluttering about besides us. Most had the bearing and look of the men we had left back at his 'office,' but others looked like hired hands. Glassware, cloiches, food and beverages were being ported back and forth in preparation for something. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Nice ship." I commented, returning my arm through his. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Thank you." My assumption was correct. <</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"She have a name?" Letting him lead me along.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Requires a maiden voyage." He shook his head. "Maybe one day. Currently, it serves its purposes better as a houseboat of kinds. A waterside venue...with the prospect of easy escape."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I laughed, "Have to write a name pretty quick and have champagne on hand in that situation, huh?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> He nodded. We were avoiding the upper decks, the larger reception rooms where I was seeing everyone setting up shop. He helped me, kindly, down a tight stairwell as we moved into the bowels of his nameless vessel. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Where is everyone?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Still early yet." We meandered down a beautiful oak-walled hallway, red carpet meticulously cared for -- or brand-new. "So you've picked up on that, hm?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I'm not an idiot."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"No. Good observation skills. Might come in handy. But, for my last test of your perception...where are we going now?"<</speech>> <br><br> His tone was even, but I could catch the subtext. <<skillChecked "Kinks" "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Constantly Horny")>><<state aroused>>I felt my pussy tingle, a clench in my lower abdomen. Excitement.<</if>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Many traits">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3>><<speechPC>>"To fuck."<</speechPC>><<elseif $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>><<speechPC>>My mind wobbled, confused, "Uhh..."<</speechPC>><<elseif $CC.clique is "Prude">><<speechPC>>"Oh.""Your room?" I don't think I was the most convincingly flat as his was.<</speechPC>><</if>> <br><br> He laughed, pushing a door open to a cozy, but well-sized cabin. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"We have some time before they arrive. Let's make the most of it."<</speech>> <br><br> He pressed his lips against me as his fingers slid through the sides of the dress to my bare lower back, pulling me [[close|M003 - BonaSex]]. <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit slinky>> <<Stats Perception ++>> All of my thoughts about tonight and what it was going to be were immediately confirmed. I was an escort. And he expected sex //first// before companionship. And maybe later as well. Maybe that's why: to give him a refractory period. <br><br> <div id="sex"> <<crossroads #sex>> <<path>> Well, I knew what I was getting into. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles += 2>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<upper>> <<skillChecked "University Jobs">> <<if $UN.job == "sugar">>At least I'd done something like this before.<br><br><<else>><<set $mindCorruption ++>>Fuck! What was I doing? I was about to get used.<</if>> Maybe this was the whole purpose behind the outfit, not just to show me off -- quick disposal when he wanted his dick wet. My dress wasn't going to need much effort getting off. And it had //just// gotten on. I focused on him. His designer belt buckle. What number of escort was I for him. The athletic-cut royal blue dress shirt. Would I be a one-and-done? My hands stroked over his body tattoos and a single, deep scar along his abdomen that accentuated his eight-pack. He did me the favor of his label jeans and Calvin Klein boxer-briefs, uncut cock swinging out to meet me as he grinned, watching me enjoy the details of his body. He didn't look bad, that was true. <br><br> Leaving his clothes behind, he returned his hand to my back and we walked over casually to the bed, him at full mast and barely moving as we walked. I felt the dress falling off my shoulders and down my skin like a whisper, the memory of clothing that it was, he had nudged something and it had come off so quickly. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"If we had more time, I'd say we blow each others minds...unfortunately, business awaits."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I got onto the bed, neither of us moving to remove the heels -- time was of the essence and maybe he liked leaving them on -- "So gimme the business." I giggled, wiggling my ass at him.<</speechPC>> <br><br> He grunted, pleased and moved up quick behind me, striking like a snake and pushing down on my shoulders, head against the California King mattress, hips cocked up and back slightly off it. Not quite ass-up, not quite pronebone. And he was about to fuck me. <br><br> <div id="protection"> <<crossroads #protection>> <<path>> Ask for protection? <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <<speechPC>>"Hey, uh, wrap up real quick?" I said, face half muffled by the mattress.<</speechPC>> <br><br> He shoved in. <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused")>>I sighed happily. He hilted in one quick, firm go. Thank god for being wet already.<<else>>I winced and tensed. Yelping. Quick also meant unready.<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Asking," He leaned high over me -- as high as he could, holding me down in the pose -- and began to fuck, "says I don't need to worry." <</speech>> <br><br> His fucking was firm and dominating, but he wasn't being selfish...entirely. And as he fucked, I couldn't help but think: I guess that made a lot of sense. A kind of reverse test. Girls who ask...//ask// are likely clean as fuck. Though we also tend to be the ones not wanting to end up loaded with semen...for reasons. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused")>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, but being held down like that, taken so hard and firmly. And fuuuck, he knew how to drive a cock inside a girl. My hands clenched and unclenched, I huffed out at higher and higher pitches against the bed and then I was squirming, <<shake 4s>>cumming<</shake>>. <<else>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, and I was hot and ready for it, but despite his skill at driving his cock inside me. It was too short-lived. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, but being held down like that, taken so hard and firmly. And fuuuck, he knew how to drive a cock inside a girl. My hands clenched and unclenched, I huffed out at higher and higher pitches against the bed and then I was squirming, <<shake 4s>>cumming<</shake>>. <<else>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, and I was hot and ready for it, but despite his skill at driving his cock inside me. It was too short-lived. <</if>> <</if>> He jerked against me, a haggard outward breath. He was <<linkexpand "cumming.">> cumming. <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs2>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> <<speechPC>>I wiggled my hips against him, feeling him fill me. I cooed slightly and he chuckled. "Glad you got something out of it."<</speechPC>>" <br><br> <</if>> I think he had barely finished his last squirt as he used my back for leverage, pushing himself off me as quick as he had gotten on. He tugged free and moved back over to his clothes, putting them back on. <br><br> I rolled over onto my back, panting softly after the quick, perfunctory fuck. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Next time it'll be better when we have time." He smiled and nodded. <</speech>> <br><br> Then he waved for me to go get dressed. I'd be leaking the whole evening. Maybe that was also his plan. Semen-filled girl on your arm as a mark of your virility. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Bona" M "Bona, underworld boss on my first time as an escort">> <<else>> <<vCardCheck "Bona" M "Bona, underworld boss on my first time as an escort">> <</if>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "OffMission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. It took barely a moment to put it back <<link "on">><<outfit slinky>><</link>> and then we were out the door, rushing up to the main deck for the 'main' event. Did he think of it that way? <br><br> I [[did|M003 - BonaMeeting]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> It took barely a moment to put it back <<link "on">><<outfit slinky>><</link>> and then we were out the door, rushing up to the main deck for the 'main' event. Did he think of it that way? <br><br> I [[did|M003 - BonaMeeting]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> We didn't have time. <<contents>> <<SexSkill anal>> <<face ahego>> He grunted, a bit surprised, then I felt him spit. I looked back confused, but before I could register what was happening, he was shoving in //rough//. <br><br> I winced and tensed. That was not the hole I expected. Yelping. Quick also meant unready. <br><br> His fucking was firm and dominating, but he wasn't being selfish...entirely. And as he fucked, I couldn't help but think: He had literally been about to stick it in when he went switched to anal. Last minute crisis of conscious? Remembering almost too late? Thinking I'm dirty? That last one really stuck with me as he stuck it to me. <br><br> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Body.state.includes("aroused")>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, but being held down like that, taken so hard and firmly. And fuuuck, he knew how to drive a cock inside a girl. My hands clenched and unclenched, I huffed out at higher and higher pitches against the bed and then I was squirming, <<shake 4s>>cumming<</shake>>. <<else>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, and I was hot and ready for it, but despite his skill at driving his cock inside me. It was too short-lived. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, but being held down like that, taken so hard and firmly. And fuuuck, he knew how to drive a cock inside a girl. My hands clenched and unclenched, I huffed out at higher and higher pitches against the bed and then I was squirming, <<shake 4s>>cumming<</shake>>. <<else>> It was going to be quick, like he said it would be, and I was hot and ready for it, but despite his skill at driving his cock inside me. It was too short-lived. <</if>> <</if>> He jerked against me, a haggard outward breath. He was <<linkexpand "cumming.">> <<cumSpray thighs2>> cumming. <br><br> I think he had barely finished his last squirt as he used my back for leverage, pushing himself off me as quick as he had gotten on. He tugged free and moved back over to his clothes, reaching over to grab a lush towel from the side table to clean himself off. <br><br> I rolled over onto my back, panting softly after the quick, perfunctory fuck. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Next time it'll be better when we have time." He smiled and nodded. <</speech>> <br><br> Then he waved for me to go get dressed. I wonder if I'd smell like sex the rest of the evening. Maybe that was also part of his plan. Me on his arm stinking of what he did to me as a proof of virility. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Bona" M "Bona, underworld boss on my first time as an escort">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "OffMission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. It took barely a moment to put it back <<link "on">><<outfit slinky>><</link>> and then we were out the door, rushing up to the main deck for the 'main' event. Did he think of it that way? <br><br> I [[did|M003 - BonaMeeting]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> It took barely a moment to put it back <<link "on">><<outfit slinky>><</link>> and then we were out the door, rushing up to the main deck for the 'main' event. Did he think of it that way? <br><br> I [[did|M003 - BonaMeeting]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<path ($Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lt 2 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 2) || ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 2 && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 2)>> And I immediately balked. <<blocked>> $ is too Easy and Suggestible or not Confident and Stable enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $BonaDeny = true>> <<loseDefaultOutfit>> I pulled away, kiss having just barely begun. He frowned, looking at me hard. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, sorry. I...just...I'm more than happy to--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Stop." There was a lack of emotion that might have been more frightening than outright aggression. "You //are// an idiot. Get out."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"But I--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"You can keep the dress." He pulled a phone out of his pocket, ending our conversation as he began another one.<</speech>> <br><br> I swung around, out of the doors, hoping he wasn't arranging for my disposal. I moved down the hallway quickly, trying to navigate my way out of this ship while trying to keep calm. And alive. <br><br> No one said a word to me as I got to the main deck and down the gangplank. I didn't have anything with me and wondered if I'd get my clothes back. But I had my dress. <br><br> I had to walk [[back|M003 - BonaDateEnd]]. The whole. Fucking. Way. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<run $Memories.push("Knows Casimir")>> I had just begun to get used to how exposed I felt in the dress and now I was experiencing a whole new level of exposure. I felt him running out of me. If it had been any other situation, I would have had a cute little 'nose powdering' moment and gotten all cleaned up before rejoining the night. Not now. A hand on my lower back (different purpose this time) and we were out of his captain's cabin and through the hallway with expedition. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Not fast enough?" A little joke.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>He took it a different way. "Tonight is important, <<print $>>." <</speech>> <br><br> Whether that was a miscalculation of the situation or his vulnerable masculinity, I didn't know. I did know to shut up. That only left me to focus on the way my thighs were sticking and sliding against one another and the way I could feel liquid coming out of me from our quick clip. And I had no choice but to act like everything was normal and I wasn't dripping some guy's load. <br><br> Bona probably had an eye-full as he guided me up the stairs ahead of him, dress swinging this way and that. I could hear chopper blades cutting through the air and the roar that told me the helicopter was //close//. <br><br> Close was an <<linkexpand "understatement">> understatement. <<outfit slinkywind>> <br><br> The sleek black rotor-bladed vehicle was touching down ''on'' the ship. I held at my hair, trying to resist the whipping air. My dress was a lost cause. I shielded my eyes with my other hand, letting the rest of me flutter and fly naked under the relentless assault of the buffeting wind. <br><br> Bona was moving forward towards those churning blades. I thought they'd take his head off. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Previous experiences">> <<if $Memories.includes("Met Casimir")>> Instead, I was shocked by who came off the helicopter. A person I thought I'd never see again after Switzerland: Casimir. I had to restrain myself from smiling and waving. Would he recognize me? //Should// he recognize me. The alarm bells of my newly-minted spy brain were going off. Would this ruin everything? <br><br> They shook hands and moved back my way. I had figured that being a guy, being that I was essentially naked, and that we had...history...I would have been noticed. But no. Not a second look from either of them and they passed me by. And once I saw his eyes, was reminded of how unnerved I was by him back in my gap year. They were steely gray. And they were harder than I any other set of eyes. <br><br> I trotted behind like a loyal dog. Women like me, looking like me, in disrepair and on display like me, must have been so common to them that we wouldn't even <<linkexpand "register">> <<outfit slinky>> register. <br><br><br> On the top-deck the two of them got comfortable in a U-shaped lounge where a chiller stuffed with champagne had been set up. Three glasses set around the metallic bin laden with ice. <br><br> Bona patted the seat next to him and I knew what was expected, sliding in alongside him. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"So, expansion, Bona?" The bald man's words were thick with some sort of Slavic accent, "I thought you kept to the intangible."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Digital isn't intangible, Casimir."<</speech>> <br><br> The man shrugged, leaning back and turning his hands up and down. His eyes flicked to me. Once. Simply. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>And back, "No. And I guess you always have had <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2>>good<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>>incredible<<else>>fine<</if>> taste in the physical things."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Bona's hand slid between my thighs, fingers caressing the mess he made of me, "And, my //intangible// dealings are going to fund this little venture of ours."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>Casimir poured out three glasses. Almost forgetting mine. "So I should get used to the Philippine Islands--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"And find a new love besides your little Greek ones. Yes." Bona lifted his flute, "To new business."<</speech>> <br><br> We three <<linkexpand "drank">> drank. <<face drunk>> <<state drunk>> <br><br><br> The two of them chatted away like they were college buddies. I had to keep reminding myself that these were two very bad and/or dangerous men, not two chums having an innocuous catch-up. <br><br> Bona was in the business of 'pig butchering'. I had heard that term before leaving the States and now was involved with a person who was taking ludicrous sums of money from people in the West. A scammer. A con-artist. And a slaver, of sorts. My skin crawled. <br><br> Casimir's business didn't need to be illuminated. Drugs. Bona was getting into drugs and Casimir was his way in. <br><br> I wondered why Bona wanted drugs. What he'd be doing with them. <br><br> They were packing away the champagne and I was trying not to feel the social pressure to keep pace. Still, <<skillChecked "Addiction to drugs and alcohol">> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 2>>I was solidly buzzed<<elseif $HS.addictionLv gt 0>>I was //feeling// it<<else>><<state sick>>I was pretty well gone<</if>> by the time I actually became 'noticed' in the conversation. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2>> <<speech "Casimir">>"She's quite beautiful. You find her //here//?" Did he still not recognize me? That kind of hurt. Memories flashed from that time in the Aegean.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Well, I must admit, she's not ''from'' here."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Ahhh." He leaned back, far more interested in me now.<</speech>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> <<speech "Casimir">>"She. Is. Spectacular. Are you sure you didn't poach one of mine?" Did he still not recognize me? That kind of hurt. Memories flashed from that time in the Aegean. Maybe that last comment was a trap for Bona.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>He laughed and reached across the table to punch him, "Just because you don't have a taste for island girls...yet."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Casimir">>"A little better than your usual fare, Bona." Did he still not recognize me? That kind of hurt. Memories flashed from that time in the Aegean.<</speech>> <br><br> Bona chuckled. But I could tell he was offended. <</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I offered a hand, "<<print $>>." He took it. I could feel steel in his eyes extended all the way to his fingertips.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"I know." There it was. The cold bastard ''had'' recognized me.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Bona raised an eyebrow, "" He chuckled. Smacking himself on the thigh. "Guess I know your tastes better than I thought, Cas."<</speech>> <br><br> I leaned across the table, my cleavage -- hell, my entire tits -- hanging free for view. I gave him a kind kiss 'hello' on his cheek. He squeezed my hand. His eyes were on Bona though. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"See you downstairs?" <</speechPC>> <br><br> I felt a clench in my lower abdomen. I said the words before really thinking of their import. I had been offered as a sexual sweetener to Casimir. Casimir and I had sexual history. And without thinking, I had bared my neck to him. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>No response to me, he sat back in his seat, "So. For our arrangement." <</speech>> <br><br> I was up and out of the lounge, moving with the same purpose I had chosen for myself moments before. I wondered if my submission came as an undercut to Bona's authority. I ensured my hips swayed. I let my tits jiggle, my ass bounce. I let the dress swing and sigh, giving little flashes and peeks at bare skin as an enticement while I departed. I didn't check to see if they were watching, that would have undersold it. Part of me doubted it was appreciated, unfortunately. <br><br> I did manage to catch the next bit of their conversation, my sauntering giving me more time in their bubble: <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Agreed then? Good. Yes. When can we make the first exchange?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"I can have a shipment here...[[one week|M003 - BonaDateCas]]."<</speech>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <br><br> <<else>> Instead, it was uneventful: just a guy who matched his vehicle. Bald pate, impeccably tailored black tuxedo that highlighted and improved on his thick body. You could tell he was powerful without the gym. He exuded power that went beyond the bodily. <br><br> They shook hands and moved back my way. I had figured that being a guy, being that I was essentially naked, I would have been noticed. But no. Not a second look from either of them and they passed me by. And once I saw his eyes, I wasn't sure I //wanted// to be looked at. They were steely gray. And they were harder than I had ever seen. <br><br> I trotted behind like a loyal dog. Women like me, looking like me, in disrepair and on display like me, must have been so common to them that we wouldn't even <<linkexpand "register">> <<outfit slinky>> register. <br><br><br> On the top-deck the two of them got comfortable in a U-shaped lounge where a chiller stuffed with champagne had been set up. Three glasses set around the metallic bin laden with ice. <br><br> Bona patted the seat next to him and I knew what was expected, sliding in alongside him. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"So, expansion, Bona?" The bald man's words were thick with some sort of Slavic accent, "I thought you kept to the intangible."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Digital isn't intangible, Casimir."<</speech>> <br><br> The man shrugged, leaning back and turning his hands up and down. His eyes flicked to me. Once. Simply. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>And back, "No. And I guess you always have had <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>good<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>incredible<<else>>fine<</if>> taste in the physical things."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Bona's hand slid between my thighs, fingers caressing the mess he made of me, "And, my //intangible// dealings are going to fund this little venture of ours."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>Casimir poured out three glasses. Almost forgetting mine. "So I should get used to the Philippine Islands--"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"And find a new love besides your little Greek ones. Yes." Bona lifted his flute, "To new business."<</speech>> <br><br> We three <<linkexpand "drank">> drank. <<face drunk>> <<state drunk>> <br><br><br> The two of them chatted away like they were college buddies. I had to keep reminding myself that these were two very bad and/or dangerous men, not two chums having an innocuous catch-up. <br><br> Bona was in the business of 'pig butchering'. I had heard that term before leaving the States and now was involved with a person who was taking ludicrous sums of money from people in the West. A scammer. A con-artist. And a slaver, of sorts. My skin crawled. <br><br> Casimir's business didn't need to be illuminated. Drugs. Bona was getting into drugs and Casimir was his way in. <br><br> I wondered why Bona wanted drugs. What he'd be doing with them. <br><br> They were packing away the champagne and I was trying not to feel the social pressure to keep pace. Still, <<skillChecked "Addiction to drugs and alcohol">> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 2>>I was solidly buzzed<<elseif $HS.addictionLv gt 0>>I was //feeling// it<<else>><<state sick>>I was pretty well gone<</if>> by the time I actually became 'noticed' in the conversation. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<speech "Casimir">>"She's quite beautiful. You find her //here//?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Well, I must admit, she's not ''from'' here."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Ahhh." He leaned back, far more interested in me now.<</speech>> <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<speech "Casimir">>"She. Is. Spectacular. Are you sure you didn't poach one of mine?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>He laughed and reached across the table to punch him, "Just because you don't have a taste for island girls...yet."<</speech>> <<else>> <<speech "Bona">>"A little better than your usual fare, Bona."<</speech>> <br><br> Bona chuckled. But I could tell he was offended. <</if>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I offered a hand, "<<print $>>." He took it. I could feel steel in his eyes extended all the way to his fingertips.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"My pleasure."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Bona raised an eyebrow, "Will it be?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<speech "Casimir">>The way he looked at me, I wondered if the steel extended lower. "Yes."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Bona squeezed my thigh, "Wonderful. Apologies for earlier." <</speech>> <br><br> Had this been the plan all along? Me as a sweetener to the deal? Someone who Bona figured was perfectly up Casimir's alley? And then spoil me first as a power move? <br><br> Casimir's belly laugh was deep and unsettling. I felt like there was a moment consideration of killing Bona there for the slight. He decided against it. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"I'll meet you below deck, dear. We have business to attend to."<</speech>> <br><br> Bona shooed me away. <br><br> <div id="offering"> <<crossroads #offering>> <<path ($Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lt 1 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 1) || ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 3 && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 3)>> Nuh-uh. This was beyond the pale for me. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $BonaDeny = true>> <<loseDefaultOutfit>> I froze, giving Bona a nudge with my shoulder. He frowned not wanting to give me the time of day. He at me hard. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, sorry. I...just..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Stop." There was a lack of emotion that might have been more frightening than outright aggression. Maybe more frightening than the man across the table. "You //are// an idiot. Get out."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"But I--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"You can keep the dress." He pushed me hard, sending me stumbling awkwardly onto the deck. Casimir laughed. Bona leaned forward on his elbows and continued as if I had never been there, "So, what were you thinking for our first--"<</speech>> <br><br> Casimir held up a hand. I was stunned, looking up at both of them, Bona's deposit from earlier crusty and displayed before them. <br><br> Bona lifted a foot, he was about to kick me in the face. I got the hint and scrambled. <br><br> I swung around, barely making it up in these heels and down the ladder without face-planting. My mind was aflame with anxiety that he was arranging for my disposal. I sped down the gangplank, navigating my way out of this ship while trying to keep calm. And alive. <br><br> I didn't have anything with me and wondered if I'd get my clothes back. I shook my head: I rather stay living than fashionable. <br><br> I had to walk [[back|M003 - BonaDateEnd]]. The whole. Fucking. Way. <<path>> Time to be an escort and 'make a new friend'. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Wiles ++>> As if this was a simple, easy and normal request, I slid out from the lounger and made my way down the ladder. I ensured my hips swayed. I let my tits jiggle, my ass bounce. I let the dress swing and sigh, giving little flashes and peeks at bare skin as an enticement while I departed. I didn't check to see if they were watching, that would have undersold it. Part of me doubted it was appreciated, unfortunately. <br><br> I did manage to catch the next bit of their conversation, my sauntering giving me more time in their bubble: <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"So when shall we make the first exchange?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"I can have a shipment here...[[one week|M003 - BonaDateCas]]."<</speech>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> The way he looked at me, I wondered if the steel extended lower. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"So, when shall we make the first exchange?" He lifted himself up from the lounger. I had been offered. I had been declined.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>Bona joined him, "Go back down."<</speech>> <br><br> He waved me off like an irritant. They moved from the upper deck towards the helicopter. The sound of water and the docks quickly eclipsing any words they might have said. <br><br> It was difficult not to feel rejected in that moment, though it made me really have to wonder what this 'business' I was in was doing to my mental state. All the same, I clambered my drunk self downstairs. I took a quick rinse off in a shower that had no right to be on a boat, left the dress off, and waited for Bona to [[return|M003 - BonaDateStay]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<cumSpray reset>> <<outfit naked>> There was an attendant already down there waiting for me. A broad smile and a few quick words, assisting me to another cabin. Not as palatial as the first, but the fact that there were //two// such sleeping rooms on this boat spoke to immense wealth. <br><br> I had no idea how long their conversation would last, but I was not about to have Casimir find me how Bona had left me. I could be a power token between posturing men, but I wasn't a toy. <br><br> A quick shower, with a focus towards anything that hinted towards my earlier encounter. Then, I was out of the bathroom -- fuck that was a //good// shower -- and into the bedroom as properly dried as possible. <br><br> Then, I tried to arrange myself enticingly on the <<linkexpand "bed">> bed. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Previous experiences">> <<if $Memories.includes("Met Casimir")>> <<speech "Casimir">>He came in and stopped short. "Oh don't undercut yourself." He shook his hand as if he were wiping me from his vision like a smudge. "You're better than that. You know that. We //had// that."<</speech>> Though there was no threat in his words or attitude, I moved as if my life depended on it. It was simply the aura of Casimir. I yanked the dress back <<linkexpand "on">> <<outfit slinky>> on -- as if that made me any less nude. I sat back down on the edge of the bed. Knees together, feet together, hands pressing on the outside of my hips, eyes slightly downcast: chagrin. A part of me battled with his imagined version of me. When we had met, I considered it as transactional as escorting. //He// treated it that way. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"So, we aren't--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"You're smarter than that, <<print $>>." I felt embarassed heat on my cheeks, "Let Bona think what he will. Do you know him well?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"No. Essentially just met him."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>Cas nodded, leaning against one of the walls thoughtfully, "You're a smart girl. I think he underestimates you. And we have history."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I laughed and smiled, "We do."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"I'm guessing you don't hold any particular allegiance to him." I shook my head instantly, "Mind helping an old friend out?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I was going to say yes. Why wouldn't I? Having a person like Cas in my camp right //now// in 'this' world could be powerful, "I may need your help too."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"You in danger?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>I laughed. I couldn't tell him, "No. Not like--well maybe in the future. Just...can I count on you too?" He nodded and game over, giving me a squeeze on the shoulder.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"How could I say no to you? Now," pulling me up with the hand on my bare shoulder, "Get out of here. Do something nice for yourself. Stay away from Bona, unless I need you close."<</speech>> <br><br> Tucking a finger through my heels, I lifted up to give him a peck on the cheek. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Can. Do."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He swatted my ass and I was off. No one would think anything other than he was a quick pop. If I was supposed to check in with Bona, they'd just think it was my first night and I should have known better...but made a mistake. I would lean into those excuses because I did want to get out of [[there|M003 - BonaDateEnd]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> He came in and stopped short. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Fuck, Bona." He moved over to the bed and joined me, patting a hand on my bare inner thigh possessively, "You don't strike me as the type. I feel like I could have met you before..."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"In another lifetime?" My hands were undoing his slacks, the diligent escort.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Casimir">>"Exactly. If you or I had just...done something different." He leaned back, not the first time he had some girl freeing his cock.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Well, here I am. Paths crossed." My hand found his member.<</speechPC>> <br><br> It was quite thick, like a block of cheese. Not a weird shape, just more rectangular and the lack of expressive length made his already impressive girth even more distracting. I stroked him, feeling the slow, progressive warmth and fill of blood in his squidgy if heavy cock. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"But something about you...doesn't seem like...your line of work?" His eyes narrowed, having a conversation with me while I stroked his shaft. My nape prickled. Was he so skilled he could pick up on my real purpose? I hoped not.<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Well, I kind of got picked up by one of his people at the mall. Call me a newbie." A most-truth.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Casimir">>He nodded. "That explains it." He was rock hard now, his hand caressing over one of my breasts appraisingly. <<skillChecked "Chest size">> <<if $Body.tits == "small">>"Fuck. He picked perfectly." He fully ensconced my breast and played with it. He clearly loved my small chest.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>"He got close here. Nearly a perfect selection." Likes a smaller-chested woman. Hm.<<else>>"The only place Bona got my preferences wrong. Very wrong." Likes a small-chested woman. Hm.<</if>><</speech>> I moved back on the bed. He grabbed my ankle and tugged. The firmness that didn't surprise me from his demeanor. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Nie. I'm sorry, beautiful. Bona had to get his claws in you first." He pulled again, yanking me onto the floor. "Unfortunate." He sat on the edge and dropped his slacks fully. <</speech>> Okay, well, I thought I had done a good enough job on the clean-up, but men have their own sense of ownership, claiming...whatever. Blowjob it is. <br><br> <<speechPC>>I moved in on my knees, caressing his inner thighs while licking along his hanging, loose sack. "Not nice of him."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Casimir">>"No. Trojan horse rather than the gift he intended. Yes, get in there." His hand pushed me down and I was presented with lower than I intended. I fought the rising champagne in my throat as my tongue began to dig into his taint. His heaviness laid against my face as he continued talking, watching me, "But still, we can turn this around on him. What do you think?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Oh?" I pulled back, both to talk but also to get this part to stop. <</speechPC>> <<speech "Casimir">>He nodded and guided me right back to tossing his salad. He groaned, super pleased. "Yes, he thinks you are some secret magic on me. But what if you're my eyes and ears." And mouth? "I want to trust him, but I'd rather know I could trust him." Luckily the taste and funk was disappearing thanks to my ministrations, "Men new to business are always a risk." I took one of his testicles in his mouth. He approved enough to let me continue to the other one. "So, I'm thinking you continue your 'new-found' work with him and just keep an eye on him. I'm certain he'll give us time to communicate."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Mhmm." What would that make me? A triple-agent?<</speechPC>> <br><br> This was getting complicated. At least I had a true north-star in my real mission. That would always provide clarity when I didn't know how to proceed. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Good. Now, get to work."<</speech>> <br><br> He relented and I gladly sat up, taking that huge thickness into my mouth. His hand came down ontop of my head, allowing the weight and gravity to 'guide' me. But I knew what I was doing. And I was more than overjoyed to be sucking his cock rather than anything else he might have wanted. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Blowjob skills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> I knew I was insanely good at giving head, but his girth required a whole different approach. I was glad of my experience because the sheer size would have been making me gag otherwise: going deep or not. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Fuck. <<print $>>. Maybe I was wrong. You sure this isn't your line of work?" That unsettled me, but wasn't sure how offended I could be, given what I was doing and why.<</speech>> <br><br> He became rock hard almost instantly. His hand merely caressed my loose strands of hair rather than providing guidance. He watched intently, amazed. He let me do my thing, fully in control. <br><br> That was one of the reasons I enjoyed blowjobs: the control over men. And being this good? They gladly gave it over. <br><br> No insistence of going deeper, no changing my speed or trying to take the lead. He was overwhelmed and excitedly and rapidly reaching his peak thanks to my skill. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> I knew I was good at this, but deepthroating was out of the question. His girth required a whole different approach. The sheer size was making me gag before it even got to my throat. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Fuck. <<print $>>. Maybe I was wrong. You sure this isn't your line of work?" That unsettled me, but wasn't sure how offended I could be, given what I was doing and why.<</speech>> <br><br> He became rock hard almost instantly. His hand merely caressed my loose strands of hair rather than providing guidance. He watched intently, amazed. He let me do my thing, fully in control. <br><br> That was one of the reasons I enjoyed blowjobs: the control over men. And being this good? They gladly gave it over. <br><br> No insistence of going deeper, no changing my speed or trying to take the lead. He was overwhelmed and excitedly and rapidly reaching his peak thanks to my skill. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I knew I was good at head. Very good. But this girth was something that forestalled even me. I wondered what pornstars would do with it. Barely putting it in my mouth was causing me to gag. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>"Fuck. <<print $>>. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe this //should// be your line of work." He was impressed, that was clear, even as offensive as the statement was. But I was doing what I was doing...could I really be offended?<</speech>> <br><br> He grunted as his turgidity became rigidity became steeliness. His hand seemed to fight with itself between allowing me to be in charge and trying to force me to do something he thought he'd like better. He watched intently, amazed. <br><br> That was one of the reasons I enjoyed blowjobs: the control over men. And being this good? They gladly gave it over. <br><br> No insistence of going deeper, no changing my speed or trying to take the lead. He was overwhelmed and excitedly and rapidly reaching his peak thanks to my skill. <<else>> Fuck. That thickness. I nearly balked as I felt it filling my mouth, but his guiding hand wouldn't let me back down, only go down. I mmphed and nearly gagged at the swollen cockhead. I wondered what pornstars would do with this. <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>He grunted, "It's okay. It's always this difficult." It hurt to know I was 'meeting expectations' with my poor performance.<</speech>> <br><br> Slowly, despite my ineptitude, he became rigid, then steely. His hand seemed to fight with itself between allowing me to give him a blowjob and force me to do a better job. I could tell the frustration was mounting. His face contorting as he watched. <br><br> Thankfully, there was no insistence of going deeper, no changing my speed or trying to take the lead. Only I wasn't going to get him there. I felt his free hand go between his base and my mouth. It began to beat back and forth against my nose and his crotch back and forth. <br><br> He scooted his ass forward, breathing heavily, my spit providing the lubrication he needed to get himself where I couldn't. <</if>> <br><br> He began to pulse. His hard countenance becoming one I was much more familiar with: a man, <<linkexpand "cumming.">> <<SexSkill oral>> <<face happy runny>> <<cumSpray mouth1>> cumming. <br><br> My neck craned, oriented my head and mouth down on his flexing fat cock to receive his load. <br><br> I was surprisingly pleased to be having him cum in my mouth. Better than having to fuck two random strangers in a single day. A more 'dignified' form of being used. <br><br> Swallowing quickly, his cum didn't spend long in my mouth. He grunted pleased and hands returned to my breasts, squeezing me hard in time with the semen his body was squeezing out of him. <br><br> I felt him relax and I continued to suckle on him slightly, giving him some aftershocks and ensuring he was completely unloaded. Then I sat back, dropping casually onto my heels and smiling up at him, smacking my lips. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"And you'll protect me too, right?" Having additional, non-EROS aid might be a great benefit to call on, if needed.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Casimir">>He smiled, patting my cheek, "Why would I want any harm to come to you? My mole with a fantastic mouth." He stood, giving a fleeting last check-in with one of my <<print $Body.tits>> tits. "Alright, speaking of that harm. Get out of here before Bona notices."<</speech>> <br><br> I giggled and laughed, nodding. I quickly tugged <<linkexpand "on">> the gown and tucking a finger through my heels, I lifted up to give him a peck on the cheek. <<speechPC>>"Can. Do."<</speechPC>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "OffMission - Cheating">> <br><br> Decision made, enough with the self-<<linkexpand "pity.">>pity. He swatted my ass and I was off. No one would think anything other than he was a quick pop. If I was supposed to check in with Bona, they'd just think it was my first night and I should have known better...but made a mistake. I would lean into those excuses because I did want to get out of [[there|M003 - BonaDateEnd]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> He swatted my ass and I was off. No one would think anything other than he was a quick pop. If I was supposed to check in with Bona, they'd just think it was my first night and I should have known better...but made a mistake. I would lean into those excuses because I did want to get out of [[there|M003 - BonaDateEnd]]. <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<outfit naked>> I attempted a number of different poses on the bed, heels on, heels off, while I waited for Bona's return. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>When he did come in, his lack of enthusiasm cut deep. He shook his head, "Hm. And I had thought--no matter. Deal's done." All that effort and thinking wasted.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh, um. Good." I smiled, trying to play off how naked I was. <</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"I was hoping we might be able to keep our arrangement going." The finality in his voice stopped me cold.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Why...wouldn't we?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"No matter." He snapped his fingers. I jerked up. "You can dress."<</speech>> <br><br> Oh. Ouch. Why did that hurt? <br><br> Not how I saw this night going. I moved over to the silvery sheaf that I had discarded oh-so-carefully. And artfully, if I do say so. <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Well..." He paused. I had one foot into the dress. I froze, looking at him. "Not how I saw it going, but you are...pliant. And rare around here." His eyes considered my body. "I know you are not actually a...well, that's why Dali found you." He chuckled. "You could be one though. Start a little stable. Extra income." He was creating a business plan out of thin air with me as the blueprint, aloud and extemporaneously.<</speech>> <br><br> <div id="escort"> <<crossroads #escort>> <<path>> Become the inaugural escort in Bona's new business venture? <<contents>> <<run $Memories.push("Bona's Escort")>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<outfit slinky>> There might be life left in this connection. Even if it would mean submitting my body like I had, it could mean other chances at meeting people like Casimir. Any of them might get me closer to the end goal. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh. Wow, um. Yeah." I nodded.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>"Wonderful!" He brightened, clapping his hands and motioning broadly to the door, "Dali will be in touch. You can dress." He laughed, flicking his hand at the dress that remained at my ankle.<</speech>> <br><br> I yanked it on and headed out. A summary end to the evening, but one that felt...exciting? Some part of me had not wanted to just be dumped, especially after the way I had been used earlier. Better used going forward? I shook my head as I tried to make the logic balance. <br><br> While I pondered the scales, I began my walk of shame back [[home|HomeBase]]. <<path>> Remain 'not one of those girls'? <<contents>> <<outfit slinky>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<run $Memories.deleteAll("Knows Dali", "Knows Bona")>> <<speechPC>>"I...think I might have gotten in over my head." The words came from my throat tightly. I was pulling my dress back on quickly to find what armor I could.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Bona">>He nodded, "I thought so. Well, thank you for being so open to this evening." He turned, an open gesture to the door.<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded back and walked out, a summary end to the evening, but the one that felt...okay. <br><br> I wasn't about to whore myself out for god-knows-what reason. He wasn't even in the business to begin with. <br><br> All the same, I began my walk of shame back [[home|HomeBase]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if $Memories.includes("Bona's Escort") || visited("M003 - BonaDateCas")>> An end to my first (and not last) venture as an escort. <br><br> I still wasn't sure where it would lead mission-wise, but hitting abort sooner would have just been a waste of time and at my expense with no gain. I needed to see something out of this. Sunk-cost be damned. <br><br> There still might be a link to <<print $>>. <br><br> I patted myself on the back: I had taken a proactive approach and tried an opportunity when it presented itself. These were things I would need to do. <br><br> A good spy would leave no stone unturned. Good job, <<print $>>. <br><br><br> I could not have been happier to get back to RedDoorz and get those fucking heels off. I ignored the cleanliness of the lobby and the glare from the front desk cunt, just yanking them off my throbbing dogs. New shoes sucked and I considered the number of band-aids I'd need tomorrow. <br><br> The sigh of relief was immense. I even smiled at the cunt. <br><br> In my room I threw them at my closet, no desire to return to those heels anytime soon. <br><br> Men buying shoes for women always meant for a shitty fit. Or maybe they just needed to be broken in. <br><br> My feet would be swollen, but they were at least able to recover now. <br><br> Shouldering the 'dress' free of my body, I looked at how it hung loosely from my fingers. I didn't trust the dress's design to a hangar, I folded the skimpy thing haphazardly in a drawer before climbing heading down the hallway to wash that night off and head off to [[sleep|HomeBase]]. <<else>> <<run $Memories.deleteAll("Knows Dali", "Knows Bona")>> An end to my first venture as an escort. <br><br> I had been unsure if it would lead anywhere mission-wise, so I had pushed the abort button. <br><br> The path forward was too unclear. Bona very likely would have been to the detriment of my health. There were no indicators he had any links to <<print $>>. <br><br> Maybe I had balked too early. Maybe I should have done a bit more investigating. I shook my head. <br><br> No value in self-doubt. Instead, I patted myself on the back: I had taken a proactive approach and tried an opportunity when it presented itself. These were things I would need to do. <br><br> A good spy would leave no stone unturned. Good job, <<print $>>. <br><br><br> I could not have been happier to get back to RedDoorz and get those fucking heels off. I ignored the cleanliness of the lobby and the glare from the front desk cunt, just yanking them off my throbbing dogs. New shoes sucked and I considered the number of band-aids I'd need tomorrow. <br><br> The sigh of relief was immense. I even smiled at the cunt. <br><br> In my room I threw them at my closet, no desire to return to those heels anytime soon. <br><br> Men buying shoes for women always meant for a shitty fit. Or maybe they just needed to be broken in. <br><br> My feet would be swollen, but they were at least able to recover now. <br><br> Shouldering the 'dress' free of my body, I looked at how it hung loosely from my fingers. I didn't trust the dress's design to a hangar, I folded the skimpy thing haphazardly in a drawer before climbing heading down the hallway to wash this night off and head off to [[sleep|HomeBase]]. <</if>>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <div id="cheated"> <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "reluctant">> <<face crying runny>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<Stats Confident -=2>> <<Stats Sophisticated -= 2>> <<Stats Suggestible += 2>> <br><br> Everything about this mission was so counter to who I was. <<print $>>. And here I was, actively throwing away everything I knew about myself. <br><br> In one fell swoop, I had changed. I was different. <br><br> Who was I now? <br><br> What would I turn into? <br><br> Would I recognize myself on the other side? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. The...differences...between them and what I had just experienced. And there was no way they'd ever know. Especially now. I was going to be half-way around the //world//. <br><br> Which was fucking fantastic, because how this was all turning out? Well, they'd have bene getting hurt...a LOT. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cheating")>> I could compartmentalize. I had a job to do. <br><br> And...hate to say it, but I kinda liked thinking about how I had just cucked <<print $>>. Them, sitting back at home, unaware to what I had just done. <br><br> Someone else getting what <<print $>> deserved...and wouldn't be getting. <<else>> As much as I wanted to compartmentalize and say I had a job to do...but //was// this the job? Would this lead anywhere or was it just a run-of-the-mill cheating with some new pseudo-excuse? It felt like I was punishing them. <br><br> Could I really keep doing this to them? <br><br> <<crossroads #cheated>> <<path>> It was fine. Soldier on, $ I'd be coming back to them in the end anyway, and that's all that mattered. These didn't mean anything. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gt $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> <<set mindCorruption ++>> <</if>> I'd tough it out. <br><br> I just didn't want to think about detailing this 'affair' to them later. <br><br> I felt awful about who I was. <<path>> I couldn't, in good conscience keep doing this to us. And the only solution I saw was to end us. <<contents>> <<set $ = "free">> <<face sad>> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me and I was doing things now I never would have before. Even the <<print $>> I had been before. <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gte 3>> <<set $ = "free">> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <br><br> I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. <br><br> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me and I was doing things now I never would have before. Even the <<print $>> I had been before. <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <<else>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? They could //never// find out. <br><br> It was both a relief and scary at how easy it would be to hide it from them...far, far away. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gt $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>> <<set $mindCorruption ++>> <<shake 5s>> ''FUCK!'' WHAT WAS I DOING?! <</shake>> <br><br> Defiling myself. <br><br> Defiling our relationship. <br><br> I felt so incredibly dirty. I felt disgusted with myself. <br><br> No matter how many times I tried to convince myself that these choices were out of my hands, I was still the one doing these things. Still subjecting myself and <<print $>> (in absentia) to this degrading, awful infidelity. <br><br> Could I really keep this up? It felt like it was eating me up from the inside. <br><br> Was I going to let myself be consumed or just give in? <br><br> <<crossroads #cheated>> <<path>> I could make it. //We// could make it. Soldier on, $ <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face sad>> I'd tough it out. <br><br> I just didn't want to think about detailing this 'affair' to them later. <br><br> I felt awful about who I was. <<path>> I couldn't, in good conscience keep doing this to us. And the only solution I saw was to end us. <<contents>> <<set $ = "free">> <<face crying runny>> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me and I was doing things now I never would have before. Even the <<print $>> I had been before <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <</crossroads>> <<else>> Deep breaths. Pressing my fingernails into the palms of my hands. Don't think about what I just did. <br><br> There were extenuating circumstances. <br><br> Still. This wasn't fair to them. It was painful as fuck for me. <br><br> And it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. That was evident. <br><br> <<crossroads #cheated>> <<path>> I could make it. //We// could make it. Soldier on, $ <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face sad>> I'd tough it out. <br><br> I just didn't want to think about detailing this 'affair' to them later. <br><br> I felt awful about who I was. <<path>> I couldn't, in good conscience keep doing this to us. And the only solution I saw was to end us. <<contents>> <<set $ = "free">> <<face crying runny>> I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. A quick text. I couldn't manage a call. Clean, quick break. <br><br> This 'job' had gotten its insidious claws into me and I was doing things now I never would have before. Even the <<print $>> I had been before <br><br> It would make this whole new life easier...for me at least. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <</if>> </div>
<header> <h1><<type 0.125s>>Prologue<</type>></h1> <h2><<type 0.125s>>The PostGrad<</type>></h2> </header> <<if $ == true>> <<run $num += 1>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Tight Pussy")>> <<if $Body.age lt 0>> <<run $num += 1>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Tiny Pussy")>> <</if>> <<if $Body.age lt -1>> <<run $num += 1>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Crazy-Small Pussy")>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.BC == "Pill">> <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Pills")>> <</if>> <<if $CC.BC == "Ring">> <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Ring")>> <</if>> <<timed 5s t8n>> <<if $HS.postGrad == "college">> <<image framed "passage/pg.apps.png">> Advertisements for colleges had become more bountiful than bills and credit card applications in the past year or so. The floor could be carpeted in tear sheets, pamphlets, and stock photos. <br><br> I had no idea there were that many colleges around, let alone which one I wanted to go to. But eventually, I had to take a deep breath and just...throw the dart. <br><br> As I mulled over the decision, I nudged the papers around on my desk. My GPA. My transcript that outlined who I was besides the numbers. My essay. <br><br> <<if ["helper", "church", "volunteer", "sporty", "beach", "cheer", "act", "job", "piano", "gym", "dance", "read"].includes($CC.hsv)>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> I was glad to have had 'expand my world view' growing up -- I heard from more than a few of my more studious friends that they had a hard time coming up with content for their essays for their applications. I could only shrug. Mine came easy. I had a different context and was able to flesh out myself beyond just the grades...whatever they might have been. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includesAny("CheerCaptain", "TwitchOpenWin", "Won Faith and Service Award", "TeenModel", "DistrictsWon", "Signed By a Label", "Opened for Sara Morales")>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> Not gonna lie, having had such an outstanding performance, so early in life, //outside// of school was a boon beyond I could have imagined. Just hearing about my accomplishments made people perk up when considering me. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 4>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> And I got a little bump from being scouted -- just dicking around by myself on the athletics fields of all places -- for my 'impressive athleticism'. I'm not sure I wanted to pursue collegiate sports, but if it was an in...I wasn't going to argue. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.acceptance ++>> I couldn't help but smile looking over my entrance essay. I had found a compelling story to set me out from the pack -- whether or not the content was entirely, //exactly// true, it read like it was. <br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <div id="college"> <<crossroads #college>> <<path>> It was either a decision to go for a safe option: a nearby //State// //School//... <<contents>> <<set $ = 2>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I tossed some applications to the cheaper and nearby institutions -- now don't turn your nose up, we had some highly competitive colleges in state. <br><br> <<if $HS.acceptance gt 8>> <<set $ = 1>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Learning += 2>> <<run $Memories.push("Elite College Student")>> <<face happy>> Scholarships and acceptance letters abounded. I was overwhelmed by choice and opportunity. After careful deliberation and weighing the options -- cost versus benefit, quite literally -- <<if $ == 2>>It was just me, so I <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and<</if>> I finalized a selection an institution that actually competed with some of the Ivy Leagues when it came to [[prestige|PG002 - Summer Vignette]]. <<elseif $HS.acceptance lte 3>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry runny>> <<print $CC.FName>> kept telling me the letter was //kind//. Well, ''fuck'' kind. I __deserved__ to get in. And what made it worse? No fucking backup. <br><br> Being absolutely crushed didn't come close to describing how I felt. I felt like this was punitive, a mistake. But still, all the application windows had passed. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[PG001 - Decisions][$HS.postGrad = "gapyear"]]>> It was either take the loss on the chin and try again after a Gap Year... <<path [[ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]>> ...or fuck it all and just reconsider everything. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<run $Memories.push("State School Student")>> <<Stats Learning ++>> There were surprisingly quite a few schools that were keen on my entry and after some debate, <<if $ == 2>>It was just me, so I <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and I<</if>> selected one of the better options. Quite a large class size, but it was a tried and true [[option|PG002 - Summer Vignette]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry runny>> <<print $CC.FName>> kept telling me the letter was //kind//. Well, ''fuck'' kind. I __deserved__ to get in. And what made it worse? No fucking backup. <br><br> Being absolutely crushed didn't come close to describing how I felt. I felt like this was punitive, a mistake. But still, all the application windows had passed. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[PG001 - Decisions][$HS.postGrad = "gapyear"]]>> It was either take the loss on the chin and try again after a Gap Year... <<path [[ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]>> ...or fuck it all and just reconsider everything. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<set $ = 3>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<run $Memories.push("Feeder School Student")>> I had not expected to be so deflated when all the rejections from other kid's 'safety schools' came back in. It was a close call in avoiding just some vocational, community or technical college, but the school I would be attending was a glorified feeder to the larger state [[institutions|PG002 - Summer Vignette]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> Or, lean into my scores and ability to write a good essay and try for one of the //top schools// in the country. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <br><br> The pressure on the whole process -- especially when you started to look at the numbers and chances -- was close to debilitating. There were so many competing opinions, and once the applications went out, there was this haze of listlessness. Like you were waiting for your life to happen to you. And then kids started wearing college sweatshirts and I began to envy those that had gone for the easier options, just to know sooner. <br><br> And it wasn't simply: would I get in or not, and where, but the knock-on effects that whatever happened here on out through my eventual graduation could have life-altering effects. It was enough to make you want to burn the whole system down. Fuck the hamster wheel. <br><br> Oh. There was something in the mail. For me. <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>>The butterflies were intense.<<else>>I don't think my stomach could have sunk any lower.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $HS.acceptance gt 10>> <<set $ = 1>> <<Stats Confident += 2>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Learning += 3>> <<run $Memories.push("Ivy League Student")>> <<face happy>> Holy fucking shit. I don't think I'd been as excited or impressed with myself at any other point in my life. I had done it. I'd be attending not just college -- which was a dream for so many -- but one of the best ones available. It took me a week to shake the grin off my face. And the chip on my shoulder I don't think ever [[fell off|PG002 - Summer Vignette]]. Even with what I eventually endured. <<elseif $HS.acceptance lte 4>> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<face angry>> <<print $CC.FName>> kept telling me the letter was //kind//. Well, ''fuck'' kind. I __deserved__ to get in. And what made it worse? No fucking backup. <br><br> Being absolutely crushed didn't come close to describing how I felt. I felt like this was punitive, a mistake. But still, all the application windows had passed. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[PG001 - Decisions][$HS.postGrad = "gapyear"]]>> It was either take the loss on the chin and try again after a Gap Year... <<path [[ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]>> ...or fuck it all and just reconsider everything. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<set $ = 2>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<run $Memories.push("State School Student")>> The letter was kind, if not short, but I would not be attending one of the best schools in the country. I was not in the top percent and I had no idea how close or far I had been from making it in. Luckily, I had a backup and would be attending one of the better state schools. Thank god for having some sort of [[forethought|PG002 - Summer Vignette]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Learning -->> The tiny slip in the mail could hardly be called an envelope. I knew my answer as soon as I saw it. I was absolutely crushed. I don't think I opened it for days. It became a scramble for some other option, but the windows had passed. Icarus was <<print $>> and my wings had melted. <<crossroads>> <<path [[PG001 - Decisions][$HS.postGrad = "gapyear"]]>> It was either take the loss on the chin and try again after a Gap Year... <<path [[ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]>> ...or fuck it all and just reconsider everything. <</crossroads>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> /* gap year arc */ /* IMAGE: Travel Pamphlets */ While everyone else was preoccupied by waiting for paper in the mail and showing off the school merch as a subtle (not so subtle) social stratification, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do that would actually matter. To me, to my life, to give me some perspective before I made one of their choices. I needed the time away, I needed space and myself and entering the rat race just seemed recipe for an emotional disaster. <br><br> It became clear that there were actually plenty of options and that, in some ways, made deciding more difficult. <<crossroads>> <<path [[PG002 - Summer Vignette][$HS.gapYear = 3; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]]>> I could volunteer with a Peace Corps-like organization with tribes in Africa; <<path [[PG002 - Summer Vignette][$HS.gapYear = 1; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base ++; $CC.wealth --]]>> Go super retro and attend one of the last remaining Finishing Schools. It wasn't cheap, but <<if $ == 2>>I figured I'd find a way to <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> assured me, if it was what I wanted to do, we'd <</if>> find the funds. <<path [[PG002 - Summer Vignette][$HS.gapYear = 2; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --]]>> Or just backpack through Europe; <</crossroads>> <br> /* TODO remove when all WIP paths are introduced */ <<hint>> Following paths are currently in development. <ul> <li>//There was always getting an internship; //</li> <li>//Diving into being a glorified babysitter and try the Au Pair thing; //</li> </ul> Our patrons can participate in promoting development of new content or participating in choosing what gets introduced next! <</hint>> <</if>> <</timed>>
<<image framed "passage/PG002-SummerVignette.png">> <<if $HS.gapYear == 1>> He hadn't lied. He put together the money that was needed for the school in the Alps, but I felt the ripples -- we were scrimping more. One luxury traded for many. <</if>> With all the decisions behind me, I spent the summer trying to retain as much normalcy as possible. The week of graduation was just some figment of my imagination and everything was just like the past half dozen years. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> Needless to say, a lot of my time was taken up by <<print $>>. Without school or anything in the way, we had a lot more opportunity to hang out. And with the Summer's close encroaching day by day, we felt like we were trying to race against time and cram as much in together as possible. As if something loomed on the other end of a particular day on the calendar. As if this was our last chance. <br><br> <</if>> I hung out with <<print $CC.FName>> on the reg -- she was off to some party school in the southeast. <br><br> I chilled with the Boys, even though those moments became more awkward and melancholy. Like it was the end of an era. We tried to ignore the impending changes to our lives, to our status quo...but still, inexorable time insisted: our 'final' hangout arrived without pomp. Simply dropped in our laps, unavoidable as we kept everything as low-key as possible. As if the more mundane the day was, the less likely it'd be that I'd be <<linkexpand "heading out tomorrow.">> heading out tomorrow. <br><br><br> <<if $ == 0>> "So, like, tell me again why you're playing keep away with the rest of your life?" It was a common refrain from Ethan, but I could feel a little twitch out of everyone because of the silent portent of the day. <br><br> "Because you don't //have// to go to college right away." I hadn't given any of them context on recent drama, which had saved me from that pain while presenting ribbing practically on a daily basis, but it also meant there was no reprieve from his chiding. <br><br> <<if $HS.gapYear == 1>> "My bad. Everyone goes to sleepaway camp as adults." <<elseif $HS.gapYear == 2>> "My bad. I forgot that years abroad are super un-fun if they're done while you're in school." <<else>> "My bad. I'm an awful person because I don't want to spend the best years of my life in the sweltering heat of some third-world, war-torn nation." <</if>> While it hurt. I understood the underlying emotion -- it felt like the end of an era for all of us. I shrugged, it wasn't his best work and I'd become inured to the annoyance over the months. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Maybe she's just scared of parties and sleeping with people."<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> piped in over his shoulder between rounds of Halo. He never had chimed in before, let alone sided with the shithead. Andrew got killed his surprise was so great. <br><br> <<else>> "So, you excited to be the fresh meat, <<print $>>?" I felt a little twitch out of everyone because Ethan was intoning the change that was so close. <br><br> "Not as excited as you are to have a shot at girls who don't know you." I shot back, giving as good as I got. <br><br> <<if $ == 1>> "She's going to be the only attractive girl for miles where she's going. It's all glasses and armpit hair there." Andrew joked. <<else>> "She's going to have it fuckin' hard, dude. There's //millions// of girls where she's going. Small fish, ''huge'' pond." Andrew reminded of my impending demographics. <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"It's still college. She'll get more than her fair share of dick."<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> piped in over his shoulder between rounds of Halo. He had never chimed in before, let alone regarding my sex life. Andrew got killed his surprise was so great. <br><br> <<if $CC.sexuality == "lesbian">>"Dick?" I gagged. "Gross. Keep those nasty things away from me." I laughed.<<else>>"But thank you for believing in me, <<print $CC.friend1>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $bodies.length gt 10>> I sighed, raising my eyebrows, "Anyway,We //all// know I'm the __opposite__ of scared to get fucked." <<elseif $bodies.length gt 4>> "Uh. Sorry, but we all know she was far from celibate." Ethan smirked, loving his knowledge of my sexual history. <<else>> "Oh, come on. I'm no prude." I sighed, hating that my sexual history being on par with any of them was something I had to defend. <</if>> <br><br> "Yer just jealous that she's going to get some wherever she goes...and for you, welp, Ethan. Maybe even when you're a Senior and those starry-eyed freshmen are walking around, you still might not have a shot." Ethan's controller went careening at Andrew. <br><br> "Y'all have sex on the mind." I laughed and rolled my eyes. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"You don't?"<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> frowned at me, incredulous. I chuckled and shrugged. "How accurate you think those movies and tv shows are?" He scooted closer to me, revealing a curiosity I hadn't noticed before. "Just a lot of parties full of orgies?" <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "I laughed and mussed his hair a little...">> I laughed and mussed his hair a little. <br><br><br> "I'm sure there'll be plenty of parties for you, bud." <br><br> "Speaking of..." Ethan leaned back, digging in his pockets with a broad smile. A broader blunt popped out, "How's about we have a going away party." The air deflated. Cat was out of the bag and no turning back, but there was an element to sending The Boys off in style that had a certain ring to it. <div id="smokeup"> <br> <<crossroads #smokeup>> <<path $HS.addictionLv gt 0>> I could taste the paper and weed on my tongue simply seeing it out. ''I waved Ethan over''. Eh. Why not. <<contents>> <br><br> I got comfortable as Ethan lit the joint in between my lips, not caring that I was in a skirt and just letting Andrew get a full view because I was focused on getting my [[smoke on|PG002 - BoysSex][$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base --]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> Go out with a ''bang''. <<contents>> <br><br> Ethan joined me and <<print $CC.friend1>> on the couch and I took the inaugural hit. I coughed hard as it entered my lungs and they laughed at me, but Andrew didn't seem to mind the coughing fit that spread my thighs and the view [[he received|PG002 - BoysSex][$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base --]]. <<path>> "Nah, guys. ''Just'' ''listen'' to yerselves! Y'all sound like idiots." <<contents>> <br><br> And so I laughed my ass off for the rest of the afternoon as they pontificated on their future sexual encounters: who'd accidentally knock someone up, who'd catch something, who'd come back married. They were idiots. But they were my idiots. And I'd [[miss them|PG003 - HomeVign4][$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
/* TODO Mira - here's another example where some choices are pre-gated by skills/traits */ And fuck did it hit hard. I groaned out and Ethan nodded in agreement, "Got the good shit for today." He patted my thigh and I ignored his hand on my bare skin as he gave me a little nudge of his shoulder, "Hit it again." And so I did. <br><br> They all encouraged me to get two in for each one I passed and soon I was absolutely floating. <br><br> It neared a roach and I was leaning against <<print $CC.friend1>> as I blew out the dregs and offered the hot end of the blunt to him with a hazy and big grin. <br><br> He turned and we were mouth to mouth. I kinda melted. My body was craving affection, touch, care. <br><br> <div id ="makeout"> I could... <<crossroads #makeout>> <<path>> ''Make out''... <<contents>> <br> I started making out with him. <br><br><br> I wasn't paying attention to the room but I bet it was awkward as we were grabbing at each other with our tongues down each other's throats. I'm pretty sure he broke the kiss first, there were tears in his eyes. It was then that I read the room. Andrew was shocked. Ethan was rock hard and his eyes were devouring me. <br><br> "Uh, wow. I'll take one of those goodbyes." I could practically feel the heat coming off of him and the tension in his voice. <br><br> <div id="escalate"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<crossroads #escalate>> <<path>> Part of me said sure... <<contents>> I don't know what came over me, but he saw some look in my eyes and we were making out next. His hand pulled mine to his rock hard cock through his shorts while his other started to slide up my stomach to go under my top. <br><br> //Fuck//. He was really pushing things. <div id="sexy"> <<crossroads #sexy>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> And it was turning me on... <<blocked>> $ is more stable than she is excitable. <<contents>> <<face ahego runny>> <br><br> <<scrollIntoView>> <<lower "denimSkirt_up">> I scooted closer, his hand pushing up to my chest with the shifting of position. I grunted into his mouth as my hand squeezed on his cock and he grunted back. I was confused as I felt a third hand on my thigh, pulling them open but my brain was occupied so it took me a few moments to realize that <<print $CC.friend1>> was the one fingering me all of a sudden. <br><br> <<shake 2s>>Ohhh.<</shake>> That felt good. <div id="sex"> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal") || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho")>> <<crossroads #sex>> <<path>> Release right now would be great... <<contents>> <<set $fuckedBoys = true>> <br><br> My free hand reached over to Andrew -- it was getting to be like a game of Twister on the beat up couch -- and I started working open his shorts. Ethan was pushing my hand away so he could open his own. <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>My underwear was being <<link "pulled down my legs">><<panties>><</link>> and I spread my thighs eagerly.<<else>>Knowing what was coming, I spread my thighs eagerly, nothing beneath to get in their way.<</if>> <br><br> Ethan didn't so much as stop kissing me as break the kiss with a firm push down on my head. And then I was sucking his cock. I lost the game of Twister but Andrew seemed content to finish getting himself out as I moved down onto my knees on the floor, head held and making me continue sucking as I moved. <br><br> I looked up at him and saw the triumph and long-term desire in his eyes and thanks to <<print $CC.friend1>> diving in to my pussy, my brain went: "Yes." And my head pushed down deeper, rewarding Ethan for <<print $CC.friend1>>'s tongue. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> Ethan's head dropped back against the couch cushion as he grunted loudly. I wondered what Andrew was doing and a quick look over, he was sitting there, jacking himself slowly and watching. "Cu-cumming." Came Ethan. And then he did. A surprisingly copious amount of slimy jism pumped again and again into my mouth. <<cumSpray mouth>> I held still, giggling proudly at how fast I got him off, feeling his hand grabbing at my hair while his semen collected in my mouth. <br><br> "Fuck. You're //that// good?" Andrew chuckled. So did Ethan as he shuddered and nodded, finally done with the monster load that nearly was choking me. He pulled my head up firmly. <br><br> "Show me." He panted. I opened my mouth, feeling Andrew shifting over for his turn as Ethan grinned at the view and then patted my cheek with his free hand, "Swallow. Good girl." I was still gulping down the viscousness as he was putting my mouth on Andrew. <<else>> Ethan watched me intently, applying pressure and guiding my movements. I wondered what Andrew was doing and a quick look over, he was sitting there, jacking himself slowly as he watched. <br><br> "I got first." Announced Ethan and suddenly I wasn't being eaten out anymore. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Bullshit."<</speech>> <br><br> "Throw you for it." <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Fine."<</speech>> <br><br> Ethan's shoved a hand towards me, keeping me out of the conversation. His chubby belly pushed up against my nose ridge and forehead as he leaned in to RPS above me. "Fine. Seconds." And he pulled my head up firmly and guided me to Andrew. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<include "PG002 - BoysSex_Fertile">> <<else>> <<dollRearView>> I didn't respond, starting to actually suck on Andrew's hot dick, hips rising as an offer to <<print $CC.friend1>>. He was inside me before I knew it. <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M "Best Guy Friend" "And that's how I lost my virginity...quick, suddenly and to my best guy friend.">> <br><br> They didn't ask about protection like the eager guys they were. Thank god I was on it, and maybe that's what they assumed. <br><br> It's hard to suck a cock when you're being fucked at the same time. Hadn't really thought about it until that moment, but between the sensation of being stuffed, balls smacking against your clit, the push-pull heat and hardness of a bare cock inside you and the momentum of a body crashing against you urgently. It's very hard to concentrate and keep a good rhythm. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> But not too hard for me. Using the force from behind me to push down over Andrew's cock, nose to his pubic hair, lips against the base of his cock. Back and again, about once every couple thrusts. He came in my mouth and throat, gasping out in surprise. <<cumSpray mouth>> And then, thankfully I was breathing, head on Andrew's thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <<else>> Eventually, I just gave up, holding Andrew's cock and slowly stroking the moist cock as I lay my head on his thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Fuck! Too. Good. S-Sorry"<</speech>> He shook his head as his hips moved erratically a last couple times and then he was cumming inside me. <<cumSpray pussy>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> <<addBody Ethan M "Ethan, as a garage goodbye">> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. <br><br> The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me <<cumSpray mouth>> and I felt Ethan eagerly driving home rather than giving any thought to his pullout game. <br><br> I smacked my lips after swallowing Andrew's swimmers, looking back in surprise as another blast of heat fired into me. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <br><br> That I could feel it spoke to the size and viscosity of what had to have been a half-dozen or so shots of spunk, "Jesus." I chuckled, my orgasm allowing me to enjoy the sensation of his release. <br><br> Both of the other two Boys copied my impressed reaction too as his fingers dug at my hips and he was finally done. <br><br> Edging him earlier plus what I knew was really good pussy probably just gave him the longest orgasm of his life and a monster load into me. <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I nodded and encouraged him, feeling the release that had started all of this building within me. And <<shake 3s>>there<</shake>> it was. When I came down, gasped in surprise with an unceremonious tugging free from my pussy. He had finished, too. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> <</if>> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> The cock felt good, but I wasn't going to get there so I dropped my hand between my legs and began to strum...too late. His sack rapped against my knuckles as he shoved deep inside me, "Take it," He declared as he got there before I did. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> <br><br> That I could feel it spoke to the size and viscosity of what had to have been a half-dozen or so shots of spunk and if I hadn't been so focused on peaking, I might have made a comment. I was simply hoping the load kept coming so that I could cum. But my attempt was cut short by his unceremonious withdrawal, making me wince sharply as he yanked out, cum meeting my fingers while they vainly tried to push back to how __close__ I had been. But no. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax <<cumSpray mouth>>pulsed through me and I felt Ethan's copious and viscous load spraying against my slit and mound -- close enough I hoped. <<cumSpray mound2 thighs2>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> ...but not smart. <<contents>> <<lower "denimSkirt_up">> <br><br> I grabbed the hand and pulled it from between my thighs, sliding forward and off the couch. This had gotten out of control. I didn't know how to leave now, but I had to. So, I didn't make eye contact or say a word, just corrected my clothing as I grabbed my bag and [[left|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <br><br> Release right now would be...great. But not <<link "smart">><<replace "#sex" t8n>> <<lower "denimSkirt_up">> <br><br> I grabbed the hand and pulled it from between my thighs, sliding forward and off the couch. This had gotten out of control. I didn't know how to leave now, but I had to. So, I didn't make eye contact or say a word, just corrected my clothing as I grabbed my bag and [[left|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> </div> <<path>> ...this is crazy! <<contents>> <br><br> "Whoah, whoah, whoah. Fuck. Heh, uh. Awkward. Okay. Going now." I could feel the disappointment and frustration bubbling inside him, so I moved off the couch quickly. <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. "Enjoy college if I don't see you first." <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[will|PG003 - HomeVign4]]." <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> ...the rest was reasonable. <<contents>> <br><br> "Ha, ha. Funny." I rolled my eyes. Andrew did too. I leaned over and gave him light one on the cheek, which he //tried// to accidentally get on my mouth. Then I quickly leaned over and did the same for Andrew before getting up. <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. "Enjoy college if I don't see you first." <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[will|PG003 - HomeVign4]]." <</crossroads>> <<else>> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. "Enjoy college if I don't see you first." <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[will|PG003 - HomeVign4]]." <</if>> </div> <<path>> ...gross. These are my //friends//. <<contents>> <br> "I'll take one of those, too." Laughed Ethan. I rolled my eyes and gave him light kiss, which he //tried// to accidentally get on my mouth. Then I quickly leaned over and did the same for Andrew before getting up. <br><br> "Kay. Hug?" They all got up and gave me a bear hug. It felt great. We all sighed. I felt some wetness on my shoulder, which -- surprisingly -- came from Andrew. My own cheeks were moist. "Enjoy college if I don't see you first." <br><br> Andrew had turned away, but <<print $CC.friend1>> was holding me by the shoulders, <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Be safe."<</speech>> <br><br><br> A last hug for him. "I [[will|PG003 - HomeVign4]]." <</crossroads>> </div>
<<dollRearView>> <<face ahego runny>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> "You got some fucking condoms, right?" I panted out while licking slowly at Andrew's engorged meat. <br><br> "Uh. No. You're not...?" I shook my head, Ethan sighed. "<<print $CC.friend1>>?" <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"You want me to go //inside// right now? Just grab some condoms in front of my ''Mom''?"<</speech>> <br><br> "There's pullout game..." chuckled Ethan. <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding") || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho")>> <<set $fuckedBoys = true>> <br><br> I didn't respond, starting to actually suck on Andrew's hot dick, hips rising as an offer to <<print $CC.friend1>>. He was inside me before I knew it. <<if $HS.PromDate == "Friend">> <<if !visited("HS008 - PromNightSex")>> <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M "Best Guy Friend" "And that's how I lost my virginity...quick, suddenly and to my best guy friend.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M "Best Guy Friend" "And that's how I lost my virginity...quick, suddenly and to my best guy friend.">> <</if>> <br><br> It's hard to suck a cock when you're being fucked at the same time. Hadn't really thought about it until that moment, but between the sensation of being stuffed, balls smacking against your clit, the push-pull heat and hardness of a bare cock inside you and the momentum of a body crashing against you urgently. It's very hard to concentrate and keep a good rhythm. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> But not too hard for me. Using the force from behind me to push down over Andrew's cock, nose to his pubic hair, lips against the base of his cock. Back and again, about once every couple thrusts. He came in my mouth and throat, gasping out in surprise. <<cumSpray mouth>> And then, thankfully I was breathing, head on Andrew's thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <<else>> Eventually, I just gave up, holding Andrew's cock and slowly stroking the moist cock as I lay my head on his thighs, looking back and watching <<print $CC.friend1>> holding at my scrunched skirt and pumping vigorously. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy") || $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>> <<set $PG.oops = true>> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Sh-shit. S-sorry."<</speech>> He shook his head as his hips moved erratically a last couple times and then he was cumming inside me. <<cumSpray pussy>> <br><br> I started thinking about if I could swing by a pharmacy or if the airport had Plan B while he was pulling free. I hadn't cum, either. Ugh. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> <<addBody Ethan M "Ethan, as a garage goodbye">> I had a bit more time though, working at my sticky self as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me <<cumSpray mouth>> and I felt Ethan eagerly driving home rather than giving any thought to his pullout game. I smacked my lips after swallowing Andrew's swimmers, looking back in surprise as another blast of heat fired into me. <<cumSpray pussy1 mound1 thighs2>> That I could feel it spoke to the size and viscosity of what had to have been a half-dozen or so shots of spunk, "Jesus." I chuckled, my orgasm and this not being the first mistake made it easy to let him do his thing. Both of the other two Boys copied my impressed reaction too as his fingers dug at my hips and he was finally done. Edging him earlier plus what I knew was really good pussy probably just gave him the longest orgasm of his life and a monster load into me. <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I held a wad of some tissues Andrew handed me between my legs. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I nodded and encouraged him, feeling the release that had started all of this building within me. And <<shake 3s>>there<</shake>> it was. When I came down, I felt the cooling stickiness on my ass and lower back. Good. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> <</if>> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> The cock felt good, but I wasn't going to get there so I dropped my hand between my legs and began to strum...too late. He tugged out, spewing onto my ass and lower back -- good. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I finished off Andrew. We came together, my mouth being filled as the climax pulsed through me. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> I had a bit more time though, working at myself as I sucked on Andrew -- and Ethan was sliding up into my vacant pussy. He wasn't gentle or focused on me, but having him inside me helped me get off. The three of us came together, my mouth being filled as the climax <<cumSpray mouth>>pulsed through me and I felt Ethan's copious and viscous load spraying against my slit and mound -- close enough I hoped. <<cumSpray mound2 thighs2>> <br><br> There was a moment of awkward laughs as we all were coming down from an explosion of sex and orgasms. I wiped myself off with some tissues Andrew handed me. I gave each of them a tongue and a smile on the way out. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. And I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> "Ha. Right." I sat my ass down on the floor and reached back, nudging <<print $CC.friend1>>'s hand back between my legs as I blew <<link "Andrew">><<replace "#makeout">> He wasn't happy about it, but I had made the rules clear. Bent over in front of Andrew, thighs spread, my clit was his focus and he did a good enough -- if frustrated -- job that I came right around the time that Andrew was pumping his load into my mouth as a reward for my work. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> I rolled onto my back, panting and smacking my lips and trying to ignore the looks I was receiving from the blue-balled guys. <br><br> They looked upset, dicks out and frowning at me so I leaned forward to slip them some tongue, but was instantly pushed away, "Gross!" They didn't want to taste their friend's jizz. I just rolled my eyes and stood up, righting my clothes. <br><br> "Whatever. Put your dicks away guys, I gotta go." They did. <br><br> My neck was sore, my lips swollen, my hair a mess and it seemed like the permanent tang of cum was going to be what I tasted for the rest of my life. <br><br> My legs were weak when I rolled out of the garage. I got a tight hug from Drew and tentative squeezes from the others, but walking out of there...I was feeling ebullient. Ready to take on the world. <br><br><br> What a fucking [[goodbye|PG003 - HomeVign4]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true && $ !== $CC.friend1>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/PG003-HomeVign4.png">> <<outfit default>> There was an emptiness that I felt as I packed. This was my solo adventure. No family, no friends, just the unknown and myself. <br><br> And was done. I could have procrastinated, pulled everything out and started again, but it wouldn't have delayed anything. My future waited for me. <br><br> I turned away from the bags <<if $ == 2>>and was<<else>>to let <<print $CC.DName>> know and was<</if>> surprised to hear voices talking by the front door. Male. I got closer, quietly, trying to pick out words but they were speaking in hushed tones. <<if $ == 2>><<else>>Was <<print $CC.DName>> trying to surprise me right before I left?<</if>> <br><br><br> No. It was Nate. Fuck. I leaned against the wall closest to them now that I had placed who it was and listened: <br><br> "I'm sorry. We've heard nothing." <br><br> "She' before, right?" <br><br> "Dark. Well, no. Not like this." <br><br> "She's alive, though." There was a pregnant pause that was like a punch to my gut. <br><br> "We're analyzing our options and potential outcomes. I just...wanted to keep you in the loop." <br><br> "And, <<print $>>?" <br><br> "I..." there was an awkwardness to his response that didn't seem out of protectiveness for me and my mental health. I couldn't quite suss out what was lying underneath, but there was something, "The less she knows for now, the better. Let her do her thing. We'll address it later. We'll see how the situation evolves." <br><br> "Okay. <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> A //year//, though?" <br><br> "A drop in the bucket on this...project. We'll certainly know more on the other end." <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> //Four// years, though?" <br><br> "She's been on this...project longer than that. We'll certainly know more then. <<else>> <</if>> <br><br><br> Silence. <<if $ == 2>><<else>>Then the door shut and I heard <<print $CC.DName>> drop into a nearby chair.<</if>> I made my way back to my room and dropped onto my bed next to my luggage. <br><br> I was going it alone. And there was a part of me that felt like I was abandoning <<if $ == 2>>her <<else>>him. Abandoning her<</if>>. But what could I do? I was just some dumb teen girl and I had a life to lead. What she had done. Where she had gone. Whatever had happened to her was on her. It wasn't my responsibility. <br><br> My responsibility was to myself and my life. I'd probably fuck something up like this with my own family down the line. And then //that// would be my fault. <br><br> In the meantime, I needed to enjoy the distance and forget. Get some perspective and understand myself in the world of a spy-mom that disappeared. Who would I be now, how would I let it affect me and my world? <br><br> So I was resolved: fuck it. She was gone. <br><br><br> And I was <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> [[off|GY001 - Departure]]. <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> [[off|UN001 - CollegeArr]]. <<else>> [[off|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</if>>
Me and The Boys had, of course, sent texts back and forth over the past year. The group chat had been frenzied at first while they became situated at schools, felt homesick and sought consistency. The personal texts to me -- with the exception of <<print $CC.friend1>> -- dropped off almost instantly. They mostly ignored the comments and emojis I added and I could tell that they either felt I abandoned them or just lost the thread of how to interact with me. I understood it because we'd been pushing along through life at the same pace, experiencing the same things at the same times until I had up and gone and done something different. Still, understanding it and not being hurt by it were two different things. <br><br> By the time the first quarter had passed, the communication had dropped to absolutely nothing. No matter how interesting, exciting, and different my year away had been, I still missed them. The people I was around were 'mine' for probably just a year...they'd been mine for what felt like //forever//. <br><br> I had returned home before they had by a number of weeks and it felt distinctly empty to be surrounded by such familiarity without them. So when I found out they were all getting together, I jumped at the chance to join in. Especially since now I was going to be joining their ranks, a year behind, but I'd be a co-ed now too. Maybe the past year could be forgiven and we could get on the same page. Maybe they could give me some pointers? Goddamn, they'd probably ''love'' the opportunity to mansplain anything of college life to me. <br><br> <<if $fuckedBoys == true>> <div id ="ethan"> As I approached the garage, a flicker of the last time I'd been there was hard to ignore. The vivid feeling and sounds of our explosive 'goodbye' made me feel a clench in my lower abdomen. I felt another tightness in my throat as I considered if that had changed how they'd view me now. <br><br> A part of me wanted to just turn and walk away, but I ducked under the half-open door anyway. "Hey, Boyyyys. How was college?" <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Oh, hey!"<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> brightened, turning away from the glow of the television screen and seeing me appear. The other two were in echo, though their reactions were much more placid and confused. "Ups and downs, to be honest." He continued, tossing the controller away and coming to give me a proper greeting and hug, "How was the world?" <br><br> "Like a...commercial break? It was fun, and just like...completely different. So that was cool." It was crazy that a year ago we were all going at each other right here. Beyond the telling gaze of Ethan, it seemed like it was a dream. They'd definitely gotten laid then, or viewed it as a mistake, or just preferred consistency over really pushing the envelope into making it weird. Whatever the case, I was glad for it. <br><br> Soon we were all back on the couches like nothing had ever changed. They all had, though. Each had adopted little bits of fashion that shocked me: Ethan a goatee and long hair, Drew was rocking designer brands on his clothing and <<print $CC.friend1>> had started hitting the gym, clearly. And the staccato and pitch of their voices -- indelible on my mind -- now rumbled more in their chests with more control and reserve. I wonder if I had changed from their perspective and what they thought of it. <br><br> "So, 'nother commercial break for ya?" Drew jibed over his shoulder at me. <br><br> "No. It was just a one-off. I'm going to college, too." <br><br> And that's all it was. I was back in the ranks of the Boys like it was nothing. They all had differing stories and advice for my first year, different opinions on what being a year older would do for me or hold against me. They all agreed that I'd be beer-buyer my sophomore year and that'd have some kind of clout. It sounded like their first years had been tough, trying to forge their path in completely new surroundings with random people. Drew and <<print $CC.friend1>> seemed to have broken through the difficulties and were excited about going back. <br><br> Ethan, <<link "though">><<replace "#ethan">> He was reticent to open up to any of us, no matter the amount of jabs and pressure. He kind of pulled away from the group even though he still showed up for every, single get-together over the Summer. I didn't know what to do except let him be. Any attempt just brought up the spines and made things uncomfortable and less fun. So we let him. <br><br> That's why it was so surprising to see him pull up into my driveway a week before we were all going off to school. I met him outside as he climbed out of his Honda, "Uh, hey. Everything okay?" <br><br> "Yer Dad home?" <br><br> "Yeah...why?" <br><br> A momentary consideration at the 'full' house. "Can we go inside?" <br><br> I waved him forward, "Sure, sure." Concern blatant on my face. <br><br> "Hey, Ethan." <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> called out from the living room, reading something and barely looking up from it as we headed down the hallway and back to my room for some privacy. I pushed the piles of clothes aside -- I had been picking out cute outfits and deciding what to bring -- and climbed up onto my bed with him. <br><br> He shuddered with the sighing release, "I fucking //hate// school." <br><br> "What? But you were like so good at it--" <br><br> "Not the school part. The college bullshit. Look." His hand dropped to my knee, "<<print $>>, I'm just going to be honest with you. It's been really hard these past couple months, fuck it, the whole //year// plus since you went away." There was a look in his eyes and tone in his voice that made it undeniable he was referencing the 'goodbye'. "You left. The guys disappeared during college. I couldn't make friends, couldn't seem to find where I belonged...and this summer's just been showing me how much I belong here with you guys. And..." He looked off, but his hand hadn't moved, "I think you've always known how I feel about you, in particular. And that's why when we...said goodbye...last year, something clicked. It felt...perfect. Like everything made sense, like it was supposed to be." <br><br> I didn't know if this was going to become a proposal, just a heart-opening session of honesty, or what. I was stunned and also felt that I should just let him keep going. No harm, no foul, yet. He was being sweet and open -- a far cry from his usual self. <br><br> "I get that you have a lot going on, but I figured you might be as scared as I am right now, like you were last year..." He leaned forward. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[PG004 - PART EthanSex]] $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho')>> Dive in. <<blocked>> $ isn't that easy. <<path [[PG004 - PART EthanDeny]]>> Whoah. Stop Mistake #2 before it happens. <<path [[PG004 - PART EthanSex]] $CC.maleReaction gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 4>> Pity fuck? <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>... </div> <<else>> As I approached the garage, a flicker of the last time I'd been there was hard to ignore. That they'd been entertaining the idea of hooking up with me -- //seriously// -- as a good way to send-off our post-high school summer together wasn't just was so unlike them. And I had said no. They had to have been joking, right? They wouldn't hold it against me, right? <br><br> They weren't going to still feel rejected in any event, right? A part of me wanted to just turn and walk away, but I ducked under the half-open door anyway. "Hey, Boyyyys. How was college?" <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Oh, hey!"<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> brightened, turning away from the glow of the television screen and seeing me appear. The other two were in echo, though their reactions were much more placid and confused. "Ups and downs, to be honest." He continued, tossing the controller away and coming to give me a proper greeting and hug, "How was the world?" <br><br> "Like a...commercial break? It was fun, and just like...completely different. So that was cool." <br><br> Soon we were all back on the couches like nothing had ever changed. They all had, though. Each had adopted little bits of fashion that shocked me: Ethan a goatee and long hair, Drew was rocking designer brands on his clothing and <<print $CC.friend1>> had started hitting the gym, clearly. And the staccato and pitch of their voices -- indelible on my mind -- now rumbled more in their chests with more control and reserve. I wonder if I had changed from their perspective and what they thought of it. <br><br> "So, 'nother commercial break for ya?" Drew jibed over his shoulder at me. <br><br> "No. It was just a one-off. I'm going to college, too." <br><br> And that's all it was. I was back in the ranks of the Boys like it was nothing. They all had differing stories and advice for my first year, different opinions on what being a year older would do for me or hold against me. They all agreed that I'd be beer-buyer my sophomore year and that'd have some kind of clout. It sounded like their first years had been tough, trying to forge their path in completely new surroundings with random people. Drew and <<print $CC.friend1>> seemed to have broken through the difficulties and were excited about going back. <br><br> I was glad that things went back to normal so easily. None of my fears were founded on anything. I knew I could rely on these guys for anything now, no matter the circumstances. <br><br> Which was great, because I was nervous and needed their support as I got ready to head to my //own// first year of [[college|UN001 - CollegeArr]]. <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): Pudgy hands pushing down on thighs */ <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Ethan")>> I had already hooked up with him once, it wouldn't be right to hold out now. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 4>> His words made me feel so wanted in that moment. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3>> He wasn't the worst person to fuck. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho')>> And, can't lie. I loved to fuck. Here was another chance. <br><br> <</if>> <<face ahego runny>> The response was instantaneous: his weight leaned into me as our mouths made contact, tongue diving into my mouth, hands pawing at my body. He was on of me, air pushed quickly out of my lungs and I couldn't help but laugh at the suddenness of it. He laughed too, but kept pushing his tongue into my mouth, scooting bit by bit more ontop of me. His hands were working my <<link "skirt up">><<lower "denim_skirt_up">><</link>> as the weight of his hips got my thighs to spread. Sure, it wasn't some magical moment, but it was a quintessential pre-college hookup. Teen hormones raging, his urgent need and pent up desire guiding things along quick and raucous. <br><br> I came up for air, panting breathlessly as the hardon in his pants ground up and down right along my slit, eliciting wonderful sensations and burst of pleasure. I peeled his t-shirt up, his rolls jiggling and my shirt <<link "came next">><<upper>><<bra>><</link>>, my tits jiggling in response. "Fuck. $ You're gorgeous." He gazed at me in wonder while his hands clawed desperately near my hips for my underwear. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>His nails scraped along my skin, finding no cotton or lycra purchase and he leaned back to look at my perennially unprotected gash, "God, I love that about you."<<else>>His nails dug into my skin and around the waistband, dragging down and yanking my last modesty <<link "away">><<panties>><</link>>.<</if>> It looked like he was salivating, looking at my vagina as his sweaty hands pulled his sweatpants down to free his raging erection. <br><br> It stuck practically straight up, not small, not large, but swelled in excitement and visible to me as soon as it was out, engorging with as much blood as his member could take. It barely moved with how hard he was, not a bit of sway when his weight shifted. Despite knowing he was throbbing like mad, I couldn't see any evidence of it. It was just a steely erection, precum oozing from his tip. <br><br> "Well, you're ready to go." I couldn't help but grin, eyes locked on his manhood, the pair of testicles hanging incredibly low and large which told how long he had anticipated this. He began moving forward, repositioning himself and my hands urged him back, pressing against the softness of his body. <br><br> "Buuut...I'm not." <br><br> He laughed, "Gross...but okay." Tentatively, he began to eat me out. He pushed two fingers in me suddenly, which made me gasp out and wince. "Like that, huh." Mistaking what my response meant. His tongue fluttered at my clit. It was delicate and imprecise, I think mostly to avoid tasting me...but also inexperience. His pumping fingers felt good, but he wasn't focusing on the right areas or getting the right rhythm. The frustration mounted quickly and rather than lose the mood entirely, I pulled him up. <br><br> "Kay." As much as he needed guidance and training, I knew he was emotionally vulnerable and now was not the right time. <br><br> His hands were grabbing and pushing my thighs back, needing no cue to know what was next. <<if $Body.fertile == true>> "Condom time, buddy." A hand lightly discouraging on his chest while he pushed his sticky cockhead up and down my slit, tip nudging at my opening carelessly. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>>I felt a clench in my lower abdomen as I watched and felt him doing it, my body and parts of my brain clicking on in excitement.<</if>> <br><br> "Uh. Don't have any..." He sighed out as he pushed, sinking forward. His face slackened and his hips responded too, pushing harder as he felt my unprotected warmth and wetness, "Oh. Fuck." His hand pushing mine off him and driving home hard, those heavy balls whacking against my ass as I arched, gasping out at the sudden fullness and his pubic bone giving my clit a welcome bang and grinnnd. Finally, what I was looking for. <br><br> " came over here to fuck, yeah?" I pushed up on his arms, which tensed, holding my thighs back. <br><br> "Y-yeah." He nodded, grinning and eyes lustful looking down on me while the //plap// of his body hitting mine began. Short, pleased thrusts that stayed mostly inside me deeply. <br><br> "You. Gotta. Come. Prepared. I'm not--" The words came out in breathy gasps, timed out with his cock's ballsdeep thrusting. Oh. God. This felt good. <br><br> "On...yeah. I...remember." Nothing about his reaction spoke to concern or listening to my subtext. If anything, he was getting more into it, pudgy fingers squeezing tighter at the back of my thighs, pushing harder and trying to get deeper into my body's core. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> And that was hot. His disregard or simple base desire to fuck how nature intended...I shut up. <br><br> <<else>> "So..." God it was hard to have this conversation while you were //being// fucked. Trying to be sensible was really difficult as pleasure exploded inside you. <br><br> "It was fine. Last time, right?" It was a frown of 'you can't change the rules,' and still he was pounding away. The fear ticked up inside me, but I had opened that Pandora's box and this was what came out. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> And I came. I grabbed at his unremarkable body and pulled him against me as I grunted -- soft as I could control with my Dad down the hall. Ethan wasn't that great in the sack, bad even, but thank fucking god I didn't need much to get off. I got off. <<else>> Shit he was bad. I wasn't going to get there, I realized. My hand tried snaking between his fatty stomach and my mound, but before I could get to myself, he grunted, "Yeah, cup my nuts." So my hand dipped past my nub for just a brief nudge and then I was holding the weighty orbs below his cock. <br><br> It was uncomfortable, having my forearm shoving against my crotch and inner thigh as he continued to fuck me, but there wasn't a better angle and my arm was pinned. <</if>> <br><br> I knew it was coming, but he gave no warning, just tensing up and jackrabbitting against me for a couple thrusts before he blew. "Ugnghhh mmm y-yeahhh." His body shook and shuddered, his hot and heavy load pumped into me and he pressed down on my thighs as he reached his <<linkreplace "climax">> <<cumSpray mound3 pussy3 thighs3>> He was a prodigious ejaculator, that I knew previously, but every hint I received was justified as he came incredibly hard and long before sighing contentedly and rolling off my body. <br><br> "Fuck, I missed that." His cock twitched stickily against his lower belly. I reached over and tugged tissues from my nightstand, clutching them against my mound. <br><br> "You...should...probably..." <br><br> "Go. Yeah." He nodded, no offense taken at all, lifting himself up off the bed and stretching comfortably before pulling on his tee and sweats. "Glad we had this talk, <<print $>>. We clearly needed it." He grinned at me, naked and soaking him up on my bed. "I'll text ya." <br><br> I nodded, not sure what else to say or do in that moment, watching him leave. <br><br> And he did text. That night, the next day. Every day until we left. The subtext was pretty damn clear and I kept making excuses that he didn't seem to understand. They usually just received dick pics in return. We had hooked up again, for whatever reason, but I wasn't too keen on getting a fuckbuddy out of it. Not Ethan. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</linkreplace>>. <<else>> His sticky cockhead pushed up and down my slit, tip nudging at my opening eagerly. He sighed out as he pushed, sinking forward. His face slackened and his hips responded too, pushing harder as he felt my unprotected warmth and wetness, "Oh. Fuck." His hand pushing mine off him and driving home hard, those heavy balls whacking against my ass as I arched, gasping out at the sudden fullness and his pubic bone giving my clit a welcome bang and grinnnd. Finally, what I was looking for. <br><br> " came over here to fuck, yeah?" I pushed up on his arms, which tensed, holding my thighs back. <br><br> "Y-yeah." He nodded, grinning and eyes lustful looking down on me while the //plap// of his body hitting mine began. Short, pleased thrusts that stayed mostly inside me deeply. <br><br> I laughed at his bluntness, "Wow. Know. How to. Make a girl. Feel. Special." The words came out in breathy gasps, timed out with his cock's ballsdeep thrusting. Oh. God. This felt good. <br><br> Nothing about his reaction spoke to concern or listening to my subtext. If anything, he was getting more into it, pudgy fingers squeezing tighter at the back of my thighs, pushing harder and trying to get deeper into my body's core. I tried to shift my hips, my hands at his in an attempt to angle and guide his thrusting. To no avail. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>> But I came. I grabbed at his unremarkable body and pulled him against me as I grunted -- soft as I could control with my Dad down the hall. Ethan wasn't that great in the sack, bad even, but thank fucking god I didn't need much to get off. I got off. <<else>> Shit he was bad. I wasn't going to get there, I realized. My hand tried snaking between his fatty stomach and my mound, but before I could get to myself, he grunted, "Yeah, cup my nuts." So my hand dipped past my nub for just a brief nudge and then I was holding the weighty orbs below his cock. <br><br> It was uncomfortable, having my forearm shoving against my crotch and inner thigh as he continued to fuck me, but there wasn't a better angle and my arm was pinned. <</if>> <br><br> I knew it was coming, but he gave no warning, just tensing up and jackrabbitting against me for a couple thrusts before he blew. "Ugnghhh mmm y-yeahhh." His body shook and shuddered, his hot and heavy load pumped into me and he pressed down on my thighs as he reached his <<linkreplace "climax">> <<cumSpray mound3 pussy3 thighs3>> He was a prodigious ejaculator, that I knew previously, but every hint I received was justified as he came incredibly hard and long before sighing contentedly and rolling off my body. <br><br> "Fuck, I missed that." His cock twitched stickily against his lower belly. I reached over and tugged tissues from my nightstand, clutching them against my mound. <br><br> "You...should...probably..." <br><br> "Go. Yeah." He nodded, no offense taken at all, lifting himself up off the bed and stretching comfortably before pulling on his tee and sweats. "Glad we had this talk, <<print $>>. We clearly needed it." He grinned at me, naked and soaking him up on my bed. "I'll text ya." <br><br> I nodded, not sure what else to say or do in that moment, watching him leave. <br><br> And he did text. That night, the next day. Every day until we left. The subtext was pretty damn clear and I kept making excuses that he didn't seem to understand. They usually just received dick pics in return. We had hooked up again, for whatever reason, but I wasn't too keen on getting a fuckbuddy out of it. Not Ethan. <</linkreplace>>. <</if>> <br><br> I tried to shy away from my Dad for as long as I could, not knowing what he knew or didn't. What he heard and what he didn't. In the end, I kept trying to read into his reactions, but I was just crazy-making. Nothing blatant gave his knowledge or lack thereof away. <br><br> As far as Ethan, I wondered if any of that would make a difference for him at school the next year. Give him more confidence? Or just tighten his bond to me? As for me, whether it had any effect, I'd never know, but I was off to start school either [[way|UN001 - CollegeArr]]. <br><br> <<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<vCardCheck Ethan M>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "PG000 - Cheating">> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/PG004-PARTEthanDeny.png">> I jerked back reflexively. While that probably //should// have been my reaction last time, Ethan hadn't been the precipitator but had garnered the benefit. Lucky once did not mean lucky twice. <br><br> The coldness entered his eyes, his hand grasped at my thigh, "What are you doing." It wasn't a question. <br><br> "I just misunderstood. Things...happened and...they probably shouldn't have." He tried again and I pulled away, off the bed and towards the door. My heart was pounding. "Ethan." <br><br> I could see the rage boiling up inside him, the self-pitying rage and remorse. I could also see him considering that I wasn't alone at home. He got up, opened the door, slammed it in my face and was gone. <br><br> I heard <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> expressing concern as he passed. I didn't hear if there was a response. <br><br> Multiple variations of 'I'm here for you' texts were written and disposed of, trying to show my support the way __I__ wanted to. I didn't know how to say it and I didn't see Ethan again before I left for [[college|UN001 - CollegeArr]].
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <br><br> I didn't even make it through the first summer after making the long-term commitment to <<print $>>. <br><br> What did that mean for our future? What did that say about me? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. The...differences...between them and what I had just experienced. And there was no way they'd ever know. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gte 3>> <<set $ = "free">> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <br><br> I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly, and they didn't feel that I was 'the one' either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like. <<else>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? They could //never// find out. <</if>> <</if>>
<div id="POpen"> <<outfit naked>> <<face shock runny>> <<image framed "passage/KU001-WithChild.png">> I had tested multiple times. I had freaked out more times than I could count. Now, after checking the lock on my door enough times to consider taking OCD medication, I stood in front of my mirror, turning my hips and sliding my hands over my stomach. Was it different from yesterday? From a week ago? <<if $HS.preg == true>>Again?<</if>> <br><br> No? <br><br> Kinda? <br><br> I hit myself in my lower abdomen. "OW!" Buckling forward a bit. That wasn't going to 'fix' things. I wasn't going to throw myself down the stairs or go to my closet for a hanger, so trying to beat a baby out of myself was idiotic. I was just punishing myself, I guess. <br><br> I was suuuuch an idiot. And I wasn't the only one. <br><br> I kept doing the math in my head, trying to figure out when it had happened. With who. <br><br> At this point, I was //pretty// sure it was <<if $UN.preg == true>><<set $ = "">><<set $UN.preggedBy = $UN.bodies.random()>><<print $>><<else>><<set $ = "">><<set $HS.preggedBy = $bodies.random()>><<print $>><</if>>. I was doing mental gymnastics, trying to figure out what was different from other times, what I had done wrong. I was trying to understand why //now//, why ''that'' time, why __him__...but really why <<shake 3s>>ME<</shake>>. If I understood the reasons then maybe I could undo it. And never make that mistake again. <br><br> But I couldn't think my way out of this. <br><br> I breathed out, a stuttering, deep breath. I'd have to tell <<if $ == 2>>my family<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. Other people would find out. This could ruin my //life//. All of the repercussions of a moment of exceedingly horny stupidity were becoming hyper-focused. Now because they were real. They were mine. <br><br> This wasn't the end of the road, though. Too late for Plan B, I smacked my forehead almost as hard as I had hit myself before...why hadn't I gone and gotten Plan B? A simple pill and I wouldn't be in this position. <br><br> <<if $ == "committed">> I felt a warmth. A feeling of 'rightness'. Something about having my love's creation inside me, growing. <br><br> Had this been intentional? Somewhere? Deep down? <br><br> If I didn't keep this child, would that ruin things between us? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> What the //fuck//? Was this some like karmic punishment for cheating on <<print $>>? My body's way of saying that they had some claim to me? That they were the real, true person for me? <br><br> It was warring emotions as I bucked against tradition but also wondered if this was my opportunity at redemption. <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">>Was it theirs? Was it not? Were they going to think it was? Was this going to be the final red flag for them regarding me?<</if>> <<elseif $ == "cheated">> Despite everything that <<print $>> had done, I was carrying their child. Wasn't this proof at how they had fucked up before? Wasn't this going to be the sign they needed to truly clean up their act and return fully to me? <br><br> Or was this the check-in I needed to reevaluate everything between us. If I decided to take the responsible, serious choice, would they back me up? Would it change nothing and I would have deal with the consequences without their support? <</if>> <<link "What. To. Do.">><<replace "#POpen">> <br><br><br> Well, that wasn't the only way to get rid of it. To make it all go away. To move on. <br><br> I looked myself squarely in the mirror. Could I get an abortion? <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[KU002 - Abortion]] $CC.hsv !== "church" && $CC.clique !== "Prude">> Yeah. <<blocked>> $ is too religious. <<path [[KU003 - The Telling]] !(Array("Uncle Tom", $CC.DName, "Arvin", "Jake", "George").includes($ || !(Array("Uncle Tom", $CC.DName, "Arvin", "Jake", "George").includes($>> No. <<blocked>> A child out of incest is not something $ is willing to do. <<path [[KU002 - Abortion]] Array($CC.DName, "Arvin", "Jake", "George", "Vaughn", "Fleming").includes($ || Array($CC.DName, "Arvin", "Jake", "George", "Vaughn", "Fleming").includes($>> I couldn't have this Abomination. <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/KU002-Abortion.png">> <div id="abort"> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set $Body.abortions ++>> <<set $Body.fertility -= 5>> <<face hurt1 runny>> Planned Parenthood is a godsend. Don't let anyone tell you different. <br><br> I didn't have to say a word to anyone! <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>> had no idea and never would. No one would. It was just my little secret. Well, me and <<if $UN.preg == true>><<if $UN.rush == true>><<print $People['UN']>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>><<else>><<print $CC.FName>><</if>>. I needed her squeezing my hand tightly. I needed her beside me. I needed someone to wipe my tears. <br><br> And I needed her to throw excuses for me at school and to <<print $CC.DName>> -- who seemed none the wiser. <br><br> Cuz abortions are no fucking joke. <br><br> I was 'sick'. In bed. For a couple days. It was worse than the worst cramps of my life. I went through pads, I went through boxes of tissues, I went through a few pairs of underwear. I nearly ruined a set of sheets and sleeping pants. <br><br> I was in such pain and I couldn't just sleep. I wanted to. I wanted to just push through it all til it was over and just put all this stupidity behind me. But instead, I was forced to try and entertain myself as my body screamed at me. And I was fucking bored. And the pain in my stomach was pretty much all that occupied my thoughts, like an ever-present reminder of my fuck up. Like it was wagging its finger at me 'bad girl.' Trying to teach me a lesson. <br><br> Yeah. I got it. <br><br> And it got better. It got easier. And then I got out of bed and got back to my normal life. There were rumors and suspicions, but those I could endure better than the alternative. <br><br> After that day, I was willing to make Planned Parenthood my top donation whenever I was in the giving mood. <br><br> Thanks to them, I was able to move on with my life with barely a hiccup. <br><br> They, quite fairly, encouraged me to get on some kind of birth control. <br><br> <<crossroads #abort>> <<path>> Which I accepted, glad that I could ensure this would never happen again. <<contents>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $Body.fertile = false>> <br><br> After looking at all of the options, I decided upon <<listbox "$CC.BC">> <<option "Yaz" "Pill">> <<option "Nexplanon implant" "Implant">> <<option "copper IUD" "IUD">> <<option "Mirena IUD" "mIUD">> <<option "Nuvaring" "Ring">> <</listbox>> I was protected now. Safe. <br><br> <<if $UN.preg == true>> And now, with all that bullshit out of the way, I was ready for the rest of what life had to throw at me. And boy, did it have [[a lot|UN011 - SeniorYear]]. <<else>> And now, with all that bullshit out of the way, I was ready for the rest of what life had to throw at me. And boy, did it have <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> [[a lot|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> [[a lot|PG001 - Decisions]]. <<else>> [[a lot|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> Which I declined. This would never happen again. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Learning -->> I didn't decline to the nurse's face. But it wasn't like she was handing me the BC right then and there. I took the pamphlets and then tossed them. <br><br> <<if $UN.preg == true>> I wanted the whole ordeal behind me and those were just reminders. Now, I was fully focused on moving forward. What did life have in store for me [[next|UN011 - SeniorYear]]. <<else>> I wanted the whole ordeal behind me and those were just reminders. Now, I was fully focused on moving forward. What did life have in store for me <<if $HS.postGrad == "gapyear">> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> [[next|PG001 - Decisions]]? <<elseif $HS.postGrad == "college">> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> [[next|PG001 - Decisions]]? <<else>> [[next|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]? <</if>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/KU003-TheTelling.png">> <<if $Body.cesarean !== true>><<set $Body.cesarean = false>><</if>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<set _told = 0>> Keeping it. ''It''. I railed at my brain because that's how I kept thinking about--I was about to do it again--the //life// I had created. Growing inside me. A part of me. <br><br> I couldn't decide on a name yet, and maybe that would help. But in the meantime, while it...UGH!...was a bean or something, I guess I'd just have to deal with the dehumanization, the depersonalization. And there were other things on my mind: people were going to know. I could only keep this situation quiet for so long. <br><br> I'd have to tell people. Or I'd be telling them when they saw my belly distend. <br><br> <div id="tell"> But who. <br><br> <<linkexpand "The Parents">><<set _told ++>><<include "KU003 - The Parents">><</linkexpand>>?<br> <<linkexpand "The Boys">><<set _told ++>><<include "KU003 - The Boys">><</linkexpand>>?<br> <<linkexpand "The Guy">><<set _told ++>><<include "KU003 - The Guy">><</linkexpand>>?<br> <<linkexpand "The Friends">><<set _told ++>><<include "KU003 - The Friends">><</linkexpand>>?<br> <br><br> <<link "That was it.">><<replace "#tell">> That was it. Those were the ones important to me. Who deserved to find out from me. Now I just had to live and be this gestation vehicle for little...who are you? What is your name? <<link "Hmmm" "KU004 - The Growing">> <<if _told is 0>><<Stats Confident -->><<Stats Deception ++>> <<elseif _told is 1>><<Stats Confident -->> <<elseif _told is 2>><<Stats Social ++>> <<elseif _told is 3>><<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Deception -->> <<else>><<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Deception -->><<Stats Stable ++>> <</if>> <</link>>? <</replace>><</link>> </div>
<br><br> "No--" Ethan. <br><br> "Fucking--" Drew. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Way." <<print $CC.friend1>>.<</speech>> <br><br> "Yeah, way." I rolled my eyes at them. <br><br> The emergency meeting of The Boys had been easier to organize than I had expected. And they hadn't asked questions, which I was thankful for. <br><br> Drew and <<print $CC.friend1>> was looking down at my belly for tell-tale signs. Ethan, I think, was looking lower. <<speech "MFriend.png">>"So..."<</speech>> <br><br> "Look. I just wanted you to know. I thought you deserved to know. You're my guys. I'm gonna need your support." <br><br> "Who knocked you up?" Ethan. <br><br> <div id="boys"> <<crossroads #boys>> <<path>> Nope. I wasn't going to get into it. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> "Does it matter?" <br><br> "Just curious!" Ethan shrugged defensively. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Shut up, dick. Doesn't matter. Not like she's gonna go marry him."<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>> to the rescue. <br><br> "Nope!" I laughed and gave him a squeeze, knowing me that well. <br><br> "So, are you going to..." <br><br> "Yeah guys. Of course I am. I wouldn't be telling you, hey I got knocked up, but I'm gonna go abort it. Just wanted to keep ya in the loop!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. They laughed. They loved the dark humor. <br><br> We spent the rest of the afternoon chilling in the garage like we always did. Exactly like we always did. And //that// is why I told them. The questions out of the way, we got back to how it always was. They were my rock and nothing would change anything between us. <<path !(Array("Ethan", $CC.friend1).includes($ && !(Array("Ethan", $CC.friend1).includes($>> Fine. I'm sure it's just idle curiosity. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> "<<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>." <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Wow."<</speech>> <<print $CC.friend1>>. <br><br> "Okay." Andrew. <br><br> "Really?" Ethan was in disbelief. <br><br> "So, are you going to..." <br><br> "Yeah guys. Of course I am. I wouldn't be telling you, hey I got knocked up, but I'm gonna go abort it. Just wanted to keep ya in the loop!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. They laughed. They loved the dark humor. <br><br> We spent the rest of the afternoon chilling in the garage like we always did. Exactly like we always did. And //that// is why I told them. The questions out of the way, we got back to how it always was. They were my rock and nothing would change anything between us. <</crossroads>> <br><br> </div>
<<if $ == 0>> They'd know first and I'd have to deal with them from here on out, so might as well bite the bullet. <br><br> It wasn't an easy thing to arrange. I was incredibly awkward and beat around the bush enough that they probably thought I had killed someone. The //looks// they gave each other. <br><br> "Um, I have something I need to tell you guys." <br><br> <div id="rents"> <<crossroads #rents>> <<path>> Be apologetic. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<if $ == 0>> I was in tears before the sentence had left my mouth. They looked so disappointed in me. I had failed them and I took it to heart. Because I believed it too. <br><br> "I know, dear." She pulled me into her arms and just held me as I cried. I said I was sorry, "You don't need to be." And that made it worse. It hurt harder. I didn't know if I'd be able to stop crying at this point. <br><br> Nine months of sobbing. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected compassion and care. <br><br> But that's what they gave me. From that moment forward. <br><br> It got better, and having them on my side was a godsend. <<else>> I was in tears before the sentence had left my mouth. He looked so disappointed in me. I had failed him and I took it to heart. Because I believed it too. <br><br> "I know, dear." He pulled me into his arms and just held me as I cried. I said I was sorry, "You don't need to be." And that made it worse. It hurt harder. I didn't know if I'd be able to stop crying at this point. <br><br> Nine months of sobbing. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected compassion and care. <br><br> But that's what he gave me. From that moment forward. <br><br> It got better, and having him on my side was a godsend. <</if>> <<path>> Own it. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<if $CC.Mom == 0>> They were shocked. Yeah, because I was pregnant, but also from my candor and my decision. I could see the disappointment in their eyes but that made me double down. I wasn't a disappointment and I would show them. <br><br> There was a strange moment when she tried to pull me close but it was as if she wasn't certain about the decision. I just gave her a quick hug and ended the conversation. <br><br> They had been informed and now we'd just move forward with the information. <br><br> And we did. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected them impressed with my stolid approach to the facts of life. Maybe my assumption of responsibility knocked the wind out of their sails. <br><br> As much as I put on a 'I'm a rock' attitude, having them on my side was a godsend. <<else>> He were shocked. Yeah, because I was pregnant, but also from my candor and my decision. I could see the disappointment in his eyes but that made me double down. I wasn't a disappointment and I would show him. <br><br> There was a strange moment when he tried to pull me close but it was as if he wasn't certain about the decision. I just gave him a quick hug and ended the conversation. <br><br> He had been informed and now we'd just move forward with the information. <br><br> And we did. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected him impressed with my stolid approach to the facts of life. Maybe my assumption of responsibility knocked the wind out of his sails. <br><br> As much as I put on a 'I'm a rock' attitude, having him on my side was a godsend. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $ == 2 && $ == 1>> <<Stats Stable -->> There was no one at home anymore. It was empty and just a reminder of how alone I was. The thought of needing to tell them was enough to send me into a torrent of tears. <br><br> I wished there was some family to support me. But there wasn't. <<elseif $ == 2>> She'd need to know first and I'd have to deal with her from here on out. So might as well bite the bullet. <br><br> It wasn't an easy thing to arrange. I was incredibly awkward and beat around the bush enough that she probably thought I had killed someone. The //looks// she gave me. <br><br> "Um, I have something I need to tell you." <br><br> <br><br> <div id="rents"> <<crossroads #rents>> <<path>> Be apologetic. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> I was in tears before the sentence had left my mouth. She looked so disappointed in me. I had failed her and I took it to heart. Because I believed it too. <br><br> "I know, dear." She pulled me into her arms and just held me as I cried. I said I was sorry, "You don't need to be." And that made it worse. It hurt harder. I didn't know if I'd be able to stop crying at this point. <br><br> Nine months of sobbing. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected compassion and care. <br><br> But that's what she gave me. From that moment forward. <br><br> It got better, and having her on my side was a godsend. <<path>> Own it. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> She was shocked. Yeah, because I was pregnant, but also from my candor and my decision. I could see the disappointment in her eyes but that made me double down. I wasn't a disappointment and I would show her. <br><br> There was a strange moment when she tried to pull me close but it was as if she wasn't certain about the decision. I just gave her a quick hug and ended the conversation. <br><br> She had been informed and now we'd just move forward with the information. <br><br> And we did. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected her impressed with my stolid approach to the facts of life. Maybe my assumption of responsibility knocked the wind out of her sails. <br><br> As much as I put on a 'I'm a rock' attitude, having her on my side was a godsend. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> He'd know first and I'd have to deal with him from here on out, so might as well bite the bullet. <br><br> It wasn't an easy thing to arrange. I was incredibly awkward and beat around the bush enough that he probably thought I had killed someone. The //looks// he gave me. <br><br> "Um, I have something I need to tell you." <br><br> <div id="rents"> <<crossroads #rents>> <<path>> Be apologetic. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<if $ == 0>> I was in tears before the sentence had left my mouth. They looked so disappointed in me. I had failed them and I took it to heart. Because I believed it too. <br><br> "I know, dear." She pulled me into her arms and just held me as I cried. I said I was sorry, "You don't need to be." And that made it worse. It hurt harder. I didn't know if I'd be able to stop crying at this point. <br><br> Nine months of sobbing. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected compassion and care. <br><br> But that's what they gave me. From that moment forward. <br><br> It got better, and having them on my side was a godsend. <<else>> I was in tears before the sentence had left my mouth. He looked so disappointed in me. I had failed him and I took it to heart. Because I believed it too. <br><br> "I know, dear." He pulled me into his arms and just held me as I cried. I said I was sorry, "You don't need to be." And that made it worse. It hurt harder. I didn't know if I'd be able to stop crying at this point. <br><br> Nine months of sobbing. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected compassion and care. <br><br> But that's what he gave me. From that moment forward. <br><br> It got better, and having him on my side was a godsend. <</if>> <<path>> Own it. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<if $CC.Mom == 0>> They were shocked. Yeah, because I was pregnant, but also from my candor and my decision. I could see the disappointment in their eyes but that made me double down. I wasn't a disappointment and I would show them. <br><br> There was a strange moment when she tried to pull me close but it was as if she wasn't certain about the decision. I just gave her a quick hug and ended the conversation. <br><br> They had been informed and now we'd just move forward with the information. <br><br> And we did. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected them impressed with my stolid approach to the facts of life. Maybe my assumption of responsibility knocked the wind out of their sails. <br><br> As much as I put on a 'I'm a rock' attitude, having them on my side was a godsend. <<else>> He were shocked. Yeah, because I was pregnant, but also from my candor and my decision. I could see the disappointment in his eyes but that made me double down. I wasn't a disappointment and I would show him. <br><br> There was a strange moment when he tried to pull me close but it was as if he wasn't certain about the decision. I just gave him a quick hug and ended the conversation. <br><br> He had been informed and now we'd just move forward with the information. <br><br> And we did. <br><br> I had expected punishment and finger-wagging. I hadn't expected him impressed with my stolid approach to the facts of life. Maybe my assumption of responsibility knocked the wind out of his sails. <br><br> As much as I put on a 'I'm a rock' attitude, having him on my side was a godsend. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <br><br>
/* IMAGE (Needed): A discarded, broken condom */ This one stuck in my craw a bit. Did <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>> deserve to know? I mean, he was as much to blame -- so a good 50% of the situation -- but he certainly wasn't going to have to deal with the repercussions. <br><br> Well, that part was up to me. <br><br> I knocked on the door, ready to drop the surprise in his lap. <br><br> <div id="guy"> <<crossroads #guy>> <<path>> Make him suffer. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<set $CC.wealth ++>> Seeing his face brighten in surprise at seeing me was almost as good as seeing it come crashing down with the very first words out of my mouth. <br><br> I screamed. <br><br> I railed. <br><br> I vented all the frustration and pain I had been bottling up inside me. <br><br> He asked me if I was //sure// it was his. The implication made my blood boil. <br><br> He asked if I was going to keep it and that sent me into a tirade. <br><br> He asked if I wanted to get married and I nearly hit him. <br><br> He relented to my fury and offered to help in any way he could. And I could use the money. I think that was the only way he figured he could get me out of his face. He was right. I was out of his face and out of his life. <<path>> Just the facts, sir. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set $CC.maleReaction -->> <<set $CC.maleAttention -->> He knew something was wrong from the look on my face. <br><br> He got quiet and asked me to come inside. I think he knew exactly why I was there. <br><br> We sat across from each other as I laid out the situation in front of him. It was a short explanation. <br><br> He nodded thoughtfully, clearly unsure of what he should say. He had already let something out that had created a problem, so he was being smart keeping everything in right then. <br><br> I led the conversation and just told him how I felt. That I was keeping it, that I didn't expect anything from him, that I was there as a courtesy. <br><br> And then the courtesy visit was over. I hadn't gained anything. <br><br> Anything except a form of closure. And maybe that was enough. <<path>> Be kind. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $CC.wealth ++>> The door opened and I was in his arms before I knew it. <br><br> It shocked him. He knew something was wrong, especially as I wet his shoulder. <br><br> He didn't know what to do with his hands -- unlike before. <br><br> He fumbled over his words -- unlike before. <br><br> He didn't know what to do with me and my emotions, my <br><br> We curled up on a sofa together, fingers playing across each other as I let him know what was going on and that I was going to have the baby. That I was happy about the situation, after all. <br><br> My generosity brought up an offer of marrying me and I gave him a kiss as a no. <br><br> I think he had expected worse. I think he felt bad. <br><br> I left, but he kept checking in on me. He texted and called. He paid for things as he could -- and I definitely needed the money. <br><br> All in all, I think we were both humans doing the best we could. As humanely with each other as we could, given the shock that life had sent our way. <</crossroads>> </div> <br><br>
<<image framed "passage/KU003-TheFriends.png">> It came out over brunch. <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $People['UN']>><<else>><<print $CC.FName>><</if>> looked like I had kicked her in the chach. "Are you fucking kidding me?" <br><br> "Do I normally joke about this kinda thing?" <br><br> Then it was an avalanche as everyone chimed in: <br><br> "Who knocked you up?"<br> "Your pill failed?"<br> "IUD--"<br> "Plan B, girl!"<br> "You didn't get an abortion?"<br> "You still can. I'll go with you--"<br> "You can't //have// the baby--"<br> <br><br> I had expected them to be my __girls__. I felt so, so immensely judged. <br><br> <div id="friends"> <<crossroads #friends>> <<path>> With friends like these... <<contents>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Performance ++>> I laughed it off, coughing away the moisture that was accumulating in my eyes. <br><br> A tight smile, very few words, and I made an exit post-haste. <br><br> And //then// I cried. All the uteruses in my life, my contemporaries, left me out in the cold. <br><br> I shouldn't have been surprised. None of them had been through it, at least the way I was soldiering forward. <br><br> The next nine months were awful as I drew away from them, giving what perfunctory friendship I could manage as I avoided the pain and commentary that would come anytime I did meet up. <br><br> It wasn't worth it. They weren't worth it. <br><br> I had to protect myself, my decision, and my child. <br><br> Eventually they'd come around and get over themselves. <br><br> It just would probably have to wait until after I gave birth. <<path>> Endure the shame. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> I laughed it off, coughing away the moisture that was accumulating in my eyes. <br><br> "I know, right?! What was I thinking?" I demeaned myself in front of them because I needed them. <br><br> They all gave me the most pitying hugs as we closed out brunch, and then, finally alone, I cried. <br><br> All the uteruses in my life, my contemporaries, left me out in the cold. <br><br> I shouldn't have been surprised. None of them had been through it, at least the way I was soldiering forward. <br><br> The next nine months were awful as I maintained 'normalcy,' despite their cattiness growing with my belly. I took the pain and commentary as best I could. <br><br> Their support was worth it, didn't matter if they were ignoring the suffering I was going through without them and //because// of them. <br><br> I still needed my friends and their help -- which came, begrudgingly -- for the sake of my child. <br><br> Eventually they'd come around and get over themselves. <br><br> It just would probably have to wait until after I gave birth. <</crossroads>> </div> <br><br>
<div id="growing"> <<set _gainedWeight = false>> <<if $UN.preg == true>><<set $UN.test -->><<else>><<set $HS.testScore -->><</if>> <<if $pregFucked == true>><<else>><<set $pregFucked = false>><</if>> <<if $Body.tits == "small">><<set $Body.tits = "medium">><<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">><<set $Body.tits = "large">><<elseif $Body.tits == "large">><<set $Body.tits = "extralarge">><<else>><<set $Body.tits = "huge">><</if>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<face hurt1>> The smell of vomit was getting to me. It was as if the remnants of my last morning sickness just __stuck__ in my sinuses. The smell of sick would keep me in this constant state of nausea. It was //not// fun. Becoming acquainted with the toilet bowl was a new kind of therapy. The porcelain was trying to convince me that this was the wrong choice. Before, getting sick meant food poisoning or drinking too much, or illness. Was this my body's way of saying that this was a bad thing? <br><br> <<image framed "passage/KU004-The Growing.png">> My abs were sore. My throat and lips swollen. I didn't have the strength to do anything: school, friends, all fell to the wayside. I didn't even want to eat because all I could think of is what it would taste like on the reverse trip. Why would anyone ever go through this?! <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> <div id="kinks"> I had a serious reckoning to do with myself. Up til now I had this wiring that turned me on when I was filled with sperm. Now that I really, truly knew what was on the other end of that journey... <br><br> Did I still really get turned on by having a guy pump his seed inside me and possibly put me in this state again? <br><br> <<crossroads #kinks>> <<path>> Nope! Never again. <<contents>> <<run $Stats.Kinks.delete("Breeding")>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<set $kinknum -->> On the other hand, it gave me a new perspective on just driving through discomfort. I was able to re-evaluate what I valued and how much things mattered to me. If it was easy to say no, then I realized I had spent too much time and energy before on things like that. <br><br><br> I felt people drawing away from me right as I started to get over the morning sickness part. Yay. Perfect timing. <br><br> And that's because I had started to show. <br><br> My presence was confronting them with my 'condition.' I could see their eyes considering my stomach the way they used to consider other parts of my body, or my clothes, or my friends. It was like I had a contagion and they were going to catch pregnant like me. <br><br> So, I had a lot of time on my hands. The question was, what to spend it on during my forced hiatus from school. <br><br> First Trimester <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> Yoga to keep myself limber, running and swimming to keep myself fit. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> It was great to keep the routine even after everything that had happened. I felt refreshed each time I was dripping in sweat thanks to a workout instead of some new change in my body. It was exhilarating to feel the familiar tiredness and strain in my muscles rather than the ones that just popped up randomly, daily. <br><br> I felt more myself and less like the alien inside me was controlling my life. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <<path>> Reading and relaxation, pregnancy was tough enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> Curling up with a good book was divine. It allowed me to get in touch with the kicks and changes inside me. I listened to relaxing, Classical music and jazz. I talked to him...her? <br><br> I was getting an understanding of the full experience of being a woman. <br><br> After this, very little could surprise me. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<set _gainedWeight = true>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<set _gainedWeight = true>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <br><br> <<path $pregFucked == false>> Fuck it. I still //looked// like myself. And I couldn't get knocked up twice...I wasn't going to be celibate for ''ten'' months! <<contents>> <<set $pregFucked = true>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">> <<addBody "Timmy, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Seymore, while I was pregnant" M "Seymore cared more about my looks and age than my condition.">> <<addBody "Sly, while I was pregnant" M "Sly practically popped on insertion, loving that I was pregnant.">> <<addBody "Chico, while I was pregnant" M "Chico was a hot guy, thank god I could still pull him, pregnant.">> <<addBody "Eric, while I was pregnant" M "Eric, a kind, gentle soul who didn't know I was pregnant.">> <<elseif $CC.sexuality == "bi">> <<addBody "Timmy, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Seymore, while I was pregnant" M "Seymore cared more about my looks and age than my condition.">> <<addBody "Sly, while I was pregnant" M "Sly practically popped on insertion, loving that I was pregnant.">> <<addBody "Kika, while I was pregnant" F "Kika was a sweetheart and wanted to apply shea butter to my belly.">> <<addBody "Erica, while I was pregnant" F "Erica had no idea, thank god she couldn't tell the difference.">> <<else>> <<addBody "Tiara, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Stefanye, while I was pregnant" M "Stefanye still found me beautiful.">> <<addBody "Ely, while I was pregnant" M "Ely asked if I would be her surrogate too.">> <<addBody "Kika, while I was pregnant" F "Kika was a sweetheart and wanted to apply shea butter to my belly.">> <<addBody "Erica, while I was pregnant" F "Erica had no idea, thank god she couldn't tell the difference.">> <</if>> Whoah. Some people were ''really'' into fucking a preggo girl. <br><br> The rest were very, very not. <br><br> The first group I leaned into it and learned what to say, what turned them on, what intrigued them. <br><br> The second group, I hid my pregnancy easily. They couldn't look inside my uterus and most were more than happy at my willingness to go unprotected. I was just an easy lay. And god was I horny with these hormonal changes. <br><br> It was as if my body didn't know that it had already done the job. It wanted sex all. the. time. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> <<path>> Wiring was just wiring. I couldn't change my chemistry, as much as I might want to. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<Stats Perception -->> On the other hand, it gave me a new perspective on just driving through discomfort. I was able to re-evaluate what I valued and how much things mattered to me. If it was easy to say no, then I realized I had spent too much time and energy before on things like that. <br><br><br> I felt people drawing away from me right as I started to get over the morning sickness part. Yay. Perfect timing. <br><br> And that's because I had started to show. <br><br> My presence was confronting them with my 'condition.' I could see their eyes considering my stomach the way they used to consider other parts of my body, or my clothes, or my friends. It was like I had a contagion and they were going to catch pregnant like me. <br><br> So, I had a lot of time on my hands. The question was, what to spend it on during my forced hiatus from school. <br><br> First Trimester <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> Yoga to keep myself limber, running and swimming to keep myself fit. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> It was great to keep the routine even after everything that had happened. I felt refreshed each time I was dripping in sweat thanks to a workout instead of some new change in my body. It was exhilarating to feel the familiar tiredness and strain in my muscles rather than the ones that just popped up randomly, daily. <br><br> I felt more myself and less like the alien inside me was controlling my life. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <<path>> Reading and relaxation, pregnancy was tough enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> Curling up with a good book was divine. It allowed me to get in touch with the kicks and changes inside me. I listened to relaxing, Classical music and jazz. I talked to him...her? <br><br> I was getting an understanding of the full experience of being a woman. <br><br> After this, very little could surprise me. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<set _gainedWeight = true>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<set _gainedWeight = true>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <br><br> <<path $pregFucked == false>> Fuck it. I still //looked// like myself. And I couldn't get knocked up twice...I wasn't going to be celibate for ''ten'' months! <<contents>> <<set $pregFucked = true>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">> <<addBody "Timmy, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Seymore, while I was pregnant" M "Seymore cared more about my looks and age than my condition.">> <<addBody "Sly, while I was pregnant" M "Sly practically popped on insertion, loving that I was pregnant.">> <<addBody "Chico, while I was pregnant" M "Chico was a hot guy, thank god I could still pull him, pregnant.">> <<addBody "Eric, while I was pregnant" M "Eric, a kind, gentle soul who didn't know I was pregnant.">> <<elseif $CC.sexuality == "bi">> <<addBody "Timmy, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Seymore, while I was pregnant" M "Seymore cared more about my looks and age than my condition.">> <<addBody "Sly, while I was pregnant" M "Sly practically popped on insertion, loving that I was pregnant.">> <<addBody "Kika, while I was pregnant" F "Kika was a sweetheart and wanted to apply shea butter to my belly.">> <<addBody "Erica, while I was pregnant" F "Erica had no idea, thank god she couldn't tell the difference.">> <<else>> <<addBody "Tiara, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Stefanye, while I was pregnant" M "Stefanye still found me beautiful.">> <<addBody "Ely, while I was pregnant" M "Ely asked if I would be her surrogate too.">> <<addBody "Kika, while I was pregnant" F "Kika was a sweetheart and wanted to apply shea butter to my belly.">> <<addBody "Erica, while I was pregnant" F "Erica had no idea, thank god she couldn't tell the difference.">> <</if>> Whoah. Some people were ''really'' into fucking a preggo girl. <br><br> The rest were very, very not. <br><br> The first group I leaned into it and learned what to say, what turned them on, what intrigued them. <br><br> The second group, I hid my pregnancy easily. They couldn't look inside my uterus and most were more than happy at my willingness to go unprotected. I was just an easy lay. And god was I horny with these hormonal changes. <br><br> It was as if my body didn't know that it had already done the job. It wanted sex all. the. time. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> On the other hand, it gave me a new perspective on just driving through discomfort. I was able to re-evaluate what I valued and how much things mattered to me. If it was easy to say no, then I realized I had spent too much time and energy before on things like that. <br><br><br> I felt people drawing away from me right as I started to get over the morning sickness part. Yay. Perfect timing. <br><br> And that's because I had started to show. <br><br> My presence was confronting them with my 'condition.' I could see their eyes considering my stomach the way they used to consider other parts of my body, or my clothes, or my friends. It was like I had a contagion and they were going to catch pregnant like me. <br><br> So, I had a lot of time on my hands. The question was, what to spend it on during my forced hiatus from school. <br><br> First Trimester <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> Yoga to keep myself limber, running and swimming to keep myself fit. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> It was great to keep the routine even after everything that had happened. I felt refreshed each time I was dripping in sweat thanks to a workout instead of some new change in my body. It was exhilarating to feel the familiar tiredness and strain in my muscles rather than the ones that just popped up randomly, daily. <br><br> I felt more myself and less like the alien inside me was controlling my life. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <<path>> Reading and relaxation, pregnancy was tough enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> Curling up with a good book was divine. It allowed me to get in touch with the kicks and changes inside me. I listened to relaxing, Classical music and jazz. I talked to him...her? <br><br> I was getting an understanding of the full experience of being a woman. <br><br> After this, very little could surprise me. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<set _gainedWeight = true>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<set _gainedWeight = true>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <br><br> <<path $pregFucked == false>> Fuck it. I still //looked// like myself. And I couldn't get knocked up twice...I wasn't going to be celibate for ''ten'' months! <<contents>> <<set $pregFucked = true>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">> <<addBody "Timmy, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Seymore, while I was pregnant" M "Seymore cared more about my looks and age than my condition.">> <<addBody "Sly, while I was pregnant" M "Sly practically popped on insertion, loving that I was pregnant.">> <<addBody "Chico, while I was pregnant" M "Chico was a hot guy, thank god I could still pull him, pregnant.">> <<addBody "Eric, while I was pregnant" M "Eric, a kind, gentle soul who didn't know I was pregnant.">> <<elseif $CC.sexuality == "bi">> <<addBody "Timmy, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Seymore, while I was pregnant" M "Seymore cared more about my looks and age than my condition.">> <<addBody "Sly, while I was pregnant" M "Sly practically popped on insertion, loving that I was pregnant.">> <<addBody "Kika, while I was pregnant" F "Kika was a sweetheart and wanted to apply shea butter to my belly.">> <<addBody "Erica, while I was pregnant" F "Erica had no idea, thank god she couldn't tell the difference.">> <<else>> <<addBody "Tiara, while I was pregnant" M "Timmy was a cutie pie and didn't judge me for my state.">> <<addBody "Robin, while I was pregnant" M "Robin wanted to hear how it had happened more than he was interested in fucking me.">> <<addBody "Stefanye, while I was pregnant" M "Stefanye still found me beautiful.">> <<addBody "Ely, while I was pregnant" M "Ely asked if I would be her surrogate too.">> <<addBody "Kika, while I was pregnant" F "Kika was a sweetheart and wanted to apply shea butter to my belly.">> <<addBody "Erica, while I was pregnant" F "Erica had no idea, thank god she couldn't tell the difference.">> <</if>> Whoah. Some people were ''really'' into fucking a preggo girl. <br><br> The rest were very, very not. <br><br> The first group I leaned into it and learned what to say, what turned them on, what intrigued them. <br><br> The second group, I hid my pregnancy easily. They couldn't look inside my uterus and most were more than happy at my willingness to go unprotected. I was just an easy lay. And god was I horny with these hormonal changes. <br><br> It was as if my body didn't know that it had already done the job. It wanted sex all. the. time. <br><br> And Second Semester Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> I felt like I was struggling against the changes in my body. I didn't look like myself, but maybe some people were into knocked up girls? <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_BodyChanges">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Losing balance meant I needed to focus on yoga and moving my body. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Yoga">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <<path>> Oof. Body changes were getting to be a bear. Time to just ease up and wait this out. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_WaitItOut">> <br><br> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ThirdTrimesterCrossroads">> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div>
And last, but not least, Third Trimester... <<crossroads #growing>> <<path>> Most athletic activities were out of the question, but Pilates and Yoga were always an option. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_YogaAndPilates">> <<path>> My back hurt, my walk was laughable, I decided the gestation had gone far enough along to avoid damage. I needed release and fun. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_ReleaseAndFun">> <<path>> It was harder to move and sit for long, but I could distract myself with some things that engaged mental. <<contents>> <<include "KU004 - The Growing_Mental">> <</crossroads>>
<<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> I spent a few nights with soda water and trying to be available. Nada. <br><br> A couple nights trying to hide the shape of my belly. Nothing. <br><br> A string of nights actively trying to emphasize my pregnancy. Not a sniff. <br><br> I considered prostitution but couldn't bring myself to cross over into the grey(?) morality of sex work. <br><br> Nope. Nobody wanted to fuck me now. I was damaged goods, or already 'taken', or too slutty. Maybe some people were worried about doing damage to the kid. <br><br> I just wasn't going to get laid anymore. Fuck.
<<Stats Athletics ++>> Everything was harder. Sitting came with the threat of just giving up trying to get up again. My inner ear was thinking I was the old me and now I was the old me PLUS a new half-me. <br><br> I was eating more, moving less. I knew the pounds would be coming. <br><br> I couldn't have that, so I threw myself into vinyasa classes and anything that just forced me to keep moving. I was a huffing mess at the end of all of them, but I felt a bit more in control. <br><br> And that control was necessary. I needed to limit how much this pregnancy effected my life //afterwards//.
<<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> I laid out at the beach, getting comfortable with my new (temporary) body. <br><br> At first, I found it to be a bear. It kept people away from me, people looked at me differently -- //I// looked at myself differently. <br><br> But on the other hand, people also treated me differently. Upsides ''and'' downsides. And I learned how to take advantage of those upsides.
<<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> Having this extra person seated right at my waist changed how my weight shifted and how my muscles engaged. It was a new experience and incredibly difficult, but I think I was better for it. <br><br> Now it was the home stretch. And I was going to find out who this little person inside me [[was|KU005 - The News]].
<<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<if _gainedWeight>> <<Stats Attractiveness -->> So what I had gained a little weight. That's. What. Happened. <br><br> <</if>> Going out and getting a drink was like a breath of fresh air. It also garnered me a //lot// of looks and judgment. But this kid inside me had been determining what I did for too long. It had been ''months'' of being good and careful. Now it was time for me. <br><br> Plus, hadn't science said that at this point, it was pretty much baked and I couldn't do __that__ much damage. If any at all. <br><br> Now it was the home stretch. And I was going to find out who this little person inside me [[was|KU005 - The News]].
<<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<if _gainedWeight>> <<Stats Attractiveness -->> So what I had gained a little weight. That's. What. Happened. <br><br> <</if>> I invested hard into books and YouTube rabbit holes. With nothing else taking my attention away, I found entire worlds I had never considered before. <br><br> If it hadn't been for this extra time, I wouldn't have learned so much. <br><br> Now it was the home stretch. And I was going to find out who this little person inside me [[was|KU005 - The News]].
<<image framed "passage/KU005-TheNews.png">> <<face shock>> "You're going to have a girl!" The doctor smiled at me across his desk. He had been the one to deliver me and here he was (way too soon) doing the same for me. How did she react to this news? Was it in this office? Was it in //this// chair? <br><br> "A girl?" Was my voice tremulous? Why was I having this reaction? Was it surprise? (Did I want a boy instead) Was it happiness? (It wasn't an alien!) Was it fear? (If I turned out like this, how would //my// girl) <br><br> He nodded, maintaining the smile. How many times had he had this conversation? What were normal reactions? How often was it with only the mother in the room? "Yes, a perfect girl." <br><br> "Okay." An awkward chuckle. I didn't know how to react. <br><br> "It's okay. This is always the point at which things get a...bit more grounded in reality." <br><br> "Yeah. I guess so." <br><br> "But, believe me, she looks as good as they can at this point. You're young--" was that judgment in his tone? "you're healthy. I couldn't ask for better conditions. You're making my job easy, <<print $>>." To make light of this felt a ''little'' like not reading the room. <br><br> Did he remember what I looked like coming out of Elle? <br><br> "Now. The fun news out of the way, let's get a look at you." He slid around the desk and patted onto the flimsy paper of that chair I'd been on so many times before. So many pap smears and other appointments that had been just ensuring I'd be good to go for a day like today. Like the day that was coming. <br><br> I hopped up, feeling the dispassionate cushioning against my ass. My heels found the cold, impersonal steel of the stirrups. My hips opened to receive him as I'd received <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>. I bit back the gasp as the sharp, chilled speculum spread me further than the cock had done. And then he was hmming and nodding. Too much of this was reminiscent of sex. How could I ever come back to him for a normal gyno appointment? <br><br> From the between my spread thighs, he looked up, "Looks fantastic. So. On the day. The big day..." One of his gloved hands was resting on my inner thigh, "...there are really only two ways to go about this. I'll leave it up to you." Great. Pussy spread and on full display for him, he was getting me to choose if I was pushing my girl out of there or... <br><br> How was I going to deliver this little bundle of joy? <div id="birth"> <<crossroads #birth>> <<path $Body.cesarean == false>> I couldn't imagine trying to make something as big as my stomach come out from the small place between my legs. I opted C-Section. <<blocked>> $ already had a C-Section <<contents>> <<set $Body.cesarean = true>> <<Stats Athletics -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> There was going to be pain irrespective of what I decided and the recovery was going to be much longer, but it would simplify the process and make it more of an operation than hoping my body did what it naturally was supposed to do. <br><br> It also meant that in the future there wouldn't be a choice: we'd walked the path of cutting into my lady parts, so any future pregnancies would have to go the same way. <br><br> The way of no excruciating and long hours of contractions, no shitting the table, no worries of breach or other complications that might necessitate an emergency C tearing my delicate and perfect little pussy. <br><br> I patted between my legs that night, whispering, "I got you, girl." <br><br> I just hoped that my abs would recover from being [[cut|KU006 - The Birth]]. <<path $Body.cesarean == false>> I'd tough it out. I was a trooper. I could do a natural birth. <<blocked>> $ already had a C-Section. <<contents>> <<set $Body.cesarean = false>> <<Stats Confident ++>> There was no need for this to be an //operation//. My body was __designed__ for this. There'd be pain either way, but trusting in nature meant a shorter recovery time and no permanent damage to my abdomen or reproductive organs. If I opted for Cesarean, there was no turning back. All future pregnancies (which I had no intention of having anytime soon) would have to be cut out of me as well. <br><br> Plus, I felt personally capable of being a strong woman like all those who came before me. There was a point of pride to this, not gonna lie. <br><br> That night, I stroked my large stomach, whispering, "I got you, girl." <br><br> I just hoped there wouldn't be irreparable damage to my lady [[parts|KU006 - The Birth]]. <<path $Body.cesarean == true>> Did it once, //had// to get cut again. C-Section again. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics -->> This was old hat. I had made the decision before so we were going to do it again. A bit of anesthesia and I'd have my kid. <br><br> I wasn't looking forward to the abdominal pain afterwards, but there wasn't going back. I'd just have to deal with it. <br><br> "Gotta be smarter from here on out, <<print $>>, you hear me?" I whispered to myself that [[night|KU006 - The Birth]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
/* IMAGE (Needed): The silhouette of a very pregnant woman considering herself in the mirror */ <div id="birth"> It was a waiting game at this point. We were passed the time of risk. Would she be early? Would she be on time? Would she be late? I wondered if anyone I knew had put together a birthday pool. <br><br> I could get back to being my normal (if massively preggo) self. I didn't need to be too careful because my little girl was fully baked. Hell, I could even drink at this point. <br><br> I just needed her to come. No matter how frightening the idea of the birth process was for me, I was sick and tired of being fucking //pregnant//. <br><br> But we were on __her__ timeline, not <<link "mine">><<replace "#birth">> <<face shock>> <br><br> I woke with a start. My idiotic brain thought that I had missed protecting myself from my period. Right. Then, I thought I had peed myself. Then, I worried I had miscarried. Yeah, even //that// late. <br><br> Jumping from the bed and flicking on the light, I was relieved and confused to see no color, just the feeling of dampness. Oh, my water broke. <br><br> Right with that realization, a cramp hit me. Contractions. Fuck. This shit was <<linkexpand "happening">> <<face hurt1 runny>> happening. <br><br> Rushing to the hospital, the rest of the night and morning was a blur. People around me. Words being said to me. And <<shake 3s>>PAIN<</shake>>. <br><br> It grew and swelled and intensified. It passed the levels I had previously endured. It exceeded all expectations. And it was becoming worse. <br><br> Why wouldn't the baby come already? How much worse was it going to get? <br><br> I was grabbing someone's hand. My hand was clammy. My forehead was damp. <br><br> I was going to die. <br><br> I was certain of that. <br><br> I. Was. Going. To. <<shake 4s>> <<linkexpand "Die">> <<face hurt2 runny>> DIE. <br><br> And then, it was time. <br><br> <<if $Body.cesarean == true>> <<face hurt1 runny>> An epidural cut the pain. <br><br> I was taken to an operating room. Anesthetic. The blur became a haze. <br><br> They were cutting into me and I couldn't feel it. I knew it was happening, behind that damned sheet. <br><br> They were reaching //inside// my body. They were digging around with their fingers. I could sense the pressure, the weight, and the absence of it. <br><br> I'd lost something. Then something else. More. They were going to take me apart from the inside. <br><br> Oh. Those were my guts. <br><br> And then my baby. <br><br> I was delirious, certain that this was all some nightmare. But it wasn't, I was presented with her, distracted while they proceeded to put my insides back inside. It was hard to ignore the sensation of being put back together, but just looking down at her face, even in my state... <<else>> <<face hurt1 runny>> An epidural to cut the pain. <br><br> My feet up in stirrups. <br><br> Push. <br><br> Push. <br><br> Fucking Push. <br><br> I get itttt! <br><br> I was screaming. <br><br> My teeth were going to break. <br><br> I was going to shit on this goddamned table. <br><br> I //was// going to die. <br><br> I could almost feel the exact moment where I lost my former pussy. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Crazy-Small Pussy")>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.delete("Crazy-Small Pussy")>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tiny Pussy")>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.delete("Tiny Pussy")>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.delete("Tight Pussy")>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Loose Pussy")>> <</if>> <br><br> With how I was bearing down, trying to make something -- //anything// -- move, I was surprised that I wasn't destroying every innard I had. But that moment came with both the sharp pain of damage, a feeling I had never really experienced before. And certainly not down there. But it also came with release that I can only describe to you as the best orgasm of my life. <br><br> I gasped out, grasping at the table as suddenly, I felt free, exploding there on the table. The culmination of it all came with both accomplishment and one fucking crazy endorphin and synaptic rush. <br><br> I was pretty much out of it (for so, so many reasons) when she was presented to me. And then everything else, all of the pain, all of the pleasure dissipated to a background fog. Just looking down at her face... <</if>> <br><br> But it had all been worth it. Crying from the pain, but also crying at the beauty of seeing little <<if $UN.preg == true>><<textbox "$" "Eleanor">><<else>><<textbox "$" "Virginia">><</if>> in my arms. She was so small, all I wanted to do is protect her. <br><br> I spent the next few days feeding her, cherishing her beauty and innocence and trying to find the happiness in my mistake. <br><br> "<<print $>>'s time." <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>'s smile was weak, but kind. Had he been in this situation with me and my mother? I knew what he was about to say before he said it. The thoughts and concerns had been running through my head even before my water broke. "You can't just take care of her. You know that." My vision got blurry. "So, what are you going to do?" <br><br> I looked down at my newborn as I made this weighty decision. <br><br> <<if $UN.preg == true>> <<if $ == $>> I saw little bits of me and little bits of him. Our perfect little combination of //us//. <<else>> I wondered if other people saw that yeah, clearly she was a bit of me...but she wasn't a bit of <<print $>>. Maybe at this stage it was too hard to tell. But I knew. She wasn't theirs. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $ == $>> I saw little bits of me and little bits of him. Our perfect little combination of //us//. <<else>> I wondered if other people saw that yeah, clearly she was a bit of me...but she wasn't a bit of <<print $>>. Maybe at this stage it was too hard to tell. But I knew. She wasn't theirs. <</if>> <</if>> <div id="choices"> <<crossroads #choices>> <<path>> It would be better for her to be as far away from this family as possible. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> I nodded, not trusting my choked throat to be able to make words. I had to give her up. I didn't have the experience. I couldn't sacrifice my life to just fuck up hers. She hadn't been intended, but nothing was written. There was a way forward and it was separate. Away from the chaos of the <<print $CC.surname>> life. I was going to put as much distance between me and her as possible. Someone else would be far better mother than I or Elle could ever be. <br><br> He teared up as well, though I couldn't tell the reason behind them. He nodded, patted my head and gave it a kiss. <br><br> I wonder, in time, if we'd reconnect. And would she think of me as <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>[[mommy|KU007 - To The Game]]<<else>>[[mommy|KU007 - Moving On]]<</if>>. <<path>> It would be best for us to try and end the cycle in this family. <<contents>> "You're wrong. I can take care of her." My voice broke with every word. I couldn't give her up, even though I worried deep down about my experience and what I'd come to miss out on for making this choice. She hadn't been intended, but she was my blessing now. She was a way forward, a way to repair and the only way to do that was not repeat our past mistakes. I wasn't going to put distance between me and her. I'd be the mother than Elle never was for me. <br><br> He teared up as well, though I couldn't tell the reason behind them. He nodded, patted my head and gave it a kiss. <br><br> That was it. I was a [[mother now|END]]. <<path $ !== 2>> $CC.DName could try again, where Elle had failed before I had. <<contents>> <<set $babyHome = true>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Deception -->> <<Stats Learning -->> <<Stats Investigation -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> "She can still stay with us, can't she?" My voice broke with every word. I couldn't give her up, even though I knew I couldn't truly be her mother. Not the way she needed. I didn't have the experience. I would come to resent her if I stayed back for her. She hadn't been intended and she would know. I'd need to put the distance between us and <<print $CC.DName>> had been lovely with me. He'd be better with her. He had more time now, too. <br><br> He teared up as well, though I couldn't tell the reason behind them. He nodded, patted my head and gave it a kiss. <br><br> I'd keep on with my life, but I'd still see her when I came home. I wondered if she'd call me <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>[[mommy|KU007 - To The Game]]<<else>>[[mommy|KU007 - Moving On]]<</if>>. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <</shake>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div>
<<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> <<set $CC.wealth -->> <<Stats Attractiveness -->> <<image framed "passage/KU007-MovingOn.png">> With the trial and incredibly difficult decisions behind me, I took a moment to reflect. It had been massively expensive, bringing this new life into the world. It had been a test to my relationships, to my self, and to my body. <br><br> Now that I wasn't tied down to some 9-month countdown, I had to figure out how to move on. I couldn't let this unfortunate (but lovely!) and unexpected event define my life more than it had. <br><br> I had definitely done irreparable damage to my body. <<if $Body.cesarean == true>>Stretchmarks and a permanent scar below the waist.<<else>>Sagging skin and stretchmarks.<</if>> My hips were slightly wider and turned out and the way my femurs fit into them didn't quite sit the same. It would hurt from time to time, or pop. My knees. My feet. Innumerable ways I could describe the changes to my body, and few of them positive. <br><br> But. My body was ''exclusively'' mine now, finally. A year 'lost' to the pregnancy, eaten up by my <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>. <br><br> Was that surprising? I couldn't do much else. Nothing else except focus on it and notice how every aspect of it made me think about //my// mother. And that made me think about my mother. I was her <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>. And where was she? She hadn't been able to be a part of this process. I hadn't had a maternal influence, guardian, protector. Someone who had been where I had been. <br><br> Elle's abandonment really came to roost. It hurt more personally, more intrinsically than it ever had before. I felt the abandonment for <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>> too -- she was a part of me and now Elle had skipped out on two generations of us. <br><br> But had she skipped out? That's not what Nate or <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> seemed to believe. <br><br> Maybe she was in more dire need than me. <br><br> <div id="next"> What was I going to do now? <br><br> <<crossroads #next>> <<path>> Get back on track with College. <<contents>> <<set $Body.age += 4>><<set $CC.year -= 4>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Excitable -->> Too much time had been eaten up as it was. Gone were any fantasies of taking a Gap Year. <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>> was my gap year. <br><br> Elle couldn't hurt me anymore. Couldn't derail me any more than she already had. <br><br> It was time for me to refocus, recenter myself and get on with my life and [[college|PG001 - Decisions][$HS.postGrad = "college"]]. <<path>> Go find her. <<contents>> It had been an entire //year//. And while they might still have hope, I was even more concerned with her disappearance. She dipped before, but never //disappeared//. <br><br> If she had known about <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>, she would have returned home. She would have been there for me. It resolved in me this feeling like she really was in danger. <br><br> I had to find her. <br><br> I had to [[go|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/KU007-ToTheGame.png">> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> <<set $CC.wealth -->> <<Stats Attractiveness -->> With the trial and incredibly difficult decisions behind me, I took a moment to reflect. It had been massively expensive, bringing this new life into the world. It had been a test to my relationships, to my self, and to my body. <br><br> Now that I wasn't tied down to some 9-month countdown, I had to figure out how to move on. I couldn't let this unfortunate (but lovely!) and unexpected event define my life more than it had. <br><br> I had definitely done irreparable damage to my body. <<if $Body.cesarean == true>>Stretchmarks and a permanent scar below the waist.<<else>>Sagging skin and stretchmarks.<</if>> My hips were slightly wider and turned out and the way my femurs fit into them didn't quite sit the same. It would hurt from time to time, or pop. My knees. My feet. Innumerable ways I could describe the changes to my body, and few of them positive. <br><br> But. My body was ''exclusively'' mine now, finally. A year 'lost' to the pregnancy, eaten up by my <<print $>>. <br><br> Was that surprising? I couldn't do much else. Nothing else except focus on it and notice how every aspect of it made me think about //my// mother. And that made me think about my mother. I was her <<if $UN.preg == true>><<print $>><<else>><<print $>><</if>>. And where was she? She hadn't been able to be a part of this process. I hadn't had a maternal influence, guardian, protector. Someone who had been where I had been. <br><br> Elle's abandonment really came to roost. It hurt more personally, more intrinsically than it ever had before. I felt the abandonment for <<print $>> too -- she was a part of me and now Elle had skipped out on two generations of us. <br><br> But had she skipped out? That's not what Nate or <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> seemed to believe. <br><br> Maybe she was in more dire need than me. <br><br> It had been an entire //year//. And while they might still have hope, I was even more concerned with her disappearance. She dipped before, but never //disappeared//. <br><br> If she had known about <<print $>>, she would have returned home. She would have been there for me. It resolved in me this feeling like she //really// was in danger. <br><br> So much time had passed since seeing Nate. Since what he had told me. Things had seemed on the verge of catastrophe //then//. Had waiting this gestation put us on a razor's edge? What had happened to Elle in that time? <br><br> I had to find her. <br><br> I had to [[go|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]].
<<outfit popular>> <<set $HS.promWin = $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <<set $HS.promDate to ''>> The first step in my quest to be Prom Queen was joining the Prom committee, which was simple enough. In theory. <br><br> But you couldn't just //join//. Then anyone could be a part of the elite group that decided Prom. And we couldn't be having ''that''. <br><br> I had to get signatures. I had to prove to the committee that I deserved to be there. Perfunctory, in my opinion, but I'd <<linkexpand "do it">>do it. <br><br> <div id="sigs"> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 7>> I walked around school for, literally, one lunch period and had enough signatures. I had expected my popularity to win out, but //that// fast?! I couldn't stop grinning. <br><br> Next up was another bureaucratic step: serving on the committee. <br><br> Most of the people on the committee had some reason or other for being a part of it. Some might have their eyes set on the crown, others for their college applications, others just for control and importance and popularity. <br><br> All of us had to put in work first though. We had to //serve// before we received what we were after. <br><br> Those duties included [[planning Prom|PM002 - PromCommittee]]. I was looking forward to the 'work,' as it would give a pretty good vantage of who my competition was and if they stood a chance. <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> It took me a couple of days, lunch periods, after school...had to to some persuading, but eventually I had enough signatures. Okay. There was work to be done. Becoming Queen //was// a popularity contest and there was work to be done. <br><br><br> Next up was another bureaucratic step: serving on the committee. <br><br> Most of the people on the committee had some reason or other for being a part of it. Some might have their eyes set on the crown, others for their college applications, others just for control and importance and popularity. <br><br> All of us had to put in work first though. We had to //serve// before we received what we were after. <br><br> Those duties included [[planning Prom|PM002 - PromCommittee]]. I was looking forward to the 'work,' as it would give a pretty good vantage of who my competition was and if they stood a chance. <<else>> Woof. At the end of the week, I was well shy of the number of signatures I needed. I hadn't realized I was this far behind the eight ball. Without those signatures, I was never going to get accepted to the committee, let alone win the crown. <br><br> It //was// a popularity contest after all...was I just...not popular? I needed to kick things into __gear__. <br><br> <<crossroads #sigs>> <<path>> Maybe Prom Queen wasn't in the cards and I should reconsider ''where I put my effort'' <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<goto "HS001 - StoryArc">> <<path>> No giving up! Going to ''double-down''! <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br> Ignoring whether or not I was annoying people, I cashed in whatever social capital I had. You didn't have time to sign now? I followed up. Again and again. I would break their resistance down through sheer insistence. Some people were not pleased about it. Others actually were impressed. <br><br> Who cares. I got what I needed by the deadline. <br><br><br> Next up was another bureaucratic step: serving on the committee. <br><br> Most of the people on the committee had some reason or other for being a part of it. Some might have their eyes set on the crown, others for their college applications, others just for control and importance and popularity. <br><br> All of us had to put in work first though. We had to //serve// before we received what we were after. <br><br> Those duties included [[planning Prom|PM002 - PromCommittee]]. I was looking forward to the 'work,' as it would give a pretty good vantage of who my competition was and if they stood a chance. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div> <</linkexpand>> because we had a process and it was necessary for the smooth, efficient operation of Prom Committee.
<<image framed "passage/HS002-PromCommit.png">> <<outfit popular>> The following Wednesday, lunchtime, the lauded Prom Committee of the year of our Lord...blah blah...commenced. <br><br> The committee was comprised of...surprise, surprise! My female peers. (And a couple of guys, but I suspected they were essentially on our team.) And one guy that had designs on Harvard or Stanford -- every single extra-curricular was on his transcript. <br><br> "Okay, unwrap whatever you need to unwrap. There will be //no// disruptions now that we have quorum." Ava. Fucking Ava. And, //of// //course// she was acting as committee chair without a vote. We had barely settled in our chairs. <br><br> She came from the wealthiest family. Her air of pretention could beat the best of them. She had been on the Prom Committee since she was a Freshman. <br><br><br> <div id="chair"> Immediately, a crossroads: <<crossroads #chair>> <<path>> "Perfect. Now that we have //quorum//"...I let that hang pointedly, "Let's vote for committee chair." <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 2>> <<set $HS.chair = "MC">> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> <<scrollIntoView>> There were coughs around the room and Ava looked absolutely stunned at my raised hand and request. She tried to make me squirm with her looks and let the discomfort of the silence settle square on me before a vote happened. <br><br> It was close and I was grasping the edge of my seat as we came around the table, Ava getting the last vote but choosing to abstain when the quick math was done -- I would be Chair. <br><br> Despite losing, in the same breath with her abstention, Ava grabbed the reins as Secretary -- and from the minutes, of course -- stated the first item on our docket and focus for today's session: Theme. <br><br> Ava offered, [["Love Under the Sea"|PM003 - PromCommit2]]. Cool colors, fun gobos for lights, opportunities for decoration at all height levels. Mr. Overachiever threw out, [["Alma Maters"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin --]]. Color scheme of their intended college. Sports, celebration, fake champagne. And, solidifying my assumption, one of the other guys entertained, [["Broadway"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin ++]]. Buttoned-up looks for going to a show, New York decor, easier music selection. <br><br> I simply had to raise my hand and state aloud my support for one of them -- everything here was political and it wasn't just about what the theme ended up being, but who you ingratiated yourself with -- or suggest one of my own: [["Hit Men and Women" flashing some shots of the movie, "Ava"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin --]] <<else>> <<set $HS.chair = "Ava">> <<scrollIntoView>> There were coughs around the room and Ava looked absolutely stunned at my raised hand and request. She tried to make me squirm with her looks and let the discomfort of the silence settle square on me before a vote happened. <br><br> It was close, but Ava contentedly took the final vote to clench her win officially. She made a snide comment about further motions and then launched into today's docket item and focus: Theme. <br><br> Ava offered, [["Love Under the Sea"|PM003 - PromCommit2]]. Cool colors, fun gobos for lights, opportunities for decoration at all height levels. Mr. Overachiever threw out, [["Alma Maters"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin --]]. Color scheme of their intended college. Sports, celebration, fake champagne. And, solidifying my assumption, one of the other guys entertained, [["Broadway"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin ++]]. Buttoned-up looks for going to a show, New York decor, easier music selection. <br><br> I simply had to raise my hand and state aloud my support for one of them -- everything here was political and it wasn't just about what the theme ended up being, but who you ingratiated yourself with -- or suggest one of my own: [["Hit Men and Women" flashing some shots of the movie, "Ava"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin --]] <</if>> <<path>> Eh, it wasn't worth it. ''Let'' ''her'' have the added responsibility. <<contents>> Rather than lean into Ava, I leaned into my lunch. <br><br> No one else even batted an eye at her assumed leadership. She outlined the themes for previous Proms, a couple of 'incidents' that we would need to ensure did //not// happen again, and the schedule for the evening. The moment she mentioned the crowning of Queen and King made me shake my head, consciously or not, she touched her chest as if implying she'd already won. We'd see. <br><br> Fighting my pride, we got to the first item on our docket and focus for today's session: Theme. <br><br> Ava offered, [["Love Under the Sea"|PM003 - PromCommit2]]. Cool colors, fun gobos for lights, opportunities for decoration at all height levels. Mr. Overachiever threw out, [["Alma Maters"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin --]]. Color scheme of their intended college. Sports, celebration, fake champagne. And, solidifying my assumption, one of the other guys entertained, [["Broadway"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin ++]]. Buttoned-up looks for going to a show, New York decor, easier music selection. <br><br> I simply had to raise my hand and state aloud my support for one of them -- everything here was political and it wasn't just about what the theme ended up being, but who you ingratiated yourself with -- or suggest one of my own: [["Hit Men and Women" flashing some shots of the movie, "Ava"|PM003 - PromCommit2][$HS.promWin --]] <br><br> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-PromCommit-alt.png">> <<outfit popular>> A week later, theme decided (Love Under the Sea had won), it was time to assign responsibilities. <br><br> <<if $HS.chair == "Ava">> Ava launched into full Prom-zilla demeanor. Not only was she chair, but we had also chosen //her// theme. Landslide for Ava. <br><br> She cleared her throat. No one had been speaking, "Now, there are a //lot// of duties and tasks that need to be taken care of. This will be the best Prom we've ever had. But that's up to us. Nothing can be just __okay__. It needs to be perfect." <br><br> Next, she detailed the ''litany'' ahead of us. With each one, her gaze, a simple shift of her weigh...she was subtly instructing us who she expected to take each of the tasks. <br><br> One of the 'boys' had written them all down on the dry erase board (he was Secretary). <br><br> We went down the list again and the 'volunteers' miraculously fell in line with my (and her) expectations. <br><br> What had Ava relegated to me? Decorations. <br><br> It held a massive amount of weight and importance, but there was also a subtext that I was simply a 'decoration'. <br><br> <div id="duties"> <<crossroads #duties>> <<path>> I could do what ''Princess'' ''wanted'' <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <br><br> Decorations it is. Not the most glamorous, and I might have her micro-managing me, but I didn't want to rock the boat. <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <<path>> Eh...I'd rather ''Pick'' ''something'' else... <<contents>> Nuhuh, princess. I wasn't going to just fall in line and support your self-appointment to Queen. I had to prove my value. <br><br> I may have made a //bit// of a show of things when the choice rolled around to me: leaning forward, squinting, hmming audibly before selecting from: <div id="dutychoice"> <<link "staffing">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>>staffing. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> My ability to get people to show up helped me show my strength. The actual set-up and tear-down was going to be a breeze. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> My ability to wrangle people wasn't as good as I thought it was, though. It was likely to end up just being the committee doing all the tear-down and set-up. Oof. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, <<link "entertainment">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> entertainment. <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Thanks to some money and some connects, I was able to grab a DJ from one of the downtown clubs who happened to be free that night. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I didn't know many people or have much money. I was only able to wrangle a Bat Mitzvah DJ. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, and <<link "food">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> food. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Asking around, taking some risks, I broke the convention of typical boring Prom fare. We were going to be adventurous: Cuisine from Southeast Asia would slap. <<else>> <br><br> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I was trying to break the mold, but all I heard was that people would have rather had some simple salsas, chicken nuggets...the standards. Oops. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>> </div> <<path>> take on ''extra'' ''responsibilities'' <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> <</if>> <br><br> I may have made a //bit// of a show of things when the choice rolled around to me, grabbing not __only__ decorations, but also: <span id ="dutychoice"> <<link "staffing">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>>staffing. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> My ability to get people to show up helped me show my strength. The actual set-up and tear-down was going to be a breeze. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> My ability to wrangle people wasn't as good as I thought it was, though. It was likely to end up just being the committee doing all the tear-down and set-up. Oof. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, <<link "entertainment">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> entertainment. <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Thanks to some money and some connects, I was able to grab a DJ from one of the downtown clubs who happened to be free that night. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I didn't know many people or have much money. I was only able to wrangle a Bat Mitzvah DJ. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, and <<link "food">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> food. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Asking around, taking some risks, I broke the convention of typical boring Prom fare. We were going to be adventurous: Cuisine from Southeast Asia would slap. <<else>> <br><br> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I was trying to break the mold, but all I heard was that people would have rather had some simple salsas, chicken nuggets...the standards. Oops. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>> in quick succession. Ava wasn't pleased. Which made me happy. </span> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> Ava could bare sit still in her chair while I was Chair. I enjoyed how much it irked her, despite how she still tried to wield authority as Secretary. She was practically acting as if she were Chair at every opportunity. Her theme //had// been selected, I was happy to give her a small win. Let her talk, do the work. I still held the position and title. <br><br> She cleared her throat. No one had been speaking, "Now, there are a //lot// of duties and tasks that need to be taken care of. This will be the best Prom we've ever had. But that's up to us. Nothing can be just __okay__. It needs to be perfect." <br><br> Next, she detailed the ''litany'' ahead of us. With each one, her gaze, a simple shift of her weigh...she was subtly instructing us who she expected to take each of the tasks. <br><br> Now written on the dry erase board, we went down the list again and the 'volunteers' miraculously fell in line with my (and her) expectations. I knew I was expected to handle the decorations. <div id="duties"> <<crossroads #duties>> <<path>> I could do what ''Princess'' ''wanted'' <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <br><br> Decorations it is. Not the most glamorous, and I might have her micro-managing me, but I didn't want to rock the boat. <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <<path>> Eh...I'd rather ''Pick'' ''something'' else... <<contents>> Nuhuh, princess. I wasn't going to just fall in line and support your self-appointment to Queen. I had to prove my value. <br><br> I may have made a //bit// of a show of things when the choice rolled around to me: leaning forward, squinting, hmming audibly before selecting from: <div id="dutychoice"> <<link "staffing">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>>staffing. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> My ability to get people to show up helped me show my strength. The actual set-up and tear-down was going to be a breeze. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> My ability to wrangle people wasn't as good as I thought it was, though. It was likely to end up just being the committee doing all the tear-down and set-up. Oof. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, <<link "entertainment">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> entertainment. <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Thanks to some money and some connects, I was able to grab a DJ from one of the downtown clubs who happened to be free that night. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I didn't know many people or have much money. I was only able to wrangle a Bat Mitzvah DJ. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, and <<link "food">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> food. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Asking around, taking some risks, I broke the convention of typical boring Prom fare. We were going to be adventurous: Cuisine from Southeast Asia would slap. <<else>> <br><br> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I was trying to break the mold, but all I heard was that people would have rather had some simple salsas, chicken nuggets...the standards. Oops. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>> </div> <<path>> take on ''extra'' ''responsibilities'' <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> <</if>> <br><br> I may have made a //bit// of a show of things when the choice rolled around to me, grabbing not __only__ decorations, but also: <span id ="dutychoice"> <<link "staffing">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>>staffing. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> My ability to get people to show up helped me show my strength. The actual set-up and tear-down was going to be a breeze. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> My ability to wrangle people wasn't as good as I thought it was, though. It was likely to end up just being the committee doing all the tear-down and set-up. Oof. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, <<link "entertainment">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> entertainment. <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Thanks to some money and some connects, I was able to grab a DJ from one of the downtown clubs who happened to be free that night. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I didn't know many people or have much money. I was only able to wrangle a Bat Mitzvah DJ. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>>, and <<link "food">> <<replace "#dutychoice" t8n>> food. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> Asking around, taking some risks, I broke the convention of typical boring Prom fare. We were going to be adventurous: Cuisine from Southeast Asia would slap. <<else>> <br><br> <<set $HS.promWin -->> I was trying to break the mold, but all I heard was that people would have rather had some simple salsas, chicken nuggets...the standards. Oops. <</if>> <br><br> Next, we had to [[raise the money|PM004 - PromCommit3]] to fund this 'perfect' Prom. <</replace>> <</link>> in quick succession. Ava wasn't pleased. Which made me happy. </span> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
We had written down what we wanted. What we thought would make things pop off. Now, we had to fund that shit. We had to bring in the green -- making a case to be Queen. <br><br> If my name was at the top of our silly little bar chart of donations, the credit for how good Prom was would be //mine//. Or at the very least, I'd piss off Ava. <br><br> Both were worth it. <br><br> <div id="funds"> Now, how was I going to make sure I brought in the most money and contributed to //this// Prom being the ''best'' Prom? <<crossroads #funds>> <<path $CC.wealth gt 3>> Straight up ''ask my parents''? <<blocked>> $ isn't wealthy enough. <<contents>> <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth == 4>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> I waited until I had a captive audience at the dinner table, fumbling through a mouthful of food, "So...Prom's coming up. And I'm on the committee..." <br><br> "That's great!" <<if $ == 0>><<print $CC.DName>><<else>><<print $CC.MName>> smiled mid-bite, returning to some documents on the table.<</if>> <br><br> "Right, but um, so we need to raise money for, like the decorations, and DJ, and food...ya know." I could tell the focus on the documents froze, but I hadn't gotten any distinct reaction, "So I was wondering..." <br><br> A cough. Hands resettling interlocked at the edge of the table. A shift forward in the seat, "How much are we talking?" I hadn't thought that far. I didn't even know if we had a benchmark. We'd simply been tasked with bringing back as much as possible. "Are all the girls sticking up their parents like this?" I smiled sheepishly and gave a little shrug. <br><br> "Is...that okay?" A sigh now. A shake of the head, chair feet scraping across the floor. The checkbook was pulled from a drawer. <br><br> "I would have preferred you work for it...but I'm not going to have you be the only one coming back empty handed. Here." The ink was fresh and I pocketed it quickly -- as if it could be taken back at any moment. The rest of the dinner was spent with the extolling of the virtue of work and personal self-sufficiency, now //I// was the captive audience. <<elseif $CC.wealth == 5>> <<set $HS.promWin += 2>> I strolled into the house and caught a moment in the kitchen, my hands busy picking out an afternoon snack, "So...Prom's coming up. And I'm on the committee..." <br><br> "That's great!" <<if $ == 0>><<print $CC.DName>><<else>><<print $CC.MName>> smiled, but remained scanning some documents on the table.<</if>> <br><br> "Right, but um, so we need to raise money for, like the decorations, and DJ, and food...ya know." I hadn't gotten any distinct reaction, time to be direct: "So I was wondering..." <br><br> Without lifting an eye from the papers, "How much are we talking?" I hadn't thought that far. I didn't even know if we had a benchmark. We'd simply been tasked with bringing back as much as possible. While I remained frozen, a checkbook had been pulled from a drawer and the pen was already scribbling. <br><br> Remaining motionless, for fear of upsetting what looked to be a win, I watched the check tear free and extend my way. The ink was fresh and I pocketed it quickly. The papers, whatever they were held far more import than the amount of money that would be leaving the bank account. Snacks in hand, I carefully backed out of the kitchen, leaving the conversation as short as it already was. <</if>> <br><br><br> Waltzing back into school with the check fluttering from my fingers was an exhilarating and empowering feeling. And super [[easy|PM005 - PromCamp]]. <<path>> A tried-and-true ''bake'' ''sale''? <<contents>> <br><br> I spent the weekend trying out a few recipes and settling on an assortment of cookies using matcha and brownies using just loads of chocolate. Gotta appeal to all kinds of people! During my free periods and lunch, I set up in the mall, offering my baked goods for a donation to the Prom Committee. <br><br> By the end of the day I had gotten rid of my supply, a few donations short simply because Ethan grabbed a couple when I wasn't looking. All in all, it wasn't a great haul and it seemed kids were mostly over the cookies and brownies that had been popping up for the past week. Even sugar gets old. <br><br><br> All the same, I made my [[contribution|PM005 - PromCamp]]. <<path>> I'm sure at least the guys would contribute to a ''carwash''. <<contents>> <br><br> So, I advertised throughout the week that on Friday, me and <<print $CC.FName>> would be hanging out in the parking lot in bikinis and taking donations in exchange for a car wash. There was a <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>good<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>fantastic<<else>>fair<</if>> response and more than a few lewd ideas and comments. Also had to deal with some abuse from Ava and her cohort calling me a slut. <br><br> But it didn't stop me. The hot asphalt proved to be a bigger issue than some cat calls or slut-shaming. <<print $CC.FName>> and I squealed as we scrambled out from the locker room, bodies bouncing across to where we'd had the Boys set up the suds and hose. They were first in line too, smiling as they watched us bound over, trying not to burn our soles and eager to get to washing so that we'd cool down. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> <<outfit smallbikini>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> <<print $CC.FName>> had been surprised seeing me suit up and a little embarrassed, as if she had missed the memo. I knew I had made a good choice then, skimpy string-tie bikini that clung in all the right places and showed off everything that people wanted to see. There'd certainly be wardrobe malfunctions and the thin material wouldn't hide creases and pokes once it got wet. <<else>> <<outfit bikini>> <<print $CC.FName>> and I were wearing matching but complimentary bikinis. We had fun picking them out and debating the merits of how well they'd endure the effort, movement and threat of water. They weren't anything extra, but they'd show skin! And I could tell she was happy that it wasn't something too scandalous. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> We leaned into the 'idea', play fighting with hoses and soap, knowing we were on display but just accepting it and considering it part of the job. We took our time with the cars, their drivers fine with the slow work as they stood outside and watched us. <<else>> <<set $HS.promWin -->> We got some 'boos' and 'lame' as we set to work and I was confused until I realized that we weren't playing into the whole girl car wash fantasy. So, I tried to turn it on and laugh and bounce a bit but it just didn't feel natural and I could tell. They all were content to watch anyway, though. Bikinis and water is like chocolate and peanut butter, good is good. <</if>> <br><br><br> My skin prickled a bit, heat rising in my cheeks as phones came out to record and snap pictures. I shouldn't have been surprised given what we were doing and what we were wearing, but I don't think I'd really considered it when I came up with the idea. <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>><<set $HS.promWin ++>>I got into it, posing wet and sudsy with the drivers at the end of a job well done, doing little walks around the car 'checking' for missed spots but mostly just letting them film.<<else>>Without making it too obvious (it was obvious), I was ducking around the cars and using it to block as much of myself as possible -- I had a preternatural sense for phones coming out by the end of the day.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<set $HS.promWin ++>> And of course there were guys that tried to push their luck, some even going so far as to offer extra cash for some extras. And I was there to make cash, so I said yes more than no. I assumed special poses, climbing on cars and feeling like I was straight out of a National Lampoon or 80s rock video. Guys got a grope or a kiss, or a grope while kissing. <<print $CC.FName>> wasn't pleased to be shouldered with the actual work as I was pressed against a door and made out with for a few minutes. The more adventurous the guys got, the more adventurous the next guys were, but the cash hanging limp from my bikini made up for it. <<else>> Guys were gross, asking for 'extras' and offering cash, but I wasn't a sugar baby or prostitute. It was offensive and they quickly got the hint by and large, but offers came across time and again. <</if>> <br><br> Water, working, bikinis, and all the stretching, changing positions and movements made for slippage way more than normally happened at the pool or beach. <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1>><<set $HS.promWin ++>>And that's how it was, at least once per car a tit popped out or my pussy was showing and it took a while to notice most of the time, trying to get through the growing line of cars. And no one pointed it out very often. Eventually, I just got frustrated and once I was sure the administration was gone for the day I lost my top, much to <<print $CC.FName>>'s chagrin and not too much later my full bikini was just a soaked pile in the grass nearby, naked and fine with it. Easier than readjusting and they liked it better too.<</if>> All part and parcel of what the whole concept was, I guess. They didn't mind. <<print $CC.FName>> was blushing a ton. <br><br><br> When we counted up the soaked bills at the end of the night, exhausted and surprisingly dirty for having spent hours in soap, I was surprised by how little we had raised. Maybe we'd lost cash to the wind and water, maybe it was just the guys who took the offer at face value -- quite a few handed over a single dollar as their donation. Greedy and got what they wanted. But still, I felt like even with a paltry stack, I had built up some capital that would be cashed in during the [[competition|PM005 - PromCamp]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<image framed "passage/HS002-PromCamp.png">> <<outfit popular>> Now that the pedestrian aspect of the Committee was concluded, I could focus on what really mattered to me: winning. <br><br> General opinion was that <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value lt 4>>there was only one who stood a chance: Ava.<<else>>it was at best a fifty-fifty shot against my nemesis: Ava.<</if>> <br><br> I knew that my girl <<print $CC.FName>> would be in my camp -- she was already mastering camera angles for my publicity shot. But, what about the guys? Getting male support would only help build credibility with the other half of the vote. <br><br> I steeled myself for rejection, and showed up to the weekly "The Boys" hang and with an awkward teenage 'casualness' dropped, "So, would you guys be cool to help me win Prom Queen?" <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> gave a look of death, "And care about a dog show?" Andrew punched him in the arm, "Ava is *not* a dog." Ethan took a moment from his phone, "He means 'cause it's all bitches. Get it, dude?" <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2 or $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0>> It was not going to be easy. How was I going to approach it? <<crossroads>> <<path [[PM006 - PromCharm]] $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2>> It'd be weird, but I considered using my feminine charms? Ethan seemed to think I was cute. And guys ''are'' guys. <<blocked>> $ isn't attractive enough. <<path [[PM006 - PromConvince]] $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 0>> Or maybe get them to understand the ''rational benefits'' of being friends with the Prom Queen. <<blocked>> $ isn't smart enough. <<path [[PM006 - CampaignFail]]>> Or, just skip it. This was a ''bad idea'' <</crossroads>> <<else>> Just skip it. This was a [[bad idea|PM006 - CampaignFail]]. <</if>>
<<Stats Wiles ++>> I scooted over to Ethan on the carpet. He was entranced by Paper Mario. I let my forearms apply some upward pressure to my cleavage and leaned my head slightly on this shoulder. I felt him startle, but I didn't push it...waiting. Then he noticed, eyes on my proffered skin and pause flashed on the screen. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> "You don't think //I'm// a dog, do you?" <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"" He squeaked slightly.<</speech>> <br><br> "No. You're //not//." I looked over my shoulder and, as planned, <<print $CC.friend1>> was getting some <<link "upskirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>>. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>He did seem shocked to be getting to see my pink smile.<</if>> <br><br> " think I've got a shot." Stunned silence. Andrew leaning in for a view. I took it as a sign that I had them, my feet and fists thumped against the carpet in excitement, a little squeal. My thighs parted a bit more and my body jiggled, fully on purpose. <br><br><br> My [[thank you|PM006 - Prom2]]. <<else>> "You don't think //I'm// a dog, do you?" He frowned, confused. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"What...what are you talkin' about, <<print $>>?"<</speech>> <br><br> "Yeah." I looked over my shoulder and, as planned, <<print $CC.friend1>> was getting some <<link "upskirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>>. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>He did seem shocked to be getting to see my pink smile.<</if>> <br><br> Neither of them looked convinced. I was floored. Offended, "Really? I'm that fugly? You don't believe I could actually win?" <br><br> They looked at each other. "I'm not saying it" in their expression, but their mouths were mum. /* TODO Mira - here's a set of options that don't appear if the stats/traits aren't right */ <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[flash them my tits|PM006 - PromFlash]]>> Maybe just ''flash them my tits''? <<path [[PM006 - CampaignFail]]>> That was harder than I thought. ''Damn''. <</crossroads>> <<else>> <br><br><br> That was harder than I thought. [[Damn|PM006 - CampaignFail]]. <</if>> <</if>>
<<Stats Deception ++>> "Think about it, guys. We hang out on a ''weekly'' basis. I don't do that with anyone else. You'd be the Prom Queen's guys. The //choice// guys. Can you imagine what that makes girls think?" <br><br> Their faces went from extremely doubtful to salivating with that final sentence. The room was quiet. They were hanging on my every word, oh sex guru... <br><br><br> "I promise you, this is cache that will last you straight through graduation." <br><br> Ethan nodded, finally, "You win, we win." <br><br><br> "[[Exactly|PM006 - Prom2]]."
<<Stats Wiles ++>> "How about I show you my tits?" Ethan's phone clattered to the ground -- and it did not sound good. All their eyes were on my chest before I could even clock that I had said the words. Their jaws slack. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"W-w-what?"<</speech>> the grin growing on <<print $CC.friend1>>'s face was almost Pennywise-like. <br><br> "Look. It's no big deal. I mean, hell, Andrew practically has tits." <br><br> That broke the tension in the air and reminded everyone you're just one of The Boys. I gave them a firm look: "But I need your full support." <br><br> Unsurprisingly they nodded emphatically. <br><br> So, <<link "completed">><<upper>><<bra>><</link>> my end of the bargain -- purely functionally, of course. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>> Their shock was instant. I could see Ethan's hand twitching as if he was about to take a picture, simply an unbidden reaction of his lizard brain. <br><br> I hadn't thought through this and needed to end it ASAP. I tugged my top back up, having to slightly dodge <<print $CC.friend1>> from keeping me from getting decent before they were ready. <br><br> Andrew went to thump my arm, but it turned into a little bit of an impressed pat, "Fuck, <<print $>> you put mine to shame. So, FUCK. Uh, sorry. But, fuuuuck. How can we [[help|PM006 - Prom2]]?" <<else>> They smiled, nodding again, but slower, as if it meant time was drawing out. I could tell they were locking the images away in their memories. Permanently. <br><br> Then, Andrew thumped on my arm -- and it would bruise -- "Nice. But..." <br><br> Ethan finished that one for him, perv that he was, "I got better ones, ya know. So. If this is really a trade... <br><br> <div id="promFlash"> <<crossroads #promFlash>> <<path ($Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1) && $ !== "committed">> Ah fuck. Was he serious? We went back so far and he was expecting me to...put out? <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy or Suggestible enough, or is in a committed relationship. <<contents>> <<face angry runny>> <<cumSpray mouth1 facial1>> Ethan was first, unzipping right in front of me and guiding me onto my knees in front of him. I could tell Drew was more than awkward about this but seeing me going along with it agreed with his hormones more than his sensibilities were convincing him otherwise. <br><br> Ethan's was squidgy and weird feeling completely soft as I took him in my mouth. He was forceful with his hand on my head, making sure my tits bounced as I sucked him hard and then sucked him off. <br><br> He held me still so that I had no choice but to swallow. <br><br> Drew was thankfully fully hard after the show and much kinder. He let me take it at my pace, which was fast. I wanted this over with. He gave me a high-pitched whimper, eyebrows lifting as he got closer and closer, and then off. <br><br> I think he was trying to pull out and not force me to swallow the way that Ethan had, but he was a bit too late and just blasted his goo across my face. "S-sorry." He grunted out as his cock jerked in front of my face, spewing himself on me while he reached over to grab a couple tissues for me. <br><br> I coughed, in disbelief I had done that. I couldn't say a thing, wiping up as they reassembled on the couch in front of the TV. <br><br> Their faces were super relaxed, corners of their mouths turned up in smiles as they got back to Paper Mario. <br><br> Then, after far too long -- my stomach roiling in disgust -- Ethan looked over as if remembering I was there, "So, how can [[we help|PM006 - Prom2]]?" <<path>> "Oh fuck off." <<contents>> "Oh fuck off." I quickly tugged my shirt back over my head and avoided them for the rest of the week. Drew was the first to mea culpa and while Ethan was never going to say anything, I could tell he was supremely embarassed and worried that I'd hold it against him. Or tell <<print $CC.friend1>>. <br><br> They actually helped after [[all|PM006 - Prom2]]. Dicks. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<set $HS.promWin ++>> All my friends rallied around me. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> designed an amazing poster showing off my very best side. <br><br> <<print $CC.friend1>> convinced his dad to run off a few hundred copies from <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>>his printing company<<else>>the Kinko's after-hours<</if>>. <br><br> They plastered the school hallways with me. My face was __everywhere__. <br><br> They put the screws to other kids to fill out a ballot selecting me. Ethan in particular went //a little// above and beyond, campaigning for me before and after school! <br><br> Now, the question was: how much do __I__ spend on the rest of the package -- the dress, the makeup, the hair, the ''date''...The list was endless. <br><br> I could spend hours on Pinterest and shopping for the __exact__ dress, ''trendiest'' hair and makeup. My little notebook had a could be filled with every potential date and the pros and cons of each one on my arm. <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - PromDress][$HS.promWin ++]] $CC.labelReaction gt 0>> It was do or die, eat or be eaten. <<blocked>> $ doesn't fall in line with her Clique enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDress][$HS.promWin --]] $CC.labelReaction lte 0>> Everyone was taking this far more seriously than I was. It didn't matter. <<blocked>> $ isn't in line with her Clique enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDress][$HS.promWin ++; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base ++]] $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> All eyes on me? I had to be fucking perfect. <<blocked>> $ doesn't want male attention enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin --; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> Why stress? I could let <<print $CC.FName>> help me decide. Then I could focus on other things. <</crossroads>>
<<set $HS.promWin -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<print $CC.FName>>'s design was shit. The pictures were of my bad side. And after I had thrown a fit finding one of them in the dumpster, the others kept joining it. People were distributing the digital flyers -- but not in a good way -- they were making me out to be //vain. <br><br> My campaign was dead. And it was all their fault. All that I could hope is that who I //was// would make up the difference for this disaster. <br><br> I didn't talk to <<print $CC.FName>> for a week as I went into full damage-control mode. I had to spend all my effort on the night now. <br><br> I spent __hours__ on Pinterest and shopping for the __exact__ dress, ''trendiest'' hair and makeup. My little notebook was filled with every potential date and the pros and cons of each one, if I let them come with me. <<else>> Welp, that didn't work. <br><br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> did design an amazing poster showing off my very best side, and I did my damnedest distributing it. Without any other options, most of the flyers were digital and got mistaken as a vanity project or a random Insta photoshoot. <br><br> With the campaign dead in the water, I simply hoped my appearance on the night would make up the difference. <br><br> The question was: how much effort to spend on it. <br><br> I could spend hours on Pinterest and shopping for the __exact__ dress, ''trendiest'' hair and makeup. My little notebook could be filled with every potential date and the pros and cons of each one adorning my arm. <</if>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - PromDress][$HS.promWin ++]] $CC.labelReaction gt 0>> It was do or die, eat or be eaten. <<blocked>> $ doesn't fall in with her Clique enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDress][$HS.promWin --]] $CC.labelReaction lte 0>> Everyone was taking this far more seriously than I was. It didn't matter. <<blocked>> $ is too in line with her Clique. <<path [[HS002 - PromDress][$HS.promWin ++; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base ++]] $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> All eyes on me? I had to be fucking perfect. <<blocked>> $ doesn't want male attention that much. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin --; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base --]]>> I could let <<print $CC.FName>> help me decide. <</crossroads>>
<<if $CC.clique !== "Alpha">> <<outfit default>> <<set $HS.promWin = 0>> <<set $HS.promDate to ''>> <<set $HS.promDress = 0>> Prom. <br><br> The biggest event of the year for most kids at school. The pressure of who you were going with, what you were wearing, what you were doing afterwards (who you were doing afterwards?). <br><br> It was all-consuming in the month leading up. <br><br> Everyone else was going. At least that's how it seemed. So, shouldn't I? <br><br> <div id="prom"> <<crossroads #prom>> <<path>> And kill my social life? Count me ''in''. <<contents>> First, the dress. <br><br> It's all about making that entrance, stun them all with what I wore. With how I stunning I look. <br><br> What will make people stand there in awe of me when I walk in the door; when I dance on the floor? <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promDress = 1; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --]]>> <<Doll body dress1 promDress1>> Beggars can't afford to be choosers, literally. I just found something at ''a thrift''. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin -= 2; $HS.promDress = 5; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Easy'].base --; $Stats.Traits['Risky'].base --]] true>> <<Doll body dress5 promDress5>> There was a way to wear a dress and not wear my body on my sleeve. I wasn't an object and could look refined and gorgeous without too much skin. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$CC.HSBC ++; $HS.promWin ++; $HS.promDress = 2; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]]>> <<Doll body dress2 promDress2>> ''Something classic and classy''. I let the dress accessorize me, not the other way around. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin += 2; $HS.promDress = 3; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base ++]] $CC.wealth gt 2>> <<Doll body dress3 promDress3>> I dug into 'my' pocket book and splurged. I needed to show off not just what I could afford, but also be revealing without a slut. I needed to draw eyes from //both// genders. <<blocked>> $ isn't wealthy enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin --; $HS.promDress = 4; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base ++]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<Doll body dress4 promDress4>> Rep be damned. Shock'em and ''show'em what I had''. Yeah, I'd have to use something on hand and sneak the //real// dress out of the house and change later, but it was worth it. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough. <</crossroads>> <<path>> All that stress and effort for...a dance and getting drunk? Count me ''out''. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<if $CC.clique == "Loser">><<Stats Stable ++>><<Stats Sophisticated ++>><<Stats Discipline ++>><<Stats Confident ++>><</if>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Learning += 2>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> I could spend the time date-hunting, dress-buying, plan-making on school instead. <br><br> <<if $ == "committed">> <<print $>> would understand. They knew me well enough by this point. We could have our own typical hang out. Or, if they were really dead-set on Prom, then...they could go I guess. <br><br> <<else>> I knew it wouldn't really be a big deal for me not to go. I wasn't feeling pressure to attend from anyone. Well, maybe it would be a boost to my pride if I got asked anyway -- and maybe further kill my social life. <br><br> <</if>> The Boys would have my back no matter what. We'd spend the night doing something far more fun, far less stressful, far more interesting. We'd chill. <br><br> Nobody would blow chunks on my dress. <br><br> I wouldn't have to console anyone as their mascara ran. <br><br> We'd just ignore the whole stupid thing was happening at [[all|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<outfit popular>> It's all about making that entrance, stun them all with what I wore. With how I stunning I look. <br><br> What will make people stand there in awe of me when I walk in the door; when I dance on the floor<<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>; when I stand on stage and receive my (deserved) crown<</if>>? <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promDress = 1; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --]]>> <<Doll body dress1 promDress1>> Beggars can't afford to be choosers, literally. I just found something at ''a thrift''. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin -= 2; $HS.promDress = 5; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++; $Stats.Traits['Easy'].base --; $Stats.Traits['Risky'].base --]] true>> <<Doll body dress5 promDress5>> There was a way to wear a dress and not wear my body on my sleeve. I wasn't an object and could look refined and gorgeous without too much skin. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$CC.HSBC ++; $HS.promWin ++; $HS.promDress = 2; $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++]]>> <<Doll body dress2 promDress2>> ''Something classic and classy''. I let the dress accessorize me, not the other way around. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin += 2; $HS.promDress = 3; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base ++]] $CC.wealth gt 2>> <<Doll body dress3 promDress3>> I dug into 'my' pocket book and splurged. I needed to show off not just what I could afford, but also be revealing without a slut. I needed to draw eyes from //both// genders. <<blocked>> $ isn't wealthy enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDate][$HS.promWin --; $HS.promDress = 4; $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base --; $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base ++]] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<Doll body dress4 promDress4>> Rep be damned. Shock'em and ''show'em what I had''. Yeah, I'd have to use something on hand and sneak the //real// dress out of the house and change later, but it was worth it. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough. <</crossroads>> <</if>>
<<outfit default>> <<set $HS.promDate = ''>> <<if visited("HS002 - PromDress") == 0>> <p> <<print $CC.FName>> spent the entire day with me, multiple shops, so many dressing rooms and lots of laughs. I thought the choice she helped me make was good -- I couldn't trust my indecisiveness anyway. </p> <</if>> <p> <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">> Now that the campaign for my Queendom was as solid as it possibly could have been, the next most important thing that could make or break my chances...<<else>>Now that I knew what I was wearing... <</if>>Who was going to take me? </p> <<if $ is "committed">> <<if $ == $>> <<set $HS.promDate = $>> I had to giggle. Was there even a question? I knew <<print $>> was going to ask me. It was just a matter of when. <br><br> And... <br><br> How. <br><br> I had butterflies in my stomach watching other beauxes write things in the sand, do an incredible dance on TikTok, or create an intricate scavenger hunt. <br><br> I had to bite my tongue with each passing day. <br><br> Ugh. Come on! Just do it. <br><br> It didn't need to be some huge overture, just get this over with! <br><br> And they did. <br><br> I opened my locker one day to find a fan in my locker with puffy-gel lettering: I'm a HUGE <<print $>> fan! And a note asking me to go to Prom. <br><br> I turned. <<print $>> was there. We hugged. I gave some requisite tears and said yes. I had a date! <br><br> Though in retrospect, maybe I did want a big [[overture|HS002 - PromDateChosen]]. <<else>> As much as I //wanted// to go with <<print $>>...we couldn't be seen together. <br><br> So, that meant a cover story. A cover date. Someone else. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - PromDate2">> <</if>> <<elseif $ is "cheater">> So...I kinda fucked up. <<print $>> had heard through the grapevine that I had been seen making out with...ugh. It didn't //matter//. That's what I kept saying. <br><br> But <<print $>> was butthurt about it and had already started scoping out other options for Prom than me. <br><br> Which meant, I needed to as well. Whatever. Everything's free game on a break. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - PromDate2">> <<elseif $ is "cheated">> I didn't want to go. I had heard that <<print $>> had fucked someone else in the parking lot. They said I didn't have proof, I didn't. But everyone was //so// sure. <br><br> Just the idea of them with someone else had me crying my eyes out for a week. I wanted to trust them, but I just couldn't bring myself to forgive them. //Yet//. <br><br> And then, just as I was coming around...they had already gotten themselves a date to Prom. They apologized, but they were already committed. At least it wasn't the same person. <br><br> They said they'd be on their best behavior. <br><br> I knew I would. I just had to figure out who I was going to go with. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - PromDate2">> <<elseif $ is "free">> Prom was a huge deal. Who you went with was tantamount to marriage. A part of me bristled at the concept. It was just one night. A person for a night. <br><br> What's the big deal. <br><br> I just had to be ready to field the slew of questions as people tried to make us out into an item. Whoever it ended up being. <br><br> <<include "HS002 - PromDate2">> <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): A suit with a boutonniere pinned on */ <p> There were a number of suitable options: </p> <<if $CC.clique !== "Loser">> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Derek']] $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> Hottest girl and the hottest guy? Sounds like a lock. So, it was with grace (and bottled excitement) that I said "No, no, no, no, no...why, YES, ''Derek'', I *am* free that night. I'd love to go with you. Eat your heart out, ladies." <<blocked>> $ isn't attractive enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Seven']] $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> Too many guys asked me. I couldn't hurt their feelings. And... I //accidentally// said yes to every guy who asked me -- it was a gut reaction. <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>You know the Prom rules state that at most only a pair can be nominated,'d have to run alone.<</if>> But you would have ''seven dates'', I'd always have someone to dance with. <<blocked>> $ doesn't react positively to perving. <<path [[Stephen|HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Stephen']] $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> There was too much on the line. All I was thinking was, "Anything could go wrong and I can't bear the weight of the choice on my shoulders." So, I asked the other girls and they quickly got me a date. An underclassman: ''Stephen''. I nodded enthusiastically hearing their reasoning for the acne-faced, pudgy redhead who, last week, found shit in his locker. <<blocked>> $ is too confident and not suggestible enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Absame']] $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> I noticed that the other girls have gone with the expected guys: boyfriends, star athletes...yawn -- and ''so'' close-minded. It was time to be progressive. And lucky for me, the ''exchange student'' from Somalia, Absame. He wasn't any of the normal things you're supposed to look for in a <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>Prom King<<else>> date to prom<</if>>, but time to make a statement, time to be woke. <<blocked>> $ isn't suggestible enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Miguel']] $CC.clique !== "Alpha" && $CC.clique !== "Nerd">> The selection didn't have to be made in our bubble. So I considered all the other guys I knew and ''Miguel'' was hotter than any guy here, by far. <<blocked>> $ isn't an Alpha Chick or a Nerd. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Chad']] $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> He'd never really given me the time of day, and he was a Super Senior with quite a bit of a reputation, so certainly not your top pick. But really, picking someone else wouldn't be fair to ''Chad'' who asked me day one. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Friend']] $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0 || $CC.clique == "Nerd">> But actually asking someone? And what if they said no? <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>That would *kill* your chances if people found out.<</if>> Maybe the safe bet was relying on my own charms and just take ''my friend, <<print $CC.friend1>>''. It'd definitely make his year, he was just going to skip the whole thing. <<blocked>> $ is too confident and isn't a Nerd. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Her Man']] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> It would really throw a wrench in the night if I was able to weasel Ava's date out from...over her. It would get me a bit of a rep with the girls, but there's only one shot at this, and I'd never see them again after graduation. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky enough. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Arvin']] $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 0 && $ == 0 && $ !== "Arvin">> Fuck the rules...<<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>If I really wanted to make myself stand-out...<</if>> why not ''Arvin''? He wasn't family. <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>It would really turn heads.<</if>> Adults would probably think it was endearing...and he definitely had a hot-dad vibe to him. <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>Everyone would be talking.<</if>> <<blocked>> $ isn't risky, excitable enough and doesn't have Arvin for a dad. <<hidden $ == "Arvin">> <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Harden']] visited("HS002 - Tutor")>> The only person I could think of right now was ''Harden''. He could give me a night, right? <<blocked>> $ didn't get tutored. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'GF']] $Body.sexuality !== "straight" && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0 && $ !== $CC.FName>> Could I take <<print $CC.FName>>? Prom was a big night. Might as well make it huge. Kind of a coming out, I guess. Hell, maybe being confident enough to show who I really was would give me some kind of edge with the kids. <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>Everyone would be talking about me, for sure.<</if>> <<blocked>> $ is straight or isn't confident enough. <<hidden $ == $CC.FName>> <</crossroads>> <p> <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">>Win, lose, or draw, whoever<<else>>Whoever<</if>> I picked, they better enhance the night one way or another, right? </p> Or, I considered going [[stag|HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Stag']] and just see where the evening took me. <<else>> <<crossroads>> <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Derek']]>> The hottest guy in school? Wouldn't that be a coup? Lemme land 'im. Eat your heart out, ladies. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Stephen']]>> All I could think of was getting rejected. But there was one guy I could tell was pretty desperate: An underclassman: ''Stephen''. The acne-faced, pudgy redhead who, last week, found shit in his locker. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Absame']]>> I noticed that the other girls have gone with the expected guys: boyfriends, star athletes...that felt, closed-minded. I would show them not only could I get a date, but I'd be //progressive//. The ''exchange student'' from Somalia: Absame. He wasn't any of the normal things you're supposed to look for in a date to prom, but time to make a statement, time to be woke. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Miguel']]>> People at my school knew me too much. Knew me as the loser. So I considered all the //other// guys I knew and ''Miguel'' was hotter than any guy here, by far. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Chad']]>> ''Chad'' was a Super Senior with quite a bit of a reputation, but that meant that anyone had a chance, right? <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Friend']]>> But actually asking someone? And what if they said no? Maybe the safe bet was just take ''my friend, <<print $CC.friend1>>''. It'd definitely make his year, he was just going to skip the whole thing. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Her Man']]>> It would really throw a wrench in the night if I was able to weasel Ava's date out from...over her. She was such a bitch, maybe she deserved the one-two punch of losing her man to //me//. <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'Arvin']] $ == 0>> Fuck the rules. Why not ''Arvin''? He wasn't family. Adults would probably think it was endearing...and he definitely would say yes. <<blocked>> $ doesn't have Arvin for a dad. <<hidden $ == "Arvin">> <<path [[HS002 - PromDateLoser][$HS.promDate = 'GF']] $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> Could I take <<print $CC.FName>>? Prom was a big night. Might as well make it huge. Kind of a coming out, I guess. She was already a friend, that made it an easy ask. <<blocked>> $ is straight. <<hidden $ == $CC.FName>> <</crossroads>> <p> Whoever I picked, they better enhance the night one way or another, right? </p> Or, I considered going [[stag|HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Stag'; $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value ++;]] and just see where the evening took me. <</if>>
<<set _success = false>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Sad Puppydog Eyes */ <<if Array("Arvin", "GF", "Friend").includes($HS.promDate)>> <<set _success = true>> A deep breath. Why was this such a big deal? It was just <<print $HS.promDate>>. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, hey. Would you...wanna go to Prom with me?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Stunned -- did I make a mistake? <<speech $HS.promDate>>"You...want to go?"<</speech>> Oh. That was the reaction. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, yeah."<</speechPC>> I sold that, right? <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Well then, sure."<</speech>> Their shrug didn't sell me on it, but still, I got my yes. <</if>> <<if Array("Stephen", "Absame").includes($HS.promDate)>> A deep breath. Why was this such a big deal? It was just <<print $HS.promDate>>. No one found them intimidating... <br><br> <<skillChecked "Confident">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> <<set _success = true>> <<speechPC>>"Uh, hey. Would you...wanna go to Prom with me?"<</speechPC>> Stunned -- did I make a mistake? <<speech $HS.promDate>>"You...want to go?"<</speech>> Oh. That was the reaction. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Uh, yeah."<</speechPC>> I sold that, right? <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Well then, sure."<</speech>> Their shrug didn't sell me on it, but still, I got my yes. <<else>> I ran through all the options of what to say, how to say it. And then I realized I had just been standing there. Had they noticed? Were they going to think I was weird? Had I waited too long? <br><br> No. No, this wasn't worth it. I was going to get rejected. I was going to cry. <br><br> I couldn't. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate == "Chad">> <<skillChecked "Confident">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> <<speechPC>>"Uh, hey. Would you...wanna go to Prom with me?"<</speechPC>> Stunned -- did I make a mistake? <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> He looked me up and down. Curious rather than upset? <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Maybe. Plans afterwards?"<</speech>> <br><br> Leaning in //hard// to his rep. He'd be my date if he got what he wanted too. <<skillChecked "Easy" "Wiles">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0>> <<set _success = true>> I knew that coming into the ask. I gave him a little wink, <<speechPC>>"Down for whatever you had planned..."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Well then, sure."<</speech>> Their shrug didn't sell me on it, but still, I got my yes. <<else>> I knew that coming into the ask. But now that it was laid out in front of me, I froze. <br><br> He chuckled and turned back to his phone, <<speech $HS.promDate>>"There's the reason you're who you are."<</speech>> <</if>> <<else>> He looked me up and down. Then he just laughed. <br><br> Hard. <br><br> His head dropped against the table. He pounded his fist up and down. The funniest thing in his life. <br><br> I turned before anyone else noticed. Before I felt complete, utterly destroyed. <</if>> <<else>> I ran through all the options of what to say, how to say it. And then I realized I had just been standing there. Had they noticed? Were they going to think I was weird? Had I waited too long? <br><br> No. No, this wasn't worth it. I was going to get rejected. I was going to cry. <br><br> I couldn't. <</if>> <</if>> <<if Array("Miguel", "Derek").includes($HS.promDate)>> <<skillChecked "Confident">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> <<speechPC>>"Uh, hey. Would you...wanna go to Prom with me?"<</speechPC>> Stunned -- did I make a mistake? <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> He looked me up and down. Curious rather than upset? <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Maybe. Didn't take you for a partier."<</speech>> <br><br> The after-party was more important to him than the event. <<skillChecked "Excitable" "Discipline">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 1>> <<set _success = true>> Prom was a massive event and not because of the dance. I was a little surprised he was asking me, I thought it was implicit. <<speechPC>>"I fuckin' //love// a party."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Well then, sure."<</speech>> Their shrug didn't sell me on it, but still, I got my yes. <<else>> Prom was a massive event and not because of the dance. I hadn't thought about that. I had been so focused on the date and the front-half I'd forgotten about the back half. <br><br> When was the last time I'd been to a party? <br><br> Me going to into my mind palace told him everything he needed to know. He chuckled and turned back to his phone, <<speech $HS.promDate>>"There's the reason you're who you are."<</speech>> <</if>> <<else>> He looked me up and down. Then he just laughed. <br><br> Hard. <br><br> His head dropped against the table. He pounded his fist up and down. The funniest thing in his life. <br><br> I turned before anyone else noticed. Before I felt complete, utterly destroyed. <</if>> <<else>> I ran through all the options of what to say, how to say it. And then I realized I had just been standing there. Had they noticed? Were they going to think I was weird? Had I waited too long? <br><br> No. No, this wasn't worth it. I was going to get rejected. I was going to cry. <br><br> I couldn't. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> <<skillChecked "Confident">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> <<speechPC>>"Uh, hey. Would you...wanna go to Prom with me?"<</speechPC>> Stunned -- did I make a mistake? <<speech $HS.promDate>>"<<print $>>. I'm dating //Ava//."<</speech>> <br><br> Okay, I had him on the back foot, but I had to keep the pressure on if I had any shot at this. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Deception">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 1>> I pulled a face: disbelief. <<speechPC>>"Oh. But earlier--when she...Oh. I just thought."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I stumbled over my words. I saw the doubt and concern creeping into his face. <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"What are you talking about."<</speech>> Cold, quiet. Ava had lain the groundwork for her own undoing. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I had just heard..."<</speechPC>> I took a step backwards, shaking my head. <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"No. Tell me."<</speech>> <br><br> A step forward, resolved. <<speechPC>>"Look. I don't //know//...but...I've just had a crush on you for''ever''." A little tear in my eye, "I was hoping it was my chance."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<skillChecked "Attractiveness">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set _success = true>> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Oh. R-really?"<</speech>> <br><br> Nodding like a bobblehead, I bit my lower lip. <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Well then, sure."<</speech>> Their shrug didn't sell me on it, but still, I got my yes. <<else>> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Look. You're cute. But...thank you for letting me know, but...I just don't see you that way."<</speech>> <br><br> Fuck. I turned before I was absolutely crushed. <br><br> Well, at least maybe I fucked things up for Ava. <</if>> <<else>> I pulled a face: disbelief. <<speechPC>>"Oh. But earlier--when she...Oh. I just thought."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I stumbled over my words. I saw the steel in his eyes. <br><br> <<speech $HS.promDate>>"What are you talking about."<</speech>> He was resolved. Fuck. <<speech $HS.promDate>>"Not cool, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> Backing off, I knew that I had missed my opportunity. I just had to hope this wouldn't come and bite me in the ass now. <</if>> <<else>> I ran through all the options of what to say, how to say it. And then I realized I had just been standing there. Had they noticed? Were they going to think I was weird? Had I waited too long? <br><br> No. No, this wasn't worth it. I was going to get rejected. I was going to cry. <br><br> I couldn't. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if _success = false>> Shouldn't be surprised, I guess. A girl like me can only go to Prom [[Stag|HS002 - PromDateChosen][$HS.promDate = 'Stag'; $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value --; $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value ++; $Stats.Skills['Social'].value --]]. <<else>> Ha! Take that, expectations! Even a girl like me can land the date she wanted to [[Prom|HS002 - PromDateChosen][$Stats.Traits['Confident'].value += 2; $Stats.Skills['Social'].value += 2; $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value ++; $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value ++; $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value ++]] <</if>>
<<face happy>> <<image framed "passage/HS002-PromDateChosen.png">> <<if $HS.promDate == "Derek">><<set $HS.promWin += 3>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Seven">><<set $HS.promWin -= 2>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stephen">><<set $HS.promWin -= 3>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stag">><<set $HS.promWin -->> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Absame">><<set $HS.promWin ++>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Miguel">><<set $HS.promWin += 2>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Chad">><<set $HS.promWin -->> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">><<set $HS.promWin -= 2>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">><<set $HS.promWin += 1>><<Stats Deception ++>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Arvin">><<set $HS.promWin -= 2>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Harden">><<set $HS.promWin ++>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "GF">><<set $HS.promWin -->><<set $CC.maleReaction -->> <<elseif $HS.promDate == $>><<set $HS.promWin -->> <</if>> <div id="wait"> Arm candy selected, things settled down a bit. People -- mostly guys -- scrambled for last minute dates over the intervening days, and plans were made for the after parties. <br><br> Ava would be throwing hers, clearly, and <<print $CC.FName>> was offering her place as an oasis from having to attend my nemesis' Prom Party. There were townie house parties as well, but to end up at one of them after Prom was incredibly sad -- and dangerous. <br><br> In the lead up to the big night, girls eyed each other from their corners while cozying up to their temporary (or not) beauxes. The tension in the air was akin to cats in heat. <br><br> All I could do, any of us could do, was <<link "wait">> <<replace "#wait">> <<waiting 3s>> <<timed 3s>> <<outfit "promDress" + $HS.promDress>> <<set $HS.ava = random(1,10)>> /* IMAGE(s) NEEDED: Two versions: Wealthy - Limo, not wealthy - Black Cab */ <<if $CC.Mom == 1 && $CC.Dad == 1>> The big night! I spent hours fussing with my dress and makeup to get my look just right. I came out of my room, biting my lower lip and ready to show off my completed look. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>>Mom smiled and nodded, maybe with a touch of pity. Dad couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>Mom smiled and nodded, giving me an 'aww' and a tear in her eye. Dad couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>Mom's jaw dropped. Dad was similarly agog.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>Mom frowned, looking me over, "You're wearing that?" her suspicion plain. Dad interposed himself, "Oh, she looks lovely." Neither had any idea of the dress I had barely stuffed in my small purse.<<else>>Mom frowned and I think I saw a slight shake of her head, "I have something in my closet if you want." Dad lifted an eyebrow, "Yeah, maybe...give that a look, dear?"<</if>> I sighed and gave them the requisite comments and pictures before making my way to the front door, eager to be picked up and get away from their judgment. Tonight wasn't for them. <<elseif $CC.Mom == 1 && $CC.Dad == 0>> The big night! I spent hours fussing with my dress and makeup to get my look just right. I came out of my room, biting my lower lip and ready to show off my completed look. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>>Mom smiled and nodded, maybe with a touch of pity. <<print $CC.DName>> couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>Mom smiled and nodded, giving me an 'aww' and a tear in her eye. <<print $CC.DName>> couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>Mom's jaw dropped. <<print $CC.DName>> was similarly agog.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>Mom frowned, looking me over, "You're wearing that?" her suspicion plain. <<print $CC.DName>> interposed himself, "Oh, she looks lovely." Neither had any idea of the dress I had barely stuffed in my small purse.<<else>>Mom frowned and I think I saw a slight shake of her head, "I have something in my closet if you want." <<print $CC.DName>> lifted an eyebrow, "Yeah, maybe...give that a look, dear?"<</if>> I sighed and gave them the requisite comments and pictures before making my way to the front door, eager to be picked up and get away from their judgment. Tonight wasn't for them. <<elseif $CC.Mom == 0 && $CC.Dad == 1>> The big night! I spent hours fussing with my dress and makeup to get my look just right. I came out of my room, biting my lower lip and ready to show off my completed look. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<print $CC.MName>> smiled and nodded, maybe with a touch of pity. Dad couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<print $CC.MName>> smiled and nodded, giving me an 'aww' and a tear in her eye. Dad couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<print $CC.MName>>'s jaw dropped. Dad was similarly agog.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<print $CC.MName>> frowned, looking me over, "You're wearing that?" her suspicion plain. Dad interposed himself, "Oh, she looks lovely." Neither had any idea of the dress I had barely stuffed in my small purse.<<else>><<print $CC.MName>> frowned and I think I saw a slight shake of her head, "I have something in my closet if you want." Dad lifted an eyebrow, "Yeah, maybe...give that a look, dear?"<</if>> I sighed and gave them the requisite comments and pictures before making my way to the front door, eager to be picked up and get away from their judgment. Tonight wasn't for them. <<else>> The big night! I spent hours fussing with my dress and makeup to get my look just right. I came out of my room, biting my lower lip and ready to show off my completed look. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<print $CC.MName>> smiled and nodded, maybe with a touch of pity. <<print $CC.DName>> couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<print $CC.MName>> smiled and nodded, giving me an 'aww' and a tear in her eye. <<print $CC.DName>> couldn't help but smile and give me a big squeeze.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<print $CC.MName>>'s jaw dropped. <<print $CC.DName>> was similarly agog.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<print $CC.MName>> frowned, looking me over, "You're wearing that?" her suspicion plain. <<print $CC.DName>> interposed himself, "Oh, she looks lovely." Neither had any idea of the dress I had barely stuffed in my small purse.<<else>><<print $CC.MName>> frowned and I think I saw a slight shake of her head, "I have something in my closet if you want." <<print $CC.DName>> lifted an eyebrow, "Yeah, maybe...give that a look, dear?"<</if>> I sighed and gave them the requisite comments and pictures before making my way to the front door, eager to be picked up and get away from their judgment. Tonight wasn't for them. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $HS.promDate == "Stag">> <<print $CC.FName>> and her guy knocked at the front door to 'pick me up' -- we joked that __they__ were my date. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>>"Aw it looks cute on you!" <<print $CC.FName>> used the same words as when we tried things on. It sounded less true this time.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>"Hey there, good lookin'!" We gave spins in front of each other in nearly matching outfits.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>"Hubba hubba!" they both play drooled watching me showing off.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>"Come on. Let's get outta here." <<print $CC.FName>> smiled conspiratorially, knowing I needed to change.<<else>>"Alright, Mother Theresa. Ready to experience fun?" <<print $CC.FName>> chided me. Her date looked shocked, unable to stop looking at my dress.<</if>> <<if $CC.wealth lte 3>> <<print $CC.FName>>'s dad rolled up in his black taxi, polished and waxed for the big occasion. I squealed in excitement, "It's time to go!" <br><br> Bouncing towards the door, I stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was clearly in the midst of ducking out of frame, unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had her unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off her date's joking as my naked body came out of the fake dress. I could feel her jealousy and the coldness of her glares at him with my skin so bare. And then we fumbled my way into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my date and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the car doors a giggling mess. <<else>> I definitely splurged on the stretch. It rolled up in front of the house and I squealed, "It's time to go!" <br><br> Bouncing towards the door, I stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was clearly in the midst of ducking out of frame, unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had her unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off her date's joking as my naked body came out of the fake dress. I could feel her jealousy and the coldness of her glares at him with my skin so bare. And then we fumbled my way into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my date and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the limo doors a giggling mess. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Seven">> It was a //little// overwhelming to hear a knock at the door and find, just outside, the doorway crowded with seven guys. I couldn't help but grin ear to ear. And seeing me smile like that, they couldn't help but enjoy this too. A great start to the evening. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>>Not a comment or look at what I was wearing, they seemed overwhelmed with the male competition that was likely to be a theme of the evening.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>They were all beaming, letting me do a few spins for them to 'look at my dress'.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>"Fuck!" It was nearly a chorus of responses, clearly enjoying seeing leg and cleavage that were gently, but definitely on display.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>Before they could react, I leaned forward and whispered to a couple of them, "Shush, I'm changing in the car." And they nodded, enjoying the idea.<<else>>I saw a couple eyes drop to their phones, maybe wondering if they could reconsider their choice in date. But they knew who they were going with when they said yes.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth lte 3>> <<print $CC.FName>>'s dad rolled up in his black taxi, polished and waxed for the big occasion. I squealed in excitement, "It's time to go!" <br><br> Bouncing towards the door, I stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was clearly in the midst of ducking out of frame, unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had her unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off her date's joking as my naked body came out of the fake dress. I could feel her jealousy and the coldness of her glares at him with my skin so bare. And then we fumbled my way into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my date and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the car doors a giggling mess. <<else>> I definitely splurged on the stretch. It rolled up in front of the house and I squealed, "It's time to go!" <br><br> Bouncing towards the door, I stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was clearly in the midst of ducking out of frame, unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had them unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off their advances -- poorly -- as my naked body came out of the fake dress. I was getting groped, felt...a tongue down my throat, then another. They were kissing and finding every nook and cranny of my body insistently. They were working me up and working someone's fingers inside me -- I couldn't resist it with my skin so bare. And then we fumbled my way into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my date and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the limo doors a giggling mess. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Arvin">> It was a rather...atypical...beginning to a Prom Night. There was not going to be a knock at the door and requisite exchange between him and...himself. There would be awkwardness, though, because Arvin would be -- by far -- the oldest person at the dance, likely even if you included all the school staff. And not only that, but there was the whole 'Dad' taking you to Prom thing. <<if $ == 0>>I don't know what Emily thought, or what they had talked about behind closed doors, but I certainly didn't talk about it more than I had to.<<else>>I don't know what Mom thought, nor what they had talked about behind closed doors, but I definitely didn't bring it up. And she seemed highly distracted for the past few weeks. Maybe she didn't even notice I was bringing step-dad to Prom.<</if>> <br><br> So, when I was ready, I came down the stairs, knowing that my date would be right there. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>>"Stop shying away, <<print $>>. You look darling." I'm not sure those words helped, but he was doing his best to make me ignore that I went cheap.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>"Wow. You look //so// grown up." He shook his head admiring. I smiled ear-to-ear and did a little twirl, showing off for my date.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>"Magnefique!" He playfully kissed his fingertips and made them explode in front of his face. He liked it, I liked it. It felt a perfect and mature compliment to my arm candy.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>So, rather than deal with even more awkwardness with <<print $CC.Mname>>, I was wearing something I already owned, my //real// dress stuffed in my bag. He looked confused but I waved him off. "I'll explain later," I leaned in, hushed tones.<<else>>"Quite presentable." He nodded, flattening his jacket and relaxing his face -- conservative might be the best way to counter-balance bringing him. So, we were playing it reserved and careful. Daddy protector on my arm.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth lte 3>> <<print $CC.FName>>'s dad rolled up in his black taxi, polished and waxed for the big occasion. I squealed in excitement, "It's time to go!" <br><br> I dragged Arvin towards the door and then stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was in the midst of ducking out of frame and unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had him unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off <<print $CC.FName>> date's joking as my naked body came out of the fake dress. "Well, you've...seen this all before, right? So. It's fine." There were uncomfortable coughs. I could feel her jealousy and the coldness of her glares at him with my skin so bare. And then we fumbled my way into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my step-dad and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the car a giggling mess. <<else>> I definitely splurged on the stretch. It rolled up in front of the house and I squealed, "It's time to go!" <br><br> Bouncing towards the door, I stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was clearly in the midst of ducking out of frame, unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had him unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off <<print $CC.FName>> date's joking as my naked body came out of the fake dress. "Well, you've...seen this all before, right? So. It's fine." There were uncomfortable coughs. I could feel her jealousy and the coldness of her glares at him with my skin so bare. And then we fumbled my way into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my step-dad and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the limo doors a giggling mess. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "GF">> It was a //very// atypical beginning to a Prom Night. My date was comfortable enough to come in the back door if she wanted, so there was no awkward moments to expect on the stoop. The awkwardness was going to arrive when we had to figure out how to pose those pre-Prom photos. <<if $ == 0>>I don't know what Emily thought, or what was talked about behind closed doors, and I didn't talk about her any more than I had to.<<else>>I don't know what Mom thought, nor what they had talked about behind closed doors, but I definitely didn't bring it up. And she seemed highly distracted for the past few weeks. Maybe she didn't even notice I was bringing a girl to Prom.<</if>> <br><br> When I was ready, I came down the stairs, seeing her light up as she sat in the living room chair that was always her post. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>>"Oh don't you go hiding all night. You look adorable!" That didn't help, but she was doing her best to make me ignore that I went cheap.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>"Well, well, well, you clean up nice!" I delighted in the words, doing a little twirl, showing off for her.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>"Stunning, beb." She shook her head, astounded as she looked me over. "You're making me look bad." The downside of female companionship: less complimentary and more competitive.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>She gave a knowing nod. What I was wearing was //not// the outfit I had sent her pictures of. I'd change later.<<else>>"Twinsies!" She grabbed my arm and pulled up alongside me, a yin to her yang. We really could have looked like sisters.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth lte 3>> Her dad rolled up in his black taxi, polished and waxed for the big occasion. We squealed in excitement, "It's time to go!" <br><br> We yanked each other towards the door, both a giggling mess (and had been since I came downstairs), "One last pic, Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was in the midst of ducking out of frame and unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, she was helping me unzip in the backseat, laughing off the driver's look in the rear-view mirror. "Dad's gonna have some stories, huh." My naked body coming out of the fake dress. "It's your tip for the night." She called to him. We fumbled my way into the real dress finally, idling awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my femme on my arm, we stumbled out of the car thrumming with excitement and anticipation. <<else>> I definitely splurged on the stretch. It rolled up in front of the house and I squealed, "It's time to go!" <br><br> We yanked each other towards the door, both a giggling mess (and had been since I came downstairs), "One last pic, Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was in the midst of ducking out of frame and unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, she was helping me unzip in the backseat, laughing off the driver's look in the rear-view mirror. "He's gonna have some stories, huh." My naked body coming out of the fake dress. "It's your tip for the night." She called to him. We fumbled my way into the real dress finally, idling awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my femme on my arm, we stumbled out of the car thrumming with excitement and anticipation. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Friend" || $HS.promDate !== "Her Man">> <<print $HS.promDate>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">> <<print $CC.friend1>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> Joe <<elseif $HS.promDate == $>> <<print $>> <</if>> knocked politely at the front door and there was the requisite awkward exchange between him and <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom who was standing in for the evening<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. <<if $HS.promDress == 1>>"Oh! I think my sister wore something like that." It bit slightly at my ego, knowing that his older sibling had maybe been the one who ditched it at the store I bought my dress from.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>An appreciative and kind smile, unsurprised, but liking the look of me, dressed to the nines.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>"Whoah." It was a long expression, til he was out of breath. I stunned him with my look.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>I gave him a look over my eyebrows, motioning him in quick. A shake of my head and a quick whisper letting him know this wasn't my fit.<<else>>"Oh. Um. Okay." He nodded. It was kind but I could feel the disapproval.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth lte 3>> <<print $CC.FName>>'s dad rolled up in his black taxi, polished and waxed for the big occasion. I squealed in excitement, "It's time to go!" <br><br> I dragged <<if $HS.promDate !== "Friend" || $HS.promDate !== "Her Man">> <<print $HS.promDate>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">> <<print $CC.friend1>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> Joe <<elseif $HS.promDate == $>> <<print $>> <</if>> towards the door and then stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the car. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was clearly in the midst of ducking out of frame, unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had her unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off her date's joking as my naked body came out of the fake dress. I could feel her jealousy and the coldness of her glares at him with my skin so bare. And then we fumbled my way into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my date and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the car doors a giggling mess. <<else>> I definitely splurged on the stretch. It rolled up in front of the house and I squealed, "It's time to go!" <br><br> I dragged <<if $HS.promDate !== "Friend" || $HS.promDate !== "Her Man">> <<print $HS.promDate>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">> <<print $CC.friend1>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> Joe <<elseif $HS.promDate == $>> <<print $>> <</if>> towards the door and then stopped short, "One last pic. Smile!" I lifted my phone aloft for the right angle and snapped, posting it as we climbed into the stretch. <<if $ == 1>> Hm. <<print $CC.MName>> was in the background. It wasn't a good look -- not because she wasn't beautiful -- but she was clearly in the midst of ducking out of frame, unsuccessfully. Well, Mom, say hi to the internet. <</if>> We sped off in style. <<if $HS.promDress == 4>>The door shut and I was yanking down my zipper: I couldn't get there and //then// change. Pushing down any shame I had, I had him unzipping me in the backseat, laughing off his advances as my naked body came out of the fake dress. He insisted on making out and I couldn't resist it with my skin so bare. And...maybe that had been the whole point. Alone, we took our time getting me into my real dress as we idled awkwardly in the parking lot.<</if>> Arriving, my date and crew in tow, we stumbled out of the limo doors a giggling mess. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDress == 1>> I walked in and felt barely considered. Other girls were resplendent and I knew I wasn't going to be drawing eyes.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>>I saw some of the other guys considering me, noting me for the first time when they saw me fully peacocking.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>>It was freeing -- and slightly uncomfortable -- to have my breasts and legs free the way they were, but I could tell that it was working. I had floored people with my appearance.<<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>>I ignored how free my tits, ass and legs were. Skin was to show and I was showing. And guys were looking. Girls were deriding. Chaperones were wondering if they'd need to send me home.<<else>>Everyone was looking at me when I walked in. Heads inclined, eyes wide, mouths gaped. It didn't seem like I was impressing, but definitely surprising. I felt comfortable, though, wrapped in a shell as I saw so much skin and awkward movement from the other girls that were wearing too little.<</if>> <br><br> You could feel the tension in the air: the stakes had never been higher, not even for a final exam. It was a mix of excitement, fear and hormones -- palpable on the air to me and doubtless even the chaperones could sense it. <br><br> Everyone seemed content at first to mill around the punch and snacks in their little groups. Couples were either grabbing and holding at each other like they couldn't wait for later <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1>>(like me)<</if>>, or were awkwardly nearby but unsure of how to interact <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lt 1>>(like me)<</if>>. For many kids, this was the first real foray into the opposite sex. <br><br> The DJ, in his faux deep resonance, was calling for people out onto the dance floor. A few less inhibited were out there <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>>(like me)<</if>>, but most hung back. It was an inauspicious start to what was supposed to be the culminating dance event of the year, of some people's entire high school career. <br><br> There was a small break in the weirdness as a commotion broke out: one of the gym teachers was escorting <<if $HS.promDate == "Chad">>Derek<<else>>Chad<</if>> out of the hall and all the buzzing bees discussed what had happened. When the punch was removed and replaced, we knew which rumor was true. <br><br> Maybe that was all the tension breaking we needed. Or maybe we'd come to the tipping point where social pressure and comfort finally got us all in the mood to hit the dance floor. And we did. Girls avoiding sweating and their date's grinding their dicks on them (or not). We got into the mood for a party having only wasted the first hour. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, getting their pictures taken, showing off some new dance moves. No one seemed to be concerned with the reveal that was fast approaching. And I tried to remain placid as well. <br><br><br> Inside I was a nervous wreck, butterflies dancing in the pit of my stomach, though I tried my best to hide it. The votes had been placed before, but my eyes couldn't leave the brown box up on the stage by the DJ. <<if visited("HS002 - PromCommit")>>It contained my future.<<else>>It contained someone's future, and technically...I still //could// win, unlikely as it was.<</if>> <br><br> Soon enough, it was time for the big reveal. The reticent dancing dissipating into a murmur of anticipation. <br><br><br> Principal Mark, one of the usual chaperones was enjoying the control. The DJ queued up a drum roll to heighten the knife cutting tension...With deliberate pace and annoying pauses: "[[This year's Prom Queen is|HS002 - PromResult]]..."<</timed>> <</replace>> <</link>>... </div>
<<if $HS.promWin gte $HS.ava>> <<hat "tiara">> <<set $Memories.push("PromQueen")>> <<face happy>> I did it! I won! I put my hands to my face in disbelief, blinking back the tears. I didn't even notice the tiara being placed on my head. <br><br> <<if $CC.clique !== "Alpha">> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Confident += 2>> <<face shock runny>> What?! As I climbed the stairs to the stage, I was shaking my head. Looking dumbly out at the audience, at my friends with my shoulders up by my ears. I //know//. I wasn't competing? People had chosen me as a write-in! It was a __huge__ boost to my self-esteem. <br><br> <<else>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <</if>> At the microphone, I gave a speech about the unshakeable bonds of friendship. I remember, in the shadows at the back of the auditorium, Ava stood, her arms crossed across her chest, glaring with pure hatred. Moments later, she stormed out unceremoniously, her date trailing behind. <br><br> Descending the stage I was descended upon as people excitedly grabbed, hugged and laughed with me. Disbelief was the name of the hour. Was this all a giant trick played on Ava? Who cared. Without trying, I had won. <br><br> All of that pomp and circumstance behind us, we were able to focus on the fun, the music, all capped off with that one final slow dance, " <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value && $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value>> Come Away with Me," by Norah Jones <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value>> Freak," by Doja Cat <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value>> Crash," by Dave Matthews Band <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value>> I Only Have Eyes for You," by The Flamingos <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value>> At Last," by Etta James <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> Fade Into You," by Mazzy Star <</if>>, wound the 'evening' to a close. <br><br> ...and then we got to what we all considered the //real// [[Prom|HS003 - HSSex]]. <<else>> Spotlights shined brightly on their target. It was Ava. Ava had won. She was practically at the podium before they finished the single syllable of her name. Figures she won. Probably rigged in her favor. Typical. <<if $CC.clique == "Alpha">> <<face shock>> <br><br> Honestly, I couldn't believe it. I am and certainly //was// way hotter than her -- were the masses blind? <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> Maybe I wasn't as good looking or popular as I thought. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $CC.spoiled is true>> <<face angry runny>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible += 2>> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> <br><br><br> I screamed. I flailed. The night was __ruined__. My life was ''ruined''! <br><br> The moment was too much. The waterworks were coming, no matter how I tried to blink them back. My hands to my face, I fled the room, <<if $HS.promDate !== "Seven" || $HS.promDate !== "Friend" || $HS.promDate !== "Her Man" || $HS.promDate !== "Stag">> <<print $HS.promDate>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">> <<print $CC.friend1>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> Joe <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Seven">> seven guys <<elseif $HS.promDate == $>> <<print $>> <<else>> <<print $CC.FName>> <</if>> trailing ineffectually behind me. <br><br><br> I shut myself in [[my room|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<else>> <br><br><br> All of that pomp and circumstance behind us, we were able to focus on the fun, the dancing...and what we all considered the //real// [[Prom|HS003 - HSSex]]. <</if>> <<else>> <br><br><br> All of that pomp and circumstance behind us, we were able to focus on the fun, the dancing...and what we all considered the //real// [[Prom|HS003 - HSSex]]. <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $CC.HSBC += $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 0>><<set $CC.HSBC += ($CC.maleReaction * $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value)>><</if>> /* TODO: (Cassie) Assuming you meant to multiple this line against maleAttention. Updating it. Revert it back to maleReaction if I'm wrong. */ <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 0>><<set $CC.HSBC += ($CC.maleAttention * ($Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value))>><</if>> <<set $CC.HSBC -= $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<set $CC.HSBC -= $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> <<if $CC.HSBC lt 0>><<set $CC.HSBC = 0>><</if>> <<image framed "passage/HS003-HSSex.png">> <span id="rep"> First, I'm sure you're just __riveted__ at this point, thinking: "<<print $>>, you've buried the lede. You got me all hyped up right away with your //origin// //story// bullshit--" <br><br> Hush. <br><br> We're here now. It's about time we talk about what all those hormones and all those choices up to this point brought about a different kind scholastic 'career'. <br><br> Why not sooner? God, you're horny. It just would have broken up the narrative arc. I'm trying to tell a story here. <br><br> <div id="virgin"> <<if $ == true>> <<if $CC.sextivity == "pioneer">> <<if $CC.HSBC lte 10>><<set $CC.HSBC = 15>><<else>><<set $CC.HSBC += 5>><</if>> <<set $CC.HSBC += $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> Yeah, I guess you've got to be quite confused, given who you know me to be. It wasn't like I was a good girl by any stretch. I'd already been called a slut (and worse) by this point by more people and more times than I could count. I wore it like a fucking. badge. of. pride. <br><br> Guys weren't the only horny ones that liked fucking. <br><br> So, you've //got// to be wondering when it happened. <br><br> My first. Right. For ''this'' kind of story it's the 'beginning'...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <<elseif $CC.sextivity == "slut">> <<if $CC.HSBC lte 5>><<set $CC.HSBC = 10>><</if>> <<set $CC.HSBC += $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> Yeah, I guess you've got to be quite confused, given who you know me to be. It wasn't like I was a good girl by any stretch. I'd already been called a slut by this point by more people and more times than I could count. <br><br> So, you've //got// to be wondering when it happened. <br><br> My first. Right. For ''this'' kind of story it's the 'beginning'...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <br><br> <<elseif $CC.sextivity == "normal">> <<set $CC.HSBC = 5>> I was a late bloomer, true. I had skirted around a lot of sexual encounters and remained intact up to this point. I was holding on to ''my card''. <br><br> <<crossroads #virgin>> <<path>> Well, at least until //that// night. My first time. <<contents>> Right, <<print $>>. For ''this'' kind of story it's the 'beginning'...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <<path>> And that's how I intended to stay. <<contents>> <<set $CC.HSBC = 0>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Easy -= 2>> <<set $sexcount = true>> <<if visited("HS009 - HomeVign3")>> And you're disappointed. After all that. I //know//. But it wasn't time. I wasn't comfortable [[yet|HS011 - Graduation]]. <<else>> And you're disappointed, I know, but it wasn't time. I wasn't comfortable [[yet|HS008 - PromNight]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> <<else>> <<set $CC.HSBC = 1>> I was a late bloomer, true. I had skirted around a lot of sexual encounters and remained intact up to this point. I was holding on to ''my card''. <br><br> <<crossroads #virgin>> <<path>> Well, at least until //that// night. My first time. <<contents>> Right, <<print $>>. For ''this'' kind of story it's the 'beginning'...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <<path>> And that's how I intended to stay. <<contents>> <<set $CC.HSBC = 0>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Easy -= 2>> <<set $sexcount = true>> <<if visited("HS009 - HomeVign3")>> And you're disappointed. After all that. I //know//. But it wasn't time. I wasn't comfortable [[yet|HS011 - Graduation]]. <<else>> And you're disappointed, I know, but it wasn't time. I wasn't comfortable [[yet|HS008 - PromNight]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> <</if>> <<elseif Array("HS", "secret").includes($Body.virginityLostIn)>> At this point you know some of my sexual...exploits. How I started my It's so weird to say that way, but really, that's what it became. I guess it makes sense that I ended up on the path that I did. Sex was a part of my life. How much? <br><br> <<if $CC.sextivity == "pioneer">> <<if $CC.HSBC lte 10>><<set $CC.HSBC = 15>><<else>><<set $CC.HSBC += $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>><</if>> <<set $CC.HSBC += $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> It wasn't like I was a good girl by any stretch. I'd already been called a slut (and worse) by this point by more people and more times than I could count. I wore it like a fucking. badge. of. pride. <br><br> Guys weren't the only horny ones that liked fucking. <br><br> ...but what about <<print $>>, <<print $>> you might be saying at this point. I thought they were important! <br><br> Right. There was a first time with them. Just not a first for me. A 'beginning,' I guess...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <<elseif $CC.sextivity == "slut">> <<if $CC.HSBC lte 5>><<set $CC.HSBC = 10>><</if>> <<set $CC.HSBC += $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> It wasn't like I was a good girl by any stretch. I'd already been called a slut by this point by more people and more times than I could count. <br><br> So, you've //got// to be wondering when it happened. <br><br> ...but what about <<print $>>, <<print $>> you might be saying at this point. I thought they were important! <br><br> Right. There was a first time with them. Just not a first for me. A 'beginning,' I guess...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <<elseif $CC.sextivity == "normal">> <<if $CC.HSBC gt 5>><<set $CC.HSBC = 5>><</if>> I was a pretty average girl, when it came down to it. Stories in school always made the normal girls (like me) out to be whores and sluts, but I was just //active//. Exploring. Getting to know myself. <br><br> ...but what about <<print $>>, <<print $>> you might be saying at this point. I thought they were important! <br><br> Right. There was a first time with them. Just not for me. A 'beginning,' I guess...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> I was a late bloomer, true. There wasn't a //ton// of sex in my life, but I was just starting to understand that part of me. <br><br> ...but what about <<print $>>, <<print $>> you might be saying at this point. I thought they were important! <br><br> Right. There was a first time with them. Just not a first for me. A 'beginning,' I guess...A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <<else>> Right, my first. The 'beginning'. A very good place to <<link "start">><<replace "#rep">><<include "HS005 - FirstSex">><</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> </div> </span>
<<outfit default>> <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">> <<animation FirstSex>> <<else>> <<animation LesbianFirstSex>> <</if>> <<set _sex1 = []>> <<set _sex2 = []>> <<set _sex3 = []>> <<outfit naked>> My first was my foray into dating and understanding the crazy emotions that came with it -- the upheaval and misunderstandings. <<if $ == "Random Guy">> And that first time was massively disruptive and misunderstood. But, in a way, it was good to get it out of the way. I could move on to the next, better -- and real -- relationship. <<elseif $ == "committed">> It took a while for us to get to this moment, but I always knew I needed <<print $>> to be 'the' one. At the time, I thought they'd be my forever. Maybe marriage. The first time felt special, important, and scary. <<else>> We were on again, off again, but <<print $>> was my constant of my early on. In love, in life. As hard as it was for us, they were present and there for me when I needed them. And when they needed me. <</if>> <br><br> <div id="firsttime"> <<if $ == "Ava">> <<face ahego>> <<if $>> My first time...was incredibly surprising. I expected it to be with someone that I knew. Someone I was dating. Someone I spent a lot of time with and made me feel comfortable. That...I liked. <br><br> <</if>> She was as close to archenemy as I had ever known. Always standing opposite me, barely acknowledging my presence and establishing her dominance over me. She was better, smarter, hotter, more popular. And she was everywhere I went. <br><br> If you asked me, I <<shake 3s>>hated<</shake>> her. And she hated me. Everyone knew the animosity between us, so when she showed up at __our__ Spring Break hangout with her little cluster of brown-nosers, everyone expected a catfight. Something was going to go down. <br><br> This was supposed to be time for me and my friends. How she even found out about it and why she felt compelled to crash our time together? What did she get out of it? Why wouldn't she just avoid potential conflict and we //both// could have a great time? <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> pulled at my wrist, "Why are you instigating? Just ignore her." I gave her a hard stare and slid my hand free. I was determined to end this now. And for good. I felt a compulsion to confront her. My friends shuffled off, as if they were avoiding an impending bomb explosion. It was just me and her in the hallway. She was trying her card at her door, fumbling...because she's an idiot. <br><br> "What the fuck are you doing here." It wasn't a question. Her room door opened and I followed close after her. She tried to hit me with the door, "Ava. What the fuck is your problem?!" <br><br> She spun. Staring dead into my eyes, hands on her hips, "This isn't //about// you. Can't you get it through your thick skull that maybe, just ''maybe'' this is a coincidence? I'm not happy about it either." How could she play it that even-keeled? I had enough, I jumped her. I tugged her pretentious hands from her superior hips, twisting and pulling her down. She screamed and her muscles tensed as she fought back. <br><br> We fell onto the bed, a tangle of limbs. My hands pulled at her hair, she clawed at my body. We struggled and grunted. I smacked her across the face and she yelped. I hit her square in the stomach and she buckled. <br><br> I froze. I looked down at her in fetal position. I had gone too far. She breathed in deeply, her diaphragm recovering and she arched, "Oww...fuuuuck you. <<print $>>." She looked up at me with those energetic emerald eyes. Tears shimmered. <br><br> My hands clutched at her face, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't..." I could feel the heat of where my hand had met her cheek. A potentially rising welt. Unbidden, I leaned in and kissed it. She froze again. Feeling her stillness, I froze as well. My held tilted and I kissed again, this time at her mouth. <br><br> Her hands found my hips and pulled me against her. We went from fighting to making out in the barest of moments. Our limbs remained intertwined and where we were clawing we were now tugging, yanking now clutching. My tongue pressed into her mouth furiously. Hers shoved down my throat -- maybe to suffocate me, maybe out of pure desire. <br><br> We yanked each others clothes off, tossing them randomly around the room as her hand grabbed one of my tits //hard//. Her other hand grabbed me possessively by the pussy. I whimpered and she stuck her fingers in, a little too hard, one too many. I grabbed at her wrist, holding it as she began to firmly finger me. I panted. Staring into her green eyes, our noses brushing against each other as I spread my thighs, feeling the muscles of her forearm working as her digits pressed and dug at my g-spot. <br><br> "F-fuck, Ava." She grinned and pulled my hand to her pussy. I mashed my palm against her crotch, feeling how perfectly smooth it was. How did she maintain like this. I felt her warmth and slickness. My fingers stroked up and down, rotating slightly as I rubbed her slit. I whimpered and she grunted, pressing her crotch into my hand. <br><br> We were <<shake 4s>>cumming<</shake>>. It happened so quickly. My free hand grasped her ass, my other squeezing tightly at her slight wrist. Her fingers tweaked hard at my nipple and the three inside me shoved deep, filling me as much as possible as she felt the warm, soft walls clutching at her. <br><br> "One sec." She panted out, reaching into the side table and pulling out a little white vibrator. And she stuck it in hard. I arched, whimpering, my lower lip trembling. And then she turned it on. There I was, on my back, spread so wide, gasping up at the ceiling and clawing at her sheets. She gave me no time to recover and giggled in delight as she brought me off. Off. Off. Off. <br><br> "S-s-stoppp." I pushed her away and she tumbled back. Too hard, but I couldn't blame my shuddering body. I didn't have control over myself and it was her fault. And she was laughing anyway. She rolled off her back, licking the vibrator performatively as she moved up beside me and smacked it down into my hand. I grinned and pushed it, softly, teasingly between her bare outer lips. <br><br> She cooed and grabbed my chin, pulling my upper lips to hers. Our tongues played as my hand worked back and forth, slowly fucking her on the plastic cock. I couldn't help but smile against her mouth each time she whimpered and shook. Off. Off. Off. Off. <br><br> She was pawing at my body in the throws of her most recent orgasm when there was a knock at the door. "Shit." We froze. Eyes locked on each others as my fingers snapped the vibrator off. Her friends wondering why she wasn't answering her phone. "One sec! I fell asleep." She motioned for me to stay. Still. I watched her tumble out of the bed and quickly get dressed again. She was shining gloriously, sweaty, pink and flushed. She kept stealing glances at me in the crumpled sheets. <br><br> I listened to her friends digging into her story as the door shut. I waited a few moments and then got my things together, leaving the room that smelled soaked of pussy. <<print $CC.FName>> looked confused when I got back to our room, "You okay?" I nodded, playing it off as best as I could. I made up the story I had come up with on my walk back as I stripped down, ready to take a shower and hide any hint of our humping. <br><br> "I don't think we need to worry anymore." For that trip, it was true. It was also a confusing night and week that followed. How much of that was actual attraction and wanting the other one? How much of that was comingled with our hatred? What fueled the other? Were they just confused together and our brains couldn't figure it out? We fell into our usual rhythm quickly afterward, but there was a different energy between us. A carnal knowledge and connection. <br><br> <<elseif $ == $CC.FName>> <<face ahego>> We spent //so// much time together. We had been friends for so long we'd already done the 'show me yours' years ago. And that bug that it put in my brain turned out to also be in hers. And one night, curled up watching a movie on Netflix, we chilled -- made sleepovers very, ''very'' interesting. <br><br> Laying there, comfortable, just in shorts and t-shirts with only a little cotton between us, our defenses were down. Spooning each other wasn't anything new. She'd whisper in my ear commenting on the movie. I'd smack her thigh and laugh. This time, her teeth nipped at my earlobe in response. My hand squeezed her thigh back. <br><br> And then her teeth tugged and I groaned, the trigger in my brain pulled. She giggled in my ear as her tongue joined the battle. <br><br> I was turning without thinking, our legs repositioning, intertwining as we began to make out. We'd made out before, but it was a learning experience, or for fun, or because we were drunk. This was completely different. And it was hot. It was taking all of the other times and putting it all together. <br><br><br> We knew each other quite well. Our bodies, our minds. It had happened in little moments throughout the day to day over the weeks, months, //years//. <br><br> She was clutching herself to me, pulling me like she was feeding a craving. My hands were on her ass, smaller than mine but cute and pert. I gave it a tug, pulling her hips against mine and we began to grind. <br><br> I could feel her heat. I'm sure she could feel my wetness. Pressure against our smooth thighs, back and forth, side to side, slow circles. We were grunting and panting into each other's mouths, hands tight on the other's body to ensure that we didn't move. <br><br> We didn't. Until we came. Nearly together, first it was her, fingernails digging into my shirt as she whimpered cutely: pouty and pained eyes as her body shook. <br><br> Maybe it was the look that got me there, but then I was joining her and blackness and then bright light was all I saw. Then I realized she was giggling softly and covering my mouth, "<<print $>>. Fuck. Yer gunna wake them." <br><br> "Should we...?" She nodded, playfully pushing me right off the couch. I thudded to the ground and we left the TV on as we bounced upstairs, bodies ruddy and throbbing in heat as oxytocin coursed through us. <br><br><br> I was certainly thinking about continuing and her peeling a T-shirt off in the hallway by her bedroom clued me in that her thoughts were similar. <br><br> She was top-heavy, for sure and I always admired her tits. I grabbed her crossing the lintel as I began sucking hungrily at her nipples. She cooed and nudged the door shut while she walked backwards, pulling me with her towards the bed. Her hands were dropping my shorts. <br><br> I climbed ontop of her excitedly. I continued to work on her rigid, ready nipples, her hand snaking between my legs to begin ministrations. I gasped, breaking contact and pushing her down, my other hand grasping her wrist, "I'm //sen//-sitive..." <br><br> She grinned devilishly and grabbed my hips. I felt the wetness on one cheek as her fingers gripped me, we were reorienting and then her head was between my legs. Shuddering, sensitive but giving in to the pleasure, I dropped mine as well to return the favor. <br><br><br> Tasting her was incredibly personal, like I was experiencing a part of myself. <br><br> Her laughing against my mound was a crazy experience, "Yer shaking." <br><br> "I know." It was muffled, literally, but I'm sure she knew what I meant. And then we both got to work, her hands gripping my hips to keep me steady. And soon enough I had to hold hers as she bucked against my nose and jaw. I hoped I wasn't going to have black eyes from the first jerk of orgasmic release. <br><br> Not letting up, my fingers pushed into her soft insides, thrusting slowly as I curled them and licked playfully at her clit. She squealed, grabbing at me as she continued to cum. I took her gripping at my fingers as a compliment. It ruined my rhythm, but it was enough for her, apparently. <br><br><br> We alternated like that for probably an hour, focusing on each other in a 69, face to face with our mature 'mine' and 'yours'. And then we collapsed until the morning. <br><br> "So...did that...count?" Came the groggy, exhausted question as the morning light flickered over our naked bodies, strewn across the crumpled, wet sheets. <br><br> It was my first thought too: lack of dick. Lack of 'real' penetration. How much different was that from what we'd done before? "Yeah. //Definitely//." <br><br> <<elseif $ == "Coach Vovk">> <<set _sex1 = "good">> <<set _sex2 = "careful">> <<set _sex3 = "good">> It was one day after the official practice had wound down. I had taken a tumble and he had sent the other girls home while he cared for me in the trainer's office. The gym was essentially empty and the spark that had always been between us -- mutual respect, the physicality of what we were doing, the intensity, that his hands were always on me without being overtly sexual -- it all had been building until that moment on the massage table. <<elseif $ == "Vance">> <<set _sex1 = "good">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> There's something about doing a show with someone. You've heard showmance maybe? When you're opposite someone, playing love, playing attraction, it's easier to fool others when you've fooled yourself. And daily, we were pining after each other, canoodling for hours on end, kissing -- we had gone for the real thing early in rehearsal -- and so, naturally, we took an excuse to 'run lines' and practice on off-hours, alone, in his room. <<elseif $ == "Rod">> <<set _sex1 = "good">> <<set _sex2 = "careful">> <<set _sex3 = "fine">> <<if visited("HS002 - Sports_Treatment") && $Body.virginityLostIn == "HS">> We spent a ton of time together: afternoons, weekends, alone and sweaty. The congratulatory, customary butt-smack from him was different. The pain and jiggle made between my legs react in a way that my body understood before my brain did. And wearing spandex didn't leave much separation from his hand and my bare skin. So, we had spent the afternoon with his hands guiding my stance for a pass, my swing for a serve. We were close, we were alone. We'd already had our training sessions that had established our sexual relationship, but eventually we brought it out of that routine. Our fucking happened more frequently and moved beyond just something that happened during practice. The gym floor wasn't comfortable, but it was there. <<else>> We spent a ton of time together: afternoons, weekends, alone and sweaty. The congratulatory, customary butt-smack from him was different. The pain and jiggle made between my legs react in a way that my body understood before my brain did. And wearing spandex didn't leave much separation from his hand and my bare skin. So, we had spent the afternoon with his hands guiding my stance for a pass, my swing for a serve. We were close, we were alone. The gym floor wasn't comfortable, but it was there. <</if>> <<elseif $ == "Hull">> <<set _sex1 = "good">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "fine">> There was an intimacy to the Confessional. Telling someone your secrets, the dark corners of your mind and experience. What you had done wrong. And then to be forgiven? Unequivocally? Instantly? Eternally? The relief of that weight has an incredible feeling. So I was more honest. And eventually I was honest about how I felt. I admired him deeply. He lived rent-free in my mind and I told him what I thought about at night. And he asked for me to show him. And I did, because the forgiveness was moments away. And then he showed me it was reciprocated. We gave each other relief and forgiveness. <<elseif $ == "Uncle Tom">> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "selfish">> <<set _sex3 = "fine">> I guess, truly, he wasn't my uncle. By blood. Just <<print $CC.MName>>'s brother who was always over. A friend and family. He'd be drinking with <<if $ == 2>>another family member<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> or coming over for a dinner. Or doing work around the house -- he was very handy. And I noticed him looking, once I began to understand really what that meant. And once I had gotten to the place where there was something to look at. One day he was over and it was just me and him. It didn't take long before us being alone allowed us to fulfill those desires. <<elseif $ == "Mark">> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "careful">> <<set _sex3 = "fine">> Fuck the patriarchy, man. But goddamn, the strength and control that came with being a man, being in power was intoxicating. Maybe I got myself in trouble from time to time not just because I wasn't thinking or bucking the rules, but because I wanted the discipline and to see how I'd be reprimanded by our principal, Mark, this time. I was a regular in his office and I think he began to understand that it wasn't just poor behavior or me being a typical unruly child. I think he saw the interest in my eyes for his position. I think he gave me detention not because I deserved it, but because he knew he was running it that weekend and no one else was being disciplined. And so I really got to fuck the patriarchy. <<elseif $ == "Brian">> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "drunk">> I'm not proud about it. But it was hot. We had gotten a //little// drunk and made our way to my place...and my room. At the moment, he didn't seem to care about <<print $CC.FName>> and neither did I. There was something about him that I had always found attractive. Kind of realized it when they started dating. Now, I could get a taste of it myself. I wasn't going to wait until they weren't together to get a taste of him. They could still date, or whatever. I'm no homewrecker. Just horny, I guess. And if they weren't together, I'd have wanted to hook up with him too. So, it had nothing to do with her. Even if she did find out, she //couldn't// get mad. It just...happened. It needed to happen. It was going to happen. It happened. <<elseif $ == $CC.DName>> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> <<print $CC.MName>> wasn't home. When we were alone, the dynamic between <<print $>> and I was...different. He treated me with the same energy and looks that I experienced from normal guys. Other guys. And he knew me in ways that no one else could -- there was a natural intimacy that he leaned into. He encouraged me to be 'comfortable' around him and not worry about what I was wearing. We'd watch things together. We'd be close. He progressively became more adventurous with his hands and his proximity. He'd use confidence and circumstance to push the envelope. Things that started 'off' became 'normal' and expected. And then, it happened. <<elseif $ == "Larry">> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "careful">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> He was one of the last guys that earned the title "dad" as I bounced around before ending up with <<if $ == 2>>just <<else>><<print $CC.DName>> and <</if>><<print $CC.MName>>. When we were alone, the dynamic between Larry and I was...different. He treated me with the same energy and looks that I experienced from normal guys. Other guys. And he knew me in ways that no one else could -- there was a natural intimacy that he leaned into. He encouraged me to be 'comfortable' around him and not worry about what I was wearing. We'd watch things together. We'd be close. He progressively became more adventurous with his hands and his proximity. He'd use confidence and circumstance to push the envelope. Things that started 'off' became 'normal' and expected. And then, it happened. <<elseif $ == "Tyler">> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "good">> When I wasn't with The Boys, I was with <<print $CC.FName>>. At her house, I had a freedom that I didn't at my own, -- whatever rules she was expected to adhere to were relaxed for me, and the rules //I// was supposed to adhere to? I got to do what I fucking wanted. I spent a ton of time around the house, in myriad states, various states of...dress, after parties, before parties. So, my proximity, Tyler and I spent time together too. He got to know me in a way that other parents didn't. And I saw the way he looked at me. And it ignited something in me from the first moment. I didn't know why -- maybe it was because it was //her// Dad. It would upset her if she knew. It elevated the stakes and clearly excited us both. And then, one afternoon, I had dropped by and she hadn't been there. <<elseif $ == "Arvin">> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "careful">> <<set _sex3 = "good">> I felt comfortable around him and with him being around all the time, it's who I brought my questions to and his thoughts about me were quite apparent. While he was 'dad' -- he wasn't. There was a familial closeness and knowledge, but there was also a non-familial freedom. So when <<print $CC.MName>> wasn't around, there were lowered barriers, flirting, a bit of teasing. The wrongness was exciting. I don't know if either of us expected it to be consummated, but it certainly was. <<elseif $ == "Carlos">> <<set _sex1 = "sudden">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "good">> The gooning sessions aligned with the yard work on a monthly cycle, and after Carlos had gotten such a show, there was a sexual tension between us when I would show up. When he and his team would show up. When I would goon, I'd occasionally think about him, that first accident, and other 'scenarios'. And then, one day, I was in the midst of a sesh -- he certainly knew my schedule by that point -- and I heard a knock at the door. Throwing on something quickly and immensely frustrated, I answered. He wanted a glass of water. We quenched...something. <<elseif $ == "Ronnie">> <<set _sex1 = "sudden">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> There's an ease when you're at home which is tough to rival. Your guard is down, you're trying to just be you and live your life. So, sometimes when informal get-togethers happen, family friends caught me unawares. Ronnie was one of <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>'s guys that was always over for a beer. To watch the game. When his inhibition was down he certainly watched me as well. He had some 'accidental' encounters to check in with me, build a kind of friendship and 'just us' sense. I didn't mind the attention. And that he was hiding it from <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> some kind of rebellious bonus. So one night, when I had joined them for a late night movie -- their team had lost -- we were left alone and...things happened that had been building between us for months. A tension needed to be released, a realization of all those imagined eventualities and possibilities... <<elseif $ == "Seth">> <<set _sex1 = "sudden">> <<set _sex2 = "careful">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> When you're experimenting, before you've really gotten to understand what's happening and what's going to happen, you're trying to grapple with the explosive excitement and pleasure. Rationally. As best you can. And, in my case...I didn't grapple too well. Making out went quickly to heavy petting and once we were getting at each other's parts, they wanted to come together. And so did we. So we did. <<if $>>A lot of firsts all at once.<</if>> <<elseif $ == "Random Guy">> <<set _sex1 = "sudden">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "drunk">> I...don't know his name. Don't really remember much, if anything about him. I have pieced together what I can from my first time with him because...<<if $>>it was my first time.<<else>>well, I'm trying to figure what //did// happen.<</if>> But all I'm certain of is that it happened, I've gotten over 'regret' and tried to ignore any of that bullshit about <<if $>>'first time' expectations<<else>>sex being meaningful<</if>> or other social myths. It was sex. We sexed. <<elseif $ == "Barkewitcz">> <<set _sex1 = "rules">> <<set _sex2 = "selfish">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> I think he had been made coach of the softball team because of 'incidents' with other teams. I think he was floored to find out that I actually liked dudes. He loved that I didn't care about the rumors, and that the other girls were jealous of //him//. Sure, it was in the dugout after practice, sweaty and tired. But it was secluded and safe. <<elseif $ == "Samson">> <<set _sex1 = "good">> <<set _sex2 = "selfish">> <<set _sex3 = "good">> Youth group wasn't a weird place to find a boyfriend. It was kinda part of the point -- bringing the like-minded, Christ-like together. He didn't have long hair, which made me smile -- either meant he was powerless or it was a bad name. But, God, was he //hot//. He acted like he didn't know it, which made it cuter and once it was all done, I think that was learned behavior that worked for him. It worked on me. And we were ''not'' Christ-like. <<elseif $ == "Petey">> <<set _sex1 = "good">> <<set _sex2 = "selfish">> <<set _sex3 = "quick">> I don't remember how we went from him being a crush of mine and to actual dating, but when he asked me out, I was floored. It felt monumental, an impossibility, a dream. <<if $Body.virginityLostIn != "HS">>Kinda like our first night.<</if>> <<elseif $ == "Wes">> <<set _sex1 = "pushy">> <<set _sex2 = "unprep">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> I definitely wasn't his first. I knew that for a fact. I could probably give you a list of who he was //their// first, though. He had a magnetism to him. There was this aura and status to him at school, and his confidence worked. Time and again. On others. On me. There was almost like a rhythm or standard operating procedure from the way he behaved. He had a method and it worked, not just for notches, but pathfinding women. <<elseif $ == "Marco">> <<set _sex1 = "pushy">> <<set _sex2 = "selfish">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> Spending time after hours at school meant there were fewer people around, and those that were around weren't actually school staff. It was during those off-hours that a sweaty, extremely confident construction worker made his move. The first day, I really enjoyed the attention and a break from the boredom of waiting around essentially alone with my phone. The next day, his questions got more personal and he clearly was taking a break to spend it with me. Then, //that// day, he wanted to show me what they were working on. It was unfinished, uncomfortable, but for his purposes -- unoccupied. <<elseif $ == "Warren">> <<set _sex1 = "pushy">> <<set _sex2 = "game">> <<set _sex3 = "bad">> He led our Varsity squad on the field, so he had an aura about him. We were at an after-game celebration and he had been integral in winning the game. He always was. He approached me, new on the squad and I was flattered. I was floored. It was like being in the thrall of a rockstar. I wasn't his first, and he had a bit of a rep, <<if $>>but it was a first time for me. And with him, it would be memorable, right?<<else>>but it wasn't mine either, so who cared, right?<</if>> <<elseif $ == "Amari">> <<set _sex1 = "pushy">> <<set _sex2 = "game">> <<set _sex3 = "good">> Being a girl in a gang has a massively sexual element to it. It was kind of like a harem, and Amari was the head of the group, which meant when he selected someone, he got what he wanted. Otherwise, you were dismissed, unprotected...or worse. And he always liked the fresh and new ones before others had their pass. It was a ritual, it was the rule, it was expected. <<elseif $ == "Clay">> <<set _sex1 = "pushy">> <<set _sex2 = "game">> <<set _sex3 = "fine">> He was the touchpoint between me and the label, which meant we would meet up for coffee and get into the weeds together on what could be good for my career. It felt good to be the focus of his attention, that he was so passionate about //me// and he was cute. And not too much older than me. Our meetings were increasingly away from the office and in more intimate, personal locations. It was less about my career and more about each other. Afterwards the meetings became a weird kind of wooden official -- a barrier between the artist and what had happened. <<elseif $ == "Ian">> <<set _sex1 = "sudden">> <<set _sex2 = "game">> <<set _sex3 = "good">> God it was nice being on the beach, seeing every guy in the splendor of the sun. Mostly naked, showing off their bodies, shining in sweat and lotion. It was like getting a sneak preview of what a hookup would be like with them. Ian was an absolute stud, and we'd spend some time before swapping shifts on the tower. He'd come early to chat, I'd stay late to talk. And on a slow day...we did more than talk. <<elseif $ == "Eric">> <<set _sex1 = "good">> <<set _sex2 = "game">> <<set _sex3 = "fine">> I was the only girl in the group, which had a certain quality about it. Eric fudged some rolls for me, but also brought sex to the forefront be including rules that he had found online about sex into the game. And my character was female and somehow kept finding herself in situations that required or suggested her having sex. I could sense the arousal of the guys at the table as those encounters took place. And Eric took it a step further, showing me what those rules looked like in real life during one of our pre-session chats about character and background. We didn't talk about my Elven Paladin or the campaign, though. <<elseif $ == "DJ Eros">> <<set _sex1 = "sudden">> <<set _sex2 = "selfish">> <<set _sex3 = "drunk">> There was this little club that we frequented when we didn't want to get //too// tore up. Or deal with the hassle of bouncers. We were known and even given some spins on the turntables by this guy, DJ Eros. He was a small-time disc jockey, but he had a standing spot opening and keeping the energy up before a bigger act came later. And when I got a little too drunk, I hung out up there with him __maybe__ a bit too much. He'd DJ and I'd dance with him. Or, I guess, dance against him. When I was definitely too drunk and he was leaving the stage for the big act of the night, this one time he brought me back to the greenroom since it was still early and took it a step further. <<elseif $ == "Raymond">> <<set _sex1 = "sudden">> <<set _sex2 = "game">> <<set _sex3 = "drunk">> Having a truck meant I had a get outta dodge card on hand. Raymond was more than happy to come pick me up and we were more than happy to do literally nothing but chill in the flatbed and drink. Sometimes we'd end up making out. Not like we were dating or anything more than buds, but when you were alone and drunk...things happened. More often than not, making out led to hooking up because we were bored and drunk. And this one time, things escalated really quickly. I can literally still feel the plastic ridges of the flatbed protector on my back. <<elseif $ == "Derek">> <<set _sex1 = "pushy">> <<set _sex2 = "selfish">> <<set _sex3 = "drunk">> Derek was //the// most popular guy. He didn't fall into any particular clique and he floated between them effortlessly. There was an infectious quality to his smile and his gaze. I melted every time he looked at me and got jealous whenever his attention turned to someone else -- even guys. So, when he offered to take me out, I think I said yes before he finishes his sentence. He was every classes white whale and I was deigned worthy enough to go out with him. He insisted we keep it a secret and now, in retrospect, I understand why. But in the moment, it felt like a dirty -- important -- little secret. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if _sex1 == "pushy">> <<face confused>> We'd been making out, tongues stuffing down each other's throats and practically eating each other's faces. There was something exciting about getting this worked up and not going further. I giggled at his grunts. I could tell he was so horny. He wanted me //bad//. Grabbing at his body, I pulled him against me. I wanted him too. But not that way. Not yet. Not right now. <br><br> It's not that I was afraid <<if $>>of losing my virginity.<<else>>of hooking up with him.<</if>> But it was something new and it was a bit scary. And it was a one time thing. You couldn't take it back. I just...wasn't ready yet. <br><br> I yelped, he was pulling me up, tight against him as his fingers dug at my ass, trying to peel my skirt upward. I giggled into his mouth and tugged back down. Give him a little feel but not give him the wrong idea. <br><br> He bit at my lower lip, "Ow!" I frowned, our kiss broken for a moment and his eyes flashed devilishly. I smirked and bit back at his, tugging lightly with my teeth and then we dove in again. <br><br> My hands battled with <<print $>> at the hem of my top. Fine. Grab one of my...<<shake 2s>>tits<</shake>>. "Hey." I got out quickly before he dove in for another pressing kiss. My shirt was coming up and my hands were at his wrists. Both of us were pulling. He was winning. <br><br> The pressure of his mouth against mine was leaning me back. My shirt was coming up. <<link "Off">><<upper>><</link>>. He was climbing over me and getting between my legs, pulling them apart firmly as I began to realize that he didn't feel it was as fun to get this worked up if we weren't going to take it home. <br><br> /* TODO Mira: for 0.3.1 - fix undressing with linkexpands */ /* OK this is major refactor - we'd need to do each _sex1, _sex2, _sex3 as a separate include and have these included inside expand... */ I wasn't sure what to do, feeling him tug my hips up and yanking my <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><</link>> up my legs, revealing just how easy access I was. <<else>> <<link "skirt">><<lower "denimSkirt_up">><<panties>><</link>> up my legs with my underwear. <</if>> And then he immediately dropped himself between my thighs again. <br><br> Undoing his belt and zipper, he was leaning over me, looking down at the goal of his quest between my legs, his chest heaving and breath a series of rapid pants, "I...I'm not sure..." my fingers plaintively trying to find the edge of his pants and hint to maybe...keep them closed? <br><br> "About what?" He grinned broadly as his insistence was freed. Goddamn he was hard. The cock didn't even move as it came free from within his pants. His heartbeat made it slightly waver with increased tension. <br><br> <<if $>> "I've never..." <br><br> "Better late than never." <<else>> "Just not sure if now--" <br><br> "Now is perfect." <</if>> He smiled, pushing my thighs back and smacking his cock against my sticky, soaked slit. <br><br> "I don't know." I gasped out, feeling the rigidity bouncing off of my engorged clit. <br><br> "I do." His smile never faltered, nor did the pressure to take it further. <br><br><br> <<elseif _sex1 == "sudden">> <<face shock>> Fuck. I was //so// horny. My shirt was off, <<print $>> was sucking firmly at my erect nipples, and I was gasping out, clutching his head against me as the pleasure shot through me. <br><br> My hand had disappeared into his pants, the zipper scraping and tugging at my wrist while I tugged carefully at his cock, swollen within. He switched nipples, I shuddered. I felt his hands working the remaining clothing off from my lower half and my body responded, my mind elsewhere. <br><br> Hips lifting and working, our combined efforts meant I was naked in seconds, his hand diving right between my legs. His fingertips <<if $Body.pubes !== "bald">>glid over my smooth mound <<else>>caught slightly at my hair as they searched lower <</if>>to the honey-soaked target below, beginning to flick at my clit. <br><br> "<<shake 3s>>Fuck<</shake>>." The pitch of my voice elevated an octave as my core clenched and my hands pulled him against me. He felt my need and he pushed me back. Everything inside me was calling out for pleasure and release. <br><br> I felt his pants drop away from his hips, thankful to not experience the roughness of the zipper any longer. I cooed and gasped, feeling not just his fingers toying with my button, but my hand bumping against my sex -- getting crowded -- as the tip, slick with precum, began to probe lower while I stroked. <br><br> The sensation of his near entry, the heat and firmness of his erection, the feeling of him ontop of me...shit, was I ready for this? <<if $>>Did he even know he was about to take my<<else>>Usually there's more fore--<</if>> -- a sharp pang as the tip dug in, letting my hand be the guide and steady for him as he applied pressure, starting to sink in. <br><br> Instinctively, I jerked, releasing his cock and pushing up on his stomach. He leaned up, breaking contact with both my clit and my <<print $Body.tits>> breasts. He was frowning, my body was upset, both were needy children denied what felt good. "What." The tone was firm. Not a question. <br><br> "S-sorry...<<if $>>my first time<<else>>nothing<</if>>..." <<if $>>It wasn't how I imagined it, but it certainly felt really necessary right now.<<else>>Not how I imagined it with him, but too late now.<</if>> <br><br> "Really?" <br><br> I nodded, chewing at my lower lip. <br><br><br> <<elseif _sex1 == "good">> <<face ahego>> We'd been together a while. <<print $>> had been supremely patient, considerate that I wasn't ready yet and had to build up to this moment. <br><br> But I relented, it was time. And hearing that, we were off to the races, clambering awkwardly against each other as we tried to manage a new configuration and intention for our bodies. <br><br> We giggled and it was sweet, I could see the kindness in his eyes, almost an "Are you sure?" question lingering while we kissed and positioned ourselves. <br><br> I worked on his belt as an answer and immediately I felt his lips on my neck, the excitement clear in his nipping. The belt swung open and his hips shifted as I tugged, negotiating his pants down while I felt his fingers fumbling at my clothes -- too fast ironically making him go slower. <br><br> Soon, his cock was out, pulsing in anticipation and my pussy was freed. He dove straight in. My hands clutched around me, knees kicking up and out as I was shocked by the sudden clit suckling. <br><br> My hands found his head, caressing and tugging slightly while I gasped and melted before him. It wasn't my first time being eaten out, but knowing it wasn't the act in and of itself, it shook me to my core. <br><br> <<if $Body.pubes == "bush">> I felt his hot breath puffing into my hair, occasionally feeling him shift to remove a stray or reposition for a better angle, soon it was mostly matted from the moistness of his breathing and my own natural juice. <<elseif $Body.pubes !== "bald">> I felt his breath puffing into my hair that slowly matted under the assault of his moist breaths, the bridge of his nose against my pubic bone, pressing against it and working side to side as he munched. <<else>> I felt his breath puffing hotly against my bare skin, bridge of his nose working against the smooth skin of my mound, moistness from his breathing coupled with my own natural juice. <</if>> <br><br> I squealed, climaxing as he his fingers pressed up into me and his tongue flicked against my nub. I clutched at his head, thighs on either side pinning him against my sex while it thrummed through me. <br><br> As I settled back, I laughed, seeing him lift up with a pussy-eating grin and wiping his mouth clean on his sleeve. <br><br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex1 == "rules">> "We shouldn't be doing this..." <<print $>> chuckled as our lips parted for the hundredth time. The thought of //him// and ''me'' being together. Of us being found out. Especially...during the act. <br><br> <<if $>>Of losing my virginity?<</if>> Oh god. That was what was about to happen. It hadn't really crossed my mind until this moment. Somewhere deep inside me, I had known, but I had just wanted the contact, the intimacy -- ''intense'' like I had never experienced -- with __him__. <br><br><br> <<shake 2s>>Fuck.<</shake>> That did something inside of me. The reasons and whys and hows of everything up to this moment evaporated in the wake of my desire. To do the thing. The //wrong// thing. <br><br> "Ready?" <br><br> I nodded and shrugged. <br><br> <<if $>>"It's...your first time...right?"<<else>>"It's...not your first time...right?"<</if>> <br><br> Another <<if $>>nod<<else>>shake of my head<</if>> and shrug. <br><br> "And you're sure?" <br><br> A final nod, shrug, tugging him into my face and diving deeply into the bliss that was his mouth. <br><br> I worked on his belt as an answer and immediately I felt his lips on my neck, the excitement clear in his nipping. The belt swung open and his hips shifted as I tugged, negotiating his pants down while I felt his fingers fumbling at my clothes -- too fast, ironically making him go slower. <br><br> Soon, his cock was out, pulsing in anticipation and my pussy was freed. His eyes gazed at<<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>the smooth skin<<else>>the hair<</if>> above my glistening gash. I could tell he was considering, eyes darting up to check in with me, so I said, "We should probably be quick...cuz if..." <br><br> "Yeah, that'd be bad. Quick it is!" He nodded in full agreement to just get to the dick in pussy part. <br><br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "selfish">> <<face hurt1>> <<set _condom = false>> My eyes dropped to his cock, visibly aching. <br><br> Without warning, my head was being pulled to it. I mmmphed in surprise, the words stopped by the flesh in between my lips. My <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes looking at him in surprise, eyebrows raised, but he wasn't paying attention except to the <<if $Body.virginityLostIn != "HS">>new <</if>>sensation. He was grunting and pulling firmly at the back of my head. <br><br> My hands pressed at his thighs but he pressed harder. Continuing to suck, I bobbed and applied pressure with my tongue and suction with my mouth, feeling the heartbeat against my cheeks and roof of my mouth as he fucked my mouth. <<if $>>So, I guess I wasn't going to be losing my virginity.<</if>> <br><br> And then my head was being pulled back by my hair while he was climbing ontop of me, his free hand pushing my thighs out of his way as he lined himself up, lubricated with my spit and incredibly ready to go now. The arousal was burning brightly in his eyes. <<if $>>Oh, I guess I //was//.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> "C-condom." I gasped out, finally able to speak and taking what moment I had to get some kind of protection before -- yep, I was losing my virginity because -- "Ow!" there it went. <br><br> His hips driving down firmly as he shook his head, "Too late." With a deep grunt. The sharp jabbing pain of being not only entered quickly but for the first time was enough to silence my response. <br><br><br> <<else>> "C-careful--" I gasped out, finally able to speak and taking what moment I had to get some consideration before <<if $>>-- yep, I was losing my virginity because -- "Ow!" there it went.<<else>>"Ow!"<</if>> <br><br> His hips driving down firmly as he shook his head, "Too late." With a deep grunt. The sharp jabbing pain of being not only entered quickly but for the first time was enough to silence my response. <br><br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "careful">> <<set _condom = true>> My eyes dropped to his cock, visibly aching. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> I motioned for him to mount me and he shook his head, "One sec," digging in his crumpled pants pocket. <br><br> I laughed and waved him on again, "<<print $>>, it's fiiine...I'm on <<print $CC.BC>>." <br><br> There was a momentary consideration, I could see it as he looked between my legs as he unwrapped the condom anyway and began to roll it down his rigid meat. <br><br> "Safer." <br><br> "You don't trust me?" <br><br> "That's not..." he sighed, a pained look on his face. <br><br> I didn't want to kill the mood, reaching down to grasp his cock and stroke it slightly, guiding it forward, "Sorry." <br><br> "Sokay. Just want you to trust me too." <br><br> "I...d-do." It didn't come out as believable as I wanted as he entered me. <br><br><br> <<else>> ", uh, got a..." <br><br> He nodded vigorously, "One sec," digging in his crumpled pants pocket. <br><br> "Cool, thanks...I'm just not on..." <br><br> I could see his desire to fuck me anyway as he looked between my legs and unwrapped the condom, "Shh...I know." He began to roll it down his rigid meat. <br><br> "You know I trust you, right?" <br><br> "Shh...." he put a finger against my mouth, leaning ontop of me. <br><br> I didn't want to kill the mood, reaching down to grasp his cock and stroke it slightly, guiding it forward, "Sorry." <br><br> "Shhh..." he repeated, but it was harder to be quiet right then as the tip met me and stuck inside, entering me. <br><br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "game">> <<set _condom = false>> My eyes dropped to his cock, visibly aching. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> I motioned for him to mount me and he nodded, "I've got really good pullout game." Confident as he slowly moved into position. <br><br> "So, not your first time, huh." I laughed, waving him on again, "I'm on <<print $CC.BC>>. Don't hafta." <br><br> "Yeah, rather not." He smiled, quite pleased as he pushed the unprotected head up and down my slit, giving a slight nudge at my entrance that made me gasp. <br><br> I bit my lower lip, "Tease." <br><br> <<if $>>"Especially your first time...<<else>>"...<</if>>you should //feel// it all." He pressed his head in, feeling him spreading me open and then drew back and out of me, letting me feel the vacancy he left. I could tell he was both enjoying the bare feeling on his cock and teasing me. <br><br> "S-stop that already." I reached behind him and pulled his ass, my back arching as he was suddenly inside me fully, as I had asked. The teasing stopped. <br><br><br> <<else>> ", uh, got a..." <br><br> Instead, he smiled, "I've got //really// good pullout game." Confident and dismissing the condom with barely a second thought. <br><br> "Uh, cool, but uh...I'm just not on..." <br><br> I could see his desire to fuck me anyway as he looked between my legs, "Truuuust me. I've got this. Don't have one anyway." <br><br> "Oh." Wasn't sure what to do with the options on the table. "Not your first time, huh?" <br><br> "Ha. No." His cock was beginning to wane, my hand reached down to stroke, to stoke the fire. I didn't want to kill the mood, "You sure?" His eyes fluttered at my touch, he nodded. Maybe at the sensation, maybe at my question. I guided him forward. <br><br> "Ngh..." he grunted at the touch. The feeling of my unprotected heat against his bare tip. "Feel nice?" He asked as he applied pressure, parting my folds. <br><br> I nodded. He did seem experienced, especially in comparison to me. "You'll pull out, right?" <br><br> "I said I would." A little ticked at the question, but less so once his head pushed inside. Fuck. This felt good. Hurt. But...//good//. I nodded. <br><br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "unprep">> <<set _condom = false>> My eyes dropped to his cock, visibly aching. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> I motioned for him to mount me and he nodded, "Cool. Yeah, I really wasn't...prepared for this. So, you're good?" He motioned at his bare meat, slowly moving into position. <br><br> I laughed and waved him on again, "<<print $>>, it's fiiine...I'm on <<print $CC.BC>>." <br><br> "Awesome." And then he was pushing the unprotected head up and down my slit, giving a little nudge at my entrance, making me gasp. <br><br> He smiled. I bit my lower lip, "Tease." <br><br> <<if $>>"Especially your first time...<<else>>"...<</if>>you should //feel// it all." It was a kind smile, poking slightly in and drawing back, enjoying working me up. <br><br> "It will be. Now. //Get//. ''In''. Me." I reached back and gave a pull at his ass, arching my back as the entry happened. Oh, he was in. <br><br><br> <<else>> ", uh, got a..." <br><br> He nodded vigorously, "One sec," digging in his crumpled pants pocket. <br><br> "Cool, thanks...I'm just not on..." <br><br> I could see his desire to fuck me anyway as he looked between my legs, face shifting as he and I both realized the lack of protection at the same time, "Uh, wasn't really...expecting this, ya know?" a smile seeking understanding. <br><br> "Yeah, makes sense." An awkward giggle. <br><br> " any?" His cock was beginning to wane, I shook my head, but reached down to stroke, to stoke the fire. I didn't want to kill the mood, so I guiding it forward, "Sorry." <br><br> "Ngh..." he grunted at the touch. "Y-you really should if you're not...on..." <br><br> "Yeah, I wasn't expecting it either." <br><br> He chuckled, leaning in, letting my stroking push his cockhead up and down my waiting slit. "So, call it even?" <br><br> "Just...?" <br><br> He nodded, applying some pressure and I felt myself being penetrated, "I'll pull out." <br><br> Fuck. This felt good. Hurt. But...//good//. "Yeah." I nodded. <br><br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _sex3 == "fine">> He shuddered and I felt a pang of jealousy. He was //loving// this. He pushed into me, my walls fighting his entrance and each stroke. <br><br> I shifted myself underneath him, thighs wider and feet higher as his crotch met mine, trying to find comfort. I felt the warm weight of his sack nestle and then press tightly against my ass as he crammed his cockhead firmly up inside me against my cervix -- //jesus// -- that was unexpected. My hand pushed at his stomach each time he stuffed my innards aside like that. <br><br> He took it as a sign of pleasure, "Like that?" grinning big. <br><br> "Can you not go so deep?" A flash of surprise fluttered over his face as he processed the opposite of what he thought was true about sex. <br><br> "Uh. Sure." He nodded as he lifted over me and pulled his dick-punches. I sighed and nodded, mmphing out as I began to get used to the sensation of someone inside of me. <br><br> He was frowning a bit, though I could still see the shocks of pleasure as my ridges tugged at his cock -- he was liking this, but he wasn't enjoying what I had asked of him. <br><br> "Better?" I nodded, "Gonna cum?" <br><br> I hadn't expected that. I also didn't expect to actually cum, despite that it wasn't hurting now. Good, but not great. Not the way that it felt when I went to work on myself. "Uh, yeah." I dropped my hand to my clit and closed my eyes. <br><br> "Me too." He grunted out over me. I could feel his attempts at retaining the rhythm and depth but was becoming erratic as his need overrode his mind. He began hilting occasionally inside me and pushed hard, needy against my crotch. He was using me to cum...and I was doing my best to help myself cum too. <br><br> Going to my happy place, I //did// enjoy the extra sensation of being filled and dug into. It gave me another touchstone as I touched. <br><br><br> <<if _condom == false>> <<if _sex2 == "game">> <<cumSpray mound1 body1 breasts1>> I gasped, feeling his cock becoming so rigid and beginning to twitch inside me. Rapidly, he was tugging out of my pussy sharply, making me gasp again. He sat back on his haunches, hand on his sticky cock and pumping wildly as his chest heaved. Hot thick shots of semen shot over my tummy and up to my tits. <br><br> I giggled as some hit me square in the face, "Sorry." He grunted out, but I don't know how sorry he actually was. <br><br> My fingers moved from rubbing at myself to shielding my slit from his errant spurts. I wouldn't be cumming. He did have game, but I wanted to make sure I //definitely// wouldn't be getting pregnant. <br><br> And then he was done. Smiling and stroking slowly over his cock as it oozed ontop of my hand. "Fuck yeah." <br><br><br> <<else>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> I gasped, feeling his cock become so rigid and begin to twitch inside me, surprised as I felt the heat emptying into me thickly. I bit my lower lip as he dug his cockhead at my cervix while he pumped his load against and into it. <br><br> And I lost it, back arching and holding my breath as an orgasm ripped through me, his load the tug at my trigger I needed. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $>>My first time getting fucked was also my first<<else>>Shit, I was<</if>> getting filled and my mind raced, practically imagining the hundreds of millions of swimmers inside me as I ran through my options and what I was going to do once he was finished. <br><br> <</if>> And then he was done, smiling and holding himself tight against me, "Fuck yeah." while fully emptying and then withdrawing. The stickiness beginning in my crotch as his spent cock popped free from my clutch. <br><br><br> <</if>> <<else>> I gasped, feeling his cock become so rigid and begin to twitch inside me. Thankful for the heat of his member, the pumping of his penis inside me as it did its job. <br><br> And I lost it, back arching and holding my breath as an orgasm ripped through me, the feeling of his peak the tug at my trigger I needed. <br><br> And then he was done, smiling and flexing his hips a few times, "Fuck yeah." while fully emptying and then withdrawing. I gasped and winced slightly as the cock pulled out of me, the condom tugging at my lips as it came free as well, heavy with the load. <br><br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "unprep">> <<face shock>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> "Fuck. S-sorry." He was grunting as he felt my pussy pulling at his sensitive meat as he withdrew. I nodded, not sure of what else to say or do. "It just felt too good. I tried." I nodded, still frozen. "You okay? It'll be fine, I'm sure." Flushed, he smiled at me. I nodded and pulled him back down, too late now anyway, I figured. <br><br><br> <</if>> He leaned forward and gave me a kiss while he was pulling himself off of me. "That was so good." <br><br> I giggled and nodded, glad that I had gotten off, but again felt a flash of jealousy as he seemed //so// content right now and I felt...the same as if I had just been fingering at home. <br><br> <<if !$>>Glad I didn't save myself for //that//...<<else>>So that was sex. Huh. I hoped it got better.<</if>> <br><br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex3 == "drunk">> <<face drunk>> He grunted and smacked firmly into me, the booze on his breathe gusting against my face as he labored into me. I mmphed and squirmed, feeling the sharp sensation of being stuffed inside. I was glad for the armor of alcohol, which kept me from feeling too much, both a good and a bad thing, but at least it didn't hurt. <br><br> <<if $>>I had expected it to hurt, but this was just ripping the bandaid off. Tearing my V-Card when I wasn't thinking too hard about it because I couldn't.<</if>> And in the haze of drunkenness we smacked against each other, just letting our lizard brains take control. <br><br> "Fuck this is good." He reiterated, but even in our state, I could tell he was loving it. His eyes glazed from the pleasure, potables in his system, watching me bounce and jiggle underneath him as he drove his cock <<shake 2s>>home<</shake>>. <<shake 5s>>Home<</shake>>. <<shake 10s>>Home<</shake>>. <br><br> His crotch hit against my clit, grinding for a split-second and sending a shock through my system, eliciting a gasp with each inward stroke. It was like a movie, seeing the pleasure from a distance, separate from me but still felt good. <br><br> "Gonna cum?" I shook my head. "Kay." He gave a quick nod. Being drunk he seemed completely unconcerned with my response. But I wasn't gonna fake it <<if $>>my first time <</if>>and I knew that this wasn't going to get me there, either. "I'm gunna." Leaning forward more over me on his hands and slamming his hips down between my thighs intensely. Hot, loaded breath blasting into my face rapidly. "Gonna." He was frowning. Focused. Driving //hard// to overcome his own deadened nerves. "Gon. Na." Nailing roughly, needy. "Cum." <br><br> A final thrust. Head thrown back and grunting deeply as he began to blow his load. <br><br> <<if _condom == false>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> My head dropped back, panting quickly while feeling his cock become so rigid, beginning to twitch inside me. A bloom of heat, thick inside me. The swell and flex of his cock. Another one. He grunted, pressing down tightly between my legs right before each one. I could feel his sack tugging up against my ass as it sent sperm to his semen. <br><br> He grunted out, "Fuck." I watched him orgasm as our drunken hookup came to an end. <br><br><br> Oh. He was cumming in. me. <br><br><br> Took me long enough to realize. Him too. He was done. Smiling and pressing against my mound. "Fuck yeah." <<if _sex2 == "game" or _sex2 == "unprep">> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $>>My first time getting fucked was also my first<<else>>Shit, I was<</if>> getting filled and my mind raced, practically imagining the hundreds of millions of swimmers inside me as I ran through my options and what I was going to do now. <br><br> <</if>> He tugged out sharply and rolled off me, grabbing some tissues to clean himself off. "We should get back." <br><br> Thick, warm wetness oozed out of me. Well, I could feel that. "Yeah." I nodded, going grab my clothes, trying to ignore the mess we made. <br><br><br> <</if>> <<else>> My head dropped back, panting quickly while feeling his cock become so rigid, beginning to twitch inside me. The swell and flex of his cock. Again. Again. Again. He grunted, pressing down tightly between my legs right before each one. I could feel his sack tugging up against my ass as it sent sperm to his semen. <br><br> He grunted out, "Fuck." I watched him orgasm as our drunken hookup came to an end. "Fuck yeah." <br><br> He tugged out sharply and rolled off me. He yanked the condom and flung it aside. I don't know if he got it to a trashcan or not. "We should get back." He grabbed some tissues to clean himself off. <br><br><br> "Yeah." I nodded, going to grab my clothes. <</if>> <<if !$>>Glad I didn't save myself for //that//...<<else>>So that was sex. Hm. Maybe try it not drunk next time. Well, at least I could brag to all my friends about losing it. Done and done.<</if>> <br><br><br> The next day I was super sore. Reminding me how being drunk had 'protected' me. <</if>> <<if _sex3 == "good">> <<face ahego>> He shuddered and I giggled, loving that I could see and feel his reaction. My hands slid down his back as he slid into me. <br><br> I shifted myself underneath him, thighs wider and feet higher as his crotch met mine. I felt the warm weight of his sack nestle and then press tightly against my ass as he crammed his cockhead firmly up inside me against my cervix. I gasped at my innards being pushed like that. <br><br> "You okay?" he froze, mid-way through lifting over me. <br><br> "Y-yeah, just..." <br><br> He nodded quickly, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle. Let me know, okay?" <br><br> "I will. Just...keep going." And smacked him lightly on his back, hands sliding down to his ass. He immediately began to draw back and push into me harder, making my back arch and my hands clenched at his clenching cheeks. <br><br> His eyes gazed not at my body, but my face, searching for hints while the slow draw and insertion continued. <br><br> I smiled and laughed, he smiled and laughed. We were both becoming flushed, sweat was forming. <br><br> <<if $>> It had started with pain, but that had been expected. It was a crazy, new sensation being filled by another person: hard, hot -- literally able to feel their heartbeat through a part of their body that was inside of me. <br><br> And it was feeling better. Thrust by thrust, my pussy stopped yelling at me so much. I'd definitely be sore, but I saw why people did it again and again. <br><br> The pain was shifting into pleasure. And I think he could see that, "You going to...?" <<else>> God, I loved being filled by another person: hard, hot -- literally able to feel their heartbeat //through// a part of their body that was inside of me. <br><br> Thrust by thrust, he pounded his rockhard shaft inside me. I'd definitely be sore, but that was a concern for tomorrow-<<print $>>. <br><br> He was watching my face reacting to the insistence and selfishness of his thrusts. And I think he could see that, "You going to...?" <</if>> <br><br> I shook my head, "It's okay." <br><br> He shook his head back at me, sweat flicked from his forehead and hair down at me, making me giggle. <br><br> Leaning his weight on one arm, he reached between my legs. He began to work his fingers in time with his thrusting. The sensation was surprising and arresting. I froze, gawking up at him as the pleasure built within me. So much better than doing it myself, or even having someone else do it...//while// I was being driven into? <<shake 2s>>Christ.<</shake>> <br><br> Oh. "<<shake 10s>>CHRIST!<</shake>>" I have no idea what happened for what felt like an eternity, but when I came down, he was done too. <br><br> He grunted and leaned forward on his hands, his face focused and moments later his hips drove roughly against my crotch in a final release. <br><br> <<if _condom == false>> <<if _sex2 == "game">> <<cumSpray mound1 body1 breasts1>> I gasped, feeling his cock becoming so rigid and beginning to twitch inside me. Rapidly, he was tugging out of my pussy sharply, making me gasp again. He sat back on his haunches, hand on his sticky cock and pumping wildly as his chest heaved. Hot thick shots of semen shot over my tummy and up to my tits. <br><br> I giggled as some hit me square in the face, "Sorry." He grunted out, but I don't know how sorry he actually was. <br><br> My fingers darted downward to shielding my slit from his errant spurts. He did have game, but I wanted to make sure I //definitely// wouldn't be getting pregnant. <br><br> And then he was done. Smiling and stroking slowly over his cock as it oozed ontop of my hand. "Fuck yeah." <<else>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> My head dropped back, panting quickly while feeling his cock become so rigid, beginning to twitch inside me. The swell and flex of his cock. Again. Again. Again. He grunted, pressing down tightly between my legs right before each one. I could feel his sack tugging up against my ass as it sent sperm to his semen. <br><br> He grunted out, "Oh. My. God." I watched him orgasm, thighs and my hands lightly stroking his sides, encouraging his pleasure while the remnants of mine slowly ebbed away. "Mmmmm." <br><br> He stayed on top, my heels resting on his lower back, feeling him occasionally push against my crotch, eyes half-lidded while he breathed deeply. "So...that was sex, huh." I giggled out as his seed thickened and soaked into me. <br><br><br> "Yeah. Amazing, right?" He gave me a slow, passionate kiss. I nodded as we kissed. It really was amazing. I was smiling as we made out, post-coital. <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $>> My first time getting fucked was also my first<<else>>Shit, I was<</if>> getting filled and my mind raced, practically imagining the hundreds of millions of swimmers inside me as I ran through my options and what I was going to do now. <br><br> <</if>> He was smiling too, arms curling under my shoulders and pulling me into a deeper kiss while flexing his hips. It sent shocks through my core as the pressure and friction brushed my clitoris and pushed around inside me as well. <br><br> The stickiness began between us as he began to soften. <br><br> <</if>> <<else>> My head dropped back, panting quickly while feeling his cock become so rigid, beginning to twitch inside me. The swell and flex of his cock. Again. Again. Again. He grunted, pressing down tightly between my legs right before each one. I could feel his sack tugging up against my ass as it sent sperm to his semen. <br><br> He grunted out, "Oh. My. God." I watched him orgasm, thighs and my hands lightly stroking his sides, encouraging his pleasure while the remnants of mine slowly ebbed away. "Mmmmm." <br><br> He stayed on top, my heels resting on his lower back, feeling him occasionally push against my crotch, eyes half-lidded while he breathed deeply. "So...that was sex, huh." I giggled out as his cock softened and shrunk within me. <br><br><br> "Yeah. Amazing, right?" He gave me a slow, passionate kiss. I nodded as we kissed. It really was amazing. I was smiling as we made out, post-coital. <br><br><br> He was smiling too, arms curling under my shoulders and pulling me up into a deeper kiss while flexing his hips. It sent shocks through my core as the pressure and friction brushed my clitoris and pushed around inside me as well. <br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "unprep">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> "Fuck. S-sorry." He was grunting as he felt my pussy pulling at his sensitive meat as he withdrew. I nodded, not sure of what else to say or do. "It just felt too good. I tried." I nodded, still frozen. "You okay? It'll be fine, I'm sure." Flushed, he smiled at me. I nodded and pulled him back down, too late now anyway, I figured. <br><br> <</if>> We kissed and giggled, cuddling for a bit before putting our clothes back on. <<if !$>>Fuck. That was //Incredible//.<<else>>So that was sex. //Incredible//. <</if>> I couldn't wait to tell my friends. <br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex3 == "bad">> <<face hurt1>> He shuddered and I giggled, loving that I could see and feel his reaction. My hands slid down his back as he slid into me. <br><br> I shifted myself underneath him, thighs wider and feet higher as his crotch met mine. I felt the warm weight of his sack nestle and then press tightly against my ass as he crammed his cockhead firmly up inside me against my cervix. I gasped at my innards being pushed like that. <br><br> He took it as a sign of pleasure, "Like that?" grinning big as he lifted over me and immediately began to ram firmly between my legs. No lead-up, no previews, fucking. I grit my teeth and body tensed, my hands quickly moving to press up at his stomach for relief. <br><br> Ignoring the hints, or, based on his expression, just not even looking for them -- he hammered away, grunting out, "Like that?" <br><br> He leaned forward on over me, his face focused but eyes taking in my body as it bounced and reacted to his thrusting. <br><br> It had hurt when he had entered me. <<if $>> It was a strange new sensation when he fully inserted. And it was not what I expected as he continued going. <br><br> I had heard that the first time hurt. I wondered if I was bleeding. <<else>> I usually enjoyed the feeling of having someone inside me, but this was not going to be one of those times. And that realization was confirmed as he continued going. <br><br> I couldn't help but squirm, gasp and make faces. <</if>> Why wasn't he noticing my reactions? I didn't want to scare him though. <br><br> My pussy yelled at me. His reactions told me he was feeling the ''exact'' opposite. He was grinning big, grunting deeply and focusing harder, "Gonna cum?" <br><br> Shit. He was trying to make me cum and I definitely was...not...going to. I quickly nodded, biting my lower lip and putting on the best show I could. My fingernails dug into his stomach, more out of the discomfort than my ecstasy. I let my squeals from his invasion out easier, hoping they'd be misconstrued. <br><br> They were. <br><br> <<if _condom == false>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> I gasped, feeling his cock become so rigid and begin to twitch inside me, surprised as I felt the heat emptying into me thickly. I bit my lower lip as he dug his cockhead at my cervix while he pumped his load against and into it. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $>> My first time getting fucked was also my first<<else>>Shit, I was<</if>> getting filled and my mind raced, practically imagining the hundreds of millions of swimmers inside me as I ran through my options and what I was going to do once he was finished. <br><br> <</if>> And then he was done, smiling and flexing his hips a few times, "Fuck yeah." while fully emptying and then withdrawing. The stickiness beginning in my crotch as his spent cock popped free from my clutch. <br><br> <<else>> I gasped, feeling his cock become so rigid and begin to twitch inside me. Thankful for the heat of his member, the pumping of his penis inside me as it did its job. <br><br> And then he was done, smiling and flexing his hips a few times, "Fuck yeah." while fully emptying and then withdrawing. I gasped and winced slightly as the cock pulled out of me, the condom tugging at my lips as it came free as well, heavy with the load. <br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "unprep" or _sex2 == "game">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> "Pussy was too good." He was grunting as he felt my pussy pulling at his sensitive meat as he withdrew. I nodded, not sure of what else to say or do. "Felt great though, right?." I nodded, still frozen. "Hey, forget about it, too late now." Flushed, he smiled at me. I nodded and pulled him back down, I figured he was right, I guess. <br><br> <</if>> He dismounted with a satisfied sigh, checking out the gape between my legs as he put his clothes back on. <<if !$>>Glad I didn't save myself for //that//...<<else>>So that was sex. Huh. I hoped it got better.<</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex3 == "quick">> <<face shock>> He shuddered and I giggled, loving that I could see and feel his reaction. My hands slid down his back as he slid into me. <br><br> I shifted myself underneath him, thighs wider and feet higher as his crotch met mine. I felt the warm weight of his sack nestle and then press tightly against my ass as he crammed his cockhead firmly up inside me against my cervix. I gasped at my innards being pushed like that. <br><br> He took it as a sign of pleasure, grinning big as he lifted over me and immediately began to draw back and push into me harder, making my back arch and my hands went from his back to his stomach. <br><br> Ignoring the hints the slow draw and insertion ramped up after just two pumps, he began firmly stuffing his cock inside me, encouraged by my vocal and bodily reactions, completely missing the underlying meaning. <br><br> He grunted and leaned forward on his hands, his face focused and moments later his hips drove roughly against my crotch in a final release. <br><br> <<if _condom == false>> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> I gasped, feeling his cock become so rigid and begin to twitch inside me, surprised as I felt the heat emptying into me thickly. I bit my lower lip as he dug his cockhead at my cervix while he pumped his load against and into it. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $>> My first time getting fucked was also my first<<else>>Shit, I was<</if>> getting filled and my mind raced, practically imagining the hundreds of millions of swimmers inside me as I ran through my options and what I was going to do once he was finished. <br><br> <</if>> And then he was done, smiling and giving me a deep kiss while flexing his hips against me before withdrawing. The stickiness beginning in my crotch as his spent cock popped free from my clutch. <br><br> <<else>> I gasped, feeling his cock become so rigid and begin to twitch inside me. Entranced, I felt the heat of his member, the pumping of his penis inside me as it did its job. <br><br> And then he was done, smiling and giving me a deep kiss while flexing his hips against me before withdrawing. I gasped and winced slightly as the cock pulled out of me, the condom tugging at my lips as it came free as well, heavy with the load. <br><br> <</if>> <<if _sex2 == "unprep" or _sex2 == "game">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> "Fuck. S-sorry." He was grunting as he felt my pussy pulling at his sensitive meat as he withdrew. I nodded, not sure of what else to say or do. "It just felt too good. I tried." I nodded, still frozen. "You okay? It'll be fine, I'm sure." Flushed, he smiled at me. I nodded and pulled him back down, too late now anyway, I figured. <br><br> <</if>> We kissed and giggled, cuddling for a bit before putting our clothes back on. <<if !$>> Glad I didn't save myself for //that//... <<else>> So that was sex. Huh. Really was quick like they said and not some porno-length session. <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> <<vCardCheck $ $HS.firstRelationship.gender `$ + ", my first"` "And that's how I lost my $">> So, did that quench your appetite? <<link "No">><<replace "#firsttime" t8n>> <<outfit default>> "Oh you want the //full// list? My __body__ __count__? Cute. [[And unsurprising|HS006 - HSBC]]. <</replace>><</link>>? </div>
<<outfit default>> /* IMAGE (Needed) : Pen in cap innuendo or the like */ <<if $CC.HSBC == 1>> I know you don't believe me, but that was it. [[For the time|HS008 - PromNight][$sexcount = true]] being. Mostly, <<print $>> and I were 'together', an item, whatever you want to call it. It's how we considered it. <br><br> <<else>> <<if $ == "committed">> While <<print $>> was my first real <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">>boyfriend<<else>>girlfriend<</if>>, they weren't the only one I slept with. I //never// cheated. Don't misunderstand me. When we were together, we were ''together''. <br><br> <<elseif $ == "cheater">> While <<print $>> was my first 'real' <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">>boyfriend<<else>>girlfriend<</if>>, I never considered us 'exclusive'. I slept with other people of course. <br><br> <<elseif $ == "cheated">> While <<print $>> was my first real <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">>boyfriend<<else>>girlfriend<</if>>, despite us...them...not being 'exclusive', they weren't the only one I slept with. As much as that hurts to say. <br><br> <<else>> While <<print $>> was my first real <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">>boyfriend<<else>>girlfriend<</if>>, despite us not being 'exclusive', they weren't the only one I slept with. <br><br> <</if>> The others? You want to know? <br><br> Fine. <br><br> <div id="HSBC"> Ugh. Can you hear my eyes rolling in their sockets? <br><br> The <<link "grand total">><<replace "#HSBC" t8n>> My notches in the bedpost -- everyone always wants the gory details, ''sigh'' -- was <<print $CC.HSBC>>. <br><br> Ugh. Who? I really have to list them all out for you? [[Fine|HS007 - HSBC2]]. <</replace>><</link>>? </div> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS007-HSBC2.png">> <<set $People['HS'] = { generic1: { name: "Levy", title: "Levy was a sweet, but nerdy guy from Computer Class.", gender: 'M', caption: "Levy from Computer class" }, generic2: { name: "Owen", title: "Owen, an upper classman.", gender: 'M', caption: "Owen, upper classman" }, generic3: { name: "Asher", title: "Asher, an under classman.", gender: 'M', caption: "Asher, under classman" }, generic4: { name: "Carl", title: "Carl, from my class.", gender: 'M', caption: "Carl, from HS" }, generic5: { name: "Terry", title: "Terry, from our sister school.", gender: 'M', caption: "Terry from another HS" }, generic6: { name: "Demi", title: "Demi, was a quiet girl from Computer Class.", gender: 'F', caption: "Demi from Computer class" }, generic7: { name: "Sarah", title: "Sarah, was a freckled under classman.", gender: 'F', caption: "Sarah, under classman" }, generic8: { name: "Saoirse", title: "Saoirse, from my class.", gender: 'F', caption: "Saoirse, from HS" }, generic9: { name: "Tyler", title: "Tyler, had a guy's name and went to our sister school.", gender: 'F', caption: "Tyler, girl from another HS" }, }>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value >= 5 || $Stats.Skills['Social'].value > 2>> <<set _attractiveEnough = true>> <</if>> <<if _attractiveEnough == true>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd7 = { name: "Mark", title: "Mark insisted we meet up off a DM. He was hot online. In person...charming, enough?", gender: 'M', caption: "Mark, successful catfisher", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd13 = { name: "Jerry", title: "Jerry, a nerd that had a popular twin brother", gender: "M", caption: "Jerry, nerdy twin" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports2 = { name: "Dick", title: "The assistant coach was always there after school, and sometimes I we both stayed longer", gender: "M", caption: "Dick, the assistant coach" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports8 = { name: "Kayden", title: "Kayden, Away Game bus driver", gender: "M", caption: "Kayden, bus driver" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular1 = { name: "Dominic", title: "Dominic, brother of a 'friend'", gender: "M", caption: "Dominic, a friend's brother" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular2 = { name: "Carson", title: "Carson, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Carson, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular3 = { name: "Austin", title: "Austin, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Austin, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular4 = { name: "Jace", title: "Jace, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Jace, HS hottie" }>> <<if $ !== "Derek">><<set $People['HS'].popular8 = { name: "Derek", title: "Derek was Big Man on Campus", gender: "M", caption: "Derek, Big Man on HS Campus" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].popular9 = { name: "Aria", title: "Aria wanted to be popular and thought I was her in-road", gender: "F", caption: "Aria, popular wannabe" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular10 = { name: "Nora", title: "Nora and I had to keep our hookups on the DL to not get outed", gender: "F", caption: "Nora, HS popular girl" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular11 = { name: "Holly", title: "Holly, a cute underclassman wanted to help me with anything", gender: "F", caption: "Holly, a cute underclassman" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular12 = { name: "Lewis", title: "Lewis, former Prom King", gender: "M", caption: "Lewis, last year's Prom King" }>> <<if $ !== "Hull">><<set $People['HS'].prude8 = { name: "Minister John Hull", title: "Minister John Hull, proving the rumor", gender: "M", caption: "John Hull, Minister", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel5 = { name: "Colton", title: "Colton, singer in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Colton, local singer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel6 = { name: "Hunter", title: "Hunter, drummer in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Hunter, local drummer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel7 = { name: "Christian", title: "Christian, a roadie passing through", gender: "M", caption: "Christian, a roadie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel8 = { name: "Silas", title: "Silas, bassist in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Silas, local bassist" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel9 = { name: "Xavier", title: "Xavier, guitarist in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Xavier, local guitarist" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home1 = { name: "Leo", title: "Leo, My neighbor growing up", gender: 'M', caption: "Neighbor Leo" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home2 = { name: "Damian", title: "Damian, a plumber when I was alone", gender: "M", caption: "Damian, a plumber" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home3 = { name: "Chase", title: "Chase, the UPS guy", gender: "M", caption: "Chase, the UPS guy" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home4 = { name: "Jesus", title: "Jesus, the older gardener", gender: "M", caption: "Jesus, our older gardener", olderMan: true }>> <<if $ !== "Carlos">><<set $People['HS'].home5 = { name: "Carlos", title: "Carlos, the younger, hot gardener.", gender: "M", caption: "Carlos, our young gardener" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].home6 = { name: "Santiago", title: "Santiago, our middle-aged gardener", gender: "M", caption: "Santiago, our other gardener" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home7 = { name: "Nova", title: "Nova, a babysitter. Took real good care of me.", gender: "F", caption: "Nova, a babysitter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home8 = { name: "Riley", title: "Riley from down the block and I loved to skinnydip together", gender: "F", caption: "Riley, a neighbor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].vandal1 = { name: "Malachi", title: "Malachi was a cop and I didn't want to get arrested", gender: "M", caption: "Malachi, a cop" }>> <<set $People['HS'].vandal2 = { name: "Mitchell", title: "Mitchell was school security and I needed back in", gender: "M", caption: "Mitchell, school security", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].helper1 = { name: "Beau", title: "Beau, leader of the neighborhood watch", gender: "M", caption: "Beau, neighborhood watch leader" }>> <<set $People['HS'].helper2 = { name: "Rowan", title: "Rowan, working on his hot rod and needed help", gender: "M", caption: "Rowan with the hot rod" }>> <<set $People['HS'].helper3 = { name: "Micah", title: "Micah, farmer from our Saturday farmer's market", gender: "M", caption: "Micah, Saturday farmer from the market" }>> <<set $People['HS'].church1 = { name: "Dylan", title: "Dylan, the Youth Minister", gender: "M", caption: "Dylan, Youth Minister" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier3 = { name: "Easton", title: "Easton, a guy from a house party", gender: "M", caption: "Easton, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier4 = { name: "Angel", title: "Angel, a guy from a house party", gender: "M", caption: "Angel, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier5 = { name: "Nolan", title: "Nolan, a guy from a house party", gender: "M", caption: "Nolan, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier6 = { name: "Naomi", title: "Naomi, a girl from a house party", gender: "F", caption: "Naomi, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier7 = { name: "Hannah", title: "Hannah, a girl from a house party", gender: "F", caption: "Hannah, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier8 = { name: "Zeke", title: "Zeke, our go-to beer smuggler", gender: "M", caption: "Zeke always brought the kegs." }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier9 = { name: "Linda", title: "Linda was always hooking up at parties", gender: "F", caption: "Linda was always hooking up at parties." }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier10 = { name: "Dr. Lawrence", title: "Dr. Lawrence tried to straighten me out, a different way.", gender: "M", caption: "Dr. Lawrence, school psychologist", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].gang6 = { name: "Caleb", title: "Caleb, a crooked cop", gender: "M", caption: "Caleb, a crooked cop" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gang7 = { name: "Mr. Nobody", title: "Mr. Nobody, school janitor", gender: "M", caption: "Mr. Nobody, the school's janitor, one of my most loyal customers", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].volunteer1 = { name: "Joel", title: "Joel, homeless but kind", gender: "M", caption: "Joel, displaced person", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].volunteer5 = { name: "Paisley", title: "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer and smelled of patchouli", gender: "F", caption: "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty1 = { name: "Patrick", title: "Patrick, on the shot-put team", gender: "M", caption: "Patrick, Track and Field shot-put" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty2 = { name: "Colt", title: "Colt, top sprinter", gender: "M", caption: "Colt, HS top sprinter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty3 = { name: "Tristan", title: "Tristan, a coach who was visiting for an away game", gender: "M", caption: "Tristan, coach for an opposing team", olderMan: true }>> <<if $ !== "Barkewitcz">><<set $People['HS'].sporty4 = { name: "Barkewitcz", title: "The softball coach, Barkewitcz", gender: "M", caption: "Coach Barkewitcz", olderMan: true, schoolHelp: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty5 = { name: "Delila", title: "Delila sat behind home plate and could kneel before me for hours.", gender: "F", caption: "Delila on the softball team" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty6 = { name: "Valentina", title: "Valentina was quick between the bases and between the sheets", gender: "F", caption: "Valentina, softball shortstop" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty7 = { name: "Kevin", title: "Kevin, star athlete who had a nerdy twin brother", gender: "M", caption: "Kevin, athletic twin" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty8 = { name: "Coach Liam", title: "Coach Liam knew how to help my stretch", gender: "M", caption: "Coach Liam, the track coach", olderMan: true}>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty9 = { name: "Assistant Coach Justin", title: "Justin didn't just assist the Track and Field girls", gender: "F", caption: "High Jump Assistant Coach Justin" }>> <<set $People['HS'].beach1 = { name: "Nash", title: "Nash, from beach 'security'", gender: "M", caption: "Nash, from beach 'security'" }>> <<set $People['HS'].beach2 = { name: "Jeremy", title: "Jeremy, hotshot surfer", gender: "M", caption: "Jeremy, a hotshot surfer" }>> <<if $ !== "Ian">><<set $People['HS'].beach4 = { name: "Ian", title: "Ian was the regular lifebuard on the beach", gender: "M", caption: "Ian, our lifeguard" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].club2 = { name: "Ajani", title: "There was a taxi ride I got a little creative in payment for", gender: "M", caption: "Ajani, a taxi driver" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club4 = { name: "Amin", title: "Amin and I took pills and had blissed-out sex at his place", gender: "M", caption: "Amin, pills and sex" }>> <<set $People['HS'].tailgate1 = { name: "Roddy", title: "Roddy was my dad's old college friend. Only ever saw him at games.", gender: "M", caption: "Roddy, my dad's old college friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].outdoors3 = { name: "Phoenix", title: "Phoenix, park ranger", gender: "M", caption: "Phoenix, park ranger" }>> <<set $People['HS'].power1 = { name: "Simon", title: "Simon was a teacher's assistant in the science department, covering labs and always had an inside track on test questions.", gender: "M", caption: "Simon, a high school teaching assistant", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].power2 = { name: "Jose", title: "There was something about Jose's accent, rolling the tongue, or the Latin root.", gender: "M", caption: "Jose, high school Spanish Teacher", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].power3 = { name: "Paul", title: "Paul was young, cute, and made Nabakov's Lolita make sense.", gender: "M", caption: "Paul, high school English teacher", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].power4 = { name: "Karl", title: "We joked that Karl was around when algebra was created but he __did__ know how to balance my equations", gender: "M", caption: "Karl, high school math teacher", schoolHelp: true }>> <<if $ !== "Mark">> <<set $People['HS'].power5 = { name: "Mark", title: "Sure, our principal sent me to detention a ton. He had ulterior motives.", gender: "M", caption: "Mark, the principal", olderMan: true, schoolHelp: true }>> <</if>> <<set $People['HS'].power6 = { name: "Everett", title: "Everett, who used to buy us alcohol", gender: "M", caption: "Everett, our alcohol hookup." }>> <<set $People['HS'].power7 = { name: "Brooklyn", title: "Brooklyn, our Sex Ed teacher. Really gave me the ins and outs.", gender: "F", caption: "Brooklyn, Sex Ed Teacher", schoolHelp: true}>> <<set $People['HS'].power8 = { name: "Cora", title: "Cora, queen of the cafeteria", gender: "F", caption: "Cora, lunch lady" }>> <<if $ !== 'Warren, Varsity QB'>><<set $People['HS'].warren = { name: "Warren", title: "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", gender: "M", caption: "Warren, high school Varsity QB" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader1 = { name: "Coach LeTourneau", title: "Coach LeTourneau coached the cheer squad. And me, in his off time.", gender: "M", caption: "Coach LeTourneau", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader2 = { name: "Theo", title: "Theo, HS Basketball Star", gender: "M", caption: "Theo, HS Basketball Star" }>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader3 = { name: "Maverick", title: "Maverick, HS Wrestling Star", gender: "M", caption: "Maverick, HS Wrestling Star" }>> <<set $People['HS'].read1 = { name: "Bryce", title: "Bryce, teacher at the community college", gender: "M", caption: "Bryce, my teacher at community college", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].read2 = { name: "Hudson", title: "Hudson, went to a nearby community college.", gender: "M", caption: "Hudson from community college" }>> <</if>> <<if $ !== "Petey">> <<set $People['HS'].petey = { name: "Petey", title: "Petey -- I landed my first crush", gender: "M", caption: "Petey, first crush" }>> <</if>> <<if $ !== "Ava">> <<set $People['HS'].ava = { name: "Ava", title: "Ava was my nemesis, but maybe it's because we wanted each other.", gender: "F", caption: "Ava, my nemesis" }>> <</if>> <<if $ !== $CC.FName>> <<set $People['HS'].ffriend = { name: $CC.FName, title: $CC.FName + ", were friends and experimented together to figure sex out.", gender: "F", caption: $CC.FName + ", my best friend and lover" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.parents == "hurt">> <<if $ !== $CC.DName>><<set $People['HS'].hurt1 = { name: $CC.DName, title: $CC.DName + ", my Dad", gender: "M", caption: $CC.DName + ", my Dad" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].hurt2 = { name: "Gerry", title: "Gerry, one of my dad's friends", gender: "M", caption: "Gerry, a friend of my dad. Maybe he knew" }>> <<set $People['HS'].hurt3 = { name: "Amos", title: "Amos, one of my dad's coworkers", gender: "M", caption: "Amos worked with my dad. Maybe there was an agreement" }>> <<if $ == 0>><<set $People['HS'].hurt4 = { name: "Emily", title: "Emily, my 'Mom'", gender: "F", caption: "Emily, my 'Mom'" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].hurt5 = { name: "Mary", title: "Mary was an older neighbor and often babysat me", gender: "F", caption: "Mary, a hometown neighbor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].hurt6 = { name: "George", title: "George, my grandfather", gender: "M", caption: "George, my grandfather"}>> <</if>> <<if $CC.parents == "adopted">> <<if $ !== "Larry">><<set $People['HS'].adopted1 = { name: "Larry", title: "Larry, One of my fosterers", gender: "M", caption: "Larry, foster Dad", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].adopted2 = { name: "Josiah", title: "Josiah, a foster agent", gender: "M", caption: "Josiah was my foster agent" }>> <<set $People['HS'].adopted3 = { name: "Thomas", title: "Thomas, a pastor", gender: "M", caption: "Thomas was a pastor at a halfway house" }>> <<set $People['HS'].adopted4 = { name: "Chiara", title: "Chiara, One of my fosterers", gender: "F", caption: "Chiara, foster Mom" }>> <</if>> <<if $ == "family">> <<set $People['HS'].family1 = { name: "Ezra", title: "Ezra, my sister's ex", gender: "M", caption: "Ezra, my sister's ex" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family2 = { name: "Luca", title: "Luca, my sister's ex", gender: "M", caption: "Luca, my sister's ex" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family3 = { name: "Jayden", title: "Jayden, my sister's ex", gender: "M", caption: "Jayden, my sister's ex" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family4 = { name: "Grayson", title: "Grayson, my brother's friend", gender: "M", caption: "Grayson, my brother's friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family5 = { name: "Carter", title: "Carter, my brother's friend", gender: "M", caption: "Carter, my brother's friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family6 = { name: "Jaxon", title: "Jaxon, my brother's friend", gender: "M", caption: "Jaxon, my brother's friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family7 = { name: "Julie", title: "Julie, my brother's ex", gender: "F", caption: "Julie, used to date my brother" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family8 = { name: "Connie", title: "Connie, my sister's friend", gender: "F", caption: "Connie, my sister's friend" }>> <<if $CC.parents == "hurt">> <<set $People['HS'].family9 = { name: "Carroll", title: "Carroll, my older sister", gender: "F", caption: "Lillian, my older sister" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family10 = { name: "Vaughn", title: "Vaughn, my older brother", gender: "M", caption: "Lloyd, my older brother" }>> <<set $People['HS'].family11 = { name: "Fleming", title: "Fleming, my younger brother", gender: "M", caption: "Fleming, my younger brother" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 0>> <<set $People['HS'].mom1 = { name: "Dean", title: "Dean, cousin in name, not by blood.", gender: "M", caption: "Dean, cousin in name only" }>> <<set $People['HS'].mom2 = { name: "Hayden", title: $CC.MName + "'s friend.", gender: "M", caption: "Hayden, my step-mom's friend", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].mom3 = { name: "Maddox", title: $CC.MName +"'s ex-husband.", gender: "M", caption: "Maddox, my step-mom's ex-husband", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].mom4 = { name: "Maddy", title: "Maddy, cousin in name, not by blood.", gender: "F", caption: "Maddy, cousin in name only" }>> <<set $People['HS'].mom5 = { name: "Willow", title: "Willow, my step-mom's butchy friend", gender: "F", caption: "Willow, my step-mom's friend" }>> <<if $ !== "Uncle Tom">><<set $People['HS'].mom6 = { name: "Tom", title: "Tom, My 'uncle'", gender: "M", caption: "Uncle Tom", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 0>> <<if $ == "young">> <<set $People['HS'].dad1 = { name: "Tucker", title: "Tucker, one of" + $CC.MName + "'s boyfriends.", gender: "M", caption: $CC.MName + "'s boyfriend, Tucker" }>> <<set $People['HS'].dad2 = { name: "Emiliano", title: "Emiliano, one of" + $CC.MName + "'s boyfriends.", gender: "M", caption: $CC.MName + "'s boyfriend, Emiliano" }>> <</if>> <<if $ !== "Arvin">><<set $People['HS'].dad3 = { name: "Arvin", title: "Arvin, My step-dad. We were alone from time to time and, I can't explain it, it happened. Quietly.", gender: "M", caption: "Arvin, my Step-Dad", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 2>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth1 = { name: "Griffin", title: "Griffin and I got bored together on his dad's yacht", gender: "M", caption: "Griffin, wealthy family friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth2 = { name: "Richard", title: "Richard was from across the lake during summer camp.", gender: "M", caption: "Richard, from the boys' summer camp" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth3 = { name: "Tommy", title: "Tommy was a counselor at summer camp. It was hot. He was hotter.", gender: "M", caption: "Tommy, summer camp counselor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth4 = { name: "Serenity", title: "Serenity had a movie room in her house.", gender: "F", caption: "Serenity, a rich girl" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth5 = { name: "Ayla", title: "Ayla and I enjoyed the time in our empty cabin.", gender: "F", caption: "Ayla from my summer camp" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth6 = { name: "Raelynn", title: "Raelynn was a bored trophy wife", gender: "F", caption: "Raelynn, bored trophy wife" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth7 = { name: "Vincent", title: "Vincent, our driver", gender: "M", caption: "Vincent, my driver growing up" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth8 = { name: "Myles", title: $CC.MName + "'s yoga instructor.", gender: "M", caption: "Myles," + $CC.MName + "'s yoga instructor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth9 = { name: "Jone", title: "I am not really sure of his name, nor how to pronounce it., We met on holiday in Fiji and I was able to sneak away.", gender: "M", caption: "Jone, on Fiji Family Holiday" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth10 = { name: "Erica", title: "Erica, our au pair", gender: "F", caption: "Erica, my au pair" }>> <<set $People['HS'].wealth11 = { name: "Petra", title: "Petra, my mom's friend, always on something.", gender: "F", caption: "Petra, my mom's friend" }>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>> <<set $People['HS'].learning1 = { name: "Milo", title: "Milo, from AP Calc class", gender: "M", caption: "Milo, from AP Calc" }>> <<set $People['HS'].learning2 = { name: "Vanni", title: "Vanni, another National Merit Finalist", gender: "M", caption: "Vanni, National Merit Finalist" }>> <<set $People['HS'].learning3 = { name: "Aloïs", title: "Aloïs, French Exchange Student", gender: "M", caption: "Aloïs, French Exchange Student in high school" }>> <<set $People['HS'].learning4 = { name: "Amelia", title: "Amelia, our valedictorian", gender: "F", caption: "Amelia, our valedictorian" }>> <<set $People['HS'].learning5 = { name: "Winny", title: "Winny, our salutorian", gender: "F", caption: "Winny, our salutorian" }>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set $People['HS'].attractiveness1 = { name: "Emma", title: "Emma, I don't think she was into girls, but she was into me.", gender: "F", caption: "Emma, a non-lesbian" }>> <<set $People['HS'].attractiveness2 = { name: "Walker", title: "Walker, yes -- that Walker from TV", gender: "M", caption: "Walker, TV Star" }>> <<set $People['HS'].attractiveness3 = { name: "Jasper", title: "Jasper, my home town's most notable Hall of Famer", gender: "M", caption: "Jasper, hometown Hall of Famer" }>> <<if $ !== "Warren">> <<set $People['HS'].attractiveness4 = { name: "Warren", title: "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", gender: "M", caption: "Warren, high school Varsity QB" }>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Derek">> <<set $People['HS'].prom1 = { name: "Derek", title: "Derek was the hottest guy in school.", gender: "M", caption: "Derek, hottest guy at school" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<set $People['HS'].suggestible1 = { name: "Waylon", title: "Waylon, a guy I met at a bar", gender: "M", caption: "Waylon, rando from a bar" }>> <<set $People['HS'].suggestible2 = { name: "Coop", title: "Coop, a guy I met at a bar", gender: "M", caption: "Coop, a rando from a bar" }>> <<set $People['HS'].suggestible3 = { name: "Kai", title: "Kai, a guy I met at a bar", gender: "M", caption: "Kai, a rando from a bar" }>> <<set $People['HS'].suggestible4 = { name: "Chloe", title: "Chloe taught me the ways of a woman.", gender: "F", caption: "Chloe got me to switch teams" }>> <<set $People['HS'].suggestible5 = { name: "Luna", title: "Luna wasn't attractive, but pushy.", gender: "F", caption: "Luna, an uggo" }>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>> <<set $People['HS'].stable1 = { name: "John", title: "John, my second boyfriend", gender: "M", caption: "John, my second boyfriend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].stable2 = { name: "James", title: "James, my third boyfriend", gender: "M", caption: "James, my third boyfriend" }>> <<if $ !== "Brian">><<set $People['HS'].stable3 = { name: "Brian", title: "Brian, " + $CC.FName + "'s boyfriend. I'm not proud about it. But it was hot.", gender: "M", caption: $CC.FName + "'s boyfriend, Brian" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].stable4 = { name: "Bella", title: "Bella, my first true girlfriend", gender: "F", caption: "Bella, my first true girlfriend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].stable5 = { name: "Sophia", title: "Sophia, my longest-term girlfriend", gender: "F", caption: "Sophia, long-term girlfriend" }>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 0>> <<set $People['HS'].easy1 = { name: "Eli", title: "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend", gender: "M", caption: "Eli, a boyfriend's best friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].easy2 = { name: "Ryan", title: "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend", gender: "M", caption: "Ryan, a boyfriend's friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].easy3 = { name: "Cam", title: "Cam, a boyfriend's friend", gender: "M", caption: "Cam, a boyfriend's friend" }>> <<if $ !== "Ronnie">><<set $People['HS'].easy4 = { name: "Ronnie", title: "Ronnie, " + $CC.DName + "'s friend.", gender: "M", caption: "Ronnie," + $CC.DName + "'s friend", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].easy5 = { name: "Don't know who it was", title: "Don't know who it was, but do know I got fucked at a party.", gender: 'M', caption: "Some guy at a HS party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].easy6 = { name: "Abby", title: "Abby and I got too drunk at a party", gender: "F", caption: "Abby, drunk at a HS party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].easy7 = { name: "Grace", title: "Grace used to date " + $CC.friend1 , gender: "F", caption: "Grace, " + $CC.friend1 + "'s ex-girlfriend" }>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> <<set $People['HS'].risky1 = { name: "Lorenzo", title: "Lorenzo, a guy at school's Dad", gender: "M", caption: "Lorenzo, a schoolfriend's dad", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].risky2 = { name: "Archer", title: "Archer, local university professor", gender: "M", caption: "Archer, hometown university professor", olderMan: true }>> <<if $ !== "Tyler">><<set $People['HS']["risky3"] = { name: 'Tyler', title: "Tyler, " + $CC.FName + "'s Dad. Hanging out together gave the opportunity", gender: 'M', caption: $CC.FName + "'s Dad, Tyler", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].risky4 = { name: "Mila", title: "Mila wanted to announce our relationship, but I was too afraid", gender: "F", caption: "Mila, loud and proud lesbian" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> <<set $People['HS'].maleAttention1 = { name: "Enzo", title: "Enzo, a very complimentary local barber", gender: "M", caption: "Enzo, hometown barber" }>> <<set $People['HS'].maleAttention2 = { name: "Rhett", title: "Rhett picked me up in his pick-up", gender: "M", caption: "Rhett in his pick-up" }>> <<set $People['HS'].maleAttention3 = { name: "Bentley", title: "Bentley insisted I was to be his Sugar Baby.", gender: 'M', caption: "my 'Sugar Daddy'", olderMan: true }>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 0>> <<set $People['HS'].confident1 = { name: "Roman", title: "Roman, from a chat room", gender: "M", caption: "Roman, met online" }>> <<set $People['HS'].confident2 = { name: "Brooks", title: "Brooks, from Whisper", gender: "M", caption: "Brooks from a chat app" }>> <<set $People['HS'].confident3 = { name: "Axel", title: "Axel, who slid into my DM's", gender: "M", caption: "Axel, from Instagram" }>> <<set $People['HS'].confident4 = { name: "Eve", title: "Eve, who flirted with me on TikTok", gender: "F", caption: "Eve from TikTok" }>> <<set $People['HS'].confident5 = { name: "Viktor", title: "Viktor, who tricked me into thinking I was meeting 'her'", gender: "F", caption: "Viktor, not the woman he was online" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<set $People['HS'].maleReaction1 = { name: "Ryker", title: "Ryker, an ex-con lucky after being down on his luck", gender: "M", caption: "Ryker, ex-con" }>> <<set $People['HS'].maleReaction2 = { name: "Max", title: "Max, a pushy club promoter", gender: "M", caption: "Max, club promoter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].maleReaction3 = { name: "Ace", title: "Ace, the townie with a rep", gender: "M", caption: "Ace, townie who had everyone" }>> <<if $ !== "Marco">><<set $People['HS'].maleReaction4 = { name: "Marco", title: "Marco did construction at school", gender: "M", caption: "Marco, construction Worker at school", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Nerd">> <<set $People['HS'].nerd1 = { name: "William", title: "William, A married guy who was staying at the hotel during TwitchCon.", gender: 'M', caption: "William, 'Milady' at the TwitchCon hotel" }>> <<if $Memories.includes("TwitchCosWin")>><<set $People['HS'].nerd2 = { name: "Levy", title: "Levy, the head judge at the cosplay competition, which may have had something to do with the result.", gender: 'M', caption: "Lead Judge at TwitchCon", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <<if $HS.twitchFifth == "Bric">><<set $People['HS'].nerd3 = { name: "Bric", title: "Bric, from DieQuest", gender: "M", caption: "Bric, from DieQuest" }>><</if>> <<if $HS.twitchFifth == "Ryan Gary">><<set $People['HS'].nerd4 = { name: "Ryan Gary", title: "Ryan Gary, Our last minute replacement for the League Open", gender: "M", caption: "Ryan Gary, the fifth from TwitchCon" }>><</if>> <<if visited("HS002 - TwitchApp")>><<set $People['HS'].nerd5 = { name: "Chuck", title: "Chuck, the 'good luck' confident guy from TwitchCon", gender: "M", caption: "Chuck, the 'good luck' confident guy from TwitchCon" }>><</if>> <<if $HS.twitchFifth == "Elijah">><<set $People['HS'].nerd6 = { name: "Elijah", title: "Elijah, The guy I grabbed for the Open", gender: "M", caption: "Elijah, the fifth I sourced at the Open" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd7 = { name: "Mark", title: "Mark insisted we meet up off a DM. He was hot online. In person...charming, enough?", gender: 'M', caption: "Mark, successful catfisher", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd8 = { name: "Wil", title: "Got an autograph from Wil at the con, and a memory or two", gender: "M", caption: "Wil, a not-so-famous Sci Fi actor" }>> <<if $ !== "Eric">><<set $People['HS'].nerd9 = { name: "Eric", title: "Eric, Ethan's older brother, was my first DM, teaching me D&D and D.", gender: 'M', caption: "Eric, my first DM" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd10 = { name: "Gianna", title: "Gianna was a super hot DVA at TwitchCon", gender: "F", caption: "Gianna, DVA at TwitchCon" }>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd11 = { name: "Avery", title: "Avery, one of the few other girls at the TwitchOpen", gender: "F", caption: "Avery, also mained Ahri" }>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd12 = { name: "Faith", title: "Faith, a Twitch Streamer at TwitchCon", gender: "F", caption: "Faith, Streamer at TwitchCon" }>> <<set $People['HS'].nerd13 = { name: "Jerry", title: "Jerry, nerd that had a popular twin brother", gender: "M", caption: "Jerry, nerdy twin" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Loser">> <<set $People['HS'].loser1 = { name: "Titus", title: "Titus, a creepy old alumnus who was always around.", gender: 'M', caption: "Titus, a creepy alumnus", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].loser2 = { name: "Commodus", title: "Commodus was a weird kid, but new I was an easy mark.", gender: 'M', caption: "Commodus, weird kid"}>> <<if visited("HS002 - Loser2_Sports")>> <<if $ !== 'Rod'>><<set $People['HS'].sports1 = { name: "Rod", title: "Rod, We spent a ton of time together. Afternoons, weekends, alone and sweaty.", gender: 'M', caption: "Coach Rod", olderMan: true, schoolHelp: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].sports2 = { name: "Dick", title: "The assistant coach was always the last one around, and sometimes I showered too long", gender: "M", caption: "Dick, the assistant coach" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports3 = { name: "Willy", title: "Willy could never demonstrate what we were doing in PE, but I knew he was fit enough", gender: "M", caption: "Willy, high school PE teacher", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports6 = { name: "Gael", title: "Gael, judge at a competition", gender: "M", caption: "Gael, volleyball judge" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports7 = { name: "Ryder", title: "Ryder, male club volleyball player", gender: "M", caption: "Ryder from the men's volleyball club" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports8 = { name: "Kayden", title: "Kayden, Away Game bus driver", gender: "M", caption: "Kayden, bus driver" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports9 = { name: "Eleanor", title: "All that time in locker rooms meant it was easy with Eleanor", gender: "F", caption: "Eleanor, one of my teammates" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports10 = { name: "Hazel", title: "Hazel looked great in the spandex, taking a serve", gender: "F", caption: "Hazel, one of my teammates" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports11 = { name: "Madelyn", title: "Madelyn was there for me and the team in a pinch", gender: "F", caption: "Madelyn, pinch hitter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports12 = { name: "Fat Bob", title: "Fat Bob, our water boy", gender: "M", caption: "Fat Bob, Volleyball waterboy" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports13 = { name: "Dr. Angels", title: "Dr. Angels, our sports trainer", gender: "M", caption: "Dr. Angels, Sports Trainer", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports14 = { name: "Klaus", title: "Klaus was the Rod on another squad", gender: "M", caption: "Klaus, a foreigner and opponent's squad captain.", olderMan: true}>> <<else>> <<set $People['HS'].popular1 = { name: "Dominic", title: "Dominic, brother of a 'friend'", gender: "M", caption: "Dominic, a friend's brother" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular2 = { name: "Carson", title: "Carson, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Carson, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular3 = { name: "Austin", title: "Austin, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Austin, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular4 = { name: "Jace", title: "Jace, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Jace, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular6 = { name: "Kingston", title: "Kingston, a hanger-on", gender: "M", caption: "Kingston, popular wannabe" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular7 = { name: "Sawyer", title: "Sawyer, our group's 'bicycle'", gender: "M", caption: "Sawyer, popular-crowd hookup" }>> <<set $People['HS'].loser5 = { name: "Danny", title: "Danny heard rumors about me...that I made true", gender: "M", caption: "Danny, interested in the truth in the lies" }>> <<set $People['HS'].loser4 = { name: "Aria", title: "Aria wanted to be popular and thought I was her in-road", gender: "F", caption: "Aria, popular wannabe, like me" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular10 = { name: "Nora", title: "Nora and I had to keep our hookups on the DL to not get outed", gender: "F", caption: "Nora, HS popular girl" }>> <<set $People['HS'].loser3 = { name: "Lonny", title: "Lonny came up short for Prom King last year", gender: "M", caption: "Lonny, last year's Prom King...runner-up" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Sports">> <<if $ !== 'Rod'>><<set $People['HS'].sports1 = { name: "Rod", title: "Rod, We spent a ton of time together. Afternoons, weekends, alone and sweaty.", gender: 'M', caption: "Coach Rod", olderMan: true, schoolHelp: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].sports2 = { name: "Dick", title: "The assistant coach was always the last one around, and sometimes I showered too long", gender: "M", caption: "Dick, the assistant coach" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports3 = { name: "Willy", title: "Willy could never demonstrate what we were doing in PE, but I knew he was fit enough", gender: "M", caption: "Willy, high school PE teacher", olderMan: true }>> <<if $HS.paddyHU == "Marty">><<set $People['HS'].sports4 = { name: "Marty", title: "Playing with Marty once wasn't enough. I was a bright part of his year.", gender: 'M', caption: "Marty, Paddy regular", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <<if $HS.paddyHU == "Sean">><<set $People['HS'].sports5 = { name: "Sean", title: "Sean and I spent a few late nights opening me while closing up the bar.", gender: 'M', caption: "Sean, Paddy's bartender", olderMan: true, schoolHelp: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].sports6 = { name: "Gael", title: "Gael, judge at a competition", gender: "M", caption: "Gael, volleyball judge" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports7 = { name: "Ryder", title: "Ryder, male club volleyball player", gender: "M", caption: "Ryder from the men's volleyball club" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports8 = { name: "Kayden", title: "Kayden, Away Game bus driver", gender: "M", caption: "Kayden, bus driver" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports9 = { name: "Eleanor", title: "All that time in locker rooms meant it was easy with Eleanor", gender: "F", caption: "Eleanor, one of my teammates" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports10 = { name: "Hazel", title: "Hazel looked great in the spandex, taking a serve", gender: "F", caption: "Hazel, one of my teammates" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports11 = { name: "Madelyn", title: "Madelyn was there for me and the team in a pinch", gender: "F", caption: "Madelyn, pinch hitter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports12 = { name: "Fat Bob", title: "Fat Bob, our water boy", gender: "M", caption: "Fat Bob, Volleyball waterboy" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports13 = { name: "Dr. Angels", title: "Dr. Angels, our sports trainer", gender: "M", caption: "Dr. Angels, Sports Trainer", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].sports14 = { name: "Klaus", title: "Klaus was the Rod on another squad", gender: "M", caption: "Klaus, a foreigner and opponent's squad captain.", olderMan: true}>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Popular">> <<set $People['HS'].popular1 = { name: "Dominic", title: "Dominic, brother of a 'friend'", gender: "M", caption: "Dominic, a friend's brother" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular2 = { name: "Carson", title: "Carson, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Carson, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular3 = { name: "Austin", title: "Austin, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Austin, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular4 = { name: "Jace", title: "Jace, one of the hottest guys", gender: "M", caption: "Jace, HS hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular5 = { name: "Declan", title: "Declan, from our rival school", gender: "M", caption: "Declan, from a rival HS" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular6 = { name: "Kingston", title: "Kingston, a hanger-on", gender: "M", caption: "Kingston, popular wannabe" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular7 = { name: "Sawyer", title: "Sawyer, our group's 'bicycle'", gender: "M", caption: "Sawyer, popular-crowd hookup" }>> <<if $ !== "Derek">><<set $People['HS'].popular8 = { name: "Derek", title: "Derek was Big Man on Campus", gender: "M", caption: "Derek, Big Man on HS Campus" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].popular9 = { name: "Aria", title: "Aria wanted to be popular and thought I was her in-road", gender: "F", caption: "Aria, popular wannabe" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular10 = { name: "Nora", title: "Nora and I had to keep our hookups on the DL to not get outed", gender: "F", caption: "Nora, HS popular girl" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular11 = { name: "Holly", title: "Holly, a cute underclassman wanted to help me with anything", gender: "F", caption: "Holly, a cute underclassman" }>> <<set $People['HS'].popular12 = { name: "Lewis", title: "Lewis, former Prom King", gender: "M", caption: "Lewis, last year's Prom King" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Rebel">> <<if $Memories.includes("Nearly won Battle of the Bands") || $Memories.includes("Opened for Sara Morales")>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel1 = { name: "Lonnie", title: "Lonnie, The Metalhead that LOVED our band", gender: "M", caption: "Lonnie, Rock fanboi" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel2 = { name: "Willy Nielsen", title: "Willy gave me his card and we had a few meetings, though my band didn't go anywhere, he and I did.", gender: 'M', caption: "Willy Neilsen, music industry judge", olderMan: true }>> <<if $Memories.includes("Opened for Sara Morales")>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel3 = { name: "Sara Morales", title: "Sara and I had a fling after her show.", gender: "F", caption: "Sara Morales" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $HS.label == true>> <<if $ !== "Clay">><<set $People['HS'].rebel4 = { name: "Clay", title: "Clay got coffee and talked some shop, and he helped me sing some high notes.", gender: "M", caption: "Clay, GRD Assistant" }>><</if>> <</if>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel5 = { name: "Colton", title: "Colton, singer in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Colton, local singer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel6 = { name: "Hunter", title: "Hunter, drummer in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Hunter, local drummer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel7 = { name: "Christian", title: "Christian, a roadie passing through", gender: "M", caption: "Christian, a roadie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel8 = { name: "Silas", title: "Silas, bassist in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Silas, local bassist" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel9 = { name: "Xavier", title: "Xavier, guitarist in a local band", gender: "M", caption: "Xavier, local guitarist" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel10 = { name: "Aurora", title: "Aurora, my first female groupie", gender: "F", caption: "Aurora, my first groupie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel11 = { name: "Draman", title: "Draman was on the downswing, but still high enough for him to hit it", gender: "M", caption: "Draman, down-and-out rocker", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel12 = { name: "Lloyd", title: "Lloyd promoted in the area and was willing to exchange favors", gender: "M", caption: "Lloyd, the promoter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].rebel13 = { name: "Molly", title: "Molly ran a coffee shop I frequently performed at. For her clientele and her.", gender: "F", caption: "Molly, coffee shop owner" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Prude">> <<set $People['HS'].prude1 = { name: "Ibrahim", title: "Ibrahim, Sunday school wasn't only learning about the bible, and Ibrahim fascinated me with his expansive knowledge.", gender: "M", caption: "Ibrahim, comparative religion teacher at Sunday School" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prude2 = { name: "Emmett", title: "Emmett, tenor in the choir", gender: "M", caption: "Emmett, church tenor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prude3 = { name: "Jeremiah", title: "Jeremiah, visiting deacon", gender: "M", caption: "Jeremiah, visiting deacon" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prude4 = { name: "Isaiah", title: "Isaiah, altar boy", gender: "M", caption: "Isaiah, an altar boy" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prude5 = { name: "Eli", title: "Eli, church organist", gender: "M", caption: "Eli, church organist" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prude6 = { name: "Grace", title: "Grace, who worked in the soup kitchen. We were already sweaty.", gender: "F", caption: "Grace, from the soup kitchen" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prude7 = { name: "Zoey", title: "Zoey, from the church choir", gender: "F", caption: "Zoey, from the church choir" }>> <<if $ !== "Hull">><<set $People['HS'].prude8 = { name: "Minister John Hull", title: "Minister John Hull, proving the rumor", gender: "M", caption: "John Hull, Minister", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "home" || $CC.hsv == "home">> <<set $People['HS'].home1 = { name: "Leo", title: "Leo, My neighbor growing up", gender: 'M', caption: "Neighbor Leo" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home2 = { name: "Damian", title: "Damian, a plumber when I was alone", gender: "M", caption: "Damian, a plumber" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home3 = { name: "Chase", title: "Chase, the UPS guy", gender: "M", caption: "Chase, the UPS guy" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home4 = { name: "Jesus", title: "Jesus, the older gardener", gender: "M", caption: "Jesus, our older gardener", olderMan: true }>> <<if $ !== "Carlos">><<set $People['HS'].home5 = { name: "Carlos", title: "Carlos, the younger, hot gardener.", gender: "M", caption: "Carlos, our young gardener" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].home6 = { name: "Santiago", title: "Santiago, our middle-aged gardener", gender: "M", caption: "Santiago, our other gardener" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home7 = { name: "Nova", title: "Nova, a babysitter. Took real good care of me.", gender: "F", caption: "Nova, a babysitter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].home8 = { name: "Riley", title: "Riley from down the block and I loved to skinnydip together", gender: "F", caption: "Riley, a neighbor" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "vandal" || $CC.hsv == "vandal">> <<set $People['HS'].vandal1 = { name: "Malachi", title: "Malachi's a cop and I didn't want to get arrested", gender: "M", caption: "Malachi, a cop" }>> <<set $People['HS'].vandal2 = { name: "Mitchell", title: "Mitchell was school security and I needed back in", gender: "M", caption: "Mitchell, school security", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].vandal3 = { name: "Allie", title: "Allie, my partner in crime", gender: "F", caption: "Allie, my partner in crime" }>> <<if $ !== "Raymond">><<set $People['HS'].vandal4 = { name: "Raymond", title: "Raymond had his truck", gender: "M", caption: "Raymond, driver of the vandal vehicle" }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "helper" || $CC.hsv == "helper">> <<set $People['HS'].helper1 = { name: "Beau", title: "Beau, leader of the neighborhood watch", gender: "M", caption: "Beau, neighborhood watch leader" }>> <<set $People['HS'].helper2 = { name: "Rowan", title: "Rowan, working on his hot rod and needed help", gender: "M", caption: "Rowan with the hot rod" }>> <<set $People['HS'].helper3 = { name: "Micah", title: "Micah, farmer from our Saturday farmer's market", gender: "M", caption: "Micah, Saturday farmer from the market" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "church" || $CC.hsv == "church">> <<set $People['HS'].church1 = { name: "Dylan", title: "Dylan, my Youth Minister", gender: "M", caption: "Dylan, Youth Minister" }>> <<set $People['HS'].church2 = { name: "Ezekiel", title: "Ezekiel, snack from youth group", gender: "M", caption: "Ezekiel, youth group hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].church3 = { name: "Josiah", title: "Josiah, cutie from youth group", gender: "M", caption: "Josiah, youth group hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].church4 = { name: "Charles", title: "Charles, youth group outreach brought him into the fold and my bed", gender: "M", caption: "Charles, from youth group outreach" }>> <<set $People['HS'].church5 = { name: "Eliana", title: "Eliana, soft-spoken youth group girl", gender: "F", caption: "Eliana, youth group hottie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].church6 = { name: "Lucy", title: "Lucy struggled with religion and her sexuality", gender: "F", caption: "Lucy, confused youth group girl" }>> <<set $People['HS'].church7 = { name: "Clark", title: "Clark, surprisingly still got it up every time I gave him a bath", gender: "M", caption: "Clark, who wanted more than just a bath" }>> <<if $ !== "Samson">><<set $People['HS'].church8 = { name: "Samson", title: "Samson was the hottest in youth group", gender: "M", caption: "Samson, youth group hottie" }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "partier" || $CC.hsv == "partier">> <<set $People['HS'].partier1 = { name: "Darnell", title: "Darnell, the green King in my circle", gender: "M", caption: "My hometown weed hookup, Darnell" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier2 = { name: "Mohammed", title: "There was a taxi ride I got a little creative in payment for", gender: "M", caption: "Mohammed, a taxi driver" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier3 = { name: "Easton", title: "Easton, a guy from a house party", gender: "M", caption: "Easton, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier4 = { name: "Angel", title: "Angel, a guy from a house party", gender: "M", caption: "Angel, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier5 = { name: "Nolan", title: "Nolan, a guy from a house party", gender: "M", caption: "Nolan, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier6 = { name: "Naomi", title: "Naomi, a girl from a house party", gender: "F", caption: "Naomi, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier7 = { name: "Hannah", title: "Hannah, a girl from a house party", gender: "F", caption: "Hannah, rando at a house party" }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier8 = { name: "Zeke", title: "Zeke, our go-to beer smuggler", gender: "M", caption: "Zeke always brought the kegs." }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier9 = { name: "Linda", title: "Linda was always hooking up at parties", gender: "F", caption: "Linda was always hooking up at parties." }>> <<set $People['HS'].partier10 = { name: "Dr. Lawrence", title: "Dr. Lawrence tried to straighten me out, a different way.", gender: "M", caption: "Dr. Lawrence, school psychologist", olderMan: true }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "gang" || $CC.hsv == "gang">> <<set $People['HS'].gang1 = { name: "Alejandro", title: "Alejandro, another gangbanger", gender: "M", caption: "Alejandro, fellow gangmember" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gang2 = { name: "Mr. Lawson", title: "Mr. Lawson, judge", gender: "M", caption: "Mr. Lawson oversaw juvvie court", olderMan: true }>> <<if $ !== "Amari">><<set $People['HS'].gang3 = { name: "Amari", title: "Amari, the Gators' Capo", gender: "M", caption: "Amari, gangleader" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].gang4 = { name: "Elena", title: "Elena took her own piece, as she was entitled", gender: "F", caption: "Elena, fellow gangmember" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gang5 = { name: "Maya", title: "Maya and I used each other as outlets. A release from what we endured from the gang guys", gender: "F", caption: "Maya, fellow gangmember" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gang6 = { name: "Caleb", title: "Caleb, a crooked cop", gender: "M", caption: "Caleb, a crooked cop" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gang7 = { name: "Mr. Nobody", title: "Mr. Nobody, school janitor", gender: "M", caption: "Mr. Nobody, the school's janitor, one of my most loyal customers", olderMan: true }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "volunteer" || $CC.hsv == "volunteer">> <<set $People['HS'].volunteer1 = { name: "Joel", title: "Joel, homeless but kind", gender: "M", caption: "Joel, displaced person", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].volunteer2 = { name: "Matias", title: "Matias, Salvation Army supervisor", gender: "M", caption: "Matias, Salvation Army supervisor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].volunteer3 = { name: "Peter", title: "Peter, who inspired me with what he knew about Greenpeace", gender: "M", caption: "Peter, Greenpeace proselytizer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].volunteer4 = { name: "Leah", title: "Leah and I hooked up on the beach while saving the turtles", gender: "F", caption: "Leah, Sea Turtle volunteer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].volunteer5 = { name: "Paisley", title: "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer and smelled of patchouli", gender: "F", caption: "Paisley, Salvation Army volunteer" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "sporty" || $CC.hsv == "sporty">> <<set $People['HS'].sporty1 = { name: "Patrick", title: "Patrick, on the shot-put team", gender: "M", caption: "Patrick, Track and Field shot-put" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty2 = { name: "Colt", title: "Colt, top sprinter", gender: "M", caption: "Colt, HS top sprinter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty3 = { name: "Tristan", title: "Tristan, coach from an opposing squad", gender: "M", caption: "Tristan, coach for the opposing team", olderMan: true }>> <<if $ !== "Barkewitcz">><<set $People['HS'].sporty4 = { name: "Barkewitcz", title: "My softball coach, Barkewitcz", gender: "M", caption: "Coach Barkewitcz", olderMan: true, schoolHelp: true }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty5 = { name: "Delila", title: "Delila sat behind home plate and could kneel before me for hours.", gender: "F", caption: "Delila on the softball team" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty6 = { name: "Valentina", title: "Valentina was quick between the bases and between the sheets", gender: "F", caption: "Valentina, softball shortstop" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty7 = { name: "Kevin", title: "Kevin, star athlete who had a nerdy twin brother", gender: "M", caption: "Kevin, athletic twin" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty8 = { name: "Coach Liam", title: "Coach Liam knew how to help my stretch", gender: "M", caption: "Coach Liam, my track coach", olderMan: true}>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty9 = { name: "Assistant Coach Justin", title: "Justin loved grabbing me by the legs", gender: "F", caption: "High Jump Assistant Coach Justin" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty10 = { name: "Rolf", title: "Rolf was a long-distance champ I met at Districts", gender: "M", caption: "Rolf, Districts long-distance champ" }>> <<set $People['HS'].sporty11 = { name: "Sabrina", title: "Sabrina was a hottie I met in the motel Sauna", gender: "F", caption: "Sabrina, motel sauna hottie" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "beach" || $CC.hsv == "beach">> <<set $People['HS'].beach1 = { name: "Nash", title: "Nash, from beach 'security'", gender: "M", caption: "Nash, from beach 'security'" }>> <<set $People['HS'].beach2 = { name: "Jeremy", title: "Jeremy, hotshot surfer", gender: "M", caption: "Jeremy, a hotshot surfer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].beach3 = { name: "Kash", title: "Kash, a nudist -- who shouldn't have been", gender: "M", caption: "Kash, beach nudist" }>> <<if $ !== "Ian">><<set $People['HS'].beach4 = { name: "Ian", title: "Ian shared lifeguarding shifts with me", gender: "M", caption: "Ian, another lifeguard" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].beach5 = { name: "Kinsley", title: "Kinsley looked hot in a bikini", gender: "F", caption: "Kinsley, beach bum" }>> <<set $People['HS'].beach6 = { name: "Ruby", title: "Ruby, a nudist -- who shouldn't have been", gender: "F", caption: "Ruby, beach nudist" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "club" || $CC.hsv == "club">> <<set $People['HS'].club1 = { name: "Gareth", title: "Gareth had a weird name, and didn't need the cash, based on the house his parents lived in, but I enjoyed a discount from time to time -- I enjoyed him too.", gender: "M", caption: "My hometown coke dealer, Gareth" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club2 = { name: "Ajani", title: "There was a taxi ride I got a little creative in payment for", gender: "M", caption: "Ajani, a taxi driver" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club3 = { name: "Nebula", title: "'Nebula' -- never got his name, but dragged him off the club floor to the bathroom.", gender: "M", caption: "'Nebula' guy from that club" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club4 = { name: "Amin", title: "Amin and I took pills and had blissed-out sex at his place", gender: "M", caption: "Amin, pills and sex" }>> <<if $ !== "DJ Eros">><<set $People['HS'].club5 = { name: "DJ Eros", title: "DJ Eros.", gender: "M", caption: "DJ Eros" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].club6 = { name: "Genesis", title: "Genesis and I were out at the clubs, and high enough it was bound to happen", gender: "F", caption: "Genesis, fellow clubber" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club7 = { name: "Audrey", title: "Audrey wanted the hook-up, I wanted to hook up", gender: "F", caption: "Audrey paid me for access" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club8 = { name: "Della", title: "Della and I sometimes got too drunk by the end of a night out.", gender: "F", caption: "Della, clubbing bestie" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club9 = { name: "Rocko", title: "Rocko was a bouncer at Tao", gender: "M", caption: "Rocko, bouncer at Tao" }>> <<set $People['HS'].club10 = { name: "K-Guy", title: "Never got his name, but we fucked while on K", gender: "M", caption: "Some guy, blissed out after a night out" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "tailgate" || $CC.hsv == "tailgate">> <<set $People['HS'].tailgate1 = { name: "Roddy", title: "Roddy was my dad's old college friend. Only ever saw him at games.", gender: "M", caption: "Roddy, my dad's old college friend" }>> <<set $People['HS'].tailgate2 = { name: "Shawn", title: "Shawn, grillmaster knew his hot meat", gender: "M", caption: "Shawn, who was in charge of the grill at games" }>> <<set $People['HS'].tailgate3 = { name: "Erron", title: "Erron, champ on and off the field", gender: "M", caption: "Erron, Auburn all-star" }>> <<set $People['HS'].tailgate4 = { name: "Sadie", title: "Sadie, one of Auburns Cheerleaders", gender: "F", caption: "Sadie, Auburn cheerleader" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "outdoors" || $CC.hsv == "outdoors">> <<set $People['HS'].outdoors1 = { name: "Preston", title: "Preston, fellow hiker", gender: "M", caption: "Preston, fellow hiker" }>> <<set $People['HS'].outdoors2 = { name: "Kaleb", title: "Kaleb, neighbor from the next camp", gender: "M", caption: "Kaleb, camping neighbor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].outdoors3 = { name: "Phoenix", title: "Phoenix, park ranger", gender: "M", caption: "Phoenix, park ranger" }>> <<set $People['HS'].outdoors4 = { name: "Autumn", title: "Autumn communed with me in nature", gender: "F", caption: "Autumn, camping neighbor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].outdoors5 = { name: "Quinn", title: "Quinn healed me when I sprained my ankle", gender: "F", caption: "Quinn, medicine woman" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.schoolinterest == "power">> <<set $People['HS'].power1 = { name: "Simon", title: "Simon was a teacher's assistant in the science department, covering labs and always had an inside track on test questions.", gender: "M", caption: "Simon, a high school teaching assistant", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].power2 = { name: "Jose", title: "There was something about Jose's accent, rolling the tongue, or the Latin root.", gender: "M", caption: "Jose, high school Spanish Teacher", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].power3 = { name: "Paul", title: "Paul was young, cute, and made Nabakov's Lolita make sense.", gender: "M", caption: "Paul, high school English teacher", schoolHelp: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].power4 = { name: "Karl", title: "We joked that Karl was around when algebra was created but he __did__ know how to balance my equations", gender: "M", caption: "Karl, high school math teacher", schoolHelp: true }>> <<if $ !== "Mark">> <<if $CC.clique == "Rebel" || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 2>> <<set $People['HS'].power5 = { name: "Mark", title: "Sure, our principal sent me to detention a ton. He had ulterior motives.", gender: "M", caption: "Mark, the principal", olderMan: true, schoolHelp: true }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $People['HS'].power6 = { name: "Everett", title: "Everett, who used to buy us alcohol", gender: "M", caption: "Everett, our alcohol hookup." }>> <<set $People['HS'].power7 = { name: "Brooklyn", title: "Brooklyn, our Sex Ed teacher. Really gave me the ins and outs.", gender: "F", caption: "Brooklyn, Sex Ed Teacher", schoolHelp: true}>> <<set $People['HS'].power8 = { name: "Cora", title: "Cora, queen of the cafeteria", gender: "F", caption: "Cora, lunch lady" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.schoolinterest == "books">> <<set $People['HS'].books1 = { name: "Carolina", title: "Caroline got me between the stacks", gender: "F", caption: "Carolina, library assistant" }>> <<set $People['HS'].books2 = { name: "Athena", title: "Athena, my tutor who did more than teach", gender: "F", caption: "Athena, my HS tutor" }>> <<set $People['HS'].books3 = { name: "Simon", title: "Simon, creative writing teacher", gender: "M", caption: "Simon, creative writing teacher" }>> <<set $People['HS'].books4 = { name: "Javier", title: "Javier took me between the stacks", gender: "M", caption: "Javier, librarian" }>> <<set $People['HS'].books5 = { name: "George", title: "George, who was more than eager to sign my first-edition copy at a meet and greet", gender: "M", caption: "George, famed sci-fi author", olderMan: true }>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("CheerCaptain")>> <<if $ !== 'Warren, Varsity QB'>><<set $People['HS'].warren = { name: "Warren", title: "Warren led our Varsity squad on the field and let me to bed off the field", gender: "M", caption: "Warren, high school Varsity QB" }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Cheerleader")>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader1 = { name: "Coach LeTourneau", title: "Coach LeTourneau.", gender: "M", caption: "Coach LeTourneau", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader2 = { name: "Theo", title: "Theo, HS Basketball Star", gender: "M", caption: "Theo, HS Basketball Star" }>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader3 = { name: "Maverick", title: "Maverick, HS Wrestling Star", gender: "M", caption: "Maverick, HS Wrestling Star" }>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader4 = { name: "Hailey", title: "Hailey wasn't truly a blonde", gender: "F", caption: "Hailey, fellow cheerleader" }>> <<set $People['HS'].cheerleader5 = { name: "Aubrey", title: "Aubrey was super flexible and vocal, sidelines or in bed", gender: "F", caption: "Aubrey, fellow cheerleader" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv == "act">> <<if $ !== "Vance">><<set $People['HS'].act1 = { name: "Vance", title: "Vance played Romeo opposite me", gender: "M", caption: "Vance, my Romeo" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].act2 = { name: "Josephine", title: "Josephine, a stage manager", gender: "F", caption: "Josephine, a stage manager" }>> <<if $CC.actPath == 1>> <<set $People['HS'].act3 = { name: "Kenneth", title: "Kenneth, audition room hook-up", gender: "M", caption: "Kenneth, from an audition" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act4 = { name: "Bodhi", title: "Bodhi, casting agent", gender: "M", caption: "Bodhi, casting agent" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act5 = { name: "Tobias", title: "Tobias, casting director", gender: "M", caption: "Tobias, casting director" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act6 = { name: "Malcolm", title: "Malcolm, co-star I read opposite", gender: "M", caption: "Malcolm, co-star I read opposite" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act7 = { name: "Martin", title: "Martin, an agent I met with", gender: "M", caption: "Martin, legit agent" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act8 = { name: "Daxton", title: "Daxton, 'up and coming' director", gender: "M", caption: "Daxton, 'up-and-coming' director" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act9 = { name: "Rory", title: "Rory, casting assistant", gender: "M", caption: "Rory, casting assistant" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act10 = { name: "Gideon", title: "Gideon, a film producer", gender: "M", caption: "Gideon, film producer", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].act11 = { name: "Bradley", title: "Bradley, TV producer", gender: "M", caption: "Bradley, TV producer", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].act12 = { name: "Emery", title: "Emery, a casting agent", gender: "F", caption: "Emery, casting agent" }>> <<set $People['HS'].act13 = { name: "Jen", title: "Jen, who ran a 'pay to play' community", gender: "F", caption: "Jen, actor extorter" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv == "job">> <<if $CC.makeIt == 3>> <<set $People['HS'].job1 = { name: "Mateo", title: "Mateo, a server at Deb's showed me what was special tonight", gender: "M", caption: "Mateo, server at Deb's" }>> <<set $People['HS'].job2 = { name: "Russell", title: "Russell, regular at Deb's, possessive in-person and in bed.", gender: "M", caption: "Russell, Deb's pushy regular", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].job3 = { name: "Juan", title: "Juan, the porter at Deb's always helped clean up after", gender: "M", caption: "Juan, Deb's porter" }>> <<set $People['HS'].job4 = { name: "Skyler", title: "Skyler, a server at Deb's who helped me close up", gender: "F", caption: "Skyler, server at Deb's" }>> <<set $People['HS'].job5 = { name: "Iris", title: "Iris, a beautiful hostess at Deb's", gender: "F", caption: "Iris, hostess at Deb's" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.makeIt == 2>> <<set $People['HS'].job6 = { name: "Sebastian", title: "Sebastian, I delivered for him and to him regularly", gender: "M", caption: "Sebastian, delivery regular" }>> <<set $People['HS'].job7 = { name: "Aidan", title: "Aidan got his pizza delivery girl fantasy fulfilled", gender: "M", caption: "Aidan, after a pizza delivery" }>> <<set $People['HS'].job8 = { name: "Wyatt", title: "Wyatt, another Dasher helped me kill time", gender: "M", caption: "Wyatt, fellow delivery guy" }>> <<set $People['HS'].job9 = { name: "Lydia", title: "Lydia had a cute scooter. We rode it together.", gender: "F", caption: "Lydia, fellow delivery girl" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv == 'dance'>> <<set $People['HS'].dance1 = { name: "Atticus", title: "Atticus, owner of the dance studio", gender: "M", caption: "Atticus, dance studio owner" }>> <<set $People['HS'].dance2 = { name: "Omar", title: "Omar, only straight guy in my dance class", gender: "M", caption: "Omar, from dance" }>> <<set $People['HS'].dance3 = { name: "Misty", title: "Misty, a beautiful ballerina", gender: "F", caption: "Misty, ballerina" }>> <<set $People['HS'].dance4 = { name: "Nevaeh", title: "Nevaeh, one of my instructors", gender: "F", caption: "Navaeh, Ballet teacher" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv == 'piano'>> <<set $People['HS'].piano1 = { name: "Madame Demianova", title: "Madame Demianova figured out my tempo.", gender: "F", caption: "Madame Demianova" }>> <<set $People['HS'].piano2 = { name: "Mr. Demianova", title: "Mr. Demianova drove me home a few times.", gender: "M", caption: "Mr. Demianova" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv == 'gym'>> <<set $People['HS'].gym1 = { name: "Zane", title: "Zane, gymnastic judge", gender: "M", caption: "Zane, gymnastic judge" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gym2 = { name: "Adeline", title: "Adeline was our trainer and helped me with more than a sprain", gender: "F", caption: "Adeline, gym trainer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gym3 = { name: "Laney", title: "Laney, fellow gymnast", gender: "F", caption: "Laney, fellow gymnast" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gym4 = { name: "Aleksandr", title: "Aleksandr was very hands on in his approach to improving my gymnastic form", gender: "M", caption: "Aleksandr, former Soviet Olympian gymnast", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].gym5 = { name: "Byron", title: "Byron, who wanted to receive nudes", gender: "M", caption: "Byron, nude enjoyer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].gym6 = { name: "Sheridan", title: "Sheridan, who blackmailed me with nudes he found", gender: "M", caption: "Sheridan, blackmailer" }>> <<if $ !== "Coach Vovk">><<set $People['HS'].gym5 = { name: "Coach Vovk", title: "Coach Vovk.", gender: "M", caption: "Coach Vovk", olderMan: true }>><</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hsv == 'read'>> <<set $People['HS'].read1 = { name: "Bryce", title: "Bryce, teacher at the community college", gender: "M", caption: "Bryce, my teacher at community college", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['HS'].read2 = { name: "Hudson", title: "Hudson, went to community college with me.", gender: "M", caption: "Hudson from community college" }>> <<set $People['HS'].read3 = { name: "Julian", title: "Julian showed me around a college campus", gender: "M", caption: "Julian, college student and tour guide" }>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Cheerleader")>> <<set $People['HS'].cheer1 = { name: "Bella", title: "Bella, another cheerleader", gender: "F", caption: "Bella, a cheerleader" }>> <</if>> <<set $People['HS'].regex1 = { name: "Jackie", title: "Jackie was my roommate from summer camp", gender: "F", caption: "Jackie, Summer Camp fling" }>> <<set $People['HS'].regex2 = { name: "Shauna", title: "Shauna was a boyfriend's ex...she and I looked a lot alike.", gender: "F", caption: "Shauna, a boyfriend's ex" }>> <<if visited("HS002 - Studies")>> <<set $People['HS'].study1 = { name: "Paxton", title: "Paxton, PSAT proctor", gender: "M", caption: "Paxton, proctor at my PSAT" }>> <<if $ !== "Harden">><<set $People['HS'].study2 = { name: "Harden", title: "Harden, my highschool tutor", gender: "M", caption: "Harden, my highschool tutor" }>><</if>> <<set $People['HS'].study3 = { name: "Chang", title: "Chang, a study buddy", gender: "M", caption: "Chang, study buddy" }>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("TeenModel")>> <<set $People['HS'].model1 = { name: "Schrantz", title: "Schrantz was a foreign photographer that had a hands-on approach.", gender: "M", caption: "Schrantz, a foreign photographer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].model2 = { name: "Terry", title: "Terry insisted on nude shoots and getting in the mood.", gender: "M", caption: "Terry, nude photographer" }>> <<set $People['HS'].model3 = { name: "Weber", title: "Weber took me out for drinks after our shoot.", gender: "M", caption: "Weber, one of my photographers" }>> <<set $People['HS'].model4 = { name: "Mario", title: "Mario was a model manager that tested me out...and didn't pick me up.", gender: "M", caption: "Mario, a model manager" }>> <<set $People['HS'].model5 = { name: "Emily", title: "Emily was an Australian model. I don't think she was gay, though. Lucky me!", gender: "F", caption: "Emily, Australian model" }>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Seven">> <<set $People['HS'].prom10 = { name: "Igor", title: "Igor was a guy who was always interested in me and didn't care if I was with other people.", gender: "M", caption: "Igor, one of my high school droolers" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prom11 = { name: "Anthony", title: "Anthony was a guy who was always interested in me and wouldn't relent til I said yes.", gender: "M", caption: "Anthony, one of my high school droolers" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prom12 = { name: "Jack", title: "Jack was a guy who was always interested in me and then lost interest once he landed me.", gender: "M", caption: "Jack, one of my high school droolers" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prom13 = { name: "Logan", title: "Logan was a guy who was always interested in me and was glad I gave him the chance.", gender: "M", caption: "Logan, one of my high school droolers" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prom14 = { name: "Mason", title: "Mason was a guy who was always interested in me and was willing to accept me hooking up with others.", gender: "M", caption: "Mason, one of my high school droolers" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prom15 = { name: "Oliver", title: "Oliver was a guy who was always interested in me and preferred sloppy seconds.", gender: "M", caption: "Oliver, one of my high school droolers" }>> <<set $People['HS'].prom16 = { name: "Noah", title: "Noah was a guy who was always interested in me and seemed to like if I hooked up with others.", gender: "M", caption: "Noah, one of my high school droolers" }>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Stephen">> <<set $People['HS'].prom2 = { name: "Stephen", title: "Stephen, a dorky underclassmen with enough acne and fat for both of us.", gender: "M", caption: "Stephen, gross underclassman" }>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Absame">> <<set $People['HS'].prom3 = { name: "Absame", title: "Absame, exchange student from Somalia, and I showed him the American way", gender: "M", caption: "Absame, exchange student from Somalia" }>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Miguel">> <<set $People['HS'].prom4 = { name: "Miguel", title: "Miguel was hot as hell and went to a rival high school.", gender: "M", caption: "Miguel, hottie from a rival school" }>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Chad">> <<set $People['HS'].prom5 = { name: "Chad", title: "Chad, Super Senior with a rep added me as a notch to his massively whittled headboard.", gender: "M", caption: "Chad, Super Senior" }>> <</if>> <<if $HS.promDate !== "Her Man">> <<set $People['HS'].prom7 = { name: "Joe", title: "Joe was Ava's boyfriend and it was a great way to get at her by letting him get in me.", gender: "M", caption: "Joe, Ava's boyfriend" }>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("nearly choked me out.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("tied me up.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("was always forceful when I gave head.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("had me worried he infected me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted to risk getting caught.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("nearly choked me out.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("tied me up.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("was always forceful when I gave head.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted to risk getting caught.")>> <</if>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted to fuck my ass to avoid any risk.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("accidentally came in me anyway.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("broke the condom.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("took off the condom without telling me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("had Plan B on hand because he preferred cumming in me.")>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("pressured me into anal.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted me to eat his ass.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted me to eat her ass.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("loved tossing my salad.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("loved tossing my salad.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("liked keeping me from cumming.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("liked keeping me from cumming.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("preferred cumming on my face.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("would smack me while he fucked me.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("would smack me when she fucked me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted me to talk dirty to him.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted me to talk dirty to her.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("liked to roleplay.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("got off with my feet.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("taped us fucking.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("liked blindfolding me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted to be blindfolded.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("had me peg him.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("liked to roleplay.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("got off with my feet.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("taped us fucking.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("liked blindfolding me.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted to be blindfolded.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("had me fuck her with a strap-on.")>> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("hated condoms, so came in me anyway.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("didn't have protection with him and convinced me once or twice wasn't that risky.")>> <</if>> <</if>> <div id="bodycount"> <<include "HS007 - HSBC2_display">> </div>
<ul id="listOfBodies"> <<for _body range $bodies>> <li> <<if _body.caption>> <<set _who = _body.caption>> <<else>> <<set _who = _body>> <</if>> <<if $bodiesDetails.has(_who)>> <<print `${_who} ${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).fuckFlavor}`>> <<else>> <<if _body.gender && _body.gender == "F">> <<set _flavorText = setup.LezFlavor.random()>> <<else>> <<set _flavorText = setup.FuckFlavor.random()>> <</if>> <<run $bodiesDetails.set(_who, { fuckFlavor: _flavorText })>> <<print `${_who} ${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).fuckFlavor}`>> <</if>> </li> <</for>> </ul> <br> <<if $bodies.length gte $CC.HSBC>> <<set $HS.leftoverBodies = _unobtainedModSelection ? _availableBodyMods.concat(_unobtainedModSelection) : []>> <<set _tempArr = []>> <<for _i, _value range $HS.leftoverBodies>> <<set _tempVal = _value>> <<set _tempVal.from = 'HS'>> <<set _tempArr.push(_tempVal)>> <</for>> <<set $HS.leftoverBodies = _tempArr>> <<if visited("HS009 - HomeVign3")>> Back to the story? Awesome. Yeah, sorry about that. My bad. [[Forgive me|HS011 - Graduation][$sexcount = true]]? <<else>> On with the story? [[Finally|HS008 - PromNight][$sexcount = true]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<set _unobtainedModSelection = Object.values($People['HS']) .filter(mod => ? !$bodies.find(a => === : !$bodies.includes(mod)) .shuffle() .sort((a, b) => a.gender < b.gender ? -1 : 1)>> /* List has women in front, men in back. Pops 2 women if lesbian or Bi, 1 otherwise.*/ <<set _availableBodyMods = []>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push($Body.sexuality !== "straight" ? _unobtainedModSelection.shift() : _unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.shift())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.shuffle()>> <<set $sexcount = true>> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand"> <<for _mod range _availableBodyMods>> <<capture _mod>> <<if && _mod.title>> <<set _buttonText = _mod.title>> <<else>> <<set _buttonText = _mod>> <</if>> <<button _buttonText>> <<run $bodies.push(_mod)>> <<replace #bodycount t8n>> <<include "HS007 - HSBC2_display">> <</replace>> <</button>> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <br><br><br> <div id="randomBtn"> <<button "Hell, I barely remember who I did or did me">> <<run _unobtainedModSelection.shuffle()>> <<for _mod range _unobtainedModSelection>> <<capture _mod>> <<if $bodies.length lt $CC.HSBC>> <<run $bodies.push(_mod)>> <<replace #bodycount t8n>> <<include "HS007 - HSBC2_display">> <</replace>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</button>> </div> <</if>>
<<image framed "passage/HS008-PromNight.png">> /* TODO: (Fict) A lot to format here */ <<outfit "promDress" + $HS.promDress>> <<if $Memories.includes("PromQueen")>><<hat "tiara">><</if>> <<if $HS.promDate == "Derek">> I had barely paid attention most of the evening, enthralled with the beauty in front of me. He looked good day-to-day, but //damn// did he clean up well. I was moist from the moment I saw him in his tux. Goddamn things had to be easy for him. <br><br> Yeah, they must have been. Because he had no reaction when I urged him over to the bleachers so we could make out. His hand finding its way to between my thighs. By the time the night was closing out, my hormones were pounding through my body and I could tell he was ready. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>>Before anyone noticed, Derek and I left Prom before anyone else could join us, en-route to the after party at <<print $CC.FName>>'s -- they'd [[find a way|HS008 - PromNight2]].<<else>>As we made good on our exit, I let <<print $CC.FName>> know she and the others would need to find other rides. She understood. What a good friend. <br><br> And so there we were, two incredibly horny kids alone in the backseat. Neither of us paid any attention to the guy driving. We were making out and pawing at each other [[ravenously|HS008 - PromNight2]].<</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Seven">> I don't know what I was thinking having all these guys as my 'dates'. At first there was a fun playfulness about it all, and they seemed content enough. But then, on our way to Prom, the dynamic of who was closest, who I was paying attention to...and then //at// Prom? Who was I dancing with. What did that mean for the others. And no one was happy with the idea of all dancing together. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 7>> <<set $HS.dates = 7>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> Somehow, though, my allure seemed to keep them all drawn back to me regularly enough that they didn't leave my sphere of influence. It was a masterclass in manipulation, those around me getting physical attention, maybe some words, those away from me catching an eye and a look at a regular enough cadence. Fuck, this was //work//. <br><br> Good for my pride, bad for my tiredness. Only two could really dance with me at once, but that meant there were more than enough refreshed and ready to go. Constantly between two horny kids, and I wasn't able to fight off four hands at once. <br><br> I was a sweaty mess by the time we headed off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 6>> <<set $HS.dates = 6>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> With a little guile and good looks (I think), I was able to convince almost all of them to stick around. Good for my pride, bad for my tiredness. Only two could really dance with me at once, but that meant there were more than enough refreshed and ready to go. Constantly between two horny kids, and I wasn't able to fight off four hands at once. <br><br> I was a sweaty mess by the time we headed off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 5>> <<set $HS.dates = 5>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> With a little guile and good looks (I think), I was able to convince most of them to stick around. Good for my pride, bad for my tiredness. Only two could really dance with me at once, but that meant there were more than enough refreshed and ready to go. Constantly between two horny kids, and I wasn't able to fight off four hands at once. <br><br> I was a sweaty mess by the time we headed off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 4>> <<set $HS.dates = 4>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> With a little guile and good looks (I think), I was able to convince more than half of them to stick around. Good for my pride, bad for my tiredness. Only two could really dance with me at once, but that meant there was always two refreshed and ready to go. Constantly between two horny kids, pairs swapping off, tag-teaming in and out. And I wasn't able to fight off four hands at once. <br><br> I was a sweaty mess by the time we headed off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 3>> <<set $HS.dates = 3>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> With a little guile and good looks (I think), I was able to convince almost half of them to stick around. Good for my pride, bad for my tiredness. Only two could really dance with me at once, but that meant there was always one refreshed and ready to go. Constantly between two horny kids, and I wasn't able to fight off four hands at once. <br><br> I was a sweaty mess by the time we headed off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 2>> <<set $HS.dates = 2>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> A little triad was manageable and they seemed content to share me as the night went on. Dancing one in front, one behind, I was a sandwich constantly between these two horny kids, not able to fight off four hands at once. <br><br> I don't know what happened to the other guys, because I was not given a break. Maybe one went off to get a refreshment or chat with a friend, but the other one insisted on continuing to dance. Then the other was back. <br><br> I was a sweaty mess by the time we headed off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<else>> It was far too much for me to handle and all my attempts to keep them strung along worked against me. Before long, I was alone on the dance floor, flown too close to the sun. <<Stats Confident -->>I made a quick, quiet exit and avoided the after party, lest anyone ask questions. Better to deal with them after a weekend for people to [[forget|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stephen">> He was a sweaty mess. Despite his repeated attempts to wipe his hands dry -- his slacks had to be soaked -- every time he touched me, it was clammy and moist. Yet, there was a puppydog quality about him that was endearing. His eyes were on me the entire night, and -- no cap -- there were some smokeshows at Prom. <br><br> He wanted to know all about me, he made sure I had a drink and kept tabs on how I was feeling. And then, towards the end of the dance, he had begun to notice the pairing off back by the bleachers, or outside for 'a smoke' and I think I heard a whimper. Like a dog that is hoping for a treat but doesn't want to upset Master. <br><br> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>> Fuck. I felt so bad. I gave him a little pull by his sticky fingers and he looked at me surprised, double-checking. Another pull and we were walking over to the bleachers, too. I think I could hear his heart in his chest. Then, he slammed me firmly against the rolled-up steps and dived in. <br><br> I felt the metal biting into my back and ass through my dress, his tongue diving into my mouth and I tried to match pace with him. As his hand wandered up to grope one of my breasts, I wondered if I was his first kiss. <br><br> We came up for air, instinctively giving a wipe across my mouth from his spit and my cheek from his oily skin. I laughed it off, one hand still firmly pressing me against the bleachers, the other on my chest. He'd gone from puppy to rottweiler real quick, "Uh hey, I think our ride is here for the after party." <br><br> He nodded, a flash in his eyes as every Prom trope entered his mind. We piled into the car and [[headed off|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<else>> I felt bad but I would feel worse about a pity kiss. His oily skin and acne weren't helping my decision either. Anyway, our ride was here -- it was time to [[party|HS008 - PromNight2]]! <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Absame">> His tux was fan-tas-tic. I don't know where he got it, but the cummerbund was red, ruddy, fawn and blue of his home country. He had pops of traditional African flair in his pocket square and even brought me a fricking //King Protea// for my corsage. <br><br> And he had ''rhythm''. Dancing with him was incredible. We worked up a sweat and it wasn't the usual grinding and grabbing I was used to from other dance partners. We moved together and apart, matching tempo and motion with each other and the music. <br><br> People were pissed and I certainly heard some rather repugnant comments from the peanut gallery when we went for refreshments. <br><br> As the night began to wrap up, a slow dance, I ventured, "So are you interested in going to the after-party?" <br><br> "My mother has asked that I be home promptly." That wonderful affected English. I couldn't help but smile and his smile was beautiful. <div id = "absame"> /* TODO Mira - here's a place where options only appear based on stats and traits */ <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0>>I could <<link "try">><<replace "#absame">>"Oh, you've //never// disobeyed?" My hands tucked lightly under his cummerbund, sliding side to side to stroke through his shirt. <br><br> "You don't want to see her when she's denied." He laughed uncomfortably. <br><br> "Ever seen ''me'' denied?" My eyes flicked up to meet his dark chocolate pair. I could tell, I was having an effect. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> "Sounds about just as dangerous." As my hands slid nearer to the buttons, my cleavage was pressed up and together for his enjoyment. <br><br> "I think danger is fun. Who knows. It's Prom anyway, when's the next time you'll be at Prom in America?" He coughed, I felt the meat in his pants reflexively pulse. He was swollen. He was going to say yes. <br><br> He didn't say yes, but we all piled into the vehicle and headed off to the after party. He was uncomfortable, distracted by the need to hide his state, but also by thoughts of his disobedience. "Hey, hey. We'll get you home soon enough, Absame." <br><br> He nodded, relieved. We pulled up in front of <<print $CC.FName>>'s home And we [[headed inside|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<else>> "Denied in what way?" As my hands slid nearer the buttons, my cleavage was pressed up and together for his enjoyment. <br><br> "Come on. Who knows. It's Prom anyway, when's the next time you'll be at Prom in America?" <br><br> "One night is not worth the pain of a lifetime with her." Wow, he was resilient. <br><br> So we piled in and headed off to the after party. I gave some directions to have us swing by and we left him in the care of his mother. And then the crew erupted into squeals, excitement and some rather crude questions and surprised expectations. <br><br> I laughed them off and just enjoyed their company for the night. All told, it was a [[great Prom|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> and 'urge' him to come. <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1>> I <<link "wanted to fuck him">><<replace "#absame">>"We could get you home close to on-time? How's that sound?" I made a rather unsubtle feel between his legs, shielded from sight as we danced close. <br><br> He jerked back reflexively. "<<print $>>. Excuse me." The dance ended abruptly and I was shocked by his reaction, I think more than he was by the offer. <<if $CC.spoiled == true>>Rage and disappointment boiled up inside me as I watched him disappear. He was making a scene and now I was going to be the gossip. Fuming, I stomped off and out of the gym. I wasn't going to subject myself to any of them or a stupid [[after party|HS008 - PromNightClean]].<<else>>I shook my head in disbelief. His loss, though. I don't know how or if he got a ride home, maybe his Mom came to pick him up. <br><br> The rest of us, on the other hand, piled into the vehicle and headed off to the after party. The whole trip, the crew was squealing, full of excitement and some rather crude questions and surprised expectations. <br><br> I laughed them off and just enjoyed their company for the night. It was a [[great Prom|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> though. Maybe make that clear? <</if>> I tried to quash my thoughts, I had to <<link "respect him">><<replace "#absame">>"Oh, of course. Want us to drop you off on the way?" <br><br> "That would be lovely, <<print $>>." God, it could make you melt. <br><br> So we piled in and headed off to the after party. I gave some directions to have us swing by and we left him in the care of his mother. And then the crew erupted into squeals, excitement and some rather crude questions and surprised expectations. <br><br> I laughed them off and just enjoyed their company for the night. It was a [[great Prom|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</replace>><</link>> and his mother.</div> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Miguel">> The night was a mix of reactions, but mostly jealousy from guys and girls. I loved showing up with a surprise on my arm. And he seemed to love showing up to a new meat market. And that's where the frustration came. I had to keep his attention somehow. <div id ="miguel"> /* TODO Mira - here's a place where options only appear based on stats and traits */ <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 && $CC.maleAttention gt 1>> If he was that much of a pussy hound, I needed to get other <<link "pussy off his mind">><<replace "#miguel">>I couldn't get him to the dance floor, I couldn't get him to chat by the refreshments. Fuck his wandering ass. <br><br> Wait. Yes. Fuck him. <br><br> I slid up behind him and despite him being in the midst of a conversation with Ava -- maybe //because// of that fact -- I whispered, "Wanna go outside and fuck?" <br><br> She heard me, but he heard me too. "Uh, Si. //Si//. Gonna go fuck, kay, Ava?" Was his attempt at closing out the conversation while we moved away from her -- god, that felt good -- and left the gym into the [[cool evening air|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte $Stats.Skills['Social'].value>> I didn't need to fight for his attention. I was <<link "better than that">><<replace "#miguel">>I couldn't get him to the dance floor, I couldn't get him to chat by the refreshments. Fuck his wandering ass. <br><br> Despite the fact that he was now chatting with Ava, I pushed down my own jealously and found <<print $CC.FName>>. "Hey, <<print $>>. Sorry about El Douche." Pulling me into a little threesome with her date. <br><br> She kept me occupied and distracted for the rest of the night, screaming and bouncing along to music, getting trashed at the after party at her place and waking up curled up with her in bed the [[next morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> No, no no! Stop looking at those other girls. Just straight up <<link "tell him">><<replace "#miguel">>I couldn't get him to the dance floor, I couldn't get him to chat by the refreshments. Fuck his wandering ass. <br><br> He was talking to Ava. I was pissed. I stormed right up to him and gave him a not-so-gentle bump of my hip. "Que paso, <<print $>>?" he lifted an eyebrow. So did Ava. <br><br> "Look, you're ''my'' date--" <br><br> She cut me off, "And he's talking to //me//, bitch." <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 1>> I lost it. I grabbed her hair and <<shake 2s>>yanked<</shake>>. Soon, we were clawing and screaming. Dresses tearing, scratching and pulling at each other as chaperones were trying, desperately to pry us apart. <br><br> Fury only slowly calming inside me as an adjunct wrestling coach had my arms pinned back, trying to hurt her with my eyes. <br><br> I was being dragged out of the gym. Guess my night was ending early. <<print $CC.FName>> was giving an "Oops" face. Ava looked like she had taken more than she had given. Miguel...oh. Was off chatting up another girl, despite the show. <br><br> After receiving a stern talking to, a write-up for detention, I decided better [[not head to an after party|HS008 - PromNightClean]] without Miguel and after that display. <<else>> I wasn't going to rise to the occasion. Rolling my eyes, I pulled at Miguel but he wouldn't come, "Despues, chica." He waved me away. <br><br> I fumed alone, but was pleasantly surprised when he was amongst the crew climbing into the vehicle to head to [[the after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>, right? <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 0>> Keep his <<link "eyes on the prize">><<replace "#miguel">>I couldn't get him to the dance floor, I couldn't get him to chat by the refreshments. Fuck his wandering ass. <br><br> I slid up behind him and despite him being in the midst of a conversation with Ava -- maybe //because// of that fact -- my cleavage pressing against him from behind, my hand sliding down into his, lightly brushing his palm. "Having fun?" <br><br> "Uh, Si." Not won yet, but he did look back at me at his shoulder. "Que paso, <<print $>>." <br><br> I leaned in, letting my lips lightly brush his earlobe and shifting to make sure that only he heard me. My breath warm into his ear, "Leaving me alone might make you lonely. It's not very nice...and I can be very nice." <br><br> He chuckled, his eyes distant as he considered, but he hadn't looked back at Ava who was stewing -- god, that felt good. "That a promise, chica?" I gave his earlobe a little tug with my teeth. <br><br> A few moments later we were dancing. I made sure to let him grab and pull me against him, much to the chagrin of the chaperones. I wanted him to see skin, I wanted to feel his excitement, I needed to keep him with me until we left the gym for the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <</replace>><</link>> and promise of the future. <</if>> <<else>> Keep his <<link "eyes on the prize">><<replace "#miguel">>I couldn't get him to the dance floor, I couldn't get him to chat by the refreshments. Fuck his wandering ass. <br><br> I slid up behind him and despite him being in the midst of a conversation with Ava -- maybe //because// of that fact -- my cleavage pressing against him from behind, my hand sliding down into his, lightly brushing his palm. "Having fun?" <br><br> "Uh, Si." Not won yet, but he did look back at me at his shoulder. "Que paso, <<print $>>." <br><br> I leaned in, letting my lips lightly brush his earlobe and shifting to make sure that only he heard me. My breath warm into his ear, "Leaving me alone might make you lonely. It's not very nice...and I can be very nice." <br><br> He chuckled, eyes dropping to consider me. Well, my body. Then my face, then back to Ava. Ouch, that hurt. <br><br> A few moments later, I was dancing, trying to avoid looking at them getting close. Joe, her guy was standing nearby, surprisingly unaffected by the entire display. My pride stung, but he was with the crew piling in to head off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <</replace>><</link>> and promise of the future. <</if>></div> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Chad">> There was something perfunctory to the evening, not much chatter, but there was an enjoyable amount of attention to me and my body. He wanted to be close, he wanted to admire, and he definitely wanted to put his hands on me. <br><br> "How many Proms is this for you?" I leaned in to whisper to him on the dance floor. <br><br> "Six? Eight? Somethin' like that. God, you look hot" quickly changing the subject back to his preference. <br><br> I tried to convince myself he just wasn't much of a conversationalist. It explained the lack of attention and distance before. But it was certainly harder to excuse him as I battled his hands -- worse as the evening proceeded and we headed off to the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">> Oh man was the evening awkward. <<print $CC.friend1>> was trying to figure out where he stood, was he a friend or was he a date. Or both? I could tell he was confused, I certainly was. <br><br> We were each trying to read each other's body language while we danced, hands tentatively on each other, conversation that normally was fluid had become abortive and jerky. <br><br> There was a rise of...fear? As the night came to a close and we both knew that the after parties came next. We [[clambered in|HS008 - PromNight2]] with everyone else as we headed to <<print $CC.FName>>'s. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> It hadn't been a cute look, letting Ava get distracted by her own hopes of winning the crown and 'accidentally' finding myself near her beaux, Joe. Even less cute were the texts I had been sending him over the past few weeks. Much more cute was his smile each time I appeared, or the way he let my fingers play with his. <br><br> And Ava hadn't noticed until it was far too late...the other girls were much more the wiser. Needless to say, making out against the bleachers was when Ava realized my machinations. They went outside, they fought, she fought back tears, and then Joe came in sheepishly, gave a little shrug and we were attached at the hip the remainder of the evening. <br><br> Clearly we weren't invited to Ava's after-party, but I hadn't considered that an option from the beginning of all this. Instead, we rolled up to <<print $CC.FName>>'s. It was a smaller party, but much more my people. <br><br> Hand in hand with my new conquest, we strutted into the house, music already thumping and Solo cups in everyone's hands. Joe was cute enough, but his personality made it clear why he was with Ava...//was// with her. And why he was so easy to pry free. Quite a follower. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> gave me an awkward smile as we moved in, grabbing some party punch. Yeah, even my best friend was having trouble socially excusing my behavior. Oh well. <br><br> I dragged him out to the middle of her dining room and we began to dance, trying to ignore the [[whispers and looks|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Arvin">> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Arvin")>> We had spent the time leading up to Prom, as well as the perfunctory pre-Prom stuff, being as nonchalant and uninterested as possible. It was just a fun time, and an excuse for a 'Dad' to be protective and me not to stress about a date, or worry about them. Little did anyone know. <br><br> It wasn't the first time a kid had brought a family member to Prom, so it actually got easier once we were there. Keeping up appearances as we danced. But while there was an ease around us, there wasn't between us. We wanted to be closer, we wanted to breach the social contract and understanding of what we appeared to be -- supposed to be doing. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> I couldn't resist it. Leaning up onto my tiptoes mid-dance, "Can we just...leave early?" <br><br> "What about the after party?" <br><br> "We can't have one?" I smirked. We left, and he literally shook the Principal's hand before heading [[back home|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> "This is hard." Leaning up onto my tiptoes mid-dance to whisper in his ear. <br><br> "Yes. I am." He chuckled dirtily. He must be enjoying the secretive wrongness about this as well. <br><br> "Good." A surreptitious little nip at his earlobe and we went back to dancing. He pulled me close in a 'comforting Dad' kind of way. My hand slipped between us to test his comment for truthfulness. <br><br> I'm not sure if anyone noticed that I was grabbing his cock the entire dance, but I was. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> looked a little surprised that we weren't headed to the after party, but it made sense. As weird as any of this was, it'd be far weirder if he attended a high school party with drinking and sex. <br><br> So we left the others to do typical Prom night stuff and we could do our typical [[night stuff|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</if>> <<else>> It was certainly awkward, leading up to Prom and especially during the perfunctory pre-Prom stuff. My 'Dad' was just being protective and preventing me from having to worry about picking a date or what they'd be like. But there was this sexual tension //because// it was Prom that made even the most normal thing with him really awkward. I hoped that once the night was over, all that would pass. <br><br> It wasn't the first time a kid had brought a family member to Prom, so it actually got easier once we were there. Keeping up appearances as we danced. But while there was an ease around us, there wasn't between us. I couldn't help but catch these looks and curiously wonder if the tension I was feeling had a different reason. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3 && $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> "Shit." I thought. I wondered if he noticed the shock on my face. "He //wants// this to be a date." My heart jumped into my throat. <br><br> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1 && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> I cocked my head to the side, surprised, both by the realization, but also by how my pussy just reacted. My <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes investigated his, searching for hidden communication. There was a back and forth as we danced, each trying to sus the other's intentions while still being safe. This was a powder keg that could have massive ramifications. <br><br> As the slow dance ended, I leaned up to give him a peck on the cheek, then leaned to his ear, cleavage purposefully against his arm, "Wanna get outta here?" <br><br> I thought he'd die right there. Heart attack or something. I nearly fell as he jerked in response. He coughed a couple times and I could see his mind reeling while his body did the same. <br><br> He looked around, careful, concerned. Then he nodded. He shook Principal Mark's hand and we left, skipping <<print $CC.FName>>'s after party...I'd have to come up with a [[good excuse there|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> I pushed that thought from my mind hard and excused myself for a refreshment. He sheepishly became a wallflower for the rest of the night as I avoided him. And then he was gone, thankfully. <br><br> I didn't mention it to anyone, and it was not surprising to anyone that I came to the after party solo. It was a great time though, despite dateless. I got super fucking drunk. I needed to black this night out. <<print $CC.FName>> didn't mind being a little triad with her date and I. We danced the [[night away|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <<else>> I smiled, leaning my head against his chest, finishing off our slow dance. I felt him sigh, "Thanks, Dad." I cooed softly. He petted my head. <br><br> There was a tinge of sadness to his look as I waved to him and piled off with everyone else to the after party. It was a great time though, despite dateless -- would have been //far// too weird to have him join the debauchery. I got drunk, <<print $CC.FName>> didn't mind being a little triad with her date and I. We danced the [[night away|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Harden">> Harden had retained a respectful distance throughout the night. I could tell he liked me and I enjoyed the sort of chaste playfulness of the dancing and talking. <br><br> He looked young enough that kids weren't really paying attention, only <<print $CC.FName>> and my closest had any inkling that he was my tutor and older. To everyone else, he was just my extra-scholastic guy. I was fine with that. It felt more secretive. Like we were getting away with something. <br><br> "<<print $>>. You //can't//." There was firmness in his voice (and in his pants), but his eyes were softer, receptive. <br><br> "No one saw!" a devilish smile. I had to be blueballing him at this rate, his ache was palpable. But he wasn't keen on this venue and seemed content to wait. <br><br> Such a polite guy. I couldn't help but laugh -- all the girls did -- as he was trying to get into our vehicle on the way to the after party. Something was making it very ''hard'' for him to bend over, to move his legs. <br><br> The cat was out of the bag and he took it in stride -- even while [[he couldn't|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stag">> Going solo felt like a power-move, but it also was //incredibly// lonely. Everyone else was there paired off and paired up. Long-standing boyfriends and girlfriends, or relationships just in their beginning stages. It kind of reminded me how single I was at the moment. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> did her best to keep me not too down about it, but she had her date and I wasn't going to steal her away from him. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Risky" "Stable" "Confident">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1 && $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0 && $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 0>> I ''could'' try to steal someone else, though. Talk about //power// //move//. <br><br> I began scanning the room for options, deciding whether or not I would be that selfish? Cruel? <div id="steal"> <<link "Empowered">><<replace "#steal">> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> Empowered. <br><br> And there was my target: I had only barely considered the idea before, but that had felt like a calculated, strategic decision. This felt more personal and less practical. Joe, just standing against the wall as Ava received fawning admirers, would be mine. <br><br> Taking the circuitous route, I managed to avoid Ava's sight-line while sidling up to her beaux. He didn't look up from his phone until I leaned in and gave a little whisper into his ear, "Hey." <br><br> "Hey, <<print $>>." No confusion, no excitement, simple, even-keeled. Hm. <br><br> "She really doesn't give you your due." My chin nestled on his shoulder, both of us watching her be...her. "It's not fair to you." My lips were brushing his ear, my fingers lightly finding their way to his, "You deserve better." A little tug of my teeth at his lobe, then playful stroking along his palm. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> I felt him shudder and fingers clasp into mine. His eyes darted towards Ava as if he had just committed the worst crime. "A-are you...serious?" He gulped. <br><br> I nodded and began to surreptitiously guide him away from her cabal. Out of sight, out of mind, I hoped. <br><br> Soon, we were dancing. Others gave me looks, but it wasn't until we were climbing in together to head to the after party that Ava came screaming like a banshee out of the gym. He ducked inside the vehicle as I smiled and gave her the [[finger|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<else>> He tugged away like a deer that had narrowly avoided being shot and drew back, not making eye contact, "Uh, Ava...want to dance?" He approached her quickly, I could tell he was making sure that she hadn't noticed. She blew his request for a dance off immediately, but accepted his hand as he moved in beside her. <br><br> <<Stats Confident -= 2>> A massive blow to my pride, I wasn't going to put up with any more of this lonely shit for the rest of the night. I skipped the [[after party|HS008 - PromNightClean]] <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>? <br><br> Nah, I <<link "couldn't">><<replace "#steal">> Nah, I couldn't. <br><br> And that's kind of how it went, danced some in little triads with people I knew and who were kind enough to engage. But by the time the night was winding down, even with <<print $CC.FName>>'s encouragement, I felt kind of empty and didn't want to subject myself to more of the same. <br><br> I ducked out of the [[after party|HS008 - PromNightClean][$Stats.Traits['Stable'].base ++; $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base ++]]. <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<else>> And that's kind of how it went, danced some in little triads with people I knew and who were kind enough to engage. But by the time the night was winding down, even with <<print $CC.FName>>'s encouragement, I felt kind of empty and didn't want to subject myself to more of the same. <br><br> I ducked out of the [[after party|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "GF">> <<print $CC.FName>> and I tore up the dance floor. Despite us going together, we barely raised an eyebrow. Girls were dancing together all over. Most of the guys were hanging back and the rest were trying to shove their hands up their date's dresses. It felt like we could hide in plain sight as we spun each other, laughed and enjoyed each other's company. I had been so nervous going into tonight that we would be pariahs, shamed and socially executed. Instead, no one noticed. Not even the chaperones. People just didn't think we had dates at all. <br><br> "Isn't this crazy?" I pulled her close, thighs interlocking -- they were moist with our perspiration -- grinding in her the way a male date would. The chaperones would have separated us if we had been a het though? I could feel her warmth on the top of my leg. I ground into it and was rewarded with a shuddering breath in my ear. <br><br> "I know...right?" She drew away. I could tell she didn't want to, but we were back dancing with fingers intertwined, spinning and swaying with each other, "Careful...I'd like to keep it that way." <br><br> Frowning slightly, my dancing stopped, "Embarrassed by me?" <br><br> "No. Just...we should be careful, yeah?" A flush of her cheeks made me wonder whether she meant it or if she was turned on. Or both. "We should go party, yeah?" She was walking towards the exit. Or neither. <br><br> I nodded, lips a tight line. Had I misread things? I'd need to find out. We climbed back into our ride and headed off to her place for the [[after party|HS008 - PromNight2]]. <<else>> <<print $HS.promDate>> and I tore up the dance floor. We had //so// many events together at this point that we knew exactly how to dance with each other. While everyone else was awkwardly trying to find their tempo, or fending off too handsy dates, we were in a rhythm. <br><br> Everywhere around us was drama. People had shown up drunk. People were upset with old flames (or current hookups). People were crying. We, on the other hand, were ignored. We just got to enjoy ourselves. <br><br> We got our Prom pic together...that maybe would be the first important photo of us together in a long, long line of pictures in our relationship. School was coming to a close, but we had the future ahead of us. <br><br> Everyone else was still scrabbling around trying to figure out dating and partnership. We had it on lock. <br><br> It was fantastic to have someone this steady, my rock, to depend on. <br><br> The night eventually ended. There were tons of after-parties and events available to us, but we didn't need them. We had each other. And no one would bat an eye seeing us together. <br><br> We left the high school debauchery and idiocy behind us to simply spend the night with who mattered: each [[other|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): Typical HS Party */ <<outfit "promDress" + $HS.promDress>> <<if $Memories.includes("PromQueen")>> <<hat "tiara">> <<if $HS.promDate == "Derek">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lte 0>> I shouldn't have been surprised when he started unzipping and trying to guide my head down. I frowned and looked at him in surprise, shaking my head and continuing to entwine tongues as I entwined my fingers on his freed phallus. <br><br> Pumping slowly, focused more on his pheromones and kissing him, it wasn't long before he broke the kiss, "Come on, <<print $>>," leaning back and making his intention clear. I didn't want to be a typical Prom Night notch. So I shook my head, "Oh come //on//. Are you for real? You little ''cocktease''." My attraction for him turned right off. I scooted away, despite the need in my nethers. <br><br> The car arrived at the party and we didn't say another word to each other. He went one way. I went the other. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> knew me well enough not to ask where Derek was when she saw me. <br><br> She and I danced the night away, much to the chagrin of her own date. <br><br> What a [[good friend|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<else>> I shouldn't have been surprised when he started unzipping and trying to guide my head down. And down I went, listening to him groaned as I moved awkwardly, trying to maintain the crown. His hand helped, pressing it down into my scalp as he forced me to go deeper. I gagged, he grunted and said, "Mhmm." Pulling up, he smiled down at me and then pressed back in making me gag again, repeating that with a massively pleased look on his face. <br><br> <<if $CC.HSBC gt 10>> <<cumSpray mouth>> I held it together and was held down as he began to cum, pumping his load into my throat while groaning out, "Good girl." Once finished, he guided me firmly to suck him dry before relieving me. Despite the soaked situation between my thighs, he chatted away pleasantly until we arrived at the party. <br><br> We grabbed some drinks and he pulled me into the dining room -- a makeshift dance area -- and got back to the makeout session from before. My body was pleading. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> Luckily, it was only about one drink before, "Want to go find a room?" I nodded like a puppy that needed to go out. Without any romance, I led him by the leash of our entwined hands. I knew <<print $CC.FName>>'s [[house well|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> I surprised myself when about one drink in, he whispered to me, "Want to go find a room?" My body balked. I felt so used from earlier, I pulled away from him and he just smiled, shrugging it off and turning away with the barest of recognition. Thankfully, <<print $CC.FName>> was there to be a shoulder to cry on. My makeup already a [[lost cause|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<cumSpray mouth>> So, I vomited all over his nice, new tux. He smacked me and it shocked me, my diaphragm already hitting up at my guts, the extra pain came out of nowhere. I was frazzled. He was pissed. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> knew me well enough not to ask where Derek was when she saw me. <br><br> She and I danced the night away, much to the chagrin of her own date. <br><br> What a [[good friend|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Seven">> Having a cheering section waiting for you after winning a crown was incredibly fun, and even more fun was heading to an after party with <<print $HS.dates>> guys around you. It was extra crowded since there weren't really expectations for this many people to be traveling to <<print $CC.FName>>'s. And that's when they started to get extra handsy, using other people as cover and blocked eyelines. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> A hand snaked up between my thighs. I shifted, looking around and trying to maintain normalcy as a finger sunk into me. A laugh to cover the gasp. I wanted to figure out which one of them it was, but I didn't want to give away what was happening. <br><br> I might have beset in on everyone until we were able to disembark in front of the house. <<else>> A hand snaked up between my thighs. I shifted, looking around and trying to maintain normalcy as I batted the hand away, pulling at the wrist. Then I tumbled off one of their laps and dropped onto the floorboards amongst all the nice shoes, my dress <<link "up around my hips">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>. "S-sorry, guys." I noticed that one of them, Aaron, did not look pleased. <br><br> Everyone else was laughing though and none the wiser. We all disembarked in front of the house without any more shenanigans, but I was sans one of the guys. Aaron departed without even saying goodbye.<<set $HS.dates -->> <</if>>en successful, I might not have been, but any chance of secrecy was gone as I started to cum right then and there. Still minutes away from the party, I was gasping and twitching slightly, hand grasping the wrist between my thighs as everyone in the vehicle got __quiet__. Except one, Aaron, who was chuckling at getting me off. <br><br> Then awkwardness <br><br> <<if $HS.dates gt 1>> And there we were, inside, grabbing drinks and getting into the party. We danced much the same that we had at the gym, but they had less restraint because of the lack of chaperones and people judging them. I had less restraint because I was getting drunk and really fucking horny from how they were acting all night. <br><br> I think they could tell my state of mind because after the first song, I was being brought off the dance floor down a hallway to find a room. All the work so far the evening had also left me exhausted. Wordlessly, [[easily complying|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<elseif $HS.dates is 1>> Shit. Well, I still had one, the last, the loyal: Igor. Definitely the least good looking out of the bunch. We grabbed drinks and got to dancing. He was far less restrained given he had 'won', there were no chaperones, and no one to judge him or fight him. I was less restrained because I was reticent to lose my last date, and all the work of the evening had left me exhausted. <br><br> I think he could sense my state of mind, because soon he was guiding me off the floor without a word, trying to find a room for us to [[go to|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stephen">> I think he was empowered by being Prom King. And overjoyed to be spending the night with his Prom Queen. <br><br> As we rolled up to <<print $CC.FName>>'s house, Stephen had a good clamp on my hand. I think a rainforest was growing. <<print $CC.FName>> gave a surprised nod and eyebrow raise. The sentiment was shared by everyone else this evening. It had felt like all eyes were on us -- and not in the best way. <br><br> I needed to make a decision about the rest of the night. Now. <div id="stephen"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Social'].value>> It didn't matter. There wasn't //that// much school left, no matter <<link "the result">><<replace "#stephen">> Clasped together, handcuffed, we walked in together. Another wash of amazed looks passed over us. <br><br> I had thought that I was doing a good deed. Making an Underclassman's night. Little did I know exactly what that meant. He pulled me right to the dance floor -- the dining room rearranged. He pulled me much closer than at school, grinding hard on me. And I felt his hard on. <br><br> The puppy from earlier was long gone and now I felt like prey, but I wasn't going to be some tease. I didn't lead people on. "Feel that?" He chuckled in my ear as he humped slowly against my thigh. I nodded and saw his grin, letting the porn he watched inform his next words, "Ready for it?" <br><br> Fuck. My pussy was wet. Goddamn it, I hadn't even gotten a drink yet. He also wasn't waiting for my response, maybe he felt my heat and finally noticed what and where moisture was //supposed// to be. Feeling the stares in my back, he was walking me into the back of the house, on a [[new hunt|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> Even with the tail-end of school on the horizon, I couldn't kill my social standing over this. The girls had gotten their joke in and I needed to get <<link "out">><<replace "#stephen">> Slowly, I pried my fingers from his on the walk to the front door, "What are you doing?" He had noticed. I wasn't hiding my intentions well enough. <br><br> "Uh, Steve--" <br><br> "It's //Stephen//." We had pulled to a stop behind the others. Thankfully they didn't stay an audience. <br><br> "Right, sorry. Look, tonight's been really fun--" <br><br> "Right, we're having a great time. Let's go." He pulled at me. I strained back. "I don't get this hot-cold shit, but I'll see you inside." He pulled free, glowering, and went in. <br><br> Alone in the cool air, I chewed my lower lip, contemplating my options. If I went in, between knowing myself, seeing his reaction, and identity would be destroyed. So, I [[left|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Absame">> Comments of "African King" were getting old. They came directly and showing outwardly complimentary, but still. I had upset the apple cart, and that I had won? Hurt that white pride. <br><br> He denied a drink as soon as he noticed the scent of shitty vodka. So, I pounded one as politely as I could without upsetting him and we resumed our dancing on the dance floor -- space made in her dining room. <br><br> The dancing was different this time around, closer, more physical, with an animalistic and growing passion. "I am sorry, <<print $>>, I really must be going home." He was breathing hard, he was hard. I lifted up, pressing my body to him in response and kissing him for the first time this evening. <br><br> My tongue tentatively probed at his lips and he accepted it. He pulled me closer as we began to make out in front of everyone, feeling his heartbeat in his chest against mine and his cock against my thigh. "Come on." I smiled after a few moments, fingers entwining with his, "Let's get you on your way home." <br><br> I don't think he understood the American idiom and play on words, but he understood the subtext, clearing his throat uncomfortably as I led him through the oft-walked hallway of <<print $CC.FName>>'s home. I found a suitable side room and [[guided him inside|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Miguel">> It was incredible to me at how dispassionate he had been about becoming Prom King, almost like an expected bump to his pride, or maybe the reason we were heading together to the after party -- he had the Prom Queen with him. <br><br> Whatever the reason, we rolled up to <<print $CC.FName>>'s house and headed to get some party punch together. And that's when my heart dropped. Somehow, Ava had swallowed her pride and was already //here//. Behind enemy lines. Forgoing her own party, probably because she had lost, to instead crash the Queen. <br><br> She contentedly sipped punch, smiling at Miguel as we approached. <br><br> Despite my best efforts to corral him, Ava found her way to interpose herself. And there they were, laughing while I stood by, watching. I felt like Joe, just a few feet away who was sipping his punch, just like I was. Shit. <br><br> I had to move, and //now// to distract him again. My hand clasped into his, trying to physically pull him away and remind him of my presence. <br><br> A flick of his wrist, he didn't even look back. "Nah, pollo caliente. Nada para me? Nada para ti." Ava nyah-nyah'd over her shoulder as they walked away. I hadn't seen that in ages. Suited her well. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> sighed and clutched me to her, "Sorry bae, come dance." And we did. Until later when she came racing back to me from a bathroom break. <br><br> Tearfully dragging me down the hallway, I saw Joe leaning against the wall near her room. There was a thong hanging from the doorknob. She flung it aside, twisting and tugging at the handle. "Uh. Occupied." Joe tried to stave her off. <br><br> "Her. Room, cuck-o." I was infuriated for her, all of tonight's miseries coming to a head together. Joe didn't fight me, but the door didn't open. <<print $CC.FName>> pounded on the door, we both screamed obscenities at Ava as we heard Miguel grunting and her squealing. <br><br> We didn't get back into the room. <<print $CC.FName>> and I curled up together on a couch and I comforted her, which comforted me. <br><br> It was a [[shitty-ass Prom|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Chad">> Whether or not he clocked the crown on my head, or that he had been named Prom King was unclear. His eyes were lower. I could tell he was getting worked up and it was making some of the other girls uncomfortable. His presence usually did, and tonight they were getting it in spades. <br><br> They scattered when we arrived at <<print $CC.FName>>'s, "Drink?" He grinned dumbly, pulling me towards the punch, "Here hold mine." A sloshing red beverage as he turned back to get mine. "It's really loud here." He motioned to the invisible throbbing of music as I took my first sip. I knew what he meant. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 0 || $CC.maleReaction lt 1>> "Yeah, isn't the music great!" I leaned in, giving another tease of contact, my hand going for his and tugging him towards the dining room where a dance floor had been mocked up. He rolled his eyes but compliantly followed me out. <br><br> We continued dancing, more handsy than during Prom and my dress was constantly being <<link "tugged up">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>> to show my ass. I let him, he grinned, quickly pounding his drink and nodding for me to follow suit. <br><br> I don't know who made the punch or if it was just he was well-practiced drinking, "Hey, I gotta slow down..." I whispered to him, giving him a peck on his cheek as I dropped back down. Did I mean to kiss him? <br><br> "No" And with my dress up around my hips, hand on my asscheek, he guided me away from the dance floor, my head [[leaning on his arm|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> This had been on his brain since he asked me to Prom, probably, and he'd been patient. "Yeah, it is." I smiled, he smiled as I turned, his hand immediately giving my ass a firm smack. His fingers dug in as we weaved through the crowd, sipping our drinks and moving to the back hallway. I knew <<print $CC.FName>>'s house quite well and found an empty guest room. I mean, the party had [[barely started|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">> I distracted myself with the others on the ride over, as did he. There were moments our fingers touched, but not further. It was a relief when we arrived and there were so many people. And drinks. We rushed to grab some party punch and began chugging, if just to shut off our anxiety. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Hey, uh, congrats. Never thought I'd be //Prom// King. Kinda a default title, isn't it. Like First Lady?"<</speech>> I nodded, laughing. There we go. That's the <<print $CC.friend1>> I knew. "How's gender roles feel being swapped?" <br><br> And so it went. <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> Easy banter, some dancing and hanging out with friends. I think we were both glad to have navigated that awkwardness. It was a night [[to remember|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<else>> Drinking made things easier, so we drank more. Touched more. <<print $CC.FName>> suddenly wasn't around and I knew what that hint was. Or at least my party-brain did. I leaned in and we started [[making out|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> As I guided Joe against me for the umpteenth time, my mind wandered -- had nabbing Ava's boyfriend been crucial to my win? "Looks like you made the right choice, tonight." I flashed a smile, my fingertips readjusting the tiara in my hair. <br><br> He nodded and smiled with a slight shrug, "Yeah, I guess so." Sigh. Something about this felt incredibly underwhelming. Here was my Prom King, hands sliding from where I had put them behind me back to the front of my hips. <br><br> I hadn't been congratulated once by anyone, not even <<print $CC.FName>>. This was supposed to be a crowning achievement of my high school career, and here I was, practically bored. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $CC.spoiled == true>> I pounded my cup, wanting my buzz to be in over gear as I took reluctant Joe by the hand again, "It's loud in here...want to go someplace quieter?" <br><br> "Uh, sure. Yeah." He nodded as I maneuvered him through the crowd that wouldn't make eye contact, meandering towards the bedrooms. I knew her [[house well|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> My buzz was fading fast, I looked into the cup at the red juice, the artificial blend of vodka and sugar distasteful on my tongue. I shook my head and stepped back from Joe, "Hey, I'm just not feeling it." He nodded. He //nodded//. Was there anything he fought? Did he have personal stakes at all? Ava could have him. <br><br> I pounded my cup, forcing the shitty punch down as I tried to find my friend. But she had disappeared with her own date. Looking around for friendly eyes, I found none. And Joe was texting. <br><br> The Prom Queen had to save face. I ducked out as quick [[as I could|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Harden">> My win of Prom Queen was the last thing on my mind -- thank teen hormones. <br><br> By the time we arrived, no one cared anymore, even him, so I just kept my hand on his cock, playing with him slowly through his pants. The other couples, especially the girls, acted like literally nothing was happening -- though the guys were more interested in vicarious enjoyment. Harden had gotten over himself as well and his hand was <<link "between my thighs">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>, finger pushing in and out slowly from my clutch. And so we sat there, in the backseat casually petting on each other. <br><br> It was no surprise that we didn't bother with stopping off for a dance or a drink when we got to <<print $CC.FName>>'s house. She smacked me firmly on my ass, ensuring I went right down the hallway. None of the rooms were claimed, the party had just begun, so we began clawing our clothes off of each other as we went down the hallway. <br><br> My dress <<link "crumpling on the carpet">><<upper>><</link>>, his jacket, then his shirt, like a trail to the nearest bedroom. I have no clue how many people saw us getting naked, nor what went on with our clothes in the meantime: we were on [[a mission|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stag">> As I guided Joe against me for the umpteenth time, "Looks like you made the right choice, tonight." I flashed a smile, my fingertips readjusting the tiara in my hair. <br><br> He nodded and smiled with a slight shrug, "Yeah, I guess so." Sigh. Something about this felt incredibly underwhelming. Here was my Prom King, hands sliding from where I had put them behind me back to the front of my hips. <br><br> I hadn't been congratulated once by anyone, not even <<print $CC.FName>>. This was supposed to be a crowning achievement of my high school career, and here I was, practically bored. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $CC.spoiled == true>> I pounded my cup, wanting my buzz to be in over gear as I took reluctant Joe by the hand again, "It's loud in here...want to go someplace quieter?" <br><br> "Uh, sure. Yeah." He nodded as I maneuvered him through the crowd that wouldn't make eye contact, meandering towards the bedrooms. I knew her [[house well|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> My buzz was fading fast, I looked into the cup at the red juice, the artificial blend of vodka and sugar distasteful on my tongue. I shook my head and stepped back from Joe, "Hey, I'm just not feeling it." He nodded. He //nodded//. Was there anything he fought? Did he have personal stakes at all? Ava could have him. <br><br> I pounded my cup, forcing the shitty punch down as I tried to find my friend. But she had disappeared with her own date. Looking around for friendly eyes, I found none. And Joe was texting. <br><br> The Prom Queen had to save face. I ducked out as quick [[as I could|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "GF">> The car ride had been frustrating. I don't think I could have fidgeted with my crown any more than I did, simply trying to get her to make eye contact with me. When we arrived, I made a beeline for the booze and pounded my first cup and was filling my second when she came over, grabbing my wrist, "Hey, hey. Slow down champ. We got the whole night ahead of us." <br><br> "Do //we//?" I couldn't keep the edge from my voice. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5 || $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 2 || $ == $CC.FName>> <<face happy>> "You...wanna talk?" she couldn't keep the chagrin from hers. <br><br> "Yeah, I think we should." I handed her my new cup, "Since I have a headstart." And then grabbed myself a second. Then, despite her being the host, we sauntered on back down familiar hallways towards her room. <br><br> "Are you...fuuucking kidding me?" She rattled the door handle a couple more times, shaking her head as she listened twice more to be //certain// and then began pounding on the door. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. ''MY''. Room." <br><br> The rhythm behind the door stopped and was replaced by frantic shuffling. And then two of our classmates sheepishly departed. <br><br> "Well, they had the right idea." I pulled her inside insistently. I could see her considering hauling off and hitting me or throwing the punch in my face. It would have been misplaced anger. <br><br> Instead, she threw her arms around me, only a splash of the punch spilled, trickling down my spine as I received the reaction I had expected. That I had wanted. My foot kicked the door shut firmly. I tested the lock with my free hand while she tried to eat my face. I couldn't help but laugh at her desire. "What?" <br><br> "Nothing." Satisfied we were safely alone, it was my turn to be aggressive, getting some of my punch on her dress as I yanked her towards the [[bed|HS008 - PromNightSex_GF]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> "You...wanna talk?" she couldn't keep the chagrin from hers. <br><br> "Yeah, I think we should." I handed her my new cup, "Since I have a headstart." And then grabbed myself a second. Then, despite her being the host, we sauntered on back down familiar hallways towards her room. <br><br> "Are you...fuuucking kidding me?" She rattled the door handle a couple more times, shaking her head as she listened twice more to be //certain// and then began pounding on the door. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. ''MY''. Room." <br><br> The rhythm behind the door stopped and was replaced by frantic shuffling. And then two of our classmates sheepishly departed. <br><br> "Well, they had the right idea." I pulled her inside insistently. I could see her redirecting her rage towards me. Her cup lifted and she showered me with it. "W-what the...fuck, <<print $CC.FName>>?" I could //smell// the sugary water and the shitty scent of the vodka. <br><br> "What the fuck yourself. I'm trying to throw a party." <br><br> "You ruined my dress!" <br><br> "You're trying to ruin //me//." <br><br> And with that she was off. Back to the party. <br><br> I took the opportunity to change, stealing some of her sleeping clothes so I didn't have to sit in my soaked dress as a constant reminder of the rejection. <br><br> Needless to say, Prom [[sucked||HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $HS.promDate == "Derek">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lte 0>> I shouldn't have been surprised when he started unzipping and trying to guide my head down. I frowned and looked at him in surprise, shaking my head and continuing to entwine tongues as I entwined my fingers on his freed phallus. <br><br> Pumping slowly, focused more on his pheromones and kissing him, it wasn't long before he broke the kiss, "Come on, <<print $>>," leaning back and making his intention clear. I didn't want to be a typical Prom Night notch, and it //infuriated// me that he was going to be so base with the fricking //Prom// //Queen// making out with him. So I shook my head, "Oh come //on//. Are you for real? You little ''cocktease''." My attraction for him turned right off. I scooted away, despite the need in my nethers. <br><br> The car arrived at the party and we didn't say another word to each other. He went one way. I went the other. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> knew me well enough not to ask where Derek was when she saw me. <br><br> She and I danced the night away, much to the chagrin of her own date. <br><br> What a [[good friend|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<else>> I shouldn't have been surprised when he started unzipping and trying to guide my head down. And down I went, listening to him groaned as I moved awkwardly, trying to maintain the crown. His hand helped, pressing it down into my scalp as he forced me to go deeper. I gagged, he grunted and said, "Mhmm." Pulling up, he smiled down at me and then pressed back in making me gag again, repeating that with a massively pleased look on his face. <br><br> <<if $CC.HSBC gt 10>> <<cumSpray mouth>> I held it together and was held down as he began to cum, pumping his load into my throat while groaning out, "Good girl." Once finished, he guided me firmly to suck him dry before relieving me. Despite the soaked situation between my thighs, he chatted away pleasantly until we arrived at the party. <br><br> We grabbed some drinks and he pulled me into the dining room -- a makeshift dance area -- and got back to the makeout session from before. My body was pleading. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> Luckily, it was only about one drink before, "Want to go find a room?" I nodded like a puppy that needed to go out. Without any romance, I led him by the leash of our entwined hands. I knew <<print $CC.FName>>'s [[house well|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> I surprised myself when about one drink in, he whispered to me, "Want to go find a room?" My body balked. I felt so used from earlier, I pulled away from him and he just smiled, shrugging it off and turning away with the barest of recognition. Thankfully, <<print $CC.FName>> was there to be a shoulder to cry on. My makeup already a [[lost cause|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<cumSpray mouth>> So, I vomited all over his nice, new tux. He smacked me and it shocked me, my diaphragm already hitting up at my guts, the extra pain came out of nowhere. I was frazzled. He was pissed. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> knew me well enough not to ask where Derek was when she saw me. <br><br> She and I danced the night away, much to the chagrin of her own date. <br><br> What a [[good friend|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Seven">> Being Prom Queen would have been fun, but even more fun was heading to an after party with <<print $HS.dates>> guys around you. It was extra crowded since there weren't really expectations for this many people to be traveling to <<print $CC.FName>>'s. And that's when they started to get extra handsy, using other people as cover and blocked eyelines. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gte $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> A hand snaked up <<link "between my thighs">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>. I shifted, looking around and trying to maintain normalcy as a finger sunk into me. A laugh to cover the gasp. I wanted to figure out which one of them it was, but I didn't want to give away what was happening. <br><br> I might have been successful, I might not have been, but any chance of secrecy was gone as I started to cum right then and there. Still minutes away from the party, I was gasping and twitching slightly, hand grasping the wrist between my thighs as everyone in the vehicle got __quiet__. Except one, Aaron, who was chuckling at getting me off. <br><br> Then awkwardness set in on everyone until we were able to disembark in front of the house. <<else>> A hand snaked up between my thighs. I shifted, looking around and trying to maintain normalcy as I batted the hand away, pulling at the wrist. Then I tumbled off one of their laps and dropped onto the floorboards amongst all the nice shoes, my dress <<link "up around my hips">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>. "S-sorry, guys." I noticed that one of them, Aaron, did not look pleased. <br><br> Everyone else was laughing though and none the wiser. We all disembarked in front of the house without any more shenanigans, but I was sans one of the guys. Aaron departed without even saying goodbye.<<set $HS.dates -->> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $HS.dates gt 1>> And there we were, inside, grabbing drinks and getting into the party. We danced much the same that we had at the gym, but they had less restraint because of the lack of chaperones and people judging them. I had less restraint because I was getting drunk and really fucking horny from how they were acting all night. <br><br> I think they could tell my state of mind because after the first song, I was being brought off the dance floor down a hallway to find a room. All the work so far the evening had also left me exhausted. Wordlessly, [[easily complying|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<elseif $HS.dates is 1>> Shit. Well, I still had one, the last, the loyal: Igor. Definitely the least good looking out of the bunch. We grabbed drinks and got to dancing. He was far less restrained given he had 'won', there were no chaperones, and no one to judge him or fight him. I was less restrained because I was reticent to lose my last date, and all the work of the evening had left me exhausted. <br><br> I think he could sense my state of mind, because soon he was guiding me off the floor without a word, trying to find a room for us to [[go to|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</if>> <br><br> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stephen">> As we rolled up to <<print $CC.FName>>'s house, Stephen had a good clamp on my hand. I think a rainforest was growing. <<print $CC.FName>> gave a surprised nod and eyebrow raise. The sentiment was shared by everyone else this evening. It had felt like all eyes were on us -- and not in the best way. <br><br> I needed to make a decision about the rest of the night. Now. <div id="stephen"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Social'].value>> It didn't matter. There wasn't //that// much school left, no matter <<link "the result">><<replace "#stephen">> Clasped together, handcuffed, we walked in together. Another wash of amazed looks passed over us. <br><br> I had thought that I was doing a good deed. Making an Underclassman's night. Little did I know exactly what that meant. He pulled me right to the dance floor -- the dining room rearranged. He pulled me much closer than at school, grinding hard on me. And I felt his hard on. <br><br> The puppy from earlier was long gone and now I felt like prey, but I wasn't going to be some tease. I didn't lead people on. "Feel that?" He chuckled in my ear as he humped slowly against my thigh. I nodded and saw his grin, letting the porn he watched inform his next words, "Ready for it?" <br><br> Fuck. My pussy was wet. Goddamn it, I hadn't even gotten a drink yet. He also wasn't waiting for my response, maybe he felt my heat and finally noticed what and where moisture was //supposed// to be. Feeling the stares in my back, he was walking me into the back of the house, on a [[new hunt|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> Even with the tail-end of school on the horizon, I couldn't kill my social standing over this. The girls had gotten their joke in and I needed to get <<link "out">><<replace "#stephen">> Slowly, I pried my fingers from his on the walk to the front door, "What are you doing?" He had noticed. I wasn't hiding my intentions well enough. <br><br> "Uh, Steve--" <br><br> "It's //Stephen//." We had pulled to a stop behind the others. Thankfully they didn't stay an audience. <br><br> "Right, sorry. Look, tonight's been really fun--" <br><br> "Right, we're having a great time. Let's go." He pulled at me. I strained back. "I don't get this hot-cold shit, but I'll see you inside." He pulled free, glowering, and went in. <br><br> Alone in the cool air, I chewed my lower lip, contemplating my options. If I went in, between knowing myself, seeing his reaction, and identity would be destroyed. So, I [[left|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Absame">> He denied a drink as soon as he noticed the scent of shitty vodka. So, I pounded one as politely as I could without upsetting him and we resumed our dancing on the dance floor -- space made in her dining room. <br><br> The dancing was different this time around, closer, more physical, with an animalistic and growing passion. "I am sorry, <<print $>>, I really must be going home." He was breathing hard, he was hard. I lifted up, pressing my body to him in response and kissing him for the first time this evening. <br><br> My tongue tentatively probed at his lips and he accepted it. He pulled me closer as we began to make out in front of everyone, feeling his heartbeat in his chest against mine and his cock against my thigh. "Come on." I smiled after a few moments, fingers entwining with his, "Let's get you on your way home." <br><br> I don't think he understood the American idiom and play on words, but he understood the subtext, clearing his throat uncomfortably as I led him through the oft-walked hallway of <<print $CC.FName>>'s home. I found a suitable side room and [[guided him inside|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Miguel">> We rolled up to <<print $CC.FName>>'s house and headed to get some party punch together. And that's when my heart dropped. Somehow, Ava -- probably motivated by her win, burgeoning with pride -- was already there. She had forgone her own party, her //own// victory party to sip punch here. Behind enemy lines. She smiled at Miguel as we approached. <br><br> Despite my best efforts to corral him, Ava found her way to interpose herself. And there they were, laughing while I stood by, watching. I felt like Joe, just a few feet away who was sipping his punch, just like I was. Shit. <br><br> I had to move, and //now// to distract him again. My hand clasped into his, trying to physically pull him away and remind him of my presence. <br><br> A flick of his wrist, he didn't even look back. "Nah, pollo caliente. Nada para me? Nada para ti." Ava nyah-nyah'd over her shoulder as they walked away. I hadn't seen that in ages. Suited her well. <br><br> <<print $CC.FName>> sighed and clutched me to her, "Sorry bae, come dance." And we did. Until later when she came racing back to me from a bathroom break. <br><br> Tearfully dragging me down the hallway, I saw Joe leaning against the wall near her room. There was a thong hanging from the doorknob. She flung it aside, twisting and tugging at the handle. "Uh. Occupied." Joe tried to stave her off. <br><br> "Her. Room, cuck-o." I was infuriated for her, all of tonight's miseries coming to a head together. Joe didn't fight me, but the door didn't open. <<print $CC.FName>> pounded on the door, we both screamed obscenities at Ava as we heard Miguel grunting and her squealing. <br><br> We didn't get back into the room. <<print $CC.FName>> and I curled up together on a couch and I comforted her, which comforted me. <br><br> It was a [[shitty-ass Prom|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Chad">> I could tell he was getting worked up and it was making some of the other girls uncomfortable. His presence usually did, and tonight they were getting it in spades. <br><br> They scattered when we arrived at <<print $CC.FName>>'s, "Drink?" He grinned dumbly, pulling me towards the punch, "Here hold mine." A sloshing red beverage as he turned back to get mine. "It's really loud here." He motioned to the invisible throbbing of music as I took my first sip. I knew what he meant. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 0 || $CC.maleReaction lt 1>> "Yeah, isn't the music great!" I leaned in, giving another tease of contact, my hand going for his and tugging him towards the dining room where a dance floor had been mocked up. He rolled his eyes but compliantly followed me out. <br><br> We continued dancing, more handsy than during Prom and my dress was constantly being <<link "tugged up">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>> to show my ass. I let him, he grinned, quickly pounding his drink and nodding for me to follow suit. <br><br> I don't know who made the punch or if it was just he was well-practiced drinking, "Hey, I gotta slow down..." I whispered to him, giving him a peck on his cheek as I dropped back down. Did I mean to kiss him? <br><br> "No" And with my dress up around my hips, hand on my asscheek, he guided me away from the dance floor, my head [[leaning on his arm|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> This had been on his brain since he asked me to Prom, probably, and he'd been patient. "Yeah, it is." I smiled, he smiled as I turned, his hand immediately giving my ass a firm smack. His fingers dug in as we weaved through the crowd, sipping our drinks and moving to the back hallway. I knew <<print $CC.FName>>'s house quite well and found an empty guest room. I mean, the party had [[barely started|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Friend">> I distracted myself with the others on the ride over, as did he. There were moments our fingers touched, but not further. It was a relief when we arrived and there were so many people. And drinks. We rushed to grab some party punch and began chugging, if just to shut off our anxiety. <br><br> "Didn't think Prom could actually be fun." A reproached look on his face as he looked around. <br><br> I elbowed him, "And I had to //drag// you here." <br><br> "Kicking and screaming." He smiled. There it was. The old banter. How we always were. <br><br> And so it went. <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 0>> Easy banter, some dancing and hanging out with friends. I think we were both glad to have navigated that awkwardness. It was a night [[to remember|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<else>> Drinking made things easier, so we drank more. Touched more. <<print $CC.FName>> suddenly wasn't around and I knew what that hint was. Or at least my party-brain did. I leaned in and we started [[making out|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Her Man">> As I guided Joe against me for the umpteenth time, my mind wandered -- nabbing Ava's boyfriend been a crucial salve to Ava being Prom Queen. <br><br> Yet he was definitely distracted, mind off elsewhere. Sigh. Something about this felt incredibly underwhelming. His hands slid from where I had put them, behind me back to the front of my hips. At least he wasn't looking for her. <br><br> I hadn't been consoled once by anyone, not even <<print $CC.FName>>. She knew the importance of tonight, and here I was, practically bored. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $CC.spoiled == true>> I pounded my cup, wanting my buzz to be in over gear as I took reluctant Joe by the hand again, "It's loud in here...want to go someplace quieter?" <br><br> "Uh, sure. Yeah." He nodded as I maneuvered him through the crowd that wouldn't make eye contact, meandering towards the bedrooms. I knew her [[house well|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> My buzz was fading fast, I looked into the cup at the red juice, the artificial blend of vodka and sugar distasteful on my tongue. I shook my head and stepped back from Joe, "Hey, I'm just not feeling it." He nodded. He //nodded//. Was there anything he fought? Did he have personal stakes at all? Ava could have him. <br><br> I pounded my cup, forcing the shitty punch down as I tried to find my friend. But she had disappeared with her own date. Looking around for friendly eyes, I found none. And Joe was texting. <br><br> I had to save face. I ducked out as quick [[as I could|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Harden">> By the time we arrived, no one cared anymore, even him, so I just kept my hand on his cock, playing with him slowly through his pants. The other couples, especially the girls, acted like literally nothing was happening -- though the guys were more interested in vicarious enjoyment. Harden had gotten over himself as well and his hand was <<link "between my thighs">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>, finger pushing in and out slowly from my clutch. And so we sat there, in the backseat casually petting on each other. <br><br> It was no surprise that we didn't bother with stopping off for a dance or a drink when we got to <<print $CC.FName>>'s house. She smacked me firmly on my ass, ensuring I went right down the hallway. None of the rooms were claimed, the party had just begun, so we began clawing our clothes off of each other as we went down the hallway. <br><br> My dress <<link "crumpling on the carpet">><<upper>><</link>>, his jacket, then his shirt, like a trail to the nearest bedroom. I have no clue how many people saw us getting naked, nor what went on with our clothes in the meantime: we were on [[a mission|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<elseif $HS.promDate == "Stag">> As I guided Joe against me for the umpteenth time, my mind wandered. His was too. He was definitely distracted, mind off elsewhere. Sigh. Something about this felt incredibly underwhelming. His hands slid from where I had put them, behind me back to the front of my hips. At least he wasn't looking for her. <br><br> I hadn't been consoled once by anyone, not even <<print $CC.FName>>. She knew the importance of tonight, and here I was, practically bored. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 || $CC.spoiled == true>> I pounded my cup, wanting my buzz to be in over gear as I took reluctant Joe by the hand again, "It's loud in here...want to go someplace quieter?" <br><br> "Uh, sure. Yeah." He nodded as I maneuvered him through the crowd that wouldn't make eye contact, meandering towards the bedrooms. I knew her [[house well|HS008 - PromNightSex]]. <<else>> My buzz was fading fast, I looked into the cup at the red juice, the artificial blend of vodka and sugar distasteful on my tongue. I shook my head and stepped back from Joe, "Hey, I'm just not feeling it." He nodded. He //nodded//. Was there anything he fought? Did he have personal stakes at all? Ava could have him. <br><br> I pounded my cup, forcing the shitty punch down as I tried to find my friend. But she had disappeared with her own date. Looking around for friendly eyes, I found none. And Joe was texting. <br><br> I had to save face. I ducked out as quick [[as I could|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <<elseif $HS.promDate == "GF">> The car ride had been frustrating. I don't think I could have fidgeted with my dress any more than I did, simply trying to get her to make eye contact with me. When we arrived, I made a beeline for the booze and pounded my first cup and was filling my second when she came over, grabbing my wrist, "Hey, hey. Slow down champ. We got the whole night ahead of us." <br><br> "Do //we//?" I couldn't keep the edge from my voice. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5 || $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 2 || $ == $CC.FName>> <<face happy>> "You...wanna talk?" she couldn't keep the chagrin from hers. <br><br> "Yeah, I think we should." I handed her my new cup, "Since I have a headstart." And then grabbed myself a second. Then, despite her being the host, we sauntered on back down familiar hallways towards her room. <br><br> "Are you...fuuucking kidding me?" She rattled the door handle a couple more times, shaking her head as she listened twice more to be //certain// and then began pounding on the door. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. ''MY''. Room." <br><br> The rhythm behind the door stopped and was replaced by frantic shuffling. And then two of our classmates sheepishly departed. <br><br> "Well, they had the right idea." I pulled her inside insistently. I could see her considering hauling off and hitting me or throwing the punch in my face. It would have been misplaced anger. <br><br> Instead, she threw her arms around me, only a splash of the punch spilled, trickling down my spine as I received the reaction I had expected. That I had wanted. My foot kicked the door shut firmly. I tested the lock with my free hand while she tried to eat my face. I couldn't help but laugh at her desire. "What?" <br><br> "Nothing." Satisfied we were safely alone, it was my turn to be aggressive, getting some of my punch on her dress as I yanked her towards the [[bed|HS008 - PromNightSex_GF]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> "You...wanna talk?" she couldn't keep the chagrin from hers. <br><br> "Yeah, I think we should." I handed her my new cup, "Since I have a headstart." And then grabbed myself a second. Then, despite her being the host, we sauntered on back down familiar hallways towards her room. <br><br> "Are you...fuuucking kidding me?" She rattled the door handle a couple more times, shaking her head as she listened twice more to be //certain// and then began pounding on the door. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. ''MY''. Room." <br><br> The rhythm behind the door stopped and was replaced by frantic shuffling. And then two of our classmates sheepishly departed. <br><br> "Well, they had the right idea." I pulled her inside insistently. I could see her redirecting her rage towards me. Her cup lifted and she showered me with it. "W-what the...fuck, <<print $CC.FName>>?" I could //smell// the sugary water and the shitty scent of the vodka. <br><br> "What the fuck yourself. I'm trying to throw a party." <br><br> "You ruined my dress!" <br><br> "You're trying to ruin //me//." <br><br> And with that she was off. Back to the party. <br><br> I took the opportunity to change, stealing some of her sleeping clothes so I didn't have to sit in my soaked dress as a constant reminder of the rejection. <br><br> Needless to say, Prom [[sucked|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $HS.promDate>> <<set _promPassage = "HS008 - PromNightSex_" + $HS.promDate>> <<include _promPassage>> <</if>>
<<face ahego>> If it had been a guy, despite the expense of the clothing we were wearing, they would have been crumped and in disarray on the foor. Tears, broken button or clasps be damned. With her, there was care and consideration. Our hot and heavy breaths splashed against each others cheeks while our tongue and jaws worked against each other. The room was filled with the sounds of our plaintive whimpers and cooes as our bodies were craving each other so deeply. Our hands, on the other hand, were carefully undoing each other's dresses, peeling them off of each other carefully, kindly. <br><br> But still, the desire was <<linkexpand "//off//">> ''off''. <<upper>> <<bra>> <<lower>> <<panties>> <<if $ == $CC.FName>> She had looked amazing in the dress, the way it cinched up on her top-heavy body. But she looked even better out of it. I'd seen her this way so many times before, but tonight had the magic of Prom. <br><br> I grabbed her slender hips and yanked, dropping her on her back on the bed. She laughed, cinching one leg around my waist and twisted, trying to reverse the position. It was our mating ritual. A struggle of, essentially, two equals vying for sexual dominance. With a guy, it would have bene either agreed upon or he would have been the dominant one. But with us, there wasn't anything for sure. <br><br> And that night was certainly magic, because she proved how little I knew for certain, "Nuhuh. Not tonight, <<print $>>." Her hands shoving down on my hips. I had been //just// about to get the upper hand. I looked up at her confused, not wanting to lose without truly being defeated. Our chests heaved. Streaks of our juices began to dry on our exposed skin. <br><br> "Okay...why." She smirked, rolling off of me. <br><br> "Close your eyes and spread em." I groaned, still not convinced that this would be better than our established hookup routine, but I followed at her insistence, just glad that the earlier reticence was gone and the night hadn't turned out a different way. <br><br> Legs aloft, eyes mostly shut, I heard her working in her bedside table, "What are you doing..." She shushed me. I heard a little jingle, a little clanging. I felt so exposed. So curious. I pressed down the desire to look and was just beginning to feel cold when I felt her ontop of me again, "Can I open my--" And then I was penetrated. <br><br> My eyes opened, shocked. My body was absolutely unprepared. To go from expecting a tongue, a finger at most...and then having a penis-like object forcing you open. Well, I definitely was surprised. <br><br> The shock gave way the same way my pussy was. She entered me completely. I felt the heat of my vagina filtering into the phallus, making it feel less foreign as she held it within me, grinding her mound against the straps which pushed the penis inside of me, "How's that feel?" <br><br> "D-different." I couldn't help the catch in my breath. I hoped she wasn't offended. <br><br> "How about this?" She thrust. Hard. I gasped as she drove her 'cock' inside of me, spearing me in a way that she could never have done otherwise. And she repeated, getting into it in a way that felt very hetero. I knew that she wasn't feeling the things I was. She wasn't feeling anything close to the sensations that a guy would if he were just going to town on the clenching space inside me. But she was as into it as I could imagine a guy being. <br><br> The bed squeaked in a way that only penetration could make it move. There was only me, screaming to the rafters. So any worry she had of being found out by our classmates running around the house right now, of being outed for what we were, for having her reputation tarnished? There was not a chance in the world of discovery. To anyone listening, it was some guy railing out her best friend in her room. Maybe they would have wondered where she was, but they would //never// have thought it was the vision of perfection, massive tits undulating with the impact of her body against mine. <br><br> There was no worry about who would finish first. She could entirely focus on just fucking me. And she did. Unrelentingly, she pounded me to a first quick orgasm and didn't relent, despite my squirming and the pull of my pussy on 'her shaft'. She was a fuckmachine, driving herself against me with one thing in mind: fucking my brains out. <br><br> I don't know how many times I came that night, nor how long it lasted. My mind felt broken, but she had the intimate knowledge of pussy, so she left me sore and exhausted, but fine. I doubted a guy could have left me in one piece after that kind of fuck. <br><br> "W-where did that come from?" My hands were clasping tightly at her hips, denying her the ability to thrust the best that I could manage, but she was done. She needed no discouragement. <br><br> "I had just thought this might really make it count." She grinned down at me. My mind reeling with the results of the orgasm plus being confused by seeing her feminine form against mine in such a non-feminine position. And to feel full at the same time. Welp, there certainly was something to dick. Kind of like my body was literally designed for it or something. <br><br> "Well you did." My pussy was throbbing, my legs shaking. I didn't want to say what came out of my mouth, but I felt obligated, "We can switch." <br><br> The laugh that came out of her surprised us both. She shook her head, "Even if I did believe you right now? Nah, I'm as satisfied as you are." <br><br> She was right. I nodded, giving her a little smack, smack on her ass, "Next time, I get to wear it." I panted out, watching her withdraw from me. <br><br> "Maybe." The flicker in her eyes telling me our ritual would return, but with different stakes now. <br><br> We curled up together and sighed. She seemed utterly content despite not peaking. And me, well...I passed out quickly. <br><br> Finally, there were now doubts about whether or not we 'had fucked.' I slept so well. <br><br><br> It was better having hooked up with the host. There was no hurry to head out. But I did have to help her clean. Maybe she should have hosted a //little// bit that [[night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<else>> We spent //so// much time together. We had been friends for so long we'd already done the 'show me yours' years ago. And that bug that it put in my brain turned out to also be in hers. <br><br> She was delightful naked. I'd seen it so many times before, but this time was...special. Her hefty breasts, the slight curve where her narrow waist met her slender hips. And the gleam between her thighs that was a sign of what my nakedness was doing to her. What //I// was doing to her. <br><br> I clambered over her. I'm certain my gleam was as bright as hers. Her head lifted up, teeth nipping at my earlobe in response to my mounting. My hands grabbed and squeezed her thighs, easing them open. <br><br> And then her teeth found purchase and tugged. I groaned, the trigger in my brain pulled. She giggled in my ear as her tongue joined the battle. <br><br> I was turning without thinking, our legs repositioning, intertwining as we began to make out. We'd made out before, not just moments before but as a learning experience, or for fun, or because we were drunk. This was completely different. And it was hot. It was taking all of the other times and mixing it in with carnal hormones of true desire. Desire I'd been tamping back before. And clearly she had been as well. <br><br><br> We knew each other quite well. Our bodies, our minds. It had happened in little moments throughout the day to day over the weeks, months, //years//. <br><br> She was clutching herself to me, pulling me like she was feeding a craving. My hands were on her ass, smaller than mine but cute and pert. I gave it a tug, pulling her hips against mine and we began to grind. <br><br> I could feel her heat. I'm sure she could feel my wetness. Pressure against our smooth thighs, back and forth, side to side, slow circles. We were grunting and panting into each other's mouths, hands tight on the other's body to ensure that we didn't move. <br><br> We didn't. Until we came. Nearly together, first it was her, fingernails digging into my shirt as she whimpered cutely: pouty and pained eyes as her body shook. <br><br> Maybe it was the look that got me there, but then I was joining her and blackness and then bright light was all I saw. Then I realized she was giggling softly and covering my mouth, "<<print $>>. Fuck. People are gonna hear us." <br><br> "So?" I could see her debating, still worried at what others would think, "Could be a guy making us make those noises. And no one to say otherwise." <br><br> I was could see her debating the argument. I decided to add fuel to the fire. My head dipped to the breasts I'd always admired. <br><br> I began sucking hungrily at her nipples. She cooed and arched underneath me again, her hands that had been holding me back timidly were now making their way between my legs. <br><br> I continued to work on her rigid, ready nipples, her hands beginning ministrations. I gasped, breaking contact and pushing her down, my other hand grasping her wrist, "I'm //sen//-sitive..." <br><br> She grinned devilishly and grabbed my hips. I felt the wetness on one cheek as her fingers gripped me, we were reorienting and then her head was between my legs. Shuddering, sensitive but giving in to the pleasure, I dropped mine as well to return the favor. <br><br><br> Tasting her was incredibly personal, like I was experiencing a part of myself. <br><br> Her laughing against my mound was a crazy experience, "Yer shaking." <br><br> "I know." It was muffled, literally, but I'm sure she knew what I meant. And then we both got to work, her hands gripping my hips to keep me steady. And soon enough I had to hold hers as she bucked against my nose and jaw. I hoped I wasn't going to have black eyes from the first jerk of orgasmic release. <br><br> Not letting up, my fingers pushed into her soft insides, thrusting slowly as I curled them and licked playfully at her clit. She squealed, grabbing at me as she continued to cum. I took her gripping at my fingers as a compliment. It ruined my rhythm, but it was enough for her, apparently. <br><br><br> We alternated like that for probably an hour, focusing on each other in a 69, face to face with our mature 'mine' and 'yours'. And then we collapsed until the <<linkexpand "morning">> morning. <br><br> "So...did that...count?" Came the groggy, exhausted question as the morning light flickered over our naked bodies, strewn across the crumpled, wet sheets. <br><br> It was my first thought too: lack of dick. Lack of 'real' penetration. How much different was that from what we'd done before? "Yeah. //Definitely//." <br><br> The last night was great. It was better having hooked up with the host. There was no hurry to head out. But I did have to help her clean. Maybe she should have hosted a //little// bit that [[night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<if $ !== $CC.FName>> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<vCardCheck $CC.FName F `$CC.FName + ", my best friend, on Prom Night."`>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<face ahego>> The craving inside me was maddening. I needed his beautiful cock ''now''. I figured that <<print $CC.FName>>'s room would be the last taken, so I made a bee-line for it, ignoring the other doorways and trying the knob as I practically dragged Joe along. Unoccupied. Score. <br><br> He was chuckling the entire way, clearly loving the affect he had on me. On women. I <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>removed my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> and tugged it over the outer knob before shutting the door.<<else>>-- no underwear or socks of my own -- grabbed a sock from her drawer and put it on the knob before shutting the door.<</if>> Another chuckle. "Yuck it up, buddy. Time to fuck me up." <br><br> "Sure." And he yanked me firmly over to the bed, shoving me back and forcefully digging his hips between my thighs, making them open. One hand pulling my <<link "dress up">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>, the other firmly on my throat. Spreading my thighs and lifting my heels, this felt very instinctive and my body clicked on. He unzipped. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> His cock went in so easily, sheathing within me in a single thrust. His hips collided with my crotch and he shifted his weight over me, leaning onto the hand on my throat. <br><br> I couldn't really breathe but I could watch him, looking between my thighs as he began to ram my pussy. <br><br> God he looked hot. And thank god for being able to cum as well -- he certainly wasn't focused on me beyond my pussy -- between how pent up I was, that he had already cummed once, and his looks, I orgasmed right as he crammed inside me, pumping his second <<linkexpand "load.">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> load. <br><br> I gasped out as I was coming down, his hand finally off my neck. I heard the familiar sound of his zipper as he stood, eyeing my pussy that hadn't yet revealed his deposit. "Thanks, <<print $>>" <br><br> Blood rushing to my brain and my body shuddering, I nodded, but the door had shut. Exhausted and relieved, I just rolled over, passing out in my mussed state, waking up to <<print $CC.FName>> cuddled up on me in [[the morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]], a sore throat and a sticky pussy. <</linkexpand>> <br><br> <<else>> "Wait, you got--" His cock went in so easily, sheathing within me in a single thrust. <br><br> His hips collided with my crotch and he shifted his weight over me, leaning onto the hand on my throat, "Shh." <br><br> Now, I couldn't talk, let alone really breathe but I could watch him, looking between my thighs as he began to ram my pussy. <br><br> God he looked hot. And thank god for being able to cum as well -- he certainly wasn't focused on me beyond my pussy -- between how pent up I was, that he had already cummed once, and his looks, I orgasmed right as he crammed inside me, pumping his second <<linkexpand "load.">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> load. <br><br> I gasped out as I was coming down, his hand finally off my neck. I heard the familiar sound of his zipper as he stood, eyeing my pussy that hadn't yet revealed his deposit. "Thanks, <<print $>>" <br><br> Blood rushing to my brain and my body shuddering, I nodded, but the door had shut. Exhausted and relieved, I just rolled over, passing out in my mussed state, waking up to <<print $CC.FName>> cuddled up on me in [[the morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]], a sore throat and a sticky pussy. Fuck. Asshole. <br><br> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <<vCardCheck Derek M "Derek, my Prom date">>
<<if $HS.dates lte ($Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value - $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value - $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value - $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value - $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value)>> Before we made it too far down the hall, some reserve inside me, or just reservation, surged up and I pulled myself free. "Uh, n-no. Yeah, not...nuh-uh." Shaking my head and waving them away. <br><br> Sometimes numbers mean something is more likely to happen. Sometimes less. This was the latter. But I also didn't want to stick around and let them 'unionize'. I left as quickly as I could, searching for guys more in line with [[my sensibilities|HS008 - PromNightClean]]. <<else>> <<face ahego runny>> <<if $HS.dates == 1>> Not my choice for a partner, but my partner all the same. And lest I lose everyone, I was going to let him get pussy tonight. <br><br> Once we were out of sight of the 'dance floor,' I relaxed a bit and just went with it. I giggled and gave him a pull back on his leading hand, "I know <<print $CC.FName>>'s house a touch better than" I went to try a knob but I saw the flash in his eyes grow brighter. <br><br> "Where's ''her'' room?" <br><br> Not sure that she'd be very happy about this, "Uh," We stepped into her sanctum, the party had barely started so almost none of the rooms had been claimed and her's was being respected the longest. He shut the door firmly and started undoing his pants, giving a head motion for me to get on my knees. He really was living out his only reference: porn. <br><br> I dropped down, moving over to him, fingertips working his pants down as his cock swung free and smacked me across the face. He //grinned//. I began to lick and suck, hands slowly working his pants down while I used my mouth. His head flung back, hitting the door and his hands clasped hard at my head in surprise. Was this his first blowjob? <br><br> Head firmly held he began to thrust, and I had barely begun. His eyes dropping to watch his cock pumping my mouth and then he shoved firmly in, grunting and fingers __digging__ into my skull. My fingers grasped at his thighs, trying to fight the gag as all of a sudden he was in my throat and <<linkexpand "pumping his load">> pumping his load down it. <<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> He shuddered, the sweaty stink of his crotch seeping into my nose while his cock pulsed and pumped. Luckily, I didn't taste much. He finished and I gasped out for breath, pulling away. <br><br> I wiped my mouth again and laughed, surprised at how quick that was, "Don't you fucking laugh at me." He glared. <br><br> "I wasn't..." I wiped my mascara tears, grunting in surprise as he pulled me up and over to the bed. I was confused. <br><br> "You've been edging me all night, that's all. Now, get that dress off." I wasn't confused. I unzipped, he pulled and my dress <<link "came off">><<upper>><</link>>, he sat down on the edge of the bed and kicked his pants off and nodded back down in front of him. Just in my heels, I got back in position, "Get me hard again." <br><br> He unbuttoned his shirt and worked the rest of his tux off as I slowly bobbed, sucking firmly to tease his spent cock to rigidity. I heard my name at the door, sounded like <<print $CC.FName>>, "She's busy. Close the door." Came his response while his hand kept my head from turning, gripping at my hair. "You're good at that." He smiled down at me and soon enough he was hard. <br><br> Dragged up onto the bed, he reached over to withdraw a rope of condoms. He had come prepared. He wrapped himself in the first one and did his best impression of a porn star, pounding between my legs about as unromantically as I've ever seen. <br><br> A couple hours later, I'm sure the party was wrapping up finally, I had been sucking his condom and cum tasting cock hard and then getting fucked again, my pussy was raw, and each time he was taking longer and ramming it in harder to try to get off. He looked very impressed with his stamina. <br><br> "Busy. Out!" He yelled at the door again, I think it was <<print $CC.FName>> trying to go to bed. <br><br> He certainly spent himself and nearly got through the condoms he brought. Despite how sore I was, I managed to extricate myself from his naked, sweaty body in the morning, coated in juices, sweat and his oily sweat. I [[snuck out|HS009 - HomeVign3]], passing <<print $CC.FName>> on the couch, thankfully asleep. <br><br> <<set _cheatedWith = true>> <<vCardCheck Igor M "Igor, one of my seven Prom Dates">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $HS.dates gte 2>> Oh this was going to be crazy. The dance floor at Prom was only a precursor, a preview of what was to come. I hadn't realized it at the time, but I was realizing it as we moved into a large office. <br><br> The dress was being pulled <<link "off of me">><<upper>><</link>>, I was being moved over to the couch. My exhaustion, my horniness, their insistence and attitudes, I just went with it. Worn down //and// prepared. One of them, Aaron, was on top of me mere moments after the door shut. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> " guys have condoms on you, right?" Aaron looked up at the other guys as he pushes the head of his cock up and down my wet cleft. <br><br> "Eh...not enough for all of us." Igor shrugged after a quick count. <br><br> "Especially after the first round. You not on the pill?" chuckled Aaron as he pushed inside now that he'd been given enough of a go-ahead from the guys. <br><br> I shook my head as my legs kipped up in response to the penetration, "No." <br><br> "I've got pullout game, don't worry." There was kindness in his voice, or that might have been reaction to being inside me. <<linkexpand "He did.">> He did. Thankfully, gasping out as cum sprayed up <<cumSpray body1 mound1>> <<if $Body.pubes !== "bald">>into my pubic hair<<else>>across my mound and lower tummy<</if>>. <br><br> I could tell they were trying, but when the next one was the first to <<linkexpand "pump a load inside me">> accidentally, there was a lot less trying going on. <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> And once they saw me come to terms with the risk being risked, they asked but knew I'd say sure. <br><br> Hours passed, one on me, otherwise jerking off and watching, getting themselves ready for another go. My pussy was so sore, so sticky and so full of cum. Eventually, I felt the energy leaving them as well and I was able to curl up on the couch and pass out, needing to recover. <br><br> I woke in the morning, sore, still exhausted, sticking to myself and the couch. Shit, the couch. <<print $CC.FName>> would be pissed with me. None of the guys were there. I sighed and passed out again, being woken up by a concerned, then very concerned <<print $CC.FName>> when she saw my state. <br><br> "<<print $>>! You okay?" <br><br> I nodded and smiled, letting her help collect me and get me presentable. "Yeah, just too many dates." Seeing caked cum on me, she knew to bring me to the pharmacy. She's a [[great friend|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<set _cheatedWith = true>> <<vCardCheck Igor M "Igor, one of my seven Prom Dates">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Aaron pressed the head of his cock up and down my wet cleft. "You on the pill?" <br><br> I nodded, "Yeah." <br><br> "Good," chuckled Aaron as he pushed inside now that he'd been given enough of a go-ahead. <br><br> My legs kipped up in response to the penetration, "F-fuck." <br><br> "Oh, don't worry about that." There was kindness in his voice, or that might have been reaction to being <<linkexpand "inside me.">> inside me. <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> <br><br> <<linkexpand "Hours passed">> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy2 thighs2>> Hours passed, one ontop of me, otherwise, jerking off and watching, getting themselves ready for <<linkexpand "another go.">> <<cumSpray mound4 pussy2 thighs2>> another go. My pussy was so sore, so sticky and so full of cum. Eventually, I felt the energy leaving them as well and I was able to curl up on the couch and pass out, needing to recover. <br><br> I woke in the morning, sore, still exhausted, sticking to myself and the couch. Shit, the couch. <<print $CC.FName>> would be pissed with me. None of the guys were there. I sighed and passed out again, being woken up by a concerned, then very concerned <<print $CC.FName>> when she saw my state. <br><br> "<<print $>>! You okay?" <br><br> I nodded and smiled, letting her help collect me and get me presentable. "Yeah, just too many dates." She wasn't too upset. She's a [[great friend|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<set _cheatedWith = true>> <<vCardCheck Igor M "Igor, one of my seven Prom Dates">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<if $HS.dates gte 2>><<addBody Anthony M "Anthony, one of my seven Prom Dates">><</if>> <<if $HS.dates gte 3>><<addBody Jack M "Jack, one of my seven Prom Dates">><</if>> <<if $HS.dates gte 4>><<addBody Logan M "Logan, one of my seven Prom Dates">><</if>> <<if $HS.dates gte 5>><<addBody Mason M "Mason, one of my seven Prom Dates">><</if>> <<if $HS.dates gte 6>><<addBody Oliver M "Oliver, one of my seven Prom Dates">><</if>> <<if $HS.dates == 7>><<addBody Noah M "Noah, one of my seven Prom Dates">><</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<face ahego runny>> Once we were out of sight of the 'dance floor,' I relaxed a bit and just went with it. I giggled and gave him a pull back on his leading hand, "I know <<print $CC.FName>>'s house a touch better than" I went to try a knob but I saw the flash in his eyes grow brighter. <br><br> "Where's ''her'' room?" <br><br> Not sure that she'd be very happy about this, "Uh," We stepped into her sanctum, the party had barely started so almost none of the rooms had been claimed and her's was being respected the longest. He shut the door firmly and started undoing his pants, giving a head motion for me to get on my knees. He really was living out his only reference: porn. <br><br> I dropped down, moving over to him, fingertips working his pants down as his cock swung free and smacked me across the face. He //grinned//. I began to lick and suck, hands slowly working his pants down while I used my mouth. His head flung back, hitting the door and his hands clasped hard at my head in surprise. Was this his first blowjob? <br><br> Head firmly held he began to thrust, and I had barely begun. His eyes dropping to watch his cock pumping my mouth and then he shoved firmly in, grunting and fingers __digging__ into my skull. My fingers grasped at his thighs, trying to fight the gag as all of a sudden he was in my throat and pumping his load down it. <br><br> He shuddered, the sweaty stink of his crotch seeping into my nose while his cock pulsed and pumped. Luckily, I didn't taste much. He finished and I gasped out for breath, pulling away.<<cumSpray mouth>> <br><br> I wiped my mouth again and laughed, surprised at how quick that was, "Don't you fucking laugh at me." He glared. <br><br> "I wasn't..." I wiped my mascara tears, grunting in surprise as he pulled me up and over to the bed. I was confused. <br><br> "You've been edging me all night, that's all. Now, get that dress off." I wasn't confused. I unzipped, he pulled and my dress <<link "came off">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>, he sat down on the edge of the bed and kicked his pants off and nodded back down in front of him. Just in my heels, I got back in position, "Get me hard again." <br><br> He unbuttoned his shirt and worked the rest of his tux off as I slowly bobbed, sucking firmly to tease his spent cock to rigidity. I heard my name at the door, sounded like <<print $CC.FName>>, "She's busy. Close the door." Came his response while his hand kept my head from turning, gripping at my hair. "You're good at that." He smiled down at me and soon enough he was hard. <br><br> Dragged up onto the bed, he reached over to withdraw a rope of condoms. He had come prepared. He wrapped himself in the first one and did his best impression of a porn star, pounding between my legs about as unromantically as I've ever seen. <br><br> A couple hours later, I'm sure the party was wrapping up finally, I had been sucking his condom and cum tasting cock hard and then getting fucked again, my pussy was raw, and each time he was taking longer and ramming it in harder to try to get off. He looked very impressed with his stamina. <br><br> "Busy. Out!" He yelled at the door again, I think it was <<print $CC.FName>> trying to go to bed. <br><br> He certainly spent himself and nearly got through the condoms he brought. Despite how sore I was, I managed to extricate myself from his naked, sweaty body in the morning, coated in juices, sweat and his oily sweat. I [[snuck out|HS009 - HomeVign3]], passing <<print $CC.FName>> on the couch, thankfully asleep. <br><br> <<set _cheatedWith = true>> <<vCardCheck Stephen M "Stephen, my Underclassman Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">>
<<face shock>> "So we should be...quick?" curious, my heel shifting the door closed behind me, my hands working down the zipper on my dress. <br><br> "<<print $>>, I don't want to dis...oh..." I was stepping <<link "out of the dress">><<upper>><</link>>, finding my way naked and finding out way towards a couch in her father's office. "Our first time...should not be quick." His eyes were on my bare flesh. <br><br> <<if $ == false>> I shrugged nonchalant, "Doesn't matter to me." Though it did make me feel good at hearing 'first'. Not a one-night stand guy. I began working his clothes off. <br><br> "Oh, is this not your first time?" The shock hit me as his cock swung free. An ebony, fat pillar, uncut and not especially long, but massively far around. It was Absame's first time? Shit. <br><br> "Oh. Uh, no. But, don't worry about it. Best for us both not to be." I played it off, especially since I couldn't keep from looking at his pulsing meat, despite the density it was sticking up impressively straight over his low-hanging and hefty testicles. <<else>> "It's okay. First time's just a practice round, right? And what better night than tonight to lose ours? Oh. Wow. That's going to //hurt//." The shock hit me as his cock swung free. An ebony, fat pillar, uncut and not especially long, but massively far around. <br><br> "Okay, <<print $>>." I couldn't keep from looking at his pulsing meat, despite the density it was sticking up impressively straight over his low-hanging and hefty testicles. <</if>> "I hate to annoy you, but one more thing. I wasn't expecting this, so unprepared." He coughed uncomfortably, his hand on my thigh. He wasn't even touching himself and he was still stiffer than steel. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 0>> "Got you covered. Lay back." And he did as I walked over to get the condom out of my clutch. Thank god for pre-planning. I returned and worked the condom over his shaft, it was incredibly difficult since I didn't carry Magnums and his girth was straining the limits of the latex. I knew he was concerned about time so we skipped the foreplay, "Lay back." I moved over him, leaving my heels on. His eyes stared between us as I grabbed the shaft -- //Christ// now that I had my hand on it, how it appeared didn't prepare me for how it felt. I worked the uncut head back and forth along my cleft, letting his precum lubricate me, spitting in my other hand and stroking it along his massive width. He groaned. I grinned, feeling his cock stiffen in reaction even harder. <br><br> I pressed down, wincing and gasping, "You okay?" He nudged up my chin. I nodded and pushed his hand away. The condom was __not__ helping. Should have brought lube. <br><br> "Shh. Sokay. Look, it's going to take a while to get you in...carefully. So..." I fought with the pain center in my brain as I considered what I was asking him to do. I guided his hands to my hips and made sure the head was pinned right at my opening. "Put it in." My breath caught in my throat. <br><br> His hands tightened on my hips and he flexed his hips, I felt the pressure of the giant black head pushing my labia in with it, but it wasn't going. He checked in with me quickly and I gave a quick nod and he flexed harder, eyes now stuck between my thighs. <br><br> I tensed, holding still. Flex. //Flex//. ''Flex'' It was slightly pressing in and it hurt like fuck. Then feeling purchase, his hands tightened on my hips and pulled down sharply while his hips shoved up hard. <br><br> Screaming out, head flicking back, hands clutching awkwardly at the couch and his stomach, I think the only reason he didn't notice or care was he was grunting hard as he felt hot and soft pussy pushing over his cock. His first pussy. A pussy and cock not built for each other. <br><br> As I felt split open he was leaning up, mouth clasping to my breast, hands moving to my ass as he fully hilted inside me. <br><br> My hands grasped at his back, he was immediately fucking me, clearly overwhelmed and ecstatic. His massive and spongy cockhead was banging right at my cervix as he rammed firmly and quick, an inch or two as he stayed ballsdeep in me. <br><br> We did manage to be quick, his fingers digging in hard to my ass as he was unloading. Every muscular flex, every swell, every pulse -- I felt it. "Thank you, <<print $>>." My pussy was screaming at me but hearing my name in his accent made it better. <br><br> "Welcome." I laughed, feeling a sharp pain as my muscles twitched, still speared on him. I leaned back, gasping as I was pulling myself off of him and dismounting at once, feeling like his meat was pulling me out from the <<linkexpand "inside">> inside. <<cumSpray mound2 pussy2 thighs2>> <br><br> "Oh shit." He never cursed, and I knew why, instantly. His cock had ruined the condom probably instantly and he had blown his load inside me, it was oozing onto the couch, his crotch and my ass from my gaped pussy. <br><br> "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I scrambled, dripping and dripping as I ran over to grab some tissues, stuffing a wad between my thighs as I waddled back and worked to clean him and the couch off. <<print $CC.FName>> would //kill// me. And I had gotten inseminated -- ''I'' would kill me. <br><br> I could see him in post-nut clarity and his need to fuck and run. Especially now. "Sorry. You okay? I need to go. I'm sorry." They came out as quickly as his cum was. I nodded, and watched him put his tux on, looking at me and deciding what he should do, if anything. A clock behind me reminded him again and he moved over, quickly gave me a kiss and headed out, flicking the ruined condom into a waste bin on his way out...without a tissue. //Fuck//. "See you at school." <br><br> I didn't think I could dance, so I curled up on the couch, sleeping with a hand and huge wad of tissue clutched between my thighs. I'd need to head out absolutely __first__ thing in the [[morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Absame M "Absame, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> "Shit. Okay. Um, I'm not on...anything, so..." I leaned in, about to give him head. He shook his own head and firmly pushed me away. <br><br> "I understand. Then, I need to go." I felt crushed. Rejected. Destroyed. <br><br> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1 && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> I quickly mounted anyway, "Uh, are you...certain?" I nodded, not certain, but I wasn't going to let that be that. <br><br> "Just, warn me before you cum. Okay?" He nodded, eyes dropping down as he sensed the feeling of my pussy against his cock -- //Christ// now that I had my hand on it, how it appeared didn't prepare me for how it felt. I worked the uncut head back and forth along my cleft, letting his precum lubricate me, spitting in my other hand and stroking it along his massive width. He groaned. I grinned, feeling his cock stiffen in reaction even harder. <br><br> I pressed down, wincing and gasping, "You okay?" He nudged up my chin. I nodded and pushed his hand away. <br><br> "Shh. Sokay. Look, it's going to take a while to get you in...carefully. So..." I fought with the pain center in my brain as I considered what I was asking him to do. I guided his hands to my hips and made sure the head was pinned right at my opening. "Put it in." My breath caught in my throat. <br><br> His hands tightened on my hips and he flexed his hips, I felt the pressure of the giant black head pushing my labia in with it, but it wasn't going. He checked in with me quickly and I gave a quick nod and he flexed harder, eyes now stuck between my thighs. <br><br> I tensed, holding still. Flex. //Flex//. ''Flex'' It was slightly pressing in and it hurt like fuck. Then feeling purchase, his hands tightened on my hips and pulled down sharply while his hips shoved up hard. <br><br> Screaming out, head flicking back, hands clutching awkwardly at the couch and his stomach, I think the only reason he didn't notice or care was he was grunting hard as he felt my unprotected, hot and soft pussy pushing over his cock. His first pussy. A pussy and cock not built for each other. <br><br> As I felt split open he was leaning up, mouth clasping to my breast, hands moving to my ass as he fully hilted inside me. <br><br> My hands grasped at his back, he was immediately fucking me, clearly overwhelmed and ecstatic. His massive and spongy cockhead was banging right at my cervix as he rammed firmly and quick, an inch or two as he stayed ballsdeep in me. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Going. To. Cum." Between each thrust. His fingers digging in hard to my ass and his needy thrusting, coupled with feeling his cock just a battering ram at my cervix, I couldn't react fact enough. Hell, I don't know what I was supposed to do. Or what I was thinking. <br><br> Fuck. He was unloading inside me, his hot thick load spewing into my center. Every muscular flex, every swell, every pulse -- I felt it. "Thank you, <<print $>>." My pussy was screaming at me but hearing my name in his accent made this better, somehow. <br><br> "Kay, um, this is going to be messy. We need to be careful and not get any on the couch." I was //freaking// but trying to keep it together. Not his fault. Too late now. <br><br> He nodded, looking to me for guidance as he pulsed, happy to stay in me but I could see him in post-nut clarity and his need to fuck and run. <br><br> I leaned down to grab his underwear but he stopped me, "No. She'll know." <br><br> He lifted me up, carrying me from the couch, legs swaying on either side of him. Wow. He was strong. <br><br> We found a tissue box and each grabbed a handful. Our hands dropped, clutching between my thighs. Now I could actually feel how wide he had split my mound. Jesus. Was I broken? <br><br> Without warning me, he pulled <<linkexpand "out...">> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy2 thighs2>> out, making me gasp as he dropped me. <br><br> My legs weak, I collapsed in front of him, luckily able to keep my wad of tissues between my legs as they quickly soaked through. <br><br> His cock swayed, shiny and oozing in front of my face, "Sorry. You okay? I need to go. I'm sorry." Those words came out as quickly as his cum. <br><br> I nodded, and watched him put his tux on, looking at me and deciding what he should do, if anything. <br><br> A clock behind me reminded him again and he moved over, quickly gave me a kiss and headed out, "See you at school." <br><br> I didn't think I could dance, so I curled up on the couch, sleeping with a hand and huge wad of tissue clutched between my thighs. I'd need to head out absolutely __first__ thing in the [[morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Absame M "Absame, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I sat there, <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<face hurt1 runny>> rage bubbling up within me. "Run back to mommy, fucking virgin." <br><br> I wasn't going to let that ruin my night, so I got dressed and headed back to the party. I let them all think what they wanted. Absame [[never spoke to me again|HS009 - HomeVign3]], though. <<else>> tears welling in my eyes. I watched him leave, glad I hadn't risked it, but also feeling alone and sad. <br><br> I wasn't going to let that ruin my night, so I got dressed and headed back to the party. I let them all think what they wanted. Eventually, I was able to coax Absame back and [[came prepared|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $ == false>> "No need. I'm clean, I'm sure you are." <<else>> "We're both clean, duh." With a playful eyeroll. <</if>> I knew he was concerned about time so we skipped the foreplay, "Lay back." I moved over him, leaving my heels on. His eyes stared between us as I grabbed the shaft -- //Christ// now that I had my hand on it, how it appeared didn't prepare me for how it felt. I worked the uncut head back and forth along my cleft, letting his precum lubricate me, spitting in my other hand and stroking it along his massive width. He groaned. I grinned, feeling his cock stiffen in reaction even harder. <br><br> I pressed down, wincing and gasping, "You okay?" He nudged up my chin. I nodded and pushed his hand away. <br><br> "Shh. Sokay. Look, it's going to take a while to get you in...carefully. So..." I fought with the pain center in my brain as I considered what I was asking him to do. I guided his hands to my hips and made sure the head was pinned right at my opening. "Put it in." My breath caught in my throat. <br><br> His hands tightened on my hips and he flexed his hips, I felt the pressure of the giant black head pushing my labia in with it, but it wasn't going. He checked in with me quickly and I gave a quick nod and he flexed harder, eyes now stuck between my thighs. <br><br> I tensed, holding still. Flex. //Flex//. ''Flex'' It was slightly pressing in and it hurt like fuck. Then feeling purchase, his hands tightened on my hips and pulled down sharply while his hips shoved up hard. <br><br> Screaming out, head flicking back, hands clutching awkwardly at the couch and his stomach, I think the only reason he didn't notice or care was he was grunting hard as he felt my unprotected, hot and soft pussy pushing over his cock. His first pussy. A pussy and cock not built for each other. <br><br> As I felt split open he was leaning up, mouth clasping to my breast, hands moving to my ass as he fully hilted inside me. <br><br> My hands grasped at his back, he was immediately fucking me, clearly overwhelmed and ecstatic. His massive and spongy cockhead was banging right at my cervix as he rammed firmly and quick, an inch or two as he stayed ballsdeep in me.<<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> <br><br> We did manage to be quick, his fingers digging in hard to my ass as he was unloading inside me, his hot thick load spewing into my center. Every muscular flex, every swell, every pulse -- I felt it. "Thank you, <<print $>>." My pussy was screaming at me but hearing my name in his accent made it better. <br><br> "Kay, um, this is going to be messy. We need to be careful and not get any on the couch." He nodded, looking to me for guidance as he pulsed, happy to stay in me but I could see him in post-nut clarity and his need to fuck and run. <br><br> I leaned down to grab his underwear but he stopped me, "No. She'll know." <br><br> He lifted me up, carrying me from the couch, legs swaying on either side of him. Wow. He was strong. We found a tissue box and grabbed a handful each, both of us holding them down between my thighs. It was then that I felt how wide he had split my mound. Jesus. Was I broken? <br><br> Without warning me, he pulled <<linkexpand "out...">> <<cumSpray mound2 pussy2 thighs2>> out, making me gasp as he dropped me. <br><br> My legs weak, I collapsed in front of him, luckily able to keep my wad of tissues between my legs as they quickly soaked through. <br><br> His cock swayed, shiny and oozing in front of my face, "Sorry. You okay? I need to go. I'm sorry." Those words came out as quickly as his cum. <br><br> I nodded, and watched him put his tux on, looking at me and deciding what he should do, if anything. <br><br> A clock behind me reminded him again and he moved over, quickly gave me a kiss and headed out, "See you at school." <br><br> I didn't think I could dance, so I curled up on the couch, sleeping with a hand and huge wad of tissue clutched between my thighs [[until morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Absame M "Absame, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
/* TODO: (Fict) Format */ <<face hurt1>> I giggled playfully as we headed outside, ducking through the doors as soon as Principal Mark turned away. He wasn't giggling, wasn't even laughing. I pulled and laughed playfully, trying to encourage him to join in. His eyes were scanning instead. <br><br> "Here's good." He pulled back, towards a nearby picnic table. It was within sight of the gym and literally the first place that //could// work. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> Shaking my head in disbelief, I bit my lower lip and felt the sharp edge of the bench and table digging in at my back and ass as he worked <<link "my dress up">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>. I looked around nervously, my brain locked in on the doors to the gym, willing them to stay shut. <br><br> Then he spun me around, my hands pressing against the graffiti'd table before he could shove my face against it. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> My hands grasped at his cock before he could get it in me, "Got a condom?" I looked back over my shoulder, seeing the frustration reaching a boiling point. <br><br> "You don't? Sounds like a //you// problem." He tried to move my hand away. <br><br> "I'm not getting knocked up at ''Prom''." I glared. <br><br> "Lucky for you, we've got another option." His hand on my wrist, he pulled the head to my asshole. This was __not__ how I envisioned losing my anal virginity, but I also was not in any mood to get raped and Miguel seemed verging in the area where that might happen. <br><br> I let go and felt him push, gasping and trying to brace in my heels and against the worn planks of the table top. He grunted, spitting down and hitting my cheeks and between them a couple times, rubbing and then pushing hard again. I tried to relax. <br><br> Then it went in, he grunted loudly and I yelped like a stuck pig. I felt like he was pushing me into myself. His hands grasping tightly at my bare hips as he began firm, slow thrusts, bucking me forward, feeling the sharp ping of pleasure as his heavy balls whacked against my clit. <br><br> Everything else down there felt like it was on fire, but I gritted my teeth and pressed my toes into my shoes. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>My tits popped out of the top of my dress as he rammed me.<</if>> He was pushing my guts around, literally, with his rock hard cock. The smacking of our skin and the noises seeming far too loud in the open-air of the night. I couldn't see, was anyone seeing this? I couldn't //see//. <br><br> Then he shoved forward with finality and I felt heat growing inside me as he unloaded into my colon. I panted as he pulled at my hips, releasing his need inside me. Wordlessly, he reached over and grabbed a handful of napkins -- left over from lunch today -- tugged one of my hands back, transferring them to me as he began to withdraw. Had he seen those before he was fucking me? While? <br><br> Turning, I sat on the edge of a bench, embarrassment rising as I wasn't sure how this was all going to turn out. He had turned, grabbing the rest of the napkins and began to clean himself off with some additional saliva. He was practiced at this.<<cumSpray thighs>> <br><br> "Heh that was new." I tried to engage with him. <br><br> "Huh, really? Well, glad to have opened a whole new world to you. Good for you to get used to if you're not going to get on the pill." He tugged and dried off his hanging cock. Zipped up. Fixed his belt and shirt. <br><br> "See you back in there?" I smiled, feeling the tissue soaking in my hand, I wondered if he noticed the gag reflex. <br><br> "Yeah." He nodded and smiled, walking back inside. <br><br> Later, trying to walk in as normally as possible, I saw him chatting up Ava. A very short-lived win for me, apparently. <br><br> Dancing and enjoying myself as much as I could with <<print $CC.FName>> I saw them pairing off, Joe -- her boyfriend -- not seeming to mind as they made out beside him, or when Miguel went to the after party with them. I heard he stood outside the door as Miguel fucked her [[all night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Miguel M "Miguel, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <<else>> He pushed. I gasped, trying to brace in my heels and against the metal lockers on either side of me. He grunted, spitting down and hitting my cheeks and between them a couple times, rubbing and then pushing hard again. I tried to relax. While I was acting down and horny for this, my body was not being compliant. Especially being somewhere so easily caught. <br><br> Then it went in, he grunted loudly and I yelped like a stuck pig. I felt like he was pushing me into myself. His hands grasping tightly at my bare hips as he began firm, slow thrusts, bucking me forward, feeling the sharp ping of pleasure as his heavy balls whacked against my clit. <br><br> I grit my teeth and pressed my toes into my shoes. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>My tits popped out of the top of my dress as he rammed me.<</if>> He was in a rhythm right away, shoving inside me with his rock hard cock. The smacking of our skin and the noises we made The smacking of our skin and the noises seeming far too loud in the open-air of the night. I couldn't see, was anyone seeing this? I couldn't //see//. <br><br> Then he shoved forward with finality and thick heat spurting inside me as his cock pumped. I panted as he pulled at my hips, releasing his need inside me. Wordlessly, he reached over and grabbed a handful of napkins -- left over from lunch today -- tugged one of my hands back, transferring them to me as he began to withdraw. Had he seen those before he was fucking me? While? <br><br> Turning, I sat on the edge of a bench, embarrassment rising as I wasn't sure how this was all going to turn out. He had turned, grabbing the rest of the napkins, cleaning himself off additional saliva. He was practiced at this. <br><br> "Heh that was new." I tried to engage with him.<<cumSpray thighs>> <br><br> "Huh, really? Thought that was like, your spot." He tugged and dried off his hanging cock. Zipped up. Fixed his belt and shirt. <br><br> "See you back in there?" I smiled, feeling the tissue soaking in my hand, I wondered if he noticed the gag reflex. <br><br> "Yeah." He nodded and smiled, walking back inside. <br><br> Later, trying to walk in as normally as possible, I saw him chatting up Ava. A very short-lived win for me, apparently. <br><br> Dancing and enjoying myself as much as I could with <<print $CC.FName>> I saw them pairing off, Joe -- her boyfriend -- not seeming to mind as they made out beside him, or when Miguel went to the after party with them. I heard he stood outside the door as Miguel fucked her [[all night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Miguel M "Miguel, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> "Ehhh...someone could come out." <br><br> "We'd be quick." He pulled again, dragging me towards the table. I shook my head and leaned back against his weight and strength. He grunted, sighed and let me pull him deeper into my school complex. <br><br> "Here." Literally the next option: beside some lockers in the mall. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>>Shaking my head in disbelief, I bit my lower lip and felt the rough bricks digging in at my back and ass as he worked <<link "my dress up">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>. I looked around nervously, my brain naturally remembering recent events and conversations I had mere feet away. <br><br> Then he spun me around, my hands pressing against the wall before he could shove my face against it. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>>My hands grasped at his cock before he could get it in me, "Got a condom?" I looked back over my shoulder, seeing the frustration reaching a boiling point. <br><br> "You don't? Sounds like a //you// problem." He tried to move my hand away. <br><br> "I'm not getting knocked up at ''Prom''." I glared. <br><br> "Lucky for you, we've got another option." His hand on my wrist, he pulled the head to my asshole. This was __not__ how I envisioned losing my anal virginity, but I also was not in any mood to get raped and Miguel seemed verging in the area where that might happen. <br><br> I let go and felt him push, gasping and trying to brace in my heels and against the metal lockers on either side of me. He grunted, spitting down and hitting my cheeks and between them a couple times, rubbing and then pushing hard again. I tried to relax. <br><br> Then it went in, he grunted loudly and I yelped like a stuck pig. I felt like he was pushing me into myself. His hands grasping tightly at my bare hips as he began firm, slow thrusts, bucking me forward, feeling the sharp ping of pleasure as his heavy balls whacked against my clit. <br><br> Everything else down there felt like it was on fire, but I gritted my teeth and pressed my toes into my shoes. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>My tits popped out of the top of my dress as he rammed me.<</if>> He was pushing my guts around, literally, with his rock hard cock. The smacking of our skin and the noises we made echoing and dissipating into the open-air of the night. <br><br> Then he shoved forward with finality and I felt heat growing inside me as he unloaded into my colon. I panted as he pulled at my hips, releasing his need inside me. Wordlessly, he reached over and grabbed a handful of napkins -- left over from lunch today -- tugged one of my hands back, transferring them to me as he began to withdraw. Had he seen those before he was fucking me? While? <br><br> Turning, I sat on the edge of a bench, embarrassment rising as I wasn't sure how this was all going to turn out. He had turned, grabbing the rest of the napkins and going to a water fountain to clean himself off with water. He was practiced at this. <br><br> "Heh that was new." I tried to engage with him.<<cumSpray thighs>> <br><br> "Huh, really? Well, glad to have opened a whole new world to you. Good for you to get used to if you're not going to get on the pill." He tugged and dried off his hanging cock. Zipped up. Fixed his belt and shirt. <br><br> "See you back in there?" I smiled, feeling the tissue soaking in my hand, I wondered if he noticed the gag reflex. <br><br> "Yeah." He nodded and smiled, walking off. <br><br> Later, trying to walk in as normally as possible, I saw him chatting up Ava. A very short-lived win for me, apparently. <br><br> Dancing and enjoying myself as much as I could with <<print $CC.FName>> I saw them pairing off, Joe -- her boyfriend -- not seeming to mind as they made out beside him, or when Miguel went to the after party with them. I heard he stood outside the door as Miguel fucked her [[all night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Miguel M "Miguel, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <<else>> He pushed. I gasped, trying to brace in my heels and against the metal lockers on either side of me. He grunted, spitting down and hitting my cheeks and between them a couple times, rubbing and then pushing hard again. I tried to relax. While I was acting down and horny for this, my body was not being compliant. Especially being somewhere so easily caught. <br><br> Then it went in, he grunted loudly and I yelped like a stuck pig. I felt like he was pushing me into myself. His hands grasping tightly at my bare hips as he began firm, slow thrusts, bucking me forward, feeling the sharp ping of pleasure as his heavy balls whacked against my clit. <br><br> I grit my teeth and pressed my toes into my shoes. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>My tits popped out of the top of my dress as he rammed me.<</if>> He was in a rhythm right away, shoving inside me with his rock hard cock. The smacking of our skin and the noises we made echoing and dissipating into the open-air of the night. <br><br> Then he shoved forward with finality and thick heat spurting inside me as his cock pumped. I panted as he pulled at my hips, releasing his need inside me. Wordlessly, he reached over and grabbed a handful of napkins -- left over from lunch today -- tugged one of my hands back, transferring them to me as he began to withdraw. Had he seen those before he was fucking me? While? <br><br> Turning, I sat on the edge of a bench, embarrassment rising as I wasn't sure how this was all going to turn out. He had turned, grabbing the rest of the napkins and going to a water fountain to clean himself off with water. He was practiced at this. <br><br> "Heh that was new." I tried to engage with him.<<cumSpray thighs>> <br><br> "Huh, really? Thought that was like, your spot." He tugged and dried off his hanging cock. Zipped up. Fixed his belt and shirt. <br><br> "See you back in there?" I smiled, feeling the tissue soaking in my hand, I wondered if he noticed the gag reflex. <br><br> "Yeah." He nodded and smiled, walking out. <br><br> Later, trying to walk in as normally as possible, I saw him chatting up Ava. A very short-lived win for me, apparently. <br><br> Dancing and enjoying myself as much as I could with <<print $CC.FName>> I saw them pairing off, Joe -- her boyfriend -- not seeming to mind as they made out beside him, or when Miguel went to the after party with them. I heard he stood outside the door as Miguel fucked her [[all night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Miguel M "Miguel, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> "Come on...don't be crazy." <br><br> "I'm being annoyed." He frowned, but allowed me to move through the mall and try the bathroom doors. Locked. Crap. Locked. Shit. Locked. Maybe we would be somewhere super-visible. Open. Oh, thank //god//. <br><br> I stumbled in, not expecting the door to actually open. He caught me and pulled me close, "Nowhere to go now." He growled. <br><br> Smirking dirtily up at him as I felt my <<link "dress coming up">> <<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>, "Nope. Caught me." Dress around my waist, he flipped me around firmly, pushing me into one of the open stalls. <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>I nearly tripped, headfirst into the toilet bowl as he yanked my underwear <<link "down my leg">><<panties>><</link>>, tangling at my ankles.<<else>>He pushed forward between my shoulder blades, my hands catching at the walls to try and find some balance and not go straight into the toilet bowl.<</if>> "''Easy''..." <br><br> He laughed, his belt uncoupling and I felt the fabric up against my bare ass as the zipper was quickly yanked open, "That's your job, <<print $>>." <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> My hands grasped at his cock before he could get it in me, "Got a condom?" I looked back over my shoulder, seeing the frustration reaching a boiling point. <br><br> "You don't? Sounds like a //you// problem." He tried to move my hand away. <br><br> "I'm not getting knocked up in a fucking bathroom." I glared. <br><br> "Lucky for you, we've got another option." His hand on my wrist, he pulled the head to my asshole. This was __not__ how I envisioned losing my anal virginity, but I also was not in any mood to get raped and Miguel seemed verging in the area where that might happen. <br><br> I let go and felt him push, gasping and trying to brace in my heels and against the plastic walls of the stall. He grunted, spitting down and hitting my cheeks and between them a couple times, rubbing and then pushing hard again. I tried to relax. <br><br> Then it went in, he grunted loudly and I yelped like a stuck pig. I felt like he was pushing me into myself. His hands grasping tightly at my bare hips as he began firm, slow thrusts, bucking me forward, feeling the sharp ping of pleasure as his heavy balls whacked against my clit. <br><br> Everything else down there felt like it was on fire, but I gritted my teeth and pressed my toes into my shoes. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>My tits popped out of the top of my dress as he rammed me.<</if>> He was pushing my guts around, literally, with his rock hard cock. The smacking of our skin and the noises we made echoing on the tile and water in the toilets. <br><br> Then he shoved forward with finality and I felt heat growing inside me as he unloaded into my colon. I panted as he pulled at my hips, releasing his need inside me. Wordlessly, he reached over and grabbed a handful of tissue tugged one of my hands back, transferring them to me as he began to withdraw. <br><br> Turning, I sat on the bowl, embarrassment rising as I wasn't sure how this was all going to turn out. He had turned, heading to the sinks to clean himself off with water. He was practiced at this. <br><br> "Heh that was new." I tried to engage with him.<<cumSpray thighs>> <br><br> "Huh, really? Well, glad to have opened a whole new world to you. Good for you to get used to if you're not going to get on the pill." Paper towels pulled from a dispenser as he tugged and dried off his hanging cock. Zipped up. Fixed his belt and shirt. <br><br> "See you back in there?" I smiled, feeling the tissue soaking in my hand, I wondered if he noticed the gag reflex. <br><br> "Yeah." He nodded and smiled, walking out. <br><br> Later, trying to walk in as normally as possible, I saw him chatting up Ava. A very short-lived win for me, apparently. <br><br> Dancing and enjoying myself as much as I could with <<print $CC.FName>> I saw them pairing off, Joe -- her boyfriend -- not seeming to mind as they made out beside him, or when Miguel went to the after party with them. I heard he stood outside the door as Miguel fucked her [[all night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Miguel M "Miguel, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <<else>> He pushed. I gasped, trying to brace in my heels and against the plastic walls of the stall. He grunted, spitting down and hitting my cheeks and between them a couple times, rubbing and then pushing hard again. I tried to relax. While I was acting down and horny for this, my body was not being compliant. Especially being in a familiar bathroom stall. <br><br> Then it went in, he grunted loudly and I yelped like a stuck pig. I felt like he was pushing me into myself. His hands grasping tightly at my bare hips as he began firm, slow thrusts, bucking me forward, feeling the sharp ping of pleasure as his heavy balls whacked against my clit. <br><br> I grit my teeth and pressed my toes into my shoes. <<if $Body.tits !== "small">>My tits popped out of the top of my dress as he rammed me.<</if>> He was in a rhythm right away, shoving inside me with his rock hard cock. The smacking of our skin and the noises we made echoing on the tile and water in the toilets. <br><br> Then he shoved forward with finality and thick heat spurting inside me as his cock pumped. I panted as he pulled at my hips, releasing his need inside me. Wordlessly, he reached over and grabbed a handful of tissue tugged one of my hands back, transferring them to me as he began to withdraw. <br><br> Turning, I sat on the bowl, embarrassment rising as I felt vulnerable, as if he had walked in on me indecent. He had turned, heading to the sinks to clean himself off with water. He was practiced at this. <br><br> "Heh that was new." I tried to engage with him.<<cumSpray thighs>> <br><br> "Huh, really? Thought that was like, your spot." Paper towels pulled from a dispenser as he tugged and dried off his hanging cock. Zipped up. Fixed his belt and shirt. <br><br> "See you back in there?" I smiled, feeling the tissue soaking in my hand, I wondered if he noticed the gag reflex. <br><br> "Yeah." He nodded and smiled, walking out. <br><br> Later, trying to walk in as normally as possible, I saw him chatting up Ava. A very short-lived win for me, apparently. <br><br> Dancing and enjoying myself as much as I could with <<print $CC.FName>> I saw them pairing off, Joe -- her boyfriend -- not seeming to mind as they made out beside him, or when Miguel went to the after party with them. I heard he stood outside the door as Miguel fucked her [[all night|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Miguel M "Miguel, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<face drunk>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value lt 0 || $CC.maleReaction lt 1>> There are flashes from there on out: the hallway. A dark doorway. The feeling of being brought onto something soft. <br><br> Penetration. The motion of him over me. The feeling of cum oozing out of my pussy. Alone. Looking around, alone still. <br><br> Then it was the <<linkexpand "morning.">> <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> morning. <br><br> I stumbled out of the house, brain foggy as fuck and trying to make sure no one noticed Ms. Mess 'sneaking' out. <br><br> Fuck. The sun hurt my eyes. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> I didn't quite connect the dots until I got home, sneaking in, feet hurting from the barefoot walk, the tacky feeling of my thighs sticking and pulling apart with each step. I collapsed in bed, thankful for the comfort and that I had made it, seemingly unnoticed. <br><br> I woke up after another heavy sleep, feeling like cotton everywhere, eyes, brain, skin all hurting. I chugged down water as the dry crustiness of my crotch and legs registered fully. A finger test, a sniff, fuck. He'd nutted in me. <br><br> Frantically, I checked for the earliest pharmacy hours and stole a couple bills from my parents, heading [[there ASAP|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Chad M "Chad, my Prom date">> <<else>> I got home, sneaking in, feet hurting from the barefoot walk, the tacky feeling of my thighs sticking and pulling apart with each step. I collapsed in bed, thankful for the comfort and that I had made it, seemingly unnoticed. <br><br> I woke up after another heavy sleep, feeling like cotton everywhere, eyes, brain, skin all hurting. Well, yay [[Prom|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Chad M "Chad, my Prom date">> <</if>> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> He clawed the <<link "dress up over my head">><<upper>><</link>> as soon as we crossed the threshold. The urgency was like nothing I'd experienced before. Romance clearly not his strong suit as we got to the end of our date and the most romantic thing he'd done for me was get me a drink. <br><br> We were naked in a flash and on the bed, him climbing ontop of me and spitting on my pussy for lubrication. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> "Whoah, Chad. Condom, condom. Condom." <br><br> He rubbed his cockhead -- it wasn't Super -- against my slit as he gave a grimace, "Shit. Don't have any. You?" <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 1>> I sighed, thankful for my foresight and pushed him off me so I could scramble down to get to my stuff. As I fished out the condom, he was moving behind me, spitting on his hand and wiping it along my slit to join his last glob. "Here." <br><br> He tore it open while poking his dick against my fertile pussy anyway, unable to stop himself from popping his head in and then laughing as he pulled free, "Yeah, yeah, just the tip." And began rolling down the condom behind me. <br><br> Then ''SMACK'' his hand against my ass as he drove in. It stung like a normal ass-smack, but had a weird wet stickiness to his palm. I couldn't focus on it though as he hilted fully inside me. <br><br> The two spitballs and his previous penetration had made it fine for his smallish member to shove right in, balls pressed tightly to the top of my mound. <br><br> "Oh, yeah." He grunted, nodding as he immediately began to fuck. He took his other hand, grabbed my hair and begin pounding. And then, after some grunts and more 'Oh, yeah' he was cumming. "Oh. Fuck. ''Yeah''." <br><br> "<<shake 3s>>Yeah<</shake>>. //Take//. //That//. //Cum//, <<print $>>." Nodding and adding a word with each short thump of his hips, finishing off. He smiled, staying ballsdeep, he gave a little squeeze to one of my tits and pushed my head as he freed his fingers from my hair. <br><br> I looked back as he was tugging free, I felt the cum starting to thickly ooze out of me as I saw the condom sticking to my right cheek. He hadn't put it on and had smacked it there on his penetration. "Chad!" <br><br> He didn't react, simply got dressed as fast as he stripped and <<linkexpand "got off.">><<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>>got off. <br><br> I slumped onto my side on the floor, testing the look and feel of the spooge as if I needed to double check. I didn't feel like going back to the party, so I curled up right there. I considered getting myself off but the thought of fingering my semen-soaked slit ended that thought. And passed out. Real hard. <br><br> Then it was the morning. I stumbled out of the house, brain foggy as fuck and trying to make sure no one noticed Ms. Mess 'sneaking' out. <br><br> Fuck. The sun hurt my eyes. <br><br> I didn't quite connect the dots until I got home, sneaking in, feet hurting from the barefoot walk, the tacky feeling of my thighs sticking and pulling apart with each step. I collapsed in bed, thankful for the comfort and that I had made it, seemingly unnoticed. <br><br> I woke up after another heavy sleep, feeling like cotton everywhere, eyes, brain, skin all hurting. I chugged down water as the dry crustiness of my crotch and legs registered fully. A finger test, a sniff, fuck. He'd nutted in me. <br><br> Frantically, I checked for the earliest pharmacy hours and stole a couple bills from my parents, heading [[there ASAP|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Chad M "Chad, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> I shook my head and he pressed inside me, I gasped, not ready at all for penetration but thankfully his size made it manageable. "Oh, yeah." He grunted, nodding as he immediately began to fuck. ''Unprotected''. <br><br> "Chad. You gotta pull out, kay?" <br><br> "Oh, yeah." Grunting that out and nodding. I took that as him agreeing but moments later I realized differently. He was grunting and unloading inside me, "Oh. Fuck. ''Yeah''." <br><br> "Chad!" I smacked his chest and rolled my eyes. The lubrication I now had inside me was no longer useful. <br><br> "<<shake 3s>>Yeah<</shake>>. //Take//. //That//. //Cum//, <<print $>>." Nodding and adding a word with each short thump of his hips, finishing off. He smiled, staying ballsdeep, "Now take a Plan B, kay?" he gave a little squeeze to one of my tits and pecked me on the forehead. <br><br> He got dressed as fast as he stripped and <<linkexpand "got off.">><<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>>got off. <br><br> I didn't feel like going back to the party, so I curled up and was going to get myself off but the thought of fingering my semen-soaked slit ended that thought. And passed out. Real hard. <br><br> Then it was the morning. I stumbled out of the house, brain foggy as fuck and trying to make sure no one noticed Ms. Mess 'sneaking' out. <br><br> Fuck. The sun hurt my eyes. <br><br> I didn't quite connect the dots until I got home, sneaking in, feet hurting from the barefoot walk, the tacky feeling of my thighs sticking and pulling apart with each step. I collapsed in bed, thankful for the comfort and that I had made it, seemingly unnoticed. <br><br> I woke up after another heavy sleep, feeling like cotton everywhere, eyes, brain, skin all hurting. I chugged down water as the dry crustiness of my crotch and legs registered fully. A finger test, a sniff, fuck. He'd nutted in me. <br><br> Frantically, I checked for the earliest pharmacy hours and stole a couple bills from my parents, heading [[there ASAP|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> He rubbed his cockhead -- //it// wasn't Super -- against my slit and he pressed inside me, I gasped, not ready at all for penetration but thankfully his size made it manageable. <br><br> "Oh, yeah." He grunted, nodding as he immediately began to fuck. Grunting that out and nodding, repetative and consistent. Consistent for as long as it lasted he was grunting and unloading inside me, "Oh. Fuck. ''Yeah''." <br><br> "Chad!" I smacked his chest and rolled my eyes. Lubricated now, but it didn't matter __now__. <br><br> "<<shake 3s>>Yeah<</shake>>. //Take//. //That//. //Cum//, <<print $>>." Nodding and adding a word with each short thump of his hips, finishing off. He smiled, staying ballsdeep, he gave a little squeeze to one of my tits and pecked me on the forehead. <br><br> He got dressed as fast as he stripped and <<linkexpand "got off.">>got off. <<cumSpray mound1 pussy1 thighs1>> <br><br> I didn't feel like going back to the party, so I curled up and spent a few minutes fingering my semen-soaked slit. And passed out. Real hard. <br><br> Then it was the morning. I stumbled out of the house, brain foggy as fuck and trying to make sure no one noticed Ms. Mess 'sneaking' out. <br><br> Fuck. The sun hurt my eyes. <br><br> I got home, sneaking in, feet hurting from the barefoot walk, the tacky feeling of my thighs sticking and pulling apart with each step. I collapsed in bed, thankful for the comfort and that I had made it, seemingly unnoticed. <br><br> I woke up after another heavy sleep, feeling like cotton everywhere, eyes, brain, skin all hurting. Well, yay [[Prom|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Chad M "Chad, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<face ahego>> <<set _bodyTitle = $CC.friend1 + ", my Prom date">> Our mouths touched, then our tongues, then our hands grabbed at each other. We pawed at each other in front of everyone, oblivious to the spectacle. Alcohol is a miraculous and scary thing. <br><br> We both knew <<print $CC.FName>>'s house like the back of our hands, which were now occupied on each other, simultaneously feeling and pulling each other down the hallway. We bumped into people, we laughed but dove right back in to making out. His hand fumbled with a doorknob, locked. Then mine, locked. Shit. We found the bathroom and he pulled me in. <br><br> I saw the need in his eyes. I wonder what he saw. He was lifting me, I was lifting myself onto the edge of the sink, spreading my thighs and tugging <<link "my dress up">><<if $HS.promDress == 1>><<upper "promdress_thriftup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 2>><<upper "promdress_regularup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 3>><<upper "promdress_classyup">><<elseif $HS.promDress == 4>><<upper "promdress_riskyup">><<else>><<upper "promdress_prudeup">><</if>><</link>>. He was stepping in and fumbling with his wallet. It fell, slapping against the tile. <br><br> We had a hard time -- a seeming compulsion to continue kissing lest one of us reconsider, yet bodies just couldn't do everything you wanted attached at one place. Well, except for one. <br><br> He dropped to the wallet, finding the condom <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>as I peeled my <<link "underwear down">><<panties>><</link>> to hang on one ankle.<<else>>as I shifted to lean back against the mirror, giving him an eye line to my pussy.<</if>> Then the condom was on and he was on me in a flash. He thrust in and I wasn't quite ready, gasping and pushing back at him. <<speech "MFriend.png">>"Sorry. Oh, s-sorry."<</speech>> <br><br> I nodded, "Sokay." And lifted my knees up on either side of him, panting as he began to get into it. There was a pent up quality to the fuck -- again, I blame the alcohol -- the way he urgently stuck himself inside me. A minute or so of him jostling me on the edge of the sink, the smacking sound of our skin echoing against porcelain and tile. And then he was cumming. <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"S-sorry."<</speech>> He leaned forward, lips straining to mine but stopping as he began grunting in my face, feeling his cock pumping inside me as he filled the condom. <br><br> "Sokay." I nodded again, waiting and zoning out into the buzz I was enjoying. He flexed against my mound as he got it all out, then pulled free. <br><br> He didn't make eye contact. He deposited the condom in the trash. <br><br> I didn't make eye contact. I fixed my dress. <br><br> We walked out of the bathroom and I didn't realize he made an exit. I [[spent the night|HS009 - HomeVign3]] with <<print $CC.FName>>, trying to dodge her playful smiles and questions. <br><br> <<vCardCheck $CC.friend1 M _bodyTitle>> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">>
<<face ahego>> I figured that <<print $CC.FName>>'s room would be the last taken, so I made a bee-line for it, ignoring the other doorways and trying the knob as I practically dragged Joe along. Unoccupied. Score. <br><br> The little victories were what I could take solace in. <<if $Memories.includes("PromQueen")>>"Come on, Mr. Prom King."<</if>> Giving him my best smile as I <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>removed my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> and tugged it over the outer knob before shutting the door.<<else>>-- no underwear or socks of my own -- grabbed a sock from her drawer and put it on the knob before shutting the door.<</if>> <br><br> He was complacently undressing, seated on the edge of the bed. Did Ava find this exciting? I peeled <<link "my dress off">><<upper>><</link>> as I climbed up next to him and began helping him with his clothes. "Thanks." I found him insultingly not ready for action, but he was already laying back as if this was common. <br><br> Taking his limpness in my mouth I began to work him hard, <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> I straddled his face and unceremoniously dropped my pussy on him so that we'd both be ready. And he went to //town//, making my break my contact with his cock as my head flicked back in surprise. "Christ." A few moments later, frozen with my back arched and toes curling in my heels, I realized I had completely lost attention to the blowjob, but he apparently didn't need it. He was hard as a rock and. <<shake 3s>>''Fuck''<</shake>> I cried out as I came. His cock flexed in reaction to my orgasm and he dived in harder. Ignoring that I was peaking, his tongue lashed at me and I squealed out, an already hard climax extending. Extending. <br><br> I rolled off after what felt like an eternity, body finally back under my control, legs shaking and panting as I held my hot, flushed face. And then he was between my legs again, "Wait...n-no-ohhhh!" He was eating my pussy again, it hurt but my sensitivity brought me over the edge again, crying out helplessly I came again and again, trying to wrestle his head from between my thighs, but he was fantastically skilled at this. <br><br> When his jaw finally was worn out, I had lost count of my orgasms, "You...gonna fuck me?" I panted out, not sure how good of a partner I'd be in this melted state. <br><br> "I'm good." He shook his head, smiling as he dismounted the bed, cock limp and wiping his handful of jizz on the sheets. He left me there and I passed out, waking cuddled by <<print $CC.FName>> [[in the morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Joe M "Joe, ''my'' Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <<else>> my hand dropped between my legs, frustratingly trying to override my brain so that we'd both be ready for step two. My jaw ached, my head bobbing as I forced myself onward, partially because my pussy wasn't being compliant and neither was his erection. Or lack thereof. <br><br> I sighed. "Can you get yourself--" <br><br> "Yeah. One sec." He cut me off, as if he expected it. Hand dropping to his shaft, he began stroking. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1>> I fished out a condom from my bag and worked it over him once he was rigid enough. <br><br> Straddling his hips, I pushed myself down, gasping from the lack of preparedness and feeling of rubber, but also from the sensation of being filled. <br><br> I began to bounce, guiding his hands to my hips, to my tits, but he kept pulling them away and just reached between us, finger on my nub and I dropped against him, gasping out as he began thrumming. I came and he continued to rub, extending the orgasm. By the time it passed, tingling throughout my limbs, I squeaked, "I can't move my legs." He laughed, hand starting to move against my clit again and I pushed him away, "Aren't you gonna...Oh." I realized I didn't feel him inside me anymore because he had slipped free. He hadn't cum, and now that the moment was over, he guided me off of him and headed out, grabbing his clothes and leaving me to sleep. <br><br> I woke in the [[morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]], cuddled by <<print $CC.FName>>. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Joe M "Joe, ''my'' Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <<else>> With one hand, he was pulling out a condom and working it over himself once he was rigid enough. <br><br> Straddling his hips, I pushed myself down, gasping from the lack of preparedness and feeling of rubber, but also from the sensation of being filled. <br><br> I began to bounce, guiding his hands to my hips, to my tits, but he kept pulling them away and just reached between us, finger on my nub and I dropped against him, gasping out as he began thrumming. I came and he continued to rub, extending the orgasm. By the time it passed, tingling throughout my limbs, I squeaked, "I can't move my legs." He laughed, hand starting to move against my clit again and I pushed him away, "Aren't you gonna...Oh." I realized I didn't feel him inside me anymore because he had slipped free. He hadn't cum, and now that the moment was over, he guided me off of him and headed out, grabbing his clothes and leaving me to sleep. <br><br> I woke in the [[morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]], cuddled by <<print $CC.FName>>. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Joe M "Joe, ''my'' Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>>
<<face ahego>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 2>> <<print $CC.MName>> was out with her friends, enjoying a night to herself. Exactly as we had hoped. We climbed the stairs with practiced comfort, hands intertwined. <br><br> My bed. It was our rule. <br><br> He carefully and kindly was taking <<link "my dress off">><<upper>><</link>> -- as careful and kind as <<print $CC.MName>> had been helping me put it on. Like usual, we got me naked first, climbing onto the bed and rolling back, letting him look as he began to get undressed. <br><br> The way he smiled. I couldn't help but love it. My fingers played between my legs as I got myself ready -- I was ready ever since I woke up this morning thinking about tonight -- but playing felt good. He wasn't the most attractive man, age hadn't been kind and it wasn't like he was especially fit. But there was something about him and his demeanor...or maybe it was the relationship we had, that made all the rest of it a non-issue. <br><br> He climbed onto me, our bodies shifting into typical orientation, practiced condom application -- his rule -- as my legs lightly curled around his flat-tire midsection. <br><br> Then he was inside me, thrusting slow as was his style, head nestled against my neck, grunting into my ear as I gasped into his. My hand slid between us to cup his sagging sack, playing with them teasingly as his coarse hair irritated my skin. He grunted deeply. God he loved that. <br><br> It made him thrust deeper, intently, "Yeah. That's it." I panted into his ear, feeling the barrel of his body pressing down against my chest and stomach, pinning me to the bed while he went at my snatch. <br><br> His excitement was what I needed, his need was my trigger. I began to <<shake 10s>>cum<</shake>>, light puppydog whimpering as my body twitched underneath him. He felt my release and he gave a quick one-two-three short and hard right against my crotch and began to fill the condom. His balls moving in my palm as he seeded the prophylactic. <br><br> It was quick because it was always quick out of necessity. We'd rather steal moments like these than risk losing them all together. <br><br> We uncoupled and laughed in our post-coital enjoyment, carefully taking care of evidence but then noticing we still had time because of our early exit and quick romp. He turned on the TV and selected an episode of the Office as I sucked on his cock for another hour or so. No intention to start again, but he didn't mind and neither did I. <br><br> Then she called and we reset into our 'normal' behavior and state. <br><br> "Have a good Prom?" <<print $CC.MName>> asked later. There must have been a glow or pinkness to my cheeks as I nodded and laughed. <br><br> "[[Amazing|HS009 - HomeVign3]]." <br><br> <<vCardCheck Arvin M "Arvin, my Prom date">> <<if $ !== "Arvin">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> <<print $CC.MName>> was out with her friends, enjoying a night to herself. Thank god. We quickly climbed the stairs, a level of uncertainty and constant check-ins. <br><br> "Uh..." We stood at the landing and I was looking at both of our doors. <br><br> "Nuh-uh." He laughed and nudged me towards my room. Made sense. <br><br> Then, He carefully and kindly was taking <<link "my dress off">><<upper>><</link>> -- as careful and kind as <<print $CC.MName>> had been helping me put it on. We got me naked first, climbing onto the bed and rolling back, letting him look as he began to get undressed. <br><br> The way he smiled. I couldn't help but love it. My fingers played between my legs as I got myself ready -- I was ready ever since I made the realization on the dance floor -- but playing felt good. He wasn't the most attractive man, age hadn't been kind and it wasn't like he was especially fit. But there was something about him and his demeanor...or maybe it was the relationship we had, that made all the rest of it a non-issue. <br><br> He climbed onto me, our bodies shifting. We laughed and moved, rearranging. He flashed a condom proudly, "Came prepared?" as my legs lightly curled around his flat-tire midsection. <br><br> "Yeah. That a problem?" <br><br> "No. Good thing. expected this?" <br><br> "Hoped." Then he was inside me, thrusting slowly. He dropped his head to nestle against my neck, grunting into my ear as I gasped into his. "Oh, you feel fucking great." <br><br> "S-so d-do you." <br><br> "Why. Weren't. We. Doing. This. Sooner?" He laughed as he felt my cunt working his hard cock. <br><br> "Better late than never." I nipped at his ear. <br><br> "I want this to last forever. But..." <br><br> "Yeah." I laughed at the implication. Who knew when she would get back home. He pulled my hand between us to cup his sagging sack. A little surprised, but he knew himself, I played with them teasingly as his coarse hair irritating my skin. He grunted deeply. God he //loved// that. <br><br> It made him thrust deeper, intently, "Yeah. That's it." I panted into his ear, feeling the barrel of his body pressing down against my chest and stomach, pinning me to the bed while he went at my snatch. <br><br> His excitement was what I needed, his need was my trigger. I began to <<shake 10s>>cum<</shake>>, light puppydog whimpering as my body twitched underneath him. He felt my release and he gave a quick one-two-three short and hard right against my crotch and began to fill the condom. His balls moving in my palm as he seeded the prophylactic. <br><br> We uncoupled and laughed in our post-coital enjoyment, carefully taking care of evidence. There was an awkward moment as we stood there, naked. I saw him eyeing me and knew what was on his mind. "But." <br><br> "But." He nodded. Safer is better than sorry. We reset into our 'normal' behavior and state and there was a growing pain as the minutes passed without any word from her. Thinking of the opportunity. There'd be others. That's what I reminded myself. <br><br> "Have a good Prom?" <<print $CC.MName>> asked later. There must have been a glow or pinkness to my cheeks as I nodded and laughed. <br><br> "[[Amazing|HS009 - HomeVign3]]." <br><br> <<vCardCheck Arvin M "Arvin, my Prom date">> <<if $ !== "Arvin">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>>
<<face ahego>> Gone was his timidness and restraint, gone were <<link "our clothes">><<outfit naked>><</link>>. Gone were our books, study materials, and good sense. Our tongues wrestled and we were climbing onto each other. We had been working each other up all night I doubted there would be foreplay. There wasn't. <br><br> He was working a condom over his cock while we made out, I could feel his hands not on me, but between my thighs. And then a sudden thrust, our kiss broke as he grunted and I gasped. He hilted straight away, his sack pressed tightly to my ass and cock jamming up inside me as far as it could go. <<print $Body.eyes>> flashed up at him in a challenge and he began to fuck. <br><br> My heels swayed in the air as the bed squeaked, panting and mmphing underneath him as I grabbed at his body in need, watching him cavorting over me. I could see the concentration on his face, he //needed// to cum. His sensitivity was through the roof and he was battling the need and nearness to his orgasm against getting me off. <br><br> He frowned and his head flicked back, slowing down and his thrusting becoming awkward. "Sokay." I gasped out, feeling the rigidness stabbing up inside me. My hand dropped and I started working my button, "Just cum." <br><br> Instantly, he was groaning out, leaning hard against my pubic bone while I tried to move my fingers, pinned between us. His cock was pulsing and jerking inside me while he filled the condom. And then, I joined him. "Oh, <<shake 5s>>yeah<</shake>>..." I lightly gasped. <br><br> It was a tiny one, but an orgasm all the same. I smiled up at him as I finished, seeing him watching me coming down before he pulled out, taking care of the condom. "Sorry about that." <br><br> "It's //my// fault. I came anyway, don't worry about it." I rolled off the bed, did a quick touch up and then we scrambled out into the hallway naked -- everyone had arrived now -- to grab our clothes and then put them on in relative privacy. "Ready?" I grabbed his hand. <br><br> "Ready." And we went out to the party. We had a great time. And then later, <<print $CC.FName>> insisted I stay with Harden. So he fucked me to close out the night too. I came twice then. He [[made up for it|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Harden M "Harden, my Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">>
<<face ahego>> I figured that <<print $CC.FName>>'s room would be the last taken, so I made a bee-line for it, ignoring the other doorways and trying the knob as I practically dragged Joe along. Unoccupied. Score. <br><br> The little victories were what I could take solace in. <<if $Memories.includes("PromQueen")>>"Come on, Mr. Prom King."<</if>> Giving him my best smile as I <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>removed my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> and tugged it over the outer knob before shutting the door.<<else>>-- no underwear or socks of my own -- grabbed a sock from her drawer and put it on the knob before shutting the door.<</if>> <br><br> He was complacently undressing, seated on the edge of the bed. Did Ava find this exciting? I peeled <<link "my dress off">><<upper>><</link>> as I climbed up next to him and began helping him with his clothes. "Thanks." I found him insultingly not ready for action, but he was already laying back as if this was common. <br><br> Taking his limpness in my mouth I began to work him hard, <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>I straddled his face and unceremoniously dropped my pussy on him so that we'd both be ready. And he went to //town//, making my break my contact with his cock as my head flicked back in surprise. "Christ." A few moments later, frozen with my back arched and toes curling in my heels, I realized I had completely lost attention to the blowjob, but he apparently didn't need it. He was hard as a rock and. <<shake 3s>>''Fuck''<</shake>> I cried out as I came. His cock flexed in reaction to my orgasm and he dived in harder. Ignoring that I was peaking, his tongue lashed at me and I squealed out, an already hard climax extending. Extending. <br><br> I rolled off after what felt like an eternity, body finally back under my control, legs shaking and panting as I held my hot, flushed face. And then he was between my legs again, "Wait...n-no-ohhhh!" He was eating my pussy again, it hurt but my sensitivity brought me over the edge again, crying out helplessly I came again and again, trying to wrestle his head from between my thighs, but he was fantastically skilled at this. <br><br> When his jaw finally was worn out, I had lost count of my orgasms, "You...gonna fuck me?" I panted out, not sure how good of a partner I'd be in this melted state. <br><br> "I'm good." He shook his head, smiling as he dismounted the bed, cock limp and wiping his handful of jizz on the sheets. He left me there and I passed out, waking cuddled by <<print $CC.FName>> [[in the morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Joe M "Joe, Ava's Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <br><br> <<else>> my hand dropped between my legs, frustratingly trying to override my brain so that we'd both be ready for step two. My jaw ached, my head bobbing as I forced myself onward, partially because my pussy wasn't being compliant and neither was his erection. Or lack thereof. <br><br> I sighed. "Can you get yourself--" <br><br> "Yeah. One sec." He cut me off, as if he expected it. Hand dropping to his shaft, he began stroking. <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1>>I fished out a condom from my bag and worked it over him once he was rigid enough. <<else>>Straddling his hips, I pushed myself down, gasping from the lack of preparedness and feeling of rubber, but also from the sensation of being filled. <br><br> I began to bounce, guiding his hands to my hips, to my tits, but he kept pulling them away and just reached between us, finger on my nub and I dropped against him, gasping out as he began thrumming. I came and he continued to rub, extending the orgasm. By the time it passed, tingling throughout my limbs, I squeaked, "I can't move my legs." He laughed, hand starting to move against my clit again and I pushed him away, "Aren't you gonna...Oh." I realized I didn't feel him inside me anymore because he had slipped free. He hadn't cum, and now that the moment was over, he guided me off of him and headed out, grabbing his clothes and leaving me to sleep. <br><br> I woke in the [[morning|HS009 - HomeVign3]], cuddled by <<print $CC.FName>>. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Joe M "Joe, Ava's Prom date">> <<include "PM000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $HS.promDate == "GF">> <<upper "tanktop">> <<lower "pants_sweats">> <<feet>> So I went where I knew I would be appreciated and not judged -- <<print $CC.friend1>>'s garage. The familiarity from the moment I ducked under the door set me at ease. The Boys were surprised to see me show up barefoot, heels swaying from my fingertips, dress hanging over one arm. <br><br> They didn't mind. I didn't expect them to. They didn't ask how the night went or how Prom was. Their questions were answered when I showed up. And they didn't even gloat about being right for not going. <br><br> I escaped into Super Smash Brothers and episodes from The League. They were great [[friends|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <<else>> So I went where I knew I would be appreciated and not judged -- <<print $CC.friend1>>'s garage. The familiarity from the moment I ducked under the door set me at ease. The Boys were surprised to see me show up barefoot, heels swaying from my fingertips, and in my Prom dress. <br><br> They didn't mind. I didn't expect them to. They didn't ask how the night went or how Prom was. Their questions were answered when I showed up. And they didn't even gloat about being right for not going. <br><br> I escaped into Super Smash Brothers and episodes from The League. They were great [[friends|HS009 - HomeVign3]]. <</if>>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <br><br> That...was so out of character for me. Going to sleep that night was tough. All I could think about was <<print $>>. What was I going to tell them? Would this change things between us? <br><br> I had thought that I was a loyal person...I guess I wasn't. <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. I craved being back with them. For something loving, for something comforting. Maybe, kinda as an apology. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? Had that been why I had done it? Revenge? They could //never// find out. <</if>>
<<improveState>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A girl, sitting alone, looking at a group of people laughing and enjoying each other's company */ I knew what EROS would say about this -- less attachment the better. It was in all the spy movies, shows and books. I wasn't a 'real' person. I wasn't <<print $>>. So don't get entangled. Don't waste time. Focus on the mission. <br><br> But, also...I //was// <<print $>>. And if I was being honest with myself, I would never be so alone. If I was really here, for normal circumstances. <br><br> So, they'd need to deal with a little wasted time. A few entanglements. It'd be fine. <br><br> And it'd keep me ''sane''. <br><br> <<crossroads>> <<path [[SQ001 - SchoolFriends]]>> Make some 'real' friends at my 'real' school. <<hidden visited("SQ001 - SchoolFriends") gt 0>> <</crossroads>> /* Future Friend paths - <<path [[SQ001 - Dali]]>> Hang out with Dalisay. <<hidden visited("M003 - BonaDate") == 0 || !$Memories.includes("Knows Dali") || visited("SQ001 - Dali") gt 0>> <<path [[SQ001 - Lila]]>> Party with Lila. <<hidden !$Memories.includes("Knows Lila") || visited("SQ001 - Lila") gt 0>> <<path [[SQ001 - Tara]]>> Text Tara back. <<hidden !$Memories.includes("Knows Tara") || visited("SQ001 - Tara") gt 0>> <<path [[SQ001 - Euji]]>> Chill with Euji. <<hidden ($clubJob !== "dance" || $People['AI'].Euji.rel lt 2) || visited("SQ001 - Euji") gt 0>> */
/* A decision tree for Claire's legend */ <<set $HomeBase.days += 5>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> /* IMAGE (NEEDED): A full college lecture hall with students being taught */ Okay. Maybe it would be more time than I originally expected. <br><br> I had to go to classes -- it was seamless. EROS had done their work and Professors called me on roll every day. Had they been doing that before and I had been listed absent? <br><br> That made me feel a little better: EROS must have expected or intended for me to take some time as a student if they'd gone through the trouble. <br><br> It was weird going to classes without any intention to learn anything. Homework wouldn't matter. Test results? <br><br> It was freeing. And it also allowed me more time to scope out my classmates and figure out a quicker path to connect. <br><br> It was also comforting, being around people. Yeah, this had been a necessary <<linkexpand "choice.">> choice. <br><br><br> After a few days of 'classes' and chilling in the halls. Snippets of conversation. Excuses to say hi. <br><br> And of course, people wanted to know about the new face. Who was <<print $>>? <br><br> What brought me here? <br><br> <div id="school"> <<crossroads #school>> <<path>> I was an American expat and newly enrolled. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("New Girl")>> <<speechPC>>"Oh. I applied and got in. Took me some time to get from there to here, so I was a late add."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>They'd never know I had already attended college.<<else>>Lean into the truth. I hadn't been to college.<</if>> <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend1">> <<path>> I was studying abroad from my US college. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Study Abroad")>> <<speechPC>>"Oh. I'm on a study abroad program!"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>They'd never know I had already attended college.<<else>>They'd never know I was never accepted to college at all.<</if>> <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend1">> <<path>> I had moved here and thought school was a great place to meet people. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Social Studies")>> <<speechPC>>"Oh. I just moved here...didn't know how else to meet people."<</speechPC>> <br><br> A wry little smirk, letting them know that I'd be at the bottom of the test scores, but also the most fun to hang with. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend1">> <<path>> I was getting post-grad credits. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Extra Credit")>> <<speechPC>>"Oh. I'm here on post-Bacc study. Needed some credits."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>Perfect, I //was// a grad, a good cover.<<else>>Who would ever know I didn't have a degree. It was a reasonable story though!<</if>> <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend1">> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
Where was I living? <br><br> <div id="schoolLeg"> <<crossroads #schoolLeg>> <<path>> The truth. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("RedDoorz")>> <<speechPC>>"Oh, this kinda run-down but cheap place in walking distance. Kinda a hostel?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Why lie? Wouldn't be weird for a new-arrival to be slumming it to save some bucks before finding somewhere livable. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend2">> <<path>> A little single-apartment. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Apartment")>> <<speechPC>>"Just grabbed this little efficiency apartment nearby. Does the job."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Keep as much distance between them and my spy-life as possible. Plus, they'd judge me if they knew about that shitty place. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend2">> <<path>> American on the cheap? Not believable. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Luxury")>> <<speechPC>>"Found this really great deal on a place with a view of the water. It's //gorgeous//."<</speechPC>> <br><br> They wouldn't believe I was slumming it. American dollar went far here. Not like I'd have to show them...and maybe it'd incentivize EROS to put me up better. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend2">> <</crossroads>> </div>
Got a job? <br><br> <div id="schoolLeg2"> <<crossroads #schoolLeg2>> <<path>> The truth. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Club")>> <<speechPC>>"Working at a club. Great money. Late nights. It's exhausting. And...I'm sure there are better places to go."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I wasn't going to bring them by. But I didn't want to have to lie about when I couldn't hang out. And worst thing for them to randomly see me. Better to hide in plain sight. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend3">> <<path>> A 'better' job. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Working")>> <<speechPC>>"Yeah. Waiting tables. Not the best thing in the world, but had to cover costs somehow."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Definitely serving. Hold onto that thread of truth. <br><br> Took some jabs from them asking how well I knew Filipino cuisine, but it was all in good fun. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend3">> <<path>> Unemployed. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Jobless")>> <<speechPC>>"Not...yet. Had some money to keep me going for a while first, plus got some tuition covered."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Definitely believable. Little American girl propped up by family. American attracted here with a scholarship. And I wasn't about to tell them what I was really doing. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend3">> <</crossroads>> </div>
Of course, the inevitable about my dating sitch... <br><br> <div id="schoolLeg3"> <<crossroads #schoolLeg3>> <<path>> L-D-R. <<contents>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<Stats Deception -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> The truth. <br><br> <</if>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("LDR")>> <<speechPC>>"Uh yeah, but like...we're doing the long-distance thing? So far, so good."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Definitely believable, and would excuse me needing to excuse myself or becoming too involved in texting or something. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend4">> <<path>> Single and loving it. <<contents>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> I had to lie. <br><br> <</if>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Single")>> <<speechPC>>"Not tied down and just having fun, ya know?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Available, fun-loving. Nothing to hold me back and would explain should they see me with randos. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_Legend4">> <</crossroads>> </div>
But why the Philippines? <br><br> <div id="schoolLeg4"> <<crossroads #schoolLeg4>> <<path>> Fun. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Party")>> <<speechPC>>"Heard it was a party spot. Why not have some fun?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> Who wouldn't believe an American wanting to live it up? <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_LegEND">> <<path>> Far from home. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Distance")>> <<speechPC>>"Uh. I just had to get away. This seemed pretty far."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Some mysterious backstory, keep some privacy and I'm certain that I was far from the first person to head international to gey way. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_LegEND">> <<path>> Family history. <<contents>> <<run $Legend.pushUnique("Family")>> <<speechPC>>"I was familiar with it -- Mom used to work here."<</speechPC>> <br><br> They didn't have to know //what// she did. Or that she might be here. <br><br> I wasn't actually any more familiar with Manila than anywhere else in the world, but the truth in the lie rang true. <br><br> <<include "SQ001 - School_LegEND">> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<run $Memories.push("Made Friends")>> And that was how they knew me. <br><br> Runaway <<print $>> was what they called me. I was unique to them. Americans weren't. New students weren't. But someone ending up here, going to this school for a //reason//? Leaving America like a reverse-Eddie Murphy? Yeah, that was a one-of-a-kind. Little did they know that I was more of a Run-To <<print $>>. A Chase-After <<print $>>. Probably way, //way// more unique than they thought. <br><br> But what did that matter? They believed me. Why would they doubt it? A girl? At my age? And not like they were doing anything wrong. A spy would be the furthest thing from their minds. <br><br> That put me at ease. I could be me. A //version// of me, sure. But those were just words in a backstory. What I said, how I acted, what I wore, what I wanted to do? That was me. I was me with them. <br><br> It took more time than I had originally expected. But that had been a silly pipedream. Still, it was under a week and now I was chilling in the halls, eating on the quad with a little foursome that had accepted me as their own. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): Five college-students sitting together on and around a picnic blanket on the quad */ <br><br> Andrea, /* Courageous */ who came from nearby historic Baliwag. She was reserved and simple. She was wide-eyed and curious about the huge city and metropolitan life around her. She was especially interested in my life as an American and took a gleam to me. She was the reason I was enmeshed so quickly. <br><br> Darna, /* Filipino Superhero */ was from far to the South: Davao City. She had a rebellious streak and seemed to have had quite a tough go of it. From all reports, that southern island was rough-and-tumble. Had she gotten away for the relative safety of Manila? Was she going to return with her knowledge and degree and infuse home as a savior? Whatever the reason, she didn't talk about home much. <br><br> Diwata, /* Guardian spirit of nature */ came from a very high-end upbringing just south of us in Manila and due to that proximity, walked every day despite having the money and cars to take it easy. They never showed their money. Ever. Threadbare thrift clothes. Barefoot when possible. Always brought a home-made lunch and snacks. Rebelling? Learned miserliness? They didn't seem protective of their family money, just like...disregarding it. She (they) was a weird one. And not because she (they) preferred the non-gendered pronouns. <br><br> Joshua, /* Supplanter */ was a native Manilan as well. A bit of a chip on his shoulder despite not coming from Diwata's wealth. There was a quiet confidence about him. He was the actual leader, despite it not appearing that way without really paying attention. He knew where to go, he knew what to do. He reminded me of a Filipino <<print $CC.friend1>>, which made me want to chum up with him far more than he was ready for. There was a slight pull-back from me. A curiosity and regard in his eyes when I engaged with him. It reminded me he wasn't <<print $CC.friend1>>. Who could replace him anyway. <br><br> And "Runway <<print $>>". <br><br> I had found some friends. <br><br> I hoped The Boys wouldn't take offense. If they ever found out. But just like them, I needed my group to [[ground me|HomeBase]].
/* Going for a massage */
/* Trying to win over an awkward, unsure Dali */
/* Not spilling the beans while drunk */
/* Hitting up an underground Club */
<<if $manilaDating == 0>> <<set $manilaDating ++>> <<skillChecked "Dating Style">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<improveState>> /* IMAGE (Needed): POV laying down in a bed, looking at the empty space where someone should be */ <<if Array("cheater", "free").includes("$")>> I always liked an empty bed. Well, not //empty//, empty. But even still, there was a different quality to the hooking up I ''had'' been doing all life long until now. I think I finally understood what other people meant when they made comments about the way I treated 'relationships' because finally, I was feeling that emptiness that they had mentioned time and time again. There was something draining about the task ahead of me and knowing that I'd be using my body to get to the finish line. <br><br> Maybe it was something about it not being in my control. Maybe it was me getting older and more mature. Maybe it was just enduring what I had since arriving in Manila. <br><br> Whatever the case might be, I felt the craving for something a bit more substantial. A //someone// that I could call mine. Something in my control. <br><br> <<elseif $ == "committed">> My hand brushed the narrow space beside me in bed, feeling the coolness and emptiness there. I felt a tension in my chest. I missed having someone there. Someone that I knew. Someone that I cared about. <br><br> Having those thoughts increased the tension I was feeling. Nothing about what I was doing with EROS would promise me finding that. In fact, it would only offer me the opposite: thin, explicitly sexual encounters that would only make me feel used and devalued. <br><br> Would I be able to survive like that? I sincerely doubted it. It wasn't who I was. I needed something more substantial. Something that might counter-balance all of the awfulness I might have to endure. <br><br> They never said I couldn't be myself and live my life. I was in control of my legend. Maybe someone else would be a part of that legend. <br><br> <<else>> My hand brushed the narrow space beside me in bed, feeling the coolness and emptiness there. My breath caught. I missed having someone there. Someone that I knew. Someone that I cared about. <br><br> And the lack of someone hit //hard//. It called back to the times before when I had been dropped, cheated on, cast aside. That wasn't the case right now, but emotions aren't logical and the simplest of sensations can call up deep pain. <br><br> To make matters worse, nothing about what I was doing with EROS would promise me finding that. In fact, it would only offer me the opposite: thin, explicitly sexual encounters that would only make me feel used and devalued. <br><br> Would I be able to survive like that? I sincerely doubted it. It wasn't who I was. I needed something more substantial. Something that might counter-balance all of the awfulness I might have to endure. <br><br> They never said I couldn't be myself and live my life. I was in control of my legend. Maybe someone else would be a part of that legend. Hopefully someone that would be true to me as well. <br><br> I don't know if I could deal with being rejected ontop of everything else. I needed to find someone I could really rely on. <br><br> <</if>> So, I was resolved to try and date. There'd never be a dearth of sex for me, but I needed something beyond that. <br><br> I'd see what the Manilan dating scene might afford me. <br><br> Hitting up clubs and bars? I felt the ick rising up my spine: it felt too near to my normal day. The quality of options there might be too similar to my 'work' days. And there was the distinct worry I had that I'd always have that niggling thought in the back of my mind, "Would you be useful to my objective?" No. I needed something separate and clear from my other life. <br><br> School? While I was ''technically'' a student at the college, I doubted there'd be an easy line in to finding someone in classes. I'd have to be attending. It'd take time. <<if visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>I'd done the college classes thing before. It took a lot for kids to talk to one another, let alone date.<</if>> No. There'd be questions about me and my legend. There'd be too much effort and who knew what would even come from it. <br><br> What did that leave me. <br><br> Besides just waiting around in the park, or knocking on doors at the was the apps. <br><br> I sighed and pulled out my phone, installing and setting up my accounts on OkCupid and Tinder. And then spent the rest of the day trying to find [[connections|HomeBase]]. <<elseif $manilaDating gte 1>> <<improveState>> <<set $manilaDating ++>> <<NotificationPopup "If you haven't set a 'Going Out' Outfit, check out the wardrobe before proceeding!">> <<skillChecked "Sexuality">> When my phone dinged for the first time, my initial thought was a message from <<print $CC.FName>> or one of The Boys. Instead, it was a match. I'm not sure which of the two would have been more scary. <br><br> I took a breath and dived in to my messages: <br><br><br> <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">> <<call "Nolan">>"Hey sexy."<</call>> <br><br> /*IMAGE (Needed): Dick Pic */ An engorged, unimpressive penis. The angle didn't help either. <br><br> Oh fuck. Well, looks like guys are the same everywhere, aren't they? <br><br> Unmatched and ignored. I could get //dick// if that's all I wanted. <br><br><br> <<call "Ezra">>"Buteeful American lady!"<</call>> <br><br> Nice compliment, but felt too much like commodity-interest. No matter how sweet that guy was, the language barrier was likely going to be tough, too. <br><br> Sorry, buddy. Unmatched and ignored. <br><br><br> <<call "Brodie">>"Did you fall out of the--"<</call>> <br><br> Unmatched. Ignored. <br><br> <<call "Dax">>"Hey."<</call>> <br><br> Sigh. <br><br> A few more dick pics. Broken English. Uninspired initiations. It felt like everything I didn't want to deal with. This shouldn't be a chore. <<elseif $CC.sexuality == "lesbian">> <<call "Jeramiah">>"Hey sexy."<</call>> <br><br> /*IMAGE (Needed): Dick Pic */ An engorged, unimpressive penis. The angle didn't help either. <br><br> The gender showed female...and I couldn't fault her preference for pronouns, but I wasn't in the market for that. <br><br> Unmatched and ignored. I could get //dick// if that's all I wanted. <br><br><br> <<call "Nehemiah">>"So pritty!"<</call>> <br><br> Nice compliment, but no matter how sweet she was, the language barrier was likely going to be tough, too. <br><br> Sorry, chica. Unmatched and ignored. <br><br><br> <<call "Micah">>"Do you like raisins?<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"Uh...not especially?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Micah">>"Well, how about a date?<</call>> <br><br> Woof. Wonder what site she found that on. <br><br> Unmatched. Ignored. <br><br> <<call "Efrain">>"Hey." Heart eyes.<</call>> <br><br> Sigh. <br><br> A couple more unexpected penises. A lot of broken English. Uninspired initiations. It felt like everything I didn't want to deal with. This shouldn't be a chore. <<else>> <<call "Van">>"Hey sexy."<</call>> <br><br> /*IMAGE (Needed): Dick Pic */ An engorged, unimpressive penis. The angle didn't help either. <br><br> Oh fuck. Well, looks like guys are the same everywhere, aren't they? <br><br> Unmatched and ignored. I could get //dick// if that's all I wanted. <br><br><br> <<call "Damarion">>"Buteeful American lady!"<</call>> <br><br> Nice compliment, but felt too much like commodity-interest. No matter how sweet that guy was, the language barrier was likely going to be tough, too. <br><br> Sorry, buddy. Unmatched and ignored. <br><br><br> <<call "Rishi">>"Do you like raisins?<</call>> <br><br> <<call>>"Uh...not especially?"<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Rishi">>"Well, how about a date?<</call>> <br><br> Woof. Wonder what site she found that on. <br><br> Unmatched. Ignored. <br><br> <<call "Edgar">>"Hey."<</call>> <br><br> Sigh. <br><br> A few more dick pics. Broken English. Uninspired initiations. It felt like everything I didn't want to deal with. This shouldn't be a chore. <</if>> <br><br> <<call "Blue">>"You don' an American Imperialist."<</call>> <br><br> I laughed. We had a winner. <br><br> I hoped. <br><br> <<call>>"Oh, I'm just over to see how you all are doing without us."<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Blue">>"Gotta say, maybe an American presence is more appealing than I've heard."<</call>> <br><br> Cute. <br><br> <<call>>"That's how we do it."<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Blue">>"Insidious."<</call>> <br><br> Funny and well-spoken? <br><br> <<call>>"We prefer crafty."<</call>> <br><br> <<call "Blue">>"And craft beer?"<</call>> <br><br> Nice transition. <br><br> <<call>>"I'm always down for an IPA."<</call>> <br><br> So, I got <<link "ready">><<outfit goingOut>><</link>> and we met up later that <<linkexpand "afternoon">> <<skillChecked "Age" "Height">> afternoon at a 'smorgasbord' place that also sported a good number of brews. It wasn't far from RedDoorz, which made it easy for me to locate and meant it was in 'safe' territory for a first meet. <br><br> "I'm not usually down around here." Well, that's good for my anonymity. <br><br> "I'm not usually around many places. Just got here." We leaned against a high-top bar table sipping at a couple of local drafts that weren't too shabby. <br><br> <<if $CC.sexuality == "straight">> He was a cute guy. Filipino. Built and accentuated by the form-fitting cotton tee that he wore. His hair was dark and close-cropped, sculpted with not too much gel. <<if $CC.height gt 1>>He was shorter than me, but that wasn't unexpected.<<else>>He was taller than me.<</if>> And <<if $Body.age gt 0>>He was a good bit older than me, but nothing unreasonable. A gap but not unheard of.<<else>>There was definitely a bit of an age gap, but he hadn't crested 30. So, it was...acceptable.<</if>> <br><br> And cute. Did I mention cute? I had to restrain myself from getting a bit lost looking at him. <br><br> And restrain myself from drinking too fast. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Blue really your name?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Blue">> He smiled and nodded, "Not the weirdest one you'll find here."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I don't mind it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Noshed on a few bites. Another beer. I could get the sense that he wasn't trying to get me wasted. <br><br> Time with him was gentle, easy. I liked it. <br><br> I liked his shoulders, too. <br><br> <<speech "Blue">>"So, what really brought you here?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"So you think Imperialism is a front?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Blue">>"As much as I'm not convinced birds are real."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>Oh, jeez. Can't tell the truth, that's for sure. "Just finished <<if $Body.age gte 4>>College<<elseif $Body.age gte 1>>A year off<<else>>High School<</if>> and needed to get away. See the world, ya know?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Blue">>"Not the usual place, but I'm not going to argue. Glad wanderlust brought you here." He nodded with a white, broad smile. Well, yeah, wanderlust and my mom. And a world-threatening terrorist.<</speech>> <br><br> The conversation turned to him, thankfully. The less specifics I went into the better. The less I had to remember. I didn't want to lie because of how hard it would be to keep up, but also if I was going to date, being disingenuous felt like an awful place to jump off from. <br><br> He handled a little import-export business that his dad had built up and he was learning the ropes. That explained his perfect English. He lived a bit South of me, close to the airport and in what seemed a pretty well-to-do area of the city called Magallanes. <br><br> And he rode a sexy, Kawasaki Ninja. /* IMAGE (Needed): Kawasaki Ninja */ <br><br> He was straddling it after we had departed the Smorgasbord + Bar. My hand was fidgeting with the rubbery handle, my hips leaning against his thigh and the cold metal of the chassis. <br><br> I wanted to tell him more. I wanted to spend more time with him. <br><br> I was fighting off considering showing him where I lived. <br><br> No. If this was going to be different, if this was going to be something ''valuable'', it had to be something that wasn't a hookup on our first night. Sex was too close to everything else that I was living. There had to be a partition with Blue. And I wanted there to be something with Blue. <br><br> I don't know what I was saying, what thought I had in my head when all of a sudden, it all went blank as he kissed me. <br><br> I lifted up onto my toes, leaning more into him, my hands hovering in the air as they rose, eventually finding his face. Our tongues massaged against each other, our lips pressed tightly. <br><br> I wanted to climb up on the back of his bike, but restrained myself. I could feel his desire as well, but I sensed he was easily holding himself back. So, Blue was a nice guy, too. No pressure, no insistence, truly interested in //me//. <br><br> We broke the kiss and we were both laughing. I nearly stumbled back and away from his bike. <br><br> Whatever we had been talking about before was gone. If I went back in for another kiss, I wasn't sure I could trust myself. <br><br> <<elseif $CC.sexuality == "lesbian">> She was a cute girl. Filipino. Her slight build was accentuated by the form-fitting jeans and cropped top that displayed enough skin for me to be tantalized. Her hair was wonderfully braided and slung over her bare shoulder so that everyone could see how long and well-maintained it was. <<if $CC.height gt 0>>She was shorter than me, but that wasn't unexpected.<<else>>She was taller than me.<</if>> And <<if $Body.age gt -1>>she was a good bit older than me, but nothing unreasonable. A gap but not unheard of.<<else>>There was definitely a bit of an age gap, but she hadn't crested her late 20s. So, it was...acceptable.<</if>> <br><br> And cute. Did I mention cute? I had to restrain myself from getting a bit lost looking at her. <br><br> And restrain myself from drinking too fast. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Blue really your name?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Blue">> She smiled and nodded, "Not the weirdest one you'll find here."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"I don't mind it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> Noshed on a few bites. Another beer. I could get the sense that she wasn't trying to get me wasted. <br><br> Time with her was gentle, easy. I liked it. <br><br> I liked her dimples, too. <br><br> <<speech "Blue">>"So, what really brought you here?"<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"So you think Imperialism is a front?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Blue">>"As much as I'm not convinced birds are real."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>Oh, jeez. Can't tell the truth, that's for sure. "Just finished <<if $Body.age gte 4>>College<<elseif $Body.age gte 1>>A year off<<else>>High School<</if>> and needed to get away. See the world, ya know?"<</speechPC>> <<speech "Blue">>"Not the usual place, but I'm not going to argue. Glad wanderlust brought you here." She nodded with a white, broad smile. Well, yeah, wanderlust and my mom. And a world-threatening terrorist.<</speech>> <br><br> The conversation turned to her, thankfully. The less specifics I went into the better. The less I had to remember. I didn't want to lie because of how hard it would be to keep up, but also if I was going to date, being disingenuous felt like an awful place to jump off from. <br><br> She handled a little import-export business that her dad had built up and she was learning the ropes. That explained her perfect English. She lived a bit South of me, close to the airport and in what seemed a pretty well-to-do area of the city called Magallanes. <br><br> And she rode a sexy, Kawasaki Ninja. /* IMAGE (Needed): Kawasaki Ninja */ <br><br> She was straddling it after we had departed the Smorgasbord + Bar. My hand was fidgeting with the rubbery handle, my hips leaning against her thigh and the cold metal of the chassis. <br><br> I wanted to tell her more. I wanted to spend more time with her. <br><br> I was fighting off considering showing her where I lived. <br><br> No. If this was going to be different, if this was going to be something ''valuable'', it had to be something that wasn't a hookup on our first night. Sex was too close to everything else that I was living. There had to be a partition with Blue. And I wanted there to be something with Blue. <br><br> I don't know what I was saying, what thought I had in my head when all of a sudden, it all went blank as she kissed me. <br><br> I lifted up onto my toes, leaning more into her, my hands hovering in the air as they rose, eventually finding her face. Our tongues massaged against each other, our lips pressed tightly. <br><br> I wanted to climb up on the back of her bike, but restrained myself. I could feel her desire as well, but I sensed she was easily holding himself back. So, Blue was a nice girl, too. No pressure, no insistence, truly interested in //me//. <br><br> We broke the kiss and we were both laughing. I nearly stumbled back and away from the bike. <br><br> Whatever we had been talking about before was gone. If I went back in for another kiss, I wasn't sure I could trust myself. <br><br> <</if>> Only thing left was to say <<linkexpand "good night.">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("High Libido")>><<state aroused>><</if>> <<face happy>> "Good night." A small, playful smile. <br><br> I saw the same reflected in their face. I waved. Then I turned. <br><br><br> As I walked away, I felt like I was floating. Butterflies in my chest -- //yes//! That's what I had been looking for. <br><br> I made a few checks over my shoulder to make sure I was out of sight before rounding a corner and making my short way back to my home at the RedDoorz. <br><br> I practically skipped the whole way. <br><br> Jumping into bed, I resisted the urge to message. Instead, I just did a little stalking. Not creepy, just curious. <br><br> It was easy to go to sleep that night. A sense of normalcy felt like a warm, weighted blanket. <br><br> //''Blue.''// <br><br> I couldn't wait for our next [[date|HomeBase]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>>
/* So in CC001 - Origin, we throw up a character creator where the player can customize the following fields, OR make a 'quick-start' selection Claire from the options we've already created (and will create more). Name // Height // Eyes // Hair Hairstyle // Skin // Ethnicity */ <<set $RPGCharacter = true>> <<set $Body.tits = either("small", "medium", "large", "extralarge","huge")>> <<set $Body.pubes = "bald">> <<outfit naked>> <<set $CC.showDoll = true>> Who are you, agent?<br> <br> <div id="birth-certificate" class="birth-cert-form"> <h1><span class="birthCertTitle">Birth certificate</span></h1> <fieldset> <span id="selector-group"> <label><b>Name: </b></label><<textbox "$" "Claire">> </span> <span id="selector-group"> <label><b>Family name: </b></label><<textbox "$CC.surname" "Campbell">> </span> <label><b>Date of birth: </b></label><input class="redacted" readonly value="" /> <label><b>Father: <input readonly class="redacted" value="" /></b></label> <label><b>Mother: <input readonly class="redacted" value="" /></b></label> <span id="selector-group"> <label><b>Sexuality: </b> <<listbox "$Body.sexuality" autoselect>> <<option "Straight" "straight">><<option "Lesbian" "lesbian">><<option "Bi" "bi">> <</listbox>> </label> </span> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Genetics:</legend> <label><b>Eye Color: </b></label> <<listbox "$Body.eyes" autoselect>> <<option "Blue" "blue">><<option "Brown" "brown">><<option "Green" "green">><<option "Hazel" "hazel">><<option "Gray" "gray">> <</listbox>> <span id="selector-group" style=""> <label> <b>Hair Color: </b> <<listbox "$" autoselect>> <<option "Blonde" "blonde">><<option "Red" "red">><<option "Brown" "brown">><<option "Black" "black">> <</listbox>> </label> </span> <span id="selector-group"> <label><b>Hair Style: </b> <<listbox "$" autoselect>> <<option "Straight" "straight">><<option "Curly" "curly">><<option "Wavy" "wavy">> <</listbox>> </label> </span> <<skinColorSelector>> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Body Details:</legend> <label><b>Height: </b> <<listbox "$CC.height" autoselect>> <<option "An Amazon" 2>><<option "Tall" 1>><<option "About five-five" 0>><<option "Short" -1>><<option "Under five foot" -2>> <</listbox>> </label> <label> <b>Bust: </b> <<listbox "$Body.tits" autoselect>> <<option "A" "small">><<option "B" "medium">><<option "C" "large">><<option "D" "extralarge">><<option "EE" "huge">> <</listbox>> </label> <label> <b>Pubes: </b> <<listbox "$Body.pubes" autoselect>> <<option "Bald" "bald">><<option "Strip" "strip">><<option "Bikini" "bikini">><<option "Trimmed" "trimmed">><<option "Bush" "bush">> <</listbox>> </label> </fieldset> </div> <br> When you're happy with how you look, [[let's figure out our stats.|CC001 - Origin Quick Pt.2]] <br><br> <<run function bindOnChangeEvents() { $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodyhair").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodyeyes").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodystyle").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodytits").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodypubes").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(); >>
/* Probably list all the traits and skills in the game. and we can hover over each of them with a reasoning 'your choices will affect these stats' and a description of what the skill/trait does. Attractiveness - Would be sick if this was like a scale. We can do hovers over each option from 1-7 with color on what that attractiveness means. 7 will be greyed out and unselectable, and 6 will be greyed out(unselectable) unless the Parental trait chosen is Attractiveness. */ /* TODO: (Cassie) Check if these are the hints you'd like to showcase on hover. Update if not. */ <<set setup.traitHints = { "Suggestible" : "How susceptible she is to peer pressure and the situation around her? Is she motivated by an external or internal locus of control?", "Stable" : "How grounded is she? Have her experiences and life made her expect and, maybe at a subconscious level, //want// upheaval?", "Sophisticated" : "Does she like and expect the better things in life? This is both a good thing in high-class situations and a bad thing when she might have to rough it.", "Confident" : "How much does she believe in herself? Will she vacillate or stay convicted?", "Easy" : "How little does she value sexual interaction? This is not necessarily a bad thing, but defines both the level of her standards for who she sleeps with and how often she does it with someone brand new.", "Risky" : "How little does she value her personal well-being? This could be a bad thing if there is threat to herself, but also allows her to eschew the worries of self-preservation to do the 'right' thing in the situation.", "Excitable" : "How much does she value novelty and fun? Is she bored easily and chafe under the mundane?", "Attractiveness" : "How good looking is she? This is both an objective quality and takes into consideration the intangible 'it' factor that some people have.", }>> <<set setup.skillHints = { "Social" : "How adept is she at social interactions? Does she have a bevvy of friends and contacts or is she more of a wallflower?", "Athletics" : "How athletic is she? Can she exert herself and ask more from her body than other people?", "Learning" : "How smart is she? Does she soak up knowledge easily and how much does she retain?", "Deception" : "How good is she at misdirecting and fooling others? Do people see through her easily?", "Wiles" : "Does she know how to affect her feminine charms to her benefit? Irrespective of her beauty, can she make people do things because, simply, she's a woman?", "Investigation" : "Is she facile at deduction? Can she dig in and connect the dots between facts or understand subtext and physical tics?", "Coordination" : "How deft is she? Will she stumble or remain upright? Can she do multiple things at once?", "Discipline" : "How able is she to power through duress? How much can she overcome her own personality and innate qualities to do something that she might not 'want' to?", "Perception" : "How keen is she at noticing things? This is both an active ability if she's trying to pay attention, and her intrinsic ability to pick up on subtleties around her.", "Performance" : "Can she put on a show? This could be a distinct and actual performance or it could be a personality she's trying to affect.", }>> <div id="birth-certificate" class="birth-cert-form"> <h1><span class="birthCertTitle">Birth certificate</span></h1> /* TODO: Add a description of stats on hover. */ <fieldset> <legend>=Stats=</legend> <div> <label style="text-align:center;"><b>=Traits= </b></label><br/> <<for _trait range Object.keys($Stats.Traits)>> <<capture _trait>> <<if _trait == "Attractiveness">> <<hover>> <span> _trait : <<listbox "$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base" autoselect>> <<option "a grenade" 1>><<option "just your everyday female" 2>><<option "the cute girl next door" 3>> <<option "one of the hotties at school" 4>><<option "the hottest girl at school" 5>><<option "probably could be a model or actor" 6>> <</listbox>> <br/> </span> <<tip>> <<= setup.traitHints[_trait]>> <</hover>> <<else>> <<hover>> <span>_trait : <<= $Stats.Traits[_trait].value>><br/></span> <<tip>> <<= setup.traitHints[_trait]>> <</hover>> <br> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <div> <label style="text-align:center;"><b>=Skills= </b></label><br/> <<for _skill range Object.keys($Stats.Skills)>> <<capture _skill>> <<hover>> <span>_skill : <<= $Stats.Skills[_skill].value>><br/></span> <<tip>> <<= setup.skillHints[_skill]>> <</hover>> <br> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> </fieldset> </div> /* TODO: Add a free stat point that can be added to Sophisticated, Excit or Confident. Choices that should be reflected on this stat page as they are chosen: One free stat point - Sophisticated, Excitable or Confident */ <br> When you're happy with your stats, [[let's add some extra details.|CC001 - Origin Quick Pt.3]] <br><br>
/* Then like clickable options: Genetic Trait Inherited (From the F/Mtraits that took us so goddamn long to work) - We'll do hovers with 'what do these mean' Do we put other choices here? Like Hometown and Clique? -- Inherited Trait - (Code was here) One stat down - Learning, Sophisticated, or Confident Relationship to parents - (Code was here) -- Cassie response - Stats need to show on this page so they can make informed decisions. Stat down means one of those stats is decreased based on what they choose, opposite for a stat up. */ <div id="birth-certificate" class="demographics"> /* BONUS TODO: The player may also have a chance to level up or lower a stat directly from this sheet ( DETAILS TBA ) */ <div id="statSheetDiv"> <<statSheet>> </div> <h1><span class="birthCertTitle">Demographics</span></h1> <div class="selection-box"> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>I found the whole spy thing: </b> <<listbox "$CC.opening" autoselect>> <<option "unrealistic">><<option "exciting">><<option "hard to follow">> <</listbox>> </label> </div> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>Inherited Trait: </b> <<set _potential = ["Awkward", "Smart", "Funny", "Confident", "Popular", "Slutty", "Quirky"]>> <<listbox "_inheritedTrait" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _potential>> <</listbox>> </label> </div> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>Relationship to Parents: </b> <<set _parentOpts = {"Together" : "together", "Adopted" : "adopted", "Separated" : "separated"}>> <<listbox "$CC.parents" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _parentOpts>> <</listbox>> </label> <span id="sepParents"> <<include seperatedParents>> </span> </div> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>Wealth: </b> <<set _wealthOptions = { "Top 10%" : 5, "Upper Middle-Class" : 4, "Middle Class" : 3, "Lower Middle-Class" : 2, "Poor" : 1, "Impoverished" : 0 }>> <<listbox "$CC.wealth" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _wealthOptions>> <</listbox>> </label> </div> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>Hometown: </b> <<listbox "$CC.hometown" autoselect>> <<option "Los Angeles, California" "LA">><<option "New York, New York" "NY">><<option "Birmingham, Alabama" "AL">> <<option "Seattle, Washington" "WA">><<option "a small town, nowhere of note" "NO">> <</listbox>> </label> </div> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>Youth Freetime Activity: </b> <<set _freetimeOpts = { "Vandal" : "vandal", "Helper" : "helper", "Church" : "church", "Home" : "home", "Volunteer" : "volunteer", "Sporty" : "sporty" }>> <span id="freeList"> <<include "Freetime Listbox">> </span> </label> </div> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>School Interest: </b> <<listbox "$CC.schoolinterest" autoselect>> <<option "boys" "boys">><<option "my teachers" "power">><<option "learning" "new">><<option "other students" "people">> <<option "nothing" "free">><<option "recess" "active">><<option "books" "books">><<option "trouble" "trouble">> <</listbox>> </label> </div> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>Extracurricular Activity: </b></label> <<set _activityOptions = { 'reading' : 'read', 'free to roam' : 'none', 'playing with other kids' : 'play', }>> <span id="actList"> <<include "Activity Listbox">> </span> </div> <<run _traits = [ "Fantastic Tits", "Amazing Ass", "Striking Eyes", "Perfect Smile", "Actor-level Bone Structure", "Modelesque Legs", "An Ineffable Charm", "Smoky Voice", "Easy, Unwavering Fitness" ]>> <<RPGfinalFormQuiz _traits>> Top trait putting me in the spotlight: <br><br> <</RPGfinalFormQuiz>> <div id="selector-group"> <label><b>Birth Control: </b> <<listbox "$Body.fertile" autoselect>> <<option "Yes" false>><<option "No" true>> <</listbox>> </label> </div> </div> </div> <br> When you're happy with your selections, lets <<link "Start the game." "CC013 - FinalForm2">> <<if $ == 0>> <<set $CC.MName = "Emily">> <<else>> <<set $CC.MName = "Elle">> <</if>> <<if $ == 0>> <<set $CC.DName = "Arvin">> <<set $CC.EDName = "Jake">> <<else>> <<set $CC.DName = "Jake">> <</if>> <<if $CC.hometown == "NO">> <<set $CC.hometownName = [ "Beaufort, South Carolina", "Whitefish, Montana", "Hood River, Oregon", "Berlin, Maryland", "Sitka, Alaska", "Sedona, Arizona", "Montpelier, Vermont", "Telluride, Colorado", "Moab, Utah", "Oxford, Mississippi" ].random()>> <<elseif $CC.hometown == "LA">> <<set $CC.hometownName = "Los Angeles, California">> <<elseif $CC.hometown == "NY">> <<set $CC.hometownName ="New York, New York">> <<elseif $CC.hometown == "AL">> <<set $CC.hometownName = "Birmingham, Alabama">> <<elseif $CC.hometown == "WA">> <<set $CC.hometownName = "Seattle, Washington">> <</if>> <<set $CC.FFsex = "F">> <<set $CC.FFName = "Taylor">> <<set $Body.realHeight = setup.heights[$CC.height].random()>> <<run $CC.traits.push(_inheritedTrait)>> <</link>> <br><br> /* TODO: Add fades so player can tell updating the option changed other available options. */ /* TODO: Maybe make a loop so that Stats and StatsReversing can all be done in the same block. Only the function name changes. And the comparing variable */ /* TODO: Manually put on the hometown accessory per selection perhaps? ( They shouldn't have default outfit on yet ) */ <<run function bindOnChangeEvents() { $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccwealth").ready(wealthOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccwealth").on("change", wealthOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-cchometown").ready(hometownOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-cchometown").on("change", hometownOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccparents").ready(parentsOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccparents").on("change", parentsOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccschoolinterest").ready(schoolOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccschoolinterest").on("change", schoolOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccopening").ready(openingOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccopening").on("change", openingOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox--inheritedtrait").ready(traitOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox--inheritedtrait").on("change", traitOnChange); $(event.content).find("#listbox-ccactivity").ready(activityOnStart); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(); function wealthOnChange(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<set _activityOptions = { 'reading' : 'read', 'free to roam' : 'none', 'playing with other kids' : 'play', }>> <<if Util.isNumeric(_wealth)>> <<if _wealth == 2>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social -->> <<elseif _wealth lt 2>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social -= 2>> <<elseif _wealth == 4>> <<StatsSilentReverse Stable ++>> <<elseif _wealth gt 4>> <<StatsSilentReverse Stable += 2>> <</if>> <</if>> /* Updates */ <<if $CC.wealth gt 2>> <<set _activityOptions["dancing"] = 'dance'>> <<set _activityOptions["piano"] = 'piano'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> <<set _activityOptions["gymnastics"] = 'gym'>> <</if>> <<set _wealth = $CC.wealth>> <<if $CC.wealth == 2>> <<Stats Social -->> <<elseif $CC.wealth lt 2>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<elseif $CC.wealth == 4>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<elseif $CC.wealth gt 4>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <</if>> <<replace #actList>><<include "Activity Listbox">><</replace>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } function hometownOnChange(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<set _freetimeOpts = { "Vandal" : "vandal", "Helper" : "helper", "Church" : "church", "Home" : "home", "Volunteer" : "volunteer", "Sporty" : "sporty" }>> <<if _hometown is "NO">> <<StatsSilentReverse Stable ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated -->> <</if>> <<if _hometown is "LA">> <<StatsSilentReverse Confident ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible -->><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<if _hometown is "NY">> <<StatsSilentReverse Confident ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible -->><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<if _hometown is "AL">> <<StatsSilentReverse Confident ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible -->><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<if _hometown is "WA">> <<StatsSilentReverse Confident ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible -->><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> /* Updates */ <<set _hometown = $CC.hometown>> <<if $CC.hometown is "NO">> <<set _freetimeOpts["Barn"] = 'barn'>> <<Stats Stable ++>><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<Stats Sophisticated -->> <</if>> <<if $CC.hometown is not "NO">> <<set _freetimeOpts["Partier"] = 'partier'>> <<set _freetimeOpts["Gang"] = 'gang'>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hometown is "LA">> <<set _freetimeOpts["Beach"] = 'beach'>> <<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hometown is "NY">> <<set _freetimeOpts["Club"] = 'club'>> <<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hometown is "AL">> <<set _freetimeOpts["Tailgate"] = 'tailgate'>> <<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<if $CC.hometown is "WA">> <<set _freetimeOpts["Outdoors"] = 'outdoors'>> <<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Suggestible -->><<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <</if>> <<replace #freeList>><<include "Freetime Listbox">><</replace>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } function parentsOnChange(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<switch _parents>> <<case together>> <<StatsSilentReverse Risky -->><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Stable += 2>> <<case adopted>> <<StatsSilentReverse Performance ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Stable -->> <<case separated>> <<StatsSilentReverse Easy ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Risky ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Excitable ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Deception ++>> <<StatsSilentReverse Stable -->> <</switch>> /* Update */ <<set _parents = $CC.parents>> <<switch $CC.parents>> <<case together>> <<Stats Risky -->><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<Stats Stable += 2>> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 1>><<set $ = 1>><<set $ = 1>> <<case adopted>> <<Stats Performance ++>><<Stats Suggestible ++>><<Stats Stable -->> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 1>><<set $ = 0>><<set $ = 0>> <<case separated>> <<Stats Easy ++>><<Stats Risky ++>><<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>><<Stats Stable -->> <<set $People['CC'].Parents.rel = 0>> <</switch>> <<replace #sepParents>><<include "seperatedParents">><</replace>> <<if $CC.parents == "together" || $CC.parents == "adopted">> <<set _livedWithParent = "">> /* Undoes any stats gained from the extra option when parents are seperated. */ <<if _tempParent == "mom" || _tempParent == "dad">> <<switch _tempParent>> <<case mom>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Perception ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Stable -->> <<case dad>> <<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Easy ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Wiles ++>> <<StatsSilentReverse Stable -->> <</switch>> <<set _tempParent = null>> <</if>> <</if>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } function schoolOnChange(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<switch _schoolInt>> <<case boys>> <<StatsSilentReverse Easy ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Wiles ++>> <<case power>> <<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Deception ++>> <<case new>> <<StatsSilentReverse Discipline ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Confident ++>> <<case people>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Confident ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Learning -->> <<case free>> <<StatsSilentReverse Learning -->><<StatsSilentReverse Excitable ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated -->> <<StatsSilentReverse Deception ++>> <<case active>> <<StatsSilentReverse Athletics ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Coordination ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Learning -->> <<case books>> <<StatsSilentReverse Learning ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Investigation ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated ++>> <<case trouble>> <<StatsSilentReverse Risky ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Deception ++>> <</switch>> /* Updates */ <<set _schoolInt = $CC.schoolinterest>> <<switch $CC.schoolinterest>> <<case boys>> <<Stats Easy ++>><<Stats Wiles ++>> <<case power>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>><<Stats Deception ++>> <<case new>> <<Stats Discipline ++>><<Stats Confident ++>> <<case people>> <<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Confident ++>><<Stats Learning -->> <<case free>> <<Stats Learning -->><<Stats Excitable ++>><<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<case active>> <<Stats Athletics ++>><<Stats Coordination ++>><<Stats Learning -->> <<case books>> <<Stats Learning ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>><<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<case trouble>> <<Stats Risky ++>><<Stats Deception ++>> <</switch>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } function openingOnChange(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<switch _opening>> <<case unrealistic>> <<StatsSilentReverse Stable ++>> <<case exciting>> <<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible ++>> <<case "hard to follow">> <<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated -->> <</switch>> /* Updates */ <<set _opening = $CC.opening>> <<switch $CC.opening>> <<case unrealistic>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<case exciting>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<case "hard to follow">> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <</switch>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } function traitOnChange(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<switch _inherTrait>> <<case "Awkward" "Quirky">> <<StatsSilentReverse Social -->><<StatsSilentReverse Easy -->><<StatsSilentReverse Learning ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Perception ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Investigation ++>> <<case Smart>> <<StatsSilentReverse Learning ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Sophisticated ++>> <<case Funny>> <<StatsSilentReverse Performance ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>> <<case Confident>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Stable ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible -->> <<case Popular>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Stable ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Risky -->> <<case Slutty>> <<StatsSilentReverse Easy ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Risky ++>> <</switch>> /* Updates */ <<set _inherTrait = _inheritedTrait>> <<switch _inheritedTrait>> <<case "Awkward" "Quirky">> <<Stats Social -->><<Stats Easy -->><<Stats Learning ++>><<Stats Perception ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>> <<case Smart>> <<Stats Learning ++>><<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<case Funny>> <<Stats Performance ++>><<Stats Social ++>> <<case Confident>> <<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Stable ++>><<Stats Suggestible -->> <<case Popular>> <<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Stable ++>><<Stats Risky -->> <<case Slutty>> <<Stats Easy ++>><<Stats Risky ++>> <</switch>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } function activityOnStart(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<switch _activity>> <<case read>> <<StatsSilentReverse Learning += 2>> <<case none>> <<StatsSilentReverse Excitable ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Investigation ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Discipline -->> <<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>> <<case play>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social += 2>> <<case dance>> <<StatsSilentReverse Performance ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Athletics ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Coordination ++>> <<case piano>> <<StatsSilentReverse Discipline ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Performance ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Coordination ++>> <<case gym>> <<StatsSilentReverse Athletics += 2>> <</switch>> /* Update */ <<set _activity = $CC.activity>> <<switch $CC.activity>> <<case read>> <<Stats Learning += 2>> <<case none>> <<Stats Excitable ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>><<Stats Discipline -->> <<Stats Social ++>> <<case play>> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<case dance>> <<Stats Performance ++>><<Stats Athletics ++>><<Stats Coordination ++>> <<case piano>> <<Stats Discipline ++>><<Stats Performance ++>><<Stats Coordination ++>> <<case gym>> <<Stats Athletics += 2>> <</switch>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } >>
<<listbox "$CC.activity" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _activityOptions>> <</listbox>> <<run function bindOnChangeActivity() { $(document).ready(function (event) { $("#listbox-ccactivity").on("change", activityOnChange); }); }; function activityOnChange(event) { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<switch _activity>> <<case read>> <<StatsSilentReverse Learning += 2>> <<case none>> <<StatsSilentReverse Excitable ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Investigation ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Discipline -->> <<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>> <<case play>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social += 2>> <<case dance>> <<StatsSilentReverse Performance ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Athletics ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Coordination ++>> <<case piano>> <<StatsSilentReverse Discipline ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Performance ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Coordination ++>> <<case gym>> <<StatsSilentReverse Athletics += 2>> <</switch>> /* Update */ <<set _activity = $CC.activity>> <<switch $CC.activity>> <<case read>> <<Stats Learning += 2>> <<case none>> <<Stats Excitable ++>><<Stats Investigation ++>><<Stats Discipline -->><<Stats Social ++>> <<case play>> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<case dance>> <<Stats Performance ++>><<Stats Athletics ++>><<Stats Coordination ++>> <<case piano>> <<Stats Discipline ++>><<Stats Performance ++>><<Stats Coordination ++>> <<case gym>> <<Stats Athletics += 2>> <</switch>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } bindOnChangeActivity(); >>
<<listbox "$CC.freetime" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _freetimeOpts>> <</listbox>>
<<if $CC.parents == "separated">> <label><b>Lived with which parent: </b> <<set _sepOpts = {"Mom" : "mom", "Dad" : "dad"}>> <<listbox "_livedWithParent" autoselect>> <<optionsfrom _sepOpts>> <</listbox>> </label> <<run function bindOnChangeParent() { $(document).ready(function (event) { $("#listbox--livedwithparent").ready(sepParentsOnChange); $("#listbox--livedwithparent").on("change", sepParentsOnChange); }); }; function sepParentsOnChange() { $.wiki(` /* Reset */ <<switch _tempParent>> <<case mom>> <<StatsSilentReverse Social ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Perception ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Stable -->> <<case dad>> <<StatsSilentReverse Suggestible ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Easy ++>><<StatsSilentReverse Wiles ++>> <<StatsSilentReverse Stable -->> <</switch>> /* Update */ <<set _tempParent = _livedWithParent>> <<switch _livedWithParent>> <<case mom>> <<set $ = 1>><<set $ = 0>> <<Stats Social ++>><<Stats Perception ++>><<Stats Stable -->> <<case dad>> <<set $ = 0>><<set $ = 1>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>><<Stats Easy ++>><<Stats Wiles ++>><<Stats Stable -->> <</switch>> <<replace #statSheetDiv>><<statSheet>><</replace>> `); } bindOnChangeParent(); >> <</if>>
<div class="skip-passage-content"> <h2 class="skip-passage-title">You've Selected to Skip Our AWESOME Prologue!</h2> <p>That's OK. We're sure that you've played it enough as it is, or that you simply don't care to utilize the extensive character customization experience.</p> <p>But! To skip the Prologue, we still need to know what kind of main character you want to play. We've prepared a few default options for you. These will determine Claire's ethnicity, parentage, and high school/college experiences.</p> <p>Each option has a brief description. Go ahead and select an option below:</p> <br> <!-- Character option 1 --> <h3 class="skip-passage-title">Prom Queen - Virgin</h3> <p>She's a gorgeous former Prom Queen, who never knew her father. When her mom disappeared, she jumped at the chance to go after the only stability in her life. She's always kept men at a respectable distance, worked hard to graduate high school early, and participated in a youth group.</p> <div class="choice-button-container"> <<button "Prom Queen - Virgin" "Skip Prologue - 01">> <<include "Prom Queen Preset Vars">> <</button>> </div> <br> <!-- Character option 2 --> <h3 class="skip-passage-title">Nerdy - Slut</h3> <p>Despite being considered a 'nerd' around school, Claire couldn't get her grades together and dropped out before finishing High School. She wasn't the most attractive girl, but she knew she had a hot body when she got her clothes off. Following her mother's disappearance, she's fully thrown caution to the wind.</p> <div class="choice-button-container"> <<button "Nerdy - Slut" "Skip Prologue - 01">> <<include "Nerd Preset Vars">> <</button>> </div> <br> <!-- Character option 2 --> <h3 class="skip-passage-title">Athlete - College Grad</h3> <p>A drop-dead beautiful and //tall// winner of Districts, who came from a tight-knit and caring family. Despite her mother's disappearance, she went on to get shot in Africa and become a Tri-Delta in College before being recruited by EROS. She swings both ways (maybe leaning a //little// more towards ladies), but considers herself no more promiscuous than the next girl.</p> <div class="choice-button-container"> <<button "Athlete - College Grad" "Skip Prologue - 01">> <<include "Athlete College Grad Preset Vars">> <</button>> </div> <div class="notice"> <p>Don't like any of these options? Go ahead and play the [[Prologue|CC001.5 - Shower]]!</p> <p>Save once you hit Act I and send us the save file in Discord. Maybe your version of Claire will become an additional Skip-option in the future.</p> </div> </div>
<<outfit default>> <<set $CC.showDoll = true>> Now that you've selected, review the options and adjust the name and aesthetics of your character in the form below.<br> <<set _baseHeightToWeight = { "2": 180, "1": 160, "0": 140, "-1": 120, "-2": 100 }>> <<set _weightVar = _baseHeightToWeight[`${$CC.height}`]>> <<set _bodyTraits = dataUtils.getBodyTraitsAsList($Stats.BodyTraits)>> <br> <div id="birth-certificate" class="birth-cert-form"> <h1><span class="birthCertTitle">Birth certificate</span></h1> <fieldset> <span id="selector-group"> <label><b>Name: </b></label><<textbox "$" "Claire">> </span> <span id="selector-group"> <label><b>Family name: </b></label><<textbox "$CC.surname" "Campbell">> </span> <label><b>Date of birth: </b></label><input class="redacted" readonly value="" /> <label><b>Father: <input readonly class="redacted" value="" /></b></label> <label><b>Mother: <input readonly class="redacted" value="" /></b></label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Genetics:</legend> <label><b>Eye Color: </b></label> <<listbox "$Body.eyes" autoselect>> <<option "blue">><<option "brown">><<option "green">><<option "hazel">><<option "gray">> <</listbox>> <span id="selector-group" style=""> <label> <b>Hair Color: </b> <<listbox "$" autoselect>> <<option "blonde">><<option "red">><<option "brown">><<option "black">> <</listbox>> </label> </span> <span id="selector-group"> <label><b>Hair Style: </b> <<listbox "$" autoselect>> <<option "straight">><<option "curly">><<option "wavy">> <</listbox>> </label> </span> <<skinColorSelector>> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Body Details:</legend> <label><b>Weight: </b><<print _weightVar>> Lbs</label> <label><b>Height: </b><<print $Body.realHeight>> </label> <label><b>Cup size: </b><<print dataUtils.getCupSize($Body.tits)>></label> <label><b>Pubic Hair: </b> <<print $Body.pubes>> </label> <label><b>Tattoos: </b> <span class="array-content">[<<print Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).join(", ")>>]</span> </label> <label><b>Piercings: </b> <span class="array-content">[<<print $Body.piercings.join(", ")>>]</span> </label> <label><b>Body Features: </b> <span class="array-content">[<<print _bodyTraits.join(", ")>>]</span> </label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Sex:</legend> <label><b>Sexuality: </b><<print $Body.sexuality>></label> <label><b>Using Birth Control: </b><<print !$Body.fertile>></label> <label><b>SexSkills: </b> <span class="array-content">[<<print $Stats.SexSkills.join(", ")>>]</span> </label> <label><b>Kinks: </b> <span class="array-content">[<<print $Stats.Kinks.join(", ")>>]</span> </label> <label><b>Virgin: </b><<print $>></label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Additional notes:</legend> <span>10/10 Apgar score. Important to note: <span class="redacted">Ha, nice try!. You thought you can find it out by inspecting the code? Not so quick!</span></span> </fieldset> </div> <br> <<if !$Skip?.skipToManilla>> When you're happy with your selections lets [[Start the game|ACTI001 - Saying Goodbye]] <<else>> When you're happy with your selections lets [[Start the game|ACTI003 - Manila Arrival]] <</if>> <br><br> <<run function bindOnChangeEvents() { $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodyhair").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodyeyes").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); $(event.content).find("#listbox-bodystyle").on("change", function (event) { $.wiki(`<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>`); }); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(); >>
/* A temporary array to hold people hooked up with in Uni */ <<set $UN.bodies = []>> /* Skill/Trait Limitations - GY/Uni Once Claire enters either of GY or Uni, the cap should increase by 1. Ex. Claire enters GY - her skill cap raises to 7; she then moves on to Uni, the skill cap raises to 8. If Claire goes to Uni but skips the GY, her skill cap would be 7 until Act I. Just like before, skill-ups over the cap would render as .xp */ <<if $statCapPassedUni == false>> <<set $statCap ++>> <<set $statCapPassedUni = true>> <</if>> <header> <h1><<type 0.125s>>Prologue<</type>></h1> <h2><<type 0.125s>>The University<</type>></h2> </header> <<timed 5s t8n>> <<image framed "passage/uni.location.png">> <<set $UN.test = $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>><<set $UN.CBC = 0>> <<if $CC.APtaken == true>><<set $UN.test += 2>><</if>> It was awkward seeing <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom struggling to pull my bags up the stairs to my Freshman dorm. It shouldn't have been him here with me<<else>><<print $CC.DName>> crying as he struggled pulling my bags up the stairs to my Freshman dorm. Yeah, I felt bad 'leaving' him all alone -- talk about empty nest --<</if>> but, this was //it//. College. The end all and be all of young life. It was like the pinnacle of everything I had worked for and what I was supposed to be striving for. So what? Just turn around now after all that work and effort? <br><br> <<if $ == 1>> And I had gotten into one of the best fucking schools in the world! <br><br> <</if>> <<if $ == 2>>So, once he had done the grunt work, I gave him a perfunctory squeeze and sent him on his way.<<else>>So, I let him cry, tried to shrug it off with a squeeze here, a hug there.<</if>> And then my roommate showed up, <span class="inline-text-input"><<textbox "$People['UN']" "Hilary">></span>, "Uh hey, <<print $>>?" <br><br> My head jerked up. I don't think my smile <<linkexpand "could have been wider.">> <<face happy>> could have been wider. <br><br><br> "Uh, yeah! That's me." I raced over from the snotty mess that was the remainder of my parental unit and away from the half-unpacked mess of clothes and 'college essentials' we'd grabbed at Target runs. She was super cute, just your girl next door. Not threatening, but definitely someone who you wanted in your corner. I gave her a hug, because, well why not. <br><br> "So, you left me the shitty bed, yeah?" And the jokes began. <br><br><br> <<if $ == 2>><<else>>I ushered <<print $CC.DName>> out as quickly as I could manage without hurting his feelings too badly. I let him cry on my shoulder and then returned to my new room, my new roommate, my new life.<br><br><</if>> We didn't stop talking, comparing notes on where we'd come from, what we were going to do. We grabbed a late lunch together and then split off to go to our orientation groups, "See ya before we go out, yeah?" <br><br> Well, I guess start college off with a bang. And I definitely ended up with <<linkexpand "one of the better fits as a roommate.">> one of the better fits as a roommate. <br><br><br> We were given these shitty little bags packed with 'swag'. Some Sophomore -- way too eager. Gave strong pick-me vibes -- led my little cluster around the campus. She was cute, bubbly, hair up in a tight bun, and efficiently pointed out where the dorms were for each class, where certain departments held a majority of their classes, the Dining Center, blah blah. She tried to infuse it with excitement and tid-bits, stories and history, but we all really couldn't care less. It was kind of a meat market, eyeing the other newbies down, making a couple initial connections as we meandered campus. Most of the conversation centered over "Where are you headed first tonight?" "Did you hear about..." some frat or other, "has a live band?" Clearly our minds were all on one thing: tonight. And it was fast approaching. <br><br> One of the guys actually had a flask and was pre-gaming already. <br><br><br> Shit. [[Going out already|UN002 - FirstNight]]. Work hard, party hard? At least the latter, that's for sure. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</timed>>
Back in my dorm room, <<print $People['UN']>> and I alternated in front of the small bathroom mirror and the full-body on the back of our door. I was happy to be a girl: comfortable wearing little around other women right from the get-go. We got a full beat on while we walked back and forth to our closets in our underwear, chattering idly as we weighed in on what each other should wear. <br><br> The real decision was: dress to impress or dress for comfort. It sounded like everyone was going out and it was starting early and going late. The frats were pulling out all the stops to welcome us, so there'd be no lack of places to go. Both had there merits, I just had to decide which mattered more to me. <div id="dress"> <<crossroads #dress>> <<path>> ''Being hot''? <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<outfit club>> <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had decided cute //and// comfy. Hm. Clever girl. Showing off cleavage and leg, but sensible footwear. "Alright, hottie..." she looked me over, "Trying to pull some dick your first day?" <br><br> I shrugged with a coy smile, "Whatever. So where we going?" <br><br> "We //should// have a signal or something for that. I mean, our beds are like...three feet apart." <<path>> ''Surviving the gauntlet''. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky -->> <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had decided cute //and// comfy. Hm. Clever girl. Showing off cleavage and leg, but sensible footwear. "Alright, <<print $>>..." she looked me over, "Saving slut for another day. Smart. The other girls are going to be dressed like whores." <br><br> I shrugged with a coy smile, "//Exactly//. So where we going?" <br><br> "But. What __if__ you...or I, or I...actually are a slut tonight? We //should// have a signal or something for that. I mean, our beds are like...three feet apart." <<contentsShared>> <br><br> "Sock on the door?" <br><br> "No warning?" <br><br> "We'll figure it out." <br><br> "Fair enough!" She smacked my ass, "Pregame or hit up one of the lower tier frats?" <br><br> "You know the tier list?" I was agog. <br><br> "I did my research." <br><br> "Well, I didn't bring anything to pregame with. What about you?" <br><br> "Truuue...we could see if we could mooch?" <<crossroads>> <<path [[UN002 - FirstNightBadFrat]]>> Never call me a ''mooch'', the frats were stocked for us. <<path [[UN002 - FirstNightHall]]>> I didn't want to risk being a girl in need at the beginning of the night, we could ''scrounge something''. <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> </div>
There was no doorman at Kappa Sig, just a couple guys smoking on the stoop and jerking upright when they saw us approaching. "Hey, girls!" It wasn't a seedy smile, it was a surprised and eager smile. <br><br> "Hey, mind if we pre-game with you?" <<print $People['UN']>> asked, but it was more of a statement. <br><br> "Mi casa es su casa." And with a mock bow, we stepped up and into the dingy main room. <br><br> A couple of their brothers were lounging on a sad couch, scrolling on their phones while sipping beer from a can, "So, party tonight?" <br><br> One of the cans appeared in my hand, which I gratefully opened. "No, //course// we're throwing a party. It's the first night." Laughed one of the two cigarette bros, I could smell the menthol on his breath. <br><br><br> "Right, but..." <<print $People['UN']>> inclined her head to the room. Even though there was a beer pong table in the center of the room, it wasn't in use. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 1>> "So...let's start it!" I pushed menthol boy over towards the table, grabbing the sleeve of Solo cups and tearing it open. "See Mikey, these girls know how to party," said one of the guys on the couch without looking up from his phone. <<else>> If there had been crickets chirping at that moment, it would have been perfect. All of us were standing around, sipping beer, looking at each other uncomfortably until one of the guys on the couch -- without looking up -- said, "Set up some flip cup, Mikey." <br><br> "Oh. Sure!" And he scuffled off, grabbing a sleeve of Solo cups and tearing it open by the table. <</if>> <br><br><br> We arranged a line of Solo cups on either side of the table, popping a couple more cans and filling the row. It was menthol Mikey and me with <<print $People['UN']>> and her partner across from us. Starting the night with...a whimper? <br><br> Hips to the table, looking down at the first cup, and then we were off. Pounding the beer back, settling the lip on the edge of the table and flipping. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>> Open throat, swallow, flip. Step over, watch Mikey fumbling and trying to follow suit so that I could just slam the next one. Well, we'd be winning or losing depending on him. At least it seemed like <<print $People['UN']>> and her partner weren't much better. <br><br> I heard a little chuckle from the guy on the couch and he threw me a thumbs up as I waited my turn. I could tell menthol-boy was embarassed, but he was happy enough when I popped the last one and it settled on its end after a tiny spin. <br><br> "Shit. You play a lot?" He gave me five as <<print $People['UN']>> and her guy just drank their cups in defeat. <br><br> "Eh, not really?" I didn't feel the need to play down to avoid insulting him. <<else>> Tip it back, gulp, gulp, set the cup down and flip. Flip. ''Shit''. Flip! Step aside and watch Mikey fumbling just as much as I was -- that was good. <<print $People['UN']>> and her partner weren't doing too much better. We went down the line, a little ahead, a little behind and then it was my turn to finish it off opposite my roomie. <br><br> We stood across from each other resetting and flipping and cussing and laughing. It looked like it would be the randomness of physics that...nope. Damn. I shook my head and <<print $People['UN']>> was congratulated as I sighed and turned back to menthol-boy. <br><br> "Good game. Almost got it." I shrugged, rather unimpressed with a guy who'd been in a frat and wasn't any better than I was at the game. <</if>> <br><br><br> I picked up my beer and got back to drinking with abandon. No need to spend more time here than needed. Just drink, get the night going and get going. <br><br><br> "So, you guys rushing? You strike me as a..." he considered me and <<print $People['UN']>>, "She's a Kay Kay Gee for sure." He laughed and then to me again. I wondered if that was an insult or what. I checked in with <<print $People['UN']>> and she seemed to consider it more than take it with any deeper meaning. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> "Tri Delt?" "Yeah...maybe." <<else>> "Dee Gee. They're our sister sorority. Be nice to see you around more." Uh...what did //that// mean. <</if>> <br><br> "Well, I haven't decided yet. We'll see...just literally started all this today. But, uh. Thanks for the beers!" I clinked aluminum with Mikey, pounded down the beer and smiled, "Thanks guys! Really appreciate the hospitality!" <br><br> "See you around...oh, what's your name?" <br><br> Yep. Said a lot that he hadn't even asked for my name. I gave him a knowing smile as I was heading out, "<<print $>>." <br><br> "Awesome. See ya, <<print $>>." Guys are so funny. <br><br><br> We bounced down the front steps about half an hour after showing up, looking down the street as the crowds began to assemble. No disrespect, but I felt that The Boys back home would have fit in with that crew. They seemed to be the smart ones, the good ones //playing// at fraternity. <br><br><br> But, now we had our buzz in brain and were heading towards Beta where the music was already [[pounding|UN002 - FirstNightRager]].
We wandered the hall, peeking in open doors carefully -- didn't want to intrude and piss someone off the very first day -- looking for anyone that might have been starting the night now. <br><br> Most doors were closed, some girls getting ready, a lot of them on the phone and still in their 'comfy' wear. It looked like our hall would be a bust, so we climbed the stairs and headed up to the guys floor above. <br><br> Heads started peeking out of the doors as we arrived, curious and excited. They all looked like they were ready to go, but for guys that's not saying much, "Uh hey. What's up?" <br><br> I turned suddenly, hearing the guy behind me. "Hey, you uh, pre-gaming?" <<print $People['UN']>> smiled kindly, moving over towards him. Shit, that was dangerous. Didn't want to give him the wrong idea, even if it was an easy way <<linkexpand "to get what we wanted.">> "to get what we wanted." <br><br><br> "I //can// be." He stepped back, welcoming us into his dorm room. "Ollie, and this is Anand," he motioned to the roommate who was acting like a skittish Chihuahua seeing two girls coming into his bedroom. Ollie patted the bed beside him and <<print $People['UN']>> dropped down beside him, really pushing that line. <br><br> "So. What you got?" She smiled at him, nonchalant. <br><br> "Hey Anand, go...get some beer." Ollie wanted us alone. <br><br> "I don't have an ID, dude. //You// get them beer." He squeaked. Ugh. This was not going well. <br><br> "Oh, I thought we were going to pre-game." A look and head motion like 'what the fuck' to <<print $People['UN']>>. We should bounce. This would be frustrating at best, and dumb at worst. <br><br> "We will...__chill__. What's your name?" It was like seeing Alpha and Beta in their wild forms, this room a nice little zoo exhibit of the male attitude. <br><br> <div id="hall"> Welp. <<crossroads #hall>> <<path>> Play ''nice''? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face happy>> "<<print $>>." I dropped onto the bed on the other side of Ollie. <br><br> He patted both our thighs, "I got some weed?" He leaned up to the shelves above his bed to grab a little metal box. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> gave a shrug and little smile to me. Not the pre-gaming I had in mind, but I guess it's the pre-gaming we were going to get. <br><br> "You //can't//. The RA will smell it!" Anand. Classic Beta. He'd have a shitty time this year if he wasn't going to kow tow to Ollie. And starting this soon. I felt bad. <br><br> "Then fuck off." And Anand did. <br><br> Ollie lit the joint and passed it to me, I took a hit and leaned over to <<print $People['UN']>> to continue the circle. I felt Ollie's hand on my hip, "Shotgun." <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> "Uh no, dude." I laughed and blew out the smoke. <<print $People['UN']>> giggled awkwardly. I'm not sure what that meant, but I wasn't about to be leaning over this guy and make out with my roommate. Fuckin college fantasy. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> shrugged at Ollie, who was not pleased. "Just gonna mooch then? You can get out." The hand on my hip became a hand on my ass, giving me a firm smack and push. Off his bed. <br><br> It was my first night and it felt a little like Ethan expecting a giant orgy from the get-go. I had at least gotten a hit into my system, so heading out to party wouldn't be sober. <br><br> "Come on." I pulled her after me and didn't deign give Ollie the finger. <br><br><br> He wasn't worth the [[effort|UN002 - FirstNightRager]]. <<else>> "Uh." A little smoke escaped my mouth. My eyes met hers and she shrugged with an awkward giggle. <br><br> And then we were kissing, I blew the smoke into her mouth as our tongues started to play. Because that's really what shotgunning is. I felt him lean back to watch as we formed bridge, mouth-to-mouth over his body. She was a good kisser. Oh shit, she was my roommate. This is going to make things weird. <br><br> I broke the kiss and laughed, giving Ollie the joint. "Heh, that was awesome." <br><br> And so it went, he'd hit it, then give one of us the joint and make a 'do it' motion with his hand. We'd give him a little show as we shared a hit. <br><br> That was not how I imagined beginning my first night out, but eventually I was sufficiently high to roll out of the dorms happy enough, fingers intertwined and over the worry of before as <<print $People['UN']>> and I headed out to the frats. I wondered how many people would believe Ollie's story. <br><br><br> Because it was a story, [[obviously|UN002 - FirstNightRager]]. <</if>> <<path>> Blow this "party"! <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> "Let's go." I stepped back towards the door. <br><br> "That's a dumb name." Oh, I had pissed him off. <<print $People['UN']>> sighed, taking my lead and seeing what I saw. <br><br> "Well, next time you should be stocked if you want to have girls stay for a pre-game." <br><br> "Yeah, //Ollie//." Anand. Classic Beta. He'd have a shitty time this year if he wasn't going to kow tow to Ollie. And starting this soon. I felt bad. <br><br> "Sorry, chica." She gave me a hip bump as we left their room. <br><br> "Eh, no worries...maybe we should try the frats." <br><br><br> "Yeah." And so we headed [[out|UN002 - FirstNightBadFrat]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
Beta was one of the premiere frats on campus and you got that sense the moment you showed up. Whether the guy was in a T-shirt or a popped collar, you could smell the money and privilege that he came from. There was an entitlement to their eyes and smugness in their smiles. <br><br> The house was still a dirty, gross piece of shit that was once a beautiful home, uncared for by these selfish drunks over decades. <br><br> But they came to the pretention honestly, I guess, because they had gotten Vanilla Ice to a frat. I didn't even know the guy was still alive, let alone performing. But the name alone had clout, had history, and, not gonna lie: was cool. <br><br><br> The place was crowded with girls, a few select freshmen guys that were trying to ingratiate themselves with the brothers -- already trying to rush Beta. And then it was the brothers, on the edges of the room, watching all the girls as they drank from solo cups and aluminum cans. It felt like we were all fish in a barrel in a way, lured in by the prospect of a good time and now being circled by the sharks. <br><br> It was fucking loud too -- there was some playlist playing, but with all these voices trying to talk over each other and the concrete walls, my eardrums were already screaming at me. They'd be ringing in the morning. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> and I laughed awkwardly, long-given up trying to talk to each other and being bumped back and forth as people tried to squeeze by us for another drink or to 'chat' with someone else. <br><br> And then the lights dimmed and a cheer rose. "Nilla. Ice." The chant began, calling for the night to begin in earnest. <br><br><br> It was dark and I felt someone take the opportunity to grab my ass. I tried to smack the perp, but people were too close and I hit some girl. I heard her yell, "Hey!" And look around as confused who her perp was as I was. <br><br> Lights lit the stage and the guy -- looked good for what, fifties or somethin? -- came out on stage, swaggering as if he was our age. People screamed, he lifted the mic and the beat dropped. <br><br> "Yo, VIP...let's kick it." He started with the big one. Wouldn't that just be a big let down? Well, he was the performer. What did I know. <br><br> And, to his credit, it did mean that everyone was going crazy immediately. Screaming the lyrics. Bouncing and swaying. You could feel that everyone was so ready for this release and it was like pulling the cap off a bottle that had been shaken too hard. <br><br> The drinks flowed and I lost myself in the music. And lost <<print $People['UN']>> before I realized it. Just alone in the crowd as he went into...a rap about the Ninja Turtles? <div id="party"> <<crossroads #party>> <<path>> Keep Rocking the Town? <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<set $UN.test -->> <<face happy>> <br><br> Fuck, even though this song was insane, it was really easy to sing along to. Bouncing with the mass of bodies, we went wild. With <<print $People['UN']>> nowhere to be found, I was definitely getting more focused attention from the guys -- brothers and not -- because I was a girl, alone and inebriated. And a girl. A girl. <br><br> Hands were at my hips and without a word, we were grinding. Who was he? No clue. Was it a he? Yes. His cock was making that eminently clear. I arched my back, shoulder blades against his chest as we rocked together. Couldn't really see him, pressed close with all of the people, but having somebody with me was nice, but was that the brain-state talking? His hand slid up from my waist to my chin, turning my head and we started to make out. Our pace of dancing slowing down, a more rhythmic and sexual thrusting and reaction of hips as our tongues slowly snaked against each other. <br><br> He tasted like beer. He smelled like cigarettes. Still hadn't even seen his face. But my body was reacting and I knew I needed to make a decision quickly. <div id="party2"> <<crossroads #party2>> <<path>> Let this escalate like I knew it would? <<contents>> <<set $UN.hookupEnd = true>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<face ahego>> <<dollRearView>> <br><br> Oh, fuck it. My hand dropped behind me and gave his cock a squeeze, he immediately tugged at my hips, pulling me around to face him. His kissing became hungry. Voracious. He tugged one of my legs up and I began to press my pussy against his rigid ridge. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>My slit began to make his pants wet as my bare lips rubbed up and down against the cloth.<<else>>The thin cotton pressed against the fabric of his zipper, each of us feeling each other's heat and arousal.<</if>> <br><br> People were all around us and there was a fantasy in my brain that everyone was getting at it like we were. Our passion infectious as his hand moved from under my thigh to between us, working open his pants. Oh, it was happening //here//. The frat party floor about to become an orgy as everyone was pairing off and going to fuck while a 90's rapper gave us a rhythm to thrust to. <br><br> His meat was free and pushing urgently between my legs, finding its way and <<shake 2s>>in<</shake>>. Our kiss broke momentarily as I felt the invasion of his dick. <br><br> I curled my one leg around his waist and grabbed at his arms for leverage. His hips hit against me firmly, driving to the hilt where his open zipper dug against my sensitive pussy and mound. His hands were holding my ass as he steadily drove himself inside me. We stopped kissing, my head falling to his shoulder and hearing him grunt deeply in my ear. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> God, this was so fucking hot. Despite willing it to be an orgy, there was no other obvious sex happening beside me, but people were noticing the unsubtle co-mingling of our bodies and the way we moved against it other. It was not dancing. And they were watching. I wondered if they could smell us. I couldn't help but smile at the eye contact. <<else>> Shit. Despite willing it to be an orgy, there was no other obvious sex happening beside me, but people were noticing the unsubtle co-mingling of our bodies and the way we moved against it other. It was not dancing. And they were watching. Inches away from us, I wondered if they could smell it. I felt so embarassed. Thank god for being drunk. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>>The suddenness, openness of this hit some mental button. His fly was ramming the button between my legs and feeling his dick driving deep into my core was the final button I needed, clutching to him and barely able to keep my footing as I was quickly losing my mind, cumming on his cock. I didn't have to keep quiet, thanks to the music, just letting me fully enjoy my rippling orgasm as he beat against me.<</if>> <br><br> The song wasn't over by the time his fingers dug into my ass, holding me still as he began to spew his semen deep inside me. I heard his deep, long and guttural enjoyment while his cock muscle spasmed within me. We definitely weren't dancing now, not moving at all as he held me close and emptied into me. <<cumSpray pussy2>> <br><br> Slowly, he pulled his tender cock out of me once he was done, feeling the head pop free and the thick flow of jizz following it, onto the bare floor, down my thighs and some hitting my foot in my heel. <br><br> He smiled at me, his chest heaving as his hand moved himself back inside his pants. It was the first time I was seeing his face, meeting the guy who I had just fucked. Very average, very young. Maybe a freshman. I couldn't tell and we couldn't quite talk right now. <br><br> Despite the drunkenness there was the flush of awkwardness now that we realized we'd let our lizard brains take over like that. He gave me a last, perfunctory peck on my lips and let me go. My other foot dropped and I felt some more of his load seep from me. And then he smiled weakly and turned back to the show. <br><br> I needed to clean up. I wasn't about to keep partying left in this filled and flowing state. Already a mess, I didn't bother with a waddle, I just pushed my way through the crowd and out into the rush of cool air outside. Luckily it was dark enough that I certainly was obviously streaked down my legs, but it could have been sweat, or my arousal...or yeah, cum. <br><br><br> Most people were still out partying, so I went mostly unseen back into [[my dorm|UN002 - FirstNightEnd]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Rando at Beta" M "Rando at Beta" "And that's how I lost my virginity...randomly on my first night at school.">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Rando at Beta")>> /* Fict (TODO): Why is there a $UN.bodies and why are we pushing it? shouldn't vCardCheck do the trick alongside the $UN.CBC ++? Fict: This is being taken care of! We just need more time for people to stop playing their old ahhh saves LOL. Maybe on v0.9 release I'll delete. */ <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryTextPrefix = "First night away from">> <<set _primaryText = "First possible chance to do //exactly// what I said I wouldn't. And I did.">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> Push away and just enjoy the fun that had happened? <<contents>> <<set $UN.badEnd = true>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<addBody "Date raped by a Beta" M>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<face angry>> <br><br> Nuh-uh, buddy. I broke the kiss and moved from his pleadingly grasping grip. My lizard brain was yelling at me, my inhibitions so low and the energy of having all these people partying around me were extra intoxicating, but I wasn't interested in just hooking up like that. I didn't even know his name or what he looked like. <br><br> I shifted far enough away that I felt alone again and got back into the next random rap song. I couldn't help but laugh and smile -- no wonder this guy had fallen into obscurity -- the music felt so dated, and yeah some of it was catchy, but it wasn't like impressive writing or music. I wondered what it had cost these guys to have him show up and put on this show. <br><br> And then the set was over, goodnight MC Vanilla. People cheered and hooted. There was a tone to it though that felt offensive, like he was the joke. He left gracefully and then some playlist took over, probably one of the brother's turning it on to keep the night going. <br><br> Almost instantly, there was a deep breath of relief as people filtered out of the house quickly. I knew the air outside wasn't cold, but it felt massively refreshing as it flowed in replacing the hot bodies that were leaving. I didn't feel in any rush to join all the others and here was probably just as good a place to party as anywhere else, so I moved back over to the 'bar' for a refreshed drink. <br><br> "Fuckin' funny, right?" The 'bartender' had a mop of curly brown hair and a stained, sweaty polo that wasn't hiding that he'd been hitting the alcohol hard while he was at school. Probably a Junior or Senior, "Couldn't believe he did parties like that. You having fun? Let me get you a new drink." <br><br> He took the cup from me and began making me a new one, "Yeah, I mean, I'd //heard// about Vanilla Ice, but I thought--" <br><br> "He was dead, right?" I laughed, he grinned charmingly, "So what's your name?" He motioned me away from the bar and we moved together into the dwindling crowd and calming party. It was moving towards the more typical house party kind of format as everyone else was leaving for the next hottest place to be. <br><br> "<<print $>>." <br><br> "Cute name." I took a big swallow of the punch. Fuck that was refreshing. Had ice in it, didn't taste as sickeningly sweet with the gag-inducing backsplash of vodka. He could definitely make a drink. "So you a Freshman?" I nodded, thirsty and needing to cool down, swigging the cup dry, "Going to rush?" <br><br> "I dunno, haven't really decided." He smiled and brushed a thumb over my upper lip, cleaning off some of the red juice that had collected. <br><br> "Want another?" He motioned me back, not towards the bar but into the actual house, up some stairs, helping me a bit as I wobbled from my drunkenness. Was I think drunk earlier? "I think you should rush. You're super cute. You'd do well." <br><br> "Wow, um, thanks." We were in his room, he guided me to the foot of his bed as he brought out a bottle of Jack and a 16 ounce Coke. <br><br> "Scout's honor." He held up two fingers and sat down beside me. His weight added to the bed, I fell back with a giggle, my head felt so heavy. "You okay?" <br><br> "Yeah, just didn't realize I was this drunk. Maybe...I shouldn't have another..." <br><br> "Course. No worries. Here, let's get you comfortable." <br><br><br> He reached down, hand sliding slowly along my legs to undo the straps of my heels. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>><br><br>"Wow, you have amazing legs."<br><br><</if>> He popped one heel off, then the <<linkexpand "other...">> <<feet>> other, his free hand stroking and squeezing my bare thighs and calves. <br><br><br> "Thanks." I scooted back on the bed, body crying out for sleep and he smiled at me, moving up slightly with me as I curled up slightly. <br><br><br> "Gonna sleep like that? Here..." And I smiled, lifting my arms as he pulled the <<linkexpand "dress...">> <<upper>> dress over my head and my vision started to get a bit hazy, feeling and watching his hands working over my body. <br><br><br> <<if $Body.braless == true>> "Oh wow." He smiled, seeing my bare tits, guiding me onto my back. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> His eyes dropped lower to my lack of underwear, "Oh, you came ready." <br><br><br> "[[There we go|UN002 - FirstNightEnd]]," He stroked a hand over my cheek and into my hair. <<else>> Then he was lifting my hips, pulling my <<linkexpand "underwear...">> <<panties>> underwear down my legs and flicking them on the floor. <br><br><br> "[[There we go|UN002 - FirstNightEnd]]," He stroked a hand over my cheek and into my hair. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <<else>> He lifted my shoulders, unclasping my <<linkexpand "bra...">> <<bra>> bra and I lifted my arms again, helping him get it off. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">> His eyes dropped lower to my lack of underwear, "Oh, you came ready." <br><br><br> "[[There we go|UN002 - FirstNightEnd]]," He stroked a hand over my cheek and into my hair. <<else>> Then he was lifting my hips, pulling my <<linkexpand "underwear...">> <<panties>> underwear down my legs and flicking them on the floor. <br><br><br> "[[There we go|UN002 - FirstNightEnd]]," He stroked a hand over my cheek and into my hair. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Or Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go? <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <br><br> Okay. Yeah, wasn't really feeling the combination of alcohol, frat energy //and// a cartoon rap song. It was easy enough to bop to, but...weird. With <<print $People['UN']>> nowhere to be found, I realized I was getting more focused attention from the guys -- brothers and not -- because I was a girl, alone and inebriated. I wasn't interested in having my first night out at college be stereotypical. And bad. <br><br> I began edging my way from the center of the Vanilla Ice dance party, "Hey, where you goin' beb?" The person that was close to me, pressing against me, wasn't accidental. It was a guy. I felt like engaging was the wrong way to get away, so I kept moving, his hands grabbed at my hips, "Got a dance partner right here." <br><br> Welcome to college, <<print $>>. I squirmed, twisting my shoulders and hips, using the shift of the crowd as an assist and I was away. I didn't even glance back to see what he looked like, happy enough to have gotten away. I shouldered my way out with renewed vigor. I felt hands grabbing at me as I passed, some probably trying the same thing as Mr. Dance Partner, while others were just taking the opportunity as it literally passed them by. <br><br> Gross. <br><br> And then I was free. Feeling the cool night air beginning to wick away the sweat of the over-packed party inside. I wobbled a bit, having less stimuli to hide how feeling it I really was. I guess I'd chosen the right time to get out and away. At the sidewalk, I looked back, considering <<print $People['UN']>> and if I had just abandoned her. But she'd kinda abandoned me. Did that make it right? <br><br> I looked down Frat Row, all of them alit with variations of black light, LED, flashing with the intoxicating energy of a house party and they all vied for our attention and participation. Solo girl heading back out for something else, something a bit less ridiculous than a TMNT-rap slinging aging artist? Not worth it. <br><br><br> I turned, heading back to the freshman dorm and dropped into [[my bed|UN002 - FirstNightEnd]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if $UN.badEnd == true>> <<face hurt1>> My memory is hazy from that moment on. <br><br> I remember flashes of his naked body ontop of me, lit by the red color of a beside lava lamp. <br><br> I remember waking up at some point and rushing, naked to a bathroom to vomit. <br><br> I remember him helping me clean up and bringing me back to pass out in his bed. <br><br> I remember how much my head hurt in the morning. How I felt sore and sticky from fucking. <<cumSpray pussy2>> <br><br> I had gotten back to my room by the time my recollections really seemed to form, and <<print $People['UN']>>'s <<linkexpand "bed was still empty.">> bed was still empty. <<outfit default>> <br><br><br> I skipped my classes the next day feeling absolutely destroyed. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>And I had to run to the clinic as soon as possible.<</if>> <br><br> I had gotten the full college freshman experience, that first night. <br><br> It was the entire freshman class let all their pent up expectations and excitement of college -- and the Upper Classmen's excitement of fresh meat -- all exploding into one massive party. <br><br><br> And then, we started actually going to [[college|UN003 - CollegeFocus]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Rando at Beta" M "Rando at Beta" "And that's how I lost my virginity. I wish I hadn't waited for it to simply be...taken. That I had made a proactive choice sooner, but too late now.">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Rando at Beta")>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_firstNight">> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $UN.hookupEnd == true>> My thighs were having trouble moving against each other by the time I made it to my floor, stickiness instead of lubrication. <br><br><br> I pulled the dress <<linkexpand "over my head...">> <<outfit naked>> over my head and flung it beside the bed, seeing some worrying blotches that might become stains...I'd need to wash that ASAP. I grabbed a towel, <<linkexpand "loosely wrapped it around myself...">> <<outfit towel>> loosely wrapped it around myself and quickly strode down the hallway <<linkexpand "to the shared bathrooms.">> to the shared bathrooms. <<outfit naked>> <br><br><br> My ears rang from the music. My head felt heavy from the drinking. I couldn't believe I had just hooked up like that, just a quick little fuck with some guy I didn't know at all in the middle of a party. On my first night. It was such a Freshman cliche. <br><br> I sighed, hand slowly working between my legs as I cleaned and tried to let the hot water relax me and let me get over my hangup. I probably stayed in there for half an hour before forcing myself to turn off the water and <<linkexpand "head back to my room.">> head back to my room. <<outfit default>> <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> wasn't back yet, bed still made from this morning. I hoped she was still rocking it out as I climbed into my bed, feeling the hardness of the mattress and realizing I better get used to the industrial lack of comfort. <br><br> The state of my brain made sleep come easily, but not a good sleep. I woke with a start in the middle of the night. <<print $People['UN']>>'s bed was still empty and it made me worry, but what else could I do. Did I ask her in the morning? I hoped I'd see her in the morning. <br><br> Hoping that round two of sleep would be better than one, my head plopped back on the pillow and I searched for rest. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>Of course by now my senses were back and my brain was going Mach ten trying to work out what to do if the University clinic wasn't open tomorrow. Or how to time it with my schedule. I had been such an idiot.<</if>> <br><br><br> It was the entire freshman class let all their pent up expectations and excitement of college -- and the Upper Classmen's excitement of fresh meat -- all exploding into one massive party. <br><br><br> And then, we started actually going to [[college|UN003 - CollegeFocus]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> The state of my brain made sleep come easily, but not a good sleep. I woke with a start in the middle of the night. <<print $People['UN']>>'s bed was still empty and it made me worry, but what else could I do. Did I ask her in the morning? I hoped I'd see her in the morning. <br><br> Hoping that round two of sleep would be better than one, my head plopped back on the pillow and I searched for rest. <br><br> An early end to my first night and first foray to the Frat scene. It was the entire freshman class let all their pent up expectations and excitement of college -- and the Upper Classmen's excitement of fresh meat -- all exploding into one massive party. My roommate had enjoyed more of it than I had, but I had my own memories, learnings and bearings for future nights out. No need to go crazy from the starting gun. <br><br><br> The next morning, anyway, we started actually going to [[college|UN003 - CollegeFocus]]. <</if>>
<<outfit default>> <div id="root"> With great freedom came great responsibility. It felt like the floodgates had opened and each day was brimming with possibilities. Sleep in? Where to eat? Hell, even showering or //going// //to// //class// were options. Options. Fuck. Was this what 'real life' was going to be like? <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 0>>And with all those options came waves of anxiety: Making the wrong decision, not having enough information to ''make'' a decision. It could paralyze you. It paralyzed me at times. And these were mundane choices, not ones that had massive, world-altering (or me-altering) repercussions.<</if>> <br><br> Yet, with enough input from others, a few 'plus and minus' columns and sitting with my emotions for long enough, I came to a satisfying conclusion. <br><br><br> <div id="focus"> College, for me, was my opportunity to: <<crossroads #focus>> <<path $HS.LDR == false>> ''Play the field'' and have fun. You only get college once. Then the real stuff begins. <<contents>> <<set $ = "">> <<set $UN.test -->> <<Stats Excitable ++>> I had never been confronted with so many options of people. And the 'crop' churned every year. I understood the reason why the fresh meat moniker was used each Fall when a new class came in. <br><br> It may not have been the most 'productive' use of my time, but it sure was fun. <<print $People['UN']>> wasn't as keen on how often I left the door locked (or forgot and she walked in on me in the act, or them post-coital), but it gave me an excuse to kick them out if I needed one. And it only came with a firm admonishment and reminder that she needed the room too from time to time. <br><br> By and large, I preferred to pull my partners... <<crossroads #root>> <<path>> From ''parties''. <<contents>> <<set $ = 'party'>> <<Stats Discipline -= 2>> <br> When I showed up, I was already being thought of as a potential fuck, so I leaned into that advantage. It made it easy when everyone's intentions were on the table. Inhibitions were lower, there was the press and heat of bodies, and the undercurrent of everyone needing a release. The dance floor was a perfect place for foreplay, and being in a public location made it easy to get away from someone that maybe didn't quite meet my needs at the moment. <br><br> It was easy, it was simple, it was //why// they were being thrown. I mean, come on. <br><br> Oh, and there were parties all. the. time. <br><br> Speaking of [[parties|UN003 - GreekRush]]... <<path>> Off ''dating apps''. <<contents>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $ = "apps">> <br> I could do it on the toilet. I could do it in bed. I could do it as a distraction from other things. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe. <br><br> It was so much fun to be able to flirt with no fear and to be in absolute control. Sure, the un-requested dick pics were gross. And by it being private meant people were incredibly gross. It was fine. Just a simple swipe away. Wiped away. <br><br> I got to be picky, exclusive and show myself in my best light. <br><br> And it gave me the flexibility to get laid when needed and focus on other giant college time sinks [[like|UN003 - GreekRush]]... <<path $CC.clique == "Nerd">> From online ''chat rooms''. <<contents>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set $ = "online">> <br> Text was great for hiding. And flirting. And letting our minds meet. I got to know a person through their words (and hopefully no abbreviations). <br><br> ASL led to my bed, but they had to pass the tests. I didn't have to wade through the haze of too loud parties or the sea of dick pics. I kept my reasonable mind together rather than let drinking and drugs ruin my inhibition and bring on regret. <br><br> Sure, they could be pretending (most were), but I enjoyed the hunt as I tried to figure out who they really were first. And it meant I didn't have to me entirely honest either. <br><br> Best of all? If I wasn't in the mood or had something else calling for [[my attention|UN003 - GreekRush]], I could just hit the X. <</crossroads>> <<blocked>> $ has a Long-Distance Relationship <<path $HS.LDR == false>> Pick up my ''M-R-S Degree''. Where else would I have such a ready bevvy of options for who to settle down with. Grab a good one early. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <<set $ = "dating">> There were //so// many guys. And any one of them could be mine. Could be my soulmate. <br><br> Or simply just be a fantastic selection from the shitty options back home. Sons of lawyers, doctors...future business tycoons...I salivated. <br><br> College wasn't really designed for the 'settle down' mindset, so it took extra work to hook them. <br><br><br> One of the [[best tools|UN003 - GreekRush]] was right at hand, though. <<blocked>> $ has a Long-Distance Relationship <<path>> Hunker down. Learn. ''Attend classes''. Do the 'intended' college thing. <<contents>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $ = "study">> Parties were all essentially the same: just a bunch of horny kids getting blasted and hooking up and then regretting it the next morning as they puked into the porcelain. <br><br> No. Thanks. <br><br> I'd party when I wanted, but that wasn't ''why'' I was here. They'd all have bigger regrets on their minds in a couple years and I had my eyes on the long game. <br><br><br> Studying had it's downsides though. It was very insulating. I wondered if [[Rush|UN003 - GreekRush]] was going to be the right move so I didn't end up a shut-in. <<path>> Socialize. ''Make friends''. from the wide assortment of people populating the campus. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<set $ = "friend">> Frisbee on the quad. Laying out with a book. Being available and open and enjoying the beautiful campus that was provided us. <br><br> Chilling in the Dining Hall, joining some clubs and not rushing out of class but connecting with my classmates. There were so many people around, it was worth my time to make friends -- who knows who could end up being important in my life. <br><br><br> Speaking of which, [[Rush|UN003 - GreekRush]] was about to start. That's certainly one way to finding friends. <</crossroads>> <br> Who knew who would make an impact on my life? </div> </div>
One of the craziest things about college was how we had all barely arrived -- hadn't even received syllabi from our courses -- and already we were feeling massive pressure to make a four year decision: Greek or GDI (God-Damn-Independent). <br><br> Rushing a sorority would provide access to the best of parties, built-in apparatus to help in school or any activity I took part in, a ready-made network available to me after college, 'friends' handed to me on a silver platter. Definitely silver. It would put a label on my chest indicating //exactly// the kind of girl that I was, and expected to be. Expectations, responsibilities, rules and regulations -- that was the trade. Hours of volunteering, and of course, the hazing that wasn't said, but definitely done. Oh, and you had to get in. I'd have to impress //girls// and make them want me enough when there was zero downside to turning me down. <br><br> On the other hand, there was the freedom of being an independent. There was almost a 'holier than thou' attitude, stronger than any Greek bond by those who didn't partake. Life would be easier, less structured, and hell, I was a girl. I could get into any party I wanted to because I had a vagina. I could make friends on my own and there was something ancient and not aged in the 'good wine' kind of way about the whole Greek concept. And hazing rituals. Eff that. <br><br> But literally, by the end of the first week, if a decision hadn't been made, you were relegated to the non-Rush crowd. There was no way back in. <<print $People['UN']>> was doing it. She said she wasn't sure if she'd actually join if offered, but wanted to keep her toes in the water. <div id="greek"> <<crossroads #greek>> <<path>> ''Rush''? <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set $UN.test -->> <<set $UN.rush = true>> <<face happy>> <br><br> I said, fuck it. I wanted the options and support from like-minded individuals. There was also a sick inner part of me that was curious what the sorority I joined would say about me -- a kind of mirror held up to the woman I'd become. <br><br> Speaking of mirrors...I needed to ensure I looked pitch-perfect. Maybe I'd drop by the [[hair salon|Hair Salon]] before subjecting my appearance to scrutiny. <br><br> I'd looked at my reflection enough at this point. This is how I'd <<linkexpand "look.">> look. <br><br> So, the next weeks were spent dressed to the nines, make-up on point at every moment of every day as we all knew we were being judged, not just when we were crammed in together in some house, but also in class; walking through campus; at the gym. <br><br><br> Their eyes were [[everywhere|UN003 - Round1]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> Or ''nah''? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $UN.rush = false>> <br><br> No. Thank. You. I did not want to spend any amount of time catering to the whims and needy emotional vacuums that were these sorority chicks. I was also (maybe afraid) but not wanting any sort of self-awareness levied simply by who chose to have me in their ranks. I did not want to be reduced to the 'try Delts, every one else has' or similar, gross monikers. I didn't need the label. Didn't need the 'friends'. Certainly didn't need the stress. <br><br> I watched the rest of the chickens running around with their heads cut off, touching up their makeup religiously, always in their best outfits and in a state of constant anxiety. Yeah. <br><br><br>I was very glad to be [[away|UN004 - GreekLyfe]] from Greek Life. <</crossroads>> That was the question. </div>
/* Zach (TODO): make selection more immersive - UX already improved so 0.5+ probably */ <div id="root"> <<if $UN.rushed.length gt 0>> <<include "UN003 - Round1 - PART - final">> <<else>> Cute little sun dress, a neutral and simple palette of make-up and the first round began. Each house had their own (very similar, but //unique// of course) greeting with far too many girls piled into the entryway and singing their song, or riffing on Ariana Grande and Bad Bunny with their own (so clever!) lyrics. It was an attempt to win us over ostensibly, but it wasn't hard to see it for what it was: aren't we so cute? don't you want to be one of us? Less selling them and more holding themselves up on a pedestal or in a trophy case to be admired and fawned over. <br><br> It //was// incredible at how uniform they all felt. Each house had its own vibe of girl. And not just the colors -- it was a given that they'd all dress up in the same shirts, or their statement pieces had the same hue, there were some black sheep or odd one's out, but I heard that was due to legacy or hometown preferences. There was even one house where literally every girl seemed to have the same exact blonde tone to her hair. <br><br><br> House to house we went in our own little clutch, where we all felt like show ponies being presented to other show ponies. After each little vignette was complete, the girls would scream and we would enter the house to pearly smiles, hand shakes and inane conversation. The same questions over and over again, and each girl doing such a fantastic job making me feel like I was their favorite, most desired pledge. <br><br> It was like speed dating within speed dating. We only had a set amount of time at each house, so we had to maximize it, but each interaction had its own unknown timer as well. Spend too much time with one girl and you'd be a nobody to the rest -- better have made a damn good impression for her to vouch for you; spend too little time and you'd be forgotten and probably have offended her. And then there was the actual dating: the posturing and sussing out whether or not we were a fit. Was I someone they envisioned themselves as? Someone they //wanted// to be? <br><br> There was an undercurrent of competitive sports -- would their draft picks raise their standings this year or relegate them to a lower tier of elite-ness? <br><br><br> I was exhausted by the end of it. My cheeks hurt. My feet throbbed. I was out of tissues that I'd used to dab away the sweat that wouldn't stop beading on my skin. I had heard so, so many names. Thank god we were allowed to keep little notepads, but god forbid if I had used them while actually having a conversation. So, I had jotted illegible notes in the minute or two walk between houses and now referenced them, trying to refresh myself and make some sort of game plan. <br><br><br> <<link "Who were my top choices to rush?">> <<replace #root>> <<include "UN003 - Round1 - PART - final">> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>> </div>
<<scrollIntoView>> <<if $UN.rushed.length gt 0 >> <<paperscrap>> So, my top three were: <ul> <<for _i, _rushName range $UN.rushed>> <li>_rushName</li> <</for>> <<if $UN.rushed.length < 2>> <li>...</li> <</if>> <<if $UN.rushed.length < 3>> <li>...</li> <</if>> </ul> <</paperscrap>> <</if>> <<for _i, _rushName range setup.rushOptions>> <<if $UN.rushed.length gte 3>> And that's who I'd focus on. Now to see which ones wanted //me//. <br><br> It felt like I had a chip stuck in my throat for the next week as we waited to receive our invitations. In [[the mail|UN003 - Round2]]. With calligraphy. <<break>> <</if>> <<if !$UN.rushed.includes(_rushName)>> <<switch _rushName>> <<case "XO">> <h4>ΧΩ -- Chi Omega</h4> Brunettes and salon highlights that seemed focused on finding their 'man'. Not the hardest of partiers. Yet they struck me to be like those Moms growing up that had a bottle of vodka and pills ready for every occasion while keeping the perfect exterior. Meredith was a no-nonsense and incredibly short girl whose dry humor really drew me in. She loved disturbing movies and had all the gossip. There was a sense of insecurity about her, despite the mask of strength. <<case "DDD">> <h4>ΔΔΔ -- Delta Delta Delta</h4> Probably the most well known sorority of all time, movies, television, they were everywhere. Seemed like blonde was the rules. And small. Meticulous and uniform beauty and an air of daddy's girls that would probably end up either being trophy wives or running some high-powered business. Mary was a sweet girl that seemed overly concerned with her weight, even though she had an //incredible// body and an adorable face and bobbed (natural!) blonde hair. She was bubbly and kind and had a surprising desire to go try Broadway. <<case "KKG">> <h4>ΚΚΓ -- Kappa Kappa Gamma</h4> A cute smattering of pretty much everything. Which made me wonder if it was the back-up house for the girls that didn't get into Tri Delt, Chi O, Kappa Delta...or if it was the ones that didn't want to deal with all that bullshit. Lyndsey had vivid red hair and a strange duality to her -- at once vapid and somewhere else, and then present and incredibly intelligent. Her bellybutton piercing hung low on her bare stomach and glinted in the light as she made derisive comments about the other potential pledges in my group. <<case "KD">> <h4>ΚΔ -- Kappa Delta</h4> The party girls. And you saw it in their eyes and skin: tired under the make-up and thin from dehydration. But they knew how to have a good time and didn't seem to have the energy for the social pettiness. You just had to go hard. Alyssa had a rawness to her voice from screaming...last night? every night? She swigged water like beer and had a general air of 'gives zero fucks'. <<case "DZ">> <h4>ΔΖ -- Delta Zeta</h4> It didn't take rumors or stories to tell me all I needed to know about this house. They were nice, they were kind, they were //real//. They were the girls that wanted to be in sororities but were relegated out but wouldn't take the L. Christen and I bonded over eye-rolls about the other house's behavior, and I was impressed by her being on the Student Advisory Board. A real go-getter. <<case "ADP">> <h4>ΑΔΠ -- Alpha Delta Pi</h4> Sweet, hospitable group of girls that seemed like the more reserved and restrained version of their XO brethren. They maintained the appearance and the substance behind it. Also behind it was silent judgment. I had a nice time with a girl from the South named Shelly that always had crazy, but fun stories. <</switch>> <br><br> Add <<capture _rushName>> <<link _rushName `passage()`>> <<run $UN.rushed.push(_rushName)>> <</link>> to the list? <</capture>> <br><br> <</if>> <</for>>
<<set _failedHouses = []>> <<run $UN.rushed.pushUnique("DZ")>><<set $UN.DZ = 1>> <<if $UN.rushed.includes("DDD")>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value && $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> <<set $UN.DDD = 1>> <<else>> <<run $UN.rushed.delete("DDD")>> <<run _failedHouses.push("DDD")>> <<set $UN.DDD = 0>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.rushed.includes("KD")>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> <<set $UN.KD = 1>> <<else>> <<run $UN.rushed.delete("KD")>> <<run _failedHouses.push("KD")>> <<set $UN.KD = 0>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.rushed.includes("XO")>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value>> <<set $UN.XO = 1>> <<else>> <<run $UN.rushed.delete("XO")>> <<run _failedHouses.push("XO")>> <<set $UN.XO = 0>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.rushed.includes("KKG")>><<set $UN.KKG = 1>><</if>> <<if $UN.rushed.includes("ADP")>><<set $UN.ADP = 1>><</if>> It was odd going to my mailbox. They still had a Post Office on campus and...people used it? It was a very busy day at the Post Office, and the clientele exclusively female for some weird reason. <br><br> I had to find my number and pull open the small metal door <<linkexpand "to reveal my Greek fate.">> to reveal my Greek fate. <br><br><br> <<if $UN.DDD gte 1>> The triple-Ds were raised on the bone-color, richly-made envelope that came with my invitation from Mary. I'd made round two with Tri Delt! <br><br> <</if>> <<if $UN.KD gte 1>> I was surprised to see how impressive the letter from Kappa Delta was -- they didn't give off the 'money' vibe, but the invitation from Alyssa wasn't cheap. I'd made it to round two with KD! <br><br> <</if>> <<if $UN.XO gte 1>> Austere and simple -- almost wedding invitation-like -- came the letter from Meredith. I'd made it to round two with XO! <br><br> <</if>> <<if $UN.ADP gte 1>> At first I thought I had just gotten mail. Who sent me actual mail? The card inside had a rooster on it. A rooster? I flipped it open and found a beautiful and deep handwritten note from Shelly (including an in-joke about some stain we had found at the house together). I'd made it to round two with ADPi! <br><br> <</if>> <<if $UN.KKG gte 1>> Lyndsey had sent her invitation in the official Panhellenic stationary of Kappa Kappa Gamma. It was a quick, but cute little note. I had made it to round two with KKG! <br><br> <</if>> I wasn't //too// surprised to see the invitation from Christen, but the card was painstakingly crafted. I bet it had taken a couple drafts and felt immensely personal. I'd made it to round two with DZ! <br><br> <<if _failedHouses.length>> <br> I didn't hear from <<= _failedHouses.join(', ')>>. Nothing. __Not a word__. Talk about being iced. <br><br> <<if _failedHouses.length gt 2 && $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face angry>> Are. You. Fucking. //Kidding//. Me?! Being relegated like this wasn't <<shake 2s>>fair<</shake>>! It took all my will to keep pressing forward and not just hole up in my room, crying and wondering what that said about me. <<elseif _failedHouses.length gt 3>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face shock>> Are. You. Fucking. //Kidding//. Me?! It took all my will to keep pressing forward and not just hole up in my room, crying and wondering what that said about me. <</if>> <br> <</if>> <<if $UN.rushed.length === 4>> <br> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<face shock>> I'd been invited back by my full list. That was a ''rare'' event and I kept it to myself, especially at all the houses. <br><br> <</if>> House tours, skits, songs and speeches were up next before the Preferences and Bids were finalized and I'd officially be a sorority chick. <<print $People['UN']>> was pleased that she had been invited back to KKG and ADPi. I brought up DZ and she smiled kindly and rolled her eyes. I wondered if DZ cut anyone after the first round. <br><br> <div id = "present"> It was such a long day. And knowing that I was under the microscope, I had gone all in to try and present myself: <<crossroads #present>> <<path>> How I felt would ''best fit'' in at each house? <<contents>> <<set $UN.present = "fake">> I'd be a chameleon! Colors shifting and code switching throughout the day as I mirrored and mimicked my way to glory. I hoped I wouldn't be subsuming my actual identity and getting lost in the process. <br><br> <<include "UN003 - Round2_Dating">> <<path>> As a ''party girl''? <<contents>> <<set $UN.present = "slut">> I'd tell the best stories I could. Parties, clubs, hookups. The craziest stories I knew had happened. Whether they happened to me or not, but //happened//. I'd be a girl everyone wanted me around, if only for the experience of knowing me. <br><br> <<include "UN003 - Round2_Dating">> <<path>> As a ''smart girl''? <<contents>> <<set $UN.present = "smart">> I'd be the girl that you wanted as an alumnus. The connection everyone wanted to have. I was the rising star, the cream of the student crop. <br><br> <<include "UN003 - Round2_Dating">> <<path>> Exactly as ''I was''? <<contents>> <<set $UN.present = "me">> Why bullshit. I'd be accepted for who I was or not at all. <br><br> <<include "UN003 - Round2_Dating">> <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<div id="BF"> Greek society was a social landscape. I knew I was going to be asked about my relationship status. I knew that it mattered, but I didn't know who it mattered to, if it mattered enough to lie. Was single good? Taken? Someone here? Someone from home? It felt like a gamble whichever way I sliced it. <br><br> <<crossroads "#BF">> <<path>> Being taken gave me mystique and value. I'd tell them I had someone special. <<contents>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<set $UN.XO ++>> <<set $UN.KD -= 2>> <<set $UN.DZ ++>> <<set $UN.ADP ++>> <<set $UN.KKG -->> I //was// solid. Dependable. Definitely not some loose partygirl. And it felt good to stay true to <<print $>> in words as well. <<else>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $UN.DDD -->> <<set $UN.KD -= 3>> <<set $UN.DZ -->> <<set $UN.ADP ++>> <<set $UN.KKG -->> I wanted to feel solid, dependable and not like some loose girl. It wasn't true, but how could they check? <</if>> <br><br> <<include "UN003 - Round2_Appearance">> <<path>> Being taken sounded like I wouldn't be interesting and fun. I'd tell them I was single. <<contents>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $UN.DDD -->> <<set $UN.KD += 2>> <<set $UN.DZ -->> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> I wanted to look fun. It hurt me to deny <<print $>>, but the white lie wasn't cheating. <<else>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set $UN.KD += 2>> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> I //was// there for fun. I could attend anything, easy, no strings. <</if>> <br><br> <<include "UN003 - Round2_Appearance">> <</crossroads>> </div>
<div id="wearing"> One appearance down, now I had to carefully select what I was going to wear in attendance: <<crossroads #wearing>> <<path>> Something ''fun''? <<contents>> <<set $UN.clothes = "fun">> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> <<set $UN.DDD ++>> <<set $UN.DZ ++>> <<set $UN.XO ++>> <<set $UN.KD ++>> <<set $UN.ADP -->> <<outfit sundress>> Yeah. Did a little spin in front of the mirror and with an excited hug, <<print $People['UN']>> and I hopped out of the dorm and to our prospective [[sisterhoods|UN003 - HouseTours]]. <<path>> Something that ''showed me off''? <<contents>> <<set $UN.clothes = "show">> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> <<set $UN.DZ -= 2>> <<set $UN.XO -->> <<set $UN.KD += 2>> <<set $UN.ADP -->> <<outfit soroslut>> Yeah. Did a little spin in front of the mirror and with an excited hug, <<print $People['UN']>> and I hopped out of the dorm and to our prospective [[sisterhoods|UN003 - HouseTours]]. <<path>> Something ''cute''? <<contents>> <<set $UN.clothes = "cute">> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> <<set $UN.DDD ++>> <<set $UN.DZ += 2>> <<set $UN.XO ++>> <<set $UN.KD -->> <<set $UN.ADP ++>> <<outfit basejeans>> Yeah. Did a little spin in front of the mirror and with an excited hug, <<print $People['UN']>> and I hopped out of the dorm and to our prospective [[sisterhoods|UN003 - HouseTours]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
When I arrived, I quickly saw exactly how my outfit choice stacked up: <<if $UN.clothes == "cute">>I wouldn't be standing out, that's for sure. It was a sea of summer dresses, good jeans and cute tops. But if this was the common choice, it had to be a good, safe choice. <<elseif $UN.clothes == "fun">>There were...dozens of us...showing off what we had without going too crazy. But we weren't the milquetoast jeans and cute tops or summer dresses. Bo-ring. <<elseif $UN.clothes == "show">>I was unique out of the girls as we made our way from the freshman dorm to Greek row. Welp. I'd //definitely// be standing out from the crowd. May have been more right for the Bid Night party than Round 2. Hell, they'd know they'd be getting a hot bitch, though. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<for _rushName range $UN.rushed>> <<switch _rushName>> <<case "KKG">> <<print $People['UN']>> gave me a thumbs up and wink as she was pulled aside by her sponsor and I waited for Lyndsey. Eventually, she rolled out of the house with a smile, her jeans hugging her hips extremely low and fascinatingly tight, "Hey girl." <br><br> We headed inside where the girls put on a version of Cell Block Tango from Chicago, Lyndsey up front and center, wearing barely nothing and had an incredible set of pipes. And then she casually remained in the lingerie the remainder of the Tour, ass and tits essentially out and unabashed as she walked me around and introduced me to her other girls. <br><br> "And if you get sick, just drink. It kills the bacteria." A little nugget of wisdom from her. <br><br> <<if $UN.present == "slut">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> Lindsey laughed, stunned but clearly impressed as I told her a story about being too drunk, giving head, vomiting, cleaning up quickly and getting right back to it, "No quitter here," with a fist bump. <<else>> <<set $UN.KKG -->> I think I might have gone overboard, using a story I'd heard about a girl -- me, of course -- getting her stomach pumped because she'd swallowed too much semen after giving head to guy after guy at a party. "So...the story's about you?" <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> Lyndsey and I dropped onto her bed, trading story after story about a crazy Saturday back home, then a Thursday. It wasn't so much a one-upsmanship and more like finding a kindred spirit. <<else>> <<set $UN.KKG -->> I don't think I had enough details for her, or they didn't come ready enough. Every tale of my party lifestyle got a 'mhm' and nod. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "smart">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gte 3>> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> It took quite a bit before I got any reaction out of Lyndsey. At first I couldn't tell if it was her expressionless disposition, but then it all clicked when she was finally impressed -- she was just a fucking smart girl herself. Appearances aside, she cocked her head to the side with a, "Huh. Might need to ask you for some help in my 200s." <<else>> GPA, no reaction. High school accolades, nada. Advanced classes. My intended major. Nothing seemed to phase her. Maybe it was her expressionless disposition or she was just a fucking smart cookie. Smarter than me. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "me">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 4 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 2>> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> I could tell that Lyndsey jived with my open and casual attitude. I knew that we weren't supposed to drink, but she headed into the kitchen and popped a beer for both of us as we leaned against the island and just got to know each other. <<else>> "Not really my bag, to be honest," was a refrain for her during the time together. Each time it felt like a smack to my face, but her expressionless disposition remained unchanged. She and I didn't seem to align, but she was being...relatively...polite about it. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "fake">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 2>> <<set $UN.KKG ++>> I felt like Aubrey Plaza. I //was// Aubrey and Lyndsey seemed to not only buy it, but really like me. We popped a beer in the kitchen when we weren't allowed to drink, we talked about sexual mistakes and hot parties. I even learned she was a pretty smart cookie. <<else>> <<set $UN.KKG -= 2>> Lyndsey did //not// seem enamored with the person that I came as. "Uhuh," was all I got when I spoke and I caught those unimpassioned eyes trying to read me whenever I returned eye contact. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> "Bye girl." Those dead eyes, tight smile and a solid smack on my ass, Lyndsey brought my Round Two with KKG to a close. <br><br><br> <<case "DZ">> I didn't see <<print $People['UN']>>. I knew she had dismissed them when I brought them up, but she //had// been invited. Had I made a mistake attending Dee Zee? Didn't have long to worry about it because Christen rolled up, disarmingly, "Hey <<print $>>." She leaned in conspiratorially, "We don't typically do this -- by the book and all -- but we're super excited you're here." She pulled away, waving her hands, "That's all I'm going to say. That's all." A giant grin on her face. And we went inside where Christen and a dozen of the other sisters did a cute a capella rendering of Edward Sharpe and the Zeros, "Home". They sounded good. Tight harmonies and well-practiced. And then it shifted into slideshow presentation as they discussed the charities they supported (a lot) and the academic support they offered (a ton). <br><br> Before we yawned too much, the long list of 'pros' ended with a gif of a baseball player sliding into home plate. Someone had done some photoshop and there was a DZ on the bag. It was pretty good. <br><br> Then Christen and I reunited and began the tour of the newest, youngest of the houses. <br><br> <<if $UN.present == "slut">> <<set $UN.DZ -->> Christen coughed after I finished the first of my planned stories. "Oh." Her eyes flicked back and forth as she processed and planned a response. It was measured, "Well, no judgment here! Did you have fun?" The smile was tight and there was some trepidation in her eyes. <<elseif $UN.present == "smart">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 3>> There was a deep, throaty laugh. Her ample breasts bouncing as her chin lifted towards the ceiling, "Wow. You're //really// going to fit in here." She pulled me in close and squeezed me tight around my shoulders. The other girls smiled awkwardly but there were some daggers in the looks of the other prospects. <<else>> "You don't have to be someone you aren't, <<print $>>." Her hand felt warm and kind the back of mine. She smiled, her head turned in. It felt like a counselor or therapist. It also felt real. My eyes teared up a bit and I nodded. And dropped the act. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "me">> We had a great back and forth. It was sedate and comfortable. We found similarities easily and laughed off the differences. She patted my hand whenever there was a stutter in our patter, "Eh, no one will judge you here. You are you. That's all that matters." <<elseif $UN.present == "fake">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 1|| $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 1>> I think she was massively confused. Her eyes alive with processing as we conversed. With each story and behavioral tic we moved away from easy conversation and into one where it was me talking and her raptly curious. I don't think she caught me out, but I don't know if it engendered me to her either. <<else>> <<set $UN.DZ -->> "You don't have to be someone you aren't, <<print $>>." Her hand felt warm and kind the back of mine. She smiled, her head turned in. It felt like a counselor or therapist. It also felt real. My eyes teared up a bit and I nodded. And dropped the act. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> "Hey." We were on our way out of the house and she stopped short, turning me towards her and drawing me close into a lovely hug. "Thanks for coming by." <br><br><br> <<case "XO">> Meredith stood out front alongside her cohorts with a sign and my name, as if we were being picked up at the airport by a chauffeur, but each sign had images from social media -- cute and relatively emblematic of each of us. There was a bit of a hitch in my step when I saw the one from Prom Night. Man, that still brought back memories. <br><br> "Hey bitch." She gave me a hip bump and a devilish little smile as she ditched the poster board and led me inside. "Welcome to Chi Ho." I wasn't sure whether to laugh or feel good or...what I was supposed to do. She was such an enigma. And in a fun way. <br><br> We dropped into an assembly of chairs and were presented with a funny little skit that lambasted the whole process. Stereotypes of each of the houses, of the typical sorority girl, the beleaguered prospect. We were rolling. <br><br> My abs hurt from laughter as Meredith collected me and whispered in my ear, "My idea. Wrote that shit." And smacked my ass with a proud little smile before leading me through the house. <br><br> <<if $UN.present == "slut">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lt 4 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 5>> <<set $UN.XO ++>> We had made our way into her room. I had just finished off a true story of a recent night out and felt a little flush in my cheeks as I had laid bare some dirty details. "Don't worry, <<print $>>. You're in good company. Far from the worst that I'd heard within these walls. You're in college. Have fun. Just...keep it quiet. At least don't let it escape the Chi Oh bubble. //That// could be bad." <<else>> <<set $UN.XO -->> I had just finished off the grisly details of an especially voluminous guy finishing. Meredith looked me square in the face as if double-checking something. "You're...proud of this?" Not able to respond she nodded, "Look. That shit getting out is dangerous. Your rep is everything. You'll need to be far more circumspect going forward, kay?" <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "smart">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 3>> <<set $UN.XO ++>> "Alright smarty-pants. This isn't a competition. //Okay//. It is. But ya don't have to make me feel bad about myself too. I get it. Now...whatcha do for fun?" The impish spark flashed in her eyes and we changed topics. <<else>> <<set $UN.XO -->> "You know this //is// a competition, right?" She chuckled, frowning at me incredulously, "You...think you're smart?" We stood there, looking at each other. I felt like I had been gutted. She thought I was a dumb-dumb. "Lucky for you there's more to this whole thing. Not much. But there is." <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "me">> <<set $UN.XO ++>> We wandered the house aimlessly. It wasn't much of a tour and more of her just finding places that we could be more alone and really get into the dirt and fun topics with me. It was hilarious seeing her switching seamlessly between idle chatter that the rest of the girls seemed to be involved in and mid-sentence go right into what she really wanted to hear. <<elseif $UN.present == "fake">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 2>> <<set $UN.XO ++>> "I didn't...take you I just. Had you pegged different." She shook her head, tugging her short brown hair behind her ears as she considered me. "Well, all I can say is you do feel very. Very. Chi Oh. For whatever that's worth." She laughed and rolled her eyes. Did she really disparage her own crew this much? <<else>> <<set $UN.XO -= 3>> "Don't fuck with me." We had stopped short in the upstairs hallway. We were out of earshot and out of sight, but I had barely started talking about my horse back home and left agape. "That's not smart and will not fly. I'll see you out." <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> I was shown to the door, but all the Chi Oh girls left the prospects to find their own way out as they hustled off to the kitchen. I heard a rise of chattering -- they were judging us before we had left the building. <br><br><br> <<case "ADP">> <<print $People['UN']>> and I reapplied make-up in the freshman 'market' bathroom quickly before making a hurried sprint to join the invitees for ADPi. Shelly was waving excitedly and I got a little shove from behind, shoved towards my sponsor. "How's it going?" She ushered me in towards the entryway where they'd assembled charcuterie and beverages, "I'm sure you're hungry." <br><br> I //was//. Hadn't even considered eating or drinking yet today and so I grabbed a little plate and saw the joy light on her face. Arm sliding through mine the escort continued into their living room and she sat beside me as a video rolled. It was ancient and spoke to the long and proud lineage of the ADPi house. The President stood and spoke about the House Mother, the pledges from last year, and then outlined the itinerary for the remainder of our time in the house. <br><br> "So, what did you think?" Shelly whispered to me as the tour began. <br><br> <<if $UN.present == "slut">> <<set $UN.ADP -->> Shelly was red. What I had detailed about a crazy party had her fanning herself with a napkin, "Oh. Well. And you were...there?" She was uncomfortable and unsure what to do with the information. "Our parties are...more sedate." It felt admonishing because it was. <<elseif $UN.present == "smart">> <<set $UN.ADP ++>> I leaned in hard to the history lesson and tried to make parallels between ADPi and my own history, family. And Shelly jumped right in. She wanted to know genealogy. She wanted to know details. She was //fascinated//. <<elseif $UN.present == "me">> <<set $UN.ADP ++>> She wanted to know all about me and didn't seem to have any filter: "Oh"-ing with a knowing nod when I said something that seemed to agree and leaning in close with a "Shh" and hushing me and waving other comments away, "Keep that to ourselves." She seemed to be a big <<print $>> fan. <<elseif $UN.present == "fake">> <<set $UN.ADP ++>> Her eyes were wide as we talked, amazed to an extent that I hadn't expected. Even though I wasn't into the history, I told her I was. I made up things about my past that seemed to align with her and even borrowed something from the last time we had talked and she looked utterly shocked, "Me. Too!" And squeezed my hand. <</if>> <br><br> She made sure that I had a little napkin full of bites and a water bottle before I left. <br><br><br> <<case "KD">> We were yanked off the front lawn by our sponsors, Alyssa dragging me across the front steps as they all were giving a "Woo!" It was almost madcap. I couldn't quite figure out if there was rhyme, reason or drugs involved. But whatever the purpose, Alyssa had me off in a side room and started teaching me a dance. It was a routine that would have killed on TikTok and would have been mind-blowing on the floor at a club, "We're gonna be the hottest fuckin' bitches out there!" She squealed excitedly once I had gotten the steps in my body. <br><br> "//I'm// dancing?" She started the sequence again, flicking her tongue. "I thought you all presented to //us// today." <br><br> She flashed me her tits. Completely non-sexual, but I think just to shock me, "We're ''Kay'' __Dee__." And then began pushing me out of the side room, correcting her top. "Come on." <br><br> The show was beginning as the pairs got up and began to pop their pussies. That was a common theme. Variations on a theme. <br><br> <<if $UN.present == "slut">> <<set $UN.KD += 2>> And when it was our turn to hit it, we did. And I //worked// adding relish and sexuality to every single move. It was like I was calling out, "Anyone can have my pussy." And the girls went absolutely insane. Alyssa had stopped towards the end to watch and began smacking my ass hard and quick while cheering out to the girls. Alyssa pulled me off the floor and we proceeded to drink cocktails in the kitchen -- we definitely were //not// allowed to be doing this -- while talking about dick sizes, good fucks, bad fucks, black out nights. Everything. <<elseif $UN.present == "smart">> <<set $UN.KD -->> We hit every single move perfectly and got our requisite applause. "Told ya." She smiled and pulled me away from the show. And then proceeded to look more and more bored as I tried to turn the conversation to school and success. "Right. Well. Sure." One word responses were all I got. <<elseif $UN.present == "me">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> <<set $UN.KD += 2>> And when it was our turn to hit it, we did. And I //worked// adding relish and sexuality to every single move. It was like I was calling out, "Anyone can have my pussy." And the girls went absolutely insane. Alyssa had stopped towards the end to watch and began smacking my ass hard and quick while cheering out to the girls. Alyssa pulled me off the floor and we proceeded to drink cocktails in the kitchen -- we definitely were //not// allowed to be doing this -- while talking about dick sizes, good fucks, bad fucks, black out nights. Everything. <<else>> <<set $UN.KD -->> And I tried my best, giving it everything I had but this was not the kind of dance I was used to -- showing off the way I was used to. "That's okay, girl. You can learn. Maybe." Alyssa pulled me off the floor and turned the conversation to the craziest times of my life and seemed underwhelmed. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "fake">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 2>> Thank god I had some dance skills, because I had prepped conversation and behavior but hadn't prepared for this. It was an easier segue after dropping it to talk about the raunchy tales I had in my back pocket. "Hot. Yeah, girl, that's hot." She nodded, offering me a cocktail in the kitchen. <<else>> <<set $UN.KD -->> I had prepped conversation and behavior. I was ready to be a party girl, but I wasn't ready to actually party. And it showed. Alyssa actually laughed at me as I tried to segue from the mediocre dance into the stories. "Right." Nodding with pursed lips. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> And then it was over. Alyssa had insisted I leave with a buzz and I certainly was, stumbling out of the house alongside all the other dumbly grinning prospects. <br><br><br> <<case "DDD">> There was a stillness in the air as we approached Tri Delt. The girls were impeccably dressed, tight white jeans or white short dresses. They looked like Barbies. Like models. Like perfection. And they welcomed us quietly, calmly. Mary guided me in to a seat with my name on it. <br><br> Off to the side were the seniors and elder Tri Delts, unabashedly documenting and taking literal pictures as we assembled. I couldn't help but shift my weight to try and hide the way my body was. I wasn't happy with it, they wouldn't be either. My eyes turned downward, goosebumps raised, inspected like an animal while Mary and the younger sponsors giggled actively up on their stage and presented to us. <br><br> But I could barely pay attention to the jokes, the performance, the information. It was all a bait and switch. It was an excuse to have us all together and in designated seats for easy comparison. It felt like it went on forever. I don't think I've felt more relief than when Mary shook me from my internal struggle and, quizzical look on her face, pulled me into the house tour. <br><br> Luckily, she was so chill I was able to shake that survey quickly and find my way into chatting with her as I had planned. <br><br> <<if $UN.present == "slut">> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lt 3 || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 2>> "Oh. You're one of the //fun// ones." She smiled and there was some pinkness to her cheeks that told me she was curious but maybe...a virgin? I laughed and nodded and we began to whisper conspiratorially as she waved my volume down. She wanted to hear but she didn't want others to hear. It wasn't their flavor, but it might have been Mary's. <<else>> <<set $UN.DDD -= 2>> "Uh, why...are you telling me this?" Redness had crept into her face. It made me wonder not only if I had crossed the line but if she were a virgin. I coughed and tried to find an easy way to change the topic but I felt like the damage had been done. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "smart">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 4>> <<set $UN.DDD += 2>> She was stunned as I detailed my accomplishments and what my goals with school were. "Wow. Thank you for telling me. That wasn't in your file." I coughed a bit. I knew that was the case, but being outright //told// they had files on each of us for this decision process wasn't an easy pill to swallow. <<else>> She nodded and smiled, listening to me go over what I felt like were fascinating and impressive anecdotes, "Yeah. That's what we thought." I coughed and turned away, not sure how I should respond to that. Man, their cutthroat behavior was blatant. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "me">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 3 && $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lt 3 && $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 3>> <<set $UN.DDD +=2>> Mary seemed to //love// me. Impressed at every turn as I just talked about myself and found the ways that we were similar. She seemed to be an odd duck here and would vouch for another odd duck. Lucky match then. <<else>> She nodded pleasantly and smiled weakly. "Yeah, I'm a bit of sheep here too..." Oh, I hadn't expected that response and it seemed she felt bad for me. But maybe if she felt kinship to me meant she'd vouch for me. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.present == "fake">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 3 || $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 2>> Mary chuckled and looked shocked from time to time, "Wow. I had taken you to be more like sheep?" She giggled with a little shrug, "That's why were were matched, but I guess...maybe you have more in common with them than I do." <<set $UN.DDD ++>> <<else>> <<set $UN.DDD -= 3>> It took mere moments before Mary slowed me in a hallway. She wasn't an intimidating person, but I felt like I had just been pulled over by the cops. "What." I coughed uncomfortably, looking at her, searching. She just smiled tightly, patted my hand and...that was it. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> I realized there was a timetable, far more prescribed than our time in the house: Mary brought me to the front door at a very particular time. There was a precise distance between me and the girl in front of me. And, yep, behind me. And...there were the senior Tri Delts, recording on their phones as we passed. Full bodies in motion, captured for digest and analysis. <br><br><br> <</switch>> <</for>> Exhausted, my voice a little raw, I was more than pleased to strip off my outfit and crash in bed. <br><br> <div id = "prefs"> I had to fill out my <<linkexpand "preferences card and then I could sleep.">> preferences card and then I could sleep. <<if !$UN.rushed.includes("DDD")>><<set $UN.DDD = -1>><</if>> <<if !$UN.rushed.includes("KKG")>><<set $UN.KKG = -1>><</if>> <<if !$UN.rushed.includes("KD")>><<set $UN.KD = -1>><</if>> <<if !$UN.rushed.includes("DZ")>><<set $UN.DZ = -1>><</if>> <<if !$UN.rushed.includes("XO")>><<set $UN.XO = -1>><</if>> <<if !$UN.rushed.includes("ADP")>><<set $UN.ADP = -1>><</if>> <br><br> I looked over my order from that first day. Had anything changed? At this final stage we did have //some// power of selection... <br> <div id="prefs2"> <<paperscrap>> <<set _namesMap = { "XO": "Chi Omega", "DDD": "Tri Delta", "KKG": "Kappa Kappa Gamma", "KD": "Kappa Delta", "DZ": "Delta Zeta", "ADP": "Alpha Delta Pi" }>> How do I rate the houses?! <br><br> <<orderable $UN.rushed _namesMap>> <</paperscrap>> <br> Hm. Had one risen to the top of the pack? <<for _index, _rushName range $UN.rushed>> <<capture _rushName>> <<link _rushName>><<replace "#prefs2" t8n>> <<set $UN.newFirst = _rushName>> <br><br><br> Homework could wait til tomorrow. I was [[beat|UN003 - BidDay]]. <</replace>><</link>> <</capture>> <<if _index < $UN.rushed.length - 1>>,<<else>>?<</if>> <</for>> <br><br> Nah. Looked <<link "solid">><<replace "#prefs2" t8n>> <<set $UN.newFirst = "none">> <br><br><br> Homework could wait til tomorrow. I was [[beat|UN003 - BidDay]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <br> </div> <</linkexpand>> </div>
<<set $UN.notFirst = false>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> <<set $UN.DDD += 2>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> <<set $UN.XO += 2>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 2>> <<set $UN.ADP += 2>> <</if>> <<if $ == "party">><<set $UN.KKG ++>><<set $UN.KD ++>><<elseif $ == "online">><<set $UN.DZ ++>><<elseif $ == "friend">><<set $UN.DDD ++>><<else>><<set $UN.ADP ++>><<set $UN.XO ++>><</if>> <<if $UN.rushed[0] === "DZ">> /* Auto DZ win if Player ranks DZ 1st. */ <<set $UN.greek = "DZ">><<outfit "DZ">> <<else>> <<if $UN.DDD gte $UN.KD && $UN.DDD gte $UN.XO && $UN.DDD gte $UN.ADP && $UN.DDD gte $UN.KKG && $UN.DDD gte $UN.DZ>> <<set $UN.greek = "DDD">><<outfit "DDD">> <<elseif $UN.KD gte $UN.XO && $UN.KD gte $UN.ADP && $UN.KD gte $UN.KKG && $UN.KD gte $UN.DZ>> <<set $UN.greek = "KD">><<outfit "KD">> <<elseif $UN.XO gte $UN.ADP && $UN.XO gte $UN.KKG && $UN.XO gte $UN.DZ>> <<set $UN.greek = "XO">><<outfit "XO">> <<elseif $UN.ADP gte $UN.KKG && $UN.ADP gte $UN.DZ>> <<set $UN.greek = "ADP">><<outfit "ADP">> <<elseif $UN.KKG gte $UN.DZ>> <<set $UN.greek = "KKG">><<outfit "KKG">> <<else>> <<set $UN.greek = "DZ">><<outfit "DZ">> <</if>> <</if>> The weeks of socializing, best behavior, best make-up, best outfits were now at a close. School had definitely taken a hit and I could sense the Professors equally eager for the process to be done and have half the student body back and actually paying attention to class. <br><br> Every girl was on edge. We'd go to the lawns of our preferred houses and hope. Or be publicly shamed if we weren't brought into the throng. <br><br> <<if $UN.newFirst == "none">> Sweaty pits, trying to be as cute as possible, I was part of a broad arc of broads in front of <<if $UN.rushed[0] === "DDD">> Tri Delta. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "DDD">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Tri Delt! <br><br> Mary clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Tri Delt. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.rushed[0] === "ADP">> ADPi. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "ADP">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a ADPi! <br><br> Shelly clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a ADPi. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.rushed[0] === "XO">> Chi Oh. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "XO">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Chi Oh! <br><br> Meredith clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be Chi Oh. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.rushed[0] === "KKG">> Kappa. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "KKG">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Kappa! <br><br> Lyndsey clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Kappa. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.rushed[0] === "KD">> Kappa Delta. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "KD">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Kappa Delta! <br><br> Alyssa clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Kappa Delta. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.rushed[0] === "DZ">> Delta Zeta. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "DZ">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Delta Zeta! <br><br> Christen clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face shock>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Delta Zeta. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> Sweaty pits, trying to be as cute as possible, I was part of a broad arc of broads in front of <<if $UN.newFirst is "DDD">> Tri Delta. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "DDD">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Tri Delt! <br><br> Mary clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Tri Delt. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.newFirst is "ADP">> ADPi. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "ADP">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a ADPi! <br><br> Shelly clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a ADPi. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.newFirst is "XO">> Chi Oh. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "XO">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Chi Oh! <br><br> Meredith clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be Chi Oh. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.newFirst is "KKG">> Kappa. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "KKG">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Kappa! <br><br> Lyndsey clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Kappa. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.newFirst is "KD">> Kappa Delta. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "KD">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Kappa Delta! <br><br> Alyssa clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Kappa Delta. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.newFirst is "DZ">> Delta Zeta. <br><br> I don't know why I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but it seemed like we all were. The girls across from us, our judge, our jury, were certainly dragging this out. Emotional torture. Made me wonder how bad hazing would be. Fuck. <br><br> <<if $UN.greek == "DZ">> <<face happy>> "<<print $>> <<print $CC.surname>>!" <br><br> I'd been waiting on my name to be called so many times in my life, but this time the floodgates just exploded. I'd be a Delta Zeta! <br><br> Christen clutched me tight and ushered me in, she'd be my new [[Big Sis|UN003 - Hazing]]. <<else>> <<face shock>> Name after name after name. Not mine. I looked for my sponsor and she met eyes with another girl who was screaming her head off. Welp, I wouldn't be a Delta Zeta. <br><br> Eventually, wandering the houses, I found out I'd be <<print $UN.greek>>. And it came with an undercurrent of disappointment as they knew my late arrival and not responding to my name meant I hadn't put them [[first|UN003 - Hazing][$UN.notFirst = true]]. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<div id = "haze"> <<if $UN.greek == "DDD">> <<set $People['UN'] = "Mary">> Inside the house, the seniors were standing on either side of the hallway, grinning dumbly and jumping with ridiculous excitement. In their hands were red and black sharpies and they watched us pass single-file past them as they watched with predatory glee. The chairs from Round 2 were still in the living room. The projector and screen were still in place, it was as if nothing had moved since that fateful day when I had been judged and found acceptable. My chair had my name on it and Mary wordlessly guided me to sit before moving to the outer edges of the room with her sisters. <br><br> Some of the other pledges were just as excited as the elder sisters, squealing with dilated pupils and practically drooling. I was less excited. I could smell the threat in the air. <br><br><br> The projector spun up and one of the girls was displayed in front of us. A slideshow of images taken not just from the earlier rounds, but also on campus, one of her making out at a party with some guy's hand up the back of her dress. "Kelly." The President called, affecting as deep a tone as she could manage. <br><br> The girl looked stunned, confused. Her face could not have been redder. Seeing herself in a critical light in front of her now sisters. Other elder girls pulled Kelly up from her seat unwillingly and dragged her onto the stage. "Strip." It became a chant, even we were doing it. And sheepishly, her clothes came off. In her underwear in front of everyone, the videos and pictures were painstakingly analyzed and when anyone had a comment about her appearance, a mark was made. <br><br> And then, it was my turn. By that point, most of us were crying and the girls were laughing at us, calling us children. <br><br><br> My clothes came <<link "off">><<replace "#haze" t8n>> <<outfit naked>> <<face shock runny>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Suggestible += 2>> <<if $CC.height gt 1>> They drew lines across my calves, showing where I should get surgery to cut out bone. <br><br> I shouldn't be this tall. I should be normal. I should be cute and short. <<else>> I was glad to be my height. A couple of the taller girls were told to have surgery to reduce their 'amazon' ugliness. <</if>> <<if $bodies.length gt 5>> Somehow they knew about almost all of my hookups. <br><br> They had pictures. They had some line back home and their names were etched all over my body. Words like cum slut, whore, slut were added to the mix for flavor. <<else>> I was glad that I was not one who had names and words about promiscuity emblazoned all over my body. <br><br> They had some insane ability to //know// these girl's sex lives. <</if>> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 1>> Videos of me blackout, slurring my words, behaving like an absolute shit -- a cat fight -- were displayed and I was called an addict, and had track marks drawn on my arms. <<else>> Some girls partying came back to haunt them. Track marks drawn on their arms, circles for the areas to watch for extra cocaine. Addict, druggie. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("eyes")>>A girl had a lazy eye when she was tired, and they didn't stop there. Brown eyes called shit. Light eyes called weak. Too small, too wide. Tiny eyelashes. But not me.<<else>><<if ["green", "blue", "gray"].includes($Body.eyes)>>Weak eyes. Watery eyes. It could have been the tears, it could have been true. I didn't know at this point.<<elseif $Body.eyes is "hazel">>Weird eyes. Eyes that didn't know what color they wanted to be. Cat eyes.<<elseif $Body.eyes is "brown">>Where were my pupils? Boring. Common. Eyes the color of //shit//.<</if>><</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("legs")>>Some girls were called dumpy, their 'cankles' drawn on, their thighs labelled as too thick. I had some scars that they used as my imperfections, but I got away pretty scott-free.<<else>>Cellulite: marked. Scars and the way my calves were formed were drawn on. "Wear PANTS" across each of my thighs.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("tits")>>Some girls had their bras removed and their nipples, hair on their breasts, stretch marks or sag highlighted. They tweaked my nipples to enact pain but my tits were left undisturbed.<<else>>Tits out for everyone to see. A hair I hadn't noticed was painfully tugged out. The way my breasts fell was 'ugly' lines were drawn where I should show a doctor for an implant or lift. Uneven, weird nipples, every bit was up for comment, whether or not it was true.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("ass")>>Most girls got 'skinny fat,' 'flat ass,' their dimples and cellulite circled. My ass ended up with a solid red mark on it from hits when they were smacking me to make a point, but it wasn't a point of derision.<<else>>'Pancake ass' was written down one cheek, then the other. They made fun of how little it jiggled when they hit it, made me stand sideways to show how my back ran into my legs. It was horrible.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("face")>>Most girls faces were covered with words, circles, dicks. They said my eyebrows were too thin, my ears to far back. But they were trying too hard. I knew the truth.<<else>>Bad teeth, shitty cheekbones, weird 'ugly marks' instead of beauty marks. My face was covered with circles and lines.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.wealth lt 3>><<if $ == 2>>My lack of two parents<<else>><<print $CC.DName>>'s job<</if>> came to bite //hard//. My home: a trailer. I was trash. A social pariah. A charity case.<<else>>A girl had her home lambasted. Trailer park trash.<</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>>I surprisingly got out relatively unscathed, my moles and freckles passed inspection. Some stretchmarks were over-circled probably for balance, but I felt lucky.<<else>>I had barely given my freckles, moles, errant hairs any thought at all until this moment. And now they were circled in an ink that would take days to go away. How would I go out? I don't think I'd be able to forget any of these comments. And that was the point. I felt fat. I felt ugly. I knew what I needed to work on.<</if>> <br><br> I cried that night. The next morning in the shower. It hurt so badly and not just the scrubbing and raw skin, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <<elseif $UN.greek == "ADP">> <<set $People['UN'] = "Shelly">> <<set _score = ($Stats.Skills['Perception'].value + $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value + $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value)>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> "You study?" Shelly asked with raised eyebrows. I didn't know what to say. Study for class? Study for...what. But I didn't want to offend, so I just shuffled in with the others, making our way to the living room where we were guided into a broad circle. Our potential 'Bigs,' mine being Shelly, stood behind us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them shuffling colored note cards. <br><br> There were no instructions. Suddenly, the President and leaders, sitting on an ottoman in the center of our oval, were calling out questions. Rapid-fire, down the line. There were mere seconds given and I felt bad for the first girls who were under the gun, not even conceiving of what was being asked of them. It was like strip-jeopardy. A wrong answer and clothes came off. <br><br> Before long, many of the girls were completely naked. Cited and called out. Criticized and forced to stand there, naked while the rest of us completed the ritual. Did we know the words? Did we know the other girls names? The history of the house? House mother? Everything seemed like it was on the table, every little bit of data. <br><br> <<if _score gt 7>> I was shocked at how much I had apparently retained. Shelly whispered proudly into my ear as I got almost every question correct. I watched the girls punished and clothes taken away from them as they were left showing their failing.And that wasn't the end. We weren't allowed to move. The girls departed and took turns, slowly walking the circle and ensuring we stood standing, looking at each other to 'learn' about our sisters. To get to know our fellow pledges. To understand our status and station relative to each other. <br><br> My legs hurt. I wanted to sit. Some girls tried and they were //forced// to stay standing with exercise bands or whatever tools were on hand. Some looked crucified as their minds tried to fight the failing of their bodies. <br><br> That night we heard them eating and having a celebratory party in the nearby kitchen. Some of their boyfriends came by and took some time to check out the new pledges. And still we stood. <br><br> The party ended, guys checked us out on their way out or their way up. And still we stood. Would I pass out? Would we be allowed to sleep? <br><br> No. We stood until the morning hours, the girls heading downstairs groggy after a wonderful night's sleep and smiling hello as they came into the room. They waited until they were all assembled and some of them certainly took their time on purpose. <br><br> "Good morning, Ay Dee Pi's." We were handed our clothes and told to dress before //thinking// about leaving the basement. <br><br> I cried in the shower and cried in bed before promptly falling asleep and skipping all my classes that day. <br><br> It hurt so badly and not just my legs and eyes, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <<elseif _score gt 4 >> I thankfully was spared full nudity. But standing there <<linkexpand "less than fully dressed...">> <<upper>> <<lower>> <<feet>> less than fully dressed was still shameful. I watched the girls punished and clothes taken away from them as they were left showing their failing.And that wasn't the end. We weren't allowed to move. The girls departed and took turns, slowly walking the circle and ensuring we stood standing, looking at each other to 'learn' about our sisters. To get to know our fellow pledges. To understand our status and station relative to each other. <br><br> My legs hurt. I wanted to sit. Some girls tried and they were //forced// to stay standing with exercise bands or whatever tools were on hand. Some looked crucified as their minds tried to fight the failing of their bodies. <br><br> That night we heard them eating and having a celebratory party in the nearby kitchen. Some of their boyfriends came by and took some time to check out the new pledges. And still we stood. <br><br> The party ended, guys checked us out on their way out or their way up. And still we stood. Would I pass out? Would we be allowed to sleep? <br><br> No. We stood until the morning hours, the girls heading downstairs groggy after a wonderful night's sleep and smiling hello as they came into the room. They waited until they were all assembled and some of them certainly took their time on purpose. <br><br> "Good morning, Ay Dee Pi's." We were handed our clothes and told to dress before //thinking// about leaving the basement. <br><br> I cried in the shower and cried in bed before promptly falling asleep and skipping all my classes that day. <br><br> It hurt so badly and not just my legs and eyes, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif _score gt 2>> I wasn't the quickest <<linkexpand "naked...">> <<Stats Stable -->> <<outfit naked>> naked, but it felt like a bad game of Never Have I Ever. People were shocked at how quick my clothes were off. I should have paid more attention. <br><br> And that wasn't the end. We weren't allowed to move. The girls departed and took turns, slowly walking the circle and ensuring we stood standing, looking at each other to 'learn' about our sisters. To get to know our fellow pledges. To understand our status and station relative to each other. <br><br> My legs hurt. I wanted to sit. Some girls tried and they were //forced// to stay standing with exercise bands or whatever tools were on hand. Some looked crucified as their minds tried to fight the failing of their bodies. <br><br> That night we heard them eating and having a celebratory party in the nearby kitchen. Some of their boyfriends came by and took some time to check out the new pledges. And still we stood. <br><br> The party ended, guys checked us out on their way out or their way up. And still we stood. Would I pass out? Would we be allowed to sleep? <br><br> No. We stood until the morning hours, the girls heading downstairs groggy after a wonderful night's sleep and smiling hello as they came into the room. They waited until they were all assembled and some of them certainly took their time on purpose. <br><br> "Good morning, Ay Dee Pi's." We were handed our clothes and told to dress before //thinking// about leaving the basement. <br><br> I cried in the shower and cried in bed before promptly falling asleep and skipping all my classes that day. <br><br> It hurt so badly and not just my legs and eyes, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> And I was one of the quickest <<linkexpand "naked.">> <<outfit naked>> <<Stats Stable -->> naked. <br><br><br> I stood there, shamed and could feel the cold stare of Shelly behind me. I had made myself look bad and her as well. And that wasn't the end. We weren't allowed to move. The girls departed and took turns, slowly walking the circle and ensuring we stood standing, looking at each other to 'learn' about our sisters. To get to know our fellow pledges. To understand our status and station relative to each other. <br><br> My legs hurt. I wanted to sit. Some girls tried and they were //forced// to stay standing with exercise bands or whatever tools were on hand. Some looked crucified as their minds tried to fight the failing of their bodies. <br><br> That night we heard them eating and having a celebratory party in the nearby kitchen. Some of their boyfriends came by and took some time to check out the new pledges. And still we stood. <br><br> The party ended, guys checked us out on their way out or their way up. And still we stood. Would I pass out? Would we be allowed to sleep? <br><br> No. We stood until the morning hours, the girls heading downstairs groggy after a wonderful night's sleep and smiling hello as they came into the room. They waited until they were all assembled and some of them certainly took their time on purpose. <br><br> "Good morning, Ay Dee Pi's." We were handed our clothes and told to dress before //thinking// about leaving the basement. <br><br> I cried in the shower and cried in bed before promptly falling asleep and skipping all my classes that day. <br><br> It hurt so badly and not just my legs and eyes, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <br> <<elseif $UN.greek == "XO">> <<set $People['UN'] = "Meredith">> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> We barely crossed the threshold of the house when Meredith came up behind me with a dark little chuckle and then my view went black. A blindfold. I stumbled as she tied it firmly behind my head, then my hands. I heard girls yelping, crying out, asking why. My heart was <<shake 5s>>pounding<</shake>>. I had no idea what was in store for me, but I had heard stories of hazing and I wondered which ones I would experience. <br><br> Stumbling more as I was pushed down the stairwell. Not intending to make me tumble, but not too careful either. I heard the thudding of a girl down the stairs behind me, and then the scream. Something wrenched, but didn't sound broken. Then the dragging as she was pulled into the basement alongside the rest of us. Unbidden, my brain had the thought: Are we all about to die? <br><br> Then, not kindly, my clothes were stripped from me. <<link "All of them">><<replace "#haze">> <<outfit naked>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face hurt1>> It was cold. My nipples rock hard in an instant and I could feel the tile floor on the bare soles of my feet. A girl was whimpering. A couple were sniveling. <br><br> "Alright you sluts. You think you're Chi Oh material? Or are you a Chi Ho." It was the President talking. When she passed me, it came with a shove -- walking too close on purpose and I nearly fell. <br><br> "Your //potential// Big Sis--" the threat clear in her tone, "Is standing right in front of you. Can you feel her checking you out? You don't look so good with your clothes off. Now. We'll be asking you some questions. If you get them wrong. You get punished. If you get them right, you're a step closer to Chi Oh christening. But don't respond too loudly or punishment. She can't hear you? Punished." <br><br> I felt Meredith lean forward, tying my wrists in front of me, "Good girl. Struggling was the first question." Tied, I felt my hands released and then, suddenly I nearly fell over as she gave my pussy a sudden smack smack with her cupped palm, "Good luck." The shock to my clit was like an explosion and it wasn't playful and it wasn't pleasant. <br><br> The questions came rapid fire and I could hear that girls who weren't answering them because they were in pain were not given any respite. But I couldn't focus on them. I had to save myself. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>>The sorority leaders names came easily to me, their years, their hometowns. They got into the details, but I had talked to these girls enough that I knew them. I had fucking flashcards.<br><<else>>A paddle. They really were used. Straight across my ass. I squealed. Each wrong name. Each wrong hometown. Details of these girl's lives that didn't seem consequential at the time when I talked with them now really seemed to matter. I'd have welts, for sure.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 2>>The skit had actually been laden with nuggets of knowledge and I remembered them. The words, the symbol, the history. Meredith chuckled proudly that her work had gotten across to me.<br><<else>>The air was knocked out of me. //Hard//. I buckled from the knock to the gut. Then, taking advantage of my shock I was hit at the back of the knees and I dropped, then I was kicked in the stomach a couple more times. Meredith was not pleased.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>>The questions about the house came and went with a breeze. I had paid attention and it paid dividends.<br><<else>>I startled and nearly slipped as suddenly the floor was wet. I was wet. I was doused head to toe and my skin tightened, goosebumps raised and I was shivering in the air conditioning. Ice water had been dropped on me for not knowing the fucking layout of the house. I kicked one of the cubes with my toe in defiance.<br><</if>> <br> And then the Rorschach test: How would we respond to certain situations? <br> Frat boy offering you a swig of his flask in class? <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2>>"No! That's not Chi Oh! You're no Kay Dee. You're better than that." And I was goosed. Something jammed at my anus. I lifted onto my toes and whimpered, instinctively clenched and that did not make it pleasant. I got the point. Less party.<<else>>"Good. Fun without being crazy. Don't bring shame on this house." I heard some girls yelping like stuck pigs. I could only imagine what was happening.<</if>> <br> Horny and a cute boy has his hand down your pants? <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>>"Fucking slut over here. We //value// ourselves. Not ''spoil'' ourselves." Smacked on my clit, this time with something leather. I crumpled to floor and screamed out. Even in this position she found my pussy for another strike. Another. I jerked and almost passed out.<<else>>"Exactly. Make him wait. Make him want. Make him earn you." The screams echoed off the basement walls. It sounded like multiple childbirths at once alongside the sound of fleshy smacks. I shuddered. I got still.<</if>> <br><br> Then the blindfold came off. Girls were dripping. Girls were bruised. No one had gotten out completely unscathed and mascara was down everyone's cheeks. We were handed our clothes and told to dress before //thinking// about leaving the basement. <br><br> I cried that night. The next morning in the shower. It hurt so badly and not just my body, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <br><br> <<elseif $UN.greek == "KKG">> <<set $People['UN'] = "Lyndsey">> <<face drunk>> The dining room had been converted into rows of chairs, kind of like a seminar set-up but with more space. They were evenly distributed and arranged in a broad oval, "This is youuu." Lyndsey said as she gave me a little push, dropping me into a chair. And then she was off to the next room. <br><br> There was an uncomfortable laugh that fluttered through the pledges as we were alone, looking at each other and all wondering exactly what we were getting into. <br><br> It wasn't hard to figure it out as Lyndsey and the other girls came back with a handle of vodka each. Shotglasses outstretched in their fingers as they danced back to their pledges. And then I noticed the funnel they brought with them. <br><br> "Question 1." The President called out, a finger aloft. Lyndsey stood behind me, hand sliding into my hair and giving a gentle pull, guiding my chin up. I saw the shotglass full above me. <br><br> <<set _drinks = 0>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>>Somehow I had remembered the leaders names, hometowns, their majors. Lyndsey gave me a shot as a 'good job' whereas other girls got them for each wrong answer.<br><<else>><<set _drinks ++>>Fuck. I hadn't paid attention to the leaders' hometowns, names...majors. Lyndsey laughed at each wrong answer and the cold glass hit my lips and the burn dropped down my throat.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 3>>Kappa history, our words and symbol. I had it ready and raring. Lyndsey gave me a drink of water, impressed but still yanked my head back by the hair to make me drink it.<br><<else>><<set _drinks ++>>The house's history? Our motto? Why didn't I pay more attention. The vodka was shitty and I should have eaten something to soak it up before this.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>>I knew the layout of the house. A mental walking tour, passed. Other girls were already retching and the room began to take on a certain smell.<br><<else>><<set _drinks ++>>They expected me to have memorized the layout of the house on a single walkthrough? I coughed as I tried to swallow down the shots, my head tugged and the clear liquid splashing into my mouth.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value lt 2>><<set _drinks ++>>I hadn't listened well enough and when Lyndsey asked me her own questions, I did not pass. So the vodka passed down my throat. She held my hair back //hard//, offended.<br><<else>>Thankfully I had listened when Lyndsey and I chatted, and her personal questions I passed with flying colors. She even gave me a kiss on my cheek and petted my strained scalp.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value lt 4>><<set _drinks ++>>Personality quiz now? Apparently not wanting to get up on the bar and give a show was __incorrect__ and the clothes they expected me to take off were now soaked with the liquor that didn't make it in my mouth.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value lt 4>><<set _drinks ++>>Oh, put ''out'' for the Sigma was the right answer. Huh. Pulling the premier frat boys brought honor to Kappa I learned as I downed another shot.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lt 3>><<set _drinks ++>>I couldn't help myself, I retched. The drinking, the smell of the other girl's bile. I puked and Lyndsey was there, ready to pull me back and help me 'clean my palate' with a shot.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value lt 3>><<set _drinks += 3>>I didn't respond quick enough, excited //enough// to "Wanna be a Kappa?" The yank on my head was vicious and I tasted metal as the funnel hit against my teeth, the vodka glugging from the bottle as it poured down my open gullet.<br><</if>> <br><br> <<link "And me">><<replace "#haze">> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<if _drinks gt ($HS.addictionLv * 2)>> <<face hurt1 runny>> There was a bucket beside me, thank god. I managed to aim as I spewed. As the game continued I was forced to drink and my body retched it up. They laughed at me. They criticized me. "Can't hold your liquor." "Baby." "Weak." And I tried to muscle through. My muscles were certainly working. My throat burned, my eyes were on fire, my lips split. I couldn't wait until it was over. <br><br> Somehow, I made it home. I don't remember how. I was glad I ended up waking up in my bed that next morning. I smelled like vomit and body odor and I stumbled my way to the shower. I let the water hide my tears as I sobbed. <br><br> It hurt so badly and not just my body, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <<else>> Queasy as I felt, I was thankful for the iron stomach I'd developed over the years. Some girls would need a stomach pump, but I walked out on my own recognizance -- wobbly and stumbling and barely coherent as I was. <br><br> I forced myself to vomit once I got back to the dorms. I heard another girl in the stall next to me and I wondered if she was a KKG as well. I hoped she would survive the night. I hoped I would too. But my body wanted my bed, so I headed straight there. <br><br> I woke up in the middle of the night -- alcohol sleeps -- crying. The next morning in the shower. It hurt so badly and not just my body, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>? <br> <<elseif $UN.greek == "KD">> <<set $People['UN'] = "Alyssa">> <<Stats Suggestible += 3>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<vCardCheck "Randos at Beta" M "Randos at Beta" "I was about to lose my virginity. I could smell it in the air. Not how I saw it going down...">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Randos at Beta")>> <<face ahego runny>> Alyssa leaned close as we crossed the threshold, "Now for the fun." I laughed uncomfortably. There was a sinister subtext to the way she said it, and I was concerned about hazing, so I hoped that I would be having fun. <br><br> There were guys inside. I was confused: I thought this was against the rules. "Alright pretty ladies. Beta is our brother frat. We are family and what do we do for family?" <br><br> The guys grinned broadly as they responded, "Anything!" <br><br> "That's right, chickadees. We take care of our family and they take care of us. And our brothers want to welcome their new little sisters." I could see the freakout in so many of the other girls. I wondered if mine was as apparent. We were being whored out to them. I felt the presence of all the girls behind us and the horny energy of all the guys in front of us. I knew that to do anything but go along with this meant not joining the sorority and being a social pariah. <br><br> So I tried to shut off my mind as one of the guys crossed to me, selected and brought downstairs, "Remember. Condoms, boys. We don't know where they've been. And //fuck// we ''know'' where you've all been." Their laughter echoed from the top of the stairs as we were groped and guided down. Me and this shlubby guy -- already thinning hair -- found our way to a couch and we started. My head was in his lap and getting him hard as he and his brothers began to talk about us as if we weren't there. <br><br> They compared us not just to each other, but to previous classes. To the girls upstairs. Some girls were crying, that stopped quick one way or another. Usually just harsh words and firm insistence, but others were more forceful. <br><br> Thankfully, they did use condoms. They. Because it wasn't just hairless shlub. Yeah, he fucked me, but we spent the //afternoon// down there. <<cumSpray facial3 body1>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>>Despite how it had begun, I couldn't help but like being out in front of everyone, hearing their comments, wanting their attention. It got me hot and allowed me to get into it.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho")>>And, not gonna lie, I //love// sex and they were surprised to see my enthusiasm from the get-go. It wasn't well-received by the other girls and did wane by the end of the day -- even at my horniest, too much is too much.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>>They loved the fit between my legs and it started a debate between them as to which of us was tightest. Based on their reactions, I'd say I led the pack.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Intercourse")>>I knew how to throw it back, it was instinctive at this point and while most of the girls dead starfished their way through the afternoon, I was //in// each fuck. Maybe mostly just so it ended quicker, though it also made me a more attractive pick for repeat 'customers'.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>>Annoyingly, I quickly got a rep for being really good with my mouth and so guys even came to me when they weren't interested in having a go, or I was otherwise occupied, just to help them get ready and recover.<br><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>>More than anything else, I was so glad for my easy trigger. And the guys thought they were studs. My legs were trembling after the first hour or so and I could barely move after hour two. I came so many times. I was melted goo and thanking my body for making this a much more pleasurable experience.<br><</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte 7>> <<set $UN.CBC += 15>><<addBody "Balding Shlub from Beta" M>><<addBody "Cute guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Loser from Beta" M>><<addBody "Redhead from Beta" M>><<addBody "Smelled like beer from Beta" M>><<addBody "Built guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Kind guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "President of Beta" M>><<addBody "Bluto from Beta" M>><<addBody "Hung guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Vice President of Beta" M>><<addBody "Secretary of Beta" M>><<addBody "Rush President of Beta" M>><<addBody "Super Senior of Beta" M>><<addBody "Hairy guy from Beta" M>> It was unending. I felt like I was constantly getting shoved from my back to all fours, a new dick in my face before the last one was done. Seeing the same face a couple times. I was a favorite, I was wanted, I was the prize of the day and they took as much as they could, as if this opportunity would never happen again -- it wouldn't. By the end my knees were raw, my hands pruned, my hair an absolute mess. By the end, sex had lost its mystique and allure: more of a function than something to enjoy. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<set $UN.CBC += 11>><<addBody "Balding Shlub from Beta" M>><<addBody "Cute guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Loser from Beta" M>><<addBody "Redhead from Beta" M>><<addBody "Smelled like beer from Beta" M>><<addBody "Built guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Kind guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "President of Beta" M>><<addBody "Bluto from Beta" M>><<addBody "Hung guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Vice President of Beta" M>> I was in disbelief. There was no respite. Other girls had pauses to get to the restroom or just take a breather, but I was a highlight for these guys and maneuvered from one to the other. There was another pledge similarly hazed and we looked plaintively across at each other as we rocked from the impact of our new partner. <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> <<set $UN.CBC += 8>><<addBody "Balding Shlub from Beta" M>><<addBody "Cute guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Loser from Beta" M>><<addBody "Redhead from Beta" M>><<addBody "Smelled like beer from Beta" M>><<addBody "Built guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Kind guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "President of Beta" M>> I was glad to get a break to go to the bathroom for a breather, but these guys came prepared. They probably had the day on the calendar circled and they were excited to get their dicks sucked and fucked. I saw a good portion of the fraternity that afternoon and knew them far more intimately than I would otherwise have wanted to. <<else>> <<set $UN.CBC += 5>><<addBody "Balding Shlub from Beta" M>><<addBody "Cute guy from Beta" M>><<addBody "Loser from Beta" M>><<addBody "Redhead from Beta" M>><<addBody "Smelled like beer from Beta" M>> I was not picked often, just having to watch my fellow pledges get railed in front of me, beside me. And then some guy would notice that I was 'fresh' and that was good enough for him. Or his pick was busy. <</if>> <br><br> No matter how hung or good the guys were, no matter how much I enjoyed any particular moment of it, the experience had been cold, impersonal and dehumanizing. I cried that night. The next morning in the shower. It hurt so badly and not just my pussy, mouth, throat and my tired legs, but my raw heart. Girls were brutal. And now I was one of them. And I'd be doing this to other girls next year. <br><br> And now, we were allowed to be initiated. To actually join the sorority. It was over. Thank [[God|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryTextPrefix = "I guess I should have known that KD would have meant a trade, a loss of some kind. As much as this wasn't my //fault//, I still had done it. I had crossed a boundry that I had promised not to.">> <<set _noChance = true>> <<set _noChanceText = "After that, there was no way I could keep up the ruse with <<print $>>. What I had done was beyond the pale. Far exceeding anything they had done to me before. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly, and they didn't feel that I was 'the one' either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like.">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<elseif $UN.greek == "DZ">> <<set $People['UN'] = "Christen">> I wondered what hazing was going to be like. What the indoctrination of a DZ would be. Would the facade fall and they'd become some sick, sadistic group of witches? <br><br> No. There was a scavenger hunt and we scrambled all over campus to find clues about the girls who'd be our 'big sis' or the other members of our sorority. We learned history, we learned where DZs studied and ate. Meanwhile I heard screams and crying from the other houses on Greek Row. I couldn't help but feel lucky. Very lucky. <br><br> And that was it. Time to become a DZ and leave the rigors of rushing [[behind us|UN004 - GreekLyfe]]. <</if>> </div>
<<outfit $UN.greek>> <<image framed "passage/uni.class.png">> Sociology 101 had been kicking my __ass__. No matter whether I studied my ass off or paid attention in class or took notes or...//all// of it...I was pulling Cs. Not a good look for my first Semester. <br><br> And it's shitty! Professor Medina is absolutely ''electric''. He's impassioned and engaging. And each of those grades made me feel like I wasn't just failing myself, but I was failing him. Playful hazel eyes that danced when he gave out weird class activities or coursework. Salt and pepper hair that let him look young while hinted at his age and sophistication. <br><br> I knew some other girls had a crush on him and he was known around campus, whether or not someone had taken the introductory course. It called to memory that moment in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the student blinks "Love You" to Indiana Jones. <br><br> And then came our office <<linkexpand "hours.">> hours. <br><br><br> He held the door open for me, which was weird. I double-checked the ring on his finger: yep, married. And then he leaned forward kindly as we settled into the office. Door closed. "So, how can I help, <<print $>>?" <br><br> Was I imagining the way he was looking at me? Was it subconscious desire on my part? His? Did it matter? <div id="prof"> <<crossroads #prof>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>> I could try and use it to my advantage and threaten to blackmail him for a better grade. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky enough. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <<lower "denimSkirt_up">> <br><br> I scooted forward in the chair, letting my thighs part enough to peek as I dug in my bag a //bit// too long for my most recent test. "Well, I could use some help." <br><br> "Mhm." I didn't take the moment to check to see if he was looking, I put the test on his desk and pulled my chair closer. <br><br> "I honestly spent twelve hours preparing for this test--" I flipped through the pages in frustration, "What does this comment even mean?" I dropped an open palm on the test, pointing to some red mark as I finally looked up. I could see his eyes searching mine and I raised an eyebrow. He leaned forward slightly and without calling him out, I sat back and crossed my legs. <br><br> "Well...I guess you aren't going to do well in my class." Oh, really? I began to take notes and not on class, but his behavior with me and other girls. The other ones were playing into it and he loved the attention. He had wanted mine in his office that day and those chickens would be coming home to roost. <br><br> Once I felt I had enough data points, I went to the administration with my journal and left the subtext of talking to reporters under everything I said. They scrambled. They took it incredibly seriously and there was a mediation. <br><br> The dancing had left his eyes. He was vociferous in his defense but he was no longer impassioned. I was grinning inwardly as I felt the power shifting my way. <br><br><br> And so did the [[grades|UN005 - DatingLyfe]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3 && $HS.LDR == false>> Maybe I could 'bargain' for a better grade. <<blocked>> $ isn't easy enough or has a long-distance relationship <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $UN.professor = true>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <<lower "denimSkirt_up">> <<face ahego>> <br><br> I scooted forward in the chair, letting my thighs part enough to peek as I dug in my bag a //bit// too long for my most recent test. "Well, I could use some help." <br><br> "Mhm." I didn't take the moment to check to see if he was looking, I put the test on his desk and pulled my chair closer. <br><br> "I honestly spent twelve hours preparing for this test--" I flipped through the pages in frustration, "What does this comment even mean?" I dropped an open palm on the test, pointing to some red mark as I finally looked up. <br><br> We were close. His eyes stared into mine and I saw that light dancing in them. <br><br><br> Oh. //Fuck// //it//. I grabbed his open collar and awkwardly leaned into the edge of my desk. Our lips met and I felt the energy in his kiss that matched what I had seen in his eyes moments before. His hand reached out, trying to steady me as he could tell the uncomfortable angle and hips pressing against the front edge of his desk were not...the best. The cold metal of his ring pressed to bare skin: a reminder of what we were doing. <br><br> And then I felt his fingers dig in. From a helpful brace to lifting me up onto his desk, my ass hitting the desk and the furled test papers underneath me as he hungrily drew me towards him. New cold metal pricked at my skin as I felt the staple at the corner of my poor coursework. <br><br> By that point, I was at the other end of the desk, the backside digging into my backside as <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">> my <<link "underwear">><<panties>><</link>> was dragged down my thighs <<else>> his hands found my unprotected mound and started to stroke <</if>>. I kipped my knees up and pulled tighter at his collar -- I could hear some fabric rip. But that might have been his pants with how forceful he was dropping his zipper. <br><br> And then it was to the races, my chin tucked against his neck as he urgently began ramming between my open thighs. There was no time for foreplay or even time for what we were doing. I bit down on my lower lip to contain both the cries of discomfort and pleasure. I felt metal again: his fly, digging in at the supple skin of my mons, but this metal wasn't cold, or maybe that was just the friction. <br><br><br> I think it took a grand total of thirty seconds, my unpreparedness probably making the fit extra snug, plus the excitement and suddenness making his peak simple. He was pumping himself into me as I listened to his heavy, content breathing, his belt buckle rubbing against my lower stomach as he dug himself deep inside me to unload. <<cumSpray pussy2>> <br><br> He looked down at me as his cock throbbed, finished. He was searching for a reaction from me so I quickly leaned up and gave him a kiss. He mouthed a "Sorry" and I waved it off. <br><br> I slid off the desk, using my test to try and catch anything that came out and we awkwardly chuckled and tried to find a way to switch gears. I had paper cuts on my ass from my test, but since it was destroyed, he had to give me a new A. <br><br><br> The other grades fell in line while we continued meeting at hotels and his car. Occasionally, his desk to rekindle the first time, and once -- at his own house when his wife was away. <br><br><br> The other times were //much// [[better|UN005 - DatingLyfe]]. <<if $ == false>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <</if>> <<vCardCheck "Professor Medina" M "Professor Medina">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Professor Medina")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "Would they possibly understand what I had done? Was it excusable? No...certainly not. But...we hadn't really talked about these kind of situations...maybe...">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> I could try and ignore the sexual undercurrent if he was serious. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <br><br> I scooted forward in the chair, as I dug in my bag for my most recent test. "Well, I could use some help." <br><br> "Mhm." Wait where were his eyes looking? I put the test on his desk and pulled my chair closer, tightened the proximity of my thighs. <br><br> "I honestly spent twelve hours preparing for this test--" I flipped through the pages in frustration, "What does this comment even mean?" I dropped an open palm on the test, pointing to some red mark as I finally looked up. <br><br> We were close. His eyes stared into mine and I saw that light dancing in them. I coughed and pulled back slightly, "I just...don't understand." <br><br> He nodded, the light flickering out in the hazel as he looked down at the red pen, rather than my face. "I can tell...You're just going to have to work harder in my class or you aren't going to do well." <br><br> It was a slap in my face. No offer of assistance, just a declaration that I wasn't good enough. "Harder? Than //twelve// hours for a test? I can't do that for all my classes." <br><br> "You won't." His smile was self-righteous, "Just mine." <br><br> And that's how it went. I dug in and did what I could, cutting time for other classes so I could raise my grades in Sociology. It worked a bit, but once the report card hit, it felt like I had robbed Paul to pay Professor Medina. <br><br><br> Asshole. I guess I'd be the one girl on campus //not// talking about him in a [[positive light|UN005 - DatingLyfe]]. <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> I could tease him. He couldn't touch me but he could really //want// to... <<blocked>> $ isn't an exhibitionist. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <<lower "denimSkirt_up">> <br><br> I scooted forward in the chair, letting my thighs part enough to peek as I dug in my bag a //bit// too long for my most recent test. "Well, I could use some help." <br><br> "Mhm." I didn't take the moment to check to see if he was looking, I put the test on his desk and pulled my chair closer. <br><br> "I honestly spent twelve hours preparing for this test--" I flipped through the pages in frustration, "What does this comment even mean?" I dropped an open palm on the test, pointing to some red mark as I finally looked up. <br><br> We were close. His eyes stared into mine and I saw that light dancing in them. I let the moment last. The moment I saw his muscles tighten -- he was about to try and kiss me -- I pulled back and sighed looking off to the side. I let my thighs stay open and I played with a necklace by my cleavage, "I just don't understand." <br><br> "Oh, it's okay. I have office hours twice a week. How about we make this a regular thing?" I could hear the hope in his voice that eventually he'd be getting between my open legs. <br><br> I wore more revealing clothes to his class, stayed after to flirt and went to every single appointment at his office hours. <br><br> I got to pull back from the twelve hour cramming sessions and never got crammed by him, but my grades did [[go up|UN005 - DatingLyfe]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</linkexpand>>
<<set _isSporty = Array("gym", "sporty", "cheer", "dance").includes($CC.hsv)>> I sat at my desk between periods and looked down at a doodle that I had done. I don't know what had come over me, but I had written out two columns: Activity and Time. I had listed all my classes, and homework expectations on the left -- oh, and all my other 'time sinks' like eating, sleeping, socializing, partying,<<if $UN.rush == true>> sorority responsibilities,<</if>> and like maintaining myself. On the right was the estimated amount of every week that I'd have to devote to it. <br><br> How had all my time been eaten up? Did Professors //actually// expect me to spend that much time on their classes? Would I fail if I didn't? Luckily, I wasn't running in the red, and there was -- surprisingly -- a little black. Which meant I had could fit something else in. Round out my time with something that fed my soul. <br><br><br> <<if _isSporty>> I really missed being active, so I considered red-shirting a team or otherwise getting my body in motion: <<else>> While I hadn't really cared about it before, the college meals, the drinking, I could feel it was taking its toll, so I considered getting my body in motion: <</if>> <div id="extra"> <<crossroads #extra>> <<path>> Being a college cheerleader wasn't easy business. It was a combination of club cheer competitions and the expected sideline cheering. //But// it did get a lot of attention and was the highest tier of cheering. No offense to the Dolphins or Cowboys cheer squads, but no one cared after the collegiate level. <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Pom-poms and a cheer outfit lying on a bed */ <<set $UN.extracurricular = "cheer">> <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes('Cheerleader')>> Some girls got recruited straight from their high school squads. That wasn't me, unfortunately. <br><br> I hadn't gotten scouted, but I had confidence that I had a pretty good shot at the squad thanks to my previous experience and training. Maybe vain or cocky, but no guts, no glory! <<else>> I hadn't done it before, but I hoped that my athleticism, personality and looks qualified me to be a part of the prestigious cheerleaders. <</if>> <br><br><br> Sign ups were open to everyone, ostensibly. <br><br> But from the moment that I asked to try out, I received the //most// condescension and attitude that I had ever experienced in my life. <br><br> Maybe the 'open' nature was to give these girls as much fodder for their contempt as possible. And for now, I was a recipient. <br><br> It was if the pedestal they were on granted them the entitlement to look down their noses from far far above. Maybe they were. Oh, boy. Well, maybe that would be me sooner rather than later. Here goes [[nothing|UN004 - Extra2]]. <<path>> There was a female culture of being in the gym whenever you weren't in classes or partying. Staying hotter than everyone else was a full-time job. <<contents>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A girl running on a treadmill */ <<set $UN.extracurricular = "workout">> <br><br> Between classes and especially in the hours leading up to a night of going out, I found my elliptical. I popped in my earbuds and just sweat. The room smelled of mildew and rang with dropping weights -- when the competitive teams weren't lifting weights, there were guys aplenty though they seemed more focused on me and the other girls than they were on a workout. <br><br><br> It was kind of meditative in a way. The thumping of my feet a bass track over the hum of the machine, all underlying the playlist in my ears. I just zoned out and let my body [[burn|UN004 - Extra2]]. <<path>> Could always pick up the discipline of yoga, finally. Feminine and calming while being strenuous and athletic. <<contents>> <<set $UN.extracurricular = "yoga">> <<outfit yoga>> <br><br> While sweating and grunting in the BO-crusted gym was not my idea of a good time, I knew I couldn't //enjoy// college and not focus on staying fit. So, like many who had gone before me, I took up yoga. <br><br> <<image framed "passage/">> Exercise while avoiding big muscles, avoid leering eyes of guys (usually), and have an excuse to look super cute in some Alo or Lulu. Vinyasa, hot yoga, I was down for any and all of it. I got a mat, some blocks, but most importantly: the 'fit to get fit. <br><br> It was an escape from the monotony and bubble of college life, while also providing a release and glow. And there was a bit of me that couldn't help but internally smile as I saw other girls confused at how I stayed looking the way I did. They didn't see me at the gym, bouncing away with the rest of them on their stupid ellipticals. <br><br><br> A kind of metaphor maybe: me [[in the flow|UN004 - Extra2]] and them running in place. <<path !_isSporty>> There was the theatre program -- could get my act on, express myself. <<blocked>> $ wasn't 'athletic' in high school. <<contents>> <<set $UN.extracurricular = "act">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Drama / Comedy Masks */ <br><br> We weren't any Julliard, but that meant open auditions. Anyone could join the thespian ranks. And they received me with open arms. One more for their enclave of actors. <br><br><br> Open as it all was, accepting as they appeared to be, didn't stop there from being politics, social hierarchy and their own version of superiority. And most of it rode on the quarterly [[auditions|UN004 - Extra2]]. <<if $CC.hsv == "act">> Couldn't hurt to expand my skills and maybe pursue acting more professionally. <</if>> <<path !_isSporty>> Money to help pay for books, school, things...make sure that <<if $ == 2>>the family name<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> wasn't getting massive credit card statements and having to have //those// uncomfortable conversations. So, a //job//? <<blocked>> $ wasn't 'athletic' in high school. <<contents>> <<set $UN.extracurricular = "job">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A purse stuffed with cash. */ <br><br> <<if $CC.hsv == "job">> <<Stats Stable ++>> I don't know if I was really surprised. I'd had a job of one kind or another even before anyone could hire me. Still, there was a part of me deep down that I think hoped that I'd be at school for, ya know, school. But no, looks like I'd be working all my life. <<else>> <<if $CC.wealth gt 3>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> I didn't //have// to work. That's for sure. Maybe I felt guilty a bit, or felt like since I was getting older I should start putting in my share of effort rather than make <<if $ == 2>>anyone else<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> carry the entire load. Get my hands dirty, see how the other half lived...maybe get some experience before I actually had to work. <<else>> I had been lucky up to this point that I had been supported and not had to get a job yet. It's not like we were flush with cash, but I had been protected from having to grow up too fast. But it was time for me to jump into the deep end and at least get some experience before I //had// to work in a couple of years. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> Few other kids were clocking hours -- especially <<if $UN.rush == true>>my friends<<else>>the kids<</if>> on Greek row, but there was a small contingent of us that were eschewing hours of partying and studying to make sure that we //could// party from time to time. We kept it to ourselves because there was some social capital to be lost when people knew you were a 'peon'. <br><br> There was the perk of getting out of the bubble. So it wasn't all bad having [[my job|UN004 - Extra2]]. <<path !_isSporty>> Could just enjoy a bit of relaxation and keep that black black. A flex 'account' of time and energy (and a little money) as it were, to help out whenever things cropped up. <<blocked>> $ wasn't 'athletic' in high school. <<contents>> <<set $UN.extracurricular = "none">> <<image framed "passage/uni.dorm.png">> <br><br> While other students were filling their 'free time' with other activities, I enjoyed the calm and quiet of the dorm undisturbed. I could take lunch at off-hours, I could shift when I did homework. It gave a flexibility that put me at ease. <br><br> At first, I think people thought I was shy, or overwhelmed, or just burnt out. But if everyone always sees you in your room, or hanging out at the dorm, or just chilling on the Quad, questions start to form: nerd who always studies? is she going to class? Nah. None of the above. And all of the above, kinda. This was my last hurrah before like, real life, and I wanted to enjoy myself and avoid any unnecessary pressure. <br><br> Still, I had to do //something// with the time, even if it was nothing. That whole 'even not making a decision' is '[[making a decision|UN004 - Extra2]]'' kind of concept. <<path $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4 || $Memories.includes("TeenModel")>> While it wasn't quite an 'extra-curricular,' modeling certainly was an interesting thing to do with my time. Who knew where it could lead! <<blocked>> $ didn't model in High School or isn't attractive enough. <<contents>> <<set $UN.extracurricular = "model">> /* IMAGE (Needed): POV: looking at a camera on tripod with light boxes behind it */ <div id="campus"> <<if $Memories.includes("TeenModel")>> <<skillChecked "Previous Experience">> Towards the end of High School, focusing on academics had taken a front-seat and my modeling 'career' had taken a backseat. A part of me panged at having let that go by the wayside. <br><br> Now I was older. Now I had some gaps on my resume. The whole modeling world had changed and maybe left me behind. <br><br> But I still had the talent from before. I //had// done it before. Maybe there was still a chance for me to reinvigorate that exciting part of my past. <br><br> Maybe... <<else>> I'd always been supremely intrigued by the idea of being a model. Maybe it was every girl's fantasy. <br><br> Yet, it was always a dialogue with the girl in the mirror critiquing my nose, or my blemishes, or the way I looked from one side or the other. I wasn't anywhere near as beautiful as those other women. Never could happen. <br><br> But maybe... <</if>> <br><br> I saw an ad on campus for an art student that was doing his photography thesis on "Women of Campus" and was looking for models. <br><br> It wasn't //exactly// what I had in mind, but maybe it would be a way to dip my toe in the water. Get comfortable in front of the camera. And get some campus notoriety. <br><br> <<crossroads #campus>> <<path>> I pulled one of the tear-tabs with contact information and set up a session. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> It may not have been the most impressive modeling opportunity, but I could see how a fledgling considered me and use that as a barometer if I was going to pursue this further. <br><br> I couldn't pass by any chance. And it was staring me in the face. No matter what it meant to have my face plastered all over campus, no matter that I didn't really know what I was getting nerves told me that this was a perfect, easy first step into the world in front of the camera. <br><br> My heart was pounding in my chest when I dropped by the art department building for my first [[shoot|UN004 - Extra2]]. <<path>> It was too low-brow. I was looking to be a //real// model. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> Some girls did it. Some girls bared it all. It was kind of a notorious coup around campus. Some Freshman became 'it' girls, others completely shamed themselves in front of everyone. The biggest winner, by far, was the student behind the project, both in popularity and his capstone grade. <br><br> I brushed off the sense that it was a missed opportunity...because it wasn't the kind I was looking for. And I knew I coulda been better than any of those girls. I was certain that I would have pushed his grade up higher, that I would have been the highlight of the project. If I had deigned to do it. <br><br> So I put my full attention to opportunities //off//-campus. The ''real'' photographers. The real world of [[modeling|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</crossroads>> <br> </div>
<<outfit $UN.greek>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "act">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A woman alone on stage looking out into an empty audience, POV from behind. */ The theatre was a converted church, a little black box venue that was overrun by auditioners. Off to one side were people getting into the zone with their earbuds in while people moved around on the raised wooden platform in the middle of the space doing vocal trills and stretching exercises, and then there were those with their noses practically against the corners, reciting their monologues. And then there was the cabal of upper classmen, sitting in the audience and inspecting their 'competition' while they laughed loudly and talked even louder about the roles they had played, or how great each other's performances had been in the last year. Intimidation tactics as much as building themselves up. Everyone had their own way 'in' and you could feel the nerves in the air, sudden pauses in the activity as Professors appeared for a moment -- was the audition starting now? No. They were just grabbing some papers. Now? No, putting their stuff down. <br><br> <<linkexpand "Now.">> Now. <br><br><br> The three Professors who would be our directors sat in the audience, shooing the upper classmen away to join the rest of us -- auspices of parity and fairness, but you could see the smiles and knowing nods. They'd worked together already and the season was crafted only knowing about these students as potential role fillers, not us. We were the question mark. <br><br> Not even bothering sitting down, one of the -- likely seniors -- a zoftig girl with curly red hair stepped confidently onto the platform. She knew the format, so in that way it was a great instruction for the rest of us, name, year, material. And then she launched into Lady Macbeth, wringing her hands and barely holding back tears until the final words. It was passionate, but it felt overly practiced. Her crew applauded and cheered as she stepped off the stage and headed back to the seats. <br><br> One by one, the more confident and older students jumped up to take their turn on the stage. <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 2>> Eh, who gives a fuck. I wasn't going to sit back idly while all these older assholes tried to show off. I jumped up onto the stage early and happy to see one of the seniors having to awkwardly find their seat again. <<else>> I waited more til the end, not needing to draw attention to myself and I hoped that the order didn't materially matter for our casting. <</if>> <br><br><br> "Hey, I'm a Freshman, <<print $>>. And I'll be doing Violet from August: Osage County." <br><br> "...thats where I got it from." <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 8>> <<set $Memories.push("Naked on stage")>> <<face shock runny>> "Wow." I don't know what guy said it, but the words hung on the air as the room got even colder. The Professors were shuffling around and the older girls were talking in hushed voices, leaning in together and staring daggers at me. <br><br> I had //killed// it. I couldn't help but smile as I stepped down off the stage and headed back to my seat. Even some of the other first-years were leaning over to say hi and congrats. <br><br> The results posted the next day made me laugh. I had to take a photo at the cast list. Ophelia in Hamlet, Dottie Smith in "Killer Joe", Wendla in the play "Spring Awakening" -- there was a single leading female role I didn't get for the season. I was floored, I was stunned, I was ecstatic. And this was my //freshman// season. I could only imagine how things would go from here. <br><br> The other girls were not talking to me. The guys didn't seem to care. They were all fawning over my audition and I enjoyed the attention. The Professors were all up in my business from moment one. Literally as I was taking a photo of the cast list, a tall man with silvery hair came out. He was awkward, with a stuttering cadence of his speech, "Oh. Good. <<print $>>. I wanted to find you before we went to far ahead." <br><br> "Sure, yeah, what's up?" I said, my cheeks flushed, my eyes blinking back tears. <br><br> He guided me over into his office and sat me down, "So, you know about our theatre program, yes?" <br><br> "I mean, I auditioned, didn't I?" <br><br> He chuckled, "No, no. We're //very// cutting edge. Even for a small program that we have." He said it proudly, as if it were a rising Yale. <br><br> "Okay..." I wasn't sure what he was getting at. <br><br> "With your talent, I'm sure you know the material of the season?" I shook my head, "Well, it's edgy material and highly sexual. Most of our seasons deal with heady and triggering material." I nodded slowly, "So, you're fine with it?" <br><br> "Oh. Wait. So...I'll be naked. Onstage?" <br><br> "Yes, your roles call for nudity and sex scenes in a couple of places. Ophelia, while not nude, her costuming won't leave much to the imagination. And there are directing suggestions I have for her ultimate scene." I coughed and flushed brighter as the images flooded my imagination. "If you aren't comfortable, we //will// need to recast. And promptly." <br><br> I felt the pressure, I understood that all this sudden and miraculous success rode on me being willing to let any and everyone who felt like showing up for a play to see me naked. Every night sounded like every show I was in. And sex scenes. Jesus. Big ask for freshman girl. But I nodded, not wanting to let go of the opportunity. I'd figure out a way to get through it on my own time. <br><br> The crowds were packed. I didn't know if it was because of the sex and nudity, the quality of the production or what, but every single night we had a full house. Of every show, even Hamlet. I had sex on stage in Killer Joe, in Spring Awakening, and I was encouraged for Ophelia to lean into a sexual relationship with Hamlet. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>>And I'm not going to lie, I was fucking horned up every night with so many eyeballs on me. I offered to do the nudity during our final rehearsals and through dress, which was greatly appreciated by the directors and the male cast. And my Melchior, Hamlet, and Joe loved poking fun of me how clearly aroused I was each night when we got to our scenes.<</if>> <br><br> Despite the prohibition against recording and photography, each night a new video leaked. New pictures circulated. Probably well past my graduation. So...everyone knew what I looked like naked, either first-hand or second. But I was known all around campus and had gotten an unparalleled first year casting. <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte 5>> <<set $Memories.push("Naked on stage")>> <<face shock>> The first thing I heard was the chittering of the girls as they leaned into each other and started giving me the evil eye. I was competition. Cool. That meant a good job, but it also meant I had a target on my back. Eventually, I'd probably end up in that elite group that was judging the other auditioning girls with a extreme prejudice, but for the time being I would have to placate the theatre queens and not burn any bridges. <br><br> The results posted the next day made me grin, while I wasn't going to be Ophelia in Hamlet, but I would be Dottie Smith in "Killer Joe." I guess I had picked the right playwright. <br><br> Then I read the play and realized that...I'd be naked on stage? Would that be okay at this level? Was that expected of me? If I asked would I potentially lose the role? <br><br> Carefully, I found one of the female professors and pulled out the book to show her the scene. She cut me off before I got to even ask the question, "You're okay with being naked, right?" Well, there was my answer. I nodded and ended the conversation. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> And I'm not going to lie, I was fucking horned up every night with so many eyeballs on me. I offered to do the nudity during our final rehearsals and through dress, which was greatly appreciated by the directors and the male cast. And my Joe loved poking fun of me how clearly aroused I was each night when we got to our scenes. <br><br> <</if>> It definitely was a draw. We were packed every single night and there were photos and videos floated around the school -- probably even after I graduated -- of my 'performance' despite the warnings against the use of cameras. So...everyone knew what I looked like naked, either first-hand or second. But I was known all around campus and had gotten a big part my first year. <<else>> <<face angry>> A smattering of kind applause, but I could see from the smiles and looks the older actors were giving each other, they were less than impressed. Fuck. Well, I had tried. I'd have a few more years to refine my material and skills and knock it out of the park later on. This wasn't the end of everything. <br><br> And the results posted the next day proved my fears correct. I'd play some one-line roles here and there throughout the season, but I wouldn't be carrying any of the shows. <</if>> <br><br><br> Rehearsals comprised most evenings and weekends, which took away from my feeling of broader connectedness to my class and the student body, but instead I felt a special closeness with my fellow [[theatre kids|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "none">> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set $UN.test ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A real-life version of Lucy's Psychiatry kiosk */ I got to know the 'breathing' of campus. By being around and apart, I got a sense for the rhythms of school: the rush for meals, between classes, to pre-game before a night's parties, the exodus off campus to hit the town; and the ebb when they were in classes, studying in the library, off at whatever event. And with that came the sympathetic cadence of the non-students: the grounds crew, the instructors and administrators. Sitting on the Quad was like a perch that allowed me to really understand the mechanics of the school. <br><br> People who I didn't know, I //knew//. Who they ran with, who they were into, what their business was. Everyone else was so wrapped up in themselves and what they were doing and who they were with, they couldn't see the trees for the forest. I felt like a voyeur, and I didn't even have to hide. It was exhilarating. <br><br> With that knowledge came power and people began to come to me for advice -- having no clue why my recommendations were so on-point -- or to find out the dirt on people. While I loved having the power, the hard part was that I couldn't just be an open door for anyone. There had to be some gate or the power was gone. So I had to decide what my rules were, who I would help and for what. <br><br> Campus Information Broker <<print $>>. <br><br> <div id = "broker"> My preferred clientele? <br><br> There was something about <<link "snitching">><<replace "#broker">> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> In my mind, we had all come to college to learn and it irked me that some kids -- athletes, partiers, whoever -- felt that they could get away with having extra fun and still achieve good grades. It didn't feel fair to me, so I collected a little dirt here or there and left it for TA's or professors to catch the cheaters. <br><br> Now, people got expelled. Notes, paper writing, and test answer businesses got shut down. Probably entire careers tanked because of //their// decisions that ended them up in hot water. That wasn't the intended outcome, I was just trying to balance the scales and ensure that the people who worked for it got ahead. <br><br> And people knew. They could put the pieces together and trace it all back to me. I lost friends over it, but were they really friends if me doing the __right__ thing was what shut the door between us? I didn't need them anyway. <br><br> <div id = "pay">What did I like to receive in return?<br><br> //I// was the one who saw my academic prospects <<link "improve">><<replace "#pay">> <<set $UN.test ++>> It's not that there was a tit-for-tat. That would have been wrong in its own right. And I didn't ask for anything either. But I think that the teachers appreciated having the scales set right again. It meant that they could do their job without feeling taken advantage of -- students now had to actually put in effort and value their classes. <br><br> On the other hand, it was nice that occasionally I received some partial credit that maybe I wasn't entirely entitled to, or a result on a paper was kinder than it probably should have been. <br><br> Now. Just to be clear, that was //not// why I continued to do it. Just a nice [[perk|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</replace>><</link>>.<br> I felt kind of like <<link "Batman">><<replace #pay>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I was a collegiate vigilante. I was the one who worked outside the system to ensure that the system was working right. I was the one to be feared. And I walked among them, wearing the mask that was me while I kept my secret identity hidden. <br><br> Just saying that hurts a bit. I wondered from time to time if that was the part of me what was Mom speaking. Was that what she enjoyed? Is that what it felt like to be undercover? Was that the exhilaration of being a spy? <br><br> In some ways I was. And my mind wandered to her and my last memories of her. And I hoped that maybe, just maybe, she was just deep [[undercover|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</replace>><</link>>, or at least a private eye.<br> </div> <</replace>><</link>> on students that I enjoyed.<br> People came to me in matters of <<link "love">><<replace "#broker">> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> I saw the goings and comings (not that kind) of people around campus and I could connect the dots. At first, I simply offered a couple friends some advice about this girl or that guy they were pining over. And I was right. They were floored. I had saved them from a slut. <br><br> It spread like wildfire that I had some kind of sixth sense or inside scoop on people around campus. I really had to up my game and tune my senses a bit more specifically to what people were up to. In the beginning, I had just been keyed in on a couple of people because I knew my friends were interested and some red flags were thrown. Now it was a case where I needed to know everyone's business. <br><br> But kids at school weren't exactly crafty: they'd get drunk and do or say something stupid, or just think that they were invisible amongst the hundreds of other students. They weren't. I knew who was hooking up with who and people came to me for that knowledge. <br><br> I wasn't about to do it for free, though. This was //work//. <br><br> Just by asking their questions, they were giving me tidbits of information. I knew what they were interested in, I knew who was really being the request. But that wasn't enough compensation. <br><br> Initially, people balked at my request for payment, but when it was their heart (or dick) thinking -- and it always was -- it's amazing at how quick they changed their mind. The information could feed the machine: relationships, dirt, stories. Or it could be things that were more tangible to me and made my life far easier and enjoyable. <br><br> I had to lead them by the nose at first, but once my knowledge started to speak for itself, people started to spill their guts without me asking. I received far more than enough payment then. <br><br> I held the power to decide what they had offered wasn't enough. Free info. I meted out what I deemed necessary and ensured I always got more than I gave. <br><br> And hell, it wasn't bad to be able to control who was hooking up with who -- who had the chances, who was going to fall flat on their face. And I always knew who was interested in me. <br><br> I never was bored, that's for [[sure|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</replace>><</link>>and lust.<br> </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "job">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> There were tons of options, especially with the flexibility of classes. I could work late. Get up early. Hell, between classes. I could work weekend, I could load up my credits on a single day. So it really came down to what I //wanted// to do if I was going to find gainful employment. <div id="job"> <<crossroads #job>> <<path>> Nannying was both flexible and lucrative. <<contents>> <<set $UN.job = "nanny">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <br><br> Essentially, I was a babysitter. But being a college student gave me a lot more credibility than other options. And for good reason! When I look back at how irresponsible and idiotic I was just a few years ago, why wouldn't you want to hire someone with a developed pre-frontal cortex, established work ethic and discipline? Well, cost. I commanded a better price because of my qualities and stability, but mostly because I needed to pay for college. On the other hand, they kind of expected me to be available and ready to tutor their kids. A package deal, I guess. <br><br> I found a nice (and wealthy) family not too far from campus. The Reddings were relatively understanding about the flux in my day-to-day and their kids, Darcy and Delvin, were sweet -- and I didn't have to change diapers. Darcy was navigating her way through the awkward, frustrating and hyper-emotional high school years while Delvin was practically my peer. I think that's one of the reasons they picked me: I was a ready-made college counselor for him. Sure, it was weird to be 'babysitting' someone practically my age and it caused for a bit of friction, but I wasn't going to say no to the money. <br><br> Mrs. Redding -- Debbie -- was ready for the empty nest. She filled her days with other activities and seemed to want to avoid parenting any more. She was hell-bent to offload her kids on me as often as she could manage. <br><br> Mr. Redding -- Ned -- seemed like this was maybe his second or third marriage and first foray into family. A business man with a swagger that ready sales, when we were all together, it felt like there were three generations. Me and the kids, Debbie (almost could lump her in with us), and Ned. That's how stark the age difference was. <br><br><br> And the Reddings became my second family. A home away from [[home|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<path>> Office work was less flexible and had weird expectations, but it was 'real'-world experience. <<contents>> <<outfit office>> <<set $UN.job = "admin">> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<image framed "passage/">> <br><br> After college, likely I'd end up in some sort day-job. I don't think I saw myself in the kind of office that <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> worked in, but I figured: hey, I had the opportunity and getting an internship, some skills, something on my resume sooner rather than later couldn't hurt when that eventuality did come to pass. <br><br> Because my life was going to be normal. School straight to typical working adulthood. Of course. <br><br> I applied, got a bit of an office wardrobe, and got a job. My palms were sweaty at the interview -- yeah, just took one -- even though it was practically for the mail room. I was so nervous I'd be rejected, something on my blank page of a resume would set off an alarm and I'd be jobless for the rest of my life. <br><br> But nope, I was a body to fill the role. And I have no doubt that a pretty young girl showing up for the position was far preferable to the white men who ran the office than some brown nosing dude. It had it's own implications, but that's the way of the world, right? <br><br> So I picked up the part-time work and learned some things, found out why mundane jobs were mundane: they were boring as fuck. And a lot of it was finding ways to avoid doing work, looking busy rather than being busy. It kind of made me wonder why jobs even existed if everyone was trying not to do them. <br><br><br> But the paycheck was a good enough reason to keep coming [[back|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2>> OnlyFans could lead to a lot of money, but was risky that people would find out...and become a college pariah. <<blocked>> $ isn't risky enough. <<contents>> <<set $UN.job = "OF">> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> /* IMAGE (Needed): An interpretation of an OnlyFans homepage */ <br><br> It was after the explosion of OnlyFans, to be honest. There were other pretender sites and it had become normalized by the time that I got into it. I remember there being 'cam girls' growing up and now this was the new form that had evolved in the industry. <br><br> And because it was normalized, there was a //lot// of competition. There were so many people on the platform: singles, couples, actual porn stars. People who had long-standing audiences. People who would do anything. <br><br> I knew it was going to be hard to break in, but I hoped that I had something unique to me that would do the trick. Or that guys were just horny enough to want to see someone new, someone younger and 'amateur', someone like me...stumbling my way to finding my OF voice. <br><br> So, I scheduled my time to ensure that I had alone time with no disturbances, made it consistent so people knew when to expect releases from me or when I'd be live. I grabbed a camera and some lingerie and made my gambit to exchange my body for money. <br><br> Part of it was my own sex appeal. Part of it was what I was willing to do and show. Part of it was spending the time to build up a client base. Part of it was teasing and -- not just acting -- some was out and out manipulation. But it was part of the game. <br><br> There was a big learning curve, and while I knew it was going to be hard to keep things under wraps since the internet is...the internet...I didn't realize how much I'd need to leverage social media and that meant far more people knew who I was, on campus, off, back at home. <br><br><br> And I'm certain across the world. It was a double-edged [[sword|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<path ($CC.maleAttention gt 1 && $CC.maleReaction gt 1) || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Older Men")>> I didn't have to //actually// work if I entertained being a Sugar Baby. <<blocked>> $ doesn't appreciate Older men or their 'appreciation' that way <<contents>> <<set $UN.job = "sugar">> <<Stats Wiles += 2>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 9>> /* IMAGE (Needed): A Sugar Baby app on a smartphone */ <br><br> There had been articles when I was growing up about how girls were paying their way through college by being 'Sugar Babies.' Some did porn, too. Passe were the girls who 'simply' stripped. Everything was becoming mainstream, so by the time I considered the idea, being a Sugar Baby was kind of legitimized. <br><br> It wasn't //quite// escorting, because I developed only a relationship or two over the years, rather than potentially a bevvy of partners. So it wasn't being a prostitute. It was an exchange. The men didn't want to feel like they were entertaining sex workers when they were being entertained, and I definitely didn't want to think of myself as one. <br><br> Sex wasn't always on the table. There were some girls that we SBs that __never__ had sex with the men they were with. These men were rich and wanted company. <br><br> I was more than happy to provide the company and receive gifts of clothes, jewelry...or just cold, hard cash. And I always had someone in my court when I ran on hard times. They were powerful people in the community and actively cared about me. It was a second support system beyond my friends and <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. I just had to keep any of them from finding out about the Sugar Daddy. <br><br><br> The Sugar Daddy of note in college was Robert Smith III. His name was bland, but there was something about him that kept my attention. It was a two-way street and I never felt pressured or obligated. It was consensual. And maybe it was his [[money|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<path>> And then there was the tried and true restaurant work. <<contents>> <<set $UN.job = "waiter">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A hooters outfit lying on a bed. */ <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <br><br> It wasn't glorious, but it did the trick. At first, I worked at a chain restaurant where most of the food was microwaved and the turnover in staff was breakneck. But they said yes as soon as I applied and it built up my 'resume'. Eventually, I found my way into a sexy, popular joint in the gentrifying part of town called Two Bridges. <br><br> No matter where I worked, though, my feet ached, I crashed in bed without brushing my teeth or showering probably too often for my own good, and I had occasional awkward run-ins with people I went to school with. <br><br> I was the help, but honestly, that grounded me. <br><br> And there were the perks of a broader group of friends, some free food and drinks, and self-respect. And now, I knew how to carry three plates on one arm. Maybe with a burn mark or two from too-hot plates, but I don't think they were too noticeable. <br><br><br> It also helped that I always had an 'in' someplace when we needed to go out for a good time. Even though it kind of sucked to go where I worked. But that's how I kept afloat throughout [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "cheer">> /* IMAGE (Needed): A cheerleader being thrown into the air */ <<set _cheersucc = 0>> <<if $Memories.includes('CheerCaptain')>> <<set _cheersucc += 2>> This was a far cry from what I had experienced in High School. In retrospect, that felt like someone had //heard// how to be a cheerleader and was doing their best, making it up as they went along. Now, routines were going to be far more complex. And //dangerous//. I'd have far less time to learn them -- the upperclassmen already had the baseline and we had to get there fast before the first game. If I made the squad. <br><br> <<elseif $Memories.includes('Cheerleader')>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> This was a far cry from what I had experienced in High School. In retrospect, that felt like someone had //heard// how to be a cheerleader and was doing their best, making it up as they went along. Now, routines were going to be far more complex. And //dangerous//. I'd have far less time to learn them -- the upperclassmen already had the baseline and we had to get there fast before the first game. If I made the squad. <br><br> <</if>> At the collegiate level, the expectations were probably at the highest level in the whole sport. Going pro was the gravy train afterwards. But for now, being a cheerleader would mean weekends and afternoons in the gym and dance rooms, at away games. Not to mention grueling 6 AM workouts and practices that would lead straight into first period classes. It would consume my life. <br><br> I breathed deeply, getting myself together and shaking out my legs as I squared up, ready to be evaluated by the panel. It wasn't other cheerleaders making the decision, these were the coaches and athletic leadership of the school. Shit was //serious//. <br><br> <<speech "Alea">>"Alright. Let's see you dance."<</speech>> Alea, the Cheer Captain with a high and tight ponytail, sauntered out in front of us. Without a word, she began a routine. My brain went hard into 'learn' mode. I had to retain everything. There were no opportunities to pick up what I had missed. Each of us was marking slightly as we stood there, looking like twitching marionettes trying to get these moves <<linkexpand "into muscle memory.">> into muscle memory. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills["Learning"].value gt 2>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> Another deep breath and I was called to the line with four of the other girls. She counted us in and we broke out into a hybrid of hip-hop, jazz and modern. I couldn't help but give myself a little nod after the first eight count. I had picked up more than I had thought. Not perfect, but having not run the routine before I was happy with the result. <<speech "Alea">>"Okay. Again, this time front to back, back to front."<</speech>> A dismissive hand wave as if we all should have understood what she meant intrinsically. We swapped positions in the lines and did it again. Better this time. The practice helped and this time I could add a bit of my personality and confidence. Go wrong and strong, if needed. <<else>> Another deep breath and I was called to the line with four of the other girls. She counted us in and we broke out into a hybrid of hip-hop, jazz and modern. I grunted as I moved, realizing I hadn't retained the routine as well as I had hoped. I tried to catch cues from the other girls, but without being too obvious about it. <<speech "Alea">>"Okay. Again, this time front to back, back to front."<</speech>> A dismissive hand wave as if we all should have understood what she meant intrinsically. We swapped positions in the lines and did it again. Better this time. Partially from the practice, partially from following the others, but I still didn't feel confident. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.danceStyles.length gt 0>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> Goddamn was I glad for those lessons growing up. Even though this was a new routine with its own flair and personality, there were commonalities to things I had already done and my body molded to them easily. <<else>> Goddamn, I wished I had spent more time practicing dance before this. It would have given me at least some frame of reference without just having to try these moves from a blank slate. I hoped that my personality would prove enough of an edge -- a unique flair. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills["Performance"].value gt 0>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> No matter how the steps looked, I was //giving// it. Attitude. Sex. Confidence. I would put on a show and let them know that I had something to add to anything they threw at me. I was a //performer//. <<else>> As I returned to the line, I felt the strain of my forehead -- I had been frowning and focused the whole time. All that mattered was hitting the moves and doing it right, following her lead and embodying her delivery. I rubbed the creases away and tried to shake off the intensity of those quick couple minutes. <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alea">>"Alright. Let's see you tumble."<</speech>> She waved out a couple of the sinewy guys from the bleachers behind us. I got a couple of words of guidance from him before he was grabbing me and throwing me through the air. Soaring and falling back into a cradle of arms, hoping that they'd be there each time. A toe touch, spike, straight. Hitting each pose as tight and perfectly as possibly while <<linkexpand "being hurled aloft.">> being hurled aloft. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> After a couple of tosses, I grabbed one of their wrists and pulled him close, arching my back to whisper into his ear, <<speechPC>>"Really throw me this time. Hard as you can."<</speechPC>> I felt the flutter of danger and excitement in my throat and saw the uncertainty in his eyes, but I just nodded to seal the deal. He nodded. And then I was __flung__, hurtling with enough force and height that I could turn into it and I was spinning like crazy. Like a log rolling downhill but it was just air around me, body straight and tight. I entrusted my entire safety to the boys below and focused on maintaining speed and momentum. <br><br> It was arms that caught me and not the floor. I could hear the whisper of the girls. It was impressive and I was in one piece. <<else>> I had seen some of the other girls whisper or adjust their partners and then were sent tumbling end-over-end at dizzying speeds. It //looked// impressive, but it also looked incredibly dangerous. I just let my guys go through the normal paces: no risk, no ruptured spleen. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Pliant Limbs")>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> Legs by my head? Splits? I had those in the bag. Limber was my body's middle name. It came easy and fluidly and no one needed to ask where the expertise came from. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> I winced. I wished I had stretched, or maybe tried some more adventurous positions in bed from time to time. It was a strange transferrable skill, but one that mattered right now. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $CC.height gt 0>> <<set _cheersucc -->> And the guys were huffing, stumbling when I hit their arms and eager to dump me back to the floor. Yeah, I was a tall girl and that meant it was harder to throw me and their force meant I moved less, spun not quite as far. I tried to put my own effort into it, but I'm sure it just looked like they were shitty at their jobs and I wasn't quite in the right position when I posed mid-air. <<elseif $CC.height lt 0>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> I was being flung like a fucking //toy//. They barely grunted as they threw me up and seemed like my weight falling against their arms at terminal velocity didn't even bother them. I had to contain my fear as I was spun so fast and so hard, but I got super high to hit my poses. Being a spinner had its benefits. <<else>> I was worried about them being able to toss me, but they seemed quite used to it. I wasn't small by any means, but they made me feel that way as I hurtled into the air above them and how gently they cradled me back to the ground. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> I was able to quash all fears, even spinning 'out of control', just focusing on being in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time. Just assuming and believing that I wouldn't be cracking my head or shattering my leg as I sped back towards the floor. They'd be there. They'd catch me easily and safely. I could deal with a few bruises and friction burns. <<else>> I couldn't help but flinch feeling out of control as I was sent towards the ceiling. Would they be there to catch me? Would it hurt? Yeah, it'd hurt. And I tried to force the sensation down, to subsume my fear and natural instincts as best I could. Just focus on doing what I needed to do. <</if>> <br><br> And then I was shooed over to a gymnastic mat and did a round-off, handspring and handstand. It felt so weird to be doing this alone, all eyes on me, but considering that being a cheerleader was all eyes on you at all times, it was just the situation that felt off, <<linkexpand "I guess.">> I guess. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 2>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> I stunted with aplomb, smiling as I stuck the landing each time, doing my best Simone Biles with my arms up and shining proudly. I even ended things with a little high-kick, foot to my face to show just how able and capable I was. <<else>> <<face hurt1>> My turns came a little too slow, my footing wasn't quite under me. A couple stumbles as I hit my landing, a little unsure on my placement as I twisted and maneuvered. But I completed the set as best I could, nodded and bowed to the judges and assumed my place back with the other girls. <</if>> <br><br> We stood there after the last girl finished with her mat sequence. Awkwardly wondering what was happening next. We looked to little miss Captain as she paced a bit, zoning out herself as the judges deliberated. Oh. They were looking at us. The last part of the puzzle. Did we //look// the part. I just had to hope that I was hot enough and couldn't help comparing myself to the girls beside me in the moment. Maybe I should hit the gym a bit more. My tummy tightened instinctively, my hips cocking back to accentuate my ass and I slightly pigeoned my chest. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> <<set _cheersucc ++>> <</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Alea">>"Great job, girls. Thanks for coming out."<</speech>> Leaning forward, clapping at us as if we were a stand full of hands. I guess it became second nature at a certain point. <br><br> The walk out of the gym was quiet, not even a convivial complaining fest with the other girls. We were just sweaty girls and some of us would make it and some of us wouldn't. <br><br> <<linkexpand "And I...">> And I... <br><br><br> <<if _cheersucc gt 5>> <<run $Memories.push("CollegeCheer")>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 2>> <<Stats Athletics += 2>> <<Stats Coordination += 2>> <<Stats Discipline += 2>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<set $UN.test -->> <<face happy>> Made it! A crazy early text message woke me the next morning giving me the news: <<call "Alea">>"Welcome to the squad."<</call>> and telling me where to be for my first practice. That was fast. <br><br> I was fucking //floored// and -- not going to lie -- a bit dreading the amount of time I had just agreed to give up. But I was on the squad, which meant four years of being one of the most elite girls on campus. A celebrity of the college variety. Hell, some cheerleaders got notoriety on weekly sports TV, onine and [[social media|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<elseif _cheersucc gt 4 && $ !== "blonde">> <<face angry>> I grunted as I was woken up the next morning, <<call "Alea">>"We're considering you. We're going to our first practice. Show up tomorrow blonde or don't show up at all with that shitty hair of yours."<</call>> Appearance was everything and I'd need to change myself to be accepted to the squad. It hurt because there was even a //redhead// already cheering, and this bitch was auburn at best, but the ultimatum had been made and I guess I hadn't done well enough. Or this was hazing. Either way... <br><br> <div id ="hair"> Go <<link "blonde">><<replace "#hair">> <<run $Memories.push("CollegeCheer")>> <<set $ = ("blonde")>><<set $HS.SMfollowers += 2>> <<Stats Athletics += 2>> <<Stats Coordination += 2>> <<Stats Discipline += 2>> <<Stats Performance += 2>> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<set $UN.test -->> If that was the only thing preventing me from being one of them, I'd do it. I went straight to the salon and had them do their magic. <br><br> And the next day, I showed up at the dance hall, location she had sent by text. <br><br> There was a proud smile on her face watching me come in, bleached and changed. She nodded and invited me in, <<speech "Alea">>"Everyone, say hi to our last newbie, <<print $>>!"<</speech>> <br><br> It was a rough and trying four years, but I think it was all worth it, looking back. And I even got really used to having blonde hair after all. Maybe she had done me a [[favor|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</replace>><</link>>? <br> Go <<link "home">><<replace "#hair">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<set $UN.test ++>> I wasn't going to subject myself to that bullshit. I was who I was and if they didn't like me, I didn't want to be a part of them. I rolled over and gladly went back to sleep. <br><br><br> I didn't have much to fill my time with now, falling short of the big swing for being a cheerleader, but it gave me more time to focus on classes. And I made friends on my own without the aegis of 'cheerleader'. Fuck [[that|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <br> </div> <<else>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <<set $UN.extracurricular = "none">> <<waiting 3s>> <<timed 3s>> <<face angry>> My phone was silent. My email? Empty. I hadn't made the team. And try as I might to convince myself otherwise, when the first game rolled around and I saw the cheerleaders and the new blood, my heart sank. Those girls were better than me. No more fooling myself. I had to accept that I hadn't made the cut. <br><br><br> I didn't have much to fill my time with now, falling short of the big swing for being a cheerleader, but it gave me more time to focus on classes. And I made friends on my own without the status of 'cheerleader'. Fuck [[that|UN004 - Professor]]. <</timed>> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "workout">> <<outfit gym>> /* IMAGE (Needed): Sweaty gym clothes and towels strewn on the floor */ Before classes, I'd roll out of bed, not needing to shower because I'd do that later. I'd throw on my sneakers and run down to the gym. Even at that early hour, the space was slammed with people. Gym bunnies and workout bros. Weights would be slamming, there would be the constant hum of treadmills and grunting. Some of them were part of the athletics department, the rest were like me: taking every opportunity to ensure I stayed looking good. <br><br> And then after classes -- yes, it wasn't just a one time a day thing, slacker -- was when //everyone// was in the gym. All the normies trying to get a sweat on before replacing it with a quicker buzz that evening. It was far less efficient than the morning workouts, but it was necessary, if only to decompress and put an end-point to the school day. <br><br> No matter the time of day, everyone affected mostly a 'in the zone' attitude, focused entirely on the wall in front of them or completing the set. Some were in little dyads or triads and laughing and joking together but in their own world. But. Let's be honest. We were all sweaty, mostly wearing little to nothing and bouncing. And straining. And grunting. And these were some of the fittest people on campus. It was a meat market. We were looking. And enjoying looking and being looked at. <div id="workout"> I'd start with... <<crossroads #workout>> <<path>> The elliptical. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br><br> Even with earbuds in, the hum of the machine had a meditative quality. The pace of my pumping legs in time with the music in my ears -- it was easy to zone out. There'd be that wall that you'd hit when you really didn't want to put in the effort, but eventually it would simply fall away to the endorphins and that my mind was able to wander. I could plan my outfits for the weekend, I could exercise the demons of whoever might have been pissing me off at the moment. I could even forget about Mom for a bit. <br><br> And having nothing else to do, it wasn't just my mind that wandered. My eyes took in every new body that walked into the gym. The regulars, the ones that I wanted to look like, the ones I wanted to see naked (might have been the same people). I wasn't all horned up and imagining hooking up with them, but when you had a brain with nothing else to do, the lizard part woke up and couldn't help checking out potential partners. <br><br> I'm not alone in the thinking, because being on the machine was kind of like being on a pedestal. Swaying and bounding in front of everyone else, the mirrors giving two views at once. And their perving could be 'hidden' with the vacant between-set look. The scan. Or they wouldn't hide it at all, eyes smiling as they watched my <<if $Stats.BodyTraits == "tits">>firm chest, not needing the sports bra -- providing just contour and cleavage --<<elseif $Body.tits == "small">>perky little chest, probably looking like a board with the sports bra on,<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>tits swaying slightly under the binding of my sports bra, peek of cleavage hinting at what they normally looked like,<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>sports bra being essential to my running, holding back the weight on my chest as they threatened to pop out,<<else>>girls heaving up and down, back and forth, arguing about how much of my bodyweight they comprised,<</if>> bouncing with each swing of my legs. <br><br> <div id="workout2"> And then I'd finish off with... <<crossroads #workout2>> <<path>> Strength training. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<skillChecked "Body Traits">> <br><br> Don't act like I'm some basic bitch. I know that the true source of fitness, keeping slim and tight, is solid attention to weight training. The skinny fats that would only jump on the treadmill that, sure, looked slender, but they couldn't compete for the definition and tone that I had. <br><br> Squats and deadlifts <<if $Stats.BodyTraits == "ass">>to really accentuate my ass, making sure it was absolutely //killer// no matter what I wore. Gotta enhance the bits you've got.<<else>>to build out my rear -- didn't want no pancake<</if>>. Free weights for my arms. Planks and hitting the mats to ensure my core was tight. And then there were the machines for my thighs and calves, cutting down on cellulite and jiggle where weight always seemed to find its way. <br><br> It wasn't entirely a solo activity. There were always offers to spot me on sets, or the 'helpful advice' on my form or what exercises I should be doing. While they were flexing. While they were smiling. While they were touching me unbidden. But it was fine. Gave them an excuse to chat me up and because we were in public I could shut it down if I wanted to. <<path>> Socializing. <<contents>> <br><br> I'd get a little tired, or a little bored, or working my body that hard had gotten my heart beating. And so I'd sidle up to someone I knew and lean against their machine while I chatted. And probably had someone else nearby in mind. Trying to make eye contact and judge whether or not they were interested as well. <br><br> Hey. Don't judge. Where else were you going to find a better place to scope out exactly who looked good naked? It was like a self-selecting group of people who ''cared'' about how they looked and being with people who looked similarly. <br><br> And so my friend would move on in their circuit and leave me the opportunity to walk by my interest, or leave me available and alone. And then neither of us would be working out, just hanging out by the machine, flirting and getting to know each other. Finding out what they were doing later, where they hung out. <br><br> Sometimes I'd give my number. Sometimes it was just for fun. <<contentsShared>> <br><br><br> My time at the gym would eventually come to a close and rather than go back to shower where I lived -- who wanted to walk sweaty and dirty that whole way when there was a perfectly good option just down the hall -- I'd pop into the showers at the gym. Still industrial, but they were geared to the athletic department so the water was always high-powered and hot. The bathrooms were spotless and I didn't have to worry about when the last cleaning had happened. The soap was better. The towels were better. <br><br> Or, if I had a little extra time I'd swing by the sauna, sweating out some extra water and sitting <<linkexpand "naked with the other girls.">> naked with the other girls. <<outfit naked>> <<skillChecked "Easy">> <br><br> Doubtlessly, someone <<if $Stats.Traits["Easy"].value gt 3>>(usually me) <</if>>was talking about their most recent fuck. What it was like, if they were going to be the new toy or just a fling. And of course being fully on display meant there was a full-on comparison and critique of each other's traits. It was here I envied men. They just were hung up on their package. There were so many other things to compare and feel inadequate when you looked at another naked woman. <br><br><br> With an exquisite body tired, clean and shiny, I'd head back home feeling better than I had an hour or two before. God. Working out was fucking [[fantastic|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<path>> Strength training. <<contents>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<skillChecked "Body Traits">> <br><br> Don't act like I'm some basic bitch. I know that the true source of fitness, keeping slim and tight, is solid attention to weight training. The skinny fats that would only jump on the treadmill that, sure, looked slender, but they couldn't compete for the definition and tone that I had. <br><br> Squats and deadlifts <<if $Stats.BodyTraits == "ass">>to really accentuate my ass, making sure it was absolutely //killer// no matter what I wore. Gotta enhance the bits you've got.<<else>>to build out my rear -- didn't want no pancake<</if>>. Free weights for my arms. Planks and hitting the mats to ensure my core was tight. And then there were the machines for my thighs and calves, cutting down on cellulite and jiggle where weight always seemed to find its way. <br><br> It wasn't entirely a solo activity. There were always offers to spot me on sets, or the 'helpful advice' on my form or what exercises I should be doing. While they were flexing. While they were smiling. While they were touching me unbidden. But it was fine. Gave them an excuse to chat me up and because we were in public I could shut it down if I wanted to. <div id="workout2"> And then I'd finish off with... <<crossroads #workout2>> <<path>> The elliptical. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <br><br> Even with earbuds in, the hum of the machine had a meditative quality. The pace of my pumping legs in time with the music in my ears -- it was easy to zone out. There'd be that wall that you'd hit when you really didn't want to put in the effort, but eventually it would simply fall away to the endorphins and that my mind was able to wander. I could plan my outfits for the weekend, I could exercise the demons of whoever might have been pissing me off at the moment. I could even forget about Mom for a bit. <br><br> And having nothing else to do, it wasn't just my mind that wandered. My eyes took in every new body that walked into the gym. The regulars, the ones that I wanted to look like, the ones I wanted to see naked (might have been the same people). I wasn't all horned up and imagining hooking up with them, but when you had a brain with nothing else to do, the lizard part woke up and couldn't help checking out potential partners. <br><br> I'm not alone in the thinking, because being on the machine was kind of like being on a pedestal. Swaying and bounding in front of everyone else, the mirrors giving two views at once. And their perving could be 'hidden' with the vacant between-set look. The scan. Or they wouldn't hide it at all, eyes smiling as they watched my <<if $Stats.BodyTraits == "tits">>firm chest, not needing the sports bra -- providing just contour and cleavage --<<elseif $Body.tits == "small">>perky little chest, probably looking like a board with the sports bra on,<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>tits swaying slightly under the binding of my sports bra, peek of cleavage hinting at what they normally looked like,<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>sports bra being essential to my running, holding back the weight on my chest as they threatened to pop out,<<else>>girls heaving up and down, back and forth, arguing about how much of my bodyweight they comprised,<</if>> bouncing with each swing of my legs. <<path>> Socializing. <<contents>> I'd get a little tired, or a little bored, or working my body that hard had gotten my heart beating. And so I'd sidle up to someone I knew and lean against their machine while I chatted. And probably had someone else nearby in mind. Trying to make eye contact and judge whether or not they were interested as well. <br><br> Hey. Don't judge. Where else were you going to find a better place to scope out exactly who looked good naked? It was like a self-selecting group of people who ''cared'' about how they looked and being with people who looked similarly. <br><br> And so my friend would move on in their circuit and leave me the opportunity to walk by my interest, or leave me available and alone. And then neither of us would be working out, just hanging out by the machine, flirting and getting to know each other. Finding out what they were doing later, where they hung out. <br><br> Sometimes I'd give my number. Sometimes it was just for fun. <<contentsShared>> <br><br><br> My time at the gym would eventually come to a close and rather than go back to shower where I lived -- who wanted to walk sweaty and dirty that whole way when there was a perfectly good option just down the hall -- I'd pop into the showers at the gym. Still industrial, but they were geared to the athletic department so the water was always high-powered and hot. The bathrooms were spotless and I didn't have to worry about when the last cleaning had happened. The soap was better. The towels were better. <br><br> Or, if I had a little extra time I'd swing by the sauna, sweating out some extra water and sitting <<linkexpand "naked with the other girls.">> naked with the other girls. <<outfit naked>> <<skillChecked "Easy">> <br><br> Doubtlessly, someone <<if $Stats.Traits["Easy"].value gt 3>>(usually me) <</if>>was talking about their most recent fuck. What it was like, if they were going to be the new toy or just a fling. And of course being fully on display meant there was a full-on comparison and critique of each other's traits. It was here I envied men. They just were hung up on their package. There were so many other things to compare and feel inadequate when you looked at another naked woman. <br><br><br> With an exquisite body tired, clean and shiny, I'd head back home feeling better than I had an hour or two before. God. Working out was fucking [[fantastic|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "yoga">> <<outfit yoga>> Vinyasa flow and a overly hot room were //fantastic//. I pressed my heels to the mat and twisted my body as I lengthened and...breathe. People don't really give yoga the credit it deserves: it's way harder than it appears. It truly is an athletic endeavor and was always pushing my limits further and further. <br><br><br> I tried out a bunch of places before settling in on where I'd practice. I had to ensure I liked the teacher, liked the flow, and liked the community. <br><br> There were a couple of options for where I was going to take classes: <div id="yoga"> <<crossroads #yoga>> <<path>> The local spot run by a patchouli couple out of their attic. <<contents>> <<set $UN.sora = 1>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Pliant Limbs')>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Incredible Flexibility')>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Pliant Limbs')>> <</if>> <br><br> Sure, it was a little weird rolling up to a house. There was the cluster of mostly older women -- but far more diverse than I expected the 'white wife' practice to be -- waiting on the front steps of just your average little ranch house that I would join until Rolly would come down, give us a Namaste and allow us into their home. <br><br> Our shoes were left by the door. It smelled like the incense had soaked into the frame of the house. We would walk up the creaking stairs to join Sora who was already stretching and moving on her mat, barely taking notice of our entrance. <br><br> It wasn't Enya, but there were definitely pan flutes and sounds from nature on the soundtrack as we settled into place, rolled out our mats soundlessly and relaxed into the early moments of our session. <br><br><br> "Thank you for taking the time and energy to be compassionate and loving with yourself." Her voice sounded warm and raspy at the same time. "Now, I invite you to join me in Adho mukha svanasana." <br><br> The room would soon be alive with deep breathing, groans and exclamations of release. I was astounded at how some of these women -- in their 60s -- could move better than I did. And I thought I had youth on my side. But slowly and surely, I started to be able to hold my own. <br><br> Sora's hands were both gentle and firm as she came around to guide us into proper position or add some external pressure to help us lengthen. She never made me feel like I was the only one who needed the help, though in the early days, I certainly was. <br><br> I came to enjoy the wet-wood smell of that attic. Whether that was from years of rainfall, or years of people sweat soaking in, I couldn't tell. I found the places where my eyes would focus as I would hold and push through an extension. And, eventually, I found a way to endure the fact that there were no showers or locker rooms. We left the way we came, but now sticky and tired, heading back to our worlds to clean up and change. <br><br> "Now, take a moment to thank your body." And with that, our sessions would end, in Balasana and a deep OM. Tears usually dripped from my face onto my mat alongside the sweat dripping off the loose strands of my hair. <br><br><br> I blamed the fact that I usually cried at the end of a session on my tight hip flexors needing that release, but I knew deep down the motherly energy of Sora touched me a bit too close to home. Maybe it was a form of therapy. It didn't hurt enough not to return, and I enjoyed getting off campus and welcomed so genuinely [[a few times a week|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<path>> The college classes that were already included in tuition and still on campus. <<contents>> <<set $UN.sora = 2>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Pliant Limbs')>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Incredible Flexibility')>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Pliant Limbs')>> <</if>> <br><br> Sure, it felt like a little bit of a cop-out to be in the gym without going to the gym. But it was easy to get to and I felt surrounded by my peers. It was very casual too: no attendance, no fees, no expectations. I'd plop my mat down, chat a little with the girls next to me and then get admonished by the beleaguered post-grad, Sora, who was clearly doing a work-study program. <br><br> I liked how we could watch ourselves in the mirrors -- it doubled as a dance studio -- because I could check the others and see where I might be off in my positioning, or really check myself out and see the journey I had been making. <br><br> I didn't like how others could watch me in the mirrors. It was not as single-gender as I had expected or wanted and there were more than a few joiners who were not taking the practice seriously and would find their ways to do half-assed flow with prime real estate for mirror-gazing or right behind me to watch my thighs frame my pussy or pants grip at my tense legs and ass. It was annoying but there was little I could do about it. <br><br> Sora had a little boom box by her setup that gave us some rhythm to guide us through our flow. Otherwise, the room was essentially quiet, listening to our own breathing or trying to avoid making a grunt or other noise that could be misinterpreted by the incels around me. <br><br><br> Occasionally, Sora would walk around and find the girls who were regulars, like myself, and whisper kindly into our ears and make little adjustments with her hands. It was like there was a little enclave within the larger group. The serious kids. And we were the ones making significant improvement to our practice. <br><br> Eventually, I hardly noticed the guys except the couple who came here to actually practice yoga. I didn't care any more what views the other men were getting or what they were doing with those images later. I really enjoyed that I could literally step outside the room and head straight into the showers for a rinse off and change. Best, though, was how close my dorm was to crash afterwards. <br><br> We'd end with laughing our way through child's pose, grabbing at our toes and rolling back and forth and then we'd disperse until the next time. <br><br><br> My favorite moment of all, though, was walking through the hallway of the gym after a good session and seeing the comparative looks by all the skinny-fat girls who were salivating over my tone and knowing they were driving themselves crazy wondering why they hadn't seen me exercising with them moments ago. It was [[fantastic|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<path $CC.wealth gt 3>> Or at the hip, elite club that was members-only and in the ritzy part of town. <<blocked>> $ really couldn't afford the elite Yoga club downtown. <<contents>> <<set $UN.sora = 3>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills and Skin Color">> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes('Pliant Limbs')>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Incredible Flexibility')>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique('Pliant Limbs')>> <</if>> <br><br> So, unsurprisingly, I joined the <<if ["white", "fair"].includes($>>other <</if>> white girlies and headed down town to get our downward dog on. The place was immaculate, we could leave our mats and blocks to be washed after every session, and we had the best teachers in town. I had been assigned to one of the older ones, Sora, which at first I took as a hit to my pride until I realized that with age came experience. <br><br> She was no nonsense and always started exactly on time. Our flows were faster and she pushed us harder, like there was a competition between her and the other instructors and as if there were some competition or grading later. I certainly hoped there wasn't. <br><br> At times, I wished that I could have been with one of the younger instructors where it felt like it was social hour, some light training and exercise, but essentially a breeding ground for society. Instead, I saw them lightly powdering their noses and chattering in the locker room afterwards while I came out looking like a soaked St. Bernard. <br><br> But I did notice the difference between us. They were getting slightly softer, and I was getting tighter, harder, leaner and had a bit of spring to my step. I found greater energy in my days and nights and slept better than I had in years. <br><br> When Sora came around to guide us individually through posture and adjustments and it felt a little like a gymnastics or dance class, as she would really apply the pressure until it hurt. But it hurt //good//. <br><br> And maybe she was so exhausting because she knew that this club came with its own pampering. A massage afterwards? Gratis. Facials? Monthly. The top of the line moisturizers and skin care products in the showers? Stocked. It was a like a spa, but Sora made us earn it. Even though we certainly paid for it too. <br><br> I always left shaking, muscles pushed to the edge of exhaustion, but that made it easier to not bother talking afterwards and really enjoy the comfort of being home when I got there. <br><br><br> And it was certainly nice to feel the jealousy of the girls who knew where I went and that they couldn't afford it. No matter how hard Sora made it, simply going gave me [[class|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "model">> <div id="art"> It was after hours. The lights in the hallways of Rand were in power-saver mode. And they were quiet. Very odd for campus and kind of unnerving. It didn't help my discomfort. <br><br> I found the room on the second floor, beckoning with the glowing lights from within. <br><br> It was just a guy, a couple lightboxes, a hanging white matte background. A single camera on tripod. He was futzing with the edges of the matte, hanging from its roll. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Hello?"<</speechPC>> His head jerked up, seemingly as unnerved by the unnatural state of Rand, <<speech "Jeremy">>"Hey. Uh, <<print $>>, right?" I nodded. "Amazing. Come in."<</speech>> I shut the door and stepped in, awkwardly putting my things on the bare floor and looking around for a clothing rack, or modesty curtain, or anything else beyond just his camera setup. <br><br> He motioned me towards the center of the matte background while he scurried over to the camera. <<speech "Jeremy">>"Really appreciate you doing this. So, uh, yeah, just right out there."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"You didn't give me any you have something for me to change into? Or..."<</speechPC>> He shook his head firmly and smacked himself in the forehead, <<speech "Jeremy">>"Sorry. I forget who I said what to and when. No, no, just as you are. We'll start in your 'natural' state." He laughed at his own 'joke'. "Because, you're a woman of campus and...that' Can't make any artifice, you know? So, just..."<</speech>> <<speechPC>>"Sure." I laughed and moved out to the designated area and found a couple of natural 'standing' poses.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Jeremy">>"Yeah! Exactly!"<</speech>> It was kinda weird that he wasn't commenting on what I was wearing or my looks. Felt kind of the antithesis to most modeling. I guess this made it 'art'. It kinda hurt...just any girl could have been in front of him. <br><br> <<speech "Jeremy">>"Great, now, I'm going to shoot as you take that off."<</speech>> It came out casually, but the implicit ask still struck me. <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> He nodded quickly, frantic hand motions waving off my concern, <<speech "Jeremy">>"This," hand out towards me, "Is how you appear,'s not everything to you. It's closed, it's protected. It's how you //want// people to see you. But...who you are..."<</speech>> I laughed, <<speechPC>>"And your other models--"<</speechPC>> He nodded instantly, expecting the question, <<speech "Jeremy">>"Yep, naked." And then, softer, "Some just...topless." and softer again, barely audible, "but at least underwear."<</speech>> Where this art and 'real' modeling met. I could tell what he wanted. But these would be displayed for his thesis. I had no idea how far the other girls went or how far others would go. Was I willing to show myself to //everyone//? <br><br> <<crossroads #art>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism") || $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 2>> Artistic nudes? That worked for me. <<blocked>> $ isn't an Exhibitionist, Risky or Suggestible enough. <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Kinks & Underwear Choices">> <<speechPC>>"Oh, so like, my //natural// state."<</speechPC>> <br><br> His eyes popped and he was a nodding fool, as if the idea hadn't come to him before. <<speech "Jeremy">>"Exactly!"<</speech>> <br><br> So, I tried to ignore the flashing lights, Jeremy's movement and the snapping camera. I was alone, in my room, undressing. <br><br> I toed my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> off, kicking them aside. Then my hands worked to bare my <<link "legs">><<lower>><</link>>. I bounced awkwardly, tossing my garments aside, but I stifled the laugh, as if it were just me in my dorm room. <br><br> <<speech "Jeremy">>"Great, <<print $>>."<</speech>> Shush, Jeremy. I'm trying to be in my natural state. Here we go... <br><br> I discarded my <<link "top">><<upper>><<bra>><</link>>. <br><br> Jeremy sighed, the release of pleasure verging on pornographic. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism") || ($Body.isTopless == true && $Body.undies == "Commando")>> Just you wait, boy. <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>I turned back to face him, revealing my utter lack of clothing<<else>>My thumbs hooked and tugged down, stepping out of my last remaining article of <<link "clothing">><<panties>><</link>><</if>>. <br><br> I took a moment, Jeremy was recovering and trying to bring the camera back to his face. I stretched, lifting up onto my toes and arching my back. <br><br> The clicking and flashing began again. A little twist of my waist, then back again. <br><br> I considered what would be 'me'. Ignoring the awkward little bleats from Jeremy, I wandered away from the backdrop and over to my stuff and picked up the phone. I stood there, scrolling on a few apps while he considered new angles and lighting, capturing me naked, nipples stiff, goosebumps rising. It was not the comfort of my dorm room, but I could pretend. <<else>> Smiling, I turned back front and considered what would be 'me'. Ignoring the awkward little bleats from Jeremy, I wandered away from the backdrop and over to my stuff and picked up the phone. I stood there, scrolling on a few apps while he considered new angles and lighting, capturing me in my mostly-bare state. <br><br> <</if>> <<speech "Jeremy">>"Incredible. Thank you ''so'' much, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Can't wait to see your thesis."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I was certain neither would everyone else on campus. <br><br> It took a couple months before the prints were finished and framed and placed in the lobby of Rand. Students were going in and out of that building daily. Hourly. And I was on display, alongside other 'Women of Campus'. Mine was striking because it was truly me being me. <br><br> Some of the models were more risky, many were far less risky. Some kept their clothes on entirely. <br><br> I was definitely notable and saw the way people looked at me afterwards. The notoriety was awkward and a bit invasive. /* IMAGE (Needed): An 'artistic' photo of a naked woman in a frame */ But it did get me a bit more comfortable as an entry into [[modeling|UN004 - Extra3]]. <<path>> I'd bare skin, but not //everything//. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> Biting back at the discomfort I felt and resisting the pressure to reveal more of myself than I was comfortable with, I began disrobing...a little. <br><br> So, I tried to ignore the flashing lights, Jeremy's movement and the snapping camera. I was alone, in my room, undressing. <br><br> I toed my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>> off, kicking them aside. Then my hands worked to bare my <<link "legs">><<lower>><</link>>. I bounced awkwardly, tossing my garments aside, but I stifled the laugh, as if it were just me in my dorm room. <br><br> <<speech "Jeremy">>"Great, <<print $>>."<</speech>> Shush, Jeremy. I'm trying to be in my natural state. Here we go... <br><br> I discarded my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>>. <br><br> Smiling, I turned back front and considered what would be 'me'. Ignoring the awkward little bleats from Jeremy, I wandered away from the backdrop and over to my stuff and picked up the phone. I stood there, scrolling on a few apps while he considered new angles and lighting, capturing me in my mostly-bare state. <br><br> <<speech "Jeremy">>"Incredible. Thank you ''so'' much, <<print $>>."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Can't wait to see your thesis."<</speechPC>> <br><br> I was certain neither would everyone else on campus. <br><br> It took a couple months before the prints were finished and framed and placed in the lobby of Rand. Students were going in and out of that building daily. Hourly. And I was on display, alongside other 'Women of Campus'. Mine was striking because it was truly me being me. <br><br> Some of the models were more risky, many were far less risky. Some kept their clothes on entirely. Shithead. I wished I had considered that an option. Too late now. <br><br> I was definitely notable and saw the way people looked at me afterwards. The notoriety was awkward and a bit invasive. /* IMAGE (Needed): An 'artistic' photo of a naked woman in a frame */ But it did get me a bit more comfortable as an entry into [[modeling|UN004 - Extra3]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<<outfit $UN.greek>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "act">> <div id="greenroom"> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> So it was more than just getting to enjoy the performances, the craft, the art of it all. We had a tight-knit community. We were //forced// to be together throughout our lengthy rehearsals, classes, performance nights, but we also chose to eat together, hang out together and party together. We'd have fun even in the Green Room as we waited for our time in the scene shop, or our group to be called to rehearsal. <br><br> The Green Room was our backstage area. Old, beat-up couches and chairs that were probably used in productions as needed, but served as a place where no one else at school knew to come to hang out. It was private, it was cozy, it was ours. We'd bring in our food, our scripts, our homework and hang out with whomever was there until the late hours. They never locked it up on us as long as we took care to treat it as the sacred space that it was. <br><br> Killer Joe was a smaller production, just a five-hander, which made it a great one to start the season with -- less people to direct, get up and ready to run the show, and a lot less overhead in making the play go. <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes('Naked on stage')>> By the time that Killer Joe got to opening night, I had gotten very comfortable being naked around the theatre staff and actors. Because, well, I had to be. <br><br> And when we got towards the end of the show, I didn't feel like rushing back and forth from the dressing room, so I just stayed <<linkexpand "naked...">> <<outfit naked>> naked and chilled in the Green Room with my homework or on my phone while I waited for the scene where Joe and I would have sex on stage. <br><br><br> "Hey, <<print $>>." I looked up from my phone, seeing our Joe -- a gorgeous senior with striking blue eyes and a physique that spoke to spending as much time at the gym as he did on his script -- walked in to join me...naked too. <br><br> "Hey, Matt." My eyes dropped to his semi-erect shaft, swinging side to side as he walked -- I was surprised, "Not wearing the modesty belt tonight? Or just putting it on later?" I laughed, though I was looking at his uncut cock, I tried to play it off. <br><br> "You don't." He motioned towards the fact that everything was on display, sitting, feet tucked under me on the couch. <br><br> "I don't think I was given the option?" I laughed and rolled my eyes. He sat down next to me, his cock definitely hardening. During our scenes I could feel his arousal every time we rehearsed and performed, and now I could see what I had been feeling under the cloth. <br><br> "Well, you look amazing." His cock throbbed, his hand sliding onto my thigh. <br><br> "And //that//," my hand palm up towards his rigidity, "Is why guys need the belt...nothing to hide for women. And not like you could be actually sticking it inside me." <br><br><br> He smiled, shifting his hips towards my palm, "No?" <<crossroads #greenroom>> <<path>> A little practice to make our acting more realistic? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<face ahego>> <br><br> My hand wrapped around his shaft and he grunted in that way he did on stage. Hm. So that was real. I wondered what else was him versus his character as we reoriented ourselves on the old suede couch. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> I knew that asking for a condom right now was absolutely ridiculous, "You better fucking pull out." <br><br> He nodded, "Of course!" <br><br> <</if>> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> "We gotta be quick." He nodded again, finding my entrance and using the reasoning of 'quickness' to just shove it in. He was strong and he was hard and my pussy was just a soft fleshy place that was forced to accept it. His Killer Joe was rough and unromantic, so was this. He held me down by the shoulders, my head crammed up against the arm of the couch as he leaned high over me, the gorgeousness of his form and muscles working as he speared himself inside me. <br><br> My hands grasped his wrists, holding back as best I can, holding myself open for him and realizing we weren't alone. That wasn't too surprising, but having him beating his cock inside me as my body was waking up to the prospect of sex had me a bit shaken. <br><br> It was one of our stage hands, another Freshman that hadn't gotten cast and was in charge of making sure we got on stage at the right time, moved set pieces around -- the grunt work. And here we were doing a different kind of grunt work. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> Oh. I couldn't help but smile, making full eye contact with her as I lightly curled my legs around his back and made a bit of a show of it. <br><br> I watched her reaction, in some ways being able to see how we looked banging into each other through her eyes. I let myself start to gasp and yelp, adding to the live sex show. <br><br> "Close," was his only response. And he was close. He reached down, hand roughly grasping at my crotch as he tugged himself out suddenly and began to jerk his cock using my juice, pressing his cockhead against the top of my mound as his thick white load spurted up my stomach. <<cumSpray body1 mound1>> <br><br> I bit my lower lip, looking at the stage hand that ducked slowly back out of view while Killer Joe finished cumming. I looked down at the mess he had made on me and knew I couldn't go out on stage like this, scrambling out from under him and pushing right past that stage hand as his cum started to streak down my bare skin<<if $Body.pubes !== "bald">> and into my pubic hair, making a sticky matting, clumping it<</if>>. <br><br> Popping into the bathroom quickly I splashed water on me and blotted against my skin, wiping as best I could. "Dottie to places." That was me. Fuck. <br><br> Whatever the state I was in, I //raced// down the hallway to where I needed to be. <br><br> On stage, moments later, Killer Joe was much less into it, and though I was red-faced and panting which gave it realism, it didn't have the same intensity that we had rehearsed with. Not our best show and as his modesty belt hit against my aroused and sore slit, I resolved to not repeat that again. <br><br> I always smirked at the stage hand and I think it remained a secret between her and me. Don't know if she was stunned into discomfort or enjoyed having watched. I never asked. <br><br> I don't think Matt and I knowing how it really felt to fuck made our future performances better, and Matt didn't make any overtures again. <<else>> "Matt." I gasped out under his urgent fucking. My <<print $Body.eyes>> eyes absolutely wide with my freak out. I hadn't thought about //this// happening. <br><br> He shook his head, "Close," was his only response. And he was close. He reached down, hand roughly grasping at my crotch as he tugged himself out suddenly and began to jerk his cock using my juice, pressing his cockhead against the top of my mound as his thick white load spurted up my stomach. <<cumSpray body1 mound1>> <br><br> I bit my lower lip, looking at the stage hand that ducked slowly back out of view while Killer Joe finished cumming. I looked down at the mess he had made on me and knew I couldn't go out on stage like this, scrambling out from under him and pushing right past that stage hand as his cum started to streak down my bare skin<<if $Body.pubes !== "bald">> and into my pubic hair, making a sticky matting, clumping it<</if>>. <br><br> Popping into the bathroom quickly I splashed water on me and blotted against my skin, wiping as best I could. "Dottie to places." That was me. Fuck. <br><br> Whatever the state I was in, I //raced// down the hallway to where I needed to be. <br><br> On stage, moments later, Killer Joe was much less into it, and though I was red-faced and panting which gave it realism, it didn't have the same intensity that we had rehearsed with. Not our best show and as his modesty belt hit against my aroused and sore slit, I resolved to not repeat that again. <br><br> I never made eye contact with our stage hands for the remainder of the show, only assuming that they talked and that the story was being whispered about behind out backs. I never brought it up and no one else did either, luckily, so I was able to forget about it eventually. Kind of. <br><br> I don't think Matt and I knowing how it really felt to fuck made our future performances better, and Matt didn't make any overtures again. <</if>> <br><br> <<vCardCheck Matt M "Matt, my Killer Joe">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Matt, my Killer Joe")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "Would they possibly understand what I had done? It was a showmance...Was it excusable? No...certainly not. But...we hadn't really talked about these kind of situations...maybe...">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> No, this was the sacred space and anyone could walk in. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Risky -->> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> "No." I looked at him firmly. His cock flexed hard, the built up anticipation releasing and then he started to deflate. <br><br> "S-sorry." He jerked up off the couch and retreated. I knew that I shouldn't say anything or bring it up again. Just a moment that came and passed. I went back to my phone and he wore his belt from then on, though he usually sat in the Green Room with me to enjoy my nudity at every opportunity. <<contentsShared>> <br><br><br> Just a few moments and memories I had from my time outside from class. And thank god for it, because school was making me [[crazy|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<outfit techie>> <<face shock>> And while I wasn't cast in the show, I was doing my first-year duties as a stagehand, in a black shirt and pants to be unseen, shuffling around the set pieces and helping the actors as needed. <br><br> We were gearing up for the explosive end of the show and I had a little bit of time before I was needed to help, so I headed on back to the Green Room. I was stopped short as I heard grunting and moaning. Were the monitors on and piping the stage backstage and I was hearing the 'sex' occurring out in the black box? Wait. Hadn't the sex scene already happened? Were the monitors on and piping the stage backstage and I was hearing the 'sex' occurring out in the black box? I rushed forward to turn down the volume -- that shouldn't be audible this far away and would potentially be bleeding onto the stage. <br><br> Oh. Our Dottie and Joe were...continuing the sex scene on one of the couch. And it wasn't simulated. They were fucking, urgently because they didn't have //that// much time to get back on stage. Man, they were really going for the realism. They'd smell like sex when they headed back out there. Maybe doing it in front of people had gotten them too excited and they were working this out of their system. <br><br> And there I was, perving from just outside the Green Room, seeing them in the midst of coitus. <br><br> <<crossroads #greenroom>> <<path>> Did I report them? It wasn't allowed and could potentially fuck up the show. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Social -->> If they came out after this -- or even worse, late if they were too into it -- they could ruin their entrance and the show. I rushed off, thinking of her coming out with come on her, or them being so relaxed that they lost the energy of the performance. Or, by having actually done it, they lost the spontaneity and excitement of the scene. <br><br> That's how I excused making my way to the Stage Manager's desk in the back of the theatre. My appearance was not welcome, a distraction from the cues, "Get. Out. <<print $>>." It was hushed, but firm. <br><br> "Matt and Kelsey are literally fucking in the Green Room right now." <br><br> She stared at me, dead-ass. Then realized I wasn't kidding. She hit our assistant SM on the elbow, "Go fix this." And the Freshman looked like she was about to be roadkill. We banged down the rungs of the metal ladder, less careful about noise on the return trip down the hallway to the Green Room. <br><br> "They need to be doing that in like...two minutes. On stage." <br><br> "Yeah, I know." I laughed, hanging back a bit as she walked in and made a show of it. <br><br> "W-what is going on in here?!" The sudden stillness as they froze, "I don't care //what// you do in your free time, but not here. Not during a ''show''." Despite being a Frosh, she was enjoying laying this on thick. SM's always loved to get to exert power and over two naked kids, killing their vibe and moment. I heard them weakly apologizing, she seemed on the verge of tears, the scuffle as they moved off the couch and out of the room. <br><br> They passed by me, nearly tits and dick bumping into me as they rushed into the hall. And that's when I knew they knew. <br><br> The scene in the show had a very different energy that evening. <br><br> But future scenes were much more intense. You could feel their anger and frustration. My status though was at an all-time low from that evening onward. It took years before I was in the good graces of the theatre kids. <<path>> Could watch too, couldn't hurt... <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> I dipped back slightly, peering around the corner as I watched them go at it. Her plaintive little yelps as he drove rigorously inside her, her legs and feet bouncing as his gorgeous, muscled body slammed between her thighs. They were going at it like Killer Joe and Dottie would. I wondered if this was a random hook up, a showmance kind of thing, or if they were actually dating. <br><br> He held her shoulders down, pinning her to the suede couch that I didn't know if I'd be able to look at the same way again. How many other fucks had happened there. Maybe that explained some of the marks and wear and tear. <br><br> Her hands grasped at his wrists, looking up at him and thankfully not seeing me watching. My hand snaked down into my pants, beginning to work at my already-wet slit. The door jamb felt cool against my cheek as I leaned, watching intently as I tried to match his timing. "In me." She gasped out, probably not wanting to have the mess on her and have to worry about cleaning up what would be more obvious. <br><br> "Oh yeah." He nodded and it was like she pulled his trigger and his strong hips slammed against her crotch in finality. Massively hard and she hissed out, her body bucking under him, head crammed up against the arm of the couch as he nutted in her. <br><br> "Dottie and Joe to places," our stage manager called for them. He pushed her down as he climbed off her and grabbed his modesty belt, tugging it on. <br><br> "Perfect timing." He chuckled as he was unaware of her trying to get off the couch and grab some tissues as she hobbled towards me in the hall. Shit. <br><br> She was stunned seeing me as I tried to flatten against the wall, moist fingers tugged from my pants just in time. I hadn't gotten there. She coughed and pushed past me, "'scuse me." And I could tell she was hoping that I hadn't seen. Joe passed after her, "Hey." He nodded and they were off, back to the stage. <br><br> The bleachy smell of cum hung in the air and I knew I had a few moments before I was needed to do anything, so I shoved my hand back into my pants, closed my eyes and remembered what I watched. I was helped out hearing them having 'sex' again on stage over the monitors and soon I was panting and grabbing at the Green Room jamb as I came too, vision pulsing as I looked at the beat-up old couch that had earned another notch. <<path>> Or just leave them to their private moment. It wasn't right to watch. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> I jerked back, flattening against the wall and scooting down the hallway as if they could hear me. Their sounds receded as I moved away and I wondered if I was noticed. The props I needed to move were on the other side of the Green Room, so I had to bullshit standing in the hallway while I waited for them to wrap it up. <br><br> She came stumbling out a few moments later, clutching tissues between her legs as she made her way to places, she gave a little nod of her head, "Uh, thanks." And shuffled off. So she had seen me. He strode out, proud and relaxed a few moments later and barely even looked at me, following her to the stage. <br><br> I never said a word and seemed to receive some good favor from the seniors, especially the girls, from that moment on. Her real way of saying thanks for not reporting them. <br><br> That couch I'd never look at the same way again. Never sat on it. Looked at the wear and tear and markings on it in a new light, wondering how many were theirs and how often it had been used for a similar purpose. <<contentsShared>> <br><br><br> Just a few moments and memories I had from my time outside from class. And thank god for it, because school was making me [[crazy|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "none">> <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Dildo")>> <<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Vibrator")>> <<image framed "passage/uni.building2.png">> Me time. Self-care. Sure, could be a mani-pedi, reading a book, touching up my tan, or just getting some extra sleep in. But really, with everyone off doing whatever it was they got up to, it meant that I had time //alone//. <br><br> Dorm room to myself. Empty showers. Sometimes, after a class, I'd know that no one was going to be showing up for another hour or so. (That did run into a few awkward situations, but people seem more okay walking in on a girl jilling than a guy jacking. Tended to just embarrass them more than anything else.) I had the run of things and it got to the point where my pussy would get a bit slick in anticipation simply knowing that the time was approaching. <br><br> My bag always had my 'equipment' with me, just in case. I never wanted to miss an opportunity and it was a bit of a passion of mine to find new times, new places. <br><br> One of my favorites was on top of the Science Building. <br><br> No one was supposed to be up there, which was definitely part of the thrill. I had found it one night when I was (actually) studying and someone had shown me this emergency escape exit in the ceiling at the upper levels. My heart was in my throat when I considered an alarm going off. But nothing happened and the view was absolutely sublime. <br><br> It wasn't built for masturbation. White gravel underfoot, HVAC systems, pipes, metal conduits. No one //should// have been up there and it was dangerous and no one would know where I was if anything __did__ if the hatch shut behind me. There was no handle on the outside. Just my emaciated body left for some maintenance person to find some day after the manhunt in the woods and the news pieces on TV. <br><br> Didn't stop me though. I had a need and the only thing that could salve it was more masturbating. <br><br> Night was pretty and far easier to go unnoticed, but the view of the city during the day was also gorgeous. And I could get some sun in the meantime. <br><br> Ensuring the hatch would stay ajar with a <<link "shoe">><<feet>><</link>>, I carefully crunched my way over to a low wall. The stonework would be hot, but not as scalding as ductwork. <br><br> I hopped up and worked my <<link "top">><<upper>><</link>> off, and then the rest of my <<link "clothes">><<outfit naked>><</link>>. I dropped them on the gravel below me where they'd be more safe from a random gust of wind and put my bag ontop of them for safe measure. <br><br> Letting my feet hang, I leaned back on one palm, looking out over the mid-day town, my other hand had already dropped between my thighs without a thought. My middle finger was stroking up and down the slit in my mound, enjoying the softness and little pops of pleasure. <br><br> The sun radiated down on me, and the absorbed heat from the rock under my ass soaked into my cheeks while the heat grew inside me. I laid back, looking up at the clear blue sky and freed my supporting hand to begin coaxing at my nipples. My knees lifted, thighs splaying as I gasped out and felt my toes curl. Yeah. This was ''nice''. <br><br> The breeze tickled across my bare skin. The elevation made it cooler, made the wind whip harder. Hair raised where it could, otherwise my skin pricked with goosebumps and my nipples became hard as rocks. I cooed softly, squirming against the hard surface underneath me -- I was inside myself, pumping and pressing, knowing the places to touch and press. <br><br> <<linkreplace "Yes.">><<face ahego>><<shake 2s>>"Unghhh."<</shake>> The first was always small, but welcome. I shuddered slightly and felt my body shaking slightly under the release of tension. I giggled to myself and let my arm swing down to my bag. Thank god it was in reach, because I did //not// want to move right now. My fingertips tugged at the opening of my bag and pulled out my vibrator. <br><br> The tip touched my primed pussy and my feet kicked up again, the back of my head hitting against the stone a bit too hard, but my mind was otherwise occupied. I squealed -- I liked pushing myself harder than my brain wanted me to. The hand on my breast clutched hard, squeezing as my body fought itself. I was of two minds: fucking myself and being fucked. <br><br> I didn't remember turning the thing on, but my wet fingers had a mind of their own and the vibrations were thrumming against my peeking clit. My teeth bit into my lower lip. My other hand snaked down to grab at the vibrator in a vain attempt to ease off the painful pleasure I was experiencing, but I managed to divert her to instead grab at my shuddering thigh. <br><br> The hilt of my palm leaned on the top of my mound, a nice resting place as the vibrator pressed against my pussy. My feet dropped hard, one on the side of the wall, the other on top. My lower back arched as they shoved against the firm support, lifting my hips higher and proffering my cunt to the sky. <br><br> I panted and fought the desire to squirm and move my hips because it was coming. <br><br> <<linkreplace "Number two.">><<shake 5s>>"F-f-fuuuckkkk!"<</shake>> The register of my voice was tight and high, constrained as my whole body tensed and released, tensed and released. My fingers let go of the vibrator unbidden, but I could barely register the clatter as it hit against the wall. <br><br> I twisted, side to side, huffing as my vision was blurry. And then I gasped. My right hand knew what it was doing again and was inserting my dildo inside. I felt the pressure as my spasming walls were fighting the intruder, but I wasn't denying the thing that fought to fill me. <br><br> My other hand slapped against the wall, pleading light noises escaping from my lips as I frowned, pawing vainly as the flesh colored phallus pressed in and pulled back, tugging at my fleshy walls and mound. <br><br> It dug into me deeply, my hand hitting against my spread mons as the head pushed up at the back of my vagina, hitting the spots I hadn't reached and engaged yet. <br><br> My hips were open, thighs widely spread as my feet found a kind of lotus-pose. I was humping against myself, my last peak finally abating as I felt the buttons being hit inside my core. The overwhelming sensation had done exactly that: overwhelm me. I was a puddle of goo under my insistent self, just letting me do to me what I wanted to do. What I needed. <br><br> The faux-cock thrust rhythmically inside me, picking up the pace and hitting harder right at where it needed to go. Better than most men because they weren't feeling //this// with each thrust. <br><br> Feeling. Feel. Ing. <<linkreplace "F...">>My world <<shake 10s>>exploded<</shake>>. I saw nothing and everything all at once. I felt every beat of my stuttering heart in my ears and in my uterus. A part of me idiotically imagined that the force of the orgasm had knocked my shoe from the hatch and I was stuck here. But if I were to die, I'd die happy. It was fine. <br><br> I don't know how long I laid there, spread eagle with a dildo sitting stuck in my pussy. But it was long enough to get a bit burnt, which I found out later. <br><br> Eventually, I collected myself after the internal struggle to just enjoy the feeling a bit longer versus the waking part of my no-longer-horny brain. I lurched up, shaking my head and grinning dumbly as I looked down at the disembodied cock sticking out of me. The smell of me was thick on the air, even though I was outside. I wondered if afterwards I would stink of sex and everyone would know. What sex, I thought to myself: the best sex. <br><br> I ignored the complaint of my bare feet as I dropped back onto the gravel and began to collect my things. <br><br> And then I jerked, not from pleasure, but a different kind of shock. I was being watched. <br><br> "Squawk!" The gull cocked its head quizzically at me, hopping slightly away as we made eye-contact. <br><br> "Fuck. You scared me, you dirty bird." I laughed, calming myself down while pulling my clothes on a bit more hurriedly than I had originally planned. I headed out as quickly as I could, not wanting to be late to my next class. I grabbed my shoe from the hatch and gave it a mental kiss for keeping me safe...and then considered throwing it at my voyeur. <br><br> It was an interesting sensation to be massively irritable if anyone ruined my mojo -- being where they shouldn't be or just not leaving fast enough. I may have bitten off some people's heads without them understanding why. But the relaxation afterwards<<linkreplace "...?">>...<<shake 2s>>Splendid.<</shake>> Maybe I was a bit addicted, but it certainly kept me [[sane|UN004 - Professor]].<</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "job">> <<if $UN.job == "nanny">> <div id="darcy"> Darcy was a strawberry blonde that fit your typical 'dork' stereotype: glasses, cute but unfortunate chipmunk-like front teeth with a set of braces, and <<if $CC.height == -1 >>short like me<<else>>a squirt of a girl<</if>>. And despite her outward appearance, she was far from actually good at school like she looked to be. <<if $HS.clique == "Nerd">>Like I had been.<</if>> Just an average student that seemed to get all the downsides of the clique she had been relegated to and none of the perks. <br><br> She was sweet enough but clearly needed my 'mentoring' and support. <br><br> Her bag slammed down by the front door, announcing her arrival home. "Darc?" I looked up from my phone, having arrived early like I always had -- Deb wanted me here for when they got home (her reasoning), but really it was so she could get to her tennis lessons, pilates, and social events. <br><br> "Hey, <<print $>>." The downturn of her tone, despite her natural perk, gave away that something was up. It had been that way for a week or so and I'd been playing it slow and letting her open up to me. Which hadn't happened yet. <br><br> Sliding out of my chair, I caught her by the foot of the stairs before she could escape to her room. Her shoulders fell with a sigh, one hand giving a flick to the single pigtail that her hair could offer being tied up. "School sucks." <br><br> <<if $HS.testScore gt 5>>I had to restrain myself. My initial reaction was to argue with her, but I knew that wouldn't help.<<elseif $HS.testScore gt 3>>I smiled and nodded, while it hadn't been //easy//, it certainly wasn't the unbearable thing that she was making it out to be.<<else>>I leaned in and whispered, "I nearly failed." She jerked back from the closeness initially but smiled once it registered with her, "Really?"<</if>> "Yeah." I began to follow her up the stairs, "Shitty test?" <br><br> "I mean. It's a day ending in 'y'. But like...I just...How did you deal with guys?" Ah. Maybe her poor performance was a hormonal issue more than anything else. <br><br> "What do you mean?" I coughed slightly, not exactly sure that I should be the one giving Darcy lessons in love, but I __knew__ that her mother was not a font of good knowledge either. <br><br> She dropped onto her bed, laying back, pulling her red frames off her face and rubbing her eyes, "Did you. Ya know." She made a lewd motion with her mouth, tongue and hand. She giggled with a playful smile and her light eyes flashed, curious about her Nanny's sexual history. I knew, irrespective of the truth, whatever I said was going to influence her. I had to be careful. <br><br> <<crossroads #darcy>> <<path>> "Uh. No." <<contents>> I could feel the blood that had just rushed into my cheeks. She looked disappointed. Looked //pissed//. "Bullshit." <br><br> I gulped down the worry of blamed for Darcy becoming some hookup queen. "Darcy. You really shouldn't--" <br><br> "Get out." <br><br> Her words pushed me back. I gulped again: the worry of losing my connection with Darcy entirely. And maybe losing my job __that__ way. "Darc--" <br><br> She swung her leg out and the door slammed in my face. "Prude!" came through the door. <br><br> And that really was the last time she opened up to me. I didn't speak a word about it to the Reddings. But from then on all I received from her was side-eye, under her breath comments, and a lot of silence. <br><br> I had lost on the opportunity to connect with her, but I tried to resolve myself that it was worth the other potential results. <br><br><br> Still, it <<link "hurt">><<replace "#darcy" t8n>> <<include "UN004 - Extra3_Delvin">> <</replace>><</link>>. <<path>> "Uh. Yeah." <<contents>> <<set _darcy = true>> I could feel the blood that had just rushed into my cheeks along with the memory of some of those situations at her age. Her head jerked up off the bed and I received a full display of her prominent front teeth, "Yeah?!" <br><br> "I mean--" <br><br> She broke in, grabbing my wrists, "No! That's awesome. I //knew// it. What about--" a finger pumped in and out of her curled palm. Instinctively, I just smacked her hand away lightly. <br><br> "Darcy!" She giggled excitedly and rolled up onto her knees, tugging my wrists again, "Fine, fine. Show me. Like...I wanna do it //good//." <br><br> I coughed. Whatever face I was making caused her to go into a giggle fit, "Come onnnn. Brianna, Pelo wanna know too and like, we can all practice and stuff with each other. But you like...''know''! Ya know?" <br><br> "You have to promise me--" <br><br> "Not gonna tell!" She held up a hand and shook her head. <br><br> "No. Well, right. But, //promise// me--" <br><br> "I'll be careful." <br><br> "Good, but __promise__ me--" <br><br> "I'll blow their minds." <br><br> That made me lose it. I was laughing and grabbing her, "I mean you gotta promise to actually try at school." <br><br> "I willlll," I squeezed her. <br><br> "And then gimme the credit." <br><br> "Promise." <br><br><br> And that's how our 'study sessions' began. She was a rapt student when it came to sex. I only hoped that she turned some of that energy to her studies. I wondered if I was anything like her just a few years ago and if I had this opportunity... <br><br> We started with our fingers and graduated to some household vegetables. I didn't mind some gag reflex studying as well, not gonna lie. Within a week, I started to worry that she was going to put me to shame. <br><br> Still, I had made inroads with her and her grades did slightly tick up. Slightly. <br><br><br> Everything else, on the other hand...she literally gobbled it all up. Had I created a <<link "monster">><<replace "#darcy" t8n>><<include "UN004 - Extra3_Delvin">><</replace>><</link>>? <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> "Uh. A lot." <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough. <<contents>> <<set _darcy = true>> "I fuckin' loved it. Still do." I don't know what clicked inside me but I wasn't embarrassed at all and I hadn't even thought twice. The honesty just flooded out of me. <br><br> Her head jerked up off the bed. First, she looked stunned, and that gave way to a slowly growing grin. I received a full display of her prominent front teeth, "Yeah?!" I don't think she could have smiled wider. <br><br> "I mean--" <br><br> She broke in, grabbing my wrists, "No! That's awesome. I //knew// it. What about--" a finger pumped in and out of her curled palm. Instinctively, I just smacked her hand away lightly. <br><br> "It's more like..." I pulled her middle finger to join her index, made a playful face and then added her ring finger. The three were pressing her curled palm outward. <br><br> I saw her cheeks flush and a deep hunger in her eyes suddenly form. She giggled excitedly and rolled up onto her knees, tugging my wrists again, "Ohhhh. Show me. Like...I wanna do it //good//." <br><br> "Show you give head?" Instant nod. <br><br> "And fuck?" Rapid nodding. Insistent. <br><br> "Come onnnn. Brianna, Pelo wanna know too and like, we can all practice and stuff with each other. But you like...''know''! Ya know?" <br><br> "You have to promise me--" <br><br> "Not gonna tell!" She held up a hand and shook her head. <br><br> "No. Well, right. But, //promise// me--" <br><br> "I'll be careful." <br><br> "Good, but __promise__ me--" <br><br> "I'll blow their minds." <br><br> That made me lose it. I was laughing and grabbing her, "I mean you gotta promise to actually try at school." <br><br> "I willlll," I squeezed her. <br><br> "And then gimme the credit." <br><br> "Promise." And then, she was taking her clothes off. <br><br> "Jeez, Darc--" <br><br> "Whatttt." She rolled her eyes as she tugged her shorts down her spidery legs, "Pruuude." She gave me a nod of her chin and I started to follow suit. Birthday suit. <br><br><br> And that's how our 'study sessions' began. She was a rapt student when it came to sex. I only hoped that she turned some of that energy to her studies. I wondered if I was anything like her just a few years ago and if I had this opportunity... <br><br> We started with our fingers and graduated to some household vegetables. I didn't mind some gag reflex studying as well, not gonna lie. And the rest really wasn't just co-masturbation, she really wanted to understand the physics and mechanics of positions, so I had to take the role. She acquired a dildo to make it easier. <br><br> It wasn't actually hooking up with her, but with how heated it got and how serious she took it, it certainly //felt// like it. I knew every inch of her and she knew every inch of me. I saw what she'd be like in bed: less a chipmunk and more a bobcat. <br><br> Within a week, I started to worry that she was going to put me to shame. <br><br><br> She literally gobbled it all up. Had I created a <<link "monster">><<replace "#darcy">> <<include "UN004 - Extra3_Delvin">> <</replace>><</link>>? <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.job == "sugar">> <div id="sugar"> <<outfit sugarDress>> Bobby Three -- a pet name I always had in my head when I thought of him -- and I had been a pair for a couple of months. We had gotten through the testing portion of our interactions where I had vetted him and he had decided he liked more of me than simply how I looked. Demeanor played a lot into the men's choices as much as feeling safe and secure mattered to me. <br><br> He treated me well and tonight was going to be one of the more impressive events: dinner at an exclusive, out-of-town, five-star restaurant. I was wearing the dress he had bought for me the week before and had spent most of the day getting meticulously prepared rather than working on homework and test prep. I wanted to impress. If he was going all out, then so would I. <br><br> Making my way out to the limousine that had been waiting for me street-side, I was considering how to up the ante that evening. Up to this point, we hadn't done more than a bit of hooking up. Passionate makeouts were old hat by now. He had gotten me naked. I had made him cum. He had made me cum. But we really hadn't gotten deeply sexual. Call it a high school second or third base. Part of it was the way the SB/SD relationships seemed to be: slower, less sex and more of the relationship-side of escorting, part of it was Bobby Three. It didn't seem like he wanted more, wasn't asking for more. But maybe he was just waiting for me to give it to him the way he gave things to me. In my time, at my pace, when I felt he deserved them. <br><br> All of this was so new to me and confusing, but also gratifying in a way. I couldn't help but smile broadly when I saw him sitting in the backseat of the limo to join me on the hour or so trip (traffic willing) to our dinner, "Out of work early?" I slid carefully and slowly beside him, lightly tugging on the door handle to pull it behind me as I nestled close against him, letting the drape of the dress reveal one of my legs, the shoes that he had purchased for me a few weeks ago and my fresh pedicure. <br><br> "You know I'm never working //this// late, <<print $>>." He reached forward, not touching me yet, but offering me a glass of champagne, which I accepted gratefully. <br><br> "Well, this is the earliest you've made time for me. I fully expected to be meeting you there..." I took a sip, one foot bouncing to draw attention to my gams. <br><br> "This is the longest you've made time for me. A whole weekend, you're spoiling me. Call us even." His hand slid into mine, intertwining fingers as he smiled at me. It wasn't love in his eyes, but it felt so adjacent that it was confusing. <br><br> He was a dapper gentleman, fit for his advanced age and always dressed well. He had a eternally shaven head that never seemed to hint at where the true hairline started -- was it affect or age -- and sported just a mustache for his masculinity. <br><br> We rode along, him asking me how the week was going and me regaling him in the insipid worries of a college student, but he seemed to like hearing about things that he had left so far behind. Or maybe through my eyes and youth. Or maybe just from my mouth. <br><br><br> Speaking of which. We had such a long ride, maybe this was a moment to up the ante on my end. <<crossroads #sugar>> <<path>> Give him an appetizer <<contents>> <<face normal runny>> <<skillChecked "SexSkills">> Twisting my hips, I slid down onto the carpeted floor of the back of the limo, dress collecting on either side of my spread thighs, draping open as my hands stroked down his pants, teasingly playing with his belt and fly. "<<print $>>..." <br><br> "'ve had a hard week." I gave a less than surprising squeeze to his cock on those final words. I felt and saw a bit of upset on his face and pulled firmly on his slacks, making him lift his hips. I was determined to turn that frown upside-down. <br><br> He relented, his shaft freed from the Armani pants, swinging free swollen but not erect. It was the closest I'd been to his cock and had the light and time to really get to know it. Before it had just been my hand and my mind had created its own image of the thing, but there it was. I gave the tip a kiss, hand wrapping around the squidgy base, giving a slow stroke as my mouth went to his sack. I took each globe between my lips, letting my tongue roll around it while I gave each some gentle suction. I felt him hardening in my hand, "Okay?" I smiled up past his junk, checking in with him. <br><br> He nodded, "Okay." It was a soft but willing agreement. I was surprised. Most men now would be salivating, grunting, grinning ear-to-ear. He was contentedly simply watching, no real expression on his face as I moved back and forth between his testicles. Okay, up the game. <br><br><br> My tongue slid out of my mouth, full extension as I pressed it up along his shaft, licking with firm and slow pressure. I let my eyes flutter up to his at the beginning and each of my grand licks. I felt his cock giving slight pulses with each contact with his sensitive underside. He still had that empty countenance, but I could tell that his cock was enjoying my work. <br><br> His cockhead became wrapped by my lips, slowly twisting my head as I teased the nerve center. Had he so much experience that I was bland? It hurt a bit and pushed me to go harder, faster, kitten. I took his cock into my mouth, fully engulfing him to the best of my ability. My hand twisted at the base of his cock while my mouth did the opposite motion. I kept eye contact. My free hand guided his to my hair. He tentatively and carefully took it into a ponytail while watching me slurp and suck on his cock. How was he not grunting? <br><br> Rather than race, I decided to just take the lengthy trip as an advantage and suck his cock as long as I could endure. I slowed up, increased the pressure and continued my bobbing. I swallowed down the growing spit in my mouth, not wanting to muss his pants or my makeup more than they were going to be. I felt the tang of the added precum. So he was enjoying, he was pleased. I held low into each bob and held at the top, avoiding the gag reflex to the best of my ability -- no mascara running for me, we had dinner and I didn't bring my compact. <br><br><br> After probably four or five minutes, I could feel the tension finally rising in his lower half. His breathing had increased and then he pulled surprisingly firmly on my hair, "Okay. Thank you, <<print $>>." And my mouth came free with a loud pop, indicating how hard I had been sucking. <br><br> I felt the throb of the inside of my mouth, the soreness at my jaw hinge and a bit of pulsing of my lips. They were getting tired. I shook my head and smiled, "Let me do this for you." He didn't nod, he didn't respond, but I felt the pull at my hair slacken instantly and I went back down and up. And down. And up. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>> I appreciated the lack of trigger at the back of my mouth. I took him fully in, my lips meeting his base and my working fingers. I felt him entering my throat with each thrust of my head. I was showing him exactly what I was capable of and giving him a ballsdeep experience with my mouth. I also appreciated the fact that I had tons of experience at this and it took a really long time for me to truly get tired. And I knew how to muscle past that point too. Four or five minutes were nothing. I spent nearly half an hour on my knees in front of him, knowing I was keeping him on the edge. I slowed to let him draw back from the brink and then went back to a steady pace til I felt his cock getting super hard and swollen. He was grunting now, he was breathing hard. <br><br> I felt my toes hurting in my shoes, braced as I was, but it was pain I could endure. My knees were having trouble too, but I expected the experience had created a kind of callous there and it should be fine. Still, I figured I'd shown him heaven. I sped up, a quick and solid thrust down of my head to hit him into my throat suddenly and decisively. I fucked my face on his cock and his release immediately happened. His cock pulsed and shuddered against my tongue and in my gullet. I felt and tasted the viscous and hefty load that I had helped him build up as it spewed mostly down into my stomach directly. <br><br> He shifted and groaned as the orgasm tore through him. A half hour of prep for this and now he was peaking. I kept moving up and down, slowly and staying deep as I felt him unloading into me. I held deep after he was done, enjoying the feeling of his cock pulsing post-ejaculate, then slowly drew off, sucking firmly and cleaning his cock in one go. <<cumSpray facial1>> <br><br> I slid back into the seat next to him, intertwining my not-wet hand into his while I worked him back into his pants and closed them up. I smiled at him and watched him come down. "Hope you enjoyed that." <br><br><br> He nodded and gave my bare thigh a squeeze. He looked me over, my cheeks flushed as I was also coming down from the long blowjob, "Your makeup..." A thumb brushed slightly at my lips and cheek, shaking his head with a sigh. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>> I appreciated my ability to mostly ignore the gag reflex. I took him fully in, my lips meeting his base and my working fingers. I felt him entering my throat with every few drops of my head. I was showing him exactly what I was capable of and giving him a ballsdeep experience with my mouth. I also appreciated the fact that I had tons of experience at this and it took a really long time for me to truly get tired. Four or five minutes were nothing. I spent nearly another ten to fifteen on my knees in front of him, losing track of time as I kept him on the edge. I slowed to let him draw back from the brink and then went back to a steady pace til I felt his cock getting super hard and swollen. He was grunting now, he was breathing hard. <br><br> I felt my toes hurting in my shoes, braced as I was, but it was pain I could endure. My knees were having trouble too, but I expected the experience had created a kind of callous there and it should be fine. Still, I figured I'd shown him heaven. I sped up, a quick and solid thrust down of my head to hit him into my throat suddenly and decisively. I fucked my face on his cock and his release immediately happened. His cock pulsed and shuddered against my tongue and in my gullet. I felt and tasted the viscous and hefty load that I had helped him build up as it spewed mostly down into my stomach directly. <br><br> He shifted and groaned as the orgasm tore through him. A over twenty minutes of prep for this and now he was peaking. I kept moving up and down, slowly and staying deep as I felt him unloading into me. I held deep after he was done, enjoying the feeling of his cock pulsing post-ejaculate, then slowly drew off, sucking firmly and cleaning his cock in one go. <<cumSpray facial1>> <br><br> I slid back into the seat next to him, intertwining my not-wet hand into his while I worked him back into his pants and closed them up. I smiled at him and watched him come down. "Hope you enjoyed that." <br><br><br> He nodded and gave my bare thigh a squeeze. He looked me over, my cheeks flushed as I was also coming down from the long blowjob, "Your makeup..." A thumb brushed slightly at my lips and cheek and up to the mascara that was fully running down from my eyes. He shook his head with a sigh. <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Head")>> I wished I could take him deeper. I fought the gag at the back of my mouth as best I could. I wanted to show him exactly what I was capable of and give him a ballsdeep experience with my mouth. Still, I appreciated the fact that I had tons of experience at this and it took a really long time for me to truly get tired. Four or five minutes were nothing. I spent twice as long on my knees in front of him, losing track of time as I kept him on the edge. I slowed to let him draw back from the brink and then went back to a steady pace til I felt his cock getting super hard and swollen. He was grunting now, he was breathing hard. <br><br> I felt my toes hurting in my shoes, braced as I was, but it was pain I could endure. My knees were having trouble too, but I expected the experience had created a kind of callous there and it should be fine. Still, I figured I'd shown him heaven. I sped up, a quick and solid thrust down of my head to hit him into my throat suddenly and decisively. I held deep, fighting the gag, stomach flexing and body lurching as I kept him deep and his release immediately happened. His cock pulsed and shuddered against my tongue and in my gullet. I felt and tasted the viscous and hefty load that I had helped him build up as it spewed mostly down into my stomach directly. <br><br> He shifted and groaned as the orgasm tore through him. A quarter hour and now he was peaking. I had to pull back, not wanting to vomit on him. I kept him as deep as I could manage, breathing through my nose, enjoying the feeling of his cock pulsing post-ejaculate, then slowly drew off, sucking firmly and cleaning his cock in one go. <<cumSpray facial1>> <br><br> I slid back into the seat next to him, intertwining my not-wet hand into his while I worked him back into his pants and closed them up. I smiled at him and watched him come down. "Hope you enjoyed that." <br><br><br> He nodded and gave my bare thigh a squeeze. He looked me over, my cheeks flushed as I was also coming down from the long blowjob, "Your makeup..." A thumb brushed slightly at my lips and cheek and up to the mascara that was fully running down from my eyes. He shook his head with a sigh. <<else>> I wished I could take him deeper. I fought the gag at the back of my mouth as best I could. I wanted to show him exactly what I was capable of and give him a ballsdeep experience with my mouth. I lost track of time as I gagged on him and tried to keep him on the edge. I slowed to give myself a little break and hopefully let him come back from the edge. He was grunting now, he was breathing hard, so I hoped the attempts to edge and please him were working. <br><br> I felt my toes hurting in my shoes, braced as I was, but it was pain I was willing to endure. My knees were having trouble too, but tried to ignore what might be rug-burned or glaringly red. Still, I figured I'd shown him heaven. I sped up, a quick and solid thrust down of my head to hit him into my throat suddenly and decisively. I held deep, fighting the gag, stomach flexing and body lurching as I kept him deep and his release immediately happened. His cock pulsed and shuddered against my tongue and in my gullet. I felt and tasted the viscous and hefty load that I had helped him build up as it spewed down into my stomach directly. <br><br> He shifted and groaned as the orgasm tore through him. A good long blowjob and now he was peaking. I had to pull back, not wanting to vomit on him. But it was too late. I had pushed my body to the limit and I had to yank my mouth off of him and find a cup-holder. I retched, mouth full of the flavor of my stomach and his ejaculate. Eventually I realized he was patting and stroking my back. "There, there." <<cumSpray facial1>> <br><br> I squatted there, panting hard and looking at the mess I had made. He was messy too, since I hadn't finished the job fully. I started to cry, tears running down my face and sobbing that made my over-wrought stomach muscles spasm. I was hiccoughing and his pitying look was more than I could bear. <br><br><br> "It's okay, it's okay." He looked me over, my cheeks flushed, "Your makeup..." A thumb brushed slightly at my lips and cheek and up to the mascara that was fully running down from my eyes. He shook his head with a sigh. <</if>> <br><br> "It's fine..." He nodded again, but leaned forward, telling the driver to stop off on the way. We grabbed some touch-ups for me at a CVS which he was displeased with, but it did enough to resolve the issue. <br><br> Dinner was exquisite. I was overwhelmed with how fast I filled up on the ten courses despite how each of them was so small. Still, I couldn't feel that I could enjoy it because something seemed off with him. Conversation had lightened and shortened. He didn't ask much about me or my week. I didn't see the delight or excitement in his eyes when I tried a joke. <br><br> He played it off, but I knew something was wrong. <br><br><br> We paid the check and got back into the limousine. He accepted a close cuddle again in the backseat and I hoped that I was just imagining things. Then we arrived at the five-star hotel, checked us in and led me up to the room. My pussy had been wet for the past two and a half hours. I was ready and raring to go. I was also willing to completely focus on him if that's what would bring us back to even-keel. <br><br> The door opened and I gasped, seeing the suite that he had gotten for us. It was practically a house. Stunned, I walked into the space, taking it all in. The views over the city and the gorgeous night contrasting with the glint and glimmer of the lights below. I sighed and grinned broadly, sitting down onto a chaise and looked back at him. "Wow." <br><br> He was standing there at the door, leaning against the jamb, "Enjoy." A kind, easy smile. And I nearly started crying. He disappeared as the door shut. <br><br> I had the entire weekend in that suite but I spent most of it an emotional wreck, wanting to reach out to him and apologize but knowing I shouldn't. Couldn't. I had messed up and I went through the date from beginning to end. I went over the days preceding and wondering where I had gone wrong. <br><br><br> I never saw him [[again|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> Hold off. I wasn't a whore. <<contents>> Being a Sugar Baby didn't mean escort, didn't mean prostitute and I wasn't going to undermine our connection. Tonight was about more than sex. Not that there wouldn't be sex, it could just be later. The appetizer was the date, the tease was the touching and talking. His eyes on me would entice his brain. <br><br> Instead of giving him head, I gave him a bit of a show. I let the slit of my dress nearly peek the place between my thighs. I leaned against him and strategically sighed, letting my cleavage rise and swell. <br><br> We laughed and talked. I felt him squeezing my hand, feeling the size of his around and between my more delicate fingers. My other hand toyed a bit at a button-hole of his jacket and occasionally brushed his stomach when I laughed at something he said. <br><br> And none of it was an act. I genuinely enjoyed his company and he seemed to enjoy mine. He did seem to want to know about the idiots raising their hands in class for the wrong answer, or what I was thinking with rush approaching. He gave me advice on what I should be studying and what really mattered after school. <br><br><br> Dinner. Was. Exquisite. I was overwhelmed by how fast I filled up on the ten courses despite how each of them was so small. He had selected a 'contact' white wine from some region in France to accentuate our meal, "So you've told me a lot about <<if $ == 2>>your friends<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>> <<if $ == "family">>and the rest of your family<</if>>, but what about--" He stopped himself. Something about the look in my eye that had come unbidden. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--" <br><br> "No. It's fine." I shook my head and smiled. "Uh, not really sure what to say, to be honest. Or...what I'm allowed to?" It came with a chuckle because it was true. I thought back to Nate and the whole situation before college. <br><br> "No pressure." He squeezed my hand. And he meant it. He didn't push any further and let me go back to talking about <<print $CC.FName>> and how I missed the hijinks we got into. We finished dessert and he paid. We laughed at how full we were and climbed back into the limousine for the short ride over to the five-star hotel. We cuddled up again in the backseat and fingers played with each other in silence and digested. <br><br> "You really went all out." <br><br> "You deserve it." I blushed. <br><br> At least we both looked like we belonged, walking in dressed in designer clothing and top-tier food and drink in our bellies. He checked us in and we headed up to the room he had gotten for us. <br><br> The door opened and I gasped, seeing the suite that he had gotten for us. It was practically a house. Stunned, I walked into the space, taking it all in. The views over the city and the gorgeous night contrasting with the glint and glimmer of the lights below. I sighed and grinned broadly, sitting down onto a chaise and looked back at him. "Wow." <br><br> I was shocked -- he was literally right behind me, dropping down to his knees and beginning to unstrap the shoes from my feet. They were tired and I was glad to have them relieved. "Yes, wow. That's what I've been thinking all evening." He tucked the shoes gently under the chaise and began to massage up from my feet and calves to my thighs. I sighed and reclined on my elbows. His hands continued working their way up, dipping to the hidden place under my dress. <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">>I worked my hips back and forth as he snaked my underwear down (well, the underwear he had bought me).<<else>>I felt his hand jerk back slightly, finding none of the underwear he had purchased for me. I quickly grasped at his wrists, "I...just don't usually wear any. I hope that's okay." He chuckled and nodded.<</if>> And then his head disappeared and my head fell off the back of the chaise. My legs kicked up and open as his tongue dove into me, one of his fingers snaking up inside my soft clutch. <br><br> I grunted and squirmed, having trouble as the pleasure was battling with the humor of seeing the bottom of my dress ballooned up by his head. I tugged it aside and laughed at him, mmphing and grabbing the bare pate to press him against my snatch. "Fuck. B-bobby..." He responded with a deep mmhmm, shuddering up into my core. I struggled in the dress, his tongue broadly lapping up along my mound and labia, catching at the top where my clit was and stroking firmly against it. He had skill and years of experience. It took me no time at all before I was probably smothering him in my pussy as I came, squealing out into the suite. "O-okay, okay! S-stop." I wriggled away from him and eventually he let me go, though it seemed like he wanted to drive me to orgasm number two, but I slid off and interposed the chaise between us as I recovered, collapsing on the ground across from him. <br><br> "You alright?" He stood, care overcoming his face. Such a sweet guy. I rolled my eyes and collected myself, standing up and letting the dress <<linkexpand "fall off my shoulders.">> fall off my shoulders. <<outfit naked>> <<face ahego>> <br><br><br> <<skillChecked "Kinks and Fertility" "Deception">> "Get back on that bed. Enough of treating me, it's time you got what //you// deserve." And I pointed firmly back towards the California King. He followed my instruction. I moved to him, neither of us speaking as I took my time removing his beautiful suit. He was hard and I couldn't help but smile seeing it for the first time. I had managed to give him a couple handjobs before, but I hadn't had the time or the vantage to truly see him. I pushed him back on the bed and moved to straddle him. I was wet, both from his earlier head but also from just exciting myself throughout the evening. I knew that this is what was coming and I was glad it was here, between my legs. <br><br> "Mm...Okay, wait now, <<print $>>. One sec." He grabbed a breast, holding me by it as his other hand dug into his suit to reveal a condom. A part of me hurt that he wanted to wrap it up with how much time we had spent between us. It felt like he thought I was dirty. That I was a whore. I chewed my lip as I watched him open the wrapper. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> "It's okay. I'm safe." One hand pushed at the half-opened condom, the other guiding his tip between my legs to my waiting sex. <<elseif $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>> I wanted him inside me anyway. "It's okay. I'm safe." One hand pushed at the half-opened condom, the other guiding his tip between my legs to my waiting sex. <<if $Stats.Skills["Deception"].value gt 1>> <br><br> He frowned at me, sussing, "<<print $>>..." but with a smile and entrance inside me, I must have convinced him enough. His head dropped back onto the bed and his hands took my hips as handholds as my pussy became my dickhold. <<else>> <br><br> "Don't lie to me." I saw a flash of anger in his eyes. I didn't fool him and I saw him considering ending the intercourse -- and probably the weekend -- right then and there. Wordlessly, I helped him slide the condom onto his cock and let him stay in control. My desires be damned, I didn't want to ruin this. My waiting sex wanted dick one way or the other. <</if>> <<else>> I squashed my offense. It was sensible. I helped him slide the condom over his member and then guided him between my legs to my waiting sex. <</if>> <<skillChecked "Kinks and Fertility" "Deception">> He laid back in front of me and guided my hips up and down. I was so wet at this point, lubrication was a given. He slid easily to the hilt and to the tip. He watched my breasts bounce for him as I worked myself in his lap. My hands found the greyed hairs of his chest, leaning onto his ribcage while I slowly worked myself on his meat. <br><br><br> One hand left my hip, stroking down my thigh, then up again across my working stomach. He caressed my breasts, down one arm. He was focused on every part of me, making this incredibly intimate and, surprisingly, it was this touch that set me off. I shoved him against my deepest inner button as I quaked, thighs shaking on either side of him, panting out awkward gasps as I climaxed again, this time with him inside me. It felt incredible. <br><br> Just as I was coming down, I felt a sudden shock between my legs: he was working my clit and sending me right over again. I whimpered, collapsing onto his chest and clutching at him as he did not relent. I cooed and whimpered, feeling the energy and strength in my lower half ebbing away. <br><br> We stayed still for a moment, and with a final, gentle caress, left my sensitive nub to give my ass consideration and felt me there as I recovered. "Too much," <br><br> "Nuh-uh. Not enough." He squeezed my cheeks and it was the firmest he had been with me. <br><br> We continued like that, an epic of sex. He let me bring him to the edge and then I had to surrender to an orgasm which let him pull back. I was putty in his hands, I was in a fog of pleasure and exhaustion by the time it finally ended. And it ended with immense satisfaction. <br><br> I wanted it so badly for him. //I// __needed__ him to cum. And when he did, I wasn't orgasming too, but it felt as adjacent as it could be, a sympathetic near-climax while he held me and met his own peak. <br><br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> His thick load filling me felt like the culmination of all these weeks together. Something that we had both worked for and earned. I had finally had him inside me and now I was filled by him. It felt perfect. <<cumSpray pussy1>> <<elseif $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding") && $Stats.Skills["Deception"].value gt 1>> His thick load filling me felt like the culmination of all these weeks together. Something that we had both worked for and earned. I had finally had him inside me and now I was filled by him. It felt perfect. My body shuddered as I thought about the risk and the lie, but I kept it to myself, delighting in it. <<cumSpray pussy1>> <<else>> Even through the condom, I could feel how thick his load was. It was the culmination of all these weeks together. Something that we had both worked for and earned. It felt perfect. <</if>> <br><br><br> He stroked my glistening body and we talked in quiet whispers for the next five or ten minutes, just laying there as his cock softened and fell out of me. I could have fallen asleep on him. It shouldn't have been comfortable, but in this state it was bliss. Even if I had wanted to move, I knew it would require his help. Did I even have legs anymore? Who knows? <br><br> I did fall asleep there. I had a dream about not having legs. I had a dream of us together. I had a sex dream. It was incredibly vivid -- I was probably twitching up a storm ontop of his body. <br><br> That was the only time we had sex that weekend, surprisingly. It wasn't the last time, but it truly was a magical weekend. And I did take a moment or two to let him in on Elle. Not everything, but I felt that he deserved to know more about me and my background. He appreciated it and didn't press for more than I wanted to tell. It was a lovely little thing that Bobby Three and I had. <br><br><br> The gifts and money were a benefit, but really I liked this pseudo relationship. It wasn't what I expected when I jumped into being a Sugar Baby, but I wasn't going to argue with it now that I was in it. And god did it make the rest of school much easier to [[palate|UN004 - Professor]]. <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.job == "admin">> "So. How's college treating ya?" Patrick folded his arms on the front desk. Being up there meant that I was the de facto place to waste some time. It also meant that I had to entertain them. I was the 'face of the company' for when guests, clients, whomever arrived (it was mostly DoorDashers), but really I was the pretty face to welcome our staff. <br><br> "Ya know." I shrugged, forcing a smile as I looked up at him from my monitor. From the work that I was expected to do. From spreadsheets of god-knows what. <br><br> "I //do// actually." He leaned forward on his arms, "I went there ya know." I did. He had told me multiple times. <br><br> "Yeah? Like...just graduated, right?" Okay, so this was going to be one of the longer conversations, not just some drive-by on the way to the snacks. He actually wanted to talk to me. I hit minimize on the work that wouldn't be done. <br><br> "Yeah, still, I'm sure it's changed a lot since __I__ was a Freshman." <br><br> "Well, you should come by and see for yourself." <br><br> "I'd need a tour guide. Wouldn't want to get lost. You volunteering?" <br><br> "Don't know the campus all that well. Ya know, freshman and all. But I'm sure the alumni office has people who can help ya." He didn't like that. <br><br> "Aren't you supposed to take care of deliveries?" He was frowning and looking down in front of my desk. <br><br> "Yeah?" Friendliness gone and replaced with 'know your place'. He gave a nod of his chin and seemed to be trying to maneuver something with his foot. Kicking it. <br><br> "Missed one." It was a disappointed look, watching me come around to his size where -- yep -- there was a package. I guess I hadn't noticed when I came in this morning. "Should probably take care of that before trip-A notices. Wouldn't want you to get in trouble." Triple A was what people called the three partners that ran the place. All had names starting with A. <br><br> I was expected to be wearing a skirt which made the more physical tasks required of me far more difficult than they needed to be. I had the sense that Patrick was shifting to ensure he was behind me when I went for the package. <div id="patrick"> I didn't have time for this. <<crossroads #patrick>> <<path $CC.maleAttention gt 0>> Bend over anyway? He didn't deserve a show. <<blocked>> $ doesn't seek male attention that way. <<contents>> <<face happy>> <br><br> Knowing where his eyes were without having to look, I bent at the waist, feeling the fabric of the skirt pulling up the top of my thighs and peeking some cheek. Enjoy the view, I thought as I picked the box up off the floor -- it had more heft to it than I expected, so I stumbled a bit forward and really had to engage my core to get it off the ground. <br><br> "You got it?" He chuckled. <br><br> "Yeah, yeah," I stood upright, brushing loose strands of hair back away from my forehead that had come loose in the sudden athletic adventure. I clutched the package against my stomach and gave him a slight smile, starting towards the storage closet. <br><br> "Looks like you might need some help with that." He was alongside and keeping stride, some chivalry possibly, but more likely just his desire to spend more time with me. <br><br> "It's not //that// heavy. I just didn't expect us to be accepting shipments of bricks." <br><br> "Oh? Is that not what you're taking in every day?" It came off as playing along with the joke, but I wondered if he got the potential subtext. I opened the door to the supply closet and stepped inside. His hand halted the door and he came in with me. "Oh, this is the inner sanctum." <br><br> "You've never seen the supply closet? I know you're new but, really Patrick?" I set the package down on a shelf and a box cutter, opening it up. <br><br> He leaned against the shelves beside me, looking around as if this was some wondrous locale. "Never been interested til now." He gave a sidelong glance at the door. It had closed behind him and his look reinforced how alone we were. That he was checking if we were alone and secreted away. I tried to ignore it, pulling out the reams of printer paper that had made the box feel like it contained lead. I reached, lifting a couple of them -- who had decided that the paper had to be on the top shelf? <<if $CC.height gt 0>>I was tall, but still, I was straining.<<else>>I don't know why I tried, I always needed a step-ladder in here. I must have looked ridiculous trying to shelve the paper.<</if>> <br><br> "Here. I knew I'd come in handy." Even as he said it, before I could respond, he was behind me, hands on my waist and lifting. How quickly I was aloft surprised me: he was stronger than I thought. I gave a surprised gasp as my feet left the ground. <br><br> I deposited the paper and looked down at him, feeling his grip around my midsection, "Okay, thanks. Got it." He smiled, took a moment and then let me down. Slowly. His hands slid up my body to graze my chest. He had stepped forward and ensured that my ass slid against his front. I was maneuvered into a tight position nearly against the shelves. <br><br> "There we go." <<crossroads #patrick>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> Okay. Maybe I wanted his hands on me a little longer. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough. <<contents>> <<lower "skirt_office_up">> <<face normal runny>> <br><br> I pressed myself back against his pants, feeling the weight and promise beneath them. He gave a pleased grunt and a pleasing grope to my chest. I quickly did an evaluation of risk and reward as we increased the pressure of him on me: I knew the door wasn't locked and I wasn't at the front desk. They wouldn't come looking for Patrick, but me? I wasn't confident in the soundproofing of the closet nor its proximity to the kitchen. Sex was probably out of the question. <br><br> Turning and dropping at the same time, I worked my skirt back up my thighs with a firm yank to give me the most freedom, ass-out. My hands worked at his fly and reached in, retrieving his cock with more ease than I expected. He wasn't big, even hard, so just getting out of his zipper was a simple task. My mouth dove onto it immediately and I felt him get rigid in all the ways. He tensed and grabbed at me in surprised, his head banging against one of the shelves behind him. He didn't make a sound in pain. <br><br> Normally, I would have not been happy that his hands had found my head and hair, but I wasn't going to have difficulty with him, so I relented. I looked up at him, watching him in the throws of passion and enjoying the fact that the role reversal of power had shifted so quickly and so easily. I let my teeth slightly nip and scrape at his short shaft, simply a subtle hint that I could emasculate him at any moment. I didn't want to, but there was a part of me that disliked being run around by all these men. And here I was giving head to one of them, during working hours and with hardly any effort on his part. <br><br> I applied pressure, a tight suction on his throbbing cock. He applied pressure to my scalp, tugging at the roots of my hair while my lips met with his stubbly-base and the sharp bites of his zipper. <br><br> He was practically holding his breath the entire time, which was good. The sound of sucking was far quieter than any other option that we had on the table and he seemed quite content with this turn of events. Still, I was focusing my efforts on quick completion rather than some mind-blowing experience. I didn't need to impress him any more than I already was. <br><br> I grabbed at the back of his slacks, pulling his ass towards me as I shoved my mouth down on his prick. Short, quick and deep, getting him fully in my mouth with gusto. I felt him quivering, risen up on the balls of his feet and his entire body locked as the orgasm approached rapidly. <br><br> He grasped hard at the back of my head, pushing me down against the front of his pants and having me realize the full discomfort of an open fly and belt buckle on my forehead. His cock throbbed and jerked against my tongue and the top of his mouth as he grunted and I received the brick he had mentioned earlier, hot tangy spurts of his slimy goo unloaded against the back of my mouth and tongue. <br><br> Holding still and breathing through my nose, I took his delivery and waited for him to be done -- mostly because I wasn't going to be able to free my head until then. Small dick, but huge load. I was shocked at how long he was spurting for, my mouth nearly overflowing and having to cock slightly backwards to keep from spilling out and onto my dress. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <<cumSpray facial1>>With a final, deep sigh, he was done and let go of my head. I pulled back and <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>sat back on my haunches, opening my mouth and tilting my head back further, looking up at him as I played with his massive load. I watched him in his disconnected and post-orgasm pleasure enjoying the view while I enjoyed the feeling and taste of the spectacular load. And then, swallowed, smacked my lips, wiped them and stood up.<<else>>swallowed, nearly coughing and gagging on the thick viscosity. It took me three tries to get it all down before I was sure all that was left was the latent taste of semen. I wiped my lips and stood up. A different situation, I would have spit, but here I'd have to open a box of tissues while I just let that stuff sit.<</if>> <br><br> I pushed his wet and limp little guy back into his pants with a smile and zipped him up, "Need to get back to the front desk." <br><br> "Yeah. Glad I could help." <br><br> "I think I helped more than you did." <br><br> He gave me that one, nodding and smiling with a little incline of his head. He moved past me and out the door. I took my time, emptying the box and trying to wrap my head around what I had just done. <br><br><br> That wasn't the first or last time that supply closet had been utilized, nor my only time with people at the office. But mostly it was before or after hours. Maybe a party or something like that. And whether or not the rumors and knowledge of my behavior spread around the office, it never reached me. I felt safe and permitted. Which is probably how they wanted it too. I kept my job and kept my [[dignity|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> That box cutter was //right// there. I could teach him a lesson. <<contents>> <<face angry>> <br><br> He gave a little squeeze. And that's all he got. My hand grasped the box cutter and I shifted my hips firmly, twisting my body and extricating myself. "Thanks." <br><br> "Aw, come on now. Just a little accident. Harmless." He smiled, trying to close the distance again. His smile was kind, but his intentions were far from friendly. I made sure he noticed what I was armed with. <br><br> "I need to get back to my desk. Gotta cut and run, Pat." I wasn't threatening him with the thing -- I didn't want to get fired -- but he definitely appreciated the blade. <br><br> He nodded, giving an awkward chuckle and frown as he backed away. He was protecting himself but he didn't really know me __not__ to use the thing on him. But, given our privacy and how I'd carefully managed the cutter, he couldn't turn the tables as if I was trying to kill him. He was considering it, though. "Right. No worries. I got shit to do too." He opened the door a bit too forcefully and let it slam behind him. <br><br> A little shaken: the adrenaline had kicked in even though I wasn't in danger. I took my time emptying the box and then headed back to the desk. <br><br><br> That wasn't the first interaction with guys like him at triple-A, but I managed them all with similar skill and ease. I kept my job and kept my [[dignity|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <<path>> Should lift with my legs anyhow <<contents>> <<lower "skirt_office_up">> <br><br> Squatting down, the fabric of my skirt did pull up my thighs, but directed any flashing forward rather than backward. At best, he'd get the shape of my ass and not any actual views. And good thing that I had gone about it this way: the box was fucking heavy. I grunted, engaging my core and quads and stood up. Having to lift this way meant that my knees went a bit wider than my expected up-and-down, and I felt the skirt tense, threatening to tear as I lifted. <br><br> And Patrick was right in front of me. He had countered my counter and had gotten probably a far better view than I intended. Or that he expected. <br><br> "You got it?" He chuckled. <<crossroads #patrick>> <<path $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> Smirk <<blocked>> $ doesn't react to pervs that way <<contents>> <<skillChecked "Underwear">> <br><br> <<if $Body.undies == "Commando">>My pussy was on full display and I could see his eyes taking in every contour and fold between my thighs. Shit. <</if>>I couldn't help it but give a knowing smile and roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah," I stood upright, but left my skirt hiked up, leaving my legs on display. I clutched the package against my stomach and started towards the storage closet. <br><br> "Looks like you might need some help with that." He was alongside and keeping stride, some chivalry possibly, but more likely just his desire to spend more time with me. <br><br> "It's not //that// heavy. I just didn't expect us to be accepting shipments of bricks." <br><br> "Oh? Is that not what you're taking in every day?" It came off as playing along with the joke, but I wondered if he got the potential subtext. I opened the door to the supply closet and stepped inside. His hand halted the door and he came in with me. "Oh, this is the inner sanctum." <br><br> "You've never seen the supply closet? I know you're new but, really Patrick?" I set the package down on a shelf and a box cutter, opening it up. <br><br> He leaned against the shelves beside me, looking around as if this was some wondrous locale. "Never been interested til now." He gave a sidelong glance at the door. It had closed behind him and his look reinforced how alone we were. That he was checking if we were alone and secreted away. I tried to ignore it, pulling out the reams of printer paper that had made the box feel like it contained lead. I reached, lifting a couple of them -- who had decided that the paper had to be on the top shelf? <<if $CC.height gt 0>>I was tall, but still, I was straining.<<else>>I don't know why I tried, I always needed a step-ladder in here. I must have looked ridiculous trying to shelve the paper.<</if>> <br><br> "Here. I knew I'd come in handy." Even as he said it, before I could respond, he was behind me, hands on my waist and lifting. How quickly I was aloft surprised me: he was stronger than I thought. I gave a surprised gasp as my feet left the ground. <br><br> I deposited the paper and looked down at him, feeling his grip around my midsection, "Okay, thanks. Got it." He smiled, took a moment and then let me down. Slowly. His hands slid up my body to graze my chest. He had stepped forward and ensured that my ass slid against his front. I was maneuvered into a tight position nearly against the shelves. <br><br> "There we go." <br><br> <<crossroads #patrick>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> Okay. Maybe I wanted his hands on me a little longer. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough. <<contents>> <<face happy runny>> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <br><br> I pressed myself back against his pants, feeling the weight and promise beneath them. He gave a pleased grunt and a pleasing grope to my chest. I quickly did an evaluation of risk and reward as we increased the pressure of him on me: I knew the door wasn't locked and I wasn't at the front desk. They wouldn't come looking for Patrick, but me? I wasn't confident in the soundproofing of the closet nor its proximity to the kitchen. Sex was probably out of the question. <br><br> Turning and dropping at the same time, I worked my skirt back up my thighs with a firm yank to give me the most freedom, ass-out. My hands worked at his fly and reached in, retrieving his cock with more ease than I expected. He wasn't big, even hard, so just getting out of his zipper was a simple task. My mouth dove onto it immediately and I felt him get rigid in all the ways. He tensed and grabbed at me in surprised, his head banging against one of the shelves behind him. He didn't make a sound in pain. <br><br> Normally, I would have not been happy that his hands had found my head and hair, but I wasn't going to have difficulty with him, so I relented. I looked up at him, watching him in the throws of passion and enjoying the fact that the role reversal of power had shifted so quickly and so easily. I let my teeth slightly nip and scrape at his short shaft, simply a subtle hint that I could emasculate him at any moment. I didn't want to, but there was a part of me that disliked being run around by all these men. And here I was giving head to one of them, during working hours and with hardly any effort on his part. <br><br> I applied pressure, a tight suction on his throbbing cock. He applied pressure to my scalp, tugging at the roots of my hair while my lips met with his stubbly-base and the sharp bites of his zipper. <br><br> He was practically holding his breath the entire time, which was good. The sound of sucking was far quieter than any other option that we had on the table and he seemed quite content with this turn of events. Still, I was focusing my efforts on quick completion rather than some mind-blowing experience. I didn't need to impress him any more than I already was. <br><br> I grabbed at the back of his slacks, pulling his ass towards me as I shoved my mouth down on his prick. Short, quick and deep, getting him fully in my mouth with gusto. I felt him quivering, risen up on the balls of his feet and his entire body locked as the orgasm approached rapidly. <br><br> He grasped hard at the back of my head, pushing me down against the front of his pants and having me realize the full discomfort of an open fly and belt buckle on my forehead. His cock throbbed and jerked against my tongue and the top of his mouth as he grunted and I received the brick he had mentioned earlier, hot tangy spurts of his slimy goo unloaded against the back of my mouth and tongue. <br><br> Holding still and breathing through my nose, I took his delivery and waited for him to be done -- mostly because I wasn't going to be able to free my head until then. Small dick, but huge load. I was shocked at how long he was spurting for, my mouth nearly overflowing and having to cock slightly backwards to keep from spilling out and onto my dress. <br><br> <<cumSpray facial1>>With a final, deep sigh, he was done and let go of my head. I pulled back and <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>sat back on my haunches, opening my mouth and tilting my head back further, looking up at him as I played with his massive load. I watched him in his disconnected and post-orgasm pleasure enjoying the view while I enjoyed the feeling and taste of the spectacular load. And then, swallowed, smacked my lips, wiped them and stood up.<<else>>swallowed, nearly coughing and gagging on the thick viscosity. It took me three tries to get it all down before I was sure all that was left was the latent taste of semen. I wiped my lips and stood up. A different situation, I would have spit, but here I'd have to open a box of tissues while I just let that stuff sit.<</if>> <br><br> I pushed his wet and limp little guy back into his pants with a smile and zipped him up, "Need to get back to the front desk." <br><br> "Yeah. Glad I could help." <br><br> "I think I helped more than you did." <br><br> He gave me that one, nodding and smiling with a little incline of his head. He moved past me and out the door. I took my time, emptying the box and trying to wrap my head around what I had just done. <br><br><br> That wasn't the first or last time that supply closet had been utilized, nor my only time with people at the office. But mostly it was before or after hours. Maybe a party or something like that. And whether or not the rumors and knowledge of my behavior spread around the office, it never reached me. I felt safe and permitted. Which is probably how they wanted it too. I kept my job and kept my [[dignity|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> That box cutter was //right// there. I could teach him a lesson. <<contents>> <<face angry>> <br><br> He gave a little squeeze. And that's all he got. My hand grasped the box cutter and I shifted my hips firmly, twisting my body and extricating myself. "Thanks." <br><br> "Aw, come on now. Just a little accident. Harmless." He smiled, trying to close the distance again. His smile was kind, but his intentions were far from friendly. I made sure he noticed what I was armed with. <br><br> "I need to get back to my desk. Gotta cut and run, Pat." I wasn't threatening him with the thing -- I didn't want to get fired -- but he definitely appreciated the blade. <br><br> He nodded, giving an awkward chuckle and frown as he backed away. He was protecting himself but he didn't really know me __not__ to use the thing on him. But, given our privacy and how I'd carefully managed the cutter, he couldn't turn the tables as if I was trying to kill him. He was considering it, though. "Right. No worries. I got shit to do too." He opened the door a bit too forcefully and let it slam behind him. <br><br> A little shaken: the adrenaline had kicked in even though I wasn't in danger. I took my time emptying the box and then headed back to the desk. <br><br><br> That wasn't the first interaction with guys like him at triple-A, but I managed them all with similar skill and ease. I kept my job and kept my [[dignity|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <<path>> Try my best to put it out of my mind. Pervs be pervin'. <<contents>> <br><br> "Yeah, yeah," I stood upright, quickly tugging my skirt back down with my free hand. I clutched the package against my stomach and started towards the storage closet. <br><br> "Looks like you might need some help with that." He was alongside and keeping stride, some chivalry possibly, but more likely just his desire to spend more time with me. <br><br> "It's not //that// heavy. I just didn't expect us to be accepting shipments of bricks." <br><br> "Oh? Is that not what you're taking in every day?" It came off as playing along with the joke, but I wondered if he got the potential subtext. I opened the door to the supply closet and stepped inside. His hand halted the door and he came in with me. "Oh, this is the inner sanctum." <br><br> "You've never seen the supply closet? I know you're new but, really Patrick?" I set the package down on a shelf and a box cutter, opening it up. <br><br> He leaned against the shelves beside me, looking around as if this was some wondrous locale. "Never been interested til now." He gave a sidelong glance at the door. It had closed behind him and his look reinforced how alone we were. That he was checking if we were alone and secreted away. I tried to ignore it, pulling out the reams of printer paper that had made the box feel like it contained lead. I reached, lifting a couple of them -- who had decided that the paper had to be on the top shelf? <<if $CC.height gt 0>>I was tall, but still, I was straining.<<else>>I don't know why I tried, I always needed a step-ladder in here. I must have looked ridiculous trying to shelve the paper.<</if>> <br><br> "Here. I knew I'd come in handy." Even as he said it, before I could respond, he was behind me, hands on my waist and lifting. How quickly I was aloft surprised me: he was stronger than I thought. I gave a surprised gasp as my feet left the ground. <br><br> I deposited the paper and looked down at him, feeling his grip around my midsection, "Okay, thanks. Got it." He smiled, took a moment and then let me down. Slowly. His hands slid up my body to graze my chest. He had stepped forward and ensured that my ass slid against his front. I was maneuvered into a tight position nearly against the shelves. <br><br> "There we go." <<crossroads #patrick>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> Okay. Maybe I wanted his hands on me a little longer. <<blocked>> $ isn't Easy enough <<contents>> <<lower "skirt_office_up">> <<face happy runny>> <<skillChecked "Kinks">> <br><br> I pressed myself back against his pants, feeling the weight and promise beneath them. He gave a pleased grunt and a pleasing grope to my chest. I quickly did an evaluation of risk and reward as we increased the pressure of him on me: I knew the door wasn't locked and I wasn't at the front desk. They wouldn't come looking for Patrick, but me? I wasn't confident in the soundproofing of the closet nor its proximity to the kitchen. Sex was probably out of the question. <br><br> Turning and dropping at the same time, I worked my skirt back up my thighs with a firm yank to give me the most freedom, ass-out. My hands worked at his fly and reached in, retrieving his cock with more ease than I expected. He wasn't big, even hard, so just getting out of his zipper was a simple task. My mouth dove onto it immediately and I felt him get rigid in all the ways. He tensed and grabbed at me in surprised, his head banging against one of the shelves behind him. He didn't make a sound in pain. <br><br> Normally, I would have not been happy that his hands had found my head and hair, but I wasn't going to have difficulty with him, so I relented. I looked up at him, watching him in the throws of passion and enjoying the fact that the role reversal of power had shifted so quickly and so easily. I let my teeth slightly nip and scrape at his short shaft, simply a subtle hint that I could emasculate him at any moment. I didn't want to, but there was a part of me that disliked being run around by all these men. And here I was giving head to one of them, during working hours and with hardly any effort on his part. <br><br> I applied pressure, a tight suction on his throbbing cock. He applied pressure to my scalp, tugging at the roots of my hair while my lips met with his stubbly-base and the sharp bites of his zipper. <br><br> He was practically holding his breath the entire time, which was good. The sound of sucking was far quieter than any other option that we had on the table and he seemed quite content with this turn of events. Still, I was focusing my efforts on quick completion rather than some mind-blowing experience. I didn't need to impress him any more than I already was. <br><br> I grabbed at the back of his slacks, pulling his ass towards me as I shoved my mouth down on his prick. Short, quick and deep, getting him fully in my mouth with gusto. I felt him quivering, risen up on the balls of his feet and his entire body locked as the orgasm approached rapidly. <br><br> He grasped hard at the back of my head, pushing me down against the front of his pants and having me realize the full discomfort of an open fly and belt buckle on my forehead. His cock throbbed and jerked against my tongue and the top of his mouth as he grunted and I received the brick he had mentioned earlier, hot tangy spurts of his slimy goo unloaded against the back of my mouth and tongue. <br><br> Holding still and breathing through my nose, I took his delivery and waited for him to be done -- mostly because I wasn't going to be able to free my head until then. Small dick, but huge load. I was shocked at how long he was spurting for, my mouth nearly overflowing and having to cock slightly backwards to keep from spilling out and onto my dress. <br><br> <<cumSpray facial1>>With a final, deep sigh, he was done and let go of my head. I pulled back and <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Cum")>>sat back on my haunches, opening my mouth and tilting my head back further, looking up at him as I played with his massive load. I watched him in his disconnected and post-orgasm pleasure enjoying the view while I enjoyed the feeling and taste of the spectacular load. And then, swallowed, smacked my lips, wiped them and stood up.<<else>>swallowed, nearly coughing and gagging on the thick viscosity. It took me three tries to get it all down before I was sure all that was left was the latent taste of semen. I wiped my lips and stood up. A different situation, I would have spit, but here I'd have to open a box of tissues while I just let that stuff sit.<</if>> <br><br> I pushed his wet and limp little guy back into his pants with a smile and zipped him up, "Need to get back to the front desk." <br><br> "Yeah. Glad I could help." <br><br> "I think I helped more than you did." <br><br> He gave me that one, nodding and smiling with a little incline of his head. He moved past me and out the door. I took my time, emptying the box and trying to wrap my head around what I had just done. <br><br><br> That wasn't the first or last time that supply closet had been utilized, nor my only time with people at the office. But mostly it was before or after hours. Maybe a party or something like that. And whether or not the rumors and knowledge of my behavior spread around the office, it never reached me. I felt safe and permitted. Which is probably how they wanted it too. I kept my job and kept my [[dignity|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> That box cutter was //right// there. I could teach him a lesson. <<contents>> <<face angry>> <br><br> He gave a little squeeze. And that's all he got. My hand grasped the box cutter and I shifted my hips firmly, twisting my body and extricating myself. "Thanks." <br><br> "Aw, come on now. Just a little accident. Harmless." He smiled, trying to close the distance again. His smile was kind, but his intentions were far from friendly. I made sure he noticed what I was armed with. <br><br> "I need to get back to my desk. Gotta cut and run, Pat." I wasn't threatening him with the thing -- I didn't want to get fired -- but he definitely appreciated the blade. <br><br> He nodded, giving an awkward chuckle and frown as he backed away. He was protecting himself but he didn't really know me __not__ to use the thing on him. But, given our privacy and how I'd carefully managed the cutter, he couldn't turn the tables as if I was trying to kill him. He was considering it, though. "Right. No worries. I got shit to do too." He opened the door a bit too forcefully and let it slam behind him. <br><br> A little shaken: the adrenaline had kicked in even though I wasn't in danger. I took my time emptying the box and then headed back to the desk. <br><br><br> That wasn't the first interaction with guys like him at triple-A, but I managed them all with similar skill and ease. I kept my job and kept my [[dignity|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.job == "OF">> <div id="OF"> It was my first night 'on air'. I had prepped my small but loyal fanbase that I would be presenting myself to them tonight. I was nervous as fuck. <br><br> I had the room to myself and I was in the midst of probably my fourth or fifth repositioning. I didn't want anything identifying in the shot. I definitely didn't want them to know I was a college student (though how hard could that be to figure out), and hopefully nothing about me either. It also might have been the nerves insisting that I procrastinate. Eventually, I couldn't find any better setup and I mounted my bed, readying myself for <span class="inline-text-input"><<textbox "$UN.OFName" "KinkyKlare">></span>'s first livestream. <br><br> Now. How was I going to present myself to them? <<crossroads #OF>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value lt 2>> Cute, but casual -- the clothes that I always wear. They should get to know me. And it felt comfortable anyway. <<blocked>> $ is too Confident <<contents>> <<outfit hiphop>> "Hey guys!" I grinned broadly, waving into the ringlight as we went live. It felt weird talking to a camera, but that was the deal. I had another screen to the side to follow the scroll of comments as they came in. "Thanks for joining me for my very first live stream. I'm a virgin here, so I might need some guidance. And be gentle popping my cherry." I had an affected voice for this, learned from porn culture and it seemingly worked. It was lighter and airier than my own. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>>I wondered if they could tell how different it was from my real voice and how hard it was for me to keep up. If I had just been a voice I might have been more real, but I figured deeper and raspier would have aged me, and age was a death-knell in the sex community.<</if>> <br><br> I was sitting on my knees, hands between them and thighs strategically parted. It was a coy, youthful pose and allowed my upper arms to add some pressure to either side of my chest to accentuate them. <br><br> "I thought this was a show." "This a cozy stream?" "Is this Twitch?" A stream of surprised responses started to roll across the chat screen. Viewership started to drop. <<crossroads #OF>> <<path>> Double-down on the casual approach? <<contents>> "So I felt like tonight was a good time for me to get to know you. And you to get to know me." The numbers continued to tick down, comments became rather vitriolic. "So this is me! A normal night, just hanging out. And then I get dolled up for you..." <br><br> I pushed the front of my sweats down a bit, revealing my lack of underwear and the comments slowed down. "So, I want to do a little Q&A. Most questions are fair game. Hit me with your best shot." I rolled onto my side, giving a coy look to the camera and letting my bare feet sway behind me teasingly. <br><br><br> It didn't go well. Most of the attendees were gone and my subscriber base dropped off until I put out some extra racy material a month later. But I did establish a kind of solid fan base. The people who did want to know me. So there weren't only pervs out there. <br><br> Needless to say, comfy outfits didn't come back into the rotation. <br><br> I never felt like I was whoring myself out. I wasn't going to just keep escalating until there was nothing left to give. I kept things essentially tame and took what income I could from the loyal, if small, group that continued to support me. <br><br><br> But I appreciated that doing this was sustainable while not being too painful. A small scale content-maker, but it kept me [[afloat|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> Give them what they want before they leave? <<contents>> I smiled, leaning forward on my knees and letting my thumbs hook at the waist of my sweats, pulling deep and giving a shadowed but clear view at my lack of underwear, "Oh, I came ready for you. See?" The comments sped up, insisting I remove the sweats entirely. A donation later, I did what they <<linkexpand "asked.">> asked. <<lower>><<panties>> <br><br><br> "That's better." I giggled, kicking the sweats offscreen onto the floor. I resumed my position on my knees, letting my outer lips spread and peek at my pussy. My hand slid down between my legs and began idly playing with myself as I chatted with them, "Q&A time." It was what I had planned: a get-to-know-me session, just didn't realize I needed bare skin for us to get going. <br><br> The questions were all about sex. The ways I liked it. If they could fuck me. Would I take loads on my face; inside me; on my feet. I played it off like it was fine, answering with as much truth as I could muster as well as a hint of playfulness and what I knew they wanted to hear. <br><br> Another donation and it was time for me to get <<linkexpand "naked.">> naked. <<outfit naked>> <br><br><br> A rapid stream of clap emojis and a bump in my subscriber count. A couple of thank you donations. I spread my thighs and continued playing with myself, a hand going to my breast to work my nipples hard. <br><br> "When was the last time?" I smiled and gave them a little story -- some of the details enhanced or changed -- about my last hookup. I emphasized little moments with a push of my fingers inside me or enhance with a sexy noise. They loved it. <br><br> Another donation and it was time for me to up the ante. That's what this seemed to be: push the envelope to get more money and you had to keep the bar there or risk losing it all. "I want you all to fuck me with your words. Cybersex me." I laid back, aside the camera but with it squarely pointed down between my open thighs. <br><br> My eyes lost focus, became hooded with lust as I focused on fingering. Some of them were quite good at cyber and were able to build up scenarios that turned me on. Others English was poor at best. Others didn't even try to make a story. But there was enough to grasp onto. <br><br> And they all were rewarded, me cumming for them on camera. I made sure that the way by body contorted was for them. It meant my orgasm wasn't as great or freeing, but I wanted to make sure it looked hot for them. "Oh gawd. Thank you. MMm...more?" I grinned over at the camera as they insisted on more, on trying to make me squirt. <br><br> I wasn't about to pee on my bed, but I wasn't going to say no to the donations. <br><br> I gave them the show they wanted. By the end my pussy was throbbing, my fingers were sticky and soaked, my breath was haggard. They did get bored with the fingerbang show after a bit, but we transitioned into me taking asks for next time. We discussed what gifts and toys I might appreciate. <br><br> And they came through. They were ravenous to see me more, doing more, more often. They loved seeing me use and wear the things they bought for me. Some worshipped me, some treated me like a whore. But it was all for a good cause. It was relatively easy money at a cost that I was willing to pay. <br><br> I enjoyed the tug-of-war, trying to delay their gratification but not before it caused my count to drop. And I loved seeing the surge in response to something new. But new was a one-and-done kind of event. <br><br><br> Still, they kept me [[afloat|UN004 - Professor]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes('Exhibitionism') || $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 2>> Naked -- shock 'em from the start. <<blocked>> $ is too reserved for that <<contents>> <<outfit naked>> "Hey guys!" I grinned broadly, waving into the ringlight as we went live. It felt weird talking to a camera, but that was the deal. I had another screen to the side to follow the scroll of comments as they came in. "Thanks for joining me for my very first live stream. I'm a virgin here, so I might need some guidance. And be gentle popping my cherry." I had an affected voice for this, learned from porn culture and it seemingly worked. It was lighter and airier than my own. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>>I wondered if they could tell how different it was from my real voice and how hard it was for me to keep up. If I had just been a voice I might have been more real, but I figured deeper and raspier would have aged me, and age was a death-knell in the sex community.<</if>> <br><br> I was sitting on my knees, hands between them and thighs strategically parted. My hands stroked up on the soft, enticing places near my core. It was a coy, youthful pose and allowed my upper arms to add some pressure to either side of my chest to accentuate them. I was on full-display and I could tell it was shocking. <br><br> "Whoah." "Fuck. Me." Drooling emojis. Water spray emojis. Lots and lots of eggplants. "Gimme that pussy." "Squeeze your tits." They were ravenous and I had given them a silent go ahead with my appearance. <br><br> My hand slid down between my legs and began idly playing with myself as I chatted with them, "Q&A time." It was what I had planned: a get-to-know-me session, just didn't realize I needed bare skin for us to get going. <br><br> The questions were all about sex. The ways I liked it. If they could fuck me. Would I take loads on my face; inside me; on my feet. I played it off like it was fine, answering with as much truth as I could muster as well as a hint of playfulness and what I knew they wanted to hear. <br><br> Another donation and it was time for me to get busy. I sunk a finger firmly inside me and gave the requisite gasp. "Oh you feel good." I smiled at them. A rapid stream of clap emojis and a bump in my subscriber count. A couple of thank you donations. I spread my thighs and continued playing with myself, a hand going to my breast to work my nipples hard. <br><br> "When was the last time?" I smiled and gave them a little story -- some of the details enhanced or changed -- about my last hookup. I emphasized little moments with a push of my fingers inside me or enhance with a sexy noise. They loved it. <br><br><br> Another donation and it was time for me to up the ante. That's what this seemed to be: push the envelope to get more money and you had to keep the bar there or risk losing it all. "I want you all to fuck me with your words. Cybersex me." I laid back, aside the camera but with it squarely pointed down between my open thighs. <br><br> My eyes lost focus, became hooded with lust as I focused on fingering. Some of them were quite good at cyber and were able to build up scenarios that turned me on. Others English was poor at best. Others didn't even try to make a story. But there was enough to grasp onto. <br><br> And they all were rewarded, me cumming for them on camera. I made sure that the way by body contorted was for them. It meant my orgasm wasn't as great or freeing, but I wanted to make sure it looked hot for them. "Oh gawd. Thank you. MMm...more?" I grinned over at the camera as they insisted on more, but this time it was //my// turn to fuck them with my words. <br><br> I gave them the show they wanted. "You're climbing ontop of me and I'm already prepped for you..." I spread my slit to show them how wet I was, "And you thrust your hard cock inside..." my fingers jammed in. The way a horny guy would. I let my legs fall open like it felt good. I arched my back, I growled at the camera. "Too tight for you?" I giggled as I made my hand shudder between my thighs while making the digits jam inside at awkward, random moments like they were hilting inside me. <br><br> I wasn't going to cum from this, but they were. Chat got real quiet as I continued the show. I edged my 'partner' and wrapped my thighs around my arm, toes curling for the foot fetishists and gave them a framed view of three of my fingers crammed inside me, shoving in and out. It was a lewd display, but it's exactly what they were paying for. <br><br> We traded back and forth for about half an hour. They got me off with their sexy chat, and then the next time I gave them a retelling of a recent hookup with as good of a physical display as I could manage. I had to admit: this was hot. I was certainly enjoying myself. <br><br><br> By the end my pussy was throbbing, my fingers were sticky and soaked, my breath was haggard. They did get bored with the fingerbang show after a bit, but we transitioned into me taking asks for next time. We discussed what gifts and toys I might appreciate. <br><br> And they came through. They were ravenous to see me more, doing more, more often. They loved seeing me use and wear the things they bought for me. Some worshipped me, some treated me like a whore. But it was all for a good cause. It was relatively easy money at a cost that I was willing to pay. <br><br> I enjoyed the tug-of-war, trying to delay their gratification but not before it caused my count to drop. And I loved seeing the surge in response to something new. But new was a one-and-done kind of event. <br><br><br> Still, they kept me [[afloat|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> Underwear -- hint without hiding. <<contents>> <<outfit underwear>> "Hey guys!" I grinned broadly, waving into the ringlight as we went live. It felt weird talking to a camera, but that was the deal. I had another screen to the side to follow the scroll of comments as they came in. "Thanks for joining me for my very first live stream. I'm a virgin here, so I might need some guidance. And be gentle popping my cherry." I had an affected voice for this, learned from porn culture and it seemingly worked. It was lighter and airier than my own. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>>I wondered if they could tell how different it was from my real voice and how hard it was for me to keep up. If I had just been a voice I might have been more real, but I figured deeper and raspier would have aged me, and age was a death-knell in the sex community.<</if>> <br><br> I was sitting on my knees, hands between them and thighs strategically parted. It was a coy, youthful pose and allowed my upper arms to add some pressure to either side of my chest to accentuate them. <br><br> "Aw, so cute." Some eye emojis. Some drooling. Some frowns. It seemed to be a spread of pleased and displeased. But it would have to do. My hand slid down between my legs into my underwear and began idly playing with myself as I chatted with them, "Q&A time." It was what I had planned: a get-to-know-me session. <br><br> The questions were all about sex. The ways I liked it. If they could fuck me. Would I take loads on my face; inside me; on my feet. I played it off like it was fine, answering with as much truth as I could muster as well as a hint of playfulness and what I knew they wanted to hear. <br><br> Then came an insistent donation: "Take that shit off." Needy. But it came with money. I smiled like it was okay and reached back to unclasp my <<link "bra">><<bra>><</link>>. A rapid stream of clap emojis and a bump in my subscriber count. A couple of thank you donations. I gave a shake of my tits as the girls freed themselves, my other hand still working teasingly between thighs, hidden by spare fabric. The other went to squeeze at my newly bared breasts, working my nipples hard. <br><br> "When was the last time?" I smiled and gave them a little story -- some of the details enhanced or changed -- about my last hookup. I emphasized little moments with a push of my fingers inside me or enhance with a sexy noise. They loved it. <br><br><br> Another donation, "I said. Off." It was time for me to up the ante. I leaned up on my knees, hooked under the sides of my underwear and pulled <<link "down">><<outfit naked>><</link>>. Twisting my hips, I peeled the underwear enticingly down my legs and over my feet, revealing my mound slowly, carefully. My underwear pulled at my slit from the wetness that had grown. I let my legs frame my sex and I ensured my feet were in view as the underwear finally came fully off. <br><br> I tossed them at the camera and let them hang over it, just hinting at the edges of view. I resumed my position and quickly sank a finger inside myself like it was unconscious. <br><br> That's what this seemed to be: push the envelope to get more money and you had to keep the bar there or risk losing it all. "Shit. Now that I'm naked, all I can think about is getting fucked. I want you all to fuck me with your words. Cybersex me." I laid back, aside the camera but with it squarely pointed down between my open thighs. <br><br> My eyes lost focus, became hooded with lust as I focused on fingering. Some of them were quite good at cyber and were able to build up scenarios that turned me on. Others English was poor at best. Others didn't even try to make a story. But there was enough to grasp onto. <br><br> And they all were rewarded, me cumming for them on camera. I made sure that the way by body contorted was for them. It meant my orgasm wasn't as great or freeing, but I wanted to make sure it looked hot for them. "Oh gawd. Thank you. MMm...more?" I grinned over at the camera as they insisted on more, on trying to make me squirt. <br><br> I wasn't about to pee on my bed, but I wasn't going to say no to the donations. <br><br><br> I gave them the show they wanted. By the end my pussy was throbbing, my fingers were sticky and soaked, my breath was haggard. They did get bored with the fingerbang show after a bit, but we transitioned into me taking asks for next time. We discussed what gifts and toys I might appreciate. <br><br> And they came through. They were ravenous to see me more, doing more, more often. They loved seeing me use and wear the things they bought for me. Some worshipped me, some treated me like a whore. But it was all for a good cause. It was relatively easy money at a cost that I was willing to pay. <br><br> I enjoyed the tug-of-war, trying to delay their gratification but not before it caused my count to drop. And I loved seeing the surge in response to something new. But new was a one-and-done kind of event. <br><br><br> Still, they kept me [[afloat|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 1 || $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 1>> Something sexy and slutty -- use what I'd picked up at the adult store for //something//. <<blocked>> $ doesn't think performatively like that. <<contents>> <<outfit KimP>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 5>> "It’s what I do and nobody’s going to stop me!" I grinned broadly, waving into the ringlight as we went live. <br><br> It felt weird talking to a camera, but that was the deal. I had another screen to the side to follow the scroll of comments as they came in. "Thanks for joining me for my very first live stream. I'm a virgin here, so I might need some guidance. And be gentle popping my cherry...But I can do anything!" The last bit as close to her voice as I could manage. Everything else was in my 'normal' OnlyFans voice: learned from porn culture and it seemingly worked. It was lighter and airier than my own. <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("voice")>>I wondered if they could tell how different it was from my real voice and how hard it was for me to keep up. If I had just been a voice I might have been more real, but I figured deeper and raspier would have aged me, and age was a death-knell in the sex community.<</if>> <br><br> I was sitting on my knees, hands between them and thighs strategically parted. It was a coy, youthful pose and allowed my upper arms to add some pressure to either side of my chest to accentuate them. <br><br> "Gawd. Fucking hot." "She's my faaaaave." Drooling emojis. Eggplants. Some water sprays. Some threw in gifs of Rule34. People had created sex cartoons of this character and they were showing me what they imagined. This really worked them up. I giggled, biting my lower lip and leaning forward. I hinted at her typical pose and gave a catch-phrase while I slid my hand down between my legs to grab at my pussy. <br><br> I had planned for a Q&A session for them to get to know me, but they wanted to have time with //her//. Not me. I was just the avatar presenting her for them to enjoy. It was a weird feeling of disappointment as well as shield of protection. I wasn't on display. I could disassociate and give them more. And they wanted more. Clearly she had lived in their collective imaginations and they had designs on her. A fake thing, a digital doll, a fabrication. <br><br><br> "You're weird. But I like you." I winked to the camera. Alright, I could do <<linkexpand "this">> this. <br><br> On the fly, I tried to incorporate as much of my knowledge of Kim as I could. I had to bite back the rising gorge because I had associated this with my childhood...because it was a cartoon. But the rising donations and viewer count helped me keep any mental block from really getting in the way. <br><br> There was a little game we played, a kind of roleplay back-and-forth as they helped me flesh out the details of the operation I had just returned from. Tired and beleaguered, I was ready to be done with work. And with my <<linkexpand "top">> <<upper>> top. <br><br> "I think someone owes me a diversion, of the dating kind." The feed lit up with requests and eventually a high donor got some private time with me. "Dr. Drakken?" <br><br> Evil emojis popped up. They had their light shadowed and some voice-effect turned on that hid their true sound. It was an encounter my donor wanted to see played out. <br><br> "How did you get into my home?" I leaned in as best I could, taking their instructions and acting as if I was restrained. Hands behind my back, feet tucked under me until they emoted removal of my <<linkexpand "clothes">> <<lower>> clothes. <br><br> They were slow. Deliberate. Both teasing themselves and me and maintaining a sense of 'interrogation.' <br><br> "Your time is running out--" <br><br> "THEN TIME TO FUCK YOU." They didn't appreciate my break of character. I was watching the time tick down and knowing we were going to pop back to the broader stream, but my 'captor' insisted. <br><br> Laying back, spread eagle, I grabbed a dildo. Not the right blue-grey of his skin, which made it more palatable for me, but the donor didn't seem to mind as I worked the head between my <<linkexpand "lips">> <<panties>> <<face ahego runny>> lips. <br><br> And we were back, live. Giving a show to everyone as I pressed the dildo down my mouth. The donor was no longer streaming their camera, but the community found their way into the continuity. I was preoccupied, choking on the rubbery plastic, eyes gaping to the camera as I abused myself as if it were Dr. Drakken on the other end of it. <br><br> I followed the instructions of the masses, less fight and more arousal, finding my way to enjoyment as I smacked the member against my face, smearing my makeup and my spit across my countenance. <br><br> They wanted a titfuck but I didn't have enough hands, so the Drakken-member found its way lower, towards my pussy. <br><br> And inside. <br><br> It was easy. Far too easy for what I thought my arousal was at. Fuck, I was turned on. And they were watching the disembodied cock of a cartoon enemy take full advantage of their real-life personification of a beaten protagonist. <br><br> I amplified the cooes, I squirmed more than I needed to, but I also was enjoying fucking myself. <br><br> I tried to pay attention to the feed, but at a certain point, my body took all my attention. <br><br> <<shake 5s>>I came for Dr. Drakken.<</shake>> <br><br> After the orgasm passed over me, I swung my head to look, blearily, at the camera, the fake penis pumping still, slowly in and out of my pink slit. My chest heaved, my knees swayed side to side contentedly. <br><br> I grinned as it came to me: "Oh, sure, you save the world on a regular basis, and no one remembers your name. But you lose your pants six or eight times, and they never let you live it down!" It wasn't her line, but it fit. And it worked. The stream exploded into appreciation and I knew this was going to make me a name in the community. For better or worse. I just didn't want to get relegated to only a KP cosplayer or something like that. <br><br><br> I gave them the show they wanted. By the end my pussy was throbbing, my fingers were sticky and soaked, my breath was haggard. Wow, this really was a job. <br><br> It was a lot of extra work because I had to create the costume most times. Couldn't just buy it off the shelf, but my subscribers ate it up. And I was more than happy to put in the extra effort and time if the money came on the other end of it. <br><br> And they came through. They were ravenous to see me more, doing more, more often. They loved seeing 'me' in my new forms. Some worshipped me, some treated me like a whore. But it was all for a good cause. It was relatively easy money at a cost that I was willing to pay. <br><br> I enjoyed the tug-of-war, trying to delay their gratification but not before it caused my count to drop. And I loved seeing the surge in response to something new. But new was a one-and-done kind of event. <br><br><br> Still, they kept me [[afloat|UN004 - Professor]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<else>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">> <<addBody "Katie" F "Katie, closing manager that gave me the best shifts, unsurprisingly" "closing manager that gave me the best shifts, unsurprisingly">> <<else>> <<addBody "Carl" M "Carl, closing restaurant manager that gave me the best shifts, unsurprisingly" "closing manager that gave me the best shifts, unsurprisingly">> <</if>> Waiting tables? You really wanted to hear about that wear and tear on my soul? The nights running around the restaurant were a blur. Each guest blended together with each other. And there was a moment when I tried my hand at bartending. <br><br> I picked up some skills watching the cooks in the kitchen. <br><br> I wore through so many shoes. <br><br> Oh. And I fucked one of the floor managers in the office on nights when we closed together. <br><br> That sate your curiosity? <br><br> Gotta give you credit for trying, but back to the more interesting [[stuff|UN004 - Professor]]. <</if>> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "cheer">> /* IMAGE (Needed): POV looking up at a showerhead and no water coming out */ <<outfit UNcheer>> I climbed out of the team bus after a hard-fought loss against a conference team. <br><br> There was very little talking and everyone was acting like I felt: exhausted. <br><br> What made it worse was remembering where we were being put up: the run-down EconoLodge. We walked towards the shitty stop-over, a dispiriting capstone to the weekend. <br><br> With the money my university made off of the athletics department, you'd think they would be willing to spend just a little bit more than budget on their players. And cheerleaders, by proxy. <br><br> I swiped my plastic keycard over and over until it registered that, yes, this ''is'' my room and gave the door a firm shove to overcome the years of warping and moisture buildup. Despite the beat-up and stained carpet underfoot, I quickly ditched your <<link "sneakers">><<feet>><</link>> on my way to the bathroom. <br><br> After everything, I needed a win today and a hot, cleansing shower sounded like just the thing. But I needed to get it right //then//, before my two squadmates arrived and the fight for dibs began. <br><br> <div id="shower"> <<link "Strip">><<replace "#shower">> /* TODO pace taking off cloth with 2 upper/lower as two separate link expands */ <<outfit naked>> First thing first: get this shit //off//. <br><br> I reached back and unzipped the top, pulling it over my head and dropped it on the tile of the confined bathroom. My <<print $Body.tits>> tits, free, brought out a happy sigh, stifled immediately by hearing chirping at my door and the beeping of the card reader -- they were here. I couldn't help but immediately hate them. <br><br> With a <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>>swift<<else>>repeated<</if>>kick to the door, it shut. Another barrier between me and them, I rushed to ditch the skirt and bloomers down my smooth legs. They had barely collected around my feet on the mildewy and kind of sticky floor before I was reaching into the shower. I turned the knob and heard the pipes banging hard inside the paper-thin wall, and watched the showerhead jerking in the air...but nothing came out. <br><br> Confused, I turned the other knob. Both knobs. Back and forth. Nothing. And with an exasperated grunt, I realized my shower isn't working. <br><br> Another wave of loss -- nearly depression-like force -- weighed down on me as the one saving grace of the day came up short. <br><br> Not surprising, as I looked at the crack in the glass in the mirror, splitting the sight of my naked and still unwashed body. I felt like I could see the sweat and exertion from the game. I definitely could feel it. <br><br> /* TODO Mira - here's a spot where stats gate options afterwards */ <<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt 1 || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>> Head back into the room, <<link "leaving">><<replace "#shower">> <<face sad>> Suri and Elise barely batted an eye as I stepped out buck naked. <<speechPC>>"Shower's fucked."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Suri">>Suri laughed, "Welp, not like I can make these sheets any dirtier."<</speech>> And with a shrug she sat down on the edge of her bed, turning her attention to social media. <br><br> Elise eyed me up and down, <<speech "Elise">>"Sucks, frosh. So, whatcha gonna do about it, cuz I'm not dealing with your stink."<</speech>> <br><br> <<crossroads #shower>> <<path>> Deal with it. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> I flipped off Elise, grunted and turned around, grabbing the soiled uniform from the bathroom. <br><br> It was only later, when Elise used the faucet -- opening the faucet for more than a few moments and then the water came on for her -- for a whore's bath, that I realized I'd unnecessarily changed and gotten my filth on my last set of fresh clothes. <br><br> She smiled devilishly at me and flicked a spray of water in my face. <<speech "Elise">>"Water's fine."<</speech>> <br><br> I sighed. What a downer. I took my turn after her, refreshing as best I [[could|UN004 - Extra4]]. <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> Try someone else's shower, with a towel to cover up. <<contents>> <<outfit towel>> Rolling my eyes at Elise, I stepped over your uniform looking sad and discarded to grab a threadbare towel from the rack in the bathroom. I wrapped it quickly and as securely as I could manage around myself. <br><br> I was outta here. I opened the door, keycard in hand, and I felt the airflow -- this towel was barely covering the necessities. <br><br> Knowing time was of the essence, you stepped out onto the open-air hallway making a snap-second decision where to go for a shower-savior. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>> The nearest <<link "squadmates room">><<replace "#shower">> <<outfit towel>> The concrete of the open-air hallway bit into my bare feet — trying to ignore the trash that kept finding its way underfoot — I strode quickly to the next room, and did quick memory check to ensure this //is// a member of my team and not some about-to-be-lucky motel guest. <br><br> A succinct rap at the door and Dara opened up, immediately breaking into a massive grin, <<speech "Dara">>"Uh, <<print $>>, this ain't your room..."<</speech>> <br><br> I scrambled to explain, putting on my most casual and confident self, while my fingers desperately cinched the towel closed around myself, the other two girls inside tittered in excitement and peered over Dara's shoulder to see. One snapped a fucking //picture// on her phone. <br><br> I could tell they were drawing this out. Eyes from the parking lot and down the hall were caressing my barely clothed body. <br><br> But I played it off, and luckily had ingratiated myself with most of these girls. A little hazing of them holding me out here to dry for a moment was all they wanted. <br><br> Eventually, I was allowed in with a playful smack on my ass. The door shut and I felt my body relax, but nowhere near as loose as I became as the hot water poured over my body — at least there's one win [[today|UN004 - Extra4]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> The nearest <<link "squadmates room">><<replace "#shower">> <<outfit towel>> The concrete of the open-air hallway bit into my bare feet — trying to ignore the trash that kept finding its way underfoot — I strode quickly to the next room, and did quick memory check to ensure this //is// a member of my team and not some about-to-be-lucky motel guest. <br><br> A succinct rap at the door and Dara opened up, immediately breaking into a massive grin, <<speech "Dara">>"Uh, <<print $>>, this ain't your room..."<</speech>> <br><br> I scrambled to explain, putting on my most casual and confident self, while my fingers desperately cinched the towel closed around myself, the other two girls inside tittered in excitement and peered over Dara's shoulder to see. One snapped a fucking //picture// on her phone. <br><br> I could tell they were drawing this out. I felt eyes from the parking lot and down the hall watching me, caressing my bare flesh. I knew I hadn't made many friends on this squad — and these three were not going to help me out. <br><br> Glaring as Dara did another, <<speech "Dara">>"Uh-huh...and then?"<</speech>> trying to keep me standing there talking, they all burst out laughing. I spun, looking down the hallway for another option. __Many__ people had stopped what they're doing to become voyeurs. My skin tingled. <br><br> Dara grabbed at my towel and before you I knew what had happened, it was off me and behind the now-shut door, leaving me <<linkexpand "naked">> <<outfit naked>> <<face shock>> naked. So I decided... <br><br> <<crossroads #shower>> <<path>> There is ''one'' girl who liked me. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> The concrete of the open-air hallway bit into my bare feet, locating my friend Alice's room and trying to ignore the trash that kept finding its way underfoot. <br><br> She was a bit shocked, pulling the door open, not expecting to find me...and definitely not like this, <<speech "Alice">>"<<print $>>!"<</speech>> <br><br> I motioned for her to quickly let me in and she laughed, letting me by. I filled her in as we tired her shower as well. Luckily, it sputtered to life. <br><br><br> Refreshed, I wrapped myself in a new <<linkexpand "towel">> <<outfit towel>> towel and chilled in her room until the [[evening|UN004 - Extra4]]. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> The coaches had to put themselves up in the better rooms. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> The concrete of the open-air hallway bit into my bare feet — trying to ignore the trash that kept finding its way underfoot — I moved quickly down the long line of rooms. I felt eyes on me from the parking lot beside the rooms, and watched the delighted faces of my classmates as one husband got shoved against the wall by his wife for standing there slack-jawed. <br><br> Reaching the door, I did a quick memory check to ensure this ''is'' where a couple of the coaches were staying and not some about-to-be-lucky motel guest. And then I knocked. <br><br> Coach Bertie did a double-take as he opened the door, <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Aren't you..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>, just joined the squad."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Right, right." Luckily, a quick scan around the room proved it was only him.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Sorry, the shower in our room is busted."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Ohhh, I see..." he nodded, playing off the situation as casually as I was.<</speech>> He welcomed me into the room and shut the door behind me, <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Been there before. Always check the water first."<</speech>> I could tell there was a battle inside him: the growth in his athletic shorts on one side and his brain on the other. He was debating how to behave with me standing in his room showing every inch of my body as if I was fully clothed. <br><br> <<crossroads #shower>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Older Men")>> Flirt. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<face ahego>> <<speechPC>>"Can you show me?"<</speechPC>> There was a playful smirk and a glint in my eye. His grin was //massive// as he stepped forward -- he knew how to act now -- and confidently just slid his hand between my thighs. <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"You have to check the water first...hmmm."<</speech>> His fingers glid deftly across my cleft, the hand on my mound being used to guide me over to his bed. He pushed me onto my back and dropped between your legs. His beard tickled and pokes at the soft of my inner thighs and the sensitive skin between them. Most notable, though, was his tongue: I was orgasming within a minute. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Holy...fuck."<</speechPC>> My legs shook as I tried to hold them up in the air, gawking up at the cracked and stained motel ceiling. I expected him to stop, but instead a second orgasm came even faster than the first, and ''much'' harder. I was squealing and grabbing at his head, trying to push him off as the orgasms tore through me. I was certain everyone in earshot could hear. And if they //could// hear...and the door shut only few moments ago. <br><br> Eventually, he relented and my legs sagged, overwhelmed. <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"There, it's running now." He smiled like a sex-god. "I'd usually ask for a returned favor, but I think you need a second."<</speech>> I nodded in agreement, watching as he took his clothes off. He climbed over me and I tensed, expecting entry, but he was fiddling with his wallet, <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Fuck...I didn't bring..."<</speech>> <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>><<speechPC>>"Fuck. Just. Pull out."<</speechPC>> My brain completely shut off at the moment.<<else>>I waved my arm back and forth broadly in the air, panting hard, <<speechPC>>"It's fine."<</speechPC>><</if>> <br><br> He didn't need any encouragement as he pushed himself in finally, well-lubed from his oral ministrations. Aftershocks pulsed through my body with each of his firm, confident cock thrusts. Overwhelmed, I was barely able to focus on the image of him holding himself over me between my swaying legs. Before long, orgasm __three__. <br><br> Seeing me cumming on his cock, he went for it himself, jackrabbiting at my pussy as my hands pawed and pulled at his ass. He took that as a hint and quickly bust nut firmly inside me. My third climax sparkled a different kind of brightness as his organ pumped hot goo inside. <<cumSpray pussy1>>I was still shuddering a bit when his last shot hit inside and he instantly pulled out and off me with a content sigh. <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"You want that shower now?"<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"May...maybe...later. Can...we do that again?"<</speechPC>> I asked, glazed over and looking at the ceiling, full of cum. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>Sensibilities completed fucked out of me, I cared more about cumming again than the hundreds of millions of sperm swimming inside me.<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>He chuckled, "Maybe later."<</speech>> <br><br> I gave a nod and slowly recovered. I heard the TV playing some reality show as he laid beside me, his deep breathing and my shuddering pants moving the bed weakly. A minute or so, I had had some control over my body, turning my head to his lap, sucking him to life again. <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Oh, goddamn...<<shake 4s>>good<</shake>> girl."<</speech>> He patted me lightly on the head, giving me little nudges as he watched tv, encouraging me to edge him for a couple minutes before grabbing me, flipping me on my stomach and driving himself home //hard//. Pronebone. He wasn't trying as hard from that point on, but I think my body was primed, easily popping off underneath him throughout the night as we went at it again and again and again. <br><br> The other coach rolled in with an awkward and surprised look on his face somewhere in the midst of the third round before chuckling while neither of us paused, looking over at him while fucking. He took the cue and excused himself to one of the other rooms, leaving us to it. <br><br> He was good and half of the games were out of town. The next one he initiated early, testing the waters and was pleased to find me receptive. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>That time I insisted on our safety, though and we used condoms from then on. Thank god.<</if>> <br><br><br> The rumors got around, but we shared motel rooms for the rest of my college [[career|UN004 - Extra4]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Coach Bertie" M>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Coach Bertie")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 3 || $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> Don't be rude. <<contents>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<face ahego>> <<speechPC>>"Yeah, totally learned that now!" I laughed, as unsure as he seemed to be, the sexual tension in the air palpable. "Sorry about...this," indicating my naked body.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"You think I'm sorry?" he raised an eyebrow, his eyes following my hand's movements.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"True," I inclined my head with a shrug, not surprised in the slightest.<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"You've got a real nice <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0>><<print _arrOfTats.random()>><<else>>pussy<</if>>," he casually breathed out, stepping towards me and letting his hand continue where mine stopped.<</speech>> His fingers stroked across the object of his compliment. My skin tingled, it was exciting as hell running around with all eyes on me, but to have him just reach out and feel me like that... <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Thank you..."<</speechPC>> It was soft. Permissive. A second hand, sliding over my ass, cupping and tugging me firmly towards him. <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"You're <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>//gor//geous<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>>fucking hot<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>pretty cute<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 2>>good looking naked<<else>>not bad<</if>>. No wonder you were running around like this like it was nothing." He said, almost to himself as his hand groped between my legs -- more possessively than an attempt to arouse -- feeling me warming up.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Thank you."<</speechPC>> The situation moved quickly, and I naturally started to pull his athletic shorts down and stroke his cock to get him ready too. <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Oh yeah. You're a <<shake 2s>>good<</shake>> girl."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Thank you."<</speechPC>> It seemed like all I could manage to say, grunting softly as he pushed me onto my back and nudged my legs open with his knees. His meat found my cleft with a practiced simplicity. He grunted and I gasped as his flexed hips firmly stick it inside me. He knew how to act now. <br><br> I got to watch him standing there between my thighs pumping, or the cracked and stained ceiling bouncing throughout the fuck. He wasn't bad, and in a different situation maybe I would have cum. On the other hand, not distracted by too intense of pleasure, I was able to keep my wits about me and as soon as I felt his rhythm becoming erratic, I knew it was time. <br><br> Twisting my hips and pulling back from him just at the right moment, my hand jerked down to pull him out, feeling the muscle jerking in my palm as his jizz splattered across my mound, tummy and to the bottoms of my tits. <<cumSpray body1>>He grinned and sighed, dropping next to me as he recovered, cock shining and sticky. <br><br> Now //definitely// needing the shower, I slid off the bed without a word and raced to the bathroom as his seed trailed down my skin in streaks. <<speech "Coach Bertie">>The shower thankfully came to life simply, hearing him call out, "You gotta check the water first, see?" as I began to wipe him off me.<</speech>> It was a fast shower, but it was a hot shower. I hopped out, grabbed a towel around myself and saw he'd fallen asleep. That was fast. I snuck out, quietly and new towel around my body back to my room. <br><br><br> No one seemed much the wiser and he kept it to himself. The only thing that people talked about was the loss and me streaking around the motel. It was a little jab to my pride. But I could deal — having the secret was pretty [[exciting|UN004 - Extra4]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Coach Bertie" M>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Coach Bertie")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> I was on a mission. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<speechPC>>"Right through there?"<</speechPC>> I pointed to the bathroom as I walked by him -- I'd be lying if I wasn't enjoying how he devoured my naked form. But he was not getting this, nuh-uh. <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Yeah. Go ahead."<</speech>> A bit dejected but following me a few steps behind, he leaned in the doorframe as I stepped into the shower. The pipes thrummed and came to life, dousing me with water. I sighed contentedly and cleaned myself off. <br><br> Despite the situation, I was in my own world with no idea when he stopped watching, but when I climbed out to dry off I was a bit disappointed to not see him still there. Maybe as a bit of 'here's what you missed', I moved to make my tits jiggle far more than necessary while drying my <<print $>> hair and popped back into his motel room. <br><br> He smiled, watching me unabashedly showing off, but remained reclined on the bed and watching the shitty TV. <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"Ya might want something for the return trip,"<</speech>> using the remote as a pointer he identified a pair of athletic shorts and one of his T-shirts he'd lain out. <br><br> Sitting a bit too close to his feet on the edge of the bed, I pulled them on, <<speechPC>>"Thanks. Really appreciate it."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Coach Bertie">>"No worries. Doubt anyone would believe me anyway."<</speech>> <br><br><br> The story spread a bit, so there __were__ some people who believed him. Others thought we fucked, but the excitement died down pretty quickly and I was sure he was more disappointed only getting to see you naked than he was with losing the [[game|UN004 - Extra4]]. <</crossroads>> <<path>> The university had to value the actual players. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> The concrete of the open-air hallway bit into my bare feet — trying to ignore the trash that kept finding its way underfoot — I moved quickly down the long line of rooms. I felt eyes on me from the parking lot beside the rooms, and watched the delighted faces of my classmates as one husband got shoved against the wall by his wife for standing there slack-jawed. <br><br> Reaching the door, I did a quick memory check to ensure this ''is'' where a couple of the players were staying and not some about-to-be-lucky motel guest. <br><br> <<speech "Roan">>"Whoah. Hey there <<print $>>. Hey guys..."<</speech>> Roan called out to the other two sharing the room as he opened the door widely, stepping back. They looked over at the opening door, me being fully revealed to them. <br><br> <<speechPC>>" shower's not working."<</speechPC>> Getting in was easy. Now the hard part. <br><br> <<speech "Clarke">>"We're not sorry."<</speech>> Clarke lifted himself off the motel bed. <br><br> <<speech "Doron">>"I'm certain ours works."<</speech>> Doron nodded appreciatively for the bounce of my tits. <br><br> <<crossroads #shower>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> I could take advantage of the situation. <<contents>> <<set $UN.CBC += 3>> <<addBody Doron M "Doron, College Guard">> <<addBody Clarke M "Clarke, Corner Back">> <<face ahego>> I stepped forward confidently as the door shut behind me. <<speechPC>>"Cool. Anyone want to join me?"<</speechPC>> A playful smile over my shoulder and...the guys looked shocked. Incredibly pleased, but shocked all the same. <br><br> The look was all I gave them, heading into the bathroom and didn't hear anything behind me. Maybe they had decided it was a bit easy. Too slutty. Didn't just want to be the next ride on the bicycle of <<print $>>. But, then I was shoved forward against the sink. Grasping the basin, I grinned into the mirror, seeing Roan pushing down firmly on my lower back to pin me against the porcelain. His other hand deftly tugged his athletic shorts down. Z quick spit into the second hand before it smacked a little too firmly between my legs, hips shifting to line up and //immediately// shoved in. <br><br> I was ''not'' ready, and his head dug hard at my mound trying to find my opening. Then the give of my pussy accepted the rough pressure of his swelling cock and he was in me. He wasn't ready either and he was barely starting to pull back, feeling my inner ridges tugging insanely tightly against his bare shaft -- he shoved urgently forward again and started cumming inside me. <<speech "Roan">>"Oh. FUCK!"<</speech>> <<cumSpray pussy1>> <br><br> The other two were laughing while I felt him grinding against my ass, cock jerking inside my clutch -- semen lubricating where there had just been a lack of moistness -- and then casually pulled free. <br><br> The next two took longer, which was a mixed blessing, because my hipbones ended up pretty bruised from the edge of the sink, but I managed to cum as well. Breathing raggedly, my body jostled with the weight of Clarke lifting off of me, and a third slow drool of cum beginning out of my reddened pussy. <<cumSpray pussy2>> <br><br> He smacked my ass and sauntered out of the bathroom, leaving me finally to take the shower. Enjoying the tingling inside from the orgasm, it was like heaven as the warm water poured down my body. I was in my own world when Doron pulled the curtain aside to join me for a second time. He chuckled as I jerked back, startled at his sudden appearance, <<speech "Doron">>"You asked for company."<</speech>> <br><br> Trying to laugh it off, I dropped to my knees as he stepped in with me, my head bobbing to get him hard again. <br><br> Thankful that being bent forward now granted a reprieve for my sore hips, it was also easy to turn off the water while he emptying inside me again, shuddering as another light orgasm sparked through my nerves. <br><br> Four quick and thick loads blasted inside me, and now that the shower was done, I was climbing out with cum swinging from my slit, still dirty. <<if $Body.fertile == true>>I sighed, relieved it would only require a single Plan B to take care of the billion sperm inside me.<</if>> <<cumSpray pussy9>> <br><br> I followed him out of the bathroom and spent the rest of the night with the guys rather than deal with the bitches back in my room. I think we all were able to forget the painful loss. Sent back and forth between the two beds and the roll-away, I was sweaty, sticky and dirtier than when I needed the shower that brought me there. <br><br> In the morning, I woke exhausted, incredibly sore and weak. I rushed out of wearing one of their large shirts, padding barefoot, thighs sticking together, hair an absolute mess to grab my things and catch the bus in time. After dealing with the quick rundown, saving the details for later -- nothing to hide with my state, I headed back to the bus bathroom for a quick whore's bath. The ride back was painfully long and everyone heard the full story of the night. <br><br> The "The Night of <<print $>>" got me in good with the entire team, but killed all chances I had with my squadmates. Practice was a nightmare until there was fresh blood and the rest of them got over themselves, a few years [[later|UN004 - Extra4]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Roan M "Roan, College Linebacker">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Roan, College Linebacker")>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Clarke, Corner Back")>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Doron, College Guard")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryTextPrefix = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<set _noChance = true>> <<set _noChanceText = "I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly, and they didn't feel that I was 'the one' either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like.">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> Or slip into the bathroom quickly. <<contents>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 2>> <<face mischevious>> I moved confidently, ignoring eye contact as best I could while letting them get an eye-full. I smiled, playing it up and teasing them a bit to keep them distracted from what I was really doing. Roan suddenly realized, but a moment too late, avoiding his outstretched arm with a quick, little hop-step sliding past him into the bathroom. <br><br> <<speech "Roan">>"Heyyy!"<</speech>> <<speech "Doron">>"Where you goin, girl?"<</speech>> <<speech "Clarke">>"Not fair..."<</speech>> <br><br> And with a giggle I shut the door, but the weight of the large, athletic men was too much for me and it shoved right back open. <<speechPC>>"Sorry, I just really need a shower."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Roan">>Roan nodded, "Totally. But we're going to watch."<</speech>> <br><br> Without many options, I stepped back into the shower and turned it on. It //worked//! <br><br> Roan watched with a broad smile, leaning against the sink as I lathered my hair with the cheap motel shampoo. <br><br> Doron appeared a second later, his phone out and obviously recording the whole thing. If only the curtain hadn't been absolutely see-through. <br><br> <<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> Clarke peeked his head in, nodding appreciatively, <<speech "Clarke">>"Nice <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0>><<print _arrOfTats.random()>><<else>>pussy<</if>>."<</speech>> <br><br> The generic brand soap did its job and the water was hot, but not as hot as the situation. The attention got the better of me. I couldn't help but grin and slowly turn my body to give the boys some better angles. I took my time to get clean, giving the video show a long run time. We talked as I showered, them getting to know me and commenting on me or guiding my sudsing. <br><br> I could tell they were all packing erections by the end. And there was a little angry tension in the air — already pissed from the game and now been teased like this at arms length. I knew they were all wanting to jack off and release the tension but weren't about to whip them out crammed together with each other in the bathroom. <br><br> I stretched my hand out for a <<linkexpand "towel">> <<outfit towel>> towel, which they gave me and I wrapped myself in it, <<speechPC>>"Thanks guys," I passed, pecking each of them on the cheek.<</speechPC>> <br><br><br> That video made the rounds at school and became an amateur hit on the internet<<run $Memories.push("Internet Shower Video")>>, and it got me far more attention than I expected. I knew some girls transferred schools over this kind of thing. But not me. I grinned and bore it because I got my damn [[shower|UN004 - Extra4]]! <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<set $UN.CBC += 3>> <<addBody Doron M "Doron, College Guard">> <<addBody Clarke M "Clarke, Corner Back">> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<face ahego runny>> I moved like I was just checking out the room while letting them get an eye-full. I smiled, playing it up and teasing them a bit to keep them distracted from what I was really doing. Roan suddenly realized, a moment too soon, catching me with his outstretched arm and stopping my quick, little hop-step from sliding past him into the bathroom. <br><br> <<speech "Roan">>"Heyyy!"<</speech>> <<speech "Doron">>"Where you goin, girl?"<</speech>> <<speech "Clarke">>"Not fair..."<</speech>> <br><br> Roan pulled me close and away from the bathroom, over to the nearest bed. I giggled and squirmed a bit, but his strength wouldn't make getting away easy — and who knew how they'd react to that. I'd heard of situations like this at college and I was not about to become another one of those stories. <<speech "Roan">>"Let's just chill for a bit."<</speech>> His hands rested strong and suggestively on my waist and thigh. <br><br> <<speech "Doron">>"I mean, gotta give it to you, you're a confident as fuck chick, walking around like that." Doron gave an appreciative nod.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Clarke">>"But looking like that..." Clarke whistled.<</speech>> The hand on my waist slid up my bare skin to squeeze one of my <<print $Body.tits>> tits mostly just testing the waters. I knew where this was going and not quite sure if I should have expected anything different rolling up to the player's room like this. <br><br> Seeing my permissiveness with copping a feel, they were all smiles and things moved //quick// after that. <br><br> Roan went first, missionary and <<if $Body.fertile == true>>luckily<</if>> has solid pullout game. Doron moved from my mouth, switching with the Linebacker after the load spewed across my stomach. <<cumSpray body1>>Clarke seemed to be just having to wait for his turn, watching as I got pounded a second time while Roan stood beside the bed, chest heaving and hands on his hips while a 'subtle' dick in my face hinted I suck him back to life and clean my pussy off his shaft. <br><br> The motel bed squeaked urgently and my legs swayed in the air as Doron didn't even play the pullout game and solidly unloaded deep inside. <<cumSpray pussy1>> He waved over Clarke while pinning my hips down as his cock throbbed. Clarke wasn't pleased with getting sloppy seconds but was saved when Roan pushes him towards my face instead, wanting a second round. <br><br> I did my best to swallow down Clarke's load <<cumSpray facial1>>while Roan went hard the second time -- far less sensitive. <<cumSpray pussy1>>Afterwards I was out of breath, but Roan was kind enough to heft me over his shoulder -- his footballer strength making me feel like a doll, oozing white, as he helped me to the bathroom. Finally. I got my shower. <br><br><br> The story was a hot topic for the rest of the losing season, the only highlight anybody could seem to [[find|UN004 - Extra4]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Roan M "Roan, College Linebacker">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Roan, College Linebacker")>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Clarke, Corner Back")>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Doron, College Guard")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryTextPrefix = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<set _noChance = true>> <<set _noChanceText = "I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly, and they didn't feel that I was 'the one' either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like.">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<path $CC.maleReaction == 1>> But it would be offensive to rush. <<contents>> <<set $UN.CBC += 3>> <<addBody Doron M "Doron, College Guard">> <<addBody Clarke M "Clarke, Corner Back">> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<face ahego>> Roan pulled me close and away from the bathroom, over to the nearest bed. I giggled and squirmed a bit, but his strength wouldn't make getting away easy — and who knew how they'd react to that. I'd heard of situations like this at college and I was not about to become another one of those stories. <<speech "Roan">>"Let's just chill for a bit."<</speech>> His hands rested strong and suggestively on my waist and thigh. <br><br> <<speech "Doron">>"I mean, gotta give it to you, you're a confident as fuck chick, walking around like that." Doron gave an appreciative nod.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Clarke">>"But looking like that..." Clarke whistled.<</speech>> The hand on my waist slid up my bare skin to squeeze one of my <<print $Body.tits>> tits mostly just testing the waters. I knew where this was going and not quite sure if I should have expected anything different rolling up to the player's room like this. <br><br> Seeing my permissiveness with copping a feel, they were all smiles and things moved //quick// after that. <br><br> Roan went first, missionary and <<if $Body.fertile == true>>luckily<</if>> has solid pullout game. Doron moved from my mouth, switching with the Linebacker after the load spewed across my stomach. <<cumSpray body1>>Clarke seemed to be just having to wait for his turn, watching as I got pounded a second time while Roan stood beside the bed, chest heaving and hands on his hips while a 'subtle' dick in my face hinted I suck him back to life and clean my pussy off his shaft. <br><br> The motel bed squeaked urgently and my legs swayed in the air as Doron didn't even play the pullout game and solidly unloaded deep inside. <<cumSpray pussy2>>He waved over Clarke while pinning my hips down as his cock throbbed. Clarke wasn't pleased with getting sloppy seconds but was saved when Roan pushes him towards my face instead, wanting a second round. <br><br> I did my best to swallow down Clarke's load <<cumSpray facial>> while Roan went hard the second time -- far less sensitive. <<cumSpray pussy1>>Afterwards I was out of breath, but Roan was kind enough to heft me over his shoulder -- his footballer strength making me feel like a doll, oozing white, as he helped me to the bathroom. Finally. I got my shower. <br><br> The story was a hot topic for the rest of the losing season, the only highlight anybody could seem to [[find|UN004 - Extra4]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck Roan M "Roan, College Linebacker">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Roan, College Linebacker")>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Clarke, Corner Back")>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Doron, College Guard")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryTextPrefix = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<set _noChance = true>> <<set _noChanceText = "I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly, and they didn't feel that I was 'the one' either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like.">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> Maybe try the motel? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> The concrete of the open-air hallway bit into my bare feet — trying to ignore the trash that kept finding its way underfoot — I moved quickly down the long line of rooms. I felt eyes on me from the parking lot beside the rooms, and I watched the delighted faces of my classmates as one husband got shoved against the wall by his wife for standing there slack-jawed. <br><br> Flinging open the glass door at the front of the motel, the bell jangled. <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>Attention received, the surprised and excited front desk attendant managed, "Uh, is...everything...alright, m-miss?"<</speech>> <br><br> The cool air of the lobby made my nipples immediately shrink and harden, goosebumps raising across my skin. As I crossed towards him, his eyes eagerly dropped down to my tits and pussy, I couldn't help but enjoy the cool and recently washed lobby tiles under my feet. Finally, //something// clean! <br><br> <<crossroads #shower>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> "I'll do //anything// for a shower." <<contents>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<face angry>> <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Oh yeah?" The surprise in his face shifted -- shocked to pleased.<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"I'm too tired and over it to bullshit right now, NGL."<</speechPC>> <br><br> He quickly put an "Lunch Break" sign on the desk and leaving his station to slide his arm around my waist. His hand dropped in that way that guys do, testing the waters as he gave my ass a pat, pat, pat, <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Right this way..."<</speech>> <br><br> I felt strangely aroused by the situation. His fingers dig into the meat of my asscheek, the jingling of the door announcing our departure to a nearby room. My exhaustion and this burning need to get clean are about to made it all a lot dirtier. I didn't even know this guy's name. <br><br> A good dozen or so of my classmates had left their rooms as the story spread like wildfire, catching the sight of me being guided into this unoccupied motel room with the manager. What's happening was as obvious to them as it was to both of us. <br><br> His keycard unlocked on the first swipe. <br><br> <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Showering second makes the most sense to me."<</speech>> It was a comment assuming everything. <br><br> He sat on the edge of the squeaky motel bed, pushing his pants down...enough. A short, stubby cock surrounded by wiry grey hairs popped free. <br><br> I dropped to my knees, listening to him groan as I tried to get him off with some head before it escalated. And right as I felt him starting to pulse. The rigidity promising cum...he had something else in mind. He tugged me up by a fistful of my hair. <br><br> He smiled broadly, hair-grappling me onto the bed while he climbed ontop, <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"The shower's in there. Should work."<</speech>> He wasn't even promising a working shower as he pushed my thighs apart. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You have a condom?"<</speechPC>> I asked awkwardly as I felt the pressure of his cock against my slit. <br><br> <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Back at the desk. Sorry."<</speech>> He grunted that response as he thrust immediately inside. Thankfully I //had// been turned on by walking around naked, so it wasn't too uncomfortable. <br><br> The coils of the bed squeaked loudly under his insistent pounding. He gazed down at my bouncing body, his pants jangling around his knees, and about a minute later grunted and presses intently inside me as he blew his load. <<cumSpray pussy2>> <br><br> <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Back to work! Enjoy your shower."<</speech>> He concluded the 'trade' and pulled his pants up, looking down at my flooded body. I waited til he left and then hobbled to the shower -- never before had I needed one more than now. <br><br> It was wonderfully hot. <br><br> Losing out of town was immediately forgotten as the story of <<print $>> and the Motel Guy went down in university [[legend|UN004 - Extra4]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "EconoLodge Manager" M>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("EconoLodge Manager")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<path>> "Can you help? My shower isn't working." <<contents>> He stammered, having difficulty being as professional as I was with me hiding nothing. <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Oh. I am ''so'' sorry, miss. Um...there's an unoccupied room just down the hallway?"<</speech>> There's a glint in his eye. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 2>> "Thank you! Could you <<link "show me">><<replace "#shower">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<face angry>> The look he was giving was unsettling, but I //was// naked in front of him. He dropped a "Lunch Break" sign on the desk and moved from behind it, approaching me hungrily. <br><br> Stepping back to gain some distance, I turned towards the door of the lobby in an attempt to walk ahead of him. His hand caught my left upper arm and gave me a little pause so he could slide alongside me. With a smile encompassing his face, he 'gentlemanly' open the door for me. <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Don't want you getting lost."<</speech>> <br><br> A good dozen or so of my classmates had left their rooms as the story spread like wildfire, catching the sight of me being guided into this unoccupied motel room with the manager. What's happening was as obvious to them as it was to both of us. <br><br> His keycard unlocked on the first swipe. <br><br> <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Showering second makes the most sense to me."<</speech>> It was a comment assuming everything. <br><br> He sat on the edge of the squeaky motel bed, pushing his pants down...enough. A short, stubby cock surrounded by wiry grey hairs popped free. <br><br> I dropped to my knees, listening to him groan as I tried to get him off with some head before it escalated. And right as I felt him starting to pulse. The rigidity promising cum...he had something else in mind. He tugged me up by a fistful of my hair. <br><br> He smiled broadly, hair-grappling me onto the bed while he climbed ontop, <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"The shower's in there. Should work."<</speech>> He wasn't even promising a working shower as he pushed my thighs apart. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"You have a condom?"<</speechPC>> I asked awkwardly as I felt the pressure of his cock against my slit. <br><br> <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Back at the desk. Sorry."<</speech>> He grunted that response as he thrust immediately inside. Thankfully I //had// been turned on by walking around naked, so it wasn't too uncomfortable. <br><br> The coils of the bed squeaked loudly under his insistent pounding. He gazed down at my bouncing body, his pants jangling around his knees, and about a minute later grunted and presses intently inside me as he blew his load. <<cumSpray pussy2>> <br><br> <<speech "Front Desk Clerk">>"Back to work! Enjoy your shower."<</speech>> He concluded the 'trade' and pulled his pants up, looking down at my flooded body. I waited til he left and then hobbled to the shower -- never before had I needed one more than now. <br><br> It was wonderfully hot. <br><br> Losing out of town was immediately forgotten as the story of <<print $>> and the Motel Guy went down in university [[legend|UN004 - Extra4]]. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "EconoLodge Manager" M>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("EconoLodge Manager")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>?" <<else>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<speechPC>>"Give me the keys."<</speechPC>> <br><br> The bluntness shocked him into action. The action I wanted. <br><br> Taking full advantage of how unbalanced I made him, I extended my hand. His fumbled with the stash of cards on the desk before dropping one on the counter. <<speech "Front Desk Manager">>"Of..course. Literally around the corner, miss. 101."<</speech>> With an awkward point as you scoop the plastic into my waiting palm and turned on my heel. <br><br> I could feel his disappointment. I could hear his sigh, watching my bouncing flesh disappear out the door of the lobby. The bell jangling to announce the last opportunity departing. <br><br> A good dozen or so of my classmates had left their rooms as the story spread like wildfire, catching the sight of me entering the unoccupied motel room. <br><br> The shower was //excellent//. Hot and long. Afterwards, I chilled in the room until the evening because I could. A free room all to myself? Of course. <br><br> I didn't even bother with a towel on the way back, feeling like one ''boss'' bitch. I didn't return the keycard, lest I risk a different encounter with the guy. <br><br> The story of me naked at the Away game took away a bit of the edge from the loss, but for me? I considered the whole thing is a [[win|UN004 - Extra4]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> <</linkexpand>>. <</replace>><</link>>. <</if>> <<path>> Put my uniform back on and try someone else's shower. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<outfit UNcheer>> <<feet>> Tolerating the feeling of the uniform for a bit longer, I grabbed my keycard and stepped out of the motel room. The concrete of the open-air hallway bit into my bare feet, but I barely felt any pain after what I'd endured so far. <br><br> Just a couple doors down, I located my friend Loretta's room while trying to ignore the trash that kept finding its way underfoot. <br><br> She smiled as she opened the door, <<speech "Loretta">>"What's up <<print $>>?"<</speech>> <br><br> The barest of debriefs and she was laughing. <<linkexpand "Moments later,">> <<outfit naked>> Moments later, we were both of holding our breath as we tried her shower. Luckily, it sputtered to life. <br><br><br> I quickly refreshed myself and <<linkexpand "wrapped myself">> <<outfit towel>> wrapped myself in a threadbare towel. Rather than enduring Elise, I chilled with Loretta until the [[evening|UN004 - Extra4]]. <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>> your uniform. <br> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> out of your sweaty uniform. <br> </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "workout">> <<outfit gym>> <<feet "">> <div id="kickbox"> It wasn't simply the gym. There were also classes: pilates, HIIT, SoulCycle, aerobic dance, and then this really awesome kickboxing class that I decided to sign up for. <<if $CC.maleReaction lt 1>> Not just for the exercise, but also to know what to do if a guy tried something and I wasn't interested. <<else>> Not because I was worried about guys. Not for self-defense, just the exercise and coolness of it. <</if>> <br><br> The instructor was this sinewy guy in his late 20s or early 30s and one side was covered in tattoos. A full sleeve and down his right leg. Black and white, it looked clean and made him look tough at the same time. A classy badboy thing. <br><br> We'd work on our sequencing as a group, kind of like a dance class and opposite a mirror, shadowboxing to the beat. Then we'd square up with a partner and protective mitts, throwing kicks and punches now at a target taking what we had learned to contact. And then there were the bags. It felt empowering driving my fist into the punching bag, like I was heading to the ring on Friday Night, and even more empowering striking quick and firmly with my foot across the bag, like I was a MMA fighter ready to draw some blood. I left class feeling like a badass, like I could take anyone. <br><br> And one day, I was the only student to show up, so it was me and Courtney -- that was tatts. "Oh, don't worry about it." He laughed it off, grabbing the protective mitts, but eschewing the abdominal piece, "about this time in the semester people drop out. I've had empty classes, so I'm glad you came, <<print $>>." <br><br> I had been maybe a little too obsequious when I was apologizing at the other students not showing up. He really didn't seem to mind. He waved me towards him, not even squaring up as he invited my <<link "strikes">><<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face hurt1>> Whack. Whack. Crack. He fluidly took both punches to the mitts, not even seeming to react and my kick took him right in the stomach and he was unfazed. "Oh, come //on//. I've seen you go harder than that." He dropped the mitts and smacked himself in the washboard of an abdomen ''hard''. "Again." <<crossroads #kickbox>> <<path>> I didn't want to hurt him! <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Excitable -->> <br><br> Whack. Whack. Crack. I think I actually went softer, my knuckles meeting the meat of his palms. He sighed and squared his shoulders, leaning forward and in. <br><br> Whack. Whack. <<shake 2s>>Whack!<</shake>> I stumbled. He had slapped me across the face. I had not expected that. I felt the sting in my cheek, the heat. It didn't //hurt// per se, but my pride was wounded. He just smiled and got back into the stance, "What. This is fighting, isn't it?" <br><br> I stepped forward and went again. Whack. <<shake 2s>>Whack!<</shake>> It didn't surprise me as much this time, but it came across the other side of my face and it stumbled me the other way. He shook his head and sighed. He was pushing, he wouldn't accept less. <<crossroads #kickbox>> <<path>> So I left. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated += 2>> I shook //my// head. A firm frown. Tears welling in my eyes as I stepped back and tossed my gloves to the ground. "Oh. Come //on//." His shoulders dropped and he stood up straight hands to his hips. "Don't be like that." <br><br> He didn't deserve a response. I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __wasn't__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> So I gave it to him. <<contents>> I dropped my shoulders, entering the stance and picked up my pace. Whack. Whack. __Duck__. Crack. The last one to his mid-section was especially hard. Punish him for not wearing protection and give him exactly what he had asked for. <br><br> He smiled and nodded. We continued. Occasionally, his hand would clip my face, he'd throw in a kick and try and take my legs out. He'd open-palm smack me in my stomach. He wasn't putting his strength behind it, but it still hurt. And he was definitely letting me know if I could beat him. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 5>> And I //could//. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value && $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value>> My breath was far more under control than his. Maybe he was a smoker, maybe he just didn't realize how fit I really was. But slowly and surely I could tell I was able to block and deflect his attempts a bit better and he began dropping his guard. He was getting tired. <br><br> I could see the surprise in his eyes and it seemed to enflame something within him. He wasn't pulling his punches or holding anything back, but he still wasn't able to outmatch me. <br><br> He began to buckle a little bit when I struck him in the stomach, and his knees bent a little at the hits to his legs. <br><br> I launched forward, going for the kill, getting close and going rapid. This was my chance. <br><br> He grappled me, using just his sheer strength and probably some skill at jiujitsu or something to restrain me. We were face to face, panting and looking at each other, the merest of distances apart. <br><br> I spat in his face. He chuckled. He spat into my open mouth. It was an invitation. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">><<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> My head jerked forward like it was another strike, but we were making out. My arms pinned by my side, I'd fight him with my tongue. I squirmed and twisted, trying to wrestle him as our mouths wrestled. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. I could feel it in his shorts and despite being pinned, my hands found their way to it, squeezing and I felt him relent, soften his grip slightly. I worked his shorts down as he began to relax his hold. His cock freed and sprayed some precum across my tummy. <br><br> I moved quick, trying to free myself, but he was still a bit stronger, bigger and faster. And this was not what I had planned for. We were both on the mat, making out //hard//. I bit at his lip, I tasted blood, but it might have been from the earlier strikes. <br><br> We were both working my clothes off as we struggled with each other. <<link "Shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>>. <<link "Top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>>. And we were finding the connection between us. <br><br> It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. I had freed myself enough that I grabbed at his hips, my legs curled around them controlling his angle and rate as our hands continued to worry against each other. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. His hand worked to get at my throat and I let him. I'd give him a little victory when I had beaten him so badly before. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned by the neck as my instructor tried to take revenge out on my pussy. But even on my back, held down, I was still in control. <br><br> I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> Fuck. This was hot. I was cumming. I squealed out, a little sound making it out of my throat as my legs shook -- both from being exhausted and from the pleasure -- and I lost my control in those moments of climax. And he leaned in hard, tightly grabbing at my throat and beating away between my shaking legs, his opening at my opening. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>>Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. So, I guess he did get his claim after all. I was too out of it as my body still quaked from cumming. I didn't care, semen drying and oozing down my face. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <br><br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">><<replace "#kickbox">> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __wasn't__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>><</link>> <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value>> I was able to find little spaces between his guards. I was utilizing a little flair on the techniques and sequences I had been taught, looking for wins rather than being accurate. I'd be accurate on his body. And I was finding my way in, slipping by his arms and catching the shift of his hips while stepping out of the way of his to let them glance off me. <br><br> I could see the surprise in his eyes and it seemed to enflame something within him. He wasn't pulling his punches or holding anything back, but he still wasn't able to outmatch me. <br><br> He began to buckle a little bit when I struck him in the stomach, and his knees bent a little at the hits to his legs. <br><br> I launched forward, going for the kill, getting close and going rapid. This was my chance. <br><br> He grappled me, using just his sheer strength and probably some skill at jiujitsu or something to restrain me. We were face to face, panting and looking at each other, the merest of distances apart. <br><br> I spat in his face. He chuckled. He spat into my open mouth. It was an invitation. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">><<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> My head jerked forward like it was another strike, but we were making out. My arms pinned by my side, I'd fight him with my tongue. I squirmed and twisted, trying to wrestle him as our mouths wrestled. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. I could feel it in his shorts and despite being pinned, my hands found their way to it, squeezing and I felt him relent, soften his grip slightly. I worked his shorts down as he began to relax his hold. His cock freed and sprayed some precum across my tummy. <br><br> I moved quick, trying to free myself, but he was still a bit stronger, bigger and faster. And this was not what I had planned for. We were both on the mat, making out //hard//. I bit at his lip, I tasted blood, but it might have been from the earlier strikes. <br><br> We were both working my clothes off as we struggled with each other. <<link "Shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>>. <<link "Top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>>. And we were finding the connection between us. <br><br> It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. I had freed myself enough that I grabbed at his hips, my legs curled around them controlling his angle and rate as our hands continued to worry against each other. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. His hand worked to get at my throat and I let him. I'd give him a little victory when I had beaten him so badly before. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned by the neck as my instructor tried to take revenge out on my pussy. But even on my back, held down, I was still in control. <br><br> I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> Fuck. This was hot. I was cumming. I squealed out, a little sound making it out of my throat as my legs shook -- both from being exhausted and from the pleasure -- and I lost my control in those moments of climax. And he leaned in hard, tightly grabbing at my throat and beating away between my shaking legs, his opening at my opening. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>> Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. So, I guess he did get his claim after all. I was too out of it as my body still quaked from cumming. I didn't care, semen drying and oozing down my face. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <br><br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">><<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __was__ __not__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>><</link>> <<else>> I //may// not have been exactly playing fair. I was adjusting my technique to get a bit more knuckle and throw an elbow or knee. I wasn't abiding by the style and technique he had taught me, I was looking for a win. And it was working. I was surprising him with a feint or a new blow that was certainly not part of the syllabus. <br><br> I could see the surprise in his eyes and it seemed to enflame something within him. He wasn't pulling his punches or holding anything back, but he still wasn't able to outmatch me. <br><br> He began to buckle a little bit when I struck him in the stomach, and his knees bent a little at the hits to his legs. <br><br> I launched forward, going for the kill, getting close and going rapid. This was my chance. <br><br> He grappled me, using just his sheer strength and probably some skill at jiujitsu or something to restrain me. We were face to face, panting and looking at each other, the merest of distances apart. <br><br> I spat in his face. He chuckled. He spat into my open mouth. It was an invitation. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">><<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> My head jerked forward like it was another strike, but we were making out. My arms pinned by my side, I'd fight him with my tongue. I squirmed and twisted, trying to wrestle him as our mouths wrestled. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. I could feel it in his shorts and despite being pinned, my hands found their way to it, squeezing and I felt him relent, soften his grip slightly. I worked his shorts down as he began to relax his hold. His cock freed and sprayed some precum across my tummy. <br><br> I moved quick, trying to free myself, but he was still a bit stronger, bigger and faster. And this was not what I had planned for. We were both on the mat, making out //hard//. I bit at his lip, I tasted blood, but it might have been from the earlier strikes. <br><br> We were both working my clothes off as we struggled with each other. <<link "Shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>>. <<link "Top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>>. And we were finding the connection between us. <br><br> It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. I had freed myself enough that I grabbed at his hips, my legs curled around them controlling his angle and rate as our hands continued to worry against each other. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. His hand worked to get at my throat and I let him. I'd give him a little victory when I had beaten him so badly before. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned by the neck as my instructor tried to take revenge out on my pussy. But even on my back, held down, I was still in control. <br><br> I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> Fuck. This was hot. I was cumming. I squealed out, a little sound making it out of my throat as my legs shook -- both from being exhausted and from the pleasure -- and I lost my control in those moments of climax. And he leaned in hard, tightly grabbing at my throat and beating away between my shaking legs, his opening at my opening. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth.<<cumSpray facial1>> Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. So, I guess he did get his claim after all. I was too out of it as my body still quaked from cumming. I didn't care, semen drying and oozing down my face. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <br><br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">><<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __wasn't__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>><</link>> <</if>> <<else>> And I could ''not''. Try as I might, I was letting out whimpers and yelps as I pushed harder and tried, and he scaled his up, always a bit faster, a bit smarter, a bit harder. <br><br> What had started as a friendly competition had quickly swelled into a fight. And I could tell that he liked watching me try. The minutes passed and I was getting smacked and dropped to the mat with a thud every few cycles. But I'd pick myself up and try again, not willing to believe it was over. I could do better. <br><br> But my chest was heaving, my arms felt leaden and my feet felt slow. I was losing the battle between blood oxygenation and my mind was hazy. ''Whack'' He smacked my head to the left. __Thud__ I buckled as his foot caught me in the stomach. And then I squealed as his third strike was coming home but grabbed a fistful of my hair, tugging my head back, chin up as he brought himself //tight// against me and pulling down ''hard'' on my hair, looking firmly into my eyes. My mouth was open, gasping and plaintive. <br><br> He spat, most into my mouth, some across my face. <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">><<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> I didn't move. He spat again, this time in my face and tugged me firmly by the hair, I dropped to my knees and he squared up again, his wiry arm at full extension, holding my head back as he moved forward and with his free hand tugged the front of his shorts down. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. Precum flicked across my face as the cock landed across heavily a moment later. My tongue slid out without even thinking and his hand slightly relaxed in my hair as I began to lick along his cock, looking up at him as I panted. He shifted his hips forward letting me tease his meat. Then he took his base and whacked me hard back and forth across the face with it like it was another cycle. <br><br> I leaned up and began to suck, bobbing slowly. I was breathless so I wasn't in the best of form but he didn't seem to mind with his dick in my mouth. It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. I looked over his sweaty body as I sucked his cock, his breathing only now picking up not from the sparring but from the arousal. <br><br> He yanked back on my hair again, freeing his cock and he pulled me down onto the mat. His other hand tugged my <<link "shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>> and I moved my hips to help, spreading my thighs as he moved between them in conquest. And then he was pushing in. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. Still, he held my head down by the hair, pinning me back awkwardly as we began to fuck. His hand tugged my <<link "top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>> up, watching my tits bounce as he thrust between my thighs. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. Now that my clothing was in disarray his free hand found my throat, grabbing it and holding me down, applying pressure. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned twice by the head as my instructor took his victory out on my pussy. I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>> Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <br><br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>><</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">><<replace "#kickbox">> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __wasn't__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>><</link>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> <<path>> Fine. Here you go. <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> I dropped my shoulders, entering the stance and picked up my pace. Whack. Whack. __Duck__. Crack. The last one to his mid-section was especially hard. Punish him for not wearing protection and give him exactly what he had asked for. <br><br> He smiled and nodded. We continued. Occasionally, his hand would clip my face, he'd throw in a kick and try and take my legs out. He'd open-palm smack me in my stomach. He wasn't putting his strength behind it, but it still hurt. And he was definitely letting me know if I could beat him. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value + $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 5>> And I //could//. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value && $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value>> My breath was far more under control than his. Maybe he was a smoker, maybe he just didn't realize how fit I really was. But slowly and surely I could tell I was able to block and deflect his attempts a bit better and he began dropping his guard. He was getting tired. <br><br> I could see the surprise in his eyes and it seemed to enflame something within him. He wasn't pulling his punches or holding anything back, but he still wasn't able to outmatch me. <br><br> He began to buckle a little bit when I struck him in the stomach, and his knees bent a little at the hits to his legs. <br><br> I launched forward, going for the kill, getting close and going rapid. This was my chance. <br><br> He grappled me, using just his sheer strength and probably some skill at jiujitsu or something to restrain me. We were face to face, panting and looking at each other, the merest of distances apart. <br><br> I spat in his face. He chuckled. He spat into my open mouth. It was an invitation. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">> <<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> My head jerked forward like it was another strike, but we were making out. My arms pinned by my side, I'd fight him with my tongue. I squirmed and twisted, trying to wrestle him as our mouths wrestled. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. I could feel it in his shorts and despite being pinned, my hands found their way to it, squeezing and I felt him relent, soften his grip slightly. I worked his shorts down as he began to relax his hold. His cock freed and sprayed some precum across my tummy. <br><br> I moved quick, trying to free myself, but he was still a bit stronger, bigger and faster. And this was not what I had planned for. We were both on the mat, making out //hard//. I bit at his lip, I tasted blood, but it might have been from the earlier strikes. <br><br> We were both working my clothes off as we struggled with each other. <<link "Shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>>. <<link "Top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>>. And we were finding the connection between us. <br><br> It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. I had freed myself enough that I grabbed at his hips, my legs curled around them controlling his angle and rate as our hands continued to worry against each other. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. His hand worked to get at my throat and I let him. I'd give him a little victory when I had beaten him so badly before. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned by the neck as my instructor tried to take revenge out on my pussy. But even on my back, held down, I was still in control. <br><br> I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> Fuck. This was hot. I was cumming. I squealed out, a little sound making it out of my throat as my legs shook -- both from being exhausted and from the pleasure -- and I lost my control in those moments of climax. And he leaned in hard, tightly grabbing at my throat and beating away between my shaking legs, his opening at my opening. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>>Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. So, I guess he did get his claim after all. I was too out of it as my body still quaked from cumming. I didn't care, semen drying and oozing down my face. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <br><br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">> <<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __wasn't__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>> <</link>> <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value>> I was able to find little spaces between his guards. I was utilizing a little flair on the techniques and sequences I had been taught, looking for wins rather than being accurate. I'd be accurate on his body. And I was finding my way in, slipping by his arms and catching the shift of his hips while stepping out of the way of his to let them glance off me. <br><br> I could see the surprise in his eyes and it seemed to enflame something within him. He wasn't pulling his punches or holding anything back, but he still wasn't able to outmatch me. <br><br> He began to buckle a little bit when I struck him in the stomach, and his knees bent a little at the hits to his legs. <br><br> I launched forward, going for the kill, getting close and going rapid. This was my chance. <br><br> He grappled me, using just his sheer strength and probably some skill at jiujitsu or something to restrain me. We were face to face, panting and looking at each other, the merest of distances apart. <br><br> I spat in his face. He chuckled. He spat into my open mouth. It was an invitation. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">> <<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> My head jerked forward like it was another strike, but we were making out. My arms pinned by my side, I'd fight him with my tongue. I squirmed and twisted, trying to wrestle him as our mouths wrestled. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. I could feel it in his shorts and despite being pinned, my hands found their way to it, squeezing and I felt him relent, soften his grip slightly. I worked his shorts down as he began to relax his hold. His cock freed and sprayed some precum across my tummy. <br><br> I moved quick, trying to free myself, but he was still a bit stronger, bigger and faster. And this was not what I had planned for. We were both on the mat, making out //hard//. I bit at his lip, I tasted blood, but it might have been from the earlier strikes. <br><br> We were both working my clothes off as we struggled with each other. <<link "Shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>>. <<link "Top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>>. And we were finding the connection between us. <br><br> It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. I had freed myself enough that I grabbed at his hips, my legs curled around them controlling his angle and rate as our hands continued to worry against each other. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. His hand worked to get at my throat and I let him. I'd give him a little victory when I had beaten him so badly before. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned by the neck as my instructor tried to take revenge out on my pussy. But even on my back, held down, I was still in control. <br><br> I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> Fuck. This was hot. I was cumming. I squealed out, a little sound making it out of my throat as my legs shook -- both from being exhausted and from the pleasure -- and I lost my control in those moments of climax. And he leaned in hard, tightly grabbing at my throat and beating away between my shaking legs, his opening at my opening. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>>Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. So, I guess he did get his claim after all. I was too out of it as my body still quaked from cumming. I didn't care, semen drying and oozing down my face. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <br><br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">> <<replace "#kickbox">> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __wasn't__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>> <</link>> <<else>> I //may// not have been exactly playing fair. I was adjusting my technique to get a bit more knuckle and throw an elbow or knee. I wasn't abiding by the style and technique he had taught me, I was looking for a win. And it was working. I was surprising him with a feint or a new blow that was certainly not part of the syllabus. <br><br> I could see the surprise in his eyes and it seemed to enflame something within him. He wasn't pulling his punches or holding anything back, but he still wasn't able to outmatch me. <br><br> He began to buckle a little bit when I struck him in the stomach, and his knees bent a little at the hits to his legs. <br><br> I launched forward, going for the kill, getting close and going rapid. This was my chance. <br><br> He grappled me, using just his sheer strength and probably some skill at jiujitsu or something to restrain me. We were face to face, panting and looking at each other, the merest of distances apart. <br><br> I spat in his face. He chuckled. He spat into my open mouth. It was an invitation. <br><br> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">> <<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> My head jerked forward like it was another strike, but we were making out. My arms pinned by my side, I'd fight him with my tongue. I squirmed and twisted, trying to wrestle him as our mouths wrestled. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. I could feel it in his shorts and despite being pinned, my hands found their way to it, squeezing and I felt him relent, soften his grip slightly. I worked his shorts down as he began to relax his hold. His cock freed and sprayed some precum across my tummy. <br><br> I moved quick, trying to free myself, but he was still a bit stronger, bigger and faster. And this was not what I had planned for. We were both on the mat, making out //hard//. I bit at his lip, I tasted blood, but it might have been from the earlier strikes. <br><br> We were both working my clothes off as we struggled with each other. <<link "Shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>>. <<link "Top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>>. And we were finding the connection between us. <br><br> It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. I had freed myself enough that I grabbed at his hips, my legs curled around them controlling his angle and rate as our hands continued to worry against each other. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. His hand worked to get at my throat and I let him. I'd give him a little victory when I had beaten him so badly before. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned by the neck as my instructor tried to take revenge out on my pussy. But even on my back, held down, I was still in control. <br><br> I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> Fuck. This was hot. I was cumming. I squealed out, a little sound making it out of my throat as my legs shook -- both from being exhausted and from the pleasure -- and I lost my control in those moments of climax. And he leaned in hard, tightly grabbing at my throat and beating away between my shaking legs, his opening at my opening. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>>Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. So, I guess he did get his claim after all. I was too out of it as my body still quaked from cumming. I didn't care, semen drying and oozing down my face. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">> <<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __wasn't__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>> <<else>> And I could ''not''. Try as I might, I was letting out whimpers and yelps as I pushed harder and tried, and he scaled his up, always a bit faster, a bit smarter, a bit harder. <br><br> What had started as a friendly competition had quickly swelled into a fight. And I could tell that he liked watching me try. The minutes passed and I was getting smacked and dropped to the mat with a thud every few cycles. But I'd pick myself up and try again, not willing to believe it was over. I could do better. <br><br> But my chest was heaving, my arms felt leaden and my feet felt slow. I was losing the battle between blood oxygenation and my mind was hazy. ''Whack'' He smacked my head to the left. __Thud__ I buckled as his foot caught me in the stomach. And then I squealed as his third strike was coming home but grabbed a fistful of my hair, tugging my head back, chin up as he brought himself //tight// against me and pulling down ''hard'' on my hair, looking firmly into my eyes. My mouth was open, gasping and plaintive. <br><br> He spat, most into my mouth, some across my face. <<if $Body.sexuality !== "lesbian" || $CC.maleReaction gt 0>> <<link "Okay">> <<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> <<face ahego runny>> I didn't move. He spat again, this time in my face and tugged me firmly by the hair, I dropped to my knees and he squared up again, his wiry arm at full extension, holding my head back as he moved forward and with his free hand tugged the front of his shorts down. <br><br> He was ''rock'' hard. Precum flicked across my face as the cock landed across heavily a moment later. My tongue slid out without even thinking and his hand slightly relaxed in my hair as I began to lick along his cock, looking up at him as I panted. He shifted his hips forward letting me tease his meat. Then he took his base and whacked me hard back and forth across the face with it like it was another cycle. <br><br> I leaned up and began to suck, bobbing slowly. I was breathless so I wasn't in the best of form but he didn't seem to mind with his dick in my mouth. It was like a defeat at the end of a game of Mortal Kombat or something, but rather than death it was a fuck. I looked over his sweaty body as I sucked his cock, his breathing only now picking up not from the sparring but from the arousal. <br><br> He yanked back on my hair again, freeing his cock and he pulled me down onto the mat. His other hand tugged my <<link "shorts">><<lower "">><<panties "">><</link>> and I moved my hips to help, spreading my thighs as he moved between them in conquest. And then he was pushing in. <br><br> Gentle. For the first time in the session, slowly inserting himself inside me while looking down at me. We weren't quite in missionary, we weren't quite spooning. Legs contorted and entwined as his hips thrust into me. Another cycle of whack, whack, crack. Still, he held my head down by the hair, pinning me back awkwardly as we began to fuck. His hand tugged my <<link "top">><<upper "">><<bra "">><</link>> up, watching my tits bounce as he thrust between my thighs. <br><br> The cycle moved faster now and it was just him into me, not a battle between us. I watched his tattoos shift and ripple with his rhythm. Now that my clothing was in disarray his free hand found my throat, grabbing it and holding me down, applying pressure. <br><br> There I was, spread lewdly on the mat, pinned twice by the head as my instructor took his victory out on my pussy. I could feel my heartbeat in my head, see it in my vision. A little grey and black peeking in at the corners. <br><br> And then he was finishing, pulling out deftly and pulling me awkwardly up to my knees as his wads of semen exclaimed across my face and into my panting mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>>Some stung at my eyes and caught in my hair, he was grunting and holding both my hair and his base, stroking himself as the head hit against my face, spurting onto me until he was done. <br><br> "Good. Girl." He hit his cock against me, flicking the last drops onto my skin, then a couple more times for good measure. Then he relinquished my hair finally, stepping back and pulling his shorts up, "See you next week?" <br><br> I nodded. Slowly lifting myself off the mat, feeling a full body workout like I had never before. <br><br> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Courtney, the kickbox instructor")>> <<vCardCheck Courtney M "Courtney, the kickbox instructor" "What an //insane// first time. I don't think I knew anyone who had a story to compare to that.">> <br><br><br> There wasn't another class between just us, but that didn't mean that we didn't do some extra practice on the side. Which was a necessary relief from the stress of [[school|UN004 - Professor]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>>. <<link "Nuh-uh.">> <<replace "#kickbox" t8n>> No. Fuck that. I kneed him square in the groin and he stumbled back, nodding and holding out a hand to ward me off. I moved backwards, not gracefully, not easily. But I left. I came here for training and a workout. Not a fuck. <br><br> I wouldn't be returning. I turned and left. You don't hit a woman and think you can get away with it. It __was__ __not__ fighting. It was a class and I didn't sign up to get smacked around by some guy. <br><br><br> But the other classes were fun, far less contact-intensive and I finished them out -- which was necessary with the stress of each [[semester|UN004 - Professor]]. <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "yoga">> <div id="sora"> <<if $UN.sora == 1>> Sora and I developed a quick and easy bond. I think she enjoyed having a younger student, something to break up the monotony of women who she had seen for years -- maybe her entire life. She gave me extra attention and we got into a habit of continuing our work after the class was over. The shower was still a trip away, so a little delay didn't bother me too much. She never charged me more and, while the other women bristled, we ignored them and let them leave, chatting away softly in lotus position until it was just us. Well, us and Rolly. <br><br> The first session, I'd nearly jetted when I noticed him sitting in the back of the classroom, on a bench doing needle point. And he was skilled at doing it because his eyes were not on his work, but on us. I didn't want to have a creeper, but I couldn't find the right way to leave. After an hour of exertion, I got over myself; he was only looking and Sora was a great teacher. <br><br> One afternoon, after a particularly tough session, I was experiencing a muscle spasm in my calf. I was having trouble walking and Sora and I were laughing over the sudden 'clumsiness' while she helped me, strong hands working their way up and down the meat of my leg. "Rolly, shut the door?" I looked back in confusion since the door was never closed. The last of the students had left and it was just the three of us. <br><br> Rolly shook his head, "Oh, Sor. No need." He was smiling -- one of the first true expressions I had seen from him -- Sora's hand had reached the joint between my thighs and her massaging began to send very different shocks through my core. <br><br><br> They seemed //very// in sync. Was he going to join? Some kinky threesome? Sora was definitely trying to fuck me. What was I going to do? <<crossroads #sora>> <<path>> Hobble away and pretend this never happened? <<contents>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Easy -->> <</if>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> "I--uh." Jerking my leg back from Sora hinted at what was going to become an awful charley horse, but I didn't think of her that way. And being watched? Or 'eased' into their swinging fantasy? No. Thanks. "I'm feeling much better." <br><br> "Oh, you're going to hurt yourself!" She smiled. No offense, no aggression. Placid. <br><br> "I've had worse." I laughed it off, though I doubted my smile was as easy as hers. I probably would hurt myself. I grunted as I bent over to roll up my mat, barely able to put weight on that leg. <br><br> She smiled, nodding and lifted herself from the ground, going about her usual process of cleaning up after the session. Not another word was spoken as I made my best way with my things past Rolly and nearly broke my neck on the way down the stairs. <br><br><br> I have no idea what I avoided, but nothing like that happened again, even as I continued going to class throughout [[college|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> Have an especially relaxing session? <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <</if>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> I pressed my hips back, a silent 'yes' to her offer. She slid forward, her knee moving between my thighs and parting them as her other hand met with my neck -- god she had strong hands -- and we began to make out. <br><br> She never wore a typical yoga outfit and her balloon pants easily received my searching palm as it snuck inside her waistband. She tasted of mint tea, she smelled of marijuana. I wondered if my leg would be able to endure the extra strain. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Exhibitionism')>>I did know that enjoyed that Rolly was watching.<<else>>I did know that I wasn't sure how into Rolly watching I was.<</if>> And he was //watching//. His needlepoint was dropped beside him for the first time in countless sessions. <br><br> Her hands tugged back and forth on either side of my tight pants, working them down off my hips. There was extra care as they slid over my injured calf, a gentle caress, and then my top came off -- much easier. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "Naked...">> <<outfit naked>> Naked, I could feel the residue of the workout, but her fingers were keeping me distracted enough. "Fuck." I giggled, yanking at her pants, which dropped and she stepped out of, revealing the thick thatch of hair covering her pussy. She pressed a hand to my solar plexus, issuing me onto my back and her head dropped between my thighs which fell open expectantly. <br><br> Her fingers back and forth across my swelling labia and then dipped towards me and in. Gasping, my toes pressed against the warm wood -- heated from the yoga session and all those bodies working. My pussy was warm, too. And receptive. Back and forth, curling upward along the rough upper wall inside me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>>"Oh. Someone needs opening."<</if>> Her shoulders lifted, taking a breath. And used to her style, I matched her, knowing what would be coming as we exhaled together, "And...streeetcchh." <br><br> I squealed. I stretched. I was immediately cumming, feeling the firmness of her two fingers massaging inside me as my body grabbed at them. My breathing pattern broken, but she didn't care, and I was amazed at how she just hit that button so immediately, like a trigger. Slowly, I recovered, feeling the throbbing inside me and I huffed pleased, looking down at her with a broad smile. <br><br> And then I saw Rolly's cock, right at the edge of my view, he was standing beside his wife. He was handing her a small black object as I was distracted by his pulsating member. Was he about to join, now that my barriers were dropped? "This should open her up." <br><br> He walked off. He wasn't joining. But the dildo he had given Sora was. And it was pushing up inside me, deeper and thicker than her fingers had been, but I missed the warmth and bodily physicality that her fingers had been. Still, just a few strokes and I was orgasming again. "Hahhhhhh!" The release echoing through the room. <br><br> She worked slowly, letting me come down and then extracted the device. She gave it a pleased sniff and slow lick while dropping lower, towards my overwrought snatch. <br><br><br> Her lips and tongue made contact and I gasped, hands slapping against the wood floor. "Ommmm." A far different kind of mantra, the vibrations were shuddering through my clit, to my g-spot, up my spine and exploding in my brain. My calf was spasming, charley horse in full effect as I scrabbled against the foam of the mat in that way where part of me wanted to get away and part of me wanted to get closer, get //more//. <br><br> My hips were in her grasp, familiar with her touch and the way she would adjust me, she knew how to hold me. I wouldn't get away. I looked down at her pleadingly and then an orgasm racked through me and my back arched, tits jiggling with the force of the movement. It wasn't an arch pose, but it was as close as I had gotten, abdominals taut. And Rolly was there, looking down at his wife eating my pussy with impressive abilities. <br><br> His hands worked like they always did, but now without needlepoint, they were stroking along his erect cock. I gasped and gawked, blood pulsating in my cheeks and behind my eyes, seeming to enhance the view I was getting. I watched him with his thighs spread, the way his cock pulsed, the drool of his precum. He didn't approach, but in a way it was like they were both fucking me. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "She lifted her head...">> She lifted her head, licking her lips and clucking her tongue softly, "Oh, I'm sorry..." My back thudded against my mat, looking down at her as she moved her hands to my calves. I cooed and whimpered, wanting her to continue to lick my pussy, but this also hurt really good. <br><br> My other foot lifted, rubbing back and forth between her thighs and she grinned up at me, applying pressure down and I saw the focus in her eyes. I felt her warmth and wetness grow and the work on my leg get slightly too painful, losing its skill and luster as she came too. "Ow!" I tried to free my leg and it spasmed. <br><br> "S-sorry." She mmm'd out softly while moving up to cuddle with me. We panted together, enjoying the bliss that followed. Eventually, I turned my eyes back to her husband, fully expecting him to be ambling over or to catch a face full of his load. Instead, he sat quietly, watching us spooning and occasionally making a deliberate stroke along his shaft, keeping erect but avoiding his own orgasm. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "It was slightly awkward to be leaving...">> <<outfit yoga>> It was slightly awkward to be leaving, pulling on my clothes as Sora remained naked and gazing me over while her husband masturbated. "Goodbye, see you next week." She purred. Rolly nodded goodbye and continues sliding his hand along his stiff cock while I departed. Definitely the most weird session I ever had. <br><br> From then on I knew there was the possibility that staying after had...another kind of session involved. And I never really did understand what was going on between them or what Rolly wanted. <br><br><br> But I still continued attending throughout [[college|UN004 - Professor]]. <<vCardCheck Sora F "Sora, Yoga Instructor, as her husband watched." "And that's how I lost my virginity, as her husband watched...">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <<elseif $UN.sora == 2>> Sora and I developed a quick and easy bond. I think she enjoyed having a reliable student, something to break up the fair weather practitioners. She gave me extra attention and we got into a habit of continuing our work after the class was over. There was never a conflict since the dance classes didn't happen except early and late. We took our time, enjoyed the calm and freedom of it just being us two and then headed off to the showers. <br><br> Girls in the locker room was nothing new to me. We'd strip down, fully naked in front of each other like I had with other girls my entire life. Sure, there'd be looks and inquisitiveness over each other's grooming, build, look of her pussy or mine, comparison of tits or ass. But after enough looks, it became passe. <br><br> One afternoon, after a particular strenuous session, I had strained my calf and had been hopping my way beside her afterwards. We were laughing over my sudden 'clumsiness' while I nearly fell over, stripping my yoga clothes <<linkexpand "off.">> <<outfit naked>> off. <br><br><br> The tightness of my pants was too much and caught on my foot. I was falling forward and she caught me. "Thanks!" I was laughing so hard. She was too. <br><br> "You okay there?" She smiled down at me, both of us ignoring that for the moment, one of her hands was squarely supporting me by one of my breasts. <br><br> "Yeah." <br><br> Her other hand dipped, "How about here?" It was sudden, but it was a sure movement, across my sensitive and responsive folds. <br><br><br> Sora was definitely trying to fuck me. What was I going to do? <<crossroads #sora>> <<path>> Hobble away and pretend this never happened? <<contents>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Easy -->> <</if>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> "I--uh." Jerking back from Sora hinted at what was going to become an awful charley horse, but I didn't think of her that way. And in the showers? No. Thanks. "I'm feeling much better." <br><br> "Oh, you're going to hurt yourself!" She smiled. No offense, no aggression. Placid. <br><br> "I've had worse." I laughed it off, though I doubted my smile was as easy as hers. I probably would hurt myself. I grunted as got into my own shower and pulled the curtain closed. The sparest of barriers, but hopefully enough. <br><br><br> My shower came on. I listened for hers. And then we were showering like always. Nothing was ever mentioned again. <br><br><br> I have no idea what I avoided, but nothing like that happened again, even as I continued going to class throughout [[college|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> Have an especially relaxing session? <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <</if>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> I pressed my hips back, a silent 'yes' to her offer. She slid forward, her knee moving between my thighs and parting them as her other hand met with my neck -- god she had strong hands -- and we began to make out. <br><br> She tasted of mint tea, she smelled of marijuana. I wondered if my leg would be able to endure the extra strain. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Exhibitionism')>>I did know that enjoyed that anyone could walk in.<<else>>I did know that I wasn't sure how into someone potentially walking in I was.<</if>> And //anyone// could. <br><br> "Fuck." I giggled, yanking at her hips, guiding us into the shower stall behind me. I reached to grab at the spare curtain and she shook her head, a hand pressed to my solar plexus, issuing me against the cold tile wall of the shower. Her head dropped between my thighs which fell open expectantly. Tentatively up on one set of toes, as she lowered, one of her hands slid carefully and gently across my pain. <br><br> Her fingers back and forth across my swelling labia and then dipped towards me and in. Gasping, my toes pressed against the slippery tiles -- this was going to take all my coordination and focus to stay upright. Unlike the shower, my pussy was warm. And receptive. Back and forth, curling upward along the rough upper wall inside me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>>"Oh. Someone needs opening."<</if>> Her shoulders lifted, taking a breath. And used to her style, I matched her, knowing what would be coming as we exhaled together, "And...streeetcchh." <br><br> I squealed. I stretched. I was immediately cumming, feeling the firmness of her two fingers massaging inside me as my body grabbed at them. My breathing pattern broken, but she didn't care, and I was amazed at how she just hit that button so immediately, like a trigger. Slowly, I recovered, feeling the throbbing inside me and I huffed pleased, looking down at her with a broad smile. <br><br> Slowly, she worked me down and extracted her fingers eventually. She gave them a pleased sniff and slow lick while dropping lower, towards my overwrought snatch. <br><br> Her lips and tongue made contact and I gasped, hands slapping against the wall. "Ommmm." A far different kind of mantra, the vibrations were shuddering through my clit, to my g-spot, up my spine and exploding in my brain. My calf was spasming, charley horse in full effect as I scrabbled against wet floor, in that way where part of me wanted to get away and part of me wanted to get closer, get //more//. I was wobbling, on the verge of falling again. <br><br> My hips were in her grasp, familiar with her touch and the way she would adjust me, she knew how to hold me. I wouldn't get away. I looked down at her pleadingly and then an orgasm racked through me and my back arched, tits jiggling with the force of the movement. It wasn't an arch pose, but it was as close as I had gotten, abdominals taut. And I held there, eyes to the unremarkable restroom ceiling. <br><br> I gasped and gawked, blood pulsating in my cheeks and behind my eyes, seeming to enhance the view I was getting. I could see every crack. The lines where a fresh coat of paint had stopped, the growing mildew at the edges. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "She lifted her head...">> She lifted her head, licking her lips and clucking her tongue softly, "Oh, I'm sorry..." My hips dropped back hard, ass hitting the wall as I nearly lost all strength in my legs. She stayed squatting, her hands supporting me, one returning to my calf. I cooed and whimpered, wanting her to continue to lick my pussy, but this also hurt really good. <br><br> My other foot lifted, rubbing back and forth between her thighs and she grinned up at me, applying pressure down and I saw the focus in her eyes. I felt her warmth and wetness grow and the work on my leg get slightly too painful, losing its skill and luster as she came too. "Ow!" I tried to free my leg and it spasmed. <br><br> "S-sorry." She mmm'd out softly while moving up to cuddle with me. She reached over and turned on the water. It coursed over us as we panted together, enjoying the bliss that followed. Eventually, my vision cleared enough that I saw the occasional person walking by the open stall, looking in at these two women hugging each other naked in the shower. No one said anything. Some were shocked. Some laughed. Some looked disgusted. In that moment, I couldn't care. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>>I smiled and gave them coy waves. Once, I gave Sora a good grab of her ass when I caught a shier girl looking.<<else>>But I still used her body to shield me from them. Maybe they wouldn't recognize me.<</if>> <br><br> We washed each other kindly and carefully and I was thankful for her assistance as I couldn't quite stay upright. Then, done with each other and the shower, we stepped out. No towels nearby, we had to drip our way across the bathroom to grab them and dry off. She smiled at me <<linkexpand "as we collected our things...">> <<outfit yoga>> as we collected our things. <br><br><br> "Goodbye, see you next week." She purred. <br><br><br> From then on I knew there was the possibility that staying after had...another kind of session involved. <br><br><br> But I still continued attending throughout [[college|UN004 - Professor]]. <<vCardCheck Sora F "Sora, Yoga Instructor">> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Sora and I developed a quick and easy bond. I think she enjoyed having a devoted student, something to break up the monotony of the majority that came for the status, not the sweat. She gave me extra attention and we got into a habit of continuing our work after the class was over. A little delay didn't bother me too much. I was never charged more -- which could have been painful -- and, while the other women bristled, we ignored them and let them leave, chatting away softly in lotus position until it was just us. <br><br> One afternoon, after a particularly tough session, I was experiencing a muscle spasm in my calf. I was having trouble walking and Sora and I were laughing over the sudden 'clumsiness' while she helped me, strong hands working its way up and down the meat of my leg. "Ah, that feels good," I couldn't help but grunt out, head lolling to the side, eyes closing. <br><br> And then...Sora's hand had reached the joint between my thighs and her massaging began to send very different shocks through my core. <br><br><br> My eyes shot open, looking at her: she seemed calm. The glass door that seemed to beckon eyes to look through it at us in the well-lit studio. Sora was definitely trying to fuck me. What was I going to do? <<crossroads #sora>> <<path>> Hobble away and pretend this never happened? <<contents>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Easy -->> <</if>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> "I--uh." Jerking my leg back from Sora hinted at what was going to become an awful charley horse, but I didn't think of her that way. And being caught--or watched? No. Thanks. "I'm feeling much better." <br><br> "Oh, you're going to hurt yourself!" She smiled. No offense, no aggression. Placid. <br><br> "I've had worse." I laughed it off, though I doubted my smile was as easy as hers. I probably would hurt myself. I grunted as I bent over to roll up my mat, barely able to put weight on that leg. <br><br><br> She smiled, nodding and lifted herself from the ground, going about her usual process of cleaning up after the session. Not another word was spoken as I made my best way out of the studio and to the showers. <br><br><br> I have no idea what I avoided, but nothing like that happened again, even as I continued going to class throughout [[college|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> Have an especially relaxing session? <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<else>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <</if>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <br><br> I pressed my hips back, a silent 'yes' to her offer. She slid forward, her knee moving between my thighs and parting them as her other hand met with my neck -- god she had strong hands -- and we began to make out. <br><br> She never wore a typical yoga outfit and her balloon pants easily received my searching palm as it snuck inside her waistband. She smelled of mint tea, she smelled of marijuana. I wondered if my leg would be able to endure the extra strain. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes('Exhibitionism')>>I did know that enjoyed that Rolly was watching.<<else>>I did know that I wasn't sure how into Rolly watching I was.<</if>> And he was //watching//. His needlepoint was dropped beside him for the first time in countless sessions. <br><br> Her hands tugged back and forth on either side of my tight pants, working them down off my hips. There was extra care as they slid over my injured calf, a gentle caress, and then my top came off -- much easier. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "Naked...">> <<outfit naked>> Naked, I could feel the residue of the workout, but her fingers were keeping me distracted enough. "Fuck." I giggled, yanking at her pants, which dropped and she stepped out of, revealing the thick thatch of hair covering her pussy. She pressed a hand to my solar plexus, issuing me onto my back and her head dropped between my thighs which fell open expectantly. <br><br> Her fingers back and forth across my swelling labia and then dipped towards me and in. Gasping, my toes pressed against the warm wood -- heated from the yoga session and all those bodies working. My pussy was warm, too. And receptive. Back and forth, curling upward along the rough upper wall inside me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Tight Pussy")>>"Oh. Someone needs opening."<</if>> Her shoulders lifted, taking a breath. And used to her style, I matched her, knowing what would be coming as we exhaled together, "And...streeetcchh." <br><br> I squealed. I stretched. I was immediately cumming, feeling the firmness of her two fingers massaging inside me as my body grabbed at them. My breathing pattern broken, but she didn't care, and I was amazed at how she just hit that button so immediately, like a trigger. Slowly, I recovered, feeling the throbbing inside me and I huffed pleased, looking down at her with a broad smile. <br><br> And then I her retrieving something from her bag. A device I had never seen her use during class. It was small and black. I was curious, but unable to really argue at this time. "This should open you up." <br><br> It was pushing up inside me, deeper and thicker than her fingers had been, but I missed the warmth and bodily physicality that her fingers had been. Still, just a few strokes and I was orgasming again. "Hahhhhhh!" The release echoing through the room. <br><br> She worked slowly, letting me come down and then extracted the device. She gave it a pleased sniff and slow lick while dropping lower, towards my overwrought snatch. <br><br> Her lips and tongue made contact and I gasped, hands slapping against the wood floor. "Ommmm." A far different kind of mantra, the vibrations were shuddering through my clit, to my g-spot, up my spine and exploding in my brain. My calf was spasming, charley horse in full effect as I scrabbled against the foam of the mat in that way where part of me wanted to get away and part of me wanted to get closer, get //more//. <br><br> My hips were in her grasp, familiar with her touch and the way she would adjust me, she knew how to hold me. I wouldn't get away. I looked down at her pleadingly and then an orgasm racked through me and my back arched, tits jiggling with the force of the movement. It wasn't an arch pose, but it was as close as I had gotten, abdominals taut. And I saw staring at that door. It was so glass. So clear. <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>>Was someone looking? Please let someone be Maybe soon.<<else>>Had someone seen? Please no. Please...<</if>> <br><br> I gasped and gawked, blood pulsating in my cheeks and behind my eyes, seeming to enhance the view I was getting. I felt bound by the orgasm and rocking pleasure, unable to move, stuck watching in vain should anyone pass. I could see each shift in light: maybe someone about to pass. I could hear the sounds of her licking and sucking at my pulsing pussy, the sounds so loud in the vacant room -- I'm //sure// someone would hear us! <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>>Maybe I added a bit too much volume, hoping past all hopes that there would be a voyeur<<else>>I muffled myself, trying to ensure that no one had any reason to come snooping.<</if>> <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "She lifted her head...">> She lifted her head, licking her lips and clucking her tongue softly, "Oh, I'm sorry..." My back thudded against my mat, looking down at her as she moved her hands to my calves. I cooed and whimpered, wanting her to continue to lick my pussy, but this also hurt really good. <br><br> My other foot lifted, rubbing back and forth between her thighs and she grinned up at me, applying pressure down and I saw the focus in her eyes. I felt her warmth and wetness grow and the work on my leg get slightly too painful, losing its skill and luster as she came too. "Ow!" I tried to free my leg and it spasmed. <br><br> "S-sorry." She mmm'd out softly while moving up to cuddle with me. We panted together, enjoying the bliss that followed. Eventually, I turned my eyes back to the door, weak after both the yoga and sex, certain that I was about to lose my membership. Or that Sora would be fired for fraternizing. <br><br><br> <<linkexpand "Eventually, my good sense took over...">> <<outfit yoga>> Eventually, my good sense took over and I scrambled to put my clothes on before someone came in. I looked at her intensely, half-laughing that she would be so laissez-faire. She just sat there, half-naked, watching me. In no rush. "Goodbye, see you next week." She purred. Definitely the most weird session I ever had. <br><br><br> From then on I knew there was the possibility that staying after had...another kind of session involved. Sora was still my teacher and I was curious if any other classes had 'pet' students like me. <br><br><br> But I still continued attending throughout [[college|UN004 - Professor]]. <<vCardCheck Sora F "Sora, Yoga Instructor">> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>> <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "model">> <<skillChecked "Previous Experience">> <<if $Memories.includes("TeenModel")>> <<Stats Performance ++>> I reached back out to Yaz. He actually remembered me! <br><br> He didn't have any work opportunities -- and that's not really how it worked in the industry -- but he put me in touch with a couple of agencies. <br><br> With him easing the doors open, they were willing to see my materials and I got brought in for a test shoot not too far from campus. <br><br> <<speech "Rocky">>"Hey, <<print $>>. Quick shoot for you today. Just some lifestyle catalogue. Outfit's over there." Perfunctory. He had a full calender, or just wanted me in and out.<</speech>> Quickly, I dropped my things and shuffled over behind the vanity curtain. A cute bodysuit and shorts. I got <<linkexpand "changed.">> <<outfit bodysuit>> changed. <br><br> It was a single outfit. A easy, fast shoot, just lazing around the apartment. <br><br> But that didn't mean it was easy. You had to sell the clothes you were in -- accentuate their strengths and hide their weaknesses. How did they make //me// look the best? <br><br> Laying on the couch, reading a book. <br><br> Looking out the window wistfully. <br><br> Awkwardly pulling on my shoes, which allowed Rocky to get a good shot of the side-boob view. Tasteful, though. <br><br> And then it was done. <br><br> <<speech "Rocky">>"Great job. I'll tell Yaz thanks."<</speech>> <br><br> I'd also be thanking Yaz. Hopefully, Rocky would remember me, the shots would perk some eyes...and a credit on the resume would continue to open some more [[doors|UN004 - Extra4]]. <</linkexpand>> <<else>> Without connections, I was trolling the internet for opportunities. It's not like I was just going to walk into a CVS and get discovered. I had to seek out my shot at becoming a model. <br><br> Super legit agencies wouldn't respond to emails. You needed work to get an agent. And without an agent, how did you get work? Fucking Catch-22. <br><br> So that left really digging in at the dark corners. Craigslist and other places where people advertised their services. Or maybe someone who slid into my DMs. But how to vet them? <br><br> And then came outreach from StartModeling. That's...exactly what I wanted to do. Okay. <br><br> They wanted to see pictures. I sent them. <br><br> They wanted to fly me out and I got concerned, but then they linked me up with a couple other models, Veronica and Vanessa, who were more than happy to give me the details that made me comfortable enough that this wasn't anything sketchy. So, I went. <br><br> /* IMAGE (Needed): An ominous black SUV */ Vanessa and Veronica weren't anywhere at the airport, just a bunch of guys in their 30s and 40s. They went by Pratt, Garcia, and Andre. They were //very// insistent about getting in their car. <br><br> I noticed one of them was armed. <br><br> They were smiling and effecting kind and open. They said that the two other models were on contract and couldn't make it. That everything was fine. <br><br> That we were just going to head on over to the hotel where we'd be shooting. We'd do the contracts and waivers. The shoot would be quick. I'd get paid, and then they'd get me a hotel room and a flight back right away. <br><br> That they were excited to work with me. That I could be like Veronica and Vanessa. That I could be a model. <br><br> Still, I was...slightly...concerned about getting into the black SUV with them. <br><br> <div id="gdp"> <<crossroads #gdp>> <<path>> It'll be fine. I need this chance. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible += 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Risky += 2>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Did Porn")>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 5>> They were //effusively// excited about me. They were asking me all kinds of questions from the time I got into the backseat with Andre and Garcia. Pratt drove and the other two were a...bit handsy, but not to the point that it got out of contrl. <br><br> We were in the nearby hotel a few minutes later and into a room they'd already gotten set up for me. Lightboxes, tons of equipment. But just the three of them as crew. <br><br> Andre pushed the couch against the door to make room for the setup they needed to do. Were they blocking my exit? <br><br> Then it was over to the paperwork. This wasn't going to be a lingerie shoot. This was going to adult shoot. For a private collector. <br><br> Porn. <br><br> Fuck. What was I going to do though? <br><br> This was how Vanessa and Veronica and so many others of their models started. Their collector had connections and money. It was how he liked to test his potential talent. The myth of the Casting Couch existed for a reason. This was it. <br><br> And these guys felt dangerous. On the verge of anger even with each other. Backing out now could be a very, very risky proposition. <br><br> But they weren't pushing long as I kept going. So, I kept going. <br><br> As soon as I finished signing, they were ready to jump in: <<speech "Pratt">>"Ready? Let's start this thing. You brought stuff to model at the start, right? Like we told you to."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Yep."<</speechPC>> What was I going to <<link "wear">><<showDossier wardrobe>><</link>> for the shoot? <br><br> /* TODO: (Fict) Test if this link inside of a speech bubble works */ Coming out of the bathroom dress, I smiled warmly to Pratt. <<speechPC>>"Okay, I'm <<link "ready">><<replace #gdp>> /* IMAGE (Needed): The hotel bedroom from a GirlsDoPorn video */ <br><br> We started on the bed and did an interview. Direct to camera, Andre manning it. <<speechPC>>"I'm here to do my video."<</speechPC>> It helped me calm my nerves. They wanted to know what I was studying. They wanted to know about my first time. My body count. What I liked in bed. <br><br> And then it came time to show them. <br><br> I was on my knees in front of the big tattooed latin guy as he pulled out one of the most massive cocks I'd ever seen. And the camera was inches from my face. Side-on, Garcia making me look at the camera as I 'worked'. Then POV straight-down. <<speech "Pratt">>"Eye contact," whispered to me inaudible to the boom.<</speech>> <br><br> Garcia was //quite// insistent that I try to manage the whole thing. <br><br> After what felt like an inordinate amount of time giving head, it was time for me to strip down. Interview-ish number two. They were laughing and talking with me like it was all just chat between friends. <<speech "Pratt">>"What about the size of that thing, right?"<</speech>> <br><br> First the <<link "top">><<upper>><<bra>><</link>>. <<if $Body.tits == "small">><<speech "Pratt">>"Those are cute!"<</speech>><<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">><<speech "Pratt">>"Nice. What cupsize are you?"<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Pratt">>"Whoah. Impressive!"<</speech>><</if>> <br><br> Then, it was everything <<link "else">><<feet>><<lower>><<panties>><</link>><<link "facing away">><<dollRearView>><</link>>, so they could get a look from behind as I peeled everything off. <br><br> <<skillChecked "Fertilty & SexSkills">> On to the bed. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<speech "Pratt">>"Oh, you don't take the pill?"<</speech>> and <<speech "Pratt">>"You've seen these kinds of videos before, though. You're fine without a condom, right?"<</speech>> <<if ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value) gte ($Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value)>><<speechPC>>"Uh, no."<</speechPC>> Garcia relented, they'd finish with a facial anyway.<<else>><<speechPC>>Unwilling to risk upsetting them, "Yeah. Of course."<</speechPC>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gte $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>><<set _creampie = true>>Garcia and Pratt side-lined as I sat on the bed, naked. <<speech "Pratt">>"So, this is new for us, and super-exciting. We're going to end with him nutting inside you." Not a question. No more facial.<</speech>>I gulped. At least I knew I could grab Plan B or something tomorrow.<</if>> <</if>> <<else>> They were glad I was on birth control because Garcia was not a fan of condoms. Even though the shoot would end with a facial. <</if>> <br><br> Then we got to work. <br><br> First, missionary and having to deal with his massive penetration. He'd manhandle me into positions. <br><br> Then, cowgirl which was great to have some control. The camera in his hand or from behind. Getting all the angles. <br><br> Doggie followed by more head followed by doggie again before we wrapped up with some more missionary. <br><br> It was //hours//, but finally we were going for the <<linkexpand "finish">> finish. <<face hurt2 runny>> <<if _creampie == true>><<cumSpray thighs2 mound2 pussy2>><<else>><<cumSpray facial3 mouth1>><</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Pratt">>"So, how was that?"<</speech>>. Now I had to laugh and smile, talking about the experience while Garcia's load ran down me. <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("No Gag Reflex")>><<speech "Pratt">>"His cock wasn't a problem at all for you, huh."<</speech>> He was clearly pleased as well.<<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Deepthroater")>><<speech "Pratt">>"You did quite a great job with his size."<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Pratt">>"He was really huge wasn't he?"<</speech>> Well, yeah, I spent the whole time gagging and unable to deal with Garcia's cock. <<speech "Pratt">>"Pretty great, right?"<</speech>><</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Hair-Trigger Orgasms")>>They were stunned at how much I had been cumming. <<speechPC>>"Honestly, lost count."<</speechPC>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Quick Orgasms")>>They loved bringing up how I seemed to cum so much. <<speechPC>>"That //had// been really great, yeah."<</speechPC>><<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>>They wanted to know how many times I came: <<speechPC>>"Uh, doggie a couple times. Mostly in cowgirl."<</speechPC>><<else>>They asked if I came and I was just too tired to tell them the truth. <<speechPC>>"Uh, yep."<</speechPC>>I nodded a half-assed lie.<</if>> <br><br> Eventually, I //finally// was allowed to shower and clean up. <br><br> Afterwards, when I could barely walk and just wanted to sleep, they were asking me if I'd be interested in coming back for another video. There'd be more pay in it. <<speechPC>>"Uh, yeah, maybe."<</speechPC>> I just wanted to go to bed and get back to campus. <br><br> It had been a whirlwind. I was exhausted. They hadn't paid me what they had promised, but by the time I realized I was already on my plane back. They had paid for the hotel room and the flights, so I guess that made up for the difference. <br><br> Wasn't the way I expected to take my next step into modeling, but it's what I'd done. <br><br> And it got my name out there. It wasn't for a private collector...or that collector had shared the videos widely. I was quickly known on campus and off. <br><br> It was worse than a leaked sextape. People thought that I was trying to be one of those girls paying their way through college with sex work. <br><br> But maybe...I'd be able to leverage it into something. Like Sasha Grey or something...they ended up doing some [[modeling|UN004 - Extra4]], right? <<vCardCheck "Garcia" M "My male 'model' during my surprise pornshoot">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Garcia")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. But I didn't feel like I had a choice. I hoped they'd forgive me...if they ever saw.">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</replace>><</link>>."<</speechPC>> <<path>> No, this is sketchy shit. I'm out. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky -->> Too many red flags. No assurances. They hadn't wanted me to come with any friend or parent. <br><br> I backed up, nearly tripping over my bag. I saw them considering getting out and forcing me into the car. Yeah, this was not the right choice. <br><br> In the terminal, putting glass and doors between us, I saw one of them: the large latin guy with tattoos getting out as well. So I came up to a security guard and faked a couple questions. <br><br> When I looked up, their black SUV was gone. That door was closed. <br><br> But if it was real, would they have been so pushy? And disappeared so quick? <br><br> Back into the airport, I sat around until I could get a relatively cheap flight back. It sucked having to eat all of that...all for nothing. <br><br> I was exhausted when I got back to campus. But I was alive and safe. Something about that production just <br><br> As scary as that was, I was determined to find some way to [[model|UN004 - Extra4]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $UN.extracurricular == "cheer">> <<skillChecked "Kinks, Sophistication, Perception">> /* IMAGE (Needed): Through a peep-hole, naked women in the locker room */ <<if $Memories.includes("Cheerleader")>> A thing I missed from my earlier time as a cheerleader was the comraderie. Back in High School, it was like an extra-special clique. Another group of girls that were my friends. In college, not so much. I'd see them a //lot// at practice and games, and we'd share a look or a nod as we crossed campus for a class, but otherwise it was like we were all doing our own thing. <<else>> Something I hadn't expected was how there wasn't too much of a 'group' dynamic in the squad. I'd see them a //lot// at practice and games, and we'd share a look or a nod as we crossed campus for a class, but otherwise it was like we were all doing our own thing. <</if>> On the bus and plane trips, most of us were studying. On weekends, maybe a couple of us would go out together, but no different from any other group of girls. <br><br> During competitions, we were razor-focused and usually biting off each other's faces. It was intense. <br><br> During games, we had a job to do. <br><br> Honestly, the only time that we were all together and chilling was in the <<linkexpand "locker room.">> locker room. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionist") || $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value lt 2>><<outfit naked>><<else>><<outfit towel>><</if>> <br><br> We'd be milling around, chatting about this or that. Bitching about our beatup bodies or the way we were objectified while walking around bare to each other. <br><br> <div id="shower"> <<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>> I was in the midst of laughing off our coach's comments when I noticed a shift in lighting. On the tile? I stopped, moving over towards the wall between two sets of lockers. The shadow moved again, emphasizing that there was a //hole// in the wall. We were being ''watched''. And not just in theory, there was someone on the other side of the wall right now. <<crossroads #shower>> <<path>> Stop this now. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> Nuh-uh. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Get dressed!"<</speechPC>> The call went out and they kicked into high gear. Clothes started coming on and I grabbed what I could before padding barefoot out of the locker room, rounding the hallway and finding the supply closet where our peepers were creeping. <br><br> I had to move quickly before they realized the gig was up. <br><br> My phone extended and I was recording. <<speechPC>>"What do you think you're doing?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> They went from being agog and aroused to shocked and scared. It was a handful of guys I'd never seen before. First years, probably. And a maintenance man. Maybe he'd made the hole. Maybe he was selling this opportunity. But I had it all on camera now. <br><br> They scrambled, pushing past me, some even offering a quick, <<speech "Perv">>"Sorry!"<</speech>> <br><br> The maintenance man looked like he was about to have a heart attack. <<speech "Maintenance Man">>"We didn't mean nothin by it!"<</speech>> <br><br> His pleading didn't save him. I already had his face on camera. I kicked him out. I gave a little VO identifying the hole in the wall and showing what it saw. <br><br> Then I turned it over to the administration. <br><br> The kids were expelled with one exception who must have had some powerful and/or wealthy father. The maintenance guy? Lost his job. <br><br> The hole was filled and we were safe. <br><br><br> These were all just a few moments and memories I had from my time outside from class. And thank god for it, because school was making me [[crazy|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> No harm in them watching. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers +=2>> So some kids recently watched Porky's, so what? Nothing they couldn't find on the internet anyway. <br><br> I bent over right in front of it, facing away. I gave them a //close//-up view between my legs, taking my time moisturizing my legs. I could only imagine their reactions on the other side. <br><br> Standing back up, I turned, keeping close proximity to the peephole and gave them a front-view, hands caressing slowly over myself to help guide their eyes. <br><br> I called over Alea and made their wildest dreams come true: the two of us got into a discussion about our bodies. I was complimenting how narrow her waist was, I asked her for her depilation method to keep away bumps when she got rid of her pubes. I even gave her nipple a tweak for fun. She wasn't as eager to compliment, but there was a back and forth between us, fully on display for the perverts. My hands touched her bare body -- nothing overtly sexual about it, unless you knew people were watching -- and she acted casually. <br><br> I wondered if it was anything like what they expected when they came up with this plan. <br><br> That was just the first time. The times that followed, I had little plans and ideas to vary the show that they got. Luckily, the other girls weren't nearly as astute as I was, or just cared as little as I did. <br><br> It was only when a few recordings started being passed around the school that the hole was filled. No one got in trouble from what I heard, and nothing could stop the shows I had given hitting the internet, but it was fun while it lasted. <br><br><br> These were all just a few moments and memories I had from my time outside from class. And thank god for it, because school was making me [[crazy|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <<else>> We were in the midst of laughing off our coach's comments when I noticed Loretta bent over and staring at the wall, <<speechPC>>"You ok?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> She waved me to hush and pointed, emphasizing that there was a //hole// in the wall. We were being ''watched''. And not just in theory, there was someone on the other side of the wall right now. <<crossroads #shower>> <<path>> Stop this now. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> Nuh-uh. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Get dressed!"<</speechPC>> The call went out and they kicked into high gear. Clothes started coming on and I grabbed what I could before padding barefoot out of the locker room, rounding the hallway and finding the supply closet where our peepers were creeping. <br><br> I had to move quickly before they realized the gig was up. <br><br> My phone extended and I was recording. <<speechPC>>"What do you think you're doing?"<</speechPC>> <br><br> They went from being agog and aroused to shocked and scared. It was a handful of guys I'd never seen before. First years, probably. And a maintenance man. Maybe he'd made the hole. Maybe he was selling this opportunity. But I had it all on camera now. <br><br> They scrambled, pushing past me, some even offering a quick, <<speech "Perv">>"Sorry!"<</speech>> <br><br> The maintenance man looked like he was about to have a heart attack. <<speech "Maintenance Man">>"We didn't mean nothin by it!"<</speech>> <br><br> His pleading didn't save him. I already had his face on camera. I kicked him out. I gave a little VO identifying the hole in the wall and showing what it saw. <br><br> Then I turned it over to the administration. <br><br> The kids were expelled with one exception who must have had some powerful and/or wealthy father. The maintenance guy? Lost his job. <br><br> The hole was filled and we were safe. <br><br><br> These were all just a few moments and memories I had from my time outside from class. And thank god for it, because school was making me [[crazy|UN004 - Professor]]. <<path>> No harm in them watching. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 2>> <<speechPC>>"What?"<</speechPC>> Non-chalant. Disarming. I laughed Loretta's concern away. I got closer. I'm //certain// whoever was on the other side immediately froze as I squatted in front of their peephole and started to look back at them. <br><br> I inspected carefully and ''dumbly''. My fingers touched and prodded around the opening, shielding it with my body from the worrywort. And then I turned and smacked her on the ass, <<speech "Loretta">>"I was being crazy?"<</speech>> <br><br> A quick, reassuring laugh, <<speechPC>>"Looney Loretta."<</speechPC>> I shooed her away and she was more than content to buy in to the idea that there was nothing amiss. And now that she had my confirmation, she'd never think anything untoward again. <br><br> So some kids recently watched Porky's, so what? Nothing they couldn't find on the internet anyway. <br><br> I bent over right in front of it, facing away. I gave them a //close//-up view between my legs, taking my time moisturizing my legs. I could only imagine their reactions on the other side. <br><br> Standing back up, I turned, keeping close proximity to the peephole and gave them a front-view, hands caressing slowly over myself to help guide their eyes. <br><br> I called over Alea and made their wildest dreams come true: the two of us got into a discussion about our bodies. I was complimenting how narrow her waist was, I asked her for her depilation method to keep away bumps when she got rid of her pubes. I even gave her nipple a tweak for fun. She wasn't as eager to compliment, but there was a back and forth between us, fully on display for the perverts. My hands touched her bare body -- nothing overtly sexual about it, unless you knew people were watching -- and she acted casually. <br><br> I wondered if it was anything like what they expected when they came up with this plan. <br><br> That was just the first time. The times that followed, I had little plans and ideas to vary the show that they got. Luckily, the other girls weren't nearly as astute as I was, or just cared as little as I did. <br><br> It was only when a few recordings started being passed around the school that the hole was filled. No one got in trouble from what I heard, and nothing could stop the shows I had given hitting the internet, but it was fun while it lasted. <br><br><br> These were all just a few moments and memories I had from my time outside from class. And thank god for it, because school was making me [[crazy|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <</if>> </div> <</linkexpand>> <<elseif $UN.extracurricular == "model">> <<set _modelsucc = ($HS.SMfollowers + (2*$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value))>> <<if $Memories.includes("Did Porn")>><<set _modelsucc -= 5>><</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("TeenModel")>><<set _modelsucc += 3>><</if>> If anyone ever told you that to be a model you simply had to be hot. And lucky. They'd be only talking about the smallest percentage of the models out there. <br><br> It was a //job// to be looking for work. And promoting yourself. <br><br> It took gumption and a fuckton of effort and belief in oneself. <br><br> With hardwork and stick-to-it-iveness, and some good social media following, I was able to really break my own way into the industry. <br><br> <<if _modelsucc gte 18>> <div id="prof"> <<include "UN004 - Modeling1">> <br><br> My first foray got me noticed and set me up with a <<link "second">><<replace #prof>> <<include "UN004 - Modeling2">> <br><br> The work kept coming. I felt super elite when I headed out for some //real// artistic <<link "modeling">><<replace #prof>> <<include "UN004 - Modeling3">> <br><br><br> Modeling work was inconsistent, but it kept me occupied (and gave me a bit of mistique around campus!). Classwork was relatively flexible but occasionally they came into conflict. <br><br> It all came down to my relationships with the [[Professors|UN004 - Professor]], because after how hard I'd worked to get in front of the camera, I wasn't about to give it up. And who knew what would happen after Commencement?! Maybe modeling would end up being my career. <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<elseif _modelsucc gte 12>> <div id="prof"> <<include "UN004 - Modeling1">> <br><br> My first foray got me noticed and set me up with a <<link "second">><<replace #prof>> <<include "UN004 - Modeling2">> <br><br><br> Modeling work was inconsistent, but it kept me occupied (and gave me a bit of mistique around campus!). Classwork was relatively flexible but occasionally they came into conflict. <br><br> It all came down to my relationships with the [[Professors|UN004 - Professor]], because after how hard I'd worked to get in front of the camera, I wasn't about to give it up. And who knew what would happen after Commencement?! Maybe modeling would end up being my career. <</replace>><</link>>. </div> <<else>> <<include "UN004 - Modeling1">> <br><br><br> Modeling work was inconsistent, but it kept me occupied (and gave me a bit of mistique around campus!). Classwork was relatively flexible but occasionally they came into conflict. <br><br> It all came down to my relationships with the [[Professors|UN004 - Professor]], because after how hard I'd worked to get in front of the camera, I wasn't about to give it up. And who knew what would happen after Commencement?! Maybe modeling would end up being my career. <</if>> <<else>> How'd you get here? No content here for you yet. Move [[along|UN004 - Professor]]. <</if>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): An artistic setup of a couch and living room */ <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers ++>> <<set $UN.test -->> <<outfit $UN.greek>> Most of the gigs were in random-ass corners of the country. And early careers were about showing skin. <br><br> So that meant <<linkexpand "lingerie">> <<outfit modellingerie>> lingerie. <br><br> They'd photoshop a little. Hide bumps, airbrush blemishes, hide hairs. They'd leave hints of what was underneath. A slight sexiness, a subtle seduction like I'd be the one waiting for them in the bedroom. <br><br> Maybe, just maybe, if they bought the unmentionables, they'd get to see me without. Until then, I was just going to be a glossy pair of gams for them to gander at. <br><br> They taught me how to talk to the camera, how to hold for the lens, how to offer myself openly, honestly and completely. <</linkexpand>>
/* IMAGE (Needed): Palm trees and tropical beach */ <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 2>> <<run $Memories.push("Model")>> <<set $UN.test -->> <<outfit $UN.greek>> This shoot was the thing every girl dreamed of. Hawaii. Hot male models. A 5-star hotel putting you up. Cushy robes and comfort afforded to you for the stay. <br><br> The sun was soft and warming, the team was professional...and so I had to be. <br><br> On site before I was needed. In my <<linkexpand "bikini...">> <<outfit modelbikini>> bikini without being asked. <br><br> This was a machine and I was just a cog. They were going to move on without me, they didn't have time for me. I was the most literal description of a model. A living mannequin for the clothes. <br><br> I had to maintain awkward stances for long stretches, quickly respond to asks and expectations, and never, //ever// complain. <br><br> I had to be perfectly ''fuckable''. Entrancing eyes, arched back, enticing legs and cleavage. It was all to say that what I wore made me look the way I did. And if you bought it...well... <br><br> And then it was over. My portion done. Sent home and having to say goodbye to the island beaches. Til next time. <</linkexpand>>
/* IMAGE (Needed) : Black and white sandy beach and big rocks */ <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<set $HS.SMfollowers += 4>> <<set $UN.test -->> <<outfit $UN.greek>> This shoot was fucking //crazy//. It was a true ''art'' shoot. Less about the clothes (and from what I understood, there'd be a lack of much of that), and more about the vision of the photographer and the female form. It'd be black-and-white and with one of the biggest names in nude photography. <br><br> I was sent to Australia. In my mind, I had envisioned the beach culture, coastlines and sun. <br><br> I had forgotten that it was in the Southern Hemisphere. <br><br> We got the beach, but it was //not// warm. But that wouldn't show in the pictures. Unlike most of me. <br><br> It was a resplendant powder-white beach, speckled with black stones that mimicked the spires of rock that struck out from the coast. The waves -- icy cold -- crashed down hard crests, exploding in foam and spray. <br><br> Because everything was so old hat for the team, there was no modesty or expectation that I would care. They handed me what he wanted to see me in and expected me to change right there on the beach. <br><br> So, in the frigid, wind-whipped weather...I <<linkexpand "did.">> <<outfit bwshoot>> did. <br><br> Being self-conscious was silly. If these photos were going to show all of me, what did it matter if these people saw me like this. <br><br> The nudity wasn't the hard part. It was the weather. This was an //endurance// shoot. It was exhausting to the bone as I resisted the cold water that I had to sit in; holding poses that looked incredible but were unbearably painful. My muscles burned. <br><br> My nipples were so hard I wondered if they'd ever be unerect again. <br><br> I worried I'd get hypothermia, even with the blankets and throws they put on me between shooting...I was still a wet mess. <br><br> By the end, I wanted to pass out. Sleep that night and sleep on the plane back was easy. <br><br> Doing that again wouldn't be. I wondered if I had the tough stuff of a true model to be under those conditions. And then I saw the shots. It was //gorgeous//. The pain was worth it. <</linkexpand>>
<div id="delvin"> <<scrollIntoView>> Delvin was a pretty antithetical to his sister. Athletic and sporty, pretty good at school, and the years of braces were behind him, though he did have -- apparently -- characteristic strong front teeth. He also didn't keep his distance from me, which might have been why Darcy held back. Maybe she felt I was invading and getting to close to him. <br><br> "Do I really need to write an essay?" His hand was gripped in his hair, forehead resting in his palm, and he was looking up at me pleadingly. <br><br> "Well, stupid as it might be, they won't let you in without one." <br><br> "You wrote one? On what." <br><br> "You can't just crib a entrance essay, Del." He sighed, fiddling with the pen on his notebook. The scribbles might have contained a single idea or two, but were mostly doodles and false starts. <br><br> "How is it." Another look up from his supported forehead, but this time, curious, "College." <br><br> "You thinking about //not// going?" <br><br> "But do you like it, or is it just more school. More of this..." He shoved the notebook away. <br><br> "Yeah. It's a lot of work, but I think it's easier -- and way more free -- than high school." I leaned in close, taking the notebook and started to make a list, "New friends. Getting away from home. Most of the week to do what you want. Parties." I stopped and returned one of his over-the-eyebrow looks, "Girls..." I smiled. He smiled. "I'm not going to mention some other things, but let your mind go wild." <br><br> "It is." There was a flicker in his eyes. Was that subtext? Was he flirting with me? I had noticed things like this from time to time, and he was a raging bottle of testosterone. And there wasn't that much different between us besides a diploma and a year or so. <br><br> But. Did I think about ''him'' that way? And was I going to risk my situation here -- it was cozy -- by crossing the line. Who knows how he'd react anyway? <br><br> <<crossroads #delvin>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2 || $Stats.Kinks.includes('Nympho')>> "Oh? What are you imagining?" <<blocked>> $ isn't Risky or Easy enough. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> He leaned forward, still looking up past his strong brows, "I can't tell you out here." A husky whisper. Full of portent. <br><br> Okay. So. This was happening. I felt a tightness in my throat and a flutter in my upper chest as I pushed back from the table. The scraping of the chair legs seemed a bit more violent and louder than other times. Neither of us said a thing, just heading up the stairs together, hearts beating faster and my eyes flickering around quickly just making sure Deb or Redding or Darcy was around to notice. Darc was around, but hopefully she'd be in her room. With the door closed. And maybe some headphone on? <br><br> He grabbed my ass and I had to stifle a squeal. I turned on him with wide eyes, mouthing "What the //hell//." He just grinned and gave my ass a firm smack before holding his hands up with faux apology. He was testing the waters. And incredibly excited. <br><br> "We're going to have to be ''quiet''." I whispered, noting Darcy's door //was// closed. I stumbled back into his room over the strap of his backpack. <br><br> "Uhuh." He grabbed his T-shirt from behind his neck and pulled it up and over, revealing his tight, toned and young body. Young? I'm not some cougar...but it did feel that way. <br><br> "And __quick__." A bit louder this time, both for firmness and because I had shut the door, using my toes to remove my <<link "shoes">><<feet>><</link>>. <br><br> "Uhuh." His hands tugged his belt with an overconfident flourish and the buckle smacked his rockhard stomach, but he barely flinched. "Gonna show me what I'm missing out on if I don't go to college?" A chin lift hint to get the rest of my clothes off. <br><br> "''Uhuh'''." I grinned, moving towards him -- I wasn't going to let this young upstart buck make me some skittish doe. One hand pulled off the remainder of my <<link "clothes">><<outfit naked>><</link>> while the other pressed squarely to his solar plexus and shoved him back on his bed. It still had football sheets on it. Well-loved and well-stained for the better part of a decade. <br><br> He grabbed my hips with a grunt as he looked over my naked body, pulling me over his lap. I felt his erection already prepped to go tapping against my thighs and mound as I kneeled my way over him. His hand dropped between us and firmly whacked his shaft against my pussy. It was my turn to grunt, head dropping a bit as the feeling of something hot, hard and sudden striking right there...this wasn't his first hunt. <br><br> "Okay. Condom time, Del." I returned my hand to his plexus as my other teased at the base of his shaft, ensuring he couldn't enter me and also returning the favor as he continued to slap against my awakening vagina. <br><br> "Oh. Come. //On//. You're in __college__. No one uses them. You do?" His eyebrows raised in mocking disbelief. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> "True." And I firmly shoved myself over him. I felt the sharp sting of quick entry without foreplay, but I had meant what I said about quick and quiet. My hand on his plexus slid up to his mouth and pressed down. The hand that was on his base now cupped and lightly squeezed at his sack. I pushed down hard and felt his hot breath gushing into my palm as I forced him inside me, fully hilted. I wondered what his expression was, but my eyes were clenched shut. His hands grabbed pleadingly at my hips and I started to lift, now that penetration was complete. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includesAny("Tight Pussy", "Good Intercourse")>> And that was it. His hips jerked up and his strong hands yanked me right back down the moment I started to move. His cock pulsed hard and I felt the heat spurting inside me. <br><br> I could watch him now, muffled by my hand as he accomplished both of my goals...and his. His youth and inexperienced showed as I sat in his lap and let him buck up against me and pump his full load out deep inside me. Very glad I was on something. <<cumSpray pussy1>> <br><br> After a few moments, he pulled his face free from me and gave my ass another smack. "''That'' is what I should write my essay about. Your pussy is __insane__." <br><br> I chuckled and rolled my eyes, dismounting him and letting him deal with the drool of his mess back onto him. I grabbed my clothes and didn't bother looking back, taking pride in my dominance, "Come on. Essay time, college boy." <br><br><br> And he did finish his essay like a good boy. But that also opened the door to us hooking up while his parents had left us alone. <br><br> <<if _darcy == true>> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. But she surprised me. I caught her peeking and realized she was using us as a study guide for her own curiosity. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Somewhere after a month or so, I think they had some discussion because they both suddenly became incredibly casual about it. I wondered who initiated the talk, but one day she just told us to go fuck and that changed everything. She kept the Reddings at bay and was fine with us doing it pretty much anywhere. And Delvin took full advantage. <br><br> I never had to worry about keeping them in line or where they were though. <br><br> A far cry from what I had expected nannying [[to be|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $UN.job = "waiter">> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. And I had every right to worry. She iced me hard. She also surprised me because I caught her peeking a couple of times -- probably a study guide for her own questions. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Then, after a month or so (I guess when she had sated her curiosity), I got canned unceremoniously. And I couldn't find another nannying job for the life of me. I had crossed a line and it seemed like the whole town knew. <br><br> I found a waiting gig that was able to fill the gaps, but it felt like [[punishment|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> Up. And //down//. A firm smack of my meaty ass against his strong thighs. His bed squeaked. He huffed against my hand. Again. Again. It was easier and quicker each time. I could see his eyes over my hand-muffle watching my tits bouncing in time with my fucking him. <br><br> He tried to extricate himself from my grip but I shook my head, "Nuhuh. Teaching you a lesson. Quiet." <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breath play")>>And I reinforced the point my removing my hand from his sack and grabbing him around his throat. I gripped and ensured I cut off his air...slightly...with each upward motion of my hips, my pussy pulling at him and making his blood throb in his head.<</if>> <br><br> He struggled from that point on. Not sure how much of it was him fighting back his climax and how much of it was him trying to keep some sort of power and dignity as his //babysitter// fucked him. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I was super glad in this moment for being on top and my natural proclivity to cum. We came together. I was shuddering and grinding my mound against his crotch as I felt him buck up against me and pump his full load out deep inside me. Very glad I was on something. <<cumSpray pussy1>> <<else>> I was too much for him. And we were trying to be quick anyway. I tried to get myself off as I felt him bucking against me and pumping his full load out deep inside me, but he kept ruining my rhythm with his thrusts.<<cumSpray pussy1>> Wasn't gonna happen. Well, I //was// very glad I was on something. And maybe I'd get off next time, when we were less rushed and more safe. <br><br> Next time? Jesus. Was I insane? <</if>> <br><br> After a few moments, he pulled his face free from me and gave my ass another smack. "''That'' is what I should write my essay about." <br><br> I chuckled and rolled my eyes, dismounting him and letting him deal with the drool of his mess back onto him. I grabbed my clothes and didn't bother looking back, taking pride in my dominance, "Come on. Essay time, college boy." <br><br><br> And he did finish his essay like a good boy. But that also opened the door to us hooking up while his parents had left us alone. <br><br> <<if _darcy == true>> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. But she surprised me. I caught her peeking and realized she was using us as a study guide for her own curiosity. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Somewhere after a month or so, I think they had some discussion because they both suddenly became incredibly casual about it. I wondered who initiated the talk, but one day she just told us to go fuck and that changed everything. She kept the Reddings at bay and was fine with us doing it pretty much anywhere. And Delvin took full advantage. <br><br> I never had to worry about keeping them in line or where they were though. <br><br> A far cry from what I had expected nannying [[to be|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $UN.job = "waiter">> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. And I had every right to worry. She iced me hard. She also surprised me because I caught her peeking a couple of times -- probably a study guide for her own questions. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Then, after a month or so (I guess when she had sated her curiosity), I got canned unceremoniously. And I couldn't find another nannying job for the life of me. I had crossed a line and it seemed like the whole town knew. <br><br> I found a waiting gig that was able to fill the gaps, but it felt like [[punishment|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> "I mean. True. //Most// of them are--" My head flicked back as he gave me hits with his cock in rapid succession. <br><br> "And you're...not?" I nodded, eyebrows lifting as he pressed his head from my clit to my opening and then back. "Come //on//." My hand tightened around his base as he made this a competition of wills, "You're telling me I'd be the first guy to rawdog you?" A slow, methodical tease up and down my rapidly slickening and warming labia. "You said we had to be quick. Going and buying a condom won't be quick." His head was inside me all of a sudden and my hand relented on his shaft, he seized the chance and yanked me down, fully inserting himself, "//Ex// ''act'' __ly__." <br><br> "Del..." I shook my head. He was thrusting, eyes on my tits as they began to jiggle in time with his insistent upward rocking. <br><br> "Ugh. I'll pull out, ''calm'' //down//." He rolled his eyes, "And here I thought you were a college chick." Another nudge of his raging hormones to get what he wanted. <br><br> "Oh shut up." And my free hand found his mouth, clamping down as I began to rock and move my hips. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includesAny("Tight Pussy", "Good Intercourse")>> And that was it. His hips jerked up and his strong hands yanked me right back down the moment I started to move. His cock pulsed hard and I felt the heat spurting inside me. <<cumSpray pussy2>> <br><br> I could watch him now, muffled by my hand as he accomplished both of my goals...and his. His youth and inexperienced showed as I sat in his lap and let him buck up against me and pump his full load out deep inside me. I don't know if he thought my 'shut up' was agreeing to his childish attempts to get what he wanted or if he just didn't have the ability to do what he promised, but he //certainly// was spurting inside me. Hard. <br><br> After a few moments, he pulled his face free from me and gave my ass another smack. "''That'' is what I should write my essay about. Your pussy is __insane__." <br><br> I chuckled and rolled my eyes, dismounting him and letting him deal with the drool of his mess back onto him. I grabbed my clothes and didn't bother looking back, taking pride in my dominance, "Come on. Essay time, college boy." <br><br><br> And he did finish his essay like a good boy. But that also opened the door to us hooking up while his parents had left us alone. <br><br> <<if _darcy == true>> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. But she surprised me. I caught her peeking and realized she was using us as a study guide for her own curiosity. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Somewhere after a month or so, I think they had some discussion because they both suddenly became incredibly casual about it. I wondered who initiated the talk, but one day she just told us to go fuck and that changed everything. She kept the Reddings at bay and was fine with us doing it pretty much anywhere. And Delvin took full advantage. <br><br> I never had to worry about keeping them in line or where they were though. <br><br> A far cry from what I had expected nannying [[to be|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $UN.job = "waiter">> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. And I had every right to worry. She iced me hard. She also surprised me because I caught her peeking a couple of times -- probably a study guide for her own questions. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Then, after a month or so (I guess when she had sated her curiosity), I got canned unceremoniously. And I couldn't find another nannying job for the life of me. I had crossed a line and it seemed like the whole town knew. <br><br> I found a waiting gig that was able to fill the gaps, but it felt like [[punishment|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> Up. And //down//. A firm smack of my meaty ass against his strong thighs. His bed squeaked. He huffed against my hand. Again. Again. It was easier and quicker each time. I could see his eyes over my hand-muffle watching my tits bouncing in time with my fucking him. <br><br> He tried to extricate himself from my grip but I shook my head, "Nuhuh. Teaching you a lesson. Quiet." <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breath play")>>And I reinforced the point my removing my hand from his sack and grabbing him around his throat. I gripped and ensured I cut off his air...slightly...with each upward motion of my hips, my pussy pulling at him and making his blood throb in his head.<</if>> <br><br> He struggled from that point on. Not sure how much of it was him fighting back his climax and how much of it was him trying to keep some sort of power and dignity as his //babysitter// fucked him. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Orgasms")>> I was super glad in this moment for being on top and my natural proclivity to cum. We came together. I was shuddering and grinding my mound against his crotch as I saw him making a furied movement of his head, eyes wide. I was glad I was looking because I pulled up //just// before he bucked, pumping his full load out onto his stomach. <<cumSpray body1 mound1>>Orgasm was cut a bit short, but better than that in me. <<else>> I was too much for him. And we were trying to be quick anyway. I tried to get myself off as I saw him making a furied movement of his head, eyes wide. I was glad I was looking because I pulled up //just// before he bucked, pumping his full load out onto his stomach. <<cumSpray body1 mound1>>Wasn't gonna happen. Maybe I'd get off next time, when we were less rushed and more safe. <br><br> Next time? Jesus. Was I insane? <</if>> <br><br> After a few moments, he pulled his face free from me and gave my ass another smack. "''That'' is what I should write my essay about." <br><br> I chuckled and rolled my eyes, dismounting him and letting him deal with the mess he had made on himself. I grabbed my clothes and didn't bother looking back, taking pride in my dominance, "Come on. Essay time, college boy." <br><br><br> And he did finish his essay like a good boy. But that also opened the door to us hooking up while his parents had left us alone. <br><br> <<if _darcy == true>> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. But she surprised me. I caught her peeking and realized she was using us as a study guide for her own curiosity. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Somewhere after a month or so, I think they had some discussion because they both suddenly became incredibly casual about it. I wondered who initiated the talk, but one day she just told us to go fuck and that changed everything. She kept the Reddings at bay and was fine with us doing it pretty much anywhere. And Delvin took full advantage. <br><br> I never had to worry about keeping them in line or where they were though. <br><br><br> A far cry from what I had expected nannying [[to be|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $UN.job = "waiter">> I knew it was only a matter of time before Darcy figured things out and I worried about how she'd react. And I had every right to worry. She iced me hard. She also surprised me because I caught her peeking a couple of times -- probably a study guide for her own questions. Somehow she was able to ignore that she was seeing her brother naked and fucking. <br><br> Then, after a month or so (I guess when she had sated her curiosity), I got canned unceremoniously. And I couldn't find another nannying job for the life of me. I had crossed a line and it seemed like the whole town knew. <br><br><br> I found a waiting gig that was able to fill the gaps, but it felt like [[punishment|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Delving Redding")>> <<vCardCheck "Delvin Redding" M "Delvin Redding, not just my nannying charge">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> "Good. Now get to that essay." <<contents>> I pushed my chair back and moved away from the table to give us some distance that might alleviate some of the tension. If there was tension. I saw a bit of sadness wash over his eyes, but then the emotion was lost to me as he looked back down at the notepad. <br><br> He seemed to just stare at the list that I had made and I hoped that it would be enough to convince him to give it the old college try. <br><br><br> I gave him a wide berth for a week or so. He seemed to be doing the same thing. Some of his tone was punishing. Darcy was nicer, though. Maybe she enjoyed seeing me taking lumps from him. <br><br> We eventually found a better rhythm, but it wasn't as close as we had used to be. <br><br><br> I also kept my job, which was more than a <<link "bonus">><<replace "#delvin" t8n>> <<include "UN004 - Extra3_Redding">> <</replace>><</link>>. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<scrollIntoView>> "Oh. You're still here?" Startled, I had the sense that I needed to look busy because that was Mr. Redding's voice. <br><br> "Oh, hi, Mr--" he chuckled at my reaction -- probably looked all kinds of ridiculous as I tried to find what I was 'doing' there in his living room -- and waved a hand at me, "Ned. You know that, <<print $>>. You staying for dinner or something? If Deb's invited you, that's fine." <br><br> It was one of the typical afternoons: Debbie was supposed to have come home by this point to relieve me from the 'care duties', but she hadn't. Surprise, surprise. Delvin and Darcy were practically adults and were able to take care of themselves, either doing homework, talking on the phone or on their computers. It didn't matter, I was just waiting for my chance to get back to campus. <br><br> What wasn't typical was seeing //Ned//. It was still early for him and I never really got a bead on what his schedule was like. But there he was. I guess he was my relief. I wondered what Debbie was up to. Maybe I didn't want to know. <br><br> "Sorry, no. Not staying, I was just waiting til she got back." <br><br> "Oh. She's not here?" Did he know what she was up to? He seemed unconcerned. He doffed his jacket on the chair nearby. "Well, it's nice to see you. Haven't really crossed paths since you started." <br><br> "That's true. Well, um, I can get out of your hair." <br><br> He chuckled again, waving that hand at me, "Sure, sure, probably been dying to just get out of here. I'll have a word with Debbie about this happening." I grabbed my things, putting on my shoes and got up off the couch, he had moved towards the kitchen and then stopped, turning around as he untucked his button-down shirt, "Does this happen often?" <br><br> I froze, unsure if I should be involving myself in more of their lives than simply babysitting. I had my suspicions about what she got up to and Darcy had made a few off-hand comments, but maybe I should just let sleeping dogs lie. Their circus, their monkeys. <div id="redding"> <<crossroads #redding>> <<path>> Say something? <<contents>> <br><br> "Uh, yeah. Kinda? Like. All the time?" <br><br> He nodded and sighed, hands on his hips and eyes downcast, "Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. That's not fair to you, but she's only ever really been interested in making sure //she// is getting what she wants." He moved towards me from the kitchen, "Look. I'll pay you for your time. That wasn't part of the agreement." He sat down on the couch I had just left. "That sound fair?" <br><br> "Yeah. Definitely." I didn't have to think, I was immediately pre-spending the money, whatever it was. Debts, new clothes, the options flooded through me. <br><br> "Perfect. And...them," he waved up at the stairs, "How are they doing?" He smiled. This was the first time he had expressed interest. <br><br> Was he expressing interest in me? Was he trying to keep me there? My skin pricked up as I considered the money. Had he meant it in //that// way? <br><br> Did I dare find out? <<crossroads #redding>> <<path $Stats.Kinks.includes("Older Men") || $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 2>> Yah? <<blocked>> $ isn't into Older Men or Confident enough to check is intentions. <<contents>> <<face ahego>> <br><br> I took a step back towards the couch, "Oh. Uh. Yeah, they're actually doing really great." For his age he was an attractive enough man, and he carried himself with monied confidence that didn't hurt either. "Been working with them both a lot and they're making improvements," I sat next to him, "Deb never loops you in?" <br><br> "Heh. You could say that." Seeing me beside him he leaned back into the couch and threw his arm around me, "Probably last looping in was...Darcy?" He chuckled, thumbing up at the second floor. <br><br> "Wait. You can't be serious." My head dipped forward, eyes widening and mouth slightly slack. Decade and a half or so of them being together and literally no sex? <br><br> "What don't you believe? You have to know what Debbie gets up to while you're stuck here with the caretaking." He gave me a squeeze at my shoulder, slightly nudging me closer. Yep, he was definitely making a pass. <br><br> "And. You're okay with that?" His pull had me up against him and trying to find a comfortable position had my right arm across his midsection. I hoped neither of them came downstairs right now. <br><br> "<<print $>>. Debbie is my..." his fingers felt at my bare arm as his head dropped back, thinking as he stared at the ceiling, "fourth? marriage. She's just the first one that liked my arrangement. The other ones //thought// they did, until they experienced it." <br><br> "Oh." <br><br> "You're cute." <br><br> "Oh." <br><br> He chuckled, "Come on. If you're already stuck here after hours, might as well enjoy yourself. Let's go upstairs and I'll show you what I'm talking about." He was pulling me up off the couch with the arm around my shoulders. So this was happening. Would Darcy or Delvin figure it out? Hear us? Walk in? Fuck. What if Debbie came home? She was already due any minute. <br><br> But we were already climbing the stairs. He had been talking to me but I had been too far in my thoughts to pay attention, "Uh, yeah, I mean...I was curious if Debbie was...ya know." He chuckled and nodded. His hand had dropped to my ass and gave it a firm patting. <br><br> "Play her in tennis and you'll know the answer." My eyes did a quick glance over at the kid's rooms. Could they hear us talking through their doors? Had this happened to them before? And then we were in his room. Their room. He was moving over to the bed, unbuttoning his shirt, his middle-aged stomach revealed that he rubbed, relaxed. "Just going to stand there, looking?" He smiled with such practiced confidence. I shuffled over towards him, helping him doff the shirt completely. This was happening. The cliche babysitter moment while mom was away. <br><br> He leaned in and kisses me. It was gentle and kind. I smelled his aftershave: only a light hint from the morning, but was still pleasant. Our tongues flickered together, his hands were on my hips and moving them back side-to-side until I was against the bed. He settled me there, still making out kindly, softly, while his fingers worked my <<link "skirt">><<lower>><<panties>><</link>> down my legs with my underwear. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> I broke the kiss, pulling back as I pushed him slightly. His body was solid, while not being built, as if all his weight was contained somewhere underneath his ribs and muscles. "Hey, I uh. We need to be careful. My condoms are down in my you...?" <br><br> He shook his head, his fingers dug in around my hipbones and turned me suddenly, firmly. I was back on the bed and twisted to the side, legs hanging off to one side of the bed as he opened his pants with one hand and sucked on two fingers of his other hand, "I don't. But..." I gasped, arching in shock as those wettened fingers were pressed to my bud and rubbing, "Nature has another kind of birth control." His cock was wedging between my ass cheeks and my hand on his stomach pushed back as he pressed forward. <br><br> "N-nedddd..." It came between gritted teeth and then I gasped again, this time sharp and broken as his meat entered me and sunk up inside my ass. I felt him throbbing hard inside me as he leaned back down to continue kissing me as he hilted himself inside my anus. Me on my side made my hips and his stomach fight against each other and prevent an easy, full insertion, but he tried anyway. And my body began to buck as he thrust against me. <br><br> I felt the burn and the pull at the out-bound ring between my legs, the stuffing that made my body feel full and then 'released' in a very different way than typically when I was getting fucked. I felt the weight of my shoes pulling my feet down slightly as my legs hung off to the side and swayed with his large body ramming inside me. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Anal")>> I knew how to squeeze in time with his thrusting and he had to break contact with my mouth as he reacted to it. His gaze immediately turned from his kind but aroused to a deep, surprised and very pleased intensity. His hands grabbed tight around my waist and he began to slam against me roughly. The tension at the corner of his eyes spoke to the concentration and trying to not unload too quickly. "N-not your f-first time this way, huh?" I think he was trying to chuckle, but his confidence and calm seemed to be deeply affected by my depths. <br><br> I nodded and bit my lower lip, teasing him as I stared into his eyes and watched him beat into me. My hand clutched at his sheets for purchase, the other one reaching up to grasp at the back of his neck, pulling him at me. <br><br> He lurched and grunted, making my <<if $CC.braless == true>>unbound breasts<<else>>supported tits<</if>> shake and shudder under my shirt. His pants were around his ankles. I was still mostly clothed, but he was rutting against my ass hard as he showed me exactly how he and his wife didn't have sex with each other. <br><br> My hand pulled hard at the back of his neck. I was cumming. A deep, intense explosion inside me as all of my muscles tensed and released. He was huffing right in my ear. He was cumming too, but my release had hidden the pumping of his member from me. It was only once my long and deeply gratifying orgasm drew away that I felt the last few throbs of his cock, shrinking inside me. We had cum together. <br><br> "Wow." I giggled. <br><br> He smiled and gave a little tug at my earlobe with his teeth, "Yeah. My thoughts exactly." He reached over to his side table and handed me a wad of tissues. It was too casual for this to have been a first time. I felt a pang inside me as I realized I had wanted this to have been the first time, as vain as that might have been. <br><br> We dismounted and disentangled ourselves from each other and he gave me a smack on my reddened cheeks, shoving me towards his bathroom to finish cleaning off and out. <<cumSpray thighs1>> <br><br> A few minutes later we were talking about the uptick in Darcy's grades and Delvin's college applications as if nothing had happened. I //was// walking a bit awkwardly as we made our way back down the stairs. <br><br> "Oh, there you are." Debbie was calling from the kitchen. <br><br> He laughed, "There //you// are." I don't think I could have been redder. The entire Redding household was getting ready for dinner and watching me come downstairs with their patriarch. "You can't keep leaving <<print $>> in the lurch for hours, dear." <br><br> "Seems like I //should//." I couldn't make eye contact with anyone. I didn't dare see how the kids were looking at me. I grabbed my things and left. <br><br> Debbie did apologize. I did get paid for the extra hours. But she didn't change how long she made me wait and Ned came home a bit earlier, actually showing up now, but I knew why. I was a marital balm for them. <br><br> Delvin was //not// happy. He wouldn't speak to me except when his parents were around and insisted. <br><br> Darcy didn't seem to care, which said to me more than anything she could have told me. <br><br> It was far less embarassing from that point on, but still was difficult for me to be as casual and 'poly' as they seemed cool to be. <br><br><br> Far from what I expected from the [[Reddings|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<vCardCheck "Ned Redding" M "Ned Redding, who fucked the babysitter">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> I wasn't sure what to do, feeling him thrusting inside me in a way that confused my sexual instincts. Part of me was trying to squeeze and please his invader but I knew I was doing it wrong -- with the other part of me. Still he seemed quite content, looking down at me with his kind but aroused gaze. Giving in to my lack of experience, I took it best I could, feeling how he drove into my guts quite literally. <br><br> I tried to tease him, biting my lower lip as I stared up at him and watched him beating into me. My hand clutched at his sheets for purchase, the other one grasping at the back of his neck, pulling him down at me, narrowing the distance between our eyes. <br><br> He lurched and grunted, making my <<if $CC.braless == true>>unbound breasts<<else>>supported tits<</if>> shake and shudder under my shirt. His pants were around his ankles. I was still mostly clothed, but he was rutting against my ass hard as he showed me exactly how he and his wife didn't have sex with each other. <br><br> Then came his release alongside a last few solid hits against my ass. I pulled him in, trying to kiss him as I felt his rigidity intensify inside me and the heat exploding inside my rectum. I coyly played with his lips as I felt him emptying himself inside me, his focus there and not with my mouth. <br><br> And then he was done, leaning up and giving my earlobe a little tug with his teeth. He reached over to his side table and handed me a wad of tissues. It was too casual for this to have been a first time. I felt a pang inside me as I realized I had wanted this to have been the first time, as vain as that might have been. <br><br> We dismounted and disentangled ourselves from each other and he gave me a smack on my reddened cheeks, shoving me towards his bathroom to finish cleaning off and out. <<cumSpray thighs1>> <br><br> A few minutes later we were talking about the uptick in Darcy's grades and Delvin's college applications as if nothing had happened. I //was// walking a bit awkwardly as we made our way back down the stairs. <br><br> "Oh, there you are." Debbie was calling from the kitchen. <br><br> He laughed, "There //you// are." I don't think I could have been redder. The entire Redding household was getting ready for dinner and watching me come downstairs with their patriarch. "You can't keep leaving <<print $>> in the lurch for hours, dear." <br><br> "Seems like I //should//." I couldn't make eye contact with anyone. I didn't dare see how the kids were looking at me. I grabbed my things and left. <br><br> Debbie did apologize. I did get paid for the extra hours. But she didn't change how long she made me wait and Ned came home a bit earlier, actually showing up now, but I knew why. I was a marital balm for them. <br><br> Delvin was //not// happy. He wouldn't speak to me except when his parents were around and insisted. <br><br> Darcy didn't seem to care, which said to me more than anything she could have told me. <br><br> It was far less embarassing from that point on, but still was difficult for me to be as casual and 'poly' as they seemed cool to be. <br><br><br> Far from what I expected from the [[Reddings|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<vCardCheck "Ned Redding" M "Ned Redding, who fucked the babysitter">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> I pressed into his mouth, found myself cooing as I melted into the kiss. It was so passionate and pleasant. It was also because he was rubbing at my pussy in a way that spoke to years of experience. I was practically shuddering from the moment he made contact. And I was //wet//. The contact between our mouths and tongues kept being broken my surprised gasps as my body reacted to his fingering. And then I came. That was ''fast''. My legs were kicking and shaking as I went off. <br><br> He ignored my squirming, his fingers dug in around my hipbones and turned me suddenly, firmly. I was back on the bed and twisted to the side, legs hanging off -- shaking still -- to one side of the bed as he opened his pants with one hand before I had calmed down, his cock was wedging between my ass cheeks -- I barely got my hand onto his stomach, pushing back as he pressed forward. <br><br> "N-nedddd..." It came between gritted teeth and then I gasped again, this time sharp and broken as his meat entered me and sunk up inside my ass. I felt him throbbing hard inside me as he leaned back down to continue kissing me as he hilted himself inside my anus. Me on my side made my hips and his stomach fight against each other and prevent an easy, full insertion, but he tried anyway. And my body began to buck as he thrust against me. <br><br> I felt the burn and the pull at the out-bound ring between my legs, the stuffing that made my body feel full and then 'released' in a very different way than typically when I was getting fucked. I felt the weight of my shoes pulling my feet down slightly as my legs hung off to the side and swayed with his large body ramming inside me. <br><br> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Good Anal")>> I knew how to squeeze in time with his thrusting and he had to break contact with my mouth as he reacted to it. His gaze immediately turned from his kind but aroused to a deep, surprised and very pleased intensity. His hands grabbed tight around my waist and he began to slam against me roughly. The tension at the corner of his eyes spoke to the concentration and trying to not unload too quickly. "N-not your f-first time this way, huh?" I think he was trying to chuckle, but his confidence and calm seemed to be deeply affected by my depths. <br><br> I nodded and bit my lower lip, teasing him as I stared into his eyes and watched him beat into me. My hand clutched at his sheets for purchase, the other one reaching up to grasp at the back of his neck, pulling him at me. <br><br> He lurched and grunted, making my <<if $CC.braless == true>>unbound breasts<<else>>supported tits<</if>> shake and shudder under my shirt. His pants were around his ankles. I was still mostly clothed, but he was rutting against my ass hard as he showed me exactly how he and his wife didn't have sex with each other. <br><br> My hand pulled hard at the back of his neck. I was cumming. A deep, intense explosion inside me as all of my muscles tensed and released. He was huffing right in my ear. He was cumming too, but my release had hidden the pumping of his member from me. It was only once my long and deeply gratifying orgasm drew away that I felt the last few throbs of his cock, shrinking inside me. We had cum together. <br><br> "Wow." I giggled. <br><br> He smiled and gave a little tug at my earlobe with his teeth, "Yeah. My thoughts exactly." He reached over to his side table and handed me a wad of tissues. It was too casual for this to have been a first time. I felt a pang inside me as I realized I had wanted this to have been the first time, as vain as that might have been. <br><br> We dismounted and disentangled ourselves from each other and he gave me a smack on my reddened cheeks, shoving me towards his bathroom to finish cleaning off and out. <br><br> A few minutes later we were talking about the uptick in Darcy's grades and Delvin's college applications as if nothing had happened. I //was// walking a bit awkwardly as we made our way back down the stairs. <<cumSpray thighs1>> <br><br> "Oh, there you are." Debbie was calling from the kitchen. <br><br> He laughed, "There //you// are." I don't think I could have been redder. The entire Redding household was getting ready for dinner and watching me come downstairs with their patriarch. "You can't keep leaving <<print $>> in the lurch for hours, dear." <br><br> "Seems like I //should//." I couldn't make eye contact with anyone. I didn't dare see how the kids were looking at me. I grabbed my things and left. <br><br> Debbie did apologize. I did get paid for the extra hours. But she didn't change how long she made me wait and Ned came home a bit earlier, actually showing up now, but I knew why. I was a marital balm for them. <br><br> Delvin was //not// happy. He wouldn't speak to me except when his parents were around and insisted. <br><br> Darcy didn't seem to care, which said to me more than anything she could have told me. <br><br> It was far less embarassing from that point on, but still was difficult for me to be as casual and 'poly' as they seemed cool to be. <br><br><br> Far from what I expected from the [[Reddings|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<vCardCheck "Ned Redding" M "Ned Redding, who fucked the babysitter">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<else>> I wasn't sure what to do, feeling him thrusting inside me in a way that confused my sexual instincts. Part of me was trying to squeeze and please his invader but I knew I was doing it wrong -- with the other part of me. Still he seemed quite content, looking down at me with his kind but aroused gaze. Giving in to my lack of experience, I took it best I could, feeling how he drove into my guts quite literally. <br><br> I tried to tease him, biting my lower lip as I stared up at him and watched him beating into me. My hand clutched at his sheets for purchase, the other one grasping at the back of his neck, pulling him down at me, narrowing the distance between our eyes. <br><br> He lurched and grunted, making my <<if $CC.braless == true>>unbound breasts<<else>>supported tits<</if>> shake and shudder under my shirt. His pants were around his ankles. I was still mostly clothed, but he was rutting against my ass hard as he showed me exactly how he and his wife didn't have sex with each other. <br><br> Then came his release alongside a last few solid hits against my ass. I pulled him in, trying to kiss him as I felt his rigidity intensify inside me and the heat exploding inside my rectum. I coyly played with his lips as I felt him emptying himself inside me, his focus there and not with my mouth. <br><br> And then he was done, leaning up and giving my earlobe a little tug with his teeth. He reached over to his side table and handed me a wad of tissues. It was too casual for this to have been a first time. I felt a pang inside me as I realized I had wanted this to have been the first time, as vain as that might have been. <br><br> We dismounted and disentangled ourselves from each other and he gave me a smack on my reddened cheeks, shoving me towards his bathroom to finish cleaning off and out. <br><br> A few minutes later we were talking about the uptick in Darcy's grades and Delvin's college applications as if nothing had happened. I //was// walking a bit awkwardly as we made our way back down the stairs. <<cumSpray thighs1>> <br><br> "Oh, there you are." Debbie was calling from the kitchen. <br><br> He laughed, "There //you// are." I don't think I could have been redder. The entire Redding household was getting ready for dinner and watching me come downstairs with their patriarch. "You can't keep leaving <<print $>> in the lurch for hours, dear." <br><br> "Seems like I //should//." I couldn't make eye contact with anyone. I didn't dare see how the kids were looking at me. I grabbed my things and left. <br><br> Debbie did apologize. I did get paid for the extra hours. But she didn't change how long she made me wait and Ned came home a bit earlier, actually showing up now, but I knew why. I was a marital balm for them. <br><br> Delvin was //not// happy. He wouldn't speak to me except when his parents were around and insisted. <br><br> Darcy didn't seem to care, which said to me more than anything she could have told me. <br><br> It was far less embarassing from that point on, but still was difficult for me to be as casual and 'poly' as they seemed cool to be. <br><br><br> Far from what I expected from the [[Reddings|UN004 - Professor]]. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<vCardCheck "Ned Redding" M "Ned Redding, who fucked the babysitter">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> Or nah? <<contents>> <br><br> I took another step towards the door, "Oh. Uh, yeah, great." Whether it was intended or not, I wasn't going to risk being the fool, or risk that kind of entanglement, "All improvements. Deb never loops you in?" The money sounded like it was promised in either event. And that was good enough for me. <br><br> "Heh. You could say that. Okay. Alright. See ya, <<print $>>." He waved a final time, I returned it and then I was gone. <br><br> As I made my way back to campus I tried to push from my mind that cliche possibility that had been there in front of me for a fleeting moment. <br><br><br> I never saw him much, just an occasional coming or going, but I did get paid and an apology from Deb -- all I got from //Ned// ever [[again|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> <<path>> Or nah? <<contents>> "Oh, uh nah. Not really." I shook my head and smiled. He nodded, eyes downcast and hands on his hips as he watched me collect myself and head to the door. <br><br> "Well, nice seeing you all the same." <br><br> "Yeah, you too." <br><br> Halfway out, "Oh, and how are they doing?" He smiled, making another hand motion, this time up the stairs. I stopped. This was the first time he had expressed interest. <br><br> "Oh. Uh, yeah, great. All improvements. Deb never loops you in?" <br><br> "Heh. You could say that. Alright. See ya, <<print $>>." He waved a final time, I returned it and then I was gone. <br><br> As I made my way back to campus I started to think if he was trying to come up with excuses to keep me around or if he had just been actually interested. <br><br><br> I never saw him much, just an occasional coming or going, but that was about all from //Ned// ever [[again|UN004 - Professor]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<<if $UN.rush == false>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<set $UN.greek = "GDI">> <<outfit GDI>> I watched the others go through the whole process: dolling themselves up to hide the exhaustion as they tried to balance their school work, social lives and the jostling for position at the houses. I had deep sympathy, but also a bit of schadenfreude. It wasn't me. Every day when I woke feeling rested, could throw on my sweats and a t-shirt and just roll out to class or the dining hall? Magic. <br><br> It pained me seeing them slinking back after rejection, and surprisingly more so when their joy boiled over when they got a Bid. Little lemmings. While there were only rumors of hazing, we all knew when it happened. <<print $People['UN']>> was out all day and crawled in the next morning. She hid her body, didn't say much and I heard her crying through the night. They had all been pushed over that cliff and crashed on the rocks below. But they had their greek letters! <br><br><br> I got her a cupcake with KKG in frosting. I think we were both shocked when she saw it and immediately blew chunks into the waste bin. She apologized afterwards, but our room smelled like vomit for a week. It wasn't me though. <br><br> Saw less of her and most of the pledges as they were drawn into the fold. The room was emptier, but it gave me space for schoolwork and making other friends. <br><br> There was a simpatico with other Gamma Delta Iotas, an unneeded superiority, but I was thankful for the easy bond. <br><br> And then? It was all over. The whole process behind us. Some people had their chicken coop to go off to. Others stayed in the dorms. Some floated like butterflies between the two. <br><br> I had tits and a place between my legs, so while I watched the GDI boys kvetch over not being able to get into parties and whimpering to try and be a plus one with me, I got into anything I wanted to. So, I ask again: what was the advantage to rushing? <br><br><br> After a year or so, even the letters were essentially [[meaningless|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> <<if $UN.greek == "DDD">> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<outfit DDD>> "Try Delt, everyone else has..." more like, "everyone else //wishes//." It was good to be the queen(s) of campus. Any party: we were invited. We were catered to by frats and social groups alike to try and earn our favor and presence. Any activity: they wanted us as members. Tri-Delta was an elite club like none other. <br><br> The girls were sweet and kind and certainly far more reserved than some of the epithets made them out to be. Most were daddy's girls or soon-to-be arm candy with their beaux from high school. Everyone was blonde. Almost everyone was white. And even I began to get a 'valley' affect to the way I spoke -- being around those kinds of girls rubs off on you. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had gotten into KKG and we were like ships passing in the night. No ill-will or pretention between us, we'd always have each other, but now we had our houses and sisters and our dorm room remained essentially vacant. <br><br> Our 'purpose' as a sorority went beyond the social status (ostensibly): we were a fundraising organization and a place for women to be better women. And we were one of the best (of course). St. Jude's had an entire building wing named after us because of our philanthropy. And one of our most notable events was the Delta House of Pancakes. <br><br> "StΔcks on StΔcks on StΔcks." Flapjacks for cold hard cash. <div id="pancake"> <br><br> My contribution: <<crossroads #pancake>> <<path>> Bringin' in the crowds. <<contents>> <br><br> I spent the weeks ahead of the event on the quad and in the dining hall, looking pretty and making sure to be available to any and everyone. It was dollars in the door, not my pride that mattered. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 4>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Tri Delta President")>> A quick look around, leaning forward and a whisper, "You didn't //blow// anyone for this, right?" I laughed, uncomfortably, cheeks reddening at the implication. A quick shake of my head and a proper refusal set them straight. "Okay, good." <br><br> Still, my ticket sales were lauded long after I brought them in, and I think they were what launched me into being house President my senior year! <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 3>> <<Stats Social ++>> "All //right//, <<print $>>." Their heads nodded as I dropped off a fat wad of cash, "We knew you were cut from the right kind of cloth." I hadn't realized at the time, but it mattered more than I thought. By the end of college, I was an officer in the house! <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Social'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 2>> "We thought people //liked// you." Came the response, looking down their nose at me, when I dropped off my sales. And then I was brushed away and relegated to clean up duty. <<else>> <<Stats Social -->> The girls were //massively// disappointed in me. I couldn't pull in tickets for the life of me and they made me eat the comparable cost of what the other girls brought in. I was eating ramen for weeks. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -= 3>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Delta Delta Delta, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. Sidelined, uninvited, ignored. They were catty as all fuck and it hurt not only my self-confidence, but my social prospects throughout school. At least I had the shirt, [[though|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]? <<else>> Delta Delta Delta, can I helpya, helpya, helpya? Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Gettin' sticky serving. <<contents>> <<lower "shorts_sororityjeanshorts">> <br><br> It was a ''madhouse'' on the day. Despite having a massive house, the line of ticket holders and ticket buyers still stretched around the block. I had my roller skates on with how I was hustling -- glad I had decided on the shorts and DDD T-shirt rather than something 'nice'. <br><br> My hands were covered in syrup, my body greased by melted butter. And the house was full of bodies. It was hot. I was running. <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>> I was feeling a bit light headed, but I was able to catch myself before making an unceremonious fall that would have made the morning a 'breakfast and a show'. I kept my cool and footing, speed-demoning my way around the house, serving fried batter. <<else>> And it got to be a bit too much. A little light-headed, a missed step and I skidded right into the lap of a guy on his third helping. It was a soft landing, thankfully and he seemed to appreciate it, "Oh. I didn't know this was part of the ticket price. Woulda bought some more!" Embarrassed I scrambled off and moved a bit slower the rest of the day. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -= 3>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Delta Delta Delta, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. Sidelined, uninvited, ignored. They were catty as all fuck and it hurt not only my self-confidence, but my social prospects throughout school. At least I had the shirt, [[though|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]? <<else>> Delta Delta Delta, can I helpya, helpya, helpya? Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Cookin' in the kitchen. <<contents>> <br><br> How many of these was I going to have to //make//?! We had a chef's kitchen, given the number of women that resided in the house, but it wasn't designed for assembly-line feeding for what felt like an army. The servers kept coming in, demanding more pancakes and I was frying them as fast as I could. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> I couldn't take the heat of the kitchen. It was too much, moving that fast, feeling that __sweaty__. I was in an <<link "apron">><<outfit apron>><</link>> within an hour and while I was admonished by some of the girls and the house mother, they were equally uncomfortable and probably jealous at my willingness to just strip down. <<else>> Whew buddy, I was sweating bullets. My shirt stuck to me and by the end of the day felt plastered against my skin. Every few minutes over the sweltering stove I considered tearing my clothes off. If I had been alone, maybe. If I weren't concerned what these people would think of me, //possibly//. But no, I'd just have to grin and bear it. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -= 3>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Delta Delta Delta, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. Sidelined, uninvited, ignored. They were catty as all fuck and it hurt not only my self-confidence, but my social prospects throughout school. At least I had the shirt, [[though|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]? <<else>> Delta Delta Delta, can I helpya, helpya, helpya? Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.greek == "KD">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $HS.addictionLv ++>> <<outfit KD>> We were known to be the party girls. A frat throwing a party? We were invited. Any party at all happening? If a KD showed up, you knew it was going to be a fun time. We weren't royalty except when it came to having a good time. And we had a fucking //great// time. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had gotten into KKG and we were like ships passing in the night. No ill-will or pretention between us, we'd always have each other, but now we had our houses and sisters and our dorm room remained essentially vacant. <br><br> The girls were down-to-earth and chill, not interested in the usual bullshit that the other sororities did. The house always had alcohol in it and there was usually weed and cocaine to be had. And despite the Greek institution typically being involved with philanthropy of time and or money, we got away without any. I don't know how they managed it, but there weren't any fundraisers and if we were throwing an event it was because it'd be fun. <br><br> <div id ="hookup"> Instead, our social clout and status was because we //were// the party girls. And with the fraternities being in flux as members came and went with each graduation, we had to ingratiate ourselves with them. <br><br> My contribution: <<crossroads #hookup>> <<path>> Coming up with entertainment. <<contents>> <br> We had to throw parties and our parties had to draw the guys. The best way to do that was with ourselves. They could get alcohol and drugs on their own, but they couldn't get a show like we could and would throw. I threw out the idea of turning the Cell Block Tango -- already a sexy song -- into something far more seductive. The girls liked the idea and settled on a 'Felons and Conjugal Visits' Theme that would fit with the idea. <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 7>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<run $Memories.push("Kappa Delta President")>> I and the other pledges put our bodies on the line, taking the choreography from the movie and kicking it up a notch. By the end of our show, we'd be absolutely, fucking, naked. I didn't think that there'd been a literal strip show done before, so my first year, we'd knock their pants off. Literally. <br><br> And they ate it up. At first they just enjoyed pretty girls being on stage and wearing bodycon clothes, and then...the clothes started to come off. They lost their shit. I could tell most of them wanted to be whipping it out right there as our hands grabbed at our freed tits, felt the cleft between our legs and eyefucked the shit out of our audience. <br><br> I honestly think that this show not only made a name for the house, but launched me into being KD President my senior year! <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 5>> <<Stats Social ++>> I and the other pledges put our bodies on the line, taking the choreography from the movie and kicking it up a notch. I didn't think there'd been a literal strip show done before and while we wouldn't end up naked, we'd surprise them with what we were going to show. <br><br> And they ate it up. At first they just enjoyed pretty girls being on stage and wearing bodycon clothes, and then...the clothes started to come off. They lost their shit. I could tell most of them wanted to be whipping it out right there as we played at masturbating on stage in just underwear and eyefucked the shit out of our audience. <br><br> It definitely got a buzz around the new girls at KD, which might have been a reason that I was an officer in the house by the time I was a senior! <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 2>> I and the other pledges put our bodies on the line, taking the choreography from the movie and kicking it up a notch. We'd bring out some sex toys and take the choreo to a hotter place. A less broadway and more club vibe. <br><br> And they ate it up. At first they just enjoyed pretty girls being on stage and wearing bodycon clothes, and then...they were laughing their heads off, enjoying the sexuality we were exuding. <br><br> It didn't break the mold, but it worked and I got a thumbs up from the girls for my idea. <<else>> <<Stats Social -->> I and the other pledges put our bodies on the line, taking the choreography from the movie and kicking it up a notch: stay in the outfits throughout the party. <br><br> The guys liked it, I mean, pretty girls wearing bodycon clothing on stage and walking amongst them. But it wasn't any hotter or more interesting than a typical party. I received more than a few disappointed reactions from the leaders of the sorority -- they had expected more out of me. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Kay Dee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. They weren't catty or backstabbing. They were a bitch to my face. But they got over it eventually, it was too much effort and probably forgot about it thanks to alcohol killing brain cells. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Live Young, Wild & KD. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Being an ambassador to our brothers. <<contents>> <<set $UN.sorSlut = true>> <<if $ == true>> <<set $ = false>> <</if>> <br> I could feel the smiles and understanding in the air when I showed up at the Frats. I was told not to go during parties, but during off-hours. And I'd spend time with the President or an officer in their room, showing what KD had to offer. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> <<if $ == true>> <<set $ = false>> <</if>> <<face normal runny>> Sex was usually a good enough motivator, but I heard back from the girls that they were super excited that //I// had been KD's ambassador. The girls would never admit it, but I knew that was because of how hot I was. Easily one of the hottest at school, and by putting out for them, they had one of the best experiences of their lives. <<cumSpray facial1>> <<else>> <<face normal runny>> Sex was usually a good enough motivator and I heard back from the girls that the guys were appreciative getting to know me. <<cumSpray facial1>> <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Kay Dee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. They weren't catty or backstabbing. They were a bitch to my face. But they got over it eventually, it was too much effort and probably forgot about it thanks to alcohol killing brain cells. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Live Young, Wild & KD. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Getting ''access'' for my sisters. <<contents>> <<set $UN.sorSlut = true>> <<if $ == true>> <<set $ = false>> <</if>> <br> So I went out to the hot clubs around town to make sure we had a zero wait time, and I met with our dealers to stay the first on the distribution list. I hung out with the club owners and bouncers and headed to the sketchy apartments and houses where the dealers handled their business. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 4>> <<if $ == true>> <<set $ = false>> <</if>> Sex was usually a good enough motivator, but when I showed up at the club, there was extra attention and kindness shown to me. A free bottle here, a turn up as DJ there, and backstage access to any show. Didn't hurt to be as hot as I was and though it came through sex, I gained more than the other girls did. <<cumSpray pussy1>> <<else>> Sex was usually a good enough motivator and I heard back from the girls that the guys were appreciative getting to know me. <<cumSpray pussy1>> <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Kay Dee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. They weren't catty or backstabbing. They were a bitch to my face. But they got over it eventually, it was too much effort and probably forgot about it thanks to alcohol killing brain cells. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Live Young, Wild & KD. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.greek == "ADP">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<outfit ADP>> We were known to be the girls you wanted to marry. The girls of poise and culture. High achievers and smart girls. We were a //true// sorority whereas the others were just a group of girls that got together to party or feel like they had friends. We were bonded deeply, a real sisterhood that -- as the stories went -- looked out for each other well past graduation. They would be my best friends, my Bridesmaids, and at my side through thick and thin. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had gotten into KKG and we were like ships passing in the night. No ill-will or pretention between us, we'd always have each other, but now we had our houses and sisters and our dorm room remained essentially vacant. <br><br> Sure, we threw parties, but that was to be accepted and included. We couldn't be the weird girls. We left that to DZ and the GDI idiots. We had to abide by the Greek culture, no matter how distasteful it was. But what we really focused on was our yearly Retreat. <br><br> We would leave campus during a long weekend. Leave the schoolwork and the boys behind and gather at a little cabin that had been ADPi's hearth and home for -- if you believed the stories -- time immemorial. <br><br> It was our __thing__. ''Our'' secret. To me... <div id="retreat"> <<crossroads #retreat>> <<path>> I thought it was dumb. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <br><br> How did they not realize? Somehow they were squealing with delight when I chimed in, hugging me tight as we sat around the fire and talked about our desires -- well, they did. I just scrolled on my phone. There were other girls that seemed far more into the whole retreat thing more than I was and they got kicked out of the sorority. Welp. Sucks to be them. to be me? <br><br> Crazy enough, they really thought I was passionate about the chapter and elected me an officer my senior year. Weird. <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Ay Dee Pi, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. They were cold and calculated and by my second year I knew not to show up to the house or wear their colors. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Individually unique, together complete. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $UN.GDI = true>> <br><br> <<face angry>> And they knew. Every single one of them thought of me as their Black Sheep. I was [[drummed out|UN004 - Extracurriculars]] through some loophole in their charter after my first year. Eh, they were too cliquey for me anyway. <</if>> <<path>> I loved it. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 2>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $Memories.push('ADPi President')>> <br><br> Trust falls. Slumber parties. Divulging our deepest secrets to each other so that we all had dirt on each other -- a bond of blood. Give. Me. More. I squeezed them tight. I loved their smiles. I loved how we would kill for each other. And I mean that literally, I bet there have been instances of at //least// assisted manslaughter in our history. And we'd know. We know everything about each other. <br><br> My passion for us was recognized my senior year as I was elected ADPi Chapter President! <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Ay Dee Pi, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. They were cold and calculated and by my second year I knew not to show up to the house or wear their colors. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Individually unique, together complete. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $UN.GDI = true>> The girls didn't seem to jive with my enthusiasm though. They felt it was fake, which made me cry every night of the retreat, clutching the pillow to my face. Somehow, we didn't click and it was a very lonely experience. And then they kicked me out. I don't understand how they were able to do it, but I was [[no longer|UN004 - Extracurriculars]] in the sorority after my Sophomore year. <</if>> <<path>> It was...fine? <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <br><br> And I was able to toe the line close enough to not get black-balled. They had no qualms about drumming anyone out who didn't fit their bill. I never heard of other sororities kicking someone out after they had pledged -- it would have been a mark on the girls for having accepted her in the first place. But not ADPi. They were cut throat. They were serious. And I was able to keep my head down. <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Ay Dee Pi, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. So they made it eminently clear that I was not ''their'' preference. They were cold and calculated and by my second year I knew not to show up to the house or wear their colors. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Individually unique, together complete. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<else>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $UN.GDI = true>> <br><br> I think I wore my heart on my sleeve a bit too much. They didn't like when I offered different ideas to their trust falls and slumber parties. They didn't like that I was on my phone. And my lack in buy in meant I was kicked out through some loophole in the charter. My sorority experience [[cut short|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.greek == "KKG">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<set $HS.addictionLv ++>> <<outfit KKG>> We were the party girls who weren't sluts. Leave that to Kay Dee. We just knew how to have a great time and we Kappas had a tolerance that competed with most of the guys. Whereas the other houses focused on school, philanthropy or silly notions of sisterhood, we came to college for fun so we had fun. And we didn't need to whore ourselves out to have a good party. In fact, by not being easy pussy for the frat boys, it seemed to be that we were more of a get. They //wanted// it more. Which meant we were a commodity. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had gotten into ADPi and we were like ships passing in the night. I knew this was the house that she really wanted, but it turned out that the girls of Kappa weren't okay with having two pledges from the same room. I wasn't about to let her know that I was chosen over her. That meant no ill-will or pretention between us, we'd always have each other, but now we had our houses and sisters and our dorm room remained essentially vacant. <br><br> During football season, there was a tailgating party on every fraternity lawn. We were the only girls that threw down like the best of them. <br><br> When we broke out the Solo cups, I preferred to... <br><br> <div id = "tailgate"> <<crossroads #tailgate>> <<path>> Crush the boys at quarters <<contents>> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>> I didn't need to flash any cleavage or rely on acting like a ditzy chick. My bounces were on point. I could be in the midst of conversation, hardly paying attention and my quarter would sink right into the foam. Guys were stunned. I wished the game afterward was Quarters or the Beerlympics or something, rather than a stupid football game. I could probably be an Olympic Quarters champ. Which was a mixed bag -- meant I had to drink on my own to get a buzz. <br><br> I think the girls really liked the fact that I destroyed these guys. There'd be plans and training to try and take me down. And they thanked me, in their way, by electing me a class officer my senior year. Though it should have been Quarters Master rather than the title they gave me. <<else>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> My aim wasn't the best, but I knew to wear some shorts that let my ass hang out, shirts with deep cleavage and I played up being a dumb girl. I wouldn't necessarily hit my shots, but I made sure the guys were more interested in me than the other openings on the table. Call it a draw between my wins and losses, but that meant I had an excuse to get drunk each time they sunk it or I missed. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Kay Kay Gee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. And it was weird, I knew that they cared, but I couldn't give you examples. But I felt the ripples. Guys knew I was persona non grata and the girls knew exactly how to invite me when it was incredibly difficult or even impossible to join. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> We didn't invent fun. We perfected it. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Hang out on the porch and just get trashed. <<contents>> <<Stats Discipline -->> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 2>> <<set $Memories.push("Kappa Gamma President")>> My tolerance was legendary. I'd play Edward 40-hands and leave the Sigma Nu's passed out in my wake. I'd always have a drink in my hand and people always asked if I was drinking water. Fuck that, I didn't even use a mixer. My liver probably would shut down in ten years, but for now, I was the Queen of campus. <br><br> And my girls recognized my game. My senior year they elected me Chapter President! <<else>> <<set $UN.sorSlut = true>> I wanted to hang, but my body couldn't pack away the alcohol like the rest of them. Especially the guys that practically survived off Natty Ice. I rarely made it to the game, or at least don't remember a single one of them. And...other downside of drinking harder than I should: I usually ended up in someone's bed after I had blacked out. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Kay Kay Gee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. And it was weird, I knew that they cared, but I couldn't give you examples. But I felt the ripples. Guys knew I was persona non grata and the girls knew exactly how to invite me when it was incredibly difficult or even impossible to join. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> We didn't invent fun. We perfected it. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Get pump up for the game! <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 1>> I was like a cheerleader before we got to the game. I wore our colors, I organized games of cornhole on the lawn and threw around the ball with the guys. And then when we got to the game, I was always on the monitor. Sometimes I had to lower my standards and use the Kiss Cam as my way up there, but it was a tradition that my hot ass showed up for everyone to see: cheering, screaming. I was our mascot. For our school and my house -- thanks to me, KKG was //the// school spirit chapter. <<else>> People mostly rolled their eyes at me. The guys enjoyed the colors and outfits I wore. They loved my enthusiasm and that I'd be up in the stands with them at every game, but I was mostly ignored by my girls. They saw me as over-eager and annoying. I needed to slow my roll, take a chill pill, but I //couldn't//. It was just my nature. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Kay Kay Gee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. And it was weird, I knew that they cared, but I couldn't give you examples. But I felt the ripples. Guys knew I was persona non grata and the girls knew exactly how to invite me when it was incredibly difficult or even impossible to join. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> We didn't invent fun. We perfected it. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.greek == "DZ">> <<set $UN.test ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<outfit DZ>> Others viewed us as the weird girls, the dorks, the 'bookish' sorority. And we were the youngest, newest and most inclusive. But we wore that like a badge of honor. We had the greatest diversity, highest GPA -- and the kindest. Sure, people derided us even to our faces, but we focused our energies on the more important things: philanthropy, school issues, student life, and preparing ourselves for the world. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had gotten into KKG and we were like ships passing in the night. No ill-will or pretention between us, we'd always have each other, but now we had our houses and sisters and our dorm room remained essentially vacant. <br><br> Like <<print $People['UN']>> before me, I joined the Student Advisory Committee to bring about change on campus. <br><br> <div id="SAC"> My hot-button issue. My passion? <br><br> <<crossroads #SAC>> <<path>> Administrative Transparency. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> Where did the tuition go? Not to teachers. Definitely not our housing. Doubtful much went to scholarships. We needed to cut spending to wasteful sports programs and overpaid administrators. I'd be fighting the very institution that I was attending, but it was a necessary cause. We had the right to know where the dollars were going. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $CC.wealth + $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 11>> <<set $UN.test -->> It was the toughest slog of my life and hurt my ability to focus on my schoolwork, but I was able to find champions within the administration that were able to 'find ways' to get me the information I needed. And then there were journalists more than willing to interview me and see what I had uncovered. Our headmaster was fired. The PR was 'mea culpa.' And things changed. A little. They made some room for transparency for projects and earmarking spending, but they retained the curtain around their precious sports programs. They wouldn't talk about it and wouldn't budge. But it felt like in about five or so years, students and teachers would have a better experience. It would be less a business and more of a school. <<else>> <<set $UN.test -= 3>> It was the toughest slog of my life and hurt my ability to focus on my schoolwork. I couldn't find any champions within the administration to get me information -- I was stalled and blocked. I found my grades suddenly suffering worse than my testing showed. They were trying to punish me and they were doing a good job. Journalists wanted to talk to me but I had nothing to give them. It was an ancient organization built upon self-preservation and it proved itself stronger than me and my ability to even make a chip in the stone. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Dee Zee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. They were up-front about it and pulled me in for a discussion with the sorority leaders on my very first day. I did my penance and slowly, but surely, I was brought into the fold and all sins forgiven. Anyway, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Be you. Be confident. Be ΔZ. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Greek Regulations. <<contents>> <<Stats Social -= 2>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Discipline ++>> Our Greek Row was too calcified. Hazing too pervasive. Date rape a daily occurrence. I knew that bringing the hammer down on the 'brotherhoods' and 'sisterhoods' would be the most important thing we could have done. And that DZ would be unhurt and emblematic of what a Greek institution should be. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $CC.wealth + $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 7>> <<set $Memories.push("Delta Zeta President")>> Houses like Sigma Nu and Phi Delt were kicked off campus and lost their charter. Instead of hearing that kids were thrown down stairs or beaten with golf clubs, it became more of a rumor. And a rumor was now dangerous. There were investigations and the 'scummier' sororities like KD and KKG cleaned up their act some. I was not well-liked and DZ took a hit across the board, but things changed. Things were safer. I had made a positive mark. <br><br> When I was elected DZ Chapter President my senior year, I was floored, but it was a capstone and proof of all the work I had done. <<else>> I received death threats. A pig's head was left on DZ's lawn. My things were stolen and vandalized. I was ostracized and I never felt safe at night. I couldn't go to parties the same way and had to start viewing all men as a danger to my well-being, simply from a safety perspective. <br><br> Nothing changed. I was naive, I guess. Or just not the right champion. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Dee Zee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. They were up-front about it and pulled me in for a discussion with the sorority leaders on my very first day. I did my penance and slowly, but surely, I was brought into the fold and all sins forgiven. Anyway, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Be you. Be confident. Be ΔZ. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> Anti-Discrimination. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Performance ++>> Our school was too white. Too permissive of the behavior of privilege. I made it my mission to bring about change and inclusiveness across the entire student body. Fighting the patriarchy and racism? Not an easy thing. A battle that's been fought for generations. But it //needed// champions. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value + $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 5>> <<set $ ++>> By the end of my four years, I had garnered a following online that was double-edged. Our administration not only pledged, but actually expelled students that should have been brought up on criminal charges, and the social strata and colors of people attending the school shifted for the better. On the other hand, I had death threats and was called a cunt. Everything had a price and I'd pay it if it benefitted the many. <br><br> And my sisters respected the fight. I was elected a chapter officer my senior year! <<else>> I received death threats. A pig's head was left on DZ's lawn. My things were stolen and vandalized. I was ostracized and I never felt safe at night. I couldn't go to parties the same way and had to start viewing all men as a danger to my well-being, simply from a safety perspective. <br><br> Nothing changed. I was naive, I guess. Or just not the right champion. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<Stats Confident -->> I wasn't __truly__ a Dee Zee, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. They were up-front about it and pulled me in for a discussion with the sorority leaders on my very first day. I did my penance and slowly, but surely, I was brought into the fold and all sins forgiven. Anyway, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> Be you. Be confident. Be ΔZ. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <<elseif $UN.greek == "XO">> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<outfit XO>> We weren't self-possessed like Tri Delt, but we also didn't have their prestige. We weren't as popular with the guys as Kay Dee, but we also weren't whores. We didn't party as hard as Kappa, but we'd also live longer. It sounds lame but we were the 'just right' and thats why I liked being a Chi Oh. We were the most accessible -- you ask a person and they had friends among us and we were accepted everywhere. It was the best of all worlds. <br><br> <<print $People['UN']>> had gotten into KKG and we were like ships passing in the night. No ill-will or pretention between us, we'd always have each other, but now we had our houses and sisters and our dorm room remained essentially vacant. <br><br> Every year we had an insane formal. It wasn't an excuse to get wasted or hook-up like the others, but we pulled out all the stops to make it the party of all parties. <br><br> <div id = "formal"> The most important thing to me at formal was... <br><br> <<crossroads #formal>> <<path>> The guy on my arm. <<contents>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> I had to be crafty, I had to time things perfectly, but I managed to have our star Quarterback, a son of a potential Presidential candidate, a movie star that was taking time off for school, and a Bitcoin millionaire as my dates. I did my research and knew how to approach, when to approach and what I needed to do...or //appear// to be willing to do to get them to attend. <br><br> It was an incredible event, but not for these people. The people who ''I'' brought to formal. The people who made the event even more exciting and talked about. And who was talked about the most? Me. <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $UN.GDI = true>> I wasn't __truly__ a Chi Oh, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. I didn't think it was possible, but they drummed me out. They found infractions until they had enough on me for reasonable cause to deactivate me involuntarily. And they made it hurt. Death by a thousand cuts. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 4>> <<set $Memories.push("Chi Omega President")>> It astounded me to be elected our Chapter President my senior year. I was floored, but very thankful for the honor. <br><br> <</if>> I didn't come to college to find my husband. I came to find my bridesmaids. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> The way I looked. <<contents>> <<Stats Attractiveness ++>> YouTube tutorials. Finding my doppelganger on Instagram. Perfect curation of dresses. It was a year-long process, but at the end of it, I looked //ravishing//. I was always in ''the'' publicity photos from our formal. And I learned a lot about how to accentuate my natural traits and beauty. What to wear, how to hold myself and how to present myself to cameras. <br><br> It was well-worth it. And the other girls were absolutely __jealous__. I loved it. <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $UN.GDI = true>> I wasn't __truly__ a Chi Oh, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. I didn't think it was possible, but they drummed me out. They found infractions until they had enough on me for reasonable cause to deactivate me involuntarily. And they made it hurt. Death by a thousand cuts. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 4>> <<set $Memories.push("Chi Omega President")>> It astounded me to be elected our Chapter President my senior year. I was floored, but very thankful for the honor. <br><br> <</if>> I didn't come to college to find my husband. I came to find my bridesmaids. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <<path>> The time I had. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> How did they find these spots? Former plantations, event spaces before they had their grand opening -- once there was even a castle! There was never any Natty Ice, no rubbery chicken, and our music was always a hot, new performer. People died to attend our formals and I got access by being a member of this exclusive club. I danced my ass off, I drank myself stupid and ate too much. <br><br> A single weekend was all I looked forward to each year. <br><br><br> <<if $UN.notFirst == true>> <<face angry>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $UN.GDI = true>> I wasn't __truly__ a Chi Oh, though. They knew that I hadn't put them first, that I had considered them a back-up or not my preference. I didn't think it was possible, but they drummed me out. They found infractions until they had enough on me for reasonable cause to deactivate me involuntarily. And they made it hurt. Death by a thousand cuts. Still, I had the [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <<else>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 4>> <<set $Memories.push("Chi Omega President")>> It astounded me to be elected our Chapter President my senior year. I was floored, but very thankful for the honor. <br><br> <</if>> I didn't come to college to find my husband. I came to find my bridesmaids. Before rush I hadn't really conceived of how much of a difference being a part of a sorority could be. Far better than just getting a [[shirt|UN004 - Extracurriculars]]. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Fict TODO: Update the $Body.vCard assignments to have gender */ <<set $People['UN'] = "">> <<if $ == true>> <<Stats Easy = 0>> <<Stats Risky = 0>> <<if $Stats.Traits["Stable"].value lt 10>> <<Stats Stable = 10>> <<Stats Suggestible -= 2>> <<Stats Risky -= 2>> <<Stats Easy = 0>> <</if>> I had made it all this way without having crossed the threshold of sex. And if I had thought the pressure of joining the ranks of the non-virgins was intense in High School, it was constant now. Not being willing to go any further than second or third base meant that relationships...weren't a thing. I'm certain there were people out there that also were waiting, but I couldn't find them. So it meant for a very shallow and lonely dating experience. And that hurt. It felt like a judgment against who I was. I'm not going to lie, there were moments when I gave a hard think to if I had chosen the right thing. <br><br> <div id="virginity"> And, ultimately...I decided: <br><br> To stay <<link "strong">><<replace "#virginity">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set $People['UN'].Boyfriend = $HS.firstRelationship>> <<else>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">><<set $People['UN'].Boyfriend = "Tammy">><<else>><<set $People['UN'].Boyfriend = "Timothy">><</if>> <</if>> <<Stats Social -->> <<Stats Suggestible -= 2>> It wasn't easy. Everyone and everything around me screamed coupling and hooking up. And the drinking and drugs around made doing those things very easy. But I stood firm. If relationships required someone to be inside me, it wasn't worth it. I wasn't going to devalue myself that way. <br><br> People judged me and people certainly felt that I was judging them -- holier than thou -- and maybe I was. Maybe I was jealous. Maybe I was too hard-headed. But this is who I was and I wasn't going to change simply because other people wanted me to. <br><br> But even with keeping my head straight didn't stop college from throwing crazy situations my [[way|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <br> To throw in the <<link "towel">><<replace "#virginity">> <<set $ = false>> <<Stats Social ++>> There was a level of maturity to dating now -- granted, it's not like guys were //mature// -- but there was seriousness. We'd all gone through our high school breakups where it felt like the world was ending. We'd had our crushes, we understood what we wanted and how to talk to people we were interested in. <br><br> Gone was the 'boyfriend' that I'd never spoken to in Middle School. And the notes of interest of High School. Of being attached at the hip and simultaneous fear of even seeing them. <br><br><br> We had our own space, classes, routine...//and// ultimate freedom. We ''could'' see each other when we wanted. <br><br> <<if $ == "party">> While I didn't consider them as anything 'serious,' looking back, I guess they were the closest thing to it. <br><br> <</if>> So, yeah, no more puppylove now. There was a new connection, a college-grade relationship with... <div id="dating"> <<crossroads #dating>> <<path $HS.LDR == true>> <<print $>> was my ride or die, of course. <<blocked>> $ doesn't have a long-distance relationship. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'].Boyfriend = $HS.firstRelationship>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <<set $CC.maleAttention -=2>> <<set $CC.maleReaction -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Learning ++>> <br><br> Something about <<print $>> still made me feel butterflies. There was just something about them. And after everything we'd been through, how could I consider anyone else? It would have been like throwing all that work and time away...for what? <br><br> They'd already been traveling to see me and me to them, so nothing would need to change there. <br><br> There was something comforting with the familiar. It was far less scary...and distracting. I could really focus on schoolwork without the confusion of dating or having someone actually //here// who demanded attention. Just a quick FT or text and I knew I could sequester myself for schoolwork when and however I needed. <br><br> This choice did mean I got weird looks and a lot of derision. And a lot less hooking up than even the singles at school. <br><br> But it was what I wanted and needed. And what I had committed to. So [[there|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<path $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<print $People['UN']>>. Roomies with benefits. <<blocked>> $ isn't into girls. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = $People['UN']>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention -->> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <br><br> From that first moment that she showed up, I felt a twitch inside. It was a 'could she?' and it was so hard not to just gaze longingly at her as we went about our easy day-to-day routine of wearing little, coming out of the shower, being naked. <br><br> I started by bringing up her time out, noting if there were any mention of guys...or girls. Then we got into conversations of growing up and experimentation. Then one night, we got dolled up and started pregaming in our room, per usual, but then we didn't make it out. A fleeting touch became a flirty look, and the excuse of alcohol led us to her bed, tongues already connecting. <br><br> Our cute outfits hit the floor and we pressed our bodies together, eyes locked in on each others as we ground our thighs between each others, hands grabbing and pulling at each other as we panted and made a mess of her sheets. I giggled after my first climax. She sighed in satisfaction after hers. "Hello." We said as we felt each other's dewey skin. There was a 'thank god' smirk and then I dropped down, my tongue tasting the tang of her cunt, hands grabbing at her ass as I held her still. <br><br> She was still over-stimulated and her squirming made it all the more fun as I didn't give up. I don't know if she came once really hard or multiple times in sequence, but it was a nice segue into her trying to return the favor for me in her weakened state. <br><br><br> That was the first night and at first it was every night -- it's //hard// when you live together -- but then we found a cadence that worked for us as we balanced the rooming together and fucking together [[thing|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $UN.professor == true>> Professor Medina and I were truly having an affair. <<blocked>> $ didn't hook up with Professor Medina. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Professor Medina">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <br><br> What had started as a 'mistake' -- he was clear on that -- didn't stop. And it wasn't just passion or fueled by the wrongness of it all. I could tell that he liked me. And no wonder the other girls fawned over him, and that he was married. He was a catch. <br><br> Not a silver fox, but he had that air, and definitely would be. A hot daddy. He didn't have kids, because that would have been weird and harder to manage. <br><br> I don't know how he juggled it all, but he took me out for romantic dinners, bought me little gifts. We established our rules for being on campus and our signals for where and how to meet up off-campus. <br><br><br> I let him lead. He had to lead, there was too much on the line. Not just his career and livelihood, but also his marriage and life. And maybe a part of me really loved that he was risking it for //me//. That I controlled so much with so little. And I bore little to no [[risk|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $UN.GDI !== true>> <<print $People['UN']>> introduced me to Charley from our neighbor frat. <<blocked>> $ wasn't in a sorority. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Charley">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Charley")>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <br><br> It all started one night at a party over at Sigma. They were next door so it tended to be a first stop for the girls: pre-game and then head off to the night's destination. It was organic and alcohol-induced. He was cute in a shaggy dog kind of way and he was my partner playing some beer pong. We were losing and his hands guided me through my shots -- which were getting progressively worse as the fifth-year Sigmas were sinking every shot. <br><br> I waved the girls off because the game wasn't over and we //had// to win and so they headed off without me. We didn't win the game. I didn't make it to the other destination that night because I decided that I needed to sober up before following after them. Charley was more than happy to give me a place to sober up: his room. He showed me around a bit and I fawned over his posters, his guitar and then laughed as I dropped onto his bed, too buzzed to stay on my feet. <br><br> And then I started to get comfortable and he got the hint. We spent the night in the dark grunting and going from a drunk hook up to a buzzing hook up to a hook up while I was feeling it to a hook up the next morning with a hangover. He had talent and I wondered if he picked it up from encounters like the one that we had. <br><br><br> We played it chill, just a friends with benefits situation, but he was never surprised or upset or with some other girl when I'd show up drunk, or text him drunk. I'd head over to Sigma to my [[boy toy|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $Memories.push("CollegeCheer")>> It might have been cliche, but a football player... <<blocked>> $ wasn't a cheerleader. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Jamal">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Jamal")>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<set $CC.maleReaction ++>> <br><br> Jamal was a redshirted running back, and I was introduced to him at the party before our opening game. New to the squad, I was already overwhelmed by how intense and constant the cheer lifestyle was at the collegiate level. I was constantly grinning, nodding dumbly and agreeing to everything. I didn't feel I had time to process, just being swept away by the tide of newness. <br><br> He was chilling on a beat-up couch at the house where our party was being hosted and he barely registered the introduction. That //hurt//. And then the other girls somehow just disappeared. I felt like a lost little puppy and made awkward conversation with him until a slight pat on the couch beside me to join him. And then he turned on the attention. It was a shocking tap that I was eager to drink from. I don't think it took him five minutes before we were making out on the couch and his hand was working its way between my legs despite the people around us. <br><br> It didn't become a spectacle for too long and led me off to one of the bedrooms before revealing his Adonis-like physique. He certainly //was// a rusher because he made it to the finish line incredibly quick. I didn't mention it, he didn't apologize and he gave me his number. The girls were suddenly back as soon as we left the bedroom and they wanted to know all the details and ''insisted'' I give him a call. <br><br> So I did. I relieved his stress before the games and after practice and we became a kind of 'item' despite the lack of romance between us. The gifts I got happened when he played and when he had a good showing. He was giving those nights and sprung for some champagne and ate me out. <br><br><br> He scored, I [[scored|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $UN.extracurricular == "yoga">> My yoga instructor...we were already always sweaty. <<blocked>> $ didn't take yoga. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Alder">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Alder")>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> There's definitely a trope of hooking up with your yoga instructor. And a lot of it makes sense, you're sweaty. You're exposed, both physically wearing little and have spent an hour getting in touch with your emotional core. And then there's those moments when he comes over for an adjustment, hands soft yet firm as they push and press and guide. <br><br> I departed last. I chatted him up the most. I wore less than most and then, eventually, I shifted my body during a modified pose while he was giving an adjustment, his hand sliding between my legs. Our eyes met, he was about to apologize and he saw I was fine with it. After that class, I didn't chat him up, just took my time getting my things together and then got distracted on my phone. <br><br> I hadn't put my mat away and it was slick with sweat and needed to be washed from use -- and certainly didn't provide much padding. I watched his man-bun bouncing over his head as we did our own modified version of Child's Pose in the sauna-like room. His pullout game was on point and I didn't care since I already needed a shower, the new sheen note to the sweaty palette that was my body not //too// noticeable as I headed back to the dorms. <br><br> After that first time, we kept focus on the practice and just headed out afterward to a hookah bar, or take a shower together. Didn't matter, we knew what was coming next when I showed up for yoga. I loved how carefree and centered he was. And his body was so toned. <br><br><br> [[Namaste|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "dating">> I was dead set on Roger. from the moment I saw him. Well-dressed and malleable. <<blocked>> $ wasn't focused on dating. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Roger">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Roger")>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <br><br> He wasn't one of the weird ones that walked around in a blazer and duck pants like some of the other pretentious fucks that walked around campus. But I could tell he had money and class from the button-down that he wore, the pleat in his slacks. Yeah, he didn't wear socks, but everyone has their neurosis, right? <br><br> It was a slow and steady approach. I couldn't appear thirsty, or even that I had my eye on him. What made it more difficult is that he had a Beta-ish status amongst his crew, following their lead and I had to buck their advances while not pissing them off. And available, open, alone, attractive. It worked and the lack of peer distraction meant that we had the privacy to connect that first time. Establish a baseline and sexual interest. And then the tease, the pull-back and build anticipation. <br><br> I wanted him. He knew I wanted him. And that stuck out to him because he wasn't usually the one getting this kind of attention. He wooed me with gifts and attention and it was ''great''. After I felt I had given it enough time and he wasn't //too// frustrated, we ended up at his off-campus apartment. Oh, god, it was swanky. <br><br><br> It was hard to not just post up in that place once we started actually hooking up. I had to let him lead, let him initiate, him be the guy. I subtly nudged and coaxed him into the things I wanted. He was atrocious in bed, but that wasn't the point. I could take a grand total of zero orgasms in [[trade|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "friend">> Mohammed. nearly ran into me while playing football on the quad. Talk about being hit on. <<blocked>> $ wasn't focused on friends. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Mohammed">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Mohammed")>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <br><br> A pigskin smacked me in the face. I had been mid-sentence when the grass of the quad was suddenly rushing up to meet me. I heard the gasps and scream. Then the haziness cleared and there was this handsome, scruffy guy wearing tie-dye and cradling my head. He felt so bad and helped me to the nurse to double-check that I didn't have a concussion. <br><br> He was lanky and walked kind of bow-legged with his hairy legs sticking out of a pair of athletic shorts down to his Tivas. But he was calm, cool and kind. And on the way back to the quad, ice-pack against my head, he seemed to know //everyone//. Waving and grinning and people knew his name. He bought me dinner that night to make it up to me and we kissed in front of my dorm after he had cutely kissed my blossoming bruise. It was sweet. <br><br> It was slow. It built from there and I began to be introduced to his myriad groups and connections. I joined him out on the quad with a frisbee or out on a blanket with some snacks and brewskies. Eventually, we consummated things and it was at my insistence. He was happy about it, but I wasn't sure until that moment how he felt. <br><br><br> I never felt a deep-seated desire from him, but I could tell he really enjoyed my company and [[partnership|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "study">> Harper and I had been paired up in lab and it grew from there. <<blocked>> $ wasn't focused on studying. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Harper">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Harper")>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> I felt the butterfly flutter seeing him drop in beside me in lab. I don't know if he knew that I was smitten, but he was flirty and I loved it. He was cute and smart and helped me wrap my head around the projects -- maybe I played a little dumb to get some extra help. <br><br> And then I wanted to meet up to compare notes, study for a test, and, "Oh, I'm just in the study room in my dorm." And he came by. The study session wasn't too focused but it was //long//. Into the wee hours the night before we were supposed to go take the test we were studying for. And then once it got too late for anyone else to be around, we were making out on the couch. <br><br><br> He was respectful and we didn't rush off to my room...that night. And our class only lasted a single semester, but by that point we didn't need the excuse. He was on first name basis with <<print $People['UN']>> and the girls on the hall. He was easy and fun to be around. It was comfy, and it was a great foundation for what could be a tumultuous first [[year|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "apps">> A bit shorter in real life, but he was hot and Troy was sweet. <<blocked>> $ wasn't on dating apps. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Troy">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Troy")>> <<set $CC.maleAttention ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> The gym photos were plentiful. Before we met, I knew every muscle on his body except the one between his legs. I was wet for him before I had finished getting ready for the date. And he was happy about that. <br><br> The apps were first and foremost for fucking, not dating, so the drink we met up for was literally just one. His hand was between my legs with an assuredness that implied the other nights of the week were mirrors of this encounter. He felt my arousal and paid the bill with a shit-eating grin. We hadn't really gotten into our bevs but I didn't //really// mind. <br><br> We went back to his place, a tiny studio apartment in town and went straight to the bed, "Gotta get me as ready as you are, babe." He chuckled as he sat on the bed and pulled his cock out for me to suck. By the time he entered me from behind, I was dying for it. I practically came from his insertion: his masculinity, attractiveness were all the pleasure centers my body apparently needed to reward me with orgasm. I was a shuddering, melted mess by the time we finished our first 'date'. <br><br> He flung his condom aside into his bedside trash can that seemed to be specially assigned for those remains. Then he smacked me on my ass and despite my legs not wanting to work, I headed out. <br><br> It was our rhythm and I loved showing him off -- his profile at least -- to everyone. I //know// I wasn't his only hookup and I'm sure he didn't consider me his girlfriend but my mind had him locked in as 'mine'. <br><br><br> Probably some trick he learned to get pussy on [[boomerang|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "online">> I think his real name was Dewey. <<blocked>> $ wasn't in online chatrooms. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $CC.maleReaction ++>> <<set $People['UN'] = "LeDew">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("LeDew")>> <br><br> He was mysterious, which was the attraction. And his mind. We had hooked up first on a sex chat room, fooling around there and //damn// could he write. So it became a bit of an addiction for me and my brain began to wander -- the fingers tapping at between my thighs rather than keys, acting out what we had created online -- I got hot even logging on in the hopes that he would be there. <br><br> He, like most guys was insistent as fuck, not content with the coitus being carried out in chat. And if it weren't for the orgasms he had given me (I guess I gave them to myself), I would have blocked him like the others. But he was in town, surprisingly and was about my age. So, we set a coffee date. <br><br> I wasn't surprised by the black fedora he was wearing. It was about the only thing you could make out in his profile pictures, but the black trench coat, black pants and wide-legged jeans were not what I expected for a first meeting. As he approached, I began to come up with ideas on an exit. <br><br> Despite his appearance, he was relatively charming -- if you could get over the strange not-quite-British affect to his voice. He catered to my __exact__ order and wanted to know about me and what drew me to the chat rooms: he was incredibly interested in the psychology and draw. He was firm and confident where he had no right to be. He didn't pick up on my cues or just didn't care. He also called himself Sensei LeDew, though that was absolutely ''not'' his name. But the unwavering confidence and strength of his personality were hooks into me. <br><br> I wasn't keen on going home with him after that first coffee date, but he and I had bonded over how shitty roommates were, so he wanted to show me what he had set up at home. It wasn't //his// house, but it was his basement, I guess. A little man cave, or his 'carve-out from the insanity'. It was one large room and so it wasn't difficult to manage me over to the bed essentially straight away. <br><br> It wasn't like any of our plays online, but it certainly was far more real. His body unimpressive and he wouldn't take off his socks or his goddamn hat, and his cock would have needed some special measuring tape to meet his online package, but the padding above it and his monstrous sack rubbed and struck against my clit well enough for me to ignore not feeling much more than a presence inside me. <br><br><br> It was simple (incredible simple: he was adamant about no protection) and straight-forward. A tiny preamble and then we'd fuck, but simple was a nice break. It was good to get away from campus. I didn't introduce him to anyone, but he didn't seem to [[mind|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</replace>><</link>>. <br> </div> <<else>> There was a level of maturity to dating now -- granted, it's not like guys were //mature// -- but there was seriousness. We'd all gone through our high school breakups where it felt like the world was ending. We'd had our crushes, we understood what we wanted and how to talk to people we were interested in. <br><br> Gone was the 'boyfriend' that I'd never spoken to in Middle School. And the notes of interest of High School. Of being attached at the hip and simultaneous fear of even seeing them. <br><br><br> We had our own space, classes, routine...//and// ultimate freedom. We ''could'' see each other when we wanted. <br><br> <<if $ == "party">> While I didn't consider them as anything 'serious,' looking back, I guess they were the closest thing to it. <br><br> <</if>> So, yeah, no more puppylove now. There was a new connection, a college-grade relationship with... <div id="dating"> <<crossroads #dating>> <<path $HS.LDR == true>> <<print $>> was my ride or die, of course. <<blocked>> $ doesn't have a long-distance relationship. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'].Boyfriend = $HS.firstRelationship>> <<Stats Stable += 2>> <<set $CC.maleAttention -=2>> <<set $CC.maleReaction -->> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Excitable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Learning ++>> <br><br> Something about <<print $>> still made me feel butterflies. There was just something about them. And after everything we'd been through, how could I consider anyone else? It would have been like throwing all that work and time away...for what? <br><br> They'd already been traveling to see me and me to them, so nothing would need to change there. <br><br> There was something comforting with the familiar. It was far less scary...and distracting. I could really focus on schoolwork without the confusion of dating or having someone actually //here// who demanded attention. Just a quick FT or text and I knew I could sequester myself for schoolwork when and however I needed. <br><br> This choice did mean I got weird looks and a lot of derision. And a lot less hooking up than even the singles at school. <br><br> But it was what I wanted and needed. And what I had committed to. So [[there|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<path $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<print $People['UN']>>. Roomies with benefits. <<blocked>> $ wasn't into girls. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = $People['UN']>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $CC.maleAttention -->> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<set _bodyTitle = $People['UN'] + ", my College girlfriend">> <<addBody $People['UN'] F _bodyTitle>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <br><br> From that first moment that she showed up, I felt a twitch inside. It was a 'could she?' and it was so hard not to just gaze longingly at her as we went about our easy day-to-day routine of wearing little, coming out of the shower, being naked. <br><br> I started by bringing up her time out, noting if there were any mention of guys...or girls. Then we got into conversations of growing up and experimentation. Then one night, we got dolled up and started pregaming in our room, per usual, but then we didn't make it out. A fleeting touch became a flirty look, and the excuse of alcohol led us to her bed, tongues already connecting. <br><br> Our cute outfits hit the floor and we pressed our bodies together, eyes locked in on each others as we ground our thighs between each others, hands grabbing and pulling at each other as we panted and made a mess of her sheets. I giggled after my first climax. She sighed in satisfaction after hers. "Hello." We said as we felt each other's dewey skin. There was a 'thank god' smirk and then I dropped down, my tongue tasting the tang of her cunt, hands grabbing at her ass as I held her still. <br><br> She was still over-stimulated and her squirming made it all the more fun as I didn't give up. I don't know if she came once really hard or multiple times in sequence, but it was a nice segue into her trying to return the favor for me in her weakened state. <br><br><br> That was the first night and at first it was every night -- it's //hard// when you live together -- but then we found a cadence that worked for us as we balanced the rooming together and fucking together [[thing|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $UN.professor == true>> Professor Medina and I were truly having an affair. <<blocked>> $ didn't hook up with Professor Medina. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Professor Medina">> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<addBody "Professor Medina" M "Professor Medina, my College boyfriend">> <br><br> What had started as a 'mistake' -- he was clear on that -- didn't stop. And it wasn't just passion or fueled by the wrongness of it all. I could tell that he liked me. And no wonder the other girls fawned over him, and that he was married. He was a catch. <br><br> Not a silver fox, but he had that air, and definitely would be. A hot daddy. He didn't have kids, because that would have been weird and harder to manage. <br><br> I don't know how he juggled it all, but he took me out for romantic dinners, bought me little gifts. We established our rules for being on campus and our signals for where and how to meet up off-campus. <br><br><br> I let him lead. He had to lead, there was too much on the line. Not just his career and livelihood, but also his marriage and life. And maybe a part of me really loved that he was risking it for //me//. That I controlled so much with so little. And I bore little to no [[risk|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $UN.GDI !== true>> <<print $People['UN']>> introduced me to Charley from our neighbor frat. <<blocked>> $ wasn't in a sorority. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Charley">> <<addBody Charley M "Charley, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Charley")>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <br><br> It all started one night at a party over at Sigma. They were next door so it tended to be a first stop for the girls: pre-game and then head off to the night's destination. It was organic and alcohol-induced. He was cute in a shaggy dog kind of way and he was my partner playing some beer pong. We were losing and his hands guided me through my shots -- which were getting progressively worse as the fifth-year Sigmas were sinking every shot. <br><br> I waved the girls off because the game wasn't over and we //had// to win and so they headed off without me. We didn't win the game. I didn't make it to the other destination that night because I decided that I needed to sober up before following after them. Charley was more than happy to give me a place to sober up: his room. He showed me around a bit and I fawned over his posters, his guitar and then laughed as I dropped onto his bed, too buzzed to stay on my feet. <br><br> And then I started to get comfortable and he got the hint. We spent the night in the dark grunting and going from a drunk hook up to a buzzing hook up to a hook up while I was feeling it to a hook up the next morning with a hangover. He had talent and I wondered if he picked it up from encounters like the one that we had. <br><br><br> We played it chill, just a friends with benefits situation, but he was never surprised or upset or with some other girl when I'd show up drunk, or text him drunk. I'd head over to Sigma to my [[boy toy|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $UN.extracurricular == "cheer">> It might have been cliche, but a football player... <<blocked>> $ wasn't a cheerleader. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Jamal">> <<addBody Jamal M "Jamal, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Jamal")>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<set $CC.maleReaction ++>> <br><br> Jamal was a redshirted running back, and I was introduced to him at the party before our opening game. New to the squad, I was already overwhelmed by how intense and constant the cheer lifestyle was at the collegiate level. I was constantly grinning, nodding dumbly and agreeing to everything. I didn't feel I had time to process, just being swept away by the tide of newness. <br><br> He was chilling on a beat-up couch at the house where our party was being hosted and he barely registered the introduction. That //hurt//. And then the other girls somehow just disappeared. I felt like a lost little puppy and made awkward conversation with him until a slight pat on the couch beside me to join him. And then he turned on the attention. It was a shocking tap that I was eager to drink from. I don't think it took him five minutes before we were making out on the couch and his hand was working its way between my legs despite the people around us. <br><br> It didn't become a spectacle for too long and led me off to one of the bedrooms before revealing his Adonis-like physique. He certainly //was// a rusher because he made it to the finish line incredibly quick. I didn't mention it, he didn't apologize and he gave me his number. The girls were suddenly back as soon as we left the bedroom and they wanted to know all the details and ''insisted'' I give him a call. <br><br> So I did. I relieved his stress before the games and after practice and we became a kind of 'item' despite the lack of romance between us. The gifts I got happened when he played and when he had a good showing. He was giving those nights and sprung for some champagne and ate me out. <br><br><br> He scored, I [[scored|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $UN.extracurricular == "yoga">> My yoga instructor...we were already always sweaty. <<blocked>> $ didn't take yoga. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Alder">> <<addBody Alder M "Alder, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Alder")>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <br><br> There's definitely a trope of hooking up with your yoga instructor. And a lot of it makes sense, you're sweaty. You're exposed, both physically wearing little and have spent an hour getting in touch with your emotional core. And then there's those moments when he comes over for an adjustment, hands soft yet firm as they push and press and guide. <br><br> I departed last. I chatted him up the most. I wore less than most and then, eventually, I shifted my body during a modified pose while he was giving an adjustment, his hand sliding between my legs. Our eyes met, he was about to apologize and he saw I was fine with it. After that class, I didn't chat him up, just took my time getting my things together and then got distracted on my phone. <br><br> I hadn't put my mat away and it was slick with sweat and needed to be washed from use -- and certainly didn't provide much padding. I watched his man-bun bouncing over his head as we did our own modified version of Child's Pose in the sauna-like room. His pullout game was on point and I didn't care since I already needed a shower, the new sheen note to the sweaty palette that was my body not //too// noticeable as I headed back to the dorms. <br><br> After that first time, we kept focus on the practice and just headed out afterward to a hookah bar, or take a shower together. Didn't matter, we knew what was coming next when I showed up for yoga. I loved how carefree and centered he was. And his body was so toned. <br><br><br> [[Namaste|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "dating">> I was dead set on Roger. from the moment I saw him. Well-dressed and malleable. <<blocked>> $ wasn't focused on dating. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Roger">> <<addBody Roger M "Roger, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Roger")>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <br><br> He wasn't one of the weird ones that walked around in a blazer and duck pants like some of the other pretentious fucks that walked around campus. But I could tell he had money and class from the button-down that he wore, the pleat in his slacks. Yeah, he didn't wear socks, but everyone has their neurosis, right? <br><br> It was a slow and steady approach. I couldn't appear thirsty, or even that I had my eye on him. What made it more difficult is that he had a Beta-ish status amongst his crew, following their lead and I had to buck their advances while not pissing them off. And available, open, alone, attractive. It worked and the lack of peer distraction meant that we had the privacy to connect that first time. Establish a baseline and sexual interest. And then the tease, the pull-back and build anticipation. <br><br> I wanted him. He knew I wanted him. And that stuck out to him because he wasn't usually the one getting this kind of attention. He wooed me with gifts and attention and it was ''great''. After I felt I had given it enough time and he wasn't //too// frustrated, we ended up at his off-campus apartment. Oh, god, it was swanky. <br><br><br> It was hard to not just post up in that place once we started actually hooking up. I had to let him lead, let him initiate, him be the guy. I subtly nudged and coaxed him into the things I wanted. He was atrocious in bed, but that wasn't the point. I could take a grand total of zero orgasms in [[trade|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "friend">> Mohammed. nearly ran into me while playing football on the quad. Talk about being hit on. <<blocked>> $ wasn't focused on friends. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Mohammed">> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<addBody Mohammed M "Mohammed, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Mohammed")>> <br><br> A pigskin smacked me in the face. I had been mid-sentence when the grass of the quad was suddenly rushing up to meet me. I heard the gasps and scream. Then the haziness cleared and there was this handsome, scruffy guy wearing tie-dye and cradling my head. He felt so bad and helped me to the nurse to double-check that I didn't have a concussion. <br><br> He was lanky and walked kind of bow-legged with his hairy legs sticking out of a pair of athletic shorts down to his Tivas. But he was calm, cool and kind. And on the way back to the quad, ice-pack against my head, he seemed to know //everyone//. Waving and grinning and people knew his name. He bought me dinner that night to make it up to me and we kissed in front of my dorm after he had cutely kissed my blossoming bruise. It was sweet. <br><br> It was slow. It built from there and I began to be introduced to his myriad groups and connections. I joined him out on the quad with a frisbee or out on a blanket with some snacks and brewskies. Eventually, we consummated things and it was at my insistence. He was happy about it, but I wasn't sure until that moment how he felt. <br><br><br> I never felt a deep-seated desire from him, but I could tell he really enjoyed my company and [[partnership|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "study">> Harper and I had been paired up in lab and it grew from there. <<blocked>> $ wasn't focused on studying. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Harper">> <<addBody Harper M "Harper, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Harper")>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> I felt the butterfly flutter seeing him drop in beside me in lab. I don't know if he knew that I was smitten, but he was flirty and I loved it. He was cute and smart and helped me wrap my head around the projects -- maybe I played a little dumb to get some extra help. <br><br> And then I wanted to meet up to compare notes, study for a test, and, "Oh, I'm just in the study room in my dorm." And he came by. The study session wasn't too focused but it was //long//. Into the wee hours the night before we were supposed to go take the test we were studying for. And then once it got too late for anyone else to be around, we were making out on the couch. <br><br><br> He was respectful and we didn't rush off to my room...that night. And our class only lasted a single semester, but by that point we didn't need the excuse. He was on first name basis with <<print $People['UN']>> and the girls on the hall. He was easy and fun to be around. It was comfy, and it was a great foundation for what could be a tumultuous first [[year|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "apps">> A bit shorter in real life, but he was hot and Troy was sweet. <<blocked>> $ wasn't on dating apps. <<contents>> <<set $People['UN'] = "Troy">> <<addBody Troy M "Troy, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Troy")>> <<set $CC.maleAttention ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <br><br> The gym photos were plentiful. Before we met, I knew every muscle on his body except the one between his legs. I was wet for him before I had finished getting ready for the date. And he was happy about that. <br><br> The apps were first and foremost for fucking, not dating, so the drink we met up for was literally just one. His hand was between my legs with an assuredness that implied the other nights of the week were mirrors of this encounter. He felt my arousal and paid the bill with a shit-eating grin. We hadn't really gotten into our bevs but I didn't //really// mind. <br><br> We went back to his place, a tiny studio apartment in town and went straight to the bed, "Gotta get me as ready as you are, babe." He chuckled as he sat on the bed and pulled his cock out for me to suck. By the time he entered me from behind, I was dying for it. I practically came from his insertion: his masculinity, attractiveness were all the pleasure centers my body apparently needed to reward me with orgasm. I was a shuddering, melted mess by the time we finished our first 'date'. <br><br> He flung his condom aside into his bedside trash can that seemed to be specially assigned for those remains. Then he smacked me on my ass and despite my legs not wanting to work, I headed out. <br><br> It was our rhythm and I loved showing him off -- his profile at least -- to everyone. I //know// I wasn't his only hookup and I'm sure he didn't consider me his girlfriend but my mind had him locked in as 'mine'. <br><br><br> Probably some trick he learned to get pussy on [[boomerang|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <<path $ == "online">> I think his real name was Dewey. <<blocked>> $ wasn't in online chatrooms. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<set $CC.maleReaction ++>> <<set $People['UN'] = "LeDew">> <<addBody LeDew M "LeDew, my College boyfriend">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("LeDew")>> <br><br> He was mysterious, which was the attraction. And his mind. We had hooked up first on a sex chat room, fooling around there and //damn// could he write. So it became a bit of an addiction for me and my brain began to wander -- the fingers tapping at between my thighs rather than keys, acting out what we had created online -- I got hot even logging on in the hopes that he would be there. <br><br> He, like most guys was insistent as fuck, not content with the coitus being carried out in chat. And if it weren't for the orgasms he had given me (I guess I gave them to myself), I would have blocked him like the others. But he was in town, surprisingly and was about my age. So, we set a coffee date. <br><br> I wasn't surprised by the black fedora he was wearing. It was about the only thing you could make out in his profile pictures, but the black trench coat, black pants and wide-legged jeans were not what I expected for a first meeting. As he approached, I began to come up with ideas on an exit. <br><br> Despite his appearance, he was relatively charming -- if you could get over the strange not-quite-British affect to his voice. He catered to my __exact__ order and wanted to know about me and what drew me to the chat rooms: he was incredibly interested in the psychology and draw. He was firm and confident where he had no right to be. He didn't pick up on my cues or just didn't care. He also called himself Sensei LeDew, though that was absolutely ''not'' his name. But the unwavering confidence and strength of his personality were hooks into me. <br><br> I wasn't keen on going home with him after that first coffee date, but he and I had bonded over how shitty roommates were, so he wanted to show me what he had set up at home. It wasn't //his// house, but it was his basement, I guess. A little man cave, or his 'carve-out from the insanity'. It was one large room and so it wasn't difficult to manage me over to the bed essentially straight away. <br><br> It wasn't like any of our plays online, but it certainly was far more real. His body unimpressive and he wouldn't take off his socks or his goddamn hat, and his cock would have needed some special measuring tape to meet his online package, but the padding above it and his monstrous sack rubbed and struck against my clit well enough for me to ignore not feeling much more than a presence inside me. <br><br><br> It was simple (incredible simple: he was adamant about no protection) and straight-forward. A tiny preamble and then we'd fuck, but simple was a nice break. It was good to get away from campus. I didn't introduce him to anyone, but he didn't seem to [[mind|UN006 - NakedRun]]. <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <br><br> <<include "UN000 - Cheating_newPartner">> <<set $HS.firstRelationship = $People['UN'].Boyfriend>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
It was Wednesday night, first year term papers are looming. I was sitting at my desk desk and staring at the blinking cursor. //Three// papers to write. Of course all due at the same time: tomorrow. And, of course, I was drawing a blank on what to write for any of them. <br><br> I'd done my usual procrastination rituals: YouTube, make snacks, tidy my room, masturbate...hoping that some idea would pop into my head or the papers would do themselves. I chatted with people on the hall, I scrolled social media, I fingered myself again. It was getting late and I'd even gotten bored of orgasms. Time to write? Shit. <br><br><br> Then, like heaven-sent: My door slammed open, "Yo, <<print $>>! Get up, get up, and strip down! Naked run, girl!" Standing in your doorway, <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> Some guy stood, hands on his hips emphasizing that his recently shaved cock and sack were hanging freely -- it all looked so much better hard. <br><br> "It's tradition. Everyone gets naked and runs the campus. //Everyone//. You'll see a lot more of this," he gave his cock a stroke and squeeze, "if you come." He smiled playfully, jerking his hips, making his cock swing back and forth with the extra heft it had gained. It was another limb giving me a 'come on!' motion. "Don't be a loser..." <br><br> My insides churned with internal debate. Being seen by everyone, his body, and the risk of falling flat on my face in my three classes tomorrow as I brought assignments? <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> Sounded ''fucking hot''. My pussy was already wet. I [[was in|UN006 - NakedRun2]]. <<else>> <div id="nekkid"> <<crossroads #nekkid>> <<path>> "Eh. I'll...''watch''." <<contents>> <br><br> I pushed the chair back and away from my desk, thinking, "Thank god for another distraction." He looked disappointed, giving a sigh and shrug. "Hey now, what's the point if no one's watching?" I grinned devilishly, watching his ass pump as they turned to sprint down the hallway. <br><br> I followed, laughing to myself as people shoved me aside, their naked bodies streaking by. Others ditched their clothes where they stood as they realized what was going on. I saw every kind of person, every kind of body, shapes and sizes of every part. <br><br> I cheered them on from the sidelines, standing in the grass alongside my dormitory. My encouraging shouts were well received -- so not //everyone// had to do this, it seemed. It was a lot less sexy than it sounds -- very few people are attractive and running isn't exactly the hottest thing in the world for naked bodies. <br><br> But it was fun and I had my place to view each year as the new young'ns ran. <br><br><br> That night, though, I got an idea for one of the delinquent papers: "[[Exhibition|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base --]] in the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald." <<path $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value lte 2 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gte 2>> "I've got ''work to do''." <<blocked>> $ is too excitable or isn't disciplined enough. <<contents>> <br><br> I gritted my teeth in preparation for the flak I was about to receive. Shaking my head, I gestured at the blank monitor, "I have //three// papers due ''tomorrow''—" my explanation cut off as he darted down the hall to pound on the next closed door. I had expected disappointment from him, instead I was disappointed in myself. <br><br> With a deep sigh, I turned back to the computer and threw on some headphones to block out the commotion as kids screamed down the hallway. I focused and got my work done before the sun rose -- I even caught some z's. <br><br><br> The Naked Runs kept happening, but its rhythm was peace and solitude for schoolwork. I knew I would be [[completely undisturbed|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base -= 2; $UN.test ++]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 3 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lte 1>> "I've got a ''better idea''..." <<blocked>> $ isn't confident enough or is too disciplined. <<contents>> <<upper>> <<bra>> <br><br> "You look fantastic." <br><br> I shifted the chair back and pulled my top over my head, <<if $Body.braless == false>>together with my bra,<</if>> freeing my tits. <br><br><br> He was stunned. I mirrored his [[beckoning motion|UN006 - NakedRunSex][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]] back at him, "Nice cock," playfully grinning. <<path $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte 2 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lte 2>> "Sounds fucking ''fun''!" <<blocked>> $ isn't excitable enough or is too disciplined. <<contents>> <br><br><br> He waved me on as I tossed my chair back and began tugging my clothes off, stepping out of them on my way to join her. He grinned in appreciation -- the first of my gawkers of the evening -- a trail of discarded clothes marked my path as I turned into the hallway to take part of the [[Naked Run|UN006 - NakedRun2]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <br> <<else>> Some girl stood, hands on her hips emphasizing her recently shaved mound was on full display. So were her tits -- not bad -- nipples erect as fuck either from excitement or the AC. <br><br> "Stop looking shocked and come on. It's tradition. Every frosh gets naked and runs the campus. //Every//one." She pumped her arm, insisting I come with. My insides churned with internal debate. Being seen by everyone, her body, and the risk of falling flat on my face in my three classes tomorrow as I brought assignments? <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> <br><br><br> Sounded ''fucking hot''. My pussy was already wet. I [[was in|UN006 - NakedRun2]]. <<else>> <div id="nekkid"> <<crossroads #nekkid>> <<path>> "Eh. I'll...''watch''." <<contents>> <br><br> I pushed the chair back and away from my desk, thinking, "Thank god for another distraction." She looked disappointed, giving a sigh and shrug. "Hey now, what's the point if no one's watching?" I grinned devilishly, watching her ass pump as they turned to sprint down the hallway. <br><br> I followed, laughing to myself as people shoved me aside, their naked bodies streaking by. Others ditched their clothes where they stood as they realized what was going on. I saw every kind of person, every kind of body, shapes and sizes of every part. <br><br> I cheered them on from the sidelines, standing in the grass alongside my dormitory. My encouraging shouts were well received -- so not //everyone// had to do this, it seemed. It was a lot less sexy than it sounds -- very few people are attractive and running isn't exactly the hottest thing in the world for naked bodies. <br><br> But it was fun and I had my place to view each year as the new young'ns ran. <br><br><br> That night, though, I got an idea for one of the delinquent papers: "[[Exhibition|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base --]] in the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald." <<path $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value lte 2 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gte 2>> "I've got ''work to do''." <<blocked>> $ is too excitable or isn't disciplined enough. <<contents>> <br><br> I gritted my teeth in preparation for the flak I was about to receive. Shaking my head, I gestured at the blank monitor, "I have //three// papers due ''tomorrow''—" my explanation cut off as she darted down the hall to pound on the next closed door. I had expected disappointment from her, instead I was disappointed in myself. <br><br> With a deep sigh, I turned back to the computer and threw on some headphones to block out the commotion as kids screamed down the hallway. I focused and got my work done before the sun rose -- I even caught some z's. <br><br><br> The Naked Runs kept happening, but its rhythm was peace and solitude for schoolwork. I knew I would be [[completely undisturbed|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base -= 2; $UN.test ++]]. <<path $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gte 3 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lte 1>> "I've got a ''better idea''..." <<blocked>> $ isn't confident or is too disciplined. <<contents>> <<upper>> <<bra>> <br><br> "You look fantastic." <br><br> I shifted the chair back and pulled my top over my head, <<if $Body.braless == false>>together with my bra,<</if>> freeing my tits. <br><br><br> She was stunned. I mirrored her [[beckoning motion|UN006 - NakedRunSex][$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base ++]] back at her, "Come on," playfully grinning. <<path $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gte 2 || $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value lte 2>> "Sounds fucking ''fun''!" <<blocked>> $ isn't excitable enough or is too disciplined. <<contents>> <br><br> She waved me on as I tossed my chair back and began tugging my clothes off, stepping out of them on my way to join her. A trail of discarded clothes marked my path as I turned into the hallway to take part of the [[Naked Run|UN006 - NakedRun2]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</if>>
<<Stats Discipline -->> <<set $UN.test -->> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.Kinks.push("Exhibitionism")>> <</if>> <<if visited("UN006 - NakedRunSex")>> My <<if $Body.tits == "small">>high and tight little tits barely moved<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky handfuls jiggled playfully<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>swaying udders bounced entrancingly<<else>>heavy tits felt like they were going to pull me over, bouncing<</if>> as my bare feet pounded down the staircase. We were all nutcases, laughing en masse as we all rushed to join the regularly scheduled exposé of the student body. That guy wasn't as impressive in his pullout game: the movement had caused some of him to drip from my snatch -- not expecting it, my foot skidded and I nearly collided with another student. <<else>> I laughed triumphantly, pushing myself off the wall, tripping over my <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">><<print $Body.undies>>as I yanked it down my legs mid-stride<<else>>my feet<</if>>. My <<if $Body.tits == "small">>high and tight little tits barely moved<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>perky handfuls jiggled playfully<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>swaying udders bounced entrancingly<<else>>heavy tits felt like they were going to pull me over, bouncing<</if>> as my bare feet pounded down the staircase. We were all nutcases, laughing en masse as we all rushed to join the regularly scheduled exposé of the student body. I skidded on the tile of the dorm lobby, nearly colliding into another student. <</if>> <br><br> He got a good grab of my tit, and his cock slapped against my thigh as we stumbled a recovery with an awkward but <<if visited("UN006 - NakedRunSex")>>surprised smile seeing the pearly streaks on me<<else>>pleased smile.<</if>> <br><br> He gave me a salute and I returned it playfully before pushing open the front doors and stopping short in the wake of the stream of bare skin outside. Air whipped across my nether lips and inner thighs, enhancing my excitement as I added your <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">>proudly hairless pussy<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bush">>proudly bushy pussy<<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">>carefully curated pussy hair<<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">>well-manicured manhole<</if>> to the parade. <br><br> I winced a bit every few steps as something bit into the unprotected bottoms of my feet -- mentally smacking myself as I saw other people wearing shoes. The adrenaline worked wonders though and only later, climbing into bed did my feet truly make me experience the damage done. <br><br> Either side of the sidewalk was crowded with Upper Classmen cheering and taking videos and pictures -- of course, oh joy -- and then, oh shit. We were heading onto the city streets. And the citizens definitely marked the day on their calendar. Maybe this was a thank you to the city, because our loop ran mostly outside of the school and they were very receptive. There were certainly a lot of bodies on display and mine is <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>one of the best by far<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>a breath of fresh air<<else>>lost amidst all the other averageness<</if>>. <br><br> <<if visited("UN006 - NakedRunSex")>> I heard "Is that cum?" multiple times as I bounded by people, feeling it crust and fully drying on my skin. It felt so incredibly dirty, but also empowering to have turned that shitty fuck into something I controlled. <br><br> <</if>> <br> Girls definitely have the edge in nudity, but naked bodies aren't all that appetizing to watch run. And I had the same two asses in front of me. We were all running at the same pace. So, I sped up. It became a fun little game as I would crest another person and see if my estimation of their back matched their front. And not to make them too self-conscious, I did what I could to give them a little show. Getting comfortable, I peeled off to the side, giving hi-fives to the spectators, getting smacked on the ass quite a bit and a few times found myself physically held up as some guys get very handsy. <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>>And I loved that surprise, leaning in to make out with the groper. Getting a little shock between my legs as they nudged at my clit or gave a few thrusts of a finger inside me.<</if>> But then, I was off, waving goodbye with a smile. <br><br> It had to be at least a three or so mile run, because I <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value lt 1>>had to keep my hands over my head as I tried to gasp in air<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>>felt the beginnings of a workout<<else>>was unexpectedly panting<</if>> getting back to my room. <br><br> And after the excitement, I couldn't be bothered to wake my computer up. <br><br><br> Papers were deposited late, but I didn't care. I also didn't care that the Naked Run was supposed to be for Freshman. I participated every single year. They gave me some of the most exciting experiences of my [[college career|UN007 - MajorDecisions]]. <<if visited("UN006 - NakedRunSex")>> <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Naked Run Guy" M "Naked Run Guy" "Oh, and...yeah. That's how I lost my virginity.">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Naked Run Guy")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set _seduction = random(0,10)>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight">> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte (_seduction -4)>> <<face angry>> His eyebrows popped up, as did his cock. He didn't seem to be expecting this at all but seems like a welcome option compared to the Naked Run. <br><br> Leaving the door wide open, he quickly moved over to my bed as I <<link "stripped down">> <<lower>><<feet>><<panties>> <</link>> the rest of the way, awkwardly leaning into him for a kiss. He took it as an offer of head, and my lips met his swelling cock, my hands busy disrobing. <br><br> The hand on the back of my head guided up and down as I felt the squidginess pulsing to fully hard as I flicked my clothing on the floor. <br><br> Finally naked, I started to move, but he gripped at my hair and I understood, especially hearing a pleased groan. I continuing to blow him as people ran by the room, some stopping to peek or watch. <br><br> He grunted and groaned happily, "Thanks. You're pretty good." Fingers in my hair instructing me, but then his fingers dug in, "Stop." He held me still, "No." He smacked my ass, "Stop." I had tried to move again. "Kay." His hand pulled at my scalp by the hair, "Suck harder. Slowww." I could feel his cock throb intensely in my mouth, pushing at the opening of my throat. I got still, letting his hand guide him as he edged himself with my mouth and added salty precum to my tastebuds. <br><br> I was absolutely amazed at his resolve. He continuing this for a full five minutes or so before he got too frustrated and pulled my head off. "Okay, your turn." He smiled down at me and smacked the cock against my face playfully. <br><br> I grinned, wiping my lips and lay back, popping my knees up and open ready to be eaten out. I giggled as I watched him moving. Oh, no oral. Eagerly he climbed right ontop of me and shoved inside in a single movement. Luckily, sucking him so long has gotten me very moist. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> "Careful! I'm not on birth control." I gasped out to him as <</if>> I watched him leaning over me, firmly ramming between my open thighs. It wasn't surprising that it only took him a couple thrusts before he was cumming. Again, amazed at his focus, he pulled out mostly in time, shooting a good portion of his load across my stomach and hitting me in the face and neck a couple times with how hard he came. <<cumSpray body2 facial2 mound1 pussy1>> <br><br> I panted, watching him explode onto me as I dropped my head back feeling his hand's motions between my thighs, bumping them as he finished himself fully while I let my legs drop. "That was a good idea." I don't know if he caught my sarcasm, being pretty let down and crazy horny now, feeling his sticky semen cooling on my face and body. <br><br> "Right?!" He didn't. Or didn't care. He chuckled as he slapped the cock against my mound and inner thighs. I grunted as I felt him wiping his cockhead off along my slit before climbing off me and the bed. "Gotta go run, though. Ya sure ya don't want to come?" His words fully reminding me that I hadn't cum. <br><br> Without waiting for a response, I watched his naked ass turn and head out the open door. There I was, left fucked and sticky with a needy tingling between my legs. <br><br> <div id = "badsex"> I had to overcome the shitty encounter somehow...a part of me clicked, wanting [[people to see me|UN006 - NakedRun2]] like this. <br> I just needed to <<link "get off">> <<replace "#badsex">> <<face angry>> In no rush, I got up and shut the door, locking it firmly. My hand was sliding across my cummy mound before I had even turned around and begun the walk back to my desk. The cum had begun to get tacky in the cool air of the room, but it gave me a touchstone to get right back to the mindset of sex. <br><br> Plopping into the chair, I woke my computer. The force of taking a seat deposited some sticky liquid across my fingers a curse blasted from my mouth as I realized that he wasn't perfect at his pullout game. <br><br> With another sigh, I used the cum as lube, quickly rubbing one out <<if $Body.fertile == true>> and wrote a post-it note to visit the clinic the next day <</if>>. <br><br> I tried to write, but my mind wandered. To this day, for whatever reason, when I'm trying to work at my computer and I get distracted or hit constant mental blocks? My fingers are between my legs, remembering [[Naked Run Guy|UN007 - MajorDecisions]]. <<vCardCheck "Naked Run Guy" M "Naked Run Guy" "Oh, and...yeah. That's how I lost my virginity.">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Naked Run Guy")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>>. </div> <<else>> <<face shock>> <<Stats Confident -->> He shook his head with a gulp, backing away immediately with wide and fearful eyes. My stomach fell, my hopes dashed in an instant and your confidence taking a serious blow. I stood there, bra hanging from my fingertips as I stared at the open doorway, watching an occasional flash of another streaker. <br><br> <div id="nekkid"> /* TODO Mira - here's a place where choices are gated by stats/traits */ <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 3>> <<link "Join in">> <<replace "#nekkid">> I laughed triumphantly, pushing myself off the wall, tripping over my <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">> <<print $Body.undies>> as I yanked it down my legs mid-stride <<else>> my feet <</if>>. My <<if $Body.tits == "small">> high and tight little tits barely moved <<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">> perky handfuls jiggled playfully <<elseif $Body.tits == "large">> swaying udders bounced entrancingly <<else>> heavy tits felt like they were going to pull me over, bouncing <</if>> as my bare feet pounded down the staircase. We were all nutcases, laughing en masse as we all rushed to join the regularly scheduled exposé of the student body. I skidded on the tile of the dorm lobby, nearly colliding into another student. <br><br> He got a good grab of my tit, and his cock slapped against my thigh as we stumbled a recovery with an awkward but pleased smile. <br><br> He gave me a salute and I returned it playfully before pushing open the front doors and stopping short in the wake of the stream of bare skin outside. Air whipped across my nether lips and inner thighs, enhancing my excitement as I added your <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">> proudly hairless pussy <<elseif $Body.pubes == "bush">> proudly bushy pussy <<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">> carefully curated pussy hair <<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">> well-manicured manhole <</if>> to the parade. <br><br> I winced a bit every few steps as something bit into the unprotected bottoms of my feet -- mentally smacking myself as I saw other people wearing shoes. The adrenaline worked wonders though and only later, climbing into bed did my feet truly make me experience the damage done. <br><br> Either side of the sidewalk was crowded with Upper Classmen cheering and taking videos and pictures -- of course, oh joy -- and then, oh shit. We were heading onto the city streets. And the citizens definitely marked the day on their calendar. Maybe this was a thank you to the city, because our loop ran mostly outside of the school and they were very receptive. There were certainly a lot of bodies on display and mine is <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> one of the best by far <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> a breath of fresh air <<else>> lost amidst all the other averageness <</if>>. <br><br> Girls definitely have the edge in nudity, but naked bodies aren't all that appetizing to watch run. And I had the same two asses in front of me. We were all running at the same pace. So, I sped up. It became a fun little game as I would crest another person and see if my estimation of their back matched their front. And not to make them too self-conscious, I did what I could to give them a little show. Getting comfortable, I peeled off to the side, giving hi-fives to the spectators, getting smacked on the ass quite a bit and a few times found myself physically held up as some guys get very handsy. <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> And I loved that surprise, leaning in to make out with the groper. Getting a little shock between my legs as they nudged at my clit or gave a few thrusts of a finger inside me. <</if>> But then, I was off, waving goodbye with a smile. <br><br> It had to be at least a three or so mile run, because I <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value lt 1>> had to keep my hands over my head as I tried to gasp in air <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>> felt the beginnings of a workout <<else>> was unexpectedly panting <</if>> getting back to my room. <br><br> And after the excitement, I couldn't be bothered to wake my computer up. <br><br> Papers were deposited late, but I didn't care. I also didn't care that the Naked Run was supposed to be for Freshman. I participated every single year. They gave me some of the most exciting experiences of my [[college career|UN007 - MajorDecisions]]. <</replace>> <</link>> anyway? Since I've already started... <</if>> <br> I'd <<link "watch">><<replace "#nekkid">> I followed, laughing to myself as people shoved me aside, their naked bodies streaking by. Others ditched their clothes where they stood as they realized what was going on. I saw every kind of person, every kind of body, shapes and sizes of every part. <br><br> I cheered them on from the sidelines, standing in the grass alongside my dormitory. My encouraging shouts were well received -- so not //everyone// had to do this, it seemed. It was a lot less sexy than it sounds -- very few people are attractive and running isn't exactly the hottest thing in the world for naked bodies. <br><br> But it was fun and I had my place to view each year as the new young'ns ran. <br><br> That night, though, I got an idea for one of the delinquent papers: "[[Exhibition|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base --]] in the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald." <</replace>><</link>>. <br> My chair and <<link "work called">><<replace "#nekkid">> With a deep sigh, I turned back to the computer and threw on some headphones to block out the commotion as kids screamed down the hallway. I focused and got my work done before the sun rose -- I even caught some z's. <br><br> The Naked Runs kept happening, but its rhythm was peace and solitude for schoolwork. I knew I would be [[completely undisturbed|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base -= 2; $UN.test ++]]. <</replace>><</link>> me. </div> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gte _seduction>> <<face ahego>> Her eyebrows popped up, not expecting this at all, but it seemed like a welcome option compared to the Naked Run. <br><br> She kicked the door closed and moved over to my bed as I <<linkexpand "stripped down">> <<lower>><<feet>><<panties>> stripped down the rest of the way, awkwardly leaning into her as our mouths met. <br><br> Our passion rose as our hands found their way between each others legs, stroking rhythmically as our palms pressed against each other's clit -- eliciting delightful shocks of pleasure and some light yelps. <br><br> Finally naked for the Naked Run, I twisted myself around, dropping my hips over her face as my cheekbones guided her thighs apart. My fingers and her toes dug at my bedsheets as our tongues dug into pliant pussy. She grasped down my side, searching for one of my breasts, squeezing it in time with the motion I was making with my mouth. <br><br> She came, breaking concentration on me and leaving my build to abate. A bit frustrated, I did enjoy feeling her body shudder. <br><br> Thankfully, she was considerate and didn't abandon the mission, returning breathlessly to my cunt. <br><br> I breathed in her scent as it bloomed from her burst. My body tensed, focused and I was rewarded for the delay. The edging brought me over the edge. //Very// hard. My fingers awkwardly pushed in and out of her clutch as I tried to do something while my body shook. <br><br> As I came down, I rolled off of her. We were panting and recovering on the twin-sized bed while my computer hummed, reminding me that I still had work to do. <br><br> "Hey, that was fun...but I'm...into guys. //And//," a quick addendum, "I gotta get running...kay?" she said, unentwining herself from my limbs and giving me a solid smack on my ass. <br><br> I nodded, still blissed out and tingling. All I could do for five or ten minutes was stare at the ceiling and hear the revelry outside. Naked and certainly glowing, I climbed back into my chair. <br><br> I returned to writing, recharged. <br><br> To this day, when I'm supposed to be working and my mind wanders or I hit a mental block, my fingers find my pussy and play a bit, [[remembering|UN007 - MajorDecisions]] Naked Run Girl. <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<vCardCheck "Girl from Naked Run" F "Girl from Naked Run" "And that's how I lost my virginity">> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<face shock>> She shook her head with a gulp, backing away immediately with wide and fearful eyes. My stomach fell, my hopes dashed in an instant and your confidence taking a serious blow. I stood there, bra hanging from my fingertips as I stared at the open doorway, watching an occasional flash of another streaker. <br><br> <div id = "nekkid"> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 3>> <<link "Join in">> <<replace "#nekkid">> I laughed triumphantly, pushing myself off the wall, tripping over my <<if $Body.undies !== "Commando">> <<print $Body.undies>> as I yanked it down my legs mid-stride <<else>> my feet <</if>>. My <<if $Body.tits == "small">> high and tight little tits barely moved <<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">> perky handfuls jiggled playfully <<elseif $Body.tits == "large">> swaying udders bounced entrancingly <<else>> heavy tits felt like they were going to pull me over, bouncing <</if>> as my bare feet pounded down the staircase. We were all nutcases, laughing en masse as we all rushed to join the regularly scheduled exposé of the student body. I skidded on the tile of the dorm lobby, nearly colliding into another student. <br><br> He got a good grab of my tit, and his cock slapped against my thigh as we stumbled a recovery with an awkward but pleased smile. <br><br> He gave me a salute and I returned it playfully before pushing open the front doors and stopping short in the wake of the stream of bare skin outside. Air whipped across my nether lips and inner thighs, enhancing my excitement as I added your <<if $Body.pubes == "bald">> proudly hairless pussy <<elseif $Body.pubes == "bush">> proudly bushy pussy <<elseif $Body.pubes == "strip">> carefully curated pussy hair <<elseif $Body.pubes == "bikini">> well-manicured manhole <</if>> to the parade. <br><br> I winced a bit every few steps as something bit into the unprotected bottoms of my feet -- mentally smacking myself as I saw other people wearing shoes. The adrenaline worked wonders though and only later, climbing into bed did my feet truly make me experience the damage done. <br><br> Either side of the sidewalk was crowded with Upper Classmen cheering and taking videos and pictures -- of course, oh joy -- and then, oh shit. We were heading onto the city streets. And the citizens definitely marked the day on their calendar. Maybe this was a thank you to the city, because our loop ran mostly outside of the school and they were very receptive. There were certainly a lot of bodies on display and mine is <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>> one of the best by far <<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> a breath of fresh air <<else>> lost amidst all the other averageness <</if>>. <br><br> Girls definitely have the edge in nudity, but naked bodies aren't all that appetizing to watch run. And I had the same two asses in front of me. We were all running at the same pace. So, I sped up. It became a fun little game as I would crest another person and see if my estimation of their back matched their front. And not to make them too self-conscious, I did what I could to give them a little show. Getting comfortable, I peeled off to the side, giving hi-fives to the spectators, getting smacked on the ass quite a bit and a few times found myself physically held up as some guys get very handsy. <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> And I loved that surprise, leaning in to make out with the groper. Getting a little shock between my legs as they nudged at my clit or gave a few thrusts of a finger inside me. <</if>> But then, I was off, waving goodbye with a smile. <br><br> It had to be at least a three or so mile run, because I <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value lt 1>> had to keep my hands over my head as I tried to gasp in air <<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2>> felt the beginnings of a workout <<else>> was unexpectedly panting <</if>> getting back to my room. <br><br> And after the excitement, I couldn't be bothered to wake my computer up. <br><br> Papers were deposited late, but I didn't care. I also didn't care that the Naked Run was supposed to be for Freshman. I participated every single year. They gave me some of the most exciting experiences of my [[college career|UN007 - MajorDecisions]]. <</replace>> <</link>> anyway? Since I've already started... <</if>> <br> I'd <<link "watch">><<replace "#nekkid">> I followed, laughing to myself as people shoved me aside, their naked bodies streaking by. Others ditched their clothes where they stood as they realized what was going on. I saw every kind of person, every kind of body, shapes and sizes of every part. <br><br> I cheered them on from the sidelines, standing in the grass alongside my dormitory. My encouraging shouts were well received -- so not //everyone// had to do this, it seemed. It was a lot less sexy than it sounds -- very few people are attractive and running isn't exactly the hottest thing in the world for naked bodies. <br><br> But it was fun and I had my place to view each year as the new young'ns ran. <br><br> That night, though, I got an idea for one of the delinquent papers: "[[Exhibition|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base --]] in the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald." <</replace>><</link>>. <br> My chair and <<link "work called">><<replace "#nekkid">> With a deep sigh, I turned back to the computer and threw on some headphones to block out the commotion as kids screamed down the hallway. I focused and got my work done before the sun rose -- I even caught some z's. <br><br> The Naked Runs kept happening, but its rhythm was peace and solitude for schoolwork. I knew I would be [[completely undisturbed|UN007 - MajorDecisions][$Stats.Traits['Risky'].base -= 2; $UN.test ++]]. <</replace>><</link>> me. </div> <</if>> <</if>>
<<outfit $UN.greek>> The year was coming to a close and so that meant finalizing my decision about what I would major in. Part of it felt super important, and part of it was a head-scratcher. Would my major actually affect what jobs I could get, what I do with my life? And as I paced my room, hemming and hawing, I stopped short, looking in the body-length mirror on the back of our door. <br><br> <<if ["workout", "yoga", "cheer"].includes($UN.extracurricular) || $UN.job == "waiter">> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<else>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.push("fit")>> <</if>> My hands slid down my body and I couldn't help but smile. I'd kept that fuckin' Freshman fifteen away. And I looked <<linkexpand "really good.">> really good. I'd distracted myself again. Ugh. Majors. The irreverent part of me battled the sensible part of me until the final moment when our declaration was finalized. <br><br> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_WentWith_crossroads">> <</linkexpand>> <<else>> <<Stats Confident -->> //Shit//. My fingers pinched, I twisted and turned trying to find a flattering angle. I had been deceiving myself for months, I came to admit to myself. <br><br> The Freshman fifteen had hit me like so many others. <div id="fat"> <<crossroads #fat>> <<path>> I'd need to squeeze more ''time'' out of my days to burn this shit away. <<contents>> <<set $UN.test -->> <<Stats Social -->> <br><br> I'd exhaust myself and lose out on some fun, but I wasn't going to allow myself to grow soft. <br><br> I'd distracted myself again. Ugh. Majors. The irreverent part of me battled the sensible part of me until the final moment when our declaration was finalized. <br><br> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_WentWith_crossroads">> <<path>> Or just ''deal with it'' and hope it left with Freshman year. <<contents>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<run $Stats.BodyTraits.delete("fit")>> <<else>> <<Stats Attractiveness -->> <</if>> <br><br> I didn't //have// time. Fuck it. Whatever. It was called the Freshman fifteen for a reason and I __was__ a Freshman. <br><br> I'd distracted myself again. Ugh. Majors. The irreverent part of me battled the sensible part of me until the final moment when our declaration was finalized. <br><br> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_WentWith_crossroads">> <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>>
<div id="major"> <br><br> I went with: <<crossroads #major>> <<path>> Business <<contents>> <<set $UN.major = "Business">> <<Stats Social += 2>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living">> <<path>> Dance <<contents>> <<set $UN.major = "Dance">> <<Stats Coordination ++>> <<Stats Athletics ++>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("Ballet2")>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Ballet3")>> <<elseif $CC.danceStyles.includes("Ballet1")>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Ballet2")>> <</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("HipHop1")>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("HipHop2")>> <<else>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("HipHop1")>> <</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("Contemporary1")>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Contemporary2")>> <<else>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Contemporary1")>> <</if>> <<if $CC.danceStyles.includes("BallRoom1")>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Ballroom2")>> <<else>> <<run $CC.danceStyles.push("Ballroom1")>> <</if>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living">> <<path>> Pre-Law <<contents>> <<set $UN.major = "Pre-Law">> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living">> <<path>> Theatre <<contents>> <<set $UN.major = "Theatre">> <<Stats Performance ++>> <<Stats Wiles ++>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living">> <<path>> Pre-Med <<contents>> <<set $UN.major = "Pre-Med">> <<Stats Discipline ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living">> <<path>> History <<contents>> <<set $UN.major = "History">> <<Stats Learning += 2>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living">> <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <br><br> I went with <<print $UN.major>>. <br><br> And then there were the decisions to be made about where to live the rest of college. Goodbye Freshman dorms, hello innumerable options. <div id="living"> <<crossroads #living>> <<path>> <<print $People['UN']>> seemed more than keen on getting an off-campus apartment with me. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<image framed "passage/">> <br><br> I was stunned at how excited she was. And she turned out to be a stellar roommate. It was easy. It was simple. It was stable. <br><br> We had an understanding and an easy flow. We had our space and we didn't complicate things. It was awesome. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile is true and $ is false>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living - Birth Control">> <<else>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $HS.Risky || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt $HS.Stable>> <<set _colTats = true>> <</if>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0 || _colTats == true>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Tattoos">> <<else>> Now, I could look forward to [[Spring Break|UN008 - Spring Break]]! <</if>> <</if>> <<path $People['UN'] == $People['UN']>> <<print $People['UN']>> was already toying with the idea of us moving in together. <<blocked>> $ wasn't dating her roommate. <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<image framed "passage/">> <br><br> There was anxiety involved in taking the next step, but the access to affection and sex at all times was pretty lovely. Yeah, it also sucked when we fought or one of our jealousy radars got triggered, but that's relationships. <br><br> Sometimes he slept on the couch. Sometimes I was with friends. Sometimes my shit was packed. Or his. But, most of the time we were cozied up together. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile is true and $ is false>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living - Birth Control">> <<else>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $HS.Risky || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt $HS.Stable>><<set _colTats = true>><</if>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0 || _colTats == true>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Tattoos">> <<else>> Now, I could look forward to [[Spring Break|UN008 - Spring Break]]! <</if>> <</if>> <<path $UN.rush is true>> Could live with the girls in the house. <<blocked>> $ wasn't in a sorority. <<contents>> <<Stats Social ++>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<image framed "passage/">> <br><br> Oh man, it was an overwhelming, over-stimulating experience. Constant chatter and chirping, things happening. So much estrogen in a very confined place. <br><br> It was crazy, but it was also incredibly fun. The worst part? Besides the battles over guys, peacocking at all times, having to look cute and not having that much space...our cycles linking up. Bathrooms were in short supply every 28 fucking days. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true && $ == false>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living - Birth Control">> <<else>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $HS.Risky || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt $HS.Stable>><<set _colTats = true>><</if>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0 || _colTats == true>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Tattoos">> <<else>> Now, I could look forward to [[Spring Break|UN008 - Spring Break]]! <</if>> <</if>> <<path>> And there was always living by myself. <<contents>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<image framed "passage/">> It was lonely, but it was also peaceful. I had more than enough space and I could take care of chores and responsibilities at my own pace. And have friends or bed friends over whenever I wanted. <br><br> I had my own little girl-cave and I //loved// it. <br><br> <<if $Body.fertile == true && $ == false>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Living - Birth Control">> <<else>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $HS.Risky || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt $HS.Stable>><<set _colTats = true>><</if>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0 || _colTats == true>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Tattoos">> <<else>> Now, I could look forward to [[Spring Break|UN008 - Spring Break]]! <</if>> <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div>
<br><br> But the most damned pressing, life-altering decision to be made? I had been inseminated; Plan B. Cummed in: Caught a good day. Filled with jizz: Didn't take. But eventually crossing fingers couldn't compete against hungry sperm and ripe ova. I'd taken harder medication, but eventually I had to be up in stirrups and could only think how it could have been very end-of-the line for me. <div id="BC"> <<crossroads #BC>> <<path>> Was I really going to keep playing this Russian Roulette? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky ++>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $HS.Risky || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt $HS.Stable>><<set _colTats = true>><</if>> <br><br> Overall I'd been lucky and trusting myself with consistency on birth control struck me as just as unlikely as my consistency with not ending up creampied. No. I stood firm. <br><br><br> <<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0 || _colTats == true>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Tattoos">> <<else>> With a sigh of relief, I could look towards [[Spring Break|UN008 - Spring Break]]! <</if>> <<path>> Or was I going to get onto birth control? <<contents>> <<Stats Risky -->> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt $HS.Risky || $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt $HS.Stable || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt $HS.Sugg>><<set _colTats = true>><</if>> <br><br> I...had enough of the sleepless nights, tears and calendar counting. And late night almost texts to guys. <<call>>"Um. We need to talk."<</call>> Yeah. Needed to never send one of those again. I needed to get onto something. <<set $Body.fertile = false>> <br><br> After looking at all of the options, I decided upon <<listbox "$CC.BC">> <<option "Yaz" "Pill">> <<option "Nexplanon implant" "Implant">> <<option "copper IUD" "IUD">> <<option "Mirena IUD" "mIUD">> <<option "Nuvaring" "Ring">> <</listbox>> <br><br><br> <<set _arrOfTats = Object.values($Body.tattooStyle).filter(item => item)>> <<if _arrOfTats.length gt 0 || _colTats == true>> <<include "UN007 - MajorDecisions_Tattoos">> <<else>> With a sigh of relief, I could look towards [[Spring Break|UN008 - Spring Break]]! <</if>> <</crossroads>> <br><br> I shuddered as I considered the side effect of weight gain, that mirror in my room mocking me. </div>
<br><br> <<run _piercingOpts = Object.assign([], setup.piercings)>> <<run _tattooOpts = Object.assign([], setup.tattoos)>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0 || $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<run _piercingOpts.push("Left Nipple", "Right Nipple", "Tongue")>> <<run _tattooOpts.push("Mound", "LowerBack", "Sleeve")>> <</if>> Given all the other changes in my life. I felt like I had grown and some people took that opportunity to display their personality on their skin. Permanently. <<earPiercings>> <br><br> <div id="piercings" class="ear-piercings"> <<include addPiercings>> </div> <<tattoos>> <br><br> Whew. Life was a //lot//. There was far more to decide now than there had ever been before. I wondered if that would continue. But, for now, I was content with no more decisions. <br><br> With a sigh of relief, I could look towards [[Spring Break|UN008 - Spring Break]]!
<div id="break"> Spring Break not only meant a break from school (so that we could ignore the impending finals and term papers on the other side), but was mostly just an excuse to head out to the beach and get crazy. And having heard stories my //entire// life about Spring Break, I had to know going into it that ''anything'' could happen. It was going to be drunk debauchery and I couldn't necessarily ensure that I was always in control. It was a time to let loose and just let life happen. Have fun and drop all inhibitions. <<crossroads #break>> <<path>> So, I did. <<contents>> <<image framed "passage/uni.beach.png">> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<Stats Social ++>> <br><br> This year's was down on the white, sandy beaches of Pensacola. It wasn't some far off, exotic location, but it was cheap and a place to party. <br><br> All of the sororities and fraternities had their houses clustered together, just like Greek Row back at school. <<if $UN.greek == "GDI">>And despite her other allegiances, <<print $People['UN']>> threw in with me so that I wouldn't have to bunk with some creeps. Roomies 4 lyfe.<<else>>So, I got a room amongst the other <<print $UN.greek>> girls in what was (rightly) called the <<print $UN.greek>> house.<</if>> We'd barely begun settling in when we heard guys cheering down on the beach. <<linkexpand "Did they even pack?">> <br><br><br> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>> <<outfit smallbikini>> <<else>> <<outfit bikini>> <</if>> I threw on a bikini and quickly hustled down, just as eager to not waste a moment as everyone else. The guys from Phi Delt had found a piece of driftwood and taken some stones to form a makeshift beer pong table. The red Solo cups were in place and it looks like they were setting up for their //second// game. Man, these guys did not fuck around. <br><br> Hustling my cute self down there, I grinned broadly as the guys checked me out, "Hey there, jump in." A shirtless guy in board shorts shifting aside to let me take his place. <br><br> A little wiggle of my hips to distract my opponents as I grabbed the plastic ball, already sandy and sticky from beer, and aimed down the table. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2 && $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 0>> I breathed deeply, feeling the buzz of the beer really settling in. My mouth was crunchy from the remnants of the beach that had made its way into the cups. I felt my tits jiggle as I leaned forward, cleavage on full display, focused and locked-in. One. Cup. Remaining. <br><br> The girls were milling around the table, less interested in playing than being around the guys, drinking at their own pace and giving me dirty eyes for acting like one of the guys. Whatever. We were winning. <br><br><br> I bounced the ball against the rough 'table' and heard the heckling from the other end of the table, "Come on, just miss it and get it over with." I flexed my knees, planted my feet and launched, my full body a part of the motion. <br><br> The guys cheered, my partner -- some guy that seemed to totally ignore leg day -- lifted me up like a toy, putting me on his shoulder and starting to bounce me. We had just cleared all the competition in a shut out, thanks to my keen eye. I laughed and wobbled, not entirely certain of how drunk he was or how careful he'd be. <br><br> But we made it down the beach in a little circle around the driftwood table on my 'throne' of his shoulder, beer pong ringer. <<else>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<addBody Darryl M "Darryl, Phi Delt after losing beer pong on Spring Break">> <<face drunk>> I breathed deeply, one hand catching the edge of the driftwood as I wobbled, my brain emulating the nearby ocean, swaying and surging. I sputtered again, trying to clear the sandy crust that made my mouth so crunchy. I'd been drinking a ton and all the cups were full of sediment. <br><br> I felt my tits jiggle as I leaned forward, cleavage on full display. I flicked my head back and forth, hair swaying, tits bouncing once more as I tried to clear my head and focus. One. Cup. Remaining...of ours. I sputtered again, chin inching forward as I tried to squint and get locked-in. <br><br> The girls were milling about the table and I hear their chattering, mocking me in hushed tones while they interested themselves more in the guys than the game. Whatever. I needed to win. We weren't, but I needed to. <br><br> I bounced the ball against the rough 'table' and it didn't come back to my hand. It spun forward, tapping down the table and bumping against the full stack of Solo cups. "Oh. Niiice." Came one of the girls. Welp, not a great way to impress straight out of the gates. <br><br><br> The other guys cheered, giving each other five as one stepped up, settled in and easily sank our remaining cup. My partner gave me a firm smack on my ass and pushed me over towards the far end of the table, "Kay, I'll handle this one." <br><br> He pounded the one that they sunk as I started to try to chug down our obligation: all nine that remained. "Faster...we got another round coming." Another smack on my ass as the guy who just beat me, nudged the bottom of the solo cup and beer gushed down my throat and down my neck and body. <br><br> I coughed, nodding as I put the empty down and grabbed the next. "Here." My partner -- some guy that seemed to totally ignore leg day -- grabbed the cup from my hand, "Sorry guys." And began pouring the remaining seven into the one in his hand. Then he casually grabbed me and flipped me over his shoulder. <br><br> I yelped and giggled, he patted my ass as he carried me off the beach and back to the Phi Delt house. It was empty with all the guys on the beach and he made sure I finished the cup, but was in a rush, fingers toying with my bikini while I gulped down the shitty piss beer. <br><br> "You're not very good at beer pong." <br><br> I laughed and shook my head, using a finger to try and skim the sandy layer from the top. <br><br> "What's your name?" <br><br> "<<print $>>." <br><br> "Darryl." He smiled as he moved in to kiss me. <br><br> Missing leg day wasn't that big of a deal once he was on top of me. He looked gorgeous from what I could see, thrusting over me on the couch. <<vCardCheck "Darryl, Phi Delt on Spring Break" M "Darryl, Phi Delt on Spring Break" "And that's how I lost my virginity. I regret it, in retrospect but I knew Spring Break had a lot of risks. That was one of them.">> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> <<run $UN.bodies.push("Darryl, the Phi Delt")>> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br><br> <<link "Bonfire">><<replace "#break" t8n>> <<image framed "passage/uni.beach2.png">> <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 1>> <<outfit smallbikini>> <<else>> <<outfit bikini>> <</if>> <<scrollIntoView>> When the sun set, despite the rules against it <<if $CC.hsv == "beach">>-- it pained my lifeguard heart --<</if>> the guys piled up wood and paper and old textbooks and made a bonfire down on our end of the beach. <br><br> As dusk settled, you could see the fires dotting down the beach -- not just our school, but also where the other colleges had ended up. It was kind of like a sleepaway camp mixer: some people ditched our 'camp' to go mingle and find...friends...from other schools. <br><br> We'd been drinking all day and nightfall didn't change anything about that. The buzz or drunk carried right on forward as more beer-filled coolers were dropped onto the powdery beach. <br><br> You could feel the sunburn of the day baking in against the heat of the fire. I could feel the chafe of the sand in my bikini and the dryness of my skin. Partying constantly was brutal on the body. <br><br> The sunset was gorgeous, sipping my beer as I sat on a towel and looked out over the waves. Some of the guys were out in the water horsing around, and while I didn't have tons of energy for that...the water did look refreshing. <br><br> "Wanna join me out there?" Gesturing with my bottle to <<if $UN.rush == true>><<print $People['UN']>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>>. <br><br> "Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna pass out soon. Make sure I'm still on this towel when you get back." I laughed and nodded, padding down towards the lapping, luscious waves. <br><br> The guys saw me coming and hooted, "Come on, <<print $>>! The water's fine!" I rolled my eyes and held my beer aloft while wading my way out to them. <br><br> "Alright! Now we can do a proper game of chicken!" <br><br> "What?!" I laughed, shaking my head. <br><br> "Pick your steed, <<print $>>." One of the guys...Eli? pointed to himself and...Nico? <br><br> I sighed and motioned to Nico, pounding down my beer and laughing into the lip of the bottle as Nico grabbed me and pulled me onto his shoulders. <br><br> There were no other girls, I was thinking, who's going to...oh. Yeah, he was smaller, but guy versus girl in a contest like this? I was fucked. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 2 && $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 0>> We stumbled forward, Nico losing his footing on the sandbar, the weight of the water nearly toppling us before we began. <br><br> I leaned forward, my lower stomach and pubic bone pressing against the back of his neck. I curled my feet around him under his armpits. He gripped my thighs as we made contact. <br><br> I twisted and grabbed at him, even with one hand useless except for holding this damn bottle, I was able to hold my own. His fingers grabbed at the strings of my bikini. Whether on purpose or just because they were there, I don't know, but I swatted them away, grabbing at his wrists and wrenching. <br><br> The strength of my core proved the deciding factor and I toppled the son of a bitch. A deep, guttural roar blasted from my throat to the star-filled sky as I watched him trying to get his head back above the tide. <br><br> I raised my eyebrows in a 'for a girl' look and flipped him off with my beer hand as my other hand was ensuring that -- yep -- bikini made it through. <br><br> Nico dumped me into the water without warning. I glared him down but he shrugged and we began to wrestle out there, kicking under the crests and squirming away from each other. <br><br> A playful and pointless little game of catch. Sometimes yanked underneath the surface all of a sudden, sometimes doing my best Michael Phelps to get away from a pursuer. <br><br> My bottle lost somewhere to the ocean, my body absolutely exhausted, but my skin -- if salty -- was cooled off. <br><br> I came back to my towel and gave her a little kick, waking her from a drunken slumber and motioning that we should head back to the house. <<else>> <<face shock>> We stumbled forward, Nico losing his footing on the sandbar, the weight of the water nearly toppling us before we began. <br><br> I leaned forward, my lower stomach and pubic bone pressing against the back of his neck. I curled my feet around him under his armpits. He gripped my thighs as we made contact. <br><br> I twisted and grabbed at him, even with one hand useless except for holding this damn bottle, I was able to hold my own. His fingers grabbed at the strings of my bikini. Whether on purpose or just because they were there, I don't know, but I swatted them away, grabbing at his wrists and wrenching. <br><br> But. He was a dude and I was a girl and I couldn't outmatch him. We had too much wobble, I had too much for him to get grip on. <br><br> It all ended with a high-pitched yell as my top came <<link "off">><<bra>><</link>>. Half-trying to keep it on, half-trying to fight and still trying to maintain a beer in my hand and I went down. <br><br> My arms and legs churned as I tried to surface. Shit, underwater is scary when you're surprised...and drunk. And then I reached the surface, gasping out and trying to clutch an arm across myself as I waited for the salt water to stop stinging my eyes. <br><br> Where was my fucking top? Ugh. It was too dark. I shook my head, glaring at the kid and all the guys were grinning ear to ear. <br><br> Then I was underwater again, yanked below the surface by -- a shark? No, just Nico. I coughed up water that had gotten in my lungs in the surprised gasp that had accompanied my dunking. I flipped him off and he shrugged. We began to wrestle out there, kicking under the crests and squirming away from each other. <br><br> A playful and pointless little game of catch. Sometimes yanked underneath the surface all of a sudden, sometimes doing my best Michael Phelps to get away from a pursuer. <br><br> My bottle lost somewhere to the ocean along with my top, my body absolutely exhausted, but my skin -- if salty -- was cooled off. I was too tired to care at this point and even as the bonfire lit up my bouncing tits and got a round of cheers, I just headed back towards where <<if $UN.rush == true>><<print $People['UN']>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>> was. <br><br> I gave her a little kick, waking her from a drunken slumber and motioning that we should head back to the house. She was too groggy and half-asleep to notice me being topless and I was happy for the blessing. <</if>> <br><br><br> <<link "Lazy Nights">><<replace "#break" t8n>> <<scrollIntoView>> <<outfit $UN.greek>> <<scrollIntoView>> After a few days, even the most party of the partiers was completely worn out. Guys sat around and played poker or played Switch. Girls played 'hostess' and made the houses as homey as they could be with snacks and food. <br><br> We all were slathering each other in aloe, hoping that it tan and not peel. <br><br> We found whatever ways to keep occupied as even the shine of drinking had started to lose its luster. <br><br> "Never. Have. I. Ever." <<if $UN.rush == true>><<print $People['UN']>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>> had a devilish twinkle in her eye. She had one hand raised with her fingers extended. <br><br> "Ugh. I can't drink any more." Cam voicing what everyone else was thinking. <br><br> "Strip then?" It was that kid and his shit-eating grin from the other night and chicken. Of course he would. The girls glared him down. <br><br> "It'd be funny as hell to see your candy-cane ass, but no. I think not." I raised my hand as well. "Never have I ever..." I dropped my head against the cushion of the couch, thinking. <<if $CC.hsv == "home">>"Fucked myself with a piece of food."<<else>>"Masturbated in front of someone else."<</if>> <br><br> "Really?" <<if $UN.rush == true>><<print $People['UN']>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>> dropped a finger. <br><br> And so it went. <<if visited("HS008 - PromNightSex") && $HS.promDate == "Seven">> We all laughed and poked at each other when we came up with some dirty little secret. Some of them you could tell were set-ups, others were flyers that happened to hit home. <br><br> You could see the heat rushing to peoples faces as they revealed something they hadn't planned on ever saying. Hearing the raucous laughter as they told the story. It was a weird little respite of just talking about craziness rather than doing crazy stuff. <br><br> And then... <br><br> "Holy shit, <<print $>>." Everyone was floored when I talked about what had happened at Prom. I could see the shift in the way they were looking at me. <br><br> I tried to chuckle it off, but that had been my third full hand of fingers. Maybe I was crazy, putting all these partiers to shame. I went too far? I did too much? <br><br> I bit my lower lip and my eyes shied away from everyone and let my fingernails dig into my palms as I listened to the game find its center again and get back on track. <br><br> Maybe I should recalibrate too? Take a little more consideration before just off and doing something? <<elseif $HS.addictionLv gt 2>> We all laughed and poked at each other when we came up with some dirty little secret. Some of them you could tell were set-ups, others were flyers that happened to hit home. <br><br> You could see the heat rushing to peoples faces as they revealed something they hadn't planned on ever saying. Hearing the raucous laughter as they told the story. It was a weird little respite of just talking about craziness rather than doing crazy stuff. <br><br> "You've actually taken that shit?" They were stunned. <br><br> "That could kill you. <br><br> "That's //addictive//." I rolled my eyes and poo-poo'd it away. The Wow's petered off, and then that kid asked, "How'd it feel?" And I smiled at him and leaned in close, whispering about the body-feel of that high. <br><br> I wonder if he ever tried it, but I think he just wanted me close, breathing into his ear. <<elseif $bodies.length gt 30>> We all laughed and poked at each other when we came up with some dirty little secret. Some of them you could tell were set-ups, others were flyers that happened to hit home. <br><br> You could see the heat rushing to peoples faces as they revealed something they hadn't planned on ever saying. Hearing the raucous laughter as they told the story. It was a weird little respite of just talking about craziness rather than doing crazy stuff. <br><br> "Whoahh...I just said that number a joke." I frowned at the kid, letting the offense burn into him pointedly. "Not. Not like...judging. It's. Just a number." <br><br> "Exactly." But I could feel the air mixing weirdly, cold as ice from the girls, and the heat from the guys as they looked at me as an easy target. <br><br> I put that last finger down and thought. It was a number, right? It didn't matter. <<elseif $ == true>> We all laughed and poked at each other when we came up with some dirty little secret. Some of them you could tell were set-ups, others were flyers that happened to hit home. <br><br> You could see the heat rushing to peoples faces as they revealed something they hadn't planned on ever saying. Hearing the raucous laughter as they told the story. It was a weird little respite of just talking about craziness rather than doing crazy stuff. <br><br> The game puttered to a full stop, "Ugh, boring <<print $>>." Some of the guys and girls had re-entered the game and lost again in the time it took for people to try and come up with things that I //had// done. <br><br> I felt embarassed, which is weird in retrospect because I //hadn't// done crazy things. But at the time it really hurt. <br><br> And it made sense, this was a time and a bunch of people who were at Spring Break for a crazy time. <<else>> Right in the middle of the pack with everyone else. We all laughed and poked at each other when we came up with some dirty little secret. Some of them you could tell were set-ups, others were flyers that happened to hit home. <br><br> You could see the heat rushing to peoples faces as they revealed something they hadn't planned on ever saying. Hearing the raucous laughter as they told the story. It was a weird little respite of just talking about craziness rather than doing crazy stuff. <</if>> <br><br><br> There was so much drunkenness. There was so much debauchery. Hangover started to feel like a normal state. We were dangerously dehydrated but we didn't care. We were young. We were invincible and there were very few [[Spring Breaks|UN009 - Summers]]. <</replace>><</link>>. <</replace>><</link>>. <</linkexpand>> <<path>> <<if $UN.GDI or $UN.notFirst>>So, I enjoyed the calm and quiet of an empty campus with a few friends.<<else>>I decided to take the social knock and skip out on the Greek craziness of it all.<</if>> <<blocked>> $ is too into the GreekLyfe. <<contents>> <<if $UN.GDI or $UN.notFirst>> <<Stats Social -->> <</if>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $UN.test ++>> <br><br> College was enough fun for me, and it wasn't like I was being invited out with the frats and sororities to the sand. <br><br> We felt like kings and queens of college -- which was a nice change of pace. Nothing commanded our attention or time and so we mostly would... <<crossroads #break>> <<path>> lay out on the quad... <<contents>> It felt like we had our own little slice of heaven. Manicured and tree-lined lawns: an exclusive park. Most of the time we'd hang out together, throw some towels down on the main quad, but there was so much space that sometimes I just found my own corner to be fully alone. <br><br> A cursory look around and I <<link "started">><<feet>><</link>> <<link "stripping">><<upper>><</link>> <<link "down">><<lower>><</link>>. Why get <<link "tanlines">><<set _nude = true>><<panties>><<bra>><<Stats Risky ++>><</link>> if you didn't have to? The sun warmed my bare skin as I maneuvered onto the towel. Oh, god this was nice. Back first? Yeah. <br><br> With a sigh, I kicked my feet up, letting them sway. The heat on my soles as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth. Not realizing that slowly, I was falling <<linkexpand "asleep.">> asleep. <br><br><br> <<waiting 2.5s>> <<timed 2.5s>> I jerked up, something triggered in my brain. I hadn't meant to fall asleep. How long had I been out? Seconds? Minutes? I sat up, feeling my body jiggle in response to the quick movement. <br><br> I patted my skin, testing to see how it reacted to the pressure. Was I burned? <br><br> "You can't just be doing that..." I froze. <br><br> The voice was male. Off to my left, slightly gruff and sounded local. Carefully, as if sudden movement would reveal me, I turned my head and saw the campus groundskeeper. Rake in hand, he looked over my <<if _nude == true>>fully bare<<else>>slightly covered<</if>> body. It kind of surprised me at how unaffected he was by what he was seeing. "I'm so sorry." I looked around urgently for my clothes. <br><br> "You can't just come onto campus and use it, missy." He shook the end of his rake at me. <br><br> "Oh. I //go// here." I smiled and tried to wave away the 'problem'. <br><br> His jaw ground a bit, side to side. "Oh." He thought. "Still...this isn't...''private''." <br><br> I shrugged and smiled, nothing I could do to revoke what he had seen, so I tried to play it off, "Thought everyone was gone." <br><br> "Well, people work here, missy." Wow, he was really unphased. Or just expressionless. <br><br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> <<face happy>> I shrugged again and leaned back on my elbows, thighs a bit more spread than before. "I'm not hurting anyone." And either he agreed, enjoyed the view, or didn't want to escalate the situation knowing the self-importance of college kids and protectiveness of parents. <br><br> I heard him raking as I arched my back, presenting my tits to the sky, needing to even out the tan. Did he seem to be taking longer than was necessary? Eh, who cares. <br><br> I pulled out my phone and snapped a couple of pictures -- tastefully framed of course -- to potentially post or share with the kids who went out to the beaches of Pensacola. <br><br><br> When they came back from Spring Break, I had a better, deeper and more even tan than the best of them, and I had found a spot that I was excited to use. For many [[reasons|UN009 - Summers]]. <<else>> <<face shock>> I nodded, admonished and not exactly keen on being so on display for grounds crew, or potentially even people wandering the campus -- I hadn't considered that. I gathered my clothes and pulled them against me, wrapped my <<linkexpand "towel">> <<outfit towel>> towel around me and hobbled awkwardly off back to my dorm, "Sorry." <br><br><br> I had gotten burned, in many ways, and decided to keep my laying out to be with friends who could watch out for me. And not just strip down. An awkward moment, but I don't think I ever saw the groundskeeper [[again|UN009 - Summers]]. <</linkexpand>> <</if>> <</timed>> <</linkexpand>> <<path>> ...or get outside the bubble into the city <<contents>> <<image framed "passage/uni.sbcity.png">> <<outfit club>> We did escape rooms and other 'town' activities. We went out to restaurants that were far better than dining on campus -- and in most cases, cheaper. But most importantly, we got to try a bunch of bars and clubs that were more exclusive when other kids were around, or just too overwhelmed with people to even want to show up. <br><br> So a quick little ride-share downtown and we dropped out onto an //empty// sidewalk in front of "Dirty Little Secret" and the bouncer barely even registered us walking up and past him. Damn, it was great to be a girl. <br><br> Inside, the music pumped through backlit speakers that ran from floor to ceiling. Laser lights lazily swung over the assembled from above the dropped LED ceiling. Girls manned the bar, wearing black thong leotards and push-up bras. <br><br> Despite being a hot spot, it seemed like maybe college crews were the typical attendees. While there were people milling about, heads bobbing slightly to the baseline, there was space. And there was definitely a disparity between the genders. Men in tight shirts and ball caps dominated the scene and there eyes were not only going over the bare asses and cleavage of the employees, but over every new pair of legs that walked in. <br><br> When we arrived, they descended. We laughed and smiled, trying to kindly push through and away -- this wasn't our first rodeo. You had to manage to not be easy prey, but also not offend them because who knew if they'd be the one buying you drinks in a few minutes. We used our female companions as a shield, pulling each other through like soldiers on the battlefield giving each other cover. <br><br> "Just a sec!" <br><br> "Y-yeah, lemme just..." <br><br> "What did you say Eve?!" <br><br> "I'm just going..." <br><br> And then we were through! We cheered as we assembled by the bar, chattering away excitedly at getting inside. We watched one of the performers: a girl decked out in a kind of...cosplay? White fabric fashioned as wings, bodice and garters displaying her skin and tattoos, and it appeared it was less a performance and more eye candy. No wonder the guys always wanted to go here. <br><br> We grabbed an initial round, taking a protective position at the bar to scope out the opportunities, switching roles to potential predators and surveying the quarry. We leaned in close, giggling as we picked apart the male species from afar. <br><br> "Hey. You're hot. Wanna make some cash?" I turned, confused. It was a woman speaking and not some guy propositioning me. <br><br> "Uh what?" <br><br> Louder: "You. Want. To. Make. Some. Cash?" She was making a martini, the conversation not affecting her abilities one iota as she gave me a 'don't be an idiot, say yes.' raised eyebrow. <<crossroads #break>> <<path>> //Yes//? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> "Smart girl. Head on that way." She pointed back behind the bar where there was a guy nodding over to her by a set of doors. He waved me over. Oh, so she had been a shill. What had I gotten into? <br><br> I moved away from my friends who were fully involved in the men, figuring I was moving away for good reason. "Uh, hey." I smiled, offering my hand to the guy. He was had slicked back hair and a professional demeanor. <br><br> "Hey, come on back." He pushed one of the swinging doors ajar and motioned me to enter. It was a small office with some mirrors and lights where likely the girls got ready before their shift. An assortment of bags and 'normal' clothes were pushed into piles underneath the small 'vanity'. <br><br> "So, uh. What's going on?" <br><br> His eyebrows popped, "Never been here before? Ring the bell?" <br><br> "No. It doesn't." <br><br> "No, that's what it's called. Here. Strip down." He motioned for me to take my clothes off and I was shocked at his casualness. But there was no sexualization either. I looked at him for a moment and he looked at me. I think he was deciding whether I was worth the effort of if they should try again. <br><br> "It's easy cash. As easy as you want it to be. Simple competition. Think of it like Amateur night. You've seen the girls out there?" I nodded, "You against them. Up on the stage. They like you? They pay and they ring the bell. They like them? Well, it'll be pretty quiet." <br><br> "What do I do?" <br><br> "Whatever you want." <br><br> "What's in it for the girls?" <br><br> "They keep their jobs." He laughed and motioned for me to strip down again. <br><br> "So I get a leotard?" He frowned and laughed, shaking his head, "Well. Fine. Then I'll compete like this." <br><br> "Fine. Your funeral." I flipped him the bird. He laughed. I opened the doors, heading onto the <<link "stage">><<replace "#break">> One of the girls was holding a "Ring the Bell" sign over her head. The guys were cheering. My friends were confused as they watched me mount the stage. The DJ kicked into a new song, pulling the mic tight to his lips, "What's the name of tonight's dirty little secret?" The guys cheered again. <br><br> "<<print $>>!" I called out over the music. <br><br> He didn't hear me. Not sure many people did. I felt awkward up on that stage, all eyes on me. Not really sure what to do. I saw some of the girls who were doing bottle service coming over to the bar, smacking their asses and inviting cat calls. <br><br> "Wearing the most I've seen for a secret in a while." The DJ laughed into his mic. The mocking had begun. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 2>> I got into the music, I started to dance. While I was wearing more than these other girls, a little black dress can flash revealing if you want it to. And I made sure <<link "it did">><<upper "dress_littleblack_up">><</link>>. <br><br> I hinted at my ass. The skin of my legs was on display. I moved in ways to emphasize my female attributes and began hearing the responses and a couple bell chimes. I'm pretty sure it was my friends encouraging me and starting things off. <br><br> "That's a start..." came that fucking DJ, "but I think we still prefer our secrets, don't we?" Oh, so they called the girls secrets. Cute. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value lt 3 || $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> Despite my resistance in the back room, I let my fingers drop one strap, then the other. In sync with my dancing, and then with a firm stomp, the dress <<linkreplace "fell...">> <<upper>> fell off, fluttering down my legs and collecting at my feet. <br><br> I grinned proudly on display into the blinding lights and darkness of the dance floor. I heard the cheers rising up, the dinging of the bell and the DJ, "Well. Well. Well. That's more like what we're used to. Isn't it?" <br><br> <<if $Body.braless == true>> "Oh-ho-ho." Came the surprised chuckle over the mic as my bare tits were freed. "Didn't expect that, did we?" The bell was ringing and I was giving a solid dead-eye seriousness as I continued to sway and move, feeling stripper-like in that moment. It was strangely hot and empowering. And difficult. <br><br> <<if $Commando == true>> "She came ready to get naked, didn't she?" The roar was louder than the music. That I was just in heels, my full body on display was not a common sight, it appeared. I could see a knowing smile from the guy who had brought me into the fold, now understanding why I hadn't made this my go-to state.<</if>> <<include "UN009 - Spring Break_Bell">> <<else>> <<include "UN009 - Spring Break_Bell">> <</if>> <</linkreplace>> <<else>> I felt the pressure mounting to take my clothes off. But I wasn't a stripper. I had no desire to trade my decency for the pleasure and visual entertainment of these randos. I wasn't even getting paid. <br><br> So I ignored the DJ and continued my cute little dance until one of the girls came and hip checked me, sending me stumbling off the stage. Luckily, I didn't break anything. But she was laughing. The crowd was laughing, and the show as over. <br><br><br> I went over to collect my earnings and found out I hadn't hit the threshold, so I came away empty-handed. I wasn't interested in being a target all night, so I wanted to leave. The girls let me. Alone. [[Disappointed|UN009 - Summers]]. <</if>> <<else>> That was it. I dismounted the stage and flipped him the bird. We were also summarily escorted out of the venue but I wasn't too happy. <br><br><br> My friends asked why I would have gone up there and didn't I know and told me I had done a shitty job. But I was already pissed. I let them bitch til we got back, then I iced them out for the next [[few days|UN009 - Summers]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. <<path>> //Can I have one of those//? <<contents>> <<Stats Suggestible -->> She rolled her eyes and nodded, passing me another drink. I spent the night watching different performances on the stage, from the elegant burlesque-esque talent to pole dancers. There wasn't much dancing surprisingly, and we decided to stay away from the sausage fest that was around us. <br><br><br> We got drunk and had a great evening, though I was the first one to roll my eyes from then on whenever someone mentioned the [[place|UN009 - Summers]]. <</crossroads>> <</crossroads>> ...just chilling, relaxing and catching up on school work. <</crossroads>> </div>
<div id="bell"> <br><br> /* TODO Mira - here's a place that has gated options based on traits and skills */ It was clear this was time to shine. To find some way to get the bell ringing. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Exhibitionism")>> <<link "Myself">><<replace "#bell">> I dropped, knees spread, popping my pussy and hearing the cheers rise. Oh, just you wait boys. <br><br> I let my hand slide over my body like 'look at me,' 'don't you want this?' I squeezed one of my breasts, giving my nipple a little tweak as my popping slowed in tempo. And then my hand dropped lower, over my stomach to where I was certain all eyes were looking. <br><br> Patting my slit, I felt the shocks thrumming through my system as I saw even the girls turning to look at me. And then my finger pushed in, finding the softness inside. My hand cupped my crotch as the delicate muscles of my hand worked, one finger back and forth, in and out as I felt the rush of being seen by so many people at once. <br><br> By my friends. Fuck, what were they thinking now. How would I look at them later? <br><br> The bell was ringing, though. <br><br> Oh, god this felt good. While the contact of my ass on the floor made me wonder how often it was cleaned, the pleasure and excitement was enough for me to dismiss it for the moment. One hand moving like I was in bed and alone, the other groping and feeling <<if $Body.tits == "huge">>the weight of my tits on my chest. I felt like Cassie in Euphoria right now and had the chest to match.<<elseif Array("large", "extralarge").includes($Body.tits)>>the size and heft of my tits. I made them bounce and jiggle, they were eye candy and worth emphasizing.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">> the sizeable handfuls on my chest, enjoying their firmness and resistance to my movements.<<elseif $Body.tits == "small">> my small peaks, mostly tweaking and grabbing at the hints of tits that I had.<</if>> My back arched, my brow furrowed as my palm pressed to my clit and my fingers dug at the ridges of my g-spot. My toes pressed down into my heels, bracing myself as the pleasure mounted. <br><br> I added a second finger, enjoying the spread and fullness inside me. Spots started to appear in front of my eyes, though I couldn't tell if that was the after image of the lights or the impending orgasm. <br><br> And then my thighs were rippling, tits bouncing and my hips jerking up and down uncontrollably. My moan couldn't be heard over the musical din, but everyone knew what was going on. Blood was pounding in my skull, pleasure rushing through my body and I wondered how much the bell was ringing and how loud the cheer had gotten while all I could hear was my rapid heartbeat. <br><br> I came down, I dropped back, panting and staring up at the lofted ceiling, my hand slowly teasing out the aftershocks and I could hear the hooting of the guys and the ringing of the bell. <br><br> Came: a win. Rang the bell: a win. Now to collect my winnings. I shivered as I rolled forward and lifted up, grabbing my clothes and waving in awkward post-coital realization to the crowd while locating where the women's room was. <br><br> There was no realistic way for me to make my way to the bathroom through the throngs of men without being accosted, and given how good I felt at the moment, I just tried to ignore it as I pressed through the goons. <br><br> I gasped out and pressed into the eager hands replacing where mine had been. Fuck that felt good. Gross they would do it, but nghhh. I pushed them away, though my body cried out for more. Most were more respectful and just got a hand on my ass or body. The catcalls were coming, all 'compliments' until I made it to the sanctuary of the women's bathroom and got dressed. <br><br> A deep sigh, collecting myself and I exited looking for the girl with the bell sign. <br><br> "Kay. I came to collect." <br><br> She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Didn't meet the quota, but nice try." <br><br> I fumed. But now I noticed that my friends weren't really making eye contact with me. Small, polite smiles as I tried to join the crew but they found ways to make exits, either to go dance, or go home. I got the hint and made my own way out. <br><br> They got over it eventually and it certainly became a story, but the rest of Spring Break was awkward and quite [[lonely|UN009 - Summers]]. <</replace>><</link>>? <br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>> A <<link "guy">><<replace "#bell">> There were some chairs along the back of the stage and I sauntered over to one, hips swinging, my eyes scanning the crowd -- I couldn't see anyone, just dark forms and oppressive lights. <br><br> The chair's feet scraped across the stage performatively as I made my way back front and center and gave a come hither curl of my finger. I had //no// idea who I was beckoning, but they were onstage soon enough: a greasy-hair guy that looked straight out of Jersey Shore. <br><br> He'd have to do. I pushed him into the chair, using all my memory of strippers in movies and television and then dropped in front of him, touching the floor, lifting my ass and presenting myself to him. <br><br> The crowd went wild. The DJ encouraged the fuck out of me as I planted my ass against his lap, leaning back against him and arching my back. His hands were on me far too fast, ruining what I had planned, but I had to roll with it. <br><br> As his hand eagerly found my pussy and groped <<if $Body.tits == "huge">>the weight of my tits on my chest. I felt like Cassie in Euphoria right now and had the chest to match.<<elseif $Body.tits == ("large","extralarge")>>the size and heft of my tits. He made them bounce and jiggle, they were eye candy and worth emphasizing.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">> the sizeable handfuls on my chest, enjoying their firmness and resistance to our movements.<<elseif $Body.tits == "small">> my small peaks, mostly tweaking and grabbing at the hints of tits that I had.<</if>> Two fingers stuffed inside me -- again, too fast, eager beaver -- but I craned my neck to breathe hotly into his ear. He turned to match me and we were making out as I ground slowly against his cock. His fingers dug back and forth mildly pleasant, but focused on the in-out rather than actually doing anything. <br><br> Our tongues intertwined slowly and for people to see as I moved my hips and felt his rigid meat under his pants. Then, as kindly as I could, I pulled his hand from between my thighs and flipped a leg up and over, turning to face him. He grabbed my face and we were making out, my pussy pressed against his cock, his sticky fingers digging into my ass as I tried to give him a lap dance but he wasn't letting me lead. <br><br> I felt his hand moving to his zipper and I intercepted him. Just a show, not a fuck, dude. My hand slid his up to my tits and gave him a few more moments of teasing until the song thankfully transitioned out. <br><br> Lifting up abruptly, I grinned and gave him a kiss on the lips. He tried to pull me down and I gave him a wink. He responded with a smack to my ass. <br><br> Now to collect my winnings. I grabbed my clothes -- trying to ignore the guy grabbing me -- and waved to the crowd while locating where the women's room was. <br><br> There was no realistic way for me to make my way to the bathroom through the throngs of men without being accosted, and given how good I felt at the moment, I just tried to ignore it as I pressed through the goons. <br><br> I gasped out and pressed into the eager hands replacing where his had been. Fuck that felt good. Gross they would do it, but nghhh. I pushed them away, though my body cried out for more. Most were more respectful and just got a hand on my ass or body. The catcalls were coming, all 'compliments' until I made it to the sanctuary of the women's bathroom and got dressed. <br><br> A deep sigh, collecting myself and I exited looking for the girl with the bell sign. <br><br> "Kay. I came to collect." <br><br> She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Didn't meet the quota, but nice try." <br><br> I fumed. But now I noticed that my friends weren't really making eye contact with me. Small, polite smiles as I tried to join the crew but they found ways to make exits, either to go dance, or go home. I got the hint and made my own way out. <br><br> They got over it eventually and it certainly became a story, but the rest of Spring Break was awkward and quite [[lonely|UN009 - Summers]]. <</replace>><</link>>? <br> One of the <<link "girls">><<replace "#bell">> I looked over to one of the girls that were up on the stage with me -- there to compare -- a pretty little redhead that, under the light had caked on makeup and was probably in her thirties and not the twenties she was trying to be. I pulled her over to me. The crowd hooted and she looked mildly surprised. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>> I could see her considering me as she slowly accepted my pull. We were back mid-stage and I leaned in, hands sliding up to cradle her head. <br><br> And we were making out. Her hands found my hips and pulled me close as my tongue pressed deeper. <br><br> You could hear the expected response of men seeing two women going at it. I wondered how my friends were responding. <br><br> My hand dropped between her thighs and she broke the kiss with a shake of her head. She used the purchase on my hips to flip me around and her hands split: one up, one down. <br><br> I shuddered as she began to move her fingers back and forth across my mound, rippling shocks of pleasure through my clit. The right hand groped <<if $Body.tits == "huge">>the weight of my tits on my chest. I felt like Cassie in Euphoria right now and had the chest to match.<<elseif $Body.tits == ("large","extralarge")>>the size and heft of my tits. He made them bounce and jiggle, they were eye candy and worth emphasizing.<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">> the sizeable handfuls on my chest, enjoying their firmness and resistance to our movements.<<elseif $Body.tits == "small">> my small peaks, mostly tweaking and grabbing at the hints of tits that I had.<</if>> <br><br> I was displayed, presented to the audience as she kept me still with the promise of pleasure. My chin lifted as the sensations grew. I felt the way she manipulated my body and there was a fascinating realization that this was how //she// masturbated. This is what worked for her. <br><br> Bodies, especially women's, are all so different. Still, this felt <<shake 3s>>good<</shake>>. I think I was yelping plaintively like a puppy, but not able to be heard over the music. My thighs trembled, my calves strained to stay upright in my heels and then I came. <br><br> Tits bouncing and my hips jerking up and down uncontrollably, My scream of pleasure couldn't be heard over the musical din, but everyone knew what was going on. Blood was pounding in my skull, pleasure rushing through my body and I wondered how much the bell was ringing and how loud the cheer had gotten while all I could hear was my rapid heartbeat. <br><br> I came down, I dropped back, panting and staring up at the lofted ceiling, her hand giving a 'good girl' smack between my legs that nearly made me tumble and shocked me out of my reverie. The cloud of orgasm immediately dissipating into the hooting of the guys and the ringing of the bell. <br><br> Came: a win. Rang the bell: a win. I turned to give her a thank you kiss, but she was gone. Wham-bam, I guess. <br><br> Now to collect my winnings. I shivered as leaned down, grabbing my clothes and waving in awkward post-coital realization to the crowd while locating where the women's room was. <br><br> There was no realistic way for me to make my way to the bathroom through the throngs of men without being accosted, and given how good I felt at the moment, I just tried to ignore it as I pressed through the goons. <br><br> I gasped out and pressed into the eager hands replacing where hers had been. Fuck that felt good. Gross they would do it, but nghhh. I pushed them away, though my body cried out for more. Most were more respectful and just got a hand on my ass or body. The catcalls were coming, all 'compliments' until I made it to the sanctuary of the women's bathroom and got dressed. <br><br> A deep sigh, collecting myself and I exited looking for the girl with the bell sign. <br><br> "Kay. I came to collect." <br><br> She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Didn't meet the quota, but nice try." <br><br> I fumed. But now I noticed that my friends weren't really making eye contact with me. Small, polite smiles as I tried to join the crew but they found ways to make exits, either to go dance, or go home. I got the hint and made my own way out. <br><br> They got over it eventually and it certainly became a story, but the rest of Spring Break was awkward and quite [[lonely|UN009 - Summers]]. <<else>> "What are you doing?" She yelled in my ear. <br><br> "Giving them a show." I yelled back. This felt ''weird''. Here I was, looking this way and just standing alit on the stage and having some conversation with this chick like we were just hanging out. I could feel the moment deflating. <br><br> "Yeah. //You// give them a show." She gave a catty 'fuck off' look and walked away, smiling proud and superior to the audience, a solid <<shake 2s>>crack<</shake>> of her hand across her bare ass. <br><br> The catcalling began. I felt like such an idiot. I quickly grabbed my clothes and hurried off the stage. I felt the hands grabbing at me and I tried to ignore them. There was no realistic way for me to make it unmolested. Hoots and catcalls came a plenty, all 'compliments' until I made it to the sanctuary of the women's bathroom and got dressed. <br><br> A deep sigh, collecting myself and I exited looking for the girl with the bell sign. <br><br> "Kay. I came to collect." <br><br> She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Didn't meet the quota, but nice try." <br><br> I fumed. But it didn't matter. You couldn't tell in the hazy [[darkness|UN009 - Summers]]. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>? <</if>> <<else>> And...I don't think I was willing to actually go full-on stripper. Dirty Little Secrets was getting a free show out of me and that turned my stomach. <br><br> I smiled, waved and grabbed my clothes, dropping off the stage and heading to the bathroom. I felt the hands grabbing at me and I tried to ignore them. There was no realistic way for me to make it unmolested. Hoots and catcalls came a plenty, all 'compliments' until I made it to the sanctuary of the women's bathroom and got dressed. <br><br> A deep sigh, collecting myself and I exited looking for the girl with the bell sign. <br><br> "Kay. I came to collect." <br><br> She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Didn't meet the quota, but nice try." <br><br> I fumed. But it didn't matter. You couldn't tell in the hazy [[darkness|UN009 - Summers]]. <</if>> </div>
<<outfit $UN.greek>> <<if $ == $CC.FName>> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ == "cheated">> <</if>> I had so been hoping to come back and reconnect with <<print $CC.FName>>. We had such history. I was //yearning// for it. <br><br> But it was not to be. I was crushed to meet up with her and some...//guy//...she hadn't warned me. Jus tlet me fill in the gaps. <br><br> That meeting was short-lived. I needed to go home and cry. <br><br> Needless to say, I didn't see much of her. <</if>> <<print $CC.FName>> was gallivanting around with her boyfriend. She found him at college and was smitten by him. It was cute. But I missed her. <br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> I had mine too. So //there//. <<print $>> and I came back together in awkward fits and starts. There was the residue of our distance that we had to overcome. There were the questions of what we'd been up to while we were apart...despite having talked all the time...there was still that seed of questioning doubt. Of jealousy. <<if $ == "cheater">>And there was good reason to doubt me.<<elseif $ == "cheated">>And there was good reason to doubt <<if $HS.firstRelationship.gender == "M">>him<<else>>her<</if>>.<</if>> <br><br> But that friction was overcome and soon we were just like <<print $CC.FName>> and...whatever his name was. People had a hard time nailing me down as my time was mostly taken up by that same sense of impending ends. A crushing //need// to be together, to maximize all we could. Because we both knew, it would be coming to a close sooner rather than later. <<else>> I wished I had someone on my arm when I saw how happy she was. But that wasn't in the cards right now. <br><br> So I had a lot of free time to reconnect with people from high school, make new friends, laze around the was relaxing. But it would be over before I knew it. <</if>> <br><br> As far as <<linkexpand "the rest of my summer...">> the rest of my summer: <<if $UN.rush == true>> A couple times, I made plans with <<print $People['UN']>> and we'd take a trip to each other's towns and get a little slice of life of our big or little. <<else>> Sometimes I stuck around the area a bit longer than the others until I got kicked out for the summer. There wasn't much to do, but it was interesting to see the ghost town that the city became when all the college students left. It made me feel like an undercover agent on assignment and scouting intel. <</if>> <br><br> <<if $PG.boysSex == true>> <<face hurt1 runny>> With what happened when we said our goodbyes, my summers had a lot less Boys in them. I felt the tension, and I'm sure they did too, but we didn't talk about it. <br><br> Maybe they thought if they didn't say anything there was a chance it could happen again. It was so spontaneous, saying it out loud would kill my spontaneity. <br><br> I didn't bring it up because I was still wrestling -- still am! -- with how I felt about it. Why it had happened, why I had let it change things between us. <br><br> All I could remember is how easy and fun things were before. Sure there was the usual guy-girl sexual tension of adolescence, but we didn't let it go past 'show me yours.' And then we did. <br><br> When I did opt for uncomfortable encounters with the Boys as we tried to fall into the old habits of yesteryear -- games, shootin' the shit, eating pizza, smoking out -- but it didn't feel the same. <<print $CC.friend1>> was on his phone with some girl from college. Ethan pretended to be on his phone with his own crush. Andrew was just pissed and overzealous in trying to recreate the before times. It was sad. It was painful. I wondered if any of them -- if I -- would end up being a Townie. If I had to put money on it, it would be Drew. <br><br> And the rest of the time? I was alone. Well. With <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. As far as that went. <br><br> The house was cold and sad. I could feel the disrepair in the air even though he maintained the house well enough. <br><br><br> "Hey, uh." He looked up from his iPad, "Sorry. a sec?" <br><br> He smiled, dropping it into his lap. "Of course! Was just giving you your space." <br><br> "You don't always have to do that, you know." <br><br> A chuckle, caught in his throat, "All things considered..." <br><br> "It's been //years//." He nodded, eyes downcast, "And, like...speaking of that..." his gaze returned to me, a bit watery. "Sorry, I don't--" <br><br> "No, no. What's on your mind." <br><br> "Just, I...dunno. I'm away all the time and I mean, I figured that nothing happened or changed or...whatever. But. Any news? Like...anything?" He smiled and shifted the iPad off his lap, gesturing towards me. "Ha. Don't you think I'm a little big for that?" <br><br> "I doubt you'll break my legs." And I curled up in his lap. It'd been a decade? since we'd been like this. Immediately, I started crying. So did he. He clutched me close and I rocked slightly back and forth as we comforted each other with closeness. <br><br> "Heh. Sorry about that." I sniffled, wiping my nose. It had been at least a few minutes of that. <br><br> "No, thank you. We both needed it." He squeezed me. "Not a word. And Nate can't exactly tell me anything. So, it's either the deepest cover on the most important mission...or..." And then he started weeping again. <br><br> It was my turn to squeeze him. "Did you know? At the beginning? About all of this?" <br><br> He shook his head, "Most of the time, I just thought she was cheating." <br><br><br> Epic summer, right? And then it was back to the college life, finish off that part of my [[journey|UN010 - CollegeSex]]. <<else>> And the rest of the time? I was alone. Well. With <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>. As far as that went. <br><br> The house was cold and sad. I could feel the disrepair in the air even though he maintained the house well enough. <br><br> I had enough of sad-sack and that meant trying to find a new cadence with the Boys. We tried to fall into the old habits of yesteryear -- games, shootin the shit, eating pizza, smoking out -- but it didn't feel the same. <<print $CC.friend1>> was on his phone with some girl from college. Ethan pretended to be on his phone with his own crush. Andrew was just pissed and overzealous in trying to recreate the before times. It was sad. It was painful. I wondered if any of them -- if I -- would end up being a Townie. If I had to put money on it, it would be Drew. <br><br><br> "So, popular at college, aren't ya, <<print $>>." Ethan looked over at me. Was there a little anger in his tone? <br><br> "Uh, what'cha mean?" <br><br> "Just wondering how different your experience has been mine...and Drew's and..." he waved over at <<print $CC.friend1>> dismissively. <br><br> "Uh, it's been fun. Sure. I mean, hasn't yours?" <br><br> "Oh yeah. But it isn't like the movies at all." <br><br> <<speech "MFriend.png">>"You thought it would be?"<</speech>> Drew and <<print $CC.friend1>> were focused on their game, trying to ignore us. "I dunno, <<print $>>." <br><br> "Look. Something that I've kinda figured out over the years? Girls got it good early, guys got it good way, way longer. It just takes a while." <br><br> "Yeah. Yeah. I know." I could hear the frustration in his voice. <br><br> I looked at him and wondered what he would be later on. Who he'd be. And Drew and <<print $CC.friend1>>. Would I see them after school was over? At all, ever again? <br><br> There was a plaintiveness in Ethan's voice -- he'd always wanted to fuck me. <br><br> I could make these last moments memorable for them, could completely up-end everything of our past with sex. Cuz it always changed things. And did I feel that way about them? Or was it a pity offering? <div id="boyssex"> <<crossroads #boyssex>> <<path>> A final Summer fling? <<contents>> <<set $PG.boysSex = true>> <<Stats Easy ++>> <<Stats Suggestible ++>> <<face ahego runny>> <br><br> I slid over to Ethan and squeezed him tight. I felt his body tighten, confused. Then he relaxed and leaned into me, enjoying the touch. I felt the desire under it all. <br><br> I dropped my head and I felt him tense again. He froze. I unzipped his shorts and while the other two were pre-occupied with their game, I felt the freeze melt as the squidgy member entered my mouth. <br><br> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Good Head")>> He got hard real quick. I felt his hand go from planted beside him on the couch in shock to the back of my head in mere moments. I heard his choppy breath as he tried to keep quiet. <br><br> There was an intensity to his rigidness and I could feel his inexperience, throbbing quickly and then he was unloading, pushing my head down as his thick semen pumped into my mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>> <br><br> I held still, swallowing it down before pulling back and up. He fumbled to get himself back into his shorts as I quickly wiped my mouth and moved over to the guys to watch what they were doing. <br><br> I don't think they had an idea. But Ethan looked like he had conquered the world. <br><br> Maybe it lead to a change in his life, I could tell it felt that monumental to him. <<else>> He got hard real quick. I felt his hand go from planted beside him on the couch in shock to the back of my head in mere moments. I heard his choppy breath as he tried to keep quiet. <br><br> There was an intensity to his rigidness and I could feel his inexperience, his hand was pressing down on my head roughly, giving me the rhythm he wanted no matter if it was too deep and the pressure was making me gag. <br><br> Maybe it was the quiet, maybe it was the wet sounds and my throat reacting to uncomfortable invasion, but I heard the guys coughing as they turned and looked back at me finishing their friend off. <br><br> I think it was the surprise and awkwardness of the moment that did it because right as I noticed our discovery, my head was being shoved down as his thick semen pumped into my mouth. <<cumSpray facial1>> <br><br> I held still, swallowing it down before pulling back and up. He fumbled to get himself back into his shorts as I quickly wiped my mouth and moved over to the guys to watch what they were doing. <br><br> "Uh, what the fuck." Drew looked like everything he knew about the world was wrong. I didn't know what to say, so I covered the awkward silence by grabbing the controller to take a turn. <br><br> We had been discovered and my attempt at //not// messing things up with The Boys hadn't gone exactly to plan, But Ethan looked like he had conquered the world. <br><br> Maybe it lead to a change in his life, I could tell it felt that monumental to him. <</if>> <br><br><br> Epic summer, right? And then it was back to the college life, finish off that part of my [[journey|UN010 - CollegeSex]]. <<path>> Or keep it simple, clean, the same. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Easy -->> <<Stats Suggestible -->> <br><br> I shook off the idea as one of those invasive thoughts and forced down the gag that came after. <br><br> I slid over to Ethan and squeezed him tight. I felt his body tighten, confused. Then he relaxed and leaned into me, enjoying the touch. I felt the desire under it all. I'm sorry, Ethan, just wasn't meant to be. You'll find another <<print $>>. I promise. <br><br> I didn't say any of those things, but I think he felt them and knew them somehow. <br><br> I hope he did, at least. <br><br><br> Epic summer, right? And then it was back to the college life, finish off that part of my [[journey|UN010 - CollegeSex]]. <</crossroads>> </div> <</if>> <</linkexpand>>
<<if $ == true>> <<run $num += 2>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Good Handjobs")>> <<run $Stats.SexSkills.pushUnique("Good Head")>> As Ethan made clear before we left, college is a hedonists dream. Every night, probably every minute of every hour on campus, people were hooking up. I had made it through the hormones of my teenage years and to college without having broken that sexual seal. Now that it was all around me, everyone was doing it, a lot of girls that had been virgins weren't any longer. <br><br> Still, I wasn't entirely some prude. I just recognized that you didn't have to have //sex// to enjoy sex. <br><br> Yeah. While everyone else was relaxing their standards, spreading their legs simply ''because''...I wasn't. And I'm proud of the fact that I've gotten to this place, 'intact' and safe. I would graduate [[unblemished|UN011 - SeniorYear]] as the day I showed up. <br> <<else>> So, yeah. College is all about hooking up, having fun, fucking around. So many young, hot, hormonal, and drunk kids together is a recipe for lots of sex. And I've mentioned some hotter moments, but I figure we should fill in the gaps about when I got my gap filled. <br><br> <<include "UN010 - CollegeSex_Story">> <</if>>
<<run $UN.sexCat = $UN.sexCat || []>> <<set $UN.maxBodies = 2*($CC.HSBC)>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum = 1>> <<set $UN.CBC ++>> /* TODO Fict: I feel like this whole if block can be deleted. Once you choose your boyfriend, they are added to your body lol. But too lazy to triple check purpose / how everything is working here. */ <<if !$bodies.find(body => && == $People['UN']>> <<if $People['UN'] == "LeDew">><<addBody "Sensei LeDew" M "Sensei LeDew, college boyfriend">> <<elseif $People['UN'] == "Troy">><<addBody Troy M "Troy, boyfriend from the apps">> <<elseif $People['UN'] == "Harper">><<addBody Harper M "Harper, Lab partner turned boyfriend">> <<elseif $People['UN'] == "Mohammed">><<addBody Mohammed M "Mohammed, college boyfriend">> <<elseif $People['UN'] == "Roger">><<addBody "Roger McDillan" M "Roger McDillan, III, boyfriend and maybe future husband">> <<elseif $People['UN'] == "Alder">><<addBody Alder M "Alder, instructor and boyfriend">> <<elseif $People['UN'] == "Jamal">><<addBody Jamal M "Jamal, footballer and boyfriend">> <<elseif $People['UN'] == "Charley">><<addBody Charley M "Charley, boyfriend from Sigma">> <<else>> <<set _bodyTitle = $People['UN'] + ", roommate and girlfriend">> <<addBody $People['UN'] F _bodyTitle>> <</if>> <</if>> <<print $People['UN']>> was my most substantial partner. <div id="boyfriend"> <<crossroads #boyfriend>> <<path !["online", "apps", "party"].includes($>> And my only partner. <<contents>> <<goto [[UN010 - ColBodies]]>> <<path>> But we didn't date the //whole// time. <<contents>> I tended to bring home and get brought home when I was out... <br><br> <<quiz>> <<quizChoice "With people who I didn't go to school with,'' On the Town''" change="$UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value; $UN.sexCat.push('local')">> <<quizChoice "And ''Drugs and Alcohol'' were involved." change="$UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value; $UN.sexCat.push('drunk')">> <<quizChoice "Along ''Frat Row''" change="$UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value; $UN.sexCat.push('frat')">> <</quiz>> <br><br><br> And, best as I can remember, [[they were|UN010 - ColBodies]]... <<path>> You better believe just because I had a 'commitment' that meant I wasn't getting more on the side. <<contents>> <br><br> I tended to bring home and get brought home when I was out... <br><br> <<quiz>> <<quizChoice "With people who I didn't go to school with,'' On the Town''" change="$UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value; $UN.sexCat.push('local')">> <<quizChoice "And ''Drugs and Alcohol'' were involved." change="$UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value; $UN.sexCat.push('drunk')">> <<quizChoice "Along ''Frat Row''" change="$UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value; $UN.sexCat.push('frat')">> <<quizChoice "And pretty ''Sober''" change="$UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value; $UN.sexCat.push('easy')">> <<quizChoice "''Alone'' without a safety net" change="$UN.bodiesNum += $CC.maleAttention + $CC.maleReaction; $UN.sexCat.push('pushy')">> <</quiz>> <br><br><br> And, best as I can remember, [[they were|UN010 - ColBodies]]... <</crossroads>> </div>
<<set $UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>> <<if $CC.maleReaction gt 0>><<set $UN.bodiesNum += ($CC.maleReaction * $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value)>><</if>> /* TODO: (Cassie) Assuming you meant to multiple this line against maleAttention. Updating it. Revert it back to maleReaction if I'm wrong. */ <<if $CC.maleAttention gt 0>><<set $UN.bodiesNum += ($CC.maleAttention * ($Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value))>><</if>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum -= $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum -= $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>><<set $UN.bodiesNum += ($Stats.Traits['Risky'].value - $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value)>><</if>> <<if $ == "party">> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += ($CC.maleReaction + $CC.maleAttention)>> <</if>> <<if $CC.sextivity == "pioneer">> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += (2*$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value)>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> <<elseif $CC.sextivity == "slut">> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> <<elseif $CC.sextivity == "normal">> <<set $UN.bodiesNum -= ($Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value)>> <<else>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum -= $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum -= ($Stats.Skills['Learning'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value + $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value + $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value)>> <</if>> <<if $UN.bodiesNum lt 1>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum to 1>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum gt $UN.maxBodies>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum to $UN.maxBodies>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Constantly Horny")>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += 12>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("High Libido")>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += 8>> <<elseif $Stats.SexSkills.includes("Easy Arousal")>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += 4>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Nympho")>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += ($Stats.Traits['Easy'].value + $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value)>> <</if>> <<if $UN.sorSlut == true>> <<set $UN.bodiesNum += 4>> <</if>> <<set $People['UNBodies'] = { generic1: { name: "Anand", title: "Anand was on the guys floor above us Freshman Year." , gender: "M", caption: "Anand, from my Freshman Dorm" }, generic2: { name: "Ollie", title: "Ollie was on the guys floor above us Freshman Year." , gender: "M", caption: "Ollie, from my Freshman Dorm" }, generic3: { name: "Mikey", title: "Menthol Mikey from Kap Sigma." , gender: "M", caption: "Menthol Mikey from Kappa Sigma" }, generic4: { name: "Tony", title: "Tony, from my Sociology Class." , gender: "M", caption: "Tony, from college Sociology" }, generic5: { name: "Ronald", title: "Ronald, from my Philosophy Class." , gender: "M", caption: "Ronald, from college Philosophy" }, generic6: { name: "Gary", title: "Gary, from my History Class." , gender: "M", caption: "Gary, from college History" }, generic7: { name: "Samuel", title: "Samuel, from my Biology Class." , gender: "M", caption: "Samuel, from college Biology" }, generic8: { name: "Bernie", title: "Bernie, from my PoliSci Class." , gender: "M", caption: "Bernie, from college PoliSci" }, generic9: { name: "Vance", title: "Vance, a graduate and Teacher's Assistant." , gender: "M", caption: "Vance, a TA at college" }, generic10: { name: "Darnell", title: "Darnell, one of the groundskeepers." , gender: "M", caption: "Darnell, college campus groundskeeper", olderMan: true }, generic11: { name: "Dillon", title: "Dillon, campus security guard." , gender: "M", caption: "Dillon, from campus security", olderMan: true }, generic12: { name: "Allan", title: "Allan, who graduated last year." , gender: "M", caption: "Allan, partied where he graduated", olderMan: true }, generic13: { name: "Tyler", title: "Tyler fucked the friend group." , gender: "M", caption: "Tyler, college fuckboi" }, generic14: { name: "Dennis", title: "Dennis was the Freshman dorm's RA." , gender: "M", caption: "Dennis, Freshman Dorm RA" }, generic15: { name: "Endicott", title: "Endicott was on sabbatical from Oxford." , gender: "M", caption: "Endicott, Oxford professor on sabbatical", olderMan: true }, }>> <<if $ == 'party'>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].party1 = { name: "Brad", title: "Brad and I hooked up on the lawn of a fraternity.", gender: "M", caption: "Brad, frat night hookup" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].party2 = { name: "Brock", title: "Brock had one of the hottest off-campus houses.", gender: "M", caption: "Brock ran a party house" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].party3 = { name: "Bryce", title: "Bryce and I found a couch in a backroom.", gender: "M", caption: "Bryce, couch hookup" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].party4 = { name: "Chet", title: "Chet and I made use of a bathroom.", gender: "M", caption: "Chet, bathroom hookup" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].party5 = { name: "Tanner", title: "Tanner and I fucked on a beer pong table.", gender: "M", caption: "Tanner on a beer pong table" }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].party6 = { name: "Winnie", title: "Winnie was wasted and so was I.", gender: "F", caption: "Winnie, drunk at a party" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].party7 = { name: "Phillipa", title: "Phillipa convinced me to hook up so her boyfriend could watch.", gender: "F", caption: "Phillipa, to please her boyfriend" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 'apps'>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].apps1 = { name: "Chaz", title: "Chaz was a local business owner.", gender: "M", caption: "Chaz, business owner near college", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].apps2 = { name: "Trent", title: "Trent definitely was a catfish.", gender: "M", caption: "Trent, catfish that caught" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].apps3 = { name: "Brayden", title: "Brayden balled me out on our first date.", gender: "M", caption: "Brayden, app hookup" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].apps4 = { name: "Thad", title: "Thad treated me to great dinners.", gender: "M", caption: "Thad, restaurant connoisseur" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].apps5 = { name: "Brent", title: "Brent was married, but still used the apps", gender: "M", caption: "Brent, married and cheating", olderMan: true }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].apps6 = { name: "Della", title: "Della went to a nearby college.", gender: "F", caption: "Della from a nearby college" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].apps7 = { name: "Auri", title: "Auri was from a high school in town.", gender: "F", caption: "Auri, HS senior" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 'online'>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].online1 = { name: "Lothario86", title: "Lothario86, lived in his mom's basement.", gender: "M", caption: "Lothario86, from a chat room" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].online2 = { name: "Newton", title: "Newton pursued me for months online.", gender: "M", caption: "Newton, thirsty guy from online" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].online3 = { name: "Alucard", title: "Alucard believed he was a vampire.", gender: "M", caption: "Alucard, with a vampire fantasy" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].online4 = { name: "Reginald", title: "Reginald was very eloquent, less so in person.", gender: "M", caption: "Reginald, chat charmer" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].online5 = { name: "Chester", title: "Chester loved to chase in the chatrooms.", gender: "M", caption: "Chester, chatroom slut" }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].online6 = { name: "Flora", title: "Flora was in the process of transitioning.", gender: "F", caption: "Flora, formerly male" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].online7 = { name: "Nicola", title: "Nicola was agoraphobic, so we always met at her place.", gender: "F", caption: "Nicola, agoraphobe" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 'dating'>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].dating1 = { name: "Thomas", title: "Thomas was sweet, but didn't have money.", gender: "M", caption: "Thomas, not wealthy enough" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].dating2 = { name: "Oscar", title: "Oscar didn't seem like he'd graduate.", gender: "M", caption: "Oscar, college flunk-out" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].dating3 = { name: "Burton", title: "Burton was rich but a whiney douche.", gender: "M", caption: "Burton, whiney, rich douche" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].dating4 = { name: "Leroy", title: "Leroy was going to be a pro player until he tore his ACL.", gender: "M", caption: "Leroy, injured star player" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].dating5 = { name: "Humbolt", title: "Humbolt was a dream, but dropped me.", gender: "M", caption: "Humbolt, the one that got away" }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].dating6 = { name: "Holly", title: "Holly was a sweetheart but wrestled with her sexuality.", gender: "F", caption: "Holly, undecidedly into girls" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].dating7 = { name: "Petra", title: "Petra wanted to wear the pants in the relationship.", gender: "F", caption: "Petra, super-butch" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 'study'>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].study1 = { name: "Sheldon", title: "Sheldon picked me up outside of office hours.", gender: "M", caption: "Sheldon, fellow student" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].study2 = { name: "Winston", title: "Winston and I traded notes when we couldn't attend class.", gender: "M", caption: "Winston kept great notes" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].study3 = { name: "Dexter", title: "Dexter was my lab partner in Chem.", gender: "M", caption: "Dexter, Chem Lab partner" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].study4 = { name: "Norman", title: "Norman worked in the library.", gender: "M", caption: "Norman, library assistant" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].study5 = { name: "Clark", title: "Clark helped me study for exams.", gender: "M", caption: "Clark, study buddy" }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].study6 = { name: "Gina", title: "Gina was hot and wanted my notes.", gender: "F", caption: "Gina, reluctant but needed my notes" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].study7 = { name: "Becks", title: "Becks and I met in a study group.", gender: "F", caption: "Becks, college study group" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == 'friend'>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].friend1 = { name: "Cole", title: "Cole loved to play frisbee golf on the Quad.", gender: "M", caption: "Cole, frisbee golf lover" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].friend2 = { name: "Terry", title: "Terry showed me the stars on the rooftop of the Science Building.", gender: "M", caption: "Terry, college campus cartographer" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].friend3 = { name: "Rex", title: "Rex had a cute dog.", gender: "M", caption: "Rex, dog owner" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].friend4 = { name: "Frank", title: "Frank, Big Man on Campus.", gender: "M", caption: "Frank, Big Man on Campus" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].friend5 = { name: "Greg", title: "Greg lived across the hall.", gender: "M", caption: "Greg, college hallmate" }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].friend6 = { name: "Aline", title: "Aline and I crossed the line of friendship and we never talked again.", gender: "F", caption: "Aline, former college friend" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].friend7 = { name: "Tori", title: "Tori was a member of every club, including the Alphabet Mafia", gender: "F", caption: "Tori, club joiner" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.rush == true>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush1 = { name: "Dirk", title: "Dirk, a dork from Lambda.", gender: "M", caption: "Dirk from Lambda Chi" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush2 = { name: "Hunter", title: "Hunter, a BYX boy.", gender: "M", caption: "Hunter, a christian frat boy" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush3 = { name: "Tripp", title: "Tripp, from AEPi.", gender: "M", caption: "Tripp from AEPi" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush4 = { name: "Blake", title: "Blake, from Beta Phi.", gender: "M", caption: "Blake from Beta" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush5 = { name: "Logan", title: "Logan, from Sigma Chi.", gender: "M", caption: "Logan from Sigma Chi" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush6 = { name: "Tucker", title: "Tucker, from Phi Delta.", gender: "M", caption: "Tucker from Phi Delta" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush7 = { name: "Biff", title: "Biff, from Phi Psi.", gender: "M", caption: "Biff, from Phi Psi" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush8 = { name: "Cayden", title: "Cayden, from Sigma Nu.", gender: "M", caption: "Cayden from Sigma Nu" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush9 = { name: "Chip", title: "Chip from ZBT.", gender: "M", caption: "Chip from Zeta Beta Theta" }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rush10 = { name: "Maude", title: "Maude, our House mother, let me get away with more than the others.", gender: "F", caption: "Maude, " + $UN.greek + " house mother" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "act">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].act1 = { name: "Quist", title: "Quist, the head theatre Professor.", gender: "M", caption: "Quist, Head of the College Theatre Department", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].act2 = { name: "Sean", title: "Sean, coulda been a professional actor.", gender: "M", caption: "Sean, great college actor" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].act3 = { name: "Joey", title: "Joey was a showmance.", gender: "M", caption: "Joey, college theatre showmance" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].act4 = { name: "Eliot", title: "Eliot ran the theatre shop.", gender: "M", caption: "Eliot from college theatre shop", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].act5 = { name: "Olivier", title: "Olivier, visiting directing artist.", gender: "M", caption: "Olivier, visiting director", olderMan: true }>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].act6 = { name: "Lisa", title: "Lisa, our stage manager knew all the nooks and crannies.", gender: "F", caption: "Lisa, College Stage Manager" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].act7 = { name: "Lori", title: "Lori, best actor in our class loved getting attention from anyone.", gender: "F", caption: "Lori, best college actor" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if visited("UN006 - NakedRun2")>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun1 = { name: "Lance", title: "Lance, who ran the Naked Run with me.", gender: "M", caption: "Lance from the Naked Run" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun2 = { name: "Topher", title: "Topher, who hit on me after seeing me at the Naked Run.", gender: "M", caption: "Topher picked me up from the Naked Run" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun3 = { name: "Zayne", title: "Zayne was an amateur photographer and sourced 'models' from the Naked Run.", gender: "M", caption: "Zayne, amateur photographer" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun4 = { name: "Cody", title: "Cody was a spectator of the Naked Run.", gender: "M", caption: "Cody, Naked Run spectator" }>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "straight" || $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun5 = { name: "Derringer", title: "Derringer remembered me from the Naked Run when we ran into each other.", gender: "M", caption: "Derringer, Naked Run fanatic" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun6 = { name: "Ricardo", title: "Ricardo and I ran together and sweat the excitement out afterward.", gender: "M", caption: "Ricardo, fellow Naked Runner" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun7 = { name: "Rando spectator", title: "Some spectator that pulled me off the Naked Run for a quickie -- was already sweaty, why not.", gender: "M", caption: "Rando spectator from the Naked Run" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun8 = { name: "Run watcher", title: "Some guy that pulled me off the Naked Run route -- grass stains, yay.", gender: "M", caption: "Handsy Naked Run watcher" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun9 = { name: "Male viewer", title: "A guy from the Naked Run sidelines. Too horny at that point to say no.", gender: "M", caption: "Relief during the Naked Run, an available male viewer" }>> <</if>> <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian" || $Body.sexuality == "bi">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun10 = { name: "Sharon", title: "Sharon remembered me from the Naked Run when we ran into each other.", gender: "F", caption: "Sharon, Naked Run fanatic" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun11 = { name: "Melissa", title: "Melissa and I ran together and sweat the excitement out afterward.", gender: "F", caption: "Melissa, fellow Naked Runner" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun12 = { name: "Suri", title: "Suri interviewed me for an article on the Naked Run.", gender: "F", caption: "Suri, from my college newspaper" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nakedRun13 = { name: "Jylle", title: "Jylle and I would do the Naked Run together and then hookup afterwards.", gender: "F", caption: "Jylle, co-runner of the Naked Run" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "workout">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].work1 = { name: "Marnie", title: "Marnie and I were in the sauna together alone.", gender: "F", caption: "Marnie, in the sauna" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].work2 = { name: "Patrick", title: "Patrick chatted me up during my workout.", gender: "M", caption: "Patrick, from my college gym" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].work3 = { name: "Rose", title: "Rose looked great chilling in the locker room, so we had a shower.", gender: "F", caption: "Rose, in the gym shower" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].work4 = { name: "Ving", title: "Ving wanted to spot me on bench press. I let him.", gender: "M", caption: "Ving, bench press spotter" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].work5 = { name: "Simon", title: "Simon's glutes were incredible. So was his stamina.", gender: "M", caption: "Simon, from my college gym" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].work6 = { name: "Henry", title: "Henry was my introduction that golfers went to the gym. He got a hole in one.", gender: "M", caption: "Henry, college golfer" }>> <</if>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "yoga">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].yoga1 = { name: "Wren", title: "Wren joined yoga to hook up with fit women. I learned that first hand.", gender: "M", caption: "Wren, yoga pick-up artist" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].yoga2 = { name: "Marley", title: "Marley always hung out to sell doses after class. I loved his stuff in my mouth.", gender: "M", caption: "Marley dealt to the yogis" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].yoga3 = { name: "Rain", title: "Rain came for the socializing and name, but she was hot enough I didn't care. She still looked great naked.", gender: "F", caption: "Rain, yoga poser" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].yoga4 = { name: "Moss", title: "Moss was getting her certification and I was more than happy to let her train on me.", gender: "F", caption: "Moss, yogi in training" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].yoga5 = { name: "Jupiter", title: "Jupiter was self-confident in his flow and incredibly tantric in bed.", gender: "M", caption: "Jupiter, yoga and tantra practitioner" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].yoga6 = { name: "Kirstin", title: "Kirstin was the most limber in my yoga classes. And I tested her.", gender: "F", caption: "Kirstin, from yoga" }>> <</if>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "model">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model1 = { name: "Huxton", title: "Huxton found self-worth in who he got into the bed. He loved models.", gender: "M", caption: "Huxton, model hunter" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model2 = { name: "Titian", title: "Titian had a pretentious name but a incredible way with paints.", gender: "M", caption: "Titian, nude painter" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model3 = { name: "Brooks", title: "Brooks was a model manager that liked to taste the goods.", gender: "F", caption: "Brooks, female model manager" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model4 = { name: "Armando", title: "Armando and I were skin-to-skin on camera and off.", gender: "M", caption: "Armando, male model" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model5 = { name: "Alton", title: "Alton had a perfect physique, I just had to get him into bed.", gender: "M", caption: "Alton, male model" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model6 = { name: "Livvy", title: "Livvy was a fellow model I met on a beautiful beach.", gender: "F", caption: "Livvy, fellow model" }>> <<if visited("UN004 - Extra2")>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model7 = { name: "Jeremy", title: "Jeremy and I hooked up when he was showing me my pictures from his thesis.", gender: "M", caption: "Jeremy, for his Women of Campus series" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model8 = { name: "Boscoe", title: "Boscoe simped on me after seeing my pictures up in Rand.", gender: "M", caption: "Boscoe, simp for a Woman of Campus" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model9 = { name: "Delilah", title: "Delilah was infatuated with me after seeing my Women of Campus pictures.", gender: "F", caption: "Delilah, thanks to my Women of Campus series" }>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Did Porn")>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model10 = { name: "Wolfe", title: "Wolfe was my 'model' on my second adult video.", gender: "M", caption: "Wolfe, my second porn partner" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model11 = { name: "Pratt", title: "Pratt insisted on a turn with me off-camera.", gender: "M", caption: "Pratt, owner of the fake modeling company" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model12 = { name: "Andre", title: "Andre shared my hotel room after my video.", gender: "M", caption: "Andre, assistant at the fake modeling company" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model13 = { name: "Eban", title: "Eban said he'd not share my video if I hooked up with him. It still spread around campus.", gender: "M", caption: "Eban, blackmailed me over my video" }>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Model")>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model14 = { name: "Amonymous", title: "Amonymous was a photographer that focused on the nude form. And evoked emotion.", gender: "M", caption: "Amonymous, nude photographer" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model15 = { name: "Walton", title: "Walton had a thing for getting with models, no matter the cost.", gender: "M", caption: "Walton, model aficionado" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model16 = { name: "Willem", title: "Willem was a model handler that had different ways of handling me.", gender: "M", caption: "Willem, model handler" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model17 = { name: "Cara", title: "Cara was a beautiful model who also liked women.", gender: "F", caption: "Cara, supermodel" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].model18 = { name: "Mari", title: "Mari shot me in the boudoir. What we did before and after was off camera.", gender: "F", caption: "Mari, female photographer" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "job">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].job1 = { name: "Dennis", title: "Dennis worked in the office for Student Affairs. An affair meant I wasn't delinquent.", gender: "M", caption: "Dennis, in the Office of Student Affairs", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].job2 = { name: "Kristi", title: "Kristi and I bonded over working our way through college. Our schedules synched, and so did we.", gender: "F", caption: "Kristi, worked her way through college" }>> <<if $UN.job == "waiter">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].waiter1 = { name: "Leon", title: "Leon was a bartender and went through me like everyone else we worked with.", gender: "M", caption: "Leon, bartender at that chain restaurant" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].waiter2 = { name: "Samar", title: "Samar and I got dirty one night. I was closing, he was our porter.", gender: "M", caption: "Samar, porter at Two Bridges" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].waiter3 = { name: "Katsurō", title: "Katsurō was a VIP guest and asked me to sit with him. And more.", gender: "M", caption: "Katsurō, VIP at Two Bridges" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].waiter4 = { name: "Hakan", title: "Hakan backwaited for me, but the roles reversed in the bedroom.", gender: "M", caption: "Hakan, backwaiter at Two Bridges" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].waiter5 = { name: "Sofia", title: "Sofia was a super cute and young hostess I couldn't stop myself from hitting on.", gender: "F", caption: "Sofia, hostess at Two Bridges" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].waiter6 = { name: "Marilou", title: "Marilou was rough around the edges and had a lifetime in restaurants. And a lifetime of skills in the bedroom.", gender: "F", caption: "Marilou, restaurant vet at that chain restaurant" }>> <<elseif $UN.job == "admin">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].admin1 = { name: "Asher", title: "Asher was one of the partners I worked for. He only spoke to me when he wanted something besides work.", gender: "M", caption: "Asher, partner at my office", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].admin2 = { name: "Ashwin", title: "Ashwin was one of the partners I worked for. He hit on me indiscriminately from day one.", gender: "M", caption: "Ashwin, partner at my office", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].admin3 = { name: "Albin", title: "Albin was one of the partners I worked for. He was aloof and it felt like a huge win to bed him.", gender: "M", caption: "Albin, partner at my office", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].admin4 = { name: "Thad", title: "Thad was one of the sales guys at the office. And he sold me on his dick.", gender: "M", caption: "Thad, sales guy at my office" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].admin5 = { name: "Bianka", title: "Bianka was a fellow admin. First generation and hard-edged.", gender: "F", caption: "Bianka, admin at my office" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].admin6 = { name: "Antonia", title: "Antonia worked in HR. And we violated many rules and regulations together.", gender: "F", caption: "Antonia, HR at my office" }>> <<elseif $UN.job == "OF">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].OF1 = { name: "Petrus", title: "Petrus was an aggressive fan of my OnlyFans. He found every way to reach out to me and try and get in my pants. Try? He did.", gender: "M", caption: "Petrus, OnlyFans Superfan" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].OF2 = { name: "Hamid", title: "Hamid kept top-billing as my biggest patron. And he reaped the rewards for it.", gender: "M", caption: "Hamid, OnlyFans top Patron" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].OF3 = { name: "Jayesh", title: "Jayesh won a contest I held to hook up with me on camera.", gender: "M", caption: "Jayesh, OnlyFans contest winner" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].OF4 = { name: "Lenny", title: "Lenny was on OnlyFans as a rare male talent. We combined forces on a video to help each other out.", gender: "M", caption: "Lenny, OnlyFans male talent" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].OF5 = { name: "Malina", title: "Malina was a fellow creator on OnlyFans. We streamed together because four boobs are better than two.", gender: "F", caption: "Malina, OnlyFans talent" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].OF6 = { name: "Tove", title: "Tove helped me when logistics got out of hand. She was enamored with me and probably helped just to get with me.", gender: "F", caption: "Tove, my OnlyFans admin" }>> <<elseif $UN.job == "sugar">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sugar1 = { name: "Walton", title: "Walton was a potential daddy who put that word before the sugar.", gender: "M", caption: "Walton, selfish sugar daddy", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sugar2 = { name: "Pavel", title: "Pavel was one of my short term sugar daddies. He offered me an international trip too fast and felt too risky.", gender: "M", caption: "Pavel, short-term sugar daddy", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sugar3 = { name: "Nebuchadnezzar", title: "Nebuchadnezzar had tons of money and no self-worth. It was a challenge for me to give him the sugar and at a certain point, I felt obligated.", gender: "M", caption: "Nebuchadnezzar, sugar daddy sans sugar", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sugar4 = { name: "Vilhelm", title: "I developed some feeling for Vilhelm, which surprised me. In my mind he was more of a boyfriend than a sugar daddy.", gender: "M", caption: "Vilhelm, sugar daddy I sweetened on", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sugar5 = { name: "Dagmar", title: "Dagmar was an escort working one of the hotels I was in. I took her up on those services.", gender: "F", caption: "Dagmar, paid escort", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sugar6 = { name: "Emma", title: "Emma was a reserved wallflower that kept me grounded after nights out with my sugar daddies. She was simple and made me feel normal.", gender: "F", caption: "Emma, my sanity from sugar daddies" }>> <<else>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nanny1 = { name: "Gabriel", title: "Gabriel was one of Delvin's friends. There was a bit of jealousy that developed when he found out.", gender: "M", caption: "Gabriel, Delvin's friend" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nanny2 = { name: "Levi", title: "Levi tutored Darcy and I enjoyed when our paths happened to cross when he left and I came. Or vice versa.", gender: "M", caption: "Levi, Darcy's tutor" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nanny3 = { name: "Uberto", title: "Uberto was Debbie's tennis instructor. And she certainly wasn't hiring her for what she learned.", gender: "M", caption: "Uberto, Debbie's tennis instructor" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nanny4 = { name: "Malcolm", title: "Malcolm and Darcy dated, but for a bit there they only hung out so that Malcolm could keep meeting up with me.", gender: "M", caption: "Malcolm, Darcy's ex-boyfriend" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nanny5 = { name: "Liesje", title: "Liesje was the Redding's live-in cook. Her cooking wasn't that great, but I don't think that's why she was hired.", gender: "F", caption: "Liesje, the Redding's in-house cook" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nanny6 = { name: "Brianna", title: "Brianna was Darcy's best friend and I may have gotten between them.", gender: "F", caption: "Brianna, Darcy's best friend" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $UN.extracurricular == "none">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].none1 = { name: "Graeme", title: "Graeme wasn't interested in trading information, but he had a lot of intel I wanted. So he got what he wanted.", gender: "M", caption: "Graeme, traded me for intel" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].none2 = { name: "Ulises", title: "Ulises was a groundskeeper on campus, but he didn't seem to care about my grass maintenance at all.", gender: "M", caption: "Ulises, campus groundskeeper", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].none3 = { name: "Rodrigo", title: "Rodrigo hand delivered drugs on campus, getting in with him meant info as well as some sex.", gender: "M", caption: "Rodgrigo, campus drug dealer" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].none4 = { name: "Denzil", title: "Denzil came to me about another girl but ended up 'settling' on me.", gender: "M", caption: "Denzil, converted Cassanova" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].none5 = { name: "Elif", title: "Elif walked campus barefoot and I found her endearing.", gender: "F", caption: "Barefoot Elif" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].none6 = { name: "Stasya", title: "Stasya was 'in hock' to me and I leveraged that for some loving.", gender: "F", caption: "Stasya owed me for intel" }>> <</if>> <<if $Body.sexuality !== "straight">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi1 = { name: "Lilian", title: "Lillian, from my Freshman Dorm.", gender: "F", caption: "Lilian, from my year at college" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi2 = { name: "Penny", title: "Penny, a bartender at a college staple.", gender: "F", caption: "Penny tended bar near my college" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi3 = { name: "Luna", title: "Luna was a prospect checking out the college.", gender: "F", caption: "Luna, was showing her the campus" }>> <<if $UN.rush == true>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi4 = { name: $People['UN'], title: $People['UN'] + "and I got closer in more ways than one.", gender: "F", caption: $People['UN'] + ", my Big in my sorority" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi5 = { name: "Ciri", title: "Ciri, the quiet sister at " + $UN.greek, gender: "F", caption: "Ciri, one of my sisters at " + $UN.greek }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi6 = { name: "Babs", title: "Babs, the hottest sister " + $UN.greek, gender: "F", caption: "Babs, one of my sisters at " + $UN.greek }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi7 = { name: "Les", title: "Les, my little at " + $UN.greek, gender: "F", caption: "Les, one of my sisters at " + $UN.greek }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi8 = { name: "Carey", title: "Carey, dropped out of " + $UN.greek + " after we...connected.", gender: "F", caption: "Carey, one of my sisters at " + $UN.greek }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi9 = { name: "Hattie", title: "Hattie hooked up with most of the girls at " + $UN.greek, gender: "F", caption: "Hattie, one of my sisters at " + $UN.greek }>> <</if>> <<if $People['UN'] !== $People['UN']>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].bi10 = { name: $People['UN'], title: $People['UN'] + ", being roommates made hooking up easy.", gender: "F", caption: $People['UN'] + ", my roommate" }>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Nerd">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nerd1 = { name: "Noah", title: "Noah ran LAN parties in my freshman dorm.", gender: "M", caption: "Noah, LAN party coordinator" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].nerd2 = { name: "Margot", title: "Margot and I were the only girls in the D&D club.", gender: "F", caption: "Margot, D&D companion" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Sports">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sport1 = { name: "Ryan", title: "Ryan was President of the intermural volleyball competitions.", gender: "M", caption: "Ryan, intermural volleyball President" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sport2 = { name: "Greta", title: "Greta on the intermural volleyball team had a killer spike as a front-liner.", gender: "F", caption: "Greta, intermural volleyball teammate" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Popular">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].pop1 = { name: "Rami", title: "Rami was BMOC, everyone knew him.", gender: "M", caption: "Rami, BMOC at college" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].pop2 = { name: "Florence", title: "Florence was a debutante in my college town. She knew everyone and everything.", gender: "F", caption: "Florence, college town debutante" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Rebel">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rebel1 = { name: "Owen", title: "Owen was a biker who frequented the bar I played at.", gender: "M", caption: "Owen, biker I performed for" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].rebel2 = { name: "Tiffany", title: "Tiffany was a songbird that played a set before me.", gender: "F", caption: "Tiffany, fellow singer" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.clique == "Prude">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].prude1 = { name: "Jason", title: "Jason ironically was chair of the college town Abstinence Awareness.", gender: "M", caption: "Jason told others to not have sex" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].prude2 = { name: "Sienna", title: "Sienna was a local preacher with a firey disposition.", gender: "F", caption: "Sienna, college town preacher" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "home">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].home1 = { name: "Brady", title: "Brady was a townie from back home. Amounted to nothing, except with me.", gender: "M", caption: "Brady, townie", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].home2 = { name: "Gaia", title: "Gaia was a maid for my Dad once my mom was gone. We both needed her.", gender: "F", caption: "Gaia, Dad's maid" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "vandal">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].vandal1 = { name: "Danny", title: "Danny was a local sheriff. He caught me, but let me go.", gender: "M", caption: "Danny, college town sherriff", olderMan: true }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].vandal2 = { name: "Sonia", title: "Sonia and I were both trying to steal the same purse. We both got something.", gender: "F", caption: "Sonia, fellow shoplifter" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "helper">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].helper1 = { name: "Jay", title: "Jay was an aide at the college hospital.", gender: "M", caption: "Jay, hospital aide" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].helper2 = { name: "Emily", title: "Emily ran outreach in a difficult part of town. I gave her a shoulder to cry on when it was toughest.", gender: "F", caption: "Emily, outreach leader" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "church">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].church1 = { name: "Boyd", title: "Boyd was a pillar of the church community. And married. I still got his pillar.", gender: "M", caption: "Boyd, church community pillar." }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].church2 = { name: "Brie", title: "Brie felt that hooking up with girls abided with God's designs to not have sex before marriage.", gender: "F", caption: "Brie, 'virgin'" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "partier">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].partier1 = { name: "Clay", title: "Clay was throwing a Rubik's Cube party. It took us extra time to trade colors.", gender: "M", caption: "Clay, at the Rubik's Cube party" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].partier2 = { name: "Teyana", title: "Teyana was a hanger-on and wanted to go to all the same parties. My price was agreeable.", gender: "F", caption: "Teyana, party hanger-on" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "gang">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].gang1 = { name: "Omer", title: "Omer ran the crew around college. Amari made sure I met him.", gender: "M", caption: "Omer, Amari's local leader" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].gang2 = { name: "Kayije", title: "Kayije wanted an in at my school. I was her in and dealt for her.", gender: "F", caption: "Kayije, college dealer" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "volunteer">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].vol1 = { name: "Takashi", title: "Takashi was a Japanese exchange student that I helped around campus.", gender: "M", caption: "Takashi, Japanese exchange student" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].vol2 = { name: "Minami", title: "Minami worked at a local pound, she was cuter than the dogs.", gender: "F", caption: "Minami, dog shelter volunteer" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "sporty">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sporty1 = { name: "Jerrod", title: "Jerrod was a cute guy on my softball team. The games were a joke, but we weren't.", gender: "M", caption: "Jerrod, from my pick-up softball team" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].sporty = { name: "Kathryn", title: "Kathryn was always always running laps at the track. We would stretch together.", gender: "F", caption: "Kathryn loved to run on the track" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "beach">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].beach1 = { name: "Ethaniel", title: "Ethaniel organized weekend trips to the local beaches. I went on every one.", gender: "M", caption: "Ethaniel led weekend beach trips" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].beach2 = { name: "Julia", title: "Julia was a was an eye-opening experience.", gender: "F", caption: "Julia, the beach nudist" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "club">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].club1 = { name: "Rowan", title: "Rowan was a bouncer at the hottest spot in town. There were only two ways to get in and I didn't meet the other criteria.", gender: "M", caption: "Rowan, hot club bouncer" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].club2 = { name: "Fantasia", title: "Fantasia hit the clubs harder than I did. And the drugs. And when she was loose, she was loose.", gender: "F", caption: "Fantasia, hardcore clubber" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "tailgate">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].tailgate1 = { name: "Corie", title: "Sure, Corie was kinda shlubby, but his enthusiasm for our team was infectious.", gender: "M", caption: "Corie, college tailgater" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].tailgate2 = { name: "Jena", title: "Jena showed up to our games painted. After seeing her on the Jumbo, I had to try my luck.", gender: "F", caption: "Jena, painted girl from college games." }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "outdoors">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].outdoors1 = { name: "Bryan", title: "Bryan and I were white water rafting when we capsized. We survived and the excitemet triggered something between us.", gender: "M", caption: "Bryan, white water rafter" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].outdoors2 = { name: "Amber", title: "Amber and I met bouldering, her finger strength was incredible.", gender: "F", caption: "Amber, boulderer" }>> <</if>> <<if $CC.freetime == "power">> <<set $People['UNBodies'].power1 = { name: "Jason", title: "Jason had me as his side-piece while he was running for Congress.", gender: "M", caption: "Jason, up-and-coming politician" }>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].power2 = { name: "Olivia", title: "Olivia was a graduate student and my TA. And helpful with my grading.", gender: "F", caption: "Olivia, college TA" }>> <</if>> <<set $People['UNBodies'].vCard1 = { name: $, title: $ + " and I continued even after I went to school.", gender: $Body.vCard.gender, caption: $ + " wasn't just a HS love" }>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 0>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("nearly choked me out.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("tied me up.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("was always forceful when I gave head.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("had me worried he infected me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted to risk getting caught.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("nearly choked me out.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("tied me up.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("was always forceful when I gave head.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted to risk getting caught.")>> <</if>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted to fuck my ass to avoid any risk.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("accidentally came in me anyway.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("broke the condom.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("took off the condom without telling me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("had Plan B on hand because he preferred cumming in me.")>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 0>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("pressured me into anal.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted me to eat his ass.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted me to eat her ass.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("loved tossing my salad.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("loved tossing my salad.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("liked keeping me from cumming.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("liked keeping me from cumming.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("preferred cumming on my face.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("would smack me while he fucked me.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("would smack me when she fucked me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted me to talk dirty to him.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted me to talk dirty to her.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("liked to roleplay.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("got off with my feet.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("taped us fucking.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("liked blindfolding me.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("wanted to be blindfolded.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("had me peg him.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("liked to roleplay.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("got off with my feet.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("taped us fucking.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("liked blindfolding me.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("wanted to be blindfolded.")>> <<run setup.LezFlavor.push("had me fuck her with a strap-on.")>> <<if $Body.fertile == false>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("hated condoms, so came in me anyway.")>> <<run setup.FuckFlavor.push("didn't have protection with him and convinced me once or twice wasn't that risky.")>> <</if>> <</if>> <div id="bodycount"> <<include "UN010 - ColBodies_display">> </div>
<ul> <<for _body range $bodies>> <li> <<set _who = _body.caption || _body>> <<if $bodiesDetails.has(_who)>> <<print `${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).prefix || ""}${_who} ${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).fuckFlavor}`>> <<else>> <<if _body.gender == "F" || _who.includes('girlfriend')>> <<set _flavorText = setup.LezFlavor.random()>> <<else>> <<set _flavorText = setup.FuckFlavor.random()>> <</if>> <<if _body.from == "HS">> <<set _prefix = setup.FuckFlavorOld.random()>> <<else>> <<set _prefix = ''>> <</if>> <<run $bodiesDetails.set(_who, { fuckFlavor: _flavorText, prefix: _prefix })>> <<print `${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).prefix}${_who} ${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).fuckFlavor}`>> <</if>> </li> <</for>> </ul> <br><br> A four year spread of spreading led to a tally of $UN.bodiesNum. That's in addition to my $CC.HSBC from before. <br><br> <<if $bodies.length gte ($UN.CBC + $CC.HSBC + $UN.bodiesNum)>> Perv. Hope you're happy and [[enjoyed|UN010 - CollegeLvls]] that. <<else>> <<set _unobtainedModSelection = Object.values($People['UNBodies']) .concat($HS.leftoverBodies) .filter(mod => ? !$bodies.find(a => === : !$bodies.includes(mod)) .shuffle() .sort((a, b) => a.gender < b.gender ? -1 : 1)>> /* List has women in front, men in back. Pops 2 women if lesbian or Bi, 1 otherwise. */ <<set _availableBodyMods = []>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push($Body.sexuality !== "straight" ? _unobtainedModSelection.shift() : _unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.shift())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.push(_unobtainedModSelection.pop())>> <<run _availableBodyMods.shuffle()>> <<set $sexcount = true>> <div class="items-grid items-grid-expand"> <<for _mod range _availableBodyMods>> <<capture _mod>> <<if && _mod.title>> <<set _buttonText = _mod.title>> <<else>> <<set _buttonText = _mod>> <</if>> <<button _buttonText>> <<run $bodies.push(_mod)>> <<run $UN.bodies.push(_mod)>> /* to add the person to the temporary array as well */ <<replace #bodycount t8n>> <<include "UN010 - ColBodies_display">> <</replace>> <</button>> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <br><br><br> <div> <<button "Hell, I barely remember who I did or did me">> <<run _unobtainedModSelection.shuffle()>> <<for _mod range _unobtainedModSelection>> <<capture _mod>> <<if $bodies.length lt ($UN.CBC + $CC.HSBC + $UN.bodiesNum)>> <<run $bodies.push(_mod)>> <<run $UN.bodies.push(_mod)>> /* to add the person to the temporary array as well */ <<replace #bodycount t8n>> <<include "UN010 - ColBodies_display">> <</replace>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</button>> </div> <</if>>
<<if $CC.BC == "Pill">><<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Pills")>><</if>> <<if $CC.BC == "Ring">><<run $Inventory.pushUnique("Ring")>><</if>> <<if $UN.bodiesNum lt 5>> <<set $kinknum ++>> <<set $num ++>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum lt 10>> <<set $kinknum ++>> <<set $num += 2>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum lt 20>> <<set $kinknum += 2>> <<set $num += 3>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum lt 30>> <<set $kinknum += 3>> <<set $num += 3>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum lt 45>> <<set $kinknum += 3>> <<set $num += 4>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum lt 60>> <<set $kinknum += 4>> <<set $num += 5>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum lt 75>> <<set $kinknum += 5>> <<set $num += 6>> <<elseif $UN.bodiesNum lte 90>> <<set $kinknum += 6>> <<set $num += 7>> <<else>> <<set $kinknum += 7>> <<set $num += 8>> <</if>> /* <<set _noMoreKinksOptions = setup.kinks.filter((kink) => !$Stats.Kinks.includes(kink)).length === 1>> <<set _noMoreSkillsOptions = setup.sexSkills.filter((skill) => !$Stats.SexSkills.includes(skill)).length === 0>> <<if _noMoreKinksOptions || _noMoreSkillsOptions>> NO MORE KINKS TO ADD oO <<hint>> <<set _subscribestarURL = "">> <<set _patreonURL = "">> Ok, so you've ran out of kinks for now. Let us know how you did that and what kinks you'd want to see in the game. You can reach us on our Discord if you are a subscriber on <a @href="_subscribestarURL" target="_blank">SubscribeStar</a> or <a @href="_patreonURL" target="_blank">Patreon</a> <br><br> Thanks @Snow***** for being first to get to this state and letting us naughty! <</hint>> <br><br> <</if>> */ <<sexSkillsSetup 3>> <<intro>> College was a playground for playtime. It gave me the time to really understand who I was in the sack, crystallized what I liked and how to do things. <<kinks>> My brain just happened to be wired in a way where I loved: <<skills>> And experience had taught me about myself that<<if $Stats.SexSkills.length eq 0>> I had<</if>>: <<onDone>> <<if $Body.fertile == true>> <<set $UN.preg = false>> <<set _pregDiv = ($Stats.Traits['Stable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value + $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value + $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value + $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value) - ($Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value + $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value + $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value + $CC.maleReaction)>> <<if _pregDiv lte 0>><<set _pregDiv = 1>><</if>> <<if $Stats.Kinks.includes("Breeding")>><<set _pregDiv = 1>><</if>> /* TODO: (Fict) Maybe make this only check against UNI male bodies. Update bodies so we know where they from. */ <<set _pregNum = $bodies.filter(body => body.gender && body.gender === 'M').length>> <<set $UN.pregAttempts = Math.floor(_pregNum / _pregDiv)>> /* Intention - Run a preg check (total number of _pregNum / _pregDiv) times, if pregged, go to the new story arc, otherwise, continue to the normal pathing */ <<set $UN.preg = Array($UN.pregAttempts).fill(0).map((x) => random(1,100) <= $Body.maxFertility).includes(true)>> <<if $UN.preg == false>> I'd played a //lot// of Russian Roulette with sperm and my eggs, but I'd gotten through lucky. Not knocked up. Crossing fingers works! <br><br> Thank god. Didn't want __that__ kind of opportunity to grow and change. Life would have many more opportunities for me where a ''child'' wasn't involved.And at the time, I was certain that life had many more opportunities to grow and change. And boy, [[was I right|UN011 - SeniorYear]]. <<else>> I'd been playing a //lot// of Russian Roulette with sperm and my eggs. And, unsurprisingly, they did what they were trying to do. My life was interrupted with an 'unexpected' opportunity for me to grow and change. <br><br> <<if $CC.spoiled == true>> <<Stats Stable -->> <<face shock>> <<shake 5s>>FUUUUUCK!<</shake>> This couldn't happen to //me//! <br><br> So I cried. And cried. And fucking cried. But it didn't change anything. <br><br> It was like someone was playing a joke on me. Like 'teen pregnancy' could happen to //anyone//. <br><br> I wished 'they' took their jokes elsewhere, to someone that actually deserved [[this|KU001 - With Child]]. <<else>> [[Fuck|KU001 - With Child]]. <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> And at the time, I was certain that life had many more opportunities to grow and change. And boy, [[was I right|UN011 - SeniorYear]]. <</if>> <</sexSkillsSetup>>
<<outfit $UN.greek>> <<if $UN.preg == true>> <<set $Body.age ++>><<set $CC.year -->> Senior year. And it would be with a different class, most of my friends gone. It was both more weighty -- because I had nearly lost out on graduating entirely -- and more flimsy -- because everything had been interrupted. <</if>> The capstone year loomed large. There was excitement because for many of us it was an easy year with few lectures, some intro classes that waited til the end to finish off the Major requirements, but essentially a free year. But that also meant was ending. And that meant: real life. Or Grad School. I hadn't entertained the latter with <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>, and I wasn't even sure what kind of post-bacc I would want to go to. <br><br> And for made me realize that these years had passed by with only a vague hole -- a memory -- of a mother. No funeral, no sudden reappearance, no second life suddenly revealed, just nothing. And that <<shake 2s>>ached<</shake>>. It felt like a hunger that wouldn't abate. It needed to be quenched and come to some conclusion so that I could mourn and move on. It just felt unresolved and I'd been distracting myself for this time possibly in some vain hope that it would finalize itself while I was otherwise occupied. <br><br> Nope. <br><br><br> So, I guess I'd be dealing with that <<linkexpand "on top of everything else.">> on top of everything else. <br><br><br> The Career Fair! <br><br> Maybe that would give me some understanding of myself and clarify a direction to go in. Or just a job. A job would do. <br><br> Plastic tables ringed the edges of our Dining Hall, each with their own cheap table cloth and documentation. Hedge funds, government agencies, law firms, tech startups from the area, all of them looking for cheap, young and naive labor. <br><br> I wandered around, a non-committal smile plastered on my face as I waited for something to grab me. <br><br> And grab me it did. Well, not literally. But I was stopped short when I saw Nate. <br><br> Ending High School and there he was, and here we were coming to the close of college and...Nate. <br><br><br> "I thought you were a--" <br><br> "Oh, hello! Are you interested in filling out an application for the Department of the Interior? What's your name?" <br><br> "Nate. You know--" <br><br><br> A perfunctory look down at his chest for a name tag, which he wasn't wearing, "How did you..." <br><br> Hands on my hips, frowning at him. There was a pause and consideration, then quietly, "You still have it?" I nodded, glad for the drop of the facade, "Call me?" I nodded again and then he picked up the charade again, stuffing a pamphlet and application into my hand while 'introducing' himself. <br><br> I laughed it off and turned around, my mind churning. Had this all been on purpose? His being here? Or had it been a coincidence that had surprised him as much as me? <br><br> I left the Dining Hall and pulled out my phone to call him. I already had <<linkexpand "a text with an address.">> a text with an address. <<call Nate>>"Dinerville."<</call>> <br><br><br> Ostensibly authentic Jewish and the menu made out an arrangement of knishes and the like. <br><br> Remember that hunger I mentioned? Well, hopefully Nate had a knish for me. <br><br> He dropped into the seat opposite me with far less acting than earlier. "Good to see you, <<print $>>." <br><br> "Thought you didn't know my name." It was his turn to frown. "Fine. So. Been a while, crocodile." <br><br> "We think that we've got a bead on her." <br><br> "Took you long enough." That seemed to really dig at him. He took it personally. "So why are you here rather than looking for her?" <br><br> "We are. That's how we've assembled the knowledge that we have. But I felt personally obligated to let you know." <br><br> "Does <<if $ == 2>>Uncle Tom<<else>><<print $CC.DName>><</if>>?" He shook his head and looked away, his fingers playing at the laminated edges of the menu. The bedraggled server took that as a sign to come over and he quickly turned back to the menu to clarify the signal into a "Not ready". <br><br> "I'm breaking protocol being here and saying anything, to be honest." <br><br> "Then why?" <br><br> "I feel responsible, to her, and for that reason, you." <br><br> I rolled my eyes, "O-kay." <br><br> <<if $ == 1>> <<face angry>> He sighed, bit his lower lip and looked down, past the menu and into his lap, "Remember that fight that you both had? Years ago?" A chill ran down my spine. I knew exactly what he was talking about and that he knew the details spoke to how long and how intwined he was with my life and my mother's. <br><br> My skin prickled, rage swelled inside me unbidden, "//O//-''kay''." No eyeroll this time. They were firmly planted on him. <br><br> He raised his hands, disarmed, "You might be able to find her." <br><br> Tears rolled down my cheeks: more unwanted, unexpected emotion. "How?" Also unexpected, but the word left my lips. <br><br> He nodded, hand lightly holding my hand, paper sliding into my palm, "Graduate. Come to Manila. We'll talk there." <br><br> And then he stood and left. The server said my meal was already paid for. <br><br> I stared at the old-fashioned paper ticket to Manila that was in front of me. The date? Day after Commencement. <br><br><br> I looked up at her, wiping my nose with a little smile, "It's okay. I'm [[not hungry anymore|UN012 - Commencement]]." <<else>> <<face angry>> I know that you didn't have too much of a connection, but she cared for you, <<print $>>. <br><br> My skin prickled, rage swelled inside me unbidden, "//O//-''kay''." No eyeroll this time. They were firmly planted on him. <br><br> He raised his hands, disarmed, "You might be able to find her." <br><br> Tears rolled down my cheeks: more unwanted, unexpected emotion. "How?" Also unexpected, but the word left my lips. <br><br> He nodded, hand lightly holding my hand, paper sliding into my palm, "Graduate. Come to Manila. We'll talk there." <br><br> And then he stood and left. The server said my meal was already paid for. <br><br> I stared at the old-fashioned paper ticket to Manila that was in front of me. The date? Day after Commencement. <br><br><br> I looked up at her, wiping my nose with a little smile, "It's okay. I'm [[not hungry anymore|UN012 - Commencement]]." <</if>> <</linkexpand>> <</linkexpand>>
So. That happened. <br><br> Fuck! <br><br> I could barely comprehend how my whole life had been turned upside-down. //Again//. Mom FTW. <br><br> One moment I had been looking to the future post-college and what I would go on to do...return home? look for a job? Master's? Travel? There were so, so many options and now I'd been railroaded into one insanity. <br><br> This had never been in my field-of-view. None of my potential options had included ''this''. In fact, it kinda was like I'd been avoiding this with a passion. <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>Took an additional year off from everything before college, too.<</if>> <br><br> Despite all my best efforts, I was being railroaded into the very thing I'd been holding at arm's length. Maybe it would just disappear. Out of sight, out of mind, right? <br><br> All of my plans up in smoke. I even had a fully planned conversation with <<print $People['UN']>>. <br><br> Fuuuuuck. <<print $People['UN']>>. <br><br> What was I going to do about them now? <br><br> <div id="LDR"> <<crossroads #LDR>> <<path>> This affected //me// not ''us''. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<set $HS.LDR = true>> I had to scrap my entire plan for our DTR. I knew <<print $People['UN']>> was excited for time together, moving in... <br><br> An adjustment had to be made. I didn't let them know the whys or wherefores, and they were confused. Angry. But when I brought up my Mom, they got quiet. The trump card. <br><br> They didn't pry. They dried their tears and nodded considerately. They understood. <br><br> I'd be taking a trip away from them, but that didn't change anything about us. And who knew, maybe the excitement of this adventure would mean something else was in store for us sooner rather than later. <br><br> That decision made, I pressed on to all the results of my collegiate career -- the capstone of my education -- commencement and the fun of Spring Fling. But now everything that had once been so vibrant and exciting had lost its [[shine|UN012 - Commencement2]]. <<path>> I had to break things off. <<contents>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> I had to scrap my entire plan for our DTR. Before I had details and reasons and excuses and now I couldn't use them because of...spy confidentiality or whatever the fuck. <br><br> Wait. Why couldn't I? Spying was lying and I already had a story planned. By using it, I wouldn't be revealing anything and I'd still accomplish what I needed to do, which was a summary ending of this thing between us. <br><br> It was as hard as I thought it was going to be...for them. For me, I felt steeled somehow. Far less emotional than I expected to me. Maybe it would have been different if the circumstances weren't so insane. Or maybe not. Maybe this is just how I felt about us. <br><br> That decision made, I pressed on to all the results of my collegiate career -- the capstone of my education -- commencement and the fun of Spring Fling. But now everything that had once been so vibrant and exciting had lost its [[shine|UN012 - Commencement2]]. <</crossroads>> </div>
<div id="springfling"> <<set _collegeresult = 0>> <<if $ == 1>><<set _collegeresult += 2>><</if>> <<if $ == 3>><<set _collegeresult -= 3>><</if>> <<if $UN.preg == true>><<set _collegeresult += 2>><</if>> <<if $UN.major == "Pre-Med">><<set _collegeresult += 2>><</if>> <<if $UN.major == "Pre-Law">><<set _collegeresult ++>><</if>> <<if ["Dance", "Theatre"].includes($UN.major)>><<set _collegeresult -->><</if>> Grades and what opportunities they could afford me no longer entered my mind. Now, it was simply crossing days off of the calendar. <br><br> The day after our meeting I went into full despair-mode as the logic of me being able to find some secret agent when the agency she worked for had taken this long to even come up with a city. And how they expected me, some college grad, to be able to track someone AWOL and bring them back into the fold. It was silly. <br><br> It was just as silly to spend all this time in classes and parties for what. <br><br> <<if $UN.test lt _collegeresult>> <<run $Memories.push("Failed College")>> <<set $UN.GPA = ("0." + random(9))>> <<Stats Confident -->> <<Stats Stable -->> <<Stats Sophisticated -->> <<outfit default>> <<face angry>> I'd not be graduating. And given the conversation with Nate...lucky for me! looked like it didn't matter. Just a lot of wasted time. <br><br> But maybe it was the friends we made along the way. <br><br> Whatever. <br><br> I wouldn't have to wait through speeches that didn't matter or sit out in the overbearing heat in a cap and gown. <br><br> Would the last laugh be on me for having this on my transcript? Or would it be on them -- what would all of this matter in a year? <br><br> On the other hand, I'd paid my tuition, so even sans-diploma, I still had every right to enjoy the last moments of my college career. <<elseif ($UN.test - _collegeresult) gte 6>> <<set $UN.GPA = "4.0">> <<outfit grad>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<face happy>> I'd //killed// it. Held a 4.0 GPA the whole way through. Well, maybe this smart cookie would be the right person for the job. <br><br> As far as the diploma...We've already done the whole 'ending school', graduating thing -- it wasn't much different this time around, just a lot more bodies, a longer ceremony and far too many speeches by people we didn't know. I crossed the stage, was handed my hard-won <<print $UN.major>> degree with a handshake...never knowing if I would ever need it again...threw a hat, cheered like everyone else. Yay. <br><br> <<if ($UN.test - _collegeresult) gt random(7,10)>> <<run $Memories.push("College Valedictorian")>> I don't know if it was insult added to injury or not, but I had been awarded class Valedictorian. Top of the top of academic achievements...and my near-future had nothing to do with academics. It seemed silly to me, deflating, and made crafting a speech even more difficult. <br><br> <<if $UN.major == "Pre-Med">> I had learned so many details about chemistry and biology that...just didn't matter. Would I remember them at the other end of everything that was on the horizon? Would I return to medicine? Would I return? <br><br> My speech wasn't about accomplishment or changing the world, being the best and brightest -- the next generation of brilliance. It was about adaptability and the fluidity of life and the world. We had been able to dictate our lives up to this point, but now life would be the dictator. <br><br> I don't know if it landed. I didn't really notice the reaction. <br><br> Did anyone care anyway? Most of the people I knew were singularly focused on one thing: <<elseif $UN.major == "Pre-Law">> I had learned so many details about political science and philosophy that...just didn't matter. Would I remember them at the other end of everything that was on the horizon? Would I return to medicine? Would I return? <br><br> My speech wasn't about accomplishment or changing the world, being the best and brightest -- the next generation of brilliance. It was about adaptability and the fluidity of life and the world. We had been able to dictate our lives up to this point, but now life would be the dictator. <br><br> I don't know if it landed. I didn't really notice the reaction. <br><br> Did anyone care anyway? Most of the people I knew were singularly focused on one thing: <<elseif Array("Dance", "Theatre").includes($UN.major)>> I had learned so many details about art and performance that...just didn't matter. Would I remember them at the other end of everything that was on the horizon? Would I return to medicine? Would I return? <br><br> My speech wasn't about accomplishment or changing the world, being the best and brightest -- the next generation of brilliance. It was about adaptability and the fluidity of life and the world. We had been able to dictate our lives up to this point, but now life would be the dictator. <br><br> I don't know if it landed. I didn't really notice the reaction. <br><br> Did anyone care anyway? Most of the people I knew were singularly focused on one thing: <<elseif $UN.major == "Business">> I had learned so many details about economics and finance that...just didn't matter. Would I remember them at the other end of everything that was on the horizon? Would I return to medicine? Would I return? <br><br> My speech wasn't about accomplishment or changing the world, being the best and brightest -- the next generation of brilliance. It was about adaptability and the fluidity of life and the world. We had been able to dictate our lives up to this point, but now life would be the dictator. <br><br> I don't know if it landed. I didn't really notice the reaction. <br><br> Did anyone care anyway? Most of the people I knew were singularly focused on one thing: <<else>> I had learned so many details about sociology and the past that...just didn't matter. Would I remember them at the other end of everything that was on the horizon? Would I return to medicine? Would I return? <br><br> My speech wasn't about accomplishment or changing the world, being the best and brightest -- the next generation of brilliance. It was about adaptability and the fluidity of life and the world. We had been able to dictate our lives up to this point, but now life would be the dictator. <br><br> I don't know if it landed. I didn't really notice the reaction. <br><br> Did anyone care anyway? Most of the people I knew were singularly focused on one thing: <</if>> <<else>> There was a pretty interesting speech by a couple classmates -- I hadn't quite eked out being valedictorian or salutatorian -- and an alumni who had gone into business, but my mind kept wandering to what //my// future looked like. They could never, ever conceive of it. <br><br> We were all thinking about what came later: <</if>> <<elseif ($UN.test - _collegeresult) gte 4>> <<set $UN.GPA = ("3." + random(5))>> <<outfit grad>> <<Stats Confident ++>> <<Stats Sophisticated ++>> <<face happy>> I'd done a really good job and pulled down a 3.0 ish. <br><br> As far as the diploma...We've already done the whole 'ending school', graduating thing -- it wasn't much different this time around, just a lot more bodies, a longer ceremony and far too many speeches by people we didn't know. I crossed the stage, was handed my hard-won <<print $UN.major>> degree with a handshake...never knowing if I would ever need it again...threw a hat, cheered like everyone else. Yay. <br><br> There was a pretty interesting speech by a couple classmates and an alumni who had gone into business, but my mind kept wandering to what //my// future looked like. They could never, ever conceive of it. <br><br> We were all thinking about what came later: <<elseif ($UN.test - _collegeresult) gte 2>> <<set $UN.GPA = ("2." + random(6))>> <<outfit grad>> <<Stats Confident ++>> I'd probably focused on other things too much, but I'd pass. Just wouldn't be impressing anyone with my GPA. <br><br> As far as the diploma...We've already done the whole 'ending school', graduating thing -- it wasn't much different this time around, just a lot more bodies, a longer ceremony and far too many speeches by people we didn't know. I crossed the stage, grabbed the <<print $UN.major>> degree I barely managed -- and didn't know if I would ever need it again -- threw a hat, cheered like everyone else. Yay. <br><br> There was a couple speeches by a couple classmates and an alumni who had gone into business, but my mind kept wandering to what //my// future looked like. They could never, ever conceive of it. <br><br> We were all thinking about what came later: <<else>> <<set $UN.GPA = ("1." + random(8))>> <<outfit grad>> <<face hurt1>> Well, I'd get my diploma, but I'd need to probably burn the transcript. <br><br> As far as the diploma...We've already done the whole 'ending school', graduating thing -- it wasn't much different this time around, just a lot more bodies, a longer ceremony and far too many speeches by people we didn't know. I crossed the stage, grabbed the <<print $UN.major>> degree I barely managed (thank god they didn't list GPA anywhere on it) -- and didn't know if I would ever need it again -- threw a hat, cheered like everyone else. Yay. <br><br> Some people spoke. I wasn't paying attention. The future they spoke about and mine were drastically, unimaginably different. Plus, they had done well in school. Fuck 'em. <br><br> We were all thinking about what came later: <</if>> <br><br> The end of the year <<link "Concert.">><<replace "#springfling">> <<outfit $UN.greek>> The Quad was taken up with a full-on stage. Exams and term papers were in the rear view mirror and now our days could be taken up by pre-gaming before the sun started to set and the show began. <br><br> Feeling it for the past few hours, I sauntered down to the chain link fence in the center of campus. My arm was hooked through <<if $ == true>><<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>Tammy, one of the hyper-religious girls<<else>>Timothy, one of the BYX christian boys<</if>> was my most recent arm candy, and hadn't put an ultimatum to me yet.<<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>>'s, my head leaning affectionately on their shoulder. It didn't matter how things were between us or who saw because things were coming to a close. I didn't even know if I'd see them again after tomorrow. <br><br> I hadn't told them about what had happened or where I was going. Better to just focus on the now and let the later be later. <<speechPC>>"Mhm, here." I nodded and smiled, holding up my wrist to the security guard as they asked to see our wristbands -- can't have some local come to a great concert. They'd have to listen from outside the campus as the sounds escaped through the air.<</speechPC>> <<speech "Security">>"Your bag?" A hard look like he knew better than trust a college kid. I rolled my eyes and showed him that I hadn't brought in drugs or alcohol. The latter was ridiculous to me because I was of age. Finally.<</speech>> <br><br> Whatever. They were protecting as best they could against kids getting hurt and dead. He grunted and nodded, <<speechPC>>"What, dude." I gave him maybe a bit more attitude. "No contraband."<</speechPC>> <<speech "Security">>"I see the truth in your eyes." I laughed, confused and we moved past the gate. What did that even //mean//?<</speech>> <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 0>> <<if $ == true>><<speech>>"You know how much I hate it when you smoke."<</speech>><<else>><<speech $People['UN']>>"You know how much I hate it when you smoke."<</speech>><</if>> They hadn't looked at me once since we met up to head to the concert. Sure, I'd been smoking and I felt //great//. And why wouldn't I? It was a fucking concert. And school was ending. And...later is for later. <br><br> <</if>> The Quad was already alive. Blankets laid out as people reserved space. A frisbee flung through the air and in the low-light I nearly took it to the face. <<speechPC>>I yelped and ducked, "Jesus. Should have restricted those things, not beer."<</speechPC>> <<if $ == true>><<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>Tammy<<else>>Timothy<</if>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>> grunted with a slight nod and we made our way to the front of the crowd as some band of relevancy from ten, twenty years ago that I'd recognize a song or two as they played. I wasn't going to press things, didn't want to start a fight with <<if $ == true>><<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>Tammy<<else>>Timothy<</if>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>>. Not today. Let the music change the energy and we'd go from there. <br><br> As they kicked into gear I slipped away, moving forward to the front of the stage, pushing into the mass of kids that wanted to get close. I looked back over my shoulder, smiling playfully and waving them to join. There was no eye contact and they didn't follow. I wondered if this was a defense mechanism, somehow understanding what was in the cards for us. <br><br> No matter. I'd enjoy myself. And I did, screaming out the few familiar lyrics and swaying with the people alongside me. And with people this close together, those that had been able to smuggle in liquor and weed were being kind and sharing. <br><br> Dusk gave way to night and we came upon the closing of their act. Their one most famous song. I was euphoric. <br><br> And that's why I thought I was dreaming when the lead singer was looking right at me, motioning me to join them on stage. <div id="concert"> <<crossroads #concert>> <<path>> ''Do'' it? What a way to end college. <<contents>> <<Stats Excitable ++>> <<set $Memories.push("Slept with a Famous Lead Singer")>> <<face ahego>> <br><br> Me? No way. I pointed at myself like an idiot and he nodded, <<speech "Lead Singer">>"Come up here, darling."<</speech>> And there was a security in front of me, and instead of trying to get me to back away from the barrier, his beefy arms were outstretched to grab me and help me over. I was lifted up and over, amazed that he could move me so effortlessly. <br><br> And then, I was over the wall, <<speech "Guard">>"This way."<</speech>> The steak of an arm pointing me to the stairway alongside the stage. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Just...go up?"<</speechPC>> The band had begun to spin up into what sounded like their finale and the security guy raised an eyebrow affecting The Rock while letting me know how idiotic that question was. He turned, back to his job and left me to go up on stage. <br><br> As I mounted them I was nervous. What the fuck was I going to do on stage? I didn't know any of their songs. Was I just going to stand there awkwardly? Why had he picked me out of the crowd? <br><br> <<speech "Backstage Guy">>"No, no. Stand there."<</speech>> One of the roadies or stage managers or...well, someone with authority grabbed my arm and tugged me back before I made my way onto stage, guiding me back behind the bank of speakers. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Oh. But I thought--"<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Backstage Guy">>"Their set's almost done. Do you want to go wait at the hotel?"<</speech>> The way that this was all happening was so normal to this guy and so confusing to me. But it seemed obvious to him. Old hat. So I nodded. What I had in my system keeping me from really thinking it through. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Cool."<</speechPC>> <br><br> His hand, still on my upper arm guided me back down the stairs and over towards a few roadies. <<speech "Backstage Guy">>"Back to the hotel. And quick, we gotta tear down to make the plane."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speech "Backstage Guy">>"Sure, thing. Cap'n."<</speech>> And then I was in a van, not a word said to me and I didn't know what kind of small talk to make, shuttled over to the nearby Hilton. <<speech "Backstage Guy">>"Room 309."<</speech>> It was a simple, easy smile as he handed me the keycard and turned and left. Leaving me alone. <br><br> I'd gone from being called up on stage to being dropped off at a hotel where, I guessed, they'd be showing up soon. Because how long were songs anyway. I meandered up to the elevator and third floor as I considered where I was and what <<if $ == true>><<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>Tammy<<else>>Timothy<</if>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>> was doing. Or thinking. I checked my phone. Nothing. <<call>>"Hey."<</call>> Not even a read receipt. Well, fuck you too. <br><br> I had no idea what had gotten into them. I hadn't done anything and it was the last day of college. And sure, I wasn't going to see them again, but they didn't know that. Couldn't know that. Did they know that? <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> Sitting in the chair in Room 309, I mulled over what it all meant and who was wrong right now. <<speech "Lead Singer">>"There you are. What's your name darling?"<</speech>> He had a drawl, was in his...fifties? Sixties? Being on the road, drugs and alcohol made it hard to tell. He was lanky with ratty hair and beard and tattooed everywhere I could see. Walking in like it was a Tuesday. <br><br> <<speechPC>>"<<print $>>. Uh, great show."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech "Lead Singer">>"Glad you liked it. Drink?"<</speech>> He was at the minibar, pulling out the little bottles and already had his thin lips wrapped around the neck of one. He patted the bed beside him and I moved off the chair to join him. I knew where this was leading, but between already being here, the whirlwind of being chosen by a 'rockstar' and annoyed at <<if $ == true>><<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>Tammy<<else>>Timothy<</if>><<else>><<print $People['UN']>><</if>>, I wasn't backing down now. <br><br> I swigged at the bottle while he drew out a line of coke, doing one and setting up another for me. <<if $HS.addictionLv gt 0>>I leaned over and snorted it, holding my head back as I coughed and he patted me firmly on my back.<<else>>I shook my head and he shrugged, doing the second line himself.<</if>> <br><br> <<speech "Lead Singer">>"Let's get comfortable."<</speech>> It was such an easy thing for him. I wondered how many other girls over how many years had been in this exact situation. Every show? It had a confident rhythm to it like a song. Taking off our clothes. Him diving between my legs and eating me out -- gloriously. //God//. Did he know how to eat fucking pussy. He kept me on edge for so long, then made me cum and wouldn't stop licking even as I was screaming out and trying to push his head away -- far too sensitive to deal with his attentions. <br><br> I didn't even have to ask for a condom. Thinking about how casual this was for him made me ultra concerned, but he was rolling it on before we got into position. We started with me splayed out in front of him so he could look at me. Then we moved into doggiestyle, then on my side, then me ontop. He talked to me and guided me through the process like we were just having a conversation while his cock shoved inside me. But I didn't mind, because each position -- primed by his tongue -- I climaxed hard, clutching at the hotel room sheets. <br><br> Right as my legs were about to give out, the day had been so long and the fuck had been so lengthy and amazing, he drove himself to completion, groaning out compliments about me as he filled his rubber. <br><br> We took a shower together, he asked about what I was doing next and I told him where I was headed, but not why. And then we climbed into bed. I was too exhausted to think about what I had done or what I would say tomorrow, if anything. So I didn't. I just slept. So. Fucking. Well. <br><br> The morning brought me waking to an empty bed, a cute rose left on the bedside table. He was gone in the night and left me with the room and carte blanche to enjoy myself. <br><br> <<vCardCheck "Formerly Famous Lead Singer" M>> <br><br> So, I did. I felt so blissed out after the evening and enjoyed the comforts of the hotel as long as I could -- probably also as a delaying tactic to prevent people from seeing my day-after glow. But it was short-lived and eventually I had to head back to campus. <br><br> Soon enough, I was out in the sweltering sun, <<link "graduating">><<replace "#springfling" t8n>> The heat was sweltering, the speeches resonated less with me than the rest of the bored graduating class. We crossed the platform, got our diplomas as name after so many names were called. Eventually, we'd all done the formalities and we were congratulated, Class of <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>2023<<else>>2024<</if>>. <br><br> A cheer that I didn't join. Excitement I didn't feel. But I threw my cap with everyone else -- it'd be weird to just be the only one standing around..and looking skyward to catch it, I saw a plane pass overhead. And the next day, I was on one to the [[Philippines|ACTI003 - Manila Arrival]]. That was it. College was over. The 'rails of life' had reached their terminus...I was really making things up as I went now. <br><br><br> <<if $HS.LDR == true>> <<set _primaryText = "I hadn't been thinking about them at all. Why had I done it? Why hadn't I been thinking about them? Had the distance really gotten to me? Broken us?">> <<include "UN000 - Cheating">> <</if>> <<if $ == true>> <<set $ = false>> What a crazy capstone to college. To lose my viriginity and to lose it //that// way. <</if>> <</replace>><</link>>. But for now, I could enjoy the end of my college career and soak in the experience. <<path>> ''No'' need to get crazy. I should go find <<print $People['UN']>> and not leave things on a sour note. <<contents>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <br><br> <<if $ == true>> I shied back. There was no way that he meant //me// right? Nope. He was. One of the security on the other side of the barrier reached a beefy arm across to help me over. <<speechPC>>"Uh, no s-sorry."<</speechPC>> I pushed back against the wall of people behind me, looking for an exit. I was having a great time, definitely feeling it, but I wasn't a groupie. Especially for ''them''. <br><br> People gave way and I made my way through the crowd, <<speech "Lead Singer">>"Aww, come on. Don't go!"<</speech>> from the stage, a swelling boo as the drunk crowd joined in the disappointment. It was funny to me that the people were cupping hands to their mouths and booing out loud right as I passed them -- they had no clue who they were booing. <br><br> I realized it'd be impossible to find Timothy in this crowd. I pulled out my phone to text and then I realized...I wasn't in the mood to hash out the future. I didn't want cliche 'losing my virginity' on our last night. Finding <<if $Body.sexuality == "lesbian">>Tammy<<else>>Timothy<</if>> would have been too much, would have implied things and I didn't mean any of them. <br><br> As hard as it was, I tucked my phone away and resolved to stay alone tonight. I'd see Timothy tomorrow and say goodbye as if it were nothing, just another day. Or I wouldn't. <br><br> All I did know was that in a few hours, we'd be out in the sweltering sun, <<link "graduating">><<replace "#springfling" t8n>> The heat was sweltering, the speeches resonated less with me than the rest of the bored graduating class. We crossed the platform, got our diplomas as name after so many names were called. Eventually, we'd all done the formalities and we were congratulated, Class of <<if visited("GY001 - Departure")>>2023<<else>>2024<</if>>. <br><br> A cheer that I didn't join. Excitement I didn't feel. But I threw my cap with everyone else -- it'd be weird to just be the only one standing around..and looking skyward to catch it, I saw a plane pass overhead. And the next day, I was on one to the [[Philippines|ACTI003 - Manila Arrival]]. That was it. College was over. The 'rails of life' had reached their terminus...I was really making things up as I went now. <</replace>><</link>>. <<else>> I shied back. There was no way that he meant //me// right? Nope. He was. One of the security on the other side of the barrier reached a beefy arm across to help me over. <<speechPC>>"Uh, no s-sorry."<</speechPC>> I pushed back against the wall of people behind me, looking for an exit. I was having a great time, definitely feeling it, but I wasn't a groupie. Especially for ''them''. <br><br> People gave way and I made my way through the crowd, <<speech "Lead Singer">>"Aww, come on. Don't go!"<</speech>> from the stage, a swelling boo as the drunk crowd joined in the disappointment. It was funny to me that the people were cupping hands to their mouths and booing out loud right as I passed them -- they had no clue who they were booing. <br><br> Finally out of the crowd, I pulled out my phone and sent off a text, <<call>>"Hey. Where you at?"<</call>> The three dots. Thank god. Well, depending on their response. <br><br> <<call $People['UN']>>"Had enough fun?"<</call>> Ouch. Okay. Fair. <br><br> <<call>>"You still at the concert?"<</call>> A picture of the TV from the couch. I took it as an invitation and my sweaty ass rolled up and was pleased to see them smiling as they opened the door, <<speech $People['UN']>>"Didn't stay long?"<</speech>> <br><br> I hadn't. <<speechPC>>"Nah. Not really my scene."<</speechPC>> I pulled myself into them and we went inside. <br><br> <<if $People['UN'].Boyfriend.gender == "F" || $People['UN'] == "Tammy">> She kept her distance, letting me know she was still upset with me, but after an hour of shitty TV and cuddling on the couch together, she softened. <<speechPC>>"I'm sorry."<</speechPC>> <br><br> <<speech $People['UN']>>"I know."<</speech>> She kissed me on my forehead and that's all we had to say. We didn't have to discuss whatever was actually making her mad. I wished that the rest of the day could have been that easy and smooth, but I'd take this. <br><br> When we climbed into bed, we didn't have to end on a bad note. <br><br> I don't know if either of us were expressly horny, but we wanted the closeness. It started with me pulling myself against her, spooning and holding her tightly. <<speech $People['UN']>>" smell like--" my mouth stopped her.<</speech>> Facing away became twisting to meet me became us face to face, our legs sliding between each others. <br><br> Our hands slid into each others hair. We'd started sleeping in beds opposite each other, but we'd spent four years sharing sleeping arrangements quite a bit. And this would be the last one. I don't know if she knew, but it felt like she knew, the way her fingers pulled at my roots. The way her tongue pushed deep into my mouth. <br><br> I worked off her sleeping shorts and she pulled at mine, ditched down under the sheets to tie up our feet later. My hand dipped between her thighs, finding her excitement and knowing exactly how to please her. <br><br> One finger, then a second slipped into her velvety clutch and I heard the cute and familiar noise of her pleasure. I was working her spot without even trying, my other hand squeezing at her breast and tweaking her hard nipple. She shuddered against me and I smiled, breathing against her neck -- I knew how to make her cum so easily. <<speech $People['UN']>>"Ca-reful." Her hand grabbed at my wrist. "Not yet."<</speech>> <br><br> <<speechPC>>"Why not?"<</speechPC>> I dug my fingers deeper to make my point. She cooed. And then she came. She whimpered and laughed, her eyes flashing at me like "How dare you," as her body quivered. My fingers, soaked by her juices, slowed for a moment while I let her peak. Her hand finally finding its way to my hungry hole and I grabbed at her as she entered me. <br><br> I'd miss this. But then again, maybe that was just my body craving another orgasm. Oxytocin is a crazy drug. <br><br> <<else>> He kept his distance, letting me know he was still upset with me, but he couldn't be that upset with me as we got onto the couch and I tugged his shorts down. <<speech $People['UN']>>"Hey, hey."<</speech>> He fought slightly but as soon as I took his cock in my mouth, he softened. And hardened. <br><br> I soaked his cock, sucking him slowly as we watched some Jeopardy. He played as best he could while enjoying the sensation of my mouth on his cock. I knew that I had won him over, no matter what I had done wrong earlier. And with my mouth occupied, we didn't have to talk about tomorrow or the future. <br><br> So, when we climbed into bed, we didn't have to end on a bad note. <br><br> Doubtless, he was ready to go. And I was wet as I had ever been. I climbed over him and he pulled my face to his, mouths meeting for the first time today as his cock easily slid inside me. Slowly, we kissed, his hands holding my head as my hips rocked up and down. <br><br> His fingers played in my hair and my fingers slid over his body, as if we were immortalizing each others bodies in our minds. We took our time, which meant I came. A lot. It seemed like he was enjoying seeing how many times I could climax and how hard it was making it for me to continue riding him. We really had gotten to know how to get each other off. <br><br> Taking that long had its benefits for him as well, because when he came, it was like he had been pent up for weeks. He roared like a dragon and it felt like he wouldn't stop cumming. <br><br> I smiled down at him, watching him shake and endure the powerful orgasm, pressing my ass tight against his thighs to feel every bit of him pulsing inside me. <br><br> <</if>> <<print $People['UN']>> fell asleep right away, contented. I couldn't. Too much was going on in my brain, so I laid there, stroking my fingers over their skin and looking at them peacefully sleeping. I planned how I'd get up early tomorrow and head out before the 'day after' contentedness made talking too easy. I enjoyed this quiet, this stillness, how <<print $People['UN']>> looked right now. I wanted to remember it this way before it all changed. Tomorrow -- or today actually. <br><br> In a few hours, we'd be out in the sweltering sun, <<link "graduating">><<replace "#springfling" t8n>> The heat was sweltering, the speeches resonated less with me than the rest of the bored graduating class. We crossed the platform, got our diplomas as name after so many names were called. Eventually, we'd all done the formalities and we were congratulated, Class of 2023. <br><br> A cheer that I didn't join. Excitement I didn't feel. But I threw my cap with everyone else -- it'd be weird to just be the only one standing around..and looking skyward to catch it, I saw a plane pass overhead. And the next day, I was on one to the [[Philippines|ACTI003 - Manila Arrival]]. That was it. College was over. The 'rails of life' had reached their terminus...I was really making things up as I went now. <</replace>><</link>>. But for now, I could enjoy the end of my college career and soak in the experience. <</if>> <</crossroads>> </div> <</replace>><</link>> 'Spring Fling' that was thrown kind of as a congratulations and honoring our outbound students. It was also fuckin' ''fun''. </div>
<<set _primaryTextPrefix = _primaryTextPrefix == undefined ? "" : _primaryTextPrefix>> <<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <br><br> _primaryTextPrefix <<print $>>. _primaryText <br><br> What did that mean for our future? What did that say about me? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. The...differences...between them and what I had just experienced. And there was no way they'd ever know. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<if _noChance>> <<set $ = "free">> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <br><br> _noChanceText <<else>> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> <<if $Body.cheatCount gte 3>> <<set $ = "free">> <<set $HS.LDR = false>> <br><br> I no longer was feeling the guilt about <<print $>>. I couldn't lie to myself anymore about what we were. I couldn't lie to //them//. I'd end it. They weren't the one, clearly, and they didn't feel that I was 'the one' either. Time for honesty. Time for me to see what single life was like. <<else>> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Had I done what <<print $>> had done to me? How had I done that to them? They could //never// find out. <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<if $ == "committed">> <<set $ = "cheater">> <<set $Body.cheatCount ++>> It hurt doing this to <<print $>>, but I felt //so// much for <<print $People['UN']>>. It just kind of overwhelmed me. It felt better, more interesting, more invigorating. <br><br> <<print $>> just paled in comparison. <br><br> I'd have to find some way to talk them down, and I'd probably get my fair share of admonishment. <br><br> But this was better for me. They'd find someone else who made them feel like this too, I'm certain. <<elseif $ == "cheater">> Oh. <<print $>>. Right. Well, we had both known this would probably happen at some point, deep-down. I'd tell them eventually. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <<print $>>? It was an easier adjustment than you might think. They were in the process of excusing some of their usual behavior when I brought up <<print $People['UN']>>. The call got quiet. I think they were surprised. <br><br> We were both moving on to something bigger and better. I think they were relieved. I know I was. <</if>>
<<set _cheatedWith = true>> /* Used for background stuff */ <<if $ == "committed">> Shit! Did this...count? Was I a cheater? Had I ruined everthing with <<print $>>? <br><br> As bad as I felt in that moment, I felt worse considering how it would make them feel. About having to tell them. Would I tell them? <<elseif $ == "cheater">> <br><br> Afterwards, I thought about <<print $>>. It wasn't my usual M.O. but I guess it counted? If I did mention it to them, it would just be to earn some sympathy and power. No matter if it hurt them or not to hear. <<elseif $ == "cheated">> <br><br> Afterwards, I felt a catch in my throat. Did this count as cheating? Was this how it had happened for <<print $>>? Maybe they really weren't to blame. Maybe I began to understand. <</if>>
Welcome to $'s Wardrobe! I want to wear my... <br><br> /* Uncomment to view all outfits: */ <<set $Closet = Object.keys(setup.Outfits)>> <<shoppingMall dossier2>> <<link "Save my current look as my new default outfit!">> <<set $OutfitSaves.default = $doll>> <</link>> <br> <<link "Put on my default fit.">> <<outfit default>> <</link>> <br><br> <<link "Save my current look as my new going out outfit!">> <<set $OutfitSaves.goingOut = $doll>> <</link>> <br> <<link "Put on my going out fit.">> <<outfit goingOut>> <</link>> <br><br> <<link "Save my current look as my new sleepwear outfit!">> <<set $OutfitSaves.sleepwear = $doll>> <</link>> <br> <<link "Put on my sleepwear fit.">> <<outfit sleepwear>> <</link>> <br><br> <<link "Save my current look as my new prostitution outfit!">> <<set $OutfitSaves.prostitution = $doll>> <</link>> <br> <<link "Put on my prostitution fit.">> <<outfit prostitution>> <</link>> <br><br> <<link "Lose my default outfit">> <<loseDefaultOutfit>> <</link>> <br><br> /* <br><br> <<set _temp = 5 % 6>> <<switch 5>> <<case _temp>> mod case <<case 5>> direct <</switch>> <br><br> */ <br><br> Change my hometown ($CC.hometown): <<listbox "$CC.hometown" autoselect>> <<option "NO">> <<option "AL">> <<option "NY">> <<option "LA">> <<option "WA">> <</listbox>> <br><br> <br><br> <<link heyRESTORE>><<restoreLook>><</link>> <br><br> <br><br> Change my facial expression: (To be added) /* <<listbox "$CC.hometown" autoselect>> <<option "NO">> <<option "AL">> <<option "NY">> <<option "LA">> <<option "WA">> <</listbox>> */ <br><br> What's on $ <br> /* To cycle through sprays if wanted <<set _faceID = 0>> <<link face>> <<set _faceID = _faceID == 8 ? 0 : _faceID>> <<set $doll.overlay = 'facial_' + _faceID>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <<run _faceID ++>> <</link>> <br><br> */ <<link 'Face?'>> <<cumSpray facial>> <</link>> <br> <<link 'Mouth?'>> <<cumSpray mouth>> <</link>> <br> <<link 'Breasts?'>> <<cumSpray breasts>> <</link>> <br> <<link 'Body?'>> <<cumSpray body>> <</link>> <br> <<link 'Mound?'>> <<cumSpray mound>> <</link>> <br> <<link 'Pussy?'>> <<cumSpray pussy>> <</link>> <br> <<link 'Thighs?'>> <<cumSpray thighs>> <</link>> <br> <<link fullBody>> <<cumSpray facial9 mouth9 breasts9 body9 mound9 pussy9 thighs9>> <</link>> <<link reset>> <<cumSpray reset>> <</link>> <br><br> /* An exit / close state that returns to the last passage or closes the Wardrobe overlay */ <<link "Shut the door">> <<if State.history.length gt 2>> <<set _target = State.history[State.history.length - 2].title>> <<run State.history.pop()>> <<run State.history.pop()>> <<run>> <</if>> <</link>>
<<set $hasVisitedCheatMenu = true>> <div id="cheats-menu"> <h2>Features:</h2> <ul> <li><<link "Show dossier">><<showDossier>><</link>></li> <li><<link "Show dossier wardrobe">><<showDossier wardrobe>><</link>></li> /* <li><<link "Show HD Doll Behind">><<dollRearView>><</link>></li> */ </ul> <h2>Locations:</h2> <ul> <li>[[Hair Salon]]</li> <li>[[HomeBase]]</li> <li>[[Wardrobe]]</li> /* <li>[[AnimTest]]</li> */ </ul> /*<h2>Test Section</h2> <div class="cards"> <<button "check skill">> <<Stats Deception ++>> <<Stats Easy ++>> /* <<set $CC.labelReaction=0>> */ /* <<run"HS002 - Loser2_Pop")>> <</button>> </div> <div class="cards"> <<set _allTattoos = ["Nape", "Sleeve", "Wrist", "Thigh", "LowerBack", "Ankle","Foot","Mound","Ear"]>> <<button "Add Random Tattoo">> <<set _tat = _allTattoos.random() >> <<set $Body.tattoos.pushUnique(_tat)>> <<run console.log("Adding Tattoo:", _tat)>> <</button>> <<set _allPiercings = ["Navel", "Right Eyebrow", "Left Eyebrow", "Nostril", "Right Nipple", "Left Nipple", "Tongue", "Ear", "Cartilidge" ]>> <<set _ears = ["Left", "Right"]>> <<button "Add Random Piercing">> <<set _piercing = _allPiercings.random() >> <<set _specialCases = ["Ear", "Cartilidge"]>> <<if _specialCases.contains(_piercing)>> <<set _ear = _ears.random()>> <<if _piercing == "Ear">> <<set _piercingTypes = ["single", "double", "triple"]>> <<set $Body.piercingStyle[_ear.toLowerCase() + 'ear'] = _piercingTypes.random()>> <</if>> <<if _piercing == "Cartilidge">> <<set _piercingTypes = ["helix", "industrial", "orbital", "tragus"]>> <<set $Body.piercingStyle[_ear.toLowerCase() + 'cartilage'] = _piercingTypes.random()>> <</if>> <<set $Body.piercings.pushUnique(_ear + " " + _piercing)>> <<run console.log(`Adding Piercing: ${ _ear + " " + _piercing}`)>> <<else>> <<set $Body.piercings.pushUnique(_piercing)>> <<run console.log("Adding Piercing: ", _piercing)>> <</if>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> </div> */ <h2>States:</h2> <div class="cards"> <<button "Tired">> <<state tired>> <<face tired>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Aroused">> <<state aroused>> <<face aroused>> /*<<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>>*/ <</button>> <<button "Sick">> <<state sick>> <<face sick>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Hungover">> <<state hungover>> <<face drunk>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Drunk">> <<state drunk>> <<face drunk>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "All States">> <<state hungover sick tired aroused>> <<face sick>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Healthy">> <<state healthy>> <<face happy>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Normal">> <<state reset>> <<face happy>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> </div> <h2>Remove Single State:</h2> <div> <<button "Tired">> <<stateRemove tired>> <</button>> <<button "Exhausted">> <<stateRemove exhausted>> <</button>> <<button "Aroused">> <<stateRemove aroused>> <</button>> <<button "Sick">> <<stateRemove sick>> <</button>> <<button "Hungover">> <<stateRemove hungover>> <</button>> <<button "Improve All States">> <<improveState>> <</button>> </div> <h2>Facial Expressions:</h2> <div class="cards"> <<button "Normal">> <<face normal>> <</button>> <<button "Ahego">> <<face ahego>> <</button>> <<button "Angry">> <<face angry>> <</button>> <<button "Aroused">> <<face aroused>> <</button>> <<button "Confused">> <<face confused>> <</button>> <<button "Crying">> <<face crying>> <</button>> <<button "Drunk">> <<face drunk>> <</button>> <<button "Happy">> <<face happy>> <</button>> <<button "High">> <<face high>> <</button>> <<button "Hurt1">> <<face hurt1>> <</button>> <<button "Hurt2">> <<face hurt2>> <</button>> <<button "Mischevious">> <<face mischievous>> <</button>> <<button "Sad">> <<face sad>> <</button>> <<button "Shock">> <<face shock>> <</button>> <<button "Sick">> <<face sick>> <</button>> <<button "Tired">> <<face tired>> <</button>> <<button "Worried">> <<face worried>> <</button>> </div> <h2>Personality:</h2> <<if ndef $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base = 0>> <</if>> <p> <div>Stable:</div> <span id="Stable"><<= $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base++>> <<replace #Stable>>$Stats.Traits['Stable'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Stable'].base-->> <<replace #Stable>>$Stats.Traits['Stable'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Suggestible:</div> <span id="Suggestible"><<= $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].base++>> <<replace #Suggestible>>$Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].base-->> <<replace #Suggestible>>$Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Sophisticated:</div> <span id="Sophisticated"><<= $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base++>> <<replace #Sophisticated>>$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].base-->> <<replace #Sophisticated>>$Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Confident:</div> <span id="Confident"><<= $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base++>> <<replace #Confident>>$Stats.Traits['Confident'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Confident'].base-->> <<replace #Confident>>$Stats.Traits['Confident'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Risky:</div> <span id="Risky"><<= $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Risky'].base++>> <<replace #Risky>>$Stats.Traits['Risky'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Risky'].base-->> <<replace #Risky>>$Stats.Traits['Risky'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Easy:</div> <span id="Easy"><<= $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Easy'].base++>> <<replace #Easy>>$Stats.Traits['Easy'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Easy'].base-->> <<replace #Easy>>$Stats.Traits['Easy'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Excitable:</div> <span id="Excitable"><<= $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base++>> <<replace #Excitable>>$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].base-->> <<replace #Excitable>>$Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Attractiveness:</div> <span id="Attractiveness"><<= $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base++>> <<replace #Attractiveness>>$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value<</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].base-->> <<replace #Attractiveness>>$Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value<</replace>> <</link>> </p> <h2>Skills:</h2> <p> <div>Discipline:</div> <span id="discipline"><<print $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base++>> <<replace #discipline>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].base-->> <<replace #discipline>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Deception:</div> <span id="deception"><<print $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base++>> <<replace #deception>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Deception'].base-->> <<replace #deception>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Athletics:</div> <span id="athletics"><<print $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base++>> <<replace #athletics>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].base-->> <<replace #athletics>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Coordination:</div> <span id="coordination"><<print $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base++>> <<replace #coordination>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].base-->> <<replace #coordination>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Investigation:</div> <span id="investigation"><<print $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base++>> <<replace #investigation>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].base-->> <<replace #investigation>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Learning:</div> <span id="learning"><<print $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base++>> <<replace #learning>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Learning'].base-->> <<replace #learning>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Perception:</div> <span id="perception"><<print $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base++>> <<replace #perception>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Perception'].base-->> <<replace #perception>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Performance:</div> <span id="performance"><<print $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Performance'].base++>> <<replace #performance>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Performance'].base-->> <<replace #performance>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Social:</div> <span id="social"><<print $Stats.Skills['Social'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Social'].base++>> <<replace #social>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Social'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Social'].base-->> <<replace #social>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Social'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Wiles:</div> <span id="wiles"><<print $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base++>> <<replace #wiles>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].base-->> <<replace #wiles>> <<= $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <p> <div>Wealth:</div> <span id="wiles"><<print $CC.wealth>></span> <<link "+">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $CC.wealth++>> <<replace #wealth>> <<= $CC.wealth >> <</replace>> <</link>> <<link "-">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $CC.wealth-->> <<replace #wealth>> <<= $CC.wealth >> <</replace>> <</link>> </p> <h2>Looks:</h2> <p> <div>braless:</div> <<listbox "$Body.braless" autoselect>> <<option "Yes" true>> <<option "No" false>> <</listbox>> </p> <p> <div>undies:</div> <<listbox "$Body.undies" autoselect>> <<option "Commando" "Commando">> <<option "Thongs" "Thongs">> <<option "Bikini-style" "Bikini-style">> <</listbox>> </p> <p> <div>pubes:</div> <<listbox "$Body.pubes" autoselect>> <<option "Bald" "bald">> <<option "Line" "strip">> <<option "Bikini" "bikini">> <<option "Trimmed" "trimmed">> <<option "Bush" "bush">> <</listbox>> </p> <p> </p> <h2>Others:</h2> <p> <div>Freetime:</div> <<listbox "$CC.freetime" autoselect>> <<option "barn" "barn">> <<option "helper" "helper">> <<option "vandal" "vandal">> <<option "home" "home">> <<option "church" "church">> <<option "partier" "partier">> <<option "gang" "gang">> <<option "volunteer" "volunteer">> <<option "sporty" "sporty">> <<option "beach" "beach">> <<option "club" "club">> <<option "tailgate" "tailgate">> <<option "outdoors" "outdoors">> <<script>>state.display(, null, "back")<</script>> <</listbox>> </p> <p> <div> School Interest:</div> <<listbox "$CC.schoolinterest" autoselect>> <<option "boys" "boys">> <<option "power" "power">> <<option "new" "new">> <<option "people" "people">> <<option "free" "free">> <<option "active" "active">> <<option "power" "power">> <<option "books" "books">> <<option "trouble" "trouble">> <</listbox>> </p> <p> <div>Clique:</div> <<listbox "$CC.clique" autoselect>> <<option "Sports" "Sports">> <<option "Nerd" "Nerd">> <<option "Alpha" "Alpha">> <<option "Rebel" "Rebel">> <<option "Prude" "Prude">> <</listbox>> </p> <p> </p> </div> <h2>Sex Skills:</h2> <<DisplaySexSkillLevels true>> <h2>Ethnicity</h2> <div> <<button "White">> <<set $ = "white">> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Black">> <<set $ = "black">> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Golden">> <<set $ = "golden">> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Olive">> <<set $ = "olive">> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Fair">> <<set $ = "fair">> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> </div> <h2>Traits</h2> <div> <<button "Fantastic Tits">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("tits")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Amazing Ass">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("ass")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Striking Eyes">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("eyes")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'face')>> <</button>> <<button "Perfect Smile">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("smile")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'face')>> <</button>> <<button "Actor-level Bone Structure">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("face")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'face')>> <</button>> <<button "Modelesque Legs">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("legs")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "An Ineffable Charm">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("charm")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Smoky Voice">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("voice")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Easy, Unwavering Fitness">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits.push("fit")>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> <<button "Remove all">> <<set $hasCheated = true>> <<set $Stats.BodyTraits = []>> <<run Doll.refresh('sidebar', 'body')>> <</button>> </div> <br><br><br> <<link "Back">> <<if State.history.length gt 2>> <<set _target = State.history[State.history.length - 2].title>> <<run State.history.pop()>> <<run State.history.pop()>> <<run>> <</if>> <</link>> <br><br> <small>Thanks @AnerisX for shared baseline and inspiration!</small>
<img class="image" src="img/Blue_Swallow.png" /> Set the variables you need here. <<set $bodies = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]>> /* Unchanged for now */ <<set $bodiesDetails = new Map([[]])>> /* Unchanged for now */ /* $sexcount + $kinkNum + $num need to all be looked at with these */ <<set $testArray = []>> <<run $testArray.push({ name: 'bob', title: 'dad'})>> <<run $testArray.push({ name: 'emily', title: 'mom'})>> <<run $testArray.push('hello')>> <<set $Inventory = []>> <<set $Stats = { Traits : { 'Confident' : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, 'Easy' : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, 'Excitable' : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, 'Attractiveness' : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, 'Risky' : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, 'Sophisticated' : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, 'Stable' : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, 'Suggestible' : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, }, Skills : { "Athletics" : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, "Coordination" : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, "Deception" : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, "Discipline" : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, "Investigation" : { value: 0, exp: -100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, "Learning" : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, "Perception" : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, "Performance" : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: -10, temp: 0 }, "Social" : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, "Wiles" : { value: 0, exp: 100, base: 10, temp: 0 }, }, Kinks : [], BodyTraits : [], SexSkills : ["Great Intercourse"], }>> <<set $Body = { braless : false, eyes : "", piercings : [], piercingStyle : {}, pubes : "bikini line", tattoos : [], skin : "", state : ["healthy"], style : "", tits: "", undies : [], /* array and string */ virgin: true, vCard: { gender: "M" } }>> <<set $People = { "GY" : { Alina: { name: 'Alina', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Lily: { name: 'Lily', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Masenna: { name: 'Masenna', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Sofia: { name: 'Sofia', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Bekkah: { name: 'Bekkah', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Rian: { name: 'Rian', title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, }, "UN" : { Roommate : { name: "", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, SoroSister : { name: "", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, Boyfriend : { name: "", title: "", gender: 'F', rel: 0, caption: ""}, }, }>> /* TODO: Break up CC even further. Looking at Clothes, and maybe Family? */ <<set $CC = { actPath : 0, adoptive : "", age : 0, activity : "", attempt : false, attemptBig : false, bank : 0, barnTime : 0, barnDrink : false, barnDrugs : false, barnLocation : false, barnMusic : false, barnPeople : false, barnSurprise : false, BC : "", bodies : [], /* ?? */ clique : "", chellaDirect : false, chellaDetect : false, chellaSneak : false, conception : 0, dad : 0, danceStyles : [], DName : "", EDName : "", father : "", fertile : 0, firstDay : "", friend1 : "", freetime : "club", Feyes : "", Fhair : "", FhairStyle : "", Fheight : 0, Flooks : 0, Fname : "", Ftrait : 0, Fskin : "", FFName : "", FFsex : "", FFpeople : 0, FFlocation : 0, FFmusic : 0, FFdrink : 0, FFdrugs : 0, FFsurprise : 0, grooming : 0, gymScore : 0, hometown : "WA", height : 0, inherited : [], HSBC : 20, hsv : "job", kinknum : 0, /* Didn't update */ labelReaction : 0, looks : 0, maleAttention : 0, maleReaction : 2, makeIt : 0, memories : [], MName : "", Mhair : "", Mheight : 0, Mlooks : 0, Mtrait : 0, Meyes : "", Mskin : "", mom : 1, mother : "family", name : "", num : 0, /* Didn't update */ opening : "", parents : "hurt", position : 0, schoolinterest : "", spoiled : false, sexuality : 0, surname : "", traits: [], wealth : 3, }>> <<set $HS = { ava : 0, addictionLv : 0, bandWin : 0, bandName : "", bandCohesion : false, chair : "", college: 0, compHungover : false, compWin : 0, cosplay : false, costume : "elder", dropOut : false, firstOptions : {}, gapYear : 0, label : false, media : 0, modelHire : 0, musicOriginal : false, /* Never checked, delete? */ paddyHU : "", postGrad : "", promDate : "", promDress : 2, promWin : 0, sales : 0, SMfollowers : 0, soloist : false, soloSuccess : 0, testScore : 0, twitchWin : 0, twitchOpenLoss : false, twitchCosWin : 0, twitchFifth : "", vol : 0, }>> <<set $GY = { friend : "", joinedIn : false, knows : false, native : false, nativeStyle : "", repatriated : false, swissTrysts : 0, tiktok : false, wife : false, }>> <<set $PG = { boysSex : false, }>> <<set $ACTI = { followed : false, goOut : "", oops : false, search : 0, target : "", ticket : 0, }>> <<set $UN = { ADP : 0, CBC : 0, clothes : "", DDD : 0, DZ : 0, extracurricular : "", GDI : false, GPA : 0, greek : "", KKG : 0, KD : 0, major : "", newFirst : "", notFirst : false, present : "", professor : false, rush : false, rushed : [], sex : "", test : 0, XO : 0, }>> /* Constant Variables */ <<set setup.rushOptions = ['XO', 'DDD', 'KKG', 'KD', 'DZ', 'ADP']>> <<set setup.LezFlavor = [ "was decent.", "was a great lay.", "was barely a blip.", "was mostly focused on me cumming.", "asked permission to cum.", "did amazing things with her fingers.", "was incredibly vocal.", "never made a sound until her came.", "was a mistake, but we had fun.", "loved to watch in the mirror.", "liked being tied up.", "loved pulling my hair.", "just kinda...happened?", "was incredible with her tongue.", "came so quick, made me feel like a god.", "preferred cuddling.", "used a strap-on.", "had a gorgeous pussy.", "had an incredible set of tits.", "had eyes I could swim in.", "had incredible hair.", "left me with pubes in my teeth.", "tasted awful.", "breath smelled like eggs.", "only liked to fuck drunk.", "got horny when she was high.", ]>> <<set setup.FuckFlavor = [ "was decent.", "was a great lay.", "was barely a blip.", "came quick.", "couldn't really get it up.", "breath smelled like eggs.", "only liked to fuck drunk.", "got horny when he was high.", "was mostly focused on me cumming.", "treated me like a fleshlight.", "went multiple rounds, multiple times.", "lasted til it hurt.", "preferred doggy.", "wanted me on top.", "asked permission to cum.", "enjoyed fucking my tits.", "had a giant dick.", "had a tiny dick.", "did amazing things with his fingers.", "was incredible with his tongue.", "was incredibly vocal.", "never made a sound until he came.", "was a mistake, but we had fun.", "loved to watch in the mirror.", "liked being tied up.", "loved pulling my hair.", "just kinda...happened?", "never cleaned his cock.", ]>> <<set setup.People = { generic1: { name: 'Levi', title: "was a sweet, but nerdy guy from Computer Class.", gender: 'M', caption: "Levi from Computer class"}, generic2: { name: 'Owen', title: "an upper classman.", gender: 'M', caption: "upper classman"}, generic3: { name: 'Asher', title: "an under classman.", gender: 'M', caption: "under classman"}, generic4: { name: 'Carl', title: "from my class.", gender: 'M', caption: "from HS"}, generic5: { name: 'Owen', title: "from our sister school.", gender: 'M', caption: "from another HS"}, }>> <<if true == true>> <<run setup.People.peteyyy = { name: 'Petey', title: "I landed my first crush.", gender: 'M', caption: "first crush" }>> <</if>> And then skip directly to where I need to go here! <br><br> [[Visit this for Doll.|CC013 - FinalForm2]] <br> [[Edit this in so you jump to the correct passage|CC020 - HSVs]] <br><br> [[Default start: CC001 - Origin ➡️|CC001 - Origin]] <<set $Inventory.push("KEK", "MindSave", "TESTTTYYY")>> <<print $testArray.find((a) => ? === 'emilyY' : a === 'hello') ? true : false>> <<vCardCheckPreg "Jacob Bautista" M "Connected Manilan who had me as a gift from Datu and the club.">> <<pregCheck "Jacob Bautista" M>> <<set $boolTest = false>> <<set $boolTest = random(0,1)>> <<print $boolTest>> <<if $boolTest>> <<print 'hi'>> <</if>> <br> Testing Includes! <<set $testArr = [1,2,3]>> <<print !$testArr.includes(1)>> <br> <<addBody "Dummy I hated" M>> <<addBody "Katie" F "Katie, my Queen">> <<set _bodyTitle = "test" + $CC.parents + ", my Prom date.">> <<addBody $Body.vCard $CC.hometown _bodyTitle $CC.freetime>> <<run $bodies.find(body => === "Katie").family = true>> <<if $bodies.find(({ family }) => family)>> I found the boddyyyyy <<else>> I didn't find the body. <</if>> <br> Testy Testy <<Stats Coordination>> <<Stats Coordination -->> <<Stats Coordination += 5>> <<Stats Coordination>> <<Stats Coordination = 0>> <br> <br> <<vCardCheck testBody M "testBodyDesc" "testBodyDesc" " ">> <br> <div id="test"> <<crossroads #test>> <<path $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1 && $CC.maleReaction gt 1>> Do this show <<blocked>> IAMBLOCKED <<contents>> YE <<path>> uH-OH <<contents>> Nah <<path>> PERMABLOCKED <<hidden $bodies.length lt 20>> <<contents>> UNREACHABLE UNSEEEN <</crossroads>> </div> <<outfit "promDress" + $HS.promDress>> <<state tired sick aroused hungover>> <<print visited("next")>> <br> Can I get the length of bodies like this : <<print $bodies.length>> <br> <<if true>> yeehaww <</if>> <br> <<listbox "$lbanswer" autoselect>> <<option "Towel">> <<option "π" 3.14159>> <<option 42>> <<option 69>> <<option "∞" Infinity>> <</listbox>> <div id="testDisplay"> <<include liveDisplay>> </div> <<image framed "uni.class.png">> <<image framed "a1.building.png">> <<if false ? false : true>> true, ternary works <<else>> false, ternary works <</if>> <<run function bindOnChangeEvents() { $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { $(event.content).find("#listbox-lbanswer").on("change", function (event) { $("#testDisplay").empty().wiki("<<include liveDisplay>>").fadeIn(500); }); }); }; bindOnChangeEvents(); >> <br> <br> [[next|next]] [[next2|next2]]
Hello <<face angry>> <<state tired>> <<set $num = 2>> <<set $kinknum = 2>> <<sexSkillsSetup 3>> <<intro>> It had been a //crazy// year. I hadn't expected it to be as freaky as it was. <<kinks>> And through the sexcapades, I realized I liked: <<skills>> And I think I had gotten a bit better<<if $Stats.SexSkills.length eq 0>> at<</if>>: <<onDone>> <</sexSkillsSetup>> <br><br> <<SexSkill intercourse>> <br><br> <<set $newVar = "Tommy">> <<set $newVar2 = "Tommy2">> <<if Array("Coach Vovk", "Carlos", "Barkewitcz", "DJ Eros", "Rod", "Hull", "Mark", $newVar, "Larry", "Arvin", "Uncle Tom", "Ava", "Marco", "Tyler").includes($newVar2)>> I'M IN THE ARRAY <<else>> I'M NOT IN THE ARRAY <</if>> /* <<print previous() is "Debugging">> <<if previous() is "Debugging">> "Dammmm this works well" (true) <<else>> Or nah <</if>> */ <<print visited("next")>> <<if visited("next") lte 1>> If I see this I dont gotta update ish <<else>> If I see this I got work 2 do. <</if>> [[next|next2]]
Hello again <<face ahego>> /* <<print previous() is "Debugging">> <<if previous() is "Debugging">> Or nah (true) <<else>> I should hit this for real <</if>> */ <<print visited("next")>> <<if visited("next") lte 1>> If I see this I dont gotta update ish <<else>> If I see this I got work 2 do. <</if>> <div id="yeet"> /* */ </div> <<button testy>> <<replace #yeet>> <<set _testVar = true>> <<include liveDisplay>> <</replace>> <</button>>
<<animation FirstSex>> <<animation LesbianFirstSex>>
<<print $lbanswer>> <<if _testVar>> yerrrrr, temp var + include works <</if>>
<<if visited("M001 - Honeytrap")>> <<if $Dossier.dossierCheck !== true>> <<set $Dossier.dossierCheck = true>> <<Stats Investigation ++>> <<Stats Perception ++>> <<Stats Stable ++>> <<Stats Learning ++>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set _reportavail = 0>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu") && !$Reports.includes("Datu")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Nestor") && !$Reports.includes("Nestor")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Nino") && !$Reports.includes("Nino")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Cornado") && !$Reports.includes("Cornado")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Jacob Bautista") && !$Reports.includes("Jacob")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Callum") && !$Reports.includes("Callum")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Prince Sallah") && !$Reports.includes("Prince")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Bona's Escort") && !$Reports.includes("Escort")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if visited("M003 - BonaDateCas") && !$Reports.includes("Casimir")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $clubSurveill == "passive" && !$Reports.includes("Surveil")>> <<set _reportavail ++>> <</if>> <<if $clubSurveill == "active" && !$Reports.includes("Surveil")>> <<set _reportavail += 2>> <</if>> <<if visited("M002 - BE_Setup") == true && visited("M002 - BigEvent") == false && !$Reports.includes("BigEvent_SetUp")>> <<set _reportavail += 3>> <</if>> <<set _baseHeightToWeight = { "2": 180, "1": 160, "0": 140, "-1": 120, "-2": 100 }>> <<set _weightVar = _baseHeightToWeight[`${$CC.height}`]>> <<if $Stats.Skills["Athletics"].value == 1>> <<set _weightVar -= 10>> <<elseif $Stats.Skills["Athletics"].value == 3>> <<set _weightVar += 5>> <<elseif $Stats.Skills["Athletics"].value gt 3>> <<set _weightVar += 10>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.Skills["Discipline"].value == 1>> <<set _weightVar -= 2>> <<elseif $Stats.Skills["Discipline"].value == 2>> <<set _weightVar -= 5>> <<elseif $Stats.Skills["Discipline"].value == 3>> <<set _weightVar -= 8>> <<elseif $Stats.Skills["Discipline"].value gt 3>> <<set _weightVar -= 12>> <</if>> <<if $CC.wealth lt 3>> <<set _weightVar += 5>> <<elseif $CC.wealth gt 3>> <<set _weightVar -= 5>> <</if>> <<if $Body.age == 0>> <<set _weightVar -= 20>> <<elseif $Body.age == 1>> <<set _weightVar -= 15>> <<elseif $Body.age == 5>> <<set _weightVar += 5>> <<elseif $Body.age == -1>> <<set _weightVar -= 25>> <<elseif $Body.age == -2>> <<set _weightVar -= 30>> <<elseif $Body.age == 2>> <<set _weightVar -= 10>> <<elseif $Body.age == 3>> <<set _weightVar -= 5>> <</if>> <<if $Stats.BodyTraits.includes("fit")>> <<set _weightVar -= 10>> <</if>> <<if _weightVar gt 200>> <<set _weightVar = 200>> <<elseif _weightVar lt 85>> <<set _weightVar = 80>> <</if>> <<if $Body.bust == 0>> <<set $Body.bust = random(30,34)>> <<if $Body.tits is "medium">> <<set $Body.bust ++>> <<elseif $Body.tits is "large">> <<set $Body.bust += 2>> <<elseif $Body.tits is "extralarge">> <<set $Body.bust += 4>> <<elseif $Body.tits is "huge">> <<set $Body.bust += 6>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Body.waist == 0>> <<set $Body.waist = random(22,26)>> <</if>> <<if $Body.hips == 0>> <<set $Body.hips = random(32,36)>> <</if>> <<set _basicRedacted = !$ && !$CC.surname>> <br><br> <<Doll portrait dossierPersonal default>> //Name//: <<print $CC.surname>>, <<print $>> <br> //Born//: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $CC.month>>-<<print $>>-<<print $CC.year>><<else>><<redacted false>><<print $CC.month>>-<<print $>>-<<print $CC.year>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> //Mother's Name//: <<if $readDossier == true>><<redacted true>>CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL<</redacted>><<else>><<redacted true>>CONFIDENTIAL<</redacted>><</if>> <br> //Father's Name//: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $CC.DName>> <<if $ == 1>><<print $CC.surname>><<else>> Sloane<</if>><<else>><<redacted false>><<print $CC.DName>><<if $ == 1>> <<print $CC.surname>><<else>> Sloane<</if>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> //Hometown//: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $CC.hometownName>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown, somewhere">><<print $CC.hometownName>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> <br> //Ethnicity//: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $CC.ethnicity>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><<print $CC.ethnicity>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> //Height//: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $Body.realHeight>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><<print $Body.realHeight>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> //Weight//: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print _weightVar>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted>><<print _weightVar>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> Eye Color: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $Body.eyes>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><<print $Body.eyes>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> Hair Color: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><<print $>><</redacted>><</if>> <br> Measurements: <<if $readDossier == true>><<print $Body.bust>><<if $Body.tits == "small">>A<<elseif $Body.tits == "medium">>B<<elseif $Body.tits == "large">>C<<elseif $Body.tits == "extralarge">>D<<elseif $Body.tits == "huge">>EE<</if>>-<<print $Body.waist>>-<<print $Body.hips>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">>34A-26-35<</redacted>><</if>> <br> <br> <<IdentifyingFeatures>> <br> <br> Education: <<if $readDossier == true>><<if $HS.dropOut == true || $HS.grad == "fail">>Partial American High School<<elseif visited("UN001 - CollegeArr")>>American University. <<if $Memories.includes("Failed College")>>Incomplete.<<else>><<print $UN.major>> Degree. <<print $UN.GPA>> GPA<</if>><<else>>American High School. <<if $HS.testScore gte 10>>National Merit Scholar.<<elseif $HS.testScore gt 8>>AP Student.<<elseif $HS.testScore gt 6>>Honors Student.<<elseif $HS.testScore lt 4>>Remedial Student.<<else>>Academics Un-notable.<</if>> <</if>> -- <<redacted true>>asopdoask aosk<</redacted>><<else>><<redacted true>>SCHOOL RESULT<</redacted>> -- <<redacted true>>asopdoask aosk<</redacted>><</if>> <br> <br> /* TODO Mira - What is this ipsum lorem in the place of? */ <bs-redacted> Consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non nisi. A arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel elit. Augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat. Convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet id donec. <br> <br> Urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. </bs-redacted> <br><br> <<cycleTracker>>
<<EROSCornerStamp>> Note - Excerpts from the personal diary of <<print $>><<print $CC.surname>>. <br><br> <br><br> <div class="handwritten"> Dear Diary, <br><br> Today $CC.MName<<if $ == 0>>, my //mom//(?!?!?),<</if>> fucking. GROUNDED. me. I tried going to <<print $CC.DName>>, but <<if $ == 0>>ya know. Not being my dad and all, he just told me to talk with her.<<else>> apparently dad doesn't wear the pants.<</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Social'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedSoc == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>>I dunno. It just seems like people are always smiling when I talk to them. Makes me feel good.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1>>I'm glad I feel comfortable around people. I see how awkward other people can be and it's got to feel so lonely.<<else>>I wish I didn't feel so...disconnected from people. I don't want to be standing by and watching, but it's all I feel comfortable doing. Meeting people is scary.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedAth == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 3>>Fit as fuck, boi.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>>It feels nice taking care of myself. More energy and whatever. Plus, looking in the mirror in the bathroom is a confidence booster!<<else>>Why do people go to the gym? It seems so dumb to wear yourself out and just have to shower afterwards.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedLea == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 3>>I've always wondered how I'd do on Jeopardy. Maybe someday.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>>I'm pretty okay with what's between my ears. No dummy, but I'm also not some nerd.<<else>>School has always made me feel dumb. Really encouraging to try harder getting those bad grades, amirite?<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedDec == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 3>>So...the lies are getting kind of out of control. But as long as I keep them straight, I ''should'' get away with it.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 1>>My heart is still in my throat. I can't __believe__ I got away with that.<<else>>Ugh. I wish I didn't blush when I tried to lie. I mean, it's not //hurting// anyone!<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> I thought that <<print $CC.friend1>> would get it, but maybe it's the guy-girl thing...won't go to //him// for comfort and understanding in the future. And definitely not the other Boys. I have other friends. It's fine. [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedWil == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 3>>and all it took was a look! Mayyybe I let him think I meant something, but I didn't clearly. Cuz I didn't do a damn thing.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 1>>It's just a little tease. A promise of something that //might// be. Doesn't hurt anyone.<<else>>So, I got called a cocktease. I turned bright red. I'm //never// doing ''that'' again.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedInv == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 3>>It's not __my__ fault that they left it out. It's not like I was snooping. If I ''snooped'', I would have learned every, single, dirty detail!<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 1>>It's kinda crazy what you can find on the internet. Just put in some effort, couple keystrokes, and bam. I'll figure that shit out.<<else>>My eyes just kinda glazed over. I couldn't be bothered to dig through all those reference books.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedCoo == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 3>>It was a dare! And not my fault that //he// slipped on the rock and broke his arm and I didn't. Serves him right.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>>I think I'm finally getting good at hacky sack!<<else>>I hate that I keep tripping over my own feet. Literally can't walk and chew gum. Ugh.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedDis == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 3>>I just turned off my phone. I didn't even want the possibility of someone trying to break my concentration.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 1>>I decided against going tonight, I had work to do.<<else>>The work will get done. Eventually.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedPer == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 3>>That guy who's always around? I actually caught his name: Nate. Now who the fuck __is__ he?<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>>So, I got a little curious today. There's a 'family friend' that has dropped by from time to time, but...other family friends? I get introduced to.<<else>>I didn't see the stop sign! Like literally. So how can I get a ticket for that? Not. My. Fault.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedPrf == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 3>>I think I have 'it'. Whatever 'it' is. I'm not being snobby or whatever, but like...I start to do something, people watch.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 1>>Getting up in front of the class today wasn't as bad as I thought.<<else>>Oof. I don't know how streamers do it. SO many eyes on you.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> $CC.FName was giving me a cold shoulder all of a sudden. I don't get it. Jealous all of a sudden? She'll get over herself eventually. Friends 4 eva, right? [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedSug == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 3>>I had already taken the test, so I didn't see the harm in it. He said he's return the favor next time, so I let him know what the questions were.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>>I don't know if he thought he was going to get something past me or maybe was just being dumb, but I figured I'd help him anyway.<<else>>Ava called me today. Voicemail about needing something. Nuh-uh, girly. Not fallin' for that one.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedStb == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 3>>So. I don't get why everyone is losing their shit? It'll all be fine.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1>>I'm not going to flip out. Just breathe, <<print $>>. Breathe.<<else>>I think I'm having a panic attack. I don't even know why. I can barely hold this pen.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedSop == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 3>>IDK why she hasn't upgraded her phone. I already pre-ordered.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>>Just finished my vision board. I don't care if people say it's impossible. I'm gonna //have// these things.<<else>>A little embarassed, but I'll get over it. I still had the tag on the dress and was //totally// called out.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedCon == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 3>>It's a won bet. I don't know why she even made it. I'm not backing down, bitch.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>So, I walked up and straight up asked her to her face. Got the answer I expected. And that's all that matters.<<else>>I hate. ''Hate''. //HATE//. Getting called on. I didn't raise my hand. Pick someone else.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedEas == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 4>>It's not slutty if you like it. I enjoy it. Why make a big deal out of it?<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 2>>Cheating sounds so...prescriptive! We weren't really a thing. Too much baggage for me. See ya!<<else>>I grabbed his hand RIGHT there. I knew where he was trying to go. No, sir.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedRis == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 3>>I really think the whole STD thing is overblown. Not been a problem for me, which only proves my point!<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>>I slipped the note. It fell on the floor, but I got away with it.<<else>>There's this whole like TikTok challenge thing going around. Sounds crazy to me. I heard some kid //died// doing it.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedExc == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 3>>I tried it. So what. It was new and I didn't want to be the only one not doing it.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 1>>Presents are tomorrrrrowww! I love the wait. I hate the wait.<<else>>Everyone's losing their shit over Timmy Chalamet. I don't get it.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> [...]<br> /* $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value (max 6) */ <<if $Dossier.testedAtt == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>Okay. I'm not an idiot. I know I'm hot.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>And here I thought having to ask for Sadie Hawkins would be hard. That was an easy 'yes'!<<else>>Yeah. Those are tears. I thought <<if $Body.sexuality == "bi">>she<<else>>he<</if>> liked me but...UGLY?! I'm gonna go kill myself.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>> </div> <br><br> <b>E.R.O.S. Mental Evaluation:</b> <br> <<if $readDossier == true>> Conducted by: Alice <<redacted _basicRedacted>>UNKNOWN<</redacted>> <br><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedSug == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 5>>CONCERN: Highly motivated by emotional pressure. UPSIDE: Could reinforce her legend and endear her to marks.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 3>>Highly malleable personality. Useful operationally, but double-edged should it be manipulated -- as has been done prior.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Suggestible'].value gt 1>>Given to directional pressure, useful in handling.<<else>>Potential iconoclast. Resistant to outside influence, which could be useful in maintaining self, but might be difficult to control.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedStb == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 5>>Resilient mentality that seems especially geared to the difficult and highly stressful situation being asked of her. Potential future use as an agent.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 3>>Maintains sense of self and clarity of mind with ease. Probably able to endure decidedly extreme conditions and situations.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Stable'].value gt 1>>Notable ability to contain her reactions to situations. Only moderate risk expected in the current climate.<<else>>Highly unstable personality. Frayed nerves and facile emotional undercurrent. Massive risk to the current undertaking.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedSop == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 5>>Refined tastes and expectations from life situate her well under her legend, but may prove difficult to overcome in expected environs.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 3>>Culture and upbringing set her apart from the normal women who inhabit target environment. Could be a benefit or detriment. To be determined.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Sophisticated'].value gt 1>>Bearing and lifestyle seem perfectly in line with her legend. Will be a desired quantity and quality.<<else>>Will fit in well with the typical personality that inhabits the target's world.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedCon == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 5>>Self-assured to the point of cockiness. Perfect quality to undergo the mission, but might lack the awareness to avoid unnecessary risks.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 3>>Belief in self is high. Won't abandon the mission unnecessarily.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Confident'].value gt 1>>Assertive personality. Will make new situations easy to adapt to.<<else>>Lack of poise worrisome. Potential mission abandonment and lack of ability to take on new, frightening situations highly likely.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedEas == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 5>>Treats herself as a sexual creature with incredibly low inhibitions. Lowers value to the target, but might prove to make an incredibly easy insertion.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 3>>Doesn't make sex precious. Lacks standards. No concern that situations will escalate out of her ability to adapt.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Easy'].value gt 1>>Shows aptitude towards sexual freedom which will be highly necessary.<<else>>High sexual standards and inhibitions. Massive risk to the mission, could potentially be DOA.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedRis == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 5>>Invincibility complex. Likely will endeavor far past necessary boundaries, which will bring bodily risk to the mission, but never endanger her forward momentum.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 3>>Highly impulsive. Will not put self-preservation over the mission.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Risky'].value gt 1>>Aggressive personality type. Enjoys challenges and will likely take to the situation easily.<<else>>Self-preservation focused. High concern in her ability to infiltrate and execute mission requirements.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedExc == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 5>>Cluster B personality. Erratic and highly suspect in ability to maintain focus and reliability.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 3>>Volatile personality that seeks out novelty to the point of excess. Certainly will encounter novelty in droves. Potential non-issue.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Excitable'].value gt 1>>ADHD? A bit frenetic, but poses no concerns to the mission.<<else>>CONCERN: Personality does not seem at all suited to the high-energy, unstable mission. Will have trouble adapting to the frenetic underworld.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> <<else>> <bs-redacted> Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. <br><br> It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. <br><br> Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. <br><br> Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. <br><br> This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. <br><br> The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32. <br><br> The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced here for those interested. <br><br> Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham. </bs-redacted> <</if>> <br><br> <b>E.R.O.S. Physical Evaluation:</b> <br> <<if $readDossier == true>> Conducted by: Nathan <<redacted _basicRedacted>>UNKNOWN<</redacted>> /* TODO Mira -- scratched out? sharpie'd over? */ Alice <<redacted _basicRedacted>>UNKNOWN<</redacted>> <br><br><br> /* $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value (max 6) */ <<if $Dossier.testedAtt == true>><<if $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 5>>Unquestionable superiority of appearance. An uncanny and instinctive desire draws you to her. High value to the mission: her appeal will make it a certainty that she will be acquired, though potentially to the point of conflict.<<elseif $Stats.Traits['Attractiveness'].value gt 3>>Good sexual appeal. Viewed as just within attainability. Her presence will not raise flags but will be exciting and interesting.<<else>>CONCERN: Lack of attraction will likely make infiltration to the inner circle difficult, if not impossible.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Social'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedSoc == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 5>>Massively skilled at interpersonal relations. A natural likeability and understanding of human nature. High value skill.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 3>>Well-acquainted with developing kinship and maintaining relationships. Well-suited for field agent.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Social'].value gt 1>>Has some proclivity for developing personal bonds. CONCERN: May not be able to navigate nuanced or difficult persons.<<else>>Next to no personal skills. Unless her other skills and talents can make up for this deficiency, likely a non-starter.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedAth == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 5>>Displays incredibly athleticism. Agent-level qualifications for fieldwork. Will be integral to undercover work.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 3>>Developed physical abilities that will likely allow for sufficient undercover work.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Athletics'].value gt 1>>Basic competency for physical operations. CONCERN: High-risk or novel situations undercover may prove to be too difficult.<<else>>Lacking nearly any athleticism. Doubtful to be able to take on undercover work with any chance of reasonable success.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedLea == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 5>>Font of knowledge. Displays incredible aptitude for acquiring and retaining information. Incredible utility across a number of disciplines.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 3>>Well-read and likely high IQ. Confident in her ability to track down and retain information.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Learning'].value gt 1>>Shows some aptitude for higher-level thought and comprehension. CONCERN: Ability to retain and deliver information without the use of tools.<<else>>Dumb as a fucking sack of bricks. WARNING: Do not entrust or expect any sort of informational gathering and retention from her.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedDec == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 5>>Facile with the art of deception. EROS-quality skill. Incredibly high-value and unexpected.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 3>>Proven to be more capable at lying and misdirection than originally believed. Will prove to be a critical skill going forward.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Deception'].value gt 1>>Basic understanding of deception. Will need to refine, but has a baseline enough to begin work.<<else>>WARNING: Lacks any ability to lie or misdirect. Likely will blow cover. Plan for worst-case scenarios ASAP.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedWil == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 5>>Absolute Honeytrap. Displays an understanding of the sexual manipulation to a level of training expected for a natural EROS agent. Keenly important and big win.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 3>>A natural tease and manipulator. Well-suited for the environment and expected encounters. High-value.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Wiles'].value gt 1>>Competent at using her feminine charms at extracting and encouraging. Will need development.<<else>>CONCERN: Does not understand how to manipulate others utilizing sex and its promise. May still succeed but may have to be more directly available and require more from herself than otherwise necessary.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedInv == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 5>>Incredible sense of deduction. Gestalts naturally and will be able to passively understand situations and uncover knowledge on the fly. Superb trait!<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 3>>Developed sense of integrating the whole from the pieces and has some passive awareness. Quick study and instinctive approach. High-value skill.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Investigation'].value gt 1>>Understands how to dig for what she's looking for. Unrefined, but potentially enough of a jumping-off point for success.<<else>>WARNING: Lacking basic awareness. Will overlook necessary details and may prove to be a risk to herself.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedCoo == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 5>>Definite field operator-level of agility. Can handle multiple things at once with a natural ease. Impressive.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 3>>Well-developed balance and hand-eye coordination. Should be able to acquit herself well in most situations.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Coordination'].value gt 1>>Fundamental alignment of body and mind. Will serve, but might prove to be too unqualified for difficult and nuanced activity.<<else>>WARNING: Clumsy as fuck. Doubtless will not be able to endeavor in any situations that aren't immanently straight-forward and simple.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedDis == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 5>>Rock-solid level of personal responsibility and restraint. Might prove to be difficult to let go in the environment she will be entering, but when required to accomplish against all odds, doubtlessly capable.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 3>>Attuned self-regulation. Able to subsume personal desires under other priorities.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Discipline'].value gt 1>>Has a general sense of duty and prioritization. Quality should lend well to interactions with the agency.<<else>>WARNING: Complete lack of discretion and leads with her heart rather than her head. Will be hard to maintain course and control.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedPer == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 5>>Takes quick and easy notes of the smallest of details. Has the capability of many EROS agents when it comes to awareness and passive perception.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 3>>Notable competency in awareness of her surroundings and ability to discern the unspoken and unseen.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Perception'].value gt 1>>A general consciousness of her environment and those around her. Nothing of note here, but not a worrisome trait.<<else>>CONCERN: Complete lack of situational and environmental awareness. Will undoubtedly get in over her head and have little to no takeaways from time in the field.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> /* $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value */ <<if $Dossier.testedPrf == true>><<if $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 5>>Beautiful quality to her presentation. An ineffable grace, interesting quality that disarms and attracts. Can wear masks subtly or make an overt show. Commendable trait with high value.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 3>>Well-trained and ingrained ability to impress and astound. Likely to be an important skill for many of the interactions that she may have to endure and partake.<<elseif $Stats.Skills['Performance'].value gt 1>>Simple but effective ability to add to interactions -- she can embellish and flourish well enough to make an interaction or performance interesting.<<else>>Sincerely lacking in any talent. Likely going to be a hardship for her as interpersonal masking or actual performance will be expected and needed.<</if>><<else>><<redacted _basicRedacted "unknown">><</redacted>><</if>><br><br> <<else>> <bs-redacted> Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, <br><br> totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. <br><br> Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, <br><br> sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. <br><br> Neque porro quisquam est, <br><br> qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, <br><br> sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. <br><br> Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, <br><br> nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? <br><br> Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, <br><br> vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur? </bs-redacted> <</if>>
<<EROSCornerStamp>> <h2>My 🤩 skills <br>and talents!</h2> <br><br> <<sexSkillsSetup 0>> <<kinks>> My brain just happened to be wired in a way where I loved: <br> <<skills>> And experience had taught me about myself that<<if $Stats.SexSkills.length eq 0>> I had<</if>>:<br> <</sexSkillsSetup>>
<h2>Wardrobe</h2> <<mixAndMatch>>
<<EROSCornerStamp>> <h2>My 🍑 hall<br> of <s>shame</s> fame</h2> <br><br> <ol id="listOfBodies"> <<for _body range $bodies>> <li> <<if _body.caption>> <<set _who = _body.caption>> <<else>> <<set _who = _body>> <</if>> <<if $bodiesDetails.has(_who)>> <<print `${_who} ${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).fuckFlavor}`>> <<else>> <<if _body.gender && _body.gender == "F">> <<set _flavorText = setup.LezFlavor.random()>> <<else>> <<set _flavorText = setup.FuckFlavor.random()>> <</if>> <<run $bodiesDetails.set(_who, { fuckFlavor: _flavorText })>> <<print `${_who} ${$bodiesDetails.get(_who).fuckFlavor}`>> <</if>> </li> <</for>> </ol>
<<EROSCornerStamp>> <h2>Mission Log</h2> <div class="centeredText"><b> Agent:</b> <<print $CC.surname>>, <<print $>> </div> <<Doll portrait dossierPersonal default>> <br> <b>Current Location:</b><div class="centeredText"><<if visited("ACTI003 - Manila Arrival")>>Manila, Philippines<<elseif visited("ACTI002 - Tallinn Interlude")>>Tallinn, Estonia<<elseif visited("ACTI002 - Bangkok Interlude")>>Bangkok, Thailand<<elseif visited("GY010 - Home")>>$CC.hometownName<<elseif visited("GY002 - AfrArrival")>>Namibia<<elseif visited("GY002 - SwissArrival")>>Geneva, Switzerland<<elseif visited("GY002 - EuroArrival")>>Rome, Italy<<else>>$CC.hometownName<</if>></div> <b>Handler:</b> Nathan <<redacted true>>DRAKE<</redacted>><br> <b>Operation:</b> <<print $>><br> <b>Codename:</b> <<if visited("M003 - SitRep")>><<print $CC.codename>><<else>><<redacted true>><<print $CC.codename>><</redacted>><</if>> /* Full Body Shot: /* IMAGE (Needed): Two variations, either one taken by private eye, or one taken in a modeling shoot. <br>*/ <br><br><br> <br><br><br> <br><br> <b>Active Missions:</b> <div class="handwritten"> <<if visited("HomeBase")>> Infiltrate <<print $>> Power Structure <br><br> Important Personalities: <br><br> Clues and Other Information: <br><br> Known Next Steps: <<if visited("M002 - Club ZZYZX")>>Become a fixture of the clientele and see who I can meet and what I can see.<<else>>Become a patron of Club ZZYZX.<br><</if>> <<if $M2.visitedClubJobDay1>>Continue working it at the Club for access and connections.<<else>>Become an employee of Club ZZYZX.<br><</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Bona")>>See if Bona might have access and intel about the broader Manila underworld that could connect to <<print $>><br><</if>> Find additional inroads and information. <br><br><br> Uncover <<print $>> Identity <br><br> Important Personalities:<br> <<print $>>. Name, location and appearance unknown. <br><br> Clues and Other Information: <br><br> Known Next Steps:<br> Learn about the <<print $>> power structure. <br><br><br> Uncover <<print $>> Plans and Timeline <br><br> Important Personalities:<br> <<print $>>. Name, location and appearance unknown. <br><br> Clues and Other Information:<br> Execution of plot likely within the year. <br><br> Known Next Steps:<br> Continue with main mission. <br><br><br> Uncover Current Status of Missing Agent <br><br> Important Personalities:<br> Elle <<print $CC.surname>> <br><br> <<print $>>. Name, location and appearance unknown. <br><br> Clues and Other Information:<br> Disappeared. Prom Night, <<if $Body.age lt 0>>2024.<<elseif $Body.age is 1>>2023.<<elseif $Body.age is 4>>2020.<<else>>2019.<</if>><br> Last Known Location: Manila, Philippines<br> Last Known Mission: Infiltrate <<print $>><br> Involvement and infiltration of <<print $>> unknown. Went dark.<br> <br><br> Known Next Steps:<br> Continue with main mission. <</if>> <br><br> <<if !$Memories.includes("Knows Dali")>> Build Out Wardrobe...I Mean, "Legend" <<else>> Keep building out my 'Legend' <br><br> Important Personalities: <br><br> Clues and Other Information: <br><br> Known Next Steps:<br> Hit up the mall. <br> Buy some clothes.<br> <<if $Memories.includes("Made Friends")>> Hang out with my new friends.<br> <</if>> <<if $manilaDating gte 2>> See Blue again?<br> <</if>> Have some fun. <</if>> <br><br> <<if visited("HomeBase")>> Understand WTF I'm Doing <br><br> Important Personalities: <br> Nate<br> Handler<br> American<br> EROS Agent<br> Previous handler to Elle <<print $CC.surname>> <br><br> Angelo<br> Point of Contact and Liaison<br> Filipino<br> EROS Agent <br><br> <<if visited("M001 - CaseOfficer")>> Alice<br> Superior Agent within EROS<br> Unknown Origin <br><br> <</if>> <br><br> Clues and Other Information: <br><br> Known Next Steps: <<if visited("M001 - Psyche Excitability")>> <<elseif visited("M001 - Honeytrap")>> <<if visited("M001 - Success", "M001 - Fail")>> Potential for EROS training and guidance. <<else>> Extract 'Valuable' Information from Angelo.<br> Likely: Seduce Angelo.<br> <</if>> <<elseif visited("M001 - CaseOfficer")>> Undergo EROS Evaluation<br> <<else>> Meet with Angelo.<br> <</if>> <br><br> <<if _reportavail gt 3>> It might be time to report in to EROS with my current findings.<br> <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if visited("M002 - Club ZZYZX")>> Infiltrate Club ZZYZX: Patron <br><br> Clues and Other Information: <br><br> Known Next Steps:<br> Hit up the Club.<br> Meet people.<br> Important Personalities: <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Callum")>> Callum<br> Scots Businessman with access at the Club. <br><br> <</if>> <<if visited("M002 - Night1Sex") && !$Memories.includes("Knows Callum")>> Gang Hung<br> Random Chinese 'businessman' the Club. <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Callum")>> See if Callum might provide access and intel.<br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu")>> See if there's a way to get closer to the man behind the curtain.<br> <</if>> <br><br> <</if>> Infiltrate Club ZZYZX: Employment <br><br> Important Personalities:<br> <<if visited("M002 - ClubJob")>> Tao "Peaches"<br> Boss lady <br><br> Karl<br> One of the bouncers.<br> Possibly American? <</if>> <br><br> <<if visited("M002 - D1Dancing")>> Sakura "Sakie"<br> Self-Appointed leader of the dancers.<br> <br><br> Lori<br> Friendly 'first-tier' Aussie<br> <br><br> Daxa<br> Nepalese 'second-tier' dancer<br> <br><br> Euji<br> North Korean 'second-tier' dancer<br> <br><br> Anika<br> Indian 'first-tier' dancer<br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows DJDJ")>> "DJDJ".<br> Filipino DJ at the Club.<br> Exudes alpha attitude.<br> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu")>> Datu.<br> Well-dressed, high-access personage at the club.<br> Potential connection to <<print $>><br> <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Nestor")>> Nestor.<br> A less-important, but access-holding brother to Datu.<br> <</if>> Clues and Other Information: <br><br> Known Next Steps: <br> <<if visited("M002 - ClubJob")>> <<if $clubJob == "none">> Dead end.<br> I need to be careful in how I approach things and not kill options before I even try them.<br> <<elseif $clubJob == "whore">> Time to go to the club and start 'entertaining' patrons. <br> Maybe I'll meet members of the target's network quickly this way.<br> <<elseif $clubJob == "bar">> Time to go sling drinks at the club. <br> It'll be a great opportunity to listen, talk and meet people. Who knows who might sidle up to the bar.<br> <<else>> Time to go dance at the club. <br> It'll get me a lot of attention, but we'll see what opportunities it affords for information gathering.<br> <</if>> <<else>> Find owner/manager.<br> <</if>> <<if $clubJob == "whore">> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Tara")>> ''Tara''<br> Will the age and experience of this 'senior' prostitute help me? Protect me? Get me in faster?<br> <<if $Memories.includes("New Girl Stays")>> ''Elena''<br> I feel awful that I couldn't save her, but maybe we could find a bond and work together?<br> <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $clubJob == "bar">> <<if $Memories.push("Knows Luz")>> ''Luz''<br> Seemed like a regular at the club. Might have some knowledge or in-roads.<br> Very. Handsy.<br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.push("Knows Gio")>> ''Gio''<br> Local Maintenance guy and regular at the Club.<br> Might provide an atypical approach.<br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.push("Knows Lila")>> ''Lila''<br> The most friendly bargirl. May know things or provide access?<br> Huge partier.<br> <</if>> <<elseif $clubJob !== "none">> ''Lori, Daxa, Anika, Euji''<br> They've been here longer than me. What can I learn from them?<br> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows DJDJ")>> ''DJDJ''<br> See if 'Squared' might have any value as an asset.<br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Datu")>> ''Datu''<br> Find out who Datu actually is and leverage his interest in me.<br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Nestor")>> ''Nestor''<br> Find out if Nestor might be easier or better to use than other avenues.<br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Karl")>> ''Karl''<br> Could Karl's experience at the club offer me anything more than protection? <br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Nino")>> ''Niño''<br> Leverage my connection to Niño to get to Datu?<br> Use Niño for information or access at the club? <br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Sallah")>> ''Sallah''<br> Would the Middle Eastern Magnate possibly provide any way forward?<br> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Cornado")>> ''Cornado''<br> He knew my mother. He might know where she is or what happened to her? He might know more about <<print $>>.<br> (Kill him?)<br> <</if>> <<if $bodies.find(body => === "Jacob Bautista")>> ''Jacob''<br> He supplies the club. Maybe he supplies Datu...and the broader org?<br> <</if>> <br><br> Opportunities beyond Club ZZYZX: <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Dali")>> Find Additional Underground Inroads <br><br> Important Personalities:<br> Dalisay<br> Talent Scout and Potential Employee<br> Filipino <br><br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Bona")>> Bona<br> "Important" Business Man<br> Southeast Asian? <br><br> <</if>> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Casimir")>> Casimir<br> Drug dealer working with Bona on new venture<br> Eastern European<br> <<if visited("M002 - BonaDateCas")>>Wants me as his inside eyes and ears<br><</if>> <br><br> <</if>> Clues and Other Information:<br> Works with foreign girls, attractive girls, likely desperate girls.<br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Bona")>>Runs an operation with a lot of muscle and...forced internet labor?<</if>> <br><br> Known Next Steps:<br> <<if $Memories.includes("Knows Dali")>><<if visited("M003 - BonaDateStay")>>Wait for further contact from Bona.<<else>>Wait for contact from Dali.<</if>><<else>>Meet Dalisay at pre-determined location.<</if>> <</if>> <br><br> </div>